Eastern reflector, 4 March 1904

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Another Gen Spiked.
In reply to a clipping from the
North Carolina Christian Advocate
of which Rev. Blair is ed
circulated this week la the
interest of open saloons, as opposed
to dispensary in Greenville,
We to the public the fol-
low in, personal letter to J.
I regret to learn
your letter just received
bar should attempt to use
said good Intent,
to the advantage Of their cause.
I trust yon may gain the
I am today preparing an editorial
which will appear in
Advocate, and I send you
advance sheet, so that you
use it and this letter as you
w best. IT. M.
we denominate an attempt
of the barkeepers and their
in a few to OS
what we have had to say against
the dispensary, as a campaign
document In favor of the open
saloon. Whatever we have had to
say against the dispensary has
been on general principles, and
with no thought of giving comfort
to the of the , saloon.
dispensary is bad, but the open
saloon is infinitely worse, and
where it becomes necessary to
choice between the two,
there should be no hesitation on
the part of Christian men.
The only question is that of
expediency in dealing with a
that Is sapping the very life of the
and nation, . e see no
reason why, In most communities,
Under the Wits Law, we should
i -o to stop at a
in this matter. It is con-
ceded by all real friends of
the dispensary
must finally yield to the demands
enlightened Christian
which ultimately drive i
out. Therefore, where we have i
good fighting chance we
array all our forces- in a
to the whole business.
The e be some exceptions.
but we are t f the that
in all our towns at present
it would be almost as easy to drive
out the saloons altogether to
drive the business into a
As to any who have attempted
to use what we had to say in
to dispensary, as in any way
favoring the open saloon US a mat-
of preference, have only to .
that they are a
hypocrites, and, in keeping wit.
saloon element general.
would not at the
any crime by which to foster their
wicked business, Their business
to their coffers by taking
human weakness, and
need not b surprised to find
them distorting utterances of
; journals to
; the time being to
Bin king cans. Truly,
R. J.
C. V. York.
H. Pender.
umber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
Ail kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new I and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, ring and all kinds o sheet
metal work. in shop is fourth street, opposite
marble yard. Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a of trade.
We ask for our share the public patronage and
will do host to give satisfaction.
um em
f T
Our Stetson,
and Shoes, All Leathers,
Our Shape 3.50 and Shoes i
All Leathers, i
Our Excellent Quality 3.50 Shoes, J
All Styles Potent and Kid Leathers
The Well Known It C. Shoes For j
Women, 1.50 and Grade i
This is no shopworn or bankrupt stock, I
but. good clean up-to-date goods.
I am now In New York buying New and I
Complete line Spring Goods. E
. s s.
hi Way.
husband has Ideal of
ho i- h i
by . l. club
I.- no
Miss Jessie returned
Friday evening from a visit to
the Wore,
little Billy
An echo, replied old
man, with nigh long drawn
. ; the only flimflam
would livery of heaven to , out or
serve the Devil in. Down wills
the saloon If it conies to a choice Hew Ha Went.
between the two, take the out officially Lord
was very particular about
Mrs. Emily suffered a
stroke of Friday, and
a times before the
open saloon.
Friday evening the passenger
train was four and one half hours
late, having been reported only
two and half late. There were
passengers who to the depot
at o'clock and had to wait till
after ten o'clock, which was very
to them.
D. M. Ferry's new garden
at M.
appearing in uniform and expected
all invited to meet him to
come similarly attired. Some years
he arrived at a certain town to
inspect the troops, and some
in the neighborhood gave a
large dinner party in his honor, to
which the principal officers in tho
garrison wore invited. Ono of
officers told me that when he in-
formed his he should
dress at a certain hour, as he woe
going out to dinner, tho man at
once inquired whether he was going
as officer or a I
may add that, as he was invited to
meet Lord ho went an
M. A. P.
The City Bay Grain Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn for cash.
Mysterious Circumstance
pale and sallow and
other fresh and rosy. Whence the
difference She who blushing
with health uses Dr. King's New
Life Pills to maintain it. By
gently lazy organs
they compel good digestion and
head off constipation. Try
only at Drug Store
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
We are in the
Buying our Spring and
Summer Stock.
We will have, in a short time
One of the Largest and
Most Complete stock of
Dry Goods and Notions
Ever Shown in
C. L Wilkinson Co.
Commissioner General Herbert
who represents the state
at the St. Louis Exposition
the shipments of the North Caro-
exhibit commence this week.
There will be something like eight
oar-loads of exhibits, all arranged
and packed with special care.
Job box papers
bought at a sacrifice. Original sell-
price to cents a box.
Marked down to and cents.
Only boxes in lot. Come
quick if you want a box.
tor Book Store. d. w.
Wisconsin Capital Burned.
Madison, Wis. Feb.
starting it o'clock this morning
from crossed electric light wires
or a burning gas jet, completely
building, causing a of
Preparations are under way for
the settlement of a colony of more
than from New
York, at Mobile, Ala,, on
line of the Southern railway
Miss Harding returned
Friday evening from Washington
VOL. No.
Russian Ships Sunk.
Sr. Petersburg-
confirmed Tumors are current here J After a U- which
Like A Strike
, 2.-
this that two Russian
battleship and one torpedo b-st
have be Mink at Port Arthur.
Fire broke out in th. a iron
both declared
had and Newport NeB -hip-
agreed the big plant on
nit-doing today will re-1 ,
to .
the which id died the J,
Here at the last of
Boats Damaged.
is learned that
has just completed a
motel known as tho
Fire destroyed the county
home of county and a
colored bun
were damaged at the last
mi Arthur, are toeing
towed to V
I on.
in the dome of the
between and East Dur-
Ham last Saturday morning in
men the first j
In jet come in
x r J
Mar. 1.--A of .
mm that Tuesday for killing all of them.
to Ai,
N. C. February
Rev. H. O. Bowen, editor of the
Watch Tower, was here Friday,
in the interest of his paper.
W. T. Cash, who took a relapse
with pneumonia, died and
was buried Saturday by the Odd
Fellows. He leaves a wife and
several children. He came here
from Granville six
ago to cultivate tobacco.
Rev. J. T. Davis, of Greene
county, moved his family here
last week.
Car white corn for sale by J. R.
Smith Bro.
C. A. Fair returned Char-
Thursday, where he
toe and the at
probably of the I I of a disease doctors
such an attempt be made. Deposit ad Company, at b as anthrax, an
th have Mass., wen u generally to sheep
in be., I , v
on and after March the vi. reason j
following annual salaries shall for hold Seaboard Air Li
to be Ga., the th
Presidents to be strong tat Ions near on th
cut and members of Cot, A; r
K, of broach of treaty J c- Lille.
is. and obligations. the
till d
tie morning of the 27th by being
in Hume shafting.
i five year-old vi
Creed, living in
Miss Ella left
where will
take a business course.
Oar spring seed oats at j. r.
Smith it lira.
Mrs. Jack-on and
ace visiting relatives in the
of the
factory will cause several famines
to move here.
Rev. C. C. Bland went to Green-
ville Monday.
I. . . . V, I
pass the Brit on the 27th, I on
do likewise, and fit wreck near Vs.,
the of of
for Russia.
I era road
Want Rowers to Intervene.
Paris, Mar.
has an agitation in
or of powers
i.-. having in-
that Bulgaria should bean ally
more to i
to Russia.
J. Mar. L
this -It i- the
log. He was a of
the end.
If the
Sr m , it.
; .-., doable
header t
county, was Services were held at the
Sunday by Rev. T. is
he- while on i the
H e largest
made from a t to in
who the trade left
probably die from int Jr
injuries. H Luke's mixture
hurt. Shipped to Warren i,
and at Hi- Episcopal church by
J ti. of
came home
from Virginia. night.
Car salt J. R.
native far her
thought to be
Mrs. Alfred 155-.,
presented husband for U.
second time three
set of
Mr. to Raleigh
to with the state's
exhibits at the St, Louis
Hon. The
i fall down stairs
m u .,
Mrs. ; . .
,. . . , would
dead home in ,, ,, . . .
St was the oldest n. . .
lb, Plans for raising a fund to
to J for the victims of the
support I heir action and event- fire have been submitted not blame for
support Memorial
offices of the Washington K- Crane says.
The last Heroic Effort.
Wife, make the last heroic effort
with husband of
yours. A change has come
him in the last few days. . , ,
much more inclined bl ,. i Beer Traffic-
than he was h week ago. Washington, D. C,
thinking after all it may be e judiciary committee of seeking revenge, but are opposed
better to close up tho bar Rehouse today public to of the as
were begun the Hepburn bill
combined weight at was different kinds
Th i boys
lively said
; Mi.,,,,
The factor, of ti. Hew k I by being
mills at Y. In
The loss who bad been
Gee. who knocked hint
Phelps afterwards returned
and asked for
the remark, saying that he did
Marriage License.
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams issued license to the
following e
John Mills and
A. V. Lang and Mary A.
Ernest C. Manning and Susan
L. H. Lancaster and
T. Allen, ,
Sam in
Q. T.
it and
Bright and Henrietta
him. The men shook hands and
., Gee turned to walk away.
hospital in the dis-
The sole object of this as-
is the erection of a me-
The are not
bar rooms
Plead with him for the safety of
l T II
the and the girls. Plead in which seeks to change the inter
love, not auger. Breathe into
his very soul a prayer warm with
the everlasting love of a mother's
heart. Tell him that a vote for
, safety of the boy is the boom
you ask.
Bonds Sold.
The board of internal improve-
has sold the of
Greenville improvement bonds to
Rudolph Co., of
-The price is ,
state commerce law so that all
intoxicating liquors shipped from
outside states may be subject to
the laws of the state to which
they are shipped or through which
they may The measure, in
effect, is intended to aid local
and prevent any city or
county subject to that law from
receiving intoxicants of any kind
or character in broken or
a place of amusement.
The Hotel, in Washing-
ton, D. C, was damaged to the
extent of by fire. The
entire root of the front portion of
double building was burden
and three rooms on the fourth
floor were gutted. The hotel was
deluged with water, which dripped
in the destroying
able furniture on every floor, and
the place was rendered
or character m broken or able for a number of guests
en packages, gee including several members of
in the back, inflicting wound,
from which he has since died.
Burton C. Clod feller, a well
known farmer of Davidson county,
attempted to commit suicide one
day last week by cutting bis
John a young
about years old, was found
dead the road about one mile
from Rocky Mount on the morn-
of He lived about four
mile., Rocky Mount and it is
supposed that he came there, got
tanked up with juice, tried
to make his way home, fell into a
ditch on the road side and was
either drowned or froze to death
as there was no evidence of foul
James Ellison and Amelia
Frank Grist and Jennie Wilson.
H. I. and
ma n.
Columbus Brady and Minnie
Foreman and Forbes
Alfred Little and
Joseph Dupree and Lula
Just Dollars.
Washington, D. C, Mar.
Attorney General gave out
the following statement this after
noon. -I the
that he Is authorized to pay
once to the republic of Panama the
stipulated by the
treaty, ratification of which
has been exchanged.
Also that he is authorized to
pay the new Panama canal com-
the amount
agreed to be paid first

u i w
. .-
The Branch o the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L. E. SAWYER, who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
I The Branch of the Mutter a is charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to
the paper in and
I ,
is the
on. Tastes a
good as Maple Syrup. per-
bottle for sale by John
Druggist, Farmville, N. C.
them to toe , stock I day. of good weather.
J. II- HARRIS CO-, of fall lino of NO IONS BL Bradley and son, Hugh,
I HATS, Ml hardware and groceries, all went to Given
W. G. the w W his family
full game
goods it tier win. v .-o
l want bargains come chicken for J. P. Plain
W. Store, WM .
Farmville, N. C. s P
of them being civil action.
Jasper James lift on Monday
j morning's train for parts unknown.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
W. G. administrator of R. H. N
to notify the public that he has charge of the stocK
and j offer- We have been two
I B , . r .,.,, her.
U Mill n , i
iTS CAPS, hardware and groceries, all
Lice w. Of i. also agent of the, Tailor. Mfg.
r -10 less than tailor, charge. pair well bred
Glassware, ts, To
J. J. Satterthwaite
you to tin it-
headquarters a id while there to
inspect their complete of
for count i
most i
and learn low prices. We
can supply ail your needs in
any Hue of goods.
Green I e
V inti I
I he i i
. V
Good, Fresh Groceries
you do come to see us, We keep every-
thins In the grocery line and sell it to our
Lowest Possible Price,
. f Vi u
can i to ii Iv,
hi more
i the nine.
ti public
l- a paint.
simply coal; .
with two-t
gallons of any other. y
will as
oilier. all k
est paint will .
care of the if ; in the
run, money
by any -i. ;
Hie . is stated
and ;
Ii. D. Jewel, Cry, Pa. painted SALE.
Letters of administration upon tin
hi- year, ago with a mixed;
i I Last
estate of N.
having this day issued to the
with having duly
t left, ls
administrator, i;
to for claims against ate
, to pay-;
,. lint.
P. S .
on or Use ii
. this notice be
in recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are
to make immediate payments to me.
I This 2nd day 1894.
our F
times as
Lenders In Fashions. Full line of
trill and hats. Mowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than over.
what you
and sweet-
ens stomach.
and all stomach
and towel troubles.
action of
gastric glands and
gives tone to the digestive organs.
stomach of all nervous
strain, gives to the heart a full, free
and untrammeled action, nourishes
the nervous and feeds the
is wonderful remedy
that is making so many
sick people well and weak people
strong by giving to their bodies all of
the nourishment that Is contained In
the food they eat.
Tour Dealer Cm Supply Tea.
Battles only.
the trial sue, which Mils for
the Truth. N or t h C a r o i n a.
A shopkeeper in had
stuck up a notice in glaring colors
and very large
Must close on Sal
On Friday a friend asked
Are you
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand ll
Fr sh kept ion-
inst ck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
No place like home. Jasper. He
will soon return.
Fresh lot silver and yellow
onion at C. E. Brad
J. J. leaves th s
morning Pinner. Point at
which place be t. locate
the A. O. L.
Rev. J. E. of Bethel,
with us t fill hid
regular appointment In the
For gentle work
K. Bradley Co.
W. C. of Greenville,
was here Thursday business.
The Farmers alliance was in
regular session Tuesday night
New members arc Vicing added at
each meeting. Be to have
others to come and join u.
meeting Tuesday night after
1st. and
J. It. Baker tell, n he to-
plants up. J. B. knows
j just what to do with weed.
He was the most successful tobacco
grower tins section last year and
is to plant about the same
number of sews this year. We
wish f a- him another good crop.
We are s Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
ball to make room for
all goods.
Om Price
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Mice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New lint; of
Wood, Fin and Hard ware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and deal for ail, we for
cash which enables u. to do a safe
business we give
the of It, Sales,
Margins and price t all
is motto.
X- a
i I bU.
It is his sweetheart n man
should be particular about. Once
he settles down, if dies not much
matter whom M.
ton and of
lien iii.
r Kent
this county and adjoining tern
AH the shopkeepers I for house of solid financial
are selling off, ain't
course they are. But you say,
close on
Paymaster Morse, of the Battle-
Wisconsin, accused of
in commissary funds
is mod to be tried by a
I must. You would
not have mo keep open on Sunday,
would Globe.
A Useful Young Lady.
are late this
said the music teacher to his
powdered and highly deco-
rated young lady pupil.
replied the damsel, swish-
down the music stool.
was so busy in the kitchen that I
had to wait nearly half an hour
her to sew up a tear in one of
standing. 820.00 straight cash
salary and expenses paid each
Monday direct from headquarter.
Expense money advanced, position
permanent. Manager,
Bldg., Chicago.
much ore these flan-
asked a woman in one of
the large department stores one day
last week.
will show to
airily replied the clerk. with
an Indifferent nod a girt about three
persisted the flout
want to buy now. I simply to
The undersigned, having this day
qualified before the of the
Court of Pitt County as
of the estate of Dennis C.
Smith deceased, and letters of
been Issued tome as
such administrator; Notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them
to me for payment, duly authenticated,
on or before the first day of March,
1905 or this notice will be plead In
bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment to me.
This the 26th day of February 1904.
of Dennis C Smith, Sr.
Jarvis v. Blow, attorneys
N. C.
After thirty years of successful am
better than prepared to supply all th
needs of the with n complete
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Today the empire Japan has
a population of In
other words, she
the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A fail lime Highest prices
tot all
light s a
make; a light purse.
The LIVER If the seat of
tenths of all disease.
. Q
go to the roe; of the
thoroughly, safely
and restore the of
LIVER to normal condition.
tone to the system and
flesh to the body.
Jake No Substitute.
S. M.
Dealer. Cash paid lbs
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil
Turkeys. Egg, Bed.
steads, Oak Suits,
by Go-Carts. r
suite, Tables, Lounges,
and Gail A Ax
Henry George Can-
Pine .
Ly, Magic Food,
Seed and Hull.
When there
and in the
household when h child shewed
symptoms f croup, there is mm
perfect confidence. This is
to u of Chain-
Remedy in the
treatment of Mrs.
in specking of her experience in
the use of remedy
have a world of in
have used it wish
child is tn
attacks it id
ways gives him prompt
For sale by Drag
Back up Our Claims for
Fact is a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent to the entire
Fact is not a drug, hut
a normal, scientific cure for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and
n the and positive
their arc
to perfect
add Ml lo ours.
IT-TEST IT-Our Guarantee
with every
Come and see us before
your seed Irish potatoes. We
will handle fancy Maine stock.
Johnston Bros.
Stray Taken up.
About last of December, a mule
hog, unmarked, white and black
spotted, weight about pounds,
took up my Owner
get same by proving property
and coats.
Feb. 1904.
and the
cure noon
follows remedy will ;,. a.
i i than
i h i n
h . i.
. i i ,
. .
J ; patent
. y
Practice Exclusively.
31.-.-.,, ,
O. C.
n a . i. o. c.
i i
i . v i.
Mr. A. B. K i-p, n
of B M .
i i. y
in use
rid Liver
day i r constipation
; ion
to nauseate or
B. L.
We are here lo I e i
We are ii. ;.
ever before u do r
work promptly and
are here to give yon bet
; rices In i
and .
Keep your money in
home town you car, get j
better returns for it
hat's a fair proposition i-
II L. Bi
Coin JAg
several.- ear
ii mid per-
writes K. ,.
No Carnage Paint
will wear long ;
others as heavy bodied,
weigh t
to the pin .
Bash Doors, Bl
. y.-r,
of i in
respect rail v
j of H.
. help d me began
rising which did
hue nil
i aim ever used. They have also
kept ; health
She .-Bit-1
they urea
doe take its in our
Cry t We.
How ran
done a
nail or screw driver
par lacking. Have a good
cool box and for
line of tools W,
all you desire, and
will sec ti at tool
box does not sit
useful article.
Kl M V.
had ,, bad
head w, a of
and u, hair M, ,.
K do
u none
good I
the scabs
which tickler
; r- .--
.,, bi the
Another Ce of
is cured.
gone, and the .,
a is growing
again I cannot give .,,,
v ,
aid the
one ,
hazel, E. c.
every Sold by J
L- Woolen, J
-Frank Farmer, Bluff City
l buying
We beg
to announce that we are
wards j
I and I. M harm less , aver
ii. ail or
w to take,
I is good for
i inn
White Lead, Paints,
J. old. by
The of I
Is being .
am early
it long, .
of the liver
km i
but i.
he action f the Iii
tissues support
gripe at-d v
that are
Id j. ;.
i build
in all
, .
Would It
by i . i,
III it.
Escaped an Awful Feat
doctor told me I
Or, was ,
-l ; i a .
health Dr Kin
PUN ti
ally n,,.
head oil
ii and
i hem.
If you use the Paints you need
never worry about quality,
trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any i
purpose. Have just received load and
tan give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Norfolk with railroads for
points West.
Skippers should order
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk-
Clyde Line from Philadelphia
senses by
Price BOo and
Trial hollies free.
Are They
Stomach and
Liver Tablets, a new for
and Miners Line fro. Boston. path of I Price cents. For sale by
ton X-PP.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. If. Myers,
Washington, N.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Vice
Beach Street, N. Y.
It is mostly the women who
are gamesters, the men only the
Have indigestion,
Cure will cure yon, It
has It Is curing
people every day-every hour
You owe it to yourself to give it a
trial You will continue to suffer
until you do try it. There is no
other combination of
that digest rebuild at the
mm time. both.
and re-
builds. Sold by J. L. Wooten.
K. L. Davis Bros. Farmville.
A wise man reduces his affairs
to a minimum his interests in
the affairs of his neighbors to less.
is merely the art of
seeing things as they are instead
of as they ought to

D. J.
Editor and
Entered in the post at N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every port in and
in to
Senator Overman thinks Judge
Simonton will decide with the state
in the A. and N. C. R. R.
ship matter. He will do so unless
lie overrules and
Pitt County, S. March 1904.
Cotton is doing UM more push-
toward the high water mark.
It looks like the pendulum has
begun to swing hack when grafters
in places who have been rob- j
, ,, j bing the government brought to
The seems to all com- .
book and sentenced to the
from the Russian side, and of
wan has nothing to complain . department at Washing-
ton who have been receiving bribe
Japan admits the fact that one of the healthiest signs of th
bombardments come high but times. These men were high up in
earns that she needs Port Arthur in office am in social standing, hut
her business just the
The Durham Sun has celebrated
its fifteenth anniversary. The Sun
grows brighter in age and is never
were corrupt and their sins have
found them out. All rascals should
only be turned out of office, but
as promptly turned into the keeping
of the penitentiary authorities.
A man in Philadelphia hos just
finished a term of two years in the
penitentiary and in addition to
this country would from
intoxicating drinks for a period of a
single generation, a mob would be j the stigma resting upon him, is
as impossible as a combination with-1 maimed, broken in health and a help-
out oxygen.
less dependent upon others. All this
he brought upon himself by a con-
to get money out of a street
The Supreme court of the l
States has decided that when a man
rides on, a free pass that he can
get no damages from railroads if
he gets hurt.
Thirty ear loads of smoking to-
all of one brand and consign-
ed to one jobber, made up a train
that left Durham for Chicago the
other day. That does not look like
Durham is a dead town.
The country loses a man of prom-
and influence in the death of
A. S. of the Baltimore Sun,
which occurred his home in
Sunday. He made the Sun
rank among the leading papers of
this country.
corporation commission has
ordered the railroads at Charlotte
to build a union depot. Now watch
the roads raise the freight rates.
he always nays the
You have got two months ill
which to pay your poll tax. If you
do not pay them by the first of May
cannot vote in the presidential
election fall, you arc worth a
Reflector believes that it has
never done its readers and the
a greater service than in
most of its space for some days
past to articles discussing and
the dispensary. This was
done through the honest conviction
that open saloons are a great evil and
a menace to manhood, and the
that a dispensary was the best avail
able plan of curtailing and checking
this evil. To give the space to the
articles mentioned it was necessary
for the time being to leave much
news matter out of the paper, hence
many local and personal items that
otherwise would have appeared in
the news columns were omitted.
This is deemed sufficient
to any who may have looked for
items that did not appear.
ear company. It seems that he
fell in front of a trolley car in
such a way as to lose a leg. Two
friends who saw what happened,
appeared as witnesses, failed to stand
the severe ordeal of the cross
nation and revealed the plot. The
result is the pitiable wreck
ed above.
The will now
give a certificate that those
fastener will fastens if put on the
wrists by The law-
abiding people of the District of
Columbia, are warm in of
Judge Pritchard for meting out
without fear or favor. That
crying need of American
courts of justice today. The man
holds the scales of justice
mid does let influential
people escape is the most useful
judge. Good far Judge Pritchard
News and Observer.
The sudden acquisition of wealth
and the equally as sudden of
riches through the heavy in
cotton futures have given people in
section of the country an
to make interesting
of strenuous humanity. The
gaining of large money, with its ac-
of independence, is
bound to have its effect on the char-
of any man. Usually it is
is apt to make one selfish,
and not so considerate of other
pie. His circle of acquaintances,
increases, but his heart gets colder
and ho knows fewer friends. He
loses naturalness, and narrow
that he had hitherto concealed crop
out in jarring boldness, lie has
been put to a great test, and he has
become a loser at the point where he
should have gained most. He be-
comes a snob within his limitations
and is secretly laughed at. This
does not apply to all men who make
much money suddenly, nor does it
apply to those who acquire it by
slow, laborious methods, but most
men do turn fools when money comes
unexpectedly. Yet losing money
has a far worse effect, of course.
in any guise is bad enough,
but the poverty that has come
through of the
sort that wrecks a man's peace,
ages him and makes him a poor
In a word, one looks in
for the smallest element of good that
has come to this part of the world
through speculation. In rare in-
stances it has enabled a man to be
bettered financially, hut day after
day it shows oftenest and excited
lot of humanity that has to pay a
heavy penalty whether it gains or
loses. No man ever enjoyed his
poker money or considered it good
money, and no man was ever really
by bigger gambling or
bigger winning. There seems to
be no use to say to arrest the
It is increasing all the time
and is adding fresh misery to many
households. One cannot walk in
any direction in this town without
finding men who are badly injured
in one way and another by
and the feverish spirits grows
more feverish. What is the end go-
to Comment in Char-
Disgrace to the State.
That public execution at White-
ville last week was a to the
State. More than two thousand
men, women, children and babes
in in crowds
to see the condemned man launched
into eternity, and many had travel-
led in wagons all night to see the
show God pity us, if this is the
test of our civilization After all,
are we any more civilized than our
ancestors who roamed the forests in
a naked condition
The legislature ought to forbid
public executions and thus prevent
by law so low an exhibition of
bid and
X. G. Mar.
a. of South Nor-
folk, Va., came in Friday night
and returned Sunday.
Mien Susie Ross, of Stokes, is
spending some time visiting
friends here.
On account of the had Weather
the log train Hint pulls logs
to Point for
Lumber Co.,
lost a last week.
Miss Mooring spent last
night with friends here re-
turned home this morning.
Miss Maggie Rollins is spending
some time with Mrs. L. It. Which
W. T. Warren with Miss Ger
trade Mid W. S.
with Maggie went to
The have all got the
blues over their work, hut we hope
will have some sunshine yet.
The Letter Evil.
Mr. Nolan had received a long
tongue lashing from Mr.
and his friends were urging on him
the wisdom of vindicating his honor
by a prompt use of his fists.
he's more than me
said Mr. Nolan dubiously, look
at the size of
and you don't want folks
to be saying Terry Nolan is a cow-
demanded a reproachful
I and Mr. Nolan
gazed mournfully about him.
rather that than to have them say-
day tomorrow,
Mrs. think I'll take this
bracelet Are you sure made of re-
Jeweler- Oh, ye.
Mm Because I do detest
that Isn't
The of Curia
Bits and Docking.
The horse, the most useful of all
animals, is the one marked for the
most of men's ill treatment; For
the most part housed in ill lighted,
ill ventilated and ill
worked to its full capacity,
eared for only to tut degree that
selfish interest prompts, the animal
u delivered over as the unprotected
object of the unrestrained passions
of man. The average man fails
to understand that
have a nervous system, among
them to a marked degree the horse,
and that were he to govern his own
temper he could, with a little pa-
get control of the horse's
nervous system and make out of it
a servant vastly more efficient than
it is under the system in which he
beats and jerks and drives it to dis-
A short walk in any city will dis-
cover many blind horses. Why
There are no blind cows
And yet the sight of the
one naturally is as good as that of
the other. The difference is simply
that the horse from the beginning
has been abused, ill housed, over-
worked and worked under
that have driven him blind.
His eyes are shut in by blinders at
each side, for which there is no use
but to satisfy the caprice or fashion
of man. So, his vision interfered
with and deprived of air, the wonder
is that with the other treatment he
gets ho is not blind Be-
sides this, in other eases his neck
is almost pulled out of joint by over-
head that raise his face
to the air and turn his eyeballs to
the glare of the sun unprotected.
Or, on the other hand, deprived of
he is bitted curb
that pulls his jaws to his breast and
tortures him in this fashion. And
then, according to the spreading
fashion of the day, he is subjected
to the most cruel of all practices,
docking, which not merely tortures
in the practice, hut leaves him to
the torment of flies for the rest of
his life. It is the merciful man
that is merciful to his beast, and if
it is the merciful that obtain mercy
we have, as a people, some way to
come before we get that blessing.
Indianapolis News.
Mistaken Politeness.
A Fort street car was bowling
merrily along toward
cemetery the other afternoon when
a white old man who had
been sitting quietly in front of a,
stylishly dressed young woman who
was standing up started as if to rise
and give her the five cent seat. The
young woman put her hand on his
shoulder and, gently restraining
mind, sir; just keep
The old man looked dazed for a
block or two, then attempted to gain
his feet, only to be again pushed
hack by the young woman, politely
remarking as she held him
your seat, please. I've
stood up so long now that I don't
said the old man in shrill
falsetto tones, want to get
You've made mo go half a mile past
my street News.
Different Climates.
An Irishman returning home from
America cot into conversation with
an Englishman, who asked him
what part of America he hailed
said Pat.
said the
are different climates near
each other
to give you an said
Pat, was shooting one day, and
my dog, a well trained one, set him-
self across a ditch. I was surprised
to find on my giving him the usual
token to start that ho remained mo-
Going toward him to as-
certain the reason, I found that his
tail was frostbitten at one side of
the ditch and his head on
the Tit-Bits.
An Advance In Value.
I may say it, dear, I am
afraid that you don't appear to val-
my kisses as much as you did be-
fore our marriage.
She What nonsense, George
Before marriage I would give you
half a dozen for a box of chocolate;
now I value them much
or two for a new dress or a hat at
the very least.
poverty always dwell
together, and misery and crime are
their natural offspring. Maxwell's
It Was Not States, bat I
Tut first republic in this
to succeed in recognition of
Its independence was. of course, the re-
public whose proud capital Is Washing-
ton. But there was an earlier one
which died soon after its birth, of
which little or nothing is said in our
American historian.
When France, in ceded
to Spain, the subjects of King
XV. objected to the transfer
without their consent. The local gov-
submitted the question to the
council, which, under the lead of
de rose in re-
volt called a convention
of the people at New Orleans, while the
new Spanish governor was on way
to the colony, and the convention
n delegate to go to to dis-
the French king from his course.
Louis XV. however, rebuffed the
gate and sent back word that the
must the authority of
It was then that the people of
resolved on a radical course.
the night of Oct. the rebels
took possession of the French forts and
the gates of the town in the name of
the republic of Louisiana. The old
French governor offered no resistance,
while the new Spanish governor took
refuge on a ship and sailed for Havana.
On Oct. the council at New
Orleans adopted a formal declaration
of Independence, officially named it-
self the republic of Louisiana, elected
and prepared a
written constitution. This interesting
government lasted from October, 1708,
to July, 1700, when a Spanish squadron
of twenty-four vessels, with an army of
men, arrived at New Orleans.
The new republican state was destroy-
ed and live republican leaders,
were put to death.
Then all the republic's official papers,
including its declaration of
and constitution, were burned in
the public
The Client Who Called
The missionary had finished his talk
to the crowd of derelicts in a Bowery
mission and went around the room to
shake by the hand. There was
one man sitting a bench whose face
so utterly loathsome that the mis-
gorge ill his throat, and
he was compelled to pass bin by. The
man's dulled eye marked look of
disgust, and In n tone of mingled de-
and resentment be cried
mister, why don't you
The young missionary turned, con-
science stricken, looked into the sin
Scarred features and grasped the man's
brother, you must forgive
be stammered. couldn't help
It when I saw face. But I'll
make amends. You must take dinner
with me tomorrow
The broken man glanced at his rags
In confusion, blushed like a girl and
Me take dinner Me
go to your house
I mean It. I'll come tomorrow
night and get
True to his word, the missionary
himself at the lodging house
the next and Inquired for the
man. A corpse lying on V. table,
a spread over It face.
The clerk Jerked thumb in the
of the lily.
he said. had
fixed HT and was
dropped dead half
New York
The Squire's Daughter
the Village school. Now, i
can you loll me what u miracle
The children looked another,
but remained silent.
no one answer this
the new curate asked, who was stand-
behind the squire's daughter.
A little girl was suddenly struck
a brilliant idea. She held up her
hand excitedly.
the squire's daughter
asked, smiling approvingly.
the small child re-
plied breathlessly, says
be a miracle if you don't marry the
new Globe.
smiled the fond young
as she passed a plate of dessert to her
husband, Is cottage pudding. I made
The man tasted of it.
have known it was cottage
he asserted.
asked, delighted.
I can taste the plaster and
wall paper. What did you do with the
and the bricks of the
The Girls.
told me last evening I
was the prettiest girl be ever saw.
that's nothing. He said
the same to me last year.
know. dear, but his
may have Improved since then, you
This department is in of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep.
resent the Eastern in and territory.
Hoy Evans, of Greenville, was
j here
K. C. Mar. Mr. and Mrs. F O Cot returned
of Ayden, was to
A;, den.
hen- prospecting.
in Manning to Greenville
Mr. Griffith conducted
sen m the Episcopal church
Bolter of Ayden, bad
an ;
in a
here last Sabbath.
ways bear in mind that the
villa Mfg. Co. manufactures
wash board of
quote pi ices Same
article is better if you
a little more for it
aper article at a smaller
one the Carroll
manufactured by the
Mfg. Co.
n ticker, of
i i sen us.
; Bryan, who has been
r mother near
home Monday evening,
L. Carr, of Greenville,
capacity paid our
this week. Like
he says he met the nicest
test girls in a
lad to see him.
beam manufactured by
Frank Harrington on the
ran to Greenville, Frank.
night with friend-.
Miss wit to
Friday and returned Bun-
Go to see or write the Winter-
Co. your
trimmings. They yon
with good .
B aiding J, i
Cox Board per day. Beat
House in
Dr. B. T. Cox wishes to
chase His new goose feathers.
Mis. Bet tie and children,
of Grimes-land, are friends
Mrs. Sarah Taylor, who pent
last week with Mrs. C. A. Fair in
returned homo on Sunday
morning's train.
Upon receipt of a telegram an.
death of her brother,
Madison Galloway, at
Mis. B. W. Tucker in company
with her husband Miss Millie
left at once to be present
at the funeral,
A. Kittrell went to Kin-ton
Ml Co. always night returned this morn-
satisfaction when you
u lo have one put in
v they can also furnish
r your plow.
d of hay oats, hulls and
ft, A. Kittrell.
Cox now has
i the residence of J. II.
i of chewing and
go to the
To our friends and
Saving very mar lost our entire
stock of merchandise in recent
now arrange-
rapidly as possible to
open again. We earnestly
solicit a continuance of your
valued patronage. Thanking you
one and all for past favors we re-
It is nothing strange to
Hunsucker has sold the last buggy
stock. Don't you this
is because there isn't anything do
You never were worse
I The fact is, the orders are
faster than they can be
made. Don't let any more get
ahead of you, but place your
orders A. G. Cox Co.
Light and heavy groceries u.
ways on band at the store K.
G. Chapman Co.
Be sure and see H- L. Johnson.
for any and everything in the
grocery and confectionery line.
It. G. Chapman Co. invite the
public to call and examine their
stock of dry goods, notions
The Hue of ladies dress good in
the store of F. Chapman Co.
is attractive. Call
and see.
H. L. Johnson daily receives I
the nicest assortment of
See H. ,. Johnson
and light groceries.
Dr, B. T. Cox when not in the
country can be found either at his
or at the store of R G
m. o.
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L M. Pender.
P B- ii I I
for heavy
ox on Monday sold his
k store to It. G.
k factory is an assumed
a with several new in.
will very
development of the
growing facilities
I all around us.
of the at
are increasing rapidly.
so, Unit it will not be
blows bis trump be-
i be a presidential office,
G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Yon is to Servo,
Harrington, Barber
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co, have a nice
lot of coffins on hand, tire
very reasonable us heretofore.
Prompt attention given all orders.
nil or
the in-e In which a wire
fence is to be must determined
the Style of fence to be
this fact A. ;. Cox Mfg.
Go. continue to make the
fence with barb wire
woven in. an well as to keep in
stock different heights of
mesh perfect
Look after rime
Chapman Co.
In a few few jay,
Barber Co. will be ready to
serve their customers with any
thing in the line.
G. R Dixon, who was hurt
the lire is nearly all right.
We now have a nice lot of porch
column timber,
of them why not let lit ,,
Prices are light.
We are now occupying W L
House shop on Main street,
are the position to furnish our
us heretofore.
Harrington Barber Co.
We carry complete line of farm
supplies. Dry
Contractors, Constructors and
turned and
All machinery new and up to-date and of
Plans furnished and contract- taken for erection of
Tinning, Plating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our Tin shop is next door to
Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
cur tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our beat to give satisfaction.
you about and he aura to get the kind.
Independence Day In Texas.
Austin, Texas, March
eight years ago today, at Wash-
or. the the Texas
groceries, drug and S to
seen., one and
,. I begun the siege of the
Hamilton Barber A . i . , .,
Alamo, in accordance with one-
The A. G. Mfg. Co. shipped generally
today one thousand yards of gar. observed throughout the state.
den to one man. What was were dosed and
the size of his I appropriate exercises in com memo
j ration of the day held in
The Cox Mfg. Co. have
receiving some very
letter r
letters of testimony from
now wing their busies.
public and in the colleges
you i
you i
guano Sowers,
but they haven't
However, you may
Brewer, of the
spent from Saturday
to Sunday afternoon with
I. Kittrell.
I wish to notify the
bat I will grind every
at my mill one mile
Level on Sam
Purnell Tripp.
H. King, of Ayden,
the Missionary
h last Sunday morning
as well as buggies
some where else to
when you can get
when you get,
just as cheap per-
just as nice
right here from
-r, the man get bug-
A. G. Cox Mfg, have mot y
height you may want and the
their fence is well known.
They are constantly selling it yet
it keeps coining and yon can get
fence any day you Plenty
of barbed wire kept in stock.
The best prices for the best
goods can be had at H. L. John-
The latest of cigars and
tobacco at H. L. Johnson's.
books, pens, pencils and
best quality of stationary always
tor sale at the drug store.
Everything sold at the lowest
market price at R. G. Chapman
Best prices and tip top goods
be had at B. G. Chapman
The day was also the an-
of the birth of Sam
The farmers seem to have fallen Houston, the hero of
in love with the Economic Buck for independence, and there
band if way they are special services at his grave
it for plow harness Is any sign, participated in by
Up to date several thousand have Acuity and students of the
been shipped and still orders come, i Houston Normal school.
The few spring-like days seemed I
to remind the farmers that they
needed fence, and many of them
purchased nice lots of it from the
A. G. Cox Mfg Co. They carry
a large stock of it and you can
hardly fail to get what you want.
The Farmer.
Program for Saturday, March
Devotional exercises,
by Rev. Hornaday.
Cleveland, March
first time In history, the rail-
roads have recognized an electric
line, a traffic alliance
which marks a wide departure in
railroad business. The Western
New York excursion committee, at
it- meeting just concluded at Oar.
bridge elected to member-
ship the Traction
company. The act ion is sensation-
since it contravenes a decision
traffic association
In the United States, There has
a tacit understanding among
the steam railroad traffic
that no instance should
there he any affiliation between
the steam roads and the traction
companies, There has always
been a certain animosity between
two sets of railroads, which
has continued to grow the
lines encroached upon the
business of the
Model class, first grade
Annie Perkins.
General discussion.
The mud is deep but oar
wagons are o. k. still and
though our wagons
may sometimes stick they always
stand. Try G. Cox Mfg.
older railroads.
Reading of minutes and roll call. These things being understood
; I the action of the railroads in the
western New York exclusion
accepting into full
.,., , , , ll. Use of objects in a traction is all
The the poor the great the Miss Georgie j the more remarkable.
farmer he doth feed General discussion,
them all; yet he of all the men elation of
we know, of worldly goods makes
General discussion.
Plans and preparation for
work-paper by Miss
How to a library
paper by Miss Daisy
Positive teach-
of F. G.
Hart man.
Question box.
smallest show. A king
ed, that's him dead sure. Though
rough his hand, his heart is pure.
Aye, he's the boss of the
saint and tough
scamp, and if his fields one
year lay fallow, the earth with
would lie quite mellow.
So here's to him who holds the
him we make our
grateful Dispatch.
It is understood that John D.
Rockefeller, whole much interested
In the work of the Johns Hopkins
Hospital, at Baltimore,
plates presenting to the
institution to meet the shortage
occasioned by the tire.
No Gloss Carriage Made
will wear as long as No
others are as heavy bodied, because
weigh to more
to the pint. Sold by H. L. Carr

T. F.
id, N.
How One Employer Found H
a-d a Soy.
the boss
was first in
clerk's d
C I .
I . . j
II . . .
John took the I BETHEL. N
. him by bis i . I
away. He was obi .
Harlem, and in I r
n can he
. it
I I e are
; i
. .
back looking n
be handed in i
id went to bis
looked him . .-
times during the . . I . ;
log further to him , .
j Then .
j did Mr. i .
. him
next door to Post
was J
-J ; , I in . Dry ware F, tire, Groceries.
fey. only and i . I old n,
a r for C Seed and u . Produce.
. I . you gel the other .
i i
i teat h you u i on I
. if
. .
I .
. . we
. ; . . . i
. . i
ii. .
mi ling y u in . u . i. N .-
I i y man's word he
I- . u a roll of ilk
yo i every time, my boy.
merely wanted to leach you a
mean old shouted
John. never suspected of a
trick like that. When Sir. Blank
counted only told him
said it was you handed me
roll. Ho J at me kind of
queer and said. -What you
to about
home to I
. i
and told mother
; of the five dollar bilk,
I mo out of dad's in-
which sin I in
j When I paid Mr. Blank ho
on v, if ever yon want lo
our job come i i
; I'm to do it.
hack that and what's
me in . i. in
id , an Mr.
, . a l in bi .
l .
folk, Va.
Cotton id
id r
; Ti
. ;
. .
T ii I .
i . . .
S .
. . . . . .
. . .
I .
. . .;., i . .;
; , .
. V ,
r C Ma i,
i ii el iii of
d who at
of ii value lo e .
v. . ; in tel
. be .
. do i a Hi t street
mi o u i
had .; . . . .
our . the
to the old i will
dial hoof if will
cut i bring it to
the re;
and I hi d d i i . .
Two h i. I
fore you I y I .
, i .
. .- . .
; i .
Goods z Specialty.
h- V. . ;. .
l .-. . .
. R II . .
i i.
v- .
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended works
r. Is
t. Will be if arrears i
. . ; Oh TAXI-H
i at I'm . .
. .
; . . i
I ; i . .
M hi
. hip, Mai
. .
, ,.
; ,
.- .
u I or
; is not supposed to
use, but lie gives
he desires, and if
i figure or a scene
that of the writer it is
worse for the writer.
Hunt illustrated
. m. Lady i
i was somewhat
. his first sight of die
. .
of i .
run in
. i do
f each
U time
said ho,
young woman's hair
nil over the
whose mind
L r-
Stokes, I Lip, i ,
G.- .-,
O. W. .
of administration upon a
state . i n i
having been lo the undersigned
by the Clark of Mm Court
Pitt county, and having duly qualified
a administrator of said estate, notice
is hereby given to all persona holding
said estate to present
them to the undersigned for payment
on or before tho first day of February
or this be plead In bin-
their recovery. All persons
to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment.
This the 29th day of January,
of George
Jarvis i Blow, attorney's. i
Pot Vigorous.
John . was day
asked . ho , had taken to
giving I He
. sou, did try that once.
I pupil, took one lesson from me
KT, C. a little
The Stock complete every
and m low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
R. L.
the worse tot wear. When he turn-
ed up for the next lesson he
Sullivan, it was my idea to
learn enough pugilism from you to
be able to lick a certain young man
that I dislike. But I've changed
my mind now. If ifs all the same
to you I'll send this young man
down here to take the rest of my
sons for
the pugilist concluded,
a little too rough to teach
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
Most equable climate on Atlantic salt air tempered by proximity of
Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with every modern Improvement for the treat-
of disease. A full corps of Specialists in every department. Special
department for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc. address
Tilt Hospital and Sanitarium
Hew They Affect the Light That Our
Planet to the Moon.
The wonderful difference between
the same landscape in winter and
in summer non familiar
to all dwellers in the I. mp rate
zones. The two great elements of
change the of . ow in
winter and of grass in
If we co Id l at our
globe from the the variation
in ii- aspect due to sea changes
would perhaps lie eve; more
than it appears to those upon
fact, sometimes lose
of very important part which
vegetation plays hi giving color to
what might be called the
of I he net.
It is not the highest forms of
plants always produce
greatest effect in this way. of
the most striking scenes upon the
earth owe their characteristic
to mosses and lichens. The
famous of Green-
land, which for miles north-
ward from Cape York, derive their
splendid color from the growth of
red lichen which covers their faces.
The cliffs between 1,700 and
feet straight from the
edge, and, being composed of
gray granite, their aspect would be
entirely different from what it is
but for the presence of the lichen.
Coming to less magnificent but
not less beautiful scenes, the rocky
pass called the Golden Gate in the
Yellowstone National park owes its
rich color and its name to the
low lichen covering its
and the indescribable of the
great hot spring terrace arise main-
from the presence of minute
plants flourishing in the water that
overflows them.
Considered as a whole, the j
of a planet may give it a char-
aspect as viewed from
space. have thought that the
red color of Mars may be due lo i
the existence of red instead of green
vegetation there.
Thai its broad expanses of forest
Stock of h . N. C
Shoes, ; ;
s .
p g j, K f
cause the earth to
quantity of
reflect a i
green light to its neighbors is
by fact at tho time
of the a greenish tint has
been overspreading that
part of the lunar surface which is
then only by light from
the earth.
Tl . Dinner.
A well Scottish M. P. of
humble pun. e went to Chats-
Worth political The Duke
of him to lunch,
and there is i i doubt the M. fully
appreciated I of touch-
toes with duke under his
But at home night in j
of his Vs boudoir the hon- I
member interpolated
of smoky -nation with .-, .
against the presumption
d, be I
she ask d.
would ye a
duke like Devonshire to cat if he'd
geese and she
the day's lunch at
worth was but mil
lamb on toast
t on
No Goods Will Be at These Pikes.
HATS, All Grades, Q . U .
; n
. .
He was always
lie was always behindhand.
He asked too many questions.
Bis Stock excuse was
lie Wasn't ready for the next step.
He did not put Ms heart in is work.
He learned from his blunders.
He chose bis friends among his
He was content to be a second rate
He ruined bis ability by half doing
He never dared to act on his own
He Old not think It worth while to
lit It was clever to use coarse
. language,
d the habits of men who
more than he could.
learn that the best part
y was not In bis pay
1.00 1.5-0
H sale
but they come In
as a
. In k
W. Main St
North Caroline.

Monday. Feb
Miss Hauling returned II
to Washington Sunday morning.
Mies left Sunday
David James has returned m
Hew York.
J. I. Smith came from Wake
Forest last
C. L. Wilkinson has returned
from the markets.
J. B. Harding came in Sunday
evening from
A. J. Moore returned Saturday
evening from Hi I.
T. A. returned Saturday
evening from New York.
Hies Bi left this morn-
for City.
O. W. Baker came in Sunday
evening from n.
The condition of Mrs. Emily
Harris, ed a Stroke
is some
Mis Bite ed B
day evening from a visit to Char-
lotto and
Mil in B
; to Visit
Ml . M. D.
Mi L
Mr-j. rt rd,
Mrs. .
But evening I
mother, Mn I
few Arrivals.
Has Just Returned From His
Purchasing Tour.
Ail the Latest Novelties in Clothing,
Men's Furnishings and Shoes are Arriving
j daily.
See Our New Before Buying.
Tuesday, Mar n
King has
i visit to i
. W. E. Cos i M
day from Will.
Miss Addie Taft returned Mon-
day evening from a visit to Hen- I
Miss Adelaide Tail re-
turned Monday evening from a
visit to Henderson.
John Boyd, of Va who ,
daughter, J
are in the
Buying; our Spring and
Summer Stock,
Greenville's Great Department St r
has been visiting nil
Mrs. N. W.
home toe
Mrs. William or
Vanceboro, who has been visiting J
her sister, Mrs. 1ST. W, Jackson, j
returned homo today,
Mrs. Dora Quinn left this morn-
for to be at the
bedside of her son, Poster, who is
very sick.
We will have, in a short time,
W. II. Cox, of Kinston,
today here.
the Largest and
Complete stock of
Dry Goods and Notions
Ever Shown in
H. left this morning
Major Smith, f Sen, spent
Toe day here.
returned to Wake
Fores. , today.
A. B. Si came in
E. M. Cheek returned Tuesday
evening from Wilmington.
Smoot Under Investigation. Revolution Threatened.
U. G. Tyson came over from
Kinston this morning,
A. returned
at Chapel Hill today.
j. Harding returned today to
the A. M. College at
J. traveling
the Biblical Recorder, John G. and former eon
Robert W. Taylor, of
Ohio, the opposition
Washington, i. C, Mar.
The investigation tight of
Smoot, Utah, to retain
his seat in the United States sen-
ate, being an apostle of the
began this morning
before the senate committee on
privileges and elections. The
committee room is crowded with
witnesses who had been summoned
from Utah, and with
of various women's
and others interested in the
secretary of the treasury
pent today hero.
Ada C. of
who ban been visiting Mrs.
E. A. Tuesday evening.
N. B. Broughton, of Raleigh and
E. B. White, of Franklinton, who
spoke last night, left this
to the seating Smoot, and A.
of this city and
Van of Salt
Lake City, represent the defense.
President Joseph F. Smith, the
highest official of the
church, was the first witness.
Berlin, Mar.
reports that Russia is
the verge of a revolution. M.
minister of war of
regards the peasants as in a
most dangerous condition.
rustics, the paper says, mad-
by excessive use of vodka
or rye whiskey, are
plundering estates burning
homesteads murdering
land owners in all directions. Ow-
to this revolutionary danger;
the government has proclaimed a
form of martial in fifty-
three out of seventy-one provinces
ii. European
The Shoe has that something in. beauty
and style that means individuality.
Id in the hi degrees it
to the foot. In the diversity of kinds tin- are
for evening
to tho sturdy winter street boot; they all have a
airy gracefulness peculiarly their own, which is h ti
appeal to a woman's ye.
Fir, They Pit Perfectly.
Shoos and about
instep so to make for the foot t slip f r
ward and crowd the toes, while ball and
have plenty of room thus giving play to the
This is exactly what shoes do.
Our new spring in will b
very shortly.
A plane at Niagara Falls is
nitrogen from the air by
but not yet in commercial
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Your for
to with Gloss Car-
Paint. It weighs to off,
more to the pint others,
longer, and gives a glees equal to
Sold by H. L. Carr.
At o'clock this afternoon, at
the home of Mr. J W. Allen,
three miles from Greenville, his
daughter, Miss Eva, and Mr. W.
F. Evans were married Rev.
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Early Dissolution of Parliament.
London, March
of the liberal party fully -x-
pet an early dissolution of the
parliament present govern-
and are preparing for gen
election within six weeks
Difficulties of the present weak
cabinet expected to fulminate
a disastrous within
creased expenditure which
will even go beyond record trade
1804. When the election comes
the liberals expect a conservative
ware to a f liberal
and Irish to over one hundred In
such case It i predicted that King
Babcock Triumphs.
Milwaukee. March
Congressman Joseph W. Babcock,
of t lie- n-
was renominated tor congress to-
day by the republicans of the
Third district. His
one of the most inter-
fights in the political annals
Turkey Quits Strutting.
Porte has abandoned its high tone
with regard to Macedonian reforms, i
Monument of Coal.
American League Meeting.
Y March
baseball for the season of
1904 mace its bow today when the
magnates of the organization
t the Fifth Avenue hots
to discuss the schedule and other
Charleston, W. Va., Mar.
A. of coal
f above ground and
will be erected in the
which it adopted after t tie .
T , Louis exposition to advertise to
Japanese successes, and . .
, , . of the re-
makes of our . .
,. . , , Virginia. It will
the wishes of Bosnia with regard , ,. ,
,. t, ,. t,. . ,. ,
to the Balkans. This ,., . ,
c ., c i L . of coal ever made,
from the fact that instead
of being conciliatory, has in recent I Number of Dead Increases.
to the Sultan Mar. .-Fourteen
j taken an arrogant and bellicose j bodies all have been from
tone bis
Edward will call on Spencer
I matters to rue league s
Afraid America Will Help.
the rains Hotel
One other body is in sight,
dead number fifteen.
The police have received an
list of five missing men, so
that if reasonably certain
affairs for summer.
that a score of people lost their
; newspaper the disaster.
to form a new ministry; that Port of American consuls A heart rending incident
folio foreign be offered Lord I y. j . ,.; f the in re-1 purred this o'clock,
old he decline, to questing the had uncovered and re-
Sir ward. ex-
. Mon
Past Lord
be offered Sir
Thirteen Twenty Injured.
Few York, March
building department Coroner, dis
attorney, and police have
all begun investigation this morn
for the purpose of placing the
blame for the collapse of Hotel
Darlington, which course of
on 46th fell
yesterday afternoon killing and
injuring In addition to the
arrest of the foreman, seven war-
rants have been issued by the
coroner No less eight hod-
lea been sen the ruins.
Provision Train Cut
correspondent the St.
James is authority for the
statement that Admiral
rush the petition of the inhabitants
of Siberian, that a pro-
vision be run over
Trans road mi intervals.
Richmond, Va., March
of Virginia, in state
at Norfolk today,
led delegates to national
convention at Chicago and adopted
a resolution Roosevelt
for the nomination.
In Ninth District.
hide her time and
St. Charles, Mo., Mar. 3.-The t
Ninth district met
t day and elected delegates and
alternates to attend th national
o be held at Chicago
were adopt
ed the administration of
will cause great in ti; s- moved the of Alexander John-
with The paper says the eon when they discovered another
sending f will man him who was still alive,
great to Japan.; A beam was lying across hi- chest.
the due- He had been alive hundreds
war time gives Vic Alex- of tons of debris for thirty eight
power to save himself, It is He was unconscious and
thought America has been de- died before reaching the hospital
for the time being, she will
Dispensary Election
take renewed Ohio Dinner to Taft.
cause serious; Hew York, March an-
diplomatic It is now j of
stated that America has promised of Hew
Japan assistance to be
I one of most notable affairs of
,. . kind given in New York this
Want a Compromise. The of
Indianapolis, March will be William H. Taft,
the nab went in j secretary of war, and mull Kinston
to give
Your e was the re-
a few days ago of a pain-
t, issued by Hon. Walter P.
member of congress,
from Tennessee, in which he give
a full explanation of the
low introduced in the
house by last November.
as national far the
building and I
he The is
available at the rated
a year for three years, and is to
be divided the to-
cording to their i. i. ex-
; no state it. receive
than of In amount.
A like amount be by
or counties n i Mid, so
that 000.000 are to b spent
reads. If this is
according to
of each state, as bill
provides we would ts our
share, and with
a like amount added by state
we would have to be
spent on the betterment
of oar roads.
We people who live in country
fully realize the Importance of
an and feel that
the time has come when national
aid is needed.
Prof. B. W. Stephens is
ed to hie room. We hope
him out again soon.
W. W. and J. M.
session morning It was learned governor the Philippines
It is the purpose of the
make this army and navy
The election held yesterday pass- that neither nor opera-
quietly and with good feet- were united among them
Although the battle wee selves on the subject function, the chief depart-
earnestly fought upon It is said scale com-1 officials and many
sides and the dispensary advocates had previously suggested the highest In both branches
won by the smallest margin, yet a but half of the service have promised to be
good feeling prevailed upon both miners and operatives would not j present.
sides. Out of a registered vote of
there were votes cast and
the dispensary was carried by only
one majority. The women cannot
, , he too highly praised for the good
said that while lie .
the people in their
grave crisis, nevertheless every
thing must give way before army
agree other half. The
effort today is to get both sides
together on some of
Launching; of the Virginia.
Washington, D. March
The of the battleship
. g p,. which originally
t done them, in fact bad it J doled to take place today at New-
., been for the women the London, Mar. 4.-The I has
would have teen different. j financial agent who has just q .
The vote by wards was as fol- ed from St. Petersburg, declares w. .
March if
James E.
was renominated without
by con-
convent ion of the
district. The also
named delegate and alternates to
the republican convention.
was as . u
, lows upon the question j I tat that the ,;,., ii
Governor of Virginia.
The Virginia is the cf the
large battleships under
to made ready tor launch-
VB. I being in financial straits is
J without foundation. He says that
Russia noes not intend to float a
us at present 1.0 need of it
exists. The gold reserve in the
bank is -stated at
ninety-two million pounds.
Total government might draw the
Tn age went t
W. A. and B
weal to Snow Hill d
attend court.
R. was wit-
while yesterday
Turnage went
Hill yesterday on
and Mrs. W. J.
went to Snow Hill yesterday to
visit Mrs, parents, Mr.
Mrs. D, AT. Patrick.
day to
Upon the question of
vote was an
First Ward
Planters Compress Hearing. M
Washington, D. O., March bird Ward fill
The Interstate Commerce Fourth Ward
today began a in Ward
this city, in the case of the Plant-
Company of Boston Total
a number of rail reads. The
case involves the relative rates on
cylindrical bales of cotton the
round bales.
Funeral of Raby.
New Brunswick, N. J., March
Baby, the world's oldest
resident, years old, who died
at the poor house Tuesday, was
buried the Springfield New
this Rev.
J. A. officiating. Many
floral tributes were offered and
of people viewed the remains
Bishop Coming Home.
Loudon, March
Rev. Joseph C. mission-
bishop of the Methodist
church to from
Liverpool for New York today on
the Celtic. Since he left America
a year ago Bishop has
made a tour of African mis
extending over a period of
nine months, during which he
traveled about 30.000 miles. He
reports the missionary work in
Africa to be making gratifying
More Landed.
China, Mar. Word
whole of this, but has .,;. hero that Japanese
troops had lauded some force
lions to its own credit and there
is no need to go beyond its own
current account. In addition to
at Gen Ban, on eastern coast of
Korea. They are not proceeding
this, government deposits in two as
London houses alone amounts to, nave expected they
two million pounds, while but are instead making tor
can be drawn from Yong where they will rein-
Germany other countries, force the Japanese forces already
there. The forces at Ping Yang
Losses for Japan.
St. Petersburg, Mar.
newspaper dispatch from
quites an eye witness of
the Port Arthur attack as saying
that up to 1st the Japanese
were six cruisers and five
torpedo boats damaged, and two
torpedo boats and one gun boat
When it rains cats and dogs at
sea look out for yawls and barks.
are also being reinforced daily
from Seoul. The Russian advance
column which is now situated at
twenty miles north of Ping
Yang, is but small in number.
Haste Makes Waste,
Si. March
Admiral who i- en route
to far has arrived at
trans district, bur only
after a trip consuming a fort night.
This is five days longer than it
would normally take to cover the
distance, shows in transportation
resulting from confusion caused
the attempt to rush troops more
rapidly than the trans Siberian
road is of accommodating
them. Owing to this slowness it
is stated that sufficient troops can-
not reach the zone of hostilities in
time t In an active campaign
before nest mouth.
Still Contending.
Indianapolis, Mar.
to the program given out Fri-
day afternoon, the miners op-
met this morning
convention to hear the report of
joint scale committee. This re
Poverty, is like fire, it makes a asks for cents
good servant, but a cruel master. Pr ton reduction.
They Say Americans Offer Help
to Russia.
St. Petersburg, Mar.
asserts that American
ship owners have offered to fit out
a large number of fast steamships
to act as privateers at Russia's
service, destroying mer-
chant marine her
Smallpox Epidemic.
St Petersburg, Mar.
smallpox epidemic is raging
in the trans Baikal district. Fears
are felt that the scourge will
spread to the troops stationed
there and far East.
. .

Eastern reflector, 4 March 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 04, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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