Eastern reflector, 6 January 1903

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

, j
M ,
B, i . U.
-I b-an to suffer
I hard if bf
Mot than
M g ID I . i
om. told Mir i
CUr DIM. I ft -U I It --1
I took n
ow m wall I war Id bow
I Snow
a T.
M M If I.
It Om Mm M
MI .
C . .
-About two I
a sen re- of
was to bad for
the I fit
relief- t apt. Barker, a I M
At Lid of
and nm Die two
I to it
and ma I and On
. AM. r ; ,
toe I st-l morale well Mid
I Know of a Dumber of
1-. cured by
our In toll tow n
by Will be M receipt i
Co., Baltimore. 1.5. A.
Ii .
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
; New Years h Russia
. i . V w
. . i a i I -1
. I
. . .
. ;, .
T i
I .- f
, . , t . .
a to re
p. .
, i am
a nun
i ton tin
f i . . m l
in bit i. i H
U k
I L-tit I
p-----.-- W-w
i I .-. i
f I M I I
In k m
,. p
f.-. v I
. Kl
K k n. . n, r
IV of am other
fun's Pills
Loan Value.
J. Value,
Will ha month
re living. r pi
of at of uh
Ho B.
ii i
year. for year be
make policy
J. L.
-Ii ;., j . Si w
re- I
; i v.-
. n l
kl I I. . mu .
a .
I II-f w i -II.
Greenville, N .
The New r .
. ,. v
a Three Times
the Value of
a Any Other.
One Third
am led ti
Mfg Co.
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Goes up or
you give your
Keep it to
and it goes down
it public and it
climbs up.
Never tried it Well, yon
tried ii and lei the people know you
their trade. The advertising
. u M ,
To N-w . In
Ar. V- the
At .
a- t OM Year watched him with uM
Aw h t. II.
w at .
and will
Are u satin
ii i-ii e Ii not, ad
i- ii, and yon will he
Von will find
in what yon yon
talk On in
Push your business
up by advertising
In I ; g .
; , h Jr. I
The Nan to
And warmed Ii old y. u . h
; i in hi ; . it
New I here
Her New
, A r in
duty on a to
in he
awakened wife b
bed in
sin n i,. I
I to i i oat for
wife, knowing bat
Hie of
wardrobe, and
i i Mm
in bar la
v Kl i i . to in nor Job
nit is in of work
out. We have the best
do n class of in
If yon are particular as to the- quality of
want your work. you the beat.
i Jar.
at i think, my
low kl
Hat the
, i. i
ran m t agree
y., . ,
MM i ,. i
n r-re
a Hi a
box bidden
that of
i . i i hi . M
-i en
but be n--t look
a, Manna be Mid.
w . t la I have a
lo eat I bi ad
j we'd beat
arena up and
-I d Ida all la Mar-
. before ran
gated a I
In bar i bar t
a . n a Brother Jan
bad i j gone and
. n
vi I III
ii. r w i
. and be
bog o
sally and me Heed to-
,. ti-r
We our
the aide
. a n like
a doll I be
one in
II tell
, f ad b
, . .
l,. .
m. r-
ah bead
I in w
i. a d that rag
ran a I
any kl
I . . . .
; i .
her bate kill lung
me If anything bad
to her she
ii up everything on her
t . ;. . ft m down and
nu Hut aha now.
J than
at tin urea t i barn beyond the
v In be
t an
I . i-e d the
of tin In n tin re
day i- met
in road the
and me, bear you're to
nun, My
he, a of
day mid wife my
Then I and
i in news to Two
lull I'd a little
iii bad ma In the
of u more than of
bad Rally didn't know
of it. d kept It fr-mi her
had n Ida enough load
BU ma tr bad
. in y teat
. . light the
we've lo new
we'll never get it nil o
ahead and do
l-1 iii. riled and I
. don't you
and do And be drew herself up.
like did when l in
way, and her
and her Up Ann
ii. u
And did Thai
n lo
and and area and
barn built. she
On of the gnarled, knotty
rest don n
The woman wild
but in ; , war
with an
way with
we done, There
ain't no In it now. I
wont I-- here Ions, I've to
hump la ml
On sin had it all than
I and I the
Lard through the
I I'm I'm
I h m and Thar-
inf. iii id.- mat I
for fear I'd out
and spoil it mat
let In alien my
nu ma to
from It-It Ii
hot reputation an the
ruler of room wan built
h nth
And riled
aha to in- when her
;. urn i was In you'd
railed don't know
you'll do without nu- Rut it won't
for long, and I II he tn
take tare of you
then, be
an ran care of my-
And up you
pared at what as hi, can't,
And sunk luck, the
II forward
l an Kl mi iii- leather
yen n family,
My third In law moves
c; by C B Lew-is
my borne at
a out a
for a remedy The deaf
opened J
looked out
s if an
I SB a J.-ad
You never
and area if you I
your net tea out r a
you use a of kind t- bring
If you've c-x Buy real
on your bear
and died alt-
clerk me t alt sad
I'll ll yea shoal
at a reared
up a bate don. and bought ear
scat Ho t. as to
I bad
over to him n
the cork and swallowed the contents,
fie ever and be
nursed and cursed sad fought off
When I wanted to Bate ran
for and when lie
lay sad on the leer.
How h.- lid
took away to turned me.
lie me for having given him
the put won. be ore he'd bate re-
you re I
You t he was
. bat bow rared k
m my rare ever
Have you laid or
-Well I i any a i o one.
i . b
I at ha
i I you wait i de .-1
pull your bell, very old
man. tot i and
i up
Ii. . . .,. ii , the
tin but before I
i. .-.-. . i be
.- I . i
I o mi t over
i. i laugh
out of u . I found
. -i and even h; I
la with It
.; u
bed and
remained for hour and then
h had hut It
never talked of after the
first algal. that t a
In had very little
. walked the .
a word while I n a
or up n my
Latin It was a a
and h
a time however, h lo lie
a and l determined to draw out
of it m move . fifteen
I found the dark ale
with fear that I would not put
appearance at ail made
about work at and aft
four or
In day,
I found man that In- would
not lo fill a
did nut mat be
to me, did. Yes. he
and the bell
and had I it would have
I touched at and I think be felt
a Ml braver when I went away I bad
to five I
would be on band night,
and I to keep It. I
about to lease lbs I
by th.- of the
bub who n to me. and it
was half past I the
I rang in
as been
no I
and again, but with no bettor
I happened that
More door was ajar, I
it and railed one
i for a match and a
light and In and up a
k-as burner At my feet, lying the
on a iii In drawn
up. hi t and In eye
my l r n Shoal
th to If lurking
run out fur a p
raid so be bent the
man on BOOT.
may be in I I replied
no been down
here and In death. Look
i bis throat
one the and
up and then He wasn't
bit, rt by
I throat and nut of
, him He.- horror on bis
terror In his Why.
you'd In- looking Into the fart
and feel Inn f n dead
was the of
Jury, and I kept Of what
use for to say that the assassin
was suicide who had sworn re
that he bad Si
lent and deserted
footsteps and IBO given
my own signal. and us lb.-
door opened he Hung himself
pan his and In Id his
until life went out would have
and ridiculed and me.
of the cat In Liberia are
a red Hut. and an tery
con us in moonlight.
The of a young seal
ed or lo lie attached
that of a In
flow its
The herring most
all marine to
alive for A la
the most nil to preserve alive.
Cranes, and wild geese
fast enough lo make the trip from
northern to a week,
but of them rest of the
A is dainty as well
and the of for
food. He has to
out tongues, be
A more a
-unit Is
than m Inch. hairs
are said to be of much
use at in It know what
la gnu
A Golden Rule
Be good to land and your crop
will be good. Plenty of
spells quality
vest Write u and
c lead
tree, by mail,
our w inning
Richmond, Va.
The Q Stock of Fine
and Medium
in the South.
Yet Baaed M e
I o That Owe
I mi.- la
Do we dread death on the same
principle that half asset of sheaf
leap a mum hole in a
because the ether half has done soT
For unless the fear be
sud hereditary it la bard to
for It.
Death a Ch a 100-
from one form of Ufa
it come In the
or accident or it Is sH
painful, never so painful
as a of It brings
us from a of and
boot to one of
and often it i
from physical and moral.
or. if ii. to
state is from
Inertia of matter and the tyranny of
therefore will area
and a man's surroundings as to
both thing i
ore moat to
The evil Bill be
from of the good, and
the l not he and haul
pared by the of the
whole chapter of which
here large there
Time, which now makes us
long arrival f an
hour and now dread its too
coming, win an more But
measure by its Intensity and by a
In other wares,
be the Of our own tunes and
I tenth lakes from a of
one of soul la
of will and bought, as we
daily It is only the
of that
our desires
realization of our A gum.
death la inevitable lo all and to any
one who Is at any at-
Hy what logic can our fear
of It be defended I
Yet we fear It an and s
that our social fabric Is
built u-u that fear. Our law
the penalty, our
funerals are of mourning.
and the profession, one of the
most Its ex-
in death.
eagerly all nostrums that
promise us continuance of life. We
ascribe merit to the
who his life for bis country or to
the Individual who it for
era. We laud the stoicism which
to death,
the virtue of that upon the
terror the our
money in attempting prolong
miserable condition the p-m- and
We to bear f vast
natural calamity like Marti-
or of
are dally by railways and
other of And
all the while It is tin-
if ow does, though
are soon comforted I lino or the
companies The dead
the who bus entered upon the new
and spiritual life, whom we
pity, is free, and are
It is true, are said to in-
with But few
suicides mu-
are dread of life
overcoming dread death It may
doubted If he ever SCI of a
man at once perfectly brave and
sine The value of life
and it la a real the
and ll give-, It
la our honest and duty to
prove lo the utmost and lo lie last
Life may Interesting
It may be disappointing and irksome.
It is very if ever uniformly and
positively Pear, on
is one of mid basest
f evil., and fear of death the moat
Irrational. It must have originated In
It ought lo vanish before our modern
and and with
is Will
that hut be revolution-
and Hawthorns
719-711-713 E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
K. L Myers eave
in tut
New York
i w . w h rail-
order freight lay
Old r.
New York; Clyde Line
Bay Line
S. Ob, Baltimore. Mer
and Line
I. J Aft.,
J. E.
N. r
Daily r j ;.
Ar I.
ion p 1st
P I Ar I.
t a m .
a ml
and Tie
on basil
New York
kepi an
Mince and Ar
A trial ill you.
D. W.
p m
a m
a m
P i
-a OF
Hill mm.
Whichard. N. C.
The complete in
and low
sweat. market price,
j. w. t co.
Norfolk, Va.
XI tie t no case of a man
1.1 . a with a pips
re m raw
Nobody on overture very well,
bi J
u lay them It la
a way I of
said the grumpy person when
he reached home after a drenching.
are a flue thing when coma
decently and In good
placed Ms umbrella where It would
drip parlor I want
to go record right
his soggy new bat saturated coat
declaring I am to
rains begin on the day yes-
and keep at bis
eight dollar trousers, resembled
wouldn't be so ha
as be took bis shoes off
let water run out, it rained
down, but when It
tag and up and crosswise and
time to protest- A
day like this no right to be on the
on he got to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Jack, x.
line f go-sis on band. Trices bye
or in
gramme for
hi Al IN
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Panes held.
prices reasonable
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyer, Broker,
Stocks, Grain and
on,. Private Wire, to New York,
New Orleans.
I on n
S don't you to
every time at
I row I'll never lo It
Dr. D James,
W V. S i
In. report
You Write
a leSter lower
in when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice a Week.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
. PK k. .
Commercial Printers i School
Books, . Office Supplies, Etc.
v m
Ma ;
. a at
Vi a
bus. Vt and Tampa and Jack-
II. W. J.
Asst. Traffic Mgr.
T. T. M.
Wilmington, N. C.
day, and I'm,
Bar. J. N. Sunday
a. M. A.
every Bun
lay, and evening.
Wednesday evening. Be.
H. M. Eure,
m, H- Pender,
tendon t
K. B.
E. Om,
Minister. Horning and
prayer with every lat
and 3rd Bo Lay
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m., W. B.
Brown, Litany
every a. m.
fourth Sunday In each
Player night.
I. W. Bun-
day P. M., W. B. Par
I regular service
A. F. S A.
No. meets
third evening. B.
Hum. W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. Lodge, So,
every evening,
W. H. M. Hook-
K. of B. and
O. Lodge,
I No. every Tuesday
W-8. N. G.,
Ii. Ii. Overton,
B. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
meet, every even-
lug. W. ll Wilton, Secretary, J.
B. Regent.
A. O.
every lint and third
Thursday night Fellow,
Hall. i. Gardner, Worthy
I., if D. B. Smith
I. O.
i No. meets second and
fourth in Odd Pal-
lows Ball. W. B.
Smith Sec.
Clerk Superior Court, D. C.
Hi mi e.
I Sheriff, O. W.
I of Deeds, B. William,.
J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, C. Oil. Laughing.
Surveyor, J. D.
J. J. Elks, W.
W. R. Home, J. It. J.
W. Page and J. Spier.
Boar-l meats every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
H. L.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
; Tax Collector,
i Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. Spain, L. C.
v Cobb, B F. Pat-
rick, K II. B. L.
i W. B. F.
I Board every first Thursday
i High tirade JOB
, dona ajar. a your order
A Happy
May cumin,; year have naught in lure
for you but health This
is grateful for the generous
it enjoyed, we trust we have earned
your by deserving it.
gave us many new and cemented many
ties bind us to old ones. Begin now to write
Don't forget your dates. Don't forget another
thing-------it's this, don't forget to look us during tin-
New Year for everything that's new. reliable and
in Clothing. Shoes and Furnishing goods-
look lo n at even point. We'll dis
appoint you. Wishing you a happy new year.
Coil Tar.
t e at it of the most
North Mate News.
The King Clothier.
The body of B
I was
near ob
j w. s. i
today, will
law n
The body a dead has
found a cellar Deal
that the
to death.
lo mi
Upon Which They Proposed to Stand
j Ami
a meeting in I lit
.- tin
Hy la
coal-tar ODD-
palette of
a of remedies
fog human Dig, a of rare
a of new foods
and delicate an of
deadly known
ti warfare and a whole
of compounds so
numerous so
lea of I hem
seem well
With of a hundred years
in the
the coal
in-iii the into some
of dyes,
medical I'm
example, from the one hundred
and pound- of coal tar
Best Method to Increase the Av-
During Present Term.
read b Mi
Meeting before I'm
has I won
than thin i i- how lo t
and keep one or ,
usually trouble getting a
be a
easily .- ;
long would she stay N
than a week.
The Brat essential we can I and
can keep; now hue we gel the
Mu-i e -it and wan like
M to
Mo, we mu-i go after the ma
lo begin work,
let ii- know parents. To know
them we Bias meet them face lo
face, talk with them, vi-n their
. BI
led from and not as atom
makes dye- numbering
distinct shade-;
them, moreover, cheaply
dyes are rarely employed,
are the
thin i- caused
i pin
bis child
Mr. Wilson
tin evening Mr.
. c unite a . i,
to hi-
friends of Greenville, which lbs
couples participated;
l With Mi-
ll not .,. pi with
.- Howard
i ii Mi--. Mary
in I;, mi j . Ufa
vet fully revealed,
workers from
differ of
churches. A of com
told a Post reporter that
the work of pushing
to the whiskey traffic was
in many places and
I ground all along Hue.
adopted a
platform which will
in the
to In this The
null saloon men will contend
the of laws baaed
and looking t following
of sale and
ma ii ti tire of Intoxicating
outside f Incorporated
in low u
than n by latest
in towns
of or leas.
option ii
iii incorporated towns counties
at any time of year upon
notice upon petition one-third
if than mice
in two years
or saloon,
saloon or prohibition,
Dr to put a- the
may request.
Fourth Prohibition of
tat Ion of liquor by any means into
prohibition territory.
Fifth-After July 1-t.
applicants for to
or sell, shall
with his application a petition
In addition to the best stoves in the world we hi- behalf by n majority of
carry everything you may expect to in a hard- the of bis
ware store,
it U
i- an b vain- know
which was panic, In
t urn
l loin i-
Ii teacher's Miss Lottie
Lei r,,. i;. , Miss
. i,. Waller Wilson, Jr., with
child Mi Nellie
and their people
home i of
Greenville N. C.
are then the hand- of
boys girls. Arouse them
so i hex must see the necessity of
keeping children in school.
hen when you have the on rick
with I In
carried out, especially in
win re Mi Pal
by Ur. Ben
Dear are
ore. Von h
you sell both. sort look
better it i. the other i
better than it look-. The
any oilier sort.
The Minn . two -oil- paint,
mote; we make
make -lull that III
Belongs lo
to, to
have to.
Hilt i- aside. We into
tans, with our name on, lite very
beat paint there ii the
Lead and It take
fewer than mixed paints,
and ii weals twice ts as
C t. Brown Bro.,
experienced painter to paint hi
Lead and
The oil
was MOt U the I
that there was not he was
so sure of opened ail
except om- kit.
the job was done he
live gallon kn about as
in open
who have been using mixed
paints have bad the same
lee with and Zinc.
F. t
P. 8.11. L. Can paint
side work i- than i i i
we know A i. lie
ten. know them in then the evening was a
in homes, then log contest sixteen of the moat
and humor them the novel and nine of
w lo ;,.;., t ,.,;, he
. them, lei t
them k n . be lei I hi
yea and i e
nay, Try to show them hall pa-i
all do m nay, over and
a p man so found that Mr.
jolt. I hem to . war. the winner, act
help bring others out the live
them to go with you to Hob
their will lied Alter
yours, those cutting, Mr. Moore was
and will bring laing a
many. bottle and Mr.
t i tie it with a very
and lust. book.
January Clean-Up Sale.
of January to gift
an to their
ware. in center of our you
--------f China and
la l.-i j hare AT we
ii odd goods
be sold at o
your pocket In lot you ill find
lot i- limited, but con-
t in as We are going to do the
with our Fruit-, Can-
i. tr. nixed note pat pound,
h to will be fold
v I in ts per pound. Apples,
Thia salt- will commence
Jan. lime to gather in of
bas been a lot of new goods added
to our Grocery Stock the holiday trade, and it
la now complete in this line. Ho matter how
you are to we can suit you if you want good
who We carry a large of top grade
to please the most genteel, .-.-1 i, i
have Pall Suits odd Bedsteads,
I. Hall Racks, Side-
boards. While Enameled Ir-
; hands the of little
of older folks. Wintry
wind raise with tender skin.
Tar Soap
the akin of all
and and keeps II suit
to the i,
in all Is well and the very
thing you need. hap-
Greenville's Great Department Store.
It I- a difficult task have till-
lei ., tail let us do our work
and weekly, leaving
I gel the children and
when ha c in make
so i and agreeable
them will within. When
there is a vacant seal know ii
the in
the dining room each gen-
was a with the
young be was to
lake supper, and it was
widening young men
the card-. m l
i- If a tulle,
and u
and bring them
is sick,
i. a ii it v-Mi to help
in- a ill ;,.
I lance i Ho 1.1 we have lo
it .
Us the obi maxim,
Through tin- I wish t
thank all my
Packing for Steam and Water my country
the very liberal p given
decidedly the best thing of the Kind m
have ever handled. Call and examine it. it lo ma
year- in the
It my purpose lo
yon Spring with the
largest, prettiest and
took of Hals, dowers,
railing, hat-,
bonnets Will also have
the newest styles iii lathes and
child die ever
shown in market. You
know I have always dealt fairly
and given you lbs
I this a gun ran
lee you will
me with trade, which I
yon will lie appreciated,
thanking you, one and all,
you a and
blight year, I am,
I I.
Nineteen Hundred
and Three
The N-w Year And- Popular Drag
Store still In lead. We going lo make
a hid for a still larger and popular
your, this u the opening chapter of
story we shall tell you day In
rear, have the largest In
lbs entire range Of a
first drug store. Let us
Bryan Nichols,
The Popular Druggists.
is good for your health.
I .
persons from its
registers, This was morn
than eyer before appointed
a single ear, wishing
Information about these
secure it free by writing
the t n ii Service n
College, Washing. l. I. The
lo secure men
for places during not r sixty pupils eight or lei
Apt i i
in received tin sing; I.
s K.
Miss w and Mr-
Law i n
Ml I
. , U I H
J . i a-l-
. I . ,
the . w M Is .
ignorance is lo be i i pa
him. Let i be in i i a
a like the Movable t ,;,. ilia
let ii with n-, lei teacher, -i kt
d i go ha i
hand light K
l. ham cm ma all .
in . ; . all, i . I I'M Pi
lo a Hist Mop i ;
no i.-i half of
i of Heed R. William-, i-
the following
r. and
Jessie Haddock and
r, Delia
i Pierce i Dora
o. and Ida
i ,. .
i to- Ural
have ii
lo , a
hi be lo
no will
i l In can in com
date, ii it t mi have
Mill Days.
A K K F I L to details in our Job
is shown the high class of work
This is It give grind
log will my mill
Tuesday and Friday week
Pi having
In. .
the Hank
make- B stand I II
close of on
While the hank baa made
ii umber
the pa-i. this the heal in it- his
It -hows it In
creasing th
f m e lie people hive in r
I lien i-
better managed
lion than the of
. . ,.
in l
an we go out
n to stand
., ii t i in work begin the lie
j lei can
i lave
lei the looms u- made
Let u sail for compulsory
laws hut the laming
now. n tin- and ill
hat e a la i
am a la
ii i.
i . i- i i d
ell ibis
i old t ran
. , i. ; he I
i I the
pi i, .,; I i
ll 1.1 d hen i i .
I;, i-j ml w bite-
ill It. W
. K.
III Mil It.
,. .-
A huh-
I had I
we .
. are n In It
turning We hare best equipped office ,,, , will
do a class of printing hardly in Motion, j ant la- run mi other
you are n as lo quality of
printing, we want your work. We give you beat.
Ii ll. Tn Tell I
lieu a ma, has ii, ,
a lo
inform others of there
of a
on i
. ii- ii.-
like from
II yon send Rome
Hi.- year.
Iii i M.
Pierce and
II. Harden and
ii able. ward.
j ,
and Hell
Unwell mill Emma Barn
entailed peal labor bill.
i-i tired ll, There nod Ida
hi I mm
Ml ,
,,, M n I a
, me I have
; I i- , iii I
Mi- i
. and
Daniel Hone and Hettie Chap-
Maine How-
and Nettie
Rod mood.
I Carney and
I berry.
Briley and Hattie Daniel.
Keller Blown and Sarah Tucker.
The total fur the
Saloon Plan.
The plan action outlined by
Executive of
the i
in would
commend itself to
the favorable of all
people in
allow, liar
room, majority of the
people want them.
the and
prohibition In localities where
of the people to
Another it changes,
folk,. the laws
ram in n top and
are on
bottom, He can now unless
lie i- lo if the plan
he may then but he
will have to fame hi, way in doing
Turn about L fair play, and
, via, the ought not
No fair man ought to
be Milling In anything against
mil inter-
-n, ll
ll. Ill ill I,
i i ill.
no N. C,
i ere he ha. . aim if a
Com Deal
closed bis big
eon deal at
a heavy He made
all deal, cent,,
wan two over the corn
at Chicago.
lie that
and Clyde Per bushel, of
j tract com were involved In
and Annie Little.
foreman and Ophelia
Ada i
I--, lie.
i roe, a
Bell and Page.
Hi, h Chapman and
, wards.
deal, and that bi average
wan nix cents In the bushel. This
Bail Ed- make, ahead on the deal

Ike N.
worship. We do not
, ,.,. hi,,
N c count the broken seared
over which the conquerer
rode to ma tawdry fame. We
the bottom
Having toiled to make out a caw
the the
ourselves at
in took a
H hi a
C M mail matter.
the path of glory, and our eyes arc
raised from the wreckage of
mail lives and hopes which strew
from to seven days
week, BO Sunday.
The seeker after
Rev. Russell H. pastor is heralded and proclaimed abroad,
of a prominent Baptist church but the hearts he broke, and the
Philadelphia, ha recently given, burning tears his ruthless r-e for
hi view, as to the of the power have cost-we reckon these
decrease in the number of mar- not at all. We cannot look
the industrial classes his heart and see the remorse that
in the above city. is there; the sound of public praise
The secret the decrease of suppresses the sighs that would
marriage Dr. their way without the will
and sorrowing,., are but
throughout the city the business the epitaphs of a betrayed
college, are turning out thousands a fallen honor,
of trained for the
playing of an active part in the and a wasted because
commercial world. Was and MM
woman of today. .
little or no m was purchase at the expense
come, is no longer upon and conscience
some she
lie to win.
There was a time when n girl of Governor Aycock made a
the classes was the wholesale
pardon of b
and she would give herself to when be
the first eligible who chanced ,,,
to come her .
she is well equipped It is noticeable in
a practical business education one of these pardon
that ,. was granted on road.,
to force her matrimony, that the prisoner must leave the
It is easy to see that the learned in he was tried
doctor is in sympathy with the prison. There you have a
Northern sentiment that women ma pardoned whom the people
should enter the business world on lo bad
equal footing with men. But be u be permitted to remain among
has shown only the bright side of them, yet is thought good enough
the picture it doubtful if to be turned loose on some other
the side has ever occurred to The next Legislature
him. would do wisely in taking the sole
with Council's pardoning power out of the
church is a large college where and creating a
men and women are taught board of pardons,
the principles of business practice. a employee who laughs
Hundreds graduate from this col- a, ,, fool jokes,
every year, and if we could .
follow the lives a great many of j, one official In
them, especially the it ho deserves a for
doubtful if the existing quiet when he nothing
would so satisfactory. i to say. He is Assistant
In this which, its f the and fail
i a great institution, young u, of Ins pie
women are taught to do the same to submit a report. give-
which their fathers and M that he had
brothers do, and course , to say. doc-
is their task is to Government
employment. Hardships writing reports lien are not
heartbreak, are the result. Oh Solomon and thy
and when they dually accept a hast like
situation they agree to work
about half the salary which
They take the The Williams railway
rinds his Norfolk. Portsmouth New put
he premium on mar
It has excluded all
attendant upon
the of the viceroy of
lo have the
novel lo make the Britons forget
there are thousands upon
of natives
benighted India.
up lo die with
quick then began
to use Cherry I
improved at once, and now in
perfect E. Han-
man, N. Y.
A ten-cent pistol that
ii- death of a man h. load-
ad. The pistol's went off
int. the man's toed went
oft and the man went to
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be-
gin early with
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
lie. II
. US II.
Winterville Department.
N. C, Jan. S
Leonard Hamilton us
to that he has
home paper money and that the
I call for same.
Attention. Tobacco
Before making any
for trucks for housing
your tobacco the
Bad better see A. n On
of this and get
some idea- n-n which may
lie of untold to you.
been in the
of tobacco truck-. several
had the
mg all the detail of
d boa to them.
l them for
Arc the Best.
Norfolk, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Columbia, S. C.
A Son.
are rose a
i la
i .-hunks
. I hall
c are n
of when
not having a primary to arrest lo
cum- six
I petal
I as
V k, r I
Will I I
B. Bead's Mil was like
and ad of
. .,
; . mail
By virtue a decree of
Court of I'm county, this
i- II Daniel and
others. I still
patties, but until the MONDAY, FEBRUARY Ml,
of la-l did -lie- before lo
, . . -ll St public the
iii a which lbs
till all the to of
,, . , to-mil
K very one so A lot on the
pleased that a -per front
. , , i as lot.
an made several g. a lot street
down pat iii lb hands of adjoining lets of W.
. . ,. , A. M. Ada M.
heat the And two In that
not voice, part town of
, i . i. .,. , ii a-
lilt ill agreed and took the .,; ,, ,. ,.
that the handy truck others.
Tin- the -ml January.
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits. Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Food.
Fruit Jars.
A dollar a
worth of
every lime. If i,
brief, clear and to the point . n, W
In- calling-he a inn.,,., at of Mr.
i n mac for petty politic.
We didn't have much sympathy
we leaned she had
broke. There is a fellow
that makes us
that is what Pall
they had seen or heard
of. A patent immediately
on It is needless to
,, they take great
daughter, Mis. and Mr. in to any and
Edward K.- were married i
Kev. N. Booth. A
arid lo
What the City Dal
V i inciting Board
as your Thursday night n
are, and your
of upon the
estate of William-,
, wan,
B to you tn
make any Jg duly and
M. A. of on or
of r. or this
county. Who has a . in bar of their
with the A O. Mfg. Co.,
yesterday. Mr.
will most of the time.
The address of Mia. Robert
for bring and your dollar.
Santa Claus
. I-I-
to the
w ere
neighbor was you think The report of the lo ,,. before the meeting
prepare to way the mothers were no,
, to the Leg- a there by any
was adopted. The night was highly
. st
It. U
of Ell William-,
is making his
headquarters for
he Is. the devil would
wouldn't he
Senator Morgan is cussing is to the limits
parties inaction the la all
regard to leg,
i venerable
but he right I
Having up against the
s. with a jar and
jolt, Durham can a .;
year's leaf la its
i places outside
i- to House
mid r. One iii
open the
other the depot. These
Let will bounder
All applications for license to
retail granted.
There will be a
lo In hi report the commit
bills for
Notice Is hereby given I Bill
loved all Having beard . Bake application before the
. i at
previously ,; ,.,, lo January.
all were hear her toe lo retail at
In Beaver Dam
dress and after bearing it a great
of the
hand talk-
a Mb her. We hope to have
her come again. The Tar Heel
furnished music the
, Nov. Mb.
Dec. 30th, John
Place, of Green.
will at public
the highest bidder,
team, carts, wagons,
fodder, i-as. hogs Bad
A. of sale cash.
to do ii
tin- was done last appointed lo
goto making buck, fol i suing buds for ,
to the legislature,
be offered a luau.
job one more man
thinks of his sister slaving
tin an office, his self-
If it's
likely to la- too,
if he has the of a man
So the woman is
such an elaborate after all.
There is nothing in her life lo
compensate for the that are
the right and due of the of a
home, bay by her nature de-
than our dreams of what a true
woman should be. Her feelings
becomes is
crushed, and as the years p-s
she finds herself a bald,
woman, with scarcely anything to
compensate for all that
manager says --the plan of employ-
only men insures a
steadier, more reliable
class of men, who are
to the and
have the road
at heart than strangers wan-
a of
are apt to lie
misery loves
then Venezuela ought
get line bard-up
people this side of the Nicaragua
W T. Lee baa .
Mis Maud P. Cobb, of New
and Master Patrick
of are at O,
at Hamilton's old
stand, has received a nice lot
of dried also some tine
p There is the place n tn day of U
o go
died here Thurs-
day, night. not learn
It was tolling lbs well, lick of
ed from, the age
They have a full supply of everything in this line
for the little folks and the large ones, too. The
largest assortment of Candies in town Nuts,
Cakes, Apples,
They also have everything nice in the way of
Pickles, Cranberries. Primes, the best of
Flour, the finest Butler, in fact anything usually
found in a first class grocery. You only hare to
call or ring phone and your wants will be
The Clerk of Sup
county having i--.
in. lo
white Man Robbed
Tuesday Mr. W II.
county, came to
and that night fell the bands
thieves In a quarter
.-I ton.
cash. Neal,
Clark and Flora
Ml. three who came here from
Airy I Washington during were
license I
and bob
one the
s. baa moved from
house on
avenue to the Mini foul house in
Mi has changed
In i residence front th- e-t to the
side of in south
a hi- moved into
. c . f In. in to
K. B. has Bored lit the,
J. K. agent, went to
on a wheel new year's
H. H. has a hen that
three times a day every
fourth day. the of
time .-he lays twice a day. making
nine eggs in four days is the
only one out of that
lays at all. and are unable to
account her singular conduct,
ground she is
the whole
four of I'm
on His
is lo all persona la-
denied to the estate lo make
payment to the to all
IS months after tin-
dale of notice, or tin- notice sill
plead ill bar of their recovery.
of December.
lbs estate of Mary Nobles,
John Tripp has moved his lam
hough the accused of the lo ,., and Tyson
county bad
license- The saloon holding
the count licenses brought -nit to
compel the town i
Issue then
before Judge Shaw, and
all left for Washington
Hi A. k k, X C, lbs-, ill.
As student tuns the page-
of history and ponders upon the
character and achievements of pen-
pies of another day and generation, If me of the legislature
also worth of
which the had bought.
If of the legislature ere a bear-
home, many lie sails-, D. and ,,.
Superior court.
Mi- I II III lie
J. R. Corey has bis place j.,, have g. lo Washington i
of to one north of
as to have y ,. and
left a
has moved from at
W of the stolen money and to the house form ,,,.,
by K. l. Mis- Lucy While, attended ,.,,. .,
Dickinson avenue. c . even- ,.
day Horning. A was
sent there for them and they were
Chief of Po-
to J. T. Smith went to Washing-
i-e was argued Ion and brought the back
to He some
All who are lo the
I county Buggy l are re-
quested to forward and -.-tile
once and save of collection.
on Mattel.
In ever city and town there IN
several as.
oilier pi
men as I he needs of I he
c Of course
entire legal Is an
-i and a one, of
c system.
ill the
Dry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Hoard of
or Pitt COUNTY.
J. of
cob Brook.
n It of
number of if of
of 1.1
of m
for M com
th. hear
S William
Catherine Jam-
Council Brooks,
Smith. Martha Brooks,
Brooks, Brooks,
bis former
J. T.
m-Hie Free
c i . an a-thin a. U. U hath . day.
for line ha the Cannon days
of county to for w. o
ii. fin ,, bi lbs Isle H. i.
r .- Hut Iii The For
,,,,,,.,,,. take do- for mile, Q
Hint are required to
the court said
at the court House
Mai taken a of the present fr
f lo villa, .,.,
or to lb.
action, or ill
can a should at do Hurtle
upon the spot where an individual nothing fur two months, This new year found more money
or a nation from and p. people the hands of the of Pitt
true course and what the would lie surprised
world hat, held to utterly con-
tempt for failure. And The M
county than w-s ever known I-
fore, This ought to insure n
cask trade the and
and the Wise
Superior court
Hi-virtue of a
I., will, r was Hie of and carry ,, ,
T. i. of K. L. out predatory of
C, a. Boot. a tow lawyers
taken a with C. X. sod with work, the masses of
at practitioners
U. O. among themselves for teases, pro-
r i- now with M. Henry Charlie Mill want to mote unnecessary
today. for ,,, ,. , ,.
II. William.
, Smith
. ml
enemies of and often .
how where the wt applicant for new county ,,,. , t There is not ,; ,. S. White bat taken a these methods of attaining a
in history could have We there were enough B may to do this than by will as keeper the livelihood marked, an undivided
destinies, the student loses to go around, seems constant advertising. y.
. the end and mil this were not so. How long offers the ha- a position John Mills and h I,. link Ami similar are going U,
, of reaching people who have w ,.,, ., to in all -He other profess,. .-J. -W.
becomes., won. n or or ,. a Mills and is losing the services of ,, A. and the land
-however dishonorable de- state, tacked to y R Swamp Sunday ,,, f of Us best
grading must have the path Two Large Dull Vandyke, With evening, where they hail lo brains, while lawyers without
y. T bare A. II lull t is BOW without cases,
It is a fault of our common ought lo Av MOO Halt. teacher, pupils,
M. A. ha a typhoid lever. lists w employers,
with S. T White. Mis. Lena is patrons fret their lives
tor l i ii. in.-. i I-
For Ilia mile. W
Total, N
w. o.
For l a. com. Q K n
AH. n L, J. Cl
W H and
the Avon farm,
man nature that we lose sight of or that great President . w ,, Grimes.
attempt to palliate the meanness to give an open air-free- Roller
attempt to palliate lo give M open ., he, parents near here, Mr. and idleness.
of famous personages for-all above have purchased the y T Bi Mrs. Henry Adams. Hie anywhere for a skilled
have through to; city's bear as the second warehouse from T. business. Miss Lulu Adams who has been ,, any sort of
. ,. Mi-s Blanche Brown, formerly visiting her sister in ,.,. , . . . ,
a blare best.
trumpets and the of
only see Madame the palmist,
encompasses the personality will retire from the business ,,.,,,
,. . mi . i-b II . b.-i .
home . . There be i
to which in
The Raleigh
has surveyed a
Miss Lulu Adams who has been , u,
Mi-s Blanche Brown, formerly her sister in conn. h . , k . , r ,
with Ms L. bus returned home Saturday. technical sort salary
railroad I her home at J .
Warren, who has been spouse, what must be the pressure
with Frank has returned
of world's
know how low the hero bus
the Seaboard Air ,. t Hill
a , B., j, e Jr., former
enter Win-ton. v II. is no. pith.
with J.
J B. A Co, have put a of persons for a to
I ,,;. mill in ,,.,,. .
people buying .
from t; em have. K- in
it the store i January,
upon which W. B. at lbs
lie sold
time of his death.
ill b
or lass,
to widow, dower.
T. II,
K. O. JAMES, attorney.
There will soon change in
the firm of the John Flanagan
Buggy t , and all persons
to us are requested to settle at
once. By so doing you save
us trouble and yourself oust.
O. Hook eh.
Sept 1902.
For as com. M .
For . a aH . I M
AM J. J.
For II com. 12.00.
For A 4.0.
Total, III
Total amount Allowed Board,
County or
T- B. Moore, Clark of
the hoard of for I
county do aha
foregoing la
appear of record la my
day of
II. Mi .
Clerk Board Pin OB.
A black with my
stock the of last. The
is. . ,
yearling is marked with to
right ear and swallow fork lob.
tome while la
Owner la notified lo call for
and expense. Incurred.
At the
lido Of
Mm. left Friday W
lira Mary hit
Baffin of it It lo j.
i for
it tn
We t i returned
hope you will out keep , from
fur It.
for find
mark their
Brief of
In Social World
I. la.
A. K, came
J. Friday
evening from
Johnnie q
lira. K. mid
left this
this Winter
J. H. went to M--- Nora
ville Friday evening from
W II. left
evening for
J. B. to Wilson
to Ayden
Miss ;
from Scotland
Misses Annie and Bottle
tin railroads VON new.
a deal t tin-
a Ii was
million n
for to h to
Our u
om -f abed for Hint
la nil It flagged with a
foot nun Tb
up at i
the git aboard. i
veil I-
. i -i
their The ti noon
of a ban
o The pa
bore, Mr.
Of the party. I'm f
to me for . you to
funereal us
along to the tho ii-
,. i
i .
i . . . .
of on
Mr-. A. I,. Blow.
i. W,
II. meeting-. Mis.
B. R.
the knowledge
Mi-.-. Anna K. Span.
Paper, M
per. W
of the
to the pal runs
Miss Myrtle Wilson.
Paper, Mi-- Lizzie Anderson.
A Happy New Year
Joe Taylor returned
You go till engineer I'll
giro three hour, lo make opening Taper. HIM
Mm. K J. to Kinston
Friday and
Had Wed-
Harding and Nonie
Blow returned to at
day evening from Wilson.
Joel Patrick and C. J. Tucker,
of spent here
day evening from Tarboro.
Wilson returned
day evening
Went and Ben
Savage went to
Mr. and Mm. J, A Dudley re-
turned from Ayden this morning.
Miss thin
a visit to
Miss Ward Moore
evening from the Methodist church, at a.
ii;. A temperance meeting
R. B. child at
took the train here this morning .
for Wilson Mrs. F. r. children,
formerly who have
Tripp tame in Wed U-en Rev. II. II.
from left evening for Ayden,
are the I'm There u grim The
farmers other,
Mrs. Marshall, of
burg, Friday evening to
visit relatives.
Mr. Mrs. K. L.
and Ibis
from Beaufort.
W. A. B. who ha-
sick some weeks, was able lo gel
down town
Miss Sadie of New Bern,
who has Mitt. H.
Hooker, returned h
HaT. F. A. Bishop will preach
From Croup.
During a and terrible at
lack of croup little girl .
says A. U.
Mich., and a do-e of One
Minute Core was
often. It re j
and shortly the
child was can
and all Throat and
Cute in the throat
chest and to con-
tribute pure, health giving oxygen
to the blood, Jno, I.
evening a visit to
whore will make
Miss Sadie Moore, of New Bern,
arrived to
Mrs. H v. Booker.
Dr. L. C came in from
Parmele Wednesday evening
flirt Here's what
Mr. N. Avery of Delhi, N. V.
owns houses alike.
He painted one mixed paint
Miss Annie Sledge, of Tarboro, took twelve gallons. Fainted
who was visiting Miss Nellie the other with
Pender, returned home today. twelve and
B. P. Cobb, of Charleston, who left. Same Oil-
has the holidays
with relative here, returned home The secret Bead and
Zinc is i-in- hundred cent.
mixed paint was
who nave visiting .
Mrs. f. M. Johnson, paint and n
home today.
bis gang had
for being mo
No dared or
make it in- to hum
down, a fur before
baa entered a Iowa, n bank
in to tho
we want
git on.
no plunder this train, we
don't want it If there l. to
U by n and yon nor
your will l
get you without
on.- of gang went forward
the to take position on
in the baggage ear, while other two
train on If
ban r by
in the
and went forward, not until In had
called a man to lake bU He
very With
them Dot relax their vigilance u-
bad every thing their own
way, hut seemed to
at least within train, in-
deed did nut to he any-
thing la The f.-w train hand
aboard moved at their usual
ties, i wives
be dreading moment
that lie murdered. Hark-
neat came on, the hands
came into
the b and talked In l
the two there. of
heard my lit bu-k
we'll ha where can go In
of ire directions, In dreary
region we'd starvation
he went forward again.
Railway frequently
One Hundred Dollars A
Is value n A
places on
Witch Salve He
bad piles for
years. I tried and
medicines, but all failed
Witch Ii
cured toe It of
healing of Witch
with and
and permanently
bleeding. Itching
i licit m
The Big Store enjoyed a splendid trade
the past year, and occasion is taken here to re-
turn thanks to every one who has favored us
with his patronage.
You will find the Big Stock chock-o-block
with good things for the new year and it will be
our aim at all times to do the best for our
We wish all and prosperous
new year.
I protruding pile-.
bruises, eczema, sail
and all -kin
Mrs. K. and Mm. Trow, of
J. W. Hipp up the road
this morning.
Miss Our baa returned
W. left this morning for
Frank Webb, returned to Kin-
Thursday evening.
J. n. went to Winter-
Dr. H. I, w to
. .-.
Mi. mill Mis.
Here is of
Mil in your ; i h-.
and cent.
and day SO.
Ton per i
What i it fort
To till can; to unfair
of your very natural
sud right desire to make your
a. little u
The is Leaf
and it is all paint
HO for el, an
it does not money.
r i.-v .
It k. i. J
hen In were Ml- I
Hug had . Two listener, may lie
B where could Mends. two Rood
of m. Th.
Oilier. mid j
of every nation.
The men. men an I
latter bad
A Big Silk Mill.
large silk mill this place
i. a Interested
are here and have
live of frost
evening from whirl, to steal
Raleigh. plant. Work on
of Vaughn, hi They will lie
In to brink, The building will
P. h, , probably
Misses Patrick and Ada fee, in length. It is a
left for company, the
New York via A
labor than la found In cot-
by a ton factories will be employed.
Miss Lena Anderson today. force of hands will increased
as they are educated in the work.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. re-
turned evening from
their holiday trip to
Over one will
ployed when the i
be pin-
in full
B. R. went to Win- Mart- The raw will
Thursday evening to here direct from Japan and
dress the Union. Italy mill manufactured In all
Harper, of who grades of silks. This is another
ha. visiting to High Point's divers,
returned home Thursday showing
Miss Mamie Hines, of here
who has been Mies Bessy. it is hailed
Patrick, returned home with delight by
to robbers TI
down. One
walked the to rear of
eyes till that be had t.
a water,
any her. two
rant out and clear shove
the rattle of
The order
of two A, mow
each whipped out
a revolver. Tb.,
la look back. a woman
a revolver lit each hand, lb.
within u few Inches heads.
while the two
women threw off their apparel
attire. One of
two robbers Bar. u yell,,. a
for bl. fellows, but lit.
drowned by rattle the train.
r former, now
to th. car. One of them threw
door, while the
,, I, I, . i . Ii
i i i
awl IO in. sou lie
hut the ii -in a ho
be uninjured, at
on Hearing
lb.- be over the rust
In the tender n. lo luggage pal
when th. engineer him Avail
robber the baggage ear. not
i. an order
to up bands ii.- minutes
from the time woman
get a drink of water three of
be gang had been captured
leader killed.
A had for
time been to atop the
or and men. hut had
The r of they
bad . i pit energetic man.
to following
He tracked Into a region
from which be felt -ore their
and surest plan of exit was to rapture
. train. This one was
engineer, conductor nil
train hand, were armed, and th. farm-
era their wives were picked men
The lender of the post.
the woman wen, for of
All Join in paying tribute to
DeWitt's Little Risers.
Little Riser
the used in my
recommend them
lo everybody. cure
Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Ma-
all other liver troubles.
Jno. Woolen.
A Scientific Disco.,.
for the stomach mat
which it i- unable to do for Itself.
even when hut disordered
or overloaded. supplies
the of
work of in.
Mrs. Claude Jordan children,
of h have beau
visiting Mr. Mr. W. J.
home today.
to Charlotte Observer.
Time Have Changed.
Hiring to go further
Tb. Ry. an.
There are expert, on
in often
from n well ordered life
and that disobedience, ill temper,
cruelty, wanton and
lo and to nil
Bent. Which the sense of
a appear bl
so far to be
may he in lb
j i-
. . ,. . in.
went dated J.
A bias- band and a
ill order lo attract sonic
Habits grow on ii bin a
outgrows bis habits.
A philosopher has an excuse for
any old thing except toothache.
is the man who snores loudest
who always manages lo get to sleep
a sleeping car.
The Big Store, Greenville, N. C.
it used to be this sec-
Years ago when Messrs.
I and Drew used lo come
here regularly every new
v. ii j ,
, . , . ,. South to the turpentine farms is
Blanche nod Jennie Ab-I , ,.,., ,
of who have been
visiting their sister, Mrs. L. H.
Rountree, returned home Thursday
Mrs J T H Hoover, II. .
and Mis, L. j of bin who
burg, who have been visit- , now find very few to
take away with them. There
of employ-
W. W. Perkins left this morn- It, but getting hands to
for is not
ore forgetful,
naked little
what you think
Inquired imps.
time a
place ban to weigh their anchor.
If th-y weren't forgetful, re-
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
t a fad, yet bad, your liver i out
order. Pills v. ill clean
your tongue, cure your
make your liver right,
to take, easy lo operate.
The Reflector Printing House is talking to YOU-
2-c All
us your orders for Printing of any
Malaria Ever have it Know all about
it Want to get rid of it Take
Malaria and Ague Cure.
Largest Print Shop in Pitt County.

, fail me
you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
H. L.
of New
mil to mind yr
op to Blue R fart at Um II
it to I
that though of ,;
in i- the
while it did but then n camp on
t., . Ac in
Um a
much fun In a s In
war, n M
h b
Id t
as lb
la IS.
from raises
H ,,.
By A. C.
Loan Value.
Gash Value.
up Insurance.
blended insurance works automatically,
Is Son
Will lie re instated if arrears In- within on month while
are living, or within three after lapse. c. Wen
of payment of arrears interest.
second year Ho Restrictions, s. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second Mid cl e
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year lie paid
They may lie To or
J. To Increase the Insurance,
To make policy payable as an dating the
of insured.
J. At
Greenville. N P.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
tine Third Easier,
One Third Faster
A wanted in all
unoccupied territory.
Wheeler Wilson Mfg Co.
Atlanta, tin
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
t of With
at a Lows-
milt -d
I Pi
M n champion
in a
one Bring the
along and
up u rifle, ;. thereat
out ii following
but, not t ha i-ho
j replied after
her own rifle,
I J r
. i
Goes up or
According to the
you give your
Keep it to
and it goes down. Keep
it before the public and it
climbs up.
Never tried Well, time
tried it and lei the people kn
want tin
i- Ii i
but the looking
And all H M
mill up
f the
R i
V. hi i ll . . .-.;.
u that
i. . bun
., i until dot could
. . i.
n u
. kind
t Li i .
i km be .- et
. . n t than
ind wt i
i. bi . bed
,, .,. late dealer
t ti- . . . . ; s dealer
bad died wounds for
. p Mid ll W W
don n In the w ail
ab in y ii I
a in i Of the ft I lo
. and w m ranch for
i. Hi la I n we
wild ii on tin
l,; -i be knew party
bad the I fa I
Ti. , thereafter,
the party a
, in i led for a
to i- paid Hoc
A. i. . y ,.
up t that
;, tery
night, in a
all th
of a n t-n gun,
ii h mi me, for of -tag
of a off
i ii.-
. beat,
we jot fully for
auto of the be b.
M H IX I I l FT , an couldn't be of any
nod the-
f rule
pile of lb d
i a
regularly and
I grow Ar.- you
with nut, ad-
and yon will l-
with u iv
in a if you
talk t- in lull
Push your business
up by advertising
Telephone Company,
Henderson N. C.
paid fol
Cotton Heed, Oil Bur
ate. h-i
Oak Ra
by Go
Tallies, P
and ft I.
Henry J Kr
in Oil and after Int.
1903, In chant, and
From Greenville to
Pine Hill
f. Meat. J
MK- .
Meal and
l l.-i
Una. tn
l id.
nil Ware. Tin and node j is. Hamilton
Wan, mm w M
lien, Bl
. other
In m me.
In. Ki lion
Mill, ton
H. Soring
m. Wale
ft i- m- it in
. RM u . j . .
not a
lb wag
had to h
it a fan Haw
that a
in a Suit paper,
a kind of i i that
our Io to a
in aM think
m ltd thought harder than
th g.
o u New day to
up practice in Ban
We held
of laving a pretty good
Idea how th- laud lay
wiTh Doc, money n
agent and ha
chairman our n
Hi it meeting laid out a
plan that worked a
drill day New
win for ling
who toW turn In
working again a forty stamp
quartz in and
when what ante
raid it would mil
baud it to when bid him
l-y at day. Then
I for and old bullet
wound in my leg -mi
look my and
any doctor in
world ever a flay
d every
man In There
run out of mi unit or hut
Up IO I Mild
from one -r lit-
then kept
of younger -luck
the -f i dealt out
to them a from mid
whole deck,
the day we mat and
ground about
Um-. and wag DOC
look u i worried, but ii- looked
a man be nil
w. a gad an
you Wag in
ope I the om
but It w -r la
him Heal after h.- bad paid hie
down to the New
fills Is a an offer
marriage, but it is fact a
matron living In south
baa hi her This
rifle written
in formerly
in la ,
, . popular i I ice i i
on, Io which
Joe n i awl her
that and
n-l drop In of an to
ii He became en after
awhile that he could place
where be liked to within t fraction of
an inch, and he ins
when no
around In too
t- that goon as in- had
the little perforated
of paper were carefully re-
moved and by for whom
done writ-
i.-n thereon were intended.
rue feature .
is the Bridal rail U
the plateau, nearly 5.000 fed
above, single ribbon of
water the
vertical of the precipice
h a
young wealthy
In alto
i. i In
I . ml dollars t-
. t the
Mr Into the
i.-i a --it
r h w so smoothly
i ll c. ii low
red and in the
single minute.
when i Ufa were
complete to valley from
tier far homo young lady to j
ii.- la engaged and by alter
above for longer inter
the case he
ii,. to bar in and
to the and
of the Morse alphabet, of the I
love be fa re Whether ex
a; of I abroad
I have been a
sacred t- alone s record-
c-l. tint i ii at nil the .
of reflecting that
ho U the woman la the world to
whom a love letter line been by
a ban i seed
Love out in
are of common. Due
in flame
grid a Magyar noble
have coal
in g Bin-M a lovelorn but
towed In and
tor of and the
fair one. not to l outdone, answered.
In They were mar
I without delay, and the pro
and the were and
eaten at the wedding
After all. however, it doubtful
whether the modern baa. the
whole, progressed very far In the mat-
of Inventing either In
marriage r
Nearly 4.000 a for
the hand of an Egyptian was
Inscribed elaborately on a block of
solid atone and can be to
day by any one curious In mat
In museum.
n old time king of wooed his
wife by lending her present of young
beautiful eh Id slaves each of
whom had tender and
on the skin of the
back, coming down to more
recent times, it Is recorded of the
Prince de that be sent to a
great lady a n
I golden plaque, engraved,
the letters of the of the epistle
formed of rubles and
emeralds set Hie metal
answer however. Id
the negative whereupon the prince re-
would at least do
hint the honor of accepting ring co
a miniature of himself To
Ho went folly
determined it.
When half through the he com-
promised with himself he would
Yet the .-veiling came With
laundry and the landlady, and the
hint net yet
Mr- the or
the mother of two, the of
a the cheerful Idiot the
her only a
N-fore she him.
Mrs ind watched the old
man ill day In her mind he had been
and Into n
fourth In the class.
change her name
inter wear crane For three
month at on. time she had
around the heart air of
him when he
looked at her Finally he her
about mice that had Invaded
In ll was
Only a hasty when Ins courage
failed him
The palled bin, j
had recently mourning and
bis room all day These
urged Mrs to ea
courage him to his mind,
quite accurately one had
died and be had
St. d In a aft
or laying tin laundry no the bed
Mr Peters rejoiced m her
The lean old man paced the floor.
Favoring i r at every torn with a look
, of
Mrs. be
he it I to
on I beat
wanted l lie
hit Una
Ida w
there ever an old
the to herself under rover of her
apron her face had n
under i
. she -in. In far sin tone. Her
Tea, ll heart forsook .
W. II, I another i me will do.
Mr- ml down, imp,
In the glare she threw at Hie
back bend the orange
i were and go-1
-Now. Mr
you gel it off your mind
once and for all I yon wanted
it oh. coy ways
years and pounds
and couldn't get the hang of
It-how to say it. I
words were very grateful to
perhaps yon are only l
thought it be considered
like to gee an one say go,
he like or a
a landlady ran They would not
stay and any We-
l think every -every
indeed Well. I am still.;
it is gratifying very, said
the old man the
gay there are of them to j
from you think you could get a
nice, pretty one for
She was bewildered, but not entirely
From experience she knew
Hie aid man a habit of peaking
Won't the en-
to bring round to the
and at th. same time as
certain future status of her two
little darlings.
bless you. he
lore children always have
goad Now that feel
to rare one, want IO Indulge
myself has been the dream of my
The old man was talking to
himself. have lived a
life. never had a other
men. except Then he turned to
her. prefer a boy, too old-two
or three years. I trust, would old
enough; also, while think of It. I will
pay lot any trouble lie may cause
Mr Peters draw forth his
let His face was full of ii tremulous
This be actually yearned
for or Mr. or any
an to soothe the youngster He
there wondering If knew anything
about children He hesitated Robbie
to take for another out-
em Into hall
knocked timidly at her door.
A few minutes later the child was
sobbing on her out
tale of to Indistinguishable
while the gall let III
the floor. e Inn the Imp
Miss held the
child tenderly. In her office
The father entirely out of
the picture The little woman loved
Children dearly.
Richmond, Va.
The Stock of Fine
and Medium
in the South.
Richmond, Va.
Mr read the letter and
a sigh of relief it was from his niece
and contained an Invitation to make
borne with her. He hid never
niece the executor
the estate introduced tier at a meeting
Of the heirs
Mrs came In person to
make his bed. The displayed at
the breaking had actually made
blush the Such
Bach smiles
he began briskly.
Her portly form nil with tuck-
the chains. a in thinking of
making a change In my life a great
ll, ;.; for
-Now you see- this
woman nest door- she
women bare great
ways with
s race And
Miss the
me He at her
I declarer Oat of the door
she flounced, with In her eve.
what is the Butter with
be asked himself. his glasses
and peering down hall.
at range creatures women
Ho had Intended idling her that from
the way Robbie to the spinster it , . ------o
seemed best to provide female care for I
In the p. of his
Hobble The old man
h i
Steamer B. L.
Washington daily, except Sunday.
a. for Greenville, leaver
t i em daily, except Sunday,
at m. for
Connecting at
Norfolk, Baltimore,
; Philadelphia, New York
Aurora, South Creek,
Swan Quarter,
all t for with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
I Shippers order freight by
the Old Dominion Co.
New York; Clyde Line from
as- Bay Line and
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
E. Broad and Um
N. C.
u p m
a i
If . ii in
ll . p n
a l
u p m
S. i Norfolk a
i a m
p a m
HI p a Di
a New York i m
started The kicked
from his cot Mr. looked
gravely down at
e boy grinned hack, tossed his
fat legs and chuckled.
you commented
with a smile, you
a a a a a a
went out of the room with
her nose held high in He shook
list with latent rage at her vanish-
form The idea Send the boy
back because, forsooth, she didn't like
The mil tilt of sobs came to
bis ears from room.
He fell the hush of great Idea
Mrs ordered me-to
the tearful
when his knock.
s like like
Than be managed to gt out
great Idea She Oh well for love
-of the yea.
Country and Ar
gold. A trial will convince you.
O. W.
i speakers often make curious
said an observant man.
have had occasion note some
I rather singular things In this respect
. Home time age I attended i religious
; meeting In in of the way
. of the country, and thing
; UM speaker said ion me to thinking.
i He I short, stocky fellow, with a
rasping voice, and as look-
if be had going to
i- Aral thing be had
o say I want to say a few words be-
fore what I wont
could not refrain from the
bad break of the fellow, and nil the
good said after that bad no.
affect in. ii
so far as i was concerned, This
to show n little mistake will
for a man be
Here tin- as much put
out by the bull at I was amused, for
his talk not n. smooth as It might
have New Orleans Times Dem-
Voice the what Is
keeping you out there on the porch so
am looking for the comet.
Voice take your death of cold,
Sot all.
well wrapped, Tribune.
mi P
Also ii n Line of
a m
a m
a m
a m
p m
a m
a m
a m
p m
Sleeping and Dining
on Hit and 2.1 to Tampa and Jack-
ll at. W. J.
Asst. Mgr.
T. If. T. M.
Wilmington, N. V.
day, morning evening. Pray-
Rev. J. N. Booth, Sunday
a. m. M. A. Allan
lay, morning and evening.
meet evening. Rev.
H. M. Eure,
a. in. L. H. Pender,
Sunday, evening. Bun
Ill . W. B.
Ml K I A K Morning evening
and 3rd Sunday. Lay
i every 2nd and 4th
Sunday school . m., W. B.
every a. m.
; and in each month
i Player meeting night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.
day P. M., W. R. Par
i ill. a
it when
i lull -mil n new.
the r- he if Jewel-
The n word
la a of but to cover
the a ii.- diamond, rut
i- a glass lady
; where
upon Hie . ground to
ii-. to the Ink of
tin- note to her on the sub-
t. II In hi.
One of went over
to who had
Bad taken a
I beg your pardon, bat is a
gathering of working women met to
nm a traveling preacher's
aid the
Ami the of
the Chicago
A I-
hope Hut
the old
gaper lipping
with t
little I suppose
they them on
he if the truth
U known. old man had In his early I
youth been an Item of public expense
awing to bibulous of his
male progenitor
A forlorn hope presented Itself to
her Mr why don't you
get Her
not allow to proceed.
i And he scratched
bald I -I then meditatively
Hi he gazed her attentively
don't know -never thought of H
Fin with the quiet
of her weight, age
Well. I'll It make any
ill try the boy
ll i- n month later. He sat with
spread his
I. no knob- his heels
were booked In the rung of his chair.
bud his old face rested III
of his hands. In from
of bin on another .
Hobble, crying.
What is the matter With him
the old mini asked himself
yelled. The
father his with his
wrinkled binds and Imped. In a de-
Hail Mis.
would come to the react Then be
dreaded her look of at lbs
mess around child Toys of
every pictures picture
books, his WatCh, fancy stop
per, everything
there. Still Imp cried.
Yell Yell Y-e-IT
The little spin-let who I
In the hall room the door
just Hobble
A AS. it I.
Lady Your has fainted, I
hear. How did that
Officer It la simple. I danced
with her times In The
r great was of a
train for her I am now
my departure lest I should do any
further damage.- From
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock In every de
prices low
lowest. Highest market
paid for produce.
There la odd
la lock in two odd Tn n
is day th.
i the three, it
Dot nil mid I'll line which
proverbially n i
fore la n doubly charmingly
lucky day.
A. F. ft A.
Lodge. No. and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
inert every evening.
W. H. Hail, M. Hook-
K. of R. and S.
I. O. O. 1-. i Lodge,
No. meets every
evening. W. Atkins, N. Q.,
O. He--.
B. A. Vance Council,
YOU 1696, meets every even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
Norfolk, Va.
Dry Good,
Mrs. L. Ii. WHITE,
was to ride a home,
one day If It
bounced very hard when the horse
was trotting
he answered don't
bounce very hard. stay up nearly all
the Chronicle
The dally talk of the
loon V they say.
Thai I. careful of whatever you
If a person were bu me coldly
on going to a friend's house, be would
shore is the same, but the shell-
Is not the
The impossible Is denoted by
berries and sea
eggs In
thin kneading than to
That Is, s loaf Is better
Hum Ii
The I
The late Moses
old of the Jews, the Cotton, Grain and
bringing thousands and Wire to New York,
, C.
Nice line cf DO tow
for cash or
i i. for goods.
1.1 IN
American and Italian Marble
, N. C.
Wire Iron
work and
dad pi i o-i n.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Broken
Into the laud of peace
really he bad his reward, rounding
out Ids century flue
eye not dimmed nor natural
brilliant ; once taunted
promptly V
said Mr.
.- at i
I n i is i man
el r hi be haul
Chef if yells. She skipped by
in a manner hurriedly
the key In her
he had w
had bis
year -he had
Ins a year He was over years, years before
lib being a the murder-
of Christ. said nothing at the
time, but bis next
day with a chart of pedigree, bow-
that the home of his He and model, sketch
, hum ea, bad
Tor some reason or ether
tin some man or other has
DI . It would lie re
ma-, hi to read of one who
her tally
because sh ran a
at The bad
ceased to exist, but the prejudice still
clung m him. ugh he pro-
tested . her. on her part
had grown to him a gruff old
Christ was York
tune I go on a vacation
I I'll never take another.
don't you stick toll
Because time I stay
home I vow I'll never do It
Brooklyn .
A. O.
Nu. meet every and third
night in Odd
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S. Smith
I O.
No. meal, every and
Monday Odd
lows Hall. W. B.
D. S. Smith Sec.
Clerk Superior Court, C.
Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
Register of Dead,, R. William,.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, V. Laughing-
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
Commissioners, J. J. W.
W. B. J. R. J.
W. Page J. Spier.
Board every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W.
H. L.
Clerk, J.
Tax Collector,
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
S. I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D. Spain, L.
Arthur, Charles B. F. Pat-
rick, E. B. R. L. Can,
W. K Parker B. F.
Board every
The trouble with these
log people they are to talc
about their
You Write
a personal letter
member of I lie I nun
lies in Pitt County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
Published Twice a Week.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
Manufacturing Stationers
Commercial Printers , School
Books, , Office Supplies, Etc.
while you walk, ride or
The man's medium
The walking short emits.
The conservative man's medium
., , fashionable long
The friend on cold stormy days ulsters.
Ail of good It's easy to match our
price; can't match our overcoats and at
the same it.
The King Clothier
Our Raleigh Letter
Notes from Stale Capital
N. C, Jan.
lines mo written the
is about Io con
and in ibis
event. Time leading
that ill attention
lions are,
lion of a C. B. Senator,
bill Io regulate
also Hie number hours out Ion
mill. Other in es-
may operate
, and bill eliminate
try m In-
where 111.- i till-
here's walking I ha
on both of
two latter as well us
those the
Senatorial contest.
Watson and
have had
here for time,
Ibis week u new and
have arrived talk up
merits of respective
dales, including the above named
ind the other tiny are
already in lull cry
i-i. Borne are a
probably a lock,
in the caucus, and in that a
nimble has
of the
the with
One of latest of these is the
ex Mall. W.
Washington Letter
Jan II.
. d
have isl Senator
I furnish
m lo carry Into In am
of the m
A. peaking fill
the moment as s
line who can look an unsightly
lump of coal II he
able In gel Hie
strike it
Medicine ii played
new of
II mine convincing, ha
la-en wrung Hull
tons we cm
useless, The
will give no
bis ii ii
human . the control of
the cause and of had terms Mr
Ion public
Thai is sort elm we
hear. million Ion. tin Committee,
have taken .-n-i n- public a he
That Is the slum But will J dared the hail
j fear and people h
when this is by passage of
upon us will which was old idea
who gels a dollar u I.
for oceans of potions I sill The bill provide, fol
Hi.- rabbet do then, poor publicity
an we lo gel
prises which have than a year's imprisonment, n
our Let us
have a cure here, 1- trade. Hie selling
. We Interest Parents
I the
I am 1.-.-mil.
i- .
in very he-
In. a The
problem. Is fort As
bard of seem,
are. however,
which are
that I a i-n in
It e.
double me I
Inn parents
like tinkering the tariff;
much like
y the country by
We go slow.
all in gel health .-
Charlotte Observer
They Arc Nut Leaden.
It is surprising how
people call lie
shell like a
. in
fair 10.11 price
by one
Hi., stock in
There 1- in tin
circle In
I.-1 a
. I- any h H a
, a in
Ii -1111-
M .-x i- pp ;
In schools, ill
same nine secure 111-opera-
whatever m
an; nail Inn, ill also
, . , ii- in inn and
. they
in., II 1- rigid
l-i do II. Thin till ii-i and
eon. ha- en
I here arc that
key lo the
2nd, mil. he 1- able
-1.1 argue
two iii then
r has r
. tn die In
in addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard
ware store,
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
Thu u
A of our exchanges
have recently entered new volumes,
our most highly es
teemed visitors the Henderson
Hold Leaf and the
have and still doing a
great work their
and are by two of boat,
cleverest if they
Hie not the looking-men in
fraternity. language of
old Rip, both live long
Mr. R. dropped
day to pay his subscription
and remarked that
was the he had
paid fur the paper, lie i a
mail yet, record shows
him lo be k.-MU's
constant hope he will
be with seventeen veins more,
and longer.
fleeting upon the fuel lien.
I Ransom is nut seeking a
Into active polities,
; is a down man, and
hardly for
should do
improbable thing of
lo the decide
an eastern man. it would lie
likely, in my opinion, to
. t who is
not a than Gen. Han
Hut I lie even
event of a protracted contest,
1- will do neither.
Tin- Slate
prison have made report
for to
Legislature, is the most
satisfactory one years.
There la a
paid for
Hie Fusion regime
and I
the same Hint I
Mann Ai
were while
years previous the
saving right here tells
out of debt, a lo
inn. I'll has actual., tut
paying all expense- Tin
during last two yens,
la a source of regret, however,
the men the
Brown and Travis
named for reasons sud
two both being
elected lo I he present Legislature
about them. One would
an ad so remarkable would
much shrew duos long
even n superficial
arc on
I it S i
rudiments of
of these tribe, by
men unknown, manage lo get b
haw a ii
eye a east,.
with man
calls on in a
other than to spend
limn. To the former the -mil i-
throw open and
annual i all palaver; In in.-
he snaps himself into his shell will
a see you
want lo see
by Is ii
by President
III ; l. I ,
c- by a
while Mi
ell 1-
ll. . re-
hi. sill
, . cl
mil I,, be served the
be chin-, 1.1
is tin lo the
Hull. 11-
ill lo cl act
legislation I
people arc
growing more he
ii. be ill
First, I should
I it motive, to
. .
A religions or moral
i, in- strongest that an
e .
. , I inn.
January Sale.
During the month of January we give
an opportunity lo their
iii th.- canter of our
will find a lot of odd of China and
propose to let yon have this AT COST, us we
wish to clear of pieces. Those
will In- -old only at these prices, so he to
book In this you will And
Saucers. How s. Tumblers,
lot is limited, will
long stock lasts, w e .
-am.- -s mil of Fruits, Nuts Can-
dies. A-. . mixed inns IS els per pound,
French candy sells lo will be sold
Plain els pound, Apples,
do. This special -ale will
Isl, I Be on time to gather In of these
bargains. There has a lot of new added
in. j stock since the holiday trade, and n
it now complete In this line. matter how
you are suit. w-can suit you ii you want good
a large of top grade
elegant to please the moil genteel, refined
We Fall odd Bedsteads,
Chairs. Tables, Couches, Hall Bide-
I-. While Iron Ac
; hands of the little lots ex
and some limes older folks. Wintry
wind havoc with lender skin.
Tar Soap
cleanse tin of all
Ho a heal, and soothe and keeps ll soft and
velvety. We have other soaps, from
to cheapest is
good use
. nth-, legislation, argue
at you,
. life, is
plan and .
I i
lb, masses in
until religious
or moral claim hits
upon ii I earls, follow tug
close Upon m
from .
worthy parent,
of t wot in his child.
It be
p. . .
la well assorted and the very
many customers and hap-
Greenville's Great Department Store.
is the heal policy, no ho
the caller Is or his
is. So long as he 1- civil, he
selves in
f, in
a -nun
Hi, Three
. are now hi gel
,., -id in III Is com
Parker of N- ii.
value, front .
I. Take, example,
Hie painter,
request from
cents, paid cents more
brush and same
, this h
. I'll
tin a yard for twenty , here to arrest R. L.
Gardner, for seduction
created quite a Mutation here
Are helping p
these yon have
bilk with
work, letting h ,, .
ill 1-
i-i. ho
great m ,
I ml you know II lit
praise helps
There an-
who lei whole .-ear paw
a Hills
, mini,, s
. faith lo
f New
I hen
, , . gate law
a .,
um I and
hi, race.
When once
lurched iv I duel.-
to desire lo you cents a day. id
th a
,,. ,. .,. . I . , the
spread his brain nil morning.
Carolina, and made Kin-
stun his headquarters. He
Jeffreys A of
Va A gentleman here sow
in Richmond on Sunday
last at Murphy's Hotel, and was
he would leave that
evening Texas.
particulars are but it
I. learned alleged
I .
I la
join cones it n .
In is was a young prom
, ,. ,, live dollar a day, and connected
. h
;, new leaf lei
know are alive
lead in inch lo
an. .
op -11
of the
.,, in
Let The New Court The Blunder
The News is la
Borne nine during
prisoners, all
H I,
that In- ill
, Mi
I serve I ins
He -ml Mi
. lie h el
;. generally
I .
II in.
assume the
. .
III I hi
for tin
w to
Hi, r lack I.
he. 1- lesson
, , 1- limitless, that death
, . be 31st of December, and
,, ,,.,,, to the effects of medicine alleged
i. nm vi ., la i nave supplied by
,,. east valuable all, built about o feel
., interest way, not high, of build end
all. about He cleanly
All and has laughing blue ryes
,., people in aim Is pleasing
all the world's history, beet a Observer.
are. able
I ,
j prosperous people. M n
wealth is was will he I
Success and John Cunningham, of Can-
are knowing how, No pi
Ideal the Ninth
The beard of of
have price
for liquor
ordinance prohibiting sale
within certain limits inside
city. The prohibitionists
considered Hits action g
public In their favor and
they will make renewed efforts to
get so Session the question
daring the mouth
We are done with life as we
live it A man will reap the same
he and he I
be Hie reaper, ll Is a mutter
the greatest Importance that each
hows only that is
if he would have
congratulated the Isl are huge. The
Inking in regard lo the taxation -i
salary The opinion nil to
of Homey General deserves door They hole
a. an the buck wall
blunder i, eel by
men have
held the of clerk of
g who died
had held
gad his successor has held it
i. lo think the best
I lire ll. . .
perm Carolina
1- an Mill, no of com elation, here this morning re-
great nine.-, no gold from a visit to
,, ration be checked ii garnered In treasure Warren and other counties east M
accomplished, of can covet meet tobacco growers. He says he
farmers greatly
people. the decline the price of
the children and that a grow-
he won In a band disposition curtail l
often you can, see for another year and
the and with I practice of crops
each progress In and. He hopes to put
above every thing else, child's n. field next week to visit
great needs meetings of farmers. He
The evangelical preacher this the say to get at
must lie educated and feel I the grower
a I In he ha- In Telegram.
preach, 1- gospel of better
schools and universal education.
When happen,
position lbs Be will become Hi. tallies, when
party. the
work of
,. ,. good and
M. C, propel hue way
iii,. of army of in enter
add to judges who the . .
to pay tax on hi. wall when ,, by
Income there Is neither Sheriff
, i. ,, for suddenly people.
Ti B-n came In such. every In
V . . -ll 1.- become
. .
in , I. ashore Is .- .-.--
new U-, effort, to . . , ,.,,. ,. ,,,.,, ,.,,,,. f. the
blunder. Tins a ,. Sometime g. o I . , , , .;,,,,.,. ,,,, ,,,., In In rear of
,. is . up. lives . educated, equipped
and la
1.1.1. Deal.
Mr. B, bus
a I foreign High JOB
Bend u- you.
Phi, run lasted twenty-1 with
four hours. by show
will Bud managers and rip through block
as I to Fourth

Eastern reflector, 6 January 1903
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 06, 1903
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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