Eastern reflector, 5 August 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Ho matter how low the
of and we are the
pie Kg
Seasonable Enables at
are opera. We call
hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
grocer; a
in Tea Nugget-
for People
On Question That a Ce
Hie Na
Hopkins, Props
Cleanliness our
men am.
Wholesale retail and
Cart paid mi
Egg, Bed-
steads; Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba
Go-Carte, Parlor
units, Sables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
Tobacco, Key West Che-
George dear, Can-
ferries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Meat, Soap
Lye, Food, Matches, Oil,
Cot Ma Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Huh
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Glass
and Ware, Tin and Wooden
and Crackers,
Cheese, Beet Butter, New
Royal Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Cheap tor cash. Come
Bee me.
M. Schultz
. Bi Cherry.; Co-i
my shop
and a to give the best
service to be had. Cosmetics
U; her r
and feet
is a period of what is termed
her shoes, and her
to in-
you get to
Mer to
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
of the town. .
Four chairs operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
Our place is inviting, razors sharp
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good service is wanted.
points can now
be reached over the lines of
N. C.
Littleton, j
Rocky Mt.
Can Take a Trip With The Low
Rate Tickets on Sale via
Atlanta, Ga.
Baltimore Md.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. S- C.
Chase City. Va.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Colombia, B. C
Danville, Va
Nashville, Tenn.
New York. N. Y.
New Orleans, La
Norfolk, Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Richmond, Va
St. Louis, Mo.
Suffolk, Va,
And all other important and in
mediate points east of the Miss-
Richmond, National
gust 1st to 6th.
Louisville, Biennial
Conclave Knights of Pythias,
August 16th to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment G. A. K.,
15th to 20th.
St Louis, the Worlds
Fair, Season, Sixty day,
teen day and Coach Excursion
tickets now on sale.
Excellent Service
Convenient Schedules.
For hill information as to rates, dates
of sale, limits of tickets,
schedules, etc., call on any
Ticket Agent of the A. L.,
or write
H. M. W. Craig
T M. G. P. A
Wilmington, N. C
a pair of. lie
rt, t
never fooled on the
she mistakes witty
anyway, there
weft days of wot in that flat and
for old
slippers bet nil of
winch bore with
meekness and silence.
The other day, however, her
lord small that ha was going
to break those shoes in or die; he
was going to wear them to his office
trust to the excitement of
to divert his mind from
any possible discomfort he might
experience. The wife humbly
that he take an old pair of
BOOM along in case of emergency,
but lie scorned her remarks and de-
Three hours later an office boy
appeared at her home with a laconic
message to seed down the. oldest,
biggest and easiest masculine foot-
gear the house afforded. The re-
quest was complied with promptly,
but accompanying the parcel was a
delicately perfumed note containing
the tenderly solicitous query,
you get shoes to fit
Baltimore Sun.
A Prize.
The only son had just announced
to the family, his engagement.
that girl Why,
she squints. I I
absolutely no
ain't she
Grandma I'm she's
any money.
First Cousin Jim She doesn't
look strong.
Second Cousin stuck
Third Cousin
extravagant thing.
Tho Son Well,
she's got one redeeming feature any-
The hasn't a relative
on earth.
her, my boy, grab
. i
Yea we write our to
be Te not spend
our money for
per were not
and the noted, and the
offered were not
has suffered the cuts. Oar Mr. C, Is
Wilkinson is now in the Northern cities buying hit
Fall and must made Sot
, .
are now
To Only
if .
, r
An Appeal For
want you to discharge that
hired said Judge
said I wanted for dinner
this evening, and hero the has cook-
ed a mess of pork
suggested Mrs. is the
same kind of meat anyhow. By
the way, before forget it, let me
Oak you what you did with
you told me about tho other day
who was up before you for bur-
bad to let him off on a tech-
There was a flaw in the
ell, can't you let North off on
a this time .
Tho judge scratched chin and
took, under advisement.
M Tribune.
Such Wash Good
is seen. The wash
goods policy, of store
clean All the colored
Lawns that and
. c
Mens Clothing reduced
per cents. We don't car-
any special Una, but some
of all the leading makes.
Whits Shirt Waist Goods-
that war SOc, all
at price i So yd
Such price Silks, not every
seen, all colors, in best
China Silk . yd
Black Dress Goods, must
leave the shelves, 1.00. 1.25
Fine Black Taffeta Silk
was 1.00 and now
and yd
Stock Collars,
and now 8-
was and now
reduced half.
styles. tOe
summer corset 1.00 C B
Corset R G
sets Your in any
style of Batiste in
any make .
. Vest that,
and now
I and
steel rods, full Inches, ,
now ,
Ladies Stock Collars,
Mens Furnishings chimed.
In bargain
Men- black and colored
Half Hose, kind,
Summer Undershirts,
kind, now .
G. H
Madras Shirts
bosom Negligee Shirts
was now
All Straw Hats. 1.00
and 1.25, all at our price ago
Mens Negligee Shirts, 1.00,
1.25, 1.50 and 1.75, all at one
price .
and Mens and
Handkerchiefs, now
NOTICE. During this
Great Clearance it will
be impossible for us to cut
or send goods up on
approval, but money refund-
ed to all d customers
Two lay sprawled on the
levee on hot day. drew a
long sigh and
Ah wish Ah had a
yes lighted
ya-h would be
Ah wouldn't yo fl-
rim no
me vi
stingy, Mose.
wish yo own C
Loan, and
. J H ; I H
Furniture A 8,618.67
OW from
Stock paid In
Expenses Paid 12,097.9
. .
of Pitt. J
b L. Little,
the statement a
I .
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
R. L. Wyatt went to
W. E- Moore spent Sunday In
A. J. Moore spent in
Miss Rosa Hooker is visiting in
W. J. Smith went to Roberson-
T. H. went to
this morning, v
W. H. Wilkinson spent Sunday
R. L. Smith and J. F. King went
to Norfolk today.
Miss Bettie Hooker spent
day in
C. V. went to Morehead
Saturday evening.
M. Schultz and family spent
Bun day in Tarboro.
E. A. returned
day from Littleton.
B. C Pearce, of Sanford, came
in Saturday evening.
O. D. King returned Saturday
from Washington.
Willie returned
this from
Mr-, J. B. Cherry returned Sun-
day from Morehead.
F. O. Harding went to
C. B. West and Mm. R-
Greene went to Washington today.
M, and F. G. Jam cm re-
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cherry and
Will, Mr. and Mn. O. W.
and little son returned to-
Mr. and Mrs. J- O. and
little daughter returned Sunday
evening from a trip to
Wilson and Cone toe.
Misses Minnie
Winterville, and Gaye Johnston,
of Ayden, are Mises Car-
and Maggie Brown.
rs. J. and
Miss i Jennie, and Nannie
Bowling returned this morning
from Morehead
Misses Nannie Coward and
Jesse Lee Sugg returned Saturday
evening from where they
have attending summer
G. E. Cherry went to Tarboro
B. P. Bernard returned Monday
T. H. Walker returned Monday
from Roxboro.
Jesse Harrington went to Scot-
land Neck today.
E. G. Barrett, of came
over this morning.
A. E. Brown, of is
visiting friends here.
Miss Delia Erwin left this
morning for Baltimore.
Ex Gov. T. J. Jarvis returned
morning Morehead.
W. B. Brown and family r
Monday from Virginia.
T. H. Bateman and daughter,
Miss Louise, went to Norfolk to-
W. C. Roberson and W Z.
from More
Mia Emma Joyner returned i P-t today
from a visit to Greene
J. J. Harrington returned
day the summer school at,
Dr. Mrs. B, A.
W. H. left Tuesday even-
for Wilson.
S. J. left morning
for Louisburg.
Miss Lillian Whitfield left this
morning for Henderson.
Estelle Greene left
this morning for Raleigh.
Miss May Whitfield left this
morning Elizabeth City.
W. S. Fleming and W. E.
Hooker left morning for Nor-
C. S. Forbes C. Carr re-
turned this morning from More-
Miss Janie Brown returned
Tuesday evening from a visit to
Mrs. J. L. Wooten and
Miss Pattie, left this morning
for Tarboro.
S. C. Sugg and Mr. Parrott, of
spent here and
left on the evening train.
Mrs C. B. West, of Raleigh,
who has been visiting relatives
here, returned home today.
Misses Leta of Wilson,
and Julia of Snow Hill,
are visiting Mrs. E. G. Flanagan.
Edward Matthew came up
Washington Tuesday to ac-
a position on the tobacco mar-
Mr. J. D. Dupree, Mrs. T. R.
Moore, Mrs. Charles and
Mis Wilson left this
far Virginia Beach.
Mr. Mm. f. D.
Fine Beginning of New Season,
The Greenville tobacco market
began the new today
most favorable conditions.
sales were not large, but this was
as expected, the farmers being
nearly a month later in their
curing than last year.
An encouraging feature of the
sale was the good prices that
being fully fifty per cent,
higher that at the opening a
year ago. Most the
today were first primings, yet the
prices ranged from to cents
which was very gratifying to the
sellers. Smokers or first primings,
green or dark, to 1-2 cents;
bright and clean smokers to
cents; and cutters
to cent.
The first sale at the Farmers
warehouse, proceeding through
other regular order.
There is a good force of buyers on
the market and they are going to
keep prices here up to the best.
As business is expected to be
light the first mouth of the
season the warehouses have not
yet put on their full complement
of employees, but as at present
constituted they are as
Brinkley Hooker, proprietors.
W. T. Burton, auctioneer.
E. B. Thomas, book keeper.
H. Hardy, floor manager.
A. L. Potter, watchman.
Parham, Bo-ling,
Ola auctioneer.
Officers Elected for the New Year.
The Greenville Tobacco Board
of Trade held its first meeting of
the season this morning. The fol-
lowing officers were
A. Allen.
Secretary and W.
following new members
were added to the G.
Prichard A Co., Skinner, Garden
Tobacco Co., Farmers Consolidated
Tobacco Co., and J. G. Bowling.
It was decided that at present
single sales will be run beginning
daily at a, m., it being left
with the sales committee to change
to double sales and begin at
o'clock whenever deemed
returned today from Seven SPrig-., J L. Strickland, book keeper
We are glad to see Mr.
improved in health from
the trip.
W. A. James and R. E.
of spent today in
Mr. and Mrs. M. Cherry and
Move tor
sou left this for
Virginia Bead,. j B. H. Thomas and- family r-
Mses Bettie and Janie j ft out
returned Saturday evening and
F. M. Hornaday left this
dodging, of Ports-
111.1111 h, arrived Monday evening,
Norfolk to take a position to Laura While.
the Line.
Mrs. E. A. and Miss
Harper, of Wilson, are
Mrs. IS. L. Carr.
Mrs. P. C. and Mrs.
Harry Skinner and little son left
morning for Mt. Airy.
Rare, of Beaufort, who
was visiting Harry return-
ad home Saturday evening.
Lent. L. A. Gotten, who has
beau at home on a left
this morning for Annapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Cox, of
today here with
Mr. Mrs. H. O. Edwards.
John Gay left this morning tor
to take a position with
the telephone exchange there.
Mrs. K L. Ports-
mouth, who has been visiting
I J. White, returned today.
Misses Myrtle aid
I Perkins returned even
link, from the at
A. Savage. L. W. H.
Harrington and Alvin Dupree
left this morning for Norfolk.
Mrs. Louie who has
been visiting Mrs. Ivey Smith,
near Greenville, left this morn-
J B. d children, of
Scotland Keck, who have
visiting the family of W. H.
home today.
Mrs. C. L. Patrick, of Ayden,
and Mrs. Will J. and little
daughter, Miss of
Edwards, spent today here with
Miss Lucy
Miss Essie returned
this morning from and
Misses Bliss Susie
Perry, of Kinston, accompanied
her home for a here.
B. C. Pearce left Tuesday even-
Hairy Skinner left this morning
for Raleigh.
Ont Accidentally Kills the Other.
A distressing occurred
near Winterville, Saturday after-
noon, in which a buy lost his life.
Ollie Kittrell, son of C. T. Kit-
and Louis Crawford, a son or
David Crawford, b -th about
years of age, were together
shooting at the mark with a
loading gnu. While young Kit-
had the gun you Crawford
to step in trout of
in time to entire
from the gnu In left
and WM
Young Kittrell
wild with grief the accidental
of his playmate. Both
families greatly distressed.
The of the accident was
buried Sunday.
T. H. Walker, manager.
Evan-., Hooker Co
B. T. Bailey, auctioneer.
S. Spain, hook keeper.
O. E. Harris, assistant book
J. E. Dixon, Ho manager.
W. T. pro-
R. Betts,
N. H. keeper
Cox Co
This which O. L.
Joyner is W. H.
Dal -i . j
house, Firmer,
and Star, L. J is in charge
the but will fallow
s lies at S. B
ell is iii of the
H. a In of the
Star. Other employees at present
are A. A. Forbes, J. E. Matthews,
W. P. Edwards W- L. Hall and
J. J. Willis.
And Won a Huge Watermelon.
Four girls while down
town Tuesday evening, were ad-
ons. By way of a banter they
told could have one
if they would carry it
borne. The challenge was accept-
ed, borrowing a bag the huge
melon was placed therein, a little
girl hold of each corner
and off they went taking it home
a third a mile distant, The
trip was made the lit-
girls were proud of their
as well as of the
melon. They created much mere
along the way.
Report of
Following is the quarter-
report of the class of
the Baptist Sunday school, made
Sunday, July
Number of in embers
Average attendance
Dropped from roll
New members enrolled
Total collections 915.91
Of the collections went to
the orphanage, 97.66 to the
ca fund and 12.56 to the
E. H. Thomas, President.
Hugh Secretary.
Victim of an Unfortunate Occident.
Mr. A. Moseley, genial
Charlotte traveling man. i
his vacation with his at
the old Mosely homestead, at
Drake's Branch, Va., met with a
serious accident Tuesday, sustain-
a severe sprain of the hip. The
information came in a private let-
and details of the accident
were not The letter states
that Mr. Mosely is confined to his
bed and his physician insists upon
absolute rest and quiet. The
many warm friends of the
did gentlemen will hear with gen-
sorrow of misfortune and
will wish for his speedy
Mr. Moseley is a brother of Mrs.
T. of Greenville
Might Continue a Month.
The first of August was the
time set by the dry goods mer-
chants to again keep their
open at night. The days are yet
long, the weather very warm, and
there will hardly be enough
MM at night to pay for keeping
the stores after If
they all continued the early
until September it would be
just as well.
I will pay you cash for your
Beeswax. a M.
Officer Killed by Boy.
An g.
of an a 146-
year old boy, Officer J. H.
who has been a regular patrolman
for the past six months, died
afternoon. Paul Biggers, a news-
boy, bad some words with Officer
Brown this morning, the trouble
arising from a bull dog owned by
Bi During the fight Biggers
struck Brown in the stomach with
his head, causing injuries from
which the officer died five hours
later. The boy is held for murder
and the trial will take place to-
morrow morning.
Bis Salt Coins On.
The two page advertisement
going out as a to
Everybody wait for the big ex- .
from to Norfolk, Reflector of A. E Tucker A Go's
Va 1-r a
Va. 1st return 2nd
cars for colored people under
the management of Julius S. Flem-
and Rev. Amos fan
fr trip 92.00 ,
Manager. are finding unusual bargains.
great inventory sale is attracting
much attention to his store. It
a of advertising enterprise
that has not before been

B R. L.
I to
Dr. L.
T Greenville.
Buyers and Brokers
Stocks, Cotton, and
one. Private Wires to New
Chicago and
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box lo v
s all you cu.
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
of the
An interesting report of the in-
by Professor Baldwin
Spencer into the question of
in Australia is given in a Mel-
paper. Various myths, it
seems, exist as to the origin of the
totem. The aborigines believe that
in what they call the dream times
there lived beings, half animal, half
plant, which were transformed
human beings and wandered about
making the natural features of the
country. Each ancestor carried a
tick, and with that stick the spirit
of the ancestor is associated.
place where ah ancestor has wan-
is believed to have a spirit,
such, for instance, as an emu spirit,
a kangaroo spirit, etc., and each
child born in that particular place
is, an emu child or a kangaroo
child and so on. Thus it is that
each child has its
As to the ceremonial, if a woman
or child see it, the eyes arc put out
or death inflicted. The
was initialed by one group and
thus permitted to see the
The initiators bedaubed them-
selves with ocher, down and their
own blood and, after going through
a grotesque dance, related to the
novices the doings of the ancestors
The aborigines believe that
nation is continually going on, so
that many living people are accepted
as reincarnations of some celebrity.
As to the religious or magical as-
person believes he has
influence over the animal or plant
after which he is called, even to the
extent of causing it to increase. As
a rule, the totem is edible, and in
the great majority of cases the to-
is the food supply, wherefore
the power of increasing the totem
is of importance. The aboriginal
rarely eats his own totem, but he
has no objection to giving it to
to Gazette.
We you not only the best you can buy, but the money
paid can buy. Quality value combined argue for your patronage
is an agreeable sort of
Store to patronize., You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your best
interest is being studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the
chase is completed there's not
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect. Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want vests, some don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible varietY of fabrics
for selection.
war . .
. i
Of Course I
You get
Horse Good.;.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
daily, except Sunday.
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston.
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for
joints West.
Shippers should order
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Vice President
Traffic Manager,
in Beach Street. N, Y.
Squaring Account.
An office boy London owed one
of the clerks three halfpence.
The owed the cashier a pen-
One day the boy. having a half-
penny in his pocket, was
lo his outstanding
and paid the clerk to whom
lie was indebted one halfpenny on
The by so
an example, paid one halfpenny
cashier to whom he was in-
one penny.
The ca.-l who owed the boy a
penny, paid him a halfpenny.
And now the boy, having his half-
penny again in hand, paid an-
other third of his debt to the clerk.
with the said really
coin squared with the
The cashier instantly paid the
in full.
And now the lad, with the half-
penny again in his hand, paid off the
third and last installment of his
debt of three halfpence.
Thus wore the parties square all
round and their accounts adjust-
Mens Three Piece Suits
Mens Two Piece Suits
Nice Line Youths Clothing
An Easy Way Out.
is your birthday
old are
you she indignant-
replied, it is a sign of bad
breeding to ask a lady about her
no; not in all cases. It
only unmannerly to ask how old a
lady is when one has reason to be-
she is old enough to be
ed of
Then she invited him to sit down
so they could have nice, long
A Small Matter.
French Maid inquiring
is ill, but doctor
it something very j
trifling, very small.
I am so relieved, for
I was real anxious about her. What
does the doctor say the trouble is
me recall. It was something
Oh, I have it now.
doctor nays madame has
Home Com-
Star Photography.
Star photography one of the
tedious operations known. Ii
some t he plate must be ex-
posed for several hours. Daring all
this time both the the
must be mow
A Cure at Last Obtained, After
a Searching; Investigation,
by St. Louis Interests.
A few months n; attention of a
few scientific and gen-
of St Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
most dreadful of all diseases, tuber-
commonly called consumption.
Out of t
cured and have shown such
that their ultimate recovery
is but a question of a few week.
So astonishing been the results
and In cases pronounced
incurable In all oils that a
ha In en and is
prepared t furnish normal cost
this cure to all u Aurora of the
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain
rounded by friends and and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue their daily vocations
and still become completely cured
receiving the -nine treat-
here in St. Louis have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those in
Colorado. New Mexico and
The wonderful results in question haw
accomplished by the
and the company which Is this
marvelous medical device have located
main office at North Seventh
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on and
a laboratory has built at Hill-
side. Mo. The cure Will be known as
the Lung and Mr. C
P. Henson, the of the fluid
inhalants which are used, will person
ally have Charge of the airs of the
Mr. Benson will personally
meet all who call Ht the
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the St. Louis Globe
Free booklet on request.
417-19 N. Seventh St.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that, works automatically.
Is table,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month
living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
A after second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
The On y Way-
Is send it to

it I I .
Ayden, N. C, Aug.
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
and destined to take the
lead, u try one, to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
The beet recommendations can
be furnished Hog
Chaser. Write or send to J. H.
Ayden, N. C.
Miss Lola Smith want to Par-
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side at
J. B. Smith A Bro.
When you need a nice, light,
; tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden. N, C.
The ladies have found out where
to go they need finest
quality dress goods, laces,
etc. and
Cam Nobles, Ola Ross and
Bland came in on
w day morning's
As authorized agent for Daily
and we take
great pleasure sub-
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
J. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Julian Stokes, of Gold Point, is. E. I A Co's new
here a visit
Just received spring suit cloth-
for J. J.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
K. F. Johnson,
Dist. N. C.
Mrs. Prescott and Mrs.
went to Greenville
For can peaches, apples, corn
apply to E. E
and Tyson wish to call
special attention to laud plaster
for peanuts.
We carry a splendid assortment
of body carpels in various
styles and patterns, which make
excellent had rugs, at a normal
cost. Ladies cordially invited
to call and see them.
Ayden Milling Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
The old boys of the ball team in
the days way back swiped the
ground up with the boys of
i modern day last Friday in a game
W. K. Edwards Co., will sell j of to The babies want in it,
you an up-to-date suit of clothes no, not a
mighty cheap. If you are in need of a nice pair
Just the hue of of Shoes, call for Royal 83.50 at
you ever did see at W. M. Ed-
wards Co.
Joe Patrick spent the
in Greenville,
We have cut the price on all our
white goods Come and buy a
it waist, W. M. El wards Co.
AH raw hats sold at greatly
reduced prices at W. M. Edwards
Hart Jenkins.
W. E. Jackson Co., are
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 13.00. 3.00
and are now 2.75,
and 1.75. Shirts that wen
l each are now and
each. A few pair of shoes
i market tor beef, meats,
sage, and fresh
First Class baud made brick, by
the wholesale retail large
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
Kinston vs. Ban Nunn, more
Why u intense head-
ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
when be permanently
ed cue pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. grad-
Ayden, C. weak
yes. Then need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of
ed will often wonders.
J. R. Smith bis him has a
pair of shoes for every body. They
come in by car load.
You will find a complete line
mens tit v en-lit coats M
We had an opportunity of say-
and goodbye to our
W. J Blow, of Golds
last evening. We
had seen him but once before in
several years.
Another lot of ladies Ox-
lords for at W. M. Ed-
wards Co.
Our stock of ribbons is wide,
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R
Smith Bro.
for Cholera
i guaranteed to cine if used in
lime, or it
will com untiring. For sale by J.
If. Bro., Ayden, N. C.
Julius returned from
both low and high cuts at almost
Remember you can j your own figures. Law us, white
nicker piques and goods and all trimmings at almost rel of Columbia none better
other nice goods too numerous to their value. Come aid see. I to be v-vii.-r
Carry spring
W. M. ft you
good prices far
Those desiring first-class work
in the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
We use a fair patent
shafts, black hickory singletrees,
Sod growth, ash No. ma-
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and
skilled mechanics. We use
tine's 1st class varnish, hence we
are prepared to make the neatest
and durable buggy in Eastern
N. C, Milling Mfg Co.,
Ayden, S. C.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor, of Winter-
ville spent from Saturday
Monday with Mrs. C. A. Fair
Herbert Edmondson. of Gold
Point, after several here has
gone home.
The new soda fountain of M. M
Sauls will be a daisy, so he in-
forms us, as also will his new drug
store when complete.
Abbie who has been
visiting Mrs. W. L.
Miss Delia Smith has returned to
her home in Greenville.
Corn, bay oats, at J. R.
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
Major Smith has returned from
Call see our laces
burg, J. R. Smith Bro
know J. R. Smith lb.
Harrison ready mixed paints, John has come home
colors, lead, oil at J. It. from Hamilton.
Smith Bro. rs when yon
Miss Bertha Jones left Friday to buy Independent Manufactured
evening for w nit handle Trust
pair double, single and fold- g Hut
keep the most complete line of hug Wire bed Springs at J. R.
Smith Bro.
loin-dale, bleaching and ginghams
town. Their customers tell me
bat it is so.
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin or Grey stone ,
Come to see us, Hart
Nannie is visiting
Mrs. J. J. Edwards.
Pictures Satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Best refer
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
ft C.
I wish to remind my friends that
I keep a very nice line of millinery
goods, and T know that my
girdles, ribbons and new kid belts
will you all. Give me a
call, Mrs J- A. Davis.
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
M Pauline of
ho, is visiting Mrs. O. C. Noble.
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
Rock salt for stock, at J. It
Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you
their new line of heavy and fancy
We call special attention to our
Tan and Ideal Kid
Two brick stores about
j Complete.
ii., you want to know it Is on the improve,
feels to think more of yourself than v. Burton is ,; from
ever before See W. E. Hooks and to M i
of informing
I take h is ho
I Gardner who the public as Summer sea-
a Visit to her in On- u .,, ,.,.,. , .
tons home. ,
Cypress Shingles .,. f ho
There he no cessation to
number of buggies daily
out by the den Milling Mfg.
Co. Employing only skilled labor
allowing no shoddy goods to leave
factory we not surprised
at the result and that too when
they pay their workman prices in
conformity with their labor.
Naturally good and alone
must redound to the credit of such
a firm. appreciation all
around is recognized
Rev. E. T. Philip, attend
ed the Press at More.
head, reports a great tun.-, a good
time and right all
Now ere have plenty tin
wagon can
wheels ill sell them . cheap
as any one,
Ayden Milling Co.
N C.
told that
Tyson keeps the best and
line furniture town
Chris wile, of the
n here shop-
ping his week.
case of
men's due shirts W. M. Ed
Mrs. is on n
visit to ft
Cooper and family left
Saturday to visit their old homo
at Jamesville.
Miss Verna Whichard, of State a
Mill is visiting Miss
E. S. Edwards and wife have
gone to to visit their
daughter and also to pay their
respects to a right
E. G. Cox, wife and little Katie
are rusticating at
Miss Fannie is with
friends at Bethel.
Mrs. T. N. Peden has returned
from Morehead,
Miss Clyde Cox has just return-
ed from a very pleasant visit to
Miss Bonnie Ormond, of Kins-
ton, is visiting Mis Annie Ed-
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R. Bro.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
A new lot of men's negligee
just received at W. M. Ed-
wards Go's.
Life is probably the
thing in the world. You have
it how No one
One of the most certain
things in the world is a good life
insurance policy. See W. E.
Hooks get one immediately.
John H
all run down; nothing did me any
I good until I bold of Hollister's
Rocky Mon a Tea. Now I am
strong and well; gained forty
j pounds. cents, Tea or Tablets.
Wooten's Drug Store.
j -to date
Wheeler and
for only
Tyson. j excelled, the ft Co.
Hotel- -Board I exclusively is Mis Willie of
pet-day, near West Ave- n any other make, dine, I tie guest of Mr-.
custom solicited Give n a call and when I have Monday,
shown you my dry goods, notions George ft Bro
oilier line goods know work in this line
be able to yon and ell yen a specialty. Work
J. Hines. Guaranteed,
A big stock of Richmond cook
B. F. Early,
We hear the young men say Hie
cheapest best filling clothing
is sold by Can Tyson.
Just received another lot of boys
n. c.
and at W. M. and heating and repairs for
Edwards. at J. It. Smith Bro.
At the Gloat, of business June 9th, 1904-
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Due from
Check and Cash
Gold Coin,
National Bank notes
U. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Demand of
By t urn's Hog Chaser has bet;
on the market for fourteen
It is guaranteed used
to cure cholera or money
Write or send to Dr. B. T. Cox,
N. C.
dos Jars I
J. It. Smith Bro.
, Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
bitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, felt cotton at J. R.
Smith A Bro.
Elder of Free Will
Baptist church preached in
Disciple church here Tuesday
Miss has rs-
M turned from a visit to House and
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Block, Bast Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair

V. J. Editor
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C. as second matter,
made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office Pitt and adjoining counties.
Pitt County, N. C, Friday,
Atlanta has opened war on impure
milk. That is timely
Home n beef is better titan
the western kind, anyhow.
There are some big liars
ed with the war news bureau.
Judge Parker already knows it,
bat they nil tell him again on the
The Ton
sounds like a fellow that can do
Wilmington offers refuge to the
saloons that are expelled from other
Now the warning is raised to be
ware of oats from Texas, as
there is danger of the boll weevil
Dotting along with the oats.
as If were not M ready
The farmers are in this
week learning how to farm.
Now if you have any bids to sub-
the lease them to the
If General keeps on
retreating he may get back to
has changed base
and says the can lease it if
he wants k. It's up to the
V is making a move to
get separate apartments for white
and colored people- on the street cars
Kipling is the public eye again
with a new poem. The remark-
able about it is that it is
a good one.
The fellow in this state who goes
over to the republicans expecting
pie is placing his hopes on slim
With lira men from all over the
that town armed with their
for a convention ago on tin Salisbury should
iv new labor party.
The denial of fall of
Arthur has About what was
you don't know when
to of war news
bank wrecker is to
hit due, the court having given
who broke the national bank
at Asheville a seven year sentence.
A event of the Ht future
of the state guard
near Mo T re mil
be in ramp there from the 9th to
The manner which F.
Hornaday edited The
during the absence of the editor, last
week, he has talent for
newspaper work. He should not
hide that talent under a bushel nor
bury it in a railroad office, thou ah
he seems to have fascination for the
Buncombe county comes forward
with the boss case of the
A man in that county
was walking on a railroad
A train came along and the man
jumped to keep from being run over
Now he is suing the railroad for
damages. There is too much of
such fool business allowed in the
At this advanced age of
it is remarkable with what
train robbers continue to ply
their avocation. A few days ago
in New i robbers boarded a
train, lined up the passengers and
relieved them of their valuables,
dynamited the express car rob-
bing that also, and got away with
their booty.
el pretty safe this week,
i p
These are for Brown.
N. C, July 1904.
After surveying the field North
of Tar river, in our humble
we have in the person of our
young found J Brown, a capable
and man to represent us in
the next general assembly of North
He is universally popular and
has also a large circle of influential
family relatives which make him the
more available.
Now let the democracy nominate
him and it will not only do a grace-
act, but will help a deserving
young who will make us
an active, energetic representative,
and Trill in no wise cause us to
regret the selection.
J. R.
R. J.
H K Patterson,
died Monday of
in mi . Though his state is largely
r publican, he was twice elected,
N. C, July 30th. 1904.
There are some things in regard
to the candidacy of T. G. Britton
who offers to represent the people
of Pitt county in the house of
that the voters of the
county ought to know. He is a
young man of exceptionally good
character and would not only render
efficient service as a legislator, but
his amicable disposition,
strength and high moral char-
actor would easily put him in front
ranks of the and most
law makers of our State. Mr-
Britton not only graduated with
honors from Chapel Hill, but per-
he the highest
of the faculty.
Pitt county has reasons to con-
herself upon having such
la representative, and especially as
the success of any people largely
depends upon the character of their
representatives. As Mr. Britton,
however, is a comparative stranger
lo some of the voters of the county
; f-l the foregoing facts are
Judge Parker has already been the u
recipient of a North Carolina
bit's foot, and a Charlotte man has
sent him a miniature bale of cotton.
Now somebody send him a big
and he will be strictly
in it.
New York is coming in line with
western ideas. Bight in central
park the other day live masked rob-
held up two men at the point
of pistols and took what money and
valuables were on them. If they
had tried their hand in Wall street
the haul might have been larger.
It is deplorable for one man to kill
another, but Gail ford county
farmer who shot and killed a
who was in his hen house tilling a
bag with fowls, ought to be excused
law. A man should have the
unquestioned right to protect his
own premises and property against
is advocating two men for
nomination for the legislature by
the county convention. Both are
good men and much can be said in
praise of each, but if Bethel town-
ship would got together and come
up the convention united for one
there would be much better chances
of securing his nomination than if
the strength of the township is
Tin; Reflector does not
want to be construed as dictating to
its Bethel friends, but we throw
this out as a suggestion. Remember
the proverb that unity there is
Would Be Ashamed to Meet Judas Com-
Down a Hot; Path.
It really looks like the poorest
shoat of a Southerner cannot help
drawing the line against Roosevelt-
ism when it strikes at h's home like
the Chicago platform does in its
plank. Judas Iscariot's self
reasserted itself when, self-
condemned and feeling meaner than
a suck-egg dog, he went out and
hanged himself. It is to be hoped
that there are very few Southern
men who would be ashamed to meet
Judas coming down a hog path.
Wilmington Star.
The And Education.
The thirst among the for
education is largely a matter of the
imagination. We haTe warn-
ed under the Amendment the
colored boys would be stimulated to
double in order to qualify
themselves for the suffrage, while
the white boys would lie laggards in
the race. We happen to be brought
in contact with the educational
interests of Thomasville and have
been amazed to find the so
indifferent to to the education of
their children. Paying less than a
third of taxes sufficient to provide
for the running expenses of the col-
school, a new and mod-
house has been erected and two
teachers employed for eight
in the year, the have hardly
averaged twenty per of the
children of school age in the town
ship, and although the teacher is
above the average in ability, nine-
tenths of the are down on
him and do all in their power to
the progress of the school
his management. We see it
also that in Durham county,
one of the best organized counties
in the State, the send only
twenty-five per cent, of their child
while the white people send
seventy-five per cent, of theirs The
trouble seems to be the
are willing enough to accept help
from the white people provided they
control the schools, but they are
willing even to receive light and
knowledge if it must come to them
through white people.
proves what we observed at the be
ginning of this article, namely that
the desire among the for
education is a figment the brain.
I hey have no educational spirit
among them, but they do love a
rah and a great parade; and forced to
do solid work in graded schools,
by white men, they decline
to patronize them at all. Truly the
colored citizen is a curious element,
and hard to handle. As was re-
marked by a disgusted member of a
school board the other night the
management of mules and
is about one and the same; and it
seems to be about that way.
bald Johnson in News and
The corporation commission has
announced this year's of
railway and other common car-
The total railway mileage is
3.803, as Atlantic
Coast Line, MS; Seaboard Air Line
Southern Rail wry owned lines
and leased lines
total valuation of railways i-
Other valuations it the
Western Union Telegraph Company
electric light and companies,
street railways,
waterworks, Pullman
Company Southern Ex-
press Company, steam-
boat companies, bridge
and canal companies,
grand total, The in-
crease over is
There was miles of new railway
constructed, of which the Suffolk t
Carolina is Transylvania,
Durham Charlotte, Cape Fear
Northern, An lander.
Raleigh ft Cape Fear, South
Husband And Wife Do Not Speak.
In a trial before a justice of the
peace here yesterday an elderly
were put on the stand as wit-
in behalf of a neighbor, and
it was developed-that they had not
spoken to each other in fifteen years.
The man said in explanation that
and wife had had a little qua re
fifteen years ago and he had said in
his anger that if he ever spoke to
her again he hoped God would strike
him dead, and now he is afraid to
talk. The conversations are carried
on through the
hi .
At their monthly meeting
Thursday night the board of alder-
men will levy taxes on real and
personal property for the fiscal year
The citizens hope the tax levy will
be made as low as is expedient, A
low tax rate holds out inducements
for people to locate in a town, while
a high rate is calculated to keep
them away.
State Anti-Saloon Campaign.
Raleigh, X. C, Aug.
man J. W. Bailey, of the State anti-
Saloon League, issues a statement
to the effect that there will be no fur-
local-option elections held any-
where in the State until the spring-
He announces that during the cam-
just closed SO elections have
been held, being carried against
saloons and for saloons and the
result of two were Elect-
ions lost were at Washington, Rocky
Mount, Tarboro, Scotland
Roxboro, Salisbury
and Dispensaries were
established at Wilson, Greenville,
Kinston, Henderson, Oxford and
and prohibition was curried
in Elizabeth City, Golds-
Nashville, Benson, Hillsboro,
Greensboro, Durham
Rapids, Charlotte and
Bailey says three-fourths
of the towns having bars are now
east of Goldsboro and north of
A. N. C railroad. There are
loons in counties. He appeals for
the support of Watts act by the
voters in the elections.
The attack being made on the
south by republican party on
account of alleged disfranchisement
of comes with ill grace from
the party which long ago
the in the District of
Columbia. In order to get free
from voters and voting the
republican party in, congress dis-
franchised everybody in the district
white and black, but everybody
knows that the real purpose was to
get rid of the as a voter.
Charlotte Chronicle.
Here are the list of candidates to
be voted for next Dem-
Parker and Davis;
can Roosevelt and Pro-
Swallow and Carroll;
Socialist, Debs and Social-
-Labor, and Cox; Pop-
Watson Negro
Liberty, Scott and
One of the peculiarities of la-
question is that the striking
workman is willing to sleep in a
dry goods box in order that the
walking delegate may have a room
with a private bath at a
The that the Democratic par-
has no wings at this writing is
not properly the subject of a
pun. The point is that there are no
party divisions to hinder the pro-
toward Post
Hunt need any wings now. Looks
like we can win in a walk time.
Oklahoma has been treated
Her population is more
or greater than that of
Island; Vermont, Utah, Ne
either of the Dakotas, Oregon.
New Hampshire, Wyoming, Dela-
ware, or Arizona. She had more
new railroads built last year than
any state in the Union, and has
more money in her banks according
to Sun.
WORD that word U
It refers to Dr. s Liver Pills and
Are constipated
Troubled with Indigestion
ANY these symptoms and many others
indicate the
Take Substitute.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
the Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county as last will and testament
of W. W. Tucker, deceased, no-
is hereby given to all persona
indebted to the estate to make
mediate payment to the under-
signed, and all persona having
claims st the estate are
to present the same for pay-
on or before the 18th day
July, 1905, or this notice will be
plead In bar of
This 18th day of July, 1904.
W. E. Tucker,
Executor of W. W. Tucker.
, i
I This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
c, Aug.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor went to
Ayden Saturday to spend Sunday
with Mrs. C. A. Fair
Board in J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
in town.
Latest styles and very cheap
Wire Fence fob at H. L. Johnson's.
I am now prepared to furnish
brick at Lowest market prices.
Ola Manning.
Mrs. A. Cooper, of
Rapids, is visiting her son, Jno.
bale, Cheap
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are off-
their machinery making
wire fence at an extremely low
price. Owing to recent changes
made in the
they are compelled to use all of
their other business and See those nice pants at H. L.
will have to build extra room or Johnson's they are cheap and good
discontinue the making of fence, j stuff.
This is a good opportunity for a fountain a
farmer to make his fence for specialty at Dr. B. T. Cox i
farm cheap. All for drugstore
furnished also a lot of
wire can be bought cheap if
A. G. Cox Mfg Co.
N. C
There is a splendid assortment
of T. W. Wood Sou's., garden
seed at the drug store.
Kittrell have just re-
T. N. Manning and Co. the a cutlery
place for fruit per
A well selected variety of drug-
gists also a full of
medicine kept t store.
If you are not a patron of our
get acquainted with
us, examine our stock learn
our prices, B. T. Cox Bro.
Misses Dora and Ethel Powell,
are visiting Miss
Miriam Johnson.
See H. L. Johnson for heavy and
light groceries,
Shoes, Hats and Cap at your
price at K. W. Ange and Co.
For nice shoes and hat's go to
A. W. Ange Co's and save
Mrs. Joe F. Smith returned
from Greenville Sunday.
A. W. Ange Co. pays highest
prices for eggs and sells Roods
Jim Smith, of Greenville, was
down here last Sunday sporting a
t He get oat of
town before he was palled, for go-
over rates.
The Winterville Co. are I
now a nice lot of pews
Hill church near I
It. is a big contract and they are
The Big Excursion
Sept 1st
Just after tobacco is cured
and fodder saved. The
biggest excursion of the
season. Separate cars for
colored people. Go and
carry your wife, sister,
daughter or sweetheart.
Special accommodations
for Ladies
Yours truly
if you want a nice knife see them.
Prof. was here Monday.
John Cooper F C.
Nye went to Trenton last Friday
to attend the Union meeting and
returned Monday.
Light wood Cart
Hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
pair of goad, well broke,
j young mules for sale, t rude for
a good horse that will weigh about
pounds. A. G. Cox.
Winterville, N. C.
A. G. Cox Co. have
j built another large addition
to factory, the
management of their
G. A. Kittrell and Co., are man, this department of
Harrington, a Co., have
just received bags corn. It is
going fast.
Corn, Oats and Hay for sale
for cash, G. A. Kittrell
and Co.
sparing no pains to make it a tip
top job.
The Ct
shipped to a lot of their
improved school desk. They are
convenient and up to date. Schools
a lot of desks should
correspond with them Their
prices are at the bottom
Dr. B. T. Cox is sick.
Miss Olivia Cox returned from
Mis. of Seven
Springs, is visaing her mother
Mies Bessie Chapman has
a trip down about Root.
Congressional Convention.
At a meeting of the Democratic
Executive of the First
Congressional District held in Ply-
month on the 14th day of July,
1904, it was ordered that a Demo-
convention of the first con-
district be held in the
town of Edenton on Wednesday
17th day of August, 1904, at
o'clock P. M. for the purpose of
nominating a candidate for
in Congress from said
district and for a Presidential
elector, and for such other
as may properly come before
the convention.
The Democrats several
counties composing the first dis
will take notice accordingly
and send delegates to such
By order of the committee.
W. B. Ch'in.
Kill Mis Father
Tarboro, K C, Aug.
of this was killed
afternoon a personal en
with his son-in-law, Joe
Phillips. The killing took place
near Macclesfield, No. town
ship. Joe been
rested and h now in custody. The
trial will take place tomorrow at
before Justice J. T.
Harris. Mr. was a highly
esteemed citizen the county and
his death is deeply deplored.
Music House.
G. G. representative
of the Chas. M. Piano Co.,
has handsomely fitted up the store
opposite Bank of Greenville
in which to display pianos. Miss
Bessie Fat rick has been engaged
to assist visitors the
excellent qualities of the
Work the Roads.
The county roads ought to be
pat in good condition now. The
tobacco market has opened, the
cotton season will soon be on, and
then be much hauling done.
Overseers should not wait until
to have the roads worked
Binding on Candidates.
The Watts Act is specifically en-
in the Democratic State plat-
form and is binding upon every
Democratic candidate. Webster's
shipment of seed Bye id rapidly
a few days. See them before buy-
Try B. G. Chapman and Co's
white wine vinegar for pickling.
It is splendid.
Groves Tonic bottle
while the lasts. John
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh
loaf of bread.
If need of a good barrel of
flour or pork Bee Kittrell and
If you want ice and lemons
fail to get them from Kittrell
Foe horse power
boiler and one horse power en-
in good running re
pair. very reasonable.
See or write A. G. Cox Co.,
Winterville, N. O.
Se those nice pints and skirts
at A. W. Co.
Mis and Lizzie Dixon,
who have been their
uncle, J. H. C. Dixon, left for
their home in Ayden Saturday.
All kinds of soft cool
refreshing. H. L. Johnson.
T. i. Manning Co. are carry-
medicine that will cure
of the art in any state.
Fruit jars i gallon size
quart size H, L. Johnson.
Mrs. J. S. and A.
who have been visiting near
Bethel returned home Sunday.
wish to notify the
public that I grind every
day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
Purnell Tripp.
For good tobacco and cotton see
at present the outlook A f
seems to be more promising than
David Purser, who has been
visiting bis daughter here, has
returned to
We have on hand a Breech
price John son. Gladys Sutton and ton j
Miss Stocks is visiting -Suit returned to LaGrange
Mrs. G. A. Kittrell.
Fruit Jars both
and half
Geo Kittrell with an extra
UM also rubbers them ; loud pair of pants this morn-j
cheap Harrington Co log for Not folk. II you see him j
k . j send Him back. He belongs about j
Dinner pots. Wash pots and
preserving crockery
glass ware tin wood and
willow ware.
carry a complete of heavy.
fancy groceries, prices
k Co.
AH drags at A. W.
Tasteless CASTOR- OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. C. 3-22
Main Street, Winterville. N. C.
left this
morning -or northern markets ti
purchase goods for his firm, Hal
Barber Co.
We now have on hand a
line f at remarkably
lo figures, come, see and be con-
Yours truly
Kittrell and Taylor.
K-y from Fort
is here.
For boy's and youths clothing
see A. W. Ange and Co. they have
them cheap.
Old Sol is getting in some hot
work, and still it comes to us all
alike. Don't fret and stew. It
wan just as hot last season we
all lived through it. There is a
penalty for everlasting work in a
tread mill. What you need is
green fields, limpid waters, golf
sticks, and an outfit of Summer
Underwear, Negligee Shirts,
of Blue Serge, Stripe
Flannel Outing Coat and Trousers,
Wash Vests, Straw Hat, etc., etc.
Here you will find the correct
styles, and some very purse-com-
prices. We're not only
To-Date, but we're a dare ahead.
The King Clothier.

The undersigned, having this day
by. and having duly
before, the Clerk of the
Court of Pitt County, as ad-
of the estate of Allen
Warren deceased, notice is hereby
persons holding claims
against said estate to them to
me far payment, duly authenticated,
on or the day of July 1906.
or this notice will be plead in bar of
the r recovery. All persons indebted
to e are requested to make
This 13th day of July
E. B.
Administrator of Alien Warren d.
Jarvis Blow,
A attack at of
form of Bowel Complain
may come to Ever
family be provided with a
bottle of Dr. Seth Balsam.
Warranted by J. L. Wooten,
In Superior Court
Pitt County, I
Louisa Hargrave,
IN 1866.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Fat-tore and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
The defendant. Hargrave,
will take notice that an entitled
as above has been commenced in the
I Superior Court for Pitt county, for
divorce, the defendant will take
notice that he is required to at
the superior Court for the county of
Pit to be held at the court in
Greenville on the 2nd Monday after
the 1st Monday in Sept, 1904. and ans-
or demur to a copy
of which will lie deposited in the clerks
office of said court within the
days of said term or the plaintiff will
, apply to the court for the relief de-
in the complaint.
Laud and ea this July
D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
A Bottle of Water.
compliments to the
I When our good Parson Bill
Drank more than his fill
Of something which he hadn't
. All the members went around
i In their sympathies profound
Says the
Boozy and Re Tim
Stood before a mayor grim.
Win. charged them with drunken
cried Tat,
kin stop at that;
will swear
In a neighboring town
There are lawyers of renown
Vet they sometimes get out of
And they'll never be exempt
mi the charge of contempt
While his honor drinks
Great Department Stored
We the very finest Butter and that we
can bay and keep it on cold storage. Always sh
pure and delicious. Fancy and Heavy Groceries of
a I Kinds.
We have Just receive J a beautiful pattern in
China. Look in our north window and see
hew you it. Will have in a few days
Sets, if you expect to get a fine ct of
China, wait and see ours before buying,
Against this oH judge
They hold a grudge;
They say that HE gets out I
dear Sheriff
Said his honor, with a smack,
was a bottle of
Charlotte Observer.
A Teat,
To mm a life, Dr. T G. Men-it
of Ho. Pa., made
startling test resulting in a won
cure. He writes, a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by
the stomach. bad found
Billets for acute
liver so
prescribed The pattern
Mined from the first, bas not
lad an in
Electric Bitten are positively
guaranteed for Dyspepsia,
troubles. Try them
Wooten's Drug Store.
Secretary Loeb to
salary raised if he is to be the
one to bear the blame for all the
breaks the president makes.
Bethel, N. C, July 1804.
Miss Mann, of
la visiting Effie
Wade Andrews and wife, of
Tarboro passed through town
The creek and dam
company give a barbecue at
dam Wednesday. There were
many visitors and they ail
borne satisfied.
is a new visitor in town
stopping at i he Gamer house.
There was a ice
supper given by the
iii Sunday school Tuesday night
at Rev. The hp
crowd little folks you
ever saw were there.
Miss Sophia ton, of
is town today.
The of Bethel went to
Greenville Wednesday all on
Mrs. F. C. James bade us all
farewell Tuesday morning for
Boston where she expects to spend
a few months with old friends.
Don't forget to call and buy you
a nice shirt before they are all
gone at T. A. Carson's. They are
the cheapest in town
and a lot of all kind of laces
and trimmings.
Miss Lillie White and sister,
Ruth, will leave in a few days for
their home
Misses Effie and Mattie Grimes
and Davis Mann, took the
train this for Tarboro.
B. It. and wife, of
Robersonville, were here shopping
Mrs. W. O. Barnhill, of Green-
ville, is spending a few days
Hollister's Rock Tea
should be one of the toilet
of every lady of social pro-
Makes the face bright
and sparkling. cents, Tea or
Office opposite
next door to Post Office
Complete Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
v u ran find everything you need
m House Furnishings at
Great Department Stored
t iv ;
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
on Atlantic roast, unit by proximity of
Stream. Fully with every modern Improvement for the treat-
of d full of even- department.
for apparatus. Thor-
-f Turkish Russian
Ward Rates, week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
f etc. address
The President, St Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
appetite, loss of strength,
nerve constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and of the stomach are
all due to cures
Indigestion. This new discovery
the natural juices of digestion
as they in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in-
digestion but
remedy cures stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
the mucous
Health to Sick n
to Wok.
only II Sin
the Mm. which Mil for
or C. Co.,
i Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
-or Sale By
Greenville, N. C
William Fountain, fl.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
Office one door of port
. .-
Cold Comfort
what an after, and the possession of one of
our will insure sweet milk, cream and
butler, cool drinking water and dainties that
would be unattainable without the
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower we
we sell a good machine with knives at
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
One Man's
Another's Gain
Ever Offered the
This Sale Means A Great Loss To put A Great Gain To All Who
Attend This Slaying SALE
Nice Dress Gingham
Nice Gannon
yards Cannon Cloth, worth
This Sale
of This Community
White Vests
Ladies White Vests, worth and
1-2 and
Shoes Worth and
Lawns Lawns
yards of Lawn all colors, worth 121-2,
This Sale
Shoes worth and
This Sale
This Sale Gents yd.
Best Bleaching
t Bleaching worth
Turkish Towels
Turkish Towels worth to

for WK
pat me in
writes D. H. Turner of
town, P They're the beat in
the world for Liver, and
Bowels. vegetable Never
grip. Only Women's
J. A. Ala
was twice in the hospital from a
case of piles causing
tumors. After doctor-, all
remedies failed. Buck
Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation cared him. It
conquers aches kills pain.
at drug
In his speech of acceptance Mr.
Roosevelt intimates that Judge Park-
is an uncertain quality. The idea
-of Mr. that any-
body is uncertain Winston
A Sweet Breath
is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath is had
the stomach is out of order. There
is no remedy in the world equal to
indigestion, dyspepsia all
stomach disorder. Mrs. Mary S.
Plains, Ry.,
have a for
tried all kinds of remedies but con-
to grow worse. By the use
of I began to improve at
once and after taking a few
am fully restored weight, health
and can eat whatever
I what you
eat and makes the stomach sweet.
Sold by J. L. Wooten.
A Sure Thing
It is said that nothing i
except death and taxes, but this
is not altogether true. Dr. King's
Hew discovery for consumption is
a sure cure all lung and throat
trouble. Thousands can testify
to that. Mis. B. Van of
Shepherd W. Vi
hail av of Bronchitis
and for a year tried
heard of, but got no relief.
bottle of Dr. King's New
cry me ab
It's infallible for
Cough, Grip,
Consumption, it. It's
by J. L. W
Trial bottles tier.
If those who want
el the name of their new
to will compromise by
calling it Minnie Cox, all will be
well at Washington Oyster Bay.
When you go bay Witch Ha-
Salve look for the name
W on every box The pure,
adulterated Witch is axed iii
making Witch
is the best salve in
the world for barns, bruises,
boils, piles. The
due to its many cures, has
felts to be market
The beam name E
, by
J. L.
A Summer Cold
A cold is not only an-
but if relieved
will he the result
by Fall. One Minute Cur
clears the phlegm, draws oat the
heals, and
strengthens the lungs and bronchial
tubes. One Minute Cough Cure
ideal remedy fur the children
It is pleasant to the taste and per-
harmless A certain
for Croup, Cough and Cold. Sold
V J. L. Wooten.
A Perfect Painless Pill.
is the one that will cleanse the sys-
set the liver to action, remove
the bile, clear the complexion, cure
headache and leave a good taste in
the month. The famous little pills
for doing work and
effectually are DeWitt's Little
Early Bob Moore, of La-
I have used gripe and sicken,
while DeWitt's Little Early
re simply Sold by J. L.
La Drop Full Bleached Taper
Arm and Neck, Silk and Leslie Finished
Gauze Vest TEN
Hundred yards to make your
from. Boat Load Just Received.
Our entire line of Thin White Goods,
Batiste, Crepe De Chine
Special Low Prices.
Trunks and Bags and Valises. If
you are going off for the summer or
school see our line.
and Negligee all go
at the ridiculous low price of
Clothing Special Clothing Special
Severe Cut in Entire Line of Spring Summer Clothing. Thin Coat and Pants.
Mid-summer Clearance
Doz Fringed Bleached Tow-
els, Good size- Bee Hive Price
Ladies Congo Crook
las worth while they last,
Bee Hive Price
B J.-1. mm -o.
La Kid Oxfords worth
Bee Hive Price
, yards Scotch Figured
Lawns worth Bee Hive
price d
Organdy, Dimity.
, yards fine figured Organ-
and Dimity Lawns worth
121-2, Bee Hive price
yards Hamburgs,
and laces. 1-3 off
These Prices will last as long as we have the goods. Don't Wait You have to
Hurry before they are ill gone.
Bee Hive Cash Store.

Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, we are the
to supply.
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
bushels good corn just in
Five Points.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
furniture Dealer. Cain paid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Ba
Carriages, Go-Carte, Parlor
suite, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
S. M. Schultz
Yon may be poor or wealthy,
Just as your fate may be,
But if you are
Take Rocky Mountain Tea.
Drug Store.
Central Barber Shop.
Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
of the town.
Four chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
Our place is inviting, razors
our towels clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good service is wanted
Can Take a Trip With The Low
Rate Tickets on Sale via
Association of Engineers Au-
gust 1st to 6th.
Conclave of Pythias,
August 16th to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment G. A. B., August
15th to 20th.
St Louis, the Worlds
Fair. Season, Sixty day,
teen day and Coach Excursion
tickets now on sale.
Excellent Service
Convenient Schedules.
For full information as to rates, dates
of sale, limits of tickets,
schedules, etc., call on any
Ticket Agent of the A. C. L.,
or write
H. M. Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. P, A
Wilmington, N, C
Decoyed to Death.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Prints.
Williamston, N. C , Aug.
In the early part of Thursday
night, James Ed. Moor
George Dorsey. both white, and
living near Jamesville, quarreled.
Moore pulled out his pistol and
shot the ground near Dorsey's
feet. They then separated, each
going to his own home. Later,
about nine o'clock, Moore went
back to Dorsey's home with a
shot gun, concealed himself in the
bushes nearby and decoyed
Dorsey out into the yard by
throwing sticks and stones against
the house. had gone out
near the gate to see what was the
cause of the trouble when a gun
fired and the whole load
his body from his head down to
his waist-
He lived only a few minutes and
died his mother's arms. He
was about years
Moore was arrested by Sheriff
Crawford bet wee u midnight and
day Friday morning, and was
landed in at Williamston
about day that morning.
The convocation of the
pal church met at St.
John's church, near Grifton, last
week was thoroughly appreciated
and enjoyed by all who attended
it. Every service was well at
tended, and the and ad-
were excellent. One spec-
interesting address was that
of Mr. F. A. Boyle, of Jamesville,
on Sunday school work. It was
filled with sound, practicable ad-
vice based on the experience of a
life's work, and it was spoken
with an earnestness that touched
all who listened to it.
Instead of having night
dinner was spread on the
and the second service was held in
the afternoon. The pleasure of
having dinner the grounds at
St. John's can be fully
only by those who are
with the hospitality
of tie people in that community.
At the meeting of Covenant
Lodge I. O. O. F. held Tuesday
night, Mr. J. J. Cherry presented
the lodge with a lift ties portrait
of himself that was copied from
a taken of him in fall
regalia in The portrait was
presented with an
speech by Mi. D. C. Moore and
was accepted with the o
the lodge.
Yes we write our to
be read. We would not spend
our good money for
per space if they were not read
and the prices noted, and the
merchandise offered were not
Everything in the whole
stock has suffered the severest cuts. Our Mr. C. L.
Wilkinson is now in the Northern cities buying hit
Pall Stock and room must be made for
are now
To Only
Such Wash Goods selling
Is seldom seen. The wash
goods policy of this store is
shelves. All the colored
Lawns that were and
. . now
Mens Clothing reduced
per cents. We don't car-
any special line, but some
of all the leading makes.
White Shirt Waist Goods
that were and all
go our price . yd
Such price Silks, not every
day seen, all colors, in best
China Silk . yd
Black Dress Goods, must
leave the shelves, 1.00, 1.25
and our price
Fine Black Taffeta Silk
was 1.00 and now
and yd
Stock Collars, was
and now .
Ladies Shirt Waist Sets,
and now
Miles of Laces and
reduced half.
styles. BOO
summer corset 1.00 C B
Corset R G
sets Your choice in any
style of Batiste in
any make .
Ladies Vest that
were and now
Ladies and Mens Umbrellas
with steel rods, full inches,
was and now
Ladies Stock Collars,
Mens Furnishings chimed
in bargain lots.
Mens black and colored
Half now
Summer Undershirts,
kind, now . .
G. H
Madras Shirts .
bosom Negligee Shirts
was now . .
All 1.00
and 1.25, all at our price
Mens Negligee Shirts, 1.00,
1.25, 1.60 and 1.75, all at one
price .
Handkerchiefs, now
NOTICE. During this
Great Clearance sale it will
be impossible for us to cut
samples or send goods up on
approval, but money refund-
ed customers
There rs no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison
never worry quality.
Paints you need
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Marriage Licenses.
Register Deeds R, Williams
issued only one marriage
week. That was Tor Henry j
Baker and Bertha Vincent,
The total number of licenses
tuned during July was of these I
being for whiten and for
Swallowed a Fly.
A gentleman town swallowed
a fly, Sunday evening, and for
awhile was quite a sick man. It
is heat not to try to exterminate
the by swallowing them.
By of a decree of the
or court of Pitt county made in
proceeding No. 1291 entitled J.
against Lula
Stokes et the undersigned com-
missioner will sell at public auction
for cash, before the Court House
door in Greenville on Monday. Sept.
5th, the following described
lands in, township.
One piece the lands of
Sallie Smith, C. P. Smith and others,
containing acres more or less. One
other piece being all swamp land, be-
ginning at the mouth of Second
Branch, thence a straight line to the
canal in center of Indian
swamp, then up the canal to the line
of John A. Smith land, then with a
line of his to the side ditch, then
side ditch to the beginning, con-
fining forty acres, mot or lets.
Both pieces being Inherited by P. A.
Laughinghouse, from her father Ca-
Tali Ind day of August, 1904.
F. O.
and Discount
Oven a 8,380.89
Furniture Fixtures 3,618.57
Due from Banks 73,225.39
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5.828.50
Silver Coin 3,319.37
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
County of Pitt. J
I, L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge-
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 20th day of June, 1804.
Notary Public.
J. O.
n Directors
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
H. A. button is sick.
Harvey Keene left this morning
for Suffolk.
H. A. White went to
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Bland left
this for Suffolk.
Mrs. W. B. left this
morning for Portsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. H. left
morning for Suffolk.
M. A. Allen went to n
evening and returned
this morning.
Miss Carrie Gay returned Wed-
evening from a to
Misses Fleming Lil-
a iv visiting the Misses
Fleming in South Greenville.
Miss Virginia George, of New-
port News, came in Wednesday
evening to visit her lather C.
Mr and Mrs. O, T. and
little son, Charlie, Miss
and Robert Lee left Wed-
Lena Matthews returned
Wednesday evening from a visit
to Baltimore, Miss Mary Bragg
count pan led her home tor a visit
Moore left morn
for Bethel.
A. Cooper, Rapid-,
was here today.
C. D. Smith to Ayden
Thursday evening.
A. Savage from No
folk Thursday evening.
J. A. Lane returned from Par-
Miss Lizzie left th s
morning tor Nashville.
Mi-s left Than
day evening for
Miss Lillie Tucker went to Win.
Thursday evening,
of Km-
is visiting Miss Alice La u.
Miss Agnes of Eden
ton, is visiting Miss Glenn Em-hrs.
Mrs. W. A. Bo wen and child
left this morning It a visit
Scotland Neck.
Miss of Heidi-
ville, came in Thursday
to visit Mi.-s Allan.
Mrs. M. A. Allen and daughter,
Miss returned Thursday
evening from Reidsville.
Miss Emma Tucker,
who has been visiting her sister.
Mrs. W. A. Bowen, left this morn-
C Miss Sadie Perry, of Raleigh,
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. F. left this
Miss Jamie Bryan returned to-
day from Washington. Miss Eva
accompanied her home for
a visit here.
Miss Minnie of
who been visiting
Misses Carrie and Maggie Brown,
returned home Thursday.
Mrs. J. J. Laughinghouse,
Misses Martha and
Grimes returned Thursday
evening from Virginia Beach.
R. L. returned from
J. T. Harrell left this morning
fur Suffolk.
T. J. Jams Friday evening
of Richmond,
was here today.
It. L. Wyatt left this morning
for Rocky Mount.
Fred Cox returned Friday from
a trip up the road.
A. R. Forbes left this
for Virginia Beach.
G. B. Hadley of LaGrange,
came in Friday evening
B. Wilson, Jr., left Friday
evening for Morehead.
W. C. John sot. and O. D. King
to Friday.
Dr of
came in Friday waning.
J. I. returned
evening from
J. S. Norman returned Friday
evening from a up the mad.
U. C. Moore and son, David,
left this morning for Hamilton.
Mrs. A. J. and son,
left this morning for
Mrs. W. B. returned
Friday evening from Ports-
C. L. Hornaday sister. Miss
left Friday evening tor
Miss Lizzie Jones returned
Friday evening from Morehead
and Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. B.
and left this morning
Miss Gaye Johnson, of
who ban been visiting Misses Car-
and Maggie Brown, returned
home Friday
A Currituck Giant.
Mr. If, B. Forbes, of Camden
who is attending the sum-
mer school, teaching the
most ponderous country
has ever His name Is
Lewis of John
a fisherman
Ho is years old
pound-. , When he went to school
to Mi, Forbes be weighed over
pounds his mother told Mr.
pounds before he was weaned, lie
Virginia Bench, Norfolk and
other nearby place-.
He will not venture far from
afraid of an accident or
that be will get sick. Ho sleeps
an iron bedstead, and has a
Chair especially for
his use. He spends his time with
his father on the
Hill News.
Clean Up.
At this season when melon
rinds and other decaying matter
are plentiful, care should be taken
streets and lots as clean
as possible. may be
vented with proper care and
plentiful use of
Dr. H. O. Hyatt f
will be in at Hotel Ber-
on August 16th 17th
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
for the purpose of treating diseases
the eye and fitting glasses. Those
not able to pay a fee will be ex-
Busy Session of The Board of Aldermen.
The board of aldermen met in
monthly session Thursday
all the members being
Mayor W. R. Parker still be-
sick, Mayor R.
The was in session until
11.30 o'clock, and finding all
yet far from completion ad-
was had to Monday
The license tax of per year
boarding houses levied at the
former meeting, was amended so
as to apply in cases where not
more than two boarders are taken.
A complaint from
Hooker relative to damages to then
warehouse property by the widen-
of Dickinson avenue, was re-
to the street committee for
The street committee reported
that the streets were not good
as the was
waiting to work jointly, as far as
possible, with the board of inter-
It was ordered that notice be
that all of the
town be cleared of weeds and such
back lots and premises as
attention be cleaned by the 15th.
The market committee made re-
port Of of Stalls rented
in the new market, house.
The white and ed cemeteries
were both reported in fair
The lights were reported
fair condition, bin some of the
public well in had
The latter w-iv looked
alter, and an well
Oiled up.
The the railroad cut in
rear of Flanagan properly
were ordered repaired.
IT. L. presented
his additional in of
which was accepted, and
bis temporary bond
given was surrendered.
The treasurer also made Ins
monthly was ordered
C. Rountree, tax collector,
reported collections during the
past month of tit license tax-
es an. market
J. T. Smith, chief of police re-
port In and cods din-
lie past month, and J. G
assistant ice, reported
The following persons tendered
their official bonds were
accepted. J. L. Sugg, J. W
and J. N. Hart,
for each;
W. s. Atkins, dispensary manager
E. H. Foley, assistant
manager tor
License to restaurants
were granted to W. C. Hines
License to conduct a pool
billiard room was Z. V.
A communication was received
from the trustees of the graded
schools asking that a levy of
cents on each valuation tie
made for maintenance of graded
A street lamp was ordered to be
placed in front of the entrance to
the Masonic temple, the lodge to
charge of lighting same,
A communication was read from
Rough Ready Fire Company,
colored, asking for a donation to
enable them to send two
to the state association at
Wilson, was donated for
that purpose.
Accounts were allowed and
orders issued on the treasurer to
Jurors for September Term of Court.
The I loud
met in regular tension Mon-
day, 1st, all the members
present. There was little to
their attention outside of
business of allowing ac-
counts issuing the monthly
orders for paupers.
Tue following jurors were
drawn for September term of
Joseph us Jacob
Unborn, J. H. Cobb, B. F.
Crawford, E. S. Edwards, J. L-
Perkins, Joe G. Garris, S. G.
W. H. White, J. B.
J. B. Roebuck, Carson,
R. Williams, Jr E. T.
W. F. F. P.
John B. May, J. Mills, R.
H. H. J. I.
Nobles, B. E. Patrick,
Briley, Nelson, J. W. Gay,
C. E. W. E. Proctor, J.
A. Lang, Eugene Wilson, John
Noble, Jr., f. Joyner, W.
B. Bumpy, v. A. J. A.
Teal, W. E. Warren. .
The September term of court
designated for only one
wee;, a was sent to the
governor that it be made a
two weeks term.
Reported For Reflector.
Miss Minnie Tunstall gave a
very enjoyable party Thursday
night at the home of her parents
near the depot. Music and mer-
reigned to the pleasure of
all. At ice cream cake
were served on the lawn.
The following couples were in
Miss Minnie with C.
Miss of Mills,
with W. S.
Miss Josie Herring, of Snow
Hill, with A. R. Forbes.
Miss Janie Tyson with W. L.
Miss Mamie King with W. J.
Mis Mary with J. L. Car-
Miss Coward with W.
R. Parker, Jr.
Miss Jesse Leo Sugg with C. D.
Miss Mary Croons, of
wit, M. Phillip.
Miss Katie Tunstall with Dan
to Resign.
Ii is that Judge
George II. Brown, Jr., who is at
the of the
Judicial 111-11 id, undone of the
Democratic n minces for associate
justice the Supreme court, will
shortly lender hi- resignation
Governor take effect on
ST nun
It, highly bible the
hold an
nominate ., judge,
who b- elected full
trim, instead of at the expiration
of Judge Brown's term, as would
be the c if new judge were
appointed by the governor in
After the convention has mot
and picked the man the
candidates tor the honor.
Governor Aycock will doubtless
appoint the judge to
side for the period between the
date of the
1st. when he would be sworn
in after election.
Glad To See Him.
We bad the pleasure of a call
from our good friend, Mr. O. L.
Joyner, of Greenville, N. C, last
week. Mr. was In tho
city on business for his company,
the Tobacco Planters Mutual
Hail and Fire C
of which Mr. Joyner is
Mr. Joyner reports bis company
in a most condition.
He says this has been a great
for hail storms, and farmers have
been making frequent
Hail Insurance l .
more popular d
farmers everywhere are becoming
more impressed with their value
and importance. Mr. Joyner is a
tobacco dealer and
Greenville, where he does an
extensive business. He is
over the of t Farm-
Company, which he organized,
Mi. Joyner is one of the State's
most progressive in, and we are
always glad of an op port t
talk with
Carolina Club Officers.
The Carolina Club held its an-
meeting The
following officers were elected for
the ensuing
President Dr. L. James.
M. Hooker.
G. Ward.
Board of C. Ar-
W. H. D. C.
Moore, I. A. Sugg and C. W.
Primaries were held
count v Thursday to
for me
The result of the
as as
1380; Braswell
Sheriff Jenkins
Harris House Day
Cobb A second primary
will be required to nominate
son or Jenkins the leaders.
Register of 1286,
Warren Bourne
1234, Hart
1615, Lawrence 1229, Ruffin 1224,
Knight 1683, Vick
Pitt man 1567.
John H.
all run down; nothing did me
g until I got bold of
Mountain Tea. Now I am
strong and well; gained forty
pounds. cents, Tea or Tablets.
j Drug Store.

Eastern reflector, 5 August 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 05, 1904
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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