Eastern reflector, 11 December 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

X. C.
M. rent to Suffolk
H. A. White went to Norfolk
Hurry Skinner left Friday even
T. M. Anderson left this morn-
for Wilson.
How The a Wan.
The man t i i he open
market with not to
sell and with a i or quality of
brains to sell little, get
for it. is the
why the college seeks to
give a
who M out
of learning only the
ordinary stock can
get very little lo do except to teach
W. E. left this morning the same worthless Bluff to
for Chatham, Va.
Miss Katie left this
liming on a visit to Bethel.
George Phillips, returned Fri-
day evening from Tarboro.
Mrs. W. J. Smith and Miss
Craft went to Bethel today.
Dr. William Fountain returned
Friday evening from Baltimore.
Miss Winnie Skinner left Friday
veiling for a visit to LU range.
John Laughinghouse returned
Friday evening from a trip on the
Dr. and Mis, A. re-
turned Friday evening from
who come after him and even this
ability is not held very high.
After all the pays every
man at to the great axiom
of the each
to his ability, to east,
to his
the man whose ability in
is poorly applied, does not get
much, and he does not according
to this great law. need much.
Press and Printer.
The Editor
Washington, Dee. storm
which has been raging around the
bead of Dr. A. of
Trinity College by reason of bis
Booker Washington editorial, was
, .,, , to Washington today,
Mrs. W. T. Lipscomb returned t. M ,. ., .
., r affording the North Carolina Press
Friday evening from a visit .
, . b i Association two of
It takes a political to say
things that sound well and mean
Experience provides the
raw material for unnecessary con-
The Male Man.
The male- he is a beast;
He's satisfied t be the least;
And so is man.
Like men he way be some
trick, t
He does his work S to C.
The Le gets mad he
And ho does man.
The has a bad to pull-
He's happiest when he foil;
And so is man.
Like man be holds a patient
And when hi- work's done will
The likes to hear his
And so does man.
The has Ins faults,
so has man.
He does some things be should
not do;
so does man.
Like, man he doesn't style,
But wants contentment all the
The has a lovely smile;
And so has man
mule is sometimes and
And so is man
He eats all kinds of food;
And so does
Like man be balks gaudy dress
And-all outlandish foolishness.
The mule's accused of
And so is man.
The Young Boy Gets the Wheel.
A Kansas farmer purchased a
bicycle and Offered it to the nip
of three boys, aged respectively
Mr. and C. V. York have
into the Perkins house on
Fourth street
A idea of an annexe-
is a an who has been mar
three times.
Mrs. Hunter and little
eon returned this morning a
visit to county.
Misses Lena Georgia An-
and Hooker returned
Friday evening from Roberson-
Curtain will rise promptly at
at the Opera House tonight
Go .-e the best show of the
of the liveliest
meetings it ever held.
After debating for hours
or not the association should
condemn Dr. for his i years, who would
to to Booker the wheel the most
the trustees of name Be-
dined to accept the oldest, he said
resignation, and action it Abraham Lincoln, the
emancipator of human
ii nod of he turned
the student body for the burning
in of editor Joseph OS
I of the Raleigh News and Ob- who name
S. Grant, man whose
server, following resolution was
the papers of today
inform us that a brother member
of this association has been hanged
in by the students of
College, one of the fouling
institutions of our state,
the apparent reason that; be ex-
pressed the right of freedom of
speech in his paper.
ibis association
regrets the said action an at-
tempt to abridge freedom of
the press and it in the
A. J. Moore came in Friday language at contrary to
from Richmond and of the
turned to Chapel Hill this mom-1
Miss Sophie Morton, of Sober
arrived Friday evening
to visit her sister, Mrs. J. W.
L. A. Cobb, of
was no With
a smile an air of doubt that
the Benjamin of the trio stood but
you name The young man
-T it Theodore
for no one can guess
the thing's going when it
The old slapped his
the two older boys yelled, and
the baby boy into
undisputed possession of his prop-
The Telegraph Habit.
Many men have the telegraph
; habit, as others have the
telephoning habit. They send a
K. Smith,
up today.
Ayden, came
Kinston, N. C, Dee, I with without
cation. Even where time laying
is not an object, and a letter would
do more good, call for a
blank scratch off twenty or
marriage of Mr Walter Dunn
and Miss Mamie Hines
in the Christian here as
a most interesting event. Mr.
is a prosperous merchant I forty words. There is a young
of Kinston a very popular lawyer in New York whose career
young man, and hi bride the j has been greatly accelerated by u
charming and accomplished employment of the
of Mr. Lovitt Hines, of Kinston.
the evening proceeding the
J. R. Davis, of Farmville, redding was ;, elegant re-
today given at the home of Mr.
land Mrs. Sines. The rooms
J. J. of j beautifully a
was here today.
R. G. of
was today.
B. L i ; returned Thursday
District Attorney Harry Skinner
returned Thursday evening from
Miss Daisy Tucker retained
Thursday evening from a visit to
Charlie went to
Thursday evening returned
this morning.
Mrs. J.
day evening from a visit to Norfolk.
graph. In some way he always
to receive two or three
message;, wherever he happens to
a hotel, museum,
church, opera jail. When
there I he Crosses the ocean next month
charming I dozen
Most people who give good re
for anybody do it
they are so glad to be rid of
were many guests. The
g rifts of the
bride and the popular groom were
An elegant served
at o'clock in the handsomely
dining mom. At tin
conclusion of the delicious repast
the cake was i i
each guest cut one piece.
The traditional dime, ring and
thimble were secured, respective-
by Miss Patrick, of
Miss Rosalie Smith,
Goldsboro; and Mr. J. Joel Steven-
son. Each of the bridesmaids
beside her plate a
pearl brooch, the gift of the bride.
beautiful on a big liner he will have half a
a day by
wireless. He is confident of the
success of keeping himself in the
public eye, no matter what the
cost. Last Sunday he received
a message in church, and, quietly
rising to his fullest stature to give
congregation an opportunity
to view him, he stalked out,
tied that he had made an indelible
The message con-
of five Re-
of a
York Press.
Before attempting to stand by
his colors, a man should first make
sure that he isn't color blind.
Nature lets a genius in on
a ground floor, but necessity com-
him to dwell in the
It is by the state's
on board that in January they will
be able to place in the state treasury
fully profit from the
of the penitentiary. The
cotton crop is not largo but the
high price makes up for the
in the number of bales as
compared with last
News k Observer.
Look to interest and see our
splendid display of ,
Beautiful Knit Woo Sweaters for
Ladies in Red White and Blue.
Black Cloth for Ladies Men
Knit Jersey for Children, White
Crochet Wool for Babies.
Wool Golf Gloves Ladies and Men, Woolen Knit
and Mittens all Colors for Children and Babies. c
Gold and Sterling Silver Handle in Ladies sizes.
Elegant Fur Caps and Fur sets for Children and Ladies, bean
all Linen and Plain and Embroidered Handkerchief for
Ladies use. and Lace Curtains.
The above list is only a few of the many
beautiful and useful articles shown in our Dry
Goods Department. Come to see us we can fill
your wants, Satisfaction guaranteed,
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We an
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are oar-
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough Inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
The On y
To jet the confidence of the pros
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
I , f
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
The following tribute to a noble
man, in the Charlotte Observer, is
so beautiful that we reproduce
cracks a noble No
more fitting comment upon the
death of John R. Morris could be
made than that of Horatio upon the
death of the Dane. To The
his passing is an unaffected
grief. He knew he was soon to die; has
known it for a year; and lie was not
afraid but perhaps, he did not know
he was to die so certainly, even
his intimates did not, though it was
not concealed from them that he was
the victim of a malady. He
was a remarkable
for his intellectual gifts and graces
for his great heart, for his tender
love of his family and friends, his
unswerving fidelity to them, his in-
finite jest, his inimitable his
liberality, his unflagging
industry, even to the end. He lived
for others and for others only cared
to live. He knew so little of mean
that he did not recognize it
when he saw it in other men, and he
died without knowing what selfish-
is. He was the likeness of
truth, the soul of honor.
in the schools, he was an omni-
reader and educated himself
as few men are educated. He read
all literature except the modern and
was full of all knowledge, so that he
was not only at home in any com-
of cultured people, but a
able acquisition to any. It was his
personal qualities, however, that
made him so very lovable and com-
for there was never a
braver, gentler, sweeter spirit, and
many a man upon whom a flood of
sweet memories rushes as he thinks
of the open grave today, of the flow-
covered casket and the calm face
beneath its lid, can say of the spirit
which has gone back to the God who
gave it and in whom it believed,
was my friend, faithful and just to
after friend departs;
Who has not lost a friend
There is no union here of hearts
That finds not here an
The lit lie sparrow perch
ed. itself in the top
to-day sang a while
choir singing the
funeral services over the remains
of the Jno. R. Morris attract-
ed right much attention from the
audience. When stop
Ringing the sparrow stopped
and seemed to listen attentively
and sorrowfully to the impressive
funeral services conducted by
pastor of the church. If it was
accident that the sparrow
chained to come into the church
just at that hour and hap to
requiem just
while the choir were singing their
sacred then it was a
fill incident and impressed those
who it with the purity of
the life of the soul which had
de-fried the remains
hidden in the flower laden
It was one those incidents
that the mind with a feel log of
awe and cremes the impression
that the
of Great Ruler of the
had something to do with the
W. J. Thigpen is sick.
N. W. Jackson is sick.
John left Tues-
day evening for Goldsboro.
Henry returned Tues
day evening from Rocky Mount.
Mies Lizzie Jones is spending
the week at
Mrs. J. N. Hart and children
left this for a visit to
S. A. Gainer, of Bethel, spent
last night here and returned home
this morning.
H. J. of Richmond, is
in town.
Mrs. Smith and daughter,
Mis Nora, returned to Ayden
Tuesday evening.
Major Smith returned to Ayden
Cashier Missing.
Richmond, Va., Dec. Theron
S. Brown, some years cashier
the Life Insurance Company of
Virginia, whose headquarters
here, is His books are
undergoing investigation and the
officers of the company admit a
of several thousand
A few days ago Brown, ace m-
by his wife, went on a visit
to New York. Him returned
alone last week. Blown
in New York and his pres-
whereabouts is not known.
Tyson Goes to Penitentiary.
In recent decisions handed down
by the Supreme court is the follow-
which is of interest
Prom Pitt. No error.
Exception to remarks of
counsel during the argument must
be taken before verdict.
Defendant in an indictment for
burning a barn was a former slave
of the prosecutor's father, and, as
the prosecutor's tenant, had con-
to live on the n
where he was reared and in sight
of the old homestead, and it was
in evidence defendant
a pension as a Union soldier,
the jury the counsel
for defendant spoke at some length
with considerable feeling of
his attachment to his old
of his family,
and pictured with eloquence the
of the surroundings,
and argued that defendant
could not and would in sight
of the old dwelling, set fire to lb
barn. The Solicitor for the
in reply said that it did not
that was strongly at-
to his master and bis
as it appeared that when the
test came he bad a gun in his hand
ready lo shoot down his young
master and was then drawing a
petition for it. The remarks of
the solicitor were not called to the
attention of the court and no ex
thereto until
after the verdict.
Held, that the exception came
too late cannot be sustained
Falkland Stays Wet.
An on the question of
dispensary against saloons was
held at Falkland Monday. There
are only voters in the town, and
of these voted for
and against, leaving not
It as another wet.
ranee sentiment is grow-
Rial we hope its advocates
around will succeed
in getting whiskey out of
; under the ruling in State vs Sugg,
The insurance company cannot iN ,. m M
affected, as its assets are N. C., vs. Powell. KM,
millions as compared with a short-
age that will not, it is not
ed, exceed e thousand dollars.
family stands high in
social circles.
Fire it Grifton.
About Sunday morn
l the low ii of on
southern bolder of the county, wits
a die of unknown
The fire stinted in the store of J.
Gaskins, and
with his sock of goods, a
shop and store adjoining,
were destroyed. All the buildings
belonged lo Mr. The
low is estimated at which
was no
E. E. Griffin
On Saturday evening E. E
Griffin, executed a
assignment to H. Harding.
The liabilities are stated at
with assets about
Lamp Upset.
By the upsetting of a lamp, Mon
day evening, in big
store, some was caused
for a few minutes. damage
done was very slight.
State v. N
, Knight vs.
N. C, and many Other case-
A party to an action will not be
permitted to treat with
anything said or done during
trial that may
thus taking the
a favorable verdict, a- d-,
when he has lost, assert, for the
lime, he bus
by what occurred. He
who would save his rights must
prompt in averting them.
This was a Case
April term of Superior
when Tyson convict i
tan on g a puck
to Mr. P. of Beaver Dam
township, on Sept. 30th, 1902, and
sentenced to five years the
His counsel took an
appeal to Supreme court and
there judgment of the
lower court was affirmed. Tyson
been taken to the penitentiary
to serve his sentence.
Through Hand.
M-. J. F. Smith, who clerks for
D. is wearing one
hand heavily bandaged. He was
opening oysters, the other
when the knife slipped stuck
hand, giving him a
Very painful Wound.
Fire in Beaver Dam.
About daylight this morning
the building, about
miles above Greenville, in Beaver
Dam township, was destroyed by
fire. About one thousand bushels
of cotton seed, several thousand
pounds of hay and a quantity
leaf were burned in the
building. We could not learn the
amount of the loss or if there -as
any insurance. It has some
years since the house was used as
a store.
Some Lower.
The somewhat lower prices
Cotton does not strike the farmers
pleasantly. who got
cents last Friday and Saturday
hated to part with it today at J-
The sausage makers know bow
to do things just right. At
in Ne York priori.
pal were
ton Poet.
Pitt Pol Us
Mr. R. R of Julian.
who has been here some de-
fruit, trees, says h t don't
strike any people III
Pitt county. This is the
he has been here
the people are exceeding clever to
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. has dis-
posed of the following cases in bis
strange, touch and unusual j from Den. 2nd to 9th,
If it was in-
and intended so to be, then John Pennington, drunk and
nothing could have been more fined and coats,
and in no way could . . nm. J
impression have been made mo-e vulgar and
beautifully or prone language, fined before this line is picked
In all nations the
torn of exchanging gifts at the
holiday in celebration of the birth
of has grown, until now it
is looked forward to, only by
little one expecting jolly Santa
down the chimney, but also
by the young folks and old folks
to whom gifts are telling them
what esteem they are held by
the givers. For this
Wooten's Drug Store has just been
opened the prettiest line for gifts,
including handsome Wave-crest
ware ever shown Go see for
Big Sale
The tobacco market bad the
largest break of the season today.
Every warehouse was full run-
over, more tobacco being here
than on sale. Prices
are better
A Chicago mathematician an-
mat Chicago, with
widows, it larger number
than any other community in the
country, it is added that the
Dumber of in the city is
As a matter of fact, the state in
which widows are most numerous
is New Y. in which they
number The city
which they are most numerous is
the city of Ne York, where there
There were by the last Federal
census widows in
whole United States, of whom, it
is worthy to remark, were
in Indiana and only in
Then, were in
less total
the two states of Alabama
Mississippi, though the view
pretty generally prevails the
number of widows is
large throughout New
There are nearly in Hawaii I
and in Alaska, a
larger number the
city of York
Gorman and
A Friend f Senator said
while all in
whether the senator
can or get the democratic
for the presidency, the
be reckoning with-
out -hoot. A-cording to this
it is no means a lore
gone conclusion that Senator
ii a .
The friend in question went on
to say that Senator Gorman will
seek the nomination if be is reason-
ably confident of two results,
that can secure the
nomination that his
for election are to those of
the republics i candidate. A
handicap upon either proposition,
it was stated, would preclude his
appearance before the convention
as a candidate.
It was stated that senator
does not care for a
nomination, with defeat staring
him in the face. He would abhor
idea of being a candidate b-fore
there. His position in American
politics and is so-
well secured that he doe feel
the necessity for empty honors
There are many contingencies, it
was which enter into
and all will
be carefully taken into t by
Senator Gorman before he
before the
his h
that no has the
right to today .,,., Senator
Gorman i- an avowed candidate
the goes
before the convention his
friend, will be when he feels
mid when he is
reasonably of leading his
party to
Beginning Tuesday night of next
week mid con tinning through the
remainder of the week the ladies
of will bold a
bazaar In i lie opera house. There
will be doll booths, fancy work
booths, candy booths, refreshment
etc. Good place to spend a
pleasant hour and buy nice things
for Christmas.
Do yon think nor h
will ever be
It's as good as
they know right where-
it is. Nothing to do now but go
there and run up
City Journal.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
wishes to notify the public that lie has charge of the stock of
owned by said K. at his death, and offer
tag them to the public of cost. The stock consists
full line of DRY GOODS,
TATS, CAPS. hardware and groceries, all fresh and
W. O. i also agent of the Tailors Mfg.
All suits made to to fit the individual. Your
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at less than tailors charge.
If you bargains come early to
W. Q. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
tor rash. Highest price for country
Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any bust
the paper in and territory.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed arid tint rimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
far. S. .
a S
O m
i t . a,
I i a y s
n W
. S s
a a I
B it s
a to
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Cry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots o Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Cotton
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. C.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by load.
v- R. L. Car
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete In every
d as low M the
lowest. Highest price
William Fountain,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
tat past
List of Counties in Favor of Saloons.
In an interview today Mr
J. W. Bid i
the Anti-Saloon League, be named
the lit of have
Voted for prohibition,
or tile
In the part of
there are with saloon;
in west, the
There are saloon j
places North
In part the
are fr
the we.-f in b
in the in the 3-.
The which have pm-
in . me;
Ai ,
Dare, Davidson,
Gates, Graham,.
Henderson Hyde,
son, Jones,
Moore, PaiR-
ans, Polk,
So j
Stanly, Sain,
Those j
voted for saloons or have had no
Beaufort, Bertie,.
ford, Halifax, Lenoir, Mai tin,
Rowan, Stokes,
The dispensary
Franklin, Haywood,
Johnson, Mac
Madison, Jackson,
Warren, Washington,
on the above, an
eminent prohibition s
today that is being
to have the next Legislature com-
posed entirely of men opposed to
saloon. He said that
saloon forces are strongly united,
and would make a desperate effort
to overthrow the
pie, but would
are like procession; they
to the place from which
they came.
A great many men who begin
day by rising dutifully with
the lark, end it by going off on
J. J. Satterthwaite
N. C.
Invite you to make store
headquarters and while-there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building
Special price on car-load lots-of
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than over prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
Genera Merchandise
I can furnish, anything wanted, a cam-
needle a steam engine.
handle and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of Davenport Bhutan
Fertilizer will begin about; Aug.
15th. It is the best invention f the
with experience,, with two blank;
wagons and on-
Is Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats,. etc at
A f line of Drugs and Medicines.
for all kinds of country
Highest prices paid
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
Figs and Thistles
Greedy masters make greedy
demands the
is the measure of
True culture is simply soul
No home is built with hands
They who court fame never win
Faith does not exclude fore-
Easy virtue is the nurse of hard
It is no fixing the eyes on
if the not on
the wheel
The man who sighs fr the days
of the does it in
easy chair.
It is easier to be religious with
your than it is to be
eloquent with your religion.
It might endanger the existence
of the if the
pint of fire entered there.
Some are praying God for
a big
think it worth while to enlarge
Some people think that i
waiting fr them to die before He
can de on plans
ways are the best,
we keep on in them
instead of sitting down as
It is no use calling a
at the church door if
you are not going to look hi in
a brother at your own
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Is hereby given that L. N. Edwards,
enters and lays claim to eighth
acres, more or less, of vacant land in
township, Pitt county, North
Carolina described as
by the lands of Mrs. E. A.
Tyson, W. F. Carroll, Henry
horn, Stephen Leggett, Church Mills,
Thomas Moore and others. This 5th
day of December, 1903.
Any person or persons, claiming ti-
or interest in. the above de-
scribed land, must file their protest,
in writing, with me, within thirty
days, from the date hereof, or they
be barred- R. WILLIAMS,
Ex-officio Entry Taker, for Pitt
N. C.
In Superior Court
Before the Clerk.
Notice to Creditor. i
Owing exceedingly poor col-
and an apparent
of their
to matters,
T have decided on Dec
to put collectors on the road, will,
instructions to collect all accounts,
give etc , to slight no
Very truly yours,
D. S.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Goods kept con-
in stuck. Country
Produce Bo and Sold
State of North
Pitt County
J. J. B. Cox and wife Mary E.
W. C. and wife Susan
S. R. Wilson and J. Wilson.
E. A. Wilson, H. H. Wilson, C. F.
Wilson, Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Frederick G. Wilson and
Rufus Wilson Wilson,
live named being
E. A. Wilson and C. F. Wilson who
are defendants in the above entitled
cause, will take notice that a special
proceeding, entitled as above, has
,, been commenced in the Superior court
of Pitt county, before the clerk, to sell
certain lands in county fur par-
i and the said i will
further take notice that they are re-
quired to appear at the office of
superior court of
county, Tuesday, the 14th day
in the town of
villi-, N. C, and answer or demur to
the petition and complaint, a copy of
will be deposited
clerk within ten days from this
j date, and let them take notice that
I they answer or demur to
and complaint within
time, the plaintiff will apply to the
I court for the relief demanded therein.
Given under my hand this th
day of December
Clerk of Superior Court Co.
Jarvis Blow,
Attorneys for plaintiffs.
Hard Time Receipts.
There is being much said in this
country about hard times and the
scarcity of money, and as every one
has and knows its remedy, I
thought I would write and tell your
readers the
We buy more than we produce.
There is too much flour and bacon
shipped here every year.
we ought to make at
home we are buying.
We let timber go to rot and buy
our plow stocks, single trees,
handles and fencing.
We throw away our ashes and buy
Soap and axle grease.
We give our beef hides away, buy
and shoestrings.
We waste our manure and guano,
We buy garden seed in the spring
and cabbage in the winter.
We let our land grow up in weeds
was taken severely with kid-
trouble. I tried all of
medicines, none of which relieved
me. One day I saw an
Electric Bitters and determined
to try that. After taking a few
doses I felt relieved, and
thereafter was entirely cured, and
have not seen a sick day since.
Neighbors of have cured
of Neuralgia, Liver
and Kidney troubles I and buy our brooms.
This is what B. F We the wax out of our pine
Kl gum trees and buy
for our children.
We build school houses and hire
where and send our children off to
be educated.
We lend our four dollar fishing
at. Wooten's Drug Store.
bath the
and the k in Ml.
olive a few ago.
virtue of a of the Super- r P
of Pitt county in the special
or court of county in the
H. C. V
Adm. of G. w. Venters against
G. W. Venters, and the
undersigned commissioner
cash, at public auction before the
court house door to on
Thursday the 24th day of Dec.
That tract in Pitt county,
and in township, adjoin the
land-, of U. C.
Bros., A. T. Cox, G. w. Venter s, Jr.,
and Boot
more or less, and the
land upon G. W.
lived at the of death.
tract of laud will be
two lots, to wit,
farm widows
Lot No. All of a aid farm v.
is now covered by the widow's tower.
This Nov.
iF. G. James.
Pitt county.
T. J. God-
L. Forbes. Mob-
art W. Olivia Jose-
Robinson, Bile
j. Taft, Lena A. J A. Ricks,
W. II. Minnie W. II-
Wiley N. Stancill, Godfrey s.
Johnson, Moore, George
H. Stancill. Almeta
Harriet Brown,
and II. E. Mayo.
N. W. Alice L
and wife; Ella
Robinson, C. C. Little and wife,
Little; Joseph Johnson, Henry
Johnson, John Johnson, Eliza John-
ion. James and wife, Amanda
Hodges, L. Hodges, Robert
Jay Hodges, Jessie Hodges, Car-
land and Hellen War.-en, the
last live being minors without
The defendants, Henry Johnson and
Johnson, notice that the
summons in the above entitled special
proceeding was issued against them
on the 2nd day of November which
summons is returnable to the Clerk of
the superior Court for said county
and state, at his in Greenville,
N. C, on the 7th day of December,
1903, at which time and place the said
defendants are required to appear
and answer or demur to the petition
filed, or the relief demanded
will granted. Said defendants will
farther take notice that said pet it ion is
for sale of a certain tract of land for
partition, situated in Town-
ship, Pitt county, N. C, and formerly
timed by Jesse M. Stancill deceased.
This the 6th day of November 1903
Clerk of Superior Court
of Pitt County.
D. W.
North Carolina.
Attorney at Lew,
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, and
New York,
Dealer. paid
Hides. Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg. etc.
j steads, Ba
I Go-Tarts,
mt. P
and Hi Ax
Key West Che-
Henry Can
Meat, Soap
Dries I
Mid Tin
v, ,
. .
is for
many a railway wreck the
causes are making
of from Throat
and Lung troubles. But since the
We send a cent boy out with
advent of New Dis-1 twenty dollar gun and a four dollar
for Consumption, Cough.-, j to kill birds.
and Colds, even the worst cases I raise
can be cured, hopeless
nation is no necessary.
Mrs- Lois of Dorchester,
Mass., is one of many whoso life
saved by Dr. King's New
Discovery. great remedy is
for all Throat and
Lung Wooten's Drug
Store. Price and
Trial free.
gs and buy wool.
And about the only thing in this
country that there is an over pro-
of, is production of
tics and dog
It is to be greatly regretted that
the North Carolina Press
its session in Washington
, went so far afield in
hunting for trouble. The adoption
of a resolution condemnatory of
the of an editor in effigy
shameful when youth fails
tit show respect tor old, age, i
but just the contrary in the case I though this was in fact a service
of Dr. King's New Life to him, he having never bad a
They cut off maladies no matter
ft C.
Full Line of Coffins,
and hand at
Steamer II L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
m Greenville, leaves j
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
in. for
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all tor West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
B. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. J.
Greenville, N. O.
T. Agent,
N. C.
all the courts,
to rents
Is th parent of
Indigestion and all
Tin nil Surest known U
German Liver Powder
not but t
translation of one of Nature's
Innermost secrets. II you awe
we will send you I OP
a sample of
Liver Powder with our
en booklet, authentic
from who have been
cured by wonderful Specific. Do not
but send four lull at once to
Tie American Co.
Evansville. hid.
and bf
how severe irrespective of old
age, Jaundice, Fever,
ion ad semis per-
Term mated an ugh cut on
I he leg of J. B. i j
II rove, It developed a I
ulcer unyielding
I'm tour Then
cured i
a of the Superior
I county, in the special
iv entitled
t and others against II.
. n .
; mil sell for cash before the
door in Greenville, on
s of December,
the piece or
,, of land -I,. in
. -lie- . i
i i
n in Nor
J-l i; .-.
I . II.
The clerk of the Superior Count
Pitt County hiving; of
to the
z ill of November on
the estate of
W herein given to all
indebted t-o the estate to make
t Cm undersigned
and to en estate to
present their
to the undersigned, within
twelve mouths utter the date of this
notice, or Ibis notice will be plead In
bar of their
This the day of Nov. 1903.
L. Chapman,
of Brooks-
its pit if it cared to so
I he bud behavior of a lot of
but is is not
Mich, has to with the case
of tin- of the
of Col-
Die mi of
ti t- holy on I pail the
s or the
I s . Charlotte
i r.
strengthen organs
and are
equaled as
In are
system that poem
cards have
by friends
Mr. George X. I res
the honor of your presence
at the marriage of his daughter
ll. i Harding,
i i ho
u en hundred
i. , t in i e half ii five o'clock,
New Bern, Carol inn.
Dyspepsia Cure does for
the that which it is
to do for f, w hen bat
slightly or
i lie natural juices of digestion and
es work of the re-
the nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles of
are allowed to rest mid i
Dyspepsia Cure digest it
Von eat and enables the stomach
and digestive organs to
all food rich, red blood. Sold
by n.
Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, had
the for years.
dollars could do him no lasting
good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve cured him permanently. In-
valuable for cuts, burns bruises,
sprains, laceration, eczema, letter,
salt rheum, and all other skin
diseases. Look for the name
Witt on the others
are cheap, worthless counterfeits.
Sold by Jno. L.

D. J. WHICHARD, and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in U ghetto
Charlotte is again building a fine
on paper.
One of the finest things Durham
hasn't got, but is yet waiting for, is
that union depot.
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, n, 1903.
Charlotte is in the hands of the
Baptists this week.
And Germany, too, has lifted his
hat and mad his bow in
ion of Panama.
Just what Teddy is going to do
with his to seen
At a meeting of prominent
held in Chattanooga, Tenn., they de-
to a party of their
With eggs cents a dozen in
When milk is sent to a hospital
wonder if it is because it needs
Teddy is wondering if lie
The that set the
dent's message had something of a
job to pull off. Just
Charlotte and cents in Greens- have to go down to second plan
those towns an hunting a again and see the ticket read
substitute for Christmas eggnog. and Roosevelt.
We just believe will take
some other subject for his next
magazine article, that is if
any more.
A union of Women's clubs has c---
t headquarters in Washing-
ton City to work directly for the ex-
from the senate of Senator
Heed Smoot. The president of the
national congress of mothers is the
leader of the movement and many
other national organizations are rep-
resented. The first question
was the raising of funds and it
has been derided to issue a call to
country to raise for the
of the A pamphlet
setting forth the evil remit to the
country which would follow
tor Smoot retained his seat, will be
issued-and it is secure money
to advance cause. After the
had been well discussed,
ample rose and the hall. There
was a good deal of astonishment
when they were recognized as the
private secretary of Senator Smoot
lad the secretary's
In his message the
takes a very view of the con-
of the country. It is not
likely that the New England cotton
The North Carolina editors, The number of traveling shows
in Washington, did not care to call that have come South, basted and
on the president. Hut being that shipped back North, has been re- mill operatives whose wages hive
they were all white perhaps Teddy markable this season,
did not care to invite them.
North Carolina poor
or circulation has
the mark, gradually
t surely reaching out for the
of American hopes and
the latter when
wt introduced as a and
followed by idolatrous
promised to be a glittering
generality made of paper and
in gay colors. Now, however,
the per cap represents sound, sane
sensible, substantial and savory
shinning salvation per
cap being of the same value and
good wherever the constitution and
the flag lie down together in pleasant
dreams. Happy consolation, to
know that while cotton sells for
cent and the rise, tobacco getting
away up in the substantial figures,
peanuts cents per pound in the
shell, corn and wheat sailing round
the moon, and all other things ac-
cording every mother and mother's
Perry Heath says no, sir, you
A canvass of many prominent I to etch him resigning
Indian, brings out got
it the in that state in the
largely of Judge Parker
the nomination.
been cut concur in his view.
son and daughter of us are
for per cap of money that
in the assignments of com-, is current with the merchant with-
in congress. Only one j out hesitation, humiliation
to this-state carries any j are the
importance with it,
that of Mr. on
following are the assignments
VI. P. Turner, b-
-city editor of the
gram, has gone from that, paper to
the Wilmington Messenger. The
Messenger gains by the change.
Parker stock tr the presidential
nomination seems to on the in-
crease. It is now said that New
York will unite on him, the Tam-
many and Hill factions having
agreed to put aside their differences
It is time was bob-
bing up and doing something to he
talked about. Hooker and t
have nearly run through the public
and forget old With New adjusters
York united on a man and Indiana making confessions, shat
they have been assisting in robbing
their companies through false
of losses.
If anything is being done on die
suggestion made in The Reflector
last week, about getting that
train connection from Raleigh. , ,
to Greenville, it is being kept very all
, ; the theater, prominent
Is the millennium drying f
this state
Claude Claims and ex-
in state department.
John H. Small, marine
and fisheries, and on
public buildings.-.
W. W. affairs.
T. F. offices and post
E. W. District of Colombia
and reform in civil service.
have the amended so as I Claims. .
R- Public
Western Methodist
said to originated this mow-- V Education, patents,
It is claimed,. however, of the civil
The only way Mr. Cleveland
some people believe he is not
after it is to Herald.
We hope the old man will not
soon take much trouble to con
vines; them.
At the next Methodist
Conference an effort will be
present plans net
also for him means much in his
Charlotte might get a profitable
lesson in the example of the North
Carolina foot ball boys, and come
off the cotton future business while
the of the
The New York is
about red-headed men, but thinks
that girls are all right.
she has a hand of winnings, in The shop the red-
Reports say that Charlotte dealers man counts, too, or two,
won in futures one way you want it.
last week. Naturally it set the ,
town crazy, and there is danger Perhaps the most extensively read
losing it all and more in piece of literature today was the
the wires too often.
indulge ill
then can afford in,
take and not
about what j-1
service and expenditures in the in-
, in the
treasury, department.
Editor Hanks, The Asheville
one of the worst on record,
barrio It is known of
Mr. Hanks that whenever he would
business man who helps his
business or his-fortune by successful
gambling is as rare as the man who
can stick to take only three
drinks a said the observant
resident. know a-man who runs.
a store on which he at most
a year. Last Thursday he
closed cotton- contrasts with
a profit and I know he is-
a badly man;, no matter how
he has.
1-st for his- store, which has-
become to him merely a small place
where be cannot, make- in a-, year
ho -me n
cotton- mark-Mi. is not one
that ho wilt.
may ruin his.
career us
in. i
come-across the in
would alarm bell
for the foreman and have it out with
The Gar, between- j Hut Mr. Banks
world is
indistinct affect
All North Carolina learns with
deep regret of the death of Mr. John
R. Morris, which occurred Saturday
morning in a Baltimore hospital
where he had gone for treatment.
Mr. Morris was a traveling salesman
well known all over this and neigh-
boring states, and he had friends
everywhere. Besides being a most
genial and courtly gentleman, he
was a fluent writer and his
to the press were always
read with keenest pleasure. His
home was in and his re-
mains were taken there for inter-
cotton playing all around
cents comes tho announcement of
other mills in Massachusetts cutting
down the of The
number of hands affected is reported
at and they will hardly cal
these prosperous times.
president's message. And it is safe
to say that prompted the
reading, and not its value a
literary product. It is one of the
things the public must endure
every time congress begins a new
One North editor, so th
story goes, has struck a bonanza.
The lucky man is Editor T. J.
Lowery, of the Mt. Airy News. Re-
ports say he has invented a machine
that experts declare will make him
a millionaire. No particulars as to
what the machine is have yet been
given the public. hope all his
expectations will be realized.
Judge Neal is holding court in
Charlotte. Ho told the grand jury
if they failed to take some
the gamblers in cotton
he was going to take some
action against the jury for failure to
perform its duty.
does lift tell us we are to call
then If not
spiritual of I. -i The Commercial
The i wants , review a few of the.
tempts to mint
new republican
We are not to profess, f
tho word
do the
world does, int it is a Chris-
who is not willing to
worldly indulgences
The Baptists of North Carolina I Panama ought
have done a remarkable enough; it
the year. The state convention
meets Charlotte and
Rev. Livingston Johnson, tho
of the mission makes
his reports, which show that the
of contributions exceeds
that of last yea by The
contributions for the various kinds
of mission work State,
foreign, 8-17,500; home,
The contributions for education are
be so
hard om the
and be j,,
is what it will be If , ,
Our Snow Hill
to old bell Ceres of L
for ministerial re-
lief miscellaneous
total In the past nine
years the contributions have more
than doubled.
for tho orphanage at The W has been do-
duty several and
is still in a state perfect
This is an interesting piece of
news. There are numbers of such
objects of historic interest scattered
about here and there throughout
our Southland especially in Virginia
and the Some day, per-
haps, our people will
fully the value of these relics, and
we will take greater care of
Tho caption of a cablegram tells
us that J. Bryan still in
The politicians in Amer-
are wondering if he will remain
after he gets back to the United
Hie following is told on a young
mail of the city who is not n regular
sportsman, to speak, but who
went out recently in search of the
feathery tribe. He borrowed a dug
for the occasion that was very
and well trained as a
and retriever. The dog as soon as
he got into the fields began success-
fully to hunt quail and the young
man popped away at them
bringing down anything, This
curred for three or four times and
the intelligent dog began to show
signs of disgust. v a drove of
blackbirds flew over the hunter and
he blazed away into them and a stray
shot brought one down. The dog
seeing a bird fall brightened up and
went for it. He looked at the bird
and immediately saw that it was not
a partridge and dug a hole with his
paws and carefully covered it up.
He then tucked hie tail between his
legs and trotted back to town and
no amount of coaxing could get him
to hunt with that man any more.
Kinston Free Preen,
V. C.
man, if your ;
the question to
year, that being leap year,
it takes y u by
strikes you all of a heap
out something about see-
papa. No, don't you d
the hind just look
situation mid the girl squarely
face, and ask her how
yon, for that is what
every should ask every young
mail who proposes to
Va., Observer.
This department is in charge of Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Dec.
It Is a true saying man in
love is for
Equally true is it s man
with rheumatism is in the same
awful condition. We know, for
several we
the former and now, for the last
five weeks, we have endured the
miry of the latter. Under such
a deplorable state of affairs we
know our patrons and readers will
ill discrepancies of the
Winterville items. We shall
to do in the future
and hope our effort may be
Clear of rheumatism
out of love, surely there is a
for some improve-
the advance of cotton
goods we went north early
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
can save you money as we bought
bulk of stock at old prices and
sell the name
fours to serve,
Barber Co.
Mr. Newton, of Westmoreland
county, Va , is here working in-
Bee M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing Work
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Manning
are at the home of Elder
T. N. Manning.
If you want your shod,
if your harness or own shoes
reed repairing, for general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on Main street.
We are in receipt of an
to attend the of
P. Harping to Miss
Lulls Ives at New Bern on the
23rd met. We tender thanks
our young friend very
We have a nice line lints
both old and young, also
valises, at price-
we think very reasonable mid
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Now a ford to Hie wise. Go to
see B. P. Manning Co., before
their bargain are exhausted.
We have in best line
of shoes ever offend here ran
fit you in both size and price.
Bring your family and we will
keep this red on, SO we will make
the shoe squeal before you get it
your foot. B. F. Manning Co.
We have spared no time in
our stock and we think we
can suit the most
F. Co.
This is buggy robe
is tho to get
them. He doe the snowing, you
p the looking judging and
the jeweler.
Some people seem to want a low
priced article regardless of the
quality. In order to cater to that
class A. O. Cox Mfg. Co. now
stock Western-made cart
wheels which are considered
cheaper than their own make
Tar Any one who knows
what a Tar Heel wheel is, how-
ever, would not give it for two of
the others. And so the Tar Heels
go, two to one.
We were pained to learn that
Samuel Mumford bad a severe
stroke of paralysis last Thursday.
Mr. Mumford is one of our
best citizens and his
prove fatal it will a
serious blow to the
in which lives. Our
hope is for hie speedy recovery.
For Rent or boos
lot located between
and A. Cox on street.
O, A. Fair.
It seem when a man is down
John Augustus
family have moved here will
make mis their home. Mr. Ed-
wards is a jolly old time soul and
it good is liked
i-y all.
Bo J.
Cox Board per Best
House in town.
Mrs. J. J. Nobles is visiting
in the country.
R. O. Chapman w-j. in Green
villa yesterday.
Mr. at the Drug Store
everything has a tendency to keep I to
down, and so just Jordan
i-t a hard road to travel.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
gold sod fountain
Annie Belie Kittrell, mi
toe highest market pries for I spent Saturday until
your cotton wad. Monday with Miss Kittrell. i
Miss Lain Chapman was
the family of W. Roach, sent
For brick see G. A. Kittrell
Co. They have recently burned a
will make, prices reason-
able the limes.
My patrons will please take
notice that will be sent
off next Monday, and return
A. Fair.
We now have nice lot of porch
column timber. II you need
of tin-in why let us tit you up.
Prices are light.
addition drug
always on baud a com-
line free school pen
Mini tablet., pew-, pencils,
the of box
ever I might to Winter-
It. is to hear
I the
lust buggy Don't you
believe Ibis it because there isn't
doing. never were
worse The fact is, he
orders than they
can made. let any in re
gel of yon. but your
orders with A. Cox Co
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co , have just
Saturday Sunday.
A. G. Cox It. H.
were visiting Samuel
Ayden, Saturday.
Bring your cotton to Winter
ville and have it G. A.
Kittrell Co. will buy your seed
at the gin and pay highest market
prices or give you in ex-
change for them.
B. F. and G. A. Kit-
went to Sunday.
G. A. Kittrell sold one thou-
sand dozen eggs day last week,,
Mr. Bertie Britt spent Sunday
in the country.
Mr. Williams and wife have
been visiting the family of G.
Elder T. N. Manning went
on the other side of rive
day returned day.
The oil of insincerity is more to
be than the
A walk may improve your
but a tramp will eat you out
of house borne.
The dead march is
tho one to m have
things are coming in pretty lively these
new shirts, Hosiery,
ii fliers and in Haberdashery that
a man
th large variety of everything, there are
more things here you most stores
We have an Eye for
Everything that's new
and is never a moment
in showing tie latest of in Men's
fixings. Prices the
our display of Furs.
R. L. Davis, President
. A.
J. L. Cashier
Bank Greenville,
N. G.
Statement The Bank of Greenville, Greenville, N. C, at tie
close of business 17th, from report to North
Carolina Corporation Commission.
little Wood. Wood. have
aid describing a wood yard at the foot of
article their
and Discounts
from Banks and
Cash in Bank
Capital Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Bills payable,
Careful attention given to all business entrusted to
, . , wood in any or length de
This little hook with r
marked is free the asking, or a
simple request postal card will
bring it to you. D. delay,
write i ow. It is no small
to be well posted.
don't grown
op honeysuckle vines. If so they
would doubtless be polled before
ripe. As it is I sucker sees to
it that no Job the factory
before it is ready to
do so.
Our for much
to say about wire fence is that we
a fence worth talking about.
years experience in the bus-
a careful consideration
of the merit of kinds of
should, we think, make our
opinion worth Facts
and figures speak for themselves.
We arc prepared to give them to
you our Welded
Fence, it would do no harm for
you to alto have a little talk
some of our best funnels
do their own thinking and are
, using the Yours in
fence G. Cox Mfg.
endeavor to
please you.
J. G.
Or. f J
.; i
i Surge on
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes, Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
ind Vegetables, Rice, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green and
ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry soaps.
Winterville. N. C.
AH persons hereby forbidden
employing, feeding or otherwise
aiding my son Will,
years who left my home with
out cause. knowing his
whereabouts will write inc.
It. L. Griffin,
North Carolina.
N. C. J
A Line of Millinery
Give your farm a name and order
The to print it on your

Grimesland Department.
J. Proctor Bros
O you lumber t build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry far your family,
your table, or implement for
your farm, an your
Oar mill are now
in nod we are
pared to cotton, grind corn,
and, do all
f turned work for baluster
trimmings. We also
do general
carts and wagons.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
K. v.
Office opposite depot.
N. C.
Office next door to Post Office.
be with m
Elijah your
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
very day.
E A Jr., D. D. E. A. Sr.
n n tan
D h D. D Gardner. W. R Smith, E. A. Move, Sr.
V Jr., J. E.
the best baggies on this market. We em-
J none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine our Stock.
For State Exhibit
Mr. T. K. who has
here the past several days in hi
upon the sessions of in-
state board of agriculture,
he is secretary, will early
this week for New York where he
goes to attend a f fa
New York state butter and
with them in regard to their ex-
in the St. Louis exposition.
Mr. as manager of the
general and special exhibits in
agriculture and horticulture at the
great exposition, is scoring a great
success and making a fine
the the
exposition. He says that from
what he has seen of the progress
preparations for the North Caro-
exhibits the state will certain-
be very
the reason that be is a manager of
an department of the ex
position in touch with the
and progress of preparations in
practically all the states. He wilt
for some mouths yet spend
of his time on the road visiting
nearly all the states in the onion,
especially the states-
Raleigh Post.
We Highest for Cotton,
Cotton Seed Country Produce.
Jon can at living , .
E. Bf.,
by President Roosevelt is now
pending confirmation in the senate,
who has been the
contention on the race
is accused by members of his own
race of securing money under Use
pretense in connection with a sick
land death benefit association.
, i , was a director in the Me-1
The mar d is a Little Better and the always Benefit elation.
With two other officers be recently
wit drew from organization,
another known as the
Protective, and induced ma-
j members of
join the new one by
bat the Metropolitan had
ired its charter.
The officers the
have laid the whole before th.
secretary of state, to
and his associates had appealed
for a new charter, and have passed
resolutions denouncing bis act
and those of his associates.
have also begun legal proceedings
to prosecute the collector for ob
money by false pretense.
The charges are made by
men and there is no race
issue involved.
Charleston, S. C, Dec. W c c
the colored elector Cloaks. Dress Goods, Shoes, I fats. Caps Under.
the port here, whose Crockery Ware, Hardware,
Pi . It. k i ii . n . .
and everything yo . wear. . ,. ,,
house an-1 everything yon use Z
Millinery Goods a Specialty, P-
Our goods are here and we are road to serve you
; v
. good r es
and save yourselves money.
BE L, N. C.
satisfied to do as well for
other warehouse, but tS motto is to do a little better.
M are noted for high prices. Yon have heard the oil
e ring about proof of the Just bring
tobacco we will show you the in high
I mi com
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
re living or year, after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
o and payment of arrears with interest
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
Th the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums,
lo Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an
of insured.
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
for cases department. Special
Benefits of Soap.
For years public-spirited people
have been preaching about the
benefits of soap. men have
even so far as to say that
setup is the real emblem of
Whether this is so or not,
it is well that in countries
here the people are savage there
is no soap. It has been difficult,
however, to get some people to ac
Ward Rates, per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President, St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
current year be paid. t .----. u
or soap as a blessing or as a
In spite of the
during the lifetime the magazines have j
been doing by way of
Greenville N. C.
ting soap advertisements there are
many inhabitants of our splendid
country who continue to regard
soap with suspicion if not with
Record Herald.
Pity the fellow who gets in the
dumps without cause and cherishes
unkind feelings toward someone
who never did him a wrong, either
In word or deed. There are many
many. Reader, be sure
you have just cause for displaying
an unfriendly spirit before yon
indulge it towards any one. I
Reidsville Weekly.
you know what It does T, n
N. C.
H. A. White went t
E. G. spent
Sunday here.
Q. H. Ellis Kinston Sat
W. B. Smith, of Hassell, came in
Sunday evening.
Mrs. M. A. Bawls to P; r-
this morning.
Q. Q. returned Sunday
evening from Tarboro.
B. D. Cherry returned Saturday
evening from Greensboro.
Miss Sophia Morton returned to
this morning.
Mrs. A. L. Brock and child left
this for Williamston,
L. O. Cox and C. H. Gaskins,
Of spent Sunday here.
C. W. returned Sunday
from a trip up the road.
Miss returned
evening from a visit to
A. T King left this morn-
for Charlotte to attend the
meeting the Baptist State
Dr. J. W. Perkins left Monday
evening for
H. H. Wilson, of Kinston,
spent today here.
B. C. White returned Monday i
evening from New York
H. A. White returned Monday
evening from Williamston.
Mrs. W. H. and son,
Henry, went to this
Sheriff O. W. left
this morning for to take a
prisoner to the penitentiary.
O. E. Warren went to
Mount today to deliver a lot of j
fruit trees.
Last week Register of Deeds If.
Williams licenses to the
Noah S. and Daisy Cox.
W. M.
John M. and
Frank Tyson aid Susan Peel.
Smith and Martha E
Frank Brewer and Essie
Chas. Moore and Anna
Sanders Little and
Freeman Hemby Sarah
Oscar Boyd
Charles mini and Daisy Eva
T. and Emma E
For the fiscal year ending Dec
1903 the total number of
issued was Of these
were for white couples and
for colored. This is an increase of
over the previous
The Pitt County As-
will hold its monthly
meeting next Saturday, 12th. The
sessions will be held in the
of the Greenville graded
school building, which insures ab-
solute comfort to all. Every teach
in the county, of both public
and private should be
present as the meeting will be of
At this meeting also the gold
medal and gold pen awarded to
pupils of the county for the best
North Carolina history
be presented.
Every fabric known, both imported and
domestic. Fashion's latest and mot approved
styles can be found here.
extra Heavy
Lined Shirts and draw-
each garment,
Heavy Ribbed, Taped neck
Fleece Lined Union Suits,
and children's,
By far the most artistic line of Model,
-High Hats we have ever
Shawn. We spare neither expense or pains to
our customers the latest styles, lest ma-
and best workmanship money
and brains can produce.
Baby caps
All Prices.
and Children's
HATS-all prices
pairs extra size 11-4
White Blankets,
pairs Grey Bed Blankets j
Pairs All-Wool Cf
Heavy Knee Pants,
Pairs All-Wool Fine
Pants, worth
1.00 and 1.50, special,
The kind that wears, holds it shape
and color and gives satisfaction.
For Ten days extra cut
prices on the
of Clothing Overcoats
Black Mercerized
worth 1.00, special,
With ii-inch Flounce,
inch 2.00,
Chairs, Couches,
Carpets, Mattings
Rugs, Oil Cloths, I
Wardrobes, Cradles.

Mr. Cleveland is the only
dent the democrats have had
the war and seems to be
that he is tho only one they
ever will Herald.
H. B, Varner, editor and
tor of the Lexington Dispatch, has
purchased the Salisbury Truth-In-
from W. H. Stewart and will
change it from a semi-weekly to a
weekly and Mr. J, will
editor and manager. The paper
will be an eight-page form and will
aggressive but conservatively
democratic in policy.
One thing Mr. friends
nay be sure of, there is not as much
danger in him now as there was be-
f he his famous art e
not turn the thing loose again
till lie is ii iii loaded. ;
As a temperance measure the
Georgia Baptist State Convention
proposes to the price of a
cf liquor a Atlanta newspaper
men will this, as they couldn't
afford to get bloat c any more over
what the City is
Since there can be no curtailment
shirts, editors will have to curtail
the number they wear, if tho high
price of cotton results in a big ad
in shirt material. This is one
way the speculative movement in
cotton affects the newspaper
Provision Market.
Reported by
E round per
lbs per
Wight of
Newport News, , Dec
imprisoned in of
ocean days
loud or water, Leslie,
years old, a stowaway,
in a dying condition
Leslie slipped on b ard the
steamer rt . k
Buckingham, while the vessel w-
taking on cargo at Liverpool
ago He secreted
among the merchandise and
the vessel was out at sea be en
to find his way out,
was unable to do so. For days
he tried to attract the attention of
on by shouting, bu
relief came and he lay down ti
lie, despairing of rescue. When
found he was iD a terrible
and presented a pitiable sight.
He weighed only pounds
and was too weak to raise himself
a recumbent
be secreted himself
i Liverpool pounds.
Presence of Mind.
Hearing a smothered cough be
the palms the rear of the
hall where they were holding h
woman's convention, the athletic
made a in that
direction, and dragged forth an
man who was taking
notes of the proceedings.
he said, in an
voice, let me stay. I
hate Senator Snoot and the army
a thousand times worse
than you
It was a desperate chance, hut it
him, and he was invited to
a Beat on the
A memory fragrant with in
is the best heritage of a child.
Infidelity is the assassin's
that would orphan humanity.
Our acts make or mar us. We
are the children of our own deeds.
Toe barber should have do
The scissors sharpener h the one
who knows all about the daily
A face that cannot smile is
a bud that blossoms and dies upon
the stalk.
Merchants of
at opera
Friday night. This is h
swell New York Company u
account of change route
playing .-in
to save up the price of
J. B. Simmons the state organ I
s -of the Jr. O U. is in th.
en., and has a fall list made up,
an will institutes a council on
Monday night. This is an excel
order and we are glad
that he has been successful.
swallow your good jest
than lose your good friend.
Sweet are the uses of adversity,
bitter are the uses of prosperity.
generation owes much
to the inventor of the alarm clock.
The City Hay Grain Co.,
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy
Corn Peas for
Turkish Proverbs.
With patience sour grapes lie
come sweet the mulberry
By the time the wise man gets
married the fool has grown up
Give a horse to him who
tells the truth, so that as soon a
lie has told it he may ride apse of ages, of course,
not so severe that you are
blamed for it, nor so gentle
ion are trampled upon for it.
If you have to gather do
it by the stranger's haul.
Almost Slain by a Hog.
a well
. ell . In i lives ID
rear the Orphan-
g , as well-nigh and ear
crippled for life by the
an Infuriated hog
I he bug belonged
afternoon it
caped from its pen resisted
efforts at imprisonment
were wade by Broadway's wife and
others in the neighborhood. The
which weighs nearly
two tusks
sale of mouth,
a fury, and prepared a
when he came home at night
endeavored to drive the hog
the pen.
As soon as Broadway walked
near the hog the charged
ripped his left leg on the
front side Iron the foot to the
knee, and a second later had cut
his leg to the the
a artery. Then the
savage tusks entered the right
knee powdering everything as
they This blow cut Broad-
way to the ground. The hog
lunged again jammed
tusks through Broadway's right
foot, through nil the bones,
and playing havoc than min-
Neighbor ran up iii
the maddened
aw a Before a arrived
Broadway bled almost to fatal
syncope, and he will be badly
maimed for life. After two
work the physician stopped the
bleeding and sewed up Broad-
way's wounds. One result of the
of the operation was a handful
of broken bones that the doctor
took out of the crushed limbs and
carried to his
Pithy Paragraphs.
Be a worker. A loafer is never
happy anywhere.
God loves tie man who is not
afraid of giants.
Give to the poor and needy this
cold weather.
a dentist properly be called
a toot doctor
Stand, behind the truth, and the
devil can't hurt you.
The sin eat way lo a man's pock-
et book is through his heart.
The average man i satisfied with
keeping up with the procession
but if it is a he
does not care to be at the head of
It is a rel gain to lose that
which keeps us away from God.
Where was time raised Id the
. .
Xmas Shoppers
Look to your interest and see our
splendid display of
Beautiful Knit Wool Sweaters for
Ladies in Red White and Blue.
Black Cloth for Ladies Men
Knit Jersey for Children, White
Crochet Wool for Babies.
Wool Golf Gloves Ladies and Men, Woolen Knit Gloves
and Mittens all Colors for Children and Babies. Handsome
Gold and Sterling Silver Handle Umbrellas in Ladies sizes.
Elegant Fur Caps and Fur sets for Children and Ladies, beau
all Linen and Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs for
Ladies use. and Lace Curtains.
The above list is only a few of the many
beautiful and useful articles shown in our Dry
Goods Department. Come to see us we can fill
your wants, Satisfaction guaranteed,
J. B. Cherry ft Co
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Everybody likes
new buckwheat, at S. M.
Use oar local columns return.
Job Lot well-worked to-
pound. Write for
t Those without commercial
ruing mast send postages for re-
ply. R. H. Patterson,
Penick, Va.
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste In your mouth It's
your liver Pills are
liver pills. They cure
headache, dyspepsia.
Fa km for horse farm
with in mi dwelling and necessary
mil For particulars
apply to W. H. Moore, Falkland,
Want your or beard beautiful
brown or rich black Then
. Ml CO.
hair was falling out and
turning gray very fast. But your
Hair Vigor stopped the falling and
restored the natural
E. Z. N. Y.
It's impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years in
your hair I Perhaps you
are seventy, and you like
your gray hair If not,
use Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth.
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain we the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and r.-e are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe Is constructed on common-sense
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions.
If your yon,
lend one dollar and we win
you a bottle.
J. C. CO.,
The On y Way
Could not Shake It Off.
la bidding friends good bye at
the as he departing for
his new field tabor, H. M.
Bare referred to the scriptural in-
junction about snaking dust of
the town off your feet, and said
Greenville dust has all
to mod I -hake it off We
It will to him
o keep him reminded of
How Us.
Mr. D N.-Branch, Winter
w i- i U came a re
said his
Children they had
a time than to ml
of the They read
in it are always
anxious to
Why the South is Becoming Prohibition.
Advocates of the in ac-
counting for the adoption of
prohibition so many
the South, give as a reason
people throughout he Sooth
desire to restrict, crime among the
To this the
Presbyterian justly
the South is not getting
i if Hit aim ply because
i . saloon is hurting the
The South is merely doing what
every part of the world
if It had a is
allowing the voice of the more
intelligent and virtuous majority
to be heard, and the inevitable
Section Master Hurt.
Mr. limes, section master on
the Atlantic Coast at Parmele
started on a hand car, Thursday
afternoon, behind the log train to
work at He
leaned hack hie car to tell his
men to stop and not run up on the
log train. Just us he bent over
he was struck by the lever and
knocked off the car run over
by it. He was right bad but
not seriously.
Town Invited.
People of the town are
invited to attend the
meeting of the
in the graded school building
tomorrow. The building will be
comfortable and the exercises will
be of unusual interest.
Too Ex Derisive.
An Advantage.
A tall man always has the ad-
vantage at the theater, and when
he folds his overcoat and sits
result has been the overthrow of on It, like Saul cf old, he is head
the saW. With this problem shoulders the crowd,
solved, an the evils of the rum
stock is
not gambling; it is just
Temperance-in Germany
Against the of
habits eternal
lance -i necessary. Despite the
public would
that lucre wing in
the British isles on i be
continent. Public men
and Germany n
that must be
check the growing evil. At a
meeting a ten
held in Berlin last week
of the interior, deli
a powerful address If of
Among other th I
he is reported to have said. The
greatest obstacle the
mental and moral
the people is undoubtedly M
excessive use of alcoholic t
I have the impression tho t
appreciation of good
you are working for is spreading
to wider circles, and that ii is the
beginning to exercise a
and better He
espies-ed himself stale
aid for temperance caused by
the homes of the wot k-
people, making more
at tractive, to provide clubs
and places of
married laborers
would be i fewer lo
traffic the of
the i ace problem will become aim
pier, for, the devil, the
only consistent and faithful
advocate of ignorance and
is the saloonkeeper, his
influence-on the has helped
neither the nor the morals o
he black
ii i i lain
Almost Heroic.
Serving and at the Table.
An understanding of the correct
sewing of a meal is f the
importance to the for
a-daintily served though
simple, is far to be preferred to an
overladen table improperly
Eleanor contributes l-o
the the f
a series of paper on the proper
of and waiting at the table.
A farmer went into the office j The series will be of great
plied the dentist.
don't want any
the farmer.
MI admire your re-
plied the dentist. people
want to
It-isn't me; it's
A popular Cleveland doctor tells
this story of a bright boy, his own,
who bad reached the mature age
of nine after an early career mark-
ed by many wild and
His restless nature bad made
him something of a torment to
teacher at times, and one afternoon
not long ago she kept hint after the
others were dismissed and had a
talk with him. Perhaps
he was a little afraid that her
ail monition had fallen on stony
ground. Anyway she finally
certainly will to ask
your father to come to see
do said the boy.
The teacher thought she had
made an impression.
she repeated, must
send for you father
better said the boy.
not inquired the teach-
he a v
said the scamp.
was awarded to Miss
also of the subject of
her essay being
Creek Prof. W. B. Dove
presented this in most
It is worthy of note that both
winners of prizes this year, wall
as medal winner last year, are
pupils of High School,
and Prof. Lineberry has cause to
feel proud his pupils.
President Everett announced
the following standing co mi
E. Misses
Ada Tyson, Susie Keel, Eula Cox
and Maggie Nelson.
H. G.
B. Lineberry, W. B. Love,
Annie Belle Moore and
Evans, T. H.
King, W. P. Misses
Delia Smith and Ida Edwards.
silver, linen the light-
ens said of the table
of correct serving. The
are treated in
manner, and illustrations
add to the the
wife j paper.
According to statistics nine-
of the female lecturers are
married women. This may . be
news to bachelors, but with mar
lied men it is ancient history.
that's going to have the tooth
explained the farmer.
If Roosevelt and Payne hurry
with prosecution of
department grafters., they
According to the figures-of out their terms in time
annual report, in
still in this j is open M by
in the the most of
of all our crops. The Wilmington Star.
value of the corn crop of the
is at
holds second
j place, with a of
followed by bay,
wheat, There
v. of horses owned on the I
of the Suited States, with about i
on that sum I
Strike Against Reduction.
Norfolk, Va. Dec.
hundred women child-
employed at, the Silk j
Mills, struck today, following a
forty per cent, reduction in wages,
which is said to be retroactive for
two weeks. Great excitement
prevails at the mills and police-
men are on duty.
Five Lives Lost.
S. C., Dec.
The Clarence H.
Wilmington and
d a gale this coast last
, nigh t the five board
j hey Capt.
Ii. Hewett, master;
son, deck hand; Jim
cook; William Lewis and
James passengers. The
unfortunate men were white and
were of Shallotte.
The Weather .-Man's Excuse.
la weather
replied Mr. I
the pupils
for all this damp weather
the State Con-
is in
We are glad to see The Bib
Recorder an interview with
ex-Governor Jarvis which he
earnestly deprecates the continued
exploitation of the race issue,
which he truly says is
There was
no such state off affairs, he con-
from to but peace
between the races. Then the
was in politics; now he is
not-, yet he is more of an issue than
he ever was before. arr
foolishly doing great
says this wise,
old leader. us think
on things that make tor peace
and prosperity. Let u- have
and do our From all over
North Carolina th-re should up
an Amen to this sentiment. It
ii the president Is primarily
responsible n-Introduction
the race question i., Mi- Month,
but that is no reason y we
should it, fondle it, keep it
alive and forever keep it our
thoughts which might i-tin- be
I turned lo better things, Governor,
never in his lite better
advice than he gives in inter-
wants to than
its for the prompt-
with which they are paying
oar collector on this monthly
lie is not yet and
e hope those to he called on will
be as as those already seen.
To get the confidence of the pros
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
Mr. W. L. Dudley, in bis The of bi pop crack-
year, died on Sunday about l era at night announcing
o'clock. The funeral took place
at the residence on Monday after
the near approach of Christmas.
The of those exploded In
noon and the remains were buried that the size prescribed by
Cemetery. We extend the board of aldermen, they
sympathy to the bereaved wife and agreed to let fireworks be sold,
children Progress, j has been considerably overstepped, and the case of
The policemen would like to catch I H. before the
the parties this of representatives a few
head of time. yea ago.
. Utah.
Washington, Dec. Chair-
man Burrows, of the com-
on privileges and elections,
has called a meeting of the
mi lice for Saturday at o'clock
to consider whether any action
shall be taken on the protests and
petitions for the expulsion of Sena-
tor Smoot of Utah. There
is an immense mass of petitions
coming from forty different states.
The indications now are that the
contest will rival in importance
The boys are starting their
Christmas stands.
and Interesting Meeting
The of
held is mouth-
session here today Tho meet
was in tin- school
building and the attendance
larger than Usual.
The new Prof. D.
called the to
order and devotional
were conducted by Rev. W. E.
work In reading, by
a glass of
in the graded
school, was i
Miss an
paper on
d a of
following by Prof.
Another very timely and in-
paper was by Mag
Nelson on
Discussions on this
followed by Profs. Dove and Bags-
The finance committee reported j Grand Jury Public
that has been paid the Judge O. H. Allen, the
library fund. j judge, holding court here at
A interesting feature this time, in his charge to the
the day was the of grand jury that to
prizes for the best essays North i visit the public schools and take
Photo Graded School.
Photographer It. T. has
large of tin- graded
j school. The the
with the
and pupils in
That all the face-, are so
I distinct where such a large number
appears shows the artistic skill of
I Mr. Evans. He will furnish copies
I of the picture at cents each to
ail who desire
Carolina history by pupils of
schools of Pitt One of
these prizes is the annual gold
medal offered by Secretary of State
J. Bryan Grimes, other a
gold pen offered by U
The medal wits to
Miss Dora Cox, of ville,
the of her essay being
iv look at the workings of these
see for them-
selves how they are
This is anew instruction on the
part of the judge, yet it is a good
A. It will create more
in educational matters, as
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highest body of officials the
as to how they are con-
Carolina's Resentment h, ducted, and what is being done.
the Stamp The
was mad
by Senator A. L. Blow.
It will awaken new Interests
we are glad to see Judge Allen
has turned his attention in this
The pea Parker Sun.

Eastern reflector, 11 December 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 11, 1903
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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