Eastern reflector, 20 May 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

of the condition of
of Greenville
Greenville, A. C
At the close of business
Is hereby given that T. B, Hodges,
claims three
acres vacant land in
ship. Pitt N. C, described as
on the North side of
Tar West side of
Creek, and in Patch
adjoining- the lands of Robert
heirs, the J A. Bullock,
J. B. Lewis and the T. J. Stancill heirs
on the West and John Parker's heirs
n North and the Freeman Hodges
Loans and Discounts
Furniture Fixtures
from Banks
Checks cash items 1,002.32 May 3rd. 1904.
Sold Coin 5,093.501 Any
M Lumber Company s land.
known as the Pine and
others on the East and South. This
a to. or interest In the above de-
Silver Coin I land must file their protest
27,871.001 me, in writing, within the next
thirty days or they will be barred by
Capital Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
law, R.
Entry Taker, Ex officio for Pitt Co N C
North County,
In Superior Court.
Mary Jane Evans,
Charles Evans,
The defendant will take notice that
an lotion entitled as above has been
commenced against him in the
of Pitt county by the plain-
tiff for the purpose of obtaining a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony
upon the grounds of abandonment
adultery, and the defendant will
farther take notice that he is required
to before the judge of our
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. J , , to appear before the judge of our
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the court at a court to be held
above-named bank, do solemnly I for the county of Pitt the Monday
, Monday in September,
swear that the above a is 19th day September
true tn the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and to
me, this 8th day of Ai 1904.
1904. and answer the complaint which
be deposited in the office of the
clerk of the superior court of said
county within the first three days of
answer or
demur to said complaint within the
time required by law or the
will to the court for the right
demanded in the complaint.
This the 18th day of April
Clerk of court.
R. L. Davis,
R. A. Tyson,
J. L. Cannier.
Imperial Shaving Parlors,
Hopkins, Daniel Davis, Props.
Cleanliness our
Only experienced men em
Dr. D. I.
Is hereby given that John J.
Jones enter and claims the fol-
lowing described vacant
Bethel and Green-
ville townships, near the town of
Bethel, in Pitt county, and be-
ginning in creek, ac-
the Joseph Briley
no the South, Jess on the
North, the lauds on the
Opposite drug j West, and Highsmith and
Sam Edwards on the East, con-
acres, more or less.
This April the 1904.
Any person, or persons, claim-
in-- title to, or interest the
above described land, must file
then protest, with me, in writing,
within the next thirty days, or
they be barred by law.
taker, for Pitt
county, N. C.
iN 1808. J
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Sun White ForT
As the time is drawing near for
the nominating convention, I will
ask yon to permit me to nominate
through your columns Sam White
for treasurer of Pitt county.
He was a candidate before the
last democratic convention and
came within a very small fraction
of a vote receiving the
then. He was and is eminent-
qualified for the position. Since
that convention his ability to man-
age business especially finance
has become still more manifest to
people, and at the coming
there ought not to be any
difference between democrats as to
the nominee for treasurer. Lei us
nominate Sam White by .
Mr. J. B. Cherry has de-
c-fined to and it seems to me
that the man who was close a
to the man who has been
treasurer of Pitt county so long,
should now receive the unanimous
vote of the democratic convention.
May A Voter.
Conductor's Dying Request
The remains of late
tor W. T. who died here
Tuesday afternoon as the result of
injuries received by being run
over by an engine on the Conway
Seashore railroad, were sent to his
home for interment yesterday
morning. It is said that a dying
request of the conductor to Capt.
F. A. Burroughs, president of the
Seashore railroad, was that his
administrator bring no suit against
the railroad and that Capt. Bur-
roughs promise that the wife and
four be provided for.
The request was made on the train
as e dying was being
brought to Wilmington, and with
a tear in his Capt. Burroughs
is said to have promised the con-
that his request would be
One of the many excellent suits in this big
stock of CLOTHING, will be to put off
trouble for many long days
or shape a man or youth may and
Slim; Short and Stout, we can fit him to per-
The variety of sizes make this
Spring is looking over the shoulder of
Winter. Styles for the season are here at
these attractive figures; 12.00, 13.50,
15.00. 16.50, 18.00 20.00.
William Fountain, fl. D.
Physician and Surgeon,
one door east of post office, or. M and Hulls, Gar
Apples, Nut
Wholesale ; tinker
Dealer. paid
Sued, Bar-
arc. Bed
steads, k Suits,
Carriages, Go-
unit, tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Key West Che-
ltd Henry George Can
Cherries, Poaches, Apples
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
r Meat, Soap
Magic Matches, Oil.
R. J.
C. V. York.
L H. Pender.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
I .
y-at- Law,
N. C.
Dried Apples, Peaches,
, Ola.
i a are, Pm and Wood
Crackers, Ma
Cheese, Beet Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and nu
other Quality and
quantity. for cash. Come
see me.
B. M.
Many new and pretty styles are
seen in the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it would be
more correct to say that every
one of them are new d pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their quality is
fully equal to their beauty. All
the Dress Goods in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
the colors rich and lasting; the
prices are wonder workers.
Many Explosions Heard.
May -Ad-
Togo reports that since the
sixth of May many
hare been heard coming from the
vicinity of Port Arthur but their
cause has not been ascertained.
The impression here is I hat the
of their
ability to defend Port Arthur, are
destroying their ships before
the place.
unofficial Japanese dispatch
been received here to the effect
that the Russians have destroyed
their fleet in Port Arthur.
Orphan Class Coming.
The staging of the Oxford
Orphan Asylum w ill begin a con-
cert tour through eastern North
Carolina on May 16th. The class
is composed ten girls and six
boys and they give entertainments
under the auspices of the Mason o
lodges in different towns.
visits of the class to in
the past have given pleasure
to oar people, and we are clad
they are to include this
their next tour. The exact date
will be announced later.
For ice cream freezers, i
water hammocks
and lawn swings, go to L, Carr.
A big lot of nice corned new I
at Johnston Bros. 5-3 s sT
Dr. Char-
N will tie in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha, on Monday June
13th until noon Tuesday
His practice is limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and
fitting glasses. c-o-d Jew.
We are establishing a saw mill
on the A. farm, one mile
above Tyson church and t miles
from and can furnish
lumber of any kind. Will make a
specialty of heart
4-wk-w, A. J.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
Ail machinery new up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contract taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating. Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door CO
R. L. Wyatt charm
our tinning and slating department. You will rind him
a master his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
as most the Hotels here were destroyed by fire, visitors
may experience some difficulty in finding and to
avoid this we have made arrangements a number private
hoarding where you will be taken care of.
If you will advise us when you to arrive we will secure
a room in advance lot you
We carry the largest line of Crockery, China, Table
Glassware and Tinware, South of New York, and invite
your inspection of sample rooms.
The Angle Lamp used in the Reflector Office was
bought of us. It is the best Oil Lamp made. Call and
examine it,
Wholesale China, and Tinware.
218-220-222 S. Charles St.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
W. I. Peel went to Bethel Bun
Joe to W
Q. H. E went to Ayden Sat-
Cobb to Tarboro
C. T. Pugh went to Tarboro
D. C. Moore went to Conetoe
Forties went to Weldon
W. G. Ward went to Wilson
A. R. Forbes went to Scotland
went to Tarboro
Prof. W. H. went Io
went to Rocky
Mount today,
G. Stokes, of Stokes,
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. went
to Conetoe Sunday,
V. T. Perkins, of Stokes, re-
turned today.
A. Duke returned from Hen-
Sunday evening.
He Clark returned from Dur-
ham Sunday
Cleveland Moore, of Kin; ten,
spent Sunday in town.
returned from Kin-
Mon Monday morning,
J. R. M ore returned from
more Saturday evening.
Claude natal I went Scotland
Keck Sunday morning.
Clifton King came in from Nor-
folk Saturday evening.
Miss May Anderson returned to
Saturday evening.
Mi Minute
Washington day
Smile Harding returned to
Sunday morning.
A. U little
wen; to Saturday.
Prof, D. of Bethel,
is s week
Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
O. T. returned Satin-
day evening from a trip north.
R L. Strickland returned from
Rocky Mount Saturday evening,
Hon. and J. Bryan Grimes
returned to Raleigh morn-
Miss of is
Visiting her sister. Mrs. H. C.
Dist. Attorney Harry Skinner
returned from Raleigh Saturday
Sam Flake and Miss Mat-
tie Corey came home from Ayden
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Evans left
Saturday evening for and
returned this morning.
MM of Bethel,
who has visiting friends
here left this
Mrs. W. E. Jolly sister,
j Miss Clara Forbes, returned from
Kinston Sunday morning.
Mis. H. G. Galloway, of Mt.
Airy, who has visiting re-
here returned home today.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Allen went
to Raleigh today to attend the
closing exercises of the
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, of
who have been visit-
Mrs. W. H. Smith returned
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lee
little daughter, Miss Edith May,
went to Sunday evening
returned this morning.
C. M Smith went to Ayden last
Rev. A. T. King went to Tar-
J, W. Higgs the road
this morning.
Clarence Raw Is went to Wash-
Walter and Wilson
came home last evening.
Rev. and Mrs. F. G.
left this morning for Tarboro.
J. H. Mitchell, has been
visiting W. H. Johnson, returned
to his home in Suffolk today.
Miss Annie Grimsley, of Greene
came over to
visit Miss Myrtle
John Hooker, of Scotland Neck,
who has been here a few days with
returned home today.
J T. W. S. O.
O. Bland. Major Smith and Harvey
A. has rendered
his decision in the Greenville Dis-
case. The judgment was
received Monday morning by D. C.
Moore, clerk superior mart. The
judgment dissolves the injunction
and vacates the restraining order,
it reads as follows .
on relation of E. H.
n and W. E.
Jolly, Judgment
m j
and J
Upon the complaint and
herein used as affidavits,
and also the affidavits exhibits
filed by the plaintiffs, and the
davit in reply thereto and exhibits
filed by the defendants, and upon
consideration of the same, and
argument of counsel for the
plaintiffs of the motion
to continue the restraining order
heretofore granted, to the hearing;
and argument by counsel for the
defendants opposition
It is adjudged by the court that
the restraining order made on the
day of April, 1904, be and the
same is hereby vacated and the in-
junction dissolved It is further
adjudged that the re-
cover of the plaintiffs the cost
this action, to be taxed by the
clerk this court.
T. A.
Judge Presiding.
Tit order and ruling
the plaintiffs except and appeal
therefrom to supremo
Notice waived by the
v of adjudged
Keene left this morning for Wash- . . J
,. sufficient. T. A.
F. S. Quinn, of Lynchburg, Vs.
who has been spending several
days with his mother, returned
home today.
W. R. Parker returned
day morning from the session of
the Lodge of Odd Fellows
t Durham.
Dr. John S. Harris, of lingo.
Indian Territory, dropped to
see us this morning. He is the
brother of Mrs. John A. Ricks
Rev. W. E. Powell returned
from Wilson Monday where he
Oiled pulpit for Rev. J.
Jones who is the meeting
here in Christian church.
E. a. , returned
day morning from Durham where
lie had been as
lodge to the Grand Lodge of
Judge Presiding.
The decision of Judge
does not come as a surprise to the
people Greenville. His
iii this case is matter of
moment to people of this
to those inter-
on both sides the question,
for this reason, his honor
to make a
of the questions of law
therein, consequently he
to defer decision until
he could have opportunity In
form a just and judgment
so important a
At h meeting of the
Committee today
it was decided to call a county
convention to be held in Green-
ville Saturday June
for purpose of appointing George Baker,
gates to Si ate and
township primaries to be held
Saturday June 4th.
We are establishing a saw mill
on the A. farm, one mile
above Tyson church and miles
from and can furnish
lumber of any kind. Will make a
specialty of heart
G. T. Tyson.
A. J. TysoN
For sows and pigs.
Also one cotton gin, feeder
and continued, and a 50-saw gin
Greenville, N. C.
w in w
Reported for
Miss Lillian was
hostess at a most enjoyable meet.
log of the Sans Club on
Tuesday, May 10th.
Besides the regular members
there present visitors
who added to the pleasure of the
occasion. Among were Mrs.
J. Bryan Grimes, of Raleigh, Mrs.
former members, Mrs. C. H.
of Henderson, Mrs. J. M.
Whedbee, of Hertford, Mrs. J.
Floating and Miss Lizzie Blow.
Mrs. favored the club
with one of her readings.
the completion of the liter-
delicious refresh-
were served by the hostess.
The club adjourned to meet with
Mrs. Hay wood Hail, Tuesday,
Dr. W. H. o Char-
N C, will he in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha, Monday June
13th until noon on Tuesday
14th. His practice is limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and
fitting e-o-d w.
A Happy Couple.
Maj Henry Harding and his
estimable wife took train here
this morning for Raleigh to be
present at the graduation of their
baby boy, Jarvis B. Harding, at
the A. S M. College next week
who graduates with first honors.
The aim of their lives has been to
to see all their
in and their
want is the acme of their lives, and
never have been more
happy than now. Three of
their F. F- C.
Harding and H. P. Harding-
graduated at the University of
North Carolina their two
sic Harding
at the State Normal
College and all are accomplished
and doing well. W it has
been a struggle, beginning
life immediately alter the civil
war everything dark
dreary for South, these
two have fought the battles of lire
bravely and heroically,
ed giving to their children a
thorough, competent education,
now that they have lived to a
ripe old age of more than three
their lives are blessed with
their fondest hopes. We have
never seen a more happy, loving
contented couple leave town.
They are now winding up their
bridal tour after nearly forty
years of happy married life. They
join their daughter Bessie at
Greensboro will spend some
time with their son, W. F. Hard-
who lives in Charlotte. They
looked very much like a newly
married couple as they boarded
the cars R
Sector IS.
Odd Elect
The Lodge of Odd
lows in session last week in Dur-
ham elected the following officers.
Grand E. Biggs, of
Scotland Neck.
Collins, of Kim-ton.
Grand H. Wood-
J. Jones,
of Wilmington.
Grand L. B.
V of Raleigh.
The following officers
were named;
Grand B. Winstead,
Of 1-1 m Cit.
Grand W.
Bryant, of Durham.
Grand H.
of Elizabeth City.
Grand W.
of Asheville.
Grand It. H.
Willis, of Morehead City.
was appropriated to in-
stall a heating plant and other
improvements at the Orphan's
Home, Goldsboro.
secretary was direct-
ed to get up a new digest of the
laws and forms.
The salary of the grand secretary-
was fixed at with
clerk hire.
The per capita tax was fixed at
per term, as follows, for
of grand lodge, for
the Home for
the aged and Fellows.
was appropriated for
i expenses of grand officers.
For ice cream
water coolers, hammocks
and lawn swings, go to H. L. Carr.
An ancient writer
ed are the people whose annals
are This has been
true this year. We have kept
quiet now; but like the little
boy who said that h- must
or burst, so we must speak
out and let other people know
that we are kicking.
Now, there will be a Missionary
Mass meeting for this circuit at
Salem church, May and
On Saturday, a noted divine
will preach at o'clock. Then
there will be dinner, after which
there will be another address. On
Sunday, Rev. J. D. Bundy, the
Presiding Elder, for this
will preach at o'clock; after
which the sacrament will be ad-
ministered. This mas meeting
will be held connection with
the second quarterly meeting for
this circuit. The object is to
arouse the people to missionary
For this was, and is of the
very doctrines of method-
ism. To spread scriptural
over the earth. Its f under
world is my
So is ours. And not to be a lover
and believer in missions is not to
be a loyal Methodist, and as I see
it; a loyal Christian. So this
We expect the members from
other parts of the to be
present, if possible.
is invited, and we give yon a
come invitation. So come
bring your relatives
friends. If yon lie present
and it you are interested, pray for
us, that this may be i
There will he a
mass meeting and day
services at Vanceboro, the first
Sunday in is June
B. E. C.
Greenville N. C.
Dear Why don't we make
paint, as many others do, to go
three-quarters as far, or two-thirds,
or half, or a or a quarter t
Mr. Aaron
ET. J., always used gallons of
paint for his house; took
There are two sorts of paint; all
paint, true paint, false paint, weak
paint, short-measure.
The paint-manufacturers are
two sorts; the rest.
Yours truly
F. W.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
Marriage Licenses.
Last week Regis it Deeds R.
Williams issued licenses to the
T. W. Skinner and Emily
A. O. L. W.
Chas. Stocks and
Alonzo Forbes and Rozella
Herbert Clark and Maggie
Joe Arch Green
A big lot of nice corned
at Johnston Bros. 5-3 a sT

The Branch of the is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized U transact any bust
the paper in and territory.
Patterns of
Don't pay cents when you can get the same
thing for cents.
Guaranteed inches Long.
Closing Exercises at the State Normal
College May 25-27th.
The Normal and Industrial
25th, 27th, 1904, as
Wednesday afternoon, May
Class day exercises; p. in.
meeting of and
Thursday, May a. no.,
commencement sermon. Rev. Robert
Strange, D. p. m., laying
corner stone of new build-
by Grand Lodge of Masons;
p. m., class essays.
Friday, May a.
commencement address by His
Governor Charles B.
cock; graduating exercises.
Telephones are
week Alfred E. tailed up
a store in Philadelphia, and
Violet Painter answered H
fell in love with her voice and
courted her on the spot and she
agreed, and that afternoon they
met and were married.
Those who don't pay their money
often take their choice.
J. J.
you to make their store
headquarters and while to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room
all goods.
m .
A. E. Tucker Co.,
is the only
, tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes as
good as Maple Syrup. per
bottle for sale by John T
Druggist, Farmville, N
One Price Store.
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notion.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line o
Wood, Tin and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and honest deal for ail, we for
cash which enables as to do a safe
business we give our
mer the benefit of it, Cash Sales,
Small Margins and one price to all
I is our motto.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
A Golden Rule
Be Rood to your land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
in the fertilizer spells quality I
and quantity in the
vest. Write and
we will send you,
by next mail,
our money winning
the place to Clothing. Dry Goods, Notion, Shoes.
Hat, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A fall Drugs Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought end Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Norfolk, V.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
I on. Private Wires to New Tort
Chicago and New Orleans.
There isn't enough history in the j first sight supplies a lot
world to supply the demand of q work for judges,
would-be authors of historical j
When a young man climbs into a
barber's chair to get shaved the
first time he feels like a barefaced
American and Italian Marble
n. c.
sent upon application.
J. . CO.,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
PriS r country
Do M Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
N. O.
if you do come to see us. We keep every-
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, V. C.
Some men seem to think it is
necessary to make fools of them-
selves every time they have an op-
Not Quite
How often you can a
thine -not
nail or screw driver or
r lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except
at, in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston
Norfolk with railroads for ill
by Old Dominion Line
York and
Norfolk and Southern R-
Old Dominion Line from
Clyde Line from
Hay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchant.
Line from Boston.
Sailing hours I to
without Notice.
IT. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
j. J.
I H. B. ft
f S. T.
Ayden N. C. May 1901.
C. A. Fair has been very sick
since the picnic at Greenville. He
is now much better will be
able to resume work in a day
W. C. Jackson Co. your
poultry See be-
fore selling.
J. R. Smith and family attended
the Sunday.
We were at W. C. Jackson
Go's store the other day, was
surprised to that they car-
such an extensive line of
clothing. The man, youth or
child who cannot get suited in
there, either in a suit or a pair of
pants, is hard to please.
Bart of Hookerton,
was visiting J. J. Edwards Sun-
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a penile
and is destined to take the
lead, to try is to buy one,
and to buy is to never be
without one
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N. C.
Rev. W. Davis returned
home Monday.
Canned goods of every
at Hart Jenkins.
Rev. W. E. Cox will conduct
services in the Episcopal
E. E. Co. will do all I hey
possible can to please you
their new line of heavy and
G. H. Ellis, of Greenville, has
beer, here on a visit to friends.
We use a fair patent
shafts, black hickory singletrees,
2nd growth, ash bows, No. ma-
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and
skilled mechanics. We use
tine's 1st class varnish, hence w
to make the neatest
and most durable buggy in Eastern
N. C, Ayden Milling Mfg Oh.,
Ayden, N.
John Brown from the Mount
Pleasant section was here from
Saturday u Monday.
Life, health and accident all
represented by E. G. Cox.
of the first order and in
that cannot be surpassed.
These are fads substantiated by
Cannon handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
Prof. T. H. King, Misses Ida
W. Edwards and Delia Smith at
tended the teachers meeting in
Greenville last Saturday. Prof.
King and Miss Ida Edwards read
interesting papers.
We the ladies to call and
examine our line of lawn before
purchasing elsewhere. J. J. Hines.
Rev. Peden left Saturday
to deliver an address Before the
school at Lucama,
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
blinds and side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
Go to W. M. Edwards Co. for
your next pair of pants.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, sty for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden,
To my friends and
have j returned from Baltimore
and have opened a new line of
pretty millinery goods. Please
call to fee me next door Smith
Bros. Mrs. J. A. Davis.
ladies have found out when
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
etc. Gannon and
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
A nice new line of ladies A full assortment of ladies
Misses slippers at J. R. Smith tents shoes at reasonable prices at
,, Jenkins,
mo. i
Mack Taylor is in j
Washington for a few days.
The latest hits
caps J. J. Hines.
Just received spring suit cloth-
for J. J. Hines.
The Ayden Lumber Company's
engine last Thursday pulled in as
a train of logs as one seldom
sees. One log measured at the
butt five feet and sixteen inches
and it is estimated this log alone
will ml less than
feet of lumber. The tree
which this was taken furnish-
ed six cute feet in length
readily yield more than
feet. At present prices making it
worth The Ayden Lumber
Company is one of, not the
largest Eastern Carolina and is
doing a thriving business.
candies, oranges, apples
and at E. E. Go's.
Confectioneries, tinware and
everything in
at fair prices can be by call-
at store of Hart Jenkins.
Our people are to talk cotton
with j seed oil mill. Call a meeting gen-
name your committee and
then investigate. It will be too
late if somebody else gets it.
Millet and garden seed at J. R
Smith Bro.
J. H. Manning and wife, Mrs
W. L. Stocks S. E
ton went to Monday.
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
For a nice cool drink go to Sum-
Mrs. Ivey Smith and Miss
of are on a visit to
friends here.
first-class brick
ply to E. Edwards Son,
den, N. C. A full supply always
on hand.
The ladies are especially invited
to call and inspect our line of
mercerized we have it
in bolts also in patterns of
lengths. J J. Hines
Prof. T. H. Kim; went to Kins-
ton Saturday evening and return-
ed Monday morning.
Don't fail to see W. M. Edwards
Co's. new line of dress goods.
First hand made brick, by
the wholesale retail large
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
You will do well to go to Sum-
for fancy
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning if.
R. F. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden,
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon
There were a large number
from Ayden Sunday who attended
the burial of Mrs. W. E.
at the Louis burial
per day, near depot on West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B. F. Early, proprietor.
Miss Ella V. May, f near Win-
has been visiting friends
A beautiful line of e lit week.
and children straw bait, M. Edwards Co., will sell
at J. R. Smith Bro. a good pair of pants for fifty
Mrs. J. W. Mrs. W.
B. Mrs. Aldridge, Mis. We the young men say the
butter and cheese on ice
Ayden with fine banking
ties railway accommodations,
telegraph, and electric
lights, certainly needs but few
other enterprises to put us in the
foremost ranks. A cotton seed oil
mill first, a cotton factory, a brass
hand and then Dennis, My
we'll be in it, clean up to our
chin. If things keep moving, and
we reckon they will, we're going
to get right there. Our people
ain't fool about it. See
if they do.
Two small new iron just the
kind for small business or farmers
at J. R. Smith a Bro.
The best quality of flour as cheap
as the cheapest at Hart Jenkins.
Miss L. Smith, millinery
emporium has just replenished
all the latest novelties of
ladies millinery dress goods.
A class is my employ.
Give me a trial.
If you a good tiling when
you see it, see E. G. Cox. He's
got to show you. If
yon don't know a good thing, see
him anyhow and he will
As authorized agent for Daily
and Eastern Reflector we lake
great pleasure in receiving sub-
willing receipt for
those arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
Cur job
Cotton Kings, Stonewall and
Carolina Cotton Plows at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Corn, hay and oat, at J. St.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R.
want your hams chickens
and egg. J- B. Smith Bro.
A new lot of men's i
shins received at W M. Ed-
Wealth of the
Washington was rich for his day.
John Adams, worth
John Quincy Adams,
Thomas Jefferson, nearly bank-
James Monroe, insolvent.
James Madison, left a good o.
Andrew Jackson, left his land.
Martin Van
James K. Polk,
Tyler was bankrupt.
Fillmore, a large fortune.
Taylor, a good fortune.
James Buchanan,
Andrew Johnson
Abraham Lincoln,
Grant Leaf.
Misses cheapest and best lilting Co's.
Olivia Berry, Blanche sold by Cannon Tyson. j corned herrings at J. R.
Cannon, the Misses Smith, the j a of Greenville,
Fore.-t and whole host a pleasant call Saturday,
other ladies as well as gentlemen
attended I he cement at
If you are troubled your
have J. W. Taylor, the
graduate optician, to examine them
Just received another lot of hoy
clothing at W. M.
Ed wards.
We have several second hand
machines that we will sell
We carry a splendid at J. B. Smith Bro.
of carpers in various
For can peaches, apples, n
apply to E. E.
Anything you want in
goods at W. M.
styles and patterns,
n. i
What did Ben Nunn go
for Saturday come back
ball at a normal i
, . all about t And
cost. Ladies cordially looking mighty
well pleased yet. Do yon reckon
he heard the gentle murmuring of
the brooklet.
We call special to our
new line of Tan and Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon Tyson.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
At the close of business March 28th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
Cash in Bank,
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
i l
we have plenty of the
wagon and cart
wheels them as cheap
any on.
Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. O.
We are told that Cannon
Tyson keeps best most
furniture in town
Just another case of
men's at W. M. Ed-
wards Co's.
Hock salt for stock, at J. K.
Smith Bro.
George Worthington Bro,
Tinkers, work in this line
a specialty. Work
first-class brick
ply to E. S. Edwards Sou,
-en, N. C. A full suppl always
on hand-
Mrs. W. E. Patrick died at her
parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Lo-
near here, last
Saturday and was buried Sunday
afternoon. Rev. D. W. Davis con-
ducted the funeral services. Mrs.
Patrick was sick a long while and
bore her sufferings patiently and
seemed satisfied when the end came.
She was a lady with many lovable
traits of character endearing her-
self to all with whom she was as-
as attested by
the very large number of people
who attended her burial.
Safe, Strong, Liberal.
that's safer, or stronger than
The is us safe and
strong ts Gibraltar.
The leading Life
and safety con-
A strong Company can afford to
be liberal its policy holders.
The is liberal. See
e. Hooks,
Special Agents.
Dr. Joseph
Block, Beat Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon,
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair Cutting,
Shaving and

the port office at Greenville, N. C, U class
in preference to
Pitt County, N. C, Mat 1904.
Without any purpose whatever to
reflect upon the present board of
aldermen or any previous board we
propose to give some reasons why
the tax payers of Greenville should
exercise more care in the selection
of a board than they have ever done
Heretofore the taxes have been
light and the duties of the board
simple and few. Now we are enter-
upon a system of improvements
which require the closest and best
management. It is true
these improvements are under the
immediate control of the board of
improvements but it is also
true that the work can be greatly
hindered or helped by the board of
aldermen. The board of internal
must rely in many
for help the board of
-aldermen as the work progresses.
The police power and protection
must be furnished by the board of
Then too it is folly for the board
of Aldermen to engage in street
independent of the
American Officer For Chines Army.
As has already been published in
dispatches, there is on foot a
plan to secure American officers to
serve in the Chinese army. The
following on the subject is from The
New Orleans
hundred American soldiers
will be transported to China to
the Chinese army as one of the
results of Prince Pu visit to
his country, according to W. T.
Hally, traveling passenger agent of
the Pacific, whose company
is seeking the contracts to carry the
men to San Francisco from different
points in the United States. Ac-
cording to the same authority, the
movement of soldiers will be com
within two weeks. The
principal recruiting station is at
S. D., and is in charge of
Brigadier General Edmund P. Eng-
of New York. The cream of
the veterans, he
claims, has been selected for the
army of the Chinese
Commissioned and non-commission-
ed men have been offered
in the Chinese army, with the
salaries paid by the United States
government. General William E.
English, of Indianapolis, says a
special to The Globe-Democrat, has
Hickory Pitt Co., May
The political ball seems to be roll
and from the signs there may
be some right good sport before the
hot days of summer have passed.
There seems to be a good many
with but a single
on some subjects. From the cur-
rent talk in the country, and
at central headquarters, the offices
of sheriff and treasurer will not go
begging. There will be disappoint
Mk. Editor i
Hickory Grove,
made some pert remarks in
paper yesterday
propose to be left la the
shade by Now Black
Jack is the township of the
and already the bus at least
men enough fully qualified if
not qualified they think to fill
every county office, and have a
surplus to draw from in case of
gins to tabulate and report, we
bye and bye, but I hope be of
to see how some folks do shake, qualities of old Black
hands lovingly, what an interest pp willing,
some people seem to take in the ready to serve the
family after the
old woman and children and the
and hundreds of other
things only thought of in political
years. I could not but notice the
number of polite, clever fellows in
town last Tuesday to see and be
with the many of
them who never smelt powder, but
they were nice in paying their re-
to the old soldiers. Bat did
people e propose to have a
full of the distribution ac-
cording to democratic strength.
Gum Piny Level, Beaver
Dam, Elm Grove, Clay Root and
Swamp muss hustle sharp
to Besides
we had some fine work done on
our roads well as
township and it is not right to
take all the convicts from- the
you notice how two or three would j work the
and talk ill a .,,.,, an
gather together and talk in a aroUnd town. Now we want
tone, wink their left eye and nod j . y gag
their head and laugh. Of course office We will wit
nothing was by so doing, but
sheriffs office and the
treasurer's office won't go running
around after some one to hold them
down. And then there seems to be
board of internal a personal letter from Brig-
All improvements should be carried j General English at
on according to a general con- giving a full exposition of the plan
The latter is the American member
or we may see of and is
sending invitations to every officer
of volunteers who served in the late
war with Spain, asking them to ac-
commissions in the new Chinese
This information will doubtless
cause more or less apprehension
among those people who continually
have visions of the
but it is to be doubted whether there
is ground fir any such feeling. The
Chinese army could doubtless be
a very willing disposition upon the
part of some folk in town and in the
country too. who are willing; if not
very willing, to spend a short
in Raleigh next winter under
the dome of the Capital. It is a
great pity the Democratic party has
not an office for everyone. It would
be a strong old party if the offices
could go round, and then there would
and see the list of candidates to be
j published by ad then
I you may hear from
p hope all won't speak
at once tor fear of space for pub
may see
board spending the public funds
undo what the other board done.
We must then fore select n i- ant
aldermen whit i. work in
with the board of internal
To insure this U in
for each ward to select its best
are now beginning to pay
taxes in earnest and we need a
board which practices rigid
e a formidable force under the
and we s-e to it public ,
,. direction of American officers,
funds are wisely spent
That BIS Check.
United States Secretary Shaw
signed a warrant for
oh Saturday afternoon about three
o'clock for paying the new Panama
Canal company for their interest in
disappoint j the canal property on the Isthmus
This is a great year for pa- i of Panama. It was toe largest
and brotherly love. have warrant ever before issued by this
not a complete list of all the several j government
candidates for the several offices,
though I have a good size as has
been reported, but ere another week
I will have such a goodly quota that
I will send you all the
ed up to date and the people can
pay their money and take their
choice. In fact I reckon it it
to send the names in by installments
so not to the paper all at
once. But we may lookout fir there
are a great many
More anon.
II live on
six hundred dollars can be saved in
the of the town
treasurer there is no reason that it
should not be done- If money can
be saved at other points we need a
board that will do it. The way to
get such a board is for the tax
payers to look after the selection.
We will have more to say about the
A tire broke out in New York
city on last Friday and a stable full
of line horses was one of the build-
partly damaged Before the
horses were all removed a wall fell
in and blocked the runway leading
into the stable. Two good horses
were in the basement, Nellie, a
fleet roadster, and Molly, a big
truck horse. At five o'clock on
Monday morning a patrolman de
gingerly into the basement
to see how the water which had
been feet deep was receding
when he heard the whinnying of
horse, and going on down through
eighteen inches of water was
ed lo find Nellie alive and frisky. He
procured fresh water and oats, and
arrangements were set on foot to
release her In the afternoon an-
other patrolman explored
and found Molly alive, and she was
carefully chopped out, and a special
runway leading through a big win-
was built to get them out.
They had been in their prison
hours and had apparently not
except from hunger and thirst.
the latter would in all probability
inculcate in the troops ideas of dis-
which would make
any of the results feared from
the arousing of the yellow men to a
knowledge of their strength. The
significance of the alleged plan to
officer the Chinese army with Amer-
is indeed far-reaching, as show-
tint China is to awaken to her
opportunities of becoming a power
in the far East, as did Japan. The
yellow and brown men are inferior
in practically every way to the
and will so remain, therefore
as long the latter do right they
have nothing to fear from the
It was intended that the
white man should lead, and it is
weakness for him to concern himself
about the domination of an inferior
race so long as he does his duty.
If this movement on the part of
China is in good faith, it doubtless
means that the powers of the world
are to be relieved of much
occasioned by the
helplessness of the teeming millions.
Charlotte Observer.
The Efficiency in War.
The question naturally
not the torpedo boat subjected to fur
greater than the battleship, and
is it not much more likely to be de-
with the loss of all on board
than the larger and more
battleship and cruiser The
answer is, certainly the risk is con-
greater to the torpedo boat
but the costs six million
of dollars, and may have a thousand
men on board, while the torpedo
boat may cost not more than one-
fiftieth as much, and may not
one-fiftieth part as many men on
board. In other words, fifty torpedo
The largest earn previously
by a single government war-
rant was for to
Russia in on account the
Alaskan purchase. The next sum
paid in 1876 to the
British government, on of
the Halifax award, under the treaty
of Washington, for infringement of
fisheries rights in Nova Scotian
waters. In 1899 government
paid Spain, through the French
ambassador, for the
Islands, but Om sum
was represented by four warrants of
each The
agreed upon as the purchase
Do not be surprised to hear soon
that the Russians have destroyed
the forts at Port Arthur and retreat-
ed to Mukden, tearing up the rail-
way behind them. They need in
the field the large body of troops
that is necessary to garrison the
forts of that port- Japanese rifles
and disease are depleting the
army as fast or faster than it
can be recruited by daily arrivals
over the five thousand miles of rail-
We have thought all along that
Russia would finally overcome the
Japanese; that she would conquer
through the same means the United
States won final victory over the
a wearing out of
the resources of the weaker nation,
But it begins to appear doubtful as
to which is the weaker nation,
into consideration the seat of
war and the facilities each has for
concentrating it forces. Russia
can assemble many thousand more
soldiers than can Japan, but she
does not seem to be able to trans-
port them t the scene of or
to properly equip for an extensive
campaign those she has on. the
These conditions rob her a
great deal of physical superiority
over Japan and put the two
on an equality.
In one thing the Japanese have
shown themselves greatly superior
to the Russians, and that is in
strategy They have completely
the Russian in
Korea and. Manchuria. Also, the
Japanese soldier has shown himself
to be fully as good a as the
Russian, and; with more dash and
daring in his lighting. As to sea
fighting it been fully demon-
frown the beginning that the
Japanese are superior to the
the whole line the Japanese-
have held their own
It now begins to look as i f they
would, drive the Russian out
Manchuria. How long Russia can
keep up the war after this is done
is mete conjecture. She is already
preparing l make a foreign loan
about owe hundred and sixty mil-
lion dollars. Her financial
declares that sufficient funds.
be secured by loans
home banks, but the government
prefers to borrow from abroad.
This seems rather
drain the country of large sums he
interest to foreign bond-
holders when this money could, be
kept at home by mailing local loans
We would say Russia is hard push-
price for Louisiana territory was for and, has exhausted
paid in 1803 by the assumption by
the United States of the claims of
citizens of this country against
France, amounting to
and the issue to France of
of stock in the sum of
How To Get Business.
The way to get business is toad
only way to advertise
is to advertise way
forced to
a foreign
home resources, so is
place her securities on
market. The boasted condition of
her treasury and. of the large sums
in homo banks which she could get
for the asking is a blind to cover a
critical financial condition, which
will probably be an additional aid
to Japan in winning final victory.
Wilmington Messenger.
When men will give up as much
or ti c to hear a sermon as they
will to see a fight, look out
for the millennium.
Some people seem to think the
Almighty is making a mistake in
not leaving the management entirely
to them.
to advertise right is to study the
boats be built and manned at j needs of the people in your par-
no greater expense than a single bat-
boats may be destroyed; with the
loss of all on board, in order to sink
a single battleship, and the loss be
equal to both sides, while if two
battleships can be sunk by the sac-
of fifty torpedo boats, the tor-
flotilla has won a decided
As a matter of fact, it is
probable that in actual warfare not
more than ten torpedo boats, on the
average, would be destroyed by bat-
for every battleship sunk by
them. This means that the present
torpedo system is five times as
as the
and Torpedo by
Hudson Maxim, in the American
Monthly Review of Reviews for May
line of trade, place the
matter before , in an honest,
stated, and due
to the good points of the
yon wish to sell, prominently
persistently and in an attractive
Fortunes made by
persistent, consistent
are not The
business houses been
the largest advertisers, and the
has been in keeping with
the amount of advertising.
oaks from little acorns
Keep your name before the people.
Keep your goods before their eye.
The only way to do It is to
H. aid O.
A Cincinnati widow opened a
matrimonial agency and married the
first man who applied, the concern
is now closed.
When a young couple are out
driving and the girl insists on
the reins it's op to the young
man to take the hint.
Clerk of the Superior Court of
county having this day issued to
me letters of administration upon the
estate of M. M. Galloway, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons
holding claims against said e
present them roe duly authenticated,
on or before the 8th day of
1905, or this notice will he plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons
to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to me.
This the day March,
of II. M, Galloway
Jarvis flow, attorneys.
department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern in Winterville and territory.
, . W Pros. Charles, see
I Charlie L
E. E Deli, A. G. Cox,
J. Jackson went to Conetoe
this morning.
School books, pens, and
best quality of stationery always
sale at Drugstore.
Miss Mattie and Mr.
Flare, who have been visit-
Luther family returned
to Greenville Monday.
Light and heavy groceries R. G.
Chapman Co. is the place.
Don't forget.
M. J. . Harper is sick
J. J. May. L C, R
Q. Chapman and R. L.
The line of ladies dress goods in
the store of R. G. Chapman ft Co.
is unusually attractive. Call
Boarding J. D.
ox. Board per day. Be-t
in town.
The stockholders of the Win
cotton seed oil mill elected
the following
I We have in stock a lot of the
Shoes slippers for ladies gent- wheels for
Boys ft girls all new goods
Harrington Barber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Johnson, of
spent with Mrs-
Francis Little.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., wishes
to purchase good
cart hubs. They will pay you the
best price.
Dr. B. T. Cox, nut the
can be either at his
residence or at the of R. G.
Chapman Co.
carts wagons. We consider
these a reasonably good wheel for
a cheap wheel and if a
medium grade cart or wagon we
can supply you these wheels
and would be glad to have your
order, A. G. Cox Co.
For the best grade of smoking
chewing go to the
Drug Store.
Miss Bessie Holland, of Pollocks-
ville, left for home Tuesday.
B. G. invite the
public to their
Misses of dry goods, notions etc.
tie and Evelyn went to suit the buyer,
to Kinston Sunday.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., still
have on hand Borne of that famous
fencing. If
you in need of fence of any
height you will do well
to see them and get their University.
will be to talk with you
win Car load cotton K-ed
about it u av G A Co
Mrs. Nannie Worthington, wife
of Mr. Worthington, died
last Friday, he leaves a
band I small children who have
the sympathy i f all who knew her.
Mr. John living near
Red Banks died last He
was years old.
Mrs. W. E Patrick after a long
died at the residence of her
father. Mr Lorenzo
last Saturday. She was a most
lady. She leaves two
mall Her parents and
have the sympathy of
entire community.
Roan Cooper with his factory
seems to be alive. Call and see us
at factory or store.
smiles will do you good-
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Mrs. Martha A. Hudson went
to Tuesday.
H. L. Johnston has just received
the nicest soda fountain ever
brought to Winterville. It is in
the new store. Call and get the
best drinks made in Winter-
G. A. Co., have just
received a car load No. Timothy
A, G. Cox Mrs. J. D. Cox
went to Io attend the
of the Baptist
Nice hue of goods
and arrived
summer prices low.
Barber Co.
Developments in the Orient
a dispatch from Lido Yang
that the Russian fleet has
scored its first distinct of
the war by and
though not sinking a Japan-
armored cruiser in
The Startling comes from
St. Petersburg that a Chinese
against the Russians has
ally begun in Manchuria, causing
the gravest alarm.
Chinese have attacked General
outposts on the
wish to notify th
public that I grind every Sal v , , ,
day at my mill one mile south of j Cheng road. Southern
Frog Level on Sam place. At
Purnell a---i of Mukden, the
The the Tar Heel
band desire to the visiting
members the Osceola band for
their assistance the com-
as well as buggies
Don't go to get
harness when of harness,
yon can get any style just
cheap just H. L.
nice, right here j fountain ill both .
from be man you Dr
your buggies from. insure cure for all f
Dr. Cox to j heart.
lbs new goose
The last of the students of
Winterville High School have gone
home. We miss then.
Don't forget we are back at our
old Stand in our store and are
prepared to sell some goods cheap.
Mfg. Co.
Spring is the season of all seasons for a Mans
Furnishings. The important part of a man's
Spring outfit is his
It's the neat Shirt, the correct
Collar and the right that does more than
anything else to distinguish a man as a good
dresser- Furnishing Department is the pride
of our store. Everything that's correct, smart
and right is here. Most good dressers come
here and we invite you
to come
Celestials art preparing to rise
the and against
Christian generally.
it ii that the Japanese
planning riving and that
their scheme is to drive General
K army westward into a
Mongolia, when Russians could .
he of violating neutral
new war would
op. or.
A states that the
Store Closes at P. M.
Opens a
Oar loud of flour just arrived.
Harrington Barber U.
Prof. J. i. Everett, of Bethel,
is visiting Prof.
We are now our new
store South comer or
and Bail Road everybody
invited to come t
always glad to serve yon.
Sara an old and very
popular of the
who has been
left urn in
Do wish to purchase a large
factory, boiler, engine, shafts
etc., all erected and in running
with two corn grists and one
flour mill complete with
and Also the building and
large water tank above it If so,
we think you will do well
correspond with the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co. This is the plant that
contains the splendid supply of
mineral water and is a most span-
did lot for business. They are of-
it for with the view of
a factory.
Beery package guaranteed i o retreat to
by T. N. Manning 5-10 j bill and remain there until heavy
I arrive. Heavy
Fannie Tyson went to j
I will so-i begin in Manchuria
will be a most
the mi
perfectly j Pi. h. a i
Tasteless CASTOR OIL mat of in House, diet
Sue was buried Monday,
Taste as good as Maple j near
cents per at Dr. B. T. Kt-v W. E. Cox
Cox, Winterville, N. C. 3-22 the burial service.
We will put on sale today On
Bleaching at Cents per yard

nil Goods,
. -LAND, N. C.
re buying.
Is given that T. P. Hodges,
and claims three
acres of vacant land In
ship, Pitt county, N. C., described as
Lying on the North side of
Tar River and West side of
Creek, and in Patch
adjoining the lands of Robert
heirs, the J- A. Bullock,
J. B. and J. Stancill heirs
.,. I on the West John Parker's heirs
iV If A ion the North the Freeman Hodges
J and Eureka Lumber Company s land
known as the Pine Land, and
others on the East and South,
May 3rd. 1804. , . .
person or persons, claiming
title to, or interest in the above de-
scribed land must file their protest
with me, in writing, within the next
thirty days or they will be barred by
Entry Taker, Ex for Pitt Co N C
Among the curious old m
at the World's Fair are the
rifle carried by Jefferson Davis
when captured by General Miles,
and the with which Mary, Queen
of Scott, was beheaded.
Piers and
i liners.
. to build a house,
it, clothing and
family, provisions
r for
your needs.
inner are now
a i we are
on, grind corn,
,, and, do all kinds
for balusters
lings. We
; ring of buggies
N. C.
-d in the way
-y Goods, No-
can be found
it is some-
something to
article for the
, you can be
st prices paid
the farmer sells.
North County,
Superior Court.
Mary Jane Evans,
Charles Evans,
The will take notice that
I an action entitled as above has been
i commenced against him in the
court of Pitt county by the
tiff for the purpose of obtaining a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony
i upon the grounds of abandonment
and and the defendant will
I further take notice that he is required
to appear before the judge of our
Superior court at a court to be held
for the county of Pitt the 3rd Monday
after the first Monday in September,
it being the day of September
and answer the complaint which
be deposited in the office of the
clerk of the superior court of said
county within the first three days of
said then answer or
demur to said complaint within the
time required law or the
will apply to the court for the right
demanded in the complaint.
This the 13th day of April 19-.
Clerk of Superior court.
This is to notify all persona in-
to roe come up and
settle, either by the cash or note.
All persons having claims against
me will please present the same
and get their cash. I a full
settlement with everybody within
next thirty days from this
date. B. F.
May 1904.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
Is John J.
Jones enters and claims the fol-
lowing described vacant
Situated in Bethel and Green-
ville townships, near the of
Bethel, in county, and be-
ginning in creek,
joining the Briley Patent
nu the South, the
North, the on the
West, and Louis and
Sam Edwards on the East, con-
acres, more or less.
This April the 1904.
Any person, or persons, claim-
title to, or interest in the
above described land, must file
then protest, with me, in writing,
within the next days, or
they will be barred by law.
Entry taker, for Pitt
county, N. O.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton.
Cotton Seed and Country Produce-
miff w Ml
w w
North In r Court
Pitt County. Clerk.
J. W. Smith, Administrator of Walter
B. Evans,
Evans and others.
The defendants Martha Evans and
Genie Evans will take notice that an
action entitled as above has
the Superior Court of Pitt
county to sell for the payment of debts
the interest of Waiter Evans, d,
in a certain piece of land upon which
he lived adjoining the Red Banks
property, also his interest
1-4, in a lot lying just of the
town of Greenville, on east side of the
railroad, containing 1-i of acre.
And the said defendants will further
take notice that they are required to
appear office of the of the
Superior Court Pitt county, N. U.,
on the day of June,
and or demur to the
in and complaint in said action,
op the plaintiff will apply to the court
tor the relief demand in said com-
plaint. This 14th day of May, 1901.
D- C.
Clerk Superior Court
Sale Of Land For Partition.
you can get honest goods at living prices. See our
large you buy and be with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save yourselves money.
H. A Blow, Lizzie Blow null
B. Blow
M. Blow, T G. Blow and Jen-
By virtue of a decree made by D. C.
Moore, Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt county, on the 23rd day of April,
in a certain special proceeding
rein H. A. Blow. Lizzie Blow and
Fannie R. Blow are plaintiffs and C.
M. Blow, T. C. Blow a ad Blow
arc defendants, the Com
will expose t public sale on
the day June, at
house door-in Greenville, high-
est bidder for cash, k cash, i Jan-
h January the follow-
parcel of real property to wit
. situate in the town of Or N.
I C, bounded on the West by Washing-
ton street, on the South by Third
street, on the East by the Masonic
j Temple lot and on the North by the
I J. B. Johnson lot and being known
as the Tr. W. J. Blow lot, and
No. in the plat of the town of
Greenville P. C. HARDING,
May 3rd, 1804 com,
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
A after No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an daring the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
Greenville's Great Department Store
What is known as the
is seldom occasioned by actual
external conditions, but in tin
great majority of cases by a disorder-
ed LIVER ,. i i
which may be
by trying a course of
They control and regulate the LIVER
They bring hope and to the
mind. They bring health and elastic-
to the body.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
The Only Way-
To get
Is send it to
J A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala
twice in the from a
severe case of piles M
After doctors
remedies failed. Backless
Salve quickly
inflammation and cured him. it
conquers aches and kills pain.
at Store.
of Dr. King's New Life
Pills each night for two weeks baa
me in my
writes D. H Turner of Dempsey
town, Pa They're best in
the for Liver, Stomach
Bowels. vegetable Never
Only at
Drug Store.
When The Sap
Weak lungs be careful.
-Coughs and are
then. One Minute Cough Cure
coughs and colds and give
Strength to the lungs. Mrs. U.
of Marion, says,
suffered with a cough until I run
down in weight from to lbs.
I tried a number of remedies to no ,
until I used One Minute
Cough Cure. Four bottles of this
wonderful remedy cured me entire-
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs and e me to my nor-
weight, and strength.
Bold by J L. Wooten.
A Test,
To a life, Dr. T. G.
of No. Pa., made a
ling test a won
cure He writes, a
was with violent
caused by nitration of
the Stomach, bad often
excellent acute
and liver sol
them. The patient
mined from first, and has not
had an attack in
Electric are positively
for Dyspepsia,
ration, Constipation and Kidney
trouble-. Try them Only
at, Di Store.
A Care For Piles
bud ii ltd ca-e of
F. of Atlanta,
ii who I
t try a box of He-1
Salve. I
, mid was entirely
j, . for
, I bear-
W, t- is tin-
equaled n healing qualities.
other i-kin diseases,
burn wounds
of ever, kind are quickly cured.
by it. Bold L.
Ladle Children
Who. -island the shocking
and ca-1
i to taken
try the-e pill
and i
Wit and . effect
St use of other
little Early
fare bill wok
malaria and
liver tr. Sold by J. L.
It i nothing i-
except death and taxes, mu
is n. t true.
New for w
a en e all lung and
Thousand can testify
to that. Mrs C B. Van Moire id
W. V.
had a severe case of
and for tried everything J
bud of, but got no relief. One
bottle Dr. King's New
cry me absolutely.
It's infallible Croup, Whoop-
by J. L. Women
L Wooten
does not hesitate to
to toil friends
and customers. causes
more ill health else.
It the stomach and brings
n all manner of disease.
Cure digests what you
it, cures dyspepsia
and all stomach disorders.
Is not only a perfect but
a tissue building tonic a well.
health, perfect strength
and vitality
Nothing but admiration-nothing but praise is heard of the Hats and Too
assembled. It's unique, this remarkable collection, first, because o
styles, again, since the world's most famed artists are
The creation of our own workroom, in style and quality, equal to that any
would charge twice
Dress Goods,
Yards Percales in
For Men of Particular Taste.
We have this to f l lS
with us much aid it nut n J.
fit, for to
k .
Take Thought for Your Spring Footwear
and. m tie , or yon
Reversible Carpet.
Never before shown in Greenville. Sultana
floor covering, in that it is reversible, with carpet
for winter and effect on other
Absolutely vermin and moth
carpet wash, color fast, colors absolutely I. run. Enough said. Challenge price.
W. Main St.

N. C.
x Surgeon
The firm of Co.,
was dissolved by mutual cogent
on the 12th day of April. 1904, B.
M. selling his interest in the
business to the other members of
the firm, they assuming all
of the firm, and account
due the firm being payable to them
This 25th day of April. 1904.
B. M.
IN 1866.
Norfolk, Va.
Gotten handlers of
Ties and Rigs.
and shipments
William Fountain, D.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office,
Street- Ft cue
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
Wholesale retail and
Dealer. paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Carriages, Go-Carte, Parlor
suite, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil.
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, and Crackers, Macs
Cheese, Best Butter New
Sowing Machines, and
other goods. and
quantity. Cheap for cash.
Bee me.
At the Methodist Church Sunday After-
The meeting at the
Methodist Sunday after-
noon was largely attended. The
children delighted all who heard
them. The tallowing
We Will Go.
SingLet Us Crown Him.
four little girls.
five girls.
Evelyn Barnhill.
The Globe.
nine children.
five little girls.
four girls.
N. C.
S. M.
This is to H persons in-
to me to please come up and
either by the cash or note.
All persons having claims
.,, me will please present the same
Game and get their cash. I desire a full
settlement with everybody within
next days from this
B. F.
May 1904.
Is hereby given that W.
enters and claims twenty-eight
acres, more or less, of vacant land
in Greenville township, rut
county, North Carolina, on south side
Tar river, described as
Beginning at tar kiln bed on north
side of Black Jack from
Home to Black Jack, at Bryan,
Harrington's corner, thence
s west with Charles s
line to W G. line, thence
with W. G. line north to
line of county Home land and
land, then with Bryan
land south degrees. poles to be-
ginning, bounded lands MOT.
Bryan, Charles Smith and W. G.
Any person, or persons, claiming ti-
or interest in the above described
land, must file their protest in writing
with one, against the issuing of a
warrant, within the next thirty days,
or they will be barred by law.
This May 1901.
may .
Entry Taker ex-Officio for Pitt
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Bake Hart.
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L H. Pender.
One of the many excellent suits in this big
stock of CLOTHING, will b to put off
trouble for many long days
or shape a man or youth may
Short and Stout, we can lit
The variety of sizes
bit. Spring is locking over the
Winter. Styles for the season
th attractive figures;
15.00, 16.50 18.00 20.00.
Report of the condition of
The Bank of Greenville
Greenville, C
At the close of business 28.1904.
be-Tall and
him to per-
shoulder of
are here at
12.00, 13.50,
and Discount f
Overdrafts 1-080
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks
cash Items
silver Coin
US notes
Stock in 126,000.00
Undivided Profits leas
Paid 8,875.03
Deposits 327,756.15
Cashier's checks out-
As most of the Hotels here were destroyed by fire, visitors
may experience In
avoid this we have made arrangements with a of
boarding where yon will be comfortably
If you will advise us when you expect to we will secure
a room advance you
We carry the, largest line of Crockery, China,
Glassware and Tinware, South of New York, and
your of our sample rooms
The Angle Lamp used in the it
bought of us. It is the best Oil Lamp made,
examine it,
Wholesale China, Glass and Tinware.
318-220-222 S. Charles St.,
Office was
Call and
State of North
County of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and to
me, this 8th day of A 1904.
J. O.
B. L.
B. A. President.
J. L.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work. .
All machinery new and up to-date and of the test
make. , .
Plans furnished and contract erection
buildings. .
Tinning, Slating, Glittering and all kinds sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to s
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge
our tinning and slating department. You Will
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage
will do our best to give satisfaction.
Many new and pretty are
seen In the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it would be
more correct to say that every
one of. them are new pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their quality is
fully equal to their beauty. All
the Drew Goods in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. are dainty,
the colors and lasting, the
prices are wonder workers,
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
H. B. Phillips went to Suffolk
Will Blow returned to Goldsboro
Miss Lita Tucker is visiting
I Miss Brown.
H. M. Phillips returned from
this morning.
Prof. J. D. Everett returned to
Bethel this morning.
A. M. Mosely went to Lynch-
J. Tunstall went to Washing-,. Ya., morning.
ton today.
James Y. Monk, of Durham,
is in town.
Mrs. B. F. Shelton, of Speed,
today here.
Mrs. T. A. Thigpen, of Hill,
spent today here.
CoL T. C. James, of Wilmington,
was here Wednesday.
W. J. Friday
evening from
Mrs. L. H. and child-
to Kinston
A beautifully brilliant wedding
was celebrated at the Methodist
church at o'clock last evening,
May 18th, 1904. the ceremony
was performed by the pastor Kev.
J. A. Hornaday.
The parties were
Mr. Walter B. Wilson and is-
Lizzie of I he most
popular and beloved of Green-
best people. The church
M gorgeously decorated with the
most artistic real Eden
of white and green
Miss Mary D. this
j naming for to attend
Miss Jennie Blow returned to, peace Institute commencement.
Nashville this morning. Mrs. W. H. Johnson and son,
A v . i left Friday morning to upend a
Kev. A. T. King returned Wed- g,.
evening from Tarboro. j
Miss Alice Lang left this mom- . of
pie lovely on
children Friday for a j and mounds of flowers -cat-
The closing of the graded
Friday was a great day of
for the educational
Greenville vicinity. It
was indeed to every one
present, and there was a large
crowd of representative people of
Greenville and The
occasion, was truly, A feast of
and a flow of
The began by a
musical duel by Misses Blow and
Goodson followed Dy vocal duet
by Mrs. J. B and
Nina James. A beautiful and
was tilled to its utmost
for a visit to Wilton and Ox
Harvey Jones returned
day evening from his studies in
Chapel Hill.
is visiting her Mis. Will
How land.
Mamie Warren, of
came up this morning from Ayden
to visit Mrs. L. H. Lee. in South
B. B. King, of spent., Greenville.
the day here Wednesday railing
his many customers.
Mr and Mrs. M A. Allen and
daughter, Miss
Wednesday from Raleigh.
Mrs. G. of Lewiston
who has been visiting her father
here returned home today.
W. R. Parker, went to
son today to attend the commence-
of the Christian
Prof, Tl. returned
Wednesday Raleigh, where
he went to attend the closing X-
Baptist University
for Women.
R. went up the
this morning.
John Hornaday went to
Thursday evening.
Jesse left this morning
Dr. D. B. left
for Mount.
Miss Fannie Blow returned In
Littleton this morning.
Hornaday left
Thursday evening for Dover.
Mrs. O. B. ail children
are on a to Richmond, Va.
Mrs. Sarah Patrick is visiting
her daughter. Mrs. John Tripp.
John I. Smith returned
Wake Forest College Thursday
Miss Helen returned
The Society of the
Methodist Church will met at the
home of Mrs. H. C. Hooker, Mon-
day afternoon at o'clock.
Miss Mary C. Wiley teacher of
5th and 6th grades of the graded
left for her home at Win
Friday evening.
Dr B. F. who delivered
the literary address at the closing
exercises of the graded school,
here, returned to Raleigh
We are requested to announce
that the barber shops in town
will close every evening, except
Saturdays, at o'clock,
Monday, May rd.
Greenville N. C.
Dear easiest business
world is the
in this
reason Is. sour customers want
stuff as as you want to
sell it; come-in; yon show it
and sell it. That's the whole
comes next. It saves
money, and people like money.
Tiny like more
than their own; they like to make
it more than to it; like
to keep it perhaps as well as to
make it-
Buildings run-down fast, with
out paint; poor paint is the same.
is the stopping
that leak; a big one. All we've
got to do, to sell is to show
hundreds stood in
the lobby on the streets in
front and the church,
to see the popular couple.
Ai the appointed hour the bridal
entered the light-
ed church, the ushers in full
dress Dr. U. Carr and J R. Moore
on tight, and B. W. King and
J. D. Garden on the left, following
were the Misses
Lillian Cherry and Betsy Greene,
Lottie Blow Mary Higgs, An-
lie Lawrence Myrtle Wilson.
Following the
John R. Davis Dr. Zeno
Brown, W. L. W. B.
Wilson. Jr., J. B. Higgs and
W. Mosely. Following these were
Mrs. W. H. Jr., Mrs. H- A.
White and Mis. Richard Williams
dames of honor, and Miss Fannie
Bin, maid of honor. Then came
the the arm her broth-
W. J. Blow, up the left aisle,
While the groom with his brother,
Frank Wilson, up th right aisle.
The wedding march wait
After the impressive was
and the pro-
n the bridal and a
host of to
the groom, in
ville, delight
fill reception was the
chivalry beauty were
Many costly end
gilts were displayed, snowing the
great popularity and nigh esteem
with which these contracting
are held. The bride was
in over
taffeta, the pure white,
flowers, dames in
white silk with The
his attendants were
lull evening dress. The weather
was auspicious and all went beau
as a wedding bell indeed
in truth.
The host of friends of the bride
and groom wish for them much
joy and
tor 19th.
Rev. J. B. Jones of the Wilson
Christian church. Then followed,
a beautiful vocal duet by Misses
blow Goodson
The speaker, Dr. B. F.
auditor, was introduced by
By telegraph to
London. May central
news says reports emanating from
New are to the effect that
the Japanese army has been
defeated and that it has been
driven back to Cheng.
May reports
say that heavy firing has been
heard in the direction of Port
Arthur today. It is believed a
battle is fought there.
Albany, N. Y., May
ands of dollars worth of valuable
Jewelry which was stolen from
Livingston Tomb
Mansion at
recently have been recovered by
the police here as a result of a
raid on the gang known as
operating in houses on
South Lansing street. Five of the
gang under arrest gave their names
auditor, was v;
. ,, u . as Thomas King, Charles Adams,
F. C. the most T k
artistic and beautiful piece
of rhetoric that it has been the
pleasure of Greenville to to
together a sparkling exquisite,
masterful pleased every
body and brought down the house.
Dr. in beginning his ad-
dress said he wondered why he
bad invited to speak on this
occasion when we Lad
with us already. For one
hour half Dr. Dixon spoke to
the great of the
a bur-t of
would he rise to a flight supreme,
with wit humor-
pathos, and sarcasm.
The audience kept in per-
delight, not mat
lime was passing rapidly.
There is but one Dr. B. F.
that everybody.
A wonderful store of the mil. of
human beaming in his
countenance, ripe varied
experience statesman
;. gentle-
man. Those who did not attend
Friday have much to regret.
such a day cannot be enjoyed
again. The mark respect,
shown by leading merchants
closing their places of business
from to o'clock
the closing . the list year
of the graded school shows
of the people before
subject of high r more
S-. mote be.
Thomas William Johnson,
and John Rush.
London, May
from Gibraltar that the British
torpedo boat left there for Tangier
and the American fleet which has
been at Canary Islands left for
the same destination. They go to
five force to the demand of the
United States to Consul
that the Sultan obtain release of
the American citizen and the
British subject kidnapped by
Morocco bandits on last
London, May Baron Hay-
Japanese minister is confined
in bed today, suffering from an
attack of influenza.
London May to
Renter Telegraph company from
of the Japanese army F
Cheng is official y confirmed.
May announce-
is made that the losses
among the officers of the battleship
which was Mink off Port
Arthur me Commanders
and twenty
others. On the cruiser
which was struck after having
been a collision U the cruiser
were Captain Cora-
other officers lot. The report
the battleships
were damaged off
is denied.
Miss Helen a by using
Thursday evening from u Visit to
Scotland Neck.
T. H. Walker this morning
for Roxboro to spend the summer
with his people.
Misses and Ada C.
Ward are visiting Mrs. T. R.
Moore, In South Greenville.
Mis. J. H. Mitchell and child;
who have been visiting Mis.
H. Johnson, returned to
folk this
Miss Carrie Stewart, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A.
Webb, returned to her home at
Carson, Va., this morning.
B D Jewell, Pa,
his house years ago with a mix-
ed paint; Last spring
he painted gallons.
Saved to
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr soils our
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N C , will tie in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha, u Monday June
13th until noon on Tuesday
14th. His practice is limited to
Nose and and
fitting glasses. e-o-d w.
Sudden Death.
Warren L. Cobb, Beaver Dam
township, died very suddenly
Thursday morning. arose
after the preparation of
breakfast and Mr.
he was feeling badly.
Alter breakfast was ready she
went to the room to call him and
found he was dead. Mr. Cobb
was years of age.
For sows and pigs.
Also one 60-saw cotton gin,
and and a 50-saw gin
with condenser.
S. P. Erwin, Greenville, N. C.
Once a w w
Funeral of W. L. Cobb.
The funeral of Warren L. Cobb
took place Friday afternoon at
May's Chapel in the family bury-
grounds in Beaver Dam Town-
ship Heart failure was the
of his death. His father, J. C.
Cobb, four brothers, R. J., L. A.
and J. H. Cobb, of Pitt County,
and C of Norfolk, and
two sisters, Mrs. C. D. Hooks
Mrs. Ola Forbes, him.
The Meeting.
The interest at the meeting in
the Christian church is
Last night the was filled,
the greatest interest manifest-
ed. The young people are attend-
and listening with the closest
Mr. Jones preached from the
subject, Behold I stand at the
door and With great
earnestness he spoke of the various
ways which God knocked at
the hearts of sinners. He knocks
by his goodness, by warnings and
manifested exceeds
the expectations of the church, the
meeting is one week old and there
have been n additions.
for to night will be
This afternoon Mr. Jones held a
special service for the children.
I Tomorrow afternoon there will be
meeting for Every
man in is invited to
and lawn swings, go to u i. present.
Closing of Farmville Graded School.
The Farmville Graded School
will their closing exercises on
Thursday, May 26th. An
ate be rendered,
lion. R. B. Glenn, of
deliver the literary address on Fri-
day at m.

Eastern reflector, 20 May 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 20, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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