Eastern reflector, 25 March 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. i
Rev. V,. B. Cox went to H
ton today.
A. T. r, of t as
W. W. Perkins has
from Washington.
. Dudley n W
day from None
Pa rick left Wed
evening for Kinston.
Senator A. L. Blow returned
this morning
I. C Skinner
Dr. R. I. Carr and Lewis
went to .
C Forbes W
Union Service.
The onion service in the Pres-
last night,
I another very interesting meeting. I
Mr. sermon was from Last night's
the text, ye born the Presbyter lag was
t ye cannot see the kingdom
A in the
; requested prayers.
in i a somewhat small
morning's set
Tl service will lie hell
beginning at
Mrs. hurt.
Tuesday afternoon while n
train was making its ran
attended and very interesting
Rev Mr. Hornaday
text many as are ii
the spirit of God, they th
of God There w ere era
requests for prayer.
This morning's service was l
Rev. P. G Hartman.
Services will be HOT
Sunday morning services trill
e and nil the
Plymouth to Washington allegations will unite again
ear audit
day night from his i over. There were about
new goods. j fifteen passengers in the car and Successful Tour.
Mrs. A. J. Maxwell, of among them the Harry last here year
who was visiting Mrs. W. J. Co. None of the passengers were ago Harry the
B this morning hurt but, Mi . Harry has made one f t
i was cut badly in the longest ever undertaken I j
Chief Smith went breast by glass, and also on company. A
n VT it
ground. Its a wonder were has t.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodwin. the boards the Dumber of
and son, of Philadelphia, arrived A Talking Match, our old friend Harry has.
Chief Smith went aM OB r .
today to take a boy cued she embraced pm
Adams, who had of Canada the .
om home was found here. windows the car , l to the territories state
night to Mrs. P.
B, D r Mrs. G n
. . H i .
M s. B. T. Evans is very ill.
Mi . V. . A Savage ,
J T. Smith returned Thursday
evening ft . .
and mar-
pie say he is years hi
Harry denies it and he
a in i um ,
. ,. , . ,,. , be a frequent visitor to
its owner. I Ins a . ,.
, ,,, , ; many years. ; n
new . mi ., . ., ,
don the most i-in
that ever this place i in
c mi . will be
are 90.000,000 with delight of i . ;
,; s bill The beauty L
and bis plays
. plays an- r-
G. G. returned . . ;
day evening from fined and free from any
vulgarity, which net is no
returned Thurs- due to great popularity
day i from a trip up the
A Word the
The is ah-
the fair sex. His coming
will be limited i
W. King and children to the reports of the
left evening for a visit clubs a-d societies in the
I ladies of the I but such re-ion
i .-turned to be Bent to paper j
day evening from tie next day after the Brute
F. T., When the Roanoke,
If Ml
Mrs. Hairy Galloway, Mia
Louise of Airy,
evening to visit
family of Harry Skinner.
I went to
G. J Cherry went to Tarboro
E. V. Cox returned to Ayden
Friday evening.
Z. T Vincent, Jr. left
for Idaho.
re wits are i tinted a week late,
and sometimes two weeks, they
create the
on the
Henry whose I
capture and trial were attended
sensational features,
general reader being calling out r m
news, and are then really not companies of to
interesting to the members of mob was today. ,
the clubs es. If the re-1 January William
ports were handed In earlier it Mis. George J.
wind. much better. year old daughter
a hatchet, razor pocket ;
Rocky to and lei them for dear.
lime approaches. With it a
i in all lines have a i
to This fact has interest for every woman
will Spring Goods
ii ion
in Blazing let rectory.
11.23 p. ii- . South-
era Ice Pi . n CO plant on
from Bethel.
J. A. Thigpen left m j
for a trip ; Georgia.
James returned Friday
i New York.
W. E. Cox returned Fri-
day ever from Hamilton
L. I. Moore returned Friday
from a trip the road.
Miss Nellie Barnhill returned
this morning from a visit to Ayden.
Mat tie King left
n ,
i. . .
hacking and the
Rocky Mount. March iii; victims with a
cut Airs. throat
from ear to ear with a razor
locked or in a clothes closet.
to coal
b was captured u few days
He confessed to the crime
was niched across the
Virginia on n
to Rich toed. He was
here for trial on a special Iran.,
W . i.
red waves of flame, is burning
furiously and v in- total
Fortunately the building is
ed, and
buried the i
by the rush of the no
is In danger, it in j
Just now the scenes of styles are
fate rest intensely so.
side the
On the
. ,
i.-j, We ii
human questions On r.-
a army of human interment ion
with its ans
rs not whether the q i
need. A want is an in-t
believed. How the fire occurred m- ,. more than J have will buy and bay liberal
is unknown. It is supposed how I and a heavy guard .
ever to have caught from I about the court
furnace the boiler room
being In operation,
The value of the plant is
day evening for a visit to Kinston. between and
The amount f
carried cannot be ascertained
at this hour.
the during the trial.
Mrs. P. House left this morn-
to visit her mother in Edge-
Mrs. W. E. and Mrs.
returned to Winter- Kay Grain Co
ville Friday evening.
Misses Mary Burney and
Cox, of Grifton, up this
morning to visit Mrs. U. O.
Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
and Hulls.
The morning papers say that D.
J. Sully, who tailed Friday,
in ten days on Get our prices and see our stock be-
Sully is reported as saying he
would meet all his obligations in
Fresh bananas, celery and cab
at S. M.
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn and Peas for cash.
Most people would rather blame a
man what he doesn't than give
him credit for what he does.
Mr. Cleveland Veer. Old.
Princeton, N. T., March
Former President Grover
land was sixty-seven years old It
today. In with his
custom be spent the whole day at
bis home on Bayard Lane, with
wife and children. A few per-
friends called during
day and offered their j ,
numerous messages of If
felicitation were received
friends and admirers throughout
the country. Mr. Cleveland baa
enjoyed better health this winter
than for several years past. He is f
contemplating a shooting trip in a
the South in the near future and
later will go with bis family to
Bay to spend the summer
ii i
i e H B e
D St
Subscribe to
Sewing I
Baa a great deal to do with
got to have
the two and you've a win-
pair of good shoes That is
the kind you'll get here. U you
want the other sort can't
you, shoes that last long
and look well as rs they lust
are what we have to offer you.
come in and look them over.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Services at Union Services
Sunday rooming the different
held their own services.
weather was pretty and con-
were large at all the
-churches. All of the ministers
preached sermons in keeping with
the union that are in
At the Christian
W. E Powell, as his custom at
every service, extended an
to any present who wished to
make a request for prayers and
A company is being
to build a new hotel at Hag's
Five attempted to rob
the bank at Asheboro but failed to
get the safe open.
ii expecting
teachers to attend next sum-
mer school in that
Mark Morgan, of
has made a donation of to
the Southern Presbyterian College,
Bed Spring.
Sprout. f Wilmington,
aw shown. ,, to
A. Walker memorial ho
T. Kin- save opportunity for any ,,,.,, city
recent, wishing to with the is sent out
Oscar J.
will be remanded as assistant die-
t of the
church to do so. persons
plied for and were re-
Letters of to
unite with h church elsewhere
also granted to two j
At the Methodist church Rev. j
J. A. Hornaday requested any of
the members of the who A stranger who struck town
wished to renew their covenant Saturday afternoon and saw go
with God and reconsecrate then- many mi the streets, want
selves to His service to-come for led to know if the town, was not
ward and give Dim their band. largely made up of
Many went forward and it I When -informed that most of them
a meeting of joy. I were farm laborers who bad come
Sunday night the congregations in from the country to-do their
of the above churches again j trading, and that they in
in the union services in the. numbers every Saturday
church, J. A. he looked and wondered
preached an said he had never seen so
lad many of them before. Really it is
duration have fought a to watch the contented
There were go
M and The
of best class of them come is from
The Meeting Masons in their
New Quarters.
Monday marked an epoch
in the history- of Masonry in
Greenville. It was the occasion
of th first meeting of the lodge
its new quarters in the Masonic
temple. While the temple yet
lack of being completed in
it entirety, the hall on the third
have been made ready for
This opening meeting in the
temple sot only attended by
nearly all the members of Green
villa lodge, bat many
brethren were here from neighbor
big lodges.
A was appointed to
with the officers of the
Giant Lodge and have them name
the dale for the laving of the
stone and dedication of the
temple by the Grand This
will he a notable and will no
doubt brim; the largest number of
Masons Greenville have
ever assembled here at onetime.
The opera house which occupies
tin; second floor of the temple will
soon be completed and will be
opened with a play by home talent
for the benefit of the temple fund
and another ploy will lie given on
the night following r be dedication.
Mrs. V. II. Whichard weal
down Monday afternoon and
placed flowers on I he officer's desks.
Presbyterian Church, Sunday, March 27th.
The next Sunday sch mas I
will be held in the Pres-
church Sunday afternoon,
at The
program -s
W. E. Powell.
Reports from the Sunday
can we enlarge
the Sunday in
by Rev. J. A. Hornaday.
Recitation by member of Chris-
Sunday school.
by member of
Sunday school.
Have we gotten from
study of is quarter's
led by Prof.
W. B. Dove.
Great Opportunity for Christian Work.
At the union services in the
Presbyterian church, Monday
night, Rev J. A Hornaday
preached the the
Fur the lodge Ho and practically com-
extended her a vote of thanks. pared the different conditions of
Good Record for the Past Year.
Reported for
The Woman's Foreign Mission
Society of Greenville
dist church, met in regular
monthly session, at the residence
of Mrs. Alfred Forbes, March
at o'clock, p the
president, Mrs. Hattie L. Carr, in
the chair.
After some routine business
society presented to Mrs. Alfred
Forbes a certificate of life member-
ship. The certificate was present-
led by Mrs. Wiley Brown in
and well chosen words, as
this society me
by asking me to present this
I was glad, r I felt,
and feel, that no one knew
bettor than I the merit of her to
whom it is to be presented. I. as
a little child regarded y . Mis.
Forbes, as one of the and
best of woman, and opinion,
formed in childhood, baa grown
and strengthened with ad
years. You joined this
while yet it wan in its infancy, and
with beautiful loyalty and
you have to it through
all In years, both in prosperity
and adversity, and I trust that
this token of our love and
may be the means of bind-
you closer still to our beloved,
society, and inspire veil Mill b,
ground on which the seed fell to
work and for increased sue-
different characters of hearers of
My prayer is that
The -union services continues
this week with each day
the fa
,,.,, .,. . yon live years yet, and
Gave lbs Life For Cent. the word of God. The sermon be .
Wilmington, March 21--Any followed by several request g m mt .
body me two cents they j good works, may be
may hit me as bard OS they I services was
The Old was the playful challenge which well attended and was e
I , , , coat by t. . Hartman.
We have been asked to say some- year- .
.- . t , old colored hut life ins tonight at the
of Masons from thing -Beautifying the . . .,, . r
upon will attend to
gas boat to attend the fine days. They'll
in the -n
r-i n be to with their white
rotor's advertising
show bow the
men this is a
tor the people.
bats. comes to him
who Star.
at and Chestnut
street a afternoon, The
was accepted by
Henry colored
own age. Tin
Merrill buy . I up. ex-
his chest and the blow
was deli lit
i. the took tho
N. V. J;
Oar town needs things, a
are go in the spirit
of prayer. The meeting is afford-
a faith-
work in cause of
A Large Plant
We had no until taking j
a wall, down or One is a high school and the other j up his hand and fell over
ago; the plant the
is an mill, We hear some talk
father gave him
ville Lumber A located the oil mill, but not any about I to tho police but later
about- of town, is an the We hope to tee both Investigation of th coroner,
someday. he teased, killing
had a wedding near here accidentally.
enterprise such large
Tho plain was only
A few months ago, y it has
ready several
acres are covered and the work
of enlarging continues logo on.
Besides having a large mill, Wednesday.
the makes baskets, bar-
and boxes in which to ship
truck and he output of
It is a busy plant and
adds of
Mi. William and
Miss Eva
Mrs. W. K. Proctor and several
other ladies went to Washington
W. H. of Char-
N. C, will be Greenville
at Hotel Bertha on Monday and
Tuesday, April 11th and 12th for
days only. His practice is
to eye, ear, and throat,
fitting glasses.
On and Thursday,
March 31st C. It
son A Co., will have their open-
of a beautiful of dress
goods, trimmings, lace and nor-
Wait for them and see
the lovely showing.
Two of Mr. L, Gibson's child
have been very ill.
Miss Ward Moore has taken age and had performed his usual
Drops Dead.
Mr. L. J. one of
the operators in the W. V.
graph at Norfolk, dropped
dead as he was leaving of-
last night. He was years of Physically, and while he dis-
missed the thought from bis own
Mr. Outlaw Dead.
Mr. Paul R. Outlaw died Tues-
day at o'clock
the r The re-
main warn by train today
to by
August, and took a
position with
He was a and as
editor bis work the
paper spoke itself. He made
many friends in Greenville.
In September, 1908, be married
Mi-s Rodolph Freeman, of Moyock,
and brought his bride here.
Mr. Outlaw was not a strong
complete surprise to Mrs. Forbes,
ho in a few words and deep
emotion expressed her
The report for the fiscal year
ending March 1st, was sub-
mi f as
Dues collected for the year
Conference expense fund 3.00
Lite members 60.00
charge of the school here. We
hope her success in her first school.
Miss Delia of James-
ville, is the guest of Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. Bettie Boyd near here died
last week.
A girl out west sued a
for breach of
promise damages, and after ho had
married her to avoid judgment,
turned right around and sued him
for a divorce, of his proper-
and alimony. It won't
do to trifle with some
day's duty apparent good
health. His work ended at. mid-
night, after completing this
he was starting home and fell dead
just as he passed out the office
door to sidewalk.
A large assortment of new Par-
fountain pens st Reflector
Book Store.
The Woman's Missionary Society
of the Baptist
this as denial week.
mind his friends feared that the
monster, had fasten-
ed itself upon him. In the fall his
health failed and the was
so rapid that he soon had to give
up work and in December went
back to his old home at Hertford.
The progress of the disease could
not be checked and he fell an
early victim to it, though he made
a brave fight for life. All here
are saddened at his death and ex-
press sympathy for the sorrowing
young wife.
This society consists of twenty
members, certificate; for life
in cods Three
certificates have been acquired by
this society the year just
This is record for
society, too be said
Hie noble women, who
for the love of and the
souls of men have and
worked together through sunshine
shadow that the light of the
glorious gospel of Christ may be
to the peoples of the earth
who sir darkness, without God
and without hope.
Twice twenty other good women
of the Methodist church should.
join this noble band without de-
lay, and aid them in the blessed
work committed to the church by
our ascended Lord.
settings of white
Rock eggs can be Me- who
this week First callers women hasn't any him-
get them. D. J.
No Lights.
As dark as it was Monday night
no lamps were lighted to
relieve the density thereof. A
large number of people were out
at church, at the opera house and
at the Masonic temple, and all
had to grope their way home in

The Branch of the Reflector is
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
Married in the County Road.
A romantic marriage was per-
; fumed Dear Windsor Sunday when
William Raj do, a young merchant
, of this plane, and Miss White w. re
j wedded while sitting in a carriage.
The young couple were out
and during the of con-
the advantages of leap
year was discussed. Both
became somewhat sentimental and
the result an agreement to many.
A minister was espied com-
from the opposite direction, to
v horn was related the wishes of
the pair.
The preacher very obligingly
performed the wedding ceremony
in the highway, with nature and
the songbirds as
J. Satterthwaite
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
Greenville, N. C
Woman in man's Attire.
The arrested a
character at a
house in town lest Wednesday,
who looked to baa kid of about
fourteen years old But after an
Investigation the was
found to be a woman dressed in
men's clothing. Her name
as she gave it, Miss Barnes, from
Tenn. She was neatly
dressed and created quite a com-
in the town. The mayor
and an attorney after looking at
the Criminal Code, found it was
no offense to disguise this state
and the was asked to
turn her loose with instructions to
leave the town at once, which she
Invite you to make their store
headquarters while there to
Inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your need in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
We a line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line of
Wood, Tin and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and honest deal for ail, we t-ell for
which enables us to do a safe
business and we give our
mer- benefit of it, Cash Sales,
Margin one trice to all
is our
Three white women arrested for
were placed in a cell
f in rent in twain. charges
The American Red Cross Society
together in Asheville jail,
them set the cell on fire.
of mismanagement have been filed
against Clara Barton end her coterie
of friends by a large majority of the
eminent and honor-
able body of citizens. They found
that not, less than have
been collected and no part of it
was ever received or disbursed by
the treasurer, and that the accounts,
I if accounts were kept, have never
been audited. There have been no
public reports of receipts or
paid in has been
used for anything that the
D. W.
North Carolina.
Letters of administration upon the
estate of N. Hemby, deceased,
having this day been issued to the
undersigned, and having duly
as such administrator, notice is
hereby given to all persons holding
claims against said estate to present
them to me, duly authorized, for pay-
on or before the 5th day of
February or this notice be
Mi, mi ii m i
The undersigned, having this day
qualified before the clerk of the
Court of Pitt County as
of the estate of Dennis C.
Smith deceased, and letters of
having been issued tome as
such administrator, Notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them
to me for payment, duly authenticated,
plead of recovery. All persons on or before the day of March,
indebted to said estate are 1606 or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment to me.
A company to
wheelbarrows has been chartered
at Asheboro with a capital of
A company with capital
has been chartered to rebuild
Oxford Female Seminary.
Parson's saw mill at Gilead, n
county, was destroyed by
fire Thursday morning.
Three men have been arrested at
Smithfield who are believed to wished to u e it for,
have committed the recent robbery consultation with the directors. It
; is charged that, the charter of the
society grossly and repeat-
With Mr. Hearst as the Democrat- violated.
candidate for president and Mr.,
Roosevelt the republican, there will j
be tea reason in 1904 to where Two colored men were drowned
there was one in 1890 and 1900 for I while crossing the river near
taking to the Three men were
server, I bout which filled
John Ivey, proprietor of the
Seven Springs hotel, has a re-
markable freak on his farm near
the springs, in a three homed ox.
to make immediate payments to me.
This the 2nd day 1894.
Attorneys. O Hemby,
Dry Goods Notions, Shoes Hats. FANCY
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
in Fashions. Full line of
This the 26th day of February
of Dennis C. Smith, Sr.
Jarvis Blow, attorneys
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes as
good as Maple par-
bottle for sale by John T.
Druggist, If
with and
one of them swam to the bridge
a d was rescued.
A runaway engine on Sea-
yard at Wilmington crashed
The third horn, a perfectly formed
, D i into another em-me and demolish-
one about two inches II , , .
u- it, the fireman and
growing out on his tail. u .,
Free Press.
hurting the engineer.
Ill I -M
ii .
lie the place to get Clothing, Pry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
I Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Highest paid
for all kinds of country
Are due lo Ninety-nine
of everyone hundred people who have
heart trouble can remember when it
was simple indigestion. It is a
fact that all cases of heart dis-
ease, not organic, are not only trace-
able to, but are the direct result of
Indigestion. All food taken into the
stomach which of perfect
ferments and swells the stomach,
puffing it up against the heart. This
Interferes with the action of the heart,
and In the course of time that delicate
but vital organ becomes diseased.
Digests What You Eat
Mrs. Nichols of Penn N. Y.
After rating, my food would distress
me by my hear; palpitate and I would
become very weak. Finally I got a bottle of
and It gave me immediate relief. After
using a I an-, cured.
cures indigestion, dyspepsia
and stomach disorders, and gives
the heart a full, and
Bottles only. times
the trial winch sells
North Carolina,
In Superior Court
Isabella Little
-.- J .
N. C. March 1904
Joseph Archer, the popular
hardware salesman, is here wait
lag on his trade.
A. S. Browne, of Norfolk, was
R. of Parmele, am
The defendant Daniel Little will
take notice that an action entitled as
above has against
him in the court of Pitt
county by the purpose,
of a divorce trim the;
bonds of matrimony upon the grounds J
of end the said de- i l. i
will take notice that, bad bis hand
he is n-quired to appear before partly off by his brother, who
of our Superior court, at a I , . m , n
court to he held the county of Pitt aB Wood near him Friday.
at the court house in Greenville on j The hitter's accidentally struck
the Monday after the firstly-
Monday in it the
day of April, and answer the
complaint, will be deposited in I
the of the Clerk of the Superior here Thursday. He was
court f said county within the -first, menial in the Odd
three days of term, then and i
there answer or demur to said com-1 fellow Lodge here
plaint within time required by ,, r . ,
or the will apply lo the
court for i lie in the and open. j. It.
complaint. x ,
This the 15th of Man-h, A
If r. Cox,
Clerk o i . , ,., T -i. u ,
tiled Mr. J. K.
He had been for several
I He iii the
name Hazel was the of our
abused. K. O.
Co. Chicago an, the Inventor K. Y
tie a ill only ,. .
Witch Salve, a ch cure, .
tor Cuts. I William
j -Pile, eat. There we i w. here Friday soap.
I many it of
i row,
Our money winning books,
written by men who know, tell
you all about
They are needed by every man
who owns a field and a plow, and
who desires to get the most out
of them.
Send postal card,
Disturbances of strikers are nor
nearly as aB an individual
disorder of the Over-
wot k, loss of sleep, nervous ten-
will followed by utter col-
lapse, unless a remedy
immediately employed.
nothing so efficient to
of the Liver or Kidneys as
Electric Bitters. a wonderful
tonic and effective and
the greatest all around medicine
for down systems. It dispels
nervousness, Rheumatism and
Neuralgia and expels Malaria
Only cents, and
faction guaranteed Wooten's
Free how w limits
I ALL countries
may and point.
Patent Practice Exclusively.
r u
I Mints Mat,
One of the remarkable
of a deep-seated be
pneumonia, is of Mrs,
B. Marion,
who was entirely cured by use
of One Minute Cough Cure. She
save coughing and strain-
so weakened me that I ran
down a weight from to
pounds. tried a of re-
to no avail -until used
One Minute Cough Cure. Pour
of remedy
me in; of the
my and
Mm .; i health
and John .
. -11 ;.
a should be to relieve the
This is beat
by fine of Chamberlain's
. and
ifs -ion from the air
the produces a free
and -open-
A. soon
finest for
some i wide j are
while I hey tire ail Iii
buying Which Hazel Salve see
Hie name S. C. DeWitt o.
is on chi- sen a cure
is certain. l by I- Woolen-
Long Boa moved to the
on Main
in night to visit
A spring lawns I
i and at
I Hi Bro.
K. T. Smith, of was ;
here Wednesday.
P. H. Kittrell, of
cures have n
Cough Kerned r with the
mothers at t mall I
quickly their and
colds any clanger of hen; Tuesday-on
or other . a t
. A. L mow
Ht n croups , , . l
but when ii m as the on hi
cough s prevent return
the attack. I fide B. of
Drug Store, H. L. L,,. Q
Not Quite
attend the;
Lynn i
One Minute Cough Cure gives
relief in one minute, because it
kills the microbe which tickles
mucous membrane, causing
the Cough and at the the same
time cleats the phlegm, draws out
the inflammation and heals and
the parts. One
wards off pneumonia
and is a harmless and never failing
me in all curable cases Coughs,
Colds and croup. One Minute
pleasant t take,
harmless and good alike for young
and old. Sold by J L Wooten.
I is court.
in the settlement of the estate of
Thomas J- Shepherd.
It was to the undersigned at
i January term of Superior
. to ascertain and report the
i of the estate of Thomas J
Shepherd, and the share
amount to which each is entitled.
A paper baa been filed with us
purports to give a list of persons en.
titled as and the ma nape
in which they are entitled, as fol
I. That each the
Catharine Floyd, Elizabeth
Moore, Joel
Hadley Harriett
Is entitled to of the
II. That the representatives of the
sets of arc
A strong, he active
depends largely eon
of liver.
little known De Witt's I
Little Berk Bi sere
the system bat
the action el liver am I rebuild mat v reined h
the i
baby Inn so bad
Its bead was a solid mass of i
and its hair all come out.
but none
How often you can got a
nail or screw driver or
lucking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
Of Course
o-et Floyd ii represented by
u and
Morse Goods, who her
ii Mart
Emma V tolling, Battle
E. By of
Clayton Moore. Mrs Mm and
By e i , o
is K. Moore, who are Mr
L. Kent. Moore,
Clayton Moon- and Minnie
J R.
system tut no all out. M j Kent, Moore,
I be el th liver I but none S f V W Moor.- and Minnie
the porting ft do good W who tr her
Little a r o Witch Hazel Salve Waller Ward D it lS
they lie and is the scabs i . Louisa Joseph
re- one's -1- L. and the
stilts that. are. all clean and healthy, and H; Toppling, Laura Toppling and
digested, and Basel, The name E. c.
the nerves, unit I Co It on every box. SoW by
from L- Wooten.
adds re the gives
fever used is up strength OLD
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tab
Bays Mr. Eli i
N. C,
gently ind leave the bowels in a
perfectly natural
Sold by Drug Store
Greenville,,,. L. Davis Bro
hi idle system, Ir Is pleas j
to the palatable, I
digest and
system t.- appropriate
SoUl i-y J. i. Woolen.
i -i
I Barbara Hadley, Mattie C.
Lounges, Safes, J an, W. B. Hadley and the two
an I Ax w- names
known to us, T. ho take her share.
Ill- If any one else claims an in-
in said estate, or of the
persons claim a different
they hereby notified to tile
their claim with their proof with us
within the next days.
up Our Claims for
Fact s a Tonic and sot
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact a drug, but
a scientific curs for
Alt Malarial Complaints
Chills and
It restores the system sod positively
all tendency Io depression or low
with trouble s to their sex
restored to perfect Your
Any can take Little Early
are i
Steamer B. L. leave
Washington doily, except Sunday.
aid a. m for Greenville, leave-
daily, except
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at with
Ikey arena in
ore th. at
to for all
their awl every
one woo uses DeWitt's Little K-ti . order
prefer them to nil
They cure
u-co, West Che-
Fine .
Ly, I nod, itch , i ,,
lit ,.
-i . ,
I ,
. in i i
. .
This the day if March.
; . . I ;
Sold by J. L. Wooten.
ten with troubles to their sex
red to perfect health. Your d
to ours.
If trouble with week digestion,
belching or sour stomach,
and Liver
Tablets you will get
relief. For sale by Wooten's
Drugs Store R. L.
Davis Bros. Farmville.
As silk is now made from wood
the indications are that the
poor silkworm will be forced to
New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
X. C.
H. B. Walker, Vice President
Beach Street, N, Y.
Subscribe to The
Norfolk. Va,
Cotton and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
and New Orleans.
Dr. D. I James.
v Surgeon.
i in the nick of time our
I little boy was writes Mrs.
W. of Pleasant City,
Ohio. had played
said havoc with him and a
c.-ugh set in besides Doctors
i treated him, but he grew worse
every day. At length tried
I Dr. King's New for
I and our darling
; was saved. now sound, and
Everybody ought to know
j it's the only Mire cure
Cold- all Lung disease
Guaranteed by Wooten Drug
Store. Price and Trial
bottles free.
The days and nights are now of
equal length.
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
First Class work and reasonable
sent upon application.
Three hundred Filipinos are
to the St. Louis

L. J. Editor
particulars of tho rather peculiar in-
There lived sixteen miles
east of Raleigh a veil to-do, sturdy
named James He
made apple brandy, and it was his
custom to sell no brandy, but to
give a dipper full of it to any man
If the Atlantic Coast Line should
exert itself specially that
The believes
Truth in U
Entered the at Greenville, N. C., as class matter,
A rates made upon application.
desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties, j for a drink, lie never gave a sec-
dipper to any one man on one
In April, 1865, Federal troops
command of den. Kilpatrick had
possession of Raleigh. Due day two
I soldiers rode up to place and
Smoot is not the first man to satisfactorily asked for He gave- each a
into trouble having too many the slate is ready for the next; dipper full. were already
U could hardly run the trains on
who came to the house asked system on a
Pitt N. Friday, March 1904.
The Won Id-be governors have One of spring is that the
three months in which to work for agony has its way
the nomination. Then
know who it is to be.
we will
, back in the papers.
think over it two or three I The Winston Journal sent out a
times a day, that tho payment of j handsome picture of Hon. R. B.
your poll tax by first is a Glenn as the -next governor of
to voting. North A little
but it would not surprise us if
Won't it be a bit amusing if true.
Bee goes into court with of
A better admission man of the
would be played the j Charlotte Observer, about
And Finch might chime in a domiciled in the quarters of a
. . ; club in that city, says lie has
gone and had four That
You may for Hearst, for
I is a new one on the public, and it
Clo for Gorman, for Parker,
or anybody else, but unless your,
poll is paid by May first you will
not the privilege of voting for
either of them.
would be interesting to know just
how works it out.
The Kinston Free Press tells of
an ox that has three horns, the ex-
one growing out on the tail. As
the addition is on the wrong end for
The Helpful Spirit of Cooperation. I u j.
Few people in realize j question has two tails. We refer
the value to the community of
mills that have been established in
for decision.
While the executive
last week
were interview-
our midst. They give employment
to n large number of people and
a source much revenue to the
town ; committee was in
The truth of these statements ,
impressed by a reference to . . .
, . .,, . ed as to their preference for the
the cotton and knitting mills in our
town. It is stated on good presidential nomination. Parker
that these mills are waving an in as first choice and Cleve-
average of u day interest land second. Being from all parts
and dividends on preferred stock ;,,. state, the polling of the coin-
bonds on every week day in the . Mg
year. Not only this but. those two . . . ,
, ,, , , , ,. of the standing throughout the
industries employ., to
employees who are paid an average
of a day for every day in
the year. j The Washington
This statement makes very tells of the arrest in that town
somewhat under the influence of
drink. They rode two miles beyond
Bonn's farm and then returned, de-
that the old man give
them more brandy. lie refused.
One of the soldiers drew his revolver
and presenting it to Bonn's head
you don't produce the brandy
I will kill
Bunn, a son of Mr. Bonn,
was chopping wood a short distance
away from the house. In the house
lay William Bunn, who was just
convalescing from typhoid fever. It
was a warm spring day, and the
window near his bed was raised, lie
h ard the Yankee threaten his father
and looking out tho window saw the
pistol close to his father's head. In
a second ho had picked up a shot
gun and was sighting it from the
he said in a low tone
of voice. His father ducked his
head. The shot rang out, and the
Yankee who held the pistol propped
from his horse, riddled with buck-
shot. The Yankee fled.
Attracted by the sound of the fir-
Bunn ran to the house,
and he and his father and brother
held council as to what they
do. They decided quickly. They
hitched tip a one horse wagon,
placed the body in It. with
branches of and drove to the
headquarters of Gen. Kilpatrick.
There was intense excitement, and a
double guard was placed over the
prisoners that night.
The next day the trial took place,
and the three men told their simple,
truthful story.
factory reading to and
the faction is heightened by a
of two women who were practicing
recollection of the fact that tho in-
question are fostered en-
by local capital. While for-
capital is welcomed here with
the glad hand, we feel a peculiar
pride in those prosperous industries
that have been built up and sustain-
ed by our own citizens.
Nothing shows a healthier spirit,
one making more surely for progress
and development, than the willing-
and even eagerness of our
to in local enterprises.
It is much better for our people to
invest their savings at home than to
send them abroad. The returns from
a safe investment at homo are surer,
and the whole community is uplifted
by the success of invested capital in
its borders
This spirit of co-operation is to b
nourished diligently. And it is to
that our. people will of
missives; from time to time
. palmistry, the charge being that
more annoying
schedule than at present. The
schedule as advertised might do
but i trains by it is another
question, and the public knows no
more about when to expect the
of a train than if was
at all to pretend to
run by. According to the schedule
the evening train is due here at
p. n., but not once a month
docs it come any where near on
time, is frequently one, two or
even three hours late.
When information is given out
as to what time the train is ex
can this
be upon, for it is jut as
apt to be twice as late as bulletined
as otherwise. It can be seen at a
glance how annoying such a
is It not only is
to the public,
but it interferes with
business. It is not infrequent that
persons having important engage-
elsewhere prevented
from meeting them because these
delayed trains miss connect ion at
which would be made ii
they were time. Mails suffer
great delay from the cause.
The railroad people say the
trains this and the Ply-
mouth Washington branches
are delayed by haying to wait for
the northbound on toe wain
line reach -Mount, and
train is always late. We- fail
to see why it. is necessary or these
branch line t rains to wait for that
particular main Hum train, when
there are other trains,, the one
from Wilmington via
for instance, by which people
wanting to come this way can
much earlier
The- present arrangement is
;, industries
this. Free
Press. .
wish profit More m
would be a good thing for
palmistry is fortune telling on which
a license tax of is imposed.
The women were tried before the
mayor, declared guilty and bound
over to Superior court, but later the
i entire proceedings were withdrawn
and the women dismissed on
that they leave town. It is on
the latter point that we make com-
plaint of the proceedings. If the
women were guilty of violation of
the law they should have been made
to answer for it right there and not
turned off on other towns to carry on
the same practice. is too often
that occurrences of this kind are
tramps, suspicious
characters or fugitives are arrested
and forthwith released on condition
that they leave town, when it is
known they will simply go to some
other town.
, make at Rocky
There was a pause for a moment, j come
and then the Federal commander I
friends, you have done the
bravest thing I ever act- and
ed squarely and honestly. You are; there is a the better.
discharged. If any other soldier j
belonging to this command comes i-., ,. ,. ,, , v
K . of New
to your house and behaves as this
dead soldier behaved, I shall expect died
to kill him, Ob
Original Observations.
communications that
the mails.
Those who now laugh with us will
also laugh without us.
The fashionable dressmaker
should never be a poor hand at fig-
Some men are so deliberate that
they couldn't win even tho slow
On the tree of life the higher you
sit the more unsteady are th
Many people who belong to the.
of society are not
well bred.
You are a good orange as long a
society's children can juice
out of you.
Many sermons would shorter
if they were practiced before they
are preached.
Wonder if that stench in the post
department was caused by tho
dead letters.
In admiring an Faster girl
stops to credit the man who i. pay-
for clothes.
The style of the world is to ditch
on to those who are going
cut loose from going down.
Orange, Va. Observer.
Umbrella was out of Commission.
not what
says he xi not say it,,
but when faced with tho facts
he- did open his and
The Idle Comment man on
paper, published recently
the following
tho laziest me-
chant town, made a trip to Bel-
view yesterday.
our is
doing a poor business. His store-is
dusty, dirty, noxiously odoriferous.
lie expect to do much
Styx preached Sunday
night on The sermon was
puns. If the reverend gentlemen
would live up a little closer to. what
he preaches he'd have bigger con-
Smoky died last Saturday
at his in this place.
tor gave it out as heart failure. The
fact is, be was drunk, and
is what killed him. His- home was
a rented shack on street.
Sylvia Rhodes
and Jes last
evening in tho Baptist parsonage.
bride is a very.- ordinary town
girl,, who doesn't know any. more
than a rabbit cooking-,, and
helped her mealier three
days in her life. She is beau-
by any means, like
a duck The groom i known
here as. an up He has-,
been living off the old folks; all hi,
and to shucks.
They will bar A life while
dive together, The- has no.
to for we don't
believe any good tan come
such a
would be a
for Baltimore, but were
a number of funny incidents to it.
For instance, a man stood at the
corner of Charles and
streets gloomily watching the pro-
of grasping ,
. , c j . the receivership, of tho Atlantic
the handle of a raised umbrella
It may be- a little but haps
not too late-, to say that tho Raleigh
News and Observer entitled; to
much credit for tho manner in which
Praise for Killing a Man.
, Treasurer when
in a short a.,. told
a story that interested a good many
people, and when a reporter was in
Raleigh a few days ago he obtained
while the
around him. Au acquaintance
approached and
have you your
keep off the
it doesn't seem to be
doing it very well.
The owner of the umbrella
looked up and found that he bad
only the ribs left, the cover having
been burned completely off, while
a few smoldering holes in
shoulders of his coat proved the
inefficacy of his expedient.
Baltimore Sun.
down North Carolina railroad terminated.
At tho very beginning of the out-
rage tho News and Observer opened
warfare against it to
throw on the light until the whole
state was aroused. There is no
doubt that the News and Observer
is a paper of wide influence, and
uses its power to good effect.
Mr. Hurt.
Tuesday while it
was its run
from to .
passenger car was detailed and it.
turned There, were about
fifteen passengers in car and
them the Harry
None of the passengers were
severely, but, Mrs. Harry
was cut badly in the
breast by glass, and also on the
face. When she was rescued she
was found lying one of
the windows the car next to the
ground. Its a wonder some were
not killed.
Jim id, of Reidsville, a man
who had led a dissipated life, was
found dead in a ditch Saturday
Many people do not have to wear
on St. Patrick's day to
show their
A. large dry goods establishment
in Charlotte, called The Fair, has
gone into the hands of a receiver
with amounting to
A Talking Match.
A Michigan man fell in love with
a voice in a phonograph and mar-
its owner. This establishes a
new Tribune.
What if a Milwaukee chemist baa
discovered that there are
germs on an old bill Who's
afraid Just as well run the risk of
the germs as to go without the
. i
T i is department is in charge of J. ML blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
N. Mar.
Prod went t
Saturday to fill
regular appointment with the;
that point.
G A. will
highest cash prices for corn, peas,
chickens, geese
Dr. was here Friday
Always bear in mind that the
a wash board of good
ill MUM
upon application.
W. Smith, of Greenville lodge,
aided very materially in the con-
due, of the Masonic meeting here
last Friday evening.
A good article is better if you
have to pay a little more for it
than ii cheaper article at a smaller
price, so try one the Carroll
Singletrees by the
Mfg. Co.
Mrs. P. Ii. Kittrell spent
day in the country with Mrs.
ho is very sick.
Tub A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wishes
to purchase good
cart hubs.
One thousand dollars from one
is no small amount to be
one day in a place of this
size. Such was the case last Sat-
A plow manufactured by
the Mfg. Co., always
gives good satisfaction you
go to them to have one put in
plow they can also furnish
There seems to be a general de-
dim- in prices of all the farmer
now produces and a
rise in he has to buy.
For com, oats, cotton seed meal
A Kittrell Co.
Mrs. Ada Stilton, of Greene
county, was her lather, L.
F. Elliot;, last Sunday.
Don't forget Dr. Cox now
his i trice the residence of J.
Miss Nannie Rouse, of
is spending the week with her
brother, W. Rouse.
For best grade of chewing and
smoking tobacco go to Inc. drug
Mrs. A, G. Cox was the
try from Saturday to Sunday
to notify the
that I will grind every
Saturday at my mill one mile
of Frog Level on
Las been visiting relatives
this week. He returned home
yesterday with his wife, who has
u visit here sometime.
Harness as well as buggies
Don't go some where else to
your harness when you can get
harness when you get,
as cheap per-
just as nice
perhaps right here from
the man get bug-
The best prices for best
good be had at H. L.
The latest brands of cigars
at H. L. Johnson's.
The school taught by Miss Kate
Chapman at closed
last week and she is now at home
enjoying a long needed rest.
Little Miss has been
visiting her sister,
Kittrell, for
Bearding House Mi
Cox Board per d;
G. A.
he Shirt Store of the
There were a
services at Jack Sun-
day and one or two went out to
Dr. B. T. Cox wishes to
chase lbs new goose feathers.
Miss has return-
ed home from a visit to Black Jack.
To our friends and customers.
Having very near lost entire
stock of merchandise the recent
fire, we are now making arrange-
M rapidly as possible to
open again. We most earnestly
solicit a continuance of your
valued patronage. Thanking you
one and all for past, favors we re-
main, Yours to Serve,
Harrington, Co.
The new brick factory sue
informed will be two
stories, with all out-
Dr. B. T. Cox when i. t in I lie
country can he either i
residence or at the store of It, G,
in an Co.
Mrs. Bettie
took the here for
to purchase spring
We imagine that farmers are go-
to a great amount of
this season judging from the great
that are
being shipped by the A. G.
Mfg. Co.
John Askew, of was
here Monday.
In a few few days
Barber Co. will be to
B. F. Manning, of Ayden, was
Taylor has opened ft
of millinery
d ladies dress goods in one of the
. in the rear of the poet office.
She invites special attention to her
elegant Hue of cannon cloth. The
Indies will certainly miss a rare
treat if they fail to call and see
Mrs. Taylor.
See H. L. Johnson fur heavy
and light groceries.
E. R. Newell, of Greene county
was here yesterday buying from
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., and other
matters we suppose.
II. G. Chapman Co. invite the
public to call and examine their
stock of dry goods, notions
A nice new picket fence around
tho home of G. A. Kittrell certain-
makes a decided improvement.
Light and heavy groceries
ways on at the store B.
G. Co.
Mrs. W. A. West, of
dine, is visiting Mrs. J. D. Cox.
Be sure and see II L. Johnson
for any mid everything in the
grocery and confectionery line.
subscribed toward the
cotton iced oil mill here is surely
no bud start. We're going to
have It.
We expect, you have a plow
back baud already. If not be
wife and buy an Economic Back
Band from the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Misses Vivian Ethel
and Clara Brewer spent
Saturday Sunday in the
with Miss
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
shipping Cotton planters by the
by reason of our immense Shirt trade, that we
lay to th distinctive; term, Store of the
We that no concern gives the study of shirt
fashions and shirt making more serious thought than
we do.
The result is a high achievement in the Shirt business
not elsewhere in our city.
Our Shirtings are imported and our Shirts are made
for our trade exclusively. The designs and colorings are
in advance of those shown by other Shirt dealers.
Everything new in Madras and genuine French Per-
plaited and plain negligee at-
or detached cuffs.
Come to the Shirt Store for your Shirts.
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L H. Pender.
their customer vim Where on
thing the line-
Now and Finch have
tried and slipped up in their rail-
road scheme, wonder if some other
fellow won't make an to
pocket Carol inn.
W are W, .
Mouse shop n Main
will all hind we are unable to say.
We now a nice lot of porch
column timber. If you are in need
of them why not let us fit you up.
Prices are light. Winterville
Mtg. Co.
.- books, pens, pencils and
I best quality of always
arc in position to furnish our,
fir sale at drug store,
Harrington Everything sold at the lowest
Bessie Chapman and Mrs. j market price at R. G.
J. D. Cox H-
fay i It. EL. Ayden, and
GarriK, of were
Every nice spring brings
is to I
wire fence
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
We carry complete farm
supplies. Dry not ions, j
drug rot. Come
see us, one and all.
Harrington Barber Co.
The line of ladies dress good in i OIL sold,
the store of Ii. K. Taste as Maple Syrup.
Best prices tip top goods
Kim be had at G. Chapman
is the only
is attractive
and see.
Call cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox. Winterville, N.
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished -and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
tinning slating department. You will Mm
a master of his trade.
We ask for cur share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction. PHONE
H. L. Johnson daily
the nicest assortment of
Forest House from over the
river, came Sunday to visit his
sister, who is a the
Winterville High school.
That was a badly set
Monday when Herbert White
came down and told then his com-
had busted. He relieved
the monotony of the situation after
awhile however, by paying
Barber Co.,
and Tucker Bros.
due them on losses during
the Are. Mr. White is prompt
nU companies are reliable.
Miss Freeman John
were united at
on Friday night in the law
office of and
Magistrate knotting the
nuptial bonds. October, 1903,
couple endeavored to elope,
the young lady's parents being
opposed to the union, but
mother of the girl detected the
scheme, covering with
a gun drove him from her
presence. But love, they
say, will find the way.
Concise Comparison.
Tho following comparison be-
tween Japan and the Russia
Empire will prove especially in-
just now.
Japan, square miles.
Cost of Army,
Cost of Navy,
Number of men in army,
Number of men in navy,
gnus iii army,
Number of gnus navy,
Japan, 1,200.
Tonnage of navy,
Horse power of
T .

J. Proctor Bros
Grime, -i- C
If you v ant lumber i build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry goods fat provisional
for your table, or
your farm, supply your needs.
Oar mill and are now j
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
lumber, rod, do all kinds
of turned work for balusters I
of Clothing, D
lions. Ell
thing to i
wear, or some
house or farm
supplied. High
for cotton,
Or B i tin
in ; o way
. i some-
for the
u can lip
. s paid
. .
It has always been rather a
tiling to us why lawyers some-
times in selecting a jury, endeavor
to get those who have not read the
account in the newspapers anything
concerning the crime with which
the accused is charged. It seems to
us that juries should be made up if
the most intelligent men to be found
and it is generally presumed that
this class are readers of newspapers.
There is no reason why an
gent citizen should not sit on a case
and judge fairly and impartially,
even though he may know before
hand all about the
N. C.
Office depot.
DR. a. f
Hi ice next
V. c.
do general repairing of buggies j u r TB RS.
carts and wagons. ,,
Marriage License.
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams issued licenses to the
following couples
Edwards and Emma
Win. and Eta B. Jones.
Calvin Mills and Greene,
B, J. Oath and Laura V.
Notion ,
It takes loss time to go and tarn Tobacco and Cigars.
anything up than it does to sit n town, All
down and wait for it to up of I drinks. Hot Peanuts
fits own accord. everyday.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Prices for Cotton.
Cotton and Product.
i v
Walter Farmer and
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and I
for I
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, Varnishes and and
Country Ready Nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world that exec
It has behind it a century's
reputation wares and honorable
If you use the Paints you
never worry about quality,
We trust that you will your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
purpose. Have just received a car load and
tan give yen Special Prices.
Free Carriers Have the Right o
The Free Delivery News
be he following interesting piece
A of
It would be well for drivers of
wagons to remember that all
United States mail carriers have
the right of way in public highway
when on duty. They cannot be
driven into th., ditches by heavy
loaded wagons without violation
of the United States mail law, and
if a collision is made by so doing
and the mail delayed it will not be
long thereafter until a deputy
United States marshal will he
looking for certain parties who
will answer to roll call at a U. S.
This law applies not only
when meeting a vehicle, bat
plies to those in front of the mail
as well, when the mail makes an
effort to
you can get honest goods at living prices,
large stock before you buy and be satisfied
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear.
your house and everything you in your
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to i
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody
our goods becomes our customers. Just give u.
and save yourselves money.
i ties
i rial
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically.
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon i
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Rest rid ions.
Dividend are payable at the of the f each
year, provided the premium for the paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during
of insured.
. .
la what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, drinking water and many dainties that
would unattainable without the Refrigerator,
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There la no need to n lawn mower when we
we fell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in tho hardware line.
C. March
W. A. Darden made a business
trip to Snow Hill last Thursday.
Miss Harper, of Snow
Hill, is W. A.
Ormond and
are visiting Mis.
W. E. While, in Greenville.
R C. popular
W. Marlow Co.,
of was with us a short
while Friday.
Elias Turnage went to Scow
Hill last Thursday u business.
J. W. Ormond and L. Hard;,
wont to Friday.
. accompanied by
Harper went to Kins-
ton returned .
Rev. J. P. Pate filled his regular
appointment here yesterday.
h good man and
saker. He has been
with a short while, but he
has won the confidence and friend-
ship of all who have met him.
Eugene of Hooker-
ton, has elected to fill vacancy
High School
by the sad and untimely
death of Prof Stephens. Mr. Ed-
wards has the degree of A. If,
from Trinity College and has the
qualities a hue educated and THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N. C,
gentlemen. Mr.
held this same position two years
ago, and made a decided success
of his work. The trustees are to
be congratulated in his
No woman ever broke her heart
over a merely handsome man.
Hand Book
Journal, You Ara
Proof Against Smallpox.
forget that lettuce is a
of smallpox.
So far as it is possible for a
man being to be protected
catching smallpox lettuce is a
tendon. .
No need for vaccination whatever.
person who eats a small
of lettuce twice a day, morning
and evening, is as well protected
against smallpox as it i; possible for
any one to be.
To be sure, one ought to be clean,
to live in ventilated rooms
and avoid dirt of all also avoid
contact with people who have small-
Ex. Foolish exposure to the con-
of smallpox is not to
thought of. there is no need
for vaccination.
Go calmly on about your business.
Provide a small quantity of lettuce
morning and evening, and you can
feel sure that you have protected
yourself and your family in the best
possible way against smallpox.
Lettuce is one of the oldest
table remedies known to the med-
profession. Long before it was
Used as food it was used as
cine. Many limes it has been claim-
EA that it has magical or
us powers to prevent contagious
We believe this is carrying
matters altogether too far. But let-
does furnish to the system ex-1
what needed to protect it
against the poison of smallpox.
defy any one to produce a
l of smallpox that has been con-
by any who made
use of lettuce as a food. It
there is any such record
would be glad to hear of
Dot Hi
, Mr. Jones had just taken a
degree in a secret society to
Which he belongs and which carries
on is meetings in the still hours
pf the late night and early morn-
It was a. m. when he reach-
ed home and found Mrs. Jones, con-
to custom, sound asleep.
up, he snouted,
brandishing a new sword which had
been added to his regalia.
up and congratulate me. I am now
a prince of
Airs. Jones sat up and looked at
her husband by the waning light of
a moon and the night;
she said in a voice that
chilled him like a Manitoba cold
January, a man
Hi .
a i r
ti i .
wave in
matter v
treated .
And I
., there
h hie
ill is hour of the
he is a prince of
is something the
and he be
From a
Oar i is to ask for a
our latest to ill one unasked.
life is ii at either end
by a upon a one
and, reminds the other.
Above the Instinct we rise
ally, gradually declining to the second.
Hot that the narrative sense ever dies
to us; only that in the plenitude of our
powers we are not satisfied with a story
that is nothing more than a story, a
narrative for narration's sake,
The mind of a child Is nil agape for
tacts, for it is empty, nothing is so
quickly Oiling, so easily as
dish of facts. Facts of fiction
referred by the child to actual facts
they satisfy also its strong
sense. Its moral and Intel-
senses are in De-
duce from any story or an
and the child runs away rudely.
lies the difference between us
and It Our moral and intellectual
senses are flourishing, and by their
Strength our Imagination is
weakened. Grimm Is not
enough for us. Oar moral sense cries
loud for Hans Andersen. Dumas
leaves us cold. Our mind needs Balzac.
It Is not enough for us that once upon
a time there were three princesses or
three musketeers who suffered or did
some queer things. We want those j
triads to Illustrate, to symbolize, to
menu something, to corroborate or up-1
net some theory that we have formed,
our mind affect our
needs of our ma-
mowing away
our int. and
nor does he restore,
I nation. He crops us
Things that
old egoists
that have hap-
-are the only things
our lethargy.
ugly phrase.
harsh, is not less
For our last state,
Is absolute
st state too.-
You're invited, of course To every woman
who has edged with the desire to know what
fashion edicts are to every woman
or man, for that matter, who enjoys the mere see-
of beautiful things, we extend a cordial
That these showings express masterfully
the foreign and domestic dress idea for
the Spring Summer of 1901 goes with-
out saying. Indeed, be an almost
task to picture in words the
grandeur and beauty, the scope and ex-
of these great Spring styles
were one word of
all allowed we'd say with all the
power of cur
Shoe King Quality
II Celebrated
Stubborn Bargains for Cash
W. Main St.
I North Carolina,
Spring Clothing

B. Mooring spent
Union Service.
e onion i -vice In the Pres-
i lust was
Mr. was from
the text, ye be born
y e cannot the I I
A number in the
W. G. Ward
, , . . , I I
B-L. Tyson . , .,,,,,,,,,
day evening.
T. J. Walk
for Durham.
at this morning's Bar-
The service will be held
7.3 I.
J. II. Keel i peel Bun
E. Turnage, of ill Tho of the
wag here today. fifth district, died in
, . . , . . Washington Sunday.
G. V. . Baker, of
in Sunday evening.
O. L. returned
Leslie Newton baa returned
a trip in Georgia,
M. h. Starkey left
morning for v. on . w .
M, it. Justice came
this to hold court.
G. and
kins went to Conetoe today.
There was quite a severe earth-
ck along the
land coast Monday morning.
A steamer laden with
I bales of cotton and a
Mies Lena Matthews and Fern I
Change in Local Representative.
G. G. lit who been
the tentative
spent Sunday in Washing-1 territory, promoted
ton. larger and his headquarter
Miss Mattie returned transferred to Raleigh. Be
this morning from a visit to Kin- will be succeeded here by S.
us, who will charge
the con In Pitt,
id Bean foil con die
company tr had a b
n an in it service s
V, wish him much
E. A., toward returned
a I over
Mrs. A. Gardner and child-
Saturday evening for
Borne vernal equinox weather is
Rosalind return-; am
. if it is a little bad.
evening from a visit to
Beet-and Neck.
is. D. J. and
Miss spent Bun-
S. M.
just arrived at
of The City Hay drain Co
E. V. Cox, of Ayden.
visiting attorneys at
T. is a, nine
residence on Dickinson ave-
west of the railroad.
W. M. Lang, of took
the train here this morning for
northern markets to purchase new
Hay, Grain, Cricked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Si
and Mulls.
N. C. March 1904
H. A. White, of Greenville, vat
here Monday nip
Mrs. J. A. Davis and Mrs. A.
W. Ange left Monday for Haiti
more. Mrs. Daria will buy bar
millinery on this trip.
Mr. Cash and Miss
were Sun-
day at Bethany church by Rev
R. J. Corbett.
A beautiful line if lawns and
white goods at J. R. Smith Bro
Miss Lucy Linton, of
county, one of our former
girls, is visiting Miss Joy-
Rev. J, M. Barfield went to
Goldsboro Saturday and returned
Monday morning.
Rev. D. W. Davis came
day and filled his appointment,
and returned to Washington Mon-
Electric Bit-
rs. Wine Ayers Hair
vigor and Swamp root at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Lil is very sick with
E. Peel, of was
A. T. Harper,
Royal Borden, of Goldsboro,
h ere T ti
J. L. Gibson, of Wilmington,
was here Wednesday.
B. W. Mosely and Mr.
were here Wednesday.
Cotton planters and guano dis-
at J. R. Smith A Bro
Felix of Kinston, was
here Tuesday.
E. Co. ate making an
addition to the size of their store,
doubling the floor space.
Greenville's Great Department
people while walking
small bridge on the
more Ohio railroad, West
Virginia, were rundown by a
passenger train. Three were
killed and ;.
Get our prices and our be-
j. rant
went to Corn and
W. Jr., Mis. t p
g rant t- buy
evening and returned
Misses Marv Burney and Bailie
Cox, who have been visiting
here, returned to Grifton
Sunday evening.
Mount; who baa been visiting
parents, Mr, and Mrs. M.
King, returned borne today.
and J. B. Move re II
turned evening from
northern markets, where they bad
been purchasing for
the of J, B. Cherry Co.
G. W. Baker returned to
ton today,
B W, Moseley went lo
Monday evening.
W. H, Hackney left this
fin Lawrence.
G. G. lineman returned Mon-
day evening from Tarboro.
Rev. D. B. Clayton came in this
morning and is the guest of B. A.
J. T. Matthews, of Washington,
passed through thin morning on
his way home from
Col. and Mrs. J. Bryan Grimes,
of Raleigh, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. parents
of Mrs. Grimes.
Miss Jesse Lee Sugg, the
daughter of Col. I. A.
Sugg, of Greenville, is her
cousin, Miss Sadie Harding, at
H. R. Brights on Main street.
Washington Gazette-Messenger.
W, R. has moved to the
Cherry house, corner of Third
Greene streets.
and Thursday
We will have on display one of the
moat attractive DRESS GOODS,
that has ever been display, in
P The public cordially invited to
case of Best
at cents per yard.
We put
on sale one
C. L Wilkinson Co
The Shoe has that something in beauty
End means individuality.
It h tho it, gives Ah
to tin In the diversity of kinds there ;
. t from the evening j
in winter boot; all have a
their own, which is sore i
man's eye. Shoo-
Fit, They Perfectly.
always and
so an to make It Impossible for the foot to slip
ward mi crowd toes, while bail and
of room thus giving free play to thy foot.
is what do.
Our new spring Styles in oxfords and sandals will .
here very shortly.
U a
Greenville's Great Department Store
II takes H woman to smile with No Carriage Mad.
a knife in her wane
she loved thrust it there. wear as as No
j others are as heavy bodied, became
Evening dress at other weigh to ounces
of day would i to pint, by FT. L. Can-
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Handsome Exhibit of New Millinery.
Today at the millinery store of
Mrs. L. began her six-
annual spring display of
new styles. The visit r dots not
have to wait to inside store
to be attracted, for the front win-
is seen a bower of beautiful
flowers as to catch tho attention of
every passer and
of admiration. And this is
but a foretaste of the scene within.
Just inside the door is a hand-
some figure in white
and a flower girl that
seems to extend to all a welcome.
Suspended in of the
Store amid a festoon of draperies
are the 1888 -1901, in
white representing, the
years the business has been in
And the every-
where. Imagine if yon can more
than sixty exquisite in
you have a small
idea of the picture. These hats
are starve s of beauty, the very
latest in the new shape
and styles, designer seeming
to have left off nothing that can
add to the attractiveness of each.
Then there are ribbons, ornaments
laces, flowers and all manner of
trimmings in abundance.
Mis. Griffin's exhibit is certain
beautiful and is a credit to her
popular store,
The exhibit will continue
A Communication
of the good people of
Greenville have unwittingly, we
been led to the practice of
certain customs that are in viola
of the law of God and of the
We refer to the
Florida Dashes into a Freight at
Henderson, N. C, March
a. Sea-
board Air Line passenger train
No. known as the
rain into an
switch hen this morning and
crushed into the rear of a Dur-
of raffling, exposing or
offering for sale articles
in which are drawn.
The law makers of our ham and Northern freight train,
this practice by its right demolishing this train.
Jesse Kennedy Stricken While Testifying.
Thursday in court at
begun of J. L.
and T. Kennedy, on the charge
of assault on Ed Hughes with
deadly weapon. Last March
after a sensational trial which
all the parties were concerned, the
made an on
Hughes on the streets of Kinston,
Hughes was shot, and while a
long time it was his
wounds would prove fatal, he did
not die, hut paralyzed in I tie
lower part of the body.
When the trial was stalled
Thursday, Hughes was taken
court on a exit, to in his
After state had finish
ed its evidence, Jesse Kennedy,
one of the was
upon the stand his own behalf
While giving his testimony he fell
from his chair rand initiates
was dead. Three physicians
hastily summoned and they
ed his death due to hemorrhage of
the brain.
Mr. Kennedy was about CO years
old and was a very prominent
farmer of county.
and tearing up the track for a dis-
from forty to fifty yards.
The immediately
caught tire and three Pullman
sleeps were consumed. The Poll-
mans carried no and
there were only five on the train.
These escaped injury. Two
had a leg broken and
fireman was badly bruised but not
seriously. Owing to the
their names are unobtainable
at this late hour
f His Last Deal Had
son Told Him He'd Lose.
Boston, March weeks j
ago Daniel J. Sully came to
and spent an ii rim
office Thomas W. .
Flushed with sine.; his
six mouths in the ring S illy
declared that after good
play he would live on
his pi of its.
do you know lint that
they will get you on that one more
Lawson is said have
Its Progress During the Past Year.
In the Presbyterian Standard
at Charlotte, we find
I this contribution from Greenville
to the of the
Presbyterian church
u. , r, ,. tor the year just pi
I hey Sully replied c 1-
have been
Soils of newspaper stories about
This practice has grown among
us until it awakens alarm. This
kind of business its
for those who offer goods
fol Bale in this way, aid also for
those who The
practice is for that reason a serious
a real danger to any
people or community. The
is immortal, that it in
principle of lot, a
lottery. It nets an example to the
young that is evil and full of
A of young men were
indicted, convicted and lined for
gambling at the last term of
court in Greenville,
young men asked the
the officers of the U.
. . , , ,, . can them on the market when
indict us gambling, why don't, engineer, Woodside by name,
ladies indicted to have one limb fractured. .,.,, .,.,,
hat's all Mr Law-
son retorted, while you are
planning to put the bales
the first year of F. G. Hart-
The second in March a
year ago the present irate was
begun. The morning hour f that
day this year was devoted to hear-
from the different de-
of the work
. and the
plans for future
work. During yew lust
, ed, two valuable additions have
of money I have made, , .,
,.,,,.,, been turnip to the eh
but I don't mind telling yon, Mr Ur T , ,
r., , , . , M. Johnston, a son of
Lawson, that I have made just n it x w . . ,
,. . T , . H. Johnston,
got it in j w K D
one more play j the graded
which I have outlined will net
me more.
It will take a few days to make
A wrecking train left but w l
I'm the man to do it. There arc
only baits to go the
o'clock this morning for the
scene of the accident. It is
These ed that the engineer of the Florida and I am the only man
question of j Limited, whose name is j who
; had both less broken. The other fortune if I
d Prof,
and deacons
stalled and new m
added to the roll.
The Sunday is well
organized and doing work
under the guidance of W.
B. I Jove.
The Missionary Society
has taken on new life during the
year. With few exceptions every
lady in the church is a member of
this organization.
The Children's Missionary So-
Our officers the law can make
but one It is not A Big Swindle in Cigar Bands. on the market, men is efficiently led by Miss
cable to enforce law until It was to be. expected that awake to figure out Mary Wiley,
a healthy public sentiment, later some can be
away from you. Get
counterfeit cigar be if
the of your
presence at marriage of
his daughter
Mr. George W. Baker
u morning,
April the sixth
hundred and four
at eight o'clock
Baptist Church
At home after April lie
X. C.
He are sent b town.
awakened to see that law would
bands for redemption, but if you will surely
The law of the state of North I hardly expected it would be
Carolina bearing on this subject is gone into to the extent that has
as ; recently been unearthed by the
person shall open, set American Cigar Company. A
foot, or carry on, promote, j million tags have been in j
make a draw, publicly or private- imitation their baud.-.
a lottery, by whatever name, I The individual is Alfred
Smith, of
a few Of week with
style or title the same may d.-- j Fanning, of Springfield, Mass.
nominated, or known, if any per- He sent in imitations of a half John
son, b; such way and means, ex-1 dozen of the baud, and it not j Sunday
or set to-ale , any been for inordinate be n
goods or Of might never been discovered j Sile Bee man, of Snow Hill, was
anything of value the unusual number of over a while Sunday.
person so offending shall be guilty being redeemed from that city Miss Hudson, of Green-
a misdemeanor, mil be fined caused the first suspicion to be ville, is friends and
two thousand dot- raised regarding their i,, the
bus, or imprisoned not exceeding j Fanning is an engraver, a d Misses Mane and
months, or both in charge of forgery has been placed I
lion of the court. against him. because of the ,.
Any person or society, on every band. A quantity glad to Mrs
or of persons of an ides, which he had secured , , . .
. , . , . ; Met and daughter,
whatsoever, In for the were found in his . ,, ,, . . . . . ,
. . v, .
of any of room. A half million bands were
whatsoever or in any in his room. J. A. was in the neigh-
manner distribute M . Sunday.
upon tickets or certificates sold
for that purpose, shall be held
liable to indictment and
under this
Code of N. C Sec.
One way to create healthy pub-
sentiment is to make it
healthy those who violate the
law. Some of citizens of
are determined that
this evil business shall cease.
Notice is hereby served on those
to whom it may concern, that any
further violation of this criminal
statute will be prosecuted. No
legal action will be against
past offenses, if it be prevent-
ed, bat it must be distinctly
understood that and every
future offense will be to
the attention of the officers of the
law and the will be
and prosecuted la the
courts. It readily be seen that
no of to
do this. Nothing hat a strong
muss of duty load to It. A
hint to the la sufficient.
Geese in Place of Negroes in the Cot- Smith were in the neighbor-
ton j hood Sunday afternoon.
The rail fence in there parts is Mi Laura is visiting
almost a thing of the past. In relatives in the neighborhood this
driving over the county a good week,
deal of late, the . ,,.
but one large field enclosed a
fence made of new rails. This one
has just been put Mr. M. K.
Diggers Goose Creek. It en-
closes a large field and was
up to keep geese as he
expects to turn that big field over
to these fowls to keep it chopped
out. A. W.
says that geese are better
anything else to chop and
since a good many people are
expecting to be on hands
this spring, this may boa pointer.
Monroe Journal.
Fletcher and Grover
the neighbor
hood Sunday.
W. A. Woodard was
neighborhood Sunday afternoon.
J. M. Smith and sister, Miss
Bessie, spent afternoon in
the neighborhood.
Miss Anna Braxton was in the
neighborhood a short while Sun-
E. E. went to Greenville
C. Langston went to Win
ville Tuesday.
A woman may possibly admit
that she is thirty years old, but
that she snores, never.
On Sunday night a series of
evangelistic was
begun in the Presbyterian church.
any design this
circumstance Recurs to i
the new year's work of the present
pastor. Lev. F. G. Hart man.
events all
pa-tors and ins of
the- Greenville churches very
Closely together and with one
mind and hear this united effort
is made to win the f men
and women to Christ.
Fourteen Bale.
J, Norman, a well-to do farm
of Beaver Dam
brought bales cotton to town
Friday. He did not sell here, but
had Co. to ship it
for him. Fourteen bales a good
lot id cotton for a r to
at this time of year.
Several Bald Coming In.
More cotton is coming lo now
than when the price was rents
higher than at present. Perhaps
the farmers having it held a little
too long expecting it to go to
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N. C, will be in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha on Monday and
Tuesday, April 11th and 12th
days only. His practice is
to eye, ear, nose and throat
and fitting glasses.
We give a credit for being
level headed if he above
Eggs get more plentiful
lower in price. The
price the local market is
At New Bern colored man
came in contract with a broken
light wire and was instant-
There are students at
University of North Carolina,
which is a record-breaking

Eastern reflector, 25 March 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 25, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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