Eastern reflector, 4 September 1903

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Two Dickinson Avenue
Just before o'clock Sunday
morning lire started the kitchen
to the building on Dickinson ave-
occupied by Mr. J. T. A brains
as a boarding house. Mr. Abrams
Bays he was awakened by a noise
caused by something fulling. His
room was full smoke and look-
out he saw the kitchen was on
tire. The boarders in the Louse
were awakened and the alarm
The lire had made good head-
when discovered and burned
so rapidly it could not be stopped.
There was lime to save only a
of the content of the lower
floor, and everything up shuts was
lost. Some of the boarders lost
everything they had, only having
time to put on a clothes.
a short while the flames
spread to the of Mr. S.
B. Wilson, was only a few-
feet and was also
destroyed. The crowd that had
gathered in the meantime succeed-
ed in letting all the furniture out
this building.
The residence of C. A.
White on one side and of Dr.
Ernul on the other, narrowly;
escaped. A wood house on
White's Sparks
fell the roof of the old Corey
building, further the avenue,
set it on lire but it was easily
put out.
The total is about
Mr. had insurance
on his furniture.
United Warship Needed Within
Easy Range.
Washington, Aug.
state department today received a
cablegram from Minister
in which he stated advices from
the American consults at
and Beirut were to the effect that
while the Americans those
places are of suffering
from an uprising at any time the
situation was not at the time of
sending the dispatches as grave as
earlier reports would indicate. Mr.
has been instructed to
notify the government
that it most keep the peace, and
that it will be held to a strict ac-
countability for any lawless act-
toward citizens.
The navy department has re
a cablegram from Rear Ad-
Cotton saying that the
Brooklyn and Ban Francisco will
sail from Genoa for Beirut
They have been delayed by coaling.
The order for them to proceed to
Beirut has not been changed.
Died Prom Mosquito Bite.
Durham, N. August
William a young white
man, died at his home a few miles
from this city Saturday night,
his death being caused by blood
poison brought on by the bite of
a mosquito. It was two weeks
ago Saturday that the Insect bit
Mr. Strayhorn the little finger.
In a short while the ringer in-
flamed and blood poison develop
Physicians derided to
late his in but in
his condition became such that
afraid to attempt the
Young Man Kills His Sweetheart
and Himself.
Richmond, Vi., Aug.
Herbert B. Bates, son of assistant
city engineer, shot and killed
Miss Gentry at the young
lady's in this city this morn-
and then killed himself.
Bates was madly in love with the
young woman, and it is believed
that it was because of her refusal
of his proposal of marriage that
the tragedy resulted. Bates ac-
companied Miss Gentry and a lady
friend to last evening re-
apparently in the best of
.-pints. He left his home, a Short
distance from that of Miss Gentry
at o'clock this morning and went
down town, secured a pistol and
came back to the borne of his
sweetheart. He van into
the parlor at o'clock two
shots were heard. Members of the
family rushed to the rooms, the
place being tilled with smoke.
was dead, the
bullet having entered the right
temple and Bates was in the throes
of death. He lived three minutes.
Miss Gentry was a music teacher
and very pretty and popular
Bates was note clerk in the First
National Bank and was an
in every respect.
Proposal to Lease A. N. C.
Raleigh, N. C., Sept
meeting of the president and
rectors of the Atlantic North
Carolina railroad and the members
owned by the family
and was for Mr.
Wilson had insurance on
his dwelling but none on furniture.
operation. He lingered until Sat
night and died in agony.
Defends Herself With Carving
N. C,
Douglas colored, entered
the room of a woman
. ., . named In West Win-
of of state is being . .
. .- . , . . . at one o clock this morning,
held today the governor's CT ,. n i , .
. ,. i He refused to tell his name the
to consider a proposition t . ,.;,,,., .
. . woman picked up a big carving
lease the road for a term of years .,. .,,, .
r . Knife disemboweled him.
to W, W. Mills, H L.
and parties associated with them.
No official details of the
have yet been made public.
though advocates of the lease claim
it will amount to putting the
stock on per emit, basis at
It is understood that one
Stipulated in the proposed
lease is that tin- lessen shall
at once BO miles of
road west
man ran a block before he
fell. He died today. The
woman was arrested but Mayor
Eaton says he will release her if
evidence is not produced showing
she was not justified as-
Six Convicted.
Danville, III., Aug.
Consumption Cured by Excitement Over I jury in the case of the eight men
the Killing of a Deer. I for participation
The cure of Miss
daughter of diaries Merrill,
this city, who was afflicted with l
consumption is the most remark-
ill. and
in the
riots of when the jail was
attacked and a lynched,
brought in m verdict at mid-night
finding all the accused ex-
dies. The latter is only years
old. The jury had th case under
consideration since noon on
able on record. Miss Met rill's
brother died of consumption. She
became ill of the same disease and i
was advised to go to the
and live in the open air. She
did so, but the improvement, Quarantines Against Monterey.
any, was so slight that she became Laredo, Tex., Aug. The
discouraged, so dispirited sod continuous and repeated reports
downhearted th her physician of yellow fever at Monterey, which
An Old Time Sunday Law.
O. L. found;
an interesting document among the j
old house papers, and gives I
it to Tin- Observer the benefit
of its readers. It is n license for
the of an ordinary or inn
and is as
Too Much Like a Goat.
Washington, C, Sept.
The civil service today
decided that a constant diet of
glass, tacks, brass, watch chains,
soap, collar buttons, wire
nails, china and belt buck-
tenders a man unlit to hold a
government position, and added
that a man named Lee W. Wright,
known as the
be dropped from the
list of the commission. The
decision was reached only after
lengthy consideration of the facts.
Murderer Captured.
Charlotte, X. .
Nathan Spring, who is wanted
for complicity murder
Robert and a for
whom was issued on the strength
of a made Andy
Wallace Saturday, was
ed by the police I his
The entire gang charged with two
was in despair.
One day she was induced to go
out a bunting party. While
on this trip she shot and killed a
deer. Her joy was intense
for weeks she was in a high slate
I have caused much along
the border, were today ,
and as a result the Federal
state authorities have established
a rigid quarantine. The author-
at Laredo, Mexico,
Know all men by
we, Abraham Roach and Ed
ward are held is now in jail,
bound unto chairman of are
court, in of one
hundred pounds, current money I Brutal Assault,
to be paid to the chairman j
for time-being. To the which j
payment well truly to be made, I
we hind, our
and jointly
Asheville, X. Aug.
rope cm-e under circumstances
this afternoon from
by I
of excitement. She sent the car- also haw a quarantine
home to lie sold infected points.
for the benefit of her church. An
entire change came over her. She
became happy hopeful, and
her recovery, though slow, was
Today Mr. received
word from her doctor that she
entirely cured.
He said her cure was really
to the joy excitement, and
healthy stimulus caused by her
killing the deer last autumn. Her
lungs began to heal immediately.
As evidence of her returned
health and strength, he said, she
had just returned from a tramp
miles with a party through the
Adirondack, during which she
slept out of under her canoe
at night without the lightest
Died of His Wounds.
N. Aug.
Darden, the young
who was brought to the Pitt-
man hospital from Scotland
a few days ago, to be operated on
for wounds received from the
dental discharge of a gun while
hunting, died this morning at
o'clock. The remains were taken
to Scotland Neck for interment.
Proposition to Swap Crews Race.
London, Aug. cable dis-
patch was sent to Sir Thomas Lip-
ton today offering to guarantee the
expenses if he will arrange for a
aeries of five races between the Re-
of Kingston, the Shamrock with
K. Y., Dispatch. I their exchanged.
Pealed with our dated I
this day of January,
Domini 1795.
The condition of the ob-
ligation is That whereas
the above bound Abraham Roach
hath obtained a license to keep an
ordinary at Charlotte, in the
county of Mecklenburg, if there-
fore the Abraham Roach doth
find and provide in
ordinary, good, and
cleanly lodging and diet for travel-
fodder, hay,
com, oats, or as the
require for their
for during the term of one
year, or to the court of county
next from twenty-
ninth day of January, 1795,
not or permit, any
lawful gaming in nor on the
Sabbath d y any perform
to tipple or any more than
is then this obligation
to be void to remain in
force and virtue.
Signed sealed and delivered in
the Isaac Alexander.
Abraham Roach,
Charlotte Observer.
was reported
part of I county. Mr.
laud Mrs. Lee Williams
distance from their
home, and dining their absence
John a young painter.
attempted to criminally assault
their 0-year-old daughter. Two
men happened to be near at-
by the child's cries took
into custody. He was
later brought here committed i
to jail without bail to await the
next term of court.
A Costly Race
The bills which Sir Thomas Lip-
ton has doubtless paid by
time on account of his latest effort
to lilt the America's cup foot up
to an enormous total. Each of his
races has cost him half a
million dollars but this one will
leave him nearly three quarters of
a million dollars poorer.
It is no light matter to build a
racing yacht and man and equip
it in the most fashion-
The mere construction of Shamrock
III, before she was with sails
or any other equipment, cost
The sails alone cost 1100.000
and the rigging spars nearly
Sir expenses on account
of the race, according to an
rate estimate, were
Building Shamrock III
Five suits of 120.000 a
Spars, rigging and minor
Wages for six of
officers and crew n the
two Shamrocks, the
and auxiliary boats
Kilting Shu in lock II
Maintenance of crew
Dry deck charges, etc
Tug Cruiser bought to act
as tender
Barge and houseboat on
which guest of Sir Thom-
as are entertained
Miscellaneous expenses, en-
A Haul a Journal.
The New Warehouse Begins Business.
The new Brick ware-
house, just built by Brinkley
Hooker, had its opening sale to-
day with something near
pounds to offer.
This warehouse, which is the
only one here built of bricks is
by feet in size and one of the
best state. The working
force is made up as
Brinkley Hooker, proprietors.
W, T. Burton, auctioneer.
W. N. bookkeeper.
W. L. Hall and R. C. Cox as-
W. H. Hackney, floor
Reported for the Reflector.
An enjoyable
was given Tuesday evening by
Mrs. l. K. complimentary
to her guests, Misses Lora Ferrell,
of Winston, Daisy Jones Rosa
Turner of Durham. Those
were as
Miss Lora Far re with Fred
Forbes, Miss Daisy Jones with
Jack White, Miss Rosa
with Frank Skinner, Miss me
Winslow with Will Hooker,
Mary Winslow with Harry Skin-
Jr., Miss Margaret Skinner
with Jack Miss Allen
with Andrew Moore, Miss Alice
Blow with Charlie James, Miss
Irma Cobb with Tom Moore, Miss
Lena Matthews with Home.
It has never been decided which,
city of the world is the most de-
to live in, but action
of has made it
is the most de-
not to live in. Atlanta,

Parham and Parham
Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
A large part of the floor
space will be ready for the
opening sale.
The building will be com-
in a short time.
We read with great interest the
communication in Friday's Re-
by Farmville
dent in regard to bond election to
build the railroad. We had
posed to write something along this
line, but the communication refer-
red to above so completely covers
the ground of argument, that we
will only say that if a good and
sufficient guarantee caches this
place before September then
we will vote for bonds, and if the
Sell your Tobacco guarantee is not forthcoming the
bond proposition will be defeated.
The protracted meeting in the
Disciple church continued through
Competent assistants.
Class Service.
New Mouse and Fixtures. I
Last and always at Par-
ham Ware-
Grimesland, N. C.
Headquarter for Clothing, Dry Goods,
Notions, Furnishings,
Hardware, Groceries.
summer goods be-
at half price.
Special prices OS
hats caps and and all rib-
laces and millinery goods.
Wanted a thousand dozen eggs
at per dozen.
Car load chickens from cents
Best Timothy hay at lowest
Cheapest place for fruit jars.
Ice always hand, especially
hot days.
Bring all of country pro-
duce and try W. M. Moore Co.
fur highest prices.
Moore and Scott Galloway
will please you.
Sell with us and we will do our best to please you.
Your friends,
last week with services every night
except Saturday night.
Rev. Mr. Tingle returned to
i home in Saturday and C. JONES,
turned to this place yesterday -r
; hold services at o'clock a. Physician
and T o'clock p. m. Surgeon,
Rev. Mr. and
went back to Greenville Saturday
, i Complete Stock
morning. Mr. Powell preached
every night while he was here.
He and his excellent wife charmed
our people and we must say that
all were by their visit
and work here. Mr. Powell will
return week and further pro-
tract the meeting.
Mrs. T. It. Moore, of Greenville,
came in this morning to visit
sister, Mrs. W. M. Moore.
Miss Moore is on the
sick list today. She intended to
The genuine is always better than
j a counterfeit, but the truth of this
i statement is never more
I realized or more thoroughly j go to Raleigh today to the
j than when you compare Baptist Female University.
the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve with the many
and am H that are
on the market Ledbetter,
will go in a day or two, or as soon
as sir well enough.
E. Tool
fucker last
If you are thirsty can't over-look our
Sod a, Water The soda water con-
daily from, our fountain during hot
in enormous. The quantity sold is
proof positive of its popularity. favorite
kind is here, because we nave all hinds.
Many homes are mere lonely abodes
because no children are there. Barrenness ex-
in almost every case because female diseases
have paralyzed the organs of womanhood.
Wine of imparts health and strength to the diseased part
and makes motherhood possible in thousands of cases where barrenness
Go a bottle of Wine of
of Wine of will bring happiness to your home.
strong and healthy.
The use
In cases requiring special directions, address, giving
symptoms, Advisory Department,
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Colo., Feb.
Wine of is worth its weight in gold. It does more than
Bryant, Va., Feb.
daughter-in-law, Lizzie Giles, found great benefit in Wine of
a miscarriage in March 1901. before using your med-
Mm She was in very bad health, so I persuaded her to try, Wine of
she has had a fine boy. Soon he will be three
a K tiS baby by your
She highly appreciate.
week with her sister, Mrs. W.
using numerous remedies Galloway.
without one of De Ward returned
Mind, Weeding,
and protruding piles no rein- visit to her sister, Mrs. C. M.
is equal to DeWitt's Witch i Jones.
Hazel Salve. Sold by Jno. L. Mr. Wooten was here today
soliciting subscriptions to the ant
trust tobacco company of Green-
Wise is the man who
write a truthful story of his life.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
J. Proctor Bros.
If you want lumber to build a house,
to no in it, and
dry-goods far your family, provisions,
fop your table, or for
your farm, we supply, needs.
We manufacture
I do general repairing carts.
u wagons. t us for
ville. He had a long list of sub- sell the host trucks, also.
seemed to
trouble in getting subscriptions, thing you
He-is an actives capable man and
will succeed in bis share
work. He went this place to
Persons suffering from indigestion,
dyspepsia or other t d
will that Dyspepsia I J
Cure digests what you eat be will make good report at
makes the stomach sweet. This j next meeting.
remedy is a never failing cure for
Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all
complaints affecting the glands or
membranes of the stomach or
Montana produced vein
pounds of wool valued no
I met. When you take cents a pound, the whole wort
Dyspepsia Ours everything The sheep from
you eat tastes good, and woo
of the nutriment that your food
contains is assimilated and worth of mutton, i M
by the blood tissues.
Sold L. Wooten.
A man's knowledge is to little or
no purpose unless he utilizes it.
there are many people who would
rather raise dogs than sheep.
A base hit in time may save the
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
at Clothing, Dry Goods,, No.-
Shoes, Hats,
and Hardware can lie found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, to
wear, or some for the
house or farm, you van be
supplied. Highest paid
for cotton, country produce
Or anything the fawner sells.
If you ever took DeWitt's Little
Early for or
constipation you know what a In a MoTE Jr.
purgative pleasure is. These
famous little pills cleanse the liver
and rid the system of all bile with-
out producing unpleasant effects.
They do not gripe, sicken or
weaken, but give tone and strength
to t he tissues and organs involved.
W. Howell of Houston, Tex.
, says better pill can be used
than Little Early Risers for
sick headache
Sold by John L. Wooten.
The pawnbroker doesn't have to
shut up as long as people will put
up with him.
D. K. A. Sr.,
DIRECTORS; D. Gardner, W. H. E. A.
We manufacture the beat buggies on this market. We BID
ploy none but skilled workmen. We in stock a full
line of Harness first Wagons.
Call and examine our k.
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House,
R. F. JOHNSON, Manager.
Hay, Corn, Lime, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Depository for
Public School Books
Agents for
Royal Blue Shoes.
Ayden, N. C, Sept. 1903.
Mrs. who has
been visiting friends and relatives
in Greene returned home
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Would You Live a Century.
Every so the story goes,
carries with her signs which to
the experienced tell whether she
will live long. Here are some of;, M SCHULTZ.
the supposed signs of
The even must be round , , .
., ,. , ; pat.
wide rather than long and narrow, Family Flour-straight
and if they are brown or hazel life i bushel
. . ., , round per
will he longer than if they were ham
black or violet sides
., , shoulders
The necks inn t be full and; pork
pillar-like, rather than slender. j Lard .
,. , , , , lbs per bushel
he brow must be ample and
slope back slightly from an
i . J . . , Potatoes- sweet
lute perpendicular, head
must be wide behind over the
Hens- per head
A. P. of Ballards ears.
Cross Roads, spent Sunday in The mouth must be full and well lb
The nose must be wide and full
.,.,, , Hides r lb.
through its whole length, and green per lb
town. j set, and the chin firm. Geese
B. F.
who has been in Winter-
ville for some home have open, easily dilating nostrils.
Monday and has again pitched his This indicates a heart and Hay
tent. Me
Miss Alice Hodges, of If the of the ear is low,
and Discounts. 14,110.45
Furniture and Fixtures. 802.84
Paid. 110.00
Due from banks 11,0118.00
Cash. .
who baa been visiting at It. O. denoting a deeply seated brain, North In Superior Court.
to her home is a better chance of long Pitt County, i
John K. Hughes
i J. F.
The woman who appears taller against
E. M. originally of
and the
Capital f Jg. C. Monday i when sitting down
Notice and
you bought it from NINES it's all
j g . has an operation
Live and
Let Live
to all.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Groceries, Hardware.
Always go to the
for your drugs. carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries.
stationery and toilet articles.
a bottle of for constipation.
vice carts. It you not I will return
M. SAULS, Ph. G.
Pharmacist. Ayden, N. C.
J. R. Smith Bro.
Quality is ever the consideration in this store,
that is the only basis for values that the
of customers continuance of successful business.
General Dry Goods, Millinery, Furniture,
hardware, Groceries, Etc.,
is probably extensive in town, and our juices are
ways carry a of suck us
Hay, Corn, Oats, etc. Let as serve J. It. Smith
Kane are large. court, from affidavit
n-,. i . c ii mission of counsel made in Open
The pulse should beat with full ,.,. R. Moot-
normal stroke. Limbs man Tobacco Company la a
i s. . . i . , i lion resident of this slate.
for appendicitis. A wire message be large and well property within the state
formed, the neither too hard that it is a proper to this action.
. it is ordered the said Hancock
nor too Tobacco Company be made
Those who resemble their moth- party defendant to this action accord-
. . , law. and that service f the
may to live longest, and by publication In the
Monday he
dangerously ill and growing weak-
We trust he may vet recover.
Miss Fannie Cherry, of Kinston,
this morning to visit at
the home of C.
the find born is
children. P r example, a
Kev. Mr. Griffith, of ten years before
conducted services st the sister to have six
pal church evening.
O. O. Spruill went to Washing-
ton yesterday.
ii. spent yesterday
greater of life.
Mayor II. W. Wheel dis
W. K. Patrick, if Greenville, la
in town. last
Mills, who ran the Spruill. riotous and dis
B and coals,
stables here last season, is again
with us preparatory to reopening
the stables.
Mis. Sandy Redd ill, of Kinston profane
arrived yesterday to visit friends
and relatives.
lived than a newspaper pub-
in the town of Greenville, for
the six
Now therefore, the said Hancock
Tobacco Company, the de-
above named, is hereby
ed to be and appear before the Judge
of our Superior Court, at a Court to
be In Id tor the County of the
Court House in Greenville, on the
Second Monday after 1st Monday in
September and answer the com-
plaint which will be in the
office of the Clerk Superior Court
of said County within the first
days of the Term, the said De-
lake i that if falls to
answer the said complaint within
lime, the Plaintiffs will apply to
the Court tor the relief by
the complaint, and of
Dick Teel, using and action to be taxed b
.- -11111 Given under my this day
-i I of ,. .
costs, Clerk Superior Court of Pitt
and down
lined l and costs, North Carolina, In Superior
L. II- drank, Term,
oil ., .,. Mali i
fl and Costs, Summons.
Harrington, i
u . ,, The defendant above name will take
,,.;,,. an action entitled
Last week of Deeds B. ft
l of Pitt county to obtain n
licenses to the from the bonds of by
A woman has been
arrested on the charge of
Joseph n
pen was run over and killed
electric car Sunday morning.
i A who Stella A.
himself and around
. . Ma I
promptly Mm down August M. demanded in
the plaintiff from and
j the said defendant will further take
notice that he i- to appear at
the next term of the superior of
and said county lie held on the 3rd
, Monday of sept. it the 21st
of said month, m court House
of said county in Greenville, N. C. and
M. F. Works,
Fancy Groceries.
Best butter, cheese, cab
table delicacies, fruits
and confectioneries; and high-
est prices for country produce,
go to
M. F.
Successor to J. L. next
door to bank.
After a man has tried for three-
quarters of hour to light a tire
with dry kindling wood, it Is
hard for him to see how a fire
insurance company can ever lose a
Owner and
the best Brick in
all band made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always hand. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the or
car-load. Yours truly,
Ayden, North Carolina.
with an umbrella.
Dr. it. II Lewis secretary of
the of health, predict
an Of smallpox this win-
and says the disease is be-
coming of a more deadly type
At Salisbury colored man
liberate stood in front of a
was run and killed. It is
thought he was under the influence
were issued to and i This the 12th Aug.
for Plaintiff; of s c.
to colon- d.
Cart Load of Hams.
Mr. I. II. Little, of Carolina
Physician and
Office in Brick Block.
Ayden, N. C
EDWIN TRIPP, Proprietor.
Beat market
meets all trains.
table Rooms. Electric lights.
Letters administration upon the
township, today sent a cart load estate of Lawrence stocks deceased,
of hams to town. There were Issued to me by
. . ., , , ,, I the Clerk the Superior Court of Pitt
hams In the load, the average County, notice Is hereby given to all
weight being He sold persona holding claims against said ea-
. ,. , . .,.,, . to present them to me for
the entire lot at cents a duly authenticated, on or before the
getting for the load. of August 1804, or
e , . will be plead in the bar the.
is a kind farming worth talking All person indebted to said, e tale
are requested to make e jay-
merit to me.
about. Mr. Little is one of the
most substantial farmers in the
This the 12th day of August,
of Lawrence Stocks, d
A Good Yield.
Mr. William Moore took 1,700
pounds of seed cotton to Greene
Hooker's gin. This cotton made
of Mr. Moore sold
the bale for 72.44, and was offered
m. . . I Send model, or photo
for Need. This looks like
there is money in cotton.
A man who imagines that he
can run the domestic end of the
combine better than his wife does
is a fool man.
. nu For book, i
ii en Tl MT

D. J.
A man in Alexander county has
sued a neighbor because bis little
bitten the neighbor a
Editor and Proprietor.
Associate Editor, i dog. is an unusual case
he with in-
Entered in the port office at Greenville, H. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
Speaking, about page provides for
exists in the bright tobacco heft, dealers In w -bucket.
It does look, however, if the;
Secretary Wilton, of the V. S. De-
of Agriculture,
trouble is the farmers grow
too much tobacco, whereas they
The-lex is town
and up he
towns more
people. Hut the act of the-
too much tobacco, r , . . . .
u. . H- . should rotate their crepe. If of . believe it is.
Advertising rates made upon .,,, owner of a vicious dog allows the I fewer acres get; transactions gambling,
A at every in Pitt and adjoining , w , Court
. lie more successful, hay fen grand juries.
tilth responsible for any damage the dog they do more n d of
to the cow and cultivate the
pastures. In that they can build .
tip and recuperate their laud, things suggest several in-
Greenville, county, N. C, September 1903. j our the Southern states
IS IT THE LARGEST The following is from the
Parham have nearly
finished their new Announcement u made in the
Only four of the Southern states up recuperate -.----
now state fairs, these being learned when in Tennessee that the One is why the state h-
I Georgia North Carolina. Sooth Car- tobacco farmers do not derive as , business it says is a
Texas.-F. A. Olds in great a yield per acre-of tobacco as to in. An-
. I.,., . . I I bu i
. great a yield per i
they formerly did.
The cultivation
criminal to engage in. An-
other is why the Superior Co
judges have only recently become so
much concerned about the enforce
of this law. it is
j law it ought to be and
judges exert themselves
see that i is. It may W that if one
tor of the . . . . ft and other similar products,
largest And he has made it a j go. better been l
for of leaf in He has said bright meeting in nearly every stole in was empowered to send AW persons
the Greenville things almost daily m Ins writings suggestion for a race with a growth of i and papers and make dun examine-
,. , , this paper do not know Outlaw per-
s, whit b . i i . , ,. ;. ,
that the Nu-
all the young men want to judges be found
. aB hi thereto. The members at is a one.
J class of applicant for
making feet but have only had talks with before the court, some form of gambling, but even if
ere the bin, A L if largest tan. the see
dimensions as give
the him. Almost daily the telephone we sKill this is see
a above for the the African sailor over the Union Hue . .
play and those in this office nave
to like the man who answers
basins. mod that h.
Free , ,,
The printed the . . ,
All world still loves a lover.
as giver, Mr. B. E. Parham. .
Allow me to drop the editorial e
one of the proprietors of the house.
We accepted hi.- figures as j my and the
without any desire to get ,, .
press generally for their
if he was telling the truth. . ,
if the Free Tress is very anxious ; j new
about the matter it come I until I saw my name
and measure the house or hire some . mt
body to do it We only each every one
that the law is enforced.-
more than superiority in one
they are trying to get;
i A made lease for
The Mecklenburg outlaw, . but is always fur j years Atlantic ft North Caro-
Will Harris, is up at as better ones. The state owns two-
. r , i thirds of its capital
as a cork. not A is o Tared which will,
appearing in any of said, AT seething like i per
town up that way is regarded as,
. New started
Harris, straightway there .
, , ., for a subscription B give
some telegraphing to t v ; a
asked if this i- largest house,
do not rare if some other is an
or two bigger.
forever and go to Heaven when they
die. P- R-
Some scientific chaps north are
We noticed in several our state, inhabitants o
yesterday this heading .
newspapers world are of such a low order of
to the news of lorn
victory in won j intelligence that they cannot answer
out primary Now,
what in the does out
mean Can anybody give a
him something- a whole
That beats a all
A woman was tried at
Greensboro for the murder of her
husband, was and got a
of thirty years in the
cent, on the stock. Two per cent,
interest is tee highest yet- paid,
percent being average. The
I read has been to a re-
markable degree during
of James A. Bryan, end along
all lines is in far better;
than even before. A minor was ,
It seems that feminine is
the same as in the ages past Now current today that an effort was be-
There is no authority for it
even in the latest dictionaries; and,
as it has a vulgar sound, it must be
, we hear of a woman who made buy the butt the-
hat is the of sen- facts are as above stated. Maybe.
n.- . ; make up her whether
some men ought to be getting. r Morehead City will again a.
Charlotte, Raleigh and Wilson dead or not. I port people-
I here that the port was
means of a deal made with,
look to
than the creatures of
as it has a vulgar it . . . , , ,,
of the same bred as that awful ex- poor, benighted world ever
an accident, This being the, case,
which we have lately had sprung .
why haven't the Martians sense
first came into use enough to know that we can't ans-
about Id years ago when their signals
was grinding out base ball
from the planet mars. They is all right-that the- Turk did All you glad that
claim that the Martians are superior U kill our Vice but all your
endowed with the same some other countries have
slang. means nothing more
than It was simply tacked
on for the sake of
That Georgia vagrancy law is a
hummer. Under it a presiding
elder of the Methodist church
has been arrested, the officers claim-
that he was without means of
We argue with the News and Ob-
server's opinion that any candidate,
for office is sadly handicapped by
having the support of the New York
Sun, but that paper is telling the
truth about the Ego in white
been given an idea what Uncle Sam
would have if he had been
Never throw an empty bottle at an
Throwing empty bottles is danger-
for a fact. We saw a wag throw
one at a in a bull fight
once, and begot in jail in short order.
I Today being Sept em 1st,
the bad record of Bulgaria the An
and Turkey it would not be goes into t
loss to the balance of the world Kinston St is
both, were wiped off the j the men in the city but
. I ., , . of
ibis not always the safest i,,.
,. I every member. is t
to insult a with A;
as the soft headed l
found out. Free 1st.
Governor Aycock endorses Sena-
tor Gorman for the presidency. It
supports did no work and lived off governor to sever
No, sir, you jut can't leave Char-
The latest in that wide
awake town is a 10-year-old boy who
stole Unlike Dewey, the New
tern thief, the boy got caught.
such hardworking as would
allow him to impose on them.
his former pleasant relations with
that ancient institution, the Haiti-
more Sun.
Not everyone con tell the differ
between a live and ten cent
cigar, or two plugs of tobacco, but
everybody knows how to put the
trust out of business.
Its none of our business,, but
Turkey is scratching in the
patch to lose some of
Charlotte comes forward, again.
This time a man is there organizing
a of the socialistic party.
Polonium is worth per
pound. We are just out of it. Isn't
there something rise
A Death from, in
Will on
man on track.
of a drunkard m Winston.
Attempted murder and;
ad suicide by n drunkard cu
hank. One resold.
foe the
I first used
in the or 1848. Since then I
taken it every spring
blood purifying nerve-
strengthening medicine.
S. T. Jones,
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand-
ard family medicine,
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder, mum.
Sir Thomas Lipton has the
faction of knowing that though he
could not win the cup, he has won the
admiration of men, and women, too,
the world over.
The Morning Post sticks to the
capital project with
devotion worthy of a better cause.
Why don't you pull for the insane
asylum, sir.
It seems a pity to disappoint Ad-
Cotton's fleet, but there is
nothing in Beirut yet.
The fates in charge of the canal
matter seem never to tire of justify-
Senator Morgan.
Any Southerner might have known
that Booker Washington would fall.
His white friends have undone him
Alter eat In k, persons of a h
That U. S. vice consul did not
kick the bucket but ho missed a
mighty good opportunity.
will derive great by
of these plus. II you have
will promptly relieve the . .
and nervousness which follows, raster.
the appetite and remove gloomy few
lags. Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
The unspeakable Turk is
his share of public attention
just. now.
Gambling In Future.
In his charge to the grand jury at
Superior Court this week
lodge Geo. H. Brown, according to
the report of the Greensboro papers, I
said that in futures, where I
the commodity is not purchased out-
right, is as much a crime as shoot-
craps or playing and it is
equally as demoralizing to bet on
the rise or fall of cotton, stocks or
bonds, as upon the color of a card
on the strength of a This,
we are told, created somewhat of a
sensation in Greensboro, as there are
licensed bucket shops doing business
there. The state revenue act, sec-
Back up Our Claims for
Pact Tonic .
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
vigor to the
Fact h not a but
a normal, scientific cure for
All Malarial Complaints
Chills and
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It restores system sad
prohibit ill tendency to depression or low spirits.
Women with troubles peculiar to their sex SH
restored to perfect health. Your will
sad his testimony to ours.

Notice Sale of bl s Land
Where I bought stacks of
Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes, etc.
and other seasonable merchandise, which I am now offering
in fact cheaper than we otherwise would offer, but for the low price
a judgment of the
Superior Court of County,
rendered in the case therein
pending, wherein Edward
James Flanagan,
Flanagan and others are plaintiffs
and W. W. Cobb, J. L. Cobb, J.
K. Cobb and others are defend-
ants, we, the undersigned Com-
missioners will sell at the
BER 21ST, 1908.
P. M . the Sallow-
para is tracts of land
lying and being situated in Farm-
township, Pitt County, to
U NO. One tract of land
lying and being situated in Farm-
ville township, County and
described as Beginning
on the Greenville road, R. L. Joy-
corner, thence in a south-
direction with line
to Gum Branch, W. G. Lang's
corner, thence with the various
courses of said Branch to the
Baker read, thence with the
Baker road and M. L. Move line
i to the road,
thence with the
and road to the begin-
containing acres, more
or less, and known as the Bell
LOT NO. One tract of land
lying and being situated in Farm-
ville township, Pitt County and
described as Beginning
at the fork of the
and road, running
with the Greenville road to a bend
in said road below a hill, thence
With J. L. Flanagan's in an
direction to Little
Creek, thence with
the various courses of said Creek
to Mrs. N. E. Smith's corner,
thence with her line to the Green-
ville road, thence with said road
to the beginning, containing
acres more or less and known as
the Wiley Williams home place.
LOT NO. One tract of land
lying and being situated in Farm-
ville township. Pitt County and
described as Beginning
at the fork of the Greenville and
road, running
with said road to
M. L. corner, thence with
line to the Greenville
road, thence with said road to the
containing acres,
more or less and known as the
old place.
LOT NO. One tract of land
lying and being situated in
County and township as aforesaid
and described as Begin-
at a white oak on the run of
Creek, thence with
M. L. line to a ditch in
James Flanagan's line, thence
with said Flanagan's lino along
the ditch to a water oak, thence
to the run of creek as aforesaid
and up the run of same to the be-
ginning, containing H acres, more
or less, also a small parcel of land
IS feet wide across J. L.
land to the Greenville road.
LOT NO r. One tract of land
lying and being situated in
and township as aforesaid and
described as Beginning
on the Greenville road, R L Joy-
corner, running with Joy-
line to the said Joyner's and
N. EL Smith's corner, thence with
N. E. and R. L Smith's line to
Alfred Moore's corner thence
with the said Moore's line to R.
L. Smith's corner, thence with
Smith's line to Moore's corner,
thence with Moore's line to the
road, thence down said
road to the beginning, containing
acres more or less, the same
being that of the Belcher
tract lying on South side of the
Greenville road.
LOT NO. One tract of land
lying and being situated in
and township as aforesaid and
described as Beginning
on the Greenville road, N. E.
Smith's corner and running with
her line to Little
thence with the various
courses of said creek to Alfred
Moore's corner, thence with
Moore's line to Emily Joyner's
line, a canal, thence up said canal
to the Greenville road and down
said road to the beginning, con-
acres more or less.
LOT NO. One tract of land
laying and being situated
on 6th

i i
from 5th
and township aforesaid
described as Being that
tract of land which adjoins the
lands of W. H. Moor's heirs,
H. Flanagan, Flanagan and
others, containing by estimation
acres and known as a portion
of the Dawson Jones land.
LOT NO. H. One lot with
dwelling thereon lying and being
situated within the corporate
its of Farmville, N. C, it being
No. to the plot of
the division of the lands of Eli
Williams deceased; the same be-
further described as a portion
that town lot conveyed to the
late Eli Will, ins by B. L. Davis
by deed in Book K.
Pages of the
Register of County, contain
9-10 of an , more or less.
LOT NO. ft One vacant lot in
the town of N. C. No.
according to the plot of the
division of the lands of Eli Will-
conveyed by Sheppard,
clerk, to Eli Williams, deed of
record in Hook M. ii. pp. and
of the Public Register of Pitt
County Containing of an
acre more or
One vacant lot in
the town of Farmville, N. C. No.
; according to the plot In the
and division of that tract of
land conveyed by H. Sheppard,
Clerk, to Eli Williams, by deed of
record in Book M. pp. and
of the Public Register of Pitt
4-5 of an
acre more or less.
One vacant lot in
the town of N. C. No.
t the plot in the
and division of that tract
land conveyed by Sheppard,
Clerk, to Eli Williams, by deed of
record in Book M. pp.
of the Public Register of Pitt
l acre.
LOT NO One vacant lot in
the town of Farmville, N. t
according to the plot in the survey
land division of tract that of land
Ready to get highest prices.
the plot and survey
of these
line N. degrees
feet east. Hi chains and links
the same being Sheppard. clerk, to
the remaining portion that EH by deed of in
town lot conveyed to the late M ; j,,, and of the
by K. L. Davis by deed ulster of Pitt County-
in Boob R. Page 20- acre, more
of the Public Register of Pitt s
county, containing One vacant lot
W. One vacant lot in I Farmville N. C. Na
the town of Farmville. N. C. according to the lot in
according to the plot of the J
division of The lands of Eli Will-
deceased; the same being a clerk, g
portion of that lot conveyed by
Sherrod Belcher to Eli Williams g
by deed of record in G. of an
of the Public Register of Pitt acre-
county, Page containing LOT NO. One vacant lot
1-3 of an acre, more or less. in the town of Farmville, N. C.
LOT NO. One vacant lot in No. P, according to the plot in the
the town of Farmville, N. c. No. survey and division of that tract
according to the plot of the of land and conveyed by Shop
division of the lands of Eli Willi- clerk, to Eh Williams by
ams the same being deed of record m Book M. pp.
also a portion of that lot conveyed of the Public Register
by Sherrod Belcher to Eli Willi- of Pitt County- containing 9-10
ams by deed of record in Book of an acre more or less.
G. Page of the Public LOT NO. One vacant lot in
Register of Pitt county. , the town of Farmville, N. C. No.
LOT NO. One vacant lot in according to the plot in the
the town of Farmville, N. C. no. and division of that tract of lands for a description by
according to the land conveyed by and bounds of all aforesaid lots,
of the lands of Eli Williams, clerk, to Eli Williams by deed j LOT NO. One parcel of
deceased; the same being a of record in Book M. pp. that tract of land conveyed by
of that lot conveyed by Sher- and of the Public Register of Sheppard, clerk, to Eli Williams
rod Belcher to Eli Williams by Pitt 9-10 of by deed of record in Book
deed of record in Book G. Page n acre more or less. pp. and of the Public
of of the Public Register LOT NO. vacant lot in Register of Pitt county and de-
of Pitt county, containing 1-3 of the town of Farmville. N. C. No scribed as
an acre more or less. according to the plot in the Henry Pear sail's corner on Snow
LOT NO and division of that tract Hill road, and running with the
the town of Farmville N. C No land conveyed by Sheppard, i line in a southerly direction to a
according to the clerk, to Eli Williams, deed of stake, corner, thence
division of the land
deceased, the.
portion lot conveyed to bounty -containing
William by Henry Joyner by less- , . ,
deed of record in Book XX. page V lo
of the Public Register of Pitt town N. C.
of an acre. U according to the plot in
, the survey and division of that
tract of land conveyed by Shep-
clerk, to Eli Williams by
deed of record in Book M. pp.
and of the Public Regis- east chains and links
tor of Pitt to a stake with pointers, thence
2-10 acres. N. degrees feet west.
LOT NO. One vacant lot in chains and links to Nathan
the town of Farmville, N. C. No. Saunder's corner, thence with the
according to the plot in the j line to degrees west feet
survey and division of that tract chains other corner;
of land conveyed by Sheppard, i thence chains
clerk to Eli Williams, by deed W. G. Lang's corner, a ditch,
, record in Book pp. and thence with said ditch to de-
No. according to the plot of Public Register of Pitt west feet chains to a
the division of the lands of Eh County -containing 9-10 of an stake; thence N. degree west
Williams The same, acre more or less. feet chains to the Snow Hill
being a portion of that lot con- LOT. NO One vacant road, Main street of Farmville;
to Eli Williams by Henry m the town of Farmville, N. C. thence with said road to begin-
lot in. containing 1-2 acres
. . division of that more or less
Pitt tract of land conveyed by Shop- LOT NO One parcel of
of , I clerk, to Eli Williams by that tract of land conveyed by
LOT NO. lb One vacant lot i deed of record in Book pp. Sheppard, Clerk, to Eli Williams,
m the town of Farmville, N. and of the Public Regis- by deed of record in Book
No. according to the plot of the Pitt pp. and of the Public
division and survey of that tract 0-10 of an acre more or less. Register Pitt County and de-
of land conveyed to Eli Williams LOT NO One vacant lot in scribed as at
by deed from Henry Sheppard the town of Farmville N. C. No. Saunder's corner run-
clerk of the Superior Court of according to the plot in the south degrees feet
Pitt County, of record in Book survey and division of that tract least 17-57 chains to a stake
M. pp. and of the Pub- of conveyed by Sheppard, degrees east 3.50
lie Register of Pitt County -con- clerk, to Eli Williams, by deed of i chains to a stake, thence N.
9-10 of an acre. record in Book pp. and j degrees west chains to the
LOT NO. One vacant lot of the Public Register of Pitt I end of Church street in Farm-
in the town of Farmville, N. C. 9-10 of thence south degrees
No according plot in the acre more or less. west chains to the begin-
survey and division of the tract LOT NO. One vacant lot containing acres.
of land conveyed by Sheppard, in the town of Farmville, N. Lot No. One parcel of
clerk, to Eli Williams by deed of No. according to the plot in tract of land conveyed
record in Book M. pp. and the survey and division of that Clerk, to Eli Williams by deed of
of the Public Register of Pitt tract of land conveyed by Shep-; record in Book pp. X Hi and
7-10 of an I clerk to Eli Williams, by
deed of record in Book pp.
and of the Public Regis-
of Pitt county, containing
of an acre.
Reference is hereby made to
We want to sell your tobacco.
west, 16.80 chains to the begin-
Containing 5.72 acres.
LOT NO. One parcel of
that tract ft land conveyed by
Sheppard, to Eli Williams,
by deed of record in bk. MS, pp.
and of the public of
Pitt county, -ind described as fol-
lows- Beginning at B. S. Smith's
northwest corner running
south feet degrees; east
chains to a stake; north
degrees east, to a stake,
thence north leg ices, west 16-
chains to said Smith's other
corner, thence his line north de-
west 3.30 to the be-
ginning acres.
LOT No. One parcel of that
AUGUST 1902.
to a stake in a pond, R. L.
LOT NO. One vacant lot
in the town of Farmville, N. C.
No. according to the plot of
the division of the lands of Eli
William deceased. The same
being a portion of that lot con-
to Eli Williams by Henry
Joyner by deed of record to Book
XX page of the Public Regis
tor of Pitt County containing I
of an acre.
LOT NO. One vacant lot
in the town of Farmville, N. C.
of laud conveyed by
corner, E. Williams, by
N. degrees feet east,
chains and links to a stake,
with small pines as pointers, R.
L. corner, thence N. Hide-
deed of record in bk. pp.
and of the register of
county described as fol
at the bridge
the main run of
creek the Tarboro. Snow
Hill road, sod the
windings of said to chopped
trees a maple,
as p R. L.
feet, west to
thence up the various
a m
a m
a m
p la
p m
p m
a m
Daily Except
Ar Ponder
Ar Norfolk
New York
p m
p m
p m
p m
p m
p m
a m
a m
a m
p m
Ar p m
a pm
a a m
p a m
p a m
p m
Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars
on Nos. and to Tampa and Jack-
hue to H. M. W. J.
Asst. Traffic Mr. Gen. Pass.
T. M. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C
j .,, in me town in a
Joyner by deed of record in No according to the pl
XX page of the Public Regis-; the survey and division of
sources said ditch to
degrees west, 2.20 to a
slake, north degrees,
west to a stake,
north degrees, east
to a stake,
degrees, west chains to the
Tarboro and Snow Hill
road and thence down the road to
the beginning. Containing
Said lauds are sold for
title good. Terms of sale, cash.
Any persons desiring to
obtain further information by
applying to F. Marion Whichard
at Greenville, N. E.
I at Tarboro, N. C. or R. L.
Joyner, at Farmville, N. J.
This the day of Aug. 1903.
Jno. E.
us. i a
acre more or less.
One vacant lot in
tho town of Farmville, N. No.
according to the plot in the
survey and division of that tract
of the Public
county and described as
Beginning at the end of
of Pitt
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
street m of ran- Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
south, east 17.20 chains ons. Private Wires to New York,
stake, thence north Chicago and New Orleans.
to a
-----BIT A 1876.------
M. Schultz,
Wholesale retail and
Furniture Dealer. Gash paid for
Hides, Far. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Salts, Be
Carriages, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
o and Gail ft Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cot Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Batter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz.
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
N. C, Aug.
Realizing the advance of cotton
goods we went north early and
purchased stock of fall
winter goods and feel sure that we
can save you money as we bought
bulk of our stock at old prices and
same way.
cordially invited.
Yours to serve,
Harrington, Barber Co.
Misses and
Cox have from Seven
See M. L. the jeweler.
Repairing promptly done. Work
Prof. Lineberry came
morning from his tour
in the interest of the W
High School. We feel very much
encouraged from the prospects for
a large enrollment next session.
Surely parents would give this
school a liberal patronage were
they only aware of the many great
advantages by which it is
B. F. Manning Co. says they
have had on blue long enough. So
they will put on red and get ready
to compete with the town price of
Misses Laura and Minnie Cox
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
Miss Bessie Holland, of
ville, came up on the train
The store has in stock
cheap perfumes, high priced per-
fumes and all kinds of perfumes,
talcum and tooth powders, tooth,
nail, hair and shoe brushes,
day morning a young shoe polish and shiners.
a. nines, mar-
lady to school and left in the
Tonsorial A. Fair,
good shave and fine hair cut,
Latest style.
Elder T. N. Manning filled one
of his appointments in the country
blacking, pipes, harps, mar-
rubber balls, cigars, chewing
and smoking slate and
bath sponges, pepper, and ,
pickling fact everything
that you will find in any well
kept drug store.
Hon. Willis R. Williams, of
All kinds of scroll
work done to order by the Winter
ville Mtg. Co.
Luther manning, of Ayden, has
visiting his father here for
several days.
We would call attention to the j
fact we have added dry to
our line of merchandise and re-
ask the public to call
and Mfg.
There was a large congregation
in attendance upon the services at
the Episcopal church last
Rev. Mr. Griffith has made an
excellent impression among our
The Winterville Cigar Co. don't
belong to the trust. Send your
orders right along get the best
and Ethel Carroll left Monday I cheroot the world for the money
morning to attend the I and patronize home industries.
Female University at Raleigh. I guaranteed.
If you want some to j for the Winterville
compete with the times, go to commence arriving
B. F. Manning Co. j and every train since con-
We have spared no time lo in. The
stock and we think we
can the most
F. Manning Co.
turned Falkland, passed through on the
train yesterday
Would you like to sweeten your
tooth. If so try some of
fresh penny candies at the drug
The Free Will Baptist will
one of their big meetings at
Reedy Branch next Sunday.
secret of a good meal. The i
best flour, pure lard. The best
baking powder, and fresh butter
on ice. All of them at A. D.
Miss Kittrell spent Tuesday
G. A. Kittrell Co. are in
to buy your grapes and pay j
you the highest market price for
them, see them before you sell.
All kind of feed for sale by G.
A. Kittrell.
A few pair of Plymouth rock
chickens left that we will sell
G. A. ft Co.
snuff, tobacco, and
cigars at A. D.
Tin nothing hut rumor, yet
If you want your boy to
start right in school this fall,
see that he is well dressed as
the next boy.
A well appearing Suit
his self-respect. It needn't
cost much if you come here for
We're ready to supply
every thing for school wear for J f
boys of every age.
We want our business to grow up with the boys and
the boys to grow up in clothing.
Separate Knee Pants and long Trousers, New Waists,
Blouses, Shirts, Ties, Stockings, Caps. Hats, etc.
. sometimes this is true, if so soon
j opening is by far the largest in the . j
will be heard and four more heart.
We are now manufacturing a
wash out of the old North
Carolina pine, alto of gums. These
are the very best kind of wood
that can be used. Apply to Win-
Mfg. Co.
The Winterville Mfg. Co. make
a specialty of horse shoeing.
We have a nice line o hats
both old and young, also
valises, at prices;
Let the good
i history.
etc AD Johnston
W. T. of J
us from tram jester- , ,
us j of here
you in both and price.
Boarding J. family and we
Cox. Board per J
day. Best
House in town.
W. L. House, and family went
to Greenville
Nothing more cool and re-
keep this red on, so we will make
the shoe squeal before you get it on j
your foot. B. F. Co.
N. S. Fulford, of Washington,
was here one day last week
tn and save mM . . . bait the time on all of our goods
always glad to serve you and save;
Hurst at the drug store soda
suit the time on all of our goods
i of every kind from a standard
fountain. He will give you in needle up.-B. F.
moments notice any of
your money if possible.
Harrington Barber Co ,
The colored Missionary Baptist cold Co
; latest and most popular com Gardner a
their meeting at this , . , , a young
drinks. by the
W. H. White, of Greenville and
Arthur Forbes, of Farmville, morning about;
here Monday. o'clock. A tree fell on
Labor saving machinery in the j and he died in a few minutes sf-;
tor the His
taken a log train to R. G. j
Chapman Sou's warehouse.
place Sunday. There was a tie
crowd present and every-
thing would have passed off
pleasantly, had it not been for
three with a little moon-
shine who broke up the meeting
early in the alter noon.
A. Co., received a
big lot of wheat from
Monday to be ground into flour.
Shipments are coming in from
both ends of the read.
An Economic hand will pay for
itself in the saving of Hues alone.
We have the testimony of users to
prove that one pair of hues
worked in the rollers of the
will out-last four pair used
in the old way.
Now a word to the wise. Go to
see B. F. Co., before
their bargains are exhausted.
I have just returned from the
market, and have a line of beautiful
Dress Goods
daily. Will announce open-
day later.
Jas. F. Davenport
New White Front.
manufacture of any article has all
to do with the price at which same
be sold. A. G. Cox Mfg.
line is well known as it has
about the same for years. It is a
Laundry basket leaves Monday Alfred Forbes, of who
6th, and every two weeks j was on her way home from a visit
Bring work to to LaGrange.
shop.-C. A. Fair, A Thing of Beauty-A wagon
A photographer taking pictures Tar Heel Oak turned
of buggies wagons means out by A. G. Cox Mfg Co. this
something. It meant here last season may be truthfully said to
week that A. G. Cox Mtg. Co., be a thing of beauty. The quality
Use sold by
me same i
strong assertion, yet Hue that A. D. hell,
have reduced cost of various Grocer, C
titles to a minimum and are j
pared to prove it. It you
purchaser don't be blind to your;
own interests, but get their
before your order. If con-
visit their shops see.
for what they are doing.
We bad the pleasure yesterday
of meeting conversing a
short, while with our friend, Mis.
A Full Line of Millinery J
Incorporated 1901.
Marble and Granite
and for Wire Fencing.
office electric
Branch offices shops. Rocky Mount,
N. s. c
For prices address Hooky
were going to have cats made
to getting out a nice little
this Fall so as to he able
to snow their customers the differ-
remains the same cannot be
proved The appearance is
more attractive each season as
more experienced hands finish
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best and latest styles always on
Call and see. Next
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug

The Farmville branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession if one of
our will insure sweet milk, ream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
Oar Farmville correspondent is
sick and Dot send any letter
for this issue. We hope he may
be restored to health and resume
his interesting
What Month Shall it Be.
in January's hoar and rime,
wed you'll be before
Married in February's sleety
you'll tread in together
Married when -March winds b
and t . .
Your home will lie on a foreign I
shore. i
Married April's j
General Merchants.
No need of further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own
There is no need to borrow a mower when we
we sell a machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Hammocks
everything else in the hardware line.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots of Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
j Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
-Manufacturers of Buggies Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a M linger Cotton
you lies.
A checkered path before
Married when bees o'er
Strangers around your board will
Married month of
Life will be one long honeymoon.
Married July, with flowers
Married in August's heal and
Lover and friend in chosen
Married in
i .
life will
Brno and r your
Toil and hard- hip . y gin.
Married in veils if November mist
Dame Fortune your wedding ring
Harried in of
Loves star bums liter from
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods, S
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries; Tools, Farm- .
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods, E v , . , ,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Implements, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
stuffs. We solicit a share of your patronage. Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
. r.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
m i
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
I We provide the most attractive necessities for your
I table. We do it ibis having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Leach in fashions. Full of
i ed hats,
ribbons, ate. iv than
peed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
on hand.
Johnston Bros.
. I C.
V. SHoeS, Hat,
I. J .
. ; ma, To-
a id i cheap
tor cash. i .- country
By virtue of a decree j MOORE.
Court of v made I
I. at the special May Tern. MM,.,, in a
certain action therein pending, en- t all whom it may
a tilled Tucker against I hereby testify my wife. Fanny
I J. H. and F. G. James L- and my son, John W.
,. , . , . , . ,. , and Leona wife of my
assignee H- the Pearce, on or about the
i will, on last March were strangely
Monday, September 21st 1903
Court House door in the
BI town of Greenville. K. sell at
t sale to the highest bidder
ff for cash, a certain tract of parcel and had of live
j of land in Factoids township Pitt without realizing any benefit
V. which lies south of the
high water mark on the south side
and fully
i ed as at
In- i-v ureas -it the riv.-r with long to them.
at m t ,, t announce that
tic. ice up the river to Broad I all getting well and the fits
Creek, from Mid creek with I have disappeared,
the line ,
and Davenport to before me, Aug.
with a malady resembling
and when the were on them
they would and their par-
were so violent that they had
to OB held by main force. I applied to
I Anally sought the
of Dr. W. H. Moore, colored,
and under son passed
three snakes, two of them wen; alive
and one was dead. My wife
W. G. administrator of It. II.
to notify the public that lie has charge of the
goods owned by said R. J. at bis death, and
to regardless of cost. The stock
of a full line of
on across I lie road by
Davenport's coach to the
canal, thence down said
canal to the water mark
deceased, of Creek it was when
stock of the mill the said Tucker
offer- is near a
sweet gum on canal,
thence with the water
mark of creek to the late
William line, thence with
line to the beginning, con-
even hundred acres more
HATS, CAPS, sHOEs. hardware and groceries, all fresh and
juice W. G. is also agent of the Tailors
All suits i. to fit individual.
ls taken and a good tit guaranteed. We can furnish these or less saving and excepting there-
goods at per than tailors charge. from the acre of land fully de-
If you want bargains come early to j scribed by metes and in
in- deed from R. S. Tucker and
W. Store, J
Farmville, N. C.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make n of
For Men
Women and
It is conceded that we give the
beat Shoes for the money of
any house in
M. T. HORTON, Proprietor.
Table with the best
the market
rooms. Polite and prompt
, . . . . a
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
as can lie found in Carolina.
Special lino of Press Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
line Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of flour, corn, oats, hay Ac.
March 1801 nod registered in
the Register's office in Book
page provided however that
the roadway known as the
from the
old town of by the church
and school house the
of Mr. J. J. Rollins shall
not be but shall be kept
open by the purchaser through
, the land above as a pub-
his the 17th day of Aug. 1903
T. B. Womack,
Alex L. Blow
Grifton, N. C, Aug. 1903.
This is to certify that Miss
Mamie daughter of B. H.
I told me the report that
said B. his wife on
Sunday, before she left him the
following week, is entirely false.
Sworn and subscribed t. before
this day of August, 1903. E. J.
Brooks, Mayor of Grifton.
H. J. p.
The above parties are all white
of good family and well known. I
also have other affidavits in my
showing cures under
my treatment. cure all troubles that
flesh is heir to. I the blind
Bee, the deaf hear and the lame walk,
as people living hero In Greenville
and in the county will testify. My
medicine and treatment are no hum-
bug, but I guarantee a cure
or take no pay. continue to
suffer, but me and be convinced.
Greenville, C.
P. O. Box
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
payment and prices low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Prowls-
ons. W to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Branch of the Butter a Reflector is in charge
of C K. Is authorized to transact any
for paper in and territory.
D. W.
And Provisions
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and While there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your in
any line of goods.
are selling Lawns and other
saner dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
Merchant and
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Always carries a complete
stock of
General Merchandise.
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
j N or t h C a r o l i n a.
Manufacturers of Lumber an
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car loud lots
e p
f- c T
C v.
u p p
v S
o u
W .
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I am
better than ever prepared to all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or tore driver or
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see your tool
box dost not a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Mrs. W. J. is very ill.
S. D. went to Rocky Mount
A. H. Saturday for
Maggie Doughty is visiting
W. It. Howard, of Hassell, was
here today.
Peyton Mayo, of Ayden, spent
f; today here.
G. H. Ellis went to
Saturday evening.
Rev. W. E. Powell went to
Rev. A. T. King returned today
from Robersonville.
j J. A. Ricks returned Saturday
from a trip up the
Mis. M. M. Nelson left this
morning for a visit to Scotland
S. D. returned
day evening from a trip up the
Fleming went to Grifton
Saturday evening and return this
F. Waters went to Kinston
Saturday evening and returned this
G. W. Baker, of Lewiston, who
has been here a few days, left this
Miss returned
Saturday evening from a visit to
what you
cleanses, purifies,
and sweet-
ens the stomach.
and ail stomach
and bowel troubles.
accelerates the action of
gastric glands and
gives tors to the digestive organs.
an overworked
stomach nervous
strain, gives to a full, free
and untrammeled action, nourishes
the nervous feeds
is wonderful remedy
that is making so many
sick people weak people
strong by giving to their bodies all of
the in
the food they eat.
Tour Teller Can Supply Ton.
the trial size, tot
1ST- o.
A Is the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, j
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
MA full line of Drugs and Medicines Highest prices paid I
u all kinds of country produce. I
Steamer It. L. Myers leave
daily, except Sunday,
at a. in for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York
Aurora, South Creek,
Swan Quarter, and for
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Go. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. C.
T. H. MYERS, Agent,
Washington, N. C
Julius Sugg went to Kinston
Saturday and returned
I this morning.
Frank of Washington,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J.
Misses Susie and Lizzie Stewart,
of Washington, who has been visit-
their aunt, Mrs. L. Griffin,
returned home today.
Miss Etta Smith, of
j Bridge, who has been visiting
Hisses Lena Mamie King, re-
; turned home Sunday morning.
W. H. Cox, of Kinston, spent
today here.
A. II. Wooten has returned
from Durham.
sister, Mr. M. Schultz, return-
ed home this morning.
Miss Jessie Thomas, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L.
Little, returned Monday evening
to her home in Cleveland, Tenn.
L. Joyner went to Raleigh
Monday evening.
Jim Steagall returned Monday
evening from Oxford.
Dwelling Houses Needed.
There is much demand for
ling in Greenville. Almost
daily we hear of people wanting
who to get them.
Wherever there is a likelihood that
a house will be vacated there are
numerous applications for it. The
hotels and boarding houses are
crowded all the time and people
who want to make their home here
find it difficult to get a place to
stay. This is a condition that
ought to be relieved by building
more Real estate agent
R. tells he could get
a large number of
house if they were only available.
Scarcity of bootee hinders the
growth of the town.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
re V
of i, after satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second year-7. No Restrictions. Incontestable.
at ginning of the and cf each
year provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be used-1. To reduce Premiums, or
lo Increase the Insurance, or
of Man during the lifetime
Greenville, N. C.
Wholesale retail and
Furniture Dealer. aid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits,
by Carriages, Go-Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safe, P.
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Batter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M.
Jesse returned Monday
evening from Tarboro.
Miss Nellie returned from
, E. II. and M. L. Star-
i key went to Wilmington today.
Mrs L. H. Pender returned from
a visit to evening-
Miss Mary returned Mon-
; day evening from a visit to Golds-
Mayor II. W. Whedbee has
been sick a few days but is out
Miss Glenn Forbes left
i evening to visit re-
Mrs. Theodore Fountain, of Leg-
came in Monday evening to
see Mrs. Fountain re-
turned this morning.
Miss Sadie Abram, of Rocky
Mount, who has been visiting her
The Best Fighter.
bare footed, hard fisted
boy makes a better fighter in the
battle of life, says an exchange,
than the pampered high collared
creased clothes boy who has
always been dusted with a
broom instead of a Let
the town man out of a job try a
year on the farm. Plowing be-
hind a mute will take the kink
throat, the gas out of
bis stomach, the weakness out of
his legs, mid will give him an
appetite, honest living aim a
hope of heaven.
Judge W. T. Holland of Greens
burg, La,, who is well favor-
ably known, years ago
I suffered greatly from
great would
invariably result, sting for
hour or so and my nights were
restless. I concluded to try
Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me
entirely. Now my sleep is re-
freshing digestion
Hold by John L. Wooten.
U you know Malaria, you certainly don't
like it. If you know Malaria and
Ague Cure, you certainly do like it.

good sold
Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets them. This is particularly true
of rice Ureas Goods. Silks and Laces, Gloves and
Valises, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Pauls.
A kinds of goods, are the same in all other store,
like Flannels, Ginghams, etc., but the bulk of the
goods we is in one sense or another different from that sold
by other store.
Article purchased are within a reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Lawns and Dimities have reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
prices will prevail all through the month of July.
styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always
Kicks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these,
H. C. Sept
Miss Cora Wooten, of
is visiting Miss Margaret Ormond.
Miss Faunie has return-
ed from, a visit to Bethel.
Mr. W. M. Edwards, who has
been visiting parents, Mr. and
Mrs. returned to
her home at Ayden yesterday ac-
companied by her Leslie
who returned home to-
Misses Ada Tyson and Nina
are visiting friends in the
neighborhood. Both taught at the
C. C. College in Wilson last year.
Joe and Ed Lyons, of
Ayden. Sunday and Sunday
night in the neighborhood.
Miss Julia Taylor, of Hookerton,
is visiting Miss Florence
The machinery the new and
improved of
Ormond has arrived and they will
soon be ready for work.
Rev. Mr. Pope and Rev. Mr.
of Pamlico county, are
holding a revival here this week.
Great interest has been manifested
so far and it is to be hoped much
good will be accomplished during
Misses Daisy Gray, of
and Jordan, of Raleigh, are
visiting Misses and May Belle
Mr. Mrs. W. A. Darden,
Mr. Mrs. E. E. B. P.
I Taylor and J. R. Turnage went to
i Asheville last Tuesday and
i ed Friday. They report a pleasant
a few more days we hope to
be able to say
There hits been a great deal of
sickness in our neighborhood of
late but we are all glad to state
that everybody is much better.
W. J. Leslie Lloyd
Turnage are all up from a case of
typhoid fever.
Little Miss Edwards,
daughter, of Mr. O. W. Edwards
is confined to her bed now.
Mrs. Irene Ormond, who has for
i sometime been quite feeble
health, left for Asheville Tuesday
accompanied by Miss
Ormond, a trained nurse from the
i Wilson sanitarium. Owing to the
long ride they stopped over
Tuesday night order
for Mrs. to be better able
to stand the remainder of the
journey the day. We learn
I that she stood her ride very well
; and is improving some. Her many
; friends wish for her a speedy re
I and a quick return to her
Pitt County Tobacco Company.
A vigorous is being
j made week for subscriptions
to Block in the Pitt County
co The Farmers Pro-
Association will meet here
next Saturday. The same day
those who have subscribed to
stock in the tobacco company will
meet, and if much as
ban been subscribed organization
will be perfected.
Our buyers have just returned from the-
Northern Markets
------and new Fall and Winter goods are arriving daily
We have spared no pains to make this season's offerings the
richest and most beautiful on record.
Our Fall Opening display will be held as early as possible.
Notice of which will be given in due time.
Who cares for a little contest
like a yacht lace when there is a
i contest on between warships to see
Inch can be busted open the
est against the
Your Eyes,
with one of those Tine imported Lace at Pulley
Bowen's. They are reduced from and cents to
If you girls must cry do it gracefully. Women's
tears are too to waste on common
chiefs. Don't be caught with one.
Pulley Bowen's
In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
Liver Pills
That's whit you some-
thing to cure your bilious-
and give you a good
digestion. Ayers Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
and biliousness.
Gently laxative.
your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.

Eastern reflector, 4 September 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 04, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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