Eastern reflector, 2 August 1904

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I ,
Give Rebate
We have planed to make this
Great Sale an over
whelming success. We have
taken into due consideration
the great loss of profit which
such a sale as this means. We
take the loss wise
believing it to be the very
best kind of business sense u
clean up all summer surplus
at a loss, and do it while the evening season is at its
height. We believe this is the greatest money saving
sale we ever offered. Compare the printed offerings
with the actual merchandise, you will then be con-
that the loss is ours, the saving is yours. You
can make no mistake to investigate the goods offered.
Big Bargains in all Goods.
them for now, buy them for fall, buy them for
any season, the whole stock is at your mercy during
this sale. Sale commences
continues to 1st-
Tayloe. Chief Marshall
The election of Mr. Joseph F.
Tayloe as chief for t ti
state fair of 1904 is a deserved
recognition of the merits of a
young man and a deserved
to our sister town. The News
and Observer relative to his
Taylor is well known
throughout the state as one of its
most progressive and able
men. He has a host of friends in
eastern North Carolina, and with
his well known energy and ability
it Is certain that the social events
of the state fair will be admirably
Mr. Tayloe is not alone well
known in social life in the state,
but politically also. He was one
of the North Carolina delegates to
the National Democratic
from the first district.
In an appreciative accept-
the appointment, Mr. Tayloe
wrote the state fair officiate, saying
that he would give his most earn-
est efforts to the duties of the
position. He. says that he ex
to have at the state
marshals from the mountains to
the representing
part of the state.
The rarest combination of good
things put together l
Rocky Mountain Tea. It cares
pimples, indigestion, constipation,
rheumatism, sick headache.
cents, Tea Tablets. Wooten's
Drug Store.
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
of the town.
chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
place is inviting, razors sharp
our towels clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you to when
good service is wanted
North Carolina, o
Pitt In Superior Court
Louisa Hargrave,
vs v Summons
The defendant, Hargrave,
will take notice that an action entitled
as above has been commenced in the
Superior Court for Pitt county, for
divorce, and the defendant will take
notice that he is required to at
the Superior Court for the county of
Pitt to be held at the court house in
Greenville on the 2nd Monday after
the 1st Monday in Sept, 1904, and ans-
or demur to the complaint, a copy
of which will be deposited in the clerks
office of said court within the first
days of said term or the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de-
in the complaint.
Witness my hand and seal this
1904 D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
Such Wash Goods
is seldom seen. The wash
goods policy of this store is
clean shelves. All the colored
Lawns that were and
. . now
Mens Clothing reduced
per cents. We don't car-
any special line, but some
of all the leading makes.
White Shirt Waist Goods
that were and all
go at our price . yd
Such price Silks, not every
day seen, all colors, in best
China Silk . yd
Black Dress Goods, must
leave the shelves, 1.00, 1.26
Fine Black Silk
was 1.00 and now
and 1.05 yd
Stock Collars, was
and now .
Ladies Shirt Waist Sets,
was and now
Miles of Laces and
reduced half.
styles. BOo
summer corset 1.00 C B
Corset R ft G
sets Your choice in any
style of 1.00 Batiste et in
any make .
Ladies Vest that
were and now
Ladies and Mens Umbrellas
with steel rods, full inches,
was and now ago
Ladies Stock Collars,
Mens Furnishings chimed
in bargain lots.
Mens black and colored
Half Hose, kind, now
Summer Undershirts.
kind, now . .
G. H
Madras Shirts .
bosom Negligee Shins
was now . .
League Meeting.
A call meeting
League was held in the Methodist
church here Monday night. A large
of the bets were pres-
and business of importance
was transacted.
Among other things that were
brought before the League, was
the final report of the picnic com-
This committee recommended
that the league have a moon light
excursion down the river, which
was adopted by the league, and it
was decided that the excursion
boat leave the Old Dominion
wharf at seven o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day, July
Aug., 2nd
All Straw Bats. 1.00
and 1.25, all at our price
Mens Negligee Shirts,
1.25, and 1.75, all at one
price .
Ladies and Mens and
Handkerchiefs, now
NOTICE. During this
Great Clearance sale it will
be for us to cut
samples or send goods up on
approval, but refund-
ed to all Is tied customers
Folks Must Eat
matter how low the price
tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
. J.
Five Points.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
Loans Discount 1183,309.34
Overdrafts 3.239.39
Furniture Fixtures 3,618.57
Due from Bunks 73,226.39
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 3,319.37
Stock paid in
Profits less
Expenses Paid 12,097.92
Deposits 226,973.38
Cashier's checks out-
standing 7,014.29
County of Pitt. J
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the shove-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
Can Take a Trip With The Low
Pate Tickets Sale via
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
M, this 20th day of June,
. , .-.
J. G.
Richmond, National
Association of Engineers Au-
gust 1st to 6th.
Louisville, Biennial
Conclave Knights of Pythias,
August th to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment Q. A. R., August
15th to 20th.
St Louis, the Worlds
Fair. Season, Sixty day,
teen day and Excursion
tickets now on sale.
Excellent Service
Convenient Schedules.
For full information as to rates, dates
of sale, limits of tickets,
schedules, etc., call on any
Ticket Agent of the A. L.,
or write
H. M. W. J
T M. F. A
K. O
a White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a century
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
Ill you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality. .
trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
cart give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. Ho.
Miss Li Hie Cowan, a trained
nurse of Durham, came in this
morning to attend Tom Blow, who
has typhoid fever.
Major H. Harding and daughter
Harvey Keen went to Parmele
this morning.
O. if. King this morning i Mi-s left this morning to
the Convocation now in
session at Centerville.
for Washington.
J. of Ayden, is spend
today in town.
J. Gardner
returned from
Tarboro Wednesday.
Blow returned from
W. Perkins to
this morning.
W. M. Best went do to
on business Wednesday.
Misses Eula and Clyde Cd re.
to Ayden.
Tuesday from Morehead; City.
J. wife for
Beach this morning.
Forbes returned
Wednesday evening.
A. C Monk arrived Wednesday
evening to be here during the
W. O. Barnhill an family left
this for Va.
where will make their home.
W. P; Langston, of Wilson, who
bas been visiting Ex Sheriff Hat-
returned home this morn-
B. W. Hadley
of visiting her pa-
Wm. Blow left for Golds-
W. L. Hall returned from Scot-
d Neck Friday.
Mrs. Denmark returned
to Kinston Friday.
New Officers of the Association.
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Mrs. J. A. Hornaday,
daughter, Miss and sen,
returned Wednesday from
the southern part of the -stale.
V. L. Hornaday left this morn-
to represent Trinity Park
School at the
which is session at
Rich Square.
Mrs. Mar Lawrence returned
to Portsmouth Monday. Mrs
Emily of near Greenville,
accompanied her home.
A. r left today for Gate.
W. L. Beat returned Thursday
H. A. White wont to Bethel
this morning.
J. Tyson returned Thursday
from Hall i more.
returned Thurs-
day from
W. J. Blow, of
Miss Jennie Williams left
day for a visit to
W. Perkins returned from
Wilmington evening.
Miss Maggie Dixon, of Rocky
Mount, is visiting her sifter,
Mrs. J. W. Higgs.
M. L. Turnage, of Farm ville,
Va., has accepted a position with
the Bank of Greenville.
Miss Marie Walker, of Ports-
mouth, Va., is visiting Miss Elise
Pitt St.
T. H. Bateman left this morning
for he fill
s contract to tin some buildings
Mies Eloise who has
been visiting Miss Mary
left for her
this moral
Ex-Mayor Whedbee went to
this morning.
Misses Dora and Ethel
left Friday for Winterville.
Miss Smith returned
this morning from a visit to
E. B. Thomas came Friday
and will work at the Center Brick
Mr. and Mrs. Clarance
of are visiting
and in town.
E. G. Cox and family, of Ayden,
came over this morning and left on
the steamer for
Rev. J. H. Griffith, of Kinston,
came over this morning went
out to Farmville to preach Sunday.
D. J. Whichard, who has been
attending the State Press
at Morehead, returned this
King, who
been visiting Miss Frances Bag-
well, this morning for her
home in Raleigh.
Chas. Mr.
Robt. and Mrs. Sol. Dixon
Friday evening to spend a
days at Morehead.
Mrs. R. J. Cobb and daughter,
Hiss MUs P.
James n
left Friday evening fr Morehead.
Institute for Colored Teachers.
The Institute for th- colored
teachers of Pin Bounty will be
held in on
Monday, August the 8th. Every
colored the county h
required by law to attend this
or not lie qualified lo
teach in any county in the e
for the next twelve mouths. These
teachers will ail hereby take notice
be present at the beginning
continuous attendance is required.
W. H.
Co. Supt.
7-29 d
N. C. July
An address of unusual excel-
and ability was at
Wednesday afternoon's session of
the Press association by J. W.
Bailey, subject being
Press in a Mr.
Bailey is one of the
young men in the state, or even in
the South, and is a power in the
advancement of the State.
At night a memorial
was held, at which resolutions
wore adopted upon the death of
Robert M. late editor of
the Raleigh Post. Several
spoke tributes to
bis memory.
A full dress was held in
the Atlantic Hotel that was quite
a brilliant social affair. There
were a large number of dancers on
the floor.
Atone the ball a
reception was held in honor of
Gen. Lee. There were
a number of persons in
the receiving line with General
Lee them being
J. A Bryan, Of the A. N.
railroad and ex-Gov. Mrs. T.
J. aid Cherry,
Wednesday afternoon
had a delightful outing at the
surf and, came out cleaner and
wiser. Mr. J. J. Royal, owner of
the pavilion and bath houses on
to me association.
This the association
up its routine business again
and of interest-
the Preside t
J. A. of the A. N. C.
railroad, was introduced the
convention and invited
bets to go as his guests on a tour
of inspection of road. This
trip will be taken by special train
Friday morning.
T. i. Jarvis was also
presented to the convent on and
made n interesting brief speech
heat lily applauded.
The following officers were
place of meeting.
Morehead, July
The banquet last night tendered
the association by the A. N. C.
railroad and the Atlantic Hotel,
was an elaborate affair. There
were spreads for about one
and the menu, served in
courses, was superb.
J. A. Bran was toast master, and
there were responses from Gen.
Lee, J. Jar-
vis, H. A. London, b. F. Hilliard,
W. F. Marshall, J. W. Bailey,
Rev. J. O. Atkinson and J. H.
We never heard better after
dinner impromptu speeches.
Friday morning President Bryan
took a number of the editors an
inspection trip over the A N.
C. railroad. They found the road
in good physical condition and
saw enough to convince them of
the falsity of the charges in
application f-r a
A delightful sailing and fishing
that The Reflector
immensely given him by
Prof. L. L Hargrave and C. W.
both former Greenville
citizens now connected with a large
school at Beaufort. This courtesy
w much appreciated.
Reported Reflector.
Class of the Baptist
Sunday School entertained last
evening the class t the
delightful home of Prof. W. H.
on Avenue.
The parlors and were
brilliantly lighted and artistically
decorated with the most beautiful
flowers and everything arranged
in a manner as to insure a
most pleasant evening to all that
After listening to a few
mental selections by the
ed and most talented Miss
we were invited into the
game room where amusement was
furnished all.
Delicious refreshments were
served after which all adjourned
having expressed themselves as
having spent a most enjoyable
Reflector 28th.
Thirty-Second Annual Session at More-
City, N. C. July 27th.
North Carolina Press
met here today in its 32nd
annual session. While there are
to of he. of
the state now at Morehead,
not halt of were in
Delightful Reception.
A delightful reception was given
last night at elegant home of
Miss Francis Bagwell,
to charming guest, Miss
Sadye King, of Raleigh. Mis
King has made many friends
her stay in Greenville, and her
presence here this r has
added much to the pleasure of the
social life in our town.
The parlors and
were brilliantly lighted, and
together with the hall,
were handsomely decorated with
A number of gentlemen
present displayed their poetical
the ball when the convention ability by having given to them a
called to order, the absentee of paper, with a
flower written on u. i.
Vice Presidents -M. L. Ship-
man, K, M. Phillip- and J. O.
Secretary P.
-E. E. Hilliard.
Executive B.
J, J.
W. C. Dowd, J. A. Thomas and
W. P. Marshall.
Delegates to National Editorial
J. Whichard, W.
K. Jacobson, O. H. Pots, W. B.
T. R. T. J.
Lassiter and H. A. London. Al-
C. Martin, R. M.
Phillips, W. F. Marshall, J. A.
Robinson, M. L. J. H.
Caine and J. O. Atkinson.
H. A. London gave an interest-
reminiscent paper On the
No Dispensary For Wilmington.
In the municipal in
Wilmington yesterday under the
Watts State law, upon the
of the establishment of a dis-
in that city, and the
j operation of distilleries within the
corporate limits, the
advocates won by a majority
of As the election was the
quietest known there, the
service of the thirty extra police-1 the State Association,
men, who laid been sworn y to J. A. Robinson, J.
not needed. A Thomas and D. J. Whichard as
was no and everything
moved Order.
eluding was more Inn in go-
with Bill Bailey than
in in
matters f the The
fart is, sines Bailey got here last
night he has d me little but talk
about big he has done, and
he set about halt of the craft
crazy to and try their luck
this moraine.
The r, Live Allied to or-
at o'clock by President II.
and was offered
by P. D. I
who wan to
have deliver th of
was prevailed from lining
his foiling
to he on hand, feature was
over for the time.
new members wore re
The of President
contained some
to the association.
J. A. Robinson, historian, gave
an interesting and re-
view of events of the past of
the association's history. His-
was good.
General Lee is here
and will deliver an address tonight
Jamestown to be
held in 1907.
At the afternoon session the
address of welcome was delivered
by C. L. of Beaufort,
and responded, to by Archibald
A number of important matters
discussed at today's sessions.
R. L.
name a was mine
question of young . who
received a slip with the same
flower named. In this the
young men procured their partners
and were then invited into the
spacious dining-hall, where
refreshments were served in
the most charming manner by
Miss Smith, Mrs. J. S.
Smith and Mrs. Bagwell.
The following coupler
Miss Bessie and
Si rick land.
Stunk and S. D.
Miss Helen and A. C.
Mis- May and A R.
Miss Helen Brinkley and
Miss Sadye and J. ST.
Miss Francis Bagwell and T. A
Miss Smith and A . G.
Miss O. W.
Mrs. R. F. Betts and R. F. Betts.
The stags were Hugh d,
Vick Hornaday.
Daily Reflector 28th.
Port Arthur Captured
Shanghai, July
A telegram received here from Wei
will be in at Hotel Ber-
three patriarchs of the association on August 18th 17th.
than any others new glasses. Those
with it. .;. Let able to pay a fee will-be
Dr. of Wei confirms other
received here today from
to effect that Port Arthur bas
been captured. The
telegram says also that the British
fleet, which has been will
,. r
r n
return tomorrow . ., . a-

Dr. L.
P Greenville,
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, Grain and
one. Private Wires to New York
Chicago and New
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
Not Quite I
Bow often you can get a
thing C
nail or screw driven or an-
Bare a i.
to box ; in; i preps so fop K
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we your
box does not a single k
article. a
Hie People The Money
i a I
It t make l
Id Las been
OW and that the share of the United
States in the discoveries amounts to I
the people of the
United States decided twice- that
wanted the gold standard. The
people eliminated that issue them-
selves and no Democratic convention
was going to he guilty of the folly
for a third time of attempting to
make a-closed incident an issue in a
campaign in which there was not
even a little hit pf ice for it to cut.
Wilmington Star.
The pill that will, will fill the bill,
Without a gripe.
To cleanse the liver, without a
Take One at
Little early Risers are
small, easy easy and gentle
in effect, yet they ho certain in
results that no one who uses
is For quick relief
biliousness, sick headache,
torpid liver, jaundice, dizziness
and all troubles arising from an
inactive, sluggish liver, Early Bis.
are at Wool-
en's Drug Store.
Files Upon Top of Piles
Piles upon top of piles of people
have the Piles, and Witch
Hazel Salve cures There
are many different kinds of Piles,
hut if you get the genuine and or
Witch Hazel Salve made by
E. C. DeWitt of a
cure is certain. H. a. Tisdale,
of S. C, says had
Piles years and DeWitt's
cured me after every thing else
Sold at Ding
We give you not only the best you can buy, but the money
paid can buy. Quality value combined argue for your patronage
This is an agreeable sort of
Store to patronize. You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your best
studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the
chase is completed there's not
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect. Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want vests, some don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible varietY of fabrics
for selection.
.- .-
; MAW i.
. Course
You et Harness,
M Goods,
Horace And Mrs. Stanton.
There was once a passage at arms
between Elizabeth the
eminent woman suffragist and
ace Greater, on the occasion of a die
by the hornier on the right
women to the ballot. In the midst
of her talk, Greeley in
hi high pitched, falsetto
would you do in time
war if you had the
This d like a r; bat the
lady had been before t
long to disconcerted by an
. .; and she promptly
what yon done
at homo and
Mens Three Piece Suits to
Mens Two Piece Suits to
Nice Line Youths Clothing to
L. leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
at a. in. for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchant-
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washing-ton, N. f,.
J. J.
a Comet
In sky comes
th-. star of health
to the weak and
famous remedy weary
, s t a o h
, troubles and
that which it
Is unable to do for
Itself, even if but
or overburdens ;.
supplies the natural
Juices of digestion and
does the work of the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
Indigestion, flatulence,
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
purifying and
strengthening the glands,
membranes of the
and digestive organ.
V Cars at Last Obtained, After
u ft arch In Investigation,
by it. Louis Interest.
A months ago the attention of a
few gen-
I . . Louis was directed to an
II tin method if
most all diseases, tuber-
Out I cam,
and 21- have shown such
shuts question of a few week.
astonishing have been the results
lures in cases pronounced
able by all old methods
has been and Is
prepared furnish at a normal coat
i all
One of Its chief features la
at pa an remain St borne,
and s, and
In a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
I their daily
and still become completely cured.
Patients the same treat-
meat hero in St. Louis have complete-
recovered its rapidly as those in
Colorado. New Mexico and
The wonderful results in
been by the
and the company which controls this
marvelous rue,
their main office at North Seventh
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory Easton avenue and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. The cure will be known as
the Lung and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of the
inhalants which are used, will person
ally have charge of the of the
company. Mr. will personally
meet all who call at the office of the
on Seventh street, will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
St. Mo,
id t
in i m
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid -up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will lie reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
Ire living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
A alter second No Restrictions.
Dividends arc payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
The On y Way
To get
on V
. i
Is send it to

m .
ii I
IT C., ,
Exam has been to Saratoga.
Mrs. L. M. Peden is at More-
roller wash board is
it is a
and is destined to take the
lead, try one, is to buy one,
to bay one, is to never be
without one
den Milling Mfg. Co ,
N. C.
The best recommendations can
be famished tor By rum Hog
Chaser. Write or send to J. H.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and aide lights at
-J. K. Smith Bro.
When yon need a nice, light,
pole, U t your baggy or
carriage. Ceil on and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden. N. C.
H. J. Corbitt has visiting
The ladies out
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
burg Cannon and
for Daily
we take
great pleasure In receiving sub-
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We hare a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for printing.
W. Smith Was in Greenville
W. Co., will sell
up-to-date suit of clothes
mighty t
Regular prayer services
night, . All invited.
the finest line of lawns
did see at W. M. Ed-
have cut the all our
goods a
W. Co.
W. M. towards
-eyes bewitching lips sweetly
raises a window and
from contused
t Mia to
soon forget. I
Remember you can. lawns,
r piques and
, to
, J. Bro.
nil Call our and ham-
J. R. Smith ft
i., bleach lug and gingham
In town. Their customers tell
bet it
if you peed anything in the way
i of Crockery, Tin
-Hate -ft- i
or made. Best refer-
. . i
ii I wish my friends that
a Very of millinery
and I know that my Tessie
and kid belts
. a
all, Mrs J. A. Davis.
i Rev. will preach U
the night.
live in Ayden than with his
Idle He is i an old
student, of she
J. M. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Julian Stokes, of Gold
here a visit.
Just received spring suit cloth-
for J. J-
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Go's.
Point, is E. ft Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
First Class hand made brick, by
in the enlargement of
do well to see Hart Bro,.
We am a fair patent
the wholesale and retail large, shafts, black hickory singletrees,
If it doesn't give yon absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F.
For peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, ac, apply to E. E.
ft Go.
Cannon Tyson wish to call
special attention to land plaster
We carry a splendid assortment
of body carpets in various
styles and patterns, which make
excellent hail rugs, at a normal
cost. Ladies are cordially invited
to call and see them.
Ayden Milling ft Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
R. F. Johnson and f. A.
kins hare been to Grifton.
Cotton seed halls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Gannon
Cannon ft Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the beat.
salt for stock, at J. ft
Smith ft Bro.
E. E. ft Co. will do all thy
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
MUs Bessie Carson, of Washing-
ton, after spending a very
visit with Misses Jimmie and
Arab Davis, has returned to
home. . ;
We call special attention to oar
new line of Tan and Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon ft Tyson.
If you are in need of a nice pair
for Royal at
Hart Jenkins. . .
Misses Eula and Clyde Co
went to Greenville Wednesday.
W. E. Jackson Go., are offer-
for the next days their en-1
tire stock of summer goods at great-1
reduced prices. Note these
Pants that were 3.00;
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
Lorena and Lizzie Dixon
accompanied by their
M Gladys Sutton, and Master
Sutton, of LaGrange, spent
Wednesday in Winter rill.
Hart Cypress Shingles
sale by ft
per day, depot West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B. F. Early, proprietor.
We bear the young men the
cheapest and best fitting clothing
is sold by ft Tyson.
Mrs. J T. Jr., left
Tuesday to be away
weeks visiting in Kinston,
and Morehead.
Just another lot of boys
and clothing at W. M.
Why suffer intense head-
ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
when you can
el by pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Ayden, N. C. weak
yes, in need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will work wonders.
Joseph us Cox, a prominent
merchant of Winterville has been
a visitor in our town this week.
His was a face
J, R. Smith says bus firm has a
pair of shoes for every body. They
come by car loads.
You will find a complete line of
light weight M
ft On,
Another lot of ladies 11.50 Ox-
fords for at W. M. Ed-
wards Co.
family of C. L. Tyson left
this morning to Meggie Smith
who has fever at his
near Beaver Duo.
Our stock of is wide,
arise, nice cheap, J. R.
k Bro.
By nun Hog Chafer for Cholera
to cure if used
and given or it
will cost nothing. For sale by J.
2.50 and ate now j N. C.
and 1.75. Shirts that Mrs. of Timothy,
are now visiting the family of J. R.
each. A few of
both low and cuts at your spring
your own Lawns, you want
goods and all at almost j for
2-3 their value. Conic and see. Ca a bar
rel of Columbia better
to be had anywhere.
Miss of Kin-
Harrison ready mixed paints
oil J.
pair double, fold- is her J.
bed at J.
Smith Bro. j Come to w s when you
Ben Nunn and Kinston sounds to buy Independent Manufactured
natural. Rot it be so long., we Trust
Do you want to know how it. g, H J-
feel, to yourself Two more brick store
See W. E. Hooks complete. West Railroad
is on the constant improve.
find out.
At the close of business June 9th,
Loans and Discounts, f
f l
Furniture and Fixtures ,
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash Items,
Silver Coin, MUM
ash bows, No.
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and
skilled mechanics. We use
tine's 1st class varnish, hence we
to make the neatest
and most durable buggy in Eastern
N. C, Ayden Milling Mfg Co.,
Ayden, X. C.
Herbert Edmondson. of Gold
Point, after several has
gone home.
The new soda fountain of M. M
Sauls ill be a daisy, so he in-
forms to, as also his new drug
store when complete.
Corn, hay oats, at J. R.
Smith ft
There seems to be no cessation to
the number of buggies daily run
out by the Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Employing only skilled labor
allowing no shoddy goods to leave
factory we are not surprised
at the result and that too when
they pay their workman prices in
conformity with their labor.
Naturally good and rood alone
redound to the credit of such
a firm. Proper appreciation all
around is generally recognized
has been visiting Mrs.
J. M. Dixon.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R. S ft Bro.
We want your hams chickens
and egg-. J. R. Smith ft Bro.
A new lot of men's
just received at W, M. Ed-
wards ft Cob.
Misses Bessie Emma
have returned from a visit in
Greene county.
N w we have plenty of the
wagon and cart
wheels will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Milling ft Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C
We told that
keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture town
Chris Moore and wife, of the
Timothy were here shop-
ping this week.
Just another case of
men's at W. M. Ed-
wards Go's.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson machines Only
at W. M. Co.
Mis. Willie Stanley, of
was the guest of Mrs,
George , Worthington ft Bro
y work in this line
a specialty. Work
Hog Chaser has
on the market for fourteen years
It is guaranteed used
to cure cholera refunded.
Write or send to Dr. B. T- Cox,
Miss Meta of Kin-
Stan, is spending the week with
Miss Helen
Mason Jars sad
Rubbers at J. R. Smith ft Bro.
i Large stock of
, of suits, steads,
bitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, felt and cotton at J. R.
Smith ft Bro.
Elder of the Free Will
of Fortress Monroe, was here yes-
shaking hands.
J. L Smith and
Pattie, of Maple Cypress, have
been visiting here.
Miss Bath.
was the guest of Misses Mattie
and Sunday.
been visiting Miss Blanch Cannon
Everett has the plan and
for building a hand-
some residence for J. T. Smith, Sr.
Mrs. Evelyn Cox and Mrs. M.
G. Bryan, of spent
Wednesday night with Mrs. C. A.
I take this method of informing
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements in order to
sell. My. line of pants cannot be
excelled, and the Edwin
shoe which I handle exclusively is
net surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and when I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
other line of goods I know I shall
be able to please you and you,
Life is probably the most oncer
thing in the world. You have
it how long No one
knows. of the most certain
things in the world is a good life
insurance policy. See W. E.
Hooks and get one immediately.
John H. Was
all rundown; me any
good until I got bold of
Rocky in Tea. Nov lam
and well; gained forty
pounds. cents, Tea or Tablets.
Wooten's Drag Store.
at out
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
expanses, ;.
Dividends unpaid Baptist church preached in the
., , ,
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Block, Rest Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Demand of
. .
Disciple church here Tuesday
big stock of Richmond cook
and heating stoves and repairs for
m J. R. Smith
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Sty Hair
Shaving and

. I. Ill
. i mm
Exam has been to Saratoga.
Mrs. L, M. Peden is at More-
Oar wash board is a
it is a
and is destined to take the
lead, to try one, is. to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
The best recommendations can
be furnished tor By rum's Bog
Write or send to J. H.
Ayden, N.
Lime, plastering hair,
-doors, blinds and aide lights
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your baggy or
carriage. Gall as and make a
selection. Ayden Billing
Co, Ayden. N. C.
H. J. Corbitt has been visiting
J. M. B OW. Manager and Authorized Agent.
Julian Stokes, of Gold
here a visit.
Just received spring suit cloth-
for J. J.
Fancy candles, oranges, apples
and at B. E. a Go's.
Point, is.; Go to E. E. A Go's near
beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
First Class baud made brick,
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction dealer Will
pay you for returning it.
K. F. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden, N. C
For peaches, apples, corn
ac, apply toE. B.
ft On.
Cannon and Tyson wish to call
special attention to land plaster
The ladies found out
to go when they need the finest We carry a splendid assortment
of body carpet i in various
styles and patterns,
excellent hall rugs
quality dress goods, lace,
Cab boo and
great pleasure in receiving sub-
at a normal
desiring work
in enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
We use a fair patent
the wholesale and retail large j shafts, black hickory singletree
agent for Daily cost. Ladies cordially invited
to call see them.
Ayden Milling ft Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
willing receipts for
those arrears. We have a list
of all who receive mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
W. Smith was in Greenville
Edwards Co., will sell
suit of clothes
prayer meeting, services
an the Baptist church next Wed-
All invited.
f of lawns
f Bo J
We have cut the all our
white goods , buy a
when-a-pretty, sweet--and
eyes bewitching sweetly
raise a window and
from contused
kits to
the, how
Mi shall not
k soon forget.
you can find lawns,
nicker z Is, piques and
numerous to
at J, It. Bro.
nit k Call -and- ham-
. J. R. Smith
keep mot line of
and gingham
d town. I Their customers tell me
,;, If you weed anything in the way
. -of Tin or Grey stone
-1 to -Hr
or made. Best refer.
Bros., Ayden,
my friends that
I keep a very nice line of millinery
goods, And I know that my Tessie
,. new belts
will please you all. Give mo a
all, Mrs. J. A. j
i G. will preach k t
the Seminary next Thursday night.
B. F. Johnson and . A. Jen-
kins have been to Grifton.
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
and Tyson.
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, best.
salt for stock, at J; ft
Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all thy
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Carson, of Washing-
ton, after spending a very pleas-
ant visit Misses Jimmie and
Arab Davis, has returned to her
home. . ; ,.
We call special attention to our
new line of Tan and Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon ft Tyson.
If you are in need of a nice pair
of call for at
Hart ft Jenkins.
Misses Eula and Clyde
went to Greenville Wednesday.
W. E. Jackson Go,, are offer-
for next days their en-
tire clock of summer goods great- to cure if used in
reduced prices. Note , or r
that were 3.00; sale by J.
2.50 and ate now N. G.
and 1.75. that were Mrs. Melissa Bills, of Timothy,
she family of J. B.
few. pair of shoes
both low and cuts at Carry your
your own figures. white y. Coif you want
goods and all at almost j for
2-3 their value. Come see. for a bar
ready mi paints, j f Floury none better
oil and at J. R. to be had anywhere.
A Bro.
pair double, single fold- is visaing her brother,
bed at J. B.
Smith Bro. Come M when you
Kinston sounds to buy
natural. But it won't be so long. we handle Trust
Do you want to know how it Hart ft Jenkins,
feels to think more of Two more brick stores
Hooks complete. Wt
. . . -i , , , in on the improve,
find out.
, he rather
live in Ayden
. bit daddy. He is an
P. O. Building, Ayden.
N. C.-a
At the of business June 9th, 1904.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash
Silver Coin,
National and
No, i
chine buffed leather, an put to-
by practical and
skilled mechanics. We use
tine's 1st class varnish, hence we
to make the neatest
and most durable buggy in Eastern
N. C., Ayden Milling ft Mfg Co.,
Ayden, S. C.
Herbert Edmondson. of Gold
Point, after several has
gone home.
The soda fountain of M. M
Sauls will be a so he in-
forms t, a also his new drug
store when complete.
hay oats, at J. E.
There seems to be no cessation to
the Dumber of daily run
out by the Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Employing only skilled labor
allowing no shoddy goods to leave
factory we are not surprised
at the result and ; hat too
they pay their workman prices
conformity with their labor.
Naturally good and alone
to the credit of such
a firm. Proper appreciation all
around is generally recognized
has been visiting Mrs,
J. M. Dixon.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. B. ft Bro.
We want your hams chickens
egg-. J. Smith Bro.
A new lot of men's
just received at W. M. Ed-
wards Cola. .
Bessie and Emma
have returned from a visit in
Greene county.
we have plenty the
wagon and cart
wheels will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C
We e told that
Tyson keeps the best aDd most
complete line of furniture town
Chris Moore and wife, of the
section were here shop-
ping this week.
Just another of
men's at W. M. Ed-
wards Go's.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
machines for only
W at W. M. ft Co.
Mis. Willie Stanley,
the guest of Mrs,
George , Worthington ft Bro
work in this line
a specialty. Work
Hug Chaser has
on the market for fourteen years
It is guaranteed if used before sir k
to cure cholera or money refunded.
or end to Dr. B. T. Cox,
. C.
Miss Meta of Kin-
Stan, is spending the week with
Miss Helen
Jars and
at J. B. Smith A. Bro.
Large stock of
of suits, steads,
LIABILITIES, . and bitting chairs, mattresses,
Capital stock paid in, straw, felt and cotton at J. B.
Undivided Smith ft Bro.
expenses, ;. Eider of the Free Will
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
Misses and Lizzie Dixon
accompanied by their
M Gladys Button, and Master
Clifton Sutton, of LaGrange, spent
Wednesday in
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by ft Tyson.
per day, depot West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B. F. Early,
We hear the young men say
cheapest and best fitting clothing
is sold by Tyson.
Mrs. J Jr., left
Tuesday evening to be away
weeks visiting in Kinston,
and Morehead.
Just re- another lot of boys
and clothing at W. M.
Why suffer intense head-
ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
when you can
ed by pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad
late Ayden, N. C. weak
yes, need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will work wonders.
Josephus Cox, a prominent
merchant of has been
a visitor in town this week.
His was a familiar face.
X B. Smith says his farm has a
pair of shoes for every body.
come by car load-.
You will find a complete line of
weight oats M
wards ft C.
Another lot of ladies Ox-
fords for at W. M. Ed-
wards ft Co.
family of C. L. Tyson left
this to see Meggie Smith
who has fever at his home
near Beaver
stock of is wide,
nice and cheap, J. B.
flog Chafer for Cholera
at Monroe, was here yes-
shaking hands.
daughter, Mica
Pattie, of Cypress, have
been friend- here.
Miss pf
was guest of Misses Mattie
and Sunday.
been visiting Mis Blanch Cannon
Everett has plan and
for building a hand-
J. T. Smith, Sr.
Mrs. Evelyn Cox and Mrs. M.
G. Bryan, of spent
Wednesday night with Mrs. C. A.
I take this method of informing
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements in order to
sell. My. line of cannot be
excelled, and Edwin
shoe which I exclusively is
not surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and when I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
other line of goods I know I shall
be able to please you and cell you.
Life is probably the most
thing in the world, You have
it how long No one
knows. One of most certain
things in the world is a good life
insurance policy. See W. E.
Hooks and get one immediately.
Miss Maggie of
John H. Was
all rundown; did me any
until T bold of Hollister's
Rocky Tea. Now I am
strong and wall; gained forty
pounds. cents, Tea or Tablets.
Drug Store.
Dividends unpaid
Demand certificates of
Baptist church preached in the
Disciple church here Tuesday
A stock of cook
and heating stoves and repairs for
is at J. B. Smith ft
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Block, Beat Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Latest Styles Hair
Shaving and

U. J.
ff rT f
in post office a Greenville, N. C. as second ct
Advertising rates . .
A corresponded desired post in and counties.
was h
froth i to fiction
Pitt N. C, 1904.
Now that Wilmington has
ed it, let it
The Republicans seem to fear
that they will be pressed for time. ,
It seems to take more
for people near the sea than it
for those who live further up.
With Mr. as
National chairman, and
Mr. F. M. Simmons State
we feel more and more confident.
Mr. J. C. of
has been added t the staff of
Mr. is
i bright and we predict
for great -emcees.
and on Hastings, in Che stores; at
clarion call to arms was ring
in clear tones from the lips of
statesmen, orators and business men,
our political institutions
and we were in
f of being by an
it; was heard
the unanimous re-election
of Senator F. M. Simmons as the
State of the Democratic
party comes renewed confide and
The Legislature of Georgia has
increased the Governor's salary to
per year. No doubt there
are other Governors who
saying do then
is beginning to be evident to
supporters of Mr. Roosevelt that
the Democratic candidate not only
has the support of hi but has
the support of
dent as York Times.
With such news as this confront-
them, no wonder the followers
of Toddy have to have a pill for
prostration before they
their mail.
Regardless of the fact we
Line u dispensary, several
lings are going up our town, and
a. number of shops and stores are be-
built and repaired.
U . A .
The names of many of
women certainly can
not be spelled by sound. The use
of many vowels i demanded, but
we frequently don't know just which,
one to use.
There is no use in kicking on the
election of a to
in a college society if lie deserves
it, especially if the students . have
been eating, sleeping and drinking
with the Tux Baby for several years.
The editor of D.
J. d has returned from the
State Press Association which
has been in session at Morehead
With this issue of The
of Col. Alfred Moore,
He west up and down in
the state and men listened to this
because he was afire with zeal
and the name of freedom.
, North Carolina is heard
i the cry of temperance. From the
cloud capped mountain of the west,
to washed shores of the
east, is heard the clarion call for
men to rise up in die strength
their God-given love for the good
and the pure and to hurl from our
fair state this curse that makes
beasts of men and robs home of its
purity and glory. And men are
At Wilmington where the call was
heard we have-another view. Be-
hold the once manly and noble Col.
Alfred Moore Waddell. This time
he more gray hairs about
his brow, and his years have in-
creased, and his is beginning
to bow under the weight of years
But his voice this time is not raised
in the name of liberty to free frail
of New York
Views on some of
questions then and now agitating
public mind. Hon. W. J.
No joking, it high that
,. of the town were
being paved. A ride from the
Oars Line-depot up Dickinson Ave-
and to the Post
office will convince the most
that the step for us to take
is to pave these streets. ., m
be done at
an and hi. follower, bitterly
fed against this and painful .
affirmed as, mm th
m need p,.
F. If. will retire from the
editorial field and is no longer sinful man from drink.
fur the editorials of The
Simmons has notified
Rollins that the State
The political campaign of Committee of the Demo-
was opened July by
home, Hill. In
of one hundred and live j
persons, including j
party has provided for joint
between the Democratic
and Republican candidates in the
It has been given out that the
revived and
candidate, Mr. Harris,
for the Stales.
The two speeches, -f no-
by speaker and
that of by its
were; very good,
ever we a. rather
tone feel confident
that democrats can read
out being warped in their belief-.
or re-
was not going to meet the Democratic
candid lie, Mr. Glenn, but the Ash-
ville Citizen says;
Charles J. Harris,
candidate for governor
Carolina, will canvass the State.
statement was made to the
Citizen by Mr. Harris, is here
for a few j .
had been the current
that Mr. Harris, who nut
find much occasion to make- public
political talks, would not take the
his hand to the will not
shirk any of the
date. He will about Sept make
a six tour in eastern
and occupy the time with ad-
dresses to the He be
accompanied by Hon. Thomas Settle
and others. know say.
Mr. Simmons
chairman, Mr. G.
Lamb, of Williamston, stated that
since he had been a member q the
committee no distinguished
man bad been more responsive to
I the on ; that
-none bad bean more courageous nor
tact and than that while Mr. makes no
the retiring This is the I pretensions to political
record of a great J
. ,, , , , , , a thinker unquestioned
will makes
the and who,
lead it to victory this understand that Mr.
Together with this, the reelection Harris has been careful to put Ms
of Mr. J, at secretary of J hand to the doesn't
the committee is gratify appear to be one that will drag him
During his term posit-1 before Captain Glenn. However,
on, has shown himself a he may bear in mind that wherever
most for; this he Captain
With men as these., in charge,
we expect, greater things than ever
will also o deep into the sett and
cause it forth abundant
in saw
The aged veteran stands out tie
avowed champion of that which blots
civilization and damns the souls of
men. rings out before
blood-shot eyes and bleared faces
and he defends that which curses
In the first instance he will be
called a hero, a champion of liberty.
In this last instance what will
clean honest men call him. And in
his championship of saloons, what
will his posterity find of which to
be proud. This is the tragedy it.
A new town has recently been laid
out the Southern railroad in Mis-
and named after
the governor. This name was for-
warded to the post office authorities
at Washington, and application
its confirmation as the pro-
per name of the i
This has been refused
surrounding attribute the
refusal to the fact that is
objectionable to the president and to
The stirred Op, and if
the refusal is persisted in a
Washington to know
why they-can their chief
The the business
their of
trouble in and use this
means to vindicate their wrath
Governor If the. name
doubt it would have met the
of the officials of the
department, and would have been
However, the Mississippi
are. pot going to swallow the Black
pill no matter how many are
cut by the j and
the chief magistrate of the
name would come
before the St. Louis convention,
should speak, and speak plainly and
clearly on all the great questions of
th e day, spite of their protest
their smiles and their tears the
was maintained up to the hour
of the judge's
No it is conceded by all brave
and liberal minded men that the
c pursued by Judge Parker
was the safest and wisest course he
could have and that he had
a perfect right to keep his mouth
Then after the great convention
met, appointed a platform committee,
and that committee held several
meetings, carefully considered all
questions of interest, formulated a
platform and submitted it to the
convention, where it was discussed
at some length by the thousand
sturdy of the great
democratic party, and adopted by an
overwhelming majority, and after
the same great convention had
Judge Parker on the first
lot for president of the United States
the judge immediately broke his
long and painful silence by sending
a ringing message by wire to the
boys, his views on one great
question upon which the convention
had maintained as profound a silence
as that complained of in Judge Par-
This conduct on the part of
the great New York jurist was
severely at the time, but
now it is generally conceded by
friend and foe that this was the
wisest move that could possibly have
been made, and that the judge had
a perfect right to make the move.
And it Judge Parker could have been
content to stop with this he would
have stood before the American
people as an ideal candidate for the
highest position in the world today-
But now Judge Parker
ed with a very serious offense. Ac-
cording to a report going the round
of the press his horse broke out of
his stable one night recently, and
in his effort to get him back into the
to the published
report, Judge Parker, the wise states-
man, the learned jurist, the superb
nominee for president of the United
States, actually used a
of it pen of
of Pitt county, of North Carolina,
of the United States, used
lantern Let Judge Parker main-
silence if he wishes, it is his
let hint his mind on the
question if he wishes, that is
his-right, but we draw the line at
the use his
horse in the he must folly
explain this unfortunate matter or
resign his candidacy. It is a serious
A large number of
are now on the
Greenville market.
When we consider the size of our
town, the amount of done
here, and the and zeal of our
people, we are surprised, that so
many f n, their
present condition.
Then let us get together and
make our streets compare with some
of the elegant homes built on them.
Deadly Bomb.
At tea o'clock Friday
M. Von the Russian Min-
of the Interior, was
at St. Petersburg by bomb
thrown at his carriage while, he
was driving to the station
to take a train for . the palace at
where be to have
made his weekly report to the Em-
The assassination, it is believed,
is the outcome of a. wide-spread
plot, the of which has
been suspected several days. Nu
arrests have been made,
among them that of the assassin,
a young man who is believed to be
a also an
eat lino, whose name is
known bas been Arrested,
in his a bomb which
he tried to throw, bat Was
from doing m by police.
WORD that word
refers to Air. Liver Pills and
ANY of these and Many others
Take No Substitute.
Notice id
Having duly, qualified before
the Superior of Pitt
county as last will and testament
of W. W. no-
tic is hereby given to ail
indebted to the estate to. make
mediate to the under
signed, and
the are
to present
meet on or before the 18th day
or this notice will be
in bar of recovery
This of 1901.
Executor Of W. W. ticker.
At a meeting of the
Executive of First
District held in Ply-
on the 14th day of July,
it ordered that a Demo-
lie held in the
town of Wednesday
the day of at
P, M. for of
nominating candidate for
tentative to Congress from said
and a,. Presidential
elector, sod for snob other
as properly
The the several
the, die-
will take notice accordingly
and delegate to such
By the
i fl.
Tiffs to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
V. C, July
Miss left
morning for
prices for eggs end c
Bearding J.
Cox. Board day. Best
in town.--------
. See Co. for any
s I
Latest styles and very cheap
See those nice shirts,, at H. J. U. L. Johnson's.
wire fence at an extremely low
made the
they aM all of
their business and
will nave to build extra room or
This is a good opportunity tor a
farmer to make big fence his
farm cheap. A if; for
a lot of
-wire can be
N. O
T. N.
for jars per doz.
to to vie it Mrs. S.
nave reopened my
barber shop if, the store formerly
by and
Try a barrel of Columbia fl
All kinds of soft cool and
refreshing. H. L. Johnson.
T. N. Manning Go. are carry-
will cure
diseases of the hf art in any state.
Fruit jar -fat ,
Roan Cooper with his factory
seems to be
either at factory or store. Our
vi. .
Winterville Mfg. Co.
lam furnish
I Md lite Chap-
man and have
to Nannie
t wish --notify
See L. Johnson for heavy and
light groceries,
I Kate and Cap at your
own price at A. W. and Co.
For nice shoes and to
A. W. and save
A. W. Ange Co,
prices for eggs and sells goods
Winterville MTg Co. are
building a nice lot of pews for
church hear
It ix a big contract and they are
-pains to make it a tip
top job.
whipped to a lot of their
improved school desks. They are
and up to date. Schools r
desiring a lot of desks
with them Their
prices are at the bottom
carry a complete e heavy.
fancy groceries, prices tight.
Fruit both and half
selling them
cheap Harrington A Co
every pots, Wash and
day at my mill one mile sooth of
Frog Level Sam
those i at L.
A well selected variety of
sundries a full -Hock of
. If you are nut a. patron, of seed store.
peas a
is a, splendid assortment
ofT. W. Wood Sou's., garden
. A. Kittrell and
tore come get with
as, our stock and
S. T. Vex A Bro.
a Co., have
for sale
a shipment of seed Bye. in
-4 few day. See them before but-
Try R. O. Chapman and
White wig vinegar for pickling.
It is splendid.
while present stock lasts. John
loaf of bread.
If In need of a good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
If you want ice lemons
fail to get them from Kittrell
Mrs. Evelyn Cox, Miss
line Cox, Mr. and John D,
. Cox went to St.
this morning
Fob horse power
. boiler and one horse power en-
See or write A. O. Co.,
Winterville. N. U
See those nice pants and skirts
at A. Co.
Kittrell have just re-
assortment of cutlery
One broke,
mole for ale, for
a good horse that
N. C
j use another
to factory,
management of their
man, this department of
preserving crockery and
glass ware tin wood and
Doctor. Folks Who Know
. How to Bo
the doctor,
a patient of e. Next to no
patients at all the greatest trial for
A doctor is to have a lot of green
hands under treatment. Experience
counts in taking in
ti.-o. like a
who falls a disease
and dot heavily. He is
more amenable to instructions than
a person who u draining his first
draft at the medical fount.
new recruit to the of
the ill is afraid of many things.
eye is untrained and hand
steady. Ha exaggerate danger at
every point, lie mar get the spoon
too full or not -full enough; lie may I
pour out a drop too or a
too many. In his
out one sure
horn of the dilemma and that is to
take no medicine all. He is
many ways, lie stays
indoors when he should go out, and
In- out when he should stay in.
old stager who has
ed himself with medicine until his
i i .-
We have a line of Sum-
mer Underwear.
It's this way about Under-
it doesn't fit its never
comfortable.-, J
much it costs.
. .
Here are f reach
French Mesh Under-
wear, Cotton,
Note tie of the
wet as-
and of the fabric.
They're made to fit, to be
cool, to wear well.
We are showing all sizes
for short men and tall men
slim men and men,, .
b- hem
growing and at present the out k pores ooze oils and tonics is the
to be more than j ow who. to the
ever before. the He knoB
We have on band a few Breech
A u
A s n.
Tasteless said.
Taste as good as
u i . I, . I visiting list made up of persons
f f be ;
Winterville, N. C. 3-22
is for, he takes it faithfully,
scientifically end even joyfully. He
watches his symptoms and the
. feet of drugs. , He knows all
about his tongue, his temperature
and his pulse, and can determine for
himself whether one pellet or
proper dose. That self analysis
saves the doctor a lot of
Hence doctor's partiality a
Main Winterville. N. C
The New
f i isl
. .- lag
Right at the
We will he in -load
the best advantage of the farmer.
With plenty of room, perfect lights, ample cap-
ital and a competent force, Old
not going to
prices. be
hold it. Opening bale will be
Mr. B. T. for us this
season. He is one of the best in the state Come
with your go
bf d I
i -8. SPAIN
a n

look on
gut torn war-y
mm jitter
J. Proctor Bros
A Ch of Working Girls.
about a city of j
girls, there is no city
and not
world that for its size can
you want
furniture go
goods tar
tor. table
farm, ire
Oar mil a
in full
children spent Saturday night
Sunday with
i son, Mica , . remarked A. j MUs spent
Foster, to a of traveling Monday with
who were discussing the subject of j friends over
employment. attended the
suffragist could make Friday
Mr and Mr. J. T. Nelson spent
with Mrs.
fly a newspaper
build a house, who
and that . number
took .
J , e j C. and B. B.
Add th,. to the ma W T ,
with their
and will Mr. and Mrs. John
id ate These girls em- returned home Sunday.
Pared to fin n. in the cornet and underwear
lumber, and. do all which are by
f turned work th. largest hi the world. They
boas m Mary vat to
. m j;
OR. H. i. CRIMES. G,
K, C.
next door to Post
E. D.
went to Greenville
do general i of W V
and u
f . f. streets in the
N. C.
Dry Goods, Fancy
and Cigar. The
only Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks Hot Peanut
every day.
Greenville today.
Jasper of Saratoga
re so crowded with these Friday night with
girls ho promenade up and down ,
Main street that mere man sinks in-
to Ex.
We Pay Highest Prices for Colt,
Cotton seed and Produce.
N. C,
wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
whether it is some-
en, something to
ear. article for the
farm, yon can be
supplied. Highest paid
cotton, produce
anything the farmer sells.
Miss Annie
Tuesday and Wednesday
Notice to Creditor.
i Having qualified Mrs, Malone Tucker spent Sun-
the C Clerk of Pitt her
will and . m LI
of W. w. Ticker, no-1
it hereby lo all i
indebted to the estate to make Prompt treatment of a slight
to the will often
signed, . I vent The
claims hi iii the known Remedy is Dr. Beth Ar
i tied to the Balsam.
o-i -r the day J L. it to ire
j July, or notice be satisfaction. s
plead l r of j ,
This 18th day of
W. K.
Ex. of W. W.
of me First
. District held in Ply-
at f July,
t km H ,
some of
to anyone.
family he provided lift a, , h ,,,
War anted by J. I,.
Good, Fresh Groceries
A . I
If you do to see us, We keep every-
In the grocery line e t to
at the Lowest
, i.
Great Department Store
eon i
in the
town of .
17th of August,
P. M. for the
h candidate
f in from aid
district and for Presidential
mid other
Hum come before.
The I
will take
i in h
tin ii. By ml.-r of the
W. B.
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, K; C.
We th very and Cheese He
can buy on Always fresh
and Fancy and Heavy Groceries of
all Kinds.
We have Just received a beautiful pattern in
China. Look in our north window and see
how you like it. Will have in a few days
China Dinner f you expect to get a fine set
China, wait and ours buying.
You can find everything you need in
in House Furnishings at
The underlined, having this
by. having duly
i-i j it before, the Clerk of
Superior Court of Pitt County, as ad-
of the estate of
notice Is hereby
to all persons holding
against said estate to present them it-
for pay
on or before, day of July .,
this not i be plead la bar of
recovery. All
lo said are requested to make
payment to me.
This 13th day of July 1904.
E. B.
of Allen Warren d.
Jarvis Blow, , .,,
North Carolina, , r.
Pitt County, Superior
Hargrave, ,
rs J Summons
The defendant,
will take notice that an action entitled
as has been commenced the
O for
divorce, and the defendant will take
notice that he is required to at
the Superior Court for the county of
Pitt to be held at the court
Greenville on the 2nd Monday after
1st Monday In Sept, ans-
or demur to the complaint,
of which will he deposited in
office of said court
days of said term or the plaintiff
apply to court for the
In complaint.
Witness my hand and seal this July
1904 D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
IS 1806.
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Cut it to ,
Please me your illustrated Hand Book
i i
. .
. . . H
. .
what we are after, and the possession of one
oar Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you you will want a Lawn
It easy for you. to own one,,, ,.,
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives a A
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work. .
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
else in the line. I

o E
I m
Tl m
a o
d I
r la
co to
i to
S l
J. A. of
was in MM
severe of piles
V aches and kills
at drag
Made A j
Pills for two weeks has
put me Mb my
writes Turner of
town, be in
the Liver, Stomach
Bowels. vegetable Never
gripe. t
being entirely independent in
tics, has Written A letter to Judge
Parker his
This is ti sign, it is the
the mugwumps,
as they aw generally
choose every ,, president. The
voters without a party are the
ones who lay who shall be elected.
Charlotte Observer.
A Startling Test,
To av T G.
of No. Pa., made
startling a yon
was attacked with violent
caused by liberation of
the stomach. I had often found
Betters excellent for acute
stomach and liver troubles so I
prescribe them. The patient
gained from the first, and has not
bad an attack H
Elect Bitters are positively
for Dyspepsia,
and Kidney
trouble. Try them Only
t Store
; . .
. ill ii
La Drop Full Bleached Taper
and Neck, Silk and Finished
ante Vest TEN CENTS
. L. Wooten
Ask the of this
are with indigestion
to cull oh him at
and get
Cure . If you knew the value
of this as w know it,
would another day.
is a thorough
as well, t is personally
by of people whom it
has indigestion,
pal pa a lion of the heart
Dyspepsia cure Digests what you
eat. If is pleasant, palatable and
I man goes into politics
every thing lie had from
his youth up is remembered
he joins the lie
is never reminded of mean acts.
The reason Is aims-
lift him and politics is bent on j
; entire line of Thin White Goods.
Crepe De Chine at
Special Low Prices.
Hundred yards to make
from. Boat Just Received.
Trunks Bags Valises. If
you are going off for the summer or
school see our line.
f 1.60 and Negligee Shirts all go
at the ridiculous low price of
Severe Cut in Entire Line cf Spring Summer Clothing. Thin Coat and Pants.
Weak Hearts
are canned by IT you i
eat too much, or if are
attacks of ;
the stomach and
puffs up the heart.
crowds the heart and shortens the
breath. Rapid heart and he-
art disease is the final, result. K
Dyspepsia Cure digests what
you eat, takes the strain off the
heart, cure indigestion,
sour stomach, and contributes
nourishment, strength and heath
to every organ body, Sold
at Drug Store.
. I .
A Sore
It said that nothing is sure
except death and taxes, bat this
is not true. Ir.
NeV for consumption is
a sure all lung and throat
Thousands can testify
to that. B. of .
W. Va. says
bad a severe case of Bronchitis
and for tried
heard no
f New
then me
It's for
by J. L
Doz Fringed Bleached Tow-
els, Good size- Bee Hive Price
Ladies Congo Crook
while they list,
Hive Price
La Kid Oxfords worth
Bee Hive Price
yards Scotch Figured
Lawns worth Bee Hive
Organdy, Dimity.
yards fine figured Organ-
and Dimity Lawns worth
121-2, bee Hive price
1.0,000 yards hamburgs,
and laces 1-3 off
These Prices will last as as we have the goods. Don't Wait You will have to
; h
Hurry before they are all gone.
ii . n

Ho matter how low the
of and we are the
pie Kg
Seasonable Enables at
are opera. We call
hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
grocer; a
in Tea Nugget-
for People
On Question That a Ce
Hie Na
Hopkins, Props
Cleanliness our
men am.
Wholesale retail and
Cart paid mi
Egg, Bed-
steads; Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba
Go-Carte, Parlor
units, Sables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
Tobacco, Key West Che-
George dear, Can-
ferries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Meat, Soap
Lye, Food, Matches, Oil,
Cot Ma Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Huh
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Glass
and Ware, Tin and Wooden
and Crackers,
Cheese, Beet Butter, New
Royal Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Cheap tor cash. Come
Bee me.
M. Schultz
. Bi Cherry.; Co-i
my shop
and a to give the best
service to be had. Cosmetics
U; her r
and feet
is a period of what is termed
her shoes, and her
to in-
you get to
Mer to
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
of the town. .
Four chairs operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
Our place is inviting, razors sharp
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good service is wanted.
points can now
be reached over the lines of
N. C.
Littleton, j
Rocky Mt.
Can Take a Trip With The Low
Rate Tickets on Sale via
Atlanta, Ga.
Baltimore Md.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. S- C.
Chase City. Va.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Colombia, B. C
Danville, Va
Nashville, Tenn.
New York. N. Y.
New Orleans, La
Norfolk, Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Richmond, Va
St. Louis, Mo.
Suffolk, Va,
And all other important and in
mediate points east of the Miss-
Richmond, National
gust 1st to 6th.
Louisville, Biennial
Conclave Knights of Pythias,
August 16th to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment G. A. K.,
15th to 20th.
St Louis, the Worlds
Fair, Season, Sixty day,
teen day and Coach Excursion
tickets now on sale.
Excellent Service
Convenient Schedules.
For hill information as to rates, dates
of sale, limits of tickets,
schedules, etc., call on any
Ticket Agent of the A. L.,
or write
H. M. W. Craig
T M. G. P. A
Wilmington, N. C
a pair of. lie
rt, t
never fooled on the
she mistakes witty
anyway, there
weft days of wot in that flat and
for old
slippers bet nil of
winch bore with
meekness and silence.
The other day, however, her
lord small that ha was going
to break those shoes in or die; he
was going to wear them to his office
trust to the excitement of
to divert his mind from
any possible discomfort he might
experience. The wife humbly
that he take an old pair of
BOOM along in case of emergency,
but lie scorned her remarks and de-
Three hours later an office boy
appeared at her home with a laconic
message to seed down the. oldest,
biggest and easiest masculine foot-
gear the house afforded. The re-
quest was complied with promptly,
but accompanying the parcel was a
delicately perfumed note containing
the tenderly solicitous query,
you get shoes to fit
Baltimore Sun.
A Prize.
The only son had just announced
to the family, his engagement.
that girl Why,
she squints. I I
absolutely no
ain't she
Grandma I'm she's
any money.
First Cousin Jim She doesn't
look strong.
Second Cousin stuck
Third Cousin
extravagant thing.
Tho Son Well,
she's got one redeeming feature any-
The hasn't a relative
on earth.
her, my boy, grab
. i
Yea we write our to
be Te not spend
our money for
per were not
and the noted, and the
offered were not
has suffered the cuts. Oar Mr. C, Is
Wilkinson is now in the Northern cities buying hit
Fall and must made Sot
, .
are now
To Only
if .
, r
An Appeal For
want you to discharge that
hired said Judge
said I wanted for dinner
this evening, and hero the has cook-
ed a mess of pork
suggested Mrs. is the
same kind of meat anyhow. By
the way, before forget it, let me
Oak you what you did with
you told me about tho other day
who was up before you for bur-
bad to let him off on a tech-
There was a flaw in the
ell, can't you let North off on
a this time .
Tho judge scratched chin and
took, under advisement.
M Tribune.
Such Wash Good
is seen. The wash
goods policy, of store
clean All the colored
Lawns that and
. c
Mens Clothing reduced
per cents. We don't car-
any special Una, but some
of all the leading makes.
Whits Shirt Waist Goods-
that war SOc, all
at price i So yd
Such price Silks, not every
seen, all colors, in best
China Silk . yd
Black Dress Goods, must
leave the shelves, 1.00. 1.25
Fine Black Taffeta Silk
was 1.00 and now
and yd
Stock Collars,
and now 8-
was and now
reduced half.
styles. tOe
summer corset 1.00 C B
Corset R G
sets Your in any
style of Batiste in
any make .
. Vest that,
and now
I and
steel rods, full Inches, ,
now ,
Ladies Stock Collars,
Mens Furnishings chimed.
In bargain
Men- black and colored
Half Hose, kind,
Summer Undershirts,
kind, now .
G. H
Madras Shirts
bosom Negligee Shirts
was now
All Straw Hats. 1.00
and 1.25, all at our price ago
Mens Negligee Shirts, 1.00,
1.25, 1.50 and 1.75, all at one
price .
and Mens and
Handkerchiefs, now
NOTICE. During this
Great Clearance it will
be impossible for us to cut
or send goods up on
approval, but money refund-
ed to all d customers
Two lay sprawled on the
levee on hot day. drew a
long sigh and
Ah wish Ah had a
yes lighted
ya-h would be
Ah wouldn't yo fl-
rim no
me vi
stingy, Mose.
wish yo own C
Loan, and
. J H ; I H
Furniture A 8,618.67
OW from
Stock paid In
Expenses Paid 12,097.9
. .
of Pitt. J
b L. Little,
the statement a
I .
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
R. L. Wyatt went to
W. E- Moore spent Sunday In
A. J. Moore spent in
Miss Rosa Hooker is visiting in
W. J. Smith went to Roberson-
T. H. went to
this morning, v
W. H. Wilkinson spent Sunday
R. L. Smith and J. F. King went
to Norfolk today.
Miss Bettie Hooker spent
day in
C. V. went to Morehead
Saturday evening.
M. Schultz and family spent
Bun day in Tarboro.
E. A. returned
day from Littleton.
B. C Pearce, of Sanford, came
in Saturday evening.
O. D. King returned Saturday
from Washington.
Willie returned
this from
Mr-, J. B. Cherry returned Sun-
day from Morehead.
F. O. Harding went to
C. B. West and Mm. R-
Greene went to Washington today.
M, and F. G. Jam cm re-
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cherry and
Will, Mr. and Mn. O. W.
and little son returned to-
Mr. and Mrs. J- O. and
little daughter returned Sunday
evening from a trip to
Wilson and Cone toe.
Misses Minnie
Winterville, and Gaye Johnston,
of Ayden, are Mises Car-
and Maggie Brown.
rs. J. and
Miss i Jennie, and Nannie
Bowling returned this morning
from Morehead
Misses Nannie Coward and
Jesse Lee Sugg returned Saturday
evening from where they
have attending summer
G. E. Cherry went to Tarboro
B. P. Bernard returned Monday
T. H. Walker returned Monday
from Roxboro.
Jesse Harrington went to Scot-
land Neck today.
E. G. Barrett, of came
over this morning.
A. E. Brown, of is
visiting friends here.
Miss Delia Erwin left this
morning for Baltimore.
Ex Gov. T. J. Jarvis returned
morning Morehead.
W. B. Brown and family r
Monday from Virginia.
T. H. Bateman and daughter,
Miss Louise, went to Norfolk to-
W. C. Roberson and W Z.
from More
Mia Emma Joyner returned i P-t today
from a visit to Greene
J. J. Harrington returned
day the summer school at,
Dr. Mrs. B, A.
W. H. left Tuesday even-
for Wilson.
S. J. left morning
for Louisburg.
Miss Lillian Whitfield left this
morning for Henderson.
Estelle Greene left
this morning for Raleigh.
Miss May Whitfield left this
morning Elizabeth City.
W. S. Fleming and W. E.
Hooker left morning for Nor-
C. S. Forbes C. Carr re-
turned this morning from More-
Miss Janie Brown returned
Tuesday evening from a visit to
Mrs. J. L. Wooten and
Miss Pattie, left this morning
for Tarboro.
S. C. Sugg and Mr. Parrott, of
spent here and
left on the evening train.
Mrs C. B. West, of Raleigh,
who has been visiting relatives
here, returned home today.
Misses Leta of Wilson,
and Julia of Snow Hill,
are visiting Mrs. E. G. Flanagan.
Edward Matthew came up
Washington Tuesday to ac-
a position on the tobacco mar-
Mr. J. D. Dupree, Mrs. T. R.
Moore, Mrs. Charles and
Mis Wilson left this
far Virginia Beach.
Mr. Mm. f. D.
Fine Beginning of New Season,
The Greenville tobacco market
began the new today
most favorable conditions.
sales were not large, but this was
as expected, the farmers being
nearly a month later in their
curing than last year.
An encouraging feature of the
sale was the good prices that
being fully fifty per cent,
higher that at the opening a
year ago. Most the
today were first primings, yet the
prices ranged from to cents
which was very gratifying to the
sellers. Smokers or first primings,
green or dark, to 1-2 cents;
bright and clean smokers to
cents; and cutters
to cent.
The first sale at the Farmers
warehouse, proceeding through
other regular order.
There is a good force of buyers on
the market and they are going to
keep prices here up to the best.
As business is expected to be
light the first mouth of the
season the warehouses have not
yet put on their full complement
of employees, but as at present
constituted they are as
Brinkley Hooker, proprietors.
W. T. Burton, auctioneer.
E. B. Thomas, book keeper.
H. Hardy, floor manager.
A. L. Potter, watchman.
Parham, Bo-ling,
Ola auctioneer.
Officers Elected for the New Year.
The Greenville Tobacco Board
of Trade held its first meeting of
the season this morning. The fol-
lowing officers were
A. Allen.
Secretary and W.
following new members
were added to the G.
Prichard A Co., Skinner, Garden
Tobacco Co., Farmers Consolidated
Tobacco Co., and J. G. Bowling.
It was decided that at present
single sales will be run beginning
daily at a, m., it being left
with the sales committee to change
to double sales and begin at
o'clock whenever deemed
returned today from Seven SPrig-., J L. Strickland, book keeper
We are glad to see Mr.
improved in health from
the trip.
W. A. James and R. E.
of spent today in
Mr. and Mrs. M. Cherry and
Move tor
sou left this for
Virginia Bead,. j B. H. Thomas and- family r-
Mses Bettie and Janie j ft out
returned Saturday evening and
F. M. Hornaday left this
dodging, of Ports-
111.1111 h, arrived Monday evening,
Norfolk to take a position to Laura While.
the Line.
Mrs. E. A. and Miss
Harper, of Wilson, are
Mrs. IS. L. Carr.
Mrs. P. C. and Mrs.
Harry Skinner and little son left
morning for Mt. Airy.
Rare, of Beaufort, who
was visiting Harry return-
ad home Saturday evening.
Lent. L. A. Gotten, who has
beau at home on a left
this morning for Annapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Cox, of
today here with
Mr. Mrs. H. O. Edwards.
John Gay left this morning tor
to take a position with
the telephone exchange there.
Mrs. K L. Ports-
mouth, who has been visiting
I J. White, returned today.
Misses Myrtle aid
I Perkins returned even
link, from the at
A. Savage. L. W. H.
Harrington and Alvin Dupree
left this morning for Norfolk.
Mrs. Louie who has
been visiting Mrs. Ivey Smith,
near Greenville, left this morn-
J B. d children, of
Scotland Keck, who have
visiting the family of W. H.
home today.
Mrs. C. L. Patrick, of Ayden,
and Mrs. Will J. and little
daughter, Miss of
Edwards, spent today here with
Miss Lucy
Miss Essie returned
this morning from and
Misses Bliss Susie
Perry, of Kinston, accompanied
her home for a here.
B. C. Pearce left Tuesday even-
Hairy Skinner left this morning
for Raleigh.
Ont Accidentally Kills the Other.
A distressing occurred
near Winterville, Saturday after-
noon, in which a buy lost his life.
Ollie Kittrell, son of C. T. Kit-
and Louis Crawford, a son or
David Crawford, b -th about
years of age, were together
shooting at the mark with a
loading gnu. While young Kit-
had the gun you Crawford
to step in trout of
in time to entire
from the gnu In left
and WM
Young Kittrell
wild with grief the accidental
of his playmate. Both
families greatly distressed.
The of the accident was
buried Sunday.
T. H. Walker, manager.
Evan-., Hooker Co
B. T. Bailey, auctioneer.
S. Spain, hook keeper.
O. E. Harris, assistant book
J. E. Dixon, Ho manager.
W. T. pro-
R. Betts,
N. H. keeper
Cox Co
This which O. L.
Joyner is W. H.
Dal -i . j
house, Firmer,
and Star, L. J is in charge
the but will fallow
s lies at S. B
ell is iii of the
H. a In of the
Star. Other employees at present
are A. A. Forbes, J. E. Matthews,
W. P. Edwards W- L. Hall and
J. J. Willis.
And Won a Huge Watermelon.
Four girls while down
town Tuesday evening, were ad-
ons. By way of a banter they
told could have one
if they would carry it
borne. The challenge was accept-
ed, borrowing a bag the huge
melon was placed therein, a little
girl hold of each corner
and off they went taking it home
a third a mile distant, The
trip was made the lit-
girls were proud of their
as well as of the
melon. They created much mere
along the way.
Report of
Following is the quarter-
report of the class of
the Baptist Sunday school, made
Sunday, July
Number of in embers
Average attendance
Dropped from roll
New members enrolled
Total collections 915.91
Of the collections went to
the orphanage, 97.66 to the
ca fund and 12.56 to the
E. H. Thomas, President.
Hugh Secretary.
Victim of an Unfortunate Occident.
Mr. A. Moseley, genial
Charlotte traveling man. i
his vacation with his at
the old Mosely homestead, at
Drake's Branch, Va., met with a
serious accident Tuesday, sustain-
a severe sprain of the hip. The
information came in a private let-
and details of the accident
were not The letter states
that Mr. Mosely is confined to his
bed and his physician insists upon
absolute rest and quiet. The
many warm friends of the
did gentlemen will hear with gen-
sorrow of misfortune and
will wish for his speedy
Mr. Moseley is a brother of Mrs.
T. of Greenville
Might Continue a Month.
The first of August was the
time set by the dry goods mer-
chants to again keep their
open at night. The days are yet
long, the weather very warm, and
there will hardly be enough
MM at night to pay for keeping
the stores after If
they all continued the early
until September it would be
just as well.
I will pay you cash for your
Beeswax. a M.
Officer Killed by Boy.
An g.
of an a 146-
year old boy, Officer J. H.
who has been a regular patrolman
for the past six months, died
afternoon. Paul Biggers, a news-
boy, bad some words with Officer
Brown this morning, the trouble
arising from a bull dog owned by
Bi During the fight Biggers
struck Brown in the stomach with
his head, causing injuries from
which the officer died five hours
later. The boy is held for murder
and the trial will take place to-
morrow morning.
Bis Salt Coins On.
The two page advertisement
going out as a to
Everybody wait for the big ex- .
from to Norfolk, Reflector of A. E Tucker A Go's
Va 1-r a
Va. 1st return 2nd
cars for colored people under
the management of Julius S. Flem-
and Rev. Amos fan
fr trip 92.00 ,
Manager. are finding unusual bargains.
great inventory sale is attracting
much attention to his store. It
a of advertising enterprise
that has not before been

Eastern reflector, 2 August 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 02, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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