Eastern reflector, 29 January 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

W. L. Brown returned
day evening front Tarboro. .
II. C. Hooker left this
for Odessa. .
A; R. Breedlove tin morn-
fur Springs.
Be die Tail lei r i-
to visit relatives in Henderson.
Miss Came Gay this
; visit
Miss Mary I
more-, is Miss Lizzie
Alex of New Y
who been hi re a few
left this morning for Goldsboro.
B. l. C, James and
Vick this morning for
New York.
Rev. en,
the Watch
. is in
day evening from up the
. C. Lamb and son, Wilson
left day g for Kin
J. Li. i V,
evening from trip on the
Mm. It. O. Jeff
i ,
to v i
.-.-. . .-
Hair Splits
have used Vigor
for thirty years, it is tor
hair dressing sod for k the
hair from the
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the
splitting is done on your
I own head, it loses friends
for for hair of
your bead is a friend.
Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
If cannot you,
ill v will
of your
J. C. A CO., Level,
curt ti-st the county
home Had been and the
I inmate found as well cared for
could be under the circumstances.
jury that some
needed be provided, and
that other buildings be repaired.
The jail was reported in good
condition and the prisoners well
cared for. The building was de
insecure it was
mended that a piece of sheet iron
lie fastened on outside of cells sol
as to prevent prisoners
on locks of the doors.
The offices of the several county ;
were reported all light and
well preserved. It was I
that a plank floor
lie placed in the clerk's office.
Superior Court.
The follow ens Lave been
disposed since previous report;
The jury in the case against
The College Will Not Close.
Fuller particulars of the fire at
the State Normal and Industrial
College at Thursday
i in leg, state that the fire
about o'clock in the kitchen,
Moore, for
and was breaking through the
dis- .
the case
from a i
made a rial, i ad
after having
nearly boors.
W, T. and
Han is,
each and costs.
The grand jury on Wednesday
found bills if
of when discovered by the
watchman, With of
i ind the watchman rushed I
through the dormitory and had
be girls awakened could
gel -mt without a panic. In this way j
all escaped without ii jury.
;. on the fourth floor were
, . at one time and had a
ens i is murder
against Jessie Haddock, Jr.
C. L Wilkinson Co.
Give Rebate Checks
Saturday morning, Jan.
will start a sale which will interest the buy-
public. This will be a sale of
and Ends .
Odds and Ends in Dress Goods
odds and Ends in Slips
Odds and Ends in
Odds and Ends in Hosiery
Odds and in Shoes
Odds and Ends in Clothing and Pants
Odds and in Men's and Boy's Clothing
Odds and Ends in Umbrellas
Odds and Ends in and Lacs
Full in. Black Taffeta Silk
This and sale will last just one week.
Our purpose is to stock for spring business.
C. L Wilkinson Co.
.- of Ayden, is
V; . ; A
M Li Parker, of m-
ville, visiting
;. man
-r Of N
i I evening
sister. Mi i,
W H th.
named It ., at
Haddock arr r-
to jail. baa been
I Bel for the trial.
Basher Barnhill, Simon Barn
j bill, Harry Km. Barn-I
I hill Davenport, Ires-
, pi not .
i scape. One hundred and twenty
live I he girls lust all they had at
school, and many others lost
more or of their clothing. i
The citizens of Greensboro
showed their magnanimity
in this trying situation. The
car company tendered free
r the cars the hotels
thrown open to them for breakfast.;
ids of invitations to homes
. . II i I, i- Lena
in to hilt, John Ben
I-. Jesse I.- i Seine.
ii the were and
,. forcible in .
f, V. u,
,; affray, John
i . .
r, B Patrick, in
ii. p u-a ma i
,. c I . , y.
I ;. . .,
the morning was half gone
he girls were comfortably I
Tee offered
J F.
Neck I
went I
i v. no . ;
,, affray, Is guilty,
I of
in g.
A . i to Sc
it visit Kin
nit costs.
, . plead guilty inn
If guilty.
. . . , I U II
; to all who bad lost
and the Southern rail-
way offered free
return to who
vi ii Id find ii necessary to go to
Dr. the col
legs would not close but go right,;
on with its regular work. The
burned dormitory was insured and
ii he taken lit once to
R. J. C. V. York. L. It Pender.
The Building;
if, ;. . K .-. M S
. . . b . Bi N n a nil
The memorial window to hi
., in the Baptist church
in mi emulation of the
of the Baptist State
I on in ha re, I
,,,. ed. he window will be placed
; .
,., , Police J. T. Si w
to Well In to b
a . . v
, I
A. el to Ayden
It. f. W. I left this morn-
for Hamilton.
Miss Quinn left Friday
for a visit to Winter ville.
Hilton Johnson, one of The
boys, has been on the
sick list the last two days.
in ii i m on will be
, each
B Jr.,
. ; I bad I
. 1.1
s . ,. was lured
veil d ii appropriate
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to dale and of the best
and contracts taken for erection of
build logs,
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and nil kinds of sheet
metal work, Our In on fourth street,
L marble yard, Mr. ft. L. Wyatt has charge of
r ti ii slating department. You will find hi m
a master of his trade.
V. h ask for our share public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
X. Jan
The I. O. O. F. of Bethel last week.
The Literal-
tended the tournament at
j. Mayo returned from
y society
11,8.1 J. J. reached us late yesterday No. met Tuesday evening rendered a good program Friday
Edgar Keel, who has been here sentenced to
on a visit to his father, H.
for Nor- Ward, entering house
j at night, not guilty.
, Almond Daniel, forcible
O. K. Moore, foreman of The
left this morning for
Mount to meet his family
who are coming from Mt. Airy.
of the death of Mr. J-j,.,,.,.,,.,,
,,, . . m one of the oldest
a highly respected citizens
George Baker and I of our Mr Worth
.,., affray, John Baker had been lo feeble
Others guilty, several years, and the sad news
S . one-ball costs each. came as no surprise. His remains
I Edmonds and Bob Johnson, I will OS Interred this
He leaves one child and hosts of
friends relatives to mourn his
J. M. has gone to
den today on business.
affray, Edwards not guilty, John-
Kill larceny, guilty,
Keel, this morning
pass, guilty, sentenced months
on roads.
Daniel, assault with
j deadly weapon, not guilty.
. . K W. H. Mercer, retailing, guilty,
raised her baby and a pig on the I
, bottle ought not to stumble i
The tire alarm Friday
night was caused by a slight
an outbuilding on the premises
occupied by Mrs. Fannie Jenkins,
on Pitt street. There was no
damage of consequence. It was
the first fire here sines
at Journal.
The grand jury in its report to summer.
V. G. Julius Brown.
J. E Carson.
Trees. M. O.
Mrs. S. T. Carson and child,
who have quite ill, con-
M. O, Blount has returned from
Rocky Mount.
afternoon. After a recitation by
Carson and a lending
by Miss Jones and
Griffin, there a lively debate
by Whit Chery, Wright Nelson,
Walter Theron
Thomas, on the query whiskey
has caused more crimes than all
other causes.
the Bethel items last week
the correspondent was made to
say that the learned that
Miss Amanda Roebuck, of Ev-i impossible to go to
, , a , , . ville the train, to attend the
will spend Saturday Association. It
Sunday at home return to; that the
school Monday.
Griffin, Griffin
Jasper Andrews, of
will return to school Monday after
spending Saturday and Sunday at
Mrs. M. O. has returned
form Norfolk.
Several of the Bethel people at-
ice was impassible too late to go
on the train Friday evening.
Etta Taylor and Miss Mar-
Everett, of
are visiting in town.
Mr. Blount, of Mount,
is in town business.
Washington is supplying
the town with shoes.
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Among prominent ,
Sentenced Foot
A upon the of
j Greensboro, N. C. Jan. 27-
The trial of Haddock, Jr., j Association f City .,
of Prof- th.- three-Story
court Hotel
or were culled end all secretary and by Miss Kate.
The was pied by
the Postal Telegraph Co., King
Bros . F T.
Assembly in the pest few years
I attracted from
but were In
the jury. The jar as
ed to of J
II. ii. V, T.
A. l. J. J. P.
.-. I.
c L t;. y.
Cherry. John If Jr .
Warren, Jr. and J. a. Thigpen.
Col I. A. Bug. with
Solicitor Moo i the en .
Messrs. Jarvis ft the a-d the work
moos infusing life an
in his
Cut I,
I .
I Mil ,. ,. ;
In- printer, the
and Manufacturers Club.
m- ii--,. . in
.- lot ;. j H
i he Hid of ; he
of I hi- J
In ; as . -.-
appear for I he deb use
The given the
the trial of Haddock, Jr.
for murder, at o'clock Tuesday
night, court remaining in
until hour in older the
speeches of might be con
eluded and Judge Justice deliver
bis charge.
Soon after the Resembling
court this morning the jury
Into the box and announced trial
a verdict had been ached. Tin
verdict was unit was
guilty manslaughter With
the verdict the jury recommended
that the lightest sentence possible
be imposed.
for the defense made a
motion for a new trial which was
overruled by Ilia conn. Haddock
was sentenced to four months in
county jail.
Notice of to Supreme
court The appeal bond
was fixed and appearance
bond at Bi Hector,
lie M
Stale Assembly,
t is m v ,,,,. .,
work in Norm In
its deliberations
us of have worked
much what is lust in our school
Bro. k valued
badly damaged. Tiny
C. printing plant
badly damaged i y water,
red insurance.
Club quarters In third story en-
through influence destroyed. Less
The loss on the building is
en ii by Insurance.
much has been done to put these
ideas Into legislation. This year
an Important one in our
life. Within a
What the world calls failure is
often success.
A place to eat and sleep not
all is required to make a
If your is empty ii is prob-
ably because you have put
into it.
this is the
to the a of
The fellow who writs for some-
body to give in in a start j
us finds hen death approach-
M reach hacks
and touch . r
The ins . ,.,,.
hOUr i- . J .,, .,.; .-.,,.
man o i e .
. the
eleven Hi hour is t ,, ,
it h trouble.
Program for Sal 13th,
roll call.
Prof. at Carolina Club.
The c ,. club
were crowded Monday evening
from to with the
brilliantly exquisite and
ladies and
gentleman of the town. The
by the of
the club to Prof. R,
III., and musical
Many office tenants lost their I rector of Atlantic Christian college
he executive committee of principal among them of Wilson, N. C.
Assassins at Id
Sunday morning about o'clock
a man going hi
the rear of store,
field, found downward
his Ride, a white
who proved he Xii.
called generally Bud Bell, dead
and The it's
a mound by the
thrown of two ditches, which.
at Unit point, were not hull a
dozen feel
Who killed man, or the
was committed is , m
Where found I here were no signs
of a struggle. On the side the
man's bead was a wound extend
from front to rear, but the
skin was broken only about two
inches. There wt-re some as
A if the man, before life mid de-
parted, inn Ins hand over that
part of the wounded
sf Southerner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
request the of your presence
the marriage their daughter
Elizabeth Forrest
Mr. J. Bryan Grimes
Wednesday morning,
February the third
nineteen hundred and four
at eight o'clock
At Home
North Carolina.
will meet to plan the Richardson whose Ii-
greatest and most important line was destroy-
f that has yet
upon by our body. This la the third serious fire in
The committee will at ten days.
Prof. a most
splendid musical rec consisting
of a program of three parts.
The reception rooms were
crowded with the beautiful, cut-
women nit n of toe town
s were charmed
with the . f the w-
a ft e
. son were i i- . .
t,. , . ,, of the Carolina Club lo invite this
and Friday
lime decide upon the
will be done to make be a,,,., m . ,.
x. O. January 27.1904.
of the assembly a sue. from the I
standpoint of attendance,
and effective work. We distinguished musician in-
appeal to the of the Stale; w , p,
to rally as never before at
in June, that with
may he wise and that
great body of laborers may be T- went, to Green-
organized, from one S
end of the state to the other, for j , was
the people among whom we labor.
to . of sold here
i this week at cents a
A Genius a man who the
faculty of doing certain excellent
things in a masterly way What
other men work out with sweat
this man does
jauntily, joyously and without
seeming thought While
e speak in a others are talking about the thing
now, but say that he does it. And be can never
was here Toe-day. ho or why
Hooks has opened an office
i- the I'm Banquet.
Monday .,.,,
the of our concern
in making Hie program will
I hose things which will promote
. he interest
III our
fa- hay. ear lime, e-r o.-it, car
and ear arrived O. M
week of Deeds It,
Williams issued licenses the
following couples;
Jas. L. Mooring and Bertha M,
Woods rd.
Smithy d Laugh-
E B. Byrd and
and till I L. Hath-
Freeman a ml
T. J. Beach Katie Martin.
Zeb and Boss Elks.
Henry and Lora
Henry Evans and Lillie
Henry Dupree and Olivia New-1
Dennis and Flora Ann
Leander Hunter and Maggie
No cards issued in town or Mack Stancil and Bryant-
county. John Mitchel and Mary Moore.
R. Smith
Allen Cannon is with
W. V Hart had a door closed
on hi finger Tuesday
it m Dr. Skinner took
joint of it
Frank Worthington is right sick
with pneumonia.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. are
building a large Storage house
and blacksmith shop and will
begin to in a fact buggies in
about days.
Miss Nina Cannon returned from
State Normal Monday.
C. A. Fair, an experienced
buggy trimmer, bat made arrange-
to locate here and will be
with the Ayden Milling Mfg.
W. F. Mosely, a highly esteemed
citizen has been in our midst
four years, will move to
in a days. loss is
Mrs. W. F. Hart returned from
Monday where she bad
been several weeks with her sick
here gave
of Mice lore I graded school, In
appreciation of his among
his people for their it.
The was largely attended
by the more ambitious of the race
a this community reported
to highly creditable affair.
Small Fire.
Sonic young men walking along
the railroad track about o'clock,
Sunday afternoon, raw smoke
coming out of the factory of the
Building Lumber Co., and a
closer investigation showed dames
in the office. gave the alarm,
and breaking open the office rushed
in through the dense smoke to
find the tire. Both the floor and
side wall of the office were burn-
but owing to the timely dis-
the fire was put out with
only to the building.
It is surmised that the fire was
by a box of saw dust used
the office for a and
trash receptacle, into which some
one had dropped a cigar stump
or the end of a lighted match.
The fire was burning around this
box of saw
m. Devotional
Hi v. J. a. .
Reading s
Report of teachers.
Model e
work, Miss Annie Perkins.
General discus- i
Paper, f Objects in
Mi ; ,,.;,.
General discussion.
M. hi- and
I ; ; J J. ; . -e.
. Teach-
of . Rev. G.
. Hat
r, . an.
; i
Each in
and baud to th-
any question lie , m n desire
pertaining t i work.
Judge a Candidate.
Judge W. A Hoke, of Lincoln-
ton, was a visitor in the city yes-
on hi- way
City, where be will ho
yon a candidate for
associate hip
was the reply.
There can lie n RS to
Judge strength his
ability ass jurist.
retirement of Judges Dong,
las and Montgomery . in leave
two vacancies on the Supreme
conn. Judge George II. Brown
Jr., Weening , ems to be
slated an man east to
fill one of he vacancies.
the western the
state is between Judge and
Judge M, H.
Died at of
man for in
ed at In
v, be d,
his i--
OH f i
ma vis v
. lo
own i
lie o
old e
old col-
l ears
T re-
Pension d
Senator seems no
longer to the silver
oral or of the United Sates senate,
but rather
Between December 7th and
he introduced bills six
were for increase of -tin, four
for new pensions and live
Grading the Road.
The work of the grading of the
Raleigh Railroad
started last week at a point near
Raleigh. Fifty convicts are at
work and the number of laborers
will be increased as fast as they
can be secured. It is expected
that the road will be completed
inside of two years.
Attention is called to the notice
by R. Williams of entry of land
made by Geo. W. Gardner.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L. E. SAWYER, who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
V X V W.
N. Jan
been very busy round
about our Madam
says we are to have two or three
marriages next week.
was here week looking
the school, rather the
This being year, tie chair-
man of the Old Maids Convention
has notified members
elect to me t in oar city
early next mom h. r hats off
Our street lights are very poor.
Not are tie too few
far between, hut
the lights grow dim before
o'clock. Our city lathers might
The ladies invaded the dining-
room ft lie parsonage
week and left sub-
evidence of their good
will. The par-sou and hie faun.;,
may Buffer bile they sojourn in
this town, bin iI they will
be from indigestion or gout.
W. G. administrator of R. H.
to notify th public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said H. at his death, and s offer
to the i of cost. The stock consists
or a fall line of DRY GOODS, NO i IONS,
HATS, CAPS. Mini-1 hardware and all fresh and
i nice W. agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg
Co. All suits made to order to tit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit. guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
The Branch of the Barter n Reflector is in charge
of C. E Bradley, who it authorized to transact any bust
the paper in and. territory.
The Sad of a Dog.
is Midi a said Air.
George a
dog be spoiled by having
characteristics. Now, I
have a pointer, and lucre's
matter with bun except he
acts like people. The
her day I Mime food to
hi ii in the of soy store.
He hungry; he looked at
the plate, and and went
to sleep I went out and
got a poor little street dog
friend of mine. Be was ravenous,
When he saw the food he went at
it as if starved. In a second the
pointer awake, and sprang at
the dug his up.
He scared the lit lie dog away from
the plate and then ate up every
crumb on it. My, wasn't that
General Merchants.
No need going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Munger Cotton
N. C.
thirty years of successful business I am
better than ever prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It. is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
HA full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country prod
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
Quarter Million Dollar Fire in New
New York, building
pied by in lira Brothers,
goods. K. B. On ,
hats, and
Brothers, and
clothing, was
destroyed by early today, The
total loss Is estimated, at
It is iron grip of
that makes one's cloths look rusty.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
J. H- CO-
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
and Surgeon.
If you come to see us. We keep every-
thing In the line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
a, j
a m
t I
t s v j
M ,
5.5 J
i B S
s C
v s
a a a
s e
w s
i I
s a
-c J h
a s
D. W.
n And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods con-
in stock.
Produce Bought
D. W.
North Carolina.
a Comet
thy Lady
or gentleman to manage business
In this county and adjoining
for house of solid financial
standing. cash
and expenses paid
direct fro
ML Wig,
In the sky comes
star health
to the weak and
dent dyspeptic,
cur In j all
troubles and
famous remedy
does the
that which it
Is unable to do for
Itself, even U but
lightly disordered
or overburdened.
supplies Ike natural
Juices of digestion and
does tho work of the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the muscles
and membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
Indigestion, flatulence,
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying and
strengthening the glands, I
membranes the
and t organs.
IS MM ska,
J. J.
Invite you. to make their-store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low We
can supply all your needs in
any lineal goods.
the at
been feet and i-
ed to at.
of the i
bung is submerged.
. miles
of partly
Many farmers have
been drivel homes.
river Ins fallen four few from
I its highest mid danger of is
for the time
We a selling Lawns, and other
summer dress goods at about
halt price, to make- room for
jail goods.
Degrees Zen.
St. Paul, Minn., Jan.
in St. Paul today established a
record, degrees
in Water. Tue for
Pa Jan. Oat day was degrees,
advices her to- and the on the official
night by the
that an ice ban in
the river and that
from Hun bury to
of thirty mile, the river is entire
blocked mid th it the water is
bucked up as far as
ice is piled u the
bridge and the
Heading Railroad
has loaded its bridge at New-
port down with cars.
the whole town is submerged. The
Delaware, Lackawanna Western
tracks near Upper Lime Ridge,
miles away, are under water, fit
electric light plant
is jammed up feet high a
received here at o'clock to-
night says large bridge over
thermometer was The
observer predicted that tonight at
least decrees below would be
Hall Million Fire in San Antonio, Texas.
Han Tex., Jan.
The revised of the
dry goods
by fire today,
places the damages on stock at
the balance at
Mr. B. P. Sugg died
in Greene county The remains
were brought to Greenville Sun-
day and interred Cherry Hill
Saved From Terrible Death.
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bob-
of Tenn., saw her
dying and were powerless to save
her. The most skillful physicians i
and remedy used, failed,
while consumption was slowly but
taking her life. In this
terrible hour Dr. King's New
Discoveries for Consumption
turned despair joy. The first
brought Immediate relief
and u-- completely
cured, her. Its the certain
cure in the world for all throat
and lung trouble. Guaranteed
Bottles Trial Bob
ties Fr-e at Drug Store,
A girl who can sit for hours,
listening to herself ply
piano is either crazy or
wonderful self control.
A Golden Rule
Be good to your land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
and quantity in the liar- . hi
vest. Write us and
we will you,
free, by next mail,
our money winning
New York-93 St.
r. Bellamy, a W. K. WHICH
f Burlington, Iowa. was weak
Ml pale, without any appetite and ; . in
A Cl e Call,
stuck to although
joint every nerve
was racked with
all run down. I war. to
give up, I got a bottle
Bitten, after taking it, I Ml
as well as T ever did in my
Weak, sickly run down people
ways gain new life, strength and
vigor from their him, them.
Drug Store. Price cents.
A Kansas man recently eloped
with mother in law, yet we
are told that Kansas is a
How the Boy Got the Liquor.
A old boy was
I found on the street in a
j few days ago In a very drunken
condition it was a puzzle to
I the officers where the boy got the
liquor. It was found
that the dispensary man-
agers, after drawing liquor from
the barrels into bottles aid re-
placing the bungs put the
I outside the door. The boy would
pick out the stopper and tipping
over the barrel would drain
pail thereby securing
all the barrels to
a royal Bern
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
J Vi. . , . t
.-, . . . .
Not Quite
How often you can got a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and lie prepared for
Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box docs not a single
Of Course
get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Steamer R. L. Myers lei
daily, except
at a. in for Greenville, leave
N. I .
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce
Wonderful Nerve
Ts displayed by many a man en
during pains of accidental Outs
Bruises Scalds,
Sore feet ts ;, m w
no need tor it. Buck en's Washington with
Salve will the pain and cure for
the tr It's the best salve., York
earth for Piles, too. M for the with rail
en's Drug Norfolk.
order freight
the Old minion S. from
New I I
Mr. of G O., am I Line , .
the piles for years. s K .,,;.,,., ,,.
dollars could do him no Line
good. Witch
Salve cured him
valuable for burns bruises,
salt rheum, nod all skin
diseases. Look for the name De
Witt on the others
are cheap, worthless counterfeits.
Sold by L. Woolen.
The hand on tie
ha- hypnotized
into failure.
From personal I
that Little
arc as u liver pill.
They are named because
they and energy
do their work ease W. T.
of people are using these tiny
i i preference all others,
because they air
effect mil.
City Hay Grain Co.,
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton
Meal and Hulls.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York.
Chicago and New Orleans.
Folks Must Eat
mutter how low price
of and we are the
;. supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh. Clean, Pure
We call
by its honest name.
VI a ;
Five Points.
Get our prices see be-
fore We want to buy
t for cash.
i. hut i
Little Girls.
There is one good which
I firmly believe are t.
jet out of their I f-. and
is a I tiller
sense honor. This deli
one knows
women are
men. Their standards of
purity and em per. nice and
kindness and
an- higher, and I hey are more
earnest about living up to them.
But one thing i-
and a sense id
that fine of fair dealing
which i- called
lam collectively, and
with full allowance for a multitude
to k
somewhat lightly of obligations
winch rest merely a
understanding and mutual
They are to
a state of things in which a nod
of the amounts to a binding
art; . of the hand
is a pay good mom .
I r . i he
privilege f changing their
Urn I hey re it as . served
i only m hen I hey
a lent,
; he law
Hi do Ho i i t. gel out
I ha i ii do not like.
It is may for them to see why
take an advantage
when it-is for their interest so.
I . to regard
tie states . r us per-
universal, and to deal
with ;
a in the old maxim
conditions tr.
Give Me My
New York, Jan. B.
son of Mrs. Frederick
brother of Mr-.
C. whose mar-
to Miss Marguerite Wall on
January ti, was announced today,
day in the to
gain access to his bride,
father, Frank T. Wall, a wealthy
rope manufacturer,
is keeping her from her
husband her will. A resort
legal proceeding is threatened
by the groom.
The engagement of Mr.
and Miss Wall was announced
last October, but the Wall family
objected so it is said,
because Mr. was a Roman
that they were married
secretly January
to reside at her
Mi in said today
that after Mr. of the
i Mm
the ii.
hand and
have made
never Io see you i
alter I . i
my wife told
my pi ii
never give me
nor I wish to .
have not
believe h
her in his h i
will, if Mr.
tn it i ins i
said I
living in his
than i; I
was th
K in p, bin i
Ii in K hi lie
Ii i, lug -n . .
Ins not
landed him
it is wile's
i her
my mind
r live with
r Van liens-
X her she
l her
i he did
. and
mi was
. iii
i bier
boy who
i on hen
g; .
no h i or i
i th.
I II i ; ii
i i I I.;
. mi
ll el i is fair , , .
ii i i ii
i . Harper k
An on V. n,
i ; i to
ton Factors and handler o
H Ties and i i
and shipment
They cure ft r
jaundice, sick head- C LO.
etc. They do
weaken, but j Enclosed down DRANK H. WOOTEN,
and strengthen. Hold by L.
resume op-
It's an instill to the four-legged
to call some men donkeys.
Monday, Jan. 4th
A man's Brat is the with a foil
hardest to get, and his last is she Competent workmen. We
hardest to give up. and
retail, Sash, Doors and Blinds,
all sorts of Interior Exterior
Building Trimmings. We solicit
your patronage, not as a favor
only on our merits.
Dyspepsia Cure does for
stomach that which it is
able to do for f, even when bit
slightly disordered or over-loaded.
Dyspepsia supplies
natural juices of digestion
does the work of stomach, re-
the nervous tension, while
the inflamed muscles of that organ
are allowed to rest
Dyspepsia Cure digest what
eat and enables the stomach
and digestive to transform
all food into rich, red blood. Sold
I y Wooten.
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
First Class work and prices reasonable
sent upon application.
y-at- Law,
N. C.
Practice in all courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other claims. Prompt alter
to all business.
The Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt
County having issued Utters of
to me, the on
the 2nd day of Jan, on the
of Walter Evans notice is
hereby all persons indent d
to the i- trite to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to all
creditors of said estate to
claims properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months
alter the date of this notice, or this
notice will be plead in bar of their
This the 2nd day of January
of the estate of waiter
A in Ashes.
Norway, Jan.
it hi was com-
destroyed Ore today,
the including
the church, school and shops.
The damage is estimated at
The entire population is home-
less. Provisions and medical
stores which are greatly needed
have been sent from here and
is a busy seaport
trading town of Norway,
over inhabitants.
i ho
e nor
ii chew
n i her
n is
I.-, mid
v . ii in
i. n d
but they'll
limit than
; mill ii i
. m r animals
ii g up Ion . In
ii iii
is very o lay eggs plum
have wings
when they get frightened.
I cut oil a hen's head with a
n and it frightened her lo
Cot Ion seed and corn for sale
by W. P. Washington,
N. C. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One customer
gathered from one acre in cotton
with pounds of
seed cotton, and I made from my
I corn to per acre
Two persons perished in crop of cabbage. I
flames, steamer was in I have a limited of cotton
the harbor, and it is feared that
others will be destroyed. Supplies
of money, clothing and provisions
In sent from all parts of
seed to sell. Price of corn to
per bushel. Cotton seed
per bushel. 1- -4-wk D. W-
N. C.
The Charlotte Chronicle
that Mecklenburg has miles
of graded and macadamized roads,
children going to
school, for whose education the
county will this year spend

I . v t; i t
. v s I
,. .
. b .
. n tin populist .- i u
people v
.-,. r v iii
new i .-
ii .-
v ; i
en ; I but. a
E bate m w
.-. I.-., i on
. . an ii S.
l eleven
, ;
. i ii- sac run to
. . MM I I ad
US her
Their bodies
j near
. .-. -.-. rushed skulls of each
. i ii n t
. u
. .
, . t I
. . . .
. . . t
. . . .
. .
. , a
V. ; .
It is i v. . u y
i an l-
i i i
u b
. of n art C .
L M i
i . .,
. . . ., v .
I I. B
. ; . . ;. .
. V
. ,
, . i-
w .
. . . . v
; e. c
. .
. . . .
. i c
. .-. . ., . . .
; t
. v.
. . .
t-- v
u, , nil
. .
;. . .
. .
grand , i
narrow r.
. A
. I v
j-. I n
v i.; .-
.-. v .
v i
I v v i if
i ii i . . v i .
v u Mi v I
.; v i
i- .-
i n
nu ; i . ; .-- i
. . I
;.; BI .- J
i v;. v ii v
n i v an
V r I . I
. .- .
. . if .
. . .
. i
. U .-
. f j lit
. . . . Hit
. ii 51.-
. i . . I
. v . ; Bit ;
; . v
i at . .-;
. man remarks t u
.- n f
. . me.
oil u an .
J p
. . it
I author lies
further alleges
Bin i of i I
v. issued
b belief in a
i . y has i be n
i recognized.
. v the . ea
and extreme
;. i r
.-. a reply
. Journal.
. i
.-. . k . m freight on
A. r a
-.-. north
Will badly
. led and had his Left
B were badly
damaged end I . freight cars
. y at
g and
. e-
mill .
i .
. j
D. C. Jan 1901
J he u . u a heap
i .-. . at Pi a
r n e m-
h I. .
minister from Panama It ii . the
effect this man
French Panama canal by
f report A
made by which he rec
ill . dollars a
mi pi r
ii- greatly worried and I c Pi
has hi
The bill in C i I
a estate
e i .
Attention i called
the fan that it n old tale a railroad
train as p to p stats
Hi a ti j
but fr
i . i
.-. I
.; ft on
i . a state organ-
A Story With A Moral.
Th folio wing little of There are
Brooklyn speaks for itself It j about a quarter as pie in
; us a moral worth the con-j Arizona as there in f
of parents and cod Washington.
i .
. . . i. .
If not a scandal, i f
tho Pol Cross S es
W. Rafferty, the president of it. For more than gen-
United scorn- r i . s v,,; at and Miss Clare and her
. i b,, . . . official have be n disbars-
.- yesterday i movement, which its fund making any
,. it has t it object eradication of proper account i the public that
pi i C A furnished the money
i warned Miss ten
, . His crusade to the years ago the trouble would
. i -v grow out of this but he
n . in the Lee polios court, and the doctor- her
. place he brought four of b wait fur it. Now Congrats
s i hie pupils ea sallow com-; is the whole outfit;
The eves, and discolored mount
re if tips in m the excessive use of
Raleigh have get l I men u Mr. also had in cause-be buried bis and An-
when they want it by placing lockers the crowd . et wart three women wan pious
for the members in the club room or at and men, who dad in tobacco j her brother,
i i. t . stampede and thus and on the charge of seem to bare
the mm . the town winch bottles can
. roes i
, i . . ., . . . . r. ., ,.
. . hi ;
indicate I . be
on the charges preferred against
this will be Members of the Capitol Club
I u i . v. the coat
therefor Half the money now
used expended would
afford as lights a the
had n
It is said that the individual
, . want to build anything,
students by at the j
State College
a heavy loss for
the girls and to many of them it will
much h privation. We hope it
will be v. ail can return v, the
when it re-opens.
; ea i the morals of children under They buried one of
; safely, sixteen selling them week with the usual
doubtless rt was die- lance; a committee of or fit-
The Sun that there plenty persona were Mrs.
some people who would like to build everybody u escape in safety Mrs. Carson, Pratt, Hen- and back, a load of grief stricken
a wall around the town and his i and Pater Caruso, all j and all they et and
everybody but themselves. Give a yells U doing in the neighborhood all can drink at the expense of
. . , ,, . fellow the murder When Magistrate the government. These
them a ion on the union depot, ,, . . , . . . ,, . , T , .-
It would seem then the tan Mr. coat from to each
U does not get in race
thing for a nun do is to refrain Rafferty stepped forward to
crying out and at I why he bad accused form of spree. Often
The of colored all time do everything in his power Ha panted the official mourners drink altogether too
social functions in the white allay excitement. If another man are evidence of of cigarette much and there have been instance
has become so common that it he to knock him smoking when they were disabled from pee.
longer excites much comment.
down and put bis shoes on bis
., .,. Mr. Rafferty that many boys forming their duty. parties
if he hasn't a weapon handy, though in his school were suffering from ex are equally guilty of this
era North Carolina were j perfectly justifiable in offense and it is high tune it was
among the guests at a recent using a revolver or a knife as well as lose of memory, while one performed in the interest of ordinary
hesitation. The stampede boy was at home on the verge in- decency.
does all the devilment, and it takes sanity from the excessive use of The body of James
for the presidential nomination, it is The senate has passed a bill pro- all of a man's work to stop it. Hie principal added that arrives here today from
net pressure is not being I for the better to die to be a part would have to Le to Genoa, Italy, where it was buried
brought bear induce him to do j of the graves of Confederate soldiers i of h for what life man top the influence of the three quarters of a century ago. Ho
c , . i i- i v -i. a . who must forever remember that he, habit among the boys his school, was an infidel and vice-
so Bin railroad and financial in-1 who died in prisons during J ,,.,,. ,
struck some struggling woman He added that he bad frequently president of the British Royal
. stepped on the heat of a dying child warned dealers to stop selling cigar- and he gave half u million
nearly forty years after the war. Idle comment Charlotte o boys but no attention dollars u the United States to build
Better late than ever. i paid to the warnings. the Smithsonian institution.
are expressing disapproval of the civil
Route veil and trying to persuade
Han n a to rum
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C. Jan.
James a highly
respected wealthy of
county, and who owned
considerable property in Pitt, died
at his h last week. He was a
brother of Mrs. J A. Edwards, of
this place.
Stray taken op. I have taken
up with one male pig,
black color, unmarked, weight
about pounds. Owner can get
by proving property
paying all charges.
N. C.
once a week s w
It. L. Little, who for sometime
past has held a the
A. C. L. railroad at Florence, S.
C, owing to ill health has given
op his position and returned home.
J. w. Manning, of Greenville,
came down and spent the day with
bis people last
G. A. C. are baying
immense quantities seed
Seed are bringing a price and
add nob the of the
The firm heretofore existing
under the name m de of B. F.
Co., has dissolved
by mutual and will here-
after be known a styled R. G.
Chapman . Co.,
Leslie friend
from Falkland, after a rather
lengthly was with us
again lust We are
ways glad to see Leslie.
If in need of s.-. d Irish potatoes
northern grown -id crop see
G. A. Kittrell can sup-
ply you.
Mr. one hundred
borrowed dollars seem hi he giving
some people a meal deal trouble.
Suppose e our own debts
not go m from home.
For Rent or Ii and
lot be- Cox
and A. U. C-s street.
Apply t- O
Mr. .
will be to -ii
line of handsome
H-i- J.
Board ti pea day. Seat
House in town.
Leonard to
Rocky Mount Mo
Thomas d from
the country .- i . here
occupy k
Joseph a n Buck,
of visitors to
our town this week.
J. A. Jones, was here
purchased largely of
A. G. Cox Mfg. and G. A. Kittrell
Co. These kind of visitors are
Misses of Green
ville, and Lola Smith, of Maple
Cypress, have Miss
Kittrell past week.
Mis. I rank Hodges and child-
of Greenville, passed through
on the Monday way
borne a visit to
A, G. Cox Mfg. Co. have just
received a. other car load of wire
and can you
from high at prices
ranging to 3-4
per yard.
Henry Nelson is now making
Co., where be only
made before. It's a nice little
at his house
rug Store
d fountain
In this progressive age, with ad-
civilization, education
and reform, Winterville is abreast
with Our mer-
chants are progressive, our facto-
keenly alive to the situation,
our school up tit the most modern
improvements oar
interested in the welfare
of our prove
indeed most to the
growth and development of Win-
Paying the highest
pi ices for produce, selling our la- j
bur time iii accord the;
times and using every
presented in that our
town, from a swamp in the short
space of nine years, grown to a
beautiful, thriving village. Wei
now every inducement to
capitalists lo among us and j
the encouragement received is;
convincing that
soon rank among lie most
towns in North Carolina.
why should it not besot
G. A. Kittrell Co. have just,
received a shipment of seed oats;
that are for sale cheap get
prices before buying.
ton seed meal and hulls
sale. G. A. Kittrell Co,
L. F. Elliot who has been in at-
upon meeting of the
Grand Lodge f Masons at Raleigh
returned Friday.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot of coffins on Prices
are very reasonable a heretofore-
Prompt attention given all orders.
If you want your horse
if your harness or own shoes
reed repairing, and general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main
We now have a. nice lot of porch
column timber. II you are ill need
of I hem why not let us tit you up
Prices are light. Winterville
G. A. Kittrell Co. are paying
cents per busHel seed.
Miss Leone of Greene
county, been visiting Miss
One of has
been giving fences test
says that the weld is the
best fence he ever saw. A. G
Cox Mfg. Co. have all styles in
stock and tie continually buying
G. A. Co. will give
you 1333 lbs cotton seed meal in
exchange for a of cotton
or give par bushel.
If in need of cotton seed hulls,
corn, hay or in the
feed line see G. A. Kittrell Co.
Car load of shingles expected to
in a few days. See them
before buying.
G. A. Kittrell Co.
We have a nice line hats
both old young, also
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
John of was
here Sunday.
Newell, of Greene count,,,
spent Monday in town.
Several young ladies can get
employment operating sewing ma
chines on underwear. work
is light, neat
Whole families can get employ-
Apply to.
Weldon Cotton Mfg. Co.
N C.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Cakes, Crackers and
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
Pure Apple Cider Vinegar,
and Vegetables, Rice, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green sad
d Corfu. Toilet and Laundry soaps.
If. .
Fraternal Order.
Perhaps there is no t
of the present day which at-
wider comment than the
steady growth of the various
orders. The increase in
membership is confined to
any particular order, but statistics
at indicate ail societies
having for their object the
of a brother-
hood, are daily gaining
The bringing together of
spirits, the inculcation
brotherly the
a helping hand to the
needy and of these
the fundamental principles
which attract men to the various
organizations. The great power
for good by these
is only understood by
members themselves, although the
world at large cannot fail to see in
daily deportment of
of fraternal an
r working toward the
higher standard id good citizen
ship. The easiness of
organizations, reaching as I hey
do to the uttermost points of
cannot, tall to appeal lo
who believe in the strength
of unity.
As previously slated, member-
ship in fraternal orders promotes
good citizenship, and good citizen-1
ship public welfare. The
rigidity with the laws
the various are en-
forced is a g train for
proper of the civil
laws. It is only to look I
tit the
in various lo appreciate
the fact that it is composed, as a. I
rule, of the higher strata of civil
and advanced thought
Ministers of the gospel,
jurists of the highest standing, i
men, fact,
walk of life is represented ,
The fraternal brother-
love taught by these societies
cannot fail to foster the spirit of
humanity in highest It is
rarely that one meets with a case
where a mail is false lo vows;
his order. The baud
of charity is always open to the
brother. No appeal
assistance ever falls on deaf cars.
Is it any wonder, then, that young
men of today feel an increasing
attraction toward those great
bodies of which he himself can be-
come an integral part, if he Bo
To him there is always
presented an opportunity for men-
physical advancement,
should he be worthy of it. Ashe
ville Citizen.
I ; i in I , l SIM out.
i ft the 1- horn hand. a
Retails lo
r J
Fancy Work. 1.1. ii
i I
poetry, cur-
Va., Is cf tins, many of which r worth
more the of u y.
Serial i ill . t k I that jells In
for the full in and Block the
Fashions; i mil . State, National and Foreign
many i i U ill to
mm mm
At rate, cutout this advertisement and i
you can find it. You may want to order
Send 11.08 clubbing price of tho
tern Reflector and the Weekly Times-Dis
natch and
before Monday. February and yon will
the Weekly
Times Dispatch, each one year. With every
such order, now or renewal, or before
Feb. 22nd, 1904, you will receive FREES,
postage fully paid, the knife and the two
Magazines as above.
Out out this Advertisement, and Mail with
amount named above to
N. C.
It's insult to four-legged
animal to call some men donkeys.
Man's Wardrobe
An extra pair of trousers will span
the period between
The best ready to wear Trousers can
be found right, here. Pattern new
and handsome and made by expert
Building Trousers Correctly is
Medium or heavy weights.
perfect in
Troupers in every respect.
We dote on our Trouper stock.
Moderate prices, too.
Nathaniel Gray, a
citizen of Charlotte, died sudden-
Monday morning, while a
street car. He left his home in
usual health.
; Roy
Dentist. Attorney at Law,
N. C. Greenville, N. C.
. i

J. Bros
If you want r build house,
furniture t go in ii. clothing and
dry goods far your family, provision ,
for your table, or
farm, we can supply your be
Our mill and are now
in lull blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
w Iambi i, and, do all kinds
of work fox balusters
and trimmings. s also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C.
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Office.
man who wants tow earth It
the very one the can
along without.
An wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
and Hardware can tie found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, produce
anything the farmer sells.
the torpid LIVER and restore
its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggists
At the home of Mr. W. K- j
father of the bride, Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
H. C VENTERS Carolina Wednesday. Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
N. C. 20th, Mies Bertha j Cotton Seed and Country P
Cold Comfort
Is what we or- and the possession of one of
our i.-1 .-, n-i Insure sweet milk, cream . i u
butter, water and that
would without the
f you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
Boon, and made it for you to own one.
There i-. no borrow n lawn mower when we
we sell a good I I u res at
i price, and guarantee II to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream ll. . cocks and
thing In the ban ware lino.
mm i
; i . .
i I
This great White Sale starts oat with c,
New an i stocK Sp J
Merchandise, such as
been equal I here, in
Value I.
Thousand; o yards of Crisp, pretty
white goo h c in Patterns that are
varied and . able.
ace D apartment
Is full of beautiful new patterns. Torches
and Val Laces in match sets all widths and
The Embroideries
Are too pretty t talk it is impose
Mo to give you any ides of their must sew
them to appreciate them. We Lave them all widths and
prices, ii Beta complete; and we have bountifully
provided for the little folks in our selection.
J. R Cherry Go.
Greenville's Great Department Store
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Mr J L Mooring were married
eerie, Tobacco and Cigars. The by Justice W. B. Williams,
only Fountain in town. All
the popular Hot . , .
every day. Parted a
, Wilmington, N. C, Jan,
a Justice G. W.
this city, who is second only to
Belles, of Mecklenburg, i.
number interest of the mar
Huge vows which be has ad minis,
red during the past year,
most unusual experience in the
line of his profession last night.
lie bad been sent for to officiate at f
lie marriage Ella
nineteen years old, of Mason-
township, Norris,
who lately removed to
ton from Darlington. S. C. The
welding was to take place with
more or less elaboration at the j
home of a friend at Ninth and
B streets. The residence
ablaze with light; the bride
vi donned their costumes
and wedding supper had been
in an adjoining room.
Ti was to
am take his in
rout i improvised altar,
tapped on lb.
i ; silently
child at his home ii
i Una.
lice I had
from which the
i ii came
end was put to the proceedings.
A en- ii, i n of the magistrate
i In l groom was held,
ii the
i he i and the bride
; In utmost confidence in him,
J to postpone
. I Sunday night, at
inn said he would
to himself
The an-
made to the
I i at
Cleveland, i Jan.
lay returned an
Indictment against George a.
Rose, cashier of the Produce
Bank, which closed its
doors yesterday. Bore is charged
with having embezzled
the bank's
fol his t
was taken Into custody locked
i up in the county jail, He will be
given a hearing Monday, it is
understood. The penalty for
embezzlement is from one to seven
years. It was announced today
that the assignee of the closed
will credit depositors with
twenty per cent on their accounts
after February 4th. This action
was decided upon after a
nation of the bank's books. It is
also stated that with careful man-
the depositors will
ably receive eventually a very
large proportion of their accounts.
nest goods at living
be ore yon buy and
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yo .
house and everything you i
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our are her and weir i
Everybody buys, and .
our goods becomes our customer.- i
and save money,
ii use
v.- yon.
ii a trial
MEL, N. C.
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
Most equable on coast; salt air tempered by of
Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with ivory modern Improvement for the treat-
of disease, A full corps of Specialists In every department. Special
department for eases of Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward Rates. per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President, St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
Norfolk, Virginia.
MS i
of i
Loan Value,
Extended works am in
Is Non
Will be re-instated If arrears be pal I
in ii t ti while you
A. variant I within three years after lapse, in satisfactory evidence
issued. Boss I and payment of arrears i i.
second No
Dividends are payable at the and of each
year, provided-the premium i year be paid.
They may be To reduce Pi-
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an end
of insured.
in ring the lifetime
J, L. r, Act
N. C.
We have little faith in the in-
or repentance of men
who dots make restitution
until the law gets hold of him.
Durham Herald.
read yearling heifer.
both ears clipped and
Party finding same will please
notify me, and be rewarded.
David an, House, H, C.
e. T.
W. Main St
North Carolina
J E. Winslow went to Washing-
ton today.
of Edwards, came
in this morning.
A. B. Sun-
evening from Norfolk.
B. Greene and on, Burt left for
Sunday evening;.
The editor and his children,
spent Sunday at Whichard.
T. A. Duke returned Saturday
evening from Scotland Neck.
Misses Mat tic. Hearne and Rosa
Honker went to Sunday.
Miss Carrie Brown Saturday
evening a visit to Grime-laud.
Prof. will give a music
recital tonight in Carolina Club
Rev. D. W. Davis, of Pant ego,
Spent Sunday night here with D.
Dr. O. H. Hyatt, of
came in morning to
three days here.
Sunday morning a sweet little
arrived to gladden the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Misses Keel and Nannie
Johnson left Saturday evening for
Ayden returned this morning.
Miss Lola Smith, of Ayden, who
has been visiting Misses Alice
Emmie Smith, returned home Sat-
T. H. King, of Ayden
came in Sunday morning to hold
vices in the Baptist church and
returned Sunday evening.
Tuesday, January 1904.
J. F. King went to Norfolk to-
W. L. Cooper, of Graham, cam
B. of Suffolk, is in
town again.
T. M. House left this morning
for Rapids.
Rev. W. II Cox returned Mon-
day evening from
Skinner left this morning
trip on the road.
J. P. and left
this morning Plymouth.
Miss Lillian Carr returned
Monday evening a visit to
Misses Margaret and
left this morning for a visit to
Mrs. M. L Pierce, of
Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
E M. Cheek.
H. P. of New
came today. His friends here
are glad to see him.
Little Miss Jessie Kennedy left
Monday evening for Kinston,
where she will make her future
J. M. Turner and C. B. Barbee,
of Raleigh, promoters of the
Pamlico Sound railroad,
were in today.
Miss Harper, Greene
county, who been visiting,
H. L. Carr, returned home
Monday evening.
Mrs. J. T. Howard,
arrived Monday to visit
her daughter, Mrs. J. G.
and grand daughter.
S. of the firm of
B, it Bros, left Monday
evening for northern markets
their spring goods.
A. left this
morning Rocky Mount, to at-
tend a meeting of the mission
hoard of Washington
Mrs. Denmark and
children, of Kinston, came over
this morning to visit her mother,
Mrs. B. M. who is quite

W. R. Parker went to
I. B. Gary, of Henderson, is .
Prof. left j
evening for
R. Greene returned Tuesday
toting from LaGrange.
Miss Nona Blow returned Tues-I
day evening from at
Mrs. F M. Hodges and children
have returned from a b
Bin, K. B. Higgs
returned Tuesday evening from
Miss Curie Brown returned
evening from a visit to
Hair Splits
have used Hair Vigor
for thirty rears. i is elegant for
dressing and for keeping the
hair splitting at the
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
I splitting. If the splitting
it will stop it.
H a b tile. All
Mis I. and
i. . i
visit to
If y- i cannot supply you,
ill express
J. C. Lowell, Mass.
f t d
The Southerner reports
the Sunday Bight, of a
colored man weighing pounds.
North has cot-
ton mills in operation.
has the largest number, of any
A Shipment of 17.088 bales of
valued at left
Wilmington on a British steamship
Monday afternoon
sub a
Co i
Rev. J. B. Morton, form lying load i
pastor of the let i m i
here, i u, .
in i
.; the
Cotton Madness.
Ill midst of great prosperity
which high cotton is bringing to the
south, there are several dangers
. which are born of the very
of hope, but which, if over-
look d into certain disaster.
are thousands of people in
the south today who are cotton mad-
They are simply intoxicated by
magnificent rise in the price of
by all that this means
i. section and state and prop
y have been seized
Wilkinson Co.
We Give Rebate Checks
ire For.
you e j i
practical benefit posts all
a id -d
traveler i
id , . . fever; and an
i ; , sending hard earned cash to
I cage has n. t . as margin for operations
to lie mine and come up . ,, ,. ,,, they are a
i to miner of all law into hazardous enterprises
we'd do to work this mom- every kind, bused on the colossal
lug to the Rt- which
of the , face. rescued man is Adolph L bring in the South.
as they flew past one of the whits he is . a semi A from Boston,
painted posts. condition at tho
far as the general public is at rude school
replied the on the hillside about the
ten lent, suppose mine.
mile posts are Of any particular The explosion occurred it
benefit. The traveler ran tell this and the first
car w tut sudden
far is from terminal ts, ground, then a of t
in he is not up the deep shaft. Both
Saturday morning, Jan.
will start a sale which will interest the buy-
This w ill be a sale of
and Ends .
Odds and in Dress Goods
and Ends in Slips
Odds and Ends in Trimmings
Odds and Finds in Hosiery
Odds and Ends in Shoes
Odds and Ends in Clothing and Pints
Odds and in Men's and Boy's Clothing
Odds and Bads in Umbrellas
Odds and Ends in Ham burgs and Lac-s
Poll in. Black Silk
This and Bale will list one week.
Our purpose is to shape our stock fur soring business.
mis ; e like figure i a
from the mile fit
have t how t r r. ;
t. go, a few
Ike to time speed of n- l
the mile posts. But Is
what the post are for. In the
mint cages were hurled through
the tipple, above the
stage three men on
were thrown to ground.
a was thrown high
the h ft and el dead on tie
The injured were brought
at once to this where same of
office cf the ll A l-r ;,
Cl eh at the pit
e little village.
wives and Children of the
men below rushed to the scene
is a profile, or showing CI
the loom ion of every one of these
an accident
in the Wall Street Journal, prints
i i statement from a New England j
gentleman, who but recently return-,
ed from the South.
bad occasion to visit one of the
S towns in South Carolina and
land which a few years ago was
going begging at per acre now
commands a price of
local bank in the town has a i
capital of and had deposits
of but one half of its
deposits have been withdrawn
mil to New York as margin for
speculation in cotton.
south is cotton mad and
fear for the ultimate
The gravity of the situation may
in t be as y t so great as the above
would had us to infer; but. it
calls for a timely warning.
C. V. York. L H.
ours, a
breaks, a car lets down, any
the to
is not bed of tho proximity
mishap to some par mile
post and i in the can
located an I are sent there
once, and they can in a ; ,
for they where the ; b
Otherwise would h h
move hi tween u
the i d ii l . s n ,
loss I Much n ore v
than i Ice of the mile i
and i n J be p . .
radio, d Mite ;
Is the patent of
The Journal has all along preach-
no en-1 anticipating a boom
thing out of the happens w no in tho staple which cause many per
between sons to lose their heads. If space
cage that let the men into the permitted, we would reiterate every
mines and brought them out again we have said on the subject,
day's was done that people have to do
were d All day
e mum ii j; women and
e pit. were
ice n teal aid
iii men in of I he
the at-
mm .
s two
this n i
i . . lie v-t
i . were
in lot
. i i
just now is hi go ahead with j
. and reap the ;
which is to be widely j
In rally distributed
To speculate is to court
ii r i I rile ruin. There is a
e Ion, be sure; but
i; things, as every
. to his Borrow,
shall probably have.
. but let there
be in i In in real es-
R. J. Cobb.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to date and of the best
Plans furnished and coin r taken for erection of
Tinning, slating, Glittering and all binds
metal work. Our in shop is mi fourth street, opposite
marble yard. Mr. H. L. Wyatt has
our tinning and slating department Yon will find
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
a and steady and solid increase, has been with us for a few days.
and all
Rheumatic Symptoms
The Sales and Surest Remedy
German Liver Powder
not mixture, but a
translation of one of
innermost If are a suffer-
will you FREE OP
a of
Liver Powder with
booklet, which
from patients who have been
cored try this wonderful Specific. Do sot
delay, bat send your full at
American Co.
. Kills i t
. . Th
house ;. killed the
ti to invite Presides Legally Dead Still Alive.
Roosevelt t address the
By referring it to a A my
. committee, the. house fob yet
lowed the example of the senate Ten years ago Fitch Marquis
dealing a resolution his family in Kansas had
tending the president's Panama never been heard of until the
N. C , Jan.,
U. of Washington.
Cotton seed and com for sale
by P. Washington,
N. C. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One customer
gathered from one acre in cotton
the past over pounds
seed cotton, and I made from my
corn to per acre
after spring crop of cabbage.
have a limited cotton
seed to sell. Price of com SI to
per bushel. Cotton seed ll
per bushel. 1- -4-wk D. W-
day when he turned up at La
He refused to say
he had been. His wife thought
him dead and sued for a
life insurance policy he carried.
The court decided she pay
the premiums for seven years, and
if he did not show up that he
would be counted as dead in
world. The widow paid the
and at the end of seven
years drew her money. But Mar-
is not Capital.
W. H. of Atlanta, is
here on business.
W. J, Mayo, of Conetoe, was
here Sunday to his best girl.
Ask Miss Mattie Grimes who
was in town Saturday and
glad to know that Miss
Lizzie Grimes decided to spend
one more Sunday in town.
W. G. Lamb was in town Mon-
day selling goods as usual.
Exum Mayo spent Saturday
and Sunday in town. We are
glad to see our friends at any time.
Miss Blanche Mayo returned
from the Normal Sunday. She
lost everything she bad in the
ire there.
Invitations arc out for the
the of
Miss Nannie is
spending a days town.
Misses Versa
Lizzie Beverly spent Sunday
the count y at Mr. They
report a pleasant Sabbath.
Misses Elbe Mattie Grimes
spent la-st night in the country.
J. T. Smith spent Sunday night
in Plymouth and returned
day. We are glad to know that
he is making good progress.
Mis. Henrietta Taylor, of Rob-
who visiting
her son, Herbert, left yesterday
for home.
Miss Annie Thigpen was on the
streets this afternoon. We are
glad to sea such pretty faces in
our town.
Laughinghouse ins
for Reflector.
Tuesday afternoon at two-
thirty o'clock the of the
Book held a
able meeting at the home Mrs.
Mr. charmingly
her guests, assisted by
Of Baltimore, Miss Lizzie Laugh
Mrs Hayward Had.
The club to Older by
the president, Mrs. R. R.
The program not being able to be
Carried Miss
gave a talk us her as a
club woman.
After regular business was
The of held a
special meeting, Friday eight, to
t action on i petition asking
i hat M election he called to
the people town tie
of voting for against
dispensary in and
or distillery.
All the members of the board
v e-e
quite n i of
in attendance.
The petition was and
Rented lo A . Blow, and
elegant refreshments were he T
the club adjourned meet made brief remarks upon it.
February toe ninth, with Mrs.; Aldermen H. A. White moved
James L. Little.
Superior Court.
The following cases have been
disposed of since last report.
Joe Haddock, removing crops,
not guilty.
that a committee two lie
pointed to examine the
and compare the names thereon
with the registration books. He
and Alderman S T. White were
j ti d.
i retired with the
petition and registration books,
Turner larceny, guilty, i
B upon return reported that I
sentenced to jail for three years. . , . A .-,., ,,
J I petition contained names, all
John Evans assault with dead-1 t. . , , ,. , ,
whom w-re registered voters
weapon, guilty, sentenced two;. , . . . . e
s the town, but that them
months with leave to L d of
Sam Bryant, appeal from mayor's m m
court, not guilty. i , , , . ,, ,,., .
declared by to
W. J. M
F. R. ST. ,,.
James Anderson, Oscar ,.
Matthews, Simon a and Wiley j ,
lo costs and required to
give bond in sum of to
pear at January 1905, end
show they have not gamble I.
W. Mercer, selling liquor , M day which ,. ,,,
pleads ten election shall be held at d
cases, judgment bod,
cal ii g the election was
also read and adopted. This order
o Ma ch
upon payment of costs on
that lie quit the
fine of i a former
was st i our,
January term of
court i.- v.-i
, . ,.,., , ,
J. L.
;. Wane i S , i
ii a J. L. i
-o ; he j
turned a v t i- I
; r
with the law.
The then
I In the wards for the
I'll V aid K. . Mi-G
H .
It in in, r r
is rat; ti I h x u and .
Warren, pulses,
L. W. Lawn
registrar; . S
Soul., j
ii V. i am
W. King, judges
Fifth I Rout
registrar, J, L. Sugg and It. A.
in . ii
l i
Penalty of Cotton.
Washington, Jan. re-
volt against American is
the title of a long report re.
at the state department
from United States Consul General
Mason, at Berlin, Germany.
Mr. Mason says ,
among the economic movements in
Europe Inch may have a serious
meaning f important inter-ts
America is
Hot of France
and Ger i ma- c pate their
textile m
America ii cotton. The p-
features of the situation
U that then- is note Ger-
many, but through hi Europe
a r
that and
weaving mast at any
be emancipated from such
vassalage by the development of
sources of supply.
; The Germany press charges that
I the American cotton market is et
the mercy of the speculators, o
drive up and down Hie pi ices to
suit their own purposes. Thus far
the movement is in its infancy,
but may he ominous for
the col ton-growers of our
States, says Mr. Mason. Expert
in the Fast African colonies
dining the last two years have
been successful. is announced
; that there are many -q are miles
of laud in Fast Africa with Will
and climate well adapted for the
lion .
Th roil;, German
Gal vest on a are
I made to send over and educate
to a of
In I on v i
e a i of
y of
I ti he A eel
ton i labor from
Chin.-i lie employed in case
natives p
I If be j ears
his I l , , . ;,,,
cotton mil. In
says r. Mi so i, v. , .-i . .
III .-. Will i . f
or later e I ton of i
S n; I vi
no I i
. i; i I . s.
Two Citizens in View of the Robbery Yet Give No Alarm. The
Town Much Excited.
Between and o'clock
morning the safe in the store of Wanted Had Enough
Ham Barber c. , at
was blown o ten and
For it days a tramp with
on in a sling has been beg.
that town.
as- seen around
the town at On Wed
One day, riding alone the road,
Gen. Gordon came i, on a regimen
prayer meeting, very
impressive. The men were kneel-
or standing with bowed heads
Jan. Mr. W. A.
a progressive highly
respected tins county,
committed suicide this lo
in his bar . He
had been and showed Nichols,
signs of being demented for some
time. Besides the loss of his mind
there could have been do cause f r
the rash act, as his financial affairs
were in the best of and his
family life was apparently of the
happiest nature. Mr.
about years of age. A wife
and four children survive him.
Murder at Monroe.
Monroe, N. C. Jan.
Eubanks shot and killed J. E.
Wilhelm in the Heath Lee Hard-
ware Company's store, this morn-
at o'clock. Eubanks
is a clerk was married last
Sunday. Wilhelm is t
in-law of Mr. Gilbert, former
proprietor of the Hotel;
m himself at
Harvey Vanna, son of Dr. R
T. president of the Baptist
Female University was seriously
shot while out hunting with a
friend near Wake Forest, on Wed-
Young Van ii remarked
jestingly that he thought he would
himself, to
I carelessly with his gun
when it discharged and
tore away a considerable
his face.
Huge Cotton Cargo for Japan.
Houston, Texas, Jan. A
shipment of bales of cotton
destined for Japan, left hers to
night via the Southern Pacific for
San Francisco. The shipment re
quired forty one cars is a
It has many record, so as Oriental trade is
. a murder of this kind The freight bill
taken place in amounts to
o R . -tor.
The Solid fl i
mm ring with
Lottie Blow on Tuesday afternoon,
January the nineteen
hundred and four. . were
ten members and one visitor pres-
added much to the of
the occasion by reading an
on Women Who Have
Appeared in North Carolina His-
It was thoroughly enjoyed
by all present.
The enthusiasm over the new
made an interesting feature
the afternoon.
Business having been dispensed
with dainty refreshments were
served, and the members showed
appreciation of the clever
hostess by lingering till a late
one strangers went
the repair shop W. L H-m-e
a drill sharpened. Mi
House thought nothing of this at
first but later his suspicions were
aroused be quietly informed
some of the business men if the
occurrence. To be on the sate
side, the men took all
safe- at
and carried home with
Nothing else was seen of the two
strangers, but Thursday the
tramp with his band in the sling
rent to t he store of Harrington,
Barber Co. and purchased some
He also hung about tho store
much the day, but it did
not arouse the suspicion any
member the firm.
This morning the was
disclosed. The door of the safe
had been blown entirely off
the ex hurled it
partition all of the office
some i new out in the store.
One window was badly
and look- ii The
i showed Ho, two i oles
on in it tin
in flour.
Ti re i In;
j i, i f valuable . pi
to the hi d ii
money belonging to another
money was by tin
n n ., i.- I-
ed . in r.
I I e-. tn
o ii re . i ti,
this ; ad.
i . n that i
l . i of
i i lie
r yet
inn in i an i
in a voice of wonderful mi
The general clucked his horse and
removed his bat and waited for the
end of the prayer. The chaplain
asked the Lord give the men of
Lee's army courage to meet
the great crisis that had come upon
them, fortitude to bear new
and strength to light
against the pursuing enemy. Just
then a tall private rose from bis
knees and shouted to the chaplain,
Tray for bread, chaplain, pray for
bread We have courage to spare,
but to fight we must have something
Pray for This broke
up the prayer
Inter Ocean.
, i . i.
This is the year for the stale con
and Greensboro people are
asking we get the
again It is regarded as
certain the above question
in the affirmative.
This town did by the
conventions two years in fuel i
gave the conventions a . w
tin f pi et
entertainment. And the little
if any doubt i
will call the meet
again v here meeting sat-
e do ii i now what tin
l i. nor
are we nil interested in mat-
but we think, with t .
trust between ill .
in c Inn tier i i mm ion
of in-
t . e
not In -ii.- ,. i- a mi no i
i i- hi l place
the com I he i and
hers I ii n t ion
i n mi
is w -ii L , either
or , give.
iv i time,
;. I
drive tie
did ll
o'clock this i
is these two citizens, who
live diagonally across the Tho following is the program of
from the scene of the robbery, tell die to be held in
to Death
Brownsville, Pa., Jan.
Pour men, all foreigners were
crushed to death today in anew
of the Hill Goal
Company, near here.
Hint were awake between
and that lights were
moving about in the store, saw a
man standing guard in front of the
store, but were afraid to go out
any alarm.
Others say these two
had tire arms the house with
which they could easily have shot
the man standing on guard at the
store, or the could have gone out
the of their house to neigh-
boring houses and quietly awaken-
ed enough people to have
store and captured
the robbers. failure to use
either of these means to atop the
robbery beings criticism up-
on Hie in.
Reports today say the robbers
were tracked In the direction of
Greenville. Searching parties are
trying to find
the court house Greenville, Mon-
day, 1904. The morn-
session will at o'clock
sharp and the afternoon session at
The subjects for discussion
Soil Improvement, by B. W.
gore, chemist
Varieties of Corn and
Their Improvement by Seed
by C. B. Williams.
Common Diseases of Farm
by Tait Butler, State
Fertilizers for Corn and Cotton,
by B. W.
Hog raising, by Tait Butler.
A general discussion of the
of farm labor.
People coming in from the
try say traveling along the icy
road is awful.

Eastern reflector, 29 January 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 29, 1904
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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