Eastern reflector, 9 October 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

A Gratifying Success
I wish to return thanks to my friends and customers for
the many kind words of praise and appreciation of
opening display. My fall opening was an undoubted
success, both from the point of view and the
storekeeper's. That success I shall endeavor to make
permanent by selling strictly first class
Dress Goods, Trimmings
and Notions
at fair and just prices. You need not be in any doubt
My goods are all new. No accumulation of years to
pick over. If it's fashionable, it's here.
Yours truly,
Jas. F. Davenport,
New White Front.
No Joke
It is serious. When you need Medicine yon need it
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever to enter our store. We have a full
line of all well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
Sufferers her mob curs as will meet par-
ailment. Our prices, our goods, are popular.
We are Still Leading
In fine Dress Goods, Trimmings women's
Clothing wants generally. To a great extent
our reputation U built on particular line
grinds, we are very careful to up
the of our leading lines just
now is a full stock of beautiful
Shirtwaist Patterns
The newest and most stylish that money can
buy, yet they are easily within your reach.
It's the duty of every woman, young or old,
to make herself as attractive as possible.
Clothes do not make the woman, but they
often make her the clothes
we sell. We will be pleased to show you.
Pulley Bowen's
Home of Women's Fashions.
Marble and Granite
and Age-nU for Wire Fencing.
Main office and
Branch and shops. Mount,
N. C, and Sumter, S. C
prices and address Book
C, Oct. 1903.
We are clad to know that Mrs.
L. A. is improving.
T. R. of Fountain, came
down Saturday evening and re-
turned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beaman, of
Snow Hill, spent night
and Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Craft.
Miss Anna and Mr.
Henry were married
Wednesday evening at the home
of the bride in the presence of a
number of friends and relatives.
of Winterville, attended Sunday
school at Bethany Sunday i after
Misses Hattie and Rat-
tie Chapman, of were
In the neighborhood Sunday after-
Oscar went to Winter-
Miss Allie attended church
in Sunday.
E. E. went to Vanceboro
Wednesday returned Thurs-
Miss Tessie has returned
home from a visit to Saratoga.
I. B. Oakley was in the neigh-
Saturday and Sun-
Miss Annie left Wed-
afternoon to enter e
Greenville N. C.
Dear If you paint two
houses alike with two different
paints, and takes twice as
much paint as the other, you know
which paint to buy after
far as go-far
One of these paints is
the other is any average paint.
The worst are the
better are not much n
other paint than is any-
where near in go-far. He
is go further; the rest arc go-
short, go-three-
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint.
Portrait of Gov. Jarvis.
Miss Mattie Dowd, of Charlotte,
an artist of wide reputation, has
been few days putting the
finishing touches to a portrait she
is painting of ex Governor T. J
Jarvis. This portrait, which is
the best ever of our
townsman, will be
to the of Con-
at their state convention
in on the 10th lost.,
and will be placed by them in the
Davis Memorial Hall, at Rich-
Does head ache
back of eye. Find
taste , mouth It's
your I PUN .
liver p cure
. i
. . .
. r i ice
I Hail Co.,
i obtain ti. mil Foreign
T w
I T la
I I J k I sH
I k
Send model, or photo Intention
i free report on For book, i
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Our New
Fall Stock
is now complete in all depart-
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goods,
Jackets, Furs
brands of FINE SHOES.
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment,
Greenville's Great Department Store
Hardware Merchants.
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are largo and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the There is absolutely no odor about
one of In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
More Than Two Hundred Pupil Enroll-
ed First Day.
The Greenville graded school for
the white race met this morning
at the court house. The exact en-
could not be had at the
opening but there were more than
children present. These were
temporarily assigned to grades for
examination, and it will probably
take all the week to get them prop
Any children holding back from
school the first week thinking to
escape examination will find upon
entering late that the
is necessary w II be harder
than if the beginning.
The faculty school is as
1st Annie Bull
2nd Quads Mrs Willie Hughes.
3rd A. L. Blow.
4th 5th
Grades -Kiss Mary-
Call Wiley.
Ex ii in.
Until the school building is
for occupancy the first and
Drowned Trying to Escape Arrest.
X. C, Oct.
last Saturday night, Chief of Po
lice with several deputies,
in searching for crap shooters, ran
into a crowd of on the
river bank in the corporate limits
of the town. The broke
and ran and made their escape.
One William Kearney jumped
the river, and was not seen any
more Friday of the following
week, when his body was
by a woman fishing.
She immediately gave the alarm
and the body out
The Troubles at
Asheville, N. Oct.
George today for
U New York and tram he will
sail for Paris. did not
answer the Utter C. Chain-
plain, who was dismissed from the
estate. who was
Cashier, asked reinstatement. It
is said Harding, the Biltmore
manager, Will answer
letter. It was learned today that
had placed in Mr.
hands a deed of trust
for property at Black Mountain
valued at was said by a
representative of of Mr.
second grades will be taught in the I hilt
public school house and the fact that
grades ii. the court house. was due the estate
the deed was given to
insure Mr. against
loss the
They Expect Dewey.
New N. C., Oct.
stockholders of the and infraction of the rules of the
met last night It ban transpired that a
and passed the following new system cf and
I new methods of paying the
Whereas, on the 7th day been adopted to obviate the
August, the undersigned j the possibility of the rules of the
stockholder of the Farmers sad office being
Bank offered a reward lure.
of for the apprehension
delivery of Thomas Dewey,
Whereas, the undersigned stock
have reason to believe and j Richmond, of the
do believe that the said T. W. a OM
will return to New Bern L October to
and voluntarily surrender himself
into custody; and The from x c ,
Whereas, there seems to be no fol.
necessity for any offer of will M om,
Atlantic Coast Line.
Covenant Lode No. I. O. O. F
Whereas, God, who all
things well, has seen fit to remove
from our the sued of our
deceased brother, J. A. K. Tuck-
therefore lie
Resolved, 1st, that while we
bow in humble to the
will of God, we feel that we have
lost a brother. He was a
just man. a good husband, a kind
father, a man full of attributes
that make the world for
having lived in it. To his wife
children we extend our heart-
felt sympathy this the darkest
hour of their lives. This hour
that them the sustaining
loving conn-el of the
considerate husband nod kind
lather. May the God of Israel,
who neither slumbers sleeps,
lead them gently through life,
and at last into the city without
foundation whose builder
maker is God.
2nd, that the lodge wear the
usual badge of mourning for
3rd, that a copy of these res
sent to the bereaved
family, a copy spread upon the
minutes copies the
city papers for publication.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Committee,
D. D.
Cobb Bros. Co. Have New Partner.
Mr. James B. who has
for several years been connected
with the Southern railroad and
Chesapeake Steamship company as
traveling freight agent, has severed
his connection with these lines and
associated himself with Messrs C.
Cobb Hid J. Leon Wood, in
well-known hanking and
brokerage firm of Cobb Bros
streets, as a general partner. Mr.
is well known railroad
circles, and has many friends who
will wish in his new
Judge Pritchard is Severe.
Washington, C. Oct. .
of N.
C. was sentenced by Judge
chard to two imprisonment
for the of more than
from Culver-
Despite the tact that
I III ion of the money had been
made and that strong pleas for
, ,. ,., clemency were submitted, Judge
Co., comer of Atlantic and Plume , ;, . . ,
refused to let the young
man go free, and remarked that
while the university has been re-
he would refuse to make
the court a collecting agency.
business. Cobb Bros. Co., is an
Old and well established banking r j
and brokerage They do Fatal Feud M
large brokerage business in cotton, Wilmington, N. C, Oct.
stocks, grain and provisions, George T. Bland was shot and
private wires to New York, killed by Hill Perry,
Chicago, Baltimore, Richmond and his father in-law, his morning, at
New Orleans, giving special his home in this city. Perry was
to local investment the sidewalk
They are also members of the New , Bland was his front Bad
York and Cotton ex j blood has existed between the men
changes. ; for several years and the shooting
Mr. will become an m. direct of family
partner and will add much to trouble. The men have been
the energy and enterprise of pistols each other for
Arm. sometime and a clash has been ex-
for weeks.
Mayor's Court.
Dispensary Wins in
Raleigh, N. Oct.
election here yesterday resulted in
a victory forth- dispensary by a
majority of
Mayor II. W. has dis-
posed of the follow cases in his
court since la-t
Frank Hopkins and Arthur
Hopkins, assault, fined one p
A. J. Waters, i. W. Wilson,
B. Cannon, and Boss
Bryant, riotous and disorderly
j Conduct, fined penny and Post,
US. drank and dis-
fined c.
U. drunk and dis-
Trial of Haywood.
Raleigh, N. O. October
I he trial of Earnest Haywood yes-
the defense examined
Witnesses. The most sensational
feature of the day was the severe
criticism by Judge Peebles of the
methods by the slate in the
Cross examination Of certain wit-
bis subsequent
of his censure.
Hearst on a
orderly, fined . 94.70. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. i R.
A. F. running Hearst, of New York, has invited
without license, Overman and Congressman
costs. 914.05 to join a party Chicago
Lewis drunk and next week for a trip through Okla-
orderly, line i and costs, 93.20. New Mexico for the
R. Q. Dixon, drunk and pose of making a study of the
Stephens, of mod alert fined costs, 94.40. question. gentle-
buyers on this market, sold Forbes,
A Large Cotton Deal.
It Is not often that a town the
can boast of as large
a deal in any single day as was
mads yesterday. Mr. V. h.
admission to the Horse Show.
Raleigh, . North Carolina
State Fair Tickets en sale
17th to 23rd, for trains
due to arrive fore-noon of the 24th
final limit The rate
from Greenville, N. C, to Raleigh
and return this occasion will
including admission
into the Fair Grounds.
General Passenger Agent
H. M.
SWard for now,
therefore, notice is hereby
recalled, The reward
which is hereby revoked at
The Report Gloomy.
Washington, Oct. The
monthly report of the Chief of the
Bureaus Statistics of the Depart
of Agriculture will show
average condition of cotton on
to have been 05.1, as
compared one month
ago, on September
61.4 the corresponding date in
1901, a year of
67.4. These figures indicate the
condition on September and no
attempt is made to anticipate the
results of the agricultural weather
Reports of damages during
from drought
caterpillars and worms are general
throughout the cotton states, the
damage in Texas being caused man, acting treasurer of the same
more particularly by boll who was convicted to
Crooked Bankers Sentenced.
Freehold, N. Oct.
W. president of the
defunct Mercantile Co-operative
Bank of Red Bank and Jersey
was sentenced this afternoon by
Justice Fort to pay a fine of one
thousand dollars serve a term
of three years six months in
the state prison. Rudolph New-
Hooks 1,300 bales fined
received a check for J. Allen, drunk and down,
Guide. ,,
In last report the name of J. K.
Warren was pi when it should
Mrs. Louisa Harden died at been Joe
o'clock Monday at her
home about, one mile from town. The Imperial Tobacco
The funeral took place this after- it is said, has notified
noon, services being held at the brokers that it will make
home. She was the mother of Mr. own purchases in the United
D. direct from the planter.
Mrs. Henrietta Dixon, wife as meaning that
Mr. B. S Dixon, Jr., about the proposes to establish
miles from Greenville, died Mob- the tobacco
day night after an illness of of the country
era weeks. The burial place with home buy-
today. She leaves a husband and Free Press,
several children.
Public Examination.
The white teachers of Pitt
and down, have accepted invitation.
and boll The crop is re-
ported from two to weeks
and many correspondents re-
port that there, will be no top crop-
Pleased Over Waterway's Chances.
Congressman John H. Small, of who have not examined,
North Carolina, was in the meet me at oilier-
yesterday on his way home from On Friday, October
Washington, where he had been
attending to the business pertain-
to the inland water way bill.
The congressman said that the re
commendations from the committee
were favorable to the bill, and was
very much pleased at the chances
of its Virginian-
Pilot, 30th.
with for conduct-
the becking business illegally,
was sentenced to pay a fine of fire closed from Oct. 15th to Nov. 1st,
hundred dollars. R. L.
for the purpose of taking
The colored will be
present at the same place on Mon-
day. October 12th, for the purpose
of being examined.
These two examinations will tie
the last held during the present
year and all who desire to teach
would do well to take notice and
govern themselves accordingly.
Oct. 1903.
W. H.
Co. Supt. School.
X. Oct.
Southern railway had a wreck be-
tween two trains this
morning, less than half a mile
from the depot here. One
was injured but fortunately
none of tin- passengers on either
train were hurt. engines
were thrown from the track and
Trial Delayed.
Lexington, S. C , Oct.
continued illness of Mil ton Sharpe,
one of the jurors the Tillman
case, necessitated an adjournment
of court today until tomorrow.
consumer, who is com-
to buy shelter, food, cloth-
tools and medicine in a walled
in mark cannot help him-
self. The who are
themselves consumers, are only
taking the tariff makers at their
word when they insist upon get-
ting a larger share of the
The professed object of the Pro-
from the has
been a noble and beneficent desire
to protect, labor. The
man has at last discovered that
they only intend to protect them-
selves, sod be strikes for a more

W. R. Fountain returned Tues-
day from Tarboro.
J. F. Brink it-. returned
from Scotland Neck.
O. L. Joyner-h It Tuesday
G. G. went to
Tuesday evening.
L. M. Lamer went to
T. H. Bateman Tuesday eve-
tor Goldsboro.
Mis Lizzie Jones a rued to-
day iron a to
W. L. Best returned this morn-
J. W. Higgs to
this morning.
W. of Ayden,
spent today here.
Mrs. L. W. Tinker returned
Tuesday from a visit to
Spring Hope.
B. W. Moseley A. M. Mose-
went to Ayden Tuesday even-
Harris, of Wilmington, is
visiting his sister, Mrs. J. A.
Maj. H. Harding, R. R. Gotten
and Charles Tuesday
evening for Goldsboro.
Miss Rosalind Tyson, of
ville, is visiting Miss Mattie
Hearne, m West Greenville.
Miss Julia of
arrived this to visit Miss
Carrie Brown.
Prof. W, H. went to
Rocky Mount this to at-
tend the Tar River
Program for Tea. Association Sat-
a. exercises
Rev. F. G.
a. of roll and
reading minutes last
a. of teachers.
a. of
officer, election of officers.
a of library
of committee
on course of general dis
in Paper Indian
Massage of Wiley.
Altitude Towards the Child's
moral T. H.
p in
of Town Schools to the
Schools in the Rural by
ex Governor T. J. Jarvis.
p. business.
Greensboro Votes Bonds.
N. C,
Greensboro did the handsome
thing as usual today by
to issue two hundred fifty
thousand dollars in bonds for
enlarging the water works plant,
extending the sewerage system and
continuing permanent street
The election carried
by a sale majority and
is happy. Only three votes were
cast against the measure.
Without the Knife.
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
To All Whom it May
This is to that in July, 1902,
I a fistula in anus which had
en me trouble for ten years past and I
had consulted several physicians and
had followed their prescriptions to the
letter and continued to grow worse
until I could not walk, and for eight
months I could only walk on crutches,
and in this condition I was advised to
call on Dr. Moore, colored, which I
did, and under his treatment I at once
began to grow better and in one week
the trouble was removed and I
well, a 16-year
aid boy, and the trouble has never
returned. WILL EDWARDS.
E. L.
Sworn to before me, sept.,
Men's Suits worth 3.50 2.19
worth 1.50
Knee Pants,
On account of low
prices of Tobacco we have
decided to make Big-cuts
on all prices to clear out
this stock.
This is for CASH.
If yon want Styles see
lino of
Dress Goods, f
We show only the best and l
latest styles.
Negligee Shirts
Lion Brand, Dozen to Select from
MENS Sunday SHIRTS, Detached Collars
and Cuffs, worth now reduced to
Shirts this sale
Shirts this sale
Car Loads Just Received.
Solid Oak Bedroom
Suits, that were reduced
to Solid Oak
Black Mercerized Petticoats, ll-in.
Flounce, 1-2 inch Ruffles,
worth 2.00. Sales Price--
Heavy Yard Wide
All Goods as Represented.
same goods I l Buyers.
h For the same money. S
For less money.
Ayden Department
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
yon bought it from MINES it's all
Bought and
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Notions,
Groceries, Hardware.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet
Try a bottle of my Fit; Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents. If you are not satisfied I will return
M. M. SAULS Ph. G.
Pharmacist, Ayden, N. C.
m. F. Ayden Brick Works,
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor J. L. next
Every man is a hens to Dome
man.; every woman is to
A man and bis money are
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick
Eastern Carolina.
hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always on hand. to
suit the times. Write or phone
for prices by thousand or
car-load. Yours truly,
l . AT LAW,
But if is one thing than another which
lends to of store, is the distribution of
Each pair warranted by to us,
Each pair warranted by US to you.
You run no risk in wearing a Sets shoe,
For if they go wrong we make them
Ayden, N. C. Oct.,
Rev. C. W. Howard his
regular appointment here Sunday,
which was his last. Rev. D. W.
Davis succeeds him.
Mrs. W. J. Boyd and little
daughter, of Edwards, and Mrs.
C. L. Patrick, went to Greenville
Miss Coward came from
Greenville Saturday to visit her
sister, Mrs. Joseph and re-
turned yesterday.
A. P. Lu lord, of Standard,
came Sunday. He will be here
delivering a snip-
of pictures.
A. If, to Farm-
ville Monday. He returned yes-
accompanied by his brother,
Dun, of Greenville.
It. A. Smith, who has been
spending a days at
Miss Eula Cox left for
where she has a
as teacher in the
T. R. Allen went to Greenville
W. B. Patrick, of Greenville,
was here Monday.
C. of Goldsboro,
as in town Tuesday.
W. B. went to Green
ville yesterday.
Miss Clyde Cox spent
W. R. Harris, of Ayden
but now near Wilmington, arrived
Monday to spend a few days with
relatives and friends.
for particulars write
Ayden, ST.
Claude West and Miss Fleming,
of Greenville, were the guests o
Mis. Barker Sunday.
Mr. Lindsay, a traveling sales
man, spent Friday in town.
Bullock and wife were
town Sunday.
Would you have
less or more
Throw open wide your hospitable
Make it a which you will
better far to give than to receive.
Why should you take around a
To spy upon the faults of friendly
Far better for your peace to shut
your eyes.
A trifling grievance causes many
never on your friends in
Or try to prove that they are
Why should you keep a crucible to
Which of your friends are truest, or
the best
If you arc friendly yon are sure to
Some real friends to your faults are
Thank Cod for better be
Than not in human hearts to have
Margaret Dorris.
ThU Answer Answer.
is doubtful if sound business
men would want to lease the A. and
N. C. Railroad unless they saw some-
thing in it for themselves. Why,
then, can't the state and stockholders
get out of it what others see in
For the simple reason it costs the
state more to do the same work than
it does an individual. Individuals
don't employ men because they
have done party service but
because they are competent
men. These men see to it
it that every day counts and men
earn their wages, while, when the
state is doing the same work it does
not employ men because of their fit-
and as for economizing time, it
don't do it, but it is a come-easy
Sunday from begin-
to Times.
the past we have adverted in
complimentary terms to the conduct
of a certain superior court judge
who, not a century since, held court
We have seen and
beard more of the man since then,
and we can better understand some
of his utterances since
arrived at a truer estimate
character. No presiding judge
can be polite and courteous to
Tillman is reported to have said
that there would be the-
tragedy that ever shocked
South before he got done
with There is a stage
direction which is celled the
drop that concludes the last act of
most tragedies, if we are not mis-
taken in the term. This, also, is
commonly reported to be somewhat
of a shock to the actor most
interested, preceding as it does that
dainty bit
ville which has been referred to as a
upon the
An editorial in the Morning Post
refers Joseph Cannon's
lawyer or jury who bad passed . ,, t t- ,
ti, as tote Ohio. Uncle
I Joe hales from Illinois. He is too
busy, or has lost sense of one of tho
emotions, to spend one day
in his native county. Guilford, at tho
Office in Brick Block
i I II III t.
the night in a drunken
The Greenville Reflector
the above from the Smith field Her-
and lakes that paper to task for
the publication. We agree with
Reflector, If the editor of
The Herald knows of conduct
of a judge while holding court there
he should publish his name or say
nothing about the matter. If he
was sure of his facts lie should have
published them along with the
judge's name. If he wan not sin-,.
f of them he should have said nothing
about the affair. As the
stands it is a reflection upon the
judiciary of the state with the fifteen
innocent judges who are given no
opportunity to clear their skirts of
such an We do not
believe in newspapers making such
grave charges by innuendo.
reunion of North Carolinians next
Week. Although born among South-.
era people, he seldom, if ever com es.
among the Southern people.
environments at least have
him to train with another section
and if he has a kind spot in heart
for his former home and ll
of his people we I
heard of his .
There is no getting around the
fact that the will continue to
be in debt longs as it spends
more money than it takes
the production
the farmers
II Mr. to
he need have no doubts as
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. c
meets all trains.
table Electric lights.
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
I I-. N. C.
Wire and Iron Sold.
work prices reasonable
nit on a
county. Mr. Lynch
fall amounting to
i . first,
an to second and
th id produce
th- of -wheat upon
Tho result Mr.
Join of Laurinburg raised
1-2 three acres, Mi-
ll bushels, James K.
Blue alms to
acre. And last year was
to the welcome that will be accorded
him Herald.
It is a pity Mr. Dewey's con-
science did not begin to worry him
until he was up with. Dur-
the editor of the Smith-
hollers nobody
lied Herald
will pay any attention to him. The
space we looked for him to use to
make good his charges of last week
notoriously unfavorable for wheat in against certain lie devotes
this state. A fas years ago it was I a Hardshell Baptist
not considered certainly Association. To raise a stench and
not to raise wheat or the
shabby Times
better grasses in any part of eastern
N. C.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
N. C.
The Stock complete In every de
and prices M low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for
North The above is an-
other of Many instances wherein
this fallacy has been exploded.
The truth is, this old state of ours
can raise every thing man wants or
needs, in any section
John Alexander the Elijah
of thinks he has solved the race
problem, the solution being inter-
marriage. There is nothing new
about this idea, but, coining from
their prophet, it doubtless means
that his followers endorse it. If so,
this is proof positive that the South
will never be an attractive section to
them, which is that much better for
the Chronicle.
Washington, Oct. morn-
an attempt was made upon the
life of President Roosevelt.
would be assassin is a white
man about years of age, named
Peter Elliot. He is a resident of
the city of M
at No. 5th St., N. W.
attempting to force bis way
into the white house he was met
by one of the regular watchmen.
A fierce struggle ensued in which
the watchman was cut.
Elliot was placed under arrest
before he could further
Free Press.

S. C.
and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in U
If a banking firm more than
enough assets to cover its liabilities,
how can it become If
Editor, the assets are of real value, money
loon be easily burrowed upon them.
If they consist of securities of
value, they are not equal
to liabilities. When a firm or
becomes em harassed it is
at once claimed that they have
Reflector boasts of the
number of pianos in Greenville, and
Raleigh did something Mond.-w Am are owned by
,,. . doubt the
that will send its name perform,. p
the plank road of fame all
Yes, and a great many of the
pianos are hanged up.
Talc your hat off to the girl who
works. It is not an ideal condition
of society which makes it necessary
for a woman to earn an independent
living, to say nothing of supporting
a family, hut conditions, like
poor, we have with us always. The
girl who works bean the heat and
burden of day with poor reward,
and she is often looked down upon
by her more fortunate sisters, but
she has a heart and soul as far
the Greenville
and Observer
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Friday, October , 1903. to meet all liabilities, down the saloon, and our
the claim seldom turns out to be j caPital feel Pd
victory. That victory means
than a dispensary far
mount that the temperance legion
throughout the commonwealth will
have their hearts gladdened and.
their courage renewed or the con-1
Already the saloon it on the run.
In Durham and the
right. It was or
and we are exceedingly glad
to note that the dispensary worthy a
majority of Raleigh is, we be- Fairbanks would make
the first large city in the state just as good a vice-president as
Theodore does a president, and that
leading Fairbanks down with
Blurring statement made for
REFLECTOR publication by Mrs. Fish
doubts the genuineness of the Dewey, that Roosevelt is said to
letter, its editor can see it in the or-1 on a year, and she looks
in this office. paper j proves that Mrs. Fish is rather ad if-
neither publishes fakes nor allows i sort of gentlewoman from the
itself to be imposed j leaders of best of the
The Reflector distinctly Citizen,
avowed any doubt of the News and Make allowances for her. brother.
Observer's good faith in the matter, j Re she is from New York,
and tho has left it's mark her.
A Gordonsville, Va., banker has
bought the newspaper in his town.
He now has something to take away
his surplus without the aid of an
eloping cashier.
If Mr. Dewey is in a to
As it came to our contemporary the
letter was a perfectly
mate piece of news, which any editor
would have felt justified in some press comments M
before his readers, declining, as the his his
above the idle, luxurious woman as News and Observer tacitly did, to I to be or
the sky is above the earth. She any responsibility for its
looks with pitying, sympathizing genuineness or sincerity. The
glance upon the bowed heads and ; smartest newspaper men in the bus-
bent shoulders of her father and hare been imposed upon by
mother, or she watches over and toils ; the unscrupulous, and blame
No little of the dispensary
victory in Raleigh was achieved by
people are after them in v j . u m,
. . -News Observer. That
a spirit of earnestness that will . , , , , , , . .
paper baa landed some body blows
root up and destroy forever the
J L J temperance.
whiskey power in North Carolina.
for her orphaned brothers and possibly attach to the
that they may not stumble and and Observer should the letter
fall upon rough She sings i prove a fraud of the first water.
when her heart is heavy, and she
laughs in the joys of her loved ones The Durham Herald
From the evidence it appears
that a plenty of people saw
both Skinner killed.
but as neither of the killers deny it,
such evidence seems superfluous.
course we believe the south
would support General Miles he
should receive the nomination, but
it will kick like thunder to keep
him from getting
We arc- emphatically of the
It is not fair Hi judge the tobacco
musket by one good sale. sales
mingles her tears in
rows. She rests only that she may
have strength to try and try again.
The roses in her life are few, but
those few are sweeter than any
the idle woman can pluck.
enough. The South would not sup- were they would swamp the good
We are to see a glaring port General Miles were he to re- sales out of sight
whiskey advertisement in the the nominations between
son Times. If we remember date tin- final I We do not think the Southern
Mr. Dewey need not put himself
to the trouble to come home. If he
will communicate with the sheriff of
Craven county, official will no
doubt do the h more.
is pleasant to live this
In the the ., ,, ,, ,.
remarks the Orange, Va.,
When is it so unpleasant that
don't want to live,
ion that this thing has far not reported- or noticed. If they
lower river; in
which generally to
grant liquor licenses and have been
dry for s number of years, a ,., .
worst of that when we
plan for the Jaw has been ,, ,. , ,
. turn J lay wood loose we can i howl at
hit upon. An enterprising but , ., ., ,. , . ,,
Carolina I
too scrupulous captain of a river,
craft applied to the corpora-1
judge at may now expect a.
license to operate a floating bar latter from the fellow
room. It that the judge I rooster, the other-
did not know of the
people along the river, as he grant-
ed the and now the natives j ; . pp
find that is sold within a few mm
hundred of shore, will.
the republicans. For our own part
when Wilson voted for a
the Times said, let's
all turn in and make it a
or words to that effect. We are
quoting from memory, and will not
swear to a curacy, but if we are we would prefer defeat three times
net, the Times has gone back or. its I u day rather than suffer one hour
word by helping out a rival to the of Miles. The South will go the
dispensary. The whiskey ad limit for the party, but
by the Times is well-known to news- Miles is beyond the limit. We will
Should General Miles receive the people are hankering fore visit from
nomination, the Soul h would j Theodore, bud those Mississippi
a candidate of its own, support bears haven't teen heard yet.
him and be defeated, as usual,
add, it is, of course, practically
possible for General Miles to receive
paper readers. We do not under-
stand in school of consistency
our was educated, when I democratic nomination,
it preaches temperance and
and advertise the whiskey bus-
in the same breath.
It begins to look dark for both
Tillman and Haywood, but as the
lawyers made the laws they can pro-
get around them.
My Lungs
An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad My Friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me
A. K. Randies,
You forgot to buy a bot-
of Cherry
when your cold first
came on, so you let it run
along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
Me. II. All
your doctor. If ho It.
than do m h. fays. If h tails you not
to It. then don't It. Ha know.
CO. Lowell.
Every merchant in Greenville has
a splendid antidote for hard times
within easy reach. Advertising has
saved many a man from the bank-
court, and if there is one time
above all others when it should lie
carried on vigorously, it is in a
of depression.
The Herald bus thus
far failed to make good its charges
against certain Superior court
but the editor of the Herald
has probably learned s lesson he
should have learned earlier in
not tear down where you cannot
build Character assassination
never did pay.
It is as plain OS the
that Tillman killed and
Haywood killed Skinner. It is
written, shalt not
Mr. Vanderbilt will probably
never miss the money, but his clerks
who stole ought not to miss
the penitentiary.
We doubt Morgan
has any pity coining to him. He is
still able to keep the wolf away from
the door.
Tammany's nominee for mayor of
New York was born in Saxony.
Well, this is an improvement upon
cost of living gone up
with the advance in says
the bureau of labor. No such thing.
The cost of living has gone
ahead of the advance in
If Jim Tillman isn't a murderer
it is no harm to kill a man.
course Theodora does not be-
long to a labor union, or he would
see the Miller matter in a different
The Lincolnton
must be worth considerable, in view
of the time and money spent in get-
ting it.
to the contrary
The proprietor of that floating
loon may some day discover a large
hole in his ship's bow am himself
and boat taking a voyage to
locker, which would serve
him right.
re almost giving
that new capitol account of.
girl's victory.
So one beg
ho run on the ticket- as the
I part that the fence list.
Mr. Carnegie was wont to
away his stock to avoid dying j
poor, hut now it is the people who;
The A. A K. C railroad ;
as of lite
received it who are in danger of I
u. The aw
business is or
those who use
advertising a-e
the ones who get their share and tho
other too.
t s am to take
A New York preacher
upon the subject, Did
Well, then was one
when he a J,
will save the dyspeptic from many
days misery, and enable him to eat
whatever he wishes. They prevent
cause the food to assimilate and
the body, give keen appetite.
cause the food to as
the body, give k
and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar
Take No Substitute.
In the column unit to Sunday
school department an exchange
an advertisement which offers-
quarts of whiskey at a
One Grout is running comp-
i if G New on both
the Tammany and tickets.
As a artist he is a
Oyster is quiet now, and the
oysters can come out from their hid-
places. His has
When all the balance of the state
goes dry we suppose Greenville will
be dealing ID wet goods at the same
old stand.
Mew booking are.
still along Mr.
A. X. out.
of on nun it owe to.
tho is the
way some people eve it
Another has made an at-
tempt attempt upon the
Back up Our Claims far
Fact a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact i not a drug, but
a scientific cure for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and
It the an,
all tendency to or
Women with peculiar to their are
to perfect health. Your
cheerfully add to
with every
The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
I For Men
k Women and
It is conceded that we the
best Shoes for the money of
any house in Farmville.
J- H-
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
T. Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite and prompt
M. m.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
The newest and latest styles in
Millinery. Hats trimmed to or-
on short notice.
All residents of Farmville Graded School District between
the ages of six and twenty-one may attend this school, unless
sons herein stated are shown why such pupils should not be ad-
To entitle resident pupils to admission to the school they
must have taken up their abode in the district, with the purpose of;
remaining; and no pupil whose residence is temporary, and only
for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of the school, shall be ad-
free; nor shall any pupil be admitted whoso parent or
is a nonresident of this district.
Nonresident pupils, and those over twenty one years old,
shall be admitted to the school on their paying tuition in advance
each term, and provided there is room so that they do not prevent
the admission of resident pupils of legal school age.
The following tuition shall be charged non-resident pupils
and those over twenty-one First and Second tirades, 11.50
a month; Third and Fourth Grades, 12.00 a Fifth, Sixth,
Seventh and Eighth Grades, a month.
Every pupil shall, within ten days after entering school, pro-
himself with the prescribed books and other conveniences
necessary for the prosecution of his studies.
Pupils are required to be punctual and regular in attend
No pupil who has been absent or who appears after the
opening of the school shall be admitted without a satisfactory ex-
from his parent or guardian, or without proper punishment
for his remission.
Excuses for absence or tardiness and requests for dismissal
before the close of school must be made in writing by a parent or
guardian. Such excuses or requests must state the cause of fail-
in attendance or punctuality, and the reasons for the request.
Any pupil in the primary grades second and
who shall be absent or tardy four times in four successive weeks,
and any pupil above the primary grades who shall be absent
or tardy three times in the same length of time, except in case of
sickness, shall be suspended from attendance at the school. Such
suspension shall remain in force until satisfactory assurance is
given that attendance will be regular and punctual in the future.
The Superintendent may reinstate the pupil who has forfeited his
but in case of a second forfeiture he can be readmitted only
by special order of the Board of Trustees. Absences that occur
when attendance at school would endanger the health of the pupil
shall be regarded as absences occasioned by sickness.
Any pupil who shall leave the school-grounds at recess, or
at any time before the regular hour for dismissal, without the con-
sent of the Superintendent or of a teacher, shall not be allowed to
re-enter his class without written permission from the Board of
Trustees, unless he can render an excuse or apology satisfactory
to the Superintendent.
Pupils must go directly to and from school without loitering
by the way, or lighting; nor shall they remain on the
school-grounds after dismissal, without written permission from
their parent, unless retained by a teacher.
Pupils must not throw stones or dangerous missiles of any
kind on the school-grounds.
Any pupil marring, defacing or in any way injuring any-
thing connected with the school property shall pay the value there-
of as estimated by the Superintendent; or it may be referred to
the Board of Trustees. The pupil failing to pay this within one
week shall be dismissed from school.
Pupils are required to obey promptly and faithfully all
of teachers, and to be respectful to the the teachers, to
each other, to all school officers, and to all visitors to the school;
and to conduct themselves in an orderly and decent manner, both
in school and out.
Falsehood, profane and indecent the use of to-
on the school-grounds, and the chewing of anything in the
school building, are positively forbidden; and cleanliness of person
and clothing is required.
lo. No tire-arms, fire-crackers or kind of fire-works, and
no intoxicating drinks, shall be carried on the school premise
under penalty of the strictest discipline, and any pupil
at school under the influence of any alcoholic liquor shall be ex
Pupils must walk quietly through the halls and up and
Now that the law forbidding down stairs, and refrain from all conversation in the halls and
. . . . , I stairways. They must not remain in the halls and stairways at
killing of has expired r are open, or go into rooms be-
they will not taste nearly so good. longing to other grades without permission from a teacher.
Each pupil shall be assigned a seat for study, which he
must keep until removed by his teacher, and it shall be his duty to
keep it, together with everything his desk, neat and
in perfect order. He shall also be responsible for the appearance
of the floor around his desk.
During the regular exercises of the school, whether of
study or of recitation, pupils are required to abstain entirely from
communication with one another by speaking, writing or by signs,
without the special permission of the teacher.
Pupils must confine themselves to limits prescribed
for them, and anyone found on that portion of the grounds assigned
to the opposite sex will be subject to punishment.
Any child who shall be guilty of falsely maligning his
teacher by charges cruel treatment without foundation may be
suspended or expelled from school
No pupil known to have any contagious or infectious dis-
or coining from a family such a disease prevails, shall
be received or continued in the school.
Pupils who shall, from indolence, irregularity or inability,
fall behind their class or fail to pass a satisfactory examination at
the end of the year, must fall back to the next lower class, unless
by extra effort they promptly regain their standing.
No pupil shall be advanced to a higher grade without
passed a thorough examination in a the studies of the grade
from which he is to be except for special reason's
factory to the Superintendent.
Those pupils fall below per cent, in any study, or
whose general average is less than per cent, shall not be pro-
Certificates of distinction will be awarded those who com
the prescribed course of study with credit.
Pupils above the first grade must have at least four studies.
TheM and other special rules that may be announced from
time to time by the Superintendent and teachers must be care-
fully obeyed; and any pupil who repeatedly violates them, or shows
a disregard for the morals of good society, so that his example and
influence is injurious to his associates, will not be allowed the
privilege of the school.
market is a Little Better and the is always
is not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
other warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
saying about, proof of the Just bring
us your tobacco we will show you proof in high
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs In
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Munger Cotton
W. Q. administrator of R. H. deceased,
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said R. at his death, and is offer-
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
HATS, CAPS, SHOES, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. is also agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
is taken and a good fit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at per cent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
W. m. LANG,
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found in Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
Full line Sell Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of flour, corn, oats, hay
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools,
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
feed stuffs. We solicit a share of your patronage. Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
Would not interest you if you
were looking for a guaranteed
Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles.
Otto Dodd. of Ponder, Mo.
suffered with an ugly sore for a
year, but a box of Arni-
ca Salve cured me. It's the bent
Salve on earth.
drug store.
Texas is getting more and more
arid every year. Lots of places
I here went prohibition this fall.
It'll get so after a while they can't
raise nudes
little daughter had an
almost fatal attack of whooping
cough and
W. K of N.
Y., when all other remedies
failed, we saved her life with Dr.
New Discovery.
niece, who had Consumption in an
advanced also used this
wonderful medicine and today
she is perfectly
throat lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to
other on earth. Infallible
for Coughs and Colds. and
91.00 bottles guaranteed by
w Drug Store Trial bot-

B. J. Pulley to San-
J. H. spent Sunday in
W. J. and J. H. Keel
pent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White
of Bethel, who have been
visiting D. D. Gard returned
Judge Fred Moore, who has
without leavings scar
he name Witch is applied
to many salves but DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve is the only Witch
made that contains
S. M.
Real Estate Agency
been here holding court for two unadulterated witch Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
If any other Wit.- i Sal re is
offered you it is a E.
C. DeWitt invented Witch
left Saturday evening for
Mrs. M. A. Latham and Mrs. Salve and Witch Hazel j Tables, Lounges, Safes, P., city in the sue, her
Wholesale u.,,., . .
paid for Walker
It is an admitted fact that
is forcing to the tr-.
and is only a question of a v.
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads. Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba
J. and children, of
Leslie Smith, of Farmville, spent are Mrs. A. J.
Sunday here.
Joe Bawls spent Sunday in Tar- j May Galloway, of
land, is visiting Miss Bertha
Harry Skinner left Sunday for Patrick.
Jasper Harper, of Kinston, came
in Sunday to vi-n friends here.
J. B. Ball, of spent
Sunday here.
J. W. left Sunday for
his heme in J Fla.
Damages, Go-tarts, Parlor short time when it will be the g
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P., city in th . her railroad
and Gail ft Ax X there
Life Tobacco Kev influx of capitol employed ii, -h.
y v eat one- various kinds of manufacturing r-
roots, Henry George Can-i prises, which is constantly n
Cherries, Peaches, Apples population of the city and a
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk . nM
Floor Mat Soar property . i-
I v- i u hands, but
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil, the marvelous growth of the
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-1 price has been kept on a st in
Still, it is den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts, money to it-
likely that the neighbors will bring Candies, Dried Apple, Peaches;
m some food before they'd let; Currents, Glass in location and price of property, v.,.
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden ; make it our business to keep a
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, the of our cu--i-
Cheese, Best Butter, New and Potion to save y. u
, ; as we keep posted in u
Sewing Machines, and city and near farming lands
other goods. Quality and aid you in investing your capital
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Con bring quick and
Salve is the best salve in
world for cuts, burns, bruises,
or blind, bleeding, itching
protruding piles. Sold by
is a rich man's
says John W. Gates.
B. Riddick, of Suffolk, came
Monday evening. I him starve.
Christian George returned j
Newport News Monday evening. A cure for dyspepsia.
Rev. F. G. Hartman left Monday j had Dyspepsia in it worst form
evening for Goldsboro.
K. Greene i J
H. T. King n turned evening from Raleigh,
evening from Whitakers. W. L. Be-t went Mon-
Tom spent Sunday day evening,
in Bethel. W. R. Home left Monday even-
W. R. Fountain Sunday for Kinston.
J. F. left
Sunday for
L. I. Moore left Saturday even-
May, of Kinston,
over this morning,
, Miss Coward left
evening for den.
J. M. Moore returned to Norfolk
this morning.
Thomas Cot ten went to Halifax
J. W Brown left this
for Richmond.
Mrs. J. T. Meadows left
morning for Henderson.
J. E returned Monday
came evening from Washington.
W. R. Parker went to Everetts
R. L. Smith went to Norfolk to-
and felt
, Did not eating until
returned Monday after ,
which has completely cured me.
Mrs. W. W. Hilliard, Pa.
No appetite, loss of strength,
bad breath, sour
dyspepsia and all stomach
I troubles are quickly cured by the
morning of
the natural of digestion
combined with the greatest known
tonic and proper-
ties. It cleanses, purifies and j
sweetens the stomach. Sold by
John L. Woo ten.
to see me.
S. M. Schultz.
T. H.
Correspondence so-
When in the city we extend to you a
cordial to visit our
No- over Sykes Drug Boon.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding. Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
Hill Home left this morning for
Miss Clyde Cox, of A spent.
, t I that one that cleanse
The Czar of Russia Emperor
Francis Joseph met and kissed
yesterday. No ruler would
try that on our Theodore after a j to do slate roof-
glance at those R
I have employed a
North Carolina,
I Pitt County, f In Superior Court
James H. Gray
Annie Gray.
The defendant Annie Gray will take
notice that an action entitled as
has been commenced against her in the
Superior Court of Pitt County by the
plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining
a divorce from the bonds of
upon the grounds of
and the said defendant will
further take notice that The is required
to appear before the Judge of our
Prior Court, at a court to be held
the County of Pitt at the
in Greenville on the ninth
after the first Monday in September.
it being the 9th day of
I v ho the
J. E. went to Washing- j system, set the liver to re-
ton today. Mrs. J. W. Andrews child- j more the bile, clear the complex-
ion, headache and leave a good
taste in the mouth. The
receive prompt
Work room over
Orders for in H the th day of
any Z .- y the complaint,
A. F. Breedlove went to Rocky left morning for Roberson-
Mount today.
Miss Annie Perkins left Sunday
for Farmville, where she will teach
in the graded school.
Mrs. Allen Warren and
of Hill, are visiting her par- home in Monday even
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wilson, i
j ville.
J. A
who has
returned home this
. Pittman, of Scotland Neck, pleasantly and effectually are
Early Risen.
Layette, Ind,
little pills for work
are De-
other I have used gripe
Dr. J. C. Greene returned to sicken, while DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are simply
Sold by John L. Wooten.
D. W.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. re
turned Sunday evening from a
visit to
Mn. W. M. King Sat-
evening a visit to
Rocky Mount.
Rev. F. has return-
ed from Falkland, where be has
holding a meeting.
R. B. Jarvis, of Norfolk, came
in Sunday left this
Mn. J. A. Wooten
Saturday evening from a visit to
Misses Mamie King, Alice Smith
and Rosa returned Sunday
evening a visit to Farmville.
G. B. W. Hadley, of LaGrange,
came in to visit relatives
Lee of Washington, has
returned to Greenville, and is
again with his uncle, A. J. Griffin.
Lipscombe and son, Will,
from a trip up the road
Sunday evening.
Dr J. C. Greene, of LaGrange
spent Sunday here visiting
Mn. Denmark, of Kin-
arrived to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mn. R. M. Star-
Miss Rota Win stead, of Rocky
Mount, arrived Saturday evening
to visit Mn. W. M. King.
J. J. Mason, Ham Gabriel, Eu-
gene Cart is and Joe of
Washington, came up Sunday to
spend the day hen.
Miss Jennie Move, of Kinston, train crashes into
who has been visiting her sister, crowd of is the way a
Mn, R. W. King, left this morn-1 heads an accident
story. Express trains should treat
relatives with more
To cure or indigestion
it is no to live
milk and toast-
produces such weakness that the
whole system becomes an easy prey
to disease. Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and
digestive organs to digest and
assimilate all of the wholesome
fond that one cares to eat, and is a
never failing cure for indigestion,
Dyspepsia and all stomach
digests what yon eat
makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by John L. Wooten.
; for Baltimore.
Mn. R. M. Prince, Jr., of
S. C, and Miss Lula
Smith, of Ayden, came Monday
to visit Misses Lena and Georgia
A. Anderson, and returned home
The Independent Farmer.
On September a farmer living
a few miles from Augusta, Ga.,
brought to that city two bales of
cotton, tor which he received
151.62 Out of this he paid bis
factor which he owed, and had
still remaining on his seven
bales of cotton.
pure profit, and in addition he has
enough corn and forage to
carry him until the next cotton
crop is made. The Augusta
Chronicle says that farmer's
case is not exceptional, there
should be hundreds of just such in-
stances within the ate
neighborhood of Augusta. It
would be well if there should be
several of such cases
throughout the South. Thy
would mean an of
debt to the factors, on a
cash basis, and therefore at a
greater advantage, and with
enough supplies made in addition
to cotton, the whole of next year's
crop as u surplus crop, and
the farmer independent of
the prices of
Farm Magazine. HIS
S. Le Quinn of Cavendish,
was robbed of his customary health
The man who invented the quick-1 by invasion of Chronic
lunch system died the other day. When Dr. King's New Life
We don't feel really hi
troubled was arrested and now he's
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
North Carolina.
will be deposited in the office of n
Superior court of said county within
the first three days of said term,
then and there answer or demur to
said complaint within the
ed by law, or the plaintiff will
to the court for the relief demanded
in the complaint.
This the 26th day of September
, D. C.
Clerk of the Court of Pitt Co.
North Carolina, I
L. B. Williams and T. L. William
of Township, Pitt County.
North Carolina hereby enter and lay
claim to acres more or less of
cant land in township
aforesaid county and state and
and described as
Lying between the lands of Jordan
Nobles and warren Stocks and
the lands Jordan Nobles, war-
Stocks, H. M. Williams, M. M.
Williams, A. R. T. L.
and Frank and
heirs east of swamp in west
This the day of September
witness, R. Williams, en-
try Taker. By H. A. Blow,
for Pitt County, N. C.
Any person, or ti-
to, or interest In the above
ed land must file their protest, in writ-
within the next days or
will be barred.
Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark.
writes, I suffered
from Yellow Jaundice, I consulted
a number of physicians and tried
all sorts of medicines, but got no
Then I the use of
Electric Bitters and feel that T am
on w cured of a that had
me in its grasps for twelve years
If you want a reliable medicine
for Liver and trouble,
disorder or general de-
get Bitters. It's
Wooten's drug store
Slates, pencils, tablets,
books and for school
children, at Book Store.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
towards as long as he
bad to die we hope it was
entirely cured. They're
teed to cure, at Wooten's Drug
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Broken in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
-----Who constitutes the-----
Indian Blood Purifier Co.
Those who dumbfound the doctors
and startle two continents by a series
of the most remarkable miracle cures
since the Christian era. They heal
the poor as well as the rich. None
are thrust away. They cure any
ease, no matter of what nature, and
restore you to perfect health or no
charge. For instance, the following
Heart disease, consumption, blood,
stricture, piles in any form, vertigo,
sore throat, dyspepsia,
constipation, rheumatism in
any form, catarrh, colds, bronchial
troubles, sores, skin diseases, female
complaints, la grippe or pneumonia,
ulcers, carbuncles, boils, cancers,
worst form use of the knife
instrument; diabetes of the kid-
Bright's disease of the kidneys,
all itching sensations, eczema,
on face and body; private dis-
eases a specialty. Thousands of the
best people in America and Europe
will testify that the Indian Blood
Co., are the greatest healers on
earth. Medicine to any address
by express. For full particulars ad-
E. Grace St., Richmond, Va.
Old Joe Forbes, the best cook in
town, now has his restaurant
stain in the Brady building.
ten in any style and meals at all
This department is in J. M. Blow, who is authorized to
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Oct.
Realizing the advance of cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
can save you money as we bought
of our stock at old prices and
the same way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Tripp, who runs a saw
mill a short distance from here, in
a log two feet in diameter
the other day struck a penny
nail right the heart of the log,
tearing his saw all to pieces. Forty
ago there were no
nails. Where did this come
Figure, Dave It would require
considerable length of time for a
tree to grow that distance around
a nail.
t;. Bland was over here
Saturday after the carriage which
has making for
him. Bland lives Ayden
and has always one of A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co's most esteemed
your cotton to
Winterville where you have
it ginned at the very cheapest rates
and where you receive the
highest cash price for cotton seed
L. L. Kittrell
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing Work
guarantee a.
Dry goods, shirts and hats very
cheap at A. D. Johnston's.
We have spared no time in
stock and we we
can suit the most
F. Manning Co.
G. E. Lineberry went to
Kinston Friday and returned Sat-
Kittrell spent Sat-
and part of Sunday with
Miss Minnie
Graham flour can be had any
day of A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. fresh
from the mill. Those who have
used it know that it the
sweetest and healthiest bread to
be bad. Price only per
We are now manufacturing a Everette Taylor,
wash board out of the old North
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
All kinds of scroll and turned
work done to order by the Winter-
ville Mtg. Co.
We would call attention to the
fact we have added goods to
our line of merchandise and re-
ask the public to call
and Mfg.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
Car of cotton seed are
being shipped from this point.
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. Send your
orders right along get the best
cheroot in the world for the money
and home industries.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing promptly done. Work
Louis Worthington, living near
here, had bis arm caught in a gin
yesterday and so badly torn that
Dre. Brown
of Greenville, and Dr. Cox, of this
place, had to amputate it last
for all and wheels for
but not a single pair too
is now the song around A,
G. Cox Mfg. Co's. blacksmith shop
as the axles are being welded and
a larger number of cart wheel.,
over to the painter than
ever before the history of the
The drug store has in stock
cheap perfumes, high priced per-
fumes and all kinds of perfumes,
talcum and tooth powders, tooth,
nail, hair and shoe brushes,
shoe polish and -shiners.
line blacking, pipes, harps, mar-
rubber cigars,
and smoking tobacco, slate and
bath sponges, pepper, and
pickling fact everything
that you will any well;
kept drug store.
Would you like to sweeten
tooth. If so try some of
fresh candies at the drug i
W. S. was taken sud-
ill Sunday night with
colic and suffered terribly.
Dr. of was
phoned for and arrived about
o'clock Monday It was
unite a while before the patient re-
Try a bottle of coca cola at
G. A. Kittrell Co., have re
burned a kiln of brick,
mile from town they offer
for sale cheap.
A car load of shingle, expected
to arrive in a few days. See us if
you are in need of any. G.
Kittrell Co.
Thomas J. Mitchell, of
Bern, was here last week and left
orders with A. G. Cox Mfg.
for more than J dozen pair cart
wheels, several dray carts, wagon
Ex-Register T. R. Moore brought
corn to the mill last week. Tom
was visiting Miss good when he
Bertha Dawson Sunday.
Miss Chapman has been
visiting Miss Sadie Carroll in
it, his coming here.
John C. Boyd, one of the oldest
the of Pitt, was here to his
grandson Saturday. Young
is a student our schools.
Bring us seed, we
will pay the highest market price, We have in stock
or give meal in exchange. G. of shoes ever offered
Kittrell Co.
the best line
here and
Boarding J.
Cox. Board per day. Best
House town.
W. J.
of Grifton, were here Monday.
Mr Adams, of Goldsboro, and
from near
Snow Hill, spent Saturday and
Carolina pine, also of gums. These with Mrs. Sarah Taylor,
are the very best
kind of wood
Apply to Win-
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash price for your
cotton seed.
Nothing is more cool and re-
freshing these hot days than a
drink prepared by W. L.
Hurst at the drug store soda
fountain. He will give you in a
few moments notice any of the
latest and most popular cold
well as buggies Just so the use to which a wire
else to get is to be put must determine
the style of fence to be bought.
Realizing this fact A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. continue to make the
mesh fence with barb wire
woven in, as well as to keep in
stock different heights of
square mesh perfect
Mn. Louisa Cox
day from a visit down the
Mrs. Mary Smith, after spend-
several weeks with relatives at
Seven Springs, has returned home.
Miss Clyde Dawson home
Saturday evening from Ports-
mouth, a.
Mn. A. D. Johnston and
Miss Mary Smith, spent Saturday
and Sunday in Greenville.
that can be used,
Mfg. Co.
The Winterville Mfg. Co. j
a specialty of horse shoeing
We have a nice line hats for
both old and young, also
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co.
Harness as
Don't go some where else to get
your harness when you get
any style just as per-
haps just as nice
perhaps right here from
Hunsucker, the man you get bug.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
see B. F. Manning Co., before
their bargains are exhausted.
Laundry basket leaves Monday
and every two weeks
Bring work to barber
A. Fair,
fit you in both size price.
Bring your family and we will j
keep this red on, so we will make
the shoe squeal before you get it on
your foot. B. F. Co.
W. L. House offers his house and
lot in this town for sale. This is
of the nicest locations in town.
The house is two rooms,
good well of water, barn and Stable
about one acre lot, which will be
sold reasonably
Walter Patrick and
of Greenville, were here
We are ready to make prices to
suit the times all of our goods
of every kind from a standard
sewing machine needle F.
Manning Co.
Wanted -To buy or trade for a
small H. Kittrell.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest market price for
your cotton seed.
Mn. Frank Carroll has been
visiting friends in town several
A Full Line of Millinery
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best and latest styles always on
hand. Call and see. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug store.
Young men who want swell
want every late kink
R in out and making thrown into their
here for clothes.
If we are ever a moment behind
on a idea, we don't know it.
The newest styles worn in this com-
always emanate from this
For this reason we hold the
trade of the
the town.
Our Fall winter suits are
Our prides are not we say
12.60 or for all the quality and go in our
Men's Suits.
For Bargains
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Caps and
B. BRO.,
Eastern Carolina
Give your farm a name and
The Reflector to print it on your

Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, by selling them
at most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Lord of earth Thy forming hand
Well this beauteous frame hath
Woods that wave, and hills that
Ocean rolling in His
amid this scene so fair,
Should I cease Thy smile to share,
What were all it joys to met
Whom have I on earth but Thee t
Lord of heaven beyond our sight
Shines a world of purer light;
There love's reign
Parted bands shall meet
Oh, that world is fair
Yet, if Thou there,
What were all its joys to me t
Whom have I in heaven but
R. Grant.
you know what it does relieves a person of all desire i
for strong drink or drugs, restores the nervous system to its normal
and reinstates a man to his home and business. For full particulars
Correspondents confidential Greensboro N, C.
WHICHARD, N. C, Oct. 6th.
E. B. Whichard gave a delight-
flinch party at his home Fri-
day night, honor of Mrs. C. L.
Whichard and Miss Mary of
Norfolk. Those present were Mis.
Whichard, Misses Moor-
Miss Susie Keel, W. L, No-
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Which-
ard and L. R. Whichard.
Miss Susie Keel
from Robersonville, where she has
been visiting the past week.
Mrs. C. L. Whichard and little
son, Rogers, Miss Mary
who were visiting Mrs. M. A.
Whichard, returned to Norfolk
The tall term of Swamp
school began
Miss Leroy Mooring left Monday
for Martin county to begin teach-
neat Robersonville.
R. O. was here
H. W. Whichard. of Norfolk,
came in Saturday returned
I Monday.
Conducted by Prof. J. D. Everett.
Bethel, N. C, Oct. 1903.
Mrs. Henry W. Martin left this
week to attend a Temperance meet-
W. R. Britton, who has been
visiting his parents, returned to
Houston, Texas.
Julius Brown has j returned
from no has been
attending court.
H. E. Woodside, from Raleigh,
representing New York Life In-
Co., is town today.
from Oxford,
is here visiting his grand-parents,
Col. N. M. Hammond wife.
Also Mrs. D. S. Harper.
O. L. Whichard, who has been
spending some time here with his
sister, Mrs. Robt. Staton, has ac-
a position at Charleston, S.
Dr. J. M. Baker and Mr. Whit
Misses Maggie Nelson, Pearlie
and Sallie
spent Wednesday night with Miss
Henry Grimes, from Roberson-
Sunday with Miss Sadie
Mr. Thompson, a traveling sales-
man, was in town Saturday.
Miss spent Sunday in
S. A. Gainer spent today in
Rev. Mr. Hocutt left this morn-
tend the Baptist association
which meets at Rocky Mount.
The meeting at the Methodist
church closed Sunday having taken
in members during the meeting.
The protracted meeting at the
Baptist church will begin Thursday
night, upon Mr. return
from the association.
, , .
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, we've made it easy for you to own one.
lucre is no need to borrow a mower when we
II a good machine with steel knives at
n satisfactory price, and to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Cash Value,
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends arc payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery A. Allen
request the of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Dr. Robert La Fayette Carr
on Thursday morning Oct. fifteenth
Nineteen hundred three
at seven thirty o'clock
First Baptist church
Greenville, N. C.
No cards Issued town, but all
friend are invited to the mar-
Death on Wins; of the Wind.
Winona, Minn, Oct. least
seven persons were killed and
probably fifty others were injured
by a terrific storm which swept
across several counties in Southern
Minnesota this afternoon. The
greatest destruction was wrought
at St. Charles, a town of 1500
miles west of Winona.
I Here persons were killed
and thirty others were injured.
Nearly every business block in
Main street was demolished and
two score residences were destroy-
ed. The property loss is various-
estimated at between one and
two hundred thousand dollars.
A special train with provisions
and nurses was sent from Winona.
The storm was a straight blow,
and it is estimated that the wind
attained a velocity of one hundred
miles an hour. Reports from
Chesterfield, Spring Valley and
other points tell of considerable
damage in country districts, and
it is feared that fatalities have
curred in remote places.
Bethel, n. g,
Mrs. Stephen of
Robersonville, was the guest of
Mrs. Robert Staton Friday.
Misses Mattie and Nina Grimes
spent last Saturday in
The best way to find out
a tree is hollow or not is to go
and ax it.
It would seem natural for a car-
to walk with a lumbering
Harsh words are the thunders
that roll out from the dark clouds
of anger.
A determined look in the face of
duty frequently hides the scowl of
Consideration for the feelings of
others is one of the noblest traits
of human character.
A galvanic battery is indeed a
most shocking affair.
It is better to be nobly
than to be nobly born.
Texas is getting more and more
arid every year. Lots of places
there went prohibition this fall.
It'll get so after a while they can't
even raise hades
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va. I
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties
Correspondence and shipments
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
you can get honest goods at living prices. See our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
E. A. Jr., D. D. Gardner, E. A.
D. D. Gardner, W. R. Smith, E. A.
We manufacture the best buggies on this market. We em-
ploy none skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
06.11 and examine our Stock.
The Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
Nice Little House For Sale.
I will Bell my house and lot
containing acres of land id
the town of a good five
room house, a good barn and
stables, wood house and good
water, conveniently located, near
depot, will give possession Jan-
1st, Also two other
town lots with a small three room
house nearly new. For further
information write or call on me.
0.15. Bradley.
When average sets out
to economize save a he
feels so elated over it that he j
celebrates it by spending
Dealers in General
Dry Goods, Notions,
Hardware, staple and Fan-
Shoes, Crockery, Tin-
ware, etc., etc.
Sewing Machines and Furniture
Parham and Parham
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
jail goods.
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
General Merchandise.
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
i- i. i j i . 1.1 .
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
j Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country product.
Tobacco is Selling for Better Prices.
New Ware House is one of the largest and best lighted
houses in the state for the sale of leaf tobacco.
In our business we have competent assistants, first-class service
and good
By strict attention to business entrusted to us, and straight-forward
honest dealing with hope to merit a share of your patronage.
Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
Grafters Seize a Steamer.
Manila, Oct. Fore-
man, chief inspector, and C. J.
Johnson, constabulary supply
officer, both stationed at
Mindanao, whose accounts
under investigation, took
the safe, and
started for Borneo. short
of coal they stopped a native
and took from her a new sup-
ply. A steamer has been sent to
Borneo to intercept fugitives.
Bishop Doherty, the first
American clerical dignitary
pointed for the islands, has just
arrived here. An enthusiastic
welcome was accorded him.
It would be just like Walter
Page to stand up on the Guilford
battleground and that North
Carolina troops on that occasion
ran like rabbits. But he had bet-
wear a coat of mail under his
speaking clothes Charlotte News.
C A positive specific for bilious fever,
malaria, chills and fever, malarial
Malaria and
Ague dyspepsia, dumb ague.
and Surgeon,
Complete Stock of Drug-
J. Proctor Bros
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
of turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C. Oct. 1903.
The alarm of fire last Friday
proved to be at J. O. Proctor
gin house. It caused much
excitement but little damage, as
prompt work soon extinguished
Mis. M. E. Daniel, of Roanoke
Rapids, is spending this week with
relatives and here.
Miss Susie Moore, of Trinity
school at came home
Saturday and returned Monday.
Misses Ward More and Sadie
Inlay went Sat-
Mrs, Han if Vaughn and little
daughter, Commie, of Roanoke
Rapids, are spending the week
here with relatives.
Miss Myrtie Proctor, of
ville High school, came home Sat-
and returned Sunday.
Miss Addie Johnston, of Green-
ville, is spending this week with
Mrs. J. O. Proctor.
Mrs. Lydia Proctor, of this
place, is spending this week in
her old neighborhood Green-
We are having a of meet-
in the Methodist church this
week, conducted by Rev. F. F.
Kure, of den.
Mrs. Alice Bryan and little
daughter, of are
Mrs W. Galloway,
of Mrs. Bryan.
Splendid Solo.
The singing of Miss Daisy
en, of LaGrange in Methodist
church here Sunday was
highly complimented by the con-
sang as an offer-
in excel-
lent voice and perfect enunciation,
with Mrs. George Hadley, of La-
Grange, accompanist. Mrs.; J. E.
Swanson organist during the
remainder of the services and her
playing was splendid.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco Cigars,
only Soda in town,
the popular drinks,
every day.
Hot Peanuts
Handsome Monument.
Mr. Henry Sheppard has had a
handsome monument placed at the
grave of his wife Cherry Hill
cemetery. It is a figure of a
man sitting on a pedestal, the
whole being about feet tall. Th
monument was put up by J. C.
Lamer Co., and is one of
most attractive in the cemetery.
Marriage Licenses.
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams issued license to the fol-
G. A. Evans and Ada A. Pat-
J. H. and Anna
Star Witness Former
Mr. J. Terrell, who was re-
ported in Saturday's paper as be-
the witness for the state
in the trial of J. H. Tillman for
the killing of Editor Gonzales,
now progress at Lexington,
C, was once a citizen of Green-
ville. He was manager of the
Western Union Telegraph office
here twenty years ago and was
succeeded in 1884 by the present
manager to whom he the
business. Mr, Terrell is now
editing a paper in Johnson, S. C.
The wine man expects
from himself, the fool looks to

Short Crops.
The opinion is expressed by
those in position to know, that all
of the cotton in Pitt county will
be housed before October is gone.
The extremely hot week with
August closed and the drought of
the last weeks
the late crop and caused
the young bolls to dry up.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha
her 19th, 20th 21st, Monday,
Tuesday Wednesday, for the
purpose of treating of the
, e, ear, nose and throat and fit
; ting glasses.
Mr. Sam who lives in
; sight of town, reports that he has
eight bales of cotton, weight
pounds each, from eight
acres of laud and is good for at
five more bales from
What about the section for
Free Will i
The colored graded school open-1
this morning with a large at- j I
Solar the
of neither school has been coin-11
so the exact number of
pupils cannot be stated yet.
Greenville N. C.
Dear Thomas J.
druggist, K. I,
Westerly painters expect a gal-
of paint to cover sets
blinds; covers there is
do such thing as rubbing this out. j
usual reckoning is for
I gallon to cover Hi. We suspect
the Westerly people don't wear;
; their paint till it gets very
covers more; course,
we know that; we know why too;
it's all paint and full measure.
Yours truly,
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint.
A Gratifying Success
T wish to return
tin- . kind
pen display, M
Mi From
r ;. r-.
r sell in
ray friends n customers for
an up of my
tin undoubted
v first
if view and The
to make
and Notions
f an just prices. You nor, be in any doubt
My goods are all new. N of years to
pick over. If it's fashionable, it's
Your truly,
Jas. F. Davenport
New White Front.
Tuesday evening The
tor force enjoyed a feast of
grapes, with the com-
Riverside is now shipping a
of these grapes.
Economy is the avenue to the
golden temple of pecuniary
He who waits do a great deal
food at once, will never do
The best and most renowned bet
ever made is the alphabet.
Strange but true, the baker is
busiest when
Esta Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
office and power-plant,
Branch office and Rocky Mount,
M. C., and- Sumter, C
prices and address
m Mount
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach,
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Pills will clean,
your tongue, cure your
make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
font a
brown or rich
We promptly obtain U. S. end
Bend model, or photo I men lie n for
free report on I i For Ire book,
u ;
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Our New
Fall Stock
is now complete in all
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goods,
Ladies Jackets, Furs
brands of FINE
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment,
Great Department Store
Hardware Merchants.
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Pint Cue.
During the summer Booth
when the public parks were in Proceeding of the
full a certain young and I The board of county
a girl friend took a trip to one of were in regular monthly session
these This young man, by on the all the members being
the way was a recent college grad-
and was of the dig
title M. D.
After the two had enjoyed the
The following payments were
from the For
of the he suggested elections
that they trip on the scenic , officer grand jury
railway. much arguing his jury tickets boarding
lady love was persuaded into jurors court crier
taking the ride He court costs court
chased the tickets and the two house witness tickets
seated themselves comfortably
the car, which was soon on its clerk Superior court
way up the incline. j attorneys pension board
As they were ascending bridges and ferries
man noticed a pallor overspread road notices
the face of his fair and and books Register
he at once his medical Deeds commissioners
edge to order that he stocK law territory
might think of some plan to L. was licensed to
vent her from having a fainting die with one horse for one year,
spell from nervousness. Diving j G. O. was licensed o
into a vest pocket he fished peddle on foot for one year.
a small, round, hard article, which i M Volunteer
he handed to her with the fire company, of Red Hawk lire I pendent upon connections at Par-
and Mail Train Required to do
the Work of Excursion
From a hand bill issued by the
Atlantic Coast Line advertising
rates to the Weldon fair, from the
27th to 30th inst, we notice that
on the four days of the fair train
No. running from Weldon to
Kinston, will be held at Weldon
until p. m.
Toil strikes us as a very absurd
and unjust arrangement, but we
will give the railroad officials
credit for making it without think-
of the inconvenience that will
result. Here on a branch line
where the numerous towns have
benefit of only a day,
passengers, mail express for
these towns are to
hours just for a little country fair
in which no one outside of Halifax
unless it is the
feels any special interest. Not
only will the this road
suffer, hut those on the Washing-
ton Plymouth branches de
not to swallow. Almost company and Rough heady
immediately, after placing the; fire company were exempted from
in her mouth was poll tax for 1903.
a decided change in patient, j The Greenville graded school
Her cheeks resumed their was allowed use of the court house
pink color, her eyes temporal
brighter, and she enjoyed the re i Monthly reports of the county
of the ride. treasurer of
Trial of Hay wood.
N. C, Oct.
speeches were made yesterday by
counsel in the Haywood trial, and
argument was resumed this morn-
Judge Peebles made two
clear in the course of the
argument yesterday. He stated
that he would charge the jury that
there was no evidence that Skinner
was looking for Haywood on the
afternoon of the tragedy, or that
Haywood was looking for Skinner,
that the attorneys must not
base any of their argument on this
supposition. The court was with-
out evidence on the point.
Raleigh, Oct.
Robert B. Peebles held only one
session of court yesterday on ac-
count of the sickness of Juror
Davis, yet witnesses were ex-
and to day the defense may
the introduction of their
testimony in Haywood trial
and rest.
Election of Bishop Coadjutor.
N. Oct. At
midnight the Episcopal council of
the of East Carolina is
Portrait of Governor
Miss Mattie Dowd, of Charlotte,
an artist of wide reputation, has
been here a few days putting the
finishing touches to a portrait she
painting T. J. Jarvis.
This portrait, which is the best
ever made of our distinguished
townsman, will In- presented to the
Daughters of the Confederacy at
their state convention in
on the 19th. inst., will be
placed by them in the Davit
Memorial Hall at Richmond, Va.
This portrait Jarvis was
gotten up by Mrs. W. S Parker,
of Henderson, she having raised
the funds to pay for same. The
the Confederacy have
undertaken to furnish the rooms
assigned to the respective
states in the Confederate Museum
old Executive at
Richmond, Mrs. Parker is
chairman of the North Carolina
portrait of Gov. Jarvis is
given by the North
ion of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy, and at the annual
convention next week
the presentation will be
made Theodore F. David.
son, former Attorney General, will
make the presentation and
Mrs. Parker will receive the
trait as chairman of the
the North Carolina room. It
will then be sent to Richmond
placed in the Carolina room
of the Museum by the
side of the portrait of Gov. Vance.
Mrs. Parker has taken a zealous
and patriotic part in all good works
of this kind as chairman of
the North room committee
it was through her efforts that the
federate Museum In Richmond.
Gold Lea.
be subjected to the same
inconvenience and delay.
Therein another very serious deadlocked over the election of a
trouble holding No at; Bishop Coadjutor, many ballots
during the fair will having been taken and two
At the same time the fair is in j nations by the clergy having been
progress the North Chris-; rejected by lay delegates. It
Missionary convention, a body appears that the laymen have made
Just before stepping out of the health were examined and coin pus of people from all over their minds for Rev. Robert
car at the end of the ride she ed. the state, will be in session at Strange, formerly of Wilmington,
thought it would be well Patrick was added to j Greenville. These trains being but now rector of St. Paul's portrait of Governor
serve the for future per list to receive per month. I held late at Weldon will delay Richmond and that the which all Carolinians should
occasions, carefully re. G. M. Mooring was ordered re-1 this nations present are as strongly s I i
moving it her mouth, tied it j funded the tax on personal which will badly disarrange the other way.
in toe corner of her bander-1 property erroneously charged. the of the sessions as well sleeping over it the two wings
chief. Upon arriving home was exempted ; as be a great trouble to the people the council may a way to come
decided to examine the poll lax for 1903 j of lbs town who will the together when the sis-i-n is re
friend had given. John Baker was hired out to I delegation. morning,
Glasgow at per month. Surely the railroad was received here today of a dis-
handkerchief she rolled the establishing have things j. . . pressing accident near on
into her hand, and upon bridge across Tar river at j making up; Oil Tile Murphy Branch of the
looking at it saw only the of or near Falkland, there the schedules for If they I Lexington, C, Oct. which cost Flagman John
a button. Considerable discussion by have excursion trains for the p. m James II. Tillman look Dorsey bit life. The accident
had no further use for Ire of each location. of we hope they the stand lo testify in own de- curred in the most manner
or for the medical grad- The board decided to locate will then- handle answering questions put to and the memory of it will long be
either. ; bridge at Commission-1 the crown on oilier Mm. by Congressman hie a source of grief to Conductor Mills
Home for bridge not the of law partner and leading counsel, who caused his com-
Tillman Trial On mis road. I He reviewed his relations with
Page against The vote be. j We not ice also Weldon Local freight In charge of Con-
Fatal Accident.
N. C
. . .,. The vote tie- We Weldon Gonzales. .
Lexington, C. Oct. Jury- a tie east the the line the j Court adjourned until tomorrow, J. P. Mills had stopped at
limn sun a k Redding bridge. i l ran, so the will conclude and just this side of the
The jurors were drawn schedule i I of the his as shooting was trestle near that place Flagman
for term of Superior j many passenger train on the not reached Dorsey of the gone to
main line will With ; the end of the intending to
i Davenport, Still Deadlocked. passed over
R James, Harries, the structure. As the train was
, ,.
Johnston, It New Bern, N. V , Oct. At between and Conductor Mills,
i was standing not fir from
a sick
man, was able to serve today and
the trial J. U. Tillman proceed
ed, the state it rested
and the defense introduced wit-
In general these testified
to alleged threats against
made by
Boy Scalded to Death.
Meek, k A Gaskins, E regular meeting of the city in the convention called to elect a
lop coadjutor still continues. i
Fleming, W T Hart, I of aldermen tonight Mr. A.
Jerry A L Jackson,; Ward appeared before board it is probable i there will be do
Charlotte, N. C. Oct. C G W J Fleming, H T with a petition of over
year old son of James was King, Arthur Cook, J E lied voters of this city, to ask the
fatally scalded by the overturning Jackson. said board to call
of a bucket of boiling water. The Second B Pittman, the said city alter notice to
lad was playing in the porch and R D J R vote whether New Rein should
attempted to lift the with W Edwards, J J J F i have saloons or no saloons,
the result that his head and j Thus J Thomas, They prohibition and no
were frightfully burned He W H Morgan, R B J The petition was
will die. Brown. J A by the board upon motion.
W W Owens, Lewis, T The mayor appointed H. H. Ban-
H s, C H Tucker, J I B. Guion and C. J.
into of the cars.
Bryan Off For Europe.
New York, Oct. J.
Bryan arrived today at the Vic-
hotel and had a talk with
some of bis friends. He is on his
way to Europe and expects to visit evidence is concluded and the
England, France, Germany, argument of counsel in the Hay-
Austria. wood case began this morning.
The state has its
a committee to investigate
. the petition, lock over the
Development in Haywood Case, registration books and report to
Raleigh, N. O, Oct. the board Friday night, when they
will take action.
There is terrible
thirteen children.
bad luck in
Nothing makes a gill so
when she kisses a man as to
of murder as charged in to do it against her will.
the Solicitor Daniels
woman wants to be told you announced that he would ask a
love her as regularly as the milk-1 of murder in the second
man comes or she won't believe it. I degree.
To hear a describe the
menus of a dinner party a man
could suppose they ate nothing
but clothes.
As the caught the car
his outward and at
the same moment came contact
Dorsey. The force with
which it struck the flagman knock-
ed him from the trestle and into
the bottom below. It was a
fatal fall. The body struck the
election today resulted a ground with such free that the
great victory for the Anti-Saloon neck WM broken
election until the council in
regular session next May.
Goldsboro, Oct.
League. The election was carried
for prohibition by a majority
Another White House Crank.
Washington, D. C Oct. 7- John
Decker, of Norwich, Conn., who is
about years old, en-
White House after
tho doors were opened today. The
officials thought from his actions
that he was a crank arrested
him. He was not armed and made
no resistance when placed under
arrest. He was turned over to the
police authorities.
i was
instantaneous. Dorsey Was a
young man about had
numerous friends among the rail-
road men, who were terribly
shocked, when they learned of his
sad death.
The remains were taken to the
former home at Bush-
where the funeral service was
held today.
A fool and his
soon arrested.
automobile are
Deep breathing in pure air a
health preservative.

Eastern reflector, 9 October 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 09, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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