Eastern reflector, 31 March 1899

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
ho r , b
Anything a
Visiting Card
Sheet Foster
Much In Little.
ii that per-
London work all night.
Chinese street air the narrow-
.-I in the of
only three feet
In Lon-
don, n place was found where
persons lived one
in England, Scotland and
now own gas
the Bunk of
folio volume, or ledgers, are
tilled daily with writing keeping
A left his wife
gone off mother in
lie the name once
The Salvation baa
tie a hotel in
institution has
lot three hundred
Though iii-t tank steamer
was built only yearn ago,
an-i tank vessels in
i. nearly all steamer.
II . i inn-.
I; I-
the Queen tin
of Wales are
n. I ; i
i . the world.
Never Close a Hotel Register.
is an old
to doses hotel register
bad luck to that in
nine time out of ten something will
happen. It is not known where
comes from no
worse lurk ran befall a than
to have fool along and
close the register. said i
Washington hotel clerk, won't
able to sleep nine days, which
is l lie length of time we will
be under the spell. If we can
along for nine days without barn ;
the house down or blowing up,
he steam boiler, or having n case
of smallpox, we will is- reasonably
a again,
Isn't a hotel clerk in the
country Hint will allow lo
least, II is
Riled and read; lobe Bled away
with other oM register. In
record of our .
when in active use a hotel man
would as soon think of dropping a
in a can of oil as In close the
say night before
I he Baldwin burned in
played a on the
j those ii
in pent ct order an I
m absolute cure
. . . .
alarm, torpid liver
. t
Liver Pills
Sampson reeding Tally.
London, March SI. The Times
publishes this a letter from
a correspondent in Bermuda, who
describes Rear Admiral Sampson's
there last month and gives an
authorized with ad
to the correspondent,
Admiral Sampson, remarking
the vetoes change in
TRIP mi i m
For yearn I was a
from Teller on my hands. It
would conic in pimples
and itching was almost more
than I could The skin was
lender and the itching would swell
so idly I tend my lingers.
Sometimes my hands
perfectly raw from scratching or
breaking of the When I
was In this condition I tried one
half dozen bottles of Mrs, Joe Per-
son's and Wash in
1884, and by the time I to it my
were cured, I am now
well of the trouble, it has since
a little at limes,
not enough lo me
make me try inure medicine. I am
now well. M. B.
X. 1896,
it.- mm . ,.,,, turn
on lit,,
I. In th.-
------1 II r r
to Km How In
I.-. . II,. M. t
II ,.
a,,. point,
n IV wet
.-. , r.
The must political
for the white men of
North Carolina to consider and de-
ride Is proposed rage amend
lo our stale
Although this will
be voted on until
I know for a fact ii was
only I hie days before the
in I ii that the register
was closed. The clerk who
w.-i. nil when the register was
closed escaped,
, ,
, . B day in August year, m-i its
as the only power with
which I states was likely
great demands its
When I lit war tax
the of the en
lire country would glad to have
question answered, ii
will have
mi and
Maine A
Internal Revenue
Bureau shows he total re-1
war tux law
have serious difference.
we regard as our
earnest consideration from now nu
Matrimonial Noose.
perhaps, our only friend. I cannot
whether this feeling will prove
permanent, but I hope ii may.
I Possibly we could mil hope for
more support
the Aral instance, in any conflict
carry a
in i
S. Parker
Fountain ten
alimony of the four-
who will be married
February I, month, will distribute to the
mi. The of j poor u -nm e., to the expenses of
Hi. nix was as For stamps her wedding,
on cheeks. and patent There is a girl in Han Francisco
medicines, who though
i. i has mil spoken a word thirteen
and s.
. j
Al same lime,
Reese, of continental power; but in
This indicate
a upward
are in-
a rate,
it long tune
of i In
mouths, months she
bad a spa I with her to
w sin- was soon t. be married,
v. a remained ill
that a few day- ago
when showed signs, of
consciousness. And all lime
was ally
can lie any of a repeal William K. of the
residence of Mrs. T. Sloane
as a wedding gift for his son,
It is a big hit in a surprising
only does it feed the ink annually per
but, since
I In that year, when population
was mi, mar.
licenses were issued in Ham
In the
and the
of in the
ruse lo I and mar
i ; last
year, with a further increase in
there were
marriages refolded.
line Ills
Miss Virginia Fair in April. Tin
all Its furnishings, is
reported to have
an wedding pres-
yon say. an expensive
when H is eon-
it will coal the
was purchased for lo maintain
it every York telegram
in the Dispatch.
then. its
I haw begun a meal active campaign
work for its
Its opponents have begun their
las a matter of
by making false Statements as to
effects of the -i., i amend-
and, by making these false
statements so early their cam
they hope to prejudice the
minds of certain voters in advance,
so they will not later listen to
truth. It in highly important,
therefore, for the advocates of
proposed amendment to forestall
these false statements of op
by a frequent explanation
of ii effects.
The main reliance and chief hope
of opponents is lo arouse
fears and prejudices of
while men, by falsely telling
lo I Tail proposed
toilet if
ks for a divorce, times of real ii would
sooner or later, into a
say frankly my opinion
the Stales has more lo gain
from an alliance than
has. Therefore, I rejoice
the of ill
Slates. am not less
gratified no such change is
Deeded In Britain, and if any
words of mine cm cement a friend-
ship calculated the whole
world, is a pleasure lo
a lo country lo utter
A Weeks.
i all the terms court
prov for in the act establishing
having trouble. Western district criminal court
Charlie Rose, of Trap Hill year of weeks.
The Daily
Gives the home news every
a at price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber It not
yo i ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is a yea- and c
the new every
information to
pi t i lowing ac-
co. that is m times
i th.;
township, The girl's people have
her hidden and tries
I to steal he. will kill him. tin
i in-, i her I in 11.1. Rose swears he s ill
have the girl if be has in wade
through blond, because he knows
loves him for him
. of her ii
when that is the ease there's nu
I to prevent those young
stem from
A Cure and Skin
Cancer. Etc.
It fun I
. . i . ll-
hilt, son on arm- or
nut, net
wall or
then It U II. U,. It
, e . nm lo ,
oil., r i- in.-ll. In,.
rail t, mi
urn-. II,
ii. Ii Ii it for,,. tin.
or nut
I in
ii- I. . .- offer t. t
a B. It
It. II II. II. I, mi I mil
lion. It for
by it. ii. k- w.-n
. .-.
Haw. lip. In.-, or
ml or , . ,. .
II. II. . the powerful
. I ,.,. r o. II. II. II
ill II .-r For
I. .
I.- return mull Ail
.- fit.- per
will be
if II It. II
There are ten counties and three
terms of two weeks each are pro
for all except
which is to have lour
terms of two weeks each. Judge
will the
several counties of
the in on the
but, arrange for
holding all curl necessary
without putting more weeks Into
the calendar than custom allows-
is also stated that the criminal
based tin the vote of
year, is republican, by Several
blockading is increasing or
in Carolina.
replied, par
account for this by fuel in
years tobacco growers
mountain sections have
going eastern counties lo
the farmers there how lo raise
incidentally have
taught how blockade.
Why. years ago there was not a
blockade still in either Halifax or
Lenoir county and now both
ties are reeking with I
is there
Wakens a it
easy lo It tit still houses in the
bill country. There you get on
a mountain, and it is not so hard
detect smoke from a still, Inn inn
long, country smoke here
there signifies
tin you usually gel your Informal ion
about a rule
from private Informants, who arc
paid for each illicit distillery
reported, This Is fixed bylaw, and
the of the informant is kept
secret, though the usual run of pen
pie In the eastern counties arc too
to believe this There's
fellow, who has reported three
houses In this office, he re-
fuses to give his name. The last
time in- showed blockade still ton
deputy he rode ten miles under the
seal of buggy was almost
frightened to death the whole
That modern the Grip,
poisons with its fatal germs,
SO that no home is safe from
ravages, but multitudes have found
a sure protection against this
genius malady in Dr. New
Discovery. When you feel a sore-
in your and muscles,
have chills fever, with sore
in the luck of the head,
cough you may know have the
and that you need Dr.
New II will promptly
cure Wont heal
darned membranes, kill disease
germs a ml pi-event dreaded
offsets of malady.
Money back if not
eared. A trial bottle J. I.
Drug Stoic.
sill disfranchise them. Rome
go solar as lo that will
disfranchise ail men who do not
own a certain of property,
but Ibis is so glaringly
untrue that it can deceive nobody,
however ignorant. A most careful
reading of proposed amend
will not disclose the slight-
est allusion lo any property
whatsoever. Nor does it
disfranchise a single, solitary white
man who can now
The scramble for office re
distance against removal,
on the pail of the of this
state, reminds one of Jerry
son's reasons for mil desiring b give
up his place as Congressman. He
ii is partly because he
likes salary . which is a
one. because he likes the
job. which is an easy one. Too
many people let
of office direct their enthusiasm
political matters; and then when
they fail lo gel what they hail set
their heart upon, they arc not half
such partisan workers.
Oh, for a day when men will tin
this or when they will be this
or principle solely
Scotland Commonwealth.
When the hour came for
legislature to close the
other day detectives
at every exit of Stale House lo
see no properly ma carried
away. It has the custom for
a vast number of articles, ranging
from typewriters down lo inkstands
disappear at the end of every
session. The found
plenty to do, and dozens of would-
DO thieves were forced to disgorge,
The undersigned having duly
before Die Superior Court
Clerk of Pitt county as of
the Last Will Testament of
I w null Knox, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons
lo estate to immediate
ion. Bitters is lies the undersigned, and
medicine in world to Mm
stomach kidneys and to j,, ,,,,. .,, ,
the gives strong .,,,, . ,.,,.,,
eyes, smooth, ,,, o,,,, f ,.,.,, ,.
notice will in bar of recovery
leave Washington on
A. U, for
water permitting,
Returning leave Tarboro A.
A. M. on Tint-
Thursdays and Saturdays,
Sailing hours
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk,
New York
and for stints for
with railroads Norfolk.
freight by
Old Dominion s. from
New York; Line from
Hay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. v.
Al our shops on A
n- we repair all kinds of
n Gins and Funning
It nils. Pistols, etc.
We also
,,,, ,
The woman who is lovely face,
form will always have
friends, hut one who would be at-
tractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly all run
down she will
If she has or
kidney trouble, her impure
will cause pimples, skin
eruptions and a complex
Prepared buckwheat, many Ponce
side meat, hams, should-
nun, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
Hakes, Hakes, cotton-
seed meal hulls, cotton seed
cents per bushel.
lo see
lo W, II. w In, i
will make a charm
woman of a run -down invalid.
Only M cents L.
Drug store.
This March
Executor of Knox,
Whichard, N. C.
complete in every de-
prices as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce,
ill I NEWS
D. J, WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO TERMS Year in Advance
. r
no b ii
WK TO THE OF A taken place
, I as is .
Perfect Tobacco Formula.
A new tobacco brand by a new
tobacco formula but
an old house.
Look out for OSCEOLA
under North Carolina Tobacco this
OLD CO. ft, H,
Ami for salt by nil Old Dominion A
A other agents In all
Eastern towns.
has been the
topic of among
democrats since it was made public.
ah sorts of opinions are expressed
in next year's campaign, Mis
general tendency is Bryan
did any oilier man of
spirit have done, striking
back at those who have been hit
ting at bin for months, and
which correspondence
has precipitated had to come any-
way and that ii is better to have it
now than next year. It is an open
secret the element the party
represented by Mr. which
hulled regular party platform
arc dis-
missed to make places for
There are men in the Alger
party, now on the way to Cuba.
are ashamed of being with
him. or else lie has some along that
lie is ashamed of, as particular
pains were taken to prevent a com-
list of the or ten men
getting published.
Hay a bad spell
when II was lean. hat Hie re
purl of ex
death was false, lie had caused
of an article
the public career of Sherman to
be sent to a number of big
newspapers, lie isn't much of a
I politician, but be knew that with
; Sherman alive his attitude In
Ohio politics uncertain, neither
nor Would
and ticket has
to down CM. Bryan to gel con- j ,.,.,. o. ,,.,
of Hie next National
of the
party. .,,. n
friends have contended that men
for any praise i
forced out of the Senate and out
Cabinet. Telegrams were
sent requesting that be
I around the head of
It's all about a letter
that the
of the administration are afraid to
for. his
members of the Cabinet have said a
fen things to bat it is
that their remarks ill be
entirely forgotten when Mr.
returns and empties the
rials of bis wrath on him. Some
of the administration bangers on
say as into
writing the letter by bis cones
for the
that be was a re
publican; that he would not
have written it hail he supposed
would lie published. Of course,
knew Hie
was not unfriendly to the
trusts, with which Kiss has,
close business relations, but, j
in deference to voters who do
share the profits Of i,
has been understood those who
are close to the throne that an anti
trust plank was be in
the next republican platform,
meaningless of course, to head off
the democratic claim re
responsible for nil the
trusts. Mr. have
be wrote as
lows, to a correspondent
tn in in personally, concerning
a matter of fact, all of
the companies which you refer tons
now for put pose
securing complete or partial mo
of different branches of
manufacture, are similar In the
sugar i and are
within the jurisdiction of the
law they to the laws
of respective Hut the
following was the gem of the let-
to these large
combinations of capital, which arc
now forming, my own judgment is
that the danger is not so much to
the large as ii is to
the people ho are Induced pill
their money into Hie purchase of
Ike There is nothing
r I
And L. M. Reynold's
SHOES for Men and Boys.
All new Spring and
they are Beauties.
a Kidnapped Child.
i ,
I i III lit I
Mr. Mrs. I. mis I,
u 1.1,1. is-, i i
.,. -I . el i here
Hi.- en and h ion
I In it her I i lie
Mis. A lilt I
I . live mill
. i I Hid here In hail
kepi last
i by . nit
I ., i ., I I
then all link . la- ,
reward us
ivory child, i.
In i t.
mill lie
S ., HI i. -I- , , .
eon lion Hie r.
I c line
Mr. K. i is
i i--. in
M i. M i-- I ,. i
I ill- I Ml,
had lie.-, Hie resilience Mr-
-ii.- last
I. , w tin
e. A II--i . nu I
and -i ii
ii nus termini t ha
i he
LIFE, to be
healthy must
A el and n,
i. nu
bread, meat and
are to ii in.
flourish on soils well
plied with Potash.
i . m buy and apply
, . St., New
In The
I lb
, , . i II
eh I I i. . Stales Sen Ito ill
., ., . I ; I HI II i.
ibis ye the
. i. have
. . . i he . aid
. ,
he .
M i-. r was ,
here i n
.- met in n .- .
i Mn
eh. I I of I'll
. . Hirer
. .
who bolted and who openly j
again in wry officers who have closely
the plat form is adopted, have
country, and the care
little about prestige derived from
in taxes what the I
this situation to make idea of calling those
mad. but u prominent republican, rebels as some of our newspapers
after a number of unprintable In doing i-
things, Attorney have never taken the
no in re., dictate . the ha. gratuitously made tho to .
rule so, I e the government The, wanted Independence from
, is powerless ,. prevent or regulate,
vote with a of, will
reasonable degree of certainty, even . .
, to be
i In-ill.
if they were allowed to dictate both ,,, H ,,,,,
candidate and plat form, and
that their defection will ., ,, ix ,
not the electoral vote of the ,, B.
single vote; , ,.,, ,,,,,.
also that the party in every ,.,,, ,,. ,
that went in to report as
in favor a re- fr am
adoption of the principal planks of
the Chicago pint form, next year.
The discussion of this
, , -I the by conquering .
do anything ,,., ,, ,, Even if ,. ,,
me my p friends
w lib
Hi I II job,
Miami M
for young o
i- on.
For a of a century I
wishful eyes and
lions. Now I'm a for a
ill till
SI. Jul.
. . e I lie a I'd II I
, t lo III.
I rear mid
in a high hall
the a mini, Mi-, i ii
tier i ill I. . ,
. Id
In i
The i i-.
. lie
. .
;. .
. . i en.
con big even
n and matter
lo .- nu king road laws, ex
Hie heal
., , datum, are en
h eh n i- set Ibis . i, lo p I he i-.
; i limn
; Si John I c
a hi-
., -at Unit an
way to lake pi
who ill be e I
per- can It- secured.
deuce will have a tendency to show
whether Untie claims arc correct or
not; also the rank and
of the party lo make sure they
are properly represented la
National convention. A movement
has been started to make
every delegate to that
convention pledge himself to sup-
port the ticket nominated and the
plat form adopted.
When they have no power to lie
otherwise republicans are always
fair. A case in point is the dis
of the patronage.
When republicans in the
minority thought the plan of
dividing the Sen
ate among republicans
populists, in proportion to the
strength of each in the Senate, as
just right, as i.
Hut now, a majority of the
Senate, they have undergone a
change of and are advocating
a change will them en-
tire control of the Senate patron-
age, and without waiting for a
change In lie formally adopted
winds up the
linkable stale poison to mayor, I
will, a remark about people. learned Icicles iron. en. pub
the danger of investing In trust General's that h buildings, or entertain visit
the evidence calls for and to gel
sonic word juggling done can
be made to mean anything or
according to the the
reader; but there are men on
mil who arc mil in of
suppressing their conscientious
not her blessing of annexation
has just been officially uncovered.
When it was stated Congress
that the annexation of the sugar
producing islands would mean a
speedy end of sugar industry
in the United Stales, the rabid an
hooted a. the idea.
an agent agricultural
Department, sent to to
carefully investigate subject,
makes an official report saying
industry the
Stales is doomed, if Men,
Cuba and the arc
lowed to lend us their sugar fits- of
duty. He says the same grade of
sugar costs cents a pound
to produce in the fulled State-
costs but cents a pound lo
in those islands. This will lie
it hard mil for Hie Congress lo
Mr. is in a lair way
become a second to the
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, who
never minces words when he es
presses an opinion, said of Col.
Bryan's refusal to attend Bel
percent of our men l here arc from county
afflicted with a loathsome disease. I bundle light
This is a bad beginning for or city grave
army. I am not a high moralist, hearse, Anything for ii p.-
and an much opposed to steal ,, They are sweet,
in itself; but do question n. why I
judgment of a man who steals
Oh how I look
made the of his career when
refused to attend the Belmont i,
Stales to the liberty I
i- of Hie same sort.
such u rumpus has
dinner. Not one of en
would ever vole the democratic
ticket anyhow, Bryan's position
brings him closer the people.
Consorting with renegades would
estrange from him. lie will
certainly in
The Chicago platform will be re
affirmed, and the democracy will
The heavy price of American life
and blood paid tot our new
over the Filipinos the
heavy lighting of the last three
in of the move
of Gen. against
do, interest to this plain bilk
from Senator Mason, who is now in
Washington. Sena
tor Mason, change
of sentiment aiming men with
whom I talk. Substantial
men who three month ago were
red-hot expansion, now say they
hate hail enough of it. I ask them
how the prestige of their
In carry off. Such a Intel Is mayoral crown
a fool. the I ,.
the of
with the chief of pi
the people arc n,.,. on my
waking up to this breast. Oh, hos proud would I
It Is a little said a fee mi team
neat New none tomato ems from
shrewd have ,. ,. our
the true Inwardness of to la- a I
sudden friendship of i.
for Teddy friendly you
ever met. My once lender hands,
are now blistered and
guess Plait, who has a
guest Albany home, was
glooming to be a
for the pains run up and down my arm
can nomination for Prut one effects
year, is away off; pledged while blisters
New York delegation to my, love and
in early in fellow man.
ministration, and hi- jollying ii, ii- done.
Teddy the purpose i and I If Its
venting to interfere with driver for officer,
curry out of N. my spur on your am
the result, and you will see bilious for young . I .-I
man, woman and child u.
poll- next May i
Si have m t
been taken don ii from w here
Secretary Alger. Si In r
lute made by other ad
the fail
i it lo
tin- it- bit
the Interest
The Still re pi
all over in lulling
lb it and
taken do n i de
In keep III.-ill till I
men . don ii
mil a- bra c a- faced
-lull they hi-
ii., any i ice
and honor . t
when Alger mid other
Hill in lie- el
ill i . i In
, by in , is n In
it bus once lie. placed simply
make I, a. oft It r
i in the
r- by pupil.
. ; b
VI ill. only eleven
d Itself
. , ,
by hi . in in.
Si He h i- the Mime
In ii- The
, lie ii hand II it
net Hull
Si lie . I
Nil I
I I , l I- in
ti ill have
. Inn would ill
Iii . lieu lib. If
sickly mid -ill nil.
ill Item ii in in
. i i impure
it ill pin -kill
erupt inns a wretched complex
i- he-t
in. ii.- in
. i . lit, i and and to
purify H mug
ii. In all, el
-kin. rich It
will n churn.
a run down invalid.
Only I.
Car. c.
I. I H
TO IT RE a in a
to, I
Take and all. I
Ids. All money for job,
if fail lo The gen- ii.
nine I,. II. . on each Tablet i Times Visitor,
I he h, e in i In
I'm. . . Sores, Sail
. r .-. Chap
i I i apt i. .,
i in. In. ; quilt It
,. lo
I. . let
e. per sale by
It. I
nit .
, l. I.
I . I I .

S. C.
O. ;
In Carolina.
President who bus
been spending a the
elected officers for e mini i
meat, a- Ma-lull. sews
. Manager, young tow off one of ha
I'm- have i to-
the Port Office yet la-en elected. A. ear load of egg were shipped
Greenville, X. as Second-Class On of the Deflate held a days ago from Ml. lo II i
Hail Hatter. Wake Forest In the
students have have
the usual annual debate between
ill. i literary S
Bishop M. X. of v
ford, will arrive Purls
lie will deliver a
was badly damaged. Jenkins, from Bethel, hat
M .,.,,.,.,. ,.,. ,,
old, of job grinding for A. . Cos Mfg.
lure, is reported as dying of heart Co.
win Professional ,
of Proprietary Is
Granted or
The War hits de-
to the bills
State for expenses incurred In the
organization of the Volunteer
spring. A
cheek for 17,837.51 has been re-
by the Governor and turned
over to the Mate Treasurer lo
ply on these bills.
has a fearful
of typhoid said lo be
caused the impure water
drink, the
death rate is high. lo lust
number deaths
from the fever rent-bed
and Nil new were reported
. Thai as as
The Students
ill be held in the
next eek. This Conference Is
in conducted officers of
Board Nashville.
In connection with
r. hold
the Durham W
The Athletic grounds have been
erected, the
There is great
merest the students in
The league
team have arrived will begin
their at This lentil
will the
Prof. Minis will
published b
ma believe ii
sometimes the
medical hygienic and pros
i-. as n rule, so opposed to the
Mrs. I. Cost is visiting Mends granting of
in the Ibis week, thing in nature of proprietary
Mr. Jesse Sugg Master remedy The explanation is very
of were In simple. Endorsements, when
town Monday. granted reputable and
Work has on brick word
struck a knitting mill yard they will have some
and ii on lire. The made soon. the beta In the ease.
and upon unanswerable
. of merit only.
years come back and taken a
The section of the
State was visited by a regular
clone Sunday night.
Hardware and Jewelry.
The following is a true story.
the time a
week ago
A entering one of
leading hardware store- of the
Queen City, of a polite
mil up lo -dale clerk
Have you any ice -picks
miss, you will them at
the jewelry
icepicks a jewelry
oh. lee picks I you
said eye specks Ob-
Ladies. S
there are but few among the Warren K. proprietor of
i millions of proprietary burned Hotel. Hew
which York, will be tile recipient of a
the exacting requirements of sum estimated at everyday
The First
Savannah from
Havana, will be
there next week.
A site of acres, near Raleigh,
has selected m the local ion of Parker as blew down nearly .
the Orphanage. Work U where he
will commence the build- wire
The buggy and wagon factory of
I. Savior, was
destroyed lire
Best and J
Shoe sold. a
product. ha ft. A
U L or .,,.,, I , ,,, is I .
good flour. a barrel . as cm,. fa. from use and I J. C.
car load received by . P. m hap. ,. M I
II ll does .,,,,,. out and which provide that
mil mil ,
, , for every day be
. , i . Tins being s. n follow occupied of In
l-r i A
Z Jul T
line-, of M
J Hie Sold our an-
All and Widths.
J. C. Cobb Son.
A the Kinston
Tree Press gives paper
This lighting going on in the
Philippines make- bill
The ,.,
their own soil a
with the Mr. W. II. Sauls,
the of
in will do
Vi in- attention is called to
Italy's ail. of his tobacco
This being so. it follows occupied became of lie
en sum shall be paid. This, too, is in
in proportion to to bis insurance on
I vast of proprietary personal property and
clues which
make appearance on I .
truck, i mark,
F. d th ;, .,.,, journal of Health
Loss hall covered . , , , i.-1
pare accordingly, as you rejoice to in n ,
Alter two years
Premiums have been paid
are certainly to want a of
The Stale will when yon gel to hone-
v more prisoners
where could
I very remedy which
conies under its notice. But ibis.
The have opened an
some lighting. Ii is only
a lion will
be but possession
whole group islands
there begin lo
girl who
I here lo
an erroneous .
young man Ii id forbidden lo
his Mr. Sauls i
he had never nor
to his going to Ii
that or ugly
j having in .
for the lives ,,,.,,,,. ,,.,., , the two, be
had slightly ; hi
warned that she
lie more careful with herself
in avoid for such
, m in
where there is smallpox fear the gel cannot be; it la only when
until danger of spreading the in a number of the las dearly shown as in the case
disease i- over. here from down referred to in this article
Ii is that the Bull who rented n house and board- j that praise can be by us
will led themselves, left Sunday bestowed. Indeed, the I
one million dollars establishing I home. I present Instance Is but one of the
a large manufacturing plant on the Why is the A. G, Mfg. Co. exceptions prove the rule.
river, a few miles west of I like a have no hesitation In ;
seat for everybody; Joe
i , . In i i i. if. equipped in every particular
i- I hey so many offered lei- . .,.
has a re
likable lire
year ending with
February, A report
chief of lire
shows there were thirty
lire alarms in the
year. I he loss in from
lo s. i
which insurance was paid
rumors, Ii seems, as
Island it, to be a prevalent opinion
this man lo In-
duce girl relations,
failing in which he her
himself. We write
a we n be re
of the
i father, d.-
of only K to
w hole year. Such a
well the
a net loss
in a
Sam have II
i u v ice
leers year. The em.
duel regiments us they
passed through country from
the nips after being mustered mil
i familiar lo all renders,
the days I mil
white volunteers from Weal Vii
York, who were re-
lot heir homes, showed
were equally a-low de-
as the are
better men In the penitentiary than
some of those men are. Many of
i in-ill were thieves and thugs, We
venture the assert ion
First North Carolina is
mustered and starts the
country will see there are
some soldier who know how to
ion- tonight
of persons arc
from vaccination, the arm in
some instances being much swollen
very painful.
In such i ii thoroughly
ii. water and up
ill subside in II hoar-, ll
take- the fever of ii this is
w hat causes pain.
Tins i, receipt -i
as mid Is a Hue thing for those
mil i it say it work- like
a charm.
Brandy Is also good, bill it t-
recommended for all persons, a
in in the oilier day. Instead
Ins the cloth In It, bound the cloth
around bis arm and drank the
since which lime lie has
been worse.
b no Record.
from Manila, has been ordered lo
New York mi there her
stop In
ale lo
cruiser North
Smith, the
Young's from
of the Deaf and Dumb
in Ma
sonic order in expelled
The gin house to-
with seventeen bales of cot-
ton and bushels of cot ton
seed, belonging lo it, A. Brown,
were burned
day night, on the
building bad expired about a
mouth ago.
A horrible accident occurred
Friday. A large steam
pipe in pump of one of
r W,
II. and I. I . Millie-,
of be mills, who were ill
time, were terribly
Mr. in die I from
his injuries of
Mr. Millie- is doubtful,
articles if one does of Kittrell, Carolina, as
a body another will.
can suit everybody this
season in prices mi tobacco lines.
W. II. Coin Harvey has re-
signed as general manager of the
ways and means committee of the
i National Committee
a specific for rheumatism, scrofula,
psoriasis, sores, and all
diseases arising impure or
blood. We undertook
to examine very exhaustively into
the claims of this remedy,
ting the mailer to the Joint
of several competent
whose verdict was such .
we were obliged to admit the Do you think any old thing will
Newark. N. J.
Your Policy
Has Cash Value,
Loan Value.
I. Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that
i post-; automatically.
office, where we can be found at Will be re-instated within
any time. I three years after lapse it yon arc
in good health.
After Second Year
No Restrictions,
Dividends are payable at the be-
ginning of the second each
and D. Cook, of Missouri, of Hie claims of the proprietor. i, , m, ,,. f
been appointed in bis place.
Dr. James O. of
the at Princeton, died
A man Pa., the
other day gave a boy a cent for
returning his lost pocket book eon
with pro-
on foot
by us we instituted a systematic in-
Into the record of Mir-. Joe
Person's Remedy. Here, again.
we established that its claims to be
extraordinarily successful cure
are founded upon truth. It
a remarkable number
The Missouri Methodist Confer-of recoveries in cases where the
pledged best known, ordinarily
purposes as a twentieth
specifies had been hauled, even
when applied under tile advice of
arm will relieve Elizabeth City Economist is
me. while swelling twenty -eight years old. There arc
such papers a- the
Economist, and Its venerable
tor, Col. is one of the best
writers North has pro
Veils to th- Coir-
Yells do more to ruin the
than any oilier thing.
The akin Is the friction of the
air. Constant covering Interferes
with the circulation and the
health action of pore, ll
heals the face, and keeps cover
an moisture which
the dust and dirt and gets
into the pores. face is
left exposed to the air the dust is
blown off, the skin is kepi and
clean. It stimulates cir
of the Id and gives
the lime will never
come this e when the
newspaper will lobe a
feature of every consider-
able c immunity, a sterling
every live and growing
town, says the Ob
server. And as lo its character
and tone. Ha ambition and its
will continue to
be, a- as
All Excellent
The pleasant sad
effects of the well known remedy,
c of
l I'm
the of obtaining the liquid J out of
n t
. ,, eminent professional men.
Ralph North I
gets for any Instance here a
three armed who,,, he demo.,
tracked and single handed. I strata its power cure as clearly
las Mrs. Joe Person's has
peculiar fact as soon , h- ., j,,,,,,. public
you do not and want
Send to A. H. at
B, Cherry store get
bis line of samples. He sells ii-
red from the factory and can sell
fan w other dealers have lo pay,
so you save their profit by giving
hi. your order.
succeeding year, provided
for current year
They may lie used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To Make Policy Payable as
an Endowment during the Lifetime
of Insured.
X. C.
as spring arrives the trees prepare
to leave.
General Miles received an ova-
at Springfield, Mass., mi Sal
in-day and shook hands with
Twenty girl excursionists fr.
Bowling Green, Mo., to St. Louis,
had their spring bats stolen from
the sleeping car.
Abbie II. the singer,
has sued her for divorce
alleging non sup-
port and cruelly.
Dennis Kelly and his son, I'M-
Ward, of Va., I remedies which physician and pa
Interest alone, publish the
gratuitously. Assurances iron,
Demons who had experienced
benefits of this remedy we found to
lie readily obtainable during the
course of our Inquiry, and we fully
Satisfied ourselves of the trust
Worthiness of deponents. This
remedy has unquestionable cured
where Hie cure had be-
to fail because Of the peculiar
obstinate nature of the attack.
We recommend Mrs. Person's
Remedy from purely disinterested
motives, because it is one of the
rare specifics among proprietor
at a Washing
ton hotel by inhaling gas.
iii ill.- form most refreshing-to the
them in form Iotas
lute i the system, ll
. . . . .
dispelling and fevers
vet and
upon the community
the publisher, for the town
m men, Its freedom from
every objectionable quality nib-
and on the kidneys,
liver mil
or it the ideal
In Die Hits
are a- they are
bat Um the
remedy are obtained from senna
other plants, by u method
. known to v Km
if gave your mother Co. only. In order Its
Bod lo
full the Company
printed on lbs front of every
i a. T.
journal is. after all. what i-
pie make ll.
A teacher at Garden said
to her primary class I hi- other day
T today and t tomorrow,
would she have And the small
boy over in the corner replied
would have a
A Conundrum.
Here is question for each to
p older,
Why is it dangerous in spring time
to wander
I hear sonic
is no danger at
Hut listen, and then you will
The grass has you'd better
Toe Powers have pistils.
who'll doubt
the In.
are alike ready lo endorse
can Journal Of Health.
A veteran,
given a to a t
cut in in that its Medicine
had restored him to perfect
is now trying to square himself
With the Pension Office which pro
lo lake hi in at bis word
cut pension rolls.
It is an easy matter
i a remedy has wonderful
curative power. The
leave it to those who have
cured of
to claims.
who have written us
voluntary letters saying they
have been cured Bar. J.
I,. Mr.
J. K. Editor Holds-
N. C. Argus; Mr.
A. I hills, a prominent
tin., and Mr.
. a railroad man,
City, Mo.
Will Cure
, MM CO .
Pi a. c
,, I
Heavy and
Cotton Hugging and always
in Imp
We have just opened
nix building entirely new
and complete of------
We Carry
Hats, Hard re,
Crockery, Farm Implements,
Meat, flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Lard, Tobacco, etc., in fad
carried in a general stock.
We Also Sell
Our prices everything will be
found a.- low as a good article can
be sold at. arc cordially in-
Highest prices paid for all kinds
hand. Country produce and produce.
A trial will convince you. WHITE
W. .
And see my Stock of
Dry Goods, Slices, Hats, Ms,
Hard ware, Groceries,
In a lull lino
General .- Merchandise.
Men's Spring Suite.
r. N KW . WE
Greatest Value Giver
Catch the
X. Watson
S. I i reel-, of I tall i
town night.
Mat I
Other 11.1-ii Done.
i here.
Hrs. Georgia
Wilson returned
from the northern mar-
W. left this morning
for Miss., make
These Suits are made from
in Stripes. Light and Hark
French faced sewed
with the best dyad silk.
Tin- hotel
also Taylor store
was off, a occupied
ii man was lorn all lo pieces,
down. The colored Baptist
colored Odd hull were
also devastated, and many other
Miss Mary Boyd, who been more or lea damaged,
visiting relatives at Blank Crook, fearful and filled the
Saturday evening. I people of the town with terror, b-ii
J. B. of firm of J. no persona were injured,
Cherry returned Saturday
i. press
-1 eleven ease of um dip re
,.,. , .-11.- for a
pent of ion
night town of
el was by a
that played havoc with building
in wake. The church
building was leveled Hal lo
. . ;
in-lit from
his purchasing tour
persons were mimed, though
one house Was down over a
Spring is lo us cool. Q
There are but few more of Lent
April term of con it begins next
Fresh Carr Butter, ft packages
lit S. M.
Another thunder storm struck
Tuesday night.
Keep Them Away.
With so smallpox in
ons sect ions of the country the tramp
special gentry
who should lie made to shake
dint of Greenville off feet as
soon as lie Strikes town.
Cuban Paper.
Mrs. has shown
a copy of Times a
daily paper published in Havana.
which was sen her from
It-is printed part in
j English and pail in Spanish and
A. of the of I'll I
How en. left this morning for
northern markets to
new goods.
W. L. Hurst
evening from I
II. returned
There were no new eases of small has quite an American newspaper
appearance. The paper is -six
columns to the page and sub-
price l a month.
Will Give Them a Chance.
A. M. will give
the joke crackers of order a
chance their meeting
day night. Each man will be Bi-
to draw on his observations
and experiences the
rich is ex-
lie members
pooled from some of
for instance from
pox in Kinston Monday.
This spring is full of vicissitudes.
for a cold snap.
One day spring is here
and the next day we don't.
The storm Tuesday night caused
more trouble for the telegraph and
telephone wires.
Hester hat talk is about to lay
vaccination verbosity iii the shade
for the lime being.
never make so much fuss
over weeks of sunshine as we do
over one day of rain.
There will in- enough soda
running summer to keep
up a constant
Coal dealers can hang their
signs again, while the soda
will take a rest.
Never tell an editor how to run
bis paper. Let the poor devil
out Sittings.
Mr. will soon
a residence on lot between Hie
college grounds and railroad.
I'M. says that
problem has caused two fights So,
far fair lo cause more.
Some of the folks are riding that
horse problem yet. They don't
seem to understand solution of
The in the yards of
Mr. Cherry Mr. V. II.
Third street, are
It is the early bird that gels the
worm these spring mornings,
its the early advertiser who
the trade.
Those of our people who have-
not vaccinated should not neg-
it longer. The greatest safety
lies in this.
The day that you have I he most
to tin is generally the one which
you find the least time for its ac-
The Easier hut is alum all
woman on her mind present,
and Sunday will lie about all she
has on her head.
We noticed In an exchange re-
that a freeze usually conies
the full moon ii. March. That
is about tine.
haven't any report
that the February freeze killed Hie
earth worms, so there will
lie km to go a fishing.
The average boy feels now like
he is not it at all unless he has
at least one top, and if he has a
pocket full he feels all better.
It is -in an ice combination has
formed at with
We have seen
an ice combination down Ibis way
no capital whatever.
The ion of country along the
Wilmington and Weldon
is said lo la-over run with made for coming event,
berry making contracts and the accidents so com-
with the truckers for the grow to th critical hour
crop. I obviated use of Mother's
, . Friend. blessing to woman.
arc out tor
of Miss Willie
Mr. George Blackburn Hughes,
Wednesday evening, April BOOKS .-;
pa in
E. Ii. returned Monday
evening from a trip to New
evening from a visit to
Mrs. B. Booth, has been
Visiting her sister. Mrs. Ii.
this morning for
II. or Norfolk,
has showing his
to our cigar dealers today and
orders from I hem.
Miss Smith is sick.
II. Ibis morning
for Wilmington.
S. M. returned Tuesday
evening from a trip to If
colored woman and children.
i Editor
I arise answer the hors prob
c extract from
published in our
piper of The man
by buying his horse tor
selling him for
Suppose. .
Want -it to Wire a Supposed
Dead Man.
An old visited the
graph office wanted to
graph to another man asking if he
bow was
the man going In get message
answer if he was dead, said lie
hadn't thought of that, SO the In-
was made through a third
Col. Carr on The Jury.
We sometimes hear the
made millionaires gel
excused from serving on the jury
in the This is
not the case so far as one of
millionaires is
Col. J. S. Carr is serving upon
jury in our Superior Court
week. to lie ex-
but is doing his duly In-
just as any oilier
would Sun.
Purvis, of Hamil-
ton, arrived Tuesday evening to
visit Mrs. John
Miss Skinner, who has been
spending some weeks with relatives
at Hotel morning
for her home Hertford.
That Was Right.
there is no
smallpox in the Alder
marks a pi.
received the ;. ;
marks which
paid for horse when bought
buck, then add II marks to the
the were oat.
you have marks. Si yon
iv the man only gains-1 in Inn
the horse back sell
lug him for
The above is correct, If not,
not c. . r.
A Man Commits Murder
and Suicide.
an I work was push-
ed get ill
for use. that it
was expected to have all the r
I he State spent
and Sal in Kinston
ah suspected i-e-
result, and
taken lo stamp mil
ill-case. The held a
I I upon
vaccination for the town and
cm lit j tin- utmost diligence
w ill In- used in this direction.
This in Kinston
it to
and ii would In- a for
here lo take such slip, an I
will prevent disease coming In
tin- ii. should at once;
provide u suitable house If
a ease should be
ii could ii is de
There i-. I of undue ex
. , iii in liter, but let all
i ii o . i -in He I once
, .
If j .
housed .
pare our laud ;
I'M hut ii j
I V .
mm s
I I C lip,
. , and ll less
III live feet
. II
Price of c
L . I
luring Co., . S . p .
J. w.
. Owe,
p III ll- i j II,
receive I
wire from Kinston late
following particulars
of an
Friday morning Mr. I.
a young man about of age.
and Miss Sauls, aged II.
of fort lit
miles went out a
their were found
men a pest , , ,, . ,.
I dead near the village, ll appear-
that the young man shot the girl
feels an
the pain and
danger attend-
ant upon the
critical pa-
of her life.
i-1- o in i n n
i should be
a source of joy
to but
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is Hie remedy which relieves
Women t great pain and
incident to this
hour winch is as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but oil t he danger is re-
moved by i -e. Those u ho use
this remedy . re no longer de-
gloomy nervousness
nausea and other distressing con-
are avoided, the system is
lie ready for immediate
notion the disease appeared.
day ought to do
very thing.
Note These Dates.
Dr. J. Henry the eye
specialist who was in
for more than two months and
gave everybody will be
In on Friday, j
inst at hotel; Saturday,
April 1st, at
house; Monday and
Tuesday, April and till, all
Bethel at hotel. His
preliminary examinations are free.
He will explain any defect of the
eye and adjust glasses for old or
people. If you sutler from
headache, or your eyes and
itch, or you do mil see as well as
you would like, you should call on
Hie doctor at one of three
places mentioned. He will leave
Bethel Tuesday night for Wash
and remain I here several
A Much Abused Ti-rm.
and then killed himself with the
same pistol.
The voting man had pay
to the girl and was
forbidden by her parents to visit
house. This was probably the
cause of tragedy. The
girl's parents were not home
Hie lime.
Moonshiners Attacked Deputy
and Posse In Ran-
Deputy Collector Perkins return-
ed from n raid in Randolph county
i yesterday, and he had an expert-
face I lie will not -mil forget.
Accompanied by Deputies Reese
King Mr. Perkins to
Stanley, in Randolph in
search of an illicit distillery.
from place
discovered the object of their
lint mil until a diligent
search had made. The
had concealed ill and
tour barrels of whiskey
The revenue officers
. p. i n cm Ink
w ill In-
Are Helping
following with
u i in of t
ford, stale- Hi lei-lings of I'm.
i i we .-
ii from i
We want i
in Urea
villein for the
i ill ;
I. In order I hat
where logo lo gel what
J. To allow Iii sec
w hat a live of m -a th
town bus.
II. in
r I and enlarge I heir
we dill.
. bill not
appreciation of the
editor, and enable
increase his facilities for
No term la so much abused as Is destroyed whiskey and still after
the term Talk
lo Hie immoral man. the drunkard.
the libertine his career
lie w ill fall hack his personal
liberty claim as his rigid the
power to tin as he Ah, it
is nut liberty to be a rascal because
one has the channel it is nut liberty
for one to be harsh and grinding
to trample under foul justice
mercy humanity because he
has Hie power; it is not liberty for
one to drink, swear profanely,
gamble sol whatever moral
example one pleases; it is not
for to yield to
wife because the way is No,
your persona liberty releases yon
I nun no law of heaven nor from I he
consequences of a broken law.
Over against law is
written the awful warning,
ye and despite plea of
personal liberty, the penalty for
violation of law must be paid even
to the
an hour's search.
The officers did depart with
as little as In their
val. While they were
the Still and whiskey, mom
shiners gathered up a force of
some six or eight men from
opened lire mi the
officers as loft. Bullets will
zed past the head- with
dangerous rapidity. It'll
I'd kins and his were
game. They returned the lire and
made it hot for Hie moonshiners,
even though they did have lo re
treat up a hill while walking hack
wards and their pistols III
of the law breakers had
Stationed himself road lie
hind a tree. A cloud of smoke
told his position and officers
opened a in his direction.
Their shots went well for the
moonshiner look to his heels and
no more was heard from him.
of the
ml a m ire
along Ibis
line will be much more helpful to
immunity, and a great deal
heller lit in Ii n -a
criticism of this aid depart
of the paper.
citizen do his toward his
piper, and will do part.
Sum Business Which Will Pay
License Tax Hereafter tor
the Pint rime.
The new at
the recent session of the Legislature
has not vet distributed,
Sheriff Page given
an advance capt ill
I. Hiking ii with In
lie at lent ion lo
following la.-e. w lie, I 111-
Slate tax i- for
the the I beginning
with fiscal tear;
coal dealers,
for each firm or individual, I helix
being regulated
town. In and all town, of
over p it i-
towns of less i a- mill j
as inhabitants, In
iii; less than W pr
The tux does not apply t
selling wood from I heir I
own and where I bail
cords arc sold.
Real dealers and mil I'd
who make it a business,
to me oiling in the
of the low ii in ll I do Dual
lo , ac
Bicycle repairer-, following
and nut selling
as a are not taxed.
i it toil factors, baying and
log cotton, other
dealing in
to iii
to of
tun pressed,
Dealer- ,
lax on whom .
was removed a few tears
Lumber dealers, j
If every farmer
as value
of Orinoco Guano, not p-s-
spreading now and can
Co to
If you want a nice
an a rich color with good
ask and you will
make no mi-take. cur order at
i to be sure being supplied.
Manufactured by
, i
A Farm
Concise and
i rioted and Beautifully
All r. u Mn ill . nil -i 1- ho .
, mi. , i.-
I i I .
I I tilt t
nil i
. t th. . u
All about C I
. J III i-; t- it
hind. v. nil . oil it I 11.1. Cent
Wars . t mi In
l ; i t,
. them ti in n
ate an I i-i iii and
s ho i Con Off
Small fruits, t bend
and n mi-ft
Old; ii is hit tin
quit n i . .,,
th i in lit.
t i. i
a VI . I l . I Ll. I I I I I I I.,
, A I .
Ml K A I
I ran In- ii
in i J.
i mi
ll, t
DRY Goods
. an

x. c.
Strong Fortification.
the body against disease
s Liver Pills, an
cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
. of
Your Liver
the accident that
them to my notice. I feel
it had a new lease of life.
Cannon, Co.
Woman's Work
It export that
a man, his parch masculine
thing, con ever full
appreciate woman's in the
home, an more a woman j
be expected to fully a
work in the outer
writes Edward of -What
Women Find t i do AH
the April Home Journal-
But o far women have acquired
it truer conception of work
men have of women's work.
I that it were
more work
in the home, and regarded house-
as a iv- j
one, deserving --i the
highest respect, and lawyer
quite u much and education of his
would be fewer looking I'm it
fields of work and re I
duties. have her to gel in.- the beat spring
omen feel too h i
what the man due, ll i ed a bucksaw, a cord of hard wood,
which mow the world, and mi VII hop of
work which ;. woman adjustment i-
It- compared a
. i l ii
achievement. Ii i I hi r . .
holding up the Importance i
, . M . ; -tilt-
which bus driven mi .
worn in into lie- lo
An a
y no little peril
i- it i
-ti. Dal and led . in
. i t
r. lath i
11-.- ii i i
more and
on tin- . ml
tat actual motion
-mi in pace
-n .
i. . -1. I . I
. e In n s
; i --1 i i
i .
, I i III J N. I
In. i. i l along
with ii motion
while all of
the i. i lion of I ; in
f life, i ever in even
way of compromising
. i may
V i.
p. xii more
more apparent mi
lane . -i en
in natural work, e
mil i I ii I-. work i
it i hem
THE or will.
p nil ii fatal germs,
ho that no home i from it
ravage, bin mull found
protection against tin-
in King's Ne
no in your
have chill ore
in ill.-1 .- . lie ii
. .
i II
will promptly
cure heal in j .
kill the disease I
i- i
. Will In i
I large tilt-1
. i
i i in -i.
A -I , I . 11.111 Ill I
I III 1- r
I .-
r fill ring
When r re
, i I
ill r
I mall I I
out with I el i i n i
mi r
. iii i
affect relative -if ran and
ii r of K,
great a rate as
thin relative of
be hardly id a century, on
t lie
being that many
y, an i before
in ; ace can
ii f star group
A n of
the nun even
ill. u-hi n ill- weapon it-If,
on the
made of it tin- Cuban peasant
fr. in his earlier ago. which
I nun lea t
n . him of o
. no t i
i Vt I ll
. I
II i w nil
; I
in. i i killed
, n the
Owing i in. mull
ml kindly the Cuban
y not a
l, i i i.; ii ii i be
i With tin machete a
w cm i i re The
are a strip of
. . id i i -In a
. piece of grinding atone to sharpen
Hi, . . i i the
machete to cut down the
thorny of tropical vegetation a
mail -i snipe called
i- to bold the
I.- ii rapid work without be-
l y ins -f
On Tuesday. April lib.
I ill Kile Court
door In Greenville the two
I of lands lying in
county which were
me in the division of the lands of
the laud of
others, and a pan of
Carney land; the other
track containing hundred
i Kill adjoin Ian Is
and other,
being a part of the J.
Terms of one third cash,
balance in one two years;
title retained until purchase
paid, or taken to
deterred payments.
I. Anna wife of
Lewis have ibis day
made entry i- law; of my
withdrawal free trader in
LA page of
Pitt county, X. C, and from the
day of March, will cease
lo act as a free
T. Hall.
the of the
of county as
of the estate .
persons holding claims
-aid estate lo
t i. for payment
day of February, or
notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. All persons In-
-aid estate are
in immediate settlement
save costs,
of J, R,
. -i . ii ,
. . i I
MB Jr. Ml I V
I -l
UM I Mil . in I.-
Hook for It i i
. n- How to MM i
with in
You May Never but Should
Want Job Printing
Come to see us
ho r Job
He was son I n worthy
and I .
ill- P I r of
fact . . for
by i
i t
n v
i was
i i e
i. u in with
n rot n.-11 lie
rs i
. lb
, lie
that Maj
i be
,.,. . . , i I lo ii , i n
I .,,, mi.,,,
Money n not tow to speak of
A trial bottle free J. I., coarse complied in bis usual style
What is The Bible Like
ll i- like beautiful I n-o
sweet for those
that arc hungry, and
the pilgrims their
u I., iii-
ll i- like ii and
-n-ii---. w i-
In- but
ll I- a boll
and in
near, we an
ll a house- a
useful tilings, which are to
be hail without
pi Ice.
ll i- like a deep, id.
river; the are deep
where birds slug
play little
are loving happy.
i not
for cure of every ii does not
cure every thing. ii i- a
cure for and is
lino blood purifier and laxative
reach seal -if the
disease. Catarrh is a blood
disease, in order to
cure ii you lake rein
Catarrh i-
on Internally, on
blood c-.
Hair- line is a quack
medicine, as prescribed i-y
our of the best physicians in ibis
years, and Is a regular
best tonics known, combined with
Hi. blood noting
on the I he
perfect combination of the two in
gradients is what produce such
wonderful In curing Catarrh.
for testimonials,
V. Co., Props,
Sold by druggists, Toledo,
the best.
nines a great
man he yon will try
to emulate Iii- sample He was a man
t astray anyone
ind believed his
i then to iii- fellow man was
II I don't I t nil be
didn't i Ml i. r
lint not l-i ii r ; i.
t i a-
v as he drove I
i i
My i trying to .
lb- When be got home
a lady who
there on ii visit
V a is
ii j
i i man r means a
i . a know
X w when General Latrobe
; i r ii-
iv Ni
i . I I
I be
to a lilting
re n ll lid -I in
-Why I i return
. . D ii lo-.
yon -a
. .- i a t- r d
t t Hi
i . i . , i lo I
Al I fl
. i I . i
but in- i.
. I I i
paying t- .
mil bank
I .
i ; l-
l vi
I , v J
. I I mill
. tiny Ian re
.- a.- . ; i.
i .
t. take car.
; . .-
. . i i i.--
. i.
I i.-t
iring winter
. i.-. of . Te-
ll, ran . n- i r one
. t i, ii in-- in- Tin Is a dance now
and ii when the
n Id i I course then several I
Ina i- the of . .,. . , ,.
, year, ago to. from on my hand., It
bite Ni i i Mm saw JO would conic In pimple
and ,. almost
i could stand. The skill
. . win I
II. mill w. The day
be lo the I. nation borrowed a lender and itching would swell
I could hardly bead my
hi- I- Mil . JIM-I Ill pt I , . , ,.
to ., He- in palace my would become
ground The poor war. perfectly from scratching or
it was pimples. When I
an tin it were t re-1 .
I. Ills more In this condition I one
than ever and h. nearly had
lit in
dozen of Mr. Joe
some Wash in
and by time I it my
hands were cured, and I am now
well of the trouble, has
broken out a little at time, but
enough lo inconvenience me or
Penny novel from on. an-
other in rather thin in in-
Hi r i
n I am live type i i -1,
covers ran h
iii catholic sense the .
I The inferior kinds make me try more I am
gray paper with blunt now well. HUB, M. K.
degrees of I , r
-i. i . N. C, May 1806.
All I t . lull i . i
lag rudest s its
-I . .- .- . I .
C I i i . I- U ; .
ii ll Id-Hi i ;. , i I,,
t ,.
villain i . .,. hero,
by All persons oh
Tom I. int la will make immediate
is rival, the persons holding
is hereby given
Brown Co
whip i.
their m,
. chums said Mill pleas.
same payment. new
debts or will be made by
, Co.
n- i I ., . , ,
The Inning duly
the will Testament of
notice is
hereby given to all
ed the estate to make immediate
lo the undersigned, and
all bat
said are notified lo
tIn- Mime fir payment on or before
the day of 1900, or
this will iii bar of
of Mime.
Ibis starch 1890.
C. A.
Executor of Haywood
leave Washington on
Mondays, and Fri-
days at A. M. for
water permitting,
Returning leave at A.
M. A. M. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and Sal
Sailing hours subject to change de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk. Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York
ton, and all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
tin- Dominion s. Co, from
New Clyde from
Hay Line Baltimore;
Washington, N. C.
N. C.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting evening. Rev.
A. W. pastor, Sunday-
school C,
regular services.
a. m.
Divine service and sermon every
Sunday morning evening. Ev-
prayer Wednesdays i
M. and Fridays A.
M. Rev. I. A, Minister
ill Charge.
Lenten services Tuesdays
at I at
o e vary Son
day, morning and evening, Prayer
masting Wednesday evening. Rev.
X. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. in. F. Harding,
Services third
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
schools p. m. J. It.
A F. A. M.
Lodge, No. SM, meets and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M. J. M. Beans, gee,
F. -Covenant Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
K. K. N. O. L. H. Render,
K. of River Lodge, No.
every Friday evening. Dr.
Jr., O. R. L.
Can, K. of R. and S.
R. Council, No.
meets Thursday even-
W. II. Wilson, It. M. R.
Lang, Bee,
Jr. O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
F. ball. i. J.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every and
Thursday nights in odd
Hall, K. M. Hodges, Worthy
Chief; Smith, Sec.
f. O,
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights In odd I'd
lows Hall. W. II. Wilson,
D. S. Smith See.
At our shops on Av,
we repair nil kinds of
and Farming
menu, Onus, Pistols, etc.
We also
J ;
t t
Lt ms have four work.
. .-
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, should-
coffee, sugar,
snuff, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat Hakes, hominy Hakes, cotton-
seed meal and hulls, cotton seed
bought at cents per bushel.
Come to see
W, It-
Anything a
Sheet Poster.
carry tine of the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Fen
It is a big hit in fountain pen
and is distinctive Parker
Not only does it feed the ink
perfectly, but prevents soiled
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber P It
yo j ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Whichard, N. C
The Stock every
pertinent and prices low as the
lowest. market
paid for produce,
Is only a year and contains
the news gives
information to
those growing
co, that is worth many times
mot e price.
The Eastern
c tr
C i Tear in Advance
no i
Perfect Tobacco Formula.
An Acre.
tobacco mm.
Merely a
t your
duty, is just Thai
you this year s
your farm, plant in what you
think run be .-;
tend it
and tend the proceed. tin-
produce t aid the support --i
two hundred and fifteen
A. m boy. and in Or
new tobacco brand, by a new u-
aH Old
lour nun as in
under Carolina Tobacco this as any that sun
we are all dependent
upon our food, I
for raiment Mowing
or life -for life Itself. From If .
must the the rain.
fruitful the
harvest. It is from Ilia
all tit In- fad.
Von could bestow your
labor where ii would yield
greater harvest of redeemed
than .
If get your son
., . ,
y Paying Double Prices
. j-
Look out for OSCEOLA
Br No. ft.
Ami for sail In Did Dominion A an her,.
Sun us at Other agents in all
And L. M. Reynold's C . j
SHOES for Men and Boys,
The Southern
A Woman Presides.
an editorial The novel picture of a lady
spired by a Southern regret In would I
that she cannot go to college, Ed- him a valuable
ward the April The speaker of
Home Journal, has this to say of a speech nailed service of
tin-girls of the Mm. Lee, a lady representative, to haul for your
i- by a Mrs. Lee surprised
lite far truer and inure members by her given and op
to development than girls presiding and familiarity with to provide for
log Is other usage as ell as sever overlook these little,
more Her throwing into Innate children, --t rather, of
life Is healthier because it i- lo the proper manner hi address home, of support, dependent upon
and her in ind. reason of is whether as Madame President, our charity. an
clearer and at Speaker. Mrs. Speaker or ill never lake bread fr.
The rush of life of the North and Mi's. President, She held the I Months of family . We
is not so stimulating as many chair and rigidly enforced her God's word for that.
Southern girls suppose, tin for three a long life
of varied experience
have young and
No RIGHT TO I, . , . .
yet I have not
righteous forsaken nor hi. seed
begging bread, mere
bis need is
contrary, it wears women out of-
ten as it develops them,
our do women
younger maturity than in the
South, To the Southern girl, t-s-
a as
she does nowhere else, The natural
history which the Northern girl
form and temper ill always
friends, but one who would beat
keep her health.
she is weak, sickly and all run
down sin- w ill Solomon i
must get out of books the Southern H she has constipation or and vet there
her impure . ,, , . , . ,
will cause pimples, ski,. t
n wretched complex- meet, it to poverty.
ion. Electric Bittern is best Head in thy
medicine in tho world lo regulate upon waters, for
she receives heritage, stomach, liver kidneys and to it after mum
Her parents are. and her ancestors we have
were, among the best j,, i, Ii he that the
American and will make a good-looking, charm- poor; the Lord will deliver him in
womanhood. She hears but one woman of a invalid,
only BO cents at I. ,,.,,,,. .,, ,,
Drug I., , ,
over prune
girl gets direct from Nature's own
hand. She is a soil as rich
unit colorful in romantic as
is the literature of Spain. This
language spoken, and that is her
If there is the introduction
of another tongue it is and
with these travel
world over and never at a dis-
advantage. religion which she
iron her mother is the high
and ii is untainted
with modern The
truest friend and safest teacher
girl can have is
her mot tier, and moth
era have a way of finding time for
their daughters and com-
to Southern
father is loud Iii- children, and
proves it- by bis presence at the
domestic hearth after bis day's
business is
While have in. doubt of children of
result of the fighting in the Philip- of in
pines, and bow ever
victory given mailer serious
tie, we need not think we have m
of the
islands. War, or and that, next year, if yon
amount to the same thing, in to
of lives and money lax-
payers, will be continued some
I line lo come. Ten million of pen
though they
lie, on their
own laud, will not lie crushed Into
cheerful submission soon.
Jut before the war with Spain
have no authoritatively.
That modem scourge, yield or retire
with Its fatal germs, from Cuba for 9300,000,000,
so that no home is site from its
ravages, lint multitudes have found
a sure protection against this
genius malady in King's New
when you reel a ton
ill your and
have chills and fever, with sore
in the back of the head,
cough you may know you have
and yon need Dr. King's
New Discovery, it will prompt
cure the worst cough, heal the in
kill disease
gems and prevent the dreaded
was Up to
December Slat war bad
ready cost in actual, paid mil rush,
over four hundred and eighty-two
millions of dollars, the
of over lives iii battle or by
in disease, and I he end mil
a fearful accounting
Providence, if not to oar people,
this -lingo will
have lo make Yet of
men and money, if not in-
effects of the malady,
eels and 11.00. Money hack if mil character of the gov
cured. A trial bottle free at J. itself, is going on day wilts per box
Drug Store. Peat. L.
you will
plant another, you will con-
lo year
aid Ibis cause
and be
Ii la said there have never
been so many in the
Lords us there are
present. Lord
age of eighty on March III, and
there arc now unless than thirty
three peers who arc in or have
passed their eightieth year. The
House of Common, has three
It ink Salve.
Tho best salve In world
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Hall
Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
all skin Bumptious, and
cures or no pay required,
is guaranteed to give
or money Price
, . I . . tolling
All new Spring Stock and
they are
Iii- Ill i
h- Mi
If ,
i is Iii
and lb. i I .
hi . ;
tin- I'll
id a i , . win, ,.
;. j.,.,;. ,.
. i.
i- ii . In
I hi
. ,
. i
I . , .
I Ill-Ill
. i . ,
I hem ii .
. they
Us mil e ,
, . ;.
Y . up
I hi de is a crime ,
. i,
mi nor ii lie i .
f . i o
ii i.
i AT I
I ll
Hell III
lie is
Mil VI.
Paints Oils
Building Hardware a
J i- i i h
, in
c. II inn-
Hill n
ell and in din
. Cure i
lie, I n ii. -i i
in III I
. lo and
i in Hie
. , . I . iii,
i hr oils i. . .
i . hi. ; , .
Hindi . i
I I . I ,. I . .
is- . ;.
I . i.,
n he .- i i
ii . i I
. i
i .
Cl I
A Lure Blond His
Canter, Etc,
III I i ,.
. i o mile- hi-
i I
I tin
. .
i n ii .
r I
. Ii
, V III ll
I Mi

Eastern reflector, 31 March 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 31, 1899
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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