Eastern reflector, 4 August 1903

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Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets This is particularly true
of fine Dress Goods. Silks and Laces, Gloves and
Trunks Valises, Shoes, Clothing, Hals. Pants,
A few kinds of our goods, are the same all other stores,
like Ginghams, etc., but the bulk of the
goods we is in one sense or another different from that sold
by store.
pan are returnable within a time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Dimities have reduced one thud to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
prices will prevail all through the month of July.
Standard styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always free.
licks Wilkinson
Marriage Licenses .
Last week Register of Deeds U.
Williams issued licenses to the fol-
lowing couples;
H. A. Barrel and Lydia V.
To our friends and former patrons,
the tobacco of Eastern
We take this method of inform-
you that we have changed the
of oar business and alter
I August 1st we will be at the
Lena New Farmers warehouse, which is
on the street running to
W. A.
T. L. Bland and the site of Hines Hamilton's old
an. just opposite the factory of
and Marie the American Tobacco Company.
j In new warehouse,
, which we have appropriately
Jacob Harris and Martha we
i to erect it with a view to snowing
Simon and Arie Barrett. the f
. possible advantage. Every
The new comet seems to be a has been made to get the lights so
good mannered comet, after all. It arranged as to show your tobacco
hasn't butted into anything yet. i for all it is worth. We shall use
Atlanta Journal. i every means to have every eon-
for our customers, good
warm box stalls for your horses,
table for
have with us a larger and
experienced set of warehouse
helpers than ever before, whose
every energy will be directed in
i the advancement of your interest.
And now to all our old friends
we wish to express to you our
heartfelt appreciation and
gr for your liberal patron-
age the past, and assure you if
you will continue with us in our
new quarters you shall never have
have cause to regret it, we will
do by you as we have in the past,
everything that mortal effort can
And to those who have never
tried us, if you will give us one
chance we will convince yon that
Joyner are the
friends, guarantee that yon
will come again.
N. C, July
Mr. E. Borden, Supt. Transport a-
A. C. L., Wilmington, N. C.
We, the ministers of Greenville, I
understand that certain citizens;
of this town have petitioned for
a Sunday train between Weldon
and Kinston. In answer to said I
petition, we beg leave to present
the following considerations and
The Sabbath, the church,
the home are institutions that
have come down from the
age with divine authority, and
there is a vital relation between
them. The welfare of the nation
depends upon of the
home. The preservation of all
that is best in the home the
nation depends upon the
of the Sabbath. The great
moral and spiritual which
preserve the of the home
and secure the welfare of the j
are maintained largely, if not
altogether, by the proper
the Sabbath day and its
entire consecration to the worship
of God. History shows that in
proportion as any nation has dis-
regarded the fundamental law of
the Sabbath its moral forces have
declined, its people have
and its prosperity has
declined also. There can
be no doubt that the
and substantial growth of our
Christian civilization hinge upon
the proper observance of the
Lord's day in to the
divine decree regarding it.
In view of these facts we hereby
respectfully express our
said Sunday train, and
that it be not put in op-
believing, as we do, that
it will have a demoralizing effect
the towns along the route. We
know of no town along this line of
railroad that suffers want of a
Sunday train, we earnestly,
hope that your railroad company
will not put such in operation.
F. A. Bishop, Presiding Elder,
Wash. District M. K. Church So.
W. E. Powell, Pastor Disciple j
A. T. King, Pastor Baptist
H. Eire, Pastor M. E.
Church South.
F. G. an, Pastor Pres
W. E. Cox, Minister in Charge
Episcopal Church,
It is not always the low price that makes the
bargain, it is what you get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both one
on quality the other on the price.
Here arc a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this sale
We have placed a special lot of
slippers on our counters some of these sold
1.00 a pair your choice for Sizes, to
Also Ladies Slippers worth to for
Ladies Embroidered turnover collars each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
The canning season is most here, you had bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for fruit jars. This is the place to buy
them we sell only the best.
. M.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer, Cash paid for
Hides Fur- Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bed, your liver is out c-f
order. Pills Will clean
your tongue, cure your
make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
brown or licit
r it
en mo
r OS R Co.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Much of a Good
That's what we much Silk Mull, Mer-
Pebble Cloth, Mercerized etc.,
for the season. The season really lacks two
months of being over, but we must reduce stock
for fall goods. Consequently we are making
great reductions in Wash Silks, White Goods,
Embroideries, Percales, etc. The profit goes to
you if you take advantage these reductions at
once. We will not carry them over. You'll not
have another chance to get the same goods for
anything like the same money. Note these
Silk Mulls, all colors, was , now
Mercerized Pebble Cloths, was now
Mercerized Chambray, was now
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
round per lb
lbs per bushel
New Front
1835. Incorporated 1903.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main and
Macon, Ga.
Branch offices and shops, Mount,
N. C, and C.
For prices address Rocky
T. J. WHICHARD, Editor end Owner.
and Friday.
Have You For -He
Asks the Teachers.
What have you fr
subject the teachers
County Institute and the
. citizen in and around ville
i heard one of the strongest
ever delivered to the teachers of
thin comity. Mr. B.
is entertaining speaker,
. and his lecture was full -of sound
philosophy, spiced with whole-
some wit, and driven home by
that enthusiasm which only
i from a brain and heart fired with
. holy zeal. This lecture the
kind to make you think, re-
solve mid
The speaker mid every per-
son has time for same
amount of time pins what is to
put into, it from his own i brawn
limit, and enthusiasm. This
r something else which
with time is what makes the
who mixes muscle alone with his
i time all his to
compete with all miracle ma-
chine. Rut, if to this he add- the
the directive power of a cultivated
mind to guide a trained hand he
will move of competition
of the world into
the of the spirit. Then
then-only the w
of usefulness in service In the
leave his
graved in of low; upon the
the people. Above all
add the of u
brink and yon will win
your lo yd
is laid up
the children of the King.
Tonight the Superior Court of
Second Week of the Institute Shows In-
created Interest.
present has been
marked by increased interest in
the work of the summer school
now being held at Winterville.
The enrollment at the beginning of
this, second week, has reached one
hundred sod twenty. The total
enrollment will evidently go as
high as one hundred and forty.
No day so far has been so filled
with work sod prospects of better
results than last Tuesday. Besides
the regular work of the day, two
extra were at
o'clock and another o'clock
p. m. These two periods were
given over entirely to
of the Association
for the of
School House and
Misses Lelah June and Viols
of -the State Normal
and Mrs. R.
of Pit t, the district's
presidents aX the association, were
At the session the
the association was
explained by these three
ladies and of meat-
the association taken. At
Uprisings in Cuba.
Havana Cuba, July
of the assertion
yesterday by secretary of the
that the killing of three men
and capture of
who bad attempted to cause an
uprising in the of Bay-
province of Santiago, effect-
ended the only semblance of
an uprising in Cuba, the rumors
of uprisings in Eastern Cuba were
fully confirmed today in the govern
report from the officials of
Santiago province. are to
the that sine night of
Sunday last armed and
mounted men appeared out-
villages proclaiming a
lotion and the payment
of the former the rev-
army. No acts of
Violence have been reported bat
the inhabitants of I he Canto region
are greatly excited. The leader
of party is named
He is a brother of one of
the bandits killed by the rural
guards Tuesday. Gen.
commander in chief of the rural
guards, has ordered the
of aW the rural guards in
eastern and the governor of
Santiago province been in-
M may be deemed
to cooperate with the mounted
Gotten and Miss to enlist as many
papers upon the
education row
confronting us. Miss Jones talked
interestingly the in
state. A organization
then perfected of the
Mis. ,
Wed musts y evening at o'clock
,, , , . Mrs. J Nobles, nix miles from
of . . , . .,.
Greenville, her daughter, Miss
of u .,,,. . T
. Nobles, Mr. Leon
a Prey of Buzzards.
New N. C,
Coroner Dr. J. W. was
summoned to six
miles west of New Bern, to view
the body of an unknown man. who
was found in the swamp by
while repairing bis fence.
Dr. reports the body
almost consumed by hogs and
It is beyond recognition.
No one has been missed in the
community. weeks ago Mr.
I pock gave a stranger employment.
He got dinner and disappeared
and has not been seen or heard
since. Bones and a few re-
of clothing was all was
Lilly Whites Stirred Up.
Pa., July is
doubtful whether the great labor
awaiting adjustment
anthracite region will ever be set-
by a conciliation board. The
coal companies have
on the board and so have
the miners. Go every important
question they are a tie one of
the members admitted that it was
unlikely they will be able to agree
on an umpire, as provided by the
commission award.
Bead Remained in Her Head Years.
Seventeen years ago, when Mrs.
W. L. was years old, she
was playing with some beads and
Mime way got a glass bead
about the size of a pea tip to the opinion that the cotton crop
nose-. The failed to get
Rumpus Among Colored Folks
Boston, Mass.,
T. Washington missed the last
train for South tonight
of his making a tour of the
newspaper offices here to a
statement about a riot which
curred at the African M. church,
at the corner of Columbus avenue
and Northampton streets this eve-
Washington came into town
from his home to give a
lecture but he only succeeded in
delivering it after a squad of
had cleared the of
some colored men who had made a
lot of trouble. Four arrests
made, one of the prisoners being a
woman. She was . released
Young Girl Killed in a Mill.
Washington, N. C. Aug. 1.-
Miss Bessie a 12-year-old
girl employed in the knitting mill
here, was accidentally killed this
morning. She was at work near
one of the operating tables when
her dress was caught in the
protected shaft, under the table,
tier body was rapidly whirled
around the shaft and her skull
crushed against the floor, killing
her almost
The Future of Cotton.
Mr. Ashley Home, of Johnson
county, recently gave utterance
Whichard; Secretary, Bess.
Raiding, of Treasurer
Mrs. of
It. Cut-,
,, , ,
sod Daisy j
W. Tucker were married by
M. T, Lawrence.
Ai. Hie appointed hour for the
ceremony march was
played by Miss B. of
will hold it first session As-
at which session an
important case for breach, of
will occupy the the
freight Car Wrecks
freight car loaded with
of pimped from the
and tore away of two
buildings Main street. N one
the The
car had jumped the track several
from Main street it
was impossible for the men the
rear of the train to a t tract the at-
of the engineer. Just
reaching Main street the ear
lurched clear the
and crashed below. It hit
Clothing Co's
store and the adjoining store
by Joseph Johnston.
The walls of the building were
torn open from the third floor to
the first.
Labor Arbitrators Deadlocked.
New La.,
expected the attitude of President
Roosevelt on the question
has made a break up of the white re-
publican party of Louisiana. A
circular addressed to the white
republicans by republican leaders
calls for an abandonment of party
on ground that
it identified with
that s whits mar. belong to
like crowd at the might meeting
was it he largest yet had much
as i a the
do their work and
well did they do i a
The the
first. of its existence.
Through the of Mr. J.
L. each recitation room
has been-supplied with nit electric
bell which call to-
each section.
No one ewer better work
than is by these teach
It is inspiring to see how
earnestly they are prosecuting
their studies. The educational in-
of the enmity
deceive a great from
the work of thin The
men charge of the work are do-
honest, faithful service and
each seems specially fitted for the
part assigned him.
Rev. B. W, will address
the teachers tonight. It will pay
to hear him.
it out. A fie a few days the bead
her no trouble and it was
to have come Last
week she gave a violent sneeze
felt come her
It was taken on I and
lucre bead that bad gotten
in there when she was a child.
The bead gave her no when
it came out and it is strange to
know how the bead stayed there
M long without giving trouble.
In Raleigh a one-year-old child
was chewing a piece of beef steak
and fell over into a tub of water.
The beef lodged in the child's
throat and prevented it from
If the citizens of this of any
other want to turnover their
earnings to the manipulators of
stock market, that is
with her sister and maid of
A few friends were present to
witness the marriage and partake
of wedding supper
Mt deputy
his bride
f Pitt's most two to stag for them;
ladies a sister Dr. J. every where ho was paid
K. Of Greenville.
and Mrs. Tucker to
today and for the
make home at Mr.
T. R. it South
Two Rapists lo
Petersburg, Va., July Two
arrested a few
days at Chase City on the
charge of attempting as-
sault on K.
have convicted and
were sentenced by Judge Holmes
to be hanged on the 2nd of
The feeling against the
prisoners was such that it was
necessary to have a military com-
present at the trial. Today
the two men men were brought
here under guard.
Closing About Over.
Two Rag Time Anthems.
A colored divine from Salisbury
was holding a meeting here last
week the services he
told the that he had
dollars each singing them, but
because of the friendly relations
between and
himself he would render the two
for five dollars, At once the con-
set. to work and raised
the money, for which they received
two ragtime anthems.
Randolph Argus.
He Went to Winterville.
A man at the depot
evening said be had been
in his mind whether to take a
trip to Atlantic City or to Win-
He wanted to go where
there was a crowd of girls, and on
heating the proportion was to
at the teacher's institute, be was
not long reaching a decision.
Will Wait for Prices.
The farmers will not likely rush
the market with tobacco at the
The early closing agreement of the season. They want
tween the dry ex- to find out how prices are going to
So far as the run. Reports of low prices come
done at night is concerned,
there will not be much doing yet,
and some may continue to close
early for a few week longer.
from markets that have already
opened, you can on
Greenville giving the highest j
prices that are to be had.
of this country cannot be large
again. Scarcity of labor and the
uncertainty of holding contracts
with those who can be hired and
many other influences enter into
against large cotton
crop any more. The present out-
look tor cotton is ii
good price the coming season.
The first bale of the was sold
in New a few day ago at
twenty six a half cents per
pound; but of course we cannot
hope for anything that price
the crop. There is every in-
however, that the
of cotton will rule high this year,
a little prudence in selling
will almost certainly secure good
prices for all. Of course no one
can tell what will be the yield of
the cotton in North
this year; whether it
large or small, the price will
almost certainly be
land Neck Commonwealth.
Mr. Joseph W. Folk, the St.
Louis lawyer who has made a
reputation as wide as the bound-
of the continent by his fear-
less running to earth of the Mis-
legislative is a
native of county, this state
and a graduate of Wake Forest
College. They turn out men with
high ideals of righteousness and
courage of conviction in this
famous Tar Heel Baptist college.
Charlotte Chronicle.
Twenty to One.
They tell us the proportion of
attendance the teacher's in-
at Winterville, is about
females to male. Boys are
at a premium down there.
No wonder Joe Blow is having
such a good time.
It is always an era of hard times
with the shiftless man.

a young
daughter of general. At the time the
Crimean war out she was en-
gaged to a lieutenant
the army. There are cases
where lovers so wrapped in
each other that separation is agony. So
It was with these two young people
when departed for the
ward. Lisa held to him till tho last
minute and fell in a stupor when he
left her.
It had been arranged between them
that should not only send word
by everyday mail, but telegraph her in
case of his being wounded or taken
Rick. This wight involve sending news
of a battle. The Russian government
Rives out nil the news, not permitting
oven the newspaper correspondents to
Bend any except what has passed a
censor. Therefore would not
only obliged to send his message
surreptitiously, but In cipher. The
lover arranged a code, giving the
key. He not tell her that there was
little hope of his being able to use it
Still, since the cipher as simply a few
ordinary sentences, each with a special
the sending of a message
not impossible.
was wealthy, and Russian
are very corrupt. He made
acquaintance of a telegrapher at head-
quarters and arranged with him for
1.000 rubles to send a message if re-
One evening Lisa was at an enter-
at the house of Vladimir
a prominent government of-
at St. Petersburg. The
had been stormed and the government
was especially desirous of keeping
news which forebode One defeat of the
Russian cause from the people. The
host knew of it and was instructed to
proceed with his entertainment, since
a postponement would excite suspicion
In the midst of the festivities a
gram was banded to Lisa. She tore off
the envelope, scanned the words In the
message and fell In a faint.
who had been feigning to be in a merry
mood, but really was depressed by what
he was concealing, happened to be near
Uh when she swooned, seized
telegram, noticed the point from
whence it came and knew at once that
it must be a cipher message containing
some news about the disaster. He
bad Lisa carried upstairs to a private
room, the police to come and
take charge of her, and disappearing
from among his guests went directly
to the Imperial palace with the
The telegram was composed of two
sentences, am on picket duty to-
and love you as the
first meaning has been a
the second am badly
It had been understood between the
lovers that in the latter event Lisa
should go to her lover If possible. Lisa
before recovering from her swoon
raved about Ills condition, then as soon
as she came to herself raised herself
the Couch on which she had been
laid, saying that she must go at once
to Then for the first time she saw
among those about bar police officer.
She knew at once that she had betray-
ed herself.
Lisa was Bent to her father's house,
where she was kept under the
lance of the police. Every effort was
made Without success to induce her to
tell from whom the telegram, which
was unsigned, came. Rut it was quite
plain that it must have from her
lover. An account of the matter was
sent to the headquarters of the army
with orders to watch without
Informing of the result of his mes-
sage. In the of catching him send-
another and discovering through
what operator he sent it. how-
ever, sent no more messages, for he
was lying in a hospital severely
Several months passed, during which
Lisa was kept in close confinement,
without any knowledge of her lover's ,
condition. She did not know whether
Be had died of his wound or would live
to suffer a worse fate for sending
a telegraph message that j
only the government might send. She j
sank rapidly under the strain. Those
who attended her dared not speak of
anything that had happened in ;
with the matter, Lisa did not
even know bow her own father, who ,
was with the army in the Crimea,
stood toward her.
One afternoon there was n sound of
hoofs and the Clatter of sabers
In the court. Thinking that her father ,
had from tho war. a sudden
thrill of hope passed through Lisa that
he would bring her news of
Then she heard her father's voice and
looked for him to rush upstairs as he
was used t- doing when he came home,
but when be did not she supposed that
he had not forgiven her for her part In
the deceit. Presently she heard several
people coining op the stairway very
slowly. Then her d-or opened and her
father enter d, followed Try the order-
lies supporting the wasted figure of her
lover. . I
ate forgiven, my
said the father. emperor has
listened to my prayer in behalf.
Vladimir won his own forgiveness by
gallantry In the action of which he
sent you the
The father embraced his daughter;
then her pale soldier lover limped to
her and they were locked In one an-
other's arms.
The telegraph operator was not so
fortunate. The message was traced
him. and he sent to Siberia. This
was the only cloud upon the
and Lisa, a few years later,
while at court, persuaded the emperor
grant the man a pardon.
W. R. Smith left this morning
Misses Ives and fox of
spent today here.
W. F. came from-Win-
this morning.
Vernon Bateman left Friday
evening few Goldsboro.
Firm I Rod. t r. .
Almost everybody believes that, Emma Starkey went to
Franklin was the Inventor of the light- Friday evening,
rod. and in this one particular
nearly everybody Is mistaken. The
lightning conductor was not In I Kooky this morning,
vented by the genius who Is to
have the lightning wild and j B. returned
played with bolts of but . Seven this morning;
by a monk who lived
it who erected his light- j Miss Rosa Tucker, from near
catcher tin- palace of the cu , spent today hf re.
of Moravia, June r
The name of this Inventive Airs. J. G.
monk was His a
Conducted by DR. C.
B. returned ;
Friday Plymouth.
Mrs. W. T. Burton children i
was composed of a pole
mounted by an Iron rod supporting
twelve curved branches and
In as many metallic boxes filled
with iron ore and with a i
WOOden cover. This was
by twenty-seven Iron pointed
rods, the bases of which were connect-1
ed with the ore luxes. This entire j
system of wires was united with the morning for
earth by a large chain. ,, , ,.
The enemies of Jealous of j of
his success, excited the arrival Friday evening to visit
the neighborhood against him, claiming relatives,
that his invention was the cause of the
dry weather that was mining their
crops. When the inventor laughed at
them and refused to remove It they
put him In prison and then destroyed
his work.
M. used a triple pointed rod
years before Benjamin ever
thought of a lightning rod.
i and Susie Moore
a birthday party
tty Miss at bit
G. went t i in country
A passed through
Tuesday bit dogs
toward Greenville air
bit several dogs o the way.
them all.
Rev. Mr. and daughter
Elizabeth, are in town at W. Hi
Prof. W. IS. came Moore's. Mr. tinges is
this Winterville. after the interest o his school
N. C.
for Dry
Ila Groceries.-
from Morehead City.
The most relentless exterminator of
reptiles Is a member of the family It-
beautiful, lithe, yellow
black king snake, the friend of m-n
the avowed enemy of anything
that creeps or crawls regardless of size
or poison fang. A native of our own
south, the king snake Is between five
and eight feet long and no thicker
around than a man's thumb. In
every muscle and bone for speed
tremendous constricting power, there
la not another snake earth that can
withstand his assault, lie Is
to the poison of the cobra and of
rattler alike, and the strength of n
thirty foot python no terrors
him. Within five t
opening of the i . ;
kill I n e-e
lived. Fer. c-;. the little
is toward I is own u ml. toward
man he is friendly and rarely
to escape when met W.
linker in
Ms. Charles
Miss Fat tie will leave this
for Springs.
and son. Churchill,
left this
W. A. I
Bro. of whole
and no
is here
Talley, a few
spent mi the
with his u back again
with J. L. Gibson. Co.
M. her
Mrs. are visiting
ti leads in today.
A to W, ,.
for HI,
county to vial relatives. Not mat.
M, A. Jarvis and
Miss Sophia, returned, Friday to
evening from. Seven Springs.
Misses Eva Mrs. Smith v. is visiting
Allen and. Addie Johnston, return- W- My-
ed. morning from is
; few days family W.
Miss Sledge,
who has been visiting Nellie .
Fender, renamed home this mom- A woman
If is roving to do better
Mrs. resumed is fie,
morning, visit to
Mrs. Herbert Mia , .
Bertha Simmons, j. t . r.
Dry Notions, dint-
and The
only in town. All
. the Bat
sold at half price.
Special i trices or.
hats caps and rib-
laces and millinery goods;
Wanted u- dozen eggs
Car load chickens from cents
Best Tin-thy hay at lowest
Cheapest place for jars.
ways on hand,. especially
hot days.
Bring all of country pro-
duce and W. M.
for highest prices.
Dud Moore- and Scott Galloway
will please you.
Grimesland,. C
Anything wanted the way
of doming, Dry Mo-
and H can. be
here, whether is
to eat, something- to
wear, or some foe the
house-or farm., you can he
supplied. Highest
for cotton, country
or anything sells.
Mr. the
Way, doc. what is good for
Doctor club n
Welsh rabbit is sometimes good
about three days of
Is the parent of
and all
Rheumatic Symptoms.
The Safest and Surest Remedy knows is
Dr. s
German Liver Powder
This is not a mixture, but a veritable
translation of one of Nature's
innermost secrets. If you re a suffer-
tr we; will end you FREE OP
a sample package of German
Liver Powder with our
pare booklet, which contains authentic
from patients who have been
cured by this wonderful Specific. Do not
delay, but send your full address at once to
The American Co.
and recommended by
J. Bros.
Daniel, of Dunn, who
has been sister,
W. C. Hines,
Miss Priscilla Williford, of
Mount, who has been visiting Mi,
S. M. Friday
for Springs.
Miss Joyner, who baa
visiting Miss Alice Lang, re-
to her home at i
this morning.
c. n. JONES
N. C.
Complete Stuck of
If to build a
for- your r for
we can. supply your
rod sell the tobacco also
of arts
Mid to us any-
A wail
Mrs. T. H. Coffield, of Hassell, as M pain I rot
who has visiting her brother,
j A. J. Out returned home
Miss Mary Medearis, of Win-
who has been visiting
Mis Patrick,
for Clinton,
rick accompanied her.
taxed j
thank to In-.
Dr. Fill
an end i all. bey are gentle
bat thorough, Try
D. W.
And Provisions
left this Drug Store.
Miss Pat-
J. B. James and Walter John-
jam who have been playing ball I
with the Ayden team at Hooker-
ton and other places this week,
came home this morning.
promptly obtain U. end Foreign
i Send model, sketch or photo
i For free book.
The startling announcement
a preventive of suicide had been
i discovered will interest many. A
; run down system, or ,
invariably precede
has been found that
condition which makes suicide
likely. At the first thought
Self destruction take Electric Bit-
It being a great tonic and
will strengthen the nerves
and up the system. also
a great Stomach, Liver and Kid-1
regulator. Only i
faction guaranteed by
Drug Store.
Wood's Seeds
Farmers and Gardeners who de-
sire the latest and fullest
Vegetable and Farm Seeds
should write for Wood's New
Fall It tells all about
the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab-
and other Vegetable crops
which are proving profitable to
southern growers. Also about
Crimson Clover, Vetches,
Grasses and Clovers,
Seed Oats, Wheat,
Rye, Barley, etc
Wood's New Fall mailed
free on request. Write for it.
Richmond, Va.
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
Ayden News and Advertisements.
The Ayden Branch Office of The Eastern Reflector is in charge of R. F. JOHNSON, to whom any mutter for publication on
this page be sent, and who is our authorized agent in Ayden and surrounding territory.
Hay, Corn, Lime, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Depository for
Public School Books.
Agents for
Blue Shoes.
foods and
We are to our stock a nice, new and up-to-date line of B B
We carry almost everything in the furniture line prices will he made as
cheap m consistent with good goods. Prices are very much reduced on
Lawns. Slippers, etc., also a certain lino of Shoes. u pair of
Shoes better come at once as we have put a pi-ice them that will certainly
move them Yours for business, TYSON.
J. R. Smith Bro.
Quality is ever the first consideration in this store, because
that is the only basis For values that insures the satisfaction
of customers and the continuance of successful business.
General Dry Goods, Millinery, Furniture,
Hardware, Groceries, etc.,
is probably the most extensive in town, oar prices are
ways We also carry a la ire Stock of such as
Hay, Oats, etc. Let us nerve you. J. B. Smith Bro.
-r l
and Discounts. 4,110.45
Furniture and
Expenses Paid.
Due from banks and bankers 11,1168.00
Cash. . 817.70
Interest. 179.47
Total, .
you bought it from HINES it's all
Live and
Lit Live
Prices to all.
Groceries, Hardware.
J. W. and BROS.
k Style
Stays i J in. In. apart
Special Hog, and Cattle Style
Stays ii In. or o Id. apart
Made of large, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galvanized.
Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is practically ever-
lasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it.
Does not mutilate, but does, efficiently, turn cattle, horses, hogs
and pigs.
by the manufacturers and by us. Call and see it. Can show you how
it will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced.
Also Mower, Rakes, Binders, Cultivators and all
Always go to the
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
. , Try a bottle of my Pig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
Price cents,
If you are not satisfied I will return
Pharmacist, C.
Ayden, N. C, , Aug. 190.1.
Ned S. F. and
J. O. went to Fountain Hill i
Wednesday night to be with a
party a ride.
P. O. Mayo, who has
here for some time, baa gone
to his home near re
Master Taylor Whitehurst, of
Aurora, is Master Letter
Mrs. Rountree, of Kinston, is
Visiting at the home K. Can-
Misses Ella Wayne, who bag of the game made
been in New Bern for back to Ayden
returned yesterday. but talked as
Miss Lizzie came over About tin-cleverness of the
from Winterville yesterday. I a they did of
We are glad to see Capt. D. G. their Especially did
Berry out again. praise the most excellent dinner.
Mr. Ellington, state hunk exam-
was here yesterday to look
into the affairs of our bank. We
are glad to report that he found it
in a flourishing condition.
Mi's. Jas. Long gave an ice black
T , , ,.
supper last evening honor her
guests, Misses Davis Hemby.
Miss Cannon went to
Thursday to spend a
few days.
of has
succeeded P. Mayo as operator
t this place.
A. P. Murray, who has been in
Granville live weeks,
returned Thursday.
K. of Ridge Springs, i
was in town Friday.
was here yesterday.
the advertisements in
the page of
We have good less
men and clever salesmen and
prices that can't be beaten. You j
will save money by for
ha rest in offered by them.
Old Ayden m on a boom. We
will get the graded school and soon j
may look for new enter-1
prise. Such talent and capital
has can't buried tor long.
We need factories and must
them. Let the capitalists speak.
photographer, F. Man-
left Wednesday fur i
where he will remain a few days,
work in that
H- Manning formerly f the
firm of F. Manning A Bro., has
opened a shoe and
shop Main street, opposite
W. Bros.
Clarence went
to Friday.
J. J. and It S.
spent evening in Winter-
Bryant Ives, of near is
reported as his wile
daughter very severely Mon-
day. Tuesday night a masked
crowd of eight men took out
and gave him fifty with a
trace and five with a horse whip.
He since received a note
him to leave the state in tea
days. Ives is suffering very badly
from his experience.
Sponges are cultivated in West In- I
Alan waters and the Mediterranean.
in its natural state the bath or toilet I
sponge is Busby and covered with n
skin. To obtain the light
elastic skeleton,
sponges are left In shallow sea water
for several days in a Staked
until the rotten animal matter can be
beaten out. For artificial cultivation
a living sponge Is cut into small blocks,
about a cubic Inch In size, with a
Of the oilier skin on each. These.
fixed to a frame of weighted trellis-
work, are sunk Into a few fathoms of
clear water, where they Sourish best
on a bottom of green free
from mud. In about seven years the
cuttings crow into of market-
able slue.
of somewhat
reputation, who was
the American way of spelling, once
turned to the
actor, and leave it to Mr.
Barrymore. Is It right to leave out
the in such words as harbor, neigh-
honor, candor, about
harbor neighbor I am not
replied when it comes
to honor and candor leave you
Physician and
A N.
Office in brick Block.
Get our prices on Meat and Flour
before buying.
sell your Eggs and Chickens
till you get our offer on them.
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
N. O.
you ever asked a well
; know n physician the other day,
i men who out oranges not much
injured by smoking It is a fact
I Orange Julee has the faculty of
nicotine, and that is the
reason. I have seen men weakened
even made by excessive
and it few oranges were nil that
was necessary to straighten them
Philadelphia Record.
What's the matter. Blank
You're all cut about and your
arm a as though you had been
a tight, and yet you look beaming
smiling over It nil.
fact Is have all along
thought my boy Harold a sort of muff,
and the other I undertook to give
him some boxing lessons. This is the
result of the first lesson. Oh, I'm
proud of that boy
Bobby's father was breaking the
news to hi in.
Would you like to have a little
brother. he asked,
replied the youngster
cheerfully. Then lie reflected a min-
lie said slowly. guess,
after ill. rather have a sister. I'm
a boy you York
Friday the Ayden ball team
went over to Hookerton to play
the home team, and left the Hook-
boys grieving to the tune of
to The batteries were for
Ayden, James and and
for Hookerton, Caraway and Pal-
mer. A. wet ball toward last
all v of .
until isn't addicted to drink,
Oh. Of course he
takes a glass sow and
see I must my question.
Doesn't let his
blend with his a little too
Plain Dealer.
Dr. Louis C Skinner,
Ayden, North Carolina.
Ont door north of post office.
the best Brick in
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always baud. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the. thousand or
car load. Yours truly,
Ayden, N.
EDWIN Proprietor.
Best the market affords.
meets all trains,
Rooms. Electric lights.
Ayden, North
Why suffer from eve strain,
pain in the eye balls, severe
headaches and general dis-
comforts of the eyes, when
J. W.
Can permanently cure you of
those discomforts by fitting
you with the proper glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed
or your money re-

D. J.
Editor and Proprietor.
Associate Editor.
The board of aldermen will pro-
The First
j tribute to of Pitt
Baptist Church of braves
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made known upon application. .
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Tuesday, August 1903.
Bow down to th Dick militia It is getting in its
work, as evidences the following
New Orleans, July Washington Artillery, the
order an election to take the
; Wilmington ha taken an advanced
sense of the voters of this town as
position on the temperance
to bonds to the amount of;
for exchange for second
mortgage bonds of the Raleigh
Pamlico Sound railroad. We
earnestly hope the proposition i
bat it is exactly right,
and its example ought to be
followed by every
is to be held at Fort.
Fisher.; the lath of August; of
the survivors- of the confederates
who were captured there the
th 1865.
This is eminently right an
will carry. ought to
in the state. A resolution, fen the heroism of the
hat been passed in confer- the famous fort should
that the hand of fellowship
be perpetuated to the remotest
tuber The gallant survivor
show its faith in the enterprise to , . I have to be proud of
I hereafter be found guilty .- f .
this extent. There is question ; their and will so
be from any
hut that the road will be of great
benefit to this entire The
of it has cost us many thous-
oldest and strongest military organization in the southwest, has and in the past,, well
M kept away from us enter-
prises that d not care to place
split and gone pieces over the question of the Dick militia
bill and service in the militia. By a majority of nine, in a
large meeting, the men decided to join the militia under govern-
auspices. Colonel Richardson, commanding, and mos-J of I themselves at the mercy of a rail-
of endorsing of sign- on that
petitions to grant license for spot pride and sad--
the heaviest
gun powder.
acts in its defense have
received the praise u
selling liquor. Men aid
loons ought to leave the
There is no deadly enemy to
all the church stands eat the
no matter whether a
the officers left the after the vote was announced and re-
fuse to abide by i. The artillery is sixty It served
with distinction in the war and furnished batteries to
both the armies of Virginia and Tennessee, and
has been used in suppression of all local riots and
It owns its armory, cannon, guns, etc. Most of the
time it has been an independent military regiment, but for the
ten or twelve years has been a member of the stats militia.
BloW is the Wilmington Messenger content to by
the judgment in the It appears that the
New Orleans officers are made of different stuff from the
geniuses of this state. The Messenger that the
Dick bill is the law of the land. What, will happen to
those officer and enlisted men who declined to obey the
How will you uphold the majesty of the law The Messenger
knows the Dick bill is no more the law of the land to those who
decline to obey it than a town ordinance in the law of the land
road having monopoly.
Now, good people, get together
push this thing
Don't howl increase in
man sells liquor by or; they so- union deserve. Indeed
retail, or aids the traffic by they a known to very few per-
Durham the retail
association is fought by an
Buyers organized by a
from South Carolina. The
pledges its members to buy
nothing except for cash, and to
boycott all merchants who
to the association. This
latter's appears to us to be
a piece of lolly The object of the
association is to compel
people to pay their debts, and any-
thing in opposition to this is
dishonest. If the Buyers
induce its members to
buy nothing except for cash it
will have accomplished a great
good, also one of the aims of the
association. But to seek
to perpetuate the frauds from
which continually
fer is nothing short of
renting to liquor or scarcely any
. one baa heard of the of
signing petitions praying for h
e k l- v i Private Christopher C.
be should be made t walk
when the probabilities are, u . company. Thirty Sixth North
. , . , the plan. There can be do mid- Carolina The
there will not be a of .
; die ground and no compromise in was with
increase. The lax on m-. The saloon one when the order was given t. raise
road's property in this count y the
gather with the one per cent, ad
vantage in will equal-the
interest on our bonds. So you
have no excuse whatever talk-
about increase in taxation
The plans upon
suit if
did we would no railroad
we would soon sprout wings and ,,, ,
, Wilmington, we
fly to Raleigh. But the project is
for ultimate good of
j to He
No ca stand y . .
the began climbing
H is art for h
on the other,
on both sides.
us is us. He that is tho
friendly to be by shrieking of sh which
. friendly to the he two he he
institutions are under two different the flag top.
down a shell tore.-
no man can serve
. .- sad of the nm and at
the good of
action will the steps
jam almost and
wain fastened the ii g
was made yesterday of
the fact that a county officer in
county, this state, had re-
his office and the
was offered that be be detain-
ed for inquiry sanity.
Here is a case that is even more
astonishing. The commissioner
of pensions has received a letter
from a pensioner, as
withdraw and cancel all . . , ,
papers to my claim for ; e an- by t but not a
a he requests, do u Co., Raleigh, a Children. has ever
i dart, g
me to it It is that x- July wag .
hot , 31st, It gives the
town and Qr y H e ,
it ought meet History baa
dismay thus very, important t . . . .
on hand. . Lu. J the-heroism,
The way is Moultrie,.
right way, and the. way shot down.
if .
has a
i. make of M beheld
to draw upon -our esteemed
flighty in. that time, the name and wiSe-stranded it
very warm the . K ft
officials, and much useful was
information, about The from original, it was as
calendar is, pages sells for , we have
taken to. death. , j w m the
bright side is .-.
Charlotte just will keep ahead,
notwithstanding the recent com-
plaint in the local of
the Observer that so little happened
in the city to make news out of.
It looks to outsider
that Charlotte gets what is going
in way of happenings, and the
nature of them aught to be start-
ling enough to suit any burg. The
latest, which a murderous
on a man while in bed in
his home, with his wife and child-
asleep in the room with
would have done credit to a Iron-
tier town.
has been of some duration.
Charlotte Observer.
Don't give all the praise for
this to the hot weather. That
man may have a streak of honesty
or bit of conscience him
things that are in the
The Greensboro ma- who mail-, true
make up of the bulk of ed in a letter to the- a needed win
At a young
man years old was charged
Raleigh, which letter and y chance would
not been heard from since mailed, a young, the .
little wondering on his
with infanticide and submitted to own account. What he would j in of
A. whit . . i
to relief, j
secured assistance,
to save their lives, sent them As might have been expected
with a new faith in the there the
as to who shall succeed the pope t
The latest American rev-
was started because a gen-
got drunk. If that was
cause for a revolution in this
town peace would be a dream in-
An Elizabeth City man was re-
of while bathing at
Virginia Beach. Which shows
that cleanliness may not be
next to keeping your money.
manslaughter. Judge to know is who got that money.
before whom the case was beard, I
regret that the man who General Cassius M. Clay boasted
this girl could not he reach- that he could his ancestry
ed and severely punished. Alas, j back to the dawn of but of man ,,
the pity that we such law and j failed to specify the tribe of j true that ere m.
such society that punishes and keys from which he descended. Bat men of
casts out the woman in sin,
There are numerous
yet let i go free and opens arms Riding on the Southern railway
to the fiend who is the author of i worse than going to war.
the girl's downfall and ruin.
Mr. Fred L. Merritt has resign- iNSURANCE
state, but seems to be a deep-
appreciation vi this
among North No
matter how wide the gulf wealth
or social position that
them, the cry of a North Carolin-
The man who loses his money
generally loses his and
ought to be glad to get rid of the
average friend.
ed as editor of the Asheville
and is succeeded by Mr. W.
W. Moore. The latter is a Green-
ville boy and The Reflector is
glad to know be is making a
of ins journalistic work in
the mountain city. He is not only
editor but also one of the
pal owners of the Citizen.
Greensboro is talking with fear
about a water famine. And the
town full of barrooms.
The man who Insures his life h cannot go unheeded by any
for His family. native of this state whether lie
The man who Insures his , .
is wise both for his family an. New York or Manila,
J. Morgan indulges in a
little profanity occasionally, but
one thing he will not be
able corner.
It is the North Carolina spirit
brotherhood that I
You may insure health by guard-11 he spirit of
it. It la worth guarding. j, . , ,
. ., binds in affection all the sons
At the first attack of disease
which generally approaches good mother and
through the LIVER and man Observer.
Itself In Innumerable
Ho who hesitates may be lost,
but he who does not count the
in a i
C. T. buyer for Bi Store, is now in New York
buying his fall stock of
Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes, etc.
and in order to make room we have started one the Greatest Midsummer Clearance
Sales ever known to the people, of all Summer Goods. They must go. This includes
our mammoth stock of fine
Dimities, Organdies and Lawns that were
1-2 and now only
per cent, reductions on all Clothing.
cost is apt to he the lost also.
s Pills
And eave your health.
Ab the preachers begin to take
Sir Thomas Lipton wears a vacations the devil begins to ,
ball mask to escape the kisses of see where he comes in at.
the misses. And even that doesn't i.
Car Load Fine Furniture and Felt Mattresses Just in
Hurry up with the cash and get the great bargains. Money is what it takes to get them.
some pt stick
their tongues through the slats.
The lawyers denounce lynching
it eliminates their fees.
Crude Tow her.
Ai ii , said
a vision- who
the of York
city public were all-
of Were
Just as of
the the of Superintend-
to me ti be
worthy of by
the words an en-
partisan, I set wort
making inquiries about those
teachers in the school home.
The fallowing are the data given me
by of this school, which,
am told, is by no more favored
In the way of than the
others in the of ten male
teachers ail three could if
they to do so. the possession of
a bachelor's degree. Two of the seven
are masters, with some work done to-
ward a Ph. nearly all ore
doing postgraduate work either
at Columbia or at the State university.
The spoken of are ex-high school
principals from up state . My
respect for the New York city school-
teacher has been wonderfully , In-
There are always a number Of mar-
on board the
ply between Calcutta and th West
coolies are very fond of
marrying before entering on
of servitude. as many
a hundred of them will
nuptial knot tied.
The captain of any British
power to marry people, but
master of one of these vessels
boa grown tired of reading the
can or sixty times a
age. So lie had a
printed With the essential the
service. The bride and bridegroom
step into the cabin, sign one of these
forms, have it witnessed and become
man and No questions i are
asked. They simply sign names.
It the quickest kind of
on record, but the British Authorities
have declared it perfect valid.
Heart, and Heel.
Many good have to
time been told of Rev.
the -temperance orator a well
known figure in the early history of
valley. , .-
the civil War he enlisted
served as chaplain in one of the
of Infantry raised the valley,
One day, in the midst of a fierce
the major rode, up in of, the
regiment to his
Father Hunt at the head the ranks.
what are you;, doing
he asked.
echoed the old minister
briskly. am trying to cheer the
hearts, of the bravo and out for
the heels of the I
I The Sen Cook's
tried every kind pf female
determined to said
a portly, millionaire.
occurred to me that an liner
was the best place find him. Every-
thing is so clean a ship's kitchen,
you know. Well. fine
Swede and him my
kitchen at a week. He seemed to
be all right, but presently my neigh-
complained that he was throwing
nil the refuse out of the window.
habit He thought the window a
porthole on a ship. I haver
break hi ill of the trick bad to let
him York Press.
i , m I t
A Servant. I
a pend-
In the
to n of which
j known The case defended
on a known only
old servant, who to it.
a kirk her
she must speak on peril of
would ye mt the honor or an mild
Scottish family In competition the
of a creature
doctor, for a patient
must take out his Heart It with
On his way home ho cold
for the next three weeks matte
one miserable listening to his
An Order.
can show you,
Absent Minded want-
let me see, what do I want Dear ma
I can't for the life of me remember
what it Is. Well, well, it doesn't mat-
Give me the nearest thing you
have to it.
Bookseller I have a very Interesting
work by, a favorite Last
Days of
Customer I don't know
an author of that name. What did ha
I die of
Bookseller-Of eruption.

An Intended
was n young Russian who
If not belong lo the
wan nit Car abort it.
the son of a wealthy
man who lived in tho same province,
Vera. met one day while he
was hunting, and an Intimacy sprang
up between the two young people
Which ended. In lam. When
father beard of the attachment he for-
bade his son ever to speak to the girl
again under pain of being disinherited.,
This naturally led to secret meeting.
One afternoon Van went to the wood j
to meet Alexis by appointment. She
waited a Ions wall at the
pure, bat bar lover did not
misfortune, she walked
toward the home. She
gone but a abort distance when she
saw torso nipping the grass
beside the road. Then her eye
on his near by. The,
horse bad thrown him, giving him
broken arm mid n sprained ankle.
soon M Vera came up the two i
consulted as to what should be done.,
Vera to mount the horse and .
ride for help, but the animal refused to
be caught and ran back toward the
estate. Vera did what she
could to make bar lover comfortable.
Then night came on.
Presently they heard n bark.;
Vera, who was holding her lover In
arras with his hand In hers, gave,
a convulsive clutching of her Angers.
Both knew the sound to be the baying
of a wolf.
It was far distant, but It reminded
thorn that there were other wolves
through the wood. Indeed,
It was not long before they saw within
a stone's throw two eyes glaring like
coals of fire.
Vera bad had time to prepare
self for this. She knew that Alexis
could neither stand on his feet nor
hold a gnu. except with one hand, and
that the left. Disengaging herself
from him, she seized his rifle, which
she had taken the precaution to re-
cover, and waited for the wolf to draw j
nearer. When he had come within i
proper range she raised the rifle to her
shoulder and fired, aiming between j
the eyes. The wolf, whose head was J
only cut by the ball, gave a yelp and
dashed away.
the shell, laid Alexis.
will be back
Vera drew the shell and, taking a
cartridge from belt, fixed It in j
the rifle and waited. Alexis, who was
a splendid shot, begged her If the wolf
returned to
Vera hesitated, then
It plain that one must die.
If delay the wolves there was a
chance of help coming for Alexis. It
was also possible that their hunger,
would be appeased with my body and
who was great
man and a brave man Bet
this heroic devotion con-
to union with Com, and
never tired of the of how j
aha had saved his son and offered
elf to the wolves In his stead.
A large part of the floor
in. you are discharged from
Ms prison and may go where you like.
I hope you'll live an honest life and not
have to come hack here
As the warden spoke the prisoner
stared at him though his mind were
upon other matters, then, without a re-
ply, hastened out Into the world.
Several years before this Henry
Tracy was a young business man of
such marked ability that when Man-
an Intimate friend,
though fifteen years his senior, died it .
was found that Tracy had been named Space Will be ready for the
sole executor of his estate and guard-
of the only heir, Edith Bright- Sale.
man. seventeen years old. One day y t
Abel Ba who bad once been .
attorney, produced
transferring the whole estate to Sarah
who claimed to be the second The building Will be
of the deceased. These papers
disappeared, and there was such strong . . . . ,
that Tracy had stolen them III
that his followed. While
he was In prison the estate remained in
litigation, and Edith being
deprived of her Income, was forced to
earn her own living.
On the evening of his discharge he
stood on a street corner waiting for
the clocks to At the first
stroke a man crossed the Street and
Joined him.
asked Tracy.
right. You go ahead, I'll
low. We don't want to be seen to-
Tracy followed the man out of town
to n deserted house standing beside the
road, and the two entered the grounds.
A pick and a shovel wen found under
n porch, Tracy, leading the way to
a large tree in a corner of the lot, be-
to dig. Coming to a small sheet
Iron box, they removed It and returned
with It to the illy.
go to your room. said
Tracy. got the documents
there, I
Parham and Parham
Monday, Aug. 3rd, 1903.
Competent assistants.
Class Service.
New House and
Sell your Tobacco
Last and always at P. r
ham War.
Sell with us and will get you all we can for your tobacco.
Your friends,
A few minutes later Brown scratched
hold the rifle for him and I a match In his room, lit the gas. locked
let him fire with the gun against his
left shoulder. consented
took the position required, to see
how It would work, but Alexis was
obliged to up, was so faint that
he did not dare try the experiment.
When the wolf came back there
were four pairs of glaring eyes
of one. Vera had lived all her
life in a country infested with wolves
and knew that when one was killed
the others would eat the before
pushing on. Selecting one pair of eyes
for she could see else of the
was about to lire when she
felt her band tremble. She paused
and, turning, kissed lover the
lips. That kiss strengthened her
nerves, and, again aiming, she fired,
and a wolf dropped dead.
While Its fellows were scrambling
for the food Vera drew the shell of
the exploded cartridge Inserted
another. Hut this unequal contest
could not Inst. The four wolves were I
Joined by half n dozen others, and the
lovers knew that as soon the dead
wolf bad been devoured there would j
be another rush which It was hopeless
that they could withstand. Vera to j
gain distance took hold of Alexis under
the arms and dragged back us far
she was able; then, taking the rifle,
he stood before him, waiting for the
wolves to finish their meal.
Most of the carcass was consumed.
She could bear a few wolves still pick-
at the while one or two, she
fancied, were licking their chops. One
pair of eyes appeared In the middle of
the road glaring at her. and In a mo-
she wan sure they were drawing
nearer. She raised her rifle, aimed and
purled the trigger.
The cartridge did not explode.
Vera that the end at
hand. Throwing down her rifle, she
deliberately to offer herself
a sacrifice to delay her lover's death.
At the moment there were a clatter
of hoofs before her a shot.
In an Instant the wolves had vanished.
Horsemen came up found Vera
standing In the road some distance be-
fore Alexis. In the darkness they
would have run her down had she not
aside. They were a party Of
the horse had gone
home without his rider, and they had
come out to search for
Alexis was taken home and insisted
that Vera should go with him.
doff, the of Alexis, questioned
Vera, who told the leaving out
her Intended sacrifice.
wore you so far In advance of
son, unarmed, when you were
The Old Reliable
the door, pulled down the shades, and
the two opened the iron box, taking
out a bundle of papers. mean-
while unlocked a desk brought
forth an envelope containing
Tracy seized them and
scanned them one after another till he
came to one at which he uttered n cry
of Joy.
Is the key to the he
exclaimed. tills the others
are worthless. I'll take care of this
myself. You look out for the others.
Meet me in the morning at the court-
house, and we will swear out the war-
It was o'clock at night when
Tracy left the detective walked
rapidly to a house where there was but
one light burning. He rang the bell
and when a servant came asked for
mind that, i roust see her tie to sell tobacco on the Greenville market. It has weathered the
Who shall i tell her wishes to see ; of difficulty and stood the storms of opposition through all the years of the market,
out with the proud record of doing better for the farmers than any other house
mind that either. She'll f , , a i i u
prove of your calling her What have done can to do. For the season of 1903 we are in better
When Edith entered the than ever to do business and protect the interest of the tobacco grower. Prices
room and saw her guardian, the ex- , . ,,,,,,
convict, she caught at the door knob, and Best shall be our motto.
The Greenville Warehouse continues under the same management as heretofore, and every
member of the firm is a warehouseman of .
Bring us your tobacco and will go home r
His Imprisonment and the mystery at-
tending it, together with the loss of her
property, had not only boon a puzzle
hut a horror to her. When it occurred
she still half n Child. Now she
was a woman.
said Tracy, estate is
saved to
She stared at him at
your father me to be
his executor he told me of the woman
who claimed to be his wife, and that
he also suspects
I he said, be some rascal
practiced on my little girl.
me you will see that she Is not
T promise on my honor and my
I replied.
the blow fell I knew the pa-
wore fraudulent, but could not
prove It. The court was about to turn
I over the estate to this woman. WOO
would at once turn It Into cash
leave the country. I deliberately stole
their papers and burled them in my
yard. While erring term I em-
i ployed a detective, who has only re-
unraveled the case. Here Is a
contract between Abel and
Sarah wherein she agrees to
divide the estate with him in case he
secures It for her, and below her con-
that she was never married to
your father, and the documents are all
i forced, the signatures being, copied
Q. F. Evans Co. Props.
G. F.
from letters or rather which
fallen into her possession. This con-
was to hold
her In ease she refused to divide with
him after the estate was
While Tracy was giving his ward
this brief summary of a case which
could only he written In volumes her
wore the expression not of one de-
lighted at hearing how she had re-
gained her property, but an engrossing
pity mingled with wonder, admiration,
gratitude for one who had suffered dis-
grace and Imprisonment that It might
pass to Its legitimate owner.
you did this to fulfill a prom-
I loved tho little girl for whom
I did
It was a long while before
reversing the conventional
order of matrimonial occurrences,
could persuade Henry Tracy to be-
come her husband. Despite the truth,
to the world he was known as an ex-
his career was ruined.
Then be fell III, and It was In one of
his weaker physical moods his
consent WM obtained. The pair went
abroad and have never returned to
America. ROBERT F.
people ore so conscientious
about loving their enemies that If they
haven't any they are perfectly willing
to make n
Men Hut Too Much.
Eating Is tho greatest of all our
standard amusements. A great
of people obviously cat a great
deal more than they need, and It la en-
credible that a large proportion
of the moderate eaters might thrive
well and look as handsome and work
as hard live as long on a very
restricted diet. But would the
Joy of life continue unimpaired for
them The native born might raise
plenty of children if they could
for cents a day, but would they
think life was worth living on cents
worth of food a day No, they
wouldn't. That Is thing that
them.- Harper's.
List of Claims Audited and Al-
lowed by the Board of Alder-
men of the Town of Greenville
from July 1st, 1902, to June
30th, 1903.
No. To Whom Issued-
W. H.
J. T- Smith .
S. I- Dudley .
S. I. Dudley .
J. T- Smith .
W. H. .
J. T. Smith .
W. H- .
S. I. Dudley .
S. Dudley .
J. T. Smith .
W. H- .
T. F. Nobles .
J. J- Jenkins .
Jno. W. Tucker .
L. N- Smith .
J. T. Smith .
W. H- .
I. Dudley .
J. T. Smith .
W. H. .
S- I. Dudley .
Frank Wilson, uniforms.
J. C- Dicker-son .
F. Nobles.
J. T- Smith .
S. I. Dudley .
W. H. .
J- T- Smith .
S. I. Dudley .
W. H- .
J. T. Smith .
S. I. Dudley .
W. H- .
J- T. Smith .
S. I- Dudley .
W. H. .
J. L. Daniel .
J. T- Smith .
I. Dudley .
W- H- .
J. L. Daniel.
J. T. Smith .
S. I- Dudley .
W. H. .
J. L- Daniel .
Savage Move .
Peter .
J. R. Corey .
Pitt Co. Buggy Co.
Peter Bagley .
Pitt Co. Buggy Co
Peter Bagley .
Savage .
Peter Bagley .
J. R, Corey .
A. Savage Co .
Peter .
Savage Co .
Peter Bagley .
J. R. Corey .
Savage. Co.
No. Whom Issued-
Alex. L. Blow, 1902.
Fleming Moore .
Jarvis Blow .
J. Jarvis.
Dr. J. E. Nobles .
A. L. Blow .
f Arthur
R. Parker .
S. Spain.
L. Carr .
No. To Whom Issued-
D. Rountree .
Harry Skinner. Jr. W
H. W. Whedbee.
Miss Maude Nixon .
United States Mort. Trust
H. W. Whedbee .
Harry Skinner. Jr.
D. C. Moore. C. S. C.
H. W. Whedbee. o
Chas. Cobb.
B. F. Patrick .
H. W. Whedbee .
L. C. Arthur .
H. W. Whedbee .
K, K. B. .
B. F. Tyson .
B. F. Patrick
R. L. Carr .
D. S. Spain .
Cobb .
H W. It. Parker .
J. C. Tyson .
H. W. Whedbee.
J. C. Tyson .
B. F. Tyson .
E. B.
D. S. Spain .
L. C. Arthur.
R. L. Carr .
W. R, Parker .
B. F. Patrick .
Cobb .
H. W. Whedbee.
J. C. .
D. S. Spain .
Chas Cobb .
L. C. Arthur .
E. B. .
B. F. Patrick .
W. It. Parker .
Henry .
Moses Williams .
Henry Duff .
Henry Duff .
Williams .
Zeno Moore Bro
H. L. Carr .
H. A. White .
Henry Duff .
Williams .
Moore Bro .
H. A. While .
i .
To Whom Issued.
Rountree. dog tag.
Moore, recording
No. To Whom Issued-
Willis Clark .
Pitt Co. Buggy Co .
B. F. Patrick .
Pump and Well
H. L- Carr for S. P. Well
C .
R. L Humber .
W. O- . g
Pitt co. Co.
No. To Whom Issued-
Baker Hart .
J. N- Halt .
H. G- Carr .
Baker Hart .
R. J. Cobb .
Fred .
H. L. Carr .
H. L- Carr .
Fred .
h. l- Carr .
H. L- Carr .
Fred .
H. L. Carr.
Baker Hart.
No. To Whom Issued-
R. Hyman .
It. Hyman .
R. Hyman, for R. and R.
Fire Co .
R. Hyman, for Red H. Fire
Co . W
R. Hyman .
D. L James .
Frank Wilson .
G. E. Harris.
Wade Butts .
E. C.
Richard Forbes .
Wm. .
Warren King .
A. J. Griffin .
A. J. . a
Zeno. Moore Bro.
Bank of Greenville. Hose
Note .
A. J. .
A. J. .
A. J. Griffin .
A. J. .
A. J. .
E. B. .
A. J. .
A. J. .
H. C Hooker .
A. J. .
Church Moore .
A. I .
A. J. .
H. C. Hooker .
a. Savage at Co .
A. J. Griffin .
M. Fleming.
Parker .
Parker .
R. O .
H. L. Carr .
H. L- Carr .
H. L- Humber .
Fred .
A Parker .
H. L- Carr .
Baker Hart .
Fred .
H. L. Carr .
Baker ft Hart .
H. L. Carr .
H. L- Can- .
Parker .
S. T- White .
Frank Elks .
Tom Williams .
Fred .
H. L- Carr .
Baker Hart
Baker Hart .
H. L. Carr. o
Move Parker . J
H. L Carr . J
Cotten .
Fred .
H- L. Carr .
Baker Hart .
H- L. Carr .
Fred .
Greenville Mfg- Co .
ft Parker . H
H. L. Carr .
H. L. Carr .
Hit H. L. Carr .
L- Carr .
-40 John Flanagan Buggy Co. l
L- Carr .
H- L. Carr .
Fred . B
No. To Whom Issued-
Allen Warren .
J. L Starkey .
J. N. Booth .
Henry Harding .
R. A Tyson, Jr.
J. G. Bowling .
L. W. Lawrence .
A. A. Andrews.
J. S. Tunstall .
G. C. Moore .
T. E. Hooker.
J. D. Garden.
B. B. Patrick .
Edgar Buck .
J. L, Daniel .
Josiah Dixon .
Pitt Co Buggy Co.
J. G. Bowling .
R. A. Jo.
Henry Harding .
Allen Warren .
L. W. Lawrence .
J. S. Tunstall .
A. A. Andrews .
G. C. Moore .
T. E. Hooker .
W. H. Smith .
Edgar Buck .
Josiah Dixon .
W. C. .
J. D. Garden .
J. L Daniel .
Allen Warren .
B. F. .
H. W. Whedbee.
J. Tyson .
B. F. Tyson .
D. S. Spain .
Chits. Cobb .
L. C. Arthur.
E B. .
W. Parker .
R. L. Carr .
H. W. Whedbee.
J. C. T-son .
D. S. Spain .
Chas. Cobb .
B. B.
It. L. Carr.
W. It. Parker .
B. F. Tyson .
B. F. Patrick .
. c. Arthur .
H. W. Whedbee.
J. C. Tyson .
B. F. Tyson .
E. B. .
D. S. Spain .
Chas. Cobb .
W. R. Parker.
P. L. Can- .
B. F.
H. W. Whedbee.
J. C. Tyson .
B. F- Tyson.
D. S. Spain .
Chas. Cobb .
t F. Patrick .
W. R, Parker .
E. E. Griffin .
K. B. .
H. W. Whedbee.
J. C. Tyson .
B. F. Tyson .
Spain .
Cobb .
Carr .
Griffin .
Tyson .
Tyson .
Spain .
D. S.
E. R.
J. c.
B. F.
E. B.
D. S.
E. E. Griffin .
B. F. Patrick
R. L. Carr .
W. R. Parker
Allen Brown .
C. D. Rountree.
c. D. Rountree. dog tags-----
D. J. Bible
J. L. Wooten. stationary,
etc .
J. C. stamps .
W. H. Dall, Jr. draying
J. B. Cherry Co. guard
house .
i L. H. Rountree. damage to
n on I building .
of error
SO W. B. Wilson, for
n N
H. Jenkins, auctioneer's
refunded .
C. T. damage by
fire .
Of old house.
H. W. Whedbee, error
taxes refunded .
Wells and Pumps .
Streets, Culverts and Sewers.
Teamster. Horses. Feed,
etc .
F-s and Medical
Services .
Bond Issue, including;
old issue .
Fire Department.
Elections .
Printing and
AW Mayor.
. Interest, Rents and
Note Paid .
Court Costs .
Boarding Prisoners .
i White C
Coffins for Paupers .
Lamp.-. Oil. Matches, Wicks
Lamp Lighten .
I Miscellaneous .
In account with H. L. CARR, Treasurer, term ending June -Win,
I Bl amount from J. M. Hart, ex-treasurer.
f Alf Forbes, assistant police. .
H. Whedbee. mayor's ct. of ed.
horse hire.
back taxes.
bond and school tax uncalled for
. Co. well at court house.
J. T. Smith. C. P.
I. Dudley, assistant police.
C. tax collector.
B. V. Tyson, sale of lumber.
. a. J. money tor coal returned. t-
To cash paid as per order filed herewith.
per cent. on receipts.
Amount due town to
U. 291.47
amount due town to balance.
By from J. N. HART, ex-treasurer.
E. E. GRIFFIN, com.
To sundry vouchers paid and tiled herewith,
com. on receipts and
Amount to balance.
amount due White Cemetery.
By cash of E. U- com.
To per cent. com.
amount to balance,
No. To Whom Issued-
John Flanagan Buggy Co.,
rent .
H. A. White, insurance
J. B. Cherry Co, rent .
P. It. W. E. Hooker, in-
H. A. White, insurance-----
John Flanagan Buggy Co.,
rent .
P. R. W. E. Hooker, note
and interest .
J. B. Cherry Co., rent.
Green Hooker, rent.
Balance due Colored Cemetery. .
We the undersigned Finance Committee, beg to report that we have
examined the books of H. L. Carr, Treasurer and find them
R. L. Carr, I
D. S. Spain, Finance Committee.
B. F Patrick, j
J. C. Tyson, of the Board of Aldermen of Town of
for the term ending July 30th, 1903, do hereby certify that
and as appear upon the
J. Clerk.
foregoing statements are true
No. To Whom Issued-
A. W. Harrington, sheriff.
D. C. Moore. C. S. C.
D. C. Moore. C. S. C.
Jarvis Blow .
D. C. Moore, C. C.
D. C. Moore. C. S. C.
D. C. Moore, C. S. C.
D C. Moore. C. S. C.
No. To Whom Issued-
Burch Book and Job
Co . M
H. T. King .
D. J. Whichard .
D. J. Whichard .
H. L. Carr, Ordinances
Co . M
Burch Book and Job
Co .
Burch Book and Job
Co . H
D. J. Whichard .
Burch Book and Job
Co .
D. J. Whichard .
D. J. Whichard .
Edwards ft Broughton .
D. J. Whichard .
Burch Book and Job
Co .
D. J. Whichard .
D. J. Whichard .
No. To Whom Issued.
Harriet Hopkins .
Harriet Hopkins .
Harriet Hopkins .
Harriet Hopkins .
Harriet Hopkins .
Harriet Hopkins .
t i Roberts Joe
Allen Sam N 2.00
Anderson Frank
, Bailey Alex, Jr 2.00
Peter 2.00
i Lovelace 2.00
James W B 2.34
James Andrew
King James 2.00
King Alonzo 2.00
James 2.00
Perkins Joe
l Tuft John
i w Webb Chas
. To Whom Issued
Bagley .
Bagley .
B. Cherry ft Co.
A. Andrews
Bagley .
Cherry .
. B. Cherry ft Co .
S F. C. Williams .
Richard .
U Peter Bagley .
l Parker.
B. Cherry ft Co .
Peter Bagley .
B. Cherry ft Co.
Greenville Mfg. Co.
Peter Bagley .
No. To Whom Issued-
Chas. Cobb. for year 1901
J. S. Tunstall. for year 1901.
H. W. Whedbee .
J. C. Tyson .
B. F. Tyson .
W. It. Parker.
Chas. Cobb .
II. .
D. S. Spain .
T. Arthur .
R. L. Carr .
W. R. Parker .
B. F. .
B. Patrick .
Chas. Cobb.
S. Spain .
H. W Whedbee .
J. C. Tyson.
E. B. .
J. C. Tyson .
E. R. .
B. F. Tyson .
No. To Whom Issued-
H. L. Carr, work in
tery .
H. L. Carr. work in
tery .
H. L. Carr. work In
tery .
Parker, lumber.
L. C. Arthur, work in
tery .
White G F
Wooten Aaron
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
No. To Whom Issued.
Flanagan Coffin Co .
Pitt Co Buggy Co .
Henry Duff .
Zeno Moore ft Bro.
Henry Duff .
H. A. While .
H. A. White .
Henry Duff .
Henry Duff .
Henry Duff .
H. A. White .
Henry Duff .
II. A. While .
Henry Duff .
Moses Williams .
H. A. White .
Red C. Oil Co .
Henry Duff .
Moses Williams
Zeno Moore ft Bro.
T. H. Bateman .
H. A. White.
H. A. White
Clark Peter
U so Cox W D dead
Dudley E B gone
Daniel John gone
I Dickens
Ellis Richard gone
Hodges Robt G
King S D gone
Little George
Savage J C
Tate E L gone
Thomas J T gone
I Walker J R gone
Woodard J E gone
i Wilson A J dead
So J H gone
Whichard, N. C.
Total insolvent list
Respectfully submitted,
C. I. Rountree,
75.64 i The Stock complete in every
payment and prices as low as
lowest. Highest market
Tax Collector, paid for country produce.

I was born h To say
U to saying
that I was to most
deposition a man can have.
earliest boyhood was to
fancy myself t military hero, a
artist, clergyman, but
my favorite dream was to he Immense-
rich and known as a great
There was one person to
whom I ever told my dreams, my little
playmate, Jennie who as a child
wit pleased with them, but she
had no sooner given up her doll than
she gave up Interest In my dreams. In- i
deed, at sixteen she said to
never amount to anything In the
world. of giving away money
lavishly you'll be begging It from
This was a blow to It
should have taught me to stop dream-
lag and myself. Had I not been;
from my birth n besotted
doubtless It would have helped me. At I
It was it stimulated me to take only
action a dreamer Is capable of. I read ,
the gold fields of Colorado, and when
I was twenty-one and paid a legacy of
that had been left me by an aunt
I departed for the State.
When I had reached the goal I had
wit for. Georgetown. I went to a
hotel, where I met n man who sold me I
claim for what money I left
which I discovered won after was
worthless. Then I dreamed that I
would find a fortune prospecting, and
wandered with a pick on my
shoulder, which I bad no time to put
into the earth, because I was constant-
lost In a dream as to what I would
do with the proceeds of my bonanza
mine when I should And it.
wag that I was one picked
op by a prospector In a state of rags
and starvation. He was nearly as
ragged as I and completely
aged. However, be took me to his
camp and gave me something to eat,
and after I wove for him a
chain of circumstances which would
in fabulous wealth for him.
next day be went to work with re-
newed vigor, permitting me to remain
with him for sake of my
dreams. Every evening he would
coma in discouraged, and every evening
I would weave a new fancy, sending
out next day with new
The result that one lie struck
a bonanza.
never done it but for you.
be said, and when he organized a com-
to work his mine be gave half
Ms stork, and left me the other half In
his will. Then something happened
that bad never entered Into my dreams
for was killed while blasting.
That gave me three-quarters of the
stock of biggest paying mine in
Colorado. I hadn't time to operate it
myself. I was too busy dreaming bow
I would surprise folks at home. So
I left In charge of the directors and
started eastward.
Of conn It would have spoiled all
dreams to go back and at once an-
myself a gold king. To make n
fine climax I dressed myself in the
rags that I had on when good luck
struck me and one day appeared In my
native village and stood before the
house where Jennie lived. She was
going to the well for water, and, seeing
what she thought a hungry looking
tramp In road, said, and
give you a piece of When she
returned with the water and saw me I
thought was going to topple over.
heaven's sake, she said,
did you come from And Is
this what your dreams have brought
I laid, would you
think If I were to tell you that I'd been
prospecting In Colorado and found a
big mine and bad come home to make
and your mother your father
and all your brothers and sisters
she said, the tears
to her eyes. you've been
away I've hoped that yon would get
your dreams knocked out of you. You
are the best fellow, the loveliest fellow
in the world, and but
I Interrupted, you
I would redeem myself
and come back and you and I would
enjoy fruits of my Industry to-
She made no reply to this, but I
knew by a fresh outburst of tears that
be had been doing that very thing.
I went on,
dreamed a bigger dream than that. I've
dreamed that I've got n big mine and
it's turning out a
She sat down on the porch and burled
her face In her bands.
went to her and put
my arm about her while with the
hand I took hers away from bar
weeping true, every word of
it I put my band Into my;
pocket and pulled out a fat roll of bills,
every one a hundred dollars.
looked at me in terror, thinking I'd
stolen it
to me, Jennie. There's no
faculty that may not useful, even
dreaming. I was starving in these,
clothes when I met a man who
what I do I
what he did fancy capable of
would nave other-
wise he was to make a
success. He me my i on an
tying, left me
I married and became a I
her. for I am too busy
dreams to attend to r. re
suits of the old ones. have
to hundreds of addresses, sneaker
referring to n n example fir
the youth of Am Tea. wife say
that If I had got my deserts I
have occupied a
F. A.
Talked a Man
In John Creatures
of there Is a quotation from
little Latin printed at
in the years which tells a
most wonderful story. quotes
as found in a
or of corn almost as many
snakes, adders and other as
there was so us no one sheaf
could lie removed but there presently
appeared a of and
The men
to set tire upon the barns and
so attempted to do. but In value, for
the straw would take no Are, although
they with all their and
to burn them up.
last there appeared unto them at
the top of the a huge great
which lifted up his head and
spake with s man's to the
men. saying. to prosecute
your devise, for you shall not be able to
accomplish our burning, for wee
not by nature, neither came we
here of our own but were sent
by God to take on slimes
Ashton loaves us In the dark as to
what the men did, but It is
natural to suppose that they
at once.
Picture In Stone.
could tongues In
trees, books In the running brooks,
mons In stones and good in every-
but he falls to mention the
of finding a picture drawn by
nature in a stone. In several of the
ancient as well as modern scientific
Journals we read of lines and mark-
in certain stone formations, par-
agates, which bear striking
resemblances to the outlines of men,
animals, landscapes, etc.
One of these curiosities now
served in the museum of the Vatican is
a perfect likeness of n crowned king.
Many of these representations so
lifelike that they have been mistaken
for medallion portraits. We read ac-
counts of several of these wonders In
One plainly shows a man In
the attitude of running, another Is a
perfect figure of the good St. Jerome,
but most remarkable of all is an
agate containing a representation of
Apollo surrounded by nine muses.
Ready to get you highest prices. We want to sell your tobacco
A Story.
There Is a story in Persian literature
of a certain poet who came before
great man and praised very or-
The rich man was very pleased
and money I have not;
nevertheless there Is In my granaries
very much corn. If you come
row I will give you The poet
went to his own house and on the
row presented himself to his patron.
The rich man naked him, have
you He you I
promised to give me corn. For this
am The rich
most wonderful fool thou art. What
you said to me gave me pleasure. What
I have said to you equally pleased you.
Why, then, should I give you
The poet was covered with shame and I
He or she who enters n house for the
first time is supposed in the
countries to living it good or bad luck j
for the whole twelvemonth. This be-
lief gives rise to a curious observance, j
The visitor before crossing the thresh-
old picks up a stone of
or a green twig of health and ;
and lays it on the
He also brings with him some grains j
of salt, Which he easts Into the flames,,
and then, squatting by the fireside,
wishes his hosts prosperous, a i
plentiful crop and many I
Then as grains of salt burst
crackle In the fire he utters the
quaint I am sitting j
even so sit the hen and warm the
eggs. As this salt splits even so may
split the eggs of the clucking hen and
the chickens come
Young Criminal have
ranged to have the prisoner's wife and
babies sit in front of Jury and
weep all through the trial. Do you
think It advisable to pick bachelors or
married men for the Jury
Old Criminal it doesn't
make a particle of difference. If
they will sympathize with the
woman and babies, and if married men
they will sympathize with the
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
at a. in fur Greenville, leaver I
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all for the West with rail
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. C.
J. E. Supt.
Washington, N. C
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Fence Sold.
First-Clans work and prices reasonable
design f. pen on
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
you are thirsty you can't over-look our
Soda Water The soda water con-
daily from our fountain during hot
is enormous. The quantity sold is
proof positive of its Your favorite
hind is here, because we have all hinds.
Bryan Nichols,
Hard to Meet
Miss -1
guess in Bohemia every one is Tom, Cotton Buyers Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
I Lott poor yes. I. to New York
out there are a goad many bills I
i Chicago and New Orleans.
Reduction Sale of
Summer Pants.
The Fine Line of Pants we have been carrying in stock at
and dollars are now offered at the y
for each pair, regardless of former price. These are strictly
all-wool goods, finely tailored and in the very latest style.
We have a large stock and can surely fit and please you.
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Aug.,
Little Miss Mattie Murphy, of
is visiting her
Henry Murphy, near here.
Too should not fail to see or
write the Winterville Mfg. Co.,
and get their best prices on Porch
Columns, Turned Balustrades
Newel Posts, Pickets for Stair
Way, Bailing Porch, Bracket,
Boxing Brackets; Sawed
and Trimming for be-
tween Brackets.
A colored driver for one of the
livery in Greenville came
down last Wednesday and put his
horse up at the stables of G. A.
Co. Before leaving,
however, he look a special fancy
to some of those fine chickens of
Mr. anyway, as he start-
ed off there was a noise under the
seat of the buggy and upon in-
one of the finest
chickens was found tied up in a
bag. The chicken is still here but
if better fortune has not overtaken
him, there is a hungry nigger in
Ladies Gentlemen s furnish
goods to suit the old, the
pretty, the ugly even the
most fastidious at our
F. Manning Co
Mrs. Sarah Taylor and Mrs. J.
R. Cooper were Green-
ville Wednesday.
For soap, linking powder, flour,
lard, eggs, snuff, cigars, tobacco and
canned goods, see A. D.
An excursion ran over a
sheep and killed it near the depot
Thursday. This i the first in-
stance the kind we ever knew.
The drag store has just
ed from T. W . Wood Sons a
fresh line of turnip rutabaga
Mrs. Nancy Jones, of
is visiting Mrs. Frank near
Would you like to sweeten your
tooth. If so try some of
fresh candies at the drug
Dr. Cox's drug store is one of
the depositories for free school
books in Pitt county. You will
always find there fanny stationery,
pens, pencils, ink, scratch tablets,
composition books,
Have you the line of
pens at the drug store
When your supply of feed stuff
is all gone don't fail to purchase a
new supply from G. A.
Co., as their prices are right.
Tobacco in tins has a
rather small body, but it is
fine texture, which, perhaps,
will make up the difference in
G. A. while in Norfolk,
bought two very fine horses, one
for himself the other for a
gentleman in Greene county. He
says the prices for horses are
A few Plymouth roosters
left that we will sell reasonable
G. A. Co.
A on the side-
walks, bridges, might
add to the appearance
of our town and be to our town
a of much
as no doubt the
they would receive from a
much inconvenienced public would
prove both pleasing and beneficial.
If in need of China Closets,
Desks, Window Frames or Mantles
fitted in the best and latest styles,
do not pass the Winterville Mfg.
Co; by.
Mrs. David Sutton and Carrie Brown, of
children, of Snow Hill, are visit-1 ville, and Ella Lassiter, of Dur-
her Mis. Sarah Taylor,
and the family of her father, J. F.
For Furniture in the latest de
signs and patterns to suit every-
one, call and see B F. Maiming
have been visiting Mrs.
Johnson this week.
Harrington Barber Co., have
just revived a nice line of
tan such as chairs, cupboards,
Boarding J.
Cox. Board fl per day. Best
Bargains equal to the best can House in town.
be had at the store of B. F. Man
Co., dry goods; boots and
The Winterville Cigar Co.,
offering special inducements in i
Cheroot line. Try their goods
Singletrees Plow Beams I be convinced that you have a;
made of the very best material by good article for sale. Write for
the Winterville Mfg. Co. prices.
Maj. J. B. Neal came in from Mrs. G. E. Lineberry, who hail
Scotland Neck Thursday evening, been spending the summer up
Tonsorial A. Fair,
good shave fine hair cut.
Latest style.
Masons fruit jars and rubbers,
plenty on hand, prices low.
D. H. Parker, of Pinner Point,
has accepted a position as
to J. E. Green, at
Miss Lee of Kinston,
is visiting the family of Rev.
All kinds of scroll turned
work done to order by the Winter-
ville Mtg. Co.
W, L. left yesterday
to accept a position as telegraph
operator at
See A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. not
only for regular style farm wagons
the middle section of the state,
came home Thursday evening.
M. L. and
Watch maker. Give him a
trial. Work guaranteed.
Nice line gents four-in-hand
midget ties just received, cheap
Harrington, Barber and Co.
Straw Hats per cent, below
cost at B. F. Manning Co. If you
them come at once, only a
few left.
We carry line of school
stationary, slates, pencils, tablets,
pen points and ink, Composition
books, paper etc., give us a
call please.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Prof. A. A. Forbes, Al Forbes,
Jr., D. were again with
Two Piece
new suits of
are the thing for sum-
wear. We're always plow-
new follow-
the old furrows that will
result in a rut. Plenty of of indulgence is allowable in
L very handsome suits. Rough surfaces predominate.
u I strange that a rough
r cloth can be woven to
cooler than a smooth one.
It we can show you how true that is, Wool Crashes, Home-
Serges, Striped Flannel.
two-piece suit is the thing
J laW IS comfort.
The NOW.
and carts, but also for the strongest Thursday night and rendered as-
dray carts and low down to the band was very
purposes. These; highly appreciated by the
wagons have the front wheels low in attendance upon the
tinder and are going
to favorite with tobacco When you come to the summer
farmers. school be sure to get your ice
Miss Mattie of cream and cold drinks from A. D.
who has been Johnston. He has the list,
a private school for Rowan I B. W. remarked in his
Cooper left for her home yesterday. lecture here the other night that
Most any wire fence is better some men did not have sense
than none. Perfect enough to which end of a
Fencing is that bought of A. G. cow got up first. A few years
Cox Mfg. Co. Why Because from today that class of farmers
their price is best and they carry will be the only ones not using
biggest stock. Economic Back Bands.
Mr. Elias Sutton had a little II you are thinking to
boy wandered some distance a horse see G. A. Co.
in the field other got Shirt waists as described in
issue recent of The Reflector;
made their appearance,
here yet. Like everything else
we suppose they are on way.
In awarding damages if the
lost in the tobacco patch. After
careful search and much an-
the little fellow was found
all O. K.
We could not help smiling one
morning this week as we passed the
Hunsucker Buggy Shop would how much goes to
had rolled out five buggies and
were jut hustling to get their
shipment ready. There don't
seem to be any dull season for
Your Eyes,
with one of those fine imported Lace at Pulley
Bowen's. They are reduced from and cents to
, If you girls must cry do it gracefully. Women's
tears are too sacred to waste on common
chiefs. Don't be caught with one.
Pulley Bowen's
the plaintiff and how much to
lawyer it would perhaps be a good
thing, except for the lawyer.
Durham Herald.
The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
All large wires.
No Wraps-
to hold
and cause
STOCK We can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fencing.
P. H. KITTRELL, Proprietor.
Well Furnished with Fish, as
the Market Justifies.
A Grocery also attached
Try him.
A Full Line of Millinery
By virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County made this
day in a certain special proceeding
pending, entitled M.
administrator versus Willis
and I will on
Monday. September 7th, be-
fore the Court House door in
ville, sell at public sale to the highest
bidder for cash, the
ed real estate situated in Swift Creek
township, Pitt County; to
one piece of parcel land adjoining
the lands of Willis and Lydia
Tingle, containing one hundred
acres more or less.
One other piece adjoining the above
described tract and containing H acres
more or less.
This the 30th day of
of James Tingle
Blow,, Attorneys.
a. a. cox co.
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
i Milliner,
Best and latest styles always on
hand. Call and see. Next door
to Dr. B. T. Cox's drug store.
N. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of
and other claims. Prompt
n to all business.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
N. July 1-103. factory of Davis
It is to look out pod up a flue and substantial
nature and behold the gnat variety buggy, tor which ready kale is to
products which the ground be found. The tobacco truck lac-
yields. We travel along our pub- K. L. Davis has been put-
lie roads and we see stretches ting up large numbers of trucks,
Of corn and tobacco, the so much needed gathering lo-
th great staples of commerce I the field. The brick
other we can say that this j of Bros, baa been
is a tine section for all kinds of several mouths their
vegetables, as cabbage, product has found ready sale.
peas, beats, sweet ate other
Ancient Table Manner.
A description of a dinner given In
1880 shows that there has been a vast
improvement in bible manners since
then. As a rule, one knife had to serve
for two people, and often a bowl of
soup was used by two persons. For
this reason the party giving the din-
arranged his guests in couples, try-
ins to place people together who would
be congenial and net adverse to this
common use of table appointments.
Spoons were seldom supplied the
guests, and the soup was drunk
from the bowl, the latter usually
having side handles by which it was
to hear the tumble noise of a
.,, cotton a merry
it takes be-
anywhere. Tin
fair crop annually, with some ex- at Farmville.
in speaking of the railroad
Conner article, we have nine, as
vast of iron fingers and than
be and twists it thread,
suitable or hosiery.
A new firm has opened in Farm-
ville, Thorne and Parker,
who carry a full line of patent
medicines, toilet articles, station
We know held. In less refitted company there
Of fruit we have never u tones the town.
grown no place in the state w-ere no separate soup bowls, only one
. V. .- . .- large porringer, which was passed
yields a a la. would pa
We hope long
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessity. for your
table. We do it this having the Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by boiling them
at most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on band.
Johnston Bros.
shipped direct, seeking a ready-
market, not found home.
Of the Interests,
we have Greenville this line o
road which does an enormous
in tobacco cotton, and kind of cool drinks
Wilson with all Us varied usually kept at i
there would be a large
traffic of these manufactured goods
going out and other goods coming
The firm is composed of young
who deserve the patronage
of the and community
L to supply of trade. handle ice by the car load
Along this hue of the pro- and are prepared furnish the
duets of the ocean, baa and oysters trade in any quantity,
be handled with great pro- has gone to Hal-
lit to the retail dealer, to see his father-in-law,
as this road would give the short- j Mr. Phillips, who is quite sick at
est quickest route to the s-a. the hospital, had a. very
We wish to remark here that serious operation performed.
our good town of Farmville
little manufacturing of Love makes the vise man fool-
kind operation. Toe buggy 1st the fool completely daffy.
around to the guests In turn. The
diners helped themselves to the pieces
of meat they desired from the common
dish their Angers.
Napkins were considered a luxury,
and were only provided in very
and wealthy
A of
Phyllis -Yes. he was paying
tn her quite a long time.
he hadn't the
courage to propose.
Phyllis I don't know. Perhaps
he had the courage not to propose.
Town and Country.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. C
An Mini.
it true the jury disagreed In that
they say there was one blamed
crank that held out for the
man who done the
f Dry Goods. Notions
I T a in my I am s
offering all dry good, and notion on m
Z hand for This ton a
a to
stock of carefully selected Groceries. Goods.
Notions, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Produce and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
, Physician
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C,
Offers selections from as complete a stock of
M on in Eastern Caroline-.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
Full line Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and I for Men and Ladies.
Clothing, Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Implements and Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
T. of flour, corn, oats, hay
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, j
Furniture and Groceries. i
Pull Una of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters,
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, and Lime,
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Pines and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Munger Cotton
Leaders In Fashions. Full line of
and hats, flowers,
ribbons, cheaper than ever.
J- Ii CO-.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries,
Fruits, To-i
u id Everything cheap
for cash. price for country
t. .-,; .
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would he unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do work.
Water Coolers. lee Cream Freezers. and
everything else in the hardware line.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
I For Men
Women and
ll is conceded that we give the
best Shoes for the money of
any house in Farmville.
We carry a large stock of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
feed stuffs. We solicit a snare of your patronage. Fair and
courteous treatment to all.
The newest and latest styles in
Millinery. Hats trimmed to or-
on short notice.
N. C.
M. T. HORTON, Proprietor.
Table furnished with best
the market
rooms, and prompt
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy as an during the lifetime
j of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Classical, Scientific, Pedagogical, Commercial,
Domestic Science, Manual Music.
Five courses to diplomas; courses leading to de-
well equipped practice and observation school; faculty
board, laundry, tuition and fees for use of text books, etc.,
a year; for non-residents of the state twelfth annual session
begins September lo, to secure board in the dormitories nil free-
tuition applications should be made before July Correspondence
invited from those desiring competent teachers and, stenographers; for
and other Information, address.
CHARLES D. President, N. C-
Branch of the Reflector in charge
of C. E. who is to transact
for the paper in and territory.
J. J.
-1 you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are Lawns other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
fall goods.
Dealers in G-i
Hardware, Mr
Shoes, Clot
ware, e
Sewing Machines
and Fan-
k. Tin-
s, a
c o
Bethel, N C, July 1903.
Mrs. F. C. James left Tuesday
for Boston, where she will spend
the summer months with relatives
and friends.
M O. Blount, left this morning
for New Jersey,
Maine. He is still following up
the potato market. They are just
to dig the
Miss Grimes left Tuesday
for Asheville. She will
visit the most noted place
Notions, state, that is, park,
and many other places of interest.
We hear from reliable sources
that the town of Bethel will have
electric lights in the neat
Crops are suffering right much
around here for lack of rain.
R. D. tobacco
barn Saturday night, the loss was
about cause of tire unknown
Jefferson of Ports
mouth, came in today
the manufacturing
of bed springs, making two
factories of the same kind in town.
Mrs. J. L. Nelson left Tuesday
for Mount Olive, where she
her home.
H. W. Martin's horse ran away
the other day with a plow and
cut himself, but is
along very well.
Mrs. R. F. Garner, Washing-
ton, is spending a few days here
with friends relatives.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business I
better than to supply ail the
needs of people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from
needle to a steam engine.
handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox can.
place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes.
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
bottom prises. D
line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest juices paid
for all kinds of country produce. S
The farmers are nearly through
Mrs. W, K. Patrick and child
of Greenville, Saturday
Sunday with her Mr.
and Mrs. Lorenzo
Mrs. Lorenzo went
J. A. and To be Trip p
went to Greenville Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Major Si Spent
Sunday in Mm
Exum and sister, Miss
Allie, spent Saturday and Sunday
Oscar and sister, Miss
went to Winterville
day evening.
E. Braxton and Lorenzo M--
went to
I day.
; A. Frost, of den, spent
Sunday afternoon in the neighbor-
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Allen and
children spent Sunday in the
Mr. Mrs. C. II.
went to Tuesday after-,
Mrs. Eli went on the
to Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe spent ,
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
went to Norfolk
j i
.,. i . tin
a i a
I . ml Drug I
i . w mt i . u from business, i no craving
for or . ; restore and physical systems to
on ,. w remove causes of disease. A homo remedy,
we a Lull trial I
Confidential with physicians, solicited. Write today, j
Therapeutic Association
A Broadway, New York City
It is simply beyond the under-
standing of a man how a woman
can see to walk right into his arms
when it is pitch dark.
There are no women
they only do wicked
girl can answer a question be
lore it is asked if it is a proposal.
I given up to with
quick consumption. I then began
lo use Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, and am now in
perfect E. Han-
N. Y.
If you know Malaria, you certainly don't
like it. If you know Malaria and
Ague Cure, yon certainly do like it.
Sold by
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be-
gin early with
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
He., II. All
your doctor, n lie It,
do h. If l. tell, you not
It, then don't ml- It. He known.
It with titan. We i- willing.
J. C. CO., Man.
In space of ton months and at
I distances hundreds of miles w
the English ship Castle caught
of the famous known for some
years as six n
times. We lowered for him the first
two mill put harpoons Into
him. In return be smashed three
boats mid killed five men. that
we ran away from him. After the
; sixth time we no more for a
year. Then he came for his revenge.
We were in the south Atlantic and
i had completed our cargo set a
, course for home. About noon one day.
i while we wen- cleaning ship, a
suddenly right astern of u-
i and not more MM feet away. I
was at the wheel at the time, and we
were going off at n four knot
from the southeast. I heard the whale
I as he broke water, and sight of him
standing on his tail caused me to shout
a dozen of the crew saw him n
he fell back on the water, and it seemed
to all of us as if he were going to strike
i the ship. His tail raised three or four
which the ship about as
If we were lying to in gale,
I though the monster settled away out of
i sight at once, we had identified
It may seem queer to you to read that
; every man from captain to
was badly frightened as soon
as it was known that our enemy
had hunted us down, us It were. We
had MM him almost four months before
at a point 2.000 miles away, and yet he
had us, as If he had been a
steamer sent in search and a
to our cruising around. Ills breaching
so near was taken as evidence of his
evil intentions, and some argued that
he meant lo strike the ship.
It was I believe, when the
whale disappeared, but for an hour
after that we continued to in
whispers and tiptoe I am sat
that not captain in a hundred
would have done what ours did that
evening. No living man could charge
him with cowardice or but
when supper was over he called his
mates and boat Into
I hope we have seen the last
of the whale. I think it my duty to
prepare far trouble. You will there-
fore see the boats overhauled and pro-
visioned and ready for hoisting
Before o'clock every was
ready. The wind had freshened a bit
the went down, and the n.;
was clear and starlight. The watch
was changed at and everything ran
smoothly till hour after midnight.
Then the odor Of a whale suddenly
saluted the nostrils of the men. and
they looked to windward to catch sight
of H great black hulk on the witter. It
was Fighting Tom again.
A Whale cannot remain under water
above fifty minutes at the extreme
limit, and where this monster had put
In the eight hours we could not guess.
If he had run to windward when he
settled away o'clock he had
such a distance before coming up
again we had failed to detect his
spout We bad at least forty
miles since losing sight of him, and
yet he hail somehow picked us up
again. was passed around, and
all hands turned up. and from to
we were in H slate of suspense.
At the whale begun lashing
the water with his dukes. We bad
done to arouse him. but he
probably thought it was lime to begin
business, As soon as be began his
c prepared ourselves for a ca
and it was not long delayed.
When lie had churned an or so
of the surface to foam be slewed
around mill beaded for us. but in
diluted speed and passed astern,
though flouring the rudder by not
than live foot.
As he rushed away to leeward.
winging his thrashing the
water, we luffed sharp up until we
were heading due east. I
was watching tin- through the
night glass. I think ho a full mile
before turning. Whether he located
us by sight or sound no man can say.
lint as he slewed around I saw that he
would head on for one stern.
As be started on his mad rush I he
ship's bead was brought due north
again In hopes lo avoid him, but he
changed his course as well cams
down our quarters. I believe
every man In the ship bad his eyes on
the furious leviathan as he came bear-
down upon us. Ills head was car-
so high It seemed as if a big rock
was pushing along the surface, lie
left behind a great wake of foam
and a sen which would have swamped
II yawl.
on For your lives, hang
shouted the Captain as be saw what
was coming, fifteen seconds later
then was a as heavy as If
hail struck a rock while running be-
fore a hurricane,
Every soul aboard knew the ship
was doomed, she was heeled to star-
board until almost on her beam ends.
and the she settled back there
was a rush tor Hie boats. No one gave
the further attention, but every i
effort was put forth to get the
Into the water the ship mu luffed
Into the wind. Her decks were
us CM lust one got .-
four minutes she w us struck.
When we came to look around for
Fighting Tom lie had disappeared from
sight, and no whaler ever reported see-
him that Ii bus always been
believed that he that
caused his death.
We were picked up three days later-
by s Scotch whaler, none the worse
In health for our adventure, but
small fortune which that rich cargo-
would have given every man. If safely
landed, had gone to the bottom of the
Atlantic. M.
Special Knowledge.
The unique botanical knowledge of
Sir one of the
erudite men in th.- India service, om
enabled to perform almost
bit of detective work.
He was In Bombay when he was
asked to investigate tin case of a
young who in applying to
the governor fur an appointment
that he was coil from
land and that his letters of
had been lust the
A days a Hit Hr. as he
then wits, had undertaken tho
tie met the young nobleman at
dinner at the governor's house. The
decorations of orchids suggested a
conversational opening, and
wood b praise drew from the young no-
should see the
its native woods,
It was a fatal
come from in-
exclaimed Dr.
The Date face, the silence that
be felt, request of the young man
that be might leave the table, all pie-
pared the governor and the company
for the subsequent discovery that he
had absconded front with
some public funds.
How to Ft.-
lions than with any other dean
the of tin- rose have special
Bed is love, white s
yellow speaks jealousy, says N.
son Moore in the One of
the legends connected with the row
tells that it became through be-
bathed with the of mourn-s
who sought the sweetest flower to
in the of their dead, a
conceit declares that all roses
white until one day young
dancing among them, upset in his mer-
sport a f wine, which dyad
roses upon which It fell red. its
color. Another legend tells the story of
a holy little maid of Bethlehem
was doomed to death. When the stakes
were around her the Ore would
not burn, but brand-, which bad
been turned to red man.
those which bad not caught to
From this time forth rod
white, were flowers. The
Turks say that Bed roses sprang from
the blood of
Lara-eat Bell.
What is perhaps the largest hanging
bell In the world is to be seen Man-
This is the bell, on the
right bank of the almost
opposite the city of Manila I This
immense measures as
Height to crown, feet; diameter
the lip. Hi feet thickness of
metal, from to inches, it weighs
eighty tons and is suspended on
three massive round beams of teak
placed horizontally the one over the
other. ends on two pillars
of enormous size, composed of mason-
and large upright teak posts. This
bell was cast the end of the eight-
century under the superintend-
of reigning king.
Chad. Africa, miles
long and mi i
larger in i bum Urn ye it Is
only feel deep It deep-
est pan i live feel Its eastern
ll has tin nils. barren,
others only pasture laud and some
with forests plantations
having a population about
Storms arise with surprising quick-
on bike, and the
of I wall r force b n waves
notice, treacherous
puffs of wind the Islands
make navigation dangerous.
In some of the top-
ping of a bird round the house is
looked by the superstitious
A doctor was recently summoned in
hot basic
farmhouse not many miles from
found an old man in bed. hut in
perfect health, asked why be bad
been sent for.
Why. replied the daughter-in-
law, room n little robin about
the door. We U no wed It was p
we thought ll i- so
we put hi bad soul far
. v
Papa v . in ma I with i legs. For
his a biped i
Well, w
James I only got one leg.

N. C.
Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets This is particularly true
of Ladies line Dress Goods, Silks and and
Trunks and Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Pants,
A few kinds of our goods, are the same in all other stores,
like Muslin, Flannels. Ginghams etc. but the bulk of the
goods we st is in one sense different from that sold
by other store.
returnable within a reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Lawns and Dimities have reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
prices through the month of July.
styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always free.
Ricks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to pet good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with lees labor than other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are largo and roomy and are
designed in a way that prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
Mayor H. W. Whedbee has
of the following cases
in his court last
Ed. and Frank Hop-
kins, Fleming fined
Hopkins fl, total 7.15.
William Whitaker, drunk and
don street, fined H and costs,
drunk and down
on street, fined and cost, total
Oscar using profane
language on the street, fined
and cost.
Hattie Bobbins and Nora House,
affray, fined each and one half
each, total 85.25.
John A. Wilson, disorderly con-
duct, fined fl cost, total,
Bob assault fined
Alex Bailey, disorderly conduct,
fined and costs, total,
physicians had a long and
stubborn tight with an on
my right writes J. F.
Hughes Ga.
gave me up. Everybody thought
my time had come. As a last re-
sort I tried Dr New Dis
co very for Consumption. The
I received was striking
I was on my feet in a few days.
Now I've entirely my
It conquers all Coughs,
Colds and Throat and Lung
Guaranteed by
Drag Store. Price and
I find nothing better for liver
and constipation
Chamberlain's Stomach Liver
F. Andrews, Des
Iowa For Sale by
Store, Greenville,
B. L. Davis Bros. ilk-.
Durham county has found out
the way to have good roads is
to build them. There is no count
la Mate that can make them
by long-winded
i resolutions. Ben.
A little thing sometimes results
I in death. Thus a mere scratch,
cuts or puny boils have
paid tin- penalty. It is wise
to have Salve
ever handy. It's the Salve
earth and will prevent fatality,
Barns, Sons, Ulcers
Bile threaten. Only at
Drug Store.
It is not always the low price that makes the
bargain, it is what you get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both one
on quality the other on the price.
Here arc a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this sale
We have placed a special lot of
slippers on our counters some of these sold for
1.00 a pair your choice for Sires, to
Also Ladies Slippers worth to for
Ladies Embroidered turnover collars each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
canning season is most here, yon had bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for fruit jars. This is the place to buy
them we sell the best.
Much of a Good
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels i
Tongue coated
your Pills
re liver pills; they cure
Want four n- i true or a i
That's what we much Silk Mull, Mer-
Pebble Cloth, Mercerized Chambray, etc.,
for the season. The season really lacks two
months of being over, but we must reduce stock
for fall goods. Consequently we are making
great reductions in Wash Silks, White Goods.
Embroideries, Percales, etc. The profit goes to
you if you take advantage of these reductions at
once. We will not carry them over. You'll not
have another chance to get the same goods for
anything like the same money. Note these
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Silk Mulls, all colors, was , now
Mercerized Pebble Cloths, was now
Mercerized Chambray, was now
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
i Family
l round per lb
I lbs per bushel
I Peas
Potatoes sweet
Ida U
New White Front
Incorporated 1903.
Marble and Granite
and Agent for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric
Macon, Ga.
Branch offices and shops, Mount,
N. C, and Sumter, S. C.
For address Rocky
Mount Office.

Eastern reflector, 4 August 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 04, 1903
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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