Eastern reflector, 1 April 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

New jam arrived
S. M.
i g.
re I to
i ;
V. I-. Brown left Vein la
i i from Buff
and cl Id
returned ll la morning from E I
Cooper of Graham,
I . , n re an I this morn-
Mrs . Harding left ed-
evening for a visit to
, i om a trip
up the
Mrs, Brown, of Kinston, came
over i to Mrs. L.
How Go J and ow Pleasant Fancy Maine Ned fa
; , 3-25
,. . ferns, , for Easter, at
I a long time
M Greenville tow had w t pet
land enjoyable a protracted
orders in early.
Cabbage .
Riverside Nurseries. 3-25
Miss Alma House, who has been having charge of the choir
visiting Addle Johnston, re-
turned home today.
Mrs. K. T. Stewart and tie
daughter, of Vi
visiting Mrs. L. Griffin.
m the onion services which
nave progress
church during
past two weeks. Be. J. A. Herbert la preparing
of the Methodist church, to rebuild on the site hi-
.-.--.- , home was burned in the fire
has done the
and all his sermons have been ex-1
He speaks plainly, Attention is called to the sum-
., r Mb I the Superior court clerk
forcibly, and under w
preaching sinner have lea to j i, Godfrey A.
Christ and Christians have been and others
d av n cl to I heir Master.
Powell of the Chris- up
Han church, F. G. i K
the Presbyterian church and A Va., March 24-
l King of the Baptist church, Sheriff Mayo, of
have been faithful lieutenants in J . this
the meeting, these conducting the topped In which Ad-
La. Mr i.-i. ,, W. S. was riding Bl
morning services, and r. rung
. ; the head of a procession of
reading at ail the and held out his band to
the hero of Santiago. The follow
The meetings have been well colloquy la by those
and much good basal- In the admiral's
ready reel lbs I.
Ii will i
I to bear for a long time, only
Fill MARCH eternity revealing the full extent
Woolen went to Bel el of the good
V . O.
is in town.
All the churches will bold
vices Sunday morning and there
will be another union e at
arc you asked the ad-
good said I be ad-
J am from North
said the admiral.
An Case. continued I
An case has been Mayo, I am the
B. rel this the attention of four of our The admiral congratulated him
log from Kinston. distinguished lawyers and the drove on.
returned Thais- our best magistrates the past
days, it is the ox if the average man had hi life
Stephen Morris vs. Tom over probe
HiggS returned Thin, and Tom vs, Mr. Morris. I than ever.
evening from a trip up the road. I The extent of the damage la so
complex and there are so many
S. 1.11 left this m i
day evening from Tarboro.
Ii,, Jessie Lee Sugg left Thurs-- knotty
day evening for a visit to . u
B. Clayton, who has right and may require at
been here a few days, left this least two of three sleepless nights,
morning. The first case that of Tom
A man never knows how hard
hi- wife works until he tries to
clean up the house preparatory to
his wife's return from i two
with her mother.
predicted big run of shad
v Q
. , . , .,., Coleman vs. Morris, who was has not come along.
went to . ,. . ,
, . , a tenant last year on Mi. ,
evening and returned ,,,,,,.
land. Ho sued Mr. Morns for
this morning,
Levi Cox baa
school a
with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Ed Brown, of den, who
has been visiting Mrs. A.
returned borne Thursday
Mr. Jordan, representing the
ugh News i ad Observer,
today looking after the sub-
Superintendent W. H.
went to Bethel today to
be present the day ex-
the school. To-
i us ii the close of M
sch near Bethel.
Bailey, ex-Aldermen,
W ii died yest
J K. Peoples, a prominent
e is in of City, committed
Thursday. He first drank
an ounce of and then
she ; the temple.
A. J. is sick.
Miss Cox left Friday eve-
for Ayden.
G. G returned Friday
evening from Tarboro.
Col. W. J. Pope, of
county spent today here.
went to Kinston
Friday and returned this morning.
Miss Hat tie of Winter
ville, is visiting Miss Eula
Miss Jessie Lee Sugg and
brother, Julius, returned this
morning from Kinston.
Miss of Win-
arrived this morning to
Carrie Brown.
for one-third of the
home from , which the i pay.
and is very
Writing about the is
uncertain as the war news. If we J
Mr. Morris had Tom in ,
dieted for burning rails on write a weather item it
place and the o a rains before the paper is printed,
26.00, and he also scented Tern fool weather item is apt to
On March 30-31,
p ii
of keeping his old ionic fat on
apples picked up under the
apple I These apples were
worth per year
Tom's big eyes bulged Mien he
found that Morris
catch sun g. Anyhow,
indicates that overcoats a
call do service tomorrow.
A Denver lady friend of
a I the family was visiting at the
f f JO
him, so he remembered that one
night after that old horses
got in apple orchard,
he got the colic and the
horse doctor was called Tom
that was out of time
aid doctor's for a colicky
horse eating that won't
good fer to give the collie,
about So there It stands.
Tom's side of the ledger
for and for
guano, while Mr.
shows burnt mils 185.00 and
for Times.
n and for the first time in
life saw a real, live calf.
what a dear little row she
exclaimed. said
Jack, a
Continue Early
During the progress of the
union services in the
church most of the merchants of
The physicians of county
in Convention assembled
that their List will be
placed hands of the sub-
by May 1st. Any one
Indebted to a physician for med-
service had best settle their
prior to this date and
being placed upon the list.
M Wednesday
We will have on display on of
lines .
has displayed in .
The cordially Invited to attend.
t rial. on sale one
v. case of B- i
R at lo par yard.
Big Hog.
While Mr. J. F. of
was in today to get
the town have cloning their L for Tub Reflector, he
early at As the time told ho a a few
of year is now close at hand for
closing anyway, it would be
just as well for them to continue
closing early, except on Saturday
nights, as r already he-
gun doing so. It will help the
merchants and their salesmen also
to do this.
Good Sewing
The trees are patting out rapid-
The maples near the
church are already quite
days ago, that weighed pounds
dressed. That was a large hog,
and Mr. says was the fat-
test one he ever killed. He says
be bought the hog from Mr. H. H.
Proctor, of who has
some very fine stock and believes
It pays to raise the best -Daily
Disastrous prairie fires are rag-
in Nebraska.
Has a great to do with
of course
got to have
combine the two and you've a win-
pair Thai is
kind you'll get here, if you
want the other sort we can't
you, that long
and look well as long is they
what we have to offer yon.
come In and look them
O. J. Editor and Owner.
Twice- and Friday.
VOL. No.
Magnificent Display New in. ids. Printing Now t
store wan u at lust at
tenter of today and home in it own
looked like n A little move three ago
progress there. It the it occupies
his annual -spring opening j lie view
home for the paper.
success. En early hoot f the I While of the
day ladies began and the t
store and all I hey came and l that time., Kb
large That in the budding
were delighted with y the next deer for
was attested by their praise and the Mine being.
of the goods, j the upper story t building
display window was that by
of a and orders as
Inside was replete not until
the meal i could pet permanent home, j
output. There w this the Masons st to
very hoe and pattern, for a temple,
mid is beyond description, Bach an undertaking
while the cull I was a marvel j of at first,
of beauty. The pattern but hey were and their
giving the noble efforts are shown ill a hand-
very highest touch art in ail some t. in it is an
C. L CO.
A Their Spring Opening in
A few days ago notice The spring opening display of
was directed to the growing evil L. Co , to-
raffling or gambling. That-com.
result of side is an
was the
interest in M .
among she and of weight-
the of ,.,,
,;,, ,
men make M N, s
have ,. f
Annual Meeting to be held at Morehead
The executive committee
North Carolina Teacher's
decided that the annual
la woolens of meeting of assembly win be
j agreed also to stand ;,;,., ,
was e .,. . . need.
, need
for the prosecution of any and i,.,,.,,,. ,, .
This is no idle threat,
held year at City
daring the week beginning June
The hotel will be operated under
good management this year and
the teachers will b- well entertain-
ed at a cheap rate.
tee will make thorough reparation
or ornament but what is if r the pleasure and amusement
n hp line
shown here.
cf every one who
n m-u.-i-- of the problem i V- y
s no other decided to i in th
bats, the being meeting was available to there, , It ha given history of the assembly i- beta
1st artistic. Every Lit was arranged Out the lodges . great pleasure. Large
was done.
evil itself was more wide-
than any imagined,
bad as ft was known to
every quarter of the town facts
Bi Hog.
numbers of the store to
t K. Hector, 80th. I the problems of those
probable that State
have bee., gathered th. pant few In t.
an alarming state a fur Tub be
Children bare been told us that be killed a hog, a few
their toys. One little b y ago, that
; n hied a dollar, then for Thai
to make fifty c test one he killed. He
and shapes. I to the town and an honor to,
,. . . . , , . ,, . . one dollar and a half, a slick way and Sir. God n,. f.
make the fraternity, ah the . ,. . . I. . .
the opening attractive at every lodges that have been meet log i
point, and the
creditable to the
of assistants.
i-. It
attractive at every lodges that have been meeting i I , . , . He says
,,,.,, . ,, ., ., , boy sold nuances be from Mr
he display is most the tame hull with them label ., . L. a. a.
n. . , ., . . a cent rooster and look in over Proctor, of r i,.,
the big Store to quarters the new building. The., . , I
. . . , , deal. Any number fine ad
and bis clever my temple fa near enough completed . , ,,, . , believes
. Similar incidents could be cited it to raise the
; for the lodges to move aid their m.
Tue opening will continue to- J first meetings were held there last
from recent The note
United Senator Burton,
of Kansan, has been convicted in
district of accepting
to use
Tin- King's Daughters have ac I
seres of
laud in of Lake View, .
on which will be
erected the reformatory ft
of warning was raised an hour
too Boon, The
I questions it. What shall be done
Shall we the j Woodland, N. C, Mar. 1904.
; gambling habit to fastened , .
upon the m well
about M
people have been guilty, and to a business
of the would burl lo
J was in the
One ii wan beard Sunday
say of the former J. M. and sister, Miss
. was ton A gentle- Bessie, a shun, while in the
wade this rejoinder, neighborhood Sun-
as their state work. The land is plant being moved In, and the Le , MuM
the gift of t he now of
meeting; and to i
with and
school man be well worth the
trip to He will be
to interested in the
Schools. Governor will
attend the address
the assembly. P men
from outside the state will be pres-
Those will be a
white criminals, which work The bulges vacating
King's n gilt era have adopted building is followed by
Seasons New Dress Goods and
Urn; In our heaps more
will the
the firm of
H. The spring
now in progress at their atom
heat a testimony of the taste
judgment i their buyer in
good.- for i
The to the dry de-
part heir store today
, t . , nut
wit a scene of .,, , , . , ,.,.,,,
. , , helped to make it and helped it
All was a display goods .,, .
eye. A
feature Wis a swinging bale my
in green and white and
ii was too I for uM u ,,,, ,,,. TA
any country paper fee ,.,. . T , , u . and Mrs. D
one as guilty. I took chances l, Crawford -pent Saturday after-
noon with M S. T. Smith.
Crawford went to Winter-
We now have com-
for the printing
department, ample light
plenty of room Improve
. , which will he put In in
time they can be pro-
for., gentlemen it-fer id to
paper; , ,
has not but remains in , , of to
the -r loom on die Ural
The in of is to be
avoided in the home and on the I
streets, well us in a
The place not change j
the of lb-evil. Greenville Saturday.
i and
here it has been those last three
extends a o
to all
j the home at any lime.
your bone paper, yon have
a for and the
j privilege to at
pleasure, assured that, a
dial welcome awaits
decorated with palms and green , , ,
r you have business at the
plants. . ,. ,. , ,
, . , you find sonic one glad
Their display embraces all the , . , .
. wait if you have
new and silk
dress voile, em. w w F
batiste, laces, u
charge ready to serve you with
cries, inns, buttons, hand . u
pleasure entrance to the
funs, parasols, slippers ; , , j
, printers is by stairway lead-
many other things. . . ,
Indies like to see such pretty
goods and a great of j Bear in thAt when
went today to the splendid you invest a dollar The
Up and slump out sin and
It slain has been upon
mil town long enough. Any cut
torn our lawmakers
impose such heavy penalty
against, must he dangerous.
Every thoughtful person will sec
display of this
Three of worst purse us of
made their
we do our best to
j give you the worth of your money
Friday and All day
this year,
N. C. Mar.
Miss Addie Johnston, of Green-
ville, is guest O.
J. L. baby died Sun-
Miss Delia
to Monday.
Mrs. W. E. Proctor Sun-
day in her
daughter, My it
Mrs. Battle Britt r
turned from Baltimore,
bought spring
also latest novelties
and belts. ladles are
to attend
April first and
with Misses Bessie Laura
Grover was In
J. M. went to Winterville
Harvey Bail was in the neigh-
a short while Sunday.
Smith, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Smith has been
slightly ill the past few days.
Coming This Season.
Having been among the people
of the good old of Pitt for
the hist five years the interest
tree business, I wish
to again them for their
liberal patronage and
to say that I will be with
them again season represent-
the Nursery, of Oak-
X, C. I will lie very glad
it of my friends who are in
of trees, vines, will hold
their orders for me.
B. E.
Dr. J. B. Of Wake For-
est college, is president; Prof. J.
I. Fount, of the Normal In-
college, is Hist
nod Prof. W. D.
of mile,
The Pitt
County is composed of H.
G. E. . and
J. Everett, is are
working hard lo plan a s .-tuT
meeting. There is than
usual interest manifested ready
over the state, and it seems now
that the on
will the largest, y
Every teacher in date
should plan to attend the ring
this year. The teacher.- ill be
glad their general-
meet with the . and j
work and pleasure,
A teacher can ill miss
this meeting, us it will be one of
the most Important session.-, of the
assembly held in years.
The railroads will
any one who wishes to
may obtain this rate, as well
as the reduced hotel rate.
Clean up your premises
Sunday School Union.
The quarterly Sunday school
mass meeting held in the
Presbyterian Sunday
with a much improved
The devotional exercises were
conducted by Key. W. E. Powell.
J. A.
address Low to
enlarge the of
Prof. W. B. spoke on what
bad been gained from the study
of the lessons the last quarter,
Bernice Hornaday gave a
beautiful recitation.
The reports of the Sunday schools
showed increased attendance and
larger collections, not withstand-
the bad weather and other
The next mass meeting will be
bald in the Christian church the
last Sunday in June.

A. B.
All Round
, II.
The Branch of the is in
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
The Hustling Clothiers.
Where find
SHOES, Furnishings
In up to now styles.
A Successful Colored Man.
It always gives pleasure to
commend those of our colored
who have done well, and we
have quite a number of this class m
I the county, too. Sometime ago we
II spoke of the wonderful success Rem-
Beverly, colored, a citizen of
I township, had met with in
I the accumulation of properly, but
I since we wrote that article
I ban bought another plantation and
I may now be said to be a rich man.
II as riches go in this section.
I Uncle Dean, who lives in
f west township, is
a colored man who has been sue-
I and whose success is due to
j hard work and economy. Ai the
i close of the war Uncle was
about years of age, but he went
work at once and worked all
I his life He has always attended to
bis own business and has never
known what it was to have trouble
with either white or black. He owns
nearly three hundred acres of land
all paid is living a happy,
contented lire. He has no boys but
his girls, live in number, have work-
ed in the field and helped to
J. J.
N. C.
Invite yon to make their store
headquarters and while-there to
inspect their complete stuck of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We arc selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room tor
Found Farmer's Funds.
Si ii K
in e ii
mo i we. i d
rein of the
who died recently he age U
Ia. lived or.
fa. . ears. lie-ides the
money tic realty vain red at
no out- knew any i I
thin-; us he was thought to
be very poor.
Daily Services at the Episcopal Church.
This the last week of the, L
generally known as
Week, brings o a climax the
h. If
Lent, and both i.
of the
of Our Lord. There
is, perhaps, no week In Hie
life of Our Lord on earth
embraces so many events of such
One Price
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions
Nice line of Shoes, Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock o
Heavy Groceries New line of
Wood, Tin and Hardware,. we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better u; Prices other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and honest deal f r ad, we tell for
v. Inch tables to do a safe
and we give
mere the benefit of it, Sales,
until i-i
IS l I
-V. C
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
profound significance in lib
of Redemption dose
immediately IS
from the
the h
ration Our
His a
Calvary, and Hi
on Dial greet
Easter day. Tin r
Col. May Locate in Charlotte.
Col. W. I it
Beaufort y, n h
stopping at the Col.
is one of th- w-
aid most la the
eastern part of the-t ., nil
Chronicle learn he i-
Charlotte Mil a or
He it mi
the extensive
i would he, quit an to the
will I Charlotte bar, ii of
this week strongest in
And Provisions
Greenville, N. C.
at p. m. in the Episcopal
at which will be brief ad-
events Qt that
reviewing the
The of Pitt county
i., Convention assembled
that their will ho
Any one
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
letters of administration upon the
estate of N. Hemby, deceased,
having this day been issued to the
undersigned, and baring duly
tied as such administrator, notice is
hereby given to all persons holding
claims said estate to present
them to me, duly
on or before the 5th day of
February 1905, or this notice be
plead of recovery. All persons
to said estate are
to make immediate payments to me.
This the 2nd day r
Her Hemby,
. , . placed in n
to 1- May
present. We el L, a t
mat the Buffering and beet Settle their
Sacrifice of Our Lord was not for j
a chosen few, but for all mankind,
J. H- CO-
Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, To-
Everything cheap
Highest for
N. C. .
Leaders in Fashions. Full Of
trimmed and hats,
ribbons, Cheaper than I
The undersigned, having this day
qualified before the clerk of the
Court of Pitt County as
of the estate of Dennis C.
Smith deceased, and letters of
having been Issued tome as
such administrator, Notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
said estate to present them
to me for payment, duly authenticated,
on or before the day of March,
1905 or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment to me.
This the 26th day of February 1904.
of Dennis C. Smith, Sr.
Jarvis Blow, attorneys
and everyone can
services should do in
thankful remembrance Him
who that they might live.
being Good Friday,
service will he at b. m. The
avoid being placed the list.
tasteless Castor Oil. as
good as Maple Syrup. per-
bottle for sale by
Druggist, Farmville,
Someone, shouting in a
I church New Conn.,
. a panic and a score of
service will be at b. m. while the
Offering at this service will he for J out.
mission work among the Jews. ID.
mm A tornado r
present is extend.-I to nil. many live.
I much property.
Is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notion,, Show, I
I Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc, at
A full Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Back Our ms for
Fact One h i a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact and lends
permanent vigor to the
Fact not a drag, but
a normal, scientific for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
It the nervous and positively
prohibits all to or low spirits,
women with troubles to their are
restored to health. Your will
cheerfully add his testimony to ours.
TRY IT-TEST Guarantee
No loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and catarrh of the stomach
all due to Indigestion. cures
indigestion. This new discovery
the natural Juices of digestion
as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the raucous membranes
lining stomach.
Kale of Valuable
to an order of the
of rendered on
22nd day of March. n i
C. T. I
vs and c. Noun-
tree ad for
for of the
resale-of the- aid The
will offer
sale u for cash I
Health to the Sick-and
Strength to the Weak.
th. which
by B. C. a.,
that prom- W
d B. L. Duke j I tried remedies not none
is wife for to a do any good until I
quick end, Friday afternoon, Witch Salve
tie-granting rem is eared, the
. . and the little scalp
of perfectly clean and healthy, nod
it's hair i growing beautifully
patent l to-
in baying Witch
in the for
i, now small a. it baa
rot h
Of the The name
number only about arc able IV is on every box. Sold by J
in died men. Of these are
clay, for in making brick.
The I rick be vol-
machines were I, you
year and are found to, you roust add to and not
very well. There are a from the In other
number of female food lie
waging war
against, wile f
of ale
The somber of convict
Our money winning books,
written by men who know, tell
you all about
They are needed by man
who owns a field and a plow, and
who desires to get the most out
of them.
They Send postal card.
. Ht.
ear Dew A i . fire u
who had been arrested on account , the
to and builds up strength estate of J.
w race troubles, were taken from in the human system e . i
and to death. the tasted palatal
. Art growers along the K
the food and enable H as and the ,
. in are entitled, as f.
April, c. It beta a
the firs., day. of a term of the Superior
court f said
lands to wit. T-
the corner f I of Court
lot No. S In the division ; ibis -m to
running with
the ix-1 j , , .
line, then said Davenport
south W -114 poles pine on I
Ridge, thence lithe . I,
before the 8th of March
or notice will be plead in
their recovery i
I. They Woolen. lives of Catharine r . ,
.-86, the
gill Um poles u
h said Nor
B. poles a pi slump on
south of the Tar
inches, the inning;
X or less.
.;. On IS, Cow
Pitt i
In Slips- Court
. s
. I Little.
d to said estate r. U
tile ill. of
m 3.1 M,
i , blow. ;.
river valley. i York, say
the hard winter bus
ands f peach trees
mate j ear's peach
at two millions dollars
Up they have be The -u
come cranky on the To.
root hall that thee who apply for Co. am the Inventors of -v
,, only genuine i Moored M t- f
are asked know how to. . cure V.
instruct In a came f of
football letter. Piles. There are
u.-y f By the children of
Gibson. and I
Had is entitled to the
That the
six sets of are as
One Minute Con I ,,.
minute, i.
foot ball.
More Bills.
Raleigh continues to be liberal
The . i I
ts. action. a Th. c,, b ,.
above ha , ,.,. ., , , ,
him a court of .
, J--
--.- ;
re out
Si Moore, who
bit , are Kent. Moore, James K.
they are all In Moore, Clayton Moore and
Which Hazel Salve see who take her share.
J. L. and the two i
who takes s
on dollar notes raised to ten U on the box acme
ti use of a pen. The y J. Ls
Post one
sis r . ., ,.
a fa the ,,
bonds Can.
of the id do-, , ,
,. , .
is a an i u
., ,
i will
he is re
to for Pitt
at lb com-t
the seventh Monday after i- first
Mont in
day April,
which in
th.- t f the
. court f aid first
i of nod th-. and
i there answer or demur om-
plaint i thin the time required
for the he
This u.
. , c
of If .
mall . f . .
croup. One Minim
, ,,,,,
l by ,
of n.
id the Over
v. ill he f b
,.; ;.;.,
V. y-m,. m,,.,., ,.
v. I iii i
of Owe
mg so .
low . from ,.
, , .,. .
n mu ; J
I II ; r.
r lies of , ,., ,.,.,
ii- e. . I .;. , i,
; . u . ,.;
forged bill was on Dunn
Brothers, the Seaboard
Air Line Office and a third
turn d the post office. Te
another fake bill, ex-
like was passed
n a woman who keeps a
store near the Standard Oil Coin-
Th was carried
to b
lime since
Mete in Fay-
one has
knowing that U
However, it that he was
not an expert
f Not Quite
Hew often you can a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is n l you could and
we Will see your tool
not lack a single
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
-I. Gibson is represented by
K. Harden. I. C. and
Alice M, Gibson who take her are,
Fran i-i Hadley is by
Miry win. ;. S.
S. Hadley, Thomas Hadley. Mat-
tie Hadley, take i ,
ii is r pr -n
Ha. Malta .
an, ii.
of Ha, .
known to us, share.
If any one else claims an in-
in estate, i r if
of the
named persons el
i interest they hereby notified to
their claim their with us
within the next
, This the day ,
J R.
and expels Malaria
germs. Only cent-, and
feel Ion by Wooten's
n. l
en vi
daily, Sunday
in leave I
S. M.
Any can take
perfect ,,.
in -e
units that re
who uses DeW v.,
u .
A strong, healthy, active
depends largely on the eon-
of the liver. The famous
pills known as
Little Risers not only cleanse
the system but
fie action of the liver and rebuild
the supporting that organ.
Little Early Risers a r to ad,
f hay gripe and e are he the Easter
absolutely certain yet produce re- the head of the
suits are all
ruses, L. Woolen.
havoc him end a
treated bin worse
every day. At length . o
Ur. for
Consumption, and our
was saved. He's now and
it's the only cure
Colds and nil Lung disease
Guaranteed by Woolen Drug
Store. Price and 11.00. Trial
bottles free.
freight by Old Dominion Line
from Sew York and Richmond.-
Norfolk and E. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde from Philadelphia.
end Chesapeake Line
Cherries, Peaches. ;
Pine Apples, Jelly, Milk Filipinos a
live, manic Wood. Mn
Magic Matches, Oil.
Seed Heal and Oar
lea Seeds Oranges, Apples,
from Baltimore
and Miners Line from Boston H
Sailing subject to change in and Wooden I V,
without Notice. an backers, Cotton Buyers and
L I Best Butter, New ,. r, Z d m
Hewing Machines, and nu I Grain
Norfolk, Va.
r. H. Myers,
Washington, N.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Vice
Beach Street, N. Y.
Subscribe to
h will wear a gob of gloom
Subscribe to I'M
Mrs. Jefferson Davis . reported The days and now of
sick at City, N. equal length.
other goods. and Private Wires to New York,
o i Orleans.
Dr. D. L.
see me.
S. M.
Au Ohio man who cherished i
fondness for old
willed three of them each
at hit death.

in the port office at Greenville. O, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
h turning to
all their
AT name, nm
t j u sad
knew o each roe of V the
. i rival it W
Truth to
The Jape don't find the bottling
very easy or profitable.
Tip this kind of weather
the week and Easter finery
Trill hare a cold lime.
Mr. Petree night reserve his
thunder until there is another dis-
election on somewhere.
Go pay your poll toy and it
not be necessary to keep reminding
that if it is not paid by May
you vote.
Finch has faced the nary
was required to give bond in
die of Looks like
for action exists,
form and resolutions; four members
of the Democratic State committee,
and two delegate and two alternate
to the national convention. All
Democrats are cordially invited to
attend the precinct conventions to be
called by the various county com-
and participate in electing
delegates to the county
By order of the committee.
F. M. Simmons, Chairman.
Alex. J. Secretary.
will never paint, poor
Rome to in u a Baby
mother's. But all
roe. no antic, I i
when trees are trees and when-fife
ares an J faces lime. My father-wast
an bathe
artist you
She laughed;, showing- all
Sever. I have alB
de- There is
time f or-that, even if las
reran I--I
many things-. father
was clever. been .-
great artist had he-
long ha been dead If
he still;
I w It Van
that killed Mm. r do-net
him. I, a baby. Bat
they told mi,, and very
here as long as remember,
felt a tender
for the girl and showed it
ways and Tim's gt ate-
pica ore it never be
will it be done how
f hoist me Will on
i me It is-my
t exhausted himself
sad quiet,, and she awn j,
y tear eyes, into his
Ms s. g near and yet
the If now
f m went softly into
sleeping. she
El beside, the. bed n her
raised, her young face,
an a tip out her
the. first, that her
Ht had -known.
She there a long time,
law face- then rose
and to his
I the, studios one
walks- a dream, with a new,
light en her face took
t work.
day with-
out lips,
started no
Weep in j
Those farmers who had cotton and
Bold it at the high prices have cause
to Mr. grateful
About the hardest job a
per ever is moving its outfit,
and The u hopes
it can keep house and never have to
move again.
Tb Raleigh J-ewe and Observer
goes even beyond the bonier in its
expansion. Tuesday's edition con-
of sixteen pages, half of
being devoted to business of Rich-
That is usually the way f it. A
Massachusetts congressman was de-
the South because of lynch-
but when interrupted with
questions lynchings in the
North expressed himself as ignorant
that any had occurred in that
She was at the wildest,
daTing and most reckless little sou-
to be found in any of the
bohemian studios of Paris. No
was complete without the mu-
sic of her laughter, the light of her
black eyes. a picture was
deemed complete until she had paw-
ed net own merciless
for Tim, with all the
of vulgarity that was yet is
greatest charm, was still an
of the beautiful and the and
the dramatic in th highest and best
sense of the words.
Perchance there came a time when
her moral and social being under-
went a change, and the change cam
with the advent of the Beauty.
There, in a society where all
a nickname, he been
dubbed the from
moment of his among
them, and name, by reason of
its appropriateness, to bOas
Certainly there was so satire in
it. Tall well proportioned,
with long, straight features and
clustering brews curls about k
well head, the man Sob-
bed the Beauty was it.
P had come to Paris to
the wonderful,
wherein life
was art. His Mae was
Brandt, arid f
heart went out him. in a v
and loyalty she had never-felt
any man
Ho at that time
upon a for the
that afterward appeared
upon its walks and
Paris, all the artistic world,
to upon it in wonder and ad-
picture that brought
fame and fortune to the Beauty in
one short, glad, hour.
It has scarcely been forgotten even
now. It and
represented a slaTe-girt, with
haggard eyes and face
tearing through the thorns, that had
torn her flesh and clothes, and
over the broken t a
dreary landscape.
The lurid light of the setting, sun
was behind her, topping the dark
line of hills, and the figure of her
pursuers could discerned far
thin weak and ill.
All and. buoyant young
lair absorbed
m her work. v
wonder of all, she. m the
under her band, until it
They had missed- hen a couple, of
days and, seeking found her
lying; peacefully at-the. foot of-the
easel. The Beauty -a better and
away, black against the naming sky.
ousted, for, her. At fiat they thought
asleep, front, exhaustion, but
on trying nor they
was dead. The
that it was heart trouble,
she. had died in her sleep.
The Beauty knew. In
delirium ho had joined so often the
real unreal that he to
that he had the
picture, At all events, it
Berth has more thorns than tow
Every carpenter plane
A the radiant of
a joyous heart.
A good to curb wild
man to bridal him.
never drives them off.
Tho whole volume life
with sighs and sobs.
The greatest drawback to
comfort is said to baa
in crooked
are gardener.
is a tho
deeper it i the it makes.
In the midst of Jet rife, yet. never
in trouble nor
letter Is.
That ii a bright parson who- cum
tell the. age of a by looking at
its teeth.
That young man who forged his
way to the front i now in She
There's no for tho wicked.
Oh yea there is. There's for
the licked.
Why His Failed.
He children as a
He did his counting before
, t . , .,,. .,.,,.,. ,., . He doled out money to hit wife
know them and in- if to a beggar.
In, f t I . . a
Call for State Convention.
The following call for the State
convention been issued from the
headquarters of the Democratic State
a meeting of the
Democratic State executive and
committee in Raleigh, March
17th, the State convention of the
party was called to meet at Greens-
Thursday June at noon, to
nominate candidates for governor
and other state officers, two associate
justices of the Supreme court, and
two presidential electors at large,
to elect four delegates and four
alternates at large to national
convention of the party in St. Louis,
July 6th. At said meeting of the
committee it was resolved that the
of business of the convention
should be as follows;
Adoption of and
platform; Election delegate to
national convention;
of candidates. The con mention
p delegates to the State convention
from each congressional district is
hereby called to meet in Greensboro
Vice president of the convention,
and order of business,
town tho wet-
v. as silent
saw him. She seemed at
him as as man
creature that was different
anything knew. wit-
he was eat.
at flint sight and the
wings were at
But them and
shut in her roam and flung
en the floor thorn sad
the night away, weening
the-first bitter h-i
leas life had known, tears born of
an undefined feeling in her breast
that there was something wanting
in her, some womanly attribute that
the had never caught and perhaps
might never reach new.
Thereafter came the hi
bar. She was in things the
reckless, merry Tim of
days, yet with this there a
subtle alteration. Her was
neater and quieter, her tousled hair
smoothed more She
would up his studio some-
times and there timidly
watching him. He painted as well
as he did everything else. There
a and a dramatic force
about it that were lacking in the
work moat of the men the
love your she asked
day as she stood near
he exclaimed.
indeed. What would my life be
without it,
Beauty was very poor
lime and was working with
bled energy at the picture, foe it
must be finished by a certain date,
and was much yet to do. Per-
haps nourishment and
want exercise and. hard, work ail
told upon a frame never
the strongest. Certainly the
Beauty fell ill evening, fainting
s he laid brushes, and was
in the of a high fever for,
of it and see. him
Tim. with a in-
stalled as nurse. She promptly or-
them away.
to your work boys, she
aid as thrust them, out of. the
deer. wants, a woman here.
I've nursed soma of you. before;
leave me to it now. I'll toll you if I
want help. But-it is a
man was. never
and tended this earth
or since
and tended the Beauty. In all. his
raving she left- him.
Te tbs kind If doctor who suggested
thus she must rest oak a
firm young hand, and with her
in appeal. Begged he
teat her pulse.
in firm and and
said steadily.
would yen
And doctor, leaked
hut patted her cheek. her
with the Beauty.
She that aM. her.
took but one turn. Where-
soever they begin they
bask always point,
one point was his unfinished pie-
Now it was finished, he
thought, and had been accepted.
Again he cry bitterly that
the days were passing and that they
were holding him back from it and
it would never be completed in
and he would struggle get
out of bed, even in his awful weak-
to reach the picture.
well knew that the time was
and she thought with despair
of the uncompleted canvas and of
all that it was to have done and of
all that it would never do now. She
had had a half formed hope in her
mind at first that he might some-
times in his delirium cry name,
and listened eagerly, bat he
always of the
At last one day, when it wanted
but a weak to the
saw be sent
Greenville N. C.
Mr- N. Avery, Delhi,
N. T. had two houses exactly
alike and painted them- one
lead-and-zinc; th other
He paid same
price for both paints.
He used six of lead-and
zinc, gallons
He paid for painting lead-
and sine.
The total cost of the lead-and-
sine job was the total cost of
the job was
He didn't know he was buying
the dealer told that
paint was as good as
A fair example of bow it
ally out, when you buy
just an Better
go by the name; and
the name
Yours truly
f, W.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells
He never bad time to go any-
where with his wife.
He newer that there
were two sides to
He never a wife
needs praise or compliments.
He bis wife
speed all time doing house
He treated h wife as he would
have dared to treat another
lie never dreamed that his wife
a recreation or
He never concessions to
his judgment, even in
He thought the marriage vow
had made his wife's master
of partner.
He took all little attention
lavished on him by his wile as bin
by and not an
That's Easy.
Who it it in Greenville that
gets more mail and more
mail than any person town,
and still has box at the
office, and does not even call for
hit mail the post-
in aster of course.
A Baltimore doctor thinks he has
discovered the germ of mumps. He
is now engaged upon the work of
trying to demonstrate whether what
he found will reproduce mumps.
The disease not so bad but the
fact that the are learning
more about it evidence
that science still on the forward
march. Undoubtedly people will
lire under decidedly
ore favorable than those which
prevail at tho day.
Greensboro Telegram.
Program For Saturday. April 9th
a. m. Devotional exercises
by How. W. E. Powell. call
and reading of
Model class in primary
work, Miss Annabel
Model class in
Miss Moore.
Model arithmetic,
Miss Eula Cox.
11-20 Model class history,.
Miss Mary Wiley.
teacher's to
himself and class in respect to
his daily B.
do I T-
H. King.
Paper. on teaching
Mary Hodges.
Address Teachers
to the J.
A. Hornaday.
do I get from
these minute
answers by the following
Misses Mattie Grimes, Tessie
Addie Susie
Keel and Delia Smith, and W. P,
and F. O. Nye.
Miss Deal, of
county, was killed Saturday by
Tb . department is In of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Mar.
Mist K e Chapman came home
. A. ft Co., will pay
. prices corn, peas,
in mind the
a a . j board of good
in prices on
r i and family, of
been visiting
R. ti. Chapman week.
A article is better if you
have to pay a little more for it
than a at a smaller
to try the Carroll
by the
Mfg. Co.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wishes
J. W. Manning
and Tucker, of
wore here
A beam manufactured by
the Winterville Co., always
when you
t-i to have put in
your plow they can also furnish
tor plow.
S. Atwood Kittrell has accepted
the office of the A.
G. Ml-, Co.
For corn, oars, cotton seed meal
ti. A Kittrell Co.
Don't forget Dr. now Ii .;,
bis the of J. II
. A Kittrell Co. bought
from man Monday.
to think we exaggerate
if say this has shipped at
least one one half tons of hen
last four
For best grade of chewing and
smoking tobacco go to the drug
Mist Mattie
s visiting sister, Mis.
W. L House.
wish to notify
that I will grind every
at my mill mile
of Level on Sam
Harness as well as buggies
Don't go some where else to
your when you can get
be line f ladies dress good in
i U; . F. Chapman Co.
Mis. W. M. f
Springy, slier h time
with lit-r Mr-,
Cur, left Her homo
Bearding Mrs. J. D
Cox Board fl per day. Best
House town.
Mrs. Little for the Hist
time a long was here yes-
Dr. B. T. Cox wishes to
chase new goose feathers.
Charlie Tyson, of den, has
been to see us.
To our friends and customers.
Having very near lost our
stock of merchandise in the recent
lire, now limiting arrange
rapidly as possible to
open VI e
solicit a continuance of your
ail for pa.-t favors we re-
main, Yours
ft Co.
her school at
at home.
Dr. B. T. Cox when not In the
country can lie found either of his
residence or lit store of It. G,
We imagine that farmers are go-
to u-e a great amount of
this season judging great
of sowers are
being by A. G. Cox
Mfg. C.
Mrs. J. B and Mis
J. G. Proctor, of
who are students nut
In a few few
Barber ft Co, will be ready to
serve any
thing in line.
We lire L.
shop Main and
are in to furnish our
Miss Clyde Dawson,
friends in Grifton since
Don't forget public debate in
building Friday All
H. L. fur heavy
and light groceries.
Miss Cox, who is teach-
school at Black Jack spent
Saturday and Sunday here with
her mother.
Ii. G. Chapman A Co. invite the
public to call and examine their
stock of dry goods, notions
L. L. Kittrell went to
ville Saturday.
Light and heavy groceries
ways on hand at the store B.
G. Chapman Co.
The brick work on eight of the
new stores is complete they
are preparing for the wood work.
There are two more stores
factory yet to build, which will be
done in short
Be sure and see 11- L. Johnson
for any everything in the
grocery and confectionery line.
Mies Hat tie Kittrell was visit-
Miss in
We expect you have a plow
back band already. If not be
buy an Economic Back
Baud from the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Miss of
after spending sometime bore
visiting the family of brother,
W. II. Rouse, returned to home
Saturday evening.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
shipping Cotton planters by the
car load. Where on earth they I
will ail land we are unable to lay.
W, U. family
to Grifton Saturday and returned
We now have a nice lot of porch I
column timber. If you are in need
of them why not let us you
Prices are right.
Mtg. Co.
Mi-s Lena of n
firmer teacher in Hie Winterville
and selects this for coming
out in a new SUIT,
1902 and other Spring
We are ready serve all
comers with new ideas In
Clothing, Hats,
and Furnishings
Everything particular dressers
will care for is here in choice
Our Prices are
Every patron of this store
knows this.
You'll not be ashamed of your appear-
on Easter Sunday if we outfit you.
Mia Minnie visit-
Sigh spout the Sabbath in Greenville Saturday.
Miss Clyde Harrison.
Rev. Mr. of
School books, pans, pencils in the Baptist
to the quality of stationary always and evening.
fr at. the drag store. . , , ,
j Mrs. W. A. IV who has been
tine of
your harness when you can get
style just us cheap per- see U, our end all.
just as nice
right here from
The best prices for best
goods be had at H. L.
latest brands of cigars and
L. Johnson's.
go out to
our friend R. G. Chapman the
lo-h f a fine en If which he
last Sunday. to
friend in death of a
large shoat the same
as well do we sorrow with the
public in the departure
that beautiful bobtailed
which is resting nuder the
shade of trees in a more salubrious
clime. Never before in the history
f Winterville has the grim
in one day left such
ruin in his wake. We
tenure our friends we believe
Kim l hat bath shall be given aid
that bath not shall be
Hence what a
from to draw
Every nice day
wire fence
A. G. Cox O.
We of sold at the lowest j visiting Mrs. J. D. Cox,
Dry goods, notions, market pride at R. G. panted by her husband has re-
drug rot. Come to tinned to her home in
i B-mt prices and tip top goods
Harrington Co. can be had at It. U. Chapman
Mrs. Taylor b. n
her parents Sunday;
to see
and ladies dress in our- of
in rear of the post office.; perfect
invites special to her j Tasteless OIL sold,
elegant line of cloth. The M u M g
will certainly miss a rare Scouts per bottle at Dr. B. T.
treat if they fail to call and see r- .
Mrs. Taylor. N. O.
Saturday Burning as the mail
up two ionics a
North will not have as
an exhibit tobacco at the
St. exposition as was plan-
to . of some
of the tobacco towns to make a
that purpose.
of the United Veter-
Mr. P. H.
wagon, belonging to House, for
took fright end ran away. In
their course they came very
near running over a young
lady. Only for the presence of mind
displayed by A. Kittrell was
the accident averted.
The physician Pitt
in Convention assembled
that their Mack List will be
placed in the hands of sub-
by May 1st. Any one
indebted to a physician for med-
service brat settle
account prior to ibis date and
avoid being placed upon the list.
Ll J
No Gloat Carnage Paint Midi
will wear as long as No
others are heavy .
weigh to
to tho by IT. L.
North Carolina at the reunion at
Mrs. William Pool, of Iredell
county, aged only years, was
near the fire with
, months old baby in her arms,
j when she fainted and fell in
tire. Both were terribly burned
Mrs. Pool's proved fatal
it is not thought the baby can
Oak Institute this year will
take May 18th and
The literal address will be de-
livered Judge Frank Winston
The will be preach-
ed by the Rev. G. II.
of and the address
before the alumni will be made by
Charles O. Me Michael, of Madison,
The chief marshal of the occasion
R. L.

J. Praetor Bros
Aunt Emily's Tax.
High Point, N. C, March
Almost every day something occurs
to remind one of the kindly f
of the white people towards the well,
disposed colored people and each
and every not is a sermon in itself to
S the northern peddler j
who ever anon tries lo paint in
If you to build a
ti It, i,. ;
; . i. you prov,
for your , or men.
yo Car pan j your m
in full . ti ; w ire i
pared t gin i grind corn
saw lumber, and, do ail kinds
of turned work for baluster
house trimmings. Wu also
do general n pairing of
carts and wagons.
Dry No-
I. .-, ; lea
I . I i . .
I ii is
1.1 i . to
or some i for o
house or farm, you ca i be
HI . L paid
I i i. I i, . U
. .
lurid terms word pictures of the in- I opposite depot.
H and brutal treatment of
I ho southern white men towards his
brother in black. No where under
MERCHANDISE treatment of
. Clod's green canopy i the
. rented better as a whole than in the
i south and es in North Q
Let him behave himself and
; stay in his place and he has the re-
,;. sped of the white people who will
in time of need, but let him
DR. R. J. GRIMES, p.
h IF., N. ;. BETHEL, N. C.
Office next door to Part Office.
N. C.
v. .
lakes lets lime to go and tin.
anything up than to t
wait for it
own accord.
very day.
i become a savage and threaten and
our household then the
quicker he embraces the arms of his
sympathizers in the north the bet-
Hut I had another object in
vii k in speaking of this and draw-
iS a comparison, There lives in
his city a old colored
man a of the old
school, having been born years be-
fore the war and who has been the
old black in
generations. She was a slave
civil strife, and after the freedom
remained a slave from choice to her
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
W o Pay Highest Prices for
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
I Dry Goods, Gr;
i Tuba.-. d I
illy Soda fountain in town,
AT .,
p drinks, Peanuts
ran ml- honest living prices,
large before yon buy and be with
i I Kind masters until all had Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats Cans Under
I. r. Ill, MI.
the great beyond. She was born
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
before the lo
U j curse the world and himself,
possesses none of his disgusting
was and is Anni
This week J saw the
approach two young men
who handed him -Hi was
I pay Aunt lax. Upon in
found on I a t these two
f men been paying her tax
j several years, not because the
wear. Crockery Ware, Hardware,
everything yon wear. Everything
use in
your house everything you use in
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
and ready ti serve
goods are
buy,, and everybody that
o our Just n a trial
save yourselves money.
world might know of it and applaud TWO ,.,.
Lead, Paints, II I S
f I i
I they wanted to her. OF , I
r i. u
. . . , .
Country Ready nixed Paints.
is no line in the world
he Harrison It has behind it a century's
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Paints
never worry about quality,
We trust that you will favor- us with
orders whenever yon want good paint for any
purpose. Have Just received
give you Special Prices.
cunts, they were doing a big
paying Aunt tuxes
for she could not pay it,
knew that would
Cash Value,
C. Will lie if arrears
it was a pleasure vi.
i v
N. C,
Cold Comfort
Is what of one of
our Refrigerators will Insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it eat; for you to own
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell S good machine with best steel knives at
n satisfactory price, guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, lee Cream Freezers, and
everything else in the hardware line.
There is nothing easier than to be
in ii th treat strangers
I -is though they were your
who to get something
nothing generally get nothing.
o,. i, faults and you,
ill lain less about the faults
girl is indeed a treasure if
h is worth in cotton
I; the beat, and the
out for lack of
ii can't drown your sorrows In
he most th m can
is a dependent I
ii i s out of the water on
own hook,.
A man may nut go t. prayer.
bat the grip will bring him
to his sneeze.
Many bad men expect that a good
wife will get them into heaven just
as has pt them out of jail
of men have college
man hanging in their parlors and
weeds growing in their hack yards.
V. here the streets are pared with
gold what little a man get in
this world would swept into the
garbage pile.
There Is patent separator for
taking tho cream society from
the milk of human kindness. They
; should always go together.
to the Insurance, or
f during .
j L. SUGG,
St. Vincent's ml
on mil In- of
equipped with every , S ,. vat-
A department
d, for cases of Mart X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish Russian Baths.
Ward Rates, per Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President, St. Hospital and Sanitarium
The plow doth now
make many a furrow.
The On y Way
To get the confidence of the
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
Childhood to Manhood on a
Here is . joke that came to the
ears of is to
good to keep.
A drummer who wanted to take
a trip on I his of the
Line, bought a ticket at
and left that town on the north
bound freight. Tin-
occupied with other
did not. hurry ;
up and tie had e ,
many miles before he appealed in i
the each with bis punch,
ion the drummer Le called I
one was banded to
The conductor at the
ticket, I hen at and
easting hit eyes Iron the one
the other
to nave made a mU- ,
take, I travel on
kind of ticket
ticket i- Inter
the drummer, bought it
this is a ticket a mi
you appear to be a explain-
that allied jolly
knight of the grip sack. Well,
I was a child when I h night
ticket, but your
that I grew to m m hi
Why His Marriage Tailed.
He children Ban
He did all bis before
He doled out money lo his
as it to a beggar.
He never lime to go
where with bin wife.
He never reamed that their
Were two sides to
Bo never dreamed that a wile
needs praise or compliment
He Ids wife should I
spend all her lime doing
He treated bU would
not have dared t. treat another
He never dreamed his wife
needed a vacation, recreation or
He never made o
his wife's judgment, oven in
matte a
Be in v.
made him
Instead f hr
II- all fits s
on hi in his wile us n-
by and not
favors. Sn
Public Library.
The Indies . id
to n public
for the fie use of people-if
the town. To begin the club
will reception in the
graded school Fri-
day night April 8th
which a delightful program
music will be rendered. As
of people as can do me;
requested to take with them to.
this reception to be
Id the library. This of
the library Should be marked by
a large f books, a.
library ill prove a great
kelp to the town.
A dignified of St. Paul,
has won notoriety by
knocking down a dapper young
whom he heard insulting a
It wan a religious act, too.
There is a saving grace in a strong
right arm judiciously dispensed. j
Memphis Morning News.
t ; ,
yd It ff
u, m III II III II r;
nil n i
You're invited, of course To woman if
who has edged the desire to know what I
fashion edicts arc to every woman
or man, for that matter, who enjoys the mere fee-
of beautiful things, we extend a t
That these oppress masterfully
the foreign and domestic for
and with-
out Indeed, be tin almost
task to, picture in words the
grandeur and beauty, the scope and ox-
l these great Spring styles
showings--but were, one word of
all allowed us we'd say with all the
power our conviction
Shoe Kins Quality
Stubborn Bargains
ash Buyers Only
W. St.
if II
I North Carolina.

Mi LI,
EL M. Phillips we i a
for Suffolk.
W. E. Lyons, of Ayden, spent
Mrs. W. Barnhill
, for Bethel.
Mrs. It. D. o
Scotland Neck today.
Hooker returned Ti c
evening from Danville.
.-. Cox returned
morning from den.
B. G. fit returned to Kins-
ton Sunday evening,
J. left this
morning for
Fred Forbes left
evening for LI
Miss Harper left this
morning for Wilson.
W. TI. Harrington went to
Scotland Seek Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan Grimes
returned to Raleigh today.
E. B. and little son, visiting Mis. S. T. Hooker,
James, went to Sunday, thin for Speed. Dr. H. O Hyatt, of
, l it I will be in Greenville at Hole,
W. Salisbury and L. G. Atkinson, who Bertha April 18th, and
of Hassell, came in Bun- Unending court, left Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
day evening. evening for his home In the purpose of treating
T. . it;. . ,, leases of the eve, ear. end
Mrs. Dora Quinn returned Sun- Doro,
day from a visit
District Harry Skinner
loft this morning for Raleigh.
L Hooker and K. Groom- re-
turned Tuesday evening
Justice, who held
the term of court just closed,
Tuesday evening.
J. M. Blow, manager of fun
spent here.
M s. P. who hat
This weather puts prospects
close to the danger Hue.
The union services in the Pres-
church came to
Sunday night.
The showers are as frequent as
if April had come.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued only two marriage
last week, both for colored people.
On Sunday six persons
into the membership of
Baptist church and two in
Methodist church.
The colored people had a
baptism at the river Sunday morn-
biscuit, at S. M. Schultz.
Spring certainly is weak in the
knees. Winter lingered on
long, you know.
C. W. y for
Atlantic Line, left Tuesday
Lewis Manning went t; Wane- evening for
ville Saturday evening and return-; been attending court,
ed this morning.
Mrs. Denmark and
B. Greene and L. Hooker left children, of came over
Sunday morning for a trip north ; this morning lo visit her parents,
to look after machinery for a cot- Mr. and Mrs. M.
ton oil mill,
throat and lining glasses.
Court continues ibis week.
Mb of Winter-
ville, who has been visiting Mis
Quinn, returned home
day evening.
Hits Minnie of Win-
has been visiting
Carrie Brown, returned Home
day evening.
T. Stewart, of Wash-
spent Sunday here with A.
J. Griffin.
Electric Train Beats a Steam Engine.
Last week a pies dispatch from
Kansas City stated that In a two
and-one-half-mile race between a
Missouri . express train and
an electric ear on the
Kansas City line, the
I locomotive was beaten by two ea
The roads are parallel, and
i the electric line manager waited
I with a party of road officials at
I the beginning of the stretch. The
railway put on all steam j;,;
The Hay Grain Co
Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and
last quarter of a mile, when the
j electric slowly and III
Get our prices and see our he-; bounded across the finished line
tie and Mrs. lo miles
Peas for cash.
home today. j feet.
TUESDAY, MARCH j If you were us
to pM we would
E. V. returnee
Monday evening.
you the thing to do be Little
Miss Novella
i to give united,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. .
and A. Savage advertisement party
for the town that coin.- A number of
E. A. Coward and M. Wooten Press day if possible or at enjoyed the
went to Tarboro today. least once a week. Nothing will
printer's ink with right
to it.
Floods Michigan
great to towns along the; be went home, murdered his wife
J. L Starkey and J. H. Starkey
left this morning Greensboro.
doing dinner not ready when
Frank Brown, of Chicago, be
S. left this morning
for northern markets to buy new river,
Salisbury and
F. T. Car, of Willow Green,
took the train hers this morning
for .
Misses Alice Grime a ard Sophi
and Thursday
and then fatally himself.
R. J. Cobb. C. V. York. L. ii.
M ton, Of
visiting Mrs. J. O, Move.
Mrs. Sallie Edwards, of Ayden,
who as en visiting Mrs. L. T.
Bland, home Monday
Rev. II. C. i
Contractors, Constructors and
Monday here.
lave on mi o
i and
in l
. lo
on sale
R C of
j I
. w ii
Lumber Co.,
Abram, of
Mount, who has been visiting her
plater, -V. return-
ed home this
Mies Eula Cox, one of the
ed teachers, has been called
home of her mother.
Miss Tessie Evans is teaching
her absence.
Mrs. B. F. Shelton, of Speed,
arrived Monday evening to visit
Mrs. H. T. Hooker.
Frank Wilson is talking Easter.
Look at his big advertisement
day and see what has to say.
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date- of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best, to give satisfaction.
new and pretty
In of Laws
nod Prims, Indeed l-e
more cornet to that
One of th-. in are new and
They from the
their quality is
fully to their All
lite Dress in
Lawns, Percales and Prints are
shown. The patterns are dainty,
colors rich and I mi in, the
prices are wonder worker.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
. C. March 1904.
John Lamb was here
A. S. Wells, of Wilson, came in
Tuesday. ,
Gardner Jones, tr ho lived
three ago, is very sick at his
home in Greene
A. L. Harrington, of
was Thursday.
George who
near lost his wife Wed-
She wan Kick only eight
On Planters and Si tuples
at J. R. Smith Bro.
There will beau enter
at the Seminary by the
Students Saturday evening begin-
Miss Annie Joyner
Mi-s have the matter in
hand and a splendid pro
Luke lost a
huts. and
J, K. Smith Bro,
Mis. J. A. vis returned from
Baltimore evening and
a millinery next
door to J. R. Smith Bro.
Miss Mary of Ahoskie,
M here assisting Hiss Annie Smith
this season in the millinery bus-
eggs wanted at J. R. Smith A Bro.
The Little a missionary
composed of the children
town, of which Miss Blanche
is will give an
Easter entertainment here
The public is invited.
The people of Pitt county, ought
to require every man who is a
candidate for the legislature this
year to haul a of from
Greenville V miles in the country
on different for one week in
order that they might be impress-
ed with the instructions to the
members who were elected two
years In fact a little
to the old members of
same kind would not be an unjust
punishment failing to give
the bad mads that have
been witnessed for the last few
months. The roads are better
now, bill therein much
tube done. All applicant for
such honors can be supplied
with an opportunity. A certificate
of efficiency will be a proper
qualification for and
election. Who will first
Speak out or hold your peace
j of North or South or of Fed-
He ii for Judge Parker. He Gives Hi or Confederate ought to enter
in he matter at all. It
The asked Governor
does not me. trust
Mr. W. Lang Dead.
Mr. William G. Lang, one of
the oldest and best citizens of this
county, died Wednesday night at
his home in Farm ville.
Some weeks daring the
freeze Mr. Lang slipped down and
his hip, was not able to
leave his bed. to last
week he was getting on fairly well
and there were hopes of his
when other complications
developed and be declined rapidly
until the end came.
Mr. lived at Farmville
many years and for a long time was
a prosperous merchant. A few
J. W. Taylor and others are ex- yen ago he retired from business
preparatory to begin Lad was succeeded by his son, Mr.
several brick M. Lang. He was twice
and a widow and five children
Mayors Court
Mayor II. bed bee bus dis
posed of the following cases from
Mar. Mar.
H. B House, drunk, fined
Hay wood Ti fair, riding bicycle
on sloe walk, fined penny and
cost, 2.86,
drunk down,
sentenced d jail
W. fined one
David lined
and runts,
John using vulgar
profane language, fined
L. II. Lee Fleming,
affray with deadly Weapons, bound
ever to Superior court.
survive him. All his children,
who wen- his first marriage are
grown. They are Mr. J. A. Lang,
of Greenville; Mr. W. M. Lang, of
Mrs. Francis Joy of
Mr. F.
and Mrs- E. of Kin-
No main the was held
in higher esteem than Mr. Lang.
He was a Christian, and upright
man in every duty.
His death is a loss to his town
Keeping a Good Name.
The highest authority that ever
directed the COO Be of man in this
says that good name is
rather t. be chosen than great
And the choosing of a
Jarvis for his views as to the best; African people have
man for the democrats to nominate f from the war
at St. Louis for presidency. seriously
He said. But it is my
it x. a- a u habit when called upon to act in
have studied the . .
. t. . such matters to deal with
situations in the nation I,; T . .
., . . . ; turns as I them and not as I
the trend of democratic-. ,,,
.,,. ., have them. Now what are
sentiment- and it seems to me that ,. .
. toe existing
this sentiment points to i ,, .
i. u t -p i . democracy must carry New
Parker, of New York, as ., . ,
v. , . in order to win. We may not win
nominee for the ., ,
r . i i , We certain y
I am satisfied it will lie the L . .
, . . without it. It therefore
wisest and best nomination that i. .
. . . us to name a man as our
can possibly be made. I to ., . . . .
. . , who can carry it. It is hut
this conclusion last summer and . ,
. . . to suppose that an eminent.
succeeding events hare confirmed I , , .
,, ., popular citizen that state
me that conviction. , .,
M . . . . , can more-vote, in it than a
Mr. Cleveland be nominated and . . ,,
. . . citizen of Michigan,
supported by the party without a
breach he would certainly
be elected, but I regard a
Mississippi or Texas do.
politics as well as a
noble purpose to select a man
fitted for the high
office suggests nomination of
I Judge
Reflections of a Bachelor.
It's very easy for a girl lo marry
a man if she doesn't want to.
A woman makes an agreement
so as to be able to break it if it
does not suit
It is for the average girl
to imagine that she think
than she can sing,
Maybe the woman who brags to
about her thinks
if could make them believe it
she could make herself believe it.
It's curious, bat a is sent to
democracy he be to tie ed red t be
f.-ct that h in a great law pulled as a wife and a boy to col-
not. a trained politician lo be to support
cannot be a valid objection. On; her.
contrary it ought to count It's curious how n never
much in his favor. His will worry m all over being knock-
The have called a con
to meet at St. Louis in
July to organize a new party by
the name Civil Lib-
It is proposed to
nominate a candidate for
Fourteen wagon drivers
of a baggage transfer
company refused to work
the company had one white driver
employed. All the were
discharged and white men put in
their places.
and to
impossible and I thick it bettor,
for party harmony, that all dis-
about him as a candidate
Shall cease.
be as nearly the of
as possible.
conservative, thoughtful
people fear the strenuous
They cannot guess today
what caper be may cur
row. They want a wise, thought-
able man at the head of this
great nation. find such a
man in Judge Parker, if the
party will unite upon him at St.
Louis and to the country
as candidate a united
kneed, when will grieve her-
self to her
hair won't
Us n comfort a
as lawyer and bis career on the
it- a judge have taught him
reason, to to
Compare and to judge wisely. If
time when we to that if were prettier
trained with a than is ii would he
with the to keep from breaking up
fundamental principle-, of the the happy families of friends.
system of government, An old maid ought to be
it is now, Where we better t-at have to sit up
to to find such a ma than to the j in lushed he Tore day light
hi which e listen toil why he
had hi It fining. Ilia whole life tried to his shoe a
lie study button hook.
good name surely does not mean
drunk, fined much that name is main-
and costs,
Nichols, and
disorderly, fined and costs,
Wiley Edwards, drunk,
oust, -3
M. A. profane
language on streets, fined
William Nichols, fined
and COStS,
A. B. drunk, fined
and 94.30.
W. L. Davenport,
and costs,
and Will Joy
tint, la riotous dis-
I he highest
of life.
It is not possible, perhaps, for
every one to have riches or lame,
bill it is possible for every one to
have a good name, and having it
once to keep it.
These observations apply to
communities as well as
and are lust as obligatory on the
people who make up a community
as upon the individuals themselves.
The good name of a family
to be carefully guarded by
member, for if the name of
one member the name
every manner will be effect.
been given to
law d
government, the
of and to weigh and
judge them by rules of
and Justice without which good
government cannot exist. A safer
man could not be put at the head
the government or any of its
I shall support his
candidacy and I would be glad to
See our State contention declare
him. believe it will be the
wise thing to do. There is danger
that the extremists in the party
may have n clash at St.
Louis. If it shall appear before-
hand that these extremists are in
a hopeless minority and powerless,
their self interest, else,
nay constrain them to yield to
J IS very . a
man lo refuse t understand that
when a man has been working late
in bis office and comes home at
daylight it isn't queer for him to
ask if dinner is ready yet,
James Dead.
Wednesday Mr.
of Tarboro, died sudden-
in He was a brother
of Mrs. Stronach, of that
city, and of Miss Sallie
of Tarboro.
Mr. was a native of
and was years of age.
I lo was a sou of the late Thomas
Esq., of Tarboro, and
belonged to a family long
the will of the majority without in th
,.;. U. .,. of county.
conflict. The
of North Carolina if it will,
do much to bring about this
do think
newer Thieves
bent the meanest class of sneak
thieves a community are those
propriety of steal from people's
en for the t yards. the
asked To is
N. April
All day is warm and
sunny. The birds everywhere are
singing. A without
pretty women singing birds
have no ch me.
Edward Parker is recovering
from an attack of pneumonia. He
is a soldier N.
and was with his regiment
until the bloody charge at
where he was wounded.
W. O. Lang was laid to rest at
his former country home on March
31st. A large number of friends
relatives the funeral,
lie was years of age and was
one of the wealthiest men in the
Davis is a little boy's
dad. We would all like loses the
little Davis.
We fee but few people
the road. Everybody i busy at
homo. Farmers are g good
time and will plant as early as
William is the early
bird. He is planting corn. Hope
Billy will get the worm. Me is a
good, bard working
O. T. Tyson says he is gad his
leg is well so he walk around
on his farm.
Prof W. H. was out
and made in an address at
close of Miss Tessie
school. We were all glad to hear
him Hiss Tessie is a small
and taught in i small school
house with pupils. Bite is
brave and is a nice little eaten.
Mist Nellie Dead.
It brought sorrow to many
here to learn that Miss
lie Mr. F, G.
of the Beaufort County
Lumber Co , died this morning at
Suffolk, Va. Miss Nellie was at-
school at Va.,
and was taken sick there about
three weeks ago. went
there tones her her
condition such she was moved
to her grandmother's in Suffolk.
Her death was due to heart and
lung trouble.
Miss Whaley was in her 18th
year. She had such a happy
disposition as to win her a host of
friends. Much sympathy is ex-
pressed for the sorrowing father
the loss of his only child. The
burial will be at Suffolk.
The store just vacated by
printing department
is being prepared for a ding store
for F. M. Wooten B. A. Cow-
It M to be hoped April will no
to make the blowing
at March failed-to give,

Eastern reflector, 1 April 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 01, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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