Eastern reflector, 23 October 1903

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Jas. F. Davenport
New White Front.
We are showing a splendid assort-
of the newest and best, and
we are offering them at low prices.
36-inch Mohair, black,
inch Mohair, black,
44-inch Mohair, and blue, 1.00
ii ch Mohair, cream,
inch , black, blue,
gray, brown,
inch black, 1.00
inch black, 1.50
inch black, 2.00
inch Silk Floss, 1.25
38-inch Cheviot Serge, colors,
inch Cheviot blue, 1.00
36-inch Venetians,
Broadcloth, 1.00
36-inch de
inch de Crepe, 1.00
Mercerized to 1.00
A full line of DRESS TRIMMINGS. Including Persian Bands,
Pendants, etc. e display of Dress Skirts
and Petticoats. We carry the and
for ladies. We can surely please every woman.
We arc Still Leading
In fine Trimmings and women's
Clothing wants generally. To a great extent
our reputation is built on this particular line
of goods, and we arc very careful to keep up
the standard. of our leading lines just
now is a full stock of beautiful
Shirtwaist Patterns
The newest and most stylish that money can
buy, yet they are easily within your reach.
It's the duty of every woman, young or old,
to make herself as attractive as possible.
Clothe do not make the woman, but they
often make her is, the clothes
we sell. We will be pleased to show you.
Greenville N. C.
is a good phrase for the best oat-
side of
is the standard; it
The are
several not far three-
quarter paints; you way mark
them to
The bulk of the paints in market
are or or a are better
than a few are worse than
How do they They cover
from one to three-quarters as much
as and they last from one
to three-quarters as long as
What are they worth The
same rule don't hold; it costs more
to put on some paints than they
are worth; they are not worth any-
thing; the costs two or
three times as much as the paint.
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint.
Democrats Carry Indianapolis.
Indianapolis. Ind., Oct.,
Complete unofficial from
the voting precincts in this
city, show that John W.
man, democrat, is elected mayor
by a plurality of It is be
the democrats have also
elected the clerk and police judge
and a majority of the
Heaven draws more than hell
can drive.
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
sick -e.
2.-.-. druggists.
Want four or b. a beautiful
or rich
CT. f n. r .
The Home of Women's Fashions.
F. stall I i shed
Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric
Macon, Ga.
Branch offices and shops, Rocky Mount,
N. C. and S. C
For prices address Rocky
Mount Office.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Vise Merchant-
Get your ad ready for
the winter trade. The
man who goes after it
is the one who gets the
he On y
To get the confidence of the pros
people of Pitt county by
is through the daily and
semi-weekly editions of
Reported II. SCHULTZ.
-hog round per lb
ham I
lbs bushel
B-oilers 1526
One H. P. Boiler and engine.
Boiler returns flue, Engine in good
running order. One patent tooth hole
saw. Saw frame and foot carriage,
Ratchet head-blocks, up-to-date one
cut-off saw, shaft and pulleys, one
saw Pratt gin, feeder and condenser,
good as new, two lines of shafting and
pulleys, one Cotton Press run with
steam power, belting, fixtures and etc.
One inch heavy top runner,
miter gearing, makes good meal. All
in good running order. Any person
wants good bargains, come and exam-
for themselves.
The outfit can be bought
cheap. Apply to
Conetoe, N. C.
The Reflector.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Our New
Fall Stock
is now complete in all depart-
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goods,
Ladies Jackets, Flips
brands of FINE SHOES.
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment,
Greenville's- Great Department
Hardware Merchants.
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
home-made ice cream.
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc, with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid Price
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
WOt No.
Old Craze Revived.
The Charlotte Daily Ob
printing able editorial
article urging the people of its
state to in culture.
The i of agriculture is
r-g out a -pamphlet called
showing the culture
ear f, pleasant and profitable and
Robs the of Many Millions.
Col. John S. the
well grower of Per-
son county, who was in Raleigh
Friday, him two sample
of bright co he bad obtained
from the of a Va.,
warehouse, to-
we find an array of and cents a re
facts and figures about mulberry
trees, worms and silk. This
old people of the
swept over
aDd other parts of the
odd year ago. Every-
body we-is wild over mulberry trees
Little cuttings
of Moms which we
to be the white mill
at extravagant prices
The same quality of
tobacco brought year and
I told some
friends that they could
One of Pitt Honored Sons.
Morning Post has the fol
lowing sketch of Lawrence
D. Tyson, formerly of Pitt county,
but now speaker of the Tennessee
house of
Hon. Lawrence D, who
came Greensboro on a visit to
his mother, Mrs M. L. Tyson, and
sister, Mrs. Paul H. Lee, left for
his home in Tenn.
Col. Tyson was of the orators
at the reunion in Greensboro last
week, and responded to the ad
, . , ; nu to me
not get a pound of my tobacco a , , , , ,. ,
such priced Ten-
i ; r, . . speech was a MM.
Col. J. Grimes was shown , u . .
. and shows the material Car-
the tobacco and it ex-1 , , .
. . . to her
Net many days
ago Col. hearing trust
Thoughts to Consider.
did it ever occur to you
that nearly everything you
compelled to buy on the
market comes from outside the
State of North It is
aDd can rated by care
The same is also
to other parts of the South
The late Henry W. Grady, several
years ago. in of the death
and burial of a Georgia,
stated that the deceased was buried
to grant all the American
except that for the Portland
canal. goes to Canada, had
been arrived at. But, as cabled
yesterday, while the Americans
throughout have beau very
dent vote been
and no one could in-fore
today say that the United States
had won their case.
Battle With Bandits.
Ad with the tree th. inferior quality f M
m the owners in North l
extravagant hopes ,
the g, of tobacco Mid j S T for
and This was to the He
om e the silk producing that that did net
a-v ii I
world and the laud I bring t o pay the cost
of laud from William the Conquer
The family settled this
w as to t hick with factories and
all would have to
do w be -to watch their silk
production was
the Col.
Helena, Oct. a battle
in a coffin that came between the police and a
hie shoes came from of horse thieves Park
his clothes New reservation Poplar, Mont.,
York; his tombstone was of member of the band were
although he was I killed two injured. The dead
buried a marble region and were as
to blast through a but the of the
bed it in his grave, wounded were, not obtained.
with gang hiss
came from somewhere else, i the community tor some time
except the corpse, which was the and the whole Indian police force
thing that Georgia did fur-1 was dispatched alter them. A.
pitched battle with the
This would be just about the result
en-ell t I .,. .,,.,
en m of West of a Person county
hat .,. Li. , .
quality as brought i . .
since his has held He gets up in the morning
worm, mulberry leaves, hatch Other on a pair of Northern j True Work.
Bilk and Y la the United Status army, made sock; puts on a pair of for the training of
DOOM collapsed The average pr ice paid for Ma-. r sou I men, but for education of w
a. like M I ; . . . of his ability tact. w State; suit of I . . . .
in the of N. ., , f . is the a
is now recognized as one of .
Imperial. , ,.
a standing was in round figures sciences
The average
. during,
r harry grown j September for the
and there only living remind hundred pounds.
anally the white in the same during,
i ,., . u i. is the .
clothes Baltimore or
York; at the breakfast table draws
up a chair made in Chicago; iT, ex.
from a table made Cincinnati; to a reporter
sweetens his coffee from with that
sugar from takes a
of ham cured St. Louis or is l have brought
ago; eats a biscuit made from flour, of to United
Stales U be educated.
rests the land ch year was To he
i high cultivation ; per hundred that be had and s down i
i high that to
and close c lie, the long dead own- i st ham Kin W- of , mt
Winston Dur Jaw at the 1-, where his
with their n other North , he resigned from h male that flu other two
Leader. ,,. army a was admitted to the bar H to a at home. are
wagon that cam.- or care,
markets. According to
Will i
figures a conservative estimate
the amount that will
taken from the pockets of the to
j rector of
mm, who dared to buy l class I .
-coat HP-H w U and pro-
-ii N e the women to make homes
dollars of A was is he,
v In ah f, . .
y in year the ,. j, fighting to shoulder with
alone .,. ,., , , . .,,.,,,,,,,.
people of Ninth alone,
News and Observer.
pleasure that t be connections lie- this will be from eight, to ten
The U oar
the Coast e in this city will take in like manner
at Selma are d to he leaf dealers and ware- a
As Ii now coming j who dared to buy leaf
into this city the A
Coast Line i in
morning and boon c fill or
points west have I lie over here
from o'clock a. m. until
in the afternoon.
A recent change ii i the schedule
the Southern mates
the lay over wry.
traveling public has to
who a trip to to
confer with the
Line officials, who says that it.
is highly prob con-
will soon be here
at Selma, where the S
train leaves for t
in the afternoon just a short
while before the of At-
Coast Line passenger
from the north.
of in i and became
a the distinguished firm I Otto a plow came
of Lucky Hie advise,; or Virginia.
counsel was soon sought We are to W that while about the necessity
working women In
deplore the conditions which
Goldsboro, of North WaS ,,
I, will learn with the bloated tobacco toast I war made is true regarding
. h- . L rector .-
a few
our country people, there course,
raise their own meat, Bat in the United States,
bread other supplied, arc women rival the
compelled to purchase lie which God in-
necessities This do.
giving the names the
street of the town are being put
up the different corners.
D. C. James is doing the work.
People can now tell where
are at they read the signs.
Numbering the houses
come next.
Good Time to Market.
In view of the fact that Green-
ville is to a large
convention next week, our
country friends will find this week
a good time to bring turkeys,
chickens and hams to market.
Henderson Votes in s Dispensary.
N. Oct.
election held here today
in a victory for the dispensary, the
majority being
It is better to the Sabbath
bright to keep it rusty.
New corned at S. If.
Weldon Wet.
lie win commissioned colonel of
vela of las
was sent to Rico,
where hi services were s.-
able to that he was
governor of one of the
the Island. The natives
received kind recognition
from mm, that to show their
they a park in
bis calling it
Since his n to the states he
has given his attention to civil
affairs and is interested in and
president of a number of
and mining interests
is among the leading financiers of
his state.
At the session of the last
Col. Tyson speak-
of the house of
1- it any wonder sometime, that shoulder to with
people cry hard times, when
hey eat, or wear are makers
of in urn the
from somewhere
else, and
the free thing is the air that
is Courier.
N. C. Oct. 20.-The Prominent
. h. .-II candidates, and was the youngest
ever elected to fill the of
that body, and so ably did he fill
this honorable position that he is
strongly spoken of as the
for the next Ten-
election the question of saloons
or no saloons leaves Weldon
by a major often.
books and ink, far
at Book Man.
Alaskan Boundary Commission.
London, Oct. 17.-The Alaskan
commission has verbally
agreed n, all the American
except that the
Portland canal, which goes to Can-
The formal is
being drawn up will be
The successful terminal ion
the Alaskan It r bit rat ton
this afternoon came as a complete
surprise to all the
case, except, perhaps, the
themselves. When the
tribunal adjourned m.,
it was understood that no decision
had been reached. Indeed so gen-
was the impression that no
decision would be reached till next
that of the
left London soon after the adjourn-
It is known that a vote has
been token, and that the decision
strength the nation, i believe
women who strain their minds,
who all their efforts to men-
accomplishments, absorb the
matter which should in the second
generation produce minds.
has told the old
world women of great
are not the ideal wives,
not the ideal mother. In the
lower spheres, how does U Den it
the world if the wile can paint
geraniums and cook her
husband's dinner; or if she
paint orchids and cannot direct
her that she
has a of to
prepare her meals, to keep clean
and well managed that plane which
her family should their great-
est comfort and protection in call-
normal woman
some day to be a wile and a mother.
How will II add to her honors and
powers to hare written a brilliant
assay on sou,, deep intricate
York Ban.

H. C.
Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in and territory.
W. W.
Offers you selections from complete a. stock of
as can be la Eastern Carolina.
line of Dress Goods and Trimming for Ladies.
line Sets Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss. Coon ft Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
Clothing. Dry Goods. Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness,
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of flour, corn, oats, hay Ac.
Ice Cream
W. Q. administrator of R. H. deceased.
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
owned by said R. II. at his death, and offer-
to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
HATS, CAPS, SHOES, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. in also agent of the Tailors Mfg
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
General Merchants.
need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stove and Heaters.
Car load lots o Hay. Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In if on we operate a M linger Cotton
T. L. W. J.
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
feed stuffs. We solicit a snare of your patronage. Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
I I N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
For Men
T. Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
the market adorns.
rooms. Polite and prompt
Women and
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
N. C, Oct. 1903.
The contemplative mind careful
looks into every subject and
problem which my present them-
selves for consideration, and after
due meditation formulates opinions
based fact or imagination,
and sends the conclusions arrived
at as fundamental
which often men and minds
build the great structure of
thought and reason and launch
these truths the broad sea of
human intelligence for man's
fit blessing.
We are lead to make this
face or introduction to our letter
today from reading a small but in-
book, the title of which
is Passing
being a gentleman of most
excellent character, and possesses
a well stored with useful in-
formation, has done much to
the of community
in which he lives, both moral
and and is well
worthy of the good name he bears.
The author is too modest to place
his name before the public,
he leaves the reader to out, if
he who the author is.
reading book we see in
it of nature. The
book is made up of separate chap-
having a different sob-
from me some
yet while
are occupied in
winch the serious
of We mind. The
two tat couplers are th most in
One gives force-
advice as to the proper way
people should act in the sick room.
The writer depicts vividly the ill
timed prudence or rather
deuce, of well yet
ant friends, who enter the room
the sick, and thinking i must
say something to express then
sympathy, to ask questions
of the sick one as to bis or her eon-
and, continuing to talk
do a vast amount of
requiring the pres-
of the physician to
relieve the suffering one, forced
into a state of nervousness and ex-
restlessness caused by these
would be friends. The lesson to
all may read tins chapter, is,
quiet and do talk the
presence of sick
The last chapter is well worthy
the reading of every intelligent
man, for it treats of a problem
which has confronted the people
the South for many years, and the
problem it not solved yet. The
subject so ably discussed this
last chapter is Ne
The writer very lucidly de-
the characteristics of the
in all their phases. He draws
a sharp contrast between the
fore the war the
of the present day, shows
must conclusively, that, the
and as a slave was
happier, more honorable, polite
and genteel than the free
and educated. These thoughts
are written in a very impressive
all who may read
this chapter can look, as upon a
panorama and behold the present
degraded and debauched condition
of the educated intellectual-
and bis morals out with a
beast. The book is well worth
reading. We commend it to all
who may wish to learn some very
useful information.
We are glad to tee our
men developing their minds
giving their impressions on the is-
sues of the day.
Died, in the town of Farmville,
Oct. 8th, 1903, Jacob Benjamin,
the infant son of Dr. and Mrs. C.
C. of this place. Little
Ben me was a beautiful and most
intelligent child, and although but
months old he had entwined
himself around the hearts of all
who knew and loved him, for he
bad a sweet and disposition,
made glad hearts of his
loving parents.
It is, indeed, sad to give up our
dear loved ones, it is for
the heart to suffer, at the thought
that death separates us from
other, but there is a sweet
that our dear children, whom
calls to His bosom, and says
of them of such is the
of we know they
are free from all pain and
have passed beyond material
existence are dwelling in
light of a glorified immortality.
Though hearts of lather and
in. feel their sad loss, they
look up through their tears and
thank their Father that
though their dear little angel can-
not back, if they prove faith-
they will meet little boy
again. entrance of little
into Heaven is one more link
in chain of love to bind their
hearts hearts above until
they meet touch, again the
beautiful Sometime where the dad
will never be given or
parting tears are shed. May this
sad affliction the hearts of
the parents from changing
things of earth, to the joys and
of that better life which
awaits all who truly love
blessed Savior who gave
life for all. We laid the lit-
body to rest, to await sum-
mons of glad resurrection
morn, to com forth to inherit.,
eternal lite.
the sod lightly over bis breast,.
Calm lie his slumbers,
bis rest;
Beautiful, lovely, he was hut
A fair to earth to blossom
T. H. B.
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leaver
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
South Greek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and tor
all points for West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from.
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. C.
T. H. MYERS, Agent,
Washington, N. O
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties
Correspondence and shipments.
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Peace Said.
First-Claw work and prices
d on a
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding. Shingle an id tile
work a specialty.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do state roof-
Orders for any in my
lino receive prompt attention.
Work room over Baker
It that we rive
best Sheet for money
any boats la
the K
North. Carolina,
Ml County.
To All It May
This is t certify t in July, 1902,
I had a fistula in am is which had
en me for ten years past and I
had consulted severs J and
had their p to the
letter and i to grow worse
until I could not and for eight
months B could y walk on crutches,
and in this an I was advised to
cull on Dr. Moore, colored, which I
did, and- hi s treatment I at once
began grow better and in one week
the was removed and I
well,, a 16-year
old hoy, and trouble has never
E. L.
Sworn to before me. sept. 26th,
The earn the Raleigh pa-
did t make m ska
and latest styles In
Millinery. Hats trimmed to
lier on short notice.
Richmond, the
Richmond Horse Show Tickets
sale October to 15th,
with final limit October 16th.
The rate from Greenville, X. to
Richmond return for this
will be including one
admission to the Horse Show.
Raleigh, N. C. North
State Fair. Tickets sale
17th to and for train
due to arrive of 24th
final limit October 26th. The rate
from Greenville, N. C, to Raleigh
and return for this occasion will
be including one admission
Into the Fair Grounds.
W. J.
General Passenger Agent
H. M.
Traffic Manager.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville, N. C.
p. R. L. Car.
N. C.
William Fountain, n. D.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
Office one door east of post
street. Phone
Dr. D James,
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
yon bought it from HINES it's all
Bought and
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of Fig Fruit for constipation.
Price If you are not satisfied will return
M. M. SAULS, Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
Ayden, N. C. Oct. 21.1903.
Prof. T. H. King spent
day in Greenville.
Miss Maggie Moon, of Kinston,
is visiting Miss Annie Sparks.
Mamie Warren, of Dunn,
arrived last week to attend the
Free Will Baptist
J. J. and Leslie made a
business trip to Greenville
Prof. W. H. of Green-
ville, arrived yesterday.
J. J. left last night
for to attend the fair.
Mr. and Mr. J. Patrick, of
Grifton, were in town yesterday.
J. M. Harried returned from the
Free Will Baptist at
Pikeville Saturday.
W. L. Pay ton made a business
trio to Kinston Monday.
. for particulars, write
lock box Ayden. X.
J. to
Tuesday evening.
A. M. Moseley returned to
den Tuesday evening.
B. W. returned Tues-
day evening from Bethel.
W. R. Parker returned Tuesday
evening from Everetts.
F. G. returned Tuesday
evening from Wilmington.
Miss Blow left this morning for
Mr. and Mr. C. V. York left
Theological j this morning for Raleigh.
Miss Georgia Ray left
thin morning tor
Rev. D. B. Clayton left this
Pretty Morn int. Home Marriage.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
C. Hardy, near Greenville, was a
pretty and scene at
o'clock this morning, when their
attractive daughter, Miss
became the wife of Mr. Roy
Evans. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. H. M. Eure.
The bride wore a blue going-
away gown that was most becoming
to her many natural attractions.
Both the bride and groom are
well known here and very popular.
The bride was for a long time as
with the store of Miss
where she many
friends. Mr. Evans is a popular
photographer who ranks with the
best in the profession.
I They left the morning train
for Asheville other towns in
W. J. of Washington, the part of the state.
They have the hearty
and lest wishes of all for a
long happy life.
M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter., cheese, hums, cab
table delicacies,
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country
M. F.
to J L.
to bank.
The white specks or sears on
finger nails may be removed
by applying a mixture of equal
parts of pitch and. myrrh
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
was here today.
W. G Lamb and son, Wilson,
of Williamston, are in town.
Miss Ella Eure left this
tor Wilson.
Joseph Laughinghouse, J. L.
Cherry, Tone and J. G.
Tucker left this morning for
Miss Rosa Winston, of Rocky
Mount, who has been visiting her
Adopted by Greenville Lodge. A.
A. M.
AXES the best Brick in
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch Full
always on hand. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
for by thousand or
car-load. Tours truly,
E. S.
A North Carolina.
Sell j
it if is one thine more than another which w
But if than is one thing more than another which
lends to of oar store, is the distribution of
pair warranted by
Each j-air warranted by US to you.
You run no risk in wearing a shoe,
For if they go wrong we make them t.
A YD N. C.
Whereas, in the Providence of
God Greenville Lodge No. A.
F. A. M., is called upon to
mourn the loss of one of its
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. in the person of Bro. J. H.
M. King, returned home today. who j, la.
N. Oct. Misses Ada C. Ward and of the lodge below to the
Rev. E. Pope filled his regular i Tucker, who have visiting Lodge above en the 9th day
appointment here Sunday. Mrs. L. W. Tucker, returned home of Oct 1903, Therefore be it Re-
Mrs. Maggie who has i today. solved.
been visiting Mrs. N. J. I 1st, That we will cherish his
returned home yesterday. An Out of Date Contemporary. memory with the affection of broth-
Mario a Taylor, of Grifton, em , ere, who have sustained the loss of
Saturday and Sunday visiting Th,; Richmond News Leader Ia brother,
uncle, says that The Observer print- 2nd, That we hereby extend
Hill, who has been able editorial articles Urging out heartfelt sympathy to the
-friends and relatives people its state to engage fly of the deceased their be.
this return ed and says that I that the com
yesterday. this reminds old people of the, ting presence of our Grand M
Osmond went o j craze that above may bring
yesterday. I swept over Virginia sixty odd I their sorrowing hearts.
Clerk of Court Jno. R. i That was a I That we will
spent a short with us The News Leader admits, usual badge of mourning
day. collapsed as crazes do. j Jays
alias Fanni- returned There it a vast between j a j mo.
Friday from Greenville, where she crazes of sixty years ago and the j be sent rip-
has been visiting Her brother, D.; practical of of deceased rand
, present age. We are , to of ,,.
W, W. Ormond went over so intelligent a paper
News Leader U
n to
-r tho
Hill today on business.
J. W. Smith,
E. E.
of the silk Indus-1
try by digging up the failure of
the ll n i The Greenville made
a that
solicitation of Senator prevail It is temperance should
Pianos and Organs
At the Store of Hart Jenkins,
This sale will continue for days and there is a car load of
the best instruments which you can make your selection.
We are the largest manufacturers of Pianos in the world, and
can save you money on a purchase.
You are invited to call and examine these Pianos and Organs.
the one side President
on other, has decided t
We a candidate for the vice
nomination la-fore the re
This b. the definite word
his closest associates political,
it is the outcome of
Representative visit
to the president which
caused a great deal of comment at
the time.
Before leaving for Iowa, to take
part the Mr. Fair-
banks said be would make no an
n ounce me until he had the
president. He would not deny, I
however that he would be a
I ago and opposing it to the
lions that prevail today, It is no
silk culture crass that The
is a great
for silk silk just now,
and sixty
ago have that silk
cm be Mice j produced on
the farms of Hie South. The
advertise saloons or whiskey due
which latter the Raleigh
News Observer has
is well taken.
Times is now
these years, though we
offered money many
W. L ROYSTER, Factory
Physician and
Office in Brick Block.
Ayden, N. C
Mr ell trains.
nearly twelve years old and t has
Carolina, by n. t n . .,
i i rigidly followed the
up silk culture as a ,.
I have
i .
times to advertise We
, remember to have seen a state-
j in Littleton News Re-
porter two or three years ago
j a minister of the gospel had
I discontinued that paper because
it curried a whiskey advertise-
and at the same tune the
minister was taking a pa-
per that five times
more whiskey advertisements
did i he News-Reporter, yet he did
not discontinue the daily.
But what vie started out to say
is that we heartily approve the
contention of the Re-
and all friends of
should insist that that
rule be adopted by all newspapers
claiming to be on side of
lug lip silk culture
might utilize many idle
to some and
secure to themselves a new source
They are advised to drop
everything else o into a
craze, but to apply
business sense in the
direction a raw
material for which there is always
a ready market. The Observer
has stated that the development
of silk culture the South has
been slow, but so far as it has
progressed, it has given of
ultimate success. The experiences
of t those who have tried it
methods than prevailed in the age
in which The
lites, The Ob-
server's contentions that there is
no reason why farmers
cannot in a a measure supply the
silk factories with raw product in
the way that they are sup-
plying the cotton mills with staple.
Charlotte Observer.
The man will shoot another
down alight prorogation
going to lat hi worry

Editor and
a Editor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
to fiction
Pitt County, N. C, October 1903.
The is now preparing
its special Thanksgiving edition, and
we call the attention of advertisers
to an opportunity to do some very
effective advertising.
Our Thanksgiving edition last
year was warmly praised in Green-
ville, Pitt county, and throughout
the state. This year we shall strive
to do better, both as regards oar
readers and our advertisers. The
Thanksgiving edition will have
from to pages, and will have a
lion of about
not s than that number. It will
several pages of appropriate.
illustrated Thanksgiving matter,
articles on Thanksgiving and
topics by well known and inter-
local writers, and short
Thanksgiving sermons by the
ministers in Greenville. This
special edition will be mailed the
night before Thanksgiving, and will
be delivered to our mil in
Greenville early
Reflector never offers
readers or advertisers anything that
is not fully worth their money, and
this special edition will be no ex-
This is undoubtedly the best ad-
opportunity our business
men will have this year. In order
to secure the must attractive
in this special edition
should reserve the space they
desire at once. No ado will be re-
fur the Thanksgiving edition
after Saturday, November 21st,
by that time all the best positions
will have been taken. Specimen ;
pages of the paper as it will appear
when completed may be seen at this
office at any time, or upon request
our ad man will call upon you and
give you any assistance you may re-
quire in preparing your ad free of
charge. If you haven't time or don't
know how to write an ad, we will do
it for you without charge.
Remember, the first
makes a contract for this
edition will be given his choice
of positions, and so on down the line.
If you want the best, put your
order at once.
Col. Walter R. Henry's statement
has appeared in print. It was given
to the public in Saturday's Charlotte
Observer and is addressed as a per-
letter to T. S. Rollins,
chairman of the republican executive
committee of the stale. As was ex-
the statement is something
lengthy and interesting. It clearly
sets forth side of the
affair and shows conclusively, that
that while he was regarded by bank-
as one of the best bank examiners
in he was removed from
to make room for a pet of a
higher official, which has become a
fad in Washington political circles
Col. Henry's political record of shift-
ins from party to party in search of
pie does not entitle him to much
sympathy, but in this case we can
but feel sorry for him in the wrong
that has been done him. However,
justice and honor are but little es-
teemed in the ranks of republican-
Mr. H. E. C. Bryant, writing to
the Charlotte Observer, says the
at the Greensboro fail
a curse and fl disgrace to a
civilized lie adds
our fairs run and pay ex-
without such a disreputable
God help Just waft
until the returns are in from the
fair this week, and the re-
port will be equally bad, if the truth
is told. Fairs with their midways
and gambling have become hot-beds
of corruption and infamy, and it is
time the better people were crying
them down. It is a shame that in
Carolina the people's money
is for such a thing as
they pull off in under the
name of an agricultural fair.
hair was falling out and
gray very fast. But your
vigor stopped the falling and
the natural
E. Z. Cohoes, N. Y.
it's impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years in
your hair Perhaps you
are seventy, and you like
gray Hair If not,
use Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth.
win. All
In our police court report
day there fifteen eases of drunk
and disorderly, the fine in each case
amounting to only two or three
We think it is time to put up
the price of drunks in Greenville.
The amounts assessed at present are
mere bagatelles, do not teach the
boozer a lesson, if people will go
to hell via the rum route we ought
to make the read as rough for them
as possible. Greenville hasn't a
nice reputation in the matter of
and and the
present cheap fines have a great deal
to do with it. Let's make it inter-
for the man who makes it in-
for the police.
all believe that juries are
sometimes fixed, but why is it that
the defense is always allowed to do
the ask the Durham Herald.
Because the state hasn't any money.
This is the best time of year to
advertise, if there is any best time,
and the merchant who neglects it
now loses a golden opportunity.
From now until after the holidays
more money will be spent for house-
hold and personal necessities and
holiday luxuries than in twice the
length of time in any other portion
of the year. The man who goes
after business with a bright, truth-
convincing ad is sure to do the
most business, and to win customers
who will stick by him through life.
You've got to show people that
you are anxious for their trade and
appreciate it. It is a century-old
business method to sit down and
wait, hoping that you will get a
part of the customers who come to
town or come down town. You've
to bring them to town and to
your got to show them
wherein it is to their advantage to
deal with you. You can't go to
everybody in can't
write letters to them all. There is
only one sure way to get
value for money expended, and that
is to advertise regularly, persistent-
sensibly in some good,
newspaper covering the field
which it is possible for you to
from. Don't go about it in a slip-
shod, careless, hurried way. That
is one of the quickest ways of get-
ting rid of good money. Put as
much business thought in your
preparations for advertising as you
do in baying goods, and you will
reap a profit in proportion.
In the first place, can you write
an advertisement that will draw
people m your store If your
. along this line has been
neglected, you will save time, pa-
and money by calling in some
one who has made ad-writing a
study, who can any article
in your store in attractive man-
Give the ad man the points,
and he will do the rest. That's
what he is alive for. But don't slop
there. Watch opportunities and
conditions, especially weather
Get up bargains in season-
able things, and make them draw-
How many merchants in this
town wore wise enough to anticipate
the bad weather of the past week
by making special displays and
offerings of rubber shoes, boots,
coats, and other things
that the weather and season demands
Not fact we do not recall
one merchant in Greenville who
looked ahead to the above extent.
Such opportunities are sprinkled
plentifully all through the year.
Alive, wide-a-wake merchant, an
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are its from an In-
active i
With n well conducted LIVER
one can d. mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
ft can he kept in healthful action
by, and only by
experienced and capable
and a good newspaper a
that nothing less than a flood
or famine can Are you an
such a combination
A correspondent of the Charlotte
suggests that the next leg-
enact a law that will give
human beings as good a show for
their lives as is provided for birds
and other game. The law
killing the latter during certain
months in the law, while men may-
be shot down in any month.
The Wilmington Messenger
have not yet heard of any
denial fro n Mr. Roosevelt of the
statement of Mayor of
Charleston, that when the president
was in that city he said in the pres-
of two other gentlemen that
he would not appoint any colored
man to office in that state.
appointment followed soon after-
Oh, don't make Theodore lie
about it any more.
We don't like to give a sorry thing
too much free advertising, but the
Weldon fair next week must promise
to be something great for the only
passenger and mail train on a rail-
road to be held up two hours daily
for it, while thousands of people are
inconvenienced accordingly.
If Jim Tillman ever sits in the
governor's chair it will be time for
all the scorpions, snakes
and other crawling things to leave
South Carolina for their own good.
New York drew first blood from
the restoration host when that
sneak thief relieved Mrs. of
worth of
Norfolk is j fart getting over its an-
reform spasm, and it appears
that the good and
the a few more
dents. Them to be
nation in politics called the-
big composed of George Wash-
Taylor, Napoleon Bonaparte
and, Andrew Jackson Dalton.
What that didn't- take was.
worth giving to charity, and
present generation is following
in the footsteps of big three.
The department of the
ville Citizen has appeared. We do-
not believe there are enough
in who cart read to
it pay,, so there must be some other
motive behind it. We are still in.
favor of the white newspaper.
Wonder if it occurred to Judge
Peebles and the Wake county jury
that they might have ordered poor
Skinner dug up and hung for ac-
costing Mr. Haywood and getting in
the way of his bullets.
Dewey is not as great a criminal
as the two murderers recently ac-
in the Carolinas, but if he
should ever come to trial what would
be done to him would be a plenty.
A Georgia paper says there is no
earthly use in the farmers selling
their cotton now. No Well, let
us have your recipe for standing off
the merchant whose pork and flour
you ate this year.
We don't care whether New York
skins or throws the
long harpoon into New There
is bound to be some
Now it is up to the next Wake
county grand jury to present Mr.
Haywood for carrying concealed
The latest information at hand is
that the Herald is still in
its hole.
A Dangerous Judge.
A man was tried here Fri-
day for assaulting a woman and was
fined five dollars and cost,
amounted to something over eight
dollars. The defendant after the
judgment had been pronounced by
Watson came out and in-
formed his counsel of the sentence.
There several standing by who
heard it, but one promptly remarked
didn't you kill her and it
would have cost you
There would be a hot time among
of should
they go up against that Bowery
whiskey at cents per
Dry Towns Prosper.
When a town votes out the
some croaker is sure to
will kill the No doubt some
of the antis took that position when
was voting on
It went During the
past three months over
have been invested in manufacturing
enterprises, Within the same period
a North Carolina town, well
situated for manufacturing, lost the
location of a large industrial enter-
prise because the capitalists did not
wish their labor demoralized by the
numerous saloons.
Whiskey never yet brought one
dollar to a town without causing the
loss of and Observer.
Some of the gentlemen who have
been for the governor-
ship are about as near the
as a duck is to a Turkish
Maybe if those Presbyterian
preachers were not paid bob-tailed
salaries they would not have to wear
bob-tailed coats.
Another great victory for our
navy The woman who refused to
give up her home within the recent
addition to the naval academy
grounds at Annapolis has been
starved out by a company of ma-
who were stationed about her
house with orders to let no supplies
There is nothing novel in the
Citizen starting a depart-
for the but the idea of
absorbing a paper is a new
one on Herald.
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
and K I
Dr. s
German Liver Powder
pot a mixture, but i
translation of one
Innermost secrets. If you are suffer
or tend you OP
a simple German
Powder with our
page booklet, which authentic
testimonials from patient who have
cured by this wonderful Specific. Do not
delay, out your address at once to
The American Co.
ind bf
everywhere. .
Men's Suits worth 3.50
worth 1.50
Knee Pants,
If want Styles see our
line of
Dress Goods,
We show only best and
latest styles.
Negligee Shirts
Lion Brand, Dozen to Select from
MENS Sunday, SHIRTS, Detached Collars
and Cuffs, worth now reduced to
Shirts this sale
Shirts this sale
Car Loads Just Received.
Solid Oak Bedroom
Suits, that were reduced
to Solid Oak
On account of low
prices of Tobacco we have
decided to make Big cuts
on all prices to clear out
this stock.
This is for CASH.
Black Mercerized Petticoats, ll-in.
Flounce, 1-2 inch Ruffles,
worth 2.00. Sales Price
Heavy Yard Wide
For less money.
For the same money.
All Goods as Represented.
These Prices for Cash Buyers.
Set Heels
When kid blue
. i on you,
pt-awl grip
yum .-., slip
Set your head, d with a smile
I And all the while,
I Keep on sh you lose.
All the symptoms of the blues.
Don't lose Dope if luck
Show made of Merrier staff.
Don't nit n and sigh;
Bruce up for ii m
Brat up s i,., , , j,,
Set your in. v won't slip,
Then bard smile
you'll while.
Do your ids seem t-i lie
That's he. it is up
Hut there's I. ft one faithful
Who ill stick nut., the end,
Be, will slick through thick
So brace and right In.
Set your heels and braes hack
success Will not lack.
Don't sit down Io peak aid pine.
Stiffen up your spine.
Spit your then i
Grab a hold try again.
Grab a hold and set each heel;
Put your shoulder to the wheel.
Shove with all
And you will find thing
Football Days.
The football days have come again,
the of the year;
One side of Willie's nose is gone
Tom has lost an eat;
Heaped, the held, the players
jab, and and claw, and
They knock the breath from those
beneath gouge without a
They break each other's arms and
legs, and pull joints out of place,
here and there is one who gets
his teeth kicked from his face.
The freshman and the sophomore,
besmeared with and mud,
Go gallantly to get the bull
quit all bathed in d;
The senior knocks the j inner
down and kicks him the chert,
The high school boy is carried
home and gently laid at rest,
While here and there a crowded
stand collapses its weight,
And forty people get more than
they paid for at the gate.
O brave, O careless days
How deep the mother's joy,
What time she thinks of all the
things they're doing to her boy
How proud she is to know that he
is on the team, how sweet
His face appears to her since it Is
only bloody meal
With pride she lays away
his amputated
And puts his eye to be a
Haven Leader.
Chicago, Oct. strike of
nearly of the
Express Company last night
this morning has seriously
crippled the service offered toy the
company the railways west and
south of Chicago controlled by the
great system. The walk-
ed out in obedience to a strike
order issued after repeated efforts
to a per cent, increase
wages by the men
several mouths ago and refused by
officials of the company. ,
The effect of the walk out is gen-
felt in St. Louis and at
south and west there
than Chicago. of the
Chicago local office are not affected
by the strike, as they were granted
a per cent, increase wages
several weeks ago in consideration
of their from
Th administration has decided
to let Beirut take care of itself for
a while and look after

Rev. Thomas Chapman, of
Georgia, came in Monday evening.
John Smith, of Washington,
Jesse went up the road evening, at d left
this morning.
K. TI returned Mon-
day evening from a trip up the
this morning
Ben May, of Kinston, spent
day here.
G. E. Cherry went to Tarboro
Harry Skinner left Sunday for
G. Barrett, of spent
Sunday here
Mr. and Ml. R. M. spent
Sunday at G.
Mr. and
for a visit to
B. C. who has
been spending few d here, left
Monday evening.
Liberty Warehouse Make Best Sale.
The Liberty warehouse comes
forward with the claim of waking
the beet sale of any in the
state this season, and gives the
actual figures to base the claim on.
Mr. G. W. Venters, Jr., of
township, had three cart loads on
the floor of the Liberty today, and
the lute and prices were as
Prof. H. and son, loud at at t
Hugh, left this afternoon for at ,
j at at 6-1 c, at at
, at at at
Mrs. J. T. and
, , . , . of are
Mi- left J
. Mrs. V . T.
Van C. f Scotland
Neck, spent the l iv here
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. spent
Sunday at Conetoe.
Harvey Cox, f den spent
Dr. L. C. Skinner returned to
Ayden Sunday
of Kinston, I
j at at at 20.-,
at at Me, at at
at at at
Rev. Dr. B. Clayton came at at at
this morning and is the guest of at at at at
Mr and Mrs. E. A Moe. , at at
Miss Georgia Ray at u
of Lumberton, arrived Monday
evening, will be the of
Mrs. J. B. Cherry.
spent Sunday here
H. A. White left Sunday even
Solicitor L, I. Moore left
day evening for New
F. G. James left this
for Wilmington.
Harry left this morn-
for Baltimore.
Rev. F. G. Hart man left
day evening for
R. W. King returned Saturday
evening from a up the road.
M. L. Starkey returned Saturday
evening from Wilmington.
E. L. Starkey returned Saturday
evening from a trip up the road.
John returned
from Wilmington Saturday eve
S. D. King came in Saturday
evening from South Carolina and
left evening for Kinston.
Mrs. M. M. Nelson left this
morning tor to visit
her sister, Mrs. Goodwin.
total of 1726 pounds and the
whole brought u or
average of Have you
shows the work that W. T. Lips-
comb Co. do for those who
at the Liberty.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices a low as
lowest. Highest market prime
paid for produce
D. W.
And Provisions
little daughter bad an
almost fatal attack of whooping
cough and writes Sirs.
W. K. of
V. when all other remedies
is that one that will cleanse the
system, set the liver to action, re-
move the bile, clear the complex-
ion, headache and leave a good
taste in the mouth. The famous
little pills for doing work
pleasantly and effectually are De-
Little Early Risers. Bob
Moore of Lafayette,
other pi Is I have used gripe failed, we saved her life with Dr
sicken, while DeWitt's Little. King's New Discovery. On I
Early Risers are simply j who had Consumption an
Sold by John L. Wooten. advanced stage, also this
medicine and today
Age softens all things so , she is perfectly
said, this probably accounts
, . Dr. King's New Discovery as to
for the number of other medicine on earth Infallible
Journal. for Coughs and Colds. and
j 91.00 bottles guaranteed by
A cure for dyspepsia. j Drug Store Trial bot-
I had Dyspepsia in in worst form j
and felt most all the
time. Did not enjoy eating
after I used Dyspepsia Cure
which has completely cured me.
Mrs. W. W. Baylor, Pa.
No appetite, loss of strength,
bad breath, sour risings,
dyspepsia all stomach
. I is going to invade New
York's Chinatown, and we may
soon expect a sort of Confucian
to Zion Atlanta Journal.
Rev. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark.
troubles quickly cured by the years I suffered
use of represents fro, Yellow Jaundice, I consulted
the natural juices of digestion number of physicians and
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
combined with the greatest known
tonic and proper-
ties. It cleanses, purifies
I sweetens the stomach. Bold by
fl . sweetens sic
G W Baker, of L
in Sunday evening and left this
It was his breach of promise girl
W. O. of Richmond, and not his widow that Senator
who bad been here a few days, left took in a sense
this morning. Atlanta Journal.
Miss Margaret Langley, of Rich-
is visiting Mia. Mellie
Miss Parker, of Graham,
who has visiting Mrs. M. A.
Allen, returned home today.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt, of Kinston,
name over this morning for a three
professional visit
Miss Bettie Manning, of Bethel,
who has been visiting Mrs. D. C.
Moore, returned home Sunday.
G. G. came up from
Ayden Sunday morning re-
turned Sunday evening.
without leaving a scar
he name Witch Hazel is applied
to many salves but DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve is the only Witch
Hazel made that contains
the pure unadulterated witch hazel.
If any other Witch Hazel Salve is
offered you it is a counterfeit. E
C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel
Salve and DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best salve in the
world for cuts, burns, bruises,
or blind, bleeding, itching
piles. Sold by
all sorts of medicines, but got no
I begun the use of
Bitters and feel that I am
cured of a disease that had
me in its grasps for twelve years
If you want a reliable medicine
for Liver and trouble,
stomach disorder or general de
get Bitters. It's
by ding store I
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
OH h hard to fight the tempter;
if you are feeding at his table.
Would not interest you if yon
were looking for a guaranteed
Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles.
Dodd, of Ponder, Mo.
suffered with an ugly sore for a
year, but a box of Ami
ca Salve cured me. It's the best
on earth. at
drug store.
John L. Wooten.
Evidently Mr. Schwab had the
, hunch that there was enough in
Mies Gardner, of Wilson, that pot to buy for several
who has been visiting Mrs. T Journal.
Hooker, home Sunday j .
evening. Some of our government officials
Miss Allen, who came b me licking in convictions but
to attend the Carr ma-- seems to be enough
last week, returned to ch to
Raleigh today. Journal.
W. R. Parker went to Everetts
Mr. Mrs. J. J. Perkins left
this morning for Baltimore.
Miss Georgia Ray
in the opera tonight.
J. W. Perkins returned Monday
evening from Raleigh.
B. Riddick, of Suffolk, came
Monday evening.
To cure or indigestion
it is no longer to live
on milk and toast- Starvation
produces such weakness that the
whole system becomes an easy prey
to disease. Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and
digestive organs to digest
assimilate all of the wholesome
food that one cares to eat, and is a
never failing cure for indigestion,
Dyspepsia and all stomach
digests what you eat
makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by L. Wooten.
Mr. Carnegie might be able to
give his money away faster by
catting out the libraries buy-
some steel Atlanta
j Journal.
Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt.,
was robbed of his customary health
by of Chronic Co
When Dr. King's New Life
Pills broke into his house, his
troubled-was arrested now he's
entirely cured. They're
teed to cure, at Drug
It is said that both Russia and
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
-----ESTABLISHED 1.876.-------
Wholesale Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Carriages, Go-Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax Snuff,
High Life Tobacco, Key West
Henry George Clear, Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Floor Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
for war.
be Journal
are thoroughly prepared Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Then there will probably Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and mi
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
S. M.
English times and English
nets seem both to be out of joint.
Atlanta Journal.
Real Estate Agency
Millikan, Walker
It is an admitted fact that
is rapidly forging to the front
and it is only a question of a
short time when it will be the leading
city in the state, her railroad facilities
are unsurpassed and there is a con-
influx of capitol employed in the
various kinds of manufacturing enter-
prises, which is constantly increasing
the population of the city a great
demand for real estate has been
thereby and property is constant-
changing but considering
the marvelous growth of the city, the
price has been kept on a reasonable
basis, persons who have money to
i vest can make no mistake if they come
this way, provided is taken
in location price of property. We
make it our business to keep a vigilant
watch the interest of our
and are in a position to save you
money as we keep posted values in
city and near farming lands and
can aid you in investing your capital
where it will bring quick and
returns. Correspondence so-
When in the city we extend to you a
cordial to visit our office.
Room No- C, over Sykes Drug Store.
North Carolina, I
Pitt County. In Superior Court
James H. Gray
Annie Gray.
The defendant Annie Gray will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced against her in the
Superior Court of Pitt County by the
plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining
a divorce from the bonds of
upon the of abandon-
and the said defendant will
further take notice that she is required
to appear before the Judge of our
Court, at a court to beheld for
the county of Pitt at the house
in Greenville on the ninth Monday
after the first Monday in September,
it being the 0th day of November
and answer the complaint, which
will be deposited in the office of the
Superior court of said county within
the ii i-st three days of said term, and
then and there answer or demur to
said complaint within the time
ed by law, or the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
in the complaint.
This the 26th day of September
Clerk of the Court of Pitt C.
North Carolina,
L. B. Williams and T. L. Williams
of Township, Pitt County,
North Carolina hereby enter and lay
claim to acres more or lest of
cant land in township
aforesaid county and state
and described as
Lying between the lands of Jordan
Nobles and warren Stocks and adjoin-
the lands of Jordan Nobles, war-
Stocks, H. M. Williams, M. M.
Williams, A. R. T. L.
and Frank and
heirs east of swamp in west
This the day of September 1903.
Witness, R. Williams, en-
try Taker. A. Blow,
for Pitt County, N. C.
Any person, or persons, claiming ti-
to, or interest In the above
ed land must file their protest, in writ-
within the next days or they
will be barred.
Nervous people should take light
exercises, increasing them daily as
is gained.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt County having issued Letters of
Administration to me, the undersigned
on the 6th day of Oct. 1903, on the es-
of J. A. K. Tucker deceased,
NOTICE is hereby given to persons
indebted to the Estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
to all creditors of said Estate to
sent their claims properly
to the undersigned, WITHIN
TWELVE MONTHS after the date of
this Notice, or this Notice will be
plead in bar of recovery.
This the 6th day of Oct., 1903.
Administrator of the Estate of
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt County at Sept.
term by His Honor Fred Moore
Judge presiding, in the case of James
S. et vs. Daniel Sum-
et undersigned com-
missioner will sell for cash, before the
court house door, in Greenville,
Monday the 9th day of Nov,
following described piece or parcel of
land, situated in the county of Pitt;
and in township, on the
north side of Tar river adjoining the
lands of the late Susan D. Brown and
William Whitehead. Beginning at a
stake in the old Washington road and
f mining west poles
to the fork of the Greenville and Tar-
and Gum Swamp roads, thence
down the Greenville and Tarboro road
south east poles, west
poles to the beginning, containing
This Out F. G. JAMES,
This department is In charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Oct. 1902.
The remains of Highsmith
were carried near Stokes Sunday
morning and with J- O.
U. A. M. lodge
from here attending in a body.
the advance of cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
goods and feel sure that we
an save you money as we bought
bulk of our stock at old prices and
tell the same way.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mr. Moody Cox's remains arrived
here on Sunday evening's train
and were buried Hancock's
church Monday afternoon.
The other day a party bought
some wire fence from A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co., saying that he wanted a
fence which would his own
hogs as well as other and
only that will
do it is your make with wire
Mrs. Fannie Tyson has returned
to the home of hr Mrs.
B. near Kinston.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing done. Work
Mrs. Hattie Nelson is visiting
friends near
We hare spared no time in
our stock and we think we
can suit the most
F. Manning Co.
Singletrees Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
All kinds of scroll turned
work done to order by the Winter-
ville Co.
G. A. Kittrell Co. have sup-
ply of seed rye for sale.
Dr. B. T. Cox and Miss
Cox spent Tuesday in Greenville.
We would call attention to the
fact we have added dry goods to
our line of merchandise and re
ask the public to call
For Rent or house and
lot located between Joseph us Cox
A. D. Cox on Academy street.
Apply to C. A. Fair.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
Prof. A.
and Miss Dora Cox left Monday
night for to attend
the Baptist association.
For brick see G. A. Kittrell
Co. They have recently burned a
kiln and will reason-
able to suit the times.
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. Send your
orders right along get the best
cheroot in the world for the money
patronize borne industries.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Bring your cotton to Winter-
ville and have it ginned. G. A.
Kittrell Co. will buy your seed
and of Bl pay highest market
We have in stock the best line
of shoes ever offered here and can
fit you in both size price.
Bring your family and we will
this red on, so we will make
shoe squeal before you get it on
your foot. B. F. Co.
An behind a -Tar
wagon, two more wagons in
the front wagon, a pair of
cart wheels in hindmost
was the load that left A. G. Cox
Mfg Co's yesterday for an
adjoining county. The prettiest
part of it is that the order is to be
duplicated soon as possible.
B. G. Chapman and Mrs. Chap-
man spent
Several our young people were
at Black Jack last Sabbath
Miss Annie Stocks and Mrs. W.
H. and children are visiting
in Ayden.
M. C of Mount
Olive, N. C, writes A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co. as
ability I think Tar Heel
wagons are surpassed by any.
This hot dry weather doesn't seem
loosen the tires at all. I have
been handling them for two years
and don't thing of them has
ever needed any repairs what
Dr. Cox addition to bis drug
stock always has on hand a com-
line of free school books, pen
and scratch tablets, pens, pencils,
and the finest assortment of box
stationery ever brought to Winter-
Stokes, are here up
their father's affairs.
All who doubt what we say
about buggy harness
taking the lead, both in price
quality, are kindly asked to call
and see for themselves. Several
sets in stock all the while.
Another town at
early day, so says rumor.
Harvey Cox spout
W now manufacturing a
wash out of the old North
also of gums. These
are very -beat of wood
that can be used. Apply to
Mfg. Co.
la. U. Bryan has been over to
Bethel other points
We have car load
burgh fencing the
way. A. Co.
B. L. Kittrell, who has a
with the A. C. at Flor-
S. spending two or
three his parents, re
turned yesterday.
The Winterville Mfg. Co.
a specialty of horse shoeing.
K. B. Highsmith, of Mount
Olive, has here this week.
B. C. Pearce, of was
greeting; his friends here
e have a nice line hats for
in ex-
or give you
change for
See M. L. the jeweler.
promptly done.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
House town.
B. F. Manning Co., will
the highest cash price for your
cotton seed.
Mr, at Drug Store
will be pleased to show you their
line of handsome gold and fountain
A few of our citizens attended
services at county home Sun
Something for
a corpse was snipped away
the morning one received Sun
Thompson Gregory, of
gory, Ark., a firm worth over half
a are among A. G. Cox
Co's most Eco-
back baud customers. The
following letter has been received
from them. to yours
of recent, date, beg to say that we
are very much pleased with your
Economic back band. We find
that they will not hurt the back
of en fat or stock, and are
very convenient and durable. We
consider it a cheap back band at
Dealer in
Staple and fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candles, Cakes, Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Cl-
I gars. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar.
i Fruits and Vegetables, Rice, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green and Roast-
ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry soaps.
Winterville, N. C.
A Full Line of Millinery
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best latest styles always on
hand. Call see. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug store.
both old young, also the price, owing to its durability
valises, at prices comfort to avoiding
we very reasonable sore backs; because it is
glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
B. F. Co., before
their are exhausted.
Miss Jones, from the
try, has been visiting Mi's. J. W.
W. L. House is erecting a good-
house on Main street for
the purpose of a
general repair and blacksmith
not affected by weather or sweat
either of which
rots the cloth or
Miss Bertha Kittrell left for
Greenville Monday to be
present at the Evans-Hardy mar-
Frank of Kinston,
pent Sunday here.
Mr. of Portsmouth,
Va., spent Sunday here.
i Bend model, or photo of invention
report on J or free book, i
N. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other Prompt
to all
Young i
Men's Suits
The young man who insists upon
Fashion's latest whims naturally
comes to Fashion's Headquarters
for them. As you that
means he comes here.
As soon as he lands he puts on
a suit, and the suit generally
lands him at once.
The smartest and newest
Sack Suits arc here,
as the new, high shoulder,
row lapel, single-breasted
Suit. Worsteds, Cheviots, Scotch
Suitings are the favorite fabrics.
Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
and Agent for Wire Fencing.
Main and electric power plant,
Branch offices and Mount,
N v C
r prices mid address Rocky
Mi milt -Dice
The Only
To get the confidence of the
people of Pits county by
tiling is i the daily and
semi-weekly editions of

yOU know What it does It relieves a person of all desire
drink or drugs, restores the nervous system to its normal
and reinstates a to his home and business. For full particulars
Correspondence confidential N. C.
U-. Mil
Cold Comfort
Is what e are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerator insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
sell machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
A u Natural.
There was a wedding yesterday
in Graceless oh arch.
Lord of
married Miss Sallie Pad
The bridal party, including the
attorneys for both sides, formed in
the alcove promptly at
At the real estate the
bride's name was transferred to
his lordship.
At 11-50 a million dollars in
legal tender changed hands.
At high noon all the railroad
first mortgage bonds known to be
in the bride's possession were
handed over.
A vote of thanks was then passed
to his lordship for leaving the
bride's father enough to live on
comfortably until the next rise in
Wail street, which is predicted
for next spring.
At two bishops, four
clergymen, two real estate lawyers
and a barrister pronounced the
The groom will pass the next
three weeks with his bride at his
estates after the roof
has been repaired.
After this, it is understood, they
will separate and enter society.
New York Evening Post.
Conducted by Prof. J. D. Everett.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
Marriage License.
Last week Register of Deeds U
Williams issued license to the fol-
B. Taylor and Effie Kittrell.
L. Carr and Janie P.
L. A. Ives and Mary E. Bland.
John Moore and Martha Walters.
Council Brown and
Er-sex and Hardy.
N. 1803.
Mrs. Amanda and
son, Ernest, of spent
Saturday Sunday in town with
Mrs. G. D. Roberson and Mrs.
Peal, of spent yes-
in town.
Prof. J- D. Everette spent Sat-
and Sunday with relatives
Dr. W. J. Thigpen, of Tarboro,
was in town yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P,
Jamesville, were in town today.
Mis Cobb and Miss Mary
pen, of Mildred, spent Friday
Dr. Thigpen,
Mrs. and
daughter, Sallie, spent the day
with Mrs
Misses Nina Grimes
spent in Tarboro.
The teachers of High
school wen- badly disappointed
Saturday by the rain, which
vented them from attending the
Mr. of Robersonville,
came up Sunday to see Miss Sadie
Mix George Howard Is still very
B. W. Moseley, of Greenville, is
in town today.
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware Furniture, Groceries,
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. Whedbee has dis-
. r of the following cases in his
court since Oct. the lime
Jason Joyner, drunk and down,
and costs, lo
A brain drunk and
down, fined H and costs,
W. O. Evans, drunk down,
fined and costs,
Jim Barrett, drunk down,
fined and costs,
Alex. Bailey, drunk
fined and costs,
M. a. drunk
I down, fined costs,
Cannon, drunk dis-
l orderly, lined and costs,
-Ii Frank drunk
down, lined and costs,
assault, fined
f carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods.
p Notions, Shoes, Hals, Caps and Furnishings.
p- Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Sup; lies constantly unhand. Country trade
H a specialty. Flour feed by load.
you can get honest goods at living prices. Sen our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
aid everything you wear. Everything use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty. -P
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse. I
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. e do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Paul Webb,
and costs,
Silas assault, fined
and costs,
J. drunk and down,
find costs,
N. ii. Lewis, drunk and
fined and costs,
L. A. Hudson, drunk down,
fined and costs,
Ben Bryant Jones, drunk and
down, fined cost,
Ben Bryant carrying con-
weapon, bound over to
Superior court.
I Sin inn. drunk and down,
Roberson, and dis
orderly, fined and costs,
E. A. Mote, Jr., D. D. Gardner, E. A. Sr.,
D. D. Gardner, W. K. Smith, E. A. Sr.,
We manufacture the best buggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine our Stock.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
inuring the mad dog excitement
here a few weeks ago, a dog be-
longing to Mr. W. B. Wilson was
among those bitten by the rabid
dog running at large. Mr. Wilson
at once had his dog shot up and
kept him Sunday the
dog began acting strangely, and
Monday showed inch signs of
he was killed.
. .
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory
of and payment of arrears with Interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy as an during the lifetime
of insured.
N. O.
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. B. Bradley, who is to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
a a
, W J
C m g r
a e
as B
Parham and Parham
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of foods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from a cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Tobacco is Selling for Better Prices.
All classes of good tobacco have advanced, bright
strips, cutters and wrappers. There is now a good
demand for all grades. PAR-
are well equipped for selling your
tobacco at highest market prices.
With long experience in the business, a large, well-lighted house and first-
service, we can show and sell your tobacco to fine advantage.
By strict attention to business entrusted to us, and straight-forward
honest dealing with hope to merit a share of your patronage.
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs Medicines Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
No Joke
It is serious. When need Medicine you need it
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever permitted to enter our Store, We a foil
line of all well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
Sufferers can find here such cures as will meet their par-
ailment. Our prices, like our goods, are popular.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing. Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats,
and Hardware can be found
here, whether is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
eerie, Tobacco and The
i only Soda Fountain in town, All
i the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
I will bell my house and lo
containing acres of land in
the town of a good five
room house, a good barn and
wood and good
water, conveniently located, near
depot, will give possession Jan-
1st, 1901. Also two other
town lots with a small three
nearly new. For further
information write or call on me.
C. K. Bradley.
c. n.
and Surgeon,
Complete Stock Drugs.
J. Proctor Bros
If want build a house,
o f In it, slothing and
dry goods far family,
for your tabla, or for
rear farm, supply your
Our mill aid are now
in full blast we are
pared to grind corn,
aw lumbar, aid, de all kinds
of tunes work fer balusters
and a. We also
and wage as.
Evening of Rare Pleasure.
I were more than
, delighted with the entertainment
in the opera house Tuesday night,
by Miss Georgia Kay
is a most dimming
every number given was
excellent. It is hard lo tell in
which she is best, s all her
selections, whether comic, tragic
or pathetic, were rendered as by a
master of the Hit. It was Miss
visit to
and those who heard her first
were glad of the opportunity to
hear her again. The songs by Mr.
Preston Cotten and Miss Sallie
Both were
The local hits by Mr. Cotten
one of his songs went straight to
the mark and received much
Capture Robber at Rocky Mount.
News reached the city at a late
hour last night that one the
men who was engaged in the at
to rob the bank at Spring
Hope captured in Rocky
Mount and identified by Mr. Tis-
dale, the man whom the robbers
pounced upon and bound and
whole story of the young men aim-
ed with Winchesters frighten-d
the brigands
Farther particulars of the capture
could net be and
What a Lease Means
A lease of the Atlantic and
Carolina Railroad
that the state will its prop-
rights this property, and
thereby be a gainer its enhanced
value, while a sale, seems
to be the sentiment in the western,
part of the state, would only mean
a fixed amount of money without
mime benefits.
We are told by reputable law-
that a sale cannot be effected
on account of outstanding bonds,
and if sold every
would become liable for losses
incurred. Au advantageous lease,
such as proposed responsible
parties, will guarantee the stock-
holders a fair annual dividend,
give the of the road a
service equal the present,
Cotten between the numbers were
enjoyable features of with improvement as conditions
may demand, besides lower
freight rates.
It is politics which endangers
the Atlantic and North Carolina
Railroad and prevents its being of
dividend paying value to its stock-
holders, and of building up tie
section through which it passes.
A with politics entirely
will be a factor in the
of waste places, as the
lessees give the assurance that
they will lend every effort to pro-
pencil tablet, per-
leaves, on the market
largest for the money.
from the bank, j Book
If all reports are true Greenville
will witness several weddings
before Christmas

i N ii
K. O.
Tin- writer has been informed The last annual session of the
that since the people of Indian Trail of North
their school building, every adopted
resolutions favoring the abolishment
and also
available farm in reach of the school
has been sold or rented to outsiders
in. One man told the
the writer that he would be against liquor traffic in the state.
ed to leave because the farm he had, The resolutions read as
been renting had sold to el Whereas, we believe the dictum
from another county who was of some of the ablest writers on
coming to it, and he couldn't rent criminal jurisdiction, that it is the
another. Verily a good school puts
life into the dry bones of
Morning Post.
Greenville N. C.
Dear What's the penalty
for making or Belling short meas
in your state
And does it make any difference,
if three-fourths of the paints are
t- m ensure T
Is pints a full-gallon or a
certainty rather than the severity of fool gallon
punishment for crime committed What's the penalty for making
that has the greatest deterrent in-L, for I
upon the criminally disposed i T . . ., .
element and U paint, if mixed
Whereas, we further believe that with a little and labeled
editor of death by mixed or something
recently stood by John P. Morgan the that t
in his church in New York and on the part of to refuse But we don't intend to go into
listened to sing of the gee- J to verdict of guilty
hymns with as muck vigor as
an old time Methodist, but for all
John is an expert at
lowing every tiling in sight and all
such verdict is to be followed by
the of said there-
that we urge upon the
legislators of our state the abolition
that saved oar brother of the the death penalty, and the sub-
-was the fact that John didn't need
him in ins and
B i- I, I
therefor of a more rational
punishment in with the
dictates of man's higher nature.
Whereas, the legislature of this
state has enacted some desirable and
stringent legislation for the
be it
Resolved. That we the
list Conference urge upon our
denomination to participate both
and denominationally
lend and-zinc aid
Yours truly,
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint
Wondering beside bough I
Which bent its hallowed head
a stream.
And, like a monk who prays against
the doom
Of death, it counted off summer I in all earnest and well directed
dream i for the suppression of the
In one long rosary of fragrance, till, traffic in our state.
The last breath melted on the silver, .
And old faltered The two big trust corn-
tin re . panics in Baltimore Monday, with
Tor I could read no answer
to my prayer.
But now, in glad October's spreading i
pause again along the
Lo, brighter than the brown blur of
the thrush
up in the millions, was a
heavy jolt to financial circles. When
I watered stocks begin to leak there
orchard is danger of somebody being left
I out in the wet, and it seems the
; trust companies is question had
all its flutter ivy-lace, been much in that
The great, red pippins, born of sum-
mer o dream,
Drop purple shadow-heads into
God's answer to the blossom-pray-
I i nor ask the win or how.
Aloysius Coll.
His Three children.
N. C, Oct.
of the most terrible crimes ever
committed in North Carolina
this morning when Dr. J
V. Jay, a -veil known physician of
county, living at Bar-
twenty miles of
killed with a claw ham
three children, aged two.
-ix years. ;
of was r
. by telephone iii
Everybody's Magazine November, 1903.
A mission is liable to swamp a
magazine. So much zeal is
oped that the real function of the
publication, which is to entertain, is
forgotten, this excess Every-
body's Magazine, which has recent-
undertaken a crusade against the
habit in America,
is obviously not to be led. The
November con tents-table makes a
most inviting showing, presenting
as it docs stories and sketches by
such amusing writers as Alfred Hen.
Lewis, Henry and Eugene
Wood. There is no intrusion of a
policy at all, and the reader is likely
to find himself in the midst of Fran-
Bellamy's article about
Men Who Are Not without
We take this method of notify-
all purchasers of the Eli
lands sold before the court
house door at Greenville, N. C, on
1903, to meet us at the
Clerk of the Court's office in Green-
ville, N. C. on Tuesday, Oct. 27th,
inst. When and where we will be
prepared to make deed to said
purchases upon payment of their
respective bids. If any of
said purchases at said sale
have assigned his or her bids
it will he necessary to write
E. Cobb, at Tarboro, the
of same in full, at once.
F. Marion
E. Cobb.
Does your head Pa
back, of your eyes P;
taste in your i
fiver pills. They cure c v
it is said that Jay had been at there is
Want j
c J .
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
drinking heavily for nearly two i
weeks last night ran hi wife nation
a serious , pat.
Mr. Bellamy avers Family Flour-straight
, . . , , , bushel
is losing its ideals and Bacon-hog round per lb
that today success only means
Mrs. Jay returned this morning the mo-
the act of preparing The newest creed is, he Pork
breakfast when her husband at- L. may be more lbs per bushel
net again drove her ,.,, but Peas
f She started bf way to convince the world that
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Our New
Fall Stock
is now complete in all depart-
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goods,
Ladies Jackets, Furs
brands of FINE
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment,
Greenville's- Great Department
Jas. F. Davenport,
New White Front.
We are showing a splendid assort-
of the newest and best, and
we are offering them at low prices.
neighbor's to get help and left her
ice the
you have brains, is to make
children crying on the porch. w,, of New
the mother was gone Jay; exclusion of people
36-inch Mohair, black,
Mohair, black,
14-i Mohair, and
inch Mohair, cream,
inch black, blue,
gray, brown,
52-inch black, 1.00
inch black, 1.50
black, 2.00
inch Silk Henrietta 1.25
Cheviot Sere, colors,
52-inch blue, 1.00
de Crepe,
killed all three of the
With a claw-hammer.
was a drunkard full
who are Broilers
Una no place for states-1 lb
ii. authors or scientists unless they Geese
have money. On the other hand, he
when he committed important men in
without leaving a Bear
I be name Witch Hazel is applied
to salves but De Witt's
Salve is the
Hazel made that contains
the pure unadulterated witch hazel.
If any other Witch Hazel is
you it is a counterfeit.
C. HeWitt Witch Hazel
and De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best salve in the
world for cuts, burns, bruises,
or bleeding, itching
protruding piles. Bold by
John L. Wooten.
The North Carolina Christian
Convention will meet in
vest week, beginning Tuesday.
try whose position a splendid pro-
test against tie prevailing craze.
Their careers, as stated here, arc
certainly inspiring The article
will set people thinking about
significant tendencies in modem
Alfred who collaborated
with Flynt in his series of
studies f Graft in American
describes that
what has been accomplish-
ed for decency in New York by an
honest administration. There is also
an summing-up of the
career of John Alexander by a
man with the analytic capacity for
the K. Friedman, the dis-
Chicago novelist.
full line of DRESS TRIMMINGS, including Persian Bands,
Pendants, etc. e display of Dress Skirts
and Petticoats. We carry the and
SHOES for ladies. We can surely please every woman.
One H. P. Boiler and engine.
Boiler returns flue, Engine in good
running order. One patent tooth hole
saw. Saw frame and foot carriage,
Hatchet head-blocks, up-to-date one
cut-off saw, shaft and pulleys, one
saw Pratt gin, feeder and condenser,
good as new, two lines of shafting and
pulleys, one Cotton Press run with
steam power, belting, fixtures and etc.
One inch heavy top runner,
miter gearing, makes good meal. All
in good running order. Any person
wants good bargains, come and exam-
for themselves.
The outfit can be bought
cheap. Apply to
Cone-toe, N. C.
market is a Little Better and the is always
is not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
other warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. Yon have heard the old
about proof of the Just bring
us your tobacco we will show you the proof in high
j. WHICHARD, and Owner.
and Friday.
Baltimore, Oct
Foster, president of the
Steamship today in
speaking of a trip south with
in the south is of
an character
Greensboro, Oct. 21-,
At tonight, the home of
and Mrs. Augustus Bryan
White, -113 this
Alisa Mary Belle White, their
was married to Mr.
bringing prices. The bank, of D. C, the
is strong, and by the
general situation is bride's Kev. C. E.
I of
bu of the
south, Norfolk,
Greensboro, A Birmingham,
was visited
by oar party, and we the
growth the community,
the manufacturing the
business the general
condition of most
was h gratified to Ii-urn
the slump
securities Wall street
no way affected
Everything is en
the business man and
does not seem care
very much what bulls bears
of our party was the
annual inspect inn tour of the
Southern and I to
say I was struck with the
It. was home wed-
ding, friends
b cut
of town relatives present were. Col.
Mr I. far
i groom, Misses Eliza-
Mi i.
Demand a Home Before Wedding.
Conn., October
Elizabeth has proved
she and at the same time
will not follow her own
Miss Elizabeth at Lee, a
pretty town the Berkshire,
There P. Bent courted her,
he thought he had won
their wedding were
sent out.
The invitation have
been recalled, Bent has
Unit Miss Elizabeth
will he bend. Mr.
Bent cod Miss Elisabeth arranged
Rollins and Roosevelt.
Washington, D. C. Oct.
Republican state chairman Rollins
saw the this morning
and discussed primarily the Lin-
subjects were under consideration
and the one the president
took a lively interest was the
future of the republican party in
North Carolina. Mr. Roosevelt
wanted t know of local conditions,
the report is that he
lighted when told
is going to wage a lively tight
in the coming the
their-wedding without carefully it represented to him
mapping out their future. After a division among
ti B democrats all over the tale.
A Naval Action.
Elizabeth, N. J. Oct.
Seven tugs from the Brooklyn
navy yard a big floating
rick flying stars and stripes,
made a the Crescent
ship yards early this morning and
captured the cruiser
and torpedo Nicholson and
The prizes were n
to Brooklyn navy yard. With
the exception of two officers of the
navy department at th Crescent
few were moving
about the arrived
shortly after o'clock. The
cent officers had previous in-
formation of the pr raid.
Washing tum, Mr. Mis.
Herbert K of
M. G, Wesley oil
mi O. C M r. G.
White of N. t;. Mr-j
J. Burt J. of Chap el N.
Mi. J. of
sweetly asked Mr.
w ht he had tone to a
home for her.
The strenuous arbiter of the
white was so well pleased
that he told Mr. to call
Mr. Bent urged that it would he wanted a hearing.
to board Wish his
the winter. Gently, but firmly.,
that -she
a homo of her own nod to
The president made the impression
on the Tar Heel chairman that he
won have absolute control of the
patronage North Carolina,
he would look to him for its
i, Miss . dispensation. The j
Bernard, . f , Mi. now that be words
was maid of owned HiM should call at the
a calm but when m today for he
be head of own household,
Jr of the acted as . .
, m, , r , So wedding was postponed.
now that be parting words
a house. Miss should call at
t a.
Fatal Fall.
N. C, Oct. G.
Loonies, who fell from a
pole here today and broke his leg,
died this afternoon.
Moody on an Inspection Tour.
Washington, D. C, Oct.
Secretary Moody left on the
roses. Mrs. Herbert A.
of as of
to look at the lease.
insist have
freely with him on all party
, but their friends pro-1
black . . . . . ,
I they mm be -as I
over . i
H the is
general excellent condition of the
that the property has undergone
the past is wonderful.
Grades have been reduced, curves
eliminated new ballast laid.
This shows that there has been a
great expenditure money, all
which has been ca for was
taken out of the of the
Fifty Ninth Annual Co of the
Tuesday, Oct. the State
convention of the Christian church
will begin its sessions at the Chris-
church. Tuesday will be de-
voted to the of the Chris-
Woman's Board Missions.
A number those who will take
part in this work are quite
in Name.
t he attired in a . go-1
gown blue ;
e I of the signs put u i on of Clark, a j bet Secretary of War
. U. Mis. the t giving names white man, two years the palace this
Twice Hanged.
Ala. Oct.
Hall, colored, was
jail here at noon yesterday for
goes inspect the navy yard. He
will be joined there by Rear Ad-
The secretary
will return here Sunday.
Root in Paris.
Oct. Lou-
tree spend
in Cit
i m,.
honey won reefs t
., Hall walked to scaffold
Toxic, noticed in saying n the American Ambassador
g to For Dickinson time of Mr. Root will
D. o. j spelled drop
state, beloved by a large up
mends, while Mr once, the a second time. His
sou of Col. Joe P. bat is upon was broken by the second
bride is of .
y o
a ad for lane the The
ladies of lib is speller Both so loin
return to London
that he
chasing agent of the Southern town names to be a
Railway, Washing n, C, is,;
well Foot
known. Mr.
The High Point tells a lame foot.
I fall. A
in-iii woo
ii . . ,., i tic night ii the prided school.
in the work this Bo- of three i i i,.
Among the sill Horn
Miss Annie Agnes a re- county last week
turned missionary,
Wednesday morning
York, r Two
hundred of the followers of John
Alexander indicated that
they were tired of the work of
. reforming New York city and
row try declaring that an , ,.,.
After in-
spite to all who wanted to give
work give others a chance to
on n nail that went bill it ,, Me, at
had the sole of shoe and I their ,
witnessed the execution
row by
had been
conviction Hall got
prove an and witnesses cum-
to school or
In a town near Chariot.
proper, will begin, of By which had its for
the speakers are men of national a colored b a
fame. Dr. F. D. Power, of Wash- of the best
D. C, B. L. Smith, major d u,
several Others outside
the state are expected.
Many the delegates will come
Monday evening's train,
I confess fail
was II
; entirely
is a fain- foot, of nail
against the akin on t p of lb
foot; wound I
him much trouble Jay's Condition Critical.
to make lit. today.
said name, is no
III i 11-11
stay of the Law if the Torch.
report was started site was Leonard
conjured by him, and it attempted to kill Frank
those who have so consent- among the and found several months ago
ed to entertain delegates should lie ready acceptance, in bis I he was found guilty
ready to take them Monday night, of which be had a instead
A large delegation is expected and leading member, he got being sent to penitentiary.
Greenville should do herself credit shoulder. Ti. j leniency of the court created a
by showing to these visitors that town bin good feeling, and early this
Greenville is second to town
stale hospitality.
Lost and
Wednesday night Mr. H. C.
Hooker took off his vest and hung
it on the back of a in his
j and looked at nun ash he was
cut off from all with
his race, the attitude of which be-
came so threatening him
that by advice of employer
left the town sous
and went to Richmond. Here
two true stories. Men and
place of business. His watch was
in one pocket of vest. At the j heathen are at our doors.
time to close up he forgot his vest Observer.
and went home without it. A
clerk opened at the hour
this morning and when Mr. Hooker
came down later the vest and
watch were gone. A quiet search
was started at once and both vest
watch were found adorning
the of a colored gentleman
sauntering around in
morning a mob of twenty men went
four Hush field
and ordered them to remove
their household effects at once.
Members of mob helped them
carry out their furniture which
was loaded or. their wagons, and
they were then ordered to leave
the and never return. The
wagons containing the
I lies their little household
Three in j goods were started the direction
Sheriff O. W. has and a moment later a
only three prisoners Ids charge torch was applied to
now. When the was sent to I and they were burned. There
the roads of Pitt county had I seemed to be a understand-
but two left, which was the email-1 of what was going on, as none
cat number in jail at one time of the citizens appeared to put
he beau sheriff. I the fires.
N. U. Oct. is
learned today that Mrs. J. Z.
who since the her
children has been in h critical
condition, is no better and fens
of her recovery are entertained.
Mrs. lather arrived here
today from Georgia, where
at the time of the tragedy. There
is much expressed for
the fort wife of Dr. Jay
by those who have known her
since childhood. Mrs. Jay has
been married seven years. At the
time, of her marriage she was not
quite years old.
A Boy.
Mrs. can't get
lie to carry in the coal or do any-
thing any more. I wonder where
Mr. over to Jim-
sou's helping their boy carry
their Sun.
Mrs. yon
talk more when we are together
don't like to Inter-
yea, my
he, those suits by
Chan's Chicago. They are
against me personally, not
Turning his attention to
said people should be care-
of i licit and use them
carefully even the family.
Why, my son, Gladstone never
Kissed a woman outside the fain
he said.
If a man could pick out the
places where he would like to have
a woman far she would be funnier-
looking than she is.
Sometimes a girl's face is
A man has very different ideas
on bad luck the day a girl refuses
to marry him and two years after.
Our sins are like bill collectors.
They generally us out.
When people are proud of their
teeth it is false pride.
If you invited to a wedding
the cheapest thing to send re-
may be fair as to com-
and unfair in way-
Very often hardest to
keep are w. i

Eastern reflector, 23 October 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 23, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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