Eastern reflector, 22 September 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
Greenville Produce and ATLANTIC COAST LINE.
Provision Market. august
Limits of the Graded School District.
There to be some desire
on the part of a number of citizens
, to know what children of
the corporate limits of Greenville
are entitled to attend the Graded
; School. We find upon inquiry
from the county superintendent of
schools that the of j
I; made arrangements with
; trustees of the graded school to ad-
j the in the following
j district Beginning it the mouth
Smith's run at Tar river, run-
thence with said run follow-
its various c to the bridge
Mr. L. C. Arthur's residence,
thence in a straight line to the first,
I trestle on the railroad south of the
I depot, thence in a straight Hue to
a oak tree in the south west come
Of the yard where E. B. Higgs
formerly lived, thence in a
straight line so as to include said
I residence the fork of the road
east of the residence of Mrs.
Anderson, thence east with the
road towards Greenville to the
bridge over the ravine, thence
down the ravine to Tar river,
thence with the river to the begin
All children of legal age
. within said district are entitled to,
graded school for the
next two years free of charge.
This arrangement applies to
white children for two years.
children in the same
district have the privilege of at-
tending the graded school
without the qualifying clause of
two years.
By request, A. T. King
will preach at house,
on Tarboro road, en the third Sun
day afternoon of this month. a
Sunday school will be started at the
same time. Services will begin at
sharp. Every body
invited. L. P. Evans
Our Grand
Fall Opening
Has Been Postponed
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
On account of unfavorable weather
conditions. Remember the date,
Thursday, Sept. 24th
Trusting to have you with us on this date, we are,
Very truly yours,
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
Flour -1st pat.
Family Flour -straight
Oats-32 lbs ; bushel
B oilers
, 11.25
No. Daily Except
a Lt Ar
a m Greenville
Ar Fender
am Weldon
p Ar Norfolk
m j Ar Petersburg
in Richmond
in Washington
m York
p in
p m
p m
p m
a in
a m
a in
a in
If it's your stomach
is bad, your liver is cut of
order. Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your
make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
OF ct. p I t. GO.,
Ar Columbia
p m
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
p m
a m
a m
a m
p m
Pullman Sleeping and Cars
on Nos. and to Tampa and Jack-
H. M. J.
Asst. Mgr. Gen. Pass.
X. M. Emerson, t. m.
Wilmington, N. C
Greenville N. C.
Dear Lead-and-oil is not
good paint; don't the rule
as everyone knows, repaint in
three years.
lasts six, in the same way
allow wide margin in all such
statements. What does it menu,
to ll means the same with
As to that's another
, It re's instance.
Mr. J J. Sheffield, Pa,
j palmed two houses, lead-and-oil;
look gallons j
Last so miner bought gallons
for I he same two houses; re-
The mine that -vets,
jail paint, true mint, and lull
measure oil is all
but not good paint; lead want-
Better paint
Yours trill v.
F. W.
P. S. T. L. Carr sells our paint.
William Fountain, H. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office, on
street Phone
P. R. L.
Dr. D James,
Dental Surgeon
Greenville, K. C
WOOd'S SeedS fling day later.
I have just returned from the
market, and have a line of beautiful
Dress Goods
Coming; daily. Will announce open-
Farmers and Gardener de-
sire the latest and fullest.
Vegetable and Farm Seeds
should write for Wood's New
Fall It tells all about
the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab-
and other Vegetable crops
which are proving profitable to
southern growers. Also about
Crimson Clover, Vetches,
Grasses and Clovers,
Seed Oats, Wheat,
Rye, Barley, etc.
Wood's New Fall mailed
free on request. Write for
Jas. F. Davenport,
New White Front.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
President Would Have
Transferred to Bureau
of Commerce and
Washington, D. C. Sept.
President Roosevelt, it is
here, has determined to ask
to authorize the transfer of
the government office to
the and control of the
department of commerce and la-
A quiet investigation into
the management of the big print-
establishment has been going
on for several months under the
direction of Secretary
and enough has secured to
convince the president that the
most radical reforms should be in-
as soon as possible.
A Young Negress Murdered.
Wilson, N. O. Sept.
. body of Lucy Ann Joyner, a col-
woman years old, was found
ten feet from tie. public road
leading from this place to
burg, and about a mile from here.
She was last seen alive Saturday
evening ii is evident that she
wan murdered that night. Though
her body is bad y decomposed and
almost unrecognizable, there are
the neck and breast
Showing they were made with a
Norfolk s Boy Borgia.
Norfolk, Sept.
year old hoy charged
With mixing poison which killed
bis stop mother win given a
bearing the police
court today and was held for the
grand jury.
Sir Thomas Has Appendicitis.
Chicago, Sept. IX.--Sir
. . Thomas Upton is suffering much
Another A. N. C. Proposition.
Raleigh, N. C , second
proposition to lease the Atlantic
and North Carolina railroad from
the state is now in the of
Governor cock will come up
for disposition at the annual inset
log of the directors of the road
24th. The proposition was
presented to the governor
day morning by Mr. W. Mills,
of this city, the parties to the
prop being the same as those
to the hist, which was declined at
a recent special meeting of the
rector and council state.
Let and for all settle the
question. Con-
to the hen does n
The hen But if
yon have a hen that has laid a
eggs and wants to batch a
of chickens, you may
Her. There are no fewer than
different meanings of the word
while of there are
but The prophet Jeremiah
says. partridge on
To -is lied to men
and U to hence
the hen crouches on her nest, or
sits on it. Change the school
full of sol-
as do. s the Inn
The does
York Press.
Letter from Officers of Raleigh
Pamlico Sound to
Hon. Larry I.
C, Sept. is,
Ann a has re-
turned home.
Miss Smith went home
ii. K. accompanied by his
Q. W. went to
As there seemed to be some mis-
about the
urn of the bonds to be voted f. r
the seen d mortgage of the
Raleigh Pamlico Sound railroad
at least some people thinking
the town and township bonds
would be delivered to the
comp my as soon as voted the
road might not be fol-
lowing letter was sent to Hon. L.
I. Moore to explain the matter
ml it i published that all
Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 1903
Hon. L. I.
Greenville, N. C.
say to the people towns of
Greenville and and
townships of Beaver Dam and
if they shall vote to
subscribe as
t-he second mortgage bonds of Hie.
Paul do Hound
it, will Die dis
that the
cent bonds. This being the case
the railroad bond will be more
valuable after the construction of
the road than the municipal bonds,
and at maturity can be readily
used to retire the latter. Hence
it will n I be necessary to levy any
extra tax to pay interest on the
municipal bonds or arrange a
sinking fund for the of
refunding them at maturity.
Neither the municipal nor rail-
road bonds begin
until exchange and delivery of
i is made.
The railroad will be about HO
miles in length, and if taxed at
mile at one per
cent will amount in to
which is more the
entire interest on Jail municipal
bonds to be exchanged for railroad
bond. This amount of taxable
property would be permanently on
the tax list with a probable in-
crease from year to year as the
country develops and business of
the d increases, and it should
only he a few years before the
railroad tax alter paying the in-
on the must leave a
considerable surplus to the towns
and townships to these
bonds. Thing tax runs forever
while the bonds are only
It looks like he towns and town
ships have nothing to lose but
much to gain subscribing to
the second mortgage bonds of the
Tuesday to see called
sick nephew who died Wednesday
William and son, John,
went to Greenville Wednesday.
Jerome went to Me
his best girl
n went o
ville Monday afternoon.
A number friends attend-
ed the baptism at mill
pond Sunday.
Miss Allie I Spent Sunday
afternoon with Miss Macy Smith.
Ira K. and Oakley
until the road shall to
boons shall not be-called for until
the shall teach to
tint the
lie I'm
the said road shall reach
town of and Hi-
Dam township bonds
not be called for until the
has been built i i that
ibis i
dial the said
is at to
attacked him on his arrival in j. , . leaver Dam and ml
Chicago yesterday. Another eon- only a,,,
of doctors today. Z
It was definitely declared that he
is suffering from
and his condition is
ed as
Edgecombe Guards Called Out.
N. C. Sept.
named Peal Mercer
charged with assault with attempt
to commit rape, was tried and
convicted the Superior court
yesterday afternoon. Judge
Ferguson sentenced prisoner to
years the penitentiary. Later
there wAre rumors on -the
street that an attempt would be
made last night to lynch Mercer.
miners were called to the at-
n .
Continent in Auto. road win mo. commission
New York, Sept, 18.- and the
Fatal Renewal of Old Feud.
Suffolk, Bent.,
a white man ears obi,
was tallied out of bis house near
early this Morning, and
shot almost in to pres-
of his wile and children.
Was called to
Shortly alter Mrs.
two shots Odom
was found in his yard
and dying, one charge having
taken-effect the head another
in the breast. There in suspicion
attached to two persons, one a
resident of Southampton county,
the other a man who recently
escaped from North Carolina
in he was sent on
nit. six
years ago. Blood have
taken the scene.
of Judge and he
wired Governor Aycock to place
the Edgecombe Guards at the or-
of the sheriff This was done
o'clock the
-called out the military to guard
the jail through the night. AU
was quiet and there was no at-
tempt at lynching.
man, of Sail Francisco, who with
E. T. Hammond last night
an automobile trip from that
to New York, called
I Mayor Low today and presented
him a letter from Mayor
of San Francisco. Mayor Low
congratulated Mr Whitman no
the completion of his trip which
was made in days,
miles being traveled.
Wireless Telegraphy on Coast.
Norfolk, Va., Sept.
week will see the opening of two
wireless telegraph stations on the
Virginia Carolina coast. It.
is announced that the station at
Cape May is completed the
first test will be between the capes
Norfolk navy yard where
there Is also a new station. Later
the weather bureau attempt
to communicate storm warnings to
vessels at sea.
of the towns of
hold the said
bonds until the above is complied
with. Ur if the people c-f
Farmville, and
shall prefer, the
Pamlico Sound Railroad
Company lit willing the said
bonds should be placed in the
hands of t one to be
selected by the Railroad Company
the other two by the
of the town of Greenville,
to be delivered to railroad as
soon as the above
Raleigh Pamlico Rail
road Co., Ry J. M.
C. R.
There is no question but that the
the railroad's per cent
second mortgage bonds must be
paid by the railroad, which will
Woman's Betrayer Killed.
Salisbury, N. C,
Russell a member of a
family in western Row-
an, was shot this morning
and Thomas White, both of whom
are well known and leading
of The shooting
was of the
of their niece, Miss Mamie
White, a young woman socially
well connected. The Whites re-
a letter yesterday from the
mother of girl, whose father is
dead, telling them of her ruin and
imploring them to come at once.
They left Concord yesterday and
spent the night with Miss White
her mother, both of whom
were distracted. They called at
the home of who is
years old, at b o'clock this morning
and insisted that he marry their
Refusing to do so, he made a
threatening move toward the
Pennsylvania's Press-Muzzling
Governor Refuses to Honor
the Requisition for
Essex Staton.
Deputy Sheriff L. W. Tucker,
who left a few days ago for
to bring back the
Essex Staton, who is wanted in
this county for murder, will re-
turn but without the
prisoner. He wired the gov-
of Pennsylvania refused to
honor the requisition from the
governor of North Carolina. No
further information was given, so
it is not known, yet why the gov-
of Pennsylvania pursued
this course.
Deputy Sheriff L. W.
Thursday night from
Pa., where he had
gone with a requisition from the
governor North Carolina to the
governor of Pennsylvania the
Essex Staton, who is in
in Philadelphia and u want-
ed in this county for murder. Mr.
Tucker says that the reason given
by Governor for not
honoring Governor re-
was the had
bi-en Committed over twelve
mouths, and that nu
had been found be-
fore the grand jury of
On hand lodes like a
state warrant for the apprehension
of ought to been
Rockingham Burned.
N. C. Sept.
At o'clock this morning Hotel
Richmond destroyed by tire.
No one seems to know bow- lite
originated, who saw it first
it alerted in
Troy Robbed.
Troy, N. C, Sept. IS Last
night the safe in the at
this place was blown open by bur-
and about in stamps
and money were taken.
A county man was fool-
with a Winchester rifle when
the weapon accidentally
ed. The bullet went the
wall his store, through the wall
of a school house, where it went
through the arm of a girl and
struck a boy the breast. The
boy was killed.
A large lumber null and dry
kilns, Mount Olive were de-
by fire Tuesday.
more than take rare of the interest Whites, who fired upon him, death
on the town and township S per The Whites are in jail.
Some people swell with
so naturally that it is hard
to believe they burst through
the coffin when they are dead.
The grand jury of Edgecombe
county has returned a true verdict
against Dr. Julian M. Baker for
the killing of Dr. H. T. Bass, of
Tarboro, but

Conducted by Prof. J. D. Everett.
There w be-,
the front by i
the carpenter- and painters.
Dr. and Rev. Mr. Bark- j
handsomely furnished their
office in the post office building.
Bethel, N. C, Sept. 1903.
Turn Mayo, one of our heat
sens and a prosperous farmer,
A. Ward's dwelling is Hearing passed away yesterday.
All the of
el Graded School continue to swell
Dr. ha- to
Dr K. J. Grimes was called to
last Sunday to . see
the sick child of Mrs Lassie Grit
The millinery department of II.
give a c ii i-e to the O. opened today under the
classes in physiology at the Bethel j direction of Miss Jennie
Graded School. Misses Susie Keel, Rosa While
. Mayo, from Indiana, was in Allie G. Little have been vis-
tow u visiting Ilia parents near here and near Bethel this week,
last week Misses Nellie and sis
The protracted at the Miss Maggie
were town today to witness
opening of the big de-
i- now in
Dr. is expected to be
here and to help in
Office opposite depot.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post Office.
Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the
of Dry Goods,
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
anything the farmer sells.
c n.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware Furniture, Groceries.
We Big nest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce. Is- s- from Baltimore. Mer
I imp
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
at a. for Greenville, leave
mm Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, Sooth Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, and
all for me West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old ion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
N. C.
Complete Stock of
J. Proctor Bros.
If you want lumber to build a house.
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry far your family, provisions,
c for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
Our mill and gin are now
in full blast and we are
pared to gin- cotton,, grind corn,.
saw lumber, and, do- all kinds-
of turned work for balusters
and house trimmings. We also
impairing of buggies
carts and wagons.
N. C.
Dry Good, Notion,
Tobacco Cigar. The
only Soda town. Ail
the popular Hot Peanuts
every day.
and Line from
Copyright. 1903, by T. C.
course you knew all
lie was tearing the edges of the pro-
gramme into scallops and did not look
at her.
did not, you silly boy. How could
I You never said u
You big. silly, silly hid
laugh at me, then, it Isn't a
She leaned over the plush rail of
box and l-t u rose leaf light as
a baby butterfly, down to the ti-r be-
low, i
girls must have loads of
you nil take It so easy, just
laugh a fellow and look pleasant
and all
you asked so many.
Scored, didn't you Honest,
though, I haven't, Gwen; Just you,
was that Ferris
Madge-little Madge Ferris
I wasn't In love with her. We just
chummed. know. Owen. She was
a great
you ever kiss her,
since she was old enough to
fight. That isn't anything. I've kissed
Dead silence; orchestra Pa- j
the tip of your ear's awfully
pink. Turn around, won't you I don't
care. I did. It was down at Faraway
Beach, that summer. Gwen
were an awfully funny little j
kid those days. Fuzzy hair and big
. . n ., Just give me your hand
You used to call me walleyed , your
she said her and hand
her eyes were full of dream light and
f kissed again. I was good I J. CHERRY, Apt.,
days. Returned kiss for a blow. And Greenville. N. C.
i you didn't slap that time. To laughed T. H. MYERS, Agent,
i and kissed Washington, N. C
was ages
She bent over the mil away
from Dim. His eyes were so full of
I something something it
her, and the others were watching. Bit
could almost feel
dear. . you nil
the time. . kill. Gwen. Listen
to me. Turn your bead again.
eyes. They
After a
you to.
She turned her head slowly and I
looked at
not. Bertie, don't Mamma's .
Harvey Is be so very rich,
Gwen Say. Owen, he look like
I frog in ills evening suit Gwen, look ;
at that old fossil then at me. Lots
curtain will go up In a minute.
darling Say It
dear, dear Now will you
I could tell him for sure. Gwen
dad, I I had you for sure
you dear, he'd stand by us; I ;
know he would. He Isn't like the
en. All they think of Is landing a
low like Harvey and his cash. Dad
knows I love yon. He'd give me a start,
dear heart. It would be fun starting
together, wouldn't It. Gwen You're
young, and I'm young. I would do any-i
thing life with you to say
curtain is
mind. The rest will look at
Not Quite
How often yon can get a
thing not
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our
is all you desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
yOU knOW W lat it does a person of all desire
for strong drink . restores tie nervous system to its. normal i-
; and reins Mas to his home and business. For full particulars
Correspondence Greensboro N. C
E. A. Jr.-.,
B. D
E. A. Sr.,
American and Italian Marble
Wire end Iron Peace Sold.
work and prices reasonable
designs d pea eat on
i J Gardner, W. R. Smith, R. A.
We r best, on this market. We em-
ploy ti skilled workmen. We carry in stock a full
Harness and first class Farm
Call and examine our Stock
E. . Sp.,
her voice was low. was ages
I chased you that day. You
could run as fast as us Way up
the beach, past the cottages and the
hill road, up to where the rocks be-
was a cave with shells In the
and. and seaweed tangled In the
She bent nearer with parted
of expectancy.
Green cave, you called
t And I caught you there
and kissed you hard, didn't I, Owen
And you it wasn't fair, you
turned into a mermaid as you
reached the
you you were a wave,
and could follow. It
fun. Owen, Owen, darling, I
I bad yen there this
i than held
ward put your hand down, and they
won't see. Owen. Then I'll be
good, dear. Just to be sure. Your eye
told anyway. Oh. you
Curtain rises. Her fan fulls.
Stranger to woman who
is eating a tough piece of
am, I envy you your teeth If you can
eat that meat.
Her Bitterest
don't you give the gentleman the ad-
A Bad Spell.
He never could spell,
and It ruined
wrote a to an heiress
was in lore with, and be wrote bony
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
The first story walls of the Ma-
temple are op and the work
goes on rapidly.
Ayden Department
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Hay, Corn, Lime, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Depository for
i School Books.
Agents for
Royal Blue Shoes.
A. L Potter left Friday
evening for a visit to
A F. Kennedy went to
this morning.
C. T. went to
W. H. Jr., went to
Friday evening,
Ayden, N. C, Sept., 1903. Harry returned from
Ida Ed wards returned Wed- Raleigh Friday evening,
from a visit of several ReV. p. G. Hart man returned
near Greenville. j from up road Friday evening.
T. H. Lancaster, of Ed
and Discounts,.
Furniture and Fixtures 608.84
Expenses Paid. 110.00
Due from banks and bankers
Cash. . 917.76
yon bought it from HINES it's all
Bought and
who has visiting
at H. G. Burton's, returned home
I Jr. J. A. White, dentist, who
had been with us for, some time
pulled up stakes and set sail for
Neck Thursday.
Miss Lizzie Anderson, who has
spending the summer at La-
Grange, returned Thursday ac-
companied by Miss
Mrs. Johnston with the Orphans
Friend was to town Thursday look
in,; after the interest, of the paper.
O. L. Whichard, of
rived yesterday to the
H. O. Brooks.
Dr. L. C and W. E
Hooks went to Greenville Thurs-
Hugh C. Brooks, whom we re-
ported Sept. 2nd, as having had
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all. operation performed for
in a hospital at Charleston
S. died very suddenly and
expected about
o'clock. The seems to
have been as he was
Always go to the
for your drags. I carry a good clean stock of --pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try s bottle of Pig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
ii cents. you not satisfied l -ill return
M. M. SAULS Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
J. R. Smith Bro.
Quality is ever the first in this store, because
that is only basis for that insures the satisfaction
of customers and the continuance of successful business.
General Dry Goods, Millinery,
Hardware, Groceries, Etc.,
is probably the most extensive in town, and our are
ways We also carry a stock of nib, such s
Hay, Corn, Oats, etc Let us you. J. It. Smith Bro.
O. L. went up the road j
this morning.
H. A. White lo Norfolk
J. L. Wooten left this
H. B. Phillips went to Suffolk
E. V. Cox, of was here
Miss Nannie of New
Bern, is visiting Miss Alice Lang.
Mrs. W. II. of Scotland
Keck, arrived Friday evening lo
visit Mrs. Z. T. Vincent.
Miss Louise Josey, of
Neck, came in Friday evening to,
visit Miss Vincent.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Edwards
and morning for
to visit relatives.
Miss Margaret Langley, who has
been visiting Mrs. Mellie Harriss,
left this morning for Washington
Lola and Nora Smith, of
who have been visiting
The interesting fact has lately
come to the attention of the gov-
scientists that the frog, the
edible variety, attains its greatest
and best development not, as one
would imagine, in the semitropical
of Florida and Louisiana,
but in far northern Canada, on the
extreme northern limit at which
these reptiles are found. This bear
out an old and pretty safe rule that
both plants and animals attain their
best development at the northern-
most point of their habitat. Thus
the diamond back terrapin of the
Chesapeake brings nearly eight times
the price of the diamond back of
Louisiana, and the best oranges are
grown not in tropical Cuba
of the older generation still
the coarse grained, sourish Ha-
but in northern Flor-
where the trees are frequently
cut down by the bard frosts and
cold Post.
A Chance For Millionaires.
The feeling that one is adapted
nature to be a rich man's son is
common enough, but a young Eng-
is the first to show the en-
to attempt to remedy the
defects of circumstances. This ad-
is from a paper publish-
ed in a suburb of
Will any kind, philanthropic person
adopt John H. K. at present a
as a leather merchant and dealer
In leather fancy goods, who. albeit h Is
not work. Is confident he would
make an excellent only son to a million-
Telegrams to Bruce Grove.
There is a touch of
about the word Mil-
must hustle if they want
John E.
laughing and joking a- jolly j Misses Lena and Anderson,
manner when suddenly he turned returned home today,
in the Kid died immediately.
was to Ayden for
J. H Griffith,
of K and W. K. Cox, of
the services. The pall-
W. F. Lilly, J.
Shroud and J. B.
Mr. having a
and orders
grave. He leaves young evening,
father and mother and
sisters t bemoan
their Boss, the ones
we attend oar heart fell sympathy.
Mrs. Lorine Briley, of Cold
Point, who has visiting
lives here, returned home
Miss Lillian Taylor, of Cold
Point, who has been visiting Misses
Lena and Georgia re-
turned home this
Mrs. Lillian Mir rill,
who has been Mm. W. C,
On the Siberian Railway.
Think of the snap the railroad
lunch counter privileges would be at
Irkutsk, the other Si-
points. Even on the dining
cars ice cream could be served the
year around without the use of re-
especially through Si-
Simply by stopping the train
occasionally to milk a musk ox
one could obtain all the ready
ice cream necessary to human
happiness. And then it would be
so pleasant to hear the
sing Bering Change
cars for the north pole,
Walrus Beach, Ford, Mel-
ville island and all points
Baltimore American.
I hereby forbid hiring
in am way harboring my son,
who h a minor
Be has left up I
and will not be re
September 7th 1908.
To complain destiny is only
A Cablegram of Condolence.
When the news of the
of King r
reached the s e department
at Washington there dis-
about the propriety of send-
a cablegram of
said Third A-
Secretary is to be
done in a case of tins kind. Be-
Bides, tin re's to send it to.
Miss Carlotta of Kin
who has been visiting Miss
Alice Lung, returned home Friday The king and queen are and
M. F. Ayden Brick Works,
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, hams, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country
M. F.
Successor to J. L. next
door to bank.
After a man has tried for three-
quarters of an hour to light a tire
with kindling wood, it is
hard for to see how a fire
insurance company can ever lose a
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always on baud. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the thousand or
car-load. Yours truly,
North Carolina.
to expose our awn
feebleness of
Prosperity but
varsity them.
The reason some hair
changes to white o is
that it has that way for a long
time, only nobody was allow-
ed to know it.
Office in Brick Block.
Ayden, N. C
Best the market
meets all trains,
Rooms. Electric lights.
Sure Enough Mental Anguish.
There is no more fruitful source
of mental anguish than tho ear
never comes.
must go train have
ordered the All right
it lie sure lo be You
res in until twenty-
five minutes before train lime, then
you begin to get fidgety. Another
two minutes pass and you peer up
the street for a sight of it. Five
minutes go by and be-
comes Presently it I
dawns upon you that it. is too late
for you to walk it that the
street cur has just passed, so that
cannot make it by that means.
In you realize that
your only trust is in Providence,
in still another that unless the
carriage comes the minute it
need not come at all,
the that even if it does come
it will be too late. Then hope
gives place to
age doesn't come, the train for once
is on time you are left. Who
has not had some such experience
who has will have much,
sympathy with a of this
city who was sued for damages
in a magistrate's court one
last week for allowing an intending
passenger to be left and who was
assessed for breach of contract.
The judgment was an instance o
the dispensation of
the government has no
no send it
Whom Ii May a a
; Post.
Eddie and
Henry Lab mo here was once
what he called Prince of Wales,
now King when lie dined at
House. said
the soup comes on I
address him royal highness.
The often the reserve,
and gel a little chummier, and of-
ten as call him while
during the joints get
quite familiar, and he becomes
while ho slaps me on the back
and dubs me
Overheard at the Club.
wonder if they will
teach advertising in their school of
will not need to
tench the rule of self advertising at
any rate.
is to
let your left hand know what
right hand
but to let all hands
know and take all men by the throat
to make them praise New
York Post.
Dead Bodies Silver Plated.
A German professor has invented
a process of silver plating dead
bodies so as to convert them into
metallic images of the individuals
as they were when in life. Gold
plate can be used if the relatives can
afford it.
But as the expense of silver plat-
a body is there are
few relatives who would
Bern themselves justified in
an estate on such a memorial.

L. J.
in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made know ff upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties
The Greenville Reflector rises to
would like to know what
and in to exhibit at the
get the census of the world's
products, my son, and glance over it
carefully, and then over the products
of your native state, and m will
It mast have been a sad day
around the Charlotte Observer's
soap box when the following
from the Concord Times butted
are two expressions which
have been used in the public prints
of St. Louis.
the law the registry com-
is required to be admitted to
do business by the Insurance De-
and pay annual license of
while the Union Casualty and
Surety Company as an accident com-
Pitt County, N. C, Tuesday, September H,
much frequency and with
ind that your own state whose ex-, questionable propriety, that pay cannot do business in this state
being licensed by the
Department and paying an
far discovered that can do it. annual license of Neither of
1903. Do you n.-t think this fact, easily Cold, man. know I companies had been licensed to
. propriety, mat
tn abilities you seem to doubt i they have become offensive, and they L-s
H U can duplicate every item in the are and in
and is the only spot of earth so Cut them out of your
far H u h-s annual
Cold, end man, you know not companies
. is of . business in this state nor had
; exhibit at the St. Lou s m- an u . , ,.
GOVERNOR or anywhere else Post age breaker Would destroy I T
w v j i . . . , . agent. will be understood that
W e had no doubts on the subject where thou cue not set up Spare under the present insurance laws no
that is, we do not doubt that North them company can operate in the state
Carolina has a plenty to exhibit. Rut
honor know if w good North
Some papers are arguing that
If it were necessary to condense
the following article from the South-
Farm Magazine in to four words,; l; , .,,
write it. all you for Carolina money is to be spent for do not get justice in our
The South needs to do is tech- stuff ally The which is all wrong It
this, and particularly does every m one . Bees at an exhibition. A few years is the chiefly who do get
town and community need to how a one went a of for they are
the articles ill daily could to the g motion
a company was organized The machine invented by one of its
. .,
without being licensed and no agent
represent any company whether
licensed or not, without obtaining a
license from the Insurance Depart-
at to start a cannery carried the requisition met with ,, u- n
it was said that Dot enough fruit . ., The machine would not work as they are of
and vegetable, were grown in the , and there was our , J seldom hung.
neighborhood to keep the cannery enough that Governor Penny-, exclaimed. We don't want any
It is now announced that packer did not care to be bothered . t i .
enough fruit vegetables . f to go for stuff,
Mr. Humphrey is a young man.
who stood well in the community
and sometimes hung. The white, bearing, good character, and in
are the ones who do not get justice, j consequence of this the court, at the
as they are often turned loose and request of the Commissioner, allowed
him to plead guilty and suspended
judgment upon his paying the costs
and taking up all the policies that
had been issued by him and return-
Raleigh is stirred to its depths by
to go for such stuff, T aT
do,,,, canneries in -th the matter at all. His and somebody will hear from i, if it V t
operation; that the management will that Staton had not been A College, at Wilson, under the the citizens.
arrange to can all the peaches that ,, i u i- ,
can he obtained; that the of I'm county
is running every day and sometimes correct, but with the facts and cir- ,
and that every effort is be- of the crime presented of taxation. Judge The college is fast be-
and berries on to him he order against j a state institution of wide re-
j to serve the ends of justice by de- of county commissioners of
P county to show cause why
factories have been established, but
nearly every grocery If the state of Pennsylvania should restrained from
store from Virginia to Texas carries ever find it necessary to send to taxes under the present
a supply of canned . ,. .
assessment. was b
into the
a t i . necessary to send to . m
a supply of canned goods packed . m. , i --.-.- . ,
elsewhere. In the aggregate Carolina for a criminal, we assessment. This was bound to. need regulating, and regulating
spends millions of dollars will be clad to Whoever looked i
spends millions of dollars will be glad to
annually for canned goods,
its own fruits and vegetables
because in many places the p.
is greater than the demand
the fresh products. Throughout the.
South there are many points where i
the results accomplished at l probably provide carried. Assessments and valuations
dollars will be glad to We I has looked into the ; black-listed ant
have enough bad folks already and that we ask laws the Depart
would he glad to get rid of some of n will enter the
and for; them next state campaign, and no one i ask if are
next state campaign, and no one
knows to what lengths it may be
of Dr. one T black
m i both the Commercial
greatest Christian in n ,. ,
Company and the I Casualty
and Surety Company.
Mr. Young also visited Tarboro
and while there got up evidence and
had the grand jury to indict Mr. J.
W. Forbes, an insurance agent of
that place, for issuing a policy in the
Citizens Insurance Company, of
Chicago. This company already
black-listed and published by
Might we ask why those laws the Insurance Department. The in-
tried because the
business and
could not reach it, but it will be
tried at the next term of the
The Danville Pee says the
course of an
are two laws in Virginia
school, in Danville
of men and women, but carries the Same process of irrigation goes I business in
of men and women, but carries the Same process of irrigation goes
market for the products far int., the on in Scotland Neck and
and winter. It adds wealth to
Having accomplished everything
hundred people of Indian-1 Mr- claims that
he got this policy without knowing
as licensed to
Mr. Forbes.
over the town Monday. If the ma-1 is the- representative of the Security
the community in several different
ways. Let there he more Southern
Mutual Life Insurance Company,
to do business this state,.
Sir Thomas Lipton appears to be
traveling down long lane which
has no turning. Chicago dispatches
state that he has developed an ex-
fashionable case of
After his experience with
royalty no doubt Sir Thomas
Lipton will be glad to get back to
democratic England.
Education will not solve the race
problem. The South knew that
years ago and now the North knows
else detestable, President Roosevelt pipe-shaped we
has now made a record for himself as say the inhabitants had been
the prize snob of the universe. He don't smoke of several companies.
recently refused to accept an .
, ting is hi no way
I affected by the above indictment.
with the
yacht club unless Sir Thomas Lip-
ton was excluded. His excuse was
The school authorities of
The offense was committed last year.
If it had been committed during the
present year, since the adjournment
It appears that Seth Low is not it
altogether ace-high New
One of his District up there was too rare for
Attorney Jerome, now puts on a U. Washington, and when he fell
and hungry look whenever the he smashed most of the good work I
mayor's is mentioned. , he has done for his people. the business of Greenville needs this of piety and died under the
chump, of the night of
The time draws near for the Pal- j indigestion
We wish we were as certain that
The only thing which appear. t
some of on-white murderers would he certain about those stolen state
be hung as we are that our bonds is that they were stolen,
murders will meet that fate.
For two I suffered
from dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feeling
poorly. I then tried
and in one week I was a
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true
A New Yorker ran his auto into
Erie canal. Didn't know they
made web-footed.
. have decided to add instruction
that he had met Sir Thomas often P
enough. our fathers, what
schools. Alas for our old college would have
to have Mr.
licenses as agent for the
Sound A
. ,. If . , . I . . having been passed
election. If we make a mistake in A monastery full of Russian i by the last Legislature
matter we'll have plenty of time j in Jerusalem j The Insurance Commissioner
to regret it. More than any one thing recently. states that he
of violation in different parts th
road. We'll never manufacture scourge of the What is to
and sell them to other people as long qualification for the martyr's crown an
as the town is in the grasp of a rail.
It is announced that France is
about to conquer Morocco, Where
is Senor Aguinaldo
None of the gentlemen who want
, to be governor have filed a
ten on the job yet.
your doctor b. think, of
Ha nil annul till,
we will
J. O. AH. Lowell,
Prayer, and votes redeemed Eliza-
beth City. without works is
The Delaware peach crop has
made another assignment.
Durham outdistances all
in keeping the center of the
North Carolina generally escapes
serious labor troubles, storms, floods,
forest fires, etc. Just why
do not know, but it is a mighty
pleasant tiling to live in such a
light purse is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
Senator who tries to use
railroad passes as meal says company operating in the state.
no longer imposed upon by worth-
less polities, and the state cheated
onto her revenue due her by every
i I r
the coining financial legislation will j News and Observer.
be Soothing. The mil-
are able tO buy all the
soothing syrup they need.
Ins. Commissioner Young After Ins. Co.
Insurance Commissioner Young
has just returned to the city from a
visit on official business to the
tern part of the state, where it seems
that he has been catching up with
some violations of the insurance I
laws. At got up the,
evidence and had H. L. Hum-
indicted in the Superior court
thoroughly, quickly safeTy i a
j not licensed to do business in the
state. Mr. Humphrey
the Commercial Registry
of St. Louis, Mo., and for them is-
sued accident policies of the Union
and Surety Company, also
go to the root of the whole mat
thoroughly, quickly
and restore the action of the j
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Back up Our Claim tor
Fact U a Tonic not
a stimulant.
Fact lends
permanent vigor to the. entire
human system.
Fact Three- It is not a drug, but
a normal, scientific for
All Malarial Complaints
Chills and
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
tendency to or low
trouble Peculiar to their
to health. Your will
IT-Oar ii
Interrupted Dreams.
We are dreamers all, and sweet
to sit I
And dream as the swift-winged
moments flit;
To follow the soul in its airy flight,
To a magical land of pure daylight;
To bask in the light of sweet
And of cares and griefs to know not
It is sweet to dream, as the days go
And note the hours as they swiftly
To dream that the worlds holds no j
And no gall of the chain of toil to
Hut when comes a man what a sad
With a bill for the is no.
Arthur J.
A Prayer.
I ask not
When the day be done, and rest
I pray not
That soon from me the of
be done;
I seek not
A sluggard's couch with drowsy cur-
But give me
Time to fight the battle out as best
I may;
And give me
Strength and place to labor still at
evening's gray;
Then let me
one who through
all the day.
so Senator Carmack, of Ten-
is to introduce a bill at
next session of congress to repeal
the fifteenth amendment to the con-
of the United States, which
right of citizens of the
United States to vote shall not be
denied or abridged by the United
States or by any state on account of
race, color, or previous condition of
Of course the interjection of this
subject into the debates of congress
will mean the most acrid kind of
discussion, but it will be particular-
interesting as showing how the
North will align herself on the sub-
in view of the fact this section
has had to deal face to face with the
problem in late years. The South
will of course stand solid for repeal.
It is generally admitted by the best
thinkers of the world that the
United States made one of the most
in history in ad-
the freed slaves to the
and the effort, nearly years
later; to rectify the error will make
a lively chapter in our national his.
Where I bought
Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes, etc.
and other seasonable merchandise, which I am offering
There is a curious state of affairs
at Wilson. Early in the summer
that town, after a hot fight, voted to
abolish saloons and establish a dis-
but under the law the
change does not go into effect until
January Now the anti dispensary
folks are asking for another election
they think on a second trial they can
defeat the dispensary. It is not
thought the election will be ordered
but if it is it will be rather remark-
able that the anti-dispensary forces
can get a second trial before the law
goes into Land-
Bro. of the Bayboro, Tam-
Sentinel, announces that con-
tracts for the cross ties and other
supplies for the county rail-
road have been let and that work
would proceed soon to a finish. As
the taxable values of the county have
been increased over it
shows that the railroad is going to
an inviting and a progressive
Raleigh Post.
Public office is a private crust, and
a few other things.
fact cheaper than we would offer, but for the low price
. . IT

If X
T rd Cotton Planters.
year sent out
of bagging which
bad previously been put on cotton
at the gins, and the fact
had been billing back to the
cotton excess
bagging and six yards
of bagging ties to the bale;
that all of firms belonging to
the Association would hereafter
put a of less than
per bale upon bale which bad
upon it mi of bagging
and mi This to be
i ding to the
there may be
ix y-id- so allow-
on he part of the
was in by practically
all the and cotton mills in
the n States, had the
effect of stopping the
placing of excess tare cotton
at the gins, as where bales wee
offered for sale showing excess
tare, it was penalized in
dance the resolution of the
Southeastern Cotton Buyers
Many other firms have joined
the Association, and at the last
annual a resolution
passed renewing the penalizing of
bales showing excess tare in
dance with the above, and to send
out circulars to that- effect.
Farmers and are, also,
urged to protect cot tun from the
weather, as where it has been ex-
posed to rain, and become
ed, the damaged cotton will have
to be picked oft or very heavy
made before the bale will
be marketable.
Yours very truly,
C. B.
Sec. and Treas.
G. A. Nicholson,
joined a Hem.
After reaching home on Thurs-
day evening's train Deputy Sheriff
L. W. Tucker borrowed Mr. J. L.
horse and drove out to
Mrs. J. J. six miles from
town, where Mrs. Tucker was stay-
with her mother his
absence. After reaching there Mr
Tusker started the to
town by driver. It quite
dark, and along the road the
driver met two other parties and
ran into his team. shaft
of other pierced the
breast Mr. horse to a
depth of or inches and
ruined the animal.
Mr. T. L. Mayo, of
county, died Monday night of par
He was about years old
father of Mrs. D. E. House
of Greenville. Mis. was with
the time of his death. Her
friends at home with
l her In her sorrow.
Store at
Mr. C T. the big store
of Greenville, has a
branch store at He is
out for business and will get his
share He believes in the
liberal use of printer's ink and
will set the Kinston merchants a
pace in that particular. There are
few business men who equal Mr.
be social statute of more
than realize, it is established by
their family wash.
The oil of mere to
be dreaded than the vinegar of
D. E. House returned
day evening from Bethel.
L. C. of Ayden, was
here today.
P. R. Outlaw has moved
the Smith house street.
C. T. returned this
morning in
Mrs. F. G. of
dine. spent here.
W. ft. Smith returned
day evening from Hamilton.
Editor Hunter, of the
Ville News, night
J. S. returned
day evening from a trip up the
Miss Georgia Anderson, one of
typos has
Mis. J. P. Brinkley returned
Wednesday evening from a visit
to Scotland Neck,
L- G. of Raleigh, came
in Monday evening to visit his
brother, W. H
Miss Nellie of
dine, took the train here this
morning Ya. where
she returns to school.
Lieutenant Lyman. A. Cotton,
U. N., one of the at
the naval academy at
ding time with his pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. R R. Cotton,
at their old home,
L. H. Lee left Thursday evening
for Dunn.
J. J. returned to
Thursday evening.
J. W. Perkins came in Thursday
evening from Raleigh.
Miss Abrams left Thurs-
day evening for Ayden.
L. I. Moore returned Thursday
evening from a trip up the road.
G. G. left this morning
for Norfolk.
Solicitor L. I. Moore went to
Tar today.
R. A. Tyson left this morning
for Baltimore.
L. W. Tucker returned Thurs-
day evening from Philadelphia.
K. of Rocky
came in Thursday evening.
Smith, Ayden, spent
today here.
Miss Maude returned to
day from a visit to Hill.
Mrs. L. Griffin returned Thurs-
day evening from a visit to Wash
Miss return-
ed to her home in
Thursday evening.
Mis. E. M. and son,
Earl, of Baltimore, who have been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. F.
Burch, returned home today.
Misses Nina James and Glenn
Forbes left this morning for Dur
ham to attend the conservatory of
Misses Lula and Nora Smith, of
Ayden, arrived this to
visit Misses Lena and Georgia
Mis. M. D. Higgs returned
Thursday evening from the north-
markets, where she has been
purchasing the stock of millinery
for C. T.
Raeford a flourishing
high grade school in Cumberland
county, was destroyed by fire Wed-
Ara to
of every ons hundred people who have
heart trouble remember when It
indigestion. It Is a
fa.-1 that all -cases of heart dis-
ease, not organic, are not only trace-
able to, but are the direct result of
All food taken into the
stomach which fails of perfect
ferments and swells the stomach,,
puffing It up against the heart. This
Interferes with the action of the heart.
and in the course of time that
but vital organ becomes diseased.
Digests What Yon Eat
Mrs. Nichols of N.
my ford would distress
ma by my heart palpitate and I would-
very weak. Finally I tot a bottle of
and it mo Immediate relief.
a few bottles I am cured.
cures indigestion, dyspepsia
and all disorders, and gives
the heart a full, free and
Bottles only. Site
the trial sue. which sells for SOc
The genuine is always better than
a counterfeit, but the truth of this
statement is never more
realized or more
than when you compare
the genuine DeWitt's Witch
Salve with the many counterfeits
and worthless substitutes that are
on the market. W. Ledbetter,
of Shreveport, La.,
using numerous other remedies
without benefit, one box of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured
For blind, bleeding, itch
ink and protruding piles no rent
is equal to DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Sold by Jno. L.
A good field of corn if one thing
a farmer doesn't care to have
crowed over.
Persons suffering from indigestion,
dyspepsia or other stomach
will find that Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat
makes the stomach sweet. This
remedy is a never failing cure for
Indigestion and Dyspepsia all
complaints affecting the glands or
membranes of the stomach or
restive tract. When you take
Dyspepsia tin re everything
you eat and bit
cf nutriment that your food
contains is assimilated and
the blunt I and tissues.
Sold by L.
Better swallow good j
lose your good friend.
If you ever took DeWitt's Little
Early Risers for or
constipation you know what a
purgative pleasure is. These
famous I it tie pills cleanse the liver
and rid the system of all bile with-
out g unpleasant effects.
They do not gripe, sicken or
weaken, but give tone and strength
to the tissues and organs involved.
W. H. Howell of Houston, Tex.
better pill can be used
than Little Early Risers for con-
sick headache
Sold by John L.
Sweet are the uses of adversity;
bitter are the uses of prosperity.
Judge W. T. Holland of Greens
burg, La., who is well and favor-
ably known, years ago
I suffered greatly from
Alter eating, great distress would
result, I sting for an
hour or so and my nights were
restless. I concluded to try
Dyspepsia Cure and it me
Now my sleep is re-
freshing digestion
Sold by John L. Wooten.
A valuable tract of farm and wood
land within Greenville.
Hy virtue of a decree of Pitt
court- made February 11th,
in a certain special
i therein pending for the sale of
I the land there after described for par-
to which Rosa Fleming,
I Fleming, Archie Fleming, Nan-
Fleming, D. C. Fleming,
Ransom and
Jewel are parties, I will,
on Monday October 5th. 1903, offer
for sale to the highest bidder at the
court house door in Greenville that
valuable tract of farm and wood-
land, opposite Parkers cross mads.
which was allotted to the above ten-
ants in common in the division of
the lands of F. Fleming and known
lot No. containing acres
I described in said division as
Beginning at a maple on the Green-
ville and road, the corner of
Susan . Brown, and running
thence with her line north west
chains to a ditch; north
1-2-west 1-2 chains to the crook
of the then north 1-2 east
chains and links to a stake
centered by a dogwood, oak and ma-
thence south 1-2 east 1-2
chains to a. stake on the aforesaid
road, thence with said road to the
fourth cash on
of sale, balance payable
with interest January 5th, 1904.
Greenville, N. 5th,
Alex L. Blow,
S. M.
Dealer. Oath paid
Hide. Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
steads, Mattresses, Oak Vat
Carriages, Go-Carte,
suits, Tables, Lounges,
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key-West ,.
root Henry drat,
lied Cherries,
Pine Syrup, Jelly.
Flour Coffee, Meal, ---i ,
Ly, Magic Food, Matcher.
Seed Meal and Hull- War-
I den Seeds, Oranges, Apple. N-tit.
Candies, Dried Apples,
I Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Mara
Cheese, Rest New
Sewing Machines, ,.
other goods.
Quantity. Cheap for cash
see me.
S. M.
Has- w-rid wide fame for mar
eaten. It surpasses any
other naive, lotion, ointment of
balm for Outs, Corns, Burns, Boils,
Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Salt Fever Sores, Chapped
Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only
at Drug store.
The rising generation owes much
to the of the alarm clock.
If vanity were a deadly disease
every undertaker would buy fast
Bedridden, alone and destitute-
Such, in brief was the condition of
an old by the name of J. J.
Havens, Versailles, O. for years
ha-was with Kidney
doctors nor
medicines gave him relief. At
length he tried Electric Bitters.
It put him on his in short
order and now he testifies.
on the road to re
earth Liver
Kidney troubles and all
Stomach Bowel Complaints.
Only Guaranteed by
en's Drug stove.
the- one that- the musicians
nave in
he last nobody
but we do know that it is
under strict law. that law
even results-
living- derangement of
the organs, resulting in
Headache or Liver trouble.
Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly
this. It's gentle, yet
thorough. at
When the last trump sound,
some woman will Gabriel to
wait a minute.
With family amend exporting
him to die. a son riding for
life, miles, to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption
Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown
of endured death's
agonies from asthma; bat this
wonderful medicine gave
relief aid cured him. He
writes. now sleep soundly every
Like cures of
Coughs. Colds and Grip
prove its matchless merit for all
Throat and Lung troubles.
bottles Trial
bottles free at Drug
North Carolina I
Pitt County
To all whom it may
I hereby testify that my wife, Fanny
L. Pearce, and my son,
Leona Pearce, wife my
son, J W. on or about
first of last March were -1-
with a malady resembling in
and when the attacks were on
they would scream and their
were so they nail
to be held by main force. I . ii
and had the services of five physic i
without realizing any benefit v-
I finally sought the
of Dr. H. Moore,
and under his ton puss.
three snakes, two of them were
and one was dead. My wife pa--
several bugs with long snouts to t m.
It me pleasure to announce that
they are all getting well-and the
have disappeared.
J. W.
sworn to before me, Aug. 19th VIM,
H. Harping, J. P.
The above parties-are all white
of good family and well known, i
also have other affidavits in my
session r
my treatment. I all troubles
is heir to. I the
tee, the deaf hear and the lame
as people living here in Greenville
in the county will testify.
medicine and treatment are no- .
bug, but I guarantee a cure s
or take no pay. continue ;
suffer, but try roe convinced.
Greenville, C.
P. O. x
William Fountain, fl. D.,
Physician a ad Surgeon,
Office one door east of post Office,
street Phone
R. L.
Dr. iD James,
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private W ires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
J. W. CO.
Norfolk. Ma. I
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
This department is J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Sept.
the advance of cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall and
winter goods and feel sure that we
can save you money as we bought
bulk of our stock at old prices and
ell the same way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Barber Co.
Stock exchange Cox
Co. have made arrangements to
take the farmer's beef cattle
whether fat or poor, in
for carts,
wire fence allowing a reason-
able price for same. They do this
because of the seeming scarcity et
money, most farmers deeming it
unwise to rush their produce on
the market.
W. J. Wyatt, of Raleigh, after
visiting near here for several days,
left Monday.
cotton to
Winterville where you can have
it ginned at the very rates
and where you receive the
highest pi ice cotton seed
L. L. Kittrell.
Seeing so many loads of wire
fence come out from A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co's., fence factory lately led
us to make some inquiries as to the
cause. We find that they come
from North, Bast, West and South
having read The
that fence was to be had here at a
discount of one third. Every
chaser has proved to him the
-of this statement goes to
tell some one else.
J. B. Green hat returned from
and Mr. Andrews,
who has acting as depot
agent in his place, has returned
to Bethel.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing done. Work
The cancellation of stamps in
the at this place last
Wednesday was over ten dollars.
During the present mouth up to
the close the the
cancellation more than fifty
dollars and for the mouth of
August it was about
How is this for a with
a population of
B. F. Manning Co. says
have had on blue enough. So
they will put on red and get ready
to compete with the price of
If you want some to
compete with the limes, go to see
B. F. Manning Co.
We have spared no time in
our stock and we think we
can suit the most
F. Manning Co.
We are now manufacturing a
wash board out of the old North
Carolina pine, also of gums. These
are the very best kind of wood
that be used. Apply to
Mfg. Co.
The Winterville Mfg. Co.
a specialty of borne shoeing
M e have a nice line hats
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
we think very reasonable and
always glad to serve you and save
your money if possible.
Barber Co.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
B. F. Manning Co., before
their bargains are exhausted.
Laundry basket leaves Monday
6th, and every two weeks
Bring work to my barber
A. Fair,
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
Cox wants your chickens
turkeys. Don't all come at
one time, but engage them ahead.
The drug store has in stock
cheap perfumes, high priced per-
fumes all kinds of perfumes,
talcum tooth powders, tooth,
nail, hair and shoe brushes,
soaps, shoe polish and
He needs quite a lot of them re shoe blacking, pipes, harps, mar
i rubber balls, cigars, chewing
Blade Chapman, from near tobacco, slate and
spent Wednesday night pepper, and
with his brother, R G. Chapman, I fact everything
that you will any well
kept drug store.
Miss Dora Cox has been spend
All kinds of scroll
work done to order by the
ville Mtg. Co. ,
Don't forget that A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co. are still needing black
gum poles any length, over
lOin. at the big end and not under
little one. cents per
foot paid for same.
We would call attention to the
mi the week with Mrs. R. H.
; Hunsucker
Would you like to sweeten your
tooth. If so try some of
fresh penny candies at the drug
G. A. Kittrell Co., have re-
burned a kiln of brick, one
mile from town they offer
fact we have added dry goods to for tale
our line of merchandise and re-
ask the public to call
and Mfg.
Mrs. J. W. Sparks spent Thurs-
day in Greenville.
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. Send your
orders right along get the best
cheroot in the world for the money
and patronize home industries.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Special Constable F. B. Tucker
carried a prisoner to jail day be-
fore yesterday.
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing promptly done. Work
J. I;. Sugg and Maj. Henry
Harding were Thursday.
Taylor will have her millinery
opening Saturday Sept. 26th. The
ladies are all invited to attend. It
Mrs. J. T. Cannon left
day to visit friends in
Ornamental Wire Fencing
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. do not
make ornamental they get
it customers from factory
Can do so short notice. What
secret of a good meal. The I
best flour, pure lard. The best j
baking and fresh butter
on ice. All of them at A. D.
C. Fair W. B. Wingate
attended the funeral over
the remains of the late Hugh
Brooks at Ayden yesterday.
A car load of shingles expected
to arrive in a few days. See us If I
you are in need of G. A.
Kittrell Co.
Mrs. F, O. Cox went Ito Ayden
Thursday and returned Friday.
Jim Green says we can't write
anything that doe- happen.
So different from other
Elder V. M. left
day to fill his regular appointment
at Black Jack far Saturday and
K. C. Southern Express
Route passed through here
Candy, snuff, tobacco, and
cigars at A. D.
Leslie Smith, of Farmville,
came Thursday. A few more
visits and his stay will be more
protracted. W presume
is nicer for a single grave or
tery to be with a neat We have in stock the best line
of this kind complete with j of shoes ever offered here can
poets, gate, There are a fit you in both size price,
great many styles worth different i Bring your family and we will
prices, course. All they want keep this red on, so we will make
is to know about what quantity the shoe squeal before yon get it
you desire and what you are will- j your foot. B. F. Co.
to pay for same. I We are ready to make prices to
Mis-s and Hattie suit the times on all of our goods
to Greenville Friday. On of every kind from a standard
the next trip, perhaps, there will machine needle F.
be others.
Bring us your cotton seed, we
will pay the highest market price,
or give meal G. A.
Kittrell Co.
Mrs. M G. Bryan is visiting
friends near
will be very much to their interest.
Hats, caps, shirts, collars,
etc Cheap at A. D. Johnston.
J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
House town.
Trial Orders for
buggies is a thing of the past.
More than ever are coming,
but the buyer knows
exactly what lie is getting.
is more cool and re-
freshing these hot days a
cold drink prepared by W. L.
Hurst at the drug store soda
fountain. He will give you in a
few moments notice any of the
latest and moat popular cold
J. W. Sparks went down
road Friday on urgent business.
To buy or trade for a
small H. Kittrell.
Use sold by
A. D. Bell,
Grocer, C-
A Full Line of Millinery S
Goods. t
Sniff of
Every man should now allow the
question of Fall Clothes to occupy a
in his mind.
WE ARE to all who
call to buy or to see what's latest in
Men's Wear.
New Fall and Winter beauties in
Suits are being unfolded here every day.
These Suits have been selected from the
best productions of a dozen or more of
There are many new kinks in
Fall styles. Prices are as reasonable as
can be named for high class garments.
We're ready to show you when-
ever you're ready to look, but don't
wait too long.
Greenville Banking
Trust Company,
Capital Stock Paid in
C. T.
Jno. R. Spier,
R. J. Cobb,
R. O.
E. A. Sr.
W. M. Lang,
J. L. Wooten,
Chas. Cobb,
Dr. E. A.
Hosier Screw Door Safe,
Our officers are all bonded.
We carry BURGLAR INSURANCE for your
We will extend you any accommodation con-
with good banking. Call and see us.
K. L.
A. Tyson,
J. L. Little,
Bank of Greenville,
p. G.
Statement of The of Greenville, Greenville, N. C, at the
close of business Sept. 9th, from report to North
Carolina Corporation Commission.
r. r- -r
Loans and Discounts
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks and
Cash Items
Cash in
on Stock paid in
Surplus, 20,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expense Paid 2,756.17
Bills payable,
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best and latest styles always on
the hand. Call and Bee. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drag store.
Careful attention to all business entrusted to as.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
L T If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, Full line of Richmond Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots of Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Cotton
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed hats. Rowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
and Everything cheap j
for Highest price . . ., .
T, L
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars,
e make a specialty of
For Men
Women and
It is conceded that we jive the
Shoes for the money
house in
. i. c
and styles in A
Hate trimmed to or- H
i v. s-
T. Proprietor,
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite prompt
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
feed stuffs. We solicit a share of your patronage- Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
W. G. administrator of II. deceased.
to notify the public that he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said K. II. at his death, and is offer
them to the public regardless of cost. The stock consists-
of a. lull line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
HATS, CAPS, hardware and groceries, all fresh and
nice W. G. is also agent of the Tailors Mfg
Co. All suits made to order to tit individual. Your meas-1
is taken and a good tit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than tailors charge.
If you want bargains come early to
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
E stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods, 5-g
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N.
i ,. i . . . i
.; . t, , i. .
it it, no always skin
We a K
Are to Indigestion, Ninety-nine
of everyone people who have
trouble c n remember when II
simple I in,
U ; , i. .; o heart dis-
ease, nut organic are only trace-
able to. but are the direct result
Indigestion. Ail food taken into
stomach which fails of perfect
ferments and swells the stomach,
it against the heart. This
with the action of the heart,
and In course of time delicate
but vital organ becomes diseased.
Digests What You Eat
Mrs. Nichols of N. Y
After eating, my food would distress
me by making my heart palpitate I would
become very weak. I got a of
and It gave me Immediate After
a few bottles I am cured.
and all stomach disorders, and gives
the a full, and
Bottles only. holding
the trial which sells for
. . . .
W. m.
Oilers vim selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found In Carolina.
S line of Dress Ti mating tor Ladies.
full lint Shoes men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars Cull's for Men Ladies.
j Dainty things for any meal sold
I at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on. hand.
Johnston Bros.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats
Hardware, Farm Implements Harness. Joe Cream Freezers
Two warehouses full Hour, corn, oats, hay
Our store will be closed Tuesday and Wed-
22nd and 23rd, n account of
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of i v and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric
offices and shops, Mount,
N. C, ml O
For prices and designs- address
. Mount Office.
Branch of the Batter n Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
all goods.
Merchant and
M- e-
Always carries a complete
stock of
General Merchandise.
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
o a
a. e
cs is f i,
c f o
d E s p
g T
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
The Charming Black Eyed Baby Girls
of Japan.
A recent book on the children of
countries baby
Japanese girl is the most delightful
creature you can possibly imagine, a
radiant, happy, beautiful butterfly.
She is rarely known to cry, for she
is rarely slapped. What mother
could haTe the heart to touch so
dainty a blossom as the child flower
of this land of flowers The baby
girl loves fun, she loves toys, sweets
end tea in little cups, she loves to
smoke, with a funny pipe made of
brass and kept in her and,
above all, she loves her big round
headed doll. She is wonderfully
playful and gentle, this child,
ways ideally always self
possessed. She has the loveliest
mouth and teeth and twinkling
black eyes, and she knows it too.
The smallest Japanese wants to be
beautiful. Each baby has her
lacquer box of rouge and powder.
She is like some wonderful fantastic
tropical blossom, some dear little
dragon fly. And her
black it is, with blue lights, and
shining where it is stiffened and
gummed in loops and bands till it
to reflect the gold lacquer and
coral tipped pins that bristle round
her head Great competition goes
on between girls as to whose hair
hall be most becomingly arranged,
whose the smoothest and most
glossy, whose girdle shall be the
most gracefully tied and whose dress
hall possess the most harmonious
When Queen Victoria Was a Child.
Among the stories told of
the childhood of Queen Victoria is
one of a visit made with her mother
at House in Yorkshire.
While there the delighted
in running about by herself in the
gardens and shrubberies.
One wet morning after her
arrival the old gardener, who did
not then know her, saw her about
to descend a treacherous bit of
ground from the terrace and called
careful, miss; it's a
Yorkshire word for slippery.
ever princes, turn-
her head, asked, f
and at the same instant her feet
flew from under her and she came
The old gardener ran to lift her,
saying as he did so,
miss. Youth's Companion.
carriage a radius of thirty
miles at a varied speed of from one
to seven miles per hour. In every
detail the automobile, small as it is,
is a perfect reproduction of the large
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk,
wagons and one ox cart.
is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Medicines Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
This is
No Joke
It serious. When need Medicine you need it
quickly, and the best obtainable.
are ever permitted to enter our store. We have a full
line of all well known and thoroughly reliable medicines.
Sufferers can find here such cures as will meet their par-
ailment. Our prices, like our goods, are popular.
The Game of Buzz.
A number of children stand up in
a row, and the first one begins to
count one, then the next one
two, and so on. When the person
gets to seven instead of saying
en he is to buzz, and so on every
seventh number or number having
in it a seven instead of saying the
number must buzz.
Just as soon as any one misses he
must get out of the game, and the
one that stands up the longest wins.
The Youngest Chauffeur.
A glance at the accompanying
cut will serve to convince the most
skeptical that age and mechanical
skill are not necessary to success-
fully manipulate a power driven
Master Hubert Ogden was born
Aug. 1899, and has up to the
present time confined most of his
automobiling tours to the public
streets and suburban roadways of
Columbus, Ind., at which place his
father, Mr. Ogden, is manager
Willie, the
Willie was planting some
in the garden, and his lister came
out to watch him. She noticed that
he was patting them far down into
the soil and asked him why he was
planting them so deep.
I will not have to get pole.-
for he explained. Little
Charley Adams, a Carthage
colored man, having had the last
of his teeth extracted, has con-
to get him a set of false ones.
It makes his gums chatter to think
of it, though. dreads to dent
false he has confided to a
friend. afraid I'll it some
dead man's in my head, and den
ghost me. I
false teeth and I ain't
to sleep in tie room
When I goes to bed I'll drown
in water and sit in some
The Pope's Nickel Watch.
Don will of course be the
music maker of Phil X. and is mean-
time loud in praise of his friend,
telling how Pius X. has only a nick-
el watch, having sold, for purposes
of charity, a gold one given to him
on the Adriatic. We Bay sold, but
Don says
tiffs have been famous
but here is one who enters the Vat-
to the sound of human but dis-
interested about an
London Chronicle.
of the Western Union Telegraph
company and to whose mechanical
the building of the clever little
vehicle shown herewith is due. The
vehicle is driven by a one and one-
fourth horse power gasoline motor
placed in front. The fuel tank, lo-
under the seat, is of one-half
which lit-
Muscles aching, bones breaking, strength
failing. That's Malaria The remedy
Malaria and Ague Cure.
Price, CU.
Washing Away the World.
An interesting calculation has
been made public by the
Academy of It is to the
effect that, taking into
the wear and tear on the solid
land by the ocean lushing, river
and wind and weather, the
world will by end of the year
be completely washed
away, and I lie ocean will roll over
the foundations of our great
Germans have placed on the
island of in the North
sea, a unique light, the greatest in
the world, which has for its base the
parabolic mirror of S Ev-
five seconds it flashes a light of
candle power over the
whole horizon to a distance of
miles during one-tenth of a
Parham and Parham
Tobacco is Selling for Better Prices.
New Ware House is one of the largest and best lighted
houses in the state for the sale of leaf tobacco.
In our business we have competent assistants, first-class service
and good
By strict attention to business entrusted to us, and straight-forward
honest dealing with hope to merit a share of your patronage.

Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
Greenville N. C.
Dear As your business is to
get people into out of trouble,
, suppose you consider their paint;
it makes almost as much
as money, except of course
They buy poor a good deal;
they mean to; they
I know any better; they buy without
thinking. Bad isn't good.
I It looks good-enough a year;
to get rusty; but
changes so slowly, one notice
all. The business
of paint is to keep a house dry in-
side, the wood iron of it; keep
it from rot ting rusting. Takes
good to do it.
Good bad are sold at
or about that. One can't
go by the price at all; as with law-
yen, the price has nothing to do
with goodness or badness,
are worse yet, the painter
land come-in share.
But the is that a
man, who will come-
out top.
Our Grand
Fall Opening
Has Been Postponed
Yours truly,
P. W.
P. H. L. Carr sells our
The hardest thing in the world
is to make an engaged girl under-
stand everybody is not dying with
j envy of her.
Even a girl gels to be a
grand mother it is next to
lot her to herself
j hat men aren't trying to flirt with
White have for sale
a a white Plymouth Rock pullets
f cockerels, pure breed and
strong, healthy birds.
D. J.
We are Still Leading
In fine Dress Goods, Trimmings and women's
Clothing wants generally. To a great extent
our is built, on this particular line
of goods, and we are very careful to keep up
the standard. One of our leading lines just
now is a full stock of beautiful
Shirtwaist Patterns
newest and most stylish that money con
buy, yet they are easily within your reach.
It's the duty of every woman, young or old,
to make herself as attractive as possible.
Clothes do not make the woman, but they
often make her is, the clothes
we sell, will be pleased to show you.
N v Corned Mullets at M.
Wood's Seeds
Farmers and Gardener de-
sire the latest and fullest,
Vegetable and Farm Seeds
On account of unfavorable weather
conditions. Remember the date,
Thursday, Sept. 24th
Trusting to have you with us on this date, we are,
Very truly yours,
ill I
The Home of Women's Fashions.
should write for Wood's New
Fall It tells all about
the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab-
u-14- and other Vegetable crops
are proving so profitable to
southern growers. Also about
Clover, Vetches,
Grasses and Covers,
Seed Oats, Wheat,
Rye, Barley, etc.
Wood's New Fall mailed
on request. Write for it.
Richmond, Va.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
market is a Little Better and the Reliable is always Good.
is not satisfied to do as well for the farmer as any
warehouse, but its motto is to do a little better.
We are noted for high prices. You have heard tho old
saying about proof of the Just bring
us your tobacco we will show you the proof in high
Flour 1st pat.
Family Flour straight
j bushel
round per lb
i Oats lbs per bushel
I have just returned from the
market, and have a line of beautiful
Dress Goods
Coming daily. Will announce open-
day later.
Jas. F. Davenport
New White Front.
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious-
Pills act directly on the liver.
For years they have been
the Standard Family Pill.
Small doses cure.
Want your r
or rich bU.-k Then use
We promptly U. a. end
Bend model, or photo
on For fr book.
II S It t
. i.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Several Criminal Cases Disposed
Of Up to Date.
The following cases the
docket were disposed of up to
noon today.
Luther Jones, in two cases, fail-
to list taxes, pleads guilty,
judgment suspended payment
cost and taxes.
Hoyt failing to list
taxes, pleads guilty, judgment sub
payment of costs and
Johnnie Cox, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended on payment of costs.
assault with
Southern Railway Still
Norfolk, Va., Sept. Two
heavy Southern railway
trains collided at station,
about miles from Portsmouth,
this morning. The cars were
destroyed by fire.
Richard Carrington, of Selma, N.
C , St. Vincent's hospital here,
badly injured. The others the
This Brute Has a New
Way to Abuse His Wife.
Norfolk, Va. Sept.
day the wife was
one of the penitents the
services at a revival
i meeting at Smith's chapel, in
, , menu's -t
train crews jumped escaped,
. r J N. Hefner ob-
with exception of M, ,
. . u j to his and entering the
colored T
in the wreck and cremated.
University Letter.
j church I he presence of a large
pulled his wife from
and dragged her
I He was arrested.
deadly weapon, guilty, j breaker in number attending
One week ago today the
session of the University opened.
It is too early yet to say whether
or not is to lie I he record Rector of Calvary Parish, Tarboro. Weds
Another Robbery.
Durham, N. C. Sept.
at University
miles west of Durham, was robbed
early tonight. The tore in con-
with the con-
ducted by O. Craig, was also
j robbed. The amount stolen was
in cash checks
gating The checks were
all made out to the Southern rail
had been cashed
by Mr. Craig during the day. The
robbery was committed while a
shifting engine was moving eats
was discovered when Mr.
Craig returned to the store.
judgment suspended on payment of
Sam Mayo, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended on payment of costs.
John W. Hall, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
Houston, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and
Richard Harris, abandon meat,
pleads guilty, judgment left open.
Louis Peyton, currying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads guilty,
suspended upon payment of
James Jones, affray, guilty,
judgment suspended upon
of costs.
Every day continues to swell
toward tan high water
a Lovely Baltimore Girl.
The Baltimore Sun of last Thurs-
day has the
Miss Annie Estelle Cotton,
Last year the total
exclusive of the Summer school
was the enrollment
for the present term had daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
the first week Gotten, 1302 Linden Ave-
i to Rev-
Notwithstanding the opposition
I Frederick Harding, of
to state education here and North Carolina, former curate of
the fierce rivalry of some other ace Protestant Episcopal church
institution, the people at large
have great faith this old The place at He-
honored institution that has sent Protestant
out so many worthy men to all the the chancel of which was
honored walks of lite and they are with white asters. The ceremony
sending their boys here to lie was performed by Bey. Nathaniel
trained for the battle. Harding, of the groom, as-
Let us nope that every William M. Dame,
Considered a Good Point For
the Defense.
German Ship at Wilmington.
Lexington, s. c, Sept.
The court which is to try James
H. who while lieutenant
governor of South killed
N. F. editor of the State
newspaper, January 18th, opened
here today. Judge Corey, who is
presiding, late set
next Monday as the time for the
trial to begin. It Is supposed that
this is a point in favor of the
defense, as they were afraid of the
jury for this week-
Latest styles shirt-waists and
Wilmington, N. C, Sept. skirt patterns at Mrs. L. Griffin's.
The snip of war r
will visit at an early
day, the German hen,
Mr. George L. so
notified the business s
The. lands of the late Eli
sold for division at
, auction before the court
of the city. The ship will be given . .
a royal
will go back stronger of the church. The wed-
Coley, failing to list j in all that goes to make a from was
taxes, pleads judgment bus- man than when the ceremony by
upon payment of costs and
Mayor's Court.
Mayor H. W. W bed bee has dis-
posed of the cases in his
court last
Will Burton, drunk dis
orderly and assault, sentenced
days jail
Will drunk and down,
fined and costs,
Sam Coward, drunk and
fined and costs
Will Burton, perjury,
over to Superior court.
the whole. parcels
bringing nearly The
lands embraced several town lots in
Farmville and a number of farms
in that vicinity. All brought
good prices.
New fall dress patterns at Mrs.
L Griffin's.
Morse Died of Wounds.
j lined l ousts,
David drunk a ii down,
lined penny 92.21.
Richard Williams, drunk I
and down fin-d and costs. 93.20.
William Williams, drunk
The readers K members of St. Guild, of
will be interested to know that, j which the bride is a
William Mount, failing to list up her record ;
taxes, number of The entered her
payment and young men to at father, by whom she was
; the state university. Twelve, She wore a trained gown
David Ward and i is the number this year up liberty silk, combined
Affray, Ward fined and t of are j ., and I
costs, held fined costs. Greenville, Andrew J. carried bride's roses. The maid
Moses Dixon, carrying concealed j J. Moore, J. honor was Miss Boyd, of
weapon, pleads guilty. James and Harry Skinner; three Virginia, wile wore a own of pale
grand jury Mo. day after- J. C Carson, John blue organdy over silk, and ear
noon found a true bill for ,,, T j of while
Killing ,, K j ;. y. The groom was attended he. I
j Cannon, one I. man by Mr. John if army
S. Chapman, and one Hie n water
,,, J. Tyson. , Frank Rev. Norfolk, , a. Roan fort Inlet,
James Harrington, cruelty to- But largo not Page Dame, Mr. u. the
mistrial. l have sen about the B. Gotten but will i-e with-
Bill Claude thin week. There is Cot I en. Mr and Mrs. until con-
James Moore and J. it. Moore, pM- and Hauling left alter I
that Sheriff
Tucker drove in the country
one night last week, and wan badly
in a collision with
Sam Little, assault with deadly vehicle while the driver was on
Weapon, bound over to Hit parlor j his way back to town, died last
court. The horse belonged to Mr.
Henry Hardy, drunk ind down, a. Mooring and a valuable
Pretty patterns for
Mrs. Griffin's,
children at
Result of Railroad Election.
Elections were held Tuesday
towns of Greenville and
and in Beaver Dam
Washington, Sept. re Farmville townships, on the
officers of the for second
down, lined and costs,
The Inland Route.
It he
Sam animals,
the mortgage bonds of the
between railroad.
affray, not guilty. everywhere, prevailing. The rowdy wedding for the after which
and Sarah they will visit the groom's
fornication adultery, not I wanted more khan that be I in Washington, N. G. They
will not be tolerated, be will have will reside at Tarboro, N.
Williams, assault, not
George R
Clark, with dead- bis life or leave the
weapon, not guilty university. President
Jones, concealed made this plain in
weapon, pleads guilty, fined US his address lo the on Friday.
. Another thing that pleased me
and costs.
was the large attendance id the
I boys at all the churches Sunday.
i Hi iOn afternoon at the Y. M.
, C. A. meeting at G Hall, ad-
an adultery,. . . ,
, . . . . dressed by President
not guilty. I J
r, i. i- . i- . i others, there was the largest at-
Henry Dudley, failing to lists
, , . J have ever seen at such
taxes, pleads guilty, judgment ,
, , , a meeting here. Strong men, good
suspended upon payment of costs . ,
, . men, true men are at the helm,
and taxes.
and the University will make the
voyage of 1903-4 with safety and
Permit me in to say I
am delighted to that Green ville
is to have a real live graded school.
It takes make a for Now close
think his loss a widow , u you will have
done much to secure a good citizen-
for Um future.
A woman always has an idea
that if she has more of income
she could save more.
to make bias forget it.
Chorus goes a
hurt V it
where Mr. Harding has recently
accepted a call to the of
Calvary parish.
Marriage Licenses.
Last week Register of Deeds R,
Williams issued license to the fol-
A. P. Hill Bettie
W, H. Bertha K.
Charles Tripp and Annie
John Bertha Moore.
John Sessoms and Sugg.
ST. M.
A girl gets as excited over
on a honey moon as a does
going to the races.
It is simply astonishing how
uncomfortable a be
a girl will get la it with yon.
over by Hie engineers. The
most feasible economical route,
finally was decided upon,
through Very shallow water
swamp region. It is understood
that I lie distance covered by the
way is nineteen miles and that
estimated cost is
careful of the
matter the engineers recommend
the construction the canal at
It is said that the
engineers have in mind a method
whereby the proposed waterway
may be shortened. The subject of
lock- was gone into and while it
may be necessary to employ them
in some the officers were
influenced in their decision re-
the route selected by the
it obviates the necessity
an extensive lock Construction.
Ward l; B B
In Grimesland voles were reg-
were cast for the sub-
and it.
In Beaver Dam township
votes were registered, were cast
for subscription and against.
In Farmville township votes
were registered, were cast for
subscription against.
So Greenville votes for the sub-
by majority, Grimes-
land by majority, Farmville by
majority, while Beaver Dam votes
it by majority.
Politeness is that precious wreath
of lovely flowers which adorns a
perfect gentleman.
The hammer of custom forges
those links of habit which make a
that is hard Indeed break.
Blows are not always exchanged
you strike acquaintance.
Strange but true that hurry
makes worry, haste makes
Armor plates are probably the
best on which to serve hot cannon

Eastern reflector, 22 September 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 22, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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