Eastern reflector, 22 April 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Ill ii PI
Bet Meeting Held Her- in Years.
The little town of
The meeting conducted the h Buncombe county, has
Baptist church pa two
weeks by Key. J. K. on,
Richmond, closed Friday
It was the beet meeting that. Green-
ville ha had many-
There MM quite a number of pro-
and while the meeting
K. L
H. A.
J. L. Little,
of of
The Bank of Greenville
been wiped out by
Nice of the who
pated In the recent at
James City have bee sentenced
to terms of one and two and Discount
each. I Overdrafts
. , j an, Fixtures
A colored aged and f R .
was progress eighteen people
with the church d others
have expressed their to
Ufa mm. Rev. Vines, for several years
This was the fifth meeting Mr.;
at has gone to
Jo take charge of Freemason street
Baptist church city.
church has extended a
call W. D. D.
Greenville, C
At the close of business
Checks ah items 1,002.32
Gold Coin MM
Coin 3,289.59
has held and
he has very much endeared
to the people here. He preaches
the gospel plainly mid power.
This town is better from his baring
come here. From. Greenville he
went to Franklin, Va., to hold
meeting, and after closing there
he will to this state for
meeting at and at
Farmer, are now getting cotter,
seed in ground.
p. R. L.
of Waco, Texas.
A. large Petersburg concern will
Winston Salem.
The Davis hotel, a wooden
structure, at was dis-
by fire Thursday.
The stores of Charles
and J. W. Shepard, at Pollocks-
were burned Thursday night.
Capital Stock paid
Cashier's cheek
Clean Run Away.
A horse belonging to
Staff North
County of Pitt. j
I,. James L. Little, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the of knowledge
and belief L.
Dr. D
L. James.
run away today. The
animal started about Five Points,
run street to Third, then
Subscribed and sworn before
me, this 8th day of April,
up Third to Greene and on around
the different corners to the bridge
in the direction of home. It is
remarkable that all these comers
were turned without any damage
done, coming our clear at
the end.
J. G.
Popular Shapes
William Fountain, fl.
Physician and Surgeon,
one door east of post office,
street. Phone
Rutabagas just received at S. M,
The of the two men who
were drowned near Red Banks,
Wednesday evening, have not
been found.
IN 1866.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
is not enough that a Shoe should be
easy and well made, it should be handsome
are all three. The shapes are especially
attractive this season, and ail styles are
sold at a price never heard of before for
High Grade Shoes. The shape
is a special favorite. Made in black or tan
with light or heavy soles, and in lace or
button. Very graceful, very comfortable
and yet snug fitting. Sold exclusively by
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L. H. Pender.
following points can now
be reached over lines of
K. C.
El field,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. S C.
Chase City. V.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Columbia, S. C.
York. N. Y.
New Orleans, La.
Norfolk. Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Richmond, Va.
St. Louis, Mo
Suffolk, Va.
And all other important and in
points east of the Miss-
F. C.
Gen. Manager.
.---- 1876.
. , id retail Grocer
Taxi It ore Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Par, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Oak Baits, Ca
Dy Carriages,
suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
aid Gail Ax Bonn,
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, -Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil.
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware. Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash.
see me.
S. M. z
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
for -7
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, Varnish s and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world th a
inc. It has behind it a century's
reputation wares and honorable
you use the Paints you
never worry about quality.
We trust that you will favor your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
purpose. Have just received a car load and
an give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating. and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. o
our tinning and slating department. You will him-.
a master of his trade.
share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
. .
The On y
Many new and pretty Styles are
in of
and Prints. Indeed it would be
more correct to say that
one of them are new and pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their quality is
fully equal to their
Dress Goods
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
the colors rich and lasting, the
prices are wonder workers.
To get the confidence of the
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Whereas it has pleased our
Heavenly Father His
wisdom to remove from
our midst our loved brother
and co-worker, B. Pierce
therefore, be it,
Resolved 1st. That we bow in
bumble submission to the will and
power of Him who doe u all thing
well, for our betterment
and Bis glory.
Resolved 2nd. in the
death of Brother W. B. Pierce,
Pitt Council No. of the Jr. O.
A. M- hat lost one of its most
faithful members and promising
young m-ii,
Resolved 3rd. That while from
his stay with u we hid learned to
him his honest life, to
realize that it is only another
ripened gathered for the
Heaven garner, ire re
not as I hues who have HO
hope, bu look forward pa-
Tobacco crop this is
one-third this section. We b the
hear the farmers say much The stockholders of the
tobacco. We hear of Tobacco Company,
for cents, that that was here last fall
better than Scent . for purpose of conducting a
J. F. and B. business and
Cooper, of were the Farmers
town a short while Wednesday. for that held a meeting
Mrs. Bettie Britt would to close up the
pleased t . have the ladies to call for the tension. The stockholders
and examine millinery before were more than gratified at the
made by the books of the
El. Holiday, who bet his real- j manager, I he business Laving
deuce by fire, is laying even larger than was anticipated,
for a new house j After paying all expenses in full
C M. Jones returned from a large cash was paid the
Baltimore Friday.
Shad are not so plentiful a
They have been
the year. S me of as think, by u
next there will not bi
Mrs. W. S. i on
F. D. Foxhall went to Plymouth
Smith want to
H II. Wilson,
J. to
A. to
ville today.
Jesse returned Saturday
B. G. came over
this morning.
House J G.
pent Sunday in Tarboro.
Hence the in V-
ell beyond, where all hap-
and where parting will be young
no more. j d
Resolved 4th. That we com-
his loved ones to Kim h , near a
is able and Willing to heal The
and comfort in time I th
Resolved 5th. That a copy of
these resolutions be upon
minutes and id the
The company has planned for a
much larger business next season,
and ha acquired of two
other warehouses, the Star
so that next season tin;.
; will houses
k of on. Th.- Farmers warehouse
in. by
I Star v .;
. ill I managed II. A.
lake. The warehouse will
. e S.
Fred Cox left this morning foe
W. T. Mangum left this morn-
A. Ward, of Bethel, in
Tuesday evening.
W, G. Lamb, of Williamston,
in Tuesday evening.
B. M. came
evening from Wilmington.
Mrs. A. E. Tucker left this
morning for s visit to Scotland
B. O. Whitaker, of
who has been spending someday
here, left this morning.
Charlie Home left this morning
for Elizabeth City, t take a
returned this Hod in a drug store there,
Miss Maggie of
came home Ha-sell. arrived Tuesday evening
to visit Mis. W. . Smith.
of e
hi . m is
j . .
i i
us .,
. . U
. . . ;
i .
tit day eve log from
S. P. Billiard returned
day evening from Mount.
Mrs. A
evening from
visit h. in
W. R. Smith nod
Miss Bet. returned
Tuesday ;
av i in
papers id town, cop;
be Bent to the h
i J. B. White.
J. I.
Changed to
i- . rail order
recent election here, w. s
i returnable before Judge
I II. Justice Wilmington, on the
has bee a changed for
I in Greenville on the 25th
fore Judge A.
in U
an h
O. T.
who has been his
parents here, i this morning.
son. Ur and Mrs E II. Thomas and
j j,,. little sou and Mrs. T
is fin i .-son in
,. i n their
was i
F. M. Hudson
Spent Sill
. .
I- it- Widely
Ml i
i Li the r
Mr-, it-
th K I
A ho e ii i he i-
, t i
o l ll
not i
N. C,
Dear ago, M
Grant Smith, Erie, Pa, painted Solicitor L. I. Moore to W
three fame and and
work of brick Judge to make this .,., s the
painter estimated to avoid the and
for the paint, lead and-oil. j of the parties to the -i I
w . iii. i I
Mi- A VI
P . It i
ii I'll days
m c
Prof. V. I
. . who evening i
last wee , i- l tery at Si i Ii
w ii r .
I m
The ,. Fire-
men had the s -am out for
Tuesday night. engine
, . i i was not in and
I. Moore went, to ii. . J KB , el Ii i
. i ; t c. . i , . to fl the , ; too gel right.
wood, tin-day end , . , her-with Mn, May , , . . . , ,,
; Lucky that no fire while
s K
oil . .
of Kinston, came
logo t-
turned Saved on hearing there, Judge
the paint. s changed .
Don't know cost of the work,
By the rule, the Raving of labor Tonight at The Opera Home,
would be from to ,,. .
all, from to room only Monday
This is the tale, as it Stock Co. will
from Messrs. F. Nick Son, for opening perform .-
our agents there. years. ii In
Yours wonderful sou-.
F. . Go. . ,
roe play It.
by more people
than on
stage today.
High class specialties will be
introduced between the acts.
Seats now on
Prices Io, and
Special ladies mid
on professions
is a ii two
Ii. .
The y -v
. .
-It r if the
an resting ,.
on Ilia id hi j
and remarkable career.
K. . e reading selection
from play TUESDAY, APRIL
as in that com ii ion. They
had it working well bi fore they
Mr. ml of I Masonic Funeral.
who have Ivan On m n- ii
. left o'clock L-d.-
A. W. A. V . . c
C. r. Masonic funeral
the of
P. S.
H. L. Gar r
Marriage Licenses.
Last week Register of Deeds B,
Williams issued licenses to the
following couples;
J. It. Mills and Ola Elks,
J. E. and Lula
T. and Barn-
Mark Knight and Sarah
for Greenville
Today If. Greene us a
letter notifying him of the ship-
of a outfit of
machinery which he has ordered
W. L
in Saturday Mr p; u Falkland,
.-. and Mrs. who died in February, fie lodge
Bethel . , , . . . , .
the purpose of establishing a
i. , j Steam here Mr. Greene
G. H. end la . , , ,
tells the laundry will make a
of family work. This
Stricken at Work.
will be a treat convenience.
Smashed The Buggy.
Warren Tucker, a colored man We got wind up of
in of Mr. F. M.
Hodges, was stricken with
while at work a field near
town, Monday afternoon, he in
a condition.
runaway horse,
day afternoon, a bit wrong. Be-
fore reaching the bridge the horse
tangled the buggy with a corner
post end smashed it.
pi t
were Hadley, P.
J. Jarvis, Vines.
L. A. and L
A. B. A.
M ye, Sr , and Miss Mary
After the reception a varied n
enjoyable menu was served the
handsome dining room.
The will b its next
regular meeting with Mrs.
K on May he i bird.
The painting any house
owner is wise enough to
Town and Country
D. J- painted his
ago with
Town Paint and
it has no been painted since.
Watch how it has lasted.
Fleming Moore's office which
was painted also with this famous
paint eight years ego.
Baker ft Hart, Wholesale ft Re-
tail Distributing
Ii. C
will assemble the temple Sun-
day morning at and
there proceed to Falkland.
of other
of Kinston, spent
today here.
J. S. went up the road
this morning.
O. L, Joy left Monday evening
for mu.
Used Dynamite.
Sunday afternoon several ex-
were made with dynamite
near where the two men were
drowned in the river last week.
This was dour with the view of
,, . . . jarring the bodies end causing
B C of came . ., ,, , , . .,
; ,, them to use to lie the
evening, , .
. ,, , . tint the
J. B. Cherry. Jr., has returned bodies did not rise,
borne from Baltimore.
were killed
II returned Monday
evening from Suffolk.
Dr. Vann Coming.
A. T. Harper, of Goldsboro, Dr T of
came in Monday evening. the University at
n , . , ,. Raleigh, will preach in Greenville
P. T. Anthony returned Monday
evening from Scotland Neck.
H will
lecture the High at
Mrs G. L. Patrick, of Winterville Friday night and will
today with Mrs.
V. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ward, of
Bethel, who were visiting here,
returned home this Morning.
also preach in that town Sunday
Nice Quarters.
Tuesday night the Odd
,,. ,, , met in their new hall Ma-
Minnie returned temple. The
Monday from where and Knights of Pythias ere
she has been school. i up quarters have a

that practically embrace the highest class Clothing made in America
For absolute perfection in all details, there's no other comparison.
As for prices, we have an endless variety to show you
at the different figures from to
Our Boys and Children's Department.
ill And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Goods kept con-
Produce Bought end Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Cotton Must Have
Potash is an essential plant food
which must be added as a fertilizer
or the soil will
become ex-
as is
true of so
many cotton
We have
giving valuable de-
tails about
will end
them free to any farmer who asks us for them.
New York -VI or
A St.
Did you ever see a Jew in a poor
house No, and you never will, for
Jews don't go to houses. Mis-
fortune may and docs overtake
of the race
that the Hebrew people look
after people who are in distress.
There is no shirking the
and no call on alien races for help.
If a Jew is overtaken in misfortune,
I other a come to hie and
he is not allowed to become a charge
on the public If charity begins at
home, the Jews must be about as
charitable as any people on earth.
Charlotte Chronicle.
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
First work and prices reasonable
sent upon application.
J. H- CO-,
I I I . c
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, Confections, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
or cash. Highest price for country
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, K. C.
Brandt of Vie Reflector is in charge
of C. K. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
S. C, April 1904.
Body of Dead Diver Recovered.
Mew York,
hours after i
caught in the pipe at the bottom,
of the reservoir at B N. J. j
tho body of Diver William Hoar
was brought to the surface, hawing
Ween freed a short time before from
the heavy ball which held the
man b legs fast. During the entire
days crews of relays kept a
current of air to the
prisoned diver the small hope
that some life might still remain
strain. The body was
today after Diver Rice had gone
down a shaft under water feet
and repaired the original id
the pipe. The time occupied by
Rice stopping flow of the
water and the suction that was
holding the big ball in place
about eight hours, it is Mired
t Del if the plan finally adopted
followed when it
first that Hoar was caught
fast between the pipe and e ball,
the man's life would have
An examination showed that
Hoar's legs had not been broken.
The body was in good condition
and contrary to expectation the
face wore a calm expression.
is the only
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes a
good as Maple Syrup. per
bottle for sale by John
Druggist, N-
J. J. Satterthwaite
N. C.
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
One Price Store.
We carry a general of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line
Wood, and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and honest deal for ail, we for
cash which enables us to do a safe
business and we give our
the benefit of it, Cash Sales,
Small Margins and one price to all
is oar motto.
Ia the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Medicines Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce. j
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and he prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
No that the middle of April
has pissed there should not be any
more frost or cold weather.
J. R.
Norfolk, V,
Cotton and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
river sex; IT ice
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. in for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern It. B. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and
and Miners Line from Boston. ,
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Tice President
f M N, Y.
N. C April It,
Miss Bertha Dawson and Master
Thomas, of visit-
in town a short while Saturday.
Rev. B. E. Stanfield conducted
regular services in the Methodist
church Sunday morning and night.
W. C. Co. want
eggs, poultry See them be-
fore Belling.
Fine is being made
the brick building.
We were at W. C. Jackson
Co's store the other day, and was
surprised to that they car-
such an extensive line of
clothing. The man, youth or
child who cannot get suited in
there, either in a suitor a pair of
is bard to please.
The inducement which Ayden
can for new capital and the
coining of more people be
excelled by any town or community.
wish to call especial
to the public, that we have
established a Carriage Buggy
in every respect,
skilled labor employed, and
the material obtainable, used
the construction of our work.
Machinery of the latest Inventions
have been procured by us and no
means are being spared to make
first class in every par-
just after
service in Disciple church
was taken exceedingly ill
and at last accounts was no
We hope this is much
Ayden Mfg. Co.
Canned goods of every
at Hart
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their line of heavy and fancy
Pretty women first, nice bones
next, and a live, energetic town
and people are things pleases
one even their dreams. We
know for we like all.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
There is much of connecting
certain towns in the state with
trolley lines. railways
will yet become popular for snort
travel. Daily Reflector.
Good and we suggest Ayden as
the central point as we already
hare the electric power.
A new of ladies
Misses slippers at J. R. Smith ft
Last Saturday was but a
of the Saturday previous. A
large crowd and our merchants
completely overrun.
Just received spring suit cloth-
for buys. J. J.
Fancy candies, oranges,
and bananas E. E. Co's.
Miss Bole of the Great
Swamp section, is spending the
week with Mrs. John
Confectioneries, tinware and
everything in general
at fair prices can be found by call-
at store of Hart Jenkins.
it be said to the discredit
of Ayden vicinity there are
men who have the moans, yes are
afraid to Invest in enterprises that
will add to and build up the com-
in which we live t We
believe it. Time will show.
handmade shingles at
14.00 per Cannon ft. Tyson.
Miss May after being
for long while with
is oat again.
The commercial visible type-
writer has combined the Strong
points of the machines
into one for considerable less
money. Pot further information
as to prices terms etc. Address
R. F. Johnson, N. V.
hereby forbid any
person to harbor or give employ.
to my son, William
Friday had f
shaking hands with Col. I. A.
Sugg and J. G. two of our
old Greenville friends.
If yon are troubled with
eyes, have J. W. Taylor, tho
graduate optician, to examine them
the graded
Miss Georgia Joyner to a J. T. Harris and wife, who have
Slight indisposition was detained visiting the family of J. J- wife returned
left for their home,
field, last Friday.
Millet and garden seed at J. R
Smith ft Bro.
from her duties at
school Friday.
A full assortment of ladies and
gents shoes at reasonable prices at
our Jenkins.
J. L. Causey daughter, of
Craven county, Friday with
the family of F. Lilly.
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E. E
Mrs. Brooks, little grand-
daughter, of Grifton, came up
Saturday to visit Mrs.
Anything you in white
goods at W. M. Co's.
125.000. That is the amount
not circulation around here.
unadulterated cash. Think
of it Properly invested and put
two time
there will be in its stead
Lookout for ft
the Ayden hustlers.
Cox Cotton and Sim-
guano distributors at J. R.
Smith ft Bro.
Mrs. W. E. from the
country, was here Saturday with
Our of ready mixed
paints are the best.
Cannon ft Tyson.
Miss Daisy of Rountree
has been visiting Misses Ida and
Annie Edwards.
When purchasing meats
try Armour's ham-, etc. R. F.
Johnson, Ayden, f. C. Dist.
W, M. Edwards and wife went
to their home Sat-
Just referred another lot of boys
and clothing at W. M.
lid wards.
E. L. Brown, our clever depot per day, near depot on West Ave-
Transient custom solicited
B. F. Early,
W. R. Harris has to Rocky
Mount on business.
W. M. Edwards ft Co , will sell
you a good pair of pants for fifty-
Don't fail to see W. If. Edwards
Co's. new line of dress goods.
M. R. Lang, who merchandise I
agent has moved his family from
the school grove nearer down
town to one of those pretty cottages
owned by U. H. Garris.
Fresh butter cheese ice
Talk is cheap, all the same that
seed oil mill is a booming,
the gas is a little
while the will flow Greenville some
the mill be here. Watch j ago, and now living in Norfolk,
u. t iii ea i spent a few here last week,
best quality of flour as cheap
las the cheapest at Hart ft Jenkins, j brick-
the wholesale retail large
Miss L. Smith, millinery stock always on baud, your orders
emporium just replenished J. A. Griffin.
all the latest novelties
ladies dress goods.
A class is my employ.
Give me a trial.
E. E. Co , have built a
large rear of their
store on Lee street.
M. H. left for
ham Friday.
We invite the ladies to call
inspect our new spring dress
goods, laces, hamburg, insertions
ribbons, etc. Cannon
We net John Vincent, of
the other day. He has
been north for several a
hospital where he had opera- i
performed for appendicitis.
col. who bus left home, with
Try Pansy the best patent. u my Any ,,.
m be
tug to law. The boy is it,
We invite the ladies to call ; dark weighs
examine our line of lawn pound. Any information
purchasing elsewhere. J. J. Blues. about him will be appreciated.
Kittrell, col.
to Sunday. Mrs. He is very much improved.
wards will I in week With
ts and Mrs.
Go to IS. E. ft Co's new
market beef, fresh minis,
site, and fresh fish.
c arc headquarters cotton
seed, hulls, buy, oats.
Prof. King and Fred
went is
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
blinds and Bide lights
J. R. Smith ft Bro.
We have several secondhand
sewing machines that we will
cheap at J. R. Smith ft Bro. , . . . . . .
styles in
G. to W. M. Edwards ft; Co. for j and caps J. J. Hi lies.
your next pair of pants, .
A line hi
Joseph E. O. Cox, and children straw bate,
J. L. Back and j j. . Smith
went to Greenville Monday.
As a for Daily
and we lake
great pleasure in receiving sub
in d willing i for
I hose In arrears, We have a
of all ho receive mail
W. Davis in take
hill Sit a i day and
Sunday and night. Mr.
i a Disciple excel
need any repairing
nice cool drink go to Sum- on
rail fountain. Mfg. Co., satisfaction
Three brick a tore going up on
that vacant lot. Very good. But I Our line of straw hats are the
there should by all me-ms be three latest and the prices right.
If your are waiting
for a train or wait-
to meet a friend,
or just, sitting down
to rest, or only want
a postage stamp, or
just looking about,
you will very welcome
in my store. Do not feel
th it you must buy some-
thing every you
come- here. If
Goods we shall be very
happy to serve you, but
often to my
any way.
Watch this space next
week it will be valuable
to yon.
N, C.
more tight by then . a hustle
will well to ,
p on and hi up vacancy.
f r fancy i
It will ado to mice and give
the old town a be
Safe, Strong, Liberal.
To my friends and
have j returned from Baltimore I
and have opened a new line -1
pretty millinery goods. Please
Four nice hogs, stuck,
for sale, by J. R. Smith ft Bro.
They tell me W. M. Ed-
wards ft Co , tin most
call tn sec me next dour
Bros. Mrs. J. A. Davis.
Just another case
men's at W, M. Ed-
wards ft Co's.
Our lady milliners are certainly
doing a nice A gentle-
told us the other day while
he was sitting in of one their
stores in an time
that came out.
Rock salt for stock, at J. B.
Smith ft Bro.
George Bro,
work in this line
Roofing a specially. Work
line of
men's clot hi
hits afraid. It's a good investment.
i-s ,
to B. S. ft Sir.,
den, N. C. A full supply always
on baud.
E Cox, one of the popular
men, the bitter
part of last, week over in Greene
and i again in that section work
up bis company. Cox is
-ahead man anywhere you find
The invited or stronger
to call aH our line of
mercerized have it; The Prudential is as safe and
in bolts also in patterns of yd strong
lengths. j j. Hines The
. safety con-
.,, j j.
A strong Company can to
lie us policy holders.
Corn, hay and oats,
Smith ft
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R. ft Bro.
At the close of business March 28th,
We want your hams
and egg. J. B. S ft
new lot of men's
Shirts just received at
wards ft Co's.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture Fixtures -120
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
Cash in Bank,
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided less
you want we
have Ayden Milling ft Mfg.
ply to E. S. Edwards Son, j.
-en, N. C. A full suppl
on hand-
W. M. Edwards ft Co., have a ;
complete line of ladies oxfords.
We have a full of furniture
best quality, the you are
looking for. ft, Tyson.
The ticker doesn't toll everything
that in Wall-st.
The Prudential is liberal. See
B. Hooks,
Special Agents.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Block, Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon,
Office Annie.
Ayden, N. C.
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair Cutting,
Shaving and

Q. J.
Editor and Proprietor.
in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
rates aside upon application.
desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
Winter don't in any tea go Wants ton Elected
to Lao down the. flag and quit.
Pitt County, N. C, April 1904.
Wrong doings of The oven-oat continues do
officials is coming near home.
the old
Hicks and both struck
pretty close to this i
The question how to pronounce
of the name of that Russian battleship
Durham officers are now arrest-, The that have been
int the non-vaccinated of the city's I g
Wonder if the to wait.
will have to be enlarged
The river is now en-
gaged in its annual spring stunt.
U -Ll
If the republicans continue talk-
the balance of the state will
out more Blackburn than
known before.
One would think from reading
the Durham Herald that a large
majority of the people of that
county are candidates for register of
Not in
Congress has passed a bill
i mg the tax of C cents a pound on
marked by more j w tobacco
among officials than since
has been president.
nomination as at
Charleston has again been post-
but he continues to hold
down the office and draw the
Sunday's Raleigh News and Ob-
server gave Greenville the go by,
and has not turned here yet.
There is more or less speculation
Wonder if making Roosevelt the
main issue in the coming campaign
i as intimated by some of the papers,
will not swell his head worse than
as to what the investigation of the j
Atlantic h North Carolina railroad;
by the committee will It Russian officers are advising their
is well enough to wait and see. government to abandon Port Arthur.
If this step had been taken some-
The New York state convention Russia might have been
Monday instructed for Parker for several ships better off. In fact if
president, the vote to Russia would pull off entirely and
That makes it more like
will get the nomination. the trouble of licking her and send-
About now is cotton planting
time, and we feel saying that
the farmer whose entire dependence
for a money crop is placed on it will
likely be
for State Offices will Support
The Act.
Editor J. W. of
the State Anti-Saloon league, has
sent out letters to people through-
out the stats in which is s declare-
of hops such as has be-
f-re been Bounded in North Caro-
The following ii the letter in
the Friend of
temperance c has made
great progress in North Carolina
and the prospects are brighter to-
day than they have ever been. We
There will be delegates
is the democratic eon-
Under a long-prevailing
nils it requires two-thirds to
ate Therefore, a
who can votes may
defeat the will of the other
nils of
national conventions allows states to
the is,
majority of s stats may
east the whole vote of the
the candidate that is the choice of
the majority. The of
unit rule is optional with each
lave reason to hope that in a few state. Neither the two-thirds rule
more years we shall have the last j nor the unit rule is recognized by
The New Bern Journal, speaking
of a protracted meeting at
City, said were
The Journal editor and the
preacher can hare it out.
There is not a man the as-
for governor in this state
whom any democrat would hesitate
to vote for if he is They
are all good men of reputation.
Newspaper correspondents
telling too much tor
and the edict gone f . i
in giving the v. . ;, ,
be treated an spies and shot.
her back badly crippled.
We had the pleasure of hearing
Rev. B, W. lecture at
Winterville, afternoon, and
it was a gem His subject was
Value of and he
If the democratic congressmen --0- to old
to get a showing up of the in
in the at , rush and whirl of the world
, . . . . , , ,. people do not stop to think. The
Washington, it will be because
. . , . , . person who desires to to
the administration whitewashing.
anything should have a place of re-
If any V folks lose I for a short while each day.
their votes through neglect in pay--1
their poll tax by the
May, if will not be because the news
papers have failed to give ample
withdraw and shut out the world
for the time and be alone
with this thoughts and God.
Maj. H. A. London has written a
Strong letter to the press advocating
the nomination of Maj. Chas. M.
Stedman for governor. Maj.
was a bravo soldier and has
of great service to his state.
Capt. Green, assistant gen-
manager of the Southern Rail-
Way, died in Washington City Sat-
This U the second
ant official of the Southern road to
die in a short while and both of
them were well known in North
That was a big fraud unearthed
he the Federal court at Greensboro,
Showing that revenue officers in this
date through collusion with a
rectifying concern at Milton
had swindled the government out of
stout No doubt if an in-
was made of the
in the state similar frauds, on
mailer scale, could
if not all, of them.
Just think. Think of your life,
what is it and what will be the end
thereof. While thus the
fire's are kindled for life's work.
The highest ideals formed in
these moments of quiet reflection
and you go forth prepared to do
something for the world. Think of
what is to be your occupation in
life, and after deciding stick to your
ideal and do your best.
has cone to hand of
any of the newspaper correspondents
being condemned as spies and shot
by the Russians, but it might be
well to feed some of them on hard
tack as a punishment for the kind
of news they furnished.
While holding court in
county Judge Neal personally visit-
ed the county home, stated that protect of and
saloon and distillery out of the
state and the doors barred and
locked against them forever.
I to make re-
cord hero of the prayers of the
God is in the work that
are doing. He has been and is now
our help. I-et us not cease to pray
to Him. Nothing has so
ed as the receipt of thousands of
letters assuring ms that God's
children are praying. In this
spirit we may confidently confront
all opposition the challenge of
David. is this
ed Philistine that be should defy
the of the living
me put our friends
on their guard. A mistake in this
political year will do us great harm.
Let us not make threats or. en
courage bolting. It is wisdom to
go into the primaries of our p
ind our best, and if shall
be let u abide
in the ship in hope that at length
the helm may fall into truer hands,
We must be patient. Our cause is
worth fighting for not on but
many years.
us strive earnestly for the
nomination of good and
will support the Watts act;
the anti-jug law and pass a bill to
the republican national
Usually, it has
that no serious inconvenience or
has bean caused by the
democratic plan of conducting its
conventions, and nothing of the
kind is anticipated this year.
Indeed, it is expected that when
the delegates assemble at St. Louis
on July there will be practical
the representatives
the different states on all essential
matters, including candidates and
platform. The present trend is
unquestionably that way, taking the
country over, and there is nothing
the situation to cause any feeling
of doubt as to the entirely
us character of the gathering
Durham Sun.
he found the premises in a
lion that was a disgrace to the
county and state. The county
commissioners were indicted for
allowing the home to be in such bod
We hive heard of billion dollar
less from distilleries and saloons.
let us not forget
obligation to encourage and aid in
the enforcement of the laws
we have and by no means let us
omit our duty to practice and to
preach personal
possible et up local
Mrs. L. Crawford spent Sat-
eight and Sunday with her
mother near Farmville
Mrs. Nash has been very
ill for the pa-t few days.
B. I was the neighbor-
hood a short while Monday.
Misses Bessie and Laura Smith
went to Greenville Friday after
in neighborhood
Mis Kittrell Sus-
Crawford Spent
right Monday with relative
Mr. and Mrs.
spent Sunday In the
Mr. and W
It us have county afternoon in the
but what the one BOW Lotion, town meetings and tern-1
nearing a close lacks of picnics throughout our
that figure is not much. In round commonwealth this By no
members figures reach means may we so do
which shows t the write this letter to
republican administration knows I know you are a friend of temper-
MS. I rely upon your valued
how to waste the public money.
We hope Atlantic Coast
has no grudge against Greenville,
yet the service given down this way
seems to indicate that it has.
There is not a branch road on the
system that has more miserable
vice than this one. The people who
suffer by this discrimination go
right submitting to Lt.
The Washington advises the
democrats in their neat platform to.
cease to and
stead to The
Post must have forgotten the postal
scandals, the pension
and the Ohio about die
time that it was handing out this
and Laura Smith
spool Monday
Dall was in the neigh-
hi few days
Crawford went to
Mi-s Nannie of Win-
spent Sunday
in neighborhood;
Miss Lee
Mies th-
May went to
Sunday afternoon.
Every man who is engaged in
fanning ought to buy his land this
year, if ho does not already own it.
Cotton will, in probability, be
comparatively high for the next
several yews. This paper stated
only a day or so ago that some of
the best farmers in Wake county
are now picking out the last of their
cotton crop. This is suggestive
that the last of big cotton crops is at
hand. There is not sufficient labor
to cultivate a large cotton crop, and
if cultivated, it could not be picked
out This condition of affairs will
tend to keep up the price of cotton,
and when cotton is high is the best
time to buy pay for a farm.
We thought
was among wealthiest and
best-to-do in the state, but the
people up that way must be very
poor or else they are very slack in
their willingness to bear their- part
of the burden of taxation.
Charlotte News has been making
an investigation of tax books of
the county, makes the astonish-
statement that out of about
listed in the county
fully of them have failed ts
pay. Of delinquents Char-
township furnishes 1,200, the
cry alone having of them.
This it a for a great
county, and we doubt if another
in the stats is bad.
We have been asked what are the
prospects of starting an
man's Christian None
whatever. Those who ac-
knowledge that they are eligible are
too feeble to be expected U attend
a Star.
A famous baseball player died a
couple of days after begot married
to his third wife. Poor fellow
on to speak after the
of fans. He has had
his last ball and his wife has her
bawl Star.
J. L. who was at one
time editor of the Progressive
Farmer, is a
paper in Raleigh.
Mad Drifted Three Miles Down
As the steamer com
up from Washington thin
morning a body was seen
in the river near Barber's creek,
five miles below town. cap
of the steamer sent men in a
row boat to investigate, it was
found to be the body of Thigpen
Whitley, the young white man
who drowned near Red
a week ago.
Where the body was found was
about miles from the scene of
the drowning. The body tied
to the shore nod the steamer same
on to Greenville when a
was sent to the father of tin young
man at Washington notifying him
to send after it. The body of the
drown d the same
time found,
Aycock as
St. Louis, April
upon Governor
s Southerner should be
nominated far the
Globe Democrat today suggests
Governor himself
This department Is in of A. D. Johnston, who is to rep-
I resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, April
Mr. and Mr-. Mock Ellis, of
been visiting the
family of H. P. Kittrell.
We have a nice lot of porch col-
timber. If you are in need
of them why fit you up.
G. A. Kittrell A Co. will pay
can price- for corn, peas,
Joshua with J.
B. A Co., was here Sunday
visiting hi
School pencils and
best q always
Drug Store.
Light he ivy groceries B. G.
Chapman A Co. is the place.
Don't l
Noah Cox. of
pent with his brother,
The A. G Cox Mfg. Co. are
supplying of buggy seats to
to the
out of inn me.
U. L. pays highest
prices for eggs and
B. Vt. preached
in the Baptist Sunday
left for
Dr. B. i. when not in the
y, can either at his
at at I store of B. G.
s and I top goods can
be ha a U.
G. A. .
at the lowest
Carroll re-
Co., the in.
rs, are still
. ices for
shirts at H. I.
. cheap
i. L, J
Mrs. George
. . th family of
to purchase
. Wanning
y in the
A Co. are expect
to them. It
u healthy
Mr. .,
spent Bo
D-. Cox
lbs new go
Mr. Si U
G. B. Ki
lug a
will d
is the Mull
Misses Ma-tie and
W a former
dent of is here
Any wishing to purchase
a with boiler,
eh id-, etc. elected and in run
order, with two com grists
and one floor mill complete, with
sunnier bolt, Also the build-
and large water tank above it.
Will do well to see or
with A. G. Mfg. Co. This
la plant that contains the
splendid supply mineral
i a splendid lot f
I he A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
offering sale with the view
Of a brick factory.
L. Johnson for heavy I
Kiss Eva on
Monday night to give an
here. Those who
her well pleased.
John Browning
Greenville yesterday.
The line of ladies drew good in
the store of B. G. Chapman Co.
is unusually attractive. Call and
Harness as well as buggies
Don't go somewhere else to get
your harness when you get
when you can get any
style just as cheap
just nice
right here from the
man you get your buggies from.
Samuel Tolar, of Mount,
came down to push the work on
the new stores.
To our friends and
Having very near lost our
stock of merchandise in the recent
fire, we are now making arrange-
as rapidly as possible to
open again. We earnestly solicit
a continuance of your valued pat-
you one and
all for past favors, We remain
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
An infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Stocks died Sunday.
The bereaved have the
sympathy of the entire neighbor-
A plow beam manufactured by
the Winterville Mfg, Co. always
gives alien you go to
them have one put in
They furnish
handles for your plow.
Mrs. Catherine Carroll, the
mother of Joshua fell
down and broke her arm near
shoulder. She is
beat prices for the
tan be had at U. L. John-
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board per day.
house in town.
We occupying L.
House shop on Main and are
In the position to furnish our
as heretofore.
Harrington, limber Co.
The A. G. C or Mfg Co. reports
i the season
to plainer and guano
that have ever
known. The Com any soon
begin lo make tobacco
again. truck is the beat
the market. order-
daily from Slates, but bard-
expect our home will
this season.
Tasteless OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
O car bought a
Neater a little boot black
Barrett. But In-
is so that he
stick a fork in the
We carry complete lines of farm
supplies, dry goods,
groceries, drugs etc. Come
see us one all all.
Harrington, Barber A Co.
wish to notify the
public that I every
day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam Kittrell -s place.
Purnell Tripp.
of Police F. Tucker
received a telephone message Sat-
night from Goose Nest to
arrest a low named John
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wishes
to purchase light wood cart
For corn, oats, cotton seed meal
see G. A. Kittrell A Co.
For the bent grades of smoking
and chewing go to the
Drug Store.
Don't forget Dr. Cox now has
his office in the residence of J. H.
Clark is wanted for attempt
to commit rape, de gt off here
but out inn the officer his
horse. They shot at four times
but John is still at Urge.
his household effects are in the
depot here.
E. G. Chapman C. invite the
public to Call mil i then
stock of dry good-, notions etc.
Prices to unit lbs buyer,
A good article i better if you
have to pay u little more it
than a t a i
price. S. try J the Carroll
singletrees manufactured by the
Winterville Mfg Co.
John D. ;. I.
half interest in the
here. The name in
us Dr
i on
e drug
. firm will i
i. t ox Br-
man waits until mm days are here ans
about his suit often in his hurry, select
it never pleases him. NOT skip all this worry
The forgetful man waits until th
then worries
a suit that never pleases him. HI NOT skip ail this worry
and hurry this spring and make selection now The
new Cheviots and Worsteds, in a J Double Breasted
styles are here. Cut with the long i lapel, shaped
and formed as well as the best could build them
ft j fT-
J II. Dixon will
man for
i lion i
f us
i j -r y
It. G. it C.
-fore will depository for
all drug, inks, school
books, brushes,
aid in fact u full line of
There is between h
and train on
Atlantic Line, near
y One
totally wrecked and
three employ--, were hurt. The
escaped injury
We wear of
Our prices are as low as
as you may need.
; the time when
and boy is
about buying his
SHIRTS. We are
strong on Shirts
tings, new-
he best made,
best makers.
leaves the
and run as
vi n i i,

Grimesland Department.
J. Proctor Bros
H lumber to build a house,
furniture to no in clothing and
far provisions
for table, or for
can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
I turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
Mrs. Bettie Britt,
and Fancy Ms,
Best and latest
me before buying.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
Pinch Own Steak Now.
Capt. K. S. Finch is now the
disputed Mr. Ed Chambers
smith's fifty of stock in the
Atlantic North Carolina
road. The stock has been sent to
to be transferred on the
books of the company. Mr. Smith,
when seen yesterday, that he
received a cashier's check for
the balance stock
and that he had promptly ordered
its transfer to the purchaser
Grimesland, N. C.
Dry Good, Notions,
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, Ali
the popular drinks,
every day.
Hot Peanuts
Greenville's Great
Department Store
The Separate
By of a decree of the Sn-
court, in of land,
in re Richard guardian,
of Alonzo and W. G. King, the
undersigned commissioner will sell
at the e door on Monday,
tho 2nd day of May, that piece
or parcel of land lying and
being in town-
ship, Pitt county, and described
Beginning at the last
corner of lot No. in the division
of land between Joyner and
Alonzo and W. G. King, and runs
north west to a knot,
at the public road, then north
east poles and to a light-
wood knot; J. B. corner,
then north east to
line to the beginning, con-
acres, more up less.
Terms of sale
April 1st 1901,
Isaac a
Office opposite depot.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In Superior Court
Isabella Little
Daniel Little.
The defendant Daniel Little will
take notice that an entitled as
above has been commenced against
him in the court of Pitt
county by the r the purpose
of obtaining a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony upon the grounds
of abandoned, and tho said de-
will further take notice that
he is required to appear before the
judge of our Superior court, at a
court to be held for the county of Pitt
at the court in Greenville on
the seventh Monday after the first
Monday in March, it being the 25th
day April, and answer the
complaint, which will be deposited in
office of the C of the Superior
court of said county within the first
three days of said term, and then and
there answer or demur to said com-
plaint within the time required by
, or Hie will apply to the
court demanded in the
This the of March,
Clerk Com-t of Pitt Co
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
can got honest goods at living prices. See our
large yon buy and be satisfied with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
is an indispensable article, it doesn't matter how many
dresses you have the SEPARATE SKIRT always come in for
its share of fact we have stocked
with a beautiful LINE OF FITTING and HANDSOME-
LY TAILORED SKIRTS that we will be glad to show you.
i-v . . are here in
Our Undershirt
and we never had a prettier line to show.
North County,
In Superior Com t.
The defendant will take notice that
an action entitled its has been
against him in the
court of county by
for the purpose of obtaining a
the bonds of matrimony
upon the grounds of abandonment
and adultery, and the defendant will
further take notice that he la required
to appear the judge of our
Superior court at a court to held
for Jim Pitt the Monday
after the Aral Monday in September,
ii he day of September
and answer the complaint which
he deposited In the office of the
of the superior court said
county within the of
said then re answer or
demur to said complaint within the
time r.-quired law or the
will apply to the court for the i
u d in tin
13th t April
Clerk of superior
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years-, after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
o and payment of arrears with interest.
A after second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They winy be To reduce Premiums, or
TO Increase the Insurance, or
To make payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville K. C.
Greenville's Great Department Store
Cold Comfort
what we are alter, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without tho Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
pi Stubborn
Back up Our Claims for
Fact be Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact is not a drag, but
a normal, scientific cure for
All Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It restores the system and
prohibits I to depression or low spirits.
Women with troubles peculiar to their sex are
restored to perfect health. Your druggist will
cheerfully add his to ours.
TRY IT -Our toes
With every package.
Hand Book.
Cut this oat it to
Mod me your illustrated Hand Book No.
Family Salve.
Hazel gives
instant relief from Barns, cures
Pores. Eczema,
and nil of the skin.
In Witch Hazel Salve it
is only to see that you
get Reunites DeWitt's and a I
cure la certain. There are many
cheap counterfeits on the
all At which arc worthless, and
quite a few are dangerous, while
DeWitt's Hazel Salve is
perfectly harmless cures.
Bold by J. L. Wooten.
A man is sometimes known by
the things he might have done, but
Robbed The Grave
A Startling incident, is narrated
by John Olive f Philadelphia, as
was in and awful con-
My skin was almost
low, eye tongue coated,
pain continually in back sides,
no appetite, growing weaker day
by day, Three had
me up. I was advised
to Electric Bittern; my great
joy, the bottle made a decided
improvement. I continued
use for three weeks, and am now
a will man. I know they robbed
the of another No
one should rail try them. Only
cents, guaranteed, at
Here's the New Millinery for Spring
Nothing but but praise is heard of the Hats and Toques we've
assembled. Its unique, this remarkable collection, first, because of the striking
and exclusive styles, again, since the world's most famed artists are liberally represented
The creation of own workroom, in style and quality, equal to that any exclusive mill.,
would charge twice as much.
Arc You a
If you are a dyspeptic yon owe it
to yourself and your friends to get
well. Dyspepsia the
friends it-cause bis disease
his disposition as well as his
stomach. Dyspepsia Cure
will not only cure dyspepsia, in-
digestion and stomach, but
this palatable, tonic
strengthens the whole
digestive apparatus, sweetens
the life a well as the stomach.
When you take Dyspepsia
Cure toe food you eat is enjoyed.
It is digested, assimilated and its
nutrient ties appropriated
by the tissues. Health
is in result, Sold by J. L.
Dress Goods
Yards Sea Island Percales in wide,
No man is in business for him-
self if he is married.
For Men of Particular Taste.
tare this to say t. tie who bus laying if
or k Suit made to his to
Store, and will make you Spring Suit ; me,
fit, for
with and as correct and as good
A Cure for Headache.
Any man, woman
a dull, should take
one or two of
Th.-e famous little pills
famous they are a tonic as
well as a pill. While they cleanse
the system they strengthen and
rebuild it by their effect
upon the liver and bowels. Hold
by J. L. Wooten.
Makes A Clean Sweep
nothing lire doing a
thing thoroughly. Of all the
Halves you ever heard of, Buck-
the best. It
sweeps away cures Burns,
Bores, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers,
Eruptions and Pile-. It's
only guaranteed to give
satisfaction by Wooten's Drag
Take Thought for Your Spring Footwear
And doing . it but the beginning of a
long season, and tint the shoes yon hf bought with a
long kick ahead. Look far like, if shoes are your
-tuning point. Comfort and style. with, both important
tors, and. in addition, tin- satisfactory em-
by continued wear. you pay or yon
get any variation in sturdy ability, its mainly the
A foreigner visiting this country
several years ago complained that
we had no national ruins. If he
would only come to visit us we
could point him to the ruins of the
senatorial reputations of Senators
Burton, Dietrich and
Reversible Carpet.
. . . K A brand new idea.
Never before shown in Greenville. Sultana Carpet is unlike most
covering, in that it is reversible, with carpet effect on one
side for winter and matting effect on the side for summer
,. . Absolutely vermin and moth proof
this carpet will wash, color fast, colors warren d not to run. Enough said. Challenge price.
W. Main St.
North Carolina
y m. .

Mayor's Court
Mayor H. W. h
posed f the follow
from March SI to a pi
Julius Moore and Jim
affray with deadly we i in
over to Superior emu.
Cox, simple
fined and costs, 17.75.
Jim Steagall, simple assault,
fined and costs,
drunk, lined
and com.-, 13.95.
Ed. Fleming, engaging
business without
and costs, total 113.15.
Tom Wiggs and Wiggs,
setting tire to guard home, bound
over to Superior co
J. J. Button, drank and down,
fined and costs,
Frank Forbes Charlie John-
son, using vulgar and profane
language, lined each and costs,
Peter Bullock, drunk, fined
and costs,
Noah Hardy, carrying concealed
weapon, bound over to Superior
Noah Hardy, larceny
to Superior court.
Noun Hardy, selling liquor on
Sunday selling without license,
bound over to Superior court.
Mack Fleming, running market
without license, fined MO am
Appealed to
Pollard, simple assault,
10.1 .
i Gay, simple assault,
fine I I costs, W
, i. t, drunk, fin d .
K. L
;. A.
J L. -t
of tin-condition
The Bank of Greenville
Greenville, N- C-
At close of business
Overdraft 1.030 OH
Furniture Fixtures
Due Banks 183.023
cash items 1,002.32
Hold Coin
Capital Stock paid in
Undivided Profits
Expenses Paid
Cashier's cheeks out-
Is hereby given that John J.
Jones enters and claims the
described vacant lands,
Situated in Bethel and Green-
ville townships, near town of
Bethel, in Pitt county, and
g n dug in creek,
the Briley Patent
u the Briley the
North, the lauds the
West, and Louis Highsmith and
Sam Edwards on the Fast, con
acres, more or less.
This April 1904.
Any n, or persons, claim-
title to, or interest in the
above land, must file
then protest, with me, writing,
within the next thirty days, or
they will be barred by law.
Entry Ex for Pitt
Popular Shapes
State if North
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to the best of my knowledge
and belief LITTLE.
. bl .
Subscribed .
this Nil of
I or,
county, d-H
. i.
Clark and L. A. b I
aC with , deadly weapon
1.1 d to Superior court,
i. it drunk,
and . -0.
J drunk and dis
orderly, led Ci 81.211
Boss ion, using profane Ian-
ed and costs,
I j, re Patrick, simple
n- rad cods,
Jane and Bailie I
affray with deadly
weapons, bound over to Superior
King and Mag J
fined and
i Ci .- I f
I . I, .
ten i , . Suits, Bi
by Go
Ta Lou . Safe .
and Gail Ax
No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and catarrh of stomach
all to Indigestion. cures
indigestion. This new discovery
the natural juices of digestion
as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonic
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, and
strengthening the mucous membrane
lining stomach.
Gives Health o the Rick and
Strength t the Weak.
only. helling
the trial size, which Mils for
Prepare by B. C. DeWitt Co.,
Partition of Valuable
Pursuant to an order of the
of Pit county rendered on the
22nd of March, 1904, iD an action
therein pending entitled C. T.
vs Langley and C. D.
tree ad Li tern for
Langley, for partitions of the lands
herein after described, ordering a
resale of the said lands. The under-
commissioner will offer for
sale to the highest bidder for cash at I
the court house door Greenville,
on Monday the 25th
April, 1904, at o'clock, M; it .
tn day of u term of r
court of Mid county, the following
described lands to wit. t
stake on the i
In No. in the Daniel division
south W W. i poles with
p , to u in the
. . then port line
-j s t a. pine on
the D
line is poles to
thence with said North
id poles a pine stump on
I south edge the Tarboro Road,
. up North W. Hi poles and V
in j. to
s . more or
L. i -lines, r.
h I
Pitt County, i
G W. .
R, away, and i- Lind-
b. s of s.
. . .,
It is not enough that a Shoe should be
easy and well made, it should be handsome
are all three. The shapes are especially
attractive this season, and all styles are
sold at a price never heard of Wore for
High Grade Shoes. The p ape
is a special favorite. Made in i an
with light soles, and or
button. Very graceful, very comfortable
and yet snug fitting. Sold exclusively by
co on. as eh
R. J.
C. V. York.
L. Render.
I,. ., j A. ill, r V i ml
mini S . ,
T i . John
King and A K .
A . Helen V
The defendants, L
Watkins and wife Helen V
named, will take notice that an
-d in the Superior Court of Put
relating for the
of, teal property situate
In Pitt county, North Carolina, and
known the
The said defendants will further
they are required to
ii, a. next term of the Superior
I of Pitt com to be on the
Mi the I Ml
i day of
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
t i louse in -aid
Factory the railroad N
i K
Girt North Carolina,
demur to the con plaint
In action, r the will
apply to the court the relief de-
in ed n s i complaint,
This the day of Ml.
H. i MOoRE,
Clerk or the Superior t
All kinds of
scroll work.
All machinery v.
Plans furnished an
lumber, i
t; .
i c t i rifts taken
; metal Work. Our
; f
. L.
i I
Ir. I
our tinning I
a master of his .
ask or om public .
plea, N n
C d Pew-1
and o, Ti d W
ii. , i.
Hi ,
. i, .
C to . i.
Dr. ID. Jame-
of the Superior Court of
Pitt this issued to
me of administration upon the
M. M. Galloway, deceased,
I i-, hereby given to all persons
In t said to
them in touted,
the day of March,
i. i, or this notice will be plead in
heir recovery Ail persons i
said estate are requested to
i unit. Immediate payment to me.
7th day of Mai eh, 1904.
M. M, Galloway.
low, Attorneys.
William Fountain, n.
and Surgeon,
N. C
one door east of post office,
T folio
he reached
, It ,
i lender on,
Louis u
Sow i
points c
over the
mi now
lines of
will lo our to
I and
t i-
. . sliest
ii in
a a. I
i ii.
The City Hay Grain Co
Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Halt more
Pity. Va.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Colombia, t. c.
e, Va
New York N. Y.
New Orleans, La
Norfolk. Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Philadelphia, Pa,
Richmond, Va.
St. Louis, Mo
And all other important and in
points east of the Miss-
F. O.
Gen. Manager.
Many new are
Prints. lie
lo that
om- are i d pretty.
They from e man
duality w
fully to All
the Dress in
Lawns, I are
shown. The patterns are y,
the colors rich and the
prices are wonder worker.
Get our prices -and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn and Peas tor cash.
P- R. L. Can
N. C.
The Only Way
To get the confidence of the
people of Pitt county by
Using is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Greenville Young Man Fire the Fatal
Special to
Washington, N. f. April
John Bet, a young man or
years of age, was killed yesterday
afternoon about miles from
town, on the Cow Head road, as
the result of a difficulty between
him and James Moore, of
Reid, of
ton. Moore tired the shot.
lived a few minutes.
After being shot he placed his
baud over the wound in his breast
and said to John a by-
stander me to town, I am
These were his last
Rue was a married man whose
home was in City. He
came lo a few days
ago to visit his parents.
Moore and both came back
to town surrendered to the
sheriff. They were placed in jail
to await the preliminary trial.
The following particulars of the
tragedy were obtained from one
of those Maud Mai tin
and Mamie Hill, two women of
bud reputation, bad gone together
a buggy out the direction of
Cow Mead Spring, were
soon followed by John Kin ion,
who is doing
a In re. and Rue ill
in buggy. Later a these
were leaving the spring, met
Moore and bicycles and
all in Rue was
e of the women
and was so she be-
crying. Raid ti Rue
cursing the woman alien
Rue picked up a club and made
on Dim
two blows across the lead. Moore
went up to separate them and
the trouble when Rite turned
on bun with the club
him several blows. Moore re-
treated and Rue followed him
still striding with the club, when
Moore drew a gun and shot him.
Later A. the preliminary
trial before Justice Mayo,
hi, the warrant
as lo Hied, an I Moon- was
over the Superior
in the
A Pitt County Young Man
The stockholders of the newly
organized Mercantile Bank met
this afternoon and elected officers
and directors and issued a call for
half the capital
stock of the bank.
Mr. C C. Cobb was elect-d
president; Mr. J. O. of
Garysburg, N. C, vice president,
Mr. R. B Thompson, cashier.
The of directors of
Messrs. C. C. Cobb, J. Leon Wood,
E. Wilcox
and L. L.
The Mercantile Bank
has its quarters in readiness for
immediate occupancy, and
open its doors for business on
Monday, April The bank will
occupy Atlantic reel
of the building,
which was formerly occupied by
the offices of Cobb Bros.
and Company. It will conduct a
general of a of
discount and deposits
The capital stock of the new
bank is held by stockholders,
among whom may be pointed out
some of the most influential
men in this community and
North Carolina.
The officers of the Mercantile
well known in Nor-
folk and in Tidewater Virginia
and North Carolina. Mr. C. C.
Cobb, the president of the is
a young man, a native North
Carolina. He came to Norfolk
about years ago and engaged in
in the commission and brokerage
business under the name of
Cobb Bras, In 1892
Mr. withdrew from the
and a years later the
firm, then as Cobb
and Company, dropped Com-
mission feature of its business
engaged in a general stock broker-
By conservative and
forward business methods
I grown and influence
and is today upon as one of
j the
The ii entirely
mi the firm Cobb
Bros, and Company, and
N. C. 1904.
C. H. went to Green-
ville Saturday.
Misses Cora Grimsley, Carrie
Rouse, and Ellen Parker, of Liz-
spent Saturday night and Sun-
day in the neighborhood.
of Winter-will, were in the neigh-
a shirt
Miss Clara spent Sunday
afternoon in the neighborhood.
E. E. and son, Harvey,
went to Greenville Monday.
Miss Annie spent
Friday evening with relatives in
R. E. and Jessie Hardy, of Snow
Hill, were the neighborhood
Saturday night and
Mrs. is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Craft.
R- I. Corbitt, accompanied
by J. E. Sawyer, tilled his
regular appointment at Bethany
Mis. Tucker and child-
after spending days
with her patents, returned home
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of
Winterville, spent Sunday the
Smith was over awhile Sun
White Men Who Have Not Paid Poll Tax.
Under the state law every man
subject to a poll tax who fails to
pay it by the of May is denied
the right of voting. The time for
paying this tax expire a
few days, and order to know
just how many white men Pitt
have not paid their poll tax
for year and were by this neg
about to disfranchise them-
selves, the
sheriff, has gone over the entire
lax list of the and
the number of delinquents
The of white men in
each township is as
Beaver Dam
Pact us
Swift Creek
While this shoeing is Letter
than many counties are making,
yet it is bad. There is no doubt
that some of these will pay before
the time expires, but the outlook
is that about will be
failure to pay.
Any who becomes
Some of our farmers are most fled this way can blame only
ready to set out tobacco. himself for it.
Oscar and Trunk
were here Sunday.
Leon of Ayden,
was over awhile Sunday
is visiting
at Standard ibis week.
Young Moon-is well
and son Mr.
Moore who lives f
Greenville. He wan always quiet
peaceable. The people gen-
here sympathize wit him
and his parents In the trouble
into which he has fallen. His
father went to Washington today.
Experience With Robbers.
Brothers, men
Of this County who are conducting
a retail stoic In South Norfolk,
Va., have lately been having ex-
with robbers. Three
times in the last few weeks their
store has been entered. The first
time the robbers not away with a
large quantity of goods without
leaving any of their identity.
The other times the tables were
turned the robbers ired.
At one these there was an
encounter with guns and the
robber got much the worse of it.
i tin; two will nave no connect
patch, 19th.
K Jack, N. O. Apr.
Miss Annie While spent
day and Sunday her sister,
Mis. Buck.
J. Smith spent last Friday
Miss Eva Wilson, Greenville.
who has been visiting Miss C x,
has home.
Mrs. W. L. Smith, continues
very ill.
Miss Annie school will
Mrs. Mills continues very
Walter Buck Saturday
Dixon we ii i to Washing
ton Tuesday.
L, Dixon went to Greenville
t Saturday
Israel is all smiles,
New Paper.
The did a
paper devoted t the interest of
of the Methodist
made it's today.
I Rev. J. A. o. ad r , r of the Here's a Pointer.
j Church, is editor. paper will Poll tax, order to vote, must
published quarterly. The e on or before the first day
number is interesting and Hub a j May. The custom has been to
liberal advertising brush in on the day, which is
May 1st, and pay up, but this year
the day comes on Sunday, so
that this tax must be paid by Sat-
Miss Lacy Married.
Mi.-s Mary L. Lacy, of South
The unseasonable weather and
late frosts have made the truck
planters somewhat blue.
Boston, Va., who was once a teach-1 night, which is the last day
of a female school In Greenville,
was married on -1st to Rev
W. C pastor, the
church at Nashville, this
state. The many friends of
bride here best wishes.
of April. If this is not you
cannot vote.
On the trial pf C C. at
Goldsboro, on the charge steal-
the Godfrey bonds at Jones-
brought in a verdict
of not guilty.
Other Body Found.
The steamer Myers while re
turning to Washington Thursday
the body of the
colored man who was drowned
with young Whitley on the
near Red Banks. The body was
floating and was almost
from its long stay in tie
Daughter's of Confederacy.
Reported for Reflector.
Mrs. R. J. Cobb was the easy
affable hostess at a delightful
entertainment given to
Chapter of the Daughters of
the racy, at handsome
a id on
Fifth Thursday afternoon.
large hill and parlors were
beautifully decorated with a pro
fusion of tropical plants, and the
unusually band-
some and capable set of Women
in their spring attire were
in perfect, keeping
lovely surroundings
The president culled the chap
tor to order nun the were
prompt and cheerful. Among
other a donation
Pear Chap-
aid in the erection of D
monument Hon. George
of the
Confederate cabinet from North
An was rent to Super-
Hove asking him to
adjourn the public school at mid-
day on May that the child-
may lake part the
The business over Mrs. Cobb
submitted a novel and exceedingly
interesting geographical puzzle
which led to a spirited contest,
Mrs. Arthur the prize.
Ti e refreshments
were indeed delicious.
A number of visitors were pies
among them Mrs. Robert
Jeffreys and her interesting
tors, Miss Rosalind Rountree, Mrs
Kitchin Scores Roosevelt.
Washington April
Claude Kitchin gave the
an unhappy hour in
the house today by a speech at-
tacking the president, during
which he quoted liberally from
Mr. Grosvenor's published opinion
of Mr. Roosevelt the New York
Journal in 1900.
He also extracts from the
president's own publications show-
that Mr. Roosevelt bad not
only but had advocated
lynchings, and he also quoted
from Mr Roosevelt's writings
civil service
in which he spoke with disdain
disparagement of
Grosvenor, calling him by
The speech was the most not i hie
of the present session of
and excited the democrats lo con-
which on several
occasions took the firm of cheer-
most remarkable variation
In the decorum of the Mr.
Kitchen was good humor, while
be lashed the republicans relent-
squirmed r bis
critical analysis of the man
which it is declared on all
sides is the truest picture him
yet portrayed. Mr. not
only did himself credit, but
his state as well. Every demo-
in the house, the leaders in-
rushed to grasp his Hand
when he had
Crops And The
State Biologist Gerald
has sent following letter an
concerning the i
of the on early fuck
regard to the in-
of moonlight grow-
crops, permit me
an all
to S. Parham, Mrs. Cleve, Mrs. Dr.
Mrs. Mis.
The club will hold its next regular
meeting with Mrs. B.
following remarks
dead world. It has her at-
life. Its -called
light is merely the light
It n fleets no appreciable
heat. The Only direct bill
of the moon upon mundane affairs
is that exerted upon riles of
ocean, due to the
Moonlight nights are ii
apt to be nights. la
early springtime temperature
of the lower air after
near the frees
lug point. cloudless
earth radiates the sky much
of the lieu absorbed during the
radiation and loss of heat
may reduce the temperature of
lowermost stratum of air to
below the de
we nave which
may kill tender vegetation. If,
a clear sky, had a
sky overcast by clouds, the heat
radiated from the earth would be
reflected back again from the el lids
by this means the
of the lower air be kept
above the freezing point. We
thus see that the moon is not the
real or efficient producing
or warding off hosts. It merely
records the presence or absence, of
the true agent, which is 1-lank let-
like covering of cloud
Massachusetts democrats have
Gen. W. R. Cox has accepted an their delegates to the
invitation to deliver the memorial national convention for for
address in Greenville on May 10th. president.

Eastern reflector, 22 April 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 22, 1904
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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