[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Miss Lizzie Blow, of Durham
arrived Tuesday evening; to visit
Mrs. M. D. Higgs.
day evening from a visit to
Miss Rawls, of Tarboro.
arrived Tuesday evening to visit
Miss Pat Skinner.
John left Tues
day evening fur Kinston.
G. M. Lindsay, of Snow Hill, is
in town.
Miss Moore, one of the teacher
in the graded school, is sick and
Miss Minnie is teaching in
her place.
J. M. Coleman, of Macon, spent
last night here and left this morn-
Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Harding,
of Tarboro, came in Tuesday eve-
Miss Emma Craft, who has been
visiting t Parmele and Bethel
days, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richardson,
of Washington, are here to attend
the marriage. They
are the .-t of Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Laughinghouse.
W. H. Sr., G. F. M
of Snow Hill, and Mr. and
Mrs. of Kinston,
who came over to attend the
Blow marriage, are the of
Dr. Mrs
Wholesale Grocer an
furniture Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Oak Suits.
Carriages, G.
Tables, Lounges, Safe, P
and Gail ft Ax
Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, J
Flour Sugar, Coffee. Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Fowl, Matches, Oil, i
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar I
den Seeds, Orange, Apples, j
Candies, Dried Peaches, j
Prunes, Current-.
China Want, I in and Wooden ,
Wore, Cake-
Butter, New
Sew in and nu ,
Quality am
Quantity. cash.
o see me.
I Quite I The Newest Shades in Furs
How often you can get a
nail or screw or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Fox, Squirrel, Mink,
sum, and
If you want Stylish Furs you
can buy here with confidence.
Pb.-e M
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, Shingle and
work a specialty.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
I have employed u
Charles prepared, to do slate roof-1 j
Orders for any work in my I
At the Christian church tonight in receive prompt attention. If
Rev. V. E. Powell will give an
illustrated lecture on the life of
Chris. The illustrations will he
Shown on canvas with a lantern.
Work room
over Baker
One of i be must remarkable case.-
of cold, deep seated on the longs,
William Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs I one door cast of post office,
K Marion, Ind . I street
v. ho m em i rely cured by I he use
Minnie Cough Cure. She
roughing and straining
me that I ran don j Mr. C. of Geneva, C,
in weight from to pounds, the piles for Doctors and
I tried a remedies to no dollars could do him no lasting;
avail until I used One good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel I
Cough Cure. Four hot ties of this Salve cured him permanently.
wonderful cured me en-; valuable for cuts, burns bruises,
By lungs and me to salt rheum, am all i
normal weight, health and diseases. Look for the name
Sold by John L. Witt on the others j
I are cheap, Worthless counterfeits,
by L Woolen.
WE your corn and Pegs
for c-sh. City Hay Grain Co.
Goods kept con-
in stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
j IN
Styles in
Jackets and Coats
Style and Fit
If you want the right
thing--we have it. . .
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor end Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. Ne.
A Boom
B. Glenn of Winston has accepted
Br. Small's Opponent
Washington, No. fact
ascertained today that Con-
an invitation to the labor chief opponents
Our Skirts
Stylish in Appear-
and hang like
made to order gar-
unions this city the of
December The
Mr. will ad-
dress o number a
total me. two thousand.
He has ardent
here already add his visit well be
a boom for Mr.
Glenn is by many in
this as tie strongest
candidate in the
and time comes he-will
poll a good vote U New
. county. The laboring men are
preparing it o
On the afternoon f December 06th
i Mr. Glenn will speak to
gathering f at the
.- i
bis their paramount
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
of in Thu.
; Some people are not
Agitation in in
bet there are things that
the sake of agitating is often i
is done the love
it. A it forth of it.
cat's paws. They
aw and then.
it turns out that and then
for as a
in one J or another.
no public if at all
by disruptive diatribes it is not
slow the
t grind
P. K.
Greenville, N. C.
His Fat,
are me an-
officer in plain clothes,
pickpocket by the
right have you got to
.; angrily exclaimed the
have to show
simply pointed to
gasped the pick
picket, submitting to
a man do
which ii
f, even hen but
i able to do for
. d r
; juices of u and j
does the work of the re-
the tension, while
the inflamed of u it organ
are allowed u-st and
I Cure what
eat and enables the stomach
and digestive
all food rich, red blood. Sold
by L.
American and Italian
N. C.
end Iron Sold.
work and reasonable
a p eat on pea lion.
i j -j
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, drain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
ii. Stewart
d H. B. representatives
the Nurseries, will be
Farmville Sat. Nov.
lie and Greenville Nov.
No, Maude, we have
that a hare lip
he same virtues as a rabbit's
foot. .
must be true that the
die young.
The against the Atlantic
Cast Line for killing the colored
man, Dancy, ended in favor of the
railroad. The plaintiff had no
This would be a world if
the people in it who
tempers would never find them
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
Th Safest ind Surest Remedy known la
German Liver Powder
ThU ii not a drug mixture, but a
translation of of
secrets. If you are a suffer-
we will send you OP
a sample package of German
Liver Powder with oar
booklet, which contain authentic
from who hive been
cereal by this De
Wt at
The American Co.
Md i
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
daily, except Sunday.
m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
; at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. J.
Greenville, N. O.
T. H. Agent,
X. C
We are proud of our shoe stock this season. We are
certain re have the finest line we have ever shown and we are.
that no other store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA in character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-souse
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even than ever. We are we can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save yon money in your shoe needs.
J the mes-
the Western
Telegraph Co , was catted by
the local buyers,
-day, and presented a
He i a
and appreciate this l
Mr. Fleet of
who was brutally assaulted and
beaten by a Allen
is talk in Person county love in and being
lynching This will
make two murder cases for
O. H. Allen to beef at the next
term S Person Superior court,
meets next
Store Will Close
As the Greenville merchants
have been in the habit, fir
years of closing their stores on
Thanksgiving day, we take it for
the same observance of the
day will be had this year.
chasers of goods for Thanksgiving
should lay their accordingly.
The Home of Women's Fashions.
Fire at Tarboro.
The On l y
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
Hie Reflector.
for appointment on t he com-
on rivers and harlots arc
from Texas and Tennessee. Rep-
Bail, of the Lone Star
State, has resigned as a
of congress, and unfortunately for
Mr. Small the Texan was a
of the committee on livers and
harbors a fact which lends some
force to the claim of the Texan
delegation that should l
owed to name th successor
colleague, with respect to ail
bis committee The
member from
appointment i John
no distinction here, chiefly
from the fact of his omnipresence
w there to be a debate
in on the Texas is
meat o be feared, but.
William has said things
have very much re-
insured friends of the
friends of
The people of North
know that the orphanages of
the state rank among the greatest,
most beneficent of our institutions.
Au institution which rescues
helpless, children from
the wreck of homes, provides for
these little ones the necessities of
life, gives them kind care, ad van-
of school and training
industrial branches, and moral and
religious instruction, surely has
the of claims upon the
heartiest sympathy and support of
all of our
Many, who have had the care
and training our
bones, ate today living upright,
lives. We know not
what their lives would
without this help at a critical
time without in their
The the necessity,
of such work is more
mote appreciated.
War Against Boll Weevil.
Washington, Nov.
of from the cotton
growing states held a meeting to-
day to discuss boll weevil
problem. It was determined that
a committee of three members
from each state should call upon
president and lay before him
the serious situation which is con
fronting the states, re
quest to urge upon congress
the importance of carrying into
effect the plan will sub-
by Secretary in his
annual report.
At time in the is more
done for this worthy cause than at
Congressman. j Thanksgiving, and practice of
Mr. Small have to the support of the
fell off a Stamp.
There was a bit of excitement
y school
white the pupil
were anting
dinner. Miss Marie Done,
daughter Dove, was a
She j
homeless orphan children at
this time is fitting acid commend-
able. We are glad that
giVing Day is to be dis-
Gratitude to God, which
fill heart as we upon
His mercies, leads eat
May lite to -this
o this
Made Fatal Misstep
Wilmington, Nov.
living near
Haynes, this county, was
crushed to death under train No
Coast Line, as
it passing out of yards in
this city tonight. was
in reaching the station on his
return home and came down an
and ran up in
of the train as it was leaving the
station. He attempted to board
ore of the cars, but in doing he
had the speed the
train, and was thrown under th
choked on a piece of
caused her am i
fall ground. The lull,
use the words the physician
was one bread
and both out of
child. lying on,,
some of the
thought, wad killed and
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. has dis-
posed of the following cases in his
court since last report.
Reed assault, fined
and Coats,
L. H. and Alonzo
plain, costs, one and costs,
Ma prove even
appearing upon today.
streets in state fined;
Looks like snow.
Miss Mary Whitehurst, of Oak-
who has been visiting the
Misses Moore, returned home to-
Mrs. D. E. House left this morn-
for to visit her
Re. F. A. Bishop will preach
at Methodist church Sunday
and night. This closes his quad-
on the district.
Miss Orman, of Or-
who has visiting
Mis. Will returned home
Friday evening.
Eure returned Friday
evening I rum a visit to Wilson.
Dr. L. C. Skinner, of Ayden,
who has been here attending the
Blow marriage returned home
Miss Nannie of Hassell,
arrived Friday to visit
W. B. of Ballards, is
in the city.
J. B. Waters, of Plymouth who
has been his son, L. F.
Waters, returned borne today.
Tom Timberlake left this morn-
for Baltimore to have his
R. M. Starkey who has been
very sick for several days is not
any better.
Col. H. B. Little, of
who has spending some days
with Wiley Brown, home
this most -worthy work j and j WE WANT your com and Peas
Miring for most, James Duff, firing gun for cash. City Hay Grain Co.
i i. ml needy
etc., fined and
H. C. Hooker, one
, I A from penny Busts,
The excitement. .,, , , .
, . . . kin and on his return
the for the . , , . ., . .
. . , . I this took him
B m . t ,,
a young adored
is Wilson See stealing. Duff h
soon and was MM
hurt, of all.
Two recently here to
get her were given v quarter each
in bad reputation whom
Mighty can
the being
Tarboro, N. C. Nov.
old building, a
Story frame structure on
street about two blocks from the
river, was destroyed by Ire last
night. The firs started in the
rear the and had made
good bead way disco
a thick
had a V-
was as a
W u. l. i
a ease
That was a pretty good
off alt that
jail was he by
of w liberate
a prisoner under sentence
for murder. And the state will
to pay the for out
the to the
Yes, it was about as good the
racket Mr. Dewey on l be
people down there he had
them pull down that reward
which thy hail hung up tor
Greenville left, here on street They
latter were next i into the
be trunk money
lot t shipped it in u i i key.
to bis father, Jim
j later; lit was that
the came The i people may be ever so
and contents, with the ex they sometimes
of a coat two pairs in dangerous
pants, were places. It so happened
Greenville, N. C.
Ready to Recognize Panama.
Washington, Nov.
state department received today a
Gun Accidents.
It is that so many
accidents occur with persons who
hunt guns. It would seem
that all persons ought to be
by such
to keep the muzzle of a gun away
It so
with Mr. J. It. Moore, agent of the
Atlantic Coast Line. He started
to go from the freight office to bis
I resilience across the railroad. A
long string of freight cars were
the track with a break in front of
the office to permit passing.
Thinking the train had finished
Mr. Moore started to cross
-m from United States Min-
dated t j hoped that the will
from them. every day,
. . .
there is account at some one being , r u
., . , j i he was struck by the cars
killed or seriously from .
w . s t i I together, with presence of
gun shot while to be-, ,,. ,
. i u . w. u supported from
sure, those who hunt have , , ,
sufficient warning in the many b off the
others, and it
yesterday, that the be more
bud him that in
was ready to
u i
A has I
V dally it Io U
d a
The with hay, its the boom-
and other U u It is Io
away SOW bold the, by the
of his I Com pan y.
to as s-
whee to tum
And They Smacked.
Persons in the lower part of the
court house yesterday evening were
attracted the sound as of an ex-
and hastened to the she-
rill's from which place the
s mud emanated. There it was
found the of the noise was
the of a
couple who had just been in
the holy estate if matrimony by
Justice J. D.
At lite conclusion of the nuptials
the justice to the dark
Lothario that he salute the
bride. To the suggestion the sen-
nerves of the lips of the
bride responded in a very
proper pucker and the
bridegroom gently folded her in
his aims and the resounding
smacks of the vehement
were to the front of the
building attracted others to
the Free Press.
following invitation baa
been received by
Mr. and Mr. Lovit Hines
the of your
at of their daughter
Mr. Walter Dunn La Jr.
December the
at i.
sad of it.
The Branch f Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
to transact any business for the paper in I and territory.
J. H
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased.
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of v
roods owned by said R. II. at his death, offer-1 and
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consist
of a lull line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
HATS, CAPS, SHOWS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice G. is also of the Tailors Mfg
Co. suits made to order to tit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good tit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you bargains come early to
The Branch- of the Bantam Reflector is
of C. E. Bradley, authorized any. bust
the paper in and territory.
price fee
W. Q. Store,
N. C.
M. m. sew,
N. G.
Traders Fashions. Full lion of
and hats, flowers,
ribbon , i-o. than
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs ii
Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Pull line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves aid Heaters.
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hull and
-Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Tracks.
-Farm Wagons. Coffins and Caskets on band.
In season we operate a Cotton
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide th most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
and Surgeon.
i at----
Whichard, N. C.
Th Stock complete in
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market- price
Not. 1903.
Saturday was a little bit dull.
V. E. Bradley and C. F. James
spent Sunday in Greenville.
Walter Webb wife, of Elm
came in on night's
A you over cropped with
turkeys If
The farmers are moving
in now in little hurry.
Eleven cents tells who's got it.
I hare several receipts written
up ready to till in your name-for
The Will be glad- to
have you drop in.
O. E. Bradley.
young men were here yes-
reported seeing a large
bear near Tuesday night, in
the public road. The bays had
been out late some times
have dreams.
H. M. Cakes, state
was here Tuesday and organized a
township Farmers
members were enrolled and the
officers was
J. J.
C. E. Bradley, vice-president.
M. T. secretary and treas.
Fernando Ward,
J. B.
J B. Baker,
Meets in Little Hall twice each
month, Tuesday night after the
first and third Sundays at
i m
v o y o v
u CD
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Jamestown Exposition.
Th memorial was laid before the
house today by Speaker Cannon
the of a joint resolution
by the Virginia legislature
informing the world that
speaking i,
at Va., would be-
celebrated by a naval, marine and
industrial exposition at
Va , May
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by load.
A Buffalo woman has been Notice,
rested for allowing her boy to go to i
when she knew he had the The Board of Commissioners of
Another case of spots on j Pitt county will on Monday, Dec.
the son portending
ham San.
Fall particulars of the deal were
not learned nor is the purchase
price to be given out yet, but if
the terms of sale are met by the
purchasers the of the
property will be made the first of
7th, 1903, receive bids for the
building of a bridge across Tar
river at For particulars
apply to the of Deeds of
Pitt county.
By order of the Board of Com-
B. Williams,
Women will know how to
whist men how to
tie baby a bath.
Some people work Us-
to get shorter hours.
Figuratively lee
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and While there to
inspect complete stock of
and their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
ball price, to make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
carries a complete,
stack of
Manufacturers of Limber and
Cypress Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
lie sure your sins
will you
bat that suits a woman
don has a price that suits lit r
The Flea Hill public school dis-
has cast within six votes of
its total registration of for local
public school major-
its favor being
ville Observer.
A woman's idea of showing how
smart she is at running a is
to make a list showing
how much her monthly bill
amounts to by leaving off the
important items.
The Washington Government
has refused to recognize the San
Domingo revolutionists,
up reasons that it did
not take to look into it
when it dealt with the Panama
scoop. The revolutionists have no
scheme and are not in it.
Our government also refuses to
recognize the blockade of Domingo
ports. Weak nations are not to be
considered seriously, it st ems.
Wilmington Star.
England may be the mother
country, but the United States
seems to be the the father-in-law
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from a cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers
and gin
cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport fr Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
N. C. Nov.
N. M. went to Green-
ville Monday, by his
Miss Margaret, is
Mrs. W. H. White, week.
E. C. Tunstall and Jas.
of spent Sunday in our;
neighborhood. Robert and Jim
are both old
and their many friends are
glad to see them out.
Mies is
the week with her sister, Mrs. W.
M. Edwards, of Ayden.
Miss Florence is visiting
friends in this week.
Mr. and Mia. W. W. Ormond
went to Kinston yesterday
returned today.
I Not Quite
How often you can pet a
nail or screw- driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Wholesale and retail and
furniture Dealer. Oath paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. etc. Bed-
Oak Suite, Be
I Carriages, Go-Carts,
Tables, Safes, P.
and Gail As
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che
; Henry
i lied Cherries, Peaches,
Pine Jelly, Milk
I Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap
; Lye, Magic Food, Matches,
Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Gar
It's e man
with a pull that g ts
mat with t e bead
that gets a
erst b
ed a cold i dollars.
but it was colder
he expected. he won't let
him handle e cent it.
was taken severely with kid-
trouble. I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved
me. One day I saw an ad of your
Electric Bitters and
to try that. After taking a few
do-es i felt relieved, soon
was cured, and
Dr. Jay Arraigned.
Asheville, Nov
J. V. Jay, the
physician, who last mouth killed
bis three children with a claw
hammer, was today brought into
court and ed. A special
was ordered and the
was set for trial Tuesday.
The attorneys for Jay will contend
man was insane at the time
the act was committed and also
that his mind is now
They will make a vigorous tight to
have Jay sent to an insane asylum.
Candies, Dried Apples, Peach have seen a sick day
Pi Currents, Raisins, of mine have been eared
China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cake and Mara
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and DO
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
see me.
Innocent Men Seldom Convicted.
There is a tradition that an old
fashioned Carolina Judge
charging jury in
ease, who had been asked in
his charge to repeat the maxim,
is better that ninety-nine
guilty men should escape that
one innocent man should be pan.
promised to do so. When
he came to that portion of his
charge he emphasized the question
I tell yon, gen-
of the jury, that the ninety-
nine men have already
escaped, and it is nowhere said
that hundredth guilty man
shall be
it is thing for an
man to be convicted. We have
never a case, though we
nave beard of a few. In his
D. W.
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold, deep seated on the lungs,
causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs.
Gertrude E. Marion, ,
who was entirely cured by the use
of One Minute Cough Cure. She
coughing and straining
so weakened me that I ran
weight from to pounds.
I tried a remedies to no
until I used One
Cough Cure. Four bottles of this
wonderful cured en-
the cough, strengthened
my restored to my
normal weight,
Sold by John L.
Don't take chances of proposing
gill on Friday; she might
refuse you
S men are like pine; they
have then good point, they
to stick you.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding. Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
Some men are so busy reforming
everything in general that they
have not time to reform anything
m particular.
Fresh Goods kept ion-
in St. ck. Country
Produce end Sold
of Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
and Kidney troubles and General
This is what B. F
Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes.
Only at Drug Store, charge to the jury at Kin-
this week, Judge Brown dwelt
the fact that
of does not mean any doubt
at all, but the doubt in
the minds of
Free Press quotes a
portion the judge's
tins line Honor said
Carelessness is for ,., . . . , .
, ii., that though he the
a railway wreck the , . ,
same causes are making human law says that it
wrecks of sufferers from Throat were better to turn loose ninety
and But since the guilty men than to convict
advent of King's New Dis-
D. W.
North n a.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof
Orders for any work in my
receive prompt attention
Work room over
Ten and Answers
What has about this
wonderful prosperity which
country now Farming.
What baa
from Panning.
What has brought interest down
to low t but every legitimate enter
may work on borrowed cap
dial rich
What of all profession would
you to the rising
general ion Farming.
What commerce and
What has canned the present
boom in railroad Farm
What has dispersed our army
What business, if wisely con-
ducted, will return
more a every
What business is conductive to
long life; and of all others least
connected with vice, etc
What either directly
directly, is power be
the of all industries
under the Mini Farming.
William Fountain, H.
j. I.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handler-
Bagging, Ties a id Bag.
Correspondence and
J. C.
i; IN
American and Italian Marine
word m
s i i
for Coughs
and Colds, worst cases
can he cured, and hopeless
nation is no longer necessary.
one innocent, that there was
it to alarm a juror as during
his seventeen years practicing at
the bar fifteen years the
Mis- Lois of Dorchester, I bench he had never known a
Mass., is one of lib-
was saved by Dr. King's New
Discovery. great remedy is
f r all Throat and
Wooten's Drug
Store. Price and 81.00.
Trial bottles free.
and Surgeon,
N. C.
Office one door east of post office,
Haney, of Q O.,
I fit; piles tor ear-.
dollars to no
good. I
him In
cuts, bruise.-,
sprains, letter,
and -11 r skill
for the name
A makes a woman
good, even when she knows
is only ,
you'll fails
m liter
v. hen y
In bow proper lot i
hill j III
N.-w L
off mi
j how mid a of old
age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever,
Com-i ail per-
Fill. Jinn, Woolen Drug
whom he believed
The judge might truly have add-
ed that he had many very
guilty men acquitted, for that hap-
pens all tOO in North
and other
News Observer,
Our October exports, valued in
report issued by the gov-
bureau statistics at
was the
month's total in all our
Will on
Sold Jno
When a
he is
man a
in love else he's a
Norfolk, Va.
Brokers ii.
Cotton, and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
the that is
able In f whet Inn
slightly ii
l o
I he natural J lilt ten
tint I wins of I in- re-
nervous lei inn, while
; the inflamed el
arc allowed lo and heal.
Dyspepsia digest
eat the stomach
digestive organs to transform
all food rich, blood. Sold
by L,
with an only on
Die lug of J. Ii. Miner,
a i.
halve cured
II- U as good
; M Drug
Inmates In
Atlanta, Nor. special to
The Constitution, from Tryon, N
C, says a telephone message from
Columbia this afternoon brings
the intelligence that county
poor house of this, Polk
was burned last night that
four or five of inmates perished
in the fire. The origin of the fire
Steamer B. L. Myers leave I
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter,
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. J.
Greenville, N. O.
T. H. Agent,
N. O
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
The Sale and la
German Liver Powder
i but veritable
scientific of
Innermost If you are
will lend you FREE OP
a sample package
Liver Powder with our
pi booklet, contains authentic
testimonials have been
cured by this wonderful Specific. Do not
delay, but send address at once to
The American Co.
awl It
An Sun Himself
Charlotte, n. o, is.
Caldwell, aged twenty, top
of the editor of I Charlotte Ob-
server, shot himself
tragedy occurred at the
home. The young man spent the
town and had laugh-
ed and chatted
with less than two Sours
before Ii is death. The was
committed about with a
caliber pistol. No cause
is known for the act
with the single
i i, IS It
showed a jump i
from St of
from scoring the
rapid Increase ever known
two mouths. The excess over the
month's import of 181,981.008 is
greater any previous mouth
I has ever shown, again excepting
n the
, beep
In our
j exceeded
jail The August
of were almost
the lowest for live fell
tin March imports,
the year in our
recent history when the
out; mouth the exports of
any month I the same year. This
of be-
tween August and October shows
that the country is already going
to work again ii; the good old
only Way, by cutting expenses
increasing sales, to heal the havoc
that Speculation has
New York World.
stimulate the TORPID LIVER,
the digestive organs
the awl
In districts their virtue arc
widely recognized, as they possess
peculiar properties In
system that Elegantly
Money for Education
N. C,
The state superintendent public
instruction announced this evening
of the thousand
dollars by
direct lo the public schools,
the amount apportioned to each
child will be about 3-4 cents.
It's the toughest kind of tough
to have your watch stolen
when you are on way to
pawn it.
f. a
,. SI,
D. J.
in the post office t Greenville, N. C, s second matter,
Advertising application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining- counties.
in to
Pitt County, N. C, November 1903.
Yon hear people say
their best days are behind them.
That is because they know nothing
of any other. Who can tell what
the coming days trill bring forth
And now what hope is there for a
It is said the price of
is going
Why, buy them on credit.
Panama, has Macedonia
out of the public eye.
A Chicago woman is u
man for stealing a from her two
years ago. That has lost its
sweetness long since and is not
worth having back.
The man with the wood is the one
moat demand now.
This time it is ghosts exciting tin-
people of Patterson, N. J. Ghosts
are preferable to anarchists.
The newspapers throughout the
country are commenting
over the man who cured him-
self of consumption by walking from
San Francisco to York. All
unite in advising the
cure for disease. And the
cure is as good for business
as for disease, and better. The
hustler succeeds where the drone or
the careless fail. The free use of
shoe leather saves many a man who
would otherwise Sun.
to abandon. We more extra-
we hire more help about
the house than we used to hire; we
have more mouths to feed because
we have more hired help; we do this
and that thing by when we
used to do it ourselves and so it
goes, the job of making both ends
meet being a hard but
has more to do with it than
Reese sizes the situation, but
it is hard to realize it. And what is
also a singular feature, the Tery
cheapness of necessaries entourages
extravagance. A man will spend a
dozen nickels without thinking of it,
when he would halt at spending a
fifty cents. And nickels count
The above is a view of conditions
that merits
to is the question heard
several times a day. That is just it
If one knew, the would
be easy. But not knowing, there
danger monkeying with the other
fellow's game.
We sincerely sympathize with
Editor J. P. Caldwell, of the Char-
Observer, in the terrible be-
that came upon him in
the suicide of his son, Wednesday
evening. The young man was just
years old, and took his own life
apparently without cause.
Seeing she is beaten, Colombia is
now begging Panama to come
If the that do not admire
Judge Peebles have the right to
scratch him if nominated, why has
not any other man the right to
scratch the ticket for any reason that
he deems Her-
So he has. No question about
his right to do so if the reason is
traveled over about farms
in Pitt said Mr. Andrew
Joyner yesterday, I'll tell you
nearly all the cotton is not only
picked, but sold. Even the
farmers have sold their crop.
I would not afraid now to buy
January cotton at
Seeing the success with which
has met, the revolutionists
of San Domingo lied to the
United States for recognition, but
the leanest was turned down.
Raleigh is about to get more than
she voted for-two dispensaries in-
stead of one.
Prof. Bassett continues to hold
down the chair at Trinity.
The republican party find an
elephant on its hands before the
Panama job is completed.
The other day the recorder of
Charlotte adopted a novel yet
way of finding vagrants. His
court was in session and there was
the usual number of loafers in
attendance. The recorder ordered
a polios officer to go through the I
crowd and question each one per-
us to his meant of support.
The crowd in that court room show-
ed a wonderful thinning out before
the policeman had finished his
round of inquiry.
A suit is on in Harnett county
that strikes us as being a very silly
one. The sheriff of that county
with a deputy was taking four
prisoners from Harnett to
Person county to work the public
roads of the latter. At Durham the
sheriff pa rebated six second class
tickets to and upon asking
the which car to board
pointed to the second class end
of the conch for colored people.
Upon taking their seats the sheriff
noticed the car was marked
and he asked the conductor to allow
them to go in the second class car
for white people. The conductor , , u i
r r It looks like not a few will have to
told him ho and his could . i rm i n
i j take rooster for Thanksgiving din-
go in the white car but j- i
and imagine its turkey.
could not. Because of this the
It looks like the Panama
was in the interest of canal job-
Raleigh aught to know better by
the time she goes to elect
board of aldermen.
sheriff and his deputy sued the rail-
road for each. The state
made a law providing separate
coaches for the colored people and
i they have no right to go in the
for whites. We can't Bee
i hat because in question
were prisoners in charge of white
officers it should give them any
right to be carried in the car for
white people.
Be it said to the credit of a Pitt
county jury that it declined to give
damages in a suit against a railroad,
there being grounds for damage.
Gradually the corporations are com-
around for justice in the
Tobacco Growls Together.
Danville, Nov.
hundred tobacco growers, represent-
counties in Virginia and
North Carolina, met here to-day and
formed what will be known as the
Tobacco Protective
of Virginia and North Caro-
S. C. Adams, of
Va., was made president, and W-
T. Bryant, of North Carolina, sec-
The object of the
is to decrease future
acreage, keep the present crop off the
market for better prices and induce
to grow diversified crops.
All of the counties the belt will
be organized, President Adams be-
selected for the purpose of or-
It is noticed that the poor down-
trodden farmers have little sympathy
for the poor of the towns when it
In answer to the complaint that
the cost of living is too high, Bro.
Joe the philosopher of the
Greensboro Record, comes to the
scratch by saying it is extravagance
that causes the seeming in
bank accounts after a settlement
with the grocer and landlord and
wood-hauler, and gives the figures
to it.
He says that in 1870-71 these
was a barrel; now it it
country meat cents, now it is
to sugar was now it
is and t; coffee sold for
while the same grades are
and kerosene oil was cents,
now it is Wages during these
years were I a the common laborer
cents a day, while carpenters ran
from to f 1.75 for tho best of
them. Now the former gets
the latter as high as a day, the
average being about
And he might have added cloth-
which was from to per
sent higher now.
But friends goes on to
There is another cause for this.
When times are good and work is
plentiful we are all apt to grow ex
in our mode of living.
The practice, once adopted, it hard
W. J. Bryan has the
other Bide of the pond in Liver-
Don't forget to lay by something
for the poor and the orphan oil
Thanksgiving day.
As gold brick swindlers are
ally sharp fellows, we may wake up
tome of these fine mornings to hear
that they have escaped from the pen-
Of course will be blind
tigers in this town but nobody be-
for a moment that they will
well half the whiskey that would
have been sold by the
ham Herald.
Perhaps it is not because a
is a that he does not receive
the same treatment in the courts as a
white man but because he has not
the money. Durham Herald.
Grover is in danger of getting his
purse pulled under a fine for filling
his game bag in Virginia without
paring the prescribed hunter's
He don't care for the fine if
sport is good.
The treaty between the United
States and Panama, under which
this government is to construct and
control the Panama canal, has been
signed. And pretty Boon Uncle
Sam will be shoveling dirt across
the isthmus.
What yea think i go.
It seems Uncle Sam owes North
Carolina for tho men who
did service in the
war, and there is talk of bringing
suit for it. Step up, Uncle Sam,
and pay your bills, and don't be set-
ting your children a bad example by
repudiating your debts.
continue to hear and read
much nowadays about the
woman and what is going to
do; how she is going to assert her
rights and dare maintain them, but
the fact remains that tho hand that
rocks the cradle has lost none of its
power to rule the Whenever
it ceases to do this or in some other
form to largely govern mankind this
civilization will be found to have
passed its zenith and is on the wane.
The man who defers to and
the mother of children is a Christian
civilization builder. The man who
cannot be called from all else by the
woman with a babe in arms is a deg-
and if there are many of
hose then civilization is losing
houses, a revolution would be work-
ed in the handling of the cotton crop.
The farmer no longer be com-
to haul bis cotton to town as
soon as it is picked and accept what-
ever price he can get for it. In-
stead, he could store his cotton in a
warehouse, borrow on his warehouse
receipts such money as he needs,
and hold the cotton in his warehouse
until he can get a satisfactory price
for it. Under system the profit
of the cotton market would be reap-
ed largely by the farmer himself,
rather than by a few wealthy
in New York and Liverpool.
The South has outgrown the pres-
system, as it has outgrown its
dependence on the North and East
for all manufactured articles. The
Journal looks to see large warehouses
established shortly in all the
pal cities; warehouses
which shall issue acceptable
to the hanks and trust companies
and which shall enable the farmer to
realize money at once on his crop
without sacrificing it to greedy buy-
When Chicago gets through with
her city railroad strike there will be
something else doing.
Something of the
inanity to his race can be judged by
the scene at Goldsboro, where a
poor, sick man was driven from
home by those with whom he lived
and was found in the woods almost
frozen to death.
There are now fifty applications
for women to be received at the in-
sane asylum here. Many of these
persons are confined in county jails
waiting admission. Dr. Jenkins
Bays every effort is being made to re-
these Post.
This shows a deplorable condition
of affairs. Only a few days ago we
read of a young woman, in an
case of being taken to the
state hospital in the hope of gain-
administration but had to be
turned away. The state is doing a
great deal for education, and even
talking of spending hundreds of
thousands dollars in enlarging the
capitol, while unfortunate
whose reason has been dethroned are
neglected. Thia is a shame to the
Cotton Warehouses.
Says the Scotland Neck Common-
The Atlanta Journal argues
for cotton warehouses in the
South where farmers may store their
cotton and borrow money on it
rather than sell it at whatever price
prevails just at tho time they must
have a little money. The South
furnishes a large part of the world's
cotton supply and it ought to have
the control of its own product. The
Journal pointedly the
South bad a regular system ware
A meeting of the board of
tees of Trinity College has been call-
ed at Durham Dec. 1st, to consider
matters growing out of the Bassett
article. It is also rumored that
Prof. Bassett has already written hie
resignation which will be in the
hands of the trustees at their meet-
It is presumed the trustees
will lose little time in accepting the
Mrs. Carrie Nation is on the war
path again. This time she is do
Washington. She went to the
white house where her persistent
efforts to see the president led to
her forcible by two police-
men. Then she went to the capitol
and created such excitement in the
senate gallery that policemen again
took charge of her. The next scene
was in the mayor's court where she
was. allowed to pay a fine of 8-25 for
disorderly conduct.
Although the democrats in the
senate condemn the rash
haste in recognizing Panama and
his gross blunder in publishing a
discarded part of his coming mes-
sage in which he threatened
they will support a treaty
if the president sends to the
senate. Their assistance is
because the republicans have
not the two-thirds maturity,
ed for the ratification of a treaty.
Senator Bacon of Georgia expressed
the general opinion of his party col-
league when he said, majority
of the democrats do not intend to
permit the president to put them in.
a position which can be considered
as antagonistic to the canal I have,
no doubt the republicans would he
very glad to see the democrats
that position, and it is a very
safe rule in politics as well as in
war, not to do what your enemy
wants you to At the same
time he declared that our govern
violated every recognized
principle of international law and
every obligation of one nation
another with which she was at peace,
by recognizing Panama almost be-
fore news of the revolution,
reached Colombia.
This department Is in of J. Ml. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C. Nov.
advance of
goods we early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
save you money as we bought
balk of our stock at old prices and
sell the way.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber
See M. L. the jeweler.
promptly done. Work
We sue now manufacturing a
wash board out of the old North
pine, also of gums. These
are very kind of wood
can be Apply to Win-
Mfg. Co.
If yon want your horse shod,
if your harness or your own shoes
reed repairing, and for general
blacksmith work call and see W.
L. House on street.
The Winterville Mfg. Co. make
a shoeing
W e have a line hats for
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always serve you and save
your possible.
Now a the wise. Go to
B. F u Co., before
their exhausted.
We have took the bent Hue
of ever here mid can
fit you in both size and price.
Bring your family and we will
keep this led u, so make
the shoe squeal before you get it on
your foot. B. F. Manning
We hare spared so lime in
our and we think we
can suit the moat
F. Manning Co
Dr. Ox in addition to his drug
always U on hand a com-
line of free school books, pen
and scratch tablets, pens, pencils,
and of box
Stationery might to
For Rent, or house and
lot located between Joseph us Cox
and a, M. Cox on Academy street.
Apply to C. A. Fair.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
cotton teed.
See ML. the jeweler.
Repair promptly done. Work
J. D.
Cox Board per
Blouse town.
B. F. Manning Co., will
the highest price
cotton seed.
Mr. at the Drug Store
be pleased to show you their
line of handsome gold fountain
Let Editors Alone.
The editor of the Record has had
the good luck of recovering his
pocket-book, which was stolen last
month at the state The only
thing missing from it is the one
bill that was in it, as the thief
was afraid to attempt to use the
three small checks that
were in it, and the other contents
were receipts and papers of no value
to, him.
The pocket-book and was found
and kindly returned by R. A.
Grubbs, of Lynchburg, who is em-
ployed on the train service of the
Norfolk and Western Railroad Com-
He found it in the coal box
of a coach that was used on an ex-
train to Raleigh during the
fair. The thief had thrown it there
in disgust after finding only one
in it.
This is the second time that the
editor's pocket-book, has been stolen
and returned, which is quite a coin-
,, The other time was in
when Bryan spoke at Charlotte
on his tour of this state. It is to be
hoped that the pick-pockets will be
warned by this experience of their
brethren and hereafter not molest
the pockets of a country editor
Chatham Record.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes, Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff Ci-
gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
Fruits and Vegetables, Hominy
Canned Goods. Green
Coffee. Toilet and Laundry soaps.
Winterville, N. C.
A Full Line of Millinery Z
Goods. m
Th Graves of a Household.
N. O, Nov., 20.108
A heavy rain fell Tuesday night.
Oscar attended
at Black Jack Sunday.
Annie spent;
Saturday Night and Sunday with j
Misses Delia, Bessie nod Laura
Smith, from near Winterville
Saturday night and Sunday
with Allie and Lizzie
Mr. of Goldsboro,
Wednesday night at the reside use
of E. E.
Misses Lizzie has been
suffering for several days with a
sprained ankle.
Elder R I. Corbet, the chosen
paster for next year, filled his
regular at Bethany
E. E. ion, Luther, went
to Greenville Thursday.
Misses Let ha and
Mary Sunday after-
They grew in beauty, side by side,
They filled our home with glee;
Their graves are severed far and wide, noon la the neighborhood.
By mount and stream and sea. Q A Jackson sent
The fond mother bent at night afternoon no. in the neighbor-1
O'er each fair sleeping brow; ; hood.
She bad each folded in tight Madison Smith spent
Where are those dreamers now
One midst the forest of the West,
By the dark stream is laid;
The Indian knows his place of rest,
Far in the cedar shade.
Tho sea, the blue, lone sea, hath
lies where pearls lie deep;
He was the loved of all, yet none
O'er his low bed may weep.
For G. A. Kittrell One sleeps where Southern vines arc
They have recently a
kiln and will reason-
able to the times.
Singletrees Plow
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg.
All kinds of scroll and turned
work done to order by the Winter-
ville Mtg.
We would call ten to the
fact we have dry good to
our line of merchandise re-
ask the to call
and Mfg.
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't;
belong to the trust. Send , , . . , . , .
, . A Pennsylvania judge hat
right get the beet . , . , i . , , ., , .
, that a husband and wife, being
cheroot in world for the money . . ,
, one person under the law, cannot be
industries., ., , . . .
. . , of We will wager
guaranteed. . j
a cookie that judge is a married
Bring your cotton to Winter- and he knows what he is talk-
Ville and have it ginned. G. A.; Sun.
Kittrell Co. will buy your teed j
at the gin pay highest market j The fellows who are fooling with
give you meal in ex- cotton boll weevils are breeding
night and Sunday in
Rev P. A. Bishop.
The adopted by the
quarterly conference of the
dist church, and published else-
where in paper, voices the
sentiment of the entire people of
regardless of
nation. Mr. Bishop is a man held
in highest esteem by all, he is
Above the noble slain,
He wrap his colors round his breast the kind of citizen that Greenville
loves to have. It is regretted that
the laws of his denomination will
take him elsewhere, yet having
consecrated his life to the service
of God and the church these laws
must be obeyed.
On a blooded field of Spain.
And one-o'er her the myrtle showers
Its leaves by soft winds fanned;
midst flowers,
The last of that bright band.
And parted thus they rest, who played
Beneath the same tree;
Whose voices mingled as they prayed
one parent knee
They that with smiles lit up the hall,
with song the
Alas for love, if thou all,
And naught beyond, earth
Felicia Dorothea
It's as difficult toe bow money
makes the man at it is to see how
some make their money.
When a young man thinks he is
it led to a the girl seldom
I it to arbitrate.
I, or photo of Invention for
For free book,
i on For free
What's new, swell, and tweet
is what you always find here in
In a day's journey yon couldn't find a finer
display of than we are showing.
New Colorings in Silks, New
Shapes and New Ideas
are what you'll see when you call. You'll
find a great many styles and patterns hers
that you couldn't get elsewhere if you tried.
They are us and for our trade.
from up to 11.00. Come, see
the new things, for we take in show-
for Bargains
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Caps and
B. BRO.,
Cheap -1 Store in Eastern Carolina.
N. C.
J. Proctor Bros
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, slothing
dry far your family, provisions
for or for
farm, we can supply your
Our mill and are now
in fall blast and are
d to gin grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
of turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
do gen- I repairing of buggies
T. F.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything in t way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Groceries
be with says
believing Atlanta
Dry Goods, Notion, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, Ali
popular drinks. Hot
E A. Mote, Jr.,
I. D.
B. A. SB.,
T D. Gardner, W. R Smith, E. A. Move Mr.,
r. A. Jr. J. B. FACTORY ON
i manufacture the best buggies on this market. We em
none but skilled workmen. We in stock full
line Harness and first glass Farm Wagons.
Call and examine
E. Sr.,
Resolved, Never to lose one no.
meat of lime; improve it the
most profitable way I possibly
Resolved, Never to do any
thing, which I should b afraid to
do, if it were the last hour of my
Resolved, To think much on all
occasions of my own dying, and of
the common circumstances which
attend death
Resolved, When I of any
theorem in to be solved
immediately to do what I can to
ward Solving it; if circumstance-
do not hinder.
To inquire every
night, as am bed,
I have been negligent, what sin
I Lave committed, wherein I
have denied myself; also at the end
every week, mouth and year.
Resolved, to speak any
thing that is ridiculous, or matter
of laughter on the Lord's Day.
Never to the
least measure of fretting
at my of mother.
to suffer no it,
so much as in the alteration
of speech, Of motion of my eye;
and to be especially careful of it, I
Office depot.
next door to Post
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest. Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
utmost and j
strictest to be looking
inti the state of my soul, that I
may know whether I have truly an j
Interest in Christ or no; that when I
f I may not have any i
this to re-
pent of. ,
Never to give over,
nor in least to slacken my
with my however
unsuccessful I may be.
Resolved, After afflictions, tor
is a Better and always I inquire, what I am the better tor
. them, what good I have got by,
them, sod what I might have got
you can get honest, goods at living prices. oar
large stock before you buy and be satisfied win.
with respect to any of our family. . .
Constantly, with Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear.
Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that, tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save yourselves money.
I p i B
I U U f-
o a , I
not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
other warehouse, but its motto is to do little better.
are noted for high prices. Ton have heard
saying about proof of the Just bring
us tobacco we will show you the proof in high
prices. v
pit list.
in the
i Mir I
,; k till
. Paid-up o
Extended works automatically,
Is Non
. within on month
, or within alter lapse, up a satisfactory evident
payment of arrears
after second No Incontestable.
payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, the premium for the currant year be paid,
y may be used To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
L. r,
Greenville N. C.
he On y
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
Prom Far Away Manila.
The W Messenger i
We are receipt of a copy of I
of October
published Manila. It is
I page, four column
printed English. Here is the,
i- of its paragraphing local
They I
i Macedonians on
warpath, aid
that depredations on
. . inn are fully
puss, but
That Lord only hat
h going
That the assistant insular
chiming made a serious
other evening
That h suffering from an,
acute attack of and
he arose from his couch for
In up of obtaining some
to i nil so the portion
his anatomy, and
that he got a bottle
carbolic acid instead, and
That his little tummy is badly
burned, and
That it's all off with his hide.
You can always tell when a
isn't interested in a man by
the way she pretends she is.
Even he has tried picking
a wife a is fool enough to try
to pick in a horse race.
When a woman discharges the
same cook three times one week
it is a sign the cook will be there
next month.
Men never gossip. They simply
a name to their female
friends and proceed to listen.
The place you get married is
called the altar because it is where
sacrifice begins.
you know what it does It B of all desire
drink or drugs, restores the nervous system to its normal
and reinstates a man to his home and business. For full particulars
Greensboro, N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Caps and
B. BRO.,
Eastern Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tr.
left Wednesday evening for New
York and other northern cities.
A. M. Moseley to
gen Wednesday evening.
Dr. J. E. Greene, of LaGrange,
who has been here
Dalt-Blow marriage, returned borne
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. B. T. Evans i quite sick
J. M. Blow, of who
was here attending
returned Wednesday
and Mrs. F. H. Harding,
of Tarboro, who were here attend-
the marriage, re
turned home this morning.
Miss Bettie Tyson this morn
for Baltimore to spend several
May, of spent
today here.
F. C. of Henderson,
was here today.
of Mississippi, who
Las been visiting her sister, Mrs.
T. J. Jarvis, left today.
Edgar Ballard, of Beaver Dam
township, Is all smiles. He has a
little boy at his house.
Geo. of Beaver Dam
township, has a cow that gave
birth to two calves.
F, C. of Henderson,
left this morning.
Misses Fannie Valeria
Homing left this morning for a
visit to Williamston.
Miss Martha Harding, of
same up this morning to
visit her sister, Mrs. F. C. Hard-
Mrs. J. W. Andrews child
returned Thursday evening
from a visit to
James went to
Mrs. John Pearce, of Ayden,
who has been Emily
Harris, returned borne Thursday
B. C. Cannon, of Ayden, spent
day here Thursday.
E. V. Cox returned to Ayden
Thursday evening.
Elder J. M. Bat field, of the
Baptist, was in town today.
Miss Mary Adams is visiting
Mrs. C. O. Brown.
Seven Springs Hotel.
The papers conveying the Seven
Springs property have been made
out, signed and placed in escrow
and only lacks the of
purchasers in accepting and
depositing amount to complete the
The actual purchasers in
the deal are Messrs. Gibson and
of but it
is said there is a stock company or
back of it and the prop-
will be improved, and it has
been intimated that a trolley line
may soon put this famous watering
place in close touch with the world
by transit to the railroad.
Just five weeks to Christmas.
A number of our
coming in after re
without waiting to be re
minded mat it is pay time. Wish
all would do that way.
Stoves want to be fed on wood
and plenty of it now
Jane Latham, one of the colored
people burned out at the fire here
in is rebuilding her house.
Every fabric known, both imported and
domestic. Fashion's latest and mo.-T approved
styles be found here.
extra Heavy
Lined Shirts and draw-
each garment,
Heavy Ribbed, Taped neck
Fleece Lined Union Suits,
and children's,
By far the most artistic line of Paris Models,
Hats we have ever
shown. We spare neither expense or pains to
give our customers the latest styles, lest
and the best workmanship that, money
and brains can produce.
Baby caps
All Prices.
and Children's
H ATS all prices
pairs extra size 11-4 f Q
White Blankets, I -t-V
pairs Grey Bed Blankets
Pairs All-Wool
Heavy Knee Pants,
Pairs All-Wool Fine
Pants, worth I O C
1.00 and 1.50, special, UM
The kind that wears, holds it shape
and color and gives satisfaction.
For Ten days extra cut
prices on the whole line
of Clothing Overcoats
Black Mercerized
worth 1.00, special,
With n-inch Flounce,
31-2 inch 2.00,
Chairs, Couches,
Carpets, Mattings
Rugs, Oil Cloths,
Wardrobes, Cradles.
K. C.
Ayden Department
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet art. Jes.
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents,
If you are not satisfied I will return
Pharmacist. C.
M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best batter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies,
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor to J. L. Gaskins, next
door to bank.
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick Id
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Fall
always on baud. Prices to
suit times. Write or phone
. Aden, C. Not. 21.1903.
Joe m, of
came Saturday to bury bin boy
who died Friday at bis home in
The Christians who have for the
past using
U now the graded school building
in which to conduct their services,
have decided to a large brick
This building will on
street near E. E. Bail and
Co's store.
Br. L. C. to Green-
ville yesterday
E. G. Cox, Rich-
iii to dynamo
repaired, returned yesterday and
w expect to have electric
lights back tonight. We have
never how to appreciate
then till since we have been with-
out for the pat nights.
e Si mud returned from
Kinston yesterday.
W. L. Royster was in town
The Newest Shades in Furs
Fox, Squirrel, Mink,
sum, and
Seal. .
If you want Stylish Furs you
can buy here with confidence.
The white specks or scars on
the finger nails may be removed
by applying a mixture of equal
parts of pitch and myrrh melted
me for prices by the thousand or
carload. truly,
At law,
Ayden, North Carolina.
Are making a specialty of
suitable for winter. We carry F. C. Young's
famous line of Foot we for ladies. pair sold
goes with a guarantee. line of Dress Goods
this season embrace the newest and best. Call on us.
you bought it from it's all
Prepare for it by providing yourself with suitable
prepared to apply you with the best, quality and lowest
prices. Have an eye to comfort and mo a call,
Miss Fannie of
is visiting her sitter, Mrs. Joe
of this
B A. a
trio to Greenville Thursday.
W. R. Harris Wednesday to
accept a position with the Stand-
aid Sewing Co. Bis
territory will be Washington.
Styles in
Thrown Under the Wheels
Wilmington, N. C,
Owen a young farmer,
living Castle this i
county, horribly crushed to j
death under train No,
Atlantic Coast Line a it was
cut the yards in this city to. j
night. was late reach-
the station on his retain home
and came down embankment
and ran up of the train
it was leaving the He at-
tempted to board one of the ears
but in so he miscalculated
the speed of the train and was
thrown under the The
remains were taken to under
laker's are being prepared
for to his borne
Our Skirts
Stylish in Appear-
and hang like
made to order gar-
Jackets and Coats
Style -ad- Fit
If you want the right
have it.
J. B.
Magazine for Dec
cipher, the Christmas cumber, g
well the small price of ten
cents. It is beautifully
ed and especial- j
Cold Comfort
Is what Mi are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would he unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've it easy for you to own one.
There Is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at mob
price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
e else In hardware line.
Yard Wide Homespun
1-2 cents.
I Don't that strike you as being
j cheap Well it is, and give j
an idea of the low prices of our
i goods. Big stock of
to select from and everything
as cheap as the homespun. If
you need Dry Good, Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, anything
better sec us before you buy.
And if you want top price for
your country produce bring it.
to us.
Ayden, N. C.
We are proud of our shoe stock this We are
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we
that no other store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our and -e are able to meet
f most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, ULTRA In character, ULTRA in every feature that con-
tributes to fit, comfort and style. In finish, material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a for which we have never yet had to make apology,
The Shoe is constructed on
without sacrifice of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a weLl and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date lino of children's and shoes i
even better than ever. We are we can you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector print it on your
Physician and
in Block.
I will lot
B. M.
The Home of Women's Fashions.
The On l y Way-
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly edition f