Eastern reflector, 13 May 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

f. R. L.
Dr. D. L. James.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
William Fountain, ft. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
N. C
Office one door east of post office,
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. has
disposed of the following cases in
his from April to May
T. B Cherry, drunk and down
I fined and costs,
T. B. Cherry, drunk and down,
days in jail.
W. H. White, simple assault.
fined one and coats
Cornelius Joyner, drunk, fined
William Williams, drunk
and cost-,
Henry simple assault,
fined and costs
Silas Donaldson, drunk and
down, lined and costs 94.20.
selling liquor
on Sunday, bound over to superior
William Nichols, drunk fined
and costs, appeal Superior
R. II. drunk, lined
and costs,
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
N. C.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
My Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes. P.
Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots. Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar,
Lye, Magic Food, Oil.
Seed Meal and Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Ghana, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines
other goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash. C e
see mo.
of the condition of
of Greenville
Greenville, C-
At the close of business
L. ans and Discounts 9158,537.29
Overdrafts 1.030.09
Furniture Fixtures 3,618.57
Due from Banks 183,023.76
Checks cash items 1,002.32
Sold Coin
silver Coin 3,289.59
K. C. Way, 1904.
Mrs. Louise is very
ill at the dome of her son, C H.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T
children spent Saturday night
and Sunday with C. II.
Mrs. John is sick
Mr. and Mrs. L. V.
too spent Sunday in the neighbor-
hood. ,
T. O. and sister, Miss
Maggie, spent Saturday night at
E. E.
Ken-ton was
at Reedy Bra-
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arnold
spent Saturday night in the neigh
H. n went to
j Tuesday afternoon.
Charles went
the river
E E. sitting out
tobacco Wednesday.
Joe and Nat
went to Saturday.
E. E. and BOO, George,
went to Saturday.
Misses Maud Nina Hemby,
Ellen and Rosa Smith, of Stand
ard, were in the neighborhood
Wood was in the neigh-
Capital Stock paid in 925,000.00
Surplus, 20,000.0
Undivided Profits less
Paid 8,875.03
Deposits 327,756.15
Cashier's decks out-
standing 1,834.91
State of North Carolina, ,
of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the beat of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and to
me, this 8th day of 1904.
Correct Attest
w w -a
Many new and pretty styles are
seen in the fathering of
and Prints, Indeed it would be
more correct say that every-
one of them are new and pretty.
They are from the leading man
and their quality is
fully to then- beauty. All
the Dress Goods
Lawns. Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
the colors rich and lasting, the
prices are wonder workers.
the shower of rain yesterday
Everybody, everything, was hop-
it would rain. The
had oppressive. The dust
had become so suffocating and in-
tolerable, from head to foot one
would be covered in dust. And
then came the beautiful mist of,
rain. Only a gentle change
hardly enough to discern and
voice of thunder, no shriek of
wind, but quietly, softly, like
cooing of the
it fell on the fevered
Like the voice of angel's
How grateful should we be that
His rain upon the
just and tie
There to be almost a new
world today for every one. Truly
whet a great world is this of ours.
The are happy, the
pie are all rejoiced, and the birds
ting All indeed j
are X
How easy it is to ho luxury of fine tailoring is brought
i r within the means of moderate incomes. Times have changed, for so
far as dress is concerned, the clerk and mechanic the
footing as tho
The Tailoring Co.,
makes garments of the highest standard at a
everybody can afford to pay. We the dealers for this famous
house end are showing five hundred of their new Spring styles.
R. J.
C. V. York. L H. Pender.
Cold Comfort
what we are and possession of one of
our Refrigerator Will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable, without the Refrigerator.
you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and It easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
The Merry Fifteen.
This club, The Merry Fifteen,
Diet and at Miss Mary j
J. Smith's, Thursday, May 5th, j
The following
President, j
day, secretary, Eula
treasurer, Ii-s Essie Ellington,
pi committee, Miss Katie
The next will be with
Miss Essie Ellington Monday, May
1804 at lour o'clock.
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
All kinds of lumber, I and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, and all kinds of
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. It. L. Wyatt has charge
our and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
I. R. M. Elect Officers.
The Great Council of the Bed
Men who were in session this week
in Charlotte elected the following
officers for the year C. T.
great prophet, Wash-
A. Burns, great sachem,
Charlotte; F. M. Hodges, great
senior Greenville; B. W.
Taylor, great junior
Washington; E. T. Stewart, chair
man an laws, Washington.
A man at Bloom Ills.,
ate forty bananas in forty minutes.
. .
As most of the Hotels here were destroyed by lire, visitors
may experience some difficulty finding and
avoid this we have made arrangements a number of private
hoarding houses where yon will be taken care of.
If you will advise us when you expect to arrive we will secure
a room advance tor you
We carry the largest line of Crockery, China, Table
Glassware and Tinware, South of New York, and invite
your inspection of our sample rooms.
v The Angle Lamp used in the Reflector Office was
bought of us. It is the best Oil Lamp made. Call and
examine it,
Wholesale China, and Tinware.
218-220-222 S. Charles St.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
C. Q. Pugh went to Washington
A. O. Monk went to Tarboro this
Tom went to Bethel
Charlie went to Bethel
Ed. Forbes to
J. went to Ayden
J. It Moore left this for
George left this
for Tarboro.
C. B. Curtis went to
J. S. to Weldon
this morning.
J. W. White went to Hen-
Will Simon went to
Mount Sunday.
B. A. Forbes to Grifton
Sunday evening.
T. T. came in this morn-
S. B. left this morn-
Mat to
W. E. Hooker went to
more this morning.
J. B. Cherry, Sr., went to
more this
F. M. returned
H. H. Wilson came over from
Hiss Mary returned
ii. E. Fuming to Winter-
Saturday evening.
Claude to Winter-
villi- Saturday evening.
B. F. to
Sunday morning.
Mr. Mrs. D. E.
i at House.
Cleveland Moors came trout
Kin- ion
J. Pope returned to
J. J. from
Thomas E. Little returned from
Saturday morning.
. Miss Gustie returned to
Saturday evening.
Edward Matthews returned to
Mrs. W. B. Smith and little
daughter went to Hassell Sunday.
Messrs J. H. and J. C, Cobb
to Norfolk Sunday morning.
Mrs. Jenkins and
-vent to House Sunday morn-
Sheriff O. W. Harrington re-
turned from Morganton Saturday
J. L. Little and bod, James,
spent Sunday his parents
near House.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker came
in Sunday evening to relatives
and hers.
J. W. Smith and little son,
returned from
ville Sunday evening.
Misses Martha and Annie Smith
Miss Oakley came in from
Ayden Sunday morning.
Foster Quinn, of
came in evening to visit
his mother, Mr.-. Dora Quinn.
Miss Lena Matthews,
by Ferrell Bares and Miss
Maude Hooker in
Mrs. D. J. Whichard and
daughter, Miss returned
Sunday evening from a
D. P who has been
spending some time with F.
G. Hurt in mm, left this for
B. L. Abbott, who has been
visit hie sister, Mrs. L. H.
returned to his home at
Mrs. who ha been
visiting her son, J. D. Garden, re-
turned to her home at Henderson
Airs. J. Bryan Grimes arrived
from Sunday evening to
visit her parents, Mr. Mrs.
J. J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. and
little daughter, and D. J. Which-
ard daughter,
to Whichard Sunday.
E. B. Thomas, who was with
the past season
as bookkeeper, left this morning
to spend the summer with his
parents, at Republican Grove, Va.
B. F. Betts left Sunday morning
for Florence, S. C, where he will
engage the buggy business.
Mr. Betts one of the
best buggies on the road and
with his means
Miss Bettie Hooker is sick.
H. A. White went to
Mayor H. W. Whedbee went t.
Bethel today.
W. I. returned Monday
evening from Tarboro.
returned Monday
evening from hinder.
T. M. Moore, wt
came in Monday evening.
J. A. and Wiley
Brown vent to Aurora today.
Mi. and Mrs. Ed. Forbes return-
ed from
W. E. Powell to
Grifton Monday Io attend the
Ministerial Association.
Mi. Mrs. J. G.
little daughter returned Monday
evening a visit to
W. B. went to Durham
Monday to attend the meeting of
the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.
E. A. Move, representative of
Covenant Lodge No. O O. F.
left Monday for Durham to attend
the meeting of the Grand Lodge.
Mrs. C. L. Whichard and little
son and Miss Mary of Nor-
folk and Mrs. M. A. of
Whichard, are visiting Mrs. E. J.
A Beautiful Home
At o'clock this at the
handsome residence of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. on Fifth street, a
beautiful marriage was witnessed
by a large number of friends. The
contracting parties were Mr. T. W.
Skinner and Miss Emily Higgs,
both very popular young people.
The spacious ball and parlors of
the were splendidly
decorated in keeping with the
happy occasion.
Miss James played the
march as the
party entered the parlor
during the
The first to enter were little
Miss Jessie and Charlie
Jr., who held
ribbons an aisle for the
others to pass through.
Then came little Miss Novella
bearing the wedding ring on
a silver tray.
Following her came the dame of
honor, Mrs. J. B. sister of
the bride. She
of black lace over black
and carried carnations.
The bride groom then en
the bride wearing a
becoming traveling suit of blue
The ceremony was gracefully
performed by A. T.
pastor of the Baptist
and Mis, Skinner, accompanied by
a number f friends, drove to the
depot where they took the morning
train for a trip t. Washington
City and other points.
Many very bridal
After their trip Mi. and Mrs.
Skinner will returned to Greet
ville an I make I heir home here-
Lumber. ,
We are establishing a saw mill
on the A. J. Tyson farm, one mile
above Tyson church and miles
from Farmville, and can furnish
lumber of any kind. Will make a
specialty of heart timber-
G. T.
4-wk-w, A. J.
big lot of
at Johnston 5-3 a a and Daisy Tucker.
Greenville N. O.
A painter complained
that our cam are too full; unhandy;
It's a way handler
nor Our gallon
contains the usual
is seven.
We'll over again; but
we like a foil cat . How much
short yon a
Seven gallons be the
suggest that the
shortage is probably not
Guess we'll stick to four quarts
to a gallon, and fifty gallons a
The name to go by is
Yours truly
F. W.
P. S. H. L. Can sells
San Book Club.
Reported for
Tuesday, April the
Sans Book Club held its
regular meeting with Miss Bertha
Patrick. After the business
meeting was over Misses Tyson
and James delightfully entertained
us with several vocal selections.
Miss Patrick then served deli-
refreshments. We had the
pleasure of having for
Brame, Janie
Reunion of Confederate Veterans.
One of the lessons learned by
old soldiers on the battle field was
the Men
who feared not to face cannon,
would not be likely to flinch before
a thunder storm rain, hence
the old soldiers large
number here
the brought both storm
and rain.
At o'clock Bryan Grimes
Camp of Confederate Veterans
met in the court house and called
the roll transacted such
as was before them. At
o'clock they formed line
marched command of
Maj. H. to the new
house Masonic temple where
the public exercises were held.
There was a large number of
veterans in line and each wore an
appropriate badge.
The stage the opera house
had as a background a large
United States flag, front
was a pyramid decorated with
Confederate flags. The Daughters
of the Confederacy had preceded
the veterans to the opera house
and occupied seats reserved for
At the opera house the program
as previously published was car-
out, the only change being
that Mayor H. W. Whedbee who
was to welcome the had
been called out of town and
tor L. I. delivered the ad-
dress his stead. Both his
come, the introduction f the
speaker by Mr. F. C. Harding
were in
beautiful language.
The opera house was to its
lull capacity, and a. present
the excellent speech of
W. B. Cox. his speech he paid
glowing tribute to the valor Of the
Confederate veterans, and the
part 1.1 conducting the affairs
of the nation by men coming from
the ranks of Confederacy. The
was never so well
managed, he as
was represented in the
prominent foreign
by a from the South
and two were
of the cabin-1.
At tic of Gen. Cox's
speech, Mrs. T. J. Jar vis, in be
half of the daughters of the Con-
presented him with a
the exercises the opera
house the procession
marched to the cemetery deco-
rate the graves of soldiers,
returned to the court house lawn
was prepared for the
The Osceola furnished
music for the exercises.
How's This for Hard Luck
A man was shaving himself and
he cut off half of his
nose; he dropped the razor, and
as he did so, the cut off his
toe. He was in a hurry to
stick his toe and his nose on, that
he stuck hie nose on the place
where the toe ought to be, and
stuck his toe where his nose pro-
belonged. Now, whenever
he wants to blow his nose, he has
to take off bis shoe and stocking.
Winterville Commencement.
The public, will be admitted free
to all the exercises of the Winter,
ville High School commencement
this week, except the closing con-
cert Friday night. For
to the latter there will a email
charge of cents for adults and
cents for children. No one will
be admitted without a ticket.
Each member of the families rep-
resented in the school and the
Tar Heel band will be given tickets.
All others will be charged
method of by tickets i
adopted so as to prevent over
crowding like the past commence-
to give those who get
seats a chance to enjoy the
without disturbed by
people standing a p.
Marriage Licenses.
Last week of Deeds B.
Williams issued licenses to the
John Myrtle
L. C. Tripp and
Robert Howard and Francis
Irvin Hines and Fannie May.
Win. and
Joseph Price Isabella Little.
Willoughby and Hagar
W. O. Barrett and Palsy Ann
Splendid Opera louse.
The large audience gathered id
the temple opera on
Tuesday s some idea of the
crowd the house can accommodate.
It was the time the opera
house was public,
and many were surprised at the
size and splendid sealing range-
When the Ural
meat is given, which will be for
for the benefit of the lodge
fund, the audience should be
equally as large as the Tues-
Caught a Fine
J. G. and the pent
at ton's, and in com-
with W. II. Which i-, and
H. M. enjoyed a fishing trip
in Creek. Wind and
tide were both contrary, making
it what old fishermen call . bad
day for bites, hut p.
sticking to it a good , was
landed, u o.-t of them v. line
specimens of the finny tribe.
Greek is an ideal
tor fishing.
New Buildings.
L. is having two
more houses built on his property
in South Greenville.
F. M. Hodges is having a house
built his Dickinson avenue lot.
D. S. Smith has started ;, house
on the lot he purchased D.
Haskett, comer Evans and
Twelfth streets.
First and Youngest.
As some of the veterans at the
reunion Tuesday were talking over
incidents cf the war, it was learned
that Justice C. D. was
the first in Pitt county to enlist in
the service of the Confederacy,
and Senator A. L. Blow was the
youngest Pitt to enlist.
For and
. , on cotton gin,, feeder
He sneezed the other day and his and a 50-saw gin

Is the topic of our thoughts
as well as yours just now.
In fact we've been thinking
about it for some time and
we've been getting ready for
you. The result is we're
showing the finest line of
Custom Tailor Made Suits.
You ever saw. Our is
ordinary ready made, but made especially for us.
We select our own styles and patterns and have
what you are getting when you buy from us.
WEAR, SHIRTS. Etc. are arriving every day. We
aim to have nothing but good things in our store,
therefore we can safely recommend them.
The Branch of the Reflector is in I
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized ts transact any bust
for the paper in and territory.
The Language of Gifts.
To give the cook a holiday
fies a cold
To give most -people what they
, deserve signifies you are get-
ting wise,
To give the janitor fifty cents
signifies that you want him to do
what you want him to .
To give a a retort direct
signifies that there will be a hot
argument forthcoming.
To give her younger brother a
quarter means that he is to
pear for the time
To give your wife a bunch of
roses when you go home at night
signifies that you want to go to a
lodge meeting.
A. E Tucker Co.,
With the Watts law in full tilt,
passed by the democratic legislature
and the Federal land-
the whiskey fraud men in the
penitentiary, the liquor men no
doubt realize that they are up
against it good and hard Greens-
That proposition to elect a
bishop, made in the Northern
Methodist is one reason
why the Southern Methodist have
not wished to unite with their
Northern brethren Haleigh News
in the only
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes as
good as Maple Syrup. per
bottle for sale by John T.
Farmville, X-
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Good kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
or cash. Highest price for country
ft I
Norfolk. Va,
Cotton Buyers and Brokers ill
Cotton, Grain and Pris-
ons. Private Wires to New Toil
Chicago and New Orleans.
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
J First work price reasonable
sent upon application.
J. J.
you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
One Price Store.
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line
Wood, Tin and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, hut we do claim a fair
and honest deal for ail, we for
cash which enables us lo do a safe
business and we give our
the benefit of it, Cash Sales,
Small Margins and one price to all
is our motto.
A, a
Is the place to et Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
IA full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Some fellow claims to have
A correspondent of Chicago
exhibit at the St. Louis exposition
is the most attractive there.
covered a remedy for preventing nays the North Carolina
dogs from howling Just that
belated gentleman get out of the
push. Smith Wesson have had
on the market for years a rem-
that gets there like touching a
Two Arms belonging
of the New I
exchange have been suspended for
M. if.
in Fashions. Boll line of
Brimmed untrimmed
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and he prepared tor
emergencies. Our line tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Don at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shipper should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. It. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Hay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours i In change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers, AC
Washington, N. G.
J. J.
N-. C.
H. B. President
Beach Street, N. Y.
Ayden, N. C. May, 1901.
W. C. Jackson Co. want your
eggs, poultry See them be-
fore Belling.
We were at W. C. Jackson
Co's store the other day, and was
surprised to n that they car-
such an extensive line of
clothing. The man, youth or
child who cannot get suited in
there, either in a suit or a pair of
pants, is hard to please.
Julius a student in the
military school at has
been on a visit to his parents here.
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
and is to take the
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, V. C.
Misses and
returned from
Grifton yesterday.
Canned goods of every
at Hart Jenkins.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new Hue of heavy fancy
Mrs. Jesse Stock came home
Monday morning from
down the road.
We use a fair patent
shafts, black hickory singletree-,
2nd growth, ash bowl, No. ma-
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and
skilled We use
tine's 1st class varnish, hence we
to make the neatest
and most, durable buggy
N. C, Ayden Milling Mfg Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Mrs. Ellis, has been
visiting in has
We the ladies to call and
examine our hue of lawn before
purchasing elsewhere. J. J. Hines.
Miss and Mis.
J. E. Cannon were in town Mon-
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
blinds side lights at
J. B. Smith Bro.
A nice new Hue of ladies and j A full assortment of ladies and
Misses slippers at J. E. Smith A i gents shoes at reasonable prices at
The latest styles in straw hits
and caps J. J.
J. W. ,
oil this market six car load of wire
Johnnie Nobles, our clever
deputy postmaster, spent the
Sabbath ville.
Just received spring suit cloth-
for J. J. Hines.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
bananas at E. E. Co's.
Mrs. M. J. Edwards, of Kinston,
who has been Mrs. J. J.
El wards, returned home Saturday
Confectioneries, tinware and
everything in merchandise
at fair prices can be found by call-
at store of Hart Jenkins.
shingles at
per Tyson.
Harvey Cox. of
a visit j came down Sunday spent the
day with C. A. Fair and J. M.
e are headquarters for cotton
seed, meal, hulls, hay, oats.
Cannon Tyson.
You will do well to go to Sum
fell for fancy
Ha if we are not mistaken,
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for r. turning it.
B. W. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden,
A beautiful line of
at J. B. Smith Bro.
Mrs. Mary ck, living
with her. daughter, Mrs. A. W.
Ange, near here, while returning
J. A. L. read an in-
paper at the Free Will
Baptist Seminary last Sunday
illustrating the steps
from the Alpha to the Omega of a
drinking We have heard
it very highly complimented.
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
nice cool drink go lo
first-class brick
ply to E. S. Edwards Son,
den, N. C. A full supply always
on hand.
Edward had garden
peas and new Irish potatoes for
dinner the first Sunday in Maj.
We invite the ladies to call, and
inspect our new spring dress
goods, laces, hamburg, insertions
etc. Gannon Tyson.
The ladies are especially invited
to call and inspect our line of
mercerized we have it
in bolts also in patterns of
lengths. J J. Hines
Don't fail to see W. M. Edwards
Co's. new line of dress goods.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A.
Miss Cora Smith is spending
some time with Mrs Henry Man
per day. near depot on West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B. F.
W. M. Edwards , On , will cell
yon a good pair of pant u for fifty
Mrs. J. D. Perry was visiting
from a visit bad a stroke of pan- Mrs. last week.
there is a whispering and j at
is the consideration of a j considered critically ill. We nope
cotton seed oil mill. soon to learn of her entire
For can apples, u
Go to W. M. Edwards Co. for
poor next pair of pants.
tomato, apply to E. E.
Anything you want in white
goods at M. Co's.
Mrs and Miss
of were
here yesterday.
When you need a light, E- Cox Fled
tough pole, sly for your buggy tut
carriage. Call on us and f K
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg. Durham as representatives lo
Co. Ayden, N,
J L. of Grifton, was here
Monday on business.
the Lodge of Odd Fellows
now in session. Mr. will
visit Ore before bis return.
Our line of ready mixed
To my paints are the best.
have just returned from j Tyson.
and have opened a new line of We carry a splendid assortment
pretty goods. Please of body carpets in various
We have a full lino of furniture
best quality, the puces you are
looking for. Tyson.
If you are troubled with your
eyes, have J. W. Taylor, the
graduate optician, to examine them
M. M. Sauls, wife and child left
for Sunday morn i lit
where will remain several
week .
Just another lot of boys
and child ten's clothing at W, M.
Millet seed at J. R
Smith Bro.
Fresh butter and cheese ice
at Sutured
Strawberries were in
on our streets Saturday at ten
cents per quart. They were fine
Two small new iron safes just the
kind for small business or farmers
at J. K. Smith Bro.
The best quality of flour as cheap
as the cheapest at Hart
Miss Dudley went to
Saturday to visit
Miss L. Smith, millinery
emporium just
all the latest novelties
ladies and dress goods.
A class milliner is my employ.
Give me a trial.
J. E. Green, of
greeted us from the tram Saturday
his return home from Grifton.
As authorized for Daily
and Eastern we take
great pleasure receiving sub
willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
Miss Sallie Cox, of
spent here visiting
Kings, Stonewall and
Carolina Plows at J.
Smith Bro.
Our Hue of straw hats are
latest styles and the prises right.
Corn, hay oats, at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Elder of the Free Will
Baptist his regular
at church
day and Sunday.
A. in removing u
belt from a fly wheel at the Ayden
Milling Mfg Co's shops, the other
day, had the misfortune to have
two of the fingers on his right,
hand broken. He had a very
row escape of his life.
Mrs. Betsey Taylor, of Airy
Grove, is visiting Mrs. J. T. Smith
Sam White and James Long, of
Greenville, were here Friday.
The Atlantic N. C., railroad
engineer who was sentenced t
days jail at has
been pardoned by the governor.
The Odd Fellows Grand Lodge
meets in Durham on the 10th.
N. C.
Cottonseed meal at
J. it. S Bro.
Safe, Strong, Liberal.
What's safer, or stronger than
The Prudential is as safe and
strong i's Gibraltar.
The leading Life In
I and safety con-
A new lot of men's . I
We want your chickens
eggs. J. It. Smith Bro,
shirts just received at w
wards Co's.
Miss Addie Proctor, of
is Mr.-. Sparks.
A strong Company can lo
be liberal to its policy holders.
The is liberal. See
E. Hooks,
Special Agent,
New d
Smith Bro.
at J. B
call to see me next door Smith
Bros. Mrs. J. A. Davis.
Mrs. D. G. Berry and Miss
Olivia Berry Friday
evening from an extended visit to
Scotland Neck and other points.
Just case of
men's at W. M. Ed-
wards Co's.
salt for stock, at J. R.
Smith Bro.
George Worthington Bro,
work in this Hue
a specially. Work
first class brick
ply to E. Edwards Son,
-en, N. C. A full suppl always
on hand-
A. P, has been to
styles and patterns, which make
excellent hall rags, at a normal
cost. Ladies ate cordially invited
to call and see them.
Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Miss returned
Monday morning.
J. ii. of Greenville,
I was here from Saturday until
The amount of proceeds
I r the Free Will Seminary j
Henry lecture last
Wednesday night about ten
dollars which goes toward Rev. k. Tingle and DB.
for n piano for the of
Much credit is due Annie visit for several days.
Joyner and Myrtle Moon for
zeal manifested in this noble cause. Advertising G. Con
I says while he was riding along
We have several second hand Greene county last week
sewing machines bailed him and said
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
cheap at J. It. Smith Bro.
At the close of business March 28th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
Cash in Bank,
Capital paid in,
Undivided less
j see in the department
that you represent certain
I ranee companies which consider
the best. Come up to tie house,
Mr. Cox complied and had the
gratification of writing two policies
I for a nice sum each, one for
gentlemen and one for bis wife.
Mr Cox is a strong advocate of
primer's ink, as are all other good
business men.
Now we have plenty the
wagon and cart
wheels and will Bell them as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon,
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair Cutting,
Shaving and
i i
E. G. COX,
Life, Fire. Accident
Health Insurance,
Ayden N. C

D. J. Editor and
Entered in the post office t Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
tills, Pitt K. C, May 1904.
A hearty
welcome to the old
They Judge Parker is red
headed. That makes like him
better than ever.
Hearst's libel suits will give him
else to think about now
in addition to trying to get the
Notwithstanding she has a war on
hand Russia has decided to make an
exhibit at the world's fair. Wonder
if she will give an example of how
she blows up her own battleships.
Though they may fall down at
other things, it cannot be said that
the Russians are not good runners
when are behind them.
says if the
newspapers don't quit talking about
him he is going to kill somebody.
Then the captain should quit doing
things for the papers to talk about.
A railroad in Pennsylvania is be-
sued by a show company for
the loss of lour inches
of a tail was
dentally cut off while the animal
was being transported. That is
quite a dear tail.
be-11 selected to
amuse the patients of an in-
sane asylum. own in . ml .
world some people
crazy over game. a
college cannot run without a ball
team to give it notoriety.
The Confederate veterans of Pitt
county hare not had a more pleasant
reunion than the one held here
Tuesday, The crowd was large,
the exercises interesting, and setter
order could not have been asked, for.
Some of the older veterans looked as
if time was stealing upon them and
they will not be left for many wore
Si. Petersburg report that a
Russian officer has an air slip
after Professor Langley's pattern,
and it flies. Professor Langley
says he does not think it
And the professor ought to know.
Having tried the himself
and fully demonstrated that it
will not fly, he can speak
i v on another ship made after
same pattern.
Return Them All.
Sam Jones, in the meeting he is
conducting at Greensboro,
of the modern college and
universities in tile States
don't turn out as many royal men as
the old log
But brother Jones must not over-
look the baseball and foot bull
champions that are coming out of
the colleges and universities in
these latter days. These stand the
schools for more reputation now
than book learning.
North Carolina is fortunate in
being in congress by
array of talent. in the
senate and in the house oar
are up to the high water
mark in intelligence and alertness.
They are not looking out not merely
for the development of their re-
but the whole
and especially the South
Atlantic states witness among others
Senator immigration bill
aid Representative Small's inland
canal I ill, Then again, one of the
most speeches that the
has produced was delivered by
lion. Kitchin of the second
district in an arraignment of Pres-
Our delegation at the national
capital is just getting its hand in.
Let's keep it and every
member of Free Press.
J at this moment times
are a little critical. Having
eliminated from the political arena
the vote- to a very great ex
tent, the issues that shall agitate
the political atmosphere will be con-
fined strictly to good sense sad
sound judgment of the whit
At this crisis, the meet important
in the epoch of our,
it the greatest should be
observed. That there i a vast
of opinion existing in the
public mind admits of so contra-
diction. To conciliate these- differ-
will require s
and thought worthy of the- most
competent minds. First we take it
is She welfare of the people; second
the upholding of democratic
pies, and third the selection of the
best material to represent all that is
required to tins a stable and
safe government.
I am opposed to any and all men
who announce themselves as the
most suitable-and
to represent the grand old
tic pasty in the Management of
affairs as they shall present theta-
selves. am in. favor of the
seeking the man not the pauper
at the- door lea alms.
The old time in this par-
at Least practiced by our
forefathers, is the surest and safest
means of a. safe, judicial and
am opposed upon
any individual the high honors cl.
oar party who begging
crying for the same. It is- not
safe policy, to the least.
A beggar in any phase of life is-
an object perhaps worthy of charity,,
but in no wise entitled to special
Just now with many questions-
upon which there is a vast differ
of opinion, requires a though
worthy of the deepest and most
penetrating mind, and to
our party with chronic office
and those who know not the trials
of an honest will
tend to embarrass the situation
bring about a state of affairs not
only deplorable, but possibly the
means of in the coining
to use force in
Louisiana that he
as a to as-
certain the of th people
went to New
Orleans and consulted the-
, and, after authority
to exchange for the
American; reported to President
reined the and
strips yesterday- amid the
the Governor
Taft knows well that
is way the-stars and
D. G, Mat 1904.
Secretary Taft, in an interview
with your correspondent a few
months ago, attempted lo justify
the subjugation of the by
seizure of Louisiana under the
as he termed it. I
that the Louisiana province
was not seized, but was
with the full consent of the
who dwelt there. I see that the
Governor is out again exploiting the
Louisiana Purchase as a justification
If all toe people of the country
were as loyal ts every interest
affects them as the newspapers are
to their towns, counties and state,
there would be a wonderful differ-
in things. The newspapers
of North Carolina, and of other
states as well, dairy and weekly.
city or country papers, show more
genuine loyalty to the communities,
towns and in which they
labor than any other institutions or
enterprise that have to do with the
public interest. When did one
of our criminal aggression in ever read anything in a local or
Does he not that reflected on the
remember that
locality or the state except in the
purpose and of doing good
Sometimes have to print
news that is unpleasant but the
editors and manager's bear more of
such unpleasantness- than any one
Every worthy is en-
by the paper w papers of
the town and in many cases
the papers take the lead in
good enterprises even when
there is no difference to the paper,
in matters of dollars and cents,
in . ,, . the such enterprise succeeds or
not. If as many person would say
good things for a local paper, for
Philippine Islands- while he was
there. in
stead Does he
think there is at a resemblance
between the t
There is no the tariff
question-in its various phases will
be prominent in the- platforms- f
both parties and in the fall cam-
The republicans will i ex-
claim, stand pat But
we think tariff revision,.
we'll revise The
retort that a party which has main-
law is not a party
to the Senate leader was
the people town- and
they would take m re inter-
est in reading and supporting the
paper themselves. There is no
question about the fact that news-
papers are more loyal and
communities and com-
are to papers. There are
many ways in which the public
could be helpful t- papers without
or sacrifice, and view of the
ties they ought it. Above all,
every man in the community ought
keep his accounts square with his
greatly annoyed by Charles M- q.
Schwab a letter that
steel rail sold to
a ton were, under the- tariff, j
in England for a
Ninety Dollars out of Tea.
ff there is any law in logic of
clear quibbled, for the Kansas
The democrats of Harnett in their
recent county convention, had one
plank in their platform that fills the
bill. It reads as
favor the adoption by our
national convention at St. Louis of
a platform upon which every true
democrat can stand, leaving out of
it every dead issue which heretofore
has b-ought discord to our ranks,
we believe that the wisdom of the
people should be heeded in our
councils, rather than the theories or
speculations of any one man or
fraction of
The members of the North Caro-
Press Association will
in Atlanta the 18th,
from which point they will go in a
body to St. Louis to visit the World
Fair. It is understood that the
party will comprise a large
of North Carolina newspaper
men, many of whom will be
by their
THE ha had it in mind
to say something along this line,
and cheerfully gives endorsement to
what the Press says. North
Carolina is ably represent-
ed in congress and the state could
do no better than return all of these
While we may not have the
of speaking for the entire
State, save in a general way, we do
feel the right of expressing an
ion as to the first district, The
people of this district should have
no other idea than returning John
H. Small to congress. He has been
there long enough to be of great
usefulness to his district and State,
and it would be little less than folly
to set him aside and put a new rep-
in his place. He is a
valuable representative, n hard
worker, and should have the
vote of the next district con-
for his return to congress.
Amend the Constitution.
The State Constitution should be
amended so that Legislature
would meet the first Monday in Au-
gust instead of January.
If the change is made the
of a session of the Legislature
would be lessened, the danger of
contracting colds and pneumonia by
imperfect ventilation or from other
causes would be greatly reduced,
and more farmers and business men
would be elected to represent us in
the law-making branch of the gov-
Ask a farmer now to be a
date for the Legislature and almost
invariably he will tell you he cannot
be away from his farm from January
to April, the most important time,
perhaps, for the farmer to be at
home. It is the same way with the
business man, August and
are the most leisure months in
the year and could beat be devoted
to matters
wan Times.
denied but made no effort whatever
to disprove the assertion. Thin
revelation will enter, into the
as well as the potency of tin-
tariff as a trust-breaker.
The Hearst met. a
defeat at the
precinct election here. la seems
odd that in the capital of. this
republic that is the only kind of
election that is over held-an ex-
about valuable as- the
straw vote on railroad ears.
Self government does not exist in
distill. are token ears of
like helpless, children by three
called up-
pointed by the president tax us
and spend ten million dollars every
year ostensibly for our and
comfort. There are of
revolt against this, state of things as
a good many of our people are will-
to fare the perils of self govern
to continue the
meek helpless subjects of an
It is very curious that, although
is said to belong to the
United States, a Rican has
none of the privileges of a citizen
of the United States. A native of
Rico who is a graduate of
Cornell University and Law School,
writes me that he is denied the
right to be examined for the New
York baron sole ground that
he is n it a citizen of the United
States. Neither a nor
Filipino can be admitted to the bar
in this city. inquired at the
State Department yesterday if a
could get a passport to
enable him to travel in Europe and
they said no; the only protection he
could have would be a passport
from the governor of Rico
Ranch News u is not
easy to Mr. Kansas
gentleman, keeps an boarding-no.,
it appears. at a
recent occasion sat-Ilia Mrs.
the village- milliner, Mrs.
Andrews; Mr. Mr.
Jordan, a Mr. Hart-
n flour, feel until saunter mer-
chant. Mr. a bill
out of his pocket-book, handed
it to Mrs. Brown, with the remark
that there the
he Mrs.
handed the to Mrs Andrews,
the milliner,, pays
for my new, Mrs. Andrews
in turn, it on to. r. Jordan,
it would pay for the
carpentering work lie had done for
her. Mi Jordan, handed it to Mr.
his receipted
bill for feed and lumber. Mr.
bill back to Mr
That pays on
my Mr. Brown again pass-
ed it Do Mrs. Brown, remarking that
he paid her the he had
promised her. She in turn paid it
to Mr. Black to settle her bread and
pastry account; Mr. Black handed it
to Mr. Hadley, asking credit for the
amount on his flour bill, Mr- Had-
again turning it to Mr. Brown,
with the remark that it settled for
that month's board; whereupon
Brown put it back into his pocket-
book, observing that he had not
supposed a greenback would go so
William Hartley, a white man, re-
quested that he be not hanged with
a at the other day,
for the reason that he feared the
public would get the idea that he
had committed crime with a
The incident is interesting as show-
about as much protection in Russia that seldom, under any
or Turkey as a passport from the
governor of Arizona would be. And
this is justice .
stances, does a white man entirely
lose sight of the fact that there is a
color line. Charlotte
I This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who Is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
We have a nice lot of porch The line of goods
nun timber. If yon are in need the store of R. G. Chapman On.
of them why not let us fit yon up.
Prices are right. Winterville
H. A. White
spent Monday
Call and
is unusually attractive,
J, B. Newton Fort
Barn well has been here for
l days past.
Boarding J. D.
Board per day. Best
making and buggy h
now. . .
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Moore from
are visiting relatives here.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., are
School books, pencils
best quality of always
sale at Drug Store.
Miss Cora Carroll
Mrs. J. D. Cox.
IS Visiting
A. G, Out Mfg. Co. wishes
to purchase 1900 light wood
Veterans J. H. Smith,
Nelson, S. C. Hamilton, Alfred
The prices for the best
can had at H. L. John
Mrs. Jane went to New-
to visit her daughter Mrs.
Dr. J. H. Hudson came from
Richmond Saturday.
See H. l. Johnson for
Claude L. Fleming
from Greenville Sunday here.
Men's Suits.
L. F. Elliot H- C.
went to the Confederate
Reunion at Greenville
Light and heavy groceries R. G.
Chapman Co. is the place.
Don't forget.
W. A. Smith went to Grimes-
H. L. Johnson pays highest
prices for eggs chickens.
Dr. B. T. Cox, not the
country, be either at hie
residence or at the store of K. G.
Chapman Co.
Miss Letha returned
Best prices tip top goods can
be bad at R. G. Chapman ft Go's
For the beet grades of smoking
chewing go to
Drug Store.
Rev. G. X. Cowan from Kinston
preached the annual sermon for
the Winterville High School
R. G. Chapman C. the
to call an examine their
stock of dry goods, notions etc.
Prices to suit the buyer
Joshua Manning spent
with his parents.
G. A. Kittrell Co., have just
received a car load No. Timothy
J. T. Gresham Wilmington
was here Monday.
Car load cotton teed just
Miss Agnes Dixon from Ayden
family of J. H. C
Allen Kittrell, after an extended
tour turned up here.
Miss Arlie Moore
school Sunday.
a road to
tore. Everything at lowest received, G. A. Co.
market price. wish to notify the
Bee nice shirts at H. L. public that I grind every
T h sin's j day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
J. L. Roberson- Purnell Tripp.
was here
promised not to tell what bis
Latest very cheap
at H. L. Johnson's.
Miss Nannie was in
A good article is better if you
have to pay a little more for it
a article at a smaller
Dr. Cox wishes to purchase j price. So try one of the Carroll
Ibo goose feathers. singletrees manufactured the
Miss Maggie Rollins Winterville Mfg Q
is visiting the family of Church and flu Moore
Campbell from Goose
Nest arrived Sunday.
On Sunday evening at
M i-s Stokes Mr. Caleb
Tripp were married. Elder Fred
A plow beam manufactured by
the Winterville Mfg, Co. always;
gifts you go to j
them and have one put in your
They can also furnish
handle for your plow.
The of Savage, Mum Co.,
dissolved by mutual
the 12th day of April, 1904, R.
M. Move Helling bis interest in the
business other members
the they assuming all
of firm, and all accounts
due the being payable to them
This 25th day of April. 1904.
R. M.
Sale Of Land For Partition.
No Spring tonic in the world so good as one
of our Spring Suits. Nearly every man
will dress anew in the month of May.
Good breeding and good go hand in
hand. It's high time to be dressed for the
season, for the birds are already singing,
In the Good Old Summer Time. Think of
your wardrobe needs. Think of the store
that's best to fill them, and your foot-
steps will, without doubt, turn in this
We're here waiting to do you
Frank Wilson,
G. Bryan.
About a car load of we . ,, II. A Blow,
by A . get v,
Cox Mfg Co., . f
Mrs. Nancy died Sunday when yon geL any
at p. of She was style just as cheap
Sh-.-leaves as nice
children, great here from the
children. you get your buggies
Any person wishing to purchase I Shaw from New Item
a with boiler,
shafts, etc. all erected and in run- J Mauling returned home
order, with two corn Saturday.
and one flour mill complete, with
bolt. Also the build- r AC
log and large water lank above it.
Tasteless CASTOR OIL mM.
L. Johnson for heavy and
We expect to be in our new store
the latter part of next week,
Burring, Barber Co.
W. G. Cooper returned from
Kinston Monday.
We ere carrying the
Hour, pure hog lard, and bent
shoulder, T. N. Manning
Joseph Cobb who has been at
school in Kinston came up
day and Sunday.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. 3-22
do well to see or correspond
with A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. This
is plant that contains the as Maple
splendid supply mineral water
and is a most splendid lot for
business. The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
la offering the sale with view
of a brick factory.
A. I. from
arrived Tuesday.
By of a decree C
Moore, of the Court of i
on the 23rd day of April.
In a certain special proceeding
wherein II. A. Wow. Lizzie Blow and
are plaintiffs and C.
M. Blow, T. G. Jennie Blow
are defendants, the undersigned
mission-r will expose to public sale on
the ti day . f June, at the Court
house door in Greenville,
est bidder for cash, i Jan-
inn., It January isms, the low
log parcel of real property to wit
In the town of Greenville, N
bound d the West by Washing-
ton street, on the
street, on the Bast by the
Temple and on the North by the
J. B. lot and being known
as the Or. Blow lot, being
Lot No. is the of town of
This 3rd, 1904
Store Closes at P. M.
Opens a A M.
Bleaching at per yard.
. .

Mrs. Bettie Britt,
IN .
MM Fun Goods,
N. C.
Best Goods latest
See me before buying.
J. Proctor Bros
piers m
tar provision.
your table, or
we can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grim corn,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
of turned work for
and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes. Hats, Groceries
Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to est something to
wear, or some for the
Louse or farm, you can
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the sells.
Miss Maggie Bryant is the guest
of Mrs. Galloway.
Several of people have been
to this week courting.
O. Proctor Bro. took out
their seine today. The old shad
has been a good to us.
Howard Hall died Wednesday.
He leaves a wife and several small
Deputy Sheriff Leon Tucker
spent part of Tuesday with us.
Miss Bessie Phew is the guest
of Miss Langley near
Miss Mamie Galloway has re-
turned from Greenville where she
spent n week.
These May showers make the
farmers smile, especially the to-
Potatoes are looking well.
A. O. to Black Jack
Sunday to see mother, Mr.
W. L. Clark, who is very
We are glad to hear that J. J.
Elks going to run for sheriff.
Mr. Elks is known well in Pitt
county. We think he would make
a good sheriff.
A. veteran democrat, aged
years, Indiana, committed
his sou voted for a
He had always boasted that
no member of his family had failed
to vote the straight democratic
Clerk of the Superior Court of
r-m having this day issued to
letters of administration upon the
estate of M. M. Galloway, deceased,
is hereby given to all persons
holding claims against said estate to
present them to me duly authenticated,
on or before the 8th day of
or this notice will be plead in
of their recovery. All persons
to said estate are to
make immediate payment to me.
This the 7th day of March,
of If. M, Galloway.
Blow, Attorneys.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
. i i
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. TM
only Soda Fountain in town, AH
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
North County,
Superior Court.
Mary Jane
Charles Evans,
The defendant will take that
action entitled as has been
commenced against him in the
court of county by the plain-
tiff for the purpose of obtaining a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony
upon the grounds of abandonment
adultery, and the defendant will
further take notice that he is required
to appear before the judge of oar
Superior court at a court to be held
for the of Pitt the 3rd Monday
after the Monday in September,
it being the day of September
1904, answer the complaint
be deposited in the office of the
clerk of the superior court of said
county within the Brit -hive days or
said then answer or
demur to said complaint within the
time required bylaw or the
will to the court for the right
u in the taint.
This the 13th day Of April 1904.
Clerk of Superior court.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hard ware Furniture. Groceries.
Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton and Country Produce.
Greenville's Great
Department Store
Dry Goods,
Dress J Materials,
The Accessories,
Is hereby given that John J.
Jones enters claims the fol-
lowing described vacant
to ,
Situated Bethel and Green-
ville near the town
Bethel, Pitt county, and be-
ginning Id creek,
the Patent
Ion the South, Briley on the
North, the lauds on the
West, and Louis and
Sain Edwards on the East, con
i taming acres, more or less
This April the 1904.
or persons, claim-
title to, or Interest the
above described laud, oust file
then protest, with me, in writing,
I within the next days, Of
they will be burred by law.
Entry taker, for
county, N. C.
K. L
Li. A.
J. L. Cashier,
yon can get honest goods at living prices. See our
large you buy and be satisfied with you
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
; t I
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is .-
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an endowment during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
stimulate the torpid LIVER.
tho digestive organs
regulate tho bowels, and are
In malarial districts their virtues arc
widely as they
properties in freeing
from poison. Elegantly
sin i coated.
Take No Substitute
Greenville's Great Department Store
Back up Our Claims for
Fact not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact not a drug, but
a normal, scientific cure for
All Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It th. m
hi. to
with package.
nap w
Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
l i every
of a approved x-ray
For etc., , .-----
Tho Present, St.
The Only Way
To get
Is it to n
Mad Young
of Dr. King's New
each night for two weeks has
me In my
writes l. H Turner
town, Pa They're the best in
the for Liver, Stomach and
Bowels vegetable Never
gripe. Only at Women's
Drug Store.
J. A. Galled of Ala
was twice in I he hospital from
Severe case of piles
tumors After doctors and all
remedies failed.
Salve quickly further
Inflammation and cured him. It
conquer-, aches and kills
Ac. at Wooten's drugstore.
A Cure For PI lea
had a had case of says
G. F Carter, of Atlanta, Ga.,
consulted a physician who
advised me to try a box of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. I
chased a box and was
cured. It is splendid for piles,
giving relief instantly, and I hear-
recommend it to all
Witch Hazel Salve is
equaled for its healing qualities.
Eczema and other skin diseases,
also sores, cuts, burns and
of kind ere cured
by it. by J. L. Wooten.
When Tho Rises
Weak lungs should be careful.
Coughs and colds are dangerous
then. One Minute Cough Cure
cures coughs colds and gives
to the lungs. Mrs, G. E.
of Marion, Buys,
suffered a couch until I tun
down in weight from to low.
I tried a number of to no
avail until I used Minute
Cough Cure. Four bottle of this
remedy cured entire- j
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs and restored me to my nor-
weight, health
Sold by J L. Wooten.
And Children
Who can not stand the shocking
Strain laxative syrups and ca- Q
pills are especially food I g
Little All
who hi d to lake liver
medic should try easy
and is-i, pare the agreeably
the and weakening eon-
s the use of other
remedies. Little Early Risers
cure constipation, sick
headache, jaundice, malaria and
liver troubles. -Sold by J. L.
Here's the New Millinery
Nothing but admiration-nothing but praise is heard of the Hats and Toques we
assembled. It's unique, this remarkable collector., first, because o the
and styles, again, since the world's most famed artists are liberally represented.
The creation of cur own workroom, in style and quality, equal to that any
would charge twice as much.
Dress Goods
Yards Percales in wide,
L Wooten
does not hesitate to recommend
to his friends
and customers. Indigestion causer-
more health thud anything else.
It the stomach and brings i
on all of
Cure digests what
all K dot
nor a feet hill
tonic as well.
Bern-wed health, strength
A aura Thing
It that nothing is sine
except death an I hut that
is mil altogether true
Hew for i.-
a sure vine all lung and throat
trouble., can
to that. Mrs. C. U. Van
W. Va. says
had a severe of Bronchitis
and for a year tried
of, but got no relief. One
bottle of Dr. King's New
cry me
It's infallible for Croup, Whoop
Grip, Pneumonia
Consumption. Try it. It's
Trial titles Keg size
A Start I Teat,
To a life, Dr. T
of No. , a
test resulting in h won
cure. He writes, a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by of
the stomach. I had often found
excellent for acute
Stomach and liver troubles so I
them. The patient
gained from the first, has no
Electric Bitters are positively
guaranteed for
Constipation and Kidney
trouble. Try them Only I
at Wooten's Drug Store.
For Men of Particular Taste.
We hate ibis to In he man I
with just as natch HI d M
fit, for to
Take Thought for Your Spring Footwear
long season, and tie hi
long look ahead.
t but of a
now should be with a
Look as far you if shoes are
long look ahead. important fee-
Comfort and
and in or yon
get variation in sturdy
this carpet will wash, color fast, colors absolutely
-l r The Sultana. Carpet.
US A brand new idea.
IS. before f
Absolutely vermin and moth sanitary, in
run. Enough said. Challenge price.
W. Main St.
. e
I North Carolina.
t .

. R. L.
N. C.
AV Dental
J f. CD.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
William Fountain, fl.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office, or.
street Phone
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
What the Texas Farmer Forgot
A is going the rounds re
farmer who is greatly
troubled with
the home from town, so
the story goes, the thought came
to him that he had forgotten some-
thing. He took out his notebook,
went over every item and checked
it off. He saw that he had made
all the purchases he had intended.
Rut as he drove on he could not
feeling aside. When he
arrived home and drove up to the
house his daughter to i
and with a of surprise,
where is
at L-St Obtained, After
by st.
A months ago the attention of a
few scientific and .
Weekly Crop Report
The North Carolina section of
the climate and crop service issues
through the weather bureau, the
following crop bulletin for the past
In most of the along the
coast, as well as in those west of
the Blue mountains and also
in s few central ones the weather
during the past week was
because sections received
considerable rain which greatly
crops. The
however, was irregularly
distributed in portion
of the Stare, where drought is
quite severe in interior
The temperature was be-
low normal this week especially
in the eastern of the state,
with a general deficiency of nearly
degrees; warmer weather set in
on the 6th Low temperatures
and dry weather have prevented
rapid germination, crops are com-
up irregularly and flowing
slowly. The week was very
farm work, which is
well up everywhere; more
and better plowing than usual was
Cotton has all been planted in
in others planting
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
incipient or earl
Wholesale and retail . disease, pursue their
Dealer. Cash paid for . become com
i , receiving
is still in progress;
Sure to In sufferers of the -White is up yet.
, that relative, and
S and except on lowlands and j
l a great many in extreme northern and western
daily vocations
the same treat
Hide., Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil
Turkeys, Egg, etc Bid-,
Mattresses, I
units, Tables
Life Tobacco
,, Henry George can- j St.
,,., Peachy v has at Hill-
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, AHA, known as
flour Meat, ; Lung Cure, and Mr. C.
K, Magic Food, la, the
same treat- A few complaints of damage by
in St. have complete- nave been received.
Tobacco plants are growing slowly,
. a. kt the fly is re
advantage of
to set out
they are
small, borne peanuts
planted. Wheat, oats and rye.
continue backward growth and ,
. ,. I
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Ware, Cakes and
Cheese, Bet Butter.
. Machines, and
other goods. and
quantity. for
Bee me.
communications from f . , t
. mi
at. craps, especially
N. Seventh , i well. Shipments of strawberries
Louis, Mo. j A large
melons is being planter
FOR C NI I B It appears that more fruit escaped
by frost than anticipated,
and it is setting well.
Report of the of
The Bank of
Greenville, V-
At the close of business
; and 8158,537.201
I Fixtures
Due from 183,023.76
Silver Coin
Ah moat of the Hotels her. ere b a
experience m difficulty b.
avoid this we
boarding wt ere you K
If you will when you expect to w
a room tor
We carry largest line of C Table
and Tinware, South of and invite
of room.
Lamp need
of It is beat Oil Lamp made.
examine it,
China, Mass and Tinware.
218-220-222 S. Charles St.,
Cold Comfort
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
we sell a good W work,
everything in the hardware line.
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I James L. Little, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this 8th day of Ar
J. G.
. C.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated lb. railroad North
no and p and of ft.
and for d
metal Our ,,.,
our tinning Yon Up,
a of be patronage and
Many new and pretty styles are
seen in the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it be
more correct to say that every
one of them are new and pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their
fully equal to their beauty. All
Percales and
shown. The are dainty
the rich and
prices are wonder workers
Phone No.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Twice and Friday.
J. J. Cherry is quite sick with
B. L. Tyson went to Ayden
J. Z. Gardner left this morning
for Franklin, Va.
J. B. returned to
this morning.
Ex-Gov. and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis
left this morning for Raleigh.
Miss Abrams went to
Winterville Wednesday evening.
Mrs. F. G. Whaley, of
dine, took the train here this morn-
for Suffolk.
Mrs. B. T. Andrews, of Parmele,
who has been visiting Mrs. Z. T.
Vincent, left this morning.
Rev. J. B. Jones, of Wilson,
came in this morning to conflict a
meeting in church.
L. D. Ames, of Portsmouth,
who has been Halting his
Mrs. W. b. Brown, returned
home today.
D C. Moore, J. S. Mooring
T. W. Whitehurst went to
this morning to the com-
Prof. G. E. Lineberry, principal
of Winterville High School, came
up to attend the meeting of
district superintendents.
Mrs. C. L. Whichard and little
son Mist Mary Hey, of Nor
folk Mrs. A. Whichard,
who have been visiting Mr-. D. J.
Whichard, left this morning.
Misses Sammy Langley, of
House, and Bessie of Grimes-
land, are visiting Misses Valeria
Fannie Fleming.
Mrs. H. T. King is quite
H. went to
T. A. Duke to Henderson
Julius Sugg went to Kinston
Tom Blow left this morning for
W. P. went to Farm-
Miss Rosa Tucker went to Win-
Tom Whitehurst returned from
Bethel Friday,
Ola Forbes left this morning for
John Laughinghouse went to
Tarboro today.
Mrs. J. White has been quite
sick for some days.
Rev. W. E. Powell h-ft this
morning for Wilton,
T. A. Duke returned from
Friday evening.
Hon. J. Bryan Grimes, of
came in
Miss Myra Moore went to
Friday evening.
Mrs. J. J. Meadows this
Interesting Meeting of the Association.
The first meeting of the
of superintendents of
public schools fr this district,
embracing twenty counties, began
here Wednesday evening cod
in session two days. About
half the in the district are
Those present
dents of Perquimans;
Long, of Northampton; Davis, of
Watson, of Hyde;
Askew, of Bertie; Crisp, of Dan;
Burgess, of Peel, Mar-
ti of Pitt, Secretary
of Raleigh, and others,
The association met in the grad-
ed school chapel at p m. It
is somewhat remarkable that
few of the people of the were
in attendance. It is to be hoped
this does not indicate a lack of in
on their part education.
Ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis most
cordial words welcomed the sup-
to Greenville. This
address was eloquently
to by Prof. E C. Brooks, of
secretary of the state
campaign committee.
Prof. W. H. followed
a timely and interesting address
Call of the
This morning from to the
Closing Session Thursday Night
The closing session of the meet-
of county superintendents
public schools for this district,
was held the graded school
Two subjects were discussed at
Marriage Announced Couple.
N. C, May
Mrs. W. A. Jones has
the of her daughter,
Miss Ida Beauregard to
W. J. Thigpen went lo Winter-
ville Thursday evening.
Forbes went to
ville Thursday evening.
B. F. Manning went to Winter-
ville evening.
W. E. Moore returned from Tar-
Thursday evening.
D. C Moore returned from
Bethel Thursday evening.
left Thursday
for Winterville.
Joshua Manning went to Win
day evening for Winterville.
L. Hall returned from Scot-
lam Neck Thursday evening.
Misses and Ada Ward
left Thursday for
Misses Louise Mud Emma Boyd
went to Winterville Thursday
W . E. Clara
Forbes went to Thursday
Miss Nell Skinner returned
Thursday evening from a visit to
Miss Annie Moore, of Hassell,
came Thursday evening to visit
Mrs. J. R- Moore.
Mrs. Harry Galloway, of Mt.
Airy, arrived Thursday evening to
visit Mrs. Harry Skinner.
M. of
who been visiting her
H. W. left
v. for
T. Moore returned to Roan-
Rapids this morning.
Mi-s Louie Bethel, is
visiting Mrs. W. J.
from a trip down the road.
Several came up on morning
train to attend the reel-
Some good suggestions were made
in the discussion.
Just before adjournment Super-
of Hyde, spoke
earnestly of the hospitality of the
people of Greenville and the
had given the
to meet here. After his
the following resolution
was by a
That the members
of this ion with
lasting pleasure
hospitality so gracefully
to them by citizens of
ville during this session, that
their thanks due are here-
by most heartily extended for the
same. We further to ex-
press our high appreciation of the
uniform courtesy and kindness Of
the school officers teachers of
the town so manifested
during our with them.
The following resolution w s
adopted relative to prises
v .,,, by Secretary of State J.
the several class rooms of our I .
Mr. A. This
this session, Civil Gov- information will be learned with
and most in many parts of this
use superintendent's state and in Virginia, where Miss
Hassell is well known. Mr.
is a Virginian, of Chase City,
and is very popular in social circles
the eastern part of North Caro-
as well as in bis native state.
He is a representative of the
Tobacco company, and has
been stationed at Williamston for
a season. Miss Hassell has been
called the most beautiful young
lady in eastern section of the
state. Her education was in a
Virginia school. She is the
of the late Dr. Alonzo Hassell,
grand-daughter of the late Rev. C.
B. Hassell, who were prominent
men of North Carolina. The social
prominence popularity of the
couple cause many to be interested.
The marriage will be celebrated
in the Church of the Advent late
in June.
The association was called to
order at o'clock by Prof. W. H.
much of
the in. session occupied
in short addresses from the differ-
superintendents the relation
of public sentiment to the
schools in their
There was a discussion of
B. T. Bailey and little daughter, j .
Miss Maggie Lee, left this morning w, what
Greenville N. O.
Dear making pastoral
visits, of nun raft
ease; you go where your people
live. But you have two sets of
of feelings
help all have. But you
especially have; for a part your
business is sympathy. Well-kept
lawns and well-tilled field-, nice
homes nice are
for Va.
Foster and sister, Mi-s
Minnie, returned from Washing-
ton Friday evening.
Mr. arid Mrs. J.
left this morning for St. Louis to
visit fair and attend
melting the National Edi-
t rial association.
G. E. R. R. M.
Move and M. H. returned
Friday evening a fishing
of several days lo creek.
had good sport.
To Buy Up Repudiated Southern States
Washington, May
formation developed
here today that a syndicate is be-
for the purpose of
buying up repudiated bonds of
southern states, most of which
were issued by the carpet baggers.
The promoters of the scheme pot
their cue from the decision in the
hereby the
of North Carolina by tho
offering Grimes and
for the be papers
the follow in Beet
Sketch of a North
Best paper any decade of North
Carolina history. Best as they are to
history of any county in the state. poor
That by burdens
lion hereby the sop for them overworked
to aid the teachers i
the s. Many I
of , teachers
in these prisM to the extent that
they way become competitors for
noon at which
subjects were e
closing session will t j
and th of the
bear I oat
invited t be
it re;
Teachers Association
Tue Teachers Association
this morning the Graded School j This is the
Snake Turned Out a Good Incubator
Several G if Ville people were
d -v. were In a
I jolly a
I now snake story, which, be said,
was not i it usual and
fill, but I rue, ad had cone
the pus
of the country.
Dakota case, it is understood j gave a model class exercise
building nod
were conducted by Rev. T. H.
KinK. of by the
Secretary. The roll call of teachers
A splendid address was then de-
livered by Rev. T. H. King,
subject, do I
Miss Mary Wiley then
to be their intention to gather up
all these now worthless securities
with the object of making a test in
each case before the court
of the United States. In fact, it
is said that a great many of the
old bonds have already col-
by which is
promoting the speculative venture
Tho work has going very
quietly for some weeks so it is said
My authority expressed
ion that ex Senator Marion
is one of the promoters of the syn-
Special to
Raleigh Post.
was enjoyed by all present.
work in the pub-
school, by Miss Ida Edwards.
work during
vacation, by Miss Ada Tyson.
in the public
school, by Miss Mann.
public school then
and now, by Miss Nancy Coward.
All were excellent and very en-
Dove made practical suggestion.
After a few timely remarks by
the President the Association ad-
Joseph wife plated
a setting of eggs under of
sometime ago in the
of batching B brood of broilers
for spring market.
few days later Mr.
heard the hens in the chicken
house cackling in an excited man-
and he went there, to
see a large black snake crawling
under the outer wall. He killed
it, noticing that it was
he cut it open
discovered that the snake bad
swallowed the of
women, and dirty-faced children,
you may be strong to get on with;
but you would be more,
man to rind inspiration in misery.
Paint divides the two sorts of
people; one paints, and the other
don't. Or, perhaps, the thrifty
paint well; the paint ill.
To well Is to paint
sound. There are two ways to do
it; one is to paint often; the
other to use good
It about half as much to
a to with any
oilier paint for takes
gallons than mixed mints and
wean twice as long as lead-and-oil.
. The thrifty and comfortable
have the art of using money more
wisely. How lucky they are how
P. S.
Yours truly
p. W. Co.
H. L. sells our
of a turn of mind
and discovering that the hen was
mill upon the nest, Mr.
carefully the under
her the hope that they had not
chilled. His faith brought
forth the mountain, as yesterday,
while inspecting the nest, Mrs.
found fourteen young
chickens hatched within thirty-six
Nearly Fifteen Millions Pounds.
Secretary C. W. Harvey, of the
tobacco board trade, furnishes us
the following figures of the sales
of tobacco on
For the month of April the sales
For the season from
August 1st to April the sales
were pounds.
These figures give an idea of
what Greenville is doing as a to-

Eastern reflector, 13 May 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 13, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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