Eastern reflector, 17 July 1903

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Ricks Wilkinson
Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets them. This is particularly true
of tine Dress Goods, Silks and Laces, Gloves and
Trunks Valises, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Pants,
A few kinds of our goods, are the same in all other stores,
like Muslin, Flannels, etc, but the bulk of the
goods we sell is in one sense or another different from that sold
by other store.
Article purchased are returnable within a reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Lawns and Dimities have been reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
prices will prevail all through the month of July.
Standard styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always free.
Ricks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
economy to get good quality always. The
W paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are largo and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
Ayden Items.
from 3rd
in this section of Pitt county are I
talking on new life. Eight or ten
handsome brick stores are going j
up will be for occupancy
the first of August. The build-
of these stores away from the j
nest of wooden crowded
long narrow streets is a good
move for the town will surely I
result in a saving of from eight to i
nine In insurance rates.
The county commissioners have j
ordered an election here on the
7th of August for the purpose of
ascertaining the wishes of the
people on increasing taxes for
school purposes cents more
on the valuation of property
and cents more on the poll.
Town commissioners met
Friday night in regular meeting.
The daughters of Rebekah held
their regular session Friday night.
F. G. and
Hodges went to Winterville
Thursday evening.
Household furniture is selling
Wise old women
tell us this is a sign of coming
Mrs. J. W. with her
two little boys, William and I
spent Friday afternoon with;
friends in the country.
W. H. Patrick and R. A.
son. of Grifton, were in Ayden
Thursday evening.
Miss Olivia Berry came home
from Greenville Thursday
Miss May is visiting
friends and relatives near Farm-1
Mrs. Olga Edwards returned
Friday from a visit to
ville, accompanied by her father,
Elias Turnage.
T. Doc was in Ayden j
is always nor sub
to the surgeon's knife until
you have tried Witch
Salve. It will cure when
everything else has done
this in thousand's of cases.
one of I from
bleeding and protruding piles for
twenty years. Was treated by
different, specialists used many
remedies, but obtained no relief
until I used DeWitt's itch Hazel
Salve. Two boxes this salve
cured me eighteen months ago
and I have not had a touch of the
A. Tisdale, Sum
C. For Blind Bleeding,
and Protruding Piles no
remedy equals DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Salve by
Drug Store.
It is not always the low price that makes the
bargain, it is what you get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both one
on quality the other on the price.
Here arc a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this sale
We have placed a special lot of
slippers on our counters some of these sold for
1.00 a pair your choice for Sizes. to
Also Ladies Slippers worth to for
Ladies Embroidered turnover collars each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
The canning season is most here, you had bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for fruit jars. This is the place to buy
them we sell the best.
A woman wants to go to wed-
dings the way a man wants to go
to congress.
If burglars were women the best
watch dogs would be mice.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M.
Family Flour- straight
round per lb
lbs per bushel
Choice Embroideries
We have been bargain hunting lately
and met with great success. We
found a man who had a big lot of
Beautiful Embroideries
which he wanted to sell badly offer them at a great
We secured the whole lot at such prices as will
enable us to offer special bargains for July selling.
This special lot comes in four or five widths with
a large variety of patterns, including
Insertions and Beadings. The
prices will be and per
yard. Remember the patterns
are all good, with fast woven
edges on good quality
of cambric.
Come before the selection is broken and secure a
genuine bargain.
New White Front
Send your orders for
to Printing House.
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Absence of Material
Given as Cause of Delay.
Train on Asheville and
Division Runs
Wild Down Grade.
Asheville, N. C, July
wreck that was certainly complete
in every sense of the
curred yesterday on the Asheville
division of the
Southern railway. One of the
heaviest freight engines employed
in this mountain country started
down the mountain a short dis-
beyond Saluda when the
crew lost control of th train and
it ran away down the grade which
had been the scene of a similar
disaster. Numbers of the crew
jumped tor their lives when they
realized their peril. The train sped
on several miles at frightful
speed before leaving rails.
When huge engine
track ii w in hurled
mountain side with
it. When engine
settled -down there was nothing to
be seen nave a mas of
timber and iron, which arose
smoke from the engine. The track,
however, was not damaged
and in a couple of hours
passenger trains were running
the scene of the wreck.
Would-be Traveler Had His
Sleeping Habits On.
did leave
cars after
and cars
Monday a went to the depot
little after noon expecting tog
south on the freight train. Being
somewhat ahead of the train he
lay down on the seats in the wait-
room went to sleep. The
freight train came and left and
the man slept on. Awaking later
he found that he was left, so to be
on time he concluded to wait on at
the depot until evening train
came along. He returned to
in the waiting room and
stretched out for another nap. He
was still asleep when the
train arrived, but roused op just
in time to see it pulling away
the station. He grabbed his be
longings and made a dash out the
door of the waiting room after the
moving train. But he could not
make it, and finding himself out-
classed in the race he went back
to sleep some more and wait until
another day
Berlin has now a
divided into small flats with
and dining rooms com-
where single men can live
at moderate rates.
Raleigh, N. C, July
trial of Ernest Haywood for killing
Ludlow Skinner in front of the
here on Feb. 21st, last,
was continued until Sept.
28th, next. Haywood renewed his
bond of for his appearance
at September term. Solicitor
Daniel, of Weldon, counsel for
the state, asked Judge R. B.
Peebles the Superior yes-
to order a special
drawn in order that trial might
begin next Thursday, July 16th.
Counsel for the moved a
continuance on the ground
two of their material witnesses
could be present at this term
presented an affidavit from a
physician is to Chas. E.
illness, also an affidavit from Ber-
A. of Baltimore,
setting forth he could not
attend because of the serious con-
of his invalid wife.
is a man on trial for
who states on his oath that due
has been used but he
was unable to secure the attend-
of two most material witnesses
at this term said Judge
Peebles after counsel for the pros-
had argued against the
defendant's request tor a
affidavit is accompanied
by the sworn affidavit giving the
reasons for absence of these
witnesses. I have to accept this
affidavit in good faith. The pros-
admits both of these
witnesses have been examined at
the habeas corpus hearing, but
refuses to admit as true
then given by them, which
shows the importance attached to
their testimony. such cir-
it would be a travesty
on justice to force the accused to
go on trial. While it is desirable
to have a speedy trial it is more
important still to have a fair trial.
There will be a criminal term of
Watt here in September and if
these witnesses are not here then
will not continue the case again
that account. I would con
untie case now solely on ac-
count of absence of
slave his deposition could be taken
but a deposition is not possible in
the ease of Hocutt who is still ill
with typhoid Mr. Clerk
make the entry this case is con-
until the September term,
that a special will be drawn
Sept. and the trial
set for Thursday, Oct.
Prompt Settlement.
J. L. Sugg, agent for the
Virginia Fire Marine Insurance
Co., of Richmond, received checks
covering in full the losses sustained
by that company in the fire
occurred here on the morning of the
A settlement in eleven
days after a tire occurs shows com-
promptness. This
the first company to settle in full
losses from the late fire.
How pleasing it is to
His Speech Warmly Commended
in Raleigh.
Superintendent W. H.
of Pitt county, delivered a series
of addresses last week on the sub-
have been pronounced by all who
heard them masterpieces of
and eloquent and
powerful appeals for the establish-
of libraries in eve.; rural
school. No speeches that have
been delivered have created more
real enthusiasm doubtless
great good will be result. At
close of his last address a
large number of teachers declared
it their purpose to agitate the
and to urge establish-
of these libraries in the
schools in which they are teaching.
It is impossible to get epitome
of the addresses as they en-
we have secured a synopsis of the
subject from Superintendent Rags-
dale. He, along with the state
superintendent, regards the rural
library question as one of vital
importance in the of
our school system along vigorous
and healthful lines.
His subject was as
The necessity for the
This shown Dy
What are the conditions surround-
the schools What means
are now being employed to better
these conditions Ought
something to be done What
will the library do towards re-
the situation
can we get libraries
By creating a public
meat for them. This may be done
by agitation. By f county
boards of cation; By county
by securing the interest of the
children; by getting parents
shall we use these
As companions for
the children; To cultivate the
habit of reading; to enable
the child to grow up in touch with
the best thought and literature
To broaden the thought and
culture of the entire community.
What results may be ex-
from their proper use
Increased interest in the schools;
more hearty support of, and
sympathy with the teacher and
his work; Higher ideals of
life and duty; Broader and
more liberal views of things and
of life; General elevation of
the entire moral atmosphere of
the News
and Observer.
By the Greenville Aggregation of
Ball Players.
A ball team from Washington
came up Tuesday to play a game
with the Greenville boys. The
game started a little after
with a large crowd of spectators
present. It was an interesting
game, both sides doing some ex-
playing. At the close of
the 7th inning it looked somewhat
serious for the home team, but
they rallied in the two last and
piled up scores enough to put them
well in the lead.
line up the clubs was as
James D.
score by
Washington .
He May Die He
May Not.
Large Building Operations.
Few people, without stopping to
think and calculate a little, would
imagine that work is now in pro-
on fully worth of
buildings in Greenville. Yet a
walk around town will convince
them that this estimate of the
aggregate is a one.
There are the Mi ionic temple,
graded school, tobacco ware-
houses, a mammoth stable and
plate the innocence of a numbers of handsome dwellings on
Boston boy of eight who a
bill in an ash barrel the other
and sold it. to another boy-
cents- Durham
which work is going on. This
will be an eventful year for new
buildings in Greenville, and the
is not yet in sight.
Rome, July p.
condition today develop
ed features which the doctors
regard as the most alarm since
his began. Their
was based upon the patient
having brief but recurring spells
delirium. During period
of delirium his mind wandered
land he muttered incoherently.
He insisted that shadows
about the room. In his lucid
moments the Pope for the first
time showed a complete realization
of the gravity of his condition.
He asked for Franciscan
which was given. He
especially asked to see Cardinal
to whom he gave what
was thought might be his final
Rome, July 15th
There is no noteworthy change in
the Pope's condition. He has
slept easily until occasional rest-
less periods. His strength seems
to be ebbing away.
Popular Greenville Merchant
Married in Scotland Neck.
A. E. Tucker, accompanied by
C. S. Forbes, J. F. Davenport, J.
L. Carper, J. Williams, Misses
Rosa Tucker and Glenn
Forbes, left the morning train
for Scotland Neck, where at
o'clock this afternoon, in the
church, Mr. Tucker and Miss
Nora were married by
Rev. M. L.
After the ceremony Mr.
Mrs. drove to Palmyra to
take the train for Norfolk. They
will extend their bridal tour to
Washington, New
Mr. Tucker is a prominent mer-
chant of Greenville and of our
beat young men. His bride is a
young lady of culture and refine-
She is a sister of Z. V.
Johnson and niece of O. T. Stan-
ford, and has much time in
Greenville with the family of Mr.
Regular County Levy Will Raise
The last legislature gave the
commissioners of Pitt county
to levy a special tax for
two years of cents on each
j valuation of property and cents
on each poll. At their meeting
j Monday to revise the tax list for
j this year the found
that the aggregate value pro-
in the has so
ed the regular tax levy will
raise sufficient revenue to meet
current expenses, and they do not
; think the special tax will be
This is a good showing
and is doubt gratifying to our
excellent board of commissioners,
as well as to the people of the
Paris Newspaper Says He Di-
the Assassination.
While it is hot in North Caro-
the weather is pleasant to
what the newspapers say some of
the northern cities, particularly
New York, are suffering. In the
good old summer time some
people don't think so good after
the sparsely settled parts of
the country have most of the ad-
vantages. Pitiable indeed is the
condition of the people in crowded
Gotham for they are the ones to
first suffer from extremes of either
heat or
Tribe No. I. O. R. M.
This tribe at their last regular
sleep raised up the
for the present C. P.
Sachem; W. G. Ward,
Senior . V. Hooker
Junior T. White,
Prophet; E. A. Coward, Chief of
W. Keeper
of Wampum; W. J. Turnage, Col-
of Wampum. .
July the cap-
truth about the tragedy
at Gil Bias today prints
an article written by M. de
grand, in which the writer openly
accuses King Peter of haying been
the leader of the
The leader of the plot, he
says, was in Geneva, and he was
Peter He it
was who, through his secretary,
gave the order for the
of King Alexander, Queen
and several of the members
of the cabinet.
M. then gives
the names of whom rests
the responsibility for the
of the bodies of the late king
and queen- He also gives what
he s is the true story of the
origin of the plot and the manner
in which it was carried out.
Flower growers in the south o
France and other favored
find it profitable to Bend the pro-
ducts of their skill to British

The Two
It was Just i o'clock I entered
office. The clerks were busy at
various duties, while my type-
writer reading a morning paper,
waiting for work. I was surprised to
M my desk open and a man sitting In
my place. There was something fa
in the clothes he wore, which
of the same pattern as a suit I
Often wore. Bat what was my
when lie turned
there sat myself
The first thought that darted through
my brain was that I had received
tome physical shock which had bereft
me of my mental equilibrium, hut
upon glancing at the clerks saw they
were as much m at my en-
trance as I was the of
the man at my desk, who appeared to
be equally surprised.
I gasped.
echoed the man.
are you doing at my
are yon. sir Your appearance
is remarkably like
am John Vaughan, the proprietor
of this
sir; John Vaughan. And who
nm he whom you claim to he-
I grasped at the hack of a chair to
myself, while a cold sweat
stood on my brow. My double sat
staring at me. with something of the
same evidences of terror In him that
were In me. Partially mastering my-
self, I turned to the head bookkeeper
is this person.
stood with mouth and eyes
wide open, staring first at me. then at
the man at the desk, but answered
never a word.
he I repeated, addressing
young Curtis, a clerk.
supposed he was you. he
replied hesitatingly.
My double turned to the persons ad-
dressed and repeated my questions
verbatim. Had gone daft If so.
how account for the astonishment of
the employees
long has he
came in ten minutes ago,
Curtis answered. was earlier than
you usually
do you I asked the
Again I clutched the back of the
chair convulsively. The man had
named my own residence.
he said, rising. I had had
a twin brother I would surely think
you were he. As I have no brother
am inclined to think either that I have
lost my senses or you are pretending
to be me for a
A pained expression passed over his
face as though he had begun to doubt
his own sanity. Then, turning to the
gaping clerks, he
Decide between us, and do
it quickly or we shall go mud.
Am I John Vaughan or
The clerks continued to gape.
I said on the verge of
No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and catarrh of the stomach are
all due to Indigestion. cures
Indigestion. This new discovery
the natural Juices of digestion
as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonic
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the raucous membranes
lining the stomach.
Health to the Sick and
to the Weak.
the Mel Ha, which sells far
B. Co.,
repeated my outer
If am not myself I will leave
this office and betake myself to a mad-
At this point Miss the type-
writer, arose and with far more pres-
of wind than the others surveyed
us both. Then, pointing to me. she
are Mr.
With a shriek, my double sprang
past me. down a flight of stairs and out
of the building. I fell into a chair in a
dead faint. When I recovered, all the
clerks were bending over with
anxious faces.
docs it all I
I been dreaming something
or was the scene
was said the head book-
keeper, the strangest experience
I have ever had In my
Is Miss
The circle opened and I saw
Standing before the safe, which I now
for the first time noticed was open.
opened that I asked,
said Frazer. opened it
on mean the other one's
much money was there in
asked Miss of
hundred dollars and over.
Is it
no money here that I can
Something began to dawn on as all
at the same moment. The safe had
stood open all the time that I
been talking to my double, but I bad
been too disturbed to notice it.
I said, been
We've all been victimized.
But I gladly lose my money to know
I'm In my right mind. Telephone the
police. Be
My double was finally caught and
most of the money recovered. He told
a very Interesting story of how he had
conceived and prepared for his plan.
For a long while he bad frequently
been taken for me. on the street. In
hotels, everywhere that people arc met.
Being one of the best confidence men
known to the police, he determined to
me. He had learned all about
me and procured a suit of the same
pattern as one he had seen me wear.
When all was ready he walked Into
my office ten minutes before my time.
ordered the safe opened and helped
himself, was about to leave
I entered, and he played a role he had
thought of for such an emergency,
and played It admirably.
headquarters re
In a house now
of the staff
i . ion d, M. J.
the gen-
private office. Lieutenant Ralph
Tower, about Hamilton's
were about
are you. said Hamil-
ton. can do for
understand you represent the gen-
in his
full power to give
Hamilton smiled assent. He was
Washington's right hand man for far
more important matters than writing
do you wish to he asked.
Trenton to visit my sweetheart.
What The daughter of that old
Tory, Humphrey
The daughter is heart
and soul with us. of Howe's staff
Is In love with her. and her father is
trying to force her to marry him. She
has sent me a that she needs
to see me on a matter of groat
If you enter the enemy's liner, In
civilian and you are caught you
will be hanged for a
will take the
well. If you insist I will give
you permission in the general's name.
You might as well be hanged for an
old sheep as a lamb, so keep your eyes
and ears open for Information of
At o'clock the same night Major
of General Howe's staff was
sitting with Hastings in her
father's house Trenton.
must be some reason.
he said, you have not given
me why you decline my
Is, but give It to you
without Incurring a risk of my father
knowing It. If it should come to bis
ears he would send me to
promise on my honor to bold It
replied am
betrothed to an officer in the
With a sigh the major and, re-
touching Marjorie's hand
with bis lips, was about to withdraw
when both were startled by the
of shots without. turned pale.
Major strode to the door. As he
threw it open be saw two orderlies
who were awaiting standing with-
out and between them the figure of a
man of refined features dressed
in or a countryman, nu coat
being of the coarsest texture and his
hose of common yarn.
are asked of the
i Ralph Tower of the Con-
I army. I am neither spy nor
skulker, but am here at the bidding of
looked from one to the other,
then directed his orderlies to remain
without while their prisoner was in-
to enter, and the door was closed.
said the major, find
myself in a position from which I
would gladly be free. It is my duty to
turn over Lieutenant Tower to be dealt
with by court
this brief interview
bad stood pale, her band on bosom
to still the beating of heart.
, announced bis intention
she drew a few convulsive breaths.
, preparing for a desperate move, then
i if you bold
ant Tower be will be banged for a spy.
He is not the real spy. Yesterday I
sent him a message to come to me. He
doesn't know what
said Ralph, am sure I
know. Your father is about to force
you to marry against your
are wrong, Ralph. Only a few
moments ago I confessed to Major
Tower that I was your betrothed, and
he was about to leave me. like the gen-
be is. free to act my own pleas-
It is for another matter I sum-
She thrust hand into
her bosom, drew forth a paper and
handed it to He opened it
scanned it and saw that it contained
Important Information concerning Gen-
Howe's army, then looked up at
in consternation.
your duty. Major she
said. confess that I summoned
Lieutenant Tower without his know-
my purpose to send this paper by
him to General Washington. I am the
spellbound for a few
, moments, then began to rapidly think.
said presently,
me that
he continued, she had
j handed it to must leave our
lines at once. It would be criminal in
me to permit you to remain here after
what has
your confession I am not
bound to detain
Ten minutes later one of Major Tar-
orderlies called a who
j lived close at band. Ralph Tower and
Hastings were made one. and
I It passed the British lines.
The next morning they stepped into
Colonel Hamilton's office.
sail Tower, have no
military Information for you. but
have , ;, v. ire. Permit me to In-
Mr lover, Has-
who trains a said Ham-
with a smile, Information
as well. Doubtless Mrs. Tower will tell
us all we Deed to
But In this Hamilton was mistaken.
The lady was too honorable to take any
advantage of Major
can n
asked the perplexed foreigner.
can a house be a trap for
catches fire so easily. said
the native.
But he couldn't see. such Is the
readiness of the untrained foreign In-
grasping the idioms of our
rich and expressive
go Tribune.
Inadequate Motive.
did they do with that
fellow who was arrested for stealing
I cigars from place
he was discharged. The
prosecutor was unable to prove a mo-
for the alleged theft. The Judge
us it happened had smoked one of
Stogy's Transcript
A Quarrel,
She at the I think you
I are just hateful, and I'm never going
to speak to you again; so there's no use
I coming into the music room after me.
j because III be on the rustic bench at
I the far end of the
51st Year
well as for BUSINESS, for TEACH-
and for LIFE. Situated NEAR GREENS-
N. C, aver feet above the sea level. In view of the mountains.
Largest Best Equipped Fitting School for Young Men end Boys la
the South. to per annum.
J. A. M. H. HOLT Oak Ridge. N. C
Laudanum. Cocaine and all Drug Habits
permanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no craving
for or Other stimulants. We restore the nervous and physical systems to
their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remedy
prepared by eminent physician.
Confidential especially with physicians, solicited. Write today.
Manhattan Therapeutic Association
A Broadway, Maw York Oily
N. C. July,
Miss Nannie is visit-
The cotton and corn in these
j sections are growing rapidly
i now. The tobacco is well on the
way being housed, some of our
I farmers four weeks.
Mrs. Wm. Edwards and child-
i returned to their home in
I Ayden today.
j J. T. went to Winterville
and brought home a
buggy bought of the Hunsucker
Co. Mr. is
j one the most progressive
farmers in our section.
W. A.
en and Elans Turnage made a
business trip to Snow Hill yes-
Misses Sallie Roberson and
Maude Dawson, who have been
visiting Miss Fannie have
j returned to their homes.
J. J. Grimsley had the
tune to loose a barn of
Saturday morning,
Misses Janie Tyson and Min-
Tunstall, who have been
visiting at W. N. re
turned to their home, in Green-
ville, Sunday. Hugh Tunstall
accompanied them.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
j Mrs. Irene Ormond, and J. M.
for Seven Springs
Miss Fannie honor
of Misses Roberson and Dawson,
who were visiting her, gave a
lawn party Friday evening from
eight to twelve. Cream was
served and all had a very pleas-
ant time. The party dispersed
a few minutes after twelve
Miss a charm,
Literary, Business, Nor-
Music and Excellent
Hoarding Halls and Dormitories.
students from counties, states
and Cuba. 2.5 Free Scholarships.
Splendid new buildings. Beautiful
and healthful location. Expenses very
reasonable. Graduates assisted to
positions. 41st term opens August
Illustrated free. Ad-
dress, w. T. Ph. D.,
N. C.
The University of
North Carolina.
The Eat You want o
marry that puppy I never heard of
such a thin .
The you know, fa-
dogs arc very fashionable Just
., Express.
There Is this difference between a
house and a A coat of pain
Improves the Globe.
Tint's Pills
After persons of a bilious
will derive great benefit by taking om
of these plus. If you have been
they will promptly relieve t ha nausea
and nervousness which follows,
the appetite and remove gloomy feel-
Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
One hundred and eight
ships. Free tuition to teachers
and sous of ministers. Loans for
the needy. student, in-
New dormitories,
works, central beating system.
Library Volume. Fall
term, academic and
department, b-gins Sept.
Address P. P. VENABLE,
Chapel Hill, N. O.
The Baptist
Female University
Schools of Arts, Science, and Phil-
Bible; Art; and
Business. Faculty of men and
women, whose whole time, with two
is given to one subject.
periods an hour each.
worth of new equipments for De-
of Chemistry, Biology,
History, and Mathematics.
Music Department embraces of the
Clavier system graduates teaching in
the South. Other Departments up to
date. Students cared for by Lady
principal Lady Physician, Matron
and Trained Nurse. Expenses in tho
Literary course per session.
In the Club, about less. Next
session opens September 1st.
For other information address
R. T. VANN, President,
Raleigh, N. C.
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
i Chicago and New Orleans.
Dr. D James,
News and Advertisements.
The Ayden Branch Office of The Eastern Reflector is in charge of E V .
, . , , . , f v- to whom any matter for publication on this
page should be sent, and who is our authorized agent in Ayden and surrounding territory.
Hay, Corn, Lime, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
depository for
Public School Books.
Agents for
Royal Blue Shoes.
J. F.
Boys and Children's
Dry Goods, Hats, Groceries.
A Few of Flour at per lb. or bbl.
Short While
cent Lawns Reduced to cent.
Ayden, N. C, July
Mis. Jessie Cannon went on a
visit to Grifton Friday and after
spending the day with relatives
there left on the afternoon train
for Seven Springs.
Miss Helen M. return-
ed Saturday morning from a visit
to to the great joy of
many friends.
Misses Freddie J. Tucker and
Helen B. Cox left Saturday morn-
to spend a week with Mrs. J.
L, Warren at Bruce.
The graded school tax is begin-
to agitate the public mind.
Some for, some Every
voter is a man.
F. H Edwards with his wife
left Saturday for a visit to
relatives in New Thence
Mr. Edwards will go fr H few
rest to Morehead City,
C. L. Cannon went to Grifton
Loans and Discounts. 4,110.-15
Furniture and Fixtures 602.84
Expenses Paid. 110.00
Due from banks and banters
Capital Stock.
J. R. Smith Bro.
Quality is ever the first consideration in this store, because
that is the only basis for values that insures the satisfaction
of customers and the continuance of successful business.
General Dry Goods, Millinery, Furniture,
Hardware, Groceries, Etc,
is probably the most extensive in town, and our pi ices are
ways light. We also carry a Block of such as
Hay, Corn, Oats, etc. Let us serve you. J. . Smith i Bro.
Quay ought to feel proud
j, . . youth
is following in his footsteps. Two
boys, aged each, were caught in
the act of burgling a store in
says the Atlanta
Philadelphia be
growing better, as 5-year-olds used
to be very efficient sneak thieves
in the city Brotherly Graft.
good and
Handsome line of Mattings at special prices. Fruit Jars
Milling Manufacturing
J. Pies. E. ti. COX, Sec.
i. Cannon, Treas. J. M. Supt.
Saw and Planing Mill.
System v.
Grist Mill.
Wood and Iron Working.
Repairing of all Kinds.
Lumber, Wagons,
Tobacco Trucks, Harrows,
Screen Doors. Columns,
In and out door Mouse
you bought it from MINES it's all
Bought and
D. U
E So
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
J. W. and BROS.
J -o c
Let n quote yon prices on anything you want.
Office in Brick Block.
Regular Style
i m. or in. apart
i H a
Confections and Cigars
Finest Soda Fountain in Don't sell your Eggs and Chickens
our prices on Mont and Flour
before buying,
town. All the popular
Cold Drinks. Service
prompt. Give a nail.
Special Hog-, Horse and Cattle Style
Stays la In. or In. apart
Made of large, strong, high grade steel wires, heavily galvanized
Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is practically ever-
Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it.
and turn hogs
by the manufacturers and by us. Call and see it. Can show you how
save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced.
Mower. Rakes, Binders, and ill
Why suffer from Ma strain.
lain in the eye balls, severe
headaches and general dis-
comforts of the eyes, when
J. W.
Can permanently cure yon of
those discomforts by fitting
you with the proper glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed
or your money re-
. g.
A Pull Line of Millinery
till you get our offer on them.
AYDEN, N. c.
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
Dr. Louis C. Skinner,
Ayden, . North Carolina.
door north of post office.
Are doing the Clothing business
of Ayden and its territory. It is
not necessary to go away from
home to get a nice stylish
have them at all prices. We are
also prepared to do a large
the best Brick in
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand made- Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always on hand. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the thousand or
car load. Yours truly,
Ayden, N. C.
Best the market affords.
meets all trains.
Rooms. Electric lights.
Dry Goods,
and General Merchandise. victor cox,
Ayden. North Carolina.

A Baltimore man Durham county property
semi AND charged with beating his will reach 14,000.-
Editor Wt to the And every cent of it does
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Associate Editor. judge and jury. In North Caro- not able to get Durham a
the wife-taster could plead depot,
that it was merely his way of show
affection, and be discharged.
in U
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Friday, July 1903.
TAKE IT TO THE CORPORATION The commissioners of Wilson
COMMISSION. county refused to grant license to a
whiskey still in that county,
such barrooms as were given
A food expert declares that
should eat more and
butter. Undoubtedly, and an
i in salary would go a long
way toward helping the average
to eat more bread and butter,
As long as New York controls
of cotton the planters
will continue to get the little end
of the deal.
also a pies occasionally.
It appears that the chickens that
went home to roost in Northern
states are in hurry to wander
I again.
. i ii line j
Early this year petitions signed be allowed to run only the
, Female college will
r nearly every business man balance of the year, when they will a
It now looks like the Greensboro
remain in
Greensboro and continue the
splendid work it has done in the
past. Which is a credit to the
state, and Greensboro particularly.
Greenville, Ayden up The aldermen
and were sent to the . Washington granted license in
the Coast Line that for three months only,
asking for double daily train keepers that
vice on this branch of their road I of time to j people of already
to In re- and them with notice, , have put
spouse to these petitions Capt. W. at th of that q . o
H. Newell, division superintendent Dot be renewed.
L., came to Greenville good in for their We
and conferred with the editor of of on an around ; have trouble enough own
The REFLECTOR, who had toward Are Greenville Pitt county
ed the petitions, a few others going lo and alone
of our business men. M the dumping ground of
was given that the com- j
would give the matter due
consideration act as soon The Winston Salem Sentinel
as practicable, the impression being
William Randolph I dates,
newspaper supporter at
The indications are that Pitt
county will raise a sufficient school
fund without turning anybody out
of jail.
Don't notice every idiot who
asks it hot enough for
The asylum is
Bonnet-Shaped Leaf
W. K. of Carolina
township, sent The Reflector a
tobacco leaf that is the of
the season. It is a very large leaf
and so puffed one side that when
the ends are drawn near together
gives it almost the exact shape of
a bonnet.
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. These
pills change weakness into
strength, into energy,
brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up
the health. Only per box
Bold by Wooten's Drug Store.
Jude Clark has maintained a
What does our governor want to;
be vice-president tort There is
nothing for a vice president to,
The nomination for the gov-
cannot be said to be
dignified attitude ever since he L . . .
, seeking the man.
was for the
And now we are told that the
game has also been worked
in the free seed bureau of the
department. Thus it
goes, first the depart-
the the war department, and
the agricultural department.
It would indeed seem that there
are opportunities for stealing in
almost every department of the
government and that
have neglected none of them.
Asheville Citizen.
this is more than can
be said of most of the other
The second stage in the process
made the improved service
would be inaugurated by the be-
of not punishing the murderer of
Ludlow Skinner has been reached.
The pardoning power must be
ginning of the next tobacco season, he still has the labor paper at I taken out of the hands of the gov-
We met apt. Newell again for
. His greatest strength thus far is
few days ago asked him what with the
was the prospect f getting the
additional train. He replied that How many presidents have the
a recommendation had been sent; working elect-
to the company to put it on about
We may not get another
as as the present one,
but we can't afford to take chances.
The Commoner next grinds out
the name of Governor Frazier, of
law's has kept many
a guilty man out of jail and has
punished many an innocent one.
The man who builds air castles
is the architect of his own
When the stomach is overloaded;
when food taken into it that
to digest it decays inflames
the mucus membrane, exposing
the nerves, and causes the glands
to instead of the
natural juices of This
is called Catarrh of the Stomach.
For years I suffered with Catarrh
of the Stomach, caused by
Doctors and medicines
failed to benefit me until I used
Dyspepsia R.
Rhea, Tex. Sold by
Drug Store.
We fail to see why the report Tennessee, as a presidential
This looks like delaying the Mark The mayor of Hoboken,
matter unreasonably. The service
ought to have been improved long . . . .
f r business should so
long ago, and it should at least be, ,,.,,. the various murderers
started with the beginning in state feel pretty safe if they
August. In view of the u eight or have some ready cash. A
dilatoriness of the railroads
acting upon matters to increase;
facilities better accommodating j With an immense wheat crop on
the machinery -i
J. L. Medicine at
Half Price.
the public, it looks like if our their hands labor scarce, it is
people are to get the relief desired probable that the Kansans
from belated and congested will have time to be educated by
freights, the must be re- Mr. Bryan's special issue telling
Burned. There is work along this why Judge Clark should be the
Hue that the I democratic candidate for president.
recently organized, can ac- .
button to the school fund covers a I J. L. Wooten, the popular drug
multitude of crimes. u making an offer that is just
i like finding money, for be is sell-1
A Boston girl has made a quilt a of Dr
,, . ,,, celebrated specific for
her old stockings. It would be,. . ,
, the constipation and
handy during a winter, at In
The picture isn't
bad, but the drawing's a bit off,
isn't The
The the clock says
ten past ten, and the right time
now is a quarter to four. Pick-
take a Little Early will
cure constipation, biliousness and
liver troubles. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are different
other pills. do not gripe
and break down the mucous
of the stomach, liver and
bowels, bat cure by gently
the secretions and giving
strength to these Sold by
Wooten's Drug Store.
as it would no doubt keep a man's
blood warm.
Iced tea is now declared to be
poisonous. Strange, how thous-
ands of people can chink poison
all their lives and never it.
In addition to the increased; Hopkins, et demand in burn-
suggested in the petitions language that congress
above referred to, there are many gate lynchings in Northern
k. .,;, . If any man has not been smashed could be bought for less than fifty
who also desire a Sunday tram on states, also cut down J
to this large discount be agrees to j
return the money to any purchaser
whom the specific does not cure.
It is quite unusual to be able to
buy fifty cent pieces for a quarter,
but that Is what this offer really
means for it is only recently,
through the solicitation of Drug-
gist Wooten that this medicine
this road. However, no improve- in Delaware, Indiana, West
are likely to be bad unless Virginia,
the people make demand for them
and push the demand vigorously.
up in a railroad wreck or swept cents. He urged the proprietors
away by floods, tot blur to at this reduced
e. , . . . . price for a little while, agreeing to
or ever afterward his peace. ,, . . J .
sell a certain amount. The result
King says he wants the
bonds between England and this
If Colonel Jno. R. Webster is
The unification of the Christian
world looks a great deal nearer to
this generation when we read the
following dispatch from Chicago
strengthened. That is
just Ed's way of saying that he
wants more of this country's bonds.
justified good judgment, for
the sale has been something re-
cut of breath we would like markable.
hear a few remarks from him on
the dispensary question.
We see a going around
about the joy there is being the
editor of a weekly. Ana
where art thou
The editor is supposed
to have learned that booming
One hundred years of
for the speedy re I terror would not punish the North
or happy death of Pope j sufficiently tor turning the
Leo were said all the Catholic I,
of Chicago the we
Even in Grace Methodist Bolero-1 could not help
pal church a prayer was ottered .
for the Pontiff. A rural Ohio paper
Holy Family Church, West Austin candidates does not have any
Twelfth street nine May Armstrong Monday on the landlady.
sung during the day and before j J
each mass announcement was made did Mable and May
of the Pope's serious illness. out all night foil
teen thousand persons attended j
the masses in this church alone. The Durham Sun intimates that i i,.,
eulogy to the Pope was I , ,
delivered in fifth district may have
Episcopal church, Evanston. in the way of a gubernatorial
In Grace Methodist Episcopal
The newest
is to do up in approved
The mission of the feminine half
Anyone who sutlers with head-
ache, dyspepsia, dizziness,
stomach, specks before the
or any liver trouble, should take
advantage this opportunity, for
Dr. Howard's specific will cure all
these troubles. But if by any
chance it should not, J. L. Wooten
will return your money.
The specific is very pleasant to
take, coming in the form of small
granules, and there are sixty doses
every package. It is especially
convenient when traveling, no
one should start on a journey with-
out a bottle of this reliable
Don't miss Hatch Bros., big
excursion to Norfolk, for white
Until lately under
fourteen used to pay half fare on
the Vienna but the
rule been altered so that any
child above three feet and one and
one-half inches in height will
future have to pay the full fare.
Being in a girl's bedroom makes
a bachelor as uncomfortable as
being asked lo hold the baby.
S. M.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Beat Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
people only, Tuesday, 28th.
church a prayer for his recovery ; up its sleeve. hose may be to reduce laundry
was I in the procession. bills. local any information.
. . ., .
At a meeting of the Board of
Commissioners of Pitt county held
this day a signed by one-
fourth the free holders residing
within the territory hereinafter
set out. which was duly
approved and endorsed by the
Board of Education of Pitt County
on the 6th day of July, 1903. it
is ordered that an election be
held in the territory, hereinafter
described, a special
school district, Friday, August
7th, 1903, to ascertain the will of
the people of said district whether
there shall be levied a special an-
tax of twenty cents on the one
hundred dollars valuation of prop-
and sixty cents on the poll to
supplement the public school
fund which may be apportioned to
the district by the County Board
of education in case
special tax is voted.
The boundaries of said proposed
special school district is as
Beginning at J. H. Flanagan's
Eastern line, Middle Swamp, and
running with bis Eastern line to
Plank Road, thence up said road
to Baker Road, thence with Baker
Road to Grimmer Road,
thence with said Road to Green-
ville Road, thence down Green-
ville road to Farmville township
line, with said line to
Falkland Township line, thence
said line to a lane between G.
E. Moore and C. L. Barrett, thence
down said lane to the run of Black
Swamp, thence down said swamp
to creek, thence up
said creek to W. C. line,
thence with said line to Wilson
road, thence with said road to fork
in road at J. W. Parker's Bynum
place, thence with Farmville road
to creek, thence up the creek to
Greene county line, thence with
Greene county line to beginning.
It was farther ordered that said
election shall be held the town
of Farmville and conducted in
the manner prescribed by law, and
that a new of
of said territory shall be had,
and for the purpose of registering
said voters and conducting said
election the Board appointed J. T.
as Registrar and R. L. Joy
and W. E. Barrett us Judges
of Election.
At said election those who are
in of the levy and collection of
said tax shall ticket on which
shall be printed or written the
words, Special and
those who shall vote a
ticket on which shall be printed or
written the words, Spec
By order of the Board of Com-
missioners of Pitt County made
this the 6th day of July, 1903.
Clerk ex-officio.
At a meeting of the board of
commissioners of Pitt county held
this day, a petition signed by
one fourth of the free holders re-
siding the territory herein
after set out, which petition was
duty approved and endorsed by
the board of education of Pitt
county on the 6th July, 1903,
it is ordered that an election be
held in the territory hereinafter
described, proposed as a special
school district, on Friday, August
7th, 1903, to ascertain the will
of the people of said dis-
whether there shall be levied
h special annual tax of thirty cents
on the one hundred dollars
of property and ninety cents
on the poll to supplement the
public school fund which may be
apportioned to said district by the
county board of education in case
special tax is voted.
The boundaries of said proposed
special district is as follows.
Beginning at and
running north by Asa house
out to the public road at Mrs;
Mary thence up said road
to Back Swamp, thence down said
swamp to Swift creek, thence
down said creek to the public road
leading from on to
then up said road to Lafayette
Cox's line on east side of public
road, thence with Cox's
line to Martha L. Cox's line,
thence with G. W. Cannon's line
to Susan E. Gannon's line, then
with hit line back to the public
road, then up said road, to the fork
near Hancock's church, thence
west with Snow Hill road to T.
Cannon's old homestead, theme
with the road to rail road near G.
by G. Jackson's,
thence south with railroad to south
side of Swift creek, thence up said
creek to Titus and
Smith's line, thence with said
and Smith line to the pub-
road, thence down said road to
Mrs. J. J. Smith Frank
line, thence west with
Biggs Harrington's line to
the public road, including all the
lands the late Biggs
ton, situated on north side of pub-
road leading from Ayden to
John Pearce, thence up said road
toward Ayden to a branch near Joe
horn's house, thence a
straight to John Dennis and A. F.
Cox corner, thence with John Den-
line to Jordan Cox's heirs line,
thence with Dennis and the Jordan
Cox heirs line East to W. F. Hart
and John Dennis corner near the
public thence down Celie
line lo J. T. Hart's corner,
thence with J. T. Hart's line south
to Calvin corner,
thence with Calvin
line to Asa corner, thence
with his line to the be-
ginning at
It was further that said
election be held in the town
of Ayden and in the
manner prescribed by law, and that
a new registration of the voters of
said territory shall be had, and
purpose of registering said
voters and conducting said election
the Board appointed G. W. Pres
as Registrar and Jesse Cannon
and J. A. as Judges
of Election.
At said election those who are
in favor of the levy and collection
of said tax shall vote a ticket on
which shall be printed or written
the words, Special and
those whose who are opposed shall
vote a ticket on which
shall be printed or written the
words, Special
By order of the Board of Com-
missioners of Pitt made
this the 6th day of July, 1903.
Richard Williams,
Clerk ex-officio.
is the of
Dyspepsia Cure is the one great
medicine that enables the stomach
digestive organs to
assimilate and transform all foods
into the kind of blood that
the nerves and feeds
tissues. lays the
for health. Nature does the
rest. Dyspepsia, and
all disorders of the stomach and
digestive organs are cured by the
Conducted by DR. C. M. JONES.
use of
Drug Store.
Sold by
Married couples have to quarrel
just so much to learn not to.
When the stomach is overloaded;
when food taken it that fails
to digest it decays and inflames
the mucus membrane, exposing
the nerves, and causes the glands
to secrete instead of the
natural juices of digestion. This
is called Catarrh of the Stomach.
For years I suffered with Catarrh
of the Stomach, caused by
Doctors and medicines
failed to me until I used
Dyspepsia R.
Rhea, Tex. Sold by
Drug Store.
A woman judges her neighbor by
her clothesline.
State of North Carolina, Pitt
County, In Superior Court.
A. F. Young Co. Notice o f
vs. .-Execution
Walter Barfield Sale.
By of an execution
to the undersigned from the
Superior Court of Pitt County in
the above entitled action, I will,
on Monday, the 3rd day of Aug.,
at o'clock m. at the Court
door of said County, sell to
the highest bidder for cash to
said execution, and such other
executions as may come into my
band, all the right, title and in-
which the said Walter Bar-
field has in the follow-
described real estate,
One piece of land near the town
of Ayden lying on the east side of
Atlantic Coast track, adjoining the
lands of R. H. O. C. No-
Polly Harrington, F. G.
man, D. G. Bury, the Anderson
lot and others, acres
more or less.
Also one piece of land on the
west side of said rail road
adjoining the lands of Mrs. John
Vann, W. H. Harris, W. F. Hart,
W. F. Harrington, Ed. Blount and
F. being where the
Ayden Lumber Co. plant is lo-
on which are several houses,
containing acres or less.
Both of said pieces of land
the excess levied on after allotting
Walter his homestead
as allowed by Law.
This 30th day of June, 1903.
O. W.
is always not sub-1
to the surgeon's knife until,
you have tried Witch
Hazel Salve. It will cure when
everything else has done
this thousand's of cases. Here
one of I from
bleeding and protruding piles for
twenty years. Was treated by I
different specialists and used many j
remedies, but obtained no relief
until I used DeWitt's W itch Hazel
Salve. Two boxes this salve j
cured me eighteen mouths
and I have not had a touch of the
piles A. Tisdale, Hum-
mer-ton, S. C. For Blind Bleeding,
J tubing and Protruding Piles
remedy equals DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve.
Drug Store.
Salve by Wooten's
With half the women that
married they are too good
their husbands, and with
other half their husbands are
good enough for them.
take a Little Early will
cure constipation, biliousness and
liver troubles. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are different from
other pills. They do not gripe
and break down the mucous
of the stomach, liver and
bowels, bat cure by gently
the secretions and giving
strength to these organs. Sold by
Wooten's Drug Store.
A case came to light that for
and unmerciful torture
has perhaps never been equaled.
Joe of
writes. years I endured
insufferable pain from
and nothing relieved me
though tried everything known.
I came Electric Bitters and
it's the greatest medicine on earth
for that trouble. A few bottles
it cured Just as good for
Liver and troubles and
general debility. Only Sal-
is tact ion guaranteed by
Drug Store.
The way never to get favors
done is to do for other.
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. These
pills change weakness into
into energy,
brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up
the health. Only per box
Sold by Wooten's Drug Store.
A woman's figure seldom feels
the way it looks.
Grimesland, N. O, July
We this morning that J.
O. Proctor are raising the
frame of a large grist mill house.
Their new saw mill is in Washing-
ton will be brought a few
days put down for work.
Active people these are.
Dennis Davis, who has been at
home for a few weeks, returned to
Jamesville Friday and takes his
old position as book keeper for the
Dennis Lumber Co.
Dr. Jones Master Ford spent
Friday afternoon in Washington.
Jimmie Galloway and Misses
Helen Galloway, Eula Quinn
Susie Moore went over the river
Saturday afternoon to visit
Corrinne and Louise Ward.
returned Sunday.
Rufus Galloway and Ed Boyd
left here Friday afternoon on a
visit to Dr. W. H. Dixon, of Ed-
Mill, and H. G. Mayo, of
Aurora. They join a fishing party
at Aurora and ex pea to have rare
sport with the finny tribe.
Mrs Amanda Holliday took the
train at this morning for
Dunn, N. O, to visit her son,
D. Holliday and family.
T. F. Proctor and Mrs.
spent Sunday the country at W.
P. Buck's.
W. L. Smith, of Clay Root, was
late Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Smith is a very active man
and has built quite a large saw
mill business at his place.
Grimesland, N. C.
Headquarters Dry Goods,
Notions. Furnishings,
summer goods be-
sold at half price.
Special prices
hats caps and and all rib-
and millinery goods.
Wanted a thousand dozen eggs
at per dozen.
Car load chickens from cents
Best Timothy bay at lowest
Cheapest place for fruit jars.
Ice always baud, especially
hot days.
all kinds of country pro-
duce and try W. M. Moore Co.
for highest prices.
Moore and Scott Galloway
will please you.
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
of Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes, Hats, Groceries
Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat, something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
An woman is suing for
divorce from her because
he sleeps with his boots on. If
the lady will place her feet in
husband's back midships
she will find that she can keep her
feet warm just as well as before
her husband began to sleep with
his boots on.
A man named Barefoot
a shoe store in a neighboring town.
Housewives are very foolish not
to form a labor union against their
cooks. , .
years fate was after me
writes F. A.
ledge, Verbena, Ala. bad a
terrible case of Piles causing
tumors. When all failed Buck-
Salve cured me.
Equally good for Burns and all
aches and pains. Only at
Drug Store.
You are liable to a sudden at tact
of Summer sickness and should
keep in your house a bottle of Dr.
best known Remedy. Warranted
to give or money re-
funded by J. L. Wooten, Green
ville, N. v.
All persons in the county subject
to license tax under the new revenue
law are hereby notified that they must
obtain such license from the sheriff
and have the same countersigned by
the register of deeds. Failure to do
this will be a violation of the law.
These licenses taxes have been due
since the first day of June should
be paid at once. The following have
to procure
theatrical companies, attorneys,
physicians, dentists, real estate and
rent collecting agents, coal dealers,
undertakers, collecting agents, second
hand clothes dealers, peddlers of
clocks, stoves and ranges, bicycle
dealers, merchandise brokers,
merchants, livery stables, sewing
machine dealers, lightning rod agents,
hotels, billiard pool tables, gift
enterprises, slot machines with fixed
return, agencies for breweries, bottling
establishments, dealers in futures,
dealers in medicated bitters, distill-
dealers in pistols, pistol cart-
ridges, bowie knives, etc., cigarette
dealers, emigrant agents, itinerant
Persons in Pitt county subject to
any of the above licenses should call
on me and procure the same at once.
o. w.
They are now fighting over the
question as to who was the
Cleveland man. We think it
was Mr. Cleveland.
J. Proctor Bros.
millers and
If you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or for
your farm, we can supply your needs.
We manufacture
and sell the best tobacco trucks, also
do general repairing of buggies, carts
and wagons. Come to us for any-
thing you want.
N. C.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Tobacco Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town, All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
c. n.
and Surgeon,
N. C.
Complete Stock
A Northern is working
in the wheat field, and it is not
believed that Rockefeller will try
a is the way
one paper describes Governor
most remarkable tonic proper-
y tics for all who live in malarial dis-
and A remedy for
A ii U Q C V r C diseases.

JULY 13th.
Mrs. William is very
A. A. Forbes
W. O. left this morn-
for Roxobel.
Miss Maud Nixon left this morn-
for Raleigh.
W. L. Best left this morning
for Wrightsville.
Mis. J, J. Perkins left
for Virginia Beach.
C. D. this morn-
for Springs.
M. L. and Tap left this
morning for Virginia Beach.
Dr. W. U.
this morning Springs.
J. N. Gorman Saturday eve-
C. T. left
evening for Seven Springs.
Vick returned Saturday
Mrs. A. F. ins returned Sat-j
evening from a visit to Tar-I
Mrs. P. E. Dancy has moved;
into the new house on
Greene street.
Miss Abrams went to
Ayden Saturday evening and re-
turned this morning.
Mrs. Pattie of Rocky
Mount, arrived Saturday evening;
visit her mother Mrs. W. M.
Clifton King, of Fortress Monroe,
arrived Saturday evening to visit
Mrs. J. T. Matthews, of Wash-
passed through Saturday,
en route for Kins ton.
T. J. and A. J. Moore
Saturday evening Virginia
Miss returned
Saturday evening from a visit to
Miss Blanche Andrews, f Tar- j
arrived Saturday evening to;
visit Mrs. A A. Andrews.
Mrs. Tunstall, of Wash-
City, who has been visiting
here, returned home today.
Miss Bertie Savage, of Scotland
Neck, who has been visiting Mrs.
Z. T. Vincent, returned home
Mrs. Nannie Stafford, of Berk-
Va., who has been visiting
her father, Proctor, returned
home today.
Postmaster J. J. Perkins took I
an involuntary trip this morning.
He went to the depot to see Mrs.
Perkins off and got on the train
with her. The train pulled out
with him on board and carried
him over to House station where I
be took a team back to town.
would cough newly all
writes Mrs. Apple
gate, of Alexandria, Ind.,
could hardly any sleep. I had
so bad that if walk-
ed a block I would cough fright-
fully spit blood, but, when all
other medicines failed, 11.00
bottles of Dr. King's Now Dis-
wholly cured me and I
gained It's absolute
guaranteed to cure
Lt Grippe, Bronchitis and
all Throat and Lung Troubles.
Price and Trial bot-
at Wooten's Drug Store.
to Governor
theory it would be better for every
criminal to escape punishment by
paying a fine, providing fine
goes into the public school funds.
To get prompt attention all mail orders should be addressed to C. T. GREENVILLE, N. C.
The Seasons Event Summer Millinery as beautiful as fingers filled with magic can make it Dress and Ready-to wear Hats for and Children.
Column FOR Cash Buyers Only
N. T. Spool Cotton, dozen.
Dress Goods and SILKS All the new weaves in all colors and
Island ins. wide, yard.
Light Calico,
WHITEWASH percent, reduction on all former prices. Slippers and are made by Ziegler Bros. Comfort, Style and Lawns and Organdies, 1-2 and c. quality, while they last, cents per yard. i
Rod Umbrellas, worth and c. only pairs of and Sam-pie Shoes at Factory Prices.
Just new and complete line of PICTURE FRAMES, New Shapes and New Styles. Prices
Knee Pants, only pair
Stetson Shoes for Men All the new lasts. Ask to see them if you would be well
Men's and Sample Straw Hats at New York cost.
HOSIERY For Ladles, Children and Babies. Drop Stitch, Colors and Soap, big value, cakes for cents cash.
Envelopes, per pack
CLOTHING A BIG CUT on all former prices of hot weather Clothing for Men, Boys and
Needles, per paper,
Vests, only
Towels, extra size,
Baby Carriages and and best line to select from. All Furniture Patterns, and cents.
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, July,
You should not fail to Bee or
write the Winterville Mfg. Co.,
and get their best prices on Porch
Columns, Turned Balustrades
Newel Posts, Pickets for Stair
Way, Railing tor Porch, Brackets,
Boxing Brackets; Sawed
and Trimming for be-
tween Brackets.
Miss Hattie has just re-
turned from a trip in
Lenoir, where she has been visit-
Miss Bessie Moore and others.
She remained at home only long
enough to say howdy, and now she
is visiting near Falkland.
The long experienced W. L.
Hurst is serving cold drinks at
the drugstore soda fountain. This
is the and best
equipped fountain in town.
Dr. Cox wishes to announce to
his customers that he is ready to
furnish them ice, at one cent
a pound, at any and all times.
Ladies famish
goods to suit the old, the
pretty, the ugly and even the
most last at our
F. Manning Co
Leslie Smith, of Falkland, and
Taylor, of Kinston, were here
Sunday They come real often
but haven't us the secret of
their visit yet.
For soap, king powder, flour,
lard, eggs, snuff,
canned see A. D.
When in need of stoves, either
set- B. P. Co.
Now we hi mad but we have
guns to kill bird, guns to kill
squirrels and guns that will kill
anything price that will
suit the ; come see them.
A line of the
fountain pens band at the drug
Miss Ella May has returned from
The best and freshest
candy, cheese and fruits, A.
D. Jo hi. st on.
When you come to the summer
school be. sure to get your ice
cream and drinks from A. D.
Johnston. I the list.
Mis Bertha Kittrell is visiting
Miss Johnson.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. already
have ahead for a dozen or
two Tar Heel and Oak A., wagons
to be made and soon as
truck rush is over with, which will
be this week.
Unless the ditch on east side and
near railroad has that stagnant
pool of water turned off the
vices of the doctor will soon be
in demand as well as dress
goods and shirt waists for under-
For Furniture in the latest de-
signs and patterns to suit every-
one, call and see B. F.
Bargains equal to the best can
be had at the store of B. F. Man-
Co., in dry goods; boots
and shoes.
The Winterville Mfg. Co. have
in connection with factory a
Grocery Store where groceries,
con feel i and notions may be
If in need of China Closets,
Desks, Window Frames or Man
ties tined in the be t and latest
Styles, do not pass the Winterville
Mfg Co. by.
Harrington Barber Co., have
just received a nice new com-
j pit it-Hue of shoes and prices are
very reasonable. Always ready and
Singletrees and Plow Beams
j made of the very best material by
the Winterville Mfg. Co.
Louis Manning does not freeze
dogs into ice cream as we
heard of ethers, but his i t he
genuine article can be bad
every Saturday at the store of
We don't the exact
of the town, but would say
one men, one third women
the balance children is proof
sufficient we live in a climate most
All kinds of scroll and turned
done to order the Win-
Mfg. Co.
Economic back for plow
and wagon harness are something
the farmer ha got to get used to.
Th. y are a God send to the horse
as well as a boon to the owner.
H A. White, of Greenville, has
been with
G. A. Kittrell Co. unloaded
a of cotton seed hulls and meal
a few days ago See them before
buying and get their prices.
For wheat cracked
com, corn oat bran
mill feed, oats , don't fail to
see G. A. Kittrell Co.
A few Plymouth Rock
roosters sale, . A. Kittrell
See B. F. Manning Co. for a
Sewing Machine, it will pay you,
we have a few left, will sold at
Come and quick.
In addition to a complete line
of drugs, patent medicines,
you will find at
all kinds of school supplies,
candies, soaps, sponges,
garden seed, combs. per- j
Straw Hats per cent, below i
cost at B. F. If you
need them come sit once, only a
few left.
Boarding J. D. ,
Cox. Board per day. Best
House in town.
The Winterville Cigar Co., are
offering special inducements in
the Cheroot line. Try their goods
and be convinced that you have a
good article for sale. Write for
John Patrick, of Snow Hill, was
here yesterday after a large
of trucks.
We now have on hand a lot
stone fruit Jars with patent top
which we far exceeds any
Jar on Will
and break like glass nor sub-;
to mold on top as fruit usually j
does glass
Barber Co.
season is now on us for
land plaster to put on your pea
nuts we have few bags
yet would be glad to sell you.
B Co.
C. A. Fair,
good shave and fine hair cut. j
M. L. and
Watch maker. Give him a
, trial. Work guaranteed.
Sim Chapman is at Calico.
A Full Line of Millinery
It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
Now, while we're not camels, at the same time we don't
propose to have any last straw are going to sell
it. Lots of Hat weather in order that
we may not carry over a single Hat, we will offer any
Straw Hat in our house, Mens or at Half Price.
Here's the Straw Hat opportunity of your life. Call
soon, or you needn't call at all, for the Hats will be gone.
Remember, half the marked price. That's all we ask,
and everything goes.
Choice Embroideries
The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
All large wires.
No Wraps -j
to hold
and cause
Mrs Sarah Taylor,
Best lutes styles always on
band. Call see. door
to Dr. B. T. drug store.
We have been bargain hunting lately
and met with great success. We
found a man who had a big lot of
Beautiful Embroideries
which he wanted to sell badly offer them at a great
reduction. We secured the whole lot at such prices as will
enable us to offer special bargains for July selling.
This special lot comes in four or five widths with
a large variety of patterns, including
Insertions and Beadings. The
prices will be and per
yard. Remember the patterns
are all good, with fast woven
edges on good quality
of cambric.
Come before the selection is broken and secure a
genuine bargain.
New White Front
You can see from cut on
this page how the Handy Tobacco
Truck looks when rigged up ready
for U-e. This in the
by the A. Q. Cox
Mfg. Co., about which you have
heard so talk and which has
Notice our cut of Pittsburgh Perfect Fencing, the belt been at every depot
fencing Get our prices and be convinced that they also and down the road for several
the bent. A. G. COX MFG. CO. weeks.
Absolutely STOCK PROOF. We can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fencing.
Reduction Sale of
Summer Pants.
The Fine Line of Pants we have been carrying in stock at
and dollars are now offered at the
for each pair, regardless of former price. These are strictly
all-wool goods, finely tailored and in the very latest style.
We have a large stock and can surely fit and please you.
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.

V N V X- V XX X V- V X V-V-X V X N V
The Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
. X. V X
N. C., July every detail of business, and
have also gained the implicit
This is the dull season among
our Farmville merchants, yet
there is a lively trade going on
nearly all the time. Considering
the size of the town and number
of inhabitants. Farmville has the
largest trade of any town in
North Carolina. Daring a con-
with one of our best
confidence of their customers.
Taking the mercantile reports
as we that this is the
best rated town, according to
size, for financial standing of its
merchants of any town in Eastern
North Carolina, or perhaps in the
entire state. This is demon-
i the fact that the ever
business men I was informed
the past season amounted
seventy or eighty thousand
This is an enormous sum
of money to pay out just one
Some of
our farmers buy as much us Km
to worth of fertilizer atone
time. only are such large
quantities of those goods sold
but nearly in pro
portion. In dry goods, notions,
hats, shoes and groceries at
least two hundred and fifty or
three hundred thousand dollars
worth are sold here every year,
we have been creditably in
An outsider might think from
this statement of facts that our
town would be a suitable place
to sell goods. And so it would
be. trade requires a large
quantity of marketable goods to
meet the ever increasing de-
Unfortunately there is
not an unoccupied store in the
town. well assorted stock of
hardware, of all Kinds, farm
machinery and sup-
plies, would be a money making
business. The populace are
ever free buyers. Whatever
suits the fancy or is needful for
Immediate demands, passes rap-
idly from the counters to the
hands of the purchasers.
A great future of prosperity is
before us if we will but grasp
the opportunities which daily
present themselves. Our mer-
chant body is an exceptionally
good one. They are men of
trained business capacity, who
from the school of experience
and small beginnings have built
up handsome fortunes by their
Integrity and close attention to
comes in
droves and swoops down upon
birds of prey
knowing if they can sell a bill of
goods and hold their trade here
they are in the
In our next we wish to write
about our their pro-
ducts and manner of cultivating
the soil and the average per acre
of all crops made.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
We make a specialty of i
For Men I
Women and I
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by them in the best way, and by selling them
at most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
X. C.
Leaden in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and untrimmed bats,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
N- C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Pane Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
Cigars. Everything
for rush. Highest price for country
G. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries.
To make a in my business I am .
a offering all goods. awl notion on H
.-.-l for cash. This i the
I bargains.
M. T. Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite and prompt
The newest and latest styles in
Millinery. Hats trimmed to
on short notice.
It is conceded that we live the
best Shoes for the money of
any house in Farmville.
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
J AS. B. I
General Merchandise
and Department Store, -s.
N. C.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
A Smoke.
In Persia and in Japan pipes about
the size of u baby's thimble are used,
providing two draws, n great waste of
time. It Is the Chinaman, however,
who in smoking sets endless out
of practically nothing nil,
lie a little box about twice
the size of an ordinary silver cigarette
case. This is half Oiled with water. In
one end is a removable tiny tube to
serve as pipe. At the other end is the
First of all. be removes
the tube and blows through It to re-
move all blockage. Then be fumbles
through his awkward clothes, search-
for tobacco and produces a bit of
rag in which it is wrapped,
Carefully he extracts a wad of
co, away his rag and slowly
plugs the tube, which holds perhaps
the tenth pan of an ordinary cigarette.
But be never has any matches.
So he has to borrow or hunt out a
brown paper stem and light
glows for o long time and can be puff-
ed Into fin me gives a long
slowly, appreciatively, the
smoke ouzos from between bis
be spits; he draws again and
gets small result. The smoke is over.
I He removes the tube, blows through it.
and the proceeding begins all over
The human heart is a
force pump about six inches in length
and four Inches In diameter. It beats
, times per 1,200 limes per
hour, 100.800 times per day and
limes per year and
limes In seventy years, which Is
appointed threescore years and
, At each of these beats it forces
I ounces of blood through the sys-
ounces per minute,
pounds per hour or tons per day.
All the blood in the body. Which Is
about thirty pounds, passes through
the heart every three minutes. This
little organ pumps day what is
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods.
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
Cold Comfort
Is what we after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, drinking; water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
, j, ., or OM ton feet Is, one
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Munger Col ton
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found in Eastern Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
Full line Ball Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and Cuffs for Men and Ladies.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of flour, corn, oats, hay Ac.
ton to the top of a forty yard mill
chimney or sixteen persons seven
score each to the same height. Dur-
the seventy years of a man's life
this marvelous little pump, without a
single moment's rest, night or day,
discharges enormous quantity of
tons of blood.
on Ills Literary Career.
understand your son has decided
to go In for
and he's made a splendid start
he went to an auction this
morning bought a secondhand
desk for only ,
Standard and Times.
Miss Charcoal-I tell John
patent medicines
at all. I'M been
balm face bleach a yeah now.
It me none.-Exchange.
Not Settled.
be lore her
her father kelps him
am the all the City j
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L,. SUGG,
Greenville, N. C.
Classical, Scientific, Pedagogical, Commercial,
Domestic Science, Manual Music.
Five courses leading to diplomas; courses leading to de-
well equipped practice and observation school; faculty
board, and fees for use of text books, etc.,
a year; for non-residents of the state twelfth annual session
begins September to secure board in the nil free-
tuition applications should be made before July 15th. Correspondence
invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers; for
and other information, address
CHARLES D. President, Greensboro, N. C.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for produce.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
William Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
Office one door east of post office, on
street Phone
Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of C. E. Bradley, who is to transact any
for the paper in and territory.
N. July 1903.
Tobacco, and tobacco.
Rain, taters and grass.
A long shower Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Peal re-
turned Monday from a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Flem-
went to Tuesday.
The talk you
through by Did you
make a good cure of tobacco Lost
What's the matter, Abel
Isn't it time for some them
in I'll, his to be coming this way I
thirst can be cured by
wading in water or keeping the
clothes saturated in a heavy
, shower of Rye.
A young man in town ha-
a base ball team. He has
, six on one side and thinks by early
fall he will likely have three or
four on the other.
Last Saturday with all barrooms
i closed, was as quiet as a church
j day compared with other day
I when whiskey was sold here. No
disorder, everything went along
; nicely, and trade has not been
butter for quite awhile.
Dealers in General
Dry Goods, Notions,
and Fan-
Shoes, Crockery, Tin-
ware, etc., etc.
Sewing Machines and Furniture
We promptly obtain U. end Foreign
i Send model, or photo of invention
i report on For free book, i
Judge Boyd has not yet succeed
ed in getting that bank wrecker
out of the penitentiary and it is
hoped that in this case a political
pull won't Herald.
It is to be hoped that the
co men will succeed in making a
creditable display at St. Louis, as
the other scheme seems to have
about petered Her-
It is just as well to note that the
pardon of on condition
that ha pay a fine of has a
mercenary flavor that is not to the
taste of Per-
haps it is just as well that the vice
president of the United States will
have the power.
Charlotte News.
A flock of ostriches at Phoenix,
J. J. Satterthwaite
Invite you to their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
fall goods.
Ariz, now numbers
more than
Merchant and
Always carries a complete
stock of
Manufacturers of Lumber and
Cypress Building Shingles.
Special price on car loud lots of
A million mill operatives
are idle, but the New York cot tot
speculators are hard at work.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leaves
daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Greek,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all tn for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Go. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer
and Line from
N. C.
J. B,
Washington, N. C
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
Wire and Iron Fence Sold-
work prices reasonable
designs d tut on
Is the place to get Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
A foil line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than ever prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I furnish anything wanted, from cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It the beat invention of the century.
Ben was returning to his
claim. lie had been to Frisco for a
month trying to induce some one with
means to him, but had
failed. This was not because ho did
not have a good claim, but because the
capitalists he met did not care to look
into it. Ben was very gloomy. A year
before he had married the girl of his
choice in the east and a week after
the marriage had returned to his min-
operations. He had hoped before
this to bring his Susie to him, but the
fates bad been against him. And now
his failure to secure means with which
to prosecute his work made him doubly
Before him, coming on horseback, the
broad rim of his felt hat Happing with
each lope, was a man whom he
as Andy Kitchen, the owner of a
claim not far from his own.
said Andy, grinning
affably, and without lessening his pace
that to laugh called Ben
sharply. many of
But one on I reckon you
can handle without trouble. He's a lit-
cuss. may down
Ben would have asked more
but seemed to be In a
hurry rode on. Hero was more
trouble. Ben was a peaceful, plodding
man, beloved by his neighbors, and
the last man In the world to fight ex-
for his rights. But he was not a
man to suffer imposition. Besides, be
bad strong faith In bis In the
relied upon It to unite him
in time with his beloved wife. Ho rode
on, considering what he should do. He
had no faith In peaceful measures, for
Jumpers were not respecters of Justice
and usually did not Jump a claim
less prepared to maintain their ground.
He Anally concluded to reconnoiter the
Jumpers from a distance watch for
an opportunity to catch them apart.
it was about o'clock In the morn-
a bright summer day when
Den left the road and struck a trail
through a wood which led to his claim,
but half a mile distant The birds
were singing In the trees, and every-
thing about him was so peaceful
lie approached the encounter before
him with still greater reluctance. His
young wife was ever present In his
thoughts, and he could not dismiss a
picture of her anguish if It were fated
should hear that he had been killed
by the jumpers. After going as far on
horseback he dared, lest he attract
attention lie dismounted and proceeded
foot, pausing behind a tree In sight
of his claim Ills cabin beside It.
There was no one about, but the cab-
In door stood open, and smoke issued
from the stovepipe chimney. Between
two trees swung u hammock, In the
center of which was a bundle. Ben
eyed nil this cautiously, listened till he
was convinced that there was no one
present, then boldly went forward
Curious to what was in the hum
mock, he pulled apart Its sides and re
rented a roll of blankets. But as the
blankets contained something, he pull
ed aside a corner cover one end o;
the bundle and revealed
Well, what Ben revealed was no
more striking than the expression of
his face on seeing it. The stem look
he hail worn up to this moment melted
Into one as kindly as. more kindly than,
bad ever rested on his features. He
looked down into the face of a sleep-
For n time diminutive creature
slept on. then began to stretch its little
legs and fling its little lists about, at
last opening n pair of blue eyes, which
It Used intently on Ben.
you're the little
said giving the baby bis linger
to clutch. hope the big one is no
more formidable. If your dad has
taken my property I don't see how
can have the heart to dispossess
By this time Ben was on his knees
beside the baby, making all kinds of
grimaces and saying all kinds of
things to show his good will
attract the child's attention. Then n
sudden thought struck him. He re-
membered Andy Kitchen's grin when
he announced that the claim had been
he exclaimed.
pose the big Jumper Is a
For a moment his face fell. If this
were so, what an uncomfortable situ-
Even the shooting he had ex-
was not so bad as that.
He was so engrossed with this
thought and the baby, in whose face
he fancied he could something
pleasantly familiar, that he did not
hear a footstep approaching. Then he
felt a light touch on his shoulder. In-
bis hand flew to his re-
as he turned.
He looked into the smiling fare of
his wife.
There arc certain a well
emotions that are Indescribable.
Neither the scene nor the emotions in
this case can be painted in words.
Never was man more completely
turned from the passion of strife to
that of love. There one long em-
brace that It seemed would never end,
then a after
Susie bad prevailed upon a relative
to furnish means with which to prose-
cute Ben's claim, besides funds to
her to take them to him herself.
A letter telling him of her
Journey had arrived the day after his
departure for Frisco. Susie on her
arrival, finding him gone, quietly took
possession of his cabin and waited his
turn. When he came she had gone
for water.
Ben's claim turned out a bonanza.
In time he organized a company to
work It and he called it the Little
Jumper. YE
What becomes of pins
It would really seem reflecting upon
the daily disappearance of pins that
the earth would be covered with them
and that the annual fall if measured,
would amount to several inches.
men who start out with pins playing;
a useful part in the details of a gown
will tell you that they never can
a pin; that they are always buying
pins; that they ore eternally loaning
them. In the dressmaker's rooms the
expenditure for pins is no small item.
The average dressmaker uses and
loses twelve papers of pins a month.
Yet the floors of her rooms are not
matted with them, and frequently her
wail goes up. has become of all
the When- indeed do go
Is there a crust of pins subtly forming
under the everyday sweep that will
puzzle explorers in some far age to
Till- Victoria Medal.
The Victoria medal is made out of.
bronze from Russian guns captured
the Crimean war. The design is the
work of the prince consort of Queen
Victoria. The medals are made
only when one is needed.
Thus when some soldier or sailor, no
matter what his rank may be, has
shown bravery or
to the country in the presence of
the net reads, the war office
sends to the royal jewelers the bronze
needed for the metal. It is carefully
cast, filed smooth around the edge
and then the design is brought out by
chasing. The soldier's medal is
pended by a red ribbon and that of the
by a blue piece of silk.
A to Mother.
promised mother a letter. Write-
It Is one of the mottoes the
walls of the Nagasaki Home For Sea-
men, a that, it is asserted, has
restrained more men from going wrong
than almost any other influence of the
place. Wanderers over the globe are
not the only ones need such a re-
minder. Indeed they might be able
give lessons In duty to many who
have never realized how fortunate
are that home and mother are not far
away, but near at Com-
Making Matter Worn.
Amateur Critic the studio of Z.,
the picture,
really Allow me to compliment you.
But why did you choose such an ugly
pardon How foolish of me I
ought of course to have noticed the
Alter It.
me see Somewhere I read
of n book entitled Voting Girl's
Do you know anything of It
it came out Just after
Young Man's
The n .
The fools are not all
lead yet.
The but there are a lot,
who dye every day, aren't
Yonkers Statesman.
Quite n
Is the difference between a
gown a
can't give you the exact figures,
but it's a small
Is the parent of
Indigestion and all
The Safest and Surest known n
German Liver Powder
This a mixture, a
translation one
innermost secrets. If you are suffer-
we will send you FREE OP
Liver with our
pane booklet,
testimonials from hem
cured by this Io net
delay, but send our l at once to
The America Co.
Sold and by

Fine Dress Goods, and Dry Goods, made not merely to
sell, but to serve whoever gets them. This is particularly true
of Ladies; Dress Goods Silks and Laces, Gloves and
and Valises, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Pants,
A few kinds of our goods, are the same in all other stores,
like Muslin, Flannels, Ginghams, etc. but the bulk of the
goods we is in one sense or another different from that sold
by other store.
Article purchased are returnable within a reasonable time
if they fail to satisfy.
Entire Stock of Summer Goods
has been Reduced, and
be Sold by August 10th.
Lawns and Dimities have been reduced one third to one
half. Have made big reductions in our black dress goods. Low
prices will prevail all through the mouth of July.
Standard styles for September now
ready. The August Designer Fashions sheets always free.
Ricks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Ham mocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
ice cream, sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
J. N. Hart left this morning for
O. D. Hooker went
ville today.
Snow Cox left Monday
for Raleigh.
J. T. Thorne, was
in town today.
Prof. A. J. Manning, of Ayden,
was here today
Mrs. Fred Cox went to Kinston
Tuesday evening.
V. J. Lee, of Norfolk, arrived
Tuesday evening.
Burwell went to Kin-
stun Monday evening.
J. B. Cherry, Jr., left Tuesday
evening for Seven Springs.
Miss Matilda went to;
Winterville Tuesday evening.
S. B. Chapman. of Darlington,
S. arrived Tuesday evening.
Miss Pattie returned
Tuesday evening from a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harden, o
Wilson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Carr.
Misses Mamie and Mat tie Jen- j
kins, of Wilson, who were visit-
Mrs. W. H. Harrington, left
Mrs. J. L. and child-
of Parmele, arrived Tuesday
evening to visit her parents, Mi. I
and Mrs. J. L.
Mrs. Pattie Winstead, of
Mount, who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. Mrs. W.
King, returned home today.
Misses Glenn Forbes and
Tucker and C. S. Forbes, J. L.
Carper and J. B. Davenport re-
turned Tuesday evening from
Scotland Neck, where they had
been to attend the
sou marriage.
Fresh Coin Mullets at M.
The University is
about to establish a chair of
The United States has
i hi many is next
and Great Britain third
Anti Saloon Campaign in Raleigh.
Raleigh, N. C, July
Anti Saloon League of has
been called to meet next Tuesday
evening. This will be the open-
of the campaign for a
in Raleigh.
clearing the site of their ware-
house, recently burned,
to rebuilding with brick.
It is not always the low price that makes the
bargain, it is what yon get for the price. To
see a bargain you must use both one
on quality the other on the price.
Here are a Few of Our
Dimities and Colored Lawns that were re-
to Those beautiful ones that were
reduced to
Swiss that has been sell for you
can get during this sale
We have placed a special lot of
s on our counters some of these sold for
1.00 a pair your choice for . Sizes, to
Also Ladies Slippers worth to for
Ladies Embroidered turn-over collars each.
Pearl shirt waist sets from to
If these are not Bargains We Don't
Know What Bargains Are.
The canning season is most here, yon bad bet-
prepare for it by buying your Fruit Jars.
We have them in Glass and Stone. Rubber
rings for fruit jars. This is the place to
them we sell the best.
Mid-summer Sale
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
Family Flour -straight
round lb
lbs per bushel
i. mi.,,,
Fine Handkerchiefs
We have just received dozen Fine Imported
Lace Embroidered Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs.
They are beautiful, pure material and in the best
taste. Regular and value, but for a few
days only we are offering them at
Ten Cents
Of course you know this a bargain, and will profit
by it
Pulley Bowen's
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric power plant,
Branch offices and shops, Ricky Mount,
N. C, and Sumter, S. C.
For address Rocky
Mount Office.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Military Swoops Down on Gang And a Baby's Life Was the Price
of Murderous Thugs.
of Carelessness.
Richmond, Va., July
murder in their hearts twelve men
lay concealed in a dark alley in
the eastern part of the city just
after midnight, this
were headed by striking union car
men and were armed with rocks
pistols for the car of the
night. Secret service men had
been informed of the plot and it
was decided to send the car with-
out guards to the place selected
i to two companies of
soldiers to march in from
all directions, hemming in the
rioters. The last car passed in
front of the dark mouth of the by-
way. There were flashes of pistols
in the showers of rocks
and ragged edge bricks. The men
on the car did not have time to
return the fire. The military bad
laid its plan well and suddenly
the place, seven of the
men were captured.
They Are Not Allowed Much Res
in Wilson.
O. July special
meeting of of alderman
is Called tonight for
pose of taking up matters relative
to the restriction of the saloon
business in Wilson. A set of rules
will be for the govern
if saloons. A com-
from the Anti Saloon
League will appear before the
board and urge the passage of an
ordinance requiring saloons to
close at o'clock p. in. This
measure will bring on a hard light
between liquor anti liquor
New Bern Negro Knew a Thing or
Two About Postage Stamps.
New N. C. duly
Foster, a colored loan, was
arrested today upon complaint of
postmaster Hancock, charged with
violating the postal laws-by using
using postage. He was
held by U S. Commissioner Hill
for the next federal grand jury
and in default of one honored
bail was lodged in Graven
county jail.
But is Making Trouble tor the
Coat Tail Barrooms.
Statesville, July
temperance people of Statesville
are experiencing some
in protecting themselves against
the sale use of liquor in that
town and several off end his of the
law have already come to grief.
A number of seizures have been
made and now have a good
supply of whiskey on hand.
Advertising is the fertilizer that
prepares the ground for another
better crop.
Charlotte, N. C.
Jack Duncan, the year-old son
of B. P. a traveling sales-
man for a Chicago firm, died at
the hospital this
morning from a gun snot accident-
ally inflicted. Jack secured his
father's cartridges and loaded the
gun. then began a romp with his
nurse, the gun the chief
plaything. the course of the
play the nurse pointed the gun at
thinking it was loaded,
and pulled the trigger. There
was a scream and Jack fell to the
floor mortally wounded. The
young parents are almost
with grief.
Railroad Promoters Coming.
Washington, N. C, July
Capt. J. M. Turner and Claude
Barbee, promoters of the
and sound railroad,
are in Washington today and re-
a cordial reception from the
people of this town, who are en-
for the road. The
will go from here to Green-
Arrested for Murder.
N. ;,
The sheriff of and deputy
sheriff of Cumberland counties
arrested Cleveland Williams
and Blue, who are charged
with the murder of Ed Barney at
a church Garner's creek town-
Ammonia from an Ice Factory in
Washington Did It.
Washington, N. C. July
Thursday evening a sail boat tied
up to the wharf here behind the
Crystal Ice factory. The weather
being warm the four sailors on
board went to sleep at night with
the door and windows of the cabin
open. The ice factory was at
work daring the night and am
from the exhaust pipe filled
the cabin of the boat and came near
the sleeping sailors.
Cue of them awoke with a strange
feeling, and finding his room
mates went at once
for a doctor who arrived in time
to revive them. The sailors had a
narrow escape.
Carolina Club Meeting.
At the meeting Friday night
the Carolina Club elected the
following new Senator,
A. L. Blow, Supt. W. H. Bags-
dale, District Attorney
Harry Skinner, Dr. Brown,
S. J. Parham, W. A. B. Hearne,
B. B. and W. W.
The is now
Asks A. C. L for Depot and Sun-
day Trains.
The Pitt County Retail Mer-
association held an inter-
meeting the court house
Friday night. A constitution and
by-laws were adopted and other
routine business attended to.
A committee consisting of J. R.
C. T. S. M.
Schultz, T. White J. N.
Hart was appointed to confer with
the promoters of the Raleigh and
Sound railroad.
It was resolved to petition the
Atlantic Coast line for another
daily passenger train, a Sunday
train and that the passenger depot
to be enlarged and altered or a new
one built.
Several new members were add-
ed, and the invitation to every re-
tail merchant in the county to
join was renewed. A committee
on membership was appointed,
will at an active
of the county.
Greenville Will New Road
from Raleigh to the Coast.
It seems to us that every fool
the country who has nothing to
will probably reach by August j say is trying to say it about the
1st, and possibly There was We have the dished
talk of procuring the erection of up to us noon night.
a suitable building for the club I ,
Some of our own state papers
The meeting adjourned to meet to have on the
next Wednesday night at is mentioned
in the Masonic lodge room half the population are at- gelling a stock company to put
immediately alter the adjourn- tacked by the disease of unlocked automobiles to carry
J. M. Turner C.
M. Barbee, of Raleigh, promoters
of the Raleigh and rail-
road, arrived from Washington
this morning and held a conference
with the leading business men of
Greenville. The railroad people
presented their preposition, which
was discussed at length. While
the plans and agreements were
not definitely settled. The Re-
can say that the new
road will come to Greenville. We
will publish full details text Wed-
The express companies have
combined to rates, and
the price for carrying small pack-
ages exceeding one pound in
weight are from to twenty-
five per cent higher. The people
have to submit to this.
to wonder will
Hay wood ever be brought to
says the Asheville Citizen. Yes,
he will. You don't think the
prosecution will take t s on
another governor, do you
The Richmond street car
are preparing to retaliate by
of the lodge.
members are requested to be I,
. ., imagination and
present, as the adoption con-
and by-laws and
appointment of important com- doses. Let the next who says
Pope's Condition deferred to
jaw, we get theory, sentiment, the city
July Pope's
remains unchanged. He
j has slept several hours since
ling. After consultation the-doc-
tors have abandoned the idea of a
third operation.
A Psalm of Advertising.
Tell me not sneering
Advertising dose not pay,
Rich who fling their ban-
Boldest to the world today.
Advertising done earnest,
Done with wisdom, heart
With determination, sternest.
Always wins the wished goal.
Lives of many remind us
We to great success can climb
It the reading public find us
Advertising all the time. ,
Advertising with
Energy to spread our fame,
Even honest and consistent
In performing what we claim.
In the world's commercial battle,
In the rivalry of trade,
We must hustle, shout, and rattle
Ere impression can be made.
Not sorrow,
Is the certain end of those
Who are apt to let tomorrow,
Like today unheeded close.
Careless of their ad
Which, if penned in common
Is the method prising
That insures full recompense.
The Metropolis.
be chained to a
graph loaded with records of
Chauncey after dinner
to the street cars
Founded on a
If you toot your little and
then-lay aside your horn, there's lies other things.
n it a soul in ten short days will
See the agitation of new
rail mad projects makes the old cock alone; he is a good man,
know that you were born. The
gathers pumpkins it, the
man who plows all day, the
man who keeps it humping is the
one who makes it pay. The man
who advertises with a short and I Atlantic Coast Line,
The Hon. Champ Clark is in-
to take the boom
is, for
purposes. Evidently he
has not heard the news from
don't you fell, let
one hump. Our neighbor, Wash
needs better depot
sudden jerk, is the one who blames
the-editor because it doesn't work.
The who get the business take a
long steady pull keep the
local paper from year to year
quite full. He plans his
in a careful, thoughtful
way and keeps forever at it until
he makes it pay. He has
all the future can withstand a
like the wan of
scripture, has his business on a
Advertising is the harvester that
garners golden grain.
Seven Years for Bribery.
St, Louis, July jury in
the case of Julius for-
mer of the House of
gates, charged with bribery in
connection with the passage of the
city lighting bill, returned
this afternoon finding the
defendant guilty.
His punishment was fixed at
seven years in the penitentiary,
the maximum punishment under
law for the crime of which
was convicted.
with accustomed indifference, was
taking its own time about supply-
need. Now the agitation
is on for Washington to have
another railroad, all at once
an architect of the L.
pears u the scene with plans
specifications a new depot.
would have more respect for
the railroads if they would pro-
public needs as soon as they
become apparent, without waiting
to be forced to do so.
We sympathize deeply with
those Charlotte parents whose
baby fell a victim to the deadly
unloaded gun, but brand
sense they showed
lowing a baby to play with a gun
does nos entitle them to much
Rioting may have helped it
along the Richmond street car
strikers would have lost anyhow,
because it was impossible for them aid. The motion finds an
to Herald. I second.
we let any of them have
it suppose we make them tell
how they stand on this pardoning
says the Durham Her-
was asked us recently. What we
are kicking about is that is too
good a man to criminals.
not deceived. will re-
main in the shade if wait for
the aide of the world to
turn around to you.
Fourteen boys have died this
season from lockjaw caused by the
toy pistol. The gun
killed the others,
Governor Aycock says the
fine will keep schools open
for one month. Better close every
school in the land rather than sell a
rapist a pardon.
It appears that it is custom
in this state in regard to rapists
to lynch the jail the poor
white and fine all who to
pay it.
That who was not skinned
alive in West Virginia doubtless
has a good idea of what he will
net if he touches a white woman.
The mortality consequent upon,
the Kentucky republican meeting
is not as high as at first stated.

Eastern reflector, 17 July 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 17, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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