Eastern reflector, 28 March 1899

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You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to us
The r J b
curate his
text; tab
I wife re
nested when tar husband arrived
evening out
A clergy man said in his
Sat bow tin- flowers lip their
blow to
Miss Terry is reported t.
have rendered let us seek
lot us
A candidate tan-
ore, when waking a ad-
ill wind bis audience
banded toes of
luggage, sir
two rap end
bug, which I will take in ear
with me.
lira. Bernard some
exclaimed In
You have made me
A Few Sample Lies.
A attempted to take a drink
at the public well but the water
froze in bis there.
He to a and bail
awoke the
thinking someone was stoning him.
lie found it was his breath
on him.
A woman that bad left a lamp
A Nebraska soldier writing home
Manila of the
here got a box from home.
He was tickled to death, and
I knew I'd get something from
that's good to
When lie opened the box be
ten of canned
salmon cans of earned beef-
He took every and threw them
in the river. At home be was fond
and earned beef.
burning the kitchen at night of canned
triad blow it out the next morn- his folks thought that would
lag but couldn't as the blaze had good thing for They little
frozen. She broke it off threw . know how much of that stud I sol-
It in wood That day it army. other
Anything a
Visiting Card
--Sheet Poster.
thawed and set tin- to the shed.
Marshal Freeze threw a cup of
water at dog. The
into a ball of ice which
struck the dog on the head and
fractured its skull. heat of
the brain melted the ice and the
of water on the brain.
A man took a dozen
meal is salmon, rice, corned
at a meeting described
his clergyman as A shot log
instead of loving
sexton Would yon
kindly sea
of course, me
into a seat. Traveler.
A Sharp Contrast.
At a mall party t in- other
area l were asked to name the
most and the rams time the
complicated action in the
Various warn
given, showing nil
and thought Not one.
drinks of while here and j hit upon the answer that the questioner
on his way home hi- breath froze M
. . Vi hat action is more common. yet
into chunks of ice. These be took how of analysts How many
home incited, making a
pompous, but nervous magnate f , ; I J can
,. I the Lot
Ind., Herald. I try.
, ones Dr. Bosnia
. ., , .,.,.
hut Will Happen in w, , ,,
If Capt. is Elected. perilous which
. . e divest of it extreme dancer only
James W. leader of the from a
Salvation Army Kan., find bow in unpin it
f is wt to it.
learn bow it in walk
a pot-t or a d-Of In the dark.
Populists, promises if bow it when
I on the Streets dip or trip
. , j
rill be a flight
V man t. for a Main and what headlong
the church is putting my prisoned; that all
assessment too ask- Bibles and be discharged for Is tree, as we all know
do x divine service will j to our sorrow s still the genial Autocrat
U- held twice daily in cit build-
and all municipal will
For several years was a suffer-
from on my It
would come pimples
and the idling was almost more
than I could The skin was
tender and the would swell
so I could hardly my fingers.
Sometimes my would become
perfectly raw from scratching or
breaking of the pimples. When I
was in this condition I triad one
half dozen Mrs. Per-
sou's and some Wash
and by the time I took it my
bands were cured, and I am
well of the trouble. It has
broken out a little at times, but
not to i in i- me or
make me more medicine. I am
now well. M. E.
X. May UM.
is hereby given that the
of Coward, Brown will
on the day of April dissolve by
mutual consent. All persons ow-
said firm will make immediate
payment, all persons holding
claims against said firm will please
present same for payment. new
will be made by
said firm of Coward, Brown Co.
Snows A
baa been nominated for mayor
that town the Democrats and
ed. How much do you
the re
said Jones, requested to attend that
have you con free street ear transportation will j
four was the lie furnished all citizens
,,,.,., Sunday morning-, that spit
Well what did you do
I as a
We y a
S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in pen
and is distinctive Parser
Not only does it feed the ink
perfectly, bur prevents i soiled
much did you
Hots much were you
I rented land and plowed a
What have you got
I have a good plantation and a
pair of
said Sam Jones,
paid the devil a year for
privilege of plowing a steer on
rented land, and yon
want to who saved
five dollars n year for the privilege
it plowing horses on your own
plantation. You are a rascal
the crown of your bead to
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber Ii not
yo i ought to be.
The Eastern deflector
Is only a year and contains
the gives
information to the
p lit th i rowing i ac-
co, that is worth m my times
e price.
the street will lie a
offense, and that numerous other
reform will lie
spend Philadelphia Times.
From to
riding down town in a cable car. They
were mostly to one another,
but the
One tin- ladies had the
the and in
her of
than wont on.
Mine in
for Bart HiT . is .
yon think to.
M to Rent man
nut to her.
Wouldn't yon lather tell thin to
I Mine. She in sitting
A sad story reaches us this morn- TO . coldly.
from A month ago After the general which fol
to Mr. and
Mrs. It. A Scott, who lives within
two or three miles of that horrid critic
. ,, ,, who bat influenced my con
this morning Mrs. Nott was found v it i he
dead in her She was about ,, always writing against yon.
years of age. and Informs Be mutt s most and
, ion
Mr. in-
Found Head In Bed.
is that death mulled
heart ; Mr. himself calmly in-
quired Mme. is
next to New York World.
r. C
. .
I J a I.
ran r.
the two this
. ll Mir hi the, II.-d
foe It o
tin how to i.- to total
a with the of
It r-
I but f
administration having
this day to the under-
signed upon the estate of
Chapman deepened, notice is here-
by given to all persons having
claims against the estate of
Chapman to present them to the
undersigned on or the
day of March. 1900, or this notice
will lie pleaded of their re-
This Ito day of March
L. E. Smith,
of the Pol lie Chapman.
Harding Harding,
leave Washington on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at U A. M. for Greenville,
water permitting,
leave at A.
II., Greenville A. M. Tues-
days, Thursdays and
Sailing hours subject de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Ola Dominions, s. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Hay line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, N. C.
N. C.
-1 1875.-
I, Anna wife of j
Lewis have this In SCHULTZ
made entry to law; of my I WHOLESALE -.-
withdrawal as a free trader in Hook
page Register's office of Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
Pitt count v. X. C, and from the molasses, side meat, hams, should-
day of March, will cease era, coffee, sugar, tobacco,
to aid as a free trailer,
Anna x
Witness mark
II. L Hall.
sole I
Last Miss Carrie
of Rowan was
married to Frank Marsh, of New I
York, in I lie Lutheran ill inch here.
having known him only a brief
i lime before. A short while after
I wards she from j
The Hank of the Manhattan Caw-1 York to live again lib her rats-
which celebrates its An inter-i
story has just come to
A Dinner.
on April
to the sixty-
four of the banks
are of the clearing
and to the presidents of the
and the trust ton
din tier to lie given at Sherry's on
the evening of the named.
This gathering will probably rep-
resent aggregation of
capital has ever been seen in
this around a table.
far exceeding the dinner given to
the late after his
nomination to the presidency.
fact, a careful estimate of the money
to lie at the
dinner puts the
The dinner Will private.
York Dispatch,
explaining the matter. Accounts
The York Herald
Journal of the lust., of a
proceeding instituted against
Prank Marsh at re-
veal the fact that be had already
been married to another woman
who happened also to be the wife
A prevails
lowest classes of southern India for ob-
rain in times drought A
figure of a woman is stretched
toils on its hark on an open.
low four wheeled and the
is streets.
Indian peasantry it
the in
loins, end I The
by notion that
the on the represent the
wife of the god of rain, and
that when he favorite
along the streets he
Bends of to wreak
his i i.
i last t
of hoe, the
ii v ten it.
id the wife.
an will me a
will bay my hat.
A Cure Blood and Skin Dis-
eases, Eczema, Pimples,
Scrofula, Blood Poison,
Cancer, Etc.
line, mill i-r-i.
mi arm- or
in trouble
will, or
I-. sad H o. Mar
n. me.
fill All
rt had, the
II. II II he. an., it
on or M
i To remove all
it, we to I., any
of II II H.
II. II. I- an old well remedy,
Inn. e we Hint it fur tar
bl II U. II lino are well today
earner lip. e. aster
r Internal
are all i II. II. III.
r mini.- All . H H B.
at per i, .,.,
tn ii-u n sample
11.11 will will In mall. Ad-
co, an
Atlanta, and per
will b
All immense factory, to
cost one million dollars, is to be
erected at
county. Col. Carr, H. X. Duke
and other are interested
and will build other factories, ex.
pending over three million dollars.
The falls at furnish
hone and it is con-
lo furnish Dur-
ham other places with light and
power from it plant there.
the will my glove and
obituary lines on old Jinks will
enable us to rent n carriage and attend
his funeral Bow happy we to
Atlantic Constitution.
branches of the Legislature
have passed a resolution making
May the in-I anniversary
of in Manila Hay,
it legal holiday. May day has
already a holiday
as the of the season of
flowers, will
a patriotic
in to their
of one of the most signal
naval of the century,
K Idem.
parent the
article. Hit's all wool,
that ho shrinks
washing Record
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Thursday evening.
A. Setzer, pastor.
school a. m. D.
regular services.
a. m.
Divine service sermon every
and evening.
Wednesdays tit I
M., and Litany Fridays at A.
It. Kev. I. Minister
in Charge.
Extra Lenten services Tuesdays
at I P. M. at
P. M.
day, and
meeting evening.
X. M. pastor. Sunday
school II p. in. w F. Harding,
Sunday, morning evening. .
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school p. in. J. It. Moore
The Jersey has
passed a law making it u
women to wear birds on
their hats. The
ably thought that the women should
lie with the wings, tails,
etc., without going for n whole
f s pint
Liver ills.
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
physical all gone, so
Pills will cure you
liver, constipation, biliousness
all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat Hakes, hominy Hakes, cotton-
seed meal and hulls, cotton seed
at cents per bushel.
Come to see
Phone ,
F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets and
third Monday evening. R.
W, M. J. M. Sec.
I. O. O. Lodge. No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
B, B. Griffin, N. G. L. H.
K. of River Lodge, No.
every Friday evening. Dr.
Bagwell, Jr., C,
Can, K. It.
It. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, B. M. R.
Lang, Sec.
U. A. every
Wednesday night at in I. O.
O. F. hall. O. J.
A. O.
No. meets every first third
nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. F. M. Hodges. Worthy
Chief-, Smith, Sec.
I. O. Conclave,
No. meets every am I
fourth Monday Odd
lows. Hall. W. B. Wilson,
Smith Soc.
At our shops on Dickinson Ave-
we repair all kinds of
Gins and Farming
Guns, Pistols, etc.
We also manufacture------
t POSTS, t
Let us have your work.
lo W. B. i
The Stock complete in every de-
prices us as tho
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for
D. J. WHICHARD. and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO I I . per Year in Advance.
Perfect Formula
tobacco mm.
story of mother lark's
Ion lo her little ours
vi ii the chief
lit in
ft to the
to t North
General which adjourned
To the
lo the Constitution will be the
greatest to for
ever been
A. new tobacco brand by a new known in u
tobacco formula but
an old house.
for North Car-
Tobacco this Season
Ami for In nil Old Dominion A feats everywhere.
ft Sun represent tuber agents in all
N. towns.
in it i
years lo come any
I he lax-payers of
be willing or
could bear, in addition lo
The vote i regarded
by black as
A Very Important of I heir bis men.
and the record of thirty odd veal's
to tin-in of our gov-
and the remote
of having sons deprived of
privilege ill fathers
to of every
opportunity to
I hill
In In- case consider
it will lie tho to road
and together wit higher
of Intelligence
ever been
Hun for the pi iv of exorcising
the of suffrage.
will be a means
of energy
I he lives of some of
The Northern mt. goes to prove people of Hi,.
tiers N. South were loyal to their word, and
have issued two letters of during the past twelve months
one to when foreign hail lo be
business men North, was no hesitation on the par
tine In business men of the oil be Soul march
Booth. ed to the front and amid the Here
Southern Pines, X. is one of of the was old I the men of former
known in the South- Joe Wheeler, one of I he may bring the
em slates, bill probably it is not leaders who , in sixties f In pine
generally even met on light in the humbler
our people Smith; this march from In
progressive little city amid the to the sen, and although sick. I worth otherwise re
long was built by North nigh unto death, Wheeler or main unseen unknown forever.
era men and capital. Hundreds of derail his men lo carry him to
Northern slates have ill Santiago there he
there and permanently lo stayed until the battle was
until have a real live the victory won for the slurs
Yankee in the North stripes. It was the
Among the young officer, Worth Bagley
Southern Pines, are bankers, law- C., who gave up the life for
yen, merchants, the Union, and was the brave
form- young Alabama,
era and persona of all calling of life, the little band of heron Into the
out of the entire population very of death, victory
there are not exceeding one bun- might conic to the Union's cause.
died and fifty Southern born there Is truly no North, no
pie but the Northern settlers South, no Halt, no bill in
come all who go whether fact a Union of States, when young men of the land will be the
Southerner or Northerner. There people of Southern N. C, false idea of
is no sectional feeling the Yankee city of
people place. These people through its official head, the Mayor
from the North have Invested so and its business
much capital and made so many Board of Trade, proclaim to the
that the taxes they world that Southern Investments
usually pay, meets one sixth of the are not only safe, bill more
entire county, slate, school all the North elsewhere
oilier luxes of Moore County In invites
which they are located. They lo come Soul meet Southern
have built electric light plants, men learn Hie real
bang two separate plants in troth to people by
the place for meeting them face In face arc
simply lining South a
that should have been done years
ago, by the of I he North; bill
nothing that is is too
news is welcome any time
I hough Ibis justice to the South
late, we are no less grateful
indebted In I lie Northern
And La If. Reynold's
SHOES for Men and Boys.
All new Spring Stock and
they are Beauties.
Fear of Local Investment.
;.;,. , -in 1- j
SHU., mi .
i . . ; . -i ll I- It'll
hem mill w i i-i,
In Inn i .
. l it I
i I ,
. ill- l
i men.
I lie Hi .
. to I lie
e lance
pi ult i. is .
a home is .
11- -1
I ire Mas-., a i
ls success i .
v. . as Inn lib bell fol
In upon . ,.,.,,,;, .
prises hi ,.,. , ,., ,. l Ins
Hint E in,
ions I
ell i .
inn .
1.1- ll
In in tit
car line six miles long, am
in fact they have every
thing that is modern
These people have conic South
their lot among Southern
pie. Mini I hey have
are with the South
and the Southern people, the in-
vestments have been profitable of Southern
that they want their in the,
North to come down meet the I
men of the South to
learn from them the advantage
that each section has to offer. Such
a spirit on the part of these people
is to be commended by all loyal
Southerners, who have a desire to
c built up.
eta people have no animosity to
wards Northern people. The South
slaked cause with Jackson,
mid Johnson, and when they
the brave men who went to battle
with tIn hi did all that human be-
lo a of the
Southern Confederacy, and
I hey said, we are you
have us at your mercy, we surrender
afford to sacrifice the
lives of the brave men left, the
And above all ii will is- a means of
stimulating and young men
of future in North
Carolina lo point
of higher
Par has been
laid by some on money value of
education. As we see I lie
value of education is ponies
the lowest value that should be
pill upon believe
one effect which Hie proposed
will have ilium the
Intended education should be.
Say what may, I hen.
being a race measure, can but
fraught with the of
blessings to both races; and looked
from ibis philosophical stand-
point, every North Carolina
ought in vole for
It will be the means of causing
every mail lo learn ill his younger
years be look his
fitness through his own person ill
effort for he proposes lo
in the laud Neck
with LOCAL
they cannot reach I he seat of
disease. Catarrh In a blood
disease, and order lo
cure it yon must take Internal
Catarrh Cure is
en Internally, and acts directly on
the blood mucous surfaces.
Hall's Cure is not a quack
medicine. It was by
our of the belt physicians this
country for years, and is it regular
prescription. It
best tonics known, combined with
heal acting
on the mucous surfaces. The
fist combination of the two
gradients is such
Scud for testimonials, free.
P. in., Props.
Southern people were ,
abide In good faith by decision I Hull's the best.
against port of
Indies will established in
the States after it
next, and since most of I he
I limps remaining in Cuba are
from their return
should be a chief concern of
Department. There are three
soldiers on
the island as will needed lime
loci. and establishment of
the annual Southern quarantine
should find every volunteer safe
home and beyond reach of eon-
lire i
licit lie I In ell from
I .
. I he
I .,., . . c
. bu u , .,.; . .
1.1,1 lived lilt-
his twin
11.1. I- ,,
I,. II- well
, .
. .
lie.,, III I Ml I , ,
. . ;
II e Mill g , ,
, horses
ill . , , . ,
p , .
. y,
U el . Ill , .
. , . rill In seven
credit to . . . ,.
III . ii c
which . ,,,
I ii In
I hell should In- s
sense in in
. man in V .- i. . . .
. .-. bill here slut lid . . In-i t
In i
he .
ml is
, I'll II III
I should lie iii
.-r m. when . ; mil,, the K.
. . , ., , . in . ; hi .
in 1-1 should . lie
X-S v. die Mill and ill
, . . I . -I
. I'll . ill
,,, in nil. .
I., him -i c.
. . mi ml
Y oiler .
much Hi.-, id .
. till .
man w ho his in I . , ,
. i . i . . .
I I I. I . .
then scuds i- . I
. aim deserve-, ill .
Vs. in hi. i cut till. I the in
. . , ., ., , ,
Paints Oils
see we, nils
i I,. i e
s. Iii-
The best salve in the
Cuts, Sores, C leers, Sail
Kin inn, Bores,
Chilblains, Corns,
all skin Eruptions, positively
cures or no pay required, ll
is guaranteed to hive perm
faction or Price
O. cents per box. Jno.
L. Woolen,
i i I Vii GUANO.
I I ill. . i
V-- lam-it; i
. ;. . . I. . . . . ,
while the man trim i.; wile,
risks ii hi to old
in- I. is sou of i
nil mills. , I i l . . he I
Ism i
pi chicken bone was ill
His Hi ml clinked lo
March I, ore relief could la-bad.
I is, Mo., who
. In
. nun id I . i
when was , r I he cure of v ill; does
v-v a cure it i u
. , are rheumatism, is n
em n. ; ,,.,.,
J he paid n sum, j
j I he I In Mi
l. I pp. r I
I is n ail ill
a raving
s inn in i , 1.11. mill's in , . iv
hi- intended bride, was
K, I ll
N .
. a Mills II. Kurt.,
N. c.
Hi. I., .
I l-l . p
. . .;
I .
w one w .
i . home. I
In. suit, nus
. failing
and he in
. v COLD
Take I in. I ah
VII druggists re . I
II Ii. cure. I
nine I. It, t. on each

I mm
D. J. v
by the k. i of the
Over Is-
conditions under which
the ,,
, H. C, as i . . taken
Tin- cruiser i- on
her way h.- from the
to undergo named
for capital of this Stale she ban
the Philippine. was
j., i. i i of ill ill.-
the on her voyage
the are given
report o ill-
i. i dated
i i n mouth ago.
mi- he
. ll
and Hide
a relic board lo lie presented In
Raleigh on rival. effort
de . ,
allow the to an anchorage
North the island.
ll I K, Mar.
the II Isl
morning evening.
The new depot begin la look
enough. have
it -Inn in and are now working on
tin- inside.
If you want lead Which
i never needs sharpening go to B. r.
with ; gel one of hi
the The are
Mi Mart
presentation h
be lilting indeed
gram n
lardy. were down.
here a day or two this week look
in- the
which is filled up for I hew
fin- i- the lime
to catch
mailer bow hard the
are I he man should have
little trouble in up u
idea some
people who ale always
of lulling void head
you Mi. h i
-In asked. The clerk
thoughts were far away.
he in
I tell yon. my at
t . tin- of
et Ill ink-n I t with
made, It lite ml lei on
red not only b a wall . on rt of ox
inn pit. he returned
t the tin island.
a I
January allay pule raised.
divide piece wreckage.
, Bi occupation were
stall was in place
were formed hi two
i . hat
. all lo witness the island
in tin-
other mil Ion. fan--.-.
, II i- be
raised by
I p.,,, Hag
win. b;. one I
,.,,.,., t with ll
mid I'M-- with
; the ill
. I V.
A Circular to Sheriffs.
Stole i-
follow mil
in- git in i- to
of lb.
and nets
v ill I-.- I ti
nil .
To Sherill i.-. .
tie have .
i.- i lie in
tin- net, I
in .-
-nil in blue in
lion. In t
; n
I bill
n in the
. nun i is
. in r i.-it Ill
when the return i- uncertain, one
lion In- p lid in
or i bin
. I ii In
in-j i. n person n
I i , i
lax lo no tax I.
I I j i
in -ii i mil lie
liable lo till .
of piano
I lie u.-
la shall In- paid lo III. I ill
or Instead i I
Stale Treasurer, us n
The m j n I
ill be result for i Hull
lie lo
all lax l-u
v It Hit.
W . II.
s. , till S I
i vim l.
S, i
I ; nil .
U I'll be is
known a .- l
. . I'm i
Sin .
u smokes some cigars it Is
true there is a one end
lire at other, bill we arc
glad to yon if you smoke
while you have
lire i it does
foal i. ureter we
mil i-c anyone to smoke, but
.-I smoke I lien I cigars.
Mr. I tick be never
ha I.- it baled bear
lie i; on
him. gel even him
like narrate a little in
II -iv Mr. had u
his a rail
while he was a new
all the burn
here Mr.
-at- In- bin it lip so
a-i-.-i I.-- wire If
i- the else we would i--
i ,, close a w Mr.
Parker some wife fence
put rail
fence lo will b it.
by The Orange Vs.
More ryes a gets the
less can be see.
mail who onuses needless
pain is a man. for be is nut
Put tour overcoats stoves
i- expected
Newspaper ink. when as
paint, ill make a -inn-i look n
few women live to become
iii.-ii. but some get close
com ids iii the
art the small pox will be
a great
The at crane man mat not an
artist, but In- Is generally an adept
drawings cork out of a bottle.
-at matches are
in beaten, bin the poorest matches
are made just now in this
from egg, and
from its morning sleep it
lifts little leg.
Violets, blue, now
little crocuses that smile
ii our faces.
Ii id so much rain in
Virginia tear that the
have compelled to fasten
stilts on the grasshoppers t. keep
I them from
Bait Your Hook
Ball hook
I e taller is bit tine
knows de way
All iii de springtime
hook en line
He blooms on de
Kn I ran-a race w iii melon
All in the springtime
In n .-i
-b i- Ht. to his
mil- y fill
bat the lb Is
Mini. Hi
of SB , I B of
I'M- Hall i
. . i ; . -i .
Deeds Moore had six
applications for marriage licenses
last week, divided c pi between
the two races.
Kiln I.,
Joshua Moon
Thus. Moore and
Borneo Stokes Elizabeth
Forbes and Eliza Tyson.
. I i a InT
i to ii.-Iii
i ti . L-l-
t .
. ant
A .
j my
the ;
t. nu
be I .
r.- i
r. ;.
I .
till C
t. i I l
t I
I i s
la . f tile early
i r K
tells i
an lire
in I y Chief
mi It , i.-l
l-l II- net pr-
a- referred to him la
-I me
i Priest
. ii. Pro-
I. .
. .
Shot sold.
Win . re r . ti .
l.-r .
in ugh mi
i s
Vaccinated on g.
ire nu a
mi-p iris.- In
at in .- U semi
i, to; ii. lie
, . Hid in-
i Iii
I.,;, the p I lie
i- n walking and
In ids rill
. . . hi the
,. t Iii In
i s. in.- i hue ago
it I J girl
only Mattel ; left
. . , a- In
i would on.
fit girls in in heir an I
in I I
ill h us ii bethel
I., t i in I mi
, . fen were e ll
, ii, i. and
in force I . an
i fin ally a vote was
taken and
tin-, be van muted mi
limb. All were
in lb i m m
n.-r. mot is in
full mourning, with girls hop
;. it. Ilk.- maul grass
Costly Error in Revenue Ail.
mistake in the Revenue
I. in of
in assesses bank
Treasurer Worth
the opinion
m the State
i. dollars. The law as it
uh ilia en r banking ill-
-hall on a
capital -I-- .-I for
each of capital stock i planning the
Hut ten women could gel into
heaven on of their
dressmakers. Chicago
get a dog
recently transfer-
red to the Yes. sir.
What shirt to you
Catholic Times.
a woman inns canned
inn.-meal-be chops a few
apple- into it think- -be
ton believe
cooks spoil tin- broth lie
Yes altogether
An apt i- sometimes
better than an original remark.
Chicago New-.
sin- singing It
that I had of a
lie earthly use
I., mi
The food yon today
gives strength for day's work,
but food must be eaten in-
and lie days that succeed
it. Bo with advertising. The bus
brought by advertise-
for today In- kept up
for tin- licit business of tomorrow
and days afterwards.
one supply of food
I to last as lo expect one
week's advertising to bring
i iii. law in for my Easter
tended lo read, -j
ll Ill
i iii I ill i here
ti Ii it ill I- I. the
. in the lust
Stale bunk,
ii . a its Halved.
in ion. any pi h it., bank--i. Nine u
A poet a -stove form a
example of the manufacturer
and consumer. News.
The Assembly has
or I Arkansas and three in Mississippi
i this neck. In the former
in whether operating a- week. In the former
corporal Ions or associations, or j the were handing together for
privately us in a plot to start a race war.
to the ail tux on their who were opposed to the in
capital shall pat formed on the others and the lead
to State Treasurer a tax a.
. to a- I hi
. of tell
I. ii-. i b. twenty live dollars,
two dollars for each
iii these Bra believed lo In tin
el- hunted -hot.
The number of dead so far found
in the recent Windsor hold lire in
York number and I are
ll.-ll. II
mil B. C.
on Charleston dirt road sod in
. railway, i a place
that lit -1 Polecat, but
aft. M. the
Fr for little animal
Many rears a young woman
her pitcher to draw of
Water from a well M. rem i and
act the vessel in the hollowed top of n
of the railroad
ti. drawing
the w-at. i t i-ti, t came that
I. to which the well
bucket a- woman
killed in Her remains
were removed, but the pitcher left
where the dead girl had tat it To
day r remains in the
and. far from being re-
moved, it la that no living baud
baa ever touched it owner's,
near the tide of the public
But the most thing la the
attached to the
Tin re i- an able me
ii prevents its touch
of have with the
determination of lifting the
but when th y at it a
i. r they
illy put carrying out
. t their vi-it
line a In
hood, while the influence f
win made a lie with some
that be would go sud bring
pitch. lb- I. . do H. but loon re-
turned a- pal.- at a t empty
banded he remarked,
p. i lay hands ell that
pitcher, I wouldn't attempt it
f Ask. ii
He i. I,, nil his experience and
In- v. talk about it. Other
have to set it. but met
with repulsive feelings
land Plain
The Chilean coal mines, opened
1665, to be nice pistes to work in.
The seam runs from the
. en I ii our
t -bl
come a
arc apt i. lose track even lo
our birthdays, I In- may
seem like u cont millet ion, Inn I
C it In be the I I III II. II
for Instance, though is
my birthday, I woke up
of I la. I, -i. Ill I emu III until
I received tin- family's
i. l x-
an apparently simple
problem perplex Intelligent
II of our
Jailed in readers doubt would
March Israel lure the that a
. give the
Mount, V. C, was arrest to a problem as
e. here mi a it ii I the
mil lb- man -ells hi- horse
him with the buys bail, for
of tin- funds hi- and then sells it again I'm-
office lb- wits much does he or lone
l Mills, j The answer s. easy that
ill might it. but sup
iii iii. lb- reader yon try Hand see
will laid I.- a volt tan give the correct Answer.
gentleman ti has
a number of
ii ii Ii of the largest
. in tin-
Mm hi ti nil all his
experience, he knows but
There who,
c. it ill you they know
all ii. ton to
It is said that Ibis apparently
simple problem was propounded in
a certain small by a traveling
drummer who left without giving
was the
and several lights. Home said
the man would make some
others that
of course lie nimbi loss.
Son. what -at
for. Main of the of the ocean,
and the you
took Walk them in a drew
making yourself dirty
They are lighted by electricity,
run a rids fat n mile under the
ocean en an electric car St s of
Tho mines form quite
a catacomb well Minted pussies
under r The output of is
now tuna ii miners
in tin in
ruins. Sine of the bodies, found
were burned beyond recognition.
University, at Hes
Ala., was totally destroyed
by morning.
Judge Hilton, of New
is critically ill.
A mine been
earthed at Kan.
will be
to market outside the State this I h
are being
P. the duties against
Engineer Wallace was
killed an train
Dixie will
York to to
bring home the Tennessee
Pointer for Greenville.
One of I be institutions of which
Henderson has to lie
one which is pay the
n a- ii ell as it- is
the I cotton mill. Would
that tie more industrial enter
prises this kind in our
Henderson if.
In-line mill
Hem. mi
that alcohol
it it ii-e it in form
while wheeling the reaction is
In way a long ride
ii. v i I it after
a plentiful m. lending
interfere with heart's and
I yum
Wat I.- i for a
book OB American I I tot Ion
means In in s
circle A a New
I told a ring
your non I rotate tiny
A hat
while i. their
-i-i. a.
ml i
, i.
n tab
. ii at
It is an easy
i bat a remedy has wonderful
curative power. The
leave it to who have
been positively
cured of Rheumatism
to make claims.
who have recently written us
voluntary letters sat they
bat cured Kev.
I. Mr.
Robinson, Editor Golds
N. C. Daily Argus; Mr.
A. prominent mer-
chant, Ma.-nu, Mr.
V. Duke, a railroad man.
City. Mo.
Will Cure
to I. DRUG CO .
Raleigh, N. C.
J. C. Cobb ft Son.
think old tiling will
to put on your If
you the
Send to A. at J.
B. Cherry net
his line of He sells
reel from the can sell
foil what other dealers have to pay,
I yon their by giving
i him tour order.
cs Just received.
After two
Premiums have been paid
fully equipped in every particular
opposite the post-
ii here we tali be found at
ant time.
ginning of tho second and
I year, provided the
of Newark. N. J.
Your Policy
J. I ash Value.
Loan Value.
I. Paid -up Insurance,
. Extended that
Work automatically,
ii. Will lie reinstated within
three years after lapse if you lire
in health.
After Second Year
are payable at the be-
E. G. FLANAGAN. Manager.,
II. W. T.
Hit I
We opened
nix building with an entirely new
complete stock of------
We Carry
Hats, Hardware,
I'm in
Meat, Sugar,
Lard, etc., in fact
earned in a general stock.
We Also Sell
I prices on everything will la-
us low- as a article can
be sol. i at. You are cordially In-
to visit our store.
Highest prices paid for all kinds
of country produce.
. .-I
ii i ii iii for the current year be paid.
They may used
To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To Policy Payable as
an during the Lifetime
of Insured.
J, L.
Heavy and Pane
Bagging and always
on .
fresh kepi on
band, Country product- and
A trial will convince you.
Did If Ewer occur
That when you buy it
economy to get the
That is what have,
The heat of everything.
Ton may need.
We can supply all your needs in
fine Candies, Fruits of all kinds,
Nuts, have Fine
in a box, put up es-
for us.
J. L.
Of business in OUT stole proves
conclusively our efforts i imp-
ply the best productions of the
People Catch the Influence of
Thursday, Mid ii
A. Better is sick.
Jesse went lo
II. to
this morning.
at that are beyond the pow-
i-i of our are duly
by I lie week we offer bar-
gains that in point of value excel anything
of the kind to be bad in this We
point with pride to our Great
Suit inducements and ask you to Compare
them with other called bar
Mrs. A. W. rid.- Called
Sorrow tilled many hearts Thu
day morning when n -as It
that Mis
She died at at h
Happen . Carolina.
has h
t bullion
a .
HI n .
A -e i ll ll ii .-I . .
iii I'll . i . killed itself.
or it
The roads arc Improving.
showing itself in spots.
Von can soon drop a line to the
bonnets are gelling in
Fresh Canned Tun
White bats arc getting ready lo
Fresh Butter, l lb packages
ill S. M.
There but c not been shad enough
yet lo make the price cheap.
Country bard S cents a pound in
cans, at Moore
The weather not mind a bit
making a sudden change Thursday
Tarboro is working to establish
another cotton factory and
Is moving to have a cigarette lac-
buy. keeps still
Way of the World.
Many otherwise business
men allow ant stranger comes
sling with a scheme to scoop them
in. while they will hardly
listen to a home man with a real
business proposition.
They Are
There must have been
l. II. Gardner went lo n
Wednesday evening.
X. of
in bis
It. M.
I day evening from
Register of Deeds, T. R. Moore
. has been sick last day or
Ur. II. I. Can- returned Wed
evening from to
Miss Lizzie Lewis, of don,
up this morning to visit
Mi-s. W. II. Harrington hit ibis
morning to visit relatives in
Mi's. S. M. of
up this morning to spend the
day Sirs. S. A. Cherry.
Friday, March 1890.
II. It. Harriss went the
l t
iii South Sh.-bad puny, I jib.
for some days, for
her bad been Ill av
as to give her friends hope of u lib .
how were .
these hopes blasted.
was i
age. maiden name
Miss Minnie Askew, n was
only in April of last year she The First
ii, i. ii.
i .
i i , i l .
run ;
, .
. i i ll
. milt In
i v. ill
i. till
lb . l;. . pi .
j count i. i i
was married, at
former home Mil t . ; t
road evening.
Rev. X. M. Watson home
from evening.
L. It-it this morning
for Fortress Monroe, sec
brother Carl, n the
it ho is sick.
Miss Addle Johnson,
Who has been her sister.
Mrs, C. returned
home Thursday
C. W. Kill
ton. Mime this morning to con
of a suicidal wave passing duct funeral services over the
during the past week. the
suicides ill and in Kin
an attempted one was report
from and now another
attempted one is reported from
S. K. render has
he made It is all
of Mrs. A. W. Outlet
bridge, Rev. A. W. Setzer,
of the Baptist church,
and wife. Clarence
Askew Alley Cobb, of Lewis
toll, Mrs. Fanny Harper, of
Tennessee, relatives of the late
Mis. A. W.
evening to the
near i-on. the In
In the brief time that she lit.-1 in home. ,
she became very Two white Wake
endeared to all who I.-. her. have b.-.-n lot
she was a member of tic .; .,,,. ;.,
church, and beta was truly a
Christian life. In her
I to
death the church and the commit
loses one of its bust and noblest
The sorrowing husband has the
of ail in
deep grief has
hie tin- death
of bi-
The ii roe. In ism.
The regular quarterly report t f
the lira ml Council b . of IV. tor
L. la preparing to put be- Tucker I his morning for
a handsome soda fountain in of interest Bethel.
store. , lo shows n ,, ,, ,. , , ,, .
., .-. . Harding went to Ayden
The engine house and hall of
All hunters that close
season is hand, some n ho
to to kill all 111.- suite,
keep o i hunting, I if a ft it
of them were prosecuted it would
have a effect.
to have any game much longer lei
us the next lo
limit the hunting season t.
months, November
After lime bi nut and turkeys
gel poor, in a winter like
the one just pi-.-. There were
famished birds killed
the snows in H ii
is mil stopped the last ones will
soon be I. intend to My
to have every one indicted uh.
Hope Fire Company baa been given
a dress of paint.
. neat lo
iii t lie State of The number
of lodges is SO, several of
, , , , . W. left t In
having been organized sine , ., ,
, . . .
the of the last report.
F. Bernard
The equinoctial storm seems to
have miscarried so far. It may
come along yet.
Caught a Lost.
The .,. . ,.
ahead in I for Henderson.
putting out their foliage. from Mis ,., ,
bringing with him Ned with a vaccinated arm.
was wanted In this
county robbery, In August, 1805,
II. P. left this
Attention la called to the notice
by C. A. Tucker,
of Hay wood Knox.
Into the house of
lime snooting birds , ,,, , . ,. .
,., . v- i . ii 1.1 Mr. in town
over until next November. Hob
Mote says his gun is loaded for ship, stole a large sum of
hawks now. money, to be about Woo,
He ran away and all I race of
from Richmond.
If have ill. don't dally ,
with local remedied, but purify, bail been Recently
and enrich your blood with Mooring received an anonymous
pa la.
Rev. w. Blanchard returned
. to evening.
Miss Lizzie Lewis this morn
for Scotland and Hen-
letter from Pamlico
was w anted in Pitt county for
was in that section.
Mason went down to look into the
The report of smallpox at Kin- matter and got bis man.
Bicycle are en-
endeavoring to form a trust. If
they succeed that will a trust
on wheels, sure.
Congressman J. II. Small passed
t saying this morning on his
home from
A. A. Andrews, Mrs.
Miss Carrie and Mrs, Blalock
this morning for
Mrs. A. Ellington
Friday evening from Petersburg to
visit son. A. B. Ellington.
and wife, His.
Harper, Clarence Askew
use of special it cry postage
means of
c ah other over .
The man had been
into his c mi I I-. careful by
he handled rather careless
I;. Durham Herald.
A days Mr W . .
IV-rs mi . in t.
by ii . In- oil
horses, a
Iii- corn nut I. Hot. tin
lire I i-- n mystery . lie
ii. have nut
A man rolling i.
Sett lo Vain-outer.
British Columbia, on a wager
i he an t-
in two years. a- hi-
A i spin id .
i a d
i i
i d i
, -lift
. ill . . i
i t. . I
hi u K.
North Carolina this L j i
. is Iran Iii, nit miles a -i U. I N . ., i J
I i
i k Ii in
h i .
t. will lie teal- CYCLE workmen iii tin
Mat h. lie be prompt It hi. i
robs nests Ibis I vital ion lo preach the annual
year. I call on public if they moil at c
know violations report it Mountain, mi
the Solicitor. There has for the dale of his I l .- K. .
the last two years over n hundred has passed ordinance VIM I i
wild turkey eggs
Comity I could
of men and witnesses In hat t hem
convicted, let u- love t.
ii- ii ill
hunt see if can't slop this dis-
traction of game that does no one
any good.
Had Wreck on N. W.
A filial wreck occurred mi
main line of the Norfolk West
cm Railroad, ill Ada. yesterday
morning, killing Fireman II. F.
of and a
A tramp was also killed, Several
trainmen were more I.
Three freight trains were wrecked,
All were going east. The Ural
train had flopped. The second
teacher lo u pupil lo enter a
school over which he or she
sides without -in pupil exhibits
a from
dent hearer has
W. II. a
on river, while
mi miles here,
was run over by ail
boat broken up hi-
net It i- suit I h
blew so strongly th- . .
could avoid running n
A by of S. T.
broke ill two, sections In a fell from
their High down in of i
into the
soon followed by
which had been -Win-
Cobb this morning for
and about ; i lender and i Miss Porter, Louisville
Out of Sight
Out of
Li other months forget
the harsh winds of Spring.
But they their use. as
is true. There are three ;
but all have been moved out
afternoon Clerk of
Superior Court C. up-
pointed and Mr. W. II.
J Friday to
tradesman, of she who watched take a position at the millinery
on a purchase to amount of over our ; store Miss Alice arson.
shillings given the customer ed our first tottering step. Yet ,,.,, tO blow out the
entitling him to have one the life of ., i
I free Is beset with danger and all of- . and Minnie fr after
fort should be to avoid It Forbes, Major Fleming . , ,
Sam Lee. the Chinese launder- , , nature David went over lo House, Winter StOrm MO
is going to leave i on I lie train the I far more
U place that road good for walking back.
the Expectant
laud- tin establishment.
Me was oil II
plank hen mi-
fell a
lance of lo
ho oil his feel and was,
for mil
e. P.-. of
. .
No. a nu . i
And how,
.-I . i. C
Kc. R
. , nil I in.
i .- i
i j
t I ii . f
it. t it
. I, Will I -it . .
. , f i . I
. i -I . bait-
.; I -i . . . i
V . ; t mil
i i i Co Hog i
v ; .- . i right
. I Th
The Tattler.
We I lie following
taken from Her
aid, concerning liars
to all ti mat eon. tin. and
is our opinion that
u .-
. i ii i i .
. t in
, . i
in i I . . i
l. . I A I
try his hand in Washington.
Ham says here.
but folks mighty
A whole page ml in two issues
of a paper would be batter than a
half page in four issues for
pressing the people with the idea
that something really great is go-
to Ink.
They Take Kindly to Smallpox
roomed with before it was dis-
covered he disease
afterward showed of small-
pox also were promptly, re-
moved to the pest house where
Mother is
bled to look for-
dread, suffering Of
to the hour when she
experiences the joy of
Its use insures safety to lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger alter than before
short, it
Childbirth natural and as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
in ton Bin-
with her other two
thin altogether with her
lust, previously four bot-
case was sent. Mai pi
M any on In be-
says the who have the dis-
ease, mil seem to mind it up
pear nil her to enjoy themselves
look upon the pest house as a
plea-ant country retreat.
come a Mill any a
of i
. . J
V. -1 ml M
Show Up or Shut t p.
The makes
claim lo tin-
important accumulation of
badness in veins and
of humanity, which
needs Hood's
I null
treasurer in the
it conies to urbanity bonhomie,
it is prepared to meet all
Tarboro Southerner.
The Leaf shies its
into ring and promptly accepts
the challenge on behalf of Vance.
candidate may
handsome, bonhomie, all
but he can't bold a Candle to
our He has all these
It I rig
. I I
petite i
Kidneys .
t. II. i
win. hell. a.
My I- i- m u-ire
i i Until a.
I -I
i. whit i it- i
i it in i ll
J. II, I -n Main I Me.
Hip I tin
no i-i iii . in . Win
nail I i a n i. r. it-,
. i . i i ll i in- it nit
f, ill. ll I l II I
i t St., i r, Man.
not used
good looking folks. You r
lo come down here and sit
the man who carries key lo
safe in Pitt.
We can
thieves, we ran guard mil
possessions, liar and
an penetrate the
blast most precious
possessions. bet can go
and murder ill.
call ll life or ruin a
I then- is no
An I Man.
of people who have
or Mr. I'll.
Kerr. of
The Landmark of one of bis neigh
which is a case worthy
record. Mr. John is tear-.
old. lie net in Ills life a
in- it of
never an
umbrella a ll.- has
mules mules is
tears old and shod nor
III. .
I the
Iii 1.1, store I'm i
occupied by J,
. n.
DRY Goods

You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
ho r , b
Anything a
Visiting Card
Sheet Foster
Much In Little.
ii that per-
London work all night.
Chinese street air the narrow-
.-I in the of
only three feet
In Lon-
don, n place was found where
persons lived one
in England, Scotland and
now own gas
the Bunk of
folio volume, or ledgers, are
tilled daily with writing keeping
A left his wife
gone off mother in
lie the name once
The Salvation baa
tie a hotel in
institution has
lot three hundred
Though iii-t tank steamer
was built only yearn ago,
an-i tank vessels in
i. nearly all steamer.
II . i inn-.
I; I-
the Queen tin
of Wales are
n. I ; i
i . the world.
Never Close a Hotel Register.
is an old
to doses hotel register
bad luck to that in
nine time out of ten something will
happen. It is not known where
comes from no
worse lurk ran befall a than
to have fool along and
close the register. said i
Washington hotel clerk, won't
able to sleep nine days, which
is l lie length of time we will
be under the spell. If we can
along for nine days without barn ;
the house down or blowing up,
he steam boiler, or having n case
of smallpox, we will is- reasonably
a again,
Isn't a hotel clerk in the
country Hint will allow lo
least, II is
Riled and read; lobe Bled away
with other oM register. In
record of our .
when in active use a hotel man
would as soon think of dropping a
in a can of oil as In close the
say night before
I he Baldwin burned in
played a on the
j those ii
in pent ct order an I
m absolute cure
. . . .
alarm, torpid liver
. t
Liver Pills
Sampson reeding Tally.
London, March SI. The Times
publishes this a letter from
a correspondent in Bermuda, who
describes Rear Admiral Sampson's
there last month and gives an
authorized with ad
to the correspondent,
Admiral Sampson, remarking
the vetoes change in
TRIP mi i m
For yearn I was a
from Teller on my hands. It
would conic in pimples
and itching was almost more
than I could The skin was
lender and the itching would swell
so idly I tend my lingers.
Sometimes my hands
perfectly raw from scratching or
breaking of the When I
was In this condition I tried one
half dozen bottles of Mrs, Joe Per-
son's and Wash in
1884, and by the time I to it my
were cured, I am now
well of the trouble, it has since
a little at limes,
not enough lo me
make me try inure medicine. I am
now well. M. B.
X. 1896,
it.- mm . ,.,,, turn
on lit,,
I. In th.-
------1 II r r
to Km How In
I.-. . II,. M. t
II ,.
a,,. point,
n IV wet
.-. , r.
The must political
for the white men of
North Carolina to consider and de-
ride Is proposed rage amend
lo our stale
Although this will
be voted on until
I know for a fact ii was
only I hie days before the
in I ii that the register
was closed. The clerk who
w.-i. nil when the register was
closed escaped,
, ,
, . B day in August year, m-i its
as the only power with
which I states was likely
great demands its
When I lit war tax
the of the en
lire country would glad to have
question answered, ii
will have
mi and
Maine A
Internal Revenue
Bureau shows he total re-1
war tux law
have serious difference.
we regard as our
earnest consideration from now nu
Matrimonial Noose.
perhaps, our only friend. I cannot
whether this feeling will prove
permanent, but I hope ii may.
I Possibly we could mil hope for
more support
the Aral instance, in any conflict
carry a
in i
S. Parker
Fountain ten
alimony of the four-
who will be married
February I, month, will distribute to the
mi. The of j poor u -nm e., to the expenses of
Hi. nix was as For stamps her wedding,
on cheeks. and patent There is a girl in Han Francisco
medicines, who though
i. i has mil spoken a word thirteen
and s.
. j
Al same lime,
Reese, of continental power; but in
This indicate
a upward
are in-
a rate,
it long tune
of i In
mouths, months she
bad a spa I with her to
w sin- was soon t. be married,
v. a remained ill
that a few day- ago
when showed signs, of
consciousness. And all lime
was ally
can lie any of a repeal William K. of the
residence of Mrs. T. Sloane
as a wedding gift for his son,
It is a big hit in a surprising
only does it feed the ink annually per
but, since
I In that year, when population
was mi, mar.
licenses were issued in Ham
In the
and the
of in the
ruse lo I and mar
i ; last
year, with a further increase in
there were
marriages refolded.
line Ills
Miss Virginia Fair in April. Tin
all Its furnishings, is
reported to have
an wedding pres-
yon say. an expensive
when H is eon-
it will coal the
was purchased for lo maintain
it every York telegram
in the Dispatch.
then. its
I haw begun a meal active campaign
work for its
Its opponents have begun their
las a matter of
by making false Statements as to
effects of the -i., i amend-
and, by making these false
statements so early their cam
they hope to prejudice the
minds of certain voters in advance,
so they will not later listen to
truth. It in highly important,
therefore, for the advocates of
proposed amendment to forestall
these false statements of op
by a frequent explanation
of ii effects.
The main reliance and chief hope
of opponents is lo arouse
fears and prejudices of
while men, by falsely telling
lo I Tail proposed
toilet if
ks for a divorce, times of real ii would
sooner or later, into a
say frankly my opinion
the Stales has more lo gain
from an alliance than
has. Therefore, I rejoice
the of ill
Slates. am not less
gratified no such change is
Deeded In Britain, and if any
words of mine cm cement a friend-
ship calculated the whole
world, is a pleasure lo
a lo country lo utter
A Weeks.
i all the terms court
prov for in the act establishing
having trouble. Western district criminal court
Charlie Rose, of Trap Hill year of weeks.
The Daily
Gives the home news every
a at price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber It not
yo i ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is a yea- and c
the new every
information to
pi t i lowing ac-
co. that is m times
i th.;
township, The girl's people have
her hidden and tries
I to steal he. will kill him. tin
i in-, i her I in 11.1. Rose swears he s ill
have the girl if be has in wade
through blond, because he knows
loves him for him
. of her ii
when that is the ease there's nu
I to prevent those young
stem from
A Cure and Skin
Cancer. Etc.
It fun I
. . i . ll-
hilt, son on arm- or
nut, net
wall or
then It U II. U,. It
, e . nm lo ,
oil., r i- in.-ll. In,.
rail t, mi
urn-. II,
ii. Ii Ii it for,,. tin.
or nut
I in
ii- I. . .- offer t. t
a B. It
It. II II. II. I, mi I mil
lion. It for
by it. ii. k- w.-n
. .-.
Haw. lip. In.-, or
ml or , . ,. .
II. II. . the powerful
. I ,.,. r o. II. II. II
ill II .-r For
I. .
I.- return mull Ail
.- fit.- per
will be
if II It. II
There are ten counties and three
terms of two weeks each are pro
for all except
which is to have lour
terms of two weeks each. Judge
will the
several counties of
the in on the
but, arrange for
holding all curl necessary
without putting more weeks Into
the calendar than custom allows-
is also stated that the criminal
based tin the vote of
year, is republican, by Several
blockading is increasing or
in Carolina.
replied, par
account for this by fuel in
years tobacco growers
mountain sections have
going eastern counties lo
the farmers there how lo raise
incidentally have
taught how blockade.
Why. years ago there was not a
blockade still in either Halifax or
Lenoir county and now both
ties are reeking with I
is there
Wakens a it
easy lo It tit still houses in the
bill country. There you get on
a mountain, and it is not so hard
detect smoke from a still, Inn inn
long, country smoke here
there signifies
tin you usually gel your Informal ion
about a rule
from private Informants, who arc
paid for each illicit distillery
reported, This Is fixed bylaw, and
the of the informant is kept
secret, though the usual run of pen
pie In the eastern counties arc too
to believe this There's
fellow, who has reported three
houses In this office, he re-
fuses to give his name. The last
time in- showed blockade still ton
deputy he rode ten miles under the
seal of buggy was almost
frightened to death the whole
That modern the Grip,
poisons with its fatal germs,
SO that no home is safe from
ravages, but multitudes have found
a sure protection against this
genius malady in Dr. New
Discovery. When you feel a sore-
in your and muscles,
have chills fever, with sore
in the luck of the head,
cough you may know have the
and that you need Dr.
New II will promptly
cure Wont heal
darned membranes, kill disease
germs a ml pi-event dreaded
offsets of malady.
Money back if not
eared. A trial bottle J. I.
Drug Stoic.
sill disfranchise them. Rome
go solar as lo that will
disfranchise ail men who do not
own a certain of property,
but Ibis is so glaringly
untrue that it can deceive nobody,
however ignorant. A most careful
reading of proposed amend
will not disclose the slight-
est allusion lo any property
whatsoever. Nor does it
disfranchise a single, solitary white
man who can now
The scramble for office re
distance against removal,
on the pail of the of this
state, reminds one of Jerry
son's reasons for mil desiring b give
up his place as Congressman. He
ii is partly because he
likes salary . which is a
one. because he likes the
job. which is an easy one. Too
many people let
of office direct their enthusiasm
political matters; and then when
they fail lo gel what they hail set
their heart upon, they arc not half
such partisan workers.
Oh, for a day when men will tin
this or when they will be this
or principle solely
Scotland Commonwealth.
When the hour came for
legislature to close the
other day detectives
at every exit of Stale House lo
see no properly ma carried
away. It has the custom for
a vast number of articles, ranging
from typewriters down lo inkstands
disappear at the end of every
session. The found
plenty to do, and dozens of would-
DO thieves were forced to disgorge,
The undersigned having duly
before Die Superior Court
Clerk of Pitt county as of
the Last Will Testament of
I w null Knox, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons
lo estate to immediate
ion. Bitters is lies the undersigned, and
medicine in world to Mm
stomach kidneys and to j,, ,,,,. .,, ,
the gives strong .,,,, . ,.,,.,,
eyes, smooth, ,,, o,,,, f ,.,.,, ,.
notice will in bar of recovery
leave Washington on
A. U, for
water permitting,
Returning leave Tarboro A.
A. M. on Tint-
Thursdays and Saturdays,
Sailing hours
pending on stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk,
New York
and for stints for
with railroads Norfolk.
freight by
Old Dominion s. from
New York; Line from
Hay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. v.
Al our shops on A
n- we repair all kinds of
n Gins and Funning
It nils. Pistols, etc.
We also
,,,, ,
The woman who is lovely face,
form will always have
friends, hut one who would be at-
tractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly all run
down she will
If she has or
kidney trouble, her impure
will cause pimples, skin
eruptions and a complex
Prepared buckwheat, many Ponce
side meat, hams, should-
nun, cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
Hakes, Hakes, cotton-
seed meal hulls, cotton seed
cents per bushel.
lo see
lo W, II. w In, i
will make a charm
woman of a run -down invalid.
Only M cents L.
Drug store.
This March
Executor of Knox,
Whichard, N. C.
complete in every de-
prices as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce,
ill I NEWS
D. J, WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO TERMS Year in Advance
. r
no b ii
WK TO THE OF A taken place
, I as is .
Perfect Tobacco Formula.
A new tobacco brand by a new
tobacco formula but
an old house.
Look out for OSCEOLA
under North Carolina Tobacco this
OLD CO. ft, H,
Ami for salt by nil Old Dominion A
A other agents In all
Eastern towns.
has been the
topic of among
democrats since it was made public.
ah sorts of opinions are expressed
in next year's campaign, Mis
general tendency is Bryan
did any oilier man of
spirit have done, striking
back at those who have been hit
ting at bin for months, and
which correspondence
has precipitated had to come any-
way and that ii is better to have it
now than next year. It is an open
secret the element the party
represented by Mr. which
hulled regular party platform
arc dis-
missed to make places for
There are men in the Alger
party, now on the way to Cuba.
are ashamed of being with
him. or else lie has some along that
lie is ashamed of, as particular
pains were taken to prevent a com-
list of the or ten men
getting published.
Hay a bad spell
when II was lean. hat Hie re
purl of ex
death was false, lie had caused
of an article
the public career of Sherman to
be sent to a number of big
newspapers, lie isn't much of a
I politician, but be knew that with
; Sherman alive his attitude In
Ohio politics uncertain, neither
nor Would
and ticket has
to down CM. Bryan to gel con- j ,.,.,. o. ,,.,
of Hie next National
of the
party. .,,. n
friends have contended that men
for any praise i
forced out of the Senate and out
Cabinet. Telegrams were
sent requesting that be
I around the head of
It's all about a letter
that the
of the administration are afraid to
for. his
members of the Cabinet have said a
fen things to bat it is
that their remarks ill be
entirely forgotten when Mr.
returns and empties the
rials of bis wrath on him. Some
of the administration bangers on
say as into
writing the letter by bis cones
for the
that be was a re
publican; that he would not
have written it hail he supposed
would lie published. Of course,
knew Hie
was not unfriendly to the
trusts, with which Kiss has,
close business relations, but, j
in deference to voters who do
share the profits Of i,
has been understood those who
are close to the throne that an anti
trust plank was be in
the next republican platform,
meaningless of course, to head off
the democratic claim re
responsible for nil the
trusts. Mr. have
be wrote as
lows, to a correspondent
tn in in personally, concerning
a matter of fact, all of
the companies which you refer tons
now for put pose
securing complete or partial mo
of different branches of
manufacture, are similar In the
sugar i and are
within the jurisdiction of the
law they to the laws
of respective Hut the
following was the gem of the let-
to these large
combinations of capital, which arc
now forming, my own judgment is
that the danger is not so much to
the large as ii is to
the people ho are Induced pill
their money into Hie purchase of
Ike There is nothing
r I
And L. M. Reynold's
SHOES for Men and Boys.
All new Spring and
they are Beauties.
a Kidnapped Child.
i ,
I i III lit I
Mr. Mrs. I. mis I,
u 1.1,1. is-, i i
.,. -I . el i here
Hi.- en and h ion
I In it her I i lie
Mis. A lilt I
I . live mill
. i I Hid here In hail
kepi last
i by . nit
I ., i ., I I
then all link . la- ,
reward us
ivory child, i.
In i t.
mill lie
S ., HI i. -I- , , .
eon lion Hie r.
I c line
Mr. K. i is
i i--. in
M i. M i-- I ,. i
I ill- I Ml,
had lie.-, Hie resilience Mr-
-ii.- last
I. , w tin
e. A II--i . nu I
and -i ii
ii nus termini t ha
i he
LIFE, to be
healthy must
A el and n,
i. nu
bread, meat and
are to ii in.
flourish on soils well
plied with Potash.
i . m buy and apply
, . St., New
In The
I lb
, , . i II
eh I I i. . Stales Sen Ito ill
., ., . I ; I HI II i.
ibis ye the
. i. have
. . . i he . aid
. ,
he .
M i-. r was ,
here i n
.- met in n .- .
i Mn
eh. I I of I'll
. . Hirer
. .
who bolted and who openly j
again in wry officers who have closely
the plat form is adopted, have
country, and the care
little about prestige derived from
in taxes what the I
this situation to make idea of calling those
mad. but u prominent republican, rebels as some of our newspapers
after a number of unprintable In doing i-
things, Attorney have never taken the
no in re., dictate . the ha. gratuitously made tho to .
rule so, I e the government The, wanted Independence from
, is powerless ,. prevent or regulate,
vote with a of, will
reasonable degree of certainty, even . .
, to be
i In-ill.
if they were allowed to dictate both ,,, H ,,,,,
candidate and plat form, and
that their defection will ., ,, ix ,
not the electoral vote of the ,, B.
single vote; , ,.,, ,,,,,.
also that the party in every ,.,,, ,,. ,
that went in to report as
in favor a re- fr am
adoption of the principal planks of
the Chicago pint form, next year.
The discussion of this
, , -I the by conquering .
do anything ,,., ,, ,, Even if ,. ,,
me my p friends
w lib
Hi I II job,
Miami M
for young o
i- on.
For a of a century I
wishful eyes and
lions. Now I'm a for a
ill till
SI. Jul.
. . e I lie a I'd II I
, t lo III.
I rear mid
in a high hall
the a mini, Mi-, i ii
tier i ill I. . ,
. Id
In i
The i i-.
. lie
. .
;. .
. . i en.
con big even
n and matter
lo .- nu king road laws, ex
Hie heal
., , datum, are en
h eh n i- set Ibis . i, lo p I he i-.
; i limn
; Si John I c
a hi-
., -at Unit an
way to lake pi
who ill be e I
per- can It- secured.
deuce will have a tendency to show
whether Untie claims arc correct or
not; also the rank and
of the party lo make sure they
are properly represented la
National convention. A movement
has been started to make
every delegate to that
convention pledge himself to sup-
port the ticket nominated and the
plat form adopted.
When they have no power to lie
otherwise republicans are always
fair. A case in point is the dis
of the patronage.
When republicans in the
minority thought the plan of
dividing the Sen
ate among republicans
populists, in proportion to the
strength of each in the Senate, as
just right, as i.
Hut now, a majority of the
Senate, they have undergone a
change of and are advocating
a change will them en-
tire control of the Senate patron-
age, and without waiting for a
change In lie formally adopted
winds up the
linkable stale poison to mayor, I
will, a remark about people. learned Icicles iron. en. pub
the danger of investing In trust General's that h buildings, or entertain visit
the evidence calls for and to gel
sonic word juggling done can
be made to mean anything or
according to the the
reader; but there are men on
mil who arc mil in of
suppressing their conscientious
not her blessing of annexation
has just been officially uncovered.
When it was stated Congress
that the annexation of the sugar
producing islands would mean a
speedy end of sugar industry
in the United Stales, the rabid an
hooted a. the idea.
an agent agricultural
Department, sent to to
carefully investigate subject,
makes an official report saying
industry the
Stales is doomed, if Men,
Cuba and the arc
lowed to lend us their sugar fits- of
duty. He says the same grade of
sugar costs cents a pound
to produce in the fulled State-
costs but cents a pound lo
in those islands. This will lie
it hard mil for Hie Congress lo
Mr. is in a lair way
become a second to the
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, who
never minces words when he es
presses an opinion, said of Col.
Bryan's refusal to attend Bel
percent of our men l here arc from county
afflicted with a loathsome disease. I bundle light
This is a bad beginning for or city grave
army. I am not a high moralist, hearse, Anything for ii p.-
and an much opposed to steal ,, They are sweet,
in itself; but do question n. why I
judgment of a man who steals
Oh how I look
made the of his career when
refused to attend the Belmont i,
Stales to the liberty I
i- of Hie same sort.
such u rumpus has
dinner. Not one of en
would ever vole the democratic
ticket anyhow, Bryan's position
brings him closer the people.
Consorting with renegades would
estrange from him. lie will
certainly in
The Chicago platform will be re
affirmed, and the democracy will
The heavy price of American life
and blood paid tot our new
over the Filipinos the
heavy lighting of the last three
in of the move
of Gen. against
do, interest to this plain bilk
from Senator Mason, who is now in
Washington. Sena
tor Mason, change
of sentiment aiming men with
whom I talk. Substantial
men who three month ago were
red-hot expansion, now say they
hate hail enough of it. I ask them
how the prestige of their
In carry off. Such a Intel Is mayoral crown
a fool. the I ,.
the of
with the chief of pi
the people arc n,.,. on my
waking up to this breast. Oh, hos proud would I
It Is a little said a fee mi team
neat New none tomato ems from
shrewd have ,. ,. our
the true Inwardness of to la- a I
sudden friendship of i.
for Teddy friendly you
ever met. My once lender hands,
are now blistered and
guess Plait, who has a
guest Albany home, was
glooming to be a
for the pains run up and down my arm
can nomination for Prut one effects
year, is away off; pledged while blisters
New York delegation to my, love and
in early in fellow man.
ministration, and hi- jollying ii, ii- done.
Teddy the purpose i and I If Its
venting to interfere with driver for officer,
curry out of N. my spur on your am
the result, and you will see bilious for young . I .-I
man, woman and child u.
poll- next May i
Si have m t
been taken don ii from w here
Secretary Alger. Si In r
lute made by other ad
the fail
i it lo
tin- it- bit
the Interest
The Still re pi
all over in lulling
lb it and
taken do n i de
In keep III.-ill till I
men . don ii
mil a- bra c a- faced
-lull they hi-
ii., any i ice
and honor . t
when Alger mid other
Hill in lie- el
ill i . i In
, by in , is n In
it bus once lie. placed simply
make I, a. oft It r
i in the
r- by pupil.
. ; b
VI ill. only eleven
d Itself
. , ,
by hi . in in.
Si He h i- the Mime
In ii- The
, lie ii hand II it
net Hull
Si lie . I
Nil I
I I , l I- in
ti ill have
. Inn would ill
Iii . lieu lib. If
sickly mid -ill nil.
ill Item ii in in
. i i impure
it ill pin -kill
erupt inns a wretched complex
i- he-t
in. ii.- in
. i . lit, i and and to
purify H mug
ii. In all, el
-kin. rich It
will n churn.
a run down invalid.
Only I.
Car. c.
I. I H
TO IT RE a in a
to, I
Take and all. I
Ids. All money for job,
if fail lo The gen- ii.
nine I,. II. . on each Tablet i Times Visitor,
I he h, e in i In
I'm. . . Sores, Sail
. r .-. Chap
i I i apt i. .,
i in. In. ; quilt It
,. lo
I. . let
e. per sale by
It. I
nit .
, l. I.
I . I I .

Eastern reflector, 28 March 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 28, 1899
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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