Eastern reflector, 20 January 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i . i
The treat rheumatic remedy not only cunt
form rheumatism, but makes radical cures
Contagious Blood Poison,
Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh,
and all diseases arising from Impurities In the blood.
Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every-
where after thorough trial.
I In bewaring-
or Two i-tired
to you Id
w- H. HAND,
. i-
receipt of price
Baltimore, rid. I
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
Insurance corks
Ia Sou
Will lie re if In it Inn on
tug, r three after lapse,
of mill of a r ream
the of the and I
year, provided for year be paid
I may We reduce tr
j. in ti f or
To make during the lifetime
I L.
Greenville, N
Three Time
the Value of
Any Other.
I . Um
I it and
a line . . to
I In. Ml d
I -ii ill leave is
. u . I .
., . n i I. it
. i the mat
l I .
I . l t .- i ,.
. . i If
., p
I M let pOP p. I
. la i
red up hi . net
full -i n and nuked
;.; m
. t we Iowa. and
r. n I
i n not
.- The . Iver i-U
T r
ft going Into for
u for m.
tune, for
There blanket.
ff and r IV I no
a the cook
lag i , i There
v . . .
vat l .
ii n to and bad
n a-- that it
timid be u a k.
.-. or i.
i i ii ;. u
an to n to
you ; know l ii i n
n. r S.
all bate i m
mid am leaving and
i bare beta planning
rail i i
i . . and
; n
b rot . .
a blind. I left
u j ;. to In i a
I eon real I
n-anted n . It
u matter ; i
. I u
.;. d j re I to f
i id bun wondered
u re a lie bad
I i
I to o
, the The man wan
I lit . i r- red r
I from placed tin- bar-
; m II Ir it
i .- bad probably
tuned l ii i mo
on When wagon wan i ire,
.; loaded u rid .
i . the
I i mil lei and H
ll in- and
and w t
m I I go no
I he i -i
What kl
b, actual
. but In
at cases , a
I i
ma be
by trying a course
fun's Pi
My control and
u bring
health and
to .
ins mm
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
II i bard II .-. u xi
. I
. gall I
t do i r
I i i .
i did w of mini I wag
. t lay in
it i bad the i w mM
i IV . If
I.- I ; unapt. i aw I pilot
if me .
Wilson i. ready to ;
our, Ii i i
l-m hold
When la, deter-
j I
. me putting ii
in in e Mi b Uh-d
for I III .-
TI h l Paster.
in all
Atlanta. Ga
Goes up or
to the
you give your
Keep to
and it goes down. Keep
before and it
climbs up.
r i Ii v .
led i i . i u
i,. i bu I . r
bread from i. la, got hold of
raj rifle u nut hi I i ad
from . ramp.
I noon he
be would go In k over r trail
m. I i-h-i i
tin- range on could not
been from camp
; be
on my trail I looked
nil my of and a
few feel up opening It wag
Dot large i me, bat I
it then
in ii
Ii was b-n I sot
among the I bad
of the beaker, It required two
to back to town and
day i a party t go In
suit of lunatic and money.
were twenty man i party,
we were two In
pot i Hie
bat ramp wag round, there
lay blanket, there bung boa-
and there was
On up and i gaga be
I We never found lb
found ti u
on tin one
; . h
The roof the
bone i in window
the flown,
e hat The only
left of of the
place desire came
me to of noble
ruin. walked ii; to the and.
no one, went bad to the hut.
when i found a it-
a bog before cabin door.
a cob pipe.
l-m the only the
rim, Mb, been de only
I old man which
ti preferring pipe. Throw-
my f on i walled for
him t. An be did not m a
way of a
wag a buy
It a busy l
funnel Peyton, Be
Peyton de
i. command den.
Peyton It wan
on. Be owned hundred
ma an
Day all la de
i burn Yin all up firewood.
oh when de on.
de when place war One.
All de five
war up. one
De flower ob de flock war
De runnel d.- away
t. u ii
on .; n
three In lave
Day all t- ii wait day
de killed war
de cm m I, Boger
de ran.,, fever,
in de n- bad no
borne to de
i b died Dolly
one day. two yea Bang
Tom hum up with
to w so
lie when he
went done
to him
i- lime when de aw tiger
up to tell de runnel been
Peyton pine away.
her favorite con,
war taken, when v de
battle dot
Roger had been
done e b died in de
Die Dolly ail
lone, Rut, h luck bah i. Mane
Donald, a Peyton
ink on
Tom war
in de mine
Dolly a ob
r lime
in spring ob at de
when air de
when de
Ob nil de fine people alive
an de two
Boon de men up
lie Job Alan back
Dolly all lone on die
ob de had done
Day none ob
me my In oat
la. Man Alan war de only one
Hits Dolly's awhile
be done to marry
didn't no
nobody to to It
mighty hard to stay on de
plantation, but no Mil-
y Dolly to try to she bad been
happy now not
de .- war day
Peter, my
a to lib In New we
want you tn carp ob
de L day
It seemed If de place had
gone to
putty all de In bury
on de
Dolly didn't lib berry long;
den- war t-w much noise an
In de bar delicate She
had some . One ob
down but he war a city
eon didn't carry no weapons an
didn't look lag de flue gentlemen with
long what used to ride on die
and will
grow Are
with your If not, ad-
And yon will
with Vii
pie In what yon guy if you
t u-h
Push your business
up by advertising
i limit-
AR K F I u to tit III in
is in th of
nut. n
do a In
If you are an aim I j f n
printing;, we want your work. U y u b
f all.
calling la New
I purely um outgrowth of
; Dutch yet
t of n
; Dutch tin
, of g which
a red had long b
t- which
M it and had been made
for great n u day which
to ire gear to the
of resolution.
in the days of Manhattan la
land male
New day am . g mat-
. tar -buy . el., of all
. their Tin- Ki r.
I calved than win- arrayed In Um Ir
day and bad of
hot n. i i.,,
The latter day Dutch
lb. pun. b god no
New pun- u
told their n. n
would got i
If sow ii and bey
r II Hi
r In
Mane Alan mar-
when be died pot nil mixed
op In do law. mi do
at all It
ale died a ago,
my air all In udder
places I keep watch
It's mighty an
when I It longer
abet my place
nil. an Missy Peyton
ob de i ion gal
on de de
ban all which git
Dolly. Dan I l to heal-
en fin all on
la ills
I narrator lib rally and left
over th
manor in n vain effort t protect
It from As I
gate bad I looked
bark and saw
before his cabin door.
r. a. mi
Cecil wan a quiet little
man. wife bad better
ha be
Into a of deferring Io her con
that l. in certain mutters.
He the reputation among
friends henpecked One
of these fr, took ii
to inform that Mis. was
I,. . d Of the The
sunk deep into
heart. He believed bis informant, and
pride wounded. What should
he live under each or
make a for lie
on re-
be only Tor an
It came one day in an invitation to
Mrs fancy
Join accept where-
upon Mr. Jon. said
will not this
Isn't for a to
be to bis
you don't want to go. why
shouldn't i go
you d. Ii will be my
replied Mrs Jam f i
have n reason for wishing to
go; but. you wont give UM
per contra III Dot give mine.
ever, the of this is of
more, Hum u dot n bulls.
we will say nothing more
about the matter.
A few after this
was going out of the
one owning; be met a boy bringing la
a bundle from a fancy dress
Jones it la
and saw that it was h velvet robe
with ermine mantle. There was
also a crown with four big
green In It. Junes
the boy ring the bob and proceeded to
hi m.
Well, the tug of war bad come Hit
I Wife to defy his wishes. Bo
, laid a deep, dark, diabolical scheme.
lie would gay nothing to her
j discovery lie would give in-r every
opportunity to go to the ball without
I even doing no by stealth On even
in- would give
that be 1111011111-0 Io dine
Be would bin a and go to
ball. There be would find the be
I bad worn by bis wife Be
would get up a flirtation With her and
by book or by get into his
carriage, drive bar home and give
J her a that would forever
after show be was muster.
tin- time arrived, Mrs Junes
allowed approval
dining downtown, lie told her
not to look for before or o'clock
in the i. which aha
of n
. and lo o'clock went o
He was not long
finding a red velvet gown, an ermine
Cloak and a now with four emeralds,
the wearer Queen Anne
He Joined the lady, devoting
himself to her, and named
attentions Immensely. Be danced
with her several times, when a Rue-
admiral took her from him.
and he bow nothing more of her till
the end of the when she
sought Mm out of own accord.
be said. may make so
bold tO see you to your home.
i My carnage Is
J you. I accept your kind of-
fer with pleasure, l came with my
I presume, will return your
i yon naughty man Well, if you
. Insist upon it.
thunderstruck. He bad
discovered something be had never
It was they were
bowling toward the man-
The did not mention her ad-
dress, and did not ask It. Be
took and gave her a kiss. Be
was horror that she did not re-
and. getting in a corner,
he waited, hearted, till the car-
drove up to hi door. Handing his
companion out, led
I Into the and was rumbling
j with his keys when the was
j and there stood
In. Flo. she said.
Cane yet. Hun
Into a laugh.
j got him she said.
I do you
gentleman, ibis toreador la Ce-
He's been king love to me all
knowing w you
; cried bewildered.
I think should coma
from replied Jones coldly.
my dear, met a in this
vestibule lb other day with a bundle
containing and thought
j yon were going to Mrs.
I bull m
So you went ti trap
II. y.-s
my you. I want
ed to c bull to take
Kin. but s yon we arranged
that she should go from here and re-
turn h re for the night. You home
with her and made to
bi-r to be another
Io be you. my
Mr Joins bung his head. Then be
with g
at the same
a battle of In
the cellar Into the dining room,
and I'll bring It
There Is no avenue In Washington
which measures up to
full of civic beauty. Wood-
ward j venue tn Detroit, avenue
In Cleveland. avenue in At-
in Kansas
City and Summit avenue in St
are all of handsome
. private
.- are act in miniature
On larger mar
and I I la
of kind in
She In the grand stand waiting
for her first football game to begin.
Ber boy had played it ever she
could remember, and lie had made
his varsity team, width her
Two of his sat
on either aide a lo
gray hairs and a a bureau
were r than they
would have with the girl
they knew.
she pride
when out of the
of which at
length trotted out on the ti. 1.1
wiped away a tear when Columbia
man fell the line for u touch
Then she her
j by
I hard, their
She explained her of
, these details by
that her boy cried out like that
; when playing dream games In
did not faint when be
too hard and failed to rise, although
his white fare, with a streak of red
blood across the forehead, was staring
up at
hurt my she said.
Confidence, Just doing that
tn get wind Ho proved.
He up and at it harder than
ever Within the time limit. The
tans gained five through tackle and
lost as many trying to
round the end Then an
A sturdy out of ill
elevens and down
Held toward Ins goal and
white, lie line after line of
and finally
one, the whole pack at Is
Toot cried the
My bay did
and then she cried- Sow York
Richmond, Va.
The Greatest Stock of Fine
and Medium
I . .-.,.
will a
lie to
up. -o l.
Wood Intended to
f . kW forty
an it I
A Year's
la f a . .- i
is m r
ha in town
I that
pi. . hi-
Th-V and In
V i I.- loud i .
Lib w o ii n,
T i -n . i
i iii-ought bat tee
a bit of
in the South.
709-711-713 E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
air. a
K. L. .,.
Within, ion
h. hi
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York
Ii. .
.,; .
all 1- West with rail
i.- at Norfolk.
Shippers should order
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line
8.8. Ci. from Baltimore. Mer
and Lint- from
i Boston.
Greenville. X.
N, C
No. Dally
h in . id
n . Ml
a p in
a i. m
p m
. m
p Norfolk a m
p m Ar Petersburg a m
p m a
M a m
New p in
Planting n few tree every fall or
n; may be convenient, keeps
the supply
The American persimmon make n
tree ornamentally cot
It Ins dark green leaven re
late In the full.
Carnations do not In shade
grill not tolerate the presence of
rank manure. They are easily
in any good garden soil.
One scent of
potted plants Is to them git pot-
When n can
keep on growing; It turns Its
By yearly attention to and
by shrub may la a
fr mi season to sen sou and kept
Strong. Old and weak wood
always be removed.
Ammonia Is n plant not a
food. While It Is useful t-
Into bloom and growth after the toll la
exhausted, a fertilizer must lie applied
the plant will use up ltd
In bloom.
Rocky Mount
. Ar
f. .
Mild. A trial will
a m
a m
Bill a in
p m
p n.
lido p m
p m
a m
a m
a m
a m
The boomerang the Australian
of and defense,
referred to In nil reference works an
instrument unknown until u the
discovery of Australia,
known before too time of
the elder, a contemporary of our
writes as follows hi bis
made of the wood of
a staff of this wood, when
thrown an animal, from want of
in person throwing falls
short of the mark. It will come
toward the thrower of Its own accord,
so remarkable are the of
It Is a Hotel her probable that the
learned did not consider the
bane of and referred i-
to the nature f the wood of
which it made.
J. B.
n i--
Line of Hardware.
J. B.
is way to we
the great men. They cannot tell
us. They know what upheld them In
every emergency, but they cannot de-
fine ii. It was the gene of proportion.
It measured, plumbed every
and every condition. It
weighed relative values, material and
human. It knew character when It
found It and sifted the wheat from the
chaff. It recognized and
It likewise made Hie most of It.-Cos-
ii mi ii deed
any evidence lo
regard lo Hie or the de-
Tea my the
a man be-
loved and respected by all men. pure In
all bis
you that, wild the
copied it from tombstone,
i l any
My wife's over Brown
mine. not raising any
Abjection Browning's
J. v. co.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and of
Hat r.
sh i
Grocer ire,
etc., to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Buck N. .
Nice line i f goods on bind. Prices low
produce bought far cash r in
x R
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
Ir Iron sold-
and Cam
on Nos. H sud B W Tampa
II. M. W-. J. i
Mar. Gen.
T. M. T. M.
i every Mm.
day, morning and evening.
Rev. J. K. Booth, paster.
I school a. m. It. A. Allen
toy, morning and evening.
Meeting Wednesday Rev
H. Eure,
a. in. L. H.
ii- thin
Sunday, Sim
day a. in KB.
E. Xx,
Minister. Morning and
. prayer with sermon every
3rd lay service
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m . B.
i Brown, Litany
every a. m.
j Preaching
. and fourth in each
; Player meeting Wednesday night.
I Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.
day school P. M. W. K. Par
i superintendent.
regular service
. . .
rim .-ii M. . .
S. M.
Wholesale retail
Furniture Dealer. Cash
Hides, Fur, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Ba
by Carriages, farts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
High Life Tobacco, Key West
Henry Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk
Flour Sugar, Coffee,
Lyn, Food. Matches, Hi
Cotton Seed Meal and
Dried Apples, .
Currents, .-
and a Ware, Tin and M
Ware, and Crackers. Man
MM,, Best Butter,
and mi
other hi.
Cheap for On
I'm -e M
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain
ons. Private Wires lo New York,
New Orleans.
A. F. A.
Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. P.-Tar R Lodge, Ku.
. every Wednesday evening,
W. II. C. M. nooK.
K of B.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. every
evening. W. H. N. O.,
D. Se- .
R. A Zeb No.
meets every even-
W. B Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Regent.
H, meet ii.-i and
night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Worthy
bar. Smith
I. O. H.
No. Med e y sod
in Odd
low, Hall. W. B.
D. Smith See,
N. C.
complete in ever
price, low the
Br- R. L. arr
X. C.
. obtain H j
u b an in
Clerk Superior Court, D. C.
Sheriff, O. W.
Register of Deeds, R. Williams
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, O. OH.
Surveyor, J. D.
Commissioners, J. J. W.
W. R. Home, J. R. J.
W. Page and J. Spier.
one I, every
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
I . H. L. Carr.
Tax Collector, C.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
S. I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. L. C.
i Charles Cobb, B F. Pat-
rick, K B. K. L
W. and B. F.
I Board meets every first
High JOB
Sand n. your order
You Write
a personal letter j
tile best
in Pitt County when
you in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice a Week.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
Commercial , School
Books, , Office Supplies, Etc.
Our Great
Will every buyer
in a arc bound lo move
inn- winter out the if
rill do It Can't tell you
much about here, but if you'll come
to our store for a Suit, an Overcoat.
or a pail of Shoes, show you
your satisfaction We will
tare you mosey yon
Bin now.
I Story of the
I , I . t-it- mail hint
Wandering Jew Key.,,.,.
four the morning.
I the door. this Duties of the Teachers
night who had in-.-,, and Socially.
In ,. i- , , c- -.- . . .
had led
T. iv DAVIS.
young man.
I .
January Sale.
. .
. ;
I In- and
mm said Hi,
Mi made Ii
Ii was soon after the
owned that f.
be us lo a
a., the by the crowd
had to a considerable and for
r bus a mm en lo
entered office one
day and paid for i;. days enter
ordered his
meals sent him. and his request
came, mind.
my fellow members,
The King Clothier
in. boar
of hi-arrival hi-
in asked Mr
Ii I bis
In baa ntH
is i;
I of
a whisper i
office. -Who Is Mrs
Hoyt, him
a the
i- Mi-
V it
; .-
j 1.1- ion
u the ml.
board lo
H n
I hi- i-
cherished all, one which mt
world our-, and
I war
n ti
l nun
,. . ;
the moat endearing emu
in its rapid
struck on its wing the memories and Ii
bi is dead, leaving behind
the must and c
saw. I was at the hotel last flees decaying and a .
and probably heard of the dust; mil this proud cation, that hi- bus la-en
was said about him. Of two tilings instead of i
am satisfied. First, the man is the old edict, r
a Jes, and Jews are never to swell its base, raise i-
Ami towering is so I
from and
,, have read Inn, a- hi
man lie P an.
l,, temp.-, inform
id judgment of Vim . I
i, through since .
a . I.
at B. Bros.
the w
We are inter goods, ill
order close them out to make room for new
have put the knife to and will per cent.
on all goods. There ate
are offering and it will pay yon to buy now.
Our stock low, and this reduction make
prices far Mow what you will have opportunity
buy for
Come early and get the this reduction
All winter goods must In- of
the man on
, I To all
I the clerk . p
j . he mil In Hi
I stable, said mail 1- a
a some whit-h is plainly rails up ma
great Judge. Inn you ever on bis brow, let him g pi .-.
a e and head t He would said, one after number d- I a in
attract among u thousand to his
It III the fill
he was attired in a
gray cheviot sail . on and
he was sixty five year of
age, tail, broad shouldered,
straight arrow, a mas deadly
bead and a highly carrying and
of the Jewish 1-0.1 teat pleads lined l
to rivet all eyes, and coal
then- bus a Will and Ibid
about bis bearing and movements affray, Galloway pleads
that a .-. and Jim Hard
, Just dark he was seen to guilty, fined SI and anal.
leave bis room and directly selling
to the most reel he
silo b.
. . -j -1-
. the s
t .
. a v
Superior Court.
I ,. my
.-. x first . .
a, that I
. rid 1- than he ; In. u
. ,, , b Tb .-
youthful . res spread up
F Ii pro
. . . . hi. .-
,. ,,,,. world by I
f January we give the
in -p replenish their table-
. . n the center of our you
will a lo of odd China and Glassware.
pi ; you have this AT COST, a we
to get clear of these odd pieces. Those goods
be sold for cash only at these prices, so ha sure to
book In this lot you v-ill find
Dishes Cups and Saucers, Howls,
Goblets. c. This lot is limited, but sale will
as stock We are going to de the
same business our stock of Fruits. Note. Can-
Fines mixed nuts els per pound,
Ii candy Bells tram will be sold
Plain candies per pound. Apples,
This -ale will
Jan Be on lime to gather in some of then.
been a of new goods added
Si k since the holiday trade, u
No mailer Low hard
ill you If you good
. carry a large stock of lop grade
I .
We Fall Suits odd
Couches, Racks, Side-
n i
.- . of the little tote, ex-
in limes of older Wintry
Fairbanks Tar Soap
First cleanses the -km all
. and keeps sod
Bouquet lo the cheapest that is
lot use
Could find a walk. And a
Sum All.
. i .
1- ii, . laid id
Are souls i.
b dull
all 1.1 II tics III M . III
I that . . the
I'm many
j u . ire yours I-. please.
t , . . i. .
, Pi
Hi in II
. . .
Greenville's Great Department Store.
B. BRO., group of pleads guilty, fined he.,
Greenville, N. C. idle and
I nothing tun bis Andrew and Ham of
once. A had seen affray, guilty, O in, ; lull , i in
passing through town and was a.-is- nails cure I. .-a I . you
bad spread s look Henry
lag man stopping hotel, guilty.
Forbes assault with en.-.- in some live, 11-
assembled what was deadly guilty, deed seeing have the
but nothing con . f , will, 1.1 it.
walked out and again not , tin
j but closed and
hit return,
have you found
who tin- man asked an
Mr. Jim
to the pull 11.01
guilty . it- M
Hardy, ,,. . .
Pierce, carry ,,. ,., . ,, .
leads guilty, II mil
and cost. nuclei, a I In I u
has Is, pleads .,,, and . the
I. d
lint who he and l-
leaked everyone. Ami upon con
it as decided that it
nothing Happened I g day
to solve mystery, Selby
should be a
logo to tile and ask Ills
A larger than
I lie
at the hotel and a in null
reported that he bud n
had hull at a .
and lost him all
graveyard on tin-
tow a.
lie baa
said someone, Is
In has bulled s.-mi thing in
be wishes lo
In addition to the best stoves in the world
carry everything- you may expect to find in a hard- h, ., ,,,.,
ware store.
I ton say. bis name is Kilo Inc. fined
guilty. fad
Mary Adam-. I.
Jan. lb;
., Greene
I story .,
for years H c s
ring up an among the surface IN.
Is made by oft,
said tank 1- heated b a travel
hall know all II ling furnace and which Is operated
i Major bus barn appointed in an
Packing for Steam and Water Pipe is I move can
decidedly the best thing of the kind
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
. I lie, .-- .- ,.
. . lie . Ii
. cab, dignity Here i I
. , . . .
. tin 1-
or A ii . .
mil , .-,. let , .
I, . .-I . . r .
, , n ,; . ;. i
-I hi the I
ll . lo ii I
the I In to rel to I
. . a. II. is III .
I . . , ,. II. . . d
, and .
m .
fine and fire and smoke extensive . .
lire caught . , awaken an
jet. against which Interest in the it angels,
lain- were In wind and step 1- tin .
Can Little wilt passing and r.-l mile- sen covet id and
up slain to give aid. The their the on line of
was with small m-1 .-
I. . The relation teacher t. traveling, ill n
, the lie such an going hub deep
I ,,
have I hem in mud.
-HI, us, which enable, us
fulfill with .,,,., .
our vocation ills
in life. I Ii
House seen
In. with more than
arm will mm pleasure
I. tine sand I. sprinkled old law prohibits chicken, from
null Is a large in
. Ml ,. h mole
A Cowardly Assassination by James Tillman,
Lieutenant Governor of South Caro-
and Cousin of
Senator Tillman.
N Ii,
I , III, of
, I , I
. , . editorial
taken to prevent trouble of
Two mouths ago a
teller to a form-
challenge a dual, offering
resign bis position M Lieut. Gov-
if would meet him
; , last sum met
. M principal
. . .
was He was
on from bis
, coming
me, senate
, , , , and scoundrel.
man la deplored
, um, 1- lull
tin- honor. The
l. was spurned
Dining the lust
Carolina Tillman was d-
editorial in mate, us a liar,
was arrested and
lynching, lull extra
awaiting a preliminary trial.
, mad, i-i., dual Is dune away
next morning a hall
person, bad with. II appeal
the hotel. it I bat lull
making bin appearance he at I washes away. The idea n.
once to room, be generally adopted
i- practical lasts.
i- 11.1 source Ml
-1. . .
he called be
abet, are all Ins S for II
attention to details ill ob Job Depart
is shown in high work we are
turning out. We have the beet equipped office and be knocked d. without a
do n class of printing hardly in tins section, j A- it Impossible to
If you are particular as to the quality of your see inside, Mr. was not
printing, we want work. We give you best up, to a what is beneath her.
, Would Hull
A man bates what i- above him
, I lie
world's coal Is I I
Wonder if good
is of
Jan, One U. A.
who i-
lie,. . etc., has
i in jail
lie has a hubby for
ii 1- a of of
I he Mill and
the and
hi- in.
ran him down several
year, ago and was lo the
p. nil. from
A by -aim- was
operating In Pitt county two
years ago, industrial
11- and co
lie swindled a
his race but slipped away before
they could catch
tins at i, lb,
-ante man
Mail I Ink Hart.
Mr. B. of
one of railway mail clerks
for live years par
by burl Thursday
III than he was An the train was about pass
deviltry again mid will now have mail rank Mr.
,. answer a of charge-
, get hug sud his band struck
swindling nude. the rack, badly

l I. Mi
at N
C m clan
We'd like to
pie put in of
on th .
ID t 111- .
I tor graded schools and public
pro. all to
bowl for favorite for
do anything ; It
make much difference to
We hop float Carolina is not M lb Alaskan boundaries.
the stale votes, the
again held a exhort
l i- but
hi third leading-.
bill lot teases
executors. and
Brood of her settled, or how much money is eve
t stumps out of i rained out
Ohio river, but we do want another day for
, streets and school
ho. gel work vote
Hit them
like cuss and pray. , , , , ,
the York Times par- lie
a graceful tribute to Little,
j Davis. Ike York Baa
., . ,, , Bed a
with Boston, if its it
a tire, refers to the
any other
The knocks that Attorney Gen-
it getting
out of hit trust
Hair Splits
used Hair Vigor
for thin ii it elegant for
hair and for
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Avers Hair Vigor in
advance will the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
a Mai
We are northern
people who are to death,
bat they are what they
in our the question
they mean it. or do
to a gold brick
If it guilty, the next
thing about is the
alleged photograph in the
it about time for the name
or the
of the eminent a .
Ki .; a appointed -n m ml A
tug pal with the South B I. I
we are to public two U HAS COMMENCED
we And in
hours and the teacher,
Lucy a of -pi C
to i
they were one
f the had on hit
at-a it-suit.
and ha more or It-ti id a
la the
four trial
o will,,
t. ill
r trial with
for Km-
Ii I K, N. Jan
The public
-i w
help to I lie
people, and each
Mil to think Cm
H. of Norfolk,
I u -d iv and m town
The A
another ii load l
wire which they
-en. tin Into
-f f th-
of I'm in
of w. s Smith n.
a B
ill el for cash, on
tin door
a Iran I an undivided on. had
of land; That
that It la of of land
wire, which mad A.
Tobacco Guano
Ammonia, per cent.
Available Acid, per cent.
Potash K per cent.
A new brand prepared with great care expressly
for Tobacco.
Norfolk. Va. Tarboro, N. S. C.
around will
give you of
or not you want the
. There it no middle
ground on V
Getting in His
of it simply
side you are on
It all
the senate W. a
of wee introduce,
lost of t bring local in
One of the MuM
all a
hare to do keep quiet and let the propounds
elect a the generation
Virginia pa-M
who will take their and a
the which hat ll for
The man who a a for
he lived the Mother State was in be;
girlhood f
j it the fem-e
tor J no. L.
I win in
lo accept a
the A. . Cm Mfr.
will her
H. H. ii . went
inn to Mime
N. ;,; The
jun the Jaime Mr-. J. I. la at
the Ural the Jan. Ml h.
I at Mil. It. Chap-
aid u, order by
O. fox, Vice lie.
but . h lending chapter of
of the
the court -he
and N. A. and In the laud
which W B, lived at
of his death.
more or lea, said laud will In- old
u widows cower.
a-, ISIS,
T. H,
r. C JAMES, attorney.
and cart from lot iii rear
of in Hark
mar.- with over
ye, bad
V Mae;
nil out axle
pa tor
n of mule
N. C.
Groceries. Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies. Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
Fruit Jars.
for back the and
A a
worth of
every If U
your dollar.
tor Confectioneries Fruits
iv for
. o with it a
. if it
A tie A
Va p certainly bad a right to
plead extenuating
Wonder what they are to
girl up
W you remember that there
pending, it is all the
lows coal to come In for a year.
due. J. At
Morgan baa waded a law
at Hertford far
very detail of
Wilcox were
the Charlotte It
the Other bills, were
Blow. A bill with
roll- provides
-h -ii roll, and Jr la
t Mat- the
iii at each be
of To
of a
a blow Oil brad.
The that th-
will two week-
of inn
to u that hi baa also with r.-
been neglected. Tan it be B
journalism in
The in-
the may go on
the witness stand
,,. , ,,.
and and marked with o
Mi-, c. T.
railed for, B M.
tad s. c
Mia, F. O. Oat
railed and in the half
a for K. I
C . T. and
t i . a i. .,
in of the
not our
nil 11.50
The Hon. John Y. Jordan.
Illinois citizen, who held a letter
a train load of him
coal probably intend to pay it pie.
when coal on the nave daring the
free list. regime and up
How show your color, by putting Mine a.
your name to petition to the
to paw lull, I
. ,. t . Isn't it rather
the of which is to Y
the saloon the
i got to get with
A. in a New York state for a
school has expelled for let's a
the Prayer aloud. peace while . air Poll-
the Lord
would bear it.
We are to
Senator Tillman may nut lie the there'll cornea time when
in world hut Washington cl dealer who
he can put a bump on a republican Ufa Mod for a-Ml a ton
when one aid
to raring fur
properly paying
in ease co
S To
and l
1.1 the proceedings in
Among other Hartford, X are clever
it that if mot bar Jury
lather Hie birth and the venue of oar bun
lieu tin child I died u
. . ,, ,. stands 1- I
In .- . i go
short considerable .
second and third gr . i, among i .
bills and
ii era. in
bills l
I'm -i I-
can even stir the up.
where he will
on I Ills
after in-
the depot matter Durham
cannot with taking in.
law in its hands Hie
example of the Illinois who
what they needed.
The Winston Journal i
shell and making arrange
to give a paper
worthy of it. Mr
tin n Winston r lie
A I,
were lo
his -lie
v. a i in it
over who is to In-
senator, and so much
time of the all
I dispensed mill If were
by direct vole of the
Hooker, of To
I iii- in river.
rights and
lung road
i-f T
In to .
tn ii
I In i ll i
luted Its Ml u
tic work.
Among I ha new bills
hi re
By Son i-, of Wake , To ml
lo penally on railroad- to
pin coil on lie Mime ,.,.,., . .
from a
day lunch ,,.,,.
for the a hi ii it to a each
i. death on t
pleased the jury, while I in
l Qua I
h the tie
made a -n for a
i- of f I., i .
.-. i e i lie hi a
meet and explain to
pi. p Mil work and invite
them CO with i.
This being meeting of
the new year, it
body thank Mia.
It highly
and instructive lecture which
gave MM night.
was delighted a well
her and
log. feel mire ii
in good here in
-hi real lie
i Would
hail i
the so much
We hope that the near
she be able lo whole
I line to great noble
fill V In mi
that we sand a of
tin to and a to
the Greenville
and J.
J. K. and Ada I., fierce.
Mary K
T Hill.
Smith and Mary Sat too.
and A nine
K. . and lb.
It mid Minnie M.
S r. Harrington and Minnie
I i and
J, W. Martin R.
and Christiana
John Baker and
a full of every thing in line
little folks large too. The
largest assortment of Candies in town Not-,
Cakes. Apples, Oranges,
also in way of
for Canned Goods,
Jellies, Cranberries. the best
Butter, in fact anything usually
found in u fir-t grocery. Yon have to
call or and your wants will he
promptly supplied.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware OF other thing
tome to me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Your, to
Jas. B. White.
i i he
J Li-
lei r III It. II
i. ,,. l
, She lo
.- of Vi Lu ,
b.- in v
the dead girl, examined
and held
jail during at-
ll may mean that u
a ill go on the
iv. d his
I. William
the who
managing the for
Ann Is
Would have tempted calling a great
the of a
to beheld H Raleigh in i
ill be
urge the to
Is known Loudon bill.
make a
ale an
If every member i. called in.
lore were to go a lo r
th. propositions in the way bills t- I
boarding houses Tin I
bill I hi
land ill
III bill,
, In towns
The go. If we rear r
hid a little i u, the
is up, You h Coral,
by the intelligence that
. k's.
h, u
N C.
bis bear hunt in
had happened prior lo the dale set
for plunge into
would go through with a mill.
A bill
public law. of
ll, Many, t
1274 re
to of n-g-
deed, of with Sane-
Tin- hail a ml tier v
hills, being
k. i. Iii. Tn
of public; nails
,,, Iii i of laud
i. i . i
law Its
la i .
Hay, i To validate
Certain arts of
oil, i To
hi it,. iii
king and hi.
. . ems
t an. lit I
Mr drank
In nil i
half willed given
Km I.-, riotous and
line ii
. l-
drunk and s
Icily, and ll
Iii It drunk and
l-l and
near I i curt.
l ll r I r
. II . dual,,
I, I I. Ill ,
i; unit a-
i -i mat, 17,80,
Allen bit i
Mis of la
her son, G II.
Halo lay.
A In am Bright and Charily
mid Boyd,
Shelly and
I roll Vines and
big .
palate situated Iii the town of bidder the following
real On panel
A house lot on the being In
Front and known county,
of J. It, Henry
A lot on Street eon-
the l is II. tabling lea.
A. M Perkins M. the day of January.
And two loll In K. C
purl of the town of com-1
tint of W.
North l
and Alice fox. pin count
Smith and Ida Dog,
Noah and
Henry Barber and
Iii vi k N C , Jan 1908
do u to i pend u
few here.
L. II. While, and sou,,
my. went hi . ;
Mi a as visiting
week, Gardner.
Nita is
K Mills
I be hi
el. week.
M ll
Alex Catharine Bar
Mars L. now
The above
J. sud
the Bod
of upon lbs
of him-,
in to the
of the
Conn of rill County,
to all persons having
on or before
. T I
I lo the
county lo revive a once
you st 1881 Pill ,
slid I of
it, Williams,
. . tin- will
l. lurker Unit
In of the clerk of
Superior I'm
and Olivia Ha N.
on III.-
a. If
she have, why not paying ex;
On Dec. 31st I took up . sow, which
can gal by proving property
The sow
I for sanity rotor with black spots, marked
This i. ti give
lie at mill
having roil
are r.
tint, the will swallow fork under bit In right
o Court ear, two sills In left.
J. E.
It, F. D. No.
elate of The. Court
having I., n 1-,. in. 1.1 having
if loin-l ill In me, the
in- 27th day
Clerk Superior Court
h on tin- 17th day of
of Tn
J. Mills Is quite HI only on day a, as mill II
to bring it
, ills.,
, on
Ilk rising h-r jaw.
Honor Roll
ml la- tun other days.
P. A.
. ;,., ii-t ii . u
to for
the Hal of .
or of lo
r or.
Ii.-.-i mi,,,. payment k undersigned and lo all
Mart Nobles, deceased, no
i, hereby to all in-
m- , I-
Mr. Bit., , Cheek, Can, Apply to
V limit In bar properly authenticated to
All lo
said make payment m. of this or will
lake pa,.
This in- day In bar of their recovery.
I A N NUN, I This 37th d of
Martha Unwell, Mary
lbs of Jan.
. I rm, , .
on lbs estate
If it a MAKE
11- r ii fas
M- t
ow sad y- will n-i
as it
who tin
-av t on
No One Will Give Way
But all of them
Can't Have it
lo the
, . . . atonal again last night.
J. w. Higgs lo Ibis
morning. took
road until h
this o'clock Tuesday night.
N. C
Miss ball
The thirty-first resulted
Overman Watson
W went lo Kin- i
W. R. of Falkland, BIG
has taken a with T. I
I .
T. I
s r., bath . house in
ten yen.
A la. a algal
South Carolina
in late
Tin- if Ike
I n
in ten fears. We -ire a it
-ore bale i-
it to
lean I. j. to
c. Jan. if m m
who was shot by an oil alone. The
Inc. is while lead i and chalk,
his own well. Indications favor is when thoroughly
in bis Ike had, prevent, it
Has a Chance
For His Life.
H. B. Hardy, representative of
Raleigh News Observer,
J. Matthews, the detective who
baa here attending court, re-
turned to Norfolk today.
Mr. Mia. E. V. Smith, who
spending some weeks
with relatives here, left this morn
lug Mississippi.
is yet la jail an
confinement until the
I preliminary trial is held
Five Umber Kilns sad Their
Washington, N. C, Jan.
This at o'clock dry
kilns the Com-
mill took fire. lire
depart out bu t was
Without any intimation from
Judge Parker, of New York, or
his persona friends there is in
Washington a growing sentiment
in hi
for the
d will and makes more
Yours truly,
p. w. a .,
New York.
P. L. Carr sell our paint.
to subdue the .
five dry kilns over two baa- was of
and Hilly feet f curt f V.
lumber were burned. Three of which he now h.
dry kilns were bricked In and having to at. the
B. F. L.
R. A. returned T. dollar, with but little M
evening Norfolk. men were ton New lurk only R.-e
H. II hut no. IS
The origin fin- is is reason lo Is-
I H . , T. supposed. have
J. It Jr. left
, ,, ll was
evening for Baltimore ,
all aflame on the w
discovered. The wind bit w
Mis. Julia null II
Ne.-k. ha. Inch visiting heir, the win,. the in
returned home of the mill ll
Did you ever atop to or
favor fur the friend the
In the
If you are for that
will knock the above mentioned know-
friend off Ms fast, ask the
When be to answer question,
tell the The It In
the cited i-
form of the word fl Ira-
or either of
in hutch
by the illy of wan lb
cf of
land. the year a
own slate l- , , , . p ,
plurality ii i. Cant.
lastly a city
I p.
Jesse left Ibis
for and
Rev. II. of Boston
this morning.
K. A Phelps returned lo Bi
dots for tin-
it is enable In do for
when but disordered
.- i. .,. j .
lo Winter- La of
Friday of .
J. M. the nervous while
evening from of organ
are rest and heal.
Vis. of Is eat and
Mrs. II. Edwards. j enables eh and digestive
to transform all fond Into
rich, red blood. L.
v N.
lodge Parker have
the into ti-e
mil. hat In
the electoral and it is
Mr. us
beading m-cm.
the tatter would all
which in the hutch baa
hut In
modern parlance baa
Mr. F. O. returned
Friday evening
District Attorney Harry
Skinner went lo Raleigh today.
I Home the
Mr. and Mrs. B s, work ever
Villa ban beta placed in Cherry
Hill the past
and all who have seen the
admire the excellent
work mid beauty of design.
One of these that marks the
grave of the lute Mr. John
is a spire monument feet in
Ayden, came Friday to visit
friends here.
Mi- Lena and little
Miss Joan it a Savage went to
Ayden Friday evening.
Miss Mabel of
who baa been
Mrs. II. A. White, left morn-
of Deeds R. William.
who in r taken to a
Philadelphia hospital for m.
I- i home Friday even
Al. are glad to see him bark.
A. B. W Ham
A Co., have hen-
in cemetery,
. bu
Reported for The J
just I
Mrs. E. B. huh
a lovely reception lo
Bi-d the Century Club
of citizen on
residence was thrown Open
at Mr. her
sister. Marshall, of Lynch
and Mrs. L. C. Arthur, of
had welcomed in the
ball by a of
beautiful girls, Skinner,
Louise Latham.
town were
all present, and among th visiting
guests were Mrs. Hunter
Of Lynchburg, the
charming sister of the host, Mrs.
Harry and sister, Mrs,
of Mis. W.
H. Long. Mrs. W. it. Brown
Mrs. Hughes of Greenville.
Mrs. B. K. presided with
her usual of
manner and read a
White, tin he mine of
repine in
and humor.
closed with a discussion of the sub
assigned her, a
Field of Historical
were served
in beautiful china and silverware
club at a late
to hold meet
with J. B. Cherry.
We need one copy
dated March 14th. to
complete our file for last year, and
will appreciate any
this copy.
One Dollars A Box.
Is the value II. A.
S. C,, places Di-
Will's Witch Hazel Salve. He
had the for
I and
medicines, but all failed except
Witt's Witch Basel Salve. It
cured n e It is a combination of
the helling properties of Witch
Hazel with and
relieves and
blind, and
piles, much, cots,
The principle of the may said
to f the
Baa The Ute
point this nut very us
In man the skeleton U
a which follow
other the
direction of the of the boa
This for the
of the whole fabric. Prom the
of the skull to arch
of the foot we may trace th.
of hon hoops or which ad-
protect the of
th. body. The Is to hut
B of the
each of four Moments, the
nasal. of
Upper and Lover
arch. arched formations
throughout the structure a
man skeleton.
and L.
Venice owes the of
great wealth from a DOW Industry to
one of her named It
was tho real MM that he
that the scales of a called
the of
milky hue water. After
Inventing with It discovered that
when were Into It and
On die of the passed upon and adopted bills then dried they assumed appear
in- to lo the to pro-1 pearls. covering, however,
to for issuing bond, for
of family, while appropriate nod The
Bills Adopted
At I heir special
me placed at each
The other is a rustic
marks the grave of late
lira, w. ll. On one.
side of this mi the
are the simple words
lulls will be sent on lo
at early day.
W, H. who last
., k as day -o
elected police
In lo the be
experiments led to the manufacture of
hollow ail blown
Ir. then in revolving cylinders
and Inside with
pearly the latter being protected
with wax. This branch of industry la
carried Venice to this day.
Us- I
I to the b aid
would b
-i head
a m . .
while the a
are wreaths of morning
lilies and whole;
showing work of go at
built and placed the V
Co., of who
have and at
S. C., J Used
N. Ami is placing u I
deal of in
Carolina, taking
here a sample of I I
work, it is wonder that do
a business.
II in u
Little H
II. Williams Sn Ant.
it Rim
A Sad
one Hook's
nil bridal
for their is disturbed j
continual tapping floor r the;
post chaise. to bother ex-
the is that
at last be mutters, is
the bride sweet-
my wooden only
and She got
accustomed i u trout tons .
put out
nosed n ht-
Fm Croup.
During en terrible
lack our little girl
unconscious from strangulation,
says A. L. postmaster,
Mich., and a dose One
Minute Cough was
and led often. It re
swell ion
cut and shortly the
child easy and speedily
ores Colds,
and all Throat
Lung tumbles.
Cure linnets in the throat and
lung- lo c Hi
pure, health
to the blood. Jno. L.
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
sick headache.
all hi
I, I
One of the
Willie K. Williams,
of Falkland, wits
day called lo get a
Reflector. He on
our list yearn, in fact
ever the birth paper.
The b
Inn it.
It, hut for It
riches, noise and
tr. even and
in a French churchyard is a
of which the
following U translation lies
, Pluto, the Spanish When
ho heaven, be united voice
, with the voices I lie As
soon he heard bun Molly cried.
I all you fellows, and let US
bear alone the Jean
ml is rarely
v. multitude, u lies hidden
rm quiet pun a, sod ,
winch Is seek
The senate committee oil
has I,. up
hills of
Cuban treaty, but did Dot is the of your
without pledging the
United to make no farther
on Me
is bow the treaty.
per cent. from rates.
By this means they have probably
effectually blocked
of any reciprocity treaty with a
sugar producing country, as the
for a per cent
favor of Cuba
she asked, more to break the mo-
Minn el-e.
about fast he rs-
gating into her dark
your pies soil to barn
that had
her had
tailed, while out,
If you know Malaria, you certainly don't
like it. If you know Malaria and
Ague Cure, you certainly do like it.
A Happy New Year
The Big Store enjoyed a splendid trade
the past year, and occasion is taken here to re-
turn thanks to every one who has favored us
with his patronage.
You will find the Big Stock chock-o-block
with good things for the new year and it will be
our aim at all times to do the best for our
We wish all a happy and prosperous
new year.
The Big Store, Greenville, N. C
The Reflector Printing House is talking to YOU
us your orders for Printing of any
Largest Print Shop in

Mi On the steps
mm t
Don't fail to see me
before you bay
Guns, Shells,
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything; else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
Of the Scaffold
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid up
. Extended Insurance works automatically,
ft. Is
. Will In- re instated if paid wit bin on while you
M living, or within years after lapse, upon satisfactory
f and of with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the and each
succeeding year, provided the for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an during the this no Jewel
of Insured.
J. L.
Greenville, N C.
It WM blood red
slaking Into band of Just
the roof of bad
S holiday, fat VIII. bad
divorced bin Anne not
by m of law. but by And
now from many a rote
on the still air while be-
preparing ft
All bud the-
all London was
The young Karl of who
childhood bud been
bad Just returned and
over Tower hill. Before
the yellow strip loomed tint
sinking moon at the mo
moot above It. Us horn
j accruing to rest upon the block
that had been bowed the bead of
the young queen.
. muttered the earl,
the red should be In that
Ah he drew near the scaffold be
heard a low and then noticed for
the that, on the lowest
a woman, her bead to
; knees, her face buried in her bands.
be .-really
marvel to And yon in this
at an hour. How came you
The her bend, and Km
saw that was young and
comely. was not weeping, yet on
her face a strange
i costume was denoting that SUS
was if high degree, robe being of
though without any adornment
whatever. Around her neck a
broad black velvet band, bat even from
r trinket was
she said, me
I was here with the crowd today, and
i when it was over nil went to
homes but I, It was cruel to leave me
. here
your menials If your friends
deserted yon, dependent
upon your
They nil went together, and I.
dated by the multitude, the
words of th.- man of God, the grim
figure of the the glitter of
the ax In the sun. must have fallen
Into a SWOOn, for I have only Just now
come to
; cannot said the earl.
your friends and
servant could nave been so
Can yon expert tenderness
it people whose king's divorces
are written In
Mid I he young wan.
are trembling; yon an faint.
Your mind must he diverted at
from this bitter
I shall I she asked,
despairing upon bin.
my she said, n wall In
Wilson Co, you think that they
; would welcome me after What occur
red today r
you must with said
the earl. stay here another
would drive you to a
In heart suddenly, with-
out requiring tune to develop, there
was born a great love for this d
being who bad passed through so
strange an ordeal. Since -lie did not
move he sat down beside her. A
chill wind her hirer, he
folded hi around her. leaving
his arras about Hie Ills eye
fed upon the band at her neck, and as
his band rested shoulder he
took the his lingers and
According to the moved it just so far that in the duo
you give your She drew bis hand away.
Keep it to new was as cold as ice.
j . . j be are
and it goes down. Keep u.,,, , your
it before the public and it mine. win make for
. r get this will take you
Up. to sunny This dreary town Is
not for one so delicate, so sensitive.
In France there are no troubles. The
. . court and the live In
with Its gardens, while the
oil trend purple grapes In the wine
vats, singing I came from there
only today, We win go back together.
She turned her eyes upon bis and
seemed to drink In every word. He
fancied s color coming into the pale
n L LI L L U
me last lbs
he cried; more of
Cone rather into
Despite pleadings she moved up
the steps, at him wistful-
lie held her hand, but it seemed to
lip from his as If ti were unreal, lie
caught at her robe, but It was flutter-
In the wind sad eluded his grasp.
she said, pausing.
It seemed that be could bear a low
murmuring of many voices. Then nil
was still.
She moved no. mounting step
heavily, If weighted with lead, till
he had reached th. platform Then.
waving her hand to as If in
and placed her head upon
the block.
be in-ard some
thing moving swiftly through the sir
a thud as of entering
The morning at daylight as th-
mored Tower lull he
covered the Karl of lying in
a stupor th- foot of the scaffold. He
was taken o his bone, when be lay
for months with a diseased brain, and
Ida reason returned be left
don forever. Even In his beloved
France he found neither health nor
happiness. No one save a . was
admitted to bl and
bis death a portrait was discovered
above his his sovereign's
headed Ann j n
F. A
Value of
Any Other.
On- Third
One Third Faster.
Agent wanted in all
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Goes up or
tried it
fried it and let the people know
want their trade. The advertising
used persistently, will
make grow. Are you
with your If not, ail-
if, and you will
the Vim will
in if you
talk fie in
TH Push your business up by th
mil , .
Mid retail
re's. ,
suds, P,
and Gail A Ax
mil Apples
Pine Milk.
l.-. till,
Hulls Oar
. -i Applet.
tot Wooden
lie. Hum
Urn log
for . .
S. M Schultz.
D James
digests you eat.
ens the stomach.
and sweet-
cures indigestion,
and stomach
and bowel troubles.
accelerates the action of
the gastric glands and
gives tone to the digestive organs.
an overworked
of ad
strain, gives to heart a lull,
and untrammeled action, nourishes
the nervous and feeds the
wonderful remedy
that is making so many
sick people well weak people
strong by giving to their bodies all of
the nourishment that Is contained In
the food they eat.
obit ST
t. .; Venn
To a of Terry
Is not like
Ton make a If It
rub it out tit ones
With Is impossible There
Is no altering-it stand. I often
feel as if cry the
is I bum It to
be; let act that or
Hinds ft I
My Mend, ask
Jailbird- The that
you poke nose
into other people's business. Only I
need to by way of
In the mouth In the
of King n
red horse the myrtle Ma
and behind were
white. Wasn't that the
horse show of which any
The world Is full of people who on
break their any time rather
wait far the nest car.
After eating, persons of attests habit
III derive great benefit by
of these pi Us. If yon have been
they promptly relieve the names.
which follows,
the appetite and remove feet
lags. sugar coated.
late No Substitute.
Among the treasures of the
Is the
record of the Held at
in Hirer to
This the court conducted by the
Swedes, and English previous to
the granting or the state to Penn and
previous to Its named
The record la quaint One entry Is
of com-
to ye that his
i bereft of ids and Is
whereupon it was
or -I persons
to build hub- Blockhouse at
for to put in the mad-
In the suit of
en against
It appears from the record
Pit. complains that this Pert
bath pulled by the Beard and
twisted hi and desires to know
On Clam winning
an action fT slander Huns
the punishment meted out to
not being able t, prate
he hath any thereof,
Court ordered that ye Heft, openly
shall declare himself a
A broker, telling of men in
Wall street years ago
won money for a
week on a fly. He look a fly which
had been captured by a piece of sticky
paper transferred it to the celling
of bis office The fly could not have
moved without tearing off Its
Field leaned back In bis chair and
Watched It. Some one en me In and
found bin gating upward.
your prayers, Field asked
the visitor
he answered.
moved for five Then
after a moment's silence. I'll
you five that fly doesn't move for three
and kept winning
others until sons one discovered the
trick and posted a sign outside the of-
door which read, bet on the
fork Tribune
of A
fallen I ever see. not
Thompson there said the
man with tin ginger beard, down
in Central America. Tell you what I
see once. Into a little
loon that ons of the greasers nod
what should I tee but a lot of fellers
round R table with a lot of dice
on it and nil of then dice
as If they them to turn over of
which, sure enough, they
did III a minute. Then got on to
their game are. out every three
or four minutes they is n earthquake
In that country, and then lazy bait
breeds the earthquake do
the of the l-x f-u- Now,
what do you think of
Paw people of
The preparation known as
common Spirits of
many aliments. For example, ten or
twenty drops In a lame of
water will revive a fainting person. It
la on excellent stimulant In case of
and headache, as It
restores Again, a few drops
of ammonia poured into bard water
the water soft, It takes the
dirt off of paint more quickly
anything else, lakes the stains out of
carpets, deans combs hairbrushes
and makes and silver look as good
on new.
perfectly quiet,
acid an referring to n horse
which two were to drive,
you must k the rein off bis
Mid they. will bear
It In
When I returned, the Innkeeper
bud cot on.
I the reply.
bad one rather sharp shower, but
took It In turns to the umbrella
over the horse's so there was no
The detective has many curious rid-
to solve. One of the most remark-
able that ever up for my solution
was connected with the ease of a man
Joel He lived alone
murdered one night during a
The murderer left him for
dead, but he did not die for some time
after the blow was struck. to
leave the bod In which be was
there seemed to no way of
communicating information that would
lead to the punishment of bis murder-
Yet be succeeded In leaving all
I that was
was used to reading at night
I bed before going sleep and kept
on a bis bed a lamp.
J matches and some hooks. When the
body was discovered the morning.
I the lamp was burning, though list oil
i was nearly exhausted. People who hod
I passed the house and
reported that they bad seen no light,
but a man Who had passed just beta
dawn on his way to a train declared
that be had noticed n light In
room. He knew and
i If he were not ill. He said be
would have stopped to find out. but
J bad barely Una to reach bis train.
I trained several theories, more or less
j influenced by this el re must a
I surely with the light out
j when the murder was committed. How
then could It have been burning In the
morning unless he had lived long
enough after tbS Mow to light M I
a feeling can find no better word
to express Hi the lump had been
lighted by the victim with a purpose
after be bad been struck.
l for a communication on pa-
per, but found none. was absently
turning ever the leaves of one of the
on the table I came to a
red smudge. It covered the word
It at once occurred to me that
communicated something
concerning the murder by words
smudged by his own blood, and I look-
ed for more, which I found. I expect-
ed that they would lie In the order of
a message, but they did not.
placed they
Tm, crisp, man. on, beard, roe. Called.
National, bill, took dollar, fore-
new, because, scar, red slabbed,
I of all. ten.
The moment bud placed these
words on paper in the above order I
knew from the words scar, beard and
hair that it contained a description of
the murderer. also Inferred from the
words crisp, Ore, bill, and
It also contained a description of
a bank bill or bills that had bean
en. My Hist effort In deciphering the
message resulted as
Man called on me, and hair, red
scar on forehead. ten new crisp five
dollar Mils on national
This was evidently not the solution.
for there were a number of words
used. tried It
man with red hair and
beard. Sear on forehead, lie look ten
crisp live bills on
I-cause I called.
This was batter than the first
but. like the first, the words were not
nil I node a number of trials
I found a cornet reading,
though I did not know whether the
murderer took ten live dollar bills or
live ten dollar bills. This was my last
Mn rd hair and sear on
me because I called.
J took ten five dollar bills.
all of National.
Blues the bank might have been the
Fifth or the T nth National. went to
and learned at the Tenth that it
bad out Rome new dollar bills
lbs before, and Mr. ac-
count showed be been paid the
same day. Therefore the last part of
the message rend, new Are dollar
bills, all of the Tenth
at once advertised to give u
to any one who furnish
with these bills. A woman, the
cashier of a third rate restaurant, an-
the advertisement, bringing one
of the bills Afterward then- as an-
other brought In. hut too late to be of
advantage. The woman told me that
the man who gave it to was so
rough taming that she feared It
counterfoil and look it to her employer
before changing It. In this way the
mutter Impressed on her I
asked her if she e. Identify the man.
and she said she
The real comparatively easy.
laid the In fore the Inspector
if be any record of a
With nil hair beard and u
on ii After examination be
Squire rural my boy.
tell me how do you know an old par-
from a young one
teeth, sir.
v . boy ought to
know better. A partridge hasn't got
any teeth.
Boy-No, sir; but I
She Knew
said a husband
to bis wife. I have ever used soy
unkind words to you. I them all
you mot I know you. Too
want to use them nil over
why didn't you Intro
me to your friend Just
now Didn't yon see me wink at you
Yes, and I would have, my
dear boy, with but. you see,
me first
n. Hoped.
hope, then, dearest,
at some time I may have
of making you m
I boot so. I inn she re-
plied. am tired of suing fellows for
breach or
-I,, v
Al one day rode by
In on the panel of which
was a large B. Sydney smith is said to
have goes a carriage
with . It and a
He in to
There is u fortune In grain
Miles How do you know
Clea I put
A perfect understanding of la a
of all things, for
Is the condensed whole. From
inn no power Is All
things to
Is the future of
earn Mary
Pupil n pit marry.
Lit a are which
flies, let and hornets
III. . lilted Jim
Bourke. oil I
lack ll r Of other aliases.
who hid been from
the and seen in town. The
mail fr. arrested and
by the cashier.
Two of the bills were found on his per
He tried and convicted. After
bis he gave an account of
the and murder that tallied
with my theory. ii- entered the
by men of a window that bad been
left unfastened and after finding
below went up to bed-
-d a dark on the
W the was search-
lug for valuables called for
help. The warned him if be did
it he would him.
repeated the call, and the robber kept
his word rinding the bills in the
dared man's pocket, be took them and,
bating for dead, made his es-
cape. He said that the lamp was t
burning when he entered or when he
left It was plain that
lighted it. taken the book and written
bis last message in his own blood, a
that bang Ins murderer.
of Words,
There are two words in the whole
i range of the English language contain-
, lug nil the vowels In their regular or-
They are abstemious and facetious.
The following words each have them
j In Irregular Authoritative, dis-
advantageous, encouraging, efficacious,
, Importunate,
nefarious, precarious,
sacrilegious, simultaneous,
unintentional, unobjectionable.
; and vex i-
A search II the dictionary
; might bring several others to light. It
Is usually Mid there are but seven
nine lettered wards
t English language- crutched.
; and staunched.
I bus bur
I sense.
suppose you mean be
knows how pick the winners at the
No; I mean he beta
A conceited his ewe
he makes
A lean and potash-hungry
wasted seed, wasted labor and idle
Or, plenty of
In the many bales I
busy gin--A BANK ACCOUNT.
k M
Richmond, Va.
The Stock of Fine
and Medium
in the South.
E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
b C
my boy. your Isn't very
big today, is
; June Daren was in the
long line of born the pier.
She down amusement from
under her ruffled not at the
the In seaweed.
where some two Inch
Isn't catch; It's came In
peculiarly smothered from
the golf cap.
A pair of t v.-Ink line. eyes
scanned areal Interest the dainty
arch of the colonial font beside
him. with the flaky foam of laCS I'll
lowing abOve, while his brown Angers
busied themselves with the halt.
But the sweet voice him broke
with pain mid
some of them are alive, and
they're such tiny baby Ash
put them back In the water. Won't
Now. Frank had procured the
bait at considerable expense of time
and trouble over Shark river some
distance inland from the so
hesitated. Seeing this, the
opened her purse
she said, with a winning
smile; give yon this If you It
will buy enough tally to make you and
all your friends here And she
held a bright coin down toward the
bowed head, her pitying
intent on the baby
Frank's friends were wont to say
. that Ma bump of was the moat
fully developed on his cranium. Any
; how at this particular Juncture It
strangled his conscience.
Jove. It's worth It -such a huge
joke to recount at the be thought
with apparent reluctance he dropped
the innocent fresh water Into
supposedly native element.
The rest, you see, are quite
sold he humbly, with the air of a re-
too had. but you so much.
You are a nice And for the first
time she looked at him squarely, bold-
log out the coin more.
A slender brown hand stole up and
grasped the money greedily, Then
nice rose to his feet, unfold-
lug before dismayed eyes as be
did Bo live feet ten of masculine stat-
while he doffed the cap and dis-
closed a dear cut. face,
whose mirthful eyes shot laughing
glances toward her naming cheeks.
And she fled down the pier toward the
When last Butter of her white frock
bad disappeared In the crowd along the
board walk, lie replaced his cap and
turned the half dollar affectionately In
his hand, shaking the while with quiet
From examining the be fell to
scrutinizing hand which held it. It
was fins, rather but deceptive.
as some of his college opponents had
learned to their sorrow,
is a kid's be said
gust, a but doctors often
have undersized wonder
The in biology remained tin-
for bis small nephew ran up
with a catch,
uncle, what kind of fish
with brown splashes In
was the reply which mystified Frank
Junior. my lad. I promised
your mother to have you at the hotel
the little trotted by his
aide, carrying proudly aloft bis string
of three small his uncle
glanced down said
boy, your catch Isn't very big
you've was the sturdy
don't know about And the
man's eyes softened with a gracious
caught a great deal
was the bay breath-
view, a glimpse into
wonderful depths, a woman's
suppose you menu the
child nodded wisely. He dreamed
fairy visions too.
Hut did not recount
at the club that
June, dear Frank Is tramp-
the library carpet threadbare in his
Impatience, and carriages re
Aunt was In high excitement.
hovered over bride with little
motherly dips.
to think It's all my she
proudly surveying the
glowing beauty, a rosy aurora,
filmy clouds of Mo- veil about her,
always said you two were made
for each other, and then when at last
I did get you together down at Fern
Villa you were horrid to Frank
Why. I was almost despair. But
now go. and
are n dear tender
lips pressed the wrinkled
have mother to me. but
our mat U was Cod's doing, not yea.
or And she floated la her Wall-
lug clouds of glory down the stair.
As be up and saw her coming
something rose bis throat and choked
flattering that would bare
risen to bis Una. A great humility came
over him. as It does to every
low to follow a woman forsakes
nil else.
As they turned after solemn
In arm. and passed up
slaw to the Jubilant strains of
Cl and he into
of orange that
Sear his shoulder;
little your catch
W hag today,
a x
Steamer B. L.
It, in for Greenville,
Greenville daily except Sunday,
Connecting at with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York
Aurora, South Creek.
Swan Quarter, and tor
all for Went with rail
at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight
the Old Dominion B. from
New Clyde Line from
Bay Line and
s s Co. from Baltimore. Mar
j and Line
I Boston.
Greenville, N. O.
J. E.
N. C
Cotton Tie
kept M
Country produce
old, A trial will convince you.
O. W.
a m
p m
Ar Tender
Ar Norfolk Lt
p m Ar Lt
p m
a New York
p in
v m
p id
p m
p Hi
p n
a in
a m
a m
a b
a v. p m
A Din Hardware.
J. R.
Kooky p p m
Ar pm
a pm
a a m
p a
p a n
Pullman and Car
on and to Tampa and Jack-
II. M. W. J.
Traffic MT. On. Aft.
T. M. T. U
N. C.
Whichard. S. C.
The complete in every
M low the
day, morning said
r-meeting Wednesday evening
Ber. Booth, Sunday
school a. m. H. A. Allen
every Hum
lay, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening.
H. at.
L. H. Pender,
, Services thin
j day school a. m. E. B.
W. K.
Horning and evening
prayer with sermon every
and 3rd Sunday. Lay
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. in. W. H.
Brown, superintendent. Litany
every a. m.
and fourth Sunday in each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
D. W. Davis, pastor. San-
day school P. H., W. B. Par
regular service
IN 1500.
J. f. t CO. I
Norfolk, Va.
and handlers of i
Ties Bags.
and shipments I
. to
Mrs. L. B. WHITE,
Jack, N. C.
line f tin hind. Prices low
American and Italian Marble
wire end Iron Peace
. i Hon.
A. P. A.
Lodge. meets and
third Monday evening. B.
W. J. U. See.
K Lodge, No.
every Wednesday evening.
W. H. O. If. Hook-
K. of B. S.
O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. V. Atkins, O.,
D. D. t in-i inn. See.
A Zeb Vance No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall.
a. Council,
No. meet every and
Thursday night In Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. Intel second and
in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D, Smith Sec.
m. i
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers In
blocks, i
Private Wires to New York,
New Orleans.
H r i; S. MS Ionian
or o he
For hook,
Clerk Court, D. C.
Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
of Deeds, B. Williams
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, O.
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
J. J. W.
W. B. Home, J. B. J.
W. J. Spier.
meets every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, H. L.
Clerk, J.
Tax Collector, C. D.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and I. Dudley.
I Aldermen, D L. O .
I Charles B F. Pat-
E B. B. L.
W. B. Parker and B. F. Tyson.
Board meets every first Thursday
High tirade JOB
I done ban. is
You Write
a to eve; y
member of the best
lies in Pitt County when
you in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice . Week.
The Eastern Reflector
Commercial Printers
Books, , Office Supplies, Etc.
Our Great
Will interest every Clothing buyer
in a bound to move
our winter stock out of house if
will do it. Can't you
much about here, but if you'll come
to our for a Suit, .-in Overcoat,
or a of we'll show you to
your own satisfaction we will
save you money and give you well
made, perfect fitting garments
Text of Bill to go to
Legislature this
The King Clothier
The General Assembly North
Carolina do
l. That Chapter ii
the Private of it being
ii It'll, Act to amend
laud Charter of
of and Hie
sane Is hereby in the
to wit- Strike out section two
art and insert in lieu thereof
the as section two.
ii from sod passage
of the limits of
town shall be as
I he Tar river where
In the east side of
as located at of
this act empties into Tar river, and
I hence op said branch to
point it crosses the old
road leading from
Green's mill pond; thence south
along the west side of said
road to L. C Arthur's
line; thence Arthur's
line and the bide of Twelfth
a westerly to a
point feet
due hundred feet
stake; due went to I. O. Ai
F. M. line,
with L line the
various courses to Town
and each
year thereafter each of said
Section That whole
live of said art be stricken
out the following
lieu thereof, to That the said
i hereby divided into lour
limits and boundaries
shall be as
first ward shall tie
of ill part of the territory of
town which lies north of the
of Third street, extending
from the eastern lo western
its of s-ii-i
The second shall be com-
posed of all that part of the
of said town which lies
and Fifth streets, ex-
tended the eastern to
me third ward of
all part of territory of the
town which lie. Fifth
from their junction to the
western of said town.
The fourth ward shall consist of
tout the of -ml i
which lies south-if the second
third ward, which is but
Section Amend ten of
said net
of following And if in
the of said the
divided, in that MM tan
or shall the deciding vole
the so shall de-
duly elected entitled to
hold each office.
Sections. Amend section
sub section two, of act by
between words
in thirty-four of said
sub section, the word
Hue thirty-live, words,
forbidden to
Section ti. Amend section twenty-
two of said act by striking out the
word in nine of aid
section and in lieu there-
of th-- word
Section That this act shall be
Greenville Will Again
Try to Get in the
The General of North
That the Town of
Greenville is hereby authorized and
empowered to issue, in its name,
sixty-five thousand dollars of in-
bearing Coupon Bonds fur
the purposes in the manner
hereinafter set out, if a majority
of the qualified voters of said Town
against it shall V
printed ticket
v tit ten or
and judge
it- ii or
which shall be
the word
The registrar
the dosing of the
January Clean-Up Sale,
votes east shall
make alga
and which shall
delivered m Out
shall be delivered t
Clerk Board of Alder-
with the
and poll mill one copy to
tin mayor. The Minor Board
meet hi
o'clock on next
succeeding said at
their usual of and
of such a
lo lo open
and i-aid and
the are in, they make
and publish an official
of of said election,
which they shall certify to
whole of registered votes,
the cast
her said proposition. If
for inn cause returns have
shall vote in favor of such j M ,.,,,. hoard, before
at an election to lie held as declaring the result, shall
herein provided. I procure and compel such return.
S That the t,. alter the
issuing Bonds shall i by Board,
submitted to voters repeal lug
Town at a special election result.
to lie held for that Section Thai If a majority of
Tuesday April, the qualified voter of said
election shall l under as ascertained by said registration I
the general election laws of election shall vole
Stale Aldermen of Town, the Mayor and Board ,
except as bed by this Act. H d Town arc an-1
The Hoard of Aldermen of said and to cause to
shall at a meeting held on or I interest
before the First Thursday ,, Ma , amount not to
appoint a registrar and to live thousand dollars.
judges of election for each the be of j
Wards said Town as the same hundred dollars our stock In all departments is well very
, . .--. .- aid run Wishing our many awl
rat as ,,, v,,
may therein not to
live percent, per annum. The in-
on said l-e payable
on days
During month f January we intend give
opportunity to replenish their
tin the in the center of our store yen
will lot of odd of China and Glassware.
We propose to let you Lave this AT COST, a we
wish t dear of these odd pieces. Those
will lie sold for cash only at these so be suet
bring your pocket book In this lot yon will lad
Plates, Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Howls,
ft.-. lot is limited, but will
as long as stork lasts. We are going de the
same our stock of Nets. Ce-
dies, Finest mixed nut per
French candy that sells to will be
Plain candies per pound.
nice ones, This special sale will
Jan. 1st, Be on time lo gather t the
bargains. There has been a lot of new goods added
to our Grocery Stock since the holiday trade,
is now complete in this line. Ma natter hew
you are to suit, can suit you if you wast
wholesome food. We carry a large stock of tap grade
elegant Furniture to please the most
tastes. We have Fall Suite, odd
Chairs, Tables, Lounges, Basks, lid-
bOards, White Iron r. s.
ed hands are the bane of the little tot ex-
noun- times of older folks,
wind raise havoc with tender skin.
Fairbanks Tar Soap
First cleanses the skin of all impurities,
then heals and and keeps it Soft and
velvety. We have other soaps, too, from
Cashmere B to cheapest that
good use.
branch, up said
to the eastern of the Atlantic I in force from and alter its
Coast Line Railroad company
; of way; then a northerly
reel ion with the eastern of the
said right of way to the southwest
corner of the lot now owned by I No Room Fit a Lady to
Anyone who frequently goes to
an easterly direction
with the Hue of lot to
the and around there
for will
then a with the
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
direction the line
if said lot to the line of
Twelfth then a
direction the of
Twelfth street lo
line of the Atlantic
Line company's
of way; then a line to
the east corner of It.
of the there fur
the public. The depot has two
rooms, for white
and tine for It ht of
the room white people that we
want to
nil of have to father
men and women, high low,
respectable and the
M. lot lot upon which L fa ail. all in this
now lo
wait for are
f Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing; of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
said R. M.
with his Hue
south west corner of his -aid
then with of bis said
lot in a northerly direction to
old plank road; then a straight
to endure the most disagreeable
surroundings It is no
thin; to see a class of in Ibis
waiting room who are smoking.
Board co,., .,
I procured or prepared proper
registration Poll Book for
registration of end pro-
of still which
registration and Foil Hooks shall and July of each end every
be kept used as election ,.,,,
record said Hoard. And as by the Mayor Clerk
there has been registration for and as
a Town election since the provided,
laws went into operation, I bat said Bonds
and for the purpose of ascertaining bring by mayor and
the legal voter shall be Issued and delivered
of said Town question of from thee to tin to tot Hoard of
issuing Bonds as provided for in Improvements hereinafter
this set, it is ordered that the Al for block or as a
men of said Town provide whole as they may l called for,
an entirely new registration of but entire amount so issued
voters thereof. The Mayor delivered snail not exceed in
shall, least twenty days before the aggregate the sun of
election, Issue dollars.
giving notice of said Section S. That said Bonds
designating the persons u p, consecutively
to conduct same ,. , ,, hundred and
plane in each ward where a la i rt, and
it is to lie held. It shall be shall keep B record of
duly registrar in each ward signed and to Board
to register all persons entitled by r Improvements with the
law to be registered a s voter In i their delivery and
said ward, and this he do tor Internal Improvements Coast Line for I his district, was
convenience at hi home or keep of the sale of here Monday.
line across the old plank road In the floor, cursing,
Bryan Nichols,
New Stock
Garden Seeds
Onion Sets
Bryan Nichols,
The Popular Druggists.
Be good to yourself-Drink
A Five Cent Cigar not made by a
Trust. You don't get any charity
presents with this cigar, but you do
get your money's worth of good
Tobacco, Book Store.
the w t-M corner of the colored
p thence
the hue of lot to
aid colored public school
lo the of
then due to the north-
drunk to be
Tina in not u nice
tn draw, hut it w true,
not he
ho a waiting room ex
of the river for Indies where they cm
the line of j be from
road direction aught to
to and J. B. Cher- to the railroad t
corner; then with J. B necessary
Cherry's, B. H ; early m
and U. W.
to Tar down law river
I to
Greenville's Great Department Store.
and Granite Monuments,
Agents for Iron Fencing.
Rocky Mount,
Draw. I
For Prices and Designs, address the Rocky
Mount, N. C, office.
Main and Tower
to Have Better Transportation
Capt. W. H. Newell, or Norfolk. I
the Superintendent of the Atlantic
lit- called to
any other place hut to sold and relative to the
it -lull be the duty of the shall the
each ward to attend with reported to the Board of Aldermen bra double
at the place to be and by service over this branch of
designated by in his Hoard. Line.
Friday I
A Wilmington citizen who if
that he raided hog and
Section That four ten pigs on a city
act by striking feet, ought to take ofT percent
out all after the word proportion discount for the ill health
in lines three and four of and certain discomfort which h-
in lieu thereof bin That such
to nay a nuisance lie
each shall entitled Wilmington's
Alderman, shall hold fin
but that only one up-to-dare of
I be each health
for ward. That order
to put provision In operation
Alderman D. S. Spain, of the find ; A young man assisting in
want, Alderman K. B. of for a by the
of t ward, Alderman B. city editor to the to
P. of the third ward, a certain bill. After
Alderman W. B. Parker, of the several he returned to the
j fourth ward, shall continue to hold office and instead
over under their present tenure he
till the Brat day of July, tutu flourished a he
That with the election on the which he
Saturday the
election from two o'clock
each for the purpose of
all persona entitled to
who not been
And In duty
of judges of election to attend with
the registrar their
wards on preceding the
election fr l hearing
and determining nil contests
challenges as to inn. The
registration to
II all and the
ball be at sunset
the Sat pieced
log the election. If any vacancy
shell st any time for any
the of registrar
r Judges of for mid
it shall be reported to the
muter, who hi immediately
at o'clock a. in. on said
April, 1903,
lie closed at six o'clock p. m. on
-aid day, alt whose
are found the
a shall be to vote
at said election for or is
said bonds. Those desiring
to vote for it vote a written
or printed ticket which Ive
Aldermen in 1908 one Al- now need the bill written or printed
Newell said his company
the delay
earned by the of the
peal fall, that the
petition sent wits
that all would be done
to remedy trouble. Be said
suggestion in The
was endorsed by the To
Board trade and on which
the petitions were
another leave. early
in morning, go through to
aim in the evening,
making connection both ways with
all at Parmele, he thought
would be and while he
could Dot say at present just when
this will go into effect, It will be
done as soon as
Of course changes and increased
facilities lie at
for all are aware that the
Immense of the
mouths has taxed the railroad
their full capacity, to get on
that more roll-
One in four of the stock end must be
who arrived lust year For this the
could not read or write. joint petitions sent from Green-
It has recently been discovered Ayden, and
Handel composed the asked Line to
a Sunday. Make under con-
New recently died and do the best possible
after being Inoculated by a fly lo relieve the situation. The
Mayor's Court.
Mayor ll. w Whedbee has
disposed the following cases
sines last
K. Keel Jim Cox, simple
lined each costs
Tom Williams, currying con
weapon, hound over to
Superior court.
Joe Stocks, down
lined and costs,
Hill Jenkins, drunk and down,
lined one penny and costs, eT,
J. F. Craft, fined one
Junta Mills, driving over eight
miles an hour, lined one penny and
Fleming, running livery
without license, lined and coats,
Newell is indeed gratifying, and
the petitioners can afford to be pa-
with the Improvements
are in
an rated.
Superior Court
Benjamin Smith aid Smith,
resisting pleads guilty,
of costs.
deadly guilty.
I. carrying con-
Jesse Jolly and Jolly,
retailing without license, Jess
lolly guilty, ti
J. Co,
Sum Mill, who last
sentenced to six mouth road,
sentence was to Bus
James Latham and Moses
gambling, guilty.
J. A. Smith, retailing
license, guilty, fined cost.
Dee Heed, Shade Pollard, Sobers
Harris, gambling, guilt,
Julius Moore and William
Moore Vela awl
Charles retailing
license in tao not
Judging from ad
la Vow sews-
those New Yorker
think that lb people a big
fool as people
Yorkers Ad to
shall be In those to vote with of infected sheep, assurance that come through Capt. right.

Eastern reflector, 20 January 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 20, 1903
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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