Eastern reflector, 6 November 1903

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
The Plan Brought The Reflector
One Thousand Dollars
in Subscriptions.
Borne months ago The
announced that it was going
to give a Wheeler Wilson, drop-
head, ball bearing sewing machine
to one of its subscribers. To de-
who should get a thous-
and were prepared
consecutively from to
there being tour figures on
every ticket. A blank ticket was
can bring or send it to Be
If the ticket is by
a subscriber too far from Greenville
to come in to bring it. we
would suggest that it be sent by
registered letter to guard against
danger of loss. Write your name
in ink across the back of ticket
and send us your shipping address
and the machine will be shipped
you direct from the factory.
In order the machine, which
is one of the best may be
entirely new when it readies the
winner, and also to avoid the
of it having to be
from Greenville, we have let
it remain in the factory of the
Wheeler Wilson Sewing Machine
Co., at Atlanta, Ga., to be shipped
on our order. It will be ordered
shipped just as is the
holding the winning number
furnishes us shipping directions-
Negroes in the
Washington, D. C, Nov.
The incident which two years ago
brought fame to President Roosevelt
and Booker Washington alike, was
repeated at the white this
afternoon. Negroes, some bright
and others black,
received in the east room by the
president and Mrs. Roosevelt, and
afterwards they partook of a buffet
luncheon in the historic state din-
room. These were
seamen from the May Flower and
the Sylph and they received
together with something like one
hundred other seamen who were
The apparently
their reception by the
chief executive more their
white companions. At least they
manifested outward evidence to
that when leaving the white
house. The occasion promises t
become historic for several
sons. It is the first time in the
history of the government that a
Chicago, Oct. Murray
crushed by the attack
made upon him by bis son, John
Alexander party of enlisted men of either the
statement that I am not the father army or the navy has been formal-
of John Alexander is the y received by the and
sent to Mr. L. ever uttered by the his wife. second lime in
and he was asked to fill of man. It is I the history of the nation that
the blank with a number between should repudiate me have dined at the white
and seal the ticket after I have done for him. i house, the other occasion being
side of three envelopes and e m-v I known to every in the laud,
it direct to Mr. J. L. Little wedlock. No one can deny it. It is a third time that have
of the of Greenville who records be had at the been received socially at the white
had kindly consented to it
without being opened until
should fee requested by the editor
of to break
seal and make public the number
the ticket
The disposition of the
then one being
free to awry of The
who paid as as
at one time, every dollar get-
a ticket., the person get-
ting the ticket in
Maryland and Other States Went
Democratic in the
Jackson, election
here was the quietest ever known
and a small vote There
was no opposition to the demo-
ticket and consequently lit-
Interest in result.
Providence, K. returns
from state election show that Gar-
democrat, has been re-elected
a reduced majority.
Lincoln. is
very close on -Supreme court judge.
Republicans carry the state for
university regents.
Jersey City, N. M.
republican, major, was re-
elected for term of two years, by a
plurality of 1500.
Denver, has gone
republican, electing Campbell for
Supreme court judge by a large
majority. The vote was light.
candidate for governor, is
elected by safe majority.
New B.
was elected Mayor of Greater New
York by plurality. Grout
for comptroller, whom the fusion-
and republicans made such a
fight against, ran ahead of
vote. Low carried but one
of five that was
Richmond. There his vote was
below two years ago. Tam-
many swept the board clean and
great register offices, Princes the other occasions being
Street, Scotland. I the Booker Washington dinner
have always. red a -quiet, peace- and the presence men to
able, Christian life, and it breaks their wives at the judicial Alter election
my heart to have this trouble last winter which Mayor Low sent him a
come inward-the I congressmen made notable when, congratulations. Tam-
forces throughout the city
Two Brothers at War.
g away today and the following
correspondence tells the remainder
N. C. Nov.
Mr. L.
Cashier Bank ii Greenville,
Sir; As of The
sewing machine prise, aIM,
tickets have bean disposed of,
I united in a general
Ky. Bet urns in-
ion by
plurality and the election of
members of the legislature
The sen-
Boston, Bates, re-
Judge who respected they left in high dudgeon.
by the whole lives
in his little cottage.
resemblance between John Murray j
and John Alexander New N- O., 2.-
s dose that the father has of- mm in a
ten keen taken for the son. The. today at the
with the one held by man i growing feeble and the bomber Co., of
Little to have the machine- j recent trouble has aged him where two brothers . republican.
The last of these tickets w. ; The
T. . . l-over a a I dispute. Joseph
. publican for governs,
Greensboro, N. ;., Oct. M president by a plurality of
A white man, giving his name does business, A-
his place of residence the other E. Hawk the re-
Staley, held up by three of one of the small
in Buchanan street, near company
depot, last night and robbed of a fro, It seems that the l.
his purse had Ohio had
, brought of ,,. to With heavy vote
a crowd to his assistance. He was . to be, lot governor will
i found tied to a fence and his as this bis run of Tom Job mod from
He said he hail b was in the city, drove to Legislature
been drinking Co go to Md got possession of the republican.
the to pay a in mill and brought
Durham, N. C, Nov.
ham was voted dry , a
majority of again t
and against
was beyond the hop the
sanguine prohibit
the one in your keeping and
advise me the number recorded
thereon, you still retaining it
the corresponding ticket has
brought to me, when I will
call for the one you have.
yon your kindness
in keeping the ticket the
others were being distributed, I
Yours truly,
D. J.
Greenville, N. C. N-v. 1903.
Mr. D. J. Whichard,
Editor Reflector,
Dear Sir. As requested I have
broken the seal of the
and find that the ticket contains
Congratulating the
holder the winning Dumber, and
hoping the plan has been a
one for The Reflector, I
Yours truly,
James L. Little,
Cashier Bank of Greenville.
Bo the holder number
is entitled to the machine
named Simmons to show
him the way; that Simmons started
with him, but turned him over to
two other who proceeded
to do him up. police were
unable to find Simmons last night
or today.
Paint In the Water.
Wilmington, N. C, Oct.
As a result of drinking water which
was poisoned by paint, the four
year old daughter of Mr, Charles
an architect of this city,
died this morning, and an infant.
son lies at the point of death.
water freshly painted
the u back When E. G.
Hawk had been informed of his
action be. went to the
Richmond, passed
off quietly in this state. Demo-
secured all but about
members of the legislature. Less
office of the company demand-1 poled
this city, where the democrat
ed t the books be to
him. refusal a witness says
he revolver again
d the book. The other
ran bis to his hip in an at-
tempt to s draw a pistol, but
W. F. secretary of the
company, i and in the
one n was discharged but
no damage done. An officer
rived the s arrested all
the parties. T be preliminary trial
held this and E. G.
roof and emptying into a cistern
which furnished the supply of Hank was held under bond
drinking water for the family, was
the cause of the trouble. The
drank the water and it caused
inflammation of the stomach.
Medical skill was powerless to re-
the intense suffering t the
Whoever has this ticket I children. The cannot recover.
for bis e at court, also
justified bond that be would
keep the peace for six months.
was ant under a bond.
Advertising is the that
the and foreign
growths that attempt to It,
ticket had but slight opposition.
Des Moines, Iowa.
from the state show democratic
gains of per cent. This reduces
majority to less than
or per. cent below two
years ago. The vote was light.
Bridgeport, Conn
hill, the labor mayor, was elected
for another term by a majority of
The democrats swept the
only two aldermen being
elected by the republicans.
Salt Lake City,
Hods point to the of the
Gentile city ticket and the defeat
of Mormon in the hottest
in the history of the
at the Liberty
days ago The
printed a leaf tobacco sale made
by the Liberty and
it rave the challenge that it
was the best sale made by any
warehouse in Extern Carolina
this seas n.
The has ho far not
been taken up by any other house,
but on Monday the Liberty made
two sales that even surpassed the
former high record.
Pol C. Bland lots of
were sold a pounds
at at at
at at at
at at at at
40.-, at at
at at at
at at at
at at at
at at making a
total of 2.420 pounds at
For P. W. Burnett Bro. lots
were sold as at
at at at
at at at
at at making a total of
pounds at
Of course it takes good tobacco
to bring those but these
big sales show how W. T. Lips-
comb Co. work for the farmers
who sell tobacco at the Liberty
Fresh Mountain Butter
Chestnuts at M.
buy sheep and cat-
especially young oxen.
Q. T. S.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
Offers selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found in Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimming for Ladies.
Full line Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon A Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
Dry Goods. Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammock.
Two warehouse full of flour, corn, oats, hay
W. Q. administrator of R. H. deceit Bed,
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said R. H. at his death, and offer-
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
HATS, CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. is also agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg.
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
n .-
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. B. Bradley, who is to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Heaters. I
Car load lots . Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton heed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In son a Munger Cotton
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
feed stuffs. We solicit a share of your patronage. Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
J- H- CO-,
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest for country
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco. Cigars.
We make a specialty of
For Men
Women and
It is that we fit the
any In
T. HORTON, Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite prompt
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, o. than ever.
H. C, Nov. 1903.
We desire to some idea of
the immense trade that being
on at Farmville. There
has been up to date, since the cot-
trade opened, two thousand
bales of cotton void, aggregating
nearly hundred thousand
This is only one item in the
diversity of trade products of our
little city, while the ready cash,
passing into pockets of the mer-
chants for goods, is another
of the great amount of
business done there. Every mer-
chant seems to be busy,
although tobacco is very low, still
there la a hopeful feeling pervading
the minds of the people, that as the
year closes, the leaf will find better
prices, repay the farmer for
and labor. We sincerely
hope that trade will De so adjusted
that the farmer may receive prices
that will amply pay him, and the
not lose anything
the advance in the price of tobacco
much desired, that the
may not be the loser.
Our graded school building is
completion, when
wild be a very handsome
and does credit to the
experienced Par-
The carpenters are kept quite
busy. are several other
to be erected, one a large
-tore house for J. W. Parker on
Main street, and W. J.
and W. M.
We notice nut much is said
about the new railroad coming to
place. If hub road tails to
a great deal of
freight which u have, will
be lost to mis road, road
now a ill continue to
hold all the of the town.
We think that the road will
a great deal by leaving Farmville
out of the route. Calculating the
distance Horn point to we
that if this road shall be
direct from Wilson to Snow Mil;,
the latter to
coming to Farmville, it will be
and a half miles further
to Snow Hill to
ville and Farmville off the
route. this fact us
we are certain the road will be
vastly benefited by to
Farmville, a the amount voted
by Farmville township be used
on the the road,
whereas it it- road is not
here, bonus will not be issued,
and the road not pas
or freight We hope
the head men of this new road
will see their opportunity and act
On Thursday evening from to
o'clock Mr. and Mrs J. Stanly
Smith gave a most interesting
in honor of
of Tarboro,
and Vivian Parker, who is at
home for a few days from school at
Wilson. The instrumental music
by Miss Parker and by
Mr. added much
charm to the occasion. A beau-
hand painted was
awarded to Mrs. J. Warren Parker
for her guessing ability. A sump
supper was served, which
bore testimony of Mrs. Smith's
artistic taste. All present join
in thanking Mr. and Mrs. Smith for
so pleasant an evening.
Get connected with the live wire
of inspiration and thoughts
will tingle.
o B
M at a
a Z
M .
IT. C.
J. J.
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling and other
summer dress goods, at about
half price, to make room for
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers
gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best indention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two-
j wagons and one ox cart.
j Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions,
I Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, tic , at
A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
E. A. Mote, Jr., D. D. Gardner, E. A. Sr.,
President a Treas.
D. D. Gardner, W. R. Smith, E. A.
We manufacture- best buggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine our Stock.
E. J. Sr.,
Established Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric
Macon, Ga.
Branch offices aid shops, Rocky Mount,
N. C, and S. C
For prices address Rocky
Mount See.
Ayden Department
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents. If you are not satisfied I will return
M. M. SAULS Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor Mo J. L. Gaskins,
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and
Yard Wide Homespun
1-3 cents.
Don't that strike yon as being
Well it is, and give
an idea of the low prices of our
goods. Big stock of
to select from and everything
as cheap as the homespun. If
Colored People Depot.
Something ought to be done to
prevent the large number of colored
people gathering around the
about time and monopolizing
the premises. They gather there
Urge numbers every day, and it
is much worse on Sundays, when
they go by hundreds. They crowd
all over the platform so that people
business there can hardly
get to the waiting room and bag
gage room. Some regulation
should be adopted that will
vent loafers of both races
the depot the way of
those who have business there.
If the railroad authorities cannot
Mrs. Mary Thomas makes
formal announcement today of the
engagement and coming marriage
of her daughter, Louella, and Mr
Perry Miss
Thomas, who has only been out of
school a short time, is a young girl
of bright and cordial manners, and
handsome She is a
representative of an and prom-
Tennessee family, her father,
the late Mr. James W . Thomas,
who was a well-known and highly-
esteemed citizen of Nashville, was
a treasurer. She is a
great niece of tin- late Miss Jane
Thorns, who was so much beloved
make enforce such a rule the here. Mr. is a native of
you need Dry Goods, officials of the town should take I Mobile, who ha resided in Nash-
come to their for four yearn, and has made
friends here. He
Crockery, Glassware, anything
better see us before you buy.
And if you want top price for
your produce bring it
Witherington Lilly,
Ayden, N. C.
the best Brick fa
Eastern Bricks
hand made- Makes furnace j A
Physician and
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams issued to the fol-
Walter W. Taylor and Pearlie
Ml. -Oil.
many mends He is now
with the Nashville, Chattanooga
St. occupies
an enviable position in the esteem
of his associates.
The marriage will take place at
the Thomas home on West
at o'clock in morning.
arch and building brick. Pull I
always on hand. Prices
suit the times. Write or phone;
me for prices by the thousand or
car-load. Yours truly,
Office in Brick
J. W. Gardner and Lydia Owens. I Wednesday, November and
Samuel Jones Julia Davon- the Immediate family will be
I port. present. The bride will wear a
W. E. Moore Nannie E. traveling costume and there will
I be no attendants.
Claude West and Lee Immediately the ceremony
K. Sarah the bride and groom will leave for
The white specks or scars on
the finger nails may be removed j
by applying t mixture of equal
parts of myrrh I-
W. C. CO.,
Are making a specialty of
suitable for winter. We Barry ST. C. Young's
famous line of Footwear for ladies. Every pair sold
goes with guarantee. Our lino of Dress Goods
this season the newest and best. Call on us.
you it from JUNES it's all
Prepare it by providing yourself with suitable
I am prepared U Supply you with the bait quality and
prices. Have a eye to comfort and give me a call,
and Li I lit
Daniel Adams and Annie Moore.
Williams Joyner.
Blount Clara Nobles.
During the mouth of October
were issued, to whites
Ayden, N. C. Nov.
D. O. Berry and daughter, Miss
Olivia, returned from
Mrs. C. M. Holton, while at
the convention Green-
villa, ill and returned
home Wednesday.
E. P. Cox, of Mills,
was town Thursday.
Mr. Mrs. A. T. Griffin, of Away.
Goldsboro, are visiting at J. F. R q bone
s. I away this afternoon. The
Baker, an ex-student of loose from in front of
the Carolina College, is bar ,,
beta. Glad to see he ,., a
the boys. j mu up
into Second street the
a journey to Florida, slop-
ping to visit Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Z.
in Mobile. On their they
will make their home with Mrs.
Thomas- The bride's Miss
Jessie Thoma, will come
Cleveland t attend the wedding.
Nashville, Banner.
The bride elect is a of Mrs.
J. L. Little, of Greenville.
ii in lift
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N.
D. Hines left
spend a few days
was in town Thursday.
B. S. went to Green
ville yesterday
L II. Cox, of Johnson's Mills,
was on streets yesterday.
L. H. family
left yesterday spend a few
at tin-ii home Johnson's
Mrs. S. I. Jenkins from
the convention
Amos of hi-
lived yesterday to spend a
Mr. and Mrs. John Thorn, o
Farmville, were town Sunday.
W. L. Royster and
inlay in
t. G. and L. M.
to Monday and
returned yesterday.
S. A. Jenkins and Stancill
spent Sunday in Washing-
J. S. May J. D. of
town a short while
Warren Cobb, Standard, was
in town a short while Monday.
John Alexander, of Ahoskie, is
visiting his brothers, Will and
James Alexander, of this place.
Moved to
Mr. J. J. has
moved his family from
Greenville. occupy the
on put street,
which his been during
i the past summer and made one of
I the handsomest residences here.
family will add much to
hone took to sidewalk, the
colliding with Major Hard Citizens of the
gate. Here the horse became ,.,. ,.,,,. . .
free from the buggy, which was.
and ran It's shameful when youth fails
the some one stopped Pet tor old, age,
but the contrary In case
of Dr. Kings New Life
They cut off maladies no matter
how severe and irrespective of old
Board of Commissioners of I age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Fever.
rut on Mo. day, Dec.
7th, 1903. receive bids tor the
of a bridge Tar
river at For particulars
h in i- of Deeds of
Put county
By order of the Board
R. Williams, Clerk.
all yield so mis per-
Pill. at Drug
Advertising is the cultivator
that pulverizes the clods and keeps
the tools properly loosened.
Employed Three Generations.
Mr. G. T. Tyson, of Beaver Dam
tells us while he is
yet not an old man he has had
representatives of three genera
one family at work on his
farm. Thirty years ago one of his
farmers was a faithful old colored
man. Tea years later the old
man's son went to work for Mr.
Tyson, and now a grandsons Is
at work for him.
Advertising is the harvester
that garners the golden
Advertising is the -fertilizer
that prepares the ground for
another and better crop.
Many a man is compelled to
keep his word because no one will
take it.
light purse Is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER la the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
No Substitute.
was taken severely with kid-
trouble. tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved
me. One day saw an ad of your
Electric Hitters and
to try that. After taking a few
doses I felt relieved, and soon
thereafter was entirely cured, and
have not seen a sick day since.
Neighbors of mine have been cured
of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver
and Kidney troubles General
This is what B. P.
Base, of Fremont, writes.
Only at Drug
Some women seem to their
husbands should pay them a
salary running their
but the trouble is they do not leave
them money to do it with.
Terminated with an ugly cut on
the leg B. Franklin
Grove, It developed a stubborn
ulcer unyielding to doctors and
remedies for four years. Then
Halve . cured.
It's just good for Bums, Scalds,
Skin Eruptions sod Piles.
at Drag Store.

in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
for age, that progress is Dot Gold does not make happiness,
inseparable from insolence j able bi t
and that mutual incensing is not i
made more acceptable by reflection i how before the outside world often
upon others. The writer cf that; he around the fireside
bumptious paragraph in the Pro-1 , ., . . , , , .,
Farmer is probably those who bread b-v the
of appreciating the significance sweat of the brow. Durham's latest
of his words. If a man in hie dotage
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Friday, November
was selected to be the
presiding of the conference,
the men who from far and near ac-
invitations to be present are
likely to ask what was the real
of the
To the disgust of all decent
Writing of the ad death of Mrs.
Booth Tucker, the noted Salvation
army leader, the Charlotte News question has sprouted in North
concludes- Carolina. This time it is Prof. John
so we have never felt the chair of his-
Ag ,
Do You Sleep Well
For some weeks past the latest
cure for insomnia has been com-
pressed into the advice,
your toes and Nearly every
newspaper in the United States has
copied this remedy, so-called.
The counting process has been
worn threadbare. Counting the
H. C. Hanks goes to the Asheville
News goes to trust dollars.
Washington for the above paper and
the Charlotte Observer, and Vin-
sensation is a suit brought by L.
Duke against his wife, which it is
said may be followed by a divorce, j knots in the ceiling used to be
It seems have not together and if the roofs
for two years or longer. A plain lifted and
I be counted every night, the record
would be astonishing for numbers
The trouble is that one's thinkers
go on a rampage whenever one stops
trying to think.
This effort to stop thinking is on
home with domestic happiness is
worth more all the cigarette
The stench in the government
pie, another fanatic on the race of the News, goes department has reached of the hardest things ever attempted
the Observer. They are all good
newspaper men. and we hope the
changes will profit them.
The mayor of is on
Theodore says that the reasons for
lynching a horse thief are evident,
but that there is no excuse for
lynching a rapist He is die kind
hundred years. who above
own flesh and blood.
the army uniform nor to decry their
peculiar and spectacular methods. North Carolinians are little given to
If there are men the .-an only be leaking of violating several laws.
reached in that way, 1-1 not our more , . knew it made an
correct canons of taste shut such solves, but when one does begin to why, we never knew made any
men out. And then there is some- that buzzing noise in the place difference how many laws a man
thing inspiring in the military ,, he. and office-holder violated in Penn-
which they render their
a that any Christian generally goes the whole hog.
Church might well desire for its Such is the case with Prof. Bas-
, . , , . .-
sett, who. m the South Atlantic
And never in the history of the, .
Quarterly, declares that Hooker
world has there been an institution
Washington is the greatest man
deserving of being made light
of. are not
ways of the finest appearance, but
are workers in the cause of the
brave consecrated men
-and women to whom the religion of
Jesus Christ is a vivid and lasting
reality. They endure much,
much and hope much. They
feed the starved body well as the
sin-stained soul, and they make I
Christ's religion a thin possible of,
attainment for the poor wrecks of
the street. They don't ask how bad j
you have been, they d
impossible promises,
something if you de-
sire to desire something better than
sin and its price, they take you into
their hearts and the little store of
material things they have. You don't
have to wear fine clothes to find the
Christ of the Salvation army soldier.
the office of their assistant post-
master general. The disclosures of
corruption keep on involving higher
officials and even the head of the
by a nervous person.
The prescription which calls for
waggling and snoring reads this
way. on the right side with
the knees together and considerably
department may be found tainted I flexed should
before the meeting closes. At any begin to pedal both his feet, slowly
rate he goes at investigations very up and down with the movement en-
The old lady who took along a
foot warmer with her to the
Paris had an eye to comfort, but
in the ankles. The
should keep time with the natural
rhythm of respiration and be con-
until it is followed by deep
and spontaneous breathing.
people who have tried
this remedy, report involuntary deep
there came near being a panic in the
audience when the shawl wrapped j breathing invariably before they
around the warmer took fire and the have Polled up and down a dozen
except General Robert E. Lee, and
that the will eventually
force social equality. The Trinity We don't see why old man
Solomon goes on the above strain has any kick coming because John
at length, and slanders and defames i Alexander says the old man is not
the South and Southern sentiments j father. It is a thing to be proud
smell of smoke
began spreading
in word he
Candidly, we are ashamed that
such a measly mind should belong
to one who is connected with one of
the state's proudest scats of learn-
If Trinity is what it
always been considered in the South
i it's head will droop shame for
If desire . , , ,
harbored a spectacular viper.
times. In obstinate cases of
the patient may need to keep up
the two or three minutes-
The records of the mayor's court even more with intermission if
, necessary,
are strong argument against saloons
,. , , treatment may be varied by
Places are licensed to make people; , ,. ,,, , .
moving the feet alternately instead
drunk and the people are fined be-
cause they get d. Better do
ease and fortunes and
There is now a sense of
calm repose among the
who want to be president. It is an-1
that the Charlotte
the ticket.
and his host have- shaken.
off the dust of New York. They
have pulled up stakes and and
of simultaneously, though the latter
method has proved the more
in the cases known to the
explanation is simple. The
blood is pumped from the head and
with the removal of brain tension, a.
general relaxation follows with cum-
of Arkansas this time
breaks i found that freshing
who insults the
ideals of North Carolina and
South. We blush for Trinity.
Of course Prof. Bassett's diatribe
will have but one will
ply feed the fire of race hatred, that
out on the race Some-
how we have a recollection that Jones
has failed annually in something.
is not so easy to turn over as John
Alexander thought.
So far, so good, but what is good
for one is not always the best plan
for another. What is
i , meat is another's is the old
Those who refused . . , , .
. saying. One man might waggle
The man who Hooker kt their midnight if hi drank a.
Washington and Gen. It. E. Lee cup of strong or was perplex-
, is now and ever has been kept alive
Poor, naked and lame, you , , , , . , . m,.
p by fools, frauds and fanatics. I fie
are led to the of the world,
who as ye have
done it unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it unto
I professor's glory in his incendiary
i utterances will fade quickly, but he
has added his load of fuel to the
airs. Van of
New York society, is now hankering
to have Booker Washington as a
dinner guest. Well, the woman's
name does sound a little
and that's a fact.
flames, and we find ourselves wish-
that he could live long enough to
suffer in them for his misdeeds.
the same breath is too tough for tar
and feathers.
to be collared and pulled out by
ed about a. business matter
another passenger, must have bees great anxiety. Sometimes
Theodore has- not recovered from
the castigation administered by,.
Schoolmaster Gorman, and is still
taking his meals perpendicular.
The, applause of a grateful
awaits the hero who succeeds
in marooning and
Carrie Nation on some distant, dis-
desert isle.
is thinking of getting up
a tea party on the order of the in-j credits him. The
formal little incident which took
place in Boston about years
A scientist now claims to be able
to make it a boy or girl, just as
wanted, but he doesn't guarantee to
tell what its name will be.
Peebles is probably
on getting into some other kind
of business when his present term
I expires.
Reviewing the Greensboro re-
union the Progressive
M. W. Ransom was
the presiding officer, but most I
of the actual work fell to Dr. j
General Ransom is clearly in his I
dotage, and we do not think it is
good taste to longer exhibit him in
places of such
Such a thought and such language
are vile, ungentlemanly and untrue.
Gen. Ransom spoke in Greenville a
short while ago, and he was not in
his dotage then. He was the same
brilliant, chivalrous soldier-states-
man with which history and fame
of a
floe dog are not more contemptible
than the words quoted from the
Progressive Farmer, commenting
upon which the
paragraph is eminently
of the new move-
for the South, in which a few
youngish North Carolinians at home
and abroad have gained some note,
and which does not seem able to
avoid patronage or ignorance the
past. It may be suggested, however,
that years of faithful service to
state, years of accumulated honors,
ought to inspire youth with respect
We will reserve our
on the election until tomorrow,
when we shall be able to guess it
I exactly.
Roosevelt is fixed now.
Alexander has. given an
With Hooker and
Dewie both backing him
ought to well helped up.
Prof. was wise enough not
his opinions on the race question
during the white supremacy cm-
Mr. Bryan is not the only editor
who hires somebody to run his pa-
per while he basks in the limelight.
Charlotte goes the
liberties of the dealers.
Bar rooms there now to
close at, J o'clock iii the evening.
Oh What Maryland
doing to is a
. .,
The Durham Sun is discussing
Year two months in ad-
have a full coal
If Theodore is and doesn't
know any better, how old will Ann
be when he cuts hi wisdom teeth
A contemporary says the
into Santo Domingo looks like
war. Well, it s the first time.
There isn't time enough on the
calendar to give Sain Parks the
length of sentence he deserves.
That South Carolina juror betray-
ed everything except the amount he
received for doing it.
Probably Parson Masses thinks
he has good company in Prof. I.
Football is growing as tame as
war. Only killed so far this
How old will Ann
thing is settled .
be when
Ann is not
years young.
She is
worry ourselves- sleep,;
and insomnia by
Insomnia its thousands. It
is a forerunner of insanity very of-
Waggling and snoring- are no ex-
pensive remedies and worth try-
dieting will the bill,
quite. often. A full stomach will
make a throbbing brain, nine cases
out of tan.
if possible, dismiss, your worries.
when lie down at It is.
strenuous mind that makes
begin to rampage, as the.
rule; but waggling and snoring will
it once Atlanta Journal.
Referring to the contemplated re-
union of survivors of the famous
battle of the Crater, near Peters-
burg, Vs., a well inform-
ed of Confederate history says that
the Sixty-first North Carolina
took part in that memorable
engagement and a number of
i veterans were there. Mr.
Jno. E. Crow, who was one of the
number, has received an invitation
from Mr. Geo. S. Bernard, president
of the Petersburg Branch of the
Grand Bivouac of the Crater Legion,
asking him to be a guest in his home
in Petersburg on that occasion. It
is more than probable that Mr. Crow
will Star.
Burglar proof safes seem like all
the rest when the real burglar pays
a to get in.
w ,
. . m who is authorized to rep- I FT I V IV
-This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and
Nov. 1903.
the advance cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
save you money as we bought
bulk of our stock st old prices and
sell the way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber
Any and all who doubt what
about buggy
harness taking the lead, both in
prices and quality, are kindly
asked to call and Bee for them-
Several in stock all
the while.
Misses Ives end
Saturday and
day with Mrs. J. D. Cox.
See M. L. the jeweler.
promptly done. Work
Mrs. Gertrude of Grifton,
spent the Sabbath here with her
brother, J. B. Greene.
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
All kinds of scroll and turned
work done to order by the Winter-
ville Co.
Mies Addie Cox, who has been
visiting for a long while at White
Hall, returned home Saturday.
G. A. Kittrell Co. have sup-
ply of seed rye for sale.
We would call attention to the
fact we have added dry goods to
our Hoe of merchandise and re
ask the public to call
A man with a bride of only three
weeks to desert and leave her
among strangers deserves punish-
more severe human in-
can-inflict. We of
such a case not a thousand miles
from our door; yet not a has
been done to the rascal.
For Rent or house and
lot located between Josephus Cox
and A Cox. on
Apply to C. A. Fair.
We have in stock the beet line
of shoes ever offered here and can
fit you in both size and price.
Bring your family and we will
keep this red on, so we will make
squeal before yon get it on
your foot. B. F. Manning Co.
Dr. Cox in addition to hie drug
stock always has on hand a com-
line of free school books, pen
scratch tablets, pens, pencils,
the finest assortment of box
ever brought to Winter-
Box bodies, dump bodies, rail
bodies and all other
kinds of bodies for wagons and
carts always baud at our
Come day you will, rain or
the goods are thine.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
On last Friday night, at the
h.-me of Mr. B. G. Chapman, the
Misses Chapman entertained a
merry party of young people very
pleasantly. The parlor was furn-
with games, which were
greatly enjoyed, after which
served. The
We hope that you won't mind being prodded gently
about your Winter Suit-for it's time you were thinking about
If every man in town, who goes to the tailor for his
clothes should see the .
Suit Elegance
we are now showing, we are very much afraid that some
of the tailors have to close shop.
See the three and four button Sack suits, single
and double breasted styles. Hand-padded collars, narrow
hand-padded lapels and hand-made buttonhole
cut generous in width, with narrow welted Side
Yes, sir, we want you to buy one of these you will
find it satisfactory to the last degree, and not w again. .
B. F. Maiming Co., will Pay j attendants Misses Bessie,
the highest cash market price for
i your cotton peed.
We have spared no time in For G. A. Kittrell
our stock and we think we recently burned a
suit the most reason-
F. Manning Co. j to suit the times.
Tremendous crowd
Branch Sunday.
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. Send your
The other day party bought orders right along get the best
some wire from A. G. Cox cheroot world for the money
Mfg. Co. saying that he wanted a patronize home industries,
which turn his own Satisfaction guaranteed.
hogs as well as other folks, and Bring cotton
to Winter-
only that will, have it ginned. G. A.
do it is make with barb wire Co. will buy your seed
woven j at the gin pay highest mark et
We now manufacturing a; prices or give you meal in ex-
wash boArd out of the old North i change for them.
Carolina pine, also of gums. These
are the very best kind of wood
be used. Apply to
Mfg. Co. . .,
J- u.
Board fl per day. Best
See If b. the jeweler.
i Repair i i g promptly done. Work
The Winterville Mfg. Co.
a specialty of
Kate Chapman, Hattie
Janie Kittrell, Vivian
M and Mayne Ives.
Mrs. F. O. Cox and Mrs. W.
Rouse spent the day yesterday in
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Browning, j
Miss Nellie Beck, Will Fair,
George Fair and M r. Henry, of j
Atlantic City, N J., arrived last,
to visit Mr.
A. Fair.
Prof. Stokes and H. L. Hamil-;
too are in Farmville.
Arch House, of Greenville, was
here Sunday
Misses Bertha and Clyde Dawson
came home from Grifton j
j Miss Lena Dawson has taken
charge of a school at
Mies Harding, having
found it to teach
For Bargains
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Caps and
B. BRO.,
We have a hats
House town.
public school at
Thomas Miss Cornelia Nobles has
been employed by the committee.
both old and young, trunks, h. J. Chapman and
valises, at prices of were
we think very reasonable and to our town Monday,
always glad to serve you and save w. L. Hurst has returned from
your money if possible. I Bertie.
Harrington Barber Co. j p Co., will pay
Now a word to the wise. Go to, the highest cash price for your
B. F. Co., before j cotton seed.,
their bargains are exhausted. Ml, at the Drug Store
Miss Kate Chapman left Sunday pleased to show yon their
to take charge of a school near handsome gold and fountain
She was
panted by her sister, Miss Bessie, r. W-.
returned Monday Tinware.
A iD His infinite love and I A. D. Q
says, speaking has seen fit to take from
Cox Mfg. Go's and brother,
used a pair of the Cox cartwheels be it
for ten years or more, and are
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Bats and
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes, Crackers Cheese
fresh. Tobacco Snuff and C i-
Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
Fruits Vegetables, Rice,
I--J o-n,. Roast-
as good now as new. I have also
used their wagons and can say that
anyone intending buying
make mistake in purchasing
the for they have
proved all right in every way.
Name given on
Cotton sold as high as here
S. therefore be it
That while we
bow in humble submission to the
will of Him who all
well, yet we realize that
Council No. Jr. lO. A.
M. has lost one of its most zealous
and faithful members.
Resolved, That we tender
oar deepest sympathy to the be-
family j praying the bless-
J. R. of Kinston, was q upon and trusting
here a short while Monday on his a true life and
J A Full Line of Millinery
way home from Greenville.
buggies don't
Honeysuckle vines. They
re carefully hand made of select
material under the direct super-
vision of B. H. in
of A. Q. Cox Mfg. Co. Those who
them know the rest.
j meet him in the home beyond.
Resolved, That a copy of
these be sent to the
bereaved family, a copy be spread
on minutes a copy be sent
J. F.
A. D.
G. B.
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best and latest styles always on
hand. Call and see. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug store.

K. .
J. Proctor Bros
If you lumber build a house,
furniture K go In it, clothing and
far y. provisions,
for Tour or for e
your e we v roar
Our mill and are now
in full and we are
pared to gin cotton, corn.
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
of u-J work for ;
and house trimmings. We also j
do repairing of H. C.
carts wagons
When the girl gets the
ii i- a
fat where it show
other way.
N. C. Not.
J. M. Ormond made a business
trip to last Thursday.
Churchill vent to Tarboro
Deputy Sheriff W. H. Williams
on our list Thursday
collecting taxes for this year. He
our township was the star
I township, last year, being only
eighteen cents the insolvent
list. Our township is always in
the lead. It people never falter
from doing their duty.
Taylor, of W. J.
and K. P. Taylor went to In-
Saturday and returned yes-
Misses Ethel Hill, of Fountain
j Hill, and Sal lye Palmer, of Hook-
visited Mis Margaret Or
mood Saturday and Sunday.
Jasper went to Kinston
yesterday. He says he he
will go again real soon.
J. B. Turnage and sister,
. M, ,. N , Miss Lillie Hodges
. . of Falling Creek, Sunday.
Goods, Fancy r. . . , . ,,
eerie, Tobacco and The Our High school has m enroll-
only Soda Fountain in town. All j M pupils,
the popular drinks. Hot Prof. Stephens, with Mist Carver
every day. assistant and music teacher
make a fine corps of teachers The
; enrollment may reach a
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
anything the farmer sells.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Peed and Country Produce.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
I Christmas.
N. C.
S stock of fully selected Groceries. Dry Goods.
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
E Country Produce bought and old. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed load.
Jas. F. Davenport
New Front.
We are showing a splendid assort-
of the newest and best, and
we are offering them at low prices.
Mohair, black, Henrietta,
Mohair, black, inch Silk Henrietta 1.25
Mohair, and blue, 1.00 i Cheviot Sere, colors,
Mohair, cream, 85152-inch Cheviot blue, 1.00
black, blue,
blank, 1.00
black, 2.00
86-inch Venetians,
58-inch Broadcloth, 1.00
de 1.50
inch de Crepe, 1.00
Mercerized to 1.00
A full Line of DRESS TRIMMINGS, including Persian Bands,
Pendants, etc. e display of Dress Skirt
Petticoats. We carry the and
HOES for ladies. We can surely please every woman.
Give your farm a name and
The Reflector to print it on your
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. Whedbee has dis-
of the following cases in his
court from Oct. 8th. lo Nov. 3rd.
Henry Fleming, jumping on and
off a moving fined and
costs 13.85.
Arthur affray, fined
and costs
a Allen drunk and
d fined and costs
John B. Fleming, drunk and
down, fined costs,
Willis Johnson, colored, larceny
bound over to Superior
Wiley Move, affray, fined and
E. D. Turnage, drunk and down,
fined and coats
Charlie Curtis and S. It.
fined each costs 18-
drunk and
orderly, fined and costs
Joe disorderly
Sued and costs
Dane drunk and down,
fined costs
West, using vulgar and
profane language, fined and
Harris, drunk and dis-
orderly, fined and costs,
Stokes, and dis-
orderly fined
H. Corey, and dis-
orderly, fined costs,
Richard drunk and
down, fined and cost,
Richard carrying con-
weapon, hound over to
David Sermons, and
fined and costs,
Isaiah and Jack Pay ton,
affray, fined each and costs,
you can get honest goods at living prices. See our
large stock before you bay and be satisfied with
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
ft Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give a trial
and save yourselves money.
The market is a Little Better and the is always
is not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
other but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
saying about proof of the Just bring
us your tobacco we will show you the proof in high
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
else in the hardware line.
Carelessness is responsible for
many a railway wreck and the
same causes are making human
wrecks of sufferers from Throat
and Lung troubles. But since the
advent of Dr. King's Hew Dis-
for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, even the worst cases
can be cured, and hopeless
nation is longer necessary.
Mrs Lois of Dorchester,
Mas., is one of many whose life
was saved by Dr. King's New
Discovery. great remedy is
for all Throat
Lung by Wooten's Drug
Store. Price and 91.00.
Trial bottles free.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
L. P. Lawrence left mom
for Conetoe.
G. E. Cherry went to Tarboro
Mrs. H. M. this morn-
for a visit to Suffolk.
B. G. Barrett, of Kinston, spent
Sunday here.
W. W. Perkins spent Sunday in
Savage spent
c F. D. Foxhall went up the road
L. H. Rountree went to Kinston
Sunday evening.
Mrs. J. J. Perkins has been very
the last few days.
Harry Skinner returned to
J. B. Patrick, of Ayden, spent
Sunday here.
Mrs. L. A. left Sun
day evening for a visit to Kinston.
J. Norman returned
evening from a trip up the road.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. re-
turned Sunday evening from a
visit to Conetoe.
J. T. Matthews, Washington,
came up Sunday to visit his
daughter, Miss Lena
W. Gabriel and
ton, of Washington, Sunday
S. P. of Washington
City, arrived Sunday to
visit his brother, B. B.
Miss Betsey Greene, of La-
Grange, arrived today to visit her
sister, Mrs. F. Hodges.
Mrs. H. of Suffolk,
who bad been spending a
here left this morning.
Miss Bettie Draughn, of Ashe-
ville, arrived this morning to
Mrs. H. T. King.
A. J. Moore, who had been
spending a few at home, re-
turned to Chapel Hill today.
Secretary of State J. Bryan
Grimes spent Sunday here and re-
turned today.
Misses Alice Hudson and Mabel
Kittrell left Sunday evening fir
school at Winterville.
Mrs. Hines, of Kinston, who
has been visiting Mi. H. B.
returned home Saturday even-
Mrs. Alice Rountree, of Kins-
ton, who has been visiting
here, returned home
Miss Minnie left Sun-
dry for
where will take charge of a
Miss Susie Perry, of Kinston,
who bad been Misses Hen-
and Essie returned
home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B, L. Carr return
d Saturday evening from Wash-
City, Philadelphia, New
York, and other northers cities.
G. M. and Will
ton, of came in
Saturday evening and returned
Miss Annie D. Bland, of Grifton,
who has been Mrs. H. C.
Edwards, returned home Saturday
Little Misses Wingate and
ton, of Winterville, who were vis-
little Miss Mary Brown, re-
turned home Sunday evening.
Mrs. L. M. and little son,
who were here
the convention sis the guests of
Mrs. J. A. Lang, left this morning
for d.
Every fabric known, both imported and
domestic. Fashion's latest and most approved
styles can be found here.
Lined Shirts and draw-
each garment,
Heavy Ribbed, Taped neck
Fleece Lined Union Suits,
and children's,
By far the most artistic line of Paris Models,
Hats we have ever
shown. We spare neither expense or pains to
give our customers the latest styles, best ma-
and the best workmanship that money
and brains can produce.
Baby caps
All Prices.
and Children's
HATS-all prices
pairs extra size 11-4 j A Q
White Blankets,
pairs Grey Bed Blankets O C
Pairs All-Wool
Heavy Knee Pants,
Pairs All-Wool Fine
Pants, worth
1.00 and 1.50, special,
The kind that wears, holds it shape
and color and gives satisfaction.
For Ten days extra cut
prices on the line
of Clothing Overcoats
Black Mercerized
worth 1.00, special,
With n-inch Flounce,
31-2 inch 2.00,
Chairs, Couches,
Carpets, Mattings
Rugs, Oil Cloths,
Wardrobes, Cradles.

Wholesale retail and
Furniture Dealer. paid
I rides. Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, err. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carte,
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax Snail,
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Attention, Tobacco Farmers
The ed
Co. has been d
Tinder the laws of North
and all arrangements
have been made for the conduct
of a tobacco warehouse,
at warehouse,
ville, N. We ask the pan. u-
age and support of the fob
growers of country
the ground of merit and
This is a corporation, and mi
like an individual business pan
the Stock holders are
no for any de-t-
that may be made by the company.
We simply say this because the
rerun has been circulated to i la.
contrary. We shall endeavor
merit your patronage. We
promise you more than anyone
else, but we all
tee yon the price.
Look into this business, examine ;
its charter and see If it is not to.
to support and par- i
Yours to Serve,
The i Consolidated
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Dyspepsia Care does for stocks. Cotton, Grain and
Stomach that which it ons. Private Wires to New York,
to do for f, even when but I Chicago New Orleans.
lightly disordered or over-loaded .
Dyspepsia Cure supplies
toe natural juices of digestion aid
due the work of the stomach, re-
lazing the nervous tension, while
the . flamed of that
in rest and yon can pet a
K Dyspepsia Cure digest done-a
,, . . nail or screw driver or
enables the stomach I Jg Have a good
organs to
all i I into rich, red blood. Sold
J. ff. PERRY CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Hue Apples, Syrup, American and Italian Marble I
Floor Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed and Hulls, Gar-
If a Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
China Ware, and Wooden
Ware, Cake and Crackers, Much
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity, for cash. Com
j me.
S. M.
The Newest Shapes in Furs
Fox, Squirrel, Mink,
sum, and
If you want Stylish Furs you
can buy here with confidence.
Wire and Iron Fence Sold.
work and prices reasonable
designs d pee on a j ration.
i 1.1-
Whichard, N. C.
Norfolk. Va.
The Stock complete in every de
j j , and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country prod
b; hi L.
there ire sheets on
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
j we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
fL useful article.
Of Course
You Harness,
Horse Goods,
personal experience I testify
DeWitt s Little Early Risers
as a liver
Tiny rightly named because
and energy
work with T,
, Tex.
of are using these tiny little
pills in preference to all others,
they are SO pleasant
effectual. They core biliousness,
tin pill liver j head-
ache, constipation, etc. They do
i purge and weaken, but cleanse j
a Sold by Jno. L. I A is always sure is
good time when two men ask
her to go and she goes with the
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
; Washington daily, except Sunday,
a, m for Greenville, leaves
, Greenville daily, except Sunday,
i at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
i Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
j Swan Quarter, and
all for the West with rail-
i roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
M the Old Dominions. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
i Boston.
Greenville, N. C.
IT. H. MYERS, Agent,
Washington, N. C
it lantern-jawed man isn't
r- a brilliant convert
one she doesn't wont to go with to;
make other one m
T i he most remarkable
id, deep on the lungs
i v. is that of Mrs
E. Marion, Ind
was entirely by the
Minute Cure.
coughing and n
me I ran do i
from to
Presbyterian Synod.
Wilmington, V Nov.
Presbyterian Synod -f
Carolina will hold its sen-
here this week, commencing;
Styles in
Jackets and Coats
Style and Fit
If you want the right
have it.
Our Skirts
Stylish in Appear-
and hang like
made to order gar-
n v.
D. W.
a of remedies to r
until I used Cue Minute
i. Cure. bottles of
I remedy cured me en-
of the cough, strengthened
n me to mi
weigh i, health am
Bold by John
through week. It is
estimated that the attendance will
he and the leading min-
the Presbyterian
will present, also prominent
divines from other states.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
It is easier to judge a woman
I doesn't say than by what
i. C. Haney, O., bad
e piles for years.
do no last
Witch Hazel
cured him permanently,
for cuts, burns bruises,
s, laceration, eczema,
and all other skin;
Look for the name
on the others
. i cheap, worthless counterfeits.
Sold by Jno. L. Wooten.
Faint heart never won fair lady
without a lot of strenuous
on her part.
A woman may cure her husband
of the tobacco habit by purchasing
hi cigar for him.
pl Stubborn
Back up Our Claims for
Fact Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact i not a drug, but
a normal, scientific cur for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and
prohibit tendency to depression or low spirits.
Women with troubles peculiar to
restored to perfect health. Your will
cheerfully add his testimony to oars.
with every
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Hoofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding. Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof-
Orders for any work in my
Una receive prompt attention.
Work room Baker
We are proud of our shoe stock this We are
certain we have the finest line we have ever shown and we are
that no other store gets even a little bit ahead of us.
ULTRA and Shoes for Women
are our strong cards, and we are able to meet the require-
of the most fastidious as well as the more conservative pat-
and we invite a thorough inspection of our in
name, in character, ULTRA In every feature that con-
tributes to lit, comfort and style. In material and work-
we are proud to present to all lovers of good taste in
footwear a shoe for which we have never yet had to make apology.
The Shoe is constructed on common-sense
without of those attributes that appeal to a woman's
taste, or her pride, in a well and stylishly dressed foot.
Our usually up-to-date line of children's and infant's shoes is
even better than over. We arc can insure you perfect
satisfaction and save you money in your shoe needs.
Pulley Bowen's
The Home of Women's Fashions. .
The On y
To get the confidence of the pros-
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.,
and Friday.
VOL. No.
before the board and made
known to that the petition
be presented at their
meeting and that they would
be requested to order the
take place sometime in February.
He stated that those for whom he
spoke confidently believed the
of the elect-on will be in
favor of but
thought it was but fair
that those engaged in the liquor
business have reasonable
time to close their business and
seek other employment. That if
the petition is presented in
J. Wiley Shook Boils Over.
Asheville, N. C. Nov.
Wiley Shook, official undo-
was recorded by the state
press a short time ago, read the
election returns with an emotion
which was not entirely unmixed
with joy. The chief executive is
just DOW particular
cal that gentle-
man this morning sent President
Roosevelt this
R t,
D. C.
in all directed
person and nations through line
the election is held in
I, . . ,. , ,., line, and precept upon pie-
I February that the saloon keepers. T . .,.
have until July 1st to
, . that the
other . . ,
vi while the simple
In He has
spirit of the law seems to
,, . i go and are punished.
allowing six mouths that r
., Can yon not see the forecast
will j J
the results in New York Ohio
The Liquor Jen Will be Given arrange
, that time. Ho I
Until Next June to Get
Out Business.
-can that this is not
ample the meantime
the campaign
distillery will go right on.
Committees have been
to it. Those men engaged
-liquor business in
ville had just as well make written with a
their minds now that they
Announce at once that
you are no candidate for the
that the ad ministration
Stands the nomination of Senator
you persist in the
succeed getting
A number representative
of the town met
night in the office of Mr. F. O.
Harding for the purpose of in it after the 30th
prepared under June. The is
direction of the league u toe carried against
to the board of asking
an-election be called on the
nomination, all the caustic in
human language, writ
dipped gall that preserves
son is of the daunted, will tail
Convention County Superintendents.
The second convention
of the tale association of
superintendents will convene in
the hall the house of
next Wednesday morning,
13th, and continue for
two day.
Eighty-five out of the ninety-
seven superintendents the state
have already notified the state
superintendent of politic
that they will attend the entire
meeting and the ether twelve will
probably be heard from favorably
interest manifested by the
large number who have written
that they are coining speaks well
for the educational enthusiasm
that is abroad the state of North
Carol i i a.
Au est program has been
arranged, beginning Wednesday
at eleven o'clock
Friday morning at eleven
On Wednesday, the first
day the convention, among
other numbers the program is
to p. m.
Institutes. Discussion led by
Superintendent Y. Moore of
a calamity will befall Superintendent W.
it ion of establishing a
in Greenville and a
diet operating in the
Ai this meeting of citizens all the
r -i t of the election were
d, and consider-
these it was not
sent th e petition to the aldermen
until ii -e January j the
board. for de-
a re as
The V says
I'll be called in Hie
year Abe petition is -ire-
it a ad the
be held three months of
e with
this part if the law, petition
had sow -the
not than the 28th
the nation.
Democrats m Jubilant.
Washington, D.-C, Nov.
The democrats Washing-
All of
The state is at peace.
in the land.
, are jubilant over the
much Even I. . ,
, the yesterday.
On Thursday will be an
explanation of the Grimes and
The But Sale Yet.
Par hum report
lives have that fir the first time
sorrow can j years light
cause for in the is made that by
which has wrought t
. , . a, . j . . will be voted
out by Acknowledge-, , . , .
lot BOWer th lobbies the
went mercies received . , j. . . .
. Ii. -Is and street comers demo-
a people a , am I politicians
i rules the destinies to talk over the situation. Sana-
States as well as individuals tor of Maryland, was in
ton ii bright and early.
I, Charles B. Governor
of the State of North Carolina, personal victory
He was
he won.
best single sale of this
market this season. This lot
L. Bland, i Craven
Thursday, Nov. S. The I
in which
started rebuild
warehouse made
people they we-re going to
make a record
I hey hare certainly done so
we give the figures of the sale
Sixty-six for
The teachers of Pitt county are a
courageous company, showing a
determination in their work that
braves weather conditions and
brings them together their
work. It was cold today,
many of ilium live a long dis-
from town, while but
short notice had given of this
meeting there were quite a
of teachers in
Devotional were con.
ducted by Rev. F. G. Hartman.
The roll was called by the
and Rags-
dale sailed the roll districts for
reports of teachers.
The tee on nominations of
officers made the following report.
H. King.
Eula Cox.
Assistant Delia
The was adopted.
Former president, Prof. G. E.
who has made a most
faithful excellent president
the association, called the new
president to the chair. In taking
of the Prof. Everett
made interesting address,
warmly thanking the association
for the honor conferred upon him.
He said he had worked with teach-
in states, but has
been associated with any that
excel teachers of Pitt county.
The library committee
purchasing books and
the library by the next
j meeting of the association,
Next com m it tee on course of
study made a report and the
took a recess t dinner.
,,,,,. I pounds for pounds for
therefore, this toe impetus , f . . , , f
., i. , no pun-ids for M pounds for
setting apart presidential boom .,., . ,. ., .,.
W for -0, o pounds
of December, as another election gives him, was mentioned, j
was in town t he
as a day of thanksgiving and senator declined to,
; mercies which
the la v says that when a
majority of the a
vote against saloons it shall be
lawful for the county
era or governing board such
town to issue license to
any ho sell liquor the ,
, , , , day all our
town, but engaged . . .
God has prospered
on which all people the He is
to respective to lead senate j
of Gad
pounds for
for the
to legislative victory this winter.
His friends nay tho
mud as will take, care of j
and to aSk for Hts
and in the
earnestly that on this
the have six
months from the date of the Sec-
to dispose their stock on
hand close business if
their license continue in
long. Under this part of the law
if the should be held on
the 29th of no licenses
could be issued on the 1st of
following, and as licenses
already issued would expire the
81st of December saloon men
would have only two days in which
to dispose of stock on hand and
close their business. This
be practically putting them of
business at once.
The board of aldermen being in
session Governor Jarvis was de-
to before them and make
known to that petition
would not be presented at this
meeting hut that it he at
the first meeting in January, 1904.
Governor Jarvis went immediate
us unto
who are needy, particularly to the
widows and the orphans.
Done at of Raleigh, this
the second of November, in
the Year of our Lord thou-
sand nine hundred and three,
and in the one hundred and
eighth of our
can independence.
By the Governor
P M. Private Sec-
N. C, Nov.
middle aged white woman was
mortally wounded here last night
by accidental discharge of a
revolver which fell from the pock-
et of a man who was room.
ball struck her the forehead
and passed to the center of the
head. The Woman lingers at the
but there is no of
her coo very. ,
Baltimore, Md. Nov. was
a wholesale victory- far the
in Maryland. Warfield,
for Governor as late
will have a majority of
ties, making a total of The
heavy vote polled in
the city and state was something
of a prise to most
sanguine of that party. Judge
William in an
interview today, suggested the
North Carolina
amendment as a possibility in
Maryland. Plans to eliminate the
vote are being generally
Better Grades Sell Well.
The tobacco warehouses had
sales th is week. For ordinary
grades prices ruled low, usual,
where good were offer-
ed the were very
Some tobacco said as high
as swats a this week.
it O. Nov.
navy department received three
dispatches today from
John i. of the gunboat
Nashville at Colon. the first he
told he had landed a force of
blue jackets and marines to
serve order at that place. In the
second telegram he there had
been no blood shed at Colon and
that he had withdrawn his
The third dispatch
evidently sent today came late this
afternoon. In it Commander
bard said he had again landed an
aimed force to protect American
Princeton, N. J. Nov.
race trouble has
ton. Today A. B. Davis,
started in to deliver the mail on
one of the rural free delivery
route outside of Princeton, but
the owners of boxes along the
route are objecting to their new
postmaster on account of his color.
That Davis should get the appoint-
instead of one of the white
applicants has enraged the box
owners sod about twenty of them
threatened to withdraw from the
Nate if is retained
Mr. J. M. Blow, manager the
department of
sends us a
that beats anything have
seen. The potato, which rail-
ed by Mr. A. G. Col, is quite large
has grown firmly to a light-
wood knot, giving tho two together
appearance something like a
tomahawk. Some one upon seeing
the potato remarked that ii had its
own kindling wood along. It is
quite a curiosity.
Harris, aged years and
mouths, little sou of Mr. mid
Mis. It King, died at o'clock
this morning at their home on
Dickinson avenue. The child had
been sick a little more than a week
with bronchitis followed by
, The burial will take place Sun-
day afternoon in Cherry Hill
The entire community, as well
as their host of friends elsewhere,
sympathize with Mr. and
King in their sorrow.
J. Morgan has recently
Chicago. Now we may
look for a low tide lake
and a corresponding rise of
water in Chicago
When said he would
gallop down the inside of the Tam-
many leaders he possibly didn't
mean it he has been
swallowed nevertheless.

Eastern reflector, 6 November 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 06, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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