Eastern reflector, 9 June 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Barrel- twine very rich.
It was ft afternoon. ,., Tran,
with me in n W -t ,,, , of
bar wagon oh didn't care to i. the of choice, and
to a next -pent by the
lot a- waiting for her I wherever they i,
the reins My for moat One winter th took
hand had not found favor with
bar father, and I was until
which more or than
around the corner a
couple that in a terrific
The man wan a
young fellow, and the as
a peach. She on to hi arm
to her to pare aim.
while he buns on to a tut lie
a covetous at my
started on. and
lure, my Would you
mind a pair of tho
old father with no
ante, tin a lift,
and raw us we
I my own mar.
Hint his hut n
of It I up waist m. the
two hopped In and Ml down
In I my
nose la
and down the street. My man
passenger looked back.
La la now.- be said.
you move
An old bad Just turned
the corner running after us
fast a his carry In in. For-
for him a cab was driving
by. Ba it. had a few
words with the driver, pointing
to us. jumped The cab
tamed about after us
you do while you're wait-
for a I asked the man be
one at 3.14. Jut
now at his watch. We
our flight accordingly. We've
jot just seven to catch
con do It all
please pleaded the girl,
trembling. catches u. bell
hill Frank and shut me
do my said, giving my
mettlesome inure u light touch with the
whip that sent her off on a min-
trot. In the same box myself
and may be needing s friend help
me out within a
We made about u mile dodging
and exciting the wonder of people
we passed, but without any very
mil V; My eloping friends were
constant looking buck and reporting
heavens, he's the girl
would cry.
no. sweetheart, he's re-
plied her lover encouragingly.
you go any the girl
asked of me.
driving now at double pace
allowed by replied.
bad no sooner spoken saw a
policeman making a dive for the mid-
of the street to bead off. I
turned aside quickly and him.
He ran after me. brandishing bis club
putting his baud ominously to
hip. but my sympathies were
in the lovers, and only hastened the
lover, whose eyes were continually
turned to the rear.
I asked.
cop Is stopping the cab. There.
It's come to a stand There's a war
words. The cop la getting the
This delay made considerable gap
between and pursuer. Nor
was it likely to be diminished. The
policeman was n ponderous and
the cab was winded.
the ashed.
replied the
With a snap of bis watch case.
The station was In sight a trifle over
a quarter of a I made my
mare do her let. we were
driving over and In leas
than the minute up to the
door. My friends Jumped out and.
DOt stopping to thank dashed In
side. at milt ten seconds the train
pulled out. sod on the platform of the
rear ear was the couple waving to me
Just as they km- lost to sight the cab
drove up. and the and the
Id gentleman got The
man's fare was very red.
teach e to defy the he
no law helping
I replied coolly.
the old gen
they play that game or
you The Is n y mid the
girl Is my maid. They, pit
the Jewels in the suit
heaven's I gasped.
Hie police
lake e where have a
Chance to reply to
And jumping Into
Die to t police station, while the old
followed In the cab.
Well, I had some III
out of , and only did an by furnish
tog ball The event Injure, very
much and such n weapon In
the hands of my enemy. fattier
that the p . r girl came very near going
back on me entirely I only won her
after o two struggle When we
were married. It In church In the
regular way
The thieve had with them,
and were sent to
atop them
Water singular as It seems,
only skin never by
chance get by water. long
they are alive and long after they
are dead float with an air
all round their
of feathers
each other. Thus, la a
water birds may be
ad from all by the fact that
never wash, though we can hardly
blame them for that, If water
between their
poor things would dry.
One n. ii In New York had . as
which his
of bis father.
The father actually sometimes relapses
into the of eating with his
knife. Hut the has a little
seek and out the truth
day little boy tome
potatoes from bis knife, and
Smother him.
said, people
can say that,
cM child.
rats ail
house In
had always had implicit
In wife till Jealousy set-
Itself him through a very
singular cause Returning to his home
late one evening when his wife was In
bed, be entered an adjoining chamber
In which n tight was turned low and
a man In evening dress advancing
to meet him In a twinkling there
came a revelation of on the
part of his wife. He was to
ring forward to the man by
the throat when he discovered he
was looking at bis own linage In a
He took off his clothes and
crawled bed. but not to sleep,
Ids wife, whom all the men
admired, should thus dishonor him
The idea, having taken root, grew and
expanded until It the
of Ids
The time when something more
than a reflection confronted him.
evening w lien he desired go to the
opera wife to be excused
from accompanying on the ground
of tenting indisposed. the
was a favorite with he concluded
to go He heard little of the mil-
ale. however, for idea got into Ida
bend that wife's indisposition
merely a subterfuge. However, he saw
the open through, Joining tome
friends, went to supper at a
I be went home, let him-
self with his night key. was
about to go up stairs when he saw a
man standing ON the stairs. He had
coating down when en-
tend and stopped
under the load
of horror had upon
when- he said
soon get ids
me lime to think. My wife's name must
not lie brought Into affair. We
must And other pretext
to your said man.
say that you caught the de
card. You
leased Mm and will right him day-
light the
Count de
i; my family, one
of the In must
the Stigma ever put Upon It.
It Is better thus thou that your wife's
will not matter. I will put you
where only the worms will Interest
The count advanced, a card
from his pocket threw It a table
and walk--l out of the front door.
went the room
and. falling on a divan, buried his face
In the cushion. an hour later be
went to bis where he Spencer
Hunt, a whom be
told Unit the count de bad
cheated at curds and a challenge
he the address
on the card arrange the details of
am beyond
said Hunt, should have
done a thing. I nm not personally
with him. but his standing
both aerially as a man of
la the Is not this a pretext
to i-over the real cause of your
as value my friendship
no the affair
to l- fought out till either I or the
s killed or mortally wounded
Co at
paced back forth in
the hall of the waiting Mu wen
n wondering
the matter with
las had been so devoted a
ha had not
the ind knew only a few of
menu tern For an hour he paced, then,
suddenly looking up. saw Hunt coming
In at the door by an
looking gentleman. Both
man glaring
this the man whom you accused
of at Hunt
this is my friend
The count o
There la some
The for an ac
count of the affair and n of
the person bad
him. to bog
was worn
and the load he bore and did not .
know what to do. Hunt took Inn by I
the arm and led him to the de
la Concorde and the champs
There mid
till mm stood high In
sky. Then limit decided to lake his.
friend to face an
When the front door Mrs
threw himself Into her bus ,
Haney. where have you i
house tins been entered and all my
The two n darted at each j
other full of meaning It plain l
that a thief a pretty game f
and affected bis
do you cried the
dear. I mean Is
I have new of the winning of a suit
at home by which I will acquire quite
enough to replace you Jewels. Let
police and the thief secured He bad
formerly a of the Count
F. A.
extreme clumsiness and cruelty
with which operations were
to fifteenth
would scarcely be credited had
we not authentic of them
by the up,
Thus of
the eminent professor at
and preceptor of
Harvey, what he considered
an Improved nod operation In
following It be a movable
tumor. I cut It away with a
knife that as It but If It
adhered to the chest I cut without
bleeding or with a wooden or
born knife soaked In
which, baring the akin. I dig out
the rest with ray
When tbs of Edinburgh
were incorporated. It required
a that should able
to read and write, know the
nature completion of
of body
to know all of same, that
t may la I
Norman who Sag
shaved face back
bead, that d j
ware of
Tale f Tall.
A in the ancestry of
dog to wolf and
In the Of their
eyes, their colon and markings,
the habit of turning before
hut he does ml i
striking and of dis
than the rash-
w n they their
and ban n sneaking
of their low,
on the gr. while
carry up. and farther re-
moved they are from the fend type the
higher they carry final
and their
racial carry their tails
fewest of all. setter and pointer n de
give or two higher, stiffening out
straight when drawing on Came;
and elevate to
the spinal line; St.
affect a curve over
while pugs actually lo a
full twist. An old could
tell a wolf as far as be could
him. in buffalo days
a most useful of
bards at not far away.
always a
For time to the day
upon which the great Chilean earth-
of occurred great
of crabs Of an Unknown
were seen in the ha of
They ail appeared to
ed and were literally climbing ever
ea in their efforts to the
How they knew that the earthquake
collecting its strength to
is more than man can
but that they knew something
was to happen there is no doubt
That there were millions of them
may W Inferred the report of It
Forbes, says that days after
the earthquake the dead crab-, were
thrown upon the beech in a
line three or foOT feet along the
whole of the
What the
Tb London that
the has nothing to
do with the novelist. It i- us old as
Shakespeare, who in
of i takes Mrs. any tn
Ford. cannot tell what the
his name BO the word I pal
diminutive of Dick, U ilk n
and came
use as a for another and
more Important I. As to the
one thinks of f and
Clinker and the Immortal
scene in which the lion root
tear and play the and in
Moore could
h. i lay the
A Parisian
for a walk in the Arena
taking her a toy t
she held by a W I
aha was
looking Into a window two mis-
boys a for
the dog A Dane then appeared
on scene, and. seeing the bone,
made a and It. string
The lady turned round and
despair cried out that the Urea
Dane had eaten her i-t. The little dog
found later much to the joy of
his who carried In in off in a
on one told Bide
Whitman or his well known feat
In oyster eating, lie was once In
liege, where be ordered
In o to with.
He raw n lady
look op an, when be bud
ace what effect
It might have he ordered an-
other cud so on until be
eaten Mr
that to remember
in nil p
The force of naval Is
n true captain
who. fatally a lib was
being token ashore to the hospital
i told la in
men were
slowly and as possible in order
not t disturb dying
beckoned m barge of
tin boat and bud
Ten lit for
for giving
Fred came over this morn
B. K. AH
spent here.
M A. Allen ll
H. II. of Bent
M. A. A
T. Ltd and
J. U. Saturday
i vi- u I tie, lion
Prof. of
H. U. Sal
B. Harding
Rev. AT. King,
Hub nun
tinned Una
Miss Minnie
mar nil g for
Mr. Mrs. W. T.
Mm, Will, left this
I hi t
i id evening
where have
till j;
sir W. o.
to visit Air. and lira J
J. A. Dudley went lo
S. up
W left
i K
let ii i ii. ii
Mies Nellie led
g i- r e. Va.
cured by
Under all curable conditions
Mr. D. of
Nevada. O. was
cured by
of at
trouble which
had effected
pa., cured
I R. L
at in for
Connecting t with
South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and lot
all for with rail
at Norfolk.
Shippers order freight In .
the Old Dominion Co. from
York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line
S. from Baltimore. Mer
and Line
H. C.
J K.
N. C
against damage
by hail with the
Tobacco Mutual flail and Fire
Insurance Company,
N. C.
L. N. C.
J. M. C.
A. Raleigh,
member K ml the time .- j
lion tor which entitle to a member five
, lo the louse, their own
The company U under the of the Sui.
And is under bond.
We Tobacco for per acre.
We your tor an acre.
We your for an acre.
V insure your cotton for an acre.
We insure your small grain for acre.
Ii is a horn to Interests of Carolina only,
is fur in.- mutual of
For further to an, or of the
m n i
retail I Grocer
Denier. for
Fur. Oil Bar-
Suits, Ba
U Ax
not-, Henry
Jelly, Milk.
Meal and Hull, Gar
Onuses, Apples, Nut,
Apples, Peaches,
. and
rout, Best Batter,
Hewing and
;. r
p ill
V- ii. .
a m I
a id I pm
a at a m I
I'M p m
a m
a m
a n.
p m
i . . . . and Cars
mi A and a U
II. M. W. J. Craw.
At Gen. Aid
T. M.
N. C
Goes up
According to the
you give your bur-
Keep it to
and it goes down. Keep
it before the public and
climbs up.
Mis W A. tins hum J
i. fin
at .
i. i
visit tn
I. It
h, III-
I-.-, k .
i II. ml
i . I. i
It I.-
lag, and
. N.
M. A.
and evening.
M. Kin.-,
in. h. H. Pander,
Services let,
and evening. Mid service
a. m. F. L. Walker,
W. E. Cox,
Morning and evening
1st and
Sunday school
t in., ii Brown,
Y. U J f. every Ban
Horse and evening. Rev.
ea-------of . W K
.-i. M-
Not Quite
yon can a
not a
nail or an-
Have a
tool and be fir
la all drain, and
we will that tool
box not lack a
Of Course
used regularly and persistently, will
make business grow. Are you
with your If not, ad-
it. and you will be satisfied
with the will find o-
interested in what you say if
talk to them through
Push your business
up by advertising.
it is said of be
First, i
nu naturally;
ad up are a woks
of will soon
ed Hie your
do every
of Paris
kraal I Mill make a alley
down the Hue the
K . i .;
. . i l
ill a
F of
in vi
Mrs I.
W O. of
i rd-j
Mis. H
i visit r,
J. A
Hie, I . . and j
lo visit J j
M- in.
a. in W. K.
said Mr. bI
wife, who was
la to
has she got .
woman feebly.
A man Is young a great deal longer
than he la old, but It doesn't so
n The News and
Greenville New have
ed their upon the
of the e and
it age of silver and gold at lb
talon of to
lie pleased to have ;
views de-r
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
kept ion-
and Sold l
D. W.
North Carolina.
a. V. A. M
I Hist i
M. J. M. Mer.
K P.- tar K Ho.
K. II. U. 0.1 C.
K. k.
I. o. o. ii-.
A B. V.
H. A Vance N.
I every
W. II Wilson, Secretary, J.
I a. O
No. ii, meet Bit third
. in Odd
J. Z.
I P.
I I. O. Conclave
No. MO, every second and
fun i Hi Holiday in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the one
our will insure sweet milk, and
butter, cool drinking water and that
would be unattainable without
If you hare you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
we've made It easy you to
There no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steal knives at
a and guarantee It to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Freezers,
thing else hardware line.
The Great Rheumatic Cure
Spring Blood Purifier
cum la blood.
c. nm in ill. land powerful blood punk, .,
You i. wast Tb
A the u
mar do. i.
aid Hi,
ft M so
J. if. Piny t co.
Norfolk, Va.
and of
and shipment
and Italian Marble
N. c.
I Wire I. en fa alts Sold.
i work
i rail-
Clerk D. C
Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
Register of Deeds, K. Williams
J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, V.
Surveyor, J.
J, J. W
W. B. J. B. J
W. Page J. Spier.
every Monday.
Dr. ID James,
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
H. I.
Collector. P. .
Police, J. chief, W. H.
I. Dudley.
S. .-pain, L.
B K. Pat-
rick, K B. B. L Can,
W. It. Parker B. F.
Hoard every Oral Thursday
. L
r. R. L. Caw.
op a.
Loan Value,
. Cash Value,
that works automatically,
. Will be re-instated If arrears be paid within month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Incontestable
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf sack
year, provided the premium for the veer be
They may To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Of
of I WM n t.
U. x,
i, N C.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third
One Third Faster
Agents wanted lo all
unoccupied territory,
s. T. N,
J. WHICHARD. and Owner.
VOL. No.
Below we Mat
read b Mir Ada Ward before
is dune
it huh a or
two n
of the H if due will u.
w on
Them until they are lea. b all.
After the new are
and the , then, tie taught
I to read correctly and with
read carefully different
the After
author all it lie pruned the lei difficult
and will readily work
In our public more
Work children who home one
have a of j much
cannot true our
Post Office Now Has
Troubles of His Own.
are called in a dull,
manlier, and are mi.-
tune is in full
we have sit many
bUt ll lie to I CHI I
called entirely few lo
and in t
a t
word it lie
The fault i
due to
haw not been mad
mien linK off taught
a the built
of teacher who
well attend to.
However con-
front us and their
pupil than if bad avoid
Join- all if doing well.
Entertainers Live Up to
Their Reputation.
Swing .-
i in ,.,
1.1 ii. -nil.- Ii.
j part sell, Two I'm bows,
Floods Terrible Scourge in
the Middle West-People
Fleeing to the Hills
St. I. mi-. ii
the n
ii. in
there i.
on tin- pan of learner.
ere the
in I'm
Mini received in Die
villa villa
Of tile
ins the hen
In Hie
in.- I.,
arouse this
of like lo t
would I
be in
we bare beard read over
we were Then II
e Mi.-ii reading
Sea can ab
only -i . d
Hast .
Sat a interest public and state de
Snot be iii-ire wen rimed and the
lo on ball
bright stories of
after the of a
hays beau so wads a slats holiday I.
in he the baa f
lean i ll sol
tine it means three lea
m Hie river trill be
ti. feel the -I
ibis I feet.
A el
ll this is
liver. The nm front
miles is
back Hie
tee are
dated hi the . warn
prevented the
to the
II. h.
Went to Sleep in Richmond and
Up in Eternity.
Washington, l. r.
in the of
Al the fed-
gland one of the
A. w.
nine separate
. barging having
to of
oral 11-. i.-i, At
former a
having m
I Us a mail
w ill in
Lack of Water Hampered the
arrests of
a few
Roosevelt Gets His Job Rack.
It veil
st luck alter
on Ins
lie i- n.-II
Bryan Harpoons Rockefeller.
old tbs
If to subjects, r, r
e, arrange the
in. group, Hie
etc. Then in
. a, led pail
Bis in
N. June I.- A
has been lo The
Have., lie of
. -T.
a lawyer unit
Member of the
ll,. bead of a
of singers, was
font on the
l. in ii.,
a;. i.
a ghastly spin
ibis before with
i ,
the ill lated that ii i
in.- ear anything I be
Northern Potato Market.
i,, e.,.
a ;, i., .; .-,,,
. i
Ibis morning
lire out
pied by Sarah Cherry,
Bonier lane ii.
the loan. Au
i hurried t,,
but owing i rater
sere enable to
until several sere
wafer in
for engine
was the in
b was
The in which
originated was
and lo
adj to
bones sis a
to r. Move,
and as a grocery store by
man named
Johnson. building
and from
to Joe and
shelter, then t,, Dr. II.
house, all
The Hi. Bagwell
tea and no
ii- id is due ling.-
the n
in hi- 11.-.- liars
the el J ii
men lo-lay root and
keep ii faun
A of lied
ed in Hr. His
bast or be
on stables
of I,,, lb
, a i ,
n .
I In i- said to in
tatted with .
nun. he- I.,,
,. n
-I U
I .,.
ll I.
lO i ,
to i,
entirely away, for Hie
it I bid of
head. He design The
age. Taylor ionic a may
lo have studied
with the easiest l V.
a Boo.
I . k I.
ml cry
bank. If lesson Is
have some member of
Found Dud.
have seen William a man
story telling is lived W. II.
In gin some systematic place, just east was
f leaching the lesson.
thoroughly the new
by having the different
members of class road differ-
sot paragraphs and they lad
words, before passing
next pause to write
them on blackboard, hare
dead bed Thursday. He had
been sick a days hut appeared
worse bis left Borne
to go about her work.
Mis Webb to tho
home later day
was dead. burial took place
I body
Inter III Hie but no n
deuce plat of any
nature lie Mitchell
bad lain down to sleep and
as like, causing a
vessel oh break,
prepared for burial
lake Ideas morning.
I mi, vi be made here.
He Knew it Wu the
June t A dis
patch received at
department that at
I Miss., tonight, K.
Baker lined and costs and
to in jail for
offering fourth assistant
SUM for en
appointment as
in for lb
tie bids for an
de June
received hare
from Valparaiso. Captain
bis wife, of
of the passengers of
were drowned
when foundered.
Women a
Miss .,,,,
Hits b m ii
men. mi 1.11, a
1.1 ii
she ,.
I 1st. II.-
I. local
pen a m de-
men went i the jail
demanded admittance. This
a rail and haltered
the the pi
as to telephone
change and banged on the Clues
arm of telephone pole. Many
the lynching.
The only asked time lo pray.
Washington, June It was
Moody of navy
would in the cabinet
longer term of
President Mr.
aspects then to resume tbs
of law.
you ban- divided lo gel
idea of bis lea
and mustard plasters for people as
rich we Washington
Professional safe crackers
open safe In
got In cash and
worth of stamps.

Friday. June 5th.
Dr. CO. H. re-i
Thursday from Hot
Misses Sallie Button
Allen went to Ayden Thursday
Mrs. G. returned Thurs-
day evening a visit to
Misses Mattie Irvin and Lucy
and Annie Barnes, of
ville, Thursday evening
to visit Mis Allen.
Mrs. C. M. Tucker, who has
been in section,
this morning for
Miss came
home Thursday from a visit to
Reidsville, where she has beet
t ho of the B.
V. .
Mrs Harriss and two of
her Misses Una
Mary, are quite
Presiding Eider F. A. Bishop,
left this for Wilson. From
there he will go to Durham to
tend the commencement of Trinity
College week.
Mr. W. . of
who be-n g Mrs. J. G.
returned home
R. O. went to
Mis. Gardner and children
tins to visit friend
at Bethel.
W. M. and R H.
Of Falkland, were in town today.
J. H. Kiel, who his been with
the Atlantic Line has
taken the position of agent of the
East Carolina railroad at
J L. ii
who hew his cousin,
J. II II is- ii. borne to-
K. L. Davis, of spent
J. J. of
was in town today.
of Goldsboro, is
in town.
Mr and Mrs. W, R. Smith, of
Gold Point, who haw been visit-1
relatives Here, returned home
Mrs. L. Patrick, of Ayden,
arrived this morning to visit Mrs.
S V. Johnston.
Calf In a Buggy.
We have seen to a
buggy, not until Wednesday
did we MO tilling inn buggy.
R. M. Kennedy had on in n bug-
ti and the
calf as linking i n kick about vet-
ting a ride.
To get prompt attention all mail orders should be addressed to
The Seasons
Supreme Event
Summer Millinery as beautiful as fingers filled
with magic can make it Dress and Ready-to
wear Hats for and Children.
Dress Goods and
All the new weaves in all colors and
WHITEWASH percent,
reduction on all former prices.
Slippers and are made
by Ziegler Bros. Comfort, Style and Quality.
Just new and complete line of
and New Styles. Prices low.
Stetson Shoes for Men
All the new lasts. Ask to see them if
you would be well dressed.
For Ladies, Children and Babies. Drop Stitch,
Colors and White.
A BIG CUT on all former prices of hot weather
Clothing for Men, Boys and Children.
Baby Carriages and
and best line to select from.
All Furniture Reduced.
Bargain Column
Cash Buyers Only
C N. T. Spool Cotton,
Sea Island ins. wide,
Best Light Calico,
Printed Lawns and Organdies,
1-2 and c. quality, while they
last, cents per yard.
Steel Rod Umbrellas, worth and
c. only
pairs of and Sam-
Shoes at Factory Prices.
Knee Pants, only pair
and Sample Straw
Hats at New York cost.
Toilet Soap, big value, cakes for
cents cash.
White Envelopes, per pack
Good Needles, per paper,
Ladies Vests, only
Linen Towels, extra size,
Patterns, and cents
When in Doubt Go to A. E. TUCKER
Tucker's Big Summer Sale
k now in full blast. We are doing the Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods business of the
town, and our customers come from far and near. WHY Because they have formed the
in doubt go to -and it means good clothes on their backs
and more money in their pockets. It will mean the same thing to you if you get into the
Begin now. the sooner the better.
Men's and Youth's
Summer Garments.
Hot weather is hero and we are better
pared than ever to supply your Summer
Clothing wants. Crashes and Flannels,
light weights, choicest, shades and color-
well made and extra strong in all
vital parts, tailored so as to give the lit
and retain the shape.
Blue Serge Suits
Nothing cooler than and you will
be surprised at their remarkable style and
comfort, and the extremely low prices.
The fabrics are staunch and the weaves are
the best. See them before buying.
Shirts, Collars, Ties, Suspenders, Underwear, Straw Hats, Oxfords,
and everything else in Summer wearables and
you need never expect to buy first class goods cheaper than at
A. E. Tucker Co.
Heartily Endorsed.
heartily e odors every word
id Talk About
Mud Reflector . r l ii.
the promiscuous stealing,
of articles by the the
Mite. It is becoming , Columbus. O., June
and we think those who it should opening sessions as well as the
be dealt with If it is through preliminary meetings of the re-
mistake that an article is not state convention today
why no will get that the claims about Sen-
by having his attention influence with the
the fact. party in Ohio are well founded.
If an article is worth being re it j conceded that his
produced it certainly should be j controlled almost all of the twenty-
credited. We class this congressional districts,
with all others and should Those opposed to the slate to-
be dealt with in the same way. I from his speech
No man likes to see the J he pictured the prosperity
he has pored over for hours, pro- under republican rule and warned
go out M the product of opposition to
man's brain. We do not and republicans to
know who our brother newspaper,. u Jetting well enough
men were referring to and do
to but they were tool The convention today was
of party I to
carrying on j Senator delivered an ad-
Ibis Banner.
mild in their rebuke
or parties who are
Still After the Trusts.
New York, June La-
in the United States circuit
court today granted an order to
show cause against the defendants
in the complaint of W. R. Hearst
against the coal carrying roads,
why they should not answer
dress in which he urged standing
by republican principles and paid
a high tribute to President
The convention adjourned until
The resolutions will
command President Roosevelt's
ability and adherence to the
principles and favor his
nomination and the re election of
questions propounded during g
the investigation of the complaint
by the State Commerce Com No .,
minion. The order is returnable
Certain planks insist
the enforcement of the amend-
for or the
reduction of the of
the southern slates congress and
Committed Without Bail.
Nathan Sessoms, who sometime
ago killed Osborn Walker, at
was given a
Thursday before Justice of the electoral college,
the the Pence D.
After the evidence he was
to jail without bail to
await the net ion of the gram jury
at court.
Alter committing the crime Sea
Flood Will Send Up Price Met.
Chicago, June I. The
effect of the western Hoods on the
puce of meals will not be felt
the end this J.
some lied and Governor Armour yesterday.
that time the shortage of livestock
offered n reward of for real
delivery to the Sheriff of Pi It
county. He was recently arrested
Norfolk and brought Iv here.
virtue of a of the
of Pitt county, made on the
day May, 1903, in a certain
special proceeding therein pending,
entitled M. Willis, administrator
of James against Willis
and Lydia Tingle, will, on Monday,
sell at public sale be-
fore the house
ville, to the higher bidder for cash
the following real estate
One piece or panel of land lying
Swift Creek township, Pitt county, ad-
joining the lands of Elite Willis and
Tingle, seres
more or less.
on other piece the same
township, adjoining the above tract
containing more or less.
This the 18th day 1808.
James Tingle.
Jarvis t Blow, Attorneys.
Pitt county. V
U. A. of Pitt county, North
enters and claims the
following tract, piece or parcel of land
in the said county and state, Beaver
Dam township, and described as fol-
Adjoining the lands of Jeremiah
Nichols and the heirs of Win. Man-
on the north, Smith and
w. A. Nichols on the south, Alfred
Nichols on the west ii ml L.
us the James on the
east, lying on south side of Tar river,
east side of Little creek
on the south side of Leaver Dam
swamp, thirty acres,
more off less.
This June 3rd,
Any parson or persons claiming
title to Off interest the above de-
scribed laud, must lite their protest in
writing with me against the issuing of
a warrant, within thirty days from
the date hereof, or they will be barred.
This June 3rd, 1803.
Taker for Pitt
N. O.
II. A. Blow, Deputy.
SORTS county.
T. Murphy
W. J, Tripp. I
By virtue of an order made by D.
C. Moore, Clerk Superior Court In a
certain special proceeding entitled as
will on Monday the
of July, 1803, expose to public sale
before the court BOOBS door in Green-
ville to the highest bidder for cash j
the following described real property
to One parcel of land lying and ,
km ii iii
county, adjoining the lands of J. It.
the Len Tripp lands and
Henry Tripp lands l n
more or less as the
land. Said sale is made for
MOO. This 3rd day of June, 1803.
V. U.
, IN
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
cm for i
Fer book,
Columbus, June
Whichard, N. C.
The every h
us low the
lowest. Highest market
owing to of
the Kansas City market, will be-
gin to be fell I here and eastern
buyers will begin the
Chicago market. of
this bring a ad-
morning an army of bill posters iii the price of
were discovered plastering every this will affect the
available space about the city price of dressed meat, But do-
highly-colored posters not look for any
third The gallant there's not the slightest of
was once defeated for a a famine or
third term. Don't
Those seeking nominations for a
third term are State Auditor
Supreme Court Bur
ken School Commissioner
No young man can expect, to
have much of a place in New York
society unless he been arrested
at. least once for fast
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Steamer It. L. Myers leave j
Washington daily, except
at c a. m for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora. South Creek,
Swan Quarter, and
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. O.
J. E.
Washington, N. O
Black Hair
I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and am greatly
pleased with it. It certainly re-
stores the original color to gray
hair. It keeps my
Helen New Portland, Me.
Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
and it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
a All
if your cannot supply yon,
end us on we will
yon a bottle. Be turn ml the name
nearest Address,
J. C. a CO., Lowell, Mus.
Card of Thanks.
desire hereby to express my
heartfelt thanks to the of
Greenville for their and
timely assistance at Thursday
morning's lire in doing every thing
i possible to save my properly, -y
wife also joins me
for the kindness of the ladies in
being ready in my house to do
what they could in case it had be-
come necessary to remove the fur-
Clara daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. died
Tuesday night about o'clock at
their home, ; miles from town.
The burial took place Wednesday
afternoon at the Brown family
burial ground.
Wreck on the Coast Line.
Wilmington, N. C, June
A bad wreck occurred on the At-
Coast Line a few miles
I from S. C, this morning
in which Conductor Jas. J.
and four passengers
killed. Engineer George
Wilson was seriously injured, and
twenty-five passengers were
, slightly hurt. The accident was
due to the heavy rains during the
i previous night.

Editor and Proprietor.
Associate Editor.
in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
For the convenience of our readers Eastern
changes its make up to the present form of
The paper is now easier to read and handle,
and we are enabled to give advertisers better positions.
We Lave several other improvements in contemplation,
which will become necessary by reason of rapidly in-
creasing circulation and advertising patronage, for
which we thank our friends.
While the courts have been
busy throughout the state
of cases of more or less
The Reflector has been
holding court on its own account.
The offender in our court is a hard
case. We have repeatedly tried
and him of every form
of larceny from kleptomania to
piracy on the high seas of journal-
and reproached to no avail.
Having retorted to every means
of showing him the error of his
ways except benevolent
we had about decided to
court sine die and give it
up. But it seems that the last
opinion handed down by this court
has touched a chord way down out
of sight in our lawbreaker's moral
Our readers will remember that
We are glad to learn that the board of internal improve-, to
meats will proceed at once to formulate plans for a system
waterworks. The board of have wisely appropriated
one hundred dollars for the purpose of making experiments the of
. . . i . ; tn th i editorial matter from its
with some of the wells in town, in order to determine rue
results of these experiments whether a system of gang-wells
would furnish the required n mount of water for fire, sewerage
and household purposes. The board will order these
begun at once, and in the event of favorable results will
commence the boring of wells in different parts of the town.
The board cm be upon to do everything possible as
quickly as possible.
It looks like the laws of our state are becoming more and
their application. Judge G. H. Brown, Jr., has
admitted to bail the six men who were confined in jail at Wilson
charged with the murder of Percy Jones. In giving his decision
Judge Brown said that while these men had formed a
to go to room and do him bodily harm, to whip him
and drive him out of the town, it is not shown that murder was
premeditated. Yet In carrying out the purpose of their con-
The awful visitation of fire and
flood in the West is the chief
spectacle In the eyes of the nation
at present, but so careless are
Americans of every danger it is
if even this terrible lesson
will teach them to their
cities and factories on high places,
out of reach of a possible rise of
water. When the floods subside
We have warned, counseled the dead are buried, people
will go on living in places where
the flood was highest.
Kansas City, Mo., is most
is, a
part of it. What is described in
the papers as is
nothing less than a huge gulch
between the city and the
river, with Kansas City, Kans.,
on the opposite side of the river.
The east west bottoms, as they
called, are several miles wide.
In them are t tie
plants of both the Kan
the stock yards, pack-
houses, electric light plants
All this territory is under
water to feet.
Au immense railway viaduct
than by a certain portion of the I Kans City to the bottoms
Ten Commandments. In our issue j furnished communication between
of May we said j this was the Dixie Fancier,
The Wilmington Messenger finds ramshackle looking affair,
that the Wilson News is no built chiefly of wood, the first
of when it comes to , . . , ,, . ,.
stealing editorials. rush of waters probably swept it
The thing which serves the
son News as a writhed under
that cut. Looking over its feel-
and reprinting the same
without the credit demanded by
the ethics of journalism, no less
carefully the News found
they had been cruelly wound- able prevent a of it,
ed. So it wept as I bUt fa too much to
unnecessarily alarmed. In this .
wholesale scoop upon the editorials
away, leaving the .
without hope of succor.
It is truly an appalling disaster,
and advanced ideas to o engage in this profitable en-
Major H. A. London, of the
Chatham Record, nails the lie
about General Joe Wheeler's
at the confederate
union in New Orleans in a federal
uniform. It is sinned that we
have the yellow journals to thank
for this rumor. The Record
statement is untrue in two
In the first place
General Wheeler did not wear a
uniform of any kind at New Or-
leans, in the second place he
was not slighted or snubbed.
He wore civilian's clothes all
the time he was at New Orleans,
just as did the other two
lieutenant generals who were
there, A. P. Stewart and Stephen
D. Lee. He was dressed
a Prince Albert coat and walk-
ed as rapidly as a young man. He
was greeted and cheered with
enthusiasm wherever he appeared,
and no confederate received a
warmer welcome or a grander
ovation than he did. We happen-
ed to walk with him into the
auditorium, he first entered
that vast building which the
reunion was held, and as soon as
he was seen wild cheers greeted
him and the regular order of
exercises was suspended in order
that he might be escorted to the
stage to the calls
made on him for a
J. R. has moved his
from Albany, Ga., to Charlotte,
N. O, the Fancier shows
much improvement in
It is a journal devoted to the
try industry, is filled with
matter of much interest to those
Jones was killed. If, under the of the J we at The weakness of the race
law, this is not then we fail to see why burglary is a claim to exercise is illustrated the career of
The Fancier is
monthly at a year, and is
worth many times the price to
poultry raisers.
capital A burglar enters a house for an unlawful par-1 have mere on the people have
Isn't it about for Governor
cock and some our judges to
rob. He may have no premeditated intention of com-, brilliant scintillations from respected when he was poor, now
murder, yet his presence arouses inmates of the house j Reflector. It is strange, lint that he has grown rich he has lost
who offer resistance and he takes life. Is that murder If so true, that a bench- j
legged bee will almost invariably or
it looks like this case at. W is equally so. The men went get every crowd of dog, people of
to ,.,;. unlawful ,,, and kill-l him. I fa ; doing something
j to him, and make more noise to put himself in the class of John
the rest put together. The only L,,, As usual, Northern
solution we can offer to tins is
should receive the punishment their crime deserves.
Thermal delivery seen. have caused his downfall, as
will abolish a great many the News doer not Wilmington Messenger very
, . . to pose as the author of any one i .,
routes and thus reduce expenses. The . j correctly states.
Another way h to have honest to by the Messenger a j
committed crime t Society will
soon become so thoroughly
led with ex-jail birds
that every will have to lock
up his wives daughters and
keep his on his gun
pocket book.
Mary Ann will continue to
over the party
as long as the papers are open to
clipping from the Washington Post
sent us through mail as St Louis
Exposition matter, through
the carelessness of the primer,
Habeas Corpus and Executive
Clemency are two gentlemen who
are working over time
A young woman prominent in Carolina.
Could But See.
We heartily commend the action
of the board aldermen in
for the
of Pitt veterans they
meet here in July. In thus honor-
their fathers the gentlemen of
the board mark themselves aB
worthy sons of the who
forth to battle for the Lost Cause.
Let us cheer them while they are j
with us, and keep their memory
when they have heard the Peace at last prevails in J watered for any of the brilliant
bugle call to the eternal camping j She that each
around received in the division is not; , the Charlotte Observer keeps e must to good be blind,
Yea. v. and The Re r Ard see in that we now possess
Philadelphia society has been de
in a series of systematic
extending over a period of
You will notice that the defend-1 several months. The wonder is
Could we but see the lost delights,
The unconquered heights,
Which are the forfeit we must pay
For turning from the narrow way
. , ,, , , , Would slight bliss we
ant says mouths have ever take of such trifles for we might Lave
Kindly the Fates which from us screen,
The glories of the might have been,
To have contentment, peace of mind,
President Roosevelt says if it j
had not been for troops at
Santiago there would have been
no Roosevelt. Why will the pres
keep on discovering bad
things about the t
Ohio really cares no more for
the than for the South Sea
Islanders. But platforms must be
made, and they are the habit
of in the colored man
There is more trouble in moot
any other state in the just
now than in North Carolina
Rev. Newell Dwight talks
like a king's fool who has lost favor
with his master and fa trying to be
extraordinarily idiotic.
Yea, verily, and The Re
on throwing off on the we of human happiness.
has not been the . . , . . , . .
J I shall take pleasure in An me long since gone by
victim of the prisoner's mouth- it for membership in the State with Fate.
waterings, as the Durham Herald, j Anti-Saloon says the
Wilmington Messenger and other Charlotte News. Where it would
papers testify. News has be in excellent company.
, peace
The happiness which might have been.
Thomas O. Clark.
repeatedly printed column after
Mrs. Cleveland fa said to of matter
opposed to her husband and the Durham
politics. It is Dot stated
whom she intends to support.
Things are wrong. We
have bad no overwhelming victory
in the this week.
, Herald, without a line of credit.
Does the defendant charge this to
We commend Judge Shaw for
sending the bigamist Mitchell to
the roads for seven years for mar-
An ounce of prevention may be
worth a pound cure; but the
average man will not pay as much
two women. The punish- a gay Lothario. He
is severe should be. ; tries to flirt with all the pretty
I the carelessness of the
,, . . .,. hope not, because we would I
Mr. Roscoe Mitchell's silence is r j
. I bate to have North Carolina ,. . ,. T n seen him trying to flirt with you.
so thick you could cut it a J I The death roll of June now. ,, .,,., .
. . i . I I
North Carolina goes her way
serenely while Northern people
are throwing conniption fits about
the of the
The grandfather clause stands.
disgraced by a member
is not only an acknowledged
rial thief but a most uncommon
liar as well.
It's a poor base ball field that
has no flies on it.
bears the name of Colonel Frank
a prominent North Carolin-
girls in our
Men him trying to flirt
I Press.
there's a woman I
can't help admiring, She fa so
j easily satisfied; has such plain
,, didn't know you
North Carolina seems to be her J
to raise as many crops of straw-1 her I
berries as homicides. I Life.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
t any purse.
We provide the most attractive necessities for your
table. We do it this having the best Groceries,
by handling them in the best way, and by selling them
at the most reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Oats, Corn and Bran
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
Since the last day of April near-
of gold has been
shipped out of this country to Eu-
rope and South America. If you
happened to miss anything of the
sort, you know now where it went.
Durham Sun.
No man can forecast the political
situation twelve months ahead;
but just now, in the judgment of
the Star, Judge Parker and Sena
tor Gorman are the favorites for
the democratic presidential
J nation. Of the two Parker fa
probably the more available man.
i Wilmington Star.
N. C, 1902.
Not much business for
C. E. Bradley and B. B.
went to Washington Wed-
Crops are looking much
ed. We need warm nights now.
Good many potatoes coming in
tor shipment this week, prices
holding up fairly well.
G. H. Little came in last week j
from N. C, to spend a few
days with his family.
We are having often.
Looks like something is
somewhere. Taters fa moving, we
We notice on the arrival of the
The Greenville Reflector
I yacht
believe habit of getting off the
Winterville. N. C, June
A. D. Johnson has bought out
W. B. entire stock of
and notions and is
them next door to Dr. Cox, cheap.
Miss Mattie of
came Wednesday night to attend
the wedding.
Miss Anna returned
from Robersonville Wednesday
Mr. Josephus Cox and daughter,
Miss Bessie, this morning to
visit relatives
What farmer is there who would
not purchase Handy Trucks of A.
G. Cox Mfg. Co. to their
tobacco if assured that they would
will win, we don't
very many people in this
would weep if it There
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
stock of carefully selected Groceries, Dry Goods, dons shock the strict
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishings. S sense of justice. Winston
Country Produce bought and sold. Fresh Butter, Eggs
and Family Supplies constantly on hand. Country trade g A prosperous merchant of St.
Joseph, Mo., he knew as
much about stocks and bonds as
anybody on Wall street. He sold
train a young who
We don't believe Lipton's yacht I mates the daily runs fa in a true
tram and themselves the first season
H into i rest e saving of labor T There fa a
I would suggest that Mr. minister living near
in this. A change in, Pander, for his own benefit, put obligate to
the terrible monotony of American a n that waiting room.
i victories over the Val-1 w- J- Peal returned from Bethel I
and Shamrocks would be a Monday with Mrs. Peal. It's a j
relief, sure. if the cup should happy couple. A bright
go across the sea the way we would j future we wish for them,
bring it back next year would be Misses Annie and Bell, of
Chronicle. spent Saturday and Sun-
day with Mrs. G. B. Ricks. The
With a big-hearted man sitting, generally like bells and go at
in the gubernatorial chair, there
are bound to be more or less par
It was said a picnic at
take them off any man's hands and
pay him for if such is not the
case. The truth is there will not
be many but will own a
set, at least, this very season.
Messrs Manning, Harrington
and Hurst returned from Wrights-
ville Beach Wednesday morning.
Tobacco Flues don't grow, they
have to be made. If not made
some time before the tobacco grow-
a specialty.
Country trade
Flour and feed by the car load.
mill Wednesday What's the
matter, didn't you get any
at fishing or did the girls
eat first
Our clear acting rail road agent,
Mr. Fender, seems to like the
point, O. K. nothing like having
I out his business and went to New four hours each day to talk to ins
. York to get rich. It took him
Just two weeks to lose every cent
he Messenger.
needs them he is very likely to
be inconvenienced. Whether
ordered or not sets are
always ready to be delivered any
i day at our factory. Biggest, stock
, of iron we have ever had bought
at bottom G. Cox Mfg.
j Mr. Mrs. J. B. Galloway,
Mr. Mrs. Wm. with
J. C. Misses Mamie and Helen,
Money, you can't afford to let anyone tell you this
is not the cheapest and best store in town at which to
Buy a Hat
This is Hat week and we can sell you a hat at
your own price. All sorts of Hats, Stiff,
Soft, shapes, styles and sizes.
Remember this is Hat Week at
A few days ago Mr. Dick Grant-
ham purchased the old show
ground. He sold the lower part
of it on Hominy Swamp to Mr
George Morgan, who will locale a
whiskey still thereon. the
upper part a preacher is
erecting a tent to commence a re-
Between the two baseball
girl, several others want his job.
Since our former Mayor Bradly
tendered bis resignation to take
u- i t . l came to attend
effect May town . . .
Its not often Tuesday night, return-
next day.
Miss Hattie Nichols and Ed
son, of this place, happily
i married last Wednesday evening
I at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Fanny Tyson, J. M. Blow, J.
P., officiating. Only a circle
a mayor or police.
good jobs stay open so long.
Greenville. N. C,
Dear We suspect you'd like friends were
games will be played this summer, i i. u u.
, ., . , I the tale, how a woman beat two
and as a side issue Mr. Perry L. A , , a n
hardware dealers in Pa.
will run his round , , .
, , . , , J B We tried our best to get those
It bids fair to be the most ,, T a
wen to sell lead and-zinc
part of the ,,. . j e .
,. J I in that bright and failed.
Reluctantly took Mrs. E. R.
A Memphis paper is authority druggist. Economic Back Bands for plow
i for the statement a man in They said they couldn't sell
that city writes letters to paint for more than a gallon.
We fear, however that they never Mrs. Bowman can. She has sold
i reach their destination, as recent about all the that has been
indicate there since.
She knew had sold out
materials. Had some
Department has con-
in that
ville Citizen.
Miss Hattie Kittrell returned
from Wednesday morning.
W. H. Harris, of Ayden, was
here yesterday. Mr. Harris has
quite a lot of done at the
I factory here.
Economic Back
wagon harness are something
the farmer has got to get used to.
Those who have will not
have any Can be bought
at most any hardware store.
Mr. Mrs. R. H. Hunsucker
I and master Roy Cox attended the
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, and
butter, cool water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the
you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Give your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on
As they have no worse
. than killed a man it would be an
j imposition to keep
gentlemen in Her-
Of course it is not supposed
that all of the in the pen
are robust health, yet
we always supposed that there
was a hospital connected with the
. Herald.
The Baptist Union of Great
Britain and Ireland proposes to
change the declaration
believers is the only
Christian to
baptism is the immersion in water
of Mes-
A bottle was picked up on the
beach by Smith's Island Life
crew on Sunday last, which
contained a note on the inside of
bottle. The paper showed
that it was thrown overboard from
the Dutch steamship Prince
II, on August 9th, 1892, in
j latitude and longitude 74.13,
thus making over ten years
the bottle was thrown over from
the st Standard
sense and force, besides; she easily
learned that cheap in paint,
and told the people.
Mr. Burt Young a gal
F. B. S. commencement at Ayden
Thursday night.
With Handy Tobacco Trucks
there is need for extra trays, re-
Ion for rooms that bad ab to handle
ways taken a gallon; had half left. and children can
t n . ; house tobacco with them lust as
Mr. E. B. jeweler, paint-; M
ed and says it goes further j Whenever you see
no particulars. Paint think of A. Cox
Mr John Hanna, Mfg. Co. They keep a large stock
on hand all the while.
When Mr Cleveland made that
speech taking Southern
on the question, he
caught Solid South. He has
publicly said a word for the Jew,
and now it appears that Irish
are for him.
art the
The sheriff's friends are
multiplying among all the tribes
of the
Now, that the strawberry fever
is rising, let all bear in mind that
thought it expensive he
bought it; brought back nearly
half of his paint, said it
the cheapest job he ever had.
Mrs. Bowman reports
satisfaction. So much a cheap
paint town with a bright woman
in it.
Yours truly,
Co. ,
P. L. Can sells our
paint. I
After being corralled by
dent Roosevelt Hanna feels
desperate, evidently. In his state
convention yesterday ho let a
resolve about cutting down and take care
where suffrage is more can
ed and restricted to honest harvest in the greatest perfection,
We thought Better acre of berries
Ohio was certain enough to re- them well than three
quire such declarations of them. Quality
Raleigh Poet. Lumberton Argus.
profit of the crop
the quality and on the
to plant
cultivate and

i i II ilia i. mm , ii
Appropriation for Entertaining
Confederate Veterans.
The board of in
regular monthly session Thursday
night and transacted a considerable
amount of business.
The standing committees, police
officers, tax collector and chief of
fire department made their reports
for the past month.
The street committee was
to proceed to condemn and
lay out a street across the prop-
of Henry Sheppard, Wiley,
Vines and Lance Wooten, so as to
complete the opening of the street
to Dickinson avenue near the de- j
The balance due, on the j
purchase of the lot on the corner j
of Fifth and streets for
market house and fire department;
buildings, was ordered paid.
The returns of the recent town
election were canvassed, and
elected aldermen
tor the fiscal year beginning July
1st ward, Edgar Buck, 2nd
ward, Charles Cobb and L. H.
3rd ward H. A. White
and R. O. ward, S. T. j
White and D. W.
ward J. C.
An appropriation of was
made for t tie entertainment of the
Confederate Veterans at re
union on the 3rd of July.
The cemetery committee was in-
to collect for all lots sold
and not paid for.
The board of improve-
requested the aldermen to
proceed to have the of
bonds engraved so they
may be ready when wanted. This
was ordered done.
The board of internal improve-
also asked for an
of to make a test to de-
whether it is best to obtain
the water supply fur the town from
a system of gang wells or from j
river. The appropriation w; e
Whiskey And Crime.
Spending a short while in the
court room at Halifax Tuesday,
we were impressed with the fact
that every case that we heard lie-
fore the court coming from the,
criminal docket was the direct re-
Stilt of
And so it ever is. A large ma-1
of the criminal proceedings
in our courts are the result of the
liquor traffic, either directly or in- I
It does seem that the intelligent
citizenship of North Carolina
would see the arguments for sup-j
pressing the liquor traffic from the
standpoint of economy in taxes for
the of courts, to t
say nothing about the moral, social .
and civil reform it would bring
t -rt.
He who works and runs away,
live to work another day.
Runaway time is now, runaway-
traps are here.
The vacation season's here and we
would like to check you through to
outing comfort without excess
Outing suits of Flannel, Hardy
Homespuns and Serges, single and
double breasted, also Norfolk blouse
Up-to-date traveling suits.
From Blue and Black Serges,
cheviot outing stripe
and Straw Hats.
Negligee Shirts, good, better best.
Outing belts, Summer ties, thin
fancy hosiery.
Fresh testimony great A IV .
is constantly in,
Dr. King's New Discovery for CHURCHES.
Consumption Coughs and Colds to every Sun-
be A recent day, morning and evening. Pray-
from T. J. evening
ville, Va. serves as example. He. Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
had for school a. m. M. A. Allen
three years and doctored all the superintendent,
time without being benefited. every Sun
Then I begin taking Dr. King's j morning and evening.
New Discovery, a few bottles meeting evening. Rev.
wholly cured Equally fl. M. Eure, pastor. Sunday school
in curing all Lung Throat 9.30 a. L. H. Fender,
troubles, Pneumonia ;
and Grip. Guaranteed by L. Services 1st,
Wooten Druggist. Trial bottles and 5th Sundays, morning
free, regular sizes and evening. Mid week service
Wednesday evening. Rev.
The North Carolina Teacher's
Assembly meets at
next week.
F. G. Hartman, pastor. Sunday
school F. L. Walker,
W. E. Cox,
Minister. Morning evening
prayer with sermon every 1st
3rd Sunday. Sunday school
You should not fail to visit the
New White Front
when in need of
Hot Weather Wearing Apparel.
Living at out way
place, remote from civilization, a ; a. m., W. B. Brown, superintend-
family is often driven to Litany every
i lion in case of accident, resulting evening.
in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, I every
I etc. Lay a supply of day morning evening. Rev.
; Salve. It's the best on E. Powell, pastor. Sunday
I earl h. at Drug Store. a. m. W. B. Parker,
. superintendent.
There were applicants for regular service.
license the Slate Medical
. t a
convention at Hot Springs, and
i of teem passed. The convention .,,
n . ,.,, k A. F. A.
next year will be held in Raleigh.; Jo
I third Monday evening. R.
ACHE. K. River Lodge, No.
Would quickly leave you, if you Wednesday evening,
used Dr. King's Life Pills.
Thousands of sufferers have prov-
E. B. C. C. S. Forbes
K. of R. and S.
ed their matchless merit for Lodge,
and Nervous Headaches. They N- . 17-
evening. A. B, Ellington, N. G.,
L. H. Fender. Se-.
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday
; W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall. Regent.
O. Council,
make pure blood aid built up
your health. Only money
back if not Sold by
Drug Store.
We are showing beautiful things
in Thin Wash Lawns,
Batiste, Mulls, Mercer
etc. The White
The greatest ranching No every
if the Canadian northwest is Al- night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S. Smith
I. O. Conclave
Zephyrs, bray, Percale j OF ALL I Ho, meets every second and
Can he worse than fa fourth Monday
M hat every will be Hall. W. B, Wilson A return
last Such was the of. u- H-
Mis. S. H. Decatur, Ala. I Tribe
three she writes, meets every
endured pain from night in Men's hall. B. T.
Indigestion, stomach bowel White, Sachem; J. I. Smith, Chief
Death inevitable of Records. brethren
Embroideries, when doctors and remedies failed. welcome.
At length I was induced to try
Electric Bitters and the result OFFICERS.
I improved at once clerk Bum Court D.
showing includes the season's
choicest offerings.
is complete with
Laces, Corsets, Handkerchiefs,
Hosiery, Vests, Gloves, etc. miraculous.
Give us a call and
you at
we will recovered, Moore.
Fore Liver, Kidney, and sheriff, O. W.
t Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is Register Deeds. R.
For My Lady's
we have a large assortment
of beautiful articles in
Hair Brushes,
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, .
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
The London Times pays its Ber- J. J. Kits, W.
the only medicine. Only Its
guaranteed by Drug
correspondent to
We, the undersigned,
Dr. Seth Arnold's to lie a
reliable Remedy Bowel Com.
plaints, hereby a twenty-
live cent bottle, to give satisfaction
money refunded. J L. Wooten,
W. R. Home, J. R. Barnhill, J
W. Page and J. Spier.
Board meets every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W.
Treasurer, H. l. Carr.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Tax Collector, U. D.
Police, J. T. chief, W. H.
i and S. I. Dudley.
S. L. C
I Arthur, Charles Cobb, B. F. Pat-
by enabling the digestive organs rick, K. B. R. L. Carr,
to digest, assimilate and transform R. Parker and B. F. Tyson.
To be sure, to be sure, with toe I and Manicure Bets in solid silver and plate. The comfort wholesome food that may Hoard meets even n. i.
brightening light of a better in or having one's own own articles for the toilet when traveling eaten into the kind of blood night,
North Carolina, the or on a visit to a relative or neighbor is full v appreciated when that the nerves, feeds
day is not far distant when the Away from home. We extend to you a cordial invitation to I e tissues, hardens the muscles
people speak forth their power come and examine our stock,
and suppress Neck
Will pay you cash for your
Beeswax. Samuel M. Shultz.
Ice cream and cream soda at our fountain.
Bryan Nichols,
ThU popular remedy never ti
effectually cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
And ALL DISEASES arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural la good appetite
and solid flesh. Dose small; elegant-
sugar coated and easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
you think that
young man has matrimonial in-
certainly do, mama. He tried
Sold by John L. to convince me last night that
looked prettier in that two dollar
bat than in the that cost
and recuperates the organs of the
, entire body. Dyspepsia
cures Catarrh of
the Stomach and all stomach dis-
Established 1830. Incorporated 1903.
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main oilier and electric
Macon, Ga.
Branch offices and shops, Mount,
N. C, and S. C.
For prices and designs- address Rocky
the United States death
sixty-live is either murder
or suicide.
E. DeWitt Co. is the name
of the firm who the genuine
Witch Hazel Salve is
the Witch Hazel Salve that heals
without leaving a scar. It i a
serious mistake to any other.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
blind, itching and pro-
piles, burns, bruises,
eczema and all skin diseases. Sold
by John L. Wooten.
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
sick headache.
All druggists.
. as.
. r
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
Third Faster
D. W.
. r
Agents wanted in all
Wheeler Wilson Mfg Co
Atlanta, Ga
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
And Provisions
C, June t, 1903.
N. C, June E. E. made a business trip
Rev. J. E. attended the to Greenville last Thursday after-
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Baptist Union at Mount.
Thus. Brit ton John Staton
returned home last week
Chapel Hill, where they have been
at school.
children will leave in the
Miss Annie is visiting
friends near Grifton.
Mrs. K. T. and Jim
Saturday and with
and Mrs. C. H. Langston.
near Lorenzo spent
Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be re-instated if arrears lie paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, NO.
D. W.
North Carolina.
Not Quite
How often you can a
nail or screw driver or
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a
useful article.
Of Course I
You get Harness,
;,, Horse Goods,
Opium, Laudanum. Cocaine and all Drug Habits M w
permanently cured, pain or detention from business, leaving no craving;
For drugs or other stimulants. We restore the nervous and physical systems to
their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remedy
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
Wire and Iron Pence Sold.
work and prices reasonable
d on
future for Rapids, day in Greenville.
she will open up a new boarding Jim of Rocky Mount,
We her much success. I was in the neighborhood Thursday.
Miss Mattie Grimes returned Mr. and Mrs. K. E. attended
home from a visit to Rocky Mount i the union meeting at St. Delight
last night. Saturday.
W M. Wilmington, Miss Mary spent
was town Monday. several days of last week visiting
I. A. attended the Union j friends in Ayden.
Sunday at Rocky Mount and re-; Mr. and
turned on the evening train. ; Saturday night and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Cherry, of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
spent Monday in town on Worthington.
. business. Some of friends attended the
Mr. and Mrs. John concert given by the orphan child-
of Scotland Neck, are visiting from the Oxford Orphan
relatives here.
Miss Ora of Jamesville, Our Sunday school was enjoy-
spent in ably entertained on Sunday last
W. C. Anderson, of Bethel, has by Rev. Chas Elmer Furman,
accepted a position with the Coast i New York, the Sunday
Line at Kinston, as operator. school evangelist and artist. He
Sheriff was in ton spent a days in the neighbor-
today collecting taxes, j hood, and on Tuesday afternoon
Rev. J. J. Barker returned. some of the neighbors met him at
home Saturday night from a visit home of E. E. to be in-
to Raleigh, Salisbury and other in the Scripture, which
places the state. was highly enjoyed.
W. I. Peel, and Miss
I Nannie of Bethel,
were happily united in the holy
; bonds of matrimony, Sunday eve
o'clock took the
train for Plymouth. We wish
prepared by an eminent physician.
Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited. Write today.
Manhattan Therapeutic Association
A Broadway, Haw York
Insure your crop against damage
by hail with the
Tobacco Mutual Hail and Fire
Insurance Company.
Ayden, N. C, June 1908.
Misses Olivia Berry and Nancy
Coward to Scotland Keck
them prosperity happiness Tuesday to spend some time,
their new life. B. j. of
Hits Mable Barnhill left Tuesday town yesterday-He is all
evening for to attend
school commencement Prof. W. H. made a
and Friday. splendid speech at
Dr. F. C. James, the cake. Tuesday night.
He sold bis potato crop yesterday Rev. Chas. E. Furman made a
at the rates of per acre. splendid speech Wednesday night
J. J. Carson sold seven and also delivered the address
William Fountain, H. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. c.
Office one door east of post office, on
street Phone
acres of Irish potatoes 1633.95
and says be will get per
more in cotton; old Joe gets there.
Fred of Goldsboro,
I watt in town today.
J. B. Higgs, Greenville, paid
us short visit today.
N. C.
Greenville, N.
Greenville, N.
Chopped a Man's Head Off.
Tenn., June
special to the Sentinel from
I well, Tenn , Sam Davis
killed near that place late
day afternoon by
The program Thursday night
was well rendered and reflected
credit upon the teachers and
students. A large crowd was
present and all seemed to enjoy it.
Miss Daisy who has
been teaching near Falkland, has
closed her school.
Bobbie Darden, of
Greene county, were here
returned from
Parmele last night.
Miss of Grifton,
We insure your Tobacco for per acre.
We insure your garden truck tor an acre.
We insure your strawberries for tin acre.
insure your cotton for acre.
We insure your small grain for an acre.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Bali. v Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for chopping his bead off burying
Raleigh. N. us,. ,. o- em , . , o In town visiting her titter, Mrs.
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil and several times in his body. . .
Turkeys. etc. .-.--.- f-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits,
by Carriages, Go-Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
, High Key
I roots, Henry George Can-
I Cherries, Apple.
. Pine Jelly, Milk,
; Floor Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
Magic Food, Oil,
; Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
It is a home company, devoted to the interests of North only, den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
and is for the mutual protection its members. Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Each member pays a membership at the time of signing an unite j
for insurance, which entitles to a member of years the
have to pay the losses In their own state. ,
The company Is under the direct inspection of the State Insurance Com- Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
and every is under bond. . other goods. Quality and
For further information apply to any officer or agent of the company. i Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Forsyth county is taking
to call an election the question
Of issuing bonds for
building good roads.
S. M. Schultz.
Tribe of Red
Men have fitted up the ball over
d. w. store for their pRANK n. WOOTEN,
place meeting.
Malaria Ever have it Know all about
it Want to get rid of it Take
Malaria and Ague Cure.
J. i-Co. All
N. C.
men in a in ., ,. , . .
. , . . Mrs. Harrington, of Kinston, is
house. was nut , . ,. , . ,
. , ,,. . . her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
in last night and F H t
sheriff made for pro I , , .
. , . u Miss Hodges and brother,
against mob violence, fears ., , .
, . , , ., . , . of Holland, are attending the
which were expressed last night. .
r at the Seminary.
Miss Clyde Cox went to
you consider it a moral ville Wednesday,
wrong to cheat a asked j
the person who is looking for a; D you enjoy whit you vat I
chance to start something. . .,. , , ,
. ,, yo don't your food does not
, replied the man whose specialty is you
worldly wisdom, I consider Cine is the remedy that everyone
it a physical should when there is any
, Chicago Daily News. wrong with the stomach.
There is no way to maintain the
health and strength of mind and
here This bill for that body except by nourishment. There
automobile I sold you been to except
running for over . year T
,,, . . L be kept healthy, pure and sweet
her run, I want to have r the Strength let down and
connected with m will net up. No appetite.
I automobile that will for over loss of strength,
a half-hour without bad breath,
sour rifling, indigestion,
dyspepsia all stomach troubled
Switzerland is to have still an- cured by the me of
other connection with N
electric railway to
Practice in all the courts. Special
attention to collection of rents
and other claims. Prompt
to all business.
Editor W. I. Underwood, of
London has over King the Charlotte Chronicle, was re-
streets the same number of married Washington City
I streets or roads. I to Miss Mary Hancock.

mill II
For Men, Women and Children.
If your Oxford Shoes are not yet provided an early
visit to this store will prevent the necessity of ft hurried
shopping visit some morning when you want to put on
your Oxfords and haven't got them ready.
We are showing a line of Men's, Women's
Children that must be of special interest to you just now.
Children and Misses sizes to and 11.00.
Misses sizes, to TS, and
Women's Oxfords Shoes at of tine quality black
kidskin, made with tips of patent leather or kid skin,
welted oak leather sale, in shapes with the
high arch. Although regularly sold by us at
this price, you will find them unmatched elsewhere
In pattern with medium weight oak-leather
heels in all sizes. Splendid shoes for the
We have the best Oxford made for men at
Quite a variety of different in Shoes
at and
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves,
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Tools. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and labor baying an Inferior grade of paint. It.
is economy Id get good quality always. The
paints are recommended by
all who once use. them. Covers more surface
with less labor than any costs no more.
one of our Refrigerators will save you the
amount of it's cost, in the food it prevents from
spoiling. They are large and roomy and are
designed in a way will prove economical in
using the ice. There is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
There is very little trouble, very little expense,
very little time involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal part heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid freezer. Prices
Saturday June nth.
C. A. of Tarboro, came I
in Friday evening.
Miss Maud Evans home
Friday evening from Goldsboro.
Foster returned
evening from Lynchburg.
R. L. Humber returned Friday i
evening from Hamilton,
Julius Sugg returned to Kin
Miss Mamie Cox and S. S.
went to Friday
I. Gardner left this morn-
for Bethel.
Miss Clara Jolly, of
visiting Miss
Mm. Draughan left this morn-
for Neck.
K. T. Forbes left this morning
j for Wilson.
Mrs. I. II. went to
on today to visit relatives.
Cox returned Friday
from a week's vacation.
Miss Lena Anderson returned
this morning from
returned Friday
evening from a on tho road.
returned Friday evening from;
Mrs. W. II. Harrington and;
children wont to today to,
visit relatives.
Editor Hunter, of Use
ville spent Friday night
here and left this morning.
Miss Sue House, of House, who.
has been friends town,
returned home this morning.
E. E. Griffin left this afternoon
his family have
boon for some days.
V. Andrews, of Bethel, has
taken ft position with the Atlantic
Line here.
Mies Evans returned
home Friday evening from
been attending
J. of Wilmington,
rived Friday evening lo visit nil
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mrs. Hunter Marshall, and
children, Danville, arrived Fri-
day evening to visit her sister,
Mrs. L.
Location Selected.
The graded building will
be located on the old academy Int.
It is hardly large enough
much play ground, but seems to be
I he best the trustees could do.
Family Flour
Bacon -hog round per
lbs per
Sweet and
There is nothing so purely sweet and tempting
as Fresh, Clean Butter, Eggs and Cheese. They
are certainly sweet and tempting as we buy
them, and most of the well-set tables in the
town give our dairy products a well-deserved
place. You will be pleased if you do likewise.
We have these in all sizes, and it will not pay
you to bother with cleaning the old wooden
beds when you can buy a complete metal one,
Different sizes and styles to select from.
We keep the most Fly Paper on the
to flies. You don't have to
introduce the fly to the paper, either He
knows it is a good thing and wants to got onto
it early in the game. He gets stuck on it.
If It were not for
Policemen and Flies
You would not have to
Wear Pants
but so long as you have to wear them,
why not get them where they grow to
perfection. In other words,
they treat
Special offer to Rural Route Farmers and Mer-
envelopes and sheets of good
paper with your name and address printed for
ONE DOLLAR at Reflector Printing House.
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Great Cotton Mills at Clifton
and Other Places
Swept Away.
Colombia, S. June
of the Blue Ridge u tor-
rent all day on the mill
town in which
A cloudburst it
must have people
no warning. It had been
all day. no danger was
and the working people of
Who keep running more
than one hundred thousand spindles
in three great mills, retired
At Hits morning the
power for those WM in its
normal Mate. hour afterward
the river Had risen thirty feet and
the lone to nod property WM
The bigot mill in the county
of with spindles,
and two other., Clifton
and Dexter, -ere half washed
away. The towering bridge
over w hi el i J lie Rout hem Hallway
from crowd thin
liver, was destroyed. It wan sup-
by granite piers was
considered proof against
But the greatest disaster occur
red in the mill town. Here four
thousand people lived. The water
upon I overfill
houses and away men,
is said to be the
loss, but the and
lied it is Impossible to
get detail. No trains have
rail i town.
There wore many heroic rescues
that early morning hour. Men
risked their Jives to save helpless
ones to floating houses
in flood. In
on hour t he destructive wave had
subsided and t lie re were
hundred homeless people,
a town reduced to idleness, with
no means of making a living, and
two dollars in property
The wave is moving on towards
this city, where it will
tomorrow night.
Fifteen miles south of Clifton
another mill town, mills,
numbers and are situated
on the river. At about
flood reached this town.
The mills were full of operatives
warned by the bones, they
tied and reached placed of safety.
When the great bank of water
struck the mills on of then,
lot No. crumbled. At the same
time the mill dam across the river,
by which horse power- is
supplied, gave way. Upwards the
water climbed and the terrified
people gave around as it increased.
At the height of the flood a boy
was seen floating on a log.
He called tor help, but do help
could go in that cauldron of
muddy water.
An hour after the first mill col-
lapsed the second fell. The
is standing, the engine rooms,
boiler rooms and machine shops
are wrecked. The
church, valued at market,
bat shop and blacksmith shops
have all gone. But greatest
loss outside of the mills themselves
that of all the warehouses
filled with cloth cotton.
There were bales of cotton
bales of cloth lost, over
a quarter of a million dollars
Regarding Railroad Matters
Patience Has Ceased to
be a Virtue.
He Says the Man He Fought So
Bitterly Should Succeed
Dr. Venable.
If the operator who does the re-
porting of trains the dispatcher's
at Tarboro, does lose his
job for the trouble he caused Mon-
day, the railroad officials will fall
short of their duty to the public
a long time now the passenger
trains have never come in on time
and people have been going to the
depot by the sent out of
the expected arrival of the trains.
inaccurate have these re-
ports, causing much trouble
a ii that complaint after
Complaint has been heard and
has taken occasion
more than once to speak about it.
Fur convenience the reports are
sent to two places hereto the
telegraph office down town to
the railroad office at the depot
and people get their information
from whichever point is most
to them. While it is the
duty of the dispatcher to send out
these reports at a reasonable time,
they always have to lie asked for
him to send any at all.
it is Monday's report that
out to speak about here.
report to the down
office said
train was w minute late,
while the depot office was told it
was minutes late The hotel
bus prepared to move by the latter
report. Neither report was correct,
as the t was minutes late,
and when it came the bus had not
left the hotel. As Moore
had Information based on
i report sent to his office, he
felt it was his duty to hold the
train tho passengers could
get there from the hotel. This
was done, yet the baggage of some
them got left. And was all
due to inefficiency and want of
accommodating employees in the
dispatcher's office. The public
have had enough of this kind of
of trouble.
Greenville has
at last punctured the hide of the
Wilson We had thought
John B. Morris, the popular
traveling man, spent Monday in
Greenville, where, as elsewhere,
his friends are legion. He is a
man full of business, yet who can
find time between his interviews
with the merchants to engage with
his friends in conversation on cur-
rent events and topics of the day.
It was during of these periods
that Tn k caught him
amid a group of friends, find-
the conversation l be
the article in Sunday's state pa-
as hi the i ed re-
of President Venable of
the University, and who would
probably be his successor, we pro-
to take note of what was
said, knowing expression
from Mr. Morris would be well
don't know anything about
what President is
to do- -whether he intends to slay
at of North Caro-
or resign and go to the
University of Virginia. In fact,
I barely know President Venable
except by eight. To be plain, I'm
so poorly educated and have had
so little to do with schools that. I
am wisely along the
way of learning in North
and, at this time, I he of
lightning from our electric
educational boom, feel like a
mill sardine at a convention of
Here someone in the crowd said,
is favor of Matt Han-
for the presidency of the
University. He's in of old
Matt for anything and every-
I'm favor of Ransom
for anything ho wants in this
world, or the next, don't
of you forget cried Morris.
to be
president of the University. His
at the was
satisfied when he and Pettigrew
the famous of the
away the highest
honors for scholarship ever con-
by the institution prior to
the war between the states. Ran-
is busy planting late corn and
covering with his foot. I hope
the Lord will shoo the worms
and make each stalk to have ten
ears. Am I for him politically,
Of lam. I would be
in favor of returning him to the
senate If he were a hundred and
If there were no word
fail some dishonest man would years old and had to be toted,
it invent.
I any year tun nail lo De
j and fed through a
if Mr. Venable resigns, I
am in favor of Gov. Jarvis, of this
town, for the presidency of the
said Morris, to the
astonishment of those who listened,
for each knew how Morris had
fought Gov. ambition to be
the United States sen-
ate, i Mr. Morris had not only made
ti his business apparently to come
to Greenville, the home of Gov.
Jarvis, and boldly talk against the
Governor to the friends
but lie was his name to
articles in
the west and it was known to the
supporters of Gov. Jarvis that he
was furnishing
matter to two newspapers east-
t h Carolina.
want to put what I'm
saying in your newspaper, do you
Well, now you put up that pencil
and throw that pad away. You
are leading me to a point where I
am confronting real seriousness,
if you want to print what I
say let me take my pencil
give me some
Then Mr. Morris walked in
with the editor to The
office, and wrote as
I opposed Gov. Jarvis.
He did not stand for what I, as a
democrat, believed from an econ-
standpoint. I was, however,
with an exceedingly minute
microscopic democratic minority,
while the Governor in
the longer and more demonstrative
I fought in
the but especially did I do
so on these streets, here at bis
home. But not withstanding my
view of his political attitude and
. against
my friend, Thomas is a
of superb chancier, a North
I Carolinian of singular patriotism,
and of superior executive talent,
and today. am sure that I and
many of my intimates
mated the abilities and patriotism
of the man.
has been a Commoner his
state, and both lieutenant governor
and governor, United Slates
I tor and foreign minister. So far
uh this world's civic honors may
j adorn n life Jarvis has been
eminently distinguished, the
University be led to
presidency, would share In
e of its executive head.
has more learning than
had Gov. Swain, who, as ruler
over domain of the classic Hill,
was the Pericles of the
University. He is an alumnus of
Randolph and worthy
and painstaking pupil of that in-
far as I know there have
been any dramatic features
the federal head of the
of Carolina, but the
elevation of to the
would be an assurance, so
far as the University executive
might be representative, against
under gown and cap.
the present scholarly
and efficient president resign, bis
should be a man whose
name is masterful over the
men and women who breed our
boys surely he should be a
North Carolinian, and indeed, one
whose life, as does the life of Jarvis,
the vital civic and
If the Investigation is Not White-
washed Somebody May
Get in Jail.
Washington, fed-
grand jury has found true bills
the in con-
with the alleged offering
of A. W. former
superintendent of free delivery, of
the post office department. This
action as taken, it is learned, on
the same day that Mr.
was indicted. The delay in
the indictments has been
due to the fact that they could
not be prepared for presentation
before today.
The Graft are the owners of the
j patent mail fasteners from the
of which to the government
is said to have profiled,
through collusion with the
to the extent of in the past
three years, ;, it i said,
collected front them
on all moneys re
by from the government.
The grand jury will at once take
ease of James N. form-
assistant attorney general for
the post office department,
was as a result of the
rifling of the safe bis office.
Although opening of the safe
was not done by Mr. per-
it is said that he was con-
with the act in snob a way
as to compel the laying of case
before tho jury its action.
If found necessary the full power
of government will be excited
to uncover in the post
office department. This was
brought to light this morning by
the discovery of means where-
by evidence of was secured
against and his
in the free delivery division.
A national bank examiner followed
up the work by the
tors. These chased the clues to
the doors of certain banks. They
then bad to stop. But the inquiry
did not rest for long. Treasury
department officials were consulted
with the result that bank
were ordered to go into and
examine the books and the vaults,
Thus, documentary evidence was
Potato Market.
New York, to
Boston, to
Newark, to
Washington, to
Continued on 8th page.
Envelopes were in

Eastern reflector, 9 June 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 09, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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