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A Gratifying Success
I wish to return to my friends customers for
the many kind of praise and appreciation
opening display, i fall opening wan an undoubted
born from point of view and the
Storekeeper's. Thu I shall endeavor to make
permanent by sell first class
Dress Go ;, Trimmings
and iS
lit fair and just
My goods are
pick over. If
on need not he in any doubt
of to
it's here.
Little Home For Sale.
I will sen nay house and lot
detaining acre of land in
the of a good five
room house, a good barn aDd
stables, wood house and good
water, conveniently located, near
depot, will give possession Jan-
1st, 1904. Also two other
town lots with a small three room
house Dearly new. For further
information write or call on me.
C. H.
Greenville's Great . Department Store.
Greenville N. C.
Dear a bully one.
Mr. Dooley of
; painter, N. H., got the
Job of painting the Episcopal par-
He was used to a paint,
as pure but weak and
didn't know it
was weak or short measure.
surveyed the job, and said it
would lake- gallons.
Mr. L. F. Moore, our agent, of- j
to give gallons
Accepted of coarse.
Eleven gallons did it; the j
plus one.
Mr. Moore isn't pointing par-1
on shares this year
You re truly,
V. W. Co.
P. H. L. our
A Bad Breath
A bad a bad
stomach, a a
bad liver. Ayers Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
Our New
brown i c.
. i u
J send modal, or for
on For book.
, is now complete in all depart-
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goods,
Ladies Jackets, Furs aid
brands of FINE
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment,
J. CO.
Greenville's Great Department Store
Nev Front.
. .
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide m necessities for
table. We do it by having the best Groceries,
by handling them in i way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable m
Cotton seed Meal and Bolls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Farmers mid Gardeners -ho de-
sire the latest sad i idlest,
Fan Seeds
should for Wood's New
U tells all about
the lull of Lettuce, Cab-
end r crops
are proving to profitable to
southern about
Crimson Clover, Vetches,
Grasses and Clovers,
Seed Oats, What,
Rye, Barley, etc
Wood's New Fall mailed
free on request. Write for it.
Richmond, Va.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a. satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
William Fountain, n. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
Office one door east of post office, on
street Phone
Practice In all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rants
and other claim. Prompt
tension to all business.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
Give your farm a name and
The Reflector to print it on your
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Show Claims to Have
the Only Animal That Can
Throw the Long Harpoon Into
the Lion.
There are on exhibition at
real estate office
in this several sample blocks
of the recently invented hollow
concrete building stone, that it a
composition said and cement
nod which brick or stone
as desirable building material,
In-ill as to cost and appearance,
is equally as durable. The
bocks can be in any
shape, with a rough granite
surface the out
side and a smooth surface for the
interior, thereby obviating the
The evidence in case against
Nathan Sessoms, on the charge of
murder, was completed
day afternoon in time for part of
the argument to be made to the
Richmond Banking Firm of John before con adjourned. The
L Williams Son Have
ed Their Affairs Over to an In-
the hollows in blocks
furnish perfect ventilation
prevent all dampness. The Hum-
Company control a
large territory are now per
feeling the organization of a com-
of Goldsboro, Greenville and
Kinston capitalists for the
of thee
It is stated by press agent in
advance that only lion-slayer
in captivity is now in the
menagerie of new
big twelve combined shows, which
will give two performances at
Thursday, October
The animal is a representative of
the ape family and is with
long growth soft hair, grayish
blue in color greatly
a cap cape of the thick,
long and straight The hair
on the lower half of the body is
extremely short and stiff. When
aroused to the lion-slayer
emits loud, sounds from
its throat which would do full ere
to a large sized Fear
neither elephant or rhinoceros,
it is claimed that the will turn
sit sign of this
specie of ape. Although
times larger stronger its
most feared enemy, king
beasts is said to be no match for
this enemy, which is ever ready to
do when the two meet. This bl. make ,
Richmond, Va. Oct.
Williams, president of the
necessity for lathing and plaster- Air railway, and a
of the inn of John L.
Salt Lake, Oct. King Ed-
ward would bring still closer could be found,
together English American
people, and if h would weld more
inly the commercial interests
existing between English and
American people and maintain the
cordial relations of every
Williams Sou, lookers of Rich-
and the hugest holders of
stock, was interviewed
at Baltimore tonight, over the
long distance telephone, regarding
the condition of the banking firm
for the state was opened
by Mr. F. M. Women and he was
followed by Mr. Hoy C Flanagan
for the defense. Th's was Mr.
Flanagan's maiden speech before a
jury and be acquitted himself most
creditably. Tins Solid
tor Moore completed the argument
for the state Mr. W.
for the defense.
Judge Moore I lieu
Assassin Fired Load o Buck-
shot Into Charles F. Tate, Who
Lives Miles From Kinston.
Wounds May Prove Fatal.
and the ease was to
the jury just before noon.
The jury were out on the case
about an hour they returned
a verdict of guilty manslaughter
and recommend that he be given
of his father and himself here, lightest punishment
is greatly
present. He stated that the
banks and affairs of his ii mi here
and that of J. W. A
Co., Baltimore, had been placed
in the of a committee who
had consented to take charge and
conduct the until the
true financial condition of the firm
is but one of the rare and costly
Thomas his
Tillman Trial Drags On.
Mr. Charles F. Pat.-, a tenant
on Dr. place miles
Item Kinston, was ambushed yes-
evening between sunset and
delivered dark, shot with a shotgun
loaded with buckshot,
will probably prove
Two shot entered the right
one passed through the wind-
pipe and two went into the head
at the right ear. From the latter
wound the brain was oozing when
medical aid reached the stricken
man, but with advanced surgery it
is thought possible to save his life
even yet, though Mr. Pate's
chances of recovery extremely
There is no evidence as to the
perpetrator of the
Washington, D. C.
, i m -m . I Ion points to parties and the pro-
president received Mrs. Margaret y K
i e i i . . per steps are being taken
of at the, .
white house today gave her a
I moat cordial reception. She was
Free Press,
animals in menagerie. to the United
This aggregation of wild
is of the most complete in
September 30th closed the
year of Greenville
Memorial Baptist church, and
night the quarterly business con
of the church was held
The church letter to Tar River
Association, which meets at Rocky
Mount on the th, was This
letter shows that the church has
members, being added
the past fiscal year.
The total membership of the
Sunday school is
letter also showed that the
contributions for the
year through the different organ
the amounted
to contributions to
the Thomasville
Lexington. S. C, Out. presented by Judge Pritchard.
reading of the editorials from interview some lime and
files of. the state newspaper for i was most The president
year 1902 has consumed most was more than usually as
of the court's time today. Mr. be indicated time and again while
Elliott, Of the prosecution's conn- i he contest over the dinner, ha bee
. iii up and duly empaneled,
considered. The
cad- president look occasion to say
Haywood Jury Empaneled.
N. C, Oct.
jury before whom E flay wood
will be tried for of
States Thomas ,
Bel, Was engaged not less than
today in speaking of and . . . , .,
J k a hours in the
lamenting the death of Sir Mich . ., .
, kind tilings about
Herbert. . . . . e ., a.
hint husband of Mrs. whom
S, Thomas has done Q . I he held in highest esteem.
the If ILL called numerous incidents i hi,
to increase the good of
of evidence begun
friendship be-
tween the American and English
all the men and
Women in the British
He re-
i the late Lieut. figured
at Juan.
Chicago, Oct.
Tammany Nominates
New York, Paris, T. Wash-
nominated Col. B. bend of
MAD DOG PUT OUT OF BUSINESS to go tonight after a stormy of Alabama, who is here, has
j So said Mason Thompson, of the The vote was till besieged by French reporters
WOOdS Be speaking that Kings county had anxious to obtain an- expression
r , ., day a proposed meeting in this stood firm I
Them Yet.
amounted to and to
and colleges
The delegates to the association
W. H. J. W. Bryan,
and J. G. Bowling; alternates, W.
T. Lee, S. J. and D. J.
The term of office of Deacons J. J.
Cherry, C. D. Rountree, D. L.
James D. J. Whichard having
expired, they were all re-elected
for two years.
Wednesday night Policemen
Smith and Dudley killed a dog be-
longing to Mr. Ola Forbes that
had run mad. This dog was among
the number bitten b a mad dog
two Sundays ago, and has since
had the liberty of the streets. As
there are several other dogs
town that were bitten, too much
cannot be used in get
Orphanage the No
Gold is always at a premium
when a dentist bandies it.
should be allowed on streets
until the danger is past. It is not
safe for them to be running at
Today at Warehouse
Galloway Lee sold ten lots of
tobacco at an average of cents.
One lot brought as high as
cents. That looks like reaching
towards old time prices.
When i couple are matched, but
not it is a sort of friction
mat eh.
city of the board of chairmen of Tammany,
the grievance committees of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive File
men, representing the
of nearly every railroad system in
the United States.
the organizations of the rail-
way employees of the country COB-
to press their demands for
increased wages, means must be
found to increase the earnings in
comparison with increased
wage expense, and the only
is through freight
department. Passenger rates can-
not be
the dictation of. his views question.
In to escape attention he is
The Brooklyn men kept things I traveling under t runic of Jones.
excited from the start, and declined to speak to
September Sales.
The sales of tobacco on the
Greenville market for the month
of September, as by Mr.
C. W. Harvey, secretary of the
board of trade, were
pounds. There was an improve-
in grades offered over the
they had lost on the fight for
mayor began an attack on the
nomination of Grout
v, Inch put the convention in an
uproar. They served notice that
they would not support Grout in
event. At a late hour th
prospects were that the
not adjourn until long
after midnight.
A girl never thinks a young
previous month general man's heart is in right place
tone of market was better. I unless she possesses ii.
the French press representatives
regarding his entertainment by
President Roosevelt,
Van Warmer Brothers Executed.
N. Y., Oct.
Without fear their faces or a
falter in their steps, Willis, Burton
and Fred Van Wormer went the
electric chair in Clinton at
paid the penalty
of their crime at on.
Christmas eve, two years ago.
These three young nothing
but boys, whose night rides Col-
county the peace-
for ears, who
ally developed from mere mischief
a milk famine. It appears that into thieves, and from
the milk supply is far below burners, until
demand, and the housekeeper, Will
e the deliberate,
h i the one who had
stood by them for years, their
Milk Famine.
Mr. R. M. Kennedy, who has
been running a dairy at the
Johnson farm, has gone out
of business, Greenville
i on the edge of a
uncle, Peter A. went
to their deaths the way they
said they would.
C. T. left Friday even-
W. O. n left Friday eye
for his in Durham.
Mrs. F. went to
Scotland Neck this morning.
A. to Bethel
this morning.
S. J. went to
and sou, Will,
went up tile road
Dr J- N. of
ha been lit. Alice Mar
per yesterday and today.
lira. W B two child-1
Mi this for
Miss Tyson It I his morn-
for Baltimore to resume her
at school.
Miss Mattie of Charlotte,
who ha beau n Mrs T. J
left this morning,
Min Myrtle Wilson returned
Friday evening from a visit to;
Mrs. L. Patrick, of
arrived today to visit Mrs. S. V
Job neon.
Miss Cos, Ayden. one
the of graded
schools, came in this
Mrs. William J. a-d
little daughter, Mi-s Lila
of Edward-, arrived this
to visit Miss Lucy C.
Miss Morton, of Sober
who has been her
sister, Mis J. Andrews, re-
this ruing.
Milton White came in Friday
evening from Norfolk left
for be has
accepted a position.
Mrs. A. H. and children
in Friday evening from
Henderson, where I hey have been
visiting relatives.
Miss Alice of Danville.
Va. arrived Friday evening and
will , where she ha
accepted a position as teacher of
the graded school at that place.
No self respecting man cares to
make love to a girl who makes low I
to a pet dog.
You tat.
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine
everyone hundred people who have
heart trouble can remember when It
was simple Indigestion. It is
that all cases of heart dis-
ease, not organic, are not only trace-
able to. but are the direct result of
Indigestion. All food taken Into the
stomach which falls of perfect
ferments and swells the stomach,
puffing It up against the heart. This
Interferes with the action of the heart,
and In the course of time that delicate
but vital organ becomes diseased.
Digests What You Eat
Mrs. Nichols of Perm N. Y.
After eating, my food would
me by nuking my heart palpitate and I would
become very weak. Finally I got a bottle of
Y and It gave me Immediate relief. After
x a few bottles I am cured.
cures Indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach disorders, and gives
the heart a full, free and
Bottles only. Size holding
the trial size, which for
Men's Suits worth 3.50
worth 1.50 Vt
Knee Pants, j
On account of th; low
prices of Tobacco we have
decided to make Big cuts
on all prices to clear out
this stock.
This is for CASH.
If you want Styles our
. s line
Dress Goods,
We show only the best and
latest styles.
Negligee Shirts
Lion Brand, Dozen to Select from
MENS Sunday SHIRTS, Detached Collars
and Cuffs, worth now reduced to
Shirts this sale
Shirts this sale .
Black Mercerized Petticoats, ll-in.
Flounce, 1-2 inch Ruffles,
worth 2.00. Sales Price
Car Loads Just Received.
Solid Oak Bedroom
Suits, that were reduced
to Solid Oak
Heavy Yard Wide
For less money.
For the same money.
All Goods as Represented.
These Prices for Cash Buyers.
J, Win
Ayden Department
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
you bought it from it's all
Bought and
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle of my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents. If you are not satisfied I will return
M. M. SAULS Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
Ayden, N. C. Oct., 3.1903.
P. H who been
with M. If. Sauls the past few
months, left Tuesday for his home
in Richmond to his course
in pharmacy.
Miss Clyde Humphrey, of Rich-
land, who has been visiting at
Everett left Thursday to
spend a days with Miss Daisy
Carmon, at trees.
The Christians will bold their
quarterly here Sunday in
the graded school building.
T. H. King, principal of
the graded school, delivered
excellent address school
Thursday Prof.
is able speaker and an j law nil the statute books
I put my heart to
In the world, where men grow
I said, learn the rule,
Come back when you win a prize.
My heart came back again.
is the I cried,
rule was false, and the prize
was vain.
And the teacher's name was
I put my heart to school
In the woods, where the
And brooks run cool and clear,
In the fields where wild flowers
According to the Tradesman, in
the thirteen Southern states during
the past three months, 1,316 new in-
were established. Of this
number North Carolina is credited
with There is abundant
son why this creditable number
should be increased. Commenting
on the figures in the Tradesman and
the opportunity for new profitable
industries, the Citizen
is enough spruce in parts
of Western North Carolina to justify
the erection of pulp and paper mills.
there is good profit in pa-
the blue of Leaven bends near. I per making may be surmised from
said you half a fool, fact that, since the organization
And perhaps they can teach the paper trusts, prices have ad-
pranced more than per cent. The
why do you stay so long, white paper on which The Citizen is
My hear, and where do you printed costs an of between
The answer came with a laugh fifteen and twenty dollars per day.
man ml ell deserves
j tile support of the patrons of the
Mis. Sarah Jenkins little
Johnnie Leon went to
Thursday to spend a few days with
her Mis. Jenkins.
Mrs. Delia Allen Thursday
M. F. Ayden Brick
This paper, as well as that used by
most of the Southern newspapers,
must now be shipped at great ex-
from far-away points like
Michigan and New York
The proprietor of the Kansas City
Star, who owns both a morning and
an paper, has established
,., . , a mill of his own and makes
J lure is a suspicion that the , , ,, ,
the paper on lie in s all ins
I editions. There is in North
Carolina may be made to pro- in abundance of the trees that
just as good results as are used Unmake pulp, and there is
one Georgia enacted. The proper any person who
of the law is the thing,
and is leading a movement News am
to bring this about. We have m
and song
find this school is
Henry Van Dyke.
Fancy Groceries.
Best batter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor to L.
door to bank.
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick in
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Fall
always on baud. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the thousand or
car load. Yours truly,
Every man s a here to some
man; every heroine to j
some man. .
A man his money are soon
Ayden, North Carolina.
But if is one thing mow than another which
lends to of store, is the distribution of
pair warranted by to its,
Each pair warranted by US to you.
You ran no risk in a shoe,
For if g wrong we make them right,
N. C.
J AS. B.
General Merchandise
i and Department Store,
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty Flour and feed by the car load.
establish a paper mill. The North
Carolina papers alone would make it
This calls In mind that when the.
the counterparts of the idle;
, -i editor of The was honor-
classes which has set to
living on pet- brethren of the stale press
i thefts and white men in the cot- in being made president of the North
ton mill towns subsisting on the la- Carolina Press Association, one of
their wives and children, the suggestions for discussion made
in taking initiative steps in . , . . . , . .
in bis annual address at the meeting
in in 1900, was that a pa-
per mill be established North
Carolina. The statement was then
this matter is doing North
a real service. Sen-.
J. Hart went to Thurs
day business.
J. L. Tucker, of went
to Greenville Thursday.
Mrs. T. R Lee, who i tine.
has been her mother, Mrs.
C. C. returned Senator Carmack is now reported
a used in North Carolina to make good
Mr. and Mrs. John Coward a measure the fifteenth . .
. i i . u . i.;, business for a paper mill. During
spent, yesterday in Greenville. amendment, and regretting that
Dr. D. L. James, of Greenville, I remarks which seemed to indicate discussion of the subject which
caste yesterday afternoon. such intention were published. We followed later Mr. W
graded school Thurs-1 shall accept this as evidence that the f the following,
day with students. It is gentleman is more sensible than the which was adopted.
there will be la a i publication would justify the
short while. This is th.- largest j people in believing him hi be. He
opening a school Ayden has j has intelligence and we lire gratified
ever had. to be thus encourage to ho e he will assembled, we
very few people on our show that lie has judgment mid pa- prove the idea for the
Streets nowadays who show to go it.- Raleigh f mill in this stale, and
of having visited wet towns. that it is the sense the
We think ii our sister towns will ., ,. , .
some over on the dry side for , We have talked with two gentle- that order to
while they, will art wish m,,,,. recently who have visited same, the
i he eastern market
by the North Carolina
Press Association iii
selves hick
One elation take stuck
gentlemen was a large in-
Physician and
Office in B-irk Block.
N. C
TRIPP, Proprietor.
buyer, he said the
I crop in bright section was ox-
other gen-
was connected with die
American Tobacco and
I f-
r t his purpose,
and pledge the their support
and patronage, all things else being
We believe Col. who
Best mark
all trains. Comforts-
table lights.
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
end Iron Fence Sold.
work and reasonable
d pea out on a
he it
fairly one. ii th
these gentlemen had been reversed
we would have wondered, lint
their opinions, under the
stances, were somewhat confusing.
ti e, said
k in but
crop was a was present at tin
would lake
there seems to have Ian n no further
discussion of subject until the
above appeared in the News and
Southern Tobacco Journal.
The slate board of of I
Georgia, basing its estimate upon
. I . i i , , thing,
September reports to the department
slates that the cotton crop of that less now.
is last
year, the for the present be-
against last
season. It will be found hi he short
throughout the entire belt accord-1
to our best judgment of the
situation. We are more confirmed
in the belief that the present crop
will not much, if any at all, exceed
million bales. It was a little
over bales last year
Morning Post.
Observer. If the association thought
in 1900 establishment of a paper
mill in this slate would lie a good
then surely the need for it
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country
The court may at least get Till-
for carrying a concealed
Ion, yet it is just as plain that ho
murdered as lie car,
a concealed weapon. This would
be on a man who was acquitted of
murder but was sent to the roads
for carrying the weapon with which
he the killing.-
We are pleased to publish Mr. H.
announcement of his
candidacy for the for
governor in this issue. The Herald
is solidly and squarely for Mr. Glenn
and we hope, and believe, he will be
nominated. We will have more to
on the subject
Curt in a bad way with
two sentences staring him in the
for life imprisonment and
the other that he shall be hanged.
The life imprisonment sentence was
imposed. If his lawyers are
up to snuff it looks like they ought
to do him a turn by insisting that
he his life imprisonment
and hung afterwards.
D. J.
Editor and Proprietor,
associate Editor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Tuesday, October 1903.
It appears that Mr. the
New bank wrecking artist,
written a letter to the News and Ob-
server, denying that his defalcation
amounts to as much as state bunk
The letter may or
may lie a fraud, are inclined
to think it is, but do not believe the
We hear a great deal about the
hard lot of the farmers, but the farm-
s wife does not seem to come
the sympathy end at all. Yet she
works herself to death in a few-
years, bas very few clothes,
or pleasures. She gets up at
a. cooks breakfast for a gang
of hired men, washes the dishes,
nurses the baby, combs the
hair, clears up the house, milks the
on the setting hens, cooks
dinner same through
the r in a n c e
The most radiantly and again, puts the baby to sleep, darns
editor we know is her husband socks, works in the
Col. Furman, of the Morning preserves fruit, does the
and the only editor we know who is washing and ironing and feeds the
We don't hear so much kicking
about the low price of tobacco now,
but it is not because prices have
reached any satisfactory basis. The
farmers have simply decided to take
their medicine and go do it
Greenville sent a to
recently for medical students
to practice on. It is not the first
time we have sent a dead one to
Raleigh, and not for medical
poses, either.
qualified to sit on the other end of
the sec-saw with Col. Furman is Joe
King, of the Domain Herald.
The editor of the Post always sees
hands again. Then it is time to put
the children to bed, mend their
clothes, worry over their cussedness
and think about sending them to
school. Maybe she gets hours
sleep, and maybe not. Do you see
anything in the above which reminds
you of flowery beds of ease
News and Observer party to through the darkest
It is full of crocodile tears and cow- while the editor of the
whining. If the letter really
came from Dewey he is not only u but
thief, but a coward of the a witty one that his darker
stripe. He says he intends to return j musings are relieved of some of
face the charges against him, their
and that he has not been the The Herald said
eat Of ill-gotten gains. Perhaps he I -The Greenville has
forgot to mention where the money farmer who was satisfied
went to, and perhaps he thinks he for his to-
r i here is mom him at
can make a good defense by
about what honest men should Whereupon the editor of the Post
do, but it is doubtful if even one of gets a good fresh grip on his faith
his victims will be able to work up in humanity, puts on his mat color
any sympathy for him. ed glasses and
Mr. Dewey intimates that strange in this. There
has proud and sensitive farmers who are
n ii i ,, , , , they fed they gt the
ell, well, who would thought worth of their product, let it be
He also hints that his soul or Several years ago
This is where
was disgustingly low, a good
he has the best of his deserted and j friend of this county as
disgraced wife and children, who . P everything he
had in a tobacco crop, brought the
may be hungering for bread, for all result of his year's labor to the
he may know. It is too bad for and sold. net
other people s money before it be- hits me pretty hi; said, I The Telegram
aim to hunger for hope. Morgan's
return Mr unload Oil a market, and their IS not a j
The postmaster who hart P. M. G.
Payne's feelings with a fifty dollar
bribe has probably realized that he
cannot sit at poker game on
such a small ante.
The Charlotte News
George L. Morton, with hi
pro-saloon record, is the man
in sight now in North Carolina, if
he is really thinking of running for
any office that is in the gift of the
we remember George. He
is the man who fought everything in
the way of temperance legislation in
the last legislature. Lest the people
forget, we remind them of it.
supremacy of
New England will con-
to be said the
president of the New England Cot-
ton association re-
Unless New England, begins
to catch up with the 20th century
there will be nothing to assail.
in its true home of
who still hold women sacred and
who will have the the brute
who touches a. woman, even when
. . . , the of the land i impotent,
market and sold, net Now let. the South-haters
The Wilmington, Del
jury has given that indignant old
lady, the New York Tribune, some-
thing over which to work herself
into a frame of mind. The jury
had under consideration the bill
against those who assisted at the
burning of the White, who
assaulted and murdered Miss Helen
bishop some months ago. It was
very wisely decided to ignore the
The remodeled capitol loots well
on paper, but will the Post
kindly tell us how it to
stand off the man. who made the
It is said that John Alexander
keeps his money in a barrel.
grand The wonder is he can keep k at
all, when it is that, he
it in New York.
Mrs. Russell Sage is very
against American girls who
titled and penniless foreigners, but
you girls who don't marry
need not expect to be
in her will.
The evidence in Tillman wise
same old
trash. They ought to go to the
Mayor Harrison says the Chicago
city hall is full graft. He will
not have to swear to it. Whoever
went up against a Chicago hotel in
1803 is ready to believe that
tenths of the population are grafters.
We judge that Mr. Dewey be
where Gonzales if buried; in or some other foreign
country. Maybe that is why it takes
j him so long to to North
The jealous sweetheart on murder
bent has landed again, but this
Carol in a.
bill and let the matter drop, thus , . , , If n .
placing Delaware before the world l
let the girl than charged
You need not be in any hurry to j It was the sorriest stuff
return, Mr. Dewey, unless can and their is not a
, i i . I better in my whole
make flood. The only use the state
could have for would be as an was a ease of honesty similar
ornament to the penitentiary. You ft
I hat is all there is to it.
danced and you must pay the , .,.,,.
Vt e are confident that d Col. Fur-
could cause a very tobacco;
The troops on strike duty in the j planter in the state to receive an.
Colorado mines have suppressed a equitable price for his product lit
daily newspaper by force of arms.
The men who directed this thing
probably know their country, and
would not dare do such a thing in
North Carolina. That is the differ-
between North Carolina and
would do it, but the plain,
fact is that this been an
exceedingly bad year the
co planters, and it is not likely to
get better to any considerable ex-
tent. Several individual instances
of profitable sales are on record, but
, the general market not
i , . not
hear that buzzing
,.,,,,,, . , ed to any extent worthy of
That is Col. Hawing wood.
No Hair
hair was falling out very
fast and I was greatly alarmed. I
then tried Hair Vigor and
my hair stopped falling at
Mrs. G. A. Alexandria, O.
The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act promptly. Save your
hair. Feed it with
Hair Vigor. If the gray
hairs are beginning to
show, Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time. . am
It cannot too,
and lit and w will
you a bolt Is. its
J. C. A CO., Lowell,
is in a fair way to
get vindicated. He is a statesman
and would make a good
We beg to submit the
tor's judgment on the canal
for the presidency. What is wanted
is a man. whose is an
in every respect upon
that of present
is-said that some
are not satisfied notwithstanding;
the way they were done up by the
market. Well, there may be
in knowing that there is
room for more where the Other
Yes, there is a large
where the other came from, as the
installment man no doubt
It not how the
but they will around, it
We suggest and
be allowed th
gm question it -in net open boat
I W miles at sea.
One candidate for governor has,
dropped out, but you'd miss,
Pitt county are not split-
ting their shirts over the race prob-
but they are the best cotton
pickers we ever saw.
All of the causes which
contribute to this condition we do
not know, but three causes we are
certain of. is the poor quality of
bright tobacco, and the other two is
the tobacco trust. Good tobacco
will scarcely bring its value, HAPPY
poor tobacco is a drug on the mar-
A tobacco man re-
told us that the only thing
which will keep the general market
up to its present condition is for the
farmers to hold on to what they
have. This opinion comes from a
man who does not guess, and we be-
he is right,
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take Substitute. All Druggist
against him.
other half.
Probably borrowed
think of provender that
would be consumed; should the
or candidates for govern
non decide to canvass the state.
matter of aiming murder-
North Carolina is Senator says he will not
Carolina, both are ; the fifteenth amendment this
If Theodora-gets the Miller
muddle and still retains the good.
ill of the labor unions, we ad-
nut that he
somewhat behind Kentucky.
Haleigh is enthusing on the saloon
The state is look-
that way, to be-,
constant renter, there are
other ways f a retreat be-
side jumping a result board
There is not SO hitter a reproach
on earth for it seems to
refer the guilty to their own hearts.
The the strongest friend-
ship the world ever saw con be
by one unkind word.
All things considered-but where
is the man who considers all
Tammany has nominated another
municipal to be knifed by re-
Oh, yea; Mr. Dewey will return,
but will he return that
year. The country is profoundly
The federal
in The Kentucky
mountaineers are making the
Probably Mr. Dewey is waiting
for the band to up th
New.- Bern society not re-
wards f Mr.
A without an
rial department has about us much
without a head.
Is the of
and Surest Remedy knows U
German Liver Powder
This if not mixture, but a
translation of one of
If you are a suffer
you I
s of tier
Iver Powder with our
from who hive been
cured by Urn wonderful Specific. Do not
delay, but send your full address at ones to
The American Co.
and by
every here.
j i
Conducted by Prof. J. D. Everett.
Strange Story of Woman Who
Forgot Her Native Tongue.
Don't be deceived. Wait for the only really
big show to visit this section this year.
Larger than that ever exhibited here. any to follow.
N. C, Sept. 1903.
Mrs. Lou House and daughter
returned to their home yesterday,
after a short visit to friends.
Mrs. Martin left yesterday
Rocky Mount, where she will
spend a few day with her
after which she will attend the
W. C. T. U. convention at Hick-
Sawyer Brown is attending court
Greenville this week.
Prof. of Mount
Olive, was in town Sunday.
T. M. Lawrence, Primitive
minister, preached at the
home of Mr. George
Sunday night.
After spending several weeks
with parents and friends, Mr.
William left today for bis
place of business in Houston,
The revival at the M. E. church
will continue until the last of the
week. Fourteen added their
names to the membership list last
Sunday morning.
We are glad to see Miss Geneva
who has been ill for
sometime, out again.
Uncle Sam Gainer is attending
court at Greenville this week.
Office depot.
DR. G. P.
next door to Post Office.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce
you can get honest goods at living prices. See our
large stock before you buy and be satisfied with your
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Under-
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything you wear. Everything you use in
your house and everything you use in your parlor.
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
goods are here and we are ready to serve you.
Everybody that sees buys, and everybody that tries
our goods becomes our customers. Just give us a trial
and save money.
In last year a case
curred in which a woman
recovered her mastery of a
which she bad been
speak for seventy years. She
had been born in India and the
form of speech taught her
was the native of her
nurses. At the age of three she
had been removed to Europe,
living in turn France and Ger-
many before going to England to
complete her education. After-
she had retained her proficiency
in and German, but all but
a few words of had
passed from her memory. In her
delirium she talked fluently in
friends about her
who knew the language were able
to follow her to her nurses
as she recalled her conversations
in India of seventy years earlier.
Then the talk changed. She pass-
ed into French and from that to
German, while when she
nearing recovery her utterances
changed to English.
She had had in her re-
the scenes of her childhood
and there was recognizable
throughout a sequence in which
appeared the scenes friends
she had known in the in
which they had come into her
When she recovered all
of had again left
In there is a legend of
Irish smugglers who arrived at
many years a
boat without rudder or oars. They
were looked upon, according to
the Irish custom of sending male
factors to a doom in this plight
as outlaws. However, they had
been allowed to land, and a spring
of water, bursting forth in the
sand at the place, was taken as a
sign of their right to a refuge.
But they ill repaid the Welsh.
The men lived by smuggling and
the women by witchcraft. It was
not possible to overcome the smug-
in a fray, for each carried
about with him a black fly tied in
a knot of his kerchief, and the
moment the knot was undone the
fly flew at the eyes of the opponents
and blinded them. If the
dona witches attended a market
and bid for anything not one
to bid against them.
Will exhibit
tin or
Thursday, Oct.
See Nero, the only Biding Lion in the world. See the Marvelous
Act. Sec Roger, our Huge Elephant, weighs tons and over
in striking contrast to this monstrous mountain of flesh, bone and ivory is
BABY BELLE, elephant elephant. Most diminutive animal in the
world, being only tall. .,.,
See the Litter of LION CUBS, born Aug. as kittens.
See the Grand Free Street Parade at a. m.
Over a in length and all with more scintillating features than
were ever seen in a similar pageant. This big show will exhibit in Wash-
Oct. Kinston Oct. U.
market is a Little Better and the Reliable is always
. THE .
is not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
other warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard the old
saying about proof of the. Just bring
us your tobacco we will show you the proof in high
knOW What it does n relieves a person of all desire
for strong drink or drugs, restores the nervous system to its normal
and reinstates a man to his home and business. For full particulars
Correspondence Greensboro, N. C.
Atlantic Coast Lint.
Richmond, of the
Richmond Horse Show Tickets on
sale October 114th to
with dual limit October 16th.
The rate from Greenville, N. C, to
Richmond and return for this
will be 5.00, including one
admission to the Horse Show.
Raleigh, N. O. North Carolina
State Fair. Tickets on sale
17th to 23rd, and for
due to arrive of the 24th
final limit 98th. The rate
Greenville, N. C, to Raleigh
and return for this occasion will
be 4.45, including one admission
into the Fair Grounds.
W. J. Craw,
General Passenger Agent
H. M.
Traffic Manager.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Send your orders for printing J
to Printing House.
Roof Concert.
Wednesday several work-
men on the temple
gathered on the second of
the building and gave a concert.
There are some good musicians
among them and several people on
he street enjoyed the
E. A. Jr., D. H. E. A. Move,
DIRECTORS; D. i. Gardner, W. R. Smith, E. A.
We manufacture the best buggies on this market. We em-
ploy none but skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
line of Harness and first class Farm Wagons.
Call examine our Stock.
E. Sr.,
N. C, Sept.
Miss Harper, of
Hill, i visiting t W. A.
J. H. and R. C. Coward
vent to
W. A. was a
national farmer's association,
which met in session at Niagara
Falls. He was unable to attend.
Mrs. Bettie Patrick is visiting
friends and relative in Kinston.
Mrs. Elias Turnage and
Miss visited Mrs. W.
M. Edwards, of yesterday.
The High school is progressing
finely now . By the consolidation
of it has increased
the Million f about fifty
per cent., and in a few more weeks
more teacher will be needed. The
school is a to our
and is well patronized from
other sections.
The new system recent-
installed by
is doing excellent and the
people with the
tarn outs they receive. One mac
was heard to say yesterday that he
received a Inn dud pound more
lint from a bale of than he
expected. Cotton is being hauled
a distance six to miles;
this is good proof of its excellent
Mr. T. W. Lassiter, of
was here a short while today.
Miss of Hooker-
ton, visited Miss Margaret
last week.
Mr. J. K. went to Green-
ville Tuesday.
Borne of our people very
much interested in the railroad
question last week, but since the
bonds were carried, the railroad
bar hardly of.
Dr. William Fountain went to
Tarboro today.
J. R. Ball, of Kinston, spent
today here.
Mi Irma Cobb returned to
school at Raleigh today.
returned to
den Wednesday evening.
Preston Cot ten returned Wed
evening from Macon.
Miss Elmer Whichard, of Which-
Mrs. George Hadley and little
son, of LaGrange, are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Miss of Snow Hill,
who is to be one of the teachers
the graded school, arrived this
Miss rein rued
Thursday evening Reidsville,
where she ha been visiting rel-
Rev. Jno. Cox, of Wake, Ark. P tract of farm and r
writes, years I suffered land within two miles of
. . without scar
aid, is visiting Miss Pennie Moore. he h
Prof. W. H. went to to many salves but DeWitt's Witch
Ayden is
Hazel made that contains
Mr. and Mrs. T. I, Bland, of the pure unadulterated witch hazel.
Kinston, came over Witch Hazel
to visit relatives.
N. C, Oct. Its 1903.
Miss Susie Keel, left Friday
to spend some with
Mrs. Joe at
Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
of Norfolk, Va. are visiting their
mother, Mrs. M. A. Whichard.
Miss Mary of
is spending some time with Mrs.
M. A. and her sister,
Mrs. C. L Whichard.
C. L. Whichard left for his
home at Norfolk on Monday morn-
W. L. Nobles and E. B. Which-
the yearly meeting
at Great Swamp church Sunday
Miss Mary and Mrs. C. L.
Whichard have been honoring the
cotton fields, by picking
this week.
Mrs. G. M. Mooring and her
daughter, Miss Leroy, spent yes-
afternoon with us. We
were glad to see t hem and hope
they will come again
Mrs. D. J. Whichard and two of
her children, of
ed to their home Monday, after
spending some time with Mrs. M
A. Whichard.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Jones and
family, of Bethel, spent
Miss Mary of Greene
county, arrived Tuesday evening
to visit Mrs. E. G. Flanagan.
Miss Clarence returned
to her home in Ayden
Rev. W. E. Cox returned from
a trip up the road Wednesday
Mrs. J. W. Andrews returned
Wednesday a visit
Miss May Harvey, who has been
visiting Mrs. F. G.
to her home Wednesday evening.
T. J. Walker, of Richmond, who
has spending a few days here,
left Wednesday evening his
Miss Roberson-
ville, arrived Wednesday evening
to visit her sister, Mrs. J. W. An-
Mrs. C. L. Whichard and little
son and Miss Mary of Nor
M. M. A Whichard and
son, Earnest, of Norfolk, spent
today here with Mrs. D. J. Which-
offered you it is a counterfeit. E.
C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel
Salve and DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best salve in the
world for cuts, burns, bruises,
or blind, bleeding, itching
and protruding piles. Sold by
John L.
Woman es and man proposes.
I had Dyspepsia in in worst form
and felt most all the
time. Did not enjoy eating until
after I used Dyspepsia Cure
which has completely cured me.
Mrs. W. W. Baylor, Hilliard, Pa.
No appetite, loss of strength,
bad breath, sour risings,
dyspepsia and all stomach
troubles are quickly cured by the
use of represents
the natural juices of digestion
combined with the greatest known
tonic and proper-
ties. It cleanses, purities
the Sold by
John L. Wooten.
from Yellow Jaundice, I consulted
a of physicians and tried
all sorts of medicines, but got no
Then I the use of
Electric Bitten and feel that I am
cured of a disease that had
me its grasps for twelve years
If yon want a reliable medicine
for Liver and trouble,
-t disorder or general de
get Bitters. It's
guaranteed by store
A man is almost as anxious to
have a son as a woman is to have
Would not interest you if- you
were looking for a guaranteed
Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles.
Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo.
suffered with an ugly sore for a
year, a box of
ca Salve cured me. It's the best
Salve on earth. at Wooten's
drug store.
People who play to the galleries
pay in the pit.
S. Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt.,
was robbed of his customary health
by invasion of Chronic
When Dr. King's New Lie
Pills broke into his his
troubled was arrested and now he's
entirely cured. They're
teed to cure, at Wooten's Drug
It happens that the
woman who is disappointed in
isn't disappointed in marriage.
Thad Askew left Thursday eve
To cure or indigestion
it is no longer to live
on milk toast- Starvation
produces such weakness that the
whole system becomes an easy prey
to disease. Dyspepsia
Cure enables, the stomach and
digestive organs to digest and
assimilate all of the wholesome
food that one to eat, and is a
W. O. of Richmond, never failing for indigestion,
is in town. I Dyspepsia and all stomach
t, m v, bu. , j digests what you eat
went to Whitakers the
today. by John L. Wooten.
E. A. Sr., left
BLUSHED 1.876.-------
S. M.
Wholesale and
furniture Dealer. paid for
aides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes,
By virtue of a decree of Mi-
court made February
1903, in a certain special pr mi-
therein pending for the
the land there after described ; 1-
to which Rosa Fleming, I .
Fleming, Archie Fleming, N.-1
Fleming, D. C. Fleming, A. i.-
Fleming, Ransom t. d
Jewel Fleming are parties, I u ill.
on Monday October 5th. 1903, if it
for sale to the highest bidder at t c
court house door in Greenville t i t
valuable tract of farm and i.-
land, opposite Parkers cross roads,
which was allotted to the above t
ants in common in the division . i
the lands of F. Fleming and
as lot No. containing acre s
described in said division as
Beginning at a maple on the r n
ville and Bethel road, the comer
Susan O. Brown, and running
thence with her line north treat
1-2 chains to a ditch; thence
1-2 west 1-2 chains to the crook
of the ditch, then north 1-2 t t
chains and links to a stake
centered by a dogwood, oak and ma-
thence south 1-2 east 1-2
chains to a stake on the aforesaid
road, thence with said road b the
fourth cash on
of sale, balance payable
with interest January 5th, 1904.
Greenville, N.
1903. L. Blow,
North Carolina, I
Pitt County. In Superior Court
James H. Gray
Annie Gray.
The defendant Annie Gray will talc-
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced against her in the
Superior Court of Pitt County by the
plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining
a divorce from the bonds of
upon the of abandon-
and the said defendant will
further take notice that she is required
to appear before the Judge of our
Court, at a court to be held for
the County of Pitt at the house
in Greenville on the ninth Monday
. P.
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West first Monday in September,
roots, Henry George Can of November
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
evening for
Henry Gilliam returned to Tar-
this morning.
W. C. Dancy went to Edge-
Jesse went to Norfolk
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lang re-
to their Farmville.
Mis. T. J. Barton, of Winston,
Arrived Thursday evening to visit
Mrs. M. A Allen.
M Bettie Hooker returned
Thursday g from a visit to
Miss Daisy Wood, of LaGrange,
arrived Thursday to visit Mrs. Al
Mrs. of Wash-
Slays are supposed to brace a
girl up, but the stays of some
young men are apt to make her
is one that will cleanse the
system, set the liver to re-
more the bile, clear the complex-
ion, cure headache and leave a good
taste in the mouth. The famous
little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are
Little Early Risers. Bob
Moore of Lafayette, Jud , says;
other pi Is I have used gripe
and sicken, while DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are simply
Sold by John L. Wooten.
A woman never gets too old to
think it is dangerous for her to
travel alone for fear
speak to her.
night with Mis. M. A. Whichard. today to visit her TWO FROM DEATH.
little daughter had an
Old habits are hard to break
The saloon in North Carolina
supported itself against
indignation so with the
vote that it see bow changed
conditions are. The man or the
institution that tampers with that
vote now is lost. It may save
itself one election to be doubly
damned in the next. And yet
the saloon is registering the
wherever it can in
with shameful disregard of
the law and the constitution.
Charlotte News.
daughter, Miss Lena Matthews.
Miss Julia Herring, of Wilson,
who has been Miss Pat
returned home today.
Mr. Mrs. T. L. Bland re-
turned to Thursday eve-
Mis. C. Laughinghouse
left Thursday evening for a visit
almost attack of whooping
cough and writes Mia.
W K of Armonk, N,
Y., when all other remedies
failed, we saved her life with Dr.
King's New Discovery.
niece, who had Consumption in an
advanced stage, also used this
wonderful medicine and today
is perfectly
throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to
When the unexpected happens
it is usually inferior to what was
, ,, . , ,, medicine on earth. Infallible
Mr. and Mrs. W O. for Coughs and Colds. and
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to Bee me.
S. M. Schultz.
Real Estate Agency
Millikan, Walker
It Is an admitted fact that Greens-
is rapidly forging to the front
and it is a question of a very
short time When it will be the leading
city in the state, her railroad facilities
are unsurpassed and there is a con-
influx of employed in the
various kinds of manufacturing enter-
prises, which Is constantly increasing
the population of the city and a great
demand for real estate has been
thereby and property is constant-
changing hands, but considering
the marvelous growth of the city, the
price has been kept on a seasonable
basis, persons who have money to in-
vest can make no mistake if they come
this way, provided is taken
in location and price of We
make it our business to keep a vigilant
watch over the interest of our
and are in a position to save you
money as we keep posted In values in
city and near by farming lands and
can aid you in Investing your capital
where it will bring quick
returns. Correspondence so-
When in the we extend to you a
cordial to visit our office.
Room No o, over Drug Store.
and answer the complaint, which
will be deposited in the office of the
Superior court of said county within
the first three days of said term, and
then and there answer or demur to
said complaint within the time
ed by law, or the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
in the complaint.
This the 26th day of September
Clerk of the Court of Pitt Co.
North Carolina,
L. B. Williams and T. L. Williams
of Township,
North Carolina hereby enter and lay
claim to SO acres more or less of
cant land in township
aforesaid county and state
and described as
Lying between the lands of Jordan
Nobles and warren Stocks and adjoin-.
the lands of Jordan Nobles, war-
Stocks, H. W. Williams, M. M.
Williams, A. R. T. L.
and Frank and
heirs east of swamp in west,
This the day of September
Witness, R. Williams, en-
try Taker. A. Blow,
for Pitt County, N. C.
Any person, or persons, claiming
tie to, or interest In the above
ed land must file their protest, in writ-
within the next days or they
ill be barred.
returned evening from
a visit South Carolina.
Miss Annie Belle Moore, of
Mooresville, Tenn , arrived Thurs-
day evening and will accept a
position as teacher in the graded
1.00 guaranteed by
Drug Store Trial bot-
The nice thing about a
ed girl is that she never pretends
it changed to that color after she
was twelve years old.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
T. H.
Practical tin and sheet iron
worker, Roofing, Guttering,
Spouting, Metal Ceiling and
Siding, Shingle and tile
work a specialty.
I have employed a Slater
and prepared to do slate roof-
Orders for any work in my
line receive prompt attention.
Work room over Baker
Attorney at Law,
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C. Oct. 3.1903.
the advance of cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
can save you money as we bought
bulk of our stock at old prices and
tell the way.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
The best materials put together
by people who know how is what
who buys A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co's. make of cart wheels.
They guarantee every pair to be
first class in every respect. Give
them your order . make them
prove it. Prices to correspond
with the hard times.
Miss Anna has been
Miss Bryan this
your to
Winterville where you have
it ginned at the very cheapest rates
and where you receive the
highest cash price for seed
L. L. Kittrell.
J. W. from near
Hill, came over Wed-
with his son at the
See M. L. the jeweler.
promptly done. Work
Joe Buck had the misfortune
last Wednesday, while chopping
wood, to cut foot badly. He
is hopping out on the streets,
however, looking for a similar job.
Dry goods, shirts and hats very
cheap at A. D. Johnston's.
We have spared no time in
our stock and we think we
can suit the most
F. Manning Co.
L. L. and Mrs. Kittrell to
Greenville Friday.
We are now manufacturing a
wash out of the old North
Carolina pine, also of gums. These
are the very best of wood
that be used. Apply to Win-
Mfg. Co.
Miss Nannie Nichols was in
town this week.
The Winterville Mfg. Co. make
a specialty of shoeing.
Miss Dora Maiming has been vis-
at her home.
We have a nice line bats for
both old and also trunks,
valises, at prices
we very reasonable
always glad to serve you save
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co
There is a perfect rush at the
ginning mill of L. L.
They work both day and flight.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
see B. F. Manning Co., before
their bargains are exhausted.
Laundry basket leaves Monday
6th, and every two weeks
Bring work to barber
A. Fair,
The most value for the least
money is absolutely what A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co. is offering in wire
fence. Some who were
skeptical have come and been con-
All in need of
fence are invited to do the same.
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
Dr. Hudson, of
took the train here Thursday
morning for Richmond, where he
will resume bit studies in a
cal college.
Mrs. C. A. Fair Mrs. Sarah
Taylor attended opening
at Greenville.
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very beat material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
Ail kinds of scroll and turned
work done to order by the Winter-
ville Co.
G. A. Kittrell Co. are putting
down a new set of platform scales
near the railroad on south side of
Main street.
Rev. C. W. left for
Cary Monday.
We would call attention to the
fact we have added goods to
The drug store has in stock
cheap perfumes, high priced per-
fumes and all kinds of perfumes,
talcum and tooth powders, tooth,
nail, hair and shoe brushes,
shoe polish and shiners,
blacking, pipes, harps, mar-
rubber balls, cigars, chewing
and smoking tobacco, slate and
bath sponges, pepper, and
pickling fact everything
that you will find in any well
kept drug store.
W. H. May sold bales of
our line of merchandise and re-1 tn on this market at cents.
ask the public to call
B. F. Manning Co., will pay
the highest cash market price for
your cotton seed.
Car loads, of cotton seed are now
being shipped from this point.
Henry went to Greenville
Enormous value in style, beauty
wear and satisfaction is what one
gets in a Hunsucker buggy.
single or double harness is fur-
to match the both in
quality and price right here at the
T B. of Cove, has been
here visiting his son, who is a
student our school.
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. Send your
orders right along and get the best
Home of the bales amounted to
more than f He has hay
so as not to touch one blade
of bis large crop of fodder, and has
corn in to sell. He
has or bales of cotton to
dispose of, say nothing of his
tobacco, which be can afford to
give away.
Would you like to sweeten your
tooth. If so try some of
fresh penny candies at the drug
Try a bottle of coca cola at
G. A. Kittrell Co., have re
burned a of brick, on
mile from town which they offer
for sale cheap.
Among the good things kept by
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. one of the
best is Graham Flour old
fashioned kept on hand
freshly ground, all the while and
All Sorts of
Hen's Feet
Come here for Shoes. Big
feet, little feet, slim feet
and thick feet, tender
and tough feet, all find the
tit that fits. We seldom
lose a man when he commences buying his Shoes here.
the only customers we do lose are the men who die
or leave town.
at right prices builds business and sustains
it. What trade we have we we haven't we
are after. Come in and take a look at our new styles in
Men's Winter can fit mind your pocket
and your feet.
cheroot in the world for the money at per There is
and home industries, j quite a demand for
Satisfaction guaranteed. for the last years, being
Mrs. J. D. Cox and Miss Lena dyspeptic-t and
were Greenville Mon-1 troubled with indigestion in any
A. G Cox and wife were in
Greenville Tuesday.
Miss Clyde Dawson, who has
spending sometime in Ports-
day. Miss Lena left for a visit to
Ayden last night.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing promptly done.
Bring us your cotton seed, we mouth, is expected home tonight,
will pay the highest market price, j Robert Grimes,
or give meal G. A. through
Kittrell Co. I A car load of expected
Mrs. Arden Tucker to a few See W M
Miss Lillie, ere here
day. Miss Lillie will
school at Ayden. W have stock the best line
of shoes ever offered here can
Boarding J. . . . . .
. . . you in both size and price.
Cox. Board per Bestir. , ., . .
r I Bring your family and we will
House town. I. . . , .,, ,
, keep this on, so we will make
B. F. Manning Co., will pay I Mon you get it on
the highest cash price for your; your foot B. F. Manning Co.
We are ready to make prices to
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything in the hardware line.
cotton seed.
J, L. Ross is attending court
week as a juror.
Nothing is more cool and re-
freshing these hot days than a
cold drink prepared by W. L.
Hurst at the drug store soda
fountain. He will give you in a
few moments notice any of the
latest and most popular cold
Mrs. E. E. Cox and Mrs Addie
went out to their old home
Thursday spent the day. They
report a very pleasant visit.
In passing through A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co's bidding now one
sees many thousand pieces of
all a kind neatly to
them selves as they are being rap-
idly passed from planer to jointer,
saw, shaper,
machine, To the inexperienced
eye it U a mass, but to
A. G. Cox it means several thous-
and cotton planters which will be
turned out soon at the rate of
fifty and over per day.
Miss Emily a very
old lady, living with the family
of J. Bryan Stocks, near here,
died Thursday night.
suit the time-, on all of our goods
of every kind from a standard
needle F.
Wanted To buy or trade for a
small H. Kittrell.
told by
A. D. Bell, I he Upright
Grocer. C
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
art living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may lie To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L.
Greenville N. C.
A Full Line of Millinery
Goods. m
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best latest styles always on
hand. Gall ant see. Next door
to Dr. B. T. g store.
The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
William who went
to Caroline Islands last May in
tho interest of Mrs. Catharine
of David
has arrived at Francisco on
the steamer Doric. was
known as the of Yap. He
left his wife and daughter in
Ga,, in the early seven-
ties and was wrecked on this
island. Being the first white man
the natives had seen, they treated
with every possible reverence
and finally made him Over
a year ago, alter visiting Hong
Kong on business he started to re
turn on one of his vessels,
that was the last ever heard of
Although lie had two in
the he kept his
wife and daughter Savannah
well supplied with money. Upon
hearing of his death Lawyer Hart
ridge was sent out see how mat-
stood. He found a will in
Ho. g Kong distributing the estate, j of
valued at in property, Among the per-
all of which in productive,
Greenville boys are busily en-
gaged in earning and saving all
the pennies, and small
change possibly can, for is
not Sig. new big twelve
coin hi d railroad shows scheduled
to appear in this place Thursday
afternoon and evening, October
Mr. has a standing
challenge this year that his is the
largest, grandest best of all
shows, he backs
this assertion by a free display in
the streets, on the day of
which is considerably over a
mile in length and contains
more glistening,
scintillating, processional wonders,
all others combined.
he presents a peerless
performance, which is truly a
world of marvels, in three
Among the features are to be found
the only riding lion in the world
and a horse and pony act,
The newest and latest styles in
Millinery. Hats trimmed to or-
on short notice.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots of Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on band.
In season we operate a Munger Cotton
T. E
has left large to
his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Butler, of
Savannah. It is expected that the
widow will about
per cent of the estate.
Currents Crossed Each Other
in the Air.
are to be found born
heroes of the gymnastic in
feats of skill personal prowess,
eminent aerial artists, leapers,
tumblers, animals and
the most ludicrous of ludicrous
comedians, to be seen in no other
Public Examination.
The white of Pitt
who have not been examined,
D. W.
North Carolina.
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats other
feed stuffs. We solicit a share of your patronage. Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
W. G. administrator of R. H. deceased,
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said R. H. at his death, and offer-
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists
of a full line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
HATS, CAPS, SHOES, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
will meet me at my office Id except Sunday, W. G. is also agent of the Royal Tailors Mfg.
Greenville on Friday, October 9th, q in AH suits made to order to fit the individual. Your meas-
for the purpose of taking for taken a Ht guaranteed. We can furnish these
teachers will Connecting at Washington with goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
me same place on Steamers for Norfolk. Baltimore,
day, October 12th, for the Philadelphia, New York Boston,
The wireless systems attempted to ,, , Aurora, South Creek. Bel haven,
examined. a A j
r port the yacht race on Tuesday, i , . . Swan Quarter, and for
These two examinations will for with .
the last held during the present roads at Norfolk,
year aid all who desire to teach Shippers should order freight by
do well to take notice the S. S. Co. from
. , . New York; Clyde Line from
govern themselves M M
Oct. 1903. B s from Baltimore. Mer-
W. H. and Line from
Co. Boston.
and seeD to have interfered
each other. The
station at wired to
Sew keys
An of-
h la of one of the wireless
i ii-s said was just as though
l a piano at
i during the uproar. Ti t
t pounding the air the
The other day some one
If you want bargains come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
Atlantic Coast Line.
Richmond, of the
the ex- Show Tickets on
Into a wireless October lath to 15th,
England from one with limit October 16th.
The- The rate from Greenville, X. C, to
i all the scientific gentleman Richmond and return for this
lined that this teal aide; sin will he 18.00, including one
actually manly, Bill admission to the Some Show,
important thing was not some j N. C. North Carolina
manners, bi the fact Fair Tickets on sale
message could be 17th to 23rd, and for trains
d with. due to arrive fore-noon of the 24th
final limit October The rate
I from Greenville, N. C, to Raleigh
and return this occasion will
hereby forbid anyone hiring or I be ., including one admission
v way harboring my son, into the Fair Grounds.
who is a minor. j
left my house without General Passenger Agent
and I will not be H. M.
for him Traffic Manager.
ember 7th 1903. Court Adjourned.
After occupying full two weeks
Superior court adjourned today,
it has been a busy court and a
large number of cases have been
disposed of. Fred Moore is
of the best judges on the bench
in North Carolina, and he is held
in high esteem by the people of
It is as hard for s man to re-
member an old love affair as for a
woman to forget it.
Greenville, N. C.
T. H. MYERS, A dent,
Washington, N. C
The case against Cox and
on the charge of larceny of a
lilt, after occupying two days
the court came to a close Friday
m. ht, the jury returning a verdict
of not guilty.
Lambs rush into Wall street
where the old sheep fear to tread.
Thoughts fast, but some
people's thoughts never travel far.
Not Quite
I low often you can pet a
mill or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies, our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
IN 1806.
j. w. co.
Cotton handlers of
Correspondence shipment
w. m.
Offers selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found in Eastern Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
Full line Bell Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men Ladies.
Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of Hour, corn, oats, hay
j. ii.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Cigars. Everything cheap
for cash. Highest price for country
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite and prompt
M. A.
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers,
ribbons, Ac. Cheaper than ever.
Old Joe Forties, the best cook in
town, now has his up
stairs in the Brady building.
in any style and meals M all
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
For Men
Women and
It Is conceded that w the
kt Shoes for th messy el
The Branch of the is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, is authorized to transact any
the paper in and territory.
Nice Little House For Sale.
I will sell my house and lot
containing acres of land in
the town of a good five
room house, a good barn and
stables, wood house and good
water, conveniently located, near
depot, will give possession Jan-
1st, 1901. Also other
tow n lots with a small three room
house nearly new. For further
information write or call on me.
C. H,
Dealers in General
Dry Goods, Notions,
and Fan-
Crockery, Tin-
ware, etc., etc.
Parham and
When the average man sets out
to economize and save a be
feels so elated over it that he
celebrates it by spending
Sewing Machines and Furniture
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their prices.
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
fall goods.
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
of Lumber and
; Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
Tobacco is Selling for Better Prices.
New Ware House is one of the largest and best lighted
houses in the state for the sale of leaf tobacco.
In our business we have competent assistants, first-class service
and good
By strict attention to business entrusted to us, and straight-forward
honest dealing with hope to merit a share of your patronage.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. it is best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
A full
place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes.
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Mn. Greene Hurt,
Thursday as Mrs. W. B. Greene
was coming up town from her home,
CD Dickinson avenue, she
frightened at an
started to run W. J.
store, on Five Points, and
fell in the door, hurting foot I
quite severely She has suffered
much pain from the accident.
Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother, miles from Greenville,
Mr. Godfrey Evans and Miss Ada
Patrick were married by Rev.
E. Powell.
A always hat an idea
that if her husband parted his hair
maybe he would have
A woman can get up as much
ever the death of a relative
she never as a man can over
the loss of the last jackpot.
Malaria Ever have it Know all about
it Want to get rid of it
Malaria and Ague Cure,
N. Oct. 1903.
seems to be the
cry this week. Court and
J. L. Gibson and H. C. Venters
are on the jury this week.
H. H. Proctor went to Green
ville Tuesday.
The member of the Christian
church held a Tuesday
night to try to get their same min-
Mesdames J. L. and Ru-
went to Greenville
Mrs. J. O. Proctor and Mrs. J.
W. Mayo attended the openings at
Washington Wednesday.
J. J. Mason stopped in town a
short while today.
Dr. oculist from, Wash-
was at the Moore to-
day giving free examinations.
Mrs. Wooten and daughter, Miss
Mattie, of Chocowinity, spent
Tuesday with Mrs. W. M. Moore.
W. M. Moore went to
Washington Thursday.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
c n.
and Surgeon,
AND, N. C.
Complete Stack of Drug.
J. Proctor Bros
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
Our mill and are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
saw lumber, and, do all kinds
of turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
do general repairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
Send your orders for printing
to Printing House.
At the meeting Thursday night
the board of alderman did not
have much business outside of
the routine reports of officers and
allowing accounts.
The returns of the recent rail-
road election were canvassed and
the result declared to be in favor of
taking of the second
mortgage bonds the Raleigh
Pamlico Sound railroad.
S. T. Hooker, who bad previous-
been elected chief of the fire de-
K. L. Humber, who
had been elected chief engineer,
were present and accepted the
F. If, Hodges, who was
elected assistant chief of the de-
declined to accept. Fill-
int the vacancy wan deferred to
the regular meeting
The chairman of the board of
trustees of the graded schools
before the board, and ask-
ed that the donation of
which the former board of alder-
men had agreed to give towards
the school out of the
funds arising from sale of
bonds, be paid now out
of to be replaced
when the bonds sold.
A committee was appointed
investigate the legality of this and
report at a special meeting to be
held on Wednesday night, 7th
Hurt by Falling Pole.
While Wilson, one of the
tons of Mr. W. B.
looking a. crew put up tho
circus lent Thursday, one of the
poles fell and struck him across
the temple. lie received a right,
painful cut bruise.
A Gratifying Success
I wish to return thanks to my friends and customers for
the many kind words of praise and appreciation of
opening display. My fall opening was an undoubted
success, both from the point of view and the
storekeeper's. That success I shall endeavor to make
permanent by selling strictly first class
Dress Goods, Trimmings
and Notions
at fair and just prices. You need not be in any doubt
My goods are all new. No accumulation of years to
pick over. If it's fashionable, it's here.
Yours truly,
Jas. F. Davenport,
New White Front.
No Joke
It is serious. When you need Medicine yon need it
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever to enter our store. We have a full
line of all well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
Sufferers her mob curs as will meet par-
ailment. Our prices, our goods, are popular.
We are Still Leading
In fine Dress Goods, Trimmings women's
Clothing wants generally. To a great extent
our reputation U built on particular line
grinds, we are very careful to up
the of our leading lines just
now is a full stock of beautiful
Shirtwaist Patterns
The newest and most stylish that money can
buy, yet they are easily within your reach.
It's the duty of every woman, young or old,
to make herself as attractive as possible.
Clothes do not make the woman, but they
often make her the clothes
we sell. We will be pleased to show you.
Pulley Bowen's
Home of Women's Fashions.
Marble and Granite
and Age-nU for Wire Fencing.
Main office and
Branch and shops. Mount,
N. C, and Sumter, S. C
prices and address Book
C, Oct. 1903.
We are clad to know that Mrs.
L. A. is improving.
T. R. of Fountain, came
down Saturday evening and re-
turned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beaman, of
Snow Hill, spent night
and Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Craft.
Miss Anna and Mr.
Henry were married
Wednesday evening at the home
of the bride in the presence of a
number of friends and relatives.
of Winterville, attended Sunday
school at Bethany Sunday i after
Misses Hattie and Rat-
tie Chapman, of were
In the neighborhood Sunday after-
Oscar went to Winter-
Miss Allie attended church
in Sunday.
E. E. went to Vanceboro
Wednesday returned Thurs-
Miss Tessie has returned
home from a visit to Saratoga.
I. B. Oakley was in the neigh-
Saturday and Sun-
Miss Annie left Wed-
afternoon to enter e
Greenville N. C.
Dear If you paint two
houses alike with two different
paints, and takes twice as
much paint as the other, you know
which paint to buy after
far as go-far
One of these paints is
the other is any average paint.
The worst are the
better are not much n
other paint than is any-
where near in go-far. He
is go further; the rest arc go-
short, go-three-
F. W. Co.
P. L. Carr sells our paint.
Portrait of Gov. Jarvis.
Miss Mattie Dowd, of Charlotte,
an artist of wide reputation, has
been few days putting the
finishing touches to a portrait she
is painting of ex Governor T. J
Jarvis. This portrait, which is
the best ever of our
townsman, will be
to the of Con-
at their state convention
in on the 10th lost.,
and will be placed by them in the
Davis Memorial Hall, at Rich-
Does head ache
back of eye. Find
taste , mouth It's
your I PUN .
liver p cure
. i
. . .
. r i ice
I Hail Co.,
i obtain ti. mil Foreign
T w
I T la
I I J k I sH
I k
Send model, or photo Intention
i free report on For book, i
Greenville's Great Department Store.
Our New
Fall Stock
is now complete in all depart-
We wish to call your
special attention to our beau-
Dress Goods,
Jackets, Furs
brands of FINE SHOES.
We have never been better
prepared to fill all your wants
and we will take pleasure in
showing you through this en-
tire establishment,
Greenville's Great Department Store
Hardware Merchants.
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are largo and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the There is absolutely no odor about
one of In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
More Than Two Hundred Pupil Enroll-
ed First Day.
The Greenville graded school for
the white race met this morning
at the court house. The exact en-
could not be had at the
opening but there were more than
children present. These were
temporarily assigned to grades for
examination, and it will probably
take all the week to get them prop
Any children holding back from
school the first week thinking to
escape examination will find upon
entering late that the
is necessary w II be harder
than if the beginning.
The faculty school is as
1st Annie Bull
2nd Quads Mrs Willie Hughes.
3rd A. L. Blow.
4th 5th
Grades -Kiss Mary-
Call Wiley.
Ex ii in.
Until the school building is
for occupancy the first and
Drowned Trying to Escape Arrest.
X. C, Oct.
last Saturday night, Chief of Po
lice with several deputies,
in searching for crap shooters, ran
into a crowd of on the
river bank in the corporate limits
of the town. The broke
and ran and made their escape.
One William Kearney jumped
the river, and was not seen any
more Friday of the following
week, when his body was
by a woman fishing.
She immediately gave the alarm
and the body out
The Troubles at
Asheville, N. Oct.
George today for
U New York and tram he will
sail for Paris. did not
answer the Utter C. Chain-
plain, who was dismissed from the
estate. who was
Cashier, asked reinstatement. It
is said Harding, the Biltmore
manager, Will answer
letter. It was learned today that
had placed in Mr.
hands a deed of trust
for property at Black Mountain
valued at was said by a
representative of of Mr.
second grades will be taught in the I hilt
public school house and the fact that
grades ii. the court house. was due the estate
the deed was given to
insure Mr. against
loss the
They Expect Dewey.
New N. C., Oct.
stockholders of the and infraction of the rules of the
met last night It ban transpired that a
and passed the following new system cf and
I new methods of paying the
Whereas, on the 7th day been adopted to obviate the
August, the undersigned j the possibility of the rules of the
stockholder of the Farmers sad office being
Bank offered a reward lure.
of for the apprehension
delivery of Thomas Dewey,
Whereas, the undersigned stock
have reason to believe and j Richmond, of the
do believe that the said T. W. a OM
will return to New Bern L October to
and voluntarily surrender himself
into custody; and The from x c ,
Whereas, there seems to be no fol.
necessity for any offer of will M om,
Atlantic Coast Line.
Covenant Lode No. I. O. O. F
Whereas, God, who all
things well, has seen fit to remove
from our the sued of our
deceased brother, J. A. K. Tuck-
therefore lie
Resolved, 1st, that while we
bow in humble to the
will of God, we feel that we have
lost a brother. He was a
just man. a good husband, a kind
father, a man full of attributes
that make the world for
having lived in it. To his wife
children we extend our heart-
felt sympathy this the darkest
hour of their lives. This hour
that them the sustaining
loving conn-el of the
considerate husband nod kind
lather. May the God of Israel,
who neither slumbers sleeps,
lead them gently through life,
and at last into the city without
foundation whose builder
maker is God.
2nd, that the lodge wear the
usual badge of mourning for
3rd, that a copy of these res
sent to the bereaved
family, a copy spread upon the
minutes copies the
city papers for publication.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Committee,
D. D.
Cobb Bros. Co. Have New Partner.
Mr. James B. who has
for several years been connected
with the Southern railroad and
Chesapeake Steamship company as
traveling freight agent, has severed
his connection with these lines and
associated himself with Messrs C.
Cobb Hid J. Leon Wood, in
well-known hanking and
brokerage firm of Cobb Bros
streets, as a general partner. Mr.
is well known railroad
circles, and has many friends who
will wish in his new
Judge Pritchard is Severe.
Washington, C. Oct. .
of N.
C. was sentenced by Judge
chard to two imprisonment
for the of more than
from Culver-
Despite the tact that
I III ion of the money had been
made and that strong pleas for
, ,. ,., clemency were submitted, Judge
Co., comer of Atlantic and Plume , ;, . . ,
refused to let the young
man go free, and remarked that
while the university has been re-
he would refuse to make
the court a collecting agency.
business. Cobb Bros. Co., is an
Old and well established banking r j
and brokerage They do Fatal Feud M
large brokerage business in cotton, Wilmington, N. C, Oct.
stocks, grain and provisions, George T. Bland was shot and
private wires to New York, killed by Hill Perry,
Chicago, Baltimore, Richmond and his father in-law, his morning, at
New Orleans, giving special his home in this city. Perry was
to local investment the sidewalk
They are also members of the New , Bland was his front Bad
York and Cotton ex j blood has existed between the men
changes. ; for several years and the shooting
Mr. will become an m. direct of family
partner and will add much to trouble. The men have been
the energy and enterprise of pistols each other for
Arm. sometime and a clash has been ex-
for weeks.
Mayor's Court.
Dispensary Wins in
Raleigh, N. Oct.
election here yesterday resulted in
a victory forth- dispensary by a
majority of
Mayor II. W. has dis-
posed of the follow cases in his
court since la-t
Frank Hopkins and Arthur
Hopkins, assault, fined one p
A. J. Waters, i. W. Wilson,
B. Cannon, and Boss
Bryant, riotous and disorderly
j Conduct, fined penny and Post,
US. drank and dis-
fined c.
U. drunk and dis-
Trial of Haywood.
Raleigh, N. O. October
I he trial of Earnest Haywood yes-
the defense examined
Witnesses. The most sensational
feature of the day was the severe
criticism by Judge Peebles of the
methods by the slate in the
Cross examination Of certain wit-
bis subsequent
of his censure.
Hearst on a
orderly, fined . 94.70. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. i R.
A. F. running Hearst, of New York, has invited
without license, Overman and Congressman
costs. 914.05 to join a party Chicago
Lewis drunk and next week for a trip through Okla-
orderly, line i and costs, 93.20. New Mexico for the
R. Q. Dixon, drunk and pose of making a study of the
Stephens, of mod alert fined costs, 94.40. question. gentle-
buyers on this market, sold Forbes,
A Large Cotton Deal.
It Is not often that a town the
can boast of as large
a deal in any single day as was
mads yesterday. Mr. V. h.
admission to the Horse Show.
Raleigh, . North Carolina
State Fair Tickets en sale
17th to 23rd, for trains
due to arrive fore-noon of the 24th
final limit The rate
from Greenville, N. C, to Raleigh
and return this occasion will
including admission
into the Fair Grounds.
General Passenger Agent
H. M.
SWard for now,
therefore, notice is hereby
recalled, The reward
which is hereby revoked at
The Report Gloomy.
Washington, Oct. The
monthly report of the Chief of the
Bureaus Statistics of the Depart
of Agriculture will show
average condition of cotton on
to have been 05.1, as
compared one month
ago, on September
61.4 the corresponding date in
1901, a year of
67.4. These figures indicate the
condition on September and no
attempt is made to anticipate the
results of the agricultural weather
Reports of damages during
from drought
caterpillars and worms are general
throughout the cotton states, the
damage in Texas being caused man, acting treasurer of the same
more particularly by boll who was convicted to
Crooked Bankers Sentenced.
Freehold, N. Oct.
W. president of the
defunct Mercantile Co-operative
Bank of Red Bank and Jersey
was sentenced this afternoon by
Justice Fort to pay a fine of one
thousand dollars serve a term
of three years six months in
the state prison. Rudolph New-
Hooks 1,300 bales fined
received a check for J. Allen, drunk and down,
Guide. ,,
In last report the name of J. K.
Warren was pi when it should
Mrs. Louisa Harden died at been Joe
o'clock Monday at her
home about, one mile from town. The Imperial Tobacco
The funeral took place this after- it is said, has notified
noon, services being held at the brokers that it will make
home. She was the mother of Mr. own purchases in the United
D. direct from the planter.
Mrs. Henrietta Dixon, wife as meaning that
Mr. B. S Dixon, Jr., about the proposes to establish
miles from Greenville, died Mob- the tobacco
day night after an illness of of the country
era weeks. The burial place with home buy-
today. She leaves a husband and Free Press,
several children.
Public Examination.
The white teachers of Pitt
and down, have accepted invitation.
and boll The crop is re-
ported from two to weeks
and many correspondents re-
port that there, will be no top crop-
Pleased Over Waterway's Chances.
Congressman John H. Small, of who have not examined,
North Carolina, was in the meet me at oilier-
yesterday on his way home from On Friday, October
Washington, where he had been
attending to the business pertain-
to the inland water way bill.
The congressman said that the re
commendations from the committee
were favorable to the bill, and was
very much pleased at the chances
of its Virginian-
Pilot, 30th.
with for conduct-
the becking business illegally,
was sentenced to pay a fine of fire closed from Oct. 15th to Nov. 1st,
hundred dollars. R. L.
for the purpose of taking
The colored will be
present at the same place on Mon-
day. October 12th, for the purpose
of being examined.
These two examinations will tie
the last held during the present
year and all who desire to teach
would do well to take notice and
govern themselves accordingly.
Oct. 1903.
W. H.
Co. Supt. School.
X. Oct.
Southern railway had a wreck be-
tween two trains this
morning, less than half a mile
from the depot here. One
was injured but fortunately
none of tin- passengers on either
train were hurt. engines
were thrown from the track and
Trial Delayed.
Lexington, S. C , Oct.
continued illness of Mil ton Sharpe,
one of the jurors the Tillman
case, necessitated an adjournment
of court today until tomorrow.
consumer, who is com-
to buy shelter, food, cloth-
tools and medicine in a walled
in mark cannot help him-
self. The who are
themselves consumers, are only
taking the tariff makers at their
word when they insist upon get-
ting a larger share of the
The professed object of the Pro-
from the has
been a noble and beneficent desire
to protect, labor. The
man has at last discovered that
they only intend to protect them-
selves, sod be strikes for a more