Eastern reflector, 26 August 1904

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
G. A. to Wilson to-
Lena Matthews
day Washington.
E. L. Starkey left
for Kinston.
Walter C left this
Minnie Quinn returned
Sunday from No. folk.
Mrs. W. H. Smith sick, j for
J. C. Jordan, of Danville, For the past few weeks the
Wednesday evening. I members of the Lr-ague
Hooker and J. G. Latham Methodist church police , d
in sometime The first ilium
was in the afternoon when several
engaged in a all
Policemen Kept Busy With Disturbers.
Saturday was the day
left this morning for Richmond.
W. B. Ballard, of Hamilton,
came In Saturday evening.
of Washington,
came in evening.
J. Norman returned Saturday
evening a trip up
J. A. at Oakwood
Mies returned
Saturday evening from Virginia
Walter Fountain, of Whitakers,
came Sunday evening and left
this morning.
Mrs. W. C. Cook, of George-
town, S. who has been visiting
Mrs. J. N. Hart, left this morning.
Miss Mary of
beth City, who has been visiting
Mis Bertha Keel, left this
Mrs. Ola Forbes and two little
daughters, Misses and
Ernestine, returned this
Miss Nannie
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. It. Smith, home
Sunday morning.
Miss Eva Davis and brother, of
Washington, who have been
the family of D. Spain, re-
turned home today.
Mrs. W. H.
who has been visiting her
Mrs. Charles
returned home today.
Leonidas and family
and Mrs. Nana moved
to town and occupy the new
on the corner of Pitt and
j. H. Keel left this morning t r
W. S. Greer, of Baltimore, c ante
in Monday evening,
Harry Skinner left Monday
for Washington Oily.
G. J. Cherry and sou, George,
left this morning for
Mrs. Zeno Moore and son,
left this morning
Mis Allie Estelle Greene re-
turned Monday evening from
Mrs. R. M. left this
Horning to visit her parents near
Mrs. J A. and two child-
returned this morning from
Kin ton.
Little Miss Susie Proctor, of
is visaing Mis-e
Agnes and Spain.
have been planning a naphtha
launch excursion down the river.
Mrs. T. D, Holley, of it was decided to take ad
county, is visiting Mrs. L. T. of in no
nights of this week and have a
Miss Virginia Georg, who has j moonlight trip Monday night, j Later a white man who had on
been visiting her parent, left this i August 22nd.
morning for Norfolk. So promptly at the appointed
.,. T , . . time fifty light-hearted
Miss I. returned .
m i t. i excursionists the good ship
Tuesday evening from a to
Prof. W. B. Dove returned
weighed anchor and
majestically out upon the bosom
of the The trip down the
Tuesday evening from Knoxville river for or WM
where he hat beau attending a Gay couples
summer school. musically inclined sang
Mrs. J. B. Moore and two sous, songs, Capt. Wiley Brown shouted
Howard and Robert, and Mrs. K. his orders, the engine coughed
F. Beta left this morning for Bur- was
Mid Wilmington. lovely
and Mile Ab the hums freighted vessel
moved over waters
ton, of LaGrange, who have beet
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
left Tuesday even-
Misses Katie Ray Moors
and their guest. Miss
who were visiting Mrs. R. M.
Hearne, have returned to Wash-
Misses Annie Jordan and Mattie
Phillips, of who have
been visiting Miss Katie
returned home Wednesday even-
Miss Tunstall accompanied
them home for a visit there.
N. C. Aug. 1904.
The weather is telling
them what summer ii.
Miss Bettie Howell of Scotland
is visiting Mrs. G. H. Little
C. E. Bradley Sunday
Greenville with his
J. R. Baker and L. T. Ross went
to Greenville Monday on business.
The champion melon grower of
township i- in town to
with a load of floe ones.
returned from tie
fair Friday. says it
large to Bee
from Plymouth where he ha been
spending a few days with an old
Few moat pieces of summer
goods, lawns, batiste,
and white goods to close them out
will be sold cheap. C. E. Bradley
Miss Lena Harris is visiting the
family of J. J.
colored excursion last week
to Wilson was crowded to the full
limit. Good many could not go.
It ii to be hoped but few more will
be run this season.
Not much being said about
danced its wake aid
the luxuriant bowed grace.-
fully shore, The Hue
fishes scampered about telling
their neighbors of
troubles and gentle breezes wafted
soft sighs from the tree tops, and
if the gay crowd had listened they
might have heard th.-so same trees
whispering that the and
laughing would cease, and
that boats do not always come in
as pleasantly as go out.
About a mile from home
dock when the boat baa bravely
current on its return
v, Capt. calmly
munching crackers, and First
Mate Ellington with hat in hand
was contemplatively at the
moon's reflection In the sparkling
water, suddenly there was a
r, a jerk the odorous
of the engine ceased.
bout began to drift but En-
Ed Harris soon had the
boat under way again.
boon dock sighted
as the boat swung round a
and when the boat was l
stream only a few yards from die
desired dock t i was
quiver, j iv. again tin
Is laid.
This time the vessel was
aground. seemed so bad
so neat and yet far. Tim
sparkled, toe laugh-
ed, the tree- bowed
the d groaned.
There was a of war and
heroic Chief Engineer Harris
agreed to swim m the duck and
bring boat t the
Second Mate Jarvis Harding,
who was deeply interested in the
bow of t-e boat suddenly became
aware of the fact that something
had happened and Boatswain Tom
Duke began to prepare to
Soon the chief
little boat was alongside. After
several short trips the excursionists
more liquor than is needful created
some excitement by using a pistol
too freely. A pistol ball
a neighboring store window was
result of his shoot-
Again dark there was more
excitement when two policemen
passed up the street carrying a
w man to the lock-up. The
cried piteously as the trio
marched along, a crowd of jeering
boys following in the wake and
adding to the noise.
Altogether it was a
Property Listed for This
The tax lists of Pitt county for
t he year 1904 have been completed
the aggregates make the fol-
ST. polls
Ac es laud
val tie
Town lots 1,241, value
No. horses value
So. miles value
So. jacks value
Jo. goats value
So. value
So. hogs value
N. sheep 1,359 value
farming utensils
Value mechanic tools
Value household furniture
N. C, Aug.
We have bad a few days
warm weather, a time for the
tanners to save their fodder.
While it is so warm be sure and
call on J. R. Proctor for cool drinks
the best in town.
J. O. returned from
Baltimore Friday where he has
been to purchase his fall stock.
L. left today for Green
ville to accept a position there
wish him much success.
Misses and Louise Ward
of who have visit
their sister, Mrs. C. M. Jones,
for the past week to their
home today.
Lizzie of
Eureka Myrtle White of Pol-
are Miss Myrtle
L. and T.
ire moving in their new place.
Mis e- Proctor, Lizzie
Myrtle White
went to with
W. E. on his gas boat.
Don't to ; J. R.
tor cool
i. ii returned last week
from .- where he has been to
spend a few days.
There crowd attended
Church at Black Jack Sunday.
J R. Proctor went to Washing-
ton Sunday on business,
Moore to
Greenville last week to a
few days with friends.
Leon Tucker, of Greenville, was
on our streets today.
Value of provisions
Value of firearms
Value of scientific
Money hand
Money investments
Value of cotton
Value of tobacco
Val of
Value of musical
No. bicycles value
Value of silverware
Value of watches and
Va of merchandise
Stacks hoods
All other personal
Total value real an
personal property
Listed by
No. dogs listed
No. polls
Acres laud
a Why not get a
pig some of the older were all again firm earth and
a day began they wended
their ways in the wee hours
to their respective homes.
J. R. Davenport has received
two car loads of machinery. He
is building a first class cotton gin j Wait for It.
when completed it will be The big excursion to Norfolk
Mia-es Nina James and Alice j up-to-date j will run by Little Kittrell on
White and Bart James returned
Monday evening from Wrights-
MM. J.
j September returning 2nd.
Small Crowd. j There will be ten coaches, half of
U itch Bros, to Norfolk them exclusively for white people
did Mil hive a large crowd on and half for colored. The coaches
H. of arrived j when it pissed this morning. I will be rated by a baggage car
to visit Mrs. Tuesday night; in middle of the train. Fare for
Town lots val 51.297
No. horses value
No. mules value
No. goats value
No, cattle value
No. hogs value
N . sheep value
Value farming utensils
Value mechanic tools
Value household
of provisions 10.073
Value sci
Mont yon baud
Solve credits 1,822
Value of cotton
Value of musical Instruments
No. bicycles value
Value of silverware
Value of watches and jewelry
Value of merchandise
Stocks bonds
All other personal property
Total value real and
property 8271.621
The grand total of all pro-
listed the county by
whites, colored and corporation
Nice Sum.
kept some from going.
the round trip only
Bound Over.
Monday afternoon Justice D.
had a case to try from
township, parties
been indicted for whiskey
without licenses. There were a
large number of witnesses and
daring the progress of the the
counter developed other The
cases of the same nature. The with
defendants in case were, to ea aid society of the Methodist
bound over to Superior on Laughing-
But having every-
jelly tumblers and thing in held it on
stone jars at M. Schultz. the a nice sum.

Dr. -fame.
f Greenville,
Norfolk, Va
Buyers Brokers in
Cotton, Gain and
ons. Private Wire to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Sought and Sold
D. W.
Seven Lost in Arizona Flood.
El Paso, Tex., Aug. was j
known today that, seven liven at
least were lost in the flood that
wept through the town of Globe,
Ariz., and surrounding country.
The known dead M. N.
Mitchell, Southern Pacific Railway
machinist, and his wife; O. D
Wilson, clerk; Chat lea Situs, John
a Mrs. and Mis
According to the report of the
Courier who brought news of tie
disaster to B others were
drowned beside those named in
the foregoing but their names
are not yet The Val-
and Globs and Northern
way tracks were washed out
three-quarters of a mile. O. D.
Wilson and Stanley by
heroic work, saved many lives.
Wilson saved a young woman
whom he was to marry, is re-
ported to have then lost his life
in trying to save another.
Th. property loss will probably
reach half a million dollars. Large
forces of men are reconstructing
the railroad telegraph Hues.
We give you not only the best you can buy, but
paid can buy. Quality value combined argue for your patronage
I Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
A Summer Cold
A dimmer cold is not only an-
but if not relieved
will be the probable result
by Fall. One Minute Cure
clears the phlegm, draws out the
heals, soothes
lungs and bronchial
tubes. One Minute Cough Cure
it an ideal remedy for the
It is to the taste and per-
harmless A certain cute
for Croup, Cough and Cold. Sold
by J. L. Wooten.
future belongs to your
past to those who talk about it.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Buy for Buy People
Golden Health and
A f r Constipation.
Will Troubles. Pimples.
I Howls,
It's ti.
form, xi it box.
This is an agreeable sort of
Store to patronize. You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your best
interest is being studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the
chase is completed there's not
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect. Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want vests, some don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible varietY of fabrics
for selection.
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the I
of tobacco, and we are the j
pie to supply
Mens Three Piece Suits
Mens Two Piece Suits
Nice Line Youths Clothing
J. R.
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh. Clean. Goods only
are offered. We call
shoulders hams. Everything
y its honest name.
good corn just in
Five Points.
You tell a lie so often I hut
you will grow to believe ;, hut
you will be the only one deceive.
R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except
-at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points Connect at
Norfolk with railroads for all
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Southern E. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
Baltimore and
Miners J line from Boston.
hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Vice President
Traffic Manager,
Beach Street. N, Y.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
wife, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apple, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Sugar, Meat, Soap-
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes. Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware. Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machine and nu-
other goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
S. M.
No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and catarrh of are
all due to indigestion. cures
indigestion. This new discovery
the natural juices of digestion
as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonic
sod properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy curse all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes
lining the stomach.
Health to the Sick an
to the Weak.
11.00 Sew
tee Mai ., which at as MS
. C. Co., Cakes.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
t Extended that works automatically,
Is Non-
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No- Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
The On y Way
Sale By
To get
Is to

to c;
mile, W
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
and is destined to take
lead, w try one, is to bay one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one again.
Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. B. Smith Bro.
When yon need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden. N. C.
The ladies have found out where
to go they need the finest
f quality goods, laces,
Hamburg etc.
As authorized agent for Daily
and Eastern we take
great pleasure in receiving sub-
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
of Greenville, was
here yesterday.
Remember you can
nicker , piques
nice goods too numerous to
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call to see our laces ham-
burgs, J. B. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. B. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
hat it is
If you need anything the way
of Crockery, Tin or Grey stone ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Best refer
given, Hart Bros.,
N. C.
I wish to remind my friends that
I keep a very nice line of millinery
goods, I know that my Tessie
girdles, ribbons and new kid belts
will please you all. Give me a
call, J. A. Davis.
Miss Alice Hodges, who Ins
been Miss Blanche Can
non, has returned to her home in
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building,
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Call examine oar line of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily of superiority
of material
Mtg. Co.
Miss Mary Hodge came up on
the train Friday morning from
Kinston and is visiting Miss Ida
W- Edwards.
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
Bock salt for stock, at J. B
Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
A protracted meeting is
progress in the Disciple
here and will continue through
the week. Be. D. W. Davis is
in charge.
We call special to our
new Hue of Tan Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon Tyson.
Men a d suits at cost at W.
M. d.
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Fancy oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
If it give yon absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
E. F. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden, H. C.
A. L. Tripp.
Friday until Mond-y
with his brother, John Tripp.
For can corn
tomatoes apply to E. E.
Cannon Tyson wish to call
special attention to land
We carry a
of body carpels various
styles and patterns, which
excellent had rugs, at a
cost. Ladies are cordially invited
I to call see them.
Ayden Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Elder E. T. Phillips came up on
the train yesterday from an
down the road
W. C. Jackson Co., are offer-
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 83.50. 3.00
2.50 and are now
2.25 and 1.75. Shirts that were
U each are now
each. A few pair of shoes in
both low and high cuts at
your own figures.
goods and all trimmings at almost
2-3 their value. Come and see.
Harrison ready mixed paints.
First hand made brick, by
the wholesale retail
sock always hand, your orders
J- A. Griffin.
Why r a intense head-
ache, eye ache smarts burns,
when you can he permanently
ed y one
fitted, by J. W fey tor,
Ayden, N. C. Weak
eyes, when in need of glasses,
ways to had hi A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work
Mrs. Celia came up hustler and having
from good to hustle.
desiring first-class work
in the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
manufacture seats for
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Mfg. Co.
perhaps just at this E.
may not possibly be i-s
busy as a Wall broker yet
It is plain man he
gets there. He is not only a soc-
but has found it necessary to
His companies
sue first and every body
realizes the fact, hence Mr. Cox
is to be congratulated in being a
One lot of calico at W. M.
Edwards Co.
Ladies Misses slippers at
j costs at W. M. Edwards Co.
A nice selection of rugs at W.
M. Co's.
Walter of Center
ville was here Friday.
Coward, the great big
man Greenville, is here.
Misses and Clyde Cox
returned from
Mrs. Sarah Taylor, of Winter-
ville, is visiting Mrs. C. A. Fair.
Eugene Cannon, of Rountree,
spent Sunday with Clarence Can-
W. F. who
had also been to Kinston.
J. B. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body.
come In by car loads.
Our stock of ribbon is wide.
narrow, nice and J. B.
I Come to see us when you want
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
Hart Jenkins.
W. F. Hart wife and
B. W. Smith have come home
after several days visit to friends
in and comities.
I take this method of informing
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special in order to
sell. My. of pants cannot be
excelled, and the Edwin
shoe which I exclusively is
not. surpassed by other make.
Give me a call and when I have
shown my good, notions
I I shall
be able to please you and ell you
Corn, hay oats, at J. B.
., A. big cook
colors, lead, oil and at J. repairs for
Smith Bro.
same at J. Bro.
There were services in
the conducted
p. Howard, of St. John,
Hertford county, after a t-
visit to the family of B. E. Early, p ,.,, Sunday,
has returned home.
pair double, single fold- of dining j
bed springs at J. K- and chairs, mattresses, I
Smith Bro.
straw, felt
it Smith
cotton at J.
Do you want to know
feels to think more of yourself than
See W. E. j. B
Fin it Jars
Mi Jane very aged
maiden died home of
her W. H. Harris in this
place, last evening and
ever before
find out.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon
The Disciples have placed a new
organ in their this
with their magnificent stock e
their audience with music .
pleasant to hear. reduced prices
Carolina Hotel-Board 81.50
day, near depot on West Ave
Now we have plenty the
and cart
wheels and will sell them as
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
and Lucy Creech
last the train
their Domes Kinston.
We are told that
Tyson keeps the best most
complete line of furniture in town
If you need a pair of pants now
is the time to buy them at W. M.
Edwards Co. .
G. F. Morrison and wife left I
Monday to visit the parents of Mr.
Morrison, at
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson sewing machines for
30.00 at W. M. Co.
Redding Smith, who been
quite is the same old
once more.
One lot of shirts for
at w. M. Edwards.
to returned
home near
For next days you can
a suit at cost from W. M.
Joshua L. Tucker, of Center-
ville, Sunday here with re
All for at
M. Co.
Cotton meal and hulls
J. R. S Bro.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. K. Smith Bro.
Leon Whichard, of Kinston,
The public to know that
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and the best
Also Garden Seed
Dye-stuff. Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
Piles. B ard
Rubber and Elastic
Best stock of Brush
es of all kinds.
Dr. Joseph
Office Block, Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
was the toll.
at greater reduced
Edwards Co.
was here
W. M.
Styles Hair
Shaving and
Transient custom solicited
F. Early,
We hear the young men say the
cheapest and best fitting clothing
is sold by Cannon Tyson.
percales and ginghams for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
George Worthington Bro
work in this line
a specialty. Work
A lot of edgings in
remnants. You can buy them
cheap at wards Co's
AYDEN, N. C.-r
At the Close June 9th, 1904.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Hank notes and
other U. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel Fencing
They save stock, They save land, The save neigh-
They save worry, They save time, They are
guaranteed, They are best steel, They have the
only hinge Easy to build. No expense
for repairing, Last a lifetime. The American Is
the best square mesh on the market. Car load just
received. Come to see us

D. J. Editor and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rate made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
to to
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Friday, 1904.
W wheat pulling 1.10,. As the notifications are now over
next question is, where is flour j the campaign can settle down to
A number of prominent people
Concord is infested with a band A g.
Fifteen houses railroad are forming a syndicate
in one night. j to make a bid for lease of the road.
hare faith in what can be done
A new bull must have appeared on Already
the cotton exchange fro n the way j. for .
prices are jumping up.
The Hon. John H. Small, Demo-
The people of Danville, Vs., are antic Congressman from the first
agitating the matter of separate ac- I district, who was re-nominated on
for whites and blacks Wednesday at Edenton, parts his
hair in the
ton Star.
But he keeps his head level all
the same,
A many loafers as there are
around Greenville, the contractors
on the water works and electric
lights are having to go to other towns
get hands.
This hot spell is a strong remind-
of the one August, 1887, that
terminate in the big earthquake.
It is hoped one will not have a
similar ending.
House, N. C. Aug. 23rd 1904.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
the feeling of the democracy
of the North side of Tar river be-
cause I have the opportunity to hear
the people express themselves.
The nomination of Jim Fleming
for the senate will do more toward
restoring peace and harmony in
democratic ranks than anything that
can be done. It is talked over here
that he does not want it and that it
would be a sacrifice to him to go to
the senate, but that is all the more
reason they want him.
They know that he is in sympathy
with and closely allied to their in-
and they have faith in both
his honesty and ability and nothing
else will satisfy them. Let's
Jim Fleming for the senate
and two other men for the house
as near to his stripe as possible, if it
takes us now until midnight,
Sept. 10th to do it, and then the sol-
id North bide of Tar will continue to
roll up her democratic majorities.
L. A. Randolph.
The Rome Tribune thinks the
have carried low
Jack and the It
begins that
It certainly did rain some be-
fore it got through Tuesday after-
A New policeman
found two women fighting over
of a monkey clad in
gave the simian to the one it ran
to. Had the monkey exercised the
usual trait of rushing to kind
that policeman would own it now.
Atlantic Journal.
N. C, Aug.
As our primary and county con-
Divorces in Japan, which can be I dates have announced,
obtained on the most trivial
have somewhat diminished in
number in recent years, but they
still occur at the rate of one to every
three marriages. In there were
marriages and
A furious gale struck the city of
St. Paul, Saturday night. Twelve
persons were killed, many injured
property damaged to extent of
a i ilium dollars.
The of Ash-
ville adopted a resolution that for
one year they would stop using
advertising schema
stick to the newspapers as the best
means publicity.
is a pretty howdy do
the papers are that the Czar's
recently arrived son is not a boy
all bat only another girl. The story
goes that the Czarina's child was
a girl, and that the Czar was
anxious for the effect it would
have have on the army to announce
an heir to the throne had been
born, that the new royal girl baby
traded for the son of a peasant
woman about the same time.
But the story really seems
There is some talk of an
being to fix the blame
for the killing of the two soldiers
who lost their lives while riding on
top of the car between LaGrange
and Goldsboro. It does not look
like any investigation is necessary,
as it is very plain that the men them-
selves were alone responsible for the
loss of their lives. They were drink-
and climbed up on the cars both
in disobedience to military discipline
and against the rules of the railroad
Local Residence Obligations.
The citizen, man or woman, who
recognizes and carries out the local
residence obligation, comes pretty
near the golden role, and
it is no small thing that a citizen
can feel that this obligation has
been faithfully lived up to.
At every season of the year, this
local residence obligation ought to
be remembered and met as far as
possible by every citizen, and now
with the Fall and U inter approach-
there is special need of heed on
the part I every one. for there
return those who have gone
for months, there is the new bust
new stocks of goods and the
various trade and industrial
call for and demand a
Community of interests feeling,
which is best met by each citizen
Striving to maintain his or her local
residence obligations.
The retail merchant has his goods
ready for the trade, He expects
his fellow citizens to buy of him.
Has this merchant met his local ob-
ligations by patronizing his
with his advertising
The store, house and office owner,
property, has be met his
local obligation by patronizing bis
home merchant, and so assisted in
helping those who help
Is each citizen looking first to his
neighbor, to see what assistance can
be given, in good words, by way of
encouragement. In patronage, where
trade is concerned. In moral in-
when that can help. And
are the various public interests re-
the attention and support
which every true citizen ought to
give them
It is the carrying out of the local
residence obligations which build
up communities, which gives local
strength, stability and character to
a town or city.
It gives successful promotion and
development, and assures growth
company. If had been in their
places as soldiers ought been, and permanency to business and in-
the disaster would not have taken interests. It gives a healthy
, . ,. , . social and religious tone to the com-
lilacs, lost their fives by their . , , . ,,
c, j and makes possible the
own willful disobedience and care- nearer of what a true
and no one else should be an ideal citizenship might be.
New Bern Journal.
and the time is almost at hand for
the democrats to choose whom
serve them as county officers for the
next two years, I place in
for of Pitt county Leon
Tucker, our present capable and
clever deputy sheriff. Mr. Tucker
needs no introduction to the j
of Pitt county, and if integrity of
character, honesty, diligence and
energy count for anything in select
ion of a candidate for this office,
then am sure that Mr. Tucker will
measure up to the full requirements.
His clean, capable record as
sheriff under two democratic ad-
ministrations is before the people.
He comes from a long line of good
old democratic ancestry. He is de-
the strongest candidate in
township, and I think he is
the strongest candidate in the
Let us nominate and elect him
and democracy will honor herself
by so doing.
Dr. C. M. Jones.
C L Wilkinson Co
A Great Section.
The more we think of it and the
more observations we make, the
more thoroughly we are
that Eastern Carolina is a great and
promising section of North Carolina
Any intelligent man can easily
demonstrate to his own satisfaction
that he can produce almost any-
thing in this section that will com
money on the markets. Hal-
county ought to be, and is, one
of the leading counties
of the State; but somehow the
do not to confidence
in the possibilities their lands. Do
much for your land and it will do
much for you. This will hold true
until the laws of nature are reversed.
Scotland Neck Commonwealth.
This applies with equal force to
Pitt county.
St Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
Most equable climate on Atlantic salt air tempered by proximity of
Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with every modern improvement for the treat-
of disease. A full corps of Specialists in every department. Special
department for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward Rates, per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President, s Hospital and Sanitarium
Editor Bryan out the
that Mr. Cleveland has in-
the Democratic party by talk-
about its return to sanity. But
the party has no right to complain,
for that very thing upon which
it has been congratulating itself ever
since the St. Louis convention.
Raleigh Times.
A Texan wandered into the white
house the other day and announced
that he wanted the president to re-
form He was prompt-
and, of course, properly, locked
up. Even a Texan should keep his
visions within the bounds of
R oat ii to
Oil Please me your illustrated Hand Book No. n.
Illustrated NAME.
Hand Book.
This department Is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Aug.
Miss Mamie Swan son, of Grifton,
who has been visiting Miss Clyde
Dawson, returned home. Miss
Dawson accompanied her.
A well selected variety of drug-
gists sundries also a fall stock of
kept at drag store.
If you are not a patron of oar
tare come and get acquainted with
a, examine oar stock learn
or prices, B T. Cox Bro.
Corn, Oats and Hay for sale
cheep for cash, O. A. Kittrell
and Co.
Try R. Q. Chapman and Co's
white vinegar for pickling.
It is splendid.
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh
loaf of bread.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Best
house in town.
styles and very cheap
at H. L. Johnson's.
C. A. Fair spent Sunday with
W. B. Wingate.
I am new prepared to furnish
brick at Lowest market prices.
Ola Manning.
See those nice pants at H. L.
Johnson's are cheap and good
fountain pees a
specialty at Dr. B. T. Cox
Misses Bessie, and Kate
Chapman went to
Saturday and returned Sunday.
Kittrell ft Taylor have just re-
Mi-. Marti of Seven . , J
, , . nice assortment of cutlery
been . , ,
, . ill you a nice knife see them.
Miss Coy. home
Light wood Cart
Hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Fine line of window shades just
received by R. Q. Chapman Co.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor left th s
morning tor Baltimore where she
will buy her fall stock up-to-date
Dinner pots, Wash pots and
preserving crockery and
glass ware tin wood and
willow ware. barber
good barrel of
flour or see Kittrell and
If yon want ice and lemons
fail to get them from Kittrell
Fred Bub of Ayden, was
over here Sunday looking alter
the future.
All kinds of cool and
refreshing. H. L. Johnson.
f. N. Manning Co. are carry-
the medicine will cure
diseases of any state.
The boiler has arrived for e
wish to notify County Oil
public that I grind every
We now live a complete line of
ladies dress goods and trimmings,
notions, hats and umbrellas, rug
and window shades.
pleasure in showing one all
through our line.
Harrington, Barber a do.
The baggies
growing more and mote
Nice canned at Winter-
ville Co's store.
day at my mill one mile south of
Level on Sam place.
Purnell Tripp.
Claude Chapman and wife, of
were here
visiting their father, Mayor R. G.
c now have on hand
line of drew goods at remarkably .,. ,,, . .,
, WHO the Almost ever
low figure, com.-, see and be con- I
. w week new territory is opened a
lours .
Kittrell and Taylor.
The Winterville Mfg. Co., puts
up nice fly proof kitchen safes.
They are cheap and convenient.
Get your dealer to order you one.
were here
Miss Tucker spent Sun-
day with her sister, Mrs. F-
Fruit jars reduced to for
quarts and for 1-2 gala.
H. L. Johnson.
Window and door frames, porch
trimmings at lock bottom
We want your eggs. Highest j prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
, Harrington, Co. I
C. A. Kittrell Co., will be on the on
market season as grape; perfectly
era and. will pay the highest CASTOR OIL sold,
prices. Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
r o, cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Jerome ,.,, ,
Inn and Louis were
among the sports visiting
in our little city Sunday
Very few people left here
morning on Hatch Bros.,
They are waiting for the
big excursion on Sept. 1st 2nd,
ran by Little Kittrell. They
always have the best of order and
like all railroad people carry white
and people separately.
will be a big crowd ladies
and we will carry cars if
to prevent crowding. Ice
water in every car. Fare
round trip. Little Kittrell.
Bee H. L. Johnson for heavy and
light groceries,
A. W. Ange Co. pays high s
prices for eggs and sells goods
Miss Annie was over
here Sunday.
The A. G. Cox MTg Co. are par
chasing a lot of fine timber for Tar
Heel carts and wagons. They
also making a large supply of
these wheels they can fill a big
demand when the proper season
Get Sum soda Sets per pound.
T. N. Manning and Co.
Pictures and picture frames.
Harrington Barber Co.
Misses Laura Olivia Cox,
Jno. R. Carrol and L. F. Elliott
went to Greenville Tuesday.
we carry a complete lire of heavy.
fancy prices light.
a Co.
It. G. Co., say to
make room for fall that all
summer goods will be sold at a
The Co. is also
in its new quarters as it can
be. It has greatly enlarged its
plant dining the last two months.
We had a very hard rain
Some hail Tuesday
in position to secure first
class raw material cheap, having
machinery with which to do our
work, and being to save and
work up nearly ail of our timber,
are a few of the reasons why w.
can save our customers
Winterville Mfg. c.
Car load flour just received,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. Martha Tucker and
children Sunday here visit-
Fir framed and
graph frames John
There is a
of T. Wood Sou's., garden
seed at the more.
W. L, H in again.
The demand for
sucker buggies am m it
the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co ,
to increase force of their bug-
department in order to turnout,
work fast enough. In addition
buggies sell, they are fur-
many of th. leading car-
of and adjoining
u En -About two months ago
old heifer. Color,
unmarked. Of her
whereabouts will please notify
C. J.
circular benches ranging from
ft to in length have been
just completed by the Winterville
Mfg. Co. They are a nice job well
finished. They go to in
Scotland county, for the new
church there. Scotland is our
county and has a bright in-
population. They know
where to get the best work for the
I least money. You can get your
work on time when done by The
Winterville Manufacturing Co.
Give them a trial.
Street, Winterville. N. C
A little fire alarm turned oat
the crowd Monday. It was W. B.
Nobles kitchen up at West end of
Main street. It was quickly put
out. Winterville needs a
Ben Strickland got his hand
painfully mashed. J. Ton Smith
cut a finger. Fountain C ,
son of A. G. Cox, fell down stairs
with arm full of lumber. He
was painfully, hurt, though
Mr. Cox says he does mt think
bones are broken.
The A. G Cox . Mfg. o. have
recently put blower convey-
r which takes all the shavings
dust their to the
boiler room. They have also put
in a sandpapering machine for
their wood
After a long illness the spirit of
little Louise, the one year old
daughter of Mr. and Ms. A, T
took i flight to the happy-
home above where there s n
nor sorrow. She died, on her
birthday, and only weighed
pounds. Although her found pa-
rents had taken her to the hospital
in Baltimore and h t all
the ease that medical skill and a
mothers tender nursing
the death claimed her
for his own at o'clock, p. m. Sat-
August 19th, Every
one who knows Mr. Aid Mrs.
sympathize with them in
their bereavement.
The machinery department of
the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., is now in
complete order and the
machines are steadily.
preparing material
for n pl guano sowers,
buggy seals and the various other
articles the; and will
able to orders more prompt-
than eve; before.
A. W. A s Co., say
then are the beet
men h bought them say
they right. They arc the C
explains it, all.
Takes small
black, male pig, unmarked. Has
been with my hogs about C wet ks.
C. J.
For city streets or country Golf
Tennis, Yachting or riding, for Summer
hop or Garden party, Summer makes the
greatest demand on your Shoe supply of any
season. stand between you and every
description of Slice want. What you can't
find in this store you may safely ignore.
What you do is the best possible, as to
quality, style and service; and the most
moderate as to pi ice.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.

Great Department
We the very finest Butter and Cheese that we
can buy and it on cold storage. Always fresh
pure and delicious. Fancy and j Heavy Groceries of
all Kinds.
Opening of A. A. College.
The Agricultural
I cal college at Raleigh will open
j Thursday, September Ed-
I trance examinations will be held
Tuesday and Wednesday, August
at a.
to remove conditions will be
held Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, according to schedule
Students examined for entrance or
to remove conditions at other times
the will be charged
dollar for each examination.
Registration on Tuesday,
day Thursday. Registration
alter Thursday, September 1st,
will cost one collar. Room will
not be reserved in the college
after September
We Lave placed in our windows several beautiful
patterns in and
sets only 186.00. Only a few sets at
You can find everything you in
in House Furnishings at
Cherry Co.
Great Department Stored
Quickens the blood, rounds the
form, brain bod
from weakness to power
what Rocky Mountain
does. cents Tea or Tablets.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post
Complete Furniture, Groceries-
We Fay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
A Remarkable Case, if True.
Patterson Green, of
ell county, who is old,
j gave birth on July 30th to a child.
I Her husband is years old.
venture to say that this is a
breaker. We are indebted to a
friend in Mitchell county, a rt-
pa fr this bit of
You little knew when first we met
l hat day you would be
The lucky I'd choose to let
Pay for my Rocky Mountain Tea.
i Drug Store.
The mercantile firm doing business
in the town of under the
of Bland has
bee dissolved by mutual consent.
T. L. Bland assumed the payment
all laid firm
and all persons indebted to said firm
will make payment to him-
Loans and Discount 1188,800.84
Overdrafts 8.289.88
Due from Banks 78,225.80
Checks cash
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 19.37
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
Mr. A K having
ed the Interact of CC in the
firm of Bland the
will hereafter be conducted at
the same stand under the style and
name of Bland
This Aug -12,
North Carolina, I
County of Pitt f
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
and f
and sworn to before
me, 20th day of 1904.
Notary Public.
, , ff ,
I . CW M
A cure
-II the
In hot or cold for
application. Tot use.
Nature's Greatest
and remedy.
Beautifies the complexion,
the growth the hail and
it turning y.
Liquid Ointment
lot Open
and Hand T Ult If
id ill Ski.
Now Is The Time
To Take a Cheap Trip Via
Richmond, Va., and return,
m 13th, account
Fountain United Order True
and return September
to ii account National
Baptist Convention j
Tenn., and return,
account In-
San Francisco And Los Angeles,
return, September
and 19th-20th, account j
Conclave Knights of Tew-
I. O. O. F.
Season Tickets, Day Tickets, Day .
Tickets to the Worlds St.
Louis on sale every day.
Coach Excursion Tickets sale every
Tuesday in August,
Rates and Other Information given
cheerfully by Ticket
the undersigned.
H. M. Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. P. A
Wilmington, N O
Liquid Co.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Mower pretty
soon, d we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Tobacco has Advanced--Prices
are. Higher. We arc well equip
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We have
men and, one of the,
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.

J. A. Ala
was twice in hospital from a
severe case of piles causing
tumors. After doctors and all
remedies failed,
Salve arrested further
inflammation and cured him. It
conquers ache and kills pain.
r Wooten's drug Store.
A woman with her
a man with hit tongue.
Made Again
of Dr. King's New Life
Pills each night for two weeks has
put me in my
writes D. H. Turner of
town, Pa They re the best
the world for Liver, Stomach
Bowels. vegetable Never
gripe. Only at Wooten's
Some people take things as they
come and make worst of them.
Is The Name
you go to buy Witch Ha-
Salve look fir the name De-
on every box. The pure,
adulterated Witch used in
making DeWitt's Witch Hazel
which is the best salve in
the world for cuts, bums, bruises,
eczema and piles. The
of W
Salve due to its cures, has
I mi melons worthless
t, on market
The tun name .
I Co , Chicago. Sold l
J. L. Woolen.
An absent-minded is one
herself and things
she goes shopping.
A startling Test,
To a life. Dr. T Q.
f No. Pa , mode
startling test resulting in a won
cure. He a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by nitration of
I had often found
Bitters excellent for acute I
stomach and liver troubles sol
prescribed them. The patient
gained from the first, and has not
bad an attack in
Electric Bitters are positively
guaranteed for
action, Constipation and Kidney
Try them Only
at Wooten's Drag Store.
Men want the earth, but women
are satisfied with a
Stitch, Fall Bleached Taper
Arm Silk and Leslie finished
Gauze Vest TEN
Hundred yards to make your
from. Boat Load Just Received.
Our entire line of Thin White Goods,
Batiste, Crepe Chine at
Special Low Prices.
Trunks and Bags and Valises. If
you are going oil for the summer or
school see our line.
11.60 and Shirts all go
at the ridiculous low o
A Sweet tire nth
Is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach . en the breath is bad
the Stomach is out of order. There
is no remedy in the world equal to
Dyspepsia Cure for
indigestion, dyspepsia and all
. Mary S.
Plains, Ky , writes j
have be-n a for years
tried ail kinds of remedies
tinned to grow wore. By the use
of I began to improve at
once and after taking a few bottles
am fully in right, health
and strength can eat whatever
I digests what you
eat and makes the stomach sweet.
Sold by J. L. Woolen.
People who keep their mouths
open have a very poor digestion i
for ideas and other mental food.
Clothing Special Clothing Special
Severe Cut in Entire Line of Spring Summer Clothing. Thin Coat and Pants.
A Perfect Painless Pill.
is the one that will cleanse
set the liver to action, remove
the clear the complexion, cure i
headache and leave a good taste in
the month. The famous little pills
for such work pleasantly and
effectually are DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, Bob Moore, of La-
other pills
I have used gripe and sicken,
DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are simply Sold by J. L.
Every time an old bachelor s
a baby cry he takes a fresh grip on
his resolution to remain single.
A Sure
It is said that nothing is sure
except death and taxes, but this
is not altogether true. r. King's
discovery for consumption is
a sure cure all lung throat
troubles. Thousands can testify
to that. Mrs. C. B. Van of
W. Va.
had a severe case of Bronchitis
and for tried every thing
heard of, but got no relief. One
bottle of Dr. King's New
cry then cured me
It's for Croup, Whoop-
Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and
Consumption. Try it. It's
by J. L.
Trial bottles free.
Doz Fringed Bleached-Tow-
els, Good size- Bee Hive Price
Ladies Creek
las worth while they last,
Bee Hive Price
Kid Oxfords worth
Bee Hive Price
yards Scotch Figured
worth Bee Hive
price d
Organdy, Dimity.
yards fine figured Organ-
and Dimity Lawns worth
1-2 I Be. Bee Hive price
yards hamburgs,
and laces 1-3 off
These Prices will last as long as we have the goods. Don't
Hurry before they are all gone.
Bee hive Cash
Wait You will have to

Tobacco Co.
-CAUSE-The profits from the business are returned direct to the farmers.
is a business owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
any of our floors you re guaranteed the highest
price at under all circumstances,
enemies of this are uniting and combining every
fort within their power to prevent its success and development.
BECAUSE-So as night follows fey we Know we can make and
money by sailing with us,
BECAUSE-By co-operating on this plan a better lid more perfect understanding
can b and maintained between seller and buyer, kindlier and
friendlier relations est; Wished and on account of such, and more
satisfactory prices for your can be had.
THE m. b, Jo THE STAB, run by Hooker
Co and last MR. II. A. TIMBERLAKE. who
r of years has been with Star auctioneer, better on. ever
bide one of
or year at Th. will charge of year
while Mr. O. L. JOY ER will be at All gentlemen follow the different and
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
W. O. of Richmond,
is In town.
F. C. of
came in today.
T. J.
I last night and today here.
left Wed-
Monte Latham in Wed
Deadly evening from Washington
Mrs. T. C. Williams, of Vance-
is visiting Mrs. B. F. Pat-
M. T. took the train here
Wednesday evening for Seven
Ex-Gov. and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis
came home this morning from
T. L. Bland went to Kinston
Wednesday and returned
Mrs. J. R. and
returned Wednesday from
a visit to Scotland Neck.
Prof. W. H. left this
morning for to speak
at an educational meeting.
Mrs. II. L. Carr and daughter,
Miss Mildred, returned
day evening from Kinston.
T. B. of New York, one
of the head men of the American
Tobacco Co., spent last night
, today here.
Mies White, of Greens-
who has been visiting
, brother, H. A. White, left Wed-
I evening.
H. W. Phillip and O. G. Cal-
of took
train here this morning for the
Louis exposition.
Dr. D. L. James left this morn-
for St. Louis to attend the
national dental and
take in worlds fair.
Mr. E. B. Dixon, of Greenville,
happened to the misfortune
his lust Sunday evening-
Air Dixon brought his sister here
to attend school and on bis way
Ins horse fell and in a few
minutes he
O. B. Warren went to
B. A. Dixon left this
J. C. left for Danville
E. L. Clark left this morning
for Whitsett Institute.
G. Bowling returned Thurs-
day evening from Durham.
Miss Addie Johnston left this
morning a visit to Jamesville.
Bland, of Ayden,
is visiting Miss Lizzie
Walter C. Johnson returned
evening from Parmele.
E. H. returned Thurs-
day evening from a trip up the
E. T. of Norfolk, who
ha some day here, this
W. Atkins returned Tunis-
day evening from the world's fair
at St. L
Ilia and
left Thursday
Z. V. Hooker and sister,
from Virginia Beach.
Miss Lizzie Jones returned to-
lay from a visit to Mrs. J. A.
Ricks at Oak wood farm.
Mrs. W. H. Bagwell is quite
The weather was almost to-
M. R. Lung, of Norfolk, came in
Rev. W. E. Cox left this morn-
for Hamilton.
C. L. left Friday
evening for Beaufort.
Jesse returned Friday-
evening from Baltimore.
W. S. Bernard J. B.
returned today from
Mr. and J. E.
rived Friday evening from Kan-
Will left this
for Raleigh to attend the A.
M. College.
Mrs. Ft C. Harding child re
turned this morning from a visit
to Centerville.
Misses Peebles
Carrie Gay returned this morning
from a visit to Grifton.
Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Greene
son returned Friday evening
from Washington City.
J. B. Harding left this loom-
for to take a special
course at the A. M. College.
Miss Nannie of Ports.
mouth, Va., who visiting
Mies White, returned home
Mrs. Mamie V. and son,
of Halifax, arrived today to visit
Mrs. W. H. Johnson, in West
Miss Moore, of Grimes-
land, has been visiting Mrs.
T. R. Moore, left Friday
Jesse Perry, Scotland
who bus been visiting his
Mrs. I. Brinkley,
home this morning.
Mrs. A, L. Blow
Miss Lottie, Misses Winnie
Skinner Mary James returned
today Washington.
Misses Whichard and
Mary Lucy Dupree returned to
day from a visit to Mrs. J. A.
Ricks at Oakwood farm.
Mr. and Mrs. J.
child, of Scotland Neck, came
in Friday evening to visit Mr.
Mrs. A. J.
Mr. Mrs. S. and
children, Miss Mae and Alfred,
returned Friday from New
York Virginia Beach.
Seven Springs, N. C
I have read with pleasure
Inter of Mr. Randolph endorsing
Jim Fleming for the aerate.
I came out in a letter for him
for the senate two years ago. I
thought it m wise for us to
him then, and I think I can
safely say I it is wise for us
to him at the coming
convention. He is amply qualified
in every way for the position
I endorse fully the statement made
by Mr. that
will satisfy N side of Tar
river, and do more patting
down the threatened dissension in
i democratic ranks than any
that can be done by the party a
the convention.
M. township, is
of his kinsmen and friends, who
the greatest la
him, and f he will carry
every democratic vote in
township at the primary I am
sure he would pile up a handsome
majority at election if we
I don't believe the people or
any part of the people, will make
any mistake by trusting . Jim
Fleming as their in
the senate next time, and I hope
the other townships of the
county will endorse him at the
primaries the 10th of September
as will do, and
make his nomination
In connection, I deist- to
u man who
N. a, Aug. 1904
Everybody feels refreshed today-
owing to the rain yesterday after-
noon which cooled atmosphere.
Most of our farmers have finish-
ed th golden weed and are
busy saving fodder.
E. E and George will take
in excursion to Norfolk today
and tomorrow.
Mis Nora of
Greenville, is the guest of
this week.
Miss Delia Smith, of
came Saturday to spend a few
days with Miss Allie
J. A. after a week's
cation at home, returned to Farm
The guests at B. E. had
the good fortune to enjoy a tableaux
shadow of the
Sunday afternoon.
Misses Pearle and Swan Nelson,
of Grifton, spent Saturday and
Sunday with Miss Annie
Miss Hardy, after spend-
a very pleasant week i a Green-
ville, home Monday.
E. E. and Mrs. spent Tues-
day afternoon in Ayden.
Mis Addie of Saratoga,
came Saturday to visit Miss Allie
She returned home Monday
leaving, at least, one sad heart.
Miss Fannie House, of Parker's
chapel, is visiting Misses Cornelia
and Addie
A large crowd attended
has heretofore affiliated with meeting at Bethany Sat-
democratic party to go to the and
vole for choice
and j
top fussing discussing their
differences upon local questions.
I thank yon, M-. Editor, to
publish the above letter in your
paper. Very Respectfully,
Dawson Won Out.
Tarboro, N. C, Aug.
neither of six for
office of sheriff received the re-
number f vote necessary
to a nomination in primary
Aug. 4th, another primary was
hell to choose between
the two leaden in th former
It was a hard fought con-
test and both sides claimed a
majority of just a until
the final result showed Dawson to
be successful man. He
from Jenkins by probably a
No Mourning.
will of the late Dr. J. H.
was probated in Char-
Monday. He left estate
valued at a quarter of million
The following extract is
taken from the closing
of the
make this request that none
of my family shall wear
for roe after my death. I
tried through life myself I
to look on the bright side
picture and make life as bright;
Slid pleasant as possible for all my I
and I do not want
of in
It is Now
Information has been received
that the station on the Weldon
end Kinston railroad formerly
known as Goose Nest has been
changed to This is
a more euphonious for
n railroad station in the good and
prosperous county of Martin.
Scotland Neck
St. Louis, Aug. D. Mo
Neill, of Fayetteville, N. C, was
today elected president the
National Association.
Toe next meeting will be held at
Kan-as City.
For Sale baud Brooks
Gotten Pres, in good running
It. L,
No. Greenville, N. C.
Dog Killed at Long Range,
Mr. O. L. Joyner tells us of a
god shot made out at farm,
Friday morning, by Mr.
Fleming who is guarding the con-
at work on the road out
there. Mr, Joyner was driving
out of one of his fields towards his
house. Just as he reached the
road be noticed a colored man
driving at a rapid gait. The col-
man called to him to drive
fast as a mad doer was lemming down
the road behind bins. Mr. Joyner
looked back saw the dog com-
mg In a gallop. He quicken-
ed His horse drove his
yard, then hurried the
to get his gun In the
meantime he called to Mr. Flem.
to watch out for the dog and
t him if he came in Mr.
Fleming could not leave con
he was guarding, but he took
a stand with Winchester ride
at a point that commanded a view
of the road. Before Mr. Joyner
could his gun cum back
out the dog was abreast the
at full speed. Mi. Flem-
raised his rifle and brought
the dog down at the first shot, the
ball through the animal's
head. He was about yards
from dog and it was a bit of
Pest Market in the East.
The past week has been a good
one on the tobacco market, and the
sales were today than on
any day DOS season opened
Prices are nut what might be call-
ed high, the beet grades offered be-
around but are so much
last season that the
farmers are pleased what they
As the are now
their curing, sales
will grow larger time can be
hail for guiding.
John Walters and Nelson,
of Danville on a
trip to Eastern North Carolina
markets, spent today the Green-
ville market, they said thin was
the best market they had visited
that some glades bring
more hi re than other Eastern
Will Open With Boy
Greenville people are to be con-
that the season
them much I op-
for good
theatrical companies. they
have bad The com
of the opera house
in the Mason c temple building
gives Greenville a play house that
equal that in any town.
It accommodations and appoint-
are ample for larger and
stronger troops, now if is ex-
that many of the est at-
tractions on the come
this way.
The new will begin on
Wednesday night, 31st, when the
temple opera house will
be opened by all fun
show B .
N. C., Aug.
I see in your paper of yesterday
a letter from Mr.
Jim Fleming for the
This is what the people want in
township, and if he is
is all right, and
the party will go straight to
November. Everybody
knows Jim Fleming down here
and knows his ability, and every
I have beard mention it,
which is a great many, is him
for senate. Give us Jim Fleming
for the senate and two good men
for the house and all will be well
in Pitt. W. E.
Chariest, n, Aug.
Carlyle associate no
of the No it Courier, died here
this morning, after a long illness.
He was the author of Appeal
to an argument for
deportation of to Egypt,
which attracted in nob attention.
Some of hi me have been
widely quoted, lie was a distant
relative of the la-e President Me-
The Game Tied,
The game of bull at
Thursday i, tied on a
score of coming
preventing the tie being
off. The Greenville boys
upon it as their game.
Sixteen Horses Lost.
Hardin's livery i.
was destroyed by early
Wednesday morning. Sixteen
horses were burned to death
the building.

Eastern reflector, 26 August 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 26, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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