Eastern reflector, 28 April 1899

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You May ever but Should you
Want Job Printing
to see us
Anything a
Visiting Card
Sheet Poster.
It is strange that these who give I a n .
it out very clearly that they
Christians should be so Mind to
the fact that ill temper mars
and kills their power for good
vice. The world at once doubts
the of a man when it
sees him out red hot tires
of ill temper. More than that
the least Hash of ill temper is
hurtful to any professing Chris-
standing and
among men. Every spark of it
that e world sees awakens the
there is a seething
and cauldron of it in the
heart. From this cauldron at an
v. i
. . T
I lo
t a
y n
man in
ski or
. man
Boat h an nil topics
if roans. replied
the Ran of in
the smart
mini iii
i , in a red bearded
busy looking at some
unguarded point this one spark Has
Hashed escaped to light. The are to said
the man. looking sadly at
overthrow and subjection and
displacement of an ill temper
is what above all things the world
to m an effect of
in men. the world
has a right to expect it. We re-
peat that it is strange that so many
professing Christians are rendered
powerless for service in the church
on account of uncontrolled
temper without apparent
edge of the cause. It is sad
tine patents even
themselves of over
their o u children on account of it.
the wire
mean the red
The smart young man's expression
chanced from sadness to contempt
had diction-
he u sneer
retorted the red
bearded man way of spelling may
be a little tint yon will
find it correct according to Webster
Yon will also find it correct according
to the Dictionary, and if am
not mistaken it is likewise given in the
way is all right
The. smart man cave a sniff of
corn Billings and yon should
have collaborated on a
we it was,
wrote that the evil effects of ill here. said the red bearded
temper in retarding the growth of, v
the of Christ was
For several j ears I was a suffer-
front my bands. It
would come in little watery pimples
the itching was almost more
than could stand. The skin was
tender the would swell
so I could hardly bend my
Sometimes my would
perfectly raw from scratching or
breaking of the When I
was this condition I tried one
half dozen of Mrs. Joe Per-
son's Itemed v and some Wash in
by the time I took it my
and l am now
well of the trouble. It has since
broken out a little at times,
not enough to inconvenience me or
make me try more medicine. I
MRS. M. E.
Burlington. X. C, May
For BY
Greenville, N. C.
Legal Notices.
far than the saloons of the world.
This is a strong statement but we
arc unprepared to call its correct-
into Lumber-
Greenville i society
a Butter last week over a notable
wedding, which is in The
Light House as
Jennie Verger, the beautiful
daughter of the Hon. Win.
Wednesday night last.
We had pleasure of viewing
the presents presented to this dis-
without contradiction, that there
were enough, if it were turned into
We carry a line of the
S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in
and is distinctive Parser
Not only does it feed the ink
perfectly, but prevents soiled
latest spells it
it S, said the smart
man. pulling a roll
don't want to rob yon Get
the dictionary
The mom y was and Webster's
brought out There it
was. to sing In
didn't mean n said the
mart nag man. growing white
around tin-cars is
They found that. too. it was
marked obsolete Then the smart young
man wilted
won't take money. said the
red boarded man, handing back the
bills name is Bell. T
Bell I have advantages
which yon pi- ably never received, and
I mouths learning the
differ, ways lo spell that word. E-v
Tears I the secret
ice My and I had been on the
trail of a pair of had a
of games that would
have made the man look
sick They re men of far more than
ordinary int- and had the
The Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, having issued let-
of administration to me, the
undersigned, on the 20th day of
on the estate of II. F.
Harries, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate
to the and to all
creditors of the estate to
their claims, properly
to the undersigned,
twelve mouths after the date of
this notice, or this notice will be
plead bar of their recovery.
This day of ISM.
J. L. A .
the F. Harriss.
cash money, to build a mile of rail-
road track Miss Verger received j men of the world The
more valuable presents than
other bride ever received in
Greenville. Bo the scripture in
this ease has
that have can get more in
The High Point Citizen says that
a subscriber Informed that paper a
few days ago. that Jacob Cox, a.
citizen of Randolph county some
time ago married his third wife
within six weeks after the death
of his first, and does not seem to
think matrimony a failure. This
beats the who. one day
last week, his third wife
within ten
i . i be
I nil
. i Is
in lb. king-
i .; com-
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a It not
you ought to be.
The Eastern deflector
I-. .
A ,
i f i
ll ill. By -I.-
m h-
. in F i a gnat
many year the landlord inn
i-i i v n he vi.-ii.-ii
tin- day boar he would
arrive. A before he
the advanced age of so. a gentleman
who was making a through
Cornwall pot a small inn at Pod
Base hi- dinner. He looked over
the hill if fare and found nothing
his liking He had. how. a line
routing on the fire. bar
cannot, replied the land-
lord Mr Scott of Exeter.
know Mr. Sent very
plied traveler is not in
said the landlord,
six when be was last
here, be ordered to be ready
tins day at o'clock.
And to tie- of the travel-
who chain d to look from the win-
the i gentleman wan at that
moment entering the inn
live minute before the appointed
Harper .- Table.
Is only- a year contains
the new i
information to the
p v so growing
co, that is worth times
mo e than the price.
constitution ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
way we happened to get them was a
partner and I going down
from St on u Mississippi river
Then were of in
the room talking and trying to
pass the time comfortably. Just as a
lull came in the of conversation a
man seated at a table writing
some tellers looked with u troubled
air and Mid. any of yon gentle-
men tell me how to spell I
am a little puzzled over
kind of a do yon mean
asked several
to sing in chirped
the man. wrinkling his brow as
if to recall r orthography.
said n scholarly looking
man with glasses on
Q-n-i-r-c. sang out a big. well fed
old man off in the corner.
repeated the first man
with some . thought every
fool knew that
all said the old man
off in the corner I'll bet
yon that Webster spells it
raise yon the first
man. who was a cotton buyer
right, said tho big old man
coolly Then the others joined in and
bet him to a standstill, They up
about f Then they got tho diction-
and, as now. the man who bet
partner waited till the
money had changed hands, and then I
said. on.
walked up to the young man and
said with me; I want yon. I'll
show yon hew to spell choir Si col-
the big old man we waltzed
them down below You never saw two
fellows look quite so cheap They had
over on that one
trick, they got four years and a half
apiece That is one spelling school
have attended that not every man
to That name in which will catch
educated of ten. You are
all right, bat yon may still have some-
thing to learn
Then the smart man offered
the invitation in payment for the
Information Washington Post
The oldest medical recipe is said by
French medical journal to be that of a
hair tonic for an Egyptian queen It la
dated B Q. and directs that
paws and boiled
in nil
The variation of speed in the chirp-
of crickets depends so closely on
that tho of the
thermometer may be calculated by ob-
serving the number of chirps in a min-
At F. the rate is chirps
a minute, at degrees F. min
and the rate increases four
to the with u of one
Below a temperature of SO degrees
F. the cricket is not likely, -to make any
ah the flan
An electrical engineer who stutters
once endeavored to lie of the
habit, and for that purpose went to an
institution near The manager,
questioning him,
yon stammer all the
Letter of administration
this day issued to tho tinder-
upon estate of
Chapman notice is here
given to all persons having
claims against the estate of
Chapman to present to the
on or before the
day of March, 1900, or thin notice
will lie pleaded in bar of re-
This the h day of March
L. E. Smith,
of the estate of
Harding Harding. Ally's,
Tuesday, April
I will offer for sale at the Court
House in Greenville the
tracts or parcels of lands lying in
I county which were to
me in the division of lands of
Whitehurst, deceased; one
containing and
twenty three i acres, adjoining
the lands of Nobles and
others, and a part of the
Carney laud; the other
track containing hundred
sixty adjoining lands
of Mooring and others,
par of J.
Terms of one third cash,
balance in and two years;
tide retained mil purchase
paid, or mortgage to
ct Attorneys.
I, Anna wife of
Lewis bare this day
made entry according to law; of my
withdrawal as a free trader in
I. page of
Pitt county, N. C, and from the
day of March, 1899, will cease
to act as a free trader,
Anna J. I
Witness mark
H. L; Hall.
I I t-t-t talk,
The having Ibis day
qualified before the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt county
administrator of the estate of J. R.
Perkins, deceased, not ice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present
to me for payment on or before
the day of February, 1900, or
this will lie plead of
their recovery. All persons in-
to said estate are requested
to make immediate settlement
thereby nave costs.
D. R.
of the estate of J.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. in. W F. Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school p. m. J. R. Moore
regular services.
a. m.
Divine service and sermon every
Sunday morning and evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays at
M., and Litany Fridays at A.
M Rev. I. A. Minister
every Sun-
day, morning evening. Pray-
Thursday evening. Rev.
A. W. Setzer, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D.
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. M. Sec.
1.0.0. Lodge, No.
Meets every evening.
E. E. Griffin, N. G. L. H. Pender,
K. of River Lodge, No.
every Friday evening. Dr.
Bagwell, Jr., C. R. L.
Carr, K. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. It. Wilson, R. M. It.
Lang, Sec.
O. V. A. M. Meets every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. F. J.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first third
nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. M. R. Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith. Sec.
LO. Conclave,
No. meets every
Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson,
Smith Sec.
I mm- I i
I v Mount
Leave Wilson
Ar i, ,
Cm c
am rm
it m e a
I i-c
s as II
an i on
as i n
a a
e so
S t.
n a
, , r
m i.- ,
Ar R, Meant
Lt Mount
V It
t .-, m n is i it
The undersigned Inn duly
qualified before the Superior Court
Clerk of Pitt county us Executor of
the Last Will and Testament of
Knox, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons
ed to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and
all persons having claims against
sun I estate arc notified to
the same for payment or before
the 24th day of March 1900, or
this will bar of recovery
of same.
C. A. Tucker,
Executor of Hay wood Knox.
. Train on the Branch Road
leaves pm.
rives Seek p m. Greenville S
pm. leaves
. SO a m. am. Halifax
at II Ilia, am.
Trains ea leave Wash-
. s m n in. arrive
a m hi i m. leave Parmele
a m i , m arrive am
and to p m. except
Train leaves dally except Sunday
at ,, m. Sunday p m. arrives Pr-
month . m. p m, leaves Ply-
dally, Sunday, am. and Sun
day on am. arrives
Train on Midland N C Branch leaves
Men Sunday. a m.
s Ida m, leaven
s a m. arrives at a ex.
Train on Branch
no f iii. arrive Nashville
pm. leave Hope a in
p m. II a m. arrive at Rocky
Mount a m, p m. dally except Sunday.
Train on Clinton leaves Warsaw lot
Clinton dally, Sunday,
Sm, Clinton at am and
connection at Wei
don all points North daily, all rail via Kiel,
J. R. K KM. V, Manager.
T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manage.
leave Washington on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at A. M. for Greenville,
Returning leave Tarboro at A.
M., Greenville A. M. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Sailing hours subject de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
to W. B.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de-
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Pone e
molasses, side meat, hams, should-
sugar, our, tobacco.
cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat Hakes, hominy flakes,
seed meal and hulls, cotton seed
bought at cents per bushel.
Come to see
Line of Hardware.
I can now be in the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. R.
r gin get
In w I
privates, sailors sad
, .
rat Thrill-
Slit at tat War.
s i,
lea Trails Has.
eM -that m
ray. for
la Ad
The Eastern
and r-
Perfect Tobacco Formula.
A new tobacco brand by a new
tobacco formula by
an old house.
Look out for OSCEOLA under North Carolina Tobacco this
sale by all Old Dominion Agents everywhere.
Cobb Son at Other all
Eastern towns.
Net Look Favorable.
Worn By Blue Gray.
outlook for the next crop years Bays Rev.
of cotton is already superseding in David Molten, of Dundee, Scotland
popular interest the marketing of now In paid a visit
the balance of the old crop. Al-, to Mrs. Stonewall Jackson at her
some doubt yet exists as to home, by
results of the with which her hos-
tile market has ceased to be ma- band wore when he received his
by old-crop death wound. It was a heavy
and largely governed by rubber faced the fatal
the reports from the country as to bullet hole and stain of Mood were
the preparations for the plainly visible. I took the
crop of and the progress made relic of the great Confederate
by that the crop already hero back to my home in Dundee,
planted in more southerly dis- but en route to New York
I met Howard, of the Fed-
Owing to the favorable weather army, and told him the story,
which has prevailed during the He was immensely interested, spoke
past week or two, field work has warmly of General Jackson's
at a rapid rate, and genius and superb courage,
people of sanguine temperament wound up by
are disposed to think that the ninny Mr. since you have
weeks lost will speedily made I I will have to
That Is, of course, entirely give you one that wore in the
problematical. The known facts same battle. I am not ranking
are that the purchases of myself with Jackson, but I want
fertilizers are you to have a souvenir of
smaller than last year, the So he gave me his
preparations for planting the crop form coat, embellished with the
have been very much Federal brass buttons and shoulder
have straps. I thanked him heartily.
any material effect upon the acreage
finally planted remains to be seen,
but that the crop CM be as vigor-
or as productive with less
does not appear reasonable.
The late start may undoubtedly lie
made up by uncommonly favorable
weather, but it undoubtedly sub-
the crop to more vicissitudes
than it would ordinarily York Tribune,
with a reasonable certainty of
the harvest
Orleans Picayune.
and after reached home I had
them both placed in the fine public
at Dundee. There they
have hung all these years, the blue
the gray, side by side, one
let torn and bloody, bright
whole. I propose my re-
turn to have the two coats trans-
to the inn-ruin at
Pay Of Law-Makers.
The law makers in Austria and
France are paid N a day; in Greece
the Senators get a month
the Deputies in Germany
members of both houses receive
about a day; in Denmark the
members of the each
receive about W a day; Belgium
each member of the Chamber of
Representatives gets a mouth;
In Portugal the Peers and Commons
are paid the same sum, which is
about a year; in Spain the
members of the Cortes are not paid
for their services, but enjoy many
advantages and immunities; in
Switzerland the of the
National Council get 02.50 a day
and the Council of States, the lower
house, 91.50; in Italy the
and are not paid at all
but are allowed traveling expenses.
1.1 ml is the only
are not
but have special
rights or Wonts.
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be at-
tractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly and all run
down she will
If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood
will cause pimples, skin
eruptions and a wretched complex-
ion. Electric Bitters is the
medicine the world to regulate
stomach, liver and and to
purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes,
skin, rich complexion. It
will make a charm-
woman of a rundown invalid.
cents at Jno. L.
Drug store.
Attempt to Frighten Illiterate
The latest scheme of the on-
to defeat the proposed suffrage
amendment is lo intimidate or
frighten illiterate white men, by
telling them that the
clause will lie declared
and void and the remain-
of will en-
Of course the amendment will lie
voted upon and adopted as a whole
and if one of it is enforced all
of it will lie. And if one part is
unconstitutional none of will
When pie eating as
sort that the Democrats op
to illiterate while men
voting, it is well to ask who
gave the poor while men this
State the right to vote Our older
readers will that
party, over forty years
ago. gave to all
white men in North Carolina and
removed the property
And the Democratic party is
BOt now going lo take away
the right of suffrage from a large
class of its own voters. Chatham
That modern the
poisons with its fatal germs,
so I no home is safe from its
ravages, but multitudes have found
a sure protection against this
malady in Dr. King's New
Discovery. When you feel a sore
in your and muscles,
have chills and fever, with sore
the hack of head,
cough you may know you have the
Grip, and that you need Dr. King's
New Discovery. It will promptly
the worst cough, heal the In-
kill the
germs prevent the dreaded
effects of t he malady. Price
and 1.00. Money back if not
cured. A trial bottle free L.
Wooten's Drug Store.
Education In The Home.
school or
college one is only beginning to
learn, and what better
ate courses one have than the
practical application of ideas
through the medium of friends and
the May Home Journal.
far as education is concerned
the best family friend is the
hen you sec some
a family consulting the diction-
whenever a doubt word or
phrase conies up in the course of
conversation you will find the
hers intelligent people us far as
facts can educate. We may not
lie able to aid each other in the
higher of
science and ethics, but is
certain; we form family
of the three
It's as well as geography, spelling
guild Slang has its
uses, no doubt, but if American
parents do not give some heed to
the English talked by their
home, Americans a
years hence will have
forgotten their mother
Wife beaters Germany
in a peculiar and yet sen-
way. They are not imprison,
ed, as in this country, but arc
rested, Saturday after their
week's work is over, and kept in
durance until Monday, This is
done regularly every week until
their sentence the ob
course, being that the
may during the week earn
money for the support of his
Beautiful New Style
New and Handsome
to match.
Don't fall to see
North Carolina Industries.
The Slate of North
attention at pres-
on account of the remarkably
of new mill-
creeled in addition to
i isl
the errors In revenue la
in Tin
of in
operation. lode j which attracted of
improvements and new at Slate were much
Harlem, by press. It
Ml. not pleasant to
and In but
of these common
in this State the j, and we agree entirely
gives as a reason
which towns
for the textile
to a
Slate no, City of
that, be is senior partner of
of Co., do-
business in the City of Toledo-
County and State aforesaid,
that said will pay the sum of
each every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the Hall's
Cure. Frank J.
Sworn to before mo
ed presence, this day of
December, A.
I -1 A.
I t Notary Public.
Hull's Catarrh Care is taken in-
and ads directly on Om
surfaces of the
Pills are the beat
with the Scotland Neck
wealth in the
a news-
paper is not expected to say it. but
ten years ago Charlotte had candor compels the
a of about and I to the last Legislature
cotton mill. Today its many
lion is more than and its which seem inexcusable. Almost
I day every day some mistake made in
night in the fuel lire of copying I lie laws is published,
cotton yarns, gray cloths, the laws are being published these
hams, webbing. are light, some
hosiery, batting and wadding. Its of and perhaps others that
live clothing factories are do not hear of.
every hour of daylight to keep up of it, there seems lo been gross
with their These factories negligence in allowing
are the direct result of the cotton so many mistakes
mills, While a an auxiliary Landmark is of opinion
f textile life there arc the four the gross negligence is due to
firms which to of legislative
build and equip mills coin icier
and which are kept to their political Influence
while the live machinery and
ply houses are shipping goods
Do you keep chickens
you ought lo have t
Farm Journal. j
in clubbing with Tin; J
h j
for the price of our J
only. Pay year ahead
and Farm Journal will
for the of I
and all i, i . j
live j
years, and gel to you if j
you are on this planet.
rather than regard their
fitness for the. positions which
they are placed. This is R custom
that ought In lie changed.--Slates
child from school
ill It unless in case of ill
is punishable by a line, the
If It be suspected the chilli's
illness is r is sent
by school and
he that the
i-. hi reel parents have In pa
his fee.
April SI,
Major Lee, who has
personal representative of Hen.
Miles before Court
made a speech summing up the
taken dining
I hat lawyer have been
p mid of. He showed even
allegation made Gen. Miles has
been folly sustained good
bill lie A ill-s are
iii outline of report,
vi hull will make in a
few days, this week. Hue
is to he ignored, Alger
and in washed, and
tell truth the beef for-
iii-lied the v, censured. If that
sort of a report i a
wave if indignation i to
sweep over this when
compared with follow-
ed the white washing of Vigor by
the War will r
tornado to a summer The
is mill iv have decided
Ibis case on the evidence, and ii
Mr. is unwise lo
allow his friendship for
and his dislike for Miles in
cause him In use Iii- in
to get a report
much worse
fur Mr. The
has been disposed, through all
mess, to believe the per-
of Mr.
and that he was the victim of his
political obligations lo Alger,
public be made in
stand a strain.
The republican are
Irving In get Mr. to an
that, owing to his health,
he will not in-a candidate for re
nomination, lie has so far
dined to do so. although his health
is really a serious condition.
Boss Plait and some other New
York republicans dial
Roosevelt would be effectually
shelved If made the tail of Me
ticket, and Mr.
who is a little hit afraid of
a-a rival for the first place,
is said In be averse In idea.
provided that whom he
really likes, can be persuaded to
voluntarily take himself out of the
w a v.
reading the play b
Pennsylvania, he
following his by II
Philadelphia of the charge of
to rob the stale. Thai
appointment was mil made
any expectation that the
puny credentials would ever Is-
used ill
and Mr. Quay both know the
Senate has repeatedly, within
few veal's, denied right of a
governor to till a vacancy In the
Sonata which the legislature of I he
stale has tailed In till, after having
had an opportunity to do so. Tin
appointment for its moral
effect upon the republicans of lite
Pennsylvania legislature, which is
likely In be called in extra
for other reasons, in
solely for the purpose of
chance for gel-
ling himself re elected.
Admiral is lo
of Implied charges and
made against him
Sampson clique in the Be
If he does, be will
the Saw but
will go direct
a thorough investigation be
made a non-partisan committee.
The Manna men are
beginning In see
call rejoicing on their
pail, as thought did when
ii was first made public, a ill
remove a powerful from
; ft I
Paying Double Prices
, .
Ms ., . I MS.
What So v-i 1.1 , I j line
,.,, mi-id Iii and
-1 I, av
I. ,. . I . N
i I
Han I
I .
.- .
. , ,
. , I , ,
f i,
n I . . .
for he hi
a 1111111-
of smaller enemies who may be
able In do more damage to
I rat ion plans politics than one
big enemy like Mr. Heed. Boss
I is in about
his success in naming lite next
be is growing very
nun afraid
will in- lei among
when his choice known.
l is- matter with a friend
shall miss my guess
teed before new Speaker has
got fairly used lo the
Mr. Payne, of New York,
Mr. Sherman, of the
same slate was In la- Eastern
candidate for Speaker, has shied
his ring and declared
himself a candidate. There will
Is- Iota of fun, and possibly some
political capital for the demo-
light over the
Owing to a call of the Herman
Ambassador State Deport-
t apt. of the
has received a Strong
pot repeal be told a
New the way
in which Admiral humbled
Herman Naval Commander in
Manila Buy, last year, when the
Hied to get a little
II is the
Ambassador made any
but of course, everybody knows
it Isa of diplomacy to
anything and everything
whenever ii deemed policy to do
is per-
constitutional cure for
rheumatism. Tin acids in the
blood which cause disease arc
laxative and
Take Laxative
All refund
it fails In cure. The gen-
has L, It. each Tablet
Professional Cards
K. e.
At Law.
N. C.
Mills B. Bow,
N. C.
. over .
but I here is danger I I Cobb ; Sons store
. .

D. J. Ed. par.
ill the Post I at
Greenville. X. an
Mail Matter.
with Ike
journal we are enabled to
I to paper to
even subscriber who pays tor
The Eastern ahead I
and the lame offer is made
old ell back
paper, for the price of ours only.
In o in gel the Farm Journal
as i for advance
it will l- up
for we
Clerk Brutally. Murdered and
Store and Burned
morning at
that ha ever In
Mr. T. I- a
former and merchant, baa for
years been doing a large bus-
hie a
from dwelling
Hi nephew, Mr.
who salesman,
I slept in I
l i she tan a
light outside Mr.
and looking discovered
store on lire. He hurried
out went to the of I
ll i
m response he around i.
only trilled him
to The Farm
Journal Is on solid foundation and
Baird, of Louisiana
died afternoon in Wash
lie jut hut
term In Congress had bean
re elected t the
The dispatches Spain
wants help the
States, the
fourteen of the Yorktown's era,
warn captured by the
were on an expedition
to releases. Spanish prisoners
held the rebels, and to
Spain has ask-
ed permission for the remaining
Spanish troops in the Philippine
to join the American forces Had-
releasing the captives, it
they alive. However, Spain
Is treacherous, and If allowed i
take a hand In should
in- done with a deal of
TWO weeks ago near Palmetto,
a. a named Sam Hose
Alfred a well-to-
do former, killed two of
then outraged Mis.
Cranford within a few of
body of her husband. On Sunday
Hose was captured, in the
presence of 2.300 people was chain-
nil poured torch
plied and the Bend tortured
terrible pun-
but it pales in
ii with awful crime the
hail While the
hands of his Hose confessed
his said a preacher
named Strickland, had hired
him to murder Mr. The
crowd went after the preacher and
hang him to a persimmon tree. Ii
is bad that people have to thus take
justice in hands, the
delays law mis-
carriage, of justice are responsible
for it.
Happening In North Carol
Herrings sold in Plymouth
week at per thousand.
bean since
that cheap.
Hi. James of
has elected
President of the Female
Mr. Bob has acres of
wheat that will average three feet
in height. is the finest wheat
the Stile, he his neighbors
year Miss Mollie
of Meat raised a gourd that,
when taken from the vine, weigh-
ed pounds, measured inches
The of the First forth
out arrived their homes
Sunday. Several where
went from prepare. I
royal welcomes the boys on
their return.
mi. Still getting no answer he
broke open the rear door of the
store and
I pin getting in the Mr.
in the in where
bis nephew wake
found the bed cu
Then around the
bed to go Into the store he was
horrified the
lead of the young m
upon a short from
bed. Mr. -I raged
the body of bis of the
building and found he had
most murdered. His
bead almost from the
body, c being terrible on
the throat I another on
his I'm- c wen- also
the temple, shoulder
the the young
clothes were lorn off
led were bruised i- i I I
upon, all indicating be b
made a desperate struggle with bis
assailant. The body j ho,
was an awful spec-
store and all intents ere
consumed by lire, nut
u penny's worth saved from
the building. had been
left out of the safe when the
were also destroyed, Mr. Turn-
loss is estimated at
i be bad insurance
on either building sink.
cited over crime when
i he news was telephoned here
this morning. Ai this writing no
clue of the perpetrator has
discovered. . wen-
telegraphed for to help down
the Ii i hope at
all author of this double
crime may i- speedily captured
and receive punishment de
.-. i . b.
A of
with Mr. Ireland.
Of the Hardware
of S, C,
I heir rules to
which I Wish other
i. men. When employ a
man or it is Stipulated he
i not to sweat or In or about
of he is
all. If with
get I Hi once. Their
position fat that If he find
suitable among their
live all
oilier moral men in town,
something wrong with him
they do not want a man.
When employ a man as
certain what n belongs t-i.
and the pastor of that church
and expect him lo look after the
comer. have cash
nor cashier, put a man
on his honor in handling the cash.
lo you how ii works
They one of their men
and him,
and wrote his parents the
la a short time they
the for
with their boy,
the company hail In
rules taught the young
lesson they bid never
able to do. i. c. be could
drink whiskey and hold his
job people. Another
lien their men ere III.
gel ii when ii is known that
work v Co.,
a man in pay his
slay I for
their me i good salaries, and
there i no excuse
for their paying their
I am from memory and
may have some
inn ii seems to me these
are good rules, adopted
business men would be of
incalculable to young men
in them from evil
helping them to build
arc worth something to
the world. While the young man
is I. the is also,
as ii secures for him the very best
1.-- of help, help I hat be can rely
ii when from his
Ruling on
I ii-
in- to today
Don't forgot B. Manning
Agricultural Prepare
for peanuts all crops.
Th- v. ti. are
up the shop
in Tobacco Pines.
orders have bet-u and If
NUB is the
send it at once.
Mr. W. and wife.
who were here a
mouths ago. and have been
lit that time.
moved here yesterday. Mr.
formerly of Durham and has
i large experience Id dairying,
trucking etc. place
i- fortunate In having h an an-
It, and a man
who ha-the push about him
Mr. has.
Wednesday evening April
Democratic town convention
was, I.
chairman of Mm executive commit-
tea. I poll ion
elected chairman,
M. A
J. W. I.
Hurst, Patty, w. is.
and was appointed to
and made the
following report which was
Petty, Commissioners, Rowan
The of Internal
the following to
which is of interest to all
dealers leaf
of Internal
Internal No.
February r.
to leaf
Ira than I
at shall not
to composing I
the breaks on warehouse la
the loose leaf where it is
.-id at public auction to qualified
In or to
Bed of tobacco,
cigars, or to persons who
leaf for export only.
who buys tons
leaf -o. the breaks
upon the warehouse Moors, for the
reselling the same at
public a private Bale,
without removal from Ilk- ware
is regarded as a dealer in
leaf tobacco, will required
to pay special as a
dealer at each place where he ear-
rial business, and must keep a
record of his purchases and
Book for place, the same
Even qualified dealer In leaf to
i w ho purchases b
Iron the or
it has been placed on
the warehouse boors, may
The having duly
Clerk of Put count. as Executor of
the East Will Testament of
Mrs. I. Kicks, deceased, notice
i-. hereby given to all
dented to the estate to make
mediate payment to the
ad, and all having claims
said are notified lo
at tie bum for pas or
day of April.
or this notice will be plead in
This pf April.
J. A. Hit Ks,
Mrs. E. Kicks.
you think any old thing will
do to put on your wall. If
you de and want the
steal in .
Hit l. Ml
w a
In-. i-i r, i.- I . i
h. n f
1.10 I Ill
i. ii mud I
M IDEM lite
it- ft tin- p P
. m .- . . V town
lo I id
p- R C.
Price SI
Send to A. It. at J.
Cherry and get
bis line Of sells
Md from the factory can sell
fin what other have lo pay,
so you save profit giving
your order.
that plait-
repack or re-
the in
or bales. I
It. Nobles O.
i J. John
It Win-ale. All
candidates forward and
He Lost Ills
hi-, breeches
hi young man lost
last Sunday
his a
When n business
advertising doesn't be
I do
and acceptable to the j
one perfect strength
cleansing the system effect
effects f well known remedy,
Stoop of by the
tin- of obtaining the liquid
f plants known t
them in the
sit-in. It
gently promptly one
to habitual per
Its perfect freedom
every sub-
stance, its acting on the kidneys,
liver bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the Meal
In the Of manufacturing figs
are SI they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
i-. i . ate obtained from and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to toe Pie
Co, only. In order got its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations,
remember the full name of
printed on the front f package.
Y. W . T.
by all per
florists around Chicago, III., es-
Dinner ill N.-w
ill ill.-
has arrived
hi, Mary's has sailed
a summer
Illinois, i-
In the Lake
lynching ease failed to reach a
and a mistrial was result.
Large Space Pay II m.
The price of space i the
Mine whether the advertisement
is put
sod pays is good deal better than
mi two
and don As a general
thing I believe the
dollar advertisement Is more likely
in really results
than the two-dollar
is. is in
ii- will u
ten sale, dollar
iii bring more than
tea I as Hull's.
A was heard to
to do
in the town author-
should be how
narrower, or
then mil be wide for
patron of the
walk on.
There been a In-
In this
generation, In
r of the erase to gal the
manias, the freak
Grove and
sweetheart has a
the father has a dog. The
man girl are fond of each
other, the dog la unfriendly to
The young man in ice
Ins girl Sunday and as he entered
yard, the dog to see him.
The young man tor the limit
yard fence and dog for
backyard of bis pants. dog
got there and when the young
man over the fence he
lake his breeches wild
dog had The only thing
saved the young meat
the dissolution of
between brooches and bit
How girl fainted the
dog ripped around with Sun-
in his mouth, while the
young man dodged behind a
and wailed till dark g.-t borne,
would require atom space to de
than we can spare for this
Issue. leave these to
Imagination of our
cola Journal,
of a
by a
public tobaCCO ware
dealer In leaf
from the farmer or
rower, before the same is offered I
for sale fa. m
or, is required lo U- pal up In bogs-
beads, eases or hales; except the
cigar leaf may delivered
by from his
to a licensed of el-
gars in less than a ease
r hale for use ill
am. tn
Second Hand Goods I
Com mission.
t l Hit .
return in to
W. W. T.
We have one
nix vim entirely new
Hals, ware,
Meat. Flour, Sugar,
ill fact
carried in a general stock.
We Also Sell
I Mo
r t el.
I N.
exclusive,,, I
In ease the former or grower M M
tobacco delivers at a public wart
two or more different grades
a single package, the
may be removed from the
packages to warehouse
assorted and divided Into as many
different and distinct as there WE CARRY A
be kinds or grades of
contained in package. The NICE LiNE OF
leaf, trash, lugs and spots or cigar
Oat prices on everything w ill he
found M low as good can
lie sold at. Vulture cordially in-
to visit our store.
Highest prices paid all kinds
of country produce.
, r.
Petty Criticisms of the Preacher.
atmosphere is Injurious lo
the hearer, and none so trying to
the preacher, as petty criticisms
malicious interpretation.
People to hear in a large and
generous spirit remembering Unit
with themselves,
that in. ought to
on length breadth of
his teaching. It is that
one he may be is a
matter of the weather; II is possible
another day be may
sweet hi a of
the hearer ought to
make great for one
has to work with the double instill-
tickle an
fact body. should
lier that no mail ever can lie
he I ravel on piano of
in May Home
Farm Jon ml for the balance.
all of
a ti
who will pay
in alliance for BY
inn. X,. turn
than the This
offer is only lo limited
Ami who conic
wrapper, filler and binder, forming j f C -x
distinct lots, and each lot may be V J-
sold the , ,
without the owner or warehouse- I I M W
man being required tn repack or
same in hogshead,
case or hale, the purchaser
each Instance may the to-
from the ill eases,
dales, toll. . box-
chests or Other receptacles
which will and the
in transportation.
If the purchaser leaf
dealer he will, of the
from the lie re
quired to repack ii hogsheads,
cases Wales before is again of-
for sale. fully,
I Ii. W.
A certain class of Londoner does
not to take very Kindly lo
Unit city of j to we you
which innovation
To file Ladles
We have just
a line of new-------
Fancy Novelties, Etc.
, i OUR the latest styles
Daily Mali and The Leader. On a pries We have a skilled
two rears
have been paid
recent a prominent clergy-
man preached a against
newspaper, at
conclusion of remarks he
burned a copy of Daily Mail
in pulpit presumably by way I
of nil object
give entire satisfaction.
CuM on is in new b
of Newark. N.
Your Policy
Has Value,
ft. Insurance
Will lie within
years after lapse if arc
good h.
After Second
No Restriction,,
are payable at the be-
ginning of the second and each
year, provided
for current year be paid.
They may be used
To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
;. To Make Policy Payable as
an Endowment Lifetime
of Insured.
J. L.
N. O.
If In ho MB, cows or
take Jon mil. We
give paper for ice
all if
lire yeas, to n-l
-s, now or old who pa
fill V. I
This offer is for a
What To Cut Off.
Cut off the pa
p if you have to, bill always
keep your ad in your paper
big enough to do you justice. is
D. I.
Heavy and
on ban ,
I'm -Ii kept . l
band, Country and
letter to few than
lo talk to Apparel I
D. W.
have opened an
fully equipped In every particular
on Fourth street, opposite the post-
where we can be found at
any time.
We have just our
Spring m
Spring SHOES
Spring Hats
And will great pleasure
showing you our stock.
Catch a as They Come
X. M. to
K. M. and
to today.
Clifton Brown, H Id, is
I King Henri
Mr-. c. Hooker nod Mini
Hooker have returned from
la visit lo
B. B. Lee and wife, of
who were visiting here,
1.11111.-1 today.
M. King left this
for Newborn where he is to serve
a a juror In the Federal court.
Little Helen and Marvin John-
of who were
their aunt. Mrs. C. I.
home Saturday evening.
Ari.-n. UM.
C. C. Vines went lo
Spring arc in order.
Heed Is at S. M.
This is lost week for
The sprinkler can noon
come out.
The Kim Makers bold forth here
next week.
Those who have spring greens
fare the
The harness to lie used with the
lire engine came Monday.
This has bean one of days
makes the hear glad.
More cases of smallpox have
been found
Some of our have finish-
ed h Col-
ton crops.
There were drive bone in
failed lo gel some
Attention is culled to the notice
to creditors by A. Hicks,
Mrs. L. C. Hicks.
It sonic dona
Hill Cemetery the
would improved.
People have had plenty
to get beau sticks on the
i the lust day or two.
Women us a rule don't lake us
much i cm rights,
us they do marriage rites.
There is not a vacant dwelling
infuse and but one
vacant store that we know of.
No mutter bow up-to-date u
may be, she likes to keep
her age a the times.
A Ordinance Adopted.
At special meeting Monday
afternoon Council
an ordinance put a
slop to around
the depot, will also
hotel porter and ha-k runner
from around the way
of passengers gelling and off
train. The ordinance reads us
It shall lie unlawful for any
agent or porter of any hotel or
boarding house, for any owner,
agent or driver of any hack or
Other for any per-
son the depot or
this to Obstruct the way to
such or the or
sidewalk of such slat inn or ear so
as to binder or prevent the free
uninterrupted to or de-
from such station or car, or
attending or receiving them
at such Station. It shall be
lawful for person at such
to loud
or clamor, or i solicit
tom or employ lone loud-
I a conversational one, or lo
take hold passenger's person,
clothing, baggage or property,
less previously requested by such
passenger to do so. such
agent, driver or owner of any
or oilier vehicle shall go upon
any such platform or sidewalk, or
beyond the erected by the
railroad lo mark the limit of such
persons, for purpose of solicit-
custom or unless
authorized to do so by
officer on duty such nor
shall person loiter or loaf
around such depot or after
left this
left this in.-1111.
will begin re-
their factory here so by the
fifth of May. build
will lie of brick.
A daughter of Mr. J. W.
Murphy died Monday night and
the were taken lo the
country Tuesday afternoon for in-
A nice tennis court bus been
built College grounds
several of the are trying
a baud game these
The Oil Company has
purchased a lot from T. Hun
ford, on the railroad, near Jordan's
factory, and will locale a large oil
link there.
railroad people along the
route traveled say the soldiers of
the North Carolina
were the most gentlemanly of
who have ban mustered out and
New Name for Them.
Au old colored man went into
of Heeds Moore's I he
other day and said I
some right way
being his explanation dis-
closed that be wanted a marriage
policeman duty. Any persons
violating the of this or-
shall before
Mayor be or be.
prisoned ten days.
At the Opera House Next Week.
night Makers
Co, begins an engagement at opera
house up-to-date come-
dies, and during the
action of each play.
will 1- different each night, This
comes to us
Icing one of the best
companies on the road, playing i
Mr. G. M. Tucker was conferring
with our business men, Monday,
relative to establishing a fertilizer
factory here. He lolls us that he
met with much
was pledged quite n number of
shares of The shares will
lie placed at each. Mr. Tuck
says he is confident factory
will lie built ready for opera-
by season. It will mean
the keeping of thousand of dollars
annually in the county.
popular prices, III, and cents.
The specialties Introduced by
Messrs Woodward,
Nat N. Dews, Woodward and
spell ma n ; Miss l-a
are up-to-date In every
;. it.
for Tillery.
Ii. Hauls, of Wilson.
down evening.
day evening from Haleigh.
H. home
Monday evening from
Miss May of
visiting Miss
Mrs. A. left this
morning for in
response to a telegram
the death of mother.
II. D. Collins, advance of
here making for
the of his company in
the opera house next week.
A. M. Mo ire.
ii. ii. r. v.
Hooker. I,. John
Borne, AV. M. Smith, V. T.
Abrams, L.
and look
train Monday evening for New-
to attend Federal court,
A. left this morning
K. M. cheek left this morning
I. A. left this
Ii New York.
went to
Tuesday evening.
H. M. returned Tuesday
evening from Haleigh.
ti. Baker, spent
Tuesday left
Mrs. Jennie Savage,
Who been siting Mrs. C. T.
foul, returned home today.
C. Moore, T. H. Moore, M.
Hodges, T. A.
w. Baron, W. O.
and B. this
morning for Bethel to attend the
Odd Fellows celebration.
Town Council Soys They Must
Come ii.
At its Monday
afternoon the I of Council men
unanimously adopted the follow-
It is hereby to be n
nuisance to creel, maintain or
keep a shelter over any
sidewalk in town on
between and Fifth
to erect, maintain or
keep any sign, oil-
At Opera house to
night odd Bellows
and Daughters of
will appropriately
Hie BOth of m
ship in America. The fol-
lowing are the committee of
for tin-
It. Parker, I. II.
Pander, II. Bag-
well, Miss Dr. D.
I., I. Bros ii.
The of occasion
be a
Noble L. James.
N. K.
H. B. Man T i i u . .
I. V.
W. II. II.
I.-u Mir i I.
Outer Hoard . While
Inner O. D.
I. A.
II. and II.
W. I la i
The following Ii is
Ti nib.
Beading of Proclamation by Mrs.
I. A.
Ceremony N
Vocal Hugh
w . H.
The foundation of older.
Toast -P. M. Hodge. The
motto of order.
Toast- I.
Clara Bel
I la ins.
All members of bath Lodges
are requested to attend.
Member of the and minis
ten are invited, also nil visiting
Odd Fellows and families of Odd
Fellows. Bach lady member of the
Lodge invite an
escort mid each Odd
Fellow his girl. The Odd
Fellows Bethel, Parmele and
have been Invited.
w ill be served at the
close of exercises.
The n . of the
will be held the
N. c.
Bad Sunday, April
II. N p.
home great
I unit Revs
A. . i I II. A. Ayers.
p. by If. K.
exercises, led by a. L.
Merrill. m. Mate Mis
W. A. Dunn, M. I.
and II p.
Powell B. II. II.-.
Sunday. a.
Mi-- led
lo, Prof. C. W. Ad
dress,., B, II. i. K,
i i i
Its strength comes iron. Its It pure coffee,
freshly roasted, and i Bold July in sealed
packages. Each package I m Tho pack-
age Is sealed at Mill . that the ma if.
weakened. It . flavor. Incomparable
strength. It Is a luxury within the i each of all.
Insist Ion Coffee
Never ground nor i old In bulk.
None Lion's head.
. I.- m .- in l u
i m-
I ;
If your Grocer
and A. Dunn. V J K HI
ii. in. Sermon, lo. II p .
T. Vann. p. j
And see Stock
Dry Mk, Sum, Hats,
sided over X p. iii
In W. T.
Marriage License.
During past
our last report, of Deeds
Moore nine marriage
lo following
win i r.
Askew and
lie. Ii. and Willie
S. Spain and A. Oliver
T. and
I,. Ward and Nannie
and Mollie
W . M. Cox and Patience
Corbet I and
upon or over
or street between said
points. person violating
ordinance shall upon conviction
before Mayor, be lined for
such sheller, or
or may
shall not apply to
j ,.,,., which arc located, erected
mid by permission of
This or
lake and be-
come operative on the day of
The Town Council held a special
Monday afternoon and
adopted two new ordinances,
the purpose of older
the depot and the other pro-
shelters, signs or other
to the sidewalks of
between Second
Pi fib streets. these
me published In full this
issue of
The Council granted
Bros, lo extend
railroad siding across Tenth and
streets to their history.
The Mayor was directed to
nil liquor dealer, of the town
they close their plains of
night by the hour re-
quired in the new charter,
The was In
par for a man
Hardware, Groceries,
lad lull line
General .-
ii I e I i re in
. i . . oil eve-
--H i Ii s.
On Hie I
M. made Bl
of services in
M. Terrell, of Cone.
will preach
Presiding Elder, B. B. Hall will j
II. of Newborn, a
former pastor here and former
Presiding of
will arrive. Wednesday. May
old. and lorn week following Will
preach of sermons
lo church members. Tho pas
tor says this meeting Is not intend
ed for but for an
he lime a ill
If you w in boil
a . nip in in- I
your hind feel
wide for row, and send voile
for need.
house twenty As the time s and the
., m
wishing will
lo well In place
Price cf Tl k
All v A. Cox
N receive prompt
J. W. Owner Patentee.
Have you or a
nine needs
bring ii lo
ma tr
Main Street.
The town authorities are having
all the shade trees on
the business of
between the
and cut down.
they are also go
to have the sidewalks along
the same purl ion reel
down to a uniform width and will
have all wood sheds in front of
stores removed. These
will alter the look- the
very much.
morning In
church A. read an
Greenville, . . . N. C.
We have employed Mr. Ed. Moore, one of the heal and 111-
CYCLE workmen In Suite and repair work you bring us will
be promptly and thoroughly done.
Bicycle Sundries
Tobacco Flues
stash -by.
GOOD FLUES. Prices as low as
gives nature the mild Assistance
. . . .
for the regulation of the
menses. It of wonderful aid to
lust entering womanhood, I
lo the wife, and to the woman i I
i i
i of life. Women who suffer from
i any unnatural drain, any
i down in die lower abdomen,
falling displacement of the
w can cure their
at away
the eyes of a physician. A
doses each month will I
the i I
i i
I , . l .-. . i
to attend to Hie engine horses I in behalf of the church
and to do the street hauling. I Bethel, whoso house of worship
The Bug, Survive Thrive. In March, and asked for a
Potato seem to have lo help rebuild.
right along with the plains this About given for this
U is useless lo argue by the
any more that kill the have i- u
bug- they survive men morn worthy
a we have jest passed
through. like there to
enough lo kill ever; bug --u. Baud will g
Extra Pay.
Mr. II. A. Blow has received a
from Washington City call-
attention to the act of Congress
by which all in the
n my arc entitled to mouth's
c. Nine of the home vol
have made I'm
this extra pay, bill they arc en
titled to do mi.
the laud.
sit raiNs with J
Pain-Killer, j
May 10th, to attend
Memorial and will
there that night.
They will charter a steamer and
expect lo lake ii a crowd from
k ,., , In
and Quick Cur for B
a goad lumber
mill as as
now . mole
lag would going on If we had
one. There is a demand
I'm .
i . i ,, i
A Farm Library of
Up-to-date. Concise and
Piloted and Illustrated.
. over
Small ;
ft If
All about .
i tn
All Cm I a
l-i. id, It y
All about Hutch-
etc. hall-
t in s m,
i practical,
air in salt- Went.
Horse, Cow, Hoy of
vi null i lo
k-i tin HOOKS,
i,;,,. lot yo, n ml Bl It t-
Old; null own hit
H. him II In
e of lit In State.
n . i i i . i. ., i. j ., I i. wall
. ,

. . . .
You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us
Anything a
Visiting Card-
u Sheet Poster
A Strange
Mr W. M. Wilson well
to many of our readers. Ho hat
undergone I experience
latch. About months ago he
I post. in another
Item the post when he ran
against it. consequently the shock
was great, although at the time no
serious injury a few
week alter the his
baud, eyebrows eyelashes be-
fin to drop out. This
until lie was as hold MM orange.
A little his hair began
lo grew on hi- head and instead of
it was white, not
fray, hut white as In the
same manner his beard, eyebrows
and lashes were white. He re
this way a week or so
ago, ten months after he received
the shock, when hair began to
assume its natural a dark
brown, and in a mouth or so Mr.
Wilson will, in all probability, Is-
the same as his friends know him
a year ago.
course the white hair changed
Mr. appearance. Very
people him hole,
he known.
inn.-lie int into bank here
ii with great
that be made the cashier Identify
him. if had wanted to set
m out of hash instead of
making a ho not have
done Point
W carry a fail of th
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in fountain pen
and is dist Parker tor-
Not only feed th ink
perfectly, prevents soiled
factories Help The
has been
that growing manufacturing biter
will tend to the
of the farming of the
South. Observation of facts do
Dot lO the ease, but
show a contrary result. The pop-
engaged In manufacture
become of for
i lops food stuffs. These
markets for perishable products be-
come of great to
the improvement iii fuming
are noticeable in
Of course more work is required
work of raising fruits,
tables, chickens, eggs, milk
biking these ti. the
Where markets are
found Is not by any means
work. This ran all usual-
done by farmer with-
out materially with
the production usual cotton
crop. would as if maim
the neighboring
in about as large
do owning stock
in or engaged In operating
to Observer,
The Daily Reflector
Gives every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber P It not
yon ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year and c
the every gives
information to the
th b t rowing
co. that is worth ninny times
mote than the price.
I lo- I
only two admirals
nil II Di
ii i Ho Irina Hi-
i brr navy
I I . . ii. rs Is
f Una win II But
eel i i r mil n
r-i r
i i v. ; I . nuns f
III . I -I , Hilled I y of
Hi i nil l , I.
I ii lit in
r i-i nil
I i it I one is In
. mil in
o. r .
i. ; a .
TI run . ill of a
. i r
I I- el, raj i nine ton
lo I in.- f a
l I . i
i ii the
N bus y. t the
h. ck ii ii w What in- will
I I iii- will
leaks will when it ocean tun
I Himself Will,
loading tea
II I'm I I-, . Hi killed
iii mi i- nil After
I i a ; lank i in ii pistol he
i l i bead
i to I in. in.
i I the i in ids beat
ii n. i work in Hi saw
To those living
in malarial districts Pills
arc they keep the
system in perfect and are
an absolute cure
tor sick headache, indigestion.
malaria, torpid liver,
and all bilious diseases.
Liver Pills
is In a cow-
i of th .- ii
th. T, as
a lit in
Admiral M
In fur
in obey
Pr. A. D w-ll ii a- the
i curly
n i lints of rare in
Dublin at of
in a Brooklyn Am lam,
to akin in the
the to
baa offered to
Pi Harvard.
now curator of
California of the
tau Exploration society
u Sir visited
at it is said
that ha presented to her a piece of the
tn which be bad
n in Sudan
Clan lb magnate,
ha- in
and has an electrician
He will himself the
of the plant be it to
put in San
At the recent f the
club New where
Ian sat side by
side, VON kept
fur fully of an by
writing for the
it Carlos is Inning nil kinds of
legal His daughter is
him, and now his law,
S. has
lender in
John W. the other evening
to the opera in San Francisco
girl of the Telegraph
in which he is a heavy Mock-
bolder Bach was with
tickets, a a
Hot Raby celebrated in the poor-
house at N J, the other
day what be claim is his one
and The old
man says he was in the Gates
In Dee, North Carolina, in He is
an Indian.
Clausen, one of
M. crew, fail -1 to pass re-
fur advancement
to the grade of which was
on him for gallant
object to menial, and
la., has opined a
Futurity for fouls of I Mi
Dr. Robinson, record trot-
ting, is now Varied at the pace
An exchange that the proper
length for the f a
g feet each
is to show
greater this He has
learned to get away from the wire.
Jim. by
and sire of . paving,
was named liter the
f agriculture. of
lama City. la.
of ha
from I. of Lex-
Ky. Mist hay mare.
by Simons, dam Zeta.
by Red
A bay gelding. The Admiral, by Mas-
cot, dam by New has been en
in grand Makes by J. U.
Anaconda. Mod is mid
to very fast
4-year-old gelding Who Is It, by
Who holds the trot-
ting record, geld-
it is said will bu in
stable this season
It is said that tho pacing mare, Sun
hind Belle, is to be trained
with view to beating saddle rec-
pacing, by Johnston in
Is---. and there are at least pacers
capable of beating it
The first entry for the
o be trotted Charter Oak
Hartford, in was made by
Mr E. W H f New York city,
and a ware by IV in
foal to W R Potential
The grand stand at Old Orchard,
which was Injured by a blizzard, will
Ml in condition, and M
F. Porter, the track, has
claimed for his date- of July
and to
Field and Farm
on in mother of
pearl are popular
cut glass-
Bran tracings of silver are
of prettiest friendship hearts
1.1 led in pink profusely
Watch I uses of carved ivory with
silver mounting are the inside
being lined with chamois
Sterling silver n h In the
shape if pennant with h colors of
the will known ml in are
An m, hi
home, said the old
he's only Wen In New York
sis weeks, an he's had appendicitis
twice An yon live a lifetime in
this here settlement an
bout n, hope to have
plain mumps or or slow
Ben stern hi Walsh
will Mod,
leading man in i-n- i;
Sain the Web
end forces Li
Ella has lately in Hay
will star
in her first great
Tin is slated to star in
Man That
is to W revived.
and Amelia in their orig-
plays bis first recital in
London in May He has announced the
E. H. has an
adaptation of s Sunk-
en neat season.
hits Bl in
a French adaptation of
first for production years ago
at the Francaise.
It is said that Telephone
has traveled 27.000 miles since last
It list have had a dazzling
array of one night
The New York Herald has estimated
that cities will In-fore the season
closes have paid for
amusements Sept.
A New theatrical agent took a
comic opera troupe to and
nearly walked home that
the natives haven't coin to get
into a free show.
The play which Vi. la will
in New York in the fall of
is on a in w story bow
being widely military tale,
which many Mr
that will give her no
tits to display bar
Legal Notices.
The Clerk of the Court
of issued let-
to me, the
the 20th day of
the estate of II. F.
lo all persons to the
tn make
to the to sill
creditors of the estate to
their claims, properly
to the within
months after the date of
this or notice will be
lead in of their recovery-
This the day of ISM.
J. L.
the estate of II. K. Harriss.
There are cells in
The population of the world increases
per cent every ten years
Austria is the only empire in the
world which has never bed colonies or
A Denver dog ran into a pool of
on the street in which the broken
ends of an electric wire lay
instantly killed
Berlin are strictly forbid
den to st to children
stitched with wire. a tonal
blood have beet traced to
scratches from rusty
At Stratford on- A v. n. poet's
birthplace, is desk to have been
by Tho desk looks
authentic. It shown ninths where gen
of have whittled it
At b the
the world It covers
2.000 acres Only a of MM
baa bean need la which
of all nationalities have
been buried
and are
permanently on the
at Vale They are
of Maxim guns from the
cruiser Yale, and wire given to
the university by act cf congress as a
war memorial
Torpedo may invisible,
according to an inventor, who has
plied for a patent his contrivance,
by a mirror to the
boat so as to d raj
light show only the surface of tho
naves The is old. but Its
plication in brand w
an important
French on tin Mediterranean
and from which St. Louis tailed in his
crusades of ISM and 1-70. is now miles
from the account of the lilt
brought down by the canal, and the
government will sell at auction the
ruins of walls of the port
this day to the
upon the estate of Polite
Chapman notice fa here
by given to all person having
against the estate of
Chapman to present to the
or before the 6th
day of March, or this notice
will pleaded bar of their re-
This the day of March 1899.
g L. Smith,
of the estate of
The undersigned having duly
Clerk county a Executor of
the Will Testament of
May wood notice
hereby given to all
to to make immediate
payment to the and
all having
estate are to present
the same for payment on or before
the 24th day of 1900, or
that notice will bar of recovery
of same.
This March 1899.
C. A. it,
Executor of Hay wood
Brown is one of the fashionable colors
for tailor gowns
The new artificial flowers
of velvet end gauze.
Mack waists are worn
with white cloth skirts Paris.
A pretty novelty in belts
black or white velvet, embroidered
with steel jet or imitation jewels.
Boleros of renaissance are a
in dress and are very effective over
the and crepes do
Floral boas are of the
for summer They ere made
of rose leaves and leaves of gathered
Something altogether novel In com-
is a white pique
vest in a foulard gown, which la trim-
med on tho bodice with a fine
stocking now an-
a fad of the season. A
stocking with clocks is worn
with a bronze one with blue clocks; a
black stocking with red dots
a red one with black and
so on.
pique combined with
cloth is one of tho eccentricities of
The forms a circular flounce
around lower skirt, and la ripped
off and laundered when The
also of
tho pique.
Fashion seems to making en effort
to relieve neck of tho ruinous stiff
high collars, which have a very bad
effect in causing the muscles to shrink
in such e way as to produce wrinkles
as well as throat weakness. Tucks
are to he cultivated this summer and
ties substituted for the ugly linen
York Hun.
said the
moralist, a man in office owes
in the public.
seems to he impression In
my . the
gloomily my election
man, wan n and child seems to
think am in debt to Washing-
SI every Sun
day, stud evening. Prayer
Mating Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Sunday
p. W F. Harding, mi
J. Ii. Morton, pastor.
p. in. J. It. mi
Divine and every
Sunday morning evening.
prayer at
A., and A.
If,, I.
every Hun-
day, and evening. Pray-
evening. Rev.
A. W. Sunday-
a. in. C. Rountree,
A. K. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, Ho. 28-1, Unit and
third evening. R.
M. J. M. Sec.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
every Tuesday
E. B. Griffin, N. G. L. II.
K. of River Lodge, No.
every Friday evening. Dr.
W. II. Bagwell, Jr., R. L.
Carr, K. of R. S.
R. Vance Council, No.
1696, every Thursday even-
W. B. R. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
F. hall. J.
A. O. Council,
No. every thin
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. M. K. Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec.
I. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth nights Odd
lows Hull. W. B. Wilson,
u Of .
f Mink,
tor ft.
Steamers leave Washington on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at A. M. for Greenville,
leave Tarboro at A.
M. A. M. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
hours subject to change de-
pending stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
. SON,
Washington, N. C.
J. J. CHERRY, At.,
Greenville, N. C.
lo W. B. I
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de-
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, should-
coffee, sugar, tobacco,
snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat hominy flakes, cotton-
seed meal and halls, cotton seed
bought at cents per bushel.
Come to see
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
I can now be In the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. R.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO MOTION SI per Year in Advance.
An Act to Amend and
date Charter the
To w n of O n v c.
The General of North
Carolina do
Section That the inhabitants
of the town of Greenville, the
county of Pitt, shall be and con
as they heretofore have
a corporation and shall
be known as the town
and by that name may sue and lie
plead and be con-
tract and be contracted with,
chase, hold and convey all needful
That the corporate
its said town shall be as fol-
on the Tar river
where the branch on the east side
of town as located prior to this
act empties into said river and
thence running up said branch to
the point where it crosses the old
road leading from Greenville to
Greene's old mill pond, thence
along the west
said road to a point
street extended would
intersect said road, west-
along north side of said
Twelfth street to the western limit
of the right-of-way of s land
Neck and branch of the
Wilmington Weldon railroad,
thence along west-
limit of the said right of way
to the north-western side of Broad
street, thence along the western
said street to the line of E.
A. land, thence with said
line to the old Plank road,
thence a north-easterly course to
the south-western corner of the
College property, thence along the
western line of the College proper-
to its north-western corner,
thence a straight line to the south-
eastern corner of the lands of R. J.
Cobb and R. L. Davis on
Greenville and road,
thence north with their eastern
line to Tar river and thence down
the river to the beginning.
Sec. That the of said
town shall be managed by a Mayor,
eight A n and such other of-
as may be provided for by
l h is Charter or as the Board of Al-
may from time to time
deem necessary and create.
Sec. Aldermen shall be
chosen annually on the first Monday
in June of each and every year by
the qualified voters residing in the
several wards of said town in the
following numbers or proportion,
that is to say the first and fifth
wards shall elect one Alderman
each, and second, third and
fourth wards two Alderman each.
Sec. That the said town Is
hereby divided Into five wards
whose boundaries and limits shall
be as follows, The first ward
shall begin at the railroad bridge
across Tar river and from that point
along the railroad
to Third street, thence
with Third street to the line of lot
No. thence a course
with the line of lots Nov and
to Second street, an easterly
course with Second street to Reade
street, thence a course
to the branch, thence down said
branch to Tar river, thence up said
Tar river to the beginning. The
qualified voters residing within the
above boundaries shall elect one
Alderman. The Second ward shall
begin at the same point with
first and run with the first to
Greene street, thence with
street to Fifth, thence with Fifth
street and the road or street lead-
the Latham
residences to the south cast
corner of lands of R. J. Cobb
and It. L. Davis, thence with their
Hue to Tar river and thence down
the river to the The
qualified voters residing within
the above boundaries of the second
ward shall elect two Aldermen.
The third ward shall begin at the
intersection of Greene
streets, and running with
attest to Fifth street, thence with
Fifth street to Reade street, thence
with Reade street so Second street,
thence with Second street to the
ginning. The qualified voters re-
aiding within the limits of the third
ward shall elect two Aldermen.
The fourth ward shall lie-in at the
intersection of Reade and Fifth
streets and run a southerly course
with street to the branch,
the limits, thence up the
branch and the limits to
mill run, thence along
said road and town limit to Twelfth
street, thence along Twelfth street
and the town limit to the west side
of the right -of way of the
Neck and branch the
Wilmington Weldon railroad,
thence with the right of way and
the town limits north western
street, along
the north-western side said street
to E. A. laud, with
said line to the old Plank
road, thence with the said old
Plank road known as
son avenue, with said Dick-
avenue to its
with Greene street, with
lo Fifth street, and
with Fifth street to the
The qualified voters residing with.
in the said limits of the fourth ward
shall elect two The
fifth ward shall begin at the
Greene and Fifth streets
run with Greene street to
Dickinson avenue,
with Said avenue to the
town limits as fixed by this act,
thence with the said town
its to and
road, thence easterly
with said road and Fifth street
to beginning. The qualified
voters residing the said
this ward shall elect
one Alderman.
Sec. That the first election to
be held under this act for Alder-
men shall take place on the
Monday June, that
the persons now composing the
present of shall
continue in office until the persons
chosen at said election
and the said Hoard of
shall be clothed with all the pow-
and authority herein given to
the Board of Aldermen. The pres-
Mayor, Treasurer Tax Col-
shall likewise continue in of-
until their successors arc
and qualified.
Sec. That the Board of Al-
are hereby fully authorized
and empowered to do and to per-
form the following To
make publish all needful or-
regulations for
the peace, good order and govern-
of said town. To levy
and cause to be collected sufficient
taxes for the efficient
of the public a Hairs of said
town upon the following subjects,
a tax not to exceed sixty-
six two-thirds cents on each
one hundred worth of real
and personal property said town
including money on hand, solvent
credits, all other classes of
property required to be listed as
property by tho laws of this State;
a poll tax not to exceed two dollars
each poll within said town
under tho laws of this Stale to
pay a poll license tax
hotels, board-
houses, keepers,
on all opera houses or other hulls
used for hire or rent for
of any ml; on all traveling
or theatrical companies giving ex-
within town; on all
traveling concert or musical com-
or person- giving
lions or museums of wax works or
curiosities for profit; on exhibition
of a circus or on each
billiard or pool table kept for hire
or public use; on each skat rink,
bagatelle table, merry-go-round
hobby horse or stand or place for
any other game or play used for pro-
fit; every person or firm that
keeps horses or mules for sale or
hire; on every dray or other
used on the streets for hire;
on every lawyer, doctor or dent
practicing his profession in said
town; every lank, banker,
broker or other persons or firms
doing a banking or brokerage
of any in said town; on all
dogs running at large in said town
with power to enforce the payment
of the tax by the owner or the kill-
of on all retail dealers
in liquors, spirituous vinous or
mall; persons vending or ad
from a stand or
or medicines or
goods, or merchandise of
kinds; and on any and all other sub
taxed by the laws of the Slate
whet her expressly herein mentioned
or not. To lay out and open
new streets and sidewalks in any
part of said town, To
widen, straighten, grade or other-
wise improve any street or side-
walk now said town and
to this end the Hoard shall have
full power and authority to remove
or cause to removed any all
to of the streets
or sidewalks no matte- whether
such obstructions a temporary
or of a permanent kind or caused
by porches, shells or buildings or
on, upon
or over any of said streets or j
sidewalks, That the Board
of Aldermen may require property
owners to construct and keep in re-
pair such sidewalks adjacent to
t lieu i in manner
said Board may direct; and should
any owner of such property refuse
or fail to so construct or repair
such sidewalks after twenty days
notice, Board may have the
fame constructed or repaired and
the cost thereof shall be added lo
the luxes paid on said property on
the tax list of the next
year, and as taxes are
collected upon property listed for
taxation, To adopt such
plans or methods and to make such
contracts as the Board deem
for lighting the streets
said tow,. To
adopt such plans or methods, to
make such contracts and to take
such action as the Board may deem
best to procure a water supply for
said town. To contract for
purchase, keep in repair pro
for the use of all such engines,
hose, or other apparatus or
for the prevention or
of fires as the Board may
deem needful proper. To
suppress and remove nuisances and
to make all needful rules and reg-
to preserve the health of
the inhabitants of the town from
contagious, Infectious or other
To make and en-
force regulations for the duo ob-
of the and to
prescribe the hours at which bar
rooms, billiard or pool rooms, or
other places where liquors are sold
or billiards or pool arc played,
shall at night, provided
that such regulations shall not lie
in conflict with other provisions of
this Act, or law of this State.
tho places and
regulate the manner in which the
business of marketing shall be car-
on in said town. To
regulate the spoil of riding or
on the streets or other public
places said To
regulate keeping and sale of
powder or explosives
the corporate limits of said town.
To prohibit, con-
tract sale or use of firecrackers,
Roman candles,
or other explosives, provided
such prohibition, regulation or
contract shall not conflict with
other provisions of this
or any law of This State.
To elect all such policemen,
guards, or nigh watchmen, fix
their compensation and
their duties as may necessary to
enforce the ordinances, preserve
the and secure govern
to the
And the policemen, guards or
watchmen shall hold office and lie
subject to removal at the pleasure
Board. To employ
such and to purchase such
machinery and material and to
make such contracts and to do all
such things as may be necessary lo
put the streets and sidewalks, pub
lie wells, tanks and reservoirs mid
town property in proper con.
To em em-
ploy all and functions
conferred by the general laws of
this State upon Hoards of
of cities and tow which may
not be herein specifically mention
See. That the fiscal year for
said town shall commence on the
first day of July and end on the
of June each and
year, and term of office of the
Aldermen chosen at any election
shall begin on first day of July
next after their election and each
Aldermen before he enters upon
the duties of his office shall
and file with the records
of Board an the faith
fill discharge of the of Al-
Ben. . That persons chosen
as Aldermen on the first Monday
In Jane, 1899, and at tho election
held the first of June
each and every shall
meet in the Mayor's office on the
first day of July next after
election, such a day full on
Sunday and in that event the day
and organize by the election
of one of their as president
protein and a clerk of their Hoard
who shall not be one of their
Sec. Thai the Hoard shall
also proceed to elect from outside
number a Mayor Tax
Collector and shall a Treas-
from their number, each of
whom shall a qualified elector
town and shall serve one
the day i f
July of the year which the
election occurs mil his sue
lessor is qualified, unless is
sooner removed by Board for
cause, of which the Hoard shall be
the Judge.
Sec. Thai the Mayor, in ad-
lo his other duties shall
the meetings of the Hoard
of Aldermen, bin shall have no
vote on any question unless the
Hoard be equally divided and in
that case he shall cause a record to
be made of fact he shall
then record his vole and de-
the result. In case of the
absence of the Mayor at any meet
the president protein shall
preside, but he shall have no
casting vole a he has
already voted and in that case he
shall declare the question lost. In
the absence of both the Mayor and
the president protein any member
of Board may preside.
Sec. That
as Treasurer and Tax Collector
shall enter into bonds with
to approved by the Hoard
such the Hoard may
scribe for the faithful discharge of
their duly.
Sec. IS. Thai Board may
fix compensation of Mayor,
Treasurer, Tax Collector and Clerk.
Sec. II. Thai the Mayor
shall Immediately after his election
and before be enter upon
ties of his office, take and subscribe
baton to ad
minister and file
Clerk of the Hoard the following
I, A. H. do solemnly swear
that I will maintain the
and laws of the States,
and the constitution and laws of
North Carolina not inconsistent
therewith, and I will
and faithfully and
perform according to the of
skill and ability, all the duties of
of Mayor of the town of
Greenville, while continue there
in. and I will cause to be executed
as far as my power, all the laws,
ordinances and
for the government of said town,
and iii the discharge of my duties I
will do equal justice in all cases
whatsoever, so help me Hod.
Ban, IS. Thai the said
town is hereby constituted an in
court, and as shall
within the corporate limits of said
town have all the power,
and authority of a Justice of
the Panes to preserve and keep the
peace, to issue to bear and
determine all causes of action
which in arise upon the
and regulations of the tow u; to
enforce penalties by Inning
any adjudged violations
thereof, and to enforce and execute
the ordinances, bylaws, rules and
made by the Board of
Aldermen, and the Mayor shall
furl her be a special court within the
limits of said town, to
rest and try all who are charged
with misdemeanors for violating
any regulation
of the town, and if the be
found guilty he shall be lined not
exceeding fifty dollars or
mil exceeding thirty days at
trying accused is
dissatisfied with judgment of
the Mayor or Court, ha may
peal to the Superior court in like
manner a appeals may be
from judgments of u tin
Peace. He shall also hare all
power authority of a Justice of
the Peace to cause the arrest of
any person charged with
mil and to detain, try and
with them, the
ate limits of said town, in like
manner as a Justice of the Peace
might do.
See. HI. That if for any cause a
vacancy shall the office of
either the Mayor, Treasurer, Clerk
or Tax Collector, the Board shall
till such vacancy and the
shall hold for the
and an absence of five days from
the town without special
from the Board shall be deem
ed a vacancy.
See. That the of
Mayor from or in
his inability to act, I
dent protein of the Hoard of Al-
shall be acting Mayor
such absence or inability, and
while so acting he shall have all
the authority and power herein
given to the Mayor.
Bee. That the Mayor may
issue his warrant or other process
to any policeman of tow n Of to
Other officer lo whom a
I ice of the Peace might direct bis
warrants or other process and such
policeman or other officer
such warrant or other process
any where in county Of Pitt.
Thai the Mayor shall
keep a faithful minute of
all warrants or other process issued
by him and of all the judicial pro-
and all Judgments
him have Hie same
force vitality as if rendered
a just ice of the Peace and may be
enforced anywhere the county
of Pill, in the same manner
the same means as if rendered ll
Justice of Peace.
Sec. That the fees and costs
in the Mayor's court shall be the
same as the fees and costs in a
lice's court for like services and the
fees and shall collected
accounted as the Hoard of
Aldermen may direct.
Bee. Thai the Board of Al
shall have authority to
put and keep at work streets
any person or who may fall
to pay any tax. lines, cost,
or forfeiture which may have
by the Mayor; and the said Hoard
shall have the authority to make
and regulations for con-
and management of such per-
until said lines, penalties and
are paid fur
labor as they may
Bee. That after tin 30th day
of June no person shall retail
within the corporate limits
of said town, or half a mile
of said limits in any direction
around it any spirituous, vinous,
malt or other Intoxicating liquor
In quantities less than one gallon
without first having a
from the of Aldermen
and pal I I town Tax Collector
therein X assessed th
Hoard of aldermen for such
the privilege of carrying on bis
business in said town or within a
half the limits
which lax shall not be thin
me hundred dollars nor more than
live hundred dollars for one year.
six month-.
Pain-Killer. I
n t .
S ;. I
v . o t t .
l co .
See. Thai Ho . i f
lire crackers, Human candles,
torpedoes or other
the corporate limits of
town being dangerous to prop
a nuisance to its citizens
. i- hereby prohibited and ii shall
i be person to ml
such explosives -aid town
id iii ill.-, In w hat name nailed,
having obtained a
from Hoard of
and paid a lax to the town Tax
Collector to lie fixed by said Board,
which shall ii.,; less than ten
that no license shall in-1
.,, e , ,, . nor more than two
ad dollars for
business twelvemonths.
Sec. That shall be-
tax paid for than six
mouths, and further
all license shall begin on the Brat
lay of January and July, and shall
ml one year or six months,
the case may be, from those dale--.
The above amounts not to apply to
malt dealers; their lax being fixed
by tin- Board of Town Commission
Bee. 2.1. Thai all for
license a-a retailer cf liquors under
the section shall make
their application to the Hoard in
writing they shall state
the place and ion of their
business for succeeding twelve
months, the length of
come necessary to condemn proper
for public uses the Board Of Ai-
men shall designate de-
scribe the property
If the Hoard and the owner or
owners of said property cannot
damages then the
Board -hall appoint
the owner or of the proper-
and the third shall
by the clerk
or Court of Pitt county, if
any of the owners of the property
are minors and without a general
which license is desired the guardian then Board shall file
building and location in which i, i. the Clerk of the
proposed to carry on such bu-i;. facto,
make such
proper suitable person to represent
to the person or place, and infant or such
I guardian ad shall appoint the
I arbitrator to such minors,
person or
its discretion
license applied tor.
See. Thai ii shall be
for any person or to keep
any billiard table, pool bible, bag-
table or other like thing for
hire or public us- said town
without first a license
from the U Mid of Aldermen, and
paying to the town Tax Collector,
tax levied the Board for
and report the name of person
so selected lo said Clerk who shall
make a record of these
Which shall w lieu approved by said
Clerk be conclusive as to mid
minors so made of record as If they
were of full age. The three
chosen as provided for in
I his Section shall take an oath be-
fore entering upon their duties to
. . do even exact justice between
I hat ail licenses bur . , . ,
, ,. i the town urn the owners the
places w here Illinois i , .
, to condemned to the
maid , . . ,
, . . , Is-st their Hoard
rooms or her places where nil
tables, pool bibles, bagatelle
tables or other kepi
for hire or public use shall be
I not later than eleven o'clock
night, and Opened earlier than
four o'clock the morning, it
shall be unlawful for any liquor to
be sold or games played these
places within these hours. And
the said Board prescribe the
hours all Iliad's of
business within said town.
violating of
ions of section or any of I lie
ordinances or regulations
the Hoard in
be guilty of a misdemeanor on
conviction shall fined more
than fifty dollars or no
more than days, provided such
violation did mil occur between the
hours of closing and
the opening morning. Hill
If any person shall be guilty
at of provisions of this
section between the hours of
lug on and opening
on Monday morning shall be
guilt misdemeanor and Upon
conviction he shall be lined or
prisoned the discretion of the
Court, addition there.
in fed his license, provided,
retail dealer may those pro
hours fill a regular lie
lug physician's prescription in
which name of the patient and
the for the stimulants
shall to without
imposed such or persons guilt violating thin section.
shall deliver to the
tors a description of the property
to be condemned, and thereupon
the arbitrators shall view the prop-
hear the testimony, If any
and make and sign
their award which shall Hied
with the Board and deliver
ed by I hem to the owners. The
award when signet by a majority
of the arbitrators shall be final
conclusive to all in
ease there should be no appeal.
If the town or the owners of the
property is with tho
award may appeal to
Court of count In term
time. giving ten ice of
appeal to the opposite party,
giving a to be approved
the Clerk of Superior Court
to secure appeal.
The notice shall grounds
of the appeal and, to be affective,
must be served within
is filed with
Hoard, and delivered to
owner. If
I . shall render his
decision thereon, if I lie
of damages that
shall be ii I p
III of
amount found by I lie Arbitrators,
if there be no appeal, of of tho
amount Court, if
there no appeal, the Board of
Aldermen the
contemplated for
the public, convenience In the use
of the proper so condemned.

Eastern reflector, 28 April 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 28, 1899
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Joyner NC Microforms
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