Eastern reflector, 26 January 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i r. BOA -y
B. I. Wall, of Washington, i
Cleveland Moore, of is
Dr. W. E. Warren, of William-
is in town.
Secretary of State J. Bryan
Grime returned to Raleigh today.
E G. came over this
H. returned Sunday
from Baltimore.
E. M. left Sunday for
Wilmington where will go
Mrs J. F. of
arrived Saturday evening to
relatives and left today.
Mis Kate of Wilson, who
has been visiting Miss Shep
pa d, returned hi tn n day.
f i
have used Hair Vigor
for thirty years. It is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the
J. A.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent, the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
bottle. All
its when it ceases either
to with or
If your supply you,
send us one dollar will express.
yon a bottle. Be sure th-
of your nearest express
J. C. CO. Lowell, M
n. W. Had
i. . . h
ail. her pa re . .
even .
Fire at Tryon.
S. C. Jan.
As the result of a fire at Tryon,
N. C, this morning two store
buildings and one dwelling house
were reduced to ashes. The stock
of goods in each store was burned
up, as was the majority of the
household i in the dwelling.
Good Office-.
without L. W. Lawrence
as crier and W. B. as
officer of the grand jury would seem
unusual. Sheriff Harrington has
both these excellent officers assist-
him at this as they have
many courts.
Trying Again.
Register of Deeds Williams
us that a i an procured a
a mouth ego
tailed lo gel married,
end cot a n it
Greenville's Great Department
This great White Sale starts out with a
New and Superb stocK of Special January
Merchandise, such as has never before
been here, in Excellence, Variety
or Values presented.
Thousands of yards of Crisp, pretty
white goods are here in Patterns that are
varied and mast desirable.
one no
i me ;
c i ti
Is full of beautiful new patterns. Torches
2nd Val Laces in match sets all widths end
ill . t.
; I I
. . D
. Col.,
i i
He leaves
i i
y ill and
a v and several children and
and an mother.
i r of,
. Davis today, after a
V. Cox, of spent
day hero Monday.
Kev. W. E. Cox. left Monday
evening for
E. d. Barrett, of Ki who
has en here for a days,
hi home Monday evening.
will begin to manufacture buggies
H. B. Hardy, of the Raleigh at an early day.
Hew Observer, is town, i
Court in Greenville this week
i .
at the home of Shir-
Her son was w th her win i
she died and will leave with the
s tomorrow for Greensboro,
W. P. Hart went to Kinston j Ala., where they will be interred.
Tuesday night to see his son, Mrs. Hobson came to Boulder
is still very low. summer for her health. She was
mi . , c u . years of age.
Ayden Milling
are increasing their capital and
J. C. Lanier, who has been sick
several weeks, to be Old
His many regret to
that J White is again
his bed wit Ii sickness.
J. M. Blow, manager of THE
has several townsmen as
i. w
Davis delivered
of Widely Known Priest.
Pensacola, Jan.
rector of St, Patrick's
parish, and one the widest
known ministers in the South,
died here today of e-
after an illness of about one year.
two splendid Sunday.
His congregation will build a
church here at an early day.
Mr. paster I
Methodist tilled his
talk i bout, it is
to give yon any idea of their must see
them to appreciate them. We have them all widths and
prices, in match complete; and we have bountifully
provided for little folks in our selection.
Greenville's Great Department Store
W. L. went to Tarboro
C. S. Carr has returned from s
visit to
Mrs. Susan Proctor, of Wash
is visiting Mrs. ,,. ,,,,,,
Mrs. Baltimore, is I to the habit of carrying pistol are
visiting Mrs. J. J. turning a risk of being it to tin-
In g of the reported con-11
of two buggy
here, made
. Co. have con-
A large nice mule for sale, and application has
Smith and Bros. i letters of
under the firm name
Warning to Carrier. Buggy Co. The stock-
meat, came up today to see ho J of the names,
looks. appointment here
morning and night. ,
, Co.
In imposing a ore of
offenders in for carrying
are E. G. J. j-.
Lang, E. A. Sr., E. A.
Jenkins left
morning Tarboro to visit
Miss Katie Lee Mills, of
ville, has
Blow, left this
weapons, D- Gardner and W.
B. Smith. The business will be
carried on present plant of
the John Flanagan Buggy Co,, on
roads for a term months, and
thing they I now y will
find themselves in the road gang.
Elisabeth, City, Jan.
View Hotel was totally de-
ployed by tire Friday night at
Th. o
j young men. who bad not
all been together in several years. The loss is about.
Cobb, who has j Q the partially insured, The Elizabeth
and were talking over the happy City Marble Works and Miles
been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Fan
Jenkins, returned home
incident of then boyhood days.
junk shop were badly
morning with no insurance. The
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. of I What impressed the reporter most j
Newark, N, J., came in Tuesday in passing, was the of the, work an
evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. three, and a little inquiry
Mr. will take his that their weight is . ,.
annual hunting trips while here, The young men are Mr. m CO.,
Manna Issues Call.
of New York, who
tip . st Mr. B. L.
Mr. Flanagan
Washington, Jan. j Another thing that can he
Hanna issued the call, that they
for the republican national con- all men in proportion to their
to meet at Chicago, at
June 1904, to select can-
for president and vice
president. The call makes the
usual provisions for the number
of delegates, four at large from
each state, and two from each
congressional district,
with alternates.
If a boy be properly trained he
will love work better than idleness.
If he not trained, but allowed to
drift, nothing but an inherent
strong, character will save him.
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn and Peas for cash.
Great Inventory Sale.
Entire stock of Dress Goods, Trimmings
Clothing, Shoes and Hats and Furnishing
Goods will be closed out in the next thirty
days at off. --.-
Hamburgs and Laces at Half Price.
We must clean the shelves for New Goods
Visit our store and see how far a dollar bill
will travel.
Thanking our friends and patrons for past
and soliciting your future patronage
we are .
Tour friends,
C. L Wilkinson Co.
Female Seminary Burned.
Jan. 18.-The Oxford
Female Seminary was burned
afternoon. Eighty young lady
students all escaped. The value
of the property was in
F. P. Hobgood
is president.
Hit Explanation.
J didn't hold his
answered Mrs. Corn
it wasn't six weeks be-
fore he knew to much more about
how to ran the business than the
man that it that they got
jealous and discharged
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Splendid Institution for Women
Swept Away.
A special to The
from Mr. Andrew Joyner, states
Education Says is
His Curse.
Miss., Jan. In hi
cheers, the to beat, and the j abroad, and so they in
pipes to play. through their
In the darkness of the early j forest, they were that
morning of the twenty-seventh, in their own groves they could
Colonel led attack. win easy victory over British
He was challenged at the bridge So we see that in this
by the Carolina sentinels. ; the beginning of North Carolina's
We mast remember that the j battles we to determine end-
Essay read before Pitt
Association, by j --s
Mabel of Winter that
that the State Normal and Indus- inaugural address delivered ,, mM in . .;
trial at Greensboro, was joint Session of Mis-- remained the troops trying
which had served as pets, to over come and rule good
and Campbell Old North Stale,
in the early dawn February,
at o'clock this
were asleep in that
. .,,. , . r I toe tendency of the
the time OS- j , . i.
but all of them were saved. I white women is nothing
No particulars came m. to bow me if tie
fire originated.
; racial for social In
., Carolina History.
During the Kev var,
rushed forward, and Colonel Moore showed such
1776, was the igniting over. It was a terrible wisdom and patriotism, at this
grandest battles on record. moment when our people saw particular time that he made
This wonderful battle owing I these barelegged Scotch j general. the ram.- of Gen-
This is serious loss to the terms bravery by both is furiously upon Moore, of battle
state, as this normal school cursed the nod troop,, the them, bat the Bridge a ill hi
urged an amendment loving Worth they were cool, de- every true North Carol
that will-place j Creek they were And Case well,
the of the Ashe v ill ever be
fund sorely within the this battle e find And the deadly were plied and honored for very in
one of lineal institutions
the South.
Alice Blow, of
a pupil at the also
Senator v L. Martin on Fear brave as ft memorable
Blow, that all the girls are j h of th but ,, ,,.
It is cause for gratitude that Be Governor e of the first to tali. SCH
a race be
best and wisest Ha , his bead
j Moore.
lives were lost,
being pierced by twenty six Entertain-
Actual Cotton. morally h news that;
farmer and Campbell likewise fell, the The colored citizens were treated
merchant, ; t tine as that J K place m deadly end frightful j to the of series of mid
county, walked out of which was, ,,,. the
Heath a check rapidly, third by as he had colon d school of C M
in his Hand,, and he that, to 1880.; to ere is principal at th colored
never paused he had startling facts revealed by i A were on
AM ton belonged to Mr. among lie
of wealth but
in- was a a v n p
r, only every mean
i . v, as
; The program is reported as t
of Scotch fought . ., , ,
lives in a found to Sew -w and join of Ken.
and there never beans super- i. 21.7 per cent. r r. c n
was found-in the black J mot at R.-i. .,.
Louisiana, and be
boy, he has made; ho most f his C it k. But be
opportunities. As a farmer he yet the
is ;
of the Methodist and Ber,
W. A. Taylor, of
me as- delivered t ad-
people. never
well a. ho
am u is. c rear, , ,, , .
as,, he -v is four and w half w h and of IT u
Last yr J.-; tin, .- criminal, for, u. ,.,.,, , y- been the ,. our
as thick as lie is in the to the bride .,
H I be South, Mississippi I A,, W .,,,. ., Md are
. a saved particular y, I he is ;., ff dig hi . , m , along the line that on,
H,. year. sea tee must show
buying, cotton.
; old ail-.
flying every were
gratitude to those who are
to hem. E ,
it Every V Pk up a newspaper ; . and then.
and P t blackened with ape Fear
he could make by j i the Americans had to e
he buy i a up from three aid 01.0 of ill
didn't the want impress with men enemy
g. j-there more killed
cotton to cent and aspiration r social haste to join I III- ti wounded. Most off Item
the stale.
Way to Look at
is de-
he didn't get palpitation gr falling from ,
t heart like the big mill men., be free education in, led enemy i- bridge of two logs into the deep
Dint I
lie told goods Jar cm ton. vogue, winch . he is levying he .-
end ed every that tie white people be v 1770,
i-; th- the same
and in this of is him.
city. cotton at.-.-t little for this ten After it became dark he left his
over . he offered to sell nor the ft and quietly
and could no of their race. Nor do I cautiously ti e bridge. He
chaser, but when cotton wear to wish to be understood as the timbers m bridge
net I--
as to the
cm let a
except two log look-
up u position to help Lillington
cents he shook his bead the them for J am not
price was tendered him. nor sin I inspired by
Saturday Heath Brothers of this for but lam aim A she, who had already put
offered Mr. Orr attention to a most J themselves in the best place, to
all his cotton, and he at f prevent passage the enemy.
with the offer and urns given What shall he done The Loyalists expecting an easy
his check. Mr. Orr is the mast J but ii
refreshing that has been, own that
seen on the. local cotton j character Of the education for the
a twelve-month or more. His to be changed. If,
cotton its price years of earnest effort and
slid year nut
I here taken eight or nine .
H things about him, b he dune
hundred soldiers, who r,. .,. . , ,,.
were disarmed and dismissed. I
, , . get with and 8-iv
General and
r their chief men taken
industry and sagacity, and he
will be generally congratulated
over his Ob-
of fabulous sums
Victor unanimously agreed that
his camp should U- assaulted.
force at that time
amounted to about a thousand
At one o'clock the morning
Cotton seed and corn for sale
by W. P. Washington,
N. C. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One
gathered from one acre in cotton
past fall over pounds of
seed cotton, and I made from my j which to build, or can-
corn to per not make a
after spring crop of cabbage. I The governor that
have a limited cm ton of
seed to sell. Price of to . , . . .
per bushel. Cotton seed demand the repeal of
bushel. 1- Amendment.
of money to educate bis head, the army
only succeeded making Of began their march,
out of him and impelling but it was within an hour of day
bin usefulness and efficiency before they reached the
laborer, wisdom would suggest I western bank of the and
that we make another experiment I found that Caswell his force
see if we cannot improve him I bad position on the
by educating his baud and heart. I site Bide.
There must be a moral substratum I The orders were directly given
to reduce the columns, and to
form the line of battle the
verge of the woods.
The rallying- cry was
George and the
The signal for attack, three
They gathered of the spoils
thirteen wagons, with complete
sets of horses, about fifteen hundred
rifles, in excellent condition,
three hundred and fifty one
hundred swords two medicine
and a box of guinea's and
other gold coin.
Thus we see this battle of
Moore's Creek was one
the m. st victorious battles of the
Revolutionary war.
It thwarted the schemes
Governor so dispirited
the Scotch that years
were to elapse before further
came from them.
it to inspired the North
that almost every
man was to turn out at an
hour's notice.
North Carolina had men enough
of her to crush domestic in-
and repel enemies from
sens it to his brother man for a
dollar or two, as the ease may be,
is as justly entitled to it as the
man who bushel of wheat
for a dollar. farmer
afford to raise wheat and give
to his fellow man, neither can a
man edit a paper and give it to
his fellow
Much Plowing.
People traveling along the
country roads say they never saw
so much plowing going on for the
time of year as at present. The
farmers are busy people in
ration for next crop for which
high prices are
Again let us admonish them not
to overlook food supplies when
planting time comes.
is the gate and
row is the Never be afraid
of being called if it i
that kind of narrowness.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of REV. L. E. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
. x
Branch of the Reflector is in charge
K Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
X. C. January
Bessie Windham, daughter of
David and Apple Bullock, of
county, was
1873. At the of
three tier n died; this
to little
Of look
the for mama;
would slit hat he her pillow
with tear.-, her broke
and bled, crying, mania
The influence f her
ill with her a
t memory of that face and
passionate love lowed her
At the age of fifteen she joined
the at
miller the mini of V. C.
On June 1902, she
was married to
of Farmville
H. This was a happy
i en Farmville was or
vaulted ago, she trans-
her membership here,
was a consistent till death.
As a member of the Church Build-
Society, she was tireless and
earnest, loyal and true.
She was sick long, but her
illness was severe. When lb
little babe came, he brought sun-
shine and but Alas the
shadows followed soon.
The tender babe of three days
died Monday new
sorrow, another another
fond ken t touched.
Raising up in bed called for
babe, pressed it gently to
In i h mi only mothers can,
in fare-well. But
the parting was not for lout for
on Sunday even Dec. as
the gathering shallows closed the
departing rays of setting
sun, she fell a blessed
which none ever wake
to weep.
She knew she going to die;
made her will, and
friends g ml bye. We laid
gently to teal In ii
beside her lit one,
they sleep side by side.
L. E. Sawyer.
nice W,
is taken and a good tit guaranteed.
. hardware and groceries, all fresh and
G iV the Royal
suits made to order to fir the individual. Your meas-
We can furnish these
goods at cent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
Editors Going to St. Louis. .
Salisbury, N. C, Jan.
of the North j
Carolina Press Association held
hue Ir
d that the next
session of shall be
in St. Louis, May
will be the starting
point and the Carolina j
tors ill travel in Pullman cars.
H. B. Vainer of as-
expects to leave lot St L.
at to bet arrangements
for the hi .
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters
Car load lots o Hay, Com, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Cotton
The chief end of man is the one
with the bead on.
God sees that I desire in
your heart to live a and
though man credit yon
God will reward you it.
Do Yon Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
G V.
J. J.
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and While there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room tor
all goods.
Youth Was Hypnotized.
Bales, the young son of
a capitalist, is In jail at
from a Catholic school near
and been by
his father. It was on
the stage of a two
priests, he v. as being used by a
hypnotist. The priests
recognized boy by description
out by a and
took charge of him. Afterwards
boy escaped from the
but has been found and arrested,
young Bates alleges that he
from the school by
by and forced to accompany
the latter over the country, being
to the man's
He says he had no will of
his own when III the of
the The denies
abducting the boy. He
that he found him tramping and
cared for him through charity.
Would Save Jamestown.
Washington, January
Representative Maynard, of
a resolution to-
day providing for a survey of
in order that
may be made to protect
Jamestown, the first English set-
in America,
by floods.
Some men to bed too late
ever to wake up famous.
The wise men only worship-
Jesus, but also presented unto
Him gifts, and the first gift was
gold. Oh for inure i-e men
The self-seeking church or
Christian grow. It a
question of expansion or
and it shall be given
Sometimes we wonder why the
scriptures tell the bad things
did. It is because the Bible
is not a fairy Isle. When God
writes a man's biography he tells
the truth.
. Star,
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, dowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
J. H CO-
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
Highest price for country
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought
D. W.
North Carolina.
Ye la.
or gentleman to manage business
in this county and adjoining
for house of solid financial
standing. straight cash
salary and expenses paid each
direct headquarter.
money advanced, position
Are duo to Indigestion. Ninety-
of everyone hundred people who ha
heart trouble can remember when
was simple Indigestion. It is
that all cases of heart dis-
ease, not organic, are not only trace-
able to, but are the direct result of
Indigestion. All food taken Into the
stomach which falls of perfect
ferments and swells the stomach,
puffing It up against the heart. This
Interferes with the action of the heart,
and In the course of time that delicate
but vital organ becomes diseased.
Digests What You Eat
Mrs. Nichols of Penn
Alter eating, my food would distress
ma by making my heart and I would
become very weak. Finally I got bottle of
and It save me Immediate relief. After
veins a bottles I am cured.
cures Indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach disorders, and gives
the heart full, free and
s Site
the trial sells for
N. C.
After thirty of successful I
better prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with u complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from a; cam-
needle to a
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is beat invention of century.
Logger with experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
j Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard warn, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
i A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
m I
c u
M as
a. ;
a, -O
a v
k a
t M M M
i i i
h k
i v tr
a u
I o
I Ii
Saved Terrible Death.
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bob- i
of Tenn., saw her
powerless to save
her. The most skillful physicians
and every remedy used, failed,
while consumption was slowly hut
surely taking her life. this
terrible hour Dr. New
Discoveries for Consumption
turned despair into joy. The first
bottle brought immediate relief
and its continued use
cured her. Its most certain
cure in the world for all throat
and lung troubles. Guaranteed
Bottles and Trial Bot-
Free at Drug Store,
There is a vast difference be-
tween flattering a person and en-
him. The former is
done with an evil purpose, and
the latter with a pure motive.
A Vary Close Call,
I stuck to my engine, although
every joint ached and every nerve
was with writes C
Bellamy, a locomotive fireman
of Burlington, Iowa. weak
pale, without any appetite and
ail run down. As I was at
give up, I got ii
A Golden Rule
Be good to your land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
in I
and quantity in the liar-
Test. Write us and
we will send you,
free, by next mail,
our money winning
Ne St.
Atlanta, So. Bread St.
obtain B. foreign f
Wednesday evening, 20th, at
o'clock, at the board-
house, corner and
streets, Mr. Zeb
and Miss Boa Elks were married
by B. H.
Patrick, the new
grocers, have an advertisement in
today's paper. They have opened
a store under Hotel Bertha
and their is all new
fresh. They will carry at all
times the best and most select
groceries that be procure,.
r oner at
Not Quite
How often you can gel a
t thirty
nail or screw driver or
lacking;. Have a
too and be prepared for
line of tools
is all you could desire,
we will that tool
not a single
The factory of the Burlington
Coffin Company was destroyed by
in Tuesday morning. The loss
about with
The plant will l re-
in a wreck the Norfolk West-
railroad, at Durham, Tuesday.
I Mo one was
I Grading has commerced on the
. Raleigh Pamlico Sound railroad.
J.- m l fret .-
. ; i i
As I was about to I a i f I V ,
a bottle Electric f , i B t
taking it, I felt
Bitters, and after taking it, I fell ; ; ;
as well as I ever did in my . ;
Weak, run down people U., ; ;
N. C.
Stock in every vile Friday afternoon.
and prices as low as the HaM
est. market prices
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods, c r
j J Sells Cotton.
I r be borne in mind that
J. K. g Greenville sells cotton, too, and
C some of hereabout are
the benefit of the high
W V X prices. Seeing Mr. F.
getting a large check cashed led to
. the in that had sold
bales of cotton through ,. B
Cherry Co. at cents, the
x. I.
Further injury dis-
C. L. went to Winter- closed Messrs, Cherry it Co.
also sold for themselves the
of Win-1 bales, the entire lot
ways gain new life, strength and
r from use. Try them.
Drug Store. Price cents.
spent Saturday night bringing something
Sunday with Misses Anna and Mr. A. M. Moseley
Tessie the purchaser.
Mr. and Mrs, Ambrose John-
l son, of spent Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C.
It is well to remember ii
was to the that
the angels announced the Savior's
birth; they shepherds doing Steamer h. Myers leave
their duty. Washington daily, except i
. at a. in for Greenville, leaves
. . ., daily, except Sunday.
Wonderful Nerve , , , ,,. u f,,,,,
Ts displayed by many a man en Connecting Washington with
during pains of accidental ruts. Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, No matter how
Norfolk, Va.
Henry Carmack, of
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in Saturday night and Sunday
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and at E. K.
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
At Last.
In a cemetery near Portland
there are live tables all alike, ex-
the inscriptions, which
first wife of John
Wounds, Bruises Burns, Scalds, Philadelphia, New York Boston, tobacco,
feet its But there's all t for he Weal with rail to supply
no need tor it. rads at Norfolk.
he pain and cure Shippers should order freight by . i
best S. c. ,,,, at hood Sunday.
Salve will kill t
the trouble. It
earth for Piles, too. W
en's Drug Store.
S. S. C
ii . i
It takes many new beginnings lo , .
make a glorious ending.
i, B
Smith spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Misses Allie and
low the Mi Battle and Lena
at Craft's Sunday.
Misses button and Letha
were in this neighbor-1 Russia of
Folks Must Eat
low the
we are the
second wife of John
third wife of John
fourth wife of John
At rest at
New Clyde from
Bay Line and
i. Baltimore. Mar-
A Hi i
Dyspepsia Cure for
the stomach that which it is nu
able to do for its- f, even I bill
slightly disordered or over-loaded
Dyspepsia Cure supplies
the natural juices of digestion
does the work of the stomach, re-
the nervous tension, while
the inflamed muscles of that organ
are to rest heal.
Dyspepsia Cure digest
you eat and enables the
and digestive organs to transform
all food into rich, red blood. Sold
Fresh, Clean,
are o
Pure v i i m ids
W don't cull
P, W. was
a while Tiles
Charlie Winter
e over a
The City Hay k drain Co.,
Hay, Cracked Corn,
Cotton Seed
Meal and hulls.
There is good In till to the
who is altogether good,
Get our and see our stock be-
fore We want to buy your
Corn and Pea I for cash.
Five Points. Sunday,
Thomas of P.
D- j; T S w. ,,
r. I
by its
flu ii j I-
ii. ; c
From personal experience I testify
that DeWitt s Little Early Risers
are as a liver pill.
They are rightly named because.
they give strength energy and
do their work with T. . . ,
Tex. Thousands closed down sometime
of people are using these tiny little Heeded repairs will resume op-
pills preference to all others,
because they are so pleasant and
They cure biliousness,
torpid liver jaundice,
constipation, etc. They do J under new management with a full
not purge weaken, but cleanse competent workmen. We
and Sold Jno Lit , ,
u- y make and sell at wholesale and
retail, Sash, Doors and Blinds,
A man's prospects depend on
the things ho respects.
Mantels, Porch and
all sorts of Interior Exterior
Trimmings. We solicit
your patronage, not as a favor but
on our merits.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers
Ties and Bags,
Correspondence and shipments
-s So .
Miss spoil
In mis
O-cat i. t to Winter-
C, A. .;.
e- in lilt
Seoul, Jan. com-
plaits that soldiers are
causing Korea answers
. must interfere.
The in Seoul is increasing
ml the native press which
is is more bitter
against foreigners formerly.
The Emperor's led advisers
have a dully council.
legations hive
I increased their guards by sixteen.
he Japanese are buying and
, much rice in northern Korea.
I The ginseng trade is The
J Korean
whose arc pro
has made v threat
Crops Almost Total Loss.
Norfolk, Va., Jan. -The re-
wave, which la now more
than ever to Tidewater
Virginia interests, has
to paralyzed the trucking
. N I in this section, causing great loss
H. K. null Tues
R. L.
Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, O., had
the piles for years. I
dollars could do him no lasting T p T A U
good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel U
Salve cured him permanently. In- . .
for outs, burns bruises, American and Italian Marble
laceration, eczema, I ,,
salt rheum, and all other skin
diseases. Look for the name WIRE AND IRON PENCE SOLD
Witt on the package all others ., ,
are cheap, work
Jno. L. Woolen.
Attorney-at- Law,
N. C.
During January
hist year thousands of barrels of
spinach and cabbage were being
shipped north, I he shipments av-
barrels a day. Since
to me, the I on I barrels have been shipped, and
tie 2nd day of Jan, on the . ,
of Walter Evans notice la predict that shipments
hereby given to all persons indent will cease if weather conditions do
to the estate to mass immediate pay-
The Clerk of Superior of Pitt .
County having Issued of ll
lo the undersigned, and to
creditors of laid estate to
claims properly authenticated, to tin,
twelve months
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of
and other claims. Prompt
to all
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
not improve near future.
Indications at present seem to
a total failure of
alter the of this notice, or this present crops, entailing a loss of
notice will ho plead in bur of their a. Zs in
William Fountain, H.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C-
thousands of dollars upon farmers
and com mission merchants.
This the 2nd day of January
of the estate of waiter Cotton seed and corn for sale
by W. P. Washington,
N. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One customer
gathered from one acre in cotton
the past fill over pounds of
seed cotton, and I made from my
one door of post office, or. corn to per acre
street Phone j after spring crop of cabbage. I
I DaTe a limited cotton
can hold a penny so close fed A . If to
. per bushel. Cotton seed fl
to your eye that you cannot see a
dollar or a whole block behind .
i par
per bushel. 1- -4-wk ft

D. J. Editor and
Entered in the office at N. C, as second class matter,
rate made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties.
to to fiction
Pitt County, N. C, Tuesday, January 1904.
Information comes from Wash-
that the Panama treaty will
be ratified.
King Peter baa grown tired of it
already and expresses a willingness
to give up his job.
Charlotte is agitating the union
depot question. May it not hang
fire as long as at Durham.
Five feet fences won't be
when the boll weevil conies.
They say the things can jump
feet. I
The proceedings in the
cases fail to develop anything
The trial of anything is
never as interesting as its discovery.
Even if the prospects do point to
high priced cotton for sometime to
come, it will not justify the farmer
to neglect food crops.
The fact is brought out in
at Washington that Pitt
county is the largest tobacco pro-
county in the world. Pitt is
county to be proud of.
Germany has a war fund which
has been far
Now those who have it want
cents for their cotton. It will go
It is the easiest thing in the world
make a man see a thing as be
wants to see Herald.
But not the way you want him to
see it.
About the tamest news in pa-
now is the war between Japan
and It has served its
We hope Gov. will not
forget to pardon the newspaper boys
who bare ban him the
past year.
Japan ts said to be getting tired
of waiting for Russia's decision. If
she wants war all she has to do is to
Th farmer who is out of debt
his crop in the crib,
stock well housed his land well
If you pay what you owe and the
man you owe pays what he owes
and the man he owes pays what he
owes, and so on down the whole
line, times will come no
fire a gun and the will com- with buckwheat flour sod
, sausage i in a position
Morgan, Chauncey Jobs D.
Wears not much on legal; Rockefeller, or any other Idler,
phrase, but all those parties con- j There may be times when the let of
with stolen bonds keep- j the farmer is full of cars and
silent until the real thief got j but of them re content and.
safely away looks like compounding; independent these cool
. , Exchange.
a felony.
Mrs. Russell has not yet
stamps in the
Nor is it in
that Mr. has
the sentient hundred dollars.
The happiness of the in-
creases as cotton keeps climbing-
The long faces will follow when the
break comes and the bears get their
It really looks as if Russia is
hunting for a excuse, It is
ending out news from St. Petersburg
that other nations will be drawn in
if Russia and Japan fight.
Interest deepens as the
of those stolen bonds is pushed
in court at Raleigh. If some scape
goat does not come between, the bot-
tom may be reached and the thief
be spotted.
That Greensboro game inspector
appears to have a nose for the
That's a You mean
his dog has the nose.
Hush money plays a good
sometimes, and the suggestion to
give a little soothing in the shape of
to Columbia may a
very quieting effect on the
It seems that Roosevelt wants no
Federal office holders elected as
to the convention to
him. He wants them to
a and then slay in the back
Col. I. A. Sugg can congratulate
himself upon being entitled to a sent
in the front row of the school of
prophets. It looks like his
on the price of cotton is coming
The Raleigh Times intimates that
Russia and Japan do not want to
fight, hut want somebody to hold
them while they rail at each other.
So it is a case of of you hold
the other is enough to
hold ;
It is alarming to read of the great
number of fires occurring during
the last few weeks. Hardly can a
paper he perused without finding
accounts of by flames.
Several towns in North Carolina
have suffered. Can it be due to the
extremely cold weather causing
to build larger fires in heaters
and stoves and be less careful Fire
is a dangerous thing and too much
care cannot be taken with its
The loss by fire of two large
female colleges in less than a week
a severe blow to the educational
interests of the state. The Female
College, at Oxford, and the State
Normal and Industrial College, at
Greensboro, are institutions the state
could ill afford to lose. We hope no
time will be lost in replacing them.
We received with the com-
of Dr. T. N. Ivey, editor of
the Raleigh Christian Advocate, a
of the North Carolina
Handbook for 1904. It is a
bound book of pages
filled with much useful and
interesting information that can
had from ho other
The price of this valuable book is
cents and can be had by
that amount to Ivey, at
St. Louis hotels are about to kill
the goose that lays the golden egg.
The report is getting out that they
think they have a cinch in prospect
and will put up rates to a
figure during the week of the demo-
national convention. This
brings on talk that if the hotels
pursue that course there is,
of the national committee being
called together again and another
place selected for the
Sky-Pilot Fife must find plenty of
suckers to invest in gold
brick, else he couldn't afford to
so much space with his
in the daily
ham Tribune.
The French customs commission
says in its report that the present
high tariff in the United States is
unnecessary as a protective measure.
it couldn't convince the infant
of the fact-
It is moral cowardice that keeps
some people poor in this world. It
is the lack of courage to appear
to be as poor as they really are. In or-
to off than they are
they live beyond their means. If
such people as these could bring them
selves to understand that having an
abundance of this world's goods
does not necessarily confer the best
sort of respectability they not
be so silly about trying to appear to
have what they really do not possess
and in the course of time they might
come to have something, and also
contrive to preserve their self respect
while they were getting it. while on
the other hand they generally wind
up with very little.
The city of Atlanta, Ga., has
to be used in
daily newspapers to advertise the
municipality. This is where Atlanta
gets the start and keeps ahead of
towns which do not recognize the
beneficial results of printer's ink.
No wonder that Atlanta grows and
thrives and attracts attention. Dur-
ham's method is to get all you can
for nothing, and keep everything out
of the daily papers possible. Which
is the most sensible and progressive
method of these two
Lawyers have no right to shield
criminals because retained by them.
Judge Drown made that clear
day. We have not believed that
Colonel Harris had any wrong intent
with reference to the Godfrey bonds,
and his prompt disclosure of the
name of his client, in obedience to
the ruling of Judge Brown, shows
that he was only acting upon a mis-
taken conception of an obligation to
clients. No lawyer owes an
to a client superior to sound
public and
The idea of organizing a building
and loan association in Greenville
seems to he growing, if judge
from the number of people who have
spoken in commendation of the
in The on the sub-
There is no better way to get
one than to keep talking about it
until there is a movement for organ-
There are plenty of people
here who will become shareholders
if the right men take hold and or-
an association. And
better tine to do a n.
Bryan is out in a speech in which
he advocates reaffirming the plat-
forms of 1888 and 1900 without
change. It looks like two defeats
on that platform ought to be
It is to be hoped St. Louis hotels
will not anticipate a bonanza and
It isn't only the man who wishes,
to sell shoes or novelties who must
advertise. Pugilists and politicians
find it necessary in their
though they seldom admit it.
James J. Corbett, the actor-pugilist,
appreciates the value of printing
ink. no fun in prize fight-
says the former champion.
fight only for what advertising
is in it. Whether I win or lose
put up rates for the week that the U fight I am well advertised, and it's
editors take the exposition. If so the advertising I The free
the boys better select some other advertising Corbett gets
A Chicago dispatch says a club
composed of many prominent demo-
in that city are taking stops to
boom Gen Nelson A. Miles for the
presidential nomination on the
ticket. A man could hardly
be found who would get fewer votes
in the South.
If the which
is practiced at some of our colleges
for boys could be converted into the
purchasing of a fire engine, and the
him to command a salary of
a week in
and Observer.
The North Carolina
is arranging to its
next annual meeting at the St. Louis
Exposition on May 16th. The
committee will meet in
bury next Wednesday, to make
for the trip. It will be.
an educational, business and pleas-
trip, all combined, and will be
most beneficial to each member. A
pleasant feature of the occasion, no
doubt, will be that each member
will be allowed to take with him
some member of his family.
drilling of a fire company, it would This would give the unmarried
be a great security against fire in
these buildings. And in addition
to this security against fire, the
young men would get their needed
exercise, and the insurance rates
We are unable to see what use
street lamps are to the town unless
they are lighted such nights as Fri-
day night. It was dark, raining
and disagreeable, yet there was not
a light on the streets to help
along. A member of the
board of aldermen tells The
tor that the management of the
street lamps is entirely with the
lamp lighter who buys what, oil he
pleases, lights the Limps when he
pleases and leaves them dark when
he pleases. That being the case it
be wise to abolish the use of
the lamps entirely and save the
town the expense of oil bills and
lighter's salary. If the citizens are
denied the little light the lamps
give and have to grope their way-
through the darkness every time
the nights are bad, they can also
get along without them under more
favorable conditions.
of the association an
to arrange for one of the loveliest
bridal tours
Do the republicans wish
Roosevelt The New York Herald
has polled the business and
men of that city with respect
to their choice between Roosevelt
and Hanna for the presidency. Of
1,200 Republicans questioned
favor the nomination of the former,
and declare for the latter.
Among the district leaders of the
republican party in Manhattan there
is a preponderance of
feeling. Of the thirty six leaders,
twenty eight have expressed them-
selves as preferring another
date th an the president, although
moat of he will the
el the
A special sent out from Wilson
dispensary here though open
only about three weeks has wrought
a very great change in matters
Only a very few people have
been seen on our streets intoxicated
and the mayor's court is almost a
thing of the
We have noticed similar reports
from other towns where dispensaries
have been established. It is a
strong argument that closing the
barrooms decreases
should be an incentive to people in
Greenville who want to see less
to favor a dispensary
The Banner Township of fie Banner
County in the State.
A subscriber at Farmville, Pitt
in making a remittance to
The Observer, adds the following to
his business
think our little town down
here in Pitt county is doing
more for education than any other
of its size anywhere. With a pop-
not exceeding we have
finished a nice five room school
building, costing over and
have a graded school, free to all
children in the district for eight
mouths in the with flour teach-
and a present enrollment of
then, Pitt county is the ban-
of the State,
ally speaking, making more pounds
of tobacco than any other county,
and ranking most of the leading
counties in and Farmville
is the banner township of
the county.
would like to see Graver Cleve-
land nominated for the presidency
and elected. I am a great admirer
of but I am afraid he will net
get the nomination.
W. P.
This department is in of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
A affair took places
j near here Wednesday night. Miss
Her 103rd Birthday
N. O., Jan. Betas. and Southey living near
A very sad or- near Carroll having formed a special I Indian Village. Noble count ,
here last Monday. Miss Myrtie
Brock, a young lady whose en-
to be married next week
had been announced, after
a visit from affianced ear
Her tn the morning, died in less
than two his
Seemingly just before she was in
the best of health. She was buried
at Branch
fondness one for the other desired her 103rd birthday to-
to he made and wife. The old Her faculties are
folks the alliance, so to be good, but she is in an
on the occasion named Southey state. She counts her
with an understanding ahead due descendants by the score.
preparation made, and in due i
,, ,, , Correction,
tune, all going well, they called
in the services of a J. P. and now In reporting the proceedings of
the old folks are sad and Reba and Wednesday, through a
Southey, beyond measure.
O. A. Kittrell Co. are in the of each other's
Immense quantities of cotton seed, i
Seed are bringing a e price and j A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
add much to the income of the lot of coffins on baud. Prices
farmer. i are very reasonable as heretofore.;
typographical error the name Bob
Harrington appeared in a case
when it should have been Babe
B. L. Nichols, of Beaver Dam,
here Wednesday.
A young lady who
can be seen with a red jockey cap
head with
locks sauntering leisurely through
our streets on a afternoon,
is a picture voted by all us
a feature most attractive indeed.
The firm heretofore existing
under the firm name style of B. K.
Manning Co., has been dissolved
by unit mil consent and will here-
after be known and styled R. G.
Stole Safe.
Pan Jan.
Prompt attention given all orders the
If you want your horse front the express car of the Souse
if your harness or your own shoes Limited, on the
reed repairing, and for general Southern Pacific Bail way near San
blacksmith work call and see W. Luis today and it under-
L. House on Main street. the lobbers secured a large
Mis. F. O. Cox and Miss Annie amount of treasure from the stolen
Stocks went shopping to Greenville box, the sum being placed
yesterday. high This however,
Miss Hattie Kittrell has been ls denied at the office of Wells,
visiting in the country. Fargo Company The Sunset
Limited was traveling in two
sections and it in one of the
express curs of second section
Freight train left here Thursday
o'clock a. just eleven hours
was here yesterday.
C. A. Fair and A. D. Cox went
to Ayden Wednesday.
J. R. has attending
court this week.
Though he is n republics ii we
The safe was Ion id today in the
rough lauds alongside the track.
We now have a nice lot of porch had been of everything
column timber. It you are In need i except a diamond
of them why not let us fit you up some valuable papers.
are light. J standing toe express people's
are pleased learn f the appoint. Co. that there was little of
friend L j G A. Kittrell Co. are paying value in the sate, it is stated It t
postmaster at Plymouth. We rents per seed. one package sent from Barbara
deem him a first class fellow.
For Bent or house and
lot between Josephus Cox
and A D. Cox Academy street.
Apply t C A. Fair.
Mr. at the Drug Store
will be pleased to show you their
line of handsome gold and fountain
B J.
Cox. Board l per day. Best for of n
i in town. . . .
One of our farmers has
giving wire fence a test
says that the weld is the
best fence he ever saw. A. G
Cox Mfg. Co. have all styles in
stock and continually buying
was worth about
The Wells, Fargo officers
that these were two safes iii the
train, one of which i locked
the other being a
depository for local valuables
which they assort seldom contains
For the Smartest a suit,
For an Overcoat that's right up
For a Hat of Correct shape be
coming style to lit face,
For anything in a
that's just right and priced right,
more than It was the
O. A. Co. will give latter safe was stolen,
you 1333 lbs cotton seed meal in California.
v man's hat was found
in thy vicinity of the stolen
today. After the robbery a man
House . .
or give per bushel.
A. ft. Cox Mfg. Co, hare j list; T,. , , .
; . , , , I need of seed
received another load of wire, , . . . . .
I meal corn, bay or anything m ab thirty yens if age, brought
fencing u furnish you fence;. . ,, . . ., . ,, . . , ,
J . i feed line see G. A. Kittrell Co. hat from a fiction and on
from high at prices j
ranging from J 3-4 Car load of shingles expected to
per yard. arrive in a few days. See
before buying.
G. A. Kittrell Co.
We have a nice line hats for
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
We return thanks for the many
-congratulation, showered upon
to the mistaken report that
we taken ourselves a
beautiful half. It's all a
I we think very reasonable
mistake friend. Oh how we wish . . .
always glad to serve you save
it wasn't. It's, no fault of ours, yoUr
though. Harrington Barber Co.
L. Wilkinson, of Greenville,
was short while Wednesday.
L. L. has been to
The title to two tracts of land In
Alabama, each of forty acres, has
been received by the Methodist
paid for real Orphanage here as a bequest from
estate, and yet, owing to good
received by our farmers,
they over anxious to sell.
We vote F. O. Cox, a clever
fellow. For the last two weeks
his on persimmon beer and
the old sweet
potato t at our boarding house
made m think of the good days to
tan we are in a more de-
did very nicely with
cotton Thursday at cents, but
went it one better,
on, Co, the
same paid Charles
1-8 or 82,267.50 for
tales. Winterville is hard to
beat to down is something
which her business men sever
Samuel P. formerly
Gatesville, N. News
and Observer.
Don't spring has come.
The weather is to sudden
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Good, Hats and Conn-
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candles, Cakes, Crackers and Cheese
always Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
Fruits and Vegetables, Rice,
and Canned Goods. Green and Roast-
ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry Soaps.
If. Q,
the of the sou
train, this was arrested
at depot and identified by the
man. It is believed that
the robber has been captured.
For an all round satisfactory Clothing House
To Tie to Year in and Year out,
Several young ladies can gel
employment operating sewing ma-
chines underwear. work
is light, neat a remunerative.
Whole families can get employ
Apply to.
The Weldon Cotton Mfg. Co.
Weldon. N C.
Is the parent of
and mil
and Remedy b
German Liver Powder
not l mixture, but l
of one of Nature's
If you f
If you a
we will send you
of Oil las
Powder with our
Specific. Os not
patients who seen
cured by this wonderful Specific. O. not
but sand your full ones a
The American
Well Developed Case Brought to
Town Today.
Dr. Brown, superintendent
of health, advises The
that there was a case of smallpox
in town today, the case coming in
from the country. A MiN Spain,
aged about years, came to this
county from South Carolina three
; or four weeks ago, and has been
Jiving with Mr. Ben Gwaltney, at
the Gorham place, miles from
town. A breaking out recently
j appeared the girl and today
she was brought to town and car-
to Dr. for ex-
at once sent for Dr. Brown, and
they pronounced it a wt develop
ed case of smallpox.
It seem, that girl has been
attending a school in Mr.
neighborhood, and the
lier of children exposed by coining
in contact with makes the
situation there a rather
The girl was back to Mr.
at once and house
net quarantine,
and a general of people
in the neighborhood will follow.
Daily Reflector January
The School Suspends for Three
to Reflector.
Greensboro, N.
The board of trustees of the State
Normal and Industrial College
this morning decided to suspend
the school for three weeks. Five
hundred students will leave Mon-
day for their homes. Efforts are
being made to get reduced rates
for on the railroads. Ar-
for the accommodation
of the students are to be effected
in the interim. Plans for a per-
building to take the place
of the one burned will be decided
upon at a future meeting of. the
trustee. Joyner.
Goes to the Norfolk and Western.
Columbus, Ohio, Jan.
deal was officially closed here to-
by which the Columbus Term-
and Transfer Company passes
to the Norfolk and Western rail-
road. President Johnson confirm-
led the rumor N. D. Manor
has been appointed general
the Norfolk road, effective
I February A. C. Needles is
promoted to
It is reported here that Uncle
Johnnie Davis, of the
years old, New
day and killed three
bits with his cane. This puts
Three in the business
section of were de-
by fire Friday rooming.
The court house narrowly escaped.
Crowell, of
died Thursday night.

m, -l II I.
J. Bros I
Grimesland, N. C.
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
you want r lo b a ;
fun to
for your table, or
we . i
Our mill and i re now
in full blast and a .- are ,
pared to gin n, grind i.
saw .-
of turned work
do i-
carts and way
Anything wanted in the way
lot . Dry Goods, No-
Hats, -r a
and are be I ad
here, wit
to eat, to
wear, or i article the
;. m, you can be
ed. H gin rices I
or an I sell .
t-vivify the torpid LIVER and restore
j natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pun
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
lake no Substitute. All Druggists
in the World.
Apparently, the hardest thing
in I he world to get people
Di s the fact that all con
M must give
when they send lo their articles.
X. C
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Gr Almost every paper keeps a notice
I II lid I 1-1 a- ,
. . . .,, like this standing in its columns,
very one the can gel , drinks. Hot Peanuts others continually refer to
The man wants
can ii
Office opposite depot.
next door lo Post
Complete Line Clothing, Furniture, Groceries,
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
, Cotton Seed and Country Product.
along with- ill.
vi day.
r n
IsM are I possess one of
our 1.1 ;, and
. I d ;. in,
. e will . I Lawn Mower pretty
. a el v n ad It ea. for you to own one.
to w ti lawn ; we
. p. and ran it to do work.
s, .- and
t else line.
r I
V.- ii-. I. v. A.
. m
This ;
ti with a
. ,
or Values pres i
. . .-;
. .
Thousands of
that arc
white are here in
varied and r
The Department
Is of beautiful new patterns. Torches
and Va Laces in match sets all widths and
The Embroideries
j it. Yet constantly, people semi in
contributions without a scratch to
indicate Who their authors are or
whether they are sent in good
faith. This thing is a little mat-
people will never learn.
Marriage. Licenses.
Last week Register of Deed K.
issued licenses to the fol-
J. II. Williamson and Bessie E.
J. A. Corbitt and Owen-.
Charles Joyner and Dora
W. Smith and E. A. Bad-
Jno. II. and Blanche
Avery Bailie Had-j
Wilson and
John Hodges and
I u
Hold. Phillips and Hannah
See Us.
It. Al s. of New
is in town shaking hands
with his many friends, having
coin . J to spend a
day. He lived In Greenville
tor years and is perhaps
best tiered as the popular
salesman at M. R. Lang's store.
was also for a while the to-
business, being associated
L. Joyner in building
and ting Eastern Ware-
house, the was built
on this market. Mr.
left here twelve years ago and
located in New York. He engaged
fur manufacturing and has
success, his
i ranking with the largest his
line in that city. We are glad to
see him down this way. He says
Greenville has made wonderful
progress since he last saw the
you can get. bones goods at living juices.
large stock before bay bf satisfied
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Every thing y ti use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor
s Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we arc ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody Hun tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save yourselves money.
N. C.
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
,. on coast; salt tempered by proximity of
Gulf Stream. Fully with every modem Improvement for the treat-
of disease. A full corps of Specialists in even department. Special
department for eases of confinement. Most approved apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward Rates, per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President, St. Vincent's and Sanitarium
Are just too pretty to talk about, it is
to give you any idea their must see
to appreciate them. We have ail width.- and
prices, in match sets complete; and we have bountifully
provided for the little folks in our selection.
Greenville's Great Department Store
French Count
Paris, Jan. Constance
Livermore, daughter of the Barb-
and of the late Charles
F. Livermore of New York, wan
married in Paris today to Count
de Count
is the brother of Count Guy and
Count Jean de and is a
noted Last, year he
fought a serious duel with Baron
de Rothschild. Though
the De family is not
wealthy it possesses a fine
in Paris and several country
Loan Value,
Cash Value.
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid month you
ire living, or within three alter lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears interest.
No Restrictions. incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
The fresh half-sole that a moth
applies to her offspring's
trousers contradicts the theory
that there is nothing under
the son.
read yearling
both ears clipped and
Party finding will please
notify me, and be rewarded.
David N, C.
Woodland, N. C, Jan. 1903.
H. B. went to Greenville
Miss Caroline Little, of
dale, visited at H. B. Smith's Sat-
J. J. My went i Ayden Fri-
Bessie, and Laura
friend at Reunion.
Miss Laura Crawford went t-
Little Clara has been
sick for the past days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith
Jerome was in th
neighborhood Sunday afternoon.
Jesse L. Smith, of
was here a short while Saturday.
Henry Carmack, of Ayden, j
visited our neighborhood Sunday.
Herbert Bennett, of Farmville,
was here Tuesday.
Wiley Nobles spent Sunday at;
Usual and visited
in the neighborhood Sunday after-
Miss Cornelia Nobles came borne
to spend Sunday.
J. M. Smith went to Winterville
on business
went down
school house Sunday
to see his lest girl. His brother,
John, him, on
of importance.
Herod Hooks was in the neigh-
John Crawford went
to Winterville Monday
A touch of black and white and a dash of red, green and brown,
and you have a successful costume. Winter demands brightness we
have it in big shipments.
Beheaded Son and Dog.
N. J., Jan.
sane long Mrs.
Arthur Oswald Oakland beheaded
her lour year-old son and his pet
dog during last night. She i now
a raving maniac.
Germany to Send Troops.
Berlin, Jan. Emperor
is angered government
officials did not take precautions
to prevent the slaughter of colon-
West Africa.
He is personally supervising
the rushing of i to
He made a call for vol-
Grand Duke Louis
Ernest of Frederick Francis
of Princes.
and George of Bavaria,
Fred rich of Prussia the
Grand Duke Saxe
applied. They were refused on
account of the danger.
Every in this
Overcoats 5.00
15.00 Overcoats 11.50
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that on
th day of January. 1904,
the firm of H. C. Edwards and
Charles Cobb, doing
the style of Pitt County Buggy
Co., was dissolved by mutual
consent. The interest of Charles
Cobb was purchased by H. 0.1
Edwards and the latter
all the of the firm and
business under
the same name cf Pitt County
Buggy Co. All persons indebted
to the firm either by note or ac-,
are requested to come for j
ward and settle with him as early
as possible.
This 18th Jan. 1901.
Cables Cobb.
Having sold my goodwill and
interest in Buggy Co.
to H. C. Edwards, I wish to thank
all my friends for their patronage
in the past and ask that they con-
the same to Mr. Ed
wards, who will at all times en-
to please them with good
Boys Knee Pants
Pairs Boys all Wool Knee
Pants worth double at sOc.
per cent, reduction on the en-
tire line of pants-All Grades.
Special inducements on the entire
line, nothing but high class Millinery
sold in our store. Everything new and
Tailor Made
They arc the
Season's latest ere
We are the
cheap Fur house.
They fit well, hang
well, handsomely
made. Prices
range from
11-4 Size Blanket
Full Size Blankets
Heavy Fleece shirts Drawers
holiday m announcement of House Furnishing Goods. Couches. BooKcases.
Frames. Easels. Rocking Chairs. Hall Racks fa.
W. Main St
North Carolina

W. L. Brown returned
day evening front Tarboro. .
II. C. Hooker left this
for Odessa. .
A; R. Breedlove tin morn-
fur Springs.
Be die Tail lei r i-
to visit relatives in Henderson.
Miss Came Gay this
; visit
Miss Mary I
more-, is Miss Lizzie
Alex of New Y
who been hi re a few
left this morning for Goldsboro.
B. l. C, James and
Vick this morning for
New York.
Rev. en,
the Watch
. is in
day evening from up the
. C. Lamb and son, Wilson
left day g for Kin
J. Li. i V,
evening from trip on the
Mm. It. O. Jeff
i ,
to v i
.-.-. . .-
Hair Splits
have used Vigor
for thirty years, it is tor
hair dressing sod for k the
hair from the
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the
splitting is done on your
I own head, it loses friends
for for hair of
your bead is a friend.
Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
If cannot you,
ill v will
of your
J. C. A CO., Level,
curt ti-st the county
home Had been and the
I inmate found as well cared for
could be under the circumstances.
jury that some
needed be provided, and
that other buildings be repaired.
The jail was reported in good
condition and the prisoners well
cared for. The building was de
insecure it was
mended that a piece of sheet iron
lie fastened on outside of cells sol
as to prevent prisoners
on locks of the doors.
The offices of the several county ;
were reported all light and
well preserved. It was I
that a plank floor
lie placed in the clerk's office.
Superior Court.
The follow ens Lave been
disposed since previous report;
The jury in the case against
The College Will Not Close.
Fuller particulars of the fire at
the State Normal and Industrial
College at Thursday
i in leg, state that the fire
about o'clock in the kitchen,
Moore, for
and was breaking through the
dis- .
the case
from a i
made a rial, i ad
after having
nearly boors.
W, T. and
Han is,
each and costs.
The grand jury on Wednesday
found bills if
of when discovered by the
watchman, With of
i ind the watchman rushed I
through the dormitory and had
be girls awakened could
gel -mt without a panic. In this way j
all escaped without ii jury.
;. on the fourth floor were
, . at one time and had a
ens i is murder
against Jessie Haddock, Jr.
C. L Wilkinson Co.
Give Rebate Checks
Saturday morning, Jan.
will start a sale which will interest the buy-
public. This will be a sale of
and Ends .
Odds and Ends in Dress Goods
odds and Ends in Slips
Odds and Ends in
Odds and Ends in Hosiery
Odds and in Shoes
Odds and Ends in Clothing and Pants
Odds and in Men's and Boy's Clothing
Odds and Ends in Umbrellas
Odds and Ends in and Lacs
Full in. Black Taffeta Silk
This and sale will last just one week.
Our purpose is to stock for spring business.
C. L Wilkinson Co.
.- of Ayden, is
V; . ; A
M Li Parker, of m-
ville, visiting
;. man
-r Of N
i I evening
sister. Mi i,
W H th.
named It ., at
Haddock arr r-
to jail. baa been
I Bel for the trial.
Basher Barnhill, Simon Barn
j bill, Harry Km. Barn-I
I hill Davenport, Ires-
, pi not .
i scape. One hundred and twenty
live I he girls lust all they had at
school, and many others lost
more or of their clothing. i
The citizens of Greensboro
showed their magnanimity
in this trying situation. The
car company tendered free
r the cars the hotels
thrown open to them for breakfast.;
ids of invitations to homes
. . II i I, i- Lena
in to hilt, John Ben
I-. Jesse I.- i Seine.
ii the were and
,. forcible in .
f, V. u,
,; affray, John
i . .
r, B Patrick, in
ii. p u-a ma i
,. c I . , y.
I ;. . .,
the morning was half gone
he girls were comfortably I
Tee offered
J F.
Neck I
went I
i v. no . ;
,, affray, Is guilty,
I of
in g.
A . i to Sc
it visit Kin
nit costs.
, . plead guilty inn
If guilty.
. . . , I U II
; to all who bad lost
and the Southern rail-
way offered free
return to who
vi ii Id find ii necessary to go to
Dr. the col
legs would not close but go right,;
on with its regular work. The
burned dormitory was insured and
ii he taken lit once to
R. J. C. V. York. L. It Pender.
The Building;
if, ;. . K .-. M S
. . . b . Bi N n a nil
The memorial window to hi
., in the Baptist church
in mi emulation of the
of the Baptist State
I on in ha re, I
,,,. ed. he window will be placed
; .
,., , Police J. T. Si w
to Well In to b
a . . v
, I
A. el to Ayden
It. f. W. I left this morn-
for Hamilton.
Miss Quinn left Friday
for a visit to Winter ville.
Hilton Johnson, one of The
boys, has been on the
sick list the last two days.
in ii i m on will be
, each
B Jr.,
. ; I bad I
. 1.1
s . ,. was lured
veil d ii appropriate
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Tobacco Factory.
All kinds of dressed lumber, turned and
scroll work.
All machinery new and up to dale and of the best
and contracts taken for erection of
build logs,
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and nil kinds of sheet
metal work, Our In on fourth street,
L marble yard, Mr. ft. L. Wyatt has charge of
r ti ii slating department. You will find hi m
a master of his trade.
V. h ask for our share public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
X. Jan
The I. O. O. F. of Bethel last week.
The Literal-
tended the tournament at
j. Mayo returned from
y society
11,8.1 J. J. reached us late yesterday No. met Tuesday evening rendered a good program Friday
Edgar Keel, who has been here sentenced to
on a visit to his father, H.
for Nor- Ward, entering house
j at night, not guilty.
, Almond Daniel, forcible
O. K. Moore, foreman of The
left this morning for
Mount to meet his family
who are coming from Mt. Airy.
of the death of Mr. J-j,.,,.,.,,.,,
,,, . . m one of the oldest
a highly respected citizens
George Baker and I of our Mr Worth
.,., affray, John Baker had been lo feeble
Others guilty, several years, and the sad news
S . one-ball costs each. came as no surprise. His remains
I Edmonds and Bob Johnson, I will OS Interred this
He leaves one child and hosts of
friends relatives to mourn his
J. M. has gone to
den today on business.
affray, Edwards not guilty, John-
Kill larceny, guilty,
Keel, this morning
pass, guilty, sentenced months
on roads.
Daniel, assault with
j deadly weapon, not guilty.
. . K W. H. Mercer, retailing, guilty,
raised her baby and a pig on the I
, bottle ought not to stumble i
The tire alarm Friday
night was caused by a slight
an outbuilding on the premises
occupied by Mrs. Fannie Jenkins,
on Pitt street. There was no
damage of consequence. It was
the first fire here sines
at Journal.
The grand jury in its report to summer.
V. G. Julius Brown.
J. E Carson.
Trees. M. O.
Mrs. S. T. Carson and child,
who have quite ill, con-
M. O, Blount has returned from
Rocky Mount.
afternoon. After a recitation by
Carson and a lending
by Miss Jones and
Griffin, there a lively debate
by Whit Chery, Wright Nelson,
Walter Theron
Thomas, on the query whiskey
has caused more crimes than all
other causes.
the Bethel items last week
the correspondent was made to
say that the learned that
Miss Amanda Roebuck, of Ev-i impossible to go to
, , a , , . ville the train, to attend the
will spend Saturday Association. It
Sunday at home return to; that the
school Monday.
Griffin, Griffin
Jasper Andrews, of
will return to school Monday after
spending Saturday and Sunday at
Mrs. M. O. has returned
form Norfolk.
Several of the Bethel people at-
ice was impassible too late to go
on the train Friday evening.
Etta Taylor and Miss Mar-
Everett, of
are visiting in town.
Mr. Blount, of Mount,
is in town business.
Washington is supplying
the town with shoes.
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Among prominent ,
Sentenced Foot
A upon the of
j Greensboro, N. C. Jan. 27-
The trial of Haddock, Jr., j Association f City .,
of Prof- th.- three-Story
court Hotel
or were culled end all secretary and by Miss Kate.
The was pied by
the Postal Telegraph Co., King
Bros . F T.
Assembly in the pest few years
I attracted from
but were In
the jury. The jar as
ed to of J
II. ii. V, T.
A. l. J. J. P.
.-. I.
c L t;. y.
Cherry. John If Jr .
Warren, Jr. and J. a. Thigpen.
Col I. A. Bug. with
Solicitor Moo i the en .
Messrs. Jarvis ft the a-d the work
moos infusing life an
in his
Cut I,
I .
I Mil ,. ,. ;
In- printer, the
and Manufacturers Club.
m- ii--,. . in
.- lot ;. j H
i he Hid of ; he
of I hi- J
In ; as . -.-
appear for I he deb use
The given the
the trial of Haddock, Jr.
for murder, at o'clock Tuesday
night, court remaining in
until hour in older the
speeches of might be con
eluded and Judge Justice deliver
bis charge.
Soon after the Resembling
court this morning the jury
Into the box and announced trial
a verdict had been ached. Tin
verdict was unit was
guilty manslaughter With
the verdict the jury recommended
that the lightest sentence possible
be imposed.
for the defense made a
motion for a new trial which was
overruled by Ilia conn. Haddock
was sentenced to four months in
county jail.
Notice of to Supreme
court The appeal bond
was fixed and appearance
bond at Bi Hector,
lie M
Stale Assembly,
t is m v ,,,,. .,
work in Norm In
its deliberations
us of have worked
much what is lust in our school
Bro. k valued
badly damaged. Tiny
C. printing plant
badly damaged i y water,
red insurance.
Club quarters In third story en-
through influence destroyed. Less
The loss on the building is
en ii by Insurance.
much has been done to put these
ideas Into legislation. This year
an Important one in our
life. Within a
What the world calls failure is
often success.
A place to eat and sleep not
all is required to make a
If your is empty ii is prob-
ably because you have put
into it.
this is the
to the a of
The fellow who writs for some-
body to give in in a start j
us finds hen death approach-
M reach hacks
and touch . r
The ins . ,.,,.
hOUr i- . J .,, .,.; .-.,,.
man o i e .
. the
eleven Hi hour is t ,, ,
it h trouble.
Program for Sal 13th,
roll call.
Prof. at Carolina Club.
The c ,. club
were crowded Monday evening
from to with the
brilliantly exquisite and
ladies and
gentleman of the town. The
by the of
the club to Prof. R,
III., and musical
Many office tenants lost their I rector of Atlantic Christian college
he executive committee of principal among them of Wilson, N. C.
Assassins at Id
Sunday morning about o'clock
a man going hi
the rear of store,
field, found downward
his Ride, a white
who proved he Xii.
called generally Bud Bell, dead
and The it's
a mound by the
thrown of two ditches, which.
at Unit point, were not hull a
dozen feel
Who killed man, or the
was committed is , m
Where found I here were no signs
of a struggle. On the side the
man's bead was a wound extend
from front to rear, but the
skin was broken only about two
inches. There wt-re some as
A if the man, before life mid de-
parted, inn Ins hand over that
part of the wounded
sf Southerner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
request the of your presence
the marriage their daughter
Elizabeth Forrest
Mr. J. Bryan Grimes
Wednesday morning,
February the third
nineteen hundred and four
at eight o'clock
At Home
North Carolina.
will meet to plan the Richardson whose Ii-
greatest and most important line was destroy-
f that has yet
upon by our body. This la the third serious fire in
The committee will at ten days.
Prof. a most
splendid musical rec consisting
of a program of three parts.
The reception rooms were
crowded with the beautiful, cut-
women nit n of toe town
s were charmed
with the . f the w-
a ft e
. son were i i- . .
t,. , . ,, of the Carolina Club lo invite this
and Friday
lime decide upon the
will be done to make be a,,,., m . ,.
x. O. January 27.1904.
of the assembly a sue. from the I
standpoint of attendance,
and effective work. We distinguished musician in-
appeal to the of the Stale; w , p,
to rally as never before at
in June, that with
may he wise and that
great body of laborers may be T- went, to Green-
organized, from one S
end of the state to the other, for j , was
the people among whom we labor.
to . of sold here
i this week at cents a
A Genius a man who the
faculty of doing certain excellent
things in a masterly way What
other men work out with sweat
this man does
jauntily, joyously and without
seeming thought While
e speak in a others are talking about the thing
now, but say that he does it. And be can never
was here Toe-day. ho or why
Hooks has opened an office
i- the I'm Banquet.
Monday .,.,,
the of our concern
in making Hie program will
I hose things which will promote
. he interest
III our
fa- hay. ear lime, e-r o.-it, car
and ear arrived O. M
week of Deeds It,
Williams issued licenses the
following couples;
Jas. L. Mooring and Bertha M,
Woods rd.
Smithy d Laugh-
E B. Byrd and
and till I L. Hath-
Freeman a ml
T. J. Beach Katie Martin.
Zeb and Boss Elks.
Henry and Lora
Henry Evans and Lillie
Henry Dupree and Olivia New-1
Dennis and Flora Ann
Leander Hunter and Maggie
No cards issued in town or Mack Stancil and Bryant-
county. John Mitchel and Mary Moore.
R. Smith
Allen Cannon is with
W. V Hart had a door closed
on hi finger Tuesday
it m Dr. Skinner took
joint of it
Frank Worthington is right sick
with pneumonia.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. are
building a large Storage house
and blacksmith shop and will
begin to in a fact buggies in
about days.
Miss Nina Cannon returned from
State Normal Monday.
C. A. Fair, an experienced
buggy trimmer, bat made arrange-
to locate here and will be
with the Ayden Milling Mfg.
W. F. Mosely, a highly esteemed
citizen has been in our midst
four years, will move to
in a days. loss is
Mrs. W. F. Hart returned from
Monday where she bad
been several weeks with her sick
here gave
of Mice lore I graded school, In
appreciation of his among
his people for their it.
The was largely attended
by the more ambitious of the race
a this community reported
to highly creditable affair.
Small Fire.
Sonic young men walking along
the railroad track about o'clock,
Sunday afternoon, raw smoke
coming out of the factory of the
Building Lumber Co., and a
closer investigation showed dames
in the office. gave the alarm,
and breaking open the office rushed
in through the dense smoke to
find the tire. Both the floor and
side wall of the office were burn-
but owing to the timely dis-
the fire was put out with
only to the building.
It is surmised that the fire was
by a box of saw dust used
the office for a and
trash receptacle, into which some
one had dropped a cigar stump
or the end of a lighted match.
The fire was burning around this
box of saw
m. Devotional
Hi v. J. a. .
Reading s
Report of teachers.
Model e
work, Miss Annie Perkins.
General discus- i
Paper, f Objects in
Mi ; ,,.;,.
General discussion.
M. hi- and
I ; ; J J. ; . -e.
. Teach-
of . Rev. G.
. Hat
r, . an.
; i
Each in
and baud to th-
any question lie , m n desire
pertaining t i work.
Judge a Candidate.
Judge W. A Hoke, of Lincoln-
ton, was a visitor in the city yes-
on hi- way
City, where be will ho
yon a candidate for
associate hip
was the reply.
There can lie n RS to
Judge strength his
ability ass jurist.
retirement of Judges Dong,
las and Montgomery . in leave
two vacancies on the Supreme
conn. Judge George II. Brown
Jr., Weening , ems to be
slated an man east to
fill one of he vacancies.
the western the
state is between Judge and
Judge M, H.
Died at of
man for in
ed at In
v, be d,
his i--
OH f i
ma vis v
. lo
own i
lie o
old e
old col-
l ears
T re-
Pension d
Senator seems no
longer to the silver
oral or of the United Sates senate,
but rather
Between December 7th and
he introduced bills six
were for increase of -tin, four
for new pensions and live
Grading the Road.
The work of the grading of the
Raleigh Railroad
started last week at a point near
Raleigh. Fifty convicts are at
work and the number of laborers
will be increased as fast as they
can be secured. It is expected
that the road will be completed
inside of two years.
Attention is called to the notice
by R. Williams of entry of land
made by Geo. W. Gardner.

Eastern reflector, 26 January 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 26, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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