Eastern reflector, 30 June 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Store opens at a. m. and closes at P-
Who does not appreciate big apples, big strawberries,
big, broad-minded men, big, institutions that
can do things The big apple or strawberry has come
to and goodness because conditions were right
for its growth. The big, broadminded has lived in a
wholesome atmosphere- This store baa thrived because
it sunk its foundations to the sources of vigorous life,
and upon policies logical and secure.
Our merchandise tells the nature of our store, and the
care and skill of those who guided its growth. As ad-
we will make July a in low
juices. Read our ads. They will follow in quick
This week will offer special prices on White Lawns,
Piques and Organdies.
Lawns reduced to
Lawns reduced to
and Wasting reduced to
Piques, Black at d White, reduced to
Fine dotted Swiss, was Co and yard, now
Fine French double width, was Toe. now
Ricks Wilkinson
We claim
That our customers are the best
satisfied people in Greenville and
Pitt county. They have learned
that they can come to us when in
doubt and trust us to treat them
right. That confidence has never
violated at
The Home of Women's
The world turns on its own axle. J HA P
This axle be greased
but elbow grease.
JUNE 25th.
W. S. Atkins left
even i up for Raleigh.
District Attorney Harry Skinner
returned from Raleigh.
C. B. Hassell, of Williamston,
is here.
A. J. Moore returned
day evening from Bethel.
C. L Barrett, of Farmville,
was here today.
J. R. Bunting, of Bethel, came
over today.
W. B. Parker went to Everetts
T. J. Jarvis returned
this morning from Morehead.
J. Latham went to Gilead
Wednesday afternoon to visit
W. P. Edwards is all smiles
over the Arrival of another sou at
bis home.
J. J. Mason and Robert Proctor,
of were in town to
Mrs. B. B. and child
left this to visit relatives
Many a person who wouldn't
listen at a key hole will butt
a private conversation over the
The English court is mourning
the death of Alexander of
Probably considers he was of
Some men are better than
reputation, but very few ate bet-
j than their conduct.
is known to have
He pro
stole the balance.
There is nothing mysterious
about the new summer shirt waists.
They are easily seen through.
is cheaper lo get up a
than to run a government
with highwaymen in charge.
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to your bilious-
and you a
Pills arc
liver pills. They cure con-
Gently laxative.
or h I-
r u
for tho
ill. A Co
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Imported by M.
If you wish to keep cool while cooking
one of our Perfection Oil Stoves. It is a great
saving in fuel, besides you do not get warm as
you do with the wood stove. have the Per-
in all sizes from to burners.
is more pleasant than a
nice, comfortable Hammock to lie on these hot
evenings. We have them from to
Does that heavy hat give you a headache If
so, try one of our light, cool straw hats.
Are your feet hot and tired Wear a pair of
our low quarter shoes or slippers and feel com-
In our mammoth dry goods department we
have all the new and up-to-date Summer Goods.
Fans, Parasols, Lawns, Dimities, etc. We
have just received another large lot of those
beautiful ladies are so anxious for. We refer
and Antique Laces
Nothing prettier on the market. We carry the
most complete line in Greenville.
Established 1886. Incorporated
Marble and Granite
and Agents tor Wire Fencing.
Main and electric power plant,
Branch offices and shops, Mount,
N, C. S.
For prices and designs- address
Old Kentucky just
at present would be a trifle
for peace conference.
French women look as If they
hail been made to please man
English women, as if
been made to please them.
man for
responsible position. No ex gov-
employee need apply.
Is one where health abound.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid LIVER and restore
its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggist.
Flour- 1st pat.
Family Flour- straight
Corn- per bushel
Oats- lbs per bushel
Hens per head
Feathers- new
to that
suddenly from text-hook and class-
room to tent and battle, they bore
like veterans the lire the Fed-
bled and died like the
heroes they were. Some were
most too small to carry the muskets
Are you sour and grumpy and
dark t Are
bilious and gouty have
, , , .,, the lone march some, were
you no longer dreams of honor and
glory sounding beyond the farthest
arch of heavens t Then read the
following from the Baltimore Sun,
so tenderhearted that they wept
when they paw the death their
guns dealt. But they swept
to the charge as if they had been
on parade, the veterans
and if your blood is not stirred, if gray wildly cheered as the boys
. . ,. . , . I took the Federal and
you do not heat the drum beat and I ed the flag of
the war cry of the boys in gray,
and the strains of Dixie
with the sound of trampling feet
Duty neglected is injury
those who do not neglect it.
Santos is
himself again.
Fresh Magic Yeast and
Clay Flour at M. Schultz.
cannon's roar, may the Lord
have mercy on your dead soul and
sour heart.
eyes of Virginians are
tamed today toward Lexington,
where the old cadets of the
Military Institute are gather
ed with those who are still wearing
uniform to celebrate an
not only unique in the record of
that historic state, but which is
said to have no parallel in this
country. There today will be
dedicated a monument to the w ,.
battalion of cadets who fought in . , u
the battle of New Market on May he necessarily dry
1864, and materially
h. p. engine
in good condition small
size combination lock iron safe.
M. P. Jordan Co.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
But They Are in an Ugly Mood
end May Break Out
Stop Fighting Long Enough to
Let Ladies Leave the Lines.
Richmond, June ex
under which the people
have lived in fear of further
bloodshed has worn away at mid-
night, the hour when the cars
stopped running. The critical
has passed without serious
There was some rioting, but the
military acted promptly.
While the lire department was
bi; fight occurred this morning on
Quaker Gap mountain, Stokes
There were several armed
men each side and a number of
shots were exchanged. Pat King
was killed two others
seriously wounded. His
is John who has
been jailed. Deputy Sheriff Smith
was knocked down with a hoe by
Russell Jones. The trouble is the
result of an ancient neighborhood
feud. While the fight was on a
party of young people who were
returning from
heard the shots and stop-
old man who was fore-
most the fray called to his
associates, stop
until those young ladies and gen-
The guns were
silent until the party passed out
of hostilities were
P. M. G. is Getting Into the Sere
and Yellow Leaf.
Grand Lodge of North Carolina
in Special Communication.
N. C, June
special communication of Masonic
responding to an alarm at p, ., , . , ., ., .
. I lodge of North Carolina was
the ear were stopped to give way
to the lire department. A crowd
collected and commenced rioting,
the military over their
and dispensed.
Several limes during the night
exploded along the rails.
Chief Police Howard
bled the entire police in the
u-i i coin i room this evening-
He gave them a severe lecture, de-
daring that it was a notorious
that the force had not done its j w R
and that further com plaints
would be followed by instant dis
opened by Grand Master
of Charlotte. More than
Masons marched to the court
house, where the installation of
officers took place. Officers of the
following lodges were
Greenville, Snow Hill,
Ayden, Pleasant Hill, f
St. Joan.
The officers of Greenville lodge
installed R. Williams, W. M;
Washington, June
situation is having
marked effect the physical con-
of Post master General Payne.
The heart which he
has suffered for years are
more and more frequent, and
the condition his health is
giving his friends serious concern.
He was at his desk only two hours
yesterday and today is confined
to at the Arlington.
If the report of his possible
nation is t be credited at all it
must be on the score of his phys
condition, which is considered
Critical. Mr. Payne looks ten
years older than when he entered
the duties of his office.
Presbyterian Church Struck by
Lightning Again.
straight and shoot to
was the gist of an order is-
sued to the troops today by Lieu-
tenant-Colonel Wayne Anderson.
The order added that it has become
that the time has passed
for with the mob.
The mayor, also realizing the
gravity of the situation, issued the
most orders to Colonel
are the order
said, cause the arrest of all
persons guilty of using violent or
abusive language, or who by
language or gesture shall conduct
themselves in a way calculated to
excite the public
A car the west end near the
scene of last night's was
fired on at o'clock tonight.
Three, shots were tired on the car
and t he soldiers tired in the dark-
in the direct ion of the attack,
which came from an open field.
The next car following was also
fired upon by strikers the fire
returned by the soldiery, two of
the latter being wounded and one
of the strikers captured.
A. L. Blow, S. D., A. I. Griffin,
J. D; J. B. Cherry, Jr., Frank
Wilson, steward; H. Harris,
At the conclusion these ex
St. John's lodge, of Kin-
presented a beautiful past
master's jewel to C. F. Dunn,
L. of Snow Hill, then
introduced Colonel A. Davis,
el Goldsboro, the orator of the
day. This afternoon a sumptuous
dinner was served to Masons in
one the tobacco warehouses.
The special train from Green-
ville reached here at ten o'clock
and the excursionists have greatly
enjoyed the day.
It has been said lightning does
not strike twice in the same place,
but the saying has proven
During the storm Friday evening,
lightning struck the tower f the
Presbyterian church and badly
damaged the building. The bolt
knocked the bell out of place and
tor the wood work near it
splinters. Then it seemed to
and the tin valley on
the roof two directions, coming
out near the front entrance
also on the rear of the building.
At both pieces windows were
shattered, timbers split and
weather boarding from the
outside, while plastering WM
broken on inside.
About three years ago the same
tower was struck lightning.
While the building was going up
it was injured by a wind
once since completion it
escaped destruction by fire.
College for Women at Trinity.
Durham, N. C,
There is a movement on foot to
build, with Trinity
College, a great female college. A
meeting of the commit
tee of the board of trusties of
Trinity will he held nest week lo
consider the of this
Mr. J. II. South
of the board of trustee-, a I m it
ton county, where a large rural evening that such a i was
population and where foot, said that white the
voters have been were he
was not ready to give to the
public as yet. asked what
Arkansas Lynching Bee.
Brinkley, ,
a town miles south
of this place, was the scene of a
lynching this morning, Jack
a who brutally assault-
ed a farmer was banged to the
rafters of a porch. About men
participated in the lynching
there was disorder or excite-
The victim may
not recover.
Tillman Trial Removed.
Columbia, s.
Judge Townsend this morning an-
that the trial of James
II. is removed to
J. G. Move had some samples of
tobacco this morning from a barn
cured by one of his tenants. This
Caught in a Belt.
Washington, N. C. June.
Isaac Chauncey, a sawyer at the
mill of Freeman Hodges
company, got his foot caught
a belt and was hurled into the
air. His leg was tern from his
body and entire body lacerated.
Death was instantaneous.
was a white man about
years of age.
Triple Lynching.
Albany, Ga.,
the county seat of Baker comity,
miles south of Albany, was the
scene of a triple lynching last
night. Three charged
with murder of A. Bollard,
June 20th, were taken from the
jail in Newton and hanged from a
tree less than a mile away.
Wilmington Terrorized.
Wilmington, Del., June
Last night was one of terror.
Whites and u came int
frequent conflict and revolvers,
knives clubs at times
freely used. The entire police
was duty, as trouble had
been expected because the
had boasted that they would I do
the whites. The police acted
promptly and energetically. Many
arrests were made.
Buried by the Firemen.
Gorham, colored, Sat-
He was a
of one the colored fire com-
here, and the firemen turn-
is the first cure of the new crop j ed out in a body to conduct his
that has been reported. j funeral Sunday afternoon.
The Situation in Richmond.
Richmond, June 26.-As days
go by the trouble between the
street railway company and the
striking employees grows more
The ramifications of
the dispute have involved all
classes and the end seems a long
way off. The company today in
creased the number of its cars and
is operating a few lines. On the
Seven Pines to the
country for a distance of miles,
much danger is looked for because
of the thick woods along the road
where Jaw breakers may lie in
relation this movement would
have to the closing of Greensboro
female College he said that it had
none; that is, there had been
DO conference the
of t lie Trinity
board and Hie association of
Greensboro Female College. He
said, however, that he hoped this
new enterprise at Trinity would
the great work
Greensboro Female College. Con-
tinning he that the woman's
college at would start
with all of tho advantages of a
million-dollar investment and that
when the plans should be perfect-
ed it would be I lie greatest move-
ever made in the south
behalf of higher education for
Something definite will done
at the meeting of the executive
committee of Trinity next week.
It is considered that the woman's
college is a certainty.
Wreck on Norfolk Western.
Petersburg, Va ,
Cannon Ball train which runs be-
tween Richmond and Norfolk, was
wrecked this about
o'clock at Station, on the
Richmond and Petersburg railroad,
three miles north of this city. The
wreck is supposed to have been
caused by open switch, the train
crashing into a freight train which
was standing on the
of the Atlantic Coast Line.
The engineer and fireman were
killed and the conductor and others
Likely Result in Mistrial.
case against the murderers
of Percy Jones, at Wilson, was
given to the jury Saturday, but as
yet no verdict has been reached.
The latest information obtained
this afternoon was that the jury
had not agreed and it was thought
the result would be a mistrial.
A Stubborn Planter.
New Orleans, June
Brown cotton corner is bringing a
great deal of queer cotton to New
Orleans Cotton become so val-
that the owners gins are
scraping the floors have made
up several bales waste cotton.
Perhaps the most
bale, however, is that arrived
here today Georgia. It is
the crop of and is
years old. Its owner
held out for cents that year, but
the market broke and cotton
went down he swore he would
never sell it for less than cents,
When cotton went up to cents
in New Orleans he shipped it here
to be ready for the cent price
he pledged himself to, with orders
to his agent to sell that
figure was reached. The cotton
has been stored a room for
years is thoroughly dried,
having lot fifty pounds in the pro-
of drying. Experts declare
the staple to be as good as
Will Defy the Watts Law.
Asheville, N.
will certainly be a conflict the
mountain counties between federal
and stale authorities over enforce-
of the Watts law. The fact
became known large
number of distillers dining
the past two days noun d the
collector's office would
continue to operate
alter the first of the month,
the information
was today received from the com-
missioner internal revenue that
bonds of all distilleries who
sought them would be
It now appears that scores of
will be made, this
I urn means that an early decision
the constitutionality of the
law will be Imperative.
Not only this, but distilleries can-
without the superintendence
of deputy collectors and store-
keepers ganger, and the fact
developed today the collector
would, as a matter of course, as-
sign such to duty
a distiller expressed his
nation to continue operations.
Every day that a distiller per-
in running the situation will
become more complicated, as under
the provisions of the Watts law,
every succeeding day constitutes a
Sunday School Meeting
The union Sunday school mass
meeting was held Sunday after-
noon the Christian church. The
reports of the various Sunday
schools for the past quarter showed
good progress attendance and
collection. Henry T. King read
a paper sabbath desecration,
and Miss Lillian Burch gave
The committee on the church
and Sunday school census of the
town made report. Some
from this report will be published

Tom was a tool a mason.
He hail married Jenny Cone, the
of his choice, before he had put by
any ready money and since he could
Hot always get work was not prosper-
There is an old fool for
luck and a poor man for and
Torn certainly illustrated the last part
of the
One night after Tom and his family
bad gone to bed there came a rap at
Ins door. On opening it he saw a man
who more like a rag
than anything else standing at the
door, lie asked Tom if he was not a
mason. When Tom replied that he was
the man naked him If he would do, a
Job of work for that night. Since
there was nothing In the house for
breakfast and the stranger agreed to
pay him If he would work
morning, Tom agreed, whereupon,
taking his tools, ho went out with the
man, who after blindfolding him led
him about in a tortuous course and n-
to a small cellar, where he removed
the bandage. The place was lights
a candle.
want you to take up a portion of
the cement floor and dig a said
the man.
Tom set to work, took up an oblong
portion of the Boor and dug a grave
C feet by Then the rag picker mount-
ed a of steps, opened a door and
shoved the end of a pine coffin shaped
box through the opening. Tom took
hold, and the two carried the box and
lowered into the grave.
A barrel of cement stood ready, with
everything needful f mixing It. Tom
was directed to lay he floor, smooth-
It so that when the cement had
become old no one would notice that
the floor d been disturbed. Tom,
who was t that a murder had
been con . looked about him to
discover s by which he might
Identify the cellar, though there was
no probability Of his over coming Into
it again. was absolutely
Unusual in the place, and all Tom
could do when the rag picker's back
was turned was to make a cross on
the newly laid cement with the sharp
blade el ids knife. When the job was
finished the rag picker blindfolded
Tom again and led him out of the
At r taking him over a winding
course the rag picket
am going to leave you now. Count
and when you have done so take
off the bandage. If you remove It be-
fore you have made the count you
will be a dead man. You will And on
the ground something worth much
more to you than the sum I agreed to
Tom counted then, after
delay, removed his bandage.
On the ground before him was a piece
of paper on which was written in pen-
get at least a portion of
your pay before doing
Ten years passed. remember-,
ed the rat picker's advice and would
have profited by it. but there was so
little work to do that he was obliged
to take bis chances for pay. lie was
turned out of one house after another
till he brought up In a deserted hovel
on a lonely road. It was an autumn
day when the family went there, and
Jenny sat down on a stump and began
to cry.
mind, dear said Tom
are usually cheerful
under misfortune, it's darkest before
day. something will turn
added the wife, with a
fresh burst of tears.
Tom, who was never Idle when there
was work to do. set about gathering
the fallen wood lying about, which he
carried into the cellar. After carrying
in the load he came out with n sin-
expression on his face and asked
his wife for a small hand
glass that his young st boy had used
for a plaything. The glass was given
him, and be returned to the cellar.
Presently he went upstairs and told hi
wife that they were in the house where
be had helped make a burial.
Jenny was depressed anew at having
to live over a corpse and declared
he would not go to bed that night till
Tom had taken the horrid thing up
and burled It In the wood. Tom, who
was a patient fellow, prepared a
new burial place, then opened the grave
in the cellar and after much difficulty
Jenny could not be bought to help
got the box. much rotted, out of
its resting place and carried it part
way up the steps to the cellar door.
There it slipped away from him and
fell with a crash to the floor, breaking
to pieces.
Tom turned round, expecting to see
a ghastly corpse, but instead saw
coins rolling over the floor.
ax, he completed the
of the box and found that It WM
full of gold pieces.
lie cried, here. The
coffin's broken, and the corpse Is roll-
about on the
Jenny gave n shriek, but a morbid
fascination which impels people to look
at awful sights led her to the cellar
door, and the sunlight shooting through
a small window showed her the shill-
Inquiry revealed to Tom that the
house had once been habited by a rag
picker who was suspected of being a
miser. But the man was dead, and no
one knew who he was or whether he
had any relatives.
Tom bought the house and gradually
replaced and enlarged the space it
Ills wife and children were
well dressed, general prosperity
reigned In the family. No one knows
where Tom got bis rands, and no one
can find out. for be Is his own banker,
his bank is a grave In Ms cellar.
K. A.
Farmville Section
Idea that Mohammedanism Is
would be a dangerous one
f r statesmen to bank upon. It isn't.
his career as a
prophet more than years Inter than
the beginning of the Christian era. At
present he has 170.000.000 disciples,
more than one-third as many as there
are Christian in the world.
Nine hundred years ago there were
In India no Mohammedans. Now there
and they are increasing
in number constantly. They are by ail
odds the most energetic subjects in
British India.
The western wave of Mohammedan-
Ism rolled up to the farthest corner of
Spain. iii to the walls of Vienna, and
then began to recede, but shrink
lug process was accompanied by ex-
elsewhere. In Africa
is steadily proselyting.
in Europe has followers of
the prophet, more than there are in
what is called In
Asia, however, the realm of future
growth, is the Mohammedan strong-
hold. To less than 4.000.000 native
Christians there are Mo-
York World.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tobacco, Cigars.
We make a specialty of
I For Men
It is conceded that we give the
best Shoes for the money of
any house in Farmville.
Mr. L. Davis, began to sell
i goods here in the year of 1879
and has continued in business ever
since, having associated with him
Messrs. John and Frank Davis,
his Of the other mer-
houses of the town
namely, Messrs. ton Bros, G.
C. Barrett, J. Smith, T. L. and
W. J. Turnage, W. C. Askew, J.
H. Harris, Walton's drug store
conducted by Messrs. Mercer and
Moore and Messrs. Co.
others we will mention in
N. C, June
In or about the year 1854 a post-
office was established in the west-
part of Pitt county, North
Carolina, known Farmville. It
was, at that date, only a neighbor- and
hood and the people another communication,
would, at their convenience, carry j Since Carolina rail road
the mail back and forth to Falk- penetrated this part of Pitt County
The property for some distance
was owned by Messrs.
James May, Sherwood Belcher,
and Henry Joyner, very worthy to the
citizens the days long past. The kinds of enterprises going
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
and Farmville becoming its term-
an immense trade has
up at this point.
We will not in this article at-
Custom, In China.
Many strange school customs prevail
In China. The in that country
seldom go to school unless they are the
children of very rich people. School
work begins before daylight, and after
studying their lessons aloud for two
hours the pupils recite them. They
then go home to breakfast, after which
they return and study till din-
time. In the afternoon they go
again to school to prepare lessons for
the following day. this time it is
This goes on every day of the
week, for there Is no such thing u the
Sunday holiday.
D. S.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C
The newest and latest styles in
Millinery. Hats or-
on short notice.
Billion Trillion.
There are two systems of
in use at the present day, common-
called the and the French
systems. In the former the billion Is
a million of millions, a trillion a mil-
lion of billions and each denomination
is a million times the one preceding.
In the latter is the system used
in the United the billion is a
thousand millions, each
a thousand times the preceding.
veto- Wan Blade.
don't you asked
Frenchman of another.
I must do it on certain
you know, the lady
beautiful, rich and a fool, if she
rich and beautiful. I won't take
and if she isn't a fool she won't
M. T. HORTON, Proprietor.
Table furnished with the best
the market
rooms. Polite and prompt
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries.
m make a Chang In my I am
m all good, and notions
hand at cost for cash. This Is the
first store house was built and
by Mr. May, who sold
goods for many years. Mr. W. D.
favorably remembered by
mi. but will in future
give some insight into the
status of all matters of
which the public should know,
many of the older citizens of the j and of the natural
kept store in the earliest i tEes possibilities of the
days of our existence. I town vicinity. If the citizens,
It the year 1867 I would cooperate in building up
that Farmville assumed the pool- i the many enterprises that could
of a town
of commercial
the date above
be on successfully if
and prosecuted with that
mentioned, the owners of the lands; business vim and energy which
sold several lots to of have the public
capital and energy, and then the spirited men of Farmville hereto-
town began to grow. i fore. In our communication
In the year 1872 the town was j we desire to write the
was by our; interests of the and
General Assembly the of to stir up a spirit that line that
self has never been begun before.
No special significance is
to the name of the town j Scarcity of Teachers,
is the case with some other i Prof. W. H. county
only that it was situated in a tine superintendent public schools
farming section of country. In ; Pitt county, on from
the 1872 Mr. W. j at Wrights-
settled in this town, having ville some days ago, said he saw
an entire square, he built more men at that meeting
dwelling and store For j for teachers than he had ever seen
twenty years Mr. Lang sold similar occasion. There is
and by his genial ways, ; evidently a change in the
kindness of heart, though of school teaching in North
his a systematic Carolina. School boards and
way, he made a handsome
having retired the
tile business, he has been succeed-
ed by hie son Mr. W. M. Lang.
t be
She Spell Too.
While waiting in the reception room
for their hostess some visitors were
entertained by that lady's four-year-
old daughter. One of the callers re-
marked to the
is not very
Instantly replied the
am not very p-r-c-t-t-y. but I am very ,
an voice that man's
said the manager, who was
to the throaty tenor.
a said Ids friend.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, Contentions, To-
and Cigars. Everything in Fashions. Full line of
for cash. Highest price for country trimmed and untrimmed hats,
produce. I ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
people are becoming
more particular about the teachers
they employ. The qualifications
of the teachers are more regarded
than formerly good teachers
have no trouble in finding a place,
if are at all well known. The
change in demand for good
The Smile
A New York mat,
Don't most of them get
Columbus Enquirer-Sun.
A n us n
his caste by the following process of
He lost caste eating
cooked food In a railway carriage,
which persons of another caste were
traveling. lie had to pay his own
weight in rice, the value reaching
rupees, then In wheat. After
being twice weighed In this way he
was made to sit on a square stone
while his body was covered with ma-
the face only lie was
then taken up by two men and thrown
Into the river, and after a bath was
received by the fully re-
stored to caste fellowship.
Offers you selections from as complete a stock of
as can be found in Carolina.
Special line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for Ladies.
Full line Sell Celebrated Shoes for men. Every pair warranted.
Corliss, Coon Co. Collars and for Men and Ladies.
Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Groceries.
Hardware, Farm Implements and Harness. Ice Cream Freezers
and Hammocks.
Two warehouses full of flour, corn, oats, hay
said Berkeley to his wife
yesterday dinner, didn't say
anything to any one about What I was
telling you the night before last, did
you That's u
secret Why, I didn't know It
was a she replied regretfully.
did yon tell It I want to
no; I never thought of it since
I didn't know It was u
General Merchants.
No need of going further when we can supply all your needs in
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
Full line of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots Hay, Corn, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal, Fertilizers and Lime.
Manufacturers of Buggies, Tobacco Flues and Trucks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Munger Cotton
and well equipped teachers leads
to better salaries for such teachers.
No longer can the best teachers be
hired for a small salary, but the
profession of teaching i taking its
place with other things on its
merit. A good teacher can now
get a good salary but a poor teacher
cannot hope to find a place that
much. To be sure, there are
to these observations,
for instance where a new school is
opened or established and teachers
I who are interested in the
, take positions at lower
with the view under-
standing that salaries will be
I made better as the Institution
but all things considered,
the good and well equipped teacher
can now the salary and those
who employ have to pay it in
order to get the best
land Neck Commonwealth.
A man have to work
overtime when it comes to making
a fool of himself.
When a woman goes to the races
she can't help wondering why the
j men are so foolish as to bet
the horses are nearing home, so
they can see which one will
When a man is dying to marry
a woman he is after
marriage his tendencies become
When a man talks very much
about his bank it is a sign his ac-
count is overdrawn.
The darker a piazza is the easier
t is to find a girl sitting there.
Ayden News and Advertisements.
The Ayden Branch Office of The Eastern Reflector is in charge of E. V. to whom any matter for publication on this
page should be sent, and who is our authorized agent in Ayden and surrounding territory.
Hay, Corn, Lime, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Depository for
Public School Books.
Agents for
Royal Blue Shoes.
J. F.
Boys and Children's
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Groceries.
A Few Ran ells of Flour at per lb. or bbl.
Short While
cent Lawns Reduced to cent.
J. R. Smith Bro.
Quality is ever the first consideration in this store, because
that is the only basis for values that insures the satisfaction
of customers and the continuance of successful business.
General Dry Goods, Millinery, Furniture,
Hardware, Groceries, Etc.,
is probably the most extensive in town, and our prices are
ways i We also carry a lame stock of such as
Hay, Corn, O its, etc. Let us serve you. J. R. Smith Bro.
you bought it from HINES it's all
P rod
Bought and
Live and
Let Live
Prices to all.
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes,
Groceries, Hardware.
J. W. and BROS.
Ayden, N. C, June 1903.
Misses Jimmie and Arab Davis
gave a party Wednesday evening
complimentary to their guest,
Bessie Me Carson, of Washing
ton. Those in attendance were
Misses Willie, Lula and Nora
Smith, Annie Edwards and Fred-
die Tucker, and C. V. Cannon, W.
E. Lyons, Elmer and Jasper
Gardner. Allen Cannon, Rob. An-
Nobles and J. C. An-
Flinch, caroms and other
frames entertained the party till
the hour for serving and
cream arrived, after which the
dispersed, highly praising
hostesses for the de
evening of pleasure
Miss Nancy Coward is visiting
Miss Berry Mrs.
Joseph Dixon, her sister, this
Sol. Dixon, of spent
Wednesday and Thursday in
Mrs. Jim
spent Wednesday in Ayden, visit-
Mrs. J. W.
In my lasts notes I stated that
colored school teachers would be
required to attend the Institute
beginning here Monday in
August. This is an error, ft bile
it is hoped that they all will at-
tend there is no provision of law
compelling them do so. If they
do attend they will learn much
that will be of lasting benefit to
Misses Ella Dawson, of Grifton,
and Coward, of Kinston,
came CO morning train
to visit Mrs. W. J. Coward.
The every clever and genial
Frank Finch, of the of Finch
Bros, Wilson, spent Thursday
in Ayden visiting his kinsman, M.
M. Sauls.
Mrs. M. M. Sauls retained from
Richmond the excursion train
Wednesday evening.
Misses Nora and Lula Smith
left Thursday morning to visit
Misses Georgia and Lena
son in Greenville.
Elder S. B. Stephens, of Ohio
is at Elder T. E.
den. He is a Free Will Baptist
and is paying his first visit to this
place, where the Free Will Semi-
nary is located.
Mrs. J. T. Smith, Jr., and her
mother, Mrs. Bell, left Wednesday
Loans and Discounts. 4,110.45
Furniture and Fixtures 602.84
Paid. 110.00
Due from banks 11,868.00
I -------M-J
I j i r
, j
Special Hog, Horse and Cattle Style
Stays is In. or o in. apart
f , j ;.
r I
. u or In.
Made of large, strong, high grade steel wires, heavily galvanized.
Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is practically ever-
lasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it.
Does not mutilate, but does, efficiently, turn cattle, horses, hogs
by the manufacturers and by us. Call and see it. Can show you how
i- will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced.
Also Mower, Rakes, Binders, Cultivators and all
Capital Stock.
Interest. 179.47
Snoods and
Ladles, our special line of Hosiery, Insertion Elm-
Both quality and price will suit you.
Handsome line of Mattings at special prices. Fruit Jars
already in. Automatic Spray for tobacco.
bushels Peanuts.
Aden Milling
Incorporated Id. CAROLINA.
J. Stokes, E. G. Cox, Sec.
R. C. Cannon, Treas. J. M. Dixon, Supt.
Saw and Planing Mill.
Wood and Iron Working.
Repairing of all Kinds.
Lumber, Carts. Wagons,
Tobacco Trucks. Barrows,
Screen Doors, Columns,
In and out door House
Let us on anything you want.
Physician and,
kept in a first
Why suffer from eye strain,
pain in the eye balls, severe
headaches and general dis-
comforts of the eyes, when
J. W. Taylor,
A N. C.
Can permanently cure you of
those discomforts by fitting
you with the proper glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed
or your money re-
Dr. Louis C Skinner,
Ayden, North Carolina.
door of
Get our prices on Meat and Flour
Confections and Cigars
Don't sell your Eggs Chickens
till you get our oiler
Finest Soda in
town. All the popular
Cold Drinks. Service
prompt. Give us a call. THE AYDEN HUSTLERS
A Full Line of Millinery
Are the Clothing business
of Ayden and its territory. It is
not necessary to go away from
home to get a nice stylish
have them at all prices. We are
also prepared to do a large
Ayden Brick Works,
Owner and Manager.
the best Brick iD
Eastern Carolina. Bricks
all hand Makes furnace
arch and building brick. Full
always hand. Prices to
suit the times. Write or phone
me for prices by the thousand or
car load. Yours truly,
Ayden, N. C.
EDWIN Proprietor.
Dry Goods,
and General Merchandise.
Best the market affords.
meets all trains.
table Rooms. lights.
Ayden, North Carolina.

CHICKEN HEARTED DELAWAREANS. The are many opportunities
semi j for getting the interest of the
Editor and Proprietor. The Delaware papers, or some PIe in what merchants have to sell
PAUL R. OUTLAW, Associate Editor, of a spirit of coward- u surprising so many mer-
ice that fits in well with some of fail to excite the interest
in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter, .
Advertising rates made upon application. their past political performances. Ad-Art. The
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties. Commenting upon I lie recent lynch- People are a mass consumers,
in the above state the Baltimore each for something which
ill tO Sun , to comfort, wealth, or
Another curious aspect of the happiness, and there is every
The Southern railroad has spent
enough money for ink to
build a depot for every town
that wants one.
Mr. Payne's heart disease is
not likely to become contagious
unless it begins to look like the
penitentiary is yawning.
kind of effort these tendencies,
On June 14th the Tobacco As-
pointed a committee of tobacco
Belts are to be worn with bath-
suits this summer, but through
mob's act the shoulders of could be made to yield profit to I. . . .
om states. Our re mother the
place the responsibility tor the
men from
the and to make business
s petted contemporary, the
Journal, gives currency
We that it has come to m its editorial columns to a report
pass that the South must deal with leader of the lynching
party was a Virginian.
delegates and for a eon
vent ion of tobacco men to meet
Raleigh, July 9th. G. E.
editor of the Southern Tobacco
where it
men for the selecting haVe with loud voice We have anything but a
lately taken place in Richmond, for apprehension of that man. notary opinion of what is left of
Nothing is further from the ideals party in North Car-1
and traditions of Southerners than our It is quite certain anyway, and if the Why
J socialism, and nothing can come Montague, of the disputable as
Old will be astonished J as
Journal, was chosen chairman of more harm few newspapers that continually;
with it this hideous evil. , howl about the destruction of the,
No doubt the republican party
will be duly appreciative of an
opportunity to get on
doesn't the Richmond
company shoot water-
melons at the strikers
the committee. The purpose of
than see armed
bend them to his will;
and compel them to Party's liquor business, it is even
the convention is to arrange for
an exhibit of the tobacco in riotous worse than we thought.
we would have every city in our
acts. Out Delaware friends should
try of North Carolina at the St. I . The journalism this state is about
Louis exposition next year, cane cot- that were In position of the most senile, sickly, decrepit
We would not have the re- good but weak big boy, who
quote from a letter received re I l-Vi
We safe for the time being.
Emperor William has handed us
his friendliest smile.
I Wig
flung at us that in the i to be found any where.
; South, the land of ideals, of honor not by such tactics make any
sympathy for themselves. Let
them own the truth and shame
by the committee to proceed sentiment, working
at once with the selection of must fight to honest treat-1,
delegates from every tobacco
the state; these delegates to
consist of leaf deal
The worst of it
bis ship to over
King Edward has cut out the
Panama hat. Well, the real article
does come rather high.
is that we are
of leading men each county, a
large number delegates nave
been selected notified of the
meeting to held on July 9th,
and urged to attend.
it is that every
man who nun been .-elected will
attend, it is not the idea of the
committee to exclude other tobacco
men, who might desire t be pres
Every who is interested
in the tobacco business,
dealer, or producer, who
who takes an interest in the well-
fare of his state, who desires
to see an exhibit at St. Louis of
which every North Carolinian will
and to see strikes lockouts grow Raleigh when it
Hindi a I J
and multiply
years roll
We knew It had to come. China
claims to have discovered the
wires along quota-1 political grafter seventeen
Greensboro severely grouches on cotton will be a years ago.
ere, manufacturers
farmers. With as much care as i ; it calmly announces his boat
possible, and with the multiply in the South as the that the Greensboro Female col-1 remarked Mr. Tim the
building will be reserved for; Irish citizen.
the capitol building when the
capital is removed from Raleigh The man who told bis
Something should be done look-
to the sanitary condition of
the penitentiary, as it appeals to
be unhealthy, especially when a
who think they
to Greensboro. Oh nerve Oh that he would be satisfied m
As time passes we get new light, cheek Oh brass one kiss belongs in the class
on the question of the yellow dog, I those who think that women want i that Prof W B
a much deservedly Additional say that the them to do everything they tell Dove has been offered the super-
In the following from N. Y., bride who had them to do. I of the Graded Schools
the Southern Farm Magazine there to e served with a search warrant . ; at Greenville and Hickory. He
be a slam upon North Caro-; she would exhibit her As Emperor Williams has smiled the former place. Ho
upon us, we conclude
participate this greatest of all
World's Fair, and to the
presentation of the most,
exhibit of tobacco, all
that pertains thereto, which the
world ever
for a couple of weeks or so.
Una, and if so, we fully deserve i trousseau was the inmate of an
it, for so far we have not had the institution where everybody else country will exclude no
feel proud, is invited to be J courage to grapple with the doe is as she- American meat and is, mU,
at this meeting. j
principal object of this question.
meeting is to extend a most cordial before it adjourned the A philosopher with nothing else
and earnest invitation to the senate of one of the Southern leg- to has observed that
growers handlers, and tires gave an exhibition of the I observed that
tobacco in this state to ills to which some flesh is heir to women make them. To
by killing a bill proposing to judge by some men's manners and out of department
place a tax of fifty cents upon
i would have been of
i the schools if he had
plied. Our people will give him
Webster's Weekly.
It is the irony of fate that the
man who gets the least money
each dog in i he The
Tobacco Barn Alarm.
J. L. Jackson, of
conduct. must been U ho must do the most has invented an alarm for
tor argued that the bill was tin- made by a rather tough specimen
i constitutional as ,
court had decided that dogs are
project has our
approval, the enterprise and
business judgment by the
tobacco men com-
our admiration. They are
men who do in this
matter they are leading the entire
state. We hope Pitt county will
be well the
that those delegates who
go from here will give their best
effort making the exhibit
a possibility a success.
Virginia, Kentucky and Ten-
will have special tobacco
exhibits. North Carolina pro-
more tobacco than any of
the above, except in
pounds of leaf, and it would be a
reproach upon the state if we lag
behind our neighbors.
hearty, property.
that the
Another contended
was aimed at
tobacco barns. It can be regulated
for any temperature desired
is so constructed that in the pro-
A graded school building com- of , if heat
We may have no war in the by glad- runs too high or falls too low the
coot, dog of the he said , b t th . sound doth the tidings, alarm bell will ring. Any number
that he would be ashamed for his , . , ., .
children to be educated at the dove of t is l upon our waiting ears. I of barns within reasonable dis-
to be educated at the dove of peace certainly is
One sen-
It is no longer a question as to
who defrauded the government. It
can be wired together so
that one indicator will register the
expense of that animal. n , . ,
. , I over home plate to
expressing sorrow that be i
should raise his voice against any extent
yellow cur, insisted however, .- the
that that canine should be I , , . bad we make a mi. i .
ed to the past for the protection of The Greatest Private Citizen , V will show which barns need at
sheep and turkeys The will now get a on his
cal argument that were more i . ., .
hopes. The Mexicans have ,,
the season now cometh on me curer attend to several
dogs sheep in the State,
t hat one coon hide would pay the; elected their president for a third
tax on two dogs, was disregarded, time.
So thrifty farmers must still devise
means for raising sheep
with the raising yellow
We are glad that Delaware,
i met the death he deserved, The Winton jail is empty. The
Judge A. B. who recently j and that is all there is to it. j sheriff might put an ad in the
died in New Orleans, and Washington
one indicator will register
temperature in all of
and whether heat is
down or up. By this arrangement
What's he use of mincing the judge to come along.
apace when Maud Muller giveth a and keep the heat regular
hitch suspenders and in
removes the danger of the tobacco
It is not a compliment to Gov-
cock to be mentioned for
the vice-presidency. Democracy
stands a poor enough show in 1904
anyway, and a North Carolinian
on the ticket, were he as good as
a saint, as wise as Solomon and as
incorruptible as the be
defeated just because he is a North
Carolinian. The time is not yet.
graduated from the University of
North in 1855, was re-
as one of the most learned
jurists and brilliant men the
He went to congress
during Cleveland's first
for a long time
New York give the liberty bell
that distant stare. If it had been
gold-plated they
eaten it up.
It is announced that
would have U sitting down on
A gnat on an
being injured by irregular
Mr. Jackson's will be a
great help to tobacco farmers.
People will
recent junket the purpose of
pied the position of judge of one of getting away from the postal
the higher courts of Louisiana.
It is nothing but a waste of tax
money to try Jim Tillman
in a county where his lite-long
political friends are in an over-
whelming majority.
Girl Killed By Jealous Suitor.
Sherman. Conn., June
over her refusal to marry
him, P. H. Worden, of
yesterday killed Edith Roscoe,
also of that by cutting her
Our state courts give evidence throat. He then attacked Mrs.
that all the murderers Sherman Roscoe, sister-in law of
do not live in Kentucky. Miss Roscoe, with a ham mer, crush-
her skull and inflicting
Cotton blossoms have arrived in
Gin blossoms reside
to will hardly
appeal to those who seek the in Greenville permanently,
sequestered vale of
Raleigh is about to bust its
It is about time for Mr. Gorman
to stand from under. He has been
endorsed by a Kentucky senator.
fatal injuries. Worden then
attempted to kill himself. The
tragedy occurred at the Roscoe
i .
The reunion of Confederate vet-
will be held Friday, July
3rd. A large crowd will come to
hear General Matt Ransom speak.
Best Lighted House in Greenville. Best and most com-
help that money can employ.
Will run the Warehouse
in Greenville, N. C.
B- 4-f
of Eastern Carolina, we have come among you to stay.
Incoming we desire to state that we come for business. We ask a
share of your patronage. We know what the warehouse business
is. Our aim shall always be to please you and give you honest and
faithful service. There always awaits yon a hearty welcome. Fair
dealing, courteous attention shall be our motto. When you load
your tobacco head for Greenville and drive to
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
New Orleans.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
Wire and Iron Pence
work and prices reasonable
designs d on
William Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C
Office one door east of post office, on
street Phone
Not Quite
How often you can get a
thing r,
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will sec that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk. .
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S S Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. J.
Greenville, N. C.
J. B.
Washington, N. C
N. C, June
In looking over
we see that all our merchants are
advertising their places of bus-
We have as good merchants
as there are anywhere and we are
glad to sec them making effort to
let the public know what they
have in stock. This is the first
time we have ever seen a general
line of advertisements from our
Our clever townsman J. J.
Mason family have moved to
Washington, N. C. Washington
I knows them welcomes them
i i
within Grimesland will
miss them for they are
clever people.
L. Bailey and wife, spent
Wednesday night with U. C.
and left Thursday for Bath
N. where Mr. Baily is
in a saw mill.
G. Moore and Robert Proctor
made a flying trip to
Wednesday. They report the girls
and crops as looking fine.
T. F. Proctor is having built on
his vacant corner lot a nice row of
market stalls.
Quite a number of our
fraternity went to Greenville today
and to the excursion.
Rufus Galloway and Boyd
Thursday night in Washing-
ton attending Masonic meeting and
Mrs. H. II. Davis returned home
from Jamesville, N. C,
accompanied by her son,
Davis, whom she has
through a serious case of typhoid
i We are pleased to note that Mrs.
J. B. Galloway is improving. She
had very little fever yesterday.
H. H. Proctor is boasting of
j biggest and finest tobacco crops in
this community. Where is Jack
Miss Addie Johnson, of Green-
I ville, came down Tuesday to visit
Mrs. J. O. Proctor returned
Wednesday afternoon.
The department has
I posted notices asking for bids to
carry the mail from Grimesland to
back twice a day.
; We have for a long time needed
; better mail facilities, and we are
glad of the contemplated change,
which is a matter of great
to our people.
The tax met their
here yesterday. They
seem to be raising values
Grimesland, N. C.
Headquarters Dry Goods,
Notions. Cents Furnishings,
Hardware, Groceries.
we carry anything that ran be found
in a complete of
July 1st,
we will for days make special
out prices on all
GOODS. This is a chance for bar-
gains on these goods. Call and
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted the way
Clothing, Dry Goods, No-
Shoes. Hat. Groceries
and Hardware can be found
here, whether it is some-
thing to eat. something to
wear, or some article for the
house or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
or anything the farmer sells.
J. Proctor Bros.
piers and
if you want lumber to build a house,
furniture to go in it, clothing and
dry goods far your family, provisions
for your table, or implement for
we can supply your needs.
We manufacture
and sell the best tobacco trucks, also
do general repairing of buggies, carts
and wagons. Come to us for any-
thing you want.
J S i
tree report on
How to Secure
i Patents and
For free
Grimesland, ST. C.
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy
Tobacco Cigars. The
only Soda Fountain in town. All
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
c. n.
and Surgeon,
Complete Stock Drug.
N. C.
N. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other claims. Prompt
to all business.
by enabling the digestive organs
to digest, assimilate and transform
all of the wholesome food that may
be eaten into the kind of blood
that nourishes the nerves, feeds
the tissues, hardens the muscles
I and recuperates the organs of the
body. Dyspepsia
Cure cures Indigestion, Catarrh of
the Stomach and all stomach dis-
orders. Sold by John L.
Dentists are dealers in extracts.
It is easier to find fault than it
it to lose it.
Buried treasure is as useful as
concealed knowledge.
i Self-reliance lifts a up; con-
drags him down.
The Georgia legislature met
Wednesday, and the mint julep
market soared.
E. C. DeWitt Co. is the name
of the firm who the genuine
Witch Hazel Salve DeWitt's is
the Witch Hazel Salve that heals
without leaving a scar. It i a
serious mistake to use any other.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
blind, bleeding, itching and pro-
piles, burns, bruises,
eczema all skin diseases. Sold
by L. Wooten.
Dr. D.-. James,
Dental Surgeon
r. R. L.
We'll admit
Kentucky is a long
this office.
we are glad
distance from
If you know Malaria, you certainly don't
like it. If you know Malaria and
Ague Cure, you certainly do like it.
Sold by

Mies Alice Lang went to Kin-1
Thursday e veiling.
Sam Parker went to Kinston
Thursday evening.
Willie Hyman, of Staton,
rived Thursday evening.
Wayland returned to
Ayden Thursday evening.
W. R. Parker returned
day evening from Everette.
B. W. Moseley There-
day evening from Wilmington.
Mrs. Fred Cox and daughter,
Miss Mamie, went to Kinston j
Thursday evening.
M. M. Lang, of Farmville, took ;
the train here Thursday evening
for Kinston
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Latham and
child returned this afternoon from
Allen Warren and daughter,
Miss Bettie, left this afternoon for
Prof. W. H. will speak
at Farmville Tuesday afternoon
at o'clock, on the subject of
Misses Lula and Nora Smith, of
Ayden, are visiting lips Lena
and Georgia Anderson, in South
Denmark, of Kinston,
who has been spending a few days
here, returned home on the ex-
train this morning.
Mrs. W. A, Fleming, of
arrived Thursday evening to visit
Mrs. O. E. Warren, in West
Mrs. M. J. Ward, of Wilson,
arrived Thursday evening to visit
Mrs. R. L. Smith, in South Green-
Misses Reed and Nannie
Lang, of Farmville, spent Thurs-
day here and left on the evening
train for
If you don't your food does not do
you much good. Dyspepsia
is the remedy that every one
should take when is any
thine wrong with the stomach.
There is no way to maintain the
health and strength of mind and
body except by nourishment. There
is no way to nourish except
the stomach. The stomach must
be kept healthy, pure and sweet
or the strength will let down and
disease will set up. No appetite,
loss of strength, nervousness, head-
ache, constipation, bad breath,
sour risings, rifting, indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
are quickly cured by the use of
Cure. Sold by
John L. Wooten.
A New Greenville Enterprise.
The Greenville Buggy Co,, re-
incorporated, are rapidly
getting into shape for turning out
a fine line of stylish, up-to date
buggies, and expect to be ready
for by July 1st. They
have employed some of the must
skilled mechanics in the state,
men who know every detail of the
buggy business thoroughly. Dr.
E. A. is president of the
new corporation and E. A.
Sr., secretary and treasurer. The
following are directors. D. D.
Gardner, W. R. Smith, J. E.
Warren, E. A. Sr., and Dr.
E A. These names tare in
themselves sufficient guarantees
of success for the Greenville Bug-
Surely there is some error about
the destination of that Wilson de-
who is said to have cut
and run for Georgia. Isn't Ken-
still on the map
To get prompt attention all mail orders should be addressed to
The Seasons
Supreme Event
Summer Millinery as beautiful as fingers filled
with magic can make it. Dress and Ready-to
wear Hats for and Children.
Dress Goods and
All the new weaves in all colors and
reduction on all former prices.
Slippers and Shoes-They are made
by Ziegler Bros. Comfort, Style and Quality.
Just new and complete line of
and New Styles. Prices low.
Stetson Shoes for Men
All the new lasts. Ask to see them if
you would be well dressed.
For Ladies, Children and Babies. Drop Stitch,
Colors and White.
A CUT on all former prices of hot weather
Clothing for Men, Boys and Children.
Baby Carriages and
and best line to select from.
All Furniture Reduced.
Bargain Column
Cash Buyers Only
Clark's N. T. Spool Cotton,
Sea Island ins. wide,
Best Light Calico,
Printed Lawns and Organdies,
1-2 and c. quality, while they
last, cents per yard.
Steel Rod Umbrellas, worth and
c. only
pairs of and Sam-
Shoes at Factory Prices.
Knee Pants, only pair
Men's and Sample Straw
Hats at New York cost.
Toilet Soap, big value, cakes for
cents cash.
White Envelopes, per pack
Good Needles, per paper,
Ladies Vests, only
Linen Towels, extra size,
Patterns, and cents.
To the Old
Soldier Boys
who want to spruce up a bit for the big Confederate
Reunion Day we are going to offer some special in-
We offer a genuine all wool gray flannel suit for
regular price,
We have finer suits in yacht and other cloths
tailored to the pinnacle of perfection, something
that will keep you cool.
Big lot wide brim straw and gray crash hats, and
we will sell them at half price.
These offerings are special inducements which the
Old Soldier Boys will appreciate as soon as they see
the suits.
Don't forget July 3rd, the big Confederate day.
Reduction Sale of
Summer Pants.
The Fine Line of Pants we have been carrying in stock at
and dollars are now offered at the
for each pair, regardless of former price. These are strictly
all-wool goods, finely tailored and in the very latest style.
We have a large stock and can surely Fit and please you.
If you are thirsty you can't over-look our
Soda Water Fountain. The soda water con-
daily from our fountain during hot
is enormous. The quantity sold is
proof positive of its Your favorite
hind is here, because we have all hinds.
Bryan Nichols,
A Heavy Reward.
The Chronicle is in of
the following self-explanatory note I
advertise the
notice Reward of five cents for the
capture of Tom left
his wife and three Little children
and went of with another women
arrest him and bring him to Lin
N. C. he has been gone
about lift en month and i
done nothing for his
he has left he left here a
mule and wagon he was seen about,
weeks near N. C, I
dark ion dark hear blue
ways about 1.50 lbs wears
no six shoe hole on his face sandy
A Big Fire at Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, June here
today destroyed six buildings, in-
several elevators of the
American Malting Company,
a loss of
Three Millions Illegally Issued to Con-
New York, June
District Attorney Clark, who is
investigating the old dock board
matters through John Doe proceed-
says he has discovered that
treasurer's orders to the
of to have
been issued is violation law to j
favorite contractors without pub- i
lie letting.
Marriage Licenses
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses last week to the
C. V. York and Mable
G. H. and Lillie Harris.
J. F. Pollard Eliza Ever-
L. H. and
Wm. Moore Florence Little.
Win. Forbes and Rena Little.
A Large Order. j
the largest
given for paint in the state of
North Carolina, was received by
the Odell Hardware Co., of Greens-
N. C, W. A. Irwin,
Esq., of Durham.
The order was for gallons
of paint, to
be used on large Irwin Mills
and their cottages being built
in Harriett county.
Many of the leading paint man
were eager to secure
this order, and it volumes
that the preference was given to
lead and-zinc, which is
undoubtedly the paint
this country
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
Change in Carriers.
J. Brown, who since the
establishment of the rural mail
delivery service here has been the
carrier on No. has been
promoted to a position in the rail-
way mall service. He left this
morning for Weldon to begin in-
on the run from there to
Kinston. W. E. Nichols succeeds
as carrier on the rural route.
In New Quarters.
Paul if moving his
tailoring establishment to the
building on Fourth street formerly;
occupied by the Greenville laundry.
He says he will not be able to
keep up with work this week
he finishes moving and gets
straight in his new quarters.
Is a strange country. I fan-
remarked an American to a Brit-
officer in a London military club.
would think so If you spent
much time there as I
have heard that the
knowledge of poisons would make the
ignoramuses on the
The Britisher shuddered. The other,
seeing he was affected by some re-
connected with poisons,
after an effort persuaded him to tell It.
It Is a story of poison, a story
the main of which I would not
believe until I had been Invalided
home and looked it up in the London
medical Journals. Then, and not till
then, was I convinced.
was stationed in one of the
Indian posts where there was a
reigning prince who kept his position
by chicanery and where the priests
maintained their by the
same means. had a little ensign
named Adams with us, a pretty, black
eyed boy who was brimful of deviltry.
One day the prince sent our colonel an
Invitation for the officers to come up to
his palace and have afternoon tea. We
all went, and after during which
some of us drank more wine than tea,
Adams especially, we were taken into
the private apartments where the
men were kept and suffered to mingle
with them quite freely, considering we
were in India and the home of an In-
magnate. When we got back to
our quarters Adams confided to me
that he had had an impromptu affair
with a young Indian girl; that be had
seized an opportunity when unobserved
to lead her into an apartment filled
with tropical plants and, concealed by
the enormous leaves of one of them,
had kissed her. Just as they were
leaving the apartment they heard a
rustle behind them, and the girl had
turned ghastly pale. In another min-
they had separated. This was all
there was of it; not very much, one
would think, to worry about, but Ad-
ams was much troubled, and I confess
I didn't like the proceeding myself.
are In no I said con-
Indian will be allowed
to take revenge on a British
is for the girl I he said
you are discovered and the mat-
Is reported to the prince I think
he will show his malignity by his
hearing toward us. Indeed he
may bring the matter before the
shall said Adams.
dark. You're the only man I've
message came from the prince.
Indeed on a return visit he made to our
quarters by invitation of the colonel he
bore himself with great friendliness.
Seeing Adams pass, he remarked ad-
upon his attractive appear-
as every one did. and asked to
have especially presented. He
chatted so affably with the youngster
that Adams felt sure he had had no In-
of the meeting in the con-
I saw them talking to-
and it seemed to me that the
wily Indian was looking down on
Adams with a singular
expression I did not exactly like.
that seemed to end the
matter, and I gradually forgot It.
Adams heard that the girl was in her
usual condition in the palace and
ceased to worry about her. Then, when
we changed stations, all suspicion that
Adams would have to suffer for his
Indiscretion removed. He was
ready for another affair as before, and
only an opportunity was wanting.
arriving at our new station the
native ruler of the province enter-
us at palace. I feared that
Adams might get Into another scrape,
so I kept an eye on him. I tried to
get to promise me that he would
not, and especially that he wouldn't
drink any wine, for wine made his
absolute recklessness. He
would promise nothing, and I knew
that there was such a fascination for
him In danger that I resolved to watch
him all the closer. I never let him out
of my sight till n servant came to me
and told me the host wished especially
that I should he presented to him. I
left Adams in an apartment opening
a dimly lighted garden, begging
him to remain where he was till I re-
turned. This he promised to do. I
was presented to the host, who de-
me some time questions
about our artillery service. which he
appeared to be much interested. As
soon as I could cot from him I
Sick Headache
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
Tongue coated
It's your liver Pills
are liver pills; they cure
returned to room i nun , i
Adams. He was not there. Looking
Into the garden I saw a patch of
form among the plants and followed
the man who wore it. Just before I
reached him I saw that he was Adams.
He was leaning over a richly dressed
Indian girl. I hastened on. but be-
fore I could Join them Adams turned
and their lips met in a kiss.
stood as If petrified. If they were
watched It would be too late for me
to save them. Adams seemed not In-
to take his lips away. Presently
he sank slowly to the floor. I rushed
to him. He was
The narrator paused and took a long
sip from a glass of brandy and soda.
Then he finished his
was a sensation when I
to the colonel and reported what
I had seen. We took the body to
and the surgeon placed a piece of
paper dipped In some chemical agent
n the lips and reported that Adams
had been poisoned.
comes what you will not be-
The girl who kissed Adams was
a poison girl, fed on a certain poison
from birth till she saturated with
It. She was In the service of the
prince whom Adams had
Primitive Sled.
From history we learn that the
In the time of George III. coasted on
sleds made of a small board, with
beef bones us runners. But these p
out of sight when on Inventive gen-
j built on out of a barrel stave, for
his Invention was extensively copied.
The barrel were called
. and and were made of
a single barrel stave of moderate width,
to which was nailed a twelve inch seat
post about amidships. A piece of bar-
rel head constituted seat. To
, fate this craft required no little skill,
the revolutions performed by the
j while the hang of the denied
j old being akin to tho antics of
a tenderfoot on a bucking A
more stable and docile Jumper wan
; made by fastening two or three
i side by side, but these were not con-
as fast travelers as
It is a curious fact, unknown per-
haps to a majority of readers, that
Moses of Scriptural fame was called
by eight different names In various
places In the Bible. the
of called him Moses be-
cause she drew him out of the water.
Ids mother, called him
Saying, had hoped for
Miriam, his sister, called him Jared
i because she had descended after him
Into the water to see what his end
would be. Aaron called his brother
I because his father had de-
i their mother. the fa-
, of Moses, called the boy
because he was again reunited t the
mother of the lad.
the grandfather of Moses,
Called him because God had
repaired the breach in the
Jacob. The nurse of tho grandfather
of Moses called because
be was once hidden three months in
the Tabernacle. All Israel called him
because his days God
heard their cries and rescued them
from their
General Gram always yielded a
sort of whimsical way to his wife's
domination of and bis affairs.
The the household as It
pleased, without much reference to
General Grant's predilections. Once
the railway station in Galena he
called the attention of a friend to a
truckload of trunks ready for shipment
east. you see that he asked.
Is the Grant baggage. Do you
see that little block valise away on
top That's
A t
In the Primitive Methodists of
Issued an edict against Sun-
day courting. They regarded It as so
serious an offense against the dignity
of Sabbath that they actually pass-
ed In solemn and sober earnest the fol-
lowing and autocratic
we do not allow young men and
young women of our society to court
With each other on Sunday; neither do
we allow our single men and women
to walk In the street together, arm in
arm, at any time; neither do we allow
them to stand at street corners chat-
on HI Literary Career.
understand your Son has decided
to go in for
and he's made a splendid start
he went to an auction
morning bought a secondhand
writing desk for only
Standard Times.
you dining anywhere or
hungry you'll be on Fri-
Want or hoard a beautiful
or rich him k I In u u
The prismatic color of shells, scale
of fish, wings of Insects and feather
of birds depend upon the interference
of In Use thin plates that
your enthusiasm to some
people is like holding It under Urn

from 3rd
N. C, June
June 1903.
C. B. H. meets every Thursday
W. J. of Greenville,
was here Sunday.
C. A. Baker is helping C. E.
Bradley behind the counter
night tor Kinston, the home of.
Mrs. Bell
D. Gibb, of Parmele, is here in Mrs. J. D. Cos, and Miss Kate
the interest of the Ayden Lumber Chapman left Thursday
Company, of which he is secretary for Gold to visit Misses Lyda
and treasurer. Mr. Gibb is a and Vivian
true blue Scotchman and has full It as a jolly crowd that went i
faith the ability the Sham-; the excursion Coco-cola is the go, you can find
rock III to lift the cup from this day. About fifty got on at it at C. E. Bradley Co.
side. He is an interesting talker place. A most enjoyable time was Our old friend, J. J. Harrington,
on the subject and anything con- reported. in town Saturday
with the sport of yachting. Geo. S, Wilcox's wagon was up
P. G. James and Leon Tucker, here this morning from away down c- E- Bradley and J. J.
of Greenville, came down about New Bern for a wagon load went on a business trip to
day on legal business. of flues. Mr. Wednesday.
latch String always hangs the a good article is willing to go
Miss Ada ward and Master Fred
outside to these two friends.
Mis. Annie and her
tie daughters, Beulah and Bessie,
Wednesday for Greenville on a
visit to friends and relatives
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
to extra to secure it. , Jones came in Saturday to spend
B. Seal, of Scotland i time with the family
Neck, is spending some days
town. Messrs E. L. Braxton J. J.
orders were from went to Washington j
To those who are doubtful of, our agent at Kinston yesterday Tuesday to attend the meeting of
surrounding territory be-j thirty odd Bandy tobacco trucks the grand Lodge of C. B. H.
the best farming section of the I to go down on the freight. No c- E- Bradly Co., has just
county we say come and see the they were sold to ex- a nice line of new shoes. g
i- I are beautiful, who had just seen the There seems to be a strong more-
E. i. Cox went to Greene county first G. Cox Mfg. Co. against selling whiskey here
Thursday on business. Cox goes to Ayden July 1st. A dry town would B
Ayden the only town la Pitt to All his last engagement as tax mean much good for the place.
lighted by electricity. We liner. He tells us that the rate on The tobacco growers around here
propose now to a graded j real estate has been raised from to be wearing double smiles g
The matter is being to about percent. this week since the weather
signs are very en- J. L. Jackson, of this place, is ed UP and the tobacco is going .
f ., Perfecting an invention for the about stock of carefully selected Groceries, Goods.
The tunning of stock at large on benefit of tobacco carers. It is an to j j
the streets is becoming an arrangement that be claims will Monday to bring his family back E Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings,
able nuisance and ought to be I ring an electric alarm bell if him; his family will spend Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
stopped our town at heat the goes either higher there with him before g and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
N. C.
went so
the excursion.
near Ayden is a full sup
ply of gum for an barrel factory
or lower than you wish it to be. returning.
Richmond It will also indicate visibly at the
shelter where yon stay whether the
heat is too or too low In any
of barns. He also has an
for many years. We ought all automatic damper to help regulate
means to induce some one to locate . the heat.
It is almost as for some
to get their hats the
evening as it is for some men to
get theirs on the next morning.
a factory hen- to work i; up.
In order t young men
at good and steady employ-
must given them, Ii
this is they will not only stay
but o will en me here to live.
Every Bandy truck is a com-
wagon in itself
with no parts to get out of order.
A gentleman from some distance
was here for a set yesterday.
remarked that he bought a
i the better off Heel Wagon from A. G. Cox Mfg.
the ;. men. i he farmer feeds and Co. about fifteen years ago and had
Supplies the factory and the never had a cent's worth re-1
supplies the pairs, adding that if the truck did
t lie motto factory half as well in proportion he would
in Ayden for every hundred lie thoroughly satisfied, lie was
Living at an out way
place, remote from civilization, a
family is often driven to
in case of accident, resulting
He in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers.
Tar etc. Lay a supply of
Salve. It's the best on
a specialty. Flour and feed by the car load.
earth. at Wooten's Drug Store, j
It is often as difficult for a poor
man to find meat for his stomach
as it is for a rich man to a
stomach for his meat.
testimony in great
i. , coming
I . King's New Discovery for
Coughs and Colds t
be A recent
l. J.
ville, serves as example. Hi
had Bronchitis
three years and doctored all tin those taking advantage
rime without being benefited.
Then I taking Dr. King's,
New Discovery, and a few bottles i were
wholly cured with their trip,
in curing all Lung and Throat
Consumption, Pneumonia
and Grip. Guaranteed by L.
Druggist. Trial bottles.
which we do not have the
to witness every day. The
opposing factions with the militia
reminded by us that it was
a chip off the old block.
Miss returned
Wednesday night from Bethel,
where she has been some time.
Mrs. H. M. of Norfolk, i Would quickly leave yon, if you
and little daughters are visiting used Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Mrs. L. L. Kittrell others
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need in borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Thousands of sufferers have prov-
ed their matchless merit for Sick
and Nervous Headaches. They
While the excursion to Rich- pUre built up
was unite attended your health. Only money
of same back if not cured. Sold by
were very fortunate. Those going Wooten's Drug Store.
the car st like made it very
to visit different points of in-
it was itself an occasion
free, regular sizes and
duly lo keep them
things quite lively.
quiet made
It the parent of
Indigestion and all
Rheumatic Symptoms.
The Safest and Surest Remedy known ii
German Liver Powder
not a mixture, but a veritable
scientific translation of one Nature s
innermost II you re
r we will lend you FREE OP
a sample package of German
together with our
pan booklet, which contains authentic
testimonials from patients been
cared by this wonderful Specific. Io not
delay, but send your Ml address at once to
The American Co.
and recommended
I Can anything be worse than to t.
feel that every minute will be
I Such was the experience of
Mrs. S. H. Decatur, Ala.
i three she writes,
endured insufferable pain from
indigestion, stomach and bowel
Death seemed inevitable
doctors and remedies failed.
At length I was induced to try
Electric Bitters and the result was
miraculous. I improved at once
and now I'm completely recovered.
Fore Liver, Kidney, Stomach and
Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is
the only medicine. Only Its
guaranteed by Drug
The trouble with the
Department seems to be that it was
put into the hands of political
managers instead of men of
executive ability. These
in turn put rats and rascals. Is
it therefore to be wondered at that
there has been stealing and
without end t President
made a mistake to give
high office in the department to
a political manager, like Perry
President Roosevelt I
made the same error when he
an even higher office to a
sin manager, one Henry O. Payne.
Asheville Citizen.
Tell a beggar to fill his basket
and he will set up a bowl because
he didn't bring a larger basket.
You should not fail to visit the
New White Front
when in need of
Hot Weather Wearing Apparel.
We are showing beautiful things
in Thin Wash Lawns,
Batiste, Organdies, Mulls, Mercer-
Zephyrs, bray, Percales,
Madras, etc. The White Good
showing includes the season's
choicest offerings.
We say that we are
sorry Mr. Seawell the
flight of those eggs. His conduct
since the kind of man
he Herald.
There is nothing new under the
sun except the methods of express-
old thoughts.
An old bachelor says that woman
is tie only animal afflicted with
the bargain-hunting habit.
is complete with Embroideries,
Laces, Corsets, Handkerchiefs,
Hosiery, Vests, Gloves, etc.
Give us a call and we will please
you at
Perfect Printing at Printing House,
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Faster
Agents wanted in all
unoccupied territory.
Wilson Mfg Co
Atlanta, Ga
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Complimentary German.
The young men of the town gave
a complimentary German in the
opera house Friday night,
to the visiting young
ladies. The following were the
Miss Barnes, of Reidsville, with
J. B.
H. B. Phillips left this morning Miss Lucy Penn, of Reidsville,
for Suffolk. j with D. S. Wilson.
J. F. went to Scotland Mis
Neck today. I ville C. White.
Miss Cherry left this
Miss Eula Cox, of Ayden spent
Friday here.
Burwell Riddick went to Kins
ton Friday evening.
morning for a visit to Hamilton.
R. M. left this morning
for Panacea Springs.
Ex Gov. T. J. Jarvis left Friday
evening for Morehead City.
Mrs. Bettie returned to
Friday evening.
Grant returned today
from a visit in the
Miss Allen with T. A.
Miss White, of Greensboro,,
with J. B. James.
Miss Mabel Warren, of Wilson, j
with F. G. Forbes.
Miss Bessie Patrick with C.
Miss Glenn Forbes with Leslie
Mi.-s Bertha Patrick with I
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is ,, .
Will he re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you in South Green ville of Greensboro.
re living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence Mrs C. E. Stafford two Miss Forbes with
and payment-of arrears with interest. children, of Berkley, Vs., are
second No Restrictions. Incontestable. .
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second of each j c.
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid. , Walter Barnhill, of is
They may be To reduce Premiums, or R
T. J.
t r . i fl Miss Nina James with
Rev. F. G. Hart man left this
afternoon for
Miss Lottie Blow with Harry
Mr. Mrs. Vance Terrell, of slimier Jr.
Wilson, are visiting Mr. Mrs. Miss Alice Blow with
J. W.
To the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Miss Nellie Whaley with
Garden, J. B. Jar-
vis Charlie Home.
White, A, L. Blow and
digests what you
strengthens and sweet-
ens the stomach.
cures indigestion,
and stomach
and bowel troubles.
gastric glands and
gives tone to the digestive organs.
an overworked
stomach o nervous
strain, gives to the heart a full, free
and untrammeled action, nourishes
the nervous and feeds the
that is making so many
sick people and people
strong by giving to their bodies ail of
the nourishment that is contained in
the food they eat.
Tour Can Supply You.
Bottles only. Size holding
the trial size, which
IT, ;.
Mrs. Zeno Moore and son
Harry, returned Friday evening
from a visit to Whitakers.
Misses Bettie and Rosa Hooker of Brick-
returned Friday afternoon from Before leaving town
Seven Springs.
Win. Daniel, of arrived
Friday evening to visit his sister,
Mrs. W. C.
What the People of Charlotte Will Get.
To the Editor of The
The Methodists
and Baptists of Charlotte have
Friday what they want. If they want a
evening, ex-Gov. Jarvis, who is; mayor, they Dominate elect
chairman the board of graded him; if they want a church, they
school trustees, sent us a message build if a graded
that has out school, they build it; if they want
and the school buildings, water works, they have than; if
editor Rob- ,, they want electric, lights, have
, n s a if they want to disfranchise
mum, Drug night here. nave kl
. a. , to Riddick and the they do it; it they want
or business, leaving no craving i ., , T ,. tun or ,
, and physical systems to, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Warren and to be by they elect aldermen whom
A home remedy this morning to visit I October 15th. this is good news they know will grant license,
friends in and The is glad that have just what they want. They
Mrs and two child- it raised the for brick prov it by their works, if
went to Tarboro today for a buildings. continue in the future as they
the past, they will get bell,
,, , not how many churches they
build. R. H. Morse.
n left this to visit relatives; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Allen
I in Hamilton. their daughter, Miss and her
Miss Dora who
been visiting at took Third evening.
i he train here this for
Drum Hill.
uses of disease.
tin I.- . i. because we remove the
prep r physician.
a race trial treatment
On i i with physicians, solicited. Write today.
A Broadway, New York
Mrs. D. D. Gardner child
Courses Literary, Classical, Scientific, Pedagogical, Commercial,
Domestic Science, Manual Music.
Five courses to courses leading to de-
well equipped practice and observation faculty
laundry, tuition and fees for use of text books, etc.,
a year; for non-residents of the state twelfth annual session
to secure board in the dormitories nil free-
tuition applications should be made before July 15th. Correspondence
invited from those desiring competent teachers and for
and other information, address
CHARLES D. President, Greensboro, N. C.
Mid-summer Sale
Prof. H. P. Harding,
of New
schools, came Friday night to
c visit his parents.
The Iowa democrats in their
convention at
by inure than a hundred majority
, to put a plunk platform
the the building and yard .
the Kansas City p it-
Of the eleven members of
the resolutions .-
were gold democrats. Rut the
Dictator at Lincoln still has his
i teem on the skeleton of
Excursionists Return. free silver with a turtle-tight
refuses to let go
were with
lanterns. Many young people;
present the occasion was
one of great pleasure to all.
J. L. Little returned Friday,
g evening from the North Carolina The special train carrying
Banker's Association at Masons and others, from
Friday night reaching Chronicle
Mrs. J. J. and j
laughter, Miss Lizzie, returned
Friday evening from a visit to
Fine Handkerchiefs
We have just received dozen Fine Imported
Lace Embroidered Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs.
They are beautiful, pure material and in the best
taste. Regular and value, but for a few
days only we are offering them at
Ten Cents
Of course you know this a bargain, and will profit
by it
When the Wilson mob planned
white cap Jones pretty
certain that they would get off
with very light punishment or no
at all. Otherwise
here promptly at o'clock.
The cats somewhat crowded
but all had a good The
was easily managed and
there was not the least disorder
Misses Mattie and Penn ally The was charge
Annie Barnes, of Reidsville, a very clever Jones would be alive now.
who have been visiting Miss i conductor.
returned home today, Miss
Allen accompanying them for a Kinston to Morehead.
The Knights of Pythias of Kin-
Mrs. M. A. Whichard, an excursion from
Whichard, spent Friday here with t Morehead
Mrs. D. J. Whichard and The fare the round
home this morning. Miss Essie trip is only If any in
Whichard accompanied her home this section to take advantage
for a visit.
of this cheap trip they can
Kinston the evening before.
go to
Pulley Bowen's
the dyspeptic from
days enable him to eat
he wishes. They prevent
cause the food to assimilate and
the body, give keen
solid muscle. sugar
I Take No Substitute.
That is a ugly
Richmond. How rapidly
the growth of cities is changing
in the Smith
Shook has
Anticipating the operation of the
act his place has been
abolished, but Shook has been
promised equally as
Will he get If so,
and Observer.
Dark Hair
have used Hair Vigor
for a great many years, and
though I am past eighty of
age, yet I have not a gray hair in
Geo. Md.
We mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it's gray now,
no matter; for
Hair Vigor always re-
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it maKes the
hair grow very heavy and
long; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
SI mi a All
if your supply
end ii oho will
y u a bottle. Ho and tin ;.
of your
J. c. co.,

Store opens at a. m. and closes at P m.
does not appreciate big apples, big strawberries,
big, men, big, institutions that
can things The big apple or strawberry has come
to its fullness and goodness because conditions were right
its growth. The big, has lived in I
wholesome atmosphere This stole has thrived because
it sunk its foundations to the sources of vigorous life.
and has upon policies logical
Our merchandise tells the nature of our store, and the
care and skill of those who guided its growth. As ad-
we will make July u record in lo-v
prices, Bead our ads. They will follow in quick
This week we will offer special prices on White Lawns,
Piques and Organdies.
Lawns reduced to
Lawns reduced to
and reduced to
Piques, Black and White, reduced to
Fine dotted Swiss, was and yard, now
Fine French double width, was now
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
Sherwin- Williams paints are recommended by
all who once use them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
W. M. was
town today.
G. Lang returned this morn-
from Kins ton.
G. G. went to
C. L. Hanna went to
Mount today.
Julius Sugg returned to
Saturday evening.
Mrs. H. S. and children
returned Saturday even from a
visit to Tarboro.
W. S. Atkins returned this
morning from a trip to
and Greensboro.
Miss Bertha Savage, Scotland
Neck, is visiting Miss Pattie Cot-
at Capt.
Miss Pattie Cotten has returned
from a visit to Scotland Neck
Vance Terrell, of Wilson, who
was visiting W. R. Parker, re-
turned home this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. T.
left Saturday evening for More-
head City.
Mrs. S. W. Andrews, of
City, arrived Saturday evening to
visit her parents near here.
evening from a trip on the
Miss May Dudley returned
Saturday from a visit to
Elm City.
Miss Olive Daniel, of Dunn,
arrived Saturday evening to visit
her sister, Mrs. W. C. Hines,
West Greenville.
Mrs. M. who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs-
U. L. Smith, left this morning for
Cripple Creek, Col.
D. S. Chapman, of
passed through evening
returning from a visit to
Miss Eva Williams, of Vance-
who was visiting the family
of X. W. Jackson, in South Green-
ville, returned home today.
Mis. F. C. Harding and child
returned from Sunday.
Her sister, Mu-s Martha Harding,
is visiting her.
Mrs. E. M. Williams and
Miss Gertrude, and sou, Earl,
of and Mrs. J. D.
Philadelphia, arrived
Saturday evening to visit Mr. and
Mrs. W. F.
Wheel Threw
Otho Bowling, of
Daily carriers, took
a heavy tumble from his wheel
while crossing the railroad with
his papers Saturday evening. The
wheel lauded on top of him but
he came out of the mix-up with
whole bones.
If you wish to keep cool while cooking try
one of our Perfection Oil Stoves. It is a great
saving in fuel, besides you do not get warm as
you do with the wood stove. We have the Per-
in all from to burners.
is more pleasant, than a
nice, comfortable Hammock to lie on these hot
evenings. We have them from to
Does that heavy hat give you a headache If
so, try one of our light, cool straw hats.
Are your feet hot and tired I Wear a pair of
our low quarter or slippers and feel com-
In our mammoth dry goods department we
have all the new and up-to-date Summer Goods.
Fans, Parasols, Lawns, Dimities, etc. We
have just received another large lot of those
beautiful ladies are so anxious for. We refer
to the
and Antique Laces
Nothing prettier on the market. We carry the
most complete line in Greenville.
Wished 1836.
Incorporated 1903.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main and electric power plant,
Branch shops, Mount,
N. C, mid S. C.
For prices and designs- address Rocky
Mount Office.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M.
Lamp Upset.
There came near being a tire
Sunday night in the home of W.
A. Savage, just southeast of town.
A lamp was turned over
and set fire to the table cover, car-
pet and curtains. It was smothered
out before much damage done.
Barber Shop Moved.
Fleming have moved
their barber shop a little south of
their former stand to the building
occupied by Mrs.
millinery store. They are nicely
arranged in their new quarters.
Fresh Magic Yeast and Henry
Clay at
Flour 1st pat.
Family Flour- -straight
Corn- per bushel
round per lb
Oats- lbs per bushel
Potatoes- sweet
The water in the river is very
high from the effects of the recent
Wholesale and retail Grocer
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Beet Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M.
F. G. Whaley baa moved hi
family to where he
has built a nice home.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Wilson, June jury
in the Jones murder case has
been discharged and a mistrial
declared by Judge Shaw. All is
Injured in Falling Elevator.
Ph., June
persons crowded an
elevator in the establishment of II.
J. Heinz, in Allegheny, were
thrown from the 5th floor this
Sixteen were seriously
injured. The St. George cadets,
of the Bohemian Catholic society,
who were visiting the establish-
with hundreds of others, res-
cued the Injured people.
Said to be Responsible for a
Murder in County.
Washington, N. O., June
In this county, near X
roads last Dave Foreman
was shot through the heart and
killed. Ii in believed that a
crowd who hail been to
a still in county owned by
B. Clark, Jr., and who re-
turned in various stages of
cation, killed Foremen, Two
Narrowly Escaped Drowning.
N. C, Juno
Joseph and family, of
who are at. the
came near being drowned today on
Shoals a quarter of a mile
from this place They were in
bathing when of them, a child,
stepped into deep water and the
others went to the child's rescue.
They were all soon beyond their
depth and great danger of
their lives, us none could
swim. Palmer Davis, a
boatman, who went to save them,
succeeded by good
and heroic effort. All were nearly
exhausted and would have soon
been drowned.
Wreck on Seaboard Air Line in
Richmond, Va., June
engine and two freight cars on the
Seaboard Air line had just crossed
the high bridge across the
river near lyes-
when the abutment pillars
and two of gave
way. The couplings broke and
Raleigh, G.
Chatham, Elkin, and B.
Arendell, of Raleigh, will visit
the various manufacturers of the
state and urge that
be contributed to a fund for a
North Carolina exhibit at St.
next year. The proposition
is to and great con-
is manifested in the
of the This
was determined on yesterday
a conference between Cover-
nor and a number of
prominent citizens.
Roosevelt and Payne Are Cover-
Washington, June
investigation is to be
brought to an end by the
process, and it will tie up to
congress to expose those of
in high up circles,
whom the administration is dis-
posed to leave severely alone on
account of the future political con-
This morning Postmaster Gen-
Payne summoned his four as-
to his private office and
Announced, by order of the
Wilson, N. C. July I-Judge
yesterday ordered the
rest of Policeman
on the charge of criminal
in connection with the
murder of Percy Jones. Bond
was fixed at
Negro Fired Into a Crowded
Trolley Car.
Media, Pa., June per-
were shot and injured in
trolley car between Media and
Chester yesterday. A who
is believed to have been seeking
Parham, Gorman Wright, Jordan, Tyson, Brinkley Hooker and
are Among the Losers-All
Be Rebuilt Immediately.
Deflector, 2nd.
At this morning lire broke
out in tobacco ware-
revenge upon the conductor of the At o'clock, when the
car who recently ejected him, dis- fire had burned itself out,
charged both barrels of a shot gun worth of property had been de-
the car as it passed through a
r st roved.
lonely pan Of me country.
car was the shot com j
the dark roadside, caused ;
a wild panic among the passengers,
most whom were women.
The are the losses and
M. P. Jordan ma-
insurance 1800.
Lees stock insurance,
J. N. and P. H.
v. insurance,
The origin of the lire is a mys
tery. It was first discovered in
warehouse, from which
house, insurance,
dent, that no further the latter were in the I tho I M- M two
bearing on i he arms and The fired M- p- Vs. j residences, insurance.
i factory, three residences on Dick-
avenue and six bodies Alfred two tenant
Little Washington,
completely destroyed.
should be given out. They
were instructed to give nil the
clerks in their respective depart-
the benefit of this
lion, with the further injunction
that any breach of this order will
be followed by summary dismissal.
For weeks James
T O, and other professional
politicians have been urging the
president to bring the
lion to a close, and the whole
thing will now be hushed up.
Ever since Post master General
Payne announced that there would
lie no investigation of
charge against a prominent re-
publican it has been apparent
that this investigation, which
President Roosevelt announced
so much gusto would go from
top to bottom, is not sincere.
It is very likely that Robert J.
Wynne, the former newspaper-
man, who exposed frauds in his
office, will be ousted by the re-
publican rulers.
Riot at an Unveiling.
London, June the
unveiling Ireland, to-
day, of a monument to the rebels
who fell the battle of
in 1798, at which ceremony
Nationalists were present, the lat-
collided with a band of street
preachers, one whom narrowly
escaped death at the hands of the
The house which h. took
was wrecked. Several
hundred policemen were
to charge the Nationalists, and
stones were thrown, batons, freely
used and many persons were in-
ambush and
which ensued
and a store belonging Herbert
Washington, July were also destroyed.
letter from H. W. who is I The lire was the most
now in on business, to a; one ever seen here. All the
friend in this city, it is understood were built of highly
that expresses resentment material and
cars loaded with miscellaneous before the moo was master-
freight fell into the river. The
cars filled the break the bridge
sufficiently to check the caboose,
which were the conductor and
flagman. To this circumstance is
due the fact that no lost of life
occurred. The fast Florida
train went over the bridge
oat ahead of the freight.
The human nose oft comes to
Work is God's ordinance as
truly as prayer.
It is bettor to hold back a truth
than it ungraciously.
against former Postmaster General
Charles Emory Smith, whoso
in yesterday's Philadelphia
Press, in which, among other
things, it was said that Ananias
had a rival, and that hereafter the
crowning comparison of mendacity
will be, lies like a promptly extinguished.
The latter will bring
libel against Smith.
re very
One may be better than his
reputation of his conduct, but
never better than his principles.
The members of a brass baud
should be taught by private
Well, you girls who missed being
June brides will have to wait a
whole year.
Prof. W. H. went to
Wednesday evening to
deliver an address to the
mass meeting held there
last night in the interest of graded
schools for that place.
Miss Katie Tunstall gave an at
home party Wednesday evening
from to lO o'clock
to her guest, Visa Mattie
Phillips, of Refresh-
served. Many of her
people in houses, no insurance.
ill being Joyner tobacco,
The shops insurance
W. O. W. T. Henry Move.-. residence,
Godwin, meal insurance.
Sarah residence;
no insurance.
Herbert store
and insurance,
R. A. Tyson and F. Evans
dry. A breeze from the South Loss,
carried the smoke spark
high the heavens, illuminating Parham A ware-
country for miles. house, Insurance,
fell all over town and several I R. a. Tyson B. S Parham
places far from the seine of the Loss, tobacco,
conflagration caught, but were
W. T. shop,
The fire department wan utterly insurance, Woo.
helpless, on account of lack of W. O. shop,
water, equipment and training. insurance 91.325.
The fire simply burned until it M. store,
reached an open space and then no insurance,
died out. A strong wind would Zeno residence
have swept the tire over every insurance,
thing its path. Jane residence,
When the fire had consumed insurance,
shop and was reaching In addition to the above there is
out to the King House the wind considerable loss of broken, burned
changed and carried the fire across and destroyed furniture. The
Dickinson avenue to houses above losses amount to
pied by Captain Smith, Zeno The fences, stables, furniture
Moore and Mrs. Mellie Harris, I burned will probably bring the
these buildings being quickly ; entire loss up to
licked up by the flames. At the
same time a block of houses Miss Nannie returned
pied by colored people in Little Wednesday evening from a visit
Washington caught tire. From the, to Fremont.
original point of the fire, j Lime of Fremont,
warehouse, it extended to the Wednesday evening to
Warehouse and to M. P. Nannie
prize house. j
era out houses and fences were Misses Nora Smith, of
also destroyed. The flames from who have been
the Jordan house Georgia
to the railroad track, where returned
several freight cars standing. Miss Carrie Mt. Arie,
the log train pulled
little were present they i the cars of danger and ex-
spent a very pleasant evening. I the the tracks.
who has been visiting Miss
Harding, returned home this

Eastern reflector, 30 June 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 30, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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