Eastern reflector, 27 January 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

mi One at-a Aria, tat
KM, caws
I TO MU or
. in
At hr
M. C. A
Mb m M
It I
II So Tired
Mil I
Tim without
ft. A
at Ca., ft. A.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Shells, Stoves,
eaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
mi in mm.
that -Turks automatically,
j. U N
Will i instated if be
ft or after
of payment of mm interest.
year -7. No S.
payable at the f the i f
year, provide, premium for the current paid
Tory may be used To reduce Premium. off
To the or
To make policy payable a an during the lifetime j
J L.
Three Time
the Value of
Any Other.
Third Faster
Agents wonted in all
in in.
W Wilson Mi Co.
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Goes up or
According to the
you give your
Keep it to
and it goes down. Keep
it before the public and it
climbs up.
X. v-r it Well, limn
II let the w
-i ii m
hand. put
for a
in b
ha; p a
My no m to
b to
make that
I admit bow
I will to
we If be will n
or admiration.
it a for la a of
be M ad
It to me to If i
to on
Than do nerd for ad-
for overboard
o from behind a
7- winter at It
not scruple to oat in
with a Tb
Mil they attended after had over
board brr
be put on and all
Jewel When tier
be A vi
they at th ball vet
every man who
to . tier and
than before be
her Mil card then
tort to her partner and did not
It time to He
drove with to hr
prattle different
had the and
loft at the door without th
The day be b-r a note
break lac the
i of or In an en
i to
and it man.
Heywood taken attach
at He
I It. to evidence
j a wayward He deemed
by who
i to have been M wife, next
If any. must apology from
But a
Tb neat which
and met a
what He it
to till
him on arm of tier
when turned bead
There weapon with
en a m effectively
to and
the same time to
There was another
of the
a of men. she
were i-
way. of he
looked fr only
to the situation. bad cut
and taken up with an
other man When the self lot
went home ht was
near I collapse, nearly ready
sue for Hut the
he awoke an hour
and near ah
to to a finish.
When a man up hi
mind that be la and. after
over Invariably
come to the MM he Is
bard to move Pay day passed
which he
met her
had had no place whatever In hut life
to by be
haughty and mad
i him feel be a worm of
She went m fur to circulate a
J that rM to
I came breaking
I through armor and
his already lacerated heart, but he
out In the cold, up with a widow
This move, though be made It without
the Intention of a a
weapon, carried to his
beloved enemy. panic
an for
hut if for
and frankly
be bad been In wrong resorted
to a petty and transparent device
At a party, suddenly
herself from partner, she went
over to where was
and without looking at pinned a
favor to the lapel Of his coat Then-
casting up eyes, she feigned to nave
been mistaken In the person
was nut duped, did she expect him
to be. Why bad not surrendered
and aboveboard. he. being a
man. could not but be did not
trouble himself about so small a matter
since he knew from moment he
her master. He put arms about
and away After
cling the room led
a window seat, where they remained
for the of evening. Then and
there a treaty of peace was signed
very lenient with her.
though she knew well that would
stand no more trifling.
However, all much ad
about nothing, for now
having children to lake rare of.
baa neither the time the Inclination
to accept attentions from other men
than husband
lost her beauty, and her have
fallen away. F. A.
It he
the are at sat-
a we
MM do ii i M
It n. a at a t Ml pee era to
ease earning y
h car hi oft hr-
grow. Are you
with If not, ad-
it, will satisfied
with will find o-
pit interested in if you
talk t i-h
Push your business
up by advertising.
U at w to In D-, n
It shown In the high clues of work wt tr
turning out. We hate the equipped
do a of print inn hardly lied in
If to the
A a note to a rich
whom be was on friendly terms
to know If be could borrow an for
few hours. The worthy old man
no scholar and happened to have
with at the time, to
whom he did not to expose
Ignorance. Opening the note and
tending to road it. he reflected a m.
and turned to the
he. your master I'll
come myself
you were to marry
to tonight My
are about even.
CHow so, hoy
must any either or
Far Bis Tea.
are you to at
rate doctor
Dr. called to a pa-
I'm afraid ha
die I can get to him. n.-
aV row of tn line
the walls a yard.
X Confederate ; and,
from them,
taken in
your general over there
warfare are in be
at In
lion am t. three of
to count fro
right to left, and every fifth man
to the front
A along line All
that men who were
to to front moat die
yon man on the right
A young girl em Tired from a door
loading front the
and She
wore an apron a cap denoting that
a She bad made both
for m were
girl had gone to
and hat Allen Clarke, who
of war Having
gained permission to nurse bun.
had devoted to the sick In
hospital attached to the .
for In this case the
blue and gray mingled, till she
bad woo admiration of all and
came with a quick step.
She bad Just hard of order and
. I
said but ton. red
forward with as a
tread if ordered to met a human en
While the had counting
Clarke had and
seen that her Mien would i-
fifteenth man. He had only
from tin- day
before and now. with one la
five chance of death him.
A voice rang out Am and
clear who had wedged herself
In between No H and her brother.
four N front. Al
what his done,
forward to the place
with bat, by his
fell on the ground behind
Lucia stood rigid two
ate attendants carried him away.
As Major I'll Hugh, the
at the girl
Ins In the rank of death his eye
as net with sympathy
Alias he but
all must the
let you would make, hut It cannot be
will die with my brother it
I cannot die for
will before him when be I
shot, and the bullet will end this
struggle for us
back those
who are to In- from the
dead Ml
The five men and the
to right.
the major,
can't go to the men's
will. she said take my
brother's place. Where he would go
A rater leak crooned Major Fit
Hugh's face
Clarke to my office under the care of a
corporal and two With ha
turned and Into the building A
few minutes later Lack Clarke ea-
Into presence He directed
the men who brought her there to with-
draw Then he to her
if I promise you when your
brother Is led out to die you shall he
notified and permitted to go out with
will you go to your room and re-
main there you are
well; you have my word.-
Lucia left the office and. going to her
room, threw herself on couch and I
hurled fact In a pillow.
j her gave place to a sort of
long there
did not know. She by a
knock at the door, and Major
orderly told brr to come. She
up with a moan, bat era dually
mustered strength to go with a Una
to the prison yard with her
In line, ware three
men who had been drawn by lot for
execution, among them brr brother.
was about to spring toward
when Major i Hugh called to her to
wait Then, a paper from
bis to
No ----1
i- of service or Miss
Clark In and hr
to many and
of those drawn
for In retaliation
added the officer,
the prisoners
When and three
men entered KM the door
the major turned
to the girl, who stood mute him.
of my life when I
cured that order from coin
can I you my
asked the girl after
permitting me to
The girl stood If swayed by the
Than, her band,
to me the return at
once a mother who had a
Wry and bad daughter of her o
Chat vary fond of and a very
and good stepdaughter that
bated and wanted to get rid of. bat
be didn't how in the world aha
could get of bet a., she went and
naked the hen wife's
awn wife tell yon ho I
roe can get of he- an oW
and no oar Mat yet
the night in It and came out of It
alive. Too order stepdaughter to
and alt up In all night working
flax, and he dead In
Home the mother MB, she or
to get ready
go off that to work a of
lax la the old church, and Bat fear that
whatever hap
pea to In the church during the
Bight put a very great task at
before that fifty women couldn't
do In night and threatened to
her life In the morning If did not
have It done
The poor took her wheel and all
her night and off to
and sat down and
Rat wasn't long sitting at
work heard a great and
la there came a great, M looking
ghost, and be down on seat be-
and that be wanted his
feet and hair combed, for
they hadn't bees or it hadn't
ran combed for TOO
then, poor she
for you. and I'll help
you all I
So laid her and
washed feet combed hair
very, very nicely indeed.
AM when bad the ghost
I've never met
good a you. Can do anything
a stepmother
who isn't good to me and baa put be-
fore me this night a task that fifty
women couldn't do. but I don't know
whether or not you can help me. I've
all you see there to work and
have woven Into cloth before
down at your ease
the ghost he. I'll do
this for you.
no he took a breaker that
pi lea long and broke flax, he then
took B handle seven
long a block seven miles wide and
It; he then took a that
seven long and It. and
he took a hackler that was seven
and hackled It and a wheel that
mile high and spun It and
a reel and
reeled It and a loom r at
and wove it Into cloth.
And when be had all this done be
gave a comb every time she
put It Into her would comb
a bag of gold dust out of It
d i-K early, when the
came to church to see If
dead, to find
there alive and well, with all of
done and alt the made
cloth, to see her with this comb,
combing a bag of gold dust out of
She asked her bow she bad worked
all and how she had come by
comb, and she told the stepmother
that a came and worked flax
for her and presented her with
When the stepmother beard and saw
this, she would give own
daughter a chance In church that
night, that she might get a val-
too. So on the night
a. in her own daughter to the
church with a task of flax.
daughter hadn't long sit-
at her work when wild
came and sat down bar
and asked her to Ida feet and
comb hi hair, for hadn't been done
for years
But she told she was do
scullion la wash his feet of comb
and that she would I very
to do U, and ghost struck her down
with his baud, and she was dead.
When mother came before day
bad dawned In the morning to find If
she bud done her work and got the
golden comb, ghost was there wait-
for and struck down with
band left dead beside
Rat the good girl w ho bad kind
to inns thrived and peppered from that
and It till married
a handsome and young prince
and happy ever after.
Richmond, Va.
The Stock of
and Medium
in the South.
a r. s,.
daily, pi
m tit
daily, ,
a. ht
ad h
all for Weal
York; I la-
Bay Line
8.8. Co. Mar-
E. -1
Richmond, Va.
J. J. Act.,
J. K
K. C
Many were the during
the reign of terror In to some
patrician who was about to be led to
guillotine. Among that which
conceived for the young
la probably the most
pathetic in Its results
was an Idealist I bough
Of good bat not noble family, he Joined ,
the through
a desire to the of
When, however, be saw
with b.- learned
bow it i to put
of who do not know
how to use It Jean had studied the
law and revolution had
en tn mooed to the to
draw the duke's win There La had
met v . his
and had heart no only by
the charm of h. r but by treat-
him When during the
reign f one day the duke was
led out lo execution and Jean learned
was to suffer same fate
tn order that family of I hand. Country
might extinct he resolved to A will
Bare if he bis own life la I
K S. C.
O. W.
AlMa nice Hard
J. B.
A woman well la
opened a curiosity shop. One day
a friend and left an umbrella
which had east SO Be pa.
h H La
Every Its tinder box. bot
starting a flame with flint and
was a at the- best,
usual among
when one bad mischance
to lose his night am unable to
how long this custom continued,
bat I must have or eight
old when a neighbor
came to our house one with
bis to get some coals.
He was a liar, of whom
said that he would
; of when truth
would have been more to
we had had our breakfast
my mother to
must have slept late this morning. Mr.
you. be replied.
were up at daylight, and my wife
has done a large Ironing I remember
with good effrontery be
Joined la laugh him when
my mother said would like
recipe for doing an Ironing without
T. In Atlantic.
been thinking of It ever
I started on my present the
thoughtfully, I'm hang-
ed If I can make up my mind Just what
she was aiming at You see, some
time ago that, traveling about
tbs as am, t was taking a
good many chances; I decided to
take oat an accident insurance policy.
to my wife after
I had acted upon thought nave
done something today I should
have when I started on
road. have taken out an accident
policy my life. If I am
killed, company pays If
am Injured, I get a
long I am laid
it might be only a
would only ha to
la alL
If yon get killed you got 90.-
I patiently.
morning when
started on my trip throw
around me
-Mow, fat sake
ear yea
doing so
In drawing the duke's will Jean tad
noticed that provision made for
the return of a son and heir to the es-
who had gone to America with La-
to take part In the American
Revolution had been reported
tag after one of the bottles In which the
French troops were engaged. an went
M the procured a
likeness of this young man and hired a
to make up to
the subject of the picture. Then, seek-
an old woman who had been
laundress for he gave all
money be to sign a statement
that had carried a to
had adopted by the In
of bee own child still and
without duke's knowledge of
It was the day appointed for the ex-
of de la Jean
tribunal whose sole
It wan to bring to the
guillotine came together walked op to
the desk before the president
I am de la
Just returned from America, where I
been fighting great battle
you fighting
of human liberty. I find that yea
have executed my father, and my
la to die today. If you desire to cat
off our family completely, you must ex-
me and not the young girl who at
supposed to me my sister, for she la
a La having been adopted by
my mother without her
proof have you of truth
of what yon
may easily be Identified from
of in the
my father nave left a
will. In that will be surely made pro-
vision for my return, for he bad
proof of my death. to proof of say
statement my
I have provided myself with
sworn statement of Rachel
who carried the babe to i and price low the
The Judge looked at young lowest.
man who proposed to give life for paid produce,
another with astonishment, then road
Rachel statement
Joan In
while court Investigated
truth of will
late duke on verified Jean's
statement as to missing heir, and
Rachel stood by written
that bad carried Louisa to
The court too busily
engaged In Its work to proM
matter and decided to consider Jean
rightful heir to .-stats.
The next was. should be, haw-
voluntarily given himself up M
executed. lie bud fought cause
of liberty in America
in presenting
V a V B
a p b
hi p a
Pi Ar Norfolk
p b Ar ii a m a b .
JO a b
Ml a York p
Lt Hock. Ar
a pa
. b
N. C.
The Stock complete in
. m w. J.
Ami. alp. Pa Aft.
T. M. T. M.
N. C.
, mar
a. n. H. A.
I lay, and
H. M. Kine.
a. L H.
a. m. B.
K. Cox,
prayer with lat
and 3rd I-y
and 4th
Sunday a. a., W.
Brown, superintendent. Litany
every a. .
and Sunday each
day school P. M., W. R Par
j. f. t co.
Mrs. L. B. WHITE,
K. C.
Nice line if go-ate on hand,
bought cash or to
ha go.-is.
IA and Ital
Iran Fence Said.
work prices
i pea sot on
himself to save
But be was de la
and the revolutionists wished
to exterminate his family mid to g
possession of his estate. Therefore aft-
a spirited debate was voted to ex-
One looming a soldier entered the
and read of a
of persons there who were to
be taken out for execution One of
Louise, who supposed the man
bad made an error reading
of was trying to
got up from her chair to go to
death when saw a young man rise
and take his place among the eon- j
The next moment soldier
free to
the batch completed and
the prisoners ware filing out. Jean.
Louise, ear
I die for you because I love
After of the Bourbons I
the Duke de La returned
France. He bad been left for dead on
I battlefield, taken by a trapper
ward captured by a tribe of la-
In the than Ohio.
In he found who had and
learned something of the by j
which she bad eared
Nothing that had been by
revolutionists stood under the new re-
Bad the duke found little
In regaining estates.
de la never
considering herself the wife of the I
Who had died for .
lived she pilgrimages to ,
of Fare la Chains to j
the grave of
A. f. ea A.
No. Ma,
third R.
M., J. U. Ber.
K. F.-Tr Beer
meet every area lag,
W. II. Haul,
. K. of B. and H
Norfolk, Va. ; O. Lodge,
Tim i. n o,
W. B I.
R.-i.-i Ml.
Bo. Brat and third
in Odd
Hall. J. Z. Worthy
O. II.-
No. MO, and
lb Monday in Odd Pal
Iowa Hall. W. U.
D. Sec.
Clerk Superior
Court, D.
Sheriff, O. W.
of Deed., B.
J. B. Cherry.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyer, and Broker in
Grain and
obi. Private to New York,
arm tar
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
J. J. Hike, W.
W. B. Home, J. B. J.
W. Pee J. Spier
Boar J in eel a every Brat Monday.
Mayor, B. W.
H. L.
Clerk, J. O.
Tax Collector, D.
Police. J. T. chief, W. H.
8.1. Dudley.
D L. C.
Arthur, B t. Pat-
rick, I. B. B. L.
W. . Parker B. F.
Board every Brat Thursday
. R. L. Caw.
You Write
a letter
member the
lie in Pitt County when
you advertise hi
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice Week
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
. TO
, t
Manufacturing, Stationer
Commercial Printers
Books, , Office Supplies, Etc
We will continue to carry on the
business without making any change,
as had thought to. We desire to
thank our friends and customers for
their past favors and ask a con-
of the same in the future.
We shall offer special prices on our
entire stock. Watch this space next
Ricks Wilkinson
The of North
Carolina do
Section Thai
an election held la of
on Finn
April, INS, for purpose of
the of the qualified
of said Town on question
s. Hal each
race and Coupon to
the amount of ten thousand
for the of
repair and equipment i e
-hall lie held at and
place the elect-on h
i, by an Act
lily for Hie of
sense of voters of Town on
the question of
to the of isl five
thousand for pill of
and other improvements said
Town. The election provided for
in Act shall be CM
by the BUM registrars
judge of election and under
ft registration as the
for issuing
fall due payable,
section That if it
that a of
qualified voters of said loan
voted in favor of
said men it shall
the duty of the Board of
of said town to and
to at same
other are levied and
collected, a tax to
said schools for a
not less than thirty two
each tax not I
less than fifteen cents OB the
d of property and
forty five cents on each taxable
and not mote forty Mat
the hundred dollar, worth of
and one dollar
and twenty cents on each
in addition lo taxi-- at
tat and poll as
said levy a
support of schools all
other taxed said loan.
t That if H -ball
that a of
have voted
of establishing said
such are
I'm- i will
M A. .
Moore, Jam-. W.
It. F. I
id W Tinier, the
I'm And
-hall lie and I hey are hereby
the t of of
That if
of the Graded shall deem
on which Pitt
ts now limited a tor
location the
for while race, then said
may b located I hereby and with
the consent Tin-Ice- of Hie
-aid Academy, lull if the
t school shall deem
oilier location
the of Trustee . f I'll
as herein constituted may
if they shall deem it to
do so. sell Academy and all
land belonging ii such
on such terms they
may deem lie-t, make good title to
the purchaser and invest pro-
of such sale in the purchase
of the and the
buildings for the Graded
tor the white
Thai if the
the -hail deem
I lull with the
the proper school
lb Board
Southern Railway May
Have to Come Down
Off Its Perch.
-Hies a
W. I, Brown, B, I
W B. U. . Spain, K. Public
K h T. teal
and M. A. Allen. And ii i- j,,,,,,
said Boa id t as they may diem
lie into seven classes, and
expire as
Class shall be of
and their term hall OX-1
I on the day June
Class shall la- of
separate box be p. for ,,.,, ,, p
in Act and voter, . Wm ,
vote in this a .,, ,, June,
ballot from that on which vote f
for the and E. A. Jr.,
Those who Hi . of -hull ex-
School and issuing bond. of
for for be of
of the buildings j Moore .,
and levying tax f-r shall expire
dollars of bond, and
and result declared in like
manner in said But a
Sixty Pf r Coat sad
Eighty Per Cent
the maintenance of the o
payment of the of K.
bond, shall vote a ballot which
shall tie or primed the
W. King and kt.
their of
A. Allen and
shall on
words the ,,. 1908.
Class ii shall lie composed K.
is to
of de
i.-ii of one hundred
from one to one bundled inclusive.
The said bonds shall I tattled in
name of said Town, be
signed by the mayor, counter-
signed the Clerk of Board
of Aldermen, run for
sold at all there
that a well managed
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find In a hard-
ware store.
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
at B. Bros.
are overstocked with Fall and Winter and in
order to close them out to make room for dew spring good
put the knife to prices and will giro per cent.
on all goods. There bargains in the prices wt
are offering it will pay you to buy now.
Our nook was bought low, and this reduction makes our
far below yon will bare opportunity to
Como early and get the benefit of tills great reduction.
All winter goods most be disposed of
B. BRO.,
To the Ail bare
ashed by so many work-
of here, which
have had three
half The main ii
getting the dispensary was
not so for revenue as it was
to do away with the social feature
of drinking, this
particular e dispensary is a com-
and i a very
ho thereto-hall vole, lie of K. support to Hie our
a ballot on shall lie , Ba Cob-j As to
or printed the wolds UH shall expire the by bar rooms
day I am not able to say blah
shall T -old 1110-t, is a good
the qualified voters of said lows J. Jarvis S. T. While, sad deal sold dispensary, but
at said election vote in favor oilier shall expire the had of the sales
establishing the school as provided he y of June, and
fur in this Act ii shall lie duly , enacted that as the duet in low is at leas fifty per
of the mayor and Board of Abler- term the of
men said Town cause lo be shall by the Board d a few day ago lo
prepared at the earliest , Aldermen at an to be then- was so
day ten thousand of h,,, , regular of law here now Unit
said Board expiration as well make at
of M respectively and the
shall bold for
seven wars and any other
occurring in said Board of dispensary hi fifty per
tees by or other- way to do it. There was no
Ma shall be ailed so election hers during Christmas week.
Aldermen the Our County Jail ha- BO
person SO chosen shall hold Hie bus been without one
thirty years, and bear per of the Trustee ever since our conn,
cent, per payable vacancy he is appointed and our court close
the 111-1 of U not a prisoner jail for It.
and July of and That-aid Board of Oar Superior usually get
every year. he coupons on said shall have through with
shall lie receivable any- of the in from one lo one and bail day.
due town both said Graded School sad a dispensary, see
bonds coupons -hall- be ex- determine location, character Now as of
from taxation fay said town, of buildings that the town get now when
The Board of Aldermen shall sell which shall cost w had bar saw one
dispose of slid bonds as early the to exceed the sum of the manager of lbs
practicable and for law oh- ten thousand dollars, and they may yesterday and ho give
but they shall Bill employ such and
no bond for leas than its face value, each said schools as
The said Board keep a may deem proper and fix the coin
of each bond sold, lo whom sold, They may
and The-said natal an executive of
Board shall cause the of their who shall have the
sale of lo la direct control and manage
over to the town Treasurer, who meals of such schools under such
pay out said rule- and regulation a.- the Board
proceeds as hereinafter pro- of Trustees may prescribe, the
give such bond said Board, if shall deem it
fur toe faithful and ac- advisable to do so, may a
for said fond as may he commuter of persons to
required by the Board of Alder- aid Bond after lie
,. interest of colored graded sell. in House of
Section. be duly under rules as the of ex Slate
of Board of lo cause may prescribe K. ti. James received
lo be levied and collected a Section That the person voles. Come to think it, he
tax real person. I herein named as Trustees of lie is good for a
properly and other taxable sub- Graded Schools are hereby Stales Senator, we expect to
taxable polls in toted Trustees it are Mm in the field some these
said a lax to meet Pill Academy and they together days. another
B. wanted from the Fast Pitt
lo 11-
Jan. house
the Fuller bill,
i to compel
railroad to provide
suitable depot for Ta
the on the con
balloting be-
gin a Coiled Stales senator,
not much
was done in the senate wing the
general e- In voting
member coal ballot
this being agreed
a previous to so
SB until
cane-as -hall reach a discussion
Twenty nine different men wen-
voted for. highest receiving
only lour vote.- lucre were
among the bill
By Webb, of Buncombe To
amend chapter of Code
This provides counties send-
prison to other
shall pay expenses.
Ill- of To re-
peal chapter S, laws of
lo increase of
a For
the Brat or days 1111-
each afterward
or day.
The also devoted most of
the days session to voting for
United Slate Senator, the sum
regulation their branch
a In the senate. member
Voted to -ml himself and
number of vote
Toe following were among the
of Graham- To pro-
Parker, of lo establish
Carolina Industrial
Willis, of To amend
chapter Laws of that ill
r will- transcribed by
virtue of have the
same fores as original
January Clean-Up Sale.
During the month of January we intend to give
an opportunity to replenish their table-
war.-. the table in the center of our store JOB
will a of odd of China and Glassware.
propose lo let yon have this AT COST, a w
wish to get clear of these odd pieces. Those goods
will lie sold for cash only these prices, so be
bring your pocket in this lot yon will find
Plates, Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Bow is. Tumbler,
Goblets, A-c This lot i limited, but isle will
as long as stock lasts. are going to do the
v our stock of Fruits, Nuts, Can-
dies, Kin.-st mixed nuts per
French candy that sells H to will be sold
Plain candies per pound. Apples,
ones, dot. This special sale will
1st, 1902. Be on time to gather in some of then
bargain.-. There been a lot of new goods added
to our Grocery Stock since the holiday and It
now complete In this line. No matter how
you arc to suit, we can suit you if you want good
wholesome food. carry a large of top grade
elegant Furniture to please the most genteel,
tastes. We have Fall Suits odd Bedsteads,
Chair-. Tables. Couches. Basks, Side-
boards, White Iron Beds, die.
Chan e-1 bands the bane of the little ex-
some limes of older folk. Wintry
wind raise havoc with tender skin.
Fairbanks Tar Soap
First cleanses the of all
heals and soothes keeps soft
velvety. We have other soaps, from
Bouquet to cheapest kt
good for
Oar stock all departments is well assorted and the very
yon need. Wishing our many customers a prosperous
New yours lo
Greenville's Great Department Store.
and Granite Monuments,
and Agents for Iron Fencing.
Rocky Mount,
Sumter, S. C.
Main Tower
For Prices and Designs, address the Rocky
Mount, N. C, office.
f certain insane persons, idiots,
lunatic and Inebriates, This
nuke all private
founded under section chapter
Law of I SOT, ii part of the pub-
of Carolina.
admission to them, and
the legal of
of 1895, by
provisions the sale of
Mocks and bond public
so clear as to remove
of violation usury
me difference lbs books of
pet cent more in favor of the
oppose of III its
arc it Strong friends
now I can not see every
Stale in which liquor
is sold not have it done by a
dispensary. John W.
Chief Police,
Two For
In voting for Slides
prompt payment of the inter
H a said bond th may aw, A. W. Hoy, J. B. Cherry, offer him.
Wood To amend
chapter Laws of 1901,
to cutting tree- pending action
to try title.
The senate put day's
work both mat-
of lull- their second
third reading and new
Among the new loll Introduced
Walker, of To
b penally for carrying concealed
weapons. Tin put place
of one bull lo go to
the Informer.
By To
regulate child labor. The net pro-
no child under fourteen
shall work in a factory
in day, and not during
public school Children
under twelve only lo when
to support a
mother or a P disabled lather,
children under ten to work
all factories.
By Webb, by To pro-
for the
am. wives who have lived separate
mill apart for five
By Justice, of To
provide fur care
Hi of To
erect s Hall of
State . Com-
Labor and
aid Legislative Committee
cost not to exceed
London, of Chatham. A bill
Disking Insuring of lives of
infants under ten unlawful. If
over then only after
by a physician.
B Pollock, of To
sad of the
The House also had a
work, following being some of
th bills
To amend law relatives to
divorce for abandonment.
of To amend
section 1857 of The Code, relating
to repairing of
of To
amend law relating to the
public system of North
of To amend
law relative to branches of
Mutual Fire Association.
ON Till all
of Gang.
At his home, in
Mr. Little,
a short illness of pneumonia,
died Saturday. Mr. Little,
who was of age, wall
known in upper
The Messenger
is informed by several reliable
parties Mr. Little as, at
time, a of the famous
James gang, the of which
is well known lo every one.
bow long he followed daring
James or he left
not Little, of
was reticent regard to
the matter, lie, however, imbibed
some of daring spirit of bit
leader, many of his neighbor
well knew, and some of lo
Open Saloon Man riven
Thia la to certify that I have
running an open saloon for
eight as a side line
with my general merchandise
business, result of event
that I find to grow oat of social
drinking th counter has
folly convinced me that we need a
radical change, the
some within the bounds of
a law that will be of good to
the general and welfare of
the country, therefore I favor
I. union bill.
J. J.
Pitt Co. N. C. Jen. W.
in says an
In an elephant's
It by s f

N. C.
Piedmont which hits
D. I. worth, on the Pacific rail enlarged to six pages. Tb
P. B. OUTLAW, Attenuate Editor. road, am where public new cartoon i some
sentiment o far ha not Mag
Crimea enough to force compliance journalism.
the law. And public
JAM MM. ; . power , old college chum,., Senor
., I few millions with to de
General Herein a Ian for our good Li. country,
notified N-
towns of Junction City and
Guard or militia baa
pawed the United State, senate,
it having already passed the house. For many the idea baa
He said within tore or four I ,, Yankee, are
lid be issued for all
training for a professorship among
A Syracuse banker who has a
ion Thai proceed.
of the of Ida Honda provided
in shall exclusive-
for the erection
suitable for the
Hie whiles and such
enlargement and equipment of the
colored as may lie
said building shall
grudge shah I and equipped and
is going to give a dinner to under sole
widows. His la all right but of said Hoard if Trustee
be should draw in alack In hi- of said Graded And to
this end U la- duly of
said of Trustees deter-,
mine the leasts., and character of
guard the smartest people that ever
in convention at to make dock, or sold wooden nut
arrangement, for , have ha
of the bill, which places a
all of the of the North their fame was outworn, and eon
Carolina state guard under the belief come, from
care of the United govern-; I
According to the Philadelphia, -here hundreds of
ions of this bill the government people die every week from They re trying to scare up the while Graded
will have authority to call out the of uprising in against g,. ,, the enlargement
have been drink o, It won, succeed , building , or a
another for the,
colored Graded School the said
A Cough
hive a moil thorough
of Cherry Pectoral
am prepared to that for all dis-
ease, of the lungs it never
J. Early Flaky, O.
Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
St, Ml.
So a.
to . It. I-r
It U.
J, C. ill
Will enable you to make a bale of Cotton the acre.
Columbia Guano Co.,
They have been drink
over . , log t
period of any nine I time for
Dispatch, for it.
i certainly to u, in getting to
e would like to know how Heaven early in to avoid
when and where the United rush
government derived the power to the mild,
take the guard of North not at all of a of cutting out tongue.
moving along In the
The water
lag declared inhuman,
i red In purchase a site
, N. C, Jan.
O. L. article
I in the referring to
Judge inquiry as lo
under its care. If this
Sunday character. The
mean, it that the . h N, and f Mark Hanna, really
state guard become, apart of the j he buy the
regular army of the United State., j 1902 he of New ad t proceed a. speedily as
to call to duty in by Herald-, editorial column where
riot. Ac. Now the state dispensary name used to bet
would North now he of the
have in Chicago shoot-1 has been murdered. The paper trust the type
lug down rioter, or in ,,, have advanced my deem
pouring hot lead f the and of mania too , i. duty of the
. J Hip
at all. lo the others to
we we further me to did not thee go his own troubles,
remark the slate guard of m epithet and i
North Carolina ought not to be i When a man marries his type-
t to duty outside the stale, These be days for the order to keep her salary
member for of Colorado, where the family, he is apt to wish
I Black Jack, N. , Jan.
While, from
ville, came to visit her
L. H. White,
returned Monday.
A. O.
visiting here Sunday.
J. H. Elka Walter Gardner
spent a short while in town Sun-
Quite a large crowd attended
here Sunday.
Elder. W. H.
was with u. Sunday.
Charlie House and little
came down from Greene
Sunday to visit friends and
Mis. Julia Cox left Sunday lo
visit friends near
Little Mi.- Nil. Dixon con-
dun.-7 very ill.
Lucy visiting
Mr. J. C. Dixon
day night Sunday.
Dr. W. n. Dixon, from
Mills, came up Saturday and re
turned Monday.
Little Etta from
is Little
Treasurer of said town lo pay fut only a few I Becca Mills.
same out of proceed, the sale ,,.,,. , Mr. and Mr.
how were living in Pitt
and erect and
thereon. i
, hall Ml he duly of L, ,,. names.
would three others.
Sire. Susan Jackson of this place,
the rat
of Art by
of of
to said
with the erection and en-
of the for said
School. The said Board may have
-aid erected en-
by contract or such
mother Mr.
Green of
and old man Jeff
At home of Mr. Fanny Ty-
21st. mat.
Mr. Rudolph of
and Miss Nichols were unit-
Blow, J. P.
performing the ceremony. There i county
bonds upon order of
Board of signed Mil r .
counter signed such
under such rule,
, may But said
alone and join. are in control of the leg ,,.,, . raised her salary and of Trustee, shall keep a
army. is hand and the trying to her out the family. record which shall show In detail
North can lie found force the seating of seven
without blowing bugles sound- Can The governor baa
log war-drums, time of peace naked to call out troops,
friend. present to
After a
s supper the bridal couple left
train for
where they will make future
home. M r. i to be
on hi. good fortune and all
Mis Bessie the very
I moat pleasant of lives.
.- i . i . Kinston i gainer Winter-
If had ,, ,, ,,,, k,,, ,
jail he-a. put In r. receipt. J mo
the in which the said
by them. The
Dixon, and
little eon Saturday
and Sunday here.
AM But Few Are lift.
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigar.
for Wilbur's Horse, and Poultry Food.
Fruit Jars.
for YOU bring back stuff and get your dollar.
A dollar spent as a
worth of-
lion tuna. If It
own the democrat, have Am nM M mm mi of
for a Are we really
to tat ahead of Venezuela,
South editor Ibis aide of and lie shall make a report lo
Board of Aldermen from time to
the golden gates.
his and
Wonder if Booker Washington.
I with relative.
be Shall be allowed a. hi. A dipped five car
We fall to of promise ,,,, n and paying out;
Commonwealth feel that
ville Landmark, the Greenville or Mm, big gentleman of in the publicity end of the fund two and a hall per cent.
and some other well raws, trust measure passed by coot-res. m.
levelheaded paper, color, has a n whom the .,.,
the state, ofter around to the, A few public hanging, would .
White to hi. daughter., more , , ow or
Here and A. Teddy is shewing such great
blue back
may hereafter extended
While wailing for a belated train
at Selma. when on bis way lo hold
court in Greenville,
Furgerson lo ex-Sheriff K. W.
King and Gentlemen,
many men and women are
there living in your county to-day
who had sons in the confederate
vice At Ural it to be
our impression that there were a
good but on reflecting brief- i
not one could be
Cox. we learn, Is now , f, . , . .
v . , . , After some little time I remember-
g ,
and E. P. Fleming. one
Mine Gay of
has a few
Is what all must do. If there is eating
there is no living, and what yon eat
be of the treat quality. A visit to oar store
will convince you that we carry the beat of
everything in
Groceries and Family Supplies
and that the variety and quality are not
surpassed anywhere. Remember also that
but everything will go for cash only, and
selling for cash will enable us to give yon the
very lowest price.
Johnston Brothers,
loads of cotton seed
Have Forgot
one and another f the might it please exhibit ,,,, Public School,
has returned to dear old book other side of a cold-blooded into said
him, o have one for a in-law murder, like on, for which School, of charge provided
Neck Com-1 Tillman ought lo dangle a. end always that attend
the Mark, the schools provided for
report of the Provided further the
of Boston ha. shown that thirty- The of
Following the above the Com-
and gives the
good that Vine Hill Female
. of Neck,
recently adopted the book,
and all classes of It. pupils
now to be given a course of train-
in it. This is good news in-
deed, and hastens
lo extend congratulations,
a bad day in North
Carolina when this old hooks was
abominable so-
called spelling now use.
There more in the
madmen of
these new tangled Yes,
air, Vine Hill Academy is to lie
congratulated upon getting hack
to old moorings, and other
school the state follow
Judge S. who
holding this term of court Pill
county, was elected la-i
and ibis is he
ha. held. A spectator in the
room knowing this
might easily infer Judge
bad spent a life
time on the Bench. His conduct
of the of court ha.
been such a. lo commend
both to the and to people
of It i. noticeable from
the record the court that
upon payment of panted
very few but such
tie were upon
a. the deserved.
On all of be-
tween counsel hi. decisions have
been fair impartial. He i. a
wise good judge.
The saddest word.
five or forty while women married pen e'er shaped in prose admit children to either of
in that city during the might who reside of
have been, but haven't the corporate limit, of said t
in that city
past year it would that have been, but I haven't the corporate of said to.
upon such
go far wrong when he lime. .
the Lewis to an
important office in Boston, the
culture and
lair and
n II That corporate
limits loan shall
a district for each race but
of the Graded School
and the
of locating and
over the various
County of Pitt may
It is the is
a long trip. There are
bast a people who won't
up his hurrying back home.
We are bound to admire the . . i------1
nerved Attorney
even if we are inclined lo think the new n, Graded
i, a I. He is now asking do well to lock it. box m as to take in
to appropriate live mil- throw key in the ocean. and people not included
lion with which lo employ
counsel trust busting the
For sale in our thriving little
town. One acre
story, room
new. Located near
own and convenient lo both school
,. , ,, j . and he mentioned
tern, and price,
or write to W. L. House.
Mrs. Bettie move,
the house to one
occupied by the Mr. Nichols.
Rev. C. W.
,,. fill hi. regular I .,,,, Verily
to-day at also
A. M. at and at night. we T , . ,, ,.
Bud attended the m
w- be had three brother.
the army In- mother is yet
t lot . good I at
dwelling house I that question, I w
buildings Mr-
near center
i and asked if he had thought
I -Since then I have found one other
only, father the
near den. la it
Bible there are people
I living now saw service
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
living, live, away
the mountain. O. L.
the corporate limits of said
A of a rich flow of natural town And the Board of
sons now living in Pitt
sou. confederate
army, we would like to know.
Tilt. Ki
general gets paid i. reported from an Indiana
We will continue to gel
from Raleigh.
A female whiskey drummer
her is she to
lake day.
Well, she will have lo still a
us that it s to her, if
she manages lo her I If thing up
School Committee of
in which the Mid Graded
Schools are situated and the
Count Hoard of Education to-king
It baa ,. requiring title lo lands
lemon-juice will kill typhoid mid building the
germ., but the man for colored races
was a gala day for A. G.
. . ,, , . ,
v. . r I nearly,
is. by Law i. . ,
,. I it arrant. come,
all a call,
w fence, back or
thing of kind. They were
fitted up,
hardly wail for t to dry on
of lbs finals. Two or three
of came about miles m
from way over in Greene AYDEN, N. C. 1903
Smith, of K
is a days with I nut ice what have to say
Mi line d i i parents of Confederate sol-
Mr. Ola Manning and alias Le. a I give yon name,
after being the the following in my
home of D. C. Davenport, neat Mis A. Jackson, at Win-
came Mr,
. Ayden; Jerry
of the father, T. X. c. Bland, Con
The flaws of Superior Court of
county having issued letters
t lo me, undersigned, on
If of our reader, know of of December. on
that wore
shouted You to
the of re-
day. If
all are we hope
is even distantly
related lo some women we
all she will gel.
Wouldn't H give in
disease lo we Of,
Locke in earnest
In a Cornell
Mont tug lo School Committee
-mil may be agree
pun and of those build
lugs and of the
proceeds in the Graded School
for race respect-
And the said hoard of
Trustees shall have foil power and
receive, use or
slate of Mary Noble., deceased, no
is hereby given to all person, in-
to estate to make immediate
By virtue of a decree of
Court of county, made this day,
In .
pending, entitled, M.
mi other, versus Olive H.
others, will on
payment lo undersigned and lo all I before the court house door In
creditors of said estate to ,. i public to lb.
properly authenticated to the bidder real
undersigned within months after the situated In the town el
A certain house and lot on
corner of Front Pill known
as the
A house and lot Greene
adjoining the lot. of W. B. Wilson,
A. M. and Ada U. Cherry.
And two other situated
part of the town of Greenville
of the
Court of county In span- lot. of W. C.
1.1 Williams,
dale of this or this
plead In bar of their recovery.
This day of December,
on estate of Mary Nobles.
N Jan.
Charles i the
of w. Smith
Sarah A. Smith. B C. and
will sell on Monday,
2nd, before the court house door
, ,. .,. In
lolly Smith, the
ml or parcel land; Thai parcel
. . . , -it of land in Bethel township adjoining
W I all B. w. James. Sidney A.
I h , Shade Jenkins
and N. A. and being land
upon which W. S. Smith lived at the
lime of his death. Containing acres,
more or leas, said land will be told
subject lo the widows dower.
This Dec. 1902,
T. H,
Belay . i
of these had in
J. A.
Our ville correspondent
names can be
. -j I public lo the u, o. C. tilled hit
, women we know ,,,.,, which would ,. Sunday. A
to admit the Pitt Graded School Miss Annie went to
We'll have
lawyer, know about the
than do, and our opinion on
the same worth a plugged
dime. If get. a new trial i
we'll give our leader, the news,
otherwise we are done with
A woman fails to
man can't appreciate bow much
she could love bin if didn't
device, and .
for both Mis. A rile Moore, of added lo and Mrs. B. H. F
of Mid Grade. School. High School, Sunday name or
Settle. I. That portion of Moore, mother of
Kev. C. filled bl. C. Moore, who had
Brown, of bad too silk
hat were
in- lo the Tuesday afternoon.
Graded herein h. went to Green
and shall I
made over In
love someone else.
In Kansas a man who f. not Secretary of the Treasury Leslie
posted get a drink of liquor to South
without a proscription.
the Of
W hoe the Star The part
. , ,
an. up compared
The of Dare
Town of Green Saturday. the
shall be by him for the does no.
the support of said Graded Schools from a to her grand- Fall a
no other and ii Grille creek. it Is usually railed, had
I and for as Mrs.
other monies belonging to said spent
I -M
That Chap
h the true
Saturday in Greenville
proved a failure, when suddenly
the came in
the could not hold
Great of
and treat washed
of X War., th. ,
. not too every part is hereby re-. Ulcers, Tumors or
lbs has tie ware able to make big
shipments from the picked
eel lasted U
During a sudden and terrible at-
tack of croup our I girl
unconscious from strangulation,
says A. L. Spafford, postmaster,
Mich , and a dote of
Minute Cough
repealed often. It re-
the swelling and
cut the and shortly the
child was resting easy speedily
recovered. cures Coughs. Colds,
and all Throat
Lung trouble. One Minute Dough
Cure lingers to the throat
chest enables lungs to con-
tribute pure, health giving oxygen
lo blood. L. Woolen,
Letters of upon
of Jane Haddock,
having bean Issued lo me lb. Clerk
of the Superior Court county,
the day of
hereby given to all person.
holding claims laid mUss lo
present lo m. for on or
before the 22nd of
duly derailed and or
notice will plead in bar of their
recovery. All persona Indebted
said estate will make payment to me.
This of December,
Public administrator administering
estate of Jan. Haddock,
A man may be as mil of
a Sunday book, and still
leak when he dawn
October 1st a took up
with my can tarn.
by proving property paying
It around
color, and marked with fork
la right ear on
B. M.
N, c.
Dec. I took a tow, which
get by
pay lag The sow
sandy color black
swallow fork hat
car, two la M,
Some were Wise
And Some were
Comes here for a fair, reason
able and right price for a pair gets
the late style, gets a perfect fit, gets a well
made, good looking Shoe, gets his money's
worth and perfectly in every res-
Chases or
thinking will or so on a
pair of What does he Well, it's
hard to of
an ill-fitting every thing but what
be mad and declares he'll never
do it again. And he won't. Reader,
the parable.
The King Clothier.
President Roosevelt Gives the Country Some-
thing Else to Talk About-Southern-
at the Capital are Mad.
Washington, Jan. i talking
of the latest in the direction of recognition of
equality. A party of were received enter
it. the room, of the White House by the
last night. Congressman and two
women, supposed to be members of his family, were present,
also other mingling with the white people. It is not
known whether they were present by invitation. The South-
who were present left the reception indignant haste.
If la a . I
II to
for and we y.-u to
settle early at We
YOU owe us total you will not
as fur II. m , ,
it who
murk paper.
Brief of Met
With I.
T. J. D. C.
The T. J. vi chapter of
Daughters of
During the past week Register of
Deeds K Williams, issued
the following win.-.
O. F. Early.
H. D. A.
Boyce and Cobb.
Joseph H. and Mollie
with Mia Mae The meet
lug called by
Forbes. The following of-
were elected for 1903.
Miss Jamie Bryan first, vice,
Mis. Alice Blow second vice-
Miss Ethel
Miss Lillian Burch, treasurer.
Mis-sea Ethel Skinner
Forbes, Mary James,
W. H left guessing coolest which
evening for I followed regular Mis Moore.
K. W. King returned cheek was winner. Henry
day from After dainty
J. B. Jr., returned this which were
morning from Baltimore. a present. The
W. K. Cox returned this; regular will lie with Miss
E. L. Kit-
Rudolph and
C. and Macks.
John D. Meek,
George and Augusta
Geo. Harriet
General and Mary
from Winterville Mary
Mia Ella Harrington left this
morning Scotland Neck.
Miss Blow left
evening for a visit to
C. T. and A. E. Tucker
returned Wednesday evening from
Miss Bessie of
who baa been Mrs. J. O.
Latham, returned borne to-day-
V. V. Hallman, or Morganton,
baa a position with
Greet,. ill. Co.
Miss Betsey Greens, of
who baa visiting
Mrs. F. M returned
home Wednesday evening.
C. Forbes left morning
for Wilson.
E. returned to
Ibis morning.
H. A. White
Mrs. Matthews, of
who has visiting here re-
turned home Thursday evening.
Mrs. of
daughter Mr. W. E. Patrick,
returned Thursday evening.
W. T. Lipscomb went up
road this
Presiding Elder F. A. Bishop
morning for Tarboro.
Mrs. Harris left
morning for Charlotte to
W. E. left morn-
for Gate county to meet hi
L. C. Arthur returned Friday
from a trip up the road
J. B. of
town Friday.
B. D. Wall a for a
farm near Washington. See ad-
Harry left morning
for Raleigh.
Judge G. S. left Fri-
day evening for
J. returned Friday
evening from
J. W. Bryan returned Friday
from a trip lo nor-
cities, where he has
preparing to put bis famous
On Tuesday afternoon,
Baa Club was delightfully
entertained by Miss
The business feature of
this meeting was election of
for following
Vice President, Janie
Treasurer, Miss Lizzie
Secretary, Miss Patrick
Li Mies Rosalind
Misses Annie and Helen Perkins
re guest of at
After being served with
refreshments club adjourned to
meet Feb. 3rd with Mies Ada
Walker and Lizzie
Wiley Ellis and Daisy Smith.
Is value H. A.
C, places
Witch Hazel Salve. He
bad the piles for
years. I tried many doctors and
medicines, but all failed except
Rosalind Witch Hazel Salve. It
cured It is a comb nation of
healing properties of
Hazel mill
relieves permanently
cures blind, bleeding, itching and
protruding piles, sores, cuts,
bruises, eczema, salt rheum
and all skin diseases. Jno. L.
The Song.
I How dear lo heart the
steady subscriber
i pays in advance at the
birth of each year
Who down the dollar
offers It gladly.
And casts office a
halo of cheer;
it; I
Or more papers
now than I can
But always say, the
afternoon o'clock family likes it
at the of Sir. J. H. I'm. -v intact, we think it is a house
Greenville, Mr. Ernest
LaG range, and Mis How welcome be is he steps
were married by, Rev. G. sanctum
A. of Ayden. The wed- How he mike our heart throb
ding march played by Mis How be makes eyes dance
The were among the;
new bills
By Beasley, I A joint
North to visit North
Carolina North Carolina
1903, and participate
the to be held
at that lime.
By of To amend
chapter of The Code
to public libraries, permits
an exchange of public records and,
report, with libraries
by the state library of North
HI, i
These among new bills
i To change
of of fiscal year
November August
Graham, of To amend
laws of on
tax on liquor dealers and
dealers in cigarettes.
Riddick, of amend
law of 1898 relating lo divorce in
case of abandonment.
Drewry, of To provide
for registration of trained
Daniel, of To provide
for of laws.
of To provide for
treatment and care of certain in-
idiots and inebriates.
The heads of every
rich men, poor
All join paying tribute to
Little Early
H. Williams. San Tex.,
Little Early Riser Pills are
the best ever used in my
I recommend
to everybody. They cure
Sick Head-
ache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Ma-
all other liver troubles.
Jno. L. Wooten.
Immediately alter
ceremony the couple left for
home of father,
Greene county,
was held.
We outwardly thank
inwardly bless
The steady subscriber who pays
a reception in advance.
Pan Third
Found The three bill sent up
The lo charter of
Friday, to establish
finding a verdict of not guilty as
to Hardy and guilty a to both
schools to issue bonds for
have passed their
Aliens and Forbes. Th three
convicted fined each and
coats. They gave notice of appeal
to Supreme court.
third reading in the senate.
Church Bell.
A Bad Cat
A mouth ago Herbert
The Christian church have
t hail a large placed In the
I tower to of worship.
The bell will
one of cut his
with a bat. with which be
trying to split a piece of wood.
kept at borne
week, he was able
to go hack to bis shop.
on market.
Dr. William Fountain formerly
of Tarboro, baa located here for
the of hi profession. His ,
family occupies invited I
Booth . I
The Masonic funeral In honor
of late Mr, J B. Sieve,
died some day ago, will be held
on Sunday, Feb. let. Visiting
to join with
heir service
You hive It Ya want It. Then
why keep it Drive It out with
Mr fatal a i
a and Ague
. voted Mr. L
Lie first time in calling the con
to worship.
Continued in our
N. C, Jan.
was no nomination made at
last The
last ballot taken Watson
Overman Carr I,
Greenville N. C
Dear take interest in
your work and you want every
of to do all it can.
Lead and Zinc makes
every stroke of brush count.
Mixed paint wastes nil. en to eighty
per cent, of every
upon amount of in
the mixed paint.
That's what we menu by
We can't every
reason for using Lead
Zinc. There are too many.
E. K. Bowman, Pa.,
Mr. Burt Young one
of Lead and Zinc
halves to paint rooms on which he
bad always used one gallon of
mixed paint; one half gallon of
did the work he re-
turned other half gallon.
Yours truly,
P. W. Co.
New York.
P. B. H. L. our paint.
doe for the that
widen it i for
alien ion disordered
or overloaded. supplies
natural juices of and
does the work of the stomach, re-
the nervous tension, while
tho Inflamed muscles of that organ
are allowed to rest and heal.
digest, what you eat
. on. digestive
to all food into
rich, red blood. Jno. L. Wooten.
Farm Far
Two hone farm in mile of
Washington Good laud.
Ml necessary a
. 111-
to B. II M all,
Washington N. V.
Liver Pills
That's what you some-
cure your bilious-
-mi a
Another Greenville man got two
vote In the Thursday,
for United Stale senator.
fiver pills, i hey cure con-
and biliousness.
Great Clearance Sale of all Fall and
W inter Goods Now Going on at
Hamburgs, All-Over
Laces and Insertions.
of Monte Carlo Jackets and
Wraps at per cent
Second Floor-NEW LINE
Baby Carriages
Received by Yesterday's Steamer.
The Reflector Printing House is talking to
Send us your orders If or Printing of
Print Shop in Pitt

Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And any thing else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
. Value,
lash Value,
Paid up
I. m
a b Von
Will be if be mM within mi month while
are r within three after
of with
payable at the z -f . f
year. ill for year i paid.
may l
To the
. To a-- Ml
Greenville. N C.
Making a Chump
Of Hero
said Julia to me.
-that H would be for u it. max
We La in easy
a lo fir. Story
was a aS work, and I did It
for pay I
-Then much about It for
to know bow
Come, yield to me for
Tb thins; to determine upon la
I To Ml the troth, one seldom
an original for
but -a. in bandy at the ho
on old and It up
to t of
in all or nearly all snort
ti.- a and a female
S to the Aged.
brine U
fat. Pills
-ti r I-
lo perform natural s
in and
a man ha
ii who to
the Value of
Any Other.
i Third
Agents i.
S. T. WHITE, Greenville. N C.
Goes up or
According to the
you give your
Keep it to
and it goes down. Keep
it before the public and it
climbs up.
ti n
t s you
i mi
l .
Li L
rank u-i you
Had i If not, n
will b
ill- i ii ill
in what you any if you
i ilk t, in
Push your business
up by advertising.
MUD i and
F i .
M Kai
I'm; Me I
l--u . I .
and A
P-. i-
i-l in
. Mal f
II ind Hullo,
ii , N in
pie lien,
. China Ware, i m and m
v i
i V II till i- mi
. i II .-I I
a. M
due to
every people ho
heart can remember when It
It a
all cases dis-
ease, not are not only
able to. but result
stomach which
lion and swells the
II up This
with the action the
and In i time delicate
but vital organ diseased.
Digests What You Eat
Mr Van. N Y,
Alt-f 1-t mild
m- my rd I
i a i-. am
cures indigestion, dyspepsia
and all disorders, and
the heart a full, and
only Si
the trial.-
II if It when s-et U on pa-
baton that
u ti the woman
. j it And now for
to that are my com-
on Don t make and
I i And other for
p la
It a for
us Then make the
from n
UM once to do that if
the on
we'll them
D l
I on. la an officer of
I kited states army
-1 Ii Spanish
, kind i
j up at
n -v
i lei
. p. . a name.
. to i to I
i la to
I.-- V
.;. j Ii
. that
many lead garrison
t. .
i an i if
y i
b lo II if ah-
. . Lacy
t barn I
I a lour.
II l- at
i baa bar a
r . . w i rat nice
. n .- atone alien
kind. I you
of a girl a
i a H
la what i about
It mi bearing
i he
he up out. put
m -lap on crown
I Into but
eta and by
n in- M pica
to arrack with an
r at ice
hi out
i late Lacy acceptance of
lint It that we
TUe and s-
i can't i-
made ea-
i lo
Th- lo
. . tut ind a real i Is
it i if not i rarer
i Nm n if re
t. B H
Yes lb plan la and hue
ill I. ins
as hump
bee toe baa n t-
n. hr mil
I my bead I
to ray
i bad bin a
t.-ll we'll I aM
tray bis la bi la
pan- -if i
in n n
ml make a champ t
to do
bee nude H bump
I turned a merry f
n Ml -r an Id
into the
her I
her her
t tin-
gear bow eon
have made B I not a
wink fur Joy
you're talking like the
n bit Thia
P a
la your
nothing Just
the dryly.
All the Heat,
A lady having
bottle, her re
declare, my dear,
lo you more or lens
replied. you are- a
to the
. i i. ,
Of d of Per-
nun. has . a wider
popularity v Heed In
nary H a
a Bad
are de-
Bad a. Ia Per
r-r Pas I Mr
s k U from
a i
A pupil t
I to
a great n of m val-
Tb- J l- one
i again
a fellow. I pan In
tie t i n furrier Bad
him for
f o be a add
hie lo an animal. Bad II blind
i-d Which they made an
peal to tin The
BO task, for It
plain i xv. or be
would not I
No man of understanding
will natters t- one of
mean lit
the pat a which
with Interest He
and the looked
II a faced
mill clear and on alert air
I a i- la of Ike
a i , men h. had ft
leaks it teeming city to
. f Si a board-
t three months
Ike u
all t.- him
with fa rot Lad
the of The
old; I a -1
readily to their overtures
but the
The one be looked
and enough moat
I'll, Henry U.
h disposed to
be i abet A n
gad Ike
led t- Ike
was not to words
Only two Howard.
hut Ike he
couldn't me from so I
took could get
do that. can't here
log. wonts me. You rare for my
you th
Richmond. Va.
a trade or prof
no more aerial Me than
reason the bey in following
from a New York ii-r for The Greatest of Fine
Sag a In a bank The president of
a hank told the story at and
Think I told of our
redheaded office hay.
marked tire after
rest a tor
came to m.-
from who a
mine la After
read the from the I told
boy to his alt down In a
chair tell tie he wanted to be
a banker His answer was
--aid I. you subtract
and divide F
e a
banker to make all be can I
thought wanted n boy who could
hired on the of
In of.
pr. th.
an lb. following
of worn Id
;. a . put In KM
la I, for th.
of half a
of oM mm In It. with lot. of
brown hi for In
If you have on. of
.-11. count ca
I t lo and
R. L. n
i. m for
at an. for
Philadelphia. New York
South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan and
all for with rail-
sir order freight by
th Old Dominion S. Co.
New York-, Clyde from
Bay and Chesapeake
ii. . Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
E. Broad Street.
J. J.
Richmond, Va.
J. K.
K. C
in the
A Fair
I i Sew be
loot . u- n r
be bad very hard not
r; rot a-l be
for had
to l client
1-it. r. when he present-
ed his bill t the man's re-
to pay It ground that It
a , . . look the Mil to
the criminal
lawyer i I I j
II r- f in.
The account and
then n very
u into
the amount of
. y, a hare to
tali in are reasonable,
but see ; you
the man mold bare been banged for
Tar rail.
In natural l relates
to the cartons
and other of deceiving;
the eyes -f their enemies Mr. B. San-
in of upland game
call and
Instance When the
put on u winter it baa
b mil One might that
tis would attract attention to the
crouching on now, but fact It
for Every
on n east- a dark shad
aw and i what tail of the
ptarmigan looks like, the
of bird a mere
on the white
A many costly to
be in the British la the
known lo bare hes n printed Hint
a date and H at
books print, d n-present
the n In themselves,
while an
value only to In
In million- The stone might
from to
Bad bulls with
human cheap at
I'm so I'm to
i-t-t-to i.
gracious, dear
la sot unkind to you already
N u do. no, no;
ire Hut Mr Blake, the hue-
band of boa re-
fused to buy Mrs. a new toque,
and the union
ordered all out on
didn't ask if
after her Keen small
beys are a man at any
rate. of
did not
the i la hint to act
as a dam.
me over, Ike
he bad approach-
s la Mi ii . He look
m far you I back to team
tier i And he l. ft them to
engage farmer la
a-, to was
more wheat the farm
. raised In one
col -ii with Ms
sud end of the brat
ran,., and
one r- i i i
dam in which
Sowed at lb the
It of dam a
till i red lo i lb. lass
n were
at had In-
water to ran
instead of between
the. . th.
u of hand.
ma till a waned bar
to it it too hue
ii u his Up the words
k. ten
tip had bad th.
i. is of Hi-
. . . -I I ho work had eon-
Ibo creek, bat
i. lo. an and hacked.
dinner burn
t earth lb, were
I rot Ind. He ii regard-
ed which had once been
The were all
,. Then h return to
ii. t. before the
bead of th-- family, who seem
rd i . I
. . . v
i i bare
f. r.
. be to
You want
n .
i no no- ha Bow.
-Put onion In ear after
Tow leak K
The consumption Bat many pea-
possible going to bed.
S. C.
et am
On my mother's and
I am a direct of ,
and Mary and u la among the and
household are must look for
of the characters mentioned, la
George of Bede.
Thus George and Mary Evans be
typical of and
Bede. Beans ii undoubtedly
original who Adam Redo.
Samuel the youngest
f Seth
Ann was
of Adam Bede and
of and
It will to the reader that
la Adam our author
of her own father and
had very best reasons for the state-
concerning her hero that be bad
g dash of Celtic blond In bis
In 1- Hour.
No. II.
a mil. p a.
a in p
a o; p m
n m
am Ar p
0.1 a
p in a Richmond a
a i.
a m j York p in
hand. Country
Bold. A trial will
D. W.
p m
Ar p m
a pm
a a
p a m
a m
a m
p m
Most girls and some have
in their time the game of or
or but few of
them know that the game has
the third century B. C. and la
probably older. How it played
in days no one can tell, but
Joint banes of the sheep, or. deer
j sad pig were used, and the game
called from the Latin word
for the ankle joint. In Scotland
are often employed, whence
name Even precious
and gold and bare
been used, and la some the
bones were marked with and
colored to represent kings.
and awns.
To Top
Here Is proper way to pop
Put regular Is. a
very small quantity- Into popper
and hold it under the cold water
long enough to thoroughly saturate
the kernels. Shake popper and
place It on the back of the range
low the corn to dry Then pop. The
kernels will he very large, and there
will be no bard center. The red
corn thought the beat.
n i
a nice Line of Hard ware
J. R.
Sleeping and Dining fare
and Tampa and Jack-
II. M. W. J.
Traffic Gen. Pass.
T. M. T. M
Wilmington, H. C.
said Ike other.
retorted Howard,
I was n You Jump at
ink I I had to
set k to -hp bi I
ii a shop
one as bad a the
Mrs was entertaining call-
en. After they left remarked
hope they didn't my walking
shoes lying there. They would think
me very untidy If they
saw them
thought they were
husband In a tone.
And she to since.
Th Speaker.
Many years ago an Allen county
announced himself nm a candidate for
the legislature.
can't make a ob-
n Mead
doesn't make any differ-
date, the a I way a a
rapidly fuse stag
being full for
years In
he explained is any place
yon U shop l- Ike Blue
i- M owned
two-lb i when be
Now I nm lean the
i rush M la
was bat still
Hie had business
I you you
could bare
I l should bare Baked per-
from Mi chair.
be sank
iii remember our
lion tare
plain, d la
i., I OM haw
, then i told ran
I four week-, but had to lake
tare sad row t to take
I g
, , iii
my I. weakly, a of
I i bis would lake her
m . and I way as well
lint make i mistake Buying the
steamer Bo a lawyer
One of the remarkable things about
the superstition of the la
that It Is often attributed to whole
by others who dislike or hate
them. ancient times
. women
were regarded. In these latter
of Asia Minor have
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock In every
and price, low the
market price
every Una
morning and Pray-
Kev. j. K. Booth,
St. A. Allen
t lay, morning
meeting Wednesday evening. Re.
H. M. Sure,
a. in. L. H. Pander,
Sunday, evening. Sun
a. tn. K. B.
W. K. Cox,
Morning and evening
prayer with every let
3rd Sunday.
every and 4th Sunday.
Sunday a. m., W.
every a. m.
and fourth Sunday In each month
meeting night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, Sun-
day P. M., W. R. Par
I ill Al n ii . . .
about Turk, and the P produce.
Turks about the
bag your pardon, said
dinner over,
introducing you Inadvertently
That's all replied
pal speaker of the occasion. ti-
ills me better than I
profess to be a doctor, but I get might j
little Tribune.
me young wife
she picked Up cookbook.
butter for the angel
Now what do do
for I he answered
heartless who happened
along In time to overhear her musings.
J. i PM CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and handlers of
Ska HI.-.
Mr. ids the
tn the
a thundering fool when I asked you to
marry me
Mrs. -Wall, you looked
It. dear.
etc. to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
. f on hand. I
m or
. Ilka our ask-
i n m Bel
replied the
bud called Itself a when
II left N- u last fall -What
rd lb s
Is a mighty clever
Just the gets
to be lo have a
lot of printed to the effect that be
has giving to
charitable and educational
That makes his assessment schedule
look Post.
Caller-What will you do, doctor.
when all your patients get well
Physician All my patients will
get well,
A railroad who has been In
so many yea re that bis hair
grown Iron gray and visage as
stern a warrior's while he has
en Iron monster over the parallels
of iron recently first
collision. He came out of It with a
badly demolished engine and a sum-
smashed up leg for any
The surgeons took him In charge
American and Italian Marble
tad Iron Hold.
In-- work and reasonable
de-i i lion
I. r he uniform and
To Interpret i hem Is nearly
to i t
Husband Where do you want logo
Wife- Ob. I don't know
where can money
you wanted n
Augustus Aubrey- I-o you know,
much prefer society of to
any other
i de L
ft r .- In ac
In Cock-
amusing anecdote of
Browning. She relates that
In the room of her I-on-
don afternoon
to look out of window
she says, saw Mr Browning;
n a goose, absolutely carrying It
In bis arms. poet Into ball
f with goose. laughed, remarking
I that It was a queer kind of
and answered, Mr.
Browning. not wall, so I am look-
after It It ma about
I suppose I shall to give patience his Injured limb and
Mr. k Best dance. got It on road to recovery.
Why don't you sit It out with day be out for the
hi,,, first time, and as he hobbled along on
I've Had New Yorker, crutches, Injured member looking
very unwieldy indeed, a friend hailed
Th Jim
Abe-None of your In a cottage lag of getting
for gas. I want a house The veteran gray clear
a neighborhood. I I and penetrating a and they
He- And I suppose you want It In twinkled with a tonic effect as he said.
your name too Brooklyn Life. laconically
I can't -New York Timer.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Brokers Id
by dint of and Cotton Grain and
Private lo New York,
New Orleans.
Little Brother slater Is play-
cards with a
Minnie play cards well
Mr vary well Indeed.
Little Then you bad
look said if she ashman
look out said if she f-
alias a rat pat
fwd him with
I. Jim la
W. a
A. F. A.
bird Monday evening. It
W. If., J. M. Sec.
K P. -In i Lodge, No.
every evening.
V. H. Dall, C. C; T. H. Hoot-
K- of R. and
, I. O. O. Lodge,
No. every
W. N. i. .
D. Overton. .
U. A Vance Council. No.
every Thursday even
W. B J.
n, meet every and
night in Odd
J. Z.
No. RIO, second and
Monday in Odd
lows Hall. W. H.
, D.-.
Sheriff, W. Harrington.
of R. Williams
J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, OH. Laughing-
J. J. W.
W. R. J. R. J.
W. Peg and J. Spier.
every Monday.
Mayor, W.
H. L.
Clerk, J. U.
Tax C.
Police, T. Smith chief, W. H.
and S. I. Dudley.
Alderman, D L.
Arthur, B F. Pat-
rick, E. B. R. L.
W. and B. F.
Board every
R. L.
N. C
to every
member of the best
lies in County when
you in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice a Week.
Ricks Wilkinson
YOU know our the cleaning of season-
able merchandise in its season. To make thorough
work a clearance sale every item must suffer the
severest cuts. Not an item in this store that has not
with the If you will lake the time to make a
careful investigation the economy of buying now impress
itself upon you.
The Eastern Reflector
c L M
D. J.
SI a t i
Commercial Printers f School
Books, Supplies. Etc.
Our Raleigh Letter
Notes the Slate Capital
S. C.,
KM Legislature,
new of general
before the third of
the e
not agree a
Slides Senator
earlier- and fad of has
to aloe the
And the baby i MM
The caucus having
Friday night until next Tuesday
night, It la political
to elect
and the arc that he will
not in elected unless
is affected or
I hat dot not at
While Mr. came
six receiving a majority
the las ballot
were nine not east, mi that
a full . l is, there i an
even Resuming he
FIRST and foremost the Press Goods and will hold the ill on the
Silks This store has made it-elf famous for Fine lust ballot Friday tight, which i
Pegs Goods, and especially so in Black Goods. There more he received on the
are months of weiring time this season for Winter goods. Bret ballot that night.
has remarkable ho
closely and Steadfastly Mr. Over-
Fine Taffeta Silks for j man's hove lo
all colors, him, of them wavering
regular lie yd. of one hitherto
on these selling
than OS
hose than live gallon.,
and six on
Is receiving
Us full share of attention awl Ibo
something will re
lulls in hand-
mailers .-o both
to proceed,
the attorney
oilier whiskey interests
are a of such
and and lobby here.
of one bill Senator
of ex
Senator I has
charge of the bill of the
loon lo confer
agree inlay ii p
a measure i
Then the before U
committee for s
will lie made, to lie
proper later on.
Railroad to
How can M Taught so
Thai Knowledge will be
floe. Black Goods
reduced tn
Black Taffeta Silk,
in. heavy weight, yd.
China Silk, colors.
regular price,
big lot to close at yd.
Big lot Short Lengths
in Silks, till colors,
reduced to
French Flannels for
pretty styles in
stripes, were
Pique with dot,
price few pieces
ti close
Furnishing Goods.
EXTRA special prices on stock of shoes. We car
the very best shoes that leather will make. Every
pair that goes out of this store is to
solid and sound, or your money refunded.
Our 11.00 Shoe has
been reduced to
Our 1.26 Shoe has
been reduced to
1.00 Shoe has
been reduced to 1.17
Our 2.00 Shoe has
been reduced to 1.37
Our 2.60 Shoe has
been reduced to
Our 3.00 Shoe has
been reduced to
Our 8.00 Shoe has
be.-t ply Linen
Collars, regular price,
now Bo
Negligee Shirts,
regular price
All Overcoats reduced one hull.
Jackets one half.
reduced to
Children's Overshoes,
Best Outings,
came and two on the last
ballot, is predicted
return lo him
night. If so, Mr. Watson trill be
further from the goal. is
a any lout
of the deadlock, so long as the
voting is to the present
candidates, all of Crate's
km him at once
divide between Overman and
Watson. And in no
-Mile event, The Overman
men say that all of men
who vote for Watson all
r n have already done If is
true, and seventeen should
go to he would be
And are
However, taking
into ration it exists
this writing, so far as my
edge extends, the chance- arc that
Overman and Watson will
measure la.-t time
Tuesday night, one of them
will probably be our next
States senator. Hut this
will rest fly with the
Craig contingent.
i Brown,
bus, has again Introduced his
bill, which tailed
reach the point at
. last session of
is a bill, that gels right
at the heart the Question in-
i- approved by
and of our leading men.
till into
A Washington special says
There i- to
to this city if energy am
capital it through. A bib
I,. la
Incorporate and
Washington within the
next few days. M.
formerly with
Air Line, is the leading spit it back
of the movement. Washington
balked at the proposition until
sored I either -he
or shops be located then
and then n promptly
Illustrative of Washing
inns growth have been sixty
two people added lo it- population
the of
if the births which there nave
seventeen and one death
Vi growth seventy eight.-
I.-- read Mia. Am i
before Pill County n, rs
great in
spilling is knowledge
stall permanent, comet
spelling shall become habitual.
How we beat achieve this end
with least expenditure time
We should always
The training i-
t. make good
must commence when children
enter school, A deal of
helpless inability lo car
a child manifests later In ins
life is direct result
not having proper training
months he was in school.
spelling begins will,
steps of for read
should had
Find, he should form the
i seeing He
I., led lo observe
et. and
he letters con g word.
spelling i- often
seeing as
ire. Some n do see
and differences readily.
Such children require special d-
In place, l sh
words. This early work
teacher's supervision,
child hi- work comes under
teacher's eye n reduce
carelessness and
I, will require careful, pattern,
to high h.
I In n
case, same II
ill he found will
attain fair average , n a
words a spelling
hook, from a list which
have been drilled, yet
will attain even
fail a. , i ass, upon a
selected Hal . common
The lesson plain. We
should spend leaching
Ii Hie pupil- will
use once lo a hut
should our effort lo
leach common
words. The will Ml need
lo-lull any word except those of
lie an wise
If of
spelling should accompany
growth child's n cab
. he has formed
, hi-
will always keep
pace with growth ., his vocab-
ii spell
hate a of
g plural d. ling
.- Hi
Inn. a I
folios lug, thin. I
hot, hotter, l begin, begin,
ting, lei He pm deduce
rule, all should
lo . ids so to
them in mind the
habit. The exception
i. taught a ti care, ts a
mid use shall go hand in
mid we should be
January Sale.
During tho month of January intend lo give the
an opportunity lo replenish their table-
ware. On the table In the center of our store
will ml u In odd of China and Glassware.
We propose let you have this AT COST, we
wish t. yet these odd pieces. Those
ill be sold tor cash only at these prices, so sure to
bring your pocket In this lot you will
Plates, Dishes, Cap and Howls, Tumblers,
Goblets, is limited, but sale will eon-
long as stock lasts. are going to do
business our stock of Fruits, Nuts,
dies, Finest mixed nuts IS per pound,
French that sells SB to will be sold
for Plain candles eta per pound. Apples,
nice ones. don. This special sale will
Jan. 1909. Be on time lo gather in some of these
bargains. There has been a lot of now goods added
to our Grocery Stock since the holiday trade, and It
Is now complete in No matter how Bard
arc to suit, we can suit you if yon want good
wholesome food. We large stock of top grade
elegant Furniture
the most refined
A in Clothe.
We have all heard of
a i
near Popular Bridge bring-
to mind
A meeting was i
progress and one the preacher- Its corresponding lei
stalled to accompany a . i.;.
work lo fur
child the liable, h accurate
of surd, a rt
Fully repays
labor for with these
habits child spell ml
cell in g
In. ii. a rule, always write
winds, it is much better to
wine word-
it Is to spell I hem j
ind copying
.,.,,. . sit be accompanied
related phonic
,, J . ,.,,. Hi. sound
, Inter, as and for
only in making
t ht- spelling rules
apt I,
tut using words learned
over writ-
ii sis,
The lie
I i l- -in.- of tin- -pelting
he must look word up lo
dictionary, lie should be
well is in. lo
In- ought to do but lo spell it ill
a disgrace, it ex-
tastes. We have Pall Suits, odd
Chairs, Tables, Couches, Hall Racks,
boards, While Enameled Iron Beds, c. c
; ed hands bane of the little tots
times of older folks.
wind raise havoc with lender skin.
Fairbanks Tar Soap
cleanses the -km of all impurities,
then heal- and and keeps soft
velvet. We have oilier soaps, too. from
Bouquet to the cheapest that is
good for ass.
Our stock in all well assorted and comprises the very
need. Wishing out a prosperous hap-
N-w Year, you is to please,
Greenville's Great Department Store.
lei all.
and I--- s,
t Sat
ch should bring
mi ii- so
borne alter service,
some means she had beard be
Was a married man and. win n on
way to the young lady's
he was confronted with
In such a strong way he ac-
lo being a married
men and left the young lady and
to the woods. were
nearby and heard the
We do not now what
became of preacher,
advice to young ladles i- beware of
in sheep's
A. in Courier.
ought to be
Special offering in
i provide the
if of
1.00 Skirts reduced to It the title of a Mil DOW in
1.60 1.17
2.00 1-2
2.60 1-J
Earthquake Night.
Last night shout an
earthquake shook passed over
shaking houses rat
windows. Many people
not el it hut others
noticed the disturbance. Al
of is of I the Inmates fell
interest and j,,,,,,,., staking and ran out
and hosiers and lovers of what was Win
most all of us It is designed trembling
St Patterns, February
Fashion plates free. ,
lo regulate the killing and slop-
ping of birds With
amendments ii will probably pass.
A bill is committee
affects merchants and
store-keepers. It lo
amend present law, in
re lax, us follows- On
sales or less cents;
on all over BO for each
SI As it now stands, mer-
less SI on sales be-
SHOO and Won
mi between
ISM sales from to
and so on.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
and Granite Monuments,
and Agents for Iron Fencing.
and Power Rocky Mount,
the . mill was fell it
high place- .
Y an In
N. t.
morning rend
a verdict in
murder In the degree A
notion for a new trial
d. Alter a in sing plea for I. a
Cook to i
years id labor In the
supreme conn.
lull to amend the
law affects stale lax OS
I liquors. proposes lo levy on
gallon of vinous liquor
cuts, HOBO throe cools,
he has acquired
sounds, ha. i- In in word- III
list-, lie s. he
I. write most of mono-
i gibe sound
of vowels I any
I In- will a
help to him, inly
-pilling, always.
late Irregular in
Call to
accurate i vat ion.
copying, and related
phonetic work should lend the
of studying i spelling
with can- and
i he
ruled, a knowledge of
-p, i i- p.
i. helpful pupil re-
him and foist a
list of In his less. g
in II. or have en,
any cause.
Hunk, and a-
and ll these winds
, spelling
We lean, Constant
well practice in willing
words is In
making pupil's
knowledge spelling. Poi Ibis
reason generally is-
written, A- rule we only
when w, write, and the ii-i
one's spell a I i- his
ability lo write n The
mind should i i only the
forms if but by eon-
right hand
In a. in. heading of minutes
aid calling
report on
--i-.-i Teach-
Annie Ban
J Stokes.
U. I.
lo W H.
A Man-
.; from
get -I
ii cut ion in Si hi.
hip, i. Mi- Anderson. Ills-
, . I .
I sin. upon the
, very
,,. j,, Miss
t i a- lo daily open
Paper, Mis.
i , x W.
Mrs I. It. Com,,.
to Shave Their oil.
legislature i- very lends
hearted, Bather turn the
nm tint Into s mid world
of age,
John B.
p. moil, extensive
grower in the world, arrived
i-. a visit Washing
Ion. He i- strongly noosed to
bill II
would admit great quantities
Cuban and
prove hurtful American
growers. Col says
State Association of
Glowers w ill be called shortly,
dale has
He Elected.
Denver, Colo , January 24.-
M, has
He re
the State,.
-aid a
the amount of money farmers
of county gel for their cotton
a product which a fen years
ago was considered
Worthless, have been buying
and selling meal and nulls for
years nos. and In so doing
have hand led per year, or
for live Mars. The
from cotton In this
county to
pounds year. Al the present
time ale selling
per bushel, or per
died and pries
seed raised In Mecklenburg
would be
In toiled Slides when a
bales of cot too
grown there
pounds seed, which at the
present price of product would
be There
is no gelling value of the
oil-, meal and hulls which made
seed. pries named
above is the amount the farmer
gets the raw product.
ago before the
value of became known
millions of dollars worth
were wasted every year. The seed
makes excellent and the
ran seed are very good cow feed,
bill ii- not known and
were loft in piles low waste.
Just before cotton oil mills
were established,
North State
Capt. W. It. of
one of the best known men
in the state, died Saturday in
Tho Sunday School As-
will meet in
April in session
three days.
Two of the County
Home ii. Craven county were de-
by lire Saturday morning,
line of the perished in the
Rev. A. A. Watson, bishop
of Carolina diocese,
a slight stroke of at
his home Wilmington, Friday
Mr. Bailey the Wall, Bill ha
Saloon Measure,
Special, to Char-
The correspondent
day Bailey, of
the who is
of committee of
State Ha is
Watts bill.
It is the bill which be
Ho says the hill
w ill ineffectual and is a political
measure, which does not strike at
the real evil. When asked the
ground of his objection to th hill
II does saloon
men or distillers from any
soil of incorporated a
town. Again it freely permits
the seed were used
land, some one discovered cider, both from , grown
were of value for that purpose Ion ones own land and from fruit
I-;, en I I he mills were built the grown elsewhere and purchased.
hulls were allowed lo Waste, for
until -i I.-., inn ago ii.-ii
feed was unknown. Till
evolution in this product most
For Prices and Designs, address the Rocky
Mount. N. C,
be made mind's read
named senator.
wilting wolds until
. . , m. In joint session this evening.
seeing and writing
whether liquor is bought as Id ml P . , In S sure of .,,
principal or agent or through a ,,,, carpels remain. head above trying senator in the legislature the
The They are only twenty years old.
sent law Imposes a tax of for Winston Salem
He sun
your head
great many tests get the swim.
W. II.
Messrs. W. H. Long F. O.
James votes for United
To pass Ibis bill will not be
H will he an unqualified
victory saloons and
North Carolina National
Saloon I do not hear
that oppose it. They
openly ad it If they
The sumo says
that it Is no that Gov.
cock and Senator Simmons drafted

Eastern reflector, 27 January 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 27, 1903
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Joyner NC Microforms
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