Eastern reflector, 29 July 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

forth Carolina, I j Superior
Pitt County,
is a
Greenville on the Monday after
1st Monday ans-
or demur to complaint, a
Of which will be in the clerks
of said within J
said plaintiff
to t d
Banded in the taint.
; Witness my this
D. C.
. r-
following points can now
He reached over the lines of
aft other important and in
east of the Miss-
Atlanta, Ga.
Baltimore Md.
Chattanooga. Tenn.
Charleston. S- C.
Chase City. Va.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Columbia, S. C.
Danville, Va
Nashville, Tenn.
New York. N. V.
New Orleans, La
Petersburg, Va.
Philadelphia, Pa
St. Louis, Mo.
I j
I Specialty,
We are prepared to
Cut Flowers,
eat benefit by taking with
of Dr. Seth Arnold's
It cures illness
by impure wafer
Warranted by fit.
Having duly
as last will and
of W. W. Tucker, deceased n
is hereby to
indebted to to an
mediate to; the
signed, and
claims estate
to present same
rt oh or before th IS
July, Moo, or this notice will
plead in bat of recovery.
This 18th day of July, 1904.
W. E. j,
Executor of W.
Folks Must ET
No matter how low the
of tobacco, and we are the
pie to supply o
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We don't can
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name. I
Wholesale arid retail
Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. lied-
Mai hisses, Oak Bolts,
Carriages, Go-Carts,
Tablet, Lounges, P
and Gail Ax
notice. reach
. reaches, Jen
a, ever-
greens, plant, and
tees in great
plants of
AI- Apples,
for n-W
Charlie Hall, Fireman
and Brakeman
all of were
killed in the wreck of
northbound passenger train
near Junction, Va. at
four o'clock this afternoon. is
learned the train was
sixty miles per hour when the
engine a box car shutter
which h id fallen from a passing
freight train.
Beat One, Lost ,., r
Our baseball boys
home morning a trip to
Kinston and New Bern. They
the victors in one game and
one at Kinston At New Bern
to of
New Our boys put up some
good playing at both places.
. Melons are more
If of
men that driving out the saloons
is true, then old North Carolina
will be bankrupt, judging by the
way are voting the saloons
. . .
out liquor is the liquor
bu Enquirer.
; M I
t M. College will be held
in on pest
W. H.
We have this
Great Sale
whelming success. We have
taken into consideration
the great loss of profit which
such a sale as this means. W
take the loss cheerfully, wise-
believing it to be the very
best kind of
clean up all surplus
at a and do while the is at. if
height. We believe is the greatest money saving
sale we ever offered. Compare the printed
with the actual merchandise, will than be con
vine-id that the loss is ours, the saving is yours; You
can make no mistake to investigate the
Big Bargains in all Goods.
Buy for now, Buy them for fat; buy -them for
any is at your mercy
July continues
y. for
scene. W
Such Wish Goods
is seldom seen. The wash
policy of this store Is
Lawns that were
, pow
. . reduced
White Shirt Waist Goods
that were and all
go at price yd
Such price Silks, not every
day seen, all color, Ml best
Chin Silk
Black Dress Goods, must
leave the shelves,
Stock Collars, was
Shirt sets,
h .
reduced half.
Bishop A. A. Watson tonight is
it be la worse and gradually
Ladies Vest,
were arid now
. U and
Bow, g
Ladies Stock
Mi chimed
in bargain
black and colored
Half Hose, kind, how go
Summer Undershirts, Mo
now . ; v i g, ;
G. H
Madras Shirts , ,,,
bosom Negligee Shirts
was now . .
All Hats.
and all at our price ago
1.60 arid all at on.
r-many styles.
Me. 1.00 C Ii
It A
sets choice in any
Ladles and
NOTICE. During this
Great sale it will
be impossible tor us to cut
samples end goods up on
approval, but money refund-
No. i
i -j ,
e-. such as. lull
hi water floods right over
f buildings.
. j.
Barber Shop.
in section
K Of
chain in operation
One over by a skilled
Our place inviting, razors sharp
We yea for past patronage
ask you to
. good service Is wanted.
Imperial Shaving Parlors
Hopkins, Daniel Davis,
. i-
and Discount
Furniture fixtures 8,618.57
Due 73,25.39
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 3,3111.37
Stock paid in 125,000.00
Surplus, 20,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Deposits 226,973.3
Cashier's checks out- ,
standing 7,014.29
County of Pitt. J
James L. Little, of the above-named bank, do
ployed. Opposite drag
true to the best of
, this 20th day of June, 1904.
Notary Public
. ,;
J. G,
E. Moore, of Washington,
up today.
C. D. Rountree has been sick
last few days.
Denmark, of
spent here.
Cleveland of Hamilton,
Is visiting Leon
D. came in from ash-
Sunday evening.
Mis W. H. returned this
morning from Morehead
F. M. returned
day evening from Norfolk.
Harry r
day evening from Raleigh.
Jesse returned Saturday
evening from Scotland Neck.
O, L. Joyner and family left
Him for
Higgs returned
evening from Scot la d
A. Savage went to Kinston Sat-
evening and returned this
Mr. and Mis. N. W. Jackson
and Miss Jennie Williams spent
Sunday in Scotland Neck.
Rev. A. T. King left this morn
to assist in a meeting at
ton Camp, in Virginia.
Miss Elba Gotten, daughter of
Mr. and Mis. K. K. Cotten, at
is very sick with
typhoid fever.
Olive Daniel, of Dunn,
has been her sister,
Mr. W. home
Of Texas, arrived
evening to visit Mr. and Mrs.
H. It, fair. Mrs, Brown is a sis-
II. II. Wilson, of i in
where he had attending a
S. T. Hooker left this
M. A. Allen returned Monday
David B. to Winch
aid morning.
Mies Willie left Mon-
day for
IT, W. bit
Mi. J. B. Keel and n-
Mi-f If
fr in Virginia
Washington Monday evening.
Postmaster of
spent Monday in town.
from Virginia Roach
Fine, in
visiting Hurry White, on Greene
Mi-s Savage returned
evening from a to
Mrs. Adrian child-
returned Monday evening
from Raleigh.
county of
instructions, wont up the
this morning.
II. left this morning for
I'm to look alter his
which are being erected
Miss Harding, who baa
been her sister, Mrs. P.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J.
returned from Durham
and other cities where they had
been on their bridal
Monday, of Suffolk. Va.,
who has been visiting Mis.
at Hotel Bertha, returned
to her borne this morning.
C. L. Wilkinson left this morn-
inK New York to buy goods.
During his absence be will take in
the exposition at St. Loots,
Mr. Mrs. D. J.
daughters, Renoir and
an-1 Miss Nannie Bowling,
left tor Morehead.
A. B. Minor, of V.,
who has been interest
Lumber and
Veneer Company, returned this
Walter Dixon returned
day from Hartford,
after spending weeks in New Eng-
land. H bad a delightful trip
visiting the northern cities.
D. D. Pugh and wife, of Hyde
are visiting family of
J. S. Tunstall.
W, W. Perkins came from
Nat this morn-
from Kinston.
C. L. Parker Tuesday
evening from Norfolk.
Prof. W. H.
Tuesday from up the road.
Misses Eula and Clyde Cox, of
are today in
Mr. Mrs. Rountree
left Tuesday evening for Seven
Waller Harding and
Martha, of t-pent
Tuesday in town.
Misses Lillian , Mat tie
and King
Kinston this
Mrs. S. A. Watkins and son, of
Norfolk, Va., are Mr. H.
It. Harris at the King house.
White, of Hertford,
came in from If Tuesday and
is visiting Miss Laura White.
Miss Nannie of Ii
lived Tuesday evening to visit
iv, Mis W. If. Smith.
Sire, I., of
Va. i visiting tier
Mis. J, W. on Greene St.
Miss Maud Nixon
In her mil sister, Charles
Alias for
I Ii . lino .
Oily, formerly a popular clerk of
our city, arrived Monday to spend
II few days with his many friends
A Desperate Deed.
to The Chronicle say
at Alexander, ten miles from
Ga. this afternoon
Sampson a using
a double-barrel I shot gun, tired
upon a party of four fishermen, all
white, killing James Minor, aged
married, and Evans
aged and mortally wounded
Minor, aged married.
The escaped. Blood hounds
are on bis track. He had a
rel over a trivial matter with one
of party, went away, procured
the gun, and returning, fired
without warning. At a nearby
house be stole a male, on
City, N. C, July
North Carolina newspaper folks
are enjoying a whiff of old ocean's
breeze and taking square meals at
the Atlantic Hotel this week. A
few of the fraternity have straggled
in ahead to take a bath and get
rested before the convention meets.
A large crowd of the editors are
expected the train tonight and
the session of the will
begin tomorrow morning. Two
events already in honor
of their meeting here area ball
Wednesday night a
Thursday night.
Those of us coming ahead have
found to stroll around this
afternoon and note improvements
about the Hotel.
lights have taken the place of
gas, have been refurnished,
new have built,
and wall's enlarged and ex-
tended, and everything seems at
hand for the pleasure of those who
There are several hundred
at the hotel and it is very de
light fill. Manager Cooke is
nothing undone for the
of his guests. The
people here are having their own
time, so to speak.
Coming down on the train with
veteran prince of eon
Charlie Hancock,
he told
lie nays while going from here to
one day last week, his
; .
me engine mid r
got off and run hundred
yard-, on
train the
passengers knowing a thing had
happened, the most re.
the aid lint an egg
We found coming I
rains have beau
past week through
No crops have bees seen
Attempted to Wreck Train.
July 28.- An attempt
win. made lo wreck the Beats
between here
were upon the
track of
more than half a
the train was not wrecked
no damage was done. The attempt
was made by Lewis Harris, a de-
who had the hall 11-
some rail roil d man
bad done him wrong and he want-
ed to get even.
Money No Object
A newspaper should maintain
its conscience its best ideas,
whether it maintains its
list or not. It should be
leader and moulder of public sen-
It should seek first to ad-
the kingdom of God and
trust the to be
it in due time. Thrift is
lighting for principle as our con-
science dictates, and if we cannot
do that and merit patronage, we
to exercise this
let the man who
us for doing right withhold
his pal
Elijah's God will provide
ravens, if necessary, to feed the
newspaper editor who has grace,
grit backbone to light the in-
liquor traffic.
Durham Thrift.
Marriage Licenses.
Register Deeds R. Williams
to the following
couples last
J. L. Norman and Pennie
Bill Roxie Ann Hart.
Hatch excursion from
to Norfolk passed through
this morning. Notwithstanding
the bad weather there was a fairly
crowd along. About seventy
live went from
There were five coaches in
train and four of them were nearly
full when it left here
We learn that after passing
th last Station for
there were three
Hatch Bros, will
excursion August
Deflector With.
A Farmer, Crazed With Jealousy, Murders
His wife.
Norfolk. July Frank
a Ann county
farmer, erased by jealousy, hi-
his wile
wrench lat and
skull mil n After
from Its and d. lie car-
Mini-, aid ii Into a neigh-
yard I he police
of numerous have asked
to arrest fugitive, At last r-
ports still
North Carolina has
dance of rain for past few days
A large number of Parker-Glens
Clubs have in our
state. Let those towns and
ties which have not already got-
ten in line do so.
The voters of Wilmington will
decide today on the question of
the dispensary or saloons.
The that the dis.
side will win.
Governor Aycock and Supt. of
Public Instruction. J. Y. Joyner,
are in the eastern part of the state,
where they are making a number
educational addresses.
Judge Norfleet Hill, a
well known lawyer of Halifax,
died at his home Sunday. Judge
Hill ran for chief justice against
Judge Walter Clark two years ago.
The attendance at the A. and
M. summer school which is
at is very large, and
new arrivals are coming in daily.
It is hoped that the number will
reach a thousand.
Mi. Josephus Daniel, editor of
the News and is In New
the meeting of the
national Democratic Executive
committee. Mr. it the
member from
Gray R. who w s cut
in the right temple
Saturday night between eleven
and twelve o'clock,
When found he was leaning on a
fence near Brown's stoic in Golds-
and very weak
from loss of blood,
of wan held
was one rimes 1- ii-
of He a
wife one eh I Id,
Missionary Meeting.
Sir n School
Methodist church
in I only U
ll C .
tin- ct did their p-ii
in a ell, having been train-
ed b Mrs
This is doing much good
in our town fur he in mi.-
lone and all look forward to
then monthly
much and delight,
vs. Ayden
A game bull was played at
Craven on
day, 22nd, between and
Ayden teams. The score was as
has won
every game that they h played
this season. They will go to
Ayden to play there on August
Dr. H. O. Hyatt of Kinston
will tie Hotel Her
on August 15th 16th 17th
Tuesday and Wednesday
for the purpose of treating diseases T
the eye and fitting games. Those colored, who was
not able to pay a fas will be ax-1 P to the court
free. Sid under a
Blind Tiger.
Mayor J. R. had a
blind tiger case before Monday
morning. The defendant was
Bryan Cannot Go.
Monday Hon. William J.
passed through Columbus, en-
route to
where he an ad-
dress in the in
lie gave mil follow-
It will in- impossible fur mo to
heat the day
is illy My
lime is all taken up 28th
and I go lo neither
can I I-- Chic go meeting,
or in a ;
hut evening,
The attributed to
be continued, I would
support Judge Parker is true
in every
Mi;. the time la
last approaching that there will
have lo be a selection made for the
legislature, wish to present to
the voters of Pitt county, a man
who is well known all over the
county, a man who, my opinion
if nominated would be elected by a
large majority and a man who
could fully upon to re-
present us with to himself
county. That man is D. G.
Berry of W. F. H.
John H.
all run down; nothing did me
good until I got hold of Hollister's
Rocky Now I am
and a ell; gained forty
M seats, Tea or Tablet.
Drug Hare.

r. R. L.
Dr. L. Jame
f Dental
Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, and
Private Wires to New Tort
Chicago and New Orleans.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol in a. ,
He Will Win.
John H. Small who returned
from a three or four day's sojourn
in the city New York last evening,
said in our office this
the time I spent in the city
I was thrown principally among
businessmen. Alt one time during
lunch I was introduced five
or thirty, the heads of the leading
houses in the city, and must say.
I was more than forcibly struck
the confidence expressed
in the belief that J Parker will
be elected. seemed
be overflowing with in
the result, and the business men of
the city arc determined
on their part shall be lacking t
will contribute to that
That Judge Parker's celebrated
telegram in which he made known
his personal views to convention
and to the American people on the
money question and declining
nomination if his view-, did not Etc
cord with those of the convention,
was the bravest act of the
and it will thousands who
would have voted for Roosevelt, to
vote the Democratic ticket. Every-
where I went, on the train, passing
through the towns and cities
route. J could hear nothing but ex-
of in this being
a democratic year, and Judge Parker
will be the next occupant of I he
White So mote it be say
we Gazette Mes-
We give you not only the best you can buy, but the money
paid can buy. Quality value combined argue for your patronage
I Not Quite
Mr. J. M. tells us that last
fall his bird dogs home
and has since been staying the
woods about two miles from town.
That will not allow anyone to
get near her, but will run off.
brought home three fine puppies.
The peculiar part of it is that the f
mother when found would
away leaving her
N. C. Cornier,
This is an agreeable sort of
Store to patronize. You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your best
interest being studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the
chase is completed there's not
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect. Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want vests, some don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible varietY of fabrics
for selection.
Mens Three Piece Suits
Mens Two Piece Suits
Nice Line Youths Clothing
you can get a
i not q a
n or driver or
Have a good
tool box be i for
Mir Oar line of tools
It all could desire, and
,. we but j our tool
box i not lack a single
u .
-i .-
f Of Course
You get Harness,
v Goods, c,
J. R.
. c i V. h. leave
Washington daily, except
at a. in. for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday.
at for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston.
And all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Hay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchant
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Vive President ft
X. Y.
A Cure at Lust Obtained, After
a Searching;
St. Lout,
A few months ago the attention of a
few scientific and philanthropic . n-
i of St. Louis was dire.;. to i n
entirely new method of combat
most dreadful of i tuber-
called cons i i
Out of test case. c i .
id and shown f in
I I i
s a f . .
So ; have hi . i
w pro
; bas I
ed to at a
I his cure to all
res it
that can n n a . .
and re A
in n man; ; .
the incipient or o. tin
disease, their i . vi .-.
and still bi co m I
Patients receiving the mi i it-
hi re ii. . Lot n
recovered i rapidly a
i Colorado, Mexico and
i . rest Its i th haw
been ace h .
and the com h this
marvelous located
a e I Hi
t Pt Louis lo-
ii i; v.
a laboratory ban
side. Mo. The cure will be known
the Lung; Cure, and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of the
inhalants which are used, will person
ally have charge of the of the
Mr. will personally
meet all who call at the of th
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the St Louis Globe
Free on request.
N. Seventh St ,
St. Louis, Mo.
Piles Top of File
Piles lop of piles of people j
have the Pile. and Witch
I Hazel Salve There
many kinds of Piles, j
but if you vet the genuine and
i eh Hazel made by
C. Co. i a
core certain. H. . Tisdale,
of C, rays
; Piles years sud Salve,
red me after every thing
Can a With The Low
Rate Ticket on via
William Fountain,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office,
Richmond, National
Engineers Au-
gust 1st Io
I Louisville. Biennial
Conclave Knights of Pythias,
16th to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment Q, a. It.,
15th to 20th.
St. Louis, Mo Account the Worlds
Fair. Season, Sixty day,
teen day and Coach Excursion
tickets now on Hale.
Excellent Service
Convenient Schedules.
For full information as to rates, dates
of sale, of tickets,
schedules, etc., call any
Ticket Agent of the A. C. L.,
H. M. Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. P. A
Wilmington, N. C
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated i f arrears be paid within on month
living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L,. SUGG,
Greenville N. C.
The On y Way
To get
Is send it to

Ayden. N. O., July 1904.
The medicine
fail to ply his calling here
lay and many were the sucker
who swallowed bis bait.
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
sod is destined to take the
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one
Ayden Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
We the ladies to call and
examine our line of lawn before
purchasing J. J. Hines
The best recommendations can
be furnished tor Hog
Chaser. Write or to J. H.
Ayden, N. C
Marshall Tripp went Fort
Saturday and returned
plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and Bide lights at
J. It. Smith Bro.
J. M. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
hits K. Go's
The latest styles in straw
caps see J. J. Hines. I market beef, meats,
Just received spring suit cloth- and fresh
for J. J. Hines., First Class hand made brick,
Fancy candies, wholesale and retail large
bananas at E. Co's. always on your orders
Mm. Thomas Rouse, of
has Mrs. R.
If it doesn't give you absolute
your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden, X. C.
For can peaches, apples, corn
apply to E. E.
Tyson wish to call
special to land plaster
for peanuts.
We carry a splendid assortment
of carpets in various
which make
at a normal
cost. Ladies are cordially invited
to call and see them.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Out girl didn't go on
We didn't go either. Do
you catch
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
Cannon Tyson handles
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, sty for your buggy or
Call us and make a
selection. Milling Mfg.
The ladies nave found out
to go when they need the finest Styles and patterns,
quality dress good, laces, inner-1 excellent hall rugs,
hamburg etc.
Elder D. W. Davis filled his
regular appointment at
Sunday morning and
here at
As authorized agent for Daily
and Eastern Reflector we take
great pleasure in receiving sub
ions and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at ready mixed paints, the best,
this office. We also take orders R, ck salt for stock, at J.
for job ; Smith Bro.
W. M. Edwards Co., will sell E. E. Co. will do all they
you up-to-date suit of clothes to please you with
mighty cheap. j hen new line of heavy fancy
Regular prayer meeting es groceries
in the Baptist church next We call special to our
new line of Tan and Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon Tyson.
If you are ill need of a nice pair
call for Royal at
Hart Jenkins.
Miss Abbie Smith, of Green-
ville, is spending time with
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
H Shingles for
sale by Camion Tyson.
per day, near depot Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B. F. Early, proprietor.
We bear the young men say the
cheapest best fitting clothing
is sold by Tyson.
M. M. Sauls went to Greenville
Mrs. J. H. Cobb, of Standard,
Mrs. of Pantego,
came up from yesterday
their way to Standard.
Just another lot of boys
and clothing at W. M.
Ed wards.
Mrs. MT. M. of Gardner-
, ville, who has been upending some
time at Seven Afore-
head, is visiting Mrs. J. F. Dixon.
Large stock of furniture consist
of suits, steads, dining
and bitting chairs,
Those desiring first-class work felt an j
in the enlargement of pictures Smith Bro
do well to see Hart Bro,. Miss Smith, of Crimes-
Mr. is visiting, who on a to
in Seven Springs other points,
We use a fair patent sale, is at j F
shafts, black hickory singletree., A of
2nd growth, ash No. and in for
chine buffed leather, and put to- at j B
by practical and
skilled mechanics.
Miss Martha spent Mon-
We use with here
tine s 1st class varnish, we Life u
to make the neatest, the
and most durable buggy in Eastern u how
N. C, Ayden Milling Co.,
Ayden, M, C.
Craft and
spent yesterday with G. W.
The soda fountain M. If.
Sauls will a daisy, so he in-
forms us, also will his new drug
store when complete.
B. E. Parham, of Greenville, j
was here Friday afternoon.
for how long one
One of the most certain
things in the is a good life
policy. See W. E.
i Hooks get one immediately.
List Friday morning a little
I boy while First
was attacked seriously
in several places by a vi-
I dog. The cries of the boy
a number of people to
the scene, among being our
Corn, bay oats, at J. R.
intense head- i-J u
the number of buggies run l patched his
out by the Ayden Milling Mfg. by head.
, . condition of
ache, eye ache smarts burns,
when you be permanently
ed pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W Taylor, grad-
Optician, N. C. weak
yes, of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work
J. R. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body.
come in by car load-.
You find a complete line of
mens It lit M
Ed C-.
the boy at present
is as good as could be expected.
Co. Employing only skilled lab r
no shoddy goods to lea e .
. . . , the timely arrival Mr.
factory we are not , .
m. i ,, . . k Stokes saved the child's life.
at the result and that too
they pay their workman prices in i Do you want to know low it
conformity with the r labor to yourself than
Naturally good and before See W. E. Hooks and
must redound to the credit of such
a firm, appreciation all Agnes Dixon and Gladys
around is generally recognized j Button and Master Clifton Button
Cotton seed
meal and hulls at
spent last week
the country.
with friends in
J. L. a prominent J. R Bro.
night. All invited.
Just the finest line of lawns
you ever did see at W. If. Ed-
wards Co.
We have cut the price on all our
white goods Come buy a
waist, W. M. El wards Co.
All raw hats sold at greatly
reduced prices at W. If, Edwards
Remember you can find lawns,
nicker zephyrs, piques and
ether nice goods too numerous to
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call to see our laces and ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do yon know J. R. Smith Bro.
beep the most complete Hue of
bleaching and
man of if ton,
Another lot of ladies
lords for at W,
Our of is
nice cheap,
as a visitor
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
A new lot of men's
chins received at W. M. Ed-
ard Co's.
Mrs. J. E. Brown, of
is visiting her son, E. L. Brown,
our depot
for Cholera
Miss Delia Smith Mrs. is to cure if used in
W. E. Jackson C ., are offer-
for next days en-
tire stock of summer great-
reduced prices. Note these few
that 9-i 3.00
2.50 and are now a
and Shirts that were
each are now
each. A few pair of shoes in
Mrs. W. J. is visiting E. v, has been
friends town. business. Mr. Cox
is at Dome now those
in life, health, and tire will do
well to see him.
Now we have
lime, and satisfaction given or it
will cost nothing. For sale by J.
I. Smith Bro , Ayden. N. C.
your spring chickens to
W. If. Edwards Coil you
good prices for them.
Mi-. Sarah Patrick
plenty the
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C
lei, Mrs.
both low and high cuts at almost friends here,
your own Lawns, white
Call on s for a bar
in town. Their customers tell me goods end all trimmings t almost Flour, none better
hat i t is so.
Our hull team don't
Tery fluently on that
trip. Strange, very.
The ladies invited
to Call and Inspect our line
mercerized we h
in bolts also in patterns of
lengths. J J.
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see us, Hart
gold piece used
as a watch charm.
to M. M. Sauls and tie will pay a
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no made. Best refer-
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
I wish to remind my friends that
I keep a very nice line of millinery
goods, and I know that my Tessie
girdles, ribbons and kid belts
will please yon all. Give me a
call, Mrs J. A. Davis.
A fellow with a new set of tenth
their Value. see.
J. II. Tripp
Morehead yesterday.
ready paints,
colors, lead, oil at J. R.
Smith A Bro.
In be had anywhere.
; If you foal hurt, go to Jackson's
get a pan of shoes. They
Mil feet glad,
Come to us you wan.
to buy I nil Manufactured
fold- we handle Trust
pair double, single and
wire bed springs at J. B. K Jenkins.
Smith a crowd went on the
for t tie erection of a brick Masonic
building here.
Misses Annie
of near are
Mrs. C. L. Patrick.
At the clone of business June 0th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
feels as if had fallen in a brick bat Silver Coin
yard, about hash time.
For flour, lime, hay, meal, hulls
etc., go to Jackson Co's.
National Hank notes and
other U. S. notes
Mary of are that Cannon
have been visiting Tyson keeps the best most
line furniture town
Just another case of
men's at M. Ed-
wards A Co's.
Fred Allen and wife, of Farm-
ville, have been spending several
days with W. L. Tucker.
up-to-date Wheeler
Wilson sewing machines for only
W. M. C.
ed to her home in
George Worthington Bro
work in this line
Ron Ring a specialty. Work
K. G. Cos went to Greenville
Two more brick stores
complete. West Railroad
is on the constant improve.
Life, Health Fire,
necessary requisites. For
insurance see ES. G. Cox.
Preaching at was the
attraction for many from this
point Sunday.
i-inn's Hog Chaser has
on the market for fourteen
It is guaranteed ii used before sick
Rev. E. Saturday
to till several appointments the
lower of county and
returned yesterday.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Tb roe
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
I certificates of
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
to curs cholera refunded, j D, ALEXANDER,
Write or send to Dr. B. T. Cox, Artist,
Mason Jars and
Rubbers at R. Smith A Bro.
Latest Styles Hair
Shaving and

Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. as second class matter.
rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties.
Pitt County, X. C,
At present it to be order
to strike
There's something doing in
Greenville not yet caught the
club spirit.
Wednesday show what
is about it.
Watts Law operates in Eliza-
City, Greenville,
many other towns in
yet Hon. Harry Skinner,
seeker, and Federal office
holder, is authority for the state-
that the sentiment in the
tern part of the state is unfavorable
to the law.
Col. Bryan is now giving a
on government ownership of
buttons have got here, but
hey c attached to a bunch of
chewing gum.
The Durham Herald re-
marks that even the wells in some
sections are dry.
We wonder if the whiskey gang
charge the dispensary with being
the of he high price of beef.
organized a law
and order league. The purpose is
to prohibition law honestly
led out in that
The chances of the candidate's
election should not be measured by
the is the kindergarten de
who have been named
The Greensboro Record went
the folks who that print shop
with bad writing, bad and
W It at a oily
Reece fill down on that lust word
Such an article.
United States District Atty.,
got an interview by a
correspondent in which he says
the sentiment in eastern North Caro-
the Watts law and op-
posed to its
mind Colonel Skinner a
republican and office holder,
which is sufficient explanation for
his the statement.
drive through the rural sections
of this county is a rare treat. We
believe that no county in the state
has more fertile fields or more in-
men of brown who till
Notwithstanding the recent co-
and daily thunderstorms
the crops in this section are most
excellent. Political upheavals and
partisan discussions disturb not the
even tenor of our way and despite
all these things, Pitt county
are forging to the front. If cotton
brings prices this fall and
crops continue as they now are there
The people of Greenville and
surrounding community are greatly
pleased with success of our Grad-
ed schools here both white and
colored. We consider ourselves
fortunate in having as our Supt.
Prof W. U. Dove, who is a great
educator and a Christian gentleman.
Last year, which was the first year
of the school system in our
town, proved the system to be a good
one, four hundred students having
been enrolled during the year. This
is a great increase over the number
that attended school last rear.
The school building for white
will be some joyous tillers of the ,.,,.,,
. . . . . f,. . children is a handsome structure of
soil in this county at the Christmas
During the absence of
J the Editorial
management -i
is in the hands M.
who is personally for nil
that is found in the Editorial
Ex-Senator Davis says the
nation for Vice President was a
prise to him. The country at large
was taken unawares. Moth,
however, seem to be satisfied.
Charlotte Daily
Yes, but his failure to he elected
would now he even a greater
prise to us.
Public Sentiment and Law.
Charity and Children, published
at Thomasville, starts a ringing
with this
sentiment, thank God, is
determined in North This
is a just estimate of the situation in
the State. Hand in hand with the
great educational sentiment that has
grownup during the past half a de
has come the sentiment for
Law without public sentiment to
support it is worse than no law at
all, for it will be disregarded, and
become a mere farce a
disregard for all law.
Hut it is poor argument to say
that the prohibition laws should not
; be adopted simply because there
will he will violate them.
If the majority ignores the laws and
they are adopted, then the majority
The associated press states that is either insincere or cowardly if the
Senator Davis, having planned to ; laws are not enforced.
have notification meeting one There is a law constantly broken.
later than Judge Parker, on every statute book in the land
and having received a telegram that against murder, but none but
Judge Parker his
meeting on August 10th, sent a
telegram to Hon. John Sharp
of Tennessee, temporary chair-
of the St Louis Convention,
that notification meeting would
he at White Springs,
Va., on August 17th
The Senator is very enthusiastic
and has great faith his party.
Not a great deal is being said just
now about prosperity and the full
dinner pail, but Pitt county crops
are good, rains are abundant and
the farmers wear a good humored
smile. They are
and and are not
greatly disturbed by the political
upheaval This is real prosperity,
and not the cry of the politician for
political ends.
two stories, and is built of pressed
brick. It is located in a quiet but
secluded part of town on Evans street
and is easily reached from any home
in town.
The building for colored children
is a beautiful wooden structure
consisting of a single story It is
conveniently located in the western
part of town, and is easily reached
by the majority of the colored child-
in selecting teachers for those
schools, great care is manifested,
and no effort is spared in procuring
only those who are competent and
experienced teachers.
The fall term opens Sept. 1st,
when, it is estimated, five hundred
students will be enrolled.
There are many of us who do not
like Mr. Bryan, but all would
agree that he is a hard man to down.
The associated press states that
several members of the Democratic
National Committee arrived in New
The republicans are against tern
legislation and if so many
of their votes had not been cut off
they would have made themselves
felt.- Durham Herald.
On any question it is always well
to take and examine the crowd
that stands with you. Now the
question is not to be con-
as a party question, for it is
vastly broader and deeper than any
political propaganda. It is a moral
And those who are opposed to
temperance line up with the
and march hand in hand with
those who do not represent the best
class of our citizens. Their crowd
is composed of red-nosed
criminals, second rate politicians
would advocate the repeal of I
this law simply because there are
degenerates who break the law.
No, the sentiment for law and or-
for good citizenship an tern
is growing, already the j
light is breaking and with a strong
sentiment backed up by strongman-
hood three will be a minimum of
law breakers.
York last week, among them being
W- U. Martin, of Arkansas; J. Cf Fortunately the last
of Nebraska; R. M. John-1 class have not much to do in present
on, of T. E. Ryan, of Wis- day discussions from a voting stand
cousin and R. L. Williams of Indian
point. Hut as the Herald aptly
Territory. These gentlemen seemed remarks had they not been deprived
to be unanimous in the opinion that.
if the legislature was Democratic,
W. J. Bryan would be elected
Suites Senator from Nebraska .
of their franchise privilege, the
weight of their vote would have
been felt, and no one doubts where
that weight would have gone.
The C, Hera Id
makes the following explanation in
its issue of Sunday
the ruling power
whether it be man or
to draw to itself all other forces, as
in a great centripetal whirlpool
that is imperialism. Whenever the
ruling seeks to allay itself in
sectional animosity and exalt one
part of the country at the expense of
the is imperialism.
Whenever the party in power seeks
to expand its influence and extend
its ideas to foreign soil by might of
emphatically is
And whenever the ruling
power endeavors to
cal obstacles to its continuance in
is with a
crown upon
That's bad enough, to he
we had an idea that it was much
horns, for instance, and
went about seeking whom it might
alive in fact.
Charlotte Observer.
No, the fact of the business is that
it has prominent front teeth and
wears Eye glasses and yellow spell
the Name
We who sit sweltering and
perspiration our furrowed
brows may derive some benefit by
painting pictures of cooler dimes
We may derive pleasure from us-
the Christian Science method
of imagination and let our fickle
fancy play on the gilded sands,
where ocean's roar is heard and
where the playful billows sport be-
neath the cooling breezes.
Let us imagine the stately tread
of as
es down the board walk at More-
bead His costume bespeaks the
bather, his head is bare and the
breezes sport with his mustache
In his abbreviated red streaked
costume he is all unmindful of
presses, delayed news, short copy
and the ever grumbling subscriber,
Hut see, he has reached the end of
the wharf. Here and there are seen
merry bathers sporting on the briny
billows of the deep. He pauses on
the margin of the dock, he breathes
the salty air and a smile plays about
his Between those half
parted lips is the ever present
and the blue puff of smoke plays
about his features as he poses for
a leap.
He has forgotten the Democratic
hosts, the eastern wars, the socials
and personals and the smoking
He folds his hands above his
head and dives into the cool waters.
The waters splash and then close
over the diver and the little fishes
scamper away. Soon the face re-
appears and the jolly sport begins.
This is ye editor.
This is life.
t. V.
As the time is drawing near
primaries and county conventions to
be called for the selection of
dates to the various offices of Pitt
county and also a legislative tie-ct.
I therefore leg your indulgence for
a few unsolicited remarks in
of L. W. Tucker for sheriff.
He is a young man of high
and of a great business capacity,
which his public career of the past
four or five years abundantly proves,
and stands without contradiction.
Some may say that he is rather young
to shoulder the responsibilities of
the office of high Sheriff of Pitt
county, but I declare unto you, that
it is not right, adequate, or just,
that a man ho by the height of his
ambition, ski and self
has reached the goal of maturity in
physical, mental and business
ties earlier than the average man,
that he should be haltered and tied,
so to speak, his inferiors might
reach his equal.
On the contrary, Mr. Editor and
friends, I do say and verily believe,
that a man of such eminent
and broad business qualifications as
Mr. Tucker, having served the office
of sheriff as deputy for four or five
years with such a marked degree of
success, makes him throughly
competent and to serve the
office itself to the entire satisfaction
of the people of Pitt county,
thereby be honored himself and an
honor to Pitt And when the
Democratic county convention is
called upon to name a date for
sheriff. I believe the people will be
glad to show him the honor of rise-
as a unit and with one accord
say, nominate L. W. Tucker by
M. T.
Colonel W. H. Chapman, of the
Internal Service, with
headquarters at Greensboro, a man
of approved character, expressed to
our Raleigh correspondent the fear
is on the increase,
and complains that county officers
doing so little to enforce the
Watts law, leaving the execution of
liquor laws to the Federal
ties, who last month captured forty
illicit an increase of
eight over the preceding month It
seems that the county authorities
through the state have taken no in-
in the enforcement of the
Watts law, and yet it is a State stat-
and it the business of the local
officials to it. If the
were as indifferent as
those of the counties, the liquor laws
would be defied and trampled under
foot from one end of the State to the
other, It i tote hoped that the
Chapman will awaken
them to a sense of their
De Bible tell de sluggard go
de ant; but days de
most goes de father in
some folks in dis county
never knows de time day
tell de sun's in de middle de
WORD that word Is
it refers to Dr. Liver Pills and
Arc you constipated
Troubled with Indigestion
Sick headache
ANT of these symptoms and many others
Indicate inaction LIVER
Take No Substitute.
This department is in of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep.
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C., July
Jarvis and Henry Haddock, of
Clay Boot, day here.
All the excursionist from Nor-
folk are yet to sleepy to tell what
they saw.
Nearly all of our tobacco farmers
are busy as bees putting in their
Since the rains it
is fast and nearly every
one is reporting to art
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.,
to be making special preparation
for the manufacture of sears
Their trade in this line is
rapidly they now
have standing orders from some of
threading carriage makers for
per month.
H. L. Johnson pays highest
prices for eggs and chickens.
See those nice shut at H. L.
Wire Fence Machinery FOB
bale, Cheap
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are off-
their making
wire fence Ht an extremely low
price. Owing to recent changes
made in the location
they are compelled to use all of
their other business and
will have to build extra room or
discontinue the making of fence.
This is a good opportunity for a
farmer to make his fence for his
farm cheap. AH for
munched also a lot of
wire can be bought cheap if
d. A. G. Cox Mfg Co.
N. C
T. N. Manning and Va., the
place for fruit per doz.
Some people talk about this
being the of the
year when there is nothing to do.
This be true some places
but it is far from true at
shop. He
been shipping buggies almost daily
for a long, time and still or
conic more and While
a good many these buggies are
fold this state he also ships
large numbers to Virginia and
South Carolina.
have reopened my
barber shop In the store formerly
occupied by Kin and
6-28-2 Will
If yon are in need of Tobacco
Fines or Fine Iron you will do
well correspond with the A. G.
Cox Co. and et their prices.
have a supply of Iron on
Mid make best flues that
can be had. They will also give
you best prices
Try a barrel of Columbia flour
the best In town.
H. L. Johnson.
A well selected variety of drug-
gists sundries also a full stock of
medicines kept at the drug store.
Say Have you seen Those
buggies that Hunsucker has in his
room. If not drop in when
in town and take a look at them.
It will do you good. We do not
ask you to buy stop and see
If you are not a patron of our
store come and get acquainted with
us, examine stock learn
our prices, B. T. Cox Bro.
Main Street, Winterville. N. C.
Board ins J. D.
Board per day. Best
house in town.
See G. A. Kittrell Co. for any
thing in the feed line.
Latest styles and very cheap
at H. L. Johnson's.
All kinds of soft cool
refreshing. H. L. Johnson.
T. N. Manning Co. are carry-
the that will cure
diseases of the in any stale.
Fruit jars J gallon size Me.,
quart size H, L. Johnson.
Roan Cooper with his factory
seems to be alive. as
either at factory or store. Out
smiles will do yon good-
Winterville Mfg. Co.
am prepared to furnish
brick at Lowest market prices.
Ola Manning.
wish to notify the
public that I grind every
day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
Purnell Tripp.
See those nice pants at H. L.
Johnson's they are cheap and good
fountain pens a
specialty at Dr. B. T. A
There is a assortment
of T. W. Wood Son's., garden
seed at the drug store.
Kittrell A Taylor have just re-
a nice assortment, of cutlery
if yon nice knife see them.
wood Cart
Hubs. A. G. Co Mfg. Co
One pair of good, well broke,
young mules for sale, or trade for
a horse that will weigh about
pounds. A. G. Cox.
Winterville, N. C
See H. L. Johnson for heavy mid
light groceries,
Shoes, Hats and Caps at your
own price at A. W. Ange and Co.
is th accepted to
in your order Handy To
Trucks to be need in housing
this seasons crop of tobacco. Do
not wait until the last minute when
your tobacco is ripe and should be
in the barn before you attend to
i in matter. Be ready. Although
t he crop is short there is a great
demand for our trucks. We have
already sold more than we had ex-
to sell and still the orders
keep coming. If you have not
ready bought us your order at
once before the final rush comes.
A. G. Cox Mfg., Co.
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co. have in
stock a nice lot of well seasoned
timber for buggy bodies and seats
and are making nice bodies
They supply of the
leading makers in this
the state, and to
be a specialty of
Harrington, Bather Co., have
just received bags corn. It is
going fast.
Corn, Oats and Hay for sale;
Cheap for cash, O. A.
G. A. Kittrell and Co., are ex-1
. lug a shipment of seed Rye
a few days. See them buy-i
Try R. G. Chapman Co's i
white vinegar pickling.
It is splendid.
Groves Chill Tonic bottle-
while the present lasts. John i
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh
of bread.
good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
If you want ice and
fail to get them from
For horse
arid one h KM power en-
Both in ruining re
We have a fine line of Sum-
mer Underwear.
It's this way about Under-
it doesn't fit its never
matter how
much it costs.
Here are French
French Mesh Under-
wear, Mercerized Cotton, Etc.
Note the of the
well as the thin-
and firmness of the fabric.
They're made to fit, to be
cool, to wear well.
We are showing all sizes
for short men and tall men
slim men and stoat men.
The King Clothier.
The A. G. Cox C.
just built another large addition
to factory, under the
management of Hi mucker, their
buggy man, this department of.
business has be, rapidly J. Term, v reasonable,
growing and at present the outlook A G. M f g C .,
seems to be more promising N. C.
. See pants and skirt
ever Z
at A. W . C i.
Work on the Pitt Co Oil Mill i For nice and hat's go to
progressing rapidly. car, A save
load of brick wan I
day. brick were by j A, C.
Mr. James A. Griffin of Ayden, for and sells
N. C and are in every way very
first brick and will
us a good for
i p.
the j
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
We have on band a few Breech Tate us g d as Maple Syrup.
price John A son.
cents per bottle at B. T.
The New Season
Right at the forefront of the tobacco business.
We will in shape for handling every load to
the best advantage of the farmer.
With plenty of room, perfect lights, ample cap-
ital and a competent force, the Old Greenville is
not going to be behind any other house in high
prices. Our aim will be to take the lead and
hold it. Opening sale will be
Mr. B. T. Bailey will be auctioneer for us this
season. He is one of the best in the state- Come
right along with your tobacco and you will go
homo satisfied that you got the highest price to be

De hereafter look mighty
it i, it man git
Atlantic constitution.
J. Proctor Bros
you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to in it, clothing and
goods far your family, provisions
your or for
your farm, we can supply your
mill now
In full j m pin-
pared to gin corn,
saw ail
f turned fT
do general r rig of
carts and wag--us
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notion, Fancy
Tobacco Cigars. The
in All
i hr popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
The Columbia State adverts to the
way things are going here, with
Home casual reference t
ed danger of an enforced suspension
of the usual courtesies between the
vi tremor of North Carolina and the
Governor of Carolina That's
not what s us What we are
bothered Judge Peebles
is to do, if this thing keep, on in
he should have attack
T. F. raw.
N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
anything the farmer sells.
Greenville's Great
Department Store
Courage Brethren.
The temperance k
God, is dominant in North Carolina.
That was very clearly shown at
Greensboro, and the triumph at
emphasizes the power and
effectiveness of the movement. Hut
the v is not yet won by any
he liquor men are astute
and wily and tin long and
experience in politics gives then
a advantage. They know
the importance of attending the
and selecting delegates
to their interests. Our people
are n it so well up on this game. If
we are not awake alert the
people will win the Legislature
and neutralize all the legislation
that has been so hardly wrung from
our law-makers. The matter of
importance now before us is
to see. that men are nominated who
will faithfully carry oat the will o
the moral element of North
No matter how strong the pres-
sure brought to bear, if our people
will let it clearly and fully under
stood they will positively not
vote for a man who is not an out-
spoken and avowed advocate of
legislation, the other sort
will not be nominated, for the slate-
makers have their ears to the ground
and they will see that the men the
people want will be nominated The
politicians arc perfectly willing to
give us the right sort of men as
if we only demand
them, and we must demand them.
The fate of the temperance cause is
now in the hands of the citizens,
What are we going to do about it
Bethel, N. C, July 1904.
The hot we bare
to door with the gate
open, hue the crops are greatly
improving recent rains.
J. T. Smith
chicken i tab- a f-w day
ago. It was one of the William
kind with three wings.
K. has been,
awarded the contract for build
lug a dam
Bethel. It will bi a gr-at
to the traveling public
Than. Thomas left Tuesday for
Miss Maggie Peel, of
villa, is visiting Mrs. H. W. Mar-
W. J. on his runt de-
livery route has made days
with wheel without a
day. Who can beat that.
Miss Bessie Norman, of Ply-
mouth, is visiting Mrs. J. T,
The flinch party at Dr.
Friday night, was greatly enjoyed
by many of the young people.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office
Complete Line Gaining, Hardware Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce;.
It ; i . cry bur t liar which
convinces make strung claims
So strong per to skepticism in the
mind.-, f do Dot know. We, how-
u our may
in all fairness. We
are showing a line of
Dorothy Dodd
In the seasons newest styles, Oxford, Strap
Sandals, Gibson Ties, Etc.
J. B. Cherry Co.
Greenville's Great Department Store
Congressional Convention.
At a meeting of the
. Executive of t Fit-
District held in Ply
month on 14th of
it wan Hint
tin- lit -m
i town of Edenton on Wednesday
the h of 1904. at I
P. M. purpose of
i candidate fir
in from said
elector, and fir other
The Democrats t several
counties composing the first din
will take notice
and send delegates to such
By order of the commute-.
W. B.
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price.
Johnston Bros.
Quick Arrest
J. A. A.
wan twice the from m
severe case of piles
After doctor and all
die failed,
quickly arrested
and cured It
a-hes and kills pair.
at drag St re.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, we've made it easy for you to own one.
is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
well a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Made Young
IV. Life
Pills each f ; two has
put me in my I
rites l. H. Turner of Dempsey
town, They're the best
for Liver, Stomach and ;
Bowels vegetable Never
Only Wooten's
Prompt treatment of a
k of will often
vent a serious sickness. The best
known is Dr. Seth Ar
Balsam. Your apothecary
J L. Wooten warrants it to five
The undersigned, having this day
been appointed by, and having duly
before, the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt County, as ad-
of the estate of Allen
Warren deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them to
me for payment, duly authenticated,
on or before the day of July 1906,
or this will be plead in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment to me.
This the 13th day of July 1904.
E. B. Moor.
Administrator of Allen Warren d.
Jarvis Blow,
St Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium.
Most equable on coast; Bait air tempered by proximity of
Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with every modern Improvement for the treat-
of disease. A corps of Specialists In every department. Special
department for cases of confinement. Moat approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward Rates, per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
j w. co.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipment
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
A. sudden i night of
some form of Bowel
may come to anyone. Every
be with a
Dr Seth Arnold's
Warranted by J. L. Wooten,
. .
ca r
S i
o m
be m

i in i mi i ii
pill that will, will fill the bill.
Without h gripe.
To cleanse liver, without a
Take one at
Little early are
small, to take, easy d gentle
in effect, yet they ho certain in
results that do one who uses them
is For quick relief
biliousness, sick headache,
liver, dizziness
all troubles arising from an
inactive, sluggish liver, Early
are Sold at
en's Drug Store.
A Sure
It i- said that nothing in sure
except death and DOt this
is not altogether true. King's
New discovery for consumption is
a sure cine all lung and throat
trouble. Thousands can testify
to that. Mrs. B. Van of
W. V. says j
had a severe of Bronchitis
and for a tried everything
heard of, but got no relief. One
of Dr. Slag's New
infallible for Croup, Whoop
Cough, Grip, and
Consumption. Try it. It's
by h.
Trial bottles Reg t
A New York man insists after
he been dead and buried
body shall be exhumed after a period ,
of eight days Such foolishness as J
this conies of n certain class f
who refuse to believe that
they are too dead to be resurrected.
Wilmington Star.
.,. .
Weak Hearts
are caused by If yon
eat little too much, or if yo-i are j
subject to attacks of indigestion.
t lie stomach and
up against the heart.
crowds the heart and shortens the
breath. Rapid heart beats and he-
disease is the result.
dot Dyspepsia Core digests what
you eat, takes the the
heart, cure Indigestion,
Bin, sour stomach, and contributes
nourish men t, strength and health
to every organ of the
at Drug Store. .
John I.
Ask the readers this paper who
with m
to call on him at one
and yet a of
. If you the value
this remedy as know it, yon
would suffer day.
did Cure is a thorough i
as well. Ii is
by whom it
has cured
win, palpitation of the
stomach troubles generally
Dyspepsia cure Digests what m
eat. Ir is pleasant, nod j
One of the largest farmers of
county, is n close observer and
business ideas, re
marked In k the other
day dial Pitt county ought to have
a better road system we
have. During such rainy seasons as ,
the past week the roads in many
sections are almost impassable.
also said a town of as much
as Greenville ought to take
more interest in the bridges and
close to town so people
run get here at any lime. It often
happens that people go
instead of to Greenville because
bad places to cross close to town.
A Startling Test,
To a life, Dr. T G. Men-it
of No. Pa , made
Startling test resulting in a won
cure. He writes, a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by mention of
the stomach. I had often found
excellent for acute
stomach and liver so I
pi them. patient
gained from the first, and has not
had an attack in months
Electric Bitters are positively
guaranteed for Dyspepsia,
Constipation and Kidney
troubles. Try them Only;
at Drug Store.
If It Comes From
Styles are Ail Right
La Drop Full Bleached Taper
Aim and Neck, Silk and Finished
Gauze. Vest TEN CENTS
Hundred yards to make your
from. Boat Load Just Received.
Our entire line of Thin Goods,
Batiste, Crepe De Chine at
Special Low Prices.
Trunks and Bass and Valises. If
you going off for summer or
school see our line.
H TO 1.25 Shirts all go
at the ridiculous low price of
Clothing Special Clothing Special
Severe Cut in Entire Line of Spring Summer Clothing. Thin Coat and Pants.
Doz Fringed Bleached Tow-
els, Good size- foe Hive Price
Ladies Congo Crook
las worth while they last,
La Kid Oxfords worth
Bee Hive Price
Bee Hive Price
Lawns worth
Scotch Figured
Bee Hive
Organdy, Dimity.
yards fine figured Organ-
and Dimity Lawns worth
1-2, m hive price
yards hamburgs,
laces 1-3 off
These Prices will last as long as we have the goods. Don't Wait You will have to
Hurry before they are all gone.
Bee Hive Cash Store.

The pill that will, will fill bill
Without a gripe.
To cleanse liver, without a
Take ore at night.
DeWitt's Little early Wiser are
small, easy to take, easy and
in effect, yet they pertain iD
results that no one who list's them
For relief
from sick
torpid liver, jaundice, dizziness
and all troubles arming from an
inactive, sluggish liver. Early
era are unequaled. Bold at
en's Drug
A Sure Thine
It is that is sure
except death and tuxes, but this
not altogether true. Dr. King's
New discovery consumption is
a all lung and throat
troubles. Thousands can
to that. Mrs. C. B. Van of
W. Va. says
had a case of Bronchitis
and for tried everything
heard of, bat got no relief. One
bottle of Dr. New
cry then me
It's infallible for Croup, Whoop
Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and
Consumption. Try it. It's
by J. L.
Trial bottles
A New York man insists that after
he has been dead and buried his
body shall be exhumed after a period
of eight days Such foolishness as
this comes of a certain class of
who refuse to believe that
they are too dead to be resit meted
Wilmington Star.
Weak Hearts
are caused by -indigestion. If yon
eat a little too much, or if are
subject to attacks of Indigestion.
stomach and
up the heart.
crowds the heart and shortens the
breath. Rapid and he
art disease is the result. K
Dyspepsia Cure digests what
you cat, takes the strain off
heart, cures Indigestion,
sour stomach, and contributes I
strength am health
to every organ of body.
at Drug
John I. Wooten.
Ask the readers this paper who
are i
to call on him at once
and a bottle of
Cure . If you knew the value
of this remedy as know it, yon
won Id not suffer another day.
Dyspepsia is a thorough
ti Ionic
as well. It endorsed
whom II
has cured indigestion,
Id, palpitation of
iron hies generally
Dyspepsia en re what
eat. If is pleasant,
One of tie largest of the
county, is a close observer and
a man of pool business ideas, re-
marked to the other
day that Pitt county ought to have;
a bettor road system than now
have. During such rainy seasons
the past week the roads in many
sections are almost impassable. He
also said that a town of as much
as Greenville ought to take I
more interest in the bridges and
roads close to town so that people
can get. hero at any time. It often
happens that people go elsewhere
instead of to Greenville because of
bad places to cross close to town .
A Startling Teat,
To a life, Dr. T G.
of No. Pa., made
Startling test a won
cure. He writes, a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by liberation of
the stomach. I had often found
Bitters excellent for acute
and liver troubles ho I
them. The patient
gained from the first, and has not
had an attack in
Electric Bitters are positively
guaranteed for Dyspepsia,
mention, Constipation and Kidney
trouble. Try them Only;
at Drag Store.
It II Comes From
The Price, Fit Styles are All Right
La Drop Full Bleached Taper
Aim and Neck, Silk and Finished
Gauze Vest TEN CENTS
Hundred yards to make your
from. Boat Load Just Received.
Our entire line of Thin White Goods,
Batiste, Crepe De Chine at
Special Low Prices.
Trunks and Bags and Valises. If
you off for summer or
school see our line.
11.26 Shirts all go
at the ridiculous low price of
Clothing Special Clothing Special
Severe Cat in Entire Line of Spring Summer Clothing. Thin Coat and Pants.
Doz Fringed Bleached Tow-
els, Good size- Bee Hive Price
Ladies Congo
las worth while they last,
Bee Hive Price
La Kid Oxfords worth
Bee Hive Price
yards Scotch Figured
Lawns worth Bee Hive
price d
Organdy, Dimity.
, yards fine figured Organ-
and Dimity Lawns worth
1-2, lie. Bee hive price
1.0,000 hamburgs,
and laces 1-3 off
These Prices will last as long as we have the goods. Don't Wait You will have to
Hurry before they are all gone.
Bee Hive Cash Store.
. i .

I ,
Give Rebate
We have planed to make this
Great Sale an over
whelming success. We have
taken into due consideration
the great loss of profit which
such a sale as this means. We
take the loss wise
believing it to be the very
best kind of business sense u
clean up all summer surplus
at a loss, and do it while the evening season is at its
height. We believe this is the greatest money saving
sale we ever offered. Compare the printed offerings
with the actual merchandise, you will then be con-
that the loss is ours, the saving is yours. You
can make no mistake to investigate the goods offered.
Big Bargains in all Goods.
them for now, buy them for fall, buy them for
any season, the whole stock is at your mercy during
this sale. Sale commences
continues to 1st-
Tayloe. Chief Marshall
The election of Mr. Joseph F.
Tayloe as chief for t ti
state fair of 1904 is a deserved
recognition of the merits of a
young man and a deserved
to our sister town. The News
and Observer relative to his
Taylor is well known
throughout the state as one of its
most progressive and able
men. He has a host of friends in
eastern North Carolina, and with
his well known energy and ability
it Is certain that the social events
of the state fair will be admirably
Mr. Tayloe is not alone well
known in social life in the state,
but politically also. He was one
of the North Carolina delegates to
the National Democratic
from the first district.
In an appreciative accept-
the appointment, Mr. Tayloe
wrote the state fair officiate, saying
that he would give his most earn-
est efforts to the duties of the
position. He. says that he ex
to have at the state
marshals from the mountains to
the representing
part of the state.
The rarest combination of good
things put together l
Rocky Mountain Tea. It cares
pimples, indigestion, constipation,
rheumatism, sick headache.
cents, Tea Tablets. Wooten's
Drug Store.
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
of the town.
chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
place is inviting, razors sharp
our towels clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you to when
good service is wanted
North Carolina, o
Pitt In Superior Court
Louisa Hargrave,
vs v Summons
The defendant, Hargrave,
will take notice that an action entitled
as above has been commenced in the
Superior Court for Pitt county, for
divorce, and the defendant will take
notice that he is required to at
the Superior Court for the county of
Pitt to be held at the court house in
Greenville on the 2nd Monday after
the 1st Monday in Sept, 1904, and ans-
or demur to the complaint, a copy
of which will be deposited in the clerks
office of said court within the first
days of said term or the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de-
in the complaint.
Witness my hand and seal this
1904 D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
Such Wash Goods
is seldom seen. The wash
goods policy of this store is
clean shelves. All the colored
Lawns that were and
. . now
Mens Clothing reduced
per cents. We don't car-
any special line, but some
of all the leading makes.
White Shirt Waist Goods
that were and all
go at our price . yd
Such price Silks, not every
day seen, all colors, in best
China Silk . yd
Black Dress Goods, must
leave the shelves, 1.00, 1.26
Fine Black Silk
was 1.00 and now
and 1.05 yd
Stock Collars, was
and now .
Ladies Shirt Waist Sets,
was and now
Miles of Laces and
reduced half.
styles. BOo
summer corset 1.00 C B
Corset R ft G
sets Your choice in any
style of 1.00 Batiste et in
any make .
Ladies Vest that
were and now
Ladies and Mens Umbrellas
with steel rods, full inches,
was and now ago
Ladies Stock Collars,
Mens Furnishings chimed
in bargain lots.
Mens black and colored
Half Hose, kind, now
Summer Undershirts.
kind, now . .
G. H
Madras Shirts .
bosom Negligee Shins
was now . .
League Meeting.
A call meeting
League was held in the Methodist
church here Monday night. A large
of the bets were pres-
and business of importance
was transacted.
Among other things that were
brought before the League, was
the final report of the picnic com-
This committee recommended
that the league have a moon light
excursion down the river, which
was adopted by the league, and it
was decided that the excursion
boat leave the Old Dominion
wharf at seven o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day, July
Aug., 2nd
All Straw Bats. 1.00
and 1.25, all at our price
Mens Negligee Shirts,
1.25, and 1.75, all at one
price .
Ladies and Mens and
Handkerchiefs, now
NOTICE. During this
Great Clearance sale it will
be for us to cut
samples or send goods up on
approval, but refund-
ed to all Is tied customers
Folks Must Eat
matter how low the price
tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
. J.
Five Points.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
Loans Discount 1183,309.34
Overdrafts 3.239.39
Furniture Fixtures 3,618.57
Due from Bunks 73,226.39
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 3,319.37
Stock paid in
Profits less
Expenses Paid 12,097.92
Deposits 226,973.38
Cashier's checks out-
standing 7,014.29
County of Pitt. J
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the shove-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
Can Take a Trip With The Low
Pate Tickets Sale via
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
M, this 20th day of June,
. , .-.
J. G.
Richmond, National
Association of Engineers Au-
gust 1st to 6th.
Louisville, Biennial
Conclave Knights of Pythias,
August th to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment Q. A. R., August
15th to 20th.
St Louis, the Worlds
Fair. Season, Sixty day,
teen day and Excursion
tickets now on sale.
Excellent Service
Convenient Schedules.
For full information as to rates, dates
of sale, limits of tickets,
schedules, etc., call on any
Ticket Agent of the A. L.,
or write
H. M. W. J
T M. F. A
K. O
a White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a century
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
Ill you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality. .
trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
cart give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. Ho.
Miss Li Hie Cowan, a trained
nurse of Durham, came in this
morning to attend Tom Blow, who
has typhoid fever.
Major H. Harding and daughter
Harvey Keen went to Parmele
this morning.
O. if. King this morning i Mi-s left this morning to
the Convocation now in
session at Centerville.
for Washington.
J. of Ayden, is spend
today in town.
J. Gardner
returned from
Tarboro Wednesday.
Blow returned from
W. Perkins to
this morning.
W. M. Best went do to
on business Wednesday.
Misses Eula and Clyde Cd re.
to Ayden.
Tuesday from Morehead; City.
J. wife for
Beach this morning.
Forbes returned
Wednesday evening.
A. C Monk arrived Wednesday
evening to be here during the
W. O. Barnhill an family left
this for Va.
where will make their home.
W. P; Langston, of Wilson, who
bas been visiting Ex Sheriff Hat-
returned home this morn-
B. W. Hadley
of visiting her pa-
Wm. Blow left for Golds-
W. L. Hall returned from Scot-
d Neck Friday.
Mrs. Denmark returned
to Kinston Friday.
New Officers of the Association.
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Mrs. J. A. Hornaday,
daughter, Miss and sen,
returned Wednesday from
the southern part of the -stale.
V. L. Hornaday left this morn-
to represent Trinity Park
School at the
which is session at
Rich Square.
Mrs. Mar Lawrence returned
to Portsmouth Monday. Mrs
Emily of near Greenville,
accompanied her home.
A. r left today for Gate.
W. L. Beat returned Thursday
H. A. White wont to Bethel
this morning.
J. Tyson returned Thursday
from Hall i more.
returned Thurs-
day from
W. J. Blow, of
Miss Jennie Williams left
day for a visit to
W. Perkins returned from
Wilmington evening.
Miss Maggie Dixon, of Rocky
Mount, is visiting her sifter,
Mrs. J. W. Higgs.
M. L. Turnage, of Farm ville,
Va., has accepted a position with
the Bank of Greenville.
Miss Marie Walker, of Ports-
mouth, Va., is visiting Miss Elise
Pitt St.
T. H. Bateman left this morning
for he fill
s contract to tin some buildings
Mies Eloise who has
been visiting Miss Mary
left for her
this moral
Ex-Mayor Whedbee went to
this morning.
Misses Dora and Ethel
left Friday for Winterville.
Miss Smith returned
this morning from a visit to
E. B. Thomas came Friday
and will work at the Center Brick
Mr. and Mrs. Clarance
of are visiting
and in town.
E. G. Cox and family, of Ayden,
came over this morning and left on
the steamer for
Rev. J. H. Griffith, of Kinston,
came over this morning went
out to Farmville to preach Sunday.
D. J. Whichard, who has been
attending the State Press
at Morehead, returned this
King, who
been visiting Miss Frances Bag-
well, this morning for her
home in Raleigh.
Chas. Mr.
Robt. and Mrs. Sol. Dixon
Friday evening to spend a
days at Morehead.
Mrs. R. J. Cobb and daughter,
Hiss MUs P.
James n
left Friday evening fr Morehead.
Institute for Colored Teachers.
The Institute for th- colored
teachers of Pin Bounty will be
held in on
Monday, August the 8th. Every
colored the county h
required by law to attend this
or not lie qualified lo
teach in any county in the e
for the next twelve mouths. These
teachers will ail hereby take notice
be present at the beginning
continuous attendance is required.
W. H.
Co. Supt.
7-29 d
N. C. July
An address of unusual excel-
and ability was at
Wednesday afternoon's session of
the Press association by J. W.
Bailey, subject being
Press in a Mr.
Bailey is one of the
young men in the state, or even in
the South, and is a power in the
advancement of the State.
At night a memorial
was held, at which resolutions
wore adopted upon the death of
Robert M. late editor of
the Raleigh Post. Several
spoke tributes to
bis memory.
A full dress was held in
the Atlantic Hotel that was quite
a brilliant social affair. There
were a large number of dancers on
the floor.
Atone the ball a
reception was held in honor of
Gen. Lee. There were
a number of persons in
the receiving line with General
Lee them being
J. A Bryan, Of the A. N.
railroad and ex-Gov. Mrs. T.
J. aid Cherry,
Wednesday afternoon
had a delightful outing at the
surf and, came out cleaner and
wiser. Mr. J. J. Royal, owner of
the pavilion and bath houses on
to me association.
This the association
up its routine business again
and of interest-
the Preside t
J. A. of the A. N. C.
railroad, was introduced the
convention and invited
bets to go as his guests on a tour
of inspection of road. This
trip will be taken by special train
Friday morning.
T. i. Jarvis was also
presented to the convent on and
made n interesting brief speech
heat lily applauded.
The following officers were
place of meeting.
Morehead, July
The banquet last night tendered
the association by the A. N. C.
railroad and the Atlantic Hotel,
was an elaborate affair. There
were spreads for about one
and the menu, served in
courses, was superb.
J. A. Bran was toast master, and
there were responses from Gen.
Lee, J. Jar-
vis, H. A. London, b. F. Hilliard,
W. F. Marshall, J. W. Bailey,
Rev. J. O. Atkinson and J. H.
We never heard better after
dinner impromptu speeches.
Friday morning President Bryan
took a number of the editors an
inspection trip over the A N.
C. railroad. They found the road
in good physical condition and
saw enough to convince them of
the falsity of the charges in
application f-r a
A delightful sailing and fishing
that The Reflector
immensely given him by
Prof. L. L Hargrave and C. W.
both former Greenville
citizens now connected with a large
school at Beaufort. This courtesy
w much appreciated.
Reported Reflector.
Class of the Baptist
Sunday School entertained last
evening the class t the
delightful home of Prof. W. H.
on Avenue.
The parlors and were
brilliantly lighted and artistically
decorated with the most beautiful
flowers and everything arranged
in a manner as to insure a
most pleasant evening to all that
After listening to a few
mental selections by the
ed and most talented Miss
we were invited into the
game room where amusement was
furnished all.
Delicious refreshments were
served after which all adjourned
having expressed themselves as
having spent a most enjoyable
Reflector 28th.
Thirty-Second Annual Session at More-
City, N. C. July 27th.
North Carolina Press
met here today in its 32nd
annual session. While there are
to of he. of
the state now at Morehead,
not halt of were in
Delightful Reception.
A delightful reception was given
last night at elegant home of
Miss Francis Bagwell,
to charming guest, Miss
Sadye King, of Raleigh. Mis
King has made many friends
her stay in Greenville, and her
presence here this r has
added much to the pleasure of the
social life in our town.
The parlors and
were brilliantly lighted, and
together with the hall,
were handsomely decorated with
A number of gentlemen
present displayed their poetical
the ball when the convention ability by having given to them a
called to order, the absentee of paper, with a
flower written on u. i.
Vice Presidents -M. L. Ship-
man, K, M. Phillip- and J. O.
Secretary P.
-E. E. Hilliard.
Executive B.
J, J.
W. C. Dowd, J. A. Thomas and
W. P. Marshall.
Delegates to National Editorial
J. Whichard, W.
K. Jacobson, O. H. Pots, W. B.
T. R. T. J.
Lassiter and H. A. London. Al-
C. Martin, R. M.
Phillips, W. F. Marshall, J. A.
Robinson, M. L. J. H.
Caine and J. O. Atkinson.
H. A. London gave an interest-
reminiscent paper On the
No Dispensary For Wilmington.
In the municipal in
Wilmington yesterday under the
Watts State law, upon the
of the establishment of a dis-
in that city, and the
j operation of distilleries within the
corporate limits, the
advocates won by a majority
of As the election was the
quietest known there, the
service of the thirty extra police-1 the State Association,
men, who laid been sworn y to J. A. Robinson, J.
not needed. A Thomas and D. J. Whichard as
was no and everything
moved Order.
eluding was more Inn in go-
with Bill Bailey than
in in
matters f the The
fart is, sines Bailey got here last
night he has d me little but talk
about big he has done, and
he set about halt of the craft
crazy to and try their luck
this moraine.
The r, Live Allied to or-
at o'clock by President II.
and was offered
by P. D. I
who wan to
have deliver th of
was prevailed from lining
his foiling
to he on hand, feature was
over for the time.
new members wore re
The of President
contained some
to the association.
J. A. Robinson, historian, gave
an interesting and re-
view of events of the past of
the association's history. His-
was good.
General Lee is here
and will deliver an address tonight
Jamestown to be
held in 1907.
At the afternoon session the
address of welcome was delivered
by C. L. of Beaufort,
and responded, to by Archibald
A number of important matters
discussed at today's sessions.
R. L.
name a was mine
question of young . who
received a slip with the same
flower named. In this the
young men procured their partners
and were then invited into the
spacious dining-hall, where
refreshments were served in
the most charming manner by
Miss Smith, Mrs. J. S.
Smith and Mrs. Bagwell.
The following coupler
Miss Bessie and
Si rick land.
Stunk and S. D.
Miss Helen and A. C.
Mis- May and A R.
Miss Helen Brinkley and
Miss Sadye and J. ST.
Miss Francis Bagwell and T. A
Miss Smith and A . G.
Miss O. W.
Mrs. R. F. Betts and R. F. Betts.
The stags were Hugh d,
Vick Hornaday.
Daily Reflector 28th.
Port Arthur Captured
Shanghai, July
A telegram received here from Wei
will be in at Hotel Ber-
three patriarchs of the association on August 18th 17th.
than any others new glasses. Those
with it. .;. Let able to pay a fee will-be
Dr. of Wei confirms other
received here today from
to effect that Port Arthur bas
been captured. The
telegram says also that the British
fleet, which has been will
,. r
r n
return tomorrow . ., . a-

Eastern reflector, 29 July 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 29, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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