Eastern reflector, 5 July 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

William Fountain,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office door east of post office, or.
IN 1866.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
Fair tonight and Friday.
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
of the town.
Four chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
Our place is inviting, razors sharp
our towels clean.
We thank yon for past patronage
and ask you when
good service is wanted.
Folks Must Eat
.------ESTABLISHED 1875.-------
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Gain paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Ba
Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suite. Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, George Can- No matter how low the price
Cherries, Peaches, . a ,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese; Beat Butter, New
Royal Machines, and nu-
ether goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
of tobacco, and we are the
pie to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean. Pure Goods only
are offered. don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
Five Points.
I Phone
The home team showed it's
superiority over her old rival
yesterday afternoon
at Park, by a store of
It was thought that the storm
would delay the game bot about
the Washington aggregation
turned op in new uniform's, black
and old gold, which of course
showed up fine, but we must say
they were soon trampled upon by
the red and blue.
The game was full of errors, but
the manner in which the homo
boys used the wood, and not
knowing how to meet the sphere
on the part of Washington was
the cause of the result.
The scores by inning was as
Greenville 1-17
Washington 0-8
Line up for
Blow, s. s. King, c. White, lb,
James, B., p. If. Forbes,
Randolph, James, D. cf.
Batteries, and King,
and Maxwell-
Umpire Dr.
Loans and Discounts
Furniture Fixtures 8,618.5
Due from Banks 78,225.89
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin . 3,310.37
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid 12,097.92
Deposits 226.973.38
Cashier's checks out-
standing 7,014.29
Tickets to Raleigh.
I have received information
that the Atlantic Coast Line rail
road will sell tickets to Raleigh
to the summer school on next
Monday and Tuesday by way of
Weldon for the same price as by
Selma. I would advise all the
t in this county who expect
to go to buy tickets by way of
Weldon, this will put you in
about o'clock p. m. If you
go by way of Selma you will not
reach Raleigh until o'clock at
night. You can buy tickets at your
rail road station at one fair plus
twenty-five cents
W . H.
Co. Supt. Schools.
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, Cashier of
wear that the statement above
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 20th day of June. 180-1.
above-named bank, do solemnly
is true to the b-st of my knowledge
J. G.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
R. J. Cobb. C. V. York. L. H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Facto
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and to-date and the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken
Tinning, Slating, Guttering a A W
metal work. Our n is
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge o
our tinning and department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for share of the patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
Mrs. W ha Mother Dead.
Information has been received
of the death of Mrs. John M.
of Suffolk, Va., which
occurred Monday night at eight
She was the mother of
lira. F. ft. Whaley of
She was recently visiting Mis.
Whaley and returned home sick
list week. Mrs. Whaley was tel-
for the next day after
her mother went home and was
with her at the time of her death.
Her host of friends here
with bereavement.
Be Progressive j
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples last week.
Isaac Kilpatrick and Maggie
Chas. Jones and Prissie Flake.
Wm. Cherry and Kate Barnhill.
E are living in a progressive age and we must
be progressive to keep up with the times and
be No business has made great-
progress in the last few years than the
Printing Business. The styles of type have
entirely. The type that our fathers
used and were satisfied with, is put of date
and no longer gives satisfaction. Up-to-date
business men want up-to-date stationery and
will have no other.
We Arc
Picture of Temple.
Photographer K. T. Evans has
made a splendid picture of the
Masonic Temple and will sell cop-
at cents each. One can be
seen at The Reflector office
tomorrow and any one a
copy can leave
we are prepared to do
up-to-date printing.
We have j put in new machinery such as .
Presses, Numbering Machine,
W Etc. Also, we have just put in a complete w
I stock of stationery. We make a specialty
of tobacco work such as Check Books, Farm-
W, Buyers Bills, Order of Sales, Etc. Etc.
In fact we print, anything. Send u an order
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
S. B. left for Seven
Springs Monday.
Sid Higgs returned from up the
road Wednesday.
W. E- Patrick returned from
Richmond Wednesday evening.
Mrs. P. J. Johnson children
returned from
Miss Nina Cannon, of Ayden,
spent here with Miss Lena
S. R. Ross and little son Harvey
of Robersonville, are visiting
friends town.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lancaster
and son, of Raleigh,
who have been visiting relatives
Sere returned home Wednesday
Mrs. R. It returned from
W. M. King went to Rocky
this morning.
Mrs. O. W. Harrington went to
Seven Springs Thursday.
W. T. returned to
Thursday evening.
Miss Ethel Pierce returned to
Ayden Thursday evening.
Miss Kittrell went to
Miss Maud Barnhill, of Bethel,
is visiting Miss Harris.
Capt. C. A. White returned
from Seven Thursday.
J. a. C. Benjamin returned to
Robersonville morning.
Mrs. L. T. Small wood left this
morning for View, Va.
Miss Inez left today to
visit relatives at
Mrs. Charles left this
morning for a visit to Norfolk.
Mrs. left this morning
for a visit to Newport News, Va.
Mrs. B. E. and little
son left this morning for Durham.
Miss is visit-
inn Misses Carrie and Maggie
Mrs. and Miss Alice
Moore left this morning for St.
Mrs. H. B. Harris left this
morning for a visit to Virginia
Miss Maggie D left this
morning for a visit to Christian
Mr. and Mis. E. L. of
Honker ton, are visiting Mr. Mrs.
J. B. Corey.
Misses Lydia and Estelle
went to Seven Springs Thurs-
day evening.
W. F. of is
visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs,
Alice Harper.
Miss Spence who has
been visiting town, re-
turned to Kinston Thursday.
Mrs. W. P. Edward- returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
relatives in county.
Mrs. W. H. Harrington
Jesse, returned Thursday from a
trip to Rocky Mount and
Prof. J. B. Carlyle to
Wake Forest today. He was the
guest of M. A. Allen while here.
T. T. Cherry and little daughter
of have been visit-
here, returned
Mrs. R. T Wilson,
land, and Mrs. O. B
Washington, are visiting Mrs. W.
H. Ricks.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom King, of
Farmville, who have been visiting
their Mrs. H. re-
turned home today.
Miss Maggie Bryan, of Golds-
who been visiting Mrs.
W. B. near town, return-
ed borne Thursday evening.
Reports Pine Fishing and Makes Us All
Want to Go.
N. C, June 1904.
I arrived here Thursday morn-
after to spend twenty-
five hours in Bell Haven. I am
improving slowly, this fine salt
breeze always makes me fed better.
As soon as I get a little stronger.
I to have some fun fishing.
I went out alone in a small boat
Friday evening late and caught
eleven fine they would
have weighed sixty pounds. I
could have more but had
Saturday evening late
Will I out, we caught
fourteen. Will four that
would weighed pounds.
The ten caught were no quite as
large. The whole fourteen I think
would have weighed seventy
pounds or more, so you see I will
have some sport if I am on
the sick list. I wish I had some
of the boys here to help me, es-
George W., Ed. H am
Doff. H. Oh how they would
enjoy it. Ocracoke is the place to
come to have a good, easy quiet
time and live cheap. As Rood
board as you want tor five dollars
per week. Can't you come down
spend a week I shall come
home as soon as I get but I
hate to leave here.
Yours Truly,
J. J.
home this
Passed by the M. E. Sunday
School 25th regarding the
death of Sadie Dixon Higgs, a
member of the Cradle Roll of the
Whereas, it has pleased
Heavenly Father to call to His
one of our little one-, of the
Cradle Roll, Sadie Dixon
the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mr.-. J. W. Higgs, be it resolved,
That we humbly to the
call of our
That we extend to the bereaved
patents our heartfelt sympathy in
their sorrow and
That in loving of
our little absent one we keep her
name always upon our Cradle
That one copy of these
be to the parents, one
the minutes, and
quo be sent to The Daily Re
for publication.
A. B.
J. White.
New Houses.
Mrs. J. D. Dupree is having
another house built on her property
in South
Higgs Brothers are to
put up another house on their
property on Dickinson avenue.
West of the
R. L. Humber is having the old
building used for his machine shop
moved out of the way to make
for a brick building.
Dr. Farmville.
Dr. of Kinston, will be at
Farmville at the hotel July
6th and 7th, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday for the
treating diseases of the e, mi
fitting glasses. Those who are not
able to pay a lee will be examined
Large Assemblage of Masons and In-
This was a proud day for
ville Lodge No. A. F. A.
M. It was the occasion of the
laying of the corner stone and
dedication of the new Masonic
temple, and I he lodge here had as
their guests to participate in the
several officers of
Grand Lodge, and representatives
of all lodges. There
were several hundred Masons here
and the exercises were very
The Grand Lodge convened with
the following
Worshipful Grand Master, W.
Deputy Master, F. D.
Senior Grand Warden, H.
Junior Grand Warden, C L.
Secretary, Wiley Brown.
Grand Treasurer, L. I. Moore.
Senior Grand n, J. M.
Junior Grand Deacon, A J.
Grand J. L. Flem-
Grand Marshal, H.
Grand R.
Grand Tyler, R. H. Bradley.
Grand Chaplain, Rev. J. A.
Grand T. B. King
and W. O.
Lecturer, B. Carlyle.
After the opening exercises a
was firmed and moved
to the place of laying the corner
stone of the temple. The corner
stone was laid with the usual
is of the articles
deposited in the In the comer
Copy of proceedings of Grand
of North Carolina, Jan
of officers and members
Greenville Lodge No A. K.
A. M.
of minutes of annual
communication of Greenville
June a copy of tie
if the lodge.
bond No. presented
by J.
List of officers town of
Greenville, with mt
List of officers of Pitt county
Names of of
Tribe. No I O. R. M.
Names of officers of Pitt Council
No Jr. O. U. A.
Sketch of graded
Copy of Oxford
Copy of The Daily Reflector.
Copy of Dollar Daily.
Roll of officers and bets of
Covenant No. 17,1.0. O. P.
The Masons and public then as-
opera house where
public installation of officers took
place. Officers of Greenville,
Temperance and
were installed.
At the of the
services, J. I. Fleming in-
Prof. J. B. Carlyle, of
Wake Forest, the orator of the
day. Prof. Carlyle's subject was
the mission of Masonry in the
twentieth century. His speech
was a magnificent one and delight-
ed the great audience that heard
The lodge again assembled in
lodge room where the
exercises were held, and after
this t bounteous dinner was served
In the Center Brick warehouse
Daily Reflector 30th.
The Opera House Thursday Night
A large representative
the drama
Thursday night at the new
opera house the Masonic temple.
The play was rendered by the
home talent and was a
great success from finis u
Although much annoyance and
disadvantage had been realized
the changing of characters, for
various reasons, the play wan
and splendidly rendered
every part and detail. Had the
weather mod a crowded
house would have seen a
cent performance.
the Masonic speed
ally are greatly indebted to the
good lady management of Mrs. A.
L. Blow, Mrs. Bernard Greene
Mis. Richard Williams and
their helpers, all of whom have
been faithful and active getting
up and so attractive a
performance, as witnessed by an
enthusiastic audience.
We cannot specialize, Io
justice to every one who took such
zealous aid untiring part to
please the people and make a great
success of such a splendid drama.
Suffice it to say there was no mis-
take in any part of the perform-
Music was delightfully dis-
coursed orchestra us
by Misses Patrick
and Ivan Allen. Tue Vocal music
was by Misses Sallie
Tyson mil A. A.
Forbes, Jr , and the Q
club of the A
beaut fill and enjoyable
f a- the skirt dame by
little Miss Bettie Boss beautiful
little daughter of Mayor
This was the
of the new and
house and everybody
w which will be dona-
the Masonic Temple.
Ex-Sheriff Warren Dead.
Mr. Allen Warren, one of the old-
est men of Greenville and a highly
esteemed citizen o'clock
morning at his at
Riverside Nurseries.
Mr. Warren buffered a stroke of
apoplexy about noon on Sunday
shortly into
unconsciousness from which he
never rallied. The end came
peacefully like one asleep.
Mr. Warren was reared on a
farm. In the year 1878 he was
elected sheriff of the county and
served two terms. At the time of
his election he moved his family
to Greenville and continued his
residence here. After his term of
office he engaged in the nursery
business a good
trade that line.
At the time of bis death he was
years old and leaves five child-
These are Dr. W. R, Warren,
of Williamston; Mrs, B. Moore,
of Washington; Mrs. R. M Hearne,
Mr. O. E. Warren and Miss Bettie
Warren, of Greenville. All of
these were with him during his
The Old Board Turn Over Affairs to the
old board of aldermen for
the town held their final business
meeting Thursday night to close
up their business for the fiscal
year, when they adjourned
Friday morning to turn over to
the new board.
When they were Fri-
day morning Alderman in
behalf of the b ard
Mayor Whedbee with a
as a testimonial
their esteem of his services. May-
or Whedbee accepted with
appropriate remarks thanked
the board for their courtesy to him
during bis term of office.
A motion was then made that
board adjourn sine die.
The aldermen elect then came
and after qualification
entered upon the duties of their
The new aldermen are E. Buck,
Chas. Cobb, J. R. M. A
W. A. S.
T. E Hooker and J. C.
Temporary was
had by making J. R. mayor
D. J. Whichard was elect-
W. R. Parker was then
elected as mayor of the
town, lie notified and came
forward and qualified.
The following were also
Chief of Police J. T,
Assistant Police, J. G.
Treasurer, H. L. t arr.
Tax Collector, C.
Attorney, F. i tilling.
The Mayor was zed to
appoint police i-r
month, and be appointed H.
The following committees were
W. A.
Bowen, M. A. Allen.
C. Lanier, T, E.
Hooker I. R.
Lights and Cobb,
W. A. Bowen, E. Buck
A. Bowen, T. E.
Hooker J. R.
While Cobb,
J. C. Lanier.
Colored Buck.
A. Allen, J. R.
T, E. Hooker.
Ordinances were adopted
the illegal appointments of
dispensary commissioners by the
last board of aldermen to be null
and void, declaring the offices
directing that notice to that
effect served on all who are at-
tempting to run a y under
this illegal appointment; appoint-
a legal board of dispensary
commissioners, and imposing a
fine of selling liquor
where in town except in the legal
An application from Fred Cox
for license to conduct a distillery,
was deferred Io next regular
meeting of the board.
Grows so Fast.
Speaking of how rapidly crops
are growing, we heard a farmer
say he had to put op a stick by,
his crop over night to be able to .
recognize it next morning.

p. R. L.
Dr. James.
f Greenville,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Pris-
ons. Private to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
l N Carol i
t Quite
you run a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
is nil you desire,
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
N. C. June 1904.
Nice rain Monday, it was badly
Deeded and we were glad to see it.
Mrs. P. h. Davenport returned
to Spring Hope Tuesday.
The farmers are full of smiles
since the nice rain Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes
of in and
are stopping with Mr. and Mrs.
G. Z. Kicks.
Fresh fruit and ice cold drinks
at C. E. Bradley Co.
P. Fleming left with
Monday 27th inst the that cotton
bloom of season. Jule knows
how to farm as well as to sell
J. J. and little
Miss Louise, spent in
Mrs. E. H. Ricks left Tuesday
morning for Norfolk to make that
place her future home.
Wine of and
tonic at C. E. Bradley Co.
Miss Annie Willis, of Washing-
ton, is spending this week with
her cousin, Louise Satterthwaite.
F. James, of Florence, C,
came in Monday. He is with the
A. C. L. and dropped in to see
his many old friends here who
were glad to see him. Come again
We still have a potato train but
prices are not so good as they
once were. Lots potatoes to dig
sure cure for dyspepsia
sale by C. E. Bradley Co.
Every Sunday seems to be alive
with coons around depot. A Sun-
day train is right much of an at-
traction for them.
You get Harness,
A Strong II -art
is assured by perfect digestion, in-
digestion swells the stomach and
puffs it up the heart. This
shortness f
of the heart and general
weakness. Dyspepsia Cure
cures relieves the
stomach, takes the strain of the
heart and restores it to a full per-
name of its function naturally.
increases the strength
the stomach and
to digest, assimilate and
lo the blood and tissues
nil food Tones
tie s and digestive organs
hold at Drag Store.
Something New
Laces and
White Vests On
Display Next Week
A. E. Tucker Co.,
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Vise President
V, Y.
The Total Mortality of the General
Slocum Disaster.
New York, June up-
wards of one thousand persons per-
in the burning of the
steamer General cum,
now practically certain.
ding to an exhaustive report made
by Inspector
the number of dead, missing,
injured and uninjured in the dis
aster, it appears have
been recovered that
absolutely known to have been a-
board the vessel are still
for, bringing the total mortal-
of the disaster to
injured number and of the
throng of fully 1,500 who embarked
on the excursion of St. Marks
church, but escaped without
vent a serious sickness. The best
known Remedy is Dr. Seth Ar
Balsam. Your
J L. warrants to five
John L.
ask the readers of this paper to
the value of Dyspepsia
cure. Those people who have
had it who have cured
by it, do not hesitate to
it to their friends. digests
what you eat, cures indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles.
Increases strength by enabling the
stomach and digestive organs to
to he blood ail of the
nutriment contained in the food.
Dyspepsia Cure is
and palatable.
By virtue of a the
or court of Pitt county, made in spec-
proceeding's No. entitled Bill
Daniel et against Linton Lee
Daniel et the undersigned com-
missioner will sell for cash at public
auction before the court house door
in Greenville on Saturday, July 9th,
1801, following described lot or
parcel of land in Greenville
just south corporate limits of
the town of Greenville. on
the north by the lot of John Thomas
on the south by the lands of
B. A Patrick, on the East by Wash-
street and on the West by the
lot of Gray and known as
the Daniel lot.
F. G.
This June 7th, 1904.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county In special
proceeding No. 1294 entitled J. D.
Laughinghouse against Lula Stokes
et the undersigned Commissioner
will sell for cash at public auction be-
fore the court house door in Green-
ville on Saturday, July 1904, the
following described lands situate in
Pitt county and township;
One- piece adjoining the lands of
Sallie Smith, C. P. Smith and others
I acres more or less. One
other piece being all swamp land, be-
I ginning at the mouth of Second Branch
I thence a straight line to the canal in
I the of Indian Well swamp
I up the canal to the line of Jno.
A. Smiths land, thence with the line
of said land to the side ditch, thence
down said side ditch to the beginning,
containing acres or less.
Both pieces being inherited by P. A.
Laughinghouse, mother of said ten-
ants in common from her
Smith. F. O.
June 7th, 1904 Com.
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
The Only Way-
To get
Is to
N. July
Dog take if we for
township a county.
It's big enough, besides we live
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
is destined to take the
lead, try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one again
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Canned of every
at Hart Jenkins.
Miss Lizzie Allen, of Beaver
Dam, visiting Mrs. J. Z Mi-
We invite the ladies to call and
examine our line of lawn before
purchasing elsewhere, J. J. Hines.
E. Q. Cos will be away for
weeks and would esteem it a
great favor if those of his friends
anticipating taking out
would await his return or if urgent
would request them to see his
brother, E. Cox, at the post-
office. Their kindness will be
highly appreciated.
The best recommendations can
be furnished tor Hog
Chaser. Write or send to J. H.
Ayden, N. C.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call us and make a
selection. Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden.
J. H. has returned from
a business trip to Raleigh.
The ladies have found out where
The latest styles in straw
and caps J. Hines.
Just received suit cloth-
for boys. J. J. Hines.
Fancy candies, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
We to learn of the death
of ex-Sheriff Alien Warren. He
was a good man. We know, for
deputy under
and every particular found him
good, honest and true. We
truly sorry he is dead, and shall
miss him when we visit Green-
ville. He was our friend.
Confectioneries, tinware and
everything general
at fair pr can be found by call-
at store ff Hart Jenkins.
You will do well to go lo Sum-
fur fancy
Having been appointed to list
the taxes for the of
for year 1904, I will be pleased
meet any and all persons at the
store of J. R. Smith ft Bro. who
have taxes to list said town.
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F. Johnson,
Dist. N. C.
A beautiful line of
youths and straw hats,
at J. R. Smith Bro.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
A full assortment of ladies and
gents shoes at reasonable prices at
For can peaches, apples, com
to go when they the finest. tomatoes, apply to E. E.
quality goods, laces, laser- Co.
hamburg etc. Cannon
As for Daily
and Eastern we take
pleasure receiving sub
and willing receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
of ail who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
Elias passed through
Tuesday on his way home from
Call and
hon's nice and attractive line of
Simpson left here Tuesday
for Hope.
Fresh and butter
all kind of nice groceries at Sam-
W. M. Edwards Co., will sell
you an up-to-date suit of clothes
mighty cheap.
Just the finest line of I. . .-
you ever did see at If. Ed-
wards Co.
Mr. King, of Chase City, Va.,
here a visit to his sou, Rev.
T. H. King.
We have cut the price all our
white goods. Come and buy a
waist, W. M. Edwards Co.
All straw hats sold at greatly-
reduced prices at W. M. Edwards
Mrs. Louisa Cox is visiting Mrs.
Jesse Cannon for a few days.
Remember you can find lawns,
nicker zephyrs, piques and
ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
D. G. Berry has received his
elegant new piano now the
boys expect him to furnish music
after the most modern
Call to see our laces ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you know . R. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
hat it is so.
We are pleased to hear the lit-
child of E. G. Cox is better.
We carry a splendid assortment
of body carpets in various
styles patterns, which make
excellent hall rugs, at a normal
cost. Ladies are cordially
to call and see them.
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co.,
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
For a nice cool drink go to Sum-
W. M. went to
Washington Tuesday.
first-class brick
ply to E. S. Edwards
J. R. Turnage, of
has been here this week
Fresh butter and cheese on ice
Two small new iron safes just the
kind for small business or farmers
at J. R. Smith Bro.
We use a fair patent
shafts, black hickory singletrees,
2nd growth, ash bows, No. ma-
chine buffed leather, and put to-
For flour, lime, hay, meal, hull
etc., go to Jackson Co's.
I wish to remind that
I keep a very nice line of millinery
goods, I know that my Tessie
girdles, ribbons and new kid belts
will please you all. Give me a
call, Mrs J. A. Davis.
If you feel hurt, go to Jackson's
get a of Beta shoes. They
will make your feet
Nancy Coward, of Green-
ville, has been her
Mrs. Dr. Dixon and returned
to her home Monday.
den, N. C. A full supply always by
The ladies are especially invited
to call and our line of
mercerized we have it
bolts also patterns of
lengths. J J. Hines
Joe delights taking a
trip up the road occasionally.
First Class made brick, by
the wholesale retail large
stock always on your orders
solicited. J. A.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon Tyson.
Mrs. E. D. and Miss
Lillian Bland came the train
Tuesday from a visit down the
Carolina 1.50
per day, near depot West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
F. Early,
We hear the men say the
cheapest and best fitting clothing
is sold by Tyson.
E. P. It. M.
Johnson have been to
again and they go fishing,
Just re- lot of boys
at W,
Why suffer row intense head-
ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
when you can be permanently
of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
skilled mechanics. We use
tine's 1st class varnish, hence we
are, prepared to make the neatest
and durable buggy in Eastern
N. C, Ayden Milling Co.,
Ayden, C.
Dr, Patrick II.
can play a little ball.
He was there Tuesday.
The best quality flour as cheap
as the cheapest at Hart Jenkins.
Corn, bay and oats, at J. R.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. B. Smith Bro.
Constable Joe seems
to be right busily employed
at present.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
A new lot of men's I
Established 1850,
Writes all up-to-date policies,
including Endowments, Spec-
Investments. Limited Pay-
Ordinary Lite and Au-
The best Company
for the
Ayden, N. C. Optician, N. weak
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, and I yes, need of glasses,
Seed meal sold by Cannon ways go to worse. A lit-
Tyson. tie piece of glass properly
Mesdames Lilly, Coward ed will work wonders.
Pierce went to Greenville Patrick has returned home
day to attend dedication of from a long and extended visit
northern cities.
J. B. Smith nays his bas a
pair of shoes for every They
come in by car loads.
We call special attention to our
new line of Tan and Ideal Kid
Shoes Cannon Ty.-on.
Owing to the con
of his little child, E. Cox has
been unable to attend to business
us he would like. He would be
more than pleased to have those
who insurance to call and
see hi in.
Masonic Temple.
Cot ion Stonewall and
Carolina Cotton Plows at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
Miss Annie L. Smith, millinery
emporium has just
with all the latest novelties of
ladies millinery and dress goods.
A first class milliner is my employ.
Give me a
A large went from here
to Greenville Thursday.
k- at Jackson
It you a pair of all wool
punts go to Jackson's.
Hog Chaser bas been
the market for fourteen years.
is guarantied if used
to cure cholera refunded
Write or send to Dr. B. T. Cox,
Winterville, N. C.
The fullest store Ayden is
that of W. C. Jackson Co.
get anything usually kept in
a first class store from them at
prices to suit the times.
Rock salt
Smith Bro.
for stock, at J. R
Wood of
was here Monday.
N. C.--
At the close of business June 9th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Due from Hanks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes
other U. S.
Capital stock paid in, Undivided profits less expenses, Dividends unpaid Demand certificates
deposits, Deposits,
shirts just received at W. If,
Miss Clyde Cox has returned
from Richmond where she has
attending Massey's Business
College for the past session.
New at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Now we have plenty the
and cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
N C.
We are told that
keeps the best and most
complete furniture in
Dr. Dixon to
and Wednesday While
away he was elected one of the
directors of national bank
be established at Rocky Mount.
Just case of
men's fine shirts at W. M. Ed-
iV. Co's.
E. Co. will do all they
please you with
heavy and
Miss Bessie is on a
visit to u .
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson sewing much for only
6-30 at W. M. Co.
Carry your spring chickens to
W. If. Edwards H if you want
good prices for them.
George Bro,
work this line
a specially. Work
Mrs. C. A. Fair attended the
Masons festivities in Greenville
yesterday and nice time.
first class brick
ply to E. S. Edwards Sou,
-en, N. C. A full suppl always
on hand-
You will a complete line of
mens light weight coats at W. M
Edwards Co.
Years of Successful Business
Company that owns no
Makes a
specially of Southern invest-
For further
call or write
District Manager,
Another lot of ladies
fords for at W. M.
Our stock of ribbons is wide,
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
Chaser for
is to cure if used in
lime, and satisfaction given or it
will cost nothing. For sale by J.
B. Smith Bro., Ayden, N. O.
N. C.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brisk
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair siting,

U. J. Editor and
in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
Pitt County, N. C, July 1904.
Notwithstanding the fact that a
majority of the people on the of
March voted that should
be established in Greenville on the
first of July, the opposition have
exerted every effort and resorted to
every means to thwart the will of
the people expressed in that election.
But every step the have taken
from the beginning of the contest
until now has made for the
side of the dispensary.
It is known In the public that the
board of aldermen then in control
of the town, at least a majority of
them, were opposed to the
and put every obstacle they
could in the way. This was so pro-
that the election for alder-
men held the first Monday in June
was the second contest for
the dispensary, the people then elect-
a board in sympathy with the
dispensary and who would see it
it should be.
It Ins also toil in these
Columns the old l of
r-i the expiration of
i. i . law defiance
-1 i as
y in re no were
; u dispensary.
T legal appointed refused
t i-i and serve illegal
n. i-. whereupon aldermen
a step further and appointed
a third man from among the
Though warned and
full knowledge that their
as dispensary
contrary to law, these
three men set to work to establish
a dispensary opened it on the
first day of July with an entire
dispensary management in
Among the acts of the new
board of aldermen upon assuming
control of the town on the first day
of mo was to take steps to
undo the illegal acts of their
and sec that the law is
pr carried out. With this
in view the ordinances published be-
low were adopted.
An ordinance to amend the rules
and regulations adopted by the
Board of Aldermen of the town of
Greenville, for the government of
the Greenville dispensary and re-
corded on pages and et
of the minutes of said board.
The Hoard of Aldermen of the
town of Greenville do
That rule three of
the rules and regulations adopted
by board for the government of
the Greenville dispensary, recorded
on page of the minutes of this
board, be amended by striking out
the words or figures in line
five and inserting in lieu thereof,
the words and figures and
by striking out in line seven the
words or figures and in-
in lieu thereof the words or
figures and by adding to
the- end of said rule the words
until their successors are
appointed and
Section That rule
ed on page be stricken out and
the following inserted in lieu there-
That at the first meeting of
the Hoard of Aldermen of the town
of Greenville in July 1904, and
every year thereafter at the first
meeting in July, there be
elected three dispensary
whose term shall commence
on the first day of July of the year
in which they are elected and shall
continue in office until their
are appointed and qualified.
Section That this ordinance
be in force from and after its pas-
An ordinance to repeal the rules
for the government of the Greenville
Dispensary, adopted by the Board
of Aldermen at their meeting on
June 27th, 1904 and recorded on
pages and of this board,
and to re-enact Rules and
adopted by the Board at their meet-
on June 16th 1904.
The Board of Aldermen of the
town of Greenville, do
Section the ordinance or
resolution of the town of Greenville,
adopted at their meeting June 27th
1904 and recorded on pages
and changing and amending
the rules adopted at the meeting of
the Board June 16th 1904 for the
government of the Greenville dis-
recorded on page of
the minutes, be and the same is
hereby repealed and abrogated.
Section That rules eleven
twelve and by this
board at its meeting June 10th 1904
and recorded on page of
the minutes of this board which
wore sought to be repealed by the
ordinance passed June 27th 1904,
referred to in preceding section, be
mill the same are hereby re-enacted
continued in full force as a part
of the rules and regulations for the
government of the Greenville Dis-
Section That this ordinance
be in force from and after its pas-
An ordinance removing S. T.
Hooker, W, Greene and It. L.
Smith from the Dispensary
for the town of Greenville,
and declaring the positions vacant.
The Bo of aldermen of the
town of Greenville do
Section That the board finds
as a fact that S. T. Hooker, W. B.
Greene and R. L. Smith voted at
the dispensary election held in
Greenville, March 2nd.,
the proposition to establish a dis-
in said town.
Section That said election
was held under and by virtue of the
authority of chapter Laws of
1903, and that by section 13th of
said Act the said S. T. Hooker, W.
B. Greene and II. L. Smith are din.
to hold the position of
dispensary commissioner in the
town of Greenville, they not having
voted for such dispensary.
Section That notwithstanding
such disqualification, the said S. T
Hooker, W. Greene and R. L.
Smith claim to have been elected
and are now claiming to hold and
exercise the position and duties of
dispensary commissioners in the
town of Greenville contrary to the
letter and spirit of the law.
Section That this board finds
as a further fact that S. T. Hooker
W. B. Greene and R. L. Smith are
unfit persons to hold said positions.
Section 5- That said S. T. Hook-
W. B. Greene and L. Smith
were and are ineligible as
commissioners and they are
hereby removed from the position of
dispensary commissioners for the
town of Greenville, for the reason
set out and they are
forbidden to farther attempt to ex-
any of the duties of said
Section That the positions of
dispensary commissioners for the
town of Greenville are hereby de-
to be vacant.
Section That the clerk of this
board cause a copy of this ordinance
to foe furnished said S. T. Hooker,
W. B. Greene and R. L. Smith.
Section That this ordinance
shall be in force and effect from and
after its passage,
Ordinance to designate where
liquors can be sold in the town
of Greenville and designating
the persons authorized to make the
The Board of Aldermen of the
Town of Greenville
Section That it shall be
lawful for any person to sell or dis-
pose of, for gain, any
or malt liquors within the
limits of the town of Green-
ville, except within the building on
Evans street known as the Flanagan
store building, used and occupied
as a dispensary by the commission-
J. W. Bryan, J. L. Sugg, and
J. N. Hart and their employees.
Section That it shall be
lawful for any person to sell or dis-
pose of for gain, within the
ate limits of the town of Greenville,
any vinous or malt liquors,
except the commissioners, J. W.
J. L Sugg and J. N. Hart,
their successors and employees, and
they shall sell only at the place used
and occupied by them as a
as herein set out, and there on
at such time and in such manner
as is allowed by law.
Section That any person
any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall upon conviction be
lined Dollars for each
and every
Section That this ordinance
shall be force from and after its
passage, and all in con-
with it are hereby repealed.
promptly served upon the persons
named therein, yet they continued
to defy the law, and before night
several warrants were sworn out
The cases were tried this morn-
before Mayor Parker, there be-
five state warrants and two
town warrants. Under the state
warrants the defendants were bound
over to September term of Superior
court, and under the town war-
rants they were fined and costs.
Defendants appealed in latter cases.
Delegates are packing their grips
for the St. Louis convention.
Judge Pritchard has handed
his opinion in the Daniels case that
went before him on habeas corpus
proceedings petitioning to be
ed from the sentence passed by
Judge Purnell for alleged contempt.
Judge Pritchard holds that news-
papers have the right to
the acts of judges and other public
officials. judges charged with
administration of the law are not to
be on account of their
official conduct, the liberty the
press is end the rights of
An ordinance removing Z V.
Hooker and J. M. Reuse from the
positions of manager and assistant
manager, respectively, of the Green-
ville dispensary.
The Board of Aldermen of the
town of Greenville do
Section That the bond find
as a fact that Z. V. Hooker and J.
II, the persons who are at-
tempting to exercise the duties of
the position of manager and assist-
ant manager respectively of the
Greenville dispensary, were not
pointed by a legally constituted
body, and that they are unfit and
improper persons to be entrusted
with those duties.
Section That the said Z. V.
Hooker and J. M. are hereby
removed from said positions of
manager and assistant manager,
respectively of the Greenville dis-
and they are to
further the duties of said
Section That this ordinance
be in force from and after its juts-
sage, and that the Clerk of this
board furnish said V. Booker
and J. M. with a copy of the
North Carolina goes right on with
her record of raising great men for
other states to capture. This state
has recently lost several of her
largest brained men and is made the
poorer thereby. The latest draft up-
on us is the election of Dr. C Al
Smith, of the North Carolina
University, to the presidency of the
University of Tennessee. Can it be
that we at home do not appreciate
the worth of our best men We like
to see these men honored, but they
are needed so much in our own
The owners and officers of the
steamer Slocum have been found
guilty of criminal neglect by the
coroner s jury.
Now let everybody work in
with the officers and help give
Greenville a good administration
for the next twelve months.
It you are not disposed to lend
your aid and support to any move-
that aims toward the advance-
or improvement of your town,
try to at least show your patriotism
by keeping quiet. Pity any com-
that is infested with citizens
who can see no good in anything,
and seek to discourage everything
that has the smell of improvement.
Mt. Olive Tribune.
A cloud burst near
Pa., that destroyed thousands of
dollars worth of property, a cyclone
in Texas that nearly wiped out a
whole town, and a hail storm in
Nebraska with hail stones weighing
half a pound, shows something that
the elements are doing these days.
The meeting of the North
Press Association at Morehead
City the latter part of this month
promises to be exceedingly interest-
The improvements to the
Atlantic Hotel makes that popular
resort more delightful than ever.
Persons from this section going to
the world's fair at St. Louis find
the Ohio route via
Richmond the most pleasant to take.
The C. A is giving admirable
service and the scenery along the
route is beautiful,
If Cleveland should get the
at the St. Louis convention
what a night mare it would give
the present occupant of the whits
house. He would find some rough
riding for sure.
Copies of these ordinances were
A new departure in advertising is
taken by the city of Atlanta in
issuing a handsome pamphlet de-
of a cemetery and setting
forth the advantages of being buried
Watch Greenville's growth from
now on and you will see more rapid
development than at other
time in the of the town.
George B. Curtis, a farmer, who
has lived in J far win ton, Conn., for
sixty has paid G per c
interest to
on a loan of which he
cured forty years ago. At that time
he was sole support of his
two sisters and a brother,
and borrowed the money to send a
substitute to the Civil War,
though he was not drafted. Mr.
Curtis is now in poor health, and
he says he sees little prospect of
ever being able to j the principal.
New York Herald.
Some of these days there is going
to be trouble in the democratic camp
over the work of its conventions.
This thing of insisting on
candidates before any platform
whatever is promulgated may work
all right and again it may not.
When the excitement of a contest is
over, two-thirds of the delegates de-
part, leaving a mere handful to
adopt a platform and ever this thing
there is almost sure to become a
vision or split. It is as sure as fate
that had the entire delegation been
present two years ago when the plat-
form was adopted it would not have
read as it did. Conservatism is
needed It is better to heed it be-
fore it is too late. All the talk
about the party being so st that
it cannot be defeated is pure
my rot of the worst
The strangest people that hare
ever come into the view of the
Christian world are the Japanese.
The war in which they are now en-
gaged has served to throw new light
upon their national character and to
a rood many facts about
them not known before. They are
not afraid to is the most
prominent fact. The next is that
the national spirit is stronger than
in any other people. Whenever in
the present war they have met re-
versos, many of them, especially
their committed suicide.
According to the testimony they
have no religion, nor for any.
The Emperor has been thinking of
proclaiming Christianity as the
State religion, because he is tired of
having his people gazetted as
ans. They are entirely willing for
this, but, as The Baptist Watchman,
of Boston, says, course there is
no spiritual element in this move-
What are you going to do
with a people like
Advice to the Aged.
Age brings such us
it h bowels, weak and blue-
W s Pills
have a Meet on these
the bowels, coming then
to their
In youth and
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
J. Wilkins came over from Kin-
G- A- Kittrell Co. will pay
yon highest market price for your
N. C, July
Miss Hattie Kittrell left Friday
morning for Gold Point,
and other points.
If yon need fines or fine repairs
for your tobacco buns, we have
a supply of iron on band and can
All your orders promptly. A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co.
Mrs. Bettie Whitehurst, of Grin-
who has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. A. Davenport, left
this morning.
W Greer was here Friday.
The A. G. Mfg. Co. are
the handy Truck
to different sections all over this
state and some are being sold in
Virginia. These trucks are use-
fur other purposes besides
hauling tobacco. They are a great
in housing the cotton
crop and will be found to be much
better cheaper than baskets.
R. L. Sloan, of Charlotte, and
N. G. Morrison, of Chattanooga,
were here
Car load No Timothy hay
received. Harrington, Barber
and Edgar Fair, of Ayden,
Thursday here.
Sheet Valley tin.
ton, Co.
Mrs. J. R. Cooper, who has been
Visiting friends in Goldsboro, re-
home this week.
Car load of flour just received,
lowest prices. Harrington, Buber
Mrs. H. Rouse and children
went lo Jones county last Thurs-
Come let us reason together, and
see if not got the cheapest
line of laces,
slippers, to fit any foot
and a general line of merchandise
every kind. A. W. Ange Co.
Mir. Louisa Cox has over
in our store cheap
for R. G. Chapman Co.
Daniel Hamilton, of
was here a few hours Thursday.
Stop at Kittrell Taylor's
for a cool drink.
S. E. Porter, of Wilmington,
was here Thursday surveying the
Side track for the Pitt County Oil
Kittrell Taylor will pay yon
highest market price for spring
Lumber i being hauled for the
Pitt County Oil Mill.
Garry your beeswax to Kittrell
Brick are being hauled for the
new factory for The A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
Mrs. H. M. of Norfolk,
is here visiting her sister Mrs. B.
W. Tucker.
Mrs. Chas. Langston and
Misses Eva and Lucy Belle,
were here Thursday.
Prof. King, of Ayden, was here
Elder King, of Virginia, father
of Prof. King, of Ayden graded
school, was a guest of A. G. Cox
Thursday night.
Mrs. J. T. Martin and Miss Bes-
Ward, of Bethel, are visiting
in the vicinity of Winterville.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
in town.
Miss Lena was a
on the south bound train Fri-
1.00 bottles only at
Mrs. Jacobs, of Washington, is
stopping at Rowan Cooper's.
My office is now in the rear end
of the drag store. Your patronage
solicited. Fire having destroyed
everything in our store on Feb. 12th
we were compelled to rebuild at
much expense. We would be glad
if all of those having accounts
with us adjust them at their
earliest convenience. Yours truly
B. T. Cox, M. D.
John D. Cox returned from Shel-
For the best grades of smoking
and chewing go to the
Drug Store.
Will Phelps and wife left for
Everetts this morning.
See G. A. Kittrell Co. for any
thing in the feed line.
Mason's Fruit Jars at lowest
prices. Kittrell Taylor.
Latest styles and very cheap
at H. L. Johnson's.
See those nice shifts at H. L.
milk cows and one heifer for
Apply to Cox, Win
N. C.
H. L. Johnson pays highest
prices for eggs and chickens.
If in need of a good of
flour see Kittrell Taylor.
Don't forget Kittrell Taylor
carry a full line of horse and cattle
time for listing j
town taxes has expired. All per-.
sons who are law
list taxes in the town of Winter-
ville, will come and do so
at once and save trouble.
J. E. Green tax lister.
See H. L. Johnson for heavy and
light groceries,
wish to notify the
public that I grind every
day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
have reopened my
barber shop in the store formerly
pied by Kittrell and Taylor.
Will Worthington.
I am now prepared to furnish
brick at Lowest market prices.
O. M. Manning.
Roan Cooper with his factory
seems to be alive. Call see
either at factory or store. Oar
will do yon good
Winterville Mfg. Co.
All kinds of soft cool and
refreshing. H. L. Johnson.
Fruit jars J gallon site
quart size H, L. Johnson.
You will do well to call and see
the Winterville Mfg. Co. before
your house trimmings.
They will make yon some close
prices on all material of their
Some people talk about this
being the of the
year when there is nothing to do.
This may be true in some places
but it is far from being true at
buggy shop. He has
been shipping buggies almost daily
for a long, long time and still or-
conic more and more. While
a good many of these buggies are
old in this state he also ships
large numbers to Virginia
South Carolina.
Main Street, Winterville. N. C,
is the on
Tasteless OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple By rap.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Winterville, N. C. 3-22
Ninety Thousand Dollars for Victims of
the Slocum Disaster.
New York, June H.
treasurer of the committee
appointed Ly the mayor to solicit
subscriptions for the relief of the
victims of the General Slocum dis-
aster reported today that the com-
had thus far received over
Contributions, he added,
have been on such a generous scale
and the amount already received so
large a further swelling of the
relief fund seemed to him
We have trousers for the
Half the men you know need trousers- .
also a larger of the other half
Trousers will kill any man's
trousseau. No use going; If
you are
Very few people, comparatively,
have an idea of the enormity of the
Irish potato crop in North Carolina.
The Carolina Fruit
estimates that the potato crop
this season brought to the growers
in the territory more than a million
dollars. Next to strawberries, the
Irish potato industry ranks second
in importance in Eastern Carolina.
The crop this year was unusually
profitable. The yield was large
and the prices were high through-
the Dispatch.
Clearance Sale.
Beginning Monday, July
we will start our Great Semi-
Annual Clearance Sale. Our
rule is not to carry goods over
from season to season, Great
inducements will be offered on
entire stock of Dress Goods,
Trimming s Laces and Em-
Clothing, Shoes
and We mast
have for our fall Stock.

Grimesland Department
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
J. Proctor Bros
pullers and
you want lumber to build a house,
to so in it. clothing and
far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can your needs.
Our mill and are now
In full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do kinds
f turned work for balusters
and trimmings. also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Bats, Groceries
Hardware can he found
here, whether it is
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article fur the
or farm you can
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
the farmer sells.
North Carolina, In Court
Pitt lac
J. W. Smith, Walter
B. Evans,
Evans and others.
The defendants Martha Evans and
Genie Evans will take notice that an
action entitled as above has been com-
the Superior Court of Pitt
county to sell for the payment of debts
the of Evans, d.
in a certain piece of land upon which
be lived adjoining the lied Banks
church property, and also his interest
1-4. in a lot lying just south of the
town of Greenville, on east side of the
railroad, containing i-4 of an acre.
And the said defendants will further
take notice that they are required to
appear at the office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt county, C,
on Monday, the 27th day of June,
and answer or demur to the
and complaint in said action,
or the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said com-
plaint. This 14th day of May,
Clerk Superior Court
By virtue of a decree of the Superior j
Court of Pitt County made May 19th,
in a Special Proceeding therein
pending;, entitled D. Tucker and
Others against W. J. Tucker and
will on Monday, 4th
July before the Court House door I
i sell at public sale to the highest bidder i
cash, the following pieces or par-
I Pitt Count; and state of North Caro-
One piece or parcel bounded by
I the lands of XV. J. Tucker. B. B. Para-
the public road leading from
to Washington and by Tar
River, containing acres, mere or
One other piece or parcel ad
Mil's, containing acres, more
or less,
the 20th day of May,
Our Normal and Industrial College.
The of the North
State Normal and Industrial
College, advertisement of which
appears in another column, shows
an enrollment during the past
year of college students and
in the Practice and Ob-
Students secure free tuition by
agreeing to become teachers in the
public or private schools of the
state for at least two years after
leaving the college, and in no
other way can free tuition be
cured. All the free tuition
dents cannot board the
dormitories where board
ed at actual cost, but places will
be reserved the dormitories
free tuition
tuition paying students.
will be made fifty free
tuition students with board
families and twenty-five
tuition paying with
board in ; families.
There are so applications
free tuition with board the
dormitories that it will be
sin occasionally to hold
examinations, order to
a chance one of these
free tuition places with board in
the dormitories application
should be in the hands of
dent July
Each county in the stale in entitled
to one or more of these places, ac-1
Cording the white population of i
county. In the
the a free
student for laundry
and fees for registration,
attendance, library, use of
text-books, etc., is
students pay Non-
residents of the state pay
The annual expenses of
private families is about
more than that of in the
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton.
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to us, We keep every-
thing; in the grocery and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
Greenville's Great
Ii is easy enough to cry but that which
convinced is the test. We claims
So strong perhaps to excite skepticism in the
minds of those who do not know. We, how-
ever, ask but a trial that, our contentions may
be proved or disapproved in all fairness. We
are showing a beautiful line of
In the seasons newest styles, Oxfords, Strap
Sandals, Gibson Ties, Etc.
J. B. Cherry Co.
Greenville's Great Department Store
A Cure at Lust Obtained, After
a Investigation,
by St. Interest.
A f-w months ago the attention of a
few philanthropic gen-
i of St. Louis was directed to aD
entirely new method of combating that
most dreadful of all diseases, tuber-
Out t cases,
cured and have shown such
is bu. a question of a few week.
So astonishing have been the
and in cases pronounced
Incurable by all old methods that a
company has been formed and is
prepared to furnish at a normal cost,
this cine to all the
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain at home,
by friends and relatives, and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stage of the
disease, pursue their daily vocations
and still become completely cured.
Patient receiving the same treat-
here in St. Louis have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those in
Colorado, New Mexico and
The wonderful results in question
been accomplished by the
and the company which controls this
medical device have located
r l lain Office at North Seventh
street. St. Louis. J hey have also lo-
factory on avenue and
a has bean built at Hill-
side. i. The cure Will be known as
the lie Lung I and Mr. C
P, the discoverer of the
inhalant which used, will person-
have charge of the of the
company. Mr. Henson will personally
meet all who call at the office of
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
ball.- -From the St. Louis Globe
Free booklet request.
417-1,9 N. Seventh
St. Louis, Mo.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
The undersigned having duly
as executors of the last will and
testament of T. C. Cannon, deceased
and letters testamentary having been
duly issued to us by the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt county, notice
is hereby given to all persons holding
claims against the estate of said T. C.
Cannon to present them to us for pay-
duly authenticated, on fore
the 25th day of May 1906. or this notice
will be plead in bar of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
to us Jesse Cannon,
May 20th J. M.
of T. C. Cannon, deed.
Blow, Attorney.
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
Most Atlantic coast; wilt tempered by proximity of
Quit Stream. Fully equipped with every modern for the treat-
of lease. A full corps of Specialists In every department.
department tor rises of Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish end Baths.
Ward Rates. per Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc.,
The St. Vincent's Hospital and
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
Fair tonight and Friday.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factor handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipment
J. A. of Ala
was twice Id lbs hospital from a
severe case of piles causing
tumors After doctors and all
remedies failed,
Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and him. It
conquers aches and kills pain.
at Store.
It is said that the horse has great-
pulling strength, in proportion
to his weight, than any other
But they failed to say that
the mule had the greatest kicking
strength of any other animal.
Made Young Again
of Dr. King's New Life
Pills each night for two weeks has
put me in my
writes D. H. Turner of Dempsey
town, Pa They're the beet in
the world for Liver, Stomach and
Bowels. vegetable Never
gripe. Only K at
A York woman is suing her
husband for divorce because she dis-
covered that one leg was longer than
the other. We bet the evidence
will show that she had pulled his
leg till it wouldn't give down any
For a Hundred Years.
For a hundred years or more Witch
Hazel has been recognized as a
remedy, but it remained for
E. C. DeWitt Co. of to
discover how to the
of Witch Hazel with other
antiseptics, in the form of a salve.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve is the
salve the world for sores,
cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The
standing of this salve has
given rise to counterfeit, and the
public is advised to look for the
name on the package,
and accept no other. Sold at
en's Drug Store.
Apples are large enough to
a boy out of bed and down
early in the morning, before the
break of day
A Sure Thins
It i Mid that nothing it sure
except death and taxes, Out this
is not altogether true. King's
New discovery for consumption la
a sure cure all lung and throat
Thousands can testify
to that. Mrs. C. B. of
W. Va. says
had a severe m of
and for tried everything I
heard of, not no relief.
bottle f Dr. King's New
cry then me
It's infallible for Croup, Whoop
Grip, Pneumonia
Consumption. Try it. It's
by J. L.
Trial free.
anon u
Alarm clock for
If you want to get up early and
feel good all day take a Little Ear-
Riser or two at bed time. These
famous little pill relax the nerves,
give rest and refreshing sleep
with gentle, movement of the bow
els about breakfast time. W. H.
Houston, Tex., says
Risers are the best pills made
for constipation, sick
at Wooten's
Drug Store.
little learning is a dangerous
and so in a little pistol in
the hands of a small boy after he
has been to shoot.
A St art Test,
To a life, Dr. T. G.
of No. Pa., made
startling test resulting in a won
cure. He writes, a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by liberation of
the stomach. I had often found
Eli em Bitters excellent for acute
stomach and liver troubles so I
them. The patient
gained from the first, and has not
Sad an attack in
Electric Bitters are positively
guaranteed for Dyspepsia,
Constipation and Kidney
troubles. Try them Only
at Wooten's Drug Store.
Just received at
Will Swarm In This Place Soon

hi u w i ii ,
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
Five Points.
Just Think,
Pays the railroad fare
On June 16th, 21st, 23rd,
28th 30th, 1904, the Atlantic
Coast Line will operate Coach Ex-
to Sc. Louis, Mo., at the
above rate, for tickets limited to
ten days including date of
endorsed, good in Parlor or
for Season, Sixty day and
Fifteen day tickets and any other
information as to schedules, sleep-
car rates, etc., will be furnished
ed with pleasure by any ticket
agent or the undersigned.
H. M. Emerson, W, J Craig
T M. G. P, A
Wilmington, N, C
Saturday, July
W. S. Atkins went to Wilson
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H.
to Suffolk today.
Miss Helen Forbes left Friday
evening for a visit to LaGrange.
W. M. Daniel, of is vis-
his Mrs. W. C.
W. F. Button returned to his
home at LaGrange Friday even-
Miss Pattie Cotton returned
from Scotland Neck Friday even-
Miss Tyson, of Farm-
is visiting Misses Bettie and
Rosa Hooker.
Mrs. Ann Coward and little
Miss Lucy Dixon returned to
den Friday evening.
N. C, July 1904.
Lorenzo went
Greenville Monday.
The many showers this week
have the looks of crops
very much.
C. H. Langston went to Green-
ville Tuesday.
Moon Light on the Beautiful
Boat Down the Tar.
Reported for
One of the most enjoyable
socials of the season was
last evening by the
consisting of the following
Fred Hornaday and Miss
Will Parker Miss
T. A. Duke and Miss Fannie
Bat well.
Hugh Sheppard and Miss Jennie
R. L. Strickland and Miss Bes-
Alvin Dupree and Miss Maye
W. J. and Miss Minnie
R. C White and Miss
After the hardships of the
age were over the Mr.
and Mrs. P. C. Harding, directed
the party to the where deli-
were served in
the most elegant style.
The party is very much
ed to the for the kind
and courtesies extended them
on their trip.
The trip was a most delightful
one and every one present
enjoyed it.
At the appointed hour, p.
Laos and Discounts
Overdrafts 3.239
Furniture Fixtures 3,618.67
Due from Banks 73,225.39
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 3,319.37
Stock paid
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
County of Pitt. J
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
ind belief JAMES L. LITTLE, cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of June, 1904
Notary Public.
J. G.
I Be Progressive
Mies Annie spent number of the party
had reached the docks, but owing
to the late hour of Che moon
its there was quite
the a time spent on the docks
before sail, which took place
at P. M.
BLUSHED 175.------
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Pat, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits,
Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
Li fa Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Hen y George Clear, Can-
lies, Peach-;.
Vino Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Hoar cigar, Coffee, Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Gar,
Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Hots
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prune, Currents, Glum
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Batter, N
Boys Sew in a; Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for
see me.
B. M.
Fountain, n.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C-
one door east of post office, or.
portion of last week with Miss
Letha near Reedy
Isaac was in
neighborhood Sunday.
Sirs. Lorenzo
I Friday to spend some time with
; her daughter, Mrs. Malone Tucker,
i near
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Worthing-
spent Sunday in the neighbor-
Mrs. H. B. Smith and children,
Dan, Candie and Tucker,
Wednesday here.
Charlie was over
awhile Sunday afternoon.
Dennis Davis preached at
I Tucker's school house Sunday
Henry Langston sister, Miss
Eva, spent at Eli Craft's.
J. T. Smith, of
Friday here.
George went to Ayden
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Martha Tucker and Miss
Tessie spent Friday after-
. on in
The following cards have been
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Rountree
request the of your
at the marriage of their daughter
Mr. George Jackson Woodward
Tuesday morning, July the twelfth
nineteen hundred and four
at eight o'clock
Baptist Memorial Church
North Carolina-
No cards issued in town.
Funeral of Mr. Warren.
The funeral of the late Mr. Al-
i Warren took place Friday
, Afternoon in Cherry Hill Cemetery
i services being conducted by Rev.
The pull bearers
were as
J. R. C. T. I. A
Sugg, A L. Blow, Hairy Skin-
K. King. Honorary
T. J. Jarvis, Henry
Married at Morehead.
A thrill of surprise ran through
social circles in this city this
morning when the intelligence
was received of the marriage in
the parlors of the Atlantic Hotel
in City last evening of
Mr. Guy Webb and Miss Helen
Gray, both of this city The in-
of the young couple were
kept a profound secret from their
friends, who, with few exceptions,
i knew nothing whatever of them.
Kinston Free Press, 30th.
E are living in a progressive age and we must
be progressive to keep up with the times and
be No business has made great-
progress in the last few years than the
Printing Business. The styles of type have
entirely. The type that our fathers
used and were satisfied with, is out of date
and no longer gives satisfaction. Up-to-date
business men want up-to-date stationery and
will have no other.
We Arc Up-To-Date,
We have just put in machinery such as
of Presses, Numbering Machine,
Etc. Also, we have just put in a complete
I stock of stationery. We make a specialty
M of tobacco work such as Check Books, Farm.
Buyers Bills, Order of Sales, Etc. Etc.
In fact we print anything. Send us an order
Greenville, N. C.
R. J.
C. V. York.
L. M. Pender.
The following points can now
be reached over the lines of
N. C.
Baltimore Md.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. S C
Columbia, S. C.
Lynchburg, Va
Nashville, Tenn.
New York. N. Y.
New Orleans, La
Norfolk, Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Philadelphia, Pa
St. Mo.
And all other important and in
points east of the Miss-
Gen. Manager
A. N. C. R. R. Lease.
When asked about the Atlantic
and North Carolina railroad and if
it would be leased this 3-ear the
governor said he rather thought ho.
added there would be a
lease under the terms given in his
speech before the democratic con-
He said the road was
doing well, very well, that he
did not propose to hawk it about;
that no disposition would be made
of it below its value and unless the
guarantees were perfect. He was
told that it was stated that the
Philadelphia syndicate which had
made a bid had not put up any
guarantee. He said lie had no
doubt that they would put up one
when the time came to make a lease.
Old Schoolmates Meet.
There was a pleasant meeting
here Thursday between two old
schoolmates who had not seen each
other in fifty-two years. They
were Mrs. Sophie Moore, of Bur-
who is here visiting her son,
Mr. J. R. Moore, Mrs. V. H.
Whichard. their girlhood days
they were schoolmates at j
and had not met since
they left that institution. Both
these ladies are now well advanced
in years.
Land Plaster for Peanuts for sale
by J. B. Cherry Co. 6-28
Experienced have
found great benefit by taking with
them a bottle of Dr. Arnold's
Balsam. It cures illness caused
by impure water and sudden
changes of climate.
Warranted by J. L- Wooten,
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge o
our tinning and slating department. Yon will find him
a master of his trade.
We for our share of the patronage and
will do beet to give satisfaction.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
. G. James went to Norfolk
Ferrell Burch is in Wash-
W. E. is visiting
M. A. Allen left this
for Old
Mrs. Jenkins Sun-
day Tarboro.
W. S. Atkins returned from
E. H. Evans left Saturday
W. W. Perkins left Saturday
for Wilmington,
E. M. went to Seven
Springs Saturday.
Miss Nellie Barnhill went to
Ayden Monday evening.
Mr. Mrs. B West re-
turned to Durham today.
Mr. E. H. Taft returned
day evening from Plymouth.
Mrs. Julia of Kinston,
is visiting Mrs. W.
Mrs. J. K. fender, of Tarboro,
is visiting Mis. J. W.
J. J. Harrington went to Raleigh
Mrs. E. H. and Miss
Jarvis today at
Mill Olive Daniel, of Dunn, if
visiting her Mrs W, C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cherry and
Will Cherry returned today from
Resorted for Reflector.
The biggest day Washington
Children's Day Exercises.
The Children's Dav exercise
were held in the Methodist church
Sunday night. The church, which
has ever through any was
was Monday the
proved Order of Red Men
Misses Nancy Coward and
W. L. Beet left Sunday Sugg ibis morning for the
for Sp
T. A Askew went to Kinston
Saturday evening.
G. Ellis returned from Win-
mis morning.
Miss Elise Vincent to
Scotland Neck today.
Rev. A. T. King has returned
Dr. D. L. James returned from
Morehead City S
W. M. returned Sunday
evening Mount.
Mi. D. Sun-
day evening from
Miss Minnie Quinn came in Sat-
e from Washington.
Mr. Mrs. Claude West came
in from Durham Saturday evening.
O. W. Baker, came
in Sunday evening to visit Henry
Mrs. A. E. Tucker returned Sat-
evening a visit Scot
laud Neck.
J. J. Hathaway, of
here and re-
turned this morning.
H. W, and A. A.
went to Beaufort
day evening returned this
summer at
Mrs. J. E. of Florida,
arrived evening to
the family of C. E. Lincoln.
Miss of
who has been visiting Mis. Adrian
Savage, returned Dome today.
Mrs. Denmark, of
came over this to
visit parents, Mr. and Mrs. It.
gave a
grand celebration with a
street parade.
At the line of
march was on
street at one of old tobacco
warehouse, consisting of
buggies, wagons floats, and
mounted Indians on horses all
beautifully decorated for the
in brilliant colors of
red, brown yellow to match
the uniforms by the adieus,
something like seven hundred ;
fifty in the parade which was
fully a mile in length. The floats
earned the lovely squaws
pretty while the other
vehicles carried the men. In
the center of the parade was a
float carrying the God-
of Liberty seated on a high
pinnacle with four squaws seated
at feet and of the military
boys at each corner as guard--,
while Sam was seated on
the trout.
At o'clock the tribe again
tilled with expectant persons and
the occasion was a successful
in every
The following program wag
Thou Almighty
bong- Blessed be the Name.
Recitation by
the Air.
by Maud Lee.
is Calling the
j Children.
Maggie Savage.
Children Do.
Me a Child of
it Pass.
Song-Glory to God Hallelujah.
the River with
Marching to
Misses Lizzie Biggs, Nellie Pen
M. Starkey.
Miss. Sadie f was
teachers of the Baptist If
assembled at the wigwam
proceeded to a pale J- Bessie
down First street whee the stake as
was the burning of
Miss Lena Matthews left
to spend a week in Washington
and will goto
for a visit.
Miss Sarah Harding, of
ville, who has been visiting her
Mrs. F. C. Harding, left
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Denton and
little of who have
been visiting Mr. and Mis. J. It.
Corey, returned home Saturday
Mies Agues Spain and brother,
left Sunday for a visit to
Wash i
Miss Savage left today
for a visit near rift on
Harry left this morning
for Raleigh.
left morning for
Virginia Beach.
for women at Raleigh, is
Mis. J. F.
W. F. I'll
Kinston this morning.
Milton White from
Suffolk Tuesday evening.
W. J. to Seven
TueS evening.
C. L. Hornaday returned
W. T.
for a visit to Raleigh.
Miss Maud Anders-Hi
from a visit to
whoop was with. After
and. ,
all enjoyed themselves to a very many a home in Charlotte
u.,. t, . .
Charlotte Votes Heavily For Prohibition.
Charlotte, N. July
late boor which ended in a that oft known
The Washington band of of
for the occasion, the entire city feel-
and as whole it was one of the whose
finest Celebration- writer j touch a full of a
boned ton
had the of
Tribe, of Green- had b-en long and bit-
ville, participated in I be the forces
boys with ballots
the of the Three
were submitted to the
Wins a Bride.
have reached city
J. L. Carper left this
for a visit to his old home at
A. II. W. L.
left this Si. Louis to
t the world's
Bruce of Plymouth,
who has been visiting J. W.
Bryan, returned home today.
Miss Maud of Bethel,
who has visit Mrs. W. O.
hill, returned home this morning.
Miss of
laud Neck, who been visiting
here, returned home this
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker, of
Lewiston, who have visiting
Henry Sheppard, returned home
this morning.
Mrs. C. B. West little son,
of Raleigh, came in Tuesday even-
to visit her mother, Mrs. N.
K. Anderson.
Mr. George
and Miss Rosalind
in N. C- The
happy event will be at
the Baptist Memorial church in
the above place on tie morning of
July the 12th, at o'clock.
Mr Woodward, to be,
is a son of our townsman, Mr.
Geo. W. Woodward, and the
bride elect is one of
most charming and popular young
ladies. The young couple will
leave soon after the for a
visit to the family of Mr. Wood-
ward, In this city, where they
will spend several days. Mr.
Woodward has a position as book-
keeper for the Imperial Tobacco
ham Sun.
answer came clear, sharp,
people declared for it by a
majority if Less than
were cast for dispensary.
The election was quiet, tut it
was determination,
the is mutt gratifying to
the best elements of people.
Pleasant Gathering of Young People.
A delightful sociable was given
Monday night at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. M.
to Miss Pearl
of and Misses
Mabel is, of Tar-
who are visiting Miss Mae
An interesting feature of the
evening was a message contest, a
prize being to the one
who would write best sentence
of six words, each word t begin
order the letter- contained
Eula Quinn
won the prize, a pin.
At o'clock he guests were
invited the dining room where
delicious refreshments were
Miss Mae with A. E-
Miss Pearl F.
Miss Julia with J. W.
Miss Mabel Morris w Frank
Miss Patrick with C. B.
Miss Mary James with Will
Miss Mary Goodwin with Frank
Miss Lizzie Higgs with Zeno
Miss Mattie with
Miss Ski,. .
wood Wilson.
Miss Eula Quinn
Miss Nellie
Miss I n
Leon Pender.
Monday evening.
Cobb returned Monday
from Tarboro.
who have visiting
Mrs. J. R. Moore, left this morn-
docs Back to Saloons.
The town of that has
been dry a year will go back to
saloons. The last board of
there having granted
licenses the matter came up be-
fore county commissioners
that body also granted licensee.
There was quite a over
question before the county com-
Has the time come it is a
requisite to live in town
in order that may be eligible
to hold office
Judging from circumstances
they present themselves one is
naturally impressed with that idea.
For every office the county no
less than a half dozen candidates
themselves for each, and
every candidate hails from Green-
Have the country people no
claims it used to be so, bat now
the reverse seems to be the con-
North Carolina for Parker,
St. Louie, Mo,,
tonight aid all. r reeling the
chairman to vote the strength of
the state for Judge
presidential nomination
to Joseph us Daniels
was elected National
from the state.
The her selections were
also made by unanimous vote are
Member Committee,
W. H. Powell, of Tarboro;
J. Mills, of
Rules, A. W.
Lean, of to notify
President John F. Woodward, of
Wilson; to notify President
R. L. Holt, Burlington;
and Platform, Ed. Chambers
Smith, of Raleigh; chairman
delegation Locke Ashe-
ville; vice chairman,
Julian S. Can, of Durham; vice-
president of convention E. J. Hale,
of secretary E. p
Lamb, of Elizabeth City.
Public Reception.
On the night of 11th inst. Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. will give a
public in honor of Mr.
George J. Woodward and Miss
Rosalind Rountree, who are to be
married on the morning He
We only inquire for information. I
Law and order have grown to be
by J. B. Cherry Co.

Eastern reflector, 5 July 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 05, 1904
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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