Eastern reflector, 26 May 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

warn who bad urea Id an j-
hi U
lo the iii
put box
ram- to .-row
b triad to
of during a
all the
skill and of whirl,
for an be
But a gentleman bad Md-
Into court in Kr-
the thought lie
vat lour of mankind
On the hint made
a low bow to the
In of re
to for
bad treated a Of
and him by the name
of The nun said.
Thou truly I am
Te oN t
Where did that word
from, and data ii
wally menu The the
word in literature la in the
of of Lady M m
ed the of Mr.
n In
with bis lo tin- fir.- at
u. all Mad n, MOM
. the lit The
I toe word mine
or the
low Or hall we
trace it to the by
the sir. in
our one who
ways his I
of lira, . board
the ship the when hear a
lie cry
More than oh Bah in met
win. h Mini, the Malt
of Is the
a Safe, of
it crawl or walk
or hop. the of load, b
animal thin Ml t. some extent
bears a it i provided
with a moot The
tin of the
are are capable
of acting on water, but only
moTe backward and forward. Both
the.- nod the and anal tin are
very different from the flu Id
other and . not serve for
-l all.
Other of
the TM knight I
a Set of and the
; a. , u.
There are various
of deserts ibis country, but
Utterly are
1-1 wet n the Bock
kw and the Sierra a. Thu. i u re-
don of with ban and
area where nature in
to have U
to Of
the mount am.
Nevada extends a
a of w la
ad by a series of
parallel north and with
A view of the
shows three principal rum; two of
which are as the
and between th. Is
valley, called because It la the v. r
abode of death.
n Darrow of arid
shut between two
the peak up
feet Into a burning sky The
of this plain, which Is below
level, la s mere of
alkali, through s ridden
breaks up to big Into a
paste than eats hair and bide,
A gray that lift- nukes
everything and to
view. No M
save a with
that are Dot but . I
here and there a Bart
grow to five or f.-et with
extended It la called the
stalk looks like s
Bat the horror of the place
la the beat, which
There la a but it la
flow from down toward the
valley, but never It. the
beat dries them up the way
Few D
A Ken a
era are not Bores
rune i
. HI Basal
know their hi
m, Most
1- n--
. Una at
a .
In U hi
lo a waiter
willing to Th. thine Is
more or .
here i- .
for Hut ran few like
to he hurried over their r Any
waiter who knows hi will
coax bl gently over
by read v.
but never around when be i nit want
Mn h a man will get a liberal Up
he works In the beat re-
In Hut stack are
few and far N.-w York
of a
tell 11- y
th.- of
the globe I
Ha bag
ally down until now it u
f.- t tower than that of Us near
neighbor, the sea. which also I tea
far Tho
all has
the its
bf but
real gal i allows that Is not
with of made over
rears ago the
fact that there hi a greater depth
of water DOW titan then.
but one hypothesis that would
all that the bottom of the
la There i
in to
what will be the Dual outcome.
bird dog man L lo think
his favorite a better Dose than any
animal on earth. Be
amount bird
very long Now It
is a of ;
yard, or. h drawn
lo at . r in
other have
the otter hunter- do
a Are fur t a lime Ml the little la-
f the
bf r can
tin- fume from the
blare a of Bra out
sea. It I said of Ibis that be
can a lab under Uh sea
have I.-.-H I
up an past
lively Bevel t
I the
an on the ape-
. r In like swamp of New
all good wait- of human baa
g-- dinner dwelt In the aw., f , which
they it I end. ,., ,,. bi-1,,,,, to
hurry a j becoming a of
make room I . hast three
In . . .
I a trunk.
hare ban Mid r Walking
n water or on
bag tons, which they on the
hard f.-et bleed,
and. the native.
Is everywhere tight
of their lobs la ah-
bf Ida
than any I
la the of the
It probable of
effort of to
ate a new m-.-i, of
man being with flat find
defeated bf
lies. Fifty the
of this race
I will paddle
I feel In their waging
win be i
the record of i Inter
cured by
Under all
V. of
C. was
id by Ki
of stomach
trouble which
his heart-
Mrs. W. W.
. i
A lb
.- aw
m ml
very I is r Is
go out to gather white for f---l
I I r I
the white 1- not id food
very rich. In
an in h lung. The native gather
In pull off the and
roast The native boys a
bin at
white ants flopped on t. the
attracted by the light The loft
who wore waiting them
and without farther
them their
The Ram .
In o the of the
nun year,
March B, Is railed
thO ram The
of i . an
to the Item of any
la Iowa a
offering of n or he goat
take, place at the door of the principal
after U Ii
by the in the
It la flung on the shoulders
of a w;. hit
rum a deer
Ike Barrow
bf a rabble The poor In
with atones by bare and u Jeered at
from ever
it 1- repute to i- the of
the people. r with
mi be door of
l the palace, if animal 1-
n the augury i- for
lurk 1- bi be exp all through
war Hut if the rain If
of evil
I Not Quite S
R. L leave
W daily, except Sunday.
at t. Greenville, leave-
daily, except
in. Tot M
Baltimore, president
New York
South f-reek. J.
and lot .,
all for Went with mil A. TAYLOR,
at Not folk.
freight h
the Old s. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Kay Line
S S. V. from
and Line from
J. J. CHERRY. Apt.,
Greenville, at. C.
J. B.
The Eastern Reflector
Published Semi-Weekly
Tuesday and Friday.
Truth to
We insure your for acre.
We insure your truck an acre.
bum for f an acre.
We insure your fur an acre.
We insure your grain for an acre.
f th. Mi,
I So.
is for the mutual protection of Us members. only,
Each g of at time of ,
i for which entitle-to a of fire years
lo pay the losses
a in
m Ar
New York
a m
a m
i a m
j p m
Insurance Co
and every is under bond.
further Information apply to any officer or agent of the company
Postal laws Balk De-
Plans for
planter end
dry in th- of
the bird f the
same only about tin If a- Hg
Its tun-in -oft
Beat on the a I la
a yellow, red or blighter
than the bird, it ring
egg hut It
value an The
other bend,
a quieter a
I f fear, Joy.
not in o sweet a b
an worm hooter
K i into
. and cherry
i the la
farmer egg bare.
That l Tl.
Of British that the
of with tin
In At rate. It
la common
All la with or
mailer to it and
formers; for tho In dye-
Ins tho boiling
its ill unit out
th gummy The
u restored with
Die arid. la more of
all in cheap nil.
Very soft -ilk to las
pare. Burn a wrap, re-
hut Bab. A tin weighted
lea g
Ilk- tine wire gauze.
-New fork
nil i- ,.
t i
Mads Hire
i from
nor It any eon-
with It Is
lure la made
from the pith of ii certain tr.-.-
tin- The pith is
from tree large
e. with sharp
till Instead of a
cylindrical bare a large flat
This i, ,. . other
the required la
I . paper is rudely
and i- ready lo nae. It called
rice paper under the
when it into Bu
rope It was made from rice aid
the Borer bu
Moat are a wars of the power
of rental external
hut not many would
It the of made,
whirl appear to be genuine Bight or
to pressure railed between
eggs th.
pounds and
crush II. eggs
pounds anal i
it With
s- gave j it
between thirty two
Are pounds i r
i to
An.-;, ins
the i of Europe as tin-
in the world.
do with a fr-e-
bare money to Cut all
there la no
country In the world nor la re rec-
of any In the people
the welfare of the
and wretched The
has a and i l
enough as an obligation
one ran free from it
a and h
win not his merely by
of some t-t
often you
per Hare
tool and be
en I
in i you could
f will Unit mi
does lack t
ii- f article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
on am lo Tampa k-
H. II. J.
Tram.- Gen. Am
T. M. T. M.
S. C
Marble and
and for Wire
and power plant,
Macon, Ga.
N. C and C.
For and
on ind
The n nu- t. the irk
divided Into
and female to depth or
their color
an- thus alluded The .
i ,
ii and
found on breaking open certain r.
in name with other
r-. la called the
lbs leas transparent and
kind i- male, and .
j on- male r i
other the female, but
I- the deeper in of
Tho f an-
h though
by many
to he our
I y
IV i
mt in a few hut
I. .- a Bf
An i .
up a at ale t r V I
coo a lo i II the wen
II la e Into
all . thrown,
to n to the
of and
Ion t like
n who to tot
did wit
you la
links look exactly as you
first came
I nut Ba
were and n
if in parents could
to say, it not
or, rather, it out
to us in fractions, mall doses, ho.
Is up
of halt In the rough road of
so . .- y, t v,, short, there are
we alt down by
the would gladly atop
there go no farther, a on
which will day
brace the
of rings out and
us on A Why and on.
we must hark life eon-
We rise and up our
In A. I. the
narrow Unit of and
the famous
rock name la from
tell a on on u
real of Rome
he a
no Bearer creek to show him
claim. the nun
and I am afraid In lie of all
we our will now he
as his u fool BI I
leader. id was one
the of Arab of
is an Arabic w.-rd mean-
mountain great rock,
was fr the moat ob
of the strait,
named after Tank.
el or the of lank. It la
easy to bow
ii i. Ox-
-I i it i. cluck
ml . .-ii bf Hi,,
tor over
I it was
an exceptional.; claim, tin-
land did not and that he
would Ball It to Mm for The
man around and
red mud way up s and
the real man what canard
that mud hi tho true if ii- land
did The
replied that there a kind bog
over the country
which in and
that they rubbed the mud on ii.- trees.
prospector look a look the
land, glanced Up In the again
told the man h wouldn't
tho claim. would gin him
a couple of hogs.
wadding day is
ties begin on la-i
days. by men
women each day
is by n
. . , forks or wines are
wedding feast.
Customer I don't know
Just what I whim. I ant you
n book I think
please you. It out with
I don't how It
How it end
please you. It a
Is Id in
ob, I
The v due of u a m
the aborigines, who prepared
poultice- to the egg
om from arrow
they now n rein
erysipelas Is ken or
applied a a poultice, in la rial and
typhoid add of fruit
lack an- of
fend raw
lo nu excellent for
As n
not be too
of ts lost.
At Norfolk England
la tins in old country
engraved on an oak and
In Vet.
; from
Him in it In an
cap letters, it may i-
for m. a bone s
a i of
r Oh, we never
all down thirteen table
Mr it Palms i hop.- you're not so
Mr- It No. of not. hut we
bare only
To yon think that appreciate
art this
answered Mrs
, .
you tell how lunch u
i II.
Of nations tho
and th.- the
the shortest. According to
i ton la-
the of life la
as follows Sweden and Norway,
England IS and months;
i ii and ii
id. years and
years and d
and H
Italy, y.-are; M yogas,
Spain, mouths.
II. Has WaS.
A who recently la
this upon tho street
bitten by a dog A few
bra r t-i th
nm-e. who was apparently
than Injured, and Baked if tho
dog j- mad. The
Der dog he ho
Th ii. was
the professor
fag grabbed n frisky junior
I believe has got bold
believe ho was the quick re-
And Provisions
Ties always on hand
in stock. Country
Produce ind Sold
D. W.
i. ii
North Carolina.
morning n evening,
I M a. m. II. A. Allen
H. M. Eure.
L. II.
I'll t
h morning and
evening. Mid wk
i A. Her. P. O.
Sir day
m. F. L. Walker,
Sc W. K.
Morning and
l with lat and
. Sunday
a. m., U.
every Baa
V. K
a. W. R. Parker.
regular service.
l IN
Goes up or
According to the
you give your
Keep it lo
and it goes down. Keep
it before the public and
climbs up.
need and persistently, will
make grow. Are you
tied your If not, ad-
it, and you will be satisfied
with the returns. You will find
interested in what you say if you
talk to them through
Cold Comfort
are the one
our will milk,
cool water and that
would be the
A. F.
I for a
boy. Tl yon will nil the
Well, I lick-
out la
A. M
SI, and
K. It Lode, No.
K. B. C. 0.1 C, B.
K. of J.
I. O. O.
So. every
A. Ellington, N.
U. H. Pander, He-.
K. A. Zeb Council. No.
Norfolk V Secretary, J.
a. S.
Colton and of a-
j No. meet every third
in Odd
I Hall. J. Z.
belt- H.
I. O.
No. in. every and j
in Odd
Iowa Hall. W. II.
S. Sec.
and Iron Fence
I i-t-t and priori
I i on a
If sou bare will want a Lawn Mower
n made Ii for to own one
There Is no need to borrow a mower when we
we snood machine knives at such
a price, and guarantee It lo do work,
Cooler. Ice Cream and
In hardware line.
t alas away.
Will lie
nu. old I
IS An- k.-. I
to keep out lb,,
of In in sad I no
I'm lo bear lo was
mi hi.
my is a
Then a ii
-1 of
with I
. dike In In-
quired tin- of
the here
la IT.-,.
historian pi
bow in Man
in, in,
their trickles all
of ti
ward boil our a Bra, He .,,. ,
nearly a
bun-l taste, turn
Stake it the women,
whom how to
it. in i.
us the of
Slab- id North Carolina
received at this department that
the murder Walker. And
It appear, Na-
than has Hod the Slate, or
conceal, himself
of las cannot be served
Now, I, Charles II.
e.--k, stale of North
t by virtue of authority In
U Paid
Too cannot tell by the of a man's
bum of happiness
la in.- age
man not
but be I able to pay
I. Do.
lime I
ha blur; Its
nothing lo do.
me thins
today I met tail was,
quite cheerful.
to It I
Browns- lo It No.
appointed to It 11- . go, a i
Job.- Press f
IS ass
and an
to from
., M.,.
bad a Lad in m,
I , walk. Wu by
s Mr. in.
on i ha. roast Mb, living in
ops, bis
MM i a , , ,,,
r.,. I took
now as I was la
I a
I of II has
B. T.
I and was
i lb All
I. C. IS.,,.
two I
X , , ,.,,
to i
lag tin
bf two
i-t Marker a as
. bis la. t
. I to inks It
In a Mk I o up sod mi
c Staff raw
tbS I wall
want to r
n a
In I
Sheriff, W.
of K. William.
J. Cherry.
Coroner, OH. Laughing-
Surveyor, J. I. Cox.
j. j. elks, w
. B. Home, J. B. J
vested by law. do Issue this my W. and J. Spier
delivery of said Nathan
Mayor, H. W.
H. L. Can.
Clerk, J.
Tat Collector, C. D.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
8.1. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. S. Spain, I.
Charles Cobb, B F Pat-
rick, H. B. B. L. Carr,
.,; B. F.
Board to every Drat
Dividend, at beginning of
year, dad the
Io Increase the or
of U.
to sheriff of I'm county at the
court in i; and I do
enjoin all of the and all
good ii -i In
criminal lo justice.
Done our city of
gay of In the of our j
one thousand nine hundred and Hire-
and one hundred and
of our American
lit the
P. M. Baa,
At tonic v -at-1, aw,
Ca., . . V.
N. C.
Practice In all Ilia curia.
n to collection of
and oiler claim,
to all
n r.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third
Third Faster
Agents in all
unoccupied territory.
Wheeler A Wilson Co
Atlanta, Ga
S. T. WHITE, N. C.
of year,
Minnie V. Cox, colored
at Hies.,
dropped pay roll
of department.
who desired to punish
citizens by
lag but
in paying
her salary, are much
ed of case,
the postal laws make it
to avoid. The of poet-
masters of
of the office. the
latter is leas than 1,200 per
year, it dropped to class
and pay is derived
only When
than do cancellations the office
is abolished.
treasury today received
a from Bank
closing of I he National
This action, it is understood,
was taken in of the
of the cashier,
believed to approximated
undivided profits amount to
and its deposits to
The Two
City, Mo. May
The verdicts in of Julius
I H. A.
former members of the St.
in with the
street railway
deal and each to two
years the
were the
court today and cases
were remanded lo the St.
court for new
delivered the which
was concurred i by all the judges.
The court holds that the indict
valid, but that
trial court cried in
jury if it found that Faulkner
snore that bad
I never beard off boodle fund
knew money
newspaper reports, they
should be of per-
court says that trial
court had no to supply by
its instructions not
in the and permit,
as did, a conviction on a charge
not in its
k Nigger Comes to Grief.
Orleans, La. May
sensational scene in the
mayor's court at Corinth, when a
being tried for
concealed weapons. man's
cite was a witness against him
during of
trial he bis gun shot
bar. hit
and bid defiance to court,
at the same time lacking toward
door. Once outside be tied
being pursed took refuge a
a quarter. Still de
arrest, his pursuers burred
down riddled
with bullet.
A girl wears so
will show summer
clothes and pretends to be em-
if you notice It.
MUCH ABOUT stick to His Job Till
Mi i j m as I
His Choice for the Presidency
I hi la
hr a n
linen to In in
to the truth oft he rt
May t- Unit be to n-i-n
Walter is a not Heat
bit of advertising merely
in Sen
Discussed by Northern
that he i the of
William J.
New York Herald and
a if be
be will slot do the
dent to
then be will tin-
a ball other It la Mai likely a
the Mn-; will until the Ml
for the report of A
the which ;
doe- the I
following special from j
Neb. was . .
., . , ., Ex Governor
if be had told Senator i
that; wiled.
Judge Walter Clark, of North La. May
would be a good shooting affray which
for president, and U be would the billion -Lieutenant
stand by
It must Mr.
be added.
Judge Clark with
early on
created a great deal of excite-
The m done by
ii ant. u i .; known
Blackburn and it
been an of available I two were talking
candidates Commoner when ex Lieu-
previously suggested of j tenant drew
Judge Clark other possible revolver. It appeared that he
experienced trouble with
weapon and it ale,
Young Miser Roasted to Death.
v , . lull US
X. May Saul is
a miner at a the ho
mine, was to death in
f Either of I he several
Other occupants of have proved fatal. Ks
barely escaped, and one Governor It Is
slept with Wintry was painfully did not get a
burned be to his alter
flames, bis
For Men, Women and Children.
If your Oxford are not jet provided an early
visit to will prevent the necessity of a hurried
shopping visit some morning when you want to put on
your Oxfords and haven't got them ready.
We are allowing a line of Men's, Women's and
Children be of special interest to you just now.
Children and Misses to and
toil, Ho, and
Oxfords Shoes at 12.00 of quality black
kidskin, made with tips of patent leather or kid skin,
welted oak leather in shapes with the
high arch. Although sold by at
this price, you will find them unmatched elsewhere
pattern with medium weight
soles, heel s in all sizes. Splendid shoes for the
We have the best Oxford made for men at COO.
Quite a variety of in Shoes
at 12.26, 12.50, 13.00 and 13.00.
Ricks Wilkinson
. Mas a ii.-
a.,., aid hail
j in
Ire U ii
i fill, a I
i ii it Had i. ii ;.
n n
e i-j here
was very
etc with people.
In and
to tin-
Mr. us
and by the pea
when one
or broken
alee a large from it- e
ii th lo
el m a it
I good
or a in up a
human aim. The
of ts In-
at lie of II
H-m, not
lather forbid lo
A No,
I him if I
he slid,
M Th j
In K
tr., a Mint the .-I
VI hi lea l . I. .- Ml
fill and
. a ti I i the
ho ii It i
. . d i i -I be
B m i
not hi; plat . I R. o
of ht and bad
. mill upon in in
In- l
. K. M t
r -I
j B. into the
mi a
i not present, hut Jailer
the relief
nu a r i dueled,
bl own
la bold and a
bias t.
, I.- lo
ill the
act ton of the Breath it I jury.
It is k In
Judaic Bi in f taM
i. I m i ad been
overruled and beat
June i h
t. the at d the
her be should bold
all. max
and made a i i
ii II. ti
ton believed a preparatory
step d
m , l In
ac t not
Mk fin
in their
A Be, Man
ii.- j real-
no any one
than Ron. iT. Neal, now
the tern of
That he
n i- not only the
of tin
p aha t U I i r of the
in lad n
in- as
c-ion in
me a lad
When m the
pea ranee of ten-
-t Hi- ho
Ired Into of
n. I He that be
a boy, and that he
tried lo aid In the of his
i. Judge Neal.
keen knowledge if
man ,, good
in bf the boy and
take and
his lo return
t court room i
lees, of the
tin . bat cad. Ufa. Honor
the to a
i. i hi
advice the fir
a in a a here
be good
Reliance Distances Columbia.
S- SI The Re-
son her today,
a the Columbia,
of the
A. a
t.-i of cf
was one,
Saw have
bad slept in.
Poles end Milts
of Wire Destroyed Be-
tween two Days.
Pa., May Along
l In- of way id
railroad In every
In-fore of
hands to work
after t o'clock p. m. cutting
, pole.
of ire and poles
the track. were
wire along
This of
was the of
the Weal era I Telegraph Co.
against the Pennsylvania
The has not a
wire on
this However
it to la op with
b using over
and New York
Fire in Louisburg.
I S. C, May 21-
. Fire
o'clock worth of
here which there
tin- was to
Hill's sales stables, then to
stables and also to the
rear of Hill store on Main
was and narrowly
; .-
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House
your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Toe Is. Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
and Inlying grade of paint. It
is to get quality always, The
w by
all who once use them.
leas labor any sore.
one of our save you the
of it's coat, in tho food it from
spoiling. They are and roomy and are
designed in a way will prove in
Using the Ice. There i- no odor inn
one of these. In two sizes at button
There is very little trouble, very little
very little lime involved in delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and a rapid
t . . . i i, i . lo
who have worn to
want to know what i . pea i
and Shoes
Ask ii l .-
the b . .
Jas F. Davenport
Marble and
sad Agents for
Main . l.-.-in.- p. i
and It.,
N. C, sad B. C.
For My Lady's
. law
ii lo
and Manicure Sets in solid silver mid of
or having one's for toilet when traveling
m on a rial n a or neighbor fall appreciated when
away from home. We extend to a cordial
come and examine our stock.
Ice cream cream soda at our fountain.
Bryan Nichols,
Special offer to Rural Route Farmers and Mer-
envelopes and sheets of good
paper with your name and address printed for
ONE DOLLAR at Reflector Printing House.
Let us your shoes you. Now, what
next Unquestionably, style.
If i has style you want it. II has not style, but every-
thing else, you do not want The style a Dorothy
Dodd is unique. It cannot be duplicated by any other
because Dorothy Dodd is a totally different
construction from any other hoe. Besides being
exclusive in it hole instep,
prevents the loot slipping and gives a
correct poise in walking. It makes the foot look nearly
a whole size smaller. That's curious, and you won't
believe it until you see Just for once try the Dorothy
Dodd Faultless Fitting Shoe and prove the truth-
of our assertion.
iv in

D. J.
Int poet at Ilia, N. an mailer,
raw upon application.
A at every poet id and
an lop It Mr.
r raid the , that m not ha mention-
after an fort d him for lac For w an Nor a
night. r from a democratic cup
run college If there a bluff in the
him as newspaper it b a
hi r bOa old ex side,
fur hi.
ant fur j
in The W
The handsome medal off rt-d
We lift up our voice in places when- leaves pin urea of the
the his us ii family. A
pat mine. a ,
a lilt iv fer
yea hear the Sovereign people
wore team's iv
yea laws off yea
land in
than a
a western
on the
If artists are
of oar heat it will
be an awful tine when the lower
break Greenville Re
Pretty good for not want to lie confide
W but you do pot ed a chronic kicker, but must
situation Yon against the
will that when the evidence pirating o editorials which is be-
at to the bottom. done of
it will narrow down to a ,,. of Lat Sundays
a few awn who are directly re-; an editorial
for the murder of q
of unsavory w ,, n
representing the very Ml fall in the current issue
town, and one i he Southern Industrial Guide.
of whose hands are already issue of
stained with Sews. paper published one
There is one thing we do under- of the progressive towns of this
. . j j i, published our article, than M people out of
is dead. II fr North over It Iv admitted
also pretty that his without a word of credit to this ten years old can Mai and,
the w against such The census of
jail. -Now. the J ,,,,.,, this North Carolina. It
only way in can If what we is of ledge Cleveland.
the reproducing we should be mankind. It cannot be con-
given credit for
is certainly a discreditable of ignorance. the
editorial going Southern educational hoard is
on. and the is tight of a
protesting but too that I
The name of the census of is the
aggregation of lies
It you should are a fellow-man with
trouble's flag unfurled.
have a friend
all world,
Hon. do and slap him or the and
for the .,. on Hath C.,. hell
tr on mm M h a in
u hi him.
i. M Urn i. th. g
Don't talk In I
; ii out loud.
offer world but a
mi MM
arr and and
Tito. to all with
i how it to be. for
th by
to Dir the of jut how to
I i
m l
i. Ar.
i tar
of in MN the No
i Ml
pupil in id i
. Are numerous
The weekly o
educational hard ms against hundred for
et aM this time, I would ask to
call the
that Mr. I would also
a mental of the county to m-
BO learn to lake it as comes, and
don't sweat at the pores
with yours;
always keep alien
your path enshroud.
Thai has lots of sunshine to spill
behind cloud.
N. C
Mr II. I. ,
in eves of
world to punish Percy
according to statutes
and provided.
M in mailer City
see that their pupils are Bank writes; years ago I
lo enter this contest. painted my your
fall to your by It wore to well, I to it
an dollar a week clerk in
English bank can steal
it would seem John Hull's have been
methods MM I in a been held up .-I misleading .,
bad way. . We differ from the cover.
Sot one in that we do not
American bank-
brother. The same
thing happens every once in a
while regulated families.
need a depot
bully high weather
is at hand.
care whether our stuff is credited
or hut hate lo see a man
claiming as the of bis own
brain which he stole from
another. The is fie-
a item;
a by the
had no of
duel in last
of democratic sue-
at the polls nest year with a
party split into
would he rather oiler up a
Southerner on the altar of
asks the Winston Sentinel.
This is going too far.
certainly would not offer up
one lie meat
of and the u. t the courage
When to get down of and begin work
to real lei be will be aid at on your essay so that you nothing except I
tracked very securely. medal. for the fact that the soft coal region
W. II of hard on j
County Schools, oil, smoke and
All we see it is that
T Bit rat is good nine some
A of There are of
beam 10.15 last people that I now it, and millions
the New York of the bridge that
somewhere in other There's rub- We print
Weekly publishes the n conveyance. re , , ,,,,,
H paint for the millions.
a young her She tried to get open cat, Mr. Cashier, do yon know
Daddy, daddy how am I going her breadth she lead and line is worth twice
to rile you this letter signals of distress. as much as painter's
should feel ashamed of and a M
It's a
Yes. it's pleasure have
your Spring Suit the newest
material, the latest cut a per-
fit You admire yourself
and feel as though others ad-
mired you, and they do, too.
Doesn't take such an awful lot
of money to dress well when
you buy here. We arc ready to
show you the finest line of Sprint.
Suits you ever saw. Sell you a
suit cheap. Our clothing is a
combination of style, service and
the fellow up we do it.
dales to
the affair, and in .
The Telegram says.
Alex F. W. of Alex
Mr. w ,,, g
of U Journal,
city yesterday and paid
Telegram a
n call. Mr. enjoys lather
of having
up life in New
York oily older to come to
send We re-
to add he is now
. r
else charged
Be says mat
idea of
to We that
idea Southerner at
Prof. Alexander Graham, super-
the Charlotte graded leading York hog aid re-
M end that lime he
eluded be would life where it
county teachers lees
held in Snow from to great metropolis, lie likes North
the of August. We
late our neighbors upon securing
, They Lined I a fair pro-
j. and but she lo your
as a voting tit. of
should. I have run up and the paint lead and oil mixed band;
to my and self to her to the asphalt and while the l. S. use
you my heart. car. lead, and oil ground together
shall slip under The crowd of
your door. encouragement as woman was Th,
Here it I love another man to the rear never is right about any-
yon, and next car.
is nearly breaking the
my heart. end of car.
maul era for more power,
daddy- is good, brave, true More oops newsboys
yea, ere lot hut all not d.
I- beam.
if I must Irate t. She was let
you. la-ave you. dearest, lowered again,
a girl ever bad.
Yours truly,
F. W. Co.
P. t.
Dainty things for any meal sold
at prices to suit
any purse.
We provide most for your
table. We do it this way-by having the best
by handling them in the beet way, and by selling
at the moat reasonable margin.
Cotton seed Meal and Hulls, Hay. Oats, Corn and
always on hand.
Johnston Bros.
The way t When I lack over Another ear. apparently with
will no doubt make name three yea-s of
I a big
when W. H. Brown
of that place, who was expected
die, bad his by Dr. King's
between seats, tempted New for
the ale bis home says the New how lo police the He insufferable
This lathe kind had any ma. h daddy-have They but your i
among hi. I.
the have resided in
sine shadow, over smooth she lobe cures of Consumption, Pneumonia
ha and a fool of no longer white and Grip
JAS. B. i
General Merchandise
and Department Store,
Charlotte's of they have done
is that Utter is a line everything in power the Theodore, great
place in which I Keeley , doesn't
Care, probably we split bis gelling
think a hue them and all such. j back lo Washington to lake a hand
to each other sub the It's the peerless remedy for all
a. em of years -l.-n I for Fulton
,.,. Guaranteed
Ferry, it i. said, she mien
which to take things that make
the Keeley core necessary.
esteemed News is
securing the
services of Dr. A I.
as editor. Dr. has
Of Main yesterday deserve a p,
the religious
this country, he
is considered one of ablest
I The News has also signed Miss
. Grier as assistant
editor, completing a staff second to
none in slate. News is
best afternoon paper
The gentlemen who brought
about much desired sprinkling
of thanks. bad car
tied the good work a few
farther would have deserved
a monument.
Mary Aim up at
Ann no respect for
Post should have.
and then I am . mien Drug Store
I could York Sun, lies
my ,
I could weep my eyes dry for very . Two Crop, a
Some one has suggested
Carolina be named
When I of you for Tim- seems
break, in,., , .,. . , ,. shipment to northern .,.,., ,.
p If go down at your teat a. Tuesday there went that perhaps
and be. forgiveness; but, ab, South cars and it ,,,, ,,
daddy, think of giving Express line. Almost any one could agree lo
pr. in view of the
berry crop that is gathered the
It may
bow many of Wilson
should hut there
If Massachusetts cotton
still have troubles
of their own, we would remind
that North Carolina is
attached to the open door policy
this respect.
my love I cannot beer the The
pain of I can follow.;
m T l W ISl
And here a,, asking you to Wiles, Newark, N., . and no ,,,, ,,,.,
let me go. Will you ever know Philadelphia, Pa , cars
I a pain i, Ml I and
slate and an and credit to it
could implore you not lo It me go crates; Washington,
to bold hold crates; Del.,
exchange Pa., la
not doing In to . Va., la dales; .,.
follows; good
stock of carefully Groceries, Dry Goods,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishing.
Country Produce bought and told. Butter, Eggs
and Family constantly on hand. Country trade
a Flour and feed by the car load.
,,,, --------I cured, without pals or detention from bull
strawberry growers ex-1 W. Ins nervous
make another crop
We the physical to
lo some of
We wish the w the CiD Mt ,
deal leader , Mass., New Haven, ,
We Judge Clark;
lea Show than the
who have
-1 would have
true Mr. choice
if It had else.
new News
make a
Southern man has
covered feeding hens with
flavors their eggs is now
, . r says he is how silly of me to say
willing to fur I run believe that I
the O Yes,
and hid m seek my P., there are already a good many
i and than my heart ill bleed rs; Buffalo, N. Y, cars; o.,,, Mr , R
I. an agony j Pa P. , r; . . f
Daddy, can forgive me Pa,
If Y., a oars; Albany, H. Y.,
mil lover; N. Y., cars; Mon
i. lop. ab, Canada, car; Toronto, Out.,
must ask it-if give me Virginia points
trying of feeding people want where . , , , .
up to hi in. tell me so pulling a rates.
rose on my breakfast plate
a full crop by this second j I Earl
Neck .,, , .,
constipation, biliousness and
are little pill.
hem with whiskey and sugar he is.
all of this talk very few
politicians or papers have
committed themselves to any can-
says the Herald.
Hare forgotten
kindergarten I
i- Mr. Mitchell is in hid-
ling with of launching
will see lo it I . .
ran hanks some plats
deluge doesn't .,,, h, is ,
it is repealed j j,,
It Mr. Cleveland can keep on
speak to me then,
Cat Strait,
he beet in his
w. a sad Mi
that Dr. King. New U Pill, are y and
or my heart too full. Just put arm, to worst Metal a using them himself he says ., . .
until Jupiter
in work
pi in exchange.
Don't whisper Ibis to those Ken-
or they will loin nu to , And .,,,., ,., ,,.
loose on U -h, I III f entirely, and if
mint beds. deserve gratitude of you about to get Is Tad
sweet daddy. salve that heels without leaving Drugstore.
., of .,.,, j
my is in. I only know piles
I love two men ail
very soul me. Thai sounds.
dreadful, but one of them is my
father, and the
put rose there the morning,
carnivals don't live up
says a
the towns that had
live up lo their
he In Atlanta, but it
Ibis time, as the above
village is a deal too swift for him.
that fellow a Wash
speaks like a man who
oaf lit to have made lam of
tie whole first place
water, everywhere, and
the streets
people do not really want a j
for rural letter carrier, and
Is all there is said a
prominent in Washing
ton. The
will see to it that is not all
there is to it, however.
I have kepi Cherry
Is my house for a great many
ears. is seat medicine la
as world far cages sad
J. C Williams, Attics, N. r.
It's up to Charlotte, Winston
and Durham to form a merger- In
depot .-.-
All serious lung
troubles with
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Cherry Pectoral.
Use it for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
for coughs of all kinds.
Bold by Woolen. Drug
tone end strength to glands of
that the
for a few days, there will be
no of the complaint. Sold
by Drug Store.
daddy Your loving Daughter.
There Is a growing
j which old age from en-
Joying the of choice
business world. Youth
is everywhere preferred. In
respect Electric Bitters is different
It. benefits old and young alike.
Bar. J. of i
B. I. everybody to know
what Electric Bitters la. It cured
me of jaundice liver trouble
from which I bed suffered
years. It's a great tone and
vine and cares Liver, Kidney
troubles. Only Eve
of The people must be
Va., May A Thy Put
strong movement been in the pen
in Richmond for removal of
U .
the body Patrick Henry
present grave in Charlotte county
St. John's churchyard in this
and the election of n marble
monument to the great Virginia
orator and leader of the revolution.
It was in St. John's church
made his famous speech
me liberty or
J. A. of Verbena, Ala.
I twice In the hospital from a
severe case of piles
tumors. After doctors and all
remedies failed,
Halve quickly further in-
at Drag Stare.
ordinary people. Mayor Am.
a lbs latest. In
we j net let plead
go free.
A is now being
ed in Charlotte a prohibition
election, to be held under
bill. Charlotte now has barrooms
and it Is not improbable that a dis-
will be outcome of the
William Fountain, D.,
Physician and
N. t.
one door east of post on
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton Buyers Broken la
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
one. Private Wires to New York,
New Orleans.
You have it You don't want it. Then
why keep it Drive it out with Avert
and Ague Cure.
Lights and Shadows in the Lives of Those Who Dwell far from
the Madding Crowds Ignoble Strife.
11.1-, N. C. May
The from
Asylum are ex-
here morning train
of and will give a con-
cert that night at the chapel.
Their received praise
other side.
lib pine
as could
took the shortest Mute for home.
to last twelve months,
N. C, May ML
Allen Coward sister, of
be is gentleman.
J D. of Mount.
again a few days at
with his mi friends
bat moved to alien- they
that T. A. Carson
has just received a tine lot
and Other Crops in
Several Counties,
of all ho heard them last summer came in town Tuesday
and even are
this season. fee very
reasonable, and many in come
we are will never regret
what they pay. Come come
Those having laundry to send
oil be sure to leave it with C. A.
Fair Monday, May 25th.
Mrs. B P. with her
little Lets,
went to Ayden on freight yes
Handy tobacco trucks and the
beat tobacco flues ought to go to
They will if you get them
at A. O. Cox Co.
Q. A. went to Kinston
Mrs. A. G. and R. II. Hun-
sucker and Miss Laura t were
visiting at Samuel and
ford's, near Ayden, Thursday.
Kev. C. W will All
his regular here lib.
Sunday morning night.
In addition to their own make
wire fencing A. U. Cox Mfg,
Co. now keep hand all
of Electric weld.
square at button
large at top. You may have seen
a fence like it hut more than like-
It was of welded.
accompanied by
Dr. B. T. Cox, took the train here
yesterday for Baltimore
hospital where he will have an
operation performed for
Elder Armstrong, a
Baptist brother
preached at the church
here Wednesday night. He gave
the good old fashion
He was guest of Cox.
Strikes throughout the United
would be if ell
had the interest of their
employees et heart as baa the A.
O. Cox Mfg. Co. 15th.
nit. when our educational
nor, Charles B. delivered
add to High
School, above named corpora-
gave all its employees a whole
holiday with full pay. I think I
voice sentiment of all the
when I say we heartily
appreciate their generosity.
N. C, May, 22.1003.
Bummer like weather baa
How for huckleberries and red
Farmers are moving up with
their work now.
A. B. Smith, of Washington,
was la town Tuesday business.
writer got little over taxed
test week and of looked
Well, everything was
did not have any set vices at
the Baptist church Sunday, on ac-
count of our pastor being sick and
not able to get here.
We hare learn, d how to kill
potato bogs. Bow will some one
how to blindfold these
J. B. with
burg B. a S. Ob., of Norfolk,
here Wednesday taking orders tor
tall shoes.
The warm days are turning the
boys attention to O. E. Bradley's
fer la
with collars off go out with
jackets buttoned up.
We had a little brawl Saturday
between Jno. Smith and
eating closed wIt b a cracked head
for Smith and a home rue tor
How about a some-
where a Urge shade tree
with a of good water close
at Wouldn't of
the do to Point out
your pig, boys.
Mat. H.
to day tor Marvin, N. C,
to a few days at their old
home. Mr. Feeder, of
Point, has the A. C. L.
agency while Mr. Huntley is
Homer, bring a
a Bradley sou, Hugh,
ware billed foe a fishing trip Tues-
day. Thar arrived at the
petal the fas, bat before the
baited the
fun was too
N. C, May N, MM.
y and here.
Miss who bus
attending the High
School, cum- Saturday.
C. O. was low,,
morning to visit ft leads and
Elias Turnage, of
Mr. of
spent in town.
of P. I. I C.
net last night.
was elected chairman. U.
Wain I
was in town
Tucker was here
K. H. went to Green-
ville Wednesday.
W. J. Kittrell. of was
ID town
The of
gave an ice sapper
for the
of the. church, u large;
to all
ally the ma, Thia
f dry weather we have ever hail
at i of
of writer, and
Hi- follow
ii wet
real I not in the
lion to plow the
March, and the
Hie. Lillian Thomas of and the t me
with Mrs, L. It. Which- T
work well the set in, and
. . . ,. ,
. j . . with hut little pro-pert
b. It. the . .
a little of
sum was raised.
Jan. Taylor and daughter, from
family. Mr. Taylor is a
North and a Mother of M
ice cream sup
per night.
W. Ia, came lo
A here a tended
f Greene
Mr. of Farmville, was
Of Rain at this lime.
of particular are in
farther where
crop WM all Ml in
when the
Farther arc do
nothing the way of health-
growth. week I
through pails of Columbus, Bob
sun, and
and there tine
Thursday their home , ,, ,,,.,
to and plant
weakly, unhealthy appearance.
In our off tie
of bud pill out
all the
div weather
is so
Mr. and Mm J K. Moore
town yesterday.
Quite i number of our people
attended the Sunday School con south west Greenville, Mr. and
at Elm J- K-
S. E. I on our streets couple, of young
yesterday. in honor of sou. Mr.
Mrs. W. C. Jackson lift here at. Moore mid his bride who
visit were married
Mrs. J. of n, Miss Myra who hut just re-
spent yesterday In town visiting from j,
Mrs. Jas. Long. by her cousin. Mis. ,, ,,.,.,. the
J. I. Smith r., arrived last of Ml
evening to relatives. Their home tastefully deco- , mm
I rated occasion, and the
they were received
H the front door by Mr. B. W.
with Mrs. Willie Hughes.
May 1903. In hall the were taken
E. K. mads a business trip in charge by Mr. M. Jones with
to Farmville , Miss Mary mule to feel
Miss Pearl Nelson, of at home. Dr. K. L.
spent a part of last week Miss Ada Woolen
Miss Annie Moore received the parlor with
Quite a number of our the bridal couple. When we turn lo
attended the closing of Mr. with Miss Lizzie
Winterville High School. Jones presided at punch bowl
not Ii
will not get anything like stand,
for rain dose H will
cause old plants to
up, and can
gets the old plants will crowd
them so will weak
Miss Mollie Bryan, of Winter land Blalock, Johnson n private
the old belt
are much worse
fad, the situation is
Title, spent with and served delightful refresh
Misses and Anna the dining room.
George Hardy and sister, Miss It ass an of much
spent Saturday and ; pleasure to all the
this neighborhood visit-1 couple were showered are selling out
relatives. and best wishes. but rate
Miss Hardy left Sunday comes very all those
to visit
Black Jack.
Little Millard is suffer-, The Hew York Peat .
right much with a cut foot lo
Mrs rt f P.
Mrs. Joan I, J, will ,.
lees very weather
very has beta
while plant beds
with overgrown
comes very
will die, while on other baud
those do set will la- com
us. Mi-
her daughter, .
I rally Its Of years
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tucker op-
children spent afternoon for
with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mendicancy It is
sitter, n but
Miss Addie spent Saturday Past is
and Sunday in bus lacking a. to
Mr. and Mr. E. D. of sense
spent Friday in Greenville. with and
made a trip its
to Vanceboro last week.
orders I guess. lo la likely lo have her
Mrs. G A. Kittrell,
spent Sunday alter-
in neighborhood.
Miss Mary Smith spent Sunday
with Miss
Misses and Laura Smith
Saturday night and
in the neighborhood.
Mis. Sunday ., y. fr
afternoon in the neighborhood.
whole the present out
but it
aspect, While there is
always a grout In to-
bacon, still if Ibis weather ton
linnet very long ere
Improve In sonic
for people
bate pleated their tobacco
land lo Button and peanut-, mid
ninny of the eastern who
planting a bu i.-
crop have
Mixed in a ; ,,,,,, ,.,,,,,, , M.
Flake was in of the alluring
away Friday. Ho was going the price of the
to carry a stove and flume, to poor prospects of the pi ice of to-,
of lb Beaufort County j O. L.
a short distance south
H. C, May 22,100.1-
Prof. Z. D. Mt.
Olive, is home again old
friends. We were more than glad
to shake his hand.
Biker of Rocky
Mount, Is visiting friends in and
on nil Bethel.
Ill Willis III
dumped Sam, stove, ,. ,, ,
, . . Every seven days I blood, inns
, kettles, etc., out in a ,, ,, , f ,,.,.
Broken pole two pounds of
damage. This waits la. 11-
and the nod
. . kepi up without perfect
Mia. Frank farrow. and Miss
Mt. are
Miss Mattie
To get prompt attention all mail orders should be addressed to
The Season's
Supreme Event
. Summer Millinery as beautiful as fingers filled
with magic can make it. Dress Ready-to
wear Hats for and Children.
Dress Goods and
All the new weaves in all colors and
WHITEWASH percent,
reduction on all former prices.
Slippers and are made
by Ziegler Bros. Comfort, Style and Quality.
Just new and complete line of
and New Styles. Prices low.
Stetson Shoes for Men
All the new lasts. Ask to see them if
you would be well dressed.
For Ladies, Children and Babies. Drop Stitch,
Colors and White.
A CUT on all former prices of hot weather
Clothing for Men, Boys and Children.
Baby Carriages and
and best line to select from.
All Furniture Reduced.
Bargain Column
Cash Buyers Only
Clark's N. T. Spool Cotton,
Sea Island ins. wide,
Best Light Calico,
Printed Lawns and Organdies,
1-2 and c. quality, while they
last, cents per yard.
Steel Rod Umbrellas, worth and
c. only
pairs of and Sam
pie Shoes at Factory Prices.
Knee Pants, only pair
Men's and Sample Straw
Hats at New York cost
Toilet Soap, big value, cakes for
cents cash.
White Envelopes, per pack
Good Needles, per paper,
La Vests, only
Linen Towels, extra size,
Patterns, and cents.
full to
their I lie
One the
nil of the
lie I hr kind
The Methodist Sunday of
will hare
from that town to via
on Juno Mod.
for the round
Any people from
, . , ,,,, i III l
Mr. of Tarboro, of this flue ,,, , ,,
lo the f
Bid of her sick Mrs.
Not every catches any
For proof of, Nice , .,
this reference is made to Bros.
J. D. of
who has at at
will teach our next school
hare. We are glad lo know It, for
Docs your head ache Palo
back of your eyes Bad
taste In your It's
your liver I Pills are
liver pills. They cure
headache, dyspepsia.
is. All
mind body. cures In-
Dyspepsia all h
It as ideal
Sold at
and Telegrapher
be to ask ;
them, as the; will not talk yon to
death telling of their look.
Monday r, Miss Dal-
la will bars special
on Monday throughout the
of a
M In taking
w t o
as ft
I a a a a S S
pay cash . ,
lake No
Good Time lo Debit.
listing on
day June.
lo given
of Money on day If
yon to of some of your
and paying laxes on II
and debts.
We, the
Beta Arnold's
reliable Bowel
live cent lo
or L.
cal teats and the
aid of the II
a fact that of Ike Stomach
Is not a of Inn
It from
Can I Cure
curing It
will of
dyspepsia, and prevent core
of the
digests what you -makes the
s at
Monday Ia the time
to at Delia
New Firm at
Old Stand. j
I pun haw d of
of J. H.
Starkey. Five
. i .
Store. A
n n . ii In et. refill
. v j
up in Lin .
J. II old
and Italian Marble
and Iran Sold.
d i a
B. i -i Hi-
i on
i M, in ii
tin rein
M. Will la,
and I will, on Monday i
June Ilka, public
. door In On e
higher bidder
n i i i
i u. r land lying In
adjoining above
and or less.
ii 18th i May.
A Blow, Attorney a.
of B
i and
for the court
r In on Monday.
f II.
virtue a of the
Pitt made In the
L. J. Chap-
man. .-.-a. i.
all. i
s . ii
I on ii,, aorta
Mil. the
, A. M. C.
I and other. Con-
more or less.
This May
L. .
V. Attorney.
You Can a Cured.
I cm be cured by applying
ti O.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock In every It-
and prices as low at
By virtue of . of
lilt county mad. la
M. O.
Ion in. of E.
ts. 1- Y
and others, las
will well for
the la Ilia on Mon-
day, the lat day of las
lug or of lead
In town of
the wen by Main Una, the
by the lot OB
the and by las of at.
ti. hall
mow or last.
Mil lat,

At. K .
A MU it with
Ike Th
John Adam.
Tho ma the
and the popular Jam
Meant ah in food with
half. John a
with hi.
for. And Ml It to
to Whit
Bow Adam, had to
rat with hi. whit Id France
he the
-f with
All of we
to cool it it la of
that when
awn la Um of
early In the with
a market on arm going from
to another and
for a or a rib If he had
bargained he might
have out term, for we bar
It owing to inferior
quality of the he on th
of that at-
tacked aim and he on th of
A the following
Cory to Animal
railed the the
respondent, from her
where had lying With
her mother and folio ed me Into the
next room. The rat followed, growling
and. taking It up by
I replaced It In the Again
I It. and It mute at my
calL This time the
till more follow rd
gain, but thin time he the Lit
the tall Instead of the net It.
deal; a millet, it
For a lime and
one more it f me. but
th mother she took
up the It off
began to it again and In or-
to it- Thai
the, Mai I
railed It wan In
la n-
la a Jury In
i land remained to the Judge a
gentle mode of line and
were to. Jury
that sir Nicholas
to right
Imprison men t tn addition to
the payment of a large aunt of money.
In the of Queen a Jury.
a alleged
of murder to that of
at once to and
bound over in a large to b of
good wore
upon the Innocent wife
children of the offending Jurymen.
Even It la by HaM
that a Judge ha the right
to a fine upon a Juryman
to obey power
la, however, not In the
of a Juror with-
out a Of
there la the following A
Judge had fined a Juryman for
On bearing that he had been .
to of bis ,
funeral Judge, whose wife
was -mid to be not of a particularly
gentle nature, he.
Thai was a good Indeed. I
we all had the
An elderly who lives In bar own A writer In the ban i
at Buttes many of the roes of
that spiders are peculiarly and
appreciative of music. has made he Instances worm, wind and
it pets of them, and her nous foil other workers f This.
of of all kinds, on whom she
her time and fortune.
Her are lodged In a large,
airy room, where she has provided
support for differ-
which, their
hairy and great bodies, look
sugar t
tn whether there In any
grouping a or evil things
under Id tors. Take for
outsider how
boons to man with
It. The and hut bring him
beef, For To SHOW
he bacon. bloaters, .
When she is Inclined to show off I broth. her-
inabilities for music, she rite. and After
is for Oxfords to k with
new clothes,
The Boys and all
-nit them
their swell hose.
Insure your crop dims,
by hail with the
herself with a circle of water to keep
ft their too delicate and
plays slowly, softly and in a minor key
en the harp. From all corners of the
room the spiders run toward her,
with evident pleasure, but should
be strike up a noisy, gay,
ens strain they scamper back
holes though
A fact in connection with
ton- la dial the lady bears the birth-
mark of a spider.
mi net
bring nut hi-
while he
are but a few
Included undo
Now. hi a t
damp. dark.
sound of whit
f I
Major writing of his travels
In central Africa.
the most awe Inspiring, the most
voice on earth issue- from the
throat or that king of beasts, the lion.
It to difficult to that mighty
roar bursting om Iota the silence of the
night seeming to the
flee. It make one
petty, insignificant, Q account
when hi
at having dined well on some
to fall under the clutches
of paw. The men
together; a deadly follows;
there n ii in gad it
to with a sense of relief a whimper pep.
of l sail-
In the dog was a friend and
faithful servant He lived tn the
with his master, followed In hit
walk, the public
sometimes free, oilier time held Id
by s Of child or In
a favorite dwarf. At his
be had his place marked under
the of the In
and Home, he then to dis-
pose of bones, the fragment of meat
and lite pieces of bread that were
thrown down In a general way to
keep dining clean were
certainly not very and
If our house dogs lo satisfy them-
In way they would be likely
lo die of hunger.
did not feel the U truly
last.-, in inch mailers hf
we Their life I public concerning th ITO
ed rude fen-1 terms In general U
tun-s of which we no keg hf
aide. The house dog a
working his trade, only
his trade in
to in
The mistletoe comes chiefly
Brittany. Home of the charm-
white berried an
from French ports yearly
is to the Breton what the la
so the It pays the rent The
peasants or Normandy and
cultivate the parasite OB their apple
trees to It
rarely oaks and II forms
most crop A few
pears ago the French department of
decreed the destruction of
all mistletoe, the that It
the apple trees. The
however, the and.
as the order Is not grow
and riper more than ever for
the Christmas enlivenment of
and American homes
Into dumps
he may
and blow
ride his bicycle.
of the things
r that blessed letter
take and
t think of are ;
dirty, de-
and Ht on. the
The Cap -f
The of the ,
Those who have
Into Ming and I.-g.-n.
a Hag
Hung r
n of
A -inking
of i- the u
applied to tin plat. II an
word Is
the French one.
Is totally at a
sheet or of -u I
an alloy of tin and lead m the
of toad and third
H is this of the three met
Iron, lead and Mi Hag
P. ail
Aiming the it i
told the father of the
of gang, and.
log to both licit n of
Troy and of wore en-
graved ring. Engraving -tones
that partly was an art
st a very remote age. The mu-
the of
i to
likened I
w do
the loans
note or n
laugh Hi
Si loath-
In m hr
writers who ha
lbs the cry of
hi one of the
it .-an
often berg i to the
j to the t n
The of the T
of term was
fact that the large
age of lead In
It Is duller hue than the ordinary tin
pis if. is
In lo
the former.
How looks
when ho l pin at n big
horse i told hf Ford in
It a very pretty
sight presented to the experts
lining the rail and to In lores
tier -cat- Kiev H
built roan, his chiseled
m s his rigid
rippling under a
Ida hocks, bis
raping up out.
f rounded from
I- -nip on the end of his
. ran.-e
of spirit, that Jaunty of
which Is. Hie wry of hack- .
a short
the air
of the reins, keening hit feet only
by of
thigh ii
the tip
tO the
MI sir.
R. I,.
I i.
v Sunday,
m hf
Kc York
A m. South J. C-
Swan ,
Weal with rail A. TAYLOR,
at I
order freight
i In-1 lid Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line
B. Mer
and Line from
N. O.
J K.
M, V
Tobacco Mutual M and Fire
Insurance Company,
N. C.
N. C.
N. C.
N. C.
IVe insure your Tobacco for per acre.
We insure your truck Mrs.
We Insure your for an acre.
We insure your cotton for an acre.
We insure your small for an acre.
Daily pi
Ha ramie
arc and so
have them in a large .
which can tool
for the beat OB I any The
I note
hoc fur
Wore persona for
p in a. Norfolk
m Ar Le
p m
New York
p id
tip p in
p m
V.-00 a m
h m
a m
p in
; It is a home devoted lo the of North
t and is for the mutual protection of member. Wiping,
; member pays a of at lime of n
for which to . f
have to the losses In their own stale.
. under of the State Com
; and every agent Is bond. com-
further information apply to an, officer or of the
Ah. I
Ah m-
ml have
Vernon of
It as
In heart of tin
iron net the thrill f
i cry
I to a herd
of panther
of jasper bear
lag the of and
and titles of II. to
Ba -k to about the I It
r of engraved
a v in u a head of No-
on a water hf
hem in the year
the must pieces
of known to used
by His a of a
head gs a
of the There U n what-
ever that the same was once
used among the the
and one or two other nations a
of their red
superstition of the yellow donkey
India, of ins u of
eastern Asia the ass of
and many other
are all of that curious form
of religious the of
Their Hale.
A .
took London In OM not
meet with any
In that year wig. went out
of mid the of on-
I don were thrown out of work and re-
l gored to distress. They petitioned
j III to gentlemen to
i wear wigs law As the makers
went hi tn st to
it that
those persona who to
lo wear wore
i no trigs Tin- the
J mob u they
i eel the forcibly
off all their hair
The Fire
A story to us from
A Die
of London ha a la
tux in which the principal
it a fire cod which baa been or-
i for in mi Indian
temple. Once whop owner of the
hangs. party of to look l
the he In fun Unit
they all to the
they nil M
do. all except two who d
It was Wicked Die I
id it Una of the
had tier DOOM horned lo the
ground troth and other
ii later dale into
burns. We the tale com
of The man who received the
prize wrote; a
peace of unknown to who In
time of depend on
of to
are, for will poorer i the prime
tin aside
of each or
Income extra and
ed It Is a short hut
mid In a good two forces
on sides
win power habit
An had for boom time been
a from
Nathaniel a well
divine of franklin. Mass. The old doc-
tor a wit. used
organ is not a powerful a. It
said the organist after one of
the services. of the art
false, placed then only for effect
exclaimed the doctor.
brightening, are
when even a may prefer the
to the
nice I
tn the name of all
the master, yon come hatch
to you. the most
said the
dear master, I feel that I
yet really know how to
Sly was the reply, Is
what none of mil ever know on
this earth. In world there may
l lime, for when we are young
we have the voice, hut not the and
when are old we have the but
not the
la mi.
Inez f rat en-
gaged to Mr. The
night be told me I was the only girl ha
loved, and
ho you one
Mia. Inez Sent- yea, the very
day. but I sent it back to the Jew-
to be The stupid engraver
the Inscription lo
Instead of
have had In mine the
gloved and white palm of the upper
class the black hand of the
lower class have recognized that
both are hut of men. After all these
have pasted before i My that ho-
has a and
that under there Is hut one
thing we might to to. genius, and
the only thin before which we ought
to kneel, goodness. Victor Hugo.
A Dar.
-What's the matter.
look all tired nut
no wonder. Peg a
hard day of it I know when
M hard. I looked the
up the railroad station this
and after that I three
into four windows
tad few loads of delivered in bas-
Ho Al
Teacher i
family i I i
are In the
I get
j Why did you with
. young I he
was n very economical young
i man
Flossie-No doubt of It. last
time ht called on me he drought a bag
of candy Hat munched it all even-
and took home with all that
left, American.
i hr-
Tennyson's poem,
the n written, the
in the poet's
a day In
from to Fairing-
bad had of the In
mind, and after dinner be showed me
the poem w Is the
crown of your life's said hit
ton, who a the man after the
poet o rend the and
Who the It
In such Biting and
In n poet.
he the pilot the
vine and I who Is always
u A day or two before he d
He careful not to politeness
the following of social
rules, says Chicago
lo not to do only as others do. I Key The
nail. Henry
line of Shoes and for
women, i,,
We show them in all style and
line for
Pulley and
CD 1876
aim retail
, Fur. UnA, Oil Bar
steads, Ba
i I-
A Ax
p m
Ar m
a pm
a a in
p a hi
p a in
a m
p m
and Dining Cara
on No. and to Tampa Jack-
II. It, W. J.
Ami. Art
T. M. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C
up or
According lo the
you your
SB Keep it lo
and it foes down. Keep
it before the public and
tree it II In tin- very of
your originality.
No may move lo
w natural.
I milk of a
of common
n to -do
. a fur
III of
line Syrup, My, Milk,
-lay, morning Pray
J. N. Booth, Sunday
a. tn. M. A. Allan
evening. Rev
H. M. Kara,
a. I H. Pander,
Hid week service every
Ly, Magi. Food, . V.,
Meal and
Apple., S ,
Her Oat.
lira You may may until
your week is up. when
you I t.-ll you be able
to write n letter of
let of
ye. madam.
write It for ye. an ye can
mark to Ii Philadelphia
ware, and Ma , prayer let
road, Butter,
Mewing and Brown.
an- every
regularly and persistently, will
make grow. Are yon
lied with your It not, ad-
if, and you will be satisfied
with the returns. Yon will find
interested in what yon if you
talk tn them through
port in
MM. liar
When Ir ii coo-
sun on
use. the
it an
ml.,, lo
of i,
s if n
if earn In
In n
in Mil yon many there
only part
there I. I., l. , with .
white head a
r rm Han la
Than are always two kinds of
each of the l-t quality, on ale
tn London. One la the strictly
-the or
ea may to call ll. which la re-
tailed In the cud
to The
what an
pile of th bride of
a week I
-No. Die other half
of the -They are over-
oilier l the
preceded it baa
the la in,
la the
Man in Tin.
la a very one.
are run to I- up to the
If are It
to be twined by
A would not
sen the bat
one of
great army of salary keep
a the
i i-l l-t
me, air. lint there
ether In
that la a matter of opinion.
There fa another who
The a
tori of a la the path
of j bullet or
air from the to the
plate when- it the
word la only lo bullets and can-
non hall, ,
near at yon aim point be-
cause the nu. tn illy the
tare.-. Mara it ran at all hut when
you at a object you
aim above n. an that the bullet may
have room to fall yet hit the abject.
The grab of every Is to et
a trajectory M Kit
the bullet hove no need of falling
very far. A la obtained
by the of the bullets,
their Bad
log the powder
I a.
On-r age a writer
but lies In
letters It OS. There
no such baron. There man
named Hut the
of the
such s a
for any kind of
tho kind
suddenly a man bis
Injury when he could not ll In
time lo avert harm. The lie
tic the lie led foe political
la u the j
e laBS
nilly got married. It
a hoe
Mary-on the contrary, I call
it a hale mat. h
Hies W I don't
Mary- Why. bated to he an old
maid, he hated to be poor.
.- ,
Prunes, W K
and Ware, Tin and evening
Ware, Cakes and Has
. every Hun-
and evening
K Powell,
a. in. W. K Parker,
Catholic.--No I
your business
up by advertising.
for rash.
S. M.
lo to
birch and to-
for Um with
-I and after that
morrow with troubles of
Nil thin lid I
Applicant And If we win
in the flat
when people want
fry bud move- Brook-
day when lb
It funny when folks up
Not Quite
flow often you can net a
thing not
nail or driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool boa and lie prepared for
a all you could and
we will m-c that tool
box doe. not la.-k a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Cold Comfort
Is what we an after, and the of one
will insure milk, cream and
butler, cool water and many that
would be unattainable without
II you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
and wt re made it easy you to own one.
There la no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we -ell a good machine with best steal knives at such
f II to do work.
Water Cream Hammocks and
everything la the hardware line.
A F. a A. M
first and
Monday evening. It.
I lams W. M , J.
K. Lodge, No.
meet every
K. B. C. 0.1 C. Forbes
K. of B. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
So. meets every
evening. A. B. Ellington, X. Q.,
I. Ii. .
B. A Zeb Vance Council.
meets every even
I A. U. A
Not lie.
he in
lira I
has clerk, to do that for
Detroit Free rites
I No. meet and third
Thursday night in Odd.
Hall. J. Z. Gardner,
O. Smith
I. O. Cone-lave
No. every and
Monday nigh in Odd
lows Hall. W. B.
D. Smith Sec.
i n.
A voice a novel means
something very In real
loud talker.
Get your Suit
D. W.
or LI w
And Provisions
Court, D.
are worse than ego-
, oar. th.
-toe say Is to talk up than
have made man run other people
but did he ever make out
yea Be I a
with devices la that more la the
t fL ale mouth la
f Hews.
and you'll have some money left
with which to purchase
Dry Goods, Shoes Hats,
Furnishing Goods
Cheaper than at any other
tort la town. l,
Cotton Bagging;
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept ton-
Produce Bought and SaM
D. W.
Clerk Superior
U W.
of Deeds, H.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
O. O-H. Laughing-
Surveyor, J. D. Cu.
J. J. W.
W. B. Home. J. B. J
W. Page and J.
every Monday.
H. W.
Treasurer, H. L.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Tax D. Reunites.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H,
and I. Dudley.
B. S. Spain, h. O
B. F. Pal-
rick t. b. B. L.
W. B. Parker and B. F.
Board every
Dr. D James,
Loan Value,
Cask Value,
. S be paid month while
are living, or
of pay meat of arrears with
second Mo
are payable at the the second and
the premium
They To or
a. To or
during lifetime
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third
One Third Faster
wanted la all
Mfg Co
Your Home Paper for
than years.
The Eastern Re
Published Semi- Weekly
Tuesday and Friday.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
in lo
D. May
A pie of special
every Congress has just come to
the attention of your correspond course the
lo of the t
The title to ate of re-
am, tine of
Ga., for the
Mexican war September 1847.
In December he involved
in a scrape, tried by court
martial January
guilty of being to
sentenced to various penalties
dishonorable dismissal
at the close of war. lie sub-
and was
during January and February 1818.
After the war he deserted his wife
and with woman,
lo whom he was never married.
that lime, Mormon and hie
wife both died, but the woman
with whom he ran has
cured the by of a
bill No.
Mormon's so as to make
appear that he dis-
charged. Now woman referred
to baa applied for a and it
la feared will secure it. It is more
than likely that if the
commissioner refuses the pension,
as he will if possible, congress will
a special pension bill allowing
it. The prevalence of type of
legislation is well known lo every
person familiar with and
is creating a drain govern-
which is appalling.
The prospect of a serious conflict
between Senators and For-
daily more likely.
has that
he will the passage of a
by Ohio convention ex-
pressing the wish of the convention
that Mr. Roosevelt la the
can nominee in 1904. Mr.
Mi. desires to
himself in is also
strengthened. The
which occurs the week in
June, will lie watched with the
keenest interest a large
of politicians, not only from
Ohio but from oilier stales,
preparing is believed
will win and if be will con-
a blow to political
future of Senator
The Department of Justice has
located half a million
property of Car
who is serving term in
penitentiary for em
the it
The Department has been work-
very in matter and
this fact was learned
approval of officials who have
case charge. is
now being turned to and
Gaynor property and it is believed
that already some clues to their
holdings secured. When
the evidence all
properly is
prepared, will
made to extradite Greene and
Gaynor a new trial in the
federal courts will be
which it is hoped
the government will to
cover a large portion of loss
from the uncut.
There is great
the State Department the
news that permanent treaty
between the the United States
Cuba has been signed at Havana.
on the band, has declared incorporates all the
that he would oppose such a provisions of the Halt t
claims that a treaty still remains lo be
far will prove
all and opposes slate's
committing itself further than
while Mr. has slid mine
a year to serve. It is shrew illy mains to be settled by a
suggested that tho junior treaty. The
from Ohio that Ins which United
at the While House wilt completely j to naval at
vanish, bay
regarded be American
most Important of
the new The
location of then stations is not in-
in treaty a
the points named bu been
the outcome of
Another story which
is r here with
much is to the effect
Mayor Tom of Cleveland,
and Jones.
of Toledo, will Join forces to elect
the latter to Senate to succeed
Mayor Johnson is in com
of Cleveland organ
Jones ought In lie able
to control Toledo of
so there isl
hopes Jones has lo-- times been
elected mayor against
opposition despite the fact
that be refused to cumuli
to Unit
should cut no municipal
The but lime be was
elected be received vote.
Secretary of De-
of Commerce is not
saying much these days Inn he is
doing a
of the Treasury Shaw
Las along lo new
cabinet a most
problem, that of
employing women Immigrant
six inspectors who
wet appointed some I me ago
of certain religions
and philanthropic
served ninety days and were I hen
dismissed on
who did not that they
performed useful office. Now,
Two Companies of State Troops, With Rifles
Guns, Protecting Court Called to Investigate
Assassination of
n n
Ricks Wilkinson
For Men, Women and Children.
If your Oxford are not yet provided an early
visit to this will prevent the necessity of a hurried
shopping visit some morning when you want to put on
your Oxfords and haven't got them ready.
We are showing a line of Men's, Women's and
Children that be of special to you just now.
Children and Missus sizes G to and
sixes, to 11.00, and
Women's Oxfords Shoes at 12.00 of line quality black
kidskin, made with of patent leather or kid skin,
welted oak leather sales, in shapes with
high arch. Although regularly sold by us at
price, you will find them unmatched elsewhere
In pattern medium weight
heels in all sizes. Splendid shoes for the
We have the best Oxford made for men at
Quite a variety of in Shots
at 13.26, and
Ricks Wilkinson
Ky . Ma
Special term tin-lit
called by Judge l. B, lied-
line, 1.1 Investigate
lend vii times,
convened this morning
protection of two of
state miles
A cautions silence over
town, talk
tin- murder gel Into
. ,
,. ,
W. ,. ii. . I
X. . ;. i ,.,. ,
Ala., were .
; ; .
in huh M . .
. ml i
Ill H
Negroes Afraid of Corpse.
T X V. , ,
lulu .
Ii -i- have i in-
tent I in . .-. the
. . ,.;
local . , n,, . .
a . .
King, Hi.-11,1111
drowned it i
I lit . ., i
week, buried the woven
to I lions rear of jam a ill be looked out I .
touch the body. II.
refused to
body was
this after-
Max O
May LT,
died last
Ii ailing fur
and never recovered
the an
orders not to mention ,,,.
any of Jackson, and .
write any letters about th
situation, lest trouble in
Hail .
the Bite a
Slay Jones,
Ml, Mis. . ,.,,
I en I-, An
life tuns end, iii, ,,
death. mouths ago
papers and recorded
this young .
from home ind a the
arrested on
eh .-- I-. responsible there-
. .
When the was published
; I red parental
tin- girl twice
to commit
Mai presumed, when report
concerning her deals was an-
-In- had hull taken
II life, hut unite
in saying death resulted from
a bite, which she n-
Governor Aycock Commutes a
Negro s Death Sentence to
Life Imprisonment.
V. . .
lei I is hi
Haddock's I ruts let-
, ,,
era u c was there.
Mr. I. there
l-o little boil at Farm, Ills, and
there i en A i planters of
1.11 plan la
discuss might .-.,
I. Oil
.- las
J much damage lo crops.
the Social
Service, Mrs. Dye
of the Woman's
n-ii th.- Woman's
League and National
Women Mis. Florence
Kelly, an Illinois
have conic lo Washing-
ton lo secure ill
All is not fried fritters.
In suitors unman
quantity la
Alter a man gets his private
garden going his spate cash Is
Madman Runs
M, -.-,., ;.
a of
hi- ,,.,,.
entire neighborhood,
.- Delight
and the windows, after
be visited the home
where he at ruck
a awful blow with an
sit ii the
led and will sent
list ill III.
The want o
of evil,
I is
Can't Luted The
county have
b in the corporation
commission it is lawful
for luxes lo in- u is fore
register deeds, awl
ho fail In give la -he pr per
time be
doubly taxed, ,.,.,.;,.,,
hive ibis matter,
taxes must m
On One Acre.
Mr. M. O.
us he has sold Ibis season
one acre r worth
and ;,.
i- in,.,,,.,
1.11,1.- and ibis set ion
lived lo ire for the
.- of mutual dis-
Raleigh, May -Governor
yesterday issued and or-
for a special term of Wilson
county criminal court to be con-
June by Judge Shaw.
While is no official elate-
it is understood
the trial of men held
the murder of Percy
will come up at time.
May u
A m developed
meeting will be held June of the appeal
The is to obtain
for respite, commutation from
growers of high prices I Its
usually after the Aycock
passed -nit their bands, but Vick, 16-
what menus will be adopted to
lo raise ,
Summer Hardware.
Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Ice
Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers,
Hammocks, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels
and other Garden Also
Lawn Tennis and Baseball Sets.
labor buying Interior grade -f It
is economy to get good quality always. The
Williams paints an- recommended by
who once use Covers more
with less labor than any no more.
one of our will save yon the
amount of it's cost, in the food ii prevents from
spoiling. They in large and roomy and are
designed in a way dial will prove economical in
using the ice. Then- is absolutely no odor about
one of these. In two sizes at rock bottom
pi ices.
There is very little trouble, very little expanse,
very little lime involved in making delicious
sherbets, etc., with the freezer we
we sell. It is solidly built, metal parts heavily
tinned, easy running and rapid
The Furnishing Store.
end hare M yet been disclosed.
been banged
day. The crime which Vick
was was criminal as-
sault on an old colored woman.
Fire in Williamston.
N. C. May
for Brans wick,
. 1- -landed near
con. . v morning
taring thunder The eight
lies head off shore and fire broke out in the
here . Lumber here, destroying
large shed
life- Two barge, loaded t
saving station t Boat I
also caught
, put out.
but were
Perfect Printing at Reflector Printing House
W . in- .
SI.,. T,, , .
I. we wen .
. . I, u
In .,,.,
., who have worn ., . , . .
and Shoes I
on In
F. Davenport
For My Lady's
your farm a name and order
The Reflector to print it on your
. . -i I
II Mill, if-
Hair Brushes,
Marble and Granite
and Win.
Macon, Cs.
N. C,
For pi and
and Manicure In silver and plate.
or having on ti articles for toilet when traveling
-ii on a visit to a relative or neighbor is fully appreciated when
sway from borne. AW extend lo you a Invitation
come and examine our stuck.
ice cream and soda at out
Bryan Nichols,
a at
Special offer to Rural Route Farmers
envelopes and
paper with your name and address printed for
ONE DOLLAR at Reflector Printing House.
la nothing so purely sweet and temp-lug
as Fresh. Clean Butter, Eggs and Cheese. They
ale certainly street tempting as we
tin-in. and the in the
town give our dairy products a
Place. on will l. pleased if you do likewise.
We have these in all alien, and ll will pay
you to bother win, cleaning th.- old wooden
beds when you buy a complete metal one.
sizes and to select from.
We keep the moat Paper on the
market to Hies. You don't have to
the Hy to the paper, either.
it la a good thing and wants to get onto
ii early In i be game, lie gets on it.

Eastern reflector, 26 May 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 26, 1903
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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