Eastern reflector, 28 June 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

inn ii i
JULY 1st AND 2nd
The first excursion of the sea-
son will be run from to
Norfolk on above date.
will be for white people only
and the very best of order
Don't miss it.
Train leaves Winston a. m,
July 1st; returning leaves Norfolk
p. m., July 2nd.
A. L. i UTTER,
K. J. Little,
C. D. Smith,
G. A.
Ed. Coward went to Ayden Sat-
D. L. James spent Sunday
in Be
r Smith, of Ayden, was
here to-lay.
Miss Lena King went to
ville Sunday.
Ii. L. Smith returned from
more Sunday.
T. B. Hooker returned from
Baltimore Sunday.
W. B. James returned from
Scotland Neck
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. White I
spent Sunday in Bethel.
Miss Ellen Parker returned this j
morning from Fremont.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cherry and
Will Cherry, left
this morning for Ocracoke.
Ex-Go v. T. J. D.
Moore, F. G. James, J. J. Laugh-
and A. J. Moore left this;
morning for Greensboro to attend
the state convention.
Jesse went to Hobgood
A. L. went to
K B. left Tuesday even-
B, W. King went to Greensboro
Solicitor L. Moore went to
I Tuesday.
y-at- Law,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Now that bids are i i work is
expected to begin on the
in a short
William Fountain. fL D.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office,
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
Fair tonight and Friday.
Capt. A. White left Tuesday
evening for Seven Springs.
Miss Mary Jane Stokes left j
Tuesday evening I r Seven Springs.
J. J. A.
of spent today here.
Miss Minnie returned
this morning from a visit to Shel-
Mis. A. K Tucker returned this
morning from Beaufort.
S. J. Parham returned
morning from Beaufort.
Miss Minnie Tunstall is visiting
., friends at W. T Lipscomb son, Will,
. . have returned from the St. Louis
Miss Emma Harrington is visit.
Mies Mary A.
H. A. Blow left Tuesday even-
for Greensboro to attend the
Mule convention.
ii. B. has returned Mrs, J. L. Fleming and little
from u visit to Danville. daughter, Louise, went to Seven
W. ii. Jr., returned from
Ball n re Sunday evening.
Wholesale and retail
Dealer. paid
Hides. Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, Bed-I . Springs Tuesday evening,
steads, Oak Suite, Jas Moore, of Wilson, spent
by Carriages, in with his, brother, Mrs. G. Baker, of Lewiston,
Tables, Lounges, Safes, F. Moore. In Tuesday evening to visit
and Gail father.
High Key Wast
Henry Can-
Cherries. Peaches, Apple.
Apples, Jelly,
Floor Meat,
. p m ,,,
de n Seeds. Oranges, Apples, I Mrs. Edwards.
and China Ware, Tin and has been visiting Mis. L. H. L
Ware. I returned home this morning,
J, Butter,
Royal Sewing Little has returned fr i
Quality oil where he
rash. Con convention.
see me.
. . . v. T. King left this
S. Springs
u l-summer Sunday
. her father, Henry Sheppard,
Dr. P, H. of Richmond
and J. B. Patrick, of Mis. Mamie Bernard, who has
it Sunday here. I in
turned home Tuesday evening.
Salli. Cox, of
Jan is returned Tuesday
from a visit to Lewiston.
J. L. of Winston, who
will have charge of the
the electric end water
porks here, came in this morning
to tie the opening of the
i Miss Battle Gray Button, who
visiting grand
Mrs. Alice Harper, returned
hut at Tuesday
evening. Alexander Harper ac-
ii i
We beg leave to announce that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with j cur
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Parker, Jr., returned her home for a visit
v i; e i. ha been to i
, , , .
Miss Minnie came in
A Cure if Lt Wat-bin Saturday
a j t it and
this afternoon.
A ago the attention of a
few i gen-,
i i
of -it- Louis was to an , who has been vis
; Little Miss Evelyn Lang,
. -i i o Ho em s ii I'm .; home
Out or if i i-a,
Little Miss Annie Laura Lei
their session in Atlantic
i My the ether day discussed
to borrow
money without Gentle-
if you find out how it can be
write at once full particulars
immediately if not sooner to yours
j w-f
cured and l.
t it I
is but a o i of a
So u have its
ii win
. b I old that a
am l no
prepared to n ma
to all e ll
that path main i
rounded by I In m, and
in a treat Instance , i lain
i i, i.- i Mi-l; stages of tin
disease, pursue their vocations
and still completely cured
Miss i- sick.
B. left this
Pounds of Salt.
, s of floor in Warehouse
tie Line,
W. B. Parker to on the warn front, gave
today, j under the weight
. T . t u; , fucks Bait,
O went to Waste
i with a great crash and a form
Dr. L. O Skinner returned to the supervision
Monday. m, b. B. who were in
left I ran of the build-
morning for Petersburg. chinking the whole ware-
Mrs. W. H. Jr. returned J
. . i , Morehead. f
covered Without damage, but the
W. Ii Jr., went to Kins- five feet
ton and returned today of a total loss.
Mrs. Caroline Cherry left this The loss in salt will to
morning for a visit to or and the damage to
. l- the warehouse will not exceed
Laughinghouse came in ., . . w
Monday evening from a trip on
the road.
Patient t i am
a Si. Lou's Lave complete- O.
recovered a i rapidly as th In
Colorado, N. .-. and Ml
The wonderful results
been accomplished the
and which
their main at North M
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on avenue and
a has built at Sill-
side. Mo. lie cure will lie known as
the Lung Cure, and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of the
inhalants which ate u-ed, will poi-sou-
ally have charge of the of tho
Mr. will
meet all who st tho office of th
Miss Jennie of Kinston,
who are unable to make I per-
the St. Louis Globe
Tree booklet on request.
R. J. Cobb. C. V. York. L. H.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
417-19 N. Seventh St,
St. Louis, Mo.
Imperial Shaving Parlors,
over this morning to visit Hopkins, Daniel Davis, Props.
R. w. King. Cleanliness our Motto.
Mrs. Mary of Ports-, Only experienced men em-
month Va., is visiting the family I ployed. Opposite
L. W. Lawrence. store.
Factory sit unfed by the railroad just North of
All kinds of lumber, turned and
scroll work. . .
All machinery new and up to-date and the
make. . .
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection
buildings. , , . .
Tinning, and all kinds of MM
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to s
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge .
tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade. ,
We ask for our share of the patronage and
ill do our best to give satisfaction. PHONE
O. L WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
W. H. and children went
to Hamilton today.
L. B. H m went to
Ward went to
Wednesday evening
Vies Winnie Skinner left this
morning for Elizabeth City.
Mrs. J. B. Cherry left
day evening for Seven Springs.
L. W. of
came in today to visit relatives.
Cobb, of Grifton, came
op this morning to visit relatives.
Mrs. Alfred Forties left Wed-
evening for a visit to La
Mrs. B. M. left
for Kinston to have,
her eyes treated.
E G. T. M.
Wilson and S. D. King
left this morning for St. Louis.
Mrs. J. G. Thomas, of Bethel,
who visiting Mrs. W. G.
returned home this
are, the trained
who has been attending Mrs.
S. Norman, returned to
Mrs. C. Moore son,
avid, went to Scotland to-
day the funeral -of E. i.
Mrs. J. Smith. Mrs. W. W,
looses Smith,
Fannie Bagwell and Ml unto Bag-
well look the for
to speed the day.
Prof. W. E. Dove and
left this to spend
r in Western of
the Dove mIs
attend the summer school at
Miss Florence Bynum, of Sara
toga, who has been visiting Mr.
W. B. Parker, left morning.
Mr. Mrs. Jno. L.
and little daughter, left Thursday
evening for a trip to the St. Louis
O. L. Joyner returned from
C. L. Hornaday left this
for Beaufort.
Bey. W. E. Cox left this morn-
fur Hamilton.
returned from
lop Friday evening.
Mrs. W. C. Dancy left this
fur Edgecombe.
N. n-
from Greensboro
Miss Alice Ling Fri-
day evening from a visit
B. Johnson, of Chicago
in Friday to visit
Mrs. Sallie
Special to
Greensboro, N. C. June .
R. B. Glenn was nominated at
o'clock this morning on the
fifth ballot, receiving votes.
Greensboro, N. C. June
The democratic state convention
wan called to order at this
afternoon by Senator F. M. Sim-
mons, chairmen of the state com-
mute. Five thousand people were
assembled in the convention
The delegates gave ex-Gov. T. J.
a rousing cheer as he
entered the convention. Other
distinguished men were greeted
with ovations they appeared.
calling the convention to
order Senator Simmons made a
speech at the conclusion
of which named
A. L. Blow, V. G. James H- the first district,
as temporary chairman. , Mr.
Small also made a stirring speech,
but both of the gentlemen had to
cut their speeches short because
among the delegates
and their eagerness to get down
to the work fer they had
After the speech-making
of the different
was made. F. G.
large job press, a perforating James, of Pitt, was on the
and a number i of
The convention then adjourned
until o'clock, and
X. B. got back this morn-
from the
Printing Machinery.
The can
to its patrons that the of
the office for doing job
have increased so that we
prepared to do almost kind of
work. We have just added a
With this additional equipment
do kind of work that
regains numbering or perforating.
The office is in shape to meet the
demands of the in turning
out as good work as can lie had.
W. F. i n Hi, is in charge of our
Job printing and is
ready to serve you
orders when
want food printing.
The fallowing cards have been
the committee on
reported as
J. Field.
Hod G. P Pell.
Sending Clerks L.
and W. Wilson.
The took
Other Nominated by the State
The second day of the state con-
at Greensboro put through
business with a mull. The con-
test for governor out of the
way the balance was easy Mailing.
A little after o'clock a. m. the
convention took a recess until
o'clock to give the delegates time
to get breakfast and take a little
rest from the all night session.
There was. not so much excite-
during the remainder of the
convention, no contest
arising over any other nomination.
With exception of lieutenant
governor and Supreme court
all the present officers
were The
were as follow;
D. Winston.
Secretary of
B. Lacy.
V Dixon.
In Honor of Emogene Taft.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Taft
pleasantly entertained Miss
store at their home,
Fifth avenue, Tuesday even-
in honor of Miss
Taft, a bride-elect. The evening
was spent with games music
and refreshments were serve at
a late hour.
In behalf of the store com-
Mr. Louis A.
manager for H. Tali Co.,
the bride-elect with a
handsome cut fruit and
table mirror.
Jr., made his first
entrance ti society on
looking after the
comfort on their arrival. The
Taft home was decorated in
artistic n. inner is and
palms. The prevailing colors in
the room were green and
white, the drawing par-
ball, pink and
This party was the first of a
series of entertainments that will
Superintendent Public hi given by the G. It. dub,
Y. Joyner.
Corporation Commissioner,
L, Rogers.
Labor II. B.
Commissioner L.
Associate Justice Court
George H. and W. A.
Presidential Electors Large
K. IX and W. A. Self.
Miss Taft's honor. Miss is a
Mr. H. Taft and
h is made many during her
residence la city. Her mar-
to Mr. Lincoln a prom-
attorney of Ind.,
will take place All the
guests ex themselves as
having spent a most enjoyable
evening one that will long
remembered both by the guests
land Rapids,
Delegates at Large to National U,,
J. K.
K J, J. j
to Mi. and
H. A. Coward
W, C. to
A half of
is in
0- L. of Ayden,
Thursday here
II. H. Wilson, of
Miss Bertha i-
Mrs. R. T.
D. s. Chapman, of
in town Thursday.
J. A. little
went lo Weldon today.
Hiss Iron Lee Cobb returned
Burlington Thursday.
Geneva and Exum
a visit
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. re-
turned this morning from Seven
Gel he I of Ply
mouth, is visiting; Mist Jamie
Mrs. Sallie of LaGrange,
is visiting daughter, Mrs. I.
M. Hodges.
Mrs. F. G. Whaley,
took the train here this
morning Suffolk.
Mrs Bancroft
ill give marriage their
Mrs. e Hughes
Mr. Williamson Moseley
July seventh
in year nineteen hundred and
at o'clock
The of your
if quested.
No cards issued in town.
Came Near Causing a Fire.
A who was ignorant
about use id a gasoline
came near causing a fire, early
this morning, the pressing club
room on fifth street. He filled
the gas tank while the heater was
lighted had more
than he was looking The
coat was nearly burned off
of him mid hi-, arm got a blister-
Iron Fence.
A very handsome iron fence has
been placed around the front yard
of W. B. Brown, corner
Fourth streets. The fence
was furnished erected by
Hilliard and shows
something of what a home firm
can do.
the convention, other
committees made their
and speeches
name i ed
V. A. Self the
of W.
Locke the
of I K.
J. C the
of R. B.
Tue friends of
filled the hall with his
name was mentioned.
The nominating seconding
speeches past
o'clock when the convention again
adjoin until then the bat-
ballots began,
The first omitting
Glens Bled-
man-111, Turner Davidson
showed sonic falling off of the
vote tor Davidson, most of these
going to
Temple Dedication.
Next Thursday will be a great
day in The corner
stone of the Masonic Temple will
be laid that day and temple
dedicated. The of
Grand Lodge and Masons
many neighboring lodges will be
here to participate the exercises.
At night the splendid play
will be presented in
the Masonic opera house.
i e Magazine r;
Washington, June Sunday semi
a picnic excursion t. ;
Seeing h,. the at below Washington
in your issue id the
20th, I in-i it to make a
; as the only thing true
ill I he is there was a fire
A. C, L. depot, bin as to
and the
in of i he water plant to
furnish n ere is no
whaler. I think I can say
in i I that not a
town in lie has a more
water system
than the town of Washington,
were n of water
playing on the ding, and the
hose were bursting under the
consequently had the
pressure reduced to pounds
which was held throughout the
tire. Why the fire was not ex-
long before it was was
on account of the fire being on
the inside of the freight rooms,
and the loots, which were of
double were bolted from
the inside, consequently the fire-
could not get the water to
The firemen and citizens did he-
work, and it lakes only the
man that can stand off and do the
writing to find fault. There are
some people who prefer telling a
falsehood when the truth would
much better.
F. Bland,
Supt. Water
The printed the
article as it was sent and had no
-s of the
lay. About
all re-
were present, and
p a very trip
The boat ell the Old
Dominion wharf at nine
crowded with young
people, and in my of good
to at
aid the
pavilion Hit o'clock.
body Ii angry, and
there was spread a that
should please a king din-
several enjoyed ,. plunge in
while others w Ding-
ed in the
of sweet Part of the
return trip
light, the reaching Green-
ville about nine o'clock.
The were Mrs. H.
Hooker, Mr. and Mis. G. E.
Harris, Mr. Mrs. C. T
ford, Mr. and Mrs, J. Brown
and Mrs.
Much the enjoy men I of the
occasion was due to the energy
effort of Mrs. H. C. Hooker
Mr. G. E. Harris,
especially anxious to make
occasion a pleasant one.
Dr. Farmville.
Dr. Hyatt, of will be at
at the hotel July
7th, Monday, Tuesday and
for the purpose of
treating diseases of the eye and
fitting glosses. Those who are not
that any incorrect state able to pay a lee will be examined
were being made. free. e-7

R. L.
Dr. D. I;. J
N. C., Jane 1904.
Misses and
were here a while
Miss Annie spent
Dental I
i Greenville, Mr, c. spent Bet
I afternoon with John
Norfolk. Va,
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New Tori
Chicago and New Orleans.
Grover and Luther
Fletcher were in toe neighborhood
Aw cream supper was
j given at the home of Me-
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol
you -ii ii net a
thing u
nail or screw r or
lacking. a
tool box and be r for
emergencies. Our Hue of tools
is all you desire,
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Saturday evening. Quite
a number of g people were
and seemed to enjoy it j
Oscar and Miss Clara
were in the neighborhood
Johnnie and Archie Tripp were
in the neighborhood Sunday after-
C. H. Langston went to Green-
ville Friday.
Miss Mary Smith spent
day night and Sunday with Miss
Eva Langston.
Miss Swan Nelson, after spend-
time with Mies Annie
returned home Mon-
Mis. T. of
spent last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Worthington.
Mr. Corbitt, of was
over Sunday.
Madison Smith and sister, Miss
Nina, were here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whitfield,
of Roberson ville, spent Saturday
night and Sunday with their
parents, Mr. Mrs. H. B
Mop It.
if so, it matters not whether you wish to cloth
a large or small man, we can accommodate you.
Our store is full to overflowing with
New High Grade Clothing
which we offer at an extraordinary low price to
Spot Cash Buyers.
Don't fail to see us for it will pay you handsomely if
you are in need of anything in the Clothing
We have been asked to announce
it is to a win pa a
girl home tare swing on the gate
with her hour afterwards. Tie
parlor, with the lamp lowered to
semblance the poesy of t
laden twilight, decidedly
and inviting souls i Prompt treatment of a flight
with but a single thought, f will often
n vent a serious sickness. The best
known is Dr. Heth Ar
A. E. Tucker Co.,
hearts that beat as Mo boys
quit i be gates, go in the house,
act like men, show your l Woolen
of the grandeur of life's holiest satisfaction,
mission, your chosen by
the band with grasp, tell
her of the beating of your
affection and love given
of God; look down into the liquid
depths of her radiance tilled eyes
to see if your image is limiting
away the waves of endearment
to the deep hidden of the
n to
By virtue of a i of the
or court of Pitt county, made in spec-
proceedings No. entitled Bill
Daniel et against Lee
Daniel et the undersigned com-
missioner will sell for cash at public-
auction before the court house door
in Greenville on Saturday, July 9th,
the following described lot or
of land in Greenville township
limits of
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
-from Baltimore Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
-without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. gt.
N. O.
H. B.
heart, and if she droops her the town of Greenville. on
cuts one eye e north by the lot of John Thomas
J on the south by the lands of
minds you of a one eyed gobbler I b. Patrick, on the East by Wash-
spying a suspicious bug, you may
know you can to at, the Daniel lot.
as the printers say, imprint June
upon her quivering lips
golden type of that
thrills with an known only
to those who have managed to get
there and of such rapture fondly
The Anti Saloon League appears
to be its hold as the cam-
warms to its work, and the
old party spirit waxes stronger. It
may be that some people who pro-
tested long and loud against the
nomination of liquor candidates will
fall by the wayside, but there are
still those among us who are deter-
mined to support no candidate for
office, no matter what pressure may
be to bear, who is not out
and out opposed to the liquor traffic.
Charity Children.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt county in
proceeding No. 1294 entitled J. D.
against Lula Stokes
et the undersigned Commissioner
will sell for cash at public auction be-
fore the court door In Green-
ville on Saturday, July 1904, the
following lauds situate in
Pitt county and township;
On piece adjoining the lands of
Sallie C. P. Smith and others
acres more or lets. One
other piece being all swamp land, be-
ginning at the mouth of Second Branch
thence a straight line to the canal la
the of Indian Well swamp,
up the canal to the line of Jno.
A. Smiths land, thence with the line
of said land to the side ditch, thence
down said side ditch to the beginning,
containing acres more or lest.
Both pieces being inherited by P. A.
Laughinghouse, mother of said ten-
ants in common from her
Smith. F. O.
June 7th, 1904 Com.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second year-7. No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
The On y Way-
To get
Is send it to
N. C. June, 1904.
W. R. Harris from
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
and h destined to take the
lead, try one, is to buy one,
and to Buy one, is to never be
without one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Mot. W. B. Misses
Sallie Edith
Broadway teen
Title during the week.
ion at Hart ft; Jenkins.
We the ladies to and
examine our line of lawn before
elsewhere. J. Hines.
R. C. Cannon Alice
to Greenville Tuesday
E. G. -in I- away for
weeks would esteem it e
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
The styles straw
and caps see J. J.
Just received cloth-
for J. J. Hines.
candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. K. Co's,
We are requested to state that
it is Wednesday before
2nd Sunday in July that Rev. A.
T. King, of has an
to in
j Met church at this place.
Confectioneries. tinware and
I everything general
a at fair prices OM be call-
at store of Hurt
You will do well to go Sum-
for fancy
great those of his friends j
anticipating taking out Mary Smith, of Winter-
would await bis return it if urgent
would request them to see
ville, is Mrs. A. Fair,
been appointed to list
brother, Cox, at the the taxes the of Ayden
office. Their will lie for year I will be pleased
highly appreciated. ; to meet all at the
Lime, hair., Smith ft who
doors, and side lights at. have taxes in salt
J. R. Smith Bro. M.
E. E. House, of ASK FOB
visitor here Tuesday.
When you need a j
tough for buggy or
carriage. Call tie u
selection. Ayden Mfg. j
Co. Ayden, N, c.
The ladies have lone out
to go they
If it doesn't awe you absolute
your dealer will
pay returning it.
N. C.
A of
at Bro-
Tyson. For corn
tomato apply
wife and . Co.
child i.
town Sunday.
yesterday where
A full assortment of ladies and
shoes at reasonable prices at
Go to E. E Go's new
market for beef, meats,
and fresh fish.
H. H. of Rocky Mount,
spent Wednesday here with
For a nice cool go to Sum-
first-class brick
ply to E. S. Edwards Son,
den, N. C A full supply always
Miss Martha of Center-
ville, is stepping Miss Helen
The are especially invited
to our of
inert-wired we it
in of
J J.
First Class made brick, by
and retail large
your order
J. A.
Joe and Joe
from Farmville.
per -day, West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B iF.
We much
illness of Elder feed
at his home
Mr a severe attack
of kidney
and as a relief his physician ad-
morphine, since
Mr. has
ail to arouse him
For flour, lime, hay, meal, hulls
etc., go to Jackson
I wish to remind my friends
I keep a very nice line of millinery
g and I know my Tessie
and kid belts
will please you all. Give me a
call, Mrs J. A. Davis.
If you feel hurt, go to Jackson's
butter and cheese on ice
Two small new iron safes
kind for small business or farmers a of l,. c They
at J. R. Smith .- I will make your feet clad.
Ben Sheppard after a Friend Tommie Smith has been
visit has returned to Wilmington, j confined to his room with
We use a fair patent for two
shafts, black hickory singletrees, and
2nd growth, ash bows, No. ma- b we
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and . n .
skilled mechanics. We use Vale-. TRIED
tine's 1st class varnish, hence w
to make the neatest
and most durable buggy in Eastern j
N. C, Ayden Milling Mfg Co., , Established 1850,
The best quality flour as cheap
as the cheapest at Hart A Jenkins.
Ayden hate ball team has an en-1 INSURANCE IN THE WORLD,
to play Hookerton on
Friday last, at Hookerton.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. K.
Several of young Mends SUCCeSSful
ed lawn party ac
Writes all up-to-date policies,
Ordinary Life and An-
The best
the insured.
prove Wednesday evening.
We want your
and egg. J. R. Smith Bro.
A new lot of men's
shirts just received at W. M. Ed-
wards it
New corned at J. R.
Toad of
was here yesterday.
Now we have plenty the
Company that . n
specialty of Southern invest-
call on or write
District Manager,
wagon and cart
As authorized agent for i he has assisting brides- J s his right wheels and will sell them as
and we- of
Million Mfg. Co.
X C.
Charles of and
.-great in receiving We carry a j Mi
and willing receipts far of carpets cu various
We lure a fist styles and patterns, make
their mail excellent rags, at at normal Dot of City
Kb bear the young say Ute I
for job printing.
Call and see laurel
-lived near and
is we I known thew, has been on
invited . visit to their
to call j lot boy. I John has
Milling Co., at W. with Mil-
N. C.
j ling and Co. -trimming
Hay, Oats suffer rum intense The of the I
Cotton told eye and and
and Tyson. new
Cam from IV of glasses the demand made I
toe grad- j
Cotton Stonewall Ayden, N. O, w,. that Cannon
at I . K. i- keep and most
to worse. A lit-1 complete line town
Mrs. i Gardner
niece recently.
Free i but r and
at Sum- of glass
Cannon Handles work J
W. M. Edwards -Co., will
Vt team is at;
foe-his health
j so that be will
ease of j
at W. ii.
you ever did at W. M. Ed
k stock, at J.
j Smith v- Bro.
IS. E. ft. will do all they
yon out of A
weal a
,, . , . . the k en turn
Kev. L. , . . .
Have been it . their . , ,,
, , judging fro for you
their home carload-. I new line heavy and fancy
Just the . L. Md
Tyson. for only
Up-to-date Wheeler and
the latest w. m.
of W. Jackson Co. i R W. Smith
AYDEN, is. c.
have the price on . our M goods. If
white goods. Come and bay ;. v my employ. Am class store from then, at . i.- looking after
shin W. , Els-aids Co to suit times. I there by
T . J. R. Smith Bro,
I . . r
Ail hats at greatly
reduced prices at W. M. Edwards I
The are just coming love-
the crops are looking good, the
girls are smiling the
boys just--------Well
Remember you can find lawns,
nicker zephyrs, piques and
goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Bro.
See remnants at A ff you want a pair of all
at 1.78 go to Jackson's.
Call to see our laces and ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. R. A Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
that It is so.
N. C.--.
At the close of business June 9th,
Loans and Discounts, 9-1
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo from Banks,
; Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Dank notes and
other U. S. notes 1,379
Total, f
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Demand certificates
deposits, ;
Deposits, ;
Carry your spring chickens to
I W. M. Edwards a Co if you
good prices for them.
George Worthington ft Bro,
j work in this
a specialty. Work
first class brick
ply to E. Edwards a Sou,
-in, N. A full always
on hand-
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Block, Bet Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
You will find a complete line
light weight at W. M
I lot of ladies Ox-
for 1-25 at W. M. Ed-
wards Co.
Our stock of ribbons is wide,
narrow, nice cheap, J.
Smith A Bro.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair Cutting

. ii
WHICHARD, and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
to to
Pitt N. June 1904.
Greenville is making some his-
How did shout for Teddy
up in the windy city.
The man who is not satisfied
with the ticket nominated by the
convention is hard to suit.
It is all over and several of them
did not get it.
Lieutenant Governor Winston
sounds nil right.
The state savers who did not
get it can go home Mid turn their
to saving something else.
Durham is very much exercised
over a lost man. There were
who got lost at Greensboro.
I jump up and say told
you You hoped Glenn would
get it but you were scared just the
Most of congressional
so far held in this state have
the present represent-
should prepare
any speeches for the n t
but their ell for the
it is likely
i i;. attendance at the
Greensboro convention will forget
it in a life time
The boisterousness of the state
and calling of
who attempted to speak was not
creditable to conservative democrats.
When the St, Louis convention
hows Bryan that attacks on
are of no avail, perhaps he
will be ready to g and keep
We hold to the opinion that an
factory in Greenville would pay.
There is much ice consumed here
and the small towns near by could,
also be supplied from this point.
The nomination of Hon. B.
Glenn for governor brings much
gratification to his friends through-
out the state. He will make an
ideal governor and will fill the ex-
chair with credit to himself
and the state.
As the cut and dried proceeding
of the republican national
could have been put led off in
an hour, the crowd was probably
held together three days to give the
Chicago hotels a good chance to
work them or to let them sober
down enough to return
Ex-Judge Roberson, of North
Carolina, must ha.-e committed the
unpardonable sin from the way the
republican convention in Chicago
sat down upon him. They ousted
him a member of the national
convention. Guess he can stand
that better than he could attending
with member.
Fairbanks got a tail hold on the
rough rider's steed.
it is Roosevelt and Fairbanks on
the republican ticket.
Butler shouting for Roosevelt
what was expected.
The left estimators can now tell
how their man did not get it.
They voted all night
day light, and nominated Glenn in
the morning.
Glenn got it all right, even if the
message did come to us fifty instead
of five ballots.
Interest will next center in the
democratic national convention at
St. Louis July 6th.
Now let those who did not get it
throw themselves into the
in behalf of the winner.
The acceptance speeches that
could not be aired at the convention
might make go-id re
The Charlotte Observer
The Observer must have just
started over to Greensboro to the
The republican national platform
administration of the
great departments of the govern-
has been honest and
The department
have been in the count.
Christian Helper is the name of a
new paper that has been started here
by Rev. W. E Powell, of the
Christian church. It will be pub-
monthly at cents a year.
The initial number is very interest-
The in national con
at Chicago adopted a loud
sounding platform which patted
themselves on the back vigorously.
One sentence says the Philip-
pines, we have suppressed
established order and given to
life and property a security never
known there This is
news to the balance of man-
kind. If such a transformation has
taken place it must have been
the last few hours.
With Fayetteville near the
there are twenty one contiguous
counties in North Carolina without
either a saloon, distillery or dis-
Carolina Baptist
Some see no wrong in
giving a part of their salary to the
man who lets out the jobs. Then too
some people see no w in fixing
or accounts, so as to make
up for expenses. It is all right if
they are lucky enough not to be
r o. it is not all right. To doc-
tor accounts is pure
stealing; and the man who does it
to even up ought to wear stripes.
Says the Concord
North Carolina preacher named
couple the other day, but there is
nothing in a Go on away
from here with your foolishness
You are just trying to get us to say
that the runaway bride has Dun-
away with her same. We hope,
that it will never be said of this
couple that they have done away
with the knot that tied,
The which was
expected to court martial Lieut.
Col. Pitcher, who is charged with
jilting Hiss a War Depart
clerk from North Carolina,
has decided that the affair is one
in which the department cannot
take a hand. It i said that Miss
did not ask the
to take cognizance of Pitcher's
conduct, but her friends pushed
This talk about farmers not going
to town because they can't buy liq-
there is all rot. It is a
on the farmer and a measly bid to
merchants to advocate the open
loon. The farmers do not go to town
to get liquor, but some of them,
when they get into a saloon town
are tempted and tried and
ed by the insidious saloon until
they do drink and drunk. For
a town to set up such
as the saloon to get business from
the farmer should be resented by
the farmer as unjust to him. Let
the farmer beware of the town that
tries to lure him into a saloon.
North Carolina Baptist.
Virginian-Pilot Wins in a Damage SuM
Norfolk, Va., jury
returned a verdict for the defendant
in the suit of City
Councilmen Higgins vs. the
Pilot newspaper for
slander. Higgins and three other
councilmen at the same time sued
for damages. The
gins case is t first one tried.
A Cute Answer.
The childish idea of things are
and sometimes wonderful,
as bright and sharp. Master James
the bright little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Scott was asked
by his mother during the storm
yesterday, is To
which he replied with remarkable
de moon talk in, to
de tars A bright idea for
one so young.
His Double Crime.
Weldon, N. C, June 23.-V. R.
Valentine, a prominent farmer of
Northampton county, committed
suicide by shooting himself with a
shot gun last night. He first attack-
ed his wife and shot the back of her
head off and she will die The
tragedy causes widespread
row. Mr. Valentine was at one time
a freight conductor on the
Air Line. He had been drinking
heavily and was crazed from the
effects of liquor.
To Preserve the House in Which Andrew
Johnston was Born.
Funds have been received; con-
by the public-spirited per-
for the purchase of the old
house here in which President An-
drew Johnson was born. It is the
plan to remove this ti Park,
place it on a site in plain view
of passengers on the Southern and
Air Line Railways, and to
fit it up as a museum, in a room of
which the Colonial Dames and
Daughters of the Revolution can
hold meetings. The old house is
very well preserved, is small
can probably be easily moved.
Raleigh Dispatch.
It is funny to see a flannel mouth-
ed gas-bag of-a-fellow get up and
beat the air and split his voice and
Swear that he is as much opposed to
the contaminating influence of a still
house as any man that ever
beneath the pure plus sky Put he
does not like the Watts law; it is
no quite right. He says it
against the country and gives
the town the still here-
was in the country. This
old rotten argument has long since
been exploded. The country people
are saying that it is a dis-
in their favor to take the
still away from them and put it on
some one else. In this country
people show nothing but good sense
and good horse sense at that. The
time for fooling the country people
is past. They do it in but
it has passed in North Carolina.
Lexington Dispatch.
The trend of things in the political
as well as the world is to-
ward the of wealth and
power. This is not a new nor an
final statement but it is a true
one, and it bodes no good to the
world. Money has popularized
many that once odious,
and the eyes of the public are
by its false and dangerous light.
Zeb Vance said in Fayetteville years
citizens, let us
that there are some things in
this world that are better than
We have left this old doctrine
and are fast coming to believe that
there is nothing else quite so good.
Bat the truth is ever the same, and
that is the eternal truth. Not what
a man has, but what he is, is the
real and Child-
An Appeal For Aid.
June 1904-A
meeting of citizens was held here
to-day to discuss some means of re-
lief, in addition to local
for the farmers whose crops
have been destroyed by hail It
was decided to make an appeal to
the people of the State in their be-
half, and ask any who may wish to
respond to this appeal to forward
their contribution to T. Gill,
crops have been wholly
ruined. It is now too late in the
season to replant cotton or to plant
any valuable crop successfully. The
people of the county are very liberal,
and are doing all they can to help
their unfortunate neighbors, but the
loss is so large and the consequent
distress will soon be so that
contributions ought to be
ed over a broader area than Scotland
county. The damages from the
storm will approximate
Any aid will be most gratefully
The town of Durham is too large
to make prohibition a success. It
will not be long till they will
don it and substitute the dispensary
for it. There may be some
sales of whiskey in
would be strange if there were not
but we believe the business done
by is at a minimum.
We look for the sale of whiskey
through the dispensary to get less
and less every year. To get
key through a dispensary is not the
most fascinating way to get it, and
so, for this reason, many men will
not use so much as they used to,
when the social pleasures were great
The World's Fair is already a
great The attendance is
beyond the expectation of the man-
now exceeding paid
admissions daily, with every
cation that they will exceed
daily by July. The Pike
report their shows generally
to be now on a paying basis, much
to their surprise, exposition
is a thing of magnificence beyond
all precedent or description and of
the greatest possible educational
value to all persons of inquiring
mind. Every exhibit building is
free and the gate admission pays to
everything except the Pike shows
and special entertainments. There
are over two hundred acres of ex
free to all. State and foreign
buildings are also free except
part of such buildings are in
cases reserved for official use.
Messrs. Charles. E. Johnson Co.
the well known cotton brokers of
quoted as
conditions throughout the South to
day are much worse than they have,
been for many years. They were
worse last year than they were the
year before. They are worse this
year than they were last
Senator Simmons after a recent trip
through a part of eastern North Car-
was quoted as labor
in that section us almost
desperate. These are parts of a
general story. The is short
of farm labor and what remains is
wholly unreliable. While present
conditions exist a phenomenal cotton
crop is not to be expected. It is not
that the Souths soil is not capable
of producing an almost unlimited
yield of cotton, but the labor to tend
and to p ck it not hand
Charlotte Observer.
Some very interesting relics have
been placed in the Hall of History
this week, among these being the
uniform of Major Thomas
Sparrow, a loan from his grandson;
the flag of the first company from
Washington to enter Confederate
service, a carbine which was taken
from a Federal soldier by the late
Dr. Charles J. of Pitt
county. The growth of the
during the past three months
been extremely gratifying and
some very valuable additions are
soon to be
Movement on Foot For Changing
A is mi I'm t to
the next General Assembly o
make a change in the
now used in the public school, of
North Carolina, as it is claimed
these books being are
factory to the great majority
school teachers, public private
throughout the State.
The step taken few
days ago, it is learned at For-
when was unanimous
its expression of a desire a
change book now used U
law and and is published
by B. F. Johnston Co., Richmond,
So Tired
l. may be from overwork, but
the chances are its from an
With a well conducted LIVER
one can mountains of labor
i fatigue.
It add cent to
ones capacity.
it can be kept In healthful
by, only by
take no
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C,
Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Taylor, of
Hugo, is visiting hit brother,
Elder Fred took an
over dose of morphine last night
and to this time, nine o'clock,
has not been aroused. Dr. Cox
was sent for early this morning.
This morning Mr.
sons telephoning for
Die. Laughinghouse.
The morphine was taken to relieve
kidney colic.
Mrs. Bettie Taft and Johnnie
Ricks left this morning for Tar
where will visit
wish to notify the
public I every
day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
Little 2-year
old son of O. A. Kittrell, got hold
of a box of concentrated lye Wed-
evening. He was not very
seriously, though painfully
Dr. Cox the little
low relief
nave reopened my
barber shop in I be store formerly
occupied by
T. H. Brit ton, of Bethel, baa
been here several days visiting D.
Chapman. They were room
natal at Chapel Hill.
f am now prepared to furnish
brick a Lowest market prices.
O. M. Manning.
H. White Major H.
Hardin re Saturday.
I with his factory
seems Call see us
factory or store. Our
miles will lo yon good.
V. Mfg. Co.
and B.
-A Beaver Dam, were
here J if day.
Alt i oft cool
. H. L. Johnson.
H. I . Bethel, is here
on sh
; j . j gallon
-quart-- H, L. Johnson.
D. of Goldsboro, and
-J. A. . Mount, were
days last week. They
. L Co., of
S. O.
veil to call and see
the V -Me Mfg. Co. before
house trimmings.
They u some close
ill material of their
Mist of Grimes-
land, n baa been visiting the
ii returned to her
home M
Fruit Jars
tori at prices to please
-r, It. Q. Chapman A
Louis L. who has
been confined to his bed for six
weeks came over to Winterville
Tuesday. His many friends
glad to see him, we hope he
will soon be entirely recovered.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
Last Friday evening
struck an old tree on
Alfred Tucker place
and set the woods afire, it was Sat-
evening before the tire was
under control.
bottles only at
Wood says he knows tome ladies
in that can't tell the
difference between a bundle of
hose a pack of playing cards.
My office is now in the rear
of drug store. Your patronage
solicited. Fire having destroyer
every t hi i gin our store on Feb. 12th
we were compelled to rebuild at
We would be glad
if all of those having accounts
with us would adjust them
earliest convenience. Yours truly
T. Cox, M. D.
G. A Kittrell took a trip
the road this morning.
Fur best grades of smoking
and chewing go to
Drug Store.
See G. A. Kittrell Co. for any
thing in the feed line.
charter for Pitt County
Oil Mill baa arrived. The con-
tract for bus been
Miss Frizzle, of Greene
county, and Miss Lawrence,
of trees, were here
N. June,
Mrs. C. O. of Bethel, is
visiting Mrs. W. A.
Mrs. Saul. Eason Mr.
Deans, of Goldsboro,
have been visiting Mrs. J. R.
Cooper, returned home Thursday.
Mrs. T. and Miss Mag-
T. W. of Kinston,
was here Thursday.
Mrs. Sallie Stocks Saturday
at the home of her sou,
A. M. Stocks. She was years
old and a most estimable lady.
Died from brain softening. She
was well in Greenville.
Mrs. Louis Harris, of Bethany,
is visiting brother, J. A.
W. C. Hines here a few
minutes Friday.
J. K. was here Thurs-
day. He says they have not had
much ruin in bis neighborhood.
Miss Minnie is visit-
Miss Dora Cox.
See those nice at H. L.
The peace and quiet of Winter-
ville was disturbed one day last
eek. Earnest Strickland white,
Jack Coward, colored, got in a
st shop,
tines and cost to amount of
each. They were boys, and
it is the first case that
Chapman has had,
Mrs. L. O, and little
daughter, Lillie, of Ayden, spent
Tuesday in
We don't have many better
tanners than He
laid by one of his cotton patches
two weeks ago and this week sold
a bale of cotton
plat. We have not heard of
square or blossom from,
any where else. Don't yon wish Mis Olivia Cox left Friday for
you bad some of them Seven
G- A. Kittrell Co. will pay W- H- and J. B.
highest market price for Cherry were here Friday,
Some years ago I heard
Tue legislature of one of
northern states had under
bills to remodel
build The discus-
bid lasted for days, when at.
Irish member and
Mr have listened i
of the
on all sides; I now rise lo
introduce a Bill, that is
what we all want, and I
i; paws
only or
1st Be it enacted
build a new penitentiary.
2nd. That the new
be built on the site of old one,
3rd. That the
shall be built out of the
of the old penitentiary.
4th. That the old
be not torn down until th ,
penitentiary be completed.
It would be as easy a
it seems for Greenville to
en keep straight her dupe
H. L. Johnson pays highest
prices for eggs and chicken.
See H. L. Johnson for heavy and
light groceries,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Dr. B. T Cox A Bro., are now in
M. R. deputed
Them in a young gentleman
down t Mack Smith's house ard for the happy home
Mack Is all smiles.
the p.
It if n
man raw
be v
The I in
all km
lent bat
The w. s
en baud
unusual to hear a
the A. G. Cox
, pi ices of wire fence
able to get, and when
re out who bas bought
at a price,
kicking himself be-
not better posted.
tho matter
every effort to let
and near of the excel.
they are
fence is leaving is
proof of their success.
still have some
d a ill be glad to give
Mis Clyde went to
Ayden Tuesday.
After a long dry spell we are
having plenty of rain, but it
mixed with hard wind, lull and
lightning. On about
p. m. a very hard wind struck
this vicinity blowing down fences
and corn Two box on the
side track here were blown
yards or more They jumped the
went on the main line
bit did no damage. Agent
got a crowd and pushed
back the south hound pas-
train arrived.
Tuesday night w- had the hard-
est rain of the season, a regular
gully washer. Some hail fell
Tuesday evening and
Tasteless OIL sold,
as good as Maple
per bottle at Dr. B. T.
. C. 8-M
Time flies rapidly and
. for tobacco will la
prices, T. N. Manning and Co. was given an over doT of nor P T f
has been M tor
seams, much better .
styles and very cheap Trucks and Flues. Their goods are
their drugstore. They invite at H. L. Johnson's. quality in workmanship
call and had . V to fill you
01.1 kinds are f condition as his
Mr, Dixon, their clever salesman,. ,,. . t. ; . .
, , . L not stand opiates
will take great pleasure showing ,,. ,
you through. , H-
were here a short
On Sunday morning about j
little the t u n. ,.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Mrs. Ossie Taylor pa.
had suffering for day. j
with She was their Ellis, of was
only child. nm, was
have the heartfelt sympathy of y. ., .-
the community. . aDd
Bryan left Ibis morning to visit
Harrington, Barber Ob. en Mrs. Bryan's mother Marina
now you with Rollins, near
Hattie has
We laid, follow veiling friends, in
they competitors returned home Sunday.
styles, others copy our
None Other man
may have some o is -I
the ail we No
in part ,,
State has all of them. You
equal the we
going to any other No-
thing prove to you better that
we are selling superior goods
money than other
erg of our h
write u- and
call and lie, We will be glad
A. G. Cox Co,
fir Ml by
. y
orders promptly. They a
almost daily
Increasing demand for their goods
proves their worth. Send them
your orders.
milk cows and one heifer for
Apply to F. O, Cox,
N. C.
Car load No. Timothy hay.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor has
into her store on Main street.
She will keep on hand a complete
line up-to-date millinery
goods. Call see her tor bar-
Land Plaster for for
by J. B, Cherry Co. 6-28
man i
China Silk in Old Rose, Red, White,
Blue and Black as long as they may
last at . per yd
We will also put on sale Tuesday
morning, June several thousand
yards of colored Laws. IS, and
qualities. All laid on counts-

Department. L ,
r In The Oregon State it has
I Proved Effective.
H. C. The fact that Green, The water cure has recently
N. C. richest woman in the States, been adopted at the Oregon State
Dry Goods, daily at a cost of eight cents penitentiary with apparently
Tobacco Cigars. The per day is subjecting Hettie to lots try results. For all practical
only Soda Fountain In town, But why purposes flogging has been
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts this continuous harping at Hettie and No rule has been establish-
every day. . i prohibiting flogging, and if a
people no privileges and no should be presented in which
left them any more to eat all other punishment failed the
or work as they might be resorted to, but this is
S not probable
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
county issued Letters obstinate cases.
to the undersigned on the The cold d
day of May 1904, on the estate of J. . J
Gardner, deceased, notice is hereby of stripping the prisoner to the skin
given to all indebted to thee. , y stream of
to make the
undersigned, and to all creditors of , water from an ordinary garden
said estate to present their claims T, infliction tie
properly authenticated, to the
Our mill and now within twelve months after the i is not as as
In full blast and we are date of this notice, or this notice will j, nu
tr- win -rind corn i be plead In bar of their recovery.
area to gin the d of M
saw lumber, am, do all kinds c i;. Gardner,
of turned work E. J.
Executors of the of
J. Proctor Bros
you want lumber to build a house.
furniture to go in ii. clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post
house trimmings. We also.
do setters repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C.
i In the way
Dry Goods, No-
tins. Shoe,
and Hardware can be found
whether it is some
thing to eat. something to
ii-. or some article for the
or farm. you can be
supplied, Highest prices paid
country produce
tr.-u ii farmer
F. G. Atty.
J. Gardner.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
injuries, and the punishment ends
the moment water is turned on
A who been subjected
to the punishment wants no
more of it, though he may he
I within a few momenta after the
ordeal in over- Governor Chamber
By virtue decree of the Superior lain and the prison authorities are.
Court of County made , , , , ,. , ., I ,;
1904, in a Special Proceeding therein pleased over the result
pending, entitled g. D. Tucker and experiments, for have been de
others against W. J. Tucker and , , . ,. ,,
will on Monday, 4th day of
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
July. before the i i louse
sell at public sale to the highest bidder
for cash, following pieces or par-
eels of land situate township. I i. ,,,.,, Ir,
Pitt and State of North Caro-1
attention is being given to the fact
One piece or parcel bounded by ., ., ,. .
the lauds of W. If.
more, the public road leading from. Point -Military Academy this term
Greenville to Washington Tar n i r ,.,.
River, containing acres, more or K-
less. A. Anderson, of Virginia; L.
I. One other piece or parcel adjoin- -e H II
lands of Tucker and l . . II.
Mills, containing BO acres, more of Mississippi; and It. P.
of North arc from the
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
. at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
This the 20th of 1904.
Greenville's Great
Department Store
A further fact in this con-
which we would like to
vet upon the public mind in, that
the five from the South two arc
from North Carolina, is in II
these statements a suggestion
something yet is tube expected from
the section which, from the birth of
the republic down to the civil
gave government to the country
-thirds the period, and off
the State which, during that period,
Stamped its impress upon nation
through Macon and and re-
dell Badger an I Mi. and
and their
The and the tab
lave not, as shown by the facts
from West Point, lost the power for
the development of intellect; nor
have they lost breed of noble
Greenville, N. C.
It is enough to cry but that which
convinces is the test. We make strong claims
So strong to excite skepticism in the
of who do Dot know. how-
ever, ask but fl trial that our contentions may
be proved or disapproved in all fairness. We
are showing a beautiful line of
seasons newest styles, Oxfords, Strap
Sandals, Gibson Ties, Etc.
J. B. Cherry Co.
Greenville's Great Department Store
cured by
Under all curable conditions
Mr. D. of Mrs. W. W. Lay-
Nevada, O., w of
cured by
trouble which
had effected
his heart.
Pa., was cured
of Chronic
Dyspepsia by
the of
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream
butter, cool water many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, ad we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is n need to borrow a lawn mower when
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Mid
else in the hardware line.
H. L.
North Carolina, la Superior Court
Count . Cleric.
J. Smith, Walter
B. Martha
Evens sad others.
The defendant Martha Evans and
take notice that an
i action entitled as above has been com-
the of
to sell debts
i he Interest of Walter d,
in a certain piece of land upon h
I lie lived adjoining the lied
property, am. also his interest
l-i, iii a lot lying south of the
town of Greenville, on east side of the
railroad, containing J-4 of an acre.
And lbs said defendants will further
i take notice that they are required to
i appear At the office of the Clerk of the
j Superior county, N. C,
on Monday, the 27th day of June,
answer or demur to the
and complaint in said action,
or the will apply to the court
for relief demand u In said com-
This of May, 1801.
Just Think,
The undersigned having duly
as executors of the last will and
testament of T- C. Cannon, deceased
and letters testamentary having been
duly issued to us the of the
Superior Court of Pitt county, notice
is hereby given to all persons holding
claims against the estate of said T. C
Cannon to present them to for pay-
duly authenticated, on fore
the 25th day of May or this notice
will be plead In bar of their recovery.
All persona Indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
to Jesse Cannon,
May 30th 1904 J. M. Cox,
of T. C. Cannon, deed.
Blow, Attorney.
Pays the railroad fare
On June 16th, 21st, 23rd,
28th and 80th, the Atlantic
Line will Coach Ex-
to Hi. Louis, Mo., at the
above for tickets limited to
ten date of
good in Parlor or
Rated for Season, day and
Fifteen day tickets and any other
information as to schedules,
car etc., will be furnished
ed with pleasure by ticket
agent or the undersigned.
H. M. W. J Craig
T M. Q. P A
N. O.
. I
. i
Reform Needed in Our Jury System.
The Progressive Farmer has
more than once called attention to
the need of certain reforms in our
jury system. Last October, after
the conclusion of the Haywood
murder case, we argued that in the
matter of challenges
of men, the prosecution I
should bare the same nu miter of
challenges M the defense.
showed that this is the tendency
in other States, and t hat for
over, the is
allowed twice as
as the while in ,
North he has five limes
as many. We are bloodthirsty,
and we would give the prisoner
every reasonable concession. But,
it is enough, in all conscience, that
he should have twelve chances to
one before
only to convince one juryman
of bis probable innocence Jo escape
while the must convince
twelve jurymen of his positive
in order convict. It is
enough, as we then said, for the
prisoner to have twelve chances to;
one before the jury, without the
additional advantage of
that jury.
These facts the of act-
ion are brought more impressively
to mind by a letter now before us
written by officer of long ex-
in our Superior Court.-.
The figures by him are
less than amazing and ought
to lead to demand
for the legislation which, as he I
himself declares, is so much
he writes,
between and men
have killed in
since the war, Ashe, and I
an larger number each in
Madison and Mitchell. Yet only
one has been bung
in years, not one Ashe,
probably one Mitchell, not
one Madison save one man car-
tried in a case removed. These
are not but
mate facts obtained in that sec-
there are very many good
in country. But life
is not one of the things held sacred
by a large population, and the
reason for it is, in large part,
-the are powerless protect.
I know this long expert-
That the slate u
fair trial in this state ed
cases. I know this. A
safe, a reasonably sale remedy,
lies Jury reform, Of at least in
reform and rational
This last ought to
in the ears of nil men to
represent me people in our
legislature, it would be d
if party
would also it
To an accumulation
of old papers, a few days they
can be had at The
office for cents a hundred
Buy quick if you want any
So Tired
It may lie from
the chances are from an In-
With a well conducted
one can do mountains at labor
without fatigue.
It adds per om t to
one earning capacity.
It can be kept In healthful action
by, and only by
Tint's Pills
For A Great Display
Coming Soon At
Will Swarm In This Place

JULY 1st AND 2nd
The first excursion of the sea-
son will be run from Kinston to
Norfolk on above date.
will for white people only
and the very best of order
Don't miss it.
Train leaves Kinston a. m,
July 1st; returning leaves Norfolk
p. m., July 2nd.
A. L. Potter,
R. J. Little,
C. D. Smith,
G. A. Kittrell,
A well-written, well-arranged
and well-displayed advertisement
attracts to the advertiser's place
business large numbers of
who invariably become
chasers. ii and direct
statements the minds of
the readers of advertisements.
Printers Ink.
Experienced hare
found great benefit by taking with
them a bottle of Dr. Set ii Arnold's
Balsam. It cures illness caused
by impure water sadden
changes of climate
Warranted by J. L- Wooten,
N. June
W. A. Darden is in Greensboro
attending he democratic state
Elias Turnage and W. W. Or-
have gone to Seven Springs
lo stay several days.
A. D. Warren, one of the
dates for the office of of our
county, was here a short while
Wednesday. Mr. Warren seem-
very hopeful of his nomination.
Misses Palmetto and Vera
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the pi ice
of tobacco, and we are the
pie to supply
of Bessie Corbett,
Central Barber
Edmond Fleming, Props.
irate; in main section
of the
Four chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
spent several days in neighbor-
hood week visiting Misses
Fannie and Lucy Turnage.
J. M. made a
trip to yesterday.
Miss Nannie has re-
Oar place is inviting, razors sharp j fumed home from a at
our towels clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good service is wanted.
Seasonable Eatables
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. E wry thing
by its honest came.
Five Points.
The following points can now
be over the lines of
Atlanta, Ga
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Char lesion, S- C
A . N. C. j
j Mt.
W at -en
City. Va.
Columbia, C,
Nashville, Tenn.
New York. N. Y.
New Orleans, La.
Norfolk. Va.
Philadelphia, Pa
St. Louis, Mo.
Suffolk. Va,
0.1 other important
points east of the Miss-
retail and I
Deafer. paid fin I
Far, Seed, Oil Bar- W
salts, Tables. a, P.
and Ac
Sigh Key West Ch
roots, Henry Mi-
Pine Applet, p,
Dour Sugar, Hit,
Foot., Matches, O,
.-eels, Apples, Nat
Candies, Dried Apples, Peach.,
and t and
torn, Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing and nu-
other Quality aid
quantity. for cash.
it Last obtained, After
y St. l -if
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
. months ago the attention f a
.; i -r. i and sen-
. St. Louis was directed to an
o method of combating that
of diseases,
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
Fair tonight and Friday.
called cons
Out of test cases,
cured and have shown such
that their ultimate recovery
is but a question of a few week.
S . astonishing have been the results
and la oases pronounced
incurable by all old methods that a
Company has been formed and is
prepared to furnish at a normal cost
cure to all
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain
rounded by friends and s and
In a many instances, especially
the i or early stairs of the
pursue their daily vocation
and still become completely cured
Patients receiving the same treat-
here Louis have complete-
recovered as rapidly its thou
Colorado, New Mexico and
The wonderful results in
been accomplished by the .
and the company which controls this
marvelous medical device ha
their main office at North Seventh
St. Louis. hey have also lo-
a factory on Easton avenue
a laboratory has been built at Hill
Mo. cure will be known as
the Lung Cure, and Mr. C
P. the discoverer of the fluid
Inhalants which are will person
ally have charge of the of the the
company. Mr. Benson will
meet all who call st the office of tin
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the St. Louis Globe
den and
primaries are called for
Saturday July 2nd. There are
a good many candidates in the
field and they are all good men.
Candidates for sheriff; B. W.
Edwards our present sheriff, A.
D. Warren and F. A. Moseley,
of Snow Hill. Walter E. Lane,
of Bull Head township. Register
of deeds; E. D. Little, of
ville township. Treasurer, Will
our present treasurer
and T. h. Barrow, of Hill.
House of representatives, J. T.
of town-
ship, W. A. of Willow
Green township, and Parrott
of Shine. It looks
our county might succeed i n
getting good officers from the
of candidates on the
C. L. went Snow Hill
Mrs. Elias children
have gone to Ayden today to
visit W. M. Edward.
Fa T. Carr and wife went to j
Morehead City this week. From
Morehead Mr. Carr went to Greens-
to b.- present at the state j
Miss Fannie spent
days last week Hookerton I
a party by
t e Misses Taylor.
A. S. has withdrawn
from thy for the office of
register of deeds. Mr. Wooten
was a strong candidate, and his
chances were- exceedingly good but
for harmony's sake aid the
f hi party he felt it his
duty to withdraw. He is a good
man and would have made i
office. H i gained many i
y this notion.
Free booklet on request.
417-19 N. Seventh St.,
St. Louis, Mo.
I can supply the public with
in any quantity. Bee W
B. Wilson or myself for prices Ac,
E. A.
Galloway's X Beads, j office one door east of post office,
O. IT. a I street. Phone
Accepted Bids.
The board of internal improve-
on Thursday evening com-
the examination of bids for
material to construct the
lights and water works plants.
Bids went accepted for the entire
equipment of both plants.
Contracts go to several different
The fork of construction
will begin as soon as enough mat-
and it is hoped to have
both plants by the end
William Fountain, n.
Physician and Surgeon.
Th Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
county issued Letters
to the undersigned on the
day of May 1904, on the estate of J. B.
Gardner, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to thees-
to make Immediate payment to the
undersigned, and to alt creditors of
said estate to present their claims
properly authenticated, to the
within twelve months after the
date of notice, or this notice will
be plead In bar of their recovery.
This the 6th day of May,
L. C. Gardner,
E. J. Gardner
Executors of the estate of
J. B. Gardner.
O. James, Atty;
You mind confessing that you like nice
Handkerchiefs- com.
Hose-sensible Underwear-pretty Ties-,
correct Collars and Hats and Gloves
and good linen generally, do you. We have
all these things. The prices are lower than else,
where, and the assortments, we believe, arc
with greater care, more thoroughly, and
with a view of having something truly cut of
the ordinary. The men who buy these things
are appreciative dressers themselves. Drop in
any day. Our time is yours. Money back if
you want it, making trading absolutely safe.
R. J.
C. V. York.
L. H.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by tun railroad just North of the
Imperial Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery now and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. K. L. Wyatt charge
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for share of the public patronage and
ill do best to give satisfaction.
. f
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
W. L. Hall went to Halifax to-
O. L. Joyner went to Bethel to-
F. C. Harding went to Grifton
C. V. York returned from
Miss Lena spent Son-
day in Ayden.
Miss Elbe Smith left this mom
for Fremont.
J. Y. of Kinston,
spent today
S. W. Gable, of Washington,
spent Sunday here.
Dr. G. C. Edwards, of Hooker-
ton, was here today.
E. H. Evans came in from Kin
Sunday morning.
Cleveland Moore, of Kinston,
spent Sunday in town.
J. O. Bobbitt, of
W. O. Little, of Newport News,
is visiting
Miss Nina James left this morn-
for a visit to Pittsboro.
Mrs. R. O. left
morning for Williamston.
Rev. W. E. Cox returned from
Hamilton Monday
Miss Daisy left this
morning for Robersonville.
A. B. Ellington morn-
for a visit to Petersburg.
R. B. Jarvis, who has been home
on a vacation, returned to Norfolk
Miss Bailie returned from
a visit to Rocky Mount Monday
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Flanagan
returned Monday evening from
their bridal
The condition of Mr. Allen
Warren was unchanged today.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Harding, of
came in this morning to
visit Mr. and Mis. H. Harding.
Mrs. Joe Smith, who has been
visiting the family of F. M. Smith
near left this morning for
Not folk.
Mr. Ms. M. Lung, of
Farmville, spot Monday town
and left on the evening for
Mrs. Sophia Moore, of
ton, and Mrs. R. I. ham and
daughter, of are visiting
Mr. J. R. Moore.
R. W. King returned home to-
The Laying Of The Corner Stone and
Mis Nannie Coward went to
Ayden Saturday
D. V. Moore returned day, having stopped to
from Greensboro J
Mrs. H. P. Hill left Sunday
Greenville Lodge no. A F.
AM. now has a beautiful home
of its own, and Thursday,
1904. marks a date that for
years to come can be back
to with pride by every member of
the lodge. That is the date .-et
for and the outcome
was that the lodge settled upon
the idea of building a temple.
Arrangements were made with
THE Reflector for the lodge to
continue using its same quarters
until plans for building the
apart for the laying of the corner temple could be carried out.
dedication the temple.;
Enterprises cf such magnitude
At the first recollection of this, must of necessity move
writer the lodge owned a lot on the j the earnest efforts of
morning for Portsmouth.
Mrs. A. E. Tucker left
morning for Scotland Neck.
R. Holton, of ii visit-
his uncle, J. S.
Andrew Moore returned from
Greensboro Saturday
Mine. Valeria and Fannie
Fleming to House Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. J. Z. Gardner and
Children went to Bethel Sunday.
Dist. Attorney Harry Skinner
returned from Chicago Sunday.
J. W. returned from a
trip on the road Sunday evening.
T. J. Jarvis returned
from Greensboro Saturday even-
Mrs. K. House left this morn-
to visit her mother in Edge-
Helen and
Brinkley left this morning for
Dr. W. E. Warren, of William-
is attending his lather,
Allen Warren.
Rev. W. B. Powell loft this
morning for Newport News, Va.,
to be absent about days.
Lawrence, of Scot-
land Neck, came in Saturday to
visit Miss Mamie Brinkley.
Mrs. E. B. Moore, of Washing-
ton, came in Sunday evening to
see her father, Allen Warren.
Miss Ada C. Ward, who has
visiting Misses Lena
Harris, returned to her
home, near this morning.
Mrs. J. Bryan Grimes, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
it gave as a reason I
evening. bad
his Greens
Misses Mable and Julia Morris,
of Tarboro ad Miss P -at ten
stein, of Richmond, came Mon-
day to visit Mrs. S. M.
G. G. left this morning.
Miss Lottie Blow left this morn-
for Durham.
Allen Kittrell, of Winterville,
spent Tuesday town.
Mr. and Mrs, It. Betts left
this morning for Virginia.
Mrs. J. B. this
mottling from Seven Springs.
J. S. -r
ville, came in Tuesday
Misses Matt,
returned from Tuesday
Miss Effie Bobbitt, of
arrived Tuesday to visit
Mrs. Adrian
corner of Second streets
which was a two-story frame
building, the upper floor used for
the meeting of the lodge the
lower floor as a school room. To
many of u that old school room
will ever be in blessed memory
This lodge building was
removed from the of
town and as the years rolled on
and the lodge increased in
it was found tat-
were too small, in
for more convenient quartets it
was decided to secure a lodge room
down town. When the
building was being erected
were made with the
owners to construct a good lodge
room the Masons on the corner
near the court house.
As soon an this was completed
the moved in and for several
years held its meeting there. In
the meantime the old lodge prop-
was used school purposes
for awhile a school for girls
conducted there under
f the lodge, building
was burned while being thus used.
The first steps taken by the
lodge towards securing a temple
in which to make itself a
home was near the close of
1899. At that time the two-story
portion the
which the lodge quarters were
slowly, but
were with success. Their
old lot was sold and they bought
the Delaney lot near the court
house on which to the
temple. Work on the building
was started Aug. 1903, and
the first of April, 1904, the lodge
moved into its own quarters.
The temple is a handsome
representing an outlay of about
It is three the
devoted to suites of
offices, the second floor a modern
opera house, the third floor lodge
rooms. The town as well as the
fraternity are to be con-
having such a
creditable building.
After getting the building
The Schools Showing Progress.
On Sunday afternoon the
meeting of Sunday
school union was held in the
Christian church. The attendance
was not as large as it should have
been, but the oppressive weather
be blamed for this.
The lateness of publishing the
program was also responsible for
much the program being omit-
but there was to make
session interesting. V. A.
e, Sr., gave a splendid review
of the lessons during past
quarter, bringing out many good
thoughts suggested by the lessons.
The reports of the schools for the
quarter were excellent and
the growing interest Sunday
school work in the town. The in-
crease in both attendance and col-
was large. That the pub-
may be better acquainted with
the work being done by
schools, a motion was adopted that
the reports for the past quarter
be published. These are found
below in condensed
Officers ave. attendance 4.10-13.
Cradle roll
special total 189.72, average
per Sunday 90.90.
New scholars enrolled con-
completed the next step was deaths l.
arrange for laying the corner stone;
and formally dedicating
pie. Owing to circumstances at
the time of starting the building
the corner could be laid
North Carolinian Honored.
St. Louis, Tue final
session of the thirty sixth annual
convention the National
of the Junior Order United
American Mechanics was held last
when following officers
W. E. Faison, Raleigh, N. C;
vice A. L. S.
conductor, Fred W.
Michigan; warden, C. O.
District of Columbia.
The next session of the National
Council will be held in Nashville,
Had Left Town.
A citizen of another town who
was a subscriber to The
died recently, and the post-
master in Bending notice that
r was not taken out of t ha
mUn .
then and was deferred
completion of temple.
lb-low is the program;
meet at Masonic temple
house at a. in.
Laying corner stone at
the Grand
Public installation of officers.
Dedication of temple.
Oration by Prof. J. Carlyle,
of Forest.
Dinner at Comer Brick
Officers ave. attendance 3.7-18,
j Scholars
j Total
located was purchased by Tin-.
to make a home
the paper. purchase Music for the
Masons looking Osceola Baud.
In Honor of Greenville Ladies.
per Sunday 41.3-13.
New scholars enrobed
deaths none.
Officers ave. attendance 1.6-13.
Teachers 2.8-13.
Scholars 1-13.
Visitors 1.1-3.
Collections 917.72, average per
New scholars enrolled con-
Daily Reflector
make i report.
Negro Man Flagged Glenn's Train.
N. C, June N. C, June
George W. Baker, of A colored man flagged down the
entertained her friends incoming passenger train from
on Monday evening at the last just in time
hotel. The occasion to what might have proven
a progressive card bad wreck the long trestle,
party, given in honor of her two miles below town,
guests, Miss A horse ran on the trestle and
Miss Sophie Jarvis, of the train was held an hour or
ville. The first prize, a hand-1 more until the animal could be
did not
some fan, was won by Miss
Miss Laura Phelps
Miss Daisy Britt tied tho
booby, which was finally awarded
to Miss Phelps. Mrs. Baker was
a charming and looked
radiantly beautiful in white silk
over taffeta. Miss Sophie Jarvis,
who ranks among the pretty
women of Eastern was
gowned in green silk. Miss Hen-
was attired in white
silk. She is fair, tall and grace
and a social favorite.-Nor.
bust hen for
window dealers.
Capt. R. B. mid several
other people were
on the train, when
was out that a color-
ed man saved the from being
wrecked there were many
of commendation the
statement that
reward the colored
It figured put
train been he
mm fie
man Tor if
Shot From Ambush.
Saturday night while sitting on
the porch of his borne, five miles
from Downs shot
by some one secreted near by.
Three balls took effect, one of
them penetrating right lung
and Mr. injury is
though necessarily fatal.
day afternoon William
brought before
tree a w at rant
hint with
matter was for
nary hearing until
a bond was required of
lie could dot. give
and was placed in jail.
. moil
Farmville at the betel
6th and 7th,
Wednesday .
able to pay a
I free 4-M
. Ami.

Eastern reflector, 28 June 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 28, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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