Eastern reflector, 17 May 1904

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. R. L.
N. C.
AV Dental
J f. CD.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
William Fountain, fl.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office, or.
street Phone
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
What the Texas Farmer Forgot
A is going the rounds re
farmer who is greatly
troubled with
the home from town, so
the story goes, the thought came
to him that he had forgotten some-
thing. He took out his notebook,
went over every item and checked
it off. He saw that he had made
all the purchases he had intended.
Rut as he drove on he could not
feeling aside. When he
arrived home and drove up to the
house his daughter to i
and with a of surprise,
where is
at L-St Obtained, After
by st.
A months ago the attention of a
few scientific and .
Weekly Crop Report
The North Carolina section of
the climate and crop service issues
through the weather bureau, the
following crop bulletin for the past
In most of the along the
coast, as well as in those west of
the Blue mountains and also
in s few central ones the weather
during the past week was
because sections received
considerable rain which greatly
crops. The
however, was irregularly
distributed in portion
of the Stare, where drought is
quite severe in interior
The temperature was be-
low normal this week especially
in the eastern of the state,
with a general deficiency of nearly
degrees; warmer weather set in
on the 6th Low temperatures
and dry weather have prevented
rapid germination, crops are com-
up irregularly and flowing
slowly. The week was very
farm work, which is
well up everywhere; more
and better plowing than usual was
Cotton has all been planted in
in others planting
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
incipient or earl
Wholesale and retail . disease, pursue their
Dealer. Cash paid for . become com
i , receiving
is still in progress;
Sure to In sufferers of the -White is up yet.
, that relative, and
S and except on lowlands and j
l a great many in extreme northern and western
daily vocations
the same treat
Hide., Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil
Turkeys, Egg, etc Bid-,
Mattresses, I
units, Tables
Life Tobacco
,, Henry George can- j St.
,,., Peachy v has at Hill-
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, AHA, known as
flour Meat, ; Lung Cure, and Mr. C.
K, Magic Food, la, the
same treat- A few complaints of damage by
in St. have complete- nave been received.
Tobacco plants are growing slowly,
. a. kt the fly is re
advantage of
to set out
they are
small, borne peanuts
planted. Wheat, oats and rye.
continue backward growth and ,
. ,. I
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Ware, Cakes and
Cheese, Bet Butter.
. Machines, and
other goods. and
quantity. for
Bee me.
communications from f . , t
. mi
at. craps, especially
N. Seventh , i well. Shipments of strawberries
Louis, Mo. j A large
melons is being planter
FOR C NI I B It appears that more fruit escaped
by frost than anticipated,
and it is setting well.
Report of the of
The Bank of
Greenville, V-
At the close of business
; and 8158,537.201
I Fixtures
Due from 183,023.76
Silver Coin
Ah moat of the Hotels her. ere b a
experience m difficulty b.
avoid this we
boarding wt ere you K
If you will when you expect to w
a room tor
We carry largest line of C Table
and Tinware, South of and invite
of room.
Lamp need
of It is beat Oil Lamp made.
examine it,
China, Mass and Tinware.
218-220-222 S. Charles St.,
Cold Comfort
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
we sell a good W work,
everything in the hardware line.
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I James L. Little, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this 8th day of Ar
J. G.
. C.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated lb. railroad North
no and p and of ft.
and for d
metal Our ,,.,
our tinning Yon Up,
a of be patronage and
Many new and pretty styles are
seen in the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it be
more correct to say that every
one of them are new and pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their
fully equal to their beauty. All
Percales and
shown. The are dainty
the rich and
prices are wonder workers
Phone No.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Twice and Friday.
J. J. Cherry is quite sick with
B. L. Tyson went to Ayden
J. Z. Gardner left this morning
for Franklin, Va.
J. B. returned to
this morning.
Ex-Gov. and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis
left this morning for Raleigh.
Miss Abrams went to
Winterville Wednesday evening.
Mrs. F. G. Whaley, of
dine, took the train here this morn-
for Suffolk.
Mrs. B. T. Andrews, of Parmele,
who has been visiting Mrs. Z. T.
Vincent, left this morning.
Rev. J. B. Jones, of Wilson,
came in this morning to conflict a
meeting in church.
L. D. Ames, of Portsmouth,
who has been Halting his
Mrs. W. b. Brown, returned
home today.
D C. Moore, J. S. Mooring
T. W. Whitehurst went to
this morning to the com-
Prof. G. E. Lineberry, principal
of Winterville High School, came
up to attend the meeting of
district superintendents.
Mrs. C. L. Whichard and little
son Mist Mary Hey, of Nor
folk Mrs. A. Whichard,
who have been visiting Mr-. D. J.
Whichard, left this morning.
Misses Sammy Langley, of
House, and Bessie of Grimes-
land, are visiting Misses Valeria
Fannie Fleming.
Mrs. H. T. King is quite
H. went to
T. A. Duke to Henderson
Julius Sugg went to Kinston
Tom Blow left this morning for
W. P. went to Farm-
Miss Rosa Tucker went to Win-
Tom Whitehurst returned from
Bethel Friday,
Ola Forbes left this morning for
John Laughinghouse went to
Tarboro today.
Mrs. J. White has been quite
sick for some days.
Rev. W. E. Powell h-ft this
morning for Wilton,
T. A. Duke returned from
Friday evening.
Hon. J. Bryan Grimes, of
came in
Miss Myra Moore went to
Friday evening.
Mrs. J. J. Meadows this
Interesting Meeting of the Association.
The first meeting of the
of superintendents of
public schools fr this district,
embracing twenty counties, began
here Wednesday evening cod
in session two days. About
half the in the district are
Those present
dents of Perquimans;
Long, of Northampton; Davis, of
Watson, of Hyde;
Askew, of Bertie; Crisp, of Dan;
Burgess, of Peel, Mar-
ti of Pitt, Secretary
of Raleigh, and others,
The association met in the grad-
ed school chapel at p m. It
is somewhat remarkable that
few of the people of the were
in attendance. It is to be hoped
this does not indicate a lack of in
on their part education.
Ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis most
cordial words welcomed the sup-
to Greenville. This
address was eloquently
to by Prof. E C. Brooks, of
secretary of the state
campaign committee.
Prof. W. H. followed
a timely and interesting address
Call of the
This morning from to the
Closing Session Thursday Night
The closing session of the meet-
of county superintendents
public schools for this district,
was held the graded school
Two subjects were discussed at
Marriage Announced Couple.
N. C, May
Mrs. W. A. Jones has
the of her daughter,
Miss Ida Beauregard to
W. J. Thigpen went lo Winter-
ville Thursday evening.
Forbes went to
ville Thursday evening.
B. F. Manning went to Winter-
ville evening.
W. E. Moore returned from Tar-
Thursday evening.
D. C Moore returned from
Bethel Thursday evening.
left Thursday
for Winterville.
Joshua Manning went to Win
day evening for Winterville.
L. Hall returned from Scot-
lam Neck Thursday evening.
Misses and Ada Ward
left Thursday for
Misses Louise Mud Emma Boyd
went to Winterville Thursday
W . E. Clara
Forbes went to Thursday
Miss Nell Skinner returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
Miss Annie Moore, of Hassell,
came Thursday evening to visit
Mrs. J. R- Moore.
Mrs. Harry Galloway, of Mt.
Airy, arrived Thursday evening to
visit Mrs. Harry Skinner.
M. of
who been visiting her
H. W. left
v. for
T. Moore returned to Roan-
Rapids this morning.
Mi-s Louie Bethel, is
visiting Mrs. W. J.
from a trip down the road.
Several came up on morning
train to attend the reel-
Some good suggestions were made
in the discussion.
Just before adjournment Super-
of Hyde, spoke
earnestly of the hospitality of the
people of Greenville and the
had given the
to meet here. After his
the following resolution
was by a
That the members
of this ion with
lasting pleasure
hospitality so gracefully
to them by citizens of
ville during this session, that
their thanks due are here-
by most heartily extended for the
same. We further to ex-
press our high appreciation of the
uniform courtesy and kindness Of
the school officers teachers of
the town so manifested
during our with them.
The following resolution w s
adopted relative to prises
v .,,, by Secretary of State J.
the several class rooms of our I .
Mr. A. This
this session, Civil Gov- information will be learned with
and most in many parts of this
use superintendent's state and in Virginia, where Miss
Hassell is well known. Mr.
is a Virginian, of Chase City,
and is very popular in social circles
the eastern part of North Caro-
as well as in bis native state.
He is a representative of the
Tobacco company, and has
been stationed at Williamston for
a season. Miss Hassell has been
called the most beautiful young
lady in eastern section of the
state. Her education was in a
Virginia school. She is the
of the late Dr. Alonzo Hassell,
grand-daughter of the late Rev. C.
B. Hassell, who were prominent
men of North Carolina. The social
prominence popularity of the
couple cause many to be interested.
The marriage will be celebrated
in the Church of the Advent late
in June.
The association was called to
order at o'clock by Prof. W. H.
much of
the in. session occupied
in short addresses from the differ-
superintendents the relation
of public sentiment to the
schools in their
There was a discussion of
B. T. Bailey and little daughter, j .
Miss Maggie Lee, left this morning w, what
Greenville N. O.
Dear making pastoral
visits, of nun raft
ease; you go where your people
live. But you have two sets of
of feelings
help all have. But you
especially have; for a part your
business is sympathy. Well-kept
lawns and well-tilled field-, nice
homes nice are
for Va.
Foster and sister, Mi-s
Minnie, returned from Washing-
ton Friday evening.
Mr. arid Mrs. J.
left this morning for St. Louis to
visit fair and attend
melting the National Edi-
t rial association.
G. E. R. R. M.
Move and M. H. returned
Friday evening a fishing
of several days lo creek.
had good sport.
To Buy Up Repudiated Southern States
Washington, May
formation developed
here today that a syndicate is be-
for the purpose of
buying up repudiated bonds of
southern states, most of which
were issued by the carpet baggers.
The promoters of the scheme pot
their cue from the decision in the
hereby the
of North Carolina by tho
offering Grimes and
for the be papers
the follow in Beet
Sketch of a North
Best paper any decade of North
Carolina history. Best as they are to
history of any county in the state. poor
That by burdens
lion hereby the sop for them overworked
to aid the teachers i
the s. Many I
of , teachers
in these prisM to the extent that
they way become competitors for
noon at which
subjects were e
closing session will t j
and th of the
bear I oat
invited t be
it re;
Teachers Association
Tue Teachers Association
this morning the Graded School j This is the
Snake Turned Out a Good Incubator
Several G if Ville people were
d -v. were In a
I jolly a
I now snake story, which, be said,
was not i it usual and
fill, but I rue, ad had cone
the pus
of the country.
Dakota case, it is understood j gave a model class exercise
building nod
were conducted by Rev. T. H.
KinK. of by the
Secretary. The roll call of teachers
A splendid address was then de-
livered by Rev. T. H. King,
subject, do I
Miss Mary Wiley then
to be their intention to gather up
all these now worthless securities
with the object of making a test in
each case before the court
of the United States. In fact, it
is said that a great many of the
old bonds have already col-
by which is
promoting the speculative venture
Tho work has going very
quietly for some weeks so it is said
My authority expressed
ion that ex Senator Marion
is one of the promoters of the syn-
Special to
Raleigh Post.
was enjoyed by all present.
work in the pub-
school, by Miss Ida Edwards.
work during
vacation, by Miss Ada Tyson.
in the public
school, by Miss Mann.
public school then
and now, by Miss Nancy Coward.
All were excellent and very en-
Dove made practical suggestion.
After a few timely remarks by
the President the Association ad-
Joseph wife plated
a setting of eggs under of
sometime ago in the
of batching B brood of broilers
for spring market.
few days later Mr.
heard the hens in the chicken
house cackling in an excited man-
and he went there, to
see a large black snake crawling
under the outer wall. He killed
it, noticing that it was
he cut it open
discovered that the snake bad
swallowed the of
women, and dirty-faced children,
you may be strong to get on with;
but you would be more,
man to rind inspiration in misery.
Paint divides the two sorts of
people; one paints, and the other
don't. Or, perhaps, the thrifty
paint well; the paint ill.
To well Is to paint
sound. There are two ways to do
it; one is to paint often; the
other to use good
It about half as much to
a to with any
oilier paint for takes
gallons than mixed mints and
wean twice as long as lead-and-oil.
. The thrifty and comfortable
have the art of using money more
wisely. How lucky they are how
P. S.
Yours truly
p. W. Co.
H. L. sells our
of a turn of mind
and discovering that the hen was
mill upon the nest, Mr.
carefully the under
her the hope that they had not
chilled. His faith brought
forth the mountain, as yesterday,
while inspecting the nest, Mrs.
found fourteen young
chickens hatched within thirty-six
Nearly Fifteen Millions Pounds.
Secretary C. W. Harvey, of the
tobacco board trade, furnishes us
the following figures of the sales
of tobacco on
For the month of April the sales
For the season from
August 1st to April the sales
were pounds.
These figures give an idea of
what Greenville is doing as a to-

o is to r
Is the topic of our thoughts
as well as yours just now.
In fact we've been thinking
about it for some time and
we've been getting ready for
you. The result is we re
showing the finest line of
You ever saw. Our is
ordinary ready made but J
our own styles and an
MR SUITS MADE TO ORDER, and you know
SHIRTS, tic ate arriving every a. W
but soon things store,
we can recommend them.
A Golden Rule
It is very deplorable that men in
public offices be honest. In
all our history there was never a
time when there was so much said
about corruption and in
high places. Congress has been
occupied for months and
rogues in office. Bone
contend that there should be
ad complete investigation of all the
books and of all the departments,
while others contend that the
has gone far enough. It is
a pity that everybody cannot get
above politics and send in a than
demand for a complete and
weeding out of the de-
to such an extent net
a single rogue would be left.
If, as a nation, we have become so
depraved and so corrupt that not
enough honest men be to
the offices, then surely are we m a
fearful M
trust those who the laws
and who get the greatest benefit
from the taxes contributed by the
people, then surely is our govern-
on a tottering foundation-
Lexington Dispatch.
J. J.
N. C.
invite to make their store
while there to
their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
w are selling Lawns and other
all goods.
-The One Price Store.
We carry a Mineral line
Dry Goods and
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of
and Heavy Groceries. New line o.
Wood, Tin and Hardware we
make specialties of Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a far
and honest deal for ail, for
cash which enables us to d. a safe
business and we
,,, Castor Oil. Tastes a. m benefit of it, Cash Sales
Maple Syrup. per one price to all
I bottle for sale by
Druggist, -A-
The people of Greensboro gave
ft purse of about to
lists Jones and Stuart who have
been holding a meeting there.
. a a
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Br to your land and your crop
will good- of
in tie User quality
and quantity in
vest. us and
w . will yon,
next mail,
our money winning
it a. i n
Norfolk, V.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Pris-
ons. Private Wire to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
American and Italian Marble
Is the place to Set Clothing. Dry Goods, Shoes.
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
IA fall Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country prod no.
N. C.
First Ola work and price reasonable
sent upon application.
Mr. Reuben Cobb died
day at the home of M. T. Spear,
near He was about
years old and was a brother of
Mrs. Spear, and also of Mis.
of Greenville.
Robert editor of the
Raleigh Poet died Thursday
log at Beaufort. He had been
day and had only
gone to Beaufort the day before
his death in the hope of regaining
A correspondent of
record says the North Carolina
exhibit at the St. Louis exposition
I. most attractive, there.
J. H- CO-.
N C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, Collections, To
and Cigars. Everything cheap
oxcart Highest price for country
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and self It to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a Rood
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is alT could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course I
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for
Philadelphia, New York Boston
all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads all
points West. .
P Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
Norfolk and Southern R. R.,
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk,
Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
H. R. Walker, ft
,. V, T.
C . MAT 1904.
s-ices in Odd
ball next Sunday morning and
Bight by Disciples conducted by
D. Davis.
W C Jackson Co. want your
See them be-
fore selling-
Though the carpenters are con
BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Millet and garden seed at J. R
line of ladies and j A fall assortment
A. nice new line at reasonable prices at
Misses slippers at J. R- lour
The latest in straw
Though the carpenters are Bee J.
J de-
every .
to be an ever increasing de
We were at W. C. Jackson
Co's store the other day, and was
to that they car-
such an extensive Hue of
Nothing. The man, youth or
cannot get soiled m
there, either in a suit or a pair of
pants, is bard to please.
We hope our friends will par-
don any special mention of those
M there so many it
almost impossible to do so. We
will get your names latter and
in big letters too.
Our roller wash board is a
is without a
and is destined to take the
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
is to never be
without one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Joseph Puryear, of
was in Ayden Tuesday a visit.
Canned goods of every
at Hart Jenkins.
P H of Richmond;
has a position in the drug store
Ling the absence of M.
E E Co. will do all they
possible can to please with
heir new line of heavy and fancy
We don't but we
are under the impression that a
cotton seed oil mill to
Ayden. Goodwill come to
that and strives. We are
will services in the
church 4th Sunday m this
t w
on this market sixer load of wire
fencing since Christmas.
beys. J-
Josh Mills, of Greenville was
here Wednesday.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Confectioneries, tinware
everything in general on
can by call-1
tug at of Hart Jenkins.
to school at
last night.
handmade shingles at
hooper Cannon Tyson.
I we are headquarters for cotton
seed, meal, hulls, hay, oats.
Cannon Tyson.
You will do well to go to
rel, for
j. has to New-
this week on business.
our store-Hart Jenkins
J A L Templeton read an
paper at the Free Will
Baptist Seminary last Sunday
illustrating the steps
from the Alpha to the Omega of a
drinking We have heard
it very highly complimented.
John of
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
For a nice cool drink go to Sum
first-class brick
to E. S. Edwards Son,
den, N. C. always
Fresh butter and cheese on ice
Miss Daisy Mumford is on i
visit to in
has been here this
A. A. Forbes and J. C. Lanier,
of Greenville, were here a short
A nice little sum was derived
from the ice cream at the
seminary last Saturday evening.
W. F. Hart has been to
and returned Monday.
John K. Hart of is on a
visit to his father, Hart.
In Asheville four notorious
men who
for small business or farmers were
The best quality of flour as cheap shift
this was . ,
should attempt to shift its criminals
or undesirable citizens upon any
other community, any more than it
would its poor or insane. e are
not attempting to call down Ashe-
ville. for Durham and other towns
have been guilty of the same thing,
me a trial. but are simply calling attention to a
a visit to friends here
turned to her home Monday.
As authorized for Daily
we take
. oil It.
as the cheapest at Hart
Miss Annie L. Smith, millinery
emporium has just
all the latest novelties of
ladies millinery and dress goods.
A class milliner is my employ.
Give me a trial.
The photographer a. sub
his tent and is now prepared to f-
make folks look better. i arrears. We have a list
We invite the ladies to call and mail at
inspect our new spring dress We also orders
goods, laces, hamburg, insertions for
ribbons, etc. Cannon Tyson. and
Carolina Cotton Plows at J. R
If it doesn't give you
satisfaction your
you for it.
v R. F. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden,
The ladies are especially invited
to call and inspect our line o
mercerized we have it
in bolts also in patterns of
J J- Hines
Don't fail
Co's. new line of dress goods.
First Class hand made brick, by
wholesale and retail large
stock always on hand your orders
solicited. J- A.-
and around
Ayden just don't want any
Funny. We are not one.
Smith Bro.
Our of straw hats are the
latest styles the right.
Cannon Tyson.
C. A. Fair participated in the
baud at Greenville on the 10th.
Corn, bay oats, at J. R-
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R.
We want your hams chickens
and egg. J. B, Smith Bro.
Dr Skinner, the physician in
We use a fair patent hale,
black hickory singletrees,
growth, ash bows, Ho. ma-
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and
We use ale-
tine's 1st varnish, hence we
are prepared to make the neatest
and most, durable, in Eastern
N. C, Ayden Milling Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Lite, and accident, all
ace of the order and in com-
cannot be
are substantiate by
We the ladies to call
line of lawn
purchasing elsewhere. J. J-
For its size is past-
to and from Ayden than any
town in the state.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side at
J. R. Smith Bro.
A beautiful line of gentlemen
youths straw Half,
at Smith Bro.
For can peaches,
tomatoes, c, apply K OM
Transient eastern
B. F. proprietor.
Some of the flower yards
bout, are just lovely.
W M Edward t Co., will sell
you pair of pants for fifty
The people of
Haddock having
a last Friday.
To the we pleased
lo is much and
will be well.
A new lot of
shirts just received at V
wards Co s.
at J- B.
Go to W. M. Edwards Co. for
four next pair of pants.
Mrs. left Tuesday eve.-
i to be present at the
of the Dis-
church and returned
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
Call on us make a
Ayden Milling Mfg.
C. Ayden, N, C.
To my friends and
have just returned from Baltimore
and have opened a new line of
pretty millinery goods.
call to fee me next door Smith
Mr. J. A. Davis.
Our line of ready mil
paints me the best.
Cannon Tyson.
brother, J
t week
; we carry a splendid
of body to various
s vie. and patterns, which make several Second hand
Sent hall rags, at normal that we will sell
Ladies ate cordially Invited , ,. Smith Bro.
and see then, v. While, of Greenville,
Now w- plenty the
and will sell then, as cheap
Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N C.
the ex-
M. Ed-
If are with your
have J. W. Taylor, the
to examine then,
i t, Just
Mr. and shirts l W. M. EM
Safe, Strong, Liberal.
safer, or stronger than
U a. safe and
strong as Gibraltar. . ,
The Life
and safety con-
A strong Company can to
to us policy Mm.
The is .
another lot of boys
and clothing at W. M.
N. C-
At the business March
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Bank.,
Cash Items,
Cash n Bank,
Capital Stock paid in,
Undivided lea.
of farm-
to their home Mon-
day after visiting here.
salt for stock, at J. B,
Smith Bro.
R J. Cobb, and M
of Greenville, were here
George Worth Bro,
Tinkers, work in this line
a specialty. Work
Miss Helen is visiting
the Misses Dawson and Miss Mat-
tie is visiting Mrs.
L. House at
first class brick
ply to E. S.
-en, N. A full suppl always
on hand-
Rev. J. J. Harper, of Smithfield,
and Rev. Merritt Owen, of Wash
came up on the train yes
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Brisk Block, Beat Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon,
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Ayden, N. C. .
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Sty Us Hair
Shaving and

. III Ill II I
WHICHARD, and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
ville, Pitt County, N. C, May
The potato bug is now wearing
the green.
The fly is brushing up against
the screen door.
Henry If. Stanley,
explorer, is dead.
the African
Who was it said the
war was over
The Lumberton lawyers are in
court, but it is not likely they will
fret in jail.
Judge decision in the
Greenville dispensary case has not
yet been handed down.
The Raleigh morning dailies
seem to have forgotten each other.
May the forgetfulness continue.
The forty millions have been paid
and the digging of the canal can
now proceed.
There is no use of Judge Parker
doing any talking. Others are do-
it for him.
The Georgia and Alabama
me courts have declared in recent
decisions that betting on races is
a nickel in the slot and
-take out a is the way the
Durham Herald expresses it. They
do come mighty cheap.
It sounds strange that some men
who worked hard to the con-
amendment are now try-
to have registered.
In the death of Mr. Robert M.
Furman, editor of the Raleigh Post,
The friends of all the gentlemen
say there is no doubt about their
man getting it.
Edition of The
The Evening Chronicle, of Char-
with characteristic enterprise
and forethought, has tendered to the
Thompson Orphanage Guild their
issue of May 20th next, the profits
on which will be given to the Or
The Chronicle, always
newsy interesting, will be
for this edition, as no
pains will be spared to make it of
exceptional merit. The ladies of the
Guild and their friends will manage
the edition entirely, and the best
talent obtainable will contribute to
its columns for this occasion. The
paper will be brimful of newsy items
and interesting articles covering all
departments, and will be sold over
the entire State. Those who have
the management of the edition in
hand have gone about work in a
way that makes success a foregone
conclusion. It will be a rare and
unusual opportunity for advertisers.
Advertising rates, one dollar per
inch. Write at once regarding con-
tracts or other information to
Edition The Evening Chronicle
Charlotte, N. C.
In a Splendid Hotel Right Inside the
Grounds-No Extras--
Reservations Accepted Now.
If Japan keeps on capturing
Russians she will have a job
hand to feed them.
Bob Glenn's picture looks
right in the papers, and his
will not make a bad show in the
governor's mansion.
Every little counts, may be the
way Hearst thinks of it in trying to
get the six Hawaii delegates to the
St. Louis convention to vote for him.
North Carolina loses a
brilliant writer He was ;.
man, and both the state .
profession of journalism
serious loss in his death.
The white man who engaged in a
prize fight with a at Fresno,
I , and was killed by the latter,
not deserve to have any tears
shed over his taking off
A Chicago man was led by hear-
an eloquent to make
confession of an embezzlement of
which he was guilty. That is in
keeping with the old saying
honest confession is good for the
even if does get him in jail.
There is division of opinion as to
whether North Carolina shall send
an instructed delegation to the
convention in St. Louis. The
vote of this state will be for Parker
so it matters but little whether any
instructions are given the delegates.
It has been the custom in the past;
however, not to instruct the
but still that is no reason the
custom can not be changed if
It is said that the figures will show
that the total amount of taxes from
all sources collected in Greenville
for this fiscal year will aggregate
nearly If this is so the
tax collector and treasurer will make
about out of their office.
This fact is leading many people to
the conclusion that the pay of
these offices should be changed from
a commission basis to a salary, and
the salary be made no larger than
the work is worth. A general dis-
of this matter between now
and the next town election might
save a good ram to the tax payers.
If the district association of
county superintendents meets here
again it is to be hoped the firemen
will not practice on tho roof of the
graded school building while they
are in session.
Admiral Walker says that the
Panama Canal will cost
to build and will require ten
more. It will em-
ploy men during that time
besides the engineers, machinists
Instead of making so much fuss
about it, the North Carolinian who
is put at work beside a in the
government printing office at Wash-
might quit and return him.
If he stays by the it is his
Judge Brown has reversed the
verdict of the jury and decides
the state corporation commission
has no authority to compel the At-
Coast Line to run an extra
train in order to restore the Selma
Why is a race horse like a waiter
Because he runs for steaks
plates and cups.
Why is a spider good
Because he drops a line
at every post.
When is water not water When
it's dripping.
What paper represents a sneeze
The Chicago Chronicle wants to
know how long it will take the
democratic party to live down the
candidacy of William It. Hearst and
what extent is a party under
whose auspices such a candidacy is
possible entitled to popular respect
and That is easy
enough. Hearst's candidacy is not
under the auspices of the democrats.
He is simply aspiring, as an
dual, to office. He seeks tho demo-
nomination, but has not re-
it. The democratic party re-
this as a free country, and
recognizes the right of any citizen
of the country Jo office. It is
regarded as a worthy ambition
suppose that the blackest and
most ignorant in the country
has a right to seek the nomination
for President at the hands of a re-
publican convention, and we doubt
whether any of our republican con-
temporaries will venture to go so
far aH to say that we have been mis-
taken. We consider it a matter of
some importance and would like
very well to know about
ville Bee.
The owners of slender pocket-
books can stop all worrying
know costs and expenditures in see-
the big Exposition at St. Louis.
The Inside Inn, the enormous hotel
built under the supervision of the
World's Fair Management right in-
side the grounds is making special
seven-day contracts on the American
plan for This will cover
lodging and three meals and daily
admission to the grounds after the
visitor has become a registered guest
By taking advantage of this very
liberal offer, prospective visitors can
figure exactly what their expenses
will be before they leave home,
merely adding transportation and
personal incidentals.
The Inside Inn is a new departure
in world's lair accommodations. It
is three stories high, feet wide,
feet long, has bed rooms
and a dining hall with a seating the overthrow of free
If it may be accepted as true, the
most important piece of news that
has yet been received concerning
the war between Russia and Japan
is that which states that General
if pressed, will
to Mukden, and if necessary to
bin. The report comes from St.
Petersburg by way of Paris,
this gives the stronger probability
that it is true. The Japanese can
be counted on to press General Ku-
They have certainly
showed no lack of energy so far. If
the Russians retreat to Harbin -hey
will give up half of If
the Japanese should take
they would control lead-
to Vladivostok, as well as to
Port Arthur. If they should
near Harbin they might, with
raiding parties, cut the Siberian
road. Russia would not abandon
half of Manchuria without a struggle
if she were not hopeless of success-
fully defending it. She would find
it difficult to reconquer the territory
thus given up, it is mountainous
and easily defended. It would be
strange if the Russians should fail
to take advantage of these
to make the Japanese conquest
cost as dearly as
There is plenty of in the
sands around Wilmington. The
strawberry growers have made the
discovery, for they have shipped
worth of berries to the
Northern markets in less than three
capacity of Fire-proofing
material has been used throughout
and most extraordinary and
rate precautions have been
against fire. It is run on both the
European and American plans under
the personal supervision and man-
of Mr. E. M. Statler, the
the restaurateur of
which fact alone guarantees the
high quality of the cuisine and
vice. Rates range from to
day European and
to American plan, including
admission in both classes. The
comfort and convenience of thus re-
siding right within the grounds and
the doing away all wearisome
journeys to and fro each night and
morning will be obvious to all. In-
tending visitors should write at once
for interesting booklet, giving full
detail. Address The Inside Inn,
Administration Bldg., World's Fair
Grounds,. St. Louis, Mo.
Sam Jones on Temperance
Writing from Greensboro to the
Atlanta Journal, Sam Jones has this
to say about the temperance
in North Carolina and praises
the Chief Justice
is a tidal wave of temper-
sentiment flooding this State
today. The saloons of Greensboro
feel that they are doomed, at d the
dispensary is not good looking and
can not come in Raleigh has
swapped her saloons for a
Fayetteville, N. C, has swap-
her dispensary for prohibition.
Charlotte is now inaugurating a
movement to put the saloons out of
business, and perhaps in twelve
months from now liquor will fee
driven from the State, unless, per-
chance, W shall have in-
her dispensary, and
holding on her dearly beloved.
The law of North Carolina is
a marvel of the kind. It gives the-
temperance people the long end of
the they roll the log
their way with ease and pleasure.
The Supreme of North
has stayed right with the law,,
without hunting for a
to Boys.
Boys, obey your mothers. They
are the best friends you have on
earth. In fact, heed the advice of
all good people, avoid bad com-
By doing so, you may not
only save your life, but your soul.
government in this movement of
temperance and decency.
is a thing of joy to have a
Court dominated by such a
spirit as Judge Clank, the Chief
ties of the Supreme-Court of
Carolina. He is a great lawyer, a
splendid man, and to the people of
Carolina his-election in the
list w as an honor to them and
a tribute to him.
anti jug law in North Caro-
passed by the last legislature
and affirmed by court
has- put the wet towns mighty nigh
out business. Nd town in North
can ship into any
town in North Carolina.
Lord give us. such a law in
and if our doming
re-don't do something for us, I
am. to pray the- Lord to re
ward, them according to
Women And The; Baltimore Fire.
A generous
to calmness women in
is that paid by Mr. Lynn Roby
Meekins, editor of the Baltimore-
Herald, in his in the
He tells not only of
women who worked in the thick, of
the destruction with and for their
And don't trains, and go employers, husbands and fathers,
beating rides on the trains for the I and the brave- and cheerful way
fun, or name of Such boys never
come to any good, but find a
grave and a devil's hell. Go
to. work, stick to it and make men
of yourselves. The world needs
In Statesville a poor mother had
a boy. His name was Hilary
He was sixteen years old. She
loved her boy. She had nursed
him, fed and clothed him. Had not
only advised him, but had prayed
for him. On last Tuesday night
she told her dear boy to
Instead of obeying his mother, like
many boys in Hickory, he went off
and got into bad company. They
made it up and beat a train to Hick-
They beat a through train
back that night. It did not stop in
Statesville, and the boys had to
jump off This boy who not
obey his mother, fell under the cars,
and was instantly killed. His legs
were broken, his head cut off, and
his soul ushered into eternity
Boys, how do you think that poor
mother feels How would you like
to be in his place He would e
worlds like this to be in your place-
He was killed because be would not
obey his mother, and as a warning
to you. If you do need this
warning, then it will be worse for
you for him in the judgment
Hickory Mercury.
in which, when all was lost,
set to work at humble occupation to
support themselves, but of
ability to rise above the-
of material things in the
recognition of essentials.
young he says, his
way home and, pale and trembling,
approached his ruined,
he exclaimed. he re-
plied, smiling through her anxiety,
are not hurt a bit Teat Was
the woman's view of the situation.
It was mainly
Americans Killed.
Manila, , May
ant Winfield Harper thirty-
nine men of P. company, the
Seventeenth United State
try, were caught on May
ambush by several hundred
First Lieutenant Harry
A. Woodruff and Second
ant Joseph II Hall and fifteen
men were killed and five men were
wounded. The ambush occurred
at on the east whore of
Lake Island of
For sows
Also one cotton gin, feeder
and and a BO-saw
with condenser.
P. Ruing, Greenville, K. C.
Out a w at.
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
The line of ladies dress good in
N. C. May r. q. Chapman ft Co.
Mr. Mr-. W. F. Frye, unusually attractive. Call and
Goldsboro, are visiting the family
H. Jackson. The trustees of the Winterville
High have elected all the
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., K Assistant, F. C.
making and shipping buggy Primary, Miss Bertha la-
now. bOD, Music, Miss Clyde Harrison.
Mrs. F. O. Cox went to Raleigh Boarding J. D.
Thursday. ox. Board Si per day. Best
School books, pens, pencils and j house town,
beet quality of stationery always; A q. Mfg. Co. wishes
sale at Drugstore. j to purchase
W. B. to hubs.
Light and heavy R. G.
Chapman to. is the place.
Don't forget.
Rev R. D. Carroll who has bed
Visiting bis mother and sisters
here left Thursday.
Senator A. A. Forbes, J no
David James, F. Manning
of been here assist
the Tar Heel Band in the com
Shoes slippers for ladies gent-
B ft girls all new goods
Barber Co.
Dr. B. T. Cox, when not in the
Henry Staten, Joe Bowen,
wood Bailey, Clarence
Whit Cherry, Dan Cherry,
Thomas, David Bryan of
Bethel came to the commencement.
For the best grades of smoking
and chewing go to the
R. G. Chapman invite the
public to call an their
stock of dry goods. etc.
Prices to suit the buyer
Miss Hellen
of Ayden are
visiting the Misses Dawson.
G. A. Co., have just
received a car load No. Timothy
country, can be found either at bis
residence or at the store of R.
Chapman Co. Car load cotton just
Prof. W. H. and W. B. G- A- Co-
Dove of Greenville were Miss Mattie of Henry-
ban i-j visiting her W.
L. House.
prices tip top goods can
be had at R. G. Chapman Go's Notice-I wish to notify the
store. Everything at the lowest public that I grind every
market price. day at my mill one mile south of
G A. Norwood, of Frog Level on Sam place,
one of the Directors of the Winter- n ;
ville High School, was here Thurs-
Martin Evans of Fremont is here
attending the commencement.
Roan Cooper with his factory
to alive. Call and see us
either at or store. Our
smiles you good-
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Friday Mar 1904 a. m.
Prayer by Rev. W. F. Frye,
of Goldsboro.
Music by far Heel Band.
Introduction of Speaker by Prof.
W. B. of Greenville graded
by Prof. Eu-
gene Brooks, Assistant Supt. Pub-
Music band.
Presentation of certificates of I
proficiency by Rev. C. W.
Miss Lizzie English
College Preparatory Course,
Misses N. Banner Dora
E. Cox, Ida G. Mooring and J. C.
Bell and H. L. Staley.
Remarks by County Supt. W. H. j
announcements by j
Oration, Call for
T. F. Taylor.
Debar. Received, That the Ex-
Policy of the states
is wise.
Affirmative, J. S. Cox, H. L.
Staley, J. H. Fry.
J. U. Bill, C. Ed-
C. J. Jackson.
Judges Prof. and Dove
and G. A
Every one of the were
S. Oh
very good, after .
the judges decided
Miss Bessie Hall and Sam the negative.
sou, Mies Clyde Bell aid John AT WIGHT.
Nice line of ladies dress goods Whitley, of were A splendid concert by the older
and trimmings just arrived here to attend the commencement, students the first part of the
summer prices low. Harness as well as buggies and part
Harrington Barber Co. ; Don't go somewhere else to a laughable play the Deacon.
Dr Cox wishes to purchase harness when you ran get character was ll played.
lbs new goose feathers. u I Tn j
style just as cheap cheap- crowded and the behavior
Sheriff Mooring and bis a very
daughters Misses Maude here the H. L. ban received
have here to the commie- I f .
men i Don't forget we are buck at our i brought to It U
About a car load of Hunsucker our new and ate, the st-re. Call and get the
were shipped by the A. G. t sell some goods cheap, j best cool made in ti i-
Cox Mfg Co., yesterday.
Car load of flour just arrived.
Harrington Barber ft Co.
Any person wishing to purchase
No Spring tonic in the world so good as one
of our Spring Suits. Nearly every man
will dress anew in the month of May.
Good breeding and good go hand in
hand. It's high time to be dressed for the
season, for the birds are already singing,
In the Good Old Summer Think of
your wardrobe needs. Think of the store
that's best to them, and your foot-
steps will, without doubt, turn in this
We're here and waiting to you
Frank Wilson,
Store Closes at P. M.
Opens a A M.
Mfg. Co.
H. L. Johnston
in both store-.
with boiler, e, f is . the IS
hafts, etc. all erected ran- perfectly I M.
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
The Hint of Mi-ye Co.,
a dissolved by mutt
f April, 1904, R.
Cl I nigh is in th-
business t lb members of
the they assuming all indent-
led lie of i he all accounts
order, with two com grists
and one flour mill complete, with
and bolt. Also the build- ; due the Urn. being p to them
log large water tank above it. I per bottle at Dr. B. P., Tm day mi
Will do well to see or correspond Cox, Winterville, N. C. 3-22 R M
with A. G. Cox Mfg. SB
Is tilt, plant that contains the
splendid supply mineral water
and it a most splendid lot for
business. The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
is offering the sale with the view
of building a brick factory.
Rev. Bryant Jackson a brilliant
eon of Pitt, now pastor Golds
was here Thursday shaking
Lands with old acquaintances.
We ere carrying the best pat tent
flour, pure hog lard, and beet
smoked shoulder, T. N. Manning
We are now occupying our new
tore South east corner of Main
and Rail Road street everybody
cordially invited to come to see us
always glad to serve
Barber Co.
We will put on sale today One
Case L 4-4
Bleaching at Cents per yard.

Mrs. Bettie Britt,
and Fancy Goods,
N. C.
Best Goods and latest,
See me before buying.
J. Bros
Piers and
you to build a house,
furniture to no in it, clothing
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
we can supply your needs. ;
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do all. kinds
f turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
N. C.
wanted in the way
of Dry Goods, No-
Shoes. Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
Greenville's Great
Department Store
Greenville's Great Department Store
Cold Comfort
what arc after, and the- possession of one of
our Refrigerator will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
N. C. May, 1904.
Mrs. W. E. Patrick continues
very ill.
Mrs. Frank Jones and son, Guy,
spent; Friday night at C. Lang-
Mis. Malone and child-
are spending week with
her parents.
Joe Smith, of was
in neighborhood
Miss Barnhill came this
week to visit her lister, Mrs.
D. W. was in the neighbor-
hood Wednesday.
was over again Sunday.
Mr . D. W. and Mrs.
A. Nobles -pent with Mrs.
Miss to
Winterville Sunday afternoon.
Miss Nannie is visiting
friends and relatives in the neigh-
and wife were in
the neighborhood Monday after.
Miss Addie Nobles
day night with
J. A. of was
over awhile Sunday.
C. H. Langston and son, Henry,
spent Saturday and
with relatives near
Grover and
Hobgood were in the neighbor-
hood Sunday evening.
Lorenzo went to
Greenville Monday.
Wood Kittrell and Fernanda
Tucker were here a while Sunday.
We are glad to know that Mis
Louise Langston is
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
you can get honest goods at living prices. Set- our
large you buy and be your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Under
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
LUNG CURE. i AFTER two premiums have been paid in
A Cure at List Obtained, After
a Searching Investigation,
by St. Louis Interests.
A few months ago the attention of a
few scientific and philanthropic gen-j
of St. Louis was directed to an I
entirely new method of combating that j
most dreadful of all diseases,
commonly called consumption, j
Out of cases,
cured and have shown such i
that their ultimate recovery
is but a question of a few
So astonishing have been the results
and in cases pronounced
incurable by all old methods that a
has been formed is now
prepared to furnish at a normal cost,
to all
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain at home,
rounded by friends and relates, and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue daily vocations
and still become completely cured.
Patients receiving the same treat-
here in St. Louis have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those In
Colorado, New Mexico and Texas.
results in question have
been accomplished by the
and the company which controls this
marvelous medical device have located
main office at North Seventh
street, St. Louis. have also lo-
a factory on Boston and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, The cure will be known as
the Lung lire, and Mr. C
Reason, the
inhalants which are will person-
ally have charge of the of the
company. Mr. will
meet all who call iii the of the
company on Seventh strict, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the St. Louis Globe
Democrat. .
Free booklet
417-19 N. Seventh St,
St. Louis, Mo.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
s Pills
will save the dyspeptic from many
days of misery, and enable him to eat
whatever he wishes. They prevent
cause the food to assimilate and
the body, give keen appetite,
and solid muscle,
Take No Substitute.
Hand Book
Cut this out it to
Please me your illustrated Hand Book No. II.
Ladle And Children
Who stand
strain of laxative syrups and
pills ate especially
Little Early Risers. All
who find it to
medicine try the easy-pill
and compare agreeably P
ant and effect with
the weakening con
folding the use of other
remedies Little
cure constipation, sick
jaundice, malaria and
liver Sold by J. L.
A Startling Test,
MM life, Dr. T. G.
Pa., made a
test in a won
cure. He writes, a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by of
the stomach. I had found
excellent for acute
stomach and liver troubles so
them. The patient
gained from the first, and has not
had an attack in months ,
Electric Bitters are positively
Constipation Kidney
trouble-. Try them Only
at ft Drag Store. .
When The Sap Rises
Weak lungs should be careful.
Cough and colds are dangerous
then. One Cough Cure
cures coughs colds and gives
strength to the lungs. Mrs. G. E.
of Marion, says,
suffered a cough until I run
down in weight to lbs.
I tried a number of remedies to no
avail until I used One
Cough Cure. Four bottles of this
Wonderful remedy
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs restored me to my
weight, health and
Cold by J. L. Wooten.
A Sure
It if said that nothing if sure
except death and taxes, Dot
is not true. King's
Hew discovery for consumption is
a sure cure ft all lung and ton at
troubles. Thou-mids can testify j
to that. Mrs. C. B. of
W. Va. bays
had a severe case f
for a year tried every thing I
heard of, but got no relief. One
Dr. New
cry then me
It's ii fallible Croup, Whoop-
Consumption. Try h. It's
by J. L. Woolen
Trial Hollies Reg size
A Cur For flies
had a bad case of says
G, F. Cuter, of Atlanta, On.,
a physician who
me to try a box of De-
Hazel Salve.
i a box and
cured It is splendid for j
relief I hear-
it to all
Salve k i
qua ml for lit healing qualities j
and other skin disease,
cuts, bums wounds
of every kind quickly cur. d
by it Add by J. L. Wooten.
L Wooten
does to recommend
col to Ida
and Indigestion
more ill health else.
It deranged stomach and brings
on all manner of disease.
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
cures ion, dyspepsia
all stomach disorders.
Is not only a perfect digest ant but
a tissue building tonic as well.
Renewed health, perfect strength
and increased vitality follow
Made Young Again
One of Dr. King's New Life
Pills each night for two weeks baa
put me in my
writes H. Turner of
town, Pa They the best in
for Liver, Stomach and
Bowels Purely vegetable Never
gripe. Only at Women's
Drug Store.
Quick Arrest
J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala
was twice in the hospital from a
severe case of piles causing
tumors After doctors and all
remedies failed,
Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him. It
conquers aches and kills pain,
at drag
Here's the New Millinery i
Nothing but but praise is heard of the Hats and Toques we've
assembled. It's unique, this remarkable collection, first, because o the striking
and exclusive styles, again, since the world's most famed artists are liberally represented.
The creation of our own workroom, in style and quality, equal to that any exclusive
would charge twice
Dress Goods
Yards Percales in wide,
Custom CLOT
For Men of Particular Taste.
H. to lei. ft to
Store, and will make you n Unit tun.
. .
with as and as j
lit, for
i. d
Take Thought for Your Spring Footwear
And doing k
and e yon
tut of a
n w ha with a
lone look ahead Look as far a. like, if are your
i and th important far-
low, and. that are en.
by continued war. you pay or you flout
get any variation in sturdy durability, used.
Reversible Carpet.
Never before shown in Greenville. Sultana Carpet is unlike most
floor covering, in that it is reversible, with carpet effect on one
side for winter and elf, ct on other side for summer
Absolutely vermin and moth proof sanitary, in
this carpet will wash, color fast, colors absolutely U run. Enough said. Challenge price.
W. Main St.
North Carolina.

of the condition of
of Greenville
Greenville, A. C
At the close of business
Is hereby given that T. B, Hodges,
claims three
acres vacant land in
ship. Pitt N. C, described as
on the North side of
Tar West side of
Creek, and in Patch
adjoining- the lands of Robert
heirs, the J A. Bullock,
J. B. Lewis and the T. J. Stancill heirs
on the West and John Parker's heirs
n North and the Freeman Hodges
Loans and Discounts
Furniture Fixtures
from Banks
Checks cash items 1,002.32 May 3rd. 1904.
Sold Coin 5,093.501 Any
M Lumber Company s land.
known as the Pine and
others on the East and South. This
a to. or interest In the above de-
Silver Coin I land must file their protest
27,871.001 me, in writing, within the next
thirty days or they will be barred by
Capital Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
law, R.
Entry Taker, Ex officio for Pitt Co N C
North County,
In Superior Court.
Mary Jane Evans,
Charles Evans,
The defendant will take notice that
an lotion entitled as above has been
commenced against him in the
of Pitt county by the plain-
tiff for the purpose of obtaining a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony
upon the grounds of abandonment
adultery, and the defendant will
farther take notice that he is required
to before the judge of our
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. J , , to appear before the judge of our
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the court at a court to be held
above-named bank, do solemnly I for the county of Pitt the Monday
, Monday in September,
swear that the above a is 19th day September
true tn the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and to
me, this 8th day of Ai 1904.
1904. and answer the complaint which
be deposited in the office of the
clerk of the superior court of said
county within the first three days of
answer or
demur to said complaint within the
time required by law or the
will to the court for the right
demanded in the complaint.
This the 18th day of April
Clerk of court.
R. L. Davis,
R. A. Tyson,
J. L. Cannier.
Imperial Shaving Parlors,
Hopkins, Daniel Davis, Props.
Cleanliness our
Only experienced men em
Dr. D. I.
Is hereby given that John J.
Jones enter and claims the fol-
lowing described vacant
Bethel and Green-
ville townships, near the town of
Bethel, in Pitt county, and be-
ginning in creek, ac-
the Joseph Briley
no the South, Jess on the
North, the lauds on the
Opposite drug j West, and Highsmith and
Sam Edwards on the East, con-
acres, more or less.
This April the 1904.
Any person, or persons, claim-
in-- title to, or interest the
above described land, must file
then protest, with me, in writing,
within the next thirty days, or
they be barred by law.
taker, for Pitt
county, N. C.
iN 1808. J
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Sun White ForT
As the time is drawing near for
the nominating convention, I will
ask yon to permit me to nominate
through your columns Sam White
for treasurer of Pitt county.
He was a candidate before the
last democratic convention and
came within a very small fraction
of a vote receiving the
then. He was and is eminent-
qualified for the position. Since
that convention his ability to man-
age business especially finance
has become still more manifest to
people, and at the coming
there ought not to be any
difference between democrats as to
the nominee for treasurer. Lei us
nominate Sam White by .
Mr. J. B. Cherry has de-
c-fined to and it seems to me
that the man who was close a
to the man who has been
treasurer of Pitt county so long,
should now receive the unanimous
vote of the democratic convention.
May A Voter.
Conductor's Dying Request
The remains of late
tor W. T. who died here
Tuesday afternoon as the result of
injuries received by being run
over by an engine on the Conway
Seashore railroad, were sent to his
home for interment yesterday
morning. It is said that a dying
request of the conductor to Capt.
F. A. Burroughs, president of the
Seashore railroad, was that his
administrator bring no suit against
the railroad and that Capt. Bur-
roughs promise that the wife and
four be provided for.
The request was made on the train
as e dying was being
brought to Wilmington, and with
a tear in his Capt. Burroughs
is said to have promised the con-
that his request would be
One of the many excellent suits in this big
stock of CLOTHING, will be to put off
trouble for many long days
or shape a man or youth may and
Slim; Short and Stout, we can fit him to per-
The variety of sizes make this
Spring is looking over the shoulder of
Winter. Styles for the season are here at
these attractive figures; 12.00, 13.50,
15.00. 16.50, 18.00 20.00.
William Fountain, fl. D.
Physician and Surgeon,
one door east of post office, or. M and Hulls, Gar
Apples, Nut
Wholesale ; tinker
Dealer. paid
Sued, Bar-
arc. Bed
steads, k Suits,
Carriages, Go-
unit, tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Key West Che-
ltd Henry George Can
Cherries, Poaches, Apples
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
r Meat, Soap
Magic Matches, Oil.
R. J.
C. V. York.
L H. Pender.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
I .
y-at- Law,
N. C.
Dried Apples, Peaches,
, Ola.
i a are, Pm and Wood
Crackers, Ma
Cheese, Beet Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and nu
other Quality and
quantity. for cash. Come
see me.
B. M.
Many new and pretty styles are
seen in the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it would be
more correct to say that every
one of them are new d pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their quality is
fully equal to their beauty. All
the Dress Goods in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
the colors rich and lasting; the
prices are wonder workers.
Many Explosions Heard.
May -Ad-
Togo reports that since the
sixth of May many
hare been heard coming from the
vicinity of Port Arthur but their
cause has not been ascertained.
The impression here is I hat the
of their
ability to defend Port Arthur, are
destroying their ships before
the place.
unofficial Japanese dispatch
been received here to the effect
that the Russians have destroyed
their fleet in Port Arthur.
Orphan Class Coming.
The staging of the Oxford
Orphan Asylum w ill begin a con-
cert tour through eastern North
Carolina on May 16th. The class
is composed ten girls and six
boys and they give entertainments
under the auspices of the Mason o
lodges in different towns.
visits of the class to in
the past have given pleasure
to oar people, and we are clad
they are to include this
their next tour. The exact date
will be announced later.
For ice cream freezers, i
water hammocks
and lawn swings, go to L, Carr.
A big lot of nice corned new I
at Johnston Bros. 5-3 s sT
Dr. Char-
N will tie in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha, on Monday June
13th until noon Tuesday
His practice is limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and
fitting glasses. c-o-d Jew.
We are establishing a saw mill
on the A. farm, one mile
above Tyson church and t miles
from and can furnish
lumber of any kind. Will make a
specialty of heart
4-wk-w, A. J.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
Ail machinery new up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contract taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating. Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door CO
R. L. Wyatt charm
our tinning and slating department. You will rind him
a master his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
as most the Hotels here were destroyed by fire, visitors
may experience some difficulty in finding and to
avoid this we have made arrangements a number private
hoarding where you will be taken care of.
If you will advise us when you to arrive we will secure
a room in advance lot you
We carry the largest line of Crockery, China, Table
Glassware and Tinware, South of New York, and invite
your inspection of sample rooms.
The Angle Lamp used in the Reflector Office was
bought of us. It is the best Oil Lamp made. Call and
examine it,
Wholesale China, and Tinware.
218-220-222 S. Charles St.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
W. I. Peel went to Bethel Bun
Joe to W
Q. H. E went to Ayden Sat-
Cobb to Tarboro
C. T. Pugh went to Tarboro
D. C. Moore went to Conetoe
Forties went to Weldon
W. G. Ward went to Wilson
A. R. Forbes went to Scotland
went to Tarboro
Prof. W. H. went Io
went to Rocky
Mount today,
G. Stokes, of Stokes,
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. went
to Conetoe Sunday,
V. T. Perkins, of Stokes, re-
turned today.
A. Duke returned from Hen-
Sunday evening.
He Clark returned from Dur-
ham Sunday
Cleveland Moore, of Kin; ten,
spent Sunday in town.
returned from Kin-
Mon Monday morning,
J. R. M ore returned from
more Saturday evening.
Claude natal I went Scotland
Keck Sunday morning.
Clifton King came in from Nor-
folk Saturday evening.
Miss May Anderson returned to
Saturday evening.
Mi Minute
Washington day
Smile Harding returned to
Sunday morning.
A. U little
wen; to Saturday.
Prof, D. of Bethel,
is s week
Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
O. T. returned Satin-
day evening from a trip north.
R L. Strickland returned from
Rocky Mount Saturday evening,
Hon. and J. Bryan Grimes
returned to Raleigh morn-
Miss of is
Visiting her sister. Mrs. H. C.
Dist. Attorney Harry Skinner
returned from Raleigh Saturday
Sam Flake and Miss Mat-
tie Corey came home from Ayden
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Evans left
Saturday evening for and
returned this morning.
MM of Bethel,
who has visiting friends
here left this
Mrs. W. E. Jolly sister,
j Miss Clara Forbes, returned from
Kinston Sunday morning.
Mis. H. G. Galloway, of Mt.
Airy, who has visiting re-
here returned home today.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Allen went
to Raleigh today to attend the
closing exercises of the
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, of
who have been visit-
Mrs. W. H. Smith returned
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lee
little daughter, Miss Edith May,
went to Sunday evening
returned this morning.
C. M Smith went to Ayden last
Rev. A. T. King went to Tar-
J, W. Higgs the road
this morning.
Clarence Raw Is went to Wash-
Walter and Wilson
came home last evening.
Rev. and Mrs. F. G.
left this morning for Tarboro.
J. H. Mitchell, has been
visiting W. H. Johnson, returned
to his home in Suffolk today.
Miss Annie Grimsley, of Greene
came over to
visit Miss Myrtle
John Hooker, of Scotland Neck,
who has been here a few days with
returned home today.
J T. W. S. O.
O. Bland. Major Smith and Harvey
A. has rendered
his decision in the Greenville Dis-
case. The judgment was
received Monday morning by D. C.
Moore, clerk superior mart. The
judgment dissolves the injunction
and vacates the restraining order,
it reads as follows .
on relation of E. H.
n and W. E.
Jolly, Judgment
m j
and J
Upon the complaint and
herein used as affidavits,
and also the affidavits exhibits
filed by the plaintiffs, and the
davit in reply thereto and exhibits
filed by the defendants, and upon
consideration of the same, and
argument of counsel for the
plaintiffs of the motion
to continue the restraining order
heretofore granted, to the hearing;
and argument by counsel for the
defendants opposition
It is adjudged by the court that
the restraining order made on the
day of April, 1904, be and the
same is hereby vacated and the in-
junction dissolved It is further
adjudged that the re-
cover of the plaintiffs the cost
this action, to be taxed by the
clerk this court.
T. A.
Judge Presiding.
Tit order and ruling
the plaintiffs except and appeal
therefrom to supremo
Notice waived by the
v of adjudged
Keene left this morning for Wash- . . J
,. sufficient. T. A.
F. S. Quinn, of Lynchburg, Vs.
who has been spending several
days with his mother, returned
home today.
W. R. Parker returned
day morning from the session of
the Lodge of Odd Fellows
t Durham.
Dr. John S. Harris, of lingo.
Indian Territory, dropped to
see us this morning. He is the
brother of Mrs. John A. Ricks
Rev. W. E. Powell returned
from Wilson Monday where he
Oiled pulpit for Rev. J.
Jones who is the meeting
here in Christian church.
E. a. , returned
day morning from Durham where
lie had been as
lodge to the Grand Lodge of
Judge Presiding.
The decision of Judge
does not come as a surprise to the
people Greenville. His
iii this case is matter of
moment to people of this
to those inter-
on both sides the question,
for this reason, his honor
to make a
of the questions of law
therein, consequently he
to defer decision until
he could have opportunity In
form a just and judgment
so important a
At h meeting of the
Committee today
it was decided to call a county
convention to be held in Green-
ville Saturday June
for purpose of appointing George Baker,
gates to Si ate and
township primaries to be held
Saturday June 4th.
We are establishing a saw mill
on the A. farm, one mile
above Tyson church and miles
from and can furnish
lumber of any kind. Will make a
specialty of heart
G. T. Tyson.
A. J. TysoN
For sows and pigs.
Also one cotton gin, feeder
and continued, and a 50-saw gin
Greenville, N. C.
w in w
Reported for
Miss Lillian was
hostess at a most enjoyable meet.
log of the Sans Club on
Tuesday, May 10th.
Besides the regular members
there present visitors
who added to the pleasure of the
occasion. Among were Mrs.
J. Bryan Grimes, of Raleigh, Mrs.
former members, Mrs. C. H.
of Henderson, Mrs. J. M.
Whedbee, of Hertford, Mrs. J.
Floating and Miss Lizzie Blow.
Mrs. favored the club
with one of her readings.
the completion of the liter-
delicious refresh-
were served by the hostess.
The club adjourned to meet with
Mrs. Hay wood Hail, Tuesday,
Dr. W. H. o Char-
N C, will he in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha, Monday June
13th until noon on Tuesday
14th. His practice is limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and
fitting e-o-d w.
A Happy Couple.
Maj Henry Harding and his
estimable wife took train here
this morning for Raleigh to be
present at the graduation of their
baby boy, Jarvis B. Harding, at
the A. S M. College next week
who graduates with first honors.
The aim of their lives has been to
to see all their
in and their
want is the acme of their lives, and
never have been more
happy than now. Three of
their F. F- C.
Harding and H. P. Harding-
graduated at the University of
North Carolina their two
sic Harding
at the State Normal
College and all are accomplished
and doing well. W it has
been a struggle, beginning
life immediately alter the civil
war everything dark
dreary for South, these
two have fought the battles of lire
bravely and heroically,
ed giving to their children a
thorough, competent education,
now that they have lived to a
ripe old age of more than three
their lives are blessed with
their fondest hopes. We have
never seen a more happy, loving
contented couple leave town.
They are now winding up their
bridal tour after nearly forty
years of happy married life. They
join their daughter Bessie at
Greensboro will spend some
time with their son, W. F. Hard-
who lives in Charlotte. They
looked very much like a newly
married couple as they boarded
the cars R
Sector IS.
Odd Elect
The Lodge of Odd
lows in session last week in Dur-
ham elected the following officers.
Grand E. Biggs, of
Scotland Neck.
Collins, of Kim-ton.
Grand H. Wood-
J. Jones,
of Wilmington.
Grand L. B.
V of Raleigh.
The following officers
were named;
Grand B. Winstead,
Of 1-1 m Cit.
Grand W.
Bryant, of Durham.
Grand H.
of Elizabeth City.
Grand W.
of Asheville.
Grand It. H.
Willis, of Morehead City.
was appropriated to in-
stall a heating plant and other
improvements at the Orphan's
Home, Goldsboro.
secretary was direct-
ed to get up a new digest of the
laws and forms.
The salary of the grand secretary-
was fixed at with
clerk hire.
The per capita tax was fixed at
per term, as follows, for
of grand lodge, for
the Home for
the aged and Fellows.
was appropriated for
i expenses of grand officers.
For ice cream
water coolers, hammocks
and lawn swings, go to H. L. Carr.
An ancient writer
ed are the people whose annals
are This has been
true this year. We have kept
quiet now; but like the little
boy who said that h- must
or burst, so we must speak
out and let other people know
that we are kicking.
Now, there will be a Missionary
Mass meeting for this circuit at
Salem church, May and
On Saturday, a noted divine
will preach at o'clock. Then
there will be dinner, after which
there will be another address. On
Sunday, Rev. J. D. Bundy, the
Presiding Elder, for this
will preach at o'clock; after
which the sacrament will be ad-
ministered. This mas meeting
will be held connection with
the second quarterly meeting for
this circuit. The object is to
arouse the people to missionary
For this was, and is of the
very doctrines of method-
ism. To spread scriptural
over the earth. Its f under
world is my
So is ours. And not to be a lover
and believer in missions is not to
be a loyal Methodist, and as I see
it; a loyal Christian. So this
We expect the members from
other parts of the to be
present, if possible.
is invited, and we give yon a
come invitation. So come
bring your relatives
friends. If yon lie present
and it you are interested, pray for
us, that this may be i
There will he a
mass meeting and day
services at Vanceboro, the first
Sunday in is June
B. E. C.
Greenville N. C.
Dear Why don't we make
paint, as many others do, to go
three-quarters as far, or two-thirds,
or half, or a or a quarter t
Mr. Aaron
ET. J., always used gallons of
paint for his house; took
There are two sorts of paint; all
paint, true paint, false paint, weak
paint, short-measure.
The paint-manufacturers are
two sorts; the rest.
Yours truly
F. W.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
Marriage Licenses.
Last week Regis it Deeds R.
Williams issued licenses to the
T. W. Skinner and Emily
A. O. L. W.
Chas. Stocks and
Alonzo Forbes and Rozella
Herbert Clark and Maggie
Joe Arch Green
A big lot of nice corned
at Johnston Bros. 5-3 a sT

Eastern reflector, 17 May 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 17, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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