Eastern reflector, 24 July 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets them. This is particularly true
Of Dre Goods, Silks and Laces, Gloves and
Trunks and Valises, Shoes, Clothing. Hats, Pants.
A kinds of our goods, are the same in all stores,
like Muslin, Flannels, Ginghams, etc. but the bulk of the
goods we is in one or another different from that sold
by other store.
returnable within reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Lawns and Dimities have been reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
pikes will prevail all through the month of July.
Standard styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always free.
Ricks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, OH Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes. Shovels
and other Garden Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
E. T. Evans returned this morn-
from Seven Springs.
S. Norman returned
evening from a the road.
W. W. Perkins returned Friday
from Wrightsville.
N. W. Jackson returned this
morning from
O. L. returned Friday
from Nashville.
J. N. Hart has returned from
Mrs. . O. Barnhill left this
morning for Va.
Win. Clark, of Ga.,
who was on a brief visit to
here, this morning.
Col. Harry Skinner went to
Kinston Friday and re-
turned this morning.
Mrs. J. W. Andrews and child-
I returned Friday evening from
a visit to Robersonville.
Miss Blanche Andrews, of Tar-
who has been visiting the
family of A. A. return-
ed home this morning
Sadie Abram and Stella
Frankford, of Rocky Mount,
rived Friday evening to visit Mrs.
S. M. Schultz.
Misses Perkins, Nell
Skinner, Lizzie Hill, Janie Tyson.
and Myra Moore left this
for Morehead City.
J. It. Moore, L. Arthur, D.
S. Wilson. W. B. Wilson, Jr., j
A. W.
Smith and Skinner went to
Morehead City today.
Mayor H. W. Whedbee and;
family left this morning for
Revs. F. A. Bishop and M.
left Friday evening for
Miss Lucy Tayloe, of Washing-
ton, has been visiting Miss
Janie Brown returned borne to-
It is not always the low price that makes the
bargain, it is what you get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both one
on quality the other on the price.
Here arc a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to fie. Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this sale
We have placed a special lot of
on our counters some of these sold for
a pair your choice for Sizes, to
Also Ladies Slippers worth to for
Ladies Embroidered turnover fie each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
The canning season is most here, you had bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for fruit jars. This is the place to buy
them we sell only the best.
Every time a source of graft is
j plugged up by New York officials
I Richard cables from Win-
, that he is permanently out of
connected with the live wire
of inspiration and your thoughts
will tingle.
Mid-summer Sale
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
Family Flour- straight
round per lb
lbs per bushel
Mill I
1.25 i
Fine Handkerchiefs
We have just received dozen Fine Imported
Lace Embroidered Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs.
They are beautiful, pure material and in the best
tests. Regular and value, but for a few
days only we are offering them at
Ten Cents
Of course you know this a bargain, and will profit
Pulley Bowen's
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
on. Private Wire to Hew York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Send your orders for printing
to Printing House.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
Norfolk Western Express Train
Sky High.
Roanoke. Va., July
powder magazine on the Norfolk
and Western railway near
burg, stored with explosives used
by contractors in double tracking
the railroad, was blown today,
just as passenger train No west-
bound, was passing. Two men
were killed, a dozen passengers
were hart and most of the coaches
of the train were wrecked.
The it is believed,
was caused by the concussion of
the train. The men killed were
John Noel, of Va., and
James Phillies of Va.
They were of the con-
tractors, L. who
were doing the double track-
The magazine was stored with
dynamite as well as powder. The
train crew and many of the pas-
were stunned by the ex
Minnesota's Black Chickens
are Returning.
Montevideo, Minnesota, July IS.
Helen Olson, aged a pretty
daughter Tom Olson, was as-
this morning by a
man supposed to be a and
although alive at noon she will
Early today Miss Olson and a
girl friend stopping with her, were
awakened by a man, who demand-
ed their valuables. He drag-
Miss Olson downstairs, where
he struck the forehead with
or hatchet. The girl friend
had been ordered to remain in
bed Hot move, but hearing
a noise down stairs she stepped
out of a window to the roof. The
intruder a shot at her as, he
fled. Her screams aroused the
neighborhood a search was at
once begun for the murderer.
There is great fears
are expressed that the man will
be lynched.
Preys Upon Helpless Woman and Passed Over the Bar With a
Is Being Pulled Off in Venezuela
According to Hoyle.
is Arrested.
Smile on His Lips.
Asheville, N. C, July July -1
night John a i this afternoon, according to the
attempted to commit a criminal official announcement, the long
assault on the 17-year old Lot XIII with death
came to an end. So many
reports had been circulated,
including one from an official news
tor of Rev. Willis a Free
Will Baptist minister, at
home Big Ivy. the
night the entered the service earlier in the day, that the
by raising a began news report was hardly
tearing the covering from Miss, credited. A half dozen times
bed before
awakened. Terror stricken, j believed that the fatal hour had
young woman WM, but-each time the pope's in-
brought other occupants of the will physical
house to her door. Mr. Ballard disability for a time, until there
was not at home that night, but in Rome confidence
the did net know -in hit power to defy the great
this. Only two three women,
Venezuela, July
At o'clock ibis a. m , engage-
between the forces
and the revolutionists occupying
Bolivar, in two
directions. The revolution-
opened the battle at
the smoke over was so
thick that it was impossible to see
the city. At o'clock the govern-
troops after a terrible fight
more than one hundred men,
captured the cemetery. At
o'clock the Venezuela fleet consist-
of five men of war, shelled the
government buildings of
At o'clock the revolutionist
had disappeared from the
government buildings and at
o'clock all the streets near the
buildings was captured by the
government forces and a charge of
all the government forces on the
city was ordered.
Another Kentucky Farce is Being
Negroes in Western Cumberland
Go on the Warpath.
N. C, July
Yesterday afternoon at the
church near Manchester in the
western part of Cumberland
where funeral services were
held, Robert and Lawrence
appeared, one with
a breech loader and the other with
a musket, and had a quarrel.
When the women got the guns
away Lent Elliott engaged in a
quarrel sod was stabbed by Rob-
Williams in the back and bad-
wounded, whereupon Elliott
drew a revolver and shot Williams
in the leg. A stray bullet also
wounded a named Farmer,
who was brought to the hospital
for treatment.
A man learn what kind of
woman he ought not to marry by
marrying her, but it is generally
too late to profit by his knowledge.
Jackson. Ky., July
court convened here today in
special session for the
of the burning of the
hotel and the attempted bribery
of Capt. It. J. principal wit-
for the prosecution in the
assassination cases of Curtis
and Tom White. Judge
refused to vacate the bench and.
Captain Ewen's New Kentucky
Life Insurance.
Jackson, Ky., July Capt.
It. J. arrived here tonight
in an express car concealed in a
small box. He had come from
Lexington in this leaving it
only when a long of country
was being traversed by the train
and there was no danger of being
seen. Tonight lie remained in the
-ii alone, going to his home about
R. P. S.
No Increase in
in Townships
she was within a his physicians the grand which
is charged to investigate not only
palsied with fear, were there.
Leaping through the window
tied to the wood. He
was invested Yesterday was
immediately brought to
by deputy Sheriff who
feared she fellow be lynched
be was allowed to remain In that
The will be
before .
oil 22nd.
Gamblers Shot and
Rock, Ark-, July 18.-J.
D. known as king of
Untie Book gamblers, was shot
and killed morning
by Joe The shooting took
place in Joe saloon, where
a few hours before Jack Clifford
was fatally shot by an
other gambler. The bullet
clear through body,
struck the wall bound-
ed b ck. The body lay as it had
alien nearly two hours until the
coroner arrived. Conant conducted
several gambling establishments in
Little Rock up to a few weeks ago,
when gambling was suppressed by
the efforts of the anti gambling
Tonight Catholic and
the burning of the hotel and the
alleged attempt at bribery, but
also the assassination of Dr. i
Cox, which occurred in
The taken from the
panel selected by the jury
commissioners., who are
Rome unite respect for the constituents. This is causing dis-
Some musical composers are
like men without credit. They
can't get any one to take their
brave and demoted spirit the
grand old man. His end was
peaceful by
um, and in fact such as
The clouds that eclipsed his men-
faculties yesterday drifted
away and he bale a calm farewell
to about, him, with full
knowledge that hour
Boy Buzz d's Bay.
Bay, Mass., July
A son was born ex-President
Cleveland and Mrs. Grover Cleve-
land at their summer home here
today. The attendants say that
affecting both
mother and are satisfactory.
Danville, Va., July
Star warehouse on Spring street
operated by C. D. Noell and Com-
and the large four story
owned by B.
son and were entirely
destroyed by tire tonight. From
the warehouse the caught
and between f and
Rural Deliveries Stand If Needed.
Washington, July post
Office department today made
public the
seems to la a wide mis-
understanding as to the present
attitude of the department regard-
rural free delivery. The state
men has been published quite
generally, in the west,
that rural routes that do not
three thousand pieces of mail
per and supply one
families are to lie
it is not the purpose of the
department to disturb routes
ready established unless they are
But as
long as all of the routes that are
asked for cannot be established be
cause of the lack of sufficient
money, the routes that will sup-
ply the greatest number of families
should certainly have preference.
Galveston Goes in Thursday.
Richmond, Va.,
of tobacco was entirely destroyed launching of the U.
and the building practically
burned to the The total
loss will amount to about
The origin of fire is unknown.
Galveston has been set
row. Thursday, noon. This is
The spec-
report of the treasury experts
on their examination of the affairs
of Auditor Petty, or the District
of Columbia, fixes the shortage in
that office for which James M. A.
Watson, a clerk, is now in jail, at
the figures heretofore an-
The experts
the system by which the money
was handled in the auditor's office I
and made recommendations
in effect divorce the funds from
the auditor's office and
the powers of district
A Rapist Sixty Years Old.
Charlotte, N. C, July
Charlotte police are searching as-
for Holder, a
white carpenter years old, who
is charge with the blackest crime
that has been committed within
the borders of Mecklenburg in
many years. It is alleged that
Holder went to the home of Jack
a carpenter living in
and criminally assaulted
the latter's 11-year-old daughter,
Spanish Peanuts at Cents.
Petersburg, Va., July
Eleven thousand bags of Spanish
were sold here today at
ninety cents a bushel, aggregating
forty thousand dollars. It is a
fourth time that a date for the high price for Spanish nuts, which
event has been named. are source here and there.
The result of meeting here
last Saturday between apt. J. M.
Turner and Mr. C. M. Barbee, of
the Haleigh Pamlico Sound rail-
road the committee represent-
the Retail Merchant's
of Greenville, was an agree-
by which the road is
teed to come via Greenville. By
request of those interested the
terms of this agreement are not
made public until today.
The gentlemen representing
railroad explained fully to the
committee the plan by which the
road is to be built. Arrangements
have already been perfected to
first mortgage bonds on the
road to the amount of per
mile as fast as
progresses. In addition lo this
second mortgage cent, bonds-
will he issued sufficient to
the road. It is proposed that the
towns and townships through
which the road passes take these
second giving in
exchange for them municipal or
cent bonds. These
bonds will He placed the bands
of a trustee but do not become the
property of the railroad company
until the road is completed. If
the road should never be
the bonds would not be
and the towns or townships
issuing them would be out Both
the other hand upon
completion of the road bonds
arc exchanged and the towns or
townships taking then have
cent, second mortgage bonds for
which per cent bonds have been
given. This one per cent, differ-
in of the towns or
townships in addition to the
derived from the railroad
will, it is believed, be sufficient to
meet all interest on the municipal
and township bonds, so there
would be no need of levying of
a special tax for that purpose, and
the railroad bonds would soon be
valuable to the towns or townships
possessing them. This matter was
talked over and explained fully by
the railroad representatives to the
Two suggested routes for the
road have been under considers.
by the promoters. Both
these are the same from Raleigh
as far as Wilson. At the latter
place it is either to diverge via
Snow Bill, and
Ayden to Grimesland, crossing Tar
on page

Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
Ready to get highest prices.
In the your hipped aboard
the English brig Ruby fur a voyage
from London to Ceylon, calling at the
island of tile cast coast
of Madagascar. from London to the
island not a single shark was sighted.
Thirty miles ff the island, as the
age was resumed, a shark. Judged to
be twenty foot long, suddenly appeared
on the port quarter not over
feet from the side of the
We tempted with all kinds of
bait, but ho refused everything. First
we gave a piece of pork a hook.
He no attention t it We
ed to beef, then to thicken, but be
would touch neither.
It was noon next day before tried
the shark again, but we had no better
luck. Ho limply Ignored the bait. The
men began to whisper about Occident
and death, and the captain brought
up a blunderbuss with slugs and
took a fair shot at the low. He was
only about a foot below surface,
and the heavy charge struck him at
the base of tho dorsal On and nearly
tore it away. The shark made a sud-
den rush, but only for a few feet. The
smoke bad not yet blown away When
he resumed his old position. His start
was one of surprise instead of pain.
He had learned caution, however, and
be sank down until lie hail two foot of
water over him. Some of the men
dropped objects over tho how with a
great splashing, but the shark paid no
attention to the noise.
For nine long days night he
kept the place where we hail first seen
him, during this time we had two
or three squall two days of heavy
weather. So long as a man leaned
over the rail to watch be kept his
wicked eyes fastened on that man. and
when any one was aloft and laying I
out on a yard the brute's jaws could
be seen working If ho hail the
of a on bis tongue, lie might ;
have followed to the end of the
bill for u curious incident.
On the morning of the ninth day we
approached a large sleeping
on the dancing waves. We were with-
in a hundred feet of when the I
creaking of the or the voices of I
the men disturbed him and be came
tearing down on the port side ran
right over the and away out of
light If the shark was not struck he
was at least badly frightened, for lip
made off we did not set eyes on
him again.
from New York to Santos, was lying
becalmed on the equator, a
feet long Suddenly appeared
on her starboard side amidships and
only a few yards away, lie lay head
and tail with the ship, and the car-
got Ids length to an inch by
measurements along the rail. The
spread of the monster's Jaws was such
that he could easily have taken a flour
barrel Into Ills month.
There was no shark hook aboard,
but the captain, being willing to divert
the crew, gave them leave to throw
over a lot of pork which bad become
unfit for eating. There were four full
barrels of this pork, and it was fed out
piece by piece to that till the
last pound was it was so stated
by officers and men, and there is no
reason to doubt their veracity.
When the pork was finished, a piece
of beef was thrown over the port rail,
and the shark dived under the ship
and seized it. How much longer he
would have gone on eating no one
could say, as there was no more to
give He seemed to be as raven-
for the last piece as for the first.
How one shark could hold all that
meat and go eight days with-
out eating a tiling is yet another
for discussion.
While off the southeast coast of
Java in the New Bedford whaler
Joshua we one day came upon a
native craft floating on her beam ends.
She had a crew of six men
but they were frightened and helpless.
The craft had no cargo in her and bad
taken considerable water through her
single which had been left
We sent a boat and cut away her
masts and righted her. and then a
strange discovery was made. There
was three feet of water In her bold,
and dashing about the water was a
shark fourteen feet long. He had come
with a sea. and instead of being
left on deck had gone down the hatch-
way. The natives abandoned the wreck
for tho whaler, and three weeks later
she was drifted ashore on the Sandal-
wood island with the shark still alive
rushing about, although be bad
had nothing to eat and the water
very foul.
On that some cruise the whaler ran
Into the of Java, to
repairs. Some fishermen bud caught
a shark nine feet long in their nets, and
he had been lying on the beach three
hours when I him. Some of our
men went to the ship and got n pork
barrel, knocked out both beads
slipped the shell over the shark and
drove it down, to bis bulge. He
We have feasted on spring
chicken till we are tired. Now for
a to watermelon and
peaches milk.
Two things we need badly in
our almost attained, the
other hopefully wished for. That
is a saw mill and a good school.
Sam Holiday has taken a
with M. Moore Co. He
looks after the outside business of
I hi.
W. S. Galloway and family
spent Sunday in the
J. J. Mason, of was
I in a few hours Friday. He
is in the livery business there and
we are glad to hear that he is doing
Misses Lucy and Helen
way, accompanied by their friends,
Misses Ward and Langley, were
in town Friday.
J. J. Satterthwaite, of
came over Sunday, and spent the
day with Dr. Jones. Mrs.
We Want tO Sell yOUr who has been staying a
few days with and friends
here, returned home with him.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O Proctor took
a party of small children out rid-
Sunday afternoon. The ride
afforded them some relief from the
extreme beat, and the little fellows
seemed to enjoy it very much.
J. F. Stokes and W. O. Wooten,
Winterville, are here today
working These are
clever gentlemen, know their
and represent good com-
We bespeak for them
success in this community.
We have an up-to-date news-boy
Grimesland in the person of
Master Roy Venters. Boy is a
smart little fellow and succeeds in
Belling papers where others
Grimesland, N. C.
Headquarters for Clothing, Dry Goods,
Notions, Furnishings,
Hardware, Groceries.
summer goods be-
sold at half price.
Special prices o
hats caps and and all rib-
laces millinery goods.
Wanted a thousand dozen eggs
at per dozen.
Car load chickens from cents
Best Timothy hay at lowest
Cheapest place for fruit jars.
Ice always on band, especially
hot days.
Bring all of country pro-
duce and try W. M. Moore Co.
for highest prices.
Moore and Scott Galloway
will please you.
Does your head ache Pain
back, of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth It's
your liver Pills are
liver pills. They cure
headache, dyspepsia.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted In the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
Want your or a
brown or rich black Than I
P. Co., Nashua, I
J. Proctor Bros.
Tomorrow is the
today's ambitions.
It is strange hut true
that the best servants for a hotel
Boated him out. In n of
hour lie was swimming and
headed for the open sea.
Sixteen days later, when miles to
the south, that selfsame shark
alongside. There could be no doubt of
his identity because lie still wore h's
wooden jacket. The bun-el had shrunk
to him so tightly that no effort of inn-experienced.
could remove it. It must have bother-
ed about keeping under water, but
it did not seem to affect him otherwise.
In the course of a year we heard of
him no less than live times. Ho went
up as far as the strait of came
back to Darting, ran over to the coast j
of Australia and when last reported I
was to the south of the Coco islands.
graveyard of
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
We manufacture
and sell the best tobacco trucks, also
do general repairing of buggies, carts
and wagons. Come to us for any-
thing you want.
Malaria Ever have it Know
it Want to get rid of it Take
Malaria and Ague Cure.
Th of
Hannibal's life fate were
and lie was o pa-
who had only the best interests
of bis country at heart In the wars
of Carthage against Rome he carried
Ids armies across the strait of
over Alps and into Italy
to the very of Rome. For more
than a score of years he remained
there, supporting his forces upon the
enemy and proving himself to be
such a literal lasting scourge
that the Roman mothers would quiet
their children with the sound of his
dreaded name. Finally, when old In
years he was driven forth and
defeated, lie had made a record in Its
way unparalleled throughout the an-
of ancient
i Yet in his old age he became a
I fugitive, wandering from one country
to the other and finding no rest, owing l,
to the vindictive persecutions of tho
i Romans, who were then all powerful. P
I At last, discovering no on earth i
j open to him as a refuge, deserted by
. his former friends, his country en-
I slaved his once Imperial native
in ruins, way, to,
I and ended his life with poison.
, i.-.
They say there's an island In tn r
crime, jails, T
U that It's a wonder some .
Brooklyn Life.
a Comet
In th sky comes
the star of health
to weak and
dent dyspeptic,
curing all
a t o m
troubles and
famous remedy
that which It
is unable to do for
Itself, even If but
slightly disordered
or overburdened.
supplies the
juices of digestion and
the work of the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that I
organ ore allowed
rest and heal. It cures
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
Oil stomach troubles by
purifying and
strengthening the glands, I
membranes of the
and digestive organs.
Bottle, only. Ska times
I,, , .
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notion, Fancy
Tobacco and Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
c. n. JONES,
and Surgeon,
Complete Stock of Drugs.
N. C.
Value of his you
it's going to he ask-
ed. I'm sure it's he
replied. I'll take my urn
Evening Post,
promptly obtain U. H. mil
i Bend model, or photo of Invention for
i For five hook, t
u s
Ayden News and Advertisements.
The Ayden Branch Office of The Eastern Reflector is in charge V. to whom any matter for publication on this
page should be sent, and who is our authorized agent in Ayden and, surrounding territory-
Hay, Corn, Lime, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Depository for
Public School Books.
Royal Blue Shoes.
floods and, lotions
We are adding to our stock a nice, new and up-to-date line B
We carry almost everything in the furniture line and prices will be made as
cheap as consistent with good goods. Prices are very much reduced on
Lawns. Slippers, etc., also a certain line of Shoes, a cheap pair of
Shoes bettor come at once as we have put a price on them that will certainly
move them Yours for business, CANNON TYSON.
Loans and
Furniture and Fixtures-----
Expenses Paid. 110.00
Due from hanks and bankers
Capital Stock.
interest. . 179.47
you bought it from HINES it's all
Bought and
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
J. W. and BROS.
so men. n
. r r;
t i ft
Stays i . in. or iii. ;
Hog, Horse and Style
i j n. u In. apart
Made of large, strong, high grade steel wires, heavily galvanized
Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is practically ever-
lasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it.
Docs not mutilate, but does, efficiently, turn cattle, horses, hogs
and pigs.
by the manufacturers and by us. Call and see it. Can show you how
it- will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced.
Also Mower, Rakes, Binders, and all
Ayden, N. C , July, 1903.
Misses Tucker
Helen Cox returned Saturday from
a visit to Bruce.
Mrs. Chas. E. Flynn, of Fort
Tot ten, New York, arrived
day to the
with her Mr. Mrs. B.
F. Early. ,
Miss Lena Anderson, of
ville, came Saturday to attend the
Prince-Smith marriage.
H. Jones, general agent for
the Fidelity Mutual, is in Ayden
for a few days. lie is of the firm I
of Jones and Wallace,
Misses Ida W. Lena
and Lizzie Hines, May Anderson
and Daisy left Monday
morning to attend
the institute now being j
conducted at that place for the
teachers of Pitt county.
Rural Route Coward
informs us that Friday he was
compelled to twice on bis
j route by the burning of tobacco
barns along the road. We have
heard already of six being burned
the season not half over.
Carelessness is usually the cause
of tobacco barn fires.
A. J. Manning and Geo. Pres-
went to Tuesday
to attend for teachers.
Miss Emma Brown came borne
from Scotland Neck on Monday.
Enoch Plymouth,
came Tuesday evening is at
the home of G. Berry.
R. M. Prince, of
the groom-elect, h Haven
port and J. J. came in
on Tuesday evening to to attend
the marriage of Mr. Prince Wed
Misses Carrie Henrietta
Rosa Bland left Monday.
afternoon for a visit to her sisters, I
Mrs. and Mrs. Lee
Miss Carrie of
is in Ayden the-
family of J. J. Edwards.
Mrs. Dr. Dixon and children
left Tuesday for a visit lo,
i an gt-.
Mrs. R. Cannon two of
her children left Monday for a
slay at Seven Springs.
What's tin- matter,
You look all tired out
And wonder, I've bad a I
day of It, I know when
I've worked so bard, l looked at the i
men clean up station this
and that I
raised into story
and loads of delivered bas-
J. R. Smith Bro.
Quality is ever the first consideration in this store, because
that is the only basis for values that insures the satisfaction
of customers and the continuance of successful business.
General Dry Goods, Millinery, Furniture,
Hardware, Groceries,
is probably the most extensive in town, and our juices are
ways We also carry a stock of such as
Hay, Corn, Oats, etc. Let us serve you. J. H. Smith Bro.
Sheets In the
was Hie Origin of the phrase
for sheets In the
a landsman asked a sailor the
other day. said the sailor,
explain that matter to yon. The two
lower of u ship's sail are held
taut by two one called u
and another called a sheet. The tack
Is always kept very tight, but the sheet
is loosened according to the wind, and
the looser the sheet Is the more freely
sail Swings. If the sail Is quite
free, Its sheet is said to be
Now. suppose that all three of
a ship's sails were quite free. They
would then fly about very and
ship would The course of
ship would be a one. and
reason for this would be that she had
sheets in That. I
is why a man. when he zigzags
in his course, is said to be three sheets
in the
A N.
Office in Block.
Get our prices on Meat and Flour
before buying.
An Duel.
The annals of Emerald Isle
with incidents of dueling In which
Irish humor. If not at all times Irish
bravery, is conspicuous. I In one
Sir Jonah fought a
duel with a barrister named
The latter had one leg shorter than
other and because II was his habit j
when in a hurry to take two i j Ii I
steps with the short leg to up IA k
space made by the long me lie
nicknamed Pound
could get no f his bar t light
him, and so he challenged Harrington
who good shots
in the park.
The baronet hit his opponent in the
braces, then called the
feared lie had killed him. When the
result was made known, one of the
Seconds shouted. you are the
only rogue I ever knew who was saved
by the
Don't sell your Egg and Chickens
till you get our offer them.
Owner and Manager.
Some of uses of byproducts of
slaughtered The blood is used
for production of albumen, the
bones for knife bandies, toothbrush
handles, etc.; the horns for
combs, backs of brushes, large buttons,
etc; the hoots for ornaments
and fertilizers. font oil, extract
ed from the feet, has a high
value. The fat is used for
in pep-
sin and other articles are obtained
from slaughtered cattle and
The value of articles made every
year represents many millions of
MAKES the best Brick in
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always on Prices to
suit limes. Write or phone
I me for prices by the thousand or
car load. Yours truly,
Always go
for your drugs. I carry a good clean stock of pure
drugs and chemicals, sundries,
stationery and toilet articles.
Try a bottle my Fig Fruit Syrup for constipation.
cents. If you are not satisfied I will return
M. M. SAULS, Ph. G.
Pharmacist, Ayden, N. C.
Her Anatomical
class In
many bones ore theft In chicken
Millie member of large
I can tell you how many there
In the neck. That's the only part
I ever Chicago Tribune.
Near Devonshire, England,
there is to be seen a i
white bend u speckled back.
After eating;, persons of a bilious
will derive mat benefit by taking
of these pills. U you have been
will promptly relieve tho
and which
tho seal remove
ls. Mar cue Fed.
Take No Substitute.
i i-.-n and
The year of greatest growth In boys
Is the girls, the four-
While girls full height
their year, they acquire full
weight at the age of twenty. are
stronger than girls from birth to the
eleventh then girls become
physically lo the seventeenth year,
when tables are again turned
remain so. From November to April
children grow very gain no
weight; from April to July they gain
In height, but lose In weight, and from
July to November they increase
In weight, but not In height.
N. C.
a Mystery.
Little what Is
with two legs.
a man Is a biped, my boy.
Little Tommy Well, what's
James He's only got one
Dr. Louis C. Skinner,
Ayden, North Carolina.
Ont door north of
Best the market Affords,
meets nil trains.
Rooms. Electric lights.
Ayden, North Carolina.
Why suffer from eve strain,
in the eye balls, severe
headaches general dis-
comforts of eyes, when
J. W.
Can permanently cure you of
those discomforts by fitting
you with the proper glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed
or your money re-

already a good business
Associate Editor, town, is new life and never intended be should have
moving forward in the become a part of the United ; y there
Entered in the post office at Greenville, V. C. as second class matter, The town baa the dis- army- and into Dick law, What is it fort No
Advertising rates made upon application. . ,. . . encampment armed with
EPHRAIM IS JOINED TO HIS IDOLS. Dick law does sot change th
status the state troops, does not
give the president a power it was
The North state militia
i to fiction
A correspondent desired at post office in Pitt and adjoining counties, of being located in two
counties and two congressional States army rifles and
district. This is due to the fact I States army embalmed
that what is called there a creek o hard
it is a small mm over M
J through the town part above h the
located on either side. The Garnished fact.
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Friday, July
We know that our condemnation
claim has ever been made that it
is to conserve the public good. No
one has ever claimed that the law
was needed, either by the state
or United States. Will the Mes-
tell us what Dick bill is
for, if it does not the
stream is the between
Pitt and Lenoir and f the Dick militia law cannot alter .
We publish today the reached by the business events, but we be-j
, u of Greenville and Messrs. Turner and Barbee, representing it is and contrary
the Raleigh Pamlico Sound railed, whereby the road is to i. W where this law, as our
come to from Wilson, thence to and b. crosses have for years been
Grimesland. the busings houses, the and believing it L Dick
At this time The wishes to put itself on record all of being condemn it, new m upon the
as an out and out advocate of the plans agreed upon. We be- located on the Pitt county side. ever securely joined
Greenville's industrial and commercial development Owing to the congested condition to bi And we are j us see the facts. Below we
depends upon securing another railroad, and instead of putting of the buildings for stores in to the coming years tor
trivial, objections in the way of the road, we the quarter for business, making Justification of our course, we can
shall welcome ii warmly. insurance rates ruinous almost but as
quote the old law under which the
president could call out the
Whenever the United States are
It would seem that no man who cares anything for Green- the Wilmington Messenger should j invaded, or imminent danger of
.,. ., ., i i i. . u . invasion from any foreign nation or
ville and Put county oppose the road, yet we learn that creek for have its eyes blinded by the soft- Indian tribe, or of rebellion against
some of our wise men are already beginning to talk about in- part and of this at-
crease in taxation and other bugaboos. The fact is, there will ,. liberties. The Be
be no increase in taxation. The taxes on the road's property
the town is taking a move out
., fully pay the interest on the township bonds Already eight
elector considers that with a
Will pay me me lank South administration
to be exchanged for the railroad's second mortgage bonds, and I brick stores are N h
in this exchange we get one per cent, the best deal, as the the new business others
railroads bonds bear six per cent., while the township bonds will be started as soon as
have no country except
The Charlotte in speak-
of between the people
and I he railroads,
tribulations of railroad
an and when the
things have to with
are considered it is surprising that
they are enable to continue its
operation. It has come to the
point some sections that a rail-
road is considered legitimate prey
for all manner of suits and com
plaints and it is often the case that
they fail to get common justice at
the bands of juries. There is,
however, another side to the mat-
Representative railroads,
especially where there is no corn-
on, often assume an arrogant
in dealing with the public.
the authority of the government of the
United States, it shall be lawful for
the president to call forth such
of the militia of the state or states
most convenient to the pi ace of danger,
or scene of action, as he may deem
necessary to repel such invasion, or
to suppress such rebellion, and to Is-
sue his orders for that purpose to
such officers of as he may
And here follows a provision in
the Dick
the United states is in-
or in any danger of invasion
from any foreign nation, or of rebel-
lion against the authority of the gov-
i i hurried u Greenville Reflector is still of the United States, or the
l pitching into the officers of the state president is unable, with the other
forces at his command, to execute the
laws of the Union, in any part there-
of, it shall be lawful for the president
to call forth, for a period not exceed-
nine months, such number of the
militia of the state or states or
or of the District of Columbia,
bear only live per cent. can get in these. The North Carolina, and we are averse
We hope that there will be no considerable op- change is a decided improvement to accepting anything which comes
position b. this greatest of all Greenville's needs, and yet we for the town. to who have com
see this early to the game that there will be some who will op- We recently part of an enemies,
pose it on general they oppose everything and in The Messenger recently
that is supposed to make for advancement and education.
closed that the town has two large i guard for having the Dick
hill makes . , ,,.,. I militia bill, as if their acceptance or
the Dick bill makes liberal mills, a rejection could have anything to do
provisions for maintenance of general repair
State the drug ; Jg.
ton Messenger.
can point out
stances in history
the same methods of the Dick bill turning
to destroy states and crush the times as large a control of the state troops absolutely
. . . . ,. n. . over to the president, its terms, in
liberties people, luck transportation company that op fact, restrict the powers granted to the
law was so with gold , of the,, ,
that its was too much v-o, Rom instant an article from the Charles-, he had it, why it necessary to
Bern, ton went this i a , .
the officers in convention churches feature of the bill and quoted the sec the bill passed in order
of the other two acts defining give it to
the powers of the president over the
Yes, sir; and we physician, millinery The president had certain control over us he may deem necessary to repel
I if in our troops the passage such invasion, rebellion
in- a dozen or more that act and has had ever since the or to enable him to execute such laws,
where , t. j- a of congress passed, under
e e general merchandise a good of the federal constitution, in P
were employed h. i, h , This act was amended In 1801. n
r J hotel that would be a credit to a, of th.
act of congress passed, under to issue his orders for that
to such officers of militia as
The president has never had
such power, or, if he has, he has
not for years exercised it. If
bled, so they the new undone
Under the construction placed
upon this new law by the army
they cannot transfer any of its j R I may call upon it goes even further
. the state troops and the length of time and a state to its
A. Co., Patrick Tucker, he may keep them m the held. H b
The Dick bill makes liberal pro-, right to organize and maintain
law . , state troops. A comparison of their
Happily Among the houses are provisions with the Dick bill will
was only themselves h that the latter greatly restricts
the powers as to the con-
cannot transfer any
odium to the enlisted men.
The Messenger further says the E. Lang, Z. Brooks, J. D. Gas- visions for maintenance of the state,
I Dick measure is now the law of a t troops, while restraining the federal volunteer commands for its own
kins, ct A. government's former power
This causes a R of
against the and in turn kins, Coward Spivey, A. L.
against all It is a mat- j the laud. Is it Well, will Co Grifton Drug Co can there be W alarming in
W and others Keen ft have , I. not alone in its
rather the fail should , state decline to turn over one XV
purposes, which shall not be sub-
to the orders the president,
to give it
augments the feeling that the roads
are not treating the public
This is well said.
has suffered and been irritated be-
cause of the obstinacy and want
accommodation on the part of the
Atlantic Coast train dis-
patcher at Tarboro, not
letting the people down town here
when trains are expected.
It is a to know that the
recent dispatcher has been removed
and another put in his place, and
it is now hoped can be
learned about the arrival of trains
here and that a better feeling will
exist between the people and the
And if the railroad will hurry
up that additional train service on
this road it will further merit the
good will of the people.
its militia to the federal govern- ,, h th. the Savannah News and the Norfolk j States the volunteer
is ea flatting , . T.-
ham Wrenn Co. L. O. Cox, who ft of in existence. If this construe
rights is at all be correct
lived in Greenville, is pro- no more than in the passage of i B
, the act of In fact the states have ed its inability to enforce such a
the factory and machine greater rights under this than under
either of the other two bills because law, for there is no provision made
now the president can call upon the . e . . .
his a only after he has ex- enforcement the
a tanning the of t a
government, while heretofore he -V a
Colonel W. A. B. Hearne,
formerly of has
for a suit for highway
or grand larceny against
country barking it on both Sides
a western paper claims fl. . . . . I for duty refuses to comply is the forfeiture
K of the river, and draws a large-either within or without their own
have made the discovery that the , ,. , , states in the instance. the i of the benefits accruing the
trade from both Pitt and Lenoir old laws, as soon as the
reason the does not commit ,,. the president had
suicide is that when he sits down
to over his troubles he goes ,,
to sleep. Colonel dug up
that discovery several moo us ago.
counties, even reaches to directly to the state
of Greene and troops. Now he cannot call upon
also going to avail
itself of the opportunity of doing
some effective advertising by
We repeat, North Carolinians
them until he has exhausted his federal have no country except North
i forces. There is no trampling
states rights in Carolina, and never will have as
The Messenger is right about
one action of the of- administration controls affairs.
The Newton Enterprise suggests joining the other live towns in
that as Governor Aycock is barred the county taking a department
in accepting the Dick law
had not to do with case.
long as a rabid, jealous radical
President recreation
is cutting trees. He will
probably need the rails these trees
will make for various places in his
from seeking a it in the semi-weekly Reflector, to
would be a graceful act for those let the world know of its
who went into office with him to business opportunities,
go out with him and not stand for j
Yes, it would be
very very startling
very unnatural.
Dick bill is only one of a
series of Others will
The enlisted men agreed to serve come as the radicals grow In
the militia three yea s, unless
sooner discharged, the Dick
law nor any other law can alter
the terms of that It
power. It is what we expect.
Mr. Timothy stuck a with each individual member
I a nail in his trousers to hang his of the militia to accept or as
suspenders on be fit. We advise them not
dale iv money is spent for to accept, and if the Dick bill
We'll never call Grover Cleve parlor at a w really a law we would advise
land an old man again. It's a j is sadly missed when it comes to i them to disobey it.
I boy.
There are as many things in the
world for women to fool as there
are men, and as many ways to do
it as there are women.
As an antidote for conceit it Is
better to have loved and lost than
If, as the Messenger save, the i never to have been kicked at all.
i meeting of the Board of
of Pitt county held
y a petition signed by one-
the free holders residing
the territory hereinafter
. which petition was duly
and endorsed by the
of Education of Pitt County
6th day of July, 1903. it
that an election be
D the territory, hereinafter
bed, proposed a special
district, Friday, August
to ascertain the will of
of said district whether
shall be levied a special an-
tax of twenty cents on the one
red dollars valuation of prop
and sixty cents on poll to
public school
which may be apportioned to
by the County Board
duration in case such
a tax is voted.
boundaries of said proposed
school district is as
at II. Flanagan's
era line, Middle Swamp, and
ling with his Eastern to
Road, thence up said road
laker Road, thence with Baker
to Road,
with said Road to Green-
e Road, thence down Green-
e road to Farmville township
i, with said line to
Township line, thence
said line to a lane between G.
Moore and C. L. Barrett, thence
said lane to the run of Black
amp, thence down said swamp
creek, thence up
id creek to W. line,
with said line to Wilson
ad, thence with said road to fork
road at J. W. Parker's
ace, thence with Farmville road
creek, thence up the to
county line, thence with
county to beginning.
; It was farther ordered that said
shall be held in the town
Farmville and conducted in
e manner prescribed bylaw,
hat a new of the
rs of said territory shall be had,
for the purpose of registering
id voters and conducting said
Election the Board appointed J. T.
as Registrar and R. L. Joy-
her and W. E. Barrett us Judges
bf Election.
At said election those who are
favor of the levy and collection of
said tax shall which
shall be printed or written the
words, Special and
those who shall vote a
ticket on which shall be printed or
written the words, Spec-
By order of the Board Com-
missioners of Pitt made
this the 6th day of July, 1903.
Richard Williams,
Clerk ex-officio.
thence south with railroad to south
side of creek, t hence up said
creek to Titus and
Smith's line, with said
and Smith line to the pub-
road, thence down said road to
Mrs. J J. Smith Frank
thence west with
Biggs Harrington's line to
public road, including all the
lands the late Biggs
ton, situated on north side of pub
lie road leading from to
John Pearce, thence up said road
toward to a branch near Joe
house, thence a
straight to John Dennis and A. F.
Cox coiner, thence with John Den-
line to Jordan Cox's heirs line,
thence with Dennis and the Jordan
Cox heirs line East to W. F. Hart
and John Dennis corner near the
public real, thence down Celie
Garris line to J. T. Hart's corner,
thence with J. T. Hart's line south
to Calvin corner.
would cough neatly all night
writes Mrs. Chas. Apple
gate, of Alexandria,
could hardly git any sleep. I had
so that if I walk-
ed a block I would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but, when all
other failed,
of Dr. King's New Dis-
wholly me I
gained It's absolute
to cure Coughs,
La Grippe, Bronchitis
all Throat and Lung
Price 81.00. Trial bot-
at Wooten's Drug Store.
The difference between a woman
her rival is that the former
restores her hair, while the latter
years fate was after me
writes F. A. Gal-
line to Asa corner, thence
with ledge, Verbena, Ala. bad a
terrible case of Piles causing
tumors. When all failed Buck-
Salve cured me.
Equally good for Bums and ail
aches pains. Only at
Drug Store.
with his to the be
It was further that said
election be held in the town
of Ayden and the
manner prescribed by law, that
a new registration of voters of
said territory shall be had, and
purpose of registering said
voters and conducting said
the Board appointed G. W. Pres
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made i Dr.
King's New Life Pills. These
as Registrar and Jesse Cannon change weakness
and J. A. as Judges strength, Sliest energy,
of Election.
At said election those who are.
in favor of the levy collection ;
of said tax shall vote a ticket on
which shall be printed or written
the words, Special and
those whose who are opposed shall j
vote a ticket on which cleaning the wise husband
into mental power
They're in building up i
health. per box
Sold by Wooten's Drug Store.
a woman goes to house-
shall be printed or written the
words, Special
By order of the Board of Com-
missioners of Pitt County made
this the 6th day of July, 1903.
Richard Williams,
We, the undersigned,
Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam to be a
reliable Remedy for Bowel Com-
Clerk ex-officio. I hereby guarantee a twenty-
rive bottle to give satisfaction
or money refunded. J L. Wooten,
Greenville, N. C.
At a meeting of the of
commissioners of Pitt county held
State of North Carolina, Pitt
County, In Superior Court.
A. F. Young Co. Notice o f
Walter Sale.
By virtue of an execution
to the undersigned from the
Superior Court of Pitt County in
the above entitled action, I will,
on Monday, the 3rd day of Aug.,
1903, at o'clock m. at the Court
House door of said County, sell to
the highest bidder for cash to
said execution, and such other
executions as may come my
band, all the right, title and in-
the said Walter Bar-
Held defendant, has in the follow-
described real estate,
One piece of laud near the
you mean to tell
me I have told a lie;
Chambers Well, no; I don't
wish to be quite so rude as that,
but I will say make a
very good weather prophet.
take a Little Early will
cure constipation, biliousness and
liver troubles. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are different
other pills. They do not gripe
and break down the mucous
of the stomach, liver
bowels, bat cure by gently
secretions and giving
town strength to these organs. Sold by
of Ayden lying on the east side of
Atlantic Coast track, adjoining the
Drug Store.
this day, a petition signed O.
Polly Harrington, F. G.
D. G. the Anderson
one fourth free holden re-
siding the territory herein
after set out, which petition was
duly approved and by
the board of education of Pitt
county on the 6th day of July,
it is ordered that an election be
held in the territory hereinafter
described, proposed as a special
district, on Friday, August;
7th, 1903, to ascertain the will
of the people of said dis-
whether there shall be levied
special annual tax of thirty cents
on the one hundred
of property and ninety cents
on the poll to supplement the
public school fund which may be
apportioned to said district by the
county board of education in case
such special tax is voted.
The boundaries of said proposed
special is as follows.
Beginning at and
running north by Asa
out to the public road at Mrs,
Mary Garris thence up said road
What a bachelor can't learn
I from some woman who is trying
acres to make a better of him he
need to know in his
lot others,
more or less.
Also one piece of land on
west side of said rail road track,
the lands of Mrs. John
W. H. Harris, W. F. Hart.
F. Harrington. Ed.
where the
Co. plant is lo-
is overloaded;
when food it that fails
to digest it decays and inflames
which are several houses, membrane, exposing
containing acres or less.
Both of said pieces of land being
the excess levied on after allotting
Walter his homestead
as allowed by Law.
This 30th day of June, 1903.
O. W. Harrington,
A case came to light that for
to Back Swamp, thence down said has perhaps been equaled,
swamp to Swift creek, thence Joe of Calif.,
said to the public mad
leading from Grifton to
then up said road to Lafayette
Cox's line on east side of public
road, thence with
v . . . a
line to Martha L. hue,
thence with G. W.
to Susan E. Cannon's line,
with his Hue back t the public
road, then up said road to the fork
near Hancock's church,
wet Hill road to T. C.
the and causes the glands
to secrete instead of the
natural juices of digestion. This
is called Catarrh of the Stomach.
For years I suffered with Catarrh
of the Stomach, caused by
Doctors and medicines
failed to benefit me until I used
i Dyspepsia R.
Tex. Sold by
j Store.
the foundation of health.
Nourishment the foundation
Dyspepsia Cure is the great
medicine that enables the stomach
land digestive organs to digest,
; assimilate transform all foods
the of blood that
the nerves feeds the
, tissues. lays the
for health. Nature does the
rest, Dyspepsia,
writes. years endured
insufferable pain from
nothing relieved me
though I tried everything known.
I came Electric Bitters and
it's the greatest earth
for that trouble. A few bottles
it cured Just as good for
Liver troubles and all disorders of the stomach and
debility. Only Sat- digestive are cured by the
guaranteed by use of Sold by Wooten's

ow Blister An-
A la or bladder,
which la by of
watery portion blood
the or outer skin. ;
Any powerful Irritant boiling
water may produce burners,
way regard their formation an
fort of nature to protect the true and
acutely sensitive Inner skin from at-
The fact for Itself, but the
for Injurious action of I
aiding water n deeper seat.
blood vessels arc supplied with ,
and the stimulation of these
causes In some cases dilatation and In I
ethers contraction. Any excessive
will cause paralysis of the I
coat of the consequent I
of the blood in these parts, I
and then their nutrition Is Impaired.
It la to the condition thus In- j
by scalding water that the
rum through the vessel wall and
Its way into the surrounding
This raises the upper and
skin Into a blister, which prob-
ably takes Its name from the Anglo-
Saxon to blast or puff.
One day Thomas drove
at to South Topeka to sell a man a
hone. The wan was no judge of
and knew It. So after look-
the animal over he told
to come out again in about ten
friend of mine who knows
a horse when he sees it will be here
he said, see what he
thinks. And, by the he added,
old did you say the horse
years old
MM Chef as he gathered up
the reins and drove away,
drove to South Topeka
again. The prospective purchaser was
there, and after looking the horse in
that mouth asked his age.
old this replied
smiling blandly. broke
In the man who wanted to buy the
hone, told me not ten days ago
that he only I
squeaked I did.
My, how time does fly Cap-
Am Tragedy.
A historical paper in
collection In London tells of a strange
tragedy in a little be-
fore several centuries ago.
boy seven years old came up
Into, a gentleman's chamber and
to him and drew his sword and
flourished with It. The gentleman.
being In bed, wondered to see the boy
tow his blade so and good
hoy, thou hast done well. Put In the
The boy persisting, the gen-
rose and held him the scabbard,
the rude banded lad. thinking to
heath the lustily it Into
belly. Company were called. One
offend to strike the child. him
quoth the gentleman. Is
just This boy's father did I kill five
years since and none knew. Now he
hath revenged And the gentleman
died the second
Hew Grow.
A man who has devoted much time
to the study of the oyster says that this
born with his shell on and
that he grows only in the summer time.
The beard of an oyster is not only his
breathing is. his lungs-
bat It also serves to convey food to his
mouth. When the warm, calm days of
June come the oyster opens his shell
and by means of his beard begins bond-
an additional story to his
This he does by depositing very, very
particles of carbonate of lime till
last they form a substance as thin
as silver paper and exceedingly fragile.
Than he adds more and more till at last
the new shell Is as hard as the old shell.
Secret Per Secret.
In the days of XIV. even
bandied epigrams with one an-
The de had
es a fortress by siege.
will tell you a said Its
military governor after surrendering.
reason of my capitulation was
that I had no more
secret for returned
the suavely, reason of
my accepting It on such easy terms
was that I bad no more
Under a little
by Jones there hangs a printed
card which bears the
not touch with canes or
An appreciative small boy added the
dear friend, allow me to
to you M. X. a man who writes
more nonsense than any one
sec; he's a
he's a legislative
Her Very Own,
says that he loves me more than
his life and that he can't live without
all young men say
may but they don't any
it to
To get prompt attention all mail orders should be addressed to
The Seasons
Summer Millinery as beautiful as fingers filled
with magic can make it. Dress and Ready-to
wear Hats for and Children.
Dress Goods and
All the new weaves in all colors and
WHITEWASH percent,
reduction on all former prices.
Slippers and are made
by Ziegler Bros. Comfort, Style and Quality.
Just new and complete line of
and New Styles. Prices low.
Stetson Shoes for Men
All the new lasts. Ask to see them if
you would be well dressed.
For Ladies, Children and Babies. Drop Stitch,
Colors and White.
A CUT on all former prices of hot weather
Clothing for Men, Boys and Children.
Baby Carriages and
and best line to select from.
AH Furniture Reduced.
Bargain Column
Cash Buyers Only
Clark's N. T. Spool Cotton,
Sea Island ins. wide,
Best Light Calico,
Printed Lawns and Organdies,
1-2 and c. quality, while they
last, cents per yard.
Steel Rod Umbrellas, worth and
c. only
pairs of and Sam-
pie Shoes at Factory Prices.
Knee Pants, only pair
Men's and Sample Straw
Hats at New York cost
Toilet Soap, big value, cakes for
cents cash.
White Envelopes, per pack
Good Needles, per paper,
Ladies Vests, only
Linen Towels, extra size,
Patterns, and cents.
This department is in charge of J. W. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, July,
You should not fail to see or
write the Winterville Mfg. Co.,
and get their best prices on Porch
Columns, Turned Balustrades
Newel Posts, Pickets for Stair
Way, Railing for Porch, Brackets,
Boxing Brackets; Sawed
and Trimming for be-
tween Brackets.
Miss Myrtle White, of Jones
county, a former pupil of our
school, is here in attendance upon
the institute.
The long experienced W. L.
Hurst is serving cold drinks at
the drugstore soda fountain. This
is the handsomest and best
quipped fountain in town.
Prof. is a live
man and not only makes friends,
but is undoubtedly one of the best,
if not the best superintendent in
the state.
Ladies and furnish-
goods to suit old, the
pretty, the even the
most fastidious n
F. Manning Ci
J. E. Greene, our depot agent,
returned yesterday after an ab-
of several
For soap, baking powder, Hour,
lard, eggs, and
inned goods, see A. D. Johnston.
Mr. Andrew, who has been
acting as agent h depot, left for
his home this morning.
Having special arrange-
with the best wire fence
factory in the United States we
are n to save all our
on any style of
fence. A. G. On M kg . Co.
Sol M. Joins, of Bethel, is here.
The best and freshest cakes,
candy, cheese fruits, A.
James lo.-t a of
tobacco by fire yesterday.
When you come to the summer
school be sure to get your ice
cream and cold drinks from A. D.
Johnston. He has the list.
Mrs. J. R. Jobi son and
Mies spending, the
day Greenville.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., are just
through making little wagons
tobacco and have
begun making big wagons reg-
Tar Heel and Oak A.
Tar Heels are equipped with their
make of wheels. Oak with
patent hub wheels.
G. R. Dixon went to Washing-
ton Saturday and returned Monday
evening. The first time he has
been out of the years.
For Furniture in the latest de-
signs and patterns to suit every-
one, call and see B. F. Manning
The teachers are here and have
possession. We all bid them a
hearty welcome and hope their
mouth's stay among us may be
both profitable and pleasant.
Bargains equal to the best can
be had at the store of B. F.
in dry goods; boots
and shoes.
C Our farmer friends seem to be
this season, Within
the past week within a radius of
two square miles more than half
dozen tobacco barns have been
consumed by fire.
When in need of feed stuff of
any remember that G.
A. Kittrell Co. can furnish you
what you want.
If in need of China Closets,
Desks, Window Frames or Man
ties lilted in the bet and latest
style-, do not pass the Winterville
Mfg. Co. by.
When your cow feed is gone
don't, fail to go and a new sup-
ply from G. A. Kittrell Co.
Singletrees and Plow Beams
made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
A G. Cox Mfg. Co's wire
fence this week. You don't
have to wait for this fence to come
from factory, they carry as much
as a car load stock all the while.
Pi ice absolutely guaranteed.
All kinds of scroll and turned
work done to order the Win-
Mfg. Co.
James Moore, of Ayden, was
here yesterday.
Economic back bands for plow
and wagon harness are something
the farmer has got to get used to.
They are a God send to the horse
as well as a boon to the owner.
Miss Mattie Hem by, of Kins-
ton, is visiting Misses Effie ard
We carry line of school
stationary, slates, pencils, tablets,
pen points and ink, Composition
books, box paper etc., give us a
Call please.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Tonsorial A. Fair,
good shave and line hair cut.
Latest style.
Mason fruit tars and rubbers,
plenty on hand, low.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Johnnie Tyson,
was here yesterday he is no
school teacher, either.
From one end to the other our
streets are things of beauty and
delightful to behold.
Alas shall they all leave and not
one remain as a reminder of what
might have been. Pray for us,
In addition to a complete line
of drugs, patent medicines,
you will find at
all kinds of school supplies,
fain y candies, soaps, sponges,
garden seed, combs, brushes, per-
Harrington Barber Co., have
just re a nice line of
such as chairs, cupboards, etc.
Straw Hats per cent, below;
cost at B. F. Manning Co. If you l
need them come at once, only a
few left.
The address of Rev. A.
King, of Greenville, last evening,
is commended by all who had the
good fortune to hear it in the high-
est terms. Mr. King has made a
favorable impression among our
people and we would be pleased to I
have him come to see us often.
Boarding J.
Cox. Board per day. Best
House in town.
Lil Cannon, of Ayden, was here;
The Winterville Cigar Co., are
offering special inducements in
the Cheroot line. Try their goods
be convinced that you have a
good article for sale. Write for
That's a good and j law pro-
the marriage of first
cousins. It should bare been on
our statute books long ago and
most rigidly enforced too.
W. H. Hamilton left yesterday
Cot a month's needed rest and
recreation. i
of Greenville, was
here Monday.
M. L. and
Watch maker. Give him a
trial. Work guaranteed.
Last Monday for the first time;
i five years we had the pleasure
of meeting our young friend Prof.
Harry Harding, principal of the
New Bern graded school, and we
were glad to meet him. Harry
is a fine boy and we congratulate
him upon the very prominent
he has
Nice line gents four-in-hand and
midget ties just received, cheap ;
Harrington, Barber Co.
P. H. KITTRELL, Proprietor.
Don't Get Hot
Take It Cool.
We have Underwear so thin that it's cooler to wear
it than to go without.
Here's the French Mercerized Cot
ton, the Lisle thread, the Linen Mesh, etc.
Our feather weight Underwear starts in at and
runs up to
We're bound to please you somewhere along the line
Jean Drawers, if you prefer them.
Don't swelter, for here's relief.
Choice Embroideries
We have been bargain hunting lately
and met with great success. We
found a man who had a big lot of
Beautiful Embroideries
wanted to sell badly them at a great
We secured the whole lot at such prices as will
enable us to offer special bargains for July selling.
This special lot comes in four or five widths with
a large variety of patterns, including
Insertions and Beadings. The
prices will be and per
yard. the patterns
are all good, with fast woven
edges on good quality
of cambric.
Come before the selection is broken and secure a
genuine bargain.
New White Front
The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
All large wires.
No Wraps
to hold
and cause
Absolutely STOCK PROOF ft can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fencing.
Well Furnished with Fish, as
the Market Justifies.
A Grocery also attached
Try him.
A Full Line of Millinery
, Goods.
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Reduction Sale of
Summer Pants.
The Fine Line of Pants we have been carrying in stock at
and dollars are now offered at the C
for each pair, regardless of former price. These are strictly
all-wool goods, finely tailored and in the very latest style.
We have a large stock and can surely fit and please you.
Best and latest styles always on i
S. Printing at Reflector Printing House.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
B I , July
the immediate surroundings
of a an agricultural
the mode of forming,
shall lie our theme this
Naturally this is a fertile soil.
All kinds of vegetation grows
luxuriantly and pay the farmer a
handsome return fur his labor Id
pairing different parts of
Pitt county other adjacent
we notice the very rapid
growth and
or burned rock lime, is beneficial
to crops for two or three years.
The of this has had
experience the applies
lion of different kinds of fertilizers
and from a study we are
forced to conclude that nature
supplies all the for a
good renovator of the soil at oar
very doors, we would but use
them with proper judgment. The
leaves of the forest, the
store of marl, the swamp
co, very early maturity of muck, all of which are accessible,
if placed in heat layer
We account for this from th .-. following layer, there would
that i hue is a a mine of wealth on every farm,
of tire, and a very high
temperature, though the tempera
at a certain small
degree, Deuce the very
growth of the crops
noticing the soil, and I ten men loitering away their time
examining the low.-, stratas of i they should be at some pro
subsoil, we discover that this
not costing the farmer a cent of
money, only the labor necessary to
collect these materials. The time
employed in labors would
not be loft, for we notice very of-
employment. As to the
country from here to the ocean, is of farming, we notice that
with marl, or is laud is very shallow,
deposited by the sea, and u preparation for crops, while
undergone a chemical by it be very deep,
which becomes a most at least inches, but not throw-
valuable fertilizer, answering H subsoil to the top, but tear
lime, which clay soil by following the
tare -o turn plow a plow and
in our cu-ties. j the following row will be cover-
If i be farm is of this country by the turn plow at the next
would apply this mail to their j round.
crop- I y would little use for j The benefit accruing from this
thousand of manner of cultivation will make
commercial fertilizes used and ; a deep seed led for your plans,
will benefit it one crop. I it will also allow the lower strata
while lime, dither as marl, of loosened subsoil to take all
the surplus rainfall, and hold the
moisture below, from which the
roots of the plant can reach down
and draw not only the moisture it
may need, on the fer-
powers of the lower soil,
which the plant can never reach
unless the plow is driven
deep enough to the plant
to grow down very deep feed
on nature's food that lies
shallow will not
Deep also
vents the land from becoming
is, holding the
water which may fall, and
unlit it for the We shall
write in our next of the need of
diversified crops, believing that
the firmer can and should make
everything he needs sell more
than he consumes.
Very truly,
T. H.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide th most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it ibis having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. C
Dry Goods. Notions. Groceries.
To make a m-business I am J
all dry goods, and notion on
L hand at cost for cash. This is the
J chance lo gel bargain.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
and Surgeon,
. can be found in Eastern Carolina.
Special line Dress Goods Trimmings for Ladies.
I line Sell Shoes for men. Every pair wan-anted.
Corliss. Coon A Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
N. C.
Leaders in fashions. Full line of I
trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers.
s. Ate. Cheaper than ever.
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods.
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Sc Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour am feed by the car load.
Cold Comfort
is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers. Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else the hardware line.
Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm imp and Harness
and Hammocks.
warehouses full Sour corn. oats, bay
ice i .
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs In
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
N. C.
Notions, Shoes, Hats,
v Groceries. Crockery,
I Glassware, Fruits. Confections, To-
j and Everything cheap
cash. Highest price for country
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots of Hay, Corn, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In we operate a Monger Cotton
I Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We carry a large of General Merchandise, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furniture, Tools, Farm-
Implements, Seed, Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Oats and other
stuffs. We solicit a snare of your patronage. Fair and
treatment to all.
We make a specialty of
For Men
Women and
it is conceded that we give the
best Shoes for the money of
any house in Farmville.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
The newest and latest styles in
Millinery. Hats trimmed to or-
on short notice.
M. T. HORTON, Proprietor
Table furnished with the
rooms. Polite and prompt
Courses-Literary. Classical, Scientific, Pedagogical, Commercial,
Domestic Science, Manual Music.
Fire courses leading to diplomas; courses leading to de-
well equipped practice and school; faculty
rs board, laundry, tuition and fees for use of text books, etc.,
a year; for non-residents of the state twelfth annual session
begins September to secure board in nil free-
tuition applications should be made before July Correspondence
invited from those desiring competent teachers and
and other information, address
CHARLES D. President. Greensboro. N. C.
Not Quite
How often you can gel a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
The Branch of Barter a Reflector It in charge
of C. E Bradley, is authorized to transact any bust
for tin. paper in and territory.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
Inspect their complete stock of
and learn low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
fall goods.
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car load lots of
Dealers in General
Dry Goods, Notions,
and Fan-
Shoes, Crockery, Tin-
ware, etc., etc.
if ICE
Steamer R L. Myers leave
Washington except
at a. in for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and lot
all for West with rail
roans at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer
and Line from
J. E. Division Supt.
Washington, N. C
N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
Norfolk. Va. ii
Cotton handlers of
Sewing Machines and Furniture
N. C
Richmond, Va , July
end of the trolley strike seems at
hand. Twenty-six of the strikers
returned to work yesterday. The
N. C, July 1903.
No racket for want of warm
D. R. Willis and daughter, Miss
Annie, of Washington,
Thursday in town.
A. of Bethel, was here
Thursday on
Dr W. E. Warren was here
Mrs. W. I. Peal left Thursday
mowing to spend a few days with
her mother at Rosemary.
Stray dog in town. Judging
from hie looks, he is a coon dog.
Miss Annie and Eva Bell, of
spent Saturday and
Sunday with Mrs. G. Ricks.
Rev. J. E. Hocutt filled his
regular appointment at the
church Sunday and at night.
What's nicer than a June peach
or a II Bell Answer boys.
Must two of
are spending warm days at
the beach. Haven't seem much
of them for several days.
Mrs. G. H. Little returned from
Hasty. Saturday, where she has
been spending several weeks with
Mr. G. H. Little.
W. L. James, of
come in Friday to spend a few
days with friends here. Walter
is looking line. water seems
Lo agree with him.
C. E. Bradley has had trouble
of his own the past Early
Monday morning he saw distress
signals Hying over his potato
patch. He it once summoned his
crew to place of trouble with
such as could be put into
action. At last report the trouble
was finally over with.
Mrs. J J. Satterthwaite, who
has been spending several days
with her sister, Mrs. C. M. Jones,
of returned home
Don't E. Bradley has
The list and is
ready to give red to those who
wish to my up. Also to those who
would like to
Goes North.
C. T. and family left
this morning for and
Beach. From the latter
place Mr. goes to
market- to fall
goods. A ell, you all know
that huge chunk of
New Y and
transported directly to the
big store. What Greenville will
know about styles Man-
ford comes back will be
knowing. He is going to
the prepare for
largest retail business ever done
in in Greenville.
C T. big store carries
a in
all the year largest
yearly ad any paper
tried Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from falling. One-
half a bottle cured
J. C. Baxter,
Tucker Nob.
Hair Vigor is
certainly the most
preparation of its
kind on the market. A
long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
hair. ah
feud us one dollar we ii
of your Address,
J. A m.
The following invitations have
Mrs. Nobles
requests the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of her daughter
Mr. Leon W. Tucker
on Wednesday evening,
July the
At nine o'clock
At her residence
Near Greenville, North Carolina.
Mayor's Court
H. W Whedbee has dis-
posed of the following cases since
Bill Norris drunk, and down on
street, fined and cost,
Leon Patrick and Henry
and conduct,
fined each and cost, total
Hardy, letting horse run
on streets, fined penny and
cost, total
Ed and Frank Hop-
kins, a- -ult, Flemming hoed
j Hopkins fined total
M Licenses .
Last week Register of Deeds R.
Williams issued licenses to fol-
J E. and Ed-
J. S. Gray Lena Jenkins.
A. S. Allen Stella M.
David Pete Betti Staton.
Bryant and Mary
re ore r . we
re Infants w for when
we up we cry ti r
And we cry for 11-
thing because we never know what
for OS. is a I . .-
take bis and to
it is ins purpose n life always to
nap for thing, to
for that no merit,
for as as lie
bold It in bands. Wt hare our
ideal of but we
to realize It in ways which are not
good for us.
Happiness, we perceive it in this
terrestrial sphere, is a
It never lasts, because it cannot.
It satisfies, because it Is made
to satisfy. land of El Dorado for-
ever remains east of sun and west
of the Is, nowhere. It Is
the fatal the mirage of
desert of life. Happiness remains
happiness it is an illusion.
is not made to hold and to enjoy
It It Is mortality's lot to chase Jack
lanterns cry for the moon,
which cannot be obtained because It
bangs so high up in the
win He Is
a habit we re-
marked the Street car philosopher,
saying that a man is worth so so
many thousands of dollars. I
men who have many dollars who.
ed from any reasonable standard that
I know, are not worth anything at all.
It is to hear occasionally at
men who do happen to be worth a
. great deal even though they are
j rich and who are anxious that people
should forget they have money and
think of only for their
All the same, it gives me an
pleasant turn when I see a man's
worth put down In New
York Commercial Advertiser.
The action of the n-
publican in
Roosevelt is no surprise to
who know what a southern
militia hare been ordered away republic an convention is composed
from Manchester. Durham
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than prepared to supply till
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
People of North Carolina.
cock today received from
I the of state, John Hay, a
letter expressing thanks of king of
Portugal, to people Caro-
for their kindness to the crew
j of the bark Vera Cruz the seventh
j wrecked at Inlet last
Hay. The letter was transmitted
by Portuguese charge de
through United States secretary of
A In-
It to he the privilege of
representative at any conference
i of representatives of the
slates to smoke. I lie others refraining.
This was supposed to be an
of Austria's- supremacy. At
the first conference that Bismarck
tended as representative he
began to smoke across confer-
e ice table as soon as the Austrian dip-
lit up. That set everybody pres-
to smoking on equal t
Austria's supremacy ft o blow.
He III-.
yon upon it I suppose it
Is all over between us. but I you
would return my letters.
you are not afraid I shall
make use of them to your
but I've got my eye on an-
other girl, and I could use them writ-
to her, you know.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport ton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It the best invention the century.
Is the place to got Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
Back up Our Claims for
Fact a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Pact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact is not a drug, but
a normal, scientific for
Jill Malarial Complaints
Chills and Fever,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It the nervous positively
prohibits all y or low spirits,
women with troubles peculiar their mi are
to perfect druggist will
cheerfully add his testimony to ours.
with every package.
urn ii self . the
yon lire nil rigid to
your other part
of the conversation.
The part yon talk with is out of pro-
portion to the part think
Francisco Wasp.
Little us out of the
room Just boo, there's
Little Brother- Hut maybe v. y won't
nil tin- cake.
Little you can't trust
Ail Score.
is your objection to him.
fellow can't enough
money to support
A Souvenir.
laid the thoughtful .
thoughtfully, something that
consider to he it whole lot more

Ricks Wilkinson
Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets them. is particularly true
of Ladies fire Dress Goods. Silks and Gloves and
Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Pauls.
A few of our are the all other stores,
like Muslin, Ginghams. but the bulk of the
we st is in sense or another from that sold
by other store.
I porch need are returnable within a reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Laval Dimities have been reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in oar bleak good. Lew
will prevail ail lbs of July.
Standard style for now
ready. Toe August Designer Fashions always free.
licks Wilkinson
Established 1835, Incorporated
Marble and Granite
Agents for Wire Fencing,
Main end electric
and i . Ricky Mount,
N. C, p, S.
j For prices design i address
We Get the R. P. S. RS.
from first
river near plat and going in-
; to Washington on the north side
of the river, or to take a direct
course from Wilson, via Farm
ville and Greenville to Grimes-
land, then across the river on
to The latter route
is miles shorter than the for-
mer and would make
cost correspondingly lees.
The advantages of both were dis-
cussed, and while Capt. Turner
Mr. Barbee frankly
committee what inducements were
them in the way of ex-
change of bonds to take the longer
route via Snow Hill, they express-
ed a desire to take the
via Greenville because it is
more direct. Vet the inducement
is a consideration and
the shorter route held
Inducement that would more than
the offer of the longer
the road would have logo
way. There was no
bluff in this but it was simply a
bushiest, proposition to business
Then matter was
rowed down to a plain business
proposition the committee pressed
the gentlemen to name the
lowest a of taken by
Farmville. Greenville Grimes-
together would secure the
road Coming this shorter route.
the tug, but it was
the road would come
for committee be-
that amount of bonds
could be for by
of Pitt county through which
road will pass, and will report
the to the next meet-
of detail
elation. If the agreement is
proved by the as no
doubt it will be, that body will
decide securing
meeting of people
Interested to deter
mi bonds.
tilings the down
to If Greenville
want the
S. railroad
of bonds must be taken.
fail to take the and the
road goes elsewhere.
thinks we to
have this new road.
V occasionally makes
, . email;.
It is not always the low price that makes
bargain, it is what jam get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both
on quality the on the price.
Here are a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this
We have placed special lot of
on our some of these sold for
1.00 a pair your ch i for Sizes. to
Also Ladies Slipper worth to 2.00 for
Ladies Embroidered turn over collars each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
The canning season is most here, you had bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for This is the place to buy
them we sell the best.
One Hundred and Five of Them
at Winterville.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Report M.
wee delivered night by
Rev, A. T, pastor of the
Baptist church at Green-
ville. Hi was Ideal
In ideal of
I vice the
The institute which and was
begun at Winterville on Monday with the. minds of
had teach pi i present at Bret teacher, Hit first point Flour m
enrollment, nine being character ii
rep. The institute la second character he round per lb
of County Super- equipped, The third that it
V. B, with to prepare. The fourth the door shoulders
Professors H. Harding, K. opportunity for j j J
J. D. Everett A j open to every one. How per
also emphasized. Duck
All who beard Mr. King were Hens per
the beat eyer in the state with bis lecture, many
J. Manning in charge of the differ equipped lit
department of instruction.
The institute held at Winter
Ville ago was declared
beat ideal sin Ice to others
to that time, hut the outlook
this one is that in members
work it fair to
former. Great is shown J speaker,
by the teachers in work be-
The personnel of institute is
very tine and the accommodation
all that could be asked.
The institute will be in progress
four weeks, besides the
courses of instruction from
a. m. to p. m. daily, there
will be lectures two or three
each week by of
from various sections of the
state. tint of these lectures
declaring they never heard
words and beautiful
more Turkeys
surpass the s fall from the lips of any Hides per lb,
-green per lb
am I, said
fair girl, it is my half mil-
lion that draws your affection to
wrong me,
said the impassioned youth.
might scale it see
Bay per cent., it wouldn't
shake my constancy in the
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Your Eyes,
with one of those fine imported Lace at Pulley
Bowen's. They are reduced from and cents to
If you girls must cry do it gracefully. Women's
tears are too sacred to waste on common
chiefs. Don't be caught with one.
Pulley Bowen's
Cox went
Tuesday evening.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
Send your orders for printing
to Printing House.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Negro Brute Attacks White
men at Centralia, Va.
Richmond, Va., July
who attempted to
at Centralia. a suburb of
Richmond, was arrested this
morning near here lodged
jail The whole
country was aroused and of
men armed with
last night in pursuit of
ant. Full particulars of
affair were only learned this
morning. crime was com-
within yards of the
Centralia With
blow both ladies were
felled. A purse g
and letters were taken from Mies
Marriage of a Popular Couple at
At a. in. Wednesday morn-
at the residence of
nuttier, Mrs. Irvin Smith, the
Rev. W. L. performing the
ceremony, Mr. R. M. Prince, of
C, led to altar Miss
Willie of
The bride and groom were at-
tended only by Misses Lula
Nora Smith, Clarence with
Miss Olivia Berry, and J. J
Hathaway, of with
Miss Georgia of
ville. Miss Nina played
the wedding march.
bride was one of
best, fairest most lovely
daughters, and she with
Th ladies screamed her the best of all for a
lustily and Miss happy life her new
upon her feet
started in pursuit of who, j The ceremony was witnessed by
frightened by the outcry; was j a large crowd of who vied
off. The ; with each other the
woman followed brute happy couple with rice am-
yards until he a pistol The home was
and threatened to blow her beautifully decorated for the mar-
out. Meanwhile a little
boy gave the Centralia's Mr. and Mrs. Prince left on the
male population was hot morning train for the
bis trail. j of West Carolina for their honey-
; moon, which they will be at
Gross Injustice Done to an In-1
With Pounds
Charlotte, N. C, July r .
tar a preliminary examination lie
fine a
Holder, who arrested N. C, July 22.-
Bight ob a warrant charging tobacco market
with attempted criminal on , w- g
two little White was acquit j
there being no evidence a he
And it Isn't on the Atlantic Coast
Line, Either-
Dallas, Texas, July
special from A
train will arrive at Beaumont Sat-
days late. It i the
Gulf and Interstate passenger
train which left Galveston Sept.
and was caught the
terrible gulf storm that partly de-
been on the track, which
is once more connected with Beau-
More Kentucky Trouble.
Ewen left this morning for Lex-
He will go to
Sunday to testify against and
White. He was escorted by a
tail of soldiers as far as Corinth.
The troops got off at Corinth and
escorted Charles Green, a witness
before the grand jury, who has
been threatened, bark to Jackson.
Green is to testify in the Cork rill
case. It is claimed that he
the men who tired the shot that
The Galveston Launched Mid
Funeral Gloom.
Richmond, Va., July
was the scene attendant upon
the launching of the U. S. cruiser
Galveston at the yards of the
company this afternoon.
It differed entirely from the
gathering that witnessed the
of the boat Shu-
the vessel completed at
the yard-.
Cotton and Tobacco Damaged
by Wind and Rain.
New N. , July
o'clock yesterday afternoon
New was visited a heavy
wind storm lasting min-
and reaching several miles
the country. The damage to cotton
and tobacco cannot he estimated
from the information at baud.
Every white preacher in the
county of Pitt is invited to be at
the emu house in Wed-
after the second in
Aug. a. Also the teach- old money mane a brick
Losing an
Look at the quantity of brick
required for the Smith Hooker
stables, the graded school,
Hooker's warehouse and the
Masonic temple, four buildings
that go up quick succession,
and see it you do not think there
citizens, who love Truth,
Temperance, and Why
manufacturing plant
think of saving
guilt. It seems from all that can he WM
be learned that Holder, a good, I, , then.,
quiet w ,,,
injustice by the reports
concerning yesterday.
e. And
I he one
not our preachers meet and talk of j
the works of bought here.
the need All r, he
classes meet talk of the won-1 ll a brick
works of Cod. and the need I h is
humanity I All other classes b-v
Teachers at Winterville are
Doing Splendid Work.
we be more selfish than
Come praying for a great
K. Ki he, Sec.
short address appropriate to the
occasion. It is estimated that
The little girls told straight for- tobacco was on the
ward stories and completely ex.
him. The warrant was
out by the father of of
the children and it is asserted th t
his condition at the time is re-
for the injury done a
good citizen.
A Cyclone Hit the New Jersey
Anarchist Stronghold.
Patterson, N. J., July A
tornado struck this city at
o'clock this afternoon, traveling
from south west to north-east
across the and caused great
destruction to property. About
families were made homeless,
and three persons were killed, so
far as known at present. Scores
of others are injured.
floor over of it
was sold by the auctioneer.
Hedges, Government Grafter, is
Shoved Off the Band Wagon.
Pope Gives All to the Church.
Rome, July portion of
the pope's will read today to
the cardinals. It written by
own band in 1901. It decrees
all his to the church, in-
much donation as were
supposed to have been sent to him
personally, amounting, It is be-
to greet sum.
Washington, O., July
Charles was today removed
from the of superintendent
of free delivery for falsifying his
diary loaning his traveling
commission. He himself
at various places on public
fact he was not
those places dates
but elsewhere, in some
instances hundreds of miles dis
Fire in South Carolina.
Charlotte, N. O. July,
News received here this morn-
of a disastrous
at Heath springs, Lancaster
C, which practically de-
the business portion of
the The fire was discovered
at one o'clock this morning. The
origin is The loss la
said to be about and
I well covered by
A New Store.
B. will leave for
Baltimore. New York and other
northern markets tomorrow morn-
He will purchase fall goods
for the present store of
man it Bro , in the block,
and will also buy a largo stock of
clothing and gents goods
for the new store they arc to
operate, which is located next
door to Frank Wilson. B.
man Bro. have done a good
Greenville and will no
doubt make a success with their
new department.
This is Simply Atrocious.
Of all the candidates for the
chair it is certain that
Cardinal has got do best face
of them News.
Perhaps this is a way brother
has since he took up
secular but it can be
said that the candidate the News
mentions has Got all the Car-
Largest Battleship in t he World
London, July battle-
King Edward VII,
largest in the world, was success-
fully launched by the Princess of
Wales at Davenport evening.
Brick and Tile Plant.
Machinery and material have
been purchased by the who
are to establish a brick and tile
making plant near Greenville,
The of enterprise
are men undoubted
business capacity our
opinion will reap a rich reward for
their efforts. Work on the plant
will begin as soon as possible.
Afflicted family.
The family Mr. K. Dixon,
live miles below Greenville on the
road, is sorely
with sickness. There have been
eight cases of typhoid lever in the
family since spring opened, and at
present both Mr. and Mrs. Dixon
and four of their
cases in in bed with the
Marriage of a Pitt County Belle.
It will be of interest to his
friends New Hem to know that
are out announcing the
marriage of Mr. James Daniel
and Miss Belle
Abbott, at the residence of the
bride's parents, Grifton, August
at p. m. New Bern
Purchased Gorman-Wright Lot.
chased the site on Dickinson
avenue on which the
a man baa scored at Wright factory recently
one failure he unable to j burned. They not yet de-
Hate I what to build on the lot.
Last night quite a large crowd
of teachers people of Winter-
ville and community assembled
in the school chapel to witness
the first concert given by the sum-
mer school.
Those who beard the concerts
given two years ago remember
that they were the most enjoyable
features of the school ex-
much last night. They were
not disappointed, for the program
committee bail busy and all
agree that the instrumental music,
songs recitations, so nicely
arranged excellently render-
ed, furnished an hour's enjoyment
long to be remembered. The pro-
gram was as
Tis of
Gets His
Hair Lacy Manning.
Instrumental Solo,
Bettie Jones.
had a Little
Myrtie White.
Instrumental Gal-
My Old Kentucky Home
Coward and Bar-
and Messrs Lineberry and
o n G i a mot h e
Annie Lewis.
Instrumental Duet
and Taylor.
Sweet and Solo
Miss Coward.
Miss Nannie .
and ch. in.
After the concert came the
social feature, which was
ell max for many.
Having attended the state sum-
mer schools and at Knoxville,
where from all the
South were gathered, we feel like
saying that no liner looking
of teachers ever assembled or did
work. With such charm-
ladies is it any wonder that
young men should
calm and say things
long to be remembered.
On next Tuesday July 28th,
Miss Leah D. Jones and Miss
Viola both of the Normal
land Industrial College, and Mrs.
It. R. Gotten, of Pitt, will be
present at the Institute for the
purpose of organizing the Woman's
Association for betterment of school
houses and grounds for this
County. They have been given two
dates. The meeting will lie
held at p. in. and the second
at at night. These ladies are
thoroughly equipped for their
work and these meetings will
exceptionally line ones. Every
woman and man in the county is
invited to be present. You are
also invited to be present at any
other time and witness the work
of the best summer school we have
yet seen.
Mr. B. K. received a
message Thursday afternoon, from
brother, Mr. J. H. of
Kinston, advising him of the death
of the months old son,
Earnest. The child bad been sick
several Their friends in
Greenville sympathize with them.

Eastern reflector, 24 July 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 24, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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