Eastern reflector, 15 March 1904

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Mono .
Dr. L. .
Q. B
Saturday .
U. B. Jams ,
lug from x.
w. R. Z.
v i . Mrs. W.
returned to
Miss -V u i i h
Seek, visit
Mr. and Mrs. J.
of Mrs. K
Miss Nani
at Sunday
Cherry Co., left this morning
for the northern markets to
chase new goods.
Why Not Trip This Winter
Florida to Cuba.
This beautiful state Inland
ha-been brought within
Marc ii by the splendid through
G. M. Lindsay, of Snow Hill, I of the Atlantic Line
was here today. the great to the
Major Smith, of Ayden tourist rates are now
. ,,. , , up this morning. on to
to Havana. For rates, schedules,
in S i
W. S. who has been her
a few days, left this morning.
maps, sleeping car
accommodations write to W. J.
James Long went to Bethel this Craig, General Passenger Agent,
Wilmington, N. C
S. V. of ;
Ms morning. Dr. L. C. Skinner to
of Scotland Ayden Tuesday evening.
F. D. returned Tuesday
t from a nip up the road,
i spent
th ;. evening from Bethel.
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
i Family
V. C. Moore Tuesday bushel
round per lb
A. M. Moseley returned Toes-j
, ,, . , .,, shoulders
i day evening from Bethel. Pork
Ball, arrived r . evening to ., ,, t , . , . . Lard
. B. Parker returned lbs per bushel
visit her B . . U.
I. who been
visiting W J Smith, return
d to Bethel this
evening from EverettS.
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Moore left Potatoes -sweet
Tuesday evening for Charlotte.
Sheriff O W. Harrington
CM. Jones, o the buyers
tor the firm of J. B Cherry Co., evening from Hal-; lb
Sunday ,. d
,, T
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Mrs. L. M. Savage and little lb.
Washington, are visiting bis j left this morning for lb
more. , Fodder
; Hay
i Beeswax
f garden seeds at,
Mr. and Mrs. W.
Warn, of
evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. The weather certainly
J. Tyson, at the King house. signs of improvement.
Frank H. of Washing-j The planters are having
ton, in Saturday evening to wed potatoes.
Johnston Bros.
The weather
signs of improvement.
speed Sunday With his parents, When spring sass comes on got our agent at Delhi, N. Y.
Greenville, N. C,
Good How
Mr. and Mrs. W.
Lena Anderson and Mrs
cents a pound cabbage will not be
, it any more
H. wards and son, Clifton,, see
to became a
and returned this
Walter Mitchell, of New-
port News, came in Saturday,
evening and held services in the
here Sunday.
Che Company
Gladstone Paine were
for---------; we mustn't tell names.
We wanted was paint-
ins; his big house. Said
it look gallons of white for the
We him gallons and
No Gloss Carriage Paint Made
will wear as long as Devon's. No you get it all on. no pay; if ft
others are as heavy bodied, because left, return it and t
weigh to ounces more the
He returned four gallons and
came in Sunday evening and will to the pint. Sold by H. L. Carr.
throe took the agency. Four or five
T, e c n j years ago. He knows now that
drain CO m old paint was and i
that's why it took ten gallons
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
P. S.
C. V. York.
i nights engage-
h h.-u tonight in the opera
Miss Annie is
teaching in the graded school at
Farmville, came home
remained until Bun-j
day evening.
W. S. Greer, of Baltimore, is in five POINTS,
and dropped In to leave the
actual cash for This I our prices and see our stock be-
,, , . . . , We want to buy your
Bays potatoes are too hard to Cora and Peas for
now. I
Miss Ethel Burnett, of Goose I
Nest, who was visiting Miss R- J- Cobb.
Bryan, returned home
morning. . o
B. L. Smith went to Norfolk
Dudley went to Norfolk
W. B. Parker went to Everett
Superior Court Clerk C
Moore went to Tarboro today.
Mrs. Orlando Gwynn, Kins-
ton, over this morning to
visit her Mrs. W. T, Bur-
Revs. Walter Mitchel and W.
E. Cox went to Winterville Mon-
day evening.
C. S. Forbes left this morning
for the northern markets to
chase spring stock.
O. S. who has been
spending a few days here, returned
to Williamston this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ward, who
have been visiting relatives here,
left this morning for Bethel.
J. R. M j e, of the firm of J. B-
equal six of ours.
Go by the name; there is but
one name to go lead-
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
H. L. sells oar
L. H. Pender.
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
C. L. Wilkinson has just
turned from New York
Where he bought all the Newest tilings in Dress Goods,
Trimmings, Clothing and Furnishing Goods
All The were Secured on this trip and
Be Sold at Moderate Prices.
C. L Wilkinson Co.
Groceries that Please
Our customers, are the kind
that we sell. Sometimes there Is
a temptation to please our
selves by purchasing something
as at a lower
thereby pet a bigger
but we are firm and only goods
of highest quality are bought.
We have no old goods to work
off. These Groceries are fresh
and in perfect condition.
low about them except the
price. We pay the highest mark-
et price for ail kinds of Country
Produce. Phone
Phone No.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Churches Join in Evangelistic Work.
Tn Ministers Union of Green-
in ; special meeting on Fri-
day, to begin s of
union services, on
Sunday will
be held in the Presbyterian
church, Rev. J. A. to
preach, A. T. to
duct the song services
will begin at
morning service
., , . r., hearts the people, lie
three quarters of an Horn win
. i. . to his on
Principal of School.
N. ;. March,
the announcement
i t Mr. B. W.
pop, principal of
made last
at it
shock to the
Sir. has principal
of oar since Sept.
and not only had a
career in the
room, has WOO way to
be held at o'clock.
This i entered
upon with the confidence Unit the
Christian people of Greenville will
welcome this soother opportunity
to join heart band in an
to uplift and save.
Facts a
Of no use t cue,
yet absolute bliss to two.
small boy get it tor nothing, the
young man has to steal it and
old man baa to it. The baby's
right, the lover's privilege, the
hypocrite's mask. To a young
girl, faith; to S married woman,
hope; and to ah old maid, charity.
N. O. March
Two new Victor safes
sale by J. B. Smith St Urn.
The train master passed through
and for seven be
with pneumonia. His home
brother sister
reached bedside only a few
death came.
lie is a young man great
promise, pure, Christian hearted
and a who was loved by
ail who knew He graduated
at Trinity College in the class of
and since that time he has
been teaching. In his death Or-
High School has lost a
excellent leader, and
His remains were taken to
ton today will leave for Box-
bore tonight. We shore to a
great extent the grief that
family is Buffering.
Miss Elizabeth Carver, assistant
and music teacher of the J.
W. Ormond, It. P. Taylor and J.
B. Turnage to the
Early Closing
that has c early
J. B. W. T. Hart, of Kins it atom St night is being
ton, were here Thursday. talked among the merchants.
Services will be held in the Ban- When all early no one loses
by T. II. and both merchants and
needed rest.
Miss Benton, the trained j the Adi.
that has been With Annie I
and Liter with The business men who want and
Interesting Meeting of Association.
Though the weather was pretty
today, the county mads are
bail and it was with difficult;
that the tether could get here to
the of the
Notwithstanding the difficulties
there was a large attendance
the were Interesting and
President Everett called the
meeting to order at o'clock and
the devotional exercise v. ere
conducted by Rev. J. A.
After reading; minutes -if but
meeting and calling the roll of
members the program as previous-
y was taken up.
Mia Annie Perkins with a
m. class gave an interesting
in first grade work
A discussion of the method of
grade work followed by
Miss Georgia spoke
the of objects and models in
teaching, .; the
l a l the subject and
and literature Was very
by Prof. J. Everett.
He was assisted by Miss Louie
f Bethel, who stated
fully how she would teach
history and of Sew
York city. Also Mis
read a paper telling
how teach lit
pi in if was inter-
discussed by Miss
to teen re a
An unknown to break
in the room of Miss Ophelia
Cowper. in Suffolk, Vs. She shot
the man in the face and he left a
trail of as he fled.
The Maryland legislature has
bill submit
to a vote of the people t-
adopt a
will disfranchise
about of
of that state.
Congressmen of South
Carolina, in
Oily Thursday.
A cheek that was
blown from th ruins -f one of the
burned banks in Baltimore was
picked up eight miles from the
Four men burned death
in a box car containing gasoline,
near Harrisburg, Pa. The
line took fire from one of the men
lighting a pipe near one the
of Ga . will
erect a monument to the memory
of a who lost life trying
to save the life of
has sent a
letter to the secretary of the
Jamestown Exposition endorsing
tercentennial to held at
Hampton near Norfolk, in
important Work Before the Ladies.
The meeting of the Ladies
League for Moral held
Thursday In the Baptist church
was well and deep in-
was shown the work they
Mat important measures were
discussed. Some of e ladies
signed a pledge not to
i beverage
in homes, nor use ii i
house keeping.
This i regarded many as an
exceedingly step Few
among us realize how extensively
wines Slid brandies are u-ed in
desserts, an
the is homes where
young people tire up.
Simply to discuss this
in, now entirely
in nod is great gain.
It is that ere long many
other ladies will lend their
to avoid creating or rt
such a taste. Other n
can be substituted and
The meeting of the League
will be held Io the
church two weeks
Buzzard Won't Eat
A human being is a an-
after all. We eat
and pay fa prices for them,
Frank Summers, a blacksmith, j vulture will not touch one.
beside his mother's During a long season snow
in a cemetery at Alexandria Loom years ago, a the
in bis were
starved and t the
motet that it will be killed a and
to run the government put
a very interesting
practical read by Miss
night fir Kins ton.
Mrs. J. K. of On
was Friday visiting
h -i
i US,
your trade are doing
their own talking through
This pa
presents-in array of interesting
advertisements always
worth a careful loading, end the
who for your trade are
hag red Bliss seed potato- s ,,. r , q-j.,,,,
at J. B. Smith t ,.,,,, i, in looking at the ad
Phillips is in e you start out
county the minister's trading.
W. E. Move has bod cases
of pneumonia his family the
few weeks.
Keen St of
wen- lure
Mrs. David Jackson died near
Penny packer,
has refused Io honor the
requisition paper f Gov,
for surrender of
Win. Hill, charged with the
here Monday with consumption, j of James Morris at
She was about years old. She about four years ago. The
leaves a husband and one child Pennsylvania Gov-
an aged father, one brother and refusal is not given,
two sisters.
Prof. telling what had
been done in Pitt its
effect upon the
F. O. Hart man mads
talk on teach
The teachers show much inter-
est in their work and toe
meetings of the an
j very
Because she would nor
him bis
her, Paul Waiver, a young farmer
living near Pa., shot his
sweetheart. Miss Mary
and then hastened to bin
home, three miles distant, where
he placed a about his neck
sent a, bullet his
aid be
nod for 1905.
killed, in trains near
Japan tie
of bond-in America
and Europe to Been is a with
which to an the war with
easily found The v
not him,
the Si
fie, is.- conked
nut, but the declined the
Battle Reported.
W. B. Moore, who has been
sick a few weeks, died Wednesday
and was buried Thursday in
den cemetery. Funeral services
were conducted Prof. King.
He was about years old and
served the Civil war. He has
been a j of peace for many
years, and was postmaster
mayor hers for several years.
More Trouble for Geoff.
Samuel A. recently con-
in connection with the
famous post office conspiracy case,
and a member of the Washington
police force, is to face a trial board
of the police department, and will
no doubt be dismissed from the
Look Out
Our neighbor town, Wilson, has
A family of seven people at by well dressed
Ala., were poisoned by u bills and
biscuits made from flour in . .- . . ,
B , . worked them off on the people for
which rough rats had been I
planed by one of the children. Other towns should keeps
Prompt medics attention watch for him and be cars-
them all. in handling bills
Gorman Not in the Race.
New York, March
World this morning prints the
following dispatch from Washing
Gorman of Maryland
has practically abandoned his race
for the democratic,
nomination this year. His
lion is merely receptive, he
has a faint hope of know-
ledge that sometimes the with
the last chance wins. He refuses
to discuss his presidential hopes
and fears. It Is said, however,
that some of the strong men who
were behind the Gorman boom
become convinced that their
candidate does not command the
Paid for the Hire of a Hone
Lot July a by the name of
London, Much A Food
from it is believed j Company, hired a horse and buggy
Thompson Loy, of this
Up to the present the out
there that a i.-
men I taken i
of Vladivostok.
fleet went to Vladivostok
In order to locate attack the to Bur
ill not been returned. Mr.
and Mr. Squires went
up to Greensboro and netted Mr.
Russian lied there. It is believed
that the Japanese would not have
their entire squadron
from before that port unless the
enemy's location had been
There is a strong possibility
that the Japanese found
in the vicinity of buy
and gave them battle,
where left it. Ho claims
that it was simply
his part that the outfit was not re-
turned. The liverymen who had
the horse at Weldon
for the owner, and Messrs.
son Loy will pay them for feed-
the News.
lie compromised the
matter by agreeing to pay for the
use of the horse and buggy
the time he hired it which amount-
ed to and will have the out-
sir once. The horse
and is now at and
has been there for several mouths,
Some of the slate papers ate
some of the judges for
failing to get to the courts in
time. The next legislature should
change the law so as to open courts
in the various counties on Tues-
days, and this would give the
judges as well as litigants time to
get to the courts without traveling
Union Service.
As the union services will begin
tomorrow night in the Presbyterian
church, only the morning services
will be held in the other churches.
No Carnage Mad
will wear as long as No
others are as heavy bodied, because
All the congregations will worship I weigh to ounces more
together at night. I to the pint. Sold by H. L.

A. E. Tucker Co
We have on exhibition one of the most up-to-date lines of
Ever presented to the public for inspection. It is a pleasure to
show you through our stock,
A. E.
Next Door to The Bank of Greenville.
Dreadful Accident
James and Wm. Pa i ham,
well diggers, while men.
while at work a
Walnut were
with a n as- of earth, the curbing
giving was dead when
tie was p His neck was
had one leg
en in place, the other in two
places. H i- otherwise bruised
and is a critical condition.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Greenville, N. C.
administration upon the
of N. deceased,
having this day been issued to the
undersigned, and having duly
as such administrator, notice is
hereby given to all persons holding
claims against said estate to present
them to me. duly authorized, for pay-
on or before the 5th day of
February 1905, or this notice be
plead of recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are
to make immediate payments to mo.
This the 2nd day
Attorneys. of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
. Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
Highest pries for country
Leaders in Fashions. Full Una of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Ac. Cheaper than aver.
The undersigned, having this day
qualified before tho clerk of the
Court of Pitt County as
of the estate of Dennis C.
Smith deceased, and letters of
having been issued tome as
such administrator, Notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them
to me for payment, duly authenticated,
on or before the first day of March,
or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All parsons
indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate me.
This the 26th day of February 1904.
of Dennis C. Smith, Sr.
Jarvis A Blow, attorneys
is the only
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes as
good as Maple Syrup. pet-
bottle for sale by John T.
Druggist, N.
Branch of the Reflector is in charge
off. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
An electric railroad is to be
built through the principal truck
and peanut section of Virginia
from Portsmouth to Richmond.
Two thousand people have been
rendered homeless by tie recent
flood in the Wyoming valley of
Tilman, South Caro-
is very ill in Washington.
A French is reported
wrecked off the coast of China and
it is believed persons perished
Hoarding Money.
There is no telling how much
money is hid away by persons
about in the country, Instead of
investing it. A citizen of I his
county recently deposited
in gold in a bank of a neighboring
town, which he had hoard
at home for twenty years.
He was induced to put if In a
bank at last because somebody had
tried to break his house
steal it, as he
Of course this man had never
listed money for taxation, as
is too often the case with such per-
sons. If he bad invested this
twenty years ago it would have
more than doubled at simple
Called Home to Japan
Durham, N. March
the student
at Trinity, has received an order
from his government to return to
Japan to assist in the war with
Russia, before coming to this
country Mr. belonged to
the reserve of the Japanese army
had his name transferred to
the defensive roll. He now
needed. In a talk to the Woman's
Foreign Mission Society of Main
Street Methodist church he in-
formed the members that he had
been called and would leave
in a short while.
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
One- Price
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line of
Wood, Tin and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim m fair
and honest deal for ail, we sell for
which enables us to do a safe
business ad we give our
mer- the benefit, of it, Cash Sales,
Small Margins and one Trice to all
is our motto.
Revival Next Month.
Rev. J. E of Rich-
will hold a two
meeting in the Baptist church
here, beginning the Gist Sunday
April Mr. has visited
Greenville on several former
to hold meet is
greatly liked here.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than ever prepared to supply all
needs of the people with complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from a cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
m Hr-J
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
and one ox cart.
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
j A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest paid
far all kinds of country produce.
Back up Claims for
Fact a Tonic not
a stimulant.
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact not a arcs.
a normal, scientific cure for
Jill Malarial
and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It the system and I
prohibits all to depression or spirits.
Women with troubles to their sex are
restored to perfect Your will
cheerfully testimony to ours.
wOk every
a Comet
Tl In the comes
the health
the and
that it curing
I tr and
When Have a -old.
even H but
H overburdened.
supplies t-Y e natural
juices of and
does the of the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous while
the muscles
and of that
an allowed to
rest and It cures
of the heart,
nervous end
all n troubles by
cleansing, purifying and
strengthening glands,
of the
One Minute Care eaves
. ,. , V uneasiness and worry in he
rebel minute because it ,, . u ,, , .; . ,
.,. . ; v. when a
kill the microbe which tickle ., ,., h .
he owing
he . and the MN- S, success
., Rn , ,
man heals and
the parts. One
Minute Couch ,
and is a never
treatment II
M of Md., I
X. Mar. 1904.
Mr. Mrs.
and children, of Greenville,
Saturday and Sunday with
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Odds and croup. One
Cure to take,
, old. Bold J L.
finest en
lever used is
Liver Tab
leave the Ins
V Drug Sim,
Greenville, E. L. Bras
hi i in
i if in
Remedy for
ii v
Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
ton, of Standard, were in
neighborhood Sunday.
of our friend attend-
child Garland is subject to ed church at Reedy Sun-
I or salt .
;.; ii a-
ill II- S
;. Davis Bro.,
ft Ten.
y. SI ho lint
ft .
Sta time
the. for
The first when you have
n be to relieve the
This is best accomplished
by the free, use of
liquefies the tough and
causes its the
cells of the produces a free
expectoration, and the
secretions A cure soon f
follows T remedy a
severe cold in less timer-then
other and it leaves Q
system in-; natural and healthy,
condition. It and
tendency For Dealer. Cash paid
sale Wooten's Store, Oil .
Greenville, It. L. Davis Bro Bbl etc. Bed
reads, Oak Suits,
Safes, P
and ii Ax
the of the of
n mas Shepherd.
h was red to tin- undersigned at
I of Pitt Superior
Court to and the
he estate of J.
Shepherd, the share and
amount t which each Is entitled.
I A piper heart u which
purports to a of en-
titled as the
i in which n f entitled, follows,
I. That cad
lives of Floyd,
. Joel Margaret
Gibson, and Harriett
, is to of the
That the s of the
sets of are us
Catherine is by
is not on. y
bur i i
Little Earn
the system
action an.
the tissues supporting that organ.
Little are to
and they are
. certain to
that at. in a
oases. Sold by J. L.
Any child take
rate harmless, never gripe
yet they Bee so certain
n means never
uses Little
pills. They
L. de
to nil
. l- ton Moore, lira hand
Ly., CM, Moore. the child of
lull. Gar- E. are Mm. w. H-
V Nuts. j- Moore, i I W a
,, . f, . . Slit; More. take her i H , as W
Currents, Glass, .,;., s rein-sent.,; i
. ii i e. Ward, I
are Maw.
Mrs. W. K. Patrick continues
very ill.
Mr. and Mrs
Monday night with n
went to Farmville
Monday. Ask- him m is
We are glad to learn that Mis
Mary Worthington, teacher of
school, who has been
sick for several days, IS able to be
at her post again this week.
Miss Bertha -pent Saturday
and with relatives
us Ayden.
was in lbs neigh-
t. Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mis. E. B, went to
Miss Annie of
graded school, spent Saturday
and with her
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Braxton
went after
Mr. and Mrs.
pent Sunday in the neighborhood.
and Wilson
Were the time
back and the performers of I
years ago to appear on scene
what a would last
performance have to
How he would have
If you want to Increase your
must add to not
physical, in other
you eat most be
d, and
i . ; from
ii .
tin- i
I. .
Salve vi lain i i.
Burns, i
Piles, per. There an
many ibis salve,
some in which
re i.
Which w
the name E.
Chi age, the box and acme
is certain. Sold by Woolen
I i HA IN .
to mid up
Hi hi b is pleas-
ml lo the
he only e of dim
., ;. Us
i and
Sold by
ii. represented h
Mary Wm. J. S.
s. I y. Thomas Mat- j
C. Had who take her share,
ii is represented by
Barbara C.
an, W. B. two
of w. H. names
known to Who take her share.
If one else claims an in-
in sate estate, or if any of the
persons claim a
Interest tin y notified to
their claim with their proof us
This day h.
Sow often you can
thing in done-
nail or s.-i.-w driver or an- Q
ear Have , w
tool and be pared for
i-.-p. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and Sm
we will see that your
do not
useful article.
. .-. , jg
A KL ; B
in the of time oar
boy was writes Mrs.
of Pleasant
Ohio. had played
said havoc with him and a
cough set i n
treated him, but he grew worse
every day. At length tried
New for
Consumption, and our darling
wan saved. He's now sound,
Everybody ought to know
it's the only sure curs
Golds and all Lung; disease
Guaranteed by Woolen Drug
Store. Price and 91.00. Trial
bottles free.
i. R. L.
N. C.
My baby bad
its wits a solid mass of
stabs, and nab ;. out.
E tried many mine
seemed any good until
Eczema is cored, the scabs
are gone, and the one's scalp
is perfectly clean and healthy, and
it's hair is growing
again. I cannot much
praise to Hazel
Ky., Milch
Salve look out for counterfeits,
is Mir and the
only one pare Witch
Hazel. The name
is on every box. Sold by J
. .-
and banjo a performer,
while now it the
present of a
like Barlow and
Minstrels, the
public. aggregation has.
its stars, but none cast their rays
brighter than do Barlow and
Wilson s magnificent aggregation
. Daily
Prohibiting Whiskey.
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
First work and reasonable
sent upon application.
Steamer K. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
at a. in for Greenville, leaves
Greenville dally, except Sunday.
at ii for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with rail mads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Southern II. It. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N.
J. J.
N. C.
B. Walker, Vice President
Traffic Manager,
Beach Street, N, Y.
r-T imbibe will soon find
f with
J will court the chain
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt county having this day issued to
me letters of administration upon the
estate of M. M. Galloway, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons
holding claims against said estate to
present lo authenticated,
on or before the 8th day of March,
1905, or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons in-
to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment to me.
This the 7th of March,
of m. M, Galloway.
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
,,; Surgeon.
William Fountain, H.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
Office door east of post office,
street Phone
pendulum swings
i who
will soon find so
a v. her in the
of bis closer. Not on y are
t to fix it so the stuff
can't be had, but they are looking
to make it a criminal to
take any when it is obtainable.
The lower of the
legislature has passed a law
prohibiting one under the Influence
of drink from Voting in the
elections, and the Virginia
legislature is considering a meas-
which provides that teacher
professor or other person in con-
tact with students shall use any
intoxicants at any time, except
upon the written of a
In case any member of any board
of visitors of any institution where
such a violation has been permitted-
refuses to vote for the removal of
the offender, such a member of the
board shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and heavily fined.
About the only thing left the
is to take the pledge and

D. J. Editor and
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
It is getting to look like Russia
will have to do a little fighting with
Great Britain, too.
The Smoot investigation is learn-
the country more about Mormon-
ism than it ever knew.
The saloon business in North
Carolina has received another severe
jolt by a recent decision of the
court. The decision of the
court is that a town ordinance, when
within its charter right, is absolute
t looks funny that most of the and cannot be tested by an
North Carolina news comes
by way of
it out.
Durham is a prohibition town,
but has licensed the sale of cider,
placing the tax at and limiting
the sale to apple cider only.
The price radium has gone up
to a pound. We
wouldn't think of lugging any of
the stuff around, not n a dust of
Just look at will you
Island has held her state con-
to nominate delegates to the
national convention and six out of
eight for Hearst. The bee will
buzz in Willie's cap worse than
The opinion WM on a case sen.
up from Washington. The alder-
men of that town had adopted certain
need of over how to govern the sale of
the fleet will get out Give whiskey in that town and
the a chance and they put certain restrictions around the places
where it is sold- A saloon keeper
instituted injunction proceedings
the town to prevent the en
of the ordinances. The
of the lower court WAS in fa-
of the town. The saloon man
appealed to the Supreme court, and
the latter held that the ordinances
in question were not unreasonable
or oppressive.
The ordinances of Washington do
not allow places where liquors are
sold to have any screen doors, blinds
painted windows, partitions, screens,
or anything that will obstruct a full
view of the interior from the
nor are back doors, side doors, trap
doors, elevators or stairways per-
No restaurant or eating
tables can be run in connection with
saloons, no billiard, pool or gaining
tables of any kind are allowed, and
no saloon can be entered or opened
between S o'clock Saturday evening
o'clock Monday morning.
Tho Supreme court upholds the
ordinances of the town, and the
being regarded as an evil
in itself and an enemy of
. , . the courts, in Upon the
Maryland has the list of ,.,. , .
J validity of laws regulating or re-
states wattling a constitution g,,,
amendment that will remove the by the rule applicable to restrictions
as a factor in politics and in- upon o business which is useful or
the administration of state beneficial to
by those who are capable of
managing them. Judge Simon ton, of the United
States Circuit court, has made per
the injunction which the
Western Union Telegraph Co., ob-
temporarily against the state
to restrain the collection of a
tax of cents for each mile of
wire operated within the state. The
judge held that such a privilege tax
would be a burden on inter-state
state commerce, the telegraph com-
doing much more
than inter-state business, using the
same wires for both.
How does this strike you for treat
of the A mob of
infuriated citizens of Springfield,
Ohio, set fire to and destroyed a
district tin- city occupied by
This did not occur in the
South, mark you.
The story was sent out from Wash-
that Thomas Settle obtained
an additional from Mrs.
Moody, widow of the late Congress
man Moody carry on the contest
between Moody and Gudger.
When interviewed about the story
Mr. Settle said it is of the pub-
May be it is not
but the public will talk about it,
just the same.
Greensboro continues to be
over the situation in that
Divorces again figure as a fore
most subject of discussion in North
newspapers, the increasing
frequency of the disruption of mar-
spring poet fever ought to be relations being noted with
, ,, , . , , alarm. It is observed in connection
vaccinated it breaks out too
that divorces are exceedingly rare in
I Canada where they are obtained only
; by a parliamentary decree. The
Hereafter democratic congressmen j of credited with moB
had best let republican postmasters j the blame while the method of
look after their own allowances. j carrying out the law is not often
even so much as mentioned. The
It looks like been enough
of the Smoot scandal heard for the
committee to call off the j
and send him home.
State of New York has comparative-
y rigid laws but allows secret de
which permits all kinds of
evasions. Canada's laws are no
more strict than those of New York
and it is the publicity that
ages the demand for divorces. Can-
allows separations but in order
that either party may marry again,
the intention to apply for divorce
must be published before the
The church member who stands cation is made to Parliament. Not
for the saloon Is giving hi all the evils is to be attributed to our
This winter's back bone seems to
have as many joints as a cat has
lives. You can't tell when the
thing is broke to stay broke.
against morality peace
and for the devil and debauchery.
Whether Cleveland will allow his
name to go before the convention re-
mains to be seen, but as time goes
on it daily looks more like. Cleve-
A man in New Jersey arraigned
for bigamy astonished the court by
admitting that he had been mar-
forty-seven times. It is not
stated if he ever lived in Utah.
laws, and a large share of it is
due to the possibility of obtain-
the decree cases in
as one contemporary speaks
of it. Laws allowing and providing
for separation in place of our present
laws for divorce, and a law
similar to the Canadian statue would
go far in solving the vexing problem
without any necessity for rigid
Possibly the fourth assistant
postmaster general was merely try-
to take attention away from the
stench in his department by palling
the congressmen into the mud He.
a weather item is written
these days it is not with any
of being correct by the time
t is printed Changes are too
sudden to keep up with them.
We hope, tho esteemed Durham
Sun is not ignorant of the existence
of a town in North Carolina named
Goose If so our brother
should take Sam advice and
travel some.
The Atlantic North Carolina
railroad being in the hands of a re-
does not hurt the price of
the stock but has given it a healthy
stimulus. What stock has been on
the market brought high prices.
The liquor lawyers who went up
to Raleigh last winter to defend the
whiskey business, failed to earn
their fees. In looking for big
things, they did not discover that
innocent looking little anti-jug law
for four counties that turns out to
be big enough to cover the whole
State like a horse
D. C. Mar.
The appropriation bills Birds-
glibly along and it begins to look
as if Congress might adjourn by
Slay 1st, unless members take up
too much time with speeches ex
plaining that they are not post-of-
In the investigation of Reed
qualifications as Senator
principal Mormon apostles are.
still being examined. The
seems to be that if one apostle
has four wives, and another forty
two children, Reed Smoot, who has
only one wife, should be expelled
from the Senate. There may be a
curious anti-climax to this
a clever maneuver the
Mormons may succeed in getting all
their testimony printed, which will
include the four books on which
their church is founded, the Book of
Mormon and the Protestant Bible
being two of them. An effort is be-
made to keep out the last two.
It would be unprecedented to have
the whole Bible printed as a public
document. Would it be less shock-
to have the Book Mormon
pear in the same way and be franked
all over the country As a mission-
enterprise this has never been
The annual Reunion of the
United Confederate Veterans will be
held at Nashville, Tennessee, on the
14th, 15th, and 16th of June.
From there many of the veterans
ill go to great exposition at St.
Louis, as it is only about ten hours
ride from Nashville to St. Louis and
the railroad fare will be greatly re-
Thus, in one trip veterans
can attend tho Reunion and the ex-
The Con federate Reunion was held
at Nashville during the last week of
June, 1890, and was one of the most
enjoyable we have ever attended.
No doubt this will be equally or even
more Record.
Seven divorces in twenty minutes
is a record made in Wake county
Superior court. It is a crying shame
that divorces are so easily obtained
in North Carolina. The next
should be quick to put a stop
to this disgrace.
The Dunn Guide prints a very
uncomplimentary picture of the
editor of the Washington Gazette-
Messenger in refuting a charge
made by the latter that closing
saloons there had killed Dunn and
caused the failure of two banks
in that town. The Guide leaves
no room to credit the correctness
bat shows that it is
without foundation.
If the wholesale charge
against senators and congressmen of
helping to loot the treasury calls
forth a joint resolution raising a
congressional committee So
gate the government departments
tainted with scandal, great good will
come out of it. Just think of the
horde of rascals such an
will disclose.
The thanks North Carolina con-
get for helping
can postmasters get more pay, is to
be charged by the fourth assistant
postmaster general in helping to loot
the treasury. And the charge is
raising a warm time around Wash-
Emperor William, of Germany
wants to present a statue of
the Great to the United States
government to be erected in Wash-
Some of the senators are
opposed to accepting the statue on
the ground that the former German
king was not in sympathy with
American institutions.
We see that Greenville, N. C, is
to have a dispensary in the place of
open bars. The town has done itself
credit to carry this election. A
dispensary is better than bar,
much less a dozen. One of the very
best steps ever taken by Raleigh i s
the closing of tho saloons and the
establishing of the dispensary. All
that is necessary is to put the right
men on as a board of managers and
it is a success from the first. Make
it a financial success as well as the
best method of dispensing whiskey,
and this will strengthen it among
the citizens of tho town and the tax
payers. People want whiskey, and
will have it. The right thing to do
is to give them the very
For three days this editor
been feeling bad. In
fact has been confined to his room
for the best part of two days. Sun-
day afternoon Ma grabbed
hold of him with a instanter,
and served it forthwith without so
much as a dessert, and
then threatened him with fever.
But we all have our ills, and we are
not talking an air ship to those
know not of. We are sure of one
thing. We are immune to the
machinations of Ma or I.
Otis, and as a good doctor's patient
we are patiently abiding our time
and this physical
Can Japan Whip Russia.
The London Times, which is
with being the most powerful
shaper of public opinion on earth,
estimates that Russia can not use
more than soldiers in Man-
this is because o f the great
dist nice from the base of supples
and the necessity for maintaining
armies in other parts of Europe,
Japan at the beginning of had
soldiers in active service
and has now about The
can be and pro-
will be rushed through Korea
to Manchuria and this army alone
will outnumbers
the total available forces of Russia.
In addition, Japan's military forces
other than this permanent army
number and those will be
ample for home service. When the
naval supremacy shall
have been settled, the two nations
will be about equal as to
strength. Russia is plainly at a
disadvantage with regard to sup-
plies and will of course be more so-
after the inevitable capture of Port
Arthur by the enemy. It seems that
Russia is defending contiguous
but it would matter but little
best that can had, sell to her if the Atlantic Ocean in
at a good profit, and use the revenue
wisely, to lessen taxes and to bring
about necessary improvements in
the town, and to pay the expenses of
the schools. If there is one thing
in the world that ought to be taxed,
it is whiskey. So let it be taxed to
to the utmost, and sold in a manner
to minimize the evil as much as
and let nobody be afraid to
make the dispensary a financial
This is the way to cause the
tax-payers to prefer it to any other
method of dealing with the whiskey
the place of Siberia. As to
lighting and campaigning
qualities of two armies the
American official report of the
kin campaign described the Russian
soldiers as
and said of the
pan can keep the armament and
equipment on a par with her sol-
she is a most valuable ally
and a most formidable All
things being considered and if it be
true that the American people
with the underdog, it be-
gins to appear that we made a mis-
take in which was tho
. i
B This department is in of J. H. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
. D
Bearding s.
Board per day.
. . ,, House in
B, N. C. Mar. ;
. .,, Dr. B. T. Cum
H. A. White, of Greenville, , ,, .
, . . Ilia new rouse I
here Wednesday regard to
losses during the recent Mary Jan Si
Jack, ate
Always bear in mind that the
a good wash baaed of good
and will quote prices on same
upon application.
To our friends and
Having very Dear lost oar entire
stock of merchandise the recent
Io a of turnips re- fire, we are now arrange-
by G. A. Kittrell Co. the
other day there was one turnip
that weighed pounds.
Charles Cob and J. B. White
made us a very pleasant call one
day this week.
A good article is better if you
have to pay a little more for it
than a cheaper article at a smaller
price, so try one at the Carroll
ogle trees manufactured by the
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Robert Elliott and family, of
utter spending from Tues-
day to Friday their father,
L. F. Elliott, have returned home.
G. A. Kittrell Co., have just
received cats of bay that will
be sold for
T. R. Moore and wife, of Green-
ville, here a short while
Mrs. Taylor and brother,
Robert Elliott, went to Greenville
A plow beam manufactured by
the Winterville Mfg. Co., always
given good satisfaction when you
go to to one put in
your plow they can also furnish
hand es for plow.
For coin, oats, cotton seed meal
A Co.
Don't forget Dr. Cox now has
his in the residence of J. H,
J. A. of Ayden, was
here Wednesday in the interest of
his firm, J. R Smith Bro.
Israel Stocks Albert Cox
went to yesterday.
R. M. Newton, of Westmore-
land county, was here
day concerning policies destroyed
the recent fire. He is a
tine old gentleman.
For bet grade of chewing and
tobacco go to the drag
R. G. Chapman Co. invite the
to call and examine their
h o dry goods, notions Sec
H. L. Johnson daily
the nicest assortment of
I and
See H. L. Johnson for heavy
light groceries.
Mrs. J. D. Cox has some
in bloom in her
The A. G. Cox Mfg, Co's shops j
present a scene of great activity, i
Large shipments are being made
it tend
Pack it with care,
The old Winter Suit
That bus given such wear.
For the man who is not so pitifully poor, or so
rich, we have la Fancy Cheviots, Won-
eds, Plain Cheviots and Tweeds.
Every Suit is Worth The Money
We ask for it, and every man who buys one of these
snits will be well satisfied.
You can pay more money to the tailor but you'll get
no better suit.
rapidly as to
open again. We most earnestly
solicit a of your
valued patronage. you
one and all for past favors we re-
main, Yours to Serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. Susan spent Thurs-
day with Mrs G. R. Dixon
and left next for Lincoln
county to make her home with
only whom she not i
years. Young Cox
away by the Oxford asylum
when a child and has since grown
up, married and amassed quite a
snug little property.
Dr. B. T. Cox when not in
country can be either at his
residence or at the store G,
Chapman Co.
In a few few days Harrington,
Barber Co. will he to
serve their with any
thing in the line.
We are now occupying W. L.
House Shop mi Main street, and
the position to furnish our
ks heretofore.
We would like to show you the new Spring Styles,
even if you have notion of no buying. Come in, anyhow
I just for a look.
fruiter Co.
We carry complete line of form
supplies. Dry
groceries, drag and e-t. Come to
see u-, one and all.
Harrington Barber ft C.
Mayne Ires came in then
respective ml yesterday t
everyday but the demand for
their goods seems to increase in
shipments by the A.
Cox Mfg. Co. in cotton planters,;
we are informed by the depot if
agent, are unusually large, much
more so than ever before. . v
Rowan Cooper has moved from j
his residence on Railroad street
around the corner on Second
street to a much larger building.
The line of ladies dress good in I
the store of F. Chapman Co.
is attractive. Call
and see.
-Miss Chapman is spending
today and tomorrow with Miss
Sadie Carroll at her home the
The other day a party bought
some wire from A. G. Cox The man just a row ahead did
Mfg. Co. spying he wanted a of the snow he
would turn his own boys Was determined that every one with-
. . . I in earshot should know his ideas on
well at other folks and the subject.
The only fence that will do it is
wish to notify the
public I will grind every
Saturday at my mill one mile
of Frog Level on Ham
Harness as well as buggies
Don't go some where else to get
your harness when you can get
your harness you can get,
any as cheap per-
haps just as nice
perhaps right here from
the man get bug-
The beat prices for best
can be bad at H. L. John-
The latest of cigars and
tobacco at H. L. Johnson's.
books, pencils and
best quality of stationary always
tor sale at the drug store.
Everything sold at the lowest
market at R. G. Chapman ft
Beet prises and tip top goods
M had at B. U. Chapman ft
is i iii pi
your make with barb wire woven
Mrs. Taylor has opened r.
splendid of millinery
and Indies goods one of the
rooms in the rear of the post office
Sh invites special attention to her
elegant line of cloth. The
I certainly miss a rare
treat if they fail to call and sec
Light and heavy groceries
ways on hand at the store R.
Chapman ft Co.
Be sure and see H L. Johnson
for any everything in the
and confectionery line.
We now have lot of porch
column timber. If you are in need
spend today
Mrs. J. Cox.
Our young friend ii m
who has been to h
for i
are pleased to
It is nothing strange to bear taut j of them why not let us fit you up.
baa sold the last Prices are light. Winterville
in stock. Don't yon
is there isn't anything do-
Yon never were
is, orders are
coming faster than they can be
Don't. Jet an
ahead of but
Ufa. I
W. L. has returned from
Martin county.
Wat Cox, of Craven county.
been visiting A. G. Cox.
Car of cotton need halls just
received by G. A. Kittrell ft Co.
Mr. Moore, who is superintend-
the construction of the brick
stoics, has moved his family here
from and they are
inure gen with Samuel Manning.
of Ayden,
was here Wednesday.
Climbing up the stair is
the song of our farmer friends
now as they market.
There are some among as who
have a few left and are reap-
the harvest.
Russians Make Attack.
m. , . . St Petersburg, March
People Can See Pave For t , ,
Small Price. Russian torpedo boat flotilla left
It was between acts at tho Port at broad daylight
this morning and attacked the
Japanese fleet. One Japanese
torpedo boat was sunk and one
Russian torpedo boat destroyer,
the ills.
The fate of the latter's crew is not
Admiral inaugurated
his assumption of the command of
the Russian fleet at Port An bur
by a complete change of tactics.
As soon as he appeared he ordered
the removal of the
which was stranded
the mouth of the harbor and
ed the channel at certain stages of
tide, miking the egress o
battleships impossible.
This morning he directed bi .
of the torpedo boat flotilla,
ported by part of the
squadron, against the
Newspapers improving
language oat of sight. A
calls his lecture a h
trolley-man calls himself
a Manchester,
undertaker advertises at
a Cleveland. O, in
keeper claims to have rapid
rise field and
is a new worn
emitted in the house of i,
by a congressman from
Minnesota. Hurry up tin
i i
fellow ought to go to one
of the people's theaters in
remarked a man to the friend with
him. is where gets real
dramatic art in the rough, and it is
pretty rough at that. I visited
of them when I was over there
a few years ago. The country towns
in Russia abound with them, and
several of the big cities have them.
But one has to get out into one of
the little towns to get the real
of his money. In such a place the
theater is generally a large wooden
building with a thatched roof and
little squares of tin nailed around
the door by way of ornamentation.
Inside the men fit on right and
the women on tho and the way
the babies yell is a cut The
plays arc of the blood and
thunder sort, a day
in June and ending like a political
caucus. The actresses quarrel over
and the honors are carried
off by some young man with long
hair and an overfed ambition. Aft-
the agony is over a fat man with
a flushed face tells the audience how
low down a man mast be who will
drink Then they go home.
no, they are not all that.
Some of the buildings are of stone
and arc very nice, and the perform-
are of a much higher stand-
ard. The admission charges are
most incredibly one-
fourth of a penny in our money.
Think of it
the finest of these
theaters is in St. Petersburg.
t is called the People's Palace of
Nicholas II. and is a fine building.
Englishmen visiting St. Petersburg
generally visit the theater.
have no doubt that those
are the means of accomplishing
much good in by keeping the
people interested and away
resorts. The example
might perhaps be followed with
results in other countries.
there goes tho
New York
A Clever Dunce.
An English rural schoolmaster
was greatly annoyed one day by not
getting satisfactory answers to the
questions he put to one of his
schoolboys. At last he called tho
dunce to the front and, handing him
you go and buy some
To the schoolmaster's surprise,
the boy quickly turned and said,
have I to tell the man they
are for you Globe.
The City Bay Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and see our U
fore buy We want to
Corn and Peas for
Dealer in
Whichard, N. C.
The stock complete in every de-
and prices as low as-the
lowest Highest market
paid for country

Grimesland Department
J. Proctor Bros
If you want to build nous ,
in it, and
, family, j
Our mill and are now.
in fall bias we are re-
pared i
. do kinds I
turned work for b
and how e ala
do general i i
i and wagons
Grimesland, N. C.
Ai wanted In way
, i
a U u a
I . a nether
. . ,. . t tO
. ., cl son i article for the
farm, you e
,, t country
. ;
Proceedings of the Commissioners.
The board of county
met regular session on
Monday, 7th, all the members
Orders on the treasury
amounted as follows. For paupers
home I
bridges ferries jail
192.15; Coroner record
costs 926.70;
Deeds witness tickets
Clerk Superior court
The monthly reports
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
. Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture.
W. E. Stocks, r a
We Pay, Highest Puces for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
v. W, L. B. C. B. Butler
A brain Biker were d
Dry Notion Fancy
It takes leas time to h. T., Che p of
anything it does to . Soda Fountain in Alt i
down and wail for ii to turn up of the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts was
of its own accord. everyday. per month. S
Greenville's Great Department Store
Mrs. Jane
eased to
added to pauper Hut to receive
per month.
An Beverly
o county home.
A donation of was made to
Confederate Veteran
A donation of for the next
twelve mouths was made to W.
C. towards keeping blood
Bettie Grimes, town
ship, was released from taxes on
real estate erroneously
The following were released
from special school taxes in Farm-
Carr, John Tyson, Lam Jackson,
T. II. Flynn. Chas.
Han, J. and Me.
you can get honest goods at living prices. our
large before buy and be satisfied with
Suits, Overcoat, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hals. Caps, Under
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and every g yon wear.
and everything v.
use in
; use your
Millinery Goods a Specially.
Our goods are here and we arc ready to yon.
Everybody sees buys, and everybody tin, tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us ; trial
and save yourselves money.
v,. ,,
The Shoe has that in beauty
and style that means individuality.
It in the degree; it give dis-
to the foot. In the diversity of kinds there are
styles every person from the evening r
to the sturdy winter street boot; they ail have a light,
, . . i I
airy gracefulness their own, is sure to.
appeal to a woman's eye. Shu. a
F Perfectly. a .
v Ii ii ; i
i ah th
instep i as o ma in ; i tor the slip
ward I while th ball and toes
have plenty of room th i ii play to the t.
.; shoes do.
new Spring i and sandals will l
re very shortly.
Great i Store.
N. C.
ram villa U the town
. i Pitt county.
Von just ought to see J. W.
Parker. His face i all smiles
mid he has a pleasant word for
everybody. There is
gladness in and there
is sunshine and gladness in bis
home named her
There are other happy homes
too. Moore and John Baker
h other upon
I. Stanley
i I friends with a lo
smile, as he announced
rival J.
i quite to see these
congregate on
corneT and each tell
other of the cute trick of I
But who blames them lot us,
for we been along that road
to, a id there have been babies in
our home.
But we pause now, to make
oilier announcements later.
U I .
OF K. J.,
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
-1. Extended Insurance that works automatically,
1.- Non
u. V ill be re-instated if be i
or years alter lapse, upon
of and payment with interest.
A after second No
Dividends are payable at the of the second and each
year, provided the premium for current year he
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy during the lifetime
of insured.
T ,
A At, T.
Is what we after, and of one of
our will Insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and dainties that
would unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Hammocks and
everything in the hardware line.
Paint Year Buggy for
to with Gloss Car-
Paint. It weighs to
pint others,
longer, and gives a gloss equal
new work. Bold by H. L. Carr.
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
More Coming.
The next attraction at the opera
house will be Barlow j
on the l
And on the 22nd Harry
will be here with a strong com
is an old favorite
in Greenville and the
goers will be glad to see him here
Most climate on Atlantic coast; salt air tempered by proximity of
Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with every modern Improvement for the treat-
of disease. A corps of Specialists In every department Special
department for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward per week; Private Room Rates from to per weak.
For etc. address
Tin President, Hospital and Sanitarium
The Only
To get the confidence of the
people of Pitt county by adv r
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
The contemplate hold-
their next meeting, third Mon
day night, in the Masonic
The halls on third floor of the
temple are nearly completed and
work on other portions of the
building is progressing nicely.
The opera house on second floor
will be very handsome.
Unconfirmed Reports.
March is no
of the reported en-
squadron and the
squadron, or of the re-attack on
Port Arthur, or the Japanese
in southern Manchuria
It is reported that the
fort at Port Arthur Was
half ruined in an earlier bombard-
and lint now only three of
the shore batteries there can be
used. It is rumored that the
emperor of may shortly
visit the
Utilizing Vacant City Lots.
In the April Allan
Sutherland writes of a remarkable
sociological longer
an for its practical
value has been demonstrated
that has been tried in several large
of changing
vacant lots into garden spots.
Vacant tracts of land are borrowed
from generous owners of real es-
divided int., email tracts
loaned to needy people, chiefly
old men, invalids and children.
They are furnished with seed,
tools, etc., and work is
by competent supervisors
the many beneficent
results of the efforts of the Vacant
Lots Association, the following
are mentioned in the
Hundreds have found employment
who would otherwise have been
idle; land has been rescued from
weeds and rubbish and made to
forth fruits and flowers;
little children who at best could
hope only for a
have found a glorious
they have had in large
measure at least suggestions of
country life, with its blessings of
pure air, wholesome food and
health-giving exercise, and many
have already set their faces
to look for pleasant homes
in the country; indeed, the demand
from suburban property owners is
rapidly increasing for youth-
trained workers of the soil.
MASON Stock of Durham.
Stock of FINE
Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, Hamburgs, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs,
At C T.
No Goods Will Be Charged at These Prices.
HOWARD HATS, All Grades, Quality
Greenville N. C.
Dear is worth or
a gallon, how much is
another paint worth
Depends on how gallons
you've got to put-on, to he equal
to one of
Mr. J. J. Hall, Sheffield, Pa
painted two houses one coat, five
years ago, oil, took
Last summer bought gallons
for same houses; had
gallons left.
Mr. N. Delhi, N. Y.
owns two houses exactly alike;
one with took
gallons. The other with some
other; took Ions.
What'd you give for those off
paints Bear in mind you've got
to pay for the g.
Yours truly,
P. W. Co.
P. H. L. Carr sells our
In after years the girl with
auburn tresses becomes a red-hair
ed wife.
1.09 and 1.50 Quality
FINE SUNDAY SHIRTS and for this sale cents.
The meaning of an is
by the brilliant effect it
W. Main St.
North Carolina.

Jim Mum. mi imp
Wednesday Mab
L. O. Cox, of Grifton,
today hew.
B, Randolph went to Raleigh
T. H. House left this morning
Roanoke Rapids.
L. J. Chapman, of
to-lay here.
J, M. went to Winters
Barrett came over this
morning from Kinston.
G. G. Fine-man returned Wed-
evening from Tarboro.
Mrs. B. left Wed
day evening visit to Kinston.
Bidet J. M. of the
Ayden Free Will Baptist, was ii
Mrs. J. F. Brinkley returned
Wednesday evening from
Misses Rosalind ant
Annie Kitchen left Wednesday
evening for a visit to Kinston.
Mrs. C. iV. Gold and children,
of Wilson, and Mrs. W. O. How-
ard, of Tarboro, are visiting Mrs.
J. G. Move.
J. D of is
in town.
W. B. of Ayden,
it today here.
J. M. returned this morn-
L. O. Cm, of Grifton,
home Thursday evening.
J J. B. Cox returned to Grifton
Thursday evening.
Smith returned to Ayden
Tinny.; evening.
E. returned to Ayden
Thursday evening.
J. W. Brown
evening from Rocky
R. Greene returned this morn
kg from u lilt to LaGrange.
The Stock
Company left Thursday evening
J. T. has moved from
the John Cherry house to South
Mr. and Mrs. T. Stanford
and son, Charlie, went to Scotland
Neck today.
County Superintendent W. H.
returned this afternoon
from a trip to the rural schools;.
Mrs. G IT. of San ford,
who has bee i visiting her mother,
Mrs. Emily Harris, returned home
The work at Greenville under the
leadership of Bro. A. T. King, is H
moving along nicely. There is
pastor in the State young, and ;
pastor so slant a time, who is so well
Up with his people and his work.
lie knows every body in his
and tries to them; end
they love him devotedly, and trust; I
him without Re-
Friday, March
F. M. went to Tarboro
S. C. Wells, of Wilson, is visit-
E. A.
W. T. Lipscombe left this morn-
for Richmond.
Dr. L. C. Skinner returned to
Ayden Friday evening.
Rev. W. E. Col went to Win-
Friday evening.
Mrs. L. Randolph returned Fri-
day evening Horn Raleigh.
W. M. Hart, of South Hampton
County, his son, J.
X. Hart.
Mr. Emily Harris, who has
been quite sick the
is improving.
Miss Whichard, f
is visiting Miss Fan-
Misses Sallie B. Cox and Marj
Burner, of Grifton, arrived
morning to visit Mrs.
Edwards, in South
Pleasant Evening.
and Mrs. V. G. Hartman
were Friday evening
to the members and congregation
of the Quite
a number at the manse
and the evening was most delight-
fully passed. Such ming-
ling of church and congregation
draws all in closer touch with
Everybody regretted more
rain today.
Get your razors out. There's
going to be a
the Barlow and Wilson's Minstrels
Friday night, 13th.
More men would have
if forced to eat their words.
The are
since milder weather has come.
The price of has come
down just a little.
The time for hunting
birds ex-
Fresh bananas, celery
base at S. M. Schultz.
id cab-
Died in the Woods.
Washington, N. March
The body of Joseph J. Sermons,
who disappeared mysteriously
from near the town Bath, this
county , last night,
found yesterday
of ever one hundred men
had been searching for Sermons
for three days. When found be
was sitting between th fork of
two gum trees about one hundred
yards behind bis Held. The sis
hundred dollars that it was
disappeared with him was found
on bis person, being located
his pocket. The surmise is
after Sermons left the house
Mr. Sunday night he
pandered about, he knew not
where, until he became exhausted
then died.
is going to have
street carnival.
Charley Campbell, a
who was confined in jail New
on, made bis escape
A power plant on
will furnish electric power tor tin
town of
News comes from Richmond
the Atlantic Coast Line will
its road from Washington to N
M. R. Guthrie, aged
dropped dead in the road near hie
home in Iredell county, on Than
Thomas of Greensboro.
disappeared and
so far no of him is found
Miscreants drew spikes from the
rails of the Southern railway
track on a curve near Greensboro.
It is believed their purpose was t
wreck a-
A colored working in
tobacco factory, at Durham, was
in a fly and
Receipts of the Bah
WOO more than in
Fisherman along the sound
the outlook is that the
of shad and herring will be
this spring.
The commissioners of boll-
Craven and Lenoir counties passed
resolutions condemning the re-
business of the Atlantic
North Carolina railroad.
Owing to the appearance of a
of smallpox in one of the
schools in Wilmington, the health
authorities ordered that pupils of
all the schools be vaccinated.
fix North sailed
from New Toes-lay,
tor Jerusalem.
Charlotte is moving to h
Smallpox is reported in thirty,
nine the stale.
of the applicants
before the State
Association, were grant-
ed Four
h the board and two of
Groceries that Please
Our customers, are the kind
that we sell. Sometimes there is
a strong to please our
selves by mm
as at a lower i-ii-e,
thereby get a bigger profit,
but we are Arm and only go
of highest quality are
We have no old goods to work
off. These Groceries are fresh
and in perfect condition.
low them except the
We pay th- highest mark-
et price for all kinds of Country
Produce. Phone
Bland t
telephone wires are groat
. .
a I o
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L. H. Pender.
a- i
f B
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
buildings. .
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
oar tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to satisfaction.
Coming In
C. L. Wilkinson has just re-
turned from New York
IV here he bought all the Newest things in Dress Goods,
Trimmings, Clothing and Furnishing Goods Ac.
All The Newest Styles were Secured on this trip and
Be Sold at Moderate Prices.
C. L Wilkinson Co.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Onion Services. Business Houses Closed.
The first of the union j All the business Men of Green-
in which the several of j ville have agreed to close at
the town have joined, held p. in. during the
night in the union services in the again,
church. The congregation church. This will give
very large and good Interest was I both business men and employed
J. A opportunity f attending Hie
preached an on
away of people
The Meetings Growing in Interest.
The attendance m large
., . r .,. tn
He said that human I religious service is
do, and laud we believe -a great blessing to
when the. limit of t-heir ability town will result from this
haw reached then God of
the work.
He his -w-
to all What is Is It a serpent or a
-doubt, of unbelief, of Inactivity, or
so that a blessing in It is con-
of could come who appears
during this meeting. with Barlow and
A. was held at this j Will be Greenville,
morning conducted by Rev. night, 18th,
Powell. Tonights services will,
begin at and the
at the
onion services the
People Like Towns with Good Moral In-
One of lest men of the
county was congratulating
N. O. March 1904.
Car seed oats at J. R.
church. A. upon the town having lied Bliss seed potatoes at J. R.
preached from the text the election in favor of the Bros.
this night thy soul shall be dispensary, and said feel more of Kinston, visit
The. cf the j her sister, Mrs. Carney.
Hint th T,. i . .
was strong and He show- town now that the saloons will be Joe who lives near
that from the world's vie point This man owns here, is very with pneumonia,
email of whom the test was hew and is a man of and G. Gardner of Greenville
Ml mating will to the town. take , ft, b
We are reminded by this of the factory.
spoken was a great in I hat
abundant provision fur
himself in this world's goods; but that last fall a man in
goons; last ran a man In . ., T, .
from God's stand point be was a wanted to more to
fool, In he had the wrote and asked
. .,.;,.,.,. . church Sunday.
T. K. King delivered two
the Baptist
The little builders will give an
by Mr. Hornaday.
Court Week.
The March term of Pitt Superior
court, for the civil cases,
will nest Monday. fudge
. Sunday was the second day for Justice will preside,
of lite ground hog,
he -.- , .
there will h -om- winter wear as
.- S ounces more
to the pint. i.
most Important matter of all, pro- several Questions about the town
vision for his soul. one of if we had open
So many in day and time do saloon here and how many All April in
A year, a decade, a his were answered.
cannot determine what real replied to the letter saying many our popular
success alone can of the advantages of the town e'er Sunday night for Raleigh
reveal it. After the sermon a pressed favorably, but he returned Tuesday.
number of people t n quest would not like to take his boys to W. H. Davenport, a former
hug ,.
if In-
.- s over, if
.- i
. i his
out winter
like to have
in OS hi re th
the ii . .
On Ms
sees -shadow j
s back days more.
its monthly mooting
a good astern-
One aw member was
. death of a
i- used .
ii .-I .
in; ,,
S In I
v. i ;. ii , oh
o en
. l p
. i in rise
w ., , ii is
v. of mi claim, d spirit in Carolina in
yet the vivid represents I be
d the enterprising spirit in the business
and humor of the genii- life of that
was ii the, Joyner is a native
extreme. He is of
of the peace that
a town that had eleven open school boy here, of Lenoir county
visiting friends in town.
tear, be seen from this W. Davis will fill his
. third
Hi . . mi ml gun .
. .-i .
an I c j; Company
Mr C Joyner, of c
I prof, .,
let. f Kinston, has
Hugh . of
Judge B. P. Long was rather
severe in of
Jaw in Madison county
court last week. One
V n
is in
r Faulkner a
; I firmer of county
So. A F. Sc
-VII ,
. J took with the and
and toe oilier , , ,
M ordered Ism- There seems M
no- ,
appear at April and a b who he, Minstrels
cause why they hong to know a little law ; the
not to partially
J l the node to dispense wit a
state hi i
rice from the
was all e lived mm
Barlow as do -mi
.- little ii
ride in
On en
en of
I. Mr.
failure t- pay the
mp their
j lawyer for the client. In such
eases the court fees are always
made safe, and, usually the fellow
who is brought before the court
;. Ii,
. e r
Daily pot business
house trade. I
When you invest your rather-submit, to the payment
where j cost than being put to the
may invest U most safely and most trouble setting up a
profitably. Tan needs to
the paper people oil Pitt closely after, and in
take it., read sentences referred to above
large i-.-
ii more
up in
adds n
x- will meet
requested In be en
J. M
here with
He ;,,.,
in the civil
i our
in it, nu depend upon it.
helps the advertiser
and its circulation brings
Why She Didn't Marry.
y did net
no need of she
Jude Long has set on example
that other Judges will do well to
School Closing.
County Superintendent W. H.
went out this afternoon
to deliver an the closing
Talking about and graft-
en, Col. says they are
not all confined to the departments
in Washington by a jug full. It is i
the opinion that almost a
. .
from several
answered. a j school taught by Miss
that stays out all; in school
night, and that
Coward Patrick
The firm of Coward Patrick
has dissolved B. p.
Patrick purchasing the interest of
I. A. Coward in the business. B.
H. Patrick is the other member of
firm and father and will
continue the business together.
Let fair weather some
days and things will take on a
different appearance around the
More House Needed.
Greenville is far short of enough
to supply the demand.
Lit even the possibility arise of
and there are at
applications for it.
Millinery Announcement.
I am now receiving a very hand-
some and complete of mil-
for spring The
department is still under the
direction of Mrs. Greene. We
will try to please you both in
prices and work. Come see my
new goods. Wait for my opening,
will be announced later.
aw MM. L. Griffin.
W. B. Cox will preach lo
the chapel at the county borne
next Sunday afternoon at S o'clock.
U New Ob- and a
Will Baptist el m,
. . . wife, and
. ., . married.
A Profitable Acre.
IT 1-
of the fashionable towns have them. of In I
for fashion rules the roost, He gt
the minutest details,
There are grafters, hue i
grafters, flower grafters and and less
the rest of sagely remarks cents per bushel Idem
the ought to he of one I
I moan these John lives lorn-
funerals wherein the aforesaid of Albemarle, works only one
, to do business, mule, but he make, everything
a count. ,.
much for a carriage to drive two hies and like find the way to
blocks to a funeral as ho will for an this ,,,.,., .
entire day. a great shame, Stanley Enterprise.
that's what it is; it ought to be
abolished. Some old, Burns a Town.
priest a number of years i N. March II-
ago took up the reformation, but of
n bad
left a
. all
in id its a
s make
is v
mi tiling
plants in iii- slate.
Virginia stands second and Ken
first in tobacco producing.
could not make it. I think . a
crucified him and put him out of S ISl
hie early this morning and only
The will find many to
agree with him, but it is feared they
will not carry out his
The members of the Lumber ton
Methodist church have decided to
build a new church edifice at an
early date.
Fresh celery and cab
S. M.
one business house remains. The
tire is believed to have originated
from a stroke of lightning during a
severe thunder storm. The total
loss is estimated at with
insurance. The fire start-
ed the drug store of Dr. iV K.
Reid and was by a
Hugh has purchased
the Job printing and stationary
business of W. P. Burch and took
charge Monday.
Again it Old Stand.
Having disposed of the Burch
Job printing office have gone
buck home with the
I thank my many friends for
past patronage and hope they will
favor me in the future with their
job printing, if its stationery
you want, let the Reflector do
it for you.
Yours truly,
W. F.
Always Glad to See You.
Civil terms of court do not us-
bring a large crowd to
but we who next
week will remember where
office is and that
have of blank receipts on

Eastern reflector, 15 March 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 15, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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