Eastern reflector, 16 October 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

A Gratifying Success
T wish to return thanks to my friends and customers for
the many kind words of praise and appreciation of
opening display. My fall opening was an undoubted
success, both from point of view and the
storekeeper's. That success I shall endeavor to make
permanent by selling strictly first class
Dress Goods, Trimmings
and Notions
at fair and prices. Too. need not be in any doubt
My goods are all new. No accumulation of years to
pick over. If it's fashionable, it's here.
Jas. F. Davenport
Greenville N. C.
Dear Sir- If it took gallons to
house last time with
somebody else's paint, and takes
with w save yon or
for costs two or three
tunes as much us paint.
Mr. Ezra Williams-
port, Pa, always used gallons of
mixed paint for his house;
But that isn't all; that's only
first cost; how will it
The paint, that goes furthest in
covering, wears best too.
All paint, true paint, and full
measure, are one side; part
paint, paint, and
are are on the other. What can
you expect
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint.
The State Fair.
It will be observed that the
promoters of the state fair have
consistently advertised the high
diver, the balloon ascension, the
rope-walker, the midway features
in general and particular, the
horse-races, etc., etc. tar we
have heard not a about the
exhibition of the state's resources.
The truth is the midway is the
fair the state's resources are
the sideshow. do not object
to this. The fair is a stock-corn
a stock company can
run a circus if it wishes to; and a
sorry circus at that. But we do
object seriously to calling this
State and pulling
a year out the state
treasury for Recorder.
Smothered in Bed.
Greensboro, N. O, Oct.
a young white man
wile here from Raleigh two days
ago, was found dead in bed at a
b larding house this morning. He
went into his room last night and
threw himself across the bed,
down. The coroner thinks death
was due partly to smothering. An
was deemed unnecessary.
Grapes are Healthful and fat-
as they contain a large
annum of sugar.
Hair that splits at the ends
be trimmed with a pair of
scissors or singed.
------IN .
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, hats, Caps and
B. BRO.,
Orris root imparts a delicate
fragrance to the breath and can
lie bought in small sticks.
Hitter aloes rubbed on the finger
tips will generally break the habit
j of bitting the nails.
Your Tongue
If It's your stomach
is bad, your liver is cit of
order. clean
your tongue, cure your
make your liver r
Easy to take, easy to v.
market is a Little Better and the is always
is not satisfied to do as for the farmer as any
other warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
saying about proof of the Just bring
us your tobacco we will show you the proof in high
your in n
We promptly obtain U. Hid foreign
i Scud model, Emu or photo far
i report on For free book.
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Our New
Fall Stock
is now complete in all depart-
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goads,
Ladies Jackets, Furs
brands of FINE SHOES.
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment,
Greenville's-Great Store
Hardware Merchants.
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tot Is. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Me Your W. R. Henry Allied to Reign.
It is not once a I Washington, Oct. re-
this paper advocates of Walter R.
the creation of new offices, county, bank examiner for the states
town, state or hot as we of North South Carolina and
haven't done it, this century, and Alabama, has been requested by
we recently witnessed an incident Comptroller the Currency Rid-
which came mighty near causing Negligence and carelessness
the spirit to move us. Maybe it work is the cause of the de-
did, but we had a cold and may not for Mr. Henry's resignation,
get the full of the spirits This information was obtained at
movings until week. In the the Treasury Department to-day,
meantime we and when it became known, created
Two ladies drove into town in a genuine surprise among Tar Heels
mule cart on the first rainy day we here.
have bad Charlie Row The demand for Mr. Henry's
was lost. is none of our resignation made several days
why they didn't go i and, us yet, it has not been
Stable; drove a Lack lot The is
and of them proceeded to that the Carolinian will not
and the critter. At; his very profitable position
the first step on the ground the without patting tight, and his
lady's went into the arrival here, with that of
we didn't measure the distance. I man is not
The other lady alighted and did j The principal charge Mr.
likewise. But they evidently j is that be has hi
unhitched that before, j work, is far behind in bra
and they succeeded this time, but examinations and reports tot-he
we are almost willing to take a sol- Comptroller.
emu oath that enough mud He has been ordered by the De-
to their shoes to Mil up the holes to cease visitations to
in Dickinson avenue. If they banks in his territory, and, at the
swore at Greenville, sweet village; same time, Ms resignation was re-
of mud, hear It and if the quested, together with all
of-Court in the Court House s papers in his possession.
in the sky heard, we are sure he j Charlotte Observer.
to make any note of It.
The foregoing suggests that
Greenville an
of horses to wait upon ladies with-
out masculine encumbrance.
Raleigh, Oct. is
tonight at Bernard
f of the
think what an witnesses in the Hay wood case
world he given to our dry frond who gave out a cock and bull story
and millinery industries night to the polios that
the message go over the attacked by sandbag-
routes that Greenville had appoint the street. It was
ed a force of handsome men to tonight that a little white hoy
play the gallant at so much per
into a telephone pole. -It-was this
oil gave him a on
bead, The boy whole
has told the whole story.
whistled and who is ex
diem Why, we couldn't begin ran and dashed
handle the crowds with present
facilities. It is true we would
have to import such officers from
Winterville or Halifax if we insist
beauty, but. pay
us So do it.
The other towns In the co-en
would have to go out -of huskies.,
do likewise. But we
would have the start of them, and
we would make them look the
calliope in the cirrus parade.
It's to Emperor Whedbee
and of noble
Say it is Taking the Pulpit's Place.
The Philadelphia North
can Friday contains the follow-
the press is taking the
place the pulpit as a support of
virtue's cause; that the church his
no longer leading the way in the
new civilization, similar em-
declarations were uttered at
meeting of the Philadelphia
Baptist Association last evening in
the Fourth Baptist church, But
and Fifth streets, by Rev.
Dr. Madison C. Peters.
address on
Preaching the Here
are a few of the thing he
is high time that we talk
about the living Scribes and
who fill our pews and pay our
salaries instead of holding gay
tournament with the Scribes and
Pharisees Jades, who have been
dust and ashes for nearly
People will come to hear
us when we do not stick,
and stammer in telling the
Colored Boy Pays Death Penalty
For His Folly.
There happened here today what
might have been expected almost
any the past several
woman broke the looking
boy getting run over by
a train. There seems to be a
glass because it showed the ,
r . . , , i mama among them lumping on
her face, and those who get; , . , .,
. . . , . and off trams around the depot,
vexed because sin is aimed at do so , . . , . I
, and oft repeated warnings, and
even the of laws prohibit-
it, had hut little effect
keeping them from the dangerous
practice. Now the mangled dead
Those frequently around
depot on a Morning have no-
that u largo number of letters;
because they are shot.
pulpit should not be made
a coward's castle; preachers should
be prophets, not
the tuning
many prominent pulpits in
America today the preachers
dare not be uncompromising in
their denunciation of sin and wick-
Such preaching would
the men whose ill gotten
wealth makes then essential to the
because they can make
large contributions, and many a
. is compelled to credit his
j heavers with virtues he knows
do not possess, and for the sake
his bread and compelled
to to prejudices in public
which in private
might el force the
world is the aroused
conscience of
are mailed there. It may he
convenient for some to mat I letters eon-
there instead the he
and in doing so they may think The
they but in
majority of cases such do
not reach their destination as soon
Menaced by a Repetition of the
town Disaster.
N. J Oct.
flood situation tonight is very
grave. The water at Garfield ave-
vs by SO inches than
paint reached in 1902. The
to the city is estimated to
amount, to over
Crowds of men are guarding the
gate house at the null race at
the first intimation that the gate
will break away at Spruce street j
the will be blown with
mite so as to the water into
the chasm of the Passaic Falls.
People are expecting the dam to
goat any minute and a gun was
fired at o'clock to give the
of extreme danger to the
stricken ion.
Should the dam give way, it is
feared that there will be a
of the Johnstown disaster.
The bridges in the city are giving
way, causing a panic. Already
tonight five bridges hare gone one all bad
down under of the fright- r have snob pretty days
as if they were mailed at the post
office. The reason for this is very
plain. Letters mailed at the post-
and made up
according to routes before they are
on the train. His duty is to
look after and he packages
between stations, and gives
as much as he can look after.
Letters mailed at the depot are
the ear loose, as
these have to De and
made up it often happens
that the clerk has to wait he
reaches Weldon to get time to do
this extra work. When this is the
case such letters are delayed,
it any are for intermediate points
they are carried by and reach their
destination on the return trip. Of
course no blame for this can attach
to any one except the parties who
mail the letters.
is taking the
and is
most it
j support of cause.
man who is
about the church in its present
condition only gives proof that he
has ceased to be a living factor
the world's progress.
u am not now speaking of
Christianity, which is the lite and
inspiration of our civilization, but
I do say that the church is not
leading the way in the
What influence the church
has she to conserve the hen
of the past.
who dares say the church
is the future With a
narrow concept inn of her mission
the church has sat a high plat-
form of empty dignity with folded
hands, while the Young Men's
Christian Association, the
men's Christian Temperance Union
hundreds of similar
are doing the which
the church should have done.
as this.
of the most
character not only receive
little support from the but
have frequently to encounter its
form of a lay adds yet another
warning, but it will be
heeded by others remains to
About noon today while the
freight train from was
here, a colored boy named Maury
Moore, about years old, was
jumping on the cars and jumping
off while they were, in motion.
He between two cars and
wheels ran over hi ill, fearfully
mangling his body from the waist
down to I lie feet, lie lived about
half an hour in this con
when death ended his
Another boy who was also near
the tram it h the one killed, fold
him he had jumping oil
it or he might gel hurl.
The coroner. Dr.
body, the verdict being the
by came to bis death by being
run over by a moving train
being warned to keep off of it.
Robbers at Spring Hope
Spring Hope, N. O., Oat.
Four masked men attempted to
rob the bank here about ; o'clock
this morning. Several blasts were
made in the effort to blow open
the safe. aroused a number
of of the town who started
to the bank but were held at bay
at the point of pistols. The first
man to run upon them was caught,
and bound. Seeing the
rival of others that their plot, was
discovered, the robbers fled. An
examination showed that the outer
door of the sale was wrecked by
the blasts but the robbers did not
succeed in the inner
door, which doubtless they would
have done but for the citizens
being by the explosions.
Goes Wet.
n election was held in Wash-
Monday on the question of
saloons or no saloons. The saloons
won by majority.
Wreck on Norfolk Southern.
Elisabeth City, N. C, Oct.
The engine of the south bound
express train on the N. S. R. R.
was wrecked as it pulled the
station here today at noon. The
engineer was almost, instantly kill-
ed, bis head being mashed as the
engine turned over. The wreck
was by an open switch
which was opened automatically
by a bridge being to let
a pass. The engineer failed
see this until too late to stop
the train from rushing into the
switch which is intended to turn
the engine preventing the train
from running into the near by
creek. The jumped from
the engine time to save himself
at the request of the engineer, who
remained at the throttle until he
was killed.
Greensboro Reunion.
Greensboro, X.
reunion spirit was high tide in
today. These are more
than native
North Carolinians here enjoying
the beaming smiles, happy words
and hearty handshakes of those
who have stayed at home and
made North Carolina what she is.
Trial Closes Today.
Lexington, C. Oct. The
case will go to the jury to-
morrow. Mr. began the final
argument for the prisoner this
and will conclude in the
morning, will then
close for the state in ii two hours
speech. lie charged
Immediately after the midday re-
A and Telegraph
Co. to do Offices In
The Home Telegraph and
company, of Henderson,
was incorporated in the secretary
of state's office yesterday with a
capital stock of The
W. T. lie-try,
I. I, Carson, J. Crews, Hunt
J. P. Taylor, J. D. Coop-
V. C. This
company was incorporated for the
purpose building telegraph and
telephone lines in Vance county,
North and Virginia and
other and Observer.
Be deal to the quarrelsome and
dumb to the Inquisitive.
Contact with the world either
breaks or hardens the heart.
is a mirror in which.
every one displays their

I. H. Tyson i .-turned Tuesday I
evening from Norfolk.
Mayor H. returned
Tuesday evening from Hertford.
Lamb, of j
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bateman
went to Kinston this
Harvey Jones is out after being
sick a days.
Mrs. H. A. While and children
this morning for Greensboro.
A. L. Blow went to Washington
Charles returned Tues-
day a on the
Mamie Parker, of Graham,
arrived Tuesday evening to attend
the Carr marriage.
H. R. Thompson,
arrived today to the Carr-
J. E. of Wilmington,
came in Tuesday evening to visit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sutton, of
LaGrange, came over this morning
to the mar-
A. T. Harper, of Goldsboro.
came Tuesday evening to be
present at the mar-
Capt. J. M. Turner, of Raleigh,
one of the toe Raleigh
Pamlico Sound railroad, came in
Mrs. Irene Ormond Dead.
X. C. Oct. 13.1903.
Sunday was a sad for this
community. Late Saturday after-
noon came a telegram announcing
the sad death Mrs. Irene Or-
who we reported, through
these column's a few weeks ago,
had gone to Asheville for her
health. Mrs. Ormond died of
consumption. It was a very rapid
case, it developed a
few months ago. It was hoped
after her arrival in the mountains
would improve, but she
gradually grew worse until Friday
at o'clock, she was
called to tier home in heaven. Her
remain reached Kinston
morning at nine o'clock. She was
brought home and carried to the
where hosts of and
relative- had gathered to pay their
last tribute to one whom they all
loved. Mrs. Ormond was a
beautiful character
which was loved and ad-
mired by all who knew her.
She was a fine church worker,
always, and at all times it was her
pleasure to do something for others
She leaves a host of relatives to
mourn her loss. The entire com-
extends its sympathy.
The Greenville Volunteer Fire
took the steamer out to
the c Tuesday night for a
practice The engine, worked
splendidly and threw a fine stream.
At the roll call after returning to
the engine only two members
were noted absent. That was a
good record for a practice and
shows the interest taken by the
members. Since the election of S.
T. Hooker as chief the fire de-
Ola Forbes has been
elected foreman of the
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Th e netted vegetable fiber known
as the loofah is liked by
many as a wash cloth; it is rough,
cleanses the skin and possesses the
superiority over the sponge in
being easily and thoroughly clean-
Men's Suits worth 3.50
Suits, BA
worth 1.50
Knee Pants,
If you want Styles
Dress Goods,
We show only the best and
latest styles.
On account of the low
prices of Tobacco we have
decided to make cuts
on all prices to clear out
this stock.
This is for CASH.
Negligee Shirts
Lion Brand, Dozen to Select from
MENS Sunday SHIRTS, Detached
and Cuffs, worth now reduced to
Shirts this sale
Shirts this sale
P Mercerized
Black Mercerized Petticoats, ll-in.
Flounce, 1-2 inch Ruffles, Q
worth 2.00. Sales Price
Car Loads Just Received
Solid Oak Bedroom
Suits, that were reduced
to Solid Oak
Heavy Yard Wide
For less money. For the same money.
AH Goods as Represented
These Prices for Cash Buyers.
you bought it from MINES it's all
Bought and
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Groceries, Hardware.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents. If you are not satisfied I will return
M. M. SAULS, Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
The following was seen in the
Wilmington Messenger and quoted
with the comment below by the
managers of the Rescue
Home Charlotte have practically
abandoned hope of securing a
which will not call forth the
protest of property holders in the
neighborhood. It is the same way
every city, and yet we glory over
our desire to help who would
lead a better and a purer
Wilmington Messenger.
Our glorious desire begins and
ends in helping them out of our own
and into other community. It is
not the example set by the Master, it
is true, but we may be justified in
our departure therefrom because we
can go into the stone throwing
while those wicked folk who
preferred the complaint spoken of
in the Bible could only turn away
sorrowful, being
It is needless to protest that these
accusations against Charlotte are not
might strike a Claus in dis-
guise. Any day is a good
cast bread on the water, but Christ-
mas eve is the time to throw socks
at Observer.
M. F.
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor to i. L. Gaskins, next
door to bank.
Ayden Brick Works,
Every man is a hero to some
man; every woman is a heroine to
sonic man.
A man and his money are soon
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Foil
always on hand. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the thousand or
carload. Yours truly,
Ayden, N. O. Oct.,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
to Saturday and re-
turned Sunday.
J. W. Taylor left for Dunn Sat
to spend a few days with
friends and relatives.
Miss Winnie Burney returned
to Ayden Saturday.
Mrs. Nancie Coward came from
Greenville Saturday to spend Sun
day with her daughter, Mrs.
Dixon. She returned
Miss Cox spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. John Coward left
for their new home
Florida. They have our best
wishes for success.
Mrs. John Mason, of House,
who has been visiting her father,
J. T. Smith, returned home Mon-
Miss Freddie Tucker, from
arrived yesterday to at- places country, for the rescue
tend the graded school. of those who
Miss Bailie Cox, of Johnson's L ;, have
Mills, arrived here Monday U and the is yet located. As
spend a few days. j it be lo
man, of Baltimore, is here d , u property
for a few days delivering a ; obtained beforehand.
of pictures. hat every pastor
Baker, I cannot
is in town a short k to mM of his
while assisting W. L.
in a series of meeting s at the
I .
Lead me toward autumn, toward her
wondrous gold,
Her tapestries that hang upon tho
And in the silence that tho valleys
Let me but wonder, and my heart
be still.
Oh, in the matchless marvel of her
Her palace that through
the world
Let me stand silent, awed, and hum-
Her glorious crimson banners here
And let me count the bounty that is
In her great coffers, bursting with
their weight;
And let me linger at her generous
Till winter makes it empty,
deserved, A large and
committee was appointed to The world is her vast castle; I shall
rate and construct the
Florence I tendon Home, such a
All quietly from room to beauteous
home as exists in Knoxville, With flaming sumac, radiant, aglow,
Washington and many other j To light me through the twilight
and the gloom.
Charles Hanson
W. L. Royster, of Suffolk, is
with us for days in the interest
of Cable Co., and is conduct-
a sale of pianos in
the store of Hurt and Jenkins.
Ayden, North Carolina.
But if there is one thing more than another which
tends to of our store, is distribution of
pair warranted by to us,
Each pair warranted by US to you.
Yon run no risk in wearing a shoe,
For if they go wrong we make them right,
We believe that Char-
is not represented by those who
do not wish their own interests in-
whether injury be real or
something ought to he done
Certainly enough ground can be
M. M. Sauls left Monday i m . r . , r
I found in for the erection of
business trip to Greensboro. , , ,, , ,, . , .
; . i the law allows it to be
Miss Clyde Humphrey, Rich
laud, who has been visiting at
returned home
Wanted. A a experienced
for particulars,
Box, i. Ayden, N. U.
We are sorry-for the poor little
erected. And the very character of I
our city as Christian city is
Would it he well for the
church-going population to reflect
tomorrow, what the churches arc
Serene, I fold my hands and wait,
Nor care for wind, or tide, or sea;
rave no more Time or Fate,
For lo my own shall come to me.
stay may baste, I make delays,
For what avails this eager pace
stand amid the eternal ways,
And what is shall know my
Asleep, awake, by night or day,
The Friends, seek are seeking me;
No wind can drive by bark astray,
Nor change the tide of destiny.
What matter if stand alone
wait with joy the coining years;
My heart shall nap where it hath
And garner up its fruit of Wars,
their own, and
The waters know
The brook that springs in yonder
really tor, how much good they j with equal law-
are doing if icy are not trainings pure delight,
men to show the spirit of Christ to
brat. He has to so the erring and the sinful The stars come nightly to the sky;
The tidal wave unto the sea;
Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor
Can keep own away from me.
theme for Sunday
many hooks to school, and
. , meditation,
many them no account after
he there with them.
need ever to be of the pro The Tramp end The Sock,
any The following is not a fairy tale,
mote. We shall how Inn is a taken right out of
that the setters of N. V., on
who head are the Mrs. Jennie and Miss Janie will take
Reception and Marriage.
The marriage of Dr. B. h. Carr
Pianos and Organs
At the Store of Hart Jenkins,
This sale will continue for days and there is a car load of
the best instruments from which you can make your selection.
We are the largest of Pianos in the world, and
can save you money on a purchase.
You are invited to call and examine these Pianos and Organs.
W. L ROYSTER. Factory
of blue buck. gave
a pair of heavy
knit socks. Me was so grateful that
ho would avoid sin must not his personal note
not Stand in the doorway of r s in payment. To please
him, Mrs. kept the note.
Last died, leaving
cash and not a relative. The
court appointed an administrator.
lira. hunted up the old
note entered suit, recovering
and Interest oh the face of
Both winter and tramps are com-
on apace and Charlotte house-
keepers who want to try their luck
with a pair of socks, will doubtless
have Abundant opportunity. The
kind that Mrs. bestowed
upon the tramp was heavy knit and
presumably all wool, but probably
any old kind will do. The time for
bestowing th socks, however ought
to he on Christmas eve, for that is
probably where the luck comes in.
The probabilities are that if lira.
had given the socks on
any other day, she would not have
drawn the prize. Save your socks
and watch out for the Christmas
t No tailing but that you
Physician and
Office in Brick Block.
Ayden, N. C
EDWIN Proprietor.
place in the Memorial Baptist
church tomorrow morning at
o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
will hold a public reception
at their home tonight
the marriage.
Best the market
meets all trains.
table Rooms. Electric lights.
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
and Iron Pane Said.
work and reasonable
a cot
Error in Date.
A part of Tuesday's issue of Tub
Reflector were printed without
the date from Monday being
ed either and some of the
papers were sent out before the
error was discovered. However,
those who got them bad only to
look at he news and see were
The Firemen
The Greenville Volunteer Fire
Co. held its monthly meeting
Monday night. It was one of the
best meetings in point of attend-
that has been held in some
time, only a few absentees being
noted. Several matters of interests
to the company were discussed
and among other things it was.
decided to have a monthly
to the member
with their work.

Editor and Proprietor.
Intend in the post office at Greenville, K. C, as class
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Unite ill U
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Friday, October
tag an electric wire up Lie back
No doubt the order to Sir Walter
Henry to send in his resignation is
quite a jolt to that gentleman's
porosity. He has the sympathy of
North Carolina friends.
The little Georgia girl who wrote
Governor Terrell to let
papa come home, misses him so
ts struck a sympathetic chord.
The press dispatches from Wash-
say a call will soon be issued
for an extraordinary session of con-
to meet Nov. U. If it does
anything for the benefit of the
country it will be an extraordinary
of view among workingmen
Her father was serving a life sen-
Asa high diver Langley's
machine seems to be a success.
labor, a tendency to regard the and an for his
daily task as something greatly
be regretted and hastily to be pardon was granted.
ed from. . . . The general
trend of the workingman seems to
he away from hard work and good
work. . . . As a matter of fact,
and not of theory, no man can do
a worse service to another, whether
richer poor, than to deprive him of
the absolutely healthful joy which
there is in hard work. Woe to him I
does not like his work, I
for if one cannot have the work he mother state welcomes them.
likes, he would better learn to like
North Carolina's wandering sons
are feeling much at home in the
m reunion. The old
hours after the appear-
of last Tuesday's Daily
TOR, which contained the editorial
assertion that the democracy of the
South would not support General
Miles for the presidency, a half dozen
well-informed citizens make it their
business to seek the editors and
heartily endorse the assertion. We
understand that the editorial refer-
. the work he has. . In gen-
red to has met with the unqualified . work is n a
approval of the democracy of Pitt; positive means of
course Pitt doesn't quite run
the universe, but we have are being carried too far in Durham
reasons for considering the above in- the town is bound to suffer for If it were possible to sue a state
Significant, our friend of the. it in the end. It has come to pass ; W arrest, good claims could
. . , , . I doubtless be made out against
Durham Herald to the contrary not. that unless a merchant can show an I
withstanding. The Herald of , union card he is boycotted by m
organizations of workingmen. trial at and Lexington.
A Pilot Mountain carried a
rattle snake about yards in a
bundle of fodder without knowing
it. That is not near so bad a
as the man who thinks he
snakes along with him when he
It is predicted the trial of
Haywood at Raleigh will be con-
tomorrow. Put it be
predicted when public opinion on it
will come to an end.
The Problem.
The Constitution says that
household in Atlanta feeds some
worthless who will not work
so long as he can secure entrance to
some one's The
speaking of this end of the do
situation in Wilmington,
is no doubt that the
household expenses of nearly every
family employing in our
city are greatly increased by this
custom of the Why
should the people submit to it Let
them put a stop to it, and let the city
authorities enforce such
laws as we And The Ashe-
ville Citizen
must understand that it is a
aiding and abetting of the
permit their
to feed other in the
kitchen or to take off mysterious
packages with them, when returning
If cranks keep trying to on
Now the question is, what new to their rooms or
I party will start up for Mr. Walter But what are you going to do
I Henry to go to Surely by now he about it We have a pretty fair
is burdened with disgust for theW
the white house lawn Teddy may
republican party.
I in Charlotte, at least, it is pretty
. well enforced; but why should a col-
gentleman spud-hard-earned
money for plebeian vittles when his
get a chance to wing one of them I
Trade unionism, boycotts, etc. with his pistol before winter is over. Sentiment. , hill,
price And as to this, there are
i Charlotte housekeepers who are per-
About to Set In.
ii- t . i Charlotte houseKeepers are per-
e copy from two of our leading , . ., , ,
conscious that they are being
exchanges the following significant systematically robbed, but who
paragraph bearing out what we say that if they lock up
. . . or have their servants under
of the papers are the same in Chronicle,
that there are men whom the south barn as elsewhere, it is very likely
Carolina by the attorneys for the expressed a fear of, namely, that the j they keep their
educational movement in North Car-, cooks. And there you are. The
was being overdone.
would not support ll should ,. .,
., , , j . i i, that these same merchants nave
the nomination, out we do not be-
there is that much paid accounts on their books for
in the party furnished to the very men
It is not a question of tho now to ruin,
dent. It is a question of their business. We believe that
workingmen have every right to or-
but we have seen unionism
Should a to vote applied in a way that has brought
sorrow to the hearts of thousands.
a man who so utterly fails
to reach even one Southern ideal.
In hands of merciless,
Exactly, but as this cannot be
done both might be given a
on their discharge, with the
of the court for having detained Gold Leaf
the gentlemen for the time being.
-I three contemporaries quoted above
I discuss the subject of living
were going to offer a word of friend- white folk's kitchens as if it
k admonition to the powers that be were chargeable to the idleness of
,, , i the bucks. That has something to
we would say better go slower, gen-, do it no all.
and it will last longer. Charlotte Observer.
Washington declares in favor of
reign of the open saloon. From
what we have noticed of the
for the man who handcuffed Jeff
Davis, his gizzard would rise in his
throat and choke him. ling men it is a force that can in that town this result is
brutally and cowardly, and it; about what was expected, as the
The has been an in- is often done. unto is business men
looked to and recognized by j still the best
life, and the
the democracy of Pitt county for
more than years. We have never,
by one line or one word, violated
party obligations; but we simply
leaders of labor unions are in need
of being taught it.
The condition of the street cross-
could not support Miles under any i is a vile reproach upon Green-
and of the villa. It was bad enough in warm,
gloomy observation of our Durham dry weather, but the whole
we believe we are ex- will be forced to develop web-
in line with the democracy of bed feet if they hope to cross our
the South.
We have a new philosopher of
work in Richard Watson Gilder.
editor of the Century Magazine,
one who comes in contact
with affairs can fail to notice, as a
tort of corollary to the enervation
which comes to men of wealth
through luxury, an increasing laxity
My Lungs
An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad cough. My friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me
A. K. Randies, III.
You forgot to buy a bot-
of Cherry
when your cold first
came on, so you let it run
along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
rant set., n. ah
four doctor. If be It.
do h If hi W you sot
to k. It. than -don't it. Ha
streets without takings mud bath.
The doctors and shoe dealers profit
by the wretchedness of our streets,
but the people are sore sufferers.
N. is not a kick, but a
statement of a most disagreeable
School Teacher Dewey
has money, and that money brings
him friends, or he would not be able
to evade the law so easily. We do
not believe Dewey is in North Caro-
or has been in it since his
flight. It takes a right smart man
to steal and escape
Such a man is Dewey and
he isn't going to linger in the shadow
of the penitentiary.
The Trouble.
A contemporary suggests that
there is in educational There is no telling the amount of
sentiment about to set in in North inconvenience the housekeepers of
Carolina. We can imagine nothing this town are being put to by reason
whiskey and continues under the the departure of their
place than this. The magnificent I cooks. They either go to the cotton
labor that has been expended in this fields or north. They never giro
cause is just now beginning to show j any notice of their intention of
The enthusiasm is but, woman of
penetrating the byways of the state, j the house knows of her departure
A suspension at the fountain head I is OS arising some morning expert-
would now be calamitous. It must j to find breakfast nearly done, she
be remembered that the work so far; U surprised at no cook being in the
has been but to arouse the people to kitchen and the stove as cold as a
its importance, The ways and tamp of fee, Such an experience is
means are far from having been pro- enough to make a woman forget the
Let there be no golden rule. One remarked
of Journal. j that such conduct recalled to her
. r, i i . i , i mind vividly days of
The Raleigh Christian Advocate, .
. . ., . , , for that was she manner they
had an excellent editorial in its issue
of last week week on the educational I .
., ., . x, ., ,, ,. i- . If there is the average
situation in North Carolina, in which, , , , r. .
.,.,,,, , has to obliterate
it was said that the uppermost
thought in the public mind is that
there was purely from the stand-
point of dollars. Hut they have a
right to their opinion, be
what they may.
Reading accounts of the great re-
union in Greensboro makes us feel
like How glad we are to
be a North Carolinian
The Atlantic Messenger has been
moved from New to
City and Rev. A. W, Setter is now
editor of that excellent church
A contemporary asks, it
wrong to be If it is, we are
in no danger.
All may not become governors,
but tho poorest boy in the land may
still become president.
Mr. Dewey doesn't seem able to
make satisfactory transportation
it is every vestige or suggestion of
. i i i, slavery days, the slavery times
education is being overdone. It ., . . .,
., . i , of leave-taking still chugs to the.
would regret to see the work Hint is
in progress receive any check, yet
The Biblical Recorder declines to
consider tho annual at
a state institution. We have
for a long time believed that the only
thing the state gets out of it is the
privilege of making it a present of
every year.
The Boston Herald is booming
one for the presidency. Once
upon a time a daffy old geezer tried
to bring a dead man to life by run-
What Is known as the
s occasioned by actual exist
external conditions, but In th
majority of cases by a disorder
which may be
by trying a course of
Ms Pills
They control and regulate the
They bring hope and to th
mind. They bring health and
to the body.
deem it more unfortunate
that our charitable institutions
should suffer in order that any other
interest might For anyone
o expect an appropriation for a state
reformatory considered extremely
and it regards as being
unfortunate the sentiment favorable
to a division of the school taxes be-
tween the races on the basis of what
each Observer.
A Georgia asked
of Governor Terrell the other
day to work in the penitentiary in
place of his aged lather, who is now I
serving a life sentence for murder.
The governor declined this unusual
offer, stating there was no law
convicts to put
in their place.
We are not saving that the
does not get justice in our courts,
but there is a difference in the way
he gets it and the way some other
people get Herald
cooks of the They can imitate
the whites in, many but their-
secretive method of splitting
employers of tho instincts of
the race still clings to the
and no amount education
been able to efface
A jury can keep a man out of the
penitentiary but it cannot clear him
in the eyes of the
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
Safest and Remedy la
German Liver Powder
not Mixture, but
translation one of Nature's
Innermost It you are suffer
r we will send you OP
a sample of
Liver Powder with our
pa booklet, which contains authentic
testimonials from who have been
cured by this wonderful Do not
delay, but send your full address at once to
The American Co.
and recommended by
E. H. Taft is sick.
Miss Allen returned
day evening from school at
to be present at the i
L. M. Pittman, of Scotland Neck,
came in Saturday evening.
G. H. Ellis went to Ayden Sat
Mrs. Bettie Swindell returned
Saturday evening from a visit to
J. W. Perkins returned
day evening from
W. T. returned Sat
evening mm a trip the
Mr and Mrs. T. U. Tyson left
Sunday for Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. U. E House spent
Sunday at
Dr. D. L. James went to Bethel
O. of came
over Sunday.
Alice Grimes, of
is visiting Mrs. J. W.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Harding left
Sunday evening for Grifton.
Victor band, of Virginia
came in Saturday evening.
L. H. Fender went to Richmond
H. Pender left this morn-
to visit relatives in Tarboro.
Mrs. L. M. Pittman, of Scotland
Neck, who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. B. Higgs,
home this morning.
M. L. Starkey left this
for Wilmington.
Mrs. Richard Williams has been
quite sick the past week.
R. Outlaw is on the tick
Miss Daily Wooten, La-
Grange, who has been visiting
Mrs. Alfred Forbes, returned home
Mat Hardy went to Kinston Sat-
Miss Cox left Saturday
for and returned
ibis morning.
E. G. Barrett and Bob Waters,
if Kinston, spent Sunday here.
Miss Julia Burney, of
has been visiting Miss
returned home Saturday
Miss Betsey Greene, of La
who has been her
later, Mrs. F. M. Hodges, return
Saturday evening.
Miss Minnie left Mon-
evening for
Miss D. A. Peebles left Monday
for a visit to Grifton.
A. M. Moseley returned to
Mrs. E. A. returned
y evening from a visit to Boston
T. H. left this morning
a trip on the road.
J. went to
Asa Garris, of was
town today for the first time in
ear, haying suffered much from
in that time.
W. E. Cox returned this
Skinner went up the
j morning.
Alice i, of Roberson-
e, who was visiting J. W.
returned home this
Miss Delia Smith, who has been
visiting friends and relatives here,
left Monday evening for Ayden.
a position with Miss Delia
J. F. Brink returned from
Scotland Neck Monday evening.
without leaving a scar
he name Witch Hazel is applied
to salves but DeWitt's Witch
has ac-; Hazel Salve is the
little daughter bad an
almost attack of whooping
cough and writes Mis.
W. K. of Armonk, N.
Y., when all other remedies
failed, we saved her life with Dr.
King's New Discovery.
who bad Consumption in an
advanced also used this
wonderful medicine and today
she is perfectly
throat and lung yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to 1.0
other medicine on earth. Infallible
for Coughs and Colds. and
91.00 bottles guaranteed by
Drug Store Trial bot-
Hazel made that contains
the pure unadulterated itch Beast.
If other Witch Hazel is
offered you it is a counterfeit. E.
C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel
Salve and DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best salve in the
world for cuts, burns, bruises,
or blind, bleeding, itching
protruding piles. Sold by
John L. Wooten.
If beauty were taxable the
sex would never try to dodge
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prises as low as
lowest. Highest market
The netted vegetable fiber know n
as the loofah is much liked by
many as a wash cloth; it is rough,
cleanses the skin possesses the
superiority over the sponge in
being easily and thoroughly clean-
Le of Cavendish, Vt.,
was robbed of his customary health
by invasion of Chronic
When Dr. King's New Life
Pills broke into bis house, his
troubled was arrested and now he's i
entirely cured. They're
teed to cure, at Wooten's
Do not wash the hair too often,
as it takes away the natural oil
and will the hair harsh. A
shampoo once in two weeks is usu-
ally sufficient, unless very dusty
work is being done.
I had Dyspepsia in it worst form
and felt most all the
time. Did not eating
after I used Dyspepsia Cure
which has completely cured me.
Mrs. W. W. Hilliard, Pa.
No appetite, loss of strength,
bad breath, sour
dyspepsia all stomach
troubles are quickly cured by the
use of represents
the natural juices of digestion
combined with the greatest known
tonic and proper-
ties. It cleanses, purifies and
sweetens the stomach. Sold by
John L. Wooten.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
When brushing the hair draw
the brush firmly over the scalp d
down the entire length of the hair
in one stroke; the short stroke s
liable to break the hair.
D. W.
North Carolina.
Real Estate Agency
Millikan, Walker
It is an admitted fact that
la rapidly forging to the front
it only a question of a van
abort time when it will be the
city in the her railroad facilities
are and there is a con-
influx of capitol employed in th.-
various kinds of manufacturing enter-
prises, which is constantly increasing
the population of the and a great
demand for real estate baa been
thereby and property constant-
changing hands, but considering
the marvelous growth of the city, the
price has been kept on a reasonable
basis, persons who have money to in-
vest can make no mistake if they come
this way, provided is taken
in location and price of property. We
make it our business to keep a vigilant
I watch over the interest of our
and are in a position to save you
money as we keep posted in values in
city and near by fa-ming lands and
can aid you in investing your capital
where it will bring quick and
returns. Correspondence so-
When in the city we extend to you a
cordial to visit our office.
Boon No- , over Sykes Drug Store.
Would not interest yon if you
were looking for a guaranteed
Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles.
Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo.
suffered with an sore for a
year, but a box of Arni-
ca Salve cared me. It's the best
Salve on earth. at
drug store.
is that one that will cleanse I he
system, set the liver to re
more the bile, clear the complex-
ion, cure headache and leave
taste in the mouth. The famous
little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are De-
Little Early Risers. Bob
Moore of Lafayette, lad., j
other pi In I have used gripe
sod sicken, while DeWitt's
Early Risers are simply
Sold by John L. Wooten.
To whiten the hands or face try
the lotion made honey, cold
cream and rose water
with iris root powder; spread
inside s pair of loose gloves, and
or the on a or cloth
ace mask; at night.
Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark.
writes, years I suffered
from Yellow Jaundice, I consulted
a number of physicians and tried
all sorts of medicines, but got no
Then I the use of
Electric Bitters feel that I urn
that had
me in its grasps for twelve years
If you a reliable medicine
for Liver and trouble,
stomach disorder or general de-
get Bitters. It's
Without the Knife.
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
To All Whom It May
This to that in July, 1902,
I bad a fistula in anus which had
en me trouble for ten years past and I
had consulted several physicians and
had followed their prescriptions to the
letter and continued to grow worse
until I could not walk, and for eight
months I could only walk on crutches,
and In this condition I was advised to
call on Dr. Moore, colored, which I
did, and under his treatment I at once
began to grow better and in week
the trouble was removed and I was
well, a 16-year
old boy, and the trouble has never
returned. WILL EDwARDS.
E. L.
Sworn to before me, Sept. 26th, 1903.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Hard water is injurious to the
skin, but it can be softened and
more agreeable by
adding a few drops of ammonia
and a little powdered borax to a
of water.
To cure or indigestion
it is no longer to live
in milk and Starvation
produces such weakness that the
whole system becomes an easy prey
to disease. Dyspepsia
Cure the stomach and
digestive to digest and
assimilate all of the wholesome
food that one cares to eat, is a
never failing cure for indigestion,
Dyspepsia and all stomach
digests what you eat
makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by John L. Wooten.
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt County having issued Letters of
Administration to the undersigned
on the 6th day of Oct. 1903, on the es-
of J. A. K. Tucker deceased,
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
indebted to the Estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
to all creditors of said Estate to
sent their claims properly
to the undersigned, WITHIN
TWELVE MONTHS after the date of
this Notice, or this Notice will be
plead In bar of recovery.
This the 6th day of Oct., 1903.
Administrator of the Estate
A chronic liar is less dangerous
than the liar who has spasmodic
attacks of veracity.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof
Orders for any work in my
line receive prompt attention.
Work room over Baker
as tore.
II mi
a M.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Elides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gall Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz
North Carolina, I
Pitt County, f In Superior Court
James H. Gray
Annie Gray.
The defendant Annie will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced against her in the
Superior Court of Pitt County by the
plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining
a divorce from the bonds of
upon the of abandon-
and the said defendant will
further take notice that she required
to appear before the Judge of our
Court, at a court to be held for
the County of Pitt at the
in Greenville on the ninth Monday
after the first Monday in September,
it being the 9th day of November
and answer the complaint, which
will be deposited in the office of the
Superior court of said county within
the first three days of said term, and
then and there answer or demur to
complaint within the time
ed by law, or the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
in the complaint.
This the 26th day of September 1903.
, , D. C. MOORE,
Clerk of the Court of Pitt Co
North Carolina,
L. B. Williams and T. L. Williams
of Township, Pitt County,
North Carolina hereby enter and lay
claim to acres more or less of
cant land in township
aforesaid county and state
and described as
Lying between the lands of Jordan
Nobles and warren Stocks and adjoin-
the lands of Jordan Nobles, war-
Stocks, H. M. Williams, M. M.
Williams, A. R. T. L.
and Frank and
heirs east of swamp in
This the day of September 1903.
witness, It. Williams, en-
try Taker. By H. A. Blow, deputy
for Pin County, N. C.
Any person, or persons, claiming ti-
to, or interest in the above
ed must file their protest, in writ-
within the next days or they
will be barred.
-----Who constitutes the-----
Indian Blood Purifier Co.
Those who dumbfound the doctors
and startle two continents by a series
of the most remarkable miracle
since the Christian era. They heal
the poor as well as the rich. None
are thrust away. They cure any d is
ease, no matter of what nature, and
restore you to perfect health or no
charge. For instance, the following
Heart disease, consumption, blood,
stricture, piles in any form, vertigo,
sore throat, dyspepsia,
constipation, rheumatism In
any form, catarrh, bronchial
troubles, sores, skin diseases, female
complaints, la grippe or pneumonia,
ulcers, carbuncles, boils, cancers, tho
worst form use of the knife
diabetes of the kid-
disease of the kidneys,
all itching sensations,
on face and body; private dis-
eases a specialty. Thousands of
best people in America and Europe
will testify the Indian Blood
Co., are the greatest on
earth. Medicine sent to any address
by express. For full particulars ad.
E. Grace St., Richmond, Va.
Slates, pencils, tablets,
books and ink, for school
children, at Reflector Book Store,

Editor and Proprietor,
Sintered in the pot office at Greenville, H. C, as second class
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Greenville, Pitt County, N. Friday, October
an electric wire up his back
doubt the order to Sir Walter
Henry to send in his resignation is
quite a jolt to that gentleman's
porosity. He has the sympathy of
North Carolina friends.
The press dispatches from Wash-
say a call will soon be issued
for an extraordinary session of con-
to If it does
for the benefit of the
country it will be an extraordinary
Within hours after the appear-
of last Tuesday's Daily
TOR, which contained the editorial
assertion that the democracy of the
South would not support General
Miles for the presidency, a half dozen
well-informed citizens make it their
business to seek the editors and
heartily endorse the assertion.
The little Georgia girl who wrote
Governor Terrell to let
papa come home, misses him so
; struck a sympathetic chord, i as the man who thinks he has
A Pilot Mountain man carried a
rattle snake about yards in a
bundle of fodder without knowing
it. That is not near so bad a
of view among workingmen concern-1 Her father was serving a life sett-
labor, a tendency to regard the
daily task as something greatly to
be regretted and hastily to be i pardon was granted,
ed from. . . . The general; . .
trend of the workingman seems to
be away from hard work and good
snakes along with him when he
; and an application for his; hasn't.
It is predicted that the trial of
work. . As a matter of fact,
and not of theory, no man can do
a worse service to another, whether ,
i j i.;. Carolina s wandering sons
rich or poor, than to deprive Dim Of I
the absolutely healthful joy which are feeling much at home in the
there is in hard work. Woe to him reunion. The old
who does not like his work,
We for if one cannot have the work he I mother state welcomes them.
, , . , ,. T , , a . at Raleigh will be con-
As a high diver Langley s Hying
. . . . i eluded tomorrow. But it cannot be
machine seems to be a success.
predicted when public opinion on it
will to an end.
understand that the editorial likes, he would better learn to like
work he has. . . . In gen-
red to has met with the unqualified work is mi, g
approval of the democracy of Pitt; positive means of
Of course doesn't quite run
If cranks keep trying to on
the white house lawn Teddy may
get a chance to wing one of
Trade unionism, boycotts, etc. with his pistol before winter is over.
the universe, but we have are being carried in Durham, j
reasons for considering the above in- and the town is bound to suffer If it were possible to sue a state
significant, our friend of the I it in the end. It has come to pass toe . claims could
Durham Herald to the contrary not. ante a merchant can show an
The Problem.
The Constitution says that
household in Atlanta feeds some
worthless who will not work
so as he can secure entrance to
sonic one's The
speaking of this end of the do
situation in Wilmington,
is no doubt the
household expenses of nearly every
family employing in our
city are greatly increased by this
custom of the Why
should the people submit to it Let
them put a stop to it, and let the city
authorities enforce such
laws as we And The Ashe-
ville Citizen
must understand that it is a
aiding and abetting of the
f permit their
to feed other in the
kitchen or to take off mysterious
packages with them, when returning
Sow the question is, what new to their rooms or
party will start up for Mr. But what are you going to do
Henry to go to Surely by now he about it We have a pretty fair
is burdened with disgust for law in Carolina and
in Charlotte, at least, it is pretty
republican party. enforced; but why should a
gentleman spend-hard-earned
. . , , . . money for plebeian vittles when his
a Chance Educational Sentiment, ,,, , ,,;,
j price And as to this, there are
be made out against North
withstanding. The Herald of Friday card he is boycotted by h m
organizations of workingmen. trial at and Lexington.
About to Set In.
We copy from two of our leading Charlotte housekeepers who are per
conscious that they are being
exchanges the following systematically but who
paragraph bearing out what we have j frankly say that if they lock up
of the papers are claiming If conditions are the same in Dur- Charlotte Chronicle.
that there are men whom the south is very- likely
would not support if should , , , ,
the nomination, but we do not be- have
there is that much paid accounts on their books for
in the party j furnished to the very men
It is not a question of a now to ,;,
dent. It is a question of their business. We believe that
for a man who so utterly fails j workingmen have every right to or-
to reach even one Southern ideal. J bat we have seen unionism
Should a attempt to vote applied in a way that has brought
for the man who handcuffed Jeff j sorrow to the hearts of thousands.
Davis, his gizzard would rise in his j In hands of merciless, unreason-
throat and choke him. , men it is a force that can be
used brutally and cowardly, and it about what was expected, as the
The Reflector has been an in-1 is often done. unto is men
looked to and recognized by still the rule of life,
educational movement in North Car- cooks. And there you are. The
i i i it i three contemporaries quoted above
was being overdone. If we i i t r
. j discuss the subject of living
were going to offer a word of friend- out of white folk's kitchens as if it
Exactly, but as this cannot be i admonition to the powers that be were chargeable to the of
the bucks. I hat has something to
done both might be given a j we would say better go slower, gen-, do it no means an
on their discharge, with the and it will last Charlotte Observer.
of the court for having detained j Henderson Gold
the gentlemen for the time being.
The Housekeeper's
A contemporary suggests that
there is in educational There is no telling the amount of
sentiment about to set in iii North j inconvenience the housekeepers of
Carolina. We can imagine nothing this town are being put by reason
more deplorable that might Like of the sudden departure of their
place than this. The magnificent I cooks. They either go Do the cotton
the democracy of Pitt county for j leaders of labor unions are in need of dollars. But they have a
more than years. We have never, of being taught it.
by one line or one word, violated i
party obligations; but we The condition of the street cross-
could not support Miles under any is a vile reproach upon Green-
circumstances, and of the ville. It. was bad enough in warm,
gloomy observation of our weather, but the whole
contemporary, we believe we are ex- will be forced to develop web-
in line with the democracy of bed feet if they hope to cross our
the South. streets without taking a mud bath.
The doctors and shoe dealers profit
We have a new philosopher of by the wretchedness of our streets,
work in Richard Watson Gilder, but the people are sore sufferers,
editor of the Century Magazine, is not a kick, but a
statement of a most disagreeable
Washington declares in favor of
whiskey and continues under the
reign of the open saloon. From
what we have noticed of the cam- j labor that has been expended in this fields or north. They never give
town this result is cause is just now beginning to show j any notice of their intention of
The enthusiasm is but, . and the first thing the woman of
penetrating the byways of the state, the house knows of her departure
A suspension at the fountain head I is on arising some morning expect-
d was from stand- would now be calamitous. It must to find breakfast nearly done, she
be remembered the work so far; surprised at no cook being in the
has been but to arouse the people kitchen and the stove as cold as a
its importance. The ways and of ice. Such an experience
means are far from having been pro- j enough to make a woman
Let there be no suggestion golden rule. One remarked
of Journal. that such conduct recalled to her
mind very vividly of
one who comes in contact
with affairs can fail to notice, a
sort of corollary to the enervation
which comes to men of wealth
through luxury, an increasing laxity
My Lungs
An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad cough. My friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me
A. K. Randies,
You forgot to buy a bot-
of Cherry
when your cold first
came on, so you let it run
along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
if It.
than do y. If to mm no
to It. then don't It. know.
II With Dim, willing.
j. S co. Etna. n.
School Teacher Dewey
has money, and that money brings
him friends, or he would not be able
to evade the law so easily. We do
not believe Dewey is in North Caro-
or has been in it since his
flight. It takes a right smart man
to steal and escape
Such a man is Dewey and
he isn't going to linger in the shadow
of the penitentiary.
to their opinion, be
what they may.
Reading accounts of the great re-
union in Greensboro makes us feel
like How glad we are to
be a Carolinian
The Atlantic Messenger has been
moved from Mew Bern to Morehead
City and Rev. A. W, Setzer is now
editor of that excellent church paper
The Raleigh Christian Advocate,
, , n . j. , , for that was the manner
had an excellent editorial in its issue;
of last week week on the educational i nm ,.
. . . x- ,, . If there is one-Clung the average
situation in North Carolina, in which. . , ,.
. A . j . has to obliterate
it was said that the uppermost; . . ,
,, ,,. ,. ,,. i . it is every or suggestion of
thought in the public mind is that I , , ,
a . , . a slavery the slavery- times
education is being overdone. It,
,, of still clings to the
would regret to see the work that is
A contemporary asks, it
wrong to be If it is, we are
in no danger.
The Biblical Recorder declines to
consider the annual at
a state institution. We have
for a long time believed that the only
thing the state gets out of it is the
privilege of making it a present of
every year.
The Boston Herald is booming
one for the presidency. Once
All may not become governors,
but the poorest boy in the land may
still become president.
Mr. Dewey doesn't seem able to
make satisfactory transportation
What is known as the
is seldom occasioned by actual exist
external conditions, but in th
great majority of cases by a disorder
ed LIVER-.
which may be
by trying a course of
They control and regulate the
They bring hope and to th
mind. They bring health and elastic
upon a time a daffy old geezer tried to the body.
in progress receive any check, yet
deem it more unfortunate
that our charitable institutions
should suffer in order that any other
interest might For anyone
o expect an appropriation for a state
reformatory considered extremely
and it regards as being
unfortunate the sentiment favorable
to a division of the school taxes be-
tween the races on the basis of what
each Observer.
cooks of the race. They can imitate
the whites in. many ways, but their-
secretive of quitting their-
employers is. one of tho instincts of
the race still clings to the
and aim hi if adoration
been able to efface
A Georgia doctor asked
of Governor Terrell the other
day to work in the penitentiary in
place of his aged father, who is now
serving a life sentence for murder.
The governor declined this unusual
offer, stating tout there was no law
authorizing convicts to put
in their
We are not saving that the
does not get justice in our courts,
but there is a difference in the way
he gets it and the way some other
people get Herald
A jury can keep a man out of the
penitentiary but it cannot clear him
in the eyes of the
Is the parent of
Indigestion and all
Rheumatic Symptom.
and Remedy knows U
German Liver Powder
not a nurture, veritable
translation one of Nature's
Innermost secrets. II you are suffer-
we will tend you FREE OF
CHARGE a sample of German
Powder together with our
pace booklet, contains authentic
testimonials from patients who have been
cured by this wonderful Do not
delay, but send your full address at once to
The American Co.
and recommended by
E. H. Taft is sick.
day evening from school at
to be present at the i
L. M. Pittman, of Scotland Neck,
came in Saturday evening.
O. H. Ellis went to Ayden Sat
Mrs. Bettie Swindell returned
Saturday from a visit to
J. W. Perkins returned
day evening Raleigh.
W. T. returned Sat
evening mm a trip the
Mr and Mrs. T. H. Tyson left
Sunday for Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. o. E House spent
Sunday at House.
Dr. D. L. James went to Bethel
O. of came
over Sunday.
Alice Grimes, of
is visiting Mrs. J. W.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Harding left;
Sunday evening for Grifton.
Victor hand, of Virginia
came in Saturday evening.
L. H. Render went to Richmond
H. Pender left this morn-
to visit relatives in Tarboro.
Mrs. L. M. Pittman, of Scotland
Neck, who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. B. R. Higgs, returned
home this morning.
M. L. Starkey left this morning
for Wilmington.
Mrs. Richard Williams has been
quite sick the past week.
R. Outlaw is on the sick
Miss Daisy Woolen, of La-
Orange, who has been visiting
Mrs. Alfred Forbes, returned home
Saturday evening, j
Mat Hardy went to Sat-
Miss Eula Cox left Saturday
evening for Aden, returned
this morning.
B. O. Barrett and Rob Waters,
of spent Sunday here.
Miss Julia of
who has been visiting Mite Carrie
Brown, returned home Saturday
Miss Betsey Greene, of La
Grange, who has been visiting her
Mrs. F. M. Hodges, return
ed Saturday evening.
Miss Minnie left Mon-
day evening for Winterville.
Miss D. A. Peebles left Monday
evening for a visit to Grifton.
A. M. Moseley returned to
Miss Delia Smith, who has been
friends and relatives here,
left Monday evening for Ayden.
Miss ac-
a position with Miss Delia
J. F. Brinkley returned from
Scotland Neck Monday evening.
little daughter bad an
almost attack of whooping
cough and writes Mia.
W. K. of Armonk, N.
Y., when all other remedies
failed, we saved her life with Dr.
King's New Discovery.
niece, who had Consumption in an
advanced stage, also used this
wonderful medicine and today
is perfectly
throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to o
other medicine on earth. Infallible
for Coughs and Colds. and
11.00 bottles guaranteed by
Drug Store Trial bot-
The netted fiber know n
as the loofah is much liked by
many as a wash cloth; is rough,
cleanses the and the
over the sponge in
being easily and thoroughly clean-
without leaving a scar
he name Witch Hazel is applied
to many salves but DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve is the only Witch
Hazel made that contains
the pure itch hazel.
If any other Witch Hazel Salve is
offered yon it is a counterfeit. E.
C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel
Salve and DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best salve in the
world for cuts, burns,
or blind, itching
protruding piles. Sold by
John L.
If beauty were taxable the
sex would never try to dodge
Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt.,
was robbed of his customary health
by invasion of Chronic
troubled was arrested and now he's
entirely cured. They're
teed to cure, at Wooten's Drug
I had Dyspepsia in in worst form
and felt most all the
time. Did not eating until,
after I used Dyspepsia Cure
which has completely cured me.
Mrs. W. W. Hilliard, Pa.
No appetite, loss of strength,
headache, constipation,
bad breath, sour risings,
dyspepsia and all stomach
I troubles are quickly cured by the
use of represents
the natural juices of digestion
combined with the greatest known
tonic and proper
ties. It cleanses, purifies and
sweetens the stomach. Sold by
John L. Wooten.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and as low as the
lowest. Highest price
paid for country produce.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
When brushing the hair draw
the brush firmly over the scalp d
. r., down the entire length of the hair
When Dr. King's New Life in one stroke; the short stroke
broke into his bis liable to break the hair.
Fresh Goods kept
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
Do not wash the hair too often,
as it takes away the natural oil
and will make the hair harsh. A
shampoo once in two weeks is usu-
ally sufficient, very dusty
work is being done.
Would not interest you if you
were looking for a guaranteed
Salve for Sores, Rums or Piles.
Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo.
suffered with an ugly sore for a
year, but a box of Arni-
ca Salve cured me. It's best
Salve on earth. at
drug store.
To whiten the or face try
the lotion made honey, cold
is that one that will cleanse the
system, set the liver to re
move the bile, clear the complex-
ion, cure headache and leave a good
taste in the mouth. The famous
little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are De-
Little Early Risers. Bob
Moore of Lafayette,
other pi Is I have used gripe
sicken, while DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are simply
Sold by John L. Wooten.
D. W.
North Carolina.
Real Estate Agency
Millikan, Walker
It i an admitted fact that Greet,
is rapidly forging to the from
J . . only question of a vary
short time when it will be
city in the state, her railroad facilities
are unsurpassed and there it a con-
want influx of employed in the
various kinds of manufacturing enter-
prises, which is constantly
the population of the city a
demand for real estate has been
thereby and property constant-
changing hands, but considering
the marvelous growth of the city, the
price has been kept on a reasonable
basis, persons who have money to in-
vest can make no mistake if they come
this way, provided Is taken
location and price of property. We
make it our to keep a vigilant
watch over the interest of our
and are in a position to save you
, money as we keep posted in values in
city and near by fa-ming lands and
can aid you in investing your capital
where it will bring quick and
factory returns. Correspondence so-
When in the city we extend to you a
cordial to visit our office.
No- over Sykes Drug Store.
Without the Knife.
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
To All Whom It May
This is to that in July, 1802,
I had a fistula in anus which had
en me trouble for ten years past and I
had consulted several physicians and
had followed their prescriptions to the
letter and continued to grow worse
to g
cream and rose water until I could not walk, and for eight
. ., months I could only
with iris root powder; spread
inside a pair of loose gloves, and
or the face on a or cloth
ace at night.
Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark.
writes, years I suffered
from Yellow Jaundice, I consulted
a number of physicians and tried
all sorts of medicines, but got no
Then I the use of
Electric Bitters feel that I am
cured of a that had
me in its grasps for twelve
If you a reliable medicine
for Liver and trouble,
stomach disorder or general de-
get Bitters. It's
by Wooten's ding store
walk on crutches,
and in this condition I was advised to
call on Dr. Moore, colored, which I
did, and under his treatment I at once
began to grow better and in one week
the trouble was removed and I was
well, a 16-year
old boy, and the trouble has never
returned. WILL EDWARDS.
E. L.
Sworn to before me, Sept. 26th, 1903.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
North Carolina,
Pitt County, f In Superior Court
James H. Gray
Annie Gray.
The defendant Annie will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced against her in the
Superior Court of Pitt by the
plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining
a divorce from the bonds of
upon the of abandon-
and the said defendant will
further take notice that she is required
to appear before the Judge of our
Court, at a court to be held for
the County of Pitt at house
in Greenville on the ninth Monday
after the first Monday in September,
the 9th day of November
and answer the complaint, which
will be in the office of
Superior court of said county within
the first three days of said term, and
then and there answer or demur to
said complaint within the time
ed by law, or the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
in the complaint.
This the 26th day of September 1903.
m i . v D- C. MOORE,
of the Court of Pitt Co
Hard water is injurious to the
skin, but it can be softened and
much more agreeable by I
HUE. A. returned a few of
day evening from a visit to Boston j and a powdered borax to a
of water.
T. B. Bateman left this morning
for a trip on the road.
J. B. Cherry went to Baltimore
Asa of was
in town today for the first time in
a year, haying suffered much from
sickness in that time.
Rev. W. E. Cox returned this
morning from Goldsboro.
Charles Skinner went up the
this morning.
Miss Alice G i of Roberson
ville, who was visiting Mrs, J. W.
Andrews, returned home this
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt County having issued Letters of
Administration tome, the undersigned
on the 6th day of Oct. 1903, on the es-
of J. A. K. Tucker deceased,
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
indebted to the Estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
to all creditors of said Estate to
sent their claims properly
to the undersigned, WITHIN
TWELVE MONTHS after the date of
this Notice, or this Notice will be
plead in bar of recovery.
This the 6th day of Oct., 1903.
Administrator of the Estate
J. A. K.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
North Carolina,
Pitt County. J
L. B. Williams and T. L. William,
of Township, Pitt County,
North Carolina hereby enter and lay
claim to acres more or less of
cant land in township
aforesaid county and state
and described as
Lying between the lands of Jordan
Nobles and warren Stocks and adjoin-
the lands of Jordan Nobles, war-
Stocks, H. M. Williams, M. M.
Williams, A. R. T. L.
and Frank and
heirs east of swamp in west
This the day of September 1903.
witness, R. Williams, Ex-officio en-
try Taker. By H. A. Blow, deputy
for Pitt County, N. C.
Any person, or persons, claiming ti-
to, or interest in the
ed and must file their protest, in writ-
within next days or they
will be barred.
-who constitutes the
To cure or indigestion
it is no longer necessary to live
on milk and toast- Starvation
produces such weakness that the
whole system becomes an easy prey
to disease. Dyspepsia
Core stomach and
digestive organs to digest and
assimilate all of the wholesome
food that one cares to eat, is a
never failing for indigestion,
Dyspepsia and all stomach
digests what you eat
makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by John L. Wooten.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
A chronic liar is less dangerous
than the liar who has spasmodic
attacks of veracity.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof
Orders for any work in my
line receive prompt attention.
Work room over Baker
Wholesale and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil.
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz.
Indian Blood Purifier Co.
Those who dumbfound the doctors
and startle two continents by a series
of the most remarkable miracle cures
since the Christian era. They heal
the poor as well as the rich. None
are thrust away. They cure any dis
ease, no matter of what nature, and
restore you to perfect health or no
charge. For instance, the following
Heart disease, consumption, blood,
stricture, piles in any form, vertigo,
sore throat, dyspepsia,
constipation, rheumatism in
any form, catarrh, colds, bronchial
troubles, sores, skin diseases, female
complaints, la grippe or pneumonia,
ulcers, carbuncles, boils, cancers, the
worst form use of the knife
instrument; diabetes of the kid-
Bright's disease of the kidneys,
all itching sensations,
on face and body; private dis-
eases a specialty. Thousands of the
best people in America and Europe
will testify that the Indian Blood
are the greatest healers
earth. Medicine sent to any address
by express. For full particulars ad,
E. Grace St., Richmond, Va,
Slates, tablets,
books and ink, for school
children, at Reflector Book Store,
Mil J I. II

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
For Men
Women and
It conceded that we the
best Shoes for the money of
any house in Farmville.
J- H- CO-.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
T. HORTON, Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite and prompt
M. Staff,
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
The newest and latest styles in
Millinery. Hats trimmed to or-
on short notice.
B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
at a. in for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and tor
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
B. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. J.
Greenville, N. C.
T. H. Agent,
Washington, N. C
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and
and shipment
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found in Eastern Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
Full line Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
of all grades, white iron
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of flour, corn, oats, hay Sec.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
to notify the public that he has charge of the flock of
goods owned by said R. II. at his death, and offer
them to the regardless of cost. The stock consists
of a full line of DRY GOODS, NO I IONS,
HATS, CAPS, SHOES, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. is also agent of the Tailors Mfg
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at i cent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Munger Cotton
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Corn, Oats and other
feed stuffs. We solicit a share of your patronage. Fair and
courteous to all.
market is a Li Better and the is always
is not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
other warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
saying about of the Just bring
us your tobacco we will you the proof in high
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
1903. by C. B. Lewis.
When Jabez Lee had been a widower
a year and a half he straightened up in
the cornfield one day and said to hi
son Jonah, who was hoeing the next
row on bis
folks is that I ought to
git married
I've heard say replied
the son.
as folks think I ought to
git married and I don't
want my children to say they was neg-
I think I'll drop over and see
the this
Jonah had been courting Widow
himself for the last three
That evening Jabez Lee set out on a
courting expedition, while Jonah, who
did not dress up at all. was also absent
from the house a couple of hours and
reached home only five minutes before
father. On the next night his father
stayed home and Jonah went abroad.
It got to be a regular thing for Jabez
Lee to call on the Widow
Wednesday evening. Some one hid-
den behind the fence threw stones at
him on three or four occasions, and
once he caught sight of a man skulk
about in the darkness. All of a sud-
den one day he got an Idea. It was an
idea that made catch bis breath
and lift his right fist in the air and
shake it and mutter to
gum, but that seems to explain
it If it's so, I'll make tired clear
up to his
The idea was developed that very
evening. When changed his
clothes and took a walk the father fol-
lowed him and kept a hot trail to the
Widow The murder was
out and the mystery solved. The par-
curtains not been lowered, and
the father crept up and saw that his
rival made himself very much at home
on the very chair he himself had
pied the night before. Two hours lat-
as the son wended his way home-
ward, a rock whizzed by his ear, and a
ghostly yell from the darkness jumped
him six feet. Next day, while his
was still curling and he was trying to
connect that yell with his father's deep
bass voice, the old man suddenly turned
on him
if you was a woman
and a sneak of a feller tried to sneak
himself In, what would you
lay for replied
the son.
Jest my way Yes,
sir; I'd lay for him and lick him till he
Father and son looked Into each
eyes for a moment, and each dis-
and tried to look Innocent.
They understood each other, however,
and both set their Jaws as they went
on with their work. That night was
Jonah's night to go courting, and be-
fore he left the house he took
that his father was missing. He real-
at once what that meant, and he
began to plan. The route to the Widow
carried him over a
panning a deep creek near her house.
There were trees near the north end,
making a deep shadow for many yards,
and Jonah felt that his father would
wait for him there and play some trick.
He therefore removed his boots when
he was yet twenty yards away and
the spot with catlike tread.
It may be stated In advance that the
father was there In the shadow. lie
had a sheet ready to wrap around him-
self and a pillow case ready to pull over
his lie was not only going to
Play but the ghost would do
some thumping before Jonah could get
away. In that same deep, dark shadow
was a second party. It was an old lame
mule which had been turned out to get
his living beside the highway, and he
bad halted at that spot that night to
ruminate and doze. lie stood within
twenty feet of the man in ambush, but
made no noise to give himself away. In
fact, he took no interest whatever In
the proceedings for a time, realizing
that he bad passed the age when he
should be mixed up in love adventures,
and it was not until his long ears de-
the approach of Jonah that his
eyes shook off sleep and he wondered
what was up. Jonah crept forward foot
by foot, and at last his presence was
also detected by the father. With soft-
of touch he got ready bis ghostly
garments and was on the point of don-
them and making a rush when
the old mule raised his head, flapped
his ears and uttered a bray. It was
bray that split the air with thunderous
sound and made things shake for rods
around. The awful and unexpected
sound stirred the and Jonah to
action at the same Instant. They went
over the railing of the bridge and Into
the waters of the creek almost
and both yelling the same yell.
Five minutes later father and son
reached the bank together and pulled
themselves out. As they stood gasping
and dripping they recognized each
and the father
you old hypocrite,
choked the ton. i
At that moment the widow opened
her door and down the path. She
had heard the bray and the yells and
thought some traveler had met with am
accident. saw the two men before
her, with the mule looking down at
them over the railing of the. bridge,
and her woman's wit told her what
i occurred. laughed loud and long
j as they cowered before her and ended
the laugh by
guess both of you better trot homo-
ward and go to bed. You may the
The whether the
vulture knows its quarry by sight or
smell. How does it communicate the
news of a feast lo its fellows A tiger
had been killed.
Colonel ordered the
of the skinned tiger to be
from under the thick mango trees
the open. Taking out his he
asked us to make a guess as to now
long the vultures would take to clean
flesh off the bones. Some one said
half an hour. As there was not a
in sight, this seemed even betting,
but Colonel gave them ten
minutes, which proved to be correct.
There was one vulture at first seen
soaring round and round very high up
In the cloudless sky. He closed bis
wings and dropped on to the carcass
with a swoop. In two minutes the sky
was full of vultures, all concentrating
from every side on the spot, and
with all the impetus their drop
from a great height gave them as fast
as it takes to tell the story. Then
there commenced a frightful scene of
literal carnage, every one tearing with
sharp, hooked bill at the entrails first,
then at the flesh, II fighting for room
to get a piece and tumbling over on
another with frantic For-
of Upper India and Their
by T. W. Webber.
Hold the Novel.
Frank Norris. author of
and was a most virile
writer and u man of decided opinions.
He was wont to say of the great
tors in molding public opinion that
pulpit speaks but once a week,
the press is read with lightning hast
and the morning news is waste paper
by but the novel goes in the
home to
This opinion was aired by Mr. Norris
In the lobby of a hotel In a small town
In Illinois. Among those present-was
a country editor, who was prompted to
remark that the novelist's views re-
minded bin of his dog Wolf. Wolf per-
in running from home, kill-
kens and annoying children In
the community. At lust a method was
adopted by which the dog was con-
fined to his own homestead.
was the thought
by several of the company.
declared the editor.
if your modern novel goes Into the
home to stay let Wolf remind you that
It's on account of the
While great fortunes great In-
have almost invariably been
created by men,
unembarrassed with learning, who
taught themselves what found
necessary to know, we find, on the
hand, that those men who have made
commercial science, political economy,
their study have not shown any
In business and have remained
theorists. Most political economists
have had to live on their pen. Mr. Cob-
den went bankrupt In business. It la
true that was well off, but ha
was a stockbroker by trade, with
political economy was only a hob-
by, not a serious result. It is strange
how few business men of the first rank
have a good word lo say of political
economy.-Nineteenth Century.
For a whole year the famous English
physician. Dr. attended a
friend without o single fee passing be-
tween them. As he was leaving after
his last visit the patient
doctor. Is a purse In which I have put
every day's fee. You must not let
your kindness get the better of my
gratitude; so please take The gen-
physician put out his hand to re-
the purse, but the chink of the gold
was too much for bis amiable
go be put it In his pocket, saying,
sir. I could have refused them
forever, but all together I am afraid
they are
The Roman
The Roman aqueducts were marvels
of architecture. The was forty-
three miles long; the forty-one,
of which thirty-eight were on
seventy feet high; the Claudia
was forty-seven miles long; the
feet high. The Roman aqueducts
brought 40,000.000 cubic feet of, water
dally into the city, and the various sec-
of the metropolis were supplied
with water by pipes.
Had B.
Ethel, what shall I dot
Jack be supposes all over be-
tween us and that he'll send my pres-
If. C.
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Realizing the advance of cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
can save you money as we bought
bulk of our stock at old prices and
sell the same way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
There should be rolled out the.
purest gold for the bloody handed
assassin who recently shot, his
victim from ambush in our sister
county, Lenoir. To say the least
be bad sufficient to
save the public from the shock of
the terrible shot a well as
terrible deed.
no so-called court justice will
subject him to the mockery of a
trial. The law forbid.
Notice the cut of a
Buggy on this page. This is
only one of many, if you will
keep your eyes open from time to
time we will be glad to show you a
variety of styles. Of course as it
would be better if you have not
done so to visit the factory and let
show you through.
your cotton to
Winterville where you can have
it ginned at the very cheapest rates
and where you receive the
highest cash price for cotton
L. L. Kittrell.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing promptly done. Work I
Dry goods, shirts hats very
cheap at A. D. Johnston's.
We have spared no time in
our stock and we think we
can suit the most
F. Manning Go.
Harness as well as Buggies
Don't go some where else to get
your harness yen can get any
style just as cheap perhaps
just as nice perhaps
right here from Hunsucker,
the man get buggies from.
We are now manufacturing a
wash out of the old North
Carolina pine, also of gums. These
are the very best kind of wood
that can be used. Apply to Win-
Mfg. Co.
The Winterville Mfg. Co.
a specialty of horse shoeing
We have a nice line bats for
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
see B. F. Manning Co., before
their bargains are exhausted.
Laundry basket leaves Monday
6th, and every two
Bring work to my barber
A. Fair,
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
Graham can be had
day of A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. fresh
from the mill. who have
used it know that it makes the
sweetest healthiest bread to
be had. Price
W. H. Hamilton, who has been
visiting friends in came
home on Sunday's train.
of Stokes, is
here on a visit to his sick father.
The elder Mr. Highsmith is some-
what improving though still a very
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
All kinds of scroll turned
work done to order by the Winter
ville Co.
We would call attention to the
fact we have added goods to
our line of merchandise and re-
ask the public to call
and Mfg.
The advent of a charming little
Miss at the home of Mr. Mrs.
R. H. Hunsucker has brought joy yesterday.
The drug store has in stock
cheap perfumes, high priced per-
fumes all kinds of perfumes,
talcum tooth powders, tooth,
nail, hair and shoe brushes,
shoe polish and shiners,
-hoe blacking, pipes, harps, mar-
rubber balls, cigars, chewing
and smoking tobacco, slate
bath sponges, pepper, and
pickling fact everything
that you will find in any well
kept drug store.
Mr. Bitter, of Carthage, was
to many hearts, and we wish for
the little lady a life replete with
happiness, and ever a sunshine of
sweetness to her happy
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for j
your cotton seed.
Members of Winterville Lodge
A. F. A. M. are requested to be
present at the next regular meet-
Friday There will be
business of importance to demand
their attention.
Bring or ship your grain to A.
G. Cox Mfg. Co., to be ground.
guaranteed. Three
grist mills at service.
J. Bryant Stocks, from the
try, spent with Elder
N. Manning.
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. Send your
right along and get the best
cheroot in the world for the money
and patronize home industries.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
See M. L. the jeweler.
I Repairing promptly done.
Would you like to sweeten your
tooth. If so try some of
fresh candies at the drug
Miss Nannie Lee Nichols was
here yesterday.
L. L. Kittrell went lo Grifton
Try a bottle of coca cola at
G. A. Kittrell Co., have re
burned a kiln of brick, one
mile from town which offer
for sale cheap.
Lena Dawson returned
Saturday from a visit to Grifton.
Prof. Lineberry was in Green-
ville Tuesday afternoon.
A car load of expected
to arrive a few days. See us if
you are in need of G. A.
Kittrell Co.
We have in stock the best line
of shoes ever offered here and can
fit you in both size and price.
Bring your family and we will
red we mike
the shoe squeal before you get it on
Young men who want swell
want every late kink
in cut and making thrown into their
here for their clothes.
If we ever a moment behind
on a new idea, we don't know it.
The newest styles worn in this com
always emanate from this
store. For this reason we hold the
trade of the
our Fall and winter suits
Our prices are not we say
or for all the quality go that's in our
Young Men's Suits.
guaranteed. p
position in the drug store of Dr.,
B. T. Cox. were read by Misses Helen
Proctor. F.
the ladies she has secured the
of a dress maker and home
now prepared to nil all
the latest designs and patterns. to
Bring us your cotton seed, we
will pay the highest market price,
or give meal In exchange. G. A.
L. L. Mrs. Kittrell
Monday in Greenville.
Prof. J. L. Jackson, of Conetoe,
came down
Prof. King, principal of Ayden
graded school, was here a short
Boarding J. IX
Cox. Board per day. Best
House in
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash price for your
cotton seed.
Nothing is more cool and re-
freshing these hot days than a
cold drink prepared by W. L.
Hurst at the drug store soda
fountain. He will give you a
few moments notice any of the
latent and most popular cold
Three reasons for buying your
wire fence of A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
It is cheapest.
Quality is guaranteed.
Yon don't have to wait for it to
come. It is right here ready for
delivery any day.
J. A. Nichols, of Greenville, is
visiting relatives
G. R. Dixon, who has been sick
is as he puts it, Slow-
There were services the
church Monday, night
conducted by K. Cox, of
Albert Ross, of Greenville, has
been visiting his brother, J. L.
this afternoon.
Not more days left in
which to take advantage of A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co's. offer to give one
Economic back band absolutely-
free with each pair of cart wheels
Bold 1st. It goes with
out saying that no better wheel i
arc Still Leading
In fine Dress Goods, Trimmings and women's
Clothing wants generally. To a great extent
our reputation is built on this particular line
of goods, and we are very careful to keep up
the standard. One of our leading lines just
now is a full stock of beautiful
Shirtwaist Patterns
The newest and most stylish that money can
buy, yet they are easily within your reach.
It's the duty of every woman, young or old,
to make herself as attractive as possible.
Clothes do not make the woman, but they
often make her is, the clothes
we sell. We will be pleased to show you.
The Home of Women's Fashions.
i n. c.
A Full Line of Millinery
k Goods. w
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best and latest styles always on
hand. Call and see. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug
promptly obtain U. S. Mid
Send model,
report on
How to Secure
For fr e book,

n. c.
Teach Children If be Ashamed of Idle,
I here it discontent
with work among the so called
classes in America is due
in large part to the pampering of
children, to the supply of their
natural and artificial wants, and
to the sentimental idea that j Bethel, N. 1903.
day of toil will co soon Master John Baker is the
In general, work is not a curse,
but a costive means Kathleen Cherry was
grace. One can hardly begin too a buggy a few days
early to impress upon children j hut not hurt. She
Conducted by Prof. J. D. Everett.
MM Of by tasks
to their age and forces, and
to beget in them worn of idleness
and of dependence on others. To
do thin is to make happy
is able to be at school again.
Eva Cherry is the sick list.
T. is improving his
Prof. Everett spent Saturday at
through the self-respect that comes the making improve-
with the realization of power, and was run
thus to approximate The new organ
of self placed the academe for the
you knoW What it does n a person of all desire j knowledge, I exercises. Prof. Everett
drink to its normal . , ;,
v- is a that never falls.
Miss Margaret Shields, of Scot-
its normal
a man to his home and business. For full particulars
Greensboro, N. C.
The Chronicle, of Ga.,
lit urging the city council to raise j
land Neck, was the guest of the
Misses Grimes Saturday and Sun-
J. C Hocutt intended to
hold a revival at the Baptist church
this week, but was called to the
bed side of his ill mother.
Mrs. George Howard is very
The drainers seem to like our
little town. Mr. Wilson has been
at the hotel for several days.
the few days of rainy
weather the cotton pickers are not
so busy.
G i eat deeds are not accomplished
by idle but by years of
patient study.
There is a charming elasticity
about a girl of eighteen springs.
For Bargains
. r, in
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Caps and
go to
B. BRO.,
Eastern Carolina.
license tax on saloons
to a year, as a means of
raising more revenue and to the
I end of closing some of the joints,
but the council has thus far de-
to take action. A thous-
and dollars is much nearer the
proper figure than that our con
Marriage Licenses.
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams license to the fol-
Robert Sessoms and Vesta
Win. Jones and Whitley.
Joseph and Roberta
J. A. Brown and Ada Moore.
Robert Freeman and Fannie
J. H. Lovett and Minerva Ben-
Richardson and Bertha
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware Furniture, Groceries.
Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Cold Comfort
Is what we arc after, and the possession one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool water and many dainties that
would be unattainable the Refrigerator.
I nil u Mower pretty
soon, made It for to own one.
bore is no need to borrow B lawn mower when we
we tell machine with best steel knives such
u satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, lee Cream Hammocks and
everything else Id the hardware line.
you can got honest goods at living prices. See our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied with your
James Blount and At-1 Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
Wants it Always.
A young lady came to sub-
scribe for The When
asked for how long did she want it,
she replied want it forever but
just pay for one year
We appreciated that no little.
Teachers Meet Next Saturday
As the rain last Saturday
vented the the
Association on that day, Pres-
issued a call A. Jr.,
for a meet next Saturday. President
is important that all teachers
be present, as much
business will come before the body,
f General Merchandise
j and Department Store,
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
E Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by load.
Association Called Meeting.
The Pitt County
will meet called session
next Sal October 17th, at
o'clock. This will be an exceed
important meeting every
teacher in the county is urged to
Work for the entire year will be
arranged for at meeting,
your presence is an absolute
The program will be the
which would have been had last
Saturday if rain had not prevented.
Those on this program are hereby
notified to this effect.
D. D. E. A. Sr.,
D. IX Gardner, W. R. Smith, E. A. Sr.,
We manufacture the best buggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call and examine our Stock. ,
E. Sr.,
is now trans-
he came, he saw, we con-
One button on the is worth
two in the contribution plate on
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non-forfeit a hie,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N.
e The oldest, safest, strongest
A m J t medicine. Not unpleasant to
Malaria and take. A splendid tonic for all living
A U C districts.
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
E S ft
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
General Merchandise.
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
Tobacco is Selling for Better Prices.
New Ware House is one of the largest and best lighted
houses in the state for the sale of leaf tobacco.
In our business we have competent assistants, first-class service
and good
By strict attention to business entrusted to us, and straight-forward
honest dealing with hope to merit a share of your patronage.
I can furnish anything wanted, from
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton
in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
I la the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes.
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
j A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
A always on hand.
c. n.
and Surgeon,
Complete Stock Drug.
J. Proctor Bros
pens m
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, w can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
of turned work for balusters
and house We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C. Oct. 1903
Miss Nellie Buys, of Havelock,
, arrived Saturday night to take
charge of the school.
Mrs. M. E. after spend-
several days relatives
here, returned lo Rapids
j today.
I Call on J. O. Proctor Bro., for
j books. They keep a full
line tor the public schools.
Mr. Pearce, of Atlanta, was
here yesterday.
G. B. Boyd, of Washington, was i
with us a short while yesterday.
Mr. Fisher, of Wash-
was in town Monday.
Nice Little House For Sale.
I will sell my house and lot
containing acres of land in
the of a good five
room house, a good barn and
j stables, wood house good
water, conveniently located, near
depot, will give possession Jan-
1st, Also two other
town lots with a small three room
house nearly new. For further
information write or call on me.
C. H.
Building Lumber Co.
A new here is the
Building Lumber Co., composed
of Ft. J. president; L. H.
Pender, secretary; and O. V. York,
manager. They will manufacture
building material. A lot near the
railroad has been purchased on
which to locate the
Confusing to Church Goers.
Church goers would know better
what time to attend worship if
,, were rung with more
Miss Lizzie Boas is spending. . a .
Sunday night some of the
bells ringing at
though the announced for
service was
week in Beaufort county.
Mrs. W. E. Tucker and child-
from near Salem church, are
spending the day with her sister,
Mn. W.
School Monday with good
Mrs. Susan Moore spent Qatar meeting of the corn-
day with Mrs. Anna in j of the Anti League
Beaufort j was held Monday night at which
Mrs. Bryan and decided to ask the board of
Miss Susan, returned alderman, at their next meeting,
Will AsK Election
from an extended visit to Raleigh
and other places.
J. J. went to
Greenville Monday.
Arthur Mayo, from near Green-
ville, spent Sunday night with his
grand parents, Mr. Mrs. John
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Tobacco Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot
very day.
to order an election Greenville
the question of establishing a
dispensary and against distillery.
A canvass for signatures to the
petition to the alderman will be
made now and the next
meeting of the board.
Opera House.
Miss Georgia Ray
Reader, will give
an entertainment at the Opera
Tuesday evening, Oct. 20th.
Reserved seats,
Seats on sale at
day 19th.

A Gratifying Success
I wish to- return Thanks to my friends and customers for
the many kind words of praise and appreciation of m
display. My fall opening was an undoubted
success, both from the point of view and the
storekeeper's. That success T shall endeavor to make
permanent by soiling strictly first class
I Goods, Trimmings
and Notions
fair and just prices, V
My goods are all new. No accumulation of years to
pick over. If it's fashionable, it's here.
Yours truly,
Greenville N. C.
Dear Three gallons saved is
Mr. of Bridge
port, ordered gallons De-
voe to paint his house, return
ed gallons. His painter said it
would take a oil
Wade Co. sold it.
They say everybody has the same
experience there.
The reason is, of they are
used to poor paint.
What is poor paint Anything
some worse than others.
Besides, paints wear about as
they cover. Double the to
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint.
AH I interested in the
Missionary box, gotten
up by the Woman's Missionary so-
of the Baptist church,
meet at the home of Mrs. B. B.
Higgs promptly
day, to pack the box and lack a
comfort. Please bring or send
promised contributions, as the box
must be gotten off on the following
day's freight.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
Family i
not be in any doubt per lb
s. F. Davenport
NewS White Front.
Far Consolidated Tobacco Com-
Raleigh papers of the 9th
published the chartering
armor's Consolidated To-
of Greenville, I
Of this
K. reporter called
they will not. Bo its success
depends upon its management.
Thai is all there is in it.
Our Territory.
lbs per
age knew what It was Fountain, H. D.,
when it published Physician and Surgeon,
and made trade j n. c
it. Mr. Joyner said in a town in not all dependent j one door east of post office,
to our question that there upon the distance to neighboring
or mystery I trading points The trade
that it was a plain, depends, upon the enterprise
forward merchants and the resident
of the town. If a town dues not
i that a number of resell alter trade it will some only
lilt county, who had been s last as it has to will grow at
tobacco in Greenville, j it is forced to.
to have an interest In a to merchants go after
and to share in business the surrounding
, They thought that a advertising in every possible
way to go about it way and making good every word
to obtain a charter. of advertising, trade will
done, and the company from an increasing radius, the j Di. D . I A.
of farmers his been will gain for be
filler this charter. awake and will forge to the
street Phone
N. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other claims. Prompt
to all business.
aw bean done with no
to any one. The pr
if this enterprise have
what they had a right
in do. it fails, only those who
nay put their money in it
If it succeeds, as it
will, the whole county
community will be helped by
There is room in Greenville for
t and there need be
to lean that its purpose is to
destroy anyone. The country
will it if it is demon-
that it is conducted on
honest business principles and
front. It is living within
a certain number of miles from it
makes the town.
to the above, good
roads should be built to the town,
everything should be done to
make visitors comfortable, and
make feel at
New Oil Tanks.
The Standard Oil Co , whose oil
tanks here were burned last spring,
are having new tanks put up. The
location has been changed and the
new tanks are some distance south
of the depot.
Dental Surgeon
., Greenville,
Sick Headache
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
Tongue coated
It's your liver Pills
are liver pills; they cure
or a
CO . . a. H.
a. . i
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Our New
Fall Stock
is now complete in all depart-
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goads,
braids of FINE SHOES.
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment.
Greenville's- Great Department Store.
Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main and electric
Macon, Ga.
Branch offices and shops, Rocky Mount,
N. C, and S. C
prices and designs- address Rocky
This is
It is serious. When need Medicine you need it
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever permitted to enter our store. We have a full
line of all well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
Sufferers can find here such cures as will meet their par-
ailment. Our prices, like our goods, are popular.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
When Bed Time Como.
On a Santa Fe cowing out
of Kansas City one night was a
mother her brood of five, four
girls and one They had
Illinois the day before, and were
way to new
where the husband and father has
a claim which is the new home.
I The oldest girl appeared about
teeD, and from that age down to
the only boy, a little
about four.
Their dress and showed
that they had not been reared in
, the midst of luxury opulence,
When He Goes to the court that but with a were model
Tries Men's Souls clean. The
. mother was and her face
and Consciences. Blink and haggard trout the
trip and the care of her precious
Lexington, C, Oct. 15.- for ere
James H. Tillman is a free man. hours yet the journey-send.
After being out nearly hours It was alter the
the jury announced an agreement Kansas City and the
at this morning. There ones were soon yawning
were few persons the court house able to keep awake,
the prisoner was brought in In P of the
from jail, and some of these cheered fast
when the verdict was eye
Tillman's friend crowded around him
to shake his hand, at which to
seemed pleased. He shook her mother with expression that
also with the judge nod jury, i pitiful.
When asked about his future The others began
Tillman said he would themselves and then to the
go to his home in exciting
was several or would
as be walked back to the jail where
he to remain no His of
pistole were offered him but be de who eat wonderment as they
dined to take them, leaving them
in the hands the court officials.
He walked across the street to the
Jail with his arm around the old the end of the car, including
tried to divine much
whispering to keep the last one
awake. They occupied seats in
George Johnston, who was
family servant and who had
a close attendant upon the trial.
Convicts Escape.
Hallsboro, N. C, Oct.
Three convicts belonging
to the
three long seals which ran
smoking car partition.
Present the cause of all this
excitement was made plain, it wan
and they had not said
their prayers. Quietly, modestly,
without ostentation, yes even
gang at work a causeway known timidly, the mother and her child-
as marsh, near knelt together at the long teat,
made their escape today, although, the baby his head with
they were fired upon by
are still at large. A reward
will for their capture.
is the oldest of the
kind the state, been
built by dining his
campaign in the
Willie Wilson, a son of Mr. W.
B. Wilson, while playing on a
trapeze the yard at Mr. J. G.
Bowling, fell off and broke one
bone of his right arm, just above
the wrist. The accident occurred
Thursday afternoon. The broken
limb was soon set and the little
is getting along as well as
could be expected
the rest and rubbing with chubby
hands bis eyes that would hardly
stay open, while the pray-
were said.
Just for a moment, and then
they arose, the children were made
as for table for the
night all but the
were asleep, the moistened
quivering Ups of the
men with the grips, the politician
with his schemes, the business
man with his won lee, even i
Beautiful Morning
the was, early, the
Memorial Baptist Church was filled
with people, at o'clock this morn-
to witness the marriage
of Dr. H. L. Carr and Miss
as popular a couple as
ever stood before Hymen's altar in
our The church was beau-
decorated for the occasion,
the color scheme being green and
The ushers were Dre. D. L.
James, Zeno Brown, E. A.
and Mr. F. M. Wooten.
The dame of was Mrs. J.
O. and the maid of honor
was Miss Mamie of
ham. Both were dressed in green
j carried pink carnations.
The bride's maids were Misses
i Winnie Skinner, Gotten,
I Allen, each
of them white organdy
with black bats long black
gloves and carrying carnations.
The groom's men were Mr. A. T.
j Harper, of Goldsboro; Dr. A.
I of Tarboro; Dr. II. K.
Thompson, of and
B. Wilson.
bride, in a handsome go-
suit of cloth with a
of white, entered with her
father, Mr. M. A. Allen. The
bridegroom with his brother, Mr.
G. Carr, as beet man,
through the rear met the
at the altar where the
was impressively performed
by Be. A. T. King.
Preceding the entrance of the
bridal party Hi was
sung by Mrs. T. H. as
I the entered the wedding
was played by Miss
pa I'd.
Following the bride and groom
the retired the
the following
Mr. Allen with Mr.
; Carr with Miss Parker, Dr.
son with Miss Dr. White-
bead with Miss Alien., Mr. Wilson
with Winnie Sir.
with Miss
the At j withdrew tie
bell rang
The couple
from the church depot
they took morning a
to norther will
return to about the first
j of November.
In the dining room refreshment
were served the guests by Mes-
dames B. B. J. L. Flem-
J. L. Little, Charles Skinner,
Joseph G. and T. J. Burton,
the latter of Mi. W.
E. Hooker and Misses Lillian
Cherry and Pattie Skinner assist-
There were many callers be-
tween the hours of and and the
occasion was one long to be re-
membered for its elegance and
The cautious young who
had the reputation of having a re-
good business head went
to see the minister.
the cost of getting mar
he asked.
said the bandmaster,
do have troubles with our
musicians sometimes.
we were engaged to play
funeral. Our notice was very
short, so we bad no rehearsal.
We reached the cemetery without
any mishap, but something
happened. We were to play a
solemn measure while the body was
being lowered into the grave On-
a few instruments were needed.
I was slowly and
my baton, the spectators were
silently weeping, suddenly
the gave a loud, long
blast, enough to wake the dead.
Some of the mourners fainted, the
For our the minister players stopped consternation,
and I jumped over chairs and racks
to where the trombonist, a dull,
heavy German, sat, stolidly gazing
at his music.
the devil did you mean
by bursting out that I
raised his slowly to
I was de moo-
sic, just den a got
on the paper. I fought he
a note, I played him. Oat
all, ain't Lip-
we make no charge,
bat it for the
groom to give us a fee
rate with his social
standing. We rather expect it,
how does the groom
what he's getting for his
the cautious man.
his replied
suppose it is a cash
yes, I suppose it would
come under
I make some other
suppose we wait -x year,
and will give you whatever
I find services have
i be
The minister snook his head,
don't believe care to risk
he said, little matter of
on the wedding day would be.
Pub Reception,
entered a
in in which was
Seated a aggressive
commercial traveler, and placed in
the rack opposite small
more in a year U . .
.,. . pierced lib In the
conversation which followed the
traveler gave several
hints that he would Hue know
what was in the box avail,
why I Simula risk anything . , , ,
,, At hist his curiosity got better
nor. .-1
say, old man he
have you in that
Col. I, A. Sugg has received the reply.
some papers at A. series remarks
part, Alaska, and presented us followed, at getting the
with a copy. The papers were reason for carrying a mongoose;
H mouth getting here but, as m. explanation was offered,
tr being mailed. The copy we the commercial traveler had to say
have is the Alaska Forum, a little plump
you might figure it out that II
owed you money. Just because
you willing to take
with some particular girl
Paper From Alaska.
Subscribers to The Post should
not be in too great haste to kick
when they think their paper has
not been delivered, but should
make a careful search; as there is
no telling where the
please carrier may have put it. A
subscriber who lives on Sampson
street called up The Post at
o'clock one morning last week
kicked because his pa-
per had not been delivered.
Of course prompt apology was
made and the paper was sent out.
Later the subscriber called up the
office and apologized; explaining
that he had found the paper under
hie bed. Search the premises be-
fore you Poet.
reprobate of the News paid
i silent but mighty tribute to the
greatest agent of all ages,
the Christian
Here, oh, ye theology,
is a sermon greater than you ever
Here, oh, ye choirs, is an anthem
sweeter ye ever
Here, oh ye host of Israel,
over creeds and doctrines
and torn with and envy, is a
lesson more powerful than ever you
God save the mother and her
brood, bring them to their home in
safety, to their last home in
peace.- Wellington News.
Sin is like seed, to cover it ii to
cultivate it.
You cannot separate sin's bait
from its hook.
man's work is the only thing
that makes him of worth.
Mr. and Mrs. a
ant reception at
Wednesday night, in honor
f the approaching marriage. The
residence was artistically decorated,
the color scheme of the hall being
I red, of the white green,
of the dining room white and
The guests were received the
hall by Mr. Mis. Allen, and
in the parlor by Dr. Carr with
Miss and Mr. C. H. Carr
with Miss Parker. The bride-elect
was gowned in a beautiful evening
dress of pour de crepe over blue
taffeta and carried a bouquet of
white carnations.
In the room opposite the parlor
were displayed the wedding
presents, numerous and exceeding-
handsome, in charge of Mr.
Wilson with Miss Skinner. In
this room also fruit lemonade was
served by Dr. Thompson with Miss
four page sheet of three columns
to the page While it is publish-
ed only weekly, the
price is a year, a mouth or
cents a copy. A few advertise-
are in it, principally of
loons. a laundry price list the
charge a shirt is
cents, a collar cuffs
cents a pair. The
feature of this copy of the pa
per was court proceedings. One
ease reported was over a dog team
taken from the owner. The
of the was for the plain-
tiff, giving him the team,
for the retention of the dogs,
damages and the costs. Dogs must
be worth something in that region.
If a few missing notes were sup-
plied the whistle at the
factory could play a tune. It runs
up and down with many a sound.
It is hard to fight the tempter if
yon are feeding at his table.
are you to do with
that mongoose
The answer he got
going to see a friend who has
drinking very
heavily, in he has de-
delirium You
maybe aware that people so
are inclined to see
you may also be aware
there is nothing earth so deadly
to as a He sat
back, evidently satisfied that he
had given a full complete ex-
I said the
commercial traveler,
is my returned
A few drops of tincture of myrrh
a glass of water applied daily
to the gums will keep them hard
and in good condition.

Eastern reflector, 16 October 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 16, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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