Eastern reflector, 15 December 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Mr. Cleveland is the only
dent the democrats have had
the war and seems to be
that he is tho only one they
ever will Herald.
H. B, Varner, editor and
tor of the Lexington Dispatch, has
purchased the Salisbury Truth-In-
from W. H. Stewart and will
change it from a semi-weekly to a
weekly and Mr. J, will
editor and manager. The paper
will be an eight-page form and will
aggressive but conservatively
democratic in policy.
One thing Mr. friends
nay be sure of, there is not as much
danger in him now as there was be-
f he his famous art e
not turn the thing loose again
till lie is ii iii loaded. ;
As a temperance measure the
Georgia Baptist State Convention
proposes to the price of a
cf liquor a Atlanta newspaper
men will this, as they couldn't
afford to get bloat c any more over
what the City is
Since there can be no curtailment
shirts, editors will have to curtail
the number they wear, if tho high
price of cotton results in a big ad
in shirt material. This is one
way the speculative movement in
cotton affects the newspaper
Provision Market.
Reported by
E round per
lbs per
Wight of
Newport News, , Dec
imprisoned in of
ocean days
loud or water, Leslie,
years old, a stowaway,
in a dying condition
Leslie slipped on b ard the
steamer rt . k
Buckingham, while the vessel w-
taking on cargo at Liverpool
ago He secreted
among the merchandise and
the vessel was out at sea be en
to find his way out,
was unable to do so. For days
he tried to attract the attention of
on by shouting, bu
relief came and he lay down ti
lie, despairing of rescue. When
found he was iD a terrible
and presented a pitiable sight.
He weighed only pounds
and was too weak to raise himself
a recumbent
be secreted himself
i Liverpool pounds.
Presence of Mind.
Hearing a smothered cough be
the palms the rear of the
hall where they were holding h
woman's convention, the athletic
made a in that
direction, and dragged forth an
man who was taking
notes of the proceedings.
he said, in an
voice, let me stay. I
hate Senator Snoot and the army
a thousand times worse
than you
It was a desperate chance, hut it
him, and he was invited to
a Beat on the
A memory fragrant with in
is the best heritage of a child.
Infidelity is the assassin's
that would orphan humanity.
Our acts make or mar us. We
are the children of our own deeds.
Toe barber should have do
The scissors sharpener h the one
who knows all about the daily
A face that cannot smile is
a bud that blossoms and dies upon
the stalk.
Merchants of
at opera
Friday night. This is h
swell New York Company u
account of change route
playing .-in
to save up the price of
J. B. Simmons the state organ I
s -of the Jr. O U. is in th.
en., and has a fall list made up,
an will institutes a council on
Monday night. This is an excel
order and we are glad
that he has been successful.
swallow your good jest
than lose your good friend.
Sweet are the uses of adversity,
bitter are the uses of prosperity.
generation owes much
to the inventor of the alarm clock.
The City Hay Grain Co.,
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy
Corn Peas for
Turkish Proverbs.
With patience sour grapes lie
come sweet the mulberry
By the time the wise man gets
married the fool has grown up
Give a horse to him who
tells the truth, so that as soon a
lie has told it he may ride apse of ages, of course,
not so severe that you are
blamed for it, nor so gentle
ion are trampled upon for it.
If you have to gather do
it by the stranger's haul.
Almost Slain by a Hog.
a well
. ell . In i lives ID
rear the Orphan-
g , as well-nigh and ear
crippled for life by the
an Infuriated hog
I he bug belonged
afternoon it
caped from its pen resisted
efforts at imprisonment
were wade by Broadway's wife and
others in the neighborhood. The
which weighs nearly
two tusks
sale of mouth,
a fury, and prepared a
when he came home at night
endeavored to drive the hog
the pen.
As soon as Broadway walked
near the hog the charged
ripped his left leg on the
front side Iron the foot to the
knee, and a second later had cut
his leg to the the
a artery. Then the
savage tusks entered the right
knee powdering everything as
they This blow cut Broad-
way to the ground. The hog
lunged again jammed
tusks through Broadway's right
foot, through nil the bones,
and playing havoc than min-
Neighbor ran up iii
the maddened
aw a Before a arrived
Broadway bled almost to fatal
syncope, and he will be badly
maimed for life. After two
work the physician stopped the
bleeding and sewed up Broad-
way's wounds. One result of the
of the operation was a handful
of broken bones that the doctor
took out of the crushed limbs and
carried to his
Pithy Paragraphs.
Be a worker. A loafer is never
happy anywhere.
God loves tie man who is not
afraid of giants.
Give to the poor and needy this
cold weather.
a dentist properly be called
a toot doctor
Stand, behind the truth, and the
devil can't hurt you.
The sin eat way lo a man's pock-
et book is through his heart.
The average man i satisfied with
keeping up with the procession
but if it is a he
does not care to be at the head of
It is a rel gain to lose that
which keeps us away from God.
Where was time raised Id the
. .
Xmas Shoppers
Look to your interest and see our
splendid display of
Beautiful Knit Wool Sweaters for
Ladies in Red White and Blue.
Black Cloth for Ladies Men
Knit Jersey for Children, White
Crochet Wool for Babies.
Wool Golf Gloves Ladies and Men, Woolen Knit Gloves
and Mittens all Colors for Children and Babies. Handsome
Gold and Sterling Silver Handle Umbrellas in Ladies sizes.
Elegant Fur Caps and Fur sets for Children and Ladies, beau
all Linen and Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs for
Ladies use. and Lace Curtains.
The above list is only a few of the many
beautiful and useful articles shown in our Dry
Goods Department. Come to see us we can fill
your wants, Satisfaction guaranteed,
J. B. Cherry ft Co
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Everybody likes
new buckwheat, at S. M.
Use oar local columns return.
Job Lot well-worked to-
pound. Write for
t Those without commercial
ruing mast send postages for re-
ply. R. H. Patterson,
Penick, Va.
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste In your mouth It's
your liver Pills are
liver pills. They cure
headache, dyspepsia.
Fa km for horse farm
with in mi dwelling and necessary
mil For particulars
apply to W. H. Moore, Falkland,
Want your or beard beautiful
brown or rich black Then
. Ml CO.
hair was falling out and
turning gray very fast. But your
Hair Vigor stopped the falling and
restored the natural
E. Z. N. Y.
It's impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years in
your hair I Perhaps you
are seventy, and you like
your gray hair If not,
use Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth.
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain we the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and r.-e are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe Is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
If your yon,
lend one dollar and we win
you a bottle.
J. C. CO.,
The On y Way
Could not Shake It Off.
la bidding friends good bye at
the as he departing for
his new field tabor, H. M.
Bare referred to the scriptural in-
junction about snaking dust of
the town off your feet, and said
Greenville dust has all
to mod I -hake it off We
It will to him
o keep him reminded of
How Us.
Mr. D N.-Branch, Winter
w i- i U came a re
said his
Children they had
a time than to ml
of the They read
in it are always
anxious to
Why the South is Becoming Prohibition.
Advocates of the in ac-
counting for the adoption of
prohibition so many
the South, give as a reason
people throughout he Sooth
desire to restrict, crime among the
To this the
Presbyterian justly
the South is not getting
i if Hit aim ply because
i . saloon is hurting the
The South is merely doing what
every part of the world
if It had a is
allowing the voice of the more
intelligent and virtuous majority
to be heard, and the inevitable
Section Master Hurt.
Mr. limes, section master on
the Atlantic Coast at Parmele
started on a hand car, Thursday
afternoon, behind the log train to
work at He
leaned hack hie car to tell his
men to stop and not run up on the
log train. Just us he bent over
he was struck by the lever and
knocked off the car run over
by it. He was right bad but
not seriously.
Town Invited.
People of the town are
invited to attend the
meeting of the
in the graded school building
tomorrow. The building will be
comfortable and the exercises will
be of unusual interest.
Too Ex Derisive.
An Advantage.
A tall man always has the ad-
vantage at the theater, and when
he folds his overcoat and sits
result has been the overthrow of on It, like Saul cf old, he is head
the saW. With this problem shoulders the crowd,
solved, an the evils of the rum
stock is
not gambling; it is just
Temperance-in Germany
Against the of
habits eternal
lance -i necessary. Despite the
public would
that lucre wing in
the British isles on i be
continent. Public men
and Germany n
that must be
check the growing evil. At a
meeting a ten
held in Berlin last week
of the interior, deli
a powerful address If of
Among other th I
he is reported to have said. The
greatest obstacle the
mental and moral
the people is undoubtedly M
excessive use of alcoholic t
I have the impression tho t
appreciation of good
you are working for is spreading
to wider circles, and that ii is the
beginning to exercise a
and better He
espies-ed himself stale
aid for temperance caused by
the homes of the wot k-
people, making more
at tractive, to provide clubs
and places of
married laborers
would be i fewer lo
traffic the of
the i ace problem will become aim
pier, for, the devil, the
only consistent and faithful
advocate of ignorance and
is the saloonkeeper, his
influence-on the has helped
neither the nor the morals o
he black
ii i i lain
Almost Heroic.
Serving and at the Table.
An understanding of the correct
sewing of a meal is f the
importance to the for
a-daintily served though
simple, is far to be preferred to an
overladen table improperly
Eleanor contributes l-o
the the f
a series of paper on the proper
of and waiting at the table.
A farmer went into the office j The series will be of great
plied the dentist.
don't want any
the farmer.
MI admire your re-
plied the dentist. people
want to
It-isn't me; it's
A popular Cleveland doctor tells
this story of a bright boy, his own,
who bad reached the mature age
of nine after an early career mark-
ed by many wild and
His restless nature bad made
him something of a torment to
teacher at times, and one afternoon
not long ago she kept hint after the
others were dismissed and had a
talk with him. Perhaps
he was a little afraid that her
ail monition had fallen on stony
ground. Anyway she finally
certainly will to ask
your father to come to see
do said the boy.
The teacher thought she had
made an impression.
she repeated, must
send for you father
better said the boy.
not inquired the teach-
he a v
said the scamp.
was awarded to Miss
also of the subject of
her essay being
Creek Prof. W. B. Dove
presented this in most
It is worthy of note that both
winners of prizes this year, wall
as medal winner last year, are
pupils of High School,
and Prof. Lineberry has cause to
feel proud his pupils.
President Everett announced
the following standing co mi
E. Misses
Ada Tyson, Susie Keel, Eula Cox
and Maggie Nelson.
H. G.
B. Lineberry, W. B. Love,
Annie Belle Moore and
Evans, T. H.
King, W. P. Misses
Delia Smith and Ida Edwards.
silver, linen the light-
ens said of the table
of correct serving. The
are treated in
manner, and illustrations
add to the the
wife j paper.
According to statistics nine-
of the female lecturers are
married women. This may . be
news to bachelors, but with mar
lied men it is ancient history.
that's going to have the tooth
explained the farmer.
If Roosevelt and Payne hurry
with prosecution of
department grafters., they
According to the figures-of out their terms in time
annual report, in
still in this j is open M by
in the the most of
of all our crops. The Wilmington Star.
value of the corn crop of the
is at
holds second
j place, with a of
followed by bay,
wheat, There
v. of horses owned on the I
of the Suited States, with about i
on that sum I
Strike Against Reduction.
Norfolk, Va. Dec.
hundred women child-
employed at, the Silk j
Mills, struck today, following a
forty per cent, reduction in wages,
which is said to be retroactive for
two weeks. Great excitement
prevails at the mills and police-
men are on duty.
Five Lives Lost.
S. C., Dec.
The Clarence H.
Wilmington and
d a gale this coast last
, nigh t the five board
j hey Capt.
Ii. Hewett, master;
son, deck hand; Jim
cook; William Lewis and
James passengers. The
unfortunate men were white and
were of Shallotte.
The Weather .-Man's Excuse.
la weather
replied Mr. I
the pupils
for all this damp weather
the State Con-
is in
We are glad to see The Bib
Recorder an interview with
ex-Governor Jarvis which he
earnestly deprecates the continued
exploitation of the race issue,
which he truly says is
There was
no such state off affairs, he con-
from to but peace
between the races. Then the
was in politics; now he is
not-, yet he is more of an issue than
he ever was before. arr
foolishly doing great
says this wise,
old leader. us think
on things that make tor peace
and prosperity. Let u- have
and do our From all over
North Carolina th-re should up
an Amen to this sentiment. It
ii the president Is primarily
responsible n-Introduction
the race question i., Mi- Month,
but that is no reason y we
should it, fondle it, keep it
alive and forever keep it our
thoughts which might i-tin- be
I turned lo better things, Governor,
never in his lite better
advice than he gives in inter-
wants to than
its for the prompt-
with which they are paying
oar collector on this monthly
lie is not yet and
e hope those to he called on will
be as as those already seen.
To get the confidence of the pros
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
Mr. W. L. Dudley, in bis The of bi pop crack-
year, died on Sunday about l era at night announcing
o'clock. The funeral took place
at the residence on Monday after
the near approach of Christmas.
The of those exploded In
noon and the remains were buried that the size prescribed by
Cemetery. We extend the board of aldermen, they
sympathy to the bereaved wife and agreed to let fireworks be sold,
children Progress, j has been considerably overstepped, and the case of
The policemen would like to catch I H. before the
the parties this of representatives a few
head of time. yea ago.
. Utah.
Washington, Dec. Chair-
man Burrows, of the com-
on privileges and elections,
has called a meeting of the
mi lice for Saturday at o'clock
to consider whether any action
shall be taken on the protests and
petitions for the expulsion of Sena-
tor Smoot of Utah. There
is an immense mass of petitions
coming from forty different states.
The indications now are that the
contest will rival in importance
The boys are starting their
Christmas stands.
and Interesting Meeting
The of
held is mouth-
session here today Tho meet
was in tin- school
building and the attendance
larger than Usual.
The new Prof. D.
called the to
order and devotional
were conducted by Rev. W. E.
work In reading, by
a glass of
in the graded
school, was i
Miss an
paper on
d a of
following by Prof.
Another very timely and in-
paper was by Mag
Nelson on
Discussions on this
followed by Profs. Dove and Bags-
The finance committee reported j Grand Jury Public
that has been paid the Judge O. H. Allen, the
library fund. j judge, holding court here at
A interesting feature this time, in his charge to the
the day was the of grand jury that to
prizes for the best essays North i visit the public schools and take
Photo Graded School.
Photographer It. T. has
large of tin- graded
j school. The the
with the
and pupils in
That all the face-, are so
I distinct where such a large number
appears shows the artistic skill of
I Mr. Evans. He will furnish copies
I of the picture at cents each to
ail who desire
Carolina history by pupils of
schools of Pitt One of
these prizes is the annual gold
medal offered by Secretary of State
J. Bryan Grimes, other a
gold pen offered by U
The medal wits to
Miss Dora Cox, of ville,
the of her essay being
iv look at the workings of these
see for them-
selves how they are
This is anew instruction on the
part of the judge, yet it is a good
A. It will create more
in educational matters, as
as in I. ii in the grand
highest body of officials the
as to how they are con-
Carolina's Resentment h, ducted, and what is being done.
the Stamp The
was mad
by Senator A. L. Blow.
It will awaken new Interests
we are glad to see Judge Allen
has turned his attention in this
The pea Parker Sun.

v. c.
The Branch J Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
W. G. Slight, administrator of It. H. deceased,
wisher to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
foods owned by said K. H. at his death, and offer-
tag them the public cost. The stock consists
full line of WOODS, NO I IONS, CLOTHING,
TATS. CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
ice W. agent of the Tailors Mfg.
All suits to order to tit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good tit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at cent. less than tailors charge.
If you want come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, Collections, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price tor country
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed bats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
tie paper in and territory.
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Cry Goods, Clothing Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal. Fertilizers and Lime.
Buggies. Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons. Coffins Caskets always on hand.
In Mason we operate a Cotton
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Dainty tilings for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
provide th most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the be-t Groceries,
; by handling them in best way, and by selling them
at the reasonable margin.
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Com and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
To the Tobacco Planters of Eastern North
We want every tobacco
who has net taken stock in the
Consolidated Tobacco
Company to to see us at the
N. C, whether you bring tobacco
or not.
We want to the
ft the This is
a matter which every tobacco
grower, and every of the
county who in the
well being if tile farmers,
should feel a
is a good the
farmers it I be sup
purled and i If it is not
mi c,. the tobacco
m n it.
Vis- as. .-ii,. however, to look
MM it l-e your own
Do not to what any-
one about IS out a
drew your
and we will abide decision.
Wen really hears farmers
in it t. make ii a fraud
the warehouse
all we want. We
funnel in North Carolina
who the i
effort Oil e-part of the
farmer to
if will examine our plane-in a
way we are
Von will join us.
Ton Co.
N. a . Dec. 1903.
The weather now reminds us
C. W. Baker has accepted a
position with C. E. Bradley Co.
as salesman.
B. B. is attending
court at Washington this week.
j. J. and R. W.
Ward are gunning for birds this
The Farmers Alliance held Their
regular meeting here last
J. R. Baker passed through town
Saturday with a new buggy. Won-
where he went
C. H Rawls, of Robersonville
was here Monday en hi way to
C. E. Bradley left for Greenville
this morning where he will be fir
For Rent house
with small terms
E. Bradley.
Holiday putting in their
Santa will
soon be here.
The pastor of a church at Fall
River committed suicide
t other day by cutting his own
salary. We to hear
him Journal.
One- Price
We carry a general line of Mer-
Dry Goods and Notion-.
Nice line of Shoes, and Neck
wear etc. Stock of
and Heavy Groceries. New line of
Tin and Hardware, we
make specialties of Furniture Sew-
Machine and Cook Stoves.
We do not to- have
better Goods or Prices than other
merchants, but we do claim a fair
and deal fur ail,, we sell for
cash which enables to-do a safe
business and we give our
the benefit of it,. Sates,
Small Margins and one price to-all
is motto.
N. C-
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you. to make their store
headquarter and while u
inspect, their complete of.
and low We-
can supply all your in
any line goods.
We at selling Lawns fend
half, to make om for
all goods.
carries a
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Building Shingles.
price on load lots of
N. C.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by load.
N. C.
After thirty of successful am
better than to all the
needs of purple a stock of
General Merchandise
Whichard, N. C.
The complete
Kt m
P- R. L.
William Fountain,
Physician and Surgeon,
M. .
m el mm ,
Lot of Toughs.
as of h
in this for a
of years, and lived u
for toe past
Ta are
is no class of people in all the
who need taking down a
more does h
large per of the noting men
registered as students North
Carolina colleges. these col,
you will find an
that is dangerously near
outlawry. They do not
to bold up the of
t college, when it runs
to their destroy and
late its property, and visit all sorts
of humiliating a
young man whose only crime is
that he is spending his year
at college. These are not
conclusion, but are
upon numerous examples, and are
intended for the guilty, and
body else. To be convinced that
these unwarranted of
students on the increase,
only nave to read the papers,
which tell about all sec
Mom of ear
I can furnish, anything wanted, a cam-
needle-1 a engine.
handle gin cotton in
The thy
Distributors about Aug.
It. is the tit-st of t he century.
Logger with some experience, with two
wagons one ox cart.
ii, i i
I Is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
full line of Drag and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for kinds of country produce.
The Only Way
C. If. went Greenville
Mi.-s Carrie Rouse, of Lizzie,
spent last week with Miss Anna
Misses Annie and
Eva Saturday in
Miss Cora Grimsley Sat-
and Sunday with
Anna and
Miss Tessie who teaches
at and
Sunday with her parents.
Joe nod
Saturday l the residence of
E. E.
J. A. went to
At ii-- Friday
Cap Beaman, of Winterville,
spent a short while in the neighbor
hood Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. L. b. . .
in the
Barker, i-s e
Carrie and Cora
Grimsley S
with Misses Allie and Lizzie
day and Sunday with J. A.
Abe Caraway, of .
spent Saturday and Sunday in the
was well represented t
Reedy Sunday.
The Way of it.
The who makes on
gambling is called a financier
The nigger who plays seven up
for cents a game goes to the chain
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Is hereby given that L. N. Edwards
enters and lava claim to eighth
more or less, of vacant land in
township, county, North
Carolina described us
by the lands of Mrs. E. A.
Tyson. W. F. Carroll. Henry
horn, Stephen Leggett. Church Mills.
Thomas Moore This 5th
day of December, 1903.
Any person or pet-sous, claiming ti
tie to, or interest in. the above de-
scribed land, must Hie their protest,
in writing, with me, within thirty
days, from the date hereof, will
be barred- R. WILLIAMS,
i-x-officio Entry Taker, for Pitt
N. C.
D. W.
And Provisions,,
To get the confidence of the pro
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
By virtue of a decree of the
or court of Pitt county in the special
proceeding, until led II. C. Venters.
Adm. of G. w. Venters against
U. W. Venters, and others, the
undersigned sell
cash, at public auction before the
court door in Greenville, on
Thursday the 24th day of Dee.
the following described
That tract of land in Pitt county,
in township,
lands of H. C. Venters,
Bros., A. T. Cox, G. w. Venters,
and Clay Boot Swamp, containing
more or less, and being the
land upon which G. W. Venters,
lived at the time of his death.
Said tract of land will be sold in
two lots, to wit, lot No. All of said
farm not covered by the widows
. Lot No. All of said farm which
s now covered by the widow's dower.
Nov. 1903.
P. G. James.
State op
T. J. James F. God-
L. Rob-
w. Olivia
Shine Ella Daniels,
. Tuft, Lena A. J A. Ricks,
W. U. Minnie Kick. W. II
Kicks, Wiley N. s.
Johnson, Battle Moore, George W
Harriot Brown,
ton and R. R. Mayo.
w. Alice L.
and wife; Ella
Robinson, C. C. Little and wife,
ma Little; Joseph Johnson,
Johnson, John Johnson, Eliza John-
son, James Hodges and wife, Amanda
Hodges, w. L. Hodges, Robert Hod-
Jay Hodges, Jessie Hodges, Gar
and Hodges and Hall en Warren, the
last five being minors without
The defendants, Henry Johnson
Eliza Johnson, I take, notice that the
summons in the above entitled special
proceeding was issued against them
on the 2nd day of November 1903, which
summons is returnable to the Clerk of
the superior Court -for said county
and state, at his Office in Greenville,
N. C, on the 7th day of December,
1903, at which time and place the said
defendants are required to appear
and answer or demur to the petition
filed, or the relief demanded
will be granted. Said defendants will
I farther take notice that said petition is
I for sale of a certain tract of land for
.-partition, situated in Town-
Pitt county, N. C, and formerly
b Jesse M. deceased.
This the day of November 1903
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Goods kept con-
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
State of North , In Superior Court
Carolina .- Before fork.
Pitt County
J. J. Ii. Cox and wife M-u-y E. Cox
W. C. wife Susan Burner,
S. R. Wilson J. C. Wilson.
E. A. Wilson, H. H. Wilson, C. F.
Wilson, Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Frederick G. Wilson and
Rufus Wilson Wilson,
live named being
E. A. Wilson and C. F. Wilson who
are defendants in the above entitled
cause, will take notice that a special
entitled as above, has
commenced in the Superior court
of Pitt county, before the clerk, to sell
certain lands said county for par-
and the said defendants will
further take notice that they are re-
to appear at the office of said
I the superior court of said
I on Tuesday, the 14th day of
January, in the town of Green-
ville, N. C, and answer or demur to
the petition and complaint, a copy
which will be deposited in the office of
said clerk within ten days from this
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
Cotton and i.
Grain and
Private Wire r Sea
R. J.
N. C.
Full Line of Coffins,
and Shrouds on hand at
Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt County.
Steamer It. L. Myers
daily, except Sunday,
at a. for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday.
I at in. for
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
i Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Greek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, OcraCOke and for
jail for West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N.
dale, and let them take notice that if
they fail to answer or demur to said be cured, and hopeless resin
Notice to Creditor.
Owing so exceedingly poor col-
and an apparent disregard
of their indebtedness, and
disinclination to adjust matters,
I have decided on Dec let, next
to put collectors on the road, with
instructions to collect all accounts,
give etc , to slight no
Very yours,
D. S.
was taken severely with kid-
trouble. I tried all of
medicines, none of which relieved
me. day I saw an ad of your
Electric Bitters determined
to try that. Alter taking a few
I relieved, and noon
thereafter entirely cured, and
have not seen a sick day
Neighbors of mine have cured
Of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver
and Kidney troubles
This is what B. F
Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes.
at Wooten's Drug Store.
Railroad in Pamlico.
New Bern, N. C, Dec.
Henry R. Bryan, vice
the Pamlico, Oriental and Western
Railroad Company, connects
Craven en says
the work is progressing rapidly.
The grading is
track laid from the
Atlantic and North nit
road river, where the
bridge begins. Pile driving work
is now going on under he
vision of Samuel Howard of this
city. The bridge, when completed
will be one mile one hundred and
fifty feet, with two
six hundred piles in the
A draw i- ,. , ,.
is expected to be in place by
lie In of ., ,.,,.
of the road will he
miles, covering the best
portion of Pamlico county. Vice
President Bryan expects the com-
of the road by the middle
is for
many a railway wreck the I To Determine the Status of
wrecks of from Throat j ,, Senator
and Lung But since the at a
advent of D-. King's New Dis
for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, even the worst cases
and complaint within that
time, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded therein.
under my hand this the 6th
day of December
Clerk of Superior Court of Pitt Co.
Attorneys for plaintiffs.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. etc. Bed-
leads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ha
Lounges, Safes, i
awl Ax
Key Went Che-
Henry Can
i-pit, Syrup, Jelly, Milk
ii-1 ;.;. ,;,
nation is no longer necessary.
Mrs- Lois of Dorchester,
Mass., is one of many whose life
was saved Dr. King's New
Discovery. This great remedy is
guaranteed for all Throat
dim-ling the judiciary committee
t- inquire as to th-
that failed in n.
session and were renewed at the
of of
The Inquiry is fur the
purpose of developing the present
position of General Wood in the
Lung Wooten's Drug army and Dr. as collector of
Stoic Price and 1.00. the port of Charlestons O
Trial bottles free.
; hum v arc, Tin
hi, Mutter, Nev I
and no I
when youth fails
to how for old, age,
tint contrary in the
f Dr. New Life
They cut off maladies matter
how severe and irrespective of old
age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever,
i i. i
feel Pol.
Robbed And Left to D n ., Ditch.
N. C , Dec.
was found
in a condition near the
home of Captain A. L. Sasser in
Fork township, this county, early
this morning. Capps was found
in a roadside ditch by who
bad suited to look for his
I lather. After having been
lacerated with a knife and
into the ditch to die, he
terminated ugly cat on ,. , -n .-.
K was
I weakness, which
was occasioned by the loss of
. y-a i -1
n, c
in courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
I lie leg J, B.
Grove, III. It developed a
nicer unyielding to and
lour Then
Just as for Burns,
Skin and Piles.
-it Drugstore.
By Superior
Court, of Pitt county, in the special
proceeding entitled Usury Crawford,
Or and others
C. Kin-mil, the
r will for cash before the
Court House in on
Saturday, in.- day of 1903
described piece or I . .
parcel of land situated in the county father alleged that the son
to kill
lord, in . and I.-n and that before he knew what
by. acres, or less he was in had
and the laud conveyed deed
For Killing fin Own Son.
Ga., Dec. the
Superior court here tonight, a jury
returned a verdict of voluntary
manslaughter against B. H. Bar.
ton, who was on trial for killing
his seventeen son. The
in this city
Is the pawn of
Indigestion and all
The Surest known It
German Liver Powder
This is not but
translation of one of Nature's
II you art
N op
of German
Powder with our
Mn booklet, contains authentic
testimonials from patient.-, hare been
cured by this Specific. Do not
delay, but your full address once to
The American Co.
I'm. s i to Martha J. N or-
The Clerk of the Superior Court
Pitt County issued letters
administration to me, the until
on the 2nd day of November on
the estate of ii
Is hereby to nil
persona Indebted to the
aim to said
oaten, to tin-
twelve months after the date of hi
notice, or notice will be plead ii,
hat- of their recovery.
This the 2nd day of Nov. lots.
, j , , , L- Chapman,
Adm r of Spencer
knife buy to t
James Burton, another.
prosecuting witness the c n
and are tin-
A St V RB Y.
M which is
or over-loaded.
Cure supplied
does of the re-
the nervous tension,
the muscles of
. allowed in .,, ,
K Cure
and enables the
all into rich, red blood.
by W
Mr. C Haney, O., had
the piles for-to
dollars could do bin, ,,
good. HeS
Save oared permanently. In-
valuable for cuts, burns bruises
I sprains, laceration, eczema,
rheum, and all other skin
Look for the name
Witt on the
re cheap, counterfeit.

In the J. C,
A In
mt W
it id
hint up.
Just years ago this afternoon
there was something doing in
light house r
talking and marked an in
a fixture there will
be something solid to Stand on.
. .
C, 1908.
Notwithstanding Prof,
with his air ship, the Char-
Observer s belief that we will
I ii
The of ; The toy pistol has in on I tn that be-
far the hen to cackle over. its holiday work of taking off about in the press dis-
Ton bet there will be I
cotton made next year.
world will be in
I conflict before the matting closes.
history of town as well as in the
of this paper, Ii was then
that Tut Daily
first a little only
three columns to the page.
At that time Greenville, was a
small town, and though the paper
usual boys, says
or it must shut up
shop. you furnish it one
a great factory, and unless it can
get about 2.000,000 from each gen-
for raw material, of
factories must close out, and
operations must he on
cold world, public raven
ill dwindle.
is the notice. On family
out of every five must contribute a
boy to keep up the supply. Will
you help Which of your boys will
The New York exchanges have
announced their of I heat gets turned on
in the president's J They can well afford Charlotte street cars or not, the dis
and seems hard to swallow, j Jo on w Lat nave j,, out
of the folks.
The outlook is I he in
the department are about
to got an airing.
University, at Greenville,
S. C, has John D. I
Dispatches say that Colombian
troops are marching on Panama,
and Uncle Sam has given notice that,
i ii . slated to be from
they had better stay on the other
over the strike situation will
keep things warm in that section.
the North Carolina
ex-congressman, is coming
around for another pull. He is
was small its size was sufficient to l Minotaur of Crete had
meet the requirements then exist-1 Ml of fair maidens
Yet people declared it a bold
has contributed
to the institution.
side of the border line.
We are watching to see how many
Prof. might find a little Chariot gamblers in
business selling the fragments of
his flying machine for kindling
Since the mask was pulled off of
the old fellow been seeing
hard lines. is a great
thing and catches people so easy.
A business man who it a ob-
the times has
that the next legislature
of Carolina will make a clean
sweep of in the state.
cations certainly point that way, and
it is time the saloon men themselves
were reading the handwriting on
ft wall.
futures members of the grand
Judge Neal sends the roads
to spend Christmas.
. i j
The Texas man who is predicting
cent cotton is not afraid of fig-
The simulators may strike it,
but it will be a lucky farmer who
sees that much for a bale.
.------- i-
The democratic national commit-
tee has been called to meet in Wash-
on January 12th. At that
meeting the place of holding
the national convention will be
this state to the republican nation-
were the sub-
of the first interesting debate in
the senate since the regular session
began. Senator
can, introduced a resolution calling
upon the Postmaster General to send
all the papers the recent
to the committee on Post
offices and Post Roads, which com-
would institute a further in-
if it thought
The republicans favored this
but the democrats wished to
amend it by milking the
mandatory by both the senate
Maybe that hole in the
North Carolina people who are
to grumble about the school
they veto it isn't
The meeting of the cotton mill
in Charlotte, Tuesday, favored
curtailing the output of the factories.
Steps were taken to call a meeting
of cotton men generally and get
them all to co-operate with the
movement to put out less of
manufactured product. This will
mean higher prices for calico and
Other cotton goods.
was prepared forth use of Win-
candidate for governor after
the returns are Her-
Not that, but for Winston's can-
to bury his defeated
Some ago the connection be
tween the on the Atlantic
Coast Line and Southern Railway
was broken at Selma and since that
time people traveling that way have
been greatly The
j corporation has ordered
Coast Line to move up its train
; I as to restore the con-
While such mat-
are commission is the
time Greenville and other towns on
this branch of the Coast Line should
be moving for a morning connection
from Raleigh. It can be had if the
people show they want it.
Of all the despicable characters
coming under the of
thieves, the grave robber is the low-
According to the report of the
secretary of the treasury, which has
just been issued, there will be a de-
of over for the
cal year ending June while
the for the present fiscal
year will be reduced to
He admits that our currency sys-
has j passed thorough a
oils crisis, which could easily have
caused general disaster. He admits
also that of the
currency is a weakness, bat
no remedy.
Dana Pierce, of N. Y
writes a letter to the Charlotte Ob-
server in which he flays the North
Carolina editors for
themselves as not to shake
hands with President Roosevelt
when they were- in Washington
Pierce then goes off on a little essay-
about the difference between
North and Sou ilk. In. one sentence
he is no. bitter feeling
The discovery has the North toward the yet
made that in a cemetery at Newport another sentence he says the ex-
may be interested to learn that
sixty per cent of tine entire revenues
of the State of Mississippi during
the lost four years has been
for the cause of education.
Charlotte Observer.
News, Va., ghouls have been open-
new graves and robbing tho
bodies of jewelry and shrouds. Two
bodies found were entirely nude.
That is worse than they do in Mex-
where the robbers steal the
fins and put the body back in the
bale. f-
of the North Carolinians
makes him He
says further the North is too
busy to think about the South at
but he seems to have leisure
enough to waste a lot of breath over
what people of the South do. Yet
nobody cares for it.
Scientists have been foolish enough
to let it get out that radium
sells, on the market ab an
ounce is found in petroleum.
feller believes it has raised, the
kerosene so he he can get
back some of the value of
that we extravagant people
For ten years people- of
Mouses worked through
man Hull to get an army post
there. They finally
ed Des has a. post that
11.000,000- The first step on
the part of government has-been
to garrison the post with
The people of Dos Moines
are-greatly and now say
that if the are not
they will defeat Congressman Hull
for libs Mosses is
Hard to
The fourteenth annual session cf
the Southern Education Association
will be heM in Atlanta December
30th and 31st January 1st.
This is the association of which Dr.
F. P. president of the
University of North Carolina, is
president, and Prof. R. of
Asheville, secretary. Profs. D. Matt.
Thompson, of Statesville, and Geo.
H. Crowell, of High Point, are
among the managers and directors.
The for the forthcoming
meeting has been issued and these
North Carolinians are scheduled for
Chas. D.
and C. Alphonso Smith,
W. and L.
C. Observer,
venture to start a daily paper of any
sine a town like Greenville was
then, and so it was. But The Re-
was given to and
it had confidence in the people it
served. It believed if they wanted
a daily paper they would support it,
and the intervening years from then
until now ha e proven that this
was well founded.
Greenville has gone right on
growing from that time until it has
doubled its size; and The
to lead in the march of progress has
enlarged three times in these nine
years. Not always has it found
smooth sailing, but its motto
keep pushing, even the
age seemed rough and threat-
In the last two years
there have been hindrances
through misfortunes to those con-
with the paper that required
courage and a brave to meet
yet in the face of these there was no
faltering paper has
to go forward and do its. best
for the community.
The today has
patrons than at any its. his-
showing the esteem it
with the people. We are- grateful
to the people for their
patronage; and grateful to
care and. guidance been with
through these years. It is
pose the paper to go on
best, leaving the results
who rule the destinies of;
Daily 10th.
each year; but the Minotaur of Amer-
demands a city full of each
year. Are you a father Have you
contributed a bay If not, some
other family has had to give more
than its share. Are you not selfish,
voting to keep the saloon open to
grind up boys, and then doing
to keep up the-
According to
the of the gen-
removed slavery, are
today the owners of
valued at
the- farm ownership
valued at per-
The- white of. re-
in the progress success of
its Southern
white men ready toll
assist those who are industrious and,
thrifty. is doing well
and to the trade
it is hem their highest develop-
has been readied, and
their best the futures.
News and Observer.
Thus we have seen no effort on j
the part the faculty or trustees of
Trinity College to detect or punish
the perpetrators among tho student
body the lynching in effigy of tho
editor of the News and Observer,
thus by their silence that
they have consent to this dis-
graceful and outrageous action of
the Record.
There is nothing truer than the
saying, dog has his A
few years ago cotton manufacturers
were rolling in wealth and cotton
farmers were almost starving. Now
conditions are reversed. The farm-
are wearing glad smiles and the
manufacturers are crying out that
they are being
An With Ex-Governor
Having served his people as sol-
of the Confederacy, Governor,
Minister Plenipotentiary and United
States Senator, Hon. J. Jar-
vis is spending a old-age in the
of his chosen profession,
the law. No living has lived
more closely to our people than he,
nor has any man. loved them more
warmly or been more faithful to
Last week he was in Raleigh, a
guest of Governor The
editor of the Recorder, fortunate
enough to obtain am interview with .
he, no
longer mt down and let
things go on. They restless,
ready to take a
of our progress- fa education.
There is a new sense abroad ml
tresses and It is. that
extreme that ham
worked the If
a fool fool, thing,,
all initiate
put it in the and have a
ii And, if a
white n to sup a fool
thing, great mat-
arc ready Bit
is It
You progress in such
a Your shun-hes
do your schools less,
u It
to write
except tie Have we
db. but talk and
e problem
to we had. no
There was
peace the races. Hut now
since we have eliminated the
from we seem to ho disposed
to threw away the fruits, of that
great work. We are foolishly doing
ourselves great harm. We are like,
a drunken people. It will be far bet-
for us if we drop these matters.
They not important and we put
in a bad light by making
so much them. us think
about other things, and let the fools
alone. us think on things
that make for ponce and prosper-
We asked the ex-Governor for per-
mission to print these remarks, in
hope that they will appeal to tho
senses of our soberer and
bring about somewhat of calm.
said he; have
said to you what I would to a
thousand people in North Carolina
if a had them before Let us
have peace and do our
department Is In f J. M. Wow, is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
Frank, of
hare looking for a
place to locate. needs
ore dwellings and needs them
of cotton
goods went north early and
stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
can you money as we bought
bulk of our stock at old prices and
sell the way.
Yours to serve,
Nathan Purser is visiting his
daughters here, Mrs. E. G. Chap
man and Mrs. J. H. C. Dixon.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing promptly done. Work
If you want your horse shod,
if your harness or own shoes
reed repairing, and for general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
Friend Fair living in glorious
hilarious anticipation that
million from Lamar estate
over in the old country. good
If only true.
We have a nice line hate
both old. and young, also trunk,
at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Mr. Newton, our insurance
friend, returned to Westmoreland
county Wednesday. Hie trip
Josh Manning and Herod
Thursday in Greenville.
C. D. Hooks had a very slight
of paralysis Tuesday night.
We are glad to learn be has nearly
If quite recovered.
Now a word to wise. Go to
see B. F. Manning Go., before
their bargains exhausted.
M. P. a photographer
ft Ml his ten t her
We were pained that
Samuel Mum ford bad a severe
stroke of paralysis hut Thursday.
Mr. Mumford is one of our vary
best and his
prove fatal it will be a
serious blow to community
in which be lives. Our
is for speedy
For or house and
lot located between Cox
A D. Cox. on Academy
Apply to C. A. Fair.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the higher t cash market price for
For brick see G. A. Kittrell
Co. They have recently burned a
kiln and will make prices reason-
able times.
We now have a nice lot of porch
column timber. It you are need
of why let us fit you
Prices are tight. Winterville
Mtg. Co.
Dr. Cox in addition to his drug
stock always has band a com-
Hue of free school books, pen
tablets, pens, pencils,
the finest assortment of box
stationery ever to Winter-
It Is strange to hear
that Hunsucker has t the
last buggy i
believe this is because there isn't
anything doing. You never were
worse mistaken. The fact is, the
orders faster than they
can be made. Don't let any more
get ahead of you. place your
orders with A. G. Cox Co
B J, D
Cox per day. Beat
Mr. the Drug Store
will be pleased to show you their
gold and fountain
Bring your cotton to Winter
and have it ginned. G. A.
Kittrell Co. will buy your seed
t the gin and pay highest market
prices or give you meal in ex-
change for them.
coming year will bring
many changes. Some that
-mi, and many, we that
will prove There are
those of our who will leave
us we shall miss them.
Others will come to fill their
places but the
of our associations with those
who shall have gone will ever re-
main as a sweet perfume from a
Hour whose fragrance is
always as us the pure
air. For those who leave
we richest
and those who shall come we will
bid thins endeavor
to make their home us
pleasant. We hope to each and
all the coming new year may prove
a blessing. That we shall
lived and enjoyed it is our dearest
The new things are coming in pretty lively these
new Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves,
Mufflers and everything in Haberdashery that
a man needs.
Besides the large variety of everything, there
more things here than you will in most stores
We have an Eye for
Everything that's new
and our Haberdashery Department is never a moment
behind in showing the latest of in Men's
fixings. Prices the
Haberdashers. See our display of Furs.
j . .
College Record.
Farming, country life and rural
education are the leading ideas of
the M. College for
December. The full table of con-
tents is, as
Does fanning pay in North
How to build up a worn-out
How to build up worn-out
clay lands in middle North Caro-
Extensive funning in Eastern
North Carolina.
Truck farming in Eastern
B. L. Davis,
B. A. Tyson, Vice-President. J. L. Little,
Bank Greenville,
N- G-
Statement of The Bank of Greenville, Greenville, N. C, at
of business Nov. 17th, from report to North
Carolina Corporation Commission.
Everything right now reminds
that is close hind.
Si are filled with toys, I Pro. W H. MT
and everything a. address here before the school
else to please he the old,
well satisfy both the inner Hunsucker buggies don't grown
and man. on suckle vines. If so they
We have in stock the best line would be pulled before
Of ever offered can U As it is Hunsucker sees o
St you in both size and it tout no job leaves the factory
Bring family and we It i
keep Ibis red on, o we will make do so.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., have just
gotten out a neat little
d describing the
various article their
tine, This little book with prices;
marked is free for the asking, or a j North Carolina,
simple postal card will, C. The present and future of
bring it U you. growing in North Caro-
now. It i
from Banks and
Cash Items
Cash in Bank
ready to
That was a close call the queen
shoe before you get it on
foot. B. F. Manning Co.
We spared time in
our and we think we
can the most
F. Manning Co.
This is buggy robe
is the to get
them. He does the snowing, you
looking judging and
Bee M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing promptly Work
Some people seem to want a low
priced regardless of the
quality. In order to cater to that
class A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. now
in stock Western-made cart
wheels which are considered
cheaper than their own make
Tar Any one who knows
what a Tar Heel wheel is, how-
ever, would not give it for two of
the others. And so Tar Heels
Bryan was in Green
till Friday selling tobacco.
Our reason for having o much
to say about wire is that we
have a fence worth talking about.
Ten years experience in the bus-
a careful
of merits kinds of
fence should, we think, make our
opinion worth something. Facts
and figures speak for themselves.
We prepared to give them to
you our
The state convention.
The enrichment of country
Rural education.
The maintains that
fanning pays in North Carolina and
it offers to the right sort of
young men as good opportunities
for wealth as any other business or
profession and far better
ties for health and happiness.
A man's idea of an
is one who goes to the opera
to the music.
Capitol Stock paid in
Surplus, 20,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid 3,655.40
Bills payable,
Careful attention given to all business entrusted to us.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
red to give to and cheese
Welded always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Cl-
I . U. .
Fence. It would do no harm for fl
you to also have a little talk with and Canned Goods. Green and
. ,,, .- ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry Soaps.
some of our best J r
do their own thinking and are A.
using the fence. Tours in
fence G. Cox Mfg.
All persons are hereby forbidden
employing, feeding or otherwise
aiding my son Will,
years left my home with
out cause. Anyone knowing
whereabout will please write me.
B. L.
A Foil Lino Millinery
j v

Grimesland Department.
J. Proctor Bros
want lumber build a house,
to co it, and
roods far your family,
tabla, or for
farm, w your needs.
Our mill tad are now
Id fall blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind
aw and, do all kinds j
f turned work for baluster
trimmings. We also
do general repair of baggies
and wagons.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in 11.- nay
of Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here. Whether it is some-
thing to eat, to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can he
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer tells.
be with says
Elijah your
N. C.
Dry Good, Notions, Fancy
eerie, Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanut
every day.
E. A. Jr., D. D. E. A. Sp.
D. W. R. Smith, E. A. Move, Sr.
tie boggles on this market. We m-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We. carry in stock full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine our Stock.
E. Sp.,
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool water dainties that
would he unattainable without the Refrigerator
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
rood, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
there la no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, sod guarantee it to do the work.
u r i Ice Cream Freezers, and
everything-else in the hardware line.
Loan value,
Cash .
Extended that works automatically,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month
re. satisfactory evidence
and with interest.
after o. i N. Restrictions. Incontestable.
Divide,,,,;,,,, payable at the beginning of I lie second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the year paid.
They may be To reduce Premium, or
To increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
J. L,. SUGG, Act
Greenville N.
N. o.
Are making a specialty of
suitable winter. We F. Young's
famous line of Footwear for ladies. Every pair sold
goes with a guarantee. Our lino of Dross Goods
this season embrace the newest and best. Call on us.
Proceeding l The Commissioners
The board of county
era met in regular monthly session
on day, 7th, all the member--
being present lo addition to
allowing accounts and
monthly reports of officers the
following was
J. B. Gardner's 14-acre tract id
land near was ii
valuation from to
Lane's of J. C. Fa.-bes,
township, were reduced in vain
from to
W. A.
township, released from taxes
on erroneously chained.
Town lot in Greenville belong
Mrs. T. L. Bland was
in valuation t,
T. L. and W. J. Farm-
were released from taxes m
personal property
J. II. town-
ship, was released from taxes d
J. M. Cox was released Iron,
taxes on solvent credits
H. B was released
taxes on land
Joseph Mayo was
taxes on personal property i;
tow i-or.
Jan. and
were admitted to count
Batts, G. W. Haddock,
W, T. Hart, G. Warren and C
L. Cannon were released from poll
tax for 1903.
James Bynum
and wife were added to
J. It. Davenport was notified to
put United States mail across
ferry night without extra
A L. Blow was appointed to ex
reports of county
for year this meeting.
L. W. Lawrence was appointed
I keeper of Greenville
J. A. Ha, was elected super-
county home.
D. J. was awarded
publishing annual state-
The contract for building a
bridge across Tar river at
was awarded to Hobgood
at His was the only bid
Tin- following jurors
for January term of
W. J. E. Capps, H A
Sugg, W H.
smith, C Buck, W T Bullock,
W P Ruck, Oscar J M
R Dozier, L H Little.
FL Andrews,
Clark, Jr. Jno F T R
Moore, Ola Forbes, W W
W Ward, W C Lewis, ES Man.
ford, Jno B Fleming, J
IS Jno W James,
Jesse G Thomas, S A Jenkins, D
H Pierce, O H
Hathaway, H C W B Greene,
W Coward, L Tripp-
B Parker.
Claude W H W L
Wooten, o Barrow, Zeb V
Whiten W G Gurganus, A L
Edwards, Riobard H H
Proctor, J R Gurganus. H G
J L Nobles, It H Parker, F D
A A Man-
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hard ware Furniture. Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
you can get honest goods at living prices. Se our
stock before you buy and be satisfied wit,,
Jill I
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks. Dress Goods, Shoes. Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware. Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything y. u in
your and everything you use in your parlor
,. Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
A New Jersey lady has become
he mother of five children during
the past and triplets.
The neighbors have formed a be-
society for the assistance
of the dazed
Virginia candidates the
not much money
off their campaigns. A few
of tobacco constitute main ex-
The knee bent in true prayer
straightens for true work.
By virtue of a decree of the
court of Pitt, county made
in the special entitled
L. J. Chapman and wife, Fannie
and others Paul Brooks,
W. L. Bet and others, petition to
-ell land for partition the Under-
signed commissioner will sell at
public auction, before the court
door, in Greenville on Mon-
day the 28th day of December,
following described
Pin county, which former-
belonged to the late Spencer
j Brooks, and is now sold
, ion among his heirs at.
i real estate will be sold in lots to ac-
purchasers as
Lot No. Bounded by the
j lauds P. the Dr.
I Best lands and the public road
leading from to Grifton,
and including the Wetherington
land, containing acres more or
Lot No. Bounded by the
ding road on the north by Flat
the south and
let No,
more or less.
Lot No. Bounded on the north
by the Harding road on the south
by Flat Ridge Swamp, and joins
lot No. containing acres, more
tor less.
Lot No Bounded on the
north by lands of J. L. Tucker, on
the south by Flat Swamp,
and joins lot No. containing
acres, more or less.
Lot No Bounded on the
north by the lands of J. L. Tucker,
on by Flat Ridge Swamp,
and joins lot No containing
acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded on the
north by the lands of J. L. Tucker,
on the south by Flat Ridge Swamp,
on the west by the lands of J. P.
and W. B. joins lot
No. containing acres, more
or less.
Lot, No. Bounded by the
J. A. Adams, G.
W. B. and by lot
No. containing acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded by the
I Harding and Rice roads and the
lands of J. p. and being
the Southern half of the Harding
ind, containing acres, more or
Lot No. Bounded by the
and roads and the
lauds of J. L. Tucker and being
the northern half of the
laud, containing acres more or
Lot No Is the home place
of the Spencer Brooks, con-
acres, more or less.
Lot No. is known de-
scribed as the Harper place, con-
acres, more or less.
Lot No. Is known and de-
scribed as the Butler place, con-
acres, or less,
all of the above lands in
Greek township near the
village of
Lot No. One half interest in
a lot town of Grifton,
described In a deed from
wife Spencer Brooks
and L. J. Chapman recorded in
book L. page as
Hellen store lot containing 1-5
of an acre, more or less.
Lot One half interest in
a lot in the town of Grifton, fully
described in a deed from Joe Pat-
rick a d wife and W. H. Patrick
to L J. Chapman Co., recorded
A. C. page
of an acre, more or less.
Lot No. one half interest in
lot No., that part the town
of Grifton known as New town
being the lot upon which the old
Hellen store is standing.
Terms of third cash
on day of ale, balance in one and
two years, or all cash to suit the
convenience of the purchaser.
Persons desiring further
can apply to L. J, Chapman,
Grifton, N. C, who will gladly
show them all the to
the commissioner at Greenville, N.
This Nov. 1903.
Hrs. G-. F. Smith, children,
of are flatting Mrs. R. L.
Miss Sadie left this
morning for Plymouth.
Mrs. M. A. Stephens, of Dunn, I
who has been visiting Mrs. Mary
Flanagan, returned home today.
Capt. B. A. of Tarboro.
last here and returned
this morning.
H. S. Harris, of came
over this morning.
Mrs C. B. West and little
of Greensboro, arrived Wednesday
to visit her mother, Mrs.
N. B. Anderson.
A. M. Moseley returned to
den Wednesday evening.
returned to Kin-
Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Bishop left
this morning for Raleigh where
Mr. Bishop takes his new charge
St Central church.
Rev. H. M. Eure and family
left this morning for Beaufort, Mr.
Eure having been sent to the
church there by the last annual
B. A. went to Kinston
Thursday evening.
W. of Norfolk,
came in today.
O. B. of Washington
City, came in Thursday
Victor came in this morn
with his baud.
B. R. Burgess, of Julian, left
this morning.
O. W. Harrington and J. B.
Randolph went to Raleigh today
LA. returned Thursday
evening from Snow Hill, where he
had been attending court.
Misses Mabel Rawls and Sallie
Gotten left this morning for Tar
Mrs. W. T. and Mrs. J
A. Baker, of took
the train here this morning
Drum Hill.
Rev. W. B. Powell and E. A
returned this morning from
Kinston had been at-
tending the Ministerial association.
Rev. J. A. the new
pastor of the Methodist church,
arrived this morning with his
family. They occupy the Bishop
on Second street.
Prof. W. H. went to
Winterville this afternoon to de-
liver address to the pupils of
Winterville High School tonight.
White is back at his place in
J. B. store after
having beer sick several days.
J. E. Jr., of Washington,
was here today.
Greenville has lost two excellent
families whose departure brings
regret to many people here. The
last North Conference
pointed Rev. F. A. Bishop to the
charge of Central church at
and appointed Rev. H. M.
to the charge of the church
at Beaufort. Both have gone to
begin the work of their new fields.
Rev. Mr. Bishop was Presiding
Elder of this district for four years
and made his home in Greenville.
Mr. was pastor of the
church here for three years. Both
sue consecrated men, ever faithful
to their duties, and with their
were held in highest es-
teem by every They can rook
for a cordial greeting If they
this way again.
A touch of black and white and a dash of red, green and brown,
and you have a successful costume. Winter demands brightness, we
have it in big shipments.
Great Reduction.
Every Overcoat Goes in this
Boys Knee Pants
Pairs Boys all Wool Knee
Pants worth double at
per cent, reduction on the en-
tire line of pants-All Grades.
They are the Season's
latest creation. We are
the cheap Fur house.
Special inducements on the entire
line, nothing but high class Millinery
sold in our store. Everything new and
Tailor Made
They fit well, hang
well, handsomely
made. Prices
range from
11-4 Ex Size Blankets
Full Size Blankets
10-4 Full Size Blankets
Heavy Fierce Shirts and Drawers
I a Fleece Shirts
For the coming holiday watch for our big announcement of House Furnishing Goods, Couches, Bookcases,
Frames, Easels, Rocking Chairs. Hall Racks,
Main St
North Carolina.

K F.
night a tan
be in Methodist
At that time the
of the
will me.-t together t a
Welcome to J. A.
e new pa r who has come to
ac charge of the Methodist church
The following will be the pro
nm of the
reading and prayer
Rev. W. E. Powell.
A of on
T i churches, by Rev. F. G.
Anthem collection.
Address on behalf M.
addresses by Rev
J. A.
Prayer by Mr. Bf. A. Allen.
Parting hymn.
Benediction by pastor.
Cards the
It v,
Mr. Churchill
Thursday t
at Opera House.
The public cordially invited to
attend. ion will
remain e t d until after the bridal
party love Dome tar.
avoid the
Lilliputian Wedding.
A Lilliputian wedding
will be
aldermen of Elizabeth City
refused to issue liquor licenses.
The keeper of Wake county
at Raleigh, was assaulted Tuesday
night by prisoners who attempted
to escape but were foiled. The
pick pocket captured during the
state fair led the assault.
Since the sheriff of Caldwell
county died a few weeks ago his
daughter has been appointed tax
and is filling the office well.
Xmas Shoppers
An Overworked Woman.
stopped to got a glass of milk
He other day at a Jersey farm-
said the commuter, accord-
to the New York Mail and Ex-
press, and the female head of the es-
who had six children
playing around, was inclined to re-
pine at her hard luck in having so
wort do.
t. hole she re-
marked in a tone which indicated
that she was ready to resign.
in acres have I
hundred on I
-n head i f cattle, two cows, tux
hogs and work horses for the
yon run the whole
I asked.-
I do, every hide and hair
of she sighed.
you some
it help
k s the lord ones body
s pi in that
a i
you got a I
. tin ti idly.
she said sternly, I
have to run him,
at the request of the New windows of the building were
Bo i; Store is
papers fur
appropriate f-i
I hi lit tic co-
to the weak and
curing all
Itself, ever if but
I disordered
I famous remedy
troubles and
supplies the natural
of digestion and
does the work of the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
are to
rest and heal. I, cures
Indigestion, flatulence,
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying and
strengthening the glands,
membranes of the
and digestive organs.
Dyspepsia Cure
State Auditor Dixon says that the
pension warrants will go to the
feature of one night of the bazaar time be
the house next and that pension-
Many little folks will be in it and on should call on the
it is going to be interesting. clerk of the court for their warrants,
a-id see how well the little folks upon the registers of
imitate the grown ones. deeds as formerly.
Combat Boil Weevil.
New Orleans,
met in extra session today to
consider the cotton bull weevil
danger. Thee was issued by the
The explosion of a lamp while
blowers were giving an ex-
Greensboro, caused a
panic audience
person were set on tire and
burned, doors and
Orleans cotton exchange and the
Louisiana Growers
It will consider no question
except protection against the
weevil. It is expected to create a
boll weevil commission order
Texas cotton seed
to pass an appropriation that
will enable Louisiana to co-operate
with United States
wrecked by people jumping
through them.
Congress has ordered another
exp at building a light
house Shoals off
on the North Carolina
Henry in. the con
at the hist term of the
to carry out the plan i court of county and
of defense suggested by the plant
It Was Good.
The Merchant of
had a large audience In the opera
house, Friday night, and the play
was an exceptionally good one
The costumes were splendid and
the acting a very high order
The audience was well pleased.
a Good Judge.
Today gave us aH opportunity
of knowing why our Winterville
department editor has talked so
much about the pretty girls of
Winterville High school. Several
of them spent the day in
Here's a Corker.
The Wilson News takes full
responsibility for the
chicken and bicycle story, It
bike out of fix and he dis
mounted endeavored to put it
in order. He unscrewed one of
the nuts which fell into a coop full
f chickens, one of which swallow-
ed said nut quicker than a duck
could gobble up a June bug. Jim
wouldn't be outdone so he
chased the chicken and twisted
his neck and soon the missing nut
was found its craw. The chick
en cents. He could have
gotten a whole pound of the finest
kind of nuts at any grocers for less
Tor Sagely Ta.
only. Ska
trial which for
Suppose Bassett should write an-
other article and give it as
that in order for Trinity Col-
to become a great and
institution of learning, it
must allow the boys of the
the other Would a
majority of the trustees still vote to
to retain him He would only be
expressing his of
you Times.
sentenced to be hanged but respited
the governor until December
17th, will be executed on that date
if his sentence is not commuted, as
this has not been done
Free Press.
The Scotland Neck Common
wealth reports that
this year raised barrels of corn
on acres.
The year old daughter of
John Kay, near Pigeon,
disappeared from home. A.
note was found, supposed to have
been written by the girl, in which
it was stated she intended to
drown herself.
A boy died of lockjaw in
Wilmington Wednesday, the re-
of playing with a toy pistol.
Mr. W. H Stone, of Shallotte
Brunswick county, is known for
the fine quality of pecans which
be raises his place. This year
he gathered pounds of
from three trees. The pecans are
thin shell, full of meat, the
flavor is very
ton Slur.
Only nineteen deaths are charged
up to football playing so far the
present season, But just think
of the the not killed had
moving to get a
Carnegie library, the millionaire
having offered a donation to that
Ayden, North Carolina.
barrels apples, cheap, at
M. Schultz.
Toys, babies, wagons, oranges,
lemons, bananas, grapes, raisins,
currants, citron, candies, nuts,
dates, figs, mince meat, at M.
Job Lot sound well-worked
pound. Write for
terms. Those without commercial
rating must send postages for re-
ply. R. H. Patterson, Tobacco
Penick, Va.
for horse farm
with room dwelling and necessary
building. For particulars
apply to W. H. Moore, Falkland,
N. C.
Look to interest and see our
splendid display of .
Beautiful Knit Wool Sweaters for
Ladies in Red White and Blue.
Black Cloth for Ladies Men
Knit Jersey for Children, White
Crochet Wool for Babies.
Wool Golf Gloves Ladies and Men, Woolen Knit Gloves
and Mittens all Colors for Children and Babies. Handsome
Gold and Sterling Silver Handle Umbrellas in Ladies sizes.
Elegant Caps and Fur sets for Children and Ladies, beau
Linen and Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs for
Ladies use. and Lace Curtains.
The above list is only a few of the many
beautiful and useful articles shown in our Dry
Goods Department. Come to see us we can fill
your guaranteed,
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
The Home of Women's Fashions.
The On y
To get the confidence of the
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
and Friday.
J. Editor and Owner.
New of Methodist Church
Rev. J. A. the new
of the Methodist church
here preached his first sermon to
his new charge on Sunday morn-
His sermon was excellent
and made a good impression on all
Sunday night all the
of the town joined together
in extending him a to
Greenville. attendance was
large that many people had to
occupy the gallery. This
come service was characteristic of
the Christian unity existing among
the different churches Green-
and shows that the glad
hand is extended to the new pastor,
not only by the members of his-own
congregation but also by aH the
people of the town.
There was a good pro-
gram at this service. The Scrip,
tore lesson and prayer was
W. B. Powell, of the Christian
church. Rev. F. G. of the
Presbyterian church, delivered the
address -of welcome for all the
other churches of the town, and
ex Gov. T. J. Jarvis spoke the
words of welcome for the
Losses by Hail.
In an interview with E. A.
or, the secretary of the
Mutual Hail Insurance
Company, of which O. L. Joyner,
of Greenville, is president, some
very interesting facts were
regarding hail storms and
losses thereby in this State. This
is the first business of the
home company, Mr. Taylor
says it has policy holders in
North in the tobacco
growing counties; that there were
about losses by hail, the total
amount paid by the company being
The figures and facts
show that one fourth of the farms
were injured by hail taking the
state over. Not long ago, the
statement was made in the news
papers only one field in a
hundred was injured by hail in
the course of a
respondent of Wilmington
Suspicious Grave Leads to In-
and Unearthed
a Body.
Greenville had a startling
Sunday, and for the
time being there was something
doing official circles. That
morning a man approached Police-
man S. I. Dudley with a tale to
unfold. The man said his wife
went across the river, Saturday
afternoon, hunting wood
When in the thicket between the
county and railroad bridges she
saw two men standing over a hole
in the ground. Seeing the woman
approaching the men ran off. She
went and looked in the hole that
had the appearance of a grave, and
was astonished to see a box expos-
matter needs
said the policeman when he
Lost a Valise.
Miss Lizzie Highsmith, of Cone-
toe, was ere at the meet-
Saturday, and spent the night
with friends. While the way
home in company with a
lady friend, her valise was lost.
They were riding in a dose top
Ventilation, Heat and Light.
Paper read before the Pitt
County Association by
Miss Agnes Moore.
Of all the necessary things that
should be considered by a teacher
on entering a school room, to me
ventilation, beat and are of
the greatest importance, since they
are three of the prime necessities
of life.
All school rooms should be
spacious, light and airy, kept well
comfortably heated
cold weather.
Our school houses, as a whole,
are but poorly ventilated, in
. . . .,. irritating the and often
most cases it is impossible
lays the foundation for catarrh
a loom filled with all of those
adults; they rush in their
clothing saturated with
induced by their sports; so
that on an average each pupil,
school hours loads the air
with about half a pine of aqueous
come from close,
uncleanly homes and
others from a sick room, whence
bring in their clothing germs
of diseases.
Besides all this, the air is almost
constantly filled with fine particles
of chalk dusk, which finds lodge-
the nasal passages and the
upper part of the larynx, thus
to have them otherwise. I
believe that would
. , . j . . ., we pupils with
have more of a liking for school, if , , ,. .
. , . headache, dull and inattentive
the rooms better ventilated. , ,
T . . . . I A e from best authority
poorly ventilated rooms, the i , .,
. , . . perfect ventilation demands
children ate living in an v
rank only is
heard the above, off he bur
it of space for pupil, but
. . I often not over ft are
the room filled, but poisonous .
m v j u i perfect health demands cu ft;
effluvia is breathed and K
me on of fresh air for every child per
to find Coroner Laughing- . to the walls
house tell him of the
burial that had taken place in
the woods.
The leaked when
the policeman and coroner started
together they were followed by
a crowd of excited with
and fills the meshes the pupil's
clothing. As such, it soon creates
a hot bed in which the germs
of contagious diseases, live and
The schools have great
advantages, in many respects,
buggy with the valise tied on be- to-be-jurors the city schools, as they rarely
bind, cod upon reaching home an- more than one story high,
most timely their remarks j found it was gone
them. Reaching the spot the i
. . and usually are not nearly so
grave was easily found, and i
crowd stood around
awaiting developments.
dist up Both of these were
In addition to
appropriately expressed the feel- wearing apparel, the valise
of all in this welcome- j a quantity of Christmas
Rev, Mr. was most purchases and some money. We
in his response to these ad- hope an honest person will find it
dresses, won a warm, and it.
place n the
him. He is a most pleas- at , , , t ,
a n i mangled form, thinking the
and address, an. F V V
i . of a foul murder was hid m ,,,,,.,
earnest speaker, and-e feel -sure , of . , , T. , , . . ,
. . -it- that wot. The next, work was to ,,,,,,,,
H h g BUrt their ,, . . , , V
i, t open the box. was done , r,.,
blessing to eh inch and to the, one of the lectures that i . , , . ,,,,,,. ,; .
when the Investigation ct
. , came to a sudden end with a cry ht. M
The prayer the ,,, to. Prof. W. H f
vice was by Mr. M. A. Alien. r.,.,. . i .-. i
hour, as much foul air re-
but there is no
ventilation stall except that which
enters cracks the
occasional opening of the door.
When the outside
will permit the windows should be
raised at recess for ten minutes.
At close of school each day all
windows should be liaised for one
hour, unless rain or snow prevents.
The heat also should be kept
regulated as nearly as
the temperature never being
held a if
After the Boys.
Dining an Endeavor
of Kit;
delegates a young ma,
and and -f
bottled energy sud-
upon a citizen
who had been
he discussed in his own
j sensible style
crowded, too, the temperature
is more easily regulated, the
r. more quickly ventilated
The officers quickly had Very few bonus are kept at the
hands in the grave to bring up the high temperature of many of lowed to go under degrees or
box, and the crowd drew nearer rooms, and even the j over degrees F.
to catch the first glimpse of the children get to their homes, after The light should always come
up the back and left side of
ill vein in- pupil, but cross light should not
have . titled ; be permitted as they are injurious
l 11.- it is to the eyes.
s will As much sunlight should be
on permitted to the room as
it does not
t to shine on the work or in the eyes
draw of the pupil.
i i Uses
nothing but ad
Tie yell given by the crowd B
Life for the
Those win, beard that J . in the effort to himself
laughed so much months. d
the officers don't love to t-e
bi words were of gold in
may not
Jr. O. U. A. M.
Monday night a new lodge of Jr.
the officers love to i-e , , . , i, m .
The problem . . . . . , . , l us to change the q. U. A. M. was organized hereby
It aid Prof. building, and organizer J. B. Simmons,
It begins with the I the if but by a numb r of members of Win-
through in Pitt v. The new ,
n , the life activities, and Bode
, . , ,;, i,. in the purposes of
h. r t
Never have
.-Superior Court Clerk
has warrant
ventilating in- I Pitt No. and
i schools I starts with members, Follow-
where windows are oar only
should, if
replied the of lofty and
looking him over from head to mm
with a keen glance, slightly can-
couldn't and fair the
with you, but we Me and service,
after your the soul
At this unexpected retort the j with holy
man dropped his peculiar, tone, of Magnetism
Bod said is more
guess you have got the right it universal than we think when a
there. If somebody had been
after me when I was a boy, I should
be a better man
The little 3-year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Spain died about
o'clock Monday night. The death j In
of the child was quite sudden, as counties for a
it had been sick only since Monday day or two
great soul with love and
the well springs of the
vine in man. This was evidenced
in the sympathy which bound
together speaker and the
audience at Winterville Friday
night. X.
morning. The bereaved parents
have the sympathy of the entire
W. S. Little, a short period
eighty nine in the 4th class
tit each, and fifty-
three-widows who
The amount -coining to the
Smallpox at
Dr. Brown,
of who went to
to make
tells us he found two of small-
pox there, one of them very bad.
There have been so many exposures
to the disease that there is danger
of it spreading.
Going On Crutches.
Squire G. T. Tyson, of
Dam township, was here to.
day traveling on crutches and one
foot all led-u p. He got hurt
some days ago by a horse behind
with fever, died near which he was riding breaking
here la. t night.
through a bridge.
and th top
If neither of these conveniences
to be had, then we can open the
window from both top and bottom
with a bar across the bottom o,
window to break the force of draft
No tonic- is so refreshing as a
few, deep breaths of cold pure air,
which sets organ aglow with
the energy of the fiery oxygen gas.
A going from the open
air of a clear bracing day,
into a crowded school room
the disagreeable, and often
oder of the atmosphere of
the room, caused in part by the
; moo of Carbonic Acid Gas
driven down the chimney flue,
and which escapes
the seams and door of the stove.
A like effect is felt in case of a
I The insensible perspiration la
more active in children than in I are widows.
are the
H. T. King.
Vice CW. P. Edwards.
Asst. R. W.
J. Thigpen,
K M-u news.
I. P Thompson.
O. L. Burgess,
B. Harris, H. T.
W. J. Thigpen, W. P,
Help The Needy.
There is always room for
able work in Greenville and The
King's Daughters do much of it.
They want to make as many
as possible happy this Christ-
mas by giving them needed
which they are unable to pro-
for themselves. Our people
should extend the liberal hand to
the noble women in carrying on
work. Any contributions
will be gladly received.
Many widows are said to be gar
Possibly that's why they

Eastern reflector, 15 December 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 15, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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