Eastern reflector, 2 February 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

W. R. Parker went to
I. B. Gary, of Henderson, is .
Prof. left j
evening for
R. Greene returned Tuesday
toting from LaGrange.
Miss Nona Blow returned Tues-I
day evening from at
Mrs. F M. Hodges and children
have returned from a b
Bin, K. B. Higgs
returned Tuesday evening from
Miss Curie Brown returned
evening from a visit to
Hair Splits
have used Hair Vigor
for thirty rears. i is elegant for
dressing and for keeping the
hair splitting at the
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
I splitting. If the splitting
it will stop it.
H a b tile. All
Mis I. and
i. . i
visit to
If y- i cannot supply you,
ill express
J. C. Lowell, Mass.
f t d
The Southerner reports
the Sunday Bight, of a
colored man weighing pounds.
North has cot-
ton mills in operation.
has the largest number, of any
A Shipment of 17.088 bales of
valued at left
Wilmington on a British steamship
Monday afternoon
sub a
Co i
Rev. J. B. Morton, form lying load i
pastor of the let i m i
here, i u, .
in i
.; the
Cotton Madness.
Ill midst of great prosperity
which high cotton is bringing to the
south, there are several dangers
. which are born of the very
of hope, but which, if over-
look d into certain disaster.
are thousands of people in
the south today who are cotton mad-
They are simply intoxicated by
magnificent rise in the price of
by all that this means
i. section and state and prop
y have been seized
Wilkinson Co.
We Give Rebate Checks
ire For.
you e j i
practical benefit posts all
a id -d
traveler i
id , . . fever; and an
i ; , sending hard earned cash to
I cage has n. t . as margin for operations
to lie mine and come up . ,, ,. ,,, they are a
i to miner of all law into hazardous enterprises
we'd do to work this mom- every kind, bused on the colossal
lug to the Rt- which
of the , face. rescued man is Adolph L bring in the South.
as they flew past one of the whits he is . a semi A from Boston,
painted posts. condition at tho
far as the general public is at rude school
replied the on the hillside about the
ten lent, suppose mine.
mile posts are Of any particular The explosion occurred it
benefit. The traveler ran tell this and the first
car w tut sudden
far is from terminal ts, ground, then a of t
in he is not up the deep shaft. Both
Saturday morning, Jan.
will start a sale which will interest the buy-
This w ill be a sale of
and Ends .
Odds and in Dress Goods
and Ends in Slips
Odds and Ends in Trimmings
Odds and Finds in Hosiery
Odds and Ends in Shoes
Odds and Ends in Clothing and Pints
Odds and in Men's and Boy's Clothing
Odds and Bads in Umbrellas
Odds and Ends in Ham burgs and Lac-s
Poll in. Black Silk
This and Bale will list one week.
Our purpose is to shape our stock fur soring business.
mis ; e like figure i a
from the mile fit
have t how t r r. ;
t. go, a few
Ike to time speed of n- l
the mile posts. But Is
what the post are for. In the
mint cages were hurled through
the tipple, above the
stage three men on
were thrown to ground.
a was thrown high
the h ft and el dead on tie
The injured were brought
at once to this where same of
office cf the ll A l-r ;,
Cl eh at the pit
e little village.
wives and Children of the
men below rushed to the scene
is a profile, or showing CI
the loom ion of every one of these
an accident
in the Wall Street Journal, prints
i i statement from a New England j
gentleman, who but recently return-,
ed from the South.
bad occasion to visit one of the
S towns in South Carolina and
land which a few years ago was
going begging at per acre now
commands a price of
local bank in the town has a i
capital of and had deposits
of but one half of its
deposits have been withdrawn
mil to New York as margin for
speculation in cotton.
south is cotton mad and
fear for the ultimate
The gravity of the situation may
in t be as y t so great as the above
would had us to infer; but. it
calls for a timely warning.
C. V. York. L H.
ours, a
breaks, a car lets down, any
the to
is not bed of tho proximity
mishap to some par mile
post and i in the can
located an I are sent there
once, and they can in a ; ,
for they where the ; b
Otherwise would h h
move hi tween u
the i d ii l . s n ,
loss I Much n ore v
than i Ice of the mile i
and i n J be p . .
radio, d Mite ;
Is the patent of
The Journal has all along preach-
no en-1 anticipating a boom
thing out of the happens w no in tho staple which cause many per
between sons to lose their heads. If space
cage that let the men into the permitted, we would reiterate every
mines and brought them out again we have said on the subject,
day's was done that people have to do
were d All day
e mum ii j; women and
e pit. were
ice n teal aid
iii men in of I he
the at-
mm .
s two
this n i
i . . lie v-t
i . were
in lot
. i i
just now is hi go ahead with j
. and reap the ;
which is to be widely j
In rally distributed
To speculate is to court
ii r i I rile ruin. There is a
e Ion, be sure; but
i; things, as every
. to his Borrow,
shall probably have.
. but let there
be in i In in real es-
R. J. Cobb.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to date and of the best
Plans furnished and coin r taken for erection of
Tinning, slating, Glittering and all binds
metal work. Our in shop is mi fourth street, opposite
marble yard. Mr. H. L. Wyatt has
our tinning and slating department Yon will find
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
a and steady and solid increase, has been with us for a few days.
and all
Rheumatic Symptoms
The Sales and Surest Remedy
German Liver Powder
not mixture, but a
translation of one of
innermost If are a suffer-
will you FREE OP
a of
Liver Powder with
booklet, which
from patients who have been
cored try this wonderful Specific. Do sot
delay, bat send your full at
American Co.
. Kills i t
. . Th
house ;. killed the
ti to invite Presides Legally Dead Still Alive.
Roosevelt t address the
By referring it to a A my
. committee, the. house fob yet
lowed the example of the senate Ten years ago Fitch Marquis
dealing a resolution his family in Kansas had
tending the president's Panama never been heard of until the
N. C , Jan.,
U. of Washington.
Cotton seed and com for sale
by P. Washington,
N. C. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One customer
gathered from one acre in cotton
the past over pounds
seed cotton, and I made from my
corn to per acre
after spring crop of cabbage.
have a limited cotton
seed to sell. Price of com SI to
per bushel. Cotton seed ll
per bushel. 1- -4-wk D. W-
day when he turned up at La
He refused to say
he had been. His wife thought
him dead and sued for a
life insurance policy he carried.
The court decided she pay
the premiums for seven years, and
if he did not show up that he
would be counted as dead in
world. The widow paid the
and at the end of seven
years drew her money. But Mar-
is not Capital.
W. H. of Atlanta, is
here on business.
W. J, Mayo, of Conetoe, was
here Sunday to his best girl.
Ask Miss Mattie Grimes who
was in town Saturday and
glad to know that Miss
Lizzie Grimes decided to spend
one more Sunday in town.
W. G. Lamb was in town Mon-
day selling goods as usual.
Exum Mayo spent Saturday
and Sunday in town. We are
glad to see our friends at any time.
Miss Blanche Mayo returned
from the Normal Sunday. She
lost everything she bad in the
ire there.
Invitations arc out for the
the of
Miss Nannie is
spending a days town.
Misses Versa
Lizzie Beverly spent Sunday
the count y at Mr. They
report a pleasant Sabbath.
Misses Elbe Mattie Grimes
spent la-st night in the country.
J. T. Smith spent Sunday night
in Plymouth and returned
day. We are glad to know that
he is making good progress.
Mis. Henrietta Taylor, of Rob-
who visiting
her son, Herbert, left yesterday
for home.
Miss Annie Thigpen was on the
streets this afternoon. We are
glad to sea such pretty faces in
our town.
Laughinghouse ins
for Reflector.
Tuesday afternoon at two-
thirty o'clock the of the
Book held a
able meeting at the home Mrs.
Mr. charmingly
her guests, assisted by
Of Baltimore, Miss Lizzie Laugh
Mrs Hayward Had.
The club to Older by
the president, Mrs. R. R.
The program not being able to be
Carried Miss
gave a talk us her as a
club woman.
After regular business was
The of held a
special meeting, Friday eight, to
t action on i petition asking
i hat M election he called to
the people town tie
of voting for against
dispensary in and
or distillery.
All the members of the board
v e-e
quite n i of
in attendance.
The petition was and
Rented lo A . Blow, and
elegant refreshments were he T
the club adjourned meet made brief remarks upon it.
February toe ninth, with Mrs.; Aldermen H. A. White moved
James L. Little.
Superior Court.
The following cases have been
disposed of since last report.
Joe Haddock, removing crops,
not guilty.
that a committee two lie
pointed to examine the
and compare the names thereon
with the registration books. He
and Alderman S T. White were
j ti d.
i retired with the
petition and registration books,
Turner larceny, guilty, i
B upon return reported that I
sentenced to jail for three years. . , . A .-,., ,,
J I petition contained names, all
John Evans assault with dead-1 t. . , , ,. , ,
whom w-re registered voters
weapon, guilty, sentenced two;. , . . . . e
s the town, but that them
months with leave to L d of
Sam Bryant, appeal from mayor's m m
court, not guilty. i , , , . ,, ,,., .
declared by to
W. J. M
F. R. ST. ,,.
James Anderson, Oscar ,.
Matthews, Simon a and Wiley j ,
lo costs and required to
give bond in sum of to
pear at January 1905, end
show they have not gamble I.
W. Mercer, selling liquor , M day which ,. ,,,
pleads ten election shall be held at d
cases, judgment bod,
cal ii g the election was
also read and adopted. This order
o Ma ch
upon payment of costs on
that lie quit the
fine of i a former
was st i our,
January term of
court i.- v.-i
, . ,.,., , ,
J. L.
;. Wane i S , i
ii a J. L. i
-o ; he j
turned a v t i- I
; r
with the law.
The then
I In the wards for the
I'll V aid K. . Mi-G
H .
It in in, r r
is rat; ti I h x u and .
Warren, pulses,
L. W. Lawn
registrar; . S
Soul., j
ii V. i am
W. King, judges
Fifth I Rout
registrar, J, L. Sugg and It. A.
in . ii
l i
Penalty of Cotton.
Washington, Jan. re-
volt against American is
the title of a long report re.
at the state department
from United States Consul General
Mason, at Berlin, Germany.
Mr. Mason says ,
among the economic movements in
Europe Inch may have a serious
meaning f important inter-ts
America is
Hot of France
and Ger i ma- c pate their
textile m
America ii cotton. The p-
features of the situation
U that then- is note Ger-
many, but through hi Europe
a r
that and
weaving mast at any
be emancipated from such
vassalage by the development of
sources of supply.
; The Germany press charges that
I the American cotton market is et
the mercy of the speculators, o
drive up and down Hie pi ices to
suit their own purposes. Thus far
the movement is in its infancy,
but may he ominous for
the col ton-growers of our
States, says Mr. Mason. Expert
in the Fast African colonies
dining the last two years have
been successful. is announced
; that there are many -q are miles
of laud in Fast Africa with Will
and climate well adapted for the
lion .
Th roil;, German
Gal vest on a are
I made to send over and educate
to a of
In I on v i
e a i of
y of
I ti he A eel
ton i labor from
Chin.-i lie employed in case
natives p
I If be j ears
his I l , , . ;,,,
cotton mil. In
says r. Mi so i, v. , .-i . .
III .-. Will i . f
or later e I ton of i
S n; I vi
no I i
. i; i I . s.
Two Citizens in View of the Robbery Yet Give No Alarm. The
Town Much Excited.
Between and o'clock
morning the safe in the store of Wanted Had Enough
Ham Barber c. , at
was blown o ten and
For it days a tramp with
on in a sling has been beg.
that town.
as- seen around
the town at On Wed
One day, riding alone the road,
Gen. Gordon came i, on a regimen
prayer meeting, very
impressive. The men were kneel-
or standing with bowed heads
Jan. Mr. W. A.
a progressive highly
respected tins county,
committed suicide this lo
in his bar . He
had been and showed Nichols,
signs of being demented for some
time. Besides the loss of his mind
there could have been do cause f r
the rash act, as his financial affairs
were in the best of and his
family life was apparently of the
happiest nature. Mr.
about years of age. A wife
and four children survive him.
Murder at Monroe.
Monroe, N. C. Jan.
Eubanks shot and killed J. E.
Wilhelm in the Heath Lee Hard-
ware Company's store, this morn-
at o'clock. Eubanks
is a clerk was married last
Sunday. Wilhelm is t
in-law of Mr. Gilbert, former
proprietor of the Hotel;
m himself at
Harvey Vanna, son of Dr. R
T. president of the Baptist
Female University was seriously
shot while out hunting with a
friend near Wake Forest, on Wed-
Young Van ii remarked
jestingly that he thought he would
himself, to
I carelessly with his gun
when it discharged and
tore away a considerable
his face.
Huge Cotton Cargo for Japan.
Houston, Texas, Jan. A
shipment of bales of cotton
destined for Japan, left hers to
night via the Southern Pacific for
San Francisco. The shipment re
quired forty one cars is a
It has many record, so as Oriental trade is
. a murder of this kind The freight bill
taken place in amounts to
o R . -tor.
The Solid fl i
mm ring with
Lottie Blow on Tuesday afternoon,
January the nineteen
hundred and four. . were
ten members and one visitor pres-
added much to the of
the occasion by reading an
on Women Who Have
Appeared in North Carolina His-
It was thoroughly enjoyed
by all present.
The enthusiasm over the new
made an interesting feature
the afternoon.
Business having been dispensed
with dainty refreshments were
served, and the members showed
appreciation of the clever
hostess by lingering till a late
one strangers went
the repair shop W. L H-m-e
a drill sharpened. Mi
House thought nothing of this at
first but later his suspicions were
aroused be quietly informed
some of the business men if the
occurrence. To be on the sate
side, the men took all
safe- at
and carried home with
Nothing else was seen of the two
strangers, but Thursday the
tramp with his band in the sling
rent to t he store of Harrington,
Barber Co. and purchased some
He also hung about tho store
much the day, but it did
not arouse the suspicion any
member the firm.
This morning the was
disclosed. The door of the safe
had been blown entirely off
the ex hurled it
partition all of the office
some i new out in the store.
One window was badly
and look- ii The
i showed Ho, two i oles
on in it tin
in flour.
Ti re i In;
j i, i f valuable . pi
to the hi d ii
money belonging to another
money was by tin
n n ., i.- I-
ed . in r.
I I e-. tn
o ii re . i ti,
this ; ad.
i . n that i
l . i of
i i lie
r yet
inn in i an i
in a voice of wonderful mi
The general clucked his horse and
removed his bat and waited for the
end of the prayer. The chaplain
asked the Lord give the men of
Lee's army courage to meet
the great crisis that had come upon
them, fortitude to bear new
and strength to light
against the pursuing enemy. Just
then a tall private rose from bis
knees and shouted to the chaplain,
Tray for bread, chaplain, pray for
bread We have courage to spare,
but to fight we must have something
Pray for This broke
up the prayer
Inter Ocean.
, i . i.
This is the year for the stale con
and Greensboro people are
asking we get the
again It is regarded as
certain the above question
in the affirmative.
This town did by the
conventions two years in fuel i
gave the conventions a . w
tin f pi et
entertainment. And the little
if any doubt i
will call the meet
again v here meeting sat-
e do ii i now what tin
l i. nor
are we nil interested in mat-
but we think, with t .
trust between ill .
in c Inn tier i i mm ion
of in-
t . e
not In -ii.- ,. i- a mi no i
i i- hi l place
the com I he i and
hers I ii n t ion
i n mi
is w -ii L , either
or , give.
iv i time,
;. I
drive tie
did ll
o'clock this i
is these two citizens, who
live diagonally across the Tho following is the program of
from the scene of the robbery, tell die to be held in
to Death
Brownsville, Pa., Jan.
Pour men, all foreigners were
crushed to death today in anew
of the Hill Goal
Company, near here.
Hint were awake between
and that lights were
moving about in the store, saw a
man standing guard in front of the
store, but were afraid to go out
any alarm.
Others say these two
had tire arms the house with
which they could easily have shot
the man standing on guard at the
store, or the could have gone out
the of their house to neigh-
boring houses and quietly awaken-
ed enough people to have
store and captured
the robbers. failure to use
either of these means to atop the
robbery beings criticism up-
on Hie in.
Reports today say the robbers
were tracked In the direction of
Greenville. Searching parties are
trying to find
the court house Greenville, Mon-
day, 1904. The morn-
session will at o'clock
sharp and the afternoon session at
The subjects for discussion
Soil Improvement, by B. W.
gore, chemist
Varieties of Corn and
Their Improvement by Seed
by C. B. Williams.
Common Diseases of Farm
by Tait Butler, State
Fertilizers for Corn and Cotton,
by B. W.
Hog raising, by Tait Butler.
A general discussion of the
of farm labor.
People coming in from the
try say traveling along the icy
road is awful.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L. E. SAWYER, who is
authorized to transact any business the paper in Farmville and territory.
. X mas
Beautiful Wedding at Farmville
One of the most beautiful wed-
dings ever witnessed In Farmville
was that on Tuesday evening, the
--i mil seven thirty
o'clock, f Mr. William Augustus
Bernard JaMi Mis Louise
Star May, Emmanuel Episcopal
church. was
tel with green and potted plains
and the red mellow lights Iron the
made a beautiful effect.
As Mis. Ma-k began
wedding the
following couples
John T. I J.
Stanley Smith as then the
bridesmaids, Misses Olga May,
of bride, aid Vivian
Parker, in while
and carried Misses
sister of the groom,
and Maggie Edwards, both attired
in white pink ribbon.
Carrying ferns. Then
man Robert Maye of Greenville,
Otto Turnage,
Fields Leslie Smith.
Then came the maid of honor Mies
Anna Morrill, handsomely gown-
ed white mull with white rib-
carrying maiden hair ferns.
Following her came the on
the arm of her brother, Adolph
May and were met at altar by
groom and his 1- r man John
ward Woolen, of
uncle of the bride, per-
fumed the beautiful and
In id- was handsomely
gowned in white mull and veil
and curried a most
of bride roses maiden hair
The gentlemen all
black with white ties and
pearl gray gloves.
Immediately alter the
the bridal party was a
reception at the home of the bride
where dainty refreshments were
served. were the recipients
of many handsome valuable
presents. The bride and groom
left on the twelve thirty train for
return to
their home in Norfolk after
the sixth.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said K. fl. at his death, and g offer
them to th of cost. The stock consists
of a full line of DRY WOODS. NO IONS, CLOTHING,
HATS, CAPS. . hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. U. agent of the Tailors Mfg
Co. All suits made to to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good tit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
Hie. of the is in
of C. E Bradley, who in authorized to transact
for paper in and territory.
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots o Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always, on band.
In season we operate a Manger Cotton
N. C.
thirty years of successful business I am
than ever prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, cam-
needle to-a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The of B
will begin about Aug.
15th. It is best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, two bunk
wagons and one ox. cart.
Is the Dry Goods, Shoes,
Groceries, etc., at
full line of Drugs and Highest prices
for all country product
If you do come to see us. We every-
thing ill the grocery line and sell it to our
tomes at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
N. C.
The sleet today played havoc
with telegraph wires.
i New Postmaster.
Washington, Jan.
president nominated William B.
Martin, white, to be postmaster of
Indian Miss, tie will take the
place of Coy, colored,
Whose resignation was demanded
some lime ago, by the white
of the town, resulting in the
temporary discontinuance of
at that place.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
and untrimmed hats,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
J. H CO-,
Hi C
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
fancy Crockery,
ware, Fruits, To-
i and Everything cheap
tab. Highest price for country
No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general sour
and catarrh of the stomach
all due to Indigestion. cures
Indigestion. This new discovery
the natural Juices of digestion
as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only curs In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the raucous membranes
lining the stomach.
MM Hi t tan
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept i on-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol n a.
gentleman to manage business
in this county and adjoining
for house of solid financial
standing. 920.00 straight
and. expenses paid
direct fro headquarter.
J J. Satterthwaite
Invite to their store
headquarters and there to
their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. j
can supply all needs La,
tine of goods.
We are selling Lawns
summer dress goods at
half price, make for
on a
the author of
Id a have an j
of They i
are trapped, he
often their an I
through their fear.
winter, when there in little to at-
tract their attention, an
trap, ii of a new or variety,
is quite i likely t land a i
as if it held a
Once a trick played upon a
Muck that bad
mousing over the fields for half
winter. It often perched
upon a straw stack, instead of in
the center of the
one morning a plump
mouse, with an bladder
U It by a string,
cord, connected
The hawk
a a w hen
he first the
He used t seeing a
remain perfectly in
way, especially when h be-
circle about with his. great
wings to the
Presently he. alighted in a wary
way mi end of the then
he walked nearer, eyed
pecked at
last he seized it in his ad
made off for the hickory. 1111-
way there, however, he noticed,
the bladder attached, and gave the
mouse a violent jerk to free it from
the bladder appendage. This
only served to make the bladder
bob up and down more furiously
and with a scream of terror the
hawk dropped the mouse ail
and fled to the woods. It wan
sometime before he was seen
the neighborhood of the
Up in Church.
yearn of a member of a
respectable family, was be-
Judge in the city
court yesterday for altering in a
church and services,
There was a mixture of rain,
snow and sleet, last night, and
everything is coated with it today.
If are than
thin weather we
A Golden Rule
Be good to your land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
and quantity in the
vest. Write us and
we will send you,
free, by nest mail,
our money winning
Nan. Si.
Saved From Death.
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bob-
of Tenn., he j
dying and were powerless to
her. The most skillful
and remedy fat ltd.
while consumption was slowly but
sorely her life. this
terrible hour Dr. Ken
Discoveries for
turned despair into joy. The first
bottle brought relief
and its continued use completely
her. Its the most certain
cure the world for all throat
and lung troubles Guaranteed
Bottles and f Trial Bot-
Fr-e at Drug Store,
A Vary Call,
I stuck to my engine, although
every and every
was racked with writes C
W. Bellamy, a locomotive
Hui Iowa. was weak I
, without any
all run As I was about to j s ons happen
give up, I got a bottle who f ids at a
Bitters, and after taking it, I fell veil,
as well as lever did my I
Weak, sickly run down people
ways new lite, Strength am
Vigor from their use. them
by Woof en's
Drugstore, Pi ice cents.
On Jan. 27th, at
half past five Mr
II. aid Miss Clara
were at home of tin
patents, Mr. and Mis. W.
S. of V. The bride
entered the the arm of
Mi. Walt, i
groom followed with his best man
Mr. Clarence W.
E. of
the j
an elegant reception
of groom. A um-
of friends was present at both I
Toe. Horse Goods,
Not Quite
Ho- often yon can get a
nail or driver or
jacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box docs not lack a single
Of Course
You get
If to up met
correctly the most of her male
Wonderful Nerve
Is displayed by many a man en
during pains of accidental Oats,
Wounds. Bruises Burns, Scalds,
Is there's
no need tor it.
Salve will kill the pain and cure
It's the best salve on
earth for Piles, too. at
en's Drug Store.
marriage a i
bride and groom are you
people, and their many
wish a long, and
One and one one aS
n altar and one
two in the e
J R.
repair- up-
Monday, Jan.
Col. Isaac A. Sugg the Bu i
. , Leader.
Col. A.
entitled to be know,, as the
bull leader on toe cotton market
of Greenville. One year ago Col.
Sugg publicly declared and
the farm-is to plant cotton, telling
them m
cents per pound for crop of
the fall when cotton was
to to market he
at they would see cents
February .
On the 3rd day of last,
July was at 9.23
New C. B
purchase of one thousand bales of
at that would
the day of
m when selling
W ii he wrote imaginary
t t his
and ii j of
leading as
N. c., Dee.
Daniel J. Sal
H Wall Street,
, thousand bales
Isaac A.
The colonel said there would
We have little faith in the in-
or repentance of men
who does not make restitution
It. L, Myers leave
ton daily, except
a. in i j I leave
has scored vie-
a determination
to mi d ,.,
who a o a .
promptly net profit such an order
tried mi promptly before Marco The
When i; to meeting out show that the July at
t. the would have given a net
the fully profit at the of the
I to the occasion. Without market Wednesday, 27th
of conscience or thought of mercy, I of The July
but with i of b ought the 6th day of
.-ail, Sash, Doors and Blinds, him hare net ,
Hie law did duty at Wednesday Col. Sugg
until it stumbled up against the an prediction
judge. there was a fall and bales of when price
down, nay
under new management with a full
force of competent workmen. We
make and at wholesale and
retail, Sash, Doors and Blinds,
Mantels, Porch
nil of Interior and
Building Trimmings. We solicit
your patronage, not as a favor but
only on our merits.
until the law William Fountain, H. D.
Durham Herald. t, a Physician and Surgeon,
ingot with N. c.
for Baltimore,
I one door post office, or
Mi. c. Hi -v. O , had all
the pile for years. i
dollars could do him no sting
good. DeWitt's
Salve en red
valuable -is, burns bruises, a
sprain.-. eczema, letter S . V
salt and all r skin
Look for the name De
Witt on the others
are cheap, counterfeits
Sold by i ;.
hi with rail
street Phone
. he
ii on Id order freight In
Sea Y C Line from I
; H. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
to all business.
was and says there will be
a profit in before
May 1st.
These are but
only Imaginary one- baaed his
W. V., Jan. 1901. j lei what market will be.
It that many farm-
Li tie mu
i H I
ml Line
Several citizens wen
in tins eek on fir par
i i One
the cocks was in a-
evidence the defendants
I. A-.,
Cotton and Brokers ii
ate Wires Ne
New Jeans.
A A U E.
From personal experience I
that ,.
are ;, a liver pill-i
they give energy and
do their work with W, I
of people are these tiny little
pills in preference o all others,
because are so pleasant
effectual. They core biliousness,
torpid liver jaundice, sick bead-
lengthen. Sold by Jno
Some limes again.
b V. In
K. D i i hire for a
I days
Moving still on,
must every day b , homes.
in lie S i
with cent
several days lure
last week with her staler, Mis ;.
H. Little.
vet. with us. lie .- a line
land a p
Some farmers are busy preparing
tobacco .-. while ii
figuring to see how much cent
cotton they make.
tic hard. 1ST. G.
Die Stock complete in every
and prices a low the j men if she
o matter low price I market prices
A woman who thinks she ha
eyes like stars always believes she
would be in great danger from
did hold r ,,, under
the advice of Col. Sugg, and get
Had cents It, and bell
urging th. ,,,., lot
hold lo Untie n, hold for
i higher He is his
a d op . s ,,,,
law of supply
that the crop aid
bales, which is
inadequate Tor the ply.
Col has traveled several
times the South and
knows much of con
and he insist
that low j rid-d cotton i a thing of
the Had
take., a the
would have been greatly bitter
i with i a it is.
late, night, and en me in
over hems a e.
of and we are the
W. S. Barnes, of Davidson
has arrested and
bound over to court the charge
Of burning his mill on which there
was insurance.
Cure does for
the stomach which it is
able to do for f, even when but
lightly disordered or over-loaded.
Dyspepsia Cure supplies
the natural juices of digestion
does the work of the stomach, re-
the nervous tension, while
the inflamed of that organ
are allowed to rest and
Dyspepsia Cure digest what
eat and enables the stomach
and digestive organs to transform
all food info rich, red blood. Sold
Clean, Pure only
are oil. We don't call
shoulders Everything
by its honest name,
Five Points.
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
First work sod
seal upon
f. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and
licit rd.
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
County having issued litters of
to me, the undersigned on
the 2nd day of Jan, 1904. on
of alter Evans notice Is
hereby given to all persons
to the estate to make pay-
to the undersigned, and to all
creditors of said estate to
properly to the
undersigned, twelve months
alter the date of or this
will be la bar of
This th day of January
i mm
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt County made on the
day of January in a certain
special proceeding therein pending
entitled J. J. B. Co wife
others against E. a. Wilson and
I will, on
Monday, February 18th. 1804,
before the court house door in Green-
ville, sell at public sale to the highest
bidder, for cash, the following de-
scribed lands situate in Swift Creek
township, Pitt County to One
piece in and on Swift Creek, adjoining
the lands of B. Williams and wife
Jesse J. j. B. Cox and
beginning at a sweet gum,
way I II. Williams corner
thence running north degrees
poles large black
gum; thence south west poles to
a large of the Aaron
Patent; thence north
west poles, thence south west
poles thence north west It poles
to a small pine,
thence north west poles
to the beginning.
other piece the above
tract and the lands of L. B.
.- R- H Harris. It be-
the Identical land granted unto
This the 15th January, 1804
Monday, February 8th, is the
date institute
is nothing n woman
do for a mail who has fold her
that she looks
commission sale
By u re of decree of the
court made in a certain f
proceeding therein pending entitled
J. and others against
X. W. Stancill and dated
l on,
Monday, February 15th
Bell at public sale before the Court
House door in the town of Green
ville, to the highest bidder, a certain
tract or parcel of land situate in
township, Pitt County,
adjoining Locker Swamp, Tar river
the land formerly belong-
to P. A. Atkinson, the of
Richard and others, con
taming acres more or less, and
bring the lands upon which
It. Stancill resided the time of hi
Terms of Bale cash.
This the 15th day of Jan.
Alex. L, yow.

When the Harrison
D. J. V
If we thought e as
died in office, his deputy. Jobs Tyler. about the cotton situation as some of
was not elected to succeed brethren t. know we ,
was murdered. Arthur would be the market , V, ls
elected to him. Herald. j of a lone. Few people
fut i f ti. nm. mi its truth; yet nowadays
in the port office at Grew N. C, as second class matter, promoted
rates made upon application. ever
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties, nomination. of which
as said,
in the application of
It is an old that best
either to lack of opportunity or
devotion to other of
Pitt County, X. C, Tuesday, 1904. T, . n ,
I he Hon. H. A. Gudger deserves
. disappointments in failing to
T, , i v- people learn not to . , . . v .
The election is called. Now show v get once that come to him. He is a
. , ,. with fire arms there will be fewer lit and th
your interest in having a dispensary present
by your works.
Any young man who has never horseback riding is seldom indulged
been in love ought have money in icy- compared with forty or fifty
the savings Herald, ago.
Governor Aycock says he thinks
Judge Parker will be the democrat-
nominee for president.
Mistake. The man who
has never bet u in love hardly has
sense enough to save money.
Fine Type of Southern Congressman.
With his wide hat coat of am-
skirt, and commanding figure,
The general of Virginia
has re-elected John Daniel to
that the president re-
fuses to consider a proposition to
Greensboro is certainly swell ad- advance him is some evidence that
town. When nothing Mr of a judge j Representative Claude Kitchin, of I
of men. It ought to turn out this C is a fine type of
else to attract attention there a way turn Congressman. He
fire- turns his back upon his friends resemblance to another
for no reason than to get handsome Southerner in public life
If the boys on the other side want office. The president's management
against American H. Grudge case will cause his
we expect those on this side can to P
. . Times.
Weather Prophet says Feb
is going to give weather that
is weather, lie predicts it a month
Senator F. M. Simmons made a
So lung as our are so con-
as to allow men to escape
speech in the Senate Wednesday ad-; for their crimes
the ratification of the canal i cannot be blamed for taking ad van-
The Atlantic Coast line has filed
-exceptions to the order of the
ration commission to put on an ex-
train between Rocky Mount and
So it looks like there is to
be no connection with the Southern
railway at Selma.
People have much cotton on
I the mind now to take much interest
in who is going to be governor.
Politics cuts a small figure.
It is said that a congressman can-
not live in Washington on his salary
but it is noticed that none of them
Congressman T. F. of the refuse to stand for re-election on this
eighth North Carolina district, has account
-announced that he will not be a can-
for re-election. The
given for this is that at the end of
his present term he wishes to return
life and again take up his
law practice.
And they are yet voting in the
Maryland legislature without
ting a United States senator. North
Carolina has seen experience of that
President Roosevelt numbers eight j
. , , hi personal
A building and loan assets- . . , , . tn
. staff, their sole duty being to keep
a brick making plant, a
factory. The first will open an
avenue through which to get a home,
the second will provide material for
each other a
If the advocates of the dispensary
building it. and the third will make the election there most be
the furnishings for it. Good P-1 plenty of work in the next month,
here for business in
three of these lines.
The low price of tobacco and high
Let this he done earnestly but with-
out bitterness.
Mr. Bryan has the same right
price of cotton is leading so many M to
planters to say they will quit the
former and cultivate the latter, it is
w hat the democratic party should do,
and it ends right there. Getting
scaring the American Co., put i.
and making them promise higher
prices, if all reports are true. The
farmer who has tobacco would
rather seethe higher prices than to
hear the promise of advance.
The grand jury seems to have a
better nose for gambling than police.
Be it remembered that every Monday
morning the police officers go before
the mayor and depose and say, and
each for himself doth say, that ac-
cording to his best knowledge, in-
formation and belief there is no
gambling in Greenville. Yet when
the grand jury throws out its net
gambles are landed in bunches.
And the school fund gets a
of per head.
Let it be stated at the outset that
the advocates of the dispensary are
such through a desire to injure
any man's business, but because
believe the saloons are injurious
to tie morals of the town sad a
to the young.
something else.
Lawyer Charles Price is reported
to have received a fee of out
of the Wilkes and Stanly county
bond cases in which he appeared.
It is not every time that a lawyer
fell on that size fee, and when he
does he is fixed for life, as the say-
Lucas was a school buy
when the election of
1800 presaged the war between
states. He had been at school in
Orange years, when the
was made for Confederate
he was going to school to the late
Rev. Charles F. Deems. D. D.,. at
Wilson. He volunteered at once-
and served until General Lee
his sword. There was. no.
better soldier, no no
more soul in any army made
up of choice patriotic spirits. In
peace Be served his with as
fidelity and courage as in war;
Long the of the democracy m
Hyde one of the foremost men
in toe First district, he helped to. re-
deem it after the Reconstruction.
He served his people five or six
times in the of representatives
and the State Senate, was a Cleve-
land elector, Shell Fish Commission-
and once led with splendid
age the hope as a candidate
for congress. In the General As-
he was noted for his
on to the highest interests of his
constituents, for his frankness and
sincerity, and his deep seated pa-
He loved his with a
devotion that was beautiful. He
was eloquent, witty, true as steel
a golden hearted gentleman.
During the last session of the
General Assembly he made two or
three speeches that in true eloquence
reached the high water mark of his
powers as an orator. His speech
nominating General Carr for Sena-
tor was by common consent the most
eloquent speech of the session, and
his eulogy of Lee delivered at the
meeting of the Daughters of the Con-
in Raleigh was exquisite.
His eloquent tongue is still in death
but devoted friends will keep hie.
Senator Bailey, of Texas.
Recently Mr. was passing
out of the senate, when a keep-
arose and
Seeing his mistake, he
do look like Senator Bailey,
sir, only you are a heap finer looking
On his journey the corridor
to the house wing of the capitol Mr.
face h ad an appearance of
high n that all but spoke.
A Texas demands of the
administration a place for a
in the cabinet. The president re
plies by them a and
inviting Washington to dine
at the white house. He thinks that
ought to them and make the
vote solids in the doubtful
News and
Among those who had to wait long
over time at the depot for the train
Thursday night, was Judge M. H
Justice, and he, got a fair sample of
what the people aw forced to endure.
He did not mind expressing himself
about it, either, having to wait over,
two hours on a most disagreeable
night for a train reported forty min-
late. The judge said the law
requires that railroads shall give the
public correct information about the
arrival of trains, and that this occur-
night is one that is going
to be investigated.
g to a. poll taken by The
York Herald Democrats in
Congress i against the proposition
to reaffirm the Kansas City platform,
while n it. Of
one is from Colorado, one from Ken-
on e Texas, from
Ci- from Missouri,
and only one from Bryan's own
State, Nebraska; Who are the two
from North Carolina you
The steam was the first
in horseback riding. Dis-
of ten or twenty miles, that a
would previously have
on horseback, were traversed
fraction of the time on a railway
but with distinct loss of
and nervous
Next came the-, bicycle. Men and
omen who were- in the habit of do-
pleasure exercise in the
saddle-transferred their affection to
the running; wheel, which could
spin along a smooth road at a speed
never attempted the most reckless
Finally, the automobile, rapid,
shifty, and a bit dangerous
came to contend with the horse for
mastery in the matter of
exercise and transportation. The
motor car has made a sure for
itself; but neither it nor the chest-
flattening bicycle can claim
with the as a bracer of serves
and of health.
Horseback riding at this season
of the year is taken up by many
people, and this year the is,
greater than, ever before. This
well for a higher
health and a decrease in
and druggists bills. Why not try
horseback riding. It is cheap
the Journal .
His host of friends in Mi
as throughout the state
with deep regret of the death of Col.
of Hyde Ha
was of
and his death is. a less
to las and state. Spending
of him the Raleigh b
A prominent official of the
can Tobacco Company who has made
a trip through the tobacco growing
section east of here has made the
statement that the company will
quite sharply advance the price of
leaf tobacco. He says that it will
have to do this in order to induce
the farmers to plant tobacco this
year. He finds that hundreds cf
farmers are saying they do not in-
tend to plant any tobacco and that
they are making arrangements to
put in other crops. his
statement that there is to be an ad-
vanes, prices there is as no
sign of it, and of course there are
The Citizen is having
its with the who.
want news suppressed. It is an
run up against, and no paper,
haps, precisely is right-
and in settling the
Appeals out
are often very moving. much so
that it seems- hard hearted to
to heed them. Yet to heed
appeals is a form injustice
it weans feeding sons people oat of
one spoon and other, people oat of
another. And is always best
toilet th facts be known.
exaggerates Tim news-
per, when be
will paint a situation no worse than
it is. Most of them, will be
found drawing she mantle charity
over the misdeeds of those whom it
cannot, if it does its duty; entirely
shield. It not rejoicing over one's
downfall or error that causes a news-
paper to print it, is a desire to dis-
charge a to its readers who pay
for all the news in a paper's reach
and expect to get
Same Here.
If every man who reads
papers would do so legitimately, that
is, pay for them, the newspaper bus-
would greatly improve. The
man who is not able to pay is
come to read this paper, as best he
may, bat the other fellow is not
come, except he is on regular
Buying Tobacco Cheap.
in my i
selling at a very low
an-eastern North who
was Raleigh yest.-
you seen said
have been made av a prominent
the Tobacco
Company that his will soon
outfits a sharp ad luxe in the price
of the re of this pa-
pew him.
I have replied,
I tell you this. I am reliably
that markets
the buyers are as high
the limit of their margins, taking in
all the tobacco can at the very
lowest price possible. The farmers;
are openly they are not going;
to plant the present price,
and will put other crops. If the
American Tobacco. Company really
intend to prices there is no
sign of such a thing being
The low price of tobacco made so by
the American Tobacco Company has
struck a hard blow at eastern North
News and Ob-
Don't Enjoy The Show.
A very prominent young lady
of made extra
attend lye-emu outer,
last evening
and after before the
hour or
thinking every of her
clothing arranged,
started for After
there, r, she dis-
covered that she neglected to
change her bed room for
patent leather ones, and It la
needless to say that sue did not
This department is in of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
n i
k, Jan.
We are pleased t. Miss
Bryan, who been quite
for sometime, h entirely re
covered and again taken
charge her in the
Stray taken up. I have
with iii v male pie
black color, weight
about pound Owner can get
same proving property
paying ll
J. B. N. C.
once a week s-w
This season the A. G. Cox
Co., will cell for more cotton
than ever before. The
fir the n i very great.
W. W. Haddock, one of the
oldest s in t county, died
last Wednesday and was buried
Thursday. At one time before the
civil war Mr. one of
most influential business men in
Our farmer friends have com-
for next
than we
their having done before.
They expect big crops big
Ambrose Johnston is erecting a
nice residence on south end of
road street.
Q. A. Co. are buying
immense quantities of cotton seed.
are a nice price and
add much to the income of the
If in need of seed Irish potatoes
northern or crop see
O. A. Kittrell St Co. they can sup-
ply you.
For Bent or and
lot between Cox
and A D. Cox on Academy street.
Apply to O. A. Fair.
The deplorable of
bridges certainly does
not add to the of the
town dots it excuse the
of a little called cuss
as it falls i. in the lips of the
Mr. of was
here this w k buying
of cotton planters,
Mr. ii the Drug
will be to show you their
line of gold and fountain
J. D.
Cox. Board L per day. Best
House in
A, G
Co. have just
ear of wire
furnish you
from to high at prices
ranging to 3-4
We have a nice lot of porch
in i. timber. It you are in need
of them why not let us fit you up
Prices are light. Winterville
Mfg. Co.
One leading farmers has
been giving wire fence a test and
says the Electric weld is the
best fence he ever saw. A. G
Cox Co. have all styles in
Stock d continually buying
O. A Co. will give
you 1333 lbs cotton seed meal in
for a ton of cotton seed
or give per bushel.
If in need of cotton seed
steal corn, hay or anything in the
line see fir. A- ft Co.
load of to
in a few days. See then
G. A. Kittrell Co. have just
received a shipment oats
that are for sale cheap get
prices before buying.
Beggars becoming numerous,
and burglars are growing in equal
many of our citizens were
in Greenville yesterday.
Mr. Jordan, of Norfolk, spent
Wednesday night with G. A.
Oar town are erecting a
lock-up. What tort
W. B. Wingate, who has been
on a visit to came
home yesterday.
We've in C. A.
Fair I. I he burglars had
foul. We had rather be one
live man than two bodies.
Bully for Col. Sugg, the cotton
ball of Greenville. While his
may have come true,
yet we deem it would be wisdom
the part of our farmer friends
to diversify their crops. Some
cotton, some tobacco, plenty of
corn fodder lots of hog.
Do this they will be
dent, otherwise they will be the
subjects of the eyed
as they have always been.
Cotton seed meal hulls
sale. G. A. Kittrell Co,
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot coffins hand. Price
are very reasonable as heretofore
Prompt attention given all orders.
If you want your horse shod
if your harness or shoes
repairing, and for general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
G. A. Kittrell St Co.
We have a nice line hats for
both old and young, also
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
In the account of the robbery
published in Friday's
TOR correction should be
made The two men in the house
near the not have any
fire arms with them, except one
old pistol. One of the men tried
to use this, but was prevented
the other from doing We
gladly make the
Woodland, N. , Jan. 1904.
Nat Nobles has right sick
for the past few days. His play
mates were pleased that he was
able to enter school again
Benny Craft went to Greenville
Miss Cornelia Nobles went to
Miss E la May has
from her illness, and
ed to her Sunday.
Mrs. Jackson,
near Winterville, spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. H. Smith.
The pupils of
school will celebrate North Caro-
Day next Friday.
Master Jesse Davenport is
ill with pneumonia.
trust be will soon be restored
Miss Delia Smith went to Ayden
Friday afternoon, Miss Bessie
her. They returned
Sunday afternoon.
Jesse Jackson, from near Win-
was the neighborhood
J. at. Smith went to Ayden
Lawrence Nobles spent Monday
in Greenville.
A little of Lawrence No
has been sick for several
but is improving.
Crawford is on the sick
POCKET KNIFE In exact of ;.
horn a Una
The guarantee of th.- Clipper Knife .
Knife. U lulls from lo inc.
In behind
N. C.
Several young ladies can get
employ neut operating sewing ma-
chines underwear. The work
is light, neat
Whole families can get employ-
Apply to.
The Cotton Mfg. Co.
N C.
This liar
paid In the world.
Stories, Work, Fashion.
Fair and
About the Poul-
try. Curios Facts
colored full paCT.
s. lie-
Special Articles,
rumor. Poetry, Cur-
Etc. Etc.
for the
are worth
Several Serial Stories each year, th.- kind that sell. In
Stock the Colo
County. City, state.
m i
At any rate, cut out this advertisement and keep
you can find it. Ton may want to
before February
Bend price of the Baa.
tern and Weekly Times-Dig
patch one and this or
and will
the Reflector and th Weekly
each one year. With every
such order, new or renewal, sent on or before
Feb. 1904, you will receive Pit BE
postage fully paid, the and the two
described above.
Cut out ibis Advertisement, and Mail with
amount named above to
Dealer in .
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Crackers and
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff Ci-
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
Fruits and Vegetables, Hominy
and Goods. Green and Roast-
ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry Soaps.
Winterville, If.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
Brought Convict, Paid State
Sheriff W. Harrington of
Pitt county was to
commit to the
Thorne, colored, who was
fenced a few days ago by Judge
to a term three years for
larceny and robbery. The sheriff
said that Judge Justice has
closed a two term of Pitt
Superior court. While here She-
riff paid to State
Treasurer Lacy a check for 01,350
tax for 1804.
A Singular Accident.
A singular accident occurred at
the residence F. Jordan,
sheriff of this county, this morn
at an early hour. A fire had
been built a fire and his
two a and a little girl
three or yearn old, were
playing around the room while the
girl was sweeping. In a
few minutes there was an explosion
and the fire was blown nil over the
At the same time it was
that the little girl had been
hit the heel by a bullet, the
ball deflected and not going
through the foot, but
along the side, leaving a bad flesh
wound. The Ire being scattered
over the room a dressing case
on fire and destroyed a mattress on
a bed. The cartridge had been
left on the floor and was swept
into the fie it exploded.
Greensboro Record.
Half a Mil of j Embers.
North N. Y.,
Haifa square mile of glowing em-
was all that remained today
of one the largest lumber yards
North after last
sight's big
Greenville, N. C.
s Wardrobe
An extra of will
between seasons.
The best ready to wear Trousers can
be found right here. Patterns new
and handsome and made by expert
Trouser builders.
Building is
Medium or heavy weights. Every
pair in
in every respect.
We dote on our Trouser stock.
Moderate prices, too.

J. Proctor Bros
If you lumber build a so,
furniture to go ii It.
dry i j i provisions
for table, tor
farm, we can supply needs.
r rail and are now
in full bias and we are pr
pare I login grind poi n,
hew and, do all kinds
of turned work or
And In i e We also
do g repairing of
carts and wagons.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
hi Dry Goods, Sta-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
i can found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article tor the
house or farm, you can
Highest prices paid
tor cotton, country produce
the farmer sells.
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
the torpid LIVER and restore
natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggists.
Office opposite
next door to Post
who warns the earth if
the very cm get
along without.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco aim Cigars, The
Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Peanuts
I day.
Cold Comfort
I-. we- ; possession of one of
I; insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool water and many dainties that
would be without the Refrigerator.
If; you will want Lawn Mower pretty
soon, mad it easy for you to own one.
There no need co borrow a lawn mower when we
we a good i with knives at such
a r; price, it to do the work.
Water Coo m, lee Cream . i , Hammocks and
I so in hardware line,
S. C. 1904.
C. H. is on the sick
E. E. spent Monday in
Mr. and Mr. Lewis
from near spent Sun-
day afternoon neighborhood
visiting relatives.
attended Sunday
school at Bethany Sunday after-
Little Miss Annie
is quite ill.
and Mrs. E. E. spent
Sunday near Standard
Mies and Mary Worth
visited relatives near Stan-
Charles went over
Exam of Ayden, came out
Tuesday evening on business.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country.
you can get honest goods at living prices. Be
large stock before you buy and be satisfied wit
Greenville's Great Department
.-.-. , I
. .;
This great V hi Sale out with a
New and Superb s of Special January
Merchants , such as has never before
been here, In Excellence, Variety
or Values presented.
Thousands cf yards cf Crisp, pretty
white are here in Patterns that are
varied and must desirable.
The Lace Department
Is full of beautiful new patterns. Torches
and Va Laces in match sets all widths and
A Little Girl Roasts Her Sister to Death.
La Wis., Jan.
the of momentary negligence
ion the part of Mrs. Schmidt,
Matilda, a sixteen mouths old
baby was placed k an oven
her sister Mary, live years old.
burned to death, Mrs. Schmidt
a the oven preparatory
to linking and if was
rd hot. She left three little g
n In II the baby, in the
t I she chopped more fuel in
the u shed about fifty feel from
house die
the baby was missing, but her
; questions to the other children
brought no information. After
the house she smelled a
j peculiar odor, and rushing to the
pulled open the oven door
ml aw her child's body. It
pears five old sister,
that the infant was col
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Ops,
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
sought to warm it, and pushing know what it ft relieves person of all desire
it into oven, closed the
Did in Effort to Save Her.
Wilmington, Del., Jan.
for strong drink or drugs, restores the nervous, system to normal
and reinstates a man to his home and business. For full particulars
Correspondence v b-r N C
e Embroideries
Are just too pretty to talk about, it is
to give you any idea of their must see
them to appreciate them. We nave them all widths and
prices, in match sets complete; and we have bountifully
provided for the little folks in our selection.
J. B. Cherry Co.
Greenville's Great Department Store
Jacobs and his twelve-
year old daughter, Lena, were i
to early today in a I
homo and three other houses at j
Del. Jacobs lost his life
to rescue his daughter. OP NEWARK, K. J., YOUR POLICY
Jacobs was awakened by the Cash
and aroused his wile Paid-up
Escape was cut off by Extended Insurance that works automatically,
way of tho stain, and Is
family were compelled to Will be re-instated if arrears be paid
lump from a second story window.
of and payment of arrears with interest
When they reached a place of second No Restrictions. Inc. testable.
safety Jacob- discovered that his Dividends are payable at the beginning of the set each
daughter Lena was still in t tie year, provided the premium for the current paid,
i he made his way through To Premiums, or
I n t a , To Increase the Insurance, or
the flames to the daughter's room, ., m i , , . , ,
. . . To make policy payable as an .
but was burned to death with her I f insured.
in his attempt at rescue.
Fire in Louisville.
Louisville, Jan.
destroyed mercantile
warehouse, entailing losses upon
several wholesale firms, which
aggregated about The
fire caused a slight panic among
the guests of the Gait House, near-
by, which did not result in injury
to any one.
J. L,. SUGG,
Greenville N. C.
Wise is the man who uses
stumbling blocks as stepping
Many a man's conscience trouble
him only his neighbor does
something wrong.
both ears clipped and
Party finding same will please
notify me, and be rewarded.
David , K, O
e r.
W. Main St
o North Carolina
Daily 1904.
. J i is quite
muse left Wednesday
i i for
. . U. . returned to
i n Wednesday.
. left
evening for Wilson.
D. Liles returned Wednesday
evening from Newport News.
Rev. J. B. Morton left this
in for his home in Pulaski,
B B. Wed-
evening a trip up the
II. A. of Tarboro, spent
last here and left this morn-
Mrs. W. H. Ricks returned
evening from a visit
to Grimesland.
Mrs. It. T. Wilson, of
land, arrived Wednesday evening
to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. H.
Mr. Mrs. J. S.
Newark, N. J., who have been
Mr. and Mrs. Ola Forbes,
left this morning.
Mrs. William J. Boyd, of Ed-
came up this morning from
Ayden to spend the day with Miss
Lucy Johnson.
Prof. W. B. Dove has been
with Superintendent W. H. Rags-
dale the last, few days visiting the
rural schools.
Miss Moore returned
today from an extended visit to
Washington, Bath and
Miss Alice of Yates-
ville, accompanied her home for a
Daily REFLECTOR, Jan., 1904
W H. Cox, of Kinston, spent
today here.
B. Liles left this morning
for Edenton.
Mrs. H. B. has been
sick for the past two days.
Miss Elba Gotten returned to
school at Baltimore today.
Mrs. Boyd returned to
Ayden Thursday evening,
J. E. Winslow and Josh Mills
left this morning tor City.
R. Cotton left this morning
for a trip to Baltimore Anna-
J. A. Hornaday returned
I evening from Rocky
Judge M. II. Justice left Thurs-
day evening ton his home at Ruth-
Miss Jessie Lee Sugg and broth-
Julius, this morning
from Kinston.
W. E. White, of Hertford, who
has been visiting his uncle. J.
White, left this morning.
Mrs. Denmark, of Kin-
who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Starkey, returned home Thursday
Cotton seed and com for sale
by W. P. Washington,
N. V. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One customer
gathered one acre In cotton
the past fall over pounds of
cotton, made from my
com to per acre
after spring crop of cabbage. I
have- a limited cotton
to sell. Price of corn to
per bushel. Cotton seed
per bushel. 1- -4-k D. W-
Just received
new 1-9

i ii
-w- tr-
Hook Played on a
Woman He
I wit par excel-
the early nineteenth
a name that brings a
I i glow to the as
at ; . . e of go . and
L. ; We suspect however,
few people today could
give a Recount of v Theo-
I i . is an I . he did.
An i-i the by Via-
com St. e wit and bis
. pretty i before the mind.
This famous hoax, for example,
oft on M re. lei in,
; street who had
of i I e i to many
r and i.- at I worth re-
the old . the talk
of lie said, and according-
to i very son and Kind of
nil is said to in all
then f her house in
lit tin re ; i on ii certain day.
thing says a
newspaper of the time, six
men bearing i Bur-
rounded by nine p i.; . barbers
with n i era with
. o with the
i . t their trade.
Waco- coal from the
rt load.;, ;
en of every description
filled the s i et. ,; these, a
.- brought to tho
made i; order, agreeable to letter,
five feel i ;. sixteen inches. There
were . i-, ah ,
mint. n inters of
ever places
Certain r be made re-
l i implicit . Ill .;
band tied the Bank of Eng-
land brought tho governor of that
Tho h id mayor and
his el v ere allured by an
to i the
of a peculating common
while Hie Duke
d oft n ii
to i . a
Hair Falls
I tried Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from falling. One-
a bottle cared
J. C. Baxter, III.
Hair Vigor is
certainly the most
preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it noes a Ion; way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
flair. ah
your druggist cannot supply
and dollar will
give tho
J. c. k Kit Lowell, Mum.
ii i
In a row in the South Mountain
section of Burke county three men
all white, were killed.
The official estimate of the loss
to the State Normal College, at
Greensboro, by the fire is
at The amount
insurance to lie paid is
Dr. J. W. Jones, an aged
of Tarboro, died Thursday.
a dying woman, .
on h- royal
mother. His . re the
conspicuous on
hi it certainly been a
rest to life in those days,
tho i Id lad of vi -i may
. id the joke n itch
tn II i tor
who a i op-
the fated and looked
down on i
and that filled the
block r i
i tho London
it in Scribner's
. i a sign in I n,
aim, V
ion i
i in
W. Cox to Kinston
Miss Mattie baa return-
ed from
G. left this
morning for Keck.
left ti. morning
ton, Joseph
left Florida.
Secretary of state Bryan
Crimea came Friday night from
Mrs. E. L. Brooke and child, of
ion, came over this morning
to visit her father, I. A,
Miss Fa tin Cherry, i f
has been visiting her brother,
M. home Friday
Mis, William J. Boyd came up
morning from to spend
day here home
on the evening train.
airs. J. T. Howard,
bus been visiting her rand
little Margaret
Bethel, N. C, 1904.
Miss Hie attended the
at Tarboro.
W. A. Whitehurst and I. W.
House spent in Tarboro.
Robt. spent Thursday in
Tarboro on
Miss Mattie Grimes spent
night Tarboro and
returned Friday.
B. L. and T. A.
Roberts, of Tarboro, were town
yesterday on business.
The cold weather to
stay with us awhile, it keeps
Joe Bowers, spent the night in
town We were delighted to have
with us.
D. Thomas to Green-
ville on business Thursday.
W. G. Lamb and have been
with us a few days, you can
what for.
The farmers are selling cot-
G. G. Brooks, of Norfolk, was
in town today business.
W. J. spent the day
in town.
W. L. Hall, of Norfolk, was in
town Thursday on business.
Miss Elizabeth Jones spent last
night with Miss Inez Thomas.
J. R. returned home
this morning from where
he has been surveying.
We Give Rebate Checks-
will put on sale Monday, Feb. 1st
one case Percale, regular price as
long as they last yard.
Another week of Odds and
Ends and this will end our great
Odd and End Sale.
C. L. Wilkinson Co.
returned home
r, ; v. i i h
. ., ;
i in i those
I .
. i ., .
t was
i lined
i a.;
. .
Surplus Larger Than Capital
Greenville makes a
of its .;
close business Jan.
not . in tin
. undivided
I i i. r th-m ii capital
i . f w ii
i make in
. .
up Our Claims for
Fact i an not
a stimulant.
Fact and lends
permanent vigor to entire
h not a but
a normal, scientific cure for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It restores the nervous and
tendency to or low spirits
Women with troubles peculiar to their set are
to -ct health. will
add his testimony to ours.
will make more
. H.
Th .
h his
I j o v i out
i late
morn will
i yon tin
. . . . tin i i .
. I
. I
. i, rather
up i
the old man
I . ; at i . m ; been
all. bis way
Breaking Gently.
now you
hare pi en up Hopkins,
be would stop coming to the
been here only
i times week, pa.
seven times How many
do you want him to
be harsh, father. George
is trying to break it off
It is said the same burglars who
cracked the sale at Winterville
were loafing Greenville
early in the week.
Cotton keeps soaring. The lo-
cal price went to cents today
a shade a little above.
ST. C.
. W. of is
spending a few days with us.
IT. O. Mayo was our streets a
few days ago,
B. Mayo and A. O. Clark
a g trip to Washington
ii. Proctor is spending a few
days i th s week.
O. Pro have add
ed a boiler to their mill plant.
T. P. Proctor is painting his
It. i. Mayo, of baa
a with J, O.
tor II .
Miss Laura of James-
. i t W . May .
has taken a
M tin ford Green-
T. J. T and Brace
have to We
hope them success their new
L. B. Elks went to Washington
Quick Time
The Durham mentions the
sending telegram the West-
from to New York and
receiving the answer in minutes.
It has been done several times from
the Greenville the same
company minutes.
R. J. Cobb.
C. V. York.
L. H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to-date and of the best
S make.
Plans contract for erection
I buildings.
Tinning, Slating, and kin sheet
metal work. Our in is fourth
is marble yard. L. has of
our tinning and department. V b m
B master of his trade.
We ask for our the public and
j will do our best to give
v u
N. C, Jan. John
treasurer of Person
county, died last night. He was
stricken with paralysis a few days
ago. A day or two after that
pneumonia developed, which was
too much for his constitution.
fob far i try.
According to figures furnished
us by Mr. W, Harvey, secretary
of the tobacco board of trade, the
sales of t th i Give t
ville market for the month of Jan-
were pounds. The
total for the season up to this
time reaches pounds.
Death at Ayden.
Ayden, N. Jan.
W. J. Branch died here at
o'clock today, days
sickness with He
was years of age, and leaves a
widow, four children, mother and
two brothers. The latter are D.
N. and J. A. Branch. Peace to
The Sleet covered wires and trees
fairly in the few bursts
of sunshine today.
The Post actually print-
ed Beautiful
Looking After.
Be; i is told that
there is a man in town going
house to offering to repair
sewing machines, who is very
abusive to ladies who do not give
him work. Such conduct should
not be permitted.
Since writing the above we learn
that the man was looked after this
afternoon. When Mr.
Cherry went home to dinner
Cher-y told him a sewing machine
j repairer bad been there and used
language to her. Mr.
Cherry came town and
found the man, who, course,
entered a denial. Mr. Cherry
took the man back to his house
for identification and at once the
fact was established. The next
move by Mr. Cherry's fist in
the direction of the man's head,
and soon there was blood
i. r .-.-
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
A Divided Court Decides That
North Carolina Must Pay
Washington, Feb. By a
divided bench to
today decided that the
of North Carolina must pay the
state of South Dakota be-
fore January, being
toned to of
London, an. of
mystery which
with the rep sited i Mrs.
a life m for g her
value of the ten second mortgage husband, said
bonds of the Western North Caro-
Railroad, issued by the state
in 1867, and which were donated
to the South Dakota by
that she lits bees remove-1 from
p At the Jolted
Stales i
d had
for the and
pose of bringing the The
was written by Justice
Brewer and was concurred In by
and Holm as. The four
who dissent and BUS North
Carolina's contention are Chief
Justice Fuller ices White,
and Day.
As to the second
New the court, held that
were not proper parties to
the suit could recover.
But the validity bonds
having been established despite
North Carolina's decision to can
promise them
on the dollar, the opinion
generally prevails Hit
holders of them will it- able
to force a compromise with the
ultimately some-
thing like their face value. The.
of hands Is under-
stood to be and
with coupons unredeemed it is
understood they approximated a
doing of
need, arid
look you a Is it
not the man of means
who wishes to use I is to
rich, to increase his wealth
is the of
graft corruption
than who needs the money
t his
Go any branch
a board t-
States the
these s are
t govern-
and civic are
men are
men of
the very
was still p
When- i en r there is need of
mains n tery, bot
to the effect
men to whether rich
has he a removed t schemes there is
Washington, D. Feb. 1904
On We there was a strange
in of
United Slates cavalry glittered and
clattered down the avenue to escort
the new Tali, from
the depot to his hotel. Has it came
to ibis, a citizen when called to
the I have a military es-
When did a parade ever
before lake place
The administration has
itself by doing another ex-
and unheard of thing.
the of lit
ii published at government ox
; biography of him of a thou
sand pages, painting pictorial
home office the governor of the, who needs
tail lit heroism in affairs
refused his family an
kind of i m
Mail ill. Mr.
is ti-i
t tat tin,
attached to i cc from
is in Pres-
advice. Young
men to int.
except they wish
ht advance a or make
better government,
poor men and rich men ought t
office. is
Houses lot Farm
the -ease of Mrs.
M in which has
A IS the country is heard the
complaint of the scarcity of
labor. Upon this, we base our ore
diction cotton w remain for
some time at a price that will make
its cultivation profitable.
Our farm
he public than public
f her and in but i so
endeavor to destroy the Hie
to herself. of any n as
to a hi of
If should command his
and ii m,
b en I I y .,, . -y ,;,.,,.,,.
to . . f
has been tin
t Mi.
mat tor. last t h.
bad this section covered out
e. and is now some . , ,.,,.,., ,.
Mrs. i ,, ., M,;,,, i,. n-
ton. V in ibis as
Lest Tobacco and More n
would be late i i
good . I r we believe ii will
. m re
in Politics . . , ,. .,
they raise their
after all the die- supplies so for as possible.
President Had- Tobacco i now bringing a
gone a during ,,, , .,, Bay price Dot that fact mil
in Cabs, the Philippines and
ma. Are Hay, Moody, Hitchcock,
Wood, to have
page biographies at
the expense of the people And
is the matter with thrilling
histories of
i be the filing h
fall the bills before congress to
meet in this city
enacted into a
a million dollars
wit be and will
be erected Count
tie Gnat,
Ian, General
who and
low. is said they lac-j
ed on I en i. be-.
can be i -o fully
. ell. J . v
i thirty these
. r cavalry
squadron of ant city in the world.
A prop ; give III
standing room cu the corner
I he Great is in
A quiet but very home
wedding took place Ibis morning
at the residence of J.
where his
Elisabeth Forrest, me the
wife of Col. J. Bryan Grimes,
secretary of state. The ceremony
was by I Father
Price, of
The bride was becomingly at-
in a dark blue tailor gown
hat to and carried a
fragrant bunch of purple violets.
The only attendants were Miss
of Bab I more, as maid of
and Mr. Grimes,
brother of the groom, as best man.
Miss Nina James, Hie piano,
played Schubert's Serenade
daring the
The couple left on the 8-80 train
for their future home.
The guest a distance at-
lending the marriage wt re Mr.
Mrs. W. D. Grimes an Mr.
Grimes, Was
Alston Grimes hi Messrs.
R. It. and
years mid large
with hired can no
be in this of tin.
It is quite that tin-
farmers who have the
Jot renters live in have
flats of tenants to work laud.
i j.-ii
If he had made
that statement, it would
hanked with freak
iii to pi ml all
heavily. trust may have put
iv i in r lo ii
the demand I
I of
Sit I. nominate
i -k r Hie nun
I in i; ratio speech
i ii if the , v.
lie aid. in i lout's
price i ; much i
the farm m
In slavery times Che as a
rule, bad good, comfortable houses
to line in, but for years niter the
war but little attention was paid to
the houses and the colored people, a
large number of them, seemed V. be
satisfied with any kind of a to
live in, and many are still
happy and contented a-
but as we said before,
tenants, both white
and colored, demand good to
live in and the farmer who provides
them receives a large income from
his farm and is not troubled every
year to secure labor to work the
A, , by the New
docs ma i
William C, Whitney Dead
New Feb.
Whitney, former secretary
of the Navy, died a few minutes
after four o'clock this at
his how, Avenue.
lie died while under the
either a
a second operation ft
up or who depresses them.
So r. be knows prices
that every and then I a
emanate colleges and leaf. The firmer f. r practical as and ;
,, i-i am to he peace and
i of this country; as contrary
to the i p of
in its with
nations, those of ibis
i ii ire as not calculated to
us in the and esteem
of be should pro-
liable for the i iv ii v. unless, I
perhaps, and if.
The the day is the vigor-
dent Ii
did mot warn all except the
link out of but advises J subject to this
young man not to seek office until h would do well to look askance
be had made himself in some crops. Especially should he do
measure its
reward-, so that immediate
starvation or mm approach to
himself fatally not be
the failure to win
an election or of dismissal from a
How much money does It lake
to make a man some measure
independent of its re-
That will vary with in
tastes and environ-
so when lie other money crops
band that arc beyond such complete
control by any man or set of men.
Go light on tobacco for a year or
so and it may help the demand
the weed. Free Press.
, nus and brilliant maiden of
Coroner Jury Declares Glover Guilty.
The coroner's jury, which held
an inquest over the body of W. J.
bee, who was killed Wednesday
It would have been better night, eleven miles of Smith-
Senator Stone, i of Mis
in denunciation of the
conduct the i
ma canal. bad
secession and rebellion and taken
active part in the of a
sister republic; and he added, am
to believe it is due more to
impulsiveness, and to that volcanic,
irrepressible love he has for
if Preside-it Hadley had warned field, N. C. a that
young men Dot to go into politics j Lee was killed by
until they had made a place for It appears both men were
themselves in their profession or Intoxicated and that as Die result
business and warned all
to be upon the Lee to death. Glover's pocket
pecuniary washed, the
that some ye smears of
The Custis Family Bib
Philadelphia, Feb. .
of the family . Robert
F. Lee are . regain
of the Custis family
Bible, which Martha
used in her morning devotions
and which contains the birth and
death records of many of Amer-
famous men.
Tin Bible was mislaid lo
family in . n
Arlington in B. i Mow-
Gen. Lee's from
the United Slates ion R
Mary Lee, . r
Gen. Lee, while visiting i city
learned, an
letter, that the Bible was j , the
George W
Jr . a well known Mason, She
wrote to Mr. and asked
him to return it, he d
urn it is probable
the on of the
Bible III be
Mr. Bible
years a o from n. mimed
Stein, d
Hi Ken-
Mr. S en father,
ho was a i in i r Ion
army, bought the lank m set-
bi, who bad i
it from a soldier who found ii in
The Bible was by
Charles Bell, in I contain-
ed entries of births of
1710, and Daniel Parke Custis,
October 1.1,
the the marriage of
Daniel and Martha Custis the
births cf their various
On the page at the end of the
is birth r n of
George W. P. the
son of Washington.
eruptive, lurid, and
of a between Glover
take no pride in seeing my country
before the world like a
in politics succumb to the tempts- f on tho
the bride, in South Greenville,
Mr. Sheppard Manning and Miss
Maggie Laughinghouse were mar-
the y being perform-
ed by W. II.
fattier of the bride. The
were L. F. Waters with Miss.
Mamie Basil Dixon with.
Miss No in

Eastern reflector, 2 February 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 02, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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