Eastern reflector, 2 May 1899

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. . . .
You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us
Anything a
Visiting Card-
u Sheet Poster
A Strange
Mr W. M. Wilson well
to many of our readers. Ho hat
undergone I experience
latch. About months ago he
I post. in another
Item the post when he ran
against it. consequently the shock
was great, although at the time no
serious injury a few
week alter the his
baud, eyebrows eyelashes be-
fin to drop out. This
until lie was as hold MM orange.
A little his hair began
lo grew on hi- head and instead of
it was white, not
fray, hut white as In the
same manner his beard, eyebrows
and lashes were white. He re
this way a week or so
ago, ten months after he received
the shock, when hair began to
assume its natural a dark
brown, and in a mouth or so Mr.
Wilson will, in all probability, Is-
the same as his friends know him
a year ago.
course the white hair changed
Mr. appearance. Very
people him hole,
he known.
inn.-lie int into bank here
ii with great
that be made the cashier Identify
him. if had wanted to set
m out of hash instead of
making a ho not have
done Point
W carry a fail of th
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in fountain pen
and is dist Parker tor-
Not only feed th ink
perfectly, prevents soiled
factories Help The
has been
that growing manufacturing biter
will tend to the
of the farming of the
South. Observation of facts do
Dot lO the ease, but
show a contrary result. The pop-
engaged In manufacture
become of for
i lops food stuffs. These
markets for perishable products be-
come of great to
the improvement iii fuming
are noticeable in
Of course more work is required
work of raising fruits,
tables, chickens, eggs, milk
biking these ti. the
Where markets are
found Is not by any means
work. This ran all usual-
done by farmer with-
out materially with
the production usual cotton
crop. would as if maim
the neighboring
in about as large
do owning stock
in or engaged In operating
to Observer,
The Daily Reflector
Gives every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber P It not
yon ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year and c
the every gives
information to the
th b t rowing
co. that is worth ninny times
mote than the price.
I lo- I
only two admirals
nil II Di
ii i Ho Irina Hi-
i brr navy
I I . . ii. rs Is
f Una win II But
eel i i r mil n
r-i r
i i v. ; I . nuns f
III . I -I , Hilled I y of
Hi i nil l , I.
I ii lit in
r i-i nil
I i it I one is In
. mil in
o. r .
i. ; a .
TI run . ill of a
. i r
I I- el, raj i nine ton
lo I in.- f a
l I . i
i ii the
N bus y. t the
h. ck ii ii w What in- will
I I iii- will
leaks will when it ocean tun
I Himself Will,
loading tea
II I'm I I-, . Hi killed
iii mi i- nil After
I i a ; lank i in ii pistol he
i l i bead
i to I in. in.
i I the i in ids beat
ii n. i work in Hi saw
To those living
in malarial districts Pills
arc they keep the
system in perfect and are
an absolute cure
tor sick headache, indigestion.
malaria, torpid liver,
and all bilious diseases.
Liver Pills
is In a cow-
i of th .- ii
th. T, as
a lit in
Admiral M
In fur
in obey
Pr. A. D w-ll ii a- the
i curly
n i lints of rare in
Dublin at of
in a Brooklyn Am lam,
to akin in the
the to
baa offered to
Pi Harvard.
now curator of
California of the
tau Exploration society
u Sir visited
at it is said
that ha presented to her a piece of the
tn which be bad
n in Sudan
Clan lb magnate,
ha- in
and has an electrician
He will himself the
of the plant be it to
put in San
At the recent f the
club New where
Ian sat side by
side, VON kept
fur fully of an by
writing for the
it Carlos is Inning nil kinds of
legal His daughter is
him, and now his law,
S. has
lender in
John W. the other evening
to the opera in San Francisco
girl of the Telegraph
in which he is a heavy Mock-
bolder Bach was with
tickets, a a
Hot Raby celebrated in the poor-
house at N J, the other
day what be claim is his one
and The old
man says he was in the Gates
In Dee, North Carolina, in He is
an Indian.
Clausen, one of
M. crew, fail -1 to pass re-
fur advancement
to the grade of which was
on him for gallant
object to menial, and
la., has opined a
Futurity for fouls of I Mi
Dr. Robinson, record trot-
ting, is now Varied at the pace
An exchange that the proper
length for the f a
g feet each
is to show
greater this He has
learned to get away from the wire.
Jim. by
and sire of . paving,
was named liter the
f agriculture. of
lama City. la.
of ha
from I. of Lex-
Ky. Mist hay mare.
by Simons, dam Zeta.
by Red
A bay gelding. The Admiral, by Mas-
cot, dam by New has been en
in grand Makes by J. U.
Anaconda. Mod is mid
to very fast
4-year-old gelding Who Is It, by
Who holds the trot-
ting record, geld-
it is said will bu in
stable this season
It is said that tho pacing mare, Sun
hind Belle, is to be trained
with view to beating saddle rec-
pacing, by Johnston in
Is---. and there are at least pacers
capable of beating it
The first entry for the
o be trotted Charter Oak
Hartford, in was made by
Mr E. W H f New York city,
and a ware by IV in
foal to W R Potential
The grand stand at Old Orchard,
which was Injured by a blizzard, will
Ml in condition, and M
F. Porter, the track, has
claimed for his date- of July
and to
Field and Farm
on in mother of
pearl are popular
cut glass-
Bran tracings of silver are
of prettiest friendship hearts
1.1 led in pink profusely
Watch I uses of carved ivory with
silver mounting are the inside
being lined with chamois
Sterling silver n h In the
shape if pennant with h colors of
the will known ml in are
An m, hi
home, said the old
he's only Wen In New York
sis weeks, an he's had appendicitis
twice An yon live a lifetime in
this here settlement an
bout n, hope to have
plain mumps or or slow
Ben stern hi Walsh
will Mod,
leading man in i-n- i;
Sain the Web
end forces Li
Ella has lately in Hay
will star
in her first great
Tin is slated to star in
Man That
is to W revived.
and Amelia in their orig-
plays bis first recital in
London in May He has announced the
E. H. has an
adaptation of s Sunk-
en neat season.
hits Bl in
a French adaptation of
first for production years ago
at the Francaise.
It is said that Telephone
has traveled 27.000 miles since last
It list have had a dazzling
array of one night
The New York Herald has estimated
that cities will In-fore the season
closes have paid for
amusements Sept.
A New theatrical agent took a
comic opera troupe to and
nearly walked home that
the natives haven't coin to get
into a free show.
The play which Vi. la will
in New York in the fall of
is on a in w story bow
being widely military tale,
which many Mr
that will give her no
tits to display bar
Legal Notices.
The Clerk of the Court
of issued let-
to me, the
the 20th day of
the estate of II. F.
lo all persons to the
tn make
to the to sill
creditors of the estate to
their claims, properly
to the within
months after the date of
this or notice will be
lead in of their recovery-
This the day of ISM.
J. L.
the estate of II. K. Harriss.
There are cells in
The population of the world increases
per cent every ten years
Austria is the only empire in the
world which has never bed colonies or
A Denver dog ran into a pool of
on the street in which the broken
ends of an electric wire lay
instantly killed
Berlin are strictly forbid
den to st to children
stitched with wire. a tonal
blood have beet traced to
scratches from rusty
At Stratford on- A v. n. poet's
birthplace, is desk to have been
by Tho desk looks
authentic. It shown ninths where gen
of have whittled it
At b the
the world It covers
2.000 acres Only a of MM
baa bean need la which
of all nationalities have
been buried
and are
permanently on the
at Vale They are
of Maxim guns from the
cruiser Yale, and wire given to
the university by act cf congress as a
war memorial
Torpedo may invisible,
according to an inventor, who has
plied for a patent his contrivance,
by a mirror to the
boat so as to d raj
light show only the surface of tho
naves The is old. but Its
plication in brand w
an important
French on tin Mediterranean
and from which St. Louis tailed in his
crusades of ISM and 1-70. is now miles
from the account of the lilt
brought down by the canal, and the
government will sell at auction the
ruins of walls of the port
this day to the
upon the estate of Polite
Chapman notice fa here
by given to all person having
against the estate of
Chapman to present to the
or before the 6th
day of March, or this notice
will pleaded bar of their re-
This the day of March 1899.
g L. Smith,
of the estate of
The undersigned having duly
Clerk county a Executor of
the Will Testament of
May wood notice
hereby given to all
to to make immediate
payment to the and
all having
estate are to present
the same for payment on or before
the 24th day of 1900, or
that notice will bar of recovery
of same.
This March 1899.
C. A. it,
Executor of Hay wood
Brown is one of the fashionable colors
for tailor gowns
The new artificial flowers
of velvet end gauze.
Mack waists are worn
with white cloth skirts Paris.
A pretty novelty in belts
black or white velvet, embroidered
with steel jet or imitation jewels.
Boleros of renaissance are a
in dress and are very effective over
the and crepes do
Floral boas are of the
for summer They ere made
of rose leaves and leaves of gathered
Something altogether novel In com-
is a white pique
vest in a foulard gown, which la trim-
med on tho bodice with a fine
stocking now an-
a fad of the season. A
stocking with clocks is worn
with a bronze one with blue clocks; a
black stocking with red dots
a red one with black and
so on.
pique combined with
cloth is one of tho eccentricities of
The forms a circular flounce
around lower skirt, and la ripped
off and laundered when The
also of
tho pique.
Fashion seems to making en effort
to relieve neck of tho ruinous stiff
high collars, which have a very bad
effect in causing the muscles to shrink
in such e way as to produce wrinkles
as well as throat weakness. Tucks
are to he cultivated this summer and
ties substituted for the ugly linen
York Hun.
said the
moralist, a man in office owes
in the public.
seems to he impression In
my . the
gloomily my election
man, wan n and child seems to
think am in debt to Washing-
SI every Sun
day, stud evening. Prayer
Mating Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Sunday
p. W F. Harding, mi
J. Ii. Morton, pastor.
p. in. J. It. mi
Divine and every
Sunday morning evening.
prayer at
A., and A.
If,, I.
every Hun-
day, and evening. Pray-
evening. Rev.
A. W. Sunday-
a. in. C. Rountree,
A. K. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, Ho. 28-1, Unit and
third evening. R.
M. J. M. Sec.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
every Tuesday
E. B. Griffin, N. G. L. II.
K. of River Lodge, No.
every Friday evening. Dr.
W. II. Bagwell, Jr., R. L.
Carr, K. of R. S.
R. Vance Council, No.
1696, every Thursday even-
W. B. R. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
F. hall. J.
A. O. Council,
No. every thin
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. M. K. Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec.
I. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth nights Odd
lows Hull. W. B. Wilson,
u Of .
f Mink,
tor ft.
Steamers leave Washington on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at A. M. for Greenville,
leave Tarboro at A.
M. A. M. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
hours subject to change de-
pending stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
. SON,
Washington, N. C.
J. J. CHERRY, At.,
Greenville, N. C.
lo W. B. I
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de-
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, should-
coffee, sugar, tobacco,
snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat hominy flakes, cotton-
seed meal and halls, cotton seed
bought at cents per bushel.
Come to see
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I can now be In the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. R.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO MOTION SI per Year in Advance.
An Act to Amend and
date Charter the
To w n of O n v c.
The General of North
Carolina do
Section That the inhabitants
of the town of Greenville, the
county of Pitt, shall be and con
as they heretofore have
a corporation and shall
be known as the town
and by that name may sue and lie
plead and be con-
tract and be contracted with,
chase, hold and convey all needful
That the corporate
its said town shall be as fol-
on the Tar river
where the branch on the east side
of town as located prior to this
act empties into said river and
thence running up said branch to
the point where it crosses the old
road leading from Greenville to
Greene's old mill pond, thence
along the west
said road to a point
street extended would
intersect said road, west-
along north side of said
Twelfth street to the western limit
of the right-of-way of s land
Neck and branch of the
Wilmington Weldon railroad,
thence along west-
limit of the said right of way
to the north-western side of Broad
street, thence along the western
said street to the line of E.
A. land, thence with said
line to the old Plank road,
thence a north-easterly course to
the south-western corner of the
College property, thence along the
western line of the College proper-
to its north-western corner,
thence a straight line to the south-
eastern corner of the lands of R. J.
Cobb and R. L. Davis on
Greenville and road,
thence north with their eastern
line to Tar river and thence down
the river to the beginning.
Sec. That the of said
town shall be managed by a Mayor,
eight A n and such other of-
as may be provided for by
l h is Charter or as the Board of Al-
may from time to time
deem necessary and create.
Sec. Aldermen shall be
chosen annually on the first Monday
in June of each and every year by
the qualified voters residing in the
several wards of said town in the
following numbers or proportion,
that is to say the first and fifth
wards shall elect one Alderman
each, and second, third and
fourth wards two Alderman each.
Sec. That the said town Is
hereby divided Into five wards
whose boundaries and limits shall
be as follows, The first ward
shall begin at the railroad bridge
across Tar river and from that point
along the railroad
to Third street, thence
with Third street to the line of lot
No. thence a course
with the line of lots Nov and
to Second street, an easterly
course with Second street to Reade
street, thence a course
to the branch, thence down said
branch to Tar river, thence up said
Tar river to the beginning. The
qualified voters residing within the
above boundaries shall elect one
Alderman. The Second ward shall
begin at the same point with
first and run with the first to
Greene street, thence with
street to Fifth, thence with Fifth
street and the road or street lead-
the Latham
residences to the south cast
corner of lands of R. J. Cobb
and It. L. Davis, thence with their
Hue to Tar river and thence down
the river to the The
qualified voters residing within
the above boundaries of the second
ward shall elect two Aldermen.
The third ward shall begin at the
intersection of Greene
streets, and running with
attest to Fifth street, thence with
Fifth street to Reade street, thence
with Reade street so Second street,
thence with Second street to the
ginning. The qualified voters re-
aiding within the limits of the third
ward shall elect two Aldermen.
The fourth ward shall lie-in at the
intersection of Reade and Fifth
streets and run a southerly course
with street to the branch,
the limits, thence up the
branch and the limits to
mill run, thence along
said road and town limit to Twelfth
street, thence along Twelfth street
and the town limit to the west side
of the right -of way of the
Neck and branch the
Wilmington Weldon railroad,
thence with the right of way and
the town limits north western
street, along
the north-western side said street
to E. A. laud, with
said line to the old Plank
road, thence with the said old
Plank road known as
son avenue, with said Dick-
avenue to its
with Greene street, with
lo Fifth street, and
with Fifth street to the
The qualified voters residing with.
in the said limits of the fourth ward
shall elect two The
fifth ward shall begin at the
Greene and Fifth streets
run with Greene street to
Dickinson avenue,
with Said avenue to the
town limits as fixed by this act,
thence with the said town
its to and
road, thence easterly
with said road and Fifth street
to beginning. The qualified
voters residing the said
this ward shall elect
one Alderman.
Sec. That the first election to
be held under this act for Alder-
men shall take place on the
Monday June, that
the persons now composing the
present of shall
continue in office until the persons
chosen at said election
and the said Hoard of
shall be clothed with all the pow-
and authority herein given to
the Board of Aldermen. The pres-
Mayor, Treasurer Tax Col-
shall likewise continue in of-
until their successors arc
and qualified.
Sec. That the Board of Al-
are hereby fully authorized
and empowered to do and to per-
form the following To
make publish all needful or-
regulations for
the peace, good order and govern-
of said town. To levy
and cause to be collected sufficient
taxes for the efficient
of the public a Hairs of said
town upon the following subjects,
a tax not to exceed sixty-
six two-thirds cents on each
one hundred worth of real
and personal property said town
including money on hand, solvent
credits, all other classes of
property required to be listed as
property by tho laws of this State;
a poll tax not to exceed two dollars
each poll within said town
under tho laws of this Stale to
pay a poll license tax
hotels, board-
houses, keepers,
on all opera houses or other hulls
used for hire or rent for
of any ml; on all traveling
or theatrical companies giving ex-
within town; on all
traveling concert or musical com-
or person- giving
lions or museums of wax works or
curiosities for profit; on exhibition
of a circus or on each
billiard or pool table kept for hire
or public use; on each skat rink,
bagatelle table, merry-go-round
hobby horse or stand or place for
any other game or play used for pro-
fit; every person or firm that
keeps horses or mules for sale or
hire; on every dray or other
used on the streets for hire;
on every lawyer, doctor or dent
practicing his profession in said
town; every lank, banker,
broker or other persons or firms
doing a banking or brokerage
of any in said town; on all
dogs running at large in said town
with power to enforce the payment
of the tax by the owner or the kill-
of on all retail dealers
in liquors, spirituous vinous or
mall; persons vending or ad
from a stand or
or medicines or
goods, or merchandise of
kinds; and on any and all other sub
taxed by the laws of the Slate
whet her expressly herein mentioned
or not. To lay out and open
new streets and sidewalks in any
part of said town, To
widen, straighten, grade or other-
wise improve any street or side-
walk now said town and
to this end the Hoard shall have
full power and authority to remove
or cause to removed any all
to of the streets
or sidewalks no matte- whether
such obstructions a temporary
or of a permanent kind or caused
by porches, shells or buildings or
on, upon
or over any of said streets or j
sidewalks, That the Board
of Aldermen may require property
owners to construct and keep in re-
pair such sidewalks adjacent to
t lieu i in manner
said Board may direct; and should
any owner of such property refuse
or fail to so construct or repair
such sidewalks after twenty days
notice, Board may have the
fame constructed or repaired and
the cost thereof shall be added lo
the luxes paid on said property on
the tax list of the next
year, and as taxes are
collected upon property listed for
taxation, To adopt such
plans or methods and to make such
contracts as the Board deem
for lighting the streets
said tow,. To
adopt such plans or methods, to
make such contracts and to take
such action as the Board may deem
best to procure a water supply for
said town. To contract for
purchase, keep in repair pro
for the use of all such engines,
hose, or other apparatus or
for the prevention or
of fires as the Board may
deem needful proper. To
suppress and remove nuisances and
to make all needful rules and reg-
to preserve the health of
the inhabitants of the town from
contagious, Infectious or other
To make and en-
force regulations for the duo ob-
of the and to
prescribe the hours at which bar
rooms, billiard or pool rooms, or
other places where liquors are sold
or billiards or pool arc played,
shall at night, provided
that such regulations shall not lie
in conflict with other provisions of
this Act, or law of this State.
tho places and
regulate the manner in which the
business of marketing shall be car-
on in said town. To
regulate the spoil of riding or
on the streets or other public
places said To
regulate keeping and sale of
powder or explosives
the corporate limits of said town.
To prohibit, con-
tract sale or use of firecrackers,
Roman candles,
or other explosives, provided
such prohibition, regulation or
contract shall not conflict with
other provisions of this
or any law of This State.
To elect all such policemen,
guards, or nigh watchmen, fix
their compensation and
their duties as may necessary to
enforce the ordinances, preserve
the and secure govern
to the
And the policemen, guards or
watchmen shall hold office and lie
subject to removal at the pleasure
Board. To employ
such and to purchase such
machinery and material and to
make such contracts and to do all
such things as may be necessary lo
put the streets and sidewalks, pub
lie wells, tanks and reservoirs mid
town property in proper con.
To em em-
ploy all and functions
conferred by the general laws of
this State upon Hoards of
of cities and tow which may
not be herein specifically mention
See. That the fiscal year for
said town shall commence on the
first day of July and end on the
of June each and
year, and term of office of the
Aldermen chosen at any election
shall begin on first day of July
next after their election and each
Aldermen before he enters upon
the duties of his office shall
and file with the records
of Board an the faith
fill discharge of the of Al-
Ben. . That persons chosen
as Aldermen on the first Monday
In Jane, 1899, and at tho election
held the first of June
each and every shall
meet in the Mayor's office on the
first day of July next after
election, such a day full on
Sunday and in that event the day
and organize by the election
of one of their as president
protein and a clerk of their Hoard
who shall not be one of their
Sec. Thai the Hoard shall
also proceed to elect from outside
number a Mayor Tax
Collector and shall a Treas-
from their number, each of
whom shall a qualified elector
town and shall serve one
the day i f
July of the year which the
election occurs mil his sue
lessor is qualified, unless is
sooner removed by Board for
cause, of which the Hoard shall be
the Judge.
Sec. Thai the Mayor, in ad-
lo his other duties shall
the meetings of the Hoard
of Aldermen, bin shall have no
vote on any question unless the
Hoard be equally divided and in
that case he shall cause a record to
be made of fact he shall
then record his vole and de-
the result. In case of the
absence of the Mayor at any meet
the president protein shall
preside, but he shall have no
casting vole a he has
already voted and in that case he
shall declare the question lost. In
the absence of both the Mayor and
the president protein any member
of Board may preside.
Sec. That
as Treasurer and Tax Collector
shall enter into bonds with
to approved by the Hoard
such the Hoard may
scribe for the faithful discharge of
their duly.
Sec. IS. Thai Board may
fix compensation of Mayor,
Treasurer, Tax Collector and Clerk.
Sec. II. Thai the Mayor
shall Immediately after his election
and before be enter upon
ties of his office, take and subscribe
baton to ad
minister and file
Clerk of the Hoard the following
I, A. H. do solemnly swear
that I will maintain the
and laws of the States,
and the constitution and laws of
North Carolina not inconsistent
therewith, and I will
and faithfully and
perform according to the of
skill and ability, all the duties of
of Mayor of the town of
Greenville, while continue there
in. and I will cause to be executed
as far as my power, all the laws,
ordinances and
for the government of said town,
and iii the discharge of my duties I
will do equal justice in all cases
whatsoever, so help me Hod.
Ban, IS. Thai the said
town is hereby constituted an in
court, and as shall
within the corporate limits of said
town have all the power,
and authority of a Justice of
the Panes to preserve and keep the
peace, to issue to bear and
determine all causes of action
which in arise upon the
and regulations of the tow u; to
enforce penalties by Inning
any adjudged violations
thereof, and to enforce and execute
the ordinances, bylaws, rules and
made by the Board of
Aldermen, and the Mayor shall
furl her be a special court within the
limits of said town, to
rest and try all who are charged
with misdemeanors for violating
any regulation
of the town, and if the be
found guilty he shall be lined not
exceeding fifty dollars or
mil exceeding thirty days at
trying accused is
dissatisfied with judgment of
the Mayor or Court, ha may
peal to the Superior court in like
manner a appeals may be
from judgments of u tin
Peace. He shall also hare all
power authority of a Justice of
the Peace to cause the arrest of
any person charged with
mil and to detain, try and
with them, the
ate limits of said town, in like
manner as a Justice of the Peace
might do.
See. HI. That if for any cause a
vacancy shall the office of
either the Mayor, Treasurer, Clerk
or Tax Collector, the Board shall
till such vacancy and the
shall hold for the
and an absence of five days from
the town without special
from the Board shall be deem
ed a vacancy.
See. That the of
Mayor from or in
his inability to act, I
dent protein of the Hoard of Al-
shall be acting Mayor
such absence or inability, and
while so acting he shall have all
the authority and power herein
given to the Mayor.
Bee. That the Mayor may
issue his warrant or other process
to any policeman of tow n Of to
Other officer lo whom a
I ice of the Peace might direct bis
warrants or other process and such
policeman or other officer
such warrant or other process
any where in county Of Pitt.
Thai the Mayor shall
keep a faithful minute of
all warrants or other process issued
by him and of all the judicial pro-
and all Judgments
him have Hie same
force vitality as if rendered
a just ice of the Peace and may be
enforced anywhere the county
of Pill, in the same manner
the same means as if rendered ll
Justice of Peace.
Sec. That the fees and costs
in the Mayor's court shall be the
same as the fees and costs in a
lice's court for like services and the
fees and shall collected
accounted as the Hoard of
Aldermen may direct.
Bee. Thai the Board of Al
shall have authority to
put and keep at work streets
any person or who may fall
to pay any tax. lines, cost,
or forfeiture which may have
by the Mayor; and the said Hoard
shall have the authority to make
and regulations for con-
and management of such per-
until said lines, penalties and
are paid fur
labor as they may
Bee. That after tin 30th day
of June no person shall retail
within the corporate limits
of said town, or half a mile
of said limits in any direction
around it any spirituous, vinous,
malt or other Intoxicating liquor
In quantities less than one gallon
without first having a
from the of Aldermen
and pal I I town Tax Collector
therein X assessed th
Hoard of aldermen for such
the privilege of carrying on bis
business in said town or within a
half the limits
which lax shall not be thin
me hundred dollars nor more than
live hundred dollars for one year.
six month-.
Pain-Killer. I
n t .
S ;. I
v . o t t .
l co .
See. Thai Ho . i f
lire crackers, Human candles,
torpedoes or other
the corporate limits of
town being dangerous to prop
a nuisance to its citizens
. i- hereby prohibited and ii shall
i be person to ml
such explosives -aid town
id iii ill.-, In w hat name nailed,
having obtained a
from Hoard of
and paid a lax to the town Tax
Collector to lie fixed by said Board,
which shall ii.,; less than ten
that no license shall in-1
.,, e , ,, . nor more than two
ad dollars for
business twelvemonths.
Sec. That shall be-
tax paid for than six
mouths, and further
all license shall begin on the Brat
lay of January and July, and shall
ml one year or six months,
the case may be, from those dale--.
The above amounts not to apply to
malt dealers; their lax being fixed
by tin- Board of Town Commission
Bee. 2.1. Thai all for
license a-a retailer cf liquors under
the section shall make
their application to the Hoard in
writing they shall state
the place and ion of their
business for succeeding twelve
months, the length of
come necessary to condemn proper
for public uses the Board Of Ai-
men shall designate de-
scribe the property
If the Hoard and the owner or
owners of said property cannot
damages then the
Board -hall appoint
the owner or of the proper-
and the third shall
by the clerk
or Court of Pitt county, if
any of the owners of the property
are minors and without a general
which license is desired the guardian then Board shall file
building and location in which i, i. the Clerk of the
proposed to carry on such bu-i;. facto,
make such
proper suitable person to represent
to the person or place, and infant or such
I guardian ad shall appoint the
I arbitrator to such minors,
person or
its discretion
license applied tor.
See. Thai ii shall be
for any person or to keep
any billiard table, pool bible, bag-
table or other like thing for
hire or public us- said town
without first a license
from the U Mid of Aldermen, and
paying to the town Tax Collector,
tax levied the Board for
and report the name of person
so selected lo said Clerk who shall
make a record of these
Which shall w lieu approved by said
Clerk be conclusive as to mid
minors so made of record as If they
were of full age. The three
chosen as provided for in
I his Section shall take an oath be-
fore entering upon their duties to
. . do even exact justice between
I hat ail licenses bur . , . ,
, ,. i the town urn the owners the
places w here Illinois i , .
, to condemned to the
maid , . . ,
, . . , Is-st their Hoard
rooms or her places where nil
tables, pool bibles, bagatelle
tables or other kepi
for hire or public use shall be
I not later than eleven o'clock
night, and Opened earlier than
four o'clock the morning, it
shall be unlawful for any liquor to
be sold or games played these
places within these hours. And
the said Board prescribe the
hours all Iliad's of
business within said town.
violating of
ions of section or any of I lie
ordinances or regulations
the Hoard in
be guilty of a misdemeanor on
conviction shall fined more
than fifty dollars or no
more than days, provided such
violation did mil occur between the
hours of closing and
the opening morning. Hill
If any person shall be guilty
at of provisions of this
section between the hours of
lug on and opening
on Monday morning shall be
guilt misdemeanor and Upon
conviction he shall be lined or
prisoned the discretion of the
Court, addition there.
in fed his license, provided,
retail dealer may those pro
hours fill a regular lie
lug physician's prescription in
which name of the patient and
the for the stimulants
shall to without
imposed such or persons guilt violating thin section.
shall deliver to the
tors a description of the property
to be condemned, and thereupon
the arbitrators shall view the prop-
hear the testimony, If any
and make and sign
their award which shall Hied
with the Board and deliver
ed by I hem to the owners. The
award when signet by a majority
of the arbitrators shall be final
conclusive to all in
ease there should be no appeal.
If the town or the owners of the
property is with tho
award may appeal to
Court of count In term
time. giving ten ice of
appeal to the opposite party,
giving a to be approved
the Clerk of Superior Court
to secure appeal.
The notice shall grounds
of the appeal and, to be affective,
must be served within
is filed with
Hoard, and delivered to
owner. If
I . shall render his
decision thereon, if I lie
of damages that
shall be ii I p
III of
amount found by I lie Arbitrators,
if there be no appeal, of of tho
amount Court, if
there no appeal, the Board of
Aldermen the
contemplated for
the public, convenience In the use
of the proper so condemned.

mi mm.
D. J.
Port m
N. a liar
Mail Matter.
Fin i
By special
the of
i sum PAGE.
lag dull be earl
on the
South, provided, however any
dwelling between then points now
standing, be
burned or
Bee. St. Thai all
aid town be to
Board of to
journal we enabled offer u upon and
paper to Board record be
even new for made of all claims allowed by them
The Eastern Reflector I year ahead
the same offer is made
subscriber who will all back
papers published in the town
at some plait- in his The
made to the Board f A Mermen.
who declare publish the
I suit.
Bee. That all laws
of laws
either chartering the
charter of the town of
are awe
See. That this shall hi
in force from and after its
in the wad
three and this the
27th day of February A. IV.
and order t. be is
sued upon the therefor
which order what it is la Matt Carolina.
one j i- the presiding
for the ours only, officer and the
In gel the I J M I
for advance payment gee. the
it will to walk right j keep a In which he shall
in the ea for we himself with all
only number of 5-year his which shall
The Farm ii. or from
la on foundation which wore derived and In
vi April 1899.
To Teachers, and
This la to call your special at
to the annual
of the North
lo be held at
N. June lib lo
18th, 1899.
The meeting held in North
Carolina this year turn the
entire educational body of the
Slate together i this Assembly,
this letter is up
your mind the necessity
value of Every teacher,
school officer, and friend i
lion, who call possibly do
be present. phase of school
work school administration
will be represented in the work of
the assembly. and full free
will a distinctive
tore i year. The practical
is possible from such
gathering can
1839, Ur. Calvin
tors, then State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, urged all tench-
school officials to join in
yearly meeting. The time
seems ripe for a forward movement,
interest in our annual
Railroad rates have
ed to one-half and even I.
board can Tor .
I urge- the
of your attending
year. Do so for the of the
cause of which i
to your care in North
Prom the Secretary T. Wit-
sett, Whitsett, N. full pro
grammes and further information
.-an In- obtained at any lime.
May this meeting mark the be-
brighter educational
day for tin- Slate.
Yours truly.
ale Public Instruction.
Breed, president of the
Central Company,
was killed yesterday by
of Atlanta,
the colored schools of that city
placed under the control of a
Board of Education.
Colonel Bond of the
Regiment, and son
of Confederate General is
Critically ill Havana.
The Hotel in Boston,
Mass., was sold am-lion
for to a
of the estate,
Twenty tWO in
New York have been
examination of charges
governing the examination of bag-
New Yorkers have
over for family of
Warren Union, who perish
el earing lives at the Hotel
Miller was killed
Sam Martin
bin by a at
between a ,; Ohio
limited and a
which he hall record the amount
and date of all orders paid him,
the date of payment and lo whom
paid, and lie shall out no
moneys except upon I he order
the Hoard. He-hall make a lull
report lot he Board end of
each lineal yea which shall show
he shall make such other re
ports, from time to time, as the
Board may direct.
SI. I the Collector
-hall collect for all the
taxes due the town under the
and the Board
of and shall pay the
same to the Treasurer, from
time, as Board direct, and
he-hall in hi- rep ill lo
the end of each year
which shall re
him. the sources mi
which were received, and
. hen paid to
the Treasurer. In addition this
report he-hail make
reports as Board may direct.
See. Thai the of Al-
in May
every year, shall
some suitable person to take and
make a list of all taxable property
and all subjects of taxation
the town which he -hall return
the Hoard its regular meet-
lug in July following, antes
by the Hoard to make his
return at time,
return of the the Board shall
give days position because she
when complaint- shall be heard. idle roomer-,
an- he made a i- the meaning of
to be held -luring the demanded the customer hotly,
first week in August the Board v ,. nu or n,,. mirror he detect-
has ship-
pie; new peas.
Dr. A. Alderman, president
of the of North Onto
Una. delivers the at
New Orleans,
Wake Superior Court decided
against Ir, Barns at keeper of the
capital in favor of elected
be Democrats. Barns has
Hugh Russell, a young
of went to
lake hi- gnu 1.1 go hunting
when the weapon was
discharged, almost one
side of his head off. He was kill-
ed instantly .
Bight ear load- of chickens
down the Western yesterday morn
it is estimated that each ear
making thirty two thousand in all.
same train was six ear loads
of going
bury Sun.
Potter, of
i- three daughters, the oldest of
whom has been married six times.
of her husbands have
murdered. The second daughter
ha-been married three times
two of her husbands were murder-
The corkscrew evidently be
in the good
I urn
The busy is a
in the open door policy, bill
much to hi- disgust the screen
policy i- being adopted.
A hard hearted
house mistress one
of her boarders who lost
shall the tax for the current
year. then
cause a tax to be made out
delivered to Tax Collector
which shall have all fore.-
of an ill ion. The Tax
shall collect said taxes.
and over to the Treasurer
as last as collected and be shall
have all the rights and remedies,
authority power to the
of said taxes are
given Collectors
of State
taxes by the laws of this State-
That thirty days prior
any election to be held in said
town for Aldermen the Hoard of
Aldermen n Regis-
and two poll holders for each
ward in town to the
registration and hold the election
in said town which shall be eon
ducted and held with
he general election laws of the
State so far as are
cable to town elections. No person
shall vole ill said election unless he
lie a qualified voter under the laws
of this State and a real-
dent of the ward In Which he of-
lo vole. The Hoard of Alder
men shall, the lime of the
of and mil
holders, designate the in
ward where the ion shall
be held, and Registrar shall at
lend the three days
preceding the Saturday
preceding the election, lie shall
remain at said o'clock,
a. in. to live o'clock, p. during
said three days with his books of
registration prepared lo register
such persons as may be
register, lie shall given least
id a pinker across the back of bis
new cat. replied the
quick-witted tailor promptly,
Sharp, rs on the Road.
Charlotte, N. c. April as.
Secretary John W. Miller, of the
State Banker's Association,
ed ice of several
operating in this State and warns
One calling himself W. T. Ma-
.-. of Danville, Va., sold goods to
farmer- in Person county and took
note-, lie the notes o a bank
and has not been heard from since.
In county one It.
Adams, claiming to be from
noted houses t settle,
b night SUM worth of
tendered a chock on a
Va. bank in payment. The
cheek turned oat to be bogus.
They have disappeared.
April MS.
The writer has been
lo conduct the Bethel department
and will be his desire to do the
greatest good to the town
and He will strive to get
I he people in
county paper and to prove to then
great benefit of advertising.
Every business man in Bethel who
don not believe advertising
in the Bethel of the
will pay should
a short advertisement for
issue and he a ill be corniced.
The writer Wishes lo
know l let
know that w lull- she has hail a few
lark blows she is still able
to stein tide and wave ban-
of prosperity ha.- many
advantages of which I shall -peak
All who wish lo advertise in
can see the
writer in his office in
gel lowest rates
he will have the work done
Mrs. Battle town
this week. to see her.
Miss Aliens
ha-been here the
Rev. II. Frost passed though
today for Plymouth. He
11-a pleasant call.
A meet ill
hall last night to a stock
company to manufacture truck
crates and barrels. A great deal of
interest was manifested we
plans were laid for a
large factory. Oh. he people of
Bethel could only the great
benefit Mich Industry would be
to we are sure that they would
not hesitate so in pushing this
great work.
Made by The Orange Va.
Some opinions of them
solve.-arc the biggest of the two.
You don't have to be a carpenter
in order lo frame an excuse.
An eye witness is always a nigh
he is blind.
Don't get mad with the
he --makes
A great many people would like
to give mortgages on air
Always take a kiss at face value,
because it is be.-l lip service.
Many a political bad
egg. will fail lo batch this y ear.
If every man keeps his own
counsel, will the lawyers have to go
out of business
You think your business is dim
when you present your bill, when
in fact its just begun.
There is a man in Kansas City
who. it i-said, can eat eggs at a
meal. This must Is- the man
hens are
The potato bug must have a very
bad opinion of the humanity that
goes around all day putting poison
on the victuals of humble, insects.
About the Same.
business man to to the
advertising solicitor I good-
Den, no. It's dull to
now. Wait until times pick
up a is equivalent to a very-
sick person saying to a physician
Oh no, doctor, I can't take any
of your now. I'm too
Wait until I gel better, and
then I'll take When
gels he ever
will not in need of medicine.
The time to advertise is
the of stimulant is the great-
est, that is when business is
Ills Conversion Paid Well.
Judge established a
in Federal court at
Tuesday that will have
a tendency to swell
ranks in the mountains. A man
from was convicted of sell-
liquor without license, his
lawyer. Marsh Mot, in pleading
for mercy, set up in extenuation of
the crime, his client had
within the two the
church is now a preacher, and
preaches every Sunday. Judge
Swart, who is the biggest heart ed
in we ever saw on the
thought such a radical
is a thorough, per-
constitutional cure for
rheumatism. The acids in the
which cause the disease are
thoroughly eradicated.
blood purifier, laxative and
Mr. J. P. Taylor the
cipher from is here
taking pictures.
Mr. W. J. Wyatt is pulling in
a lot of st raw berries and
I his week.
The has arrived and
they are finishing the platform at
the depot.
Hurst, Son are pulling in a
small ice house when- they will
In sad also have a nice
for fresh meal, etc.
Mr. E. Cox left last night for
New where he will start on a
Hip with an experienced salesman,
and hopes to open up a large trade
for Cigar Co. in that
sect ion.
Mr. Alfred Forbes and son,
Charlie, of were in town
yesterday. They had ban
out to Mr. farm near here,
which he said he seen in a
year. II was also Mr.
trip here.
I in you know a good thing when
Not every time. Our
Distributer is an
which has lo be tried to find
out what is, and from
that we are selling this season,
it seems those who have tried
them like them. be bother-
ed carrying a heavy basket of guano
wind blowing half of it
away as you sow when you
can gel our Wheelbarrow
From. I
Washington. April
masts like Sec-
Alger's light upon lieu.
Miles has mostly bean of
nature, so it is not very-
surprising that the report of the
Military Court of Inquiry, now in
seek to make its attack upon
Miles seem fair by Jumping on a
few minor commissary officers and
that they la- court-
for neglect duly
in connection with the beef sup-
plied to the army a neglect that
the report says was extremely
table to the beef This
thing isn't done with. lien. Miles
was completely vindicated by the
evidence taken he intends to
keep on fighting until his
cation to officially and
he has bean assured of support by
prominent men in Congress, some
of them republicans. He has
known from the that per-
enmity of two men connected
with the Court of Inquiry would
have prevented his getting fair
treatment, even with Secretary Al
against him left out
a consideration,
Political pull was stronger with
Mr. than his friendship
for General Joe Wheeler;
Fighting Joe's
tor active service in the Philip-
pines was I limed down, and that
eminent political warrior Fred,
chosen as one of three
Brigadier Generals that are to be
sent to the Philippines at once; the
other two being Bates, who has just
been detached from the command
of the Santa tiara Cuba,
and Young, who has been super-
vising the mustering out of
in the South. Gen. Wheeler
has repeatedly said that he would
resign his commission if he could
not get active service, but it is
stated that he is to be offered com j
of Department of Texas,
which is lo he revived, if Gen.
Wheeler accepts this command, it
will lie indication that there is
something in story of his ex-
to be appointed Brigadier
General in the regular army.
High Low Close.
October Ml M
April May.
Opening. Close. Tone.
High Low Close.
Sept. J
Opening. High
Po. Gas
H, B. T. 13.1 M
G. W.
bow Close.
in J
For . I
Ladies. S
Shoe sold.
All . .
The Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, having issued let
of administration to inc. the
undersigned, on the 20th day of
on the estate of II. F.
Bail las, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate pay
to the undersigned, and to all
creditors of the estate to present
claims, properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve mouths after the date of
this notice, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
This day of 1890.
J. Ii
on the estate of II. V.
J. C. Cobb Son.
Ht f f l i
W. H. White, W. T.
should lie rewarded, and rightly,
days of place of think, let the man off with tho
registration in or more news- Enterprise.
Hood's PHI
Are prepared from Na-
mild laxatives, and
while are reliable
and They
Cure Sic; Headache, Bil-
and Sold
everywhere, per box.
n .
motif Am
l cur,., mail., by
I hi wonderful n.-w car
fur The
per i-f not or
to to
In of
Hint think that
that n -t
of tin- and
Ml to rill
i CO.,
U N C.
stork of
We Carry
and Goods.
Just received from Mew York, Chi.
line of
Pattern Hats. Straw Sailors, Mohair
ad Mill Sailors, Baby Caps and Dresses.
line of-----
Waists. Win, Wrappers,
Bud Chains, Shirt Waist
Minis, Jewel Belt
Everybody to call and see
my new line of goods.
MRS. M. A.
To tames
We have just opened
a line of new------
Dry Goods, Notions. Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Crockery, Farm Implements,
Meat. Flour, Coffee,
Tobacco, etc., in fact
every STAPLE
carried in a general stock.
We Also Bell
Our prices on everything will be
found us low as a good article can
be sold at. You are cordial y in-
to visit our store.
Highest prices paid for all kinds
of country produce.
N. C.
Premiums been paid
The future of a business that has
established built up by
depends on the
of that
Just a man has made
a success, made his and goods
famous from Maine to California,
he should not try to economize on
his advertising appropriation or
discontinue it altogether, believing
that thereafter the article will
command a trade without the use
of printer's ink. It has been tried
time and time again, and doesn't
work that Advertising
Fancy Goods, Novelties, Etc.
to Which we invite your attention.
OUR arc the latest styles and
will be sold at reasonable
have a skilled Milli-
to do our trimming can
give entire satisfaction.
Call on us in the new brick
N. C.
Second Hand Boots
Bought and Sold
IT M.- unit
ran .--.-. of in.- .--
return tn lo
is day.
II. W to look per
and i.
in 1.1.11,11. N.
Newark, N. J.
Your Policy
Has Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that
works automatically,
Will be re-instated within
three years lapse if you are
in good health.
After Second Year
No Restrictions,
Dividends are payable at the be-
ginning of second of each
succeeding year, provided the
for the current year be paid.
They may lie used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To Make Policy Payable as
an Endowment during the Lifetime
of Insured.
J, L.
n. O.
Heavy and Fancy
Cotton Magging and Ties always
on has ,
goods kept on
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
We have just received our
Spring SHOES
Spring .-;
Spring Hats
And will take great pleasure
in showing our stock.
Goodbye to the
Weather is getting good for
All at
Book Store.
was late the
Hies got here on time.
A little more of weather and
you will hear picnic talk.
different for
Another large lot of stationery
at Reflector Store.
The fishermen are catching
bunches of river robins.
Vaccinate your with
the virus of good advertising.
Is anybody talking up that corn
mid Hour Greenville t
A man's enemies arc few if his
relatives all speak well of him.
The best way to destroy enc-
my is to make a friend of him.
Fresh today sweet mountain
cents per pound at S. M.
Some of the Evans street shelter
owners have commenced tearing
The Greenville Store is
fitting up for a soda fountain and
ice cream parlor.
Some stand on principle and
some others probably would if they
had it lost and on.
W. B. Wilson is making
to his residence in
Sooth Greenville.
More of that nice paper en-
only cents a at Be-
Hector Store.
Three boxes white school crayons,
gross in each box, cents at He.
Hector Book Store.
J. A. Brady is having changes
made in his building, corner Evans
Fourth streets.
is getting time for invitations
to to begin
taking their place in the mails.
Some of the Pitt county delegates
to the United States court st
arc getting back on native
There are no new developments
in the murder. Every
effort will made to catch the
You have no doubt observed that
the individual who knows how to
do everything very seldom does
It is time now to begin talking
town politics. Good men should
lie chosen for Aldermen the first
Monday in June.
When you are nervous and sleep-
less, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
makes the nerves strong and gives
refreshing sleep.
The Washington District Confer-
of the M. K. Church will be
held at Bethel, this county, instead
of at Ocracoke. It meets in July.
Under the new town charter the
town has live wards instead of four,
and provides for eight Aldermen
in place of six Councilmen hereto
The successful business may
not be superstitious, but he lie
in the best of
them hang their signs in the news-
Mr. It L. Crisp and Miss Sallie
of Kinston, were married
Wednesday morning in that town.
The bride has a large of
friends In Greenville.
i odd
The celebration of the an-
of Fellowship at
Bethel Wednesday, April
was largely attended and much en
joyed by all. Bethel lodge and
and Greenville lodges met
the lodge room and marched to the
Methodist church when the
ceremonies took place. At
the conclusion of the
J. Jarvis was introduced
by Mr. A. Wind mid a very line
was delivered. The
was dismissed and repaired to
the grove adjoining the
where the largest dinner we over
saw was prepared and everybody
invited to partake. We partook
and when full were asked to
We to de
Cline for were too full for utter-
The good people of Bethel
know how to treat their guests, for
everything was done that could be
done to make, every one en joy them-
selves. Sol Jones that the
Greenville folks did know how
to cat. He bud barbecued
hogs left. don't know, Sol,
whether they can eat or not, but we
got mighty nervous about sonic of
our South Greenville boys.
Rev. Mr. Vans Hurt.
It. T. happened to a
painful last Sunday night.
When, about to retire ho blew out
the hall lamp and turned into
his room, when he fell over a sofa
that had been placed in the hall
during his absence the week before,
lie had not been accustomed to see
the sofa there and forgot it for the
moment and fell over it. face
was scratched some one eye
badly blackened by the fall. The
hurt was so painful it made him
sick almost all
Neck Commonwealth.
Man and Wife Both Drop Dead.
We hear that on Wednesday
afternoon near in Edge-
woman went out to
the well to draw a bucket of water
and fell dead by the well. A mes-
was sent for her
who was away from homo at the
time, lie got in his buggy
started home, but fell dead before
reaching there. We could not learn
the names.
Town Charter.
Since the bill was int induced in
the last to amend the
charter of the town of
has made several
efforts to get a copy of it.
have at last succeeded and today
begin giving it to our readers,
knowing there arc many who will
be interested in it.
Catch as They Come
Mrs. II. Harding
Sharp of
today here.
T. I'm Ion. of Washington,
from Kinston.
Mrs. Honey, of Kinston,
aver this morning lo visit
L. E. Whaley and family
ed Wednesday evening to make
their home.
II. S. Sheppard, a native of Pitt
and former citizen of
now of Sampson county, is here
visiting relatives.
ton Miss Mary Terrell, of Tar-
were married Wednesday.
The bride Once lived ill Greenville
and is well here.
J. G. w. the Southern
representative of Lewis
Co., brokers of New
York, spent today here. His firm
is of Southern men who
have taken high rank in New York
commercial Circles.
Friday, MM.
Deputy Sheriff J. J. Mason is on
the list.
E. B, left this morning
for Danville.
W. T. returned from
Newborn Thursday evening.
H. W. left Ibis
for Danville lo takes vacation.
M's. O. T. Stanford this
morning I'm Wilson to visit
I A W. Setser left this morn-
for Tarboro to at lend the Union
Claude Hunter, of Henderson,
came in this morning. Some of
the boys keep a close eye on him. Chaplain closed
Jarvis returned Thursday
moon from a short visit to
Washington. W. Wiggins
went along as chaperon and
are telling on other.
J. A. Dupree returned Thurs-
day evening from Norfolk. Mrs.
Dupree also returned from Mar-
where she had been to
attend the funeral of her mother.
T. E. Ibis morning for
II. P. left this morning
for Henderson.
Presiding Elder B. I. Hall came
Friday evening.
Mrs. J. K. went to
Tarboro today to visit relatives.
Harding returned Friday
evening from a trip in Beaufort
District Attorney K. Bernard
OHM this morning from New-
Mrs. E. B. of Kinston, is
visiting Mrs. E. A. In West
John White came home from
Bethel, Friday evening, to spend
today and Sunday with his parents.
Miss Laura of Bedford
City, who has been visiting
Mrs. L. C. Arthur, returned home
A. M. Moore, W. II. Harrington,
E. M. Cheek and John re-
turned Friday from Hew-
Solicitor L. I. Moore left this
for Nashville. Mrs.
Moore went with him as far as
Mount to visit relatives.
Celebrate Their I Hi Anal.
Friday night in the open house
and Helena lodges of the
Independent Order of
appropriately celebrated the eight-
of tin-
A large number of the members
with families and friends
were attendance and enjoyed the
arranged for the
After calling the several
to their the ceremonies
opened with prayer by the chap
lain, Bar. I. A.
anniversary exercises were I lien
carried out, Noble Grand, Dr. D.
I,, reading the questions
the response. Tin- Secretary,
Mrs. T. Jan is, read the
of the Sire and tile
Master enjoining the lodges
the occasion.
Past Grand, Miss Apple Smith,
occupied tier position with the
The entertainment
was then carried out as
responded to by Prof. w.
Vocal Duel Lizzie Laugh-
Annie Foley. Ac
Miss Sheppard.
Toast Three Links
Friendship, Love and
responded Hodges.
Daughters of Be-
responded to by Mrs
Grand Secretary is.
of was called upon by the
Noble Grand mid made a pleasant
talk lo the assemblage. The
the exercises
with prayer.
were served
real abundance. The entire even-
exercises were delightful
and everything was carried out
perfect order.
odd Fellowship is very strong
iii this the order is
a i
Not That Way Here.
The sound hummer will
soon be heard on every hand.
We have heard of people
nail on their
of the nail the plank
a hammer, bill had no idea
users of tool had become BO careless
I every hand got a lick.
Pi .
Three Convicted.
At of at
this week, the jury found
verdicts of guilty in three of the
eases carried up from Pitt
for removing
and was sen
six months in jail with a
line of 1300 and costs. Deputy
Marshal It. B. arrived
here I morning with Worthing
ton turned him over lo the
Isaac Colored, retailing
without license, guilty, judgment
suspended of costs.
Peyton Kettles, colored, retailing
without license, guilty, judgment
suspended upon payment of costs.
A verdict of not guilty was re
against I.
the grand jury did
mil find true bills on the other
cases over from this county
Johnson's Mm is. April
The poach crop is not tic
We had a sprinkle of hail
yesterday. No damage done,
Charlie Nobles will leave
for New Haven. Conn., to accept a
posit in a machine shop.
Mrs. P. K. returned to
her in Washington
after staying some time with her
parents here,
We are all glad to know Dr.
Joseph Nobles will locale ill
Johnson's lie will conic
about the of June.
Lewis Ives has a new boarder, a
little girl.
W. Mew born nice
office occupied Dr. Noble.
Merrill, of Hobgood,
filled his opp at m's
school house last Sunday, quite n
crowd was oat heir him.
visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
since the weather opened
are busy preparing and
planting their crops.
T. W. formerly of
but now of
received the sad intelligence of Mil-
of his sister, Mrs. Alice
Dr. Rout. Hargrove, of Falk-
land, is in our neighbor., id today.
K. J. Hurdle paid a living trip
lo Mildred Monday.
We do not need them and should
not Their history has
been a dirty one. They are now
trying to gel a man with three
wives into our national Congress.
advise hospitable spirit of
our farmers; hut I wish lo say to
all of them that we arc not pro-
the cause of good morals
when wears feeding Mormons.
takes married
women through
the whole period
of pregnancy In
safety and com-
fort It Is used and It
the muscles so there is no dis-
comfort. II prevents and relieves
morning sickness, and rising
shortens boor and preserves
the girl.
a a
Send for a Fell
copy our illus-
1st Co., Atlanta,
Blood Hounds.
has many
times in the past suggested that
this and every county an to
that, ought to possess some blood
hounds. The crime committed at
shows the need of them, and the
County Commissioners could wisely
take steps to supply this need.
hope they will do so at their
Evil Dispositions
Are Early
Just so evil in the blood
comes oat in shape of
pimples, etc., in children
and young people. Taken in
time it can be eradicated by
using Hood's Sarsaparilla.
In older people, the aftermath
of irregular living shows it-
self in conditions, a
heavy head, a foul mouth,
a general bad feeling.
It in the blood, the impure
Bare yon a GUN, or a a BICYCLE, or a LOCK, or
most anything needs living SO. In it to
Greenville, . . . N. C.
We hare employed Mi. Ed. and
workmen Slate and any repair work bring us will
be prompt done.
Bicycle Sundries
Tobacco Flues
GOOD as low as ones,
d iS t
i J
And see my Stock of
M, M, Hats, Trunks,
Hardware, Tinware, Groceries,
In lad a lull lino
v ill hi ii 11- u- to home another crop,
if wish to crop easier I eve-
a in i iii M i i lives, Mb less ex use.
your land eighth row live feet
wide for truck tow, and in your is y
to house twenty acres, i As the lime short the
,, suppl
X-v-A .
trucks will
Price of with shafts
All with cash to lite
c. N. ill receive prompt attention.
J. W. AT Owner Patentee.
Caught a Turtle.
Mr. F. tells that
that Mrs. K. who lives
his went to the
river fishing Friday, caught
a turtle with a pole
lead line. She tied the turtle with
a piece of grape vine dragged
it home. Mrs. is the same
woman who, just before she was
grown, caught a deer in the Held
lite real
Hint with Sarsaparilla
will ill your family.
Blood Poison I liven In a t
for years la
small pol. ill
body, THad
I II 1-
I I I he lion-, lip-
J. T. i
I I.
new four. Hi fair Mis.
S. I, W
r in,.,
The Fun Makers.
The Fun Milkers Company,
which gave three regular perform-
and a here last
is rightly named. gave our
people several hours of
fun and laughter, in winch was
also some real good acting.
inn offensive or approaching the
was seen while company
was here, the of the
actors on and oh the stage
April 26th.
The Makers, above referred
to, will appear at the opera house
and balance of week.
Change of play nightly.
Sat M. Popular prices.
and cents.
Clerical Errors.
An evidence of the errors made
by the clerks in copying bills pass-
ed by the found
in charter of
which we are now publishing,
instance in ion at j I
the Aldermen shall have power to
the sate or use of Bra
works, while it was
in original bill. Again In See.
2.1 it says
to retail liquors stale
of their
business. No doubt this word
should rend bill we
it from
of the Secretary of State and give
it just as ii is. other
error equally us bad.
A bill is lobe in the
next issue
of silver certificates i the
nation of in, Mats. It
is Unit cur
would be useful for the
transmission of small sums through
the mails. Then is no doubt
such currency would be
for a large people.
A Farm Library of
Up-to-date. Concise and
Printed and Illustrated.
All about
. a y
and how , .
AU alum ; I In l
; . .
f ill breeds; with
All Cow the Halt a
Hie; In i t u h
In with ill u at i Ivan. y.
Just out. All about Hutch.
riv, k hall-
The it i 1.1 ROOKS arc
. They
me having and
who a Cow. Hog or
or Small ought tight
away the BOOKS. The
I your paper, for you and note misfit. It i
old; it la
the biggest la the States
I . . .; .
of if will be by malt
. . . . I K- .
DRY Goods
Coffin Go.
O ill, l S
I. I
shore as can in- at

Today's Arrival
anything ever shown
in the city.
They are the latest things
and low enough in price
for everybody to
buy them.
Listening to The Preacher.
Ii it be difficult for some
to listen, It it harder,
for other people to follow, for it is
evident a person may listen tad
writes Ian of
The Art of Listening to a
May Home
few are
touted to think about the same
tiling, or Indeed to think about
anything, thirty minutes; after
a brief space their interest
they tail they have
ago the thread of the
and have almost forgot
ten his subject. The sermon which
suits such a desultory mil d
hi twenty paragraphs, each
paragraph an anecdote or an
illustration of a startling idea,
that wherever the heater joins in
he can be instantly at home. Sen
ought, however, to re
member that a series of
lantern a work of severe
art are not the same,
is to expound the of Christ
worthily he must reason as he goes
ask his hearers to think. The
chain may lie of gold, but
ought to e links securely Hastened
together, and a hearer should try
them as they pass through his
If one not brace
self for Hie effort of hearing a
mull he ill almost certainly
up by c either that the
preacher was dull or the dis
course was disconnected. Mo
is worth hearing into which
the preacher has not put his whole
strength, and no sermon can
heard aright unless the hearer
gives his whole strength
A Strong; Fortification.
Fortify the against disease
Liver Pills, an
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
Fly Wheel of
Dr. Your Liver Pills are
the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had a new lease of life.
Platte Cannon, Col.
Liver Pills
Havana is rapidly becoming
Instead of a bull
on Sunday la.-l I here was a
baseball same, and interest
mates waxed so warm that a close
division by the umpire in
Inning almost precipitated a riot
The Times of Cuba says that
police look a hand in the re
were drawn, and murder
would have been done had not a de-
of the Seventh Cavalry
appeared on the scene with loaded
guns to quell disturbance.
mm hart
--------LEADERS IX---------
Paints Oils
Building Hardware a Specialty.
That modern the
poisons the air with fatal genus,
that no home is safe from its
ravages, but multitudes have found
a sure protection against this
malady Dr. King's New
Discovery. When yon feel a sore-
in your bones and muscles,
have fever, with sore
in the back of the head,
symptoms and
cough you may know you have the
and that you Deed Dr. King's
New Discovery. It will promptly
cure cough, beat the in-
kill the disease
germs and prevent the dreaded
effects of the malady. Price
eels and 11.00. -Money back if mil
en red. A t rial t free at J. L.
Drag Store.
Perfect Tobacco Formula.
A new tobacco brand by a new
tobacco formula but
an old house.
Look out for OSCEOLA tinder North Carolina Tobacco this
DOMINION Br. Norfolk, ft,
sale by all Old Agent everywhere,
Sou represent us at Other agents all
Eastern N. C, towns.
The Ideal Father.
Writing of the Ideal father and
training, In the May
Ladles home Prances Brans
refers to the home life of a well-
n writer --who considers no
of greater importance than
the direction of his four
minds. His boys run in age from
ten to seventeen, but even the lit
tic lad often hi admitted to the
talks, which are teaching these
hays to think tor themselves.
Instead of telling tin- children ti
--keep at the dining table
Ii parents, with wise kindness,
promote and duvet the natural
talkativeness of into fruitful
channels. The lather bring h line
news of the day, and each boy
himself on
these they dine
at night, provided he is willing to
think about what he is saying, not
deliver some careless,
opinion, then obstinately stick t
it. Argument is encouraged, and
started by the father.
II boy may give free to his
opinion long as he keeps his
temper and argues his best.
slovenly habits of thought or ex
are permitted in this lain
The topic in hand may be
anything from to the latest
The woman who is lovely face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would beat
tractive moat keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly and all run
down she will be nervous and
If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood
will cause pimples, skin
eruptions and a wretched complex
ion. Electric Hitlers is the bent
medicine the world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong
Ml is, bright eyes, smooth,
skin, rich complexion. It
will make a charm-
woman of a run down invalid.
Only cents at Jno. L.
Drug store.
Steamers leave Washington on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at A. M. for
water permitting,
leave Tarboro at B A.
M., Greenville A. M. on Tutu-
days, Thursdays Saturdays.
Sidling hours subject to change de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and
for all points for the West
with rail row Is at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Ray Line from
and Line from
Washington, N. O,
Greenville, N.
You May Never but Should you
Want Job
Come to see us
to W. R.
Stale of Ohio, City of
FRANK J. makes oath
he is senior partner of the
of Prank J. Co., do-
business in the of Toledo,
County and Stale aforesaid,
that said will nay the sum of
each and every MM of Catarrh that
cannot In- cured by the Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Prank J.
Sworn to me and
ed presence, this tit la day of
December, A. ., 1886.
I S Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of
system. FRANK i.
Sold by druggists,
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
The Oxford con-
a personal to the effect that
Mr. Coffin has gone to visit
his cousin, Mr. Craves, in Tomb-
stone. Arizona. The paper rays
that Mr. Coffin is on pleasure bent,
but nevertheless the item sounds
The best salve in the world for
Cuts, Sores, Suit
Fever Sores, Chap-
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is to give perfect is-
faction or money refunded. Price
US cents per box. For sale by Jno.
I. Woolen.
TOTTER ON hands.
For several years was a suffer
from letter on my It
would come in little watery
and the itching was almost more
than I could Stand. The skin was
tender and the itching would swell
so I could hardly bend my lingers.
Sometimes my hands would
perfectly raw from scratching or
breaking of the pimples. I
was in this condition tried one
half dozen bottles of Mrs. Jot Per
son's Remedy and some Wash in
1884, and by the time I took it my
hands were cured, and I am now
well of trouble. It has since
out a little at times, but
not enough to mo or
make me try more medicine. I am
DOW well. MRS. M. E.
N. C, May
Greenville, N. C.
Professional Cards
Anything a
Visiting Gard
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de-
and prices an low us the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
A I.-., a nice of Hardware.
I can now lie found in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Drown.
-----ESTABLISHED 1875.------
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
in side meat, hams, should-
coffee, sugar,
snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butler, mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat Hakes, hominy flakes, cotton-
seed meal and hulls, cotton seed
at cents per bushel.
Come to see
We carry a full of
S. Parker
Fountain Pen

Eastern reflector, 2 May 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 02, 1899
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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