Eastern reflector, 12 April 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

W. I. Peel to Bethel
J. L. Mooring spent Sunday
C. E. Lincoln we. t to Plymouth
went to Tarboro
J. E. left Sunday for
F. M. Hodges went to Tarboro
Sunday .
W. T. Hunter in this
C. G. spent Sunday
G. E. Forbes to William-
B. L. Tyson to
S. Gabriel, of Washington,
was here Sunday.
Denmark, of Kinston,
Sunday here.
Mr. Mis. H.
T. II. Tyson, of Norfolk, came
in evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Sunday at
R. D. returned from
Kinston Sunday morning.
W. Z. Gardner and son went to
Saturday evening.
W. W. Perkins returned Sun-
day evening from Richmond.
R. T. Evans has hit-
new residence oh ave-
J. B Leon
Sunday at Mildred.
J. S. Norman came in
from a trip on the road
Mrs. H. B. Harris
morning for a to
Miss Mamie and her
grandmother, Mrs, Junes, left this
morning for
Mrs. M. A. of
came Saturday evening
to visit Mrs. D, J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. and
little daughter, Miss Margarete
Howard, spent Sunday at Conetoe.
Rev. J. E. of Richmond,
arrived evening and is
conducting a meeting in the
Miss Lillie Whitehead, of Scot-
land Neck, came in
evening to visit Mrs. C. C. Vines
at Hotel Bertha.
Miss Irma Cobb came home
Saturday evening from Peace In-
Raleigh, to spend Easter
with parents.
Miss Mary Adams, who has been
Mrs. C. O. Brown, re I
turned to her home in the country
Sunday evening.
Alvin Dupree, Fred Forbes, W.
L. Best and W. Parker, Jr.,
to Kinston Sunday evening
and returned this morning.
Miss Nannie Lawrence, of
who has been visiting the
family of L. W. Lawrence, re-
Perry, of Neck,
came evening to visit
his daughter, Mrs J. F. Brinkley,
and returned home this morning.
Miss Kate Hines, of Wilson,
in Sunday evening to be
present at the
marriage at which she will be
maid of honor.
Miss came
home Saturday from the
Female University, st
to spend Easter be
present at the Baker Sheppard
marriage Wednesday.
came over today.
Miss Eula Cox returned
morning from
J. M. Blow came up this morn
from Winterville.
Mrs J- left Mon-
day evening for Kinston.
Miss Minnie left this
morning for Beaufort
Avon has taken a
position with The
is a useful addition to the force.
Mr. Mrs. of
Elm City, arrive Monday eve-
to visit Mr. and Mrs. E.
Miss Lillian Bland, of
The Raleigh correspondent of
the Charlotte Observer says that
Mis Mattie Holt, of Graham,
while driving a horse of her
lather, L. Holt, was thrown
out of the by the
running away one leg wall
broken above the knee.
Holt has twice visited Greenville
Ia the guest of Miss Irma Cobb,
and her friends here regret that
she has sustained so serious an
i .,,,,, u. .- I being situated in C
who has been visiting her county u
T. L. Bland, home Mon- Beginning
day evening.
Miss Lillie Whitehead, of
Scotland Neck, who has been
visiting Mrs. C. C. Vines, return
ed home this morning.
Miss Dora of Do
who has visiting her parents,
Bey. and Mrs. J. A. Hornaday,
returned home Monday evening.
By of a decree of the
court, in of land,
re Richard guardian,
of and W. G. King, the
undersigned commissioner will sell
at the house door on Monday,
the 2nd day of May, 1904, that piece
or parcel of land lying and
and described
Beginning at last
corner of lot No. in the division
of land between Joyner and
Alonzo and W. G. King, and runs
north west to a knot.
at the public road, then north
poles and links to a Light-
wood knot; J. B. pierces corner,
then north east poles to
line to the beginning, con-
acres, more or less.
Terms of sale
April 1st 1904,
A trestle the railroad near
gave way work
train was passing over it some
of the cars fell in the river. Three
men were killed.
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken up with my stock
a black male hog with white feet,
marked in right ear,
weighs about pounds. Owner
can get same by proving property
paying charges.
D. N.
Winterville, N. C. R. F. D. No.
1-mS. W.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt, of Kinston,
will be in Greenville at Hotel
Bertha April 18th, 19th and
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
for the purpose of treating dis-
eases of the eye, ear, note end
throat fitting glasses,
Saturday, A pi, on
the rood between Greenville and
Mrs. a comparative-
hand bag containing a black
waist, a gown and some
with name Bettie
Coward on them. Finder will be
rewarded by leaving same at store
of J. B. Cherry AC. S-W
your dealer -for it,
is on every bag,
t B . i
Many and pretty are
seen in the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it would be
more correct to say that
one of them are and pretty.
They are from the leading man-
and their quality is
fully equal to their beauty. All
the Dress Goods in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
the colors rich and lasting, the
prices are workers.
C. V. York.
L H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work. . , , . t
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
ma Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
and kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to s
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade. ,
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
i for
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, Varnishes and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world
ire. It has behind it a century's
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Paints you need
never worry ; bout quality
We trust that you will favor your
orders when, you want good paint for any
purpose. Have just received a car load and
wan give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Policeman W. B. of Just before
was sen cut in the service in the Method,
throat, . by a Sunday eh. a
named Johnson. cut I containing eight l
officer shot and killed The lire was put
the building had a narrow
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
. i .
and Friday.
Judge Charged With Arson at Rocky
Mount and Elsewhere.
Rocky Mount, N. C, April
The of Rocky t and
vicinity have been in quite a fever
of excitement since yesterday
morning caused by the arrest of
George Ernest W
Brooks, for arson. He was
rested by two detectives who Monday.
W. C.
R. Williams and J. M.
part Wednesday with us.
D. G. Moore has returned from
Ed. Holliday lost his residence
by fire Monday.
J. L. Gibson and wife took their
child to John Hospital
been here fur several weeks, work-
on the case.
It will be remembered that on week.
Levi Holliday, of Greenville,
spent several days in town this
the night of March 1st, the bank
of Rocky Mount, opera house, the
J. O. Proctor Bro. give the
town an Sunday. We
and several handsome u
. , , . had a fine time. They have our
brick stores were burned, that j
about the time this fire wax gotten
under control, the lire alarm was
turned in from the third ward,
and fire was discovered the
Second Regiment band oratory,
which wax extinguished with
The work of an was
so plain i. these two fires
detectives were employed to work j
on the case with the result above. it is coming up.
The man arrested came here
about two ago from
N. C, and gave his name
as Ernest W. Brooks, lie loafed
around town for several week,
then went, to work the
Mount cotton mills, where he was
Miss Annie While
F. Ward, of Las
spending some time in town with
his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Jones.
The Masons had a very interest-
meeting last night.
The children had a big egg hunt
Sunday. They enjoyed it much.
Most of the are done
planting com. We near that
Black Jack, N. C. Apr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills went
to Greenville Monday.
employed at the time of his
It was learned after his
arrest that he was run out of
for being
fire to several Susie Sunday from
and tint lie now has a brother in
and Sunday with her mother,
in Greenville,
Mrs. D. L. Smith and little
In Runaway Her Hip is Broken While
Two Children are Uninjured.
A serious injury to Miss Mattie
L. Holt, bf Graham, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Hob, and
the almost miraculous preservation
of her little nephew and niece,
Thomas Wharton and Catherine
Wharton, children of Mrs. John
of this city, is
report that from Graham.
Monday afternoon Miss Mai tie
with I he children started to drive
out of the yard of her
place in Graham. As the boy left
the horse it run at once, going
straight the lane to the
street and dashing
As it did so the buggy was
whirled a large tree and
completely turned over, Miss Holt
and the children being thrown out.
Servants gave the alarm and soon
had taken Miss Holt and tin-
children into the house.
Scott, Long and Stanford
came and found that while the
children were only braised, the
hip of Miss Holt broken. This
was set at once and
young lady was resting well. The
physicians do not expect any per
The many friends of the family
congratulate Mi.-s Holt and the
children on their escape from death
and trust the young lady who
has a large circle of friends
will recover very shortly from the
effect of her
News and Observer.
the penitentiary for stealing a
horse and turning in false fire
alarms in that city.
He was a preliminary
on an extended visit to
Mrs. Smith's parents.
Rev. J. B.
at Sunday evening.
L. Smith went, to
hearing this morning before Mayor Saturday to accompany Mrs.
Thorp, and the evidence was such home.
that he was tent on to court with I T . ,., ,
. . Josh Mills from was
, , , here Friday.
Judge, or Brooks, as be was
here, is not a bad
J W Wraith w-L-
very Greenville.
Quite a number of our people
attended services at
were four fires during the
mouth of March that can b traced
to him with strong evidence. Miss White left
seems to be no motive for Kinston to attend the
the fires tent have occurred
except pure unadulterated devil- Mrs. in
j her mother Greenville.
X. April 5.-1 Mrs. Smith Master
George Judge alias Ernest Brook, Walter, from Winterville, who
was brought here this afternoon Mrs. Fred Mills
Mount and have returned home.
lodged in comity Judge
Is charged with burning the Ma- j
sonic Tom pie of Mount and J
other buildings. The prisoner is
alight built nun and presents a,
good appearance. He has been and Ml. Augustus L. Bow-
Mount a Short time place at this
having come there is i evening in St. Peters Episcopal
S. C. 1904.
C. H. Langston went to Green-
Henry of Vance-
spent Friday night with his
Sister, Mis. B. E. I.
Miss Eva Langston spent
day night and Sunday with
lives Lear Reedy Branch.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. went
Miss Hudson Is visiting
and relatives in the neigh-
Spent and Sunday
the. neighborhood.
Joe and Charles
went over the river Tues-
returned Saturday.
Miss been lightly
ill for past few days.
Mrs. On lifer has been
ill for several days.
II. delivered
an address it the closing of Miss
Nannie Nichol's school at Tuck-
school Wednesday eve
Miss Lizzie spent Saturday
night and Sunday visiting friends
and relatives
Miss Allie spent last week
visiting friends and relatives in
Quite a number of our friends
attended Easter services at
Branch Sunday.
Washington, N. O., April
The marriage of Miss Sallie Bette
The Meeting.
In the Baptist church last night
E. subject, was
persuaded a Chris-
and his subject this morn-
was more could God
do to save The attendance
is large at all services and the
interest is deep. Those attending
are enjoying the sweet Gospel as
plainly and tenderly preached
by Mr. Unison. It is a joy to here
him. Services tonight at
The event was a brilliant
the church being handsomely
decorated, and many friends were
Immediately afterwards there
was a delightful reception given
bridal party at the residence
of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary
Tayloe, on West street.
Three hundred delegates
five states were present at
the organization of the Southern
good roads convention at New
Orleans on Wednesday.
The county
Alliance will meet at the court
house in Greenville on Thursday,
April 14th, at o'clock, a. m.
Good attendance is desired.
J. J. Brest.
F. Sec.
Saloon Men Still Fighting the Dispensary
Board Moving to Build Market
The board Aldermen were in
regular monthly session Thursday
night. Besides the routine bus-
of committee and officers,
reports and allowing accounts,
there were two mutters of
the meeting
One was relative to the build-
of a market house and city
ball. At u meeting it
to erect n building
at a cost of hut at I his
last the were re
and a committee
was appointed to proceed to build
on that bans.
The other was an In-
junction proceeding counsel
representing the saloons to
vent the board establishing a
dispensary as I voted for at the
recent election. The injunction is
returnable before Judge Justice,
at on the 20th
A committee was appointed to
confer with counsel the dis-
and ascertain if
they wished to with
in the defense.
Several questions were
the complaint. was that
the town has not a legal board of
aldermen. Another that the dis-
election was held under
the wrong law. Yet another was
whether the alderman, care the
matter is not by the first
of July, can issue any licenses
then for liquor to be retailed
These questions will be decided
Woods Fire.
Fire the woods some distance
South of town, after-
noon made big smoke,
created he idea that
were .; somewhere, Some
telephone inquiries came from
the road to know if there
was u in G
inquiries were made
a lire the road
was the woods burning
Woodland, N. April, 1904.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Smith has been very sick
the few days.
Miss Nina Smith spent
afternoon with Miss Carrie Smith.
C. J. Harris filled bis
appointment at Reedy Branch
Jim was in the neigh-
Oscar was in neigh
Sunday afternoon.
Allen Crawford was in the
neighborhood a Short while Sun-
Miss Ella May spent Saturday
and Sunday with her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. May.
Albert was in the
neighborhood Sunday.
Mr. Mrs. E. W. Braxton
spent Tuesday night, in the neigh-
Elias Crawford went to Green-
ville Wednesday.
H. Smith spent Sunday after-
noon with his brother, B. T.
John Crawford went to Green-
ville Monday.
Misses Fannie May and
spent Saturday afternoon
with Bessie and Laura
Miss last
at the home of Bill
Tripp went to Winter-
ville Tuesday.
H. B. Smith spent Sunday after-
noon with his brother. T.
, and home
low here if
Uncle Jam's Judgment
The fact Harrison
are overwhelmingly in
I the National Government
cad on
lugs is tact that men
thing to you. Harrison
are only paints the White
They cover the Capitol,
inside and our. you visa to
see tinted work, go
Cf Graded School Month of March. I They are the National
First Grad Edna Burton, Lou Library, Department Buildings,
Congleton, and every
f ibis condition does not
what does;
Baker Hart Wholesale and
i Retail Distributors, Greenville, N.
O. s-w
Forbes, Forbes,
Leila Higgs, Van Louise
Edward George
Johnnie Humber, James
Perkins, Arthur Kennedy, Al-
Kennedy, II. Sheppard,
Ronald Smith, David
B. C. Williams.
Ruth Cobb, Pattie Grace
Smith, Jessie Brinkley, Chandler
Seth Hooker.
The Bank of Greenville.
Attention Is called to new
Statement of the of Green-
ville made at the close of business
March This statement
shows the deposits in the bank to
be which is remark-
Third Fleming, j able for ibis season of the year.
Mary Lucy Dupree, Maggie It will be interesting also to give
Higgs, comparative figures with
Keel, Maggie Corbitt, Ida Moore, former years
Jesse Arnold, Brown,
David Moore.
White, Laura
fifth Blow,
Hardy, Ethel Skinner,
Lillie Tucker.
Sixth Bryan.
Eighth Pender.
Abbie Smith, Keel, Lee
by Judge Justice when the matter Brown, Fannie Farrow, Thurman
comes up before him. Moore.
to show how
rapidly the business of
the bank has grown. March
28th, 1900, the deposits
were March 28th,
1901, March
1902, March 28th,
Burch, Lucille Cobb, 1903, March 28th,
excellent showing for
this is that the surplus and
undivided profits are considerably;
in excess of the capital
which is a condition that few banks

It's Oxford Time
There's a whole Summer ahead for the man who
buys OXFORDS NOW. Oxfords will be worn
this season than ever before. No matter what the price,
no matter what the are ready for you
with the largest, finest and swellest stock.
Men and Boys, Our Price to
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept ton-
in Stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
Lowest Possible Price,
D. W.
H- CO-.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, Collections, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
Of cash. Highest price for country
Greenville, N. C.
The Branch of the Reflector is in
of C. E. Bradley, is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
Best Cough Medicine for child,
When you buy a cough
cine for small children you want
one in which you can place
confidence. You want one
that not only relieves but cures
Yon want one that is to
take. Iain's Cough Rem-
all of conditions.
There is nothing so good for the
coughs and c incident child-
hood. It is also a certain
and cure for croup, and there
is no inner whatever from
whooping cough when it is
It has been used many
of that disease with pet feel
Drag Greenville, it. L
Davis Bros.
Young Johnie Rockefeller
among his class copies
of the first account kept by his
pa when he was to parsimonious to
to eat three meals a day. That was
a soul moving tract, to be sure.
Atlanta Constitution.
J. J. Satterthwaite
N. C.
Invite you to make their
headquarters while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
dress goods at
half price, to make room for
all goods.
Our money winning books,
written by men who know, tell
you all about
They are needed by every man
who owns a field and a plow, and
who desires to get the most out
of them.
They Send postal card.
Hew .-. Street,
M. Bread
Not Quite
How often you en n got a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is nil you eon Id desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
One Price Store.
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Heck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line
Wood, Tin and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and honest deal for nil, we Nell fr
cash which enables us do h
business we Rive our
the benefit l it, Cash Sales,
Small Margins and one to all
Is our
American and Italian Marble
N. C
First work and reasonable
sent upon application.
r in Full line
and haw,
, M. Cheaper era.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In Superior Court
Daniel Little.
The defendant Daniel Little will
take notice that an action entitled as
above has been commenced against
him in the court of Pitt
county by the r the
of obtaining a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony upon the grounds
of and the said de-
will further take notice that
he is required to appear before the
judge of our Superior court, at a
court to be held for the county of Pitt
at the court house in Greenville on
the seventh Monday after the first
Monday in March, it being the 25th
day of April. and answer the
complaint, which will be deposited in
the office of the Clerk of the Superior
court of said county within the first
three days of said term, and then and
answer or demur to said com-
within the time required by
aw, or the plaint iT will apply to the
for the relief demanded in the
This the day 1904
Clerk Superior COrt f Ce
The undersigned, having this day
qualified before the clerk of the
Court of Pitt County as
of the estate of Dennis C.
Smith deceased, and letters of
having been issued tome as
such administrator, Notice is hereby
to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them
to me for payment, duly authenticated,
on or the first day of March,
or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All
indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment to me.
This the 26th day of February 1904.
of Dennis C. Smith, Sr.
Jarvis a Blow, attorneys
Three hundred Filipinos a
the Hi,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Wires to New
Chicago New Orleans,
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
m for Greenville, Leaves
Greenville dally, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for nil
Shippers order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
New York
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Hay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Vice President
Traffic Manager,
Bench Street, N, Y.
is the only
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes as
good m Maple Syrup, per
bottle, for sale by John T.
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
full line Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
far all kinds country produce.
In live there come -changes
and owing t business
engagements it has become
for me to change my
from to
Having lived among good
pie of for -nearly eight
years, naturally the closest ties of
friendship were formed, and it
was hard to leave a place where
the people were so con-
as I those of
to be. For them I will
always cherish the loudest
and will ever be glad to
know their prosperity. Maj
choicest blessings rest
upon them.
In my field shall be heard
from often as of the
department of The
it enough to say
here, just watch this page
and the advantages offered
by one the best towns of
North Carolina. J. M. Blow.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
N. C. April 1904.
and fit glasses. He will do
it right or charge you nothing
W. Co. want your
eggs, poultry See them be-
EL V. Cox went to Greenville
Miss Mary Hodges, one of the
graded school teachers, to
Kinston Saturday and returned
We were at W. C. Jackson
Co's store the other day, and was
surprised to that they car-
such an line of
clothing. The man, youth or
child who cannot get in
there, either a suit or a pair of
pants, is hard to please.
The Free Will Baptists hold-
a protracted meeting in their
Seminary this week.
We wish to call especial
to the public, that we have
established a Carriage Buggy
factory, modern every respect,
only skilled labor employed, and
the best material obtainable, used
the construction of our work.
Machinery of the latest inventions
have been procured by us and no
means are spared to make
our work first class every par-
Milling Mfg. Co.
Mrs. B. M. Prince, Jr., Kb
lores, S. C is on a visit to
and friends here.
Canned goods of every
at Hart Jenkins.
Charlie Baker, of
here to see somebody.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Our sympathies are Mr,
the loss of a
little child who died Tues-
day was buried Wednesday.
Try Pansy flour the best patent
at new
Miss Bole Cox returned to her
duties the graded school at
Greenville Tuesday. Miss Eula
is very popular here at home and
her friends will appreciate the
time when she comes home to
We invite the ladies to call and
examine our line of before
purchasing elsewhere. J. J. Hines.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
We have several second hand
sewing in that we will sell
cheap at J. R. Smith Bro.
Use it now and save work and
annoyance later. Bed Bug Poison
at M. M. drag store,
J. A. registrar,
gives notice that all who wish to
vote the coming town election
on first Monday in May can
by calling at his office.
A new line of ladies and
slippers at J. R. Smith A
W. B. of Kinston.
spent Monday night in town.
Just received suit
for boys. J. T. Hines.
Mrs. J. J. Edwards and Mrs.
W. M. were in Greenville
Wednesday visiting Mrs. J. W.
Fancy oranges, es
and at K. E. A Co's.
Confectioneries, tinware and
everything general
at fair prices can be found by call
at of Hart Jenkins.
Tuesday evening at dusk
an alarm of fire was sounded and
it was discovered that the
Of J. Dixon, on corner of
First Street and West, avenue,
on fire. A crowd soon responded
and the extinguished with
but little damage to the building.
A defective Hue was the cause.
The commercial visible type
writer has combined the strong
points the machines
into one for considerable
money. further information
as to prices terms etc. Address
It. F. Johnson, N.
J. is in Baltimore on
When purchasing smoked meats
try Armour's etc. R. F.
Johnson, Ayden, N. Dist.
The young ladies and children
held Easter exercises Odd
Fellows hall last Sunday night.
The entertainment was highly
and enjoyed by all
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats, sail
and fresh fish.
Little Frank who
bus been real sick a long while,
we are pleased to sec out again.
For a nice cool drink go to Bum-
A. Johnston, of Winterville,
was hero a short
You will do well to go to Sum-
for fancy
A. P. went to
ton Wednesday and
The latest styles in straw h its
and caps J.
A beautiful line of
youths child tens straw half,
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Four nice hogs, improved stuck,
fer sale by J. B. Smith Bro.
They tell me that W. M. Ed-
wards Co., have the most com-
line of men's clothing
While In Greenville Tuesday we
had the pleasure of meeting our
old time friend, Joshua L. Tucker,
of Centerville, our meeting was
very pleasant. Mr. Tucker is one
of the best and most progressive
men in the besides a
gentleman of excellent qualities.
A full assortment of ladies and
gents shoes at reasonable prices at
ft Jenkins.
Miss Pennie former-
of Kinston, has come to make
her homo with her brother, Levi
For can peaches, apples, corn,
tomatoes, c, apply to E. E.
ft Co.
Anything you want in white
goods at W. M. Edward's Co's.
A. L. Harrington, Kinston,
here last week having bis
town property surveyed.
Lookout for A
horn, the Ayden hustlers.
Mr. Faulkner, an aged
of Greene county very
Cox Cotton and Sim-
guano distributors at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Stancell Hodges spent Sunday
at House Station.
Rock salt for stock, at J. B.
Smith Bro.
W. O. Beaman left Tues-
day morning to visit her parents
in Burden, N. C.
another case of
men's at W. M. Ed-
wards A Co's.
To my friends and
have just returned from Baltimore
and have opened a new line of
pretty millinery goods. Please
call to see me next door Smith
Bros. Mrs. J. A. Davis.
Mrs. A. W. Ange and little
child returned from Baltimore
Wednesday sifter three weeks
Go to W. M. Edwards Co. for
next pair of pants.
Get of tired
the great
spring tonic, will do it. Only
guaranteed to cure
Mrs. M. Ii and family
formerly of but
for Hi.; List yen- living in
S. C, have returned
to their old home to stay. Mrs.
Hugh Brooks, her daughter, came
with them. It will remember-
ed that Mr. died in
Charleston last September and his
remains brought hero for
since which time his widow has
made her home in Charleston. We
all extend to them a cordial
Our friend A. P. is
not only a popular insurance man
but they do say the ladies think
be is j little dandy of the right
sort. Any way business on
Wm. S. President. Dr. Dixon,
J. R. Smith, Cashier. Stain-ill Teller.
At the close of business March 28th,
The happiest man in town is
Charlie E. Spear and all on ac-
count of the high Sounding name
of papa from a bouncing baby
who came to see him and family
last Tuesday.
Millet and garden seed at J. B
Smith Bro.
Tripp of Kinston was here
Tuesday selling furniture.
J. L. Sugg and Charles of
Greenville, were here Tuesday.
Fresh batter and cheese on ice
at Sutured
Mr. Croon, of who
has been visiting here, returned to
his home Tuesday.
The best quality of flour as cheap
as the cheapest at Hart Jenkins.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor and Miss
of Winterville, spent
Tuesday with Mrs. C. A. Fair.
Miss Annie L. Smith, millinery
emporium has Just replenished
with all the latest novelties of
ladies millinery and goods.
A class milliner is my employ.
Give me a trial.
E. E. Co , have built a
large in rear of their
store on Lee street.
back if not satisfied. We
have never had to refund the
money for a single bottle.
Time for
to nominate candidates for
the various town officers.
M. Sauls, druggist,
is the one to go to for all kinds of
patent medicine. always
the kinds, and at the
right price. Try a bottle of
When you need any repairing
of buggies, wagons,
carts call n Ayden Milling
ft Mfg. Co., satisfaction
The are invited
to call and inspect our line of
mercerized we have it
boll i also in pattens of
lengths. J J. limes
Corn, h--y and oats, at J. R.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. B. ft Bro.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. R. Smith Bro.
dent of the bunk nod the
First National hank, of Weldon,
was here on business Tuesday
night. Col. wax national
examiner Horn 1893 to
His Weldon is the only
national depository past Caro-
lie is a min of line
and is widely
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Lou is Skinner,;
Practicing Physician Surgeon,
Office Hotel
Ayden, N. C.
Joe Lang and i.
left on a pleasure trip to .
Va., Tuesday.
If you are troubled with your
eyes, have J. W. Taylor, the
graduate optician, to examine them
Alonzo ii, a very prominent;
merchant and farmer of Ridge
has been here this week.
Just received another lot of boys
and clothing at W. M.
farmers are all at work and
it makes streets look a little
now, but brighter
are coming bye and bye.
The freights seem to be
better time of late. The good
work should continue.
T. A. has about com-
a nice residence on Blount
street. Also B. F. Manning. Jr.,
is building a nest cottage on Second
W. M. Edwards A Co., will sell
yon a good pair of pants for fifty
T. W. a leading mer-
chant of Kinston, spent Thursday
fail W. M. Edwards
new line of dress goods.
What is the matter with Ben
those two
sure you right and then
go might fit the case.
W. M. Edwards A Co., have a
line of ladies oxfords.
A new Jot of men's
shirts just received at W M. Ed-
wards Co's.
We are informed is from
to lying idle in
within three miles Ayden.
think of it, this mom y pro-
would add to
population. Think
Prof. W. H. passed
through last night on his way to
deliver address at a
school a short distance from
Start that sluggish liver to work
with a bottle of Fig Fruit
Money refunded if
Spring is the time when every
one feels tired sluggish. If
you will take a good blood purifier
you will escape that tired feeling.
You find a full line of
and blood purifiers at
M. M. Sauls drug store.
When you want we
have them, Ayden Milling Mfg.
Call and s v our
back stick swell
bodies, axle grade
wheel tun at Ayden, Mil-
ling A Co. Buggies, car-
traps, phaeton's, in fact
any f repairing neatly done
by expert n at Ayden
Milling Co.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
E. V- COX,
Ayden, N. C.
Capital paid in,
Undivided profits less
Cashier's checks,
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair Catting,
Shaving and
Back up Our Claims for
Fact II a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact is not a drug, but
a scientific curt for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It the nervous ind positively
tendency to depression or low
with troubles peculiar to their sex
restored to perfect health. will
add his testimony to curs.
with ovary

D. J. WHICHARD, and Proprietor.
in post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in adjoining counties.
in U
Pitt N. C, April 1904.
Charlotte a going to have again
modern hoteL
Charlotte got near enough to
to show a picture of the proposed
Chapel Hill n one side and
on the other say to Durham
keep folks home-
Is that poll tax paid You only
have until the first of May to get
eligible to vote if you have neglected
this matter.
By way of contrast with what the
Lumberton lawyers did, the Fayette-
ville lawyers resolutions
endorsing Judge Peebles.
If the suicide mania in New York
continues there i danger of a de-
crease in population. Six left the
city by that on Tuesday.
When the two Raleigh morning
dailies get through with the
tic and North Carolina railroad the
of us may know what has be-
come of it.
John D, Rockefeller has
half a d to John Hop-
hospital at Baltimore. Look-
lout for another advance in price
oil to average up.
The claim it made that the old
and Weldon railroad,
now in operation years,
pr killed a passenger on one of
That is a remarkable record
id challenges the world in rail-
Do Not Sunday Train.
Speaking of the proper observance
of the Sabbath did you ever notice
how no town ever observes Sunday
so well after a railroad begins to
run Sunday trains Never
its history has a train been run on
the Asheboro and Aberdeen railroad,
owned by the progressive Page broth
ere. They have been importuned to
answer has been During the
big Baptist meeting here a few
week ago parties in and
points wished to run an
to the meeting. Mr. A.
Page, president of the road, turned
the application down and
do not run trains over our road on
do not wish Sunday
excursions to come to Jackson
What is the
Sunday is quiet here and these who
come for rest and quiet are not dis-
by Sunday
When the Southern railway wish-
to make arrangements with the
and Aberdeen railroad to
take their through Pullman trains to
their plans provided for
the running of trains on Sunday.
The management told Mr. Fin to
strike out the Sunday Of
like, all great lines, the
Southern wished to keep in the Sun-
day trains and insisted upon it. But
the Pages said and no
tourists could reach that place
on Sunday over the and
Aberdeen road. That's a
exhibition of the command,
member the Sabbath day to keep it
Wilson, N. C. April C.
We note your exchange, the Char-
Chronicle, regrets the fact that
there are no days set apart as for-
by public authority for
fasting and prayer.
In a government like ours where
church and state have no
it is somewhat difficult for
to discover their duty and
in this respect. And there
are those among us who deny the
right to issue proclamations of the
kind and to see in them the
beginning of a state religion.
It is strange that this particular
thought should have suggested itself
to the editor of the Chronicle at a
time when ninety per cent of the
Christian world only a small
were in evidence about
were presumed at least to be keep-
the great historical fast that
precedes the festival of the
T. C. Davis.
The Burning Rabbit Started a Fire.
The Marion Democrat tells that
John Page and others decided the
other day, to burn the grass and de-
on an old meadow near Marion.
It has been many years since the
had been disturbed and it
was the habitation of birds, rats and
rabbits, When the flames of fire
The lower house of the Iowa drew near the center many rats were
passed a bill to permit
Women to vote in that state. The
nil now has to run the gauntlet in
She senate and it to seen
v-hat fate it will receive in that
The prediction is that it will
i killed.
Its doubtful if the name of a bet-
gr man has been proposed for the
since the war than
I Samuel J. His memory
abides with peculiar freshness
I the minds of the reading public.
is true this may have been in-
to some extent by the great
line committed against this
cheating him out of the
It was his patriotic action
is crisis, and the extraordinary
and moral qualities
eh he afterwards exhibited which
made him one of the
l's greatest characters. It is said
i Parker is much like him in
personal bearings and belongs
to the school of
cleans a room she
seen to make their escape, while
many perished. A covey of par-
rose so escape, but seemed
overcome by the heat and smoke
and every one fell and perished.
Inside a small rabbit was
having a warm time. Finally lie
summoned courage and plunged the
flames. Something resembling a
ball of fire was then seen to dart
across the field in direction of
the woods, leaving a little smoke be-
A few minutes later a great fire
was raging in the woods and it was
only by a desperate effort that the
fire was checked, thus saving
able timber and perhaps Mr. Hen-
property near by. Mr. Rab-
bit lost his life but his revenge was
more than his bargained for.
I don't get over that o
I try to think that I came
out to the good and I was for-
at that, but it's no use, Day
night I am thinking of that lost
wealth. I don't get as much pleas-
out of simple things as I used
to do, That gambling experience
will hurt me till I die. It is a
j thing to play with unseen
ks the the floor on to I my
No Bolting.
The Anti-Saloon League must not
encourage bolting. If anybody bolts
in the name of the League, it should
them. The League strictly
pledges not to interfere with the
fealty of citizens to their parties. It
will find itself upon the rocks and
all its fair prospects blighted; if any
local organization proceeds to bolt
or bolting.
How then are we to bring our
poses to pass By patient and
sternly work. Abide in the ship,
and day you will find the helm
in good hands. There are horses
and horses. One horse will break
away with a snort and half a
mile in good time. Another will
move off steadily and pulls his load
thirty miles This
work of establishing a great moral
reform will never be accomplished
by the They set it back.
In ten years, if we make no mis-
takes, we shall redeem North Caro-
if i political machine cheats or
suppresses the voice of the people,
it should be overthrown. Under
such circumstances revolutionary
measures are justifiable But do not
bolt in the name of temperance. Si
you are a party man, go into your
party primaries, work hard for your
candidates; and if you are honorably
defeated, your ground, keep
your faith and go on with the work
of education.
To bolt will only paralyze your
influence and your
Call for State Convention.
The following call for the State
convention has been issued from the
headquarters of the Democratic State
a meeting of the
Democratic State executive and
committee in Raleigh, March
the State convention of the
party was called to meet at Greens-
June at neon, to
nominate candidates for governor
mid other state officers,
justices of the Supreme court, and
two presidential ejectors at large,
and to elect four delegates and four
alternates at large to the national
convention of the party in St. Louis,
July At said meeting of the
it was resolved that the
of business of the convention
should be as follows;
t, Adoption of resolutions and
platform; Election of delegates to
the national convention;
of candidates. The
of delegates to the State convention
from each congressional district is
hereby called to meet in Greensboro
at eleven o'clock, June to elect a
vice president of the convention, one
member of the committees on
rules and order of business,
permanent organization, and plat-
form and resolutions; four members
of rate Democratic State committee,
and two delegates and two alternates
to the national convention. All
Democrats are cordially invited to
attend the precinct conventions to be
called by the various county com-
and participate in electing
delegates to the county conventions.
By order of the committee.
F. M. Chairman.
Alex. J. Secretary.
A Fortune it Won and
No, you wouldn't sell any
than said the stranger
at the Buford. was thousands
ahead and I pot or may be
I was just a plain I didn't
know very much about speculating.
I had played poker, and had the
same experience that every man has
who is not a professional. I had
won as much as several hundred
dollars in a night, and the next day
I had gone out and spent my win-
recklessly and foolishly. A
few nights later lost as much or a
good deal more than I had won. In
other words, I threw away what I
won and put my nose to the grind-
stone to pay what I lost, and this
did not take into account the tax on
nerves and health.
I had never speculated until
last fall. Everybody was talking
cotton and as I happened to have a
good deal of extra money at the time
I bought about worth of con
And cotton went up. I was
interested over the first winning. I
soon became absorbed. I paid no
attention to my family. I thought
only about cotton. got
ahead. I held on. My profits rose
to and I began to make plans
for the future. I used to figure, with
a pencil what I would buy. I
was in an intensely emotional;
table state and could hardly -deep.
The market That was all I thought
profits went up to
I kept all my winnings
nothing pyramiding.
Some of my cooler friends came to
me and begged me to close out my
contracts, but I was wild.
got ahead. That was
more money than I ever expected to
have. It never occurred to me that
I could lose. As I look back upon
it now I know I was insane. I was
so certain that I was coming out
winner that I made positive plans
as what I should buy and how
should invest the money. My
fits kept climbing. Past
they went, and I began to lose flesh
and go unshaven.
more I won the greedier I
became. When I began I would
have sworn that when I got
ahead I would stop, but at the
profit mark I was a furious
bull, screaming that cotton must go
to cents. And one day I was
ahead of the game. Wind
you, that was my money. All I had
to do was to call on my broker for a
settlement. And that was all the
money I really needed. I get. a got d
salary and have an economical
family. That meant a
collegiate education for my boys and
girls, comfort for my wife and com-
luxury trail f us. F knew
that. now look back with utter
amazement upon my feelings tit that
time. My family knew what I was
and they begged to close
out and be content with my small
fortune. To all such advise I turn-
d a deaf tar. I was a sort of man-
It seemed such easy way to
make money. The bulls must con-
to win, I thought. I was to
be My pulse was too
quick and there was fever in my
head, but I was ecstatic
the slump came. You re-
member how it came
to ruin the joys of Christmas. The
market broke and soon I was stag-
around o an imbecile. I
was in a new game and I didn't
know what to do. I didn't know
how to protect myself; I had no
myself as to margins. I just
stood and gaped in terror at the
market and became completely de-
moralized. I lost my nerve, and
when the market had reached a
point where I was only to the
good I crawled in like a whipped
to my broker closed
with the cotton market.
Large Collection of Books for Public
The people of Greenville certain-
have cause to be under
to the ladies of End of
Century Book Club, and should
ender them all possible
in their undertaking to establish a
public library for the town.
The ladies, seeing the great
need of a library, have some-
time had this movement
consideration, but the hist public
step In inaugurating their plan
was taken Friday night in
book reception held the chapel
of the graded school building.
This reception was a
both in delightful pro-
gram rendered the entertain-
of those present as well as
in the number of books received
with which to begin the library.
The people responded liberally
and contributed so many books as
to greatly encourage the members
of the club. The number of books
received was up the hundreds,
and among them were many very
handsome volumes.
The program rendered was as
Piano Nina James
Nancy Coward.
Chorus- Mis-
Lottie Blow, Nina James,
Bertha Patrick, Nell
hum Cobb, Mary Higgs
Bessie Pat-
Vocal Lot tie Blow
Nina James.
Vocal Janie Tyson.
Tyson, James,
Blow, Skinner, Patrick,
that encores were rendered.
before the last number
the program Ex-Gov. Jarvis, in
of club, the
audience for attendance for
the large number of looks donated
to the library. He said Wonder-
had place
Greenville in the past year,
especially the erection of
our splendid school and
Masonic fie also said
that bonds voted for
improvements been sold and
accepted, that in a mouths
more could rejoice in
the of elect lights aid
water works.
The chapel in which the
reception was held was tastily
decorated in the club colors, red
and white, and the members wore
badges of res coding colors.
The physicians of county
i Convention assembled announce
Hint their Black List will be
placed in the hands of pub-
by May 1st. Any one
indebted to a physician for med-
service Had best settle their
account prior to this date and
avoid being placed upon the list.
The firm of Coward Patrick was
this day by mutual consent,
K. A. Coward his interest in
the business to F. Patrick, and all
interest and liability of E. A. Coward
said business is assumed by F.
This 14th of March, 19.14.
Having purchased the interest of E.
A. Coward in the of Coward
Patrick, will my
son, B. E. Patrick, we will con-
business at the stand
under Arm name of E. Patrick
Co. all for their patron-
age to the old firm, we hope with the
prompt attention to
merit a of your favors
This department is in of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
i .-.
N. C, Apr.
G. E. Lineberry went to
this morning to attend
e association.
G. A. Kittrell Co., will pay
cash prices for corn, peas,
IA food article is better if yon
to pay a little more for it
n cheaper article at a smaller
ice, so try one the Carroll
manufactured by the
Mfg. Co.
he tin has arrived for the new
ck block,
he A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wishes
plow beam manufactured by
Winterville Mfg. Co., always
good satisfaction you
them to have one put in
r plow they can also furnish
for your plow,
F. C. Nye left on train
morning to go to the
or corn, oat, seed meal
G. A Kittrell Go,
forget Dr. Cox now
in the residence of J. H.
best grade of chewing and
tobacco go to the drug
wish to notify the
that I will grind every
at my mill one mile
j It of Frog Level Sam Kill
are hauling great
titles of fertilizers from here
day, the weather has been
laud farmers in old Content-
Ire not idle.
met as well as buggies
go some where else to
harness when you can get
harness when you can get,
as cheap per-
as nice,
right here from
the man get bug
Miss Hill, of Washington, who
is visiting Mrs. B. T. Cox, spent
today in
It. G. Chapman Co. invite the
public to call and examine their
stock of dry goods, notions
Light and heavy groceries
ways on hand at the store B.
G. Chapman Co.
Contractor D. J. Rose, of Rocky
Mount, left Friday home.
Be sure and see H- L. Johnson
for any everything in the
grocery and confectionery line.
We expect you have a plow
back band already. If not be
wise buy an
Baud from the A. G. Mfg. Co.
Miss Nannie Nichols was here
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Go. are
shipping Cotton planters by the
car load. Where on earth they
will all laud we are unable to say.
Mrs. Bessie Groom, of
returned borne Friday.
We now have a nice lot of porch
timber. If you are in need
of t hem why not let us lit you up.
Prices are tight. Winterville
M Co.
Mi.-s Vivian spent
Saturday and Sunday with Miss
Lee Nichols of Standard.
School books, pens, pencils and
nest quality of stationary always
for at the drag store.
Everything sold at the lowest
market price at R. G. Chapman
Elder Fred went to
Best prices tip top goods
be had at it. G. Chapman
The Misses Moorings, who are
attending school here went to
House to spend Sunday with their
Miss Bertha and Lena
rent Friday afternoon,
G. A. Pittman and Guy Taylor
went to Kinston Friday to attend
the carnival.
C. L. Tyson of the firm of Can-
non Tyson, of Ayden, was here
To our friends and customers.
Having very near lost our entire
stock of merchandise the recent
lire, we are now making arrange-1
rapidly as possible to
open again. We most j
solicit a continuance of your
valued patronage. Thanking you I
one and all for past favors we re-
main, Yours to Serve,
Harrington, Barber
Dr. B. T. Cox when not in the
country can be found either at his
residence or at the store of R. G,
Chapman Co.
We imagine that farmers are
to use a great amount of guano
this season from the great
number of guano sowers that are
being shipped by the A. O. Cox
Mfg. Co
In n few few days Harrington,
Barber Co. will be ready to
serve their customers wish any
thing the line.
Every nice spring day brings
new wire customers to
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
occupation by the last
best prices for beat
lean be had at H. L. John
latest brands of cigar
lo at II. L. Johnson's.
Senator Tells the Secret.
In his speech last Friday in the
senate, Senator Simmons hit the
bull's eye he
There are two principal reasons
We carry complete line of farm m e phenomenal prosperity that
supplier. Dry notions. we enjoying today, it i
drug and Come to as Senator said yesterday, than
see Us, one all. been at any time in the his-
Barber Co. of this country, and every year
Cox Mfg. Co. h row
that-his has been
to Bell planters and M
country grows and becomes more
enlightened, and as steam and
become more generally intro-
It is a cause for
that the whole world
Experience has taught that of leather made
into Men's Shoes that have style, comfort and wearing
worth, can not bought for a song. Cheap Shoes may
quite as much look is in the finish, the
wear in shoe itself. Our Wen's Shoes have a
claim stylish and, when we say that they the
word has
They FIT all and Stay FIT.
r They please the eye of the
dresser as s his feelings. v
These new and
are made in Patent
and Ideal and Enamel. I
Have everything for the dresser. J
they nave ever
and know- T company will coon
is are at work en the Dew trucks
Some of the stores will h reported as
being the best mi the market.
Some ruder have been received
other but we hardly
expect oar home demand for to-
truck will be large this
seam in.
ard is here deliver-
of ladies dress good in
re of It. F, Chapman Co.
ding J.
Board per day. Best
in town.
T. Cox wishes to
lbs new goose feathers.
es Helen Galloway, Mollie
Kale went lo
re occupying L.
hop on Main street,
he position to furnish our
as heretofore.
Barber Co.
. L. Johnson for heavy
t groceries.
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
IS cents per bottle Dr. B. T.
Call Cox. Winterville,
is prosperous
trade England as well
high protected America. Prosperity
Free trade, low tariff,
high tar if Menu to be
neither a means nor n bar to thin
great d tide of Cod's
t man. The lean years may come
again, but lot us hope they are fur
in the future;
Bat, Mr. President, the two great
factors lying the bottom of the
prosperity are enjoying in this
country today arc the of
in giving us conditions out. of
have come our abundant
of recent years and secondly
the abundant, high priced foreign
markets that we are enjoying today
and have been enjoying for several
years for our articles,
the products of the farm and the
These ore the basis and
of our prosperity. for the
foreign markets we have found for
our unprotected products the
of trade in the last year would
have been something like
against this country, and
there would not have been that tide
of gold flowing in from the outside,
which has the basis of the
prosperity we have had hero at
If those markets had not been
found abroad there would have been
DO prosperity not only
this money would have been shut
out, but because this surplus would
have congested home
and reduced prices below the cost
production. The farmer is prosperous
today, and upon his prosperity rests
our prosperity, because he is getting
high prices for his surplus products
in the Markets of where
Republican tariff laws do not go,
and lie getting high prices at
heme because of these markets and
these prices abroad.
Sixty-three Indians a special
car to tho Oregon express,
en route to Washington to Fee Pres-
Roosevelt were smashed into
by a train on the Chicago and
railway two miles west
of May wood. Ills, a fog.
Three of the Indians were instantly
killed, three were fatally
and twenty others were more or lea
seriously hurl. The Indians ware
from Nashville, Neb., mid were
of the Buffalo Hill organization
Wholesale and
Dealer, Cash paid f-n
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Egg, Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Salts, i
by Carriages, Parlor
Tallies, .
and Gail
High Life Tobacco, Key
Henry George
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk
Floor Sugar,
Magic Food, Oil,
Reed Meal and Hulls,
don Seeds. Apples, Nuts
Candies, Dried Apples, Peach,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Cum
Cheese, Hotter, New
Sewing and
morons other goods. aid
quantity. Cheat for cash. Come
see me.

J. Proctor Bros
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to o in it, clothing and
tar your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in lull blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind coin,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
cf turned work for balusters
and trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
It takes less time to go and
anything up than it does to m
town and wait for it to turn
d sown accord.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here. Whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
Greenville's Great
Department Store
is now arrayed in Spring At
The beautified NEW G
GOODS are here in
dance and you are invited
to come and see them.
Our showings in
and other beautiful Summer Dress
Fabrics are ahead of any past record Our
will delight
The Notion Department
f n
Great Department Store
Cold Comfort
what we are utter, and tin; of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties
would be unattainable without the
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Toe Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
E. Holliday Loses His Dwelling.
On Monday, a short while before
Mr. E. D. Holliday, who
lives near lost his
dwelling house and contents by
The fire started from the
kitchen flue while dinner was
being prepared. At the time
only Mrs. Holiday and a girl were
at home, and they could tare
hardly anything out of the build-
There was no insurance and the
loss falls heavily on Mr. Holliday.
It is the third time he has suffered
a lose by fire. One thing lost in
this fire that grieves him more
than anything else, was an old
family Bible that had been among
his ancestors for more than
years, and had been saved in two
previous fires.
Office opposite depot.
next door to
Carriage Paint Mad.
will wear as long as No
others are as heavy bodied, because
weigh to ounces
o the pint. Sold L. Can.
Partition Sale of Valuable Real
Pursuant to an order of the
of Pit county rendered on the
22nd day of March, 1904, in an action
therein pending entitled C. T. Langley
vs Langley and C. D.
tree ad for
Langley, for partitions of the lands
herein after described, ordering a
resale said lauds. The under-
signed commissioner will offer for
sale to the highest bidder for cash at
the court house door in Greenville,
N. C. on Monday the 25th day of
April, 1904, at o'clock, M; it being
the first day of a term of the Superior
court of said county, the following
described lands to wit. Beginning at
a stake on the Tarboro road, corner of
lot No. in the Daniel division
running south poles with
the line to a stake in the Davenport
line, then with said Davenport line
south W. poles to a pine on I
Ridge, thence with the Daniel j
Hill line poles to
I load thence with said North i
Hi K. poles to a pine stump on
south edge of the Tarboro Road,
th up North W. poles and
Inches, to the beginning. Containing
acres more or less.
March the 36th
H. L. Gibbs, Commissioner.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
. AT
you can get honest goods at living prices. See our
large you buy and be satisfied with
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
North Carolina, I
Pitt County. S In Superior Court.
George W. Caraway and wife, Inez
B. Caraway, and George M. Lind-
-y. administrator u- b. c t. s. of S.
V. whitehead.
Godfrey A. Stancill, S V Joyner, ad-
d b n of II S Atkinson,
L King, T Atkinson. John
E King and wife, Alice Sam
A and Helen V
The defendants. L C King,
and wife Helen V
named, will take notice that an
action entitled as above has been com-
in the Superior Court of Pitt
county, i luting to, and for the
of. certain real property situate
in Pitt county, North Carolina, and
I known as the
The defendants will further take
notice that they are required to
the next term of the Superior
Court county to be held on the
Mom after the first In
. Id I. it being the day of
April, Court House in said
county, Greenville, North Carolina,
rum a or demur to the complaint
in said action, or the plaintiffs will
apply to the court for the relief de-
m mi In s complaint,
This e 3rd day of March, 1901.
Clerk of the superior Court of Pitt C
. II Will VI
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears interest.
second No Incontestable.
Dividends arc payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt count having this day issued to
me letters of administration upon the
estate of M. M. Galloway, deceased,
notice hereby given to all persons
holding against said estate to
present them lo authenticated,
on or before the 8th day of March,
or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons
to estate are requested to
make immediate payment to me.
This the 7th day of March,
of M. M, Galloway.
Jarvis Won, Attorneys.
and Sanitarium.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
Dr. L.
Greenville, N. C
equable on tempered by proximity of
Stream. Fully equipped with every modern the
of a lull of Specialists in every department. Special
department for of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Tho.-
system of Turkish Russian Baths.
Ward Rater, per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For address
The President, St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
The Only Way
To get the confidence of the
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions
A Great Sena Mob
There was a big in
Ind. H. Brown
of that place, who was expected
die, had hie life saved by
King's New Discovery for
He endured
insufferable agonies from Asthma,
but New Discovery give me
immediate relief and soon there-
after , effected a
Similar cures of
Bronchitis Grip
re numerous. It's the
remedy for all throat lung
troubles Price and
Guaranteed by Woof en's Drug
Store. Trial bottles free.
When a woman cleans a room she
knacks the dust oil the floor on to
he furniture.
DeWitt's Hazel gives
instant relief from Burns, cures
Oat a, Bruises, Sores. Eczema,
and all of the skin.
In Wit en Hazel Salve it
is only necessary to see that you
get the genuine DeWitt's a
cure is certain. There are many
cheap counterfeits the
all of which are worthless, and
quite a few are dangerous, while
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is
perfectly and cures.
Sold by J. L. Wooten.
A girl hasn't mack use for a
who attempts to kiss her and
then quits.
The Book is
head quarters for fountain pens.
Robbed The Grave
A startling incident, is narrated
by John Olive of Philadelphia, as
was in and awful con-
My skin was almost
low, eyes sunken, tongue coated,
pain continually in back sides,
no appetite, growing weaker day
by day, Three physicians had
me up. Then I was advised
to Electric Bitters; to my great
joy, the first bottle made a. decided
Improvement. I continued their
use for three weeks, and nut Mo
a well man. I they robbed
the grave of another No
one should tail to try them. Only
cents, guaranteed, at
Fortunately hear what
Other people say about us.
Are a Dyspeptic
If yon are a dyspeptic you owe it
to yourself and your friends to net
well. Dyspepsia annoys the
friends because his
in- his disposition us well as his
will not only cure dyspepsia, in
and sour but
this palatable, tonic
strengthens whole
digestive apparatus,
the life as well the
When take Dyspepsia
It i- and
by I lie and tissues. Health
is the result. by J. L.
Win ten.
The pull of politician m as re-
as the pull of a dentist.
A Cure tor Headache.
Any man, woman or child, stiffer-
headache, or
fueling should take
one ii two of DeWitt's Little
Risers and
Tin -1 little pills are
fain i because they are a tonic as
. u pill. While cleanse
the system strengthen and
rebuild it by their tonic effect
Upon Hie liver and bowels. Hold
by I.
knew it would come some
like this. A Charlotte colored
accused of Stealing a hog
the Other day swore lie killed it in
elf Herald.
physicians of Pitt county
in assembled announce
that their Black List will he
placed in the hands of the pub-
May 1st. Any one
indebted lo a physician for med-
service nail best settle their
account prior to this date and
avoid being placed upon the list.
The cotton mill at
ban gone into hands of a re-
You're invited, of course To every woman
who has edged with the desire to know what
fashion edicts are to be-to every woman
or man, for that matter, who enjoys the mere see
of beautiful things, we extend a cordial
That these showings masterfully
the foreign and domestic dress idea for
the Spring and Summer of 190-1 goes with-
out saying. Indeed, be an almost
task to picture in words the
grandeur and beauty, the scope and ex-
of these great Spring styles
were one word of
all allowed we'd say with all the
power of our
Shoe Kin
Stubborn Bargains for Cash
W. Main St.
m North Carolina.

By of a decree of the Sn-
cow, in of
Josh Mill went to Ayden
In re I. chard
evening, o to and W. G. Kine, the
. . . ., commissioner will sell
Fred Cox went to Fri- at th house door on Monday,
; the day of May, that pit
cay of and
B. D. Cherry left this morning being shamed in town-
J e ship, Pitt county, and described
for I Beginning at the last
j corner of lot No. in the division
W. E. Patrick went to Ayden of land between Joyner and
Friday evening. King, and runs, the guest of Miss Irma
m west to a knot, her friends here, rearer th
H road, then north regret that
. , d to a she has sustained so serious an
Mus Holt's Le Broken.
The Raleigh correspondent of
the Charlotte Observer says that I
Wet Mattie Holt, of Graham, I
while driving a horse of her f
father, L. Banks Holt, was thrown I
oat of the by the animal
running away and one leg was I
broken above the knee. Miss
Holt ha- twice visited Greenville
evening from Baltimore.
wood J. B. Pierce's corner,
I then north east to
Sallie Cox. Of line to the beginning, eon-
rived morning to visit
April 1st 1904,
. i Isaac A
Kev. W. E. Cox went to Commissioner.
Friday evening and re-
turned this morning.
The Hay Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Miss Bertie Maiming, of Bethel.;
Friday evening to visit
Ml. D. Moore, j
Miss Elberta Joyner,
way, who baa beta visiting
in this section left tats STREET, ONE DOOR
five points.
Preston Tyson, Frank Wilson,
Will Dock John
and Oscar Greene went
to Kinston Friday evening,
Makes A Clean Sweep
nothing lie doing a
thing Of all the
Salves you ever heard of, Buck-
Salves is the best. It
sweeps away cures Burns,
Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers,
Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's
only and guaranteed to give
satisfaction by Drug
Get our prices and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn and Peas for cash
Dear Here's a paint that's
being sold to
per cent i
are sand
white-wash, nut paint.
Borne people must like gold
A Cure for Headache.
Any man, woman or child, suffer-
from headache, or
a dull, drowsy feeling should take
me or two of DeWitt's
Riser- night and morning.
These famous little pills are
famous because they are a tonic as
well as a pill. While they cleanse
the system they strengthen and I
rebuild it by their tonic
upon the liver bowels. Hold
by J. L. Wooten.
Stray Taken Up.
This remedy never to
effectually cure
dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
And ALL DISEASED arising from
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The result is good appetite
and Dose small; elegant-
sugar coated and to swallow,
lake No Substitute.
I have taken up with my stock
a black male hog with while feet,
marked in ear,
The race track has been put in
condition for use and the local
owners of fast horses are having
some sport out there these after-
Dr. H. O. Hyatt, of
e load-and-zinc. The can get same by proving property I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
alls It says it's for the purpose of treating
. of the eye, ear, nose end
Interfile, X. R. F. D. No. throat and fitting glides.
1-diS. .
b Devi e.
an truly
IT. L. sells our
The folio ; can
. r lines of I
this c
Atlanta Ca
Chi Tenn.
n, s
Bi i
Rocky Ml
Weld ii.
i ii we v
I .
C Ohio
Nashville, Tenn
New y.
La ,
Norfolk, Va.
Va. I
Philadelphia, Pa,
St. Louis, Mo
Many new and pretty styles are
seen in the gathering of Lawns
and Prints. Indeed it would be
more correct to say that
one of them are new and pretty.
They are from the leading wan
and their quality is g
folly equal to their beauty. All
the Dress Goods in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
the colors rich and tasting, the
prices are wonder workers
Phone No.
R. J.
C. V. York.
L. H. Pender.
And other Important and In-
points cast of the Miss-
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
Dr. ID.
A Surgeon.
Attorney-at- Law,
N. C.
R- L.
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad hurts of the
imperial Factory.
AH kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
machinery new and UP and of the best
u Garnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
. . , Mr. R. L. has charge of
oar tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
the patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction. left.
Spring Blossoms.
This store is full of Spring Blossoms. All
sections are attractive to the
buyer, but this week we
will emphasize special attractions for the
Spring Styles
now for your
inspection. Every
new idea for the sea
son is here. Prices
are mighty low con
the values
you get.
Shoes, Hats, Negligee Shirts,
Mens Furnishings.
Values for Same
Values for Less
Beauty is the best meaning of the word.
goods bought and with a view of
the beauty of the fair women of Pitt county. There
is not a thing from the handsomest evening fabrics
down to an ordinary pin that has not had our most
careful and personal attention when the purchase
was made. .
We used every available power to t the proper
things, the latest styles that best suit the buying public, Out
whole store Is completely stocked with the latest and be.
creations of Spring. Every department is fresh with the
most goods.
C. L Wilkinson Co
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
No. II
Mis. la quite
went t Washington
J. F. spent Sunday in
D. C.
G. L; left this for
V. of is
n town.
B. W. went to
Miss Coward
I visit to
T. w. Skinner Mt Monday
evening for bis home
Mrs. T. Meadows left
morning a
Mis. H. Thomas left
Reported for
A very pleasant and interesting
meeting f End of the
Book We MM at the home
of Richard Williams on th
of April h,
Painting the Capitol.
No piece of exterior painting
the has at-
more favorable attention
than that which is soon to com-
on the National Capitol.
W- S. went to Tart-o. a visit to
Mn. M. R.
went to left this for
I House.
V. J. Let-, of
B. L. Tyson trued
from Kinston.
V, V. York left this
for City.
S. W of
spent today hero
Mrs. J. A. Brady ft
for Wilmington.
E. A. Taft, who has been sick a
few days, was out r.
Mr. and Mis.
i ., ;. h
Miss 1.-1,
day from ii Visit ti Wash
Miss Coward
day evening for a visit to
Miss Dome
this morning from
Mi. v.; I; mi fl Rise
Delia Smith, of
i i r .
lone May Honker i
quite happy over the arrival of a
Tyson, of Norfolk, came
in evening this
Mrs. W. O. Dixon, of Hooker-
ton, who been
W. Brown, home
day evening. .
N. C. Hoyt, the
Stock came ft
this the interest
is to pear b
neTt week.
I.-. Hooker rick
J. M. i.
wont to
J. M. Taft left this morning
K. Jr.
E. ltd
Hill, .,
; l
Dr. V, . .
Mr- IT.
. ii el i-
. , it
in . . n
Miss Delia
today here.
V. Cox
J. B. is,
ft. M; -u
a A I fir . I .
ii, ;
. i
Mrs, .;.
. l i I
i- bad
The Best Meeting of The Year.
The Pitt County Teachers As-
met Saturday morning
in the graded school
The opening were cm hundred gallons of
The literary program by Rev. W. E. Powell by a force of
f sketch of wives Henry j spoke very impressively men working two
Mrs. Wooten and The is with
Williams most hearth- enjoy-; class was . owing to
tour if the
primary Annabel one
Moore; language Miss popular
Mattie arithmetic, to print
Bum Cox. ling how the work was don-. If
Prof. Q. E, Lineberry spoke t, the case no mast-
of a teacher's in Ml .
daily preparation. The u -f
teaching h a r was
was the subject of a paper read
b Miss Mary Hodges. Harrison Co., it is
A paper the art of question-1 w la
by Prof this valuable by
per, principal of Dy
graded their
do from these meet-
was to by Misses
Mattie Grimes, Tessie and
Smith Prof. W. P. i.
and F. C. Nye. L,,, one of
The class work was excellent as was so
were also the papers read, . J
very happy and thoughtful were impressed the improved
short talks at of the Capitol that lie
thorn the ladies. This ,,.; ,. to hi ; mis.
admitted to be the best meet- , quality
,. the th. t, Oil
Confederacy. Cl
Patience Reported for Reflector Baker
Jarvis tail M.
Henry Brows and of Daughters of Confederacy
with Miss Pattie Wooten
,. I April The meeting
THE MEETING. promptly called to order by the
president. After business way with a i
was over, Wooten entertained It. is the
of plays his work.
ed and some f the current events
given were decidedly unique.
Among the visitors
wen Larry Moore, W
H. Brown, Harry of Mt.
Airy, and Misses Lizzie Blow
After most delightful
served by the
the club adjourned to
met Mrs. E A. Move, Jr.,
on April 10th, 1904.
Marriage License.
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams issued licenses to the
following couples;
G. W. Baker and Lina Shep-
J. T. Flanagan and Laura Craw-
Frank Katie
and Clem-
of ready-mixed paints, that the
Capitol looks much better it
has in many years is a dim of
Short Slops.
When corn -.- tor
a Day Great Interest.
Sunday was a day of rejoicing to US with
many Christian hearts in Green-1 of North O
ville. Rev. J. E. Hutson, who is Blow briny
in the
church, held three per
vi was poem-.
f. for which v. it
of Lord By rot
v d ti
The icicle i-
yon h
; from a
,. .
The o r
i i ii st-
pi a at
I p. in

it .
i M
Urge i-; o i
I l ;. . lie
a. i .
. . i,
. ,. .
S i . ,. son
not d i
I i.-i.
.- school . .
Mrs. F. Smith came Op i
from -fl
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
i ma.
to C d z
; . m, C i ,
i. i u tun ware-
forth coming Mat
will be i m-
ii; lie to
; ;,. i his week
n n and night
i ; p
. I
each u
Greenville, N.
Dear Sir. late president
the bank, at Brew-
. . ., .,
. for .,
; I J mi
i . ere. ,
. ; ,
i. i i and Georgi i
n Saturday
for Ayden and
Miss E. Cox, of j
has been visiting relatives
here, returned home Saturday
Kate Chapman and Helen
Galloway, of spent
Saturday here and returned on
the evening train.
Mrs. Lucy of Grifton,
who has been visiting her
Mrs. L. H. returned
home .
to this one
a leading warehouses in
Each of these gentlemen is an
experienced tobacconist has
several years on the Green-
ville market. They are well
known to all the people who sell
tobacco here. They will make a
strong team will look well to
interest of all who sell with
S. J. who was a part-
in this house the past season,
will engage in the leaf tobacco
business next season.
ii en h
. .
fan Is
. i i Bl him
usefulness in Ii; He
a good boy and will win success.
Dr. H. Hyatt, of
v. ill he
. Ion,
I h
i is
sell me vi. -an i
X. V. built finest boil i and
a region. . 1884, and Monday, and Wednesday Yo-t do not mm u
painted it at the
cost of -eases of the eye, car,
i throat, and fining glasses.
In re
painted it with Devon at a cost of
In 1897 paint was in
good condition.
Lead-aDd-oil, 1400. three years.
ten years.
Tours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. sells our
Every should keep
away from his girl certain nights
In the week to allow her to get a
taste of Spring onions.
The race track has been put in
condition for use and the
owners of fast horses are haring
some out there these after-
It is reported that there are
cases of smallpox in Durham.
improve I on by
Nothing is wholly bad. Even a
dark lantern has a bright side.
in New York a
Seven persons were killed a
core hurt and thirty
injured in a street car
dent at Santa Barbara, Cal.
Elizabeth city will have a free
mail delivery beginning August
jumped the track.

Eastern reflector, 12 April 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 12, 1904
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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