Eastern reflector, 8 January 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

J. B. Jones returned Jo Wilson
N. C. Dec. 1903.
Christmas is a thing of past
The holiday trade was good,
though it was one of the quietest.
C. A, Baker went to Speed
Tuesday and returned day.
G. H. Little is having some re-
pairs made to his store building. I Miss Mary returned Wed-
E. K. Fleming will occupy it next from
, , Miss Fannie Mills returned Wed-
Hog killing is now in order. J from
Wednesday evening.
H. P. Harriss Wednesday
evening for Kinston.
W. M. Lang left Wednesday
evening for Kinston.
K. remembered the writer
with nice basket of freshets.
B. F. Little is moving to Bean-
fort Many changes are
being made.
Mrs. G. H. Little returned from
Scotland Neck Monday.
J. J. went to
Greenville Tuesday and returned
with a new horse. I
H. W. of Norfolk,
stopped in to see us. Glad to see
Cow with young calf for sale,
C. E. Bradley.
Miss Lottie Blow returned Wed-
evening from Washington.
Louis of New York
came in Wednesday evening.
Julius Sugg this morn-
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Harding
this morning for New Bern.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. West
this morning.
Mrs. Julia Barrett returned this
morning from Kinston.
Roosevelt and , , t u
A. if. w this
On account of cranks President. Kinston.
Roosevelt is constantly guarded by a;
force of fifty men. No less than Misses Lena and Georgia
cranks have been arrested in the son left this afternoon Roseboro, who have been visit-
Friday, January 1st 1904.
W. J. Turnage is sick.
E. B. Higgs left this morning
for Baltimore.
L. left this morning
for Scotland Neck.
H B. Phillips left this morning
for Suffolk.
W. T. Lee and family left this
morning for Macon.
L. H. and family re-
turned this morning from
Mrs. C. C. Cobb left Thursday
evening for a visit to Kinston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hines re-
turned Thursday evening from a
visit to Turkey.
W. T. Burton returned
evening from Baltimore, where
has been for treatment.
Mrs. Maud Cobb, of
who ha been visiting relatives
here, returned home Thursday
Jesse says he wants to
be going the all the
year, so began by going this morn-
Mrs. Anna White and daughter,
two years by the
police. i
The president receives daily from
Mesdames It. J. Cobb and C. C.
to twenty live crank letters k returned Wednesday evening
Heaven, North Po e, and. Washington. Tartan,
else. No attention is with Mr.
Mrs. J. S. Tunstall left Wed-
evening a visit to Kin-
Miss Mary Bagley, of Beaufort,
is visiting the family of W B.
given these letters unless they are
The White House is the Mecca for
cranks. Usually they are content
told that the president is too
busy to see them, though some of
them get ugly, and have to handed Wilson,
over to the police. In a majority of
cases, however, arrests are made. c. B. Mayo, Bert James and T.
Y. re cranks than ever known in j no returned Wednesday
the h story of administration . .
i -i i, . . . evening from Washington.
nave crowded to Washington during I
the pant year. So- many of them ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jr.,
carried concealed and deadly returned Wednesday evening from
pons that the guard about President Washington.
Roosevelt has been working under
the most rigorous instructions to,
. , , , i Tunstall left Wednesday evening
permit absolutely no person unknown
to them to approach the president
and his office.
Because of the horror the
dent has of scenes, the cranks who
call arc invariably given j Greenville,
to leave Before anything is done
to them. Frequently the same crank
is sent away from the white house
three or four times in succession.
New Commercial.
Misses Katie and Mamie Ruth
install left
for a visit to Kinston.
J. D. J. C. Walston,
of Conetoe, came in Tuesday eve-
to visit friends in West
Misses Lizzie Lillian
Bland and Neva Boyd left Wed-
evening for a visit to
Cannon usually
W. M. Daniel, of Dunn, who
his been visiting his sister, Mrs
W. C. Hines, returned home Wed-
wears spectacles, hut the other day
he on eyeglasses. They bother-
ed him and lie laid them on the
Speaker's desk. Then he H. L. Fennell, of Wilmington,
forgot where they were and banged came in Wednesday evening to
them with bis gavel, smashing them join his family who preceded him
tO Small pieces.
here on a visit.
By v a decree r f the Superior
Pitt county in the spec-
entitled J. D. Dupree,
of J. Dupree, vs.
D. Dupree and others heirs at
undersigned Commissioner
her sister. Miss Lela Cherry,
left this morning.
and Mrs. S. V. King, of
spent Thursday night
Mrs. W. R. Parker
and returned home morning
January 2,1904-
L, I, left Friday evening
for New Bern.
Rev. W. E. Cox left Friday
evening for Seven Springs.
Miss Mamie Cox left Friday
evening for a visit to Kinston.
L. F. Waters returned Friday
evening from Williamson,
M Dora returned to
her school at Dover Friday.
Mis- Alice Lang left Friday eve-
for Kinston Goldsboro.
C. T. went, to
Friday evening and returned this
Miss Greene, of La-
Grange, has been visit pig her
Mister, Mrs. F. M. Hodges, return
ed home Friday evening.
Mrs. J. S. Keel and children left
this morning for a visit to Hamil-
Miss Alice Blow after spending
the holidays at home, returned to
school at Greensboro today.
Mrs. Alice Harper and eon,
Alexander, returned Today from
haG range.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. of
arrived Wednesday eve-
to make this place their home
and will occupy the house i
occupied by Rev. H. M on
will for cash j street.
door ii Greenville, on Thursday, Jan.
21st, . the Following described I
tract i and In I III Falkland I N. B.
at a a
on the In farm and running south
with the lands of Pitt and Dupree to
w R William's line, with said
Williams line to the land belonging to
the PHI estate, tin north with said
line to the J w Dupree lain
with said line t. Swain farm line,
thence with said line west to the be-
ginning. Containing acres, more
or less.
This Dec. 22nd,
JAMES, commissioner.
Mr. Johnson, of Windsor.
Mrs, E. and daughter's,
Misses Lillian and Mabel, of
son, who have been visiting Mr.
Mrs. C. T. left this
Miss Olivia Watson, of
who has been visiting Miss Bessie
Patrick, returned home today.
W. E. Harris, of Kinston, came
over today to take a position as
foreman of the Greenville Mfg. Co.
Miss Lola Phillips, of Tarboro,
Zuni, Va, been attending a house
business houses are
c r r I distributing some very handsome
Hay this season. The Bank
i of Greenville, the Greenville Bank-
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Trust Co., J. B. Cherry
Co., Baker Hart, J. L. Sugg, the
Atlantic Coast Line, R. L. Smith
Co., A. E. Tucker Co., and
Pulley Bowen have so far re-
membered us.
Get our prices and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy
Most of the worry is caused by
anticipating the things that never
party at took the train
here this morning for her home.
Miss Bessie Harding left this
j morning for Greensboro to again
take up her duties as teacher in
the graded school of that city.
. I. Hooker and Misses Lena
Mel lie Harriss left this morn-
Farmville to meet the bride
j and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. J. S. Tunstall and two
daughters returned this moaning
from Kinston. Miss Mattie Phil-
lips them home for a
visit here.
The New York of yes
gives the death list caused
by the fire at
the missing at and the injured
Greenville's Great Department
Gold and Silver Handled
Slippers for Children, Ladies
and Gentlemen.
Table Covers, Bureau Scarfs, Pillow Shams,
Center and Mats in Linen Drawn
Work. Irish Point,
Wheels, Point net
Wool Sweaters for Children
and Ladies.
Wool Crochet and Silk
Shawls in evening Sades.
Lace and Silk for
J. B. Cherry t Co
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
terns, and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to tit, comfort and style. In material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
Lumber Veneer Co.
North Carolina Kiln-Dried
Truck Barrels, Baskets,
Crates and Veneers.
Stove Wood on hand at all times, for
by the load. Mill locate
of the depot.
I am better prepared than ever
to make the beet photographs.
Folks Must Eat
No matter how the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pare Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Southern Ra I Road Holds up a
Unreasonable Demands of A sent.
body home.
sued for damages. The
exact amount wasn't starts
now and sag
bee a mi it that makes it perfect
clear why the railway is
thoroughly unpopular with the
ordinary And be
put a reporter in the way of
the papers in the interesting
case of W. L. Minion,
against the Southern rail-
way, in was an easy
in the suit tried in the
emit by Fudge Shaw.
had a very sick
he took to Baltimore fur treatment
in the John a Hospital.
At. Hickory he bought one
miles book for his wife one
for himself. This was on March
He left wife in the
hospital, where she died on April.
An Intending Inc dent.
The presentation of solid gold
the papers that were read in- the teen of
reported, and the sum school ma
be ascertained by telegraphic in I the beautiful
last evening. But address of
Four Inch Snow.
Though the weather reports gave
warning about its coming,
section Bods itself wrap,., four
inches of snow. began lull
inc early Monday night and eon-
-i--. w unman I night con-
for, and it i A. until rt
that he claimed damages, given came thick and fast while
i he and . m .
. fee, ,, .
the man win. ever sat on n
jury tried to do i
He knew for some pa before her I
Last week of Deeds U,
Williams issued lies to the Al-
win, K
Robert Strange an Mary
. Hooker, g
Harry W. ,. be
Hums., R. ,
and lo.
that she could not live and
h wrote to Mr. S. H. Hard wick
general passenger the
Boat asking if he could bring
his wife's body home on the mile
book. Mr. Hard wick replied
letter was produced in
stating that the mileage would be
all transportation that was
needed for the body.
Alter his wife died
tare mi Pennsylvania railroad
to Washington, there the
taken fro. the train
on the He went In
the or
t fer.
Hie mileage book for fare
for the body Hickory, Bishop
it. Ir N against
the runs to carry a .
book. The rate of I re
for a is three cents a mile,
while in a mileage book fare Costa
more cents a
Minis, there are
milts in his book. Jut tear
Q. Barron and
W. Warren and Faith-
Henry Bryant and
Proceedings of w
The board if
regular on
the nil the being
on tie treasury were
issued in aggregate amounts
follows; For paupers
county home
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. has
posed of the following in
from to Jan. 5th.
Whitman Price and
affray, .,, ,.,
Allen driving
Will Johnson,
affray with deadly bound
over to cunt.
Allen Button, drunk,
fined to
I mi v
V. fork and L
e, mil the
The Building r Cm
A new enterprise for
S .-r Co.
I I. of
, j.
I a good
building for their ,,, .
deal f,,,,,,,, f
i- work in their i, . The
u, us to
. .
and A Int.- ,.,., ,,, m . range to enable the judge A Buried Hi,
. Mo r. I to I ho . . . ,. ,,
Henry Sett and .-a M--ks.
Johnson and Moll If
Th . and Kettle
Wiley Langley and Sarah J
Isaac It sou and
Lou Fore
wide extension in
bridges and ferries en. of justice aloft
A is ho sticks to
ii attorneys th n summer car
In the Smoke House,
V., j, . o
mA. of
county died three weeks
register he may,. t a will
Kw the route and knows H wealth j . no
128.00. of people have to in banks H refused
II . ,,,,,, ,. . . . . .
enough miles
the to Hickory o
begged Mi
on the
take the whole mileage
to . i,,
home file b of in y
A. I
11.- i in; i. .
deal ear.
v. ho pone i
Buffering, told mat f
would the .
the cunts of i
B. hop
There was, i
W a .
only i do, u--, m his pock
, ;, .,
pi . i i.
all the no tie l, ,.
a from ,
of the
telling h o aid j .
what the local
to let him do.
At this juncture a good Sin.
appeared in the form of
stranger, who asked for
heard the particulars of
ease, then loaned to
a man whom he had never e
A Word
at this
f remind m re that
would a on the farm-
of th by not taking
the control of their tenants out of
then ,. them,
I even consulting the land
lord. It is for I . ,.,
the is can hard-
do anything i . our
They just dictate t us
, , he ,.
the. i. o-i . i,
-I- v lucks to ii . Merchants
As I ;. o , I r.-
i. .
o health
t i ere
from p,. hi,,. m
in.-.- V, ,.,.,,
J Cox, Allen,
; u
G i ii.
Lot I in Greenville
i.-. valuation from
s J.- gnu d i. nil,
. . ;. ., .
. a
A hog is a ,,
exempted of , . n
in the the
A is h person
I race-1
i a
window in .-. ,,
dust u i to fly j,,
of ii.-
he v.,,, .; ;,.,,.
Sunday School
The report of th
i i i .
S i . . in i . ,
J. . , III .
attendance .
Col led in .-
up .
I i
, ,.
. ,, .
i B I
i i
total I I
ill, I,
. II . I .
, . i. II .
I e ii,
i, K I refund.
J ,. ,,., w; s , ,.
all hi
. .
an open
window r the in front.
A hug is, .,,,., g
j ,
s ;,.,. .,,
from yon.
I,, g a
w. . .
shot ;,.,,
.,,. J ,.
., i,
II to
i ii,
i ii
ion ,,
i .
i j.
A In
. f
II . I.
f . I,
Ir I
Ill, I ,.
I It was allowed I i i wear , .
. I to II
all ii, , , , .,
.-- Ac,.,,.,,., .
, ,
t. . .
there . ,
ii no iv ere
V tie
the ii,,.,
i .
M i i
. have e,
P. to, .
i he
l of of the
i . , i
II l;
Ir-n tier
iv i
. . and
ii ill
.,, one ,. ,
-I ,.;
I i ,,, c,,, , ,,. , t
Fire in in two in
The town of . had a two liquor and one
thousand dollar fire j
morning. Tobacco warehouses.
The Baptists of the State are to
he principal burned, be congratulated that the female
Two warehouses were, varsity at Raleigh is declared free
before might never bear destroyed and with them about, J .
again, money to take I quarter million pounds L , .,, , .
will U
l . o i .
pie i hi
trail, ,
can tun do
f ,., ,
to into v
I . ,
n It, r of
in u ii,.,
-I SO l,;, I ,,.
i who i re
. i
cc ii, ,;
and frugality are
golden keys to and
the year
number of
is so restless
changing , ,,
W estimate

t .
The Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in and territory.
The Brunch of the Reflector is in charge
Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
A Hamlet Mn in Charlotte Commits Sui-
Charlotte, N. C Jan.
. . r n o a George i-f Hamlet
W G of R. II. deceased, .
i. .,. i., suicide at the home of bis
to notify the public that he has of the hook
goods owned by said K. H. t at his death, and offer
in them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
of a full line of PRY GOODS.
HATS. CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice G is of Mi;
Co. All to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is an good tit guaranteed. We can furnish
goods mi i cent, less tailors charge.
If want bargains come early to
W. Store,
N. C.
r S f
a 3-
S S a
i n
it .
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Cry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
line of Stove Stoves Heaters
Car load Hay, Corn, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Yea. Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and always on hand.
we operate a Munger Cotton
Christmas Things
We have them for you in great Whatever
is needed for your Christmas dinner we can supply.
c rt s- i f a
I y f
a S
x ,
. S. Mt f M
Z. i. T i K ft t r. T
or in law, Mr. U. A. Alley, Hi 1316
South street, this
by shooting himself through
right temple a
revolver. He abut himself at two
o'clock and lived hour. Mr.
came lo Charlotte
Hamlet la-t night to his wife
and three children. Who were here
for the holidays. He p
his health and spirits, n d
on that
wrong with t- i n
today Mr, spent J. J.
in Tie fitting room with
inn-her in law and oilier j X,
be arose aid talked
an the
door behind him. Five
later a member of the family bad
occasion to pass the m
and was st to find Mr.
die lying across Hie bed, the blood
pouring a wound in his head
a revolver by his side.
e heard the report of the pis-1
The was years
He i- survived by widow
tin His mother re-
in this county, lie is also
turn by two brothers, one
whom lives in New York and the
other in Fort Mills, . C.
2- S
Merchant and
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and i-re to
their of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of
We are Belling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room
Always carries a complete
Manufacturers of Lumber
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
We have Candy by the ton and Apples, Orange,
Bananas, and every-
in like
Santa Clans will make a mistake if he don't to see
for his supply. .
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared tor
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course I
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Miss Elba Hurt.
M i-s who be n
spending the home
was about to Coins t-
day afternoon, to
take the train lure to let am to
id and a
friend got m in.- before the
horse tried to run away.
jumped out of
and as the was trying to get out of
the way the horse fell over on her,
forcing her against a barbed
fence. Her face cut,
severely and she was badly
about the body.
US, N. C.
After thirty of successful business am
better ever prepared to all the
needs of the people with a stock of
General Merchandise
lean furnish anything wanted, from ft turn-
needle to a steam
J. R.
Cut His Throat.
W under the of deli-
Mr. Jesse H. Starkey came
sear taking his life at an early
hour this morning. He took his
father's out of a
terribly threat with it.
the reached the
and all
I th
to heart a full,
the and lbs
la m
MM wall and weak
i all at
m sat.
W Chiefs.
At regular council of With
No nil tie
sleep of Dec. the following
chiefs were elected for the ensuing
term. W. G. Ward, Sachem; Z
V. Hooker, Sen. J. H.
Corey, F. M
Hodges, Prophet, E. A. Coward,
Chief of D. W.
Keeper of Wampum; J. F. Smith,
Keeper of
The elite I- Will to their
respective at an early date.
I handle fertilizers and gin
cotton in
The man it fact u re of the Davenport
Fertilizer begin about Aug.
18th. it is I ho invention of century.
Logger with some with
wagons and one- ox cart.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, dowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, at I
IA full line f Drugs and Highest. paid
for all kinds of country
J. H- CO-,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be reinstated if arrears paid within on month while you
are or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of y and of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable Mad during the lifetime
of insured.
A. Call,
I stuck to although
every Joint ached every nerve
was racked with writes C
W. a locomotive fireman
of in, Iowa. was weak
and pale, without any appetite and
all run down. As I was about to
give up, I got a bottle Elect
Bitters, and after taking it, I felt
as well as lever did in my HA H A MT C
down T
ways gain new life, strength an
Treasure Lost by Storm
A Year's Record From
January to December.
ally, old man of Germany
r appealed to the
United In
ins in Manchuria
An area of the of
Island pt by flames.
I. George U. elected
Drugstore. cents.
and Flood.
The world is lo us hat we are
to it; we are of on. own A NOTABLE ROLL.
World. ,
. . , . . . , , defeated Shamrock
Is hereby given that L. N. winning the content for the Ami-r-
enters and claim to eighth I;
acres, more or less, of Vacant land in persons killed and In-
township, county, North In a head-on trolley collision at
Carolina described as x- H-
tied by the lands of Mrs. K. A. ; San loss of
Tyson, W. P. Carroll, Henry of a
horn, Stephen Church Mills, h , , , ,
This 5th
day December, 1903. Boynton. sail, rs d
Any or persons, claiming 13- Otto s widely known
or interest In, the above de- portrait in fork
scribed land, must their protest. E- W. Sher-
in writing, with me, in and writer,
days, from the date ., r-W o ,,
be u New the neighboring
. , . WILLIAMS, ., by o violent hurricane
Entry raker, tor Put m . n in; is dent .-
X. , Si The New
,, , . . , . by vessels wrecked,
we would like to see with loss of
that elvers the brow of a bill.
i on the Florida coast;
. st.
S At Marie. Mich.; loss of
Death, , by burning of a
The family of Mrs. M L. I
hi,, , ., n I K- Alexander noted
of haw he Instructor In and literal
were to Rt Aberdeen. Scotland; aged
hr , . ; town almost
me .;. .
an e remedy used, failed, merchant
while was slowly but
taking her life. Alert lowered
terrible hour Mt, King's New
DiSC for I M. Major D. i a mile in
The first N. v.,
bottle brought relief
and Its continued use I A fast mull train on
n-- II-
en re ll the world all throat killed and injured
and lung troubles. Guaranteed
mayor of New York on the Democratic
ticket by a sweeping plurality over the
fusion tick, t beaded by Mayor Low.
Ohio. Pennsylvania, Iowa and
carried by the Republicans;
Maryland. Island and Kentucky
by the Democrats.
South American The
. of of Panama pro-
South American The newly
proclaimed of Panama
pealed to the United States for , East River No
of Independence; a New opened with form
gunboat bombarded the city of ceremonies
Panama and the United States o. Centennial
warships to the isthmus. of the signing of Louisiana our-
a men killed. buildings, chase treaty tau
wrecked and burned and a dozen ah New Orleans
en ruined by the explosion of two
Shell of the U. S. naval . .
Eli at Iona in the Hudson
at Kan.; loss,
V. S. Consul hauler
don-n the flag on th consulate
Turkey, in
of an Insult by Turkish officials
Herbert the
peer, -t Brighton, England
Is. Admiral Bancroft
U. S N. retire a
at Strati, rd. Ci
. Proctor,
t service c m Mission,
D. C;
South President
Roosevelt nominal d v. I. Bu-
of New minister U
an Munroe
won In the .; day bicycle tournament
at Square Garden, New York
record. miles laps.
N. 4.190
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Tucker,
Norfolk, are Mrs,
mother, Mrs. Hardy.
Mr. Pate, our new pastor,
filled his first regular appointment
here Sunday. At the last con-
the Snow circuit was
divided, there by giving us two
services instead of one as
Mr. Pate comes well recommend-
ed from the and we
are sure he will make us good
pastor. Our old pastor, Mr. Pope
as Bent to the Join . , circuit
Key A. L. Ormand and family.
f who have l. visiting
relative here for several weeks,
have turned home.
t. .-,. manna to v . .
protect Americana
South n The United j
States . . i , en-
Into us n the new re- .
public of Dispatches from ., ;
London. Paris and G rib, Mated that J , j I
ho action of the United St tea was I . . , . I
generally commended foreign courts .
the powers had no Intention I i A
M. T.
i Is
k- -VI.
. . . .
n I, an- i
A. I., i j
American M.
p.-ii.,,. .
I the powers no
I. ;
S men killed In
and at Summit, int., In I J , ,
mine. ; ,. , . .
t lion successfully i in . . . .
P i rm on the i kaiser fur i it.
the removal of a from r- . r,.
. . .
i j
.- 1.1 u. I;. .
American M. j ; . .
i. ; as
i . n w re-
public Pan n The battleship
old . i . i , ii.
ii- . i the i I football
la- rd I I . to on
F In
The m , . called in
it, met to
t ill , ., .;.
. An .;. ration
In i session at
; .
. i P. ; . mile on
i ill
i -91,00. Trial
Drug , M- Sir III. Herbert.
i to the Slates, at
A children Switzerland; aged,
; S.
v. r . , T , i ; killed
i in Court
Carolina the clerk.
a Inn . i n . , i .
And Provisions,
II ii
Pitt County
i ox wife Mary K. Cox,
I mid . Wilson.
E A. Wilson, C. E,
Wilson, Edward
v, Frederick G. am
K-. Wilson,
five being
. steamboat I. Hack-
s. ;, ,, bay,
V pie
c- . ,, v T.
l Con . i
on l;.,,.;,
The American whaler Jo-
el v. , Island
PI . I
the a Atlantic f. .
r, . bile . i in i. H
the Dominican Re- j
I. by i . ii
by i i in.
Ob -i.-. II i , A r A- .
. w. . . . ., . , ,; war
VI , . .,. ; , ,,. .,
Perry . n i . . , . .
pan. Augusta, .
J- Hi as. . . to -i j
pi . i r of I . r in
J-i ; Produce So
Cotton Bagging and ii
Ties n
Fr sh Goods kept
home dining from
Hie ft die e.
to I., ,
I P. .; . re.
turned , .
tin i h,. was
me of I hi the
i.-t r.
iii d
lit morning me a.
M. . j ,
Leslie Turnage for
These have
I be beet wish, a ,. tH B
most prosperous year.
i. W.
Carves returned Wat-
morning from
Me homes t their
b k. and hope for th m
pleasant years work.
B. .
left ibis for b borne in
accompanied i. j
Davis. K. If. fr w
count succeeds Mr. Forrest.
In b-i s while
are defendants In tit above entitled in k. .
cause, that a special pP e
entitled above, has
l -ii commenced in Superior court .
of Pitt before clerk to sell . .
and the laid
t they are re- j
to at the
of the i suit
. Till I
. i
. the . . ,
January, in; . n of t t
. N. C . answer or demur i.
th .; an . i I'll . , i
v i- ; ; ,
n from thin
lei .,. ;
i ,. ,.
I i . , .
i . I . iI . ; i
; then l.-i.
vi . .
day of Due
Of Kl . ; , ,
i. . .
i . i.-l
i I
. , .
. . .
Ii. lion . r in the
ill; 1-
. in ii .
It . s
. -l. . a
. public
r . . .
do. r of till in .
V . . . .-. I
; list p r,
i . .
C .
., ,;
. .
I Its
U. Con- ,
. ..
been n iii
l vane
Con try II
g ,; ,;,,. L.
m ,. all Kite and i
th in bis a,,., . The
. ; . -m-
. of
i , ,
,. . .
U , I.
is -1
of t
. , ,
N displayed by many man en
during i ,, I c
n . . .
Sore feel or i I;,.;
in need tor it.
win kill pain and
fr i- .
earth too. at Wool
A broken silence is never re-
It is to find a family
where then, are no domestic
but can
b by Dr.
Haw Life Pi IN around
trouble they save by their
work in Liver
lee. They not only -relieve you
hat at
i. Ho . mi . I-
i ;
I b. .
. I
f i , i .
v record to
I r m ire I to
B . . i
s Si . Dillon the
. t. t. i.;. ,, to
Tl I
W n m world's
trotting i., i. , . ,
l . n ii I. a. N i . u
K I. in m
Obit ii. of the Sal- I
Army In a wreck on the I
T . and Santa Fe
Dun. lake,
sunk In collision off Japan; of the
passengers clew lest.
a. and Injured on
Dig Four at
s the printing
many valuable works
Ai- .; r
line, Cm
. ; i
i. Uteri I
Is a. 1.1 i .
f II.
. . .
V. I ; . Lin fr i P
, .
. . i i m,. j i. .; Line i In . .
Co. from
i. . i i
I r
a . .
Sr t .; ,,. A, . ,.
i n .,.; ., ,,, ,
i I
II w York,
l Will--
The i Academy of Musk
burned in ii. N, v
t Mrs. Frederick
Widow of the famous orator In
Washington; aged
South The Ha-
treaty b
the Panama Junta.
Dan Pat-h lowered
World records pacing
mile to high wheeled In
and miles In
W. M
Springer, at aged SI.
Wholesale burned
. I
. v
MY .
w I the price
Eatables at
Five Point.

I. J.
The Economist, at Elizabeth City, If a woman is to lie allowed
now publishes a daily edition, and it I hold e see no
bright, attractive, well edited
should not be allowed to vote Dur-
ham Herald
in the post at Greenville, K. as second class matter,
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt adjoining counties.
in to fiction
Pitt County, N. C, Friday, January 1904.
The lazy man himself
with the shop worn adage about
race not always being to the
The boll has got into the
made in the North Carolina crop, and
Mr. Bryan will find all the conn
try here when lie gets back on Amer-
There are more places beside
Chicago that need to look after their
play houses and make them safer
for the public.
Announcement is m ii crop, S C re
Asheville Citizen that Moore there is said to be something gnaw- to the recent change in the
has sold his interest and retires as g at the dispensary system, too.- head th system ;,
editor of that paper. Atlanta Journal. to say of Mr.
the Seaboard is on a
It is stated in the papers that Mr; foundation of solid rock. Mr. Barr,
Saunders, of Washington, has sued new president, has been general
Mr. Dunn, of the same county, for manage r for a number of rears, and
is abundance of raw material eon- for having struck him last while he is a trifle never-
with a large territory from September with a nail-puller. He one of the best
Greenville will yet be a
town, see if she is not. There
deli trade can be drawn.
The agitation in Chicago did not
We will keep an eye out to see
any of our exchanges print that
overworked poem on the
Indiana republicans declare Hen-
to be their first choice for the
presidential nomination.
The holocaust in Chicago
has resulted in order-
the closing of nineteen other
in city.
assertion is a little premature, soft snap selling whiskey since tin
, . as it is not yet cleat that he is going dispensary has been established
l now seems there is nothing
left for Japan and Russia t i do ex-
to fight ii out.
certainly deserves damages in some the
sum. No greater indignity can be, Our friend must not think
put upon a gentleman than Mr. Barr is quite
As a railroad
manager he is considered a warm
him With a except knock that he is cold,
end with the closing of the . ,. , ., ,
down with a bung-starter
The authorities are now talking of Charlotte Observer.
closing churches, Stores offices and I
even private residences that are not i is estimated that the Philippine
i provided with proper fire escapes.
c cos
st the United States up
The Durham Sun
de picture and primed it for been .,
of its town people, lance for the
They still live in hope. Journal.
Back to State Courts.
The case of T. Hughes and
The Boston Herald says that Mr. to this New Year's Day, about I Company of Louisburg, against the
will accept the Durham druggists not have a including the bonds about I Pepper Warehouse Company, of
to be issued for the friar lands, and Kentucky, has been remanded to the
taking no account of the slate courts by the Federal court.
deaths. Whether the oriental game This is a suit for as a
is worth this Occidental candle- for tobacco first tried in
well, they say is altogether the state courts, then a hearing ask-
about ed in the Federal court which now
sends it back to I lie state court.
to accept it.
there. The aldermen have decided
that druggists who want to sell
No hands were allowed in pockets
as medicine must pay a tax of late to talk
at president's New Year reception Lin
borrowed the . , . . , .
An hour that must
Wonder how many new year so-
have survived the strenuous
ordeal up to now
While the blizzard is on Wall
street might give a to the
lambs it has
It is rumored that the Colombian
gunboat, General has been
and are still in sunk by American warships, though
there is no confirmation of the re-
If those Charlotte people have
Cab-, the great Milwaukee beer
maker, is dead, but bier drinking
rill not stop in consequence.
.,,, , , . . , Richard v had with-
lie banking capital manor- , . ,, ,. ,
draw from the race for the
state amounts to soon as he can.
after squaring their . . ,, . ,, . . . , .
I than fifty millions of dollars. Ii was He no earthly chance
futures losses, they might put Lot sum less than ten years and the papers are already
it in Mr. Fife's gold mine stock if ago. This of itself tells the of bringing u tilings against him. It
., . Li -iii r to that he is ill rears
they want to get rid of it. He will the rapid development of the state. old New England.
take a smaller limit than the COtton I ls f own Perhaps he could save a lot of other
, . . , ,. ,, people, but the accumulations in things being said against him by
contract man, and will give the little ,, , . n-, i .
small as well as large sums, oil the tracK at
a chance to dabble and lose. g lotto Chronicle.
Raleigh is bragging about I he than any other state can boast, from
sales the new had Whatever else may be said of the railroading up to truth j wins
heavy sales new dispensary . the concrete representation of the I A well known physician in
there first day it was open. Are Charlotte; Observer . is always hon- . . Greensboro asked if he
they all joining together to make est, and it presents the news in a of explain why a man of superior
the business a success more attractive manner than any .
You will soon be hearing
other paper in the State. This helps
to account for the fact that the cir
,, ,, , , ,.,,., . talk in Greenville followed by the Observer has
General James Longstreet, one
the few surviving of the
Confederate army, died Saturday
afternoon at Ga. The
ranks of the old I hare grown
very thin.
the opportunity to say by your vote ,, it above live thousand,
whether yon prefer that to the open
saloon. H the fool who jumps over the
It is said that, as a rule, the open- top of his seat and hollers lire at a
Eighteen theaters have been
dosed in Chicago, and
remain s i until the managers have
obeyed i be city ordinance and equip-
the houses with asbestos or iron .
intelligence experience and
knowledge, who for had
been unable to take a single drink
North Carolina only had .;,, g
lynching last year. North in
should make a New Year resolution . The
and maybe she can climb into the h easy related
in a new dog moved in a new
neighborhood; across the street was
No, thank you. North Carolina another dog who resented and made
had rather stay in a class by her- up his mind to whip him; he tried
ally attended by wars. The early j would greater security of life to . it, got worsted, and retired,.
years of the 10th century witnessed the public than any improvement convinced that he was no match for
some strenuous conflicts, and pres-1 on fire proof material that can be There will be a vigorous if not j the new-comer but after licking his
indications are that the 20th made. A panic is always created j violent protest against the Panama j sores and folly recuperating he said
treaty by the democrats in congress, he knew he could whip him and he
Indiana class
years of a new century are
i; disposed of, it
will be marked by bloody hos- ; by the biggest fool in the house, and
range to say, he cannot be quench-
ed by a dozen of the coolest, heads in
the house when he once raises his
Someone has suggested that
On Sunday the Raleigh News and the. parents;
Observer issued a new year edition Greenville to have their daughters I
giving a bird's eye view of the go to reasonable hour or are growling and
State's progress during the past at home, ought to be followed h War seems
year. Letters from editors of the by a t get sooner these two
leading towns weir published show- upon in . yet
log the towns that present when war of
the curtain rises will not be so an-
by I he latecomers,
is timely.
In the senate the objections which tried it again with the same result,
they will ends Ivor to sustain are i A man is the same way; he thinks
wresting of Panama from can take just one
was an inexcusable outrage whip not get on a spree; ha
for which the president and his sup- says, when he feels good, that he
porters are responsible; the canal will be master of himself as well as
can never be profitably constructed
along that line, France having ex-
pended enormous sum of
and the lives of
liquor, but of be always falls
down. No man ever lived who
Could master such a job.
A man has been in police
have made. The State may we
proud of what has been done,
and the News and Observer de-
serves credit for the attractive man-
in which it is presented to the
The people of Norfolk, Ports
and Newport News are to be
congratulated upon their success in
completing their million dollar funds
t the Jamestown Exposition. By
terms of the legislature enact-
they lost the exposition unless
they raised one million dollars by
1st. Several hundred thou-
dollars were lacking after
and on the night of Dee.
mass meetings were held m all
cities and the Million
V The of
Carolina, closely by
tie. m-
in the
modern times. France is friendly
to Russia, Germany
seem friendly to Japan and if war is
declared, it seems probable that
The State Prison has transmitted
a statement to the governor which several nations will take a hand
shows that net profits during
the present are f
There is now on hand
in cash. Solvent
its an I produce will be sold.
the penitentiary authorities
have en hand enough corn to run
them for the year, bushels of
wheat, pounds of fodder,
worth about The
f represents what is cash
or its equivalent. The of
solvent credits represents balsa
of that have been said for
which s hare
ed. report As heat by
The whole world is hoping that this
great conflict may be avoided.
This would be a good year for the
penitentiary to go out of the
of farming. The present show-
will compensate, to some extent,
for the failure of past
to pay expenses, and
would avoid similar in.
future. There is plenty of road-
making and road-repairing
the state's far a
years. are
f in to
re he set f
and having Hum given imp as a bad court times innumerable was told
job; it is probable I hat the French Monday afternoon by the mayor that
Canal Company in a few weeks he would sentence him to thirty duff
increase their demand from
to on the
ground that the former agreement
was obtained by duress; when
the house appropriated
for a country called Columbia and
the president arbitrarily writes
Panama in the place of Columbia, it
closely resembles the process which
in commercial life is known as
a check without consulting the
drawer of it; for ten years the
on the roach, lo be executed
next time lie was found drunk. The
man was in the lockup this morning,
yet he wen Id have been willing to
take an oath before a judge of the
highest court that he would never
drink another drop, but he just
wanted to whip the other
was all. Some men can take u drink
now and then and not get drunk,
but such men have never abused the
practice, have not broken down
Nicaragua route has been preferred nervous system. Backbone,
by civil engineers publicists,
has been repeatedly recommended
by committees Hepburn bill
providing for the construct m of a
anal by the Nicaragua routs passed
house by only dissenting
It will . held that the pres-
the authority of
substituting the Panama
for the
able and
in balk willing tn
and the rest are controlled
by the nerves; when the nerves give
way there is no backbone, for back-
bone mid nerve are the same
thing. Ever of It's
true as gospel. But some one asks
why one little drink net a man off.
Why does a match applied to rich.
dry pins n quick blaze Be
cause it ripe; so is a man's nerves,
if he has abused them,
drink acts just Like the
This department is in of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C. Ilk. 1904
A terrible hard win t-r and the
are both with us
Q. A. Co. brokers
and commission merchants, have
moved their on west side of
railroad street in the Tucker build-
Misses Minnie Cox and Ethel
Carroll returned to the Baptist
University at Monday.
There are right many pupils
cowing in to the
school. The school is rapidly
growing in patronage and the fact
that it is appreciated proves con-
we have one of the best
schools, if not the best, in Eastern
Claude after spending
the holidays at home, has gone
back to the A. M.
A. G. Cox Go's de-
would make you think
of a toy store, only of course
they are full size instead toys. The
pretty part is what we are trying
to emphasize. Years in the
has limit up a reputation
which does not need emphasizing.
Sim Chapman and Gal-
left Monday morning for
Chapel Hill.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
see B. F. Manning Co., before
their bargains arc exhausted.
Purse, who has hen
visiting bis Mis. R. G.
a- d Mis. J H. C.
left Sunday tor
Mr. and Mrs Guy B Taylor, of
Kinston and Sun-
day with the In tiers parents, L. L.
and Mrs. Kn . i
ad family, from
X Road.-, have
If you want your horse shod,
if your harness or own shoes
peed repairing, and for general
work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
J. M. Blow has accepted a
with G. A. Co. as
book keeper.
We now hare a nice of porch
column timber. If you are in need
of them why not let us fit you up.
Prices are
Miss gave a very will testify. To please
pleasant sociable last who want them to
evening to a few made wagon e
special friends. Flinch and now special with
row were leading games. me- A
show room w mid doubtless make
like yon were in some
western establishment Those who
j are skeptical can call and see for
themselves-A. F. Cox Mfg.
We have a nice line hats for
The child of Mr. and Mrs-
Joe F. Smith died at o'clock this
We have in stock the best line
shoes ever offered here and can
tit you in both size and price.
Bring your family and we will
keep this red on, so we will make
the shoe squeal before you get it on
your foot. B. F. Manning Co.
to date. The quality of Tar
light. Winterville Heel and Oak wagons has been
to date all the while, as numerous
Some people seem to want a low
priced article of the
quality. In order to cater to that
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. now
carry stock Western made cart
wheels which are considered
, both old and voting,
cheaper than their own make ,.
ii Ac.
far Any one who knows
very reasonable
Charles i.
near c
moved here
place i hen ;
We have . .;
can suit
F. Manning I
here looking Hi
in general.
Tom Tyson, f. i
but. now of
There was
s tin
tho way.
One's nose tn
will make this
I no I hue in
we think we
y Any.
,,,,,,., i we think
what a tar Heel Wheel is, however
would give it for two of ;. and eave
your if possible.
others. And so the Tar Heels go,. Barber Co.
two to one. I . . .
,, . ,, . , , Notice the cut of
Mr end Mrs. Claude Chapman, Buggy on this Keep your
of have been visiting eyes open. Me going to
here during the past few show y n several different styles
A. G. Mfg. Co., hare just If
; J impatient and want to all
out a neat little l at once come to Winter-
and describing the ville. hare-, t. with
h articles of doing. Cox
This little book with prices mark-;
i the asking, or a aim-1 Tr- at th Store
will be pleased to w yon their
line of handsome gold and
J l
Board day.
Mice returned to torn,
her home Saturday evening. F,. house and
buggies don't grown lot located between Cos I
on honeysuckle vines. If so they on Academy street,
would doubtless be pulled before Cl
ripe. is sees to Manning, of this.
place, has accented
pie ii quest on a postal card will
bring it to Don't delay,
now. It j, no small matter
to be well
leave- OW what it does ,,,,., a ,,,,, ,,
ready , of W do
Greensboro, N. c.
Josh to address
I came friends and is an
ids Mb
. , . ,
We him and
and can be
do SO.
Dan Brewer
up I
him on our acquaint
to be a excellent
Knight is n
n i i-.-.--,. w. .,.,. run
mat- people speak well for any corpora- In fact seems
and in this particular the be tn make them
Winterville High school has o the demand.
cause for complaint. The natural or no snow A. Q.
A. G Cos Mfg. C-i., never hare;
to runs on
rile patronage of inn
k, Monday
i lot her runaway
done, only
by which it is en- Go's, goods must
So the boys say. Orders;
compassed admit of ,,,, Wop J
meets can not afford to The only
g to get out of; Ox Mfg. Co. have just Ms
I received another ear load of wire New
kind of weather
but this car is all hog
The most remarkable thing about
it that It is almost a cent cheap-
than any style handled
Just think of than
cents n yard.
is the best he has. H
never applies for i gift unless be
receives it.
See M L. the jeweler.
Repaint g promptly done. Work
B. F. Manning and family have
moved to Greenville, where Mr.
Manning will engage in the mer-
Mr. Manning is
one of on. best citizens and will
be sadly missed here, by none
more so your for swindlers. A. G. Cox
has indeed at all times proven our
friend. him and his the
best neatest in their
new home. They deserve It.
Greenville is glad to have him.
to Winter
ville have it ginned. G. A.
.- Co. will buy your seed
at the gin and pay market
give yon meal ex-
lay freight train did s
not run. I
been unloaded. The entire lot is
the same electric weld
. Bettie
A Full Line of Millinery
Some folks are all talk and no j
do. Others are all do and no talk.
The latter do not believe ail-
while the are
Now is the time to get that Oven-oat
your mind and on your back.
We. a e on long
them great variety, us to Materials, styles
lengths and prices.
Tim material are Cheviots,
Unfinished and the colors
are blacks, blues and th linings
heavy ribbed the lengths range
to the prices are from
Dealer in
Mfg. Co. have the reputation of Staple and Fancy Groceries,
both saying and doing. Try them. , i u . in
Z s Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
B. F. Manning Co., will Pay try Produce,
the highest cash market price for Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
your cotton seed. j Specialties.
Three reasons for buying your Cakes. and
wire fence of A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
It is cheapest. and
is guaranteed. You toT.
don't have to wait for it to
It is light here ready for A. U.
any day. I G.
The Coats are made by best Overcoat makers
in America, and they are simply and
j You'll make no mistake if you buy
your Winter Overcoat here. All wrongs righted without

J. Proctor Bros
U you to build a .
in go . clothing and
b-y your . mi
tor . i .
. . s J . . .-.
Oar and are now
in full isl and are are
I . grind i
an . an i. kinds
f turned work balusters
ti e also
do i re a i of
N. C.
Ai thing wanted In the i
. s,
n Rats, Groceries
a ware n I
here. W It is some-
thing to at, something to
i or for a
I or i m, you he
sup Hi ;. paid
for cotton, i
anything farmer sells.
. ti
. I
Elijah Dov .
i says
X. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
. .-. The
only Si Fountain town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
A New Railroad.
A new railroad which will do
much to develop the rich miner
ore- county, N. O.
and Halifax county, Va., will soon
be built.
This new line will connect
which is partly in North
Carolina and partly in Virginia,
High Hill, Vs. The road
will built by the Souther rail
way. The chief in the
enterprise are Messrs. R. W. Las;
liter, of Oxford, who for
years ha- so profitably worked the
copper mines of Granville; P.
president of the Virginia
Copper Company, of Hill.
A. A. Summer, who is con
with the Tide Water Oil
con patty; William It. Brown, and
a large En-
after, and the possession of one of
ors will insure sweet milk, and
unattainable without tire
remedy never fails i,.
Constipation, Set
. Bi
Hi L DISEASES from a
i Liver a id Ced Digestion
I i fl Dose small;
. easy to
Ho Substitute.
Bethel, N. C, Jan. 1904.
is visiting
his parents near town.
Misses Effie and Mattie Grimes
went to Friday.
Mattie Grimes went to
Olive with Miss
baa been visiting the Misses
Prof. of Mt. Olive
is in town. His little
Paul and are with him.
Miss of Baltimore,
visiting Mrs. v,
Herbert Taylor has gone to
to see about some
Miss Mattie Nelson and Baker
Womack, and Grimes
and Nathan j are visiting
is lit.
O. M. is handling
fine hoists. Master
went with him
to g s-
B out.
Louis Briley, who is home on a
furlough, friends hi town
this week.
horses If o
i you will want Lawn Mower pretty
soon, u id we've mad i i for you to
s no i i to borrow a lawn mower when
J st knives at sin-h
;., inti i it to do the work.
Ice Cream Freezers.
i line.
I j
i .
Lumber Veneer Co.
North Carolina Kiln-Dried
Truck Barrels, Baskets,
Crates and Veneers.
Stove Wood on hand at all times, for
sale i; the load. Mill locate south
Hie pot.
A Jew fine has been put in a
the academy this week The
teachers will make it warm for
the pupils next week. new
pupils are coming in for the spring
The Joke is on Him
There is a one on a
in town. Two young
lady visitors, plater,
at the same house. The young
v t one of hem while she
was our shopping. Next day he
concluded to invite the young
lady to take .-i dine him. but
when he was about to write the
note lie d the
Brat names ff the ladies. He
asked another young man and
ante h accordance with
advice given by the latter, it
out the was
addressed t. a rung young
lady, he young ladies-and
their busies catch
on to .,. ,;,,.
was accepted. Tan young
man procure I a double and
went ,
had time
when, . , ,. repeated
questioning, ;,
Hie other . ,,, laughing
when if.
. , in
m Greenville
pit hI in Mr,
. apply to
Mrs. i Q . Quinn House
Greenville, N.
r .
opposite depot.
door to Post Oilier.
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
t work and pi;.
upon application.
f; Bx . . V if .- .
I . . . lO
The City Hay Grain Co.,
y. Grain, Cracked
Bran, Cotton Seed
and Hulls,
our he-
want to
i Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce,
r. Cash
d, .
, Go Cart
Kev We
yon goons at living pi ;.,,,
. re yon buy b e I l
Suits, Overcoats, Dress Goods, Shoes, ii Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, ,
, ii i .;. j on wear,
in in y . , ;
Goods a . .
Our are here and we are re d; . you.
I d, b buys, and ever; ,. .
our been our customers. , ,.;
and s i I res y.
N. C.
Cot. deal and Hulls, Gar- Cotton handlers of
. Apples. Nuts Ties
tiles, Apples,
Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Mara
Cheese, Beat Batter, New
Royal Hewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
Hf-e me.
S. M.
fell; . i A l
Coffee, N VT
i. Matches, ,.
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York.
Attorney-at- Law,
N. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rent
and other claims. Prompt
to all business.
R. L.
A Tough Nut Sheriff Surry
to Crack.
H, Dec.
Postmaster Albright, of Ml.
Airy, is having other
besides the made
against by
States senate. His
Mr. all, out
leaving a on th
fixture put by the
log Tin -e-v
took is
took the sheriff f
was to the
property and This the
to do, as the lock
buses, safe, etc , United
States mail and the consequences
might get the worthy sheriff into
water. The sheriff baa been
advised he bitter get
instruction the
Department at Washington before
he makes a leisure, a i this he
has decided to do.
At Work
One of the Green-
ville is The Greenville Ufa C.
This company has a well
plant south A O. L.
The mill is row in re-
pair, having been shut down for
that purpose fur two weeks and
will start Upon Monday,
1904, with a full sH competent
C B, Lincoln, formerly of
who haw several years
in mill work will be the
They doors,
blinds, porch stair
D. still with the
company as honk keeper and soles-
man knows I lie
material, having experience
twenty in the business.
You will do well to visit this
end get prices.
Going Forward.
The surveying party of the
Sound railroad
have reached Greenville. The
survey between this point and
Raleigh has been covered. When
this road i it will lie
big for Greenville.
Only Two Birthdays in Years.
one in many thou-
but who celebrate their
once a year, and when
this looked for day comes
but in four years it seems e
especially folks.
But about a birthday that
comes only one in eight years
Mi-s who lives In
Seven Hills, was born Feb.
1888, although she will be
years of age next February, sh
ban had only to
1892 and The year 1900
would a leap year but
for the fact that it. was
year not divisible by
therefore, February had but
twenty eight days and Miss
had no It is interesting
to remember that the begin
of the Christmas era only four
have leap
years. Next February, however,
will give the young lady a birth-
day, and she is looking forward to
the time great, interest.
Ky., Inquirer.
E Sunday School Officer.
The follow jug are the officers of
Methodist school for
new year.
Assistant .
and T;
.--. ;.
A black and white and
and you have a successful costume.
have it in big- shipments.
a dash of red, green and brown,
Winter demands brightness we
Great Reduction.
Overcoat Goes in
list t
Pairs Boys Woo Knee
Pants worth double at
per cent, reduction on th; en-
tire line of pants-All Grades.
They are the
Season's latest ere
We are the
cheap Fur house.
Special inducements on the entire
line, nothing but high class Millinery
sold in our store. Everything new and
Tailor Made
They fit well, hang
well, handsomely
made. Prices
range from
ll-4 Ex Size Blankets . 11.80
Pull Size Blankets
Full Blankets 1.00
Boys Heavy Fleece Sh its and Drawers
Shirts .
For the coming; holiday watch big announcement of House Furnishing Goods, Couches, Bookcases,
Frames, Chairs, Hall Racks
W. Main St
n j

was given up to die with
quick consumption. I then began
to Cherry Pectoral. I
at once. am now in
perfect E. Han-
man, N. Y.
i, 1904.
R. Greene left Sunday for Nor
J. E. Swanson returned Sunday
evening from Virginia.
J. J. Martin returned Sunday
evening from Virginia.
Mrs. W. Smith went to Ham-
Smith returned to school at
Wake Forest today.
Leon Pender returned today to
Trinity college at Durham.
Miss Delia returned
I day evening Mount. I
J. and Ban
evening for Kinston.
t. take it. It. a .
u. I returned
evening a visit to Richmond.
mm E mm Edward Matthews returned Sat-
G- t I t. bi lay evening from
. Saturday
b evening from a trip op the road.
iV needed repairs will resume op- ., , left this
for Philadelphia to coin-
Monday, Jan. i
;, . with a Mi Langley, of Rich-
force of workmen. W o has been
make and I wholesale returned home Sunday,
retail, and Miss of Grifton,
Mantel . P n iv . , this morning to visit
all s of r .
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
i play will be over. Be-
gin early with
Cherry Pectoral and step
the cough.
He, SOc. II. All
doctor. lie
W. B. left Monday
evening for Kinston.
T. M. House returned Monday-
evening from Rapids.
W. L. Hall returned Monday
evening from Scotland Neck.
Mrs. v Brown left this
morning for
R. L. Smith went to Norfolk to-
Miss Lottie Skinner left this
morning for Notre Dame,
Miss Eula Cromartie returned
Monday evening from a visit to
Mrs. L. H. Lee aid children re-
turned Monday from a
i-it to Dunn.
Mrs. and Miss of
Loading, Pa., Mist Staten
Mr. of Tarboro, who
have been attending a house party
at Cotton dale, took the train here
this morning for their homes.
Greenville's Great Department
Gold and Silver Handled
U m b rel i aS
Slippers for Children, Ladies
and Gentlemen.
Table Covers, Bureau Scarfs, Pillow Shams,
Center and Mats in Linen Drawn
Work. Irish Point, Tenner if
Wheels, Point net.
We sol it
. i I as a bu
;. . Mattie and Mamie Brink-
j went to Scotland Neck this
n HALE. Jones left this morning
r Qt Chapel Hill to take a course
Co a pi n ode in i
iv bu In pharmacy.
. . , , Jr.
Alvin .
aw. i mid James returned today to
S S . university at mil.
K ;, rt Howard, who
tow a u been visiting his sister, -i
on ii . . , , ,, . . , .
with . J Move, this morning.
v lain ill . em-
I in
land, t
with said
th to I
. . . ;.
J. .; i .-.
E I. . .
-i ml
I 111.11
on I
L. Blow, Jr., returned to
. at the A. M. college,
. . o lay.
Hearne returned
i-.- mg a visit to Wash-
returned Saturday
,, i h to Person and
. P. White, of
r brother, B. L
; . ;
Mn. H.
. Daniel, of
. . in .
i i i i i
Wednesday, January
W. O. of
Came in Tuesday evening.
G. Tucker, of Whitakers, is
in town.
D. Moore went to Bethel this
D. W. Moseley went to Bethel
tins morning.
L. A. of came up
this morning.
Miss Blow left this morn-
iii for Wilmington.
Dr. W. Ii. Bagwell went to
C. B. Forties Tuesday
evening from a trip up the road.
L. T. Smallwood has returned
from u trip across the sound.
W. Johnston and family
have returned from Winston.
Mis. V. M King re. lined
day evening from a visit to
J of Cincinnati,
arrived Tuesday evening and is
of B. M.
G, U. of
arrived evening
to visit her Mrs. J. W.
Di. A. formerly of
hut now of
night with
Mr. i . T. Hooker, and
,. .-.
Wool Sweaters for Children
and Ladies.
Wool Crochet and Silk
Shawls in evening Sades.
Lace and Silk for
R. J. C. V. York. L H. Pender.
The Building
n Hi.
i nine to
Lumber C
in and pay y
I r on eon i ear
if i- i
n Jumps,
i f . i
ti is-
to ink a j n
tractors, Constructors
Factory tin railroad I North
All kinds of
w iv.
Ill moil . till . i
. machinery I
furnished and court I m I . .
i II I I
. . I your
The American
takes order for cards
. from ii
. .
. Cherry, of Kin-
who visiting
son, M. Cherry, returned home
Misses Mattie and Susie Philips,
of Kinston, who had been visiting
Katie and Mamie Ruth
Tunstall, returned home Sunday
from the stable
e horse was found , ,, , ,.,
the promises and I 2nd day of Jan. in
. , W alter
. least by ,.,. , ,.,.,
i ling into it. The well had to be
dug out to remove the horse.
X new hosiery mill
has been chartered at Winston.
Mr. Russell simply had the
chance to show that he was a man
fell down as many other men
Durham Herald.
Tinning, Slating, t an nil . i
in is mi ii .
La n i y- rd. r. II. L. I
out i I .- on r
o master his trade,
of Charlotte will We ask fur our of ; i and
I will do our best to give lb fen ion.
lost a horse,
The of Superior of Pitt
C ml i i-.-in i l i , , .
to t i section
state. is the
to thee tale to pay-
to the and to a I
creditors of said estate to
properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, twelve months
the date of this or this
will be plead in bar of their
This the 2nd day of January
of the estate of waiter
So d Carol
; i .
and paint, the
kind that is used everywhere and
which been on the market
since Raker Hart are the
wholesale and retail distributors
the paint. Watch out for
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Morgan Talks.
Washington, Jan.
members of the
committee at today's
meeting for the consideration of
the Panama canal treaty showed
every evidence opposing action
on that convention. While Sena-
tor Morgan led the opposition he
was seconded by the other demo-
members, except Senator
in efforts to postpone
for a week and other periods any
the treaty. After
all dilatory motions had been
down Senator organ
pied the remainder of the session
in an argument against the treaty,
and when, noon, adjournment
was taken, it was to meet
row morning.
Two Train Crash.
E. F. Lang, of Richmond j
Wednesday afternoon at
very beautiful marriage
was solemnized in the
Baptist church, uniting Mr
. Harrington and Miss Blanche
Fleming. Rev. A. T. King, of Soldier's home is absolutely full,
Nine prisoners escaped from appointment, From that day to
; Raleigh jail Tuesday night. not communicated with
has been bound over to
her either by word or letter. All
A white man in Charlotte who
, i- Information she gotten has
or court for shipping whiskey to on his fur. newspapers.
Wake Forest to a it p, sent his family v from now
others there. T appears to have in the
house in which he lived.
State Auditor says the of Hiss Darby but in the
A county man of Mr- One
Greenville, performed the that there are more applied that was pure while and, thing is positive. He received one
than can be to
The church which was filled
with many friends present to wit-
the happy event was
decorated with evergreens,
and trailing cedar. The
hundred dollars Miss Darby
six months. No more applications The snow was heavier neat
need be sent in for the present. coast than in It was
tonk alter the
Miller, of Morehead City, the case and , Darby
who followed Bud a wile no up the state than has the proof of them.
Cove there noun. The former
desperate to Wain
decorations of while and green last Week and
place Statesville, N. Jan. .
is now answered.
cloth about the windows, i him under arrest, had a finger News reached here late thin
transept, and the arrangement of I bitten a niggle that . while man by Nine Vi County
the over the the of Smith, a former mail;
pulpit were replete with good taste, the officer's pistol and between and; A- easily as s e and
Miss James presided at to shoot, several who New dope, killed instantly by brick wall midi a nine
Kai City, Mo., Jan. Wed- j were nearby urging him to do so. a tree tailing him while cutting confined in Wake county
Rock Island's California and pealed the Later a went after j In the neat his home. jail left that T y
Mexico express, which Chicago entered the as fol-. but he escaped after a long It. as .
Monday at for the west, col- First the ushers, Mr. Vann w W a married r I estate of Mr. Among the nine re who
W I . i . T If II II. I I I
head with a cattle train j coming down the Vs. is in jail j the engineer on fast mail escaped are some char-
at Kansas, We Reining the charged with the No who was killed in men who before this have
miles west of Twenty the near Lexington last in Jails the pen
dead and injured.
then coming the groom, Mr. Rob-1
ii D. Harrington, with the best
ma. , Mr. Chas. Harrington, his
few months ago, and it is said
to tried for his life.
infatuated Bibles are by detectives to The nine who escaped
girl at lime was
with Dim. When he moved to be more rarely stolen than any
I . n Km i mm. t J- U
N. C, brother, while on the opposite . . . , ., ti . -r, r
Danville she followed him within other object. Chicago Tribune
B W. Smith and W. F. Hart I tie bride, Miss Blanche ,. . t .,.
., ,, . a month, says this is not Bibles are
went to Kinston Tuesday night in with her father, Mr. t , , ,, u
see Go.,. Hart, who is very sick Fleming, who gave her a. Von siT
with the altar. sculptor, married a lady of are
to He go
up s yens a thief
I had entered the house,
ii he
i and studded
are Dan John Bet Ed
Cotten, Henry
One ban been Hubert
the i i, but
others are all large,.
that Perry was in
A Forrest died lore were elegantly
Wednesday morning. She had attired white with velvet bats His wife not h though word mine late
been sick for a few days, bur was and gloves to match. The maid from
to bu improving until h-r honor looked beautiful a while A
o'clock with black gloves. letter from him. He was
and n. r in honor wore an a He returned
which ion she remained of cream cloth and
She leaves a husband plump, while j The Charlotte Chronicle learns Tue caught
and three small children. She j the lovely and charming bride renewed interest man b . I
. he for building a radioed dealer in
in jail, took an lateral
two towns are only n him because he had
was inc -if Mr. E. E becomingly gowned in a navy
was a good woman. The blue crepe de
remains were buried today in plaited, wore white bat
if i in
the northern putt of i u iv.
Very Interesting To
The Pin County n-h
b iii ii-
. .
Job. that has n
has resigned tie d it is argued that a road and got turn a ; .
his position with J. J. and a- most to connect the two points would said at
has been succeeded by Km Nina a paying investment. The took that Bible it would do m-
Worthington. after r fie of Men era reaches both Taylorsville and ham ,,,,, Iii;,. j,
A. pound Victor sale as bridal the party and appear do m g o i. I lei it
as new y J. B. and drove car to ,. the the system now
Br. to the to build the connecting I
III . l l r-.
bus wedding gowns
Sick for several weeks, is able changed far suits,
it up and will Boon he our again. nude ready for the
Miss Moon, music tea h
drive to the
i- nun.
a i i -d u in , j , i
I here may lie inspiration to the other ease here a t had stolen
North a in then Bible bad been
knowledge that J. M Barr, thing
i her
i; s the
, i tie
K . dale.
r; u ii ex. es eon-
at the and seminary, Ml patty arrived at the elected Sea thieves n.- U
returned from home Virginia Air Line days ago, child's b at
Monday night, where she bad been w. j began as in
spending the holidays.
Effort to Wreck Train.
Wins N. Jan
An attempt was made to wreck
the Incoming passenger train from
on i he Norfolk and
Western road near Mayodan, last
The engineer ran into n
rock larger than a man's head, and
a plank about fifteen feet long,
which had placed upon the
track by unknown parties. The
train suddenly, the t
being that passengers were
up and greatly
The plank was placed across the
track and the engine and two cars
passed over it when the train
topped. The large rock
plot. The train was
delayed an hour or more. There
is no clue to the guilty parties.
The trainman cannot understand
bow . serious wreak was averted.
. ., ,, ,.,,.
.; mil ii es i last
he i. made report
of e in
of the d School .- v , I
friends of the nap- office of superintendent of Mb. the
the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1871. , r T. King a most
n. C, Jan. timely address on Relation
In Stokes county lest Sam . Miss Mary C. Darby, lo that
was shot twice and mot- postmaster, this afternoon much enjoyed,
tally wounded by Leslie out for publication a letter which the head of miscellaneous
shooting occurred at Bx Governor sent to her business Prof. suggested
warehouse of Kelly distillery December lot h, 1908, in answer to the importance of
i couple. Not simply one
large were many present.,
but all over the could, be
seen and appropriate gilts,
of silver, cat glass, furniture,
carpets etc , given friends
of bride and The large
display of handsome costly
presents bespoke popularity
the bride and and the
good wishes of their many
Wednesday evening and this
morning the led school
building presented a yet
beautiful picture. During the
day Wednesday the snow the
roof melted just enough to slip
down in a large sheet until it ex
tended some distance over the
eaves. In evening snow
has the challenge made by him to Mr.
been arrested. The sheriff of J. Pence, the Morning Post's
Stokes reward of j correspondent lo Washington, and
for his capture. j published in last Sunday's paper.
The state tournament j Following is a copy the ex-gov-
is to bu held in Salisbury this letter, which k still in the
year and the local
is already taking
steps toward making the event a
Dr. B. Caldwell, of Win-
a prominent and
lecturer of the
church, died in Philadelphia in
Dr. Joseph Price's pr
of Miss Darby;
I will g., Wash-
will in.-. Please send me
and send by Mrs. Sawyer.
Truly, D. L.
The above was in Ex-Governor
Russell's He sent it
by his niece, Mrs. Sawyer, and
money asked for was sent to him.
on Jan. 4th as the result of an
sheets in that position giving j operation performed for he left Washington
the building a deep white fringe. I i tbs of Miss Darby's re-
child in school being e
once a year by a de i it.
Such examination is
in some states. It can made
without c st.
Prof. mentioned the
importance of
to County papers so as to be in-
formed on all publication pertain-
to the school work.
The on library
reported i hat books had been or-
and would arrive in a
days The library will open with
about HID choice books on
subjects it is important
that the teachers avail
or the benefit of these books. The
library will be located the
of the

Eastern reflector, 8 January 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 08, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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