Eastern reflector, 13 January 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

t i
Continues to miKe Miraculous Cures
C, W'S
I too in a wry bad la
i -or.
la tart- u .-. and o to
to until raj and
m m that would not um Ht i-
tea I a a
Ta- of air and last hart and up n
oar all in Wet oil.
of do an . J P.
MM to aM aW. to our
of la I to it and la up I
t. and a ball
l was baa inc Ha.- bad
a regard a by brat
l far on too for it. i
It to and ti baa cured M
Will that I to I to tab.-
with Um aid of ; tar- nth. after U-gar
l and back W work again
Vary truly,
or trot n receipt DO
pay ME
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
in km in mm
Loan Value,
J Value.
Paul up
I that
r. Id Non f
Will tie re if W month
arc living, or within after up-m
of m of with
No B.
Dividends are payable at the of the and i f
year, provided the for the current year In- paid.
may be To reduce or
To the or
To make policy payable an daring the
J. L.
N C.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
i n Third
J Agents in all
Wheeler Wilson Co.
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N C.
S. M.
and or
Hides, Fur. m tn
y Purl
i Saint,
A Ax
High he-
Henry Him,
Jelly, Milk.
Meal and Hull-.
Ware, Tin
W and
Beat New
I loyal f , and nu
for Gnu
S. M. Schultz
Pa.- a M
r if upon
Jaw Haddock,
hating to h
of tea of county,
oh i,. day of 1.-. MS, no-
i to
lo for on or
AH l
wilt to
TM-. if
of Jane
Um why i
painted their
when mt-n were weak ind
wore and a
tho h In these moon
out In for hit
lb a deer
and m It arrow
and i
. the
n Um fell Um
hf and after
who ran fr h life
ran and
when be
h fell to the on
who. know, la the
cf to him
TI.- heard tho call and
that to Bare the man hi- had t act
quickly. o he in- fool and
yon know that no
will en of Inn bear r of
Bo when the
man be the and
way hut he did
tin o of th
i-f bin mi Um
the man found Unit ho
uninjured he
left the to dry on face and
it at all, hut it
It off.
the of u Hob
It off were murk Hint turned
brown In -ii- and
blood OB It n- Now
all paint their way
With blood and It off In
when or to
l of
b- J II
Haw id v h ii I'll lack.
of the right were.
g and the
not i
i. p
i n b pal r b
which no Mm
i p of
I i .
had the
Big a i a
. . . , to follow Hi.
if. ten lien j
mil Due
U um all Ii
i i aw when
,. . t luted ;. dark
Mil as lie the
n in
He bad
t hi. , , material
.,.,. -ii with
. abed widen
. i a . .
At the
the ha her bad am
talked r I
. H upon Mm She had
I .
won T rabbit afoot ad
i,. I
Sow it . tin
hat lo
r of
He front h
m no
U i
i i, . ii can
ii . m i wit
I j
in ll i i
t It
it i . at
I , i . ;
. . . ,. ii., M
;. k ii op as in be r I
lab la B l
t m
u mi rd n p ad
,.,. . r lie
i. i h
, a train r ;
pt n B Ha red
h bah
I i
-1 wag e -.-. id
., know II m
,. p, u what i
the with n- la
world a I ;
of tho track lo make U
for u
by I had I l
have been
water, if I bad May I they
won i It n
,,.,. j r i
i. .
i rah ed
,. i i. la . . o
re a cm;
t the y thine.
p It
He i r
I . ,, . f. r lb. i
. fool lie f II Ha
I . i I B
. a u
, . t
B ii i. . . . u
be . ; of the
i ;
a l
in a . Um n
. v. l Ala
, the r II I i ind la to
; , the II were d
l a. ii
I red
I lie I of
. I I l d i and
I , . .
of lib
. . i a ii . a of
rail over which
of Ml a
a i of Ids body.
He yelled and the
back a lie felt the
dull In In
of water
moaned l
I .,. hi . i lip, even if the
train here. Well. every
body. Here la the end Ran
n died a
form of the knight Of
rood. a moment of e. god
be was downy i and
around him poured i and
a crystal Bond.
the dark -f the Hock-
river bottom, and at tout hint fl
two Pit r th,
were lark depth,
Prom the a few feel
ahead on in rile on then i
a r n n-h
box n open In glow of
Booting on the lido
He up and r.
in lb i r
inns w ii
I, one w here health
W lib Impure blond three
he health.
With a t U there
cannot be blond.
revivify and
H natural action.
A healthy LIVER pure
Pure blood mean- health
Health happiness,
lake no All
. l
In when
Sow v
U r lived lb Bowling Ph
-1 awl her
ii . . That be
. . i age Pot her. tor
u. HUH
. r i and bad very little
n the o of i
i. k . e ere la for
. n ; Ton
i . el ilk
; Si The
l i
. ;
,. .,,. m be ma--
The Departure of Si
. .
M ;
out a.
, n
. i with
aha; I hi I,
if What do
. . i .;. . . .
. b n art
. r . I in
Y ; I B
. . It,
. r ii ;
.,.,. i I w
ii a in i
; i . o a
. i
. j r. for hi II
. i v t
Ml j ti ill m day,
m. too iron no t be
i. i lb a
. m if
, . .-,
h r r an
lug -y old I t on I i
wedding re
to la m I law r
i, the matter,
i And I
it no. that her
id I I B
v thing
no lo
f. i. I lib I
down i
. it r
f .
. T
for roust chicken or
key is to
To prepare It brown
one chopped Onion Id n
of baiter and mix with it four
of cold tallied and one of
In one of milk. tilth
Add hair n of
meat or finely chopped -ind
and pepper to taste.
wonder old
ho -1. .,.;.
ilia pride, my boy.
Monroe -lira afraid
will him for of
AW Kiwi on Mala.
a general I approve of
wild when
he reached home a
. arc n line
and In be
placed lug where it would
drip on the parlor carpel want
I to on record removing
new bat coat
declaring am to
j that on tin day before
and keep at
eight dollar
wouldn't he mi ha
renamed be took big off and
let water run out. it rained
down, hut when It
sag up and and
time o A
day like Ulla boa DO right to ho on
and o on until he got to
For Thai
of Com-
you Want n Job
Applicant-Yea. air.
Superintendent I'll have to yon
a few How fur la It to tho
north KeV
If you're go-
to put me on that line, don't
want J
i U W
the of
wedding the
. j ; i id kitchen
. nod no end -if
AT ll.
a at
,., .- do., i rap at
.,. . i. -ii, the id a don
,. j . u m mm. k out on
aw owner
k b
. i; ,
l- m be
in their
i- if . a
J,. Ml of III no
, ,. . i.
. f, an hot a natural
n Id rd
h, in n my
ho J r . will
.,; . . . ; i or. if yon
i. . at a will
If i . ii pry b P. ml
ii m at in
ii u vi b
ill;, I
, well, my child, aim- w
It w i a wedding
v what la now
to the The of the
flapped In wind, and Ibo
people crowded the party to
get a -if bun, to
I rent their La in
the the bad a hard
tune in keep people front
behavior and hurried through the
rapidly that few beard the
I and If the couple had
. and Mar of Peter and
Bo one have known t
difference. When the pro
. noun-ed man and and they had
and faced In have
the church groom t
his to the of every
one. pulled them off.
a there a after
come at of
the phlegmatic
men niter got It Into
i . U the had worn
the eon
t pie down the groom
I from ear t the
on arm.
the door Ten came
UP apt II nil
meant, Put a
who an law ear
larger than usual also,
of the
Jack of
Terrible. I have
your I Into
a ago and. that you
wanted . with
to yon
Now. Ten had been
very inn. troubled Ida
deformity, and Peter Ten
had n In The con-
Went o I and ate the
the I
took bride wan him. and
been me In lime one of the
neut social women In
It la bow our
arc foray MM but
late h r r.
When I la
;. and
n n a i i. gel
of bun hot end be i-
, .
Then the
and the B
The M.-
ed on pert H
that lie h- lo
own a he heal
hoax,, bu. and gagged and pun-
in way Put
catted the bluff . very tune Tin J WOW
ready to conn martini Mm Whoa
l to the Aral
or Ball Ron, bat In ran aped
and Joined us M the Bold
the only loan tn the to
nap honor and
alone lie
In Hum and
bun i.
Oar captain tried to
that be bad done and
go but
Si on contrary
be wan in
day after barn Ma owe
baa n In
the thousand men of Ike
try boa Si I I
ii M Wt In the
he ll- ho put in HUH-
of that n
l inn- on
and t km
tor the i
a different
tunes in- with
. , i real
He ex-
by the am t. AM
mended, bin he beat them
Um lie . into the ea
hope that
would be hat be
He Real
loam--.-- with hop, UM
end Ma . u
not a ft reached Mm
; lei- e two
be a lime or
had fl M hand lie
on boar, and if be re
pa It WOO be. ails.- be
rood to
When s. bad been defying
rd states for two be b
came be-
coming for Mm o m
to t t the neat
martial land Mm at tho
drag a hall and chain
be be mallard Hurl one
to l-Mi d.-.
lie rated
jet. but a good thing in
tut . u HI Jack
i t and b
to knee Ibo In a Mare
glory not noon to be forgotten
Those of n who were watching Mm
he had h a
mind, were far from
what n La won mopping
OWL To areal of our
men was corral aim
The men wen-
tent TIm guard
corral afterward
bored Si hanging for
or were not
At lb son- of
were of of
hay and hag- of and corn for
of the animal- and the hot had
Our PI I
well It was a
m id blowing at rang from west
-tens of at band had
do la and very little
In pack It Mil l all
a kind word would
altered Ml In Maid, but M
kind word greeted hi
contrary. I be who
lo off and said
got mighty tired
and giro you the
If I out
of my I'll throw ,,
Si only granted In reply, and half an
boot .
prise H ii.- guards
the aide of corral
op among the bay, and fie
later a big flume
from the needed
fire o stir up n
Um and In three
m. . were circling
in-, um. a mad
With u j
Twice the tare
the big Held, s; king and
nil I., for a
Hit ti p side, and Um fence
gown um. n .-, i- board
away Ho
I and
A bill
gown and a in u
Inn in
to grief This only
boll f . . Hie hie
iii . act Hie on Hi-.
It w- like to powder,
i l men were
, w i greet he of
store I than
hi lighting their tho
darn ye, I'm ready to
mild Si be looked down
the s cue of the he hod
and lie wont Whether
went norm or no
man lo lb do bu
heard of
A n
lam Iv . i New
day la met
u a a mil
rim I d i. i mean
, I i a
quarrel In
. undue
love aw
p poor idea of have, I
Any kind hoe will do before mar
Hope, but n mum u- a
foil that will the and
of a
win never a ken
la bear
don't m
yon till arc in
.-hall lore
ore fault from a
Owe may a
for gambling for for a
of nay one of which
en brain
should from
ea all tn to
tool rOB from the of
bring tier t a hut
l Mot. and lo leave
her without either a . So
did not that from
i a i not
drink and not I it to
gambling She bad named
were in hotel
on u lake it toward
the end of the and no f
the had been for or
were in
In parlor when
and the
bad i ; Tin
bad and
found eon
to the
non lo a ind ran led
w. l and laB
. d hi it
Ml on r ii I and
came i bet aWe
A t had -h
I--- do mo felt her
Richmond, Va.
The Greatest Stock Fine
and Medium
in the
E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
Contain New B
Put n i .
Ton h 1.1 half i
. ii. . h. la .
Th world a your Si
to make ROW
Sen I not.
n a-i I I've never
it ii la tier to rod and
the child than the child by
No of
Only i. . a
Um ah,
-H .-
you the or the
re Bet
W lent Sunday,
alba, in lag
for Norfolk.
New York
Aurora, South
and Mr
peril t- fur Hie with rail
order freight by
S. S. On.
New York; from
Kay Line t
S S V from Baltimore Mer
and Miner Line
J K.
U N.
and always
Car hand
A trial will you.
D. W.
No. I Daily Kg.-opt I No
Sunday t W
La k Ar p
a VI g nu .
a in p in
p m
iron Ar l. p
p n
I p Ar Norfolk
b p . f . a Bl
p m a in
II w a m
New York j- m
nu i
I anon
it a law i In n she ohm d
i It-
to h. of
a die d, Allot -ho
U where e
we a
. in Hi. I
tell which
All dear t- The fault
would ii. name
It he i.
my MU When I t. It
the i a if I had U-en
bitten by a
for her i ti and concealed it.
When she handed b.-r I had
. the not a
mini m-
be do HAM think of a
i a in
i named, looked
Ar pm
a IS pm
a a m
e p a m
a u
M l
man Ml i
lug that at an .
out through a ale
Mi soul wedded to
woman, and i the mine If
were wife.
Some one notched shoulder, and
I she looking up roe,
her f and love.
ended a erg
open, the the
room, The Jewel bad not found
Mechanically I her the
I margin of the lake She into
one the cedar there, and
after her. taking
j tiller. I Ibo pulled from
shore, and ab ho.
lake toward a point whore
a bed of brow than a
I felt sure that
on. whew
she could
Was ii a proclivity of
m wish i. keep Hwy I
and in
we Were ill their
Then she said to
your Wife, and I
declined to say Now that you
know I um. do you Mill
HUe k n her
laying of the
her or ma tin
adorned except by n rose in her
naked she
up me with nu look
me she Innocent least
it It for lite to
If I would lake physical
defect per.
Into even, I Midi
An of
face. t
me laid.
I it i; ; a tot and handed
it to her. it u ring
Opened It and turned It H I hut I could
plainly see the inside.
it mi- amply.
I xi for a moment under
what it gamut, her face
the trap Into which had me.
I have been
her in glee the
her rune and my
I at I have
made n guy. beta
tOOt have rue, ,
bate earned. Is It ye or
What a convenient to receive
an i
, i, I
you In worn,
No; I
Whichard. N. C.
Norfolk, Va.
Tn and Bag.
I'll- , go III
Mrs. L H. WHITE, i
N. C.
hand. b
for or tn
American and Italian Marble
II I VII , N. C.
i rut II. ii.
mi M M Tm
II. U W. J.
i PM. At.
T. U . s T. M.
J. N.
him . m. M. A.
H. U. wire,
a. u- t H-
. B. K. B.
W. K.
every HI
3rd t
Sunday a. in , W. H.
Brown, Litany
every a. m
and Sunday in month
Rev. D. W. Sun
day P. M., W. U. IV
A. P. A A.
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M.
K. P.-Tar River Nu.
every Wednesday evening.
W. rt. bail, M- Hook
K. of It. and S.
I. O.
meet, every
evening. W. N.
R. A Council. u,
II Secretary, J.
A. O,
o. meet and
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S. Smith
. p.
meal, every
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and in
Col ton, Grain and
Private Wire to New York,
II. H.
I -1.-1. of y- lo cl
o s
low. Hall. W. B.
S. Smith
Superior Court, D. C.
Sheriff, O. W.
of Deeds, R. William.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, C.
Surveyor, J. D.
J. J. W.
W. R. Home, R.
W. Page and J. Spier.
Brat Monday.
Mayor, W Whedbee,
H. L. Carr.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Tax I. Rountree.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and S. I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. Spain, I. C.
Charles Cobb, B. F. Pat-
rick, K B. R. L. Carr,
W. R. Parker and B. F. Tyson.
Board meets every first Thursday
Silence your opponent with
You Write
member of lite
lie In County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice Week.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
Manufacturing St at
Commercial Printers j
, Supplies. Etc
l. R r E N VI L I E.
that the race ii- mm
Short Stories
from the
q I . cf the
a an i-
l- S
ad cant
I This like I. i ha I
to you
while or
The i i
The short
The man's medium
The coats
. nights and stormy
la Minor t. match
match overcoat and prices at
the same time- try it.
favoritism ea
i at the ultra m am
i .
in in Bat.
a- slated above, Bl
ii m
slate b III I It
. i i
i . . . M. I Skip
II. i H G
pinnacle of
since the Ufa at la
Vance I tic
of We laM
the ghost of
of and c
no have call
selves a people. The sen
the have seal lo present
at the all
mat I
urn, men pill--- J. Murphy
The King Clothier
cooking and heating.
Prices from to
state. Truly. tin- is X Till V
It was
days of
in of III.- Hi
la aw a
me, veils IT, a B
when people in
plat to
f Clerk, II
W, s
iv. hath.
In the . i he
lit. Mm B M
on hi-t ballot, n
. in the I
i. .
. .-. II in.
I. Motion, Si
, . H. .-I
Bill, not
A in Nil
and the l
.,. Ska. am. h. W
, , , , , ., , .,
s , and I .
, ll lie -o .
full. Ill-
i North Slate News
n Bub
. ban h at
.- rd.
. -I. .
n. i. . Ike
am it a road have .
no .
. n
,. ., Mall hi in ill
I, vi M
hull i
. . Bl
the senate. Ml. M I
a ,.,
we sun- n.
. To; and
f counts.
ville. Baa.
for the I
it 1-
that he will take an
in winch In- l- add.
., .
. I
in legislature by Boa.
Mi air ha- .
gained I- In-
there are an;
active twit in in.- ,.
which will be a
of this of the
III. v I. l-l
Upon III-n .
I ii . I, . of th
iv- II
p. n lam and life
fro In
I Hi
The handclasp Francis
hi, one of of
Carolina's I-
las as
have Into rise--.-
the past. And the
laugh add a
mite of cheer Id
which would
In- Without his
Judge Winston is a
is a privilege
and his acquaintance a
Will I.
above Trade-Mark.
writ en
In addition to the best stoves in the world
carry everything you expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
Packing; for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The of the
have dining bail
week a maelstrom
seething. -wanning humanity.
lime- tiled the hold
awe jabbering
away at u rate, making
hum have
like Ike noise the
lower of Babel, Howe of the old
kepi iii
till the last moment, in
to escape I he
dales who had nil I bell
trails. Poor They are
sadder men now, lint wiser,
will do same Hung-
Among most
at the lo talk ll
all over was ex Representative w.
He has a huge
friends win.
glad In welcome
ll tor
lull III lace at
of Mr i-
and tile
not have a
The old soldier is much in i
Ike capital days,
and sail do
hen. will Its. much. Then
are only a tea now
line is melting
and the last of the boy
will wend the drum
heal Unit to In.
o. I us honor them While
we .
will have
n. will lie
Hon. A I.
King the
Hon. B Henderson,
us Tin
oil to
I. of senate.
in Ike vi lure as.--
I As . . . I
. , . I ll. 1.1
Kali ll r
, u , , . , . i-l .
,. .- . led in neat II
vi ha. brought t
r r .
., . ,. . . . U
I iv .-
have all
from grounds.
in ii in
week, adopted ft
I re ,
nu- mil
. n- in ll v
the -1.1 e.
n Bud
brothers, hail a
which u
iv In. tragedy hap
p. 1.1 d n Bud
in jail
I,,. . I
; I . . .- fill ll III
I,,,. Ii I
low u. . II .-.
who met lo launch
f I., removal
1.1 In
a fol
newspaper men Mill bin. the Sol rod
Hi. was touched We had Steam. has
la-en with W . as
Baptist recently is
While with to
wall for lulls last
will not pay until lo
n bill. In lo in North e. .
nearly wait lull tin. and
I. Wish ll
11.1- s,, lulls lie
limits w ill ii.-1 and
. I. I .
. .
, , ,.
Clean-Up Sale.
a intend to give th
unity to replenish the r table-
-ail, in the center of our store you
will of I of China and
, I . you have AT COST, as
net dear of these old pieces,
i only at laws, prices. N sure to
k this lot you nod
.-. is Halted, ale will
. . . do
stock of
mil It cl per pound,
sells U to will be
-.- .- Plain candies per pound.
This -I-. sale will
Jan 1st. It, lime to gather in sonic of these
, Then baa neon a of new goods added
.,. k since the holiday trade, and ll
., , N, matter how hard
are to suit, suit yon ll you want good
W , v a large stock of lop grade
I to please the most genteel,
. . . Suits . Bedsteads.
Com lies. Hal Backs,
. -n Ac.
rd .- t ii of the little tots
i-l,.,. I in.- limes of older folks. Wintry
wind raise havoc won lender skin.
The bought
merchant and paid
urging A bill was c
tn an end.
has Ml
1- ever.
Hut have a ill.
and are more nu.
They an-not sign
inn 1.1 need In 1-
ll I ale
lo and
A in in wrote a m in
in last seek i-
year of had
Tar Soap
I 11- in. akin all
then n and keeps and
velvety. soap., too, from
Cashmere II to that h
Oar stock all is the
yon W n-
i, . . in I., please,
Greenville's Great Department Store.
light the Trait.
a ball a
1st by trade pal Ike
en in the lam , .
Tobacco harmed to
smokestack i- at
museum. Thus year
Hi. ranks the men who wore the
-low thinner, II wilt
mil la main year, before the.
reunited Ike
i. i.
I he inn Ill
, i in Wale
at i- I ill do. ii is
elk. h III
g i in i
m v ; i in i is
. i-n i in
I in are v. mi . d i iv es
In he v. ii ii.
, in- mil
ll, i
ml I i
Up III n
At B Bros.
We are overstocked with and Winter goods, mid In
order to close out to make room for new goods
have put the to prices will give SO per cut.
on all these goods. There are bargains hi the prices
are offering it will pay you to buy now.
Our stork was bought low. and this reduction makes
prices far Wow what you will have opportunity to
buy for.
early gel the of this great
All winter goods must he disposed of quickly.
B. BRO.,
Phoenix N. C.
There i a feeling Raleigh
something l- In regard
in liquor question by i.
trend opinion
is Inward and one
gentleman heard lo icier lo
the town of Selma as nu example
is an orderly.
business like town.
We glad here
. would mil. are
,., which th. celebrating the
have disappeared scene, .
one must mingle with demo. Worth Cam ion. and
churls a-the. at will be i
Not a republican voice year lo ma the
la gone, all g. ale the lo up
mice, used lo heard I.
the flesh pots, ll fund., Hie
and place
and groan j celebration,
ii properly
Hon. II.
Small will la ha
in. I
,. i n ml . use i
II , , , I IS
nu. in . ha
i January
Deli ml capitalists and
men well known in the cigar and
tobacco business have nearly com-
plans fur the
1.1 a Independent Cigar
Tint a light upon the liquor l Company to with the
the i- no J. H. who was head
.,,, trend of, of the firm of Brown of
affairs during when sold out
i.-i.-n.-.- more to is credited
pi in with having deal
y i ii. ii i and entire amount of the
i,, pm In stock has sub-
of the Ann- scribed,
Hie stale
pm . Is In educate public Mi. and Mis. JnO. No.
mini along lines, Sheffield avenue, Chicago, en th
mansion. . ii
n been observed loan ex-
ii question i- asked
do one
invariably of a lone
beak, perched upon the
Hub a dead out
decided I., p. m. on the last day
hold i. ii along after
v night i-i f.-.-t or so after the birth
i. a child was
i inters lo be held in The birthday of one i.
V ll t A and that of la other
Jan. be January ISM.
I hey ha. e an Jr Fayette
ville, of C-hat Some people
I., i, Wilmington Star. finding good chance for
the Southern to to
some other. Whether th
. street.
in. hive closed,
will have on who are skeptical as
,, hi September, hi number
. , -i i. B may stated
, , , appears in 1903 and all the
and at the in an old straw
from the are tear and mi flowers, If yon
for the of p. t. U. tn u .
graded Thine is no
that the people an going lo d.
relief of and II Urbanization
the legislator solves problem,
even for a few it will
in baton piece
of statesmanship have had
several sessions.
of l
lull real In entire
M i
added amount In th
of February, March and
thirteenth will be
i n i x
is the
or yet lo be proved
South Isn't best place
eel a
The senate house mil i
in. Wednesday,
Hull ll is
Two III the move
the stale are Iii u. hereto .
ill two the who from
onion laud, the tin- n.
between states, and to on l,
.- a,,, he
. intend water -a. that gallant son of old prayed for Ila to
I until lie could
Hie I Daniel. I , .
of far more who lost life In the battle
An Illinois man i. seeking
Win voice on the ground that his third
Charlotte New, wife him before war.
j If he did not know as
Ml,,,. who ,,,,. lime he ready for
a.-,,, I mil., fro. . I the
F I i to details in our Job Depart
shown in high class of work we
out. We the beat equipped office and
do a of priming hardly in law motion.
If you are particular as to the quality of your
printing, we want your work. We give you the best.
Nu mistake will made
of a Slate, an
to for
gentlemen who aspire to this honor
are men of great
limed integrity and faithful de-
It is safe M
i. with the following officers,
Si's I I I
side. I Pro
A. Brown,
Chief A. Maxwell,
than sine Importance Hon. J. house.
II small is iii.- leader In th light
going on in th Inland
water way.-
He owns three horses and a
Mr, t. Swam, nu
the Soldier-
died of Tuesday Hear a few days ago a
Mi Swain was , man M old, whose wife hod
Th girl who thinks too much of year Ins age and had only dead but two weeks, married
she appeals to bar
him Philadelphia Inquirer.
Mrs. Carrie Nation
ions for a large residence
Kansas City, to ha
as a home for
The money to th boa
was raised by Nation on
recent trip to th
Heading Clink.
Murph., an inmate Home a girl of M.

S f
D I. km Owns
slues that no new The candidates for Id
sod Machinery sets be enacted, the legislature who didn't
limply the .-lunger, it didn't
thought best sots. anything to scramble
To sublet the lobby of the
governor devotee Mime apace, anyway.
log the assembly
to eek a A baa not as yet de-
solution of th-. problem. Banded the state capital, there is
A a the message is worthy a tat chance open for High Point
T course of reform baa ever
been marked varied degrees of
bigotry and instance, of mistaken
judgment. As a rule people who
do not agree with their neighbors
are not apt to admit sincerity
and of pose are, to
considerable extent, to lie
the camp. In the
of the great North who in a stunts with its double
i the chief executive of the corn- barrel, automatic, back
our hall of self
which is in the hearts of the
pie. will rank Scientists have discovered
with and noblest the state germ in the air we
has bred. but haven I been
enough to discover
enough to
mum Hung el-c for us fa
North Carolina the
idea the best of has been much greater man
. are apt extremists. ,., ft
and no. a the State Auditor. .,, ,
era.,, of our views. bring the educational ,. .,,,.,,. ,,,, ,.,
early every crusade the up fat Ibis standard.
of that has failed has n can well and justly say,
failed because its advocates have The Old
committed glaring
mother was troubled will
consumption for many years. At
last she was given up to die. Then
he Avers Cherry Pectoral,
and was speedily cured.
D. P. Jolly. N. Y.
No how hard
your cough or how long
you have had ii,
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until you have
If you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
H k. .
The cry is up that the
that Ml
f ii ii
but know.
i put ii . of
preach; and their enthusiasm people are general who went through
have sought to moving , cities to dud easier and form of
from In
.--. .-. l t -r
over of who hold employment I. ,,,,,,,,, ha,, . , ,, .,
opposite than a life.
the campaign in however. There
against the evils of are plenty of owl and col
the whiskey business we have a lards left and country people
question U. deal with, re- will try to worry
quiring all the patience, tart bow.
charity that we bring
to bear upon it. It will not do t
attempt to force a measure upon
the people for which are not
The nation upon the pa-
figure of the venerable fen
as he pleads for relief
Ten to one If had
along some. ed Booker lee,
taken it. the
would still lie
Light of Other Days
Sheds its Beams
to the nuance, of the
It is doubtful the nun who
prepared by education of in
of lasting benefit. w have seen
come public
of what the country
and before public will ever
to radical departures from
established customs ii must
be educated up to standard
which is sought for the public
good. Total prohibition is a
must be tended carefully, lest
we its growth and in a meas-
destroy usefulness by at-
tempting to remodel human nature
it lie understood that
i believes in prohibition
ha. always believed its ob
would go far toward
making human race happier,
higher nobler. Hut
can more lie abruptly en-
forced in day and generation
than could been
arbitrarily enforced as the
of the world a half a century after
the of the The
coal The aged
Deal Missouri
the gods of the powers I are
gods of gold
of Attorney
Having gotten
cry goes up . van. Yet he
has lifted his voice for the people,
be has done all that man could do
tow proceeds
lo have a band de-
it in approved
-often the of style.
robbers who people
under cover of the law There It is announced that the South-
he a day of reckoning. era I.
delayed, and will not appear
. x,. Well. j ,., get
British government for n treat- along It.
of the poor benighted
of India, but law
Philippines, as the in control of the
X C, Jun.
Mrs. Margaret Nichols, widow
of the late John II. Nichols,
suddenly while dining at her home
She leaves
son. three daughters,
I. I a. H O. and
Nichols of Beaver Dam-
Mis. Dr. C. A Blount, of
and Miss Nannie and Lee
ho ate lived
her lime of death. Ii
can he truthfully said of her
he was a loving devoted
and She
also bans one Mis. W. F. Monday their Mrs.
night we receive, Miss spent from
letter Iron. T. B. Monday with Mrs.
Hi-hop. .
Bishop. S. Miss is
The A. Q. fox Mfg to. visiting at grandfathers on
N. f.
Miss Allie is her
Please ship me I down Standard,
back baud. We think there Jerome spent Monday-
is like them. I have two
I have used live , Bancroft met u
they are as good as new. This accident Friday afternoon,
order will used by wheel he ran against
have used threw him off
truly, his left
T. B Jones, of Wharton,
Have you seen the dozen, of from Friday Monday
e have in relative, and friends
at above If out we would
Ix- glad to show them to you.
X. Out Mfg to. Sim
A. returned from Report. for
In of with a car load of hone. the many pleasant social
night. They are f new year's week,
which I cordially was more enjoyable than the
e were mislaid did not see them. meeting of the Sans Club,
appear in the story. For one- A- heM at the home of
lit of the credulous me to statute here Tuesday Mary Jan.
Kale in advance that the outline may slay over fact Miss
f -The Wandering night. A social
And I m the
with my . eye- at the time, and was well club to order by
MB startled some Wit meet Miss Latham.
no hi. whole program
Bi-v. W. K. fox, of a great literary treat, special
T C. Thursday will, Or. feature of evening was the
story which was
We that the Free Will charmingly read by
met ling is in Louise Latham. During
Reedy evening dainty and choice
no. have a nice church were send, alter which
and the best part it i they have Hint every
all paid during present year
Mrs. I. u. might lie as enjoyable and
home Raleigh yesterday able a. this one, bade the charm
She accompanied lag hostess good bye. The next
hi Miss Annie who will meeting of the club will be held
Bonanza, Farmers
Bone, Mixture.
These are our leading brands, and the most pop-
Fertilizers sold in the South.
h , , T; S COMPANY
Norfolk, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Columbia, ft C.
Provision., Country Produce,
Fruits. Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Cattle and Poultry Food.
Intel log a
Fruit Jars.
for bring beak ft.
worth of
Santa Claus
largest assortment of in town Nut
In small house before
stood a large tree across the
street it. m Mr. Mr.
John universally as
Pi inn Brown, Mr.
man intelligence
ill and lull
found a hrs, class grocery. Yon only have to
call or ring phone and your wants will be
promptly supplied.
had hi. Cromwell. Wt would also It i. not and a great w home of Mia. Rosalind
,. E P
policy refusing , Cher. H A W.
to d the
mistress of her
but we have our Wilson
Into bands j.
Hardy We wish Mr Hardy
the Record the
Dr. tan one of
MM impressed him was the
early whose pie eating. Sup
fed the flames of hail
. x. Raleigh week telegraphy and
hatred knew this. Sentinel
,,,.,,, . ,, . , , ton
that their lives could not lie Softly
There enough to tun,
see the fruit, of but poss,,,
Their's to enough
live and die he of the
triumph of the gospel, and the While the a
work of those who day smiling
A Slight Suit
Mrs. Britt, new milliner, is A lady two children
also nulling,, dress e. l a Coast line train at
in connection the afternoon. One
millinery business. She Knows of was ill, and after
and will give h, I taken off at
It. it was learned that the
A. now occupies the child had been seriously III
north corner brick block. In scarlet in Mount d
with hi. bus- j the mother, reach her
making the blood fly, h repair. home, had traded the doctor and
Brown, a scamp, eon- brought the child out. When
tolled over BETHEL ITEMS. i other on the train
one lime had a gun walking
inch very near being
of uncle Ken who came
one day when
,. g mark.
Which both with Ibis unusual
weapon, he was lo do
and handling II awkwardly when
he he gun rebounded,
n ante, him
Have You Forgot
world today is to labor in the right, tin
and so live and act mat live-
shall lie
for the right and of
The gospel of ha.
preached in North
yea.-. give. Philadelphia
now The Billion and a hall
day Knot h- the bit
It looks a. if luck
had turned at last A street car-
meal eon has design.
f the,,,,, nigh suburb.
on ground, of the
lustily for help and
verily believed he had received his i.,.
death blow.
N. , Jan. ISM
led scarlet fever case which
had been among them there was
ware, and a
was made for fresh air.
roaring howling.
snorting cyclone struck Governor Odell demand, com-
Nebraska, and proceeded to swat arbitration, and trust.
things till further orders. continue to raise prices,
thank you; country is good see where we are at.
enough us
W s
On comer lot opposite
son Bros, factory stood W.
S store and
was a successful
and studied the
and of his customers, and
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware, ANn A of other thing
Come to sec me for next Barrel of Floor or Pork.
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
friends in Scotland
week, returned Mob . .
A Slat.,, and T. M- TOWN PROPERTY FOR North Carolina . .
at . Pitt county Superior Court
n. . II. . . . 111.-I . Pals. . n-
people will from
that stale ,.
crime against human,,,
Today it hi the pleasure of convinced that it was to his
Run to another to do so, he
of -Recollections f as well as something
. by a
of readers greatly enjoyed Mr
for last few have
Shown an increase t goo
M-r year. For the year end ;
lug March, the total
sinful wretches
,., ,.,,., articles a year ago, and we
e a Hie I in an find pleasure
oath, just ., bad off ever. more of his reminiscences
N. C
to the legislator h an in
mailer and
of vital Interest i.
all the people of the slate.
As was lo I Ike got
devote, especial to
the educational development and
needs of the state. The govern-
make, an earnest appeal
against the mart ion of any law to
divide the school lave, between
the races. He the re-
of such a law would i- that
lea. than cent,
be available for the
of children, and de-
that such action would
lo the weaker rate.
U I the stale paper, take the
him front gentle-
manly way in which several
candidate, for are present-1 Dear Here's an
their claims, and descend paint. We give yen
to cheap, vulgar Methods of of write
for k
him and find out all it
Mr. John grocer,
raid, Pi. painted Ins I,
paint tie
it bat he
it. the j b.
brought kick half the palm
and said was cheapest job
painting he ever did.
to Mr. Burt Young ,.
Mr. K II. of the same
Mr. II. H.
are in control f Oil City Savings
the will
the, paint the
it is paint. It
cover, most surface to gall.
and wears longest
to is. he'll In mighty going to be a f t is
likewise the
This is bow
is so by
devotee of the ego who
warms presidential chair in
probably send a t
Hatted remarks
the Sin,. Well, all
While bis store was by
place, he
In bis a die-
. n mid and
and remarks over
of certain of his older
who were with an
opportunity of publicly showing
their condemnation, and contempt
at, temperance move-
then being waged, and
lei estimation to Inter-
in- of the
. forerunner of op
laws, were
r ten. behind then
in. by bu
I town.
I. and Mr Dray Jordan
and moved t.
lib his farm in the
I e
member lo have spent a
pleasant etching thereon one
with Miss Violet In com-
By then
of medicine.
and wile.
who are
h i.
; Stalin and , f
i rat
Sal Big.
spent Sill ll will. Miss
Ward, and Hoard of
Taylor Monday i-r night, Assistant W, I
lender.-1 his
J. X. spent lo lake effect Night
Policeman I. Dudley was elected
J. assistant day police to succeed Mr.
are visiting relatives
a to.
., ,
special proceeding therein now
pending, entitled. M. Daniel
Huts Olive II. and . Th ,., ,;
. I will on an .--
iii,. town com-
the known a
w c,
and others.
This the d
1- on judgment for the
or the
Dee. h.
, , I- MOORE,
l Court.
and at Meeting
upon lbs
of for the new year to Mus
mm past. New
against said lo
ha, a better
fore the or
lo the b In bar of their
recovery. All in
parent at this place. keep getting on list, real One of estate will make payment me
f, land lying and being In I I
Mis. Man. left of row
lay the Slate
N C. Jan. ,
Sunday's rain our
a grand time at the
Mr. Ray Rollins, son of Mr. J. J.
Rollings, of Purloins, died Vt 1-
after an illness of a
few days. The funeral was held
township, Bounty, adjoining the
land, of J. It, Henry
land., con-
laming acres more or Is.
This 7th day of January,
F. C.
the of j.,,,
Ky of a decree of
nor Court of lilt county Id
administrator w. Smith .
Sarah A. Smith, S. C. Mu
recommends- . ,. in When Strum on th mad.
tow, an ., St. who left her happy ,. ., going ,., m,. ti,.,.,,. M,
come lo no end. She i, , . .-J- day when a piece of right Sunday
for Confederate . . i .- e and
to, day.
M Annie Sat- t
j . . creditors of
Widow.; iring of u sh.- . , u.-i . ,
none hiving printed which will lie strain.
ins properly
and lo nil
slat lo present
, to
within lbs
P. L. sells our it u not serious.
I,.,,. ,. ., rs. Jim, John and C.,,,.
e injury Mis. Bessie, of
spent from am. ft.
before I Shade
or sad N. A. and it,.
he plead in bar of their re- upon which W. H. Smith lived
All person. Indebted lo said hi. death.
or said laud will be
Dec. ,
T. H,
m n. .-
day of November.
will to the
it. DAVIS,
If Ii . CROSS Ma
ii ii
that you owe k
for sod w i.,
m y u bU. W need j
u hope wilt out keep j
w it
notice U for the
; -.-
lb. Third Meeting
The County As-
it. third
today. of
lady but the
men were for
absence, only male teachers
present This
may mean that men, by their
. . lie the
Joe left this for ,.
public of Put county. It is
in in ii the duty of men as of
Brief People rut
With In Social World
Second Day's Session Reward for Ar-
of Legislature of rest of Enemy of
North Carolina.
Not folk.
In on the day
if the session ten bill were intro-
H. Lawrence the
win, is charged the seduction
and Mm
hill, at bus a
. ., i. capture
day evening from Raleigh. were by the Tb- most of the .,, , official-
Paul R. outlaw returned Wed ; president, K. it will In, i.
evening from , After reading the minutes of the of , the cause of scandal
vi; , a. a .- f
Miss Irma to the ladle, to show interest ed- listened ; , his
today work. lo the reading of the
W J Nichols returned The devotional exercises of this , , for .
Mrs. L. I. Moore and little Mn the program for th- resolution providing that no
returned Wednesday evening from j previously published, Was of the shall
Rocky Mount. , seek or any election,
J. B. Andrews, formerly of this made inter- or office
county, but now of Salisbury, on for by this
been a few days here. books. dining constitutional
Chief Police J. T. Smith has I-pen read on the different
moved bis family to one of the very fr the next two years.
in the death of a well
known and girl.
the death of Miss I
little Ml known to implicate any-j
one until letters from Gardner to
the dead girl were unearthed, in,
which he the
Harris, on Dickinson will be in to j
toe. between now and next use of in
J. O. Howling has moved hi.;
family to one of the Forbes
on street, South Green-
Winifred of
is the of N.
W. O.
is town.
the bill, to be prepared
and to the legislature to give
an opportunity of
B. J. went to of issuing
bond, for the purpose of establish
P. L. Walters, of Plymouth, is for
r. i . i a . . I two bill, one for
for improvements, of which
PL. Walker went up road will be furnished for publication
the morning train.
a. soon as are
James left by Board and ready to
for Raleigh to attend school. , be sent to the legislature
Mrs. J. T. Matthew, returned The school bill will provide an
to Kinston Thursday evening. of exceeding
nature of tire crackers. The bill
provides that no one shall -ell.
buy. lire off or any lire
whose dimensions exceed
two inches length, three-
inch in diameter,
the to be a line not
special meeting Thursday night, to. ,.
r . not
Improve menu.
The Board of held a
exceeding days
By Blow, of Pitt, bill
lo provide for cross indexing
of appointments of ad-
introduced a bill lo regulate the
liquor In North Carolina. This
provide- that it shall unlawful
lo mm, ii fact lite, rectify or Mil
or malt liquors except
Incorporated town- with at least
BOO the limits and
within a mile m the of the
lake medicine which he was
is lo have gone
all police and detective
officers arc on the look-out for
When Men Gardner wore as
attractive mil of
He i- rather a good looking man
who always applied lo women,
i- thirty odd years of age.
ii. addition reward bring
offered the then are
reward, aggregating
about 1700, offered for bis capture
by interested
One Hundred Dollars A Box.
the value II A
plan- on lie-
Wilt's Witch II,
I had the piles for
tried many a;
Mrs. A. H. Taft returned Thurs-
day evening from
R. M. returned Thursday
evening from a trip up the read.
A school is named.
consisting of M. A. Allen, W. II
Bagwell, D. S. Spain, E. A
Jr , T. J. Jarvis. J. R. Moore, B.
, , , Patrick. K. B. W. B.
J A. returned Thursday i- t
evening a trip no the road. W- L-
. Brown, thus. R. L. arr
T. White, who will I
to Kinston Thursday
control of this department.
The improvement bill will be
Rev W E. Cox went to for an amount not
evening and
Mis. Nannie
Thursday evening and returned ,
A board of mil improve
is consisting of J.
, . G- J- L. S. T.
for Philadelphia for ,, T ,, .
in a . t and . H.
I board will have en-
Mrs. J. left morn- the
to visit her daughters in . ,.,
Raleigh and South Carolina.
the Aldermen will the
Mrs. M. H. and Mm. H. .
C. Hooker left this morning for as the board of
New York.
medicines, but nil failed
Witch Salve.
required, the healing properties of
Hazel antiseptics and
relieve- and
cues blind, bleeding, Itching and
protruding piles. Hires,
bruises, salt
requires a tax of to the and all skin L.
Violation i- made u mi-demeanor. Woolen.
Senator of Lincoln,
A bill imposing a tax SB
town, A license lax to
late, lo dimly and not less
lo town i
these,., be paid quarterly In ad-
is lo affect exist
prohibitory law, and only
affects in that
a gallon on ear-h gallon of
state, this to be collected by the
each county lamed
into the stale treasury.
A. L Blow, of Pill, A
W . T. Hunter left th s morn ,
, . . be a outside of their
for Elm City.
Mrs. M. A. Sugg left morn-
for Norfolk.
and required to give bond.
These bill, are tar better than
the ones were passed the
returned to school at legislature two years see
Oak Ridge today. reason nut be
C. Rountree returned Friday favored by every of the
evening from
C. B. Mayo returned Friday
. re i from
Mis. Emma
this morning from Kinston.
Miss Winnie Skinner returned
Friday iron,
Mis. Cox and Mis. Heard
Friday evening.
Fir. it Beaufort.
If. C, Jan.
ibis morning destroyed store
of Sanders, a lo-s of
eight thousand dollars, fully
end by insurance. The -lock of
c A Jr., was
bill lo chapter ,, , ,
., , B. Son suffered a I
laws of 1893. This is an ail lo f a-,,,, , , .
of covered by insurance. N.
establish w. Taylor was damaged
the boundaries when such is in Thomas i. out
the bill lo amend by the lire; insurance, i
makes It imperative petitions The Star Bargain House dam-1
selection of a treasurer, who is to and answers thereto aged too, covered by
number to
In the appointment of Senate
committee. Senator Blow, of The crow heads of every
is made chairman of committee The men, poor men and
on judicial district and i- also
named a ,. member of follow. to
,., , . . l I'd Burn Riser.
judiciary, bounce,
Improvements, and
amendment, a,
shall The of
will have the
town and the and
Two Came Near
AI special of
Board of Aldermen,
night, an
arose tame near
of in an
The of intending
II. Tex.,
writ's; e Riser Pills are
the n-i i I mil
I . iii
John has taken
position the Greenville
Prank Latham sod Walter
Gardner, Goldsboro, are visit-
H. C.
W K. Cox this
for Gales county
building recently vacated by Explanations
J. T. Smith, and and
tow l, being ills,
and it seems Tyson
made some winch at
time were d
Alderman and
Ii he later as a reflection
lo rill his Words followed Is.,
J. E. Day berry baa moved into and stopped
In i i e i . .
the I lie i i H .
an .,; Sill hr Liberia.
i V r
Wall, bill V. .
. U
in Here II
hi- other mi. mil, inn
nil r- ti h ii mi
Io .- lie Tin- . .
was soon closed.
are farmers.
i- not very good with n-
so we got together, sold our
farms and mil to Liberia
Thursday night Covenant I .,
No. I. O. O. F. the .
. . Heed- K
following officer, for the i , ,,
, who was In
, begin life
The have
Atkins, Past
W. S.
A. B. Ellington, Noble
J. H. Harris, Vice Grand.
L. II. render. Sec-
A. C. Financial So-
D. W.
After closing the lodge all par-
took of an supper which
la-en prepared for
This is to give notice that grind
will my grist mill on
Tuesday and Friday of each week.
Persons haling coin they wish
ground are to bring It
only on these days, as the mill will
not be run other days.
F. A.
if. O.
city a few
upon for has so far
recovered that he will lie able to
home in a few days. Hi.
many friends learn this with
tine dozen cloaks
be sold at reduced prices.
Mb. L
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious-
Pills act directly on liver
For years they been
Standard Family Pill.
Small doses
Hilling a and lent
. .-k croup oat little girl
u. from
A. L.
Mich , and BOOM of Hi
Minute Cough Cure was
tared and repeated often. It ,,
the swelling and
cut the and shortly the
child resting and speedily
recovered. It Cold-.
and Throat and for stomach
One Minnie which it for
in and . v, w he,, ,,
enables lung, lo con- or over loaded.
tribute pure, health the natural of digestion and
to the L. Woolen. docs work the
nervous while
Mr. J. L. ban purchased of
Bros, live storm are allowed lo rest and
block what
e . n . . i d ,
by Mi, h H. and lo all food lulu
four -ton stores between rich, red blond. Jno. L.
that and The
one copy I
n i
and lead dated Friday,
court in the court tile year, and
have w ill . .
S A specific for bilious fever,
, j malaria, chills and fever, malarial
and debility, malarial
A U C C V r e dyspepsia, dumb ague.
A Happy New Year
The Big Store enjoyed a splendid trade
the past year, and occasion is taken here to re-
turn thanks to every one who has favored us
with his patronage.
You will find the Big Stock chock-o-block
with good things for the new year and it will be
our aim at all times to do the best for our
We wish all a happy and prosperous
new year.
The Big Store, N. C
The Reflector Printing House is talking to YOU-
us your orders for Printing of any
Print Shop in Pitt County.

Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, stoves
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
L. Value,
, Value,
II. Paul up Insurance,
V la
Will lie re if within tin It while y n
are living, or within three years alter lapse, upon
of and payment of rears
Dividends are payable at the of the second each
year, provided the premium for the year be paid.
They may lie lo reduce Pf or
Increase the Insurance, or
To wake policy payable during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L. At
Greenville, N C
by O C J
I was treasure of n
man. and John
a In
liking for
Hr pi
In . m ft r m Ml
Drew bar to be
mom fur a
a ten in bank be-
talking me taking j
was r
ranged mm w go up Into
to and
ban n , to
after m bait road oar
Mr amid i. aw
i leave the bank la
Mr the and
k Mil n but it
will . not I.- mat-
of my I a
i .-i a linker
M th v
. town that l
will Basra or which I
I cleared up t 11-
on i my
a town,
in cot did not any
. . ad u- held
o road before
oft going Into i-amp for
AI l
f for tin-
lime, fat
of two no and
butt's Pills
will u. the ma
whatever he
tin- bod, give keen
and sugar
coaled. i
lake So
A Compromise
With Conscience
Three Times
; the Value of
Any Other.
i Mi- Third
e Third
wanted in o
led t.
Wilson Mfg Co.
it tit. H t rook-
a tin coffeepot
r article lb o It
n Urge mid
It full and had two
l-e a We
in and
l lo i
Cecil an lie
. to
at number After of of
of tin- of and
i. i. t- i
u ail good
about a
. uncle bad a
.;., on all hi- bad died
w arranging Ida
and of kin and there
h i In be Mapped Into lilt
bong up Ida hat
. ii to 11.-
After t In familiar
ting I d. la be
of depart
maul bin and
l pee t we are
i a h are
ii. . .- d of
M n Are nil
arc part cotton
or to
H ;
are Dot
U . . r.
turn- d in- I
i. i ind brad lb under-
i retired
lo . Pool
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
a gold, ,;.
i all I i o
and am lest and
been planning
i lug for
n.,, and
i b I I
h to net long
i y I
i. n kid hi it
. ,. here to
i. i i . a and i U
and re go a tn mi
i . . ,
If were not all a dream lie had
hot I a I
i to
ii full upon me. and then
. i man in-
l . . r d
T u head
of shirt At p
. Lid vi r.
. i
ab II ;
k amount paid
i ;
. , .
of the bun
i . f f i I do
,,, . r . Into
f rt ; cot
i. to
i., nod at end of
i lie t me feeling the
; . who baa righted a
f He
l. . who hived t hit no
i.-,. in t who a
lad ii- H told her
mi i ; done, and,
nothing of
lo It h not
l In
Goes up or
According to
you give your
Keep it to
and it goes down. Keep
it before public and it
climbs up.
thing from n ; Hi.-liar- of bard bend
. . ore nun
Never tried it; Well, you
Tied it i in- know you
want th-ii trade. The
in I ; r .-ti I v. w i
ll-d with or If not, d-
it, and will ho
with the V ii ill .-i.
in you
Push your business
up by advertising
It- ti. probably
mi -s. a I later
on. u n II afire,
n loaded i-
me i. do and n i d
mi in and nude it
II. lo. and blankets,
. i . i I .- go
tn Into
hi ;
f it i next
hi . mil i I
. line again, I
. tin u in- -w.
h . . W bi ti id
Hue id ml I
r g
direct id l I a
. II
inc i would
I fast
for,, i
;, form In i
i i, to curtail
u . admitted
. form, were Just mid
out they entered
matter f boo
after and the
for their
. t .
. u ;
.-ate I-
ad i
tie nun retail and
If for
Par, Heed, Hr
and Ax
Pimp Syrup, Milk,
Magic Oil,
hum Heel and Our-
. en Nub,
Ware, Tin
in. i and Mum
in, Ho-I New
Si-wing and nu
t Hit;
S. M
I r.
No appetite, low of strength,
bad breath, debility,
and catarrh of the are
all due lo indigestion.
This new
the natural
they In a healthy
combined with the known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not y cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach by
cleansing, purifying, and
strengthening the mucous membranes
lining the
to Me vise
Mm, tilth Mil fee
f a. Co.,
.-111., be
M .
i in . r The
full ; w ; f It
When t Mt
but what did c inning
do e . I
w h. i ea I
Mi. Brat
l um putting II
. , no Mr I in e I I
el for a pillow I
I be v I
i; . . B I I I Ml d
bread from v of
my and .- i
I j
i. i. would go back over trail. xi,. i
and I to ,
fa not
bate been ball am U from camp when
I beard b m he j hon
my I
feet up
t fr
on a
and bad
; -I . intuits
;. In
in tin
Id upend no more
. to run
I. Wit bout
. be i I
d curtail
John pat of Star
N. knew alb
Tar from napper h.- In
dust, gem that
be on nil mat-
tars well He not only in
opinion that be
a In Ma and
ready to do mankind
better. Hie isle of
star That
be to
of one. ban it
was of fellow la
food on of a a day.
The tin- mine, according lo
with swore and cam
bled and and OB
did of Pine Hill;
Cowboys ho
to palm town red.
To.-Mar had
facts in Ina and
a day
look a of the so-
and mentally
ought I done,
it of African heathen, mi-
and Bibles would have flues,
the bin. Star and line Hill ware
Africa. Mr didn't
far tow w in. h was a mile from
or for lb
up from plains u.- miles away, hut
bf did toe
star one day a bright
came lo him. and In- rubbed
in glee. The remedy urge
man That's hat ailed thou-
lbs of woman's
An.- Ida Sunday s
to speak, woman who had
passed bar birthday without
married busy
a This to lift
up better general She
and departed
first bearing n to the
resident In be
was to glee
afford her opportunity for light-
words and with
It If doe him to report that.
n man. and R
he swore
a land wrote out e and core
l I Mini to
Ii Is also due him to add that,
a of ho tore up his
and as
quarters a
for the with a mission.
Bar the star created great
than if all the
machinery had fallen Into the
shaft and wages had been raised to
a day At her borne In tin-
her and f.-t
and eye, on of Wolf lull
she once a Pin
Hill wan on ground to give
Its opinion. whole town, Chines
and all, marched over,
banners flying, to ala
at and the com
a weal down among
the cowboys, and up by
and to awing
and a
Taken around, it was n
grand welcome, and seemed lo Mm
Wright an the was ready and
for bar work. On
the fourth morning night
shift came up not a man of the day
would go down They were
ting and tin hair,
CAUGHT IN A Hundley,
Richmond. Va.
The Greatest Stock of Fine
and Medium
in the
E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
,. during which
l and sell
; t wen
ii i I--
., the of the
. an -1 Ella
. rt i and
, He
f. ; ward lo I
pm that
i;. it In, it that
noted Ibis and act hut teeth.
log he informed bis
lo result of re-
a trifle pale, lie at-
her by that
the lit and that
their red shirts and blacking their
and in in put It to the
lady In camp, and
our eyes if show In r that we
are and know how tn
They called upon one
after other t Introduced, and
f promptly for
bar hand gently Mused,
stood to
break lucky neck Despite
the protests and of
the men persisted
inc holiday t It. and was no
room to that reform had begun.
The Pine it turned
borne In They
n- -1 d the fact were a bad
It r d be I lot and In ma of repairs, and if there
was any reform going they wanted
not large enough lo shelter me, but I
crowded satchel Into it and then
tat off in a wild flight that bitted for
it was when I tut down
tin foothills. had seen
of banker it required two
to back lO town and
day n party to hi
suit of and money.
wars men In party,
were two days la the
not where wagon was born
our camp found,
lay blankets, there hung the has-
and then was Mr rifle,
i in waking up mid ms be
had off and become
We found i
found I a i i i i
but . M
i around for cover. ,,.,, n start on
. m of and a principle that would surely tell I
It i e triad to
At I
New In Now was
purely outgrowth of an surly
of of early
lbs eon
of a practice which
bad long since passed beyond
the bounds which fathers limit-
ed It and been
fur great n
ought to peal In forming
of fOOd
in lbs days of Manhattan is
land Dutch erupt
Pear's day out as u mat-
Of duly visit of all
friends The good who re-
won arrayed in ti air sun-
day had of
hot upon the table
day Dutch
punch and I was
The i of
i tin Ir Ir
would know a punch
IT thus- it and that
but III smelling gin.
it good
era drank, in railing
the of lb. -i. .
to bow In- to establish a
very large by dealing honestly,
on which th- margin, though a
would l tery large
la amount was not
or will es
Cecil that,
of living ii baaed on the
profits they de-
fer w for
The r round, which
i continued to
pay fair prices for and fair
wage to employees, especially the
n mid in him-
the pro-
i t.
. i the
t ; It lib capital
I i if bad
I d fallen off.
news i i she an Id
V i long
no bare your
i, . lie a man and re
h bill in have
. -i i a bright fallow
and rebuilding
i i wars and lived
for i years la s cottage Now
are Mm hating car
out what
d, bass
by git big
said the a bur, a
to kill who
lbs while her father.
man. was at hi
mt, suppose you assist your
I y the
.- the girl grave
if be
to be In. It would be o ob
the of Pine Hill to play
fiddle to the Star At
early morning hour there was another
general i toward
nu this every man had Inn
gun and a determine lion to or
die A demand was made upon
for in en that might
spread Influence over the
backs and tips of lbs town on
the ties of bill Then fallowed a
two and
in a- in lie and
on either side was
lo die the and a re
number were duly
Tin- pine Mil ii- were length
en back. I heir of reform
rudely shattered and star folks
were binding up and sing-
pa of
earns swooping down They were sigh-
r sentiment and woman's
i lie over the miners and
goddess ind bore
Two hours later tiny
her aboard o on lbs s P,
road, and leader lifting his
m- have no ground for
a out lure, we've got
to let you go. but respectfully
and the other win lie re-
if we to lei
any galoots up the Star or
pine Hill get ad of it an
The police of fit. Petersburg had
made a descent a nihilist strong-
bold mill, baring taken every one found
to prison, left several policemen
to In any one who, uninformed of
the of the occupants, should
come to
the wife of one of
the principal then in the city,
walked Into the trap and was st
under asked
name, she gave an assumed on, but
refused lo residence, knowing
that the house was full of
and her husband
ready under suspicion. She lo
be person and to
that for com-
with theft or some such
that she was CC much afraid of her
husband and would bl greatly
at her brought home In
charge of lbs
The or chief police officer,
reassured her. saying that case nil
was he would tell her
that no blame was to be attached to
her. Upon to show
him to her home. Intending to take him
to the wrong place In order t delay
him. hoping that failure return
by o certain hour would serve as a
warning to her Fortunately
when the descended Into
a the building
was Intending, us had done,
visit the there.
her In of the lie red
a room knew
be would warn her and her
object was simply to delay reaching
her home long enough to enable
to rid the house of nil
away him-
led the police several miles,
then stopped at a house, telling the
pr i she there when
he on which floor she broke
down, lo weep and confessed
that she fear of her
hush The sternly
her taken o prison, whereupon
that if
be would spare her she would take him
to the place He ii give
one more trial, and she led the way
again to a point near where she kepi
been and more than . . , . . ,
t hours had and she felt
sure her husband had pone she took A trial will
the police lo r home was
consternation to ace her sitting
at h desk writing an calmly if not
such n
had beau waned had
taken away n
of disappearing, bow-
ever, he resolved lo stand his ground
and either Bare his wife or suffer with
lier. When she entered, looked up
n- though astonished.
order t give him his cue. fell
hysterics, lagging not to believe
guilty of Stay crime, whereupon he
regarded sternly and the
lice why she bud arrested. When
Informed of
i d to house. This
was done, and of course not a scrap of
only said to
Which, I jolt, neither
nor your wife will
but the it will my
duty i p a guard
Both and Ills wife knew
that their were
that their Siberia would
follow a of
They were left in the living
With one to them
while the to verify the
order to put the
off guard, they freely, the
wife telling bow
bad been and bow she
the turn the affair had the
husband promising her as
the ha would lake her
out and solace her with n good dinner.
Suddenly put her band to her I
heart, gave a shriek fell oil the
having bees warned j
by a from her that she was
make a
In his arms and between bis sobs and j
moans told the that she
dying, at the same time Imploring
to go up the lour snore end bring I and
a battle be would on the dressing
case. If he was In tune. life j
might saved The man. dreading
by Ida refusal be might the
direct cause of Is
stairs, nil the bottles standing
dressing COBS and rushed down
The room was .
ass exes
B. L.
a. fur
at m for
at tilt
all u for Wait rail
road, at
Old Cu. iron.
New Clyde
S. Co. from Baltimore. Mar
and Line from
J. K. .- u. .
M. I
lib, UH
u bi
u m
p in
p m
U in
K, Norfolk
p m
p tn
lit p m
p m
Ar I L a in
a m
a m
New York p m
D. W.
Line of
II pm
no a in
a y.
a m
a in
Sleeping and Dining Car.
on and lo Tampa and Jack-
II at. J.
T. M. T. u
is no in
Which measures adequately up to lb
full of chic Wood
ward In Detroit,
In m At-
City and avenue in m Paul
are all of
Hie set miniature parks.
On a larger orals near Bop
tun. j picture of
and lines. There Is
of Hie kind in
m Foe go.
Tour son, sir. a
Ugh i. am lo say.
T -I am glad to It. air. If
you will grind hi in Into I'll
hi . In keep hi for
get Wat. I
I that a r
la f ii i down
I that a
All the In
him trumpet
To ilia a.
They and in terror
laud the
Uh- of
Tl of fee
Rill m .
i not ilia i
air. i a bit a
j. i. t m.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factor And
up- Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Knowing be had
guard cast n quick
and espied an
had undoubtedly l
bean duped, the
glance I
open window .
for the
of flight, for it was closed
when be h and. being on the ground
floor, would afford an easy means
out Into narrow
yard, for i be deliberated
whether fugitives would go Into
the street or back lulu an
It for grunted that would nut-
go where their boats would not .
be darted to the rear. The i
fugitives were not and ran
back and forth, looking for egret
through which they might have j
Coming a gate, be opened It and
rushed through a to a
a block from the be bod .
left. The street was crowded, but be
nothing of those lie sought
when went
for n order lo mislead
i ii lo the window and It
up. Then and his wife rushed for
the front door, and It behind
them Just In time went out upon the ;
as If they were
going for a walk. They did not atop
they bad
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Blackjack, N. V.
line i f hand. low
i bought for cash or in
American and Italian Marble
Wire Fence bold,
Work reasonable
i ii pea eat
Norfolk, Va.
nod Brokers in
Wire to New York.
and New
Whichard, N. C.
in every
a much variety. Beat i. ,. , low a the
for produce.
day, morning and evening.
J. N. Booth,
M. A. Allen
I every Him
i lay, morning and evening.
meeting evening. Kev
, H. M. Bare,
a. in. L. H. Pander,
i Bun
day a. m. B. B.
W. K.
Minister. Morning and evening
prayer over;
and 3rd Sunday. Lay
very 2nd and 4th Sunday.
a. W.
Brown, superintendent. Litany
every a. m.
and fourth Sunday In month
Prayer meeting
W. Davit,
day P. M., W. Par
A. P. A.
lg.-. No. Brat and
third R.
W. M., J. See.
K. Lodge, No.
W. H. M. Hook-
B. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
W. N. Q.,
D. Overton. Sec.
K. A Zeb Vance Council, No.
W. B. Wilton, J.
S. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. t, meet and
In Odd
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. B. .-.
I. O.
No. MO, every and
High Odd
Hall. W. B.
D. B. See.
ate Or. .,.
wary, I, Bar.
old holiday
Ivy and hay. hut
th. MOO and d.
whirl, it I.
that w. uh i.
all I. th. .-., berried
II, and it I. thought lo ti.
with the of
ballad, of fame. On
our aid. of th. lite
belly, lie. I. from
where It grow. . . to North
and Carolina. II lift, a
of dark,
leave. berry cluster,
along . trunk or and
to the height of or eight
Delaware and Maryland usually
with lion
of holly to holiday market
tot their brand, a.
after to northern n.
finely . lb.
la th. region
ii H I i
Clerk Superior Court, D. C.
O. W.
of R.
J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, C.
Surveyor, J.
i III I J. W.
W. R. Home, J. R. J.
W. Page and
Ural Monday.
Mayor, H. W,
Treasurer, H. L.
Clerk, J.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and I. Dudley.
Aldermen, II L. O.
Arthur, Cobb, B P. Pat-
rick, E B. R. L. Carr,
W. R. Parker B. F.
Hoard every
No la aver
completed. learn-
ed every day long you lira.
you Write
a to every
member of the beat
in County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice a
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
Ni I
Printer. , School
Boob. , Supplies, Etc.
K t L
lo keep you warm
you of travel.
The mail's tn e d i u in
The short
The conservative man's
The mail's
Tin- good c and day Ulsters.
All sorts of good lo match
price; hut you can't match oar
the same it.
The King Clothier.
to Mr.
Today Board of
Mi. J. I
Mr W. K. Ml
and entered upon
C of office. He will
Ike board.
The Monthly Reports of .
County Officers
Sheriff Ordered lo Procure
Prisoner-Proof Locks for
County Jail.
news a
Mr. Law
H old North Car
. has
T. native
I'm He is the
Mis i. L in d
Mi-. K i I
l I
Third Day's Business of
Senate and House in
j i
Tl,. . i n i I ii
. lo i i J A
. I i V .
;. S. . H I
A. We No ii. ill be
in I i wile
t IN i i
Tin- a
one .
lull area h
i-. A I .
Nineteen Hundred
and Three
Tin- Year find a Drag
still la lead. an- going lo
for a larger and
year, this Is tin-
shall veil u day in
war. WU have tin- of drills In
and list
tin- rungs of goods usual in a
first store. u-. you.
Bryan Nichols,
The Popular Druggists.
is good for your health.
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
met on all
tin- Com
who at
In- in
pen Home 9105.74;
elect HUH jail
SO; coal
Hester W;
Treasurer and
of Health their
Lemuel grained
in A
Nun I- and Io
J. S. and
to per Miles
added at per
Wan added
, Julia U.
J. K A
property p lax
The sheriff ordered i
cure locks fur jail.
l; ii Alien,
Cain James
hem and J, S.
were pull lax,
In en-en
I. J.
; In-
I. was appointed
in keeper at
J A. huh elected
the rations
county office fur the 1903
Van examined and found correct.
March term
court Here n.
Ant Saloon
The And League met
Sunday night in tn-
M. N Booth. The
upon the hill in
II. A. bill
aim of
All urged In
and get to
a ill h circulated soon
in- Io the hill.
The next meeting
Hill in held in the
church the
in Carolina
furniture from of
all that
area Mary being e
We learn Hint Mr.
had limit in
amount will not Bear cover
Senator of
Put a Check Sale of
-I v
for Ponds.
John H Small
In folios lug bill
l general
A bill lo
opium, rugs. hill
the Bale a
ct and
ii lull. .,
Seer Ha . . Hi
II . ii
h. of
. ill it
; Inn
nu m d in Tut con i
.- V i i
lb b
Hi lo
of this who
in a supply A
r. take
be attained to draft .
proper bill.
our rivet and Mr. Small three live
will upon to
banal any
A bill in in-
bills tn
League. session 1901 and
A a held ill- Mi
the of an I
. Ill
let Vice President, I. II. IV,
d Mis. ti
S- Mi.
Miss White.
will Baal
in church.
E nu
i k a. lo as many
l p. i
. . i. in real, a page lie
Ho- A
a-a. offered by Senator
in make
IT v
page Io i-.
It Sim
lute sale and
A bill lo regulate matters
i- Peace
H Hoey,
f up
i ii in. ii I ii j. i
ml i of the
, , ii ii i
ex lending nine of court
win ii during
th ad.
I v H .;. a lo
i i count m-
I mi.
. law r
i i i
held in I. ;
r mix
B .
An SI I iv to
.-,, . . I .,
. i . . in.
i ion i
I II ll.
i; i
in n . i.;
Va allow
ad ii in tin
II, t.
elating i schools.
January Clean-Up Sale.
. give lilt
s j r
ii- of oh you
will I . of odd China
i you have this AT POST, a. we
i lid pi.---.-.
. hi lot I ill find
I bin i- bin Mb will con-
k tO the
dis-s. I tn nun eta pat
-in will be sold
-i- par Apples,
i . . t. win
i tn g some of
a lot of AH added
nu. . K . lite and
la complete ill line. Nu mailer bow bard
a if want good
n a large of
. i ml . lo pleas the
IV. . I . i H
l. Hall Side-
rt . . ii I .-is.
ed bat Is an the of little- ex-
a- of older folks. Wintry
wind skin.
Tar Soap
ii -i in. -kit of all impurities,
he and u
i K-saps, from
i i-bi II let I that is
w and the very
. a prosperous
i we please,
i. In ill
. , i
Mr. J. J
the id Mr
J. which
o'clock morning
Mr. Tl yen- old, and
one of the leading me i.
Mr. was u gallant
federate and
X near
Home ago be -topped
and hi-
to term, lie
as a and
a farmer and accumulated
property. He a good
t t in high
A wile and live survive
and of his Dr. J.
living in
an a
bond lo an opposing In a
mil exceeding unless
is proved and
i- u i ii- in
IN ace given a d i-i- n .
I'll ruin n lo
t I h i ks, hi d
mi doing i fees
make their law
clerks. be
Mr. r. c. Hare,
poultry div.
lo , ,
-1. i
ii . i i
Hi III v. Uh
-i . I M
I i
Greenville's Great Department Store.
i . j,
Tom I n
I and
I H. concealed
weapon, lined
term of Pill and coat,
conn i t a. w.
U. . plead Fail and
ii. , I. MM.
i-y re
. .-. lulled i
I'll ill II .
. -I
. id. i .
. in o II lilt, .
-i in
ll ii ii
II .
.- -11 . mill
I Ir
when I. w, i
pi . i Ml . eats i .
era pleased
iii lie ii Mun mill i while
I . ii .- fair, id inn
each there- nines
. . II lit
i- Mil. i Ii i. i
p i i ran
it ions, and
These houses will
ad a ill
Mr. J. K dud.
died bis home
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is ,, ,,,
decidedly the best thing the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
Cotton Buyer,
or of your
an prepare,
to market or five
In and will keep on
a lull
and Um trade.
J. II.
He was
an farmer
mil i He wan a
hold a hi-, on
this month.
The old war lo the
It on among New York re-
William II
horn, A Brant, I. Little, K
Hue, JO Move,
l; H M II A
Manning, H M
W Lewis II
H n
Galloway, u n T A
Nichols, Barker,
Two have
Bald In lie
from bubonic The
MO and nil
i are lo put
in sanitary
The roll-lop desk covers a
in b- of
r to r- i 11.1
i .
i i it
i ii
t I . which pro-
I,, he i-i i, u uh
Hue . . ii
provide. H Then n
In- way will las an
the removed be m
I January and poultry Heal
lb of Mm-h. --n
s, Bellamy, of Hums procured
amend Bastion
Code, which i-
is ii
The -i mil i n III.
ti in, i. um ii .-
i, . , W v
. I I ,. in. Mil i
W H. U i ii W
I. I Klaus H II
,,. i ,
rt, in, -a k ml J i limn .
SI ,
Moore, . , I. -I II
i ,
. .,., excel
. . i , i . . in
l , , , , i lute
. . . ,, i ii- lie
. . mini y lie
. . ll- air
,,,, l -a r
I l. U
. i
ii i,
coals, el rust.
ii Q, Ward,
I d carry I
guilty, lined
Jesse with
deadly plead
Potter, blander, guilty,
have in en
lass of
from a deceased wife,
this widow gets all
of a
then- DO children, but
only a child's if there are
children. The of a de
married woman to her
who have previous
Hy id
bill to
county. This town is at a
the World.
A man Men I all
Raleigh inform
legislature he
U Which he had
ed. It have the mil
lie was
I Treasurer J,
who has been kepi at home b
A lick for seven I
In- a -hurt while and
his it to Hoard
We all hon to see
point main line bun back at his plant
Beaufort Coin
l In- promote Hie
i the undivided at-
these ,.
have nu lime for such
the hills design to
regulate trusts that are dally
the i in i Is
i t.
. . plead
i Upon costs. I
Prank with j
weapon, pleads j
lined and you are not
Mills, with dead who young
Joseph Battle, with dead- to get In
i weapon, nut what
and mail man money and him
Bat tie, carry concealed Star,
weapon, pleads guilty,
nu pay costs.
and Tyson,
plead guilty, Calvin
lined and Tyson
and costs.
weapon, and costs.
and Dawson,
assault plead
How to support a wile a
salary that won't support la
a question that Is agitating the
mull- men la
Greenville just now. And the echo
Nothing but learning will
a bow Ignorant he la.
i in .,

Eastern reflector, 13 January 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 13, 1903
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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