Eastern reflector, 29 April 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

K. L.
K. A. Vice-President.
J. L.
of the condition of
The Bank of Greenville
Greenville, C
At the lose of business
Mrs. J. Lanier is visiting in
K. W. Ward left this morning
for Wilson.
Cox went to Ayden
Friday evening.
E. M. Cheek left this
for Wilmington.
Miss Mary Stancill, of Hill, is
visiting Miss Mary
F. D. Foxhall and O. D. Hooker j g cash items
returned Friday evening. Coin
Mi-s Abrams returned I Silver
this morning from Winterville. bk 27,871.00
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Ross, of
Robersonville, are visiting ;
i-mm- and Discounts.
i Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt count; this day issued to
me of administration upon the
estate of II. If, Galloway, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persona
holding claims against said estate to
present them authenticated,
or before the Mb day of March,
or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery all persons
to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to me.
This the 7th of March.
of M. M, Galloway.
blow, Attorneys.
W. It. Parker, who has been
sick for more than two weeks, is
out again.
Mis. Ann Coward, who has been
visiting the II. L Coward,
left Friday evening tor Ayden.
Rev. A. T. Prof. W. H. j
went to Winterville last
night and returned this morning.
Rev. and Mrs. F. G.
and Prof. W. B. Dove returned
this morning from the Presbytery
at New Bern.
Misses Annie Perkins and Mat-
tie Moore, teachers Farmville
graded school, are in town to
spend Sunday.
Mrs. A. J. Moore, of
and Mrs. G. T. Price, of Golds-
who have been visiting
L. I. Moore, left this morning.
Dr. B. T. Vann, president of the
Baptist Female University at
Raleigh, lectured before Winter
ville High School last night, lie
came to Greenville today and
preach in the Baptist church Sun-
day morning.
Capital Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
State North Carolina, .
County of Pitt.
I, L. Little, Cashier of the
j above-named bank, do solemnly
Swear that the above statement is
true to the best of knowledge
and belief L.
Subscribed and to
me, this 8th of
J. O.
Street Needs Sprinkling.
The merchants suffer
damage to their stocks,
to ray nothing of the discomfort to
people, by the of
being sprinkled when it is
needed. We heard one merchant
remark that the only
that ever come to me from
paying town taxes was the
ling of the street in front of
store to protect the goods, but
that benefit cannot be had
half the time when is needed,
the town has three horses and
a street
Ill Years of Good Paint Making
Honorable wares and honorable
dealings have been the .
way since 1793.
That is the right way and the
prosperous way.
The few years have brought
a steady and enormous increase in ,
the demand by painters for Harri-
town and country Paints.
It was larger in than ever be-
Baker Hart, Wholesale
tail Distributing Agents.
Mrs. Susan A. Moore, of Grimes-
land, died last night at the hi
of her daughter,
in that town. She was the m
of Mrs. Dora Quinn and Mi .
R. Moore, of Greenville, and Mis.
W. M. Moore, of
The burial will take Sun-
day afternoon at the old id
about five miles Greenville.
Preparing For Opening.
A company of home talent is
new at work on a splendid play I
with which to the new opera
house in the Masonic temple,
is going to be good and there
should be a vacant seat in the
house. The play will be presented j
on the night following the
cation the temple, which will
be some date in the near future.
Cut Off Half.
Warden tells us he now
thinks the recent cold snap did so
much damage to strawberries that
there will be less than fifty per-
cent of a crop.
No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and catarrh of the stomach
all to Indigestion. cures
Indigestion. This new discovery
the natural Juices of digestion
as they exist In a healthy stomach.
combined with the greatest known tonic
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the raucous membranes
lining tho stomach.
Gives Health o the Sick and
Strength the Weak.
Bottles only. Size holding times
th trial size, which sells
Prepared by B. C. A Co., Chicago.
North Carolina,
nit County, tin Superior Court.
W. Caraway and wife,
B. Caraway, and George M. Li nil-
administrator d- b. c- t. s of S.
Godfrey A. Stancill, S V Joyner, ad-
d b ft of B
L C King, Peyton T Atkinson. John
E King and wife, Alice Sam
A and Helen V
The defendants. King,
Watkins and wife Helen V Watkins j
named, will take notice that an
action entitled us above has been com-
meaner in the Superior Court of Pitt I
county, relating to. for the
cry of, real property situate
in Pitt county. North Carolina,
known as tho
The said defendants will further take
notice that they are required to
pear at the next of the Superior
Court of Pitt county to held on the
Monday after the Brat Monday in
March, it being the 26th day of
April, Court House in said
county, at Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in said action, or the plaintiffs will
apply to the court the relief de-
in complaint.
This the 83rd March,
Clerk of the superior Court of
The Hay Grain Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
hereby given that John
Jonas enters and claims the fol-
lowing described Vacant
Situated in Bethel and Green-
ville township, near the town of
Bethel, in Pitt county, and be-
ginning in creek, ad-
joining the Joseph Briley Patent
on the South, Briley on the
North. the All pi lands on the
West, and Louis and
Sam Edwards on the Kant, eon
tabling acres, more or less
This April the Hi, 1904.
Any or claim-
title to, or interest in the
described must file
hen protest, with we, in writing,
within I he next tinny days, or
will be by law.
Entry for Pit I
county, K, O. d
The following points can now
be reached
this company;
Chan it-,
. I
Sen -i-ii.-,
Won e
over tho lines of
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Chi , ;
Chase -j
Ohio, i ii
Columbia, s. c.
Nashville, Tenn.
Jew York N. V.
New s. La
St. Mo
Popular Shapes
It is not enough that a Shoe should be
easy and well made, it should be handsome
are all three. The shapes are especially
attractive this season and all styles are
sold at a price never heard of before for
High Grade Shoes. The
is a special favorite. Made in Hack i in
with light or heavy soles, and In or
button. Very graceful, very comfortable
and yet snug fitting. Sold exclusively by
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date- and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
build i
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal Work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
And all other Important and in
I points east of the
Get our prices arid soc oar stock be-
fore buying. want to buy your
Corn mid Peal for cash
F. C.
William Fountain,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C-
Office one door east of post office,
Dr. ID. Hi. James.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
y-at- Law,
I . . ,
I attest
Many new and pretty styles are
in the gathering of Lawns
Prints. Indeed it would
more correct to say that
one of them are new and pretty.
They are from the leading man
and their quality is
fully equal to their beauty. All
the Dress
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are
the colors rich and lasting, th.;
prices are wonder worker.
The Only Way-
To get
Is send it to
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Trial Held at Washington.
From the Washington Gazette
Messenger we get the following
report of the preliminary trial of
James Moore and John Reid iD
the killing of
The first wit new was Mamie
Hill who testified, and Maud
Martin were on our way to the
dress makers, we were in a buggy
and we were over taken by John
the deceased John
Maud got the buggy
with John Hue witness in
went in the Country.
Maud and I took two drink.
The men had a pint of
whiskey. John Rue said he
ed more left OS
nil and returned to town for more
and Rue said he would stop
at the race track and ball
with the boy until return
ed. was
witness got in the buggy
Maud Martin and John Rue.
We all went down Lover's Lane
and took another drink. We all
drove back and about one
died yards beyond the red
and then drove about mile
further down the towards
the country. Rue got out of
the buggy and said to Maud
have not treated me Rue
then picked up a stick about the
size wrist and three
four feet long. About this
time James Moore and John Reid
came up. Reid paid to
have treated me and
long and part of the right. The
ball ranged upwards and lodged
in his shoulder blade. In order
for the deceased to have
wound of this kind the person
who shot him must have been
standing to his left the ball rang-
upwards obliquely; as n suit of
the wound Rue bled to death.
Fee how he could walk eight
feet, could not have but
short distance. The ball I think
was My opinion is that Moore
was evidently lower than Rue was
for the shot to such a
Reid one of the defendants,
next placed on the Stand
Among other things he stated, that
he and Moore went to the
spring on wheels. After loitering
around the springs they started to
return and the owner of the
told that the road was butt r
the other way came
Maud Martin, Mamie Hill,
John and John Rue on tin-
road. MoorS was in the lead and
after passing Maud, who was in
the buggy, he Witness
then came up to where Maud was
and said you have acted
nice, out here with John Rue.
Witness caught hold of her and
started get the buggy with
her. Rue ran me on
the side of head with a stick;
the blow eked me down my
knees. Witness looked around
and was struck on the arm the
third time. When came
to hit senses, being groggy from
effect of blows received
In aid the report of a pistol.
went at once to Moore
thinking he had been shot. Rue
Maud by arm, Reid
had one foot on the stirrup and was lying cress-ways of the road.
other foot in the buggy. Rue
up and struck Reid on the bu-k
of the head with the stick. In
of I tie blow Reid
his balance and fell in the buggy.
Reid then turned to
It was and was met the
time with lie stick, being
on the forehead.
this lime James Stepped up
and said friend, I
anything like Hue then
attacked Moore and him
the club. Rue made a seem
attempt Io strike Moore
warded off ill blow aim.
Moore all the while was
retreating attitude. As he was
retreating from Rue his foot
and he slipped on edge of a
ditch While position
Rue again drew tho club In
lug attitude with his left hand
and threw his hand towards his
hip pocket, Moore then drew his
pistol and fired one time.
after Rue was shot heard
him say to John me
Witness then placed
handkerchief to her face. This
was ail she saw. On cross ex-
said that Rue was
under the influence of whiskey
and Maud Martin. Hue
ii I o said after he had struck Reid
the first time dam it I'll
kill you James Moore
was sober and under the in-
line; re of liquor at all.
The testimony of Maud Martin
and was similar to
that given by Mamie Hill.
Dr. D. T. Tayloe stated that he
found no evidence of bruises on
the body. He found the wound
ii the upper the left chest,
the ball entering between the
After he was shot he walked
or fifteen and Moore
and witness then d
on the side of road
and witness put the stick
Moore said to witness,
hail Reid
lets go to town and
to the sheriff. The
cum to and
I beg leave to announce to the
of Pill n
have associated my-
self with the warehouse
for the coming
I assure you of my appreciation
large patronage and ski-
port yon have so kindly given me
during the past eight years. The
I will be
to serve y on well and look
after your Interest at all times.
Hoping to see all of my friends
and patrons at the House,
I am,
Very truly your friend,
4-24 ltd w J. O.
Dr. Vann,
The large in the
Baptist church Sunday morning
with the sermon
Dr. Vann, president of the
Female University. Dr.
Vann is greatly beloved by
people here, and they are always
glad to hear him. His sermon was
on the trials of Job, from which he
drew many comparisons that were
helpful While bate
Dr. Vann was the guest of Mi.
and Mrs. M. Allen.
A singing blind man has been
furnishing entertainment to
along the street the
rib going through the left last day or two.
H. A. White went to Hamilton
J. G. Sunday in
J. M. Rents left this for
Jessie left this mot mug
J. S. Campbell, of Washington,
was here
H. II. Wilson, of Kinston, came
over this morning.
K. G. Flanagan left this moil-
for Baltimore.
Mrs. left
evening for Kinston.
O. O. Bland came in
evening from Washington.
J. B. Higgs left this morning for
Baltimore nod New York.
Miss Ethel Lincoln came home
this morning from Kinston.
H. W. has taken a
with Tub Reflector.
J. O. Bobbitt, of
Sunday here wit I friends.
L. A. Cobb, of Ayden, spent
Sunday here with Ola Forbes.
Miss Minnie Quinn returned to
her school near Washington today.
J. S Norman came home
day evening a trip on the
District Attorney Harry Skin-
Saturday evening for
Ill HOC Sugg, of Rocky Mount,
came in Saturday evening to visit
his father, I. A. Sugg.
D. S. and
Sunday here with
friends, aid returned home today,
Mir. Hat tie Harding, of Wash-
who has been Visiting
P. Harding, left tins morning,
Mrs Fulford and children,
of Washington, are visiting her
parents, Senator Mrs. A. L
Bessie r,
who bus been Miss
Helen home
Nannie Wilson,
Starkey, Smith and
Warren, and Car and Willie
son wen to Kinston Saturday.
Lee and Ed. Stewart, of Wash-
came in Saturday to spend
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
and home today.
J. F. Brinkley went to
Mount today.
M. Lindsay, of Snow Hill, is
here at court.
Mrs. Frank Tyson left this
morning for Bethel.
Miss Pat Skinner returned this
morning from Ayden.
Miss Lula Tucker is
Mrs. H. V. Edwards.
Miss Brown, of Hamil-
ton, who has been teaching this
section, left this morning for her
Miss Nannie little Miss
Susie Warren and Willie Wilson
returned this morning from Kin-
Hilliard and Miss Maud
son went to Washington today on
the gas boat.
I. Dudley left this
morning for Danville to bring
back Paul Webb, who has been
arrested there and is wanted here.
B. C. Pearce left this morning.
Julius Brown, of Bethel, spent
today here.
S. L. Peel, of Bethel, came in
Tuesday evening.
G. A. left this morning
for Washington.
A. M. Moseley vent to
Tuesday evening.
Ah Clark came in from Durham,
Tuesday evening.
left for Littleton.
District Attorney Harry Skinner
returned this morning from
L. E. Fountain, of
spent last night here and returned
this morning.
Dr. D. L. James went to Ayden
Tuesday evening and returned
this morning.
Mrs. W. M. King Mrs. J.
returned Tuesday even-
from a visit to Wilson.
Mrs Peter Reeves and Mrs. D.
A. Out bridge, of Martin county,
arrived Tuesday evening to
A. J.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. W. Hadley,
Of w ho hive been visit-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Forbes,
returned home Tuesday evening.
L. Parker, of Raleigh,
is here to take of Hie steam
laundry th t i hying installed.
He is an excellent young in in and
Greenville o comes that kind.
the Meeting.
at the Tuesday
night. The pastor from
the have Moses
the prophets, if I hey hear not
them her they hear
one s inn Id rise from the
the con-
l the rich man
that there
was record . in Heaven, and
that God's plan salvation was
and there was no
one from the dead,
as he called men ti preach
Back After Six Year's Service.
Walter Render, who a
more than six years ago left here
to join the United States navy, re-
turned to Greenville Monday
Only once during his
enlistment did he come back on a
visit. In his service he has been
entirely around the world. On
account of his health he was
given an honorable discharge a
few months ago. At that he
was in Japan. From there he
to San Francisco and then
crossed the by rail.
His many friends are glad to see
him back Greenville.
Mrs. R, Mrs. H. P. the afternoon.
Bought a Boat.
R. Greene has purchased the
gas boat and will run a
regular schedule Green-
ville and Washington, leaving here
in the morning and returning in
The April Term in Session.
The April term of Pitt Superior
court began Monday with
Judge Thomas A of
ton, and Solicitor
L. I. Moore representing the
The f r term is as
Jesse Cannon foreman,
W B Tucker. J L Home. W C
Jackson. J H Briley, Sr.,
Byrd, M H T J Thomas, W
P Clark, R h W E
Parker, J A Mills, W J
Faithful, Cherry,
Dudley, Edwin Tripp.
In his charge to the grand jury
Judge went briefly over
the most important portions of the
criminal laws of the state to which
he deemed it necessary to at-
His explanation of these
laws was clear and thorough, and
the jurors were plain y
as to their duty.
W. B. was made
officer of jury and L. W.
Lawrence is court crier.
This is Judge first
visit to Pitt county and those who
heard his charge and observed his
manner of conducting the curt
are most favorably impressed with
John failing to list taxes,
judgment suspended
on payment of costs and taxes.
George Bunch, failing to list
taxes, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended on payment of costs
Will Smith, failure to list taxes
pleads guilty, judgment, suspended
on payment of costs.
tiny Smith, gambling, pleads
guilty, fined costs.
John assault, pleads
guilty, judgment suspended upon
payment of costs.
Lee Hopkins and Mack Ward,
plead judgment
suspended upon payment of costs.
John Harmon, with
deadly weapon, pleads fined
and costs.
C. II. Stokes, assault
weapon, pleads
and costs.
Waiter with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and costs,
Janus Dark and L. A.
affray with deadly weapons
guilty, Clark fined and half
lined half
guilty, end months on
Mack Fleming, failing list
taxes, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended on payment and
Frank Davis, larceny,
Noah Hardy carrying concealed
weapon, guilty.
Noah Hardy, larceny,
Smith and Ed. C.
Smith, peddling without license,
judgment suspended
upon payment costs
Mary Tucker, slander, not
William Faison, carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and
Joe Warren and Howell White-
Mary Jane Langley and
Ferguson, affray, guilty, judgment
suspended upon payment of costs
G. W. Pittman, Jr.,
Fez Grimes, guilty.
Ernest Rasberry, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.

I ll
, . M-m
The Correct
Department I
Brandt of Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
that practically embrace the highest class Clothing made in America.
For absolute perfection in all details, there's no other comparison.
As for prices, we have an endless variety to show you
at the different figures from to
What We Owe To Asia.
It is noteworthy that out of Asia
came our alphabet our Arabic
numerals. The compass we owe to
the Chinese, who knew the mag-
needle as early as the second
century A. D. Gunpowder
came out of Asia, and so did
the art of printing and the
of paper. The Chinese in-
vented movable types in the middle
of the eleventh century, years
Gutenberg. They also made
silks long before and
that has never equaled
by Europe. Truly, Asia is the
of the race. On the original
ideas of the Persians, the Arabians,
the and the Chinese our
modern society has built.
Portland Oregonian.
Political conventions this year
are bitter as of yore. The passing
of the lie, the blacking of the eye,
and other similar operations are
prevailing characteristics. Isn't the
lesson to be drawn this. That men
who have control of themselves
should take more interest in politics
The lire eater has been the whole
show long enough. It is time for
the Bane, self-contained fellow to put
in an Telegram.
Our Boy and Children's Department.
is the only
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes a
good as Maple Syrup. per
bottle for sale by John T. Thorne
Dragging Farmville, N
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete of
and learn their low price. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
One Price Store.
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line o.
Wood, aDd Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and honest deal for ail, we i-ell for
cash which enables us to do a safe
business and we give our
the benefit of it, Cash Sales,
Small Margins and one r-rice to all
is our motto.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept
inst-ck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
North Carolina.
J. H- CO-,
I C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
e cash. Highest for country
must have a sufficient supply of
in order to develop into a crop.
No amount of Phosphoric
Acid or Nitrogen can
sate for a lack of potash in
fertilizers for
grain and all
other crops.
We shall be glad
to send free lo any
which contains
able in formation
about soil culture.
New York- r
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
First s work and prices reasonable
ii- soul upon application.
j Is the place to yet Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
fall line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and shipments
The weather is bringing smiles
to of the ice man,
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Hay Line Chesapeake
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to
without Notice.
Washington, N. C,
N. C.
II. It. Walker, Vice President
M N. Y.
Ayden, N. C. April, 1904.
Miss Fannie of Greene
county has been spending the past
week with Miss Ida M. Edwards.
She left for her home Saturday.
W. C. Jackson Co. want your I
eggs, poultry See be-
fore selling
Prayer meeting in the Mission-
Baptist church Wednesday j
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
A nice new line of ladies and A full assortment of ladies and
Misses slippers at J. R. Smith j gents shoes at reasonable prices at
our ft
Just received spring suit cloth
night at o'clock, Prof , ,
leader. All are invited.
We were at W. C. Jackson Mer Fred and
Co's store the other day, and was wife after spending the week
surprised to n that they car-1 the bedside of little sick
such an extensive line of j grandchild home
The man, youth or day.
child who cannot get suited in j candies, oranges, apples
there, either in a suitor a pair of an, bananas at E. E. Co's.
pants, is hard to please. , , ,
Confectioneries, tinware and
Don't forget Henry Blount in general
the Free Will Baptist Seminary L, fair lie
May 4th- j at store of Hart Jenkins.
We wish to call especial MM, . , .
handmade shingles at
14.00 per Cannon Tyson.
Oh, that 1133.000.
We are headquarters for cotton
seed, hulls, hay, oats.
Cannon ft
Yon will do well to go to Sum-
for fancy
Those other three brick stores
on the corner.
There is nothing better than
Armour's lard and
smoked meats. the
R F. Johnson,
Ayden, N. C.
If the prospects for every buggy
factory in Pitt are as bright as
ours, there will be many
sold during the present year.
, If you are troubled your
I eyes, have J. W. Taylor. th
graduate optician, to examine them
Just received another lot of boys
I and clothing at W. M.
Carolina 1.50
per day, near depot on West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B. F. Early, proprietor.
F. G. James, of Greenville, was
here one day last week on legal
W. M. Edwards Co , will sell
The best quality of flour as cheap I a good pair of for
as the cheapest at Hart Jenkins.
Mi I and garden seed at J. I;
Fresh butter cheese on ice
Frank Hart and little
Larry Smith, went to
Kinston Saturday evening and
returned yesterday.
to the public, that we have
established a Carriage ft Buggy-
factory, modern in
only skilled labor employed, and
the best material obtainable, used
in the construction of our work.
Machinery of the latest inventions
have procured by us and no
means are being spared to make
our work class in every par-
The Disciple Sunday
anticipate running an excursion
train next Sunday on the Ayden
Lumber Company railroad as far
as Timothy chapel.
Canned goods of every
For can peaches, apples,
tomato.-, apply to E. E.
ft On.
Anything you want white
goods at M. A Co's.
Mrs. Mack Taylor is visiting
her sister in Washington.
Cox Cotton planters and Sim-
guano distributors it.
Smith Bro.
Our line of ready mixed
paints are
Cannon Tyson.
Miss An, L. Smith, millinery i M- Awards
emporium has just of dress goods.
all the latest novelties of
First Class hand made brick, by
ladies millinery and dress goods. the ,
A first class milliner is my employ.
Give me a trial.
J. A. Griffin.
A beautiful of
youths and straw hat,
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Four nice hogs, stock,
for sale by J. It. Smith Bro.
at Hart ft Jenkins.
W. M. Manning and wife spent They tell me that. W. M. Ed
last Sunday near j wards Co., have the most
E. E. ft Co. will do all they j clothing
possible to please you
their new of heavy and fancy
Mrs. Elizabeth Manning was
here last week with her son, N,
M. Manning.
Try Pansy flour the best patent
Miss Daisy Mum lord went to
Winterville Friday to visit the
When purchasing smoked meats
try Armour's hams, etc. R. F.
Johnson, Ayden, N. C. Diet.
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh
We had an idea the merchants
were going to close their stores at
every evening,
The two best looking,
J. A. of Hookerton, j,
who has been here since Thur day ,
left for his home Monday evening.
We invite the ladies to call and
inspect our new spring dress
goods, laces, insertions
ribbons, etc, Cannon ft
As authorized for Daily
and Reflector we take I
great pleasure in receiving sub j
willing receipts for
those arrears. We have a list j
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders I
for job printing.
Miss Eula Cox, of the Green-
ville graded school, spent
day and Sunday here
When you need any repairing
of buggies,
This is the season for canned
meats. If you want the best buy
Armour's. It. V. Johnson,
, Ayden N. C
Manning and wife
spent Saturday night James
Fleming near
We Invite the ladies to call and
examine our line of lawn before
purchasing elsewhere. J. J. , p
Mrs. W. O. left Saturday
to her sister, Mrs. T. J. C Smith, o
Mason, near Whichard. spent Thursday night with J
Lime, plastering hair, windows, I
doors, blinds side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
That cotton seed oil mill
The Ayden Mfg Co. certainly
turns out some of the neatest and
frames for pictures, we
have ever seen, and at remarkably
low too.
dating easiest to suit, old i ed by the clerks.
bachelors to be band any cool drink go to Sum-
may be seen in the counting room I
of J. K. Smith Bros. I would
but -brevity is the sou I i i ; i
such an event would be on Ayden
Mfg. Co.,
ply to E. S. Sou,
den, N. C A full supply always
on hand.
Our line of straw hats are the
latest styles the prices
ft Tyson.
Rev. D. Davis spent Sun-
day night with here.
Mrs. of Goose Nest,
j after spending the past week with a
her parents left her borne
When in need of good Monday,
saddles, call on
For Sale
barbers outfit, first class revolving
chair, bevel plate
Corn, bay oats, at J. R.
Cotton seed meal and hulls
J. It. S Bro.
This Coupon
Worth cents
on the Dollar.
the purchase of worth
of any of the patent
in my store, I will give you
for this you will
cut out and sign your name and
correct address. And present
at the time of your purchase
This offer will expire April
We man u foot it re the most com-
well as the swiftest and sewing machines that we
adjustable Dart Block in cheap at J. Bro.
W, L. House, of inlet ville,,
spent; a short while here j
mirror, wash stand, clippers, day afternoon.
apply toO. A. Fair, Mrs H. Hooks
We have several second hand Friday for Winterville to
. u i. i- i . i I he I
hear Dr. nun lecture.
II. F. Johnson Dist,
Safe, Strong, Liberal.
safer, or stronger than
s s safe and
Visiting net Mater,
in in c I,
North Call and see
them, Milling ft Mfg. Co. , town
Our new and perfect roller class brick up.
tire ail the and going ply to E.
like hot cakes, Ayden Milling -en, H. C. A full suppl v.;,
Mfg. Co- oil hand- eggs, ,
Mr. Cox tells us a We have a full Hue of furniture
G,. W. M. Co. for best quality, the you
your next pair of pants. looking for. Cannon Tyson. ; J
water about feet ,, , . , ,.,.
To friends and t ,.; M Charles Lancaster, of
have from Baltimore I up Qr was a visitor at J. B.
and have opened a new line of the
pretty millinery goods. Please . u
strong us Gibraltar.
The leading Life
j and safety con-
Mi. A I. Hicks, of is A strong Company phi. . to
Ayden, N, C.
liberal lo us
d is
your hams
B. Smith Bro.
M. Ed-
Special Agents
call to see next door Smith I
Bros. Mrs. A. Davis.
L. A. Spin, of Craven county,
Came up last week to see his
s i. ,, ,,., , ,
brother, be left he took
The ladies are invited one of those nice new buggies put
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Block, Best
Ayden, N. C.
of one gallon per minute, to call and inspect our line of i up by the Ayden
More the water we have it Co.
he Odd Fellows and I empties into a hole and in bolts also in patterns of
of Rebekah celebrate the
of their order tonight
Just another case of
men's at W. M. Ed
wards , Co's.
Bock salt for stock, at J. R,
Smith A Bro.
A. hint to the Capital
properly invested, nice buildings
a progressive people form a
desirable community.
Worthington ft Bro,
Guaranteed., ,
The latest styles in straw
and caps M J. J. Hines.
the has never filled.
J J. Hines
At the close of business March
Loans and i.
Furniture and
Due Bunks, 4.0
Cash Items,
Cash in Hauls, M
Capital stock paid in,
of a of the Sn-
court, of land,
in re guardian,
of and W. G. King, the
undersigned will sell
at the house on Monday,
tho day of May, that piece
or parcel of lying
being situated in town-
ship, Pitt county, and described
at the last
corner of lot No. In the division
of land between Joyner and
and W. O. King, and runs
north west to a knot,
at the public road, then north lo
east poles and links to a
wood knot; J. B. Pierce's comer,
then east KID to
line to the beginning,
68-100 acres, more or less.
of sale
April 1st 1901,
Isaac A
Dr. Lou Is Skinner,
Practicing Physician I Surgeon,
Office lots Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair Cutting,
Shaving and
E. G. COX,
Life, Fire. Accident
Health j
Ayden N. C

D. J. Editor
Entered in the post office at Greenville, H. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
craft to
Pitt County, N. C, Friday, April 1904.
No doubt Judge Parker can
vive all r Bryan says.
Congress is getting ready lo ad-
and the country will soon
have a rest.
Now they say the fruit is not
all killed, but there will be
fair Good.
Russia is getting up nerve and
has declared that she will entertain
proposals for peace but will
fight the war to a finish.
Better interview the sheriff about
your poll tax if you want to vote.
Only a few left.
Spring took a long jump when
left the lap of winter and landed
almost in the arm of
Bryan seems to be getting in
a class by himself. He is one man
who says Judge Parker is unlit for
Since the two Raleigh morning
dailies have got so warm in their
language toward each other we may
look for warm weather.
The Raleigh Enterprise, a weekly
paper published and edited by J.
L. Ramsey, has made its
It M in politics.
Russia is continuing to t. 1-0.116
blowing up of her own boats. This
is about the quickest way she can
end the war.
It looks like the hand of
is with Japan in this war
Russia has inflicted greater loss up-
on her own navy than has been done
by the Japanese.
Marion Butler has that
he is out of politics. Having bled
his state all he could in office he
found new employment in raking
up and prosecuting frauds against
The republicans of this State are
hoping to make an issue against the
Watts law. As they have stood for
almost everything else, it will not
create much surprise if they take a
stand for also.
When voting time comes don't
the law if you are
ed through failure to pay your poll
tax before May first. You have had
warning and know the law says
u e you pay tax you can-
not vote.
Charlotte is showing some of the
big folks around Ex-Vice-
President Adlai E. Stevenson and
Lieut. Richmond Pearson Hobson
are both guests of the city.
Certain kinds of presidential tours
not a legitimate charge upon the
national treasury Atlanta
But the bill for any kind of a
junket goes into the treasury for the
people to pay, just the same.
President Roosevelt declares that
Elihu Root is the greatest man in
the United States, present company
of course excepted. Whereupon
Secretary Shaw, John Hay, and
Senator Lodge have all written to
him and asked him if he said so.
The in the West has
commenced early this season to get
in its work of devastation. Kan-
and Indian Territory have both
suffered disastrously in the last few-
days, there being large loss of
both life and property.
The good work of Congressman
John H Small is heard of again.
The house has passed his bill
authorizing the erection of a light
house and fog signal on
off Cape If the
light house stands five years and
prows a success the contractor is to
be paid No place on the
coast needs a light house more than
Cape Hatteras, but all efforts here-
to build one there have proven
The Reflector several times
referred to the need of a building
and lean association in Greenville,
expressing the belief that one good
help to the town arising therefrom
would be enabling wage-earners to
become home-owners, in which
capacity they would be worth much
more to the town as citizens than
if they continued as mere tenants.
An idea of what such associations
have done for Charlotte is thus
told by the Charlotte
influence has done more to
build up Charlotte than her three
building and loan associations.
The local and home institutions of
other cities and towns have also
done wonderful good work in furn-
the means by which working
people, merchants, preachers, and
others may save something in reg
installments or buy a house
and pay for it in regular install-
and not pay any profit to
anybody on the transaction. Phil-
which is the home of the
building and loan association in
this country was formerly the City of
Brotherly Love only. It is still so
perhaps, but it is now much more
accurately the city of workmen's
homes. The same is to a large
extent now true of Charlotte and
each case and other similar cases
the local home building associations
have been almost wholly the means
by which this ha
been brought
Quite a number of the North
Carolina papers are getting tired
of acting as horse for
and have given notice that
all communications will be charged
for at so much per line. And why
not It is an actual fact those who
do most of the writing of
to the papers are anything
but its strongest supporters in
fact few of this class ever subscribe
for the home paper. On the con-
if they have any money to
spend in advertising they spend it
The greed for office is something
remarkable. United States Judge
was recently taken sick
and apparently on his death bed.
waiting for the end to
Bourke says that the
country wants a northern man for
president and a southern man for
vice-president. This is the
tune moment for those who know
Governor A cock, his friends and
admirers, to fall in line with this
sentiment and advance the claims of
our great educational governor for
the second place on the ticket. Cir-
point to the fact that
Judge Parker, or a man as
will be asked to lead the
Democratic hosts. And the
are that added enthusiasm
would accrue to our cause could we
succeed in placing with the New-
York jurist that clean, whole-souled
noble he man who now adorns
our chair.
Charles B. Aycock is the man to
place on the national ticket with
Judge Parker. The State should
instruct for such a
Free Press.
A Child's Dictionary,
with the juice
ed out of it.
Snoring Letting off sleep.
bubbles that apple
trees blow.
thing to brush the warm
off with.
that went to sleep int
he cold.
The North Carolina Press
nation will visit the St. Louis Ex-
position during the week of May
10-21. The Wayside Inn, near the
Exposition grounds, will be the
headquarters of the editors, their
wives and members of their families
who accompany them. The nine-
annual session of the Nation-
Editorial Association will be held
in St. Louis from May 16th to 21st,
inclusive, and the International
Press Parliament will be held there
come, the scramble for hie successor
already started in Washington, during the same week
George F. a retired
of Gates county, North
Carolina, now living in Florida
avenue, Port Norfolk, has had
his for years the metal
which he will be buried,
when his life has run its course.
Twelve cars loaded with early
vegetables were demolished in a
freight wreck on the Sea
board Air Line, near Hamlet. The
fireman lost a leg.
W. H a brakeman the
Southern was caught be-
tween two can on the yard at
and crushed to death.
N. C. April
Fire destroyed pack-house,
a three story building, barn and
stables of Jas. H. this
morning at o'clock, it is not
known just bow the fire originated.
Mr. Baker, who lives on Mr.
place awoke at o'clock see-
it somewhat light in the yard,
he went to door, and to
surprise the barn was on fire.
The pack house and stables caught
from the barn. Mr. Baker lost
his fodder and corn, including
good many peas. Mr. bad
all his tobacco sticks stored in his
pack house, and with lots of other
plunder were burned. The pack-
was partly covered by in-
but your correspondent
understands that Mr. did
not carry any insurance on either
his barn or stables.
E. G. Cox, of Ayden, last
night in our neighborhood, and
returned home this morning.
Clarence L. Hardy to
den one day this week business.
Mr. Hardy has recently had his
house painted, and his house is at-
tractive enough for most anyone
Your s glad t
know that Mr. who had
charge of the Depart-
of The has
moved his headquarters Ayden.
Mr. will feel more like
H. C. and Y. T. Or-
of Kinston, were in our
vicinity yesterday.
Earnest L. went to
den today on
Moore, of Wilson is making
his head quarter
for a season insurance.
Mr. Moore is a very clever
man and has won many friends
our midst.
Mrs. W. M. Ed wants and child-
are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elias
Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
went to this morning to
to visit for a few days.
D. II. Dixon, of and
Mr. Johns, of Mt. Airy, were here
Dear Here's something
every painter and builder ought
to know.
Mr. J. J. Hall, Pa.,
painted two years ago,
I cad-and-oil; took gallons;
Last year, ho painted
bought gallons; had
He is of thousands. The
The is getting about
piety generally, that goes
further than anything else.
Have you found it out in your
own experience
How much further f
Suppose a job amounts to
square feet; how less
could yon T
Is it as easy to Does it
cost any more or less to put-on by
the gallon anything
If it costs no more to put-on
by the gallon, it costs less
by the foot, you for the gal-
does feet How
less, do yon find it, for
Lasts, say, twice as long; that is
the owner's gain; but perhaps yon
reckon it yours; some do. The
time, when that comes-in, is when
be gives-out the next job.
Who ill
Yours Truly,
F. W. A Co.
P. H. L. Carr sells oar
A Story About a Willies County Hone.
A very valuable horse belonging-
to Deputy Marshall A. C. Bryan,
of Wilkes county, died last Thurs-
day. The horse had been trained
by him to catch who-
tried to run away when wanted,
the animal showed unusual
and when given the rein
would always, so the story goes
help his rider catch the law-break
His training had a long
and careful one, and after many
attempts Deputy Marshal Bryan
succeeded in teaching the horse to
chase anybody that was pointed
out to him. The horse generally
would get his man by the back of
the collar and hold him until
the arrival of some one whom he
know would take his charge away
from him.
The animal had a jet black coat
with a white star in the middle of
its forehead and from that face bore
the name of Star Pointer. Mr.
Bryan he would not have sold
the horse for
Alfred Daniel Must Han j.
The Supreme Court of the United
States will not interfere with the
execution of Alfred Daniels, the
murderer of Senator
father, and. he must pay the death
penalty next month, says a Wash-
special. Justice Harlan, of
the Supreme Court, Saturday
ed the application for a writ of
error to the Supreme Court of North
Carolina. Attorneys for the con-
man had sought an appeal
by raising a Federal question in.
order to stay execution. Justice
Harlan carefully considered the
papers in the case for two
when he reached the conclusion
that there was nothing the
duct of the case below meriting re-
view by the above. For that,
reason the application for writ of.
error, was denied.
Year of Good Paint Asking
wares and
dealings have the
That is the right way and the-
The pat few years have brought
a steady and enormous increase in-
the demand by fur
town country
It in than ever, be-
Baker Halt, Wholesale H-
North Carolina Patents.
Granted this week. By
C A. Snow Co., Patent
Washington, D. C, L.
Paul. Davis, Whistle attachment
for gas-engines. W. W.
Elizabeth, for fastening
For copy of any above patents
send ten cents in postage stamps
with date of this paper to, C A,
Snow Co., Washington, D- C.
A report issued by the- Corpora
Commission on the state,
and savings banks, shows that
they have total resources amounting
to an increase in
twelve months of
There are state, seven private
and savings batiks, a total of
an increase of in twelve
months, the gain being the largest
A learned professor now comes
forward to prove that man is de
from reptiles and not
keys. Probably tho serpent
beguiled Eve with such insignificant
graft as an apple was after all a man.
To this day some women denounce
men as vipers, and strange to
mm oftener than
do. Star.
This department is in charge A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent Eastern Reflector in and territory.
We have a nice lot of porch col-
timber. If yon are in need
of them why not let us It you up.
are right. Winterville
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay
highest prices for corn, peas,
geese, etc.
Henry Blount will lecture in
the school chapel here on
day night. May 5th, at o'clock.
Admission, adults cents, child-
School books, pens, pencils and
best q of always
sale at Drug Store.
Light and heavy R. G.
Co. is the place.
Don't forget.
Prof. T. H. King of
Ayden graded school, preached
Baptist church here Sunday.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
supplying lots of buggy seats to
to different coach
out of this slate.
H. L. pays highest
for eggs and chickens.
A. F. from Ayden,
was here Monday
Dr. B. T. Cox, when not in the
country, can be found either at his
residence or at the store of B. G.
Bust price, and tip top good- can
be had at It. G. Chapman
at the lowest
market price.
Dr. T. president of
the Baptist Female University,
preached Sunday His
subject Many
heard says it was best
sermon they ever heard.
G. A. Kittrell Co., the Win
egg dealers, are still pay-
i he highest cash prices for eggs
and chickens.
The line of Indies drew in I she exclaimed to
the store of R. G. Chapman A her. There f saw no snake.
shirts at H. L.
Miss Daisy Mum ford left
her home Monday evening.
Car load of ceiling came Tues-
day for the new stores.
styles and very cheap
at H. L. Johnson's.
arrived Monday
Dr. Cox wishes to purchase
lbs new goose feathers.
G. B. Kittrell Co. are expect
a lot of rat.- of Soda. Far-
will do well to see them. It
is the stuff to make healthy
co plants.
new are being pushed
to completion. Fronts are being
put in them and they are being
Any person wishing to purchase
a with boiler,
shafts, etc. all erected in run
order, with two corn grists
and one Hour mill complete, with
Also the build-
and large tank above it.
Will do well to see or
with A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. This
la tin. plant that contains the
splendid supply mineral water
and i a splendid let for
business. The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
is offering the sale with the view
building a
lee H. L. fat
is unusually attractive. Call and
A phone message from Ayden
announced the death of
son Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Smith. The bereaved parents
have our heart felt sympathy.
Harness as well as buggies
Don't go somewhere else to get
your when you can get
when yon can get any
style just as cheap cheap-
just as nice
right here from Hunsucker, the
man you get buggies from.
Harrington, Barber and Co. will
Day highest prices for Hams,
Shoulders, Peas corn.
Lenard Hamilton has been over
to LaGrange to see his best girl.
Spring Hats, Summer Hats, Straw
Hats, Hats, Latest Styles,
All cheap at Harrington, Barber
See H. L. Johnson for
Miss Annie returned
from Greenville Sunday.
A plow beam manufactured by
the Winterville Mfg, Co. always
gives you go to
them and have one put in your
plow They can also furnish
bandies for your plow.
John Cooper Alex. Evans
the train
The prices for the best
be bad at H. L. John-
J. D.
Cox. per day. Best
house town.
Moore returned to
school Sunday evening.
We are now occupying W. L.
House shop on Main street and are
in the position to furnish our
as heretofore.
Harrington, Barber Co.
send you a small story the old
who is a
colored preacher here, says it is
On Sunday April 24th, as I was
getting ready for the lady
who was preparing dinner had
gotten everything in trim, when
she turned to a side table, which
was in the rear end the
dining-room. A she turned
the covering to get up some pies,
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
per bottle at Jr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. 8-22
bank the spread, and
I did, when there
saw a King snake, about
long, me my guests had a
distaste for pies for
Augustus Blount.
We carry complete lines of farm
supplies, dry goods, notions,
groceries, drugs etc. Come and
see us one all all.
Harrington, Barber db Co.
Major Mann has been over from
Bethel. He was looking after his
best girl.
wish to notify the
public that I grind every
day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
Purnell Tripp.
Mrs. J. B. Galloway Miss
Patsy of
are visiting Miss
at the dormitory.
Miss Annie of
Saturday night with Miss
Tue A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wishes
to purchase 1900 cart;
For corn, oats, cotton seed meal
see G. A. Kittrell ft On.
Jno Whitford was here Sunday.
For the best grades of smoking
and chewing go to the
Drug Store.
Arthur Tucker was here tho
Sabbath. One Winterville
bells is the attract Q.
R. G. On. invite
lo call their
ck of dry notions etc.
Prices to suit the buyer.
Manning, of Greenville,
spent Sunday
A good article is if you
have to pay a little more tor it
than a article at a smaller
price. So try one of the Carroll
manufactured by the
Winterville Mfg Co.
Old Soldier Dead.
Mr. Henry Strickland, old
soldier, died at home
township April 25th.
years of age and was
Halifax county. Ho was
a good, peaceable man. A widow
and of children, a
grown survive him.
Here's Where the man who is particular about his
Haberdashery can always get
Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Col-
Suspenders, Belts, Etc. Etc.
A little fresher a little newer than you find at
other stores.
This is the verdict
of All Our Patrons
you come and sec about it.
be satisfactory, they always are.
Our prices will
Change in Foremen.
Cannon, foreman of the
grand this term of court,
was excused Wednesday from fur-
duty became of in his
W. J. Turnage was made
his stead.
Now is the time when
every man and boy
thinking about buying his
Summer SHIRTS. We are
particular strong on Shirts
this time. We bought
the best things, the new-
est styles, the best made,
from the best makers.
We guarantee the wear of every SHIRT that leaves the
store. Our prices are as low as cents a piece and run as
high as you may need.

Proctor Bros f
. f.
I you warn lumber to build a house,
to go in it,
dry goods far your family, provisions
for table, or for
we can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
of turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
Anything wanted in the way
of Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here. Whether it is some-
thing to eat, something
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
it to have a rival of
George Vanderbilt. A wealthy
Englishman, P. S. of Lon-
don, recently purchased
property there, and will build one
of the most handsome private
in the world. It will
take six years to build the house
he has
Mrs. Bettie Britt,
N. C.
and latest
t me before buying.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Tobacco and Cigars. Tie
only Fountain In town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
Greenville's Great
Department Store
mum- w ;.
is an indispensable article, doesn't matter how
you have the SEPARATE SKIRT always come in for
its share of fact n have stocked
LY TAILORED SKIRTS that we will glad to show you.
0-m, . , . , , , . are here in an
Undershirt styles
we never had a prettier line to show.
North County.
In Superior Court.
Mary Jane Evans,
Charles Evans,
The defendant will take notice that
an action entitled as has been
commenced against him in the
court of Pitt county by the plain-
tiff for the purpose of obtaining a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony
upon the grounds of abandonment
adultery, and the defendant will
further take that he is required
to appear before the judge of our
Superior court at a court to be held
for the count of Pitt the 3rd Monday
after the first Monday in September,
it being 19th day of September
1904, answer the complaint which
be deposited in the office of the
clerk of the superior of said
county within the first three days of
said answer or
to said complaint within the
lime required by law or the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the right
demanded in the complaint.
This the 13th of April
Clerk of Superior court.
Office opposite depot.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed, and Country Produce
Partition Sale Valuable Real
Pursuant to an order of the
of Pit county rendered on the
22nd day of March. action
therein pending entitled C. T. Langley
vs Langley and C. D.
tree ad for
Langley, for partitions of the lands
herein after described, ordering a
resale of the said lands. The under-
signed commissioner will offer for
sale to the highest bidder for cash at
the court house door in Greenville,
N. C. on Monday the 25th day of
April. 1904, at o'clock, M; it being
the first day of a term of the Superior
court of said county, the following
described lands to wit. Beginning
a stake on the road, corner of
lot No. o in the Daniel division
running south W. poles with
the line to a stake in the Davenport
line, then with said Davenport line
south W. poles to a pine on
thence with the Daniel
Hill lire poles to
load thence with said North
S- E. poles a pine stump on
south edge of the Tarboro Road,
thence up North W. poles and
inches, to the beginning. Containing
Si acres more or less.
March the 1914,
H. L. Commissioner-
you can get honest, goods at living prices.
large you buy and be with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Under
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
, Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that, tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
A On-at Sensation
There was a bid sensation in
H. Brown
of that place, who was expected
die, hail his life saved by Dr
King's New Discovery for Con
He writes endured
insufferable agonies from Asthma,
but your New Discovery give me
immediate relief and soon there-
after effected a complete
Similar cures of Consumption,
Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip
are numerous. It's the
remedy for all and lung
troubles Price and
Guaranteed by Drug
Store. Trial bottles free.
Makes A Clean Sweep
nothing like doing
thing Of all the
Salves you heard of, Buck-
Jen's Salves is the best. It
sweeps Burns,
Sores, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers,
and Piles. It's
only and guaranteed to give
satisfaction by Drug
A Philadelphia woman threw a
dish of lettuce in her husband's face
because he refused to pray. Under
provocation how can ever
expect to
Wilmington Mar.
Here's the New Millinery f
but praise b heard of the and Toques we've
assembled. It s unique, this remarkable collection, first, because of the striking
tS a S the most famed liberally repented
-i AS.
Greenville's Great Department Store
iT i r-v .
-v ; .
what we are after, and the possess i of one of
our Refrigerators will Insure sweet milk,
butter, cool water and many dainties that
would be unattainable
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made It easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee It to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Is hereby given I hat John
Jones enters claim fol-
lowing described vacant
Situated in and Green-
ville township-, near the town
Bethel, in County, and be-
ginning in creek,
joining the Briley
n the South, Briley mi the
All pine lands
and Louis and
on the Ea-t, con-1
acres, or
This April the
Any person, or parsons,
to, or in tin
above described land, lit
protest, with me, in writing,
vine, next days, oil
be law.
Entry tor
N. C.
up Our Claims for
Fact Tonic not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact not drug, but
a normal, scientific cure for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and
It restores th nervous
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you
ate living, or within three years alter lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
v Dividends are payable at the beginning of the Second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
;. To make policy payable as an dining the lifetime
at insured.
J L. S
Greenville n. C.
Robbed The Grave
A startling incident, is narrated
by John Olive of as
was iii and awful con-
My skin was almost
low, eyes sunken, tongue coated,
pain in back and sides,
no appetite, growing weaker day
by day, Three physicians
me i was advised
to use Electric Bitters; to my great
joy, the hint bottle made a decided
improvement. I continued
for three weeks, aim am now
a well I know robbed
the grave of smother No
One should fail lo try them. Only
Dress Goods,
Yards Percales in wide,
prohibits. tendency to depression or low spirits,
with troubles peculiar to their sex art
restored to perfect Your will
cheerfully add his to ours.
St. Vincent's Hospital and
Most on Atlantic roast; air by
Most on zinnia- conn; mil
Stream. Fully equipped with every modern Tor the
i f A full of In every ill Hunt.
eases of Moat X-ray
Ward Rates. per week; Private Room Rates from to par week.
For etc. address
The Presided, St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
Arv. You e
If m you owe
to j your to
veil. l tin
friends I
Ins us well
Will in i cure in-
this tonic
tin- a hole
life at well the
When you lake
Cure food you eat
It i its
properties appropriated
by the and tissues. Health
is the result. Sold by J. L.
For Men of Particular Taste.
We hare this .- the who Hen HO
m made tn
Store, and we will make you a Spring Suit from me, dis-
as much and as correct bile
fit, for to
The On y
To ct
Is send it to
Burke county refused to
permit such a thing as a lively April
storm stop them planting their
It was time to plant corn,
and when that times arrives Burke
farmers plant right along, snow or
Bo snow. And they always have
good crops and plenty to live on.
Raleigh Post.
Take Thought for Your Spring Footwear
And remember, while that it is but the beginning of a
long season, and that the shoes yon buy new should be bought with a
lung look ahead. Look as far as yon if shoes are. v
starting point. Comfort and style to I with, both important
tors, and. in addition, the satisfactory lasting qualities that are em
by continued wear. Whether you pay or yon
get any variation in sturdy durability, its mainly the material used.
A Cure tor Headache.
Any man, woman or suffer-
headache, or
a dull, feeling should
or two of DeWitt's Little
Risers and
These famous little pills are
famous because they are a tonic as
ell as a pill. While they cleanse
the they strengthen and
rebuild it by their tonic effect
the liver and bowels. Hold
I Carp
Br B- P I Never before, shown in
I ml m Moor covering, in that it
side for winter and matting
. . . . Absolutely
this carpet will wash, color fast, colors absolutely u run. Enough said.
The Sultana Carpet.
A brand new idea.
.-a Carpet is unlike most
carpet effect on one
I other side for summer
proof sanitary, in
W. Main St.
North Carolina.
w .,.

Carolina, Pitt
In Superior Court
Isabella Little
Daniel Little.
The defendant Daniel Little will
take that an action entitled as
above has been commenced against
him the court of Pitt
count by the plant r the
of obtaining a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony upon the grounds
of and the said de-
will further take notice that
ho la required to appear before the
of our Superior court, at a
court to be held for the count; of Pitt
at the court in Greenville on
the seventh Monday after the Brat
Monday in March, it being the
day of April, and answer the
Which will be deposited in
the office of the Clerk of the Superior
of said county within the
three days of said term, and then and
there answer or demur to said com-
within the time required by
aw, or the will apply to the
court for relief demanded in the
This the 16th av
D. C.
Clerk of Court of Pitt Co
K. L. Davis,
B. A. Vice-President.
L. Little, tinier.
of the condition of
The Bank of Greenville
Greenville, N C
At the close of business
and Discount 1158,537.29
Overdrafts 1.030.09
Furniture Fixtures 3,618.57
Due from Banks 183,023.76
cash items
Sold Coin
Silver Coin 3,289.59
For North
of North
The of Savage, Move Co.,
dissolved by mutual consent
on the 12th day of April, 1904, K.
H. Move selling bis interest in the
business to the Other members of
the firm, they assuming all j
of the firm, and all accounts
due the firm being payable to them
This 25th day of April. 1901.
M. MOVE. in
Capital Stock paid In
Undivided Profits less
Cashier's cheeks out-
Dr. ID.
William Fountain, fl.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office, or.
street. Phone
Attorney at
Greenville, N. C.
Slate of North
County of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the best of knowledge
and belief ; JAMES L LITTLE.
Subscribed and to
me, this 8th day of At ill,
J. G.
The City Hay Grain Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our and see our stock be-
fore buying- We want to buy your
Corn and Peas for cash
N. C.
. . .
It is not enough that a Shoe should be
easy and well made, it should be handsome
are all three. The shapes are especially
attractive this season, and all styles are
sold at a price never heard of before for
High Grade Shoes. The shape
is a special favorite. Made in black or i. m
with light or heavy soles, and in lace or
button. Very graceful, very comfortable
and yet snug fitting. Sold exclusively by
East Division
Last fall at the meeting of the
in Raleigh the state was
divided into district
One of these, the North
East Division, twenty
one counties in the North Eastern
part of the This division
will hold its first annual meeting
in Greenville on i the 11th and
12th. This will be a meeting
great interest and our people are
to be congratulated that our
county superintendent prevailed
upon the committee to hold its
first meeting here.
we publish the most ad-
for this meet
and we bespeak for this as-
a pleasant and profitable
session with us.
Evening, May
Address Welcome, Hon.
T J.
Response, Supt. C. A. G.
Thomas, county.
Address by of
the Association, W. II.
of Pitt county.
Thursday Morning, May
to Relation of Public
to Good Schools, Supt.
A. G. Thomas, county.
Discussion minutes.
to Insubordination
in public schools, How the
Supt. may aid teachers in correct-
tug it. Supt. R. Askew, Bertie
Discussion minutes.
to Supplementary
matters in our public schools.
Supt. J. C. Gotten, Gates county.
Thursday Afternoon.
to Course of Study and
Classification, Supt. J. Y. Joyner,
Raleigh, N. C.
to Gradations and
Supt. C. Scar-
Hertford county, Alternate
Supt. N. Harding, Beaufort county.
Thursday Evening.
to Civil Government
in Our Public
and bow it should be taught,
Supt. B. G Crisp, Dare county.
to 9-30 The Most Effective
use of a Time,
Supt. W. M.
P. J.
R M. Davis, m.
W. o.
The Clerk of Superior Court
Pitt county having this day issued to
me letters of administration
estate of M. M. Galloway, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons
hold claims against said estate to
present them
on or before the 8th day of March,
1906, or this notice will be plead in
bur of recovery All persons
to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to me.
This the 7th day March, 1904.
Blow, Attorneys.
North Carolina,
County. In Superior Court.
George W. Caraway and wife, Inez
H. Caraway, and George M. Lind-
administrator d b. c. t. s of S.
Godfrey A. Stancill, S V Joyner, ad-
d b n of B S Atkinson,
L C King, Peyton T Atkinson, John
K King and wife, Alice King, Sam
a Watkins and Helen V
The defendants, L C King,
Watkins and wife Helen V Watkins
named, will take that an
action entitled as above has been com-
in the Superior Court of Pitt
county, relating to, and for the
of, certain real property situate
In Pitt county, North Carolina, and
known as the
The said defendants will further take
notice that they are required to
pear at the next term of the Superior
Court of Pitt county o be held on the
Monday after th Monday in
March, it being the 25th day of
April, 1904, Court House in said
county, at Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in said action, or the plaintiffs will
apply to the court for the relief de-
in said complaint,
This the 23rd day of March, 1904.
R. J. C. V. York. L. H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
f for
j White Lead, Paints,
j Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line, it has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
A Profitable Pointer
have been leading in this market for
years and will continue to do so. We
handle these goods because they
are the best we can get at any
price. You don't have to wait, as we
can sell you any size and style at a
moment's notice, and at the closest
prices possible for the best stoves and ranges in the world. We have
everything that goes with these stoves and ranges, and no matter what
other makes are offered you can't beat Buck's in quality or price.
PL- H- St CO
D. j. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Greenville, N. C.
Dear But few of the men
who sell the hundred different
paints in the market know much
mi. have a
state chemist's certificate telling
just what it's of; they
a good deal, not only about
but the rest; we see that they do.
We buy every paint, that has any
sale, and analyze it. Our
limit- out all about it.
When we know what a paint Is
made-of, we know how it will act;
we know how far it goes, and how
long it wears.
is the standard; call it
The lest of the rest is about
the worst about the rest
are between.
But the men, who sell them,
don't know any better. They
what the maker tells them.
That hi know that he
them. They know whether
he tells them truth or not.
business Is not conducted
on knowledge; the less they know,
the more they are.
Yours Truly,
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
An Honest Farmer.
A western paper rays that an
Iowa farmer had a cow killed by a
train on a railroad. He presented
his claim to the company a note
in which he
dollars will be consider-
ed sufficient, as the animal killed
was but a common cow by no
means the best of my
The claim agent of the road
promptly enclosed
a check for He wrote the
is first instance since my
connection with the road that any
other than a lull blooded
value has been killed by
our train, am I enclose
damages a reward for your
and I would humbly ask
Io. photograph to be
and placed in my
C. L. went to Washing,
too today.
J. J Willis returned from
son Wednesday evening.
J. M. of Henderson,
came Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Harry Skinner left this
morning Washington
K- G. Flanagan returned from
i- Wednesday evening.
Mrs. J. Q. returned
Wilson Wednesday evening.
Dr. L. Skinner returned to
Ayden evening.
L. returned from
Raleigh Wednesday evening.
Representative Gay, of North-
county, spent night
Mrs. Chas. Turner, of son
is the city visiting Mrs. E. B.
Dist Attorney Harry Skinner
to Raleigh Wednesday
J. M. Blow, r the
den department of The
spent today
J. J. Best,
been visiting the family of W, R.
Parker, left for
day evening.
Mrs. B. Sledge and daughter,
f Tarboro, who hive been visiting
Urn, I Ii. Pender, hem,
of is in
W. B. James went to
I Thursday.
Louis Levy, of Rocky Mount, i
I beg leave to the
farmers t
counties that i
for season.
I assure you of my appreciation
the patronage and sup-
port you have so given me
daring the past eight The
I in
to serve you well and look
after your interest at all time-.
Hoping to see all of my friends
and at the House,
I am,
Very truly your friend.
4-24 ltd w J. G.
Pritchard Gets It
Washington, D April
The. nomination of O,
ard, Associate Justice of
court of the District of
Columbia, to be judge the
Fourth United States Circuit, was
sent to the senate today by
Justice Pritchard will s to
the place made vacant by the
death of Judge H. Simonton, of
South Carolina. The Fourth Cir-
to which he is appointed
of Virginia, South Caro-
North Carolina, Maryland
and West Virginia.
G. Pegram, of spent
the day here.
J. to Ayden
Thursday evening.
W. S. Greer, of Baltimore, is
doing the town again.
Mrs. Frank J. Tyson returned
from Bethel Thursday.
B. F. Manning and family went
to Thursday.
D. C. James went to
Thursday evening.
J. O. Bobbitt returned from
Littleton Thursday evening.
Miss Peebles has gone
to to visit friends.
John B. Hughes
came evening.
Miss of Bethel, is
visiting her brother, Frank J.
Georgia to spend a day with his
son, Rev. A. T. King, and leaves
this evening for Wilmington,
H. A. Timberlake went to
Donnell returned to
Tar today.
Judge to
Friday evening.
Miss Mary returned to
Friday evening.
W. B. James returned this
morning from
Miss s Mary and Agnes Smith
to Friday evening.
Julius Lyons, of came
over this morning to visit
Albert Wad worth, of Craven,
who has been visiting in the city,
returned home Friday.
Miss Peebles, who has
been visiting Mis returned
to her Lome in Graven county
Friday evening.
Miss Magi.- of
has been visiting
Mrs. W. R. Smith, returned home
tins morning.
Mrs. W. E. Warren and Miss
Deb Fleming, of Williamston, who
have been visiting Miss Bid lie
Warren, left this morning,
St. Louis Stamps On Sale.
The new series of stamps com-
of L
exposition were placed on
sale by the Cubed States
department April and will
be continued until
The are as follow;
It. Livingston,
Stat.-s to Franc, who
Conducted the Louisiana
of tie
United States
Three-cent Purple, portrait
Jas. Monroe, special
to France, who, with Livingstone,
closed the negotiations for the
portrait of
William who, as
president, approved the act
of congress officially connect-
the act of congress officially
connecting the United States gov-
with the exposition.
a United
States map, showing the territory
of the purchase.
Forsythe Democrats Endorse Him by
A large and enthusiastic mass
meeting democracy of Win-
and county
was held in the court last
Mr. Manly offered I he following
resolutions, which were received
with cheers and
the name of Hon. R.
B. Glenn will be presented to the
coming democratic state
lion for governor, and that we his
neighbors and friends, believe him
to be qualified and worthy of that
high office and that he
on the broad plateau of
middle life, in the full Hush of bis
matured faculties. He is a good
lawyer, a strong thinker,, able
campaigner, it statesman, a
man of the people and for the
people, and with the courage of
is a man who loves his
party with his whole heart, who
loves it most when in the right,
but, right or wrong, weak or
strong, in or in
he is a loyal, true, steadfast
has been a lifelong
party worker, commencing in 1876
taking part in every campaign
from that day to this. Free of
to party, he has placed
himself the hands of the
committee, going cheerfully
wherever and whenever
the dark days of state's op-
he was ever in t e thick
est of the fray, fighting rid the
people of black cloud placed
them by diminution
will i his
with Marion his
services a member of the Senate
amendment, his
mote than one ltd speeches
for white supremacy d good
WOO, and his
In every c for
his success.
the people whose interests be hag
helped to defend and uphold, will
rally to his support and
whereas, Mr. R. B.
is the choice of the democrats of
this county, and, we fully believe,
the choice of the majority of the
democratic of the
That the demo-
voters of Forsyth
form a Glenn Democratic Cam-
Club for the of aid-
him in his nomination, and
hereby pledge ourselves to use
every honorable means to
Cases Disposed of.
B. H. and J. K. Worth-
assault with deadly
on, not guilty.
Sara Brown, affray with deadly
weapon, guilty.
Sam Brown, concealed
weapon, guilty.
Julius Moore and Jim
affray, guilty, fined and costs.
Jim Brown, assault with deadly
weapon, guilty.
B. H.
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
L. H. Lee and Frank Fleming,
affray. Fleming not guilty. Lee
guilty, fined and costs.
John Henry Battle
and Lafayette Battle, affray with
deadly weapons, not guilty,
others guilty.
Arch abandonment,
Zeb attempt rape,
Jas. Jordan, robbery, not guilty-
Lawrence Ward, Matilda Ward,
Shorty Barnes, affray deadly
weapons, nil guilty.
Noah Hardy, selling liquor on
Sunday, guilty.
Henry selling . on
Sunday, not guilty.
Jim King, selling u Sun-
day, not guilty.
Lonnie Wiggs and
injuring property i.,,
fifty years of j escape from prison, v -i I lying
age, he no war but at to escape.
South his father gavel and A l
his Me I and a cause affray with deadly weapons guilty
has a been deaf to
son. He was a true and
loyal bod of Noun i the
Greenville Won.
Kinston and Greenville colored
baseball teams played a slow game
yesterday afternoon at the ball
park, which a defeat
the I- team by a score of to
Several pretty plays were
of big father and
from his earliest manhood be has
commencement Winter
fought the battles of bis party in High School will rake place
the teams showed possibilities
Donnell of of good ball playing; but
tend court.
to at
Blount Pearce left this morning
for Sanford to take a position a
drug store there.
Miss Sadie of
spent today here with Misses
Hattie Smith and Emma Starkey.
Mrs. W. E. Warren and Miss
Db Fleming, of Williamston, are
family of Allen
J. King, of Wilmington,
day's game lacked snap and ginger
to make it
Free Press 29th.
Japanese Transport Junk.
St. Petersburg, April
Russian torpedo boats the
sank the
Japanese military transport Kins-
tons, during the
night of April 26th, with all on
board, excepting officers.
soldiers, of crew and
coolie carriers. who re-
fused to surrender were sent to
trying crises in its history,
and perhaps as no other son of
North Carolina has done.
has not yet been honored
with office directly from the
people of the state. Io is true that
he has an elector, a member
of the and has
served as attorney, but
these were positions that did not
carry with them the stamp of
approval, recognition and
of his fellow citizens of the
He has labored for the success
of the Democratic party twenty
eight years on the day of election
never studying his own ease, but
asking where he was needed
has given his services to the
Now he asks to be governor
a great honor, but he has won and
deserves. We believe that those
rived Thursday evening from the bottom with ship.
on May 8th, 12th and 13th.
On Sunday, 8th, at ,., the
will be preached by Rev.
G. N. of Kinston.
Thursday, 12th, at p.
Friday, at . .,., lite-
address by John i. Small
of Washington. At p. m ,
and debate by Vance Literary
Society. At p. m., concert
by Literary Society.
Reunion on Tenth.
On Memorial day, May 10th,
Confederate veterans of Pitt
county will have a reunion in
Greenville. Every veteran in the
county is invited and urged to be,
present. Gen. William R.
will deliver the address, and after
the dinner will be pro-.
for the veterans. Gen.
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victories be has helped to win, and at Appomattox

Eastern reflector, 29 April 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 29, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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