Eastern reflector, 24 May 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

N. C.
x Surgeon
The firm of Co.,
was dissolved by mutual cogent
on the 12th day of April. 1904, B.
M. selling his interest in the
business to the other members of
the firm, they assuming all
of the firm, and account
due the firm being payable to them
This 25th day of April. 1904.
B. M.
IN 1866.
Norfolk, Va.
Gotten handlers of
Ties and Rigs.
and shipments
William Fountain, D.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office,
Street- Ft cue
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
Wholesale retail and
Dealer. paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Carriages, Go-Carte, Parlor
suite, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil.
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, and Crackers, Macs
Cheese, Best Butter New
Sowing Machines, and
other goods. and
quantity. Cheap for cash.
Bee me.
At the Methodist Church Sunday After-
The meeting at the
Methodist Sunday after-
noon was largely attended. The
children delighted all who heard
them. The tallowing
We Will Go.
SingLet Us Crown Him.
four little girls.
five girls.
Evelyn Barnhill.
The Globe.
nine children.
five little girls.
four girls.
N. C.
S. M.
This is to H persons in-
to me to please come up and
either by the cash or note.
All persons having claims
.,, me will please present the same
Game and get their cash. I desire a full
settlement with everybody within
next days from this
B. F.
May 1904.
Is hereby given that W.
enters and claims twenty-eight
acres, more or less, of vacant land
in Greenville township, rut
county, North Carolina, on south side
Tar river, described as
Beginning at tar kiln bed on north
side of Black Jack from
Home to Black Jack, at Bryan,
Harrington's corner, thence
s west with Charles s
line to W G. line, thence
with W. G. line north to
line of county Home land and
land, then with Bryan
land south degrees. poles to be-
ginning, bounded lands MOT.
Bryan, Charles Smith and W. G.
Any person, or persons, claiming ti-
or interest in the above described
land, must file their protest in writing
with one, against the issuing of a
warrant, within the next thirty days,
or they will be barred by law.
This May 1901.
may .
Entry Taker ex-Officio for Pitt
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Bake Hart.
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L H. Pender.
One of the many excellent suits in this big
stock of CLOTHING, will b to put off
trouble for many long days
or shape a man or youth may
Short and Stout, we can lit
The variety of sizes
bit. Spring is locking over the
Winter. Styles for the season
th attractive figures;
15.00, 16.50 18.00 20.00.
Report of the condition of
The Bank of Greenville
Greenville, C
At the close of business 28.1904.
be-Tall and
him to per-
shoulder of
are here at
12.00, 13.50,
and Discount f
Overdrafts 1-080
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks
cash Items
silver Coin
US notes
Stock in 126,000.00
Undivided Profits leas
Paid 8,875.03
Deposits 327,756.15
Cashier's checks out-
As most of the Hotels here were destroyed by fire, visitors
may experience In
avoid this we have made arrangements with a of
boarding where yon will be comfortably
If you will advise us when you expect to we will secure
a room advance you
We carry the, largest line of Crockery, China,
Glassware and Tinware, South of New York, and
your of our sample rooms
The Angle Lamp used in the it
bought of us. It is the best Oil Lamp made,
examine it,
Wholesale China, Glass and Tinware.
318-220-222 S. Charles St.,
Office was
Call and
State of North
County of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and to
me, this 8th day of A 1904.
J. O.
B. L.
B. A. President.
J. L.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work. .
All machinery new and up to-date and of the test
make. , .
Plans furnished and contract erection
buildings. .
Tinning, Slating, Glittering and all kinds sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to s
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge
our tinning and slating department. You Will
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage
will do our best to give satisfaction.
Many new and pretty are
seen In the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it would be
more correct to say that every
one of. them are new pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their quality is
fully equal to their beauty. All
the Drew Goods in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. are dainty,
the colors and lasting, the
prices are wonder workers,
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
H. B. Phillips went to Suffolk
Will Blow returned to Goldsboro
Miss Lita Tucker is visiting
I Miss Brown.
H. M. Phillips returned from
this morning.
Prof. J. D. Everett returned to
Bethel this morning.
A. M. Mosely went to Lynch-
J. Tunstall went to Washing-,. Ya., morning.
ton today.
James Y. Monk, of Durham,
is in town.
Mrs. B. F. Shelton, of Speed,
today here.
Mrs. T. A. Thigpen, of Hill,
spent today here.
CoL T. C. James, of Wilmington,
was here Wednesday.
W. J. Friday
evening from
Mrs. L. H. and child-
to Kinston
A beautifully brilliant wedding
was celebrated at the Methodist
church at o'clock last evening,
May 18th, 1904. the ceremony
was performed by the pastor Kev.
J. A. Hornaday.
The parties were
Mr. Walter B. Wilson and is-
Lizzie of I he most
popular and beloved of Green-
best people. The church
M gorgeously decorated with the
most artistic real Eden
of white and green
Miss Mary D. this
j naming for to attend
Miss Jennie Blow returned to, peace Institute commencement.
Nashville this morning. Mrs. W. H. Johnson and son,
A v . i left Friday morning to upend a
Kev. A. T. King returned Wed- g,.
evening from Tarboro. j
Miss Alice Lang left this mom- . of
pie lovely on
children Friday for a j and mounds of flowers -cat-
The closing of the graded
Friday was a great day of
for the educational
Greenville vicinity. It
was indeed to every one
present, and there was a large
crowd of representative people of
Greenville and The
occasion, was truly, A feast of
and a flow of
The began by a
musical duel by Misses Blow and
Goodson followed Dy vocal duet
by Mrs. J. B and
Nina James. A beautiful and
was tilled to its utmost
for a visit to Wilton and Ox
Harvey Jones returned
day evening from his studies in
Chapel Hill.
is visiting her Mis. Will
How land.
Mamie Warren, of
came up this morning from Ayden
to visit Mrs. L. H. Lee. in South
B. B. King, of spent., Greenville.
the day here Wednesday railing
his many customers.
Mr and Mrs. M A. Allen and
daughter, Miss
Wednesday from Raleigh.
Mrs. G. of Lewiston
who has been visiting her father
here returned home today.
W. R. Parker, went to
son today to attend the commence-
of the Christian
Prof, Tl. returned
Wednesday Raleigh, where
he went to attend the closing X-
Baptist University
for Women.
R. went up the
this morning.
John Hornaday went to
Thursday evening.
Jesse left this morning
Dr. D. B. left
for Mount.
Miss Fannie Blow returned In
Littleton this morning.
Hornaday left
Thursday evening for Dover.
Mrs. O. B. ail children
are on a to Richmond, Va.
Mrs. Sarah Patrick is visiting
her daughter. Mrs. John Tripp.
John I. Smith returned
Wake Forest College Thursday
Miss Helen returned
The Society of the
Methodist Church will met at the
home of Mrs. H. C. Hooker, Mon-
day afternoon at o'clock.
Miss Mary C. Wiley teacher of
5th and 6th grades of the graded
left for her home at Win
Friday evening.
Dr B. F. who delivered
the literary address at the closing
exercises of the graded school,
here, returned to Raleigh
We are requested to announce
that the barber shops in town
will close every evening, except
Saturdays, at o'clock,
Monday, May rd.
Greenville N. C.
Dear easiest business
world is the
in this
reason Is. sour customers want
stuff as as you want to
sell it; come-in; yon show it
and sell it. That's the whole
comes next. It saves
money, and people like money.
Tiny like more
than their own; they like to make
it more than to it; like
to keep it perhaps as well as to
make it-
Buildings run-down fast, with
out paint; poor paint is the same.
is the stopping
that leak; a big one. All we've
got to do, to sell is to show
hundreds stood in
the lobby on the streets in
front and the church,
to see the popular couple.
Ai the appointed hour the bridal
entered the light-
ed church, the ushers in full
dress Dr. U. Carr and J R. Moore
on tight, and B. W. King and
J. D. Garden on the left, following
were the Misses
Lillian Cherry and Betsy Greene,
Lottie Blow Mary Higgs, An-
lie Lawrence Myrtle Wilson.
Following the
John R. Davis Dr. Zeno
Brown, W. L. W. B.
Wilson. Jr., J. B. Higgs and
W. Mosely. Following these were
Mrs. W. H. Jr., Mrs. H- A.
White and Mis. Richard Williams
dames of honor, and Miss Fannie
Bin, maid of honor. Then came
the the arm her broth-
W. J. Blow, up the left aisle,
While the groom with his brother,
Frank Wilson, up th right aisle.
The wedding march wait
After the impressive was
and the pro-
n the bridal and a
host of to
the groom, in
ville, delight
fill reception was the
chivalry beauty were
Many costly end
gilts were displayed, snowing the
great popularity and nigh esteem
with which these contracting
are held. The bride was
in over
taffeta, the pure white,
flowers, dames in
white silk with The
his attendants were
lull evening dress. The weather
was auspicious and all went beau
as a wedding bell indeed
in truth.
The host of friends of the bride
and groom wish for them much
joy and
tor 19th.
Rev. J. B. Jones of the Wilson
Christian church. Then followed,
a beautiful vocal duet by Misses
blow Goodson
The speaker, Dr. B. F.
auditor, was introduced by
By telegraph to
London. May central
news says reports emanating from
New are to the effect that
the Japanese army has been
defeated and that it has been
driven back to Cheng.
May reports
say that heavy firing has been
heard in the direction of Port
Arthur today. It is believed a
battle is fought there.
Albany, N. Y., May
ands of dollars worth of valuable
Jewelry which was stolen from
Livingston Tomb
Mansion at
recently have been recovered by
the police here as a result of a
raid on the gang known as
operating in houses on
South Lansing street. Five of the
gang under arrest gave their names
auditor, was v;
. ,, u . as Thomas King, Charles Adams,
F. C. the most T k
artistic and beautiful piece
of rhetoric that it has been the
pleasure of Greenville to to
together a sparkling exquisite,
masterful pleased every
body and brought down the house.
Dr. in beginning his ad-
dress said he wondered why he
bad invited to speak on this
occasion when we Lad
with us already. For one
hour half Dr. Dixon spoke to
the great of the
a bur-t of
would he rise to a flight supreme,
with wit humor-
pathos, and sarcasm.
The audience kept in per-
delight, not mat
lime was passing rapidly.
There is but one Dr. B. F.
that everybody.
A wonderful store of the mil. of
human beaming in his
countenance, ripe varied
experience statesman
;. gentle-
man. Those who did not attend
Friday have much to regret.
such a day cannot be enjoyed
again. The mark respect,
shown by leading merchants
closing their places of business
from to o'clock
the closing . the list year
of the graded school shows
of the people before
subject of high r more
S-. mote be.
Thomas William Johnson,
and John Rush.
London, May
from Gibraltar that the British
torpedo boat left there for Tangier
and the American fleet which has
been at Canary Islands left for
the same destination. They go to
five force to the demand of the
United States to Consul
that the Sultan obtain release of
the American citizen and the
British subject kidnapped by
Morocco bandits on last
London, May Baron Hay-
Japanese minister is confined
in bed today, suffering from an
attack of influenza.
London May to
Renter Telegraph company from
of the Japanese army F
Cheng is official y confirmed.
May announce-
is made that the losses
among the officers of the battleship
which was Mink off Port
Arthur me Commanders
and twenty
others. On the cruiser
which was struck after having
been a collision U the cruiser
were Captain Cora-
other officers lot. The report
the battleships
were damaged off
is denied.
Miss Helen a by using
Thursday evening from u Visit to
Scotland Neck.
T. H. Walker this morning
for Roxboro to spend the summer
with his people.
Misses and Ada C.
Ward are visiting Mrs. T. R.
Moore, In South Greenville.
Mis. J. H. Mitchell and child;
who have been visiting Mis.
H. Johnson, returned to
folk this
Miss Carrie Stewart, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A.
Webb, returned to her home at
Carson, Va., this morning.
B D Jewell, Pa,
his house years ago with a mix-
ed paint; Last spring
he painted gallons.
Saved to
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr soils our
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N C , will tie in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha, u Monday June
13th until noon on Tuesday
14th. His practice is limited to
Nose and and
fitting glasses. e-o-d w.
Sudden Death.
Warren L. Cobb, Beaver Dam
township, died very suddenly
Thursday morning. arose
after the preparation of
breakfast and Mr.
he was feeling badly.
Alter breakfast was ready she
went to the room to call him and
found he was dead. Mr. Cobb
was years of age.
For sows and pigs.
Also one 60-saw cotton gin,
and and a 50-saw gin
with condenser.
S. P. Erwin, Greenville, N. C.
Once a w w
Funeral of W. L. Cobb.
The funeral of Warren L. Cobb
took place Friday afternoon at
May's Chapel in the family bury-
grounds in Beaver Dam Town-
ship Heart failure was the
of his death. His father, J. C.
Cobb, four brothers, R. J., L. A.
and J. H. Cobb, of Pitt County,
and C of Norfolk, and
two sisters, Mrs. C. D. Hooks
Mrs. Ola Forbes, him.
The Meeting.
The interest at the meeting in
the Christian church is
Last night the was filled,
the greatest interest manifest-
ed. The young people are attend-
and listening with the closest
Mr. Jones preached from the
subject, Behold I stand at the
door and With great
earnestness he spoke of the various
ways which God knocked at
the hearts of sinners. He knocks
by his goodness, by warnings and
manifested exceeds
the expectations of the church, the
meeting is one week old and there
have been n additions.
for to night will be
This afternoon Mr. Jones held a
special service for the children.
I Tomorrow afternoon there will be
meeting for Every
man in is invited to
and lawn swings, go to u i. present.
Closing of Farmville Graded School.
The Farmville Graded School
will their closing exercises on
Thursday, May 26th. An
ate be rendered,
lion. R. B. Glenn, of
deliver the literary address on Fri-
day at m.

Patterns of Up-to-Date
Don't pay cents when you can get the same
thing for cents.
Guaranteed inches Long.
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
Col. Worthington Dead.
Col. Worthington was well known
in this part of the state and bad
friends will regret to
learn of his death. The News and
Observer says of j
the death of the late Col. D. i
Worthington, the state loses a pa-
who served North Carolina
well in peace and in war. He was
but a boy in when the South
seceded, but he promptly volunteer-
ed and won promotion by
bravery. He served several
terms in the General Assembly,
w is chairman of the Judiciary Com-
and bore a conspicuous part
as a leader. He law at
Williamston. Rocky Mount and
Wilson and was an honor to that
honored profession. He was the
author el a delightful book, depict
the Southern life at its best.
For more than a year, in failing
health, he made his home with his
daughter, Mrs H. H. Home, at
Hanover, X. H. He passionately
loved his State and his friend-
He closed an honorable career in
The battleship Missouri went
dry dock at Newport News,
Va., yesterday, to undergo repairs
for injuries received daring the
ship's collision with the battleship
J. J. Satterthwaite
you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
A. E. Tucker Co.,
is i he only
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes as
good as Maple Syrup, per
bottle, for by John T.
One Price Store.
We carry a line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line o.
Wood, Tin and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and honest deal for ail, we cell for
cash which enables us to do u safe
business and we give our
the benefit of it, Cash Sales,
j Small Margins and one price to all
in our motto.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
The have demonstrated; the
utility of the torpedo boat and here
after the nations of the world will
hesitate longer before to
spend millions on many heavy Us-
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in which may be-put
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and cut of business by one stroke nun
ons. Private Wires to New Tort, smaller and less expensive vessel,
Chicago and New Orleans. Containing but a few men. W
of men are shut up in a
floating sheet of steak,
J. C. LAZIER, Against them -opposed a few who
M seek only the opportunity to place
dealer in j quick which will send men
i and millions, to the bottom,
American and Italian Marble a similarity
N. C those which j-W
the place to jet Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full Hue of Drugs and Medicines Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
i at the time armor was matte
D. W.
I at me nine
AND IRON FENCE SOLD I effect by utilization of
First work and prices reasonable- , Journal,
sent upon application.
Hamlet A. Rye, a business man,
of Sioux City, Iowa, is organizing a I
society winch is to be culled the
Club. Mr.
called a meeting of who have j
lust their and purpose,
a permanent organization, will j
be something like a G. A. Mr.
cam talk of or
our within the
prison, walls of the
j. H- CO-.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, To
Cigars. Everything cheap
or cash Highest price for country
reduce. L,
N. O.
Do M Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
V. C.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at for
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
trow New York sod
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
and Chesapeake Line
from sud Merchants
and Line from Boston.
Sailing hours to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Te President ft
N. C, May 1904.
B. R. King, of Goldsboro,
here Monday.
W. C. Jackson Co. want
eggs, poultry See them be-
fore selling.
We were at W. C. Jackson
Co's store the other day, and was
surprised to learn that they car-
such an extensive Hue of
clothing. The youth or
child who cannot get suited
there, either in a suit or a pair of
pants, is hard to please.
Mrs. L. H. Lee, of Greenville
spent from Sunday until Monday
friends here.
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
and is destined to take the
lead, to try is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one again,
Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
J. Hi. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
A nice new line of ladies A full assort of ladies and
Misses slippers at J. R. Smith
shoes at reasonable prices at
Canned of every
at. Hart Jenkins.
Miss Lee, of Dunn, in
visiting Mrs. J. W. Taylor.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy fancy
We use a fair patent
shafts, black hickory singletrees,
2nd growth, ash bows, No. ma-
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and
skilled mechanic. We use
tine's 1st class varnish, hence we
to the
and most durable baggy in Eastern
N. C, Ayden Milling Co.,
N. C.
Miss Laura Trott, of
is spending the week with Mrs. T.
A. Nichols-
If you know a good thing when
you see it, see E. G. He's
got something to show It
yon don't know good thine, see
Dim and he
Cannon Tyson handles
mixed paint, the best.
MUs Augusta Hudson, of Black
Jack, in mi the Mon-
day and i g with the
E. T. Phillips.
We invite the ladies to call and
examine our Hue of lawn before
purchasing elsewhere, J. J.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
blinds and side lights at
J U Smith Bro.
Worthington, living
near here, died last Thursday and
as buried
Go t W. M. Edwards C. for
your -text pair of pants.
When you need a light,
tough pole, for your or
CarriAge. Call nu and make a
Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden, N, C.
spent Tuesday in Greenville
To my friends
have returned from Baltimore
god have opened a new line of
pretty millinery goods. Please
call to me next door Smith
Bros. Mrs. J. A. Davis.
The ladies have found out where
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
hamburg etc.
Mrs. Melissa Ellis, of Timothy,
who has been visiting Mrs. W. C.
Jackson, left tor Greenville Tues
day morning.
As authorized agent for Daily
and Reflector we take
great pleasure in receiving sub-
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
The latest styles in straw hits
and caps see J. J. Hines.
R. F. Johnson has been to and
returned from
Just received spring suit cloth-
for J. L Hines.
candies, apples
and bananas at E. E.
J. M. has been confined
to his room for a or to but is
now all O. K.
Confectioneries, tinware and
everything in general
at fair can be found by call-
at of Hart Jenkins.
You will do well to go to
for fancy
Worthington, of
c has been here this week.
J. M. Dixon and little son Lam,
to Sunday and re-
turned Monday.
Go to E. E. Co's
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
For a nice cool drink go to Sum-
roll fountain.
first-class brick
ply to E. S. Edwards Son,
den, N. C. A full supply always
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. V. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden, N. C.
Miss of Timothy,
is on a visit to Mrs. Watt
A beautiful line of
youths straw hats,
at J. R. Smith Bro.
For can peaches, apples, n
apply to E. E.
Anything you in white
goods at W. M. Co's.
There was a here yes-
A double team bitched
to a wagon ran
through the streets, into the porch
one of our colored coin
demolishing the
placing our
chief of police in a condition most cent
frantic aid pulling up;
in trout of their stables placid and
The ladies are especially invited
to call and inspect our line of
mercerized we have it
in bolts also in patterns of
lengths. J J- Hines
Don't fail to see W. M. Edwards
Co's. new line of dress goods.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on your orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
Hart Cypress for
sale by Cannon Tyson.
The family of J. F. Dixon re-
quest to their
family physician. Dr. Dixon,
upon the very efficient
services rendered their little
son, Floyd, his recent
serious illness. They deem it had
it not for Dr. their
little boy would not have lived
and avail themselves of this man-
opportunity of expressing
their gratification as well as their
confidence in the skill of Dr.
per day, near depot on West Ave-
Transient solicited
B. F. Early, proprietor.
The Ayden Milling and Mann
Company are having all
their shops and offices painted,
which when completed will present
a creditable appearance.
Millet and garden seed at J. R
Smith . Bro.
Fresh butter and cheese on ice
Two small new iron safes just I he
kind for mall business or farmers
at J. R. Smith Fro.
The bet quality flour as cheap
as the cheapest at Hart Jenkins.
Miss L. Smith, millinery
emporium has just replenished
with all the latest novelties of
ladies millinery and dress goods.
A class milliner is my employ.
Give me a trial.
Discussing the speed attained on
the railroads, The
Record says.
may expect to see a mile-a-
minute through runs in the South
and Southwest about as soon as in
any other part of our country The
development of these sections
given a great impulse to the build-
and improving of railroads, and
the wide stretches of territory to be
traversed between centers of
tend to increase the demand
for higher speed. As traffic
warrant more and more ex-
will be made upon the
great lines of transportation that
will result in a very high develop-
of track which is the very
foundation of all practical efforts to
provide high-speed express
The work en the Disciple
church is a bout complete and it is
a structure. The tower
especially is an attractive feature
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R.
We your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R Smith Bro.
Miss Myrtle Moon, the music
teacher in the graded school, left
for home near Washington City
A new lot of men's negligee
just received at W. M. Ed-
wards Co's.
New corned
Smith Bro.
at J. R.
W. M. Edwards A Co., will sell
yon pair of for fifty
We the young men say the
a pest and best fitting clothing
as you please awaiting now by
the recurrence of an opportunity
. , i . Cox seems to he a buss
where their mettle speed will
demand the attention of lovers of
-port rare.
We a splendid assortment
of body carpets la various
styles and patterns, which make
excellent hall rugs, at a normal
cost. Ladies ate cordially invited
to call and see them.
Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.;
Now we have plenty of the
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Milling Mfg. Co.
N. C.
We are told that Cannon
Tyson keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture in town
Just another case of
men's fine shirts at W. M. Ed-
wards Co's.
man. If he is not the busiest in-
in the comity we
don't know why. He is constant-
on yo
Health and accident which
h represents is a hustling
i business judging his work.
Just re another lot of
land clothing at W. M.
N. C.
Rock salt
Smith ft lb-.
for stock, at J. B.
George Worthington Bro,
work in this line
a specially. Work
class brick
ply to E. Edwards H, Sou.
Safe, Strong, Liberal.
What's safer, or stronger than
The Prudential is as safe and
strong Gibraltar.
The leading Life
safety con-
A strong Company cm afford to
be liberal to its policy
The is liberal. See
E. Hooks,
Special Agents.
ply to a. warns . .
-en, N. O. A lull always
Cotton seed bulls, Hay, Oats and I
i Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon j
and Tyson.
The first of June would be an
excellent tune for the merchants
to begin closing their stores
to p. m. to allow their
clerks as well as themselves a
little recreation.
We have several second hand
sewing machines that we will sell
cheap at J. R. Smith Bro.
We call special to our
new Hue of Tan and Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon
Cotton Kings, Stonewall and
Carolina Cotton Plows at J. B
Smith Bro.
At the of business March 28th, 1904.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo from Banks,
Cash Items,
Cash in Dank,
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided less
on band-
It is a topic of general
among all strangers with whom
we meet the people in and
around are as sociable
pleasant as any with whom they
are in contact, and that
our resources and surroundings
are as great as could possibly la-
desired, if only the proper spirit
of enterprise and zeal were
they ought and should
be. It is alone w our people to
take and that
which is theirs in order
wealth Immense may come to their
What will you do
Nothing is accomplished without
an effort.
Why suffer from intense head-
eye ache smarts and burns,
w hen you can lie permanently v
cue pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. weak
eyes, in need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work wonders.
Office Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon,
Off up Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Style Hair
Shaving and

i . i
Born of
in the office at Greenville, N. C, a. second mailer,
Advertising d adjoining sir the hook tip
A correspondent desired at post office with An pleas-
h. Bid
More lies have been told about fly
many, many anglers
have returned to display good creels
every fish taken on a fly,
in to
Pitt N. C,
i , . i
The Exercises at The Graded School.
auditorium at the Graded
school wan packed last night to
the closing exercises of the
school which consisted of the play
entitled Courting of Mother
children were cos
The young man in the
nary waistcoat was fond of making
up jokes. you ever hear the
story of my pocket he gig-
Boon after he had seated him
on tho sofa, retorted the
beautiful girl, I don't care
don't you think it's a good
there is nothing in
On last Wednesday, while the
steamer Hatteras Will lying
Springer's wharf one of the grand
lodge delegates abroad remarked
that worth of terrapin had
been taken from the waters of the
adjacent creek. Another delegate
agreed with him and asserted that
at one time, so numerous were the
reptiles that could not
navigate the stream. Then a great
hush fell over the multitude-
Washington Gazette-Messenger.
Medical and criminal experts, ac-
cording to a news item, puzzled
over the case of a 14-year-old boy,
who was sent to jail recently at
Pa- Last winter the
boy's skull was fractured in a coast-
accident and a portion of his
brain out Since his recovery
his impulses have apparently been
bad, leading him to his parents.
The medical fraternity will doubtless
grasp the boundless opportunity
for research and experiment this
incident affords. If they can lint
perfect a method for
and it of all
gray matter,
crime will d twin
N. C, May
Miss Lucy Turnage to
Ayden Tuesday to visit her sister,
Mrs. W. M, Edwards.
Dill, of Kinston, spent a
few days this week with relatives
and friends. Jim is an old Or-
boy and his many friends
are glad to see him.
Elias Turnage and W. Or-
made a business trip to
Greenville yesterday.
U. A. L. Carr and Elias Turnage
have gone to today to at-
tend the Knights of Honor.
Mr and Mrs. W. J. went
to Snow Hill Wednesday. Mrs.
will visit her parents Mr.
and Mrs. W. Patrick for several
Leonard Hardy went to Ayden
Wednesday on business.
Mesdames A. E. and E. L. Den-
ton went to Ayden Tuesday.
Politics are waxing warm in our
county now. The county primaries
are called for the 28th of this month
and County Convention the 1st of
June. It is hard to say who will be
the lucky one, as there are as many
candidates in the field Five for
sheriff; three for Register of Deeds;
two for Treasurer; three for the Leg-
Somebody ought to get it
from the number of candidates we
C. L. Hardy is enjoying his trips
n Ayden now. Once-a-week he
with worm. An angler's pleas-
is to find out what the trout will
take and then supply them. If it is
a fly, well and good. It is a clean
workmanlike manner of taking
trout. If they will not touch a fly,
then perhaps a long cast with a
cricket or a moth or a stone fly or
gnat or grasshopper or even a beetle
may raise the brooding fish.
Perhaps he needs the sparkle of
a spinner, perhaps the undulating
of a humble hackle,
perhaps the ventral fin of a shiner
or of his own kind, perhaps a
strip of skin from the neck of a
pullet, or he may demand a min-
now, or, alas, a mouse. This Utter
tidbit I have never been able to
bring myself to use except when
And no doubt I have lost
many a big trout by my squeamish-
but when it comes to using
the more highly organized creatures
as lures I revolt. Nothing ever dis-
gusted me so much as the spectacle
of a huge pike taken on a
Often in August, when the water
is several degrees hotter on the
face than on the bottom, trout seek
the spring holes, and often nothing
can induce them to rise through the
strata of lukewarm water to take a
surface fly. Then your cut and
dried sniffs, curses his luck
and goes home. Yet, a red fly sunk
where, through intimate knowledge
of the bottom of the lake or river,
the angler knows there is a spring
will bring the lurking trout spring-
up with peculiar savagery-
Robert W. Chambers in Harper's
In Arizona the owls live mostly
in holes in the ground and in hole
in the giant cactus. It would be
to their predatory nature
dig their own holes or yet to turned to represent the different
build nests of sticks while there they assumed. Borne
were other available nesting places, of them were too cute
So every springtime there is a lot They did credit to themselves
of trouble among the desert instructors The following
., I the .
Man in the Tucker
Mother Goose Martha Lee
t. e
II he statement William R. Hearst
made in Washington on Saturday
that he would support the nominee
of the St. Louis convention, no mat-
who tho man might he. i the
utterance of a good democrat. His
candidacy been ill-advised
The better element in demo-
party have given no
or support to his aspirations.
He has nothing to recommend him
for this high office. Hearst is a
young man- How associations may
broaden him, what his character
-may develop into, remains to be
What the future also holds
for him no man can tell. That he
bas set the stamp of his disapproval
the much discussed bolt of his
friends at the convention is wise
and will make him many friends.
to find what the Odd Fellows
have store for him and says he
is being sufficiently amused. The
lie nay very
goat was brought
And placed the
And with some hesitation,
lit mounted his back,.
goat was oN and heavy,
whiskered, long of
Strong in scent and muscle- both,
Ami full of lira-and
An Active Worker at the Age of 99-
Mr. John Hall, who lives near
Rusk this county, will be
one hundred years old on the th
of December next if he is permitted
to live about eight months longer,
Mr. Hall was born in Stokes county
but moved to Surry many years
ago. He is an old confederate sol-
having served throughout the
great struggle between the states.
He is enjoying fine health,
his great age, and has the
promise of living many more year.
He does more hard work than half
the men in Surry county, putting in
A days ago Madam
Nation walked rooms
Anti-Cigarette in Chicago
and spying a portrait of
dent on the wall
she pro leaded to punch hole in. it
with hen umbrella,
same that Mr. was
no because H ad
smoked, tobacco. wan
denied y the lady secretary
league. Mrs.
fifty that lie dad-
The lady secretary Wing
make fifty dollars herself or tor
the league, as the ease be,
wrote to Secretary- Loeb for
as. to the president's smoking
and propensities News
The romantic French poets of the
early part of the nineteenth
never saw anything as it ac-
was, but on the contrary look-
ed at all things under a of
One evening Alfred de
one of this romantic was walk-
in a park near Paris- with an-
other of the fraternity, who sudden-
exclaimed, pointing t a bright
object on the
a star on the
It was a glowworm, but De Mus-
It is well. I will light
my with
It was worthy- of a romantic poet
to wish to light his cigar with a
star, but in tin case romance- was
one thing and reality another. The
tar refused to work as a
On of Letter.
is always something
in letters written by
men. Fancy, than, the old
Iron Chancellor writing like Man to
his wife, when, after manner of
she is off en a visit to her
feel a I write
a September day
Ogling on the sear and yellow loaves
of trees. aim well cheerful
enough, with a cast of melancholy,
however, together with just a
f homesickness, and thaw is
me a longing for the i
lake and plain, you and the
mixed up together, with
and sonnet.
and ground squirrels until
the burrowing owls have chosen
their holes and settled down for the
season. Similarly the Gila wood-
peckers and gilded flickers have no .
assurance that their holes in the
are their own until after Santa Moore,
the screech owls and pygmy owls
have been established in comfort.
Possession is all the law there is in
the Arizona cactus and desert, and
in case of a dispute the owls eat lit-
chipmunks and flickers anyway.
All day in the cool depths of his
hole the screech owl hides from the
heat and glare. As the sun sinks he
comes out and flits silently toward
the river bottom, where the mice
and kangaroo rats are already be-
ginning to play on the sand patches
and to hustle through the willows
and thickets. The quail
and smaller birds arc hid away in
the bushes, and around the old logs
and stumps great yellow scorpions
and beetles are picking their way.
At the slightest movement of a
blade of grass the screech owl
swoops to the ground, and when he
is not ranging the flats for
he is searching bunches of mis-
and dense mesquite trees for
the birds which lie hidden here.
He does not scorn the scorpion
and beetles, nor yet grasshoppers
and smaller bugs. At the same time
he will tackle a bush rabbit or twitch
a pocket gopher from his hole by
the head. He swallows his prey
whole and after digestion has taken
place throws up the bones and fur
in the shape of pellets. It is by
looking for pellets beneath wood-
holes in cottonwoods and
that naturalists are able to
locate the homes of these owls.
Country Life In America.
Good Advice
The man laughed
u pretty healthy lacking spec-
an. I not, he asked.
certainly answered the
ten years told me
to prepare
see no to be hi-
about it. That's good ad-
vice at any time, isn't it V
your give you
the same
course, but, you see
why don't you go and
laugh at Him I did only my
by you, from what know of
you I would say that I can't think
of any one- who has extended
preparations to make, day,
Jack Lanie,.
Old Woman who Sweep Cob-
webs from Farrow.
Little Boy Blue Churchill
Hodges. ,
Little Boo Smith.
Mother Skin-
Little Cobb.
Little Blow.
Old Woman in Shoe Nellie
Little Red Biding
King White.
Fiddlers Three Bun Bryan,
Linda Smith and Charlie Rountree
Old Woman with Binge on Her
Simple Smith.
Mistress Carr
Ruth Cobb, Annie Leonard Tyson,
Jessie Brinkley,
Nellie William.
of Old in
H. Hairy Moore,
Alfred Jack Bryan, Bu-
belle Forbes, Nichols,
Ernestine Forbes, Fannie
Spa, Marian Dove.
closed with
of Santa Clans and Mother Goose.
Daily Reflector
The Sad Suicide of MUn Myrtle at
N. C, May
Myrtle Taylor, this county, com-
suicide today at the home
of her Mr. J. N.
Parker, by
Miss Taylor was years of age
was one of the MM
young women of Lenoir
She was educated Kinston
baa taught for several in the
public- school n the- county,
i u m .; Despondency from ill health hi the
point difficult to clinch it.
New York Press.
A noted revivalist visited at
in Virgin some years ago.
The revivalist was earnest anal en-
and went about tin
when he was not preaching to
people-to come to hi meet-
i an c man on street,
took or a cigarette or i
cigar-in his life In the meantime
Mrs. Nation taken her departure
without having put up hen cash or
the collateral on her bet. so we sup-
I do at a revival
the old man gruff-
Don't ever
said the man as he
I moved away. a rabbit's
pose the secretary of Chicago j
Anti -Cigarette League will have to
Yawning Is
is it very healthy to
a French physician,
artificial yawning should be
to in cases of sore throat,
buzzing- of the ears, and like
It is said to be as
in its way as gargling the
throat, with which process it should
be combined. The reason stated is
that during the act of yawning there
is stretching of the
muscles of the pharynx and soft
palate, which in this way put
through a sort of massage. Beside
this, in the act of yawning th
throat tubes contract and drive
the pharynx the that has
whistle she for the fifty
she has won. Furthermore it
is possible that a case of majesty
may lie against Mrs. Nation for her
violent and disrespectful action to-
the men in our,, r- , d disrespectful action
nearly fall time
bad a thing been done in Ger-
many to the portrait of Mr.
or in the blacksmith chop-
Jen. grand children and great
grand children day. the
day be one hundred years
old.-M. Airy News.
volt's friend the kaiser.
ton M
The cat and the infant sat upon
the hearth rug and regarded each
other long and seriously.
The cat's attitude was that of
pure contemplation, her look as of
one whose rule it neither to ask
nor answer.
The infant mind plainly
with a thought, of the
outcome was presently this pro-
found s est knew
she's a
the act. Her cud was a
shook to many Kin-
Tb of her sad death
are as
Tull, of city, was called
I to a patient who was
and on his
reaching the entering
Una loom where Miss Taylor and
Mu C. W. Howard were, Miss
Taylor left room and went to
Soon after Dr. Tull left the
house a noise was heard
the room as if caused
breathing, going the
room Miss Taylor was on tho
bed, and the sheet was
a patch of white o
that produced by carbolic acid
poisoning, and the odor
of the deadly ding was noticeable
on every hand.
Dr. Wm. called
Preventing Snoring.
Wife husband, whose loud
snoring keeps her
Charlie, de stop snoring Turn over
on your side.
Husband, half awake, grunts,, ,., ,. ,.
turns on his side and continues had re
snore. ,,, I suited from the poisoning before
Wife has a happy idea. ,
a line from an article called he reached her
to Prevent Gives
her husband a second nudge, which
Miss Taylor remarked
to members the that she
her a
elicits another grunt. Charlie, j and she be-
lived ah. w. losing her mind,
would you.
This department is in of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The of Winterville
The line of ladies goods In
the store of R. G. Chapman d.
is unusually attractive. Call and
were fortunate in securing Mr.
Perry t do their painting. His
work i done his signs
are showy.
School pencils and .
of town,
sale at Drugstore.
Bonn Cooper with factory
set-ins to lie alive. Call see
at factory or store.
smiles will do yon good.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Miss Martha A. Hudson went
to Greenville Friday. Bryan started
., t r the road the other day to
Boarding J. Ha
Board per day. Best j
Whitty, of
has bought store now occupied
by H. L. Johnston. He will move
here and open up at an early date.
Light and heavy groceries R. G
Friday morning to at-
tend the funeral of bin nude, Mi.
Warren Cobb.
We nave stock a lot of
best grade of wheels
ii ,
Co. is the place, carts and o consider
Don't forget.
Tucker Bros. stores are nearly
one. H. L. will occupy
a reasonably wheel for
a cheap wheel and if yon wish a
medium grade t or wagon we
can supply you with these wheels
one of Mrs. Sarah I d gad to have your
will open an up to date order A q. CoX Mfg, Co.
In the other.
Shoes ladies gent-
all new goods
Barber Co.
The republican primary In Con-
was so quiet we did not
find it out.
The A. Q. Cox Co., wishes
to good
He landed
in time for the
convention. He says he had
such a big time be all about
the cheroot business.
H. L. Johnston has just received
the nicest soda fountain ever
to Winterville. It is in
new store. Call get
beet cool drinks made in
Mrs. H. Cheek is visiting
Mrs. G. A.
See T. N. Manning and Co for
Best cakes crackers
Joe Kittrell went to Greenville
A. Kittrell, Mrs. J. H.
Cheek, Jack G. A. Kit-
Jr., Io Greenville Fri- We have the
finest smoked
For the best grades of smoking
and chewing go to
Drug Store.
A. G. Cox, Mis. J. D. Cox, Mr-.
F. O. Cox and Masters Roy
cart hubs. They will pay Bruce who T
Some one entered W. B. Win
gates kit last night and
bis Hour.
No clue to the robber.
to attend commencement
of the Baptist Female University,
returned Wednesday.
R. G. Chapman invite the
public to nail ex their
Dr. B. T, when not in the dry notions etc.
can be found either at his to suit the buyer.
residence or at store of R. U. is veiling
Co. in
has here. forget we are back at
in our new store and an
The A G. Cox Mfg. Co., still prepaid to sell some goods cheap.
I ii . . I Li i i f
have MM of that fatuous ville Mfg. Co.
If Minnie Laura Cox
shoulders and the best Boston
Lard, T. V. Manning Co.
Mrs. W. F. Fry and little
Fry. who have been visiting
at O. A. Jackson's, have
G. A. Kittrell Co., have just
received a car load No. Timothy
Most all of stock needed for
cotton seed oil mill has been sub-
scribed. With such men as A. G.
Cox, Alfred
Dr. Cox,
R. G. Chapman and several
at tho back of any it
thing W
getting the charter and then, going
lo work.
Car load cotton teed meal just
G. A. Co.
When fire swept the business
portion of Winterville away last
and Carroll, students at the it fogged as ii toe town was
B. K. U. at Raleigh, returned to
you are III need of fence
height kind you will do well
to see t u em and get their fences.
They will lo talk with
any j
ladies goods L r all of the
just n-rt. Every package guaranteed
prices low. I T. N. . 5-l
Harrington Barber Co. j . t returned all ended and in
Calvin Sail for many from Mr, with two corn one,
ruined forever. no indeed.
The new business block that now
stands where I he old shucks
were make you
think you town.
Do wish lo purchase a
I with engine,
the A G. wish I
lite with
Co. left Us gone to Ayden.
We success.
as well as
to get
burners when In need of
When yon can get any style just as
cheap just k.
nice, here
.-, ,. am i. A law building and.
public that I grind Hal HI
, .- i water It so,
at lull one south of
. , ,,, you will do well
Frog oil Sin place, i
P Tripp.
Corn Hill went to G eon-
i. the .
correspond with the A. G. Cox
Co. This is the plant that
splendid supply
v. la a most
did lot for They ate
i it for the view i f
building a brink
Prof J D. Principal of
the Bethel School, who baa
you gel
your buggies
J. H. Fry has accepted a Tasteless PASTOR OIL sold,
the- Hunsucker Buggy Taste as good Maple Syrup.
Co per bolt lo at Dr. B. T. been visiting Prof. Li lie berry,
, J Cox Winterville, 3-22 tinned to Bethel Thursday.
Dr. Cox wishes to purchase
lbs new goose feat here.
Kittrell and Taylor have moved
into their new Look out
next week fir their ad.
Cat load of flour just arrived.
Harrington Barber Co.
loves to
tell about Greensboro
and that ticket. The
republican holders out.
a lib y white About
the first of next November they
hear some thing drop
We are now occupying our
store South east corner of Main
mod Rail Road street everybody
invited to come ts see as
Always grad to serve yon.
Berber On.
Spring is the season of all seasons a Mans
Furnishings. The important part g a mans
Spring outfit is his
. r
It's the pretty Tie, the neat Shirt, the correct
Collar and the right that does more than
anything else to distinguish a man as a good
dresser- Our Furnishing Department pride
of our store. Everything that's correct- smart
and right is here. Most dressers
here and we invite
to come
r. i-
Store Closes at P. M.
Op ;
will put on sale One
Bleaching at Cents p yard

Mrs. Bettie Britt
N. C.
Best Goods and latest
See me before buying.
J. Proctor Bros
you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to BO in it, clothing and
family, provision
for your table, or for
we can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
lumber, and, do all
of turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
Is given that T. B. Hods
enters and claims three hundred,
acres of vacant land in
Pitt county, K. C as
Lying on the North side of
Tar River anS West side of kindle
Creek, and in Patch
adjoining the lands of
son's heirs, the J. A. Bullock,
J. B. Lewis and J. Stancill he rs
on the West and John P hem
on the North and the Freeman Hodges
I and Eureka Lumber Company I land
as the Pine Land and
; others on the East and South. This
i May 3rd, , . ,.
I person or persons.
title to, or interest in the de-
scribed land must their
with me. in writing,
thirty days or they will be b
Taker, Ex for Pitt Co N C
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to something to
wear, or some article for tho
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer Bella.
North County,
In Superior Court.
Marv Jane Evans,
Charles Evans,
The defendant will take notice that
an action entitled as has been
commenced against him in mm
court of Pitt county by plain-
tiff for the purpose of obtaining a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony
upon the grounds of
and adultery, and the defendant will
further take notice that he is required
to appear before the judge of our
Superior court at a court to be held
for the county of Pitt the 3rd Monday
after the first Monday In September,
it being the 19th day of
and answer the complaint
be deposited in the office of the
Clerk of the superior court of said
county within the first three days of
demur to said complaint within the
time required by law or the
will apply to the court for the
demanded in the con plaint.
Clerk of Superior court.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars,
Sofia Fountain town, AH
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
Counted Himself Out
Dee Moines, Iowa, May
two, Raising himself to his
elbow and slowly, but painfully
breathing his last breaths, Dr.
Priestly a great-great-grand-
Dr. Joseph Priestly, of Eng-
land, discoverer of oxygen, with
seemingly studied emphasis counted
time today against pneumonia death
AB he faintly whispered he
gasped, his muscles relaxed and he
fell back dead.
Dr. Priestly was one of an
broken line of physicians of more
than ordinary distinction since the
days of the great London physicians
His father; James Priestly,
survive him. Young Priestly be-
came with pneumonia a
few ago. He grew rapidly
worse, but rallied and was thought
to be improved. Suddenly he be-
came worse and messengers were
dispatched for friends, who came in
time to see the young physician
count himself out.
Office opposite depot.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Greenville's Great
Department Store
In any view of the matter, the
controversy between Judge Peebles
and the Roberson county lawyers is
unfortunate. From the inception of
the affair The Post deplored it, fore-
seeing it must lead to
ant developments that would involve
both parties in a hitter contest, The
present situation just lies this papers
forebodings. In regretting the com-
between the bench and
bar it i not necessary say
the lawyers had a right to take
the action which the occasion
the offense to his honor, or not; or
whether the judge ought to have
taken it to heart in the way he did
or not. Whatever the final judicial
determination of the matter may be
good people must unite in de-
any measure of punishment
or that may fall upon or
the other party to the controversy.
In view of the answer and affidavits
that were filed at Lumberton Mon-
day, it now appears impossible for
either side to the controversy to
withdraw from it with
you can get honest goods at living prices. So- our
large you buy and be with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything y u use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor
, Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
W W V Sale Of Land For Partition.
III. A Blow, Lizzie Blow and Fan-
j B. Blow
M. Blow, T G. Blow and Jen-
By virtue of a decree made by D. C,
Moore, Clerk of the Superior Court of
county, on the 23rd day of April,
1904. in a certain special proceeding
wherein H. A. Blow.
Fannie B. Blow are plaintiff a c.
M Blow, T. O. Blow
are defendants, the undersigned Com-
, missioner will expose to public sale on
the day June, at the Court
house door in Greenville, to the high-
est bidder for i cash, Jan-
January the
i parcel of real property to wit
, situate in the town of Greenville, N.
I,, -muled on the West by Washing-
ton street, on the by
on the Hint by the Masonic
Temple lot and on the North by the
J. B. Johnson lot and being known
the Or. v . J. Wow lot, and being
Lot No, the plat of the town of
Greenville P- C. Harding,
This May 3rd, 1904 com,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
cf and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or ,
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
i insured.
Greenville K C.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
Greenville's Great Department Store
is removed in large quantities from
the soil by the growing of crops
and selling them from the farm.
Unless the Potash be restored to
the soil, good crops can not con-
ed a little book
able facts
f the
ate experiments
in reclaiming
soils, and we will
glad to send a
farmer who will
write it,
Hew .
If have will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, fee Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
The Only Way-
To get
it to
J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala
was twice In the hospital from a
severe case of piles
tumors After doctors and all
remedies failed,
flair quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him. It
conquers aches and kills pain.
at Wooten's drug Store.
of Dr. King's New Life
Pills each night for two weeks has
put me in my
writes H. Turner of Dempsey
town, Pa They're best
the world for Liver, Stomach and
Bowels viable Never
gripe. at Wooten's
Hi ore.
-does not
Dyspepsia to his friends
and customers. Indigestion cause
more ill health anything else.
It deranges the stomach brings
on all manner of disease.
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat, cures ion,
and all stomach disorders.
is not only a perfect but
a tissue as well.
Renewed health, perfect strength
and vitality follow
A Cure For Piles
bad it case of says
O. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga.,
a physician who
advised me to try a box of De-
Witt's Hazel Salve. I
chased a box was entirely
cured It is splendid for piles,
giving relief instantly, and I hear-
recommend it to all
Witch Hazel Salve is on
for its. healing qualities.
Eczema other skin diseases,
cuts, burns and
of every kind are quickly
by it. Sold by J. L. Woolen.
Ladles And Children
Who can not stand the shocking
n of laxative syrups and ca-
pills are especially food of
Little- Early All persons
who it necessary to take a liver
should these easy
and the agreeably
j i strengthening with
the Hid weakening on-
the use of other
Little Early
cure constipation, sick
headache, jaundice, malaria and
liver troubles. Sold by J. L.
A Test,
To a life, Dr. T G.
. Pa,
star test resulting in a won
cure. He writes, a patient j
was with violent
used by of
the I had often found
Elie excellent for acute
and liver sol
them. The
gained fr-in the and has not
attack in
are i
ii for Dyspepsia,
Constipation and Kidney j
trouble. Try them Only j
at V- Drug Store
v. The Sap Rises
lungs he careful.
and colds are j
the. One Minute due
cures colds and give
to the lung-. Mi. G. E.,
of say-,
with a cough until I inn
down In weight lbs.
I tried ;. number of remedies to no
avail I One Minute
Cure. Four bottles of Ibis
remedy cured
of the cough, strengthened my
and restored me to my nor-
weight, health and
J L.
A Sure
It is said that nothing i- sure
death and taxes, nut that
is n-ii altogether Dr. King's
New for consumption is;
a sure cure all lung and throat
troubles. Thousands can testify
to that. Mrs. C. B. of
W. Va. says
had a severe case of Bronchitis
and for tried everything I
heard of, but got no relief. One
bottle of Dr. King's New
cry then me
It's infallible for Croup, Whoop-
Grip, Pneumonia and
Consumption. Try it. It's
an teed by J. L. Wooten
Trial bottles fret. Keg site We II
The Hive Company's SI
Business entirely suspended in order to prepare, i.
mark down and placard each lot to be sold.
Less Than Cents on the Dollar.
Positively the most Sensational Retailing Merchandise ever alarmed in this State.
For Men Allowed I
three days to sell all
Worth and Al- let.
lowed sell all
. double width. Worth
Allowed days tin
to sell all
Under Lock and Key
Look for Large Green Banner
Skilled stick engaged,
working day and night, adjusting
and placing a price on
will sweep every
in a single
prison will wed the store
while the fearful price reducing is
under way. opens
Thursday, May
Pairs to Sacrifice
for three
yards best
Allowed days to
cent kind.
days to
e Stock for a Mere
I Sold for cents. All
sizes for days
Steel Bods, From Ale
To sell lust, allowed days
Boys Shoes for Sunday.
Shoes days
Confusion and excitement now
throughout Greenville and vi-
People are seen in groups
standing around doors, talking
and wondering the outcome of such
an undertaking, how the multitude of
people will be served and waited on
in so short a time, -5 clerks engaged
We must close this stock of Goods
out inside days,
extra size,
cents, assassination
yards, worth
for o
worth c,
Must Remove Goods Same Day of Pun
Allowed days to sell
all. Merchants take notice
Store keepers and country mer-
chants wishing to purchase portion
of this stock, may do so from to
o'clock in the evening during the
days. The retail trade
and consumer must be served first.
Look for Green Canvas Banner
covering entire front of Store.
Look for Green Banner.
Must Sell
Stoic jammed
There w ill a
ho jostled about
good natural i
keep j
day. Thursday
Look for G
i if i m

John J.
g betel given
i and
owing described
; el and
town of
n b Briley Patent
Briley on the
lands on the
. ,,., and
.,., on the East, con-
acres, mow or less.
. the 1904.
, or persons, claim-
in file
I, ,.,., land, must file
. protest, with me, in writing,
thirty days, or
be bylaw.
for Pitt
, S C.
The of Savage, Co.,
was dissolved by mutual consent
on the 12th day of April. 1904. K.
M. his interest in the
business to the other members
So far known only one
company of the National Guard
of this state will go to the St.
this being the one
at Wilson. The public spirited
This 25th day of April. 1904.
R. M.
business to the . b ,.
the firm, they assuming all f that town have raised
of the firm, and all accounts j the expenses of
due the firm company for ten days stay.
We are establishing a saw mill
on the A. farm, one mile
above Tyson church and miles
from Farmville, and can famish
lumber of any kind. Will make a
paid for
. . Cotton Bead, Oil Bar-
Egg, etc Bad-
tresses, Oak Suits,
, . Go Carts, Parlor
Safes. P.
. Gail A
Key West Cue-
. ,. George Claw, Can-
. . U p, Jolly, Milk,
Meat, Soap-
tic food Matches, Oil.
. .; Heal Hulls, Gar,
. . Apples,
Dried Peaces,
,, Currents. Ola
Wart Tin and
. and
tease, Butter, New
. , sewing and
. ;.,. other Quality and
Cheap for cash. Come
A Cure at Lust Obtained, After
a Searching-
st specialty of heart
A ago the attention of a G. T. TYSON,
few scientific gen- . A j.
lemon of St. Louis was directed to an t W W,
entirely new method of combating that
mo t dreadful of all diseases,
Out of teat
cured and have shown such
that recovery
is but a question of a few weeks.
So astonishing have been the results
and in cases pronounced
incurable by all old methods that a .
company has been formed and is now i of Second s
prepared to furnish at a normal cost.
Wednesday, Thursday
can remain ; Friday, the 1st, and
Notice is hereby given to the
voters of the First Ward of the
town of Greenville that the Regis-
books will opened at
Mrs. residence,
the Incipient or early stages of th
disease, pursue their daily vocations
and become completely cured
Patients receiving the same treat-
here In St. Louis have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those in
Colorado, New Mexico and Texas
The wonderful results in question have
been accomplished by the
the company which control
Peaches,. marvelous
that patients can remain Friday, Hie id, u .
rounded by friends and and , f fr
in a great many
voters f said awl fol
fur Aldermen lo be held on Mow-
day the 6th day June, 1904
All voters who were registered
last election art. not required to
again this election.
H. Registrar.
May 19th, 1904.
their main office at North
street, St. Louis. They have also lo- ,
a factory on Easton avenue and .
a laboratory has been bunt at Hui- . to the
the town Greenville that the Regis-
which ate u-ed. will person- hooks Will be opened at
ally charge of the the
company. Mr. Benson will personally Mr
meet all who call of
. i
. . .
on Seventh street, and
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a. per-
ball.-From the St. Louis Globe
Tree booklet on request.
417-19 N. St.,
St. Louis, Mo.
, . V. H.
house Pitt o'clock
;. m. to o'clock p. n. on Wed-
Friday, the
2nd end 3rd days of June,
1904, for the purpose of register-
the voters of .-aid
Ward for an election for Alder-
men be held on Monday, the
of June. 1904. All voters
who were last election
are nor required lo register
this election
j W. Smith, Administrator Walter I REGISTRATION
Evans, WARD,
B. Evans, Notice is given to the
Evans and others. voters of the Third of the
The defendants Martha Evans and i Greenville that the Regis-
that at
I Sn from clock a. m.
One of the many excellent suits in this big
stock of CLOTHING, will be to put off
for many long days
or shape a man or youth may and
Slim; Short and Stout, we can fit him to per-
The variety of sizes make this
Spring is looking over the shoulder of
Winter Styles for the season are here at
these attractive figures, 12.00. 13.50,
15.00. 16.50. 18.00 20.00.
North Carolina, I In Superior Court
Pitt Count. me tier,.
clock p. in. on Wednesday,
m Factors
U It-
Greenville. Friday, the 1st. 2nd
in b piece of land upon h, of 1904, for
Aldermen to be
, on Monday, the th
defendants will voters who were
notice June, are not re
for Ibis
I b . Ill iv
and handlers of
property, u . .
1-4. in i lot lying south of the qualified i
I town of Greenville, on east side ejection for
PH containing J-4 of an acre. j.
W And the bald defendants will further. ft, ,
if. gT notice that they are required to; June, 1.104. a
-fill V of the Clark of registered elect too arc
J superior Court of Pitt county, to register again
on the 27th day of June,
g. Ties Bags.
1904. and answer or demur to the
Ties u ;
, and complaint In said action,
shipments apply to the court
for the relief demand d n
i plaint. This 14th day of May, 1901.
tarn Fountain, H.
and Surgeon.
N. C-
, door east of post office,
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
This 14th day of May, 1901
Clerk Superior Court
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
Issued Letters rests-
to the on the
day of May 1904, on the estate J. a.
Gardner, deceased, is hereby I
liver, to all persons indebted to thees-
to the
and o all creditors of
I said estate to present their claims
I authenticated, to the
; within twelve months alter tin-
I date of this notice, or this notice will
be plead in bar of their recovery.
This the day of May, 1804.
,. O. Gardner,
E. J. Gardner
Executors of the estate of
J. B. Gardner.
F. G. James, Atty.
L, W.
May 19th, 1904-
hereby given to the
voters of Fourth Ward th
town of Greenville that Regis
books will be opened at W
1.1. store, Points
from o'clock a. in. to
p. in. on
Friday, tn 2nd and
of June, 1904, for the par-
I of
voters of said ward for an election
i for Aldermen to held on lion-
day the day of June, 1904
I All voters who were registered
last election are not to
register again for this
May h, 1904.
L H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors
Factory situated by the railroad just, North of th-
up and of the
token for erection of
Slating Guttering and all kinds of
our tinning and slating department. You will hi
will do our best to give satisfaction. i aM.
Many new and pretty are
seen The of Lawns
and Indeed it would be
more correct to say that every
one of them are new and pretty.
They are from the leading man
and their quality is
fully equal to their All
the Goods in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
the colors rich and lasting, the
prices are wonder workers.
Notice is hereby Riven to the j
voters of the Fifth Ward of the l
town of Greenville that the Regis-
books will be at
Brick Warehouse from
o'clock a. m. to o'clock
p. in. on Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
days of 1904, for the
of registering the qualified voters
of said Ward tor an election for
Aldermen to be held on Monday,
the day of June, 1904. All
voters who were last
election are not required to register
again for this election.
C. D.
Ma 19th, 1904.
If you will advise when you expect to arrive w .
a room advance tor you
We carry the largest line of Crockery, China, Table
South of New York, and invite
your inspection of sample rooms.
y The Angle Lamp used in the Reflector
bought of us. It is the best Oil Lamp made,
examine it,
Wholesale China, and Tinware
S. Charles St.,
Office was
Call and
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
R. S. went to Kinston Sat-
J. L. Mooring spent Sunday in
T. A. went to
Dr. D. L. James spent Sunday
Tom Whitehurst spent Sunday
John Hornaday and sister, Mies
Bernice, returned Monday from a
visit to Dover.
Henry Moore, Rocky Mount,
who has been visiting his brother,
J. L. Moore, returned home Mon-
Miss Dora returned
Monday from Dover,
where she has teaching
W. H. Bagwell and Zeno
Brown this for
to attend the state medical
Miss Jeffreys, who has
in Bethel.
Sat- bee. brother,
Henry Harris returned to Kin-
Prof. went to Grifton
Sunday evening.
Charlie Water went to
Sunday evening.
Smith went to Ayden
Tom Vick, of Washington,
Sunday night here
U. G. has from
school at Buies Creek.
C. H. Hobbs, of
spent in town.
Ned is home
O O, Bland came in from Wash-
Saturday evening.
Parker, Jr., returned from
Wilson Saturday
R. O. returned from
Durham Saturday evening.
R.-B Norfolk, came
in Sunday evening to visit his
Attorney Harry Skinner
returned from Raleigh Saturday
J. O. Bobbin and C. B.
spent Sunday
with friends.
Mrs. Harper SOU,
Alexander, left Sunday evening
Mable of Bethel,
visiting her parent, Mi. and
Km. J. H. Barnhill.
Dr. M. I. Fleming rel timed
evening Iron,
college at Philadelphia.
came i Saturday
to visit the family f W. J.
Miss Mamie Warren, wan
been visiting Mrs. L. H. Lee, re-
turned lo Ayden Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
arrived home Sunday evening
from their trip to the world's fur
at St. Louis
W. E. Hooker went lo
more this morning
Prof. W. H. left this
for Bethel.
E. G. Barrett returned to
Monday evening.
J. B. Cherry, Jr , to Seven
Springs Monday evening.
Mrs. Robert left
this morning for
Mi-. B. H. Hearne left this
for a visit to
Mrs. W. T. Mason returned
from a visit to Ayden this morning.
Mr. Mrs J. J. Cherry left
Monday for Seven Springs.
left her home
in Chase City, Va.
Misses Carrie and Henrietta
and Mrs. Louise Cox, of
Winterville, came up this
to visit Mrs. H. C. Edwards.
Mis. J. G. Tues-
evening from
J. James returned Tuesday
evening school at Chapel
Mrs. F. G. James returned Toes-
day evening from a visit to
Miss Alice White, of Greensboro,
arrived Tuesday evening vi.-it
her brother, H. A. White.
Mrs. R. L. Smith,
ville, who has been Mrs.
W. J. Smith, returned home this
morning. .
The Best Week Yet
The Weekly for
the week ending Monday, May
Throughout the eastern hall of
the Slate past week was more
for crops than pie-
it abundant rains
loll on the h 18th in lie
sections suffering most
from great benefit
the northwest portion tie
rain was heavy and land
considerably, mid in more I ban
twelve counties hailstorms occur-
red with s Hue damage lo gardens
mid following
by hail. Bender-
son, Ashe, Alexander,
Surry, Davidson,
one or two
eastern tea the other
extreme went and
of the state the
rainfall for week was
for requirement of
The has
below normal, especially at
preventing rapid growth, and in-
sensitive crop-, such
a- cotton, considerably The
latter part part of the week was
fail and warmer.
On the whole the rainfall
week extremely hi
and placed the soil in good
where the largest amount,
curred farm work was delayed to
some extent, but crops are
ally in good condition, and
well cultivated.
Three Men Peri in the River.
On Sunday Allen Forbes and his
son Charles, together with Henry
Arnold, Charles Braxton and Louis
Allen, all white, went to Bell's
seine beach, about three miles be-
low town, on Tar river. Late
in the afternoon the five men
crossed the river in a canoe. Just
before reaching laud the boat took
water and sunk. Louis Allen and
Charles swam and
saved themselves. Allen
and Henry Arnold had also nearly
reached a place of safety
they saw Charles Allen, who was
a cripple, struggling the water
and went to his aid. The
were drowned together.
Tidings of the reached
town some later a messenger
to the home of Mr.
Forbes to advise his wife of it.
When the messenger reached the
home he already
there, an child
having died about the time the
drowning occurred.
All of the bodies were found
Perhaps the Largest Family in the State
The sheriff's office of Pitt county
becomes more important every
year. The duties are more com-
and arduous as the
country becomes more expanded,
and the many intricacies com-
of the laws enacted and
the greater volume of
accumulations. It therefore re-
quires a man of experience, cool
head and active intelligent
mind to fill the sheriff office of
the large county of Pitt as it
should be.
Tucker has proven that
he is capable till to the full
measure the ex-
of a first sheriff.
Long years of experience, a per-
familiarity with the duties of
oilier, bis
acquaintance with people of
the county, his high character
exemplary habits, his cool nerve
and promptness to duty, make
him the most thoroughly equip-
mm for this high and
And without disparagement to
the claims and strength of any or
ail of the aspirant, it. goes with-
out saying Leon W, Tucker is the
man upon whom the mantel of the
sheriff's office should fall.
Mr. Jeremiah was
town today and says that he
h now years old. He has
nearly I children,
children . great grand
Few people can say as
much. Mr. is well
preserved and works the farm.
Be has been married twice but all
children, grandchildren and
great grand Children ate of the
first marriage. H has twelve
great grand children in one family
that of Mr. Curtis Corey, and in
all there are more than forty great
There is probably not
family of such number living in
suite I but sprung from one
marriage daring lifetime id
the ancestor. Mr.
married in April,
Some Unexpected Evidence.
Mrs of Beloit, sued
the Missouri Pacific Company for
damages far re-
a fall for she
alleged, the company was
ease was tried in
B P Waggoner wanted to prove
that there a full m , the
time tho Happened and to
place the responsibility on
plaintiff. II-; a boy down
town to a drug store to get an
alumnae of that Without
examining It, pr to see it
contained the proof which be de
sired, lie d
The attorney for Mis
in aid the
defendant was pro
of Gould nod other
who bad amassed a
fortune to hundreds of
millions, Mr protested
Jail Empty.
Sheriff O. W. report-
ed to us Saturday afternoon that
this was the first lime in his official
career that be did not have prison-
in jail his
-ire some prisoners which
are lodged in the jail at night but
they are charge of a guard.
Greenville T. C.
Two years ago the
estate of the late Congressman
Scott, of Erie, Boll
log-Mill houses one Coat at a
saving of per cent for
was after the
That's how the tale reads. We
The buyer, as usual, went by
the Jot of got bids. Lead-
and oil bid low guess the
quantity the saving was only
per cent.
Nobody seems to have thought
of the costs two or
three times as much as the paint.
How much did we save on the
painting Don't
The tale end with We often
refer inquirers lo those houses, for
wear of
That's a good-enough story; but
nobody knows what it is. Our on-
difficulty is of
Yours truly
F. W.
Ibis of de-
that there nothing in been greatly Improved
the evidence to the slate- four years.
Rather Adverse to Management of A
N. C. Road.
Raleigh, May 24th.
The report of special com-
which baa been
the condition and management
of Atlantic North Carolina
railroad was placed in hands
of the governor last Thursday and
was released to the press for pub-
It is adverse report and
unfavorably the management
f road. system in u-t of
keeping accounts was crude and
unsatisfactory. The committee does
not think the improvement
d the property has been keep-
with the large amount of
money expended, a total of
480.62 having been available with-
in the last years and mouths.
While the service has been great y
improved in that time and
of the money wisely spent, some
of it bas injudiciously used,
in some cases approaching
committee stated it the
spirit of the law prohibiting free
transportation violated
furnishing free passes to persons
who are not even stockholders.
Free passes of all kinds, have been
generously distributed
There are charges that contracts
for supplies made at too high
figures, notable being the
price paid for-wood, the committee
that the use of coal would
have saved a. year of
price paid wood.
The committee declared that
road in politics is
la ed lo serve the best interests of
There is some plain in the
report about the of the
Atlantic Hotel property It
the management bought tr
this transaction express the
opinion that the purchase was not
lawfully made and certainly was
The report concludes with the
statement it clear that the
best and most economical manage
limit of the property cannot be at-
state that it
is equally clear that it la a very
valuable its
and taming capacity have
At the same time
there is, it please
your other lawyer
is the evidence
by Mr.
exclaimed Mr. Wag-
this the opposing
lawyer said, and enough
the book wen; pictures short
sketches of Jay Gould, Russell,
Sage, Henry other
associates of Gould, and every one
of them said to be worth from
The returned a verdict, of
for Mrs.
Colored Graded School.
The closing exercises of the
colored graded school, of which
C. M. I is principal,
Tuesday night. The exercises
were very creditable to both
teachers and pupils. An excel
lent address was delivered by
L. Carr sells our F. C. Harding to the school
on Friday night.
slid there was
in the situation to call for g eat
or extreme in refer-
to any proposed change in
the control or operation of the
Mr. J. Howard die at
o'clock, Sunday morning, at the
home his parents, and Mrs.
J. T. at Conetoe. The
interment took place Monday with
Masonic honors, a large number of
people being in attendance. Mr.
Howard was of age and
haves a and one child.
He was a brother of Mrs. J. G.
of Greenville, and she has
the sympathy many friends in
her Borrow.
Just received a shipment of very
nice loaf bread after today
will always have a fresh supply on

Eastern reflector, 24 May 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 24, 1904
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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