Eastern reflector, 16 February 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Bad Coughs
had a bad cough for six
and could find no relief
until I tried Cherry
Only one-fourth of the bottle
L. Hawn, Ont.
Neglected colds always
to something serious.
I hey into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
asthma, or consumption.
Deal wait, but take
Cherry Pectoral
just as soon as your cough
begins. A few doses will
cure you then.
Tb-et Mb,
Jan. P, greatest of nations.
. low up Iowa yesterday and
Smith went to K
today I Herald and Broiling telegram by
M. H. Tucker, of Norfolk, In i the largest printing pie.- Use
town. world. comparing II
Jean Cannon, of is In press and the
a was one to
.,, ., low. More OM thousand
to J
folded ready
TOO If mt take It.
then u he . If ;
t . i don't It.
C. T. went to i
Monday evening.
iT. it. King led to
Monday evening.
J suppose in another quarter
a possibly the
city navel will be
improved upon, and
tunes will be the node
when a man can leave at
the Battery and get to
. A. returned to Tar-1 park before he . starts, counting
the difference in time. I shall no
be what will
any rate lam coming up to
New York hen and see.
When I first came N
j this morning.
Mi- i. J. Cobb left Ibis morn-
I for a visit to Norfolk.
.;. v. little daughter
Greenville's Great Store
Dorothy Dodd
Hobday, Fan
IT. went
L. Tyson i a to
this morning from Kins- stewards town
ton. the wonder of the day. It
Mayo Sieves, of I was seven stories high and
meat Monday in town with ; the every-
friends. body. It is the smallest i-ow
, . ., city. Almost
Mrs. J. Barr, of Weldon, is .,,.,, business place
Mr. a ; stories high, and
V value of is so u
. eel
.-. ii be. t-
vent to
ti. an left Sunday
E II .
Joyner returned
. j; from
v Lena Matthews and Ferrell
ch went to Washington
and Mr-. W. E. Moore went
. Sunday,
Hedges and son,
it to Sunday.
B. A. has been quit
m grip.
i Sal
B. Forbes and Fred Forbes
; h
. . Tl i.
, . . .
. r e
iii. n visit to Kins
, and Josh Mills
,. Sunday t fr m
;. ., v . , returned
n a trip up I
, ; mi
. and ed
. and i
. i i
I I;
I .
I ii
i Wash
who has been
turned b
., Fan
Mr, and M
, who
Mrs W. ion
borne jay evening.
graded school, spent
the day here and took in
the work of the Greenville school
Miss Mable of Bethel,
arrived Saturday evening to visit
her J. H. in
South Greenville.
. T.
Charles Skinner went up
road this morning.
i this
you will t t
moat the
i-u market. It may
occur before Thursday, but
there is a sky performance
being arranged and the
heights will be started as
as the report is read out.
t-- . I know some people are saying
j. W. Brown went to
Tuesday evening.
This is about as disagreeable
weather as cornea
Rev. W. E. returned Tues-
day evening from
Mrs. J. Brown and children
where are those sky-parlor prices,
the market has broke cents
Well, it
one way all the while. The other
fellow's blood would
My calculations have all been
verified BO for and I am net
MK Tl .
given myself plenty of time to
all that I predicted
repeat again, war or no war,
on will sell much higher
cents, where touched
an t week Ago-
I, takes meritorious skill
price abnormal
but sentiment to
ii to tumble as it has the
-as, week. The scene yesterday
I market dosed
beyond and July,
., . t.-. at 13.48.
has gone to
I leave the
,,,, . the present
, by i
lie i- New and will be
from before this
I j to care to have than that
a r m roe, tr , , Ha, ,.;,,
. . , care either, but I i s . e . th is it i
, and when it is warm
rain .
A i hi- in
i . nil ; room o'clock d
.,. was a great throng,
, . few ,,, ,. ind gave
. and N . everything for
, . , little ,, v. was
, i v II not ho y slapped and
, , . . was ion be sch . years
,. . the
, and Ella House,
ire visiting Valeria and
M of
visiting her
mother, Mrs. W. M. King, return,
ed home this morning.
Interesting Things Told by Col.
to His
in Cotton.
Bl i i.;
ii . I mind
i a
ears all i
. Then
earn railway that
l Id
I . is s, biles,
. . . . that A mi lies
b divine.
, .,, i ;,, can b to New
i here In the world so
many people came from, and as
I old Sheriff Tyson need to say
looked like court week all the
No one can come to this
city and see the thousand and one
things, gigantic in proportion,
almost out of conception, and not
feel of the met that he is an
American, the foremost and
The Shoe has
and style that means individuality.
, in the highest
to i or. In
for every from the i-i.
tin- sun. y winter street II
n. H i
They Fit
should always lit closely .
as to make it impossible f i
ward and crowd the toes, while nail and
have of room thus giving tree ,
This is exactly what shoes
Our new Spring Styles in ids and funds
here very shortly.
, Association will
,., The program
interesting and pro
.,. . The library, con-1
one hundred
volumes, has arrived and Prof.
lie will be ready to
begin the lending of books by;
Saturday's meeting. We hope to
see all the teachers in the county
No one in work can afford
to miss these meetings if he or she
desires to keep up with
school work In county.
Severn young ladies can get
employment operating sewing ma-
chines on underwear. The work
is light, neat and
Whole families can get employ-
Weldon Co.
taken I have taken
p with V stock one male pig,
boat Owner gel
by property and
N. C.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Some of the Great
The Observer is indebted to Mr.
Thomas Griffith for the following
record of some of the greatest fire
that have occurred in the country
the year of their occurrence, their
scenes and the
1835, New York
1838, New York
New York
1848, Albany
1349, St. Louis
1851, San Francisco
1866, Portland, Me.
1871, Chicago
1372, Boston
Charlotte Observer.
Party to N rs
After the last election the Char
Observer had a well considered
article on the subject of the unpaid
and debts which parties
and politicians owe to the
especially the country
which print the full country
ticket at their mast-head, and do
besides all of
Attempt to Land Repulsed. , Japan Torpedo BoatS.
Port Arthur, Feb. Cable to Reflector.
Japanese transports and six war reports
u- . ,. . j, confirm the information that Japan
ships conveying troops attempted . . .
K , three out of boats
to land at while the remain- j ,,.,
Japanese fleet
In Honor of Mrs. J. Bryan
A delightful afternoon was
j spent yesterday at the home of
ville street, who entertained at
progressive six handed euchre in
honor of nit sister-in-law, Mrs. J.
Bryan having
been Miss
Thirty engaged in
f the afternoon,
fire being used The first
a book.
of the
a tier t
i repulsed
hi of bald
War Risks Increased.
By Cable Reflector.
I reports Lloyd's
with on both i. ,. .
raised re
n . , n. . . ; between
Russian Attack
By cable Io ave
too, P. It. The tie stock
lad Ha
Japan, doing great damage,
I i- r,.
U not jet confirmed and is ff, a
ed battle la now raging at sea
Arthur the
By Cable to .-.
t j m aM . west of the Peninsular,
London, Feb. report,
has just reached here, but is not
Russian Fleet Ice Sound-
was won by
Mrs. Grimes per, present-
ed it to the guest honor,
was presented a hand
some bouquet of white
an I ferns by the hostess The
consolation was won by Miss Jen-
this Japanese
carved ivory candle-stick. The
score was kept by Ms. Palmer
Jerman and Mrs. Mary
The residence was handsomely
decorated for the occasion, the
color scheme being pink aid white,
carried out in patted plants,
white carnations
The tally were
ornamented with beads.
credited, that Port Arthur has
booming of candidates for office to Japan.
directly or through the medium of . . Baltic fleet is still at i Dainty refreshments were served,
correspondence contributed by their The ice breaker of these being in heart
ed effects.
friends. It was pointed out that
hardly one of these organs printed
less than a thousand dollars worth of
such party literature gratuitously,
and the Charlotte paper thought it
was a foolish practice, but yet a kind
of folly which would long be
though probably in lessening
course, success
dates do their best to make some re-
By Cable Io
i trying to Keep c open.
other Nations Preparing for War
tiding the Russian Heel sit . f
Port Arthur, bas been
Io the
feat Russian fleet by
hood British
Ad mini has seal out letters
officers to
readiness for
The social event was greatly en-
joyed by all the who were
delighted to meet the charming
d welcome her as a
; ; i tired .
call it reported
that is a Is making prep.
I r war, It is believed
oil y Will
ii- bit
-1 .
of Neutrality.
-The ha
here from Cone
turn for gratuitous by giving to j
county paper that kept the sue- j
ticket standing all
through the campaign, much
public printing Gs the law author-
but that necessarily bills far
short of received, The
ingratitude and meanness.
News an Observer,
Colonel raised a
regiment of roach rider in the
war with Spain, is
raising another for
the service Japan in
Hampton Ag-
will by the
will of Hudson H H-land who died
there Jan.
The president ha- a
the United
will remain u in the
Russian Japan war
Atlanta h
a to funds to
of three d
among the Jews A with
to buy a war u tr
The war depart me r Wash-
has been t of the
departure of the Reg-
en-route Tn- regiment
has the Philippines three
As the ruins of Baltimore Are
cool v tilts and
safes to be opened it is found in
most every instance tut In val-
in are ii good
C. Ft,
Sea Tower of and
The snow mikes
shiver to look at it.
W Feb. B.
Whitney, clerk of the to-.-i
mitt-eon naval affairs, hi-, com. People that sowed their
piled a careful statement showing before
fifteen the exact strength of the navies of b the pleasure of sowing them
the Kiel in t --It Is re nor Japan. Russia
many. is is considered here i here th-t Minister f . , ,,.,,,. .
the part has left and Miss Francis is very
v. departure. Bud Japan baa
in Cotton.
-ling a
of giving any portion of the wharf y e . r.
printing to papen that do not sap , ,,.
post the ticket was not averted to by
the Charlotte paper, no .,. of
cause ii could in r imagine that d n
g thing could occur. f weeks to m in
The subject is to which the market, A well known
newspaper fraternity in giving more
t .;
At .-
h hi
It . i
I . Ii .,
re .
v Mill ; ,
and more as the money
value of advertising is mid
more realized. The Baltimore
makes the contending politicians in
its for their
cations, and it is probable that it
receives a hundred thousand dollars
per annum from that source alone,
and hence is able to make a Letter
paper for the general
ville Observer.
The reading world is once more
up against jawbone breakers trying
to pronounce the names in the war
George Bowell, democratic con-
from the Tenth
district, has unseated
end his place given to William
Connell, republican contestant.
fret over the It looks
follow is Liking care of
all right I
lessor to the conclusion
money to In- made by I
ting cotton, nit bey could
get Consent of their minds to
in futures, Bo Instead of
putting tip margins, they bought
outright, bales of cotton, when
the staple was sell log around
When the price reached
cent-, the physician that it
was tune to sell, for Could they not
make a snug profit the hales
The professor did not look at it
that he saw no why
they should not wait for cents
and more money. The
carried his p for the
time being, but when spot cotton
reached the doctor sold
bis share and pocketed his profit,
in the neighborhood of
The professor held on to
bis share, expecting to double
profit of bis partner, but today he
acknowledged that ha was cured
of all desire to speculate in cotton.
a tr in
he v s ; d and
s iii of
candies. la-s de-
spent in playing hist.
The wan us charming us in
tie- suite day seven years u. and
is fair as a bride, was
assisted her Slater, Mrs. Joseph
P. Jr., of Washington,
D. O., Mi's Mi-s
Lottie and Mis James
served in ball
After several games of whist
delightful refreshments were
ed. center piece was a beau-
brides cake, decorated with
seven pink
Those present were Mrs, E. B.
Mrs. J. L. Fleming, Mrs.
Richard Williams, Mis. F. G.
James, Bottle Tyson,
Lena Hum and
Lissie Blow. Those from of
town were Mrs. A. B. White and
Mrs. A. Q. Hume, of Greensboro,
and Mrs. of Washington,
. 124.1,58 tonnage officers
and men.
Russia bus first
hat h ti ton-
, i second
I, -i . n,,,; . .
VI J j . ; i
;. I
c e I
el.-- pro
D. C.
1.1 I. . .
ton . . a
i-. h
first . of 2.861
of tons, and
nice protected cruiser
of .
total of sin .
with a of
Russia's torpedo Heat consist of
one submarine, and she is cl-
nine and five tor-
Japan has six first class battle
ships of tons, Other
battleships of tons, eight
armed cruisers of tons,
protected cruisers of tons,
seventeen other cruisers above
tons each, with a total
making a total of
ships with a of
Japan is building three
protected cruisers of tons.
Her lighting vessels
built and building is ships with
a tonnage of
Japan ha torpedo boat
destroyers, torpedo boats,
Mrs. W. in
Tuesday with M rs. M
Miss P
Mm J.
Tuesday here i .
. .
flopped her school
. . .
B. was
Mm. M. A
W, W. Thomas
evening with T
mar here
; spent
i- right
. has
S on
and Mrs.
E. R to Wash-
Wednesday and
m his home enjoyed their break
fast next morning of shad.
Cotton exchange will take
day tomorrow, it being lie
of Lincoln's bin inlay and
observed by some of the states.
Who is the king of the goober
trust time to give m great
a man
do you think, be asked,
men progress after
Well, she replied, if they don't,
it would almost seem useless for
some of them to

The Farmville Branch the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L. E. SAWYER, who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
For Three Bod a Half
a Famous Landmark.
The golden grasshopper on tower
f the Exchange has been for
nearly three a half centuries a
London as familiar as the
cross on St. or the dragon on
Bow church steeple.
Sir Thomas tin-sham, a royal agent
In three founded the
exchange the reign of Elizabeth. He
erected at his own expense a beautiful
structure in the Flemish style of
with shops on the first floor. A
bell tower crowned by a huge grass-
hopper stood on one side of the chief
entrance. The in this tower sum-
the merchants at o'clock noon
and o'clock evening. During the great
Ore of the building was totally de-
The statues of kings and
queens which ornamented the corridors
were precipitated into lbs enormous
and with then, the tower and
was loyally loved by the
metropolis, and his generous services
were not forgotten. From the
of debris the grasshopper was res-
cued, and it was lofty vane
of gilt the new dome sup-
ported by eight columns,
and hour It swings to the points
of the compass, perpetuating the
a. crest of family. The
clock in ibis tower had four dials
and turned four times daily, on Sunday.
the Hundred and Fourth
on Save on
Tuesday, on Wed-
Nae Lock
on the Con-
Hero on Friday,
Let Us and on Saturday,
In 1838
again devastated the stately building,
beginning soon after at night, and
by nest morning the clock tower alone
was It is significant that the
last air played by the chimes before
they went crashing tower
roof, crushing the entrance arch below,
was Nae Lu k the
then the eight bells ceased
their clanging.
The grasshopper was unharmed and
t day remains, eleven feet of
metal, looking down from
Its perch feet above the busy
streets. Julian King In St
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said it. II. at his death, and is offer-
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
HATS, CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh aDd
nice W. G. is alt-u agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
The obis Branch of the is in charge
of C. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for paper in and territory.
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
Mirth cannot move a soul in agony.-
Candor is the rarest virtue of
No circumstances can repair a defect
Cheerfulness is an offshoot of good-
and of
Bad men excuse their faults; good
men will leave
There are plenty of acquaintances in
the world, but very few real friends.
-J. F.
Charity and personal force are the
only investments worth anything.
Walt Whitman.
It is generally more profitable to
on up our defects than to boast of our
A man cannot have an idea of per-
in another which lie was never
sensible of
Gratitude is the fairest blossom
which springs from the soul, and
heart of mun none more
Twice Declined.
The Invitation list of the governor
general of Canada is made out strictly
in accordance with precedent, but la
not kept up to date always, the aid
who has to send the invitations out,
generally an Englishman or Scotch-
man, not always being with
changes on the list.
The late Sir chief
justice of Quebec, was once invited to
some function, as was proper, but
who was dead, was invited
likewise. Sir accepted for
himself, but declined for her ladyship,
on the ground that she was in the
cemetery. The next year, however, the
same mistake was made; so the old
Judge wrote back to the old -de-camp
Antoine accepts, etc. but
her ladyship being in St.
cemetery Sir Is compelled
again to decline the invitation for
Another For It.
veterinary made a critical ex-
of ailing steer.
Here and wherever the
cation of n bone was visible, he
to the skin.
But it would not work.
is the matter with asked
owner of the steer.
has what -would be. called
in a man. But as he is only
brute we say he la
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
N. C.
administration upon the
estate of N. deceased,
having day been issued to the
undersigned, and having duly
as such administrator, notice is
hereby given to all persona holding
claims said estate to
them to me. for pay-
on or before the nth day
February 1903, or this notice he
plead of recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are
to make immediate payments to me.
This the 2nd of February 1894.
Jarvis Blow, J as. H. COBS,
Attorneys, of Hue B. Hemby,
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
J. H- CO-,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
money winning
written by men who know, tell
you all about
They are needed by every man
who owns a field and a plow, and
who desires to get the most out
of them.
They Send card.
Hew Street,
Se. at,
or gentleman to manage business
in this county and adjoining
for house of solid financial
standing. straight cash
salary and expenses paid each
Monday direct from headquarter.
Expense money advanced, position
permanent. Manager,
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are its from an In-
active LIVER.
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept In healthful action
by, and only by
Tim's Pills
N. C, Feb. 1904
Guessing bee has about closed.
new garden seed at C. B.
Bradley Co's.
Our street lights are quite an
W. Williams went to Green-
ville yesterday on business.
C. H. Rawls, of Robersonville,
a few hours with Mon-
Georgia no
in the kiss line at C. E. Bradley
J, J. Satterthwaite attended the
institute at
J. L. Perkins W. S.
spent in Washing-
P. E. Davenport wife, of
Spring Hope, came in
night to spend Sunday with
parents here.
Did you ever smoke Jno. H.
The best five cent cigar
in town at C. E. Bradley Co's.
Old Jim died here
Saturday, He was a very old
having served his master
for longtime.
is now a W. D.
graph office, company has
recently cut in a new wire.
J. P. Fleming and J. J.
made a trip over in Beau-
fort Sunday. It's too late now
boys, another fellow
for her.
has a deed
N. C.
After years of successful business I am
butter than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with tank
wagons and one oxcart.
Is the place Clothing, Dry Goods,
Eats, Groceries, Crockery,, etc., at
full line of Medicines. Highest paid
Air all kinds of country produce.
g i
a if
. I
g J -i
lb S
c O
a a
s .
i o
J J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and While there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress good at about
half price, to make room for
fall goods.
General News.
N. Y., had a million
dollar Wednesday. Two fire-
men were injured, one of them
bunking firm of Stephen
of Bremen, Ger-
many, has failed. New York was
affected the failure.
A slight improvement is report-
ed in the condition of Senator
The Equitable National bank of
New has failed. It was one
of the smallest financial
in the city and the failure is
most without
Seed unto at
hi in the Household. of D
I will handle Maine stock
. . Johnston Bros. B
We are here to please the
public. We better
ed than ever before to do Society's New Game,
work promptly and well. W e
are here to give you the bet has society by
consistent with It is something n t,
material and workmanship.
Keep your money in your j as the name Implies, is
home town unless you can get founded on
better returns for it elsewhere. i- with
a fair proposition i in f col. r-,
Sash Doors, log fox to be
Come and see us before b, i. h and value
, . , . i . in U.
your seed lush departments. doing an
A Cabarrus was
male. The mule
.-, features is f Pitt County Baggy has five teeth less,
article by Eleanor dissolved by mutual
night Charles The Merchants
all the of the firm and
ed. I will continue
every kind of Interior and Ex , ,, .
I and ion. pat-
tenor . .
I tit i teen
his n constantly
. . m ring interest for
to evening, marked contra
illustrated, as the
popular ,
i will
in.,. to lessen
d this sea-
sun, Navel Oyster lie-
K. Special
the same n
Pitt Coin,
W. J. Davis, near Wilson, lost
Boggy Co. All persons
i to the firm either by note barrels of and stacks
to all who enjoy dainty . count are come for of by fire.
and Bet lie with a-
This 18th of Jan. 1901
C t
I- ; . is,
sold my good will
, . ,. lO H. To h
lieu, am. . Ill's Mar-
. I e. W
II ,
in i
recent games
bore the players at the end of
an hour
the one pack six other
splendid, new, -aim
Letters of administration upon the
estate of George Jefferson deceased,
having been issued to the undersigned
by the Clerk of the Superior Court of
county, and having duly qualified
as administrator of said estate, notice
is hereby given to persons holding
claims against sail estate to
them to the undersigned for
on or before the lira day of member
1901, or this be plead in b r
of their recover can lie dealers
to said estate are requested to or sent postpaid, edge,
make Immediate payment. ,,,,, . ,,
This the nth
all lends for their pad
Haiti lib. there are j the past and
oil- . recipes same o Mr. H
.-. for ; will at ail .
to pk-a-e ii u . ,
in .
i- i,.
II s
engineer of
at Char-
II was
i if ilk.
Home needs.
t i- -aid
More to National Guard.
The me-- the
will end in the appoint
I-. W. ii e.
Cotton seed for sale.
by W. P.
Also a limited f
seed potatoes. One It was need
eat one acre in cotton from the ant .
of the war mad. i- i
I ., .
another allotment of the thous
he Lin-
of George Jefferson
Jarvis ft Blow, attorney's.
COM I I'll.
Sena mood r
e .-. i to .
First work m prices
sent upon
j corn is per
after spring crop of I National Guard of North .
limited ton I This makes a total of nearly
Price if to received by the state troop
. i, u. bushel, Cot n SI on , ,. Superior
M ; court the
Ward, Pin in in, . and
plead guilty m i . ,, for
the killing of Jones last
May and are to a to tie State's
prison. Lawrence M another
I of the alleged slayers of Jones is
still at large with a of
ins i. iii .
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N, C.
Fountain, PI.
N. C.
Office door east of post office,
up .
y. up Our i
A. aV i.
PI u-
I dentist.
N. C.
d ;.
Wholesale retail Grocer
Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Far, Cotton Seed, Oil
re's. Turkeys, Egg, etc.
steads, Mattresses, Suits, c, u
Carriages, Go-Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes,
and Gail . As .
Life Tobacco, West Ci
Henry Q
d Chi tries, Peaches A ,
. , Coffee,
, .-,
. . .
declined to
-i . ., v
fl ft El r I
; W h
Fact One t i a Tonic end not B .
, . ,, , I ; . fa . ., Dr
Fact TWO and lends .,; , ,,
. . the entire -j .
I I m,
gift i I
i II I V
l ,;.
on i . .
i,. I hail of
i i, i i i
I Three not a d
a normal, title cure for
I Malarial Complaints
Chills n d
r. . .
I i .
i tale f
th r, . i
i cal m. I
. AN;.
U Mr. D. .
U cured I . i . .
. of
t ii c y, ion-
. i. . will
the b i j .
. r
; . . i i if w
t i i
; -.-. ,
. d
Fresh, Clean, Put
are We
Stocks, Cotton, Grain
ons. Private Wires to
Chicago and New
Whichard. W. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
fewest. Highest market price
paid produce
Steamer L. Myers
Cotton and Brokers U leave- i
except c by its honest
m. for
Steamers tor Norfolk,
Philadelphia, York Boston,
Li. A D n points Worth. Connects at
. K. Norfolk With railroads nil
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
York and
Norfolk and Southern It. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde from
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers, Ant
Washington, N.
J. J.
H. B. Walker, Vice President
Bench Street, V. T.
Jobs has
from lbs of the
Hod be the. steal ii com
How often you can jet a
nail or screw driver or an-
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
The Hay Grain Co
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
I he
Friday morn
call foe Had just
Hie to get
Some clot In from a wire
minutes as was re-
wrapped In flames, Mrs. Forrest
hastened to the little one x-
Five Points, the flames as soon as
possible. The body, arms, and
Deck of little one were badly
W I she Heart
J. I the child screaming and saw i
our prices and sea our
buying. We o by
and for oath.
Ryan Loan Ratified.
Petersburg, Va., Feb.
the stockholders of the
Seaboard Air Line Railway Com-
was held at the office of the
company in this city .
a was
the directors to issue
bonds ts the
various earnest of tee

and Friday.
D. f. WHICH Editor and
men may differ as to that, can-
be difference of opinion on
the question of taxation.
At present the town gets from the
eleven bar rooms for a whole year.
but on their business Can
it be doubted that if we had a dis-
the. town would get
many times that amount We think
regulated dispensary cannot be less
we successfully showed in a former
issue of this paper that the town's
About the next largest thing to the THE MONEY VIEW OF THE DIS part from the proceeds of a well
Stored In the post office at Greenville, N. C. as second class matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
Pitt County, N. Tuesday, 1904.
cotton crop this year will be the crop
of candidates.
There is one redeeming feature
about is the kind you can't
be balled
We resume again the money view
of the dispensary. The sale of
has long been regarded a fit
subject for government control and
taxation. It is true we have had as
The bureau reports ., , . ,.,
little of either in Greenville as
bales of cotton of this season's; .,, ,, . ,. . . . , ,
I I he law which is enacted to
ginned to Jan. 16th, 1904.1 , . , . , . . ,
control the sale ts set at defiance and
, , , , , the bar rooms run about as they
Admiral us been ordered j
please. They sell to drunkards, to
minors and on Sunday, when the law
says they shall do neither. As to
I taxation, the saloons do not bear
ti , iv ; their full share of its burdens
I he ground hog can laugh in Ins
. i . their business creates the
at those who thought spring had h
need of taxes. Under the town
to take his squadron to Chinese
waters to observe the naval opera-
in the pretty weather a few
day ago.
charter is a maximum limit to
taxes on the bar room and on prop-
The town government taxes
property for town purposes to its
highest limit, but not so as to bar
rooms. When they come to tax them
they put the tax very little above the
Fifty thousand people are thrown lowest limit. The highest-limit
out of by the Baltimore the charter for property is sixty
Practically all of the and
safes of financial concerns in
more whose places were
by the fire are found to be unhurt
fire. This means much additional
loss to the actual property damage
The extent of such a -aster is far
p aching.
The year 1904 is early making a
record. Already we have had the
Chicago holocaust, the
six and two thirds cents on the one
hundred dollars worth of property.
This is the amount the town govern-
levies on the property. They
go to the highest limit. The max-
limit on bar rooms is
The government levies just half this
amount. They levied for town
than per year. Then we
ask the thoughtful tax payer how
I can he hesitate to vote for a
How can he hesitate to vote
to lighten his burden of taxation
How can he hesitate to vote for a
system that will lessen the evils of
whiskey and at the same time
raise a large sum of money each
year to improve the streets an J make
other needed improvement without
taxing the property.
us establish a dispensary and
give it a fair trial. If it is not a
vast improvement on what we now
have both as to lessening the evils
of the sale of liquor and a revenue
raiser we abolish it. Let us
try it.
A New York broker who is o phi-
let his pretty typewriter
buy a brass bedstead and make
chases to the amount of The
bills got into the hands of the old
lady at home, and the philanthropist
looked like cents at the breakfast
table when his wife asked him to
explain what connection brass bed-
stead had with philanthropy.
more tire and several smaller
And now the Japanese-Res-
war is on.
Pennsylvania mine horror, the Haiti- purposes an I for schools,
for nil purposes. When
they levy the tax on property they go
as high as the law will allow them.
; When they levy the tax on bar rooms
The outlook opposes the proposed they do not go as high as the law
service pension bill, and says to pass , stop half
it would he an act of unfairness s we , not know. We
the South. It South in a former issue from the
has borne tremendous burdens and; record how Use bar rooms pay their
is still hearing them as a result of tax to the state and now we
the war; it is unfair to that section pay their license tax
to make another great addition to
those The South is now
paying millions in pensions of which
it gets back nothing. It is willing
to pay to pension every soldier who
needs the government's help, but to
pension is to tend to
it for those who do not need
The State Chemist of
has taken specimens of the
cheap liquor sold in different parts
of that state and submitted them to
analysis, finding that of per cent
of the specimens, wood was
their basis, and that prunes, red
pepper and tobacco were among
their constituents. The Raleigh
of this paper stated a
low ago that concentrated lye
enters into a considerable part of
the that is man-
in North Carolina, this
being employed to or,
s Pooh Bah said, to make it
Whether the specific
things stated above are true or not
the wonder about the business
in, not that gets so many
tun but that it gets so
to the town.
We now ask the conservative,
thoughtful tax payer of the town
this question, which they must
answer at the ballot box on the 2nd
day of Marsh. If the sale of liquor
is a proper subject for government
control and taxation, then not
wise to put it under that sort of con-
that it will do the least harm
and pay the largest amount of tax.
Will a dispensary do this
Can any sane man believe
that the sale of liquor at one place,
and only from sun up to sun down
and never on Sunday and never to
drunkards or to minors, will do as
much harm as the sale of it at
places and night. Sunday
and Monday and to minors and to
drunkards We know that for one
reason or another men will advocate
the bar room and oppose the dis-
We know they will go so
far as to argue that eleven bar
are no worse than one dis
and we also know that men
sometime argue things they do not
It is an old saying that is
the root of all We have long
been of the opinion that idleness is
the root of most evil, but after care-
consideration and observation
we have about reached the
that ignorance instead of idle-
is the greater cause of evil. By
ignorance of the laws of nature, one
fails to see the beauty in nature; and
hence, has no admiration for the
things that would further his
progress Although ignorance
progress in all lines of industry
it does the farmer more harm than
any one else. Most people think
the man who farms has no need of
any knowledge, of rather
beyond that afforded in the public
schools; but don't anybody with
good sound sense know that an
cation makes a man more fit for any
thing he may want to do Trained
minds are are needed for
as well as everything else.
r------- i i
HOW WILL A DISPENSARY AFFECT l because some farmer might
BUSINESS , . , ,
carry tobacco t Kinston or
son. But, said the friend, Kinston
ad Wilson have dispensaries. Well
said A. he his cot-
ton to Farmville or Falkland. The
friend do you the trade
of a farmer worth much who would
haul his cotton to Farmville or
Falkland rather than to Greenville
because he jean buy a cent
at either of these places and
cannot at Greenville
This is about a sample of the
argument that is being used by
those who tan Lad no better excuse
for wanting to keep the bar rooms
running. Of course there is
in it. The progress and growth
of the town does not depend upon
its whiskey shops. The business
of the merchants does not depend
upon the ability of their customers
to visit a grog shop also. We have
in Greenville good merchants, good
banks and good business men; The
amount of business they do depends
upon their own efforts and method
and not upon the rum milk of the
town. The fact is, if the
dimes, quarters and half dollars
which into-the of. the bar
rooms for whiskey could o into the
money drawers of the for
something and to wear, both
the merchant and that- customer
would be the gainer.
We must admit, however, that
there is one class of whose bus-
would be seriously hurt if
not entirely destroy ed by closing up
the bar rooms, and the bar-
keepers themselves . will be
about in the of a gentle-
man in Raleigh hen the Federal
army entered th at April,.
1865. general took the
house i name we
his The.-
general a kind companionable
sort of fellow, an i sought to get
on wit b the gentleman
he w a occupying, but.
the man was and reticent.
y the said
to i cheer up I no-
you arc down cast and seem
to He in a great deal of trouble.
This-wont do. must, not give,
up., Business soon start up
will so mi he b act to your
business pro than
said th bu-
is gone-fore r. It is utter-
destroyed awl I never resume
tho general
Don't let cotton and war news
overshadow your interest in the dis-
election. battle here
at against the
of more importance
The ice dealers of the state had
appointed a meeting at Raleigh, but
they have found cold chunks a
around home for the last few days
without going to the capitol city.
From the big type in the
one has to look carefully to see
whether he is going to get on to a
display advertisement or war
The records for the last few years
have shown the coldest weather about
believe. Our any
believe. But.
We hear some of the good citizens
of Greenville are-hesitating to vote
for a dispensary because they fear
the closing up of the bar rooms
would hurt the business of the
town. We have replies to make
to this suggestion. First, if it were
true that closing up bar rooms
and opening a dispensary
hurt the business of the town, even
will a man with a-soul in him
say that he prefers a prosperity
chased at the sacrifice of the moral
tone of the town to a growth in
and intellectual development.
Will he put the morality of his town
in one end of the scales
based on the liquor trade in the
other, and say give me business at
whatever sacrifice Will he prefer
a few dollars to the life of some
young man saved from
grave Will he hazard the safety
of his own son rather than risk the
loss of a few dollars from an
loss of business Will he
take the chance of his
marrying a man given over to the
drink habit in preference to taking
his chance of doing a
town without bar rooms The father
who says he vote for the dis-
because he fears it may in-
his business assumes a fearful
risk. The man who says he
vote for it fear it may in-
the business of the town putt a
higher estimate on business
does on morality. Have such men
ever felt the danger of temptation
Have they ever been to
the force of example Have they
ever stopped to consider how many
men have fallen because they t were
Have they estimated the
danger of a bad example As long
as the bar rooms stand open
and respectable men of standing
and influence go in and out, is there
not danger that some young; man
may fall who tries to follow their
bad example What father- with a
son can safely say will, not be
my What father can. stand to
be told in coming years he bad the
opportunity on the 2nd March
1904, to vote to close bar and
remove this temptation out of the
his boy. He them
might hurt his business. He risked
his boy but would not-risk his
His boy, notable- to stand
temptation, fell. What a terrible,,
crushing blow this must be to the
father on whom it And yet
it will on some- father if the
election the 2nd of March fail.
Our second answer to this unholy
suggestion is that it is not true as a
matter of fact, and the man win en-
it is simply taking of
of his fears. To say that
will loose a part of her if the
bar are closed is a very poor
to the men who come
here to trade. It is equivalent to
saying that their trade can be bought
with whiskey. It is likewise a poor
to the Greenville mer-
chants. It is equivalent to saying
that they cannot compete with the
merchants in other towns and that
they are obliged to hold on to the bar
rooms to hold the We heard
a few days age conversation
something like this. Mr. A. said to a
friend he set vote for th dis
what was
a the man.
Our Raleigh, soon went in
to and did well for
himself and f the community. So
will the two men who are
now in the bar room
if their present occupation is
destroyed, go into some other
which they will do well and
in which they will be helpful and
hurtful t the community.
If little Japan does whip big
wonder if it will embolden Col
to Uncle Samuel,
One boy is worth more than all
the bar rooms. Will you do your
part in to save the boy
As between cotton and news,
the former holds the biggest
in the eye of the
Block of Stores
The business portion
local- I
Line. i
of was l
Are this
The was
o'clock in the drug
B. T. Mooted i
way the block on the side of
Railroad street, and had made
headway that it not lie
checked The block
ed of frame building that made
it is in J. ML Blow, who is authorized to
Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Miss Pauline Joyner, of Ayden.
is the Misses Dawson.
Irwin of Ayden,
was yesterday looking at the
remnant.- of the tire.
Many were the fall
slip Thursday night. They
had regard neither for the fair nor
even for the homely. First a
maiden and a lad, next a
comely dame followed battle
hero, all paying homage
to their majesty the heels
upward and heads downward,
could be Here and there.
Loss of With
f t he tow n
i the At-
d about
re of Dr.
Josephus Cox building no
Mfg. supply
store, stock no insurance.
G. A. Co., stock
no insurance.
Tucker Bros, building in-
Guy Taylor, stock in.
H. L. Johnson, stock no
Harrington, Barber Go., stock
fuel upon which the rap ; insurance
idly. The fire spread both J. S. Barber,
from starting point mid dirt
not stop until the entire block of
stores swept away.
Almost the entire
of town, including the
of the school, turned out the
snow and heroically
battled with fire and
but for this work the destruction
doubtless would have been
When fire reached the store
Barber Co., on
the aimer, it was only by good
work that the large factory of the
A. G. Cox Co , across the
street was The glass fronts
in the brick store and
on side of Railroad street,
were broken out by the heat from
all nine were
burned, and besides the brick
building there is but one other
store left
Those burned out aDd the losses
are as
Dr. B. T. Cox, building
stock soda fountain
no e.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor, millinery
Stock no insurance.
C. D. Honks, vacant store
no insurance.
J. B. Cooper, building
Winterville Lodge A. F. A.
M., loss do
Winterville Council J. O. U. A.
no insurance.
Will no
J. M. Blow, personal property,
no insurance.
A. D Johnson, personal prop-
no insurance.
A. G. Mfg., Co ,
slightly, damaged.
This makes a total loss,
estimated of to
with only about
We understand that practically
all of this insurance is carried in
companies by H. A.
The sympathizes
with Winterville in this disaster.
But the town is composed of
of such enterprise and deter-
that we feel sure they
will set to work at once
and that will
out of the better than be-
N. C, Feb
We m readers will
pardon a- and all things locking
to the i of this issue up
to their usual We have
been by most terrible fire,
many four citizens out
of Hid thrown entire-
upon in- of a cold,
Very cold world facts have
in your
paper, with our other
losses, a position
entirely out of order to write.
. however, that
our people are Americans true and
brave, and despair finds no
resting place here. Though ad-
have overtaken them,
with it of
courage they have already
on their armor, and with a hero-
ism worthy of a noble cause they
are determined that the Winter-
ville of twelve months shall far
surpass the just laid
in ash s. Such determination as
thin can never fail.
G. A. Kittrell went to Norfolk
Wednesday and returned Thurs-
W. F. Harrington, living three
miles below Greenville, died Tues-
day and hurried Wednesday.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have just
received another car load of wire
and can furnish you fence
to high at prices
Our town lock-up is complete
and on last Tuesday was dedicated
in due form. The proceedings
interesting of a high
order. As a of test one of
our aldermen was therein
and left for a to reflect and
ponder upon the possibilities of a
way faring man, for a
change our honored mayor,
of police ex
chanced places with him and they
too, left to experience th
wild imaginations of him with
whom the world goes hard, and in
the glooming will be gov-
what they know deal
kindly with one who must pass
through the same trying ordeal.
We have a nice lot of porch
column timber. II you are in need
of them why not let us fit you up
Prices are light. Winterville
When you go to the yellow front
to buy your grocers you can always
be satisfied that you have bought
them as as any else
and have got fresh goods.
While in town stop at the
low Front and look through our
line of dry goods. No charge
made for looking.
Always bear in mind that the
Winterville Mfg. Co. manufactures
a good wash board of good
and will quote same
upon application.
A good article is better you
have to pay a little more for it
than a cheaper article at a smaller
price, so try one of the Carroll
singletrees manufactured by the
Mfg. Go.
u in need of seed Irish es
A. O. and Miss Ghent I northern grown or second crop see T f from
Haddock were married Wednesday j G. A . Kittrell Co. can sup- T, U top of a
at the home of J. J. Haddock, ply you. and
father of the
All who doubt what we
fierce flames as I hey would all lost
Harrington Barber Co.
Seed oats and cotton seed meal.
Constantly on hand. Harrington
Mrs. B. F. Manning and child
about buggy harness
taking the lead, both in price and
quality, are kindly asked to
see for themselves. Several
sets stock the while.
The other day a party bought
some wire fence from A. G.
Mfg. Co , saying that he wanted a I who have been visiting friends
fence which would his own here several days, returned to
hos as well as other and I their home in Greenville Monday.
only that will I G. A. Kittrell Co. will give
do it is your make with barb wire you 1333 lbs seed meal
exchange for a ton of cotton seed
A plow beam manufactured by j or give per bushel,
the Winterville Mfg. Co., always; if in of cotton
gives good satisfaction when corn, hay or in the
goto them to have one put in feed Hue see G. A. Kittrell Co
your plow they can also furnish
bandies for your plow.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., have just
gotten out a neat little
illustrating and describing J. D.
various articles their Cox Board per day. Best
lure, This little book with prices in town.
For Bent or house and
i- i . i l , -r . . upon and
lot totaled between Joseph us Cox ,, .
A. on j, the
Apply to C. A. Fair. factory, and yet you stood and
Just received car load of flour. back, swelled
Car load of shingles expected to
arrive in a few days. See them
before buying.
G. A. Kittrell Co.
marked is free for the asking, or a
simple request on postal card will
bring it to you. Don't delay,
write now. It is no small matter
to be well posted.
Notice the cut of a
buggy on this page This is
only one of many, and if yon will
keep your eves open from time I.
time we will be glad to show yon
a variety of styles. Of course as
it would be better if you have not
done so to visit fact and
let Hunsucker show you through.
William Cooper, of Greensboro,
has been visiting hit uncle, Rowan
Cooper, the past week.
John A. Edwards fell on the
snow Thursday and he swears
he saw seven stars and believes he
saw some more, but didn't count.
C. A. Fair, of Ayden, was here
H. A. was here Friday
regarding the recent lire and
The yellow front furnish
you with drinks that are as
Dr. B. T. Cox wishes to good as one can. Do not
chase lbs new goose feathers.
For best grade of chewing and
smoking tobacco go to the drug
judge the drinks by the fountain,
but try one, and be convinced of
the fact that it is always the
looking instrument that
makes the best music.
books, pens, pencils and Q. a. Kittrell Co. have just
best quality of stationary always received a shipment seed oats
or sale at the drug I that are for sale cheap get
If you your horse shod
if your s or own shoes
peed repairing, and for general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
We have a line hats for
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Go to see or write the
ville Mfg. Co. your house
trimmings. They can furnish you
with good low prices.
This season the A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co., will sell by far more cotton
planters than ever before. The
demand for is very great.
G. A. Kittrell Go. are buying
immense quantities of cotton seed.
Seed are bringing a nice price and
add to the income of the
with gratitude our tongue
fails to find to express
our thanks to you, and silence
our heart speaks and says
this is a debt we never pay.
We especially mention the true
that have no earthly
interest here, yet they
the effort to the saving of our
factory. May the guiding hand
of the Lord ever direct them i.
this life, may He abundantly
bless them In their efforts to
pare for life.
Again thanking each every
one, both white and colored, who
stood by our interest in such time
of need, t u sincere hope that
blessing's may be your.
use greasy Castor Oil
any is the only
perfect tasteless Castor Oil.
per bottle, for sale by Dr. B, T.
Cox, Winterville, N.
Moving Dollar.
A stationary dollar is a poor
thing. Money is made to calculate.
It is not intended that it should be
idle and remain in one place all the
time. And he gets hold of a dollar
and confines it so it will do no ons
any prevents it from its
mate course and use. So then, every
man ought to be in a hurry to pay
his debts, so that the man to whom
he pays money may in turn pay it to
another, and he to another. Thus
one dollar may pay ten times a
debt in a day if men were careful
to keep the dollar in constant
Every man who can ought
to pay his honest debts everyday.
Scotland Neck Commonwealth.
prices before buying.
Cotton seed meal and hulls
sale. G. A. Kittrell Co,
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot of coffins on hand. Prices
are very reasonable as heretofore.
Prompt attention given all order.
B. F. Manning, wife and child-
of Greenville, are visiting
in town.
Mr. of was a
The burnt district will be re-
built at once.
Just a few loafers in town now.
No fault of ours, though. Better
times, boys, and bye.
In behalf of the A. G Cox Mfg.
Co., I desire to express
thanks for such earnest efforts of
both white colored, that so
miraculously saved our factory
from the fierce flames that were
so destructive to our town.
J. M. Patterson, one of
oldest and most respect-
ed i-it died at his home five
miles south of Winston Salem on
he at Mocksville was
broken into a few nights ago. The
rail load suffered no loss. The
burglars only three small pack-
ages belonging to the Southern
Express Co., which were scarcely
of any value.
All of counties except
eight have settled taxes with the
treasurer for 1903.
Archie colored, has
been sentenced to be hanged in
Oxford on April 15th the
of a by the name of Mer-
A car load of blockade whiskey
being shipped from near Raleigh
to some party in Asheville was
seized by Thurs-
As we saw you working at so day.

Grimesland, N. C.
soil; general
J. Proctor Bros
There considerable Improve
meat in price of tobacco and
the result is the market is having
good sales for the time year. A
farmer prices now are better
than they were in February last
you ho
furniture to .
tr, , , . i . hi
J I,
Oar mill n v
pared tr gin i
. , i . .
do . .
. .
in the way
Dry Goods, No-
Hats, Groceries
here. It is s.-
; .
wear, or some for the
,. you can be
t prices paid
, ,. .
,,, a ,. Is.
the very one can
Goods, N Fancy Or.
eerie . T baa Cigar.
ft Fountain to . All
the popular
. try i
Mrs. Post Guilty.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb.
verdict of guilty was returned
this evening by the jury the
against Helen Post,
the mental science healer who has
been on trial for the Jen days
in the United States The
charge against Mrs. Post was that
violating section l the
Statutes of the United
If specifically
that she denied a scheme to de-
fraud divers people and that she
ii- d the United States mails to
further said
; Office opposite depot.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
. . . .
. v I i . poss. one of
; i . milk, cream end
he i I. i
I. ;. m will want o u Mow r
soon, and made It tor own one.
. i., to burrow ii i i when we
u id knives at such
. . ;. , o . work.
i .,,;. mm. and
. . .
ill . Si l l
. . I I P
. i
t W .
. Am I;
I in beauty
. .-.
If . in lies . gives die-
i . i fool In ; dive c-1 Mi; are
. , i q lie
win n nil have u
Hi ;., psi own, which is sure to
D w nu i .
flT; ; ,
always lit closely and about
instep so as to make it impossible for fool to slip for-
ward and crowd toes, while bull mid toes should
have plenty room giving free play lo the toot.
This is exactly what
Our new Styles in and will be
here very shortly.
Greenville's Great Department Store
The State Normal.
N. C, Feb. V.
Letters have been sent to all
pupils, stating the work of
the State Normal and Industrial
be resumed on Thurs-
day, 18th, and students
. to arrive in
on the h.
executive committee of the
was in session all day
until a late hour
ion a new dormitory
take the place of the
on destroyed.
The only definite and decisive
o in regard to the mat
the employment of Hook
and Sawyer, of Charlotte and Dur-
ham . architects. The full board
will meet within the next three
h decide upon
, hi upon the amount -f
pan he invested in the
ii . y Die contract will then
; i will be
. the building
hr e Jaded
I mo, X. O., in.
Tun Parker, Jim
i ,
last eek,
i h i .
i i
in nine eases.
i i t are in
jail in it lei n i. .
, X. C
it, who en aged in
i i . . i . o
three miles f
i on the i id dead. Hi
. i n j in
i j. V I
, , John
way to ii
T; i u
, In I , and DO
he i- to hi Is not known.
. of this city.
Farmville, X. C.
A man Send
gallons. Generally I use
don't think it'll be
Had left
O 1-, for another
for the job.
Had left.
This comes from Messrs. W. A.
F. Bower, Mass. They
This has been our experience
all this year.
New agents always have to go
through it. After a little, they
learn to guess better.
. Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. II. L. Carr sells our
yon fret honest goods at living price.
large stock before you buy and ail
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything yon use in
your house and even thing you ill your r.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve yon.
Everybody that sees buys, everybody that tries
our goods becomes oar customers, t n trial
and save yourselves money,
B ET E L, N. C.
Loan Value,
;. Paid-up
that works ally,
fl. Will if arrears mi i
ire living, or within three lapse.
of and payment of arrears v I
second No I
Dividends are pays at the ch
year, provided the u mi id,
be used Tn
h th I
To make i i
i i
ville N C,
yOU know What it does u
for strong drink or drugs, restore system to lie
and reinstates a man to bis home and full
Th Secret That Was Imparted to an
English Chief Justice.
The most remarkable case of
jury against what
seemed irrefutable testimony, and
all through the resolution of j
occurred before Chief Justice
Dyer many years ago. lie presided
at a murder trial in which every-
thing went the prisoner, fl
who on his part only say I
on his going to work in the morn-
he found the murdered man
dying and tried to help him, where-1
by he had become covered with j
blood, but when the man presently
died he hod come away and said
nothing about it because was
known to have had a quarrel with
the deceased and feared he might
get into The with
which the man had been
had the name on it.
In other respects his guilt appeared
to be clearly established, and the
chief justice was convinced of it,
hut the jury returned a verdict of
Thia was Chief Justice Dyer's
case, and he put some very search-
questions to the high sheriff.
The cause of the acquittal, said the
Official, undoubtedly the fore-
man, a farmer of excellent
esteemed by all his neighbors
and very unlikely to be obstinate or
vexatious. said the judge,
must see this foreman, for an
explanation of the matter I will
The foreman came, and aft-
extracting his lordship a
promise of secrecy proved at once
that the prisoner had been rightly
said he, was I
Myself who killed the
It had been no murder, for the
ether had attacked him with the
injured him, but in the
to get possession of the weapon
had the misfortune to give the
man a fatal wound. He had no
fears as to his being found guilty
of murder; but, the assizes being
ever, his farm and affairs would
ave been rained by a confession,
through lying in jail so long, so
he suffered matters to take their
course. lie horrified to
one of his own servants accused of
the murder. He supported his wife
and children while In jail, managed
to be placed on the jury and elected
foreman, lie added if he had
failed in this lie would certainly
have confessed to his own share in
the business, and the judge believed
Every year for fifteen years the
judge made inquiries as fore-
man's existence, and at last, hap-
to survive him. he consider-
ed himself free to tell the story.
London News.
She Treasured His Scalp Lock.
remarked the man
who prides himself on his winning
ways with the other sex, in
the pretty locket you are wearing
there is some token
of a past love
did you guess asked
the dazzling creature beside him.
there's a
lock of my husband's hair
The man of fascinating manner
looked surprised. said lie,
I had no idea that you were a
They told me, if mistake not.,
that your husband was
so he responded the
woman, his hair is
Stopping the Rush.
A clergyman once preached a long
from the text are
Weighed in the balance found
After the congregation
had listened about an hour some
began to get weary and went out.
Others soon followed, greatly to the
annoyance of the minister.
person started, whereupon the
parson stopped his sermon and
is right, gentlemen. As fast
as you are weighed pass lie
continued his sermon at some length
after that, but no one disturbed him
by C.
A Study of Wild Flowers.
A public museum at Brighton,
England, has a custom which should
he followed elsewhere. Persons are
encouraged to bring in fresh bunch-
es of local wild flowers culled during
their walks to one of the officials,
Who arranges the specimens each
morning in glass vases containing
water and affixes both the botanical
and name. Thus visitors
are made acquainted,
era which, they seen
Wild, but regarding which they have
no information.
e. t.
W. Main St
North Carolina.

a said the visitor.
Thomas v. us u
j-v v- a said the visitor. a now- v.-i-u
f ., I long ctn a man go without of the gold of silence and would
Dad I for hours, away at 1.-
J fl -Ask the man said the pipe, without uttering than r
, , or n
I had a bad cough for sir
weeks and find no relief
until i tried
Only of the
L. Ont.
Neglected col is always
lend to something serious.
they run into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
I asthma, or
make ed grunt or a gruff
i , tin edit who j;,.;, neighbor and i I A
once wrote to . t V C
went in he I L f f
mm -f u. j Here and at par ;
Mrs. That picture one of i he snapped day t
j; the sum of the conversation .
new n. it can't I honored me with. But hex
his silence is I just sat and looked
i at him came away strength i
sine. . . . .- . ,. .
a fresh
V.-T r are shout
I as soon as your cough Mn, , . . . u t,,. mar- sir- on
begins A Will . Chicago Tribune. .
. r-i H are speaking the truth,
S cure you ill en.
i, All
i . doctor, it take it.
t . if i lens not
Her Little Nose.
Little i not.
four, who the kindergarten n
tor, but I can tell without your i
whether I getting better or
the behavior of my
, i o . you not .- ,. t,
a ,.; ; ,; and calls it the
Lowell, Mm, S .,. l, .;.,,, . .,.,,. ;,,;.,. ,. , . iris
D. C. to
hat are your ears for.
hear -as the answer.
are our eyes
what is your nose
the innocent an-
of It.
or we'll n s
can't find my diamonds or
well, never
but the purse had in
New York Weekly.
C. Corsets,
to close them out no
All Silks reduced
regular price
waist patterns at
One more of odd
in Laces and
went to
. O. O. of is in
I own.
T. A. went to Scotland
Nick today.
Q i
has ,
the past few days.
F OR--
Kin- , T g
evening. ,; O -1 B
Brownie, little son O.
Brown i quite
Mrs. D. Harrington left this
i tor Wake Forest.
is in tog
i . . his candy here. I k
i I
If there is of men that this store hard
to please with good dependable Clothing, its the median-
We have made especially for
Whedbee, of Hertford, I made from stout, serviceable mixtures that will not soil
been relatives , ;.
are, left this morning, . . f,
or Rocky Mount, Put Together to Stay.
; Seams sewed with the best of silk and put on with , the
I strongest linen thread.
Our snits cut to be roomy r. .
J. left
in for Baltimore.
om , Moderate
el Thursday evening.
D. returned J PH t
Friday, Feb.
easy and still retain an appearance of sty and gentility
who have given these suits one trial,
Postponed , Seven
Owing lo the inclemency of the
. , chines on
to other pedal ,,
in the unveiling Whole fan
memorial window Ai
i i-r church will ho
, . . at N
. i-
A. T. King, Pastor, j
Stray tali
Tuesday Night. m
I black
Mr. J. w. Bailey, of Raleigh,
v . . . in the opera house,
an the subject temperance and paying nil
dispensary, n Tuesday night, AUDI
B mom the time and be
i If yon
warships make a good can in help
I i at
II f
. k
; i
i t
T. A. Duke returned y ; f f 1.-f
; in child e i
from j
Rev. A. . King return ;.
i ; from . s . -v . I . s
. . ;
. to i
. White.
and i
. . of i, who were
, Vi .
R,. J.
C. V.
Dr. L. Skinner, of A, n
W. B. of
Friday here.
J. B. -if came in
Friday evening.
Mies Annie of Hill, is .
visiting Fannie Jenkins,
day evening from a trip up the
Mis. R. J. Cobb returned
day evening from Norfolk, where
she had been visiting relatives.
Mrs. II. and little
daughter, Mildred, returned
Friday evening from a visit to
Contractors, Constructors and
Miss TiDy Tyson arrived Friday
evening to visit Miss Pennie
Moore, on corner of Third and
Greene street.
Factory by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory .
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
i scroll work.
I All machinery new and up-to-date and of the best
i make.
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
I building.
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all kinds of sheet
I metal work. Our in shop is on fourth street, opposite
I marble yard. Mr. R. L. Wyatt has charge of
our tinning and slating department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public and
will do best to give satisfaction.
. ,
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Japanese Landing Party Repulsed.
Europeans in China Uneasy. Senator Manna Dead.
Feb. effect f Washington. Feb.
tho Japanese victories is now The Arlington hotel this morning
plainly seen in all treaty points in
the increased Insolence of Japanese
and coolies and Orientals
generally. Throughout the whole
of China t e foreign move
London, Feb. re-
ports from Port Arthur say
Japanese landed six
troops at Wane, four
of whom were cut down by
the The Japanese
landing party at Dove Hay was
also with heavy loss.
Another Cruiser Blown Up.
London, Feb. dispatch
from St. Petersburg this
states that it has been officially
announced there the Russian
cruiser . h
has been u by a
mine in of
Port Arthur. The is said
to have completely destroyed j
and officers mid men killed.
Battle Among Land Forces
London, Feb. The Paris
correspondent of the Central Sews
wires that news from Russian China Cannot Remain Neutral,
source stales a battle is
meat is growing an alarming
rate. residents
renewal of the movement.
It is freely predicted that events
In China the next three mouths
was a scene of quiet in comparison
with the of e it
had been. Throngs of
visited the suite, but there
were do rushing messenger boys,
do excited newspaper
dents running down stairs and
through corridors, no shrill
Members family
fought on northern bank of
river where the Russian land
forces are
News learns from
a officials another
has been bud
Th j Czar Prostrated,
Berlin, Feb. Report from
St. that the war
disasters in the have pros-
the Czar. He sat tor hours I
gazing spans and
., iv-;. Conversing
with relatives he eon
the evil which
his advise In
th. war. Bis majesty is ,
be ;
broke d
Feb. appears t-
more certain that absolute
o-i part of China t.-
wards K war
be Che Dow.
ager Prince
.-., rise
Chinese neutrality in the
corps of advisers The Empress
is said to Ira in some what of a
The conviction
is to the midst of a
I real state of war, it la
prepare to resist ab-
by ever
proves victorious.
The result may be that China,
Russia Three More Ships.
15.-It-is officially
ed Unit three the four
were h n b . r
milieu ., v.
i . ii i;,
i, . .
Dr at i.; . j Victory.
I. a, I . ;. .
r . -i
i. i . hut
I . I
I a Ml i ;
Opinions on the Hay Mote,
St. Petersburg, Feb.
here regard
relative to
will transfer the sympathy of the bearing up under the bereave-
world to the side well. In spite
Russia. of the blow which has fallen, it
I was a relief for them lo know the
Russian Troops Suffering.
St, Petersburg, Feb 17.-P.
m to and Mrs. Co.-
recalled invitations
far East ordinary ears,
in each car. Great delays
being experienced is
scarce. Many the soldiers
been frost
War officials declare that any
serious block to the line from
to Manchuria is liable to sub-
t the
temperature is from to j
degrees below zero.
Wreck on
Md., .
STews reached a big
wreck on the Ohio
railroad, near Va. is
reported that many people are in-
The ire down and
officials of the any have been;
of .-
for j cabinet dinner which was to
have given at th home
th is
rite senator's remains will In-
taken to the capitol
aid will in state the
j of tie senate until noon,
hen official services will
be held the
Dr Everett
senate, will conduct
services. and
tiers of the diplomatic corps.
as veil as all
and people
be present.
The president possibly
company the body to Cleveland.
To The White Teacher of Pitt County.
You will see from a notice in
papers that the president of
the Association has
called a meeting of the Association
for next Saturday, February 20th.
Ye are not complaining that
yon not present
day. The either w is not such
you ovoid come. Ii is a
known by those
who do attend that a number of
teachers are not taking the
interest they should in these meet-
I desire to be frank m th
and to be so f must say to that
your real interest in the work in
you an engaged i lamely
judged by those charge of the
-ii work by the at you
show in these meetings. Tune
again we lave inserted notices
asking to these meet-
an I yet some of you
pay no to
Again I ask yon ti
Tribute to Senator Hanna.
it r
it of Japan
; Kit v. ii a
i .; . .
; If II in fl,
a. f the of
f the war area of
v Ina, as ; ;
Inn . They believe
he by
. powers are likely
a arr. . t me it
. tn .-
Senator Hanna Given State Fun-
Washington, D. C, 17.--
g-e-. say
r, sis i- .
g . Hi
. Cleve I, Ohio,
Pi. D r this
. he life
. . n . . a la i i; ill Miami
s ;. example ten
de e .
live in a of
political life
you do sit Your to yourself
and school work demands that
you avail yourself
for m m which
association are
invited, and to
be tho me i n
and all succeeding .-lings.
What will you do We
wait to see. W. H
it .
s ; .
n ii- .
side c- hi. r in
tit Vi- . .
lie sen ,
; ,
. i.
of the
ii. h v. . .
A tie
He .
Russians ink th Own Be .
I- I
1.-.- T
In Ar n
. ;
fin ships.
land i
Cheers His Army.
German Cruiser Fired On.
.-.- mi.
t the i,,.
; Ru -i .
. ml -t have he
listed u mi-by I In
Petersburg, duty to protect ten and tin
official Fatherland, and
at Port powerful, and if out strong
stains the cruiser give u-
Hausa, which had Port strength power lo him.
Arthur to take away German sub- Let for
was by Let man perform
The Hausa some task that prayer
women children board, vie the
are never wasted, Lome live
l. ;. I
. . i
I .
i-ii a . , in .
be ill i ; . . ,,. .;
. n . I. r
fir , , . . ,
Al a
police ; i. from of n
c Hi borne
and m the lieu Be.
the am.
. .
v d an.
Sunday evening,
o'clock, iii the
Mr. ii. .
ks e m In v
Willie Elks ii i .
let. ii E
Last . .
a -J
V .
L. H. Can
H ;
J I. Allen a
. W. . . .
t. ii. n .-.
. HI la
It. II.
I a
. i-
i .
ii V
Cutting Railroad.
London. Feb.
company T
the God be with
and Bulgaria Hostile.
Mr. Speech.
. J. W Bade , of
. ; , I,,,.
d- ,.
go me was . d
spite the desperate cold ,,., .
capital said. R
lie. the ,.
r crowded
casket into senate ., . ,.
we wan n to give a
it was reverently pi on
publishes a
wind has Paris, Feb.
Parts a large Japanese diplomatic age it. tells inter-
fleet has been sighted in gulf view that an of
of Tung at d are en- between Turkey and
to Is Bulgaria, he
purpose of says, i seeking to to , ,, r , ,
Up leading the order of , t
outside services
of the speech, as b
Urn ,,.,,,,. M
th the short Thai
he made to it today.
A wonderful profusion of floral I
tiff-rings were heaped on me bier in the Open Hows.
j a few minutes before Hon, W. of morning and spent the
noon hour distinguished person Neck, mill address f i with hi mother, Mrs. M, A.
ages came to in the Greenville the opera house next j returned yesterday
were seated in their appointed j Friday night at o'clock upon W. B. went to Nor-
subject of the establishment of a i folk last Friday and return
X. . i.
Ma is increasing as
snow j decreasing,
Owing to the bad i
was ., small crowd
Sunday, but
there enjoyed good and ,
iv sermon by Rev.
of Hamilton.
C. L. of No
who at. Washington a few
week on business, e
Throughout the ceremony Mrs.
was brave.
Rev. Edward Everett Hale,
in the town. Mr.
Dunn is an earnest, vigorous
speaker and our people may ex-
to hear something good.
Everybody should hear
S. M. Jones, from near Bethel,
and his daughter, Miss Bet tie,,
came down Sunday.
Mrs. G. M. Mooring is

Eastern reflector, 16 February 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 16, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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