Eastern reflector, 1 March 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

m iv i
Williams to
Keel is on sick , following
I. r. G. left
day for LaG range.
Simpson went to
K. Cobb went to
Saturday evening.
Moseley went to Bethel
this morning.
went to Everett
this mowing.
Mrs. Ada Sugg and Miss Mattie
Hearne went to Norfolk today.
Miss Ward Moore, of
is visiting Miss Eula
returned to
today l the Normal
M . and Mi J. A. re-
turned Saturday evening from a
visit to Wilmington.
J. Cooper, of
came in Saturday evening
to spend a few days.
Alice Windley, of Bath,
who has been visiting
returned home today.
B. C. Pearce, of
has been here a few days, left this
M. L. Davis, of Beaufort, who
wan hero with the Wake Forest
came in Sunday
a day or two with j
hi sister, Mrs. Ii. L. Humber.
Last week Register of Deeds ii. Yorkers took advantage of the
that Washington's birth-
day fell a Monday
j this year, thus affording a two
B. A. nod U. make a general
ex us the city. There was
Shelton and . no celebration of
; here there were held
appropriate exercises under the
of various patriotic
Frank The public school,
. . t many business
Hardy and . s
nooses dosed w
a very display of hunt-
At all the special
Bryant Williams and
Vines and Lillie
Essex Barrett and
Nora d killed W.
Washington birthday
ere held.
near Wilson,
Both are in jail.
Trust Company,
Capital Stock Paid in
J, C. Cooper returned today
Bern O.
R. Moore went up the road
B. W. returned from
Bethel Monday evening.
. Cox left
W. IT. Harris and
; is Bessie, of Ayden, spent to-
lay here.
C. T.
Jno. R. Spier,
R. J. Cobb,
D. O.
E. A. Sr
M. Lang,
i. CO
J. L. Wooten
Chas. Cobb,
Dr. E. A.
Hosier Screw Boor Safe,
Our officers are bonded.
We carry BURGLAR INSURANCE for your
We will extend you any accommodation con-
We are in the
Buying our Spring and
Summer Stock.
We will have, in a short time,
One of the Largest and
Most Complete stock of
Dry Goods and Notions
Ever Shown in
C. L Wilkinson Co.
V v good Call and vs.
T. A. Duke and One Forbes r
turned Monday evening
Scotland Neck.
; o Moor left this
Our Stetson, and Shoes, A Leathers,
II Our Shape 3.50 and Shoes
All Leathers,
Our Excellent King Quality 3.50 Shoes,
All Styles Patent and Kid Leathers
The Well Known H. C. Shoes For
Women, 1.50 and Grade
This is no shopworn or bankrupt stock,
but good clean up-to-date goods.
I am now in New York buying New and
Complete line Spring Goods.
Chair, for Operator the gentlemen of the exchange that
It seems that the cushion men
the handsome chair are greatly
Miss Pearl
who has been vi
Small wood
Mrs. W. F. Button, of LaGrange,
who has been visiting Mis. Allot
Harper, returned
Si ray Taken up.
About last of a male
hog, unmarked, white and black
spotted, weight pounds,
took up with my stock. Owner
can get same by proving property
and paying costs.
Feb. 1904.
N. C.
.,. n,,
tinned a few day. ago a fore- the f
of better to V t
Monday afternoon a drove i
and stopped in of the tel- , . .
L i i i i another column we print a
a appeared.
j in the door with does from Mr. J. A. Thomas, of
want chairs burg, showing the results of a
re he was asked. in that town. Mr. Thomas
Mr. Col. Sugg tole me editor of Franklin Times
and his
There were two elegant and in a whereof
office chairs, one for the man- .
ager of the telegraph office and one he sPeaks-
for the assistant operator. The
chairs were presented by Col. I. A.
Sugg, the bull leader of the Green-
ville market, in behalf of himself
and the members of the local cot-
ton exchange for the courtesies
shown them by the telegraph
assure Col.
mind also that he was originally not
an advocate of the dispensary, but
after seeing its
come convinced that it is the best
regulation for the sale of whiskey.
His letter shows the
dispensary in his town, east
that it help rather than
of the
J. Editor Owner.
and Friday.
For-days mountains have
been mid on Wednesday
the born.
E. Stood god father
and-leave it high
ah inks- the anti
that he had the help
of for whom he
Treaty Signed.
Washington, D. O, Feb. .
morning signed tr
who was present, was
with the pen in
Troops Going
Paris, Feb.
reached here that the fir-t t
over on lake Baikal. that this
transport, of troops to the production the com
front now without
interruption t s
-.- labor tiny have Earth the
Capture l-beat could
from laden with
mess beef the at; The tot thing
by the Japanese. bar roams are
out a
Great f re in it is open
N. Y., F-i. t they were arranging to reg-
and vote thirty forty
The section is
-with by
i tire which in the . heart
of the dry at
after the damn turned in
the loss act limited
with ti.
and Syracuse have been
appealed to
fire in
and shame for the innocent. This
is the they wry it would
be to take away from
They call it
to debauch, degrade, dis-
all that good
and pure week and for and
pray for. The mother the
boy to be good She
set before him high ideals and
fills him with noble aspirations.
Th fill him with that
l h burns all these
and when lather and
oat it i unjust to interfere with
with our is well
that the ha v- thus
the clear it to the
people of They have
pat law and peace
the good, the pure,
noble in one end of the scales, and
of Che
in other, and have challenged
ts then. We
will make our choice next
iii this wonderful
ti 1st Ward
tho dispensary. They abandoned
tale scheme two reasons. Be
it said to the credit of tie
t i u . ; preaching in oral
refused be used. The bet- ,
by their
it oat that white who
were inclined to be against the
were heard to say., that
elevator shaft the if the vote
Dry roods Co. Oil Main street, the
and it. tn after vote for it. Nov.- to
had been the to themselves out of Che
from lo into have
i to roof and the-walls began to
In less half
i the rear wall Division
and to the the is, they
of the dispensary
were on Wednesday denounced for
circulating a report that the anti-
out with this wen,
to leave the contest to the
And the
paper of morals. Well Ibis
caps the climax.
teaching morality to the godly men
and women of Greenville. When
In Behalf of the Dispensary-People
proof building of Sibley,
they are covering up their
At seven o'clock fire chief a white man in
that the local lire depart-1 who believes that the
, not blaze keepers are toe virtuous
r. the vote in this
after an if they thought they could
followed by so If be
out of a twelve story a wan he is to be pitied for
betiding, loftiest
The whole bulling was j Bu .
untied. The. fire is not . i
the liar men their Greenville shall no longer be eon
was Con-; p r f j, u e.
at The it. ,,,
to register and vote the
We have a statement from a
church member here, as
was offered by the
key party Greenville to use my
among the of the
First Baptist church in
persuading them to vote for
key in
colored Baptist church on
last Sunday morning took
action in the That
any man who votes for whiskey in
Greenville shall do longer lie eon
a member of this
N. C. February 1904
J. was here
Miss Annie Joyner, music teach-
t the-seminary, spent,
Kev. H B. Stephens and family
Thursday for New Bern
Mr. Stephens will hold a meeting.
Joe Edwards lost a little child
with Wednesday.
B. W. Pearce, of Falkland, is
here to take a as black
smith in the boggy factory.
W. O. superintendent
of Ayden Lumber Co., was mar
to Miss Nat Belle Hazlett,
of Bowden N. C. on 23rd.
will make their i in Ayden.
Car white corn for sale by J. R.
W. J. of Washington,
was here Friday.
Kev. O. J. Harris will preach at
the seminary next Sunday.
Bob Pearce has pneumonia.
B. F. Manning is u
nice residence on Maine street.
Car nice hay J. R. Smith
Mrs. T. H. King came in from
Mrs J. T. Smith is visiting
friends in the country.
Ayden Milling Co.,
will begin to manufacture
a few days
Car cotton seed hulls and meal
at J. E. Smith A Bro.
N. C Feb. 1904.
Mrs. E. D. son Sam
are on sick
G. A. Jackson and sister, Miss
spent Saturday night and
Sunday at the residence of B. E.
J. A. Jar roll, spent
Sunday the neighborhood.
Carlos l. and Mi
Kittrell. oft Sun-
day at . of
Miss I W,
High School, ape night
and Sunday with Misses Anna
while Sunday
B. B. Dal went to
t short
Mr. Mis. II. B. Si
Saturday in the
nth spent
burned but no fatalities.
of County Com-
there is some eon ion
between this notion in a
and the proposition
the anti dispensary people not to
on th Editor
On Wednesday afternoon as
edit was
correct, property a, the
few of liquor, worth lint a
few will have four
iii which to sell these few
gallons to the best advantage. So
from dinner he nae
passed on the street A. Morten,
But what is their business
a keeper. was passing We Making drunkards
he said evening, Mr.
nod awe at and training to bike the
latter of old drunkards when they
about speaking to or I will, have gone a drunkard's grave.
your He used other happy homes and
language same; heart broken wives and home-
sis he walked on. but no
reply whatever was mads to his
Thursday evening a little after
o'clock, as the editor was on
his way home the office, at
Five Points he was assaulted from
he rear by Horton who struck
him several times.
To defend himself the editor
drew a pistol and shot twice at his
assailant. One of the balls struck
the stomach, but coming in con-
tact with a its force was
broken so that no damage was
done. The editor was not injured.
lets children. Filling the jails and
penitentiaries with criminals and
the land with anguish and
labor and furnishings loafing place
for idlers loafers. Taking from
the poor their hard earnings which
should go to buy bread and meat
for their families. down
the young and setting before them
low and debasing ideals. Making
paupers out men who should be.
and useful
Sending men to untimely graves
to Mrs. G. E. Sec'y.
Furnishing victims for the Feb- 1904.
Resolutions of Reform League.
Whereas, we have learned that
the Editor of the Greenville
Reflector, Mr. d. j.
has been threatened with personal
violence by a saloon man, on ac-
count of the and manly
the editor made against
intemperance and the saloon
Be it Resolved, That the Ladies
League for Moral Reform hereby
expresses to Mr- Whichard its
dial of the fair, honest
and stand he
in Daily for
temperance and moral reform,
Further be it Resolved, We
hereby express our disapproval of
tho of threats or personal
in this dispensary contest.
F. G. Hartman,
Woodland, N. C, Feb. 1904
Miss Ella May spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. May.
Almost the entire family of IT.
B. Smith have been right sick for
the past week. We hope they
will soon recover.
Nat Nobles has been out he sick
for ii few days, but we are
pleased to announce his recovery.
Smith went to Greenville
Rev, Frederick is
right ill. Best wishes tor hie
early Convalescence.
Messrs. and John Crawford
went to Greenville
Miss Mable Craft was quite ill a
few days ago, but schoolmates
to see her at school
Miss Laura Crawford spent Sun-
day at home
Miss Delia Smith attended the
Association at Green-
ville last Saturday.
are sorry to note that Miss
Garris and little sisters,
Estelle, are right sick.
We wish them a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Smith at-
tended services at Bethany
C. L. Tyson, an enterprising
merchant of Ayden, passed through
J. M. Smith went to Greenville
Jim Flanagan, of near
spent Thursday with friends in
the neighborhood.
Miss Allie has
for several days but is
We are glad to learn I
W. E Patrick who
time with per parents,
spent r-i lay
the neighborhood.
Jerome ; i e
to Greenville Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. i T.
went to Sunday to see
their sick mother, Mrs. Louisa
Grover spent Sunday
with Jerome
Kt-v R. J. tilled his reg-
appointment at Bethany Sun-
Greenville, N,
Dear Mr---------President
of a cotton-mill at Union, S. C.
he don't to see his name in
two of gal-
Took and
have three-quarters
skinned if he'd taken l lie other.
The was full-gallon; the
was per cent short. The
paint was adulterated
per cent; the
paint was adulterated per cent,
benzine in the oil, don't
know bow much.
lead wasn't sold
in the town then.
It don't pay to monkey with
costs less than any of
not by the gallon, of course; by the
house and year. That's how to
reckon it. Go the name.
P. S.
F. W. Co.
H. L. Carr sells our
Paint Your Buggy
to with Gloss Car-
Paint. It weighs to
more to the pint than others, wears
longer, and gives a gloss equal to
new work. Sold by H. L. Can.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L. E. SAWYER, is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory
is the only perfect
Castor Oil. Tastes as
good as Maple per
bottle for sale by John T. Thorne,
Farmville, N. O.
J. H CO,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
tor cash. Highest price for country
Bar Rooms Produce Evil.
The question of the dispensary
is Hie bin topic of the
large mass of the citizenship of
the town of Greenville, and it is
one that is not fanatical or
It is a matter of good or
evil for the town and its future,
the real citizenship that must be
the men and women of the town
who are to make its success or
The records of the mayor's court
as published are enough to satisfy
any reasonable man or woman
hat the town is in a bad state when
of the cases tried before
that tribunal are for drunk and
down or disorderly.
The of the criminal docket
Of the Superior court show that
over percent of the
tried by that are the out-
growth of intoxicants of some
kind. This alone, it does seem,
ought to cause the people of
Greenville to think and act ac-
feature that is the
result of the saloon is the loafing
and loitering around of a large
number men and boys who
gather soon in the morning and
late at night, rainy days,
in the bar and boys
who t to he otherwise en-
gaged. The assembling around
billiard and pool rooms the
rear of bar rooms of young men
who engage in games and hading
to drinks other vices
numerous were they mentioned.
The young men of today must
be the middle aged and old men
of the future of the country, and
heads cultivated minds
re becoming more essential to
business success than ever before.
I am not engaged in the fight
for or against the
It is a as above stated,
to l e i Father, who
have sons should seek to have
conditions surrounding them
as is not afforded in barrooms,
billiard and pool rooms the
associations they form there.
This is not a fanaticism, but is in
thorough keeping and accord with
a higher better civilization,
better government, better citizen-
ship, greater law for that human-
that needs and deserves to be
lifted up and established in the
good of all the people.
A Father Who Sons.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased
to notify the public that he has charge of the of
goods owned by said K. at his death, offer,
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
of a full line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING
HATS, CAPS, hardware -and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. is also agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg.
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at per cent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
Branch of the Reflector is in
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
Letters of administration upon the
estate of N. Hemby, deceased,
having his day been issued to the
undersigned, and having duly
as such administrator, notice is
given to all persons holding
claims against said estate to present i
them to me, duly authorized, for pay-
on or the 6th day of
February this notice be
plead in bar of recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are
to make immediate payments to me.
This the 2nd day Pl 1894.
BLOW, J.- e
Channel Blocked to Battleships.
here today from Japanese
sources say that while the ships
sunk at Port Arthur Tuesday do
not block the channel sufficiently
to impede the destroyers and email
battleships will not be
able to pass them. To this
tent the ruse was successful. Ir
is said that the Japanese had no
intention of trying to reduce Port
Arthur by an attack, but
merely cornering the movement
of transports.
Blocking the Harbor.
London, Feb. Japanese
embassy at London this morning
issued the following statement re-
the Japanese to
block the entrance to Port Arthur
on the morning of
the 24th four old vessels escorted
by some torpedo boats bound to
entrance of Port Arthur for the
purpose of the month of
the harbor. Their object of sink-
the vessels attained. The
officers and crew returned safety.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, dowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
Stray Taken up.
About last of December, a male
bOg, unmarked, white and black
spotted, weight pounds,
took up with my stock. Owner
get same by proving property
add paying
Feb. 1904.
w N. O.
Goes to Congress.
New York, Feb. Bourke
was elected without op-
position today at the special
held in the twelfth district to
fill the vacancy in Congress caused
by the of George B.
after his election as may-
or of New York. The district is
overwhelmingly democratic and the
republicans decided not to put up
a candidate, fearing tho effect of a
big democratic majority on the
election next fall.
Justice Brown Resume Scat.
Washington, D. O. Feb.
When the United States supreme
court reconvened today a
recess of several weeks. Justice
Brown was the of many
congratulations from his
and others who he might
never be able to resume his active
duties because of threatened blind-
After tedious and trying
weeks spent in a dark room, with
his eyes hidden under heavy band-
ages, be has now recovered
the full use of his left eye,
the sight of which seemed hope-
lost two months ago, and
the sight of his right eye, which
had been useless for two years,
ha Improved noticeable aider
the treatment given the left eye.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
or gentleman to manage business
this county and adjoining
for of solid financial
standing. straight cash
salary and expenses paid each
Monday direct from headquarter.
Expense money position
permanent. Manager,
Bldg., Chicago.
R. L.
and Preston.
South Bend, Ind., Feb.
of Chicago, is down for
a round contest here tonight
with Eddie Preston, of
who recently gained victories over
Commodore and Joe Cher-
The winner of the boat will
probably be matched to meet Abe
next month.
Another Fire.
Scranton, Pa., Feb.
broke out this morning in Nichol-
son, a town miles from this
The fire is beyond control and now
looks as though the entire business
section of the town will be destroy-
ed. Nineteen buildings ate
ready in
The undersigned, having this day
qualified before the clerk of the
Court of Pitt as
of the estate of Dennis C.
Smith deceased, and letters of
having been issued tome as
such administrator, Notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them
lo me for payment, duly authenticated.
or before the first day of March,
or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons
to said estate are requested
t make immediate me.
This the 25th day of February
of Dennis C. Smith, Sr.
Jarvis Blow, attorneys
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
fall goods.
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. New line of
Wood, and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any-
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do chum a fair
and honest deal for ail, we el for
cash which enables us lo do a safe
business and we give our
mer the benefit of it, Cash Sales,
Small Margin and price to all
is our motto.
, IN 1866.
Norfolk, Va.
Factor and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than ever prepared to supply till the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
mm O r-m
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
16th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Only one week left In which to
for the
w. a.
I Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
j Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
fall lint of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
notice to
of George Jefferson deceased,
been issued to the undersigned
by the Clark of superior Court of
Put and having duly qualified
as said notice
is hereby I all persons holding
aims against-said estate to present
hem to tie undersigned for payment
day o February
or notes will in bar
of thaw All
to said are requested to
make immediate
Thia the th of 1904
R. J
t . D, Jefferson
Blow, attorney's
Headache, Biliousness
And ALL DISEASES arising
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
and solid Dose small;
I-. and easy to swallow
lake No Substitute.
as executor of last Will and
of n de-
ceased, U to all
indebted to to come
forward and and persons
st the estate are
notified to t he for pay-
on or day bf,
February. be
plead in bar
This 24th day of February.
of Kirkman.
We aw to please the
public. We equip,,.
ed than ever Jo your
work promptly I
are here to yon
price wish honest
home town yon can get
better return it
a fair proposition j
it. Sash Doom, Blind
i every kind of Interior
Back up our Claims tar
Fact is a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes
vigor to
Fact u not a drug, but
a normal, cure for
All Malarial Complaints
Women with trouble. lo
with every
Where there to be g
of and worry it. hf I
when child -bowed
of is now
perfect This is
o the Chaw-
treatment disease Mr
m. i. of Sid ,
of a. i-
have a r i
have it
Garland is to
audit at-1
gives prompt
sale a ;
B. L. i
On Minute
one minute, in
Kills th which
the toe
. awl is a a,,
mid you.-
Meld by J j. Woo,
have a sufficient supply of
in order to develop into a crop.
No amount of Phosphoric
Acid or Nitrogen can
sate for a lack of potash in
fertilizers for
grain and all
other crops.
We shall be glad
to send free to any
contain vain-
able in formation
about soil
at Johnston Bros
Come and see us before
seed potatoes. We
will handle Maine stock.
Johnston Bros. B
I Have you indigestion,
j dyspepsia Cure will cure you, Is
; has cured thous It is curing
people every hour.
You owe it to yourself to give it a
trial. You will continue to suffer
until you do try it is no
other combination of
digest and rebuild at the
time. both.
cures, and re-
builds. by J. L
My ha had BO bud
mat i head was a solid mass of
and go,,,,
i remedies hot none
U do any until I
Witch H-a-l
me is eared, the
the scalp
s u growing
Main. five much
Mk out
, ,.,,, .
only e o-ire
m -every by
J Oil
use or are received
nearly all with
It food you rat fails to give
to body, it so-
by and
are to the nutrient prop-
tho food blood. That
mer It l.
except Sun-
y, except Sunday,
Washington with
Hew York
. . torn Worth. at
hr -i
old S
Southern B. it. and
Use from
tine from Philadelphia
from Merchant
hows subject to i
D. C.
Not Quite f
often j on got a SI
. ave a
tool be for
w and
we than you- tool
A strong
o liver. The
little Pitts known m
the system but they
, organ.
Little Early are easy to m
are satisfactory all
Bases. Sold bf J. L.
. .
re and
ash for
ides. Cotton H-- . Bar-
etc. Bed-
Salts, Be
ii Can-
, Apples,
. ,
Food. Marches. Oil.
Meal and ,
Beads, Orange, a
Prone, Currents,
and China Ware. Tin .
Cakes and
steads, i
y Carriages, Go-Cm
and Gail S
Cherries, Pea-tic
Pine Apples, Syrup,
s. Nuts,
is, Glass
j It Schultz.
is deprived of the H. Myers.
of .-quired lo keep us u-
ha it. . N. o
the and the i r
more delicate gradually J
o organs gradually
. V n
k. . organ. I lie
Seat In tho land make this I
mistake It
to trouble
Of Coarse
Morse Goods,
Mr. If
how to
and weal w J,,
cure is ,
throw and ,;.
pale and Mallow and
other fresh and Whence be
She who is n
it By
A runaway almost
Grove Ml w
Drug Store.
pother Case of
T f
Plato in the
-p., remedy ft. stomach and
In a condition so Va.,
H t rich, red bit j p.,,
tie it.
I by Suing. Owe.-
L. Davis
ceases by
and Mon
taken for months
meal an- II Is the only remedy
a Una I would take but
MRS. J. Center. K. Y.
Digests What You Eat
th. I
Mill cents.
a c. c. co.,
Mr. A. c a
d Tahiti are, i.,
preparation of in
I be at the following places on I
the of They
O J action with
. to ,. .,
When a Cold.
iii.-l notion when ,
be m h
Ires u,,, f
Co Kb
Mm to,,;,, and
tosses from
cells of the a free
. cares
and Mn
I, .,,.,,,,, .,;
an. ,.
CUr i
was ,
of y
remedy ,,,. I
if health
She Bit-I
III they
and for weak
Stomach and
Tablet- new for
ad u good one.
for sale by
Mar 12th
to nauseate grip. Poi
by Store
Italian Marble
W. C.
Notice of Dissolution.
The of Tunstall
was this day dissolved by mutual
A. L Potter having
his interest in tho to W
J. Smith. The Arm will
be known as
who all of the
old firm, ell account, due he
are payable to
This 1804
M A. L.
seed and , ,,.
Ti of
LB n. o
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
William Fountain, n.
Physician and Surgeon
have a limited o co ton
seed to sell.
per bushel.
-4-wk D.
street Phone
Op. De lea Barnes,

in the post office at Greenville, V. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
desired at every post in Pitt and
f in to
N. C, March
Some men would not know the
truth if they mot it in the road.
Same men trill have to answer on
the day -f judgment for the way
they vote Wednesday.
of and degradation caused by
drinking of others Answer with
your vote.
you a daughter or sister
that is now dragging out ft
existence with hardly the
of life, and that being earned
It is time some of the men arrayed her own hands, while she is taxed
on the side of the saloons were get- ; with the support of once a kind and
ting ashamed of their company. husband, now transformed by
drink into a brute of the lowest
I type Answer with your vote.
Have you a loving daughter or
now separated from her
i baud because of the drink habit
.,., r i,. Answer with vote.
iniquities the fathers will
. . ., m t- Have sons that have become
be visited upon the children, is re-
i j hi w criminals by drink and as
CO n led in Holy Writ, r will J
. , i ; I with drunkards Answer
your vote be for inanity;
.- i with your vote.
The man who has sons and votes Are you willing to continue this
for saloons may. if the saloons win, i slaughter of your family and friends
live to curse the day upon which he enable a dozen make
voted to give bis boys to the money Answer with your vote.
I Do not to long statistics of
. liquor dealers as to how liquor
Late trains and bad weather have other places; just takeout your
interfered with the am of pencil and count up the vast number
To The Public.
Id beginning of the
campaign a conference was
held was attended by a
large number of those who
a dispensary because they believed
it be a vast improve-
on eleven open bar
rooms. At this conference the
following named committee were
1st A campaign committee com
posed of T. J. F. C. Hard-
and Q.
of the pudding is tie
eating of is an adage that may
well be applied to the dispensary.
Now that is so
our people, it is well
worth our while to glance at dis-
already in and
see what is accomplished by
We have before as a letter, dated
Feb. 22nd, 1904, from a prominent
and responsible citizen of Wilson,
If a man votes for saloons and
lives to his son become a
he can blame only himself for
on the dispensary. Hut
for the dispensary has grown
steadily, all the same.
you made me a
may be the rebuke of some
son to an father if the saloons
f houses that have hung crape on
its door from this cause in Green-
ville. This is concerns you
Then take question by question
and figure up each one separately
and see how many good people now
continue their work of ruin in in Greenville are suffering in
Will it be you I some way from this cause. It will
startle you.
One hi Ired and fifty one women
of the to i have earnestly appealed
How many bright young men
have you known in Greenville, in all
to the in i to vote to protect them. I , . . , ,. .
I stations of life, whose lives
What claim to their love, friendship , , , , , , ,, . , .
been wrecked by this cause,
or even re can the man
who ruthlessly tramples that appeal
under foot
Did m T see a father look on the
reeling i of a drunken and
wish fr . the depths of his heart
that son i never seen a whiskey
saloon Thin may your picture
you vote to continue
Did key kill your father
Answer i your vote.
Did w s --y kill your son An-
Did u kill your brother
Answer h your vote.
Did cause your father,
brother or on to take their own
life Answer with your vote.
Have j n a father, son or brother
insane i drink Answer with
your vote.
Have y. u a father, son or brother
now bordering on insanity or other
we incapacitated for the vocations
life, by drink, to such an
test that ho has become a charge on
yen or Borne of your friends An
Have you a mother, daughter
that have gone to a premature
a broken heart after a life
sorrow to a host of friends
Take these questions home with
you, study yourself, remembering
the sorrows of family and friends,
and see if you line yourself up
for a continuance of the evil.
Ask yourself what is your duty in
this matter and go down into the
deep recesses of your heart for an
answer. Do not listen to sophistry,
subterfuge or arguments relative to
blind tigers, wild figures of taxation,
suspension of schools, etc., all of
which are an insult to your
but inform yourself for your-
self and vote accordingly. The dis-
people have nothing to gain
in this matter except the good of the
community, while it is a matter of
dollars and cents with the barkeeper.
The matter is in YOUR HANDS.
in which ho sums up the situation
2nd A committee on Public
Speaking composed of W. H. there as follows;
F. C. Harding T. J. I was told by the clerk of the
Jarvis. court town this morning
3rd A committee on Ways and during January last there were
Means composed of G. j of for
and G. B. Harris. , , .
. T. . , January 1903 there were
4th A committee on Literature I
composed of the white Ministers
the Gospel and the two Editors of
Greenville. i
6th A committee on
of voters composed of A. L.
Blow, W. R. Parker and W. L.
Brown, A. L. Blow was also
pointed the Chairman of the Con-
Tue publications which have
appeared from time to time la
The advocating a dis-
were prepared by some
member of one or more of these
Committees and were published by
the approval of the on
literature. The editor the
Dollar Daily, however declined to
serve this committee, and is,
therefore, in no way responsible.
The editor of the The
cheerfully published and
endorsed the matter thus
pared. We make this frank
candid statement because of the
unprovoked and brutal attack that
was made on the editor on Thurs-
day by one of the bar men whose
business we are attacking.
It is our pleasure to say further I
that we assume full share of
cost in fines for the month
of December was while for
January it was The board
for the jail for January 1903 was
and for January 1904 it was
This last item did not get
from the clerk but from another re-
liable source. There was not a sin-
case before the mayor this morn-
thing the clerk told me he
could not remember as occurring
during the life in Wilson.
This is Monday and there usually
are a dozen or more before the may-
or every Monday.
am informed that though the
town officials were not in favor as a
whole the dispensary, yet they
are now to a great measure won
over to its value and are earnestly
endeavoring to protect its interests.
I have heard several who were not
iii favor, and who voted against the
dispensary, acknowledge their mis-
take and are now for it.
i am told that saloons paid
license last year and that the
the responsibility of those
cations. Not one word has m get
said in anyone of them which we. this year, an increase of
do not believe to be strictly true.
It any one who feels aggrieved can
point out one word in any of them
which is not true we will gladly
correct it.
We now publicly endorse these
publications and now express our
purpose to continue to work fr
success till the day of the election.
We do not propose to
from doing our full by any
exhibition of bat room methods or
threats of violence. And we call
upon the good people of Greenville
to array themselves on I be side of
law and order.
Alex L. Blow, Hard-
W. E. Powell, F. G.
A. W
H. J. Jarvis,
W m. E. Cox, A. T. King, J.
G. E. O. Harris, W.
L. Brown. W. R. Parker.
Several local in Russia
have passed resolutions declaring
that a reduction of the acreage
which gives a vote Is desirable
and that women should receive
the franchise.
Charles F. Mayor, former pres-
of the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad, died only a Mai
The Ohio republican legislative
caucus have nominated General
Charles M. Dick to succeed Sen-
Six miners have been killed by
a snow slide near the Augusta
mine, miles from Crested
Butte, Colorado.
The national committee of the
and the middle of the
road of the populist party
have decided to bold a joint
convention Springfield,
III., on July 4th.
Gen. Heywood, of South Caro-
has the appoint-
of M. E. J. Watson, former
telegraph editor of that state,
as commissioner of immigration,
under the act passed by the last
legislature that state
that Mr. Watson la a well
nova newspaper man la saw
per cent.
merchants with whom I
have talked credit their increased
receipts for January largely to the
dispensary. I think one has only
to come to Wilson to see for himself
the marked improvement in the
morals of the place.
Elm City where the
has just been introduced the
testimony in its favor is overwhelm-
You would hardly recognize
the old place.
sincerely pray that Greenville
will be successful on the 2nd, and I
feel confident your people will not
be found
The above letter speaks for
son and Elm City, and tells a tale
of improved conditions along all
at those places Now let us
look at Raleigh. In Raleigh
the month of January, 1904,
a dispensary, arrests were
made for drunkenness. During Jan-
1903, under tho saloon system,
arrests drunkenness. None
of the arrests in January last were
young men. Arrests made for all
in January 1903, were
in January 1904,
The same story with similar
and like results comes from
where the police, in
under the dispensary, locked
up five or six persons for
Other place where the
hat It la art
pile farther statistics.
The- figures given above forth
both Moral and the money of-
the question.
On the moral aide we see an
son a decrease of per the
number of arrests for responding
of 1903 under saloons sad
1904 under dispensary, de-
crease of per cent, in jail ex-
for the same months. The
record in Raleigh for the mm
responding months
of per cent, in arrests
alone, and a decrease
per cent, in arrests of all
in favor of the dispensary. La ad-
to these figures the
testimony of a conservative-. Superior
court judge that crime has decreased
per cent in all communities
within his where the dis-
is properly
The money side of the question is
equally clear. The in
Wilson have increased trade which
they attribute to the dispensary.
Money spent saloons
now spent the dry and
grocery stores. The town revenue
which was from the
bids fair to exceed
the dispensary, judging the
present outlook. In Raleigh also
the savings banks are doing in-
creased business, and the- revenue of
the town is greatly increased.
issues, of this paper
the bearing of the dispensary upon
business and upon town revenue in
Greenville has been discussed. The
progress and growth of the town
does not depend on its whiskey
shops. It will grow faster without
them. With the saloons closed
money that is usually deposited
them will be spent for something
to eat and to wear, and all business
will be accordingly ex-
the business of the barkeeper-
himself. And in addition to in-r
creased business the revenue from
the dispensary will be many times
the revenue from the opes bars,
providing for better schools in-
improvements, without any
increase in taxation.
If the dispensary increases town
revenues to per
increases business, as has de-
and at the same
time decreases and
crime to per cent; can
longer hesitate which to
There is no bettor
man to be found anywhere than L.
Harvey, of He ha just
sent to Governor Jarvis the
Kinston, Feb. 1904.
Hon. T. J. Jarvis,
Greenville, N. C,
I see from the papers that Green-
ville will vote on dispensary soon.
We had one since the 1st of
January and are well pleased
with it. It is all that its friends
claimed for it and We have
had very little drunkenness and our
chief of says that he very
little to do. One estimate now
that it will pay the town from.
to Persons who
it at are now
friends of it.
This department is in J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
C. Feb.
is week with Miss
Debbie Mum dug.
slop, slot.-, slop,
We need an ac-
man, bad.
Louis M of The
forty, pent Saturday night
hi Manning.
Bryan and Prof. E.
C. Nye ended the
nesting Greenville Saturday.
Miss Nannie House left
day to spend Sunday at borne on
the other of the river and
returned Sunday She
was accompanied by Misses Hat tie
Kittrell and L Chapman.
It has been an admitted
that advertising pays, A
dollar a good ad. is the bee
dollar a man can invest.
The may not be in a mo-
but the constant drippings
soon formulaic a great pool from
which, most
insatiable appetite can be
fled. With this idea in view our
business have built their
hope and gradually the truth of
the above has dawned upon them.
We are reaping some of its
fits with a constant adherence
to print and paper have no fear as
future developments. We are
-sanguine of even great things than
Q. A. Km Co., will buy
your corn and pay you highest
and fertilizers of various
-kinds are constantly moving.
Always bear in that the
a good hoard of good
-HI quote prices on same
A good article is better if you
have to pay a little more for it
than a cheaper article at a smaller
price, so try one the Carroll
singletrees manufactured by the
Winterville Mfg. Co.
A plow beam manufactured by
the Mfg. Co., always
gives good satisfaction you
go to the in to have one put
your plow they also
for your plow.
If in need of hay oats, hulls and
meal, A. Kittrell.
Don't forget Dr. Cox
his residence of J. H.
C. Dixon.
For best grade of chewing and
smoking tobacco go to the drug
Mr. Rose, a contractor from
Rocky Mount, is here regarding
the brick
Miss Lena Dawson spent Sun-
day at home.
J. F. Harrington and family
spent Sunday In the country with
his father.
Sines fire our town prison
has been converted into a barber
shop, now with us all
Have all the hens in Pitt county
began laying at once More than
eggs have ship-
from point the
past week.
The freight are kept busy haul-
brink f Winterville.
n. X. W. aid
are her
Miss Dora has
; visiting in the country.
Every tramp that comes along
eyed with suspicion. Safe
crackers or robbers, sure.
If volunteers are needed to help
the little we might
some that could possibly fill the
bill. They are said to be brave
and true, are not all red-bead-
ed men either.
If everything was as prompt
time as our trains, what a pros-
country this would be.
C. A. Fair, Ed. Tripp and Mr.
Burner, of Ayden, were here Sun-
Misses Bessie Cox and Maggie
J. R. and T. R.
of Kinston, were here yes
Mrs. Charles Langston returned
from a visit to Kinston Friday
It is nothing strange to
Hunsucker has sold the last
in stock. Don't you this
is because there isn't anything do-
You never were worse mis-
taken. The fact is, the orders are
coming faster than they can be
made. Don't let any more get
of you, but place your
orders with A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Light and heavy groceries j
ways on hand at the store R.
went Parmele on Chapman Co.
day's train. Miss Bessie has Be sure and see H-
day's train,
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. would
like to tell you about carts,
economic back bands, cotton
planters, simplex guano sowers,
and wire fence but they haven't
time now. However, you may
hear from them
Go to see or write the Winter-
ville Mfg. Co. your house
trimmings. They can furnish you
with good low prices.
Bearding J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
House in town.
A. G. Cox has sold the store on
north end of brick block to H.
L. Johnston and the one on south
end to T. X. Manning.
Dr. B. T. Cox wishes to
chase ll new goose feathers.
To our friends and customers.
Having very near lost our entire
stock of merchandise in the recent
fire, we are now making arrange-
as rapidly as possible to
open again. We most earnestly
solicit a continuance of your
valued patronage. Thanking you
one and all for past favors we re-
main, Yours to Serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Guy Taylor has his stock of
goods rear of post office, as also
has the Mfg. Co.
for heavy
not in the
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot of coffins on hand, trices are
very reasonable as heretofore.
Prompt attention given all orders.
Just so the use to which a wire
fence is to be put must determined
the style of fence to be bought.
Realizing this fact A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. to make the
mesh fence with barb wire
oven as well to keep
stock different heights of the
square mesh perfect
Harness as well as buggies I
Don't go some where else to
your harness when you can get
your harness when you can get,
any style just as cheap per-
haps just as nice
right hero from
the man get bug-
Josh Manning spent the
bath here.
left Monday
for Norfolk.
Mrs. M. G. Bryan on a visit
to her mother near
Hickey and Vance Cory
spent from Friday to day with
Master Breton
Mrs. Sarah Taylor la
the weak with Mrs. C A. lair la
Be sure and Bee H- L. Johnson
for any and everything in the
grocery and confectionery line.
R. G. Chapman Co. invite the
public to call and examine their
stock of dry goods, notions Ac.
The line of ladies dress food in
the store of R. F. Co.
is Call
and see.
H. L. Johnson daily receives
the nicest assortment of
See H. L. Johnson
and light groceries.
Dr. B. T. Cox when
country either at his
residence or at the store of R. G,
a few few days Harrington,
Barber Co. will be ready to
serve their customers with any
thing in the line.
G. R. who was hurt
the fire is nearly all right.
We now have a nice lot of porch
timber. If you are in need
of them why not let us fit you up
Prices are light.
Mtg. Co.
books, pens, pencils and
best quality of stationary always
tor sale at the drug store.
Everything sold at the lowest
market price at R. G.
Best and tip top goods
had at R. G. Chapman
The mud is deep but oar
wagons are o. k. still and
though our wagons
may sometimes stick they always
stand. Try G Cox Mfg.
Co. B
J. R. Carroll accepted a
position with A. G Mfg. Co.,
as book-keeper. A mot excellent
selection on c f the c
Toe library of
school ran m .
ha if i
a Set Ken m B
John II. i, .
vole, from V i
For the Y . i
indebted u h. f Pi
F. L. Cm. ad , o. .
man's private secretary.
Dr. E. L. Carr expects to be in
Winterville next Monday ex-
the teeth of ell the
children and others who wish it,
and make cut
condition of their The ix- j
will be atone,
but he will be prepared to
dental work for any who may
Dr. Carr is not a
dentist, but believe our
youths from the of
J. R. R. W. of Ayden,
sere here Thursday prospecting.
They have purchased a lot on mat
side of railroad will build a
very large brick store thereon.
P. H. Kittrell and Manning
went to Greenville yesterday.
Josh Manning came down Wed-
night to be present at the
marriage of his brother.
T. R. bride arrived
Wednesday evening and went out
country to visit friends.
Mrs. Jerry of Han-
is visiting her
Mrs. W. L. House.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. will at
an early day erect large brick
buildings in which to more con-
properly conduct
their large interest.
They have had the idea in view
for some time and now that there
will be a large coterie of brick
masons on the stores, they
will avail themselves of the cir-
W. L. Hurst went to Greenville
Guy Taylor has moved his tick
of goods in the new store near
O. A. K . . , r. k-
and commission have
in same
For several days during
eek some very nice
leather and it ladies at the
natter have availed themselves
the privilege and opportunity of
coming down town of an
A army. Just it,
from to strong and they have
raptured the whole thing, young
and little and big, yes. even
old vs. no wonder for a
girls can be no
ere. They make the shine
Indeed there were two
sous and a whole gang of fair
want the bad weather to go
ax. these sum- and bus to
e me again and then we will be
co Possibly this don't in-
anybody but ourselves m
We love pretty things
and we are going to talk write
them and nobody can't help
it. We want to see those girls down
tow again we don't care who
knows it.
H. Langston went to Grain-
Thursday night returned
Friday morning.
A pretty home wedding at the
home of A. G. Cox, uncle of the
The following letter from The
Green dealers in
general merchandise, cotton buyers
and proprietors of the Louisburg
Lumber Co,, tells what effect a
dispensary is having upon that
prosperous and thriving town.
Read it.
Louisburg, N. C, Feb. 1904.
Mr. G. E. Harris,
Greenville, N. C.
Replying to your favor Feb.
will state that the dispensary
here has been a good thing for our
town and community. l
moral standpoint it is a great
the saloon. While
of course whiskey is sold and
drank it is not done so much by
the younger generation. There is
a marked contrast of the sobriety
of the men who have come
up under the restricted sale
whiskey, and those who were raised
while we had saloons. You may
say to your business men it
bride, Wednesday evening the
24th, took place when Mr. damaged the business of
this community; on the contrary
the business of the town great-
increased since they had the
dispensary. There not a vacant
store the town, nor dwelling.
You may say also to your property
Manning and Miss
were united in marriage. The
attendants were Jackson
with Miss Debbie Manning and
J. A. Nichols with Miss Dora
Cox. Miss Bertha Dawson played
Look after your fence in time
and be sure to get the right kind.
A. G. Mfg. Co have any
height you may want and the
of their fence is well known.
They are constantly selling it yet
it keeps coming and you can get
any day you wish. Plenty
of barbed wire kept in stock.
The best prices for the best
goods be had at H. L. John-
The latest brands of cigars and
at H. L. Johnson's.
Mrs. G. L. Moore and children,
of Bethel, have been visiting her
father. J. Smith, near here for
the past week.
Josephus Cox, David
and J. B. Carroll were Green-
ville yesterday.
David of Farmville,
was here yesterday see J. D.
Wark has already
the brisk The brisks
that are to ho are of a
the wedding march and Esquire that the profits of
to the town has decreased our
taxes sixty per cent. We think
that the dispensary properly man-
aged will add to the prosperity of
any town ts against the
J. M. Blow performed the
It was indeed a very pleas-
ant occasion. We extend
and wish them a long and
happy life.
Since the fire there have been
many transfers of real estate
The best of prices are being paid
and everyone seems satisfied. The
man that owns a lot finds it bard
to keep it, so tempting are the in-
offered him to part with
it. Watch us.
We hope you will succeed in
ting your You no
doubt have some good men who w
opposed to It, but if you get it in
less than two years they would not
go back to the saloon under a.
Yours very truly,
The Co.

Grimesland Department
J. Proctor Bros
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to Q In it,
good v our family, pr
your table, or tor
v. . supply your
and are now
in full blast ind we are
pared to pin cotton,
saw Lumber, o kinds
of turned work for balusters
house trimmings We also
do general repairing of baggies
carts and wagons.
It takes less time to go ton
anything op than it does to sit
down and wall for it to turn up of
of its own accord.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of nothing, Pry Goods. No-
i, s, Bats,
and Hardware can found
here. Whether some-
thing SOON IO
wear, or some article tor the
you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
or anything the farmer sells.
island, X.
Dry n o's, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
Fountain in town. All
the popular Hot Peanuts
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will Insure sweet cream and
butter, cool drinking water and dainties that
would be unattainable without th. Re fr I iterator.
If you have you will war.; a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower we
we sell a machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory pine, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, and
everything else in the hardware line.
The Will Help Hi People.
After rending an article in Wed-
Reflector in which
some things are said concerning
I the f Greenville being
registered and voted for and
the dispensary, with con-
r serve, I one or two as
There are some few in
Greenville, who, if allowed, would
vote their convictions
However, we are not worrying
ourselves. We perfectly ill
to trust the entire matter in
the hands of the good white voters
of the quietly, as in I
political measures, to accept
whatever result may
However, I am reminded tint
strong drink is no of
persons. It has about the same
effect on all men, the effect being
determined more by the strength
of the constitution than by the
color of the skin. In fact, it is
i J
This is evident from the harm it
and is doing in both
So if the good white voters
succeed in establishing a
in the town in lieu of the j
open saloon, they will not only l
benefit themselves but will bestow
a great blessing upon our
While but a very few of On can
assist in achieving the victory, we
snail all be benefited by the
happy result.
W. A.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing. Dry Furniture. Groceries.
Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country
Greenville's Great Department Store
While I do not deny the
of a strong sentiment in our
for dispensary; I to
mm j state that their has no official
W. A. Pastor.
yon can get honest goods at living prices. Be our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied wit mm
Suits, Overcoats. Cloaks, Dress Goods. Shoes, Hats. Caps. Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything y a use in
your house and everything you use in your par I r
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody tries
our goods becomes customers. Just give us trial
and save yourselves money.
and Mis. A. Thigpen i
announce the marriage
Dorothy Dodd SI has in beauty
and means
It the degree; it give
to the foot, n t ho diversity of kinds there are
styles every person from tho evening slipper
to the sturdy the all have a light,
airy gracefulness peculiarly their own, which is Bare to
appeal to a eye. Shoes
Fir, They Pit
Shoes should always lit and about the
instep so as to make it far the foot to slip for-
ward and crowd the toes, while the ball and toes should
have plenty of room thus giving free play to the foot.
This is exactly what shoes do.
Our new Spring Styles in oxfords and sandals will be
here very shortly.
of their daughter
Annie Little
Mr, Benjamin F.
Wednesday, February
twenty fourth
nineteen hundred and four
at home near
Hill, North Carolina.
At home after Match the tenth,
Speed, N. C
Folks Must Eat
Mo matter how low the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Clean, Pure Goods only
are We don't cal
shoulders hams. Every thin.
goes by its honest name.
Five Points.
Loan Value,
Gash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears paid within on mm
ire living, or within three years after lapse, upon
of payment of arrears with interest.
A after second No Restrictions.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second
year, provided the premium for the current j
They may he To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during i
of insured.
J. L,.
It, A
Greenville N. C.
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Paint Your for
to with Gloss Car-
Faint, It weighs to ors.
pint others, wears
longer, and gives a gloss equal to
new work. Sold by H. L. Carr. I
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
Stocks, Cotton, Grain sad
ons. Private Wires to York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
yOU knOW What It does It a person of all
for strong drink or drugs, restores the nervous system to its normal
and reinstates a man to his home and business. For fall
By Editor D. T. Ed-
V. C. Feb. 1904.
Mi Ma
In to your favor of
date relative to my opinion of the
I would say that us a
change from the saloon it is
decided I gain this
the operation of
oar dispensary since
of this year.
The rigid restrictions under
is sold the
take away the attractiveness
of the saloon. The social feature
is entirely absent, for a well eon-
ducted dispensary is as as
a prayer
what financial profit that
is derived from the sale of the
beverage goes to the community
at large. And that is right and
just, fur the community has to
foot the bills for all the deviltry
caused by liquor.
too, the removal of the
as a factor in a community
removes the saloon influence from
politics this is a for good
government. Not all
men are corrupt, but that the
saloon corrupt
In us too the change has
worked well. Liquor is Bold in
community, but the arrest for
have very
decreased. Public
is reduced to the minimum. We
hops that as time advances the
will demonstrate to the
moat the wisdom of the
The of the dispensary
in a community depend. u;
whether it is managed by people
who are sympathy with the
or by its enemies. In
a small community,
where the are interested
and feel vital necessity of a
well conducted local government,
there lie no difficulty what-
ever in making the dispensary a
success in every of the word.
Some people will talk of the
flight with the
but although we have
i from
future for our town from a bus-
point is very bright.
Very truly yours,
Daniel T. Edwards.
MASON Stock of Durham, N. C.
Stock of FIN
Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, Hamburgs, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs,
At C. T.
No Goods Will Be at These Prices.
HOWARD HATS, All Grades, Quality
What Editors There Think of
Wilson, N. a, Feb. 1904.
You esteemed favor to band
with reference to the success of
Nearly every one pleased
it the most ardent
and some of t even say it is a
great deal better than the
Drunkenness is not near so
common, and the police courts are
reduced more than half, while the
policemen all say the city is a
great deal more orderly. Our
people would not change for any-
success we are,
Very truly
P. D. Gold, Co.
Wilson Times.
Monarch Shirts and o
The member who stands
for the is giving his influence
against morality and peace and for
ti devil and
raps the
FINE SUNDAY SHIRTS and for this sale cents.
W. Main St
North Carolina.

Another Gen Spiked.
In reply to a clipping from the
North Carolina Christian Advocate
of which Rev. Blair is ed
circulated this week la the
interest of open saloons, as opposed
to dispensary in Greenville,
We to the public the fol-
low in, personal letter to J.
I regret to learn
your letter just received
bar should attempt to use
said good Intent,
to the advantage Of their cause.
I trust yon may gain the
I am today preparing an editorial
which will appear in
Advocate, and I send you
advance sheet, so that you
use it and this letter as you
w best. IT. M.
we denominate an attempt
of the barkeepers and their
in a few to OS
what we have had to say against
the dispensary, as a campaign
document In favor of the open
saloon. Whatever we have had to
say against the dispensary has
been on general principles, and
with no thought of giving comfort
to the of the , saloon.
dispensary is bad, but the open
saloon is infinitely worse, and
where it becomes necessary to
choice between the two,
there should be no hesitation on
the part of Christian men.
The only question is that of
expediency in dealing with a
that Is sapping the very life of the
and nation, . e see no
reason why, In most communities,
Under the Wits Law, we should
i -o to stop at a
in this matter. It is con-
ceded by all real friends of
the dispensary
must finally yield to the demands
enlightened Christian
which ultimately drive i
out. Therefore, where we have i
good fighting chance we
array all our forces- in a
to the whole business.
The e be some exceptions.
but we are t f the that
in all our towns at present
it would be almost as easy to drive
out the saloons altogether to
drive the business into a
As to any who have attempted
to use what we had to say in
to dispensary, as in any way
favoring the open saloon US a mat-
of preference, have only to .
that they are a
hypocrites, and, in keeping wit.
saloon element general.
would not at the
any crime by which to foster their
wicked business, Their business
to their coffers by taking
human weakness, and
need not b surprised to find
them distorting utterances of
; journals to
; the time being to
Bin king cans. Truly,
R. J.
C. V. York.
H. Pender.
umber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
Ail kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new I and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, ring and all kinds o sheet
metal work. in shop is fourth street, opposite
marble yard. Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a of trade.
We ask for our share the public patronage and
will do host to give satisfaction.
um em
f T
Our Stetson,
and Shoes, All Leathers,
Our Shape 3.50 and Shoes i
All Leathers, i
Our Excellent Quality 3.50 Shoes, J
All Styles Potent and Kid Leathers
The Well Known It C. Shoes For j
Women, 1.50 and Grade i
This is no shopworn or bankrupt stock, I
but. good clean up-to-date goods.
I am now In New York buying New and I
Complete line Spring Goods. E
. s s.
hi Way.
husband has Ideal of
ho i- h i
by . l. club
I.- no
Miss Jessie returned
Friday evening from a visit to
the Wore,
little Billy
An echo, replied old
man, with nigh long drawn
. ; the only flimflam
would livery of heaven to , out or
serve the Devil in. Down wills
the saloon If it conies to a choice Hew Ha Went.
between the two, take the out officially Lord
was very particular about
Mrs. Emily suffered a
stroke of Friday, and
a times before the
open saloon.
Friday evening the passenger
train was four and one half hours
late, having been reported only
two and half late. There were
passengers who to the depot
at o'clock and had to wait till
after ten o'clock, which was very
to them.
D. M. Ferry's new garden
at M.
appearing in uniform and expected
all invited to meet him to
come similarly attired. Some years
he arrived at a certain town to
inspect the troops, and some
in the neighborhood gave a
large dinner party in his honor, to
which the principal officers in tho
garrison wore invited. Ono of
officers told me that when he in-
formed his he should
dress at a certain hour, as he woe
going out to dinner, tho man at
once inquired whether he was going
as officer or a I
may add that, as he was invited to
meet Lord ho went an
M. A. P.
The City Bay Grain Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn for cash.
Mysterious Circumstance
pale and sallow and
other fresh and rosy. Whence the
difference She who blushing
with health uses Dr. King's New
Life Pills to maintain it. By
gently lazy organs
they compel good digestion and
head off constipation. Try
only at Drug Store
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
We are in the
Buying our Spring and
Summer Stock.
We will have, in a short time
One of the Largest and
Most Complete stock of
Dry Goods and Notions
Ever Shown in
C. L Wilkinson Co.
Commissioner General Herbert
who represents the state
at the St. Louis Exposition
the shipments of the North Caro-
exhibit commence this week.
There will be something like eight
oar-loads of exhibits, all arranged
and packed with special care.
Job box papers
bought at a sacrifice. Original sell-
price to cents a box.
Marked down to and cents.
Only boxes in lot. Come
quick if you want a box.
tor Book Store. d. w.
Wisconsin Capital Burned.
Madison, Wis. Feb.
starting it o'clock this morning
from crossed electric light wires
or a burning gas jet, completely
building, causing a of
Preparations are under way for
the settlement of a colony of more
than from New
York, at Mobile, Ala,, on
line of the Southern railway
Miss Harding returned
Friday evening from Washington
VOL. No.
Russian Ships Sunk.
Sr. Petersburg-
confirmed Tumors are current here J After a U- which
Like A Strike
, 2.-
this that two Russian
battleship and one torpedo b-st
have be Mink at Port Arthur.
Fire broke out in th. a iron
both declared
had and Newport NeB -hip-
agreed the big plant on
nit-doing today will re-1 ,
to .
the which id died the J,
Here at the last of
Boats Damaged.
is learned that
has just completed a
motel known as tho
Fire destroyed the county
home of county and a
colored bun
were damaged at the last
mi Arthur, are toeing
towed to V
I on.
in the dome of the
between and East Dur-
Ham last Saturday morning in
men the first j
In jet come in
x r J
Mar. 1.--A of .
mm that Tuesday for killing all of them.
to Ai,
N. C. February
Rev. H. O. Bowen, editor of the
Watch Tower, was here Friday,
in the interest of his paper.
W. T. Cash, who took a relapse
with pneumonia, died and
was buried Saturday by the Odd
Fellows. He leaves a wife and
several children. He came here
from Granville six
ago to cultivate tobacco.
Rev. J. T. Davis, of Greene
county, moved his family here
last week.
Car white corn for sale by J. R.
Smith Bro.
C. A. Fair returned Char-
Thursday, where he
toe and the at
probably of the I I of a disease doctors
such an attempt be made. Deposit ad Company, at b as anthrax, an
th have Mass., wen u generally to sheep
in be., I , v
on and after March the vi. reason j
following annual salaries shall for hold Seaboard Air Li
to be Ga., the th
Presidents to be strong tat Ions near on th
cut and members of Cot, A; r
K, of broach of treaty J c- Lille.
is. and obligations. the
till d
tie morning of the 27th by being
in Hume shafting.
i five year-old vi
Creed, living in
Miss Ella left
where will
take a business course.
Oar spring seed oats at j. r.
Smith it lira.
Mrs. Jack-on and
ace visiting relatives in the
of the
factory will cause several famines
to move here.
Rev. C. C. Bland went to Green-
ville Monday.
I. . . . V, I
pass the Brit on the 27th, I on
do likewise, and fit wreck near Vs.,
the of of
for Russia.
I era road
Want Rowers to Intervene.
Paris, Mar.
has an agitation in
or of powers
i.-. having in-
that Bulgaria should bean ally
more to i
to Russia.
J. Mar. L
this -It i- the
log. He was a of
the end.
If the
Sr m , it.
; .-., doable
header t
county, was Services were held at the
Sunday by Rev. T. is
he- while on i the
H e largest
made from a t to in
who the trade left
probably die from int Jr
injuries. H Luke's mixture
hurt. Shipped to Warren i,
and at Hi- Episcopal church by
J ti. of
came home
from Virginia. night.
Car salt J. R.
native far her
thought to be
Mrs. Alfred 155-.,
presented husband for U.
second time three
set of
Mr. to Raleigh
to with the state's
exhibits at the St, Louis
Hon. The
i fall down stairs
m u .,
Mrs. ; . .
,. . . , would
dead home in ,, ,, . . .
St was the oldest n. . .
lb, Plans for raising a fund to
to J for the victims of the
support I heir action and event- fire have been submitted not blame for
support Memorial
offices of the Washington K- Crane says.
The last Heroic Effort.
Wife, make the last heroic effort
with husband of
yours. A change has come
him in the last few days. . , ,
much more inclined bl ,. i Beer Traffic-
than he was h week ago. Washington, D. C,
thinking after all it may be e judiciary committee of seeking revenge, but are opposed
better to close up tho bar Rehouse today public to of the as
were begun the Hepburn bill
combined weight at was different kinds
Th i boys
lively said
; Mi.,,,,
The factor, of ti. Hew k I by being
mills at Y. In
The loss who bad been
Gee. who knocked hint
Phelps afterwards returned
and asked for
the remark, saying that he did
Marriage License.
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams issued license to the
following e
John Mills and
A. V. Lang and Mary A.
Ernest C. Manning and Susan
L. H. Lancaster and
T. Allen, ,
Sam in
Q. T.
it and
Bright and Henrietta
him. The men shook hands and
., Gee turned to walk away.
hospital in the dis-
The sole object of this as-
is the erection of a me-
The are not
bar rooms
Plead with him for the safety of
l T II
the and the girls. Plead in which seeks to change the inter
love, not auger. Breathe into
his very soul a prayer warm with
the everlasting love of a mother's
heart. Tell him that a vote for
, safety of the boy is the boom
you ask.
Bonds Sold.
The board of internal improve-
has sold the of
Greenville improvement bonds to
Rudolph Co., of
-The price is ,
state commerce law so that all
intoxicating liquors shipped from
outside states may be subject to
the laws of the state to which
they are shipped or through which
they may The measure, in
effect, is intended to aid local
and prevent any city or
county subject to that law from
receiving intoxicants of any kind
or character in broken or
a place of amusement.
The Hotel, in Washing-
ton, D. C, was damaged to the
extent of by fire. The
entire root of the front portion of
double building was burden
and three rooms on the fourth
floor were gutted. The hotel was
deluged with water, which dripped
in the destroying
able furniture on every floor, and
the place was rendered
or character m broken or able for a number of guests
en packages, gee including several members of
in the back, inflicting wound,
from which he has since died.
Burton C. Clod feller, a well
known farmer of Davidson county,
attempted to commit suicide one
day last week by cutting bis
John a young
about years old, was found
dead the road about one mile
from Rocky Mount on the morn-
of He lived about four
mile., Rocky Mount and it is
supposed that he came there, got
tanked up with juice, tried
to make his way home, fell into a
ditch on the road side and was
either drowned or froze to death
as there was no evidence of foul
James Ellison and Amelia
Frank Grist and Jennie Wilson.
H. I. and
ma n.
Columbus Brady and Minnie
Foreman and Forbes
Alfred Little and
Joseph Dupree and Lula
Just Dollars.
Washington, D. C, Mar.
Attorney General gave out
the following statement this after
noon. -I the
that he Is authorized to pay
once to the republic of Panama the
stipulated by the
treaty, ratification of which
has been exchanged.
Also that he is authorized to
pay the new Panama canal com-
the amount
agreed to be paid first

Eastern reflector, 1 March 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 01, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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