Eastern reflector, 12 June 1903

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mill II
For Men, Women and Children.
If your Oxford Shoes are not yet provided an early
visit to this store will prevent the necessity of ft hurried
shopping visit some morning when you want to put on
your Oxfords and haven't got them ready.
We are showing a line of Men's, Women's
Children that must be of special interest to you just now.
Children and Misses sizes to and 11.00.
Misses sizes, to TS, and
Women's Oxfords Shoes at of tine quality black
kidskin, made with tips of patent leather or kid skin,
welted oak leather sale, in shapes with the
high arch. Although regularly sold by us at
this price, you will find them unmatched elsewhere
In pattern with medium weight oak-leather
heels in all sizes. Splendid shoes for the
We have the best Oxford made for men at
Quite a variety of different in Shoes
at and
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves,
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor baying an Inferior grade of paint. It.
is economy Id get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use. them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal part heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
Saturday June nth.
C. A. of Tarboro, came I
in Friday evening.
Miss Maud Evans home
Friday evening from Goldsboro.
Foster returned
evening from Lynchburg.
R. L. Humber returned Friday i
evening from Hamilton,
Julius Sugg returned to Kin
Miss Mamie Cox and S. S.
went to Friday
I. Gardner left this morn-
for Bethel.
Miss Clara Jolly, of
visiting Miss
Mm. Draughan left this morn-
for Neck.
K. T. Forbes left this morning
j for Wilson.
Mrs. I. II. went to
on today to visit relatives.
Cox returned Friday
from a week's vacation.
Miss Lena Anderson returned
this morning from
returned Friday
evening from a on tho road.
returned Friday evening from;
Mrs. W. II. Harrington and;
children wont to today to,
visit relatives.
Editor Hunter, of Use
ville spent Friday night
here and left this morning.
Miss Sue House, of House, who.
has been friends town,
returned home this morning.
E. E. Griffin left this afternoon
his family have
boon for some days.
V. Andrews, of Bethel, has
taken ft position with the Atlantic
Line here.
Mies Evans returned
home Friday evening from
been attending
J. of Wilmington,
rived Friday evening lo visit nil
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mrs. Hunter Marshall, and
children, Danville, arrived Fri-
day evening to visit her sister,
Mrs. L.
Location Selected.
The graded building will
be located on the old academy Int.
It is hardly large enough
much play ground, but seems to be
I he best the trustees could do.
Family Flour
Bacon -hog round per
lbs per
Sweet and
There is nothing so purely sweet and tempting
as Fresh, Clean Butter, Eggs and Cheese. They
are certainly sweet and tempting as we buy
them, and most of the well-set tables in the
town give our dairy products a well-deserved
place. You will be pleased if you do likewise.
We have these in all sizes, and it will not pay
you to bother with cleaning the old wooden
beds when you can buy a complete metal one,
Different sizes and styles to select from.
We keep the most Fly Paper on the
to flies. You don't have to
introduce the fly to the paper, either He
knows it is a good thing and wants to got onto
it early in the game. He gets stuck on it.
If It were not for
Policemen and Flies
You would not have to
Wear Pants
but so long as you have to wear them,
why not get them where they grow to
perfection. In other words,
they treat
Special offer to Rural Route Farmers and Mer-
envelopes and sheets of good
paper with your name and address printed for
ONE DOLLAR at Reflector Printing House.
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Great Cotton Mills at Clifton
and Other Places
Swept Away.
Colombia, S. June
of the Blue Ridge u tor-
rent all day on the mill
town in which
A cloudburst it
must have people
no warning. It had been
all day. no danger was
and the working people of
Who keep running more
than one hundred thousand spindles
in three great mills, retired
At Hits morning the
power for those WM in its
normal Mate. hour afterward
the river Had risen thirty feet and
the lone to nod property WM
The bigot mill in the county
of with spindles,
and two other., Clifton
and Dexter, -ere half washed
away. The towering bridge
over w hi el i J lie Rout hem Hallway
from crowd thin
liver, was destroyed. It wan sup-
by granite piers was
considered proof against
But the greatest disaster occur
red in the mill town. Here four
thousand people lived. The water
upon I overfill
houses and away men,
is said to be the
loss, but the and
lied it is Impossible to
get detail. No trains have
rail i town.
There wore many heroic rescues
that early morning hour. Men
risked their Jives to save helpless
ones to floating houses
in flood. In
on hour t he destructive wave had
subsided and t lie re were
hundred homeless people,
a town reduced to idleness, with
no means of making a living, and
two dollars in property
The wave is moving on towards
this city, where it will
tomorrow night.
Fifteen miles south of Clifton
another mill town, mills,
numbers and are situated
on the river. At about
flood reached this town.
The mills were full of operatives
warned by the bones, they
tied and reached placed of safety.
When the great bank of water
struck the mills on of then,
lot No. crumbled. At the same
time the mill dam across the river,
by which horse power- is
supplied, gave way. Upwards the
water climbed and the terrified
people gave around as it increased.
At the height of the flood a boy
was seen floating on a log.
He called tor help, but do help
could go in that cauldron of
muddy water.
An hour after the first mill col-
lapsed the second fell. The
is standing, the engine rooms,
boiler rooms and machine shops
are wrecked. The
church, valued at market,
bat shop and blacksmith shops
have all gone. But greatest
loss outside of the mills themselves
that of all the warehouses
filled with cloth cotton.
There were bales of cotton
bales of cloth lost, over
a quarter of a million dollars
Regarding Railroad Matters
Patience Has Ceased to
be a Virtue.
He Says the Man He Fought So
Bitterly Should Succeed
Dr. Venable.
If the operator who does the re-
porting of trains the dispatcher's
at Tarboro, does lose his
job for the trouble he caused Mon-
day, the railroad officials will fall
short of their duty to the public
a long time now the passenger
trains have never come in on time
and people have been going to the
depot by the sent out of
the expected arrival of the trains.
inaccurate have these re-
ports, causing much trouble
a ii that complaint after
Complaint has been heard and
has taken occasion
more than once to speak about it.
Fur convenience the reports are
sent to two places hereto the
telegraph office down town to
the railroad office at the depot
and people get their information
from whichever point is most
to them. While it is the
duty of the dispatcher to send out
these reports at a reasonable time,
they always have to lie asked for
him to send any at all.
it is Monday's report that
out to speak about here.
report to the down
office said
train was w minute late,
while the depot office was told it
was minutes late The hotel
bus prepared to move by the latter
report. Neither report was correct,
as the t was minutes late,
and when it came the bus had not
left the hotel. As Moore
had Information based on
i report sent to his office, he
felt it was his duty to hold the
train tho passengers could
get there from the hotel. This
was done, yet the baggage of some
them got left. And was all
due to inefficiency and want of
accommodating employees in the
dispatcher's office. The public
have had enough of this kind of
of trouble.
Greenville has
at last punctured the hide of the
Wilson We had thought
John B. Morris, the popular
traveling man, spent Monday in
Greenville, where, as elsewhere,
his friends are legion. He is a
man full of business, yet who can
find time between his interviews
with the merchants to engage with
his friends in conversation on cur-
rent events and topics of the day.
It was during of these periods
that Tn k caught him
amid a group of friends, find-
the conversation l be
the article in Sunday's state pa-
as hi the i ed re-
of President Venable of
the University, and who would
probably be his successor, we pro-
to take note of what was
said, knowing expression
from Mr. Morris would be well
don't know anything about
what President is
to do- -whether he intends to slay
at of North Caro-
or resign and go to the
University of Virginia. In fact,
I barely know President Venable
except by eight. To be plain, I'm
so poorly educated and have had
so little to do with schools that. I
am wisely along the
way of learning in North
and, at this time, I he of
lightning from our electric
educational boom, feel like a
mill sardine at a convention of
Here someone in the crowd said,
is favor of Matt Han-
for the presidency of the
University. He's in of old
Matt for anything and every-
I'm favor of Ransom
for anything ho wants in this
world, or the next, don't
of you forget cried Morris.
to be
president of the University. His
at the was
satisfied when he and Pettigrew
the famous of the
away the highest
honors for scholarship ever con-
by the institution prior to
the war between the states. Ran-
is busy planting late corn and
covering with his foot. I hope
the Lord will shoo the worms
and make each stalk to have ten
ears. Am I for him politically,
Of lam. I would be
in favor of returning him to the
senate If he were a hundred and
If there were no word
fail some dishonest man would years old and had to be toted,
it invent.
I any year tun nail lo De
j and fed through a
if Mr. Venable resigns, I
am in favor of Gov. Jarvis, of this
town, for the presidency of the
said Morris, to the
astonishment of those who listened,
for each knew how Morris had
fought Gov. ambition to be
the United States sen-
ate, i Mr. Morris had not only made
ti his business apparently to come
to Greenville, the home of Gov.
Jarvis, and boldly talk against the
Governor to the friends
but lie was his name to
articles in
the west and it was known to the
supporters of Gov. Jarvis that he
was furnishing
matter to two newspapers east-
t h Carolina.
want to put what I'm
saying in your newspaper, do you
Well, now you put up that pencil
and throw that pad away. You
are leading me to a point where I
am confronting real seriousness,
if you want to print what I
say let me take my pencil
give me some
Then Mr. Morris walked in
with the editor to The
office, and wrote as
I opposed Gov. Jarvis.
He did not stand for what I, as a
democrat, believed from an econ-
standpoint. I was, however,
with an exceedingly minute
microscopic democratic minority,
while the Governor in
the longer and more demonstrative
I fought in
the but especially did I do
so on these streets, here at bis
home. But not withstanding my
view of his political attitude and
. against
my friend, Thomas is a
of superb chancier, a North
I Carolinian of singular patriotism,
and of superior executive talent,
and today. am sure that I and
many of my intimates
mated the abilities and patriotism
of the man.
has been a Commoner his
state, and both lieutenant governor
and governor, United Slates
I tor and foreign minister. So far
uh this world's civic honors may
j adorn n life Jarvis has been
eminently distinguished, the
University be led to
presidency, would share In
e of its executive head.
has more learning than
had Gov. Swain, who, as ruler
over domain of the classic Hill,
was the Pericles of the
University. He is an alumnus of
Randolph and worthy
and painstaking pupil of that in-
far as I know there have
been any dramatic features
the federal head of the
of Carolina, but the
elevation of to the
would be an assurance, so
far as the University executive
might be representative, against
under gown and cap.
the present scholarly
and efficient president resign, bis
should be a man whose
name is masterful over the
men and women who breed our
boys surely he should be a
North Carolinian, and indeed, one
whose life, as does the life of Jarvis,
the vital civic and
If the Investigation is Not White-
washed Somebody May
Get in Jail.
Washington, fed-
grand jury has found true bills
the in con-
with the alleged offering
of A. W. former
superintendent of free delivery, of
the post office department. This
action as taken, it is learned, on
the same day that Mr.
was indicted. The delay in
the indictments has been
due to the fact that they could
not be prepared for presentation
before today.
The Graft are the owners of the
j patent mail fasteners from the
of which to the government
is said to have profiled,
through collusion with the
to the extent of in the past
three years, ;, it i said,
collected front them
on all moneys re
by from the government.
The grand jury will at once take
ease of James N. form-
assistant attorney general for
the post office department,
was as a result of the
rifling of the safe bis office.
Although opening of the safe
was not done by Mr. per-
it is said that he was con-
with the act in snob a way
as to compel the laying of case
before tho jury its action.
If found necessary the full power
of government will be excited
to uncover in the post
office department. This was
brought to light this morning by
the discovery of means where-
by evidence of was secured
against and his
in the free delivery division.
A national bank examiner followed
up the work by the
tors. These chased the clues to
the doors of certain banks. They
then bad to stop. But the inquiry
did not rest for long. Treasury
department officials were consulted
with the result that bank
were ordered to go into and
examine the books and the vaults,
Thus, documentary evidence was
Potato Market.
New York, to
Boston, to
Newark, to
Washington, to
Continued on 8th page.
Envelopes were in

, I
The Christian church was a
scene of attraction and much in-j
Sunday night when the
opening march of the children's j
day exercises was played and the
children in from the vs-
singing the Gospel
Light Shine Following
the program which was well
rendered and heard by a large and
attentive audience who
ed it very
Organ Palm
by Miss Mary
Opening So the Gospel
Light Shine
Scripture Rev. W.
B. Powell.
Song by t he
Miss Agnes Spain.
by school.
Recital Gem of
by nine children
Song by
Marching song and a
select number of children.
Exercise by eight
Song by you
Shine for
Motion Recitation by
by Miss Mamie Ruth
by are we
doing for
Earnest by
Miss Nannie Johnson.
and by
Misses Agues Spain and Mamie
Ruth joining in
the chorus.
by school.
The collection amounted to
If your food does not do
you much good. Dyspepsia
Cure is the remedy every one
should take when there is
thing wrong with the stomach.
There is no way to maintain the
health and strength of mind and
body except by nourishment. There
is no way to nourish except through
the stomach. The stomach must
be kept healthy, pure and
or the strength will let down and
disease will set up. No appetite,
loss of strength, nervousness, head-
ache, constipation, bad
sour risings, lifting, indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
are quickly cured by the use of,
Cure. Sold by
John L.
usually denotes a has
been, but an exhorter is one who
is still at.
E. C. DeWitt Co. i- the name I
of the who the genuine I
Witch Hazel Salve DeWitt's is
Witch Hazel Salve that heals
Without leaving a scar. It
serious mistake to use any other.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
blind, bleeding, itching and pro-j
trading s, bums, bruises,
eczema and all skin diseases. Sold
by John L. Wooten.
All ladies and children who tan-
not stand shocking strain of
laxative syrups, cathartics, etc.,
are invited to try the famous
little Early Risers. They are
different from all other pills.
They do not purge the system.
Even a double dose will not gripe,
weaken or many people
call them the Easy Pill, W. H.
Howell, Houston, Tex , says
better can for
headache, etc. Bob
Moore, Lafayette, Ind., says all
others gripe and sicken, while
DeWitt's Little do
their work well and easy. Sold
L. Wooten.
To get prompt attention all mail orders should be addressed to
The Seasons
Supreme Event
Summer Millinery as beautiful as fingers filled
with magic can make it. Dress and Ready-to
wear Hats for and Children.
Dress Goods and
All the new weaves in all colors and
WHITEWASH percent,
reduction on all former prices.
Slippers and are made
by Ziegler Bros. Comfort, Style and Quality.
Just new and complete line of
and New Styles. Prices low.
Shoes for Men
All the new lasts. Ask to see them If
you would be well dressed.
For Ladies, Children and Babies. Drop Stitch,
Colors and White.
A CUT on all former prices of hot weather
Clothing for Men, Boys and Children.
Baby Carriages and
and best line to select from.
All Furniture Reduced.
Bargain Column
Cash Buyers Only
Clark's N. T. Spool Cotton,
Sea Island ins. wide,
Best Light Calico,
Printed Lawns and Organdies,
1-2 and c. quality, while they
last, cents per yard.
Steel Rod Umbrellas, worth and
c. only
pairs of and Sam-
Shoes at Factory Prices.
Knee Pants, only pair
Men's and Sample Straw
Hats at New York cost.
Toilet Soap, big value, cakes for
cents cash.
White Envelopes, per pack
Good Needles, per paper,
Ladies Vests, only
Linen Towels, extra size,
Patterns, and cents.
Tuckers Big Summer Sale
is now in full blast. We arc doing the Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods business of the
town, and our customers come from far and near. WHY Because they have formed the
in doubt go to it means good clothes on their backs
and more money in their pockets. It will mean the same thing to you if you get into the
Begin now, the sooner the better.
Men's and Youth's
Summer Garments.
Hot weather is here and we are better
pared than ever to supply your Summer
Clothing wants. Crashes and Flannels,
light weights, choicest shades and color-
well made and extra strong in all
vital parts, tailored so as to give the fit
and retain the shape-
Blue Serge Suits
Nothing cooler than these and you will
be surprised at their remarkable style and
comfort, and the extremely low prices.
The fabrics are staunch and the weaves are
the best. See them before buying.
Monday June 8th.
A. M. went to Ayden
Saturday evening.
O. L returned Saturday
evening Raleigh.
W. K. Parker has been sick the
past week.
Fred of Ayden, spent
I Saturday here.
Miss Nora Johnson left this
morning for Scotland Neck.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. James,
Bethel, were here today.
J. W. Higgs left this afternoon
for Seven Springs.
John B. Morris, the most
drummer in the state, was in
town today.
Misses Irina Cobb and Nell
Skinner left this to attend
house parties at Henderson and
Miss Mattie Ring gave a
most enjoyable party Monday
night, at which a number of
her little friends were present.
Prof, and Mrs. Lineberry
and Misses Bertha Dawson and
Cox, of Winterville, passed
through this morning Wrights-
ville to attend
the as-
of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses last week to the
Charles Carson and Cam-
E. C. E- and Hattie Nichols,
arrived this morning to visit Cannon and Stokes
and Mrs. J. J. Cherry. James F. Lynch and Susan P. A.
Miss Mattie King return-
ed this morning from a visit to
and Kinston.
Shirts, Collars, Ties, Suspenders, Underwear, Straw Hats, Oxfords,
and everything else in Summer wearables and
you need never expect to buy first class goods cheaper than at
A. E. Tucker Co.
Henry and Viola Fleming.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dupree and George Ann
this on a pleasure trip
Mormons Ordered to Leave Prussia.
Miss Jessie Sugg, of Kinston, Berlin, J. Can-
armed Saturday evening from ,
to visit relatives. ; Germany, his wife and
Miss Minnie of assistants were ordered by the
is visiting Misses police today to leave Prussian
Carrie and Maggie Brown. within three weeks. Similar
are about to be served by
the local authorities on GO other
It is quite unusual to serve the
B. of Sanford, who wives of Mormon with
has been a few days, left this a Mr. Cannon has
morning. only been here a month. No ex-
Mrs. M. F. Latham, of was given for action
arrived Saturday to visit taken, except that the presence of
friends. the Mormons was undesirable to
the police.
Mr. Cannon will move his head-
quarters to Switzerland.
District Attorney Harry Skinner
home Saturday evening
By virtue of a of the
court of Pitt county, on the
38th day of May, a certain
special proceeding therein pending,
entitled M. Willis, administrator
f James Tingle, against Elfie Willis
Lydia I will, on Monday,
June 22nd, sell at politic sale be-
tore the court house door in Green-
ville, to the higher bidder for cash
the following real estate
One piece parcel of lead lying in
Creek township, laying on south
the lands of Willis
Tingle, containing
moos or less.
on other piece in the -same
the above
and acres more or teas.
of May, 1903.
of James
.- Blow, Attorney.
Pitt county.
H. T. Murphy and
W. J. Trips. I
By virtue of an order made by I.
C Moore, Clerk Superior Court in a
iii special proceeding entitled as
above, i will on the 8th day
of July, expose public safe
before the court house door in Green-
ville to the highest bidder for cash
the following described property
to One parcel of land lying and
being In township,
county, adjoining the land of J. It.
the Leo Tripp lands and
Henry Tripp lands acres
more or loss and known as the
land. Said sale is made for
This 3rd day of June,
State OF
Pitt county.
R. A. Nichols, of Pitt county, North
enters and claims the
following tract, piece or parcel of land
in the said and state, in Beaver
Dam township, and described as fol-
Adjoining the lauds of Jeremiah
Nichols and the heirs of Win. Man-
on the north, J. w. Smith and
W. A. Nichols on the south, Alfred
Nichols on the west and Jas. L. Elks
us the flames on the
of Tar river,
east side of Little creek
and on the south aide of Heaver Dam
swamp, containing thirty acres,
more or less.
Any person or persons claiming
title tor Interest in the above de-
scribed land, tile their protest in
writing with me issuing of
a warrant, within thirty days from
the date hereof, or they will be barred.
Entry Pitt
N. C.
II. A. Blow, Deputy.
Rev Charles K. of
New York, preached here Sunday ,
morning and night in the
church and left, this afternoon for
Ayden, where he will hold a
Tuesday, June 9th.
B. T. Forbes return
from Wilson
lie has engaged a house there.
No protest, has been made against
the expulsion of the Mormons.
Craps and .
About o'clock
Whichard. N. O.
i model, or photo of invention for I
J. V. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
W H A I fl of was a row in the colored
l I . V J I Monday evening. quarter of West be-
J. K. Si ill key returned to supposedly
today. over H game of craps. When
Mrs J. A. Lang and little sou of went out to
morning for he found Will
from a bullet wound in
of was j neck. Moses Dixon was
ere charged with the shooting and he
Henry Harris, of timid, arrested and placed in jail.
today with w. k. Parker
Mia Delia Evans and Maggie
frills round
the neck was considered highly
Mrs. returned. if not positively
Monday evening from a visit Beth-
The Stock complete in every
prices a low as
lowest. Highest, market price
paid for con produce.
Mrs. William Fountain
Monday evening from n visit to
Elm City.
i free report
i Patents
took, I
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Steamer It. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
ate a. m for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday, j
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, I
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and tor
all points for the West with rail-
I roads at Norfolk.
I Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
J. J.
Greenville, N. O.
J. E.
Washington, N. O
I have used your Vigor
for rive years and am greatly
pleased with it. It certainly re-
stores the original color to
Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
and it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon It
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
Two Trains Needed Here.
The A. N. railroad is
now running double daily
trains through from Goldsboro
to City. Pity but what
the Atlantic Coast Line could take
as much interest in its patrons and
do something like that on this
Mayor's Court.
Mayor II. W Whedbee has dis-
posed of the following cases since
Henry assault with deadly
l bound over to Superior
Charlie Bell and Will Banks,
I assault with deadly weapon, bound
over to Superior court.
I Louis Smith, drunk and
and cost,
If drugs-lit cannot
Mud on dollar sad w.
J. C CO.,
It is not the intention of the
law to punish a man before he is
convicted nor disposition
the courts to do it afterwards.
Durham Herald.

Editor and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising- rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post in Pitt and adjoining counties.
to fiction
latest news from Colombia
dated Jane 1st and announced
If you would know what sort order had been
businessmen there are in evolution was over.
look over the advertising was long time
of this paper. In a town for P to rein in
about inhabitants The Daily
There is probably another
Reflector carries from to in Um
columns of advertisements, and
publishes the largest yearly ad
of daily paper in the slate.
C. T. is regarded as one
That country is too unstable for
our government to risk its million
of dollars on building the Panama
canal unless it is given authority
of the shrewdest businessmen i over a large area bordering the
I North Carolina. He his good canal says
It is said that President Venable is contemplating resign- for that 4-column the Wilmington Messenger. With
his position at the head of the University of North do it if it didn't pay republican
to accept the presidency of the University of Virginia. If The who in who can doubt
this rumor is The desires to name ex-Gov- what they do and do what they that we would find it necessary to
Thomas J. Jarvis as successor of Dr. Venable.
Ex-Governor Jarvis is North Carolina's leader in the matter of
education, and no man in the State could carry more ability,
more honor and more enthusiasm to the university than lie.
The stilt honor itself no more highly than by placing
him at the head of its leading educational institution.
advertise are Ricks Wilkinson, Colombia on to the end of
In Raleigh things gubernatorial
are warming up considerably. Sir
gentlemen are understood to
aspirants. They are John S.
Theodore F. Davidson,
R. A. R. B. Glenn,
Charles M. Steadman and Lieut-
Wilfred D. Turner. There
has been some mention of Locke
Craig, A. W. Graham, C. B. Wat-
son and J. S. Carr, nothing
that is regarded as a positive in-
of their intentions has
been said or done. Of course the
nominee of the state convention
will be there is no dearth
of candidates.
The effect of the Watts bill on
the governorship is being more or
less seriously We don't
believe it will have any effect at all.
We are more taxed by our idleness, pride
and folly than we are taxed by government.
Th tax assessors listers are officials who have duties
of great public importance to perform, and they should be met
in a spirit of cooperation and assistance. It is human nature,
we suppose, to cherish some little desire to escape
trait which revolts to from our savage forbears, perhaps j world, and whatever they
so long as we must pay, it is a far better example to do so, to do they will do.
Frank Wilson, Pulley Bowen, our skirts, just to make her be-
J. B. Cherry Co., C. Forbes, have
J. F. Davenport, W. J Thigpen, i
A. H. Taft Co., B.
Bro., A. E. Tucker Co., the I laid The man who is most popular and
Bank of Greenville. Greenville in a highly h friends will be
Banking and Trust Company, Ba- A of and elected, not a dozen
Hart J R Corey, D. W. men the pres-; in a hundred will even think
H. M. Johnston of white Watts bill.
J. B. White and many the and, we
line of
The Wilmington Star
have never doubted the
of the Confederate
others whose ads can readily be to
, . , . I with him. Just what
found in these pages.
,. a . . argument was used is stated.
These are the very cream ,
. . . but whether it was the mild and i more than we have
of the business life of Greenville., the righteousness of the
show their confidence in their. or consisted of files Ch. religion. Believing with
w. Wilmington papers of a few our the
for which the South
years ago, it was effective, as j all the evils of
Parmele has withdrawn his con-
claims by publishing them to the
In many respects Greenville is
the best business town in the state,
before another year goes by
we will be ahead of towns
with the union
recommended its dissolution.
gracefully and cheerfully, remembering that the list takers and
assessors are in no wise responsible for the law.
equal sharing of
the very essence of civilization. When a man pays taxes he pays
for the of the law, for protection against encroach-
upon his rights, for the education of his children, the
improvements of the age and the continuity of orderly and wise
government. To receive these benefits without paying for
them would be to degrade and debase them, because what is
not paid for in some way is rarely appreciated and never worth
as much as if some of money, privilege, love or municipal necessities
paid for it. One thing is certain, no town tn other hand it seems that the
Too many are prone to rail against taxation in general, go backward if it such cotton acreage has been somewhat
when unequal and therefore unjust taxation is that which live progressive business men reduced, while the condition of
we cannot say and will never say
that we are glad our noble cause
That is looking backward a long
Cotton up, tobacco down, seems time brother, but every word of it
that have far advantages. to he tn present outlook. It finds an echo our heart
We hope we are going to have an certain that the tobacco hearts of all true Southerners.
other and we know we acreage has been
are going to have electric lights, J and that there is not j So long as the people of
works other modem to he enough competition tolerate Quay and his crew
buyers to main high prices. On of jut so long should they
suffer such things as the press
They voted for that sort
of thing ought to have it.
should be condemned. Many who hate to be taxed by the gov- is proud to claim,
eminent daily lay upon themselves a tax far more heavy and j ,
the crop is far below the cm-re-
period of last year. It is The owl considered a bird of
great wisdom. This comes from
grievous to he borne. They tax themselves chance,. detail regarding flood estimated that by the time new that he says nothing and
for vainglorious finery, for pomp and show and admiration, for .,,. cotton conies the market supply sticks to Sun.
; Kansas other Western
cities is as
will have been worked
Spring water is selling for higher thing or anything else.
liquor, cards and selfish appetites. No protest is entered;
against this form of taxation, but the assessors and list takers
do Sometimes catch the devil. prices than at
Therefore go ye into the temple, and there make public fa hauled for a dollar per
declaration of all goods and chattels of whatsoever nature
which the state hath set a tax, and the same pay into the com- j
treasury, that ye may be good and worthy citizens of the
supply i
up, thus
Wrong. The owl can't say no-
glad to learn the
Winston Salem Sentinel that Cap-
R. B. Glenn will not be a
candidate against W. W.
Kitchen for the congressional
nomination. Why the minor
should have been started is hard
to see. Kitchen has made a
that North Carolina may well feel
proud of, and Captain Glenn is
surely not the to seek to
deprive him of his honor We
hope to see Captain Glenn enter
the gubernatorial race, and feel
sure he will find there his swiftest
is Georgia, forest
fires in New York, cloudburst's in
South Carolina, feuds in Kentucky
the state that hasn't had some
great calamity to contend with is
more than says the
Greensboro Telegram. And
Blackburn in North Carolina.
the rascal is all
right if they are turned out of of-
and into jail.
A famine threatens the
pines. Our imperial republican
government will see to it that
benevolent assimilation not
hampered by indigestion.
doubt the president feels
Water has sold on the- , that he has the nomination and
of Chicago, Cincinnati, Si.; said Mr. Tim- j Section mortgaged, he can
Louis, Kansas City other citizen. lake R
cities the above price from Cairo, j ., .
years. the man who goes up; where was No doubt the people at
against Mississippi, or Mis- of In- j are getting huge wads
river water for dependent Insatiable Order j of satisfaction out of the troubles
bathing purposes will think the j Veterans. What's; of the crooked
i price quoted for spring water iV ask By
ridiculously j mother's g the past ear the Char-
. son of them veterans is of j waterworks pumped
one North Carolina broken because they j gallons of water. How those
A 81,600-a-year clerk in
department has built and i,., ,. . . , . ,
. , . , u credited a clipping from a PU Andy leg people do wash
paid for several rows of houses in , t , . .
Greensboro paper to The Re- inches further out
another credited a clip-;
ping from The Reflector to the
Kinston Free Press, another
credited a clipping from The Re-
various parts of Washington. And
you know he will never see the
inside of a jail.
Theodore is not making as much
noise as he did a few weeks back.
to a South Carolina pa-
in. , I per, and one or two just stole
Can it be that the great American j v J i afterwards seen with a ten-dollar
matter outright. We don't claim
. ,. . .,, . . bill and may have had says
that the Watts bill is responsible L. .
. . , Webster's Weekly. Carry the news
for the somewhat mixed condition .-.
to J. Shirt trout Morgan.
It doesn't seem to be a very
to be arrested for post-
tramp, who claimed to be a frauds. We note that none
printer, applied at the Weekly ; men who have
pried off the department
are in jail.
office for assistance the other day,
which was given him. He was
public has been dealt tired
Most anybody can a good but it looks like some-
character, but they couldn't do it j body has been looking upon the
All this wealth
I knew a fellow once that had a horse
That trotted at a very merry
he was very sad at heart
He had no whip.
if they were required to find some-
body to vouch for the person by
whom their character is proven.
Macon county votes for
education. It is a pity that
Macon couldn't settle it for
other counties.
corn licker when it was
possession of one man.
sumptuous wealth Arrogant
With fires in Vive la pork-
the North and terrible
and floods in the South and West,
the country has had more than its
share of disasters in the last
If Judge Clark keeps tip his
record for saying nothing he will
j finally land in the Cleveland class
in I knew a fellow once that found a
But he was not content with it, of
For after that he wished and wished
and wished
He had a horse
Now, if the two had and made a
Each would have got the thing he
so desired;
neither would have been quite
satisfied H
Which makes me tired
Baltimore News.
Mens Negligee
S hi
A superb collection of
stylish Summer Shirts, from one
of the best known makers in the
land. They are made, for the
most part, of madras and per-
in handsome woven and
printed patterns. Fronts are
plain op plaited; cuffs are at-
and detached. All the
patterns are new
a collection from which par-
and tasteful men men can
choose with immense satisfaction.
Nowhere will be found a wider
variety of choice and handsome
Shirts, that can be found right
here now. See for yourself.
That our customers are the best
satisfied people in Greenville and
Pitt county. They have learned
that they can come to us when in
doubt and trust us to treat them
right. That confidence has never
-been, violated at r;
The Home of Women's
Reduction Sale of
Summer Pants.
The Fine Line of Pants we have been carrying in stock at
and dollars are now offered at the , ,
for each pair, regardless of former price. These are strictly
all-wool goods, finely tailored and in the very latest style.
We have a large stock and can surely fit and please you.
In addressing, from the platform
of the Mormon Temple at Salt Lake
j City, his honored fellow-citizens,
President Roosevelt referred to
their ancestors as
I who had done so in
settling the Territory. Joseph
Smith and his gang were not
to hurt. They were driven
to Utah because of their home de-
I Pioneers Shades of Boone
j defend Chronicle.
According to Mr. Roosevelt the
I millennium is about to come upon
us. He says every man this
shall a square deal.
country or in any other they
never will until Gabriel blows his
A large number of rural routes
; will lie cut off, and although the
north has two routes to our it
is announced that one-third in the
south in the north
will be However,
this may not be a hardship, as we
I always expect the little of it in
J the master of federal
I ham Herald.
The substance of a recent de-
. of the Supreme Court
; to be that the Constitution stops
at all flag stations. Wilmington
i Two more men have been arrest-
ed as a result of the post office in-
Whenever the in-
is over, and all the
bonus clipped off, perhaps
hunters will not so numerous.
Q Telegram.
Republicans in the eighth
district of North Carolina
must think there is a show for their
; party next year, judging by the
; scramble among t leaders he
j nomination.
Either the editor of the Wilson
I News is of the biggest liars in
the state or else he l-as one of the
most outrageously printers
I in North Carolina, are in-
to the
According to the law
were releasing Mr.
Hay wood on but if the law is
followed to the letter to the end of
the case it will be a sorry day for
Mr. Hay
It is incredible after
reading the awful destruction
caused in so many places by the
wild rushing of waters, to read
that a water famine is seriously
feared in New York. Such is the
diversity of a great
Dull season yon say in the sum-
mer lime. Ii need not be. Ad-
is a sure cure. Try it.
If you are you will begin
right now. Sun.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
up Our Claims for
Fact U a Tonic and not
a stimulant.
Fact vitalizes and lends
permanent vigor to the entire
human system.
Fact not a drug, but
a normal, scientific cur
Jill Malarial Complaints
Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
It the and positively
bite ell tendency to depression or low spirits,
women troubles peculiar to their are
restored to perfect health. Your will
cheerfully add testimony to ours.
TRY IT-Our Guarantee noes
With every
N. C, June
Prof, and Mrs. O. E. Lineberry,
, with little Ruth, also Misses Ber-
, and Cox, left
, yesterday morning for Wrights-
ville Beach. Part of them will at-
tend the Teacher's Institute at
that place.
H. M. of Norfolk,
, in yesterday.
Seventy-five Handy Tobacco
I Trucks just shipped by A. G. Cox
t Mfg. Co. to the same party
three consecutive j
. How's The handiest, cheap-
and most durable
tobacco truck, must go, will go and
t going.
Rev. W. E. Cox, of Greenville,
was here yesterday.
D. S. Chapman left Monday for
his old home at to
spent several days.
Tobacco flues to be right must
be made right, out of the right
kind of material and sold at the
right price. This is the kind
made in Winterville, you know
who by. well as quality
Miss Clyde Dawson,
came up yesterday morning. She
will be with us through the sum-
Monday seemed to be day of
accident here, although none of
them were very serious. About
the time the machinery was
ed up at the factory Enos I
one of the employees, was try
to throw the belt on one of the rip
saws. The belt became tangled
in some way and snatched the saw
table clear of the floor and toward
the shaft in an instant, knocking I
Enos, who was standing in front
I of it, down and badly bruising
his left arm. The wound bled
very freely but is not likely to
keep him work many days.
Had it not been for the prompt-
of G. R. Dixon in shutting
off the engine, which he did
most instantly, there might have
been much damage done. A little
I latter in the day Mr. Joe Willis,
of Greenville, who had come here
, to mill, in attempting to go in the
I stall to his mule, received a severe
kick, badly skinning his leg and
disabling him for awhile. Sever-
other insignificant accidents
Mr. Babcock, of Richmond, was
; in town yesterday looking after j
scrap iron.
The 7-year old child of John j
Baird, colored, which we reported
M seriously burned last Tuesday,
died Thursday night.
width row suits Handy
Trucks and Handy Trucks suit any .
size men, and children. A
is left standing at the barn
all the time while others are gone
back to the field for a load.
Rev. Mr. Griffith, of Kinston,
was registered at Hotel Cox
We were glad to welcome F. G.
of Ayden, Sunday.
Miss Bertha Dawson went to
Ayden Sunday afternoon, return-
Monday morning.
A Train of Serious Results Attending II c
Use of Telephone No. in
To the Editor of The Charlotte
For benefit of those persons
who do not regard the number
as unlucky, the following is given
for what it is About two
years ago a telephone exchange
was established in the town of
Albemarle. Number was given
to a private residence there, in
less than two time one of
the children of the household was
a corpse. The telephone was re-
moved and number given to a
large mercantile firm in the same
town. One of the of the
stout, healthy person, began
ailing soon afterwards. He did
not seem to be seriously ill, but
one Sabbath evening soon after-
ward, his spirit forsook its mud-
walled cottage of clay and flew to
worlds unknown. The surviving
member of the firm was very soon
thereafter prostrated with an
attack of typhoid fever, lasting
many week. For days
was in unconscious state and
life hung by a single thread.
When finally he did recover he
had the unlucky phone removed
This number was then
given to a lady at her residence.
Her daughter, knowing of the
above facts, refused to have it and
it only remained there a half a
day Soon thereafter Messrs. R.
L. Sibley Co., who operate a
machine shop and woodworking
plant, contracted for a phone and
were given the fateful In two
weeks time their plant caught
fire but the fire was
Predictions were freely made by
the superstitious that the
would yet burn or that
serious would befall the
W e read today's Observer that
on last their was de-
entailing a loss of
It is to be hoped that the unlucky
perished the flamed
and that it will never again darken
the homes or business houses of
any of the citizens of progressive
The above ate facts and are
given for the benefit of those who
pin their faith to and are not,
like me
N. C, June 1903.
The Slate Military.
Raleigh N. June
United States war department
has notified Governor Aycock that
the allotments of military fund
to North Carolina for the fiscal
year July 1st, is
It is said at military
to be practically certain that
there will be encampments this
year, and that these will be by
regiments. Plans are not set-
The state appropriation is
but this is all re-
quired for rents and insurance.
The first ascension was
made in 1783.
Omnibuses first appeared in
New York in 1830.
The growth of the temperance
movement this state is certain-
great, this shown by the fact;
that the sale of liquor is not per-
save There
are dispensaries bow in opera-
state. In one entire;
congressional district no liquor is I
allowed to be
Charlotte Observer.
The first was run in
this country in 1820.
The first watches were made at
Nuremberg in 1477.
light purse Is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER is the scat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
fake No Substitute.

Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the beet way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
a. W
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
stock of car selected Groceries, Dry Goods,
Proceedings of the Commissioners.
At last meeting of the board
of county commissioners all the
member.- were present.
The payments from the treasury
amounted as follows. For paupers
county home 0173.67;
bridges and ferry 0886.77; lumber
jail court house
witness tickets 988.41; jury tickets
court crier court cost
813.80; Clerk Superior court
conveying prisoners
election 027.72; printing and
95.80; Register of Deeds
commissioners stock j
law territory 688.40.
Robert Harris, pauper, was sent;
to county home. Abram Dunn.
pauper, allowance reduced to
per month, Horton increase
per mouth Ellis to E
John S. Gardner was exempted E
from poll tax for 1902. M
to. Boss and J. B. Gray were IS
appointed list takers and assessors
in Carolina township, in place of at
H. K. Gray and J. L. Robertson,
. , -v S N. c
he sheriff made report of
laid out a public road in Con-
tent i township as instructed at
a. previous meeting of the board.
Petitions for two other roads in g Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.
were present Country Produce bought old. Fresh Butter, Eggs
ed. One is to begin at a point on and Family Supplies constantly on band. Country trade g
the Ta, road at the coiner of H. E. B a an by the K ad.
Kills fence near the public school s
house tor white race, to a point on
the road leading from Hancock's
Church to Greenville by way V fill Cf,
Winterville. The other from a
point on the
now Hill
and Snow Hill road near the res-.
of W J. to I
and Hill road
neat Bethany church.
The sheriff was directed to
off a in township
and Black
roan in the main road leading from
Galloway's cross roads towards
the r of M. Cox.
The tax levy the year was
made as follows. General tax
on each
tax cents. Poll tax
cents, special cents. Schedule i
as State tax except in case
of c which no county
tax is levied.
stock law territory, ban
i- mi each valuation.
Ml the old stock law territories
the same as hist year,
cents on each valuation.
Fresh testimony in great
i constantly coming in,
Dr. King's New for
Coughs and Colds to
lie A recent
from T. J.
ville, Va serves as example. He
had Bronchi for
three years and doctored sill the
time without being benefited.
Then I taking Dr. King's
New Discovery, and a few
wholly cured Equally
all Lung and Throat
troubles, Consumption,
and Grip. Guaranteed by Jno. L.
Wooten Druggist. Trial bottles
free, regular sizes and
At New Kent, England,
a set of ancient stocks has
discovered a cellar of com
Living at an out of the way
place, remote from civilization, a
family is driven to
of accident, resulting I
in Bums, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, . every Sun
etc. Lay a supply of
every Bum
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Bun
lay, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
H. M. Eure, pastor. Sunday school
a. m. L. H. Pender,
Presbyterian Services 1st,
and 5th Sundays, morning
and evening. Mid week service
every Wednesday evening. Rev.
F. G. Hartman, pastor. Sunday
school a. m. F. L. Walker,
W. E. Cox,
Morning and evening
with sermon every 1st and
3rd Sunday. Sunday school
a. m., W. B. Brown, superintend-
Litany every Wednesday
Salve. It's the best on
earth. at Wooten's Drug Store.
The total of bequests gifts
made 1902 to educational and
other institutions in country-
Would quickly you, if you
used Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Thousands of sufferers have prov-
ed matchless merit for Sick
Nervous Headaches. They
make pure blood and built
I your health. Only money
back if not cured. Sold by
Drug Store.
i .
Cold Comfort
Is iii we II r
i i I
. lull .
. .
lAnes.,.,.; of one of
v. ii milk, cream
v that
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow n lawn mower when we
we sell ii good machine with lust steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
day morning and evening. Rev.
W. E. Powell, pastor. Sunday
school a. m. W. R. Parker,
regular service.
A. F. A.
Lodge. No. meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
meet every Wednesday evening.
E. B. C. C; C. S. Forbes
K. of R. and S.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. A. B, Ellington, N. G.,
L. H. Pender.
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
The Halifax school board wishes in fellows
, ,. ,., , , . Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
o discontinue teaching infants S. Smith
sewing on the ground that it I. Conclave
defective vision. J No. meets every second and
; Monday night in Odd
lows W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith Sec.
meets every Thursday
Can anything be worse than , ht. M M , , fl j
feel minute will be your Me j L Smith ChM
s-iii ii was the t. . . . ,
three she writes,
endured insufferable pain from OFFICERS.
indigestion, stomach and bowel
Death seemed Superior Court, D. C.
when doctors remedies failed. Moore.
At length I was induced to try I Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
Electric Bitters and the result was Register Deeds, R. Williams.
Newspaper Advertising.
A who no faith the
efficacy of advertising
in ii. i days of pi ogress can never
ii make success in
bus i i The man who hits goods
to i-e and will keep the public
inform d all the year round as to
has to i flier will sell
sire as advertised so as to keep
tin i of the people, good
will surely follow. This
has been the experience of people
who tried it and the most
ml men of today, especially
Hie mercantile line, lay aside so
much money each year to be
newspaper advertising. Rocky
Moil it Argonaut.
Meeting In Christian Church.
The meeting in the Christian I
church began Monday night with
a good attendance and Rev. W. E.
Powell preached a splendid
from the Kingdom of i
Heaven is at There will
be services each night through the I
week. The subject tonight is;
Room for
miraculous. I improved at once
j and now I'm completely recovered.
Fore Liver, Kidney, Stomach and
Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is
i the only medicine. Only Its
Incorporated 1003.1 guaranteed by Drug
I Store,
Marble and Granite
Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric power plant,
Brat oh offices and shop-;, Mount,
N. C. and B.
prices and designs- address
Thoroughly eradicates the excess of Uric and Lactic from the system,
starts the kidneys into healthy action, cures constipation and indigestion.
Do not he discouraged if other remedies have failed. has
made its reputation by curing alleged incurable cases. Does not
injure the organs of digestion.
N. C. Aug. a,
six rears ago I began to have sciatica. an also a oh route
ease of rheumatism. At times could not work at all business
being muster on Southern H. For days and weeks at a time I
not work. My suffering Intense. treated me. without permanent
relief, however. Tried a number of advertised remedies without
benefit. Finally I tried It did the work, and I have ex-
health for three rears. I can ear that all rheumatic should
use for It Is tr fer the beat remedy.
B. A.
Price prepaid express, or from your Druggist.
Chemical Co., . . Baltimore,, rid., U. A.
Of every thousand men accepted
tor the Stales army last
year 38.44 were Germany
and in Ireland.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, C. Laughing-
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
Commissioners, J. J. Elks, W.
W. B. Home, J. E. Barnhill, J
W. Page and J. Spier.
Board meets every first Monday.
e, the undersigned,
Dr. Seth Balsam to be a
reliable for Bowel Com-
plaints, hereby guarantee a twenty-
live cent to give satisfaction
or money refunded. J L. Wooten,
Greenville, N. C.
Vacancy at West Point.
We are requested by Congress-
man John H. Small to announce
that there is a vacancy from this
congressional district at the U. S.
Military academy at West Point,
and that the Secretary of War has
notified him to nominate a
pal and two for the
The applicants will be re-
quired to report for physical and
mental examination at West Point,
N, Y., 27th, 1903.
Congressman Small says he will
be glad to correspond with any
young man in this district who
may desire the appointment and
who can furnish evidence of proper
qualification for the examination.
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, H. L. Carr.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Tax Collector, D.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and S. I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. S. Spain, L. C
Arthur, Charles Cobb, B. F. Pat-
rick, E. B. B. L. Carr,
W. E. Parker B. F. Tyson.
Board meets every first Thursday
you think that
young man has matrimonial in-
certainly do, mama. He tried
to convince me last night that I
looked prettier in that two dollar
bat than in the one that cost
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth It's
your liver Pills arc
liver pills. They cure
headache, dyspepsia.
All druggists.
or a
brown or rich Then
I am w. e. a c.,
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Faster
Agents wanted in all
unoccupied territory.
Wheeler Wilson Mfg Co
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
. D. W.
North Carol
Loan Value,
Gash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
J. L. SUGG, Of Course
Greenville, N. C.
N O, June
There was a large crowd
here attended the
exercises at Chocowinity last
i Thursday night.
Rob Proctor has just returned
; from Oak Ridge, where he has
been attending school.
Gilbert Mayo, of Aurora, made
us a short visit last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mayo have
from Aurora, where they
have visiting relatives.
John L. Gibson returned last
i from High Point, where was
j allied on account his father's
Miss of Greenville,
has been visiting Miss Myrtie
j tor of this city.
Misses and Louise Ward,
of have been visiting
their sister, Mrs. C. If. Jones.
Marriages will There
, were two in town last week.
Moore is on the sick list.
Tom Talley Holliday
attended church at Bear Creek
Elder Eure preached to a large
congregation here Sunday.
Mr. and rs. J. J. Mason went
over the river Sunday.
Electric light and water works
; are all talk now.
J. C. Galloway was in town Sun-
day evening.
Mr. Mrs. Galloway
j attended church at Salem Sunday.
Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine end all Drug Habits
. permanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no craving
for drugs or other stimulants. We the nervous and physical systems to
their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remedy
prepared by an eminent
Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited. Write today.
Manhattan Therapeutic Association
Dept. A Broadway, New York City
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Induced Dr. Howard Company to Make
Special Price.
After a great deal of effort and
correspondence J L. Wooten, the
popular druggist, has succeeded in
getting the i Dr. Howard Go. to
make a special half price
offer on the regular fifty cent
size of their celebrated for
the cure of constipation and
This medicine is a recent dis-
for the cure of all diseases
of the stomach and bowels. It not
only gives quick rebel, but it
makes permanent cures.
Dr. Howard's specific bas been
remarkably successful curing
dyspepsia and all
liver troubles, that J. L. Wooten
is willing to return the price paid
in every case where it does not
I relief.
i The old fashioned idea of dosing
with mineral era, cathartic pills
, or harsh purgatives will soon be a
. thing of the past. best
prescribing Dr. How-
card's specific really gives
the desired results and on account
of the small and pleasant dose that
is needed.
Headaches, coaled tongue,
. gas on stomach, specks before
the eyes, constipation, and all
of stomach trouble
soon cured by this scientific
So great is the demand for this
, specific, that J. L. has
been able to secure only a limited
supply, and every one who is
bled with dyspepsia, constipation
or liver trouble should call upon
him at or cents, and
get sixty doses of the best medicine
I ever made, on this special half-
i price offer, with personal
the money if it
does no cure.
American and Italian Marble
Insure your crop against damage
by hail with the
Tobacco Mutual Hail and Fire
Insurance Company,
Wire and Iron Fence Sold.
First-Class work and prices reasonable
d on
Greenville, N. O.
Greenville, N. C.
Raleigh, N.
William Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office one door east of post office, on
street Phone
Attorney-at- Law,
We insure your Tobacco for per acre.
We insure your garden truck tor an acre.
We insure your strawberries for an acre.
We insure your cotton for an acre.
We insure your small grain for an acre.
N. C.
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other claims. Prompt
to all business.
It is a home company, devoted to the interests of North Carolina only,
and is for the mutual protection of its members.
Each member pays a membership of at the time of signing an
for insurance, which entitles to a member of live years, and they only
have to pay the losses in their own state.
The company is under the direct inspection of the State Insurance Com-
missioner, and every agent is under bond.
For further information apply to any officer or agent of the company.
It sometimes happens that a
married man has a good deal to
say, but his wife won't let him
say it.
Nothing pleases a married mas
more than steering his wife up
against an echo that is bound to
have the last
Malaria Ever have it Know all about
it Want to get rid of it Take
Malaria and Ague Cure.
by Bold
J. C. All
. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer, paid for
Hides. Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cot um Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz.
X. C, June, 1903.
Mis Bertha Dawson, of Winter-
ville, spent Friday night in town.
Misses Bessie and
I were in town Saturday.
Dr. M. M. Sauls went up the
road Saturday.
Mrs. C. M. little
daughter, Olga, went to Washing-
ton last week to visit friends.
Mrs. M. M. Sauls returned from
Richmond Saturday night.
Rev. W. Howard filled his
regular appointment Sunday at
the church.
Mrs. T. R. Lee, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. Bland, returned to her home
Kinston last
Miss Com who has been
visiting Mrs. O. C. Nobles, return
ed home Saturday morning.
Several of the students of the
F. W. B. Seminary for their
homes Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Joseph Long and children
j went to Saturday to
visit relatives.
Miss Leather who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
J. R. Smith, returned to her home
near Winterville Sunday.
Q. B Cash well and family have
moved to Dunn. Mr.
has a position a cotton factory
at that place. We wish Mr.
Mrs. Cash well great success
. their new home.
Miss Lena who has
been visiting Miss Willie Smith,
returned home Saturday.
by enabling the digestive organs
I to digest, assimilate and transform
all of the wholesome food may
be eaten into the kind of blood
that nourishes the nerves, feeds
the tissues, hardens the muscles
recuperates the organs of the
body. Dyspepsia
Cure cures Catarrh of
the Stomach and all stomach dis-
orders. Sold by John L. Wooten.
An egotist is a man who is
to disguise the fact that he is
pleased with himself.
Though the wagon tongue i
silent it always gets there ahead I
I the rest of the outfit.
Reverting once more to the par-
of Murrow there never was a
his conviction he could
not have himself by pay-
a small of money to the
support of the woman he wronged.
He elected to serve i u convict
I rather do a righteous act; he
I said he would rot the roads be-
; fore he would pay her a cent and
I he has been good as his word. In
the meantime, what is to become
of the victim of his She is
unable to work, being now almost
la wreck with consumption and is
living on charity. Only
; the other day she was here and
was given by a who
knew her
No appetite. loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and catarrh of the stomach
all due to cures
Indigestion. This new y
the natural juices of digestion
as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure in-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures ail stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the raucous membranes
lining die stomach.
to the Sick and
Strength to Weak.
tho Mat, which salts for
r C. C. s Co.,

Ricks Wilkinson
For Men, Women and Children.
If your Oxford Shoes are not yet provided an early
visit to this store will prevent the necessity of a hurried
shopping visit some morning when you want to put on
your Oxfords and haven't got them ready.
We are showing a line of Men's, Women's and
Children that must be of special interest to you just now.
Children and Misses sizes to and
Misses sizes, to and
Women's Oxfords Shoes at of fine quality black
kidskin, made with tips of patent leather or kid skin,
welted oak leather sales, in shapes with the
high arch. Although regularly sold by us at
this price, you will find them unmatched elsewhere
I a pattern with medium weight oak-leather
heels in all sizes. Splendid shoes
We have the best Oxford made for men at 5.00.
Quite a variety of different in Shoes
at and
Sticks Wilkinson
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, OH Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor buying an inferior grade of paint. It
is economy to get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
nil who once use them. Covers more surface
less labor than any other; costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way that will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
surprisingly low.
from 1st page.
martial history of the state as to
command the profound respect,
and call forth the admiration of
every worthy and ambitious boy
in North Carolina.
University is a municipal-
its an interesting
citizenry ; and its most singular
administrative need is the best
available for social and
municipal organization.
is a man of
position with the polities
of government, of the
commonwealth, or of small com
and, too, he has the
genius for organization and con-;
I said has been
spoken by one who
democratic politics is not and
never will be a Jarvis man, yet no
honor of finer could come
to North Carolina than the primacy
of Thomas Jarvis over her ancient
Burned With Gas.
Justice of the Peace L. A. Mayo,
who lives about miles from town,
has a mill and gin which are run
by a gas engine. Monday he was
ready to start the engine
and about to light the gas
some of it flashed up his face
burning him very painfully.
Greenville. N. C,
Dear The Trustees of Fair
Ground, N. Y. were
glad to pay cents a gallon more
for and no Wonder. Two
other agents said it would
take gallon of their to
Our agent put it at or less.
It took
We saved them gallons of
paint and painting to
a gallon, aw the painting costs two
or three times as as
lets cents a gallon on
gallons. Say
That's how to count the cost of
paint. The cost of putting it on
is or H a gallon. Jon see
what that means. Go by
F. W. Co.
P. IT. L. Carr sells our
Will pay you rash for your
Beeswax. M. Shultz.
Relief for Clifton and
Charlotte, N. C, June
American Manufacturer's
formerly the Southern Cotton
Association, subscribed
in cash for the relief of the
Hood sufferers. Five
dollars was immediately sent to
and to Clifton.
If you wish to keep cool while cooking try
one of our Perfection Oil Stoves. It is a great
saving in fuel, besides you do not get warm as
you do with the wood stove. We have the Per-
in all sizes from to
is more pleasant than a
nice, comfortable Hummock to lie on these hot
evenings. We have them from to
Does that heavy hat give you a headache If
so, try one of our light, cool straw hats.
Are your feet hot and tired Wear a pair of
our low quarter shoes or slippers and feel com-
In our mammoth dry goods department we
have all the new and up-to-date Summer Goods.
Fans, Parasols, Lawns, Dimities, etc. We
have just received another large lot of those
beautiful ladies are so anxious for. We refer
to the
and Antique Laces
Nothing prettier on the market. We carry the
most complete line in Greenville.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
You should not fail to visit the
New White Front
when in need of
Hot Weather Wearing Apparel.
We are showing beautiful things
in Wash Lawns,
Batiste, Mulls, Mercer-
Zephyrs, bray, Percales.
Madras, etc. The White Goods
showing includes the season's
choicest offerings.
Greenville Produce and
Provision Market.
Reported by M. SCHULTZ.
round per
shoulders a n
lbs per
Hens- per
is complete with Embroideries,
Laces, Corsets, Handkerchiefs,
Hosiery, Vests, Gloves, etc.
Give us a call and we will please
you at
Special offer to Rural Route Farmers and Mer-
envelopes and sheets of good
paper with your name and address printed for
ONE DOLLAR at Reflector Printing House.
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.
. rs
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Supreme Court Decides on His
Two Thousand Prisoners Watch
Doom Approach in the
Fierce Flood.
Raleigh N. C. June
of North Carolina has
affirmed the decision of the lower
court in the case of the Mate
against James Wilcox for the
murder of Nellie at
city. The written
by is an elaborate
one and reviews in detail all the
links in the long chain of
stances in connection with the case.
Wilcox's term is years
Norfolk Optician Well Known in
Greenville Comes to a
Tragic End.
Seaboard Road Must Pay H. F.
St Louis, Mo., June
half of East St. Louis is buried in
the flood. Ten thousand persons
are homeless and at the mercy of
the raging waters. Families are
prisoners in of their
homes or on the roofs. They are
without food and are crying for
help. Two thousand people who
sought refuge in the Washington
hotel, the Franklin school. St.
Mary's church and the plant of
the St. Louis Co.,
ate prisoners suffering great-
The breaks on the Illinois
came at HO minutes
after and minutes a
mighty torrent was tearing through
the Urge section the
eastern part like city. The
thousands of homes were in
Dr. D. S. Harmon, a noted
optician of Norfolk, met a tragic
death in that city on last Monday
night. Dr Harmon spent several
weeks in Greenville, about fifteen
years ago, and is well
by a Urge number of our people.
Since he has been located Nor
folk many who needed the
vices of an optician have gone
there to be treated
The Norfolk Landmark gives
the account of the
dent that cost Dr. Harmon his
At a few moments after o'clock
last evening, Dr. Harmon was
summoned from his supper by bis
colored man, who informed him
that his on Main street was
on fire. He immediately left his
Raleigh, N. C, June
N. C, Supreme court in an opinion
written by Chief Justice Walter street and
to office, where he found
an electric wire that was connected
with an electric sign used by
Clark affirms the lower court in
the noted case of H. F. Seawell
against Seaboard Air Line
railroad. This in which threatening to start
a conflagration that would
Seawell in Moore county
Superior court a verdict for disastrous in
damages for being egged in S. crowded business
station at Shelby in 1900
while he a campaign and, finding that he could repair
a- republican nominee for only from the ratable,
ant governor. suit was
The Revolutionists Have Set up a New Government and are Com-
in Power-King and Queens Assassination
Ends two Lives of Deepest Shame.
Assembly Officer.
climbed out upon the cornice,
which is about feet above
sidewalk. Dr. Harmon bad con-
experience with electric
The State at appliances, and had every reason
Wrightsville elected the following I to believe that he could make as
simple a repair a that of last
Belgrade, June
military revolution broke out here
last night. The troops who re-
under the leadership of
Mayor the
palace, assassinated King
Queen the queen's
sister, brother
Premier Ministers
the former
of War and some of the royal
guard. Prince was
proclaimed king and was this after-
noon formally and publicly de-
the A new gov-
led, so certain that the city was
but were warned by Greensboro,
blowing of train whistles, tiring
of riot the cries of those
already the embankment try-
to save it. At a. m. the
had swept clear through to
the river and the city lies
ran unbroken Stretch of rising,
J. B. Carlyle,
Wake Forest. v.--
J. I.; watch Dr. were nor-1
to observe him suddenly
night appeared.
j a crowd
gathered to
Secretary and
W. D. Carmichael, Durham.
Greenville Boy Appointed.
Congressman Small has appoint-
ed W. B. Wilson, Jr., of Green-
ville, as principal for the vacancy
whirling torrent. Thirty persons I at West military academy,
were drowned last East j Mr. Wilson is now at
N. Y, will goto West
Point at the appointed time to
stand his examination.
fit. Louis.
Eastern Railroad.
Dr. S. H. of Stanton-
burg, Wilson county, pent
Or of the Wilson Conspirators
May Implicate Otters.
Wilson, N. C, June
port who is in
jail for murder of Percy a. while here. If this
has turned state's evidence project should be successful
fastened the guilt upon all charged I road would naturally penetrate one
proclamation by premiers
ministers was homed.
streets were with
people whose action seemed lo up-
I,.,.,. ,,,, and ,,, n, , the M.
headlong to the pavement below. minister of the interior,
-He a was loudly cheered as he drove to
crash directly on his and
all those who witnessed the fall i the
thought, of course, that the full
had been instantly bat when were precipitated by
assistance arrived Dr. Harmon. Alexander's high-handedness
though bleeding terribly, was still Queen
,. I in money
-lie was placed in the wagon has for
and taken to St. Vincent's past and the king's acts in
pita, where instant operation was inning the popular voice at the
r . election was last straw.
found necessary. Burgeon I
, . .- . ,. Hie first intimation of serious
on examination that the,
. ,, , , , j Die, however, was not manifest
i skull had been fractured and
i i j i until last when
scalp wounds, contusions and
and -last night in the that j began to heard, which gradually
erring with concerning j The in volume until with a
day and
the building of a railroad frost flesh of the right j roar the army about
to Washington, N. C. Mr.
Crocker was the guest of Mr. J.
the crime. He told of
whereabouts of the gun that Jones
bad in bis room and it was found
in a well. Frank Dixon has been
arrested as accessory to the murder
The trial will be held next week.
Crops arc Fine.
It makes the heart glad to see
the splendid crops throughout
county. We noticed them along
the road between Greenville and
Ayden and they are
beautiful to look upon.
Even a man high degree may
be taken down by a stenographer.
The thinks he has s
joke the Smiths.
of the sections of the State.
The tobacco along the route
which the tine would run is of the
very best, while the timber lands
are second to none in this State.
The building of the railroad would
mean much for I and for the
people of Eastern North Carolina,
especially those who deal in lumber
and other products which they
have to carry across
try at a great expenditure of time
and Times.
The Free Press says the alder-
men of Kinston refused to grant
license for a distillery to be run
in that town. Good for Kinston.
showed where the live wire that
the unfortunate man to
had come into contact
with him. He died about mid-
Suicide in Wilmington.
H. Bobbitt, aged years, of
Marion, N. C, committed suicide
here today by Bending a pistol ball
through bis brain. After a short
conversation with the clerk and
having him a note directed to Dr.
Thomas S Burbank of this city,
Mr. Bobbitt walked across the
lobby of the Orton hotel and eat
down In less than a minute he
placed a revolver to his right
and blew his brains the
all bounds a revolution.
The palace was the first of
attack and thither the military
mob rushed. According to best
available information from the
mass of cot radio ions the crime was
carried out by members of the 6th
infantry under the command of
Cols. and The
latter is a brother-in-law of the
late Queen and is minister
of public works in the new cabinet.
The soldiers appear to have
fought their way into the palace,
shooting down the de-camp
on duty, Col. although
to another
king shot because he
opened gates to his assailants,
thereby creating a suspicion of his
Will pay yon cash for
Beeswax. Samuel M. I throw his head
ball passing entirely his connivance. to another
head and itself in a story with Col.
door. Death was instantaneous and six young officers of
and he did not move except to the 6th infantry, blew in a door of
bedroom with a bomb.
After overpowering the guard they
rushed in with drawn revolvers.
There, confronting the royal couple
the officers presented a deed of ab-
to Alexander in which it
was stated that he had ruined the
land by his marriage to a dissolute
woman. Alexander's reply, the
story says, was to
dead. king queen then
fled to the roof. The fol-
lowed, shooting the royal pair
down as they were running.
Various reports are current as to
manner in which the king and
queen fell. One has it that both
wen shot members of the
while another story has it
that the king, seeing the end was
inevitable, first shot
then turned bis revolver him-
self, committing suicide, home of
the other persons killed were
prised in their homes the
attack the palace. Cannons
were tired as a the
age to begin the troops
rounded residences
at the same tune that they moved
the palace. After the tragedy
at the palace galloped
through the streets of the city
shouting out the news that the
king queen had been killed.
Whipped by
Columbia, S. , June
Hogan, a white living six
milts from Columbia, called on
Governor today to show
his back, which had been striped
and cut by The
men ordered Hogan to get out of
the state within days or suffer
death. offense was in
notifying Governor that,
the of Columbia
were having their unloaded
at a email station near town and
hauled into the city, thus
the constables. Hogan was
lured from his house, caught by
eight men, tied to a tree and
mercifully beaten in the presence
of his wife. Governor
offered a reward of 1200.
Southport Dry.
Wilmington, N. C, By
a large majority anti saloon
forces carried the local option
election at Southport, county seat
of Brunswick county, yesterday.
Ninety votes were cast against
loons And for. Southport was a
dry town up to two years ago.

Eastern reflector, 12 June 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 12, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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