Eastern reflector, 23 February 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i ;. Harris we; to
returned to n
to lay
, . r T F.
Raleigh today.
u i
p . . i
lag B
. to Ki
a .
M . M ye I
i to Pi r
i I Q j
the d I
C i. i returned
day v
iris, of
spent b with In
Mil Le a left
,. u visit i
.,. Mi . C
we to Saturday even Q
i; . W. B. Bishop
Ml ii went to Maori Lou
went to n
Perkins went to Winter-
vile night and
this morning.
B. V. Manning went to Winter-
Tuesday night and returned
t. morning.
Mm Wadsworth, who was
log Mrs W. T. Hunter,
day evening for
M. K. Daniel, of
Tuesday evening
t visit airs. T. Moore.
hi son,
Uncle is a jolly old man
but does not to grow old.
The earth to yet covered with
snow. Lookout, birds, or the
small boy will get you hi-
breech-loading gun.
While coal eat on
top of a coal chute at Spencer, a
Former congressman Joseph
Patterson died at his borne in
Memphis. on last Friday.
The Empress has is-
a receipt to the Cross of
Russia, directing It to make pro-
visions to alleviate the sufferings
of the wounded U the war with
day or Walter Stokes and
C. L. Wilkinson left this
i,. markets to
e his spring goods.
. Mapping, of
. visiting Mrs. Frank J.
,, n, the King House.
Mrs. J Washing-
., who baa been visiting
A. White, left
; . d. Goodrich and children,
An unknown masked
entered the home of A. J.
Va., on the
re Blabbed his wife, who
., alone in house, robbed
i of and made his escape.
, r ,,,. Friday night robbed, tn
behave her ,.;,, ., .,.,
I ; mar town, let .
., III ill
Hayes, th colored, were
thrown off another car,
injuries from which both
are expected to d i.
aged and
respected citizen, died at his
Va., Friday
at the age of seventy-five. g
Engineer Duncan, of the A. i l was laid by n Ply-
N. C. was held on mouth Bock
the streets in Goldsboro
There will he In
postmasters of the office at Green-
ville. The term of Mr. J. J. Per-
kins, who has served as postmaster
for ten years, ex pins on the
and as he did not desire reappoint-
for another term Mr. K. C.
Flanagan as bin
Mr. has
the appointment d Mr. Perkins
will turn over to him an
soon as all can
native of
suddenly of
heart trouble on the at the
lite of to Wins n-8-Um.
the duets,
f the late the
other two died
On M
the Normal
of Baltimore, will not open on the 18th
been visiting Mrs. J. J. M has been will
hi i , left this i Q .,,. the 23rd.
Miss Sallie Gotten accompanied her bad b fire a
home r visit in Baltimore. . v go which is believed to
Mrs. J. F. Joyner and Mis. W. of incendiaries.
of Kinston, W. has appoint-
over this morning to go I
C. V. York.
r i leaver for and
. . Davis, of Beaufort, arrived to set their . ,. . , .,,.,,, , ; .
Lang, who was injured by fall- ,,;., week on
. . i
;. . of Ho
; m, . i i . d ii . Mi
J. . inn.
v.- . who has be n
. ll l
. ii . B Mount.
I . re ; -m d
t;, morning for
. Q of
i . ice a days ago.
Mis. Mary Johnson Mrs. W.
b i left this morning
Bethel. court baa beer,
the July term.
count i
demands of it rs.
I. the e
of the school for the deaf I I
Morganton, and who
Erwin was kicked by a I once represented Davie
Dam, Feb. 1904.
i two weeks ago and
two s were broken. B. few
a mild of pneumonia
evening to visit developed. He is now able to sit
Mr. is one our best
years of age
.; . Rev. J. A. Horn .
Mr. . i-. A. Col .
; . , i
and Mr-. Ola ,
the legislature, id u
In that county morning J
Con tractors, Constructors
; situated by just
All kinds of dressed lumber, i,
ii. his 09th year.
With the train running at the
rate if forty mil a boar,
ii y In a state of hallucination
w to T
J T -he or her firs, experience
v,.;,; Tennessee former at riding a train,
; , came . last off between Asheville and
S. P. Conner. was fl
. run back, to their ;
. ., the woman . alive and
. to back on.
Mi, . Blake, u i d lady
who en miles m
. v- . th o
i up ed that
ks. old soldier, aged
All new an I
make. , . ,. t ,.
pi .; and contract taken
buildings. .
, . . ; , . r .
,.,. .
yard. Mr. II. ha-
our and slating ion
a of his trade.
for our share I public pa
will do our to give . ion.
;,. and a member of th
and was many a
I j Mi eve b , la i P sick.
. No
. .
. .
I f to i, m
. . . ,
of a
. iv ill in
. . u I
. . Lu W
;. is
. i City.
M. O, Bl n
i ,;
returned f
own ha. I
., v
w . y-. U
i ton I
day, a a
, old
. .
An I Mrs, B .
. V . e
. .
of Cl h B.
,. i on t
i .
V, J j tobacco
II this
;,, . b.-r, cf
p, . . . Beaver Dam,
. Y to buy tobacco. He is a
, , i
g woman, buried la I
. .;.
J, Bailey n turned to
T i returned Tuesday
evening from Roanoke Rapids.
H. J. returned Tuesday
from a trip up the road.
W. B. Brown went north today
to purchase new goods.
o i in Arnold Bi e,
other I of Leo, is
., ling time with Ids
Ballards. May Ar-
with us along time. He
is a good and honest man and is
his four score years.
Old man Billy Williams, an
old time school teacher, who has
learned many young ideas how to
shoot, and who once taught at
Bethel, Tyson church,
and various other places, is
. . .
J of re,
. . of n cl us
ii I vie
b ill and mi I J. U
Id has been severe
the Milling Co
bat down tor better
If. M Wooten, of Harrellsville,
Gar. oats at J. B. Smith
The office A.
junk dealer, in Wilmington, was
into by burglars and
a gold watch and a lot of stamps
stolen Sunday.
. ., .
,, ice trade
mm genuine
; without it.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
and Other News By Telegraph.
Russia Not Ready For War.
Petersburg, Feb.
Russian government from announces
ha issued a proclamation setting that one of the main branches of
Japanese Troops Mooting.
Paris, Feb. unofficial
forth the fact that Russia
the Japanese army consisting of
was not prepared tor the breaking three divisions is now going aboard
out of hostilities with at j transports for Korea. This force
the time the war was started, and between thirty and
fifty thousand men.
Turkey and Bulgaria.
London, Feb. IS.
London be
stating that it is necessary to get
forces in proper position before
a definite victory for Russian
can be looked for. The
proclamation further state .
considerable time will that the
before operations on land can ,,,. in the spring. A
expected. Officials feel . n , embassies
in time Russia will inflict a crush- , ., .,,.
blow to Japan. J .,., . B is the
Loss At can
be bear to the
Feb . . .
The at Renter
telegraphs that .,,. prevent hostilities.
men were either killed r -.-,,,.; . . ;,
drowned in the light they now eon-
Korea, on Feb. their own desires which
Just Playing So Far.
Feb. . . ,
t . w Reach
Japanese plan as ascertained a
to continue to Port. Arthur Cleveland, Ohio, Feb.
from the until they are ready ; .
the land Cleveland at noon today
Japanese the attacks the train brought
have been merely skirmishes, . Washington. A. great crowd
they proved had about station
The Russians will
Hanover, N. IT., Feb.
starting at o'clock
this morning destroyed
building, the oldest
structure of the Dartmouth college
buildings. Many of the students
bad narrow escape and lost every-
thing. It was built in 1768.
Koreans Attack Americans.
Washington, D. Feb.
London, Feb.
Under Sealed Orders.
Paris, Feb.
ed orders to be opened at sea have
been sent to the captains the
French cruisers
and Which are to
reinforce the French squadron in
the far
States Minister dispatch to agency from
at Seoul, Korea, cables the Hamburg the steamship
state department that a company; Pretoria, of the
of Korean soldiers made an attack can Line, aground it
on Wednesday night last on an Assistance has been sent her.
elect carriage belonging to
American citizens, damaging All Jews
carnage and injuring the operator, j g.
He Pays American seamen ,,. , the
sent to the of
the outrage
and quieted the
Russian government has expelled
surprised when the real attack
Czar Disheartened.
Lea burg, Feb.
The newspaper
stages th is still
over the war. Ho
was heard to say am
with the Japanese, ill
luck began Ind the
witch were attacked by
Base cf Supplies.
B .-lie, Feb. IS.
here is
th for the statement that Hie
Japanese bus .
bus- of
Off the coast of
and miles Northern
of Bert Arthur.
tours the arrived
station was kept till
except holding special per-
hood as the train arrived
Hanna-end hew who
Tin- body taken to
the chamber
Greensboro College
Greensboro, N. O.
The Greensboro Female
buildings were destroyed by lire
, There
Three Regiments Drowned.
Newspapers at Prague print the
that two regiments of Bus-
pioneers a d one regiment of
railway troops bad been drowned
while crossing lake Baikal in
on Fire.
Port Said, Feb.
Fire on board the Anchor
Line Persia here. The
blaze i beyond control and it is
feared the steamer will be destroy-
about three
towns along the
railway, on the
Cleveland, Ohio. Feb. might betray mil
Funeral of Senator
remain-, of Senator be Japanese,
Marcus A. Hanna, after lying in j permitted to h ti
stare for hours, and being getting away and
viewed by nearly sixty thousand many if u
people, were taken to St. on foot
under police and military escort, the extreme cold we
Thousands of people lined the
mute to pay their last tribute of Protection for Americans.
The was filled pen-1
pie. Eight pall bearers carried Mil
. all
it they
are not
ad in
rive the
I r,
Balfour's Health Alarming.
Manchester, Feb
A dispatch states that the health
of Premier is alarming his
friends. It is now necessary that
he rake a long
the casket to the front altar, and s j
. . r , -i
at t o'clock the funeral service be- q ,.,
President Pierce, of Kenyon of as m
college, read a lesson from of the u ,
Rt. Rev. W.
Leonard, Bishop of Ohio,
d address, after which a
was sung Ti;
Port Arthur, Fob
. .
Committal service . pie.
church was read Bili .-
after ti .
, ,. , , v in
borne out of church to
The Killed
in a warm-1. Work is Tim as
then to a temporary
place, in Wine's Chapel
Lake View
Feb. j
V , v . s .,, French Trouble An-
explanation has been . .
fending of rein-
. two injured do log
by explosion in a tortoise
on t h
P I-
y the
Lloyd's agency is h
Finland, Fell
is a strong 1111-
of hostility and anti
Russian feeling current throughout
Finland. Under the
with Russia Fin
script cannot be sent outside of
Finland, but as the old Fin
organization wan recently
ed and the Russian system intro-
it is feared all Fin troops
will be sent to far East, despite
Russian promises to the contrary.
It is predicted that riots and mu-
will follow such an order,
and such disturbances would give
Russia an excuse for abolishing
the vestige of Finland auto-
Dowager Empress Dead.
London, Feb.
dispatch received this afternoon
that it la reported in official
Dowager Empress is
at th-
were inmates,
the all whom escaped
without injury, saving
trunks and wearing apparel.
Most of the furniture, bedding,
were also saved.
The betels and private
of city opened their
to the burned students-
The lire back of the
rooms, in same location
where the slight fire started three
weeks ago. Miss Ella Transon,
a student from Ashe was
awakened by smoke and gave the
The found
the fire beyond control when it
reached the college. Only two
out of the twenty pianos were
The college property was trans-
only last week to the two
Methodist conferences of the state.
It has a indebtedness of
and was valued at
There is insurance
on the buildings and equipment.
The students will go to their re-
homes pending consider-
of plans for resuscitation.
This college, next to Wesley, at
Ga., was the first charter,
ed college fur women in the South
burned forty years ago.
ts to the far E ha
sinister The
I general rest due to Japanese premium of percent e
against A war
and the j within the three months.
forces there require j This high is i- --ed the
Washington, D.
rs. j
the ;.
p. to
the t her .
the . i ho el
Worth of j-v. .
Russia's Design
st. Petersburg, Feb.
Ne i-papers today
I fact that Franc I
formal declination of her attitude
Unmasked, of neutrality toward the
belligerents. In the French
instead of giving
assurance, has lowed t
I use which
not given money,
an d
mi lea.
. re-
Explosion in Powder
Patterson, X. J Feb.
In Korea and that that ISl powder explosion at
base Roads powder works at
This is contrary to usage other Wayne, N, J., this morning is re-
j neutral powers. ported to have done terrible dam
Again French ships soldiers and loss of life. Details
have been ordered to the East the disaster are lacking.
try must pass
a matter
One paper adds have
that the army
shortly operations in . . ,.
J , I from. Mediterranean posts. It is
Korea and drive out the Japanese,
whereupon we
country. We
must annex
Twenty People Killed.
v., , Salt Lake City, Utah. Feb.
every point her power score or more of
known that is
utmost effort to get
using the I
France to I
fleet in Asiatic waters ,
naturally has territorial power
Nurses Selected.
Washington, D. C, Feb.
of the American
trained nurses who will accompany
Dr. Anita to Japan to help
care for the sick and wounded in
the war, have been selected. They
are Miss Mary of Boston;
Alice of Indiana; Miss
Elizabeth Stock, of end
Miss Barbara Weidman, of Wash-
They will sail about the
of this month.
a menace to vessels. which occurred
Ogden, a wreck yesterday after-
noon. Two freight trains collided
and two car loads of giant powder
and dynamite exploded.
British foreign officers are uneasy Southern Pacific west of
regarding the outlook, while the
is getting ready for
rapid mobilization certain
eventualities develop,
French Ambassador Leaves.
London, Feb.
M. Cum den, the French
left here today for Paris.
His departure is said to have no
significance from the fact that he
often goes to Paris to spend Sun-
Vs. Ferguson.
San Francisco, Cal., Feb.
At Oxnard tonight Sam
and will come
together in a twenty round bout.
In the event of victory
will endeavor to get en another
con test with Jack Johnson.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L. E. SAWYER, who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
is the only
tasteless Castor Oil. Tastes as
good as Maple per
bottle for sale by John T. Thorne,
Druggist, Farmville, N.
J. H- CO-,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for
E. Sears, a member of the
Sears Shoe company, N.-w York,
committed suicide Tuesday
by jumping over board from the
Martinique, on his way
from Miami, Fla., to his home
New He had been ill and
it is thought that it was due to
The Florida Limited, on the
Western and Atlantic Railroad,
southbound, was wrecked eight
miles from Atlanta on Tuesday
The curs were overturned and
twelve persons were injured, two
of whom may die.
Henry Woodward, a who
murdered a mine boss, Frank
a young man at
last Christmas, has
been tried and sentenced to hang
on April 22nd.
Fire destroyed the Grayson col-
building in Dallas, Texas on
entailing a loss of
D. C. Branson, a well n
member of the Metropolitan press,
and recently on the staff of the
York Post died in New York
Clam i H. Trout man, cashier of
the Farmers and Merchants Bank,
at Ga., committed
suicide shooting himself on the
16th. The cause for the act is
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for the paper in Pact us and territory.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said K. II. at his death, and is offer-
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
of a full line of DRY GOODS, NO I IONS, CLOTHING,
HATS, CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. b also agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg.
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good lit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
N. C, Feb. 1901
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
colored, was tried
Tuesday in Rowan Superior court,
for a murderous assault on con-
J. A. Fowler, at Spencer,
on Dec 20th, guilty and
sentenced to years in the
Charles a convict from
Craven county, has from
the Caledonia farm, in
unity. He is a young
about years old, and was sent
there r larceny.
Mrs. Ida Cheatham, wife of Dr.
at her home in
Oar ham, on the th.
The man who Insures it
wise for his family.
The man who Insures his health
is wise both for his family and
You may insure health by guard
It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
itself in innumerable
Letters of administration upon the
estate of N. Hemby, deceased,
this day been issued to the
undersigned, and having duly
as administrator, notice i
given to all persons holding
claims against-said estate to present
them to me. for pay-
on or before the 5th day of
February 1905, or this notice be
plead of recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are
to make immediate payments to me.
This the 2nd day of February 1894.
JARVIS Bl-ow, Cobb,
Attorneys, of N. I Hemby,
. if. Stag,
N. C.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Senator Years Old.
F. B
Wark, the oldest member the
Canadian parliament, celebrated
his birthday today, having
been Lorn February 1804.
Despite his great age the senator
is still in the full possession of his
mental faculties and enjoys fair
bodily health. For several days
he has been receiving
letters and messages from
many parts of the
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
eight days old.
We are hoping for warmer and
days to come.
All trains seem to be from two
to three hours late every day.
Just arrived, yellow
and silver skin onion sets.
C. E. Bradley Co.
J. B. Baker went to Bethel Fri-
day to visit relatives and friend
Ferry's new crop garden seed,
at C. E. Bradley Co.
W. Williams was out driving
Sunday. He has
bought a new one to drive next
To C. A. B. all well at
your cat is holding to his
good looks.
For sale, a good gentle work ox,
about twelve years old but can do
good service to the right
E. Bradley.
The farmers are getting a little
blue. This cold weather has the
same bad effect on others, time-is
getting ripe for planting potatoes
but. very little has been done and
until a change for better weather
but little can be dune.
The Winterville wash board.
It's O. K., and the by
C. E. Bradley Co.
Our old friend W. R. Whichard
was in town yesterday. He has
placed an order, for lumber with
B. B. Fleming. matter
about the prices, ho is pay-
it soon with shad. Sooner or
he will be seen scraping
the banks of creek
for herrings the
well its alright any way. We have
promised to go one day and hold
the bag.
or gentleman lo business
in this county and adjoining
for house of solid financial
standing. straight cash
salary and expenses paid each
Monday direct from headquarter.
Expense money advanced, position
permanent. Manager,
Motion Chicago.
And your health.
The Show.
New York, Feb.
from indications at today's opening
the tenth animal Sportsman's show
will be the most successful of any
Stepping inside Madison
Garden the visitor finds
himself in a realistic reproduction
of a wild, mountain country, with
sparkling streams gushing out of
the hillside and tumbling down
the rocks into the spacious lake
which covers a large area of the
IN 1860.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Dr. IX Hi. James.
J. J. Satterthwaite
N. C.
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
fall goods.
One Price
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry and Notions.
Nice line of Shoes, Shirts and Neck
wear etc. Fresh Stock of Fancy
and Heavy Groceries. of
Wood,. and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
and Cook Stoves.
We do not claim to have any
better Goods or Prices than other
but we do claim a fair
and honest deal for ail, we. sell for
cash, which enables us -do a safe
business we give
mer the benefit of it, Cash Sales,.
Small Margins one price to
is our motto.
is only a few papers now that
keep up the race issue, the Basset t
incident and other defunct, slick-
worn Times.
A woman who wants but little-
hare below should get and
lit- it go at that.
If a woman paints she should
abandon, the tear shedding habit.
Few married women
were it not f the- indifference oft
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
16th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two
wagons and one ox cart.
I Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Letters of administration upon the
state of Jefferson deceased,
having been issued to the undersigned
by the Clerk of tho superior Court of
Pitt county, and having duly qualified
at administrator of said estate, notice
ii hereby given to all persons holding
against said estate to pres
then to the undersigned for payment
on i r before the first day of
1906, or this be plead in l r
of their recovery. All persons
to Raid estate are requested to
eke immediate payment.
the -9th day of 1904.
of George Jefferson
Jr Blow,
an i
Mr. J s of Mel In
writes, told I
C.,., mi i
Ii d for me. I i
. h . for of a i .
King's y-
sum pi ion, induct me
i I;, i were
am now o the mad to
lO Kin r's
l veil d
cure l .
r ,, ,.
ceases Drug Store.
Price 50.-
i h iV p.
U ii. Z. If A.
i .;.,
, and . on .
I , ,. ,,.
I. do . I ,
used V. , ,
. J ;, and
You Have ii Cold,
The action you have M
scold should be to relieve the
. i ., ,.;,
. Maze
In II z
lo k cut fin
d. . . .,. ;
Tl flavor may be
the use of stable and rank
I manures,
lungs. This is bent
by the free use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. This Remedy
i lie
its I rum i . . u
cells of lung-, produces .
open iii
follows Thin remedy will care ti
time i an in .
other audit leaves the
a i n
ton pneumonia. i
Bale by W i's i ,
Davis ;
. . el nil I
i; Cash .
HI I . .
S .
. . .
Hazel I Ii. t . j
Li i.
; he .,
less and in
hold v, en i sh .
of croup, therein um
perfect e. his is
the . . cc- of . a
Conga in tin
M. I I-, ,
in specking of r i
the of remedy
have -i world of V. in
Cough Remedy for
have it with perfect
child i- i
of croup and
ways gives
by Unix y
Greenville R, L. Bro.
Another Case
Cured by .
The of C
Pain Balm in the
being .- ion r d
says .
Balm ; him permanent
from the buck
everything v. failed, and Ii
would not in- without ii.
by Drug
R. h.
a A
D-. . . . .
ii j i
. c
me i in .-
K cu . ,
In the form of sulphate produces an
I improved flavor and a good yield.
. have Potash.
U information, and
obtain cop tree
,.,.,.,. op
llama. . Ft.
at Johnston Bros
Come see us before
your seed We
handle Maine stock.
Johnston Bros. w.
Mr. W.
Miss Berta Purvis, both of Martin
county, were married at Hie home
of Mrs. J. D. Cox, in Vin
I p. in. Wednesday, 17th,
Rev. F. G. officiating.
I r. i .-
be i the following pl i
the u es named tor tin m ,.
Me me and
x Roads,
Pi township, Mar. i
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Data opp. United state. Patent
O. C.
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; --D are the luff
BelL. , Bi-sh . . . ii h , ,
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Pitt county. Vie want ilk new
Greenville, X.
I the
of. paint
i gallons than in paint
ears twice us as lead-
of i lead,
i its
ii.- d seed oil.
; in paint v pay his
I besides.
; we
paint, u--. ; we
r . ; .- Gold
uh r . I ; .
; r . .- . ,
mis v,
Green, of N. II.
helped n . until i h
ii h hie did ,
me more good nil the
the n the
Hi d Ii in is II .
Are . to pain ;
F. W.
P S. H. Car,
up Our Claims for
t . , iii all the
-.-v, t Si ever used. They have n No , .
. my wife in excellent health .
V Bit- ex-
splendid for has pone Io B
trouble.-; they area grand here he will enter
tome for weak t.
n- en, i. , co
. ill.
Fact a Tonic and not
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
hum m system.
is not a drug, but
a normal, scientific cure for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
tendency to or low spirit,.
with to their sex are
retire, i health. Your will
add Ins testimony lo
with every
One Cough Care
the mucous no, I EVANSVILLE,
the at the the . .
time . ,. phlegm,
the mi i
the affected
th- wards u ii
and is u never
cure curable i
Colds and
Cough Care is pleasant to
harmless and good alike . j
and old. fluid by J ,
. a. i
A r ;
An due to ,, Ni; sly-nine
.- . . have
i it
was simple i.,.; n. Ii Is a
. . o;
not organic, only
to, but cf
Indigestion. Ail feed
which fails of perfect digest
swells the
puffing It the heart. This
interferes with the ac lion of heart.
and Of time
but organ
Digests You Eat
n -law .-. j. i,,,, ;.
. i , in ii,
I I II ; hospital
ii In id ii ,, ,. , ,; .
.-. i .
It. ye de
is aid ail
III . , ,. . v, j .
o In . me him. f i
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En in ;. ,
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been ml .
of music
A r w ii.
alderman of
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char -l v, .
. V ;
Fellows ii. .
who i . . ,
VI had if
on the the
Ii . .- ii,.
Greenville, leave
, , I Greenville daily,
N O AW with
V Norfolk, Baltimore
Sew York
and I made my
Mrs, , r m y
my i
my he. ,. ,;.
become very weak.
K land It e relief. B I I if,
i i lazy
the .--,
o March
. timer.
at trial sec. which sells f sou
i ,
After spring crop f cabbage, i
have a limited cotton
Pure of com i
per bushel. Colon seed
per bushel. J -4-k D.
order their
freight by Dominion Lite
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. B. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
stomach and Merchants
liver for Line from Boston.
Constipation. Sailing hours subject to chance
t Mr. A. R. Kane, a
Baxter Spring .
Stomach j j N. J.
and Tablets are,
the most superior N. C.
reparation of anything in
today for constipation. They are
action with no tendon-
has u
Arc They, f
in II, .
troubles, , .
slid it good one.
Pi ice ecru.
. tore
H I. I vi I n
i nor
i more,
m, is
Ii r-
i a
. hired
II re
lo be
. for
M Of
y to or gripe. For
B, L. Davit A
H. B. Walker, Vice
I Manager,
Beach Street, , T.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
the of the rebuild had been ejected from the house
I the tissues supporting that organ.
A man with a breath
ought to be in the spicy speaker
Lit lie Early Risers are to act,
early in the night. The woman
easy act,
never gripe and yet they are was-not arrested.
certain to produce re. L.
suits that are satisfactory i The the United
hauled by the railroad
every state from North Caro-
to Texas was started on th
17th and will continue for days.
Sold by J. L. Wooten.
American and Italian Marble
seat upon
This is done in accordance with an
order from the depart-
that another contract for
carrying the mails tour year may
be with th railroad.

Entered In the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
i to
The Reflector is giving its read-
a good afternoon press service.
We believe they like this, and the
paper would like to continue it as a
regular feature. Hut it costs con-
to do this, and the present
circulation of the paper does not
the additional expense. We
Bee but two ways for continuing a
telegraph is to increase
the present subscription price, and
the other is to more
The former plan is perhaps
the most as usually a
hard matter to raise prices. As to
tho other are enough
in and close around Green-
ville, if they would all become sub-
to easily our list
up enough to justify continuing the
press dispatches. Even if every
present reader of the paper was a
prompt paying subscriber, and not
so many of them borrowers, it would
go a long ways toward it. We men-
these things that those who feel
interested may help the cir-
of the paper to
the service in giving them the
Only about ten days in which to
work for the dispensary.
The next turn cotton will take is
about as uncertain as the weather.
Men of Greenville, where do you
stand on the dispensary
from what has since come in the
way of weather nobody blames the
ground hog going in his
Mr. Bryan is about to do some of
his talking in North Carolina. He
lectures in Greensboro tonight and
in Raleigh Monday night.
Remember fathers, the
of removing the drink evil by
closing the bar rooms rests
upon your shoulders. What will
you do about it
Indications are that the
is going to win by a good ma-
at the election March 2nd.
You should join in, however, and
help swell the majority.
Wheat is now up to the dollar
mark, and may go higher as a result
of the war in the
If the Atlantic North Carolina
railroad does not get leased it will
not be because of a scarcity of
from persons anxious to
lease it.
Virginia has got some first
advertising by sending the
In the kind of weather we are
having lately is a time when you
should be merciful by caring for
your beasts and protecting them as
far as possible against the cold.
There is always excuse for
taking advantage when wanted. The
paper is using the war in the
East as an excuse for advancing the
price of newspaper.
When Mr. Cleveland says a thing
it is usually strong and up to the
point. This is likewise true of his
article on the political situation,
published in the Saturday Evening
Post of recent date.
You fathers of Greenville will
have a terrible sin to account for if
you vote for saloons and your boy
falls in the clutches of the drink evil
and fills a drunkard's grave.
The sheriff's advertisement of his
last round to collect taxes again calls
to mind the fact that all who fail to
will disfranchise
themselves from
brute who assaulted Mrs. Shields pay their poll tax by the first of May
and daughter, back to Roanoke in
the very teeth of a mob and trying
him even if it did take companies
of soldiers to guard him. It conies Col. J. S. Carr is reported as say-
high to the state but is a lesson that the democratic party with
the rest of them. lie could, under Cleveland as its candidate for the
a special act passed by the
on Monday last, have been tried
in Richmond, but the authorities
saw that this would show an ac-
of their weakness and
stood pat. Virginia is all right, and
is entitled to all her free
presidency will stand a better chance
cf success than any other man
at the head of the ticket.
The oft made assertion that there
is no honesty among politicians, has
been discounted. Mr. a
congressman from Colorado,
during an investigation that he
sad been elected by fraud at certain
precincts in his district. Even
hough the fraud was unintentional
sad without his knowledge, he arose
in congress and after a frank state-
Mint voluntarily resigned his seat,
saying lie could not occupy a
which the taint of fraud
rested, lie was warmly applauded
far the honest and manly position
ho ha I taken.
The value of the estate left by
Senator is estimated at
from seven to eight millions of
The Davie county school teacher
thrashed twenty-six unruly
in his school takes our minds
to the good old times. Would
there were snore like
The successive misfortunes to the
state in the loss of educational
for women is becoming
alarming. In the last few weeks
three colleges, all of them for
men, have been destroyed by fire.
The burning of Greensboro Female
College, Thursday morning, is a loss
and sorrow not only to the
dist denomination, but also is felt
keenly by every citizen of the state.
The Virginia legislature has just
passed, and the governor has
proved, a bill to allow women,
of felonious assault, to give
their testimony in private. This is
a good law, and should be enacted
by all the states. To force a woman
upon the stand to give public the
details of such a crime is abhorrent
to every man who is a man, and
much more to the woman. No
doubt this contributed much to
the cause of lynching so as avoid
the appearance of the woman in the
court room.
Before a man makes up his mind
to vote to continue the open saloons
in Greenville, he should ask himself
this Is boy sale
There is suspicion in some parts
of the country that an abundance of
labor would prove hurtful to the
cotton belt this year. If the plan-
could follow their present in-
they would probably pro-
duce millions of bales of cotton this
season, and that would glut the
world's markets and bring the
prices down below the cost of pro-
Nothing would prevent the
South from such an
amount of cotton but the of la-
to cultivate and pick it.
If your boy is sick, how quick you
are to send for the doctor. If he is
in bodily peril you spare no time in
going to his rescue. Yet you see
saloons in waiting to fasten the
drink evil upon your boy and lead
him to a drunkard's grave, and you
will not raise your hand to close
them. To whom will this
ply on the 2nd of March
When you get a from a
big mail order house, just look it
over and see what they pay for your
produce. Also investigate and see
how their terms of credit are in case
you do not have the ready cash; how
much they will give towards keep-
up the sidewalks. Just write
and see how much they will give
toward the erection of a church, how
much they will give to assist the
poor in your community. you
have done this and receive their re-
ply, see if your home merchant
don't do as Sun.
Cushions for Two.
morning Col. I. A.
walked in our business office and
the telegraph office armed with
two nice cushions chairs. One
of these was placed in the editor's
chair and the other in the
graph operator's chair. Col. Sugg
said he wanted both to look more
comfortable while at work and the
cushions will give something
softer to sit on than hard chairs,
thoughtful news and kindness
are appreciated and we thank Him
the handsome cushions. It Is
just like him U i of
other people to
Y .
Mr. J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh,
made a strong, clear cut
of the dispensary question Tues-
day night in the opera house. His
portrayal of the problem of the
drink evil in some of its broader
and less aspects ought to
convince the minds of many who
hitherto have hesitated to support
the dispensary in Greenville.
Mr. Bailey stated at the outset
that he had no apology to make as
an advocate of the dispensary sys-
It is a moral issue, aimed at
the drink evil. The dispensary plan
is not a fight against saloon men,
bat against the terrible evil of
drink now foisted on the country by
the saloon system.
It was made plain that the fight
for a dispensary in Greenville was
hand to hand and man to man only
when the friends of the cause fought
thus was victory over the saloon
forces possible. This battle has
been fought successfully in towns
and cities in North Carolina. It is
a work organized throughout the
state, and needs no apology from its
The aim of this dispensary system
is high and noble, directing its at-
tack against the greatest and most
alarming of modern sins, the drink
The dispensary is designed to
each the drink evil by destroying
the saloon system and substituting a
better system in its place.
The evil itself needs no
Everybody sees the terrible
it works. Doctors, ministers,
lawyers, fathers and mothers can
present accumulated evidence that
This evil, terrible as it is now, is
growing worse. The amount of
liquor consumed in the United
States per capita has doubled in
years. That is to say, while the
population has increased enormous-
the drink evil has not only kept
pace with this increase in population
but doubled in years.
standing all that has been done by
state and national legislation, by
cities and towns, by churches and
temperance organization to suppress
this evil, the evils of the saloon and
havoc played by drink in the
United States has doubled in
If the citizens of this land sit still
and acquiesce in this enlarged and
growing business of the saloon sys-
what is to become of our boas-
civilization, its religion and in-
In 1820 the rate, per capita, was
gallons, in 1880 it was gallons,
while in 1903 it had reached gal-
Let another period of
years pass without grappling with
this demon of drink, and our
is lost, our boasted civilization is
Such an evil is not to be cured in
a day. The growth of centuries will
require time and patient effort to de-
dispensary plan strikes
a death blow to the saloon system.
Under what system of liquor
selling has the drink evil
sank prefer-
ska top, U pro-
but the saloon. This
indictment against the saloons
of our laud stands unchallenged.
Is it not the plain duty of every
thoughtful citizen, who loves his
home and country, to join in offering
to this evil so great now
and spreading in its blighting
Shall we grow used to the sin
Can we take any pride in
edging subjection to the saloon, and
the evils thereof
The dispensary is a constructive
step, leading to a final solution of
this evil. The evil is put under
control by the system.
By closing at night, by not selling to
boys, nor to anyone
drink evil is checked. Experience
shows this to be true.
In Raleigh during the month of
Jan. 1904, under a dispensary,
arrests made for drunkenness.
During Jan. 1903, under the saloon
system, arrests for drunkenness.
of the arrests in January-
last were young men.
Arrests made for all in
January, 1903, in Jan. 1904,
only A leaven of goodness is at
work in the city.
Not only in Raleigh, but in every
town where the dispensary under
the Watts law has been tried, the
results are greatly encouraging.
After seeing a dispensary run by the
of temperance, many of
best citizens who did not vote to es-
the dispensary are free to say
that now they would gladly vote for
it, if the opportunity offered. Will
not the voters of Greenville consider
in the light of facts
you let tho saloon alone, it
will let you is often
quoted and many honest minds are
deceived by it. saloon will
let you It is a lie.
saloon must have one boy in every
five to make into a drunkard.
Whose boy will the saloon catch
next Its snares are laid by day
and by night. Will the saLoon let
you alone you You mother
How many boys have you given up
to the drink demon
Across our land whole
earth is the trail of the serpent.
Are you afraid to move or to strike
it It will strike you if you do not
strike first.
The dispensary offers escapes from
the drink demon. Let every man
and woman in Greenville take part
in this campaign now being waged
You are not fighting the men in tho
bars, they may be your friends.
You fight the drink evil, the drink
Sidney Moore colored, was tried
at on the 19th.
and to years in the
for attempting to
commit criminal assault last June
Mis- a young .
lady of county.
A new fraud is being perpetrated
throughout tho country towns, soys
an exchange. A man wearing a
government badge and claiming to
be in the secret service and looking
for counterfeit money enters a
try store and looks over the
drawer. He invariably finds a few
counterfeit dollars which he
If any business man would
permit a stranger to thus inspect his
sash drawer he should not only lose
a law dollars hat vary seat it
is in J. M. Blow, who is authorized to
the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
k, N. C. Feb.
Miss R was here in
attendance the marriage of
her Wednesday evening.
C. A. Fair, f stopped a
short While on his way
W. H. R
railroad at ow
eggs have I
this week.
here this w-
will build a band-
re on east side of
a thousand dozen
from here
agent has been
losses by
not in the
country can either at his
residence or -he store of B. G,
In a few fen days Harrington,
Barber Co be ready to
serve their customers with any
thing in the line.
G. B Dix . who was hurt
the fire i- all right.
To those who were the chief
in the recent fire A. G. Cox
-very donated checks
from twenty-five to fifty dollars
The masons and Jr. O. U. A. M.
now meet in the cigar factory.
We now have a nice lot of porch
column timber. If you are need
of them why not let us fit you
Prices are light. Winterville
G. A. Kittrell Go's store will
be ready for occupancy last of this
or first of next week.
When you go to the yellow front
to buy your grocers yon can always
be satisfied that you have bought
them as us any where else
and nave got fresh goods.
F. G. Hartman, who made
a special visit here Wednesday to
a returned
ville next
While in town the
low Front and look through our
line of dry goods. No charge
made for looking.
Guano and fertilizers of various
kinds are constantly moving.
Always bear in mind that the
Winterville Mfg. Co. manufactures
a good wash board of good
and will quote prices on same
upon application.
Mrs. Cox is visiting the
family of A W. in the
country. .
A good article is better if you
have t pay a little more for it
than a cheaper article at a smaller
price, so try one the Carroll
singletrees manufactured by the
ville Mfg. Co.
A plow beam manufactured by
the Winterville Mfg. Co., always
gives good satisfaction when you
go to i to have one put in
your low they can also furnish
handles for your plow.
Florence Blount and
who have been
visiting the Misses have
returned home.
Don't forget Dr. Cox now has
his office in the residence of J. H,
O. Dixon.
For bet grade of chewing and
smoking go to the drug
books, pens, pencils and
sift quality stationary always
ft at the drug state, i
Capt. W. H. Griffin, of
was here yesterday. He will
be remembered by the
in Greenville as having organized
Tar Lode No about ten
years ago.
Go to Bee or write the Winter-
ville Co. your house
trimmings. They can furnish you
with good work and low prices.
E. S. Edwards, of Ayden, has
been a visitor this week.
Miss Minnie a pupil
at the school, was called home
Thursday owing to the sickness of
her mother.
D. Preston Harper, of Kinston,
was here yesterday.
G. A. Kittrell Co. are buying
immense quantities of cotton seed.
Seed are bringing a nice price and
add much to the income of the
G. A. Kittrell Co. are erect
store near the de
pot on East side of railroad.
If in need of cotton seed hulls,
meal corn, hay or anything in the
feed G. A. Kittrell Co.
Car load of shingles expected to
arrive in a few days. See them
before buying.
G. A. Kittrell Co.
Bearding J. D.
Cox Board per day. Best
House in town.
A. G. Cox has sold the store on
north end of brick block to H.
L. Johnston and the one on south
end to T. N. Manning.
The yellow front can furnish
you with drinks that are as
good as one can. Do not
judge the drinks by the fountain,
but try one, and be convinced of
the fact that it is not always the
finest looking instrument that
makes the best music.
G. A. Kittrell Co. have just
received a shipment seed oats
that are for sale cheap get
prices before buying.
Cottonseed meal and hulls
sale. G. A. Kittrell Co,
If in need of seed Irish potatoes
northern grown or second crop see
G. A. Kittrell Co. they can sup-
ply you.
For Bent or house and
lot between Josephus Cox
and A. D. Cox on street.
Apply to C. A. Fair.
Q. A. Kittrell Co. will give
you 1333 lbs cotton seed meal in
exchange for a ton of cotton
or give per bushel.
None cheaper or better than A.
G. Cox Mfg. stock of oils,
leads, paints Realizing that
they are in a position to buy these
goods to special advantage
feeling that their customers had
as well hare the benefit of same,
they will continue to be
in this
Winterville today has prospects
better than ever. Her factories
are still running, her people all
employed, preparations rapidly
being made for the erection
eleven brick a bank in
view, glowing chances of new
capital finding its way and
her citizens full of fire and seal
ready to accomplish their purpose,
is a thrilling fact as it presents
itself. And added to this with
never a look backward, bat on-
ward as a motto, our town must
advance and our people must
succeed. We all this is
the time, and the opportunity
hall not be thrown away. Oar
its shall be by ear
Dr. B. T. Cox wishes to
chase lbs new goose feathers.
To our friends and customers.
Having very near lost our entire
stock of merchandise in the recent
lire, we are now making arrange-
as rapidly as possible to
open again. We most earnestly
solicit a continuance of your
valued patronage. Thanking you
one and all for past favors we re-
main, Yours to Serve,
Harrington, Barber
If you want your horse shod
if your harness or own shoes
reed repairing, and for general
blacksmith work call see W.
L. House on Main street.
Guy Taylor has his stock of
goods in rear of post office, as also
has the Mfg. Co.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot of coffins on hand, f rices are
very reasonable as heretofore.
Prompt attention given all orders.
If you want your horse if
your harness or your own shoes
need and for general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
Just so the use to which a wire
fence is to be put must determined
the style of fence to be bought.
this fact A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. continue to make the
mesh fence with barb wire
woven in, as well as to keep in
stock different heights of the
square mesh perfect
Harness as well as buggies
Don't go some where else to get
harness when you can get
your harness when you can get,
any style just as cheap per-
haps just as nice
perhaps right here from
the man get bug--
It is nothing strange to
Hunsucker has sold the last buggy
stock. you this
is because there isn't anything do-
You never were worse mis-
taken. The fact is, the orders are
coming faster than they can be
made. Don't let any more get
ahead of you, but place your
orders with A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
A ripple of excitement passed
among not a few when on last
Wednesday evening, upon arrival
of the train, it was whispered a
young couple from our sister
Martin, had arrived and with
them fair came to cheer and
them in their purpose
to enter that sphere alloted to
man and from which no gentle
lady ever shrank. The party-
repaired to the boarding house of
Mn. J, D. Cox and there the
presence of a few friends, Mr.
Andrew and Miss Bertie
Purvis those vows that
made them man and wife. It was
a handsome couple and the
F. G. Hartman, of Greenville, did
the handsome when he so pro-
them. They were
here by Harvey
and Miss Hattie The
bridal party returned home next
morning. It was no runaway,
but just for the novelty there was
in it. We extend congratulations.
Everything sold at the lowest
market price at B. G. Chapman
Best prices tip top goods
can be bad at B. a
king buggy.
Manufactured by
We have had safe crackers big bar room stands
fires and a plenty of and I-. j . , . , ,
a . w . u of the idle,
ice, and still the Winterville.
Cigar Co. is selling the best die-. e the
root for less money than a devil's school in which boys
in United States and j man are initiated and in-
plenty of them OH band. Band US i strut the ways of and vice
your order for If they arc crime
The d of the dispensary will
not satisfactory yon can return
at our expense
Light and heavy ,,
ways on hand at the store
G. Chapman Co.
Be and see H- L. Johnson
for any and everything in the
grocery and confectionery line.
B. G. Chapman Co. invite the
public to call and examine their
stock of dry goods, notions
The line of ladies dress good in
the store of If. F. Chapman Co.
is attractive. Call
and see.
H. L. Johnson daily receives
the nicest assortment of
See H. L. Johnson for heavy
and light groceries.
The best prices for the best
goods can be had at H. L. John-
The latest brands of cigars and
tobacco at H. L.
The bar room stands wide open to
the poor, besotted drunkard, as well
as to the moderate drinker. The
dispensary will stand closed to the
poor, wretch whose
strength and manhood have been
upon the altar of strong
The bar rooms stands open
to the youth of tender years, as well
as to the
The dispensary will Stand closed
to the boys for whom fathers and
mothers think and plan and pray,
and to whom they look and upon
whom they depend for love, for
sympathy and for support in the
years to come.
The bar room gladly dispenses its
liquid fire in small
the well as in large
and thus encourages tho so-
feature of the drink evil, by far
the most dangerous connect-
ed with the drink habit.
The dispensary will entirely
the social feature of the drink
evil by prohibiting till drinking
within its doors, and will sell only
in sealed packages.
The bar room is run simply and
solely in the interest of its
tor, the community must bear all
tho fearful burdens it imposes, with-
out any share whatever in its pro-
The dispensary will inflict upon
the community fewer and lighter
burdens by far, and at the same
time gives to community all of
i its profile.
stand In loafers of all grades
the dispensary
prohibits all loafing and lounging
within or about it
The barroom keeps its doors wide
open late hours in the night, and
the and jesting within
attracts tho fun loving boys and
young they pass, they pause,
they hesitate, enter, and alas
the work of ruin is begun.
The dispensary will tightly close
its doors before the shades of
fall upon the earth, and they will re-
main closed until the lamp of heaven
floods a new day with light, under
no circumstances can its doors be
opened at night.
The profits of the bar room de-
pend upon the quantity of liquor
sold, the more it sells the its
profits, hence the bar keeper must
do his best to drum up customers re-
of tho sorrow and shame
and tears and blood it may cost
The dispensary will be placed in
charge of salaried officials whose
compensation is the same whether
much or little is sold, hence the
temptation to drum for customers is
entirely removed.
All above being true and much
more the voters of Greenville will
do well to on these
The Profit of Whiskey.
The Wichita Beacon puts
much in little,
The distiller from the bushel of
corn makes four gallons of whiskey
with tho aid of various harmful pro-
ducts and adulterations. These
four gallons of u retail for
The farmer who raises the corn
gets from to cents.
The United States Government,
through its tax on whiskey gets
The railroad company f
The manufacturer gels
The who hauls the
key gets cents.
The retailer gets
The man who drinks the new
whiskey gets drunk.
His wife gets hunger and sorrow.
His children gets rags and
About half the people you meet
now talk like they swallowed
a megaphone.
D. M. Ferry's new garden
at S. M. Schultz.
mini i iii

J. Proctor Bros I
J T, F.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
N. C. I B
to build a
. .
S William Fountain, H.
Anything wanted in the H
of Goods, if I
; . i ;
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C
aH i
Office opposite depot.
.-, .
. . are be rod ;, , .
better it la L e one door east of post office, or.
to Ml, street Phone
.- .,
. . or some article for tho Pf
in I . i . are
. . for coll pi . d .
ton, in . ,
, and do all . i
; . .
. . ii
next dour to Post
. .
OB OH w ii
. and l . . U
in town, A .
Cotton Buyers and
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York.
New Orleans.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries
We Pry Highest Prices for Cotton.
Cotton Seed Country
. .
. . .
of one i
in c, ires
;. without .;
. own one.
. owe win . i
la . i ,. . . , .
i o
Hi-. hi
City Grain Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and see our stock be-
We want to buy your
torn d Peas for cash.
. . .
, .- i y.-
you can at I p re
stock before you bay and b-
Suits, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything u in
yen- house and everything yon use in
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we re ready to serve
Everybody that sees boys, and everybody tries
our goods becomes customers. give n. ; trial
and save money,
I . i obi in every l
t e ;. w .,. ;,
Highest nu
Mm Lilt
Loan value,
Cash Value,
Insurance, ,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
No matter bow low the price Is
and we are the Will be reinstated if arrears he paid within on month while
to supply we living, or within three years alter lapse, upon
Folks Must Eat
of and of arrears with interest.
at s.
Dividends are payable at the the second and I each
year, provided the premium the current year In paid
They may To reduce or
Pure Goods or
. make policy payable as the
are -red. We don't call
J. L. SUGG, At
Greenville c.
Seasonable Prices.
hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
Five Points.
thy ;. ;,, , ,,
in i
iv. . ii gives dis- T
; I Li live of kinds there J
that site evening i
to the sturdy . , b o; th . all have a
airy . . , . ;.;,. are
Fit, They Pit
Shoes should always fit closely i . and about
i n f , foot to slip for-
ward crowd the toes, while the ball and toes should
have plenty of room thus giving free play to foot.
This is exactly what shoes do.
Our new Spring Styles in oxfords and sandals will be
here very shortly.
. . .-.;.
v . . ;,.
Greenville's Great Department Store.
We are to please the
public. are better
ed than ever before to do your
work promptly and well. We
are here to give you the best
prices consistent with honest
material and workmanship.
Keep your money in your
home town unless you can get
better returns for it elsewhere.
That's a fair proposition isn't
it. Sash Doors, Blinds and
every kind cf Interior and Ex-
h to it t
and reinstates a man to fall
Woodland, N. O., Feb. 1904
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith went
to Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Cornelia Nobles went to
Greenville Saturday.
Delia Smith has been
slightly ill for the past days.
Grover the
neighborhood Sunday.
J. J. May went to Winterville
Little Mia Clara Stocks has
been sick for the peat few days.
G. was in the
Thursday night.
Misses Lama Smith
accompanied by their brother, J.
M. Smith, to Mrs. Lou
Jackson's Saturday night
returned Sunday.
Owing to weather
there DO services at Piney
Grove Sunday.
L. C. Fletcher was in the neigh-
Ban ha Kittrell spent Sun-
day at home.
Miss Bessie Smith has ab
sent from school for the past few
Miss of Black
Jack, is visiting her Mrs.
Crawford went to Winter-
ville Saturday afternoon.
Frank Smith has suffering
for the past few days with sore
Mrs. H. B. Smith who has been
on the sick list for the past few
Is convalescent.
Myrtle Wilson, who
at Branch, has
pended her school for a few days
owing to the snow.
Billi- and Henry Smith in
neighborhood Sunday.
John aid Billi.; May went to
Winterville Friday.
Mils An lie Wilson, who has
been Miss Garris,
has r turned to her home near
J. F. Braxton was in the neigh-
i afternoon.
Roanoke Fiend to Hang March 18th.
Williams, the burly
who at noon on January
30th, entered the home of
George J Shields, in
Va , and Mrs. Shields
and her year-old daughter
with a hatchet, and pocket
knife and left them for dead, was
tried and sentenced to
hang on march
After hacking and fracturing
the of his victims with a
Williams Shields
throat ear to ear and locked
her in a clothes closet. He
then e-caped to the coal fields
where he was captured last Wed-
He confessed the crime
and on Friday was across
the of Virginia on a special
train to fur safe keep-
He was brought to
Tuesday on a special train, ac-
s and another special train
bearing soldiers. He was
hurried to the court house under
the protection of eighteen
it state militia and was tried
en the charge of assault.
The prisoner, who had already
made several pleaded
not made no defense
The jury was out line minutes and
in another five minutes the judge
bad passed sentence on him to
march 18th.
When it comes to acquiring a
of the small
My prefers absent
MASON AN Stock of
Stock of F
Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, Hamburgs, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs,
At C. T.
No Goods Will Be at These Prices.
C HOWARD HATS, All Grades, Quality
Monarch Shirts
FINE SUNDAY SHIRTS and for this sale
t tn
W. Main St
North Carolina.

Te Meet on the Mat.
-i r
Binning England, Feb. 20.1
York, Feb. sport
wrestling has enjoyed quite a
London k in the winter
the Post Bays lie has Been two and three matches a week
, lightweight
Russian government and the Both
save perhaps the admiralty wrestlers have been training faith-
to be since the match was
an interesting contest is ex-
from i. .-
and that their ships de-l
to result.
W. H. Rail, Jr., la In
-s Rosalind lei
visit to id . .,, . damaged cannot be Stray Taken up.
. About last of December, a male
Regarding financial debts, unmarked, white and black
official there is hardly enough weight pounds,
with my stock. Owner
Pattie Skinner ed
morning from a visit to
,. v , efforts of the campaign t b j
M. . d .,. ; ,,.,, , J
II. w with billion francs loan, and this J, ,,. ,,
pears not easy to
. P, G. w
, . ,. . i. , . ,.,.,, I news and
. Midi
; i.
Feb. 1904.
N. C.
thing columns o The weather shown no
both to get better.
. u.
I has been i i
. . v,
I r A
i . of
to- i.
Cox, of Ayden, .
Jessie Sugg went to ,
V today.
. . L.
; Raleigh.
. King returned la
evening from Norfolk.
. came in
. from
-e in the
;. D
v U r
E lying our Spring and
Summer Stock.
. W. Smith
. . Say evening from a
., . left
noon for Ft to attend u e
a. B. Phillips went to But. .
wire to P
B. C. Pearce, is in
v.-. l. i left this g
f ;
We will have, a short time,
of the Largest and
Most Com stock of
Dy Goods Notions
Ever Shown in
A. and T. A. Dal
. Neck today.
Thompson went to Kinston
Friday evening from Raleigh.
Miss Brown t y
i i I or a to
. . returned Fri
la; from
R. J. Cobb. C. V. York. L. H. Pender.
i i . . i
Our Stetson, and Shoes, All I
I Our Shape 3.50 and
All Leathers,
Our Excellent King Quality 3.50
I All Styles Patent and Kid Leathers
The Well Known H. C. Sh or I
Women, 1.50 and Grade j
r S
This is no shopworn or bankrupt stock,
I but good clean up-to-date goods.
I am now in New York buying New and
Complete line Spring Goods.
Mr D
i. . i
j.- vi-
Mrs. J. P. Hilliard, rel
a tail to j
Mrs. W. Hunter and little
sou and Miss Carrie Gay left
morning C.
Mrs, J. F. Joyner, of Kinston,
who has been Mrs. J. A.
Lang returned home Friday even-
Cox Simpson.
Mr. and lira. B. E. Pittman
wish to announce the recent
marriage of
Miss Mollie Simpson,
Mr. Leon O. Cox.
Both of Grifton, North Carolina.
At home after Monday,
twenty-second nineteen
and four.
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just of the
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
metal work. Our in shop is on fourth street, opposite
marble yard. Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
our tinning and department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
here Wednesday
and at cents
Ayden-, N. C. February , 1904 bottle at J. R. Smith Bro.
Joseph Archer, a well known I J- was here
hardware drummer, spent
in town waiting on his
W. F. Mosely moved to
J. D. Rose, of Rocky Mount was
here night to meet the
building committee and make
contract to build a nice brick
church for the
Several severe cases of
in and around town.
Several barrels of good molasses
at a low figure at J. R. Smith
day at J. B. Smith
Felix Pittman of Kinston, was
Wednesday selling drugs.
A. S. Brown, of Norfolk, was
G. W. Turner, Norfolk, was
here Friday.
Rev D. W. Davis will fill his
regular appointment Sunday
and at night.
Bishop accompanied
by Rev. Mr. of
held services in the Episcopal
church here Tuesday evening.
K, S. Edwards went to Golds-
Wednesday on business. Mr.
Edwards making arrangements
to begin the manufacture of eon-
a new kind of material to
use instead of In
stores and
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Latest War and Other News By Telegraph.
Grain Dealer Fails.
Official Report of Battle.
St. Petersburg, Feb. Feb.
official report of the fight at j a com denier here, failed to-
Korea Feb. when Liabilities one million
the Russian cruisers and two hundred
were sank, as given by M. thousand. A number of German
the agent at land Ame firms will be
Seoul, was published morn- j affected by the failure.
The report gives points i
already known and adds France's Position,
torpedo one of the
turrets on the Japanese arsenal.
Another Crank at White House. Powers Getting Ready. How Sympathy Stands.
Washington, D. C. Feb. Constantinople, Feb. i Feb has been
An armed crank attempted is advised of the I alter most
activity among vessels the that the public,
gain in the
morning, but was
promptly arrested by one of the
secret service officials and hurried
to the station. The man
gave his name and address as Ed-
i Chicago.
When searched a big revolver
Paris, Feb. 22.-Your WiS , pocket He
The Japanese cruiser was today obtained from it that he wished to see the
also sunk on the same evening of high following about patents. He
the fight. The Japanese and committed to the
informed the of, regard to Russian foreign minister j hospital tor insane.
Korea that Korea will announcing that France
be under Japanese control. ; not immediately concerned. Washington's Memory Honored.
land at the same time advising .
Arrested for Selling Spectacles French councils to observe Feb.
Without License. went as for a, possible was a general suspension of
.-., in Chicago today in
Saturday afternoon Sheriff O he Any and seven-
W. Harrington arrested two white . of Q
George Washington. City
men who were selling spectacles would l. interpreted as to moan
without license. The men gave open desertion of Russia in
their names as E. C. and C. need. As for the French
Smith and say they are while they that
and that their home is in Peters- War would be most for
burg. They said they did not know ; they now face the possible event-
a license is requited for Helling i of being by de
spectacles in this state, but the law-
is them.
The law says that when such
arrests ate made I lie offender may
taken before a magistrate and
released upon payment of the Now York, Feb.
tax and cost, but in mist which prevailed off the
the men did not have the money to I Near and Long Island Roasts
pay the license and were placed in this morning is responsible for two
friends, in which ease they
will at whatever
Two Vessels Wrecked.
county offices, banks, the exchange
and public institutions closed
and appropriate exercises were held
under the of the
and various patriotic societies. In
the afternoon Elihu former
Black sea fleet and at the
dock yards of and
Odessa. It is also stated that
British warships are concentrating
along the Greek
This activity is believed
to by both powers
to be in position to take a Strong
stand in the event of a Balkan
Russians Capture British Steamer
London, Feb. dispatch
to Lloyd's agency announces
the Russians have captured the
British steamer Rosalie from Car.
The cap-
made at the latter place.
Against the Alabama Coons.
Washington. P. C, Feb
The Supreme court of the United
States today, the case Ala-
involving the rights of color
men to register, declined to
take the case under consideration
jail until they can arrange t.
Chinese Minister to Speak.
Peoria, III., Feb.
died guests will be seated at the
tables in t ho Coliseum on
the occasion of the
birthday banquet of the
club. Bishop tiding
preside at. i
vessels being wrecked and the
loss of a number of lives. One
schooner is ashore near Egg
and other struck on the
bur List of L.
IS of the s not been
j is ascertained that the
I Hi t the
Minister at
Hon. K.
Old ft
i .
U t.
Secretary of War, a large oaths founds that no cause for
audience at the Auditorium com- has been
posed of members of the Union I This the Alabama it u-
and friends, its provisions against
Several banquets have men practical effect.
ranged for this evening.
The Thief Captured.
The patriotic of
Washington held their Mrs, Payne, wife of p
exercises today in of inform.-.; tin-
Washington's and there. ,,;,,.,, u. , ,
were many pilgrims to Mount i
lion. In the senate Unit
an eulogy of the her jewelry, m 91.800, and
lite and f the first Pies- the missing in cash,
The galleries crowd the slide several
th being j been
visiting of
can who listened
as a rule, favors in tie
present conflict in the East,
Sufficient has now elapsed
for opinion to have had time to
adjust itself and your
dent yesterday polled U Europe
through correspondents and the
result Shoves that so far as
goes is the favorite.
is loyal to Japan, though
the conservative elements tears an
may result in German
government shaping ins policy of
Frame is almost unanimously
as is a.- Germany.
Austria and Hungary are almost
unanimously in favor of Russia, a
majority of the population being
slaves and to Russia by
Fate ties. Italy is officially not
Cordial to Russia as a result of
tzar's snub not visiting
that country. Bulgaria
and Montenegro to the
government by race and re-
sympathy. Athens is op-
posed to Russia, as is the case in
Norway and u. The
Netherlands is still to
England because of Bo bat
she in r of
U entirely
is opposed in pan be-
rim is u of
England .
Russian Victor.
London, F. b. 24.- j
I report via fit. .
here that
ships two tun
II II; Oil .
to the reading by Sen nor
Lives and Villages Destroyed.
Hay burn, of Id .
ton's far
Ohio, James E. Free
A I states
. by
; bit. iii oil
river and several villages
.;. m . ll.
Great Author Dead.
Diplomats go to Far East.
V- .
of the hi Toll
who has been in this country
leave of absence, sailed fur Yoko-1 London, Feb.
today. Mr Ferguson la the author of many
fully informed of the policy of books on and ethics, died
Secretary Hay in regard to the I hero today Ht age of
present situation in the far East --.-
and on bis arrival in
Will be in a position to advise j
Minister personally of Chicago, Feb. bodies
the secretary wishes. have been taken from the ruins of
the hotel de-
I U. S. Troops to Panama,
United .
.-. ; P.
i s . re .- .
v. .-
i die .
For h l;
Ohio, prepare
; lite
i ii the
dry, i
as, iv;, ,
.- Tl
it at
Chicago Hotel burned.
The White House Crank.
Chicago, Feb.
whoso persistent efforts to
lee President Roosevelt resulted
III at the white house, is
Chicago. F. S.
be believes is his
whose real name is
strayed by Are morning. One
more person is thought to be
buried under the debris. The
loss the is
Kaiser in Bad Shape.
Bug., Feb.
The latter, says is i dispatches
having killed his he
and positive that
in -is seal t
town, N. K .
Vi New and r
look in a patH
under the
of the Washington Ass-i
will plats of th
was delivered by Ham- now
W. of Hew
. . . on Panama Treaty Ratified.
Alexandria, Va., Feb.
Alexandria, which was the home Washington, D. Feb.
town of General Washington, ob The Panama treaty -iii be
served me of bis birth ratified afternoon
today in an elaborate manner, with the necessary vote
This forenoon there was a big pa-; and about thirteen to spare. The
mile of federal and local troops, j ratification of the treaty marks the
ant I finish of one of the greatest
patriotic Societies. Later in the i contests in the history of
day public meetings were held at j the country. Incidentally it means
which addressee were delivered by a signal victory and a
fee for one of the bent known
lawyers the United
eminent speakers.
Mass., Feb.
reunions, meet-
and other events
ed the observance today of
Washington's birthday Boston.
Speakers of prominence addressed
large in
and other a of
and are the
States, William
New York, general counsel of
the Canal Co.
Berlin, Feb. Arm of
Co., bankers, today
made assignment. The
a important one.
Purl Arthur. The i . also
n was
repulsed by the k . l the
ship I.-
i-- one of he
i-i the
.- i ii .
Wants Whipping Post.
ti . Vi.
i M . . to iv ; the
h a bill t-fl roil in
the h. use of
yesterday. The
set fifteen to thirty la-dies
for the larceny of goods not worth
over five dollars.
Japan Controls
London, Feb.
from Paris
that it is there that pun
has proclaimed a protectorate over
Japanese Landed.
Feb. A
from Seoul today states that be-
thirty and forty thousand
troops have been landed
People are prepared to enjoy
Una pretty weather after the long
of the bad kind that has
.- . .

Eastern reflector, 23 February 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 23, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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