Eastern reflector, 18 July 1899

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The Reflector
Book Store
Has on hand a supply of
I The Standard Bottles
ii.- Truth.
look a cradle and be
hold male babe. Al
i he i a kid
half the off hi
eye for U is
tin- prim shop,
he la i he publisher of a country
newspaper the head of ever
enterprise calculated lo improve
the town or enrich the
Mini he's an
man with a bald head
mil bob in hi- and at
be a
.- i k-fl
. of r. a M
Hand frees and a
lion with deli
subscriber who line up and march
past in- was s
I . be could
i nave an; Ex.
Petition to
sell land to
make assets
By virtue of the power me
in into. Proceed
lug locket Nu. entitled M. Dix
and David Dixon by hut
friend Thomas H. Ex.
I will sell at public sale be
the Court door
Monday the Ma day
o'clock noon,
all the pine, cypress popular
timber of above the size of
twelve diameter at the
bate when the same may be cut,
together with the privilege of seven
within t. rut re-
and also the
usual right of way appertaining to
The Equipped Kilting s. in the South.
-I. Scientific, Commercial. student last year. North West of
feet above level. State chain
in Football. Track Athletics for many yen's
lie -h
and facilities annual session opens August
For beautiful address,
c . . j
J. M. H. Holt
year opens
Mild. Largest en
per bottle- c Wire stand Cents.
Never spill when over.
When you want
Slate i of i
. V Ml.
Ku ink v makes
he Is senior partner of the
Trunk Co .
business in ll Toledo.
County State aforesaid,
Ii it said ill pa the sum
in for
and every Catarrh
Is-cured by the Hall's of any College III the
i . hi ire. infers lo young women thorough South. Completes Gymnasium
lo and Board lo 10.00
, . v presence, this of industrial education and special per mouth. Scholarships for
nil., r. A. I. I
Hull's Catarrh Cure i- taken in-
illy, mid art direct on the
inn. -in the
Sold druggists.
i i Annul ex worth young men.
run residents en admitted to all
of for to
lasso-. Send
a Characteristic of
Has matriculated about
representing ever
county in the State except one.
Practice and Observation School of
pupil-. To secure board
in all free tuition up
should lie made
August l-i.
led s
I'm and
V. C.
Slate North I
i i
I Superior Court.
i Special Proceed
P. A.
Ii. Cox,
Ii in ibis
b to the of
the Court, ilia.-. It. Cox,
I Of the above named arc
I lion of Stale of North for the of said tin.-
and after due diligence -now growing up
be found within the Stale; on I tracts of laud situated
ii further, in like manner Township, Pitt
that of ; North Carolina. tract
I in favor of plaintiff and ling the lauds Elks. J. J.
B the defendants Charles Dixon J. W.
I respect to in and others as
Slate and and the at the big
Chas. It. Cox, Emma J. Cox light stake
Samuel are south west course
to line, a Sweet
It is therefore ordered pub then running a
be made in knot
III n a newspaper corner on Tar Kiln Bad. then rim-
ed Greenville, X. C. for six west course
successive weeks, commanding the to a box pine corner, then a north
said defendants to appear in the of In Sweet
lice of the Clerk of tin- the then down
of Pitt m town i he Long branch lo the lie
a See
the 5th July. and an deed from W. wife to
or demur to the petition book K-4 lo
or will begin which reference is made.
against them for relief demand Also one oilier tract,
the complaint.
X. this --ml day of May.
Ii. c.
Skinner c. s. C.
Give a
You may never but
Should you ever want
So In I have
-aid a the world,
, lei of is
the lime. The arc
mil in hurry i I licit i-
I hiss i hut the their
ail ever
, minute you stayed was
they fret
mil do
devote lo appears
I the can spare, and lake
Hie -ell.- . AN- HI ,
The work to lie incidental. I N
ii OF
toil when i In- lime inn sill I'll i
gel ii with
to have j
strength reserve. It i certain
a . of l i.-
Widest and miles
in its history. Tamil i
Students . A.
Courses; Elective Courses; Pro ;
Schools, in in Hal- i
. ii -i in and in Pharmacy. New build
the lands of W. C. John
and others as follows
at pine in John
Elks line a corner E. M.
and and run-
in a direction
ii Ii a Branch, about
thence with the branch to E. SI.
and C.
in the containing
more or
Terms of sale
Win. II. Lotto,
X. C, May 2nd
the best female schools in
Snub, and the cheapest for ad
vantages given. Si t d
Tudor and virtue of an ad
of the Legislature of North Caro-
to provide.
for the town and I. n
ship of bethel. Tut county, North
Water Works. Splendid Li
Hie laws governing elections,
Classes open to women. Board of Pitt virtue of the power of sale
a Board a do hereby give notice that contained in a certain Mortgage
opportunity for Scholarships and will lie held on the Brat Dead executed and delivered by-
Loans tor the needy. Free tuition tor Thursday August, law, x the k. r
I polling place township. i is. Webb on of
Summer School tor Teachers. ail ,,,, duly recorded
instructors, students. Total enrollment ,
I Impel Mill. N. .
of establishing a in the of of
Bar in said of North
registration will be opened and Hook X I, pages lit. and
closed, challenges will be the will expose to
Give us a call.
in III
Visiting Card
-c Full Sheet Poster.
The Daily Reflector
homo news every
at the price
you a not,
to lie.
The Eastern Reflector
. in in he
Tin 111.11. ally
1- I two printing office
an I Inn n In- ma-
will be cheap.
Tl i- n cylinder large
, ii t. a nine column
i i-1. In splendid i in,
quantity of Small Long
I i i in- r. and
. in furnish a
I complete large enough for a
ix or column
tin- type
shown in the
being t ii nm c just
u it inn-, h it
how well it the
Small Pica of which there ii
pair of
is a j i from
Long Pi have -I
pair or tin . In
do not gal
cast wide, hut a good
. able of much
i. . r, ii i
lien i-iii- t -1 I a
Ion . inti I In
Ii d a lifetime that
II . . I A
i. at i . ell I h
a. .
I., a,. ii. .
. . .
I . .
p If
i . ii
r m
said election conducted in
accordance with the laws of
I a rot inn.
All those who arc in favor of a
printed with I he word
and those wishing lo
vole against shall vote
a written printed ticket with the
words Dispensary.
order of the Hoard of Com
of Tilt County, made
this lib of June,
T. R. Clerk.
. m. ,
.- Ii
y. a
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
M., and Litany in A.
M. . I. A.
in Charge.
every Bun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting evening. Lev.
W. Setzer,
j school a. in. .
. i-
morning and evening. Prayer l. Met t
I meet Wednesday evening. Annie and
public sale, before I he Court House
door in for rash, to the
day of July, the following
shall vote a written property, lo wit Lying and
in the of I'm and
township, adjoining the
lands of Jason Joyner. Cornelius
others, and known as
the lot Battle Lewis drew in the
division of the land of Luther
Joyner, containing thirty-
nine acres more or less, lo satisfy
said I iced.
This day of June UM.
It. T.
r i
. . ,.
. M
. .
.-I It
I I i
. . . . . I
M Kill .- II j
. a m 11.1.
1- m, n ti daily
i H ill Hi w -1
ml I r
mm,. u II HI in
Tram i. . . A .
m. II pi B;. r evening.
. , .
Is year i; in-
die news every
and s
tobacco, that worm
many times
subscription mice.
11,1- . .
. .-
n nm . i.
1- I,
. ml ii
. in
. II no
in- nm.
The A do-
in a-
on I-1 of July, dis
in-- the of
I Mo;, All
pi lo III in arc
re to pay
to Ow Forbes.
This of 1800.
, . I II II -J
. i . 1.1.- . -i
in U. A. o.
,. I ,,.,,.,.,. .
, 1.11.1 . meets every even
. W. I. Wilson. I. M. U.
virtue of an order of the
Clerk of the Superior Court Tilt
made in the case of Jacob
Administrator of John
M. Watson. at law, the undersigned Ad
p. W f. Harding, ill sell for cash be
fore Court House door in tin-en-
Services third Monday, the day of
August, 1800, following
pastor. Sunday- piece or of laud alt-
school.- p. m. I. in the county of Tilt
known in
v regular of the lands of Mary
V. as Lot MO.
at a stake on
lib corner of No. and runs
W. I i a corner on the
thence down said Creek to
a from a line
l X. K. a Sassafras
old thence
I with hedgerow
lo an assessment of 125.00 due
Lot No. Containing acres,
more or less. JACOB
A. T. ft A. II.
No. inn-ts
third Monday I.
W. If. If. Bee
Covenant Lodge. No.
IV. evening.
n. II. N.
K. of T. Tar Lodge. No.
J. L. C. S. C. Carr,
i. m i ii
i .
II r
i. hi.
I I i.
It all i
.- I.
M p
m I
-j I II .
II a . i
;. i Lang. See.
T. A. M.-Meets
. ii
I. O.
i h I,
. .
O. hall. A
l-i III
Wilson. R. M. K.
I. O
all i-II ill
Tass. Agent
It. K Manager.
T. II. in, Traffic
by the timely UM of
Tint s Liver fills, an old
favorite remedy of increasing
popularity. Always cures
sour malaria,
torpid liver, constipation
and all bilious diseases.
A. II, Council,
I o, every Aral and third
Thursday In odd
Hall. J. Worthy
I Ban.
LO. Conclave
i No. i-very and
nights Odd
Hows Hull. W. II. Wilson
Ton Invent J gt I
S. ml . I. U -i , L-.
OM .
C. CO.
On Monday at 7th day of August,
A. II. I will sell at the Court
House in the town of
ville bidder cash
tract of laud in Pit county con
taint about I bound
ad as Situated in
ville township at the
mouth a slough on tar river
Alfred and his
line south west poles to u
on mill pond
another of A Herd corners,
thence up said mill pond to a stake
Centered by thence
north east poles to two
hickory on the river bank, thence
river SI poles to begin-
acres more or
less Hid land lot DO I allotted
lo A. A. Jr., the
ion of lands of Arthur
lo satisfy execution in my hands
and bus levied said
the property of T. J.
This lid day July,
leave Washington OB
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at ii A. M. for
water permitting,
M., A. II. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and
Hailing hours subject to change de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New- York and Boa-
ton, and for all point for West
with railroads at Norfolk.
should Older freight by
Old Dominion H. Co.
Sew York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, N.
.-in in, V
Line of Hardware.
I can be found the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
J. B.
The Eastern Reflector
The slate lit
will beheld in
Mb, pea
pL- of prop m
to celebrate the in a lit-
The Herald well Man And
lithe up
no ii h ; In the
The era
so ii worn
The some would
be Into a
the all win.
attend feel
in the
addition lo the me Hie
North Carolina Stale
eating thereto, inch
contests, reel
book and ladder race., etc.,
he other Interest-
features. On
August it. a road eon
grant will lie held, and
will U- made J. A. Holmes
slate geologist, and oilier
and well informed people on
of roads. Tiles
lay night annual meeting
the State will
beheld. The grand reel parade
and display will
conic Wed morning, and
this feature alone will .
traveling miles to sec.
day afternoon will be devoted to seller,
horse racing. Liberal purses
some of I he lines blood
nil .-lock aslant will be on turf, j
The half-mile track has in
I one time -m.;
in a
in a ban-and
horse. The girl began the shooting
to keep
The i- a
mil where hit. marry her. Young
are and i.-l be had w ho i- son pion,
an sale, there was
lO buy. II the a picnic when Miss
drove iii grounds and naked
him t,
has been lo control
places of sale, or lo
so us can. sale ill a
lain place or a few plan and cl.-i-
place- is rue, farmers
should organize lo ibis by
slicking lo
Let every tub Maud ii- u
ton, The trust cannot sac, i oil j
closing warehouses the own
era thereof sell to it, and Ibis minding of
they are not lo do; and healed
if they it may l- known Miss
more from the than if he Was lo
they could peel in mi hand- bU lo marry her.
ling of the product on their own young man replied with
floors. There is law. human or emphatic
lake a drive
and I
look the rein- her hands. II
bade his
and were down lane
leading toward
Tin- had not far when
Mi-s chiding
her lover re-
July we w i; a
lots SHOES
K Ti ii .
i X
I II i lb
It I .-
r i
II Him
splendid for the
and I hose who attend
to see some
races. The industrial exhibit,
hades and Uncurls
exhibit will
Two spacious hulls have
been secured, and two of the
bands in w
mis No admission will
lie charged to anything, except the
is putting on her
clothes for Ibis event
her are
with enthusiasm. Tremendous
crowds and even
body collies may feel
will he properly eared for.
only boarding houses
private homes
will be thrown open to if
you go to t you will
lie stranger in a strange
but you will be guest of the
people on
globe. They will lake you by
hand and make you feel you
are among friend-
The nil I rind rates are so low as
to enable all lo attend.
will be sold a basis of one
class fare for round trip. Tick
els will In- on sale July mid
August , , food to return
until August tin August
rate of practically one cent a mile
will prevail. Thin will
lo points miles of
and beyond
distance lo include
and Ashe-
cm In- any
will or inn one
el.-c lo buy on inn
or all.
trust and all en-
gaged arc
lo of
go of
will , and
where the beat nun is- had.
The farmers therefore la- as
strength dually
over the seal of buggy holding
powerful, If w ill, us the trust, her arm in such a position -he
of when- could While
they will sell, if they less he of
the prices at which will his revolver Into the body of the
sell. lo the spirit of girl. When the horse was slopped
independence as well as intelligence both worn exhausted front lo-s of
Of our farmers to say they can be from
made mere vassals by a few shrewd say it is only of a
man, determined I Ian hours when will claim
a- us those with whom I Miss
y I ire.
I ,. II
To. pi .
W aid b. -an with
el nip like
I cat
I he; In re. and I ran
.,, .
male .
a bat the
lit. I did only
i ,, Hi, .
; i ,
; i. here lire
lo whom the i .,
I .-I
,. I In- I, .
dune in- in ,. They
d ., a which
make, ii appear ii
in a . Thai i- w rung.
lime when I
loin i. I, empty. I lie. I
be. i
i-ii-ii ml lorn
for you,
I like in I mi in
I- Mi he i u
la I friend in i-
-I. H ii I'd
and public mull I have
i. sell In . ;, i ll,.
y oil nil ii real
vi nip . m ml ii,
II in
M. Ml . Ill .,, In
i- nil ntH for President, and
when m the lie.-tulle
em ill.
in please.
c ii ill lei
I hem , ii roil ml, mid I hen lei
I -ii dun u and pout,
j Paying Double
Sly h-.
in In
Which a out of
tin- folds her placed
nulled Hie gel. The bulb I
went home. reins,
left same time draw
own revolver,
A niggle now i he
buggy from side lo us
the home ii
M pi .
III each sly
I Black
a I
ken -i-i
w In
If y
you buy m
III wen
line of In. will l
selves, nine
nu ii counter it-
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be at
keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly and all run
down she will he lien
If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood
will cause pimples, skin
eruptions and a wretched complex
inn. Hitters is the brat
medicine in world to regulate
stomach, and kidneys and to
purify- blood. II gives strong
nerves, bright eyes,
skin, rich complexion. It
will make a looking, charm
woman a run down invalid,
cents L.
Drug store.
they deal can be, and will
We faith In the
nor do we believe Hull they
can be tor long by any
combination dependence
will yd assert itself and re
the according us
conditions may require and
A special to the Char-
Observer a strange
seems to attend Houston
family of I hat place. Daily in
I members of Die family
these being only
deaths from disease in Mm-
wool her members of the
family were recently discharged
pest house cured.
day morning one of these, a
man, Houston by name, shot fall
daughter of wealthy parents.
Arlington. III.,
Tend r I
hale sight women insight.
Slang is the wart language,
A broken silence is never re-
The melon season has
A person at sen is generally,
A at ll anything else bill
is blue of
The cheerful i-a
lonesome man.
The roar of lied i- on i lit- sen
of matrimony
was man I i
the by which you
would be able to identify
Witness -Vis, lie stuttered
Chicago Tribune.
his sister in law, the widow of a
brother Who had died lib small
pox. The woman has since died.
parties claimed that the
shooting was accidental but
neighbor say a violent
rel was in progress when
occurred. is
In Jail awaiting an
its fatal germs,
so that no home is sale its
ravages, but found
a sure protection against this
malady Or, King's New
lien you feel a sore-
your and muscles,
have chills and fever, with sort
back of head,
i i symptoms and a stubborn
cough you may know you have
that yon need Dr. King's
New it will
cure the heal in
membranes, kill
genus the
of the malady . Trice SO
11.00. Money back if mil
cured. A trial at J. L.
Drug Store
Thing never sound right
man who can only bear
left ear.
v is now
luted lo mean I came, she -an , we
is name of a
new novel. We suppose II had a
bad cud.
And now they a
farmer because he improves so
Hue boil in the put la two
Oil the face, docs not make
such an able impression.
Light cares, stream
make a noise; great ones like
deep livers, How on silence; and
without a ripple sound to break
the hushed of their placid
The man. who wool sailing
City w a gill
and lost a
opportunity fir high wrought
Paints Oils
When a girl i led
hi. i. iii-1-i i her In i
a- it was ii
III -all-
In women Hides, n
co-i- Ii cm abuse some
body all i ward- for spending so
A ha- few who do
not wonder, her
if she used
The world i gelling easier for
he I buy every
thing cooked, everything
day .
An Ab woman is -i, fond
ii riling i send,.
upstairs . husband lo n
la-l i- .
An in ii pally
recently which to I
or any one
else, guests hit
iii o Italic
girl In town has
joined th ii i. I in-
l -ale ll II
. . a
Let The Work On On.
Winston Charlotte have
placed back speller the
b-i honk for the public
schools. Ah aw matter if fact these
i a roll ton may
more progressive in ibis
i. -p. I w Inch is
lo a spelling reform,
an of correcting
the . ii- bad spelling. No one
has mil lo
Hi- others can
now people know how i
spell, ll great many
ii ho learned from
blue back, and its adoption Into
. ii might be ii
Facilities Reduced,
in i r. I i
skin in Saw Child.
in is., dis
delicate mi
live old John
ll will be a
I ill skill nil child,
I In w ill lb
-km I In. ii an vi
In i Inc.
I be a-
i. weeks aim when
lire, tin nearly one
a tail of Babies.
was a lull last
k in New York a
record breaker, John Mason,
ii iii old dropped from
ii fourth story, struck an awning
lauded a basket of waste.
condition to consume a lull
-hare soothing nip.
John ll sixteen months
Id boy, fell feel and
a friendly pile of ashes.
i- still liable to walk
ill midnight squeezing the
of him.
I he best salve ill the for
fills, Sores, Salt
Hands. C Corns,
all Skin mid
cures Tiles, or pay required,
is lo give
I'm lion or money refunded. Trice
per Tor
L. Woolen.
New York, duly in. At a meet-
of ill directors of
Company, held
today. Mi. M. was
elected president, to succeed the
In. Henry
us formerly vice
and general f com-
I . M . I I Y,.
,,, i,
ii r.
Civil Engineer and
Mills R,
n . s e
Ilia, C.
n i. i, i,,.,,,
Mm. .
I I . ,
r. p. i i ,,
, her c
only the ran Al Office over C
i hint ii

lit urn mm.
D. J. WHICH W. Owner.
at the
Greenville, X. C. as
M Matter.
to See
the Cat Jumps.
I In
oral Wedding.
be M I r.
The j town.
Hi Sal j regret to know that
woman i b sick.
An hour before time for
the wedding ceremony. while
he was dressing herself in bridal
Miss of
received a telegram
the sudden death
the man w ho to her
Hide the ed
Miss rolled
herself in black and
by relatives, went to over
the body of her affianced, lie
Carroll. I prosperous far
MT, of While walk
along the road MM Ins
Carroll picked a bottle. Alter
smelling the contents he decided
was nun. He drunk R
quantity of in a few
minute after died In terrible
agony. An examination revealed
the fact that the supposed a a
compound of alcohol and aconite.
The Fourth In Hill ill.-.
We live In a blessed
Not a man in this Motion but can
command load of watermelons
every Fourth of July.
The Literary Society nave a flue
barbecue. The beauty about this
society is the member never dis-
cuss any I good eating.
was only one on
Fourth, bill it was of no rouse
M the only killed
were six of our sub-
aw i tiers.
The was lively in Ibis
shot off his left arm. and mayor.
who had climbed lo the top of the
greasy pole, Slipped down and
broke his leg.
To Heaven on Horseback.
A. I. Minter. member
of the of delegates of
has been lined and Mill
to jail for fifteen days for disturb
a religious meeting.
list l. I, st rouse is holding
val services in a tent In Bedford.
Captain Minter rode bis horse Into
the lent and announced be
wanted to be sanctified and that
his bone wanted religion, too. The
captain is nearly years
Warehouse Trust Will Bar Of i
position In Durham.
A mad dog was killed in New
Bern Tuesday.
Is still a of
among the
men in
Since the sadden visit of Mi. s.
Woodard to this market and
his attempt to
trade hare, all kinds of talk and
speculation has been Indulged in.
The denial of the American To
that that concern
has anything whatever, or
trust has caused a
partial of excitement in
the leaf circles, those who knot
that R warehouse trust not
supported by the American
will have very little on
markets in Stale or
the were to gel all
of warehouses In the city, two
other houses in- erected at
once and a determined light, sup
ported by the tobacco growers in
this section. the
trade here. Not has the at-
lo the trade here
aroused the warehouse men and
leaf dealers, the farmers In
this count., are up in
the movement. well-to-do
tobacco planters were city
and sud that were
ready and tiling to lake stock In
warehouse that
might be started, has
ahead, been to creel
new as soon as trust
crowd show their hands a lit
which must be done with
next the thirty days, i-
limit of options secured.
Durham, died at mi
years age,
A woman in
tried lo poison a three year old
daughter of C M. was
detected in the act.
The postmaster
count j. knocked
conscious and I be safe of
HO and bills.
springs hotel,
miles from was
destroyed Are night.
insurance 18.100.
The says
real i farmers arc
this year selling at
thresher. arc getting
vents a for it.
a lawyer of
ills-, fell from his wheel weeks
and Injuries from
which be died bust
fas a native of Virginia.
The Sort
here by . W. Parker.
thermometers, lanterns, to
bacon-knives, and thread It,
Manning Cos.
Miss Harris was here
again this week, some of our
are glad to say, she's
Mi. and son
have had that new kind of measles,
which kept in doors several
forget A. i. COS is
advertising lo sell his Mill and
also Q beef
cattle for cash,
John one of cigar
has been home thin week
plowing for his lather who was
k days.
Nerve cigar seems
He I,, day where has
liven tried, and it's not all in the
Carolina IS,
The Carolina Press
elation met this In
seventh annual The
is large and I wen
new members have Joined
The convention was called to
W. t. Dowd
and opened with prayer I.
Law. Hon. A. M. Waddell.
Major of Wilmington delivered a
hearts address of welcome to the
editor which was responded lo l
Maj. K. Male. President
was an
A South Carolina I
Ina Out a Love I Premiums have been paid
A News reporter this
morning a sad
place just the Mouth
Carolina line a Ml ago.
Mr. Watson, a prominent
young fa liner of Car
had been paying attention to
a Miss Slum, daughter of
Sloan. The families live near
each Other, and I
that Mr. and Miss
were to Wed. Mr. Sloan for some
reason had refused Mr. his,
band, and furthermore
had forbidden him to to his
Sloan's house. . two
Newark. N. J.
Your Policy
J. Cash
I, Paid up
B, Extended
works automatically,
The business of the Association
made an
father of
s Sloan learned of their
Will re -instated within
The years alter lapse arc
relates lo of interest and
the members, em
braces and discussions on
several important subjects,
The and their wives were
brought down to beach b
Capt. w. Harper on
Wilmington and the trip was de
Wilmington people for sometime,
his daughter break
She bill still
did not inform her sweetheart.
At the appointed
man made his appearance near the
house, at a point had inn
agreed on. After remain
showing editors courtesy
Carolina Beech is a
place, is sadly
in hotel
People are having lo sleep
Speaking large
told Bringle, of this
cut a sycamore tree
measuring thirty three feel III cir
Salisbury Sun.
The Salisbury Sun says Hie
mayor Lexington was in the
mayor's one
week for being drunk and ills
orderly, and was lined 3.33.
Wright, of Chester,
suicide at Charlotte
There is an ore or more of to-
growing here, from which
I here will a call put up
tile Canning
A crowd of boys
passed through on freight Wed
going to John
Smith, Kay Tyson and Will Daniel
stopped here awhile and then re-
I proof, people
our wagons. have orders
a Saw On Him.
We were told Saturday
down at
county, In which a was
most decapitated,
Mr. t lit storekeeper
at a struck A in
the bank Of the neck will a saw
and the head fell forward
on hut breast. The neck was
most cut in two, and, of course
wound was a dangerous one, but,
we understand, is thought the
injured man will gel
bury Sun.
I'm other employment.
In Slimming up the general situ
present, would say that
the tobacco men at
sea and are resting on their oars
wailing to sec what will be the
result, If the trust goes
here I here will a united
light, with shoulder the
wheel; if mil. matters will g. in
the future much as in the
a Durham received
a telegram from Danville, which
ii was stated that
warehouse trust was lo fall
on account of the inability
three or four warehouse owners
to give clear titles to their proper
The Winston
plan, is said, is lo
gel options on all of the warehouses
in North Carol I nil he can and
i lieu submit lo combine
our wagon excels.
A. O
Old tobacco men say if
warehouse was a with for half a or more.
success ii would throw more than a pistol. He had been drinking ,. trill make as soon as Hut
half people now supporting for several days and had told bis is over. This is not be
their families from the trade friends that he would soon lie dead. the get
employment. This would work a He leaves a wife and elsewhere. they know
hardship, as
these men are titled c , prom in Nash conn
to Rocky Mount there is not n
sorry crop of kind. Not
are all crops line, bill are
ahead best pros
The farm, III
is a solid green block as
the eve can reach In
directions large from as-
Rocky Mount Motor,
young lover grew hold and
ed as far as the house. Me
led and sang a notes,
lo his surprise his sweetheart
did not appear. Finally, growing
tired of being and
anywhere can. and i u it , a burning desire to meet his-
the only drawback to the W. II. Win it.,
pleasure of meeting here. at the window.
table fare is all that could lie asked j n
and if the other accommodations , response
and conveniences were as good the of
tin- would be a nice place lo come from the Inside. There as
to. as ii is people Bud of
much given to i. grass
good health.
After Second Year
Dividends arc payable at the lie-
ginning of I lie and each
succeeding year, the
for the year
i , To reduce Premiums, or
S. To Increase the Insurance, or
To Make Policy Payable as
an during Lifetime
of Insured.
J, L.
W. T,
We have just opened
building entirely new
complete of------
foils. Ii lay prostrate
would lake hold of this place and Several shot
build a good hold here it would be ,. penetrated young lover's
We Carry
I I . II. I Ill's.
Ii, .
is and hot. No
one of I be the It was not long before J
coast. Many excursion patties appeared
come here during summer, and on the scone, still holding the gun.
lie made no denial of the fuel Hull
was lie did shooting.
The New Informant morning
slab's voting Watson, is
feared, is fatally wounded.
have made several attempts
to but so far
efforts have proven futile.
The principals this affair are
among the people of
Snub Carolina, and
Is described as a moat
An Iowa editor decided, a
dream, to get a paper
would entirely satisfactory, and
which nothing would printed
that would offend any one. Con
every item written
submitted to houses
of the town and when an objection
was made the Item was
The paper came out at the usual
time, and when unfolded, was
found to nothing a blank
sheet. had performed
a miracle. He had, his dream,
issued a paper to which no one
And it is
only way it could have done.
Familiarity with a judge i
Iv sure to breed contempt
Some people are
cranks because they make
a heels go
can't help feeling Oil I of place
remarked the young clerk
who been discharged.
best lo tickle a man's
says Phil
to tell him he hasn't
gel along well for a short
while, those who come t
longer lack
The possession too wives
purchased j bill
,,,, , for a
live per cent, for his work, which
would make nice
I .
North I
Press adjourn-1
ed Thursday afternoon to meet at
next year. The ,,.
billowing were elected for
President D. Whichard. of
Vice T.
hey. of Raleigh.
2nd Vice Bell,
3rd vice
Are prepared from
mild laxatives, and
while gentle arc reliable
and They
the Liver
Cure Sick Headache,
and Constipation. Sold
re, per box.
I f.
man's being too many for him.
-You're a lucky dog.
trouble, no sickness. Why.
doctor's ever of
I happened lo have enough
money to pay his lull right
I holly hear you arc
addresses to Miss Bullion, How
fat lake
nit think it
the coal and
baggy portion of the
night, old
W. Marshall.
A from Manila
night says has raining
and storming almost constantly for
two days, and that the unit v
along the American nit and
lines is literally Hooded. The sol-
arc great
The Thirteenth
is surrounded by water, and in
many cases the men are sleeping
with of water beneath
bunks, which are elevated oil
boxes, Manila is
possible of and no
are leaving the harbor.
Miss Bryant is hi
Mrs. In her
Our clever little salesman
Davenport bis relatives
Mr. M. O. went to
today on Important business.
Manx people Bethel
lo learn our splendid teacher.
lo have
us fall.
are glad lo the
report circulated
Raleigh that our ex Postmaster,
had fallen short
his office and had paid
same, is false. Mr. is one
of our and most honorable
The M. E.
here passed very pleasantly.
Our people had prepared for many
more preachers, and visiting than
Dr. L. L. Nash, whom the pen-
of Bethel began a pro
I railed meeting here last Honda
and as usual be has
work here greatly. The
Doctor is lo leave us tonight,
regret of even one, but our pastor
will the meeting with
of that most excellent
gentleman preacher,
I. pastor of M. B,
church. A great Christian work
is expected.
The Board of Aldermen met
night and had a
busy session la-ling until I o'clock
in the morning.
on ordinances re
ported and the entire was gone fill girl Chariot News.
or and adopted and ordered lo be
printed. Same new ones were A Shot In the Dark.
added which are along right night about nine o'clock
Hue and promise much reform to while Mr. W. A. his
The Hoard is lo be coin
Hats, Haiti ware,
Crockery, Implements,
Meal. Sugar, Coffee,
Lard, Tobacco, etc., in fact
every STAPLE
carried In a general
We Also Sell
Oar prices on everything will i
found as low as u article
at. You are in-
to v store.
Highest prices paid for all kind
wife were seated on heir porch of country
mended for the way they have about a mile from town.
down lo work and class faint
of work I arc doing The special were Irving to cool the healed air.
lax was as
Merchants and druggist half
levied the as
chase lax on capital Invested,
Vendors of oils of kind, sell
more than one gallon at a time
their attention was attracted a
set plunk,
the from the direction of
line patch of melons near. These
melons were pride of the family
who were count on feasting I
from lank, wagon dollars themselves and their friends in
Sixty Thousand Dollars for the
managers of park,
have raised their otter of a Stephen Woodrow, of
purse for I go, Cecil Md,, veteran of
to If they get late war, found IN
to make I hi general in a loll, and next day
admission Of, ex- a check from for
an audience of The Moo buck pay and a pension of
light ill be held an open air a month Thus is proven Unit
arena. fortunes do not come singly.
The total value of property lost
on account of the Cuban war,
Havana of the
Planters, is estimated at
in round
and the island will need, even pro.
foreign capital cornea to ii as
abundantly as previously, six or
eight years to retrieve its former
prosperity, The value of the ex
ports dropped from in
1905 to on January
1800, American I rover.
U . K. v-
II, Mon-
I- it No
IV 1.1
per year.
Medicine par
Tobacco an
Lumber dealers
solicitors pictures
lo enlarged per week.
The lime for lax on second
hand clothing dealers going into
effect was extended to IS.
The ordnance removing hogs
from the goes Into Aug
The Mayor made some timely
remarks dining reading of the
ordinances as to his determination
to have In-iii carried Into effect,
There arc more cases of scar
let fever the Military Academy,
at Point, N. V.
Utah, has
by overcharged creeks, and great
damage has been done.
New granite
quarries have entered a
with capital.
As the recoil of a pistol duel at
Crawford. Miss., Shields
and A. both
Brown, formerly a
Ohio teacher, shot himself at
Angeles, CM., yesterday and
w ill probably die.
The Steamer arrived
Seattle, Wash., yesterday,
loll from and
One hundred men were enlisted
the of recruit in I Mi
Greenville, and at the magic
sounds which told that
lingers were investigating the con-
of their treasures.
Mr. stalled to the de
fence, going into the house for his
pistol, the wife slipping around by
a to gel a glimpse of
marauders. The husband
coining from another direction as
he approached patch saw a
form outlined in
dun light by I lie side of his melon
patch and being greatly excited
in direction, A -scream
follow and to bis horror he re-
its tones that of his
wife. The ball had struck
her in the arm, making a painful
but not dangerous wound. The
who is her did
not succeed in extracting
morning. Mr. friends
with him for wounding
his wife and for wounding the
real thieves. Daily
The Sweeping
Hi.- i- Michigan and Wisconsin for
i. HoM soil . , , ,
ism. I, n.
Whichard, N. C.
The complete In every lo
part and prices us low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid fur country produce.
Don't , i-0,.
in- . .,
A -I .
Co. or N
mill Hie . Is n.
semi in is. an
Thai Senator will, for
in bid
a White
n ., ,
hie n in make
of fails. .
, . .
Will never to -loin
white ma in any pan f
w the at
November S, For tins reason
party hope
control in North so
C as present in
. for is
mean sad
lo will
Thai in-.-M In Nona
Carolina has for him.
CT 1-
e.,,.,. ,,., Democratic ,,, ,., ,. . ,
campaign .,.,, a
I I Vow
r or
I sail more and more That vi ., .,, ,. , ,
ii. of to the bone, AND NOT ,.,.,,. I
men and j I the of s . , .,., ,
Ma shall Is. so ran
pm in man
.,,. . favor, or not so
he are
lo from Africa.
ii Thai if the white man
fl mail lo hi
while man In all S
Carolina who
that o as a
la certain pans
will follow
and lbs Influence of
an in p of be
and fell in every pan or
Bum. ii is for t-
party in
will in I hi
Democratic , yon prom
or abridge
of I demand, there-
an tin I
on .-,.,; u,,.
in Hi., la-i election i n . .
la. and
.-mil festering -ere from body pol-
I was heard by all
els. Ike
t r.-ll Into line for more supremo
straggle while
line by one they have repudiated
, for
Carolina, is by the give the . , . ,, .
, , . . . politics, line one
a is convention, of we . , , ., ,, .
, , , . nun hue against
lily u. and in tics way.
tare. whether while
holding crowd we shall nut -1
lie It, forsooth, they wain
vole them in
Or while man In all
Of s . ; , ,., I j .
Ion Supreme tie
Suite, . tint
. ., ,
a r,
and on
r wane man In all North Car- Conn before Hie n. .
. or will y ,. that Judge, elected a lute
party the
of the I n
we ray no -if-;, , .-.,., .,.,.,,.,,, lo
while man has been or will be round up ,,. Conn
the it,., while men of the I Sine. if
Carolina, we decision, . II not of the p
in II
. .
lay or
. .
. .
against Intimation any do unless i
in man in last election voted II. own vi .
. . ,., ,.,. .,.,,., a
There are hut few -trite or not. 11.1. of ,.,.,,., promise made in In-half of inf , mini, it. mi I reason
or Dr. which Is
prominent In public eye.
Carol nay. for all
of the It,
soling of In another, we n
But. at large this way. e will hare to sen,,. , .,, ,, , ,.
n J pert. o n.,,,,.,.,., ,,,.
MM he. . .
and black decree only of pee
i j.
In last campaign, the Democratic
party did promise the while people of
he for lack
mi account of his poverty, n--.,. lion. M.
; ,
. .
. I
. .
II. i but will
. .
an-l decree of ;. . ., , v .,.,,. , ,. a, ,; r .,, , . ,
voters i- great., of the . r .,, ., , f . . or ,.,.
I craven for Instance, Haul-. decree as . . . . Ks -1
as I. -If.
v rote
Voters, and of the.
III v an- while at
In Halifax, in Northampton, la War j a VOTER and if
and New rote . . MAN,
a other IT MOST
which be Vine, win X
of black Republican to white HAS
H a great Mis II will
hi. county. for
had carried the.
a. nearly ever in MAN; a
county, and many oilier
ea-l. today he
I. grass, I. If the
only the of T Will
cast ,,, ,. ,,.,.,. r ,,. i
home county, rallying
boys the amendment,
courage and
nerve for one for
we w. a the meal
ells Victory SI a.
age may have the nil .,
. of the
was 1.1,111 . . ,
. ,. Al,. . the faith of
P.- a There a
l an
ii the ,. ,,.
part, , ,,. ., ,, , , ,. ,,
, mi .,;
any he M N. Ml .,, .,, . .,. ,,
. had carried a., the . ,. ,. ,,,, ,, , ,.,, re
for in- WT
II i
lit Inn
i . n i
ill Oil v
i Kin . . .
i i . hi .
.; i I . v .; M
if. . .
i . I n-j mi v i . r,
State la W every in lag him for hi. But he ever of lbs Democratic i i .-
and many oilier the probabilities this l not result of L.
k, n., . . w a m ,. Thai, any a 2-
. .- -r S.
m .,., ., ,. . a startling
. r . from
,;. ,,
;, . which It I. or . situation. ,,, ,, ,.,.,. ,,,,. .,
in lean par ., M , ,,, when Is a sensible man n . their nature; ., The.- em, i ll II
Power in ,, ,. a . of any party race, who does her------ u .
State la over years, .,. . and are from know that ,., ,,,. ., .
i . ,
. . i
I., .
. .
. , .
a I am , ;
l Ion plain
be .- em, I v
.,. men. as love s. of any party or rare, does worship of of
, the not know and tend, to
of he Is as -i, The. like res, of of the las, s ,., where the
as will .
. ii, mean l , ,,,, . toward, and are
i. gelling the ruminate . ,.,,,,,,,,,. ,., ,,. , , . help bin, In every way.
work .
meat, with the. , , ,. , . ,.,
Km after two year. each bin IT
rule is lie I
while in,. Stale who
does net know the . the
mm Alien In
power Ii. Carolina I, . REPUBLICANS FOR NEGRO
Is both In
the policy and In the manner of ad. ELIMINATION.
years r ,. ., ,.,,.,.
Carolina has
to the in.-l tin- I. that Is n. I.
they him wrong, um-
any one rt In any Injustice
forced upon the of naming for our own ,, .
i has ,,,. ,,., , . ,
, , , . , , . was ran
the fact ,. ,. , ,
,,,,.,.,. under
of of Willie y.
pill ,. while 1.18
in of and forty n.
of in other a cry
rage . cause
. um. will not only
claim the his
strength gives, bin win ,
,., . ,, , , h.
with all the Insolence and
fortify it
pi his activity
, , , , a., ii,
I. there a white man in Mi Slate , , , , ,, ,
fool enough to boll.,., fr
,,,, d am.
lesson of these .,,, f. , . .
bidding years, , .,, Is , , , g
BUM Who thinks , w ,
for the morrow, the-.
people or- back rule
two years they have
who had
consorted with
It off. he I. .
fool killer I. I,, ,., .
if he does not sad Mat .,,, Zs.
world will all verso
1.1. ,,.,.
hi- until the
It H years after our lies, ,.,. . capital I,,,.,
forgot, again ears of
bended the . mo yoke
., rule. u, , . ,
even more bluer and the yaks ., , party the built I.
more . Int. sad needed i. North and
bun remembrance f our i many be
will have lo fade fr. ,, ,, . , f ,,,.,. .
of ,. women . p, must ., lean ,.,.,
party can I,.,,,,.;. f ,.,,. fr ,, , ,,.
If H remains ,,. .
again rule North Carolina. ,.,. st,.,
The day of in i of political
South ha. passed lbs thrifty Sena
end it may that from hie the national cap-
will ever sent forth hi. famous manifesto
carry a Slate south of the It l, curl
and and
men who to ,.,. ,,., , reference
rota lo us last campaign,
t m. Thousands
sands of this r ill
Vote for In a
spirit of the av
tint it, ,,, white men
while women of Mate,
hi the end lie
adoption will be the for
as well as for the while man.
The it.- adopted, and
has in Carolina for
man, a It w lie adopted by
voles of of all
While are
while men who are as
as White men who are Democrats,
It any one f a good
part of more lies
Informed do also vote
for It.
of the the pa. tea-l. In keep
our con net ion our VII
good order of p a.- these Iv nil b
and safely State demanded
of the met a
vole, and that the , government, i i,
. .
, i . . .
. . .
. . .
, . . ,
i .
. . v . ,
i i-i. , .
i i. x s r i i s i v i r i
I I.
. it; v, i i if vi i
v . r
bis feeling, which a. the .,
rooted ,,. the a.
a-in mind, of the ., mat. of while man ., . .
only he wild an, Ids and ; in voter, iv , IS
can , n
or I. In of I The and .
m, he , ,.,. ; ,,, .
la ., , ,., . , ,,. ,, i
Thai .- lie or nm I . ,.
all true, till he Iv. lie ha. no lie
I . .-. . II .
it,, own
in ii. .- . in. , i
, u p . Um m
U not bin t ;.
at I- inn , .
a wayfarer
I ,.
, a tyrant when It.
,, race .
from . of in a
I, . a , ,. . , .
hole on
, .
The has I.,, and
repealed. the
that .
mill , m . .
by . ., .,,,,.
by .
a .-. .
.- KU ,.,,.,, ,,., u-
Court, will
in in
III Hill I .
T .
In ,,, ,, ,. ,. . ,. ,,
their In. . I- kit.,,
to la any . In,, n .
of the to L be .
Pray, the aside ., . ,. .,.,,.,,,. ,,., , .
. mate ,. ,. . . . , . ,.
make such a j,
did not ll lo the
because ii did ash for vote.
On contrary,
it to the do
your vote; we propose to heal
Will. voles o f WHITS
him -This a
man's country, and white u.
bet no one by and awaken his op,.,.
threats, The know, car,
Mined by will nothing it, , . ,,, . .,.,, t . i
a,,, go practical mini ,. for . ,.
will What I I. the , , , , .,
doubt be hold In and the practical . .-. .,
Mine time will what there a
m new member. . lo lie learned . n,.
must and rule so if u , . Thai no ought t , . ,
-We propose to pm M i . m read
in Caro have i decided by Ins , .-
i, i on, .
. i
a--s . . . t . . .
i II ,
. . .
lid I- lo
top domination in North Caro
lain, now and Ami upon
every from the to
ii,. new conn.
We do not mean say t
eat would the lead lo make him ., i
demanded prom lo ,.,. . ,. i,,.
,. . .
what would nine the ,,,., The ., .,., In
there have been ii. ii. making or
any oilier promise i,, n.,,
It have to
I will II
I . I .
. I
ii . h
i el
. a., .
, . w ill
v. . i
i ,
, ., .
.- ii
part i
i i
. . .
and . , ,;,,,.,. . , int the.
,., become the vole It . .
It me curt-, and fad pat riot ii, o tin
v I.
. ;
, . ml I i,
I do . ; . ., i

C. B
B ill I
. .
. i . . I
; In Favor
. -i
From the
I the
; .
I I ,
. ;
. . I
. .
I ft I
. . . ;. . .
ill .
i , .
ml It rill
in i I
. i
tut . I'll, vi

The Question Alleged Dis
bite c
x I . ,
v I .
. Theoretical Justice to the
. . .
, i .
i . . . .
i . , , . . ,
Way Involve
cal Injustice to White Men
ii j. I r
. . .
It .
It I in
I .-.;.,
The Constitutional Amend- it
; merit What it K and Ll hat
ii is i.
,. n . . . . . ,
. . ;. .-.
t , . i . . i
I. V
i i I- I any
i . I
I i In .
. ., . , i i In. I i. v
iv ;
,.,., . is . ., i
i . v.
i . .
i I
I I -1 I pal
III fl I . i-l. Ii i-
i i if
i P i tin , -1
mailer .
i .-. . will
he i. I i
i. , , ., ; ,,. Hi it
.-.,. i-a mi I ,.
I i ii t-
I, I I , I . . , . i. . ., .;.
the . . . . . , , i . n the
j I A mend me to be
,. . II ii mill, in . i nil i man
on the in . .,,,. ., .,,,.
.- .;, .
. , , . . I III .,
i I . . . in ii. in .-an I I
. from George
i t.
i ,
i I i . .
i- .
i . . ,
I .-I
. i
. I
. I
I .
I . .
. III.,.
am ii
. i .
, i i.
Mil. i
I I In
ii I. I
I .-. I . ;,
. . . I
ii .
. . I , v .
. . H ,. . . .-,.,
. i
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or . i
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I . . I., .
I I.
, . .
;.,. . i I -i . r . ,
III I. i la . ; I .
, i . ;, I I . i . 1- ,
in . H i . mate
r. ii.
i . i
ii ii ii. in ii.
hi . i 1.1. i.
. Hi . pro
I . In . v t.
I ill . ii. ii. . i.
I . i i I I . . l . . .
I .
i ii . i- roll.
i Kin . . i i
iii .,
W. . Allen Shows
that the Amendment Mn. t
nil, III . I ,, , ,,,.,,.,., . , ,., . s ,,.,.,, ,.,. , ,,. ,
Stand or Fall as a Whole.
limn, i . . .,. ,. of Calli In
1.1. i . i,. ., i i u ii v i. -i ,. i n,
i . . n ii n i .- In hi i . I .
I I . -ii. II . I ,. , i- . III,, ii-
i I I in
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i I. T i. . mi in . nu pi In ., h i
I lip nil . at ii . , ,, , limit, mi
I I . . In-; . . , i . . . . ., III i , I I I, . . ,
i ,; . , . ,. i . . , it 1.1
H i , . . . . m i- .
I main I ., i . ,, ,,, . .- n- s i .
ill f I nil. III. i. . n H ., i- i . .-I- . i . nil .-
i- . i I i n. i i . i i I i
. i ii i. i.,. , i, i-pa ii -ii
it ins i. i law . i-. of A,
II i- i , i-
III. i . ,,. , , ,. ,.,,,,. , ., I i- i . f ,
. . . . . , i.
; . lawful iv , ,. IV in . ii
, , Hull Hull- i on
ii ml . ii . . . r., ,,, . . ,. ,. i,,. ,. .,. . .
i . in,, i
;, S- , T
i , r;
i mil inn. Hip i Hip I.,,.
I .
. pi i .
Ii Hi i . m .
M in i. , ,,.,, , . i ii I . . ,
. I. No m. p., i. . , . ,
i .-.;. i . ,., ,., i V . -in-
x i v i . . ,., I i i.
i i
I . i
. .,
I ii.
i ,., i
i in mi in .- i.
In i. In- ii. ilia
. re frail III. Hip of rim
II II. II of ill
11.1- III Ml
I'll i. I . a
I Will II
i i I .
f i i- i ,. .,.,. t ,,
. I i I i I , f, I I. i-ll, ill, , i .
i . m-i . i v ,. ,., . I
ii , . . I ., , .- . .,,. . ,
i i, ,, . I , , ,.,., ., . ,
l nor I
i rift ii- urn
M II .-1111 ill
i h I. . ii . i .
Goods r
Ll Jot
rm . i i H.
II . I
and prices,
II To I In.
ins. Will i, ,. ,
. r
. C. i
I. II. i. ;, ,,,;, ,,, . pr,
ii I,, i. . . .,
II. . , . I v. .
iron ,,
II , ,. i,,
V. . i r. N . Ilk
, i I. . .
i i I he i
., .,
in mi ., ii
Heavy and Fat c
lire. II. V. arrival
Header In- In
I SUM. .
.- i- .
i .
. I lie . , , .
, .
here , . m Inn. .-
. i w .
xv., i w i
hi. II. i Iii . s
a ii . . . I. A
Mi. K. I. f
the Hi- .
I., in
; i- a .
ii ii mm.
A nil I.
I he
A tell.
I he I In-
. II. 1.1 in ill. a i-
in i. I . ,.
u Spring.
Mm. It. W.
II. mil. the-Aim I . . j
I. in I'm ii bill . I--iii. .
Seek The have been the i, I lie . .
, ,.,.,.,. ,,, ,.
.-. . . . .;, . ; ;
ii ll. i. . , ; .
,. I In ,. . ; . ,., ill u K. .,
here. The lion . trade
,.,. , .
. . I , J w h
I i, , iii I ;. . . . ., I ;
. . i-
H I., i
. Rile art ;
ii. .,. i l., i mil
l-l Is.
hi.-iii. I el
III.- mi II.
I u
la perpetuate
. I
ii-1 in In- in. one
a iii.
i ltd l .
pared till.,. . . u
inn , .,.,. ; in II . iii-.
Shred m ,,., , ,,,. -i . I lie mill. In
III S. ,,,. ,.,, .,.,. ll , , m
Inn -.- .-an be a tablet
half .-. -u mill
Cobb Son.
. .,
The Ii i. .
lire . -i, in
The have a. appropriate w far
,,. ; ,,.,, , , , .,.,;.
. .
It IT K to.
Come to soc them.
a ins ii
known w ; been a
all Mill . In
he up in
.,. . ,.,.,. , ,. ;
in r.
bear Hi maul will, in
.,,., the Ill
a I'm- m.-l .,;. i
i- Mid I. ,. here hi. mill men id newspaper are
and ., to . .
evening when I he m i in .,.
to Join and wife iii livers nil ell n,
arrive in real style all Ilia will la- the n.,, ,, V WANT IT
but they go away broke, ill take part In In think V n . ,.
i r
The dealer in n a tribute Ida n. III I
f .
make hi. , .
to a hand In II rail
him. la her of II. hie
Hunt have great
but in the
el, ha. elected
l ii
v iii .
tin In the .
. I
lie dead
who In help ill
In the or
mil sun I Iii-iii and
Sum 1.1,
lie held j
mi I'm A
tin- Mount nil will
has A, It, I'm
Young a. he
mis inn i
ear and lest his leg.
I ho of your
Mils. J, A.
So IT, I. o. O.
for Durham,
All Io
lull a lei. of
left mid grown .
s, lei a. all an el
frank Martin, of while in e
.- . Hum no I,, . . .
Keep your Wood , .,, , . ,. ., . ,,
were In
L. II.
take advantage
make them ; I.
are X.
intake of any I V, L.
We in column P. W. Harbor.
an ;
which has a liberal . .
patronage lilt mid,
have larger, ll
and II. I.,
of sin Mi
and of t .
high grade colleges the State. ,,.,.,, . . if.,.
It in splendidly located and .
reached Hunt Motion in a to
ride and without any delay Smith.
nil the Iliad.
The trust pretend
I, w . Bryan.
lust hen
Rev, N. M. came in
a trip i Iii.
II. A. While left morning I
for Wilmington and
Miss of
la her Mrs. r. l,
Miss I Iii lie mi l In-
left last
lug for a
dais horn.
Hunk, returned In lite
Miss Anna
II. wife left
for a trip In .
All in i i-
S .
ill I'll I'll I ,
I Jill
. in iii j. let
M Is inter
i . in
mi I
i i m TOP
Foil M l i;. i r I ;
sun. v.,, . J l
i i;
criminal are n
All are t,
awl make n
law. They he punished
they did not haven mortgage . I
The nines of
played game
of ball here II i-i .
The as as Kin
The only It I
women is
It it
a n
In all
Scant Pain-
Mi ism ill p. falling
I .
i . II
I ti. i. I.
arc I . .,. it n h i it
. C.
was at
every p int. little
in right Held was
pr the I I en in.
though be was nut much larger
than a large lull
a charming little fellow. The
were all a
gentleman set of young men.
It. i. a
in hi- brother, It. J.
over on bis win here
from nay he
This speaks well for I'm
and the tin.
They have bean
ping from
Rev. Morton w ill preach
vice night,
lie lib
elicits will
his borne place.
The Kitting
north 1-1. iii
hate or an,
the bus
i them, Wilton the
Links of the l;. neck
Mr. nap.
Iii. men lie Is rue and ,
and Dr. i. a
on examination Hint Mr. proper mid ;
hail Ht I truly,
as the Wilson
Mr. K.
ii. ii,,,,, in,.
approached mi
. p ii.-
in .
in do It In nil
The first step m ,. . .,,, ,. ,. ,
should be to Nature s ,.
house from Winter's iii. all mineral A wire Indignation,
lulls , I Insomnia, nil and
1.11.1 n 11.111,. wonderful,
for the tale leaf rooms .
,., j I I
in An, stale N
l , B. WHITE.
is Difficult.
Hood's I
does this work ft n n
. America's Greatest
It the blood.
. . obtained Inn
of people say. , , ,,,. , ,,
. I.
n hi. . ll
,. i I-.-
in i I. . . . in .;
. . n.- N. . ii
I. ll ,, , , ,,
o'clock, William
the four-year-old ion of Mr. and
Mi. I. Greene, died
lie for
tome time none thought hit
death -n near. It I .
Joint of ill
Cure . on
and In
the in
tin sen will ruin hit
forever. I.
Reduced Rates on Rail Roads.
Hacks to meet every Train.
11.1 m To i-a
Hut or water to
i.-i ins
ill-. I
. l
Inn I
inn options, bin in M less experienced
men b. give I. , T ,
, a ii put loop
I.- with wit
II .
in he
to you inn them together with win
V. 1.11 ii We have experience In Vine making
Mi 1- I prominent lawyer Wilton mid to tied together In burnt but, of we
.,.,. of ex . if you want them. Von will ill
I . . ., ll., .
,,., , n .- .
11.- I
Ill I
M Cm I
mil. -1. iii. iii p
I where iv e Tin
I I.
v ii
.-. I. I
Repaired it mi ml
b stand Main street.
ll . I
S. L CO.

Book Store
Has on hand a full supply of
The Standard Bottles
In The ill Labor.
ha law
l i
Montreal hi-
Ireland contain houses.
makes Scotch whiskey.
l motor milk vans,
plumbers demand a
has American punting
Oklahoma n wheat
cur fol a omen.
Ill Prance ft
receipt of flue
Ii i-believed that there
I- US III ll
sound sleep;
fine appetite tad a ripe old age,
are some of the results the use
of Liver Tills. A tingle
dose will convince you of their
wonderful effects and virtue.
A Known Fact.
An absolute cure for sick head-
ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour
stomach, dizziness, constipation
bilious fever, piles, torpid liver
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
At The Tick Window
Never spill when turned over.
stops at leave
wall four
i think
be you
I lo,
Yon, air. be yon know
boiler than I I'll. N
Yields of mO bushels an Here arc to travel OH
Rush sell or whether inn inquiring for
Held, ii I visiting house
The Pro
ii save her all Ike
per bottle-
Tin- ill . goods clerk- Ml New
Haven u hull
day dining and August,
The cotton, carpel
packing lip net
things to lake that
train herself not she'll
have I he Mailing
maybe yon think Its
m to la-bind i here
mils people about things
know a- ill as yon do, if mil
better, bill Idea is you're
pin there because they
u of noteworthy, activity.
In I he farming districts of
ii lo hire a horse for
die Ml edits to hire a
The copper mining of
Sew Sunlit a lea promises In its
proportions In
The mill lies Equipped lilting School in the South,
Commercial. last ear. North West of
Piedmont feel above sen level. State chain
Track Athletics for many
among preparatory schools, Terms reasonable, considering
facilities offered. Kith annual -e-.-inn opens August
For beautiful address. I
a. m.
sermon every
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays P.
Litany Fridays at A.
at., Bar. I. A.,
in Charge.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Kev.
A. Setter. Sunday-
morning evening,
meeting Wednesday
X. at, Watson, pastor.
school D. in. W K.
It. Morton, pastor.
school p. in. J. K. Moore
regular services.
V. a A. H.
I Lodge, No. first and
evening. K.
W. M. J. M. See
Meets every Tuesday evening.
D. N. i.
K. of P. Tar River Lodge, No.
as, Friday evening.
j. L. Pleating, C. C. Carr,
of Ii.
The Cheapest School in South for the it. Council. No.
Semis In I larger per edit even-
J. M. H. Holt
N. C.
any other school iii the stale. Special course preparatory to Annapolis
c Wire stand
near nu are.
The clothiers Muss.,
will join movement mid
In tin
I lie Iron
puny, has
use you la the
in-ill. perhaps you'll
lay lo give people civil answers
when ask you civil
young man. opinion is
ah a gasp,
i ago Tribune.
Stale Normal
Mistrial Mm
OF i
in young women thorough
literal v.
Fort year opens
September 6th. Largest en
of any College in
South, Completes i in
the Stale. Heard to
mg. W. It. Wilson, B, M. B.
Lang, Si-.
U. A. every
night at 1-M, in I. O.
F. hull. A. D. Johnson, Conn-
A. . Council,
No. meets every first and I hint
Thursday in Odd Fellows
Hull. V. Worthy
Smith. Sec.
Slate of Oil in. City of Tm i
V ex worthy young men. every
of tor
members. c
students. Ha-
in the Slate except one.
Practice of
iii Mini pupils. secure board
dormitories, all free-tuition a
You may never but
Should you ever want
1.1 IV.- I IV. I
I'll make- oath
he is partner of the
Frank Co., do
mi Increase per lug business the city of should be made before
and State and ; August Wt.
w ill pa sum from those desiring competent
A successful of for
In i- en each and of Catarrh j For mid other
women. The blenders, be cured the Hall's
One female in j
South, cheapest for ad-
second Hand Goods
Bought and Sold
on Commission.
-I .,,.
Ml t the In lo
Catarrh Care, J.
Swum to before me
iii in my presence, this of
I in A. I.
i i A. W.
j , Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
and acts on the
Toledo, o.
Give us a call.
tin Mi i
Visiting Card
Full Sheet Poster.
The Daily Reflector
lusters mid women.
live of land In
Astoria. N. Y. fronting on
i. have been sold lo
who will
plant there.
In eggs
In value In
the W
HO per
I hem.
Ill nearly -Heel in
eh u- public oven, where,
for a small fee, housewives
have and -upper-
cl for them.
lathing, cents per cross
lurk lathing, lip
and down lathing. rents
are employed In the
in making distributing
ii clippings aiming those
w lime in.
Mi KB.
Widest patronage and fullest
N. I . in history. Faculty
Student. Academic
Schools, in Law. in Mod-
in New build-
Water Works, Splendid
lull literary In-
To those applying time tin
W for
I W I hem look
it. w.
um m
W If.
I K.
Classes open to women. k. o.
lion a year; Board a month. Ample v.
opportunity for self-help. Scholarships and
M an in
i H
I v. II
i i in
I. ,.
-i .- .
ii mouth,
you a
Divers Feet Coder
This i- mi
and hill ;
for deep sen diving.
Inventor is M,
I, mo
Venice. The bell is Iron v
sphere and is
with oil cloth three thick.
It is thus well
The diving globe is constructed
I,, work a depth of
i Is, more than a
la mile, Ai Ibis great depth
I here i- little light, inn pro
v is made tin-
The men inside diving hell
arc permitted
lugs a powerful electric
placed II strong
lb rough which look. The
is worked from the
f,. ill
best, is lo 0113.00 Loans the needy. Free for
per day in Summer School for
SHIT -nth, For
address v. J. M. .-. A M., ,
Chapel Hill.
VII l leave
I I I i. l Mondays, and In-
A. II. for
IT permitting,
. A.
M., A. M. on
days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Sailing hours subject lo Change de-
pending on stage of
Connecting Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and
mid for all points for the West
railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
ii a
. ii u
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
meal, hams, should-
coffee, sugar, ll Ii n r,
snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain hatter, full
Hakes, cotton-
seed meal and hulls, cotton seed
hi per bushel.
i. M.-
am vi A H
s It
sun i
ii Ci M
; l W I
a i i; n ii i m
two printing office outfits
and a surplus mu-
that will lie sold cheap
There is a cylinder large
to print ii nine column
paper, splendid condition, and I the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
l. M mm. a quantity of Small Pica,
STAN I D Sewing Primer, and
on tin- Ni-k II-n
I. I U l m. lie
ml Si-k lit St
ii i -.-.
. ., i
II I- u Ml II
i. no
I ii iii I tn. i I
I . in.
i. , in. a in
-ii Mil in. , in.
. i l hi i, In in.
i i H in
In inn. II n .
US, Etc
Come to see
With the new stock
body a
Complete outfit large enough for a
nix or seven column
Specimens of body type are
shown advertisement,
type being taken from the case just
as it runs, so it slums
how well it prints. This is the
Small Pica else of which there is
pair of coses.
Then here is u paragraph Set from
I In- Long Primer have
pairs of mm. In haying this
type yon do not gel something is
worn out and Call aside, hut A good
type, wear.
i. ii
Then ah- pain it i- n
Ii conic ones in a a
hi a
i us will these lots.
I ii Nun
I . Mill Mil I nil
i. Vim
i nu
t in ii
I . , I. I-, Will I- l K,
V Talc.
the bus mil I., a
Mr. have been hundreds
word the
signature. II was
tn the ninny nu
This Mr.
B. I engineer fur F.
Morris Manufacturing
was knocked and fur u
w bile though In be inn
condition, Mr. Polo was
lug to throw a off when the
st irk he was using
bell pulley and he was
knocked down. A was
which he
to his
LOST. Many gulden
have been lust
who from rheumatism,
now will
be and
Hay Line from
mid Line from
J. Art.,
I ilia N.
J. E.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
have reason to
regret the in the I be
single standard republicans
of the warnings altered by
Nebraska, Chandler,
New Hampshire. since the
Unit when Mr.
repeals Ills
tn fur a larger
army will seem tn be backed
by the sentiment the
A will be as
dangerous next winter as it was
la-1. for that reason will
posed by the
this government has any real
need for lighting it is easy
eastern republicans began i
I to get as many volunteers
movement to try to put I
standard legislation
Hie session of Congress
democrats have been wish
they would succeed in do-
so. because of the ad-
would lie In demo-
candidate for President.
Senator Chandler was first
as may Is- inked for. Consequent
Iv I here lie ii reason
a e
v. while there are
such a before an
The presence of a A. It.
composed big guns of the
tell his
, , . . . .
were phi vi veil b , .
. the purpose investigating I be
Then came Senator I Inns , ,
, , ., , I been
loll, who baa over two re- . . , . ,
. . . . . the much gossip mid
publican National conventions null
who is much more If
so talkative, Chandler.
makes very plain that
Mr. would have
been Moated If International
bad mil been put
the platform and
worked for it was by the
stampers the West
and Middle West. He also
that he didn't care
silver hut
would take no part in helping hi-
party to Invite defeat, lie
pressed belief the effort
would In Congress,
though be was not so
the National Convention of
his party, of which he
States have a huge
in and we
know delegates can
won Of the probabilities
in Congress Mr.
the narrow republican ma-
in the House and the Hinder
ale views of good many
can Senators. I really tin look
for very much in the way
legislation between now and
the Presidential
to putting it Into a law, democrats
would like to the republicans
put the single gold standard Into
their National platform.
of Alabama,
now Washington, doesn't Wear
any cushions on his political views,
nor docs he believe in win
methods. said
of next candidate and plat
of democratic
believe that J. is
I be wisest and mint reliable de-
statesman living and that
ho In now better in the
confidence of the
mid Stronger he ever was. and
can be elected after be is
us be will surely be, by the
next I National
As to the democratic plat
hum, let It be Chicago plat-
form, with additional declarations
against I lie manifold traits growing
nut the existence of gold
standard prohibitory
tics; also favor
prosecution of existing war in
the Philippines, until peace am
order is established mid the govern
power of the t Suites is
fully recognized; also
and is to l established,
for territorial
ion of the United states, but for
I be sole of securing to I lie
people of those better mid
more stable with a
the rights, liberty privilege
they show themselves by trial
be Capable of exercising enjoy-
in a condition of
All the to give Ibis
country n Hill,
men was defeated the last
speculation, as to whet her the cum
really intended to
gate or was merely engaged in
paring a coal of whitewash lo
vent the threatened defect
A. It. men Kansas, and other
States, because of their dislike to,
the way has
managed the course,
knows that the commit ice.
has no official status.
light to examine Pension
business than would a similar
committee from Son- of
or any other
Vet. Commissioner has
this committee
of pleasure, told its
hers that open In
them from top
Secretary r now says lie
will not resign this year, bill does
not know what he may do next
year. Humph The last time be
said he would slay until the close
of Perhaps he
doesn't know what he will do.
As though his of
bis determination to remain
Cabinet until after of next
January were not humiliation
enough for Mr.
Alger has actually had the
gull to demand of Mr.
that he make public a statement
denying that he would like
resignation, This is the
call it on Mr.
those who think
Mr. should have
tired Alger when the scandals
the war Spain lust
public. Instead of assisting
him whitewashed, me not In-
to with his em-
at I ho demand. Ami,
there are quite a number who are
glad the demand has been made,
Mr, bus, through close
personal friends, allowed the pub
lie In suppose he anxious
Alger resign, but wished
him lo do so voluntarily. Now. it
Is up U him, to say once for all,
whether be wishes Alger to remain
in his Cabinet.
The law-very plainly Bays
in the absence both
Assistant Secretary of
War, General commanding
army shall be Acting of
War. Alger and his assistant
have both away since Friday,
and result was
all public
requiring the signature or n
of the Secretary of War, although
Miles was in his in
Slate and Navy Depart
building, each day, prepared lo
perform the Secretary of
War. Adjutant said
Miles was acting
War, hut as a fact
from Friday today, Hen.
Miles not H single paper,
Secretary Alger
willing tools with which he has
surrounded himself i War
Department. Although the law
says that Miles should have
been Acting Secretary of War.
during those throe days, Alger, as-
greater than
law. said that there should no
Secretary during that period
and his word obeyed, regard-
of cost or
all business held up lo await his
So many
republicans have come lo Wash-
of late w
story about Col. Bryan's
of popularity the It is j if
certain these
are working in concert, hying
prevent Col, being
for demo
Whether they
I his ins from I he ii-
pill leader-, who arc known
lo fear Col. or
In the interests of the of i
who, although M C
they cannot pledge a single
vote, to prevent
is not
entirely clear, but Ilia they are
-pleading the story with a purpose
as I lung lie US
clear as the falsity oft he . for
of Ohio, is
in Washington upon Important
gal business.
frankly says be would like to
have place on
an ticket, and adds he has n-
encouragement enough to
cause him believe he may
receive the nominal ion for Vice-
Senator if
the republican platform cornea out
for the single gold
as seems likely, it will
elect by republican
he knows of thousands who
voted republican In
solely because of the promise lo
bring about a wider use for silver,
who will no
vote a gold standard ticket. Mr.
he regards us car-
During we w mil.
go- v
at. Reduced Prices in
t our took
of Carets.
ll L always a general rule
girl was
lived home -he had no
. -ban d
In in whose
nun own appeared. This
in but mi
mu g a i- engaged
a in .,., muse
Of SHOES in strike mil a their
and of
i i. i ii.- rule la- in such
i-o-i- very
-ii i-
name i- pi In-low
lit i
in on i man's if
I Mil
I In value
ii-c for Ibis sale
Sill Sim-Iv
ii i --.-. in each style
and s-2.00
Lot oxfords
a n when buy I
-i So value-.
v v Sine i v, ill on coil lit l
The Tobacco rusts
lite ;
U a i- pi
I Iii. oil a I
on ii.
In rail
u- iv
I lit l I i . i.
a a val
I In- rail.
pi of a I u It
, plain,
mi hall in i
In- ill t in
tin I lie
ll.-n Ills Points.
Ii i-
and look upon fun and lei us
w bad. Nothing i-fan her from
t In- I Preachers an-
lain the
w ill contain as strong an
plank as platform,
but thinks the individual voter
should have no doubt as tn which
u ill really combat trusts.
Mr. also says he is
the ticket- ill be beaded
year, by as
the turning down of several men
whom he had per-
to Mr. for up
in be officers in ml
leer-, I ill there are oilier
with the Not null
were some of ell's men I urn
down, lull there were New
Yorkers Appointed whose names
were not even referred to him. by
Mr. for
Ibis statement of
War Department, who knows Hie
endorsements nu the paper- of
every man who was appointed.
Perhaps would have had
better Inch If he had withheld hi-
declaration in favor Mr.
a little
lunger. Publicly committing him
elf probably weakened hi-pull.
It Is to be earnestly hoped
warehouse nun
culled a trust. tills i .
North Carolina from Virginia, will
have cut short
and very early,
and men a
i- over n
i t. jokers ii Ami of all in
i jokes
th. gotten the expense
The ,,,, The oilier there arc d at
on.-1 ml. a museum to while
in, will
COLOR and of fruits,
Size, quality and
of vegetables,
weight and plumpness of grain,
are all produced by Potash.
properly combined with
Acid and Nitrogen, and
liberally applied, will improve
every soil and increase yield
and quality of any crop.
.-i out pamphlets, which
I, to and use fertilizers with
pastes i, and profit.
vi St.,
The Bath Vet.
I In public bath the
world not in New York.
Ii i-I he Hath
a monument the
a spirited mayor of the
Huh i- almost as big
.- H is
Soil feel and US I feel wide;
ill roof admit the light lo
A great swimming tank stretches
the whole length of the
building. feel long and fee
side. It is long enough for
spirited swimming races.
emu- -mailer tanks are slowed
about; altogether, hold nearly
two million gallons water.
The great is built on a
solid rock foundation, hollowed out
lo sen level. Pure suit water is ad-
quantities, permitted
to In settling reservoirs,
and I Inn passed through the tanks.
There are private dressing
club rooms,
for nine bathers each. Nearly
two thousand
the tanks
slides, nine spring hoards,
three one high dive mid
thirty swinging rings. Fur
men. her was telling like Ibis,
ll will m Hie same time getting sonic fun
s farmers more than ever ,,,,, painful and
he real of ibis foul sickness had will pea-
f been lo charge for three sue- , ,, , ,,
I nun in the
and his congregation ,, ,, waves of
against in n human life is nine
tobacco trust, ,.
mid all the other infamies rt fond of him. much
plan this new have been in Hull Smith, a rap breakwaters outside, which
of and lay it cubic feet of rock.
nu of v i i i . . I he the water
lo logo lo -nil- . ,.
. . n . . mil are
course control the prices nil ,,, ,.,, .,, ,,,,, , ,,. ,,,.,,.,. ,., an i .,,
gold leaf tobacco, especially I months. the and gel- fresh, clean mid of I he true
better grades. Already the faun- de preacher I at low tide. At
North have pay for the the fur I he fourth and bulks are
to the cigar- Bl. in Purls. hen he his mi- j
to the of Mime Over text shin, following
of The have U-en sold ill
sum be ascertained, year eon Well, you
two a intelligent scripts to it. logo buck year do
gentleman of the Piedmont in ii Smith sir. We
had i- i. like hi III much and In
lost the I'm hat .,.,, army in keep him
lion by the trust, The of Well, Hint's
has h-1 sine of advertising appeared ll. is a line I
the Included The
if I he
Dial backs
robber and may swell national bank
loss- the tribute haul In persons an
nun. This is the lo.-t IS if age were convicted
the trusts forcing down prices to Its
ll Is Of fill
to build colleges endow schools for violence in per
Immense are made sou, and for fraud.
the expense of pen
pie, Messenger.
is ls
Von kilos how damp
Well, and
hi- on corner wait
1.1.-111 ill
V US a- In- might
I sup
p, i-C
-No; in- never
lakes up a
W it on earth
1- here him to
I tell
Mm, Urn. II. gel
n's Salve.
The be-l the fur
Cuts, Sues.
Horns, Chap-
Hands. Chilblains, and
all Skin and positively
cures Tiles, or nu pay required, ll
1- in give perfect
faction mi- refunded, Pries
cents per box. I'm-
. II I. I.
is At
. N. C. v ll it.,
an Ni iii null I
J-V nil
in t. If I Hi
pill Slid o.
mint Drug . Vs.
sold ll
for a -I reel .
n m -iv
stood then for ft
hall hour vi hi- open
lo gel II id i-i-
That's where he his
111-- Plain Healer.
.-1 in in- world,

I Inn Tie
. M
I Chill.
II I ,,
-lit No -11,. in
I hi Mi, I.,
.- . i u
. F.
Engineer and
ill Mills It. Pane,
n. c. n n
Dr. D. Ti.

Eastern reflector, 18 July 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 18, 1899
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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